Notre dame high school canticle 1963web

Page 1

~ For

Christ the King L A. LORD, S.



Copyright MCMXXXII by The Queen's Work,


Printed in the U. S. A.

For Christ the King, 3





CONTENTS Title ---------------------------------------Foreword ----------------------------------Dedication ------------------------------Administration and Faculty_______________ Seniors ---------------------------------Scholastic Activities -------------------------Extra-curricular Activities ---------------Social Activities --------------------------------Sports Activities -----------------------------Spiritual Activities -------------------------------Underclassmen -------------------------------Patrons --------------------------------路---------------Acknowledgments -----------------------------

1 5 6 8 S4 78 108 128 142 162 176 202 212


FOREWORD A'J OUR short but wonderful years at Notre "'~ Dame draw to a close, and THE CAN-

-......--... TICLE 1963 sounds forth in a harmony of golden memories! We, the third graduating class, have attempted to write a score that will forever echo our high school days. As each measure found its way into place, the somher tones of parting were relieved by an occasional rest-a pause wherein reminiscence took over and budded forth in sweet notes of accomplishment, g~ntle strains of the interested, and overtones of a just pride that tripped ever so lightly over our scale of the years at dear Alma Mater. Now, in one grand crescendo we offer this edition of THE CANTICLE-our composition of grateful hearts, enlightened minds, and willing hearts, all blended together in our song to remember.

DEDICATION Every once in a while we come across something, some place, someone that challenges the best in us-that lights the spark of endeavor that finds fruition in a work accomplished, a deed well done, or perchance just the mere creation of a never-to-be-forgotten moment. Our inspiration for this, our song to remember, goes back to a tradition which though young in years is deeply rooted in one who has been so much a part of establishing a Notre Dame that will long endure. Yes, our years here have taught us that Sister Mary Eleanor and Alma Mater are synonymous. We have learned that her special affection for youth coupled with an untiring effort toward the highest of ideals is her legacy gift, a shining, far reaching, ever present contribution to Notre Dame. Having known you leaves a special kind of music, a special beat in our grateful hearts, Sister Mary Eleanor. It is with some part of the love and understanding you have tendered us that we, the class of 1963, dedicate this our final movement to you, Sister. As we treasure this our special song, so, too, 路we shall be ever mindful of you.


Sidter mar'~ Gleanor Assistant Principal


You'll Never Walk A Words by


Music by



Andantino molto cantabile

usic Inc., New York, N.Y. . Harms Company Made in U.S.A. luding public performance for. profit . tion without the consent of the owner is an infringement of copynght




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ml heart,




The skills of the few ...

His Excellency THE MOST REVEREND GEORGE W. AHR, S.T.D. Bishop of Trenton

shape the talents of many . . . The attainment of wisdom and truth is difficult, and for the most, would not be gained alone. Therefore, we must turn for assistance and guidance to those who already possess these qualities. The Catholic Church is a teaching organization, ordained by Christ to spread His word to all the corners of the earth. Through the endeavors of our devoted Bishop, George W. Ahr, Monsignor Endebrock, Father Frain and Father Tracy, our heritage has been preserved and perfected. Our debt to them can never truly be paid because it is immeasurable.


in the language of melody.

Right Reverend 路Monsignor JOHN J. ENDEBROCK Superintendent of Schools


In its melody . . .

Reverend THOMAS J. FRAIN Assistant Superintendent of Schools


are contained the praises . . .

SISTER MARY ELEANOR Assistant Principal


of dedicated counselors.




The melody soars . Guiding a student towards his best future is an integral part of the school organization. The guidance department, under the direction of Father Coffey and assisted by Sister Mary Emmanuel, whose roster includes scheduling, educational forums, and extensive testing programs coupled with personal conferences, encourages an open door policy so that the individual student may have every opportunity to seek aid when it is needed.



Sister Mary Emmanuel and Father Coffey take .time out from their busy schedule to oblige the photographer.

Father Coffey and Sister Mary Emmanuel check a transcript for Mrs. Betty Jacobs, secretary to the guidance department.


as we realize that John Herrity, senior class president, consults Sister Mary Alexander, senior class adviser, about the Turkey Day float

SISTER MARY EMMANUEL Assistant Director of Guidance

Four class counselors Sister Mary Victor, Sister Mary Alexander, Mr. Elko, and Sister Mary Malachy meet with Father Coffey and Sister Mary Emmanuel to discuss the homeroom system of guidance.


the art of teaching . Dedicated to serving others, the members of the faculty are men and women, lay and religious, who by their efforts in working with us and for us, have helped enrich our cultural inheritance. They have increased our knowledge, improved our abilities and influenced our actions. To these we are very grateful.

Miss Solack consults Father Capik before posting a bulletin about the A.A. program.

Sister Mary Daniel, Department Head, Glee Club Director; Mr. Glenn Arnett,. Orchestra, String Ensemble; Mr. William Humenay, Band Director.



ART DEPARTMENT Mr. Patrick Bush, Mechanical Drawing; Sister Mary Joyce, Department Head, Stage Craft Moderator; Miss Anita Del Turco, Art Club Moderator.



Sister Mary Eloise, Department Head, Future Business Leaders of America Club Moderator; Mrs. Mary Stoka, Mr. Elric Cicchetti, Distributive Education Moderator; Mr. James Clark, Chess Club Moderator; Mr. Robert McDowell, Proctor Committee Advisor; Mr. Donald Apai, Photography Club Moderator路 Mrs. Thomas Gribbin, Sister Mary Francine, Future Business Leaders of America Club Moderator.

Eavesdropping in the backfield by Coach Pallay.

zs the art of awakening

LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Mother Mary Robert, Head Librarian, Library Club Moderator; Mrs. Jeanne Rader, Assistant Librarian, Moderator of Student Library Assistants.


the natural curiosity . Looks like Thomas W enczel needs a little extra help from Sister Mary Andrew while the other boys enjoy a moment's relaxation.

Miss Muriel Daley, instructor for selected funiors in the Temac program.

Sister Mary Ambrose, Mathematics Club Moderator; Mrs. Jacqueline Flood, Scrabble Club Moderator; Sister Mary Martinus, Sewing Club Moderator; Sister Mary Matilda, Department Head, School Sacristan; Sister Mary Dennis, Sodality Moderator, Bridge Club Moderator; Sister Mary Andrew, Canticle Moderator.



Mr. Robert Swissler, Sister Mary Victor, Glee Club Moderator; Sister Mary Catharine, Spanish Honor Society Advisor, Spanish Club Moderator; Sister Mary Magdalen, Mission Club Moderator; Mrs. Christiane Kaplan, French Club Moderator; Mrs. Jacqueline Flood, Mrs. Mary Palenchar, Sister Mary Trinitas, Forensic Club Advisor; Sister Mary Eugene, Future Nurses of America Club Advisor; Sister Mary Victoria, Department Head, Student Council Moderator.

of young minds Mrs. Rader and Mr. Cicchetti seriously discuss some problem.

Richard Pietrow seems to be getting along just fine, but Mr. Swissler seems to find Marion Perone's French translation amusing.


for the purpose of satisfying them afterwards. SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Sister Mary Athanasius, Department Head, Moderator of Clubs; Mr. William Dowd, Mr. Leo Dormuth, Sister Mary Wendelin, Biology Club Moderator; Mr. Constantine Diamond, Miss Dorothy Cellini, Social Committee Advisor; Sister Mary Raymond, Projection Cluo Moderator.


Mrs. Rader, Mrs. Flood, Mrs. Ryan, and Miss Colvey enfoy Father Capik's remark.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Mr. Walter Porter, Head Football Coach, Sports Club Moderator; Mrs. Margaret Ryan, Moderator of Cheerleaders; Mr. Stanley Cier, Sports Club Moderator, Soccer Coach; Mrs. Joyce Graf, Department Head, Girls' Sports Club Moderator; Mr. William Creamer, Department Head, Basketball Coach, Baseball Coach; Miss Mary Colvey, Modern Dance Group Moderator, Girls Basketball Coach.


Miss Audrey Solack and Sister Mary Eloise look pleased about something.

Sister Mary Carlos, Chairman of Home Economics Department, Style Club Moderator.

Helping us to reason and to evaluate Mr. Frederick Hons, Mr. John Pallay, Football Coach; Sister Mary Emmanuel, Assistant Guidance Director; Sister Mary Shaun, Boys' Sodality Advisor; Sister Mary Malachy, Freshman Class Advisor; Sister Mary Joyce, Stagecraft Club Moderator; Mr. Ronald Rossell, Mr.

Michael Elko, Archery Club Moderator. Seated, Sister Mary Anselm, Department Head, Forensic Club Moderator; Sister Mary Alexander, Senior Class Advisor, Cooking Club Moderator.




SEATED: Sister Mary Jacinta, Department Head, Coronet Advisor; Sister Mary Gratia, Honor Society Moderator; Sister Mary Protase, Red Cross Club Advisor; Sister Mary Assisium, Chess Club Moderator; Sister Mary Dorothea. STANDING: Sister Mary Charlotte, Dramatic Club Moderator; Sister Mary Petrina, Sister Mary Mercita, Glee Club Moderator; Sister Mary Janet, Future Teachers of America Club Advisor; Sister Mary Paschal, Creative Writing Club Moderator, Lady Lore Advisor; Mrs. Mary Palenchar, Mr. Robert Swissler.

1s more glorious

Caught oD guard, Sister Mary Dennis/

A brief respite for Mrs. Nabers, Mrs. Palenchar, Mrs. Rader, Mrs. Stoka and Miss Del Turco.


RELIGION DEPARTMENT Father Capik poses with tne members of his department.

than the setting of the sun.

Father Coffey goes over some papers with Mrs. Betty Jacobs.

A study of expressions!


The Office Staff

MISS AUDREY SOLACK Secretary to Assistant Prindpal


Mrs. Jerome Weitz, Secretary to Principal, Head Bookkeeper: Miss Marie Luberto, Assistant Bookkeeper.



Secretary to the Guidance Department

No fair peeking, Mrs. Jacobs!

On review- Miss Markulec, Mrs. Jacobs, Miss Solack, Miss Luberto, and Mrs. Weitz.


The Medical Staff


Mrs. Dougherty checks ]ames Marut's vision.


Dr. Frederick ]. Barlow, School Dentist, checks Patricia Domanski's teeth.



J. MICHAEL FIORELLO School Physician


MR. WILLIAM HOEFLICH Manager of Students' Dining Room

The Dining Room Staff

The happy smiles on the faces of the people behind the scenes, Mrs. Beatrice Allen, Mrs. Marie Agoes, Mrs. Anne RadlinskJL, Mrs. Madeline Cartledge, Stella Larcome, Dorothy Winkowski, Rose DeVaney, Mac Cribb, and Mr. Westerman makes the task of feeding hundreds easy.


The pleasant disposition of Marie Agoes makes the task of feeding N.D.'s students shrink to a mere incident.

Mrs. Beatrice Allen works pleasantly and patiently over a hot stove.

Rose DeVaney and Dorothy Winkowski, soda fountain sweeties, make delicious milk shakes for Chris Reeber, Louis Altieri, Diane Accongio and Lois ZuUig.


The Custodians

Mr. Radlinsky instructs Mr. McDonough and Mr. Bechter how to handle the electric plant.

Mr. Frank Quill plays mechanic as Mr. Radlinsky stands by.

Mr. Arthur Dupras and Mr. Thomas Ward consult the bulletin before starting work.


MR. PAUL RADLINSKY Superintendent of Maintenance

Mr. Charles Ralph, Mr. John McDonough and Mr. Fred Bechter, in the background, start out pleasantly to clean the wide, long corridors.

Mr. Radlinsky checks supplies with Mr. Bechter.

An unusual pose of Marge and Kate for they are never idle.

Mrs. Virginia Ackers engaged in an endless task- removing finger marks from glass doors.



, Op.39, No. l


egro con mol to fuoco





CAROLYN ABEL Incarnation Parish A happy combination of a keen mind and a generous heart . . . tatsefully togged ... an eternal smile . . . bound to be a successful school teacher. Sewing Club 1; Pen and Pencil 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 2, President 4; Latin Club 2, 3, Secretary 2, VicePresident 3; Student Council Secretary; Homeroom President 1, 3; Homeroom Vice-President 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-Prefect 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2, 3; School Play 3, 4; Assembly 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Lady Lore Staff, Assistant Editor 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2,

DIANE ACCONGIO Saint Ann's Parish Small but mighty . . . girl with a golden voice . . . eyes that laugh constantly . . . plans to pursue a secretarial course in college. Drama Club 2; Glee Club 3, 4; Proctor Committee 3; Hostess Committee 4; Music Committee 2; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4, President 3, Secretary 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Music Festival 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; School Play 4; Assembly 3, 4; Proctor 3.

PAUL ALLAIRE Holy Angels Parish Always gay and genial . . . a true gentleman ... spends many a day on the golf course . . . wants to be a retailer. Chess Club 1; Glee Club 2, 3; Latin Club 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Choraleers 1, 2, 3; Music Festival 1, 2, 3.

PAULA ANGELUCCI Saint Anthony's Parish Perky miss with sparkling eyes .. . enjoys having fun and dancing .. . snappy cheerleader . . . a successful career awaits this secretary. Sewing Club 1, Secretary 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, Chairman of Planning Committee 3; Dramatic Club 4; Hostess Committee 1; Transportation Committee 2, 4; Social Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; School Play 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Typist 2, 3; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4, Captain 4.

3, 4. SHEILA ANGELONI Incarnation Parish A bright smile every day round-the-clock reader . . . gives nothing but her best . . . will grace some college campus. Future Teachers of America Club 1, 4; Pen and Pencil Club 2, 3; Latin Club 2, 3; Proctor Committee 1; Social Committee 2, 4; Homeroom Secretary 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; National Association of Promotion of Study of Latin 2, 3; Homeroom Banking Representative 2, 3; Assembly 4; Proctor 1; Student Library Assistant 3, 4. ANTHONY ANGELINI Incarnation Parish Not very talkative . . . a patient coin collector . . . devoted to baseball . . . will enter college with the intention of becoming a draftsman. German Club 2, Secretary 2; Geometry Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 4; Varsity Baseball 4; Basketball 1; Baseball 1, 2.

LOUIS ALTIERI Saint Anthony's Parish Well-liked by all . . . rugged and independent . . . has an eye for sports . . . aims for a higher education. Sports Club 1; Projection Club 3; German Club 3; Glee Club 4; Homeroom Secretary 1; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 4; 路 Varsity Football 3, 4.

SALVATORE API CELLI Saint Gregory the Great Parish Generous, happy, and likeable ... school-spirit personified . . . nimble feet on. the dance floor . . . "Dr. Apicelli, surgeon." Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3; Biology Club 2; Science Club 4; Proctor 4; Homeroom President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 4.

All State football players Louis Altieri and Dennis Cannon review the victorious season over some game photos.

GAIL APPLEGATE Saint Paul's Parish A quiet, graceful miss . . . eyes that smile . . . an artist at heart . . . will enter college in September. Dramatic Club I; Art 2, 3; Future Nurses Club 4; Modern Dance 3; Latin Club 3; Service Committee 2; Bulletin Board Committee 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 3; Coronet Staff 2; Lady Lore Staff Member 3; Lady Lore Contributions 2, 3; Intramurals 4.

MONICA ARGUE Saint Paul's Parish A real "colleen" on the Irish campus . . . a ready for anything attitude ... likes to dance; especially the Irish fig ... intends to win a white cap someday. Style Club 3, Treasurer 3; Future Nurses Club 4; Latin Club 3; GAA 4; French Club 3; Modern Dance 4; Parish Council Representative 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 4; Assembly 4.

ANNA MARIA ASTORE Saint Ann's Parish Blessed with brains and uses them . . . small but dynamic . . . enjoys life, living, people, and doing anything under the sun . . . a future pharmacist. Junior Red Cross I; Creative Writing Club 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; German Club 3, 4; Latin Club 2; Junior Red Cross Committee I; Parish Council Representative 2, 3; Student Council Club Committee Chairman 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration I; Assembly 2, 3, 4; Coronet Staff Member and News Editor 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2, 3, 4.

MARILYN BACON St. Raphael's Parish Candid . . . active forensic member . . . friendly willingness . . . will add her name to the list of prospective college students. Forum Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Future Nurses Club 3; Latin Club 2; Proctor Committee I, 2; Club Committee 3; GAA 4; Service Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 2; Catholic Youth Adoration I, 2, 3, 4; Proctor I, 2.

CAROL BACZEWSKI Saint Ann's Parish Small in size, big in heart . . . skates her way through the winter ... most obliging ... hopes to attend college. Future Teachers Club I, 3, 4; Sewing Club 2; Latin Club 2, 3; Hostess Committee 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration I, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival I; Assembly 3, 4; Orchestra I, 2.

MARILYN BAKTER Saint Anthony's Parish Soft-spoken and friendly . sports-woman . . . lends a willing hand . . . a Florence Nightingale aspirant. Mission Club 2, 3; Future Nurses Club 4; Latin Club I, 2; Girls Athletic Committee 3; Service Club 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Bowling 3, 4; Volleyball I; Horseback Riding 4.

GEORGE BACSO St. Vincent De Paul's Parish Quiet in nature, active in mind ... gentleman first, last and always . . . active in all types of sports . . . will add up to a mathematician. Photography Club I; Science Club 3; Mathematics Club 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions I; Intramurals I.

Senior Class JANICE BAYMAN Holy Angels Parish Gentle refinement . . . a dash of genius . . . loves the sound of show music . . . future lies in her knowledge of numbers. Creative Writing Club 2, 3, Secretary 3; Glee Club 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Assembly Committee 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice-President I; National Honor Society 3; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 4; Assembly 2, 3; Lady Lore Contributions 3; lntramurals I, 2, 3.

RAYMOND BEKARCIAK Saint Hedwig's Parish Voice from the back of the room . . . the thin man . . . shows some of his many talents on the stage . . . yearns to be a college frosh. Sports Club I; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; Vice-President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; School Play 3; Christmas Play 3; Assembly I; Intramurals 4; Football I.


BARRY BELUSAR Saint Ann's Parish Bursting with energy-after school . . . social-minded . . . makes and enjoys fun ... headed for college. Service Committee 3; Homeroom President 2, Treasurer 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2.

THOMAS BENHAM Saint Joseph's Parish Always ready with an argument ... another Van Cliburn ... comes up with his many pet expressions at unexpected times . . . plans center around a college campus. Chess Club 2; Glee Club 4; Forensic Club 4; Music Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 3; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4.

CLOTHILDA BILANCIO Saint Ann's Parish Quietness is hers . . . around when you need her . . . plays the piano for relaxation . . . on her way to college. Mission Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2, 3; Transportation Committee 1, 2, 3; Sodality 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 4; Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4.

VIRGINIA BLICHARZ Saint Hedwig's Parish A keeper of her own thoughts . . . rates high scholastically . . . likes dancing and noise . . . will take dictation from a lawyer. Future Business Leaders of America Club 1; Dramatic Club 2, 3; Bridge Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Spanish Honor Society 2, 3, Secretary 3, Treasurer 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Christmas lay 1; As-sembly 1, 3; Lady Lore Staff Typist 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 3. WILLIAM BOMBERY Incarnation Parish Soft-spoken and every inch a gentleman . . . takes things in his stride . . . bowls a near-perfect game . . . will train for defense of Uncle Sam. Do-lt-Yourself Club 1; Science Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2; French Club 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Cross Country 3.

SANDRA BONACCI Saint Ann's Parish Smooth as her favorite dance tune . . . main interest is her friends .. . keeps trying for a "hole-in-one" .. . will be seen around a college campus. Girls Athletic Club 1; Junior Red Cross Club 3; Dramatic Club 4; German Club 2, 3; Bulletin Board Committee 2; Junior Red Cross Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4. 38

LOUIS BLYSKAL Saint Hedwig's Parish A man of few words . . . attentive listener . . . bowling takes up most of his free time . . . wants to enter the Air Force. Sports Club 1, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2.

