Lezlie Tilley - camouflage

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LEZLIE TILLEY camouflage 7 July to 1 August 2015

LEZLIE TILLEY camouflage 7 July to 1 August 2015

N. concealment camouflage confinement hiding covering up disguise deception masquerade anonymity incognito smoke screen hidden agenda evasion misinformation white lie subterfuge trickery suppression cover-up duplicity secrecy mystery clandestineness secretiveness conspiracy plot cipher code Adj. concealed hush-hush covered hooded masked veiled smothered suppressed underground unintelligible obliterate stifle disguise obscure eclipsed stay in the shadows bamboozle cryptic unnamed covert arcane confidential lurking huggermugger evasive vague silent Vb. conceal cover up paper over whitewash blot out bury muffle keep secret give nothing away not utter a syllable make no sign be discreet stay in the shadows bamboozle draw a veil over make no sign prowl lurk skulk conspire pussyfoot blindfold Tiny pieces of river gravel are arranged according to the laws of chance on a formal grid, expressing a rhythmical pattern that carries a multiplicity of meaning for camouflage when covered by a layer of paint.

Lezlie Tilley, ‘10,609 tiny stones arranged according to the laws of chance - black’ 2015, mixed media on paper, 53 x 53cm

Lezlie Tilley, ‘10,609 tiny stones arranged according to the laws of chance - unbleached titanium’ 2015, mixed media on paper, 53 x 53cm

Lezlie Tilley, ‘10,609 tiny stones arranged according to the laws of chance - blue/green’ 2015, mixed media on paper, 53 x 53cm

Lezlie Tilley, ‘10,609 tiny stones arranged according to the laws of chance - Prussian blue’ 2015, mixed media on paper, 53 x 53cm

Lezlie Tilley, ‘10,609 tiny stones arranged according to the laws of chance - red’ 2015, mixed media on paper, 53 x 53cm

Lezlie Tilley, ‘10,609 tiny stones arranged according to the laws of chance - Prussian blue light’ 2015, mixed media on paper, 53 x 53cm

Lezlie Tilley, ‘10,609 tiny stones arranged according to the laws of chance - yellow oxide’ 2015, mixed media on paper, 53 x 53cm

Lezlie Tilley, ‘10,609 tiny stones arranged according to the laws of chance - brilliant blue’ 2015, mixed media on paper, 53 x 53cm

Lezlie Tilley, ‘10,609 tiny stones arranged according to the laws of chance - unpainted’ 2015, mixed media on paper, 53 x 53cm

Lezlie Tilley, ‘10,609 tiny stones arranged according to the laws of chance - yellow’ 2015, mixed media on paper, 53 x 53cm



2 D a n k s S t r e e t Wa t e r l o o N S W A u s t r a l i a 2 0 1 7 www.brendamaygallery.com.au info@brendamaygallery.com.au tuesday - friday 11-6 saturday 10-6 t. 02 9318 1122

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