Notre dame high school canticle 1965web

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the makers of tomorrow's history

Are grateful to those who have dedicated Their lives to the task of forming . And transforming Our generation into a mature realization of What we are and What we can become.

For instilling in us a love of learning, a love of truth . . .

For helping us to see the new horizons /or which we yearn, the world above and beyond--

For giving us a thirst {or knowledge, a de sir~ {or courage--

For being a living example of what they imparted... In gratitude, we, the class of 1965 Dedicate the CANTICLE to our lay teachers Who have so generously given their lives To the instruction and guidance of our generation.

We, the makers of tomorrow's history

Are grateful to those who have dedicated Their lives to the task of forming . And transforming Our generation into a mature realization of What we are and What we can become.

For instilling in us a love of learning,

a love of truth . . . For helping us to see the new horizons

[or which we yearn, the world above and beyond-For giving us a thirst [or knowledge,

a de sir~ [or courage-For being a living example of what

they imparted... In gratitude', we, the class of 1965 Dedicate the CANTICLE to our lay teachers Who have so generously given their lives To the instruction and guidance of our generation.

is more productive of good to society

than the Christian education 'o f youth. t;


Mother Catherine McAuley •

725 President Avenue Trenton, New Jersey Saint 1\nn Parish

Joanne Carol Buk}.ad 47 CopperÂŁeld Drive Trenton, New Jersey Saint Raphael Par-ish Future Nurses Club 3, 4.

John William Cantwell 200 'Parkside Avenue Trenton, New JeFsey Bkssed Sacrament Parish Stage Craft Club 2, Trt:asurer 3, Pr,esident 4; Trade 1, 2~ 3, 4.; Homeroom Vice President 3.

William~thony Cape,lla 6 Cora1 Drive Trenton, New Jersey

Ottr Lady of Sorrows Parish Homeroom Presid nt 1; Sports Club 8; Bowling Team 2, 3, 4.

Kathleen Marie Daly 20 Hardwick Drive Trenton, New Jersey Saint Hedwig Parish Cheerleader 3, 4, Manager 2; room Secretary 4; GAA Board 4,

304 Lake Avenue Trenton, New Jersey Holy Angels Parish Homeroom President 1; Projection Oub 2, 3, Vice President 4.

Teresita Rose Dorsey 205 P,.ine Street Bordentown, New Jersey Saint Mary Parish

.Dennis Michael Figur 615 East Howell Street Trenton, New Jersey lloltJ A11gels Parish Tr~ck

3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4.

107 Coolidge Avenue Trenton, New Jersey Blessed Sacrament Parish

16 Brown Drive Hamilton Square New JerseySaint Gregory the Great Parish Soccer 2, 3; Baseball 1, 2; H,omeroQm

V1ee President 2, Treasurer 4; SportS

Club 2, 3, Secret-ary

Guido Francesco G~gione 52 Vennont Street Trenton, New Jersey Saint I ames Partsli


Natalie Maria Gerepka 27 Myrtle Street Trenton, New Jersey Saint Hedwig Parish Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers

Carolyn Therese Goeke 120 East Franklin Street Trenton, New Jersey Saint Hedwig Pa'Tish 路 Chemistry Club 1, 2; Rocket Club 3, 4.