GAETANA BORGIA Saint Anthony's Parish Spontaneous warmth and selfless generosity . . . an actress at heart . . . singing is her idea of relaxing ... future language teacher. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Music Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Honor Society 4, President 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Music F-estival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2, 路3, 4; School Play 1, 3, 4; Assembly 3.

PATRICIA BIRD Saint Anthony's Parish Calm and easy going ... keeps in trim by bowling . . . friendly and fun-loving . . . plans to grace some office. Sewing Club 3; Future Business Leaders of America Club 4; Red Cross Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; School Play 3; Christmas Play 1; Coronet Business Manager 4; Lady Lore Staff Typist 3; Intramurals 3, 4; Library Assistant 3.

KENNETH BROWER Saint Anthony's Parish A boy you can depend on . . . a ruddy complexion . . . avid sports fan . . . will be proud to claim the title of a U.S. Marine. Sports Club 3, 4, Vice-president 4; Field and Stream Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1; Football 1; Weight lifting training program 3.

TERRENCE BRYANT St. Raphael's Parish Quiet senior with a ready smile ... enjoys basketball . . . would like a leisurely life . . . best of luck to a future teacher. Biology Club 1; Latin Club 2, 3; Restaurant Management Club 4; Boys Athletic Committee 1, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Cross Country 3.

STANLEY BRZDEK Saint Hedwig's Parish Tall, dark, and 路 handsome ladies' man . . . basketball captures his attention . . . will enter the business world. Sports Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1.

THEODORE BUCON Saint Hedwig's Parish A quiet smile and a ready wit . . . needs to be introduced to books . . . enjoys boating and fishing . . . yearns for a college ca1'eer. Sports Club 1; Glee Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 4; Music Festival 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Basketball Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

MARGARET BUFFIN Saint Anthony's Parish Nice to know, hard to forget tell-tale blushes . . . popular music is a favorite with Peg ... a busy efficiency that any office would welcome. Glee Club 1, 2. 3, 4; Proctor Committee 1, 2; Homeroom Treasurer 3, Secretary 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4: Music Festival 1, 2. 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2: School Play 1, 3; Christmas Plav 1; A embly 3; Lady Lore Staff Typist 2, 3; Proctor 1, 2; Intramurals 3.

Class of 1963 WILLIAM CALLAN Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Happy-go-lucky . . . a competent Jack-of-all-trades . . . happiest when dismantling cars . . . intends to try college life. Mission Club 1; Science Club 2, 3, 4; Treasurer 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 4.

DANIEL BUMBERA Saint Anthony's Parish Nice to have around . . . always on the go . . . the man with the drums . . . on his way to college. Sports Club 3; Projection Club 4; German Club 3; Music Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2. 3. 4; Music Festival 1, 2; School Play 4; Band 1, 2; Intramurals 4; Weight lifting training program 3.

CAROL BUNTING Incarnation Parish Giggles her way through a tough situation . . . lovely, gracious manner . . . dresses just right . . . will make an ideal clerk-typist. Sewing Club 1; Dramatic Club 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4; Red Cross Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1; School Play 4; Assembly 1; Intramurals 1.

MICHAEL CAPIK Saint Mary's Parish Summer is his best season when the fish flow, he begins to glow . . . his boat is his second home . . . college is in the near future. Archery Club 4; Cafeteria Work 1, 3; Dance Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.


DENNIS CANNON Our Lady of Sorrows Parish A heart as warm as his smile . . . looks kinda' shy, but isn't . . . the "live-wire" of the football team ... aiming for a collegiate life. Sports Club 1, 2; Projection Club 3; Glee Club 4; Transportation Committee 3; Homeroom Secretary 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 3, 4; School Play 3; Assembly 3; Varsity football 2, 3, 4.

BARTHOLOMEW CARR Saint Anthony's Parish A dancing enthusiast . . . ••court" fester . . . partial to the fairer sex . . . a future Physical Education mafor. Sports Club 1, 2; Red Cross Club 3; Varsity Club 4; Athletic Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Basketball 2. 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Basketball 1, Captain 1, 2.

PHILIP CARRIG Incarnation Parish Has a friendly "Hi" for all keen on sports . . . a "ready-foranything" look . . . will enter college in September. Glee Club 1; Projection Club 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Transportation Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Stage-hands 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4.

JOSEPH CASEY Saint Joseph's Parish Blessed with a winning smile and a contagious laugh . . . an AllStater to be proud of ... an unforgettable friend . . . plans to be a pharmacy major. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2, President 2; Varsity Club 3, 4, Treasurer 3, President 4; French Club 2, 3, 4; Boys Athletic Committee 1; Homeroom President 3, 4, Vice-President 2, Treasurer 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2, 3; Christmas Play 3; Assembly 3, 4; Stagehand 2; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Yearbook Staff 4.

THERESA CASERTA Saint Anthony's Parish Sociable, dark-haired miss . . . an expert with a needle and thread . . . contented with life . . . business world beckons. Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Style Club 4, President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3.

RICHARD CARSON Saint Anthony's Parish Good worker, good friend and a good sport . . . a little on the shy side . . . basketball claims his attention ... college is his next stop. Projection Club 2, 3, 4; Boys Athletic Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2, 3; Stage-hand 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4.

JON CARTER Saint Ann's Parish Reserved but friendly . . . works hard . . . enfoys building model planes . . . wants to be an aeronautical engineer and test pilot. German Club 2, 3; Archery Club 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Parish Council Representative 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; School Play 2, 3, 4; Proctor 2; lntramurals 4.

LEONARD CARR Saint Joseph's Parish Serious and sensible . . . always mannerly . . . likes hunting and fishing ... wants to learn a trade. Hobby Club 1; Science Club 4; German Club 3; Transportation Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1.

Karen McEwan, Gaetana Borgia, and Diane Accongio prepare to sing at an assembly.

CAROL CATANESE Holy Angels Parish Petite, pert, peppy . . . a friend to everyone . . . loves parties and good times . . . will be an angel in white. Red Cross Club 1; Biology Club 2; Latin Club 2, 3, Vice-President 2, Secretary 3; Future Teachers Club 2; Dramatic Club 3, 4, Secretary 4; Red Cross Committee 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council Red Cross Chairman 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2, Secretary 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Sodality 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 1, 3; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Literary Staff 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2, 3.

PASQUALE COLAVITA Saint Ann's Parish Music lover through and through . . . fun-loving . . . a ready smile for everyone . . . will be found on some college campus. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 3, President 4; Latin Club 1, 2; German Club 1, 2; Music Committee 4, Vice-President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 3; Intramurals 1, 2; Track Team 3; A Cappella Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Organ and piano accompanist 2, 3, 4.

MARCIA CETKOWSKI . Saint Hedwig's Parish Always there when needed . her own wardrobe-mistress . . kind word and smile for all . . wants to be a teacher. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 3; Bulletin Board Committee 1; Service Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 1; Christmas Play 1, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; A Cappella Choir 1, 2.

JOHN CHEBRA Saint Hedwig's Parish A gentleman through and through . . . casual, calm, considerate . . . at home on the football field . . . chemical engineering is his goal. Sports Club 1; Biology Club 2; Latin Club 2; Projection Club 3; Varsity Club 4; Assembly Committee 1; Student Council Proctor Chairman 4; Homeroom Secretary 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Stagehand 3; Intramurals 1, 3, 4; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4.

KATHLEEN COLAVITA Saint Ann's Parish Neat, trim, lovely ... recognized by her giggle . . . fond and full of fun . . . will make a gracious medical secretary. Mission Club 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Cooking Club 4, Vice-President 4; Hostess Committee 3; Bulletin Board Committee 4, Secretary 4; Service Committee 1; Homeroom VicePresident 1, Secretary 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; School Play 3; Assembly 4.

MICHAEL CLANCY Saint Anthony's Parish A serene, soft-spoken gentleman . . . houses a good mind . . . likes all sports . . . will pursue his interests as a marine engineer. Sports Club 1; Archery Club 3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Transportation Committee 2; Homeroom Vice-President 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1; Baseball 1.

VERONICA CIESIELSKA Saint Hedwig's Parish Eager to lend a helping hand . . . likes a good book . . . sports enthusiast with school spirit . . . x-ray technician of tomorrow. Sports Club 1, 3; Sewing Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 4; German Club 2, 3; Girls Athletic Committee 1, 2, 3; Hostess Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 3, 4; Assembly 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Baseball 1, 2, 3; Library Assistant 4.

Senior Class

MARGUERITE CERMELE Saint Ann's Parish Smiles from the heart up . . . a keeper of secrets . . . loves music, whatever source . . . seeks secretarial future. Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Mission Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3.

JAMES COLELLO Holy Angels Parish Earnest in his studies . . . not very talkative . . . fiddles with c'lrs . . . will be an electronics technician. Chess Club 1; German Club 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 2.


VINCENT CONVERY Incarnation Parish Shy but friendly . . . excuse expert . . . likes all sports, football in particular . . . will be a future Perry Mason. Sports Club 1, Treasurer 1; Mission Club 2, Treasurer 2; Projection Club 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Homeroom President 1, 2, VicePresident 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, Treasurer 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Stage-hand 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball1 ; Track 3, 4.

KATHLEEN COOPER Incarnation Parish Number one chatterbox . . . believes in a little nonsense now and then . . . a talented creative writer . . . headed for success in the teaching field. Pen and Pencil Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 3, President 3; Hostess Committee 1, 2; Service Committee 3; Student Council Social Chairman 4; Homeroom Secretary 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Sodality 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 4; Assembly 3, 4; Lady Lore Staff Editor in Chief 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2, 3, 4.

MARTIN CONNOR Our Lady of Sorrows Parish A born leader . . . never lost for words . . . a true friend when it counts . . . will pursue a college education. Biology Club 2, Treasurer 2; Forum Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Club Committee 2; Student Council Assembly Chairman 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; School Play 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Staff Copy Editor 3; Sports writer 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Freshman basketball 1; Yearbook Staff 4.

ELIZABETH CSERNECH Holy Angels Parish Dainty and sweet . . . sparkles with springtime freshness all year round . . . never ending generosity . . . headed for success as a psychologist. Glee Club 1; Future Teachers of America Club 2; Biology Club 2; Dramatics Club 3, 4; Latin Club 3, 4; Social Committee 1, 2, 3; Student Council Service Committee Chairman 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; School Play 1, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Literary Staff 4; Library Assistant 3. WILLIAM COLLURA Saint Mary's Parish Cloud nine is his paradise ... may be found near biology lab . . . 3:08 bell is an eternity . . . may be your accountant some day. Archery Club 4; Biology Club 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

DIANA COVELESKIE Saint Ann's Parish Eager for fun and knows where to find it . . . a lover of solid comfort . . . noted for her exotic hairdos . . . hopes to fill a secre~arial post. f<'uture Nurses Club 2; Dramatic =::lub 3; Future Business Leaders )f America Club 4; Propagation of :he Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play l; Coronet Business Circulation ~taff 3.


MAUREEN CONNELL Saint Ann's Parish A bright spot on the cheering squad . . . unpredictable and full of fun . . . easy to please . . . would like an oDice position. Glee Club 1; Dramatic Club 2, 3, 4; Biology Club 2; Proctor Committee 1; Assembly Committee 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Music Festival 1; School Play 3; Assembly 2; Proct& 1; Cheerleader 4.

MARIE COSGRIFF Saint James Parish Courteous to the nth degree quiet, observant manner . . . talented artist . . . will be an asset in any sick room. Sewing Club 1, 2, Vice-President 2; Art Club 3; Stage Craft Club 4; Music Committee 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 3; Stage-hand 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 3, 4.

ROBERT KEVIN CONVEY Incarnation Parish Popular prankster . . . never hurries, never worries . . . well-liked by all . . . college bound. Chess Club 1; Projection Club 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 2; School Play 2; Stage-hand 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1.

SANDRA CULLARO Saint Joseph's Parish A friend in need . . . quietly dependable . . . an avid reader of reviews . . . Notre Dame plus college equals mathematician. Dramatics Club I. 2. 3, 4; Latin Club 4; Bulletin Board Committee 2. 3; Club Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 3.

DENNIS CUNNINGHAM Saint James Parish of Pennington A kind word and a smile for all . . . one of our best-dressed men . . . knows just what to say and when to say it . . . headed for college. Chess Club 1; Mission Club 3; German Club 2, 3, 4, President 3; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Student Council Bulletin Board Chairman 4; Homeroom Vice-President 3; Assembly 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1; Baseball!, 2.

CHERYL D'ARCY Incarnation Parish Model in neatness from head to toe . . . knows how to enjoy life . . . soft-spoken and kind . . . will make an ideal secretary. Future Business Leaders of America Club 2, 3; Cooking Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3.

CAROL DAVIDOVICS Saint Ann's Parish Leisure loving girl . . . welcomes the weekend . . . party lover . . . all lined up for a secretarial position. Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Cooking Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3.

CHARLES DELANY Saint Vincent de Paul's Parish Knows how to enjoy life . . . manabout-town . . . often seen riding in a T -bird . . . wants to go to college. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Transportation Committee 4; Homeroom President 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Soccer 2.

ROGER DEL TURCO Saint Ann's Parish Able man behind the scenes . . . a ready conversationalist . . . easygoing ... will go into Uncle Sam's business. Hobby Club 1; Projection Club 2, 3, 4; President 4; Proctor Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Stage-hand 2; Proctor 1.

THOMAS DEPTULA Saint James Parish of Pennington As true as he is tall . . . receives honors graciously . . . the physics lab is his second home . . . a future scientist. Hobby Club 1; Biology Club 2, 3; Forum Club 2, 3, 4, President 4; Latin Club 1, 2; German Club 2, 3, 4; Transportation Committee 1; Social Committee 2; Assembly Committee 3; Music Committee 4; Student Council Music Committee Chairman 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Class of 1963 JUDITH DE MARCO Saint Anthony's Parish School spirit to spare . . . delightful personality . . . happiest when painting . . . looking forward to x-ray technology. Sewing Club 1; Modern Dance 3; Library 4; German Club 2, 3, Secretary 3; Social Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1.

EDWARD DAVIS Incarnation Parish A mischievous sparkle in his eyes . . . pedestrians beware . . . quite a socializer . . . future mechanical engineer. Hobby Club 1; Forum Club 2; German Club 2, 3; Dramatic Club 4; Red Cross Committee 4; Band Color Guard 2; Orchestra 2, 3; Proctor 3; Intramurals 3, 4; Cross Country 3.



JO ANN D'ERRICO Saint Anthony's Parish Adds a touch of friendliness wherever she goes . . . pleasant spirit in the social whirl . . . will lend her charm to a business office. Glee Club 1; Future Business Leaders Club 3; Red Cross Club 4; Social Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Social Play 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 3.

GERALD DI IORIO Saint James Parish Where there's a joke, there's Jerry . . . responsive feelings . . . helps make July 4th a little bit louder . . . "Just keep the Draft away" is his motto. Restaurant Management Club 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

RICHARD DIXON St. Raphael's Parish Excels socially . . . quick-witted . . . a football great . . . ad-lib specialist . . . wants to go to college. Glee Club 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2; Music Festival 1; School Play 1; Varsity Football 4.

MARYANNE DOMANSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish Quiet as a whisper . . . busy as a beaver . . . an all around girl with a style all her own . . . has an idea of becoming a teacher. Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Hostess Committee 2, 3; Homeroom Officer President 4, Vice-President 2, 3, Secretary 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 3, 4; Proctor 4.

MARK DRISCOLL Incarnation Parish Possesses a quiet nature . . . somewhat shy . . . always drawing automobiles . . . will be a car stylist. Travel Club 1; Projection Club 3; German Club 2, 3; Radio Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage-hand 3, 4.

MARY DORNER Saint Anthony's Parish Sparkling sense of humor . . . always ready for service . . . devoted soccer fan . . . will don a white cap. Dramatic Club 1, 2, Treasurer 2; Mission Club 3; Nursing Club 4, Vice-President 4; Latin Club 3; Social Committee 2, 4; Homeroom Officer ViGe-President 1, Secretary 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; School Play 3.

BARBARA DRINGUS Saint Hedwig's Parish Enjoys driving . . . quick with the answer . . . has a balanced personality : . . plans to be a memo taker. Sewing Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Club Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Decoration Committee 3.

IRENE DUNN St. Raphael's Parish Full of fun ... definitely not shy . . . varied interests . . . people amuse her . . . office days ahead. Dramatic Club 1, 2; Red Cross Club 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Red Cross Committee 1, 3, 4; Homeroom Officer Treasurer 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Secretary to Faculty 3; School Play 3, 4; Assembly 4; Band 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

Honor Society members Kathleen Cooper, Patrick Ryan, Carol Catanese, and Martin Connor take advantage of the book store to build up a personal library.

ALITA DUSEK St. Raphael's Parish A reserved young lady . . . a simple- laugh . . . works diligently . . . will prepare to be a medical secretary. Biology Club 1, Secretary 1; Pen and Pencil Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Club Committee 1; Transportation Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Feature Staff 1, 4.

JAMES DWYER Incarnation Parish Cooperation plus . . . a winning personality . . . a source of mischief ... a future history teacher. Sports Club 1; Press Club 2; Bridge Club 3, 4, President 4; Homeroom President 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Intramurals 4.

ELAINE ELENEWSKI Saint Ann's Parish A great companion ... dependable . . . smiles her way out of trouble . . . one of our future nurses. Biology Club 2; Girls Athletic Club 1; Future Nurses of America Club 2, 3, 4; Assembly Committee 1, 2; Girls Athletic Committee 3; Hostess Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 3, 4.

MARY LOU ELENIEWSKI Saint James Parish, Pennington Concern for everyone ... light wit . . . energy to spare for sports . . . will attend a teachers' college. Girls Sports Club 1; Creative Writing Club 3; Glee Club 4; Girls Athletic Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 4; School Play 4; Assembly 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4, Captain 3; Freshman Soccer 1; Freshman Baseball l, Varsity Baseball 3.

WILLIAM ERNST Saint Ann's Parish Wisdom and mirth . . . prefers mathematics . . . Notre Dame's Mercury . . . a credit to Notre Dame in any office. German Club 2, 3; Varsity Club 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Football 3; Varsity Track 2, 3, 4.

MARILYN ESPOSITO Saint Ann's Parish Service with a smile . . . a humble heart . . . respect for all . . . would like to be a social worker. Red Cross Club 1; Press Club 2, 3, Secretary 3; Pen and Pencil Club 4; Homeroom Treasurer 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 2; Coronet Staff Feature Editor 4.

JANICE EVANS Saint Anthony's Parish Witty and wise ... quick with the tokes ... an honor student eagerly awaiting that college atmosphere. Latin Club 1, 2; Dramatics Club 2; German Club 2, 3, Treasurer 2, 3; Sports Club 3, 4; Girls' Athletic Association 4, President 4; Transportation Committee 3; Student Council Girls' Athletic Chairman 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3; Sodality 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Band 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Basketball 2, 3; Softball 1, 2; Tennis 3.

Senior Class

MARY ANN ENGENNACH Incarnation Parish Tranquil and pleasant . . . nice to have as a friend . . . faithful attendance at games . . . has always hoped to be a nurse. Future Nurses of America Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Basketball 3, Manager 3; Baseball 2.

PATRICIA EVANS Holy Angels Parish Polite and pert miss . . . animated . . . artistic temperament . . . will sparkle on a college campus. Latin Club 2; Dramatic Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Committee 4; Homeroom President 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 3, 4; Christmas Play 3; Assembly 3, 4; Stage-hand 3; Lady Lore Contributions 2.


