SMALL PUBLISHERS curated by Akky van Ogtrop 17 February to 14 March 2015
SMALL PUBLISHERS curated by Akky van Ogtrop 17 February to 14 March 2015
“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some are to be chewed and digested.” (Francis Bacon in “Bacon’s Essays” by Francis Bacon and Richard Whately, 1857) Artists’ books can be handcrafted or commercially printed; unique, or in limited or unlimited editions. Forms range from the traditional codex to sculptural works, or they may have audio, video, installation, online and performance components. Many artists’ books are self-published, or are produced by small presses or by artists’ groups or collectives, usually in limited editions.
Rochelle Summerfield, ‘Excerpting‘ 2015, collage, paint, deconstructed book, 32 x 37 x 20cm
Alan Loney (Electio Editions), ‘Jenson’s Greek’ 2011, ‘Lullaby - for David Mitchell 1940-2011’ 2014, ‘Will there be Words’ 2014, ‘RED SQUARE: The next word’ 2012, artist books
Helen Mueller ‘e-book’ 2011 drafting film and lino block print 12 x 12 x 9.5cm
Ampersand Duck (Caren Florance), ‘Palimpsest‘, 2013 typewriter on offset letterpress, handsewn soft cover, ed of 9, Text by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.
Ampersand Duck (Caren Florance), ‘It’s Raining/Stilled Lives‘ relief printing & letterpress on paper, Dos-a-dos format with handsewn softcover, ed of 25, 24.5 x 7.8cm
Ampersand Duck (Caren Florance) ‘Complicated Shadows‘ 2009 handprinted letterpress on Kozo washi, handsewn, denim cover, lead weight ed of 3, 7 x 18.3cm
Georgia Thorpe, 3 books from the ‘Language Barriers‘ series of altered books, 2012 Book 1: ‘Ruidai Chifune Shuu Volume 31 1861-2012/ tanka poems, the ties that bind, love knot’; Book 2: ‘Noh play/song, tanka poems, the ties that bind, love knot’; Book 3: ‘Noh play/song, tanka poems, the ties that bind, love knot’ found Japanese poetry books, wood engravings on Kozo paper
Graham Blondel, ‘For ER - Serving Above & Below‘ 2015, offset lithograph, collage, watercolour and ink on paper, 14 x 64cm
Graham Blondel ‘Bop to Pop‘ 2015 collage 11 x 73cm
Anneke Silver, ‘nights 2 remember‘ 2014, archival ink on paper, ed 1 of 10, 18.5 x 13 x 2cm
Ruth Lingen + Lois Lane, ‘I Know Where I’m Going‘ 1997, woodcut, linocut, colour copies, photo-engraving, silkscreen, collage, ed of 30 + 6AP
Ruth Lingen, Jessica Stockholder + Jeremy Sigler, ‘Led Almost by My Tie‘ 2007, lithograph, letterpress, digital print, collage, hand colouring edition 8 of 30 + 9AP Collaborative effort of the book arts class at Whitman College, Instructed by Ruth Lingen, ‘Step Outside‘ 2006, ed 1 of 26
Monica Oppen, ‘Botanikos’, 2007 artist book printed by Ant Press, ed of 10 +3AP, 23 x 33cm
Alex Selenitsch ‘Four 4-colour books‘ 2008/2015 artist books, ed of 32 21 x 21cm each
Jennifer Marshall, ‘Quaternity-Four Elements‘ 2015, artist book - linocut, etching, and photocopy, 30.5 x 22.5cm
Jan Davis + Noreen Grahame, ‘the case of the extremely glad gallerist‘ 2001 and ‘the case of the extremely sad gallerist‘ 2001, flip book, ed of 200, 9 x 12cm each
Peter Lyssitois + Gyorgy Scrinis, ‘C.D.s and Other Things‘ 1994 offset: b&w, stapled, 21 x 15cm
Milan Milojevic, ‘Bird Tree‘ 2002, digital print with woodblock overlay, ed 10 of 10, 15.5 x 9cm
Chloe Watson, ‘Frogs and fish bones‘ 2015, inkjet print, ed of 20, 21 x 14.8cm
Chloe Watson ‘Fossils and folds‘ (cover detail) 2015, inkjet print ed of 20 21 x 14.8cm
Gwen Harrison + Sue Anderson, ‘Howl for a Black Cockatoo‘ 2015 sugar lift &aquatint etchings on Magnani Revere 100% cotton rag paper, letterpress, ed 1 of 25, 54 x 31 x 2cm
Ron McBurnie, ‘Phases of the Moon‘ 2015, copy of artist book, ed of 10
Marian Crawford, ‘News Diary‘ 2015 intaglio and digital images, letterpress, typewritten ed of 5, 30 x 21cm
Noel McKenna, ‘Bird Book‘ 2005 rubber stamp, collage, colour Zerox + coloured pencil, ed of 29
Janet Parker-Smith, ‘Killing them Softly No.2‘ 2014 deconstructed book, collage, plastic gun, thread, doll stand, 22 x 20 x 20cm
Janet Parker-Smith, ‘New Origins‘ 2014 deconstructed book and maps, dolls head, wire, dimensions variable
2 D a n k s S t r e e t Wa t e r l o o N S W A u s t r a l i a 2 0 1 7 tuesday - friday 11-6 saturday 10-6 t. 02 9318 1122