路 13 Patton Drive Trenton, New Jersey Incarnation Parish

722 Ohio Avenue TrentoH, New )ersey Saint Hedwig Parish Bridge Club 2 1 4 . .

Elaine Mary Jusko 342 Concord Avenue Tren,ton, New Jersey I ncarna#ofl. Parish

~~~i-l~~~Mary Ellen Kraus 1854 Brunswick Avenue Trenton, New Jersey Saint Michael Parish

Richard }Qseph Krisak 4 Landon Drive Bordentown, New Jersey Saint Hedwig Parish Track 3. Co-Captain 4.

156 Oakland Street Trenton, New Jersey Saint Michael Parlsh

3ll Glenn Avenue Trenton, New Jersey Saint Ann Parish

Michaele Anne Mikovsky 12 Pin Oak Dliv~ Trenton, New Jersey Saint Ann Parish

134 Bradford Avenue Trenton, New Jersey Saint Raphael Parish Style Club 1, 2.

Robert James Monahan

Renee Marie ~fontague

2909 Lawrence Hoad Trenton, New Jersey Saini Ann Parish

614 Concord Circle Trenton, New Jersey Incarnatio11 Parish

Eli:tabetli Anne ,M0ody 90 1\idgewood Avenue Trentbn, New Jersey Incarnation Pari&h

1100 LOwer Ferry Road Tr.enton, New Jersey I.ncarnatiof6 PariSh

JoAnne Faith Revolinski

Teresa Ann Rhoaes

248 McClellan Avenue trenton, New Jersey Holy .A"Mels Parish

405 Gropp Avenue Trenton, New Jersey Saint I:laphael Parish

Glee Club 2, 3,' 4.

Forensic 1, 2; Lady Lore Staff Canticle Staff 4.

JoAnn Marie Riley 61 Cleveland Avenue Tre~ton, New Jersey Saint Joseph Parish Future Nurses Cfub 3, 4; Sodality 11 2, 3; Art Club 1, 2.

Kathleen Mary Riti 259 Fieldboro Drive Trenton, New Jersey Saint Ann Parish High School. Bordet!town,

Barbara Ann R'Qbinson 2331 Princeton Pike New Jersex Saittt Ann Parish


Row: Christine Wolak, Magdalena . ~atereit,y., Eleanore Robinson, Ma.iy_Poli, Donna l\ainiero, Rosem rie Russo.~ Barbara Second Row: James P.etersack, Kevin Po)]ud, Victor Priori, Vjn:cent Rust, ,Alfonse Perilli, Gary Salvatore, P'rank Romeo. M~trgpeJri~e Sheehan, Monjca ~yehllcki, Iren :Pagano, Maria PetitO', Marilyn Pine, Susanne. owen, Eve1Yn P~etras, 13emadette TaraRichard Schreiber, Thomas Reeber, Thomas Paglione, D nn.iS Pontani>' Dennis Regan, Dan1el Markowski, Eric Ludwjg. ow: Ant\_ Marie Winiarski, Elizabeth. Pierre, Christine Roman, judith 路Paul,. Ja.nice Rovers, Katherine Pierzga. Back Row~ John Russo, E.flieger, Frapk Scharibone, RalJ?h Veltri, John Schaffer, Joseph Rendino, Glenn Remer,

As with every art, every science serves God, because God is Master of Science and Teacher of sciences to mankind. Pope Pius


Teachers of heshman English concentrate on polishThe students are introduced to famous writers of. the Early American period. In the sophomore classes modern American poets, Fn>st, Sandburg, Cummings and a host of others are studied. The students are introduced to the. genius of Shakespeare as they .study in depth one of his tragedies. Juniors 1earn to· appreciate the works of the early English writers, Malory, . Chaucer, :More,_ :Marlowe, and they study the writers up to the time of Goldsmith. The Shakespearean tragedy ~1acbeth is studied during fbe third year of high school. Seniors study and analyze the advancement of writings through the centuries; and learn to accept and appreciate the works of the Old Masters of the Restoration and Romantic periods. · An ND first is the introduction of a remedial reading course in which students can increase their ·reading speed " by using the- "controlled 'reader", and the taqhistoscop.e .. Both machines are designed to make the eye recognize words an& comprehend their meanings at · a faster tate than th~ student normally reads. This remedial reading course also offers a ~'power builqe;r'' drill which presents questions similar to those which appear on the College Board E:~aminations. . The English Department urges the students to participate in the Hire the Handicapped contest and the American }..egion Orato~cal contest, which serve to stimulate the -inteJest of the participant in social and econom;ic problems which they will face in the n~ar future. During the 1964-l965 school year, the Department engaged a troupe of Shakespearean performers to present excerpts from such famous plays as '1uUus Caesar", "The, Merchant of Venice'1; ~'The TaminR of t e Shrew", and '(Henry IV". A)so in honor of the' Bard's" birth was the pre"Sentation of various scenes from Shakespeares plays by members of the English classes. Miss Patricia Rossi, Mr. Michael" B. Hayward, and Mr. Joseph P. Teti, members · oj Theatre ~59 at Rider College, were the judges. The junior class's presentation of the courtroom scene :from 'The Merchant of Venice'' won the competiijon. ing grammar skills.