ANTHONY FAMA Saint Mary's Parish Enjoyable to joke with . . . befriends all . . . takes responsibility with ease and pleasure . . . headed for the halls of higher learning. Latin Club 2, 3; Biology Club 2; French Club 1; Social Club 1, 2, 3; Mission Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

ANTHONY FAVATA Saint James Parish Very amiable to all . . . has an inquiring mind . . . dedicated to sports . . . will major in electrical engineering. Latin Club 2, 3; Mathematics Club 4; Boys' Athletic Committee 4; Homeroom Vice-President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Varsity Football 4.

JOHN FEENEY Saint Anthony's Parish A speedy runner . . . unassumin~ personality . . . "Where's Leori?' . . . on to business college. Photography Club 1, 2; Sports Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Varsity Track 3, 4.

NANCY FLYNN Saint Ann's Parish Friendly smile . . . will listen attentively . . . an aid to the sick as she approaches a nursing career. Future Nurses of America Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Modern Dance Club 3, 4; Music Committee 1; Proctor Committee 2; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Feature Staff 4; Orchestra 1; Proctor 2.

JOAN FLAVIN Saint Anthony's Parish A laugh of delight . . . cute and short . . . conceals her intelligence ... chooses a nursing career. Dramatics Club 1; Red Cross Club 2; Latin Club 1, 2; French Club 3; Future Nurses of America Club 3, 4; Service Committee 1, 3; Red Cross Committee 2; Assembly Committee 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT FORGASH Saint Gregory's Parish Fancies hunting . . . keeps his thoughts to himself . . . is always ready with a clever answer . . . intends to study law. Science Club 1, 2; Sports Club 3, 4; Club Committee 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Varsity Basketball3.


CLAIRE FLYNN Incarnation Parish Her heart belongs to Notre Dame . . . partial to long hair . . . favors dancing . . . will decorate a college campus come fall. Sewing Club 1, 2; Pen and Pencil Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Modern Dance Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Intramurals 2, 3.

RENEE FORAN St. Raphael's Parish Friendly and sentimental . . . a style all her own . . . looks prettiest when she blushes . . . look for her in any college. Future Teachers of America Club 1; Pen and Pencil Club 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Bulletin Board Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic 路 Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 2.

DINO FIABANE Saint Paul's Parish Shy but witty . . . politeness is one of his many possessions . . . smart . . . a bright future for him in college. Mission Club 1; Latin Club 2, 3; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Assembly Committee 2; Music Committee 3; Service Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 4; . Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4.

THOMAS FREEMAN Saint Gregory's Parish Artfully inclined . . . his loyalty is showing . . . mischievous . . . brings out the best in things . . . the commercial art field beckons. Chess Club 1; Pen and Pencil Club 2; Art Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Co-Editor 4; Lady Lore Staff 1, 2, 4; Art Staff 1, 2, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Varsity Track 3, 4.

MARGARET FRENCH Saint Raphael's Parish Quiet but pleasant . . . a flair for fashion . . . enjoys bowling and ice skating . . . will continue to study. Mission Club 1, 2; Bridge Club 3; Latin Club 2, 3; Pen and Pencil Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 4; Intramurals 3, 4.

FRANK GALATE Holy Angels Parish A polite gentleman . . . neat in appearance . . . shines on the dance floor ... a future interior designer. Photography Club 1, 2; Art Club 4; Treasurer 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

STEVEN GALLO Saint Ann's Parish Enjoys himself and others . . . unpredictable . . . football is his life . . . popular . . . destined for high learning. Varsity Club 3, 4; Glee Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Football 3, 4, Defensive Captain 4; Varsity Track 3, 4.

CATHERINE GARANSI An amiable personality . . . little things mean a lot . . . mischief maker No. 2 ... will grace an office in the secretarial field. Library Club 2, 3; Cooking Club 4; Assembly Committee 1, 2; Bulletin Board Committee 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Christmas Play 1; Lady Lore Typist Staff 3.

WILLIAM GASKILL Saint Anthony's Parish Tall and blond ... a faithful volunteer for duty . . . car bug . . . hopes to work in the advertising business. Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor Committee 1; Proctor 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

ELIZABETH ANN GAMBI St. Raphael's Parish Nice to talk to ... sociable ... willing and able . . . mischief maker No. 1 ... preparing for a secretarial position. Girls Sports Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 2, 3; Cooking Club 4; Social Committee 1, 3; Hostess Committee; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Clerical Co-op 4; School Play 1; Christmas Play 1, 2; Coronet Circulation Staff 4; Lady Lore Typist Staff 4.

Louis Altieri, George Bacso, and Carolyn Abel study career pamphlets and college catalogues in the guidance reading room.

MATTHEW GAUG Saint Raphael's Parish Vivid imagination . . . loves doing anything . . . practical in his own way ... plans to train for business. Social Club 1, 2; Biology Club 2; Spanish Club 3; Archery Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

ALDO GENOVESI Saint James Parish Tall, dark, and handsome everybody's friend . . . a football great . . . college ambition. Biology Club 2; Varsity Club 3; Archery Club 3; Homeroom President 1, Vice-President 2, Secretary 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Football 1, 2, 3, Captain; Baseball 1, 2, 3, Captain.

RICHARD GERV ASONI Saint Raphael's Parish Calm and pleasant ... enjoys life in a ~~bdu_ed way . . . will ~t;cceed . . . Callmg Dr. Gervasom . Chess Club 1; Treasure 1; Pen and Pencil Club 2; Latin Club 2; Science Club of America 3; German Club 2, 3, 4; Mathematics Club 3; Proctor 4; Parish Council Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Homeroom Banking Representative 1; Assembly 2; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Intramurals 1, 3.

JOAN GOLINSKI Holy Angels Parish Exact and efficient ... gentle ... will combine secretarial teaching and baton twirling for a career. Cooking Club 4; Red Cross Committee 1, 2; Proctor Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Spanish Honor Society 3, .4; Sodality 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4; School Play 1, 2, 3; Assembly 3, 4; Lady Lore Typist 2; Proctor 3; Cheerleader 3.

JAMES GIORDANO Saint Raphael's Parish A generous spirit . . . constant chatter . . . math enthusiast . . . "Do you recall that test?" ... college beckons. Hobby Club 1; Science Club of America 3; Latin Club 2, 3; Mathematics Club 4; Boys Athletic Committee 1; Proctor Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Lady Lore Contributions I.

NANCY GOLDEN Saint Paul's Parish Always cheerful . . . always busy . . . neat and uniform . . . an ardent singer and pianist. Glee Club 1, 2, 4; Future Nurses of America Club 3; Latin Club 2, 3; Music Committee 2; Assembly Committee 3; Proctor Committee 4; Transportation Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Coronet Feature Staff, Alumni Editor 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2, 3; Proctor 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3. CHERIE GIRARD Saint Anthony's Parish Miss Teenage of Trenton . . . twirls her baton for enjoyment ... cheerful . . . will major in physical education. Girls Sports Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls Sports Committee 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2, 3, 4.

ANGELO GUILIARI Saint James Parish A product of Trenton Catholic ... Notre Dame acclimated . . . likes people . . . a candidate for the Reserves. Biology Club 2; Spanish Club 3; Archery Club 4; Homeroom President 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Football 1, Baseball 2, 3, 4.

RUDOLPH GEURDS Incarnation Parish His presence adds life ... looking for excitement . . . star on the diamond . . . an engineer of tomorrow. Chess Club 1; Varsity Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Soccer 3, 4; Varsity Baseball 3, 4.

Art students Peter Sieben, ]o Ann Kaminski, Gerald Messineo, and Sandra Bonacci are in the process of hanging their entry for the art exhibit on Corridor A.

LEON GRABOWSKI Saint Joseph's Parish An out-door-man . . . bubbling personality . . . N. D.'s leader in cross country . . . destined to be an architect. Do-It-Yourself Club 1; Sports Club 2, 3, 4, President 4; Boys Athletic Chairman 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Varsity Track 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Varsity Cross Country 3, 4, Captain 3, 4.

RICHARD GREEN Saint Joseph's Parish Athletically inclined . . . friendly toward all . . . a tall, good looking gentleman . . . enjoys a good joke . . . electronics will claim his attention. Do-It-Yourself Club 1; Bridge Club 3; Sports Club 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 3, 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; lntramurals 1, 2; Basketball 1; Varsity Cross Country 3.

ANITA GREGORESKI Saint Paul's Parish Quiet . . . interested in animals, especially horses . . . enjoys working with a thread and needle . . . expects to be a veterinarian. Sewing Club 1; Red Cross Club 3; Dramatic Club 2, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Red Cross Chairman 3; Girls Athletic Chairman 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom banking representative 1; Library Assistant 3; School Play 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1; In tram urals 3, 4.

PATRICIA GREGORY Saint Anthony's Parish Twinkling eyes and a happy smile . . . loves to make new friends . . . Miss Co-operation . . . a future elementary school teacher. Sewing Club 1; Dramatic Club 2; Future Teachers of America Club 3, 4; Latin Club 2; Bulletin Board Committee 2; Service Committee 3; Social Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Circulation Staff 2, 3; Intramurals 3, 4.

WILLIAM GRONIKOWSKI Saint Joseph's Parish Stockily built gentleman . . . easy to get along with . . . carpentry occupies much of his time . . . hopes to obtain a degree in architecture. Do-It-Yourself Club 1; Bridge Club 3; Sports Club 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Athletic Committee 3; Homeroom President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 4; Varsity Cross Country 3; Varsity Track 3.

JOSEPH GULBINSKY Saint Raphael's Parish A competent Jack-of all-trades ... strictly original . . . subtle wit 路. . . takes life as it comes . . . determined to board the collegiate train. Forum Club 1, 2; German Club 3, President 3; Projection Club 4; Assembly Chairman 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1.

CAROL GROCHALA Saint Hedwig's Parish Chocolate cake makes her eyes sparkle . . . happy-go-lucky . . . once a friend always a friend . . . headed for higher education. Sewing Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 3, 4; Red Cross Chairman 1; Catholic Youth Adoralio 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

Class of 1963

KATHLEEN GUTOWSKI Incarnation Parish A smile for everyone . . . welcomed in any crowd . . . sugar and spice . . . will enter the business world. Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Cooking Club 4; Service Committee 1; Assembly Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3.

VINCENT HAGER Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Generous by nature . . . has a radiating personality . . . likes most outdoor sports . . . will travel with the Navy. Sports Club 1; Archery Club 3; German 2, 3; Projection Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 1, 2, 3; Assembly 2, 3. 49

MARGARET HANCIN Holy Angels Parish Always ready and willing . blushes easily . . . a bowling enthusiast . . . her future centers around a white cap. Glee Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2, Treasurer 2; Future Nurses of America 3, 4; Hostess Committee 1, 2, 3; Homeroom treasurer 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1.

EDWARD HARDING Saint Ann's Parish Incessant talker ... passes the time studying the Civil War . . . interesting personality . . . will major in history. Mission Club 2, 4; Parish Council Committee 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOSEPH HARVILLA Saint Mary's Parish Reserved but friendly . . . fishing and hunting rate high with him ... tinkers with hot rods . . . college is next. Sports Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN HERRITY Holy Angels Parish A born leader . . . N. D.'s soccer star . . . has ideas to spare . . . known for his loyalty and spirit . . . desires campus life. Forum Club 1, 2, 3, President of Oratorical Section; Future Teachers of America Club 4; Latin Club 1; President 4; Homeroom President 2, 3; Homeroom Treasurer 1; Knights of Notre Dame 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Art Staff 3, 4; Orchestra 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Varsity Soccer 1, 3, 4.

CATHERINE HILLMAN Saint Raphael's Parish A sunny disposition . . . enjoys a good book . . . dancing and listening to records are tops with her . . . a future teacher. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2; Homeroom Secretary 1; Catholic Youth Adoration l, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 3; Proctor 4.

DOLORES HERBERT Saint Paul's Parish Chatters on and on .. . sweetness personified . . . has a heart of gold and friends galore ... next stopcollege. Sewing 1; Latin Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 3, 4; Service Comnmittee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3.


SANDRA HIBBERT Saint Anthony's Parish Full of fun ... devotes her leisure time to bowling . . . gentle manner . . . secretary in the making. Glee Club 1, 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2; Latin Club 2; Service Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith l, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 3, 4; School Play 3; Assembly 3; Lady Lore Typist 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1; Proctor 2; lntramurals 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3.

CAROLE HOLST Saint Ann's Parish Shy but friendly . . . studious . . . golfing is her hobby . . . hopes to take some teacher's place. Future Nurses of America Club 1, 2, 3; Future Teachers of America Club 4; Hostess Committee 1; Bulletin Board Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2.

VINCENT HOFFMAN Saint Joseph's Parish N eatness is one of his assets always mannerly . . . enjoys sports in general . . . will make a typical collegiate. Sports Club 1; Forum Club 2 ; Science Club 3, 4; Homeroom President 1; Homeroom Vice-President 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 3; School Play 2, 3; Assembly 1, 2, 3; Proctor 3; Intramurals 1, 2; Varsity Football 4.

CHARLOTTE HORVATH Holy Angels Parish Full of fun at all times ... abounding in smiles . . . does more than her share . . . dreams of someday being a social worker. Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; German Club 2, 3; Junior Red Cross Club 4; Junior Red Cross Committee 4; Junior Prom Committee 3; Catholic Adoration 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Circulation Staff 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4.

SUSAN HOUCK Saint Joseph's Parish A dancing enthusiast . . . spreads good will everywhere . . . dependable . . . a rosy future in college. Future Nurses of America Club 1, 3, 4; Sewing Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 2, 3.

CAROLYN HUSTAK Saint Hedwig's Parish She walks in beauty . . . completely unaffected ... always on the go . . . sets her sights on a nursing future. Future Nurses of America Club 1, 2, 3, 4, President 4, Vice-President 3, Secretary 2; Latin Club 2; Girls Athletic Committee 1, 3; Student Council Treasurer 4; Homeroom Vice-President 2, Secretary 3; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Prefect 4; Catholic Youth Adoration I, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; Captain 3.

MARIE IMMORDINO Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Always in a hurry-after school . . . has a desire to please . . . simply loves to dance . . . has college in view. Sewing Club I; Dramatic Club 3; Social Committee 1; National Honor Society 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration I; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Choraleers 1; School Play I, 2, 3; Christmas Play 1; Coronet Circulation Staff 3, 4; Lady Lore Typist 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1; Proctor 3; Intramurals 3.

JOSEPH JAKUBISIN Saint Anthony's Parish Solemn expression during classes . . . calm . . . loves ice-skating ... college is bound to follow next. Sports Club 1, 2, 4, Secretary 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Football 3.

JOANN KAMINSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish Cheerfulness is her motto . . . her gaiety puts a silver lining on any dark cloud . . . a real comic . . . should reach her goal as a secretary. Style Club 1, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Homeroom Banking Representative 1.

GERALDINE INVERSO Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Has a heart with room for many friends . . . fust one in a million . . . an abundance of reserve energy . . . longs to be a nurse. Glee Club 1, 2, 4; Future Nurses of America Club 3; Latin Club 2; French Club 2; Homeroom Secretary 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; School Play 2; Coronet Feature Staff 1.

Sheila Lynch, Monica Argue, and Angela Pelicano hold an informal gab session in the hall between classes in typical high school style.

ANTHONY KARNICKY Saint Joseph's Parish A fine fokester . . . never cares to worry . . . enfoys hunting and fishing . . . a future draftsman. Photography Clu~ 1; Chess Club 2, 3; Archery Club 4; German Club 2, 3; Athletic Co:{Ilmittee 1, 2, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1.

ROBERT KASPEROWICZ Saint Hedwig's Parish A singer at heart ... studying is the least of his worries : . . lots of fun . . . college bound come fall. Sports Club 1; Parish Council Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Distributive Education 4; Football 1.

KATHRYN KAZAROW Saint James Parish Gift of gab . . . always ready to discuss important issues . . . likes painting, singing, and dancing . . . aiming for a collegiate life. Glee Club 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Music Committee 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 2; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2; Band 1, 2; Orchestra 2; Proctor 4; Intramurals 1.

JEAN KEEGAN Saint Raphael's Parish A friend in need ... applies herself to all activities . . . ery.foys bowling and skating . . . a position in nursing awaits her. Glee Club 1, 3, 4; Dramatic Club 2; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, Secretary 1, 2; Club Committee 2; Music Committee 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 3, 4; School Play 3; Christmas Play 2; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Proctor 3, 4.

JOAN KEEGAN Saint Raphael's Parish Somewhat reserved . . . finds a good side to everything . . . likes to sew during her spare time . . . will make an able secretary. Sewing Club 1; Bridge Club 3; Future Business Leaders of America Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Christmas Play 1; Coronet Staff 3, 4.

RICHARD KERWICK Saint Anthony's Parish A genial personality . . . good humoured . . . omits no detail of story ... college prep boy. Photography Club 1; German Club 2, 3; Geometry Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2.

GEORGE KELLY Saint Ann's Parish Can be seen on two wheels . . . neat ... N.D.'s favorite clarinetist ... will major in music. German Club 2, 3, 4; Music Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Band 2, 3, 4, Squad Leader 4; Orchestra 3, 4; Proctor 4.

MARY ANN KENT Holy Angels Parish Definitely school spirited . . . unexpected humor . . . peaches and cream complexion ... will someday be a friendly receptionist. Red Cross Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 2, 3; Dramatic Club 4; Red Cross Commit~e 1; Assembly Committee 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3: School Play 1, 2, 3; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOYCE KIERNAN Enjoys talking and does her share ... simply unforgettable . . . commended for pep . . . her one ambition is to be a teacher. Future Teachers of America Club 2, 3; Future Nurses of America Club 4; German Club 2, 3; Geometry Club 2; Girls Athletic Committee 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 4; Coronet Circulation Staff 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4.

Carol Catanese, Matthew Gaug, and Thomas Deptula give the foyer a festive look with some Christmas decorations.

GLORIA KING Holy Angels Parish Blushes easily . . . dependable ... int~rested in ice skating and swimming . . . dreams of being a pediatric nurse. Pen and Pencil Club 2; Latin Club 2, 3; Future Nurses of America Club 3, 4; Journalism Club 1; Music Committee 1; Social Committee 2, 3; Job Opportunities Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom banking representative 4; School Play 1, 2, 3; Modern Dance 3; Coronet Feature Staff 1; Lady Lore Contributions 2.

JAMES KING Saint Joseph's Parish Trustworthy and likeable ... amusing situations his forte . . . enjoys sports in general . . . a future commercial artist. Hobby Club 1; Stage Craft Club 4; German Club 1, 2; Latin Club 1, 2; Transportation Committee 1, 2; Homeroom Vice-President 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage Hand 4; Varsity Soccer 3, 4.

RICHARD KIRKHAM Saint Raphael's Parish Collector of stamps and coins . . . mischievous smile . . . skilled in archery . . . prospective electronic engineer. Chess Club 1, 2, 3; Archery Club 4, Treasurer 4; German Club 2, 3; Transportation Committee 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 2, Manager 2; Varsity Baseball 3, 4.

EDWARD KISCO Saint Raphael's Parish Always ready with a clever answer . . . nice to know . . . his quick laughter is amtl,sing . . . plans to enter a naval academy. Forum Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Latin Club 2; French Club 2; Club Committee 1, 2; Student Council Transportation Chairman 4; Knights of Notre Dame 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2, 3, 4; Proctor 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1.

CHRISTINE KNOTT Saint Raphael's Parish Always seen but never heard . friendly, dependable, and sincere ... master of the keyboard ... high hopes of becoming a psychologist. Glee Club 1; Creative Writing Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 3, Secretary 3; Music Committee 2, 3; Hostess Committee 4; Homeroom Secretary 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Christmas Play 1; Lady Lore Contributions 1.

