Notre Dame High School Canticle 2017

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Bigb The Canticle 2017

I spy with my little eye an unforgettable school year, with unlimited memories that we will hold dear I spy good times that will b remembered forever, And 1300 faces ready to embark on new endeavors.

Dear Class of 2017, •- - I love to watch each Freshmen Class climb that ramp on the first day of school. I wonder who each young person will become. I try to "spy" the serious planners such as Flannery O'Donnell, or the Joe Kolano and Evan Prendergast who will be infectious leaders of fun. I wonder if I see the future AP scientists such as Zach Henig or Lauren Scalice. I look for the gentle soul of an Emily Haas and the courageous leader found in J ahmai Person. I never know for sure who you will become, but I know that each one o you is bringing a quality that will enrich the Notre Dame Family. - - - - - - + Sometimes, we have already met songbirds in such as Micayla Reynolds and Nick Pratico at the Summer •- - Performing Arts Camp. Cousins and siblings introduced us years ago to Marianna Carella, Joe Gallagher, Lindsay ,_ _ Robetto, Nicholas Cirillo and Branden McCormick. ,_ _ How ver, most of you blossom into notice after you arrive at ND. Manny Dixon takes command of the court. Haley Skove screams like no other Hooligan has. Matt Se1lers skate and Noelle Zurick drives ND to victories. And, TJ Drahuschak gives us all an unforgettable lesson in Faith and resilience. On Graduation Day, I will look out at all of the faces I have come to know so well. I will be so proud of all you have become. You far exceeded any dreams I had on the September morning in 2013. I will "spy" those Kairos crosses and know that as you leave us, you do not journey on a one. I will celebrate all the potential you hold for creati g a better world. I will watch you walk on to the unique work God has planned for each of you in this world. !---

t----I hope you "spy" in my heart the love that I have for you, the gratitude I feel for having shared these last four years with you and all the faith I place in your goodness. May ~---- you a ways know that God will forever have His eye on you as He holds you gently in the palm of His Hand. p.---



Wit my lov , Ms. Mary Liz Ivins Principal


Dear Class of 2017, As ander the hallways, classrooms and playing fields of Notre Dame High School each day, with my little eye, I spy those hallmarks of our school that have become so special to me and that I know will stay with me forever. Let me walk with you now and share what I see. -I spy an auditorium, filled with a mesmerized audience facing a stage during a performance of "The Little Mermaid". The aisles are full of birds dangling from poles; the stage is bursting with dance and a song sung by a crab urging a prince in a boat to "kiss the girl". A large bird hangs and squawks "La, La, La" in front of a¡pale moon and a star spangled sky and everything is fun and full of ptide, enthusiasm, energy, talent and love. --I spy I gymnasium before a Friday night basketball game. The student announcer intones and stretches the names of each of the starting five as the cheers of the crowd swell in anticipation. The team moves to the stands and kneels in prayer that is joined by our Hooligans. The prayer is finished. The crowd explodes. The ball is tossed. The -game has begun. And everything is exciting and full of pride, enthusiasm, energy, talent and love. I spy a service room bustling with activity. Lunches for the homeless are being prepared; puppets are being sewn; exciting events are being planned for he elderly, the children of our inner cit , the marginalized. And I spy a chapel. Students have gathered there on the floor to grieve together, to question together, and to hold each - other up. They pray the rosary for a fallen comrade with broken voices and tear-streaked eyes. And everything is sacred a~d full of enthusiasm, energy, talent and love.

In all, what I spy with my little eye is a community; a proud community that has learned to discover its passions and potentials; a compassionate community that has learned what it means to lead and to serve other~; a brave community that has learned to lean on each other in joyful noise through victories and in quiet prayer ---througfi aesperate times. Members of the Class of '17, I know that you have seen what I have seen. The experience of this community is the gift you have been given from your yeaFs at Notre Dame. Let that pride, enthusiasm, energy, talent and love that has embraced you here accompany you in a11 your future endeavors and help you to continue to grow. Treasure your gift as we will treasure the all good you have done here to make us better. Remember that you are part of our bricks and will always find a home here in our hearts. And someday, with - your little eye, may you spy in yourself the person that God has always loved and has always intended that you fully become. Sincerely, Barry Edward Breen President


Mrs. Graham has been putting a smile on the Notre Dame community's faces for the past ten years, impacting the lives of so many. Carolyn Graham has one of the biggest hearts of any teacher I have ever met. She truly loves to teach and connect with her students and it shows in her classroom. Some may have had her for the Peer Leader Religion class, others may have met her in junior year for Religion. She has made learning fun, always doing her best to relate it to us and to help us understand better. For the junior class, she talks to them with respect and treats them as the adults they are becoming. Some of us have been learning about religion for the past twelve years of schooling, and she has shown us new ways to make it exciting. In the Leadership class, she teaches us by example by being the best leader she can be in hopes that her students will follow, and they always do. Every summer she attends the Peer Leader Summer Trip, I mean how many teachers do you know would spend a weekend on a college campus with about sixty sophomores and love every second of it? If you have ever walked by Mrs. Graham's room during activity period you know it's never empty. Her

door has always been open to everyone who stops by to talk and many take her up on that opportunity. From being filled with kids for Soup, Service and Scripture, to running Spectrum meetings to even dancing around the room when listening to Christmas Music, there is never a dull moment when Mrs. Graham is around. Mrs. Graham is the teacher who, when she asks about your day, you can tell she really wants to know. Her great sense of humor and just overall happiness is what makes her the wonderful person she is. She has taken on the role of a "school mom" for many and carries that title with honor. Her wall is filled with students' pictures and it shows all the different lives she's touched and changed for the better. Mrs. Graham, thank you for being the person to listen to us when we thought no one else would, Love the class of 2017. -Written by Alex Covello


Adam Albanowski

Jaya Armstead

Mary Auletta

Elizabeth Bacovin

''!' ma keep running cause a winner never quits on themselves. " - Beyonce Knowles

"The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps." -Proverbs 16:9

"See the world not as it is, but as it could be." - Cinderella

Alison Bannon

Trinity Barcless

"There is no sincerer love than the love of food. " - George Bernard Shaw

"We do not remember days; we remember moments." - Cesare Pavese

Wyatt Bearce

Blake Becker

Rachel Birkbeck "The most important thing is to enjoy your life- to be happy-it's all that matters." -Audrey Hepburn

Elizabeth BivensTatum "She is water. Soft enough to offer life tough enough to drown it away." -Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey

Mark Barry

Mary Bassett

"There may be people who have more talent then you, but there' s no excuse fo r anyone to work harder then you do ." - Derek Jeter

"Happiness is a journey not a destination ." - Ben Sweetland

Tyler Belinsky

William Blohm "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son , that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." -John 3:16

Marykate Bailey

Marta Bakaj "Sometimes you gotta fall before you fly." - Who Are You Now? by Sleeping with Sirens

Reyna Battaglia

Azzeiza Beadle

"Spend a little more time trying to make something of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people." -John Hughes

"!know why the caged bird sings." - Maya Angelou

Kelly Benco

Samantha Benziger

"The way 1 see it, you should live everyday like it' s your birthday." -Paris Hilton

"Do not judge others and you will not be judged." -Luke 6:37

Michael Bonavico

Alayna Borden "lfyou' re old enough to know what you want, young enough to have the energy to go out and get it, you're good to go. " -DanAvidan

Je nnife r Berko "You get in life what you have the courage to ask for. " -Oprah

Julian Bossbaly

Daniel Brauer "Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive." - Elbert Hubbard

Samantha Brodowski

Megan Bromwell

Antonio Bruno

Keelan Brush

"I think it's important for girls to be confident. Believe in yourself" -Paris Hilton

Jordan Burnett "To love another person is to see the face of God. " - Victor Hugo

"Don' t sweat the small stuff, it's all small stuff" - Richard Carlson


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Kyle Burns

Kristyn Butler

"Nothing in life is promised except death ." - Kanye West

"Be silly. Be honest. Be kind." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Maria nna Carella

Vic toria Carella

"You can make it a great day or not, the choice is yours." - Donna Bacsik

"What a treacherous thing to believe that a person is more than a person." -John Green

Christine Castellano Dominic Chiarello "The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. " - 1 Timothy 1 :5

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"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. " - Romans 12:21

Andrew Camera "The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do. " - Kobe Bryant

Griffin Connie "Life has meaning only in the struggle. Triumph or defeat is in the hands of the Gods. So let us celebrate the struggle!" -Stevie Wonder

Zachary Carlin

John Carroll

"I don ' t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." - Bill Cosby

"The elevator to success is out of order. You' ll have to use the stairs ... one step at a time. " - Joe Girard

Marissa Chiarello

Thomas Ciano

"The rest is still unwritten." - Natasha Bedingfield

"Now if you know what you' re worth then go out and get what you' re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits." - Sylvester Stallone (as Rocky Balboa)

Lindsey Capizzi "If God brings you to it He will bring you through it." -Isaiah 58:11

Rebecca Cary "What you know today can affect what you do tomorrow. But what you know today cannot affect what you did yesterday."Condoleezza Rice

Gabriella Ciccone

Alison Carella "I don' t know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring." - David Bowie

Alexander Case "Coming together is a begining; Keeping together is progress; Working together is success." - Henry Ford

Nicholas Cirillo "I am the greatest." - Muhammad Ali

Caitlin Clarke

Nicole Clarke

Jennie Collins

Jessica Corace

Alexandra Covello

Elija h Coyne

"I have a room for life at the Home of the Chronically Groovy." - Sgt. Floyd Pepper, The Muppet Show

"Anything can happen in this world for an ordinary girl, like you, like me." -Hannah Montana

"We' re being pulled a hundred different directions, but whatever happens, I know I've got you." - Lucas Gabreel (as Ryan Evans)

"Life is a journey to be experienced, not a problem to be solved. " - Pooh, Winnie the Pooh

"Humor is mankind' s greatest blessing." - Mark Twain

"The breaking of a wave cannot explain the whole sea." - Vladimir Nabokov

Nicole Cremente

Garrett Cronin

Matthew Cuccagna

Shannon Cullen

Nicholas Cuomo

Shannon Daly

"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results." -Albert Einstein

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." - Proverbs 17:22

"Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else ." -Margaret Mead

"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely." -Henry Ford

Emily Danko

Hunter Dargay

Chad Davis

Alexander De Angelis

"Remember. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. " - Stephen King

Dante D'Amico

Riley Daniels

"Sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams you never even knew you had." -Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones

"They misunderestimated me." - George W. Bush

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,~ Victoria Dee

Deanna DeJonge

"There' s a million things I haven't done , but just you wait. Just you wait ... " -Lin Manuel Miranda

"Strength doesn' t come from winning, your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardship and decide not to give up that is strength." Arnold Schwarzenegger

Julianne Dela Cruz Anthony Delle Grotti Matteo Delmonico Matthew Delorenzo "A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." -Steve Martin

"You miss 100% of the shots you don ' t take. -Wayne Gretzky"





Jacob DePaola

Steven Dieso

Edward Dietzler

Cora DiGiuseppe Jacqueline Dimmick Daniel DiPasquale

"We fear rejection, want attention, crave affection, and dream for perfection." -Mac Miller

Michael Distefano

Emmanuel Dixon

"If you can' t have fun, there's no sense in doing it." -Paul Walker

Raymond Dreyfuss

Katelyn Dunkel "The door of opportunity won't open unless you do some pushing." -Anon.

"You only live once." - Drake

Cody Donnelly

Caroline Doonan

Brighid Douglas

"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas A . Edison

"Make it happen." -Mr. McWilliams

"When obstacles arise you change your direction to reach your goal; you do not change your decision to get there." -Zig Zigler

Jane Endres

Kylen Fairman

Nicole Dunne "To thine own self be true ." -Hamlet (William Shakespeare)

"They had chosen to make the leap and having lept , were delighted to find that the world was even more beautiful than they hoped." -Emma Straub

Drew Ferraro "Do everything in love." - 1 Corinthians 16:14

Jami Fassnacht




"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." -Romans 8:18

Thomas Drahuschak

"In the end, its not the years in your life that count. It' s the life in the years." - Abraham Lincoln

c~ Jarred Fernandez

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13

Mariana Fierko

Carrie Finkelstein

Alexa Fisher

"It is the experiences, the memories, the joy of living to the fullest extent in which real meaning is found." - Alexander Supertramp

"Measure your life in love." - (from the Broadway Musical) Rent

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Michaela Fitzpatrick "Be your own guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." -1 Corinthians 16:13


Derek Flowers

William Garrison

Amanda Gill

Owen Fugate

Joseph Gallagher

Chand ler Garcia

Sydney Foster

Shannon Foy

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4 :13

"Success is not final , failure is not fatal : it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

Rachel Gaylord

Colleen Gehan

Robert Gentilucci

Alexander Gergel

Angela Gia mpolo

"You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously." - Sophia Bush

"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire. " - St. Catherine of Siena

"You' re only given a little spark of madness. You musn't lose it." - Robin Williams

"If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere." - Vincent Van Gogh

"Make America Great Again." - Donald J . Trump

Samantha Gilligan

Camryn Glassman

"The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others." -Mitch Alborn

"Be your own leader, be your own self, step out of my shadows and be your own person." -Snoop Dogg

Lauren Goodwin

Jeffrey Gordon

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill

"Some go big, I went enormous. Some set goals, I set milestones! Some climb hills, I climbed mountains!" - CT Fletcher

"Crushed it." - Rebel Wilson

John Gola

Gabriel Gomez

Aleksandar Gonevski

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self" -Ernest Hemingway

"With God all things are possible." - Matthew 19:26

"Our virtues and our failings are inseparable, like force and matter. When they separate, man is no more." - Nikola Testa

Peter Gray

Jocelyn Griffith

Nathaniel Griffiths

Jacob G ronikowski

"Don't ever tell me there's no way." -Phil Coulson

"Just keep swimming." -Dory, Finding Nemo

"If talk is cheap, then my silence is diamonds ." -Drake

"If you are not doing what you love, you are wasting your time." - Billy Joel

"Always stay humble and kind." -Tim McGraw

Isabella Guhi-Erdie

Kristina Gutierrez "Let' s put the 'try' in 'triangle'." - Tina Belcher

Margaret Hahn

Alexis Hammond

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer... " -Romans 12:12

Christopher Hawkins

lsiah Hiatt "There is no elevator to success ... you have to take the stairs." -Zig Ziglar

Emily Haas "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. " -Helen Keller

Ryan Haney

Parker Hader "It always seems impossible until its done ." -Nelson Mandela

Ross Hansen

"Holding resentment is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die ." -Nelson Mandela

Jordan Held

Juliana Held

Cassandra Hahn "Love the life you live, live the life you love." -Bob Marley

Trevor Harris "I'm not superstitious but I'm a little stitious." -Michael Scott

Zachary Henig

"lfyou can't make it good, at least make it look good. " -Bill Gates

"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different. " - Coco Chane/

"It' s not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." -Henry David Thoreau

Andrew Hickey

Jenna Hoffman

Wolfgang Hoffman

"Do not pray for an easy life , pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." -Bruce Lee

"When you go through deep waters I will be with you." -Isaiah 43:2

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated." - Confucious

Michael Hernandez "Hope is being able to see that there is light in darkness ." - Desmond Tutu

Trinity Holmes

Catherine Hahn "Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them. " - Shakespeare

Madison Hart "Change is good, but its not easy." - Rafiki

Noah Hewitt "Courage is fear holding on a minute longer. " - GeorgeS. Patton

Colin Holness

"You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them." -Michael Jordan


Gabrielle Horn

Beatrice Howell

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." -Marilyn Monroe

"/don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring." - David Bowie

Kaila Jansen

Eryk Jasinski

"There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man." - Patrick Rothfuss

"Let your light shine ." -Matthew 5:16

Joseph Kale

Morgan Kalman

"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem." - Ronald Reagan

"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." - Les Brown

Abaigeal Kirlin

Lauren Kiszely

"This moment will just be another story someday." - Steven Chbosky

"If it's flipping hamburgers at McDonald's, be the best hamburger flipper in the world. Whatever it is you do you have to master your craft." - SnoopDogg


Caitlyn Hughes

Lauren Hunte "Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created." -Esther 4:14


Lauren Johnson

Catherine Ingram

MacKenzie Johnson Jonathan Jumamil "I don't know where over there is, but I know it's somewhere, and I hope it's beautiful." -John Green

Brian Kane

William Kaniper

Justin Keegan

"Veni, vidi, vici." -Julius Caesar

Juliana Kite "/ can do all things through him who gives me strength. " - Phillippians 4 :13

Natalie Klek "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think." - Winnie the Pooh

Jason Janora

"Some pursue happiness others create it. " -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"It' s more important to master the cards you're holding than to complain about the ones your opponents were dealt. " -Grimsley

Ye Jin Kim "Happy people plan actions, they don't plan results." - Dennis Wholey

Adrianna Klugiewicz "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever ." -Psalm 73:26



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Joseph Kolano

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Kristen Kreutzberg

"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end." - John Lennon

Kate Lafferty

Sarah Lafharis

Kristina Kubala

Ryan Kumpf

"I'm obsessively opposed to the typical. " -Lady Gaga

"According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. " -Jerry Seinfeld

William Lalli

George Lambert

"We didn' t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun. " -Winnie the Pooh

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -Winnie The Pooh

Antonio LaTorre

Francesco LaTorre

Logan Lazarcyk

"Nothing worth having comes easy." - Theodore Roosevelt

"Do onto others as you would have them do onto you ." -Luke 6:31

"Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine. " -Taylor Swift

Victoria Ling

Olivia Livelli

"I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to be who I really am. I'm going to figure out what that is." - Emma Watson

Mackenzie Kuran "To love what you do and feel that it matters, how could anything be more fun?" - Katherine Graham

Timothy Kurz "I'm a dreamer. I have to dream and reach for the stars, and if I miss a star then I grab a handful of clouds." -Mike Tyson

Zachary Landi

Sabrina LaRagione

"Where there's life, there's hope." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others;for beautiful/ips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone". -Audrey Hepburn

Justin Lazzarino

William Lee

Mark Leonard

Teylor London

Elizabeth Lyons

Xinyu Ma

Alec Mabie

"She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future ." -Proverbs 31 :25

"Learn how to feel joy." -Seneca

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison


Ka itlyn Macchia

Antonino Mannino "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." -Phillippians 4:13

Brett Machin

Patrick Magnuszewski Chelsea Maguire

"Anything is possible if you've got enough nerve." - J.K. Rawling

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." - Isaiah 40:29

Caroline Manyoky

Alyssa Martindell

"The moment that just passed was someone' s greatest moment ever ... and here comes another." -Dallas Clayton

"Make the most of today. Translate your good intentions into actual deeds." - Grenville Kleiser

"The best is yet to come." - William Shakespeare

Jeremy Masanque

Laura Maher

Nic holas Ma nc uso

"Enjoy the little things in life because one day you 'lllook back and realize they were the big things." -Kurt Vonnegut

Antonio Mascino

Eryka h Mathis

"Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them ." - Rabindranath Tagore

"This too shall pass." -Persian Sufi

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Branden McCormick

Meghan McDonagh

"Well done is better than well said." - Ben Franklin

"Ifwe wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives." - Lemony Snicket

Kellan McDougall

Shannon McFadden "To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it." -Mother Teresa



Morgan McGahran

Je nna McG rath

"All our dreams can come true .. .ifwe have the courage to pursue them. " -Walt Disney

"Great moments are born from great opportunities." -Herb Brooks

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Patrick McGurk "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." - Chinese Proverb


William McHenry

Kameron McKithen "To thy ownself be true." - Shakespeare

Kevin Mclaughlin '" You miss I 00% of the shots you don't take Wayne Gretzky. " -Michael Scott

Mari-C iare McNamara "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. " - Robert Frost

''. Meg han McNamara

"Success is often achieved by those who don ' t know that failure is inevitable." - Coco Channel

Chelsea Mecanko

Jonathan Meeh

Nicole Merrill

Nicole Miller

Ryan Miller

"Everything is possible for one who believes." -Mark 9:23

"Do not go gentle into that good night rage rage against the dying of the light." - Dylan Thomas

"When I was born, I was so surprised I didn' t talk for a year and a half" - Gracie Allen

"A day with out sunshine is like, you know, night. " -Steve Martin

"I am who I am before God, no more no less. " - St. Francis of Assisi

Jayson More lli

Scott Morgan

Benjamin Morley

Bennett Morrell

Matthew Morrell

Peyton Morrell

"Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music." -Ronald Reagan

"I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4 :13

"It's never goodbye ." -John Q

Aleksa ndra Mostrowski

Madison Mount

Austin Moxham

Thomas Moxham

Jessica Mozgai

Kelly Mullen

"Express who you are in a world where everyone is the same." -Lauren Jauregui

"I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13

"' For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "' - Jeremiah 29:11

Rosemarie Munley

Daniel Murphy

Tatiana Nabosse

Austin Nance

Justin Nash

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it' s all that matters. " - Audrey Hepburn

"Shake it off" -Taylor Swift

"Love, and do what you like." - Saint Augustine

Ka the rine Munkacsy "Who , being loved, is poor?" - Oscar Wilde

Thomas Mizsak


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Brian Nasto

Jezreal Nazario

David Nicolas

Maria Nitti

Jonathan Nwigwe

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." - 1 Corinthians 16:13

"Good words cool more than cold water" -John Ray

"Usually when people are sad, they don' t do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change ." -Malcolm X

Alayna O'Byrne

Sean O'Donnell

Robert O'Keefe

Kiera O'Keeffe

Lauren O'Keeffe

Miah Olaleye

"Maybe it won't work out, maybe it won't be what you wanted, or it just may be the adventure of a lifetime." - J . Mike Fields

"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. " -John F. Kennedy

"Fear, desire, hope still push us on toward the future. " -Michel de Montaigne

"There may be people that have more talent than you, but there' s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do ." -Derek Jeter

"Life would be tragic if it weren' t funny. " - Stephen Hawking

Katerina Pak

Luciano Parrotta

Erin Patten

Morgan Patten

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." -Dr. Seuss

"Money is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes money to be happy, your search for happiness will never end." -Bob Marley

"What is done in love is done well." -Vincent Van Gogh




Flannery O'Donnell "Today will be what it is./ will be who I am. And there will be beauty in both." -Unknown

Karoline O'Neill

Melissa Paugh


Isabel Orellana

Ariana Pelosci

ljah Penn

Nicholas Peroni

Jahmai Person

Willem Peters

"Creativity is intelligence having fun ." -Albert Einstein

"Hallelujah, Jesus got me through this!" -Anon.

