Interior Design Portfolio

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HI, I'M BRENDA I am a graduate of the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in interior design and currently a Master of Architecture student at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I am also in pursuit of becoming a LEED Green Associate. For as long as I can remember, design is a field that I have always been passionate about. I am fascinated by how anything that has ever been created--whether in the form of an idea, product, building, or space--has undergone the rigorous process of design development to achieve the best outcome. From the pages of a book to the cities of our world, I find myself constantly infatuated by how things are organized.

My interest in design has strongly influenced my approach for my work. I strive to use logic with the principles and elements of design to determine how and where things are placed by considering each space to create an overall cohesive environment. I believe there is a relationship between every piece of furniture, window, door, and wall that determines its placement; each shape or form of one thing is going to reflect that of another.

During my undergraduate at the University of Georgia, I have had the greatest privilege in working amongst some of the most amazing professors who not only amplified my passion in this form of art, but also gave me a great sense of direction towards my career goals. Through the curriculum of the program, I have been thoroughly exposed to the multidisciplinary study of design and its contingency upon the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Though it proved to be a highly challenging field, there was nothing I enjoyed more than working in the studio. For the senior exit show in my final semester, I chose to design a homeless shelter for the Athens-Clarke county community; through this project, I discovered the true potential of design and its ability to influence the human mind. Architecture is a fundamental component of society and it is the root to which we can attribute our basic human right of shelter. This was my ultimate validation to follow the route of architecture as I found meaning, purpose, and value in design.

Ultimately, my goal is to pursue a career that harnesses my passion for design as well as my philanthropic desires to positively impact the world. I would like to focus more in depth on urban design and sustainability. I am enthusiastic that this field allows me to manifest my unique creative impulse and spirit in the form of architecture.

Thank you for reading!


CONTACT BRENDA HONG HUYNH 404 F riars He ad D r i v e S uw ane e , Ge orgia 30024 (40 4) 66 3- 8258 h_ b rendahong@yahoo. c o m



MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE STUDENT Georgia Institute of Technology |

Fall 2016

Atlanta Lifestyles | February 2016 to Present

P r o s p ec t i v e g r a du a te s t u d e n t o f th e p r o fe s s i o n a l p r o g r a m i n

Produc e de sign s, plan s, a n d dra win gs for con st ruct ion an d

a r c hi t ec t u r e l e a d i n g to t h e N A A B- a c c r e d i t e d M a s t e r o f

in st alla t ion usin g c omput e r- a ide d soft ware an d spe c ify mat e ria ls

A r c hi t ec t u r e D e g r e e

a n d furn ish in gs for re side n t ia l an d comme rcial proje c t s



University of Georgia | 2011 to Spring 2015

Asian Sustainable Academy | January 2016

A lu m n i f r o m t h e CI D A - a c c r e d i t te d i n t e r i o r d e s i g n p r o g r a m i n t h e

Part icipan t in t h e c on st ruc t ion of t h e ASA commun it y in Koh Lan t a ,

F r a n k li n Co l l e g e o f A r t s a n d S c i e n c e s ; m e m b e r o f t h e A m e r i c a n

T h aila n d, t o ga in kn owle dge on n a t ural buildin g t e c h n ique s usin g

S o c i et y o f I n t e r i o r D e s i g n e r s a n d V i e t n a m e s e S t u d e n t A s s o c i a t ion

sust a in able re sourc e s such a s mud, sa n d, an d adobe



John D. Kehoe Center | June 2014 to August 2014

Village Summit at the UGA | May 2012 to May 2014

A lu m n i f r o m t h e Co r t o n a S t u d y A b r o a d P r o g r a m i n T u s c a n y , I taly

Organ ize a n d coordin a t e t h e J oe Fran k Din in g H a ll fac ilit ie s durin g

f o r i n t er n a t i o n a l a r ts e du c a ti o n w i t h i n t e n s i v e s tu di o a n d

spe cial din n e rs a n d se a son a l e ve n t s wit h h oliday t h e me d displa y

c la s s r o o m e x p e r i e n c e

ma t e ria ls an d de cor INTERN Daltile | November 2012 Assist in t h e sale s re pre se n t at ion of t h e t ile a n d st on e sh owroom,

AWARDS AND RECOGNITION CUM LAUDE GRADUATE Ho n o r s gr a d ua te fr o m th e Un i v e r s i ty o f Ge o r g i a BIANCHI EXHIBITION Pr o j ec t s elec te d a s “ P r o fe s s o r ’ s Ch o i c e ” t o r e p r e s e n t i n t e r i o r d e s i g n p r o gr a m a t L a M o s tr a i n Co r to n a , I ta l y

in t roducin g prospe ct ive c lie n t s t o produc t s an d providin g guidan c e in t h e se le ct ion proce ss SERVER Kani House | June 2009 to June 2012 Provide gue st s wit h e xce pt ion a l cust ome r se rvic e wit h kn owle dge on me n u it e ms, safe t y proc e dure s, prope r food h a n dlin g, a n d re st a uran t prot oc ols