ELIZABETH KOERZ Saint Hedwig's Parish Very understanding . . . a captivating personality . . . sweetness personified . . . all lined up for a secretarial position. Future Business Leaders of America Club 1, 3; Library Club 4; Bulletin Board Committee 1; Social Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Christmas Play 1; Canticle Typist 4; Lady Lore Typist 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT KLEIN Saint Gregory's Parish A Distributive Education enthusiast . . . never lost for words . . . abounding with school spirit . . . is set for a business career. Sports Club 1; German Club 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Distributive Education 4; Football 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2.

Senior Class

KAREN KOWALSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish A friend you'll never forget . . . kind and sociable . . . a terrific ice skater . . . headed for Trenton Junior College in the fall. Girls' Athletic Club 1; Library Club 3, 4, Treasurer 3, President 4; Girls' Athletic Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; School Play 4; Christmas Play 4.

ROSEMARIE KRAKOWSKI Holy Angels Parish Sparkling eyes . . . a heart full of song . . . an avid reader . . . takes an interest in her work . . . an efficient secretary in the making. Mission Club 1, 3; Glee Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4; Music Festival 4; Christman Play 1; Yearbook Typist 4; Lady Lore Typist 4.


JOSEPH KRAUS Holy Angels Parish Talents unlimited . . . a heart full of song . . . the world is his stage . . . headed for the wild blue yonder. Dramatics Club 1; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Mission Committee 1; Proctor Committee 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; School Play 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1, 2,; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 2, 3; lntramurals 1.

RONALD KRISAK Saint Hedwig's Parish A senior with plenty of zip . . . musical by nature . . . shouts the praises of N. D.'s gridmen . . . a prospective medical man. Do-It-Yourself Club 1, Secretary 1; Biology Club 3, Vice-President 3; Chess Club 4, President 4; Mission Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 4; Music Festival 3, 4; Assembly 3, 4; Yearbook Sports Staff 4; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 4.

KATHLEEN KRUEGER Saint Anthony's Parish Good natured and benevolent . any teacher's delight ... a pleasing personality . . . plans a successful secretarial career. Red Cross Club 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Style Club 4; Red Cross Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 3, 4.

MARY JANE ~YSELKA Saint Hedwig's Parish Efficient secretary . . . perfection to the tiniest detail . . . enjoys singing . . . will make a fine secretary. Glee Club 1, 2, 3; Music Committee 1; Hostess Committee 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Service Corps 1; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3; Choraleers 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Lady Lore Typist 3. JUDITH KULESZA Saint Joseph's Parish Small but dynamic . . . a good luck jinx . . . dabbles in art . . . a bit on the shy side . . . Business College bound. Mission Club 1; Future Nurses of America Club 2, 3; Girls' Athletic Committee 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 4; Basketball 1, 2; Baseball 1.

THOMAS LaFISCA Saint James Parish Calm, cool, and collected . . . a dark, handsome lad . . . blessed with brains . . . will aid mankind as a research biologist. Biology Club 1, 2; Science Club 3, 4, President 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 1, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 4; Assembly

3, 4.


ROBERT LABONSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish An even disposition . . . an independent spirit . . . is an amateur radio ham . . . sees a prosperous future as a retailer. Chess Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 3, 4; Christmas Play 2; Band 2, 3, Squad Leader 2, 3.

KENNETH LAGANA Saint Anthony's Parish Popular prankster . . . devoted to sports . . . pleasing personality . . . success to this future businessman. Sports Club 1; Restaurant Management Club 4; Transportation Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

LYNNETTE KRUG Saint Michael's Parish A pleasant girl with a radiant smile . . . has that little girl look . . . always neat as a pin . . . sees office days ahead. Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Style Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3.

A. THOMAS LANE Saint Ann's Parish Excels in school spirit . . . courteous and dependable . . . a ready wit . . . wants to be a veterinarian. Mission Club 1; Dramatics Club 2; Physics Club 3; Mathematics Club 4; Transportation Committee 3; Proctor Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 1, 3, 4; Proctor 4; Football 1; Golf 4.

DOROTHEA LANE Saint Ann's Parish Good humored and vivacious . . . sparkling Irish eyes . . . blushes easily . . . has a place reserved in the business world. Sewing Club 3; Social Committee 1, 2, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; School Play 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 3.

MARGARET LANE Saint Ann's Parish An exciting personality . . . always exhibits her best . . . roller skating her main pastime . . . a future stenographer. Sewing Club 3; Homeroom Secretary 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 3; Yearbook Typist Staff 4.

EMILY LEONARDI Saint Anthony's Parish Soft spoken and demure . . . neatness is a must . . . strives for perfection . . . looking ahead to a secretarial career. Sewing Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Style Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Yearbook Typist Staff 4.

DIERDRE LETT Saint Joseph's Parish A lady on the go . . . attentive and obliging . . . art claims her interest . . . looking forward to becoming a teacher. Future Teachers of America Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Bulletin Board Committee 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 4; Intramurals 2; Basketball 2; Tennis 3.

JEAN LEWANDOWSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish Cordial personality . . . a foy to be with . . . takes pride in her work . . . hopes to take up business in college. Modern Dance Club 3; Cooking Club 3; Future Business Leaders of America Club 4; Red Cross Committee 1; Service Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 4; Assembly 3, 4; Library Assistant 4.

JUDITH LEONE Saint Joseph's Parish Cheerful as can be ... a real gogetter . . . sensitive to the feelings of others . . . will seek an office position. Sewing Club 2; Cooking Club 3; Future Business Leaders of America Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; School Play 4; Christmas Play 4; Yearbook Typist Staff 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Soccer 1, 2.

Having received an honorable mention in the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, Martin Connor shows his letter of commendation to Anna Maria Astore and John Chebra.

MICHAEL LEWIS Saint Joseph's Parish Handsomely tall . . . pleasant by nature . . . a boating enthusiast . . . plans to be a mechanical engineer. Do-It-Yourself Club 1; Science Club 2, 3; Projection Club 4; German Club 2, 3; Geometry Club 2; Service Committee 1; Athletic Committee 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 3.

JOSEPH LICCIARDELLO Holy Angels Parish "Mr. Editor-in-Chief" . . . talented with a camera . . . known by everyone . . . plans to become Dr. Licciardello. Forum Club 1; Photography Club 2, 3; Mission Club 4; German Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Assembly Committee 1, 2, 3; Mission Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Photography Staff 4; Coronet Editor-in-Chief 4, Photographer 2, 3; Lady Lore Contributions 3; Band 1, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4.

DAVID LOVELESS Saint Ann's Parish A gentleman first, last, and always . . . noble in bearing and honest in speech . . . science his wisdom . . . a collector of rifles . . . hopes to become a veterinarian. Biology Club 1, 2; Science Club 2, 3; Physics Club 3; Club Committee 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

SHEILA LYNCH Saint Raphael's Parish Light-hearted and gay . . . enfoys dancing . . . can help you firtd a book . . . plans to attend Barry College in the fall. Future Teachers of America Club 1, 2; Library Club 3, Treasurer 3; Glee Club 4; Mission Committee 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 4; School Play 3, 4; Assembly 2; Library Assistant 3, 4; Proctor 2; Intramurals 1, 2.

RODERICK MacKINNON Saint Paul's Parish A true gentleman . . . always willing to lend a hand . . . likes to dive in the deep blue . . . plans to enter college. Chess Club 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Varsity Track 4.

THOMAS MAHONEY Saint Raphael's Parish Comes equipped wi'th a smile . . . ready for action . . . strums a guitar . . . a seasonal hunter . . . will be a history teacher. Science Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, President 3; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Parish Council Representative 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1; Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 4; Assembly 1, 2; Orchestra 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2; Varsity Track 2, 3, 4; Crosscountry 3.

PATRICIA MAGEE Holy Angels Parish A contagious smile . . . pleasant and considerate . . . likes shopping sprees . . . plans to take up business education at Rider College. Future Business Leader of America Club 3; Dramatic Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Secretary to Faculty 3; School Play 4.

CECILIA MARCHAND Saint Gregory's Parish A gleaming smile . . . conscientious in her studies . . . graceful carriage . . . hopes to be a successful biology teacher. Latin Club 1, 2; Mission Club 2; Art Club 3; Future Teachers of America Club 1, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2, 4; Lady Lore Art Staff 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Tennis 3, 4.

JOHN MARESSA Saint James Parish Believes weight lifting can be fun . . . enfoys selling for pleasure and profit . . . enfoys the finer things . . . college ahead. Latin Club 1, 2; French Club 2; Biology Club 2; Business Club 3; Homeroom President 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Distributive Education 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

"Oh well, even a bus driver forgets sometimes," quips Ray Bekarciak to Virginia Blicharz, Sheila Angeloni, and Louis Blyskal as they patiently wait for a bus to take them home.

GAIL MARINO Saint Raphael's Parish A raven-haired miss . . . always on the go . . . likes to foin in song . . : seeks a secretarial future. Glee Club 1, 4; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Hostess Committee 3; Homeroom Secretary 1, Treasurer 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Music Festival 4; School Play 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 4; Yearbook Staff Typist 4; Cheerleader 4, Captain 4.

MICHAEL MARKULEC Saint Hedwig's Parish Sociable, friendly, likeable . . . a devilish sense of humor ... a good mixer ... a prospective architect. Biology Club 1; German Club 2; Archery Club 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 3, President 4; Proctor Committee 3; Assembly Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 2, 3; School Play 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Varsity Track 3, 4. '

FRANCIS MARROLLI Saint Raphael's Parish Sincere in his actions . . . always tries to plellse . . . is an ardent sports fan . . . will don the Navy blue. German Club 2, 3; Restaurant Management Club 4; Service Committee 3; Transportation Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

VINCENT MARTIN Incarnation Parish Couldn't be happier . . . likes dancing to rock and roll . . . a resonant tenor . . . engineering plans ahead. Hobby Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2; German Club 2, 3, President 2; Glee Club 2, 3, 4, Librarian 4; Boys' Athletic Committee 1; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; School Play 4; Cheerleader 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

WILLIAM MATE Saint Raphael's Parish An admirable senior . . . often witty . . . covers ground on the gridiron . . . college bound. Latin Club 1, 2, President 1, Treasurer 2; French Club 2, 3, 4; Sports Club 1, 2; Varsity Club 3, 4; Club Committee 1, 2; Homeroom Treasurer 3, President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 1; Proctor 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Football 3, 4, Captain 4.

SANDRA MATUZA Saint Joseph's Parish Lends a sympathetic ear . . . is a rapid writer . . . has varied interests . . . a successful bttSiness teacher in the future. Style Club 1, 4; Social Committee 1, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Homeroom banking representative 1; Soccer 1; Baseball 1; Hockey 1.

JOSEPH MARUCA Saint Raphael's Parish Enthusiastic in all endeavors a born leader ... 12 E's gridiron favorite . . . plans a career as a successful physician. Latin Club 1, 2, Vice-President 2; German Club 2, 3, Treasurer 2, President 3; Pen and Pencil Club 2; Red Cross Club 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Student Council VicePresident 4; Homeroom President 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Proctor 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Football 3, 4.

Class of 1963

JOSEPH MAKRANCY Saint Anthony's Parish Devoted to his test tubes . . . always doing his best . . . likes to record music . . . future laboratory technician. Latin Club L 2; German Club 2, 3; Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4, VicePresident 4; Mathematics Club 3; Proctor Committee 1, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Proctor 1, 2; Intramurals 4; Varsity Track 4.

GEORGE MATUCHECK Incarnation Parish Lives in the clouds . . . calm and collected . . . mischief's constant companion . . . plans to go into business. Sports Club 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2; Baseball 1.


DENNIS MAZIARZ Saint Hedwig's Parish Confident in all aims ... sets high standards and meets them . . . will prosper as a chemical engineer. Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Vice-President 3; German Club 4, Vice-President 4; Latin Club 4; Club Committee 1; Parish Council Committee 4; Student Council Parish Council Chairman 4; Homeroom President 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1; Proctor 1; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Track 2, 3, 4; Cross Country 4.

LINDA MAZIARZ Saint Anthony's Parish Simplicity in its perfection . . . a cheerful miss . . . the picture of neatness . . . will sport a white cap in the future. Sewing Club 1, Vice-President 1; French Club 1; Latin Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, Vice-President 4; Hostess Committee 1; Social Committee 2, 3; Homeroom Secretary 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 3, 4; Sodality 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 4; Assembly 1, 4; Intramurals 1; Basketball 1; Soccer 1; Baseball 1, 2, 4; Tennis 3, 4.

KAREN McEWAN Saint Raphael's Parish Courtesy becomes her . . . has an inexhaustible knowledge of the world . . . flawless complexion . . . contemplates entering the business world. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Club Committee 1; Music Committee 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; School Play 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Business Circulation Staff 3; Lady Lore Contributions 1; A Cappella Choir 3, 4.

JAMES McKEEVER Incarnation Parish Famous for his jokes . .. all friends, no enemies . . . wit is his stand-by . . . future collegiate. Chess Club 1; Chemistry Club 2, 3; Archery Club 4; Latin Club 2; French Club 3; Proctor Committee 1; Boys' Athletic Committee 4; Stage-Craft Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1; Stagehand 3; Orchestra 2; Proctor 1; Intramurals 2, 4.

RICHARD McDOUGAL Holy Angels Parish Eager to learn ... always dependable . . . talented and industrious . . . will make an excellent teacher. Chess Club 1; Science Club 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

CRAIG McNALLY Saint Paul's Parish A quiet but firm gentleman camera bug . . . definitely shy ... plans to continue his studies. Hobby Club 1; Science Club 3; French Club 4; Club Committee 1; Transportation Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 4.


EDWARD McGLONE Holy Angels Parish A man of few words ... extremely mild . . . enjoys sports and cars . . . intends to experience college life. Chess Club 1; Science Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4.

KEVIN McNALLY Saint Pauls' Parish Subtle humor . . . very likeable ... likes to tinker with trains . . . college bound. Science Club 2, 3, 4; Club Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 4.

CLAIRE McELROY Saint Ann's Parish Shines with the glitter of gems . . . blushes easily . . . a fashion plate . . . headed for college life. Library Club 1; Pen and Pencil Club 2, 3, Treasurer 2, President 3; Junior Red Cross Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2; German Club 2, 3, 4, Secretary 2; Hostess Committee 2; Girls' Athletic Committee 3; Executive Committee of GAA 4; Homeroom Vice-President 2; Homeroom Secretary 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 3; Assembly 2, 3; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2, 4; Orchestra 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3; Hockey 4; Softball 1, 2, 4.

KATHLEEN McNICHOL Saint Anthony's Parish A heart of gold . . . a million dollar smile . . . friends to spare . . . a prospective collegiate. Glee Club 1; Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4; Service Committee 1, 2; Proctor Committee 3; Service Committee 4, Secretary 4; Homeroom Secretary 3, Treasurer 1, 2, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Service Corps 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2, 3; Music Festival 1; Assembly 1, 3, 4; Proctor 3, 4; Softball 2.

PETER McQUADE Saint Anthony s Parish Easy on the nerves . . . rates high in everyone's book . . . consistently calm ... college comes next. Choraleers 2; Propagation of the Faith 4; School Play 2, 3; Intramurals 1, 2; Basketball!, Captain 1.

PATRICIA MEDULLA Saint Anthony's Parish Gentle of manner and voice fashion wise . . . ambitious in a nice way . . . will make an excellent grade school teacher. Restaurant Management Club 1; Mission Club 2; Glee Club 3, 4; Service Committee 1; Assembly Committee 2; Service Corps 1; Proctor Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 3, 4; School Play 3, 4; Assembly 3, 4; Proctor 4.

HUGO MERCANTINI Saint Raphael's Parish Tease target . . . has expensive taste . . . a cheerful worker . . . a candidate for Uncle Sam. Future Business Leaders of America Club 1; Projection Club 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1; Stage-hand 3, 4.

JAMES MERIWETHER Saint Hedwig's Parish A competent Jack-of-all-trades ... generous with his time ... Nature fascinates him . . . a future biologist. Sports Club 1; Science Club 2; Art Club 3; Stage Craft Club 4; Stage Decoration Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 2, 3, 4; Proctor 1, 2; Track 3, 4.

The history of the United States in one and one-half pages is the answer to every seniors dream. Anthony Angelini, Anthony Favata, Paul Allaire and Barry Belusar find the library encyclopedias a valuable aid in their studies.

GERALD MESSINEO Saint James Parish Forever analyzing people ... appreciates the finer things of life ... thinks for himself ... bound for big business. Latin Club 2; Biology Club 2; Art Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

THOMAS MICHAUD Incarnation Parish At home on the "court" ... known and liked by all . . . wise . . . excellent college material. Travel Club 1; Varsity Club 3, 4; Athletic Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Basketball!, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 2.

CECILIA MICHAL Saint Anthony's Parish Possesses many talents . . . proves that a girl's hair is her crowning glory . . . attracts many friends . . . heart set on college life. Restaurant Management Club 1, 4; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Bulletin Board Committee 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, . 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4; Coronet Circulation Member 2, 3, 4.

THOMAS MIGLIACCIO Saint Anthony's Parish An artist in disguise . . . noble in bearing and honest in speech . . . thoughtful and courteous at all times . . . his aim - higher education. Sports Club 1, Vice-President 1; Latin Club 3; German Club 2, 3, Secretary 3; Geometry Club 2; Art Club 4; Music Committee 1, 2; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Orchestra 1.

GERALD MILLAR Saint Raphael's Parish Tops for friendliness, sincerity, and loyalty . . . a lively sense of humor . . . sports rate high . . . an up-and-coming chemist. Sports Club 1, Treasurer 1; Latin Club 2, Vice-President 2; German Club 2, 3; Science Club 2, 3, 4; Parish Council Committee 1; Transportation Committee 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 1; Assembly 1, 2, 4; Proctor 4; lntramurals 1, 2, 4; Track 4.

CONSTANCE MILLER Saint Anthony's Parish Quiet but industrious . . . rates high in the business field . . . a heart bigger than herself . . . anticipates a successful secretarial career. Sewing Club 2; Secretary 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Style Club 4, Vice-President 4; Girls' Athletic Committee 2; Hostess Committee 3; National Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; lntramurals 2.

JAMES MILLER Incarnation Parish Flashes a friendly smile . . . a joke for the occasion . . . a track whiz . . . hopes to be employed at Bell Telephone. Hobby Club 1; Mission Club 3; Science Club 4; Varsity Club 3; Homeroom Treasurer 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 4; Cross-Country 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4.

JAMES MORAN Saint Paul's Parish A football great . . . fond of fun and knows how to make it . . . impressive speaker . . . aims to be an electrician. Biology Club 1; Science Club 2; Archery Club 3; Varsity Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2; Ensemble 2; Library Assistant 3; Football 1, 4; Track 3, 4.

RICHARD MILLER Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Artistic hands that are forever busy . . . gets along with everyone . . . smart . . . will pursue his interests in the Army. Sports. Club 1; Science Club 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Proctor 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

IRENE MISIALOWSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish Gets along with everyone . . . her silence is golden . . . everything must be sunset pink . . . destined for a secretarial career. Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Style Club 4; Homeroom Secretary 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Assembly 3; National Spanish Honor Society 3, 4.

FREDERICK MORRISON 路 Incarnation Parish Very considerate . . . an avid sports fan . . . quiet but sparked by humor . . . will make a fine electrician some day. Chess Club 1; Science Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Latin Club 2; Club Chairman 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1; lntramurals 2, 4; Track 3, 4.

Robert Labonski practices good salesmanship technique in his merchandising class.

PATRICK MULLEN Incarnation Parish Famous for his restless nature . . . a friend to all . . . an ideal sports fan 路 . .. will major in dentistry. Chess Club 1; Projection Club 2; Science Club 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 3, 4; Track 3, 4.