Nutre Dame's language department, under the cap, able-direction of Sister Mary Ca harine, striyes to . teacl¥ students the essentials ot :Latin, French> German; ai\d Spanish. "' ' · Modern languages are taught by the Audio-Lingual Methoa, developing speech and cQIDprehension ability. Our language lab has earphones and microphones so fuat the sto:Clents can listen to recording_s of lesso as they 1lppe:;~.r in the ALfyf books and orally practice what they ·hear. "' . Latfn opens the door to all the romance languages and brings about a better understanding of our own)anguage. The traditional method of teachU;tg is .l)sed. In the first year .of Latin, students build vocabulary and learn de.clensions and,. conj-ugation of verbs. They develop facility in ttanslating sentences. Students in their second, thitd: and foutth yea,rs study the Gallic Wars, Ciceto and Virgj.L Excit ment bubbles over for Latin II students in March ' q.s they ·p)an the Roman Banquet. Dressed in the fashion of the ancient Romans, toga-clad «citizens" sil}g and present skits in Latin. , · Nvtre Dame's annual participation in the Nationwide L~tin Exam 'nation sponsored by the Association foj the Promotion of the Study of Latin bas earned three tro phies in the past three years. Our, newest trophy repre0nts. the cmnbmed efforts of senior Christina Flood, jupior Catherine Gill and sophomore Paula DiLorenz0 in the 1964 contest. Notre Dame participated in a b~in contes~ at Saint Josegh Coll~ e1' Pbil~delphia. Montplair .State College d:cew ~ students foro a competitive exam in March, 1965'. Annually, advanced studentS> in French, Gen;nan ·· and, Spanish compete in a National Examination. This summer twenty students chaperoned by Mr. Rob(}tt Swissler are flying to Fra ce, under t{le auspices; of · the Fo:r:eign Language Ceague. These students will reside in the city of Blois. Sister Mary Victor will pursue grad~ate study in Fre11ch this summer at the· University ofPau 11;1 southern France. Similarly, six students will be taking German courses in 1. ns bn.tck; Austtia Denise Sheeli~u will study Spanis-h this summer fu "Stlnny Spain". · Our Language Department prpvides stimulating opROtWnities for all students who seek to' increase their li~istic ability.


A thing ·of beauty •



forever . ..

]ohn Keats

Notre Dame . Social Galehdar Notre Dame's sociability manifested itself this year in a wide variety· of dances and -social events. The freshmen became better acquainted with one another at the Student Council sponsored Tea Dance, held on October 21 and January 13. The Red Cross Cluh held a highly · successful hootenanny on October 18, for which the students provided the entertainment. The unusual was the commonplace at the Halloween party sponsored by the Senior Class on October 30. Edward Swan and Alan Zieker received the .awa;rds for the most original costumes, while Ted .Sikowski ~nd Joan Roslon bad the fu)llliest costumes. The gridiron season's greatest moment came at the Mr. Football da:o.ce held on November 27. King Bol:i -~ Monahan reigned over "the festivities. "A Christmas ~ Carol" was the theme for the Christmas Semi-Formal , which took place on Oecember 26: Mr. Wig's band provided the music and the proceeds went to the Sodal.,

itfs Catholic Action Summer School. Exam week ended with a slt'ng party at Big Boulde in the Pocarros, which was attended by many Notre Dame students. February brought the Valentine SemiFormal. Its theme '<Dear Heart" was carried out by th~ decorations and the music of Iorio's band. The highlight of the social year was the Senior Prom, held Qn April 19. The girls received silver keys as a special rememoranpe of that wohderful night. The JuniQr Prom was held in May and its original tqetne of ·~A Night in VIenna" made it a most memorable ene for the juniors. , . ~ During the footbaU and basketball seasons man}' dances and recorCl hops were give after tlie games and several. skating p,arties took place in the winter months. The wide variety of these events provided something for everyone ·and reflect the conaerh of Notre Drupe foi ·our social welfare. '