SHINJUKU GRAND HOTEL Pr o j ec t s elec t e d fo r e x h i b i ti o n i n th e L a m a r D o dd S c h o o l o f A r t B es t C o m m er c i a l D e s i g n Co n c e p t i n t h e A S I D S tu de n t Co m p e t i ti o n B es t R en d er in g / Co m p u te r Ge n e r a t e d i n th e A S I D S t u d e n t Co m p e t it ion HOPE SCHOLARSHIP A wa r d f r o m G e o r g i a ’ s H OP E p r o g r a m fo r a c a d e m i c a c h i e v e m e n t

SKILLS 3ds Max Studio AutoCAD



A wa r d f r o m t h e N o r th A m e r i c a n T a i w a n e s e W o m e n ’ s A s s o c i a ti o n for


a c a d em i c a nd c o m m u n i ty a c h i e v e m e n t





MANITOULIN ISLAND, ONTARIO, CANADA ATHENS, GEORGIA UNITED STATES homeless shelter law firm home office and gallery postcard




HOSPITALITY DESIGN homeless shelter hotel spa restaurant

MILAN, CORTONA, ITALY exhibition visual essay


TOKYO, JAPAN hotel spa restaurant



COMMERCIAL DESIGN law firm exhibition

RESIDENTIAL DESIGN cabin home office and gallery


GRAPHIC DESIGN postcard visual essay

2 3 4






HOSPITALITY DESIGN THE AVENUE OVERVIEW The Avenue is a self-guided, largely research based project that explores the psychology of architecture on the homeless population. The objective was to select an existing building and site, and repurpose it into a new space and function.

4 5



DESCRIPTION Considering the background context of Athens, Georgia, a vacant building was chosen to be repurposed into a homeless shelter to better the community, an area that is considered one of the poorest counties in the nation, with over 40% of the population living below poverty rate.

3 7




First Floor

The Avenue is a recovery and assistance center for homeless people in AthensClarke County. It provides a broad spectrum of services to help combat homelessness in the community and surrounding neighborhoods. The amenities aim to help individuals eventually transition back to more stable living conditions.








1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Lobby Reception Cafeteria Library Study Conference Case Office



8 Mental Health 9 Physical Health 10 Community Room 11 Fitness Facility 12 Staff 13 Men's Dormitory 14 Women's Dormitory


Materials and finishes selected to promote a facility that is open and welcoming; glass is used to create transparencies between interiors and exteriors so that residents can feel they are still a part of the community



Space Plan and Zone Key 8 3




Architectural model constructed at 1/8”= 1’-0” scale; wall elevations drafted in AutoCAD and cut using laser cutter with 7/64” thick wood Mental and physical health facilities as well as money management and job searching services are necessary to provide the long term solution to homelessness

The architecture of a homeless shelter determines whether or not the homeless population will want to seek assistance; they do not want to be institutionalized, confined, or in a placement of judgment so it is important that they still feel connected to the community by providing open and welcoming spaces





SHINJUKU GRAND HOTEL OVERVIEW Shinjuku Grand is a collaborative hotel design project in an urban context with members: Avery Castellow, Paris Alizadeh, and Jen Jinsil Lee. DESCRIPTION The structure of a 30-story hotel in Tokyo, Japan, was provided with a variety of spaces to be distributed including: lounge, conference, restaurants, fitness, spa, and guest rooms and suites. CONCEPT STATEMENT Nestled in the capital of an island nation dependent on the sea, Shinjuku Grand Hotel is inspired by aquatic elements in its design. Continuous curvilinear forms express the motions of water, representing energy, circulation, and centripetal flux. Polished Reflective materials are inspired by the sea’s reflectivity and sparkle, while its transparency inspires the delicate panels that replace rigid walls. Shades of Indigo paired with brass and lacquered wood form the basis of a simple palette that is calm and clean. The elegance of Shinjuku, expressed through gentle forms and continuous flow, aims to ease the roughness of a fast-paced urban culture. 12

The materials and finishes of Shinjuku were selected to reflect the elegance of Japan




Third Floor

Second Floor

Building Section 14

First Floor

Rendered Pool Floor Plan

Fifth Floor

SHINJUKU WELLNESS SPA Located on the 4th and 5th floor of Shinjuku Grand Hotel, the Wellness Spa offers a wide range of services that can be individually customized--guests can choose from relaxation at the pool, yoga, or meditation, or receive treatment in the private rooms. The indoor pool is the ultimate escape from the city, with every wall shielded from the chaos of the city.




SHINJUKU SPA SUITES Located on the 5th floor of Shinjuku, the spa suites are the ultimate retreat for couples looking for the most extravagant spa treatment and services. The suites include massage beds for couples treatment, lounge chairs that overlook the city, a spacious shower, and a large Japanese soaking tub.