JUDITH MURPHY Saint Anthony's Parish An unpredictable bit of feminine frivolity . . . calm and congenial . . . has a distinctive laugh . . . has college in view. Future Nurses of America Club 1; Dramatics Club 2; Restaurant Management Club 3; Mission Club 4; Assembly Committee 3; Mission Committee 4; Junior Prom Decorating Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3.

ELAINE MUSCHAL Holy Angels Parish Full of fun ... slightly mischievous . . . a quiet step and a punctual manner . . . sets her sights on a nursing future. Glee Club 1; Sewing Club 2; Future Teachers of America Club 3; Future Nurses of America Club 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Social Committee 1; Red Cross Committee 1, 4, Treasurer 4; Bulletin Board Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Secretary to Faculty 3; Service Corps 2; Music Festival 1; Assembly 3; Yearbook Staff 4.

ELIZABETH NORMAN Saint Paul's Parish Likes smart clothes . . . a wee bit reticent . . . has wit and makes use of it . . . secretly longs to be a florist. Dramatic Club 2; Photography Club 1; Future Nurses of America Club 3; Future Teachers of America Club 4; German Club 4; Red Cross Committee 3; Proctor Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2; Coronet Feature Staff 2, 3, 4, . Exchange Editor, 4; Lady Lore Staff 4; Proctor 4; Soccer 3; Volleyball 1.

ARLENE OLZAK Saint Ann's Parish N.D.'s little bundle of humor ... talks her way out of any predicament - then worries about it . will major in History. Forum Club 2; Press Club 3, Treasurer 3; Cooking Club 3; Future Teachers of America Club 4; Parish Council Committee 2; Bulletin Board Committee 3, Secretary 3; Homeroom Secretary 3, Treasurer 2; Propagation of the Faith 2, 3, 4; Sodality 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 3; School Play 4; Christmas Play 4; Assembly 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Literary Staff 4; Coronet News Staff 2, 3; Lady Lore Art Staff 4. RITA OAKLEY Saint Ann's Parish Loyal as the day is long . . . always happy . . . friendliness is her best quality . . . all set for a secretarial career. Red Cross Club 1, 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4; Red Cross Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1; Basketball 1; Soccer 1; Baseball 1, 4; Volleyball 1, 4.

Senior Class

MICHAEL OLEARCHIK Holy Angels Parish A happy combination of a keen mind and a generous heart . . . coin collecting rates high . . . a chemical engineer in the making. Chess Club 1, 2; Latin Club 2; Press Club 3; Science Club 4; Parish Council Committee 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Sports Writer 3; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2.

EDWARD O'HARA Saint Ann's Parish Consistently rugged and loyal ... straightforward . . . determined to succeed . . . will definitely stick with the books Chess Club 1; Science Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Proctor Committee 4; Homeroom President 4, Vice-President 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2, 3; Proctor 4; lntramurals 4.

LORETTA NUNNINK Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Vibrant personality ... has a quiet but cheerful way . . . brightens up any day . . . the business world awaits her. Style Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4; Modern Dance Club 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.


ROBERT PAGLIONE Saint Gregory the Great Parish Shy but friendly . . . unemotiOnal, at times . . . never refuses to do a favor . . . electrical engineering is his goal. Chess Club 1; Science Club of America 2; Photography Club 3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1; Transportation Committee 1; Assembly Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Stage-hand 1, 2; Yearbook Photographer 4; Coronet Photography Editor 4; Intramurals 4.

JOAN PANACEK Saint Anthony's Parish Tops for friendliness, sincerity, and dependability . . . dedicated in all she does . . . thinks kindly of all . . . will be a valuable addition to any office. Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Sewing Club 1, 2, President 2; Proctor Committee 3; Service Committee 2; National Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4; Service Corps 2; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2; Library Assistant 3; Yearbook Typist 4; Coronet Staff 2; Lady Lore Typist 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2; Proctor 3.

HELEN PASIEWICZ Saint Hedwig's Parish Finds a good side to everything . . . quiet but not idle . . . business is always her byword . . . next stop - college. Future Business Leaders of America Club 1; Glee Club 2, 3, 4; Bulletin Board Committee 3; Parish Council Committee 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Service Corps 1, 2; Homeroom Banking Representative 3; Music Festival!, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2, 3, 4; A Cappella Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 3; Yearbook Typist 4; Lady Lore Typist 3; Library Assistant 3, 4.

MARGARET PARKER Saint Anthony's Parish Vivacious and gracious . . . expressive eyes . . . boundless energy . . . rates high scholastically . . . intends to invade the teaching field. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, Vice-President 2; Homeroom Vice-President 1, 4; Secretary 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom banking representative 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Assembly 2; Yearbook Staff 4; Lady Lore Contributions 3; Float Committee 2, 3, 4. JOANNE PARTRIDGE Saint Joseph's Parish Sports a charming smile . . . bubbling over with good humor . . . happiest when working in the library ... a nurse to-be. Latin Club 1, 2; Future Nurses of America Club 1, 2, 3; Library Club 4, Vice-President 4; Service Committee 1; Social Committee 2; Hostess Committee 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 4; Assembly 4; Yearbook Literary Staff 4; Intramurals 1; Basketball 1.

CAROL ANN PAPP Saint Ann's Parish Enjoys good food . . . is very nice to have around ... sweet, charming, but definitely alarming . . . plans to further her education. Restaurant Management Club 1 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Science Club 1; Service Committee 1; Proctor Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 1; Lady Lore Art Staff 4; Proctor 4.


MICHAEL PARKS Incarnation Parish A ready conversationalist . . . a good executive . . . devil-may-care attitude . . . college bound. Projection Club 4; Boys' Athletic Club 1; German Club 2, 3, VicePresident 2; Latin Club 1, 2; Assembly Committee 4; Proctor Committee 4; Homeroom President 1, Vice-President 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Stagehand 1, 4; Orchestra 2; Proctor 4; Intramurals 2, 4; Football!.

RICHARD PARCINSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish Ambitious and determined . . . a sports participant . . . a willing helper . . . a future I.B.M. technician. German Club 1, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Varsity Club 3, 4; Athletic Committee 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 3, 4.

MARY PASKE Holy Angels Parish Math enthusiast ... cheerful, gay, and full of fun . . . happy combination of a keen mind and a generous heart . . . wants to be a math teacher. Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4, President 3; Latin Club 2, 3; Assembly Committee 2, 3, 4; Bulletin Board Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1 2 3 4; 4; School Play 4; Assembl~ Coronet News Staff 1, 2, 3; Proctor 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4.


JOSEPH PASQUITO Saint Ann's Parish N.D.'s Gene Krupa ... is forever busy . . . favorite periods - lunch and study . . . will continue his education. Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 1, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 3, 4; Band 1, 3, 4; Orchestra 4; Intramurals 1, 2.

DONALD PATERSON Saint Anthony's Parish Quiet, unpretentious, and thoughtful . . . at home on ice . . . plans to enter the business world. Hobby Club 1; Sports Club 2, 3; Spanish Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1.

MARIE PATTEN Saint Joseph's Parish Twinkling eyes and a friendly smile . . . always ready with a witty remark . . . appears to be shy - but isn't . . . sees her future in the secretarial world. Future Teachers of America Club 1; Mission Club 3, 4; F:'rench Club 2; Latin Club 2; Proctor Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

ANGELA PELICANO Saint Raphael's Parish Possesses an amiable personality and effervescent charm . . . can always be found where there's music and dancing . . . sees her future in styling golden locks. Dramatic Club 1, 2; Glee Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3,; French Club 2; Proctor Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 3; School Play 3, 4; Assembly 1; Proctor 2.

FREDERICK PETITO Saint James Parish A fine and talented actor . . . built to last . . . well informed on everyone and everything . . . wants to be an electrical engineer. Forum Club 3; Debate Team 3; Mathematics Club 4, Vice-President 4; Student's Mission Rally 3; Homeroom Treasurer 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 4; Christmas Play 4; Golden Wave Feature Writer 3; Intramurals 4.

FREDERICK PIETRAS Saint Anthony's Parish Whiz with a paint brush . . . not very talkative . . . interested in cars ... wants to help Uncle Sam. Sports Club 1, President 1; Glee Club 2; German Club 2, 3; Geometry Club 2; Algebra Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2; School Play 2, 4; Assembly 2.

RITA MARIE PETERS Saint Joseph's Parish Faithful to any good cause . . . ready to please with a quick smile . . . avid sports fan . . . looking forward to a white-capped future. Future Nurses of America Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Club Committee 1, 2, 4; Transportation Committee 3; Propagation of the faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 3, 4; Intramurals 2, 4; Soccer 2, 4; Baseball 4.

Final plans are made for the Thanksgiving Day float by John Herrity, senior class president, and Sister Mary Alexander, adviser.

PETER PIETRAS Saint Hedwig's Parish Basketball stalwart . . . always on the go . . . dances with the best ... will give college a try. Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 3, 4; German Club 1, 2; Boys' Athletic Committee 2; Homeroom President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Captain 1, 2; Golf 3, 4.

MICHAEL POGROWSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish As noisy as a percolator . . . likes school but not the books . . . mechanics fascinate him . . . plans to be a mortician. Chess Club 1, 2, 3, Secretary 2; Projection Club 4, Secretary 4; German Club 1, 2; Transportation Committee 1, 2, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

ANGELA POLIO Saint Anthony's Parish Hidden talent for drawing laughs . . . favorite pastime, reading a good book . . . definitely dependable ... secretary in the making. Girls' Athletic Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 2, 3; Cooking Club 4; Club Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Homeroom Banking Representative 1; School Play 4; Christmas Play 1; Yearbook Typing Staff 4.

CHRISTOPHER REEBER Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Specializes in perplexing situations . . . a favorite of the young-atheart . . . little boy's heart with a scrappy mind . . . would like to enroll in a military academy. Mission Club 1, 2; Latin Club 2; Boys' Athletic Committee 1; Student Council 3, 4; Homeroom President 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, Prefect 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 3; School Play 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1, 2; Coronet Sports Staff 2, 3; Lady Lore Contributions 3; Band 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 2; Soccer 1, 3; Baseball 3, 4.

PATRICIA PREZIOSO Saint Raphael's Parish Notre Dame's Uve wire . . . a wild sense of humor . . . could dance forever . . . will be an asset in any sick room. Glee Club 1; Latin Club 2; Treasurer 2; Future Nurses of America Club 2, 3, 4; Red Cross Committee 1; Social Committee 2, 3; Homeroom Secretary 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 1; Music Festival 1; Choraleers 1; Christmas Play 1; Stage-hand 3; Lady Lore Contributions 3; Library Assistant 3, 4; Basketball 1, 3.

DOROTHY RABATIE Saint Raphael's Parish As merry as a silver bell . . . likes to sing . . . takes life as it comes . . . hopes some nice office will hire her. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Committee 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 3; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; A Cappella Choir 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2, 3.

MARLENE PRONESKI Saint Hedwig's Parish Drives a hard bargain . . . goes for bowling, pickles, and a good joke . . . at home in any crowd ... plans to hold a secretarial position. Glee Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 2; Service Committee 1; Bulletin Board Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Homeroom Banking Representative 1.

MICHELLE QUERE Incarnation Parish Persistent way of getting what she wants . . . can cope with any situation . . . always sees the silver lining . . . dreams of being a doctor. Art Club 2; Forum Club 3, 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2; Proctor Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Proctor 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

BARBARA POTOCKI Saint Hedwig's Parish Tiny voice with a big smile has a charm all her own . . . cute as a button . . . en route to college. Future Business Leaders of America Club 2, 3; Treasurer 3; Cooking Club 4, Treasurer 4; Social Committee 3; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 4.

Senior music enthusiasts Marcia Cetkowski, Dorothy Rabatie, Joseph Krause, and Vincent Martin harmonize on a song or two as Pat Colavita provides accompaniment.

LARAINE ROSLON Incarnation Parish Sparkling eyes that dance when she smiles . . . personality with a pinch of mischief . . . peppy cheerleader . . . will succeed as an angel of mercy. Forum Club 1; Dramatics Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2, Secretary 1; French Club 3; Future Nurses Club 4, President 4; Athletic Committee 4; Homeroom President 3, Vice-President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 3, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4.

MARIANNE RENYO Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Blessed with natural loveliness ... sincere way down deep inside . . . believes in a little nonsense now and then . . . plans to teach little ones. Latin Club 1, 2; German Club 2, 3, 4; Future Teachers of America Club 3, 4, Secretary 3, 4; Dramatics Club 2; Girls' Athlete Committee 3; Service Committee 4; Music Committee 1, 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 4; Sodality 4; School Play 4; Assembly 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Lady Lore Staff 4.

CATHERINE REUTER Saint Vincent De Paul's Parish Quietly thoughtful . . . sometimes pensive - sometimes perky . . . lots of fun in a demure sort of way ... secret ambition, to be a good teacher. Style Club 1; Junior Red Cross 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Girls' Athlete Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3.

SUSAN REYNOLDS Incarnation Parish Definitely not the quiet type . . . eyes full of dreams . . . loves the stage . . . wants to teach. Forum Club 1; Dramatics Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 2; French Club 2; Biology Club 2; Hostess Committee 1, 2, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1; School Play 3, 4; Assembly 2, 3, 4; Stagehand 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3.

MARY ANN RIDORFINO Saint Raphael's Parish Pep, personality, and a ready smile . . . believes in plenty of amusement . . . ever thoughtful of others . . . hopes to fill a good secretarial post. Future Business Leaders of America Club 2, 3, 4; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3; Parish Council Committee 2, 3; Homeroom Treasurer 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Christmas Play 1; Yearbook Typing Staff 4; Coronet Circulation Staff 4.

Class of 1963

BARBARA ROSINSKI Saint Michael's Parish Happy disposition highlighted by an infectious laugh . . . accomplishes much in her quiet way mischief, we mean . . . hopes to continue her schooling. Dramatics Club 2, 3; Latin Club 2; French Club 3; Library Club 4; Bulletin Board Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT RISTOW Saint Anthony's Parish Decidedly different . . . has loyalty that springs from the heart . . . mirror of courtesy . . . will clerk his way through life. Photography Club 1, 3; Chess Club 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Latin Club 1, 2; Boys' Athletic Committee 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3, 4; Track 3, 4.

THADDEUS ROBAK Saint Hedwig's Parish Scientifically inclined . . . plays a mean sax . . . an ideal sports fan . . . is planning on college. Band 2 3, 4; Latin Club 2; French Club 3; Sports Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Christmas P]ay 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1.

HENRY RENELLI Saint Anthony's Parish Miles of smiles . . . a boundless source of energy . . . a friend among friends . . . Uncle Sam's man in the future. Sports Club 1; Weight Lifting Club 2; German Club 1, 2; Geometry Club 2; Mission Club 2; Homeroom President 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Intramurals 1.


JOHN RUBINO Incarnation Parish Always co-operative . . . works without complaining . . . a real live-wire . . . A future business leader of America. Sports Club 1; Spanish Club 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Christmas Play 2; Intramurals 2, 4; Track 3.

MARTIN RUNYON Saint Anthony's Parish A true gentleman ... mainstay of the cross-country team . . . has a likeable character . . . the naval academy calls. Mathematics Club 4; National Latin Honor Society 1, 2, 3; Rifle Club 3; French Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 1, 2, 3; Yearbook Track Writer 4; Track and Cross Country 4; Catholic Students Mission Crusade 1, 2, 3; Class Play 1, 2; Laudate School Publication of poems and stories at M. S. Seminary.

JUDITH RUSH Holy Angels Parish All-American chatterbox . . . gives nothing but her best . . . personality and then some . . . future nurse. Dramatics Club 1, 3, 4; Future Nurses of America 2; Future Scientists of America 3; Latin Club 1, 2; French Club 3; Assembly Committee 1; Social Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; Secretary to Faculty 3; School Play 1, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 4.

CARMELLA SABATO Incarnation Parish Always iust herself ... has a weakness for mischief . . . a tiny package of dynamite . . . wants to be a teacher. Girls Athletic Club 1, Secretary 1; Future Nurses of America Club 2; Latin Club 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Dramatics Club 4; French Club 3; Homeroom Vice-Preside:Qt 1, Treasurer 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 3, 4; School Play 4; Christmas Play 1; Intramurals 1, 4. PATRICK RYAN Incarnation Parish Flashes a big Irish smile ... looks trouble in the eye, and smiles at it . . . a gridiron great . . . college bound. Forum Club 1, 2, 3; German Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, President 2; Student Council 1, 2, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 3; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4, President 4; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 4; School Play 2; Christmas Play 3; Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Co-Captain 4; Baseball1, 2, 3.

DENNIS SCHEK Incarnation Parish Has a weakness for cars . . . likely to find him on cloud 9 . . . can swing a good deal . . . car dealer is his specialty. Projection Club 2, 3; German Club 2, 3; Stage Crew 2, 3; Radio Club 4; Boys Athletic Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2; School Play 2; Christmas Play 2; Assembly 2, 3; Stage-hand 2, 3; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Proctor 2. 66

JOSEPH SAVILLE Saint Anthony's Parish Debonair man-about-town . . . has a restless nature . . . sports rate high with Joe . . . a perspective businessman. Sports Club 1; Chess Club 2; Projection Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Spanish Club 2; Homeroom VicePresident 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2; Assembly 2; Stage-hand 2, 3; lntramurals 1, 2.

WILLIAM SCHNORBUS Holy Angels Parish Follows the sports . . . a coke and pizza fan . . . never lost for words ... a forest ranger in the making. Chess Club 1, 2; German Club 2, 3; Parish Council Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2.

VIRGINIA RUSSO Saint Anthony's Parish Generous, happy, and likeable . a heart as big as her smile . . . swims her way through the summer ... wants to be a nurse. Dramatic Club 1, 2; Future Teachers of America Club 3; Future Nurses of America Club 4; German Club 2, 3; Mathematics Club 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 4; Assembly 1, 3, 4; lntramurals.. 1, 3, 4.

MICHAEL SCOLARO Saint Mary's Parish, Bordentown Imported from T.C . . . . always moving . . . his life is a merry-goround . . . the business world beckons. French Club 2; Biology Club 2, 3; Projection Club 4; Assembly Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Service Corps 3, 4; Assembly 3.

TRUDY ANN SEBESTYEN Holy Angels Parish Womanly grace and gamin charm . . . models perfection from tip to toe . . . animated as a twinkling star . . . nimble fingers on the keyboard will make her an asset to any office. Glee Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 2, 3, 4, Vice-President 3, President 4; Spanish Club 1, 2, 3; Hostess Committee 2, 3; Homeroom Treasurer 3, Secretary 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Coop 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Music Festival 1; School Play 2; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Typist Staff 4; Lady Lore Typist Staff 2, 3, 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1.

GERALD SELLNER Incarnation Parish A chess strategist . . . known for his mathematical genius . . . quiet but active . . . a prospective engineer. Chess Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Vice-President 4; Latin Club 2; Transportation Committee 1; Parish Council Committee 3; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Staff 3, 4; Proctor 4; Cheerleader 4.

ANTHONY SHANKO Saint Raphael's Parish Forever busy . . . a boundless source of energy . . . loves football . . . his ambitions lie in court. Science Club 2, 3, 4; Proctor Committee 1, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1; Proctor 1, 3; Varsity Football 3, 4; Varsity Track 2, 3.

PETER SIEBEN Saint Gregory the Great Parish That little boy look . . . a small bundle of school spirit . . . loves oil painting . . . will be a commercial artist. Art Club 3; Stage Craft Club 4; French Club 3; Latin Club 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage-hand 4; Cheerleader 4.

SUSAN SHIMSKI Saint Joseph's Parish Friendliness personified ... never an idle moment . . . a talented pianist . . . plans to be a kindergarten teacher. Latin Club 2; Future Teachers of America Club 2, 3, 4; French Club 2; Girls' Athletic Committee 2, 3; Parish Council Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2.