"By perseverance, study, and eternal desire, any man can become great." - General GeorgeS. Patton

"Know music, know life. No music, no life." - Thomas Carlyle

"/ walk slowly, but I never walk backwards. " -Abraham Lincoln

Jacob Petrone

Samantha Phillips

"Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom ." -Oprah Winfrey

"The thing about being catapulted into a whole new life is that it forces you to rethink your idea of who you are." - Jojo Moyes

Ronald Pierson

Lindsey Powell

Nicholas Pratico

"Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it." - Ziad K. Abdelnour

"Don' t count the days; make the days count." - Muhammad Ali

Evan Prendergast



Christopher Quinn

Patrick Quinn

"When you' re good at something, you'll tell everyone. When you're great at something , they'll tell you." -Walter Peyton

Zara Reres

Olivia Raccosta "Must be love on the brain." - Rihanna

Michael Respicio

Dean Rette "To live without faith , without a patrimony to defend, without a steady struggle fo r truth, that is not living , but existing." -Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Aries Regalado

Michael Reger

"Don't let your dreams be dreams." - Shia Lebouf

"My Mama always said you' ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on." -Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump

"Remember, kids, the only difference between messing around and science is writing it down." - Adam Savage

Micayla Reynolds

Lindsay Roberto

Olivia Romulus

Nicholai Cedric Ramirez

"Be fea rless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire." - Jennifer Lee

"A happy heart makes the face cheerfu l." -Proverbs 15 :13


"You who are young, be happy while you are young,andletyour heart give you joy in the days of your youth." - Ecclesiastes 11:9

' ''· .. .,<i';·;·.· .·. .· .


Jasmine Ross "The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today." -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Kyle Rossetti "We can' t change the world unless we change ourselves." -Notorious B.I.G.

Michael Rota "When the power of love overcomes love of power, the world will know peace." - J imi Hendrix

Sarah Rothrock



Matthew Rowen "Rule 1: Never lose money. Rule 2 : Never fo rget rule 1." -Warren Buffett

Brian Ruhl "No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God' s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God." - John 3:9




,, Nicole Russo

John Ruzzi

"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in." - Leonard Cohen

"Everything keeps its best nature only by being put to its best use." - Phillips Brooks

Colan Ryan

Zachary Scavo

Zachary Schaber

Alexa Schaeffer

"/ reject your reality and substitute my own." - Adam Savage

"And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." -Genesis 1 :3

"All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney

Ethan Sheehy

Christian Simms

Brendan Shannon "/don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring." - David Bowie

"Do not conform to the pattern of "What separates the this world, but be transformed by winners from the losers is the renewing of your mind. Then how a person reacts to you will be able to test and each new twist offate." approve what God's will ishis - Donald J . Trump good, pleasing and perfect will" -Romans 12:2

Kyle Smith

Mary Smith

Emily Sowa

"If you have everything under control, you're not moving fast enough." -Mario Andretti

"The highest courage is to dare to appear to be what one is." -John Lancaster Spalding

"I have a theory that selflessness and bravery aren't all that different." - Veronica Roth

Sasha Santiago

Anthony Saporito

Lauren Scalice

"Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength." - Sigmund Freud

"We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our dreams ." - John F Kennedy

"A lways stay humble and kind, don' t take for granted the love this life gives you." -Tim McGraw

Allison Scharko

Michael Schraft

Matthew Sellers

"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm Possible." -Audrey Hepburn

Elizabeth Simon

Haley Skove

"But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail ." -John Green

Sam Stephan

O livia Skwie rawski "The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters. " -Audrey Hepburn

Nicholas Stewart "Without passion, you don't have energy; without energy, you have nothing. Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion!" - Donald J. Trump

Conlan Storms

Abigail Stryker

Haojun Sun

Liarn Szentjobi

Lucia Timberlake "I will not be shaken." -Psalm I6 :8

Cameron Tolas

Trevor Tuccillo

Emilio Valentin

Jessica Valenza "I follow my heart,for I can trust it. " - J .C.F. von Schiller

Emily Tyler "When you go through deep waters I will be with you." - Isaiah 43 :2

"It is wisdom to believe the heart." - George Santayana

"Your love makes me strong. Your hate makes me unstoppable. " - Cristiano Rona/do

Matthew Tantum "As we express our gratitude , we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." - J.F.K.

"It is never too late to be who you might have been." - George Eliot

Mackenzie Van Den Bogart

Madison Vetter

Emily Thibault

Sunny Upadhyay

Gabrielle Utlak

"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" -Romans 8:31

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without." -Buddha

Ryan Vidal "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." -John F. Kennedy

"You shall never know all the good a simple smile can do ." - St. Mother Theresa

Culley Thomas

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. " -Romans 12:12

Nikhil Vishakanta "The depth of your struggle determines the height of your success" - R . Kelly.

. ~,-

! ti.l -~


Christian Vogel

Samantha Waldie

Erin Walker "What you intuitively desire , that is possible to you." - D.H. Lawrence

Andrew Walkley

Nicholas Walsh

Wenxing "Alex" Wang "It often takes more courage to change one's opinion than to stick to it." - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg


Kelly Wert

Allison Wetherell

"Wark hard and become a leader, be lazy and never succeed." -Proverbs 12 :24

"Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." -Mother Teresa

Kelsie Whalen "Rise up, take courage, and do it." -Ezra 10:12

Hannah White "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." - Winnie the Pooh

Sean Whittaker "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." -Isaiah 40:29

Ta ryn Wilcox "You are not a drop in the ocean. You are an ocean in a drop." -Rumi



. Jessica Wroblewski "There is no passion to be found playing small- in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living ." -Nelson Mandela

Christian Zamora "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be livedfowards. " - Soren Kierkgaard

Samantha Wuensch

Xinxin Zhang "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling , but in rising every time we fall ." -Nelson Mande/a

YuXia "Your mistakes do not define you." - Psalm 37:24

Haoran Zhong "To change and to improve are two different things ." - German proverb

Yuan Xie "To some will come a time when change itself is beauty, if not heaven." - Edwin Arlington Robinson

Noelle Zurick "Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, and dreams are forever ." -Walt Disney

Matthew Yacubovich "The bee , of course,flies anyway because bees don ' t care what humans think is impossible ." -Jerry Seinfe/d

'¡' ' I


Kelly Young

"Look for happiness under your own roof." - Gretchen Rubin



Zachary Schaber & Victoria Dee


Katelyn Dunkel


BEST SHOULDER TO CRY ON Brendan Shannon & Flannery O'Donnell


Kelly Wert



Caroline Manyoky

• MOST LIKELY TO BE 011 BROADWAY Nicholas Pratico &

Micayla Reynolds



Victoria Dee




William Blohm & Samantha Gilligan

DYNAMIC DUO (MALE) George Lambert & Zach Schaber



Kristyn Butler


Jahmai Person &

Catherine Ingram



Joseph Kolano &

Nicole Clarke


Joseph Kolano &




Michael DiStefano &

Alex Covello


Zachary Henig &

Alayna Borden



Mary Kate Bailey


Griffin Cannie & Lucia Timberlake


Kristen Kreutzberg





Erin Patten

DYNAMIC DUO (GIRLS) Alexa Fisher &

Allison Wetherell



Lauren Kiszely





The class of 2017's Junior Prom was held on April 15, 2016 at the Hamilton Manor.



"Kairos is a four day long optional senior retreat that is described as an "intense self-reflection of their lives, their relationships and choices." Although no one knows exactly what happens on the retreat until after you attend, many seniors come back refreshed, and maybe even changed for the better." --Cote Hahn '17



Sarah Lafharis, Haley Skove, Chandler Garcia, and Madison Vetter as the Teletubbies

Alex Covello, Sam Benziger, Sydney Foster, Gabby Horn, Jess Wroblewski, Ally Bannon, Ethan Sheehy, and Gabe Gomez

Above: Caitlin Clarke, Jane Endres, and Amanda Gill

Below: Kristyn Butler and Jackie Dimmick dressed up as "Blessings in disguise"

Caroline Doonan, Katie Smith, Flannery O'Donnell, Kristen Kreutzberg, and Madison Mount posing as the Cheetah Girls.

Nicole Miller, Brighid Douglas, and Bebe Howell dressed up as Theodore, Alvin, and Simon the Chipmunks.

Alayna O'Byrne and Alexis Hammond dressed up as Dr. Seuss's Thing 1 and Thing 2.

Mariana Carella, Colleen Gehan, Juliana Kite, Erykah Mathis, MaryKate Bailey, Kate Munkascy, MacKenzie Kuran, and Tori Carella as fruit salad.

Jordan Burnett, Reyna Battaglia, Chelsea Maguire, Azzeiza Beadle, Bella GuhlErdie, and Jahmai Person as the "Breakfast Club."

Lauren Scalice, Becky Cary, Michael Schraft, Jennie Collins, and Emily Haas as characters from Pacman.

Below: Zach Schaber and George Lambert dressed as minions

Lauren Kiszley and Sam Gilligan as soap and a loofa

Will Blohm and Ali Scharko as cows










Amid tough competition, this year's winner was:

Zach Henig, Mr. Environmental Club

"'v ~47


I spy the classe And the faces I spy people who teach And students trying to

0' N

Antonio Abbondandolo

Alexandra Adornetti

Isabella Africa

Jared Alston

Alexandra Amoroso

Amy Anderson

Tyler Andrew

Gabriel Argate

Jenna Arimenta

Kyle Armstrong

lvania Asencio

Abigail Auger

Danielle Avanzato

Tala Azzi

Caroline Barkley

Claire Barlow

Julianna Barnaba

Jenna Barry

Matthew Battis

Christian Bechamps

Daulton Bennett





·~-~·" .-

(.) Leah Bercy

Julia Berdzik

Abbey Berloco

Evan Bernstein

Nicholas Borbon

Jake Boscarelli

Michael Bottega

Katherine Boytis

Annalee Brody

Colin Bromwell

Raquel Brown

Jessica Burns

Nicholas Berrios


Maggie Blundi

Michael Brandow Christian Brandt

Ryan Burns

Claudia Calabro

Francesco Bocchini

Carley Britton

Aidan Callahan

0 Nicholas Campion

Andrea Carlin

Zoe Carpene

Liam Carroll

Alexandrea Chapman

Marissa Colvin

Meg han Conover

Marc Consig lio

Marine Ia Constantino

Faith Cowell

David Crawford

Eve Crawford

Marissa Crawford

Maryam Crawford

0 Ia 1\)

Trystan Crichton

Kiera Croland

Michael Cunicelli

Avery Dalton

Daniel Dargan

Cameron Davis

Michael Dell' Angelo

Raven Derosa

Patrick Dileo

Cassandra Dill

Victoria DiPastina

Erin Dobbs

Megan Drum

Nicholas Ehring

Dalton Elmer

Brennan Eppinger

Anne Farley

Tyler Farmer

Anissa Figaro

Justin Fink

Nicholas Fioravanti

Cailyn Fiori

Catherine Fitzgerald

Quinn Foerter

Justin Frascella

Victoria Freiling

Xiao "Angela" Fu

Kaifeng "Marshall" Deng

1 '



·.~ '-~~-;~-

_·~· ·o


•• , . . ·. ·•·. ~





~ -. ,-,_··-




Andrew Furtak

Hailie Gallagher

Felicia Girandola

Samuel Grala

Samantha Gray

Devin Greenhalgh

William Groth

Vuong "Tony" Guo

Antonio Gutierrez

Juliana Hagen

Harry Hampton

Jake Hancin

Rachel Hansson

Moura Harkins

Evan Harris

Jennifer Harris

John Heginbothom

Lauren Hess

Anna Heuisler

Diana Higgins

Matthew Hill

Roman Hnatiuk

Trevor Hogan

Georgia Holthenrichs

Joseph Patrick Horan

Hayley Horvath

Bryce Houck

Noah Hulick

Jaclyn llcyn

Taylor Innocenti

Hayden Jakim

Hailee Jantorno

Miguel JimenezVergara

Colleen Kalinowski

Benjamin Kilian

Mariah Kondash

Haley Kosco

Rachana Kotamraju

Myles Kowalski

Brian Krall

Jan Krokos

Rosemond Kwami

N 'I




0 Ana maria Laccetti

Marissa Lecessi

Tatem Levins

Wei "Ivy" Lin

Jasmine Ling

David Luciano

Connor Lugo

Shenglin "Carter" Ma

Matthew Macaulay

Ainsley Macisaac

Justine Maher

Christopher Mahle

Rishab Manchanda

Nicholas Mann



1\) Chloe Maple

Justin Masiel lo

Thomas Mayer

Kyle McCarron

Dylan McGee

Jacob McGiinchy

Kevin McGowan

Elyse McMenamin

Kristen Meeh

Madelyn Meidling

Shania Denice Mercado

Riley Meskill

Micaela Milazzo

Ashlin Miller

Nneka Miller

Elyse Moceri

Robert Molinari

Julie Montague

Lydia Moody

Harry Moore

Claire Moscarello

Nicholas Muller

Kevin Mulligan

Annalisa Naimo

Cailin Nally

Taylor Nelson

Margaret Murtha Annabelle Nagle





Liam Nixon

Ryan Novozinsky

Julia Oakes

Dylan O'Brien

Julianna Okupski

Christian Olla

Colin O'Neill

Ajani Owens

Lorretta Owoh

Simon Pak

Taylor Palancia

Abbie Jo Palmieri

Kristin Pasierb

Alexandra Patas

Alyssa Peczinka

Alexandra Peltier

John Peluso

Hannah Perron

Carly Persichilli

Alexis Porter

Lauren Preston

Satya Roth

Isabella Razzano






. ··!lf ··~



...... ·:·.&······· :. ~.· ·~~--~ ,~

~ •


.l.·· ·

Thomas Prummer

Lucas Pupim

Cameron Quinn Samuel Raccosta

Victoria Ramharack

Joseph Rebl

Bridget Reilly

Haocheng "Leon" Ren

Grace Reuter

Titus Reyes

'4Q I Alanna Reynolds

Christopher Robotin

Julia Rossi

Leonard Rowley

Emily Rubino

Sarah Rulkiewicz

Joseph Russello

Madele ine Rizzuto

Anthony Russo

0 Jason Santalla

Leonardo Santana

Nicole Saporito

Danie l Schneider

Joseph Schneider

Jan Michael Seva

Elizabeth Slahetka

Jovonn Sommers

Mahe " Mark " Song

Amanda Sargent

Colby Schaefer

Brittiney Seymour William Shannon

Gina Spinosa

Alexis Staniec

Lauren Schaumburg

Evan Schlosser

Dylan Sica

Juliet Sidone

Alyssa Stanley



Alexander Stanton


Marle na Stanton

Makenna Stergion

Ja'Naya Styles

Claire Svoboda

David Swan

MingEn "Sam " Tan

Andrew Tattory

Christopher Thomas

Tayden Torres

Leah Toscano

Sarah Tozzi

William Trimble

Daniel Tripodi

Alexis Tyger

Abigail Uy

Isabelle Valdez

Madeline Valentine

Arianna Valerio

Elizabeth Vernon

Julia Vietti

Michael Villalta


0' C\1

Maxwell Walsh

Matthew Wan

Xiaotong "Carol" Jackson Weidling Wang

Taylor Whitlock

Payton Williams

Wan Chi "Gi Gi" Wong

Kara Yannotta

Pengxiang "Samuel" Zhang

Boyu "Jimmy" Zheng

Katharine Weinhardt

Kaitlyn Wesner

Michael Whalen Connolly

Chenxiang "Joseph" Xu

Haoxuan "Leo" Xu

Yijia "Gelsey'' Xue





Yu "Crystal" Xie

0 Bailey Adams

Giana Adragna

Paige Aita

Laila Allen

Elizabeth Alvarez

Mason Antonelli

Kevin Arbito

Daniel Argate

Brendan Armitage

Nicholas Arronenzi

Nicholas Augustyn

Joseph Baldachino

Alessandro Balsamo

Daryl Banks Ill



1\) Abigail Barcless

Steven Barry

Damon Battaglia

Titus Beard

Laura Bedser

Mikayla Beetel

Samantha Bensch

Ryan Besler

Odette Biache

Angelique Bielsa

Manon Bielsa

Michael Blotto

Margaret Bogacz

Sofia Bossi

Reilly Bowe

Cartier Bowman

Daniel Brady

Adrian Braun

Mauro Breth

Matthew Brodowski

Rheanna Bromwell

Thomas Brown

Sanjana Buddi

Robert Buecker

Kayla Burnett

Ryan Burns

Thomas Burns

Elisabeth Burton





Rage Bzdewka

Matthew Caccavale

Anthony Cappetta

Mariel Carter

Karissa Chen

Deevarondy Chery

Elina Christino

Djeynn Clerjeune

Brandon Collins

Evan Collins

Samuel Crawford

Jocelyn Crum

Sophia DeJesus

Morgan Doonan


Sophia Capponi Bridget Carrezola

Anna Carroll

Erin Carroll

Ryan Cimmino

Timothy Clark

Piper Cleary

Jack Collins

Dominic Colter

Grace Conboy

Christopher Conti

Travis Cumber

Colin Daly

Thomas DaPrato

Matthew Dauden

Megan Dee

Johanna Therese Del Prado

Christian Delorenzo

Patrick DiPasquale

Daniel DiUbaldi

John DiVeronica

Kyle Dixon

Tyler DoyleBendas

Christopher Dunn

Kathryn Edgar

Troy Ellis Jr

James Elwell

Megan Elwell





0 Nabia Evans

Shane Evans

Gabriel Fajardo

Alec Fassnacht

Danielle Faup

Kaitlyn Ferlisi

Samuel Ferris

Matthew Finn

Adam Fischer

Melanie Flowers

Ava Foley

Sawyer Fordyce

Jared Francois

Lauren Frascella





J t• .;;.~


;-... ~.. - .~· _

. '





-_-_·_·· .•

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"~~ •.;j

Andres Frias

Brenna Gallagher

Alexa Gamburg

Gianluca Giambanco

Vincenzo Giangrasso

Anthony Gilmer

Charles Gormley

Jack Gray

Emma Groth

Alexander Gruson

Brennan Guce

Krista Guenzel

Jinlong "Drake" Guo

Minghau "Hugo" Guo

Sara Haas

Katherine Halili

Dante Hammond

Tyler Harman

William Harriott

Jonathan Hayes

Kayla Henderson

Collin Hendrix

Erik Henig

Claudia Hernandez

Edward Heyburn

Kyle Hochenberger

Shomari Hollis

Adrian Holmes




0' C\1

Talia Grace Holmes

Travis Holonics

Joseph Horn

Elizabeth Houck

Kristy Hryniszak


Emanuele losue

~ ··.~

. ~~ '!:· ·...'.. •;~~~ . •.·.•. . · ~··''TE'·



Ryan losim

··:: f



. "f .•· _. :

•; '·~

Anshela Jaramillo

Christopher Jefferys

Leah Johnson

Amy Jones

Patrick Jones

Gregory Jovolos '

Louis Juliano

Madyson Kaczorowski

Joshua Kaduthodil

Justin Kaduthodil

Michael Kane

Antonia Karpon1inis

Amanda Katt

William Keenan

Qai Kellman

Henry Kelly

Victor Khlystov

Connor Kiszely

Casey Klek

Jacob Kmiec

Andrew Kopp

Christopher Kuran

Julia Labecka

Antonio LaCava Torres

Ryan Landi

John Larkin

Calysta Laurente

Jessica Layton

Julia Lencovich

Matthew Lequang

JinYu "Jesse" Li

Eric Liedtka

Lauren Linder

Nicholas Lipari

Olivia Lipari


0 Joseph Lippincott

Xiqiang "Dennis "Liu

Danielle Losier

Aisha Louis Jean

Dean Luciano

Christian Lukas

Artsem Lutokhin

Joseph Madigan

Alexander Madrigal

Ryan Mains

Giuliano Manago

Neo Maralit

James Maraviglia

Alexander Marcopolus

, ,~.· ·.·:·


"f.~,>·~-._. •.-•.







. .



Eric Margadonna Stephanie Maria

Brian McConville

Jared Markunas

Amanda Marrazzo

Jackson Martinez

Sasha Mathieu

Caitriona McCabe

Michael McGill

Catherine McKenna

Amanda Mclean

Molly McMenamin

Andrea McNamara

Cassidy Meidling

Christopher Meincke

Jason Merendino

Alison Middlebrook

Hannah Miles

Cole Miller

Edward Monahan

Dena Montez

Christina Morris

Jharia Morris

Kaylee McEvoy


,, •






.. .. •.·· _.·







Seamus Meagher



.• :,·


1.., ' J.'·'···...... .· ·>~




--~..:> '



· . .-:_-_. ._ --~-


Abaigeal Ann Monaghan

Maxwell Moreno Elisabeth Moriarty



0 C\1

Claire Moxham

Paul Moyer

Sydney Murphy

Vincent Naimo

Lauren Nance

Akshith Narahari

Sara Nash

Matthew Natriello

Ruth Nebo

Chad Nelson

Collin Nicely

Jayni Nielsen

Angiely NunezArce

Patrick O'Connell

Joseph O'Donnell

Oluwakemi Olaleye

Erin Olenchalk

Brianna O'Malley

Harry O'Neill

Aidan O'Reilly

Chasyn Panfil i

Olivia Panko

Victoria Papiez

Samantha Papp

Desmond Patterson

Fynn Payer

Karina Pelejo

Richard Pfaltzgraff

Nicolette Phillips

Sabrina Phillips

Eva Pierrot

Victoria Pirozzi

Jessica Pisani

Joseph Pogyor

Jordan Polefka

Jaylyn Queen

Brendan Roth

Julia Rauscher






-~.~ ~ .. "'~" . . ..··.·o,,(Y! ..... . ·.• ...•.


Samuel Ponticiello


Nicholas Potocki

Robert Powell


. ~




·~ · ...




