Why do people explore!đ&#x;˜ƒ
By: Cooperđ&#x;˜ƒ
Contents Page3 reasons for exploration Page4 How has exploration changed over time
Page5 What happens when people explore Page6 what happens when people explore
Page7 reflection video
Reasons for exploration Challenge and visit Some people explore to Challenge themselves. Sometimes people explore to visit new places. Like Abel Tasman, Abel Tasman wanted to be the first Man to visit somewhere. When people explore they have lots of fun.
Discovering new things People explore to discover new things. Neil Armstrong wanted to be the first man on earth to discover what the moon looked like. People have discovered lots of things over time.
This is Niel Armstrong on the moon. This person has a challenge.
Rich and trade Some people explore to get rich and sometimes trade. People wanted to trade money for silk. Back in the days silk was more rare than gold because it was only in China.
This is silk and money.
How has exploration changed over time? How people explored What did people take? A long time ago people explored on camels,horses,ships and on foot.Now days people explore with rockets and planes. In the 13th centery Marco Polo traveled to China on a camel. Niel Armstrong went to the moon in a rocket.exploration over time has changed vehicles.
People brung dogs and stuff. But now they don't because we have more tecnoligy. Ernest Shackleton brung dogs. Things they brought changed.
Why did they explore
People a long time ago explored to find new places. Now more people explore to find cures to deseeses, to beat records and more. Like Josev Lister, Josev Lister saved people from dieing.The reasons for exploreation has Changed over time.
What Happens When People Explore
When people explore People sometimes die when they explore.people sometime get rich when they explore. When people explore they either get lucky or not.they find new people and lands.they bring back spices and silk