A nation . reveals itself . . . by the men it honors. ]ohn





Dec. 17

Christian Brothers


Trenton Central

. Home

Jan. 18 Ian. 25


. Away

Hunterdon Central

. Home


Peddie Prep .



fan. 29 Feb. 3 Feb. 9

Camden Catholic . Camden Catholic . Delaware Valley Regional Lawrence~ille



.During tKe past eight ye~rs, the Fathers' Club has rendered invaluable assistance to Notre Dame. With Father Capik as moderatqr, tfie present Fathers' Club has " continued the outstanding service which marked .fue previou seven years. Currently discharging the · duties of president is Anthony Filipowicz. He is 'assisted by vice-pre~dent John Gallagher. The treasury has been entrusted to. Angelo Taglairino while the secretarial posi- , tion h~s been awarded to Jo~eph A. Loh. David Good.. win serves in the capacity of executive Vice-president. The Fathers' Club sponsors a myriad o£ functions throughout the year. A $·ports banquet is conducted annually to p~y tribute to the boys and girls who labor year round to make ND number one in the field of athletic endeavor . . The yeady Fathets' Club musical is conducted for the benefit-- of the athletic Qrganizati'on. "The choral ~oup has traveled extensively throughout the state. Their talents were also exhibited at the World'~ Fair and at Morris Hall. · 'The excellent condition of the track a.nd foQtball field may be directly attributed to the fathers' diligent efforts. Mr. Frank Zumbel films all football ana .basketball gam~~" l cilitating the c ach's task of disGovering errors and rectifying them. . . Through the dedicateq ·efforts of the Father-s' Club many tliings are . accomplisHed ·which qtherwise miglit remain undone. Althou~h freque;ntly nrecognized hx tlie students, tne Fathers' Club is a price1ess asset to N-ot~e Dame and is deserving of the appreciation of the entire student body.

..){117AIRQD~ Presented


THE STUDENTS OF NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL MARY WOODS KELLY and ROBERT WILSON Directors SISTER MARY DANIEL Musical Director JACOB A. WIG, JR. Orchestra Mrs. Eynseford-HilL _______________________ Mary Ann Krzewinski Eliza Doolittle ____________________________________________________ Sandra Sessa Freddy Eynseford-Hill ______________________________ Edwin Schmierer Colonel Pickering _______________________________________________ Allen Zieker Henry Higgins ________________________________________________Edward Miller Cockneys ------------------------------------------------------------ Jeffrey Billie, Michael McSorley, John Varsalona, Mario Giancarlo, Dennis Grove, J osep~ Cunningham, Vincent Castranova, John Herdman Bartender __________________________ ---------------------------- Paul Humphrey Harry-------------------------------------------------------------- John McDaniel Jamie -----------------------------------------------------------------Thomas Everitt Alfred P. Doolittle ____________________________________ Garrett McDaniel Mrs. Pearce -----------------------------------------------Joanna Andruszko Mrs. Hopkins ____________________________________________________ Jane Stevulak Butier __________________________________________________________ Ed ward Hofmann Mrs. Higgins ___________________________________________________ Marion Wilson Lord Boxington ____________________________________________ Stanley Sliwinski Lady Boxington ______________________________________________ Linda Plantier Flower Gir! ________________________________________________________Donna Henry Zoltan Karpathy--------------------------------------------John W a!bridge Queen of Transylvania ____________________ Mary Jeanne Wenczel Ambassador ________ -路----------------------------------------Edward Lisiecki Mrs. Higgins' Maid ______________________________________ Barbara Kearns

Every human being has the right to honor God

according to the dictates of an upright •

consclence ¡ Pope ]ohn XXIII

Studies serve [or delight, 路 [or ornament, and [or ability. Francis Bacon