Vincent Proctor

0 Matthew Reed

Adrian Regalado

Megan Reger

Rachel Relstab

Anxin Ren

Gabriel Reyes

Caroline Reynolds

Michael Robedee

Angela Roberts

Gillian Roberts

Madison Roberts

Victoria Roberts

Aniya Robertson

Kyle Rosica

0 Ia 1\)

Christopher Rossi

Carly Amanda Rowcotsky

Anthony Ruhl

Daniel Ryan

John Sander

Alexandria Sands

Emmanuel Sa non-Jules

Omar Santos

Kenneth Santucci

Daniel Sore

Ryan Scharko

Grant Schwartz

Ava Scudillo

Lauren Seibel

Emi!y Sharlach

Nicolas Shiarappa

Matthew Simms

Shana Singh

Grace Sinkewicz

Carly Smith

Clement Smith

Liam Smith

Natalie Smith

Daniel Smollon

Andrew Solarski

Seth Solidum

Peter Sorber

Sarah Spears




0' C\1

Olivia Stamper

Brady Stergion

Blake Stewart

Carl Stewart

Claire Storms

Richard Suta

Mary Sweeney

Dean Szatkowski

Emma Tate

Mylyn Thomas

Hunter Tilton

Tristan Tritt

Tawan TurkvanSinchak

Weronika Tyminska

Robert Van Erem

Lauren Vandegrift

Morgan Vetter

Matthew Visalli

Alyssa Wagner

Corey Walsh

Dylan Walsh

Haochen "Bill" Wang

Haoyu "Leo" Wang

Christopher Warren

Michael Weaver

Brenna Wehner

Jesse Wells

Jordyn Whited

Michael Williams

Michael Williams

Abigail Wilson

Jeremiah Wilson

Isaiah Wong

Lauren Wright

Natalie Wright

Caitlin Yacubovich

Justin Yu

Olivia Zajkowski

Lucia Zeimet

Rachel Zingerman






0 Michael Abbondandolo

Nicholas Abruzzi

Jordan Adams

Daniel Andrusiewicz

Quentin Autry

Syanni Bagwell

Czarinabelle Ang Olivia Amorando Amistoso

Aidan Barrett

Maximillain Barrett

Madison Ancharski

Caroline Anderson

Logan Bearce

Mason Bearce

0 Ia 1\)

Walker Bearce

Annabelle Beck

Nick Bellezza

Annalisa Benziger

Emelia Bercaw

Lawrence Berko

Kaila Bernstiel



0 Tora Bernstiel

Derek Berry

Kathryn Black

Gianna Blanche

Jania Blount

Danielle Bonavico

Mekhi Boone

Ryan Boscarelli

Shannon Boytis

Noah Brachelli

Francesco Brenna

Michael Brescia

Ellen Briggs

Mairead Briggs

Nolan Brody

Dominick Brown

Catherine Buecker

Nicole Burney

Brendan Byron

Liam Cable

John Caccavale


0 C\1 0 C\1

Katelyn Carbonaro

Jonathan Carlin

Jillion Cary

Sophia Ciccone

Katherine Clarke

Noah Coniglio

Ryan Conover

Jordan Cooper

Brianna Coppola

Cordelia Corera

Zaevoyn Cousar

Michael Crawford

Riley Cunningham

Ava Danastorg

Dharius Daniels

Sara Daniels

Joshua Davis

Julia Deii'Angelo


Shea Doran

Kyle Dowgin

James Drahuschak

Sydney Drake

Lucy Driscoll

Abigail Duff

James Ehring

Faythe Endres

Alexander Estes

Anna Farnan

Nicholas Feretic

Paige Foerter

Faith Fonseca

Kennedy Foti

Bryce Francois

Sara Furtak

Ryan Gehan

Sarah Gemmell

Juliet Gentilucci

Noelle Geroso



Nicholas DeMille DinaMarie Dilissio



0 Mary Gillespie

Gabrielle Girton

Emily Giuliano

De'Sirae Glanton

Jack Gluckman

Nathan Goldberg

Joshua Gomez

Kathryn Gorski

Steven Graver

Alexandra Gray

Jessica Gronikowski

Emily Guenther

Jessie Gutierrez

Namir Hadaway

0 Ia 1\)

James (Seamus) Harding Jr.

Kristen Harkins

Brett Harris

Molly Hart

Joseph Hawkins

Alexander Higgins

Joseph Hillman



0 Joseph Hoffman

Brian Hofmann

Cameron Holbrook

A Wade Hyshaw Avery lmmordino Nathan Innocenti

Julianna Johnson

Timothy Jones

Ryan Jonnada

Kathryn Honnig

Bridget Hoyt

Robert Hulbert

Paige Hyman

lan Jacobsen

Matthew Jakim

Sianni James

Teddy Janiec

Avary Kalac

Jack Kalman

Aaron Kamal

Katie Kay


0 C\1

0 C\1

Sean Kelly

Madeline Kitlas

Zachary Klein

Emily Kmiec

Lillian Koslowske

Dora Krstic

Diana Kusmierczyk

Joseph LaRagione

Andrew Lebak

Robert Lee

Alexis Leonard

Lance Lienhard

Timothy Lombardi

Ashley Lopez

Mason Louderback

Cassidy Mahle

Jillion Mannix

Lauren Maria

Connor Marrone

Roisin McCabe

Ryan McCabe

Timothy McCann

Ryan McCarron

Erin McCoy

Julian McGowan

Shay McGowan

Darius McKay

Emma McKeon

Michael Mclaughlin

Brayden Meskill

Allison Micale

Lucy Miles

Thomas Mills

Ryan Monaco

Gabriella Morabito

Paityn Morgan

Daniel Morrow

Emily Mozgai

Sean Mulligan

Alexandra Mundy




Rose Mularadelis Johanna Mulder

0 Emma Murray

Kristina Murray

Layne Nagele

Stephen Nalbone

Pedro Navroski

Ryan Nemec

Jacob Norat

Grace O'Brien

·~-.. r· ~.~

. I ., . .~.•

, ... ·

Zara Nelson


. . ·.·. ··,·;.'o;r.·f'········


' Joshua Neville

Zack Newman

Max Neyraval

Robert Niczyporowicz


Sarah Nixon



1\) Madison O'Connell

Grace O'Donnell

John O'Keefe

Luke Okupski

Carly Oleyar


.' •






·· ~ ..

Frances Owoh

Aubrianna Pfaltzgraff


Miranda Oseguera







'-~· . > · . ""-··,··.··: .·. ·.·. : 4 "~

~ ~..... ·~ ~


Jason Opferman




Kylie Panzitta

Nicholas Parvesse

Kyo Pavon

Jessica Peroni

Patricia Pestano

K'la Peyton

Alyssa Phillips

Paul Phillips

Natalia Piedrahita

Ashley Pillsbury

Jackson Podell

Aldwyn Porter

Gianluca Pozzo

Sarah Preston

Jennifer Pribila

Aidan Quinn

Andrew Quirple

.. ~-~~·-'~·

- ~.t-:



·.,w ..· ·.•·• •·

j:mll. •.. .. ,


c• ,·II' ., Erika Porter

Emily Post



C\1 0 C\1

Maio Ramos

Andrew Renga

Anthony Renga

Katherine Reuter

Jonathan Rodriguez

Joshua Romero

Gianna Rossi

Joseph Rubino

Alexa Ryan

Emma Saker

Anna Sarubbi

Kate Sarubbi

Teresa Sarubbi

Made lynn Schaber

Gavin Schaeffer

Samantha Schepelenko

Jordan Scott

Kevin Scott

Kle io Scully

Yahrai Rodriguez Michael Rogalski



,·.~-~l~· .~ ~

.. .. ...• •



·~ · ~··.~ ~

..;... ; -~ .•




•• • •


~ ~

Paul Shea

Giulliano Silva

Angela Siwarski

Timothy Skelton

Sofia Staub

Emily Steege

Sere nity Stout

Gretchen Strand

Annie Studer

Eric Suschke

Margaret Svoboda

Meghan Tash

Mia Taylor

Roman Tentilucci

Camryn Thomas

Elias Thomas

Kyndal Tillett

John Tournay

Gabriel Truch

Paul Tuccillo

Joseph Tyger

0 Sriman Vaidyanathan

Emma Valentine

Niccolo Valerio

Nicholas Varava

Abigail Vernon

Sean Vernon

Meghana Vishakanta

Marissa Vizzoni

Gia Vlahos

William Ward

Hope Wargo

Jason Weber

Marisa Weber

Matthew Weinhardt



1\) Andrew Wells

Mia White

Pell White

Morgan Whitlock

Nicholas Wilke

Coleon Williams

Cortaz Williams



0 Sabrina Williams

Olivia Wojtowicz

Declan Wollert

Cynthia Yank

Amy Young

Matthew Young

Nicholas Zangrilli


'I 'I

ca I r





Barry Breen

Kathy Clemency

Donna Grabowski

Katie Landolfi

Joseph Petitto

Brenda Riley

Judith Rynkewicz

Mary Liz Ivins

Joanna Barlow

Katherine Maley

Susan McCullion

Joan Pilkington

Tracey Reed

Richard Roche

I:, ~ ~ ~

> I r

:::::J (.)

Jennifer Antinoro

.0 .



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Maggie Kelly





c: 0

·-ca 1 '


Andrea Schutz



I r


··-E -c <C


David McWilliam


c. 3 Courtney Ashe

Christina Ashmen

Patrick Baker

Cindy Bannon

Michael Bartuska

-· -· tn ::l

a I


Donald Bauch

Hope Bauch

Isabel Berko

Leonard Berzinski

Laura Biesiadecki

Katie Blemings

Mari Ann Blemings

Colleen Brady

Brian Bridgewater

Ann Brown

m a I

-· ,




a I

Brittany Brydges

Julie Campo

Anna Carella

Bob Carroll

David Chebra

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a I

Rita Chia

Deborah Chiarello

Sean Clancy

John Clay

Janine Corgan

mIa Ia


'I 'I

cu I

' en


Kelly Darcey

Kevin Deal

Patrick Deal

Gary DeGregory

Ann Marie Delworth

Ann DeMille

Cathy DiMiceli

Robert Dingle

Judy Duff

Mary Ellsworth

Cynthia Elsesser

Jacqueline Farina

Gloriann Fuccello

Robin Garber

Denise GauvinThomey

Joseph Gdovin

Theresa Giampetro

Louis Gibilisco

Louis Gibilisco Jr.

Kristen Goddeyne

Samantha Godoy

Carolyn Graham

Richard Grillo

Matthew Hammell

Cheryl Harris



::l (.)




c::: 0

·-cu I •


• en I

·-c::: ·-E -c <C



c. 3 Eileen Hart

Karen Henkel

Deborah Houghton

Jennifer Hubert

Chang-Shin Jih

-· :::J -· tn

a I



-· ..,

PeggyJo Kacperowski

Olena Kapatsyna

Amy Kimtis

Patrick Kinsella

Mallory Klapsogeorge

' I

Beverly Klek

Regina KoebeleDemaree

Julie Kopchik

Susan Krempasky

Desiree Leigh


Steven Lobis

Rebecca Magro

Hugh Maguire

Barbara Major

Brian Malloy

n r:: ' I '<



a I Anthony Martini

Mary Joan Maruca

Eileen Marx

Ken Mason

Suzanna McGee

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'I 'I

cu I r

en ~

John McKenna

Joseph Mclaughlin

John McQuarrie

Janet Mellodge

Kenneth Micai

Susan Middleton

Bonnie Rose Milecki

Robin Moceri

Michael Modugno

Choppy Moore

Elsie Moore

Edward O'Byrne

Joe O'Donnell

Eileen Palazzo

Edward Patton

Jason Patton

Ray Pental

Michael Perone

Christine Pierucci

Gail Pyontek

> I r





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lf/ George Reither

Beth Repsik

William Romano


William Rowland

Georgia Savarese


f•• ..




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·'''" i .•

Irina Savitskaya


. ,:'". ' Gregory Schafer

Walter Schulwitz

Catherine Sewnig

Mark Stephan

-· ::l -· tn a I

Rose M. Stevenson Kellyanne Stewart

Jim Treacy

Marilyn Ward

Charlotte Turner

Diane Wargo

Kathleen Stueber

Marina Sues

Nancy Tamasi

Melanie Tysowski

Pamela Verdi

Morgan Waiter

Maria Wise

Maria Wise

Robert Wood

-· ., a I


n r:: a I '< QO


a I

Margaret Wroblewski

C. Joanne Yavarone

cuIa Ia


We wish a happy retirement to the following members of the ND Community: Peggy Miller Terry Giampetro Karen Henkel

Denise Gauvin Tharney Brenda Riley John Clay

May love and laughter light your days, And warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, Wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world With joy that long endures. May all life's passing seasons bring the best to you and yours. -Irish Blessing


I spy hundreds of stud n And contributing to •


I spy classrooms busy wi with sounds of debati ,


dent Government

Executive Board: Zachary Schaber - President Kristen Kreutzberg - Vice President Juliana Hagen - Treasurer Flannery O'Donnell- Secretary Kristyn Butler- Sergeant at Arms

Senior Representatives: Kristyn Butler, Marianna Carella, Nick Cirillo, Nicole Clarke, Parker Hader, Maggie Hahn, Zachary Henig, Joseph Kale, Mackenzie Kuran, George Lambert, Ryan Miller, Sean O'Donnell, Evan Prendergast

Junior Representatives: Gabriel Argate, Claire Barlow, Trystan Crichton, Megan Drum, Cailyn Fiori, Sam Grala, Riley Meskill, Ryan Novozinsky, Elizabeth Vernon

Sophomore Representatives: Abbey Barcless, Grace Conboy, Sam Ferris, Melanie Flowers, Sara Haas, Chris Kuran, Julia Lencovich, Cole Mitler,Grant Schwartz, Ava Scudillo, Ricky Suta

Freshman Representatives: Quentin Autry, Liam Cable, Julia Dell ' Angelo, Lucy Driscoll, Molly Hart, Tim Lombardi, Grace O'DonnelL Aidan Quinn, Abigail Vernon, Sean Vernon

ational Honor Society

Antonio Abbondandolo, lvania Asencio, Abigail Auger, Tala Azzi, Marta Bakaj, Claire Barlow, Jenna Barry, Azzeiza Beadle, Wyatt Bearce, Julia Berdzik, Jennifer Berko, Abbey Berloco, Rachel Birkbeck, Maggie Blundi, Annalee Brody, Kristyn Butler, Victoria Carella, Rebecca Cary, Caitlin Clarke, Nicole Clarke, Jennie Collins, Marissa Crawford, Kiera Croland, Garrett Cronin, Dante D'Amico, Victoria Dee, Julianne Dela Cruz, Matthew Delorenzo, Kaifeng (Marshall) Deng, Jacqueline Dimmick, Daniel DiPasquale, Thomas Drahuschak, Raymond Dreyfuss, Megan Drum, Nicholas Ehring, Jane Endres, Anne Farley, Justin Fink, Alexa Fisher, Justin Frascella, Rachel Gaylord, Colleen Gehan, Amanda Gill, Aleksandar Gonevski, Samuel Grala, Emily Haas, Parker Hader, Juliana Hagen, Jennifer Harris, Trevor Harris, Zachary Henig, Beatrice Howell, Catherine Ingram, Joseph Kale, Colleen Kalinowski, William Kaniper, Juliana Kite, Natalie Klek, Rachana Kotamraju, Kristen Kreutzberg, Mackenzie Kuran, AnaMaria Laccetti, George Lambert, Antonio LaTorre, Francesco LaTorre, Wei (Ivy) Lin, Jasmine Ling, Xinyu (Melody) Ma, Ainsley Macisaac, Chelsea Maguire, Justine Maher, Jeremy Masanque, Erykah Mathis, Kevin McGowan, Kevin Mclaughlin, Elyse McMenamin, Mari-Ciare McNamara, Meghan McNamara, Kristen Meeh, Madelyn Meidling, Nicole Merrill, Riley Meskill, Nicole Miller, Ryan Miller, Julie Montague, Jayson Morelli, Madison Mount Thomas Moxham, Katherine Munkacsy, Austin Nance, Maria Nitti, Julia Oakes, Flannery O'Donnell, Sean O'Donnell, Melissa Paugh, Nicholas Peroni, Jacob Petrone, Victoria Ramharack, Michael Reger, Bridget Reilly, Dean Rette, Titus Reyes, Alanna Reynolds, Micayla Reynolds, Christopher Robotin, Olivia Romulus, Nicole Russo, Lauren Scalice, Zachary Scavo, Zachary Schaber, Alexa Schaeffer, Lauren Schaumburg, Evan Schlosser, Elizabeth Simon, Olivia SkwierawskL Mary Smith, Emily Sowa, Marlena Stanton, Sam Stephan, Makenna Stergion, Claire Svoboda, Emily Tyler, Abigail Uy, Madeline Valentine, Arianna Valerio, Elizabeth Vernon, Ryan Vidal, Kelly Wert, Kaitlyn Wesner, Hannah White, Taryn Wilcox, Jessica Wroblewski, Yijia (Gelsey) Xue, Kara Vannatta, Kelly Young, Xinxin (Jenny) Zhang

Executive Board: Nicholas Peroni, Victoria Dee, Lauren Scalice, Alexa Fisher, Emily Sowa, Kelly Wert


Peer Leaders

Ally Bannon, Reyna Battaglia, Azzeiza Beadle, Samantha Benziger, Jennifer Berko, Rachel Birkbeck, Megan Bromwell, Jordan Burnett, Lindsey Capizzi, Christine Castellano, Dominick Chiarello, Marissa Chiarello, Nicole Clarke, Alexandra Covello, Emily Danko, Anthony DelleGrotti, RJ Dreyfuss, Amanda Gill, Sam Gilligan, Bella Guhi-Erdie, Emily Haas, Parker Hader, Zack Henig, Andrew Hickey, Eryk Jasinski, Lauren Johnson, Mackenzie Johnson, Kristen Kreutzberg, Sarah Lafharis, George Lambert, Chelsea Mecanko, Jenna McGrath, Meghan McNamara, Nicole Merrill, Ryan Miller, Aleks Mostrowski, Madison Mount, Austin Nance, Flannery O'Donnell, Sean 0 1Donnell, Nick Peroni, Jacob Petrone, Evan Prendergast Micayla Reynolds, Olivia Romulus, Mike Rota, Brian Ruhl, Zachary Schaber, Elizabeth Simon, Nicolas Stewart, Allison Wetherell, Hannah White, Jess Wrobolewski, Noelle Zurick, Antonio Abbondandolo, GabrieiArgate, Kyle Armstrong, Abigail Auger, Claire Barlow, Jenna Barry, Daulton Bennet, Julia Berdzik, Nicholas Berrios, Michael Bottega, Annalee Brody, Claudia Calabro, Aidan Callahan, Marissa Crawford, Trystan Crichton, Megan Drum, Nicholas Ehring, Nicholas Fioravanti, Cailyn Fiori,Justin Frascella, Juliana Hagen, Jake Hancin, Jennifer Harris, Anna Heuisler, Georgia Holthenrichs, Hayden Jakim, Colleen Kalinowski, Myles Kowalski, Brian Krall, Jan Krokos, AnaMaria Laccetti, Ainsley Macisaac, Maddy Meidling, Claire Moscarello, Julianna Okupski, Colin O'Neill, Abbie Jo Palmieri, Victoria Ramharack, Alanna Reynolds, Chris Robotin, Julia Rossi, Juliet Sidone, Marlena Stanton, Claire Svoboda, Abby Uy, lzzi Valdez, Elizabeth Vernon, Michael Whalen Connolly, Taylor Whitlock, Kara Yannotta, Bailey Adams, Paige Aita, Abigail Barcless, Damon Battaglia, Laura Bedser,Ryan Besler, Reilly Bowe, Moura Breth, Rheanna Bromwell, Matthew Caccavale, Sophia Capponi, Dominic Colter, Grace Conboy, Christian Delorenzo, Kyle Dixon, James Elwell, Melanie Flowers, Sara Haas, Tyler Harman, Kayla Henderson, Erik Henig, Christopher Kuran, Lauren Linder, Joe Madigan, Ryan Mains, Guiliano Manago, Molly, McMenamin, Christopher Meincke, Cole Miller, Dena Montez, Max Moreno, Paul Moyer, Joseph O'Donnell, Kemi Olaleye, Olivia Panko, Nicolette Phillips, Sabrina Phillips, Eva Pierrot, Jordan Polefka, Matt Reed, Megan Reger, Caroline Reynolds, Aniya Robertson, Carly Rowcotsky, Kenneth Santucci, Nicholas Shiarappa, CJ Smith, Seth Solidum, Claire Storms, Rachel Zingerman, Connor Zola

Executive Board: Parker Hader, Nicole Clarke, Jess Wroblewski, Libby Vernon, Trystan Crichton, Gabe Argate, Juliana Okupski




Michael Schraft, Sarah Tozzi, Johanna Mulder, Noah Hulcick, Collin Nicely, John Toumay, Alyssa Stanley, Jessica Gronikowski, Isabel Orellana, Jonathan Jumamil, Czarinabelle Amistoso, Mark Sona

Czarinabelle Amistoso, Lucia Timberlake, Ryan Kumpt lzzi Valdez, Mackenzie Johnson, Kiana Higgins, Jess Valenza, Mariah Kondash, Will Lee, Samantha Gray, Julianna Johnson, Griffin Connie, Amanda Gill

Asian American Club

Michael Schraft Sarah TozzL Noah Hylick, Johanna Mulder, Collin Nicely, Julianna Johnson, Kylie Panzitta, John Tournay, Alyssa Stanley, Isabel Orellana, Jonathan JumamiL Czarinabelle Amistosos, Mark Sona


Big Brothers/Big Sisters

Allison Wetherell, Amanda Gill, Alexa Fisher, Jennie Collins, Emily Haas, Rishab Manchanda, Maddie Valentine, Alanna Reynolds, Max Moreno, Tyler Harman

Ricky Suta, Sarah Gemmell, Rachana Kotamraju, Claire Svoboda, Kristen Meeh

Broadcasting Club

Zachary Klein, Patrick DiPasquale, Chad Nelson


Catholic Athletes for Christ ~~~r-..,.,;;;-7'"i:r~~~ Brayden

Meskill, Ellen Briggs, Mairead Grace O'Donnell, Alexis ---~~ Leonard, Gabi Morabito, Kathryn Black, Jason Opfelman, Emily Steege, Emily Mozgai, Molly Carroll, Gretchen Strand, Annalisa Benziger, Nicole Burney, Emma Murray, Cynthia Yank, Walker Bearce, Ryan Conover, Luke Okupski, Nicholas Ehring, Ryan M, James Ehring, Kyle Dow gin, Danny Morrow, Dominick Brown, Brendan Byron, Patrick DiPasquale, Aidan Quinn, Tim Lombardi, Stephen Nalbone, Michael Abbondandolo, Ryan Jonnada, Robby Niczyporowicz ~~r--'--! Briggs,

Greg Jovolos, Victor Khlystov, Catherine McKenna, Rey Battaglia, John O'Keefe, Christian Olio, Jessica Gronikowski, Noah Hylion, Daniel Andrusiewicz, Gabriel Truch, Dr. Bridgewater, Mr. Schulwitz

Jason Merendino, Jack Peluso, Johanna Mulder, Alyssa Stanley, Haley Kosco, Richard Pfaltzgraff, Felicia Girandola, Annalisa Naimo, Lauren Scalice, Jeremy Masanque, Raquel Brown


Debate Team

Rachana Kotamraju, Evan Schlosser, Gabriel Argate, Moura Breth, Reilly Bowe, Anna CarrolL Joseph Hoffman, Rishab Manchanda, Gabriella Morabito


Andrea McNamara, James ElwelL Jayni Nielson, Weronika Tyminska, Amanda Katt Sophia DeJesus, Kristy Hryniszak, Laila Allen, Odette Biache

David Luciano, Nicholas Ehring, Victoria Ramharack, John O'Keefe, Moura Breth, Sam Ferris, Lauren Linder, Rose Mularadelis, Aubrianna Pfaltzgraff, Lucia Zeimet Brianna O'Malley, Victoria Roberts, Joshua KaduthodiL Connor Kiszely, Cole Miller, Megan Reger, Zach Henig, Dean Rette, Erik Henig, Connor Kiszely, Alex Gray, Mara Ramos, Michael Villalta, Amand Katt, Miranda Oseguera, Marissa VizzonL Jared Alston, Aiden Callahan, Sarah GemmelL Josh Romero, Ashley Pillsbury, Laura Bedser, Samantha Papp, Mary Sweeney, Katie Black

Environmental Club



Maggie Murtha, Izzi Valdez, Mariel Carter, Odette Biache, Meghan McDonagh, Lauren Schaumburg, Laura Bedser, Alex Covello, Taylor Palancia

Marta Bakaj, Elise Burton, Kaila Jansen, Elizabeth Bivens Tatum, Lauren Schaumburg, lvania Asencio, Raven DeRosa, Taylor Palancia, Bridget Hoyt Dora Krstic