BEVERLEE SINATRA Incarnation Parish Her smile is famous and contagious . . . petite and perky . . . perfect for modeling . . . a future college campus queen. Dramatics Club 1; Pen and Pencil Club 2; Forum Club 3; Future Teachers of America Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary 1, 2, 3; Music Committee 1, 2; Homeroom Secretary 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 1; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 2; Coronet Staff 1, 2.

Helen Pasiewicz, Linda Maziarz, and Dorothea Lane return books to the shelves as part of their job as library aides.

FREDERICK SINGER Saint Paul's Parish A ready-for-anything look . . . covers ground on the gridiron . . . cheerful sort with a shy streak . . . a sure bet for college. Science Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor Committee 1, 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage-hand 3, 4; Proctor 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 2; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4.

JOHN SLIMM Saint Raphael's Parish A musician through and through . . . ability to brighten any situation . . . favorite pastime - exercising his vocal cords . . . future plans include music. German Club 2, 3, 4; Hobby Club 1; Homeroom President 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 1, 4; Varsity Track 3, 4.

STANLEY SLIWINSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish Neither hurries nor worries . popular prankster . . . skates his way through the winter . . . potential engineer Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Proctor Committee 2; Transportation Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; School Play 1; Distributive Education 4.

FRANK SMITH Saint Gregory the Great Parish Gives his all for a friend . . . his suede jacket is famous . . . gets a job well done . . . a future businessman. Boys' Athletic Club 1; Transportation Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 1; Assembly 4.

MARGARET SMITH Saint Ann's Parish Provacative smile complete with dimples . . . wholesome femininity . . . mentally alert . . . will spend her future years as a dental assistant. Girls' Athletic Club 1; Pen and Pencil Club 2, 3; Creative Writing Club 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Biology Club 2; Club Committee 1; Transportation Committee 2; Homeroom Secretary 2; Homeroom Trea~urer 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2; Lady Lore Contributions 1; Proctor 4.

THOMAS SMITH Holy Angels Parish A friend among friends . . . miles of smiles . . . decidedly different ... looking forward to college. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 3, 4; Assembly Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President 1; Homeroom Banking Representative 1, 2; Music Festival 1, 2, 3; Choraleers 2, 3; School Play 1, 2, 3; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 2, 3; Proctor 4; Intramurals 2; Soccer 1.

PHILIP SMITH Saint Ann's Parish A real "yankee" ... hidden talent for drawing laughs . . . cheered the Irish on to victory . . . will help humanity as a social worker. Service Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; lntramurals 1; Varsity Track 3, 4.

ROY SMITH Saint Paul's Parish His loyalty springs from the heart . . . a mirror of courtesy . . . an enthusiastic driver . . . pictures himself in uniform. Hobby Club 1; Chess Club 2, 3; Assembly Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Distributive Education 4.

ROBERT SNYDER Saint Raphael's Parish A treat for the funny bone . . . never lacks an answer . . . ambitious ... is planning on college. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President 3, Vice-President 1, 2, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2; Orchestra 2, 3, 4.

Judith Kulesza and Richard McDougal sell a jacket to Joseph Maruca at the school store. The store provides practical experience in sales technique for students.

SHARON SOHL Saint Gregory the Great Parish Can be found on any skating rink . . . very quiet and refined . . . at home in any kitchen . . . will enter the business world. Sports Club I; Library Club 2; Cooking Club 4; Propagation of the -Faith I , 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Chrisbnas Play I; Intramurals I; Library Assistant 2, 3.

JOAN SOLACK Saint Hedwig's Parish A dancing enthusiast . . . a favorite with all . . . heaps of school spirit . . looking forward to a business career. Girls Athletic Club I, Vice-President I; Future Business Leaders of America Club 2, 3; Cooking Club 4, Secretary 4; Hostess Committee 2; Social Committee 4; Homeroom Secretary 1; Catholic Youth Adoration I, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4; School Play 2, 3, 4; Assembly 3, 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3, 4.

WILLIAM SOODUL Saint Vincent De Paul's Parish Dishes out jokes . . . likes all sports . . . always in a hurry . . . future architect. German Club 2, 3; Hobby Club I; Catholic Youth Adoration I; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2.

MARY SOUTHARD Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Hails from Texas . . . her good naturedness rubs oD on others . . . very studious . . . a teacher of tomorrow. Future Teachers of America Club 4; Red Cross Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 4.

WILLIAM SPYCH Saint Raphael's Parish Specializes in track meets . . . sense of responsiblity . . . generous, happy, likeable . . . on \his way to college. Hobby Club I; Science Club 2; Varsity Club 3, 4, Secretary 3, Bulletin Board Committee I; Catholic Youth Adoration I, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; School Play 1; lntramurals I, 2, 3; Football 2, 3, Varsity Track 2, 3, 4.

ANDREA SPISAK Holy Angels Parish A talented dancer . . . never lost for words . . . is always on the job . . . bound for an oDice. Glee Club I, 2, 3, 4; Music Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival I, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; School Play 2, 3, 4; Assembly 3, 4.

SALLY STANKOWSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish Artistically inclined . . . a typing whiz . . . has an intriguing voice when you can hear it . . . will make some businessman a good secretary. Glee Club 1; Art Club 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Modern Dance Club 3, Treasurer 3; Club Committee 2; Homeroom Secretary 3; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4, Vice-President 4; Clerical Coop 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Music Festival 1; Assembly I, 2, 3; Lady Lore Business Manager 3; Lady Lore Typist I, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4.

Senior Class

KATHLEEN STARK Saint Ann's Parish The All-American girl . . . buoyant and fun-loving . . . a child at heart ... wants to be an Elementary school teacher Sewing Club I; Red Cross Club 2, 3, 4, President 4, Treasurer 3; Latin Club I, 2; German Club 2, 3, 4; Hostess Committee I; Red Cross Committee -2, 3; Club Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration I, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Yearbook Staff 4; Intramurals I, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1,.2; Softball!, 2.

SHARON STEEPY Saint James Parish A practiced hand at retailing . . . a lady at all times . . . easy to get along with . . . plans to go into the retail business. Sports Club I; Library Club 2; Dramatics Club 3; Sports Committee I; Art Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Coronet Business Staff 3; Lady Lore Business Staff 3; Proctor 2; Intramurals I, 2.


WILLIAM STOKES Incarnation Parish Politics makes this boy tick . . . enjoys good jokes . . . loves to swim . . . plans to go to college. Chess Club 1; German Club 2, 3; Science Club 2, 4, Secretary 4; Geometry Club 2; Athletic Committee 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

SUSAN STOKROCKI Saint Hedwig's Parish A mischievous sparkle in her eyes . . . is satisfied with life just as it is . . . a loyal spectator at any sport . . . will make an excellent nurse. Future Nurses of America Club 2; Script and Score Club 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

EDMUND STOY Saint Hedwig's Parish One of our football greats . . . study is his only enemy . . . a staunch supporter of any school activity . . . headed to follow in Dad's footsteps. Latin Club 2; Sports Club 1, 2; Glee Club 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Varsity Football 3, 4; Varsity Baseball 3, 4; Basketball 1.

VIRGINIA SWEENEY Saint Anthony's Parish Impishly impulsive ... true as she is tall . . . always finds time for sodality work . . . prospective collegiate. Dramatics Club 1; Science Club of America 3; Latin Club 1, 2; German Club 2, 3, 41 Bridge Club 4, Secretary 4; Social Committee 1; Transportation Committee 3; Hostess Committee 4; Student Council Hostess Chairman 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Feature Staff 1; Yearbook Staff 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Baseball 2, 3, 4. JOHN STULTS Incarnation Parish Tall, dark, and handsome . . . a second Henry Ford . . . his heart belongs to N.D . ... a future architect. German Club 2, 3, President 2; Geometry Club 2; Do-lt-Yourself Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

CAROL SUJANSKY Incarnation Parish Quiet and refined . . . utterly content with life as it is . . . Beethoven is tops in her books . . . future teacher. Mission Club 1; Future Teachers of America Club 2, 3, 4; Librarian 4; German Club 2, 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Girls' Athletic Committee 4; Club Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4. 70

PAULINE STYPE Saint Anthony's Parish School spirit to spare . . . no favor is too much to ask . . . petite and sweet . . . a secretary in the making. Art Club 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Social Committee 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 1 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4; Christmas Play 1; Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Softball 2.

PATRICIA TAGLAIRINO Saint Hedwig's Parish Keeper of her own thoughts . tireless typist . . . tomato pies are a weakness . . . will make a competent secretary. Girls' Athletic Committee 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Christmas Play 1.

BARBARA STRANGE Saint Ann's Parish An honor roll regular . . . heaps of school spirit . . . enthusiastic planner . . . wants to teach geometry. Red Cross Club 1; Future Teachers of America Club 2, 3, 4; Treasurer 2, 3, President 4; Latin Club 3; Service Committee 1, 2, 3; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 4; School Play 3; Assembly 3; Proctor 4; lntramurals 1, 3.

JOHN TAWEEL Saint Raphael's Parish Does wonders with a soccer ball definitely mischievous . . . famous for his sudden quips . . . aims to invade some college campus. Forum Club 1; Varsity Club 4; Science Club 2; Latin Club 2; German Club 2; Homeroom VicePresident 1; Knights of Notre Dame 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Soccer 4.

VIRGINIA THOMPSON Saint Anthony's Parish As merry as the month of May ... a Spot in her heart for the social whirl ... an Irish colleen through and through . . . future homemaker. Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Girls' Athletic Committee 1; Assembly Committee 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 1, 2, 3, 4.

ROSEMARIE TISCIONE Saint Raphael's Parish An enthusiastic cheerleader . five feet two and never blue . . . full of pep and vigor . . . a future college student. Glee Club 1; Latin Club 2, 3; Creative Writing Club 2, 3; Future Teachers of America Club 4; Club Committee 1, 2, 3; Hostess Committee 4; Homeroom Secretary 1, 4; Music Festival!; Assembly 3.

MARCIA TOBIASZ Saint Hedwig's Parish Demure and dreamy . . . gives her all to N.D. . . . once a friend always a friend . . . anticipates entering the world. Mission Club 1; Cooking Club 4; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Red Cross Club 2; Red Cross Committee 1, 2, 3; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; School Play 1.

CAROL TRAUTMAN Incarnation Parish Always eager for fun . . . dabbles in art . . . French is her specialty ... wants to be a speech therapist. Mission Club 2; Forum Club 1; Pen and Pencil Club 3; Library Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Assembly Committee 4; Homeroom VicePresident 4; Propagation of . the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1; School Play 4.

WILLIAM TROGDON Saint Mary's Parish Man about town . . . never lost for words . . . interests vary from sports to dancing . . . will be a dedicated dentist. Latin Club 2, Secretary 2; French Club 1; Biology Club 2; Student Council 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1.

RICHARD TRAMONTANA Saint James Parish Has an answer for every question . . . is known to one and all . . . a good sense of humor . . . his future lies in business. Varsity Club 2, 3; Social Club 1, 2, 3; French Club 1; Math Club 3; Mission Club 4; Homeroom Vice-President 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 2.

Will Santa change his mind about giving the package to Sister Mary Charlotte after Diane Accongio finishes her little whispering campaign? We hope not!

JOYCE TROMBITAS Saint Joseph's Parish Makes friends easily ... quiet, unpretentious, and thoughtful . . . an ardent sports fan . . . a secretarial future. Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Red Cross Club 4; Red Cross Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 1, 3, 4.

CHARLES TURNER Saint Anthony's Parish Vigorous in school drives . . . man of action in the band . . . sparks of mirth . . . wants to stay with the books. Chess Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 2, 3; Assembly 2, 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 3.

JOSEPHINE VANNOZZI Our Lady of Sorrows Parish Perfection reflected in the tiniest detail . . . sweetly disposed . . . friendship felt by all . . . will be an asset to any office. Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Style Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Homeroom Banking Representative 1.

JAMES VAUGHAN Our Lady of Sorrows Parish A man among men, but mostly among girls . . . everyone's friend, no one's foe . . . the utmost in school spirit . . . sets his sights on an engineering career. Science Club 4; German 2, 3; Transportation Committee 3; Parish Council Committee 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

GUY VERDE Saint Hedwig's Parish Small in stature, big in heart . . . slow and steady wins the race . . . a man of many faces . . . rosy business future ahead. Sports Club 1; Bulletin Board Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1.

SANDRA WALENTINE Saint Paul's Parish An infectious giggle that defies gloom . . . kindness personified . . . scholastic achievements won by hard work . . . would love to be a medical techniqian. Glee Club 1; Art Club 2, 3; Future Nurses of America Club 4; Hostess Committee 1, 2; Bulletin Board Committee 3; Club Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Lady Lore Staff Art Contributions 2, 3.

JAMES VIZZINI Saint James Parish A smile that's here to stay . . . capable, courteous business operator . . . never has a dull moment . . . may be your sales manager someday. Latin Club 1; Biology Club 2; Spanish Club 2, 3; Commercial Club 3; Homeroom Treasurer 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals 4.

JOHN WAGNER Saint Anthony's Parish Has a monopoly on sincerity and good humor ... knows how to enjoy himself . . . likes all sports but double checks baseball and soccer . . . a future physical education teacher. Sports Club 1; Varsity Club 3, 4; Assembly Committee 1; Homeroom Treasurer 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 4; Football 1; Soccer 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4.


AnD PATRICIA WALTERS Saint Hedwig's Parish Completely unpredictable . . . perfect blend of sensibility and dependability . . . boundless bundle of energy . . . a future playwright. Style Club 1; Hostess Committee 1; Music Committee 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 2, 3, 4; Christmas Play 3; Assembly 3; Yearbook Staff Writer 4; Lady Lore Contributions 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Co-editor of the Yearbook 4.


Y€AR Robert Paglione, Catherine Garansi, and Thomas Freeman emphasize the wish of the senior class prior to the holidays.

GEORGE WALTON Saint Mary's, Bordentown All-American sport spectator . . . champ stamp collector . . . a real "bdok cracker" . . . college bound for liberal arts. Science Club 4; Mathematics Club 2; Biology Club 2; Social Club 1, 2, 3; Catholic Student's Mission Crusade 1, 2, 3; Gate Patrol 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4.

MARY ANN WALTOS Holy Angels Parish Refreshing as an autumn breeze . . . sympathetic to the problems of others ... calm and collected ... steps on to higher education. Sewing Club 1; Future Leaders of America Club 3, 4; Assembly Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Clerical Co-op 4; Christmas Play 1; Assembly 1; Coronet Circulation Staff 3, 4; Lady Lore Staff Typist 2, 3.

ELIZABETH WARFEL Saint Anthony's Parish Quick with a quip . . . in a world all her own . . . born to lead . . . hopes to be Ben Casey's favorite nurse. Sewing Club 1; Pen and Pencil Club 2; Future Nurses of America Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Hostess Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3; Intramurals 1; Girls Soccer 1; Girls Baseball 1; Girls Softball 1; Girls Volleyball 1.

GARY WASKO Saint Ann's Parish A man who thinks for himself . . . always reliable never defiable . . . spends his time fixing cars . . . a draftsman in the making. Glee Club 1; Science Club 3, 4; German 2, 3; Transportation Committee 1; Proctor Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; Proctor 3.

MARY ANN WHERRY Incarnation Parish Sincere, sweet, sociable . . . happiest while dancing . . . dresses in the fashion of the day . . . nursing career ahead. Forum Club 1; Pen and Pencil Club 2, 3, Treasurer 3; Future Nursing Club 4, Treasurer 4; Latin Club 1, 2; Transportation Committee 2; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 4; Intramurals 3; Float Committee 3; Tennis Team 3; Library Assistant 3, 4; Senior Ball Committee 4; Tea Dance Hostess 3.

STEVEN WILFING Saint Joseph's Parish Rugged tackler . . . subtle sense of humor . . . an unmistakable gentleman . . . teaching career ahead. Sports Club 1, President; Dramatics Club 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Latin Club 1, 2; French Club 2, 3; Boys Athletic Committee 1; Parish Council Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; School Play 2, 3; Christmas Play 3; Stage-hand 2, 3, 4; Student Congress 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Sports Basketball 1; Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain 4; Baseball 1, Manager 1; Track 2.

SUZANNE WEHRFRITZ Saint Ann's Parish Witty, winsome, and wise . . . outer sparkle with an inner glow . . . loves watermelon . . . looks ahead to college. Sports Club 1; Latin Club 1, 2; German Club 2, 3, 4, Secretary 3; Science Club 3; Bridge Club 4; Service Committee 2; Proctor Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Officer Treasurer 1, 2; Catholic Youth Adoration 3, 4; Proctor 4; Intramurals 1, 2, 4; Varsity Sports Basketball 2; Volleyball 2.

Class of 1963

VIRGINIA WEITZ Holy Angels Parish A perfectionist . . . a flair for the nice things of life . . . unassuming, but never uninformed . . . wants to be a secretary. Future Business Leaders of America Club 3, 4; Parish Council Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Christmas Play 1; Coronet Staff 3; Coronet Circulation Manager 4; Lady Lore Staff Typist 3.

GAIL WEIGAND Saint Joseph's Parish Lover of the arts . . . a brunette with a heart of gold ... nothing's too good for a friend . . . will enter the secretarial field. Sewing Club 1; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Cooking Club 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3.


MARY ANN WILLEVER Saint Anthony's Parish So alive to life . . . sparks the basketball squad . . . found wherever fun looks . . . a teacher in the making. Red Cross 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Girls Athletic Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOSEPH WROBLEWSKI Saint Hedwig's Parish Treats all the same, and slights no one . . . an all-round favorite . . . a tease target and takes it . . . looks forward to college. Latin Club 1, 2; German Club 2, 3; Chemistry Club 3; Varsity Club 3, 4; Restaurant Management Club 4; Boys Athletic Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 2; Student Congress 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3; Varsity Sports Football 3, 4; Baseball 1, 3, Manager.

STANLEY WIRPSZA Saint Joseph's Parish Seen, but not heard . . . such quality should come in quantity .. . . handsomely tailored . . . would like to give technical school a try. Hobby Club 1; German Club 2; Archery Club 4, Secretary 4; Transportation Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 4.

JANICE WILLIAMS Saint Ann's Parish Good things come in small packages . . . reads poetry for pleasure . . . refreshing, reserved . . . heart set on being a private secretary. Red Cross Club 1; Future Business Leaders of Aiherica Club 3, Secretary 3; Cooking Club 4, President 4; Red Cross Committee 1; Music Committee 2; Service Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Service Corps 4; Assembly 1.

RONALD WOOLSTON Saint Raphael's Parish Continental personality . . . devoted to sports . . . has a certain flair for adventure . . . plans to teach after college. Sports Club 1; Forum Club 3; Varsity Club 4; Latin Club 1, 2, Vice-President; French 2, 3, 4; Club Committee 2; Boys Athletic Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Officer 1, 3; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Assembly 4; Student Congress 2, 3; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Sports Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 3.

FRANCIS WSZOLEK Saint Hedwig's Parish 'ersonable and friendly ... known or his ice capades . . . neat and efined in appearance and mind .. future hopes include college. tfission Club 3; Latin Club 2; ;ports Club 1, 2; Homeroom Oficer Treasurer 4; Propagation of he Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth ~doration 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage-hand ., 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4.


REGINA WOROB Incarnation Parish Nice to talk with, nicer to know . . . music is a must . . . avid reader . . . laurels for this future teacher. Latin Club 1, 2; Future Teachers of America Club 1, 4, Vice-President 4; Pen and Pencil Club 2, 3, Secretary 2, Vice-President 3; Social Committee 3; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Homeroom Officer, President 4, Vice-President 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; National Honor Society 3; Sodality 1; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2; School Play 3, 4; Assembly 3, 4; Proctor 4; Intramurals 3; Float Committee 3; Senior Ball Committee 4.