E d itor-in-Chief .... ... ..... .. ...... . ..... Carl Chiappetta N ews Editor .. .... .. . ... . . . .. ... . . .. .. ..... Carole Kysel l< a Assistant Kews E d itor ..... . , ........... : . T ressa Falzon e Featu re E d ito r . . ............ .. ... . .. . . . . . Denise Shee h a n S ports E di tor ............ . . ¡ ; ... .. . . .. .... . Mich ael B u r ns Phot ography E d itor . . . .... . . . . . .. . ....... F r ank Schwa rtz Ci rcul ation Manager ... . . .. ..• .. . .. .. . . .. Cannell a Pratic o Cartoonist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . R on a ld H erman

All Jersey All Catholic State Top Ten

Americana Award International Honors Gallup Award

No high school would be complete without a school newspaper. Notre Dame's, newspaper, the Coronet, is pu:P ished . seven times yearly. Its prime purpose is to provide a necessary路 and direct media of. communication among the studel)ts, faculty, and administration. The Coronet consists of news, feature, sports, photo, and circulation staffs, all of which meet weekly to receive assignments, turn in articles,, and discuss staff comn?itments for_the upcoming issue. Writing, revising, typing, proofreading, and editing are the basic stages through which all articles must pass before being printed. Pictures must be taken, developed, filtered, and "~roppedn in 路order to appear in the paper. Sister Mary Paschal, moderator. of the Coronet, plays a most important role in publishing the school paper. Her guidance and constructive criticisms are of invaluable aid to tqe staff, and her dedicated supervision is largely responsible for the Coronet's success. Sister Mary Raymond, co-moderator of the Coronet, is 'the driving force .behind its business operations. Deoting her time to supervising the circulation staff, among other things, Sister helps make it possible for the printed copy to arrive swiftly and safely at its destination. The list of subscribers numbering 1500 in November, 1957, has since grown to a present cir-culation of 6100. ':Chis growth is the result of the combined efforts of Sister Mary Jacinta, Coronet moderator for the paper's fh:st seven years of publication and Sister Pasc~al, present moderator of the Coronet. The paper has such notable subscribers as Mrs. John F. Kennedy, Adlai Stevenson, Dean Rusk, Governor Hughes, and Mayor Holland. Irt jts efforts to make Notre Dame High School known, the Coronet is sent to over one .hundred foreign countries. The Coronet receiv~d a personal note of thanks from Nfrs. John F. Kennedy expressing her appreciation for the November memorial issue dedicated to the late President. The Coronet has had the honor of receiving All Jersey and All Catholic awards. The paper ranked in the State Top Ten in '61, '63, and '64 and also received International Honors and the Gallup Award. In January 1965, the Coronet received the Americana Award presented by the Future Journalists of America for being judged as . superla~ive among scholastic publiqations printed in the United States. Needless to say, the awards bestowed upon our school newspaper speak for themselves in representing the caliber of journalistic a'Chievements attained by the staff 路 of the Coronet.

Off to the opera, Madame Butterfly, are Sister Mary Daniel, Glee Club moderator and senior members Steve . Olender Alan Zie'ker, Garrett McDaniel, San,dra Sessa, Barbara Gartner, Carol Proniewski, Renee Montague, and . Patrick Hastings:

MR. and MRS. ARTHUR OBERG "' Arthur, Barbara Ann, Patricia Ann MR. and MRS. ERNEST OLrYER James, Theresa, Thomas; Timothy, ~ Suzanne

MRS. MARYANN M:ATZlCO William and Kathleen Ann

' MR. and MRS. ALFRED E. MONAHAN Patricia, Robert, Katbleen, David MR. ~nd MRS. JOHN H. MORAN Phi?p and Jon

Mr. A. B. Barney Mr. and Mrs. S. Batog Mr. arid Mrs. Jolm Bernath Mr. Jacob Berner Mr. and Mr~. August I. Biaclie, ST. Ml,ss Mary H. l3ikowski Mr. and Mrs. Andrew }3lasig Mr. and Mrs: Stanley Boop~nsk} ' Mt. John F. Bogus, Jr. J;lordentown Bar .and G.1'ill

Frank Torina-Monti Tres Jolie Hairstyllng Janie and Mel Ulshafer 路 路 Mrs. Sue K. Yele