Floor Plan

The color palette of Shinjuku is replicated using lighter tones of indigo and gold to create a warm, relaxing setting


















28th Floor; Deluxe Suites 5th - 25th Floor; Deluxe Rooms A& B

29th Floor; Premiere Suites 26th - 27th Floor; Executive Rooms A & B






30th Floor; Presidential Suite, Executive Club, and Chinese Restaurant




CHENG SHI YANG Cheng Shi Yang is a traditional chinese restaurant on the top floor of the Shinjuku Grand Hotel. It is designed for a high-end dining experience, made by reservation only and accommodates up to fifty people. The selection of materials and finishes, as well as the small, intimate setting, strive to provide a luxurious and pleasurable dining experience.

Floor Plan 20

The rich, warm color palettes welcome guests into a calm atmosphere while they overlook the busiest city in the world






OVERVIEW The law firm project introduces the programming process in the design practice. The scope of the work is measured through research and implicated using block diagrams, adjacency diagrams, and criteria matrices. DESCRIPTION Rose and Associates Law Firm is located at 257 West Broad Street in Athens, Georgia–– the current location of the interior design building at the University of Georgia. Through programming and a thorough field study of the primitive structure, the building was renovated into a law firm. The lawyers at Rose and Associates Law Firm represent professionals in the design industry in matters relating to architecture and engineering. They strive to provide counseling for the issues that surface throughout the complex construction process.





OFFICE DESIGN Because of the matters involved in architectural and engineering law, the design of the firm focuses on space planning and organization to ensure confidentiality between the legal team, business team and clients. There are also distinct accesses into the building for safety. The selection of materials to protect acoustics is also of great priority.

Public Public Collaboration Circulation Restrooms Business Team Private Legal Public Legal

Space Plan and Zone Key 26

Private Collaboration

Located in the furthest southwest corner of the building for privacy, the largest office is allotted for the executive partner at Rose and Associates; the office is spacious and offers seating for casual meetings

Large conference room adjacent to the lobby, for meetings between lawyers and clients

A private collaborative space located on the business side of the office for training and interaction





Exhibition Perspective

BIANCHI EXHIBITION OVERVIEW The objective of the project was to select an Italian manufacturer and design an exhibition that is informative of their products or services.

Presentation board for Bianchi Exhibition; project was displayed at La Mostra in Cortona, Italy, as “Professor’s Choice” to represent the interior design program

DESCRIPTION The Bianchi exhibition was designed from scratch, inspired by the shapes and forms of that of a bicycle. A neutral color palette was used in order to highlight the signature color of Bianchi, celeste green. The project incorporated a variety of implicit and explicit lines to create a dynamic form that guides visitors through the space. COMMERCIAL




BUNKIE CABIN OVERVIEW The cabin renovation is a residential project in a rural context. It focuses on the conceptual and design development phases of design. DESCRIPTION The “Bunkie� cabin is located on Manitoulin Island in Ontario, Canada. Given the existing three walls on the southeast corner of the original structure and an additional 1,500 square footage, the objective was to remodel and expand the primitive structure with an emphasis on building, site, and client analysis. The spaces were organized in relation to the surroundings: the south elevation faces the wooded area of Manitoulin Island while the north elevation faces the lake.



Level 1 1/8" = 1'-0"



RESIDENTIAL DESIGN HOME OFFICE/ GALLERY OVERVIEW The home office and gallery is a combination residential and commercial design in an urban context. It is the introductory project that emphasizes manual drafting, rendering, and perspective drawing on a one-point and twopoint grid. DESCRIPTION An empty 1,800 (60 x 30) square foot warehouse structure was provided for a home office and gallery space. The gallery and office occupies the first floor and a small portion of the second floor for a two-story space while the residence occupies the remainder of the building. Second Floor Plan

First Floor Plan 34

The space was designed in accordance to the surroundings of the buildings within the site context: the south and west views are blocked by neighboring buildings while the north and east walls have exposure to an intersection within the city. The spaces were organized by priority, with public spaces along the north and east walls for sunlight and ventilation and the private spaces

Floor plans and sections manually drafted and rendered at 1/4”=1’0” scale; perspectives sketched and rendered using a preliminary two-point perspective grid

Transverse Section

Longitudinal Section

Gallery Perspective

Residence Perspective RESIDENTIAL




VISUAL ESSAY The objective of the visual essay was to create a composition that reflects the study abroad experience in Cortona, Italy. The project was designed in Adobe Photoshop to layer a combination of photography, graphics, and drawings on to an actual journal. 38

POSTCARD The objective of the postcard was to announce the interior design exit show for the class of 2015 at the University of Georgia. The project was designed in Adobe Photoshop following government templates for postcard requirements.



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