SHEN Ye 沈葉
Suona Concerto Score
Suona Concerto
Partitur-Bibliothek 5858
Printed in Germany
2 Flutes (2nd also Piccolo)
2 Oboes (2nd also English Horn)
2 Clarinets in Bj (2nd also Bass Clarinet in Bj)
2 Bassoons (2nd also Contrabassoon)
4 Horns in F
2 Trumpets in C
3 Tenor-Bass Trombones (3rd also Bass Trombone)
1 Bass (or Contrabass) Tuba
1 Timpanist and 3 Percussionists
Timpani (Timp.), 4 drums
川钹 (ChuānBó), big cymbals (a pair) of Sichuan Opera
Percussionist 1
Marimba (Marim.), sounds as notated
5 Wood blocks (W.B.)
京大锣 (DàLuó), a big Gong of Beijing Opera, Bass drum (B.D.)
Percussionist 2
Glockenspiel (Glock.), sounds 2 octaves higher than notated
小堂鼓 (XiâoGû), Chinese small drum
Xylophone (Xyl.), sounds as notated
Snare drum ② (S.D.)
Maracas (Mara.), a pair, with small seeds, not too loud
京小钹 (XiâoBó), small cymbals (a pair) of Beijing Opera
Percussionist 3
Tambourine (Tamb.)
Snare drum ① (S.D.)
3 Temple blocks (T.B.)
Big crash cymbals (Cyb.), a pair
1 Harp
Solo Soprano Suona in D
14 Violins
12 Violins
10 Violas
8 Cellos
6 Double Basses (with C-extensions)
The specific amount of string performers is required.
The score is transposed.
Duration approx. 20 minutes
Commissioned by Suona recitalist LIU Wenwen
World Premiere: 16 October 2022, Shanghai Shanghai Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: ZHANG Liang
Soloist: LIU Wenwen
higher / lower. The alteration is not exact and less than a quarter-tone.
instantly dampen
l.v. let vibrate (let vibr.)
quasi glissando, the real effect equals to: (the pitches in between are approximate)
Brass 4 Horns always sound a perfect 5th lower than notated, even in F-clef.
Solo Suona
Placement: The Suona soloist stands in the position of the first violin at the first desk and the first violin moves to the left.
The solo Suona part often has very free phrases in rhythm, and sometimes these phrases have more than a dozen bars. The ear notation indicates the next position where the conductor and soloist must join together.
“ p”, “pp”, “f ”, etc.
Play with the intensity in double quotes, but the actual loudness may not be as light (loud).
颤,指的主要是振幅(力度)的波动。有时附加了特定的波形,比如由慢至快 的颤。
Vibrato, which refers mainly to vibrations in amplitude (velocity). Sometimes a specific waveform is attached, for example a vibrato from slow to fast.
The intonation glide should be short and curved like the shape of the arrow.
用特殊小节线(短撇)的地方,独奏的节奏可以有即兴的变化, 不必与乐队部分对齐。
In the passages with „tick“ barlines, the solo Suona can have improvisational swing and doesn‘t have to meet with the orchestral part.
有节奏的颤,impulse vibrato in rhythm 较快的唇颤,fast vibrato with lips 如渐快,quasi accel., imprecise and non-quantitative, as in accelerando, but the total time does not change.
较大的吟,molto intonate (m. int.), which refers mainly to vibration in frequency (tone)
较大幅度的吟,如曲线所示;molto int. (m. int.) as the waves show 带括号的音可以有演奏家稍自由的音高处理,在正负各1/3音的范围内, 但须符合前后音的趋势。
The notes in brackets can be treated more freely by the performer, within a range of + - 1/3 of a tone, but must follow the trend of the preceding and following notes.
Non intonate (n. int.)
Ordinary intonate (o. int.)
花舌,flutter tongue =
Molto oscillato
Rough Multiphonics
m. osc., which refers mainly to vibration in frequency (tone)
(M.) rough, Multiphonics includes the notated note and with rough timbre
n.div. non divisi
std. 1 the first stand
std. 2 the second stand
n.vibr. non vibrato
o.vibr. (ord. vibr.) ordinary vibrato
m.vibr. molto vibrato