Miss Elaine Abbott Mrs. S. Abramczyk Mr. and Mrs . .James Ackers Mr. and Mrs. Chester' Agabiti Mr. and Mrs. Frank Agabiti Miss Louise Agabiti Mr. ar)d,Mrs. Raymond Altenburg~r MJ . aru.l Mrs. William Andahazy Mr. and Mrs. William Andahazy, Jr. . Anthony ~gelini Donald J. Appleby . Harold and Mary Appleby Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Appleget Dr. a.Ad Mrs. C. J. Appleget Miss M~ry Louise Appleget Mr. and -Mrs. Robert Archer Mr. and Mrs. Allthony Arnister Arlene M. :Bagley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bannister Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bannister Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Barrett . Miss Joyce ;Bartilino Mr. and Mts. Louis F. Bartolone Cecil C. Barton, D.D.S.Mr. and, Mrs. John C. Bates, Jr. Frances 'Beligon Bellevue Sales Company Mrs. Martha l3elza Mr. and Mrs. 'A lexander Berger Mr. and Mrs. Charles Biache Mr. Joseph Biache Anthony Bijaczyk Timothy J3l~gen . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bonacci Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Bonczkie icz Ml'. 'and Mrs. George Bonfrancesco Gitile J(. Boothe Miss Mary Lou Botzum Reverend John V. Bowden Mr. and Mrs. John Boyer Mrs. Alice Brennan Miss Patricia Brennan Miss Valetie Brodowski Mr. and Mrs. Randy Brokow Helen Brosky MJ"s. J~es Broyles George and Mary Buckner Mr and Mrs. William Burkhart Mrs. Charles Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bums Eileen Byrne . Mr. and Mrs. John Cade Cargo Candies Lois Carr Mr. and Mrs. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Cattani Miss Dorothy Cellini Mr. and' Mrs. A. Chebra Mr.' aad Mrs. Chacles Chianese Robert J. Cichocki Artie Cipriano Evelyn Cipriano Clark"s Floor Covering StellaR. Colavita Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Colletti Mrs. Lorraine Collins Miss M. Colvey Compliments of a Friend Miss Diane Cooney Mr. and Mrs, Bernard A.' Cosnoski Mrs. Edward Costantini Mr. and Mrs. John Cox Reverend Leon J. Culliton

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Czillich Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D'Ambrose James J. D'Arcy,Jt. Deal's Camera Shop . Mrs. Hillery DeBen Mr. Vincent 'l\ DeBlois Mr. Edward DeFelice Reverend bavid G. De1Z,eU Edward D. Delzell Mr. and Mrs. S. OeSteffano Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diefenbach Mr. and Mrs. William J. Diehl Mr. George Diener Mr. and Mrs. Edward DiU · Mrs.· Peggy D. Dillo:Q. Mr, and Mrs. Pasquale DiLorenzo Mr. and Mrs. Walter Disbrow Mr. and Mrs. T. Diveley Mrs. Evel)'1l Diviaio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Dixon · Mark Donelly Mr. and Mrs. William Doran Dr. and Mrs. William Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Russell Drane Miss Josephine Drazek Mrs. Shirley Drazek Mr. and Mrs. Alan U. Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. William Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. John Dzurkoc Paul and Kitty Eisenberger Reverend Wilfrid B. Emmons Norman Endenbrock Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fasanella . Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Fazio Mr. Eugene Felski Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ferrara Mr. and Mrs. John Fiabane Hermann Fink Florist Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fink Mr. and Mrs. John Fiori Maura Flood Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flynn Lorraine Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fournier Dr. Andrew Franzoni Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frascella · Mr. and Mr~. Bernard Froitzheim Mr. Frank Galate · < Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher Mrs-. Mary Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gapinski Frank Gargione Mrs. Matthew Gartner .Bay Oa1,1g Mr. and Mrs. William Gerepka Mr. and Mrs. D. Gervasoni Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Gill , Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gilligo Girls' Physical Education Department Mrs. Mary Goehrig Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gogan Mr. and Mrs. Golinsky . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goliszews1d . Mr. and Mrs. Leon Grabowski - Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Graisbery Grasselli Dr. Milton F . Graver Mr. and Mrs. John Green Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gresko Mrs. John Gribbin Mr. and Mrs. Walter Groch Mr. and Mrs. Amos Groom Miss Catherin.e Groom