Mackenzie Johnson, Lucia Timberlake, Griffin Connie, Kylie Panzitta


French Club

Bebe Howell, Ella Simon, Dan DiPasquale, Rachel Gaylord, Emily Kmiec, Maio Ramos, Josh Romero, Sarah Gemmell, Samantha Papp, Aisha Louis-Jean

German Club

Elise Burton, Megan Reger, Marta Bakaj, Chris Rossi, William McHenry, Christopher Quinn, Alex Gruson, Greg Jovolos, Sam Brodowski

History Club

Nick Peroni, Rose Munley, Victoria Carella, Ryan Vidal, Robert O'Keefe, Caitlin Clarke, Jordan Scott, Rob Gentilucci


Marianna Carella, Lauren Nance, - Juliana Kite, Nick Peroni, Jess ~~~_,---l..~--r-...._.,_.. Peroni, Francesco Boccchini, ...,.-\;:~''~.fti-.........._._,......,.L.,• ....__,.__. Gina Spinosa, Faith CowelL Hayley Horvath, Michael Bottega, Branden McCormick, Austin --...._ Nance, Chris Quinn, Mike ........,.,____.... Respicio, Nino Mannino, MJ Leonard, Nicole Clarke, Kyle Dixon, Tim Lombardi, Joe Horn, Anthony Cappetta, Jess Peron i, Avery J. lmmordino, Francesco Brenna, Jason Merendino, Gianna Rossi, Cole Miller, Alex Gray, Marissa VissonL Nick Zang, Ryan Monaco, Emily Post - -- Danielle Bonavico


Caroline Manyoky, Jayson Morelli, Isabelle Valdez, Vincent Naimo

Anna Farnan, Moura Breth, Rishab Manchanda, Anshela Jaramillo, Abby Duff, James ElwelL Gabrie lla Morabito, Jackson PodelL Anthony Renga, Andrew Renga, Anissa Figaro, Gabe Argate, Sanjana BuddL Maggie Ren

Notre Dame's Niceties

Abigail Wilson, Kennedy Fori, Doni Bonovico, Rachel Hansson, Anisso Figaro, Jennie Pribilo, Layne Nagele, Raven DeRosa, Claire Svoboda, Julionno Okupski, Arionno Valerio, Lauren Wright, Koylee McEvoy, Eva Pierrot

Cameron Quinn, Jonathon Rodriguez, Lance Lienhard, Gionluco Pozzo, Robby Niczyporowicz, Aidan Quinn, PJ White, Matthew Young, Walker Bearce, Mike Rogalski, Zock Newman, Joseph LoRogione, Broyden Meskill

Christian Olio, Lance Lienhard, Rose Mulorodelis, Elizabeth Bivens-Tatum, John 0' Keefe, Aubrionno Pfoltzgroff, Zoe Scavo, Kyle Armstrong, Will Peters, Jonathon Meeh, Dylan O'Brien, Wyatt Bearce, Alex Stanton, Colby Schaefer, Logon Bearce, Mason Bearce, Noah Brochelli, Matthew Finn, Brett Harris, Anisso Figaro, Srimon Voidyonothon


Science Bowl ,__._,_...L_.....~~---~ Dean

Rette, Rose Mulorodelis, Zock Henig, Sarah Gemmell, Francesco Brenna, Michael Villolto, Groce Reuter, Kate Reuter, Josh Romero, Kristen Meeh, John O'Keefe, Aubrionno Pfoltzgroff, Zoe Scavo, Michael Reger, Johanna Mulder

Kelly Wert Eryk JosinskL Nicole Merrill, Julioo Held, Victoria Dee, Rachel Gaylord, Micoylo Reynolds, Caroline Monyoky, Groce Reuter, Logon Lozorczyk, Amanda Gill, Mackenzie Johnson, Lauren Scolice, Cassie Hahn, Jess WroblewskL Gabby Horn, Jeremy Mosonque, Mariano Corella, Brion Ruhl, Anthony Saporito, Flannery O'Donnell, Sean O'Donnell, Caroline Doonan, Garret Cronin, Erin Patten, Morgan Patten, Emilio Valentin, Kristen Kreutzbert, Aleks MostrowskL Jenno Hoffman, Trinity Holmes, Michoeolo Fitzpatrick, Mario NittL Sam Benziger, lzzy

Service Leadership Club

Orellana, Toryn Wilcox, Isaiah

Student Business Club

Elyse MocerL Bello Razzano, Leah John Heginbothom, Rey Battaglia

:--'_,---,-~.___,.._ Bercy,


TACTA Monon Bielso, Odette Bioche, Andrea McNamara, Loilo Allen, Mary .---__,.......,.. Bossett

Take 2 Club

Eve Crawford, Morholl Deng, Julio Oakes, Julie Montague

The Voice

Nicole Cremente, Elizabeth Houck, Teylor London, Hunter Dorgoy, Joke Honcin, Michael Connolly, Joyo Armstead, Emily Danko, Lauren Hunte


Web Journalists


.~_..._""'T-.......__ Mandy

Mclean, Elise Burton, Emanuele losue, Marta Bakaj, Juliet Sidone, Elizabeth Slahetka, Leah Bercy

Becky Cary, Jennie Collins, Jason Merendino, Sarah Gemme!, Emanuele losue, Brennan Eppinger, Griffin Connie

Nicolas Shiarappa, Laura Bedser, Shana Singh, Elise Burton, Weronika Tyminska, Isaiah Hiatt


Model UN

Officers: Julianne DelaCruz, Mackenize Kuran, Meghan McNamara, Mari-Clare McNamara, & Evan Schlosser Jennifer Berko, Odette Biache, Sophia Capponi, Victoria Dee, Matthew Dauden, Sam Ferris, Alex Gruson, Emily Haas, Sara Haas, Joseph Hoffman, Bebe Howell, Ryan Jonnada, Joshua Kaduthodil, Joe Kale, Rachana Kotamraju, Chris Kuran, George Lambert, Ryan Landi, Eddie Monahan, Victoria Roberts, Lauren Scalice , Zach Schaber, Grant Schwartz, Ella Simon, Carl Stewart, Ricky Suta, Tristan Tritt, Kelly Wert, Kara Yannotta

ND Cares The ND Cares, "The Club With A Heart" is a group run by Ms. Wargo and is attended by men and women of all grades. ND Cares assists in many school activities throughout the year such as the Pink Out, providing Christmas for those in need, participation in Food and Hygiene Drives and Awareness Days. ND Cares coordinates the school-wide Pink Out football game in October, which raises money for breast cancer patients and collects donations to help chemotherapy patients to be more comfortable during treatments. During the holiday and winter season they participate in a Food Drive, Gift Drive, and host a Clothing/Blanket Drive for the homeless collecting bathing products and warm apparel. Have A Heart Day is a big success where awareness is spread about heart health to the Notre Dame community. Throughout these activities the ND Cares club, "The Club With A Heart" spreads hope throughout the community.


Irish American Club Dance as if no one were watching, Sing as if no one were listening, And live everyday as if it were your last. -Irish Proverb

Math League 98/)


the fields, courts, and tr and parents all a part of pack all around school spirit so loud anybody can

Derek Berry, Michael Bresica, Nolan Brody, Kyle Burns, Jack Collins, Elijah Coyne, Daniel DiUbaldL William Groth, Roman Hnatiuk, Joseph Hoffman, Avery lmmordino, Teddy Janiec, Louis Juliano, Joseph Kale, Henry Kelly, Sean Kelly, Zachary Klein, Christopher Kuran, John Larkin, Ryan MilleL Thomas Moxham, Paul Moyer, Liam Nixon, Joseph O'DonnneiL Paul Phillips, Matthew Reed, Andrew Renga, Anthony Renga, Gavin Schaeffer, Clement Smith, Seth Solidum Blake Stewart Haochen Wang, Haoyu, Matthew Weinhardt


Marykate Bailey, Katelyn Carbonaro, Victoria Carella, Jillion Cary, Nicole Clark, Trystan Crichton, Jacqueline Dimmick, Emily Gunther, Molly Hart Gabrielle Horn, Elizabeth Houck, Madyson KaczorowskL Natalie Klek, Danielle Losier, Nicole MilleL Claire Moxham, Annabelle Nagle, Julianna OkupskL Samantha Papp, Morgan Patten, Melissa Paugh, Karina Pelejo, Carly PersichiiiL Madeleine Rizzuto, Carly Amanda Rowcotsky, Nicole Russo, Natalie Smith, Emily Steege, Weonika Tyminska, Katharine Weinhardt Mia White.

-~.,0.-... ... Jania

't;1 ~

Blount Danielle Bonavico, Julia Dell' Angelo, Sydney Drake, Kathryn Edgar, Faith Foneca, Kennedy FotL Claudia Hernandez, Julia LiparL Amanda Mclean, Jharia Morris, Alexandra Mundy, Angiely NunezArce, Jessica PeronL Alyssa Phillips, Angela Roberts, Kyndal Tillett, Lauren Vandergrift Abigail Wilson, Lauren Wright

Varsity Cheer Giana Adragna, Alexandra Amoroso, Danielle Avanzato, Rheanna Bromwell, Andrea Carlin, Marissa Chiarello, Meghan Conover, Marinela Constantino, Cora DiGiouseppe, Michaele Fitzpatrick, Lauren Goodwin, Colleen Kalinowski, Morgan Kalman, Kristina Kubala, Stephanie Maria, Julie Montague, Julia Rauscher, Aniya Robertson, Emily Sowa

Sara Daniels, Lucy Driscoll, Emily Giuliano, Erin McCoy, Jordan Adams, Olivia Amorando, Kathryn Black, Shannon Boytis, Sopia Ciccone, Riley Cunningham, Ava Danastorg, Shea Doran, Abigail Duff, Julietr Gentillucci, Alexandra Gray, Jessie Gutierrez, Emma McKeon, Gabriella Morabito, Grace O'Brien, Jennifer Pribila, Emma Saker, Anna Sarubbi, argaret Svoboda, Abigail Vernon, Marissa Vizzoni

JV Field Hockey Nicole Burney, Morgan Doonan, Alexis Staniec, Elizabeth Vernon, Samantha Bensch, Angelique Bielsa, Ellen Briggs, Catherine Buecker, Molly Carroll, Karissa Chen, Megan Elwell, Melanie Flowers, Cassidy Meidling, Allison Micale, Emma Murray, Victoria Pirozzi, Lauren Seibel, Hope Wargo, Caitlin Yacubovich, Cynthia Yank


Ryan Besler, Rachel Birkbeck, Maggie Blundi, Erin CarroL Cassandra DilL Caroline Doonan, Margaret Hahn, Anna Heuisler, Haley Kosco, Kristen Kreutzberg, Shannon McFadden, Morgan McGahran, Madelyn Meidling, Alison Middlebrook, Madison Mount, Falnnery O'DonnelL Bridget Reilly, Nicole Saporito, Ava Scudillo, Mary Smith, Clair Storms

Michael Abbondandolo, Quentin Autry, Mekhi Boone, Dominick Brown, Brendan Byron, Dharius Daniels, Kyle Dowgin, James Ehring, Nicholas Feretic, Alexander Higgins, Nathan Innocenti, Timothy Jones, Aaron KamaL Robert Lee, Timothy Lombardi, Mason Louderback, Connor Marrone, Ryan McCabe, Shay Monaco, Daniel Morrow, Sean Mulligan, Stephen Nalbone, Luke Okupski, Paul Shea, Roman Tentilucci, Camryn Thomas, Joseph Tyger, Sean Vernon, Andrew Well

Damon Battaglia, Matthew Battis, Michael Blotto, Michael Bottega, Colin BromwelL Robert Buecker, Thomas Burns, Liam CarrolL Timothy Clark, Evan Collins, Micheal Connolly, Daniel Dargan, Tyler Doyle,~-~~!~~~ Bendas, Nicholas Ehring, Tyler Farmer, ~ Antonio Gutierrez, Collin Hendrix, Erik Henig, ~~~...-~.., Matthew HilL Jospeh Patrick, Joseph Horn, ce Houck, Patick Jones, Jan Krokos, Ryan Landi, David Luciano, Connor Lugo, Nicolas Mann, Jackson Martinez, Dylan McGee, Kevin Mullingan Ryan Novozinsky, Patrick , 1 ~lt~-~M;;:~;;;~~q O'ConnelL Samuel Ponticiello, Christopher a _ .______. Rossi, Sarah Rulkiewicz, Emmanuel Sanon~tam;;;!~~!; - - - Jules, Jason Santalla, Omar Santos, Dylan Sica, David Swan, Tristan Tritt, Michael ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weaver, ColeonWilliam~ CortazWilliam~

Michael Williams, Jeremiah Wilson .


Freshman Boys' Soccer Joseph Hawkins, Matthew Jakim, Nich Bellezza, Noah Brachelli, John Caccavale, Jonathan Carlin, Joshua David, Brett Harris, Brain Hofmann, Pedro Navroski, Jacob Norat Gianluca Pozzo, Aidan Quinn, Jonathan Rodriguez, Joron Scott, Kevin Scott, Giulliano Silva, Eric Suschke, Elias Thomas, Pell White, Nicholas Wilke, Matthew Young

JV Boys' Soccer Tyler Andrew, Kevin Arbito, Alesandro, Dominic Colter, Patrick DiPasquale, Kyle Dixon, Gabriel Fajardo, Jack Gray, Dante Hammons, Harry Hampton, Hayden Jakim, Antonio LaCava Torres, Eric Liedtka, Joseph Madiagan, ERi Margadonna, Maxwell Moreno, Chad Nelson, Colin O'Neill, Thomas Prummer, Brendan Roth, Andrew Tattory, Robert Van Erem

Varsity Boys' Soccer Ryan Burns, Garrett Cronin, Kyle Dixon, Alexander Gergal, Evan Harris, Trevor Harris, Christopher Hawkins, Trevor Hogan, Myles Kowalski, Timothy Kurz, Artsem, Kevin Mclaughlin, Bennett Morrell, Sean O'Donnell, Luciano Parrotta, Nicholas Peroni, Willem Peters, Nicholas Pratico, Giulliano Silva, Sam Stephan, Emilio Valentin, Ryan Vidal, Andrew Walkley


Annalisa Benziger, Sianni James, Jillion Mannix, Lucy Miles, Madison O'Connell, Grace O'Connell, Carly Oleyar, K'la Peyton, Katherine Reuter, Yah'Rai Rodriguez, Gianna Rossi, Alexa Ryan, Kleio Scully, Annie Studer, Meghan Tash

Paige Aita, Abigail Barcless, Mikayla Beetel, Margaret Bogacz, Megan Dee, Nabie Evans, Paige Foerter, Antonia Karpontinis, Lillian Koslowske, Alexis Leonard, Giuliano Manago, Lydia Moody, Grace Sinkewicz, Carly Smith, Gretchen Strand, Julia Vietti, Morgan Whitlock, Kara Yannotta

Abigail Barcless, Claire Barlow, Carley Britton, Megan Bromwell, Maria naa Carella, Megan Drum, Chand le r Garcia, Madison Hart, Antonia Karpontinis, Lauren Kiszley, Sara h Lafharis, Jennaa Mcgrath, Elyse McMenamin, Claire Moscarello, Mia h Olaleye, Olivia Panko, Julia Rossi, Haley Skove, Madion Vetter, Brenna Wehner, Morgan Whitlock, Taylor Whitlock, Samantha Wuensch

JV Girls' Tennis

Kelly Benco, Grace Conboy, Mariana Fierko, Kayla Henderson, Casey Klek, Adrianna Klugiewicz, Calysta Kaurente, Wei Lin, Andrea McNamara, Kristina Murray, Eva Pierrot Victoria Roberts, Sarah Spears, Xiaotong Wang, Maria Weber.

Varsity Girls' Tennis Reyna Battaglia, Laura Bedser, Kelly Benco, Sanjana Buddi, Chritine Castellano, Mariana Fierko, Lauren Frascella, Kirsten Meeh, Aleksandra Mostrowski, Katherine Munkacsky, Cailin Nally, Caroline Reynolds, Kindsay Roberto, Claire Svoboda.



Rachel Doan, Sara Furtak, Diana Kusmoerczyk, Jessica Layton, Elisabeth Moriarty, Oluwakemi Olaleye, Erin Olenchalk, Miranda Oseguera, Nicolette Phillips, Sabrina Phillips, Kate Sarubbi, Olivia Stamper, Serenity Stout, Mary Sweeny, Jordyn Whited, Amy Young

Jenna Arimenta, Elizabeth Bacovin, Lindsey Capizzi, Katherine Clarke, Alexandra Covello, Jami Fassnacht, Juliana Hagen, Taylor lnncoenti, Mackenzie, Kate Lafferty, Kiera O'Keeffe, Lauren O ' Keeffe, Olivia Romulus, Marlena Stanton




Frosh Boys' Basketball

Nicholas AbruzzL Quentin Autry, Aidan Barrett, Mekhi Boone, Dharius Daniels, Nicholas Feretic, Bryce Francois, Steven Graver, Teddy Janiec, Aldwyn Porter, Camryn Thomas, Jason Weber, Nicholas Wilke

V Boys' Basketball

Aiden Callahan, Christopher ContL Colin Daly, Kyle Dixon, Adam Fischer, Jared Francois, Michael Kane, Qai Kellman, Julian McGowan, Jeremiah Wilson, Justin Yu

Varsity Boys' Basketball Adam AlbanowskL Joseph Baldachino, Daryl Banks Ill, Titus Beard, Cartier Bowman, Aidan Callahan, Travis Cumber, Emmanuel Dixon, Zachary Henig, Qai Kellman, Julian McGowan, Peter Sorber, Isaiah Wong.


Varsity Girls' Basketball

Kayla Burnett, Eve Crawford, Maryam Crawford, Trinity Holmes, Caitlyn Hughes, Hailee Jantorno, Leah Johnson, Amy Jones, Kate Lafferty, Erika Porter, Natalie Smith

JV Girls' Basketball

Elizabeth Alvarez, Melanie Flowers, Madyson Kaczorowski, Calysta Laurente, Cassidy Mahle, Carly Persichilli, Julia Rossi, Brittiney Seymour, Carly Smith, Natalie Wright

Freshman Girls' Basketball Shannon Boytis, Julia Dell' Angelo, Rachel Doan, Molly Hart, Paityn Morgan, Emma Murray, Grace O'Donnell, Emma Saker, Anna Sarubbi, Teresa Sarubbi, Meghana Vishakanta, G.ia Vlaho$, Sabrina Williams

Andrea Carlin, Taylor Innocenti, Sydney Drake, James (Seamus) Harding

Varsity Boys' Swimming rr~::--,~E:I~~¡-~~~~~~f§i~fi:l~J:ll Lawrence Berko, Marc Consiglio, ~1ill~ Matthew Dauden, James UJIB~ Drahuschak, Raymond Dreyfuss, ~

................. Christopher Dunn, Brennan Eppinger,

Samuel Ferris, Joshua Gomez, Ryan losim, Victor Khlystov, William Lalli, Joseph LaRagione, Andrew Labak, Mark Leonard, Matthew Lequang, Taten Levins, Joseph Madigan, Neo Maralit, Branden McCormick, William McHenry, Austin Nance, John Peluso, Paul Phillips, Christopher Quinn, Michael Reger, Michael Respicio, Gavin Schaeffer, Andrew Solarski, Cameron Tolas, Dylan Walsh, Jesse Wells, Nicholas Sangrilli

Caroline Anderson, Marta Bakaj, Jenna Barry, Jennifer Berko, Abbey Berloco, Kaila Bernstiel, Alison Carella, Marianna Carella, Anna Carroll, Shannon Cullen, Victoria Dee, Cassandra Dill, Anne Farley, Victoria Freiling, Sarah Gemmell, Alexandra Gray, MacKenzi Johnson, Juliana Kite, Logan Lazarczyk, Jillion Mannix, Kaylee McEvoy, Jenna McGrath, Mari Clare McNamara, Meghan McNamara, Nicole Merrill, Allison Micale, Abaigeal Ann Monaghan, Lauren Nance, Maria Nitti, Alexandra Peltier, Megan Reger, Gianna Rossi, Alexa Schaeffer, Elizabeth Slahetka, Abigail Stryker, Kelly Young

Varsity Girls' Swimming


Matthew Delorenzo, Joson onoro, Matthew Selle rs, Christian Bechomps, Daulton Bennett, Michael Bonovico, Keela n Brush, lliom Garrison, Cameron Holbrook, Benjamin Kilia n, Brennan Kocsis, Justi n Lozzorino, Brett Machin, Danie l Murphy, ockson Weid ling, Sean Whittaker

Daniel Brody, Ryan Burns, Anthony Cappetta, Tyler Doyle-Bendos, Vincenzo Giongrosso, Nathan Goldberg, Alexander Higgins, Cameron Holbrook, Ryan Nemec, Joshua Neville, Aidan O'Reilly, Richard Pfoltzgroff, Michael Rogalski, Ryan Schorko, Towon Turkvon-Sinchok, Corey Walsh, Jackson Weidling

.--'--¡-'. . . . ...,___,_._,__,....."-11Logon Bearce, Mason Bearce, T.......__............__,__..____.__---Wolker Bearce, Michael Blotto, Thomas Burns, Brendan Byron, Daniel ... _.. ,,--I Dorgan, Kyle Dowgin, Nicholas Ehring, Andrew Furtak, Aaron Kamal, Timothy Lombardi, Mason Lounderbock, David Luciano, Patrick Mognuszewski, Brion McConville, Brain Rhul, Omor Santos, Daniel Schneider, Joseph Schneider, Daniel Smallen, Liom Szentjobi, Toyden Torres, Sean Vernon, Chrisiton Vogel, Nicholas Walsh, Matthew Won, Cortoz Williams



Jonio Blount, Kathryn Edgar, Kennedy FotL Ashley Lopez, Lauren Mario, Ruth Nebo, Angiely NunezArce, Emily Post, Serenity Stout, Abigail Wilson

Alexandra Amoroso, Donielle Avonzoto, Donielle Bonovico, Rheonno BromwelL Morgan Kolman, Stephanie Mario, Jhorio Morris, Julio Rauscher, Aniyo Robertson, Emily Sowo, Kyndol Tillett, Lauren Wright


