Introducing IV

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INTRODUCING IV Michèle Heibel, Bettina Hill, Louise Morgan, Belinda Winkler 16 April to 12 May 2016

INTRODUCING IV Michèle Heibel, Bettina Hill, Louise Morgan, Belinda Winkler 16 April to 12 May 2016

This is the fourth exhibition in our ‘Introducing series’. This edition showcases the work of four artists new to the Gallery. In this edition we are presenting the small, delicately etched clayboard works by Michèle Heibel, the woven paper wall-mounted sculptures by Bettina Hill, the layered, laser-cut and watercolour compositions by Louise Morgan, and Belinda Winkler’s monochrome and balanced stoneware vessels.

â–ś MICHĂˆLE HEIBEL I will keep these children in my bedroom cupboard, I thought. A spot away from hands and eyes, a safe place. Behind this door, there can be no damage. My collection of small lives grew. I would open the door of my cupboard and they were still there. Every hour of every day, they were there. Looking at me. Waiting. Asking. I would lie in bed at night and find myself getting up, feeling my way through the darkness and opening the cupboard door, just a crack. I am glad my cupboard is empty. A cupboard is a dangerous place.

Michèle Heibel, ‘0100 - 0600’ 2015, etchin needle on black clayboard, 15 x 7cm each

Michèle Heibel, ‘0700 - 1200’ 2016, etchin needle on black clayboard, 15 x 7cm each

Michèle Heibel, ‘1300 - 1800’ 2016, etchin needle on black clayboard, 15 x 7cm each

Michèle Heibel, ‘1900 - 2400’ 2016, etchin needle on black clayboard, 15 x 7cm each

â–ś BETTINA HILL The works are a hand made geometric experiment, exploring the half sphere and the beautiful and diverse physical properties of paper.

Bettina Hill, ‘Flow’ 2016, paper, timber, screws, 340 x 300 x 30cm

Bettina Hill, ‘The shape of paper: arcs and flow’ 2016, paper, timber, screws, 180 x 86 x 22cm

Bettina Hill, ‘Orb’ 2016, paper, timber, screws, 36 x 47 x 34cm

Bettina Hill, ‘Symmetry’ 2016, paper, timber, screws, 88 x 43 x 29cm

â–ś LOUISE MORGAN Intimate ecologies deals with our degrees of interconnectedness with global biological and non-biological systems in an era of major physical changes to the Earth and its inhabitants.

Louise Morgan, ‘Intimate Ecologies I’ 2016 watercolour on laser cut paper, 47 x 47cm

Louise Morgan, ‘Intimate Ecologies II’ 2016 watercolour on laser cut paper, 47 x 47cm

Louise Morgan, ‘Intimate Ecologies III’ 2016 watercolour on laser cut paper, 47 x 47cm

Louise Morgan, ‘Intimate Ecologies IV’ 2016 watercolour on laser cut paper, 47 x 47cm

Louise Morgan, ‘Intimate Ecologies V’ 2016 watercolour on laser cut paper, 47 x 47cm

Louise Morgan, ‘Intimate Ecologies VI’ 2016 watercolour on laser cut paper, 34 x 34cm

Louise Morgan, ‘Intimate Ecologies VII’ 2016 watercolour on laser cut paper, 34 x 34cm

Louise Morgan, ‘Intimate Ecologies VIII’ 2016 watercolour on laser cut paper, 34 x 34cm

▶ BELINDA WINKLER The moment where the form touches the ‘ground’ is, for me, a point of fascination: an intriguing space where the curve kisses the surface upon which it gently rests.

Belinda Winkler, ‘Brink #2’ 2015, bronze and steel, edition of 3, 61 x 16 x 16cm

Belinda Winkler, ‘Darkening #6’ 2015, stoneware clay and oxides - 5 objects, 21 x 30 x 30cm dimensions variable

Belinda Winkler, ‘Equanimity’ 2016, stoneware clay and oxides - 3 objects, 15 x 35 x 20cm dimensions variable

Belinda Winkler, ‘Lilt #2’ 2016, stoneware clay, oxides, steel - 8 objects, 25 x 150 x 55cm

Belinda Winkler, ‘The Encounter’ 2016, bronze - 5 objects,11 x 35 x 40cm dimensions variable

Belinda Winkler, ‘Alight #2’ 2016, bronze, edition of 3, 12 x 12 x 12cm



2 D a n k s S t r e e t Wa t e r l o o N S W A u s t r a l i a 2 0 1 7 tuesday - friday 11-6 saturday 10-6 t. 02 9318 1122

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