Miss Kathleen Groom Mr. and Mrs. William Groom Pamel;1 Grubb '}{athy Grudzina Mr. a:qd Mrs. John Guze, Sr. Drs. Ge!J.rge and Julius Hafitz Mr., ano Mrs. Fr:ahk Haliszews . Mr~~and rs. George Hapeooi Harry'S' Atlantic~tation Mr. Robert Hatrak~ Mr; p, T. Hendriksen John Hickey Mrs. James W.. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. A.}(. Hilkert Reverend John J. Hilkert Rever£n<l Robert C. Hilkert Reverend oseph.Holup Mr. anU Mrs. Joseph Hpmiak Mr. an<LMts. T. Horrigan Mr" apd Mrs. Joseph Hubbs · Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hulslander, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hustak Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hutchins Mrs. Robert Hvisdas Miss Margaret lfyj;dock Miss Carol Ann Ingling Mr. ancf M~:s. W. G. Jackson Rev<3re)ld Frank J. Janos Mr. aJ;ld Mrs. Archie Jardip.e, Jr. David Jaspan Joanne Mr. FrAnk Jobst Johnnie's Bar In Memory of G~orge Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson Miss Judith Jones · M:r;. and ~rs. Philip Kadis ' l'he Kalnas Family Mr. and Mrs. John Kane Mrs. W. L. Karch Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Kazior Mr. Robert Kelliher Mrs. Mary Kelly John and Mary Kent Thomas and Mary Kent Kessel Kitchen Equipment Company Karen King Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. King Mrs. Kisielewski Miss Elizabeth Kondor Miss Ann Korona Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kowals~ Ronald :((rainski Kra1per Machine Company Mr. and Mrs. G~orge A. Kraus Mr. M~chael Kraus Mr. ana Mrs. Edward Krisal<, Sr. MT. an Mrs. Theodore Kuc Mr. ~d Mrs. Bruce Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ku,sek Miss Gail Kuser Mr. and Mrs. James LaCour Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lagana Mr. and ~s. Michael D. Laird Charles Lamendola Mr. and Mrs, Frank Langel' Mrs. Elizabeth W. Lanigan Mr. Warren Lanigan Mr. and .Mrs. Wilden F. U nigan Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lansing , Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Leadem ' Mr. and Mrs. Irving Leive

Misses Ann and Margaret S . ea Mr. and Mrs. Ja es L. Shelly Fr~d ~ikor~ki

Theodore J. Sikorski, Jr. · Mr. a~d Mrs. Harold Simon Mrs. L. Simoni Mr. and Mrs. Joseph SkucinsB Mr. and Mrs. John Slota Dr. Charles L. Smith Mt, and Mrs. Thomas J. Smith M,r. and Mrs. ~dward Soban ., V. M. Spanki Mjss Sally May Stankowski Mrs. Elvira M. Steelman Mr. and Mrs. George Stephan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stockton • Mrs. Mary Stoka ·:Mr. and Mrs. Stokes Stout's Luncheonette ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Strano Miss Marcia ,Stryc~z Miss Helen Sujansky Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Snllivan Reverend John Sullivan ~ Thomas Sullivan Susie and Nancy · J. Richard. Suth Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Swain Mr . .Robert Swissler Sype)< and Sanford Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Syper Mr. and Mrs. Franci&Szejner Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Szymanski Mr. and Mrs~ D. Ti!,hcreda Mr. and :M:ts~ Stanley G. Thompson, Jr. }Thien and Ei~een Thornton Tony's Delicatessen Mr.· and Mrs. Albert B. Totli Mr. ~nd 'Mrs. Michael Tramontana J. S. Tysowski & Co. Mrs. Agnes VanNess , MrsJ Anne Walker Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Walters, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred aliak . . Washingto Liquor Store Mr.' and Mrs. J os~h Wassail Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wend~ckL Mr. and-Mrs. Button Whitehead ' Miss Helen w· essman Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Williams Dr. H. A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson Mrs. Gene Wojnars~i Mr. and Mrs. C. Wojtkiewicz Mr. Horace Wood Mr. and Mrs. 'l;Jwmas Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wooley ~ Mrs. B"emard Worsky M,rs. Mary Worth , Mrs. Rae L. Worthington Mr., and Mrs. C.hester Wrotny Nlf. and Mrs ~ Walter Wyzga Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zeldt " Mrs. Natalie Zilembo Robert Zimba

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