Girls Track

Kevin Arbito, Jaya Armstead, Nicholas Augustyn, Syanni BagwelL Marykate Bailey, Claire Barlow, Laura Bedser, Annalisa Benziger, Odette Biache, Kathryn Black, Michael Bottega, Adrian Bruan, Michael Brescia, Nolan Brody, Megan BromwelL Rheanna BromwelL Raquel Brown, Kyle Burns, Katelyn Carbonaro, Victoria Carella, Bridget Carrezola, John CarrolL Katherine Clarke, Jack Collins, Dominic Colter, Noah Coniglio, Elijah Coyne, Trystan Crichton, Hunter Dargay, Dnaiel DiUbaldi, Paige Foerter, Anthony Gilmer, Felciia Griandola, Gabrielle Girton, William Groth, Brennan Guce, Vuong Guo, Sara Haas, Margaret Hahn, Kristen Harkins, Trevor Harris, Madison Hart, Noah Hewitt Matthew HilL Joseph Hoffman, Colin Holness, Hayley Horvath, Elizabeth Houck, Avery lmmordino, Miguel Jimenes-Vergara, Patrick Jones, Timothy Jones, Ryan Jonnada, Louis Juliano, William Kaniper, Henry Kelly, Sean Kelly, Lauren Kiszely, Casey Klek, Natalie Klek, Christipher Kuran, Mackenzie Kuran, Eric Liedtka, Alex Mabie, Ryan Mains, Michael McGill, Kevin McGowan, Micheal Mclaughlin, Andrea McNamara, Dena Montez, Maxwell Moreno, Benjamin Morley, Claier Moxham, Thomas Moxham, Liam Nixon, Sarah Nixon, Grace O'Brien, Madison O'Connell, Patrick O'ConnelL Joseph O'Connell, Julianne Okupski, Miah Olaleye, Erin Olenchalk, Ajani Owens, Lorretta, Owoh, Morgan Patten, Desmond Patterson, Fynn Payer, ljah Penn, Willem Peters, Jopshe Pogyer, Matthew Reed, Anthony Renga, Katherine Reuter, Madeleine Rizzuto, Carly Amanda Rowcostsky, Sarah Rulkiewicz, Nicole Russo, Jordan Scott Dylan Sica, Clement Smith, Seth Solidum, Emily Steegen, Blake Stweart, Claire Storms, Meghan Tash, Mia Taylor, Emilio Velentin, Haochen Wang, Haoyu Wang, Katharine Weinhardt Kaitlyn Wesner, Mia White, Coleon Willaims, Connor Zola

11 ~




Varsity Boys' Lacrosse

! "'' 'ti\·,s:· "'' -

Will Blohm, Matthew Caccavale,

illl'l lll!llliillfllllllll

Anthony Delle Grotti, Ryan Haney, Erik Henig, Zacharry Henig, Bryce Houck, Joe Kolano, Tony La Torre, Frank La Torre, John Larkin, MJ Leonard, Kameron McKithen, Colin O 'Neill, Nick Pratico, Evan Prendergast, Matt Sellers, Laim Smith, Sam Stephan, Dean Szatkowski , Liam Szentijobi, Andrew Walkley

JV Boys' Lacrosse ;.: ~






Anthony Abbondandolo, Daulton Bennett, Matt Brodowski, Ryan Cimmino, Evan Collins, Michael Connolly, Joey Horn, Joey Lippincott, Joe Madigan, Nick Mann, Dylan McGee, Kevin, Mulligan, Aidan O ' Reilly, Daniel Smollon, Andrew Tattory, Hunter Tiliton, Tristan Tritt Matt Visallii, Corey Walsh, Matt Wan

Freshman Boys' Lacrosse Michael Brescia, Kyle Dowgin, Joe Hawkins, Alex Higgins. Aaron Kamal, Lance Lienhard, Timothy Lombardi, Connor Marrone, Ryan McCabe, Zack Newman, Robby Niczyporowicz, Luke Okupski, Jason Opferman, Aidan Quinn, Anthony Renga, Camryn Thomas, Sean Vernon, PJ White


Mark Barry, Daniel Brauer, Robbie


Chiarello, Buecker, Liam Dante CarrolL D'Amico, Dominic Dan Dargan, Dalton Elmer, Justin Frascilla, Brian Kane, Michael Kane, Jacob ~~~~ Kmiec, Tatem Levins, Connor Lugo, Mains, Nicholas Mancuso, Thomas MayerChris Quinn, Joe RebL Kyle ~~1:1 Rosica, Matt Rowen, Ant Russo, Kyle t;; ¡-~~.;....:a Smith, Thomas Christopher, Bill Trimble



Dargan, Christian Delorenzo, Daniel ThomasTyler Burns,Doyle-Bendas, Chris Conti, Dan Chris DiUbaldL Dunn, Dalton Elmer, Justin Frascella, Andres Frias, Travis Holonics, Jacob Kmiec, Connor Lugo, Ryan Mains, Thomas Mayor Chris Meincke, Joseph O'DonnelL Samuel Ponticiello, Nicholas Potocki, Joe RebL Kyle Rosica, Alex Stanton, Bill Trimble, Michael Weaver

Freshman Baseball Nick Bellezza, Ryan Conover, Steven Graver, Brett Harris, Nathan Innocenti, Andrew Lebak, Michael Mclaughlin, Brayden MeskilL Thomas Mills, Rya n Monaco, Daniel Morrow, Jackson PodelL Andrew Quirple, Joseph Tyger, Nicholas Wilke, Nicholas Zangrilli


Varsity Softball Emelia Bercaw, Brighid Douglas, Angela Giampolo, Jenna Hoffman, Hailee Jantorno, Calysta Laurente, Elyse Mcmenamin, Peyton Mo rrelL Gillian Reberts, Alexis Sta niec, Claire Storms, Kelsie Wha le n, Rachel Zingerman

Maggie Bogacz, Rachel Doan, Noelle Geroso, Felicia Girandola, Sara Haas, Georgia Holthenrichs, Emily MozgaL Emily Post Emily Sharlach, Marisa Weber

Varsity Girls' Lacrosse



Caroline Doonan, Lauren Kiszely, Haley Skove, Nicole Burney, Marianna Carella, Nicole Clarke, Kiera Croland, Morgan Doonan, Shannon Foy, Brenno ~allagher, Catherine Hahn, Jess Layton, Danielle Losier, Kiera O'Keeffe, Erin Olenchalk, , Carly Persichilli, Nikki Phillips, Sabrina Phillips, Jess Pisani, Maddie Rizzuto, Julia Rossi, Ava Scudillo, Lauren SeibeL Payton Williams


JV Girls' Lacrosse Abigail Barcless, Caroline Barkley, Mikayla Beetel, Sam Bensch, Kaila Bernstiel, Tara Bernstiel, Ryan Besler, Claudia Calabro, Erin Carroll, Karissa Chen, Julia Dell' Angelo, MJ Doonan, Brenna Gallagher, Emily Guenther, Haley Kosco, Cassidy Meidling, Claire Moxham, Natalie Smith, Morgan Vetter, Brenna Wehner, Lucia Zeimet

Freshman Girls' Lacrosse Lucy Driscoll, Annie Studer, Ellen Briggs, Mairead Briggs, Catherine Buecker, Molly Carroll, Riley Cunningham, Ava Danastorg, Shea Doran, Abigail Duff, Emily Giuliano, Alexis Leonard, Jillion Mannix, Emma McKeon, Allison Micale, Gabriella Morabito, Emma Murray, Kristina Murray, Grace O'Donnell, Alexa Ryan, Margaret Svoboda, Meghana Vishakanta, Hope Wargo, Cynthia Yank

JV/Varsity Boys' Tennis Nicholas Arronenzi, Minghao "Hugo" Guo, Vuong "Tony" Guo, Connor Kiszely, Xiqiang Liu, Neo Maralit,Kyle McCarron, Jonathan Meeh, Haocheng Ren, Kenneth Santucci, Nicholas Shiarappa, Chenxiang Xu, Matthew Young, Pengxia'ng , ~hohg, Tyler Andrew, Thomas Drahuschak, lsiah Hiatt, Ryan Jonnada, Sasha Mathieu, Akshith Narahari, Nicholai Cedric


Ramirez, Wenxing Wang


Jake Boscarelli, Ryan Boscarelli, Nicholas Campion, Anthony Cappetta, Samuel Crawford, Roman Hnatiuk, Myles Kowalski, Brian McConville, Austin Moxham, Robert Powell, Christian Simms, Matthew Simms, Nicholas Stewart, Nicholas Varava

Alison Carella, Victoria Dee, Faith Fonseca, Lauren Frascella, Alexandra Gray, Kylie Panzitta, Anna SarubbL Kate SarubbL Teresa SarubbL Abigail Vernon, Marissa VizzonL Noelle Zurick

Drew Hickey, Julia Berdzik, Lauren Preston, Moura Harkins, Krissy Harkins, Erin Dobbs, Chase PanfiiL Alexa Sands, Brady Stergion


Boys Track

Laila Allen, Caroline Anderson, Kevin Arbito, Jaya Armstead, Nicholas Augustyn, Syanni Bagwell, Marykate Bailey, Trinity Barcless, Claire Barlow, Laura Bedser, Annalisa Benziger, Lawrence Berko, Odette Biache, Kathryn Black, Michael Bottega, Adrian Braun, Nolan Brody, Colin Bromwell, Megan Bromwell, Rheanna Bromwell, Dominick Browns, Kyle Burns, Ryan Burns, Katelyn Carbornaro, Victoria Carella, Bridget Carrezola, John Carroll, Jillion Cary, Katherine Clarke, Jack Collins, Dominic Colter, Noah Coniglio, Zaevoyn Cousar, Elijah Coyne, David Crawford, Michael Crawford, Hunter Dargay, Jacqueline Dimmick, James Ehring, Nicholas Ehring, Kylen Fairman, Adam Fischer, Catherine Fitzgerald, Paige Foerter, Anthony Gilmer, Gabrielle Girton, De'Sirae Glanton, Nathan Goldberg, Joshua Gomez, William Groth, Jinlong Guo, Sara Haas, Margaret Hahn, Jake Hancin, James Harding Jr, Trevor Harris, Madison Hart, Anna Heuisler, Noah Hewitt, Matthew Hill, Joseph Hoffman, Adrian Holmes, Colin Holness, Hayley Horvath, Eizabeth Houck, Kristy Hryniszak, Avery lmmordino, Teddy Janiec, Miguel JimenezVergara, Patrick Jones, Timothy Jones, Louis Juliano, William Kaniper, William Keenan, Henry Kelly, Sean Kelly, Casey Kleck, Natalie Kleck, Christopher Kuran, Mackenzie Kuran, AnaMaria Laccetti, Ryan Landi, Eric Liedtka, David Luciano, Alec Mabie, Brett Mannino, Timothy McCann, Mchael McGill, Kevin McGowan, Kevin Mclaughlin, Andrea McNamara, Cole Miller, Nicole Miller, Nneka Miller, Ryan Miller, Dena Montez, Maxwell Moreno, Benjamin Morley, Jharia Morris, Thomas Moxham, Paul Moyer, Daniel Murphy, Matthew Natriello, Sarah Nixon, Grace O'Brien, Madison O'Connell, Patrick O'Connell, Julianna Okupski, Miah Olaleye, Oluwakemi Olaleye, Ajani Owens, Frances Owoh, Lorretta Owoh, Morgan Patten, Desmond Patterson, Melissa Paugh, Kyo Pavon, Fynn Payer, ljah Penn, Willem Peters, K'la Peyton, Alexis Porter, Victoria Ramharack, Matthew Reed, Gabriel Reyes, Madison Roberts, Yah'Rai Rodriguez, Carly Rowcotsky, Anthony Ruhl, Brian Ruhl, Sarah Rulkiewicz, Nicole Russo, Emma Saker, Emmanuel Sanon-Jules, Zach Schaber, Gavin Schaeffer, Jordan Scott, Dylan Sica, CJ Smith, Seth Solidum, Emily Steege, Blake Stewart, Gretchen Strand, Ja' Naya Styles, Meg han Tash, Mia Taylor, Kyndal Tillett, Gabriel Truch, Haochen Wang, Haoyu Wang, Matthew Weinhardt, Kaitlyn Wesner, Mia Whitlock, Coleon Williams, Sabrina Williams, Connor Zola





Piper Cleary, Meghan Conover, Marinela Constantino, Jessica Corace, Trystan Crichton, Dina Dilissio, Rachel Doan, Alex Estes, Anissa Figaro, Kennedy Foti, Hailie Gallagher, Emily Giuliano, Kathryn Gorski, Rachel Hansson, Kristen Harkins, Molly Hart Sianni James, Olivia Lipari, Alyssa Martindell, Erin McCoy, Lucy Miles, Rose Mularadelis, Anna Mulder, Kelly Mullen, Maggie Murtha, Ruth Nebo, Julianna Okupski, Carly Oleyar, Alexandra Peltier, Aubrianna Pfaltzgraff, Ashley Pillsbury, Maio Ramos, Julia Rauscher, Kleio Scully, Marisa Weber, Olivia Woltowicz, Cynthia Yank

Paige Aita, Daneil Argate, Gabriel Argate, Alessandro Balsamo, Azzeiza Beadle, Nicholas Borbon, Alayna Borden, Michelle Bowe, Jordan Burnett, Kristyn Butler, Grace Conboy, Nicholas Demille, Abigail Duff, Katelyn Dunkel, James Elwell, Drew Ferraro, Lauren Frascella, Andres Frias, Juliet Gentilucci, Robert Gentilucci, Charles Gormley, Brennan Guce, Isabella Guhi-Erdie, Harry Hampton, James Harding Jr., Kristy Hryniszal, Chattering Ingram, Lauren Johnson, Louis Juliano, Lillian Koslowske, Brian Krall, Kristen Kreuzberg, Joseph LaRagione, Sabrine LaRagione, Lauren Linder, Chelsea Maguire, Justine Maher, Seamus Meager, Robert Molinari, Zack Newman, Max Neyraval, Jahmai Person, Samantha Phillips, Eva Pierrot, Ronald Pierson, Jordan Polka, Nicholas Practico, Gabriel Reyes, Caroline Reynolds, Micayla Reynolds, Emily Rubino, Alyssa Stanley, Sofia Staub, Makenna Sturgeon, Carl Stewart, Matthew Tantum, Alexis Tyger, Abigail Vernon, Elizabeth Vernon, Olivia Wojtowicz,



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Michael Hernandez, Kevin McGowan, Maddie Rizzuto, Nehal Narahari, Max Neyraval, Neo Marrait, Carter Ma, Jonathan Meeh, P.J. White, Juliet Gentilucci, Matthew Young, Natalie Kelk, Hannah Perrone, Christian Olio, Michael Mclaughlin, Nicholai Ramirez, Marie! Carter, Becky Cary, Christine Castellano, Jennie Collins, Emily Haas, Jesse Gutierrez, Grace O'Brien, ljah Penn, Nick Sirappa, Shana Singh, Micayla Reynolds, Kaitlyn Wesner, Czarinabelle Amistoso, Jania Blount, Alayna Borden, Victoria Roberts, Caroline Reynolds, Nicole Merrill, Grace Conboy, Sam Ferris, Alexa Gamburg, Bebe Howell, Amanda Katt, Melody Ma, Kristen Meeh, Sydney Murphy, Karina Pelejo, Jahmai Person, Claire Svoboda, Ella Simon, Weronika Tyminski, Marissa Vizzoni, Michael Brandow, Shannon Boytis, Jordan Burnett, Georgia Holthenrichs, Ryan McCarron, Julia Rossi, Brendan Shannon, Nick Potocki, Trevor Hogan, Aiden Quinn, Nicholas Demille, Jonathan Meeh, Brennan Guce, Kevin Mclaughlin, Michael Schraft, Mary Basset, Emelia Bercaw, Angelique Bielsa, Paul Phillips, Logan Bearce, Mason Bearce, Jillion Cary, Antonio Gutierrez, Kristen Harkins, Nicholas Muelller, Josh Neville, Ajani Owens, Rachel Gaylord, Christian Simms, Richard Pfaltzgraff


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Michael Hernandez, Kevin McGowan, Maddie Rizzuto, Jonathan Meeh, Matt Young, Nicholas DeMille, Brennan Guce, P.J. White, Natalie Kelk, Hannah Perrone, Christian Olio, Michael Mclaughlin, Ella Simon, Brendan Shannon, Nick Potocki, Trevor Hogan, Kevin Mclaughlin, Emelia Bercaw, Angelique Bielsa, Rachel Gaylord, Jillion Cary, Christian Simms, Nicholas Muelller, Josh Neville, Ajani Owens


Ellen Briggs/ Mairead Briggs/ Sam BrodowskL Sophia CapponL Katelyn DunkeL Jessica GronikowskL Kathryn Hannig/ Angie Jaramillo/ Josh Romero/ Meg McDonagh/ Ye Jin Kim/ Victoria Ling/ Matthew Reed/ Sanjana BuddL Hannah Perron/ Alayna Borden/ Nicole Merril, Marie! Carter/ Christine Castellano/ Jennie Collins/ Nicholas DeMille/ Michael Hernandez/ Jonathan Meehl Nicholas Muller/ Jillion Cary/ Rachel Gaylord/ Ajani Owens/ Mary Bassett/ Kevin Mclaughlin/ Michael Schraft Michael Brandow/ Jordan Burnett/ Brendan Shannon/ Ryan McCarron/ Ella Simon/ Natalie Klek/ Emily Haas/ Sydney Murphy/ Weronika Tyminska/ Amanda Katt/ Sam Ferris

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Ellen Briggs/ Mairead Briggs/ Sam BrodowskL Sophia CapponL Katelyn DunkeL Jessica GronikowskL Colin Hendrix/ Kathryn Hannig/ Angie Jaramillo/ Lauren Preston/ Josh Romero/ Meg McDonagh/ Ye Jin Kim/ Victoria Ling/ Matthew Reed/ Sanjana BuddL Hannah Perron/ Annalee Broday/ Brendan Shannon


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Kristyn Butler, Jahami Person, Micayla Reynolds, Victoria Ling, Ella


Simon, Michael Schraft, Bebe Howell



In the play, the title character, surrounded by wealthy friends, finds her life interrupted when the young son of her late brother arrives to live with her. Together, they cope with the struggles of the Great Depression in a series of adventures.



Our Town





I spy dances and p And hundreds of peop I spy service proje'""'~....... And the heart of N

The blood drive is a special event w ere many Notre Dame students donate there blood for the people at the local blood bank

Service is a big part of Notre Dame eduation and with service helping out the chidren at Homefront, making sandwiches is a huge help.

A trip to the Dominican Republic and various other places around the globe, many seniors set out to do service through the program "Rustic Pathways."

Chemistry and Service-who would think these two subjects wouiCI go together? Lauren Scalice and Marta Bakaj work together at their OneS confirmation sessions to help eighth graders understand the sacrament of confirmation through Chemistry.

Blood drive with Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors

Service ~153

Freshman Orientation 2016


Faculty and Peer leaders joined in joined in welcoming the Class of 2020



is a beloved event at Notre e help of NO Cares and our donations were collected from , and families to help breast and raise awareness of the Juniors coming together to celebrate the 8th annual Pink Out game.


ction that occurs during this honoring of the breast ents, and angels. A total we read during the halftime any survivors and current fighters by family members and friends.



By the end of the event $13,000 was raised and over 100 packages were made by NO Cares to be given to cancer patients at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital. In addition, over 40 students donated their hair to be donated to Pantene Beautiful Lengths, whose mission is to take donated hair and make it into free wigs for cancer patients.

Seniors Lauren Scalice, Drew Ferrero and Kelly Young , all got their hair cut at half time for Pantene Beutiful Legths to make wigs at no cost for cancer patients. ~


Pictured: Members of the Homecoming Court (left to right) TJ Drahuschak, Will Blohm, Zach Schaber, Rob Gentilucci, Drew Ferraro, Jaya Armstead, Allison Wetherell, Micayla Reynolds, Mariana Carella, Kristyn Butler, and Rachel Birkbeck.

Pictured: Homecoming King Drew Ferraro with Queen Jaya Armstead

The court was determined by a series of votes by the senior class. Once the court was announced, seniors then voted for king and queen. At the game, it was announced that Drew Ferraro had been voted as king and Jaya Armstead as queen.


HOMECOMING GAME The Homecoming Game versus Rancocas Valley High School was held on October 21st, 2016. At the game, the Notre Dame family welcomed home alumni and honored the members of the homecoming court.

NO Cheerleader Knstie Kubala '17



A night of friendship, laughter, fun, and dancing, the sophomores' practice run for prom was a success.


The huge turnout really made this event a night to remember!


Blue and White Pep Rally ~




Above: Jahmai Person speaks to the Notre Dame family during our February liturgy about diversity and the need for understanding in our community

Above: We stand together during mass and receive our ashes to begin the season of Lent.

Above: Father Jason is new to the Notre Dame family this year and in this picture he is greeted by the members from one of the first Kairos retreats in the new school year as they thank him for taking part in their trip.

Above: As we celebrated culture with the African American Club, the Notre Dame community was enlightened on the many diverse cultures encompassed in our school. The African American Club announced that their club would continue under the name "SHADES" at this mass.

Above: At our Thanksgiving liturgy, we welcome back our alumni to celebrate mass with their high school family.

Above: Kelly Young and Cate Hahn are pictured here as they have chosen to embark on the Christian journey to becoming Catholics at our Ash Wednesday service.


IILLIO With all the dancing and singing, no one could forget this night. Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors danced the night away on a jam-packed dance floor.


2017 Cotillion was held on February 11 at The Stone Terrace in Hamilton, NJ. All grades were invited to this wonderful dance.






Mark Barry Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all who love you: Within you, all you need. -unknown

Remember that you are BRAVER than you believe, STRONGER than you seem, SMARTER than you think, and LOVED more than you will ever know.

Christian Zamora Congratulations! We are so proud of you and extremely blessed to have such an intelligent, caring and wonderful son, brother and grandson. May all your dreams come true and your life be filled with happiness and love. Love, Mom, Dad, Cassie, Grandma Kay, Grandpa Jo & Pops

A.A. Milne

Congratulations! xxoo Dad, Mom, and Steven

Christian zamor:

Timothy You have grown into an amazing young man. You have remained true to yourself. Your personal strength and determination will guide you through life as you face new opportunities and challenges. We look forward to watching you reach your dreams and goals. We are so very proud of you. With All Our Love, Mom, Dad, and Courtney


Natalie Klek Love you lots! MiMi

I knew you were special on the day that you were born When I came to see you on that early April morn I can't express how proud and happy you make me You are a very sweet granddaughter, as everyone can see! NatalieKte


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Lauren Johnson


Katie Smith mSk

Wear o very proud of the per on you have becom . Your hard work and d t rminntion hove paid ff. You'r off t great pia e .

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Love you more, Daddy, Mom. Abby and Liam



Congratulations Mary!!! We are so blessed to have you as our daughter. You have brought so much happiness to our lives. It has been such a joy watching you grow from our sweet little girl to a beautiul young lady .. We are excited for you as you begin your next chapter in life! Stay true to yourself, have trust in your faith and always know how much we love you xoxo Love, Mom, Dad, Andrew, and Allie

Shannon Cullen Dear Shannon, Congratulations! We are very proud of you. You have grown into a beautiful young woman. From the beginning, you have been a very strong and determined person.

Also, you are a funny and caring person. These are great qualities to have in life. We know that you will be successful in whatever you do. We will always be here for you. Love, Mom, Dad, Dan and Sammie


Will Being your parents has been the Greatest Of All Time! Thanks for all the fun, music and laughs! Love Mom and Dad


Andrew Hickey "You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think." Christopher Robin ... and you usually consider the lobster. There's a million things you haven't done ... but we will be waiting and watching and always cheering for you. AAHGH! Love always, Mom, Dad, and Kate Go Big Red!