MARION WSZOLEK Saint Hedwig's Parish Casual charm ... soft spoken ... a smile that is forever yours . . . dreams of a teaching career. Glee Club 1; Pen and Pencil Club 2, 3; Library Club 4; Latin Club 2, 3; Music Committee 1; Homeroom Officer President 2; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Music Festival 1; School Play 1, 2; Assembly 3; Modern Dance Concert


STEPHEN WOLFER Saint Anthony's Parish Thoroughly nice ... treads the carefree trail fishing and hunting, his delight . . . a Marine Corps recruit. German Club 3, 4; Hobby Club 1; Propagation of the Faith 1, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Sports Football 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Weight Lifting 3.

DOLORES ZABORNIAK Saint Hedwig's Parish Accomplishes much in her quiet way . . . bowling keeps her trim . . . . soft-spoken . . . en route to nursing school. Dramatic Club I; Sewing Club 3; Library Club 4; Latin Club 2; Club Committee I; Proctor Committee 2; Service Committee 3; Hostess Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 2; Proctor 2.

RICHARD ZANONI Saint James Parish Quiet vet sociable . . . loves to eat . . . usually seen around athletic contests . . . will continue his education. Sports Club 4; Latin Club 2; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals I, 2, 3.

REGINA ZINDL Saint Anthony's Parish Takes things and people as they come . . . doesn't know how to whisper . . . busy as a bee . . . on her way to college. Sewing Club 2; Cooking Club 3; Stage Craft Club 4; Social Committee I; Assembly Committee 2; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration I, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Banking Representative 3, 4; Coronet Staff I, 2, 3; Intramurals I.

BARBARA ZELMANOWSKI Saint Joseph's Parish Always in a social whirl . . . a letthe-rest-of-the-world-go-by senior believes in speaking her mind . . . all set for a secretarial career. Future Business Leaders of America Club Club 3, 4; Social Committee 2; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adora~ tion I, 2, 3, 4; Clerical Co-op 4; Secretary to Faculty 3; Christmas Play I.

SAMUEL ZODA Saint James Parish Everyone's boy . . . loves food and football . . . definitely an added attraction to N. D. . . . wants to be a barber. Varsity Club 2, 3; Business Club 2, 3; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals I, 2, 3; Varsity Sports Football I, 2, 3, 4.

DORINNE ZOL TANSKI Saint Raphael's Parish Willing to sketch anyone and for anyone . . . restless but animated . . . a Kennedy fan . . . Peace Corps her ambition. Dramatics Club I; Bridge Club 3, 4; Bulletin Board Committee I; Mission Committee 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; School Play I; Christmas Play 1.

BARBARA ZAMBORSKY Incarnation Parish Warm and friendly . . . enjoys all types of after-school activities . . . supports all sports ardently . . . dreams of being a perfect secretary. Pen and Pencil Club 2; Future Business Leaders of America Club 3; Dramatic Club 4; Proctor Committe& I, 2; Social Committee 4; Library Committee 3; Homeroom Officer Secretary 2, 3, 4; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration I, 2, 3, 4; Secretary to Faculty 3, 4; Christmas Play I; Assembly 3, 4; Coronet Business Circulation 4; Lady Lore Contributions 2; Proctor I, 2; GAA Member 3, 4.

Class of 1963

VICTOR ZUCZEK Saint Hedwig's Parish The Ivy League look . . . a batball-and glove man . . . nice to have around . . . plans to enter Trenton State. German Club I, 3; Varsity 3, 4; Science Club 3; Transportation Committee 2; Boys' Athletic Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Catholic Youth Adoration I, 2, 3, 4; Stage-Hand 2; Intramurals I, 2, 3; Baseball 2, 3.

LOIS ZULLIG Saint Paul's Parish Makes everyone's troubles her own . . . always in a hurry . . . pleasant and friendly . . . an instructor at heart. German Club 2; Sewing Club 2; Cooking Club 3; Stage Craft Club 4; Geometry Club 2; Decoration Committee 3; Bulletin Board Committee 4; Club Committee 3; Propagation of the Faith I, 2, 3, 4; Sodality I, 2, 3, 4; Coronet Circulation Staff 3, 4.

Senior music enthusiasts Marcia Cetkowski, Dorothy Rabatie, Joseph Krause, and Vincent Martin harmonize on a song or two as Pat Colavita provides accompaniment on the piano.

Mr. ]ames McDowell, sports editor of the Trenton Evening Times, bestows on Patrick Ryan the first annual Delaware Valley Chapter of the National Football League's Scholar-Athlete award.


Thomas Smith, Elaine Muschal, Carolyn Hustak, Susan Reynolds, Robert Snyder, and Trudy Sebestyen, each in his own way, ask Christ the Teacher for a special blessing on their school year.

Sister Mary Eleanor, lost in a maze of hands, must be pleased with the response of senior English students.


Thomas Deptula, Matthew Gaug, and Carol Catanese give the foyer a festive look with some Christmas decorations.

Archery Club President ]on Carter shows beginners how to notch an arrow into the bow, during a club meeting.


They should be proud! Their school paper captured top honors from the Catholic School Press Association and Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society. Editor Joseph Licciardel~~ Cathy Cooper and Anna Maria Astore are avia readers of the familiar copy.

Absorbed typists Gail Marino, Trudy Sebestyen, Rosemarie Krakowski, Joan Panacek, and Helen Pasiewicz check the patron list before submitting it to the editor.



SCHOOL DAYS (Wben We Were A Couple Of Kids)


Gus Edwards Pub.Co. 4 by Gus Edwards ct Kate A. Cobb

assignc!d 1942 to Mills Music, lnc.,1t8t9 BroadWay, New York, N.Y. All R!ghts Reserved, Including- the right of public performance for profit

School Days - 3


In a free period Leonard Carr uses a remedial device to improve his reading ability.

Philip Carrig, Stanley Wirpsza, Theresa Caserta, Roger Del Turco, Marie Cosgriff, and Barbara Zelmanowski rehash the answers on a recent English test.

Sister Mary Gratia leads one of her English classes in a book report review as they prepare for college boards.


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Attention is the order of the day as Kevin Convery shows and explains the slides depicting the English country side to a group of English N students.

Before the record takes the English class to Scotland, Kathy Hillman gives a description of the characters they will meet in the first act of Macbeth.

Sister Mary Dorothea refers to the list- of vocabulary words to explain to Vincent Hoff-man why some words are an exception to the rule.

The English Department, under the guidance of Sister Mary Jacinta, endeavors to teach the students the elements of English both as a language per se and as an implement of some of the world's greatest literature. Each facet of the English course is designed with a purpose in mind. Shakespeare, endless vocabulary, short stories, and term themes-all form a large part of this course which helps the student to keep up with the quickly changing demands of our society. 81



SOCIAL SCIENCE A knowledge of the past is necessary for a complete comprehension of the present. Interest in history began many, many years ago and continues unabated today. Through courses in world history, United States history, and Problems of American Democracy, the students gain insight into the origins from which our system of government has evolved and the ways in which a republic functions. Courses in economics and world geography are available to those interested in specialized studies.

Under Sister Mary Shaun's watchful eye, senior history students Leon Grabowski, John Feeney, Rudolph Geurds, and George Kelly prepare the topics listed in the American Observer.

John Wagner calls Elizabeth Csernech's attention to the article on national problems while Dino Fiabane and a host of pretty senior girls read the American Observer during history period.

Edmund Stay compares his history answer with Carol Grochala. Dierdre Lett, Nancy Flynn, and Joyce Kiernan seem to be getting their answers without any effort at all.

To add depth to the course in national problems, Chris Reeber distributes copies of current event write-ups to Joseph Maruca, Janice Evans, and Virginia Sweeney.

A. Thomas Lane, Philip Carrig, Ronald Woolston, Joseph nasey, and Richard Kirkham, members of the history class, meet with Sister Mary Alexander to discuss an article from the local newspaper on some economic question.


Marie Ford, Agnes Zygmunt, and Mary ]o Pieretti prepare a tape recording which they will send to their pen pals in Spain.


Alphonso Procaccini, Regina Laczko, and Margaret Cook Study Regina's miniature of the Chateau Chenonceaux.

Geraldine Sutton displays her collection of French dolls while Carol McNichol and Eleanor Kozakiewicz show a replica of the Pont du Gard, an ancient Roman aqueduct in Southern France.


Sister Mary Victoria supervises a Latin quiz.

The Language Department initiated a change in objectives when a language laboratory was introduced a year ago. More emphasis is placed on oral ability. All foreign language students are participating in this program. By making use of the laboratory, each pupil has the opportunity to improve his speaking ability. In addition to instructions in speaking the language, instructions in reading and translating are also emphasized. Each year a combined assembly is held in which there are presentations in French, German, and Spanish. The Latin Department holds annually a ccRoman Banquet" which carries out the modes of dress and mannerisms of the ancient people.

Carol Baczewski and Janice Bayman improve their diction by practicing on the language recorder.

Theodore Bucon and Susan Reynolds listen attentively to a French recording. Patricia Evans is an innocent bystander. Culture, custom, and dress, as exemplified by Mrs. 'Kaplan of the Language Department, interests Ronald Woolston, Maryanne Domanski, Chris Reeber, and Kathu Kazarow.


Mother Mary Robert enjoys a minute's rest while John, our efficient photographer, asks her to pose for him.


The facilities of the library are many and varied as shown by Anthony Favata, Anthony Angelini, Barry Belusar, standing, and Paul Allaire.

Helen Pasiewicz, Linda Maziarz, and Dorothea Lane ..stack up" for week-end reading.

The Monsignor Crean Memorial Library provides the students with better cultural and scientific knowledge through its facilities. From the vast array of books, magazines, and pamphlets available, the students find material ranging from Elizabethean poetry to vocational guidance. The fiction includes many recreational reading 路 books for an enjoyable evening. The library is kept up-to-date with current publications pertinent to the subjects taught. In addition to this, the library provides a source of research material for faculty and students. 86

Anna Maria Astore, in the capacity of library assistant, charges books for Marie Ford, Lance Heisler, Eugene Horkay, and Daniel McKeever.

Cherie Girard checks Kenneth Brower's research assignment.



Sister Mary Ambrose gives a "private showing" of the parabola to Michael Clancy, Janice Evans, Edward O'Hara, Joseph Makrancy, and Gerald Messineo.

MATHEMATICS The photographer finds the Vital Math class as busu as bees.

Deeply absorbed in Miss Daley's explanation of line functions in the fourth quadrant dur~ng trigonometry class are Joseph Bogdan, Edward M eManimon, Gail Poinsett, and Judy Porter.

The Mathematics Department provides the students with a knowledge of the rudiments of mathematics to be used in college and in chosen vocations. For the average student there is algebra, or basic and general mathematics. Potential nurses are provided with three years of college preparatory mathematics and mathematics review. College-bound students have available trigonometry, solid geometry, college algebra supplemented with other advanced phases of this science. Advanced classes arouse a keener interest in mathematics. Participation in competitive contests gives the mathematically qualified students an opportunity to measure their achievements. Carol Sujansky gives a demonstration on how to find the slope of the tangent at a point on the curve to William Ernst, Edward O'Hara, Robert Paglione, and Anthony Favata.

Computing the volume of a sphere can be perplexing, but Richard Gervasoni demonstrates his mathematical ability by explaining this formula to Barbara Strange.


Mary Dorner regulates the Bunsen burner as John Wagner and Margaret Hancin assist in the purification of a copper sulfate solution bu distillation.

SCIENCE This is the scientific age when fiction can become a fact in a matter of minutes. Never before has the need for scientists been so acute and never has there been so much emphasis placed upon science on a secondary level. The department offers physics, chemistry, and biology. In addition to these, students may study physical science, applied chemistry, social biology, general science, and science review. It is the aim of the department to encourage a student's interest and also to stimulate his intellect so that he may be well prepared to face the future in the field of science. Biologists ]ames C acciabaudo and Stanley Sliwinski remove pollen from a lily plant prior to microscopic examination of its structure. 90

William Gronikowski weighs calcium carbonate as Margaret Smith and Christine Knott prepare to generate carbon dioxide.

The photoelectric cell is being examined by Claire McElroy while Vincent Martin and George Basco amusingly observe her.

"Let there be light!" says Susan Reynolds as she demonstrates the conductivity of sodium chloride to Margaret Parker and Carolyn Abel. Miss Cellini observes the proceedings.

Induced electric magnetic forces hold the attention of John Taweel, Richard Parcinski, William Ernst, Michael Clancy and Joseph Wroblewski.


ART Hidden talents are often discovered in the Fine Arts Department, for here students have an opportunity to work with their hands as well as their heads, while acquiring practical experience. The art students learn by doing as they become familiar with charcoal, pastels, water colors, design, composition, and painting. The department's concern is to impress students with the fact that the study of art is a search for beauty. Oil painting is one of the phases of fine arts. Here Gail Applegate, Gerald Messineo, Sandra Bonacci, and Peter Sieben work with a jlreat deal of pleasure. Classes in drawing and composition take up a pleasant part of the day for Marilyn Esposito, Marianne Renuo, Roger Del Turco, Mary Lou Eleniewski, Sandra Walentine, and James King.

Stenciling a tablecloth is a.s as A B C when Angela Polio, Susan Reynolds, Carole Trautman and Carol Papp unite talent.

Thoma.s Migliaccio, Dierdre Lett, Thoma.s Freeman, Maryanne Domanski, Cecilia Michael, and Frederick Pietras study art pictures in preparation for an a.ssignment.

Putting the last touches on the floor plan, Michael Markulec studies the fine points of architecture.


The glee club under the direction of Sister Mary Daniel entertains His Excellency, George W. Ahr, with a rendition of Christmas carols.

Could it be that Walter Thomas will take Pat Colavita's place at the organ come June?

MUSIC The musically inclined find at Notre Dame ample facilities for the development of their special talents. The glee club, Choraleers, marching, and concert bands provide the student with diversified opportunities for individual expression in music. In addition to the traditional Christmas program, the year-long work of the glee club culminates in the annual joint presentation, the Spring Musicale.


Notre Dame's students were treated to the Choraleers' Christmas program prior to the holidays.

Karen McEwan, Gaetana Borgia, and Diane Accongio run through a song just before the Christmas assembly.

These carolers run through their paces on some of the traditional melodies for a Christmas assembly.

The clarinet quartet- Michael Wofciechowicz, Charles Turner, Norman Witkowski, and George Kelly- practice for the band concert.

Percussion trio Joseph Pasquito, Joseph Pizzulo and Larry Bodnar get ready for the Saint Patrick's day parade.

The marchinll band under the direction of Mr. William Humenay is school spirit set to music.


Ba~s violinist Clothilda Bilancio, William Wilde, Richard Green and William Gronikowski compare notes before curtain time.

At a last minute warm-up George Kelly, John Bachalis, Paul Sollami, Gilbert Botvin, and Richard Stives await their cue to thrill their audience by the excellence of their performance.


The Notre Dame orchestra pride of Mr. Glenn Arnett, their instructor, and delight of their audiences.


Joan Solack, Virginia Weitz, and Cheryl D'Arcy work the addressograph efficiently in one of their oUice practice periods.


Nancy Golden smilingly takes a correction from Mrs. Stoka as seniors Janice Bayman, Terrence Bryant, Joseph Cipullo, Thomas La Fisca, Joyce Kiernan and Vincent Haeger type on and on.


Robert Klein shows Judith Kulesza and Sharon Steepy how to manipulate the cash register.

Practice in telephone etiquette is part of the training received by future secretaries Margaret Lane, Mary Jane Kyselka, and Diane Coveleskie.

A variety of courses is available to those students planning to venture into the business world. In addition to the basic subjects, typing and stenography, a course in general secretarial practice is given to the future secretary. Students are also given a sample of actual office procedure which is stimulated in clerical office practice and secretarial office practice courses. Other courses which complete the curriculum include business law, economics, salesmanship, and training in the use of various business machines. In addition to the clerical cooperative plan offered to honor students, the business department initiated distributive education. Judith Kulesza and Richard McDougal sell a jacket to j oseph Maruca at the school store. The store provides practical experience in sales technique for students. Barbara Zamborsky and Marcia Tobiasz look through the stencil file while Angela Polio gets the machine ready for mimeographing.

Budding models Gail Hornyak, Linda McBride, Bernadette Skrzypek, Elizabeth Restuccia, Marian Perone, Patricia Griggs, Patricia Ann O'Brien, Joann Barry, Joan Matysovsky, Mary Lou Perna, Carol Southwick, Loretta Harker, and Joanne Buklad display the results of their acquired skill.


Fashion designers Jttdith DeMarco, Gloria King, Jean Keegan and Charlotte Horvath make plans for the fashion show given by the home arts students.

By observing and doing, students prepare for their chosen fields. In home arts, the aspects of good food, clothing, and design are covered. The modern living course prepares students for good human relationships. This is a department of action and well may be termed the incubator of tomorrow's good homemakers.

Home arts students Gail Hornyak, Mary Jo Hartmann, Mary Lou Perna, Joanne Buklad, Bernadette Skrzypek, and Linda McBride examine the dress on the model in hopes of getting good ideas for their next creation.


The joy of every N. D. home arts student is the bright, well-stocked, modernly-equipped units in which they learn every angle of cooking and homemaking. Sheila Lynch and Lynette Krug take their turn at restoring that kitchen to "apple-pie order".

Among the varied duties of a homemaker is the organization of an attractive table setting. Virginia Russo, Joanne Partridge, and Patricia Medula proceed to the niceties of an attractive setting, party style.

Students in the clothing course learn not only how to sew and produce excellent results of their training, but they also learn the fundamentals of color and design. Bonnie Muccioli, Patricia O'Brien and I oan Matysovsky discuss Milady's chic creation.


Religion IV students receive training in the basic principles of apologetics and learn to give reasons for their Faith. Here Father Capik explains the outline of creation to Richard Kirkham, Gloria King, and ]ames Colello.


Religion is the way of life. Through it we come to know the purpose and the ultimate goal of life. Our purpose is to know, love and serve; our goal, a supernatural destiny. Personal dignity and value emphasize the路 Christian concept of life. It is the aim of the department, headed by Reverend William Capik, to make the individual aware of the fact that each of us comes from God and our origin entitles us to God-given rights and privileges; we are His children but only if we live according to the commandments He has given us. With this in mind, it is the responsibility of the Religion Department to cultivate not only a deep interior belief in God, but also the ability to defend the faith with confidence and assurance whenever called upon to do so. The foundation is laid and the students should be ready to build on this firm foundation.

At the beginning of the second Vatican Council, Father Capik's Religion classes staged a panel with Marty Connor as chairman. Pictured are Patrica Farley, Anna Marie Skwara, Joseph Pankiewicz, Cathleen Cleary, Carolyn Hustak, and Carol Catanese apparently giving Marty a hard time.


Carolyn Abel, Joseph Maruca, and Carolyn Hustak organize material which they will use in the discussion of the Second Vatican Council.

Dierdre Lett, Carol Grochala, Susan Houck, Vincent Convery, John Feeney and Bart Carr are eager and happy to give the co"ect answer to Religion questions.

This senior Religion clastJ takes a minute or so to sneak a last look before the quarterly test.


Regular calisthenics form a part of N.D.'s physical education course- senior boys do their daily dozen.

The Physical Education Department provides a varied course for all participants. The curriculum provides such programs as skills, games, fundamentals, and sports. In addition to the physical training, the students are also given courses in health and first aid. The driver education courses are also included in this program. Driver education cars are at the disposal of the students to provide actual behind-the-wheel guidance.

Junior boys enjoy a game of volleyball during their gym period.

Richard McDougal and Ronald Krisak build strong arm muscles by climbing the ropes during gym period. Charles Delaney is next in line for muscle building.


Push-ups are essential to the physical fitness program. This group begins the gym period properly.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Like President Kennedy's new physical fitness program, N.D.'s physical education classes calls forth varying reactions: no need to say more.