Em1 y Dan o Literature has been the one constant throughout my entire life. I am a firm believer that the point of literature is to invoke a response in the reader, otherwise it has failed. To me, literature is supposed to make an impact on those it is exposed to. It's supposed to fill the reader with anger, happiness, or sadness. It is supposed to make the reader realize something, make them think, incite a conversation with themselves. Congratulations Sweetheart! We LOVE you so much. You have grown into such a beautiful, intelligent, courageous, generous and caring young woman. You have filled our lives with fun, excitement and wonder. We are in awe of your many talents. We look forward to the years to come! Make the most of college, we know you will ,.., Love You Always and Forever ,.., Mom & Dad Emily Danko

Zach Landi

Emily Danko Well Emily High School is over - now off to college ! We will miss you but know you will LOVE college! Congratulations ,.., We Love You ,.., Audrey, Kevin, Amanda, Joe and Molly

We are so proud of the young man you have become & all that you have accomplished both in the dassroom & on the football field. Continue to work hard & reach for the stars! We love you I Mom, Dad, Ryan & Rocco, too


Nicole Miller We are so proud of the young woman that you have become!

My, have you grown. We can't wait to see what comes next!

We love you very much and wish you nothing but happieness. Love, Mom, Dad, and Alexandra Nicole Mille


Kristen Kreutz berg We have been blessed with watching our baby grow into a creative, talented and energetic young lady. You are truly beautiful inside and out with a heart of gold! We are very proud of you and all of your accomplishments! You are unstoppable and whatever you choose to do in life, we know you will succeed!

Continue to work hard and always follow your dreams! Remember to live, love and laugh and always be you! Keep smiling now and always!! Congratulations! We love you To Infinity and Beyond ..... Mom, Dad, Evan and Ryan

Congratulations Brian on your high school graduation! There are not enough words to express our pride in you and your accomplishments. Your character, infectious sense of humor, and resilient spirit has brought you to this very moment. We feel so blessed to be on this life journey with you and can't wait to continue the ride.

As you begin the next chapter in your life, may you have faith in yourself, faith that God is always with you and faith that your family stands behind you 110%. We love you and wish you the best in life, love and happiness in your bright future that lies ahead. Love, Mom, Dad and Erica

Brian Nasto 190j)

Brian Nast

0 livia Grace Livelli Congratulations on this wonderful achievement!! We are so proud of you!! Graduation is an exciting time. It's both an ending and a beginning. It is warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future. You have been on an amazing journey to get to where you are now and have grown into a beautiful, young woman. There are special and wonderful things in store for you in the future and we know that you will do great things. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you've imagined!! Please remember to come home occasionally!! Love, Dad, Mom & Cecilia





Congratulations! We're extremely proud of you and wish you the very best.

We are so very blessed to have such a strong & beautiful daughter! It has been such a joy to watch you grow into the young lady you are. We can't wait to watch you follow your dreams. Have faith & stay true to yourself... always Love you bunches! Mom, Dad & Philip

Love, Dad, Mom, Mason, Walker & Logan

Wyatt Bearce


"sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about the destination" -Drake Go get em, Baby Boy! Love, Alyssa, Gillian & Madelynn 1

zachary Schabe

Zachary Schaber From the time that you were just a little boy, it was clear that you were a leader! We have loved watching you mature into the intelligent and kind young man that you are today. Great things lie ahead for you, there is no doubt. Embrace every opportunity, Mr. President! With our love and support always, Mom-mom & Pop-pop Schaber and Mom-mom & Pop-pop Toney zachary Schabe


Congratulations Julian! So many possibilities and such an exciting time in your life ... Always remember ... Be compassionate, have fortitude and care about others in need ... Be adventurous, passionate, loving, and confident but with humility and kindness ... Be the very best version of you ... the wonderful young man we are so proud of and love ... And AlWAYS remember, no matter where you may go .. we will forever be your home. We love you TIMAB, Mom and Dad, Stefan & Alyssa

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance Never settle for the path of least resistance Livin' might mean takin' chances, but they're worth takin' Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin', Don't let some heavy heart leave you bitter, When you come close to sellin' out reconsider, Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance, And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance. -"I Hope You Dance" Lyrics by Lee Ann Womack

Matthew Sellers Congratulations Matt!

TJ Drahuschak

Holy mackerel, we can't believe this day is here. CONGRATULATIONS!!! We are so proud of you and what you have accomplished in the first 18 years of your life. Simply graduating on time is an immense accomplishment. We can't wait to see what you have in store for the years to come ! ! Whether it is becoming a nurse anesthetist or if something else turns out to be your passion, we know that you will embrace it to the fullest extent possible. We love you lots. Mom and Dad

We are all so very proud of you and all that you have accomplished these past four years at Notre Dame. Watching you grow and mature as a person, in the classroom and on the Field/ Ice, as well as through the friendships you have made has been a true joy. Best of luck in the future and know that thro~gh the combination of attitude and effort that you can accomplish ANYTHING you set your heart out to! All our love, Mom, Dad, Tom, Chris and Stewie! Matthew Selle


Hannah White Hannah, you continually amaze us with all you do and with who you've become. We are so proud of you! Never stop pursuing your dreams! Love you so much, Mom, Dad and Jamieson

Hannah Whit


Tommy Moxham "For I know the plans I have for you, 11 declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future 11 Jeremiah 29:11

We are so proud of the man you have become. May your integrity, loyalty, humility and love for others be the strength behind you as you meet what lies ahead. We love you! MomandDad Sarah, Claire and lillian

Joe Kolano From your first day of kindergarten to your senior year in high school, you have blessed us with your smile, your positive spirit and your kind heart. We love you and are so proud of you! Mom & Pete Joseph Kolan


Anthony Congratulations! We are so proud of the young man you have become. There is no doubt that with your determination and hard work you will succeed in life. Always remember... "If you think you can, you will"! We love you very much, Mom, Dad, Frank & Nicole

Jake Petrone Congratulations on your graduation! We are so proud of all you have accomplished during your 4 years at Notre Dame and we wish you much success in the future as you start the next chapter of your life in college. We love you! Mom, Dad and Josh

Jacob Petron


Matthew Morrell Proud of you then, now and always! Love, Mom and Dad Matthew Mo"el

I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all you are yet to be. mom

A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous Alayna Borden


MJ Leonard As the years passed by we saw a very special little boy grow up to become a very special young man. Wishing you a future filled with happiness. We are so proud of you!

Just like one shooting star can brighten the whole horizon you have brighten up our lives. Find your own true star and reach for it. All our love, Nanny & Poppy

Bennett Morrell Proud of you then, now and always! Love, Mom and Dad Bennett Morrell


Nicholas Walsh Dear Nick, We are all so proud of the amazing young man you have become. It has been wonderful to see you grow up over the past 4 years at ND. We have enjoyed attending all of your games and matches and will miss you terribly next year when you go off to college! Congratulations and never forget how much you are loved! Mom, Dad & Jess

Nicholas Walsh

/ilpHJ dn (~ UNJ aM conj'lolfl«iellelpaf ,tHIIr, cltaUN~ and kud~~~4. ~ou k- aiUJay4 mel tk»e cltai!Nr~ Mad o~t. C(knlt~k; 6/aw/ t(r.jbt ,,/,a/F" klletHJ and~ ttlt'l('l_,ar'n ~/. !l!ofPe .AI01nJ

fJlJarl J vi(Mpan a11d cfmma. RyanHane


Sean and Flannery Time simply goes by faster when raising twins. Watching you both grow up has been one of life's greatest privileges and blessings. We are so proud of your individual accomplishments, but more importantly, of the people you are growing up to be. Kind, generous, intuitive and compassionate. You have brought such joy and laughter into our lives since the day we found out there would be two of you!

While we cannot predict the future , we are confident that you are capable of accomplishing anything you set your hearts and minds to. Surround yourselves with people who enable you to be the best version of you. Know that wherever life leads you, you are more loved than you can possibly imagine and that we will always be here for you both with unwavring certainty. So much lies ahead for you and we can't wait to see how it all unfolds . Keep the faith , may you always be as close as you are today, and remember that life is about the journey, not the destination. xoxo Morn & Dad Sean & Flannery O'Donnel

Words cannot express how proud we are of the person you have become, the accomplishments you have achieved and your kind spirit. As you continue your journey, stay true to yourself, your hopes and dreams. We know you can achieve anything! Keep making all the right moves! Love you, Mom & Dad

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Thomas Ciano You are a treasure A blessing from above Your laughter, warmth and special charm Your happiness and love You bring a special joy That comes from deep inside And as you grow into a man You fill our hearts with pride With every year that passes You are more special than before Through every stage, through every age We love you even more No words can describe the memories The pride and gratitude That comes from having a son As wonderful as you

We are so proud of you! We have enjoyed watching you grow... since you were a little boy you have had a free spirit, a loving personality, and the special ability to relax and simply enjoy each moment of your life as it unfolds before you. As you continue your journey to college, and to pursue your dreams, know that your family will always be there for you.

We love you! Mom&Dad


Isabella "Bella"

Guhi-Erdie CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE AWESOME! love you to Pluto and back! Snake 'em!

Belle, We are so proud of you! You are a beautiful, wonderful, talented, intelligent young lady! We love you and wish you much success in all you do! Love and Prayers always, Mom, Dad, Will, Matt, Gram, Grandmom and Family


Francesco LaTorre You have a smile that lights up the universe and warms our hearts. We are proud and inspired by your ability to see life in unique ways. We hope you carry your passion for faith, fitness, health and knowledge with you forever. It will serve you well as you follow your dreams. Love, Mom, Dad and Isabella

Jake Gronikowski AN ota ~ f!IJJf; eo~~••• tf w&kav& ~ eotJJUJg& 1iJ pwrJUi!l ~.


- Wait DUIW!J Dear Jake, We are so proud of you!!! We'v e watched you grow from a funny, sweet little boy into a funny, thoughtful, smart, talented young man. Never lose your sense of humor. Never lose your love of music. Never stop dreaming. Go out and pursue those dreams! !! Love, Mom & Dad Congratulations Jake!!! Love, Jess Jacob Gronikowsk


Madison Vetter Where have the years gone?? You went from 'scooting' across the living room to running up and down the varsity soccer field in what seems like over night. You have filled our lives with so much joy ... so many laughs. You have made us so proud to be your parents and sisters. We pray for love and happiness in your life today and forever. We love you so very much. Dad, Mom, Morgan and Mackenzie & Cooper!

Antonio LaTorre From the moment you entered our lives you have been the protector, always looking out for others. Your desire to protect this great nation has been a dream of yours for as long as I can remember. A calling you called it at 5. We are so blessed and proud to be watching you make those dreams a reality. Love, Mom, Dad and Isabella


You were fearfully and wonderfully made! God created you to be a beautiful instrument with the ability to sing and make music. Music is an important part of worship and praise to God. May you continue to glorify Him, bless others and use your special gift of music to light and heal the world with your love, kindness and compassion. We are so proud of you for all your accomplishments. We are excited to see what your future brings knowing you are following your heart and dreams. We will always love and support you. You will forever be our sweet princess. love and prayers, Mom, Dad, Caroline and Anthony

Antonio Mascino Tonio, Don't ever change! You are awesome just the way you are. Stay true to yourself, continue to dream big and accomplish all that you set your mind to. We love you and couldn't be prouder. "No such thing as a life that's better than yours" Love Dad, Mom and Francesca (your biggest supporter in life)

Garrett Cronin Congratulations!!! We wish you the best of luck in the next chapter of your life. You always make us proud and we can't wait to see what the future has in store for you. Love, Dad, Mom and Cole Garrett Cronin

Brendan Shannon

Brendan, we are so proud of all of your accomplishments at Notre Dame! You are an AMAZING son! Love, Mom, Dad, Trevor and Grandma

Brendan Shanno

Jocelyn Griffith

Congratulations Christian!

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We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in school, golf, band, theater and scouting. We have enjoyed watching you grow into the wonderful young man you are today. We are excited for what your future holds and we know it will be bright. Keep smiling, helping others, working and playing hard. We all love you and are here for you always. Good luck in college - we are excited for your journey! Love ALWAYS, Mom, Dad, Matthew, Mimi and Pop Pop Wes, Grandma and Pop Pop Jim

Jocelyn Griffith


'Hlejeff i11 {m!e·n.·itfi you 'lll'hett ·•ve recei'1·'ed tlie first pliotofront tlie CliitJese9cn·ertnne11t tltuf-u)e ·•viff11ar·erjorget tfie joy '"ft/efd't 7v!iet1 yott 'lfi'efe ph1cedi11 our anus. (l 'ou tJ!e tlie giftfrom qo4tuJd7ve 'lvi({ tJht'trys tfiot1{',_fii m. ·7/ie ye.zrsJfe:t · 6y 'lt··itfi o 6fit~P.~of"tl e:;e. Our 6a6y girffttu grcn 'II into'' a1tt.tJ£i119 iltJd6~1tltijuf you11g ftufy ittsid"e tuuf out. Cont·ittuetostay true to yollfseljtutilyour ·rafites. ~!i!p your strongfaitfi tuttiJoffcn •your cfre-'lms. ·'J,1/e tlfe so protttfof affyour tJccolnpfislilnetlts itt acatk1ttics. art. da11ce t~tuf desire to liefp otliers. Itt tlie nettfer lttolttlis.you1 iff6egoi119 offto coffege t~tuf6egiJttting tJ tte:rv eli pter in your Cife. It 'rt··iff6e difficult to fet you go. 6ut ·i t is time to fet our 6e~1utijufdJtgefspreatfyour7vittgs autlffy. _'4htnrys remelf1.6er1 e1 ·iff6e tliere for you. •Ilianfl youfor tlie ·n·otuferjuf memories tlit~t you liar e gi1'et1 us. '~ 'e 'l ·i.sli you tJ lifetime of lit1ppi11ess. pedce tuuf success il11t'fi,1tta•er ptztli you cfioose. 5\1ay 9otf6fess you tuufguitkyou 011 your tltlf.' jountey t.JJtdt1h()trys. ('OIIfJftJtuhJtioJM 011 your fjflldttatiolljfoltl r(\ otre i>tune. Lar,•e_ilh 'trys. 111 e:t.. (j) tltf



Julianne Somera DelaCruz Congratulations! You have been such a blessing to our family from the moment you were born. We are so proud of the beautiful young woman you have become. Your hard work and determination has allowed you to accomplish so much. We are so excited as you continue your journey onto the next chapter in your life. Always follow your dreams and continue to stay true to who you are. We love you so much, Mom, Dad & Nanay

Julianne De/a Cru


Caity We are so proud of the young lady you have become. You have a bright future ahead of you and we know you'll accomplish great things in your life! God Bless you always and congratulations! Love, Mom and Dad

Jess Mozgai Congratulations Jess! We are so proud of you! Love, Mom, Dad, & Emily Jessica Mozga

Caittyn Hughe

Andrew You did it! We are so proud of you and just know that the future holds wonderful opportunities for you. You have worked hard and you know what it takes to be successful. We can't wait to see where your road leads and we'll be here for you every step of the way. Love Always, Mom, Dad and Matthew


Danny Brauer It's hard to believe how far you've come ... .from a boy to a young man. You've accomplished so much already and have so far to go. We are incredibly proud of the man you are becoming. You are smart, caring, empathetic, strong, funny and talented. As long as you continue to stay true to the person you are and work for what you want, you will be successful. You've already overcome many challenges and are more than prepared for what lies ahead. Remember, we will always be here for you (whether you want us to be or not). Enjoy the future you will create. You deserve every moment of it! Love, Dad, Mom & Kristen '14

Daniel Brauer



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e P. S

Kyle, congratulations! We are very proud of all that you have accomplished. It has been a joy watching you grow from that little boy into the kind, gentle and compassionate man that you are today. As you turn the page to the next chapter in your life, remember to always follow your heart and your dreams, and success will follow. We'll always be your biggest fans. Love, Mom and Dad


Congratulations Alexa! It has been so amazing to watch you grow over the past few years into the caring, beautiful and intelligent young woman you are today. We are so proud of you and wish you a future filled with friendship, faith, happiness and love! No matter where life takes you, remember we will always be there to love and support you! We love you past the moon! Love, Mom and Dad

Some people make your laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighte.r, and your life a little better. Allison and Alexa, Congratulations and here's to many more wonderful memories together!


Pat McGurk Congratulations! We are very proud of the man you have become. Continue to dream big, follow your heart and keep your sense of humor. By working hard and staying determined, nothing will stop you from achieving the success that you desire. We love you so much! Mom, Dad and Phil


Ariana From the moment we laid our eyes on you, we became your biggest fans, protectors and defenders.

We believe you have developed the grace to face any challenge confidently, the ability to succeed in pursuing your dreams in your heart AND make them your reality. Words cannot describe our pride and love for you as you have matured into a beautiful, intelligent and witty young woman. Our love and admiration for you is much larger than a "bushel and a peck"! Much love always, Mom and Dad Ariana Pe/osci

Jaya, Our sweet baby girl... We're so proud and happy for you ... You are far beyond any of the Marvel Super heroes you love ... You're smart, driven, kindhearted and courageous with the most beautiful smile ever!!!! We love you so much, Daddy, Mommie & Jessica Jaya Armstead

Emily Sowa Dear Emily, We are so very proud of you. Thank you for being the blessing you are to our family. We wish you all the happiness and success that God can provide. Stand tall and reach for the stars! love always, Mom, Dad, Ryan, and Julia

Lindsay, We cannot believe how fast these four years have gone by. We are incredibly proud of you and all you have accomplished. You are a beautiful, smart and talented young lady. You light up a room with your smile and make everyone laugh with ease. You have such a strong sense of conviction and direction about who you are and what you want out of life; it's admirable and no doubt what will help you succeed in college. We are going to miss you tremendously when you go off to school, but know you are going with our love and support always. May God bless and protect you as you begin this next chapter in your life. Congratulations Linds!!! We love you, Mom, Dad and Lauren


Kyle Rossetti

''Spanky'' Follow Your Dreams They Are Leading You To Where You're Meant To Be Believe In Yourself And You Will Go As Far As Your Imagination Can Take You We Are So Incredibly Proud Of You You Are An Amazing, Smart Sweet & Sensitive Young Man Your Future Is Bright And You Hold The Key Congratulations To You And The Class Of 2017

All Our Love, Mom, Dad Be Amanda

Kyle Rossetti

Matthew Delorenzo: Wow, our baby is all grown up! It seems like yesterday you came into this world a bright eyed, "old soul" ready to experience every ounce of life. You have accomplished a lot over the past 17 years, from honor roll, awards of distinction, hockey team captain and teammate and community service participant. But most of all you have shown us and everyone around you your compassion and unbelievable dedication to what is truly important in life and to you. You were born to be a leader and have always stayed true to yourself. You are a wonderful son, brother and friend and have proven yourself over and over again. The confident, ambitious and intelligent young man you have become makes us very proud to call you our son and we look forward to what the future holds for you. "Take PRIDE in how far you have come, Have FAITH in how far you can go, Great things are waiting for you! We Love you, Mom, Dad, Nicole, Tyler and Christa

S~!!~e~~i!~~~!~~!!~ ~w~~!~~~

girl with this infectious smile grow into this beautiful, smart, kind, talented woman. Your accomplishments, the choices you've made and the path you are following is admirable. May God bless you with a life full of happiness, health and success. Love You, Mom and Dad


Congratulations! We are very proud of you and all of your accomplishments

You are a wonderful young lady. Keep smiling, follow your dreams, work hard and have fun. We love you very, very much! Mom, Dad and Julia Emil T fer

"You can make it a GREAT day or not, the choice is yours!"

We are so proud of the wonderful, confident person you are. Your dedication to your craft, your family, and your friends are one of the many qualities we love about you. Continue to rely on your faith. You will knock it out of the park at Q!Iinnipiac University. We love you to the moon and back! Love, Mom & Dad Brighid Douglas


Dear Aries, Congratulations! We are so proud of you. I love you VERY much and will always be here for you. love, Mom, Dad & Adrian


You are beautiful, smart, loving; your kindness, laughter, warm smile along with your faith in God will take you far. We know the future holds wonderful opportunities for you! Mom, Dad, Kelley, Katelyn and Kayla ' 15

Aries Regalado


From the first day of kindergarten to the last day of high school, we have been so happy and proud to share in your accomplishments and watch you grow from our little boy into a wonderful and successful gentleman, scholar, best friend, and world class golfer. In galt the next shot is always the best. In life, each new chapter will be your best. May your drives be long and straight, your putts be short and true, and may there be a bit of green under every lie. We love you! Nicholas Stewart




Congratulations! As you begin your journey to discover your world, remember you are loved. ;.._f

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Hopefully, you will come to realize what we already know, and that is how unique and special you are. You light up our lives. Love, Mom, Dad, Emily and Bridget Eddie Die

Sydney, We are so happy and proud of the beautiful young woman that you hav~ become. You are a wonderful friend to so many, the greatest sister ever and the best daughter any parent could have. We envy and admire how happy you are and how much you love life. Never change! Love, Dad, Resa, Ethan and Kory.

I am so very proud of the beautiful young woman you are. You have such a loving heart and I'm constantly amazed by your strength. You are my daughter, my best friend, and my life. I could say I love you but it goes so far beyond love. You are the first thing I thank God for each morning and the last thing I think of each night. Congratulations! Love, Mama

Sydney Foster


Chad Davis:

Dear Chad, Quoting one of your dads favorites, Oh the Places You'll Go! "Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will indeed .... you'll move mountains!" I am so very proud of you CBD , the future is as bright as your Irish blue eyes and as wide as your genuine smile! I am soooo very proud of you and cannot wait to see where this journey takes you. We all love you! Love, Mom and the small army behind you! XO

Jennie Collins:

While it will be bittersweet saying goodbye to high school, please know that exciting things lie ahead for you in the future! We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished! Mom, Dad & Alex

Gabe Gomez:

Congratulations! You have brought us great joy and laughter since the day you were born. We are so proud of you and we look forward to watching what you will accomplish in the next chapter of your life. We love you to the moon and back! Mom, Dad & Jayne

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one that will decide where to go!" Love, Grandmom & Pop (&Dr. Seuss!). George Lambert

Other things may change us, but we start and end with family. Love, Your Family

Jenna McGrath

Dear Trinity, We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You are a lovely, beautiful, kind young lady. You have brought us so much joy. Congratulations and always believe in yourself. You can achieve anything you set your mind to. We love you very much! Love, Mom, Dad, Abbey, and Cali Trinity Barcless


From the moment you came into our lives, you have ~lled us with Pride and Joy. We are so proud of you and the young lady you liave become.

The past 4 ytt~rs at Notre Dame have flown by so fast. We enjoyed watching you Cheer as part of tfte ND Cheer team, as well as watdting you mature and grow, in and out of school.