The newly formed wrestling team keeps in trim by doing regular calisthenics.

Junior and sophomore girls are about to begin the intramttrals.

With an expert aim Janice Evans tries for a hull's eye.

Marcia Labowicz and Barbara Gartner satisfy the irresistible urge to try the ropes just for the fun of it. Gym mates encourage them to try harder.


Sharon Kramarz and Donfla Munnion tally the "strikes and spares" as pin spotters Kathleen McGowan and Barbara Gartner roll up their scores.

Linda V accara, distracted or attracted by the photographer, loses count, but Cathleen Cleary, Pat Domanki, Pat Sirolli, Maria Lagana, Carolyn Goeke and Marcia Labowicz keep their pace.

Junior girls go through their routine for the forthcoming folk dance assembly.

Doing it the hard way, sophomore girls warm-up for competition in a cage-ball game.



Golden Days (Prince - Engel)


Un poco maestoso >





copy of this publication, or any part thereof, to severe penalties under the Copyrirht Act.


Howwe laughedwith a

gai - e-ty that had no





haze! _ _ __


or music of this song, or any portioa United States Copyright Law.

Annual open house provides an opportunity for parents to become better acquainted with the school. Patricia Domanski, Ronald Krisak, Robert Snyder, Fred Pietras, Edward O'Hara, and Edward Kisco make sure that the guests register.

STUDENT COUNCIL Government is a popular field of study at Notre Dame, and the Student Council is an organization which serves to give practical training in this field to those who have been elected as presidents of the various co-curricular activities. Under the guidance of Sister Mary Victoria, the council meets twice a week to discuss and provide legislation which coordinates the co-curricular activities of the student body. The council is the official representation of the student and serves to make his suggestions known to the administration and through them to the faculty. Patrick Ryan, president of the Student Council, flashes his famous Irish smile at the Council's open meeting before the student body.


Carol Catanese reminds Pat Ryan, Student, Council president, and Jack Herrity, senior class president, that plans should be started for the Valentine Dance.

Treasurer Carolyn Hustak and Carolyn Abel, secretary, meet informally with Student Council members Marty Connor, John Chebra and Dennis Cunningham.

Carolyn Abel, secretary, Joseph Maruca, vicepresident, Carolyn Hustak, treasurer, and Patrick Ryan, president, study council charters.


Virginia Weitz, Joan Keegan, Patricia Bird, and Mary Ann Waltos start out with the new edition of the Coronet for distribution in the homerooms.


Joseph Licciardello, Coronet editor, interviews Mr. Dormuth and Mr. Dowd, the two new members of the faculty.

Editor-in-chief Joseph Liccwraeuo and news editor Anna Maria Astore share their joy with Kathy Cooper over the top honors captured by The Coronet. 112

Feature staff members Margaret Cook, John Dyer, Nancy Golden, Carol Kyselka, and Nancy Flynn get ready to hand out assignments to the other staff members.

The busy hum of activity, the hurry and scurry of reporters, and the constant prodding of questions signal the approach to the publications room, the "home" of The Coronet. Under the capable supervision of Sister Mary Jacinta, the staff works diligently and expertly at making The Coronet an accurate, interesting journal of school activities. The Coronet merited an All Catholic rating and was named a Publication of Distinction by the Catholic School Press Association. As a final proof of its superiority, the Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Journalists gave The Coronet its top rating of International Honors for being a newspaper of superior achievement. As the deadline draws near, Joseph Licciardello, editor, and Robert Paglione, photography editor, lay out the rough draft for The Coronet.

Photo staff members Thomas Strahs, Thomas Paglione, Thomas Norton, photo editor Robert Paglione, John Piepszak , and Francis Schwartz sort out a new batch of pictures.


Thomas Freeman and Patricia Walters; co-editors, explain the layout of a baseball feature to photographers Joseph Licciardello and Robert Paglione.

Kathleen Stark and Suzanne W ehrfritz, business managers for The Canticle, prepare patron envelopes for the typists.


Canticle typists Gail Marino, Trudy Sebestyen, Rosemarie Krakowski, Joan Panacek and Helen Pasiewicz pause briefly from their work to pose for our roving photographer.


Sports editors Martin Connor, Joseph Casey, Martin Runyon, Ronald Krisak and Patrick Ryan compare ideas for the sports layout.

Deadline, copy, picture schedules-all these are a part of every yearbook. In reality, a yearbook is not made up merely of assorted pictures and copy with which to fill an allotted space, but the publication of the book summarizes a year's activities in addition to the opportunity to edit, produce and publish a book that gives an excellent insight into the qualities of school life. In presenting The Canticle, the staff realizes that this annual has a special significance for each senior, because each one will interpret its pages according to his own experiences. To them it will be a tangible object to relive happy, carefree school days. Kathy Kazarow discusses captions with Claire McElroy, Regina Worob, Dina Fiabane, and Margaret Smith.

Thomas Freeman and Kathleen Cooper take time out for a little chit-chat before settling down with paste, scissors, pictures and copy for The Canticle.

Behind the scenes Mary Paske, Dina Fiabane, Carol Catanese, Elizabeth Csernech, Claire McElroy, Fred Petito; standing, Arlene Olzak, Dierdre Lett, Richard Gervasoni and Maryanne Domanski assemble material for the senior personals. 115

LADY LORE Lady Lore, the student literary magazine, provides a stage for the students of the English and Art departments to combine literary talents and creative abilities. The magazine is published quarterly and contains short stories, essays, poetry, and features of art. Under the guidance of Sister Mary Paschal of the English department and Sister Mary Joyce of the art department, the magazine is growing in popularity as the ideas and ideals are appreciated by its many readers.

Lady Lore editor Kathleen Cooper and Carolyn Abel are pictured with Father Louis Rongione, O.S.A., at the press conference at Villanova.

Lady Lore business staff members Pauline Stype, Catherine Garansi, Helen Pasiewicz, Barbara Zamborski, and Paula Angelucci are busily at work preparing another edition.

Lady Lore advi.Yor, Sister Mary Paschal, gives Kathleen Cooper some lay-out suggestions for the next i.Ysue.

Art editor for the literary magazine, Eileen Fitzpatrick, puts the fini.Yhing touches on her illustration for one of the articles.

As the deadline draws near the various staff members of Lady Lore make the last minute adjustments. Eileen Fitzpatrick, John Cody, Arleen Paul, Sally Stankowski, Raymond Korona, Patricia Griggs and Marie Ford.



Sister Mary Joyce and her stage craft crew in one of their few relaxintf positions prior to the opening night of "Student Prince .

The administration encourages the formation of clubs provided they are in harmony with the general policies of the school. Membership is open to all students, although it is not obligatory for any one to join a club. Although there are numerous and varied clubs in Notre Dame, students who are desirous of organizing a new club may do so, provided a faculty member will act as moderator. This petition must be submitted to the club chairman of the Student Council. Clubs' do not conflict with important school activities but are held weekly during activity period. The number of students seeking membership is limited and determined by the purpose and program of the club.

Members of a newly-organized bridge club, with their moderator, Sister Mary Dennis, show us another way to use the tools of their trade.

Archery advocates and Mr. Elko at the end of the season. From all indications we will need a new target next year.

Projection boys, Richard Carson and Daniel Bumbera await the beginning of the assembly to go to work with the spotlight.


Forum club members Robert Haney, John McDermott, Elaine Abbott, Thomas Deptula and Marilyn Bacon check on the latest news developments for their debate topic.

The ever-popular sport of tennis numbers Felice Morgan, Janice Evans, Mary Ann Wherry, Mary Lou Elenewski and Sylvia Warner among its fans.

G.A.A. now boasts o/ a riding club. Its first members seem quite happy about it.



Diane Accongio, secretary of the Saint Teresa of Avila Chapter of the Spanish National Honor Society, gives the aims of the society during the initiation ceremony. President Gaetana Borgia and members surround her.

The National Honor Society's purpose is primarily to recognize scholarship. For membership one must be an outstanding student and received into the society as result of election by the faculty. The candidates are chosen on the basis of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The Quill and Scroll International Honor Society was organized to recognize outstanding students in the ÂŁeld of journalism. Staff members of The Canticle, Coronet, and the Lady Lore are candidates if they fulÂŁ11 the requirements.

Cheryl Albrecht and Irene Misialowski distribute candles to the new members. 120

The Saint Teresa of Avila chapter of the Spanish National Honor Society was founded one year ago with the purpose of recognizing outstanding students of Spanish and of emphasizing the importance of this language.

Members of Quill and Scroll proudly display their insignia and plaques. Thomas Freeman, Patricia Walters, Robert Paglione, Chris Reeber, Carolyn Abel, Martin Connor, Joseph Licciardello, Marie Immordino, Virginia Weitz, Nancy Golden, Anna Maria Astore and Kathleen Cooper.

Carol Catanese and Pat Ryan examine the Quill and Scroll plaque received by Kathy Cooper and Marty Connor.

Notre Dame's Quill and Scroll this year added to its ranks Constance Miszkowski, Harold Harding, Karen Rick, Margaret Cook, Suzanne Sheehan, Yvonne Andreas, Ann Glancey and Regina Laczko.


Junior varsity captain Gail Marino has that last ringlet put in place by Rosemarie Triscione.

The backbone The camera man is treated to a special pose by junior varsity cheerleaders captained by Gail Marino.

"The" team gets a rousing welcome from our male cheerleaders.

... 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. Football varsity cheerleaders Phil Smith, Peter Seiben, Vince Martin, Chris Reeber, Gerry Sellner, William Gaskill, and Ronald Krisak had quite a work out this season.

Attractive blue and white uniforms, swishing of flags, colorful shakers, a cheerful blare from the band all make up the backbone of Notre Dame's spirit. Our halftime entertainers stimulate spirit at games

of ND. ~ spirit

and add that pinch of zest needed for an enthusiastic audience at N.D.'s athletic events.

The exuberance of our varsity basketball cheerleaders is the result of N.D. taking the edge over their rivals, the Gaels.


Captain Paula Angelucci and varsity cheerleaders Kathleen McNichol, Donna Parsons, Loraine Roslon, Maureen Connell, Carolyn Hustak, Kathleen Pouliot, ]oy Bonfield, Christina Flood, Elizabeth Gilligan, and Diane Accongio display their victory smiles.

"N.D. on to victory" is the battlecry by varsity cheerleaders during the half.

The Color Guard stands at attention! Michael Lettiere, Kevin Pollard, Fred Miller, Wayne Wilde, Michael Nalbone, David Whelan, Michael Varga, and ]ohn Goliszewski.


Notre Dame's marching band and Mr. Humenay prior to the big Saint Patrick's Day parade.

Never did the ramp-railing look so attractive as when it was graced by Christine Flood, Donna Parsons, Elizabeth Gilligan, Kathleen McNichol and Diane Accognio.

]. V. cheerleaders give us one of their routines at half time.


A Christmas duet is practiced by Gaetana Borgia and Diane Accongio with Pasquale Colavita at the keyboard.

"Come down now, Mr. Sheehan," calls out Nurse Walters. "Doctors Haney and Reeber won't hurt you, really." Such was a scene from "Calling Dr. Kildare" assembly program for The Coronet drive.

Downstage with The Notre Dame audience was given a special treat during the latest show by Daniel Bumbera and John Slim.

Our own "Guys and Dolls" render some favorites that never grow old.

A dance duet by Joanne Deboskey and Kevin Convery was another new and different feature of this year's talent show.

Dramatic fledglings.

"Know Your School" assembly had a unique setting, the homeroom meeting of 10~ E.


The singing trio- Karen McEwan, Gaetana Borgia and Janice Norton- get a little help from Master of Ceremonies John Sheehan.

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I Could Have D路anced All Music by





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Steve Wil~ng and Barbara Zamborski proudly reign as "king" and "queen" of the Thanksgiving Victory Dance.

Arlene Olzak, Anthony Favata, Carolyn Abel and Joseph Makrancy check on some vacation tips during an interlude at the fall dance.

Maryanne Domanski and William Mate remind orchestra not to forgetto plau the Notre Dame Victoru March.

In the development of a well-rounded individual, one who will eventually attain the stature of a competent member of society, the aspect of social achievement certainly must not lie neglected in the shadow of the much-stressed academic endeavors. In view of this necessity, Notre Dame High School strives, most successfully, to afford its students certain social opportunities in the form of dances, plays, and the climactic senior formal. The ensuing pages will manifest an outline of this, the social life of the Notre Dame student.

N.D.'s Victory Dance brings four more into the winners' circle, Salvatore Apicelli, Gaetana Borgia, Susan Reynolds and John Herrity. 131

The smiles of Peter Pietras, Mary Dorner, Thomas Freeman and Monica Argue indicate the joy and pride of all N.D. students at the Victory Dance.

Paul Allaire and Vincent Martin stop to chat with the two charming ladies in the pagoda, Monica Argue and Paula Angelucci.

Always the dutiful hostess, Helen Pasiewicz prepares to serve the sweet treat at the Easter dance.

Chris Reeber and Camille Ott decide to sample some oriental refreshments. 132

Patrick Ryan and Martin Connor try convincing Margaret Smith and Patricia Evans that they would look nice in the show case too.

Christmas gaiety has already permeated this folly group, even before the dance begins. They are Patrick Ryan, Thomas Freeman, Claire McElroy and Monica Argue.

Rich Miller, Joanne Deboskey, Diana Coveleskie and Edward Davis prepare to sample the punch during intermission at the Christmas dance.

Strains of "A Winter Wonderland" fill the air as festive couples dance around the Christmas tree.


Our Lady's advocates are ever faithful to her, even on the night of the junior formal. Peter Pietras, Donna Parsons, Theodore Robak and Elizabeth Gilligan pause for a moment before her shrine.

Barry Belusar and Joan Solack try out the captain's quarters during the junior formal voyage.

Carol Catanese makes a little adjustment on John Chebra's boutonniere.

Smiling faces of John Herrity, Lorraine Leedom, Gerald Sellner, Anna Marie Astore, Louis Altieri, Diane Accongio, Patrick Ryan, Carolyn Abel, Martin Connor and Margaret Parker seem to indicate that the voyage is truly a happy one.


The receiving line forms by the gangplank to await the guests: Father Coffey, Mr. and Mrs. Felice, Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher and Father Tracy.

Donna Parsons gets a helping hand from Peter Pietras as they embark on the good ship S.S. Notre Dame for an evening's voyage.

Mary Paske, Bob Hutchinson, Mary Ann Renyo, and Joseph Wroblewski lay claim to the S.S. Notre Dame anchor. 135

The Cast of "Student Prince" and thd directors, Sister Mary Eleanor and Sister Mary Daniel pose for the final curtain call.

''THE STUDENT PRINCE'' THE CAST Count Von Mark, Frederick Petito; Doctor Engle, Theodore Bucon; Prince Karl Franz, Pasquale Colavita; Ruder, John Carucci; Gretchen, Patricia Walters; Toni, Raymond Bekarciak; Lutz, John Sheehan; Hubert, Robert Haney; Kathy, Gaetana Borgia; Student Leaders, Stephen Kerlin, Richard LaRossa, Leonard Schaeffer, Michael Shelly, Thomas Smith, Steven Wilfing; Count Hugo Detleff, Joseph Krause; Asterberg, Joseph Halsey; Lucas, Edmund Stoy; Hans, Dennis Cannon; Duchess, Kathryn Kazarow; Princess, Joanna Andruszko; Captain Tarnitz, Michael Williams; Countess, Mary Jeanne Wenczel; Baron Arnheim, William Mate; Rudolph, Martin Przemieniecki.

"Duchess" Kathryn Kazarow and "Countess" Mary Jeanne Wenzel check with Sister Mary Dennis for a final approval on their costumes.

A prince no longer, now king Karl Franz, Pasquale Colavita announces his intention to keep his promise and return to Heidelburg.

Prince Pasquale Colavita receives a fond welcome from student corps leaders, Edmund Stoy, Dennis Cannon, Joseph Krause and Joseph Halsey.

Kathy, Gaetana Borgia, makes an entrancing vision indeed for Karl Franz as she entreats him to return to Heidelburg.

There seems to be a tinge of sadness as Mary Paske, Elizabeth Csernech and Mary Jeanne Wenzel help Sister Mary Francine pack the costumes.

Captain Tarnitz, Michael Williams, is joined by some gentlemen of the Court as he sings his farewell song to the princess.


Karl Franz, Pasquale Colavita, dutifully greets his bride to be, Princess Margaret, Joanna Andruszko.

Joseph Halsey, Edmund Stoy, Gaetana Borgia, and Joseph Krause, give prince, Pasquale Colavitn.. a sampling of the gaiety of student life.

Behind the scenes, the camera catches a rather different trio in Regina Worob, Marie Cosgriff and Elizabeth Csernech.

Gretchen, Patricia Walters, shows an air of -unconcern as Lutz, John Sheehan, vents some of his wrath on her.

Joseph Krause displays his happy spirits after an enjoyable round of parties.

Girls in the Gavotte enjoy a few relaxing moments as they patiently await their cue.


Lutz, John Sheehan, is the bearer of tidings that prove quite disconcerting to the Duchess, Kathryn Kazarow.

Ladies and gentlemen at the court witness the graceful conclusion to the ballet.

"Student Prince" program book provides some interesting and enjoyable moments for Kathryn Kazarow, Joanna Andruszko and Elizabeth Avplegate.


Ladies of the Court gather in the wings as they await their entrance for the finale.

During the long interval between Act I and the finale, Edward Miller and Thomas Freeman find a game of chess a worthwhile pastime. They even keep Joseph Goliszewski and Edward Lisiecki interested. 140

Princess, Joanne Andruszko, and the king, Karl Franz, begin the evenings' festivities with the Gavotte.

A lonely "prima donna, Joanne Deboskey adds a note of elegance during the ball celebrating the betrothal of Karl Franz and Princess Mar{laret.

Countess, Mary Jeanne Wenzel and count, William Mate, make some rather pertinent inquiries of the Duchess, Kathryn Kazarow, regarding the betrothal of the princess and the kin{l.

Notre Dame Victory rds by SHEA '08 INTRO.



1928. University of Notre Dame riahts controlled by Melrose Music Corp.•


Rah Rah

















Notre Dame co-captains Steve Wilfing and Pat Ryan present the cider jug, emblematic of the Thanksgiving Day Game, to a happy Trenton High team.


Junior Charlie Comfort awaits action as coaches Walt Porter and Jim Petruccio plan strategy on the sidelines.

A vastly improved Irish team proceeded to win their first eight games. The remaining loss, to their Turkey D~-Y rivals, fixed the seasonal record at a formidable eight wins to one loss. Scores and highlights follow: BISHOP EUSTACE (7-13)- It was a "great day for the Irish" as Notre Dame won the first game in its varsity football history by defeating Bishop Eustace of Pennsauken on the loser's home field. The fighting Irish took the lead early in the first quarter when halfback Joe Maruca plunged into pay dirt from the two-yard line. Al Procaccini's kick for the P.A.T. was good. MORRISVILLE (0-34)- Having first tasted victory the week before, Coach Walt Porter's Notre Dame varsity football squad won its second game of the season, and the first varsity win on the N.D. gridiron. The Irish were paced by the brilliant offensive play of seniors' Ed Stoy and Denny Cannon. Stoy, a quarterback, scored three T.D.'s for the Irish, while fullback Cannon scored one touchdown and ran for two extra points. Senior Bill Mate intercepted a Morrisville pass and returned it for a spectacular 65 yard touchdown. Lou Altieri booted a pair of extra points in the one sided contest. HUNTEDON CENTRAL (6-18)- The Fighting Irish of Notre Dame scored a major upset by defeating highly touted Hunterdon Central of Flemington on the loser's field. Hunterdon took the lead early in the game, but the Irish tied it up in the second