Congratulations on your graduation!!! We are looiittg forward to many more aaomplishme~tts, addevemmts in college, and a bright future nued with love, 1..• ..... ~ nupptness, a'"' success.•If

,...----_,;,_______________, Witll aU our love, Mom and Dad


ERIN & MORGAN PATTEN Congratulations! We are very proud of both of you as you graduate Notre Dame H.S. Go forward with your faith in God and the knowledge that you are the one who chooses the path ahead. You are beautiful young ladies with the brightest of futures in front of you. Passion and hard work combined with your own unique gifts, will help you realize your dreams. We love you unconditionally and will be behind you always as you take the next steps in life. Love, Mom & Dad "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail" Ralph Waldo Emerson Erin & Morgan Patten

Congratulations on your GraduationI We are truly proud of you, your self motivation and your talents. As you journey through life, always remember the principles...Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Balance, Order, Harmony and Reciprocity. These principles, along with your connection to GOD, will anchor your being and direct your paths. As you enter a new chapter of your life's journey, always know that we love you unconditionally. No matter how many miles apart we will always be with you and you will always be with us. love you, Daddy, Mommy and all of TEAM JAHMAII .Jahmal s. Person


We held your hands as you took your first steps, as we let that hand go and you take your steps towards graduation we want you to know that you are an incredible young woman. We are so proud of all your hard work and achievements. Life is full of challenges and we know that you are ready for all that lies ahead. Know that your family is always here for you- to hold your hand if needed. We love you! Love Dad, Mom and Am Kelly Young

Dear Olivia, Now it's time to show the world all you have to offer, We'll be cheering for you along the way Always the favorite second daughter! You'll always be called, 'Little One' And some may think that strange It's because there's only one of you And that will never change.. We love

Dear MaryKate, Our baby has grown up to be the most eautiful and kind young woman we know. You never stop amazing us with youracomplishments. Always follow your heart and you will find happiness. We love you BearCat, Mom, Dad, Danny, Kelly & Meaghan

MaryKate Bailey

Lauren Scalice Dear Lauren, We are so very proud of the beautiful young lady you've become and all that you've accomplished in the last four years both in and out of Notre Dame. We have no doubt that your hard work, determination and drive will enable to you to be successful in college and beyond. As you grow, always remember to stay true to yourself and follow your heart in all that you do. We love you so much and wish you much happiness, Mom, Dad and Stephanie Lauren Sea/ice


I(You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who 'If decide where to go." -Dr. Seuss Continue to cut your own path and don't be afraid to fail! Love, Mom, Dad, & Brady Riley Daniel

Christopher, May our good and loving Lord be with you always. Keep smiling, keep thinking, keep valuing those things that are most important: Family, Home, Health, and Friends. Most of all, remember the meaning of your name. Your very identity is aligned with Christ. You have been blessed abundantly and our wish is that you will have a life of love, hope, laughter, and joy. And finally, always remember the power of prayer. Love, Mom, Dad, John, and Kiley Christopher Quinn

Dear Nathaniel, Congratulations on your High School Graduation. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments. Continue to believe in yourself and all your dreams will come true! We love you so much! Love, Mom Dad, Leanne, Anna and Libby

Nathaniel Gnfflths


Jack Carroll Congratulations on your graduation!!!! We are so very proud of you and all that you have accomplished over the past four years. You have such a passion for the things you love and such kindness for everyone around you. We know that your future will be filled with much happiness and success and probably will have something to do with cars! Believe in yourself, keep your passion, and always stay true to who you are. You fill our hearts with PRIDE & JOY! Love you Lots, Mom, Dad, James and Bella

Jack Carroll


Alison, Marianna & Victoria Carella Family for life and friends forever. We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished at Notre Dame and wish you the best as you start the next chapter of your lives" - Love always, Mom & Dad

Alison, Marianna, & Victoria Carella

Congratulations, Kevin! I was there the day you "W"ere born and ever since

that day I've loved you to the moon and back.

I've always been proud of you and you have never let me do"W"n. Love, Gram Kevin McLaughlin


JOHNGOLA On four wonderful years at Notre Dame HS. Whether it is as a student, teammate, worker, leader, brother or son , you have grown up as a fine, young man and our whole family is very proud of you! We wish you continued success in college and know that we always love you! Love , Mom , Dad , Mike and Family

Congratulations, Kevin! I am so proud of you - I know you will do great things in college and in the future! Love always, Poppy

~~ •


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Kevin McLaughlin ~----------------------------------------~

Congratulations, Kevin! You have worked so hard to get where you are today. We are so proud of all of your accomplishments and of the incredible young man you have become! Love you always, Dad, Mom, and Mike

Kevin McLaughlin


Elijah Coyne "Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do" Pele "Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible" St. Francis of Assisi "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss "We all have dreams. In order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort." Jesse Owens "One chance is all you need." Jesse Owens We all make mistakes. The key is to learn from those mistakes and become a better person. It's how you handle yourself in adversity that counts, not how it affects you! We are so proud of you and all you have become we watched you grow and mature from a baby to a toddler to a fine responsible young man our wish for you is always pursue your dreams and enjoy life! Congratulations Elijah! We love you! Love, Mom, Dad and Sarah


Congratulations Nicole Gianna Cremente To my amazing daughter, From the time you were born and to this very day, I am blessed to know and love you. I hope that your life is full of adventure and continued success. Go Cardinals! Good luck at Catholic University! Love always, Mom Nicole Cremente

Congratulations, Trinity Don't worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try. You have a bright future ahead of you ... Never let go of your dreams. We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Love You so Much, Mommy, Daddy & Talia XO

Trinity Holmes


Emily Haas Congratulations! You make us proud everyday with your quiet determination, independent spirit and loving heart. We can't wait to watch you follow your dreams. We love you very much, Mom, Dad, Sara, Julia, Danny and Max

"Role modeling a high degree of integrity and honesty in each and every interaction is the most essential duty of any leader." -Dr. Richard Hader

Love, happiness and success to you! May God be with you, Dad, Mom, Jack and Maddie Jeffrey Gordon

Marissa, God has blessed us with a daughter and sister as special as you, We cherish each day and we know you do too. You have given us so much to be thankful for, Your kindness, sense of humor, your smile and so much more. You have made us so proud in all that you have done, juggling so many activities that brought you success and so much fun. In the blink of an eye high school has ended and college is starting for you, We love you so much and hope that all your dreams come true! Marissa Chiarello

Congratulations Melissa! You got up so early for the bus and stayed up late doing schoolwork. It all paid off! We are so proud of all your amazing accomplishments! Life is to be lived, seize all opportunities and make the most of each of them! Good luck in college!! Love, Dad, Mom, Nick and Greg Melissa Paugh

Hunter AKA Bubba, Seems like yesterday you started kindergarten and in a blink of an eye your graduating high school! We are so proud of you and the man you have become! We love you so much! Mommy, Mom-Mom,& Pop Hunter Dargay


CONGRATULATIONS, COLAN! As you eagerly await your future, bask for a moment at all you've accomplished. What you will accomplish and what you will become are stories yet to unfold. DREAM BIG, TAKE RISKS, FIGHT FOR WHAT'S RIGHT, LOVE WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND ALWAYS BE HUMBLE AND KIND. Know with each step how completely & unconditionally you are loved. We are so proud of the young man you are today, and can't wait to see what you do next. LOVE YOU FOREVER! Dad, Mom and Lexie Colan Ryan

KEELAN Congratulations! We are very proud of you! Keep working hard, the best is yet to come! You are truly one of a kind, and we love you for all the fun and constant laughter you bring to our lives. Keep smiling and never change, you are perfect just the way you are! With all of our love, Mom, Dad, Patrick & Teagan

Justin Nash ~tAi:WtA1:1DH<S1 .Ms1:1H! We tA~e .so pY'owA of the ~ftAJ -!1~ ~tAH -!1DtA W>.ve bew~e! Tho.Hk. -!1DtA fa( tAll the love o.w)J~ -!1lM W>.ve bv"~



AIIN~<S COKtiH~~te

to worl{ W>.~ol tAHol p~~t~<S!Ae -!1lXA~ oUretA~<S tAAA <S~AU.e<S<S wfll foiiO\N. We love -!1DtA lots! Mo~~ c:D~ JS~itAH1 <.SA~~ AHolf~ &'rC.

Justin Nash


"Do not go where the path may Lead, go instead where there is no path and Leave a traa." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Keelan Brush

Jennifer Berko Congratulations, jennifer! From the moment you were born, you have brought joy and love to our lives. We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished so far. A lways be true to yourself. Believe in yourself, because we believe in you. Reach for the stars, the world is yours! Enjoy your journey! We will be always right there with you whenever you need us!! May God always bless you and keep you in His care. We love you dearly, jennita!


Mom , Dad, Larry and Lea'•;t,

You girls have been a bright ray of sunshine since the day you were born! Having twins was such a surprise and it has been a blessing to see you grow into smart, fun and beautiful young ladies! We are so proud of you both and can't wait to see where your paths lead you in college and beyond. We admire your similarities, celebrate your differences and will always be your biggest cheerleaders! With all our love, Dad, Mom, James and Andrew Maggie & Cate Hahn


It seems like yesterday you were born. Then, before I knew it, you were graduating PreK. In a blink of an eye, you were graduating 8th grade, on your way to high school. The next 4 years went by quicker than I could have imagined, and it took me by surprise. You have grown to be an intelligent, loving, and caring young man. You are now heading to college, where I know you will continue to thrive and grow to be a wonderful man. Words cannot express the happiness and joy you are giving me. I love you more than you know. Love, Your Mother lsiah Hiatt

Lindsey Powell W\.ruf ~(9ÂŤ. afuJCÂĽ W0 a, ~t& uJ~ ~~ q<9<9d fu.ctt& cio.IWv ~~ arv:1 (1 ~Utq ClJ\l1~ s~ ~ CW\1 WlWv ~<9U.

Our sweet baby girl has grown into a beautiful young lady. The journey has tested our will and proved our love. We are so proud of you and we know there is nothing you can't accomplish. We love you with all of our hearts. Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Grandma, Robert & Finley "The future beLongs to those who beLieve in the beauty of their dreams." -Eleanor Roosevelt Lindsey Po wei


All cSo pv"OIAOl of ~OIA ~v"Aolvw.ti~ fv'owt NotYe J)Awte. Keep ~OlAv" pocSitive AttitlAole. Al1ol cSwtile ~v"~ coll~e. We'll wtt:ScS ~OIA bvtt ~OVI ~OIA'II be We Av"e

otoi~ ~OlAv" iW~ wto.kl~ i},e



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life". Love/



J)~ol~ A~~Oy ~~ol



Dear Kaila, What a blessing it has been to watch our daughter grow into a mature, kind, and caring individual. May you continue on this journey and take advantage of what life has to offer.

Always re~~ttber you are: .Braver Htan you believe Sfron{fr Htan you seeiH S~ttarler

Htan you Htink and

Loved IHOre Htan you know Congratulations and Best of Luck in college and beyond. We are so proud of you! We love you and will always be here for you, Angel. Mom & Dad

Kalla Jansen

Congratulations, Kaila!

DearKaila, This is a special time for you and it also means a lot to those who love you too...So

Wishing the best of everything to our "little" sister. May your hopes and dreams come true!

along with lots of love and pride as you graduate, comes a wish that you 'II be We smile because you are our sister We laugh beca use you can't do anything about itl Love, Elias '1 0 & Ciera '11 #Irish , #Family • #Classof2017

blessed in a very special way. Congratulations and Best ofLuck always! Love, Gran and Pop Kalla Jansen

Kalla Jansen

Dear Blake, Congratulations on having an awesome four years at Notre Dame. We are very proud of you. Always believe in yourself with confidence and courage. Dare to be different! We love you very much, Mom, Dad and Troy 'The ultimate measure of a man isn't where he stands in times of comfort and convenience. but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy." -Vince Lombardi

ÂŤSurely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD himself, is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation. "-Isaiah 12:2 Blake Becke

Dear Andrew, Climb! Climb! Climb! As high as you can! Nothing has ever stopped you! Reach for the stars, you'll be great at whatever you do! From the day you were born, you have brought such joy to our lives! We've enjoyed your sense of humor and your vvit! Now go share it with the rest of the world! We all love you very much! Dad, Mom, Charles & Graham PS-You can come home whenever you want--Mom


Well, the time has come to end this chapter in your life and move on to bigger and better things. You turned out to be a remarkable young man. We, as your parents, could not be any happier or more proud of you at this moment. We love you dearly! Congratulations, Kyle! Love, Dad, Mom, Ryan & Mia K leBurns

Congratulations I We are proud of all your accomplishments. We know that you will have continued success in college. Follow your dreams and believe in yourself. May God bless you and keep you. We love you, Mom & Dad Anthony Delle Grott1

Nino, Congratulations on your graduation from Notre Dame High School. We hope you know how special you are to us, how proud we are of you and how much we love you. May you continue to be blessed in life as you move on to your next chapter. Love, Mom, Dad and Salvatore

Antonino Mannino



Alexis, We are all so proud of youl You have grown into a beautiful, amazing young lady. Continue to work hard and pursue your dreams, but always stay true to yourself. Stay on your path and know you are destined to do great things. Weloveyoul Mom, Dad, Dante andRoxy -Whether you think you can or can't, you're right. Alexis Hammon


ROBERT P. GENT/LUCCI h'Who said that every wish Would be heard and answered When wished on the morning start Somebody thought of that And someone believed it And look what it's done so far What's so amazing That keeps us stargazing And what do we think we might see The rainbow connection The lovers, the dreamers, and meh' -Kermit the Frog

Congratulations, Robert! We love you! Mom, Dad, Lou, Faith & Juliet Robert P. Gentilucci

Sean Whittaker We are so proud of the young man that you have become. Always stay true to yourself and follow your heart. We wish you all the best: health, happiness, and love, as you embark on your future! Much Love, Dad, Mom and Katie


Shannon, We have watched you grow into an amazing young lady who works so hard to overcome any obstacle in order to accomplish a goal. We couldn't be more proud of your years at Notre Dame and wish you continued success in college. Love you! Mom, Dad, LeghAnne, CoUn, Matthew and Jill

"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. " -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Congratulations, Michael

You have made many accomplishments in your life and there is certainly more to come. We are more than proud of the kind, caring person that is the core of what you are. Take your strengths and reach your goals, always knowing that you are very much loved! Love, Dad, Mom, Jen, Kerry & Matt


Gabriella Lucia Ciccone It seems like yesterday you were beginning your high school years at Notre Dame and now you are about to graduate. We are so proud of the beautiful young woman you have become inside and out! Cherish the memories and friendships you have made here as you move on to the next phase of your life. Believe in yourself and the rest will follow! Always keep God close to your heart! We love you! Daddy, Mommy, Sophia, Giulia & Romeo Gabriella Ciccone

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~Pad Sawv ru.d G-rcwiMa Colin Holness

Congratulations! To our darling Christine, Your future is an unwritten symphony just awaiting for your creative and unique talent to make it amasterpiece. Proud of you. God bless you. Love, Dad, Mom, David, Cristina, Grandpa &Grandma

Christine Castellano

Dearest Reyna, You are a beautiful gift from above. What a wonderful joy you are! You have grown into an intelligent, funny, hard-working young woman with a heart of gold. We are so very proud and excited for you to begin the next chapter of your lifecollege! Our house will not be the same when you are gone. We will miss you dearly. Remember Vinny from "My Cousin Vinny" -the person who decides what you can and cannot do is only you. The world is yours, Rey. Follow your dreams! We love you, Mom, Dad, Daria, and Damon xoxo Reyna Battaglia


Katie-Girl, YoJve sru.m irtlo cm QltfQzi"S youns WllrQJ7 fW MDices us so proud. Your sense of h.nttor, kiwless fo..lortl oHters, tmtl in(edious Sltlile is wltaf tlraws everyone fo..lortl

you. CherisJ. your Noire J>.e llfelttOries tmtl Mtbrou Hte new dtoiJenses oltetMI of you. Always reltfMfber, 'You tn our Sunsline wtixetl wiHt a liffle hlrriG~~ne! Love,

Mo., .Dati tmtl Connor

"All our dreams can come true.

We are so proud of you and blessed to have such a caring and loving son. Cherish always all that you have experienced here at NO. May all your dreams come true, and your life going forward be filled with happiness. We love you, Mom & Dad

we .have t.he courage to pursue t.hem" -Walt Disney

Alexa, as you being a new chapter in your life, always stay strong in your faith and turn to God for strength during the difficult times that life brings. Always be kind and humble; never lose sight of who you are. Listen to your heart and be confident in the decisions you make. Have fun, love, laugh, and see life as an adventure! Always know how proud we are of you and how much we love you! -Mom and Dad

C9handler Leigh ÂŁ;}arcia

Oh how we prayed for you! We prayed for a healthy 18aby and ~od blessed us with a beautiful baby ~irl. :As you continue your wonderful journey of life, we ask that you always keep the Lord in your heart. C9ontinue to shine brightly as you have always done, continue to stand for what you believe in and never settle for second best! :And remember we have always been rrTeam @handler" and you are destined for greatness, because \Daddy and I expect nothing less. Loving you with all our hearts, mom, \Dad and Kennedy


Congratulations, Nicole! It seems like just yesterday you were our shy little baby girl holding onto Mommy's leg wherever we went. You have made us so happy and proud as you have grown into a beautiful, intelligent and loving young woman. Always keep that infectious smile that we love so much! We know that you will be a great success as you move onto the next chapter of your life. Remember to pay it forward, say your prayers and call your mother every week. We love you so much! May God bless you and keep you happy, healthy, and safe! Love, Dad, Mom, Jack and Maggie

Nicole Clarke

Jessica Corace

Hey Nic, So proud of the person you have become. Thanks for always making me look bad. You are the best! Love, Your brother, Jack

"Ifyou can imagine it, you can achieve it,¡ ifyou can dream it, you can become it. • -William Aithur Ward

Gabrielle, We are so proud of you and love you so muchf Congratulations If Love, Mom, Dad and Dylan Gabrielle Marie Utlak

Our dearest Jessie, You are the sunshine in our lives. From the moment you were hom, you have been sunny and bright, funny and musical, loving and caring. You are strong and resilient and there is no doubt your dreams will be achieved. Go for it, Jessie Bear! With all our love always, Mom, Dad and Danielle


Dear Nicky, You did it! Congratulations! We are so "proud of our boy". You have grown to be such a wonderful young man full of love and kindness. You let nothing stop you, and that shows through the confidence and sincere passion that you display in sports, performing arts, and everyday life-which are just a couple of your God-given gifts. Share these gifts and more with the world as you move forward to live the life you dreamed. Only you can make your dreams come true , so be your own hero and make it happen. Don't forget to thank God and ask for His guidance. We will always be your #1 fans, cheering you on every step of the way. Love and Happiness Always, Mom, Dad, Marky, Marysa and Alfie "I am on my way, I can go the distance. I know every mile will be worth my while. When I go the distance I'll be right where I belong., -Hercules Nick Pratico

Jenna Hoffman wish you strength to face challenges with confidence ... along with wisdom to choose your battles carefully... we wish you adventure on your journey, and may you always stop to help someone along the way.. .listen to your heart and take risk carefully... Remember how much you are loved ... We are so proud of you!" ~~we

-Patsy Gaut

Love, Mom, "The Guy", and Rachel Jenna Hoffman


Zara, Dance like no one is watching, Love like you've never been hurt, Work like you don't need the money. Congrats & Love, Jade, Kait, Krissy,Joanne &

Dad laralleres

Congratulatloul It laaB been BUCh a,Joll 'IIJfJtclalng 1/0U ll"f* Into IIUCh Q, ~ beautUkl per110n/ We are 80 proud qf tmef"'ll:hlag fiOU luuJe a,ccomplUI&ed t.UUl we lmor.D JIOU will condnue to Bucceed ln tJU JIOU do ln l(fe. AlrÂŤqJs keep God ln JIOfll" hetJrt, believe ln llta:g.(ocused, tuad keep .,.,.,/ Make the most 110ur college 11eart1 tJIId luaorD tluJt we ll1lll flluHJp be therefor IJOU and


a1e love IJOU 80


Love, Jlorn, Dad fJIId Job

Zara Reres: Dear Zara, So proud of you. You are a beautiful young lady. The future is yours now go get it. Love, Aunt Rena Congratulations, Zara! I am very proud of you graduating from NDHS and I know that you will have continued success in college and which ever career path you choose. Lots of Love, Aunt Denise (class of 92') Zara, You could be whatever you want to be in life with education and dedication. Love Aunt Diane Zara, To our dear granddaughter may you keep god in your heart, wisdom in your choices, and be happy with what life offers you. Grandma & Grandpa Reres


William McH

Alec Mabie

Olivia, We are indeed so proud of you and all your accomplishments! You have come so far to get to the very place you are right now. There are so many special and wonderful things in store for your future. Sometimes, just your sweet presence and smile alone seem to bless the world! Congratulations to our little "Liv", who's grown up so beautifully!

"... (God) will not ask, 'How many good things have you done in your life?' rather He will ask, 'How much love did you put into what you did?" -Mother Teresa

Keep on loving life, Alec! We love you! Mom, Dad, & Cayla

We love you! Mom, Dad, Sarah and Luke Alec Mabie


Olivia Skwierawskt

Congratulations, Gabrielle! From the moment you were born, you have been our sunshine that has filled our lives with pride, joy, and extreme happiness. You have made us so proud of not only your academic and athletic achievements, but also your amazingly caring, kind heart. You are beautiful from the inside out! Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and more loved than you'll ever know! Now you will begin a new chapter in your life, and we look forward to all the wonderful things that you will accomplish. Follow your dreams, sweetheart, because the sky is the limit! All our love and pride, Mommy, Dad, and Joey

Gabrielle Hom


Congratulations, Trevor! We have watched you grow from a sweet, beautiful little boy to a fine, handsome young man. We are so very proud of you and all of your accomplishments. s you enter college, remember to follow your dreams, stay true to yourself, and always keep Jesus at the center of everything you do. We are so grateful that God blessed us with you. Thank you for being such a wonderful brother and on. Best of luck in college and remember that we love you and will always be there for you. Shoot for the moon! Love always, Mom, Dad, Jared and Paul

Jessica Valenza It was only yesterday when you were learning to become who you are; a beautiful loving soul who will fulfill her destiny with God's love and the talents he has bestowed on you.. May your life soar, may you know no boundaries, and may you touch the hearts of many. We are so proud of you! Love, Mom and Dad

Trevor Tuccillo

Jessica Valenza



We are so proud of all your accomplishments and wish you much happiness and success in all your future endeavors. All our love, Mom, Dad, Elizabeth and Andrew JuttanaKJte

Dear Jasmine, Congratulations on your graduation from Notre Dame! You did it! We are so proud of you! You are smart, beautiful, feisty, and funny. Don't change! May God continue to watch over you, protect you, and bless you as you embark on your next journey in life. We wish you success and happiness! Love Always, Daddy, Mommy & Dominique Jasmine Ross


Jfatkeuzie luran Congratulations on all that you have accomplished over the past years. We are so proud of you and the person you have become. What happened to that tiny baby we brought home all those years ago? She grew up to be a strong, smart, funny, confident and beautiful young woman! We are so excited for what your future brings. As you start this next step in your life, remember to enjoy every moment. Take advantage of all your opportunities and know that wherever you go and whatever you do, our love and support will always be with you. We love you, Mommy, Daddy, Chris, Ben and Michael Mackenzie Kuran

From dancing Tomatoes to graduating teens! It has been a joy to watch the two of you and your friendship grow over the years! Looking forward to all that the future brings. All our Love, The Kurans & The Youngs Mackenzie Kuran and Kelly Young

C4 tl ft, Congratulations to our Special Angell You light up our life with your smile. You've made us so proud over the years and we know this is just the beginning. A whole new world of possibilities is now open to you! Reach for the stars! Best wishes for a bright future! We Love You! Love,

e ltwe flO we are ~ prowl of I

Lcwe, egan trftll ZtJtluriJ

Mom, DtUf,

"You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, t on your way.1" -Dr. Seuss

Congratulations and Good Luck! Love, Mom, Dad and Megan ~273

Matthew Cuccagna Dear Matthew, It is hard to believe that 18 years have passed. We have watched you grow from a young, loving child to an exceptional, intelligent adult. As you begin the next chapter in your life, our wish for you is happiness, health and success. Always keep your big heart and the love that you have for family. Follow your dreams because the best is yet to come! We are so blessed and fortunate to call you our son and brother. May God be your guide all the days of your life. As you grow older and become more successful, do not forget that your family will always support you. With all the angels above, we know that your Grandmother will also continue to support you. The bond you shared with your Grandmother was extraordinary. You brought her sunshine even on her hardest of days. Thank you for being you. With Love, Mom, Dad and Richie

Sarah lafharis 274/)

It's amazing how fast the years go by. We can't believe that our crazy-curly haired girl is going to college now. Your four years at Notre Dame have passed so quickly and have been filled with so many memories and friendships. You have grown into a beautiful, strong and fearless young woman who never backs down from a challenge. As you move forward to college, always be true to yourself and follow your heart and make sure your happiness is second to none. We are so proud of you and will always be behind you. We pray that your life is filled with as much joy and love as you have given us. We will miss you-so please come home often, Face Time us. and let's have the longest Snap-chat streak ever recorded!! Go get 'em Toulie Love, Mom. Dad and Lauren sarah Lafharts

Nick, We were truly blessed the day you were born. You have brought so much joy, love, and happiness into our lives. Our lives are brighter because you are our son. The love and compassion you show for those around you is endless. We are so proud of the beautiful, amazing, athletic young man you have become. Dream big, you know we support you in all that you do. God Bless you and we love you, Mom and Dad

Nicholas Mancuso


Kno , o yo



Lauren A. Goodwin Our dear LaurenHow time has gone by Like a blink of an eye. Since first we brought you home Oh-how the time has flown. Into a beautiful woman You have grown. Congratulations from your loving family, Mom, Dad, Thomas, and Russell Lauren A. Goodwin

Catherine Ingram You have amazed us since you were a little girl and you continue to do so. You are an extremely bright, talented, and independent young lady who is going to go far in this world and make a difference. We all love you and are very proud of you. Love, Dad, Mom, Aida, and Ben catherine Ingram ~--------------------------------------~


We have been in love with you since the moment we

saw you. The day you came into our lives so unexpectedly, was the best blessing that has ever happened to us. You have become such a beautiful, caring, strong young woman both inside and out. Keep working towards all of your dreams. Congratulations on your graduation. Loyalty, respect and honor are words to live by. Listen to your heart and always keep God in your life. We love you, and no matter what, you will always be our "womann. Family is forever. Love always, Mom, Dad, Dominick, Dario & Dino Deanna DeJonge

While you are away at college I will think of you each day, Before you leave, there are a few things I really need to say. It was just yesterday you were not even born, yet we dreamed about, the young woman you would become. You have turned out even better than our dreams. You make us proud and we have watched you grow. It's time for you to fly . So take a step and don't look back, because you may see me cry. Remember all the important things we taught you through the years. Study hard and have fun and you will work through your fears. Make the right decisions as If we were standing by your side. You have grown to be a beautiful, strong, kind, thoughtful, and caring woman. You fill our hearts with pride. We may not be able to carry you in our arms anymore, but we will always carry you In our hearts. Remember, where we love Is home, home where our feet may leave, but never our hearts. Love you very much! Mom & Dad

Lauren Klszel


CONGRATULATIONS, TYLER!!! From the day you were born, you have filled our lives with love and laughter. We are so incredibly proud of the man you have become. Your outgoing personality, smile, and charm are contagious. As you start the next chapter in your life, never forget that we will always be here for you no matter what. Not only your dad and I, but your extended families as well . You have so many people in your life that love you. You have so many special gifts, use those gifts to make this world a better place. Reach for the stars! Have fun! Never give up! Do the right thing, even when no one is looking. Congratulations!! YOU DID IT!!! Love, Mom, Dad and Trev Tyler Belinsky

We are so proud of the young man you have become. Thank you for being such a wonderful son, brother, friend and student! Your commitment to your goals is to be admired. We have enjoyed watching you succeed as a Student Athlete and we are excited for the wonderful things to come in your future at Vassar. As you prepare for your next journey, remember to keep smiling and believe you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Love Always, Dad, Mom, Courtney and Erik

"/can do all things through Christ who Strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13 Zachary Henlg


Congratulations, Allison! Dream BJg and

.Reacblor tbe


You have been a gift from God and you have filled my life with joy. You have matured into a beautiful and accomplished young woman, and I am so proud of you. Your kind heart and loyalty to your family and friends has been a blessing. Your strong work ethic will help you succeed in college and beyond. I look forward to watching you continue your journey. Always know that I am here to love and support you as you follow your dreams! The best is yet to come! Love always, Mom

Allison Wetherell

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn 't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover. -Mark Twain

Bobby, we are so proud of you and can't wait to see what you will explore, dream and discover in your journey ahead. Love, Mom, Dad, John and Michael Robert O'Keefe

Kelly Anne Benco ~ftAilAitAtliMcS~ YD~A hiAve ~fO\NM tKf:o lAM /AWl~~~

fe6pOMcStble, UAfl~ lAMIA ~~~WOWltAM

lAMIA we tAfe cSo of ~OIA.

v~ pfOWJl

We love ~OIA cSo waiAC.h~

Love, Mowa, J)fAOl, KAtie tAMol OIAfM


CONLAN STORMS Music Connoisseur, Amazing Son "What you own is your own kingdom, what you do is your own glory What you love is your own power, what you live is your own story In your head is the answer, let it guide you along Let your heart be the anchor, and the beat of your song" -RUSH

As you enter into this new phase of your life. "look around and choose your own ground". Be strong. Be brave. Work hard. Have fun and LIVE. Remember, life is just a candle and only a dream will give it a flame! We are ALWAYS here for you and love you more than any words can describe. Xxxooo Times One Million Mom, Dad, Claire and the best dog to be placed on this planet Earth, Shea


Conlan Storms

Conlan: Wishing you great success in all that you strive for in life/ We love you, Poppy, Erin & Lavaxoxo CONLAN STORMS Congratulations, Con, in your next venture! Lots of Love,

Congratulations, Con! We are so proud of you. Love, Meme and Doug xo

Papa Dewey xoxo Conlan Storms

Conlan Storms


jonathan, I closed my eyes for a moment and, suddenly, a young man stood where a boy used to be! I may not be able to carry you in my arms anymore, but I will always carry you in my heart. You have given me so many reasons to be proud of the young man you have become, but the proudest moment for me continues to be telling others that you are my son. Reach for the stars!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Love, Mom

Congratulations, bro! You made it! We are all extremely proud of you and look forward to all you will achieve in the future. Know that you have the power to achieve anything your heart desires. And, as always, remember: ''Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you!" Brother

Conaratulations, Son, you have reached another milestone and you have made us proud. We are lookin9 forward to the next phase ofyour journey and [we know] you have already setyour aoals very hi9h. Understand that you have the ability to be whatever you want to be; and your family will always be behind you. Go]oe. Dad

Jonathan Nwlgwe


WILL PETERS Congratulations, Will! We couldn't be more proud of you. You are a wonderful son and brother. We love you very much! Will Peters

CONGRATULATIONS BRANDEN! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home and holding you in our arms. Soon, I will be letting you go off on your own! So hard to believe that 18 years have gone by so quickly. When you were little I wondered what you would be like as you grew and how you would be when you got older; you have grown into an amazing young man. Your infectious smile and generous heart draw people to you. Your affection for friends and family has no limits. You are the heart of the family. We are all so proud of all that you have accomplished over the years. You set goats for yourself and worked tirelessly to achieve them both in and out of the classroom and the pool! Continue to persevere and believe in yourself and go after your dreams and you will find success in life. Wherever life takes you, remember your family loves and supports you ALWAYS! Vaya con Dios! Love, Mom and Dad (Matthew and Colin too!) Branden McCormlc

Erykah Mathis:

Erykah, we are so proud of the strong independent woman you have become. The world is yours for the taking. And will you succeed? Yes, you will Indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed)! Kid you 'll move mountains! Love, Mom Dad & Noah Nikhil Vishakanta:

Dear Nikhil, Congratulations to you and the CLASS OF 2017!! We are so proud of you and all that your have accomplished. Nikhil, you are a kind, generous soul - with a heart of gold!! May your journey continue with resilience, hard work and dedication. Wish you all the success and happiness in this lifetime!! We love youMom, Dad and Meghana

Sasha Santiago:

Congratulations! You made it! You have overcome challenges and blossomed into a beautiful young woman. May your dreams come true! Love ALways, Mom, Dad, Gio and Grandmas

r ." , :Alayna, rr Lant If you could see yourself through our eyes you would reali:ze how special you are to us and how much we love you. You have grown into a beautiful young woman whose will can focus mind to create positive experiences and meaning for yourself and others. 'Remember to dream big, believe in yourself, and imagine the possibilities of your human potential. We wish you a future of passion in your path and much happiness in your life always. Love, mom and (])ad

Congratulations, Laura! Your Notre Dame experience will be fore ver etched in y our heart to ground y ou through the challenges and excitement ofy our future. Your integrity, sense of purpose, and warm personality will serve y ou well as y ou embrace y our future. May y our faith guide you through the coming y ears as y ou uncover y our educational talents and realize y our personal dreams! I believe y ou are destined for great things! My heart overflows with love for y ou for all eternity! Wlth great pride, Grandmom!

A/ayna O'Byme

Alexandra Covello Congratulations on your high school ~· ""'·""'·~···""'nl You make us so proud ach and eve1y day. You have into a beautiful, talented and ible young woman ready to now take on the world. Always remember that you can make your reams a reality with determination and your continued faith in God. lex~

please know you will always have the support and love of your amily as you further your and reach for the stars! Q1Je fun along the way and laugh

iften! ve, Mom, Dad and Eliza


Brian, Since the day you were born you have brought nothing but joy, love and laughter into our lives. Words can not express just how proud we are of you! Notre Dame has been such a wonderful, happy, positive experience for you but now yourjourneyisjust beginning. We are so excited to see what the future holds for you and we will be there every step of the way • Always remember to stay true to yourself, never lose your faith and follow your dreams! There is nothing you can't do! We love you to the moon and back forever and ever! May God Bless you always xoxo LYWAMH Love, Mom, Dad, Anthony , MomMom and Pop Pop



Congratulations, class of 2017 did itf

Thanks to everyone who helped make this book possible. A special thanks to Ms. Riley, Mrs. Rynkewicz, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Duff, and all the faculty, teachers, and staff for making it happen!

Jennie, Becky, & Griffin, we will miss you next year!! PS ... how many times did you spy

? It's in the book at least 16 times, in addition to any photos it appears in!






MADE OF IN RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL. 11,237 OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST ATHLETES from all over the globe gathered in August to pursue lifelong dreams and compete for Olympic glory. There were firsts, as R1o was the first South American city to host the Olympic Games. There were records broken- the United States earning 121 medals - surpassmg the previous record of medals earned (wh1ch they also held). There were downfalls in the form of injuries. controversies and losses. But there were, of course, tremendous and VIctorious triumphs. celebrations of nations coming together. demonstration of character and pure grit and moments of relishing in hard work. determination, talent and tenacity -true athletic prowess at its finest.

American woman to earn Olympic gold tn wrestling, defeated opponent Saori Yoshida of Japan 2. NEYMAR DELIVERED A HOME TEAM VICTORY, earnmg Brazil soccer gold

after scoring the winning penalty ktck, 5-4 against Germany.


French gymnast Samir Ait Said resulted tn a lower leg break dunng the men's qualifymg round . 4. THE 100-METER HURDLES were

dominated by Americans: Bnanna Rollins. Nta Ali and Kristt Castlin who finished ftrst. second and third, respectively.

amUIMCAIJ:MWDJ' • • - brolca a 17-year-old record m the 40Q.meter race earnmtgold with a time of 43 03 seconds He largely credMd h s 74-year-old Coach. former spnnter and long J~ Anna 80th~,; A by wmrnng aU three spriflt three consecutive games. Jamaican traCt end field star Usa declared his des re to be the gr81ta$t J. • • • "RRIMI•

Nv Raisman Madison Kocian laune Hernandez. Gabbv Douglas and s~ Bdta won mne'medals at the Rio Olymp Games brealcirlo the pRMOUS record of etght medafs shared by the 1984 and 2008188mS US women s gymnastiCS team celebi'ated viCtOry over aU rivals With total of 8.20Q POints; Russ~a fell to second place wh le Ottna came tn third during the WQI'Mft s 5.000 meter event Abbey 0'Agostino of the United States and Hamblin of New Zealand helped each other and ftntshed the race-with times of 171002$1ld 164310 ~Jed to their seventh gotd medal m diVIng at the .RiO Olym~ won gold en the final knockout round With a vtctory over Serbia and a ICOr8 of 96-86 Thts was the team's thtrd consecutive gold medal


athletes at the Rio Olympics. Michael Phelps. the most decorated Olympian of all time. picked up five more gold medals and a silver. bringing his collection to a total of 28 . The 31-year-old confirmed plans to retire and said he wou ldn't compete in the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Female U.S. swimmers Katie Ledecky and Simone Manuel each made history in Rio. Ledecky broke her own record in the 800-meter freestyle. becoming the first woman to sweep the 200. 400 and 800 freestyle races since 1968. Manuel tied for gold in the 100-meter freestyle. making her the first African American woman in history to win an individual Olympic swimming medal.

5. LADY GAGA performed the halftime show at Super Bowl Ll. opening

with a rendition of "This Land is Your Land." She began her set on top of the NGR Stadium in Houston. Texas with a fleet of illum inated drones behind her. before seemingly leaping and appearing on stage to perform hit songs like "Poker Face." "Telephone" and "Bad Romance." 6. BOB DYLAN won the Nobel Prize for Literature for his poetic expression

through song . In February. the singer/songwriter announced plans to release a triple album of classic songs called Triplicate . 7. DRAKE'S momentum didn't slow as he dominated Spotify listening trends. was awarded three AMAs. three BET awards. a Billboard Music Award. a Teen Choice Award. a VMA and more. His song "Hotline Sling" won Best Rap Song and Best Rap/Sung Performance at the Grammys. 1. CARRIE UNDERWOOD won several

notable awards including AMA's Favorite Country Album for

Storyteller. CMA's Female Vocalist award and CMT's Female Video of the Year award for "Smoke Break." 2. GARTH BROOKS won Entertainer

of the Year for the fourth time at the CMA Awards in November. He previously won the title in 1991. 19 9 2 and 19 97. 3. ERIC CHURCH'S album. Misunderstood. received the Album of the Year award at the CMAs in November.

4. BEYONCE appeared on Fortune's

list of the year's most powerful women. won Teen Choice Award's Choice R&B/Hip-Hop Artist and made history when all12 tracks from her surprise album

Lemonade landed on Billboard's Top 100 chart. The album also won Best Urban Contemporary Album at the Grammys.


.12.17 9. ADELE earned five Grammys including Record of the Year. 8. MARIAH CAREY was mortified after

Song of the Year and Best Pop

a botched performance during

Solo Performance for MHelloM

Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin '

and Album of the Year and Best

Eve in Times Square. She was

Pop Vocal Album for 25. She

accused of lip-syncing, but cla imed

dedicated Album of the Year to

that malfunctioning earpieces

Beyonce for her album Lemonade. and also performed a touching tribute to the late George Michael. 10. CHANCE TME RAPPER won Best New Artist at the Grammys. as well as Best Rap Performance for MNo ProblemM and Best Rap Album for Coloring Book.

11. ARIANA GRANDE won AMA's Artist of the Year. and her single. "Dangerous Woman ." was named Choice Music Sing le at the Teen Choice Awards . 12. ZAYN. former member of popu lar boy band One Direction. won awards for his solo work including the AMA's New A rtist of the Year and Teen Choice Award 's Choice Music Breakout Artist. 13. JUSTIN BIEBER'S single. "Sorry." won an AMA for Video of the Year and the Teen Choice Award for Choice Music Single. Bieber was chosen as Favorite Male Artist at both events. and his album. Purpose. earned Favorite Pop/Rock Album at the AMAs. 14. ONCE. the funk pop band led by former Jonas Brother. Joe. won MTV's VMA for Best New Artist.

1. LED BY CAPTAIN SIDNEY CROSBY, the Pittsburgh Penguins won their fourth Stanley Cup Championship against the San Jose Sharks in Game 6- their first title win since 2009. 2. THE CLEMSON TIGERS battled the Alabama Crimson Tide and clinched the College Football Playoff National Championship with a last-second touchdown by Hunter Renfrow and a final score of 3 5-31 . 3. BRITTANY LANG won her first major title at the 71 st U.S . Women 's Open Golf championship over Sweden's Anna Nordqvist. 4. THE CONNECTICUT HUSKIES women 's basketball team won their fourth consecutive NCAA championship, defeating Syracuse 82-51 . Their 104-game winning streak set a new NCAA record . 5. SERENA WILLIAMS broke the record of Grand Slam titles bringing her total to 23 after defeating Angelique Kerber for her seventh Wimbledon victory, and beating her sister. Venus during the Australian Open in January 6. LEBRON JAMES led the Cleveland Cavaliers to a championship title with a 93-89 win over the Golden State Warriors in Game 7 of the NBA finals. 7. THE NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS defeated the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl Ll. 34-28 after they tied it up in the last minute with the first comeback of more than 10 points in Super Bowl history. They sent the game into overtime, and four-time Super Bowl MVP Tom Brady and Coach Bill Belichick became the first quarterback and coach to win five Super Bowls. 8. THE CHICAGO CUBS beat the Cleveland Indians 8-7 in Game 7 of the World Series to win their first championship since 1908.


sta rring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. won several Golden Globe awards including Best Picture. Comedy or Musical and Best Performance by an Actor and Actress. Comedy or Musical. It also won five Oscars for Actress in a Leading Role. Directing. Music (Original Score). Music (Original Song) and Production Design. 2. RYAN REYNOLDS. alongside

his wife Blake Live ly and two daughters. was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 3. THE CROWN. a Netflix series. was awarded Golden Globe's Best Series. Drama. and Claire Foy, who played Queen Elizabeth in the show. won Best Actress. Drama. 4. FINDING DORY. the sequel to Finding Nemo. grossed $1 .027 billion worldwide and was the highest-grossing PG movie ever in the United States. 5. GAME OF THRONES broke the record for the

number of Emmy awards won by a fictional series. 6. PRETTY LITTLE LIARS ended aher seven seasons.

and earned six Teen Choice Awards including Choice TV Show. Drama. 7. FULLERHOUSE won a Teen Choice Award for Choice TV Show Comedy and Choice TV Actor for Candace Cameron Sure's role as OJ. as well as a People's Choice Award for Favorite Premium Comedy Series.

RED CARPET REVELRIES 11. MOONLIGHTwon Best Picture at the Oscars after La La Land was

mistakenly presented the award. and Mahershala Ali. Moonlight's Juan. won Actor in a Supporting Role. The film also won Best Motion PictureDrama at the Golden Globes. 12. VIOLA DAVIS became the first African American actress to win an Oscar. Emmy and Tony after winning Actress in a Supporting Role for Fences. 13.ZOOTUPIA won the Academy Award for Animated Feature Film.

14. ELLEN DEGENERES was awarded America's highest civilian honor. the

Medal of Freedom. by then President Barack Obama in November. Obama praised the daytime talk show host and comedian for her bravery and courage and said that it helped "push our country in the direction of justice." 15. TRENT HARMON beat out fellow Mississippi native La 'Porsha Renae to become American Idol's 15th and final winner in the show's last season on air. Harmon was Yahoo Music's ninth-mostpopular artist of the year. proving that despite the show's declining

FIRE &RAIN 15. WILDFIRES RAGED through parts

of North Carolina. Georgia and Tennessee in November. burning more than 90.000 acres. 16. UNCHARACTERISTIC AMOUNTS OF RAINFALL in California helped

reduce long-term extreme droughts. Although much-needed for such conditions. the rain delivered a new crisis of flooding. causing residents of many regions to evacuate.


reached globally in the month of July- and it wasn't just the warmest July. but the warmest of any month on record dating back to the 1800s. It beat out the previous warmest month on record. which occurred in 2015 . Britain experienced an unusually high temperature of 89 .6° Fin September. a temperature not reached since 1949. In August. New York's heat index reached 105° F. which led Mayor Bill de Blasia to issue an excessive



heat warning . Similar warnings throughout the world were not 1

uncommon; China issued a yellow weather alert in regards to the heat and Chile did the same.

OTE 1. APPLE released its iPhone 7. which broke many performance


records. They also introduced Apple AirPods. their $15 9 wireless headphones. 2. MORE THAN 100 REPORTS of overheating and exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7s. due to a battery cell issue. caused the phones to be recalled and even banned from airline flights . 3. AMAZON'S ALEXA gained attention at the 2016 Consumer Electronics

Show in Las Vegas. Artificial intelligence was integrated into many devices. and even made news when a 6-year-old girl instructed Alexa to purchase a $160 dollhouse and cookies- and she did just that.

KEEPING UP 4. GIGI HADID revealed her Mattei

Barbie lookalike in February just before the Tommy X Gigi Runway



show. 5. POPULAR HOLLYWOOD COUPLE Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie split


after Jolie filed for divorce in

BAILEY CIRCUS announced plans to

September. just over two years

close after more than 100 years

since the pair wed. 6. KYLIE

in operation. due to high operating

JENNER'S "Kylie Lip Kit" was the

costs and declining ticket sales.

product on every makeup lover's

8. CANDACE PAYNE. also known as

lips in 2016. The brand's website

Chewbacca Mom. livestreamed a

experienced extremely high traffic

video of a Star Wars Chewbacca

as the products sold out almost

mask she purchased from Kohls.

instantaneously and continued to

The post went viral with more

do so following several restocks.

than 105 million views just three days later. 9. THE MANNEQUIN CHALLENGE was a viral video trend

that involved groups of people gathering and freezing in elaborate poses while one person filmed the scene focusing on certain details. 10. SNAPCHAT FILTERS continued to

entertain the app's 158 million users - so much so. that Pinterest searches of "Snapchat filter Halloween costumes" were up 1.500%from 2015 . 11. WENDY'S posted an innocent Tweet reading : "Our beef is way too cool to ever be frozen:· and received a snarky reply from a follower that led to a comical viral exchange. 12. NEW FACEBOOK REACTION EMOJIS allowed

users to be more expressive without commenting . Facebookers were able to react to posts with laughter and emotions of love. shock. sadness and anger.

we like 016 tweets the same w;ry we Hke to make hamburgers: better than anyone expects !i'om a fast food joint

.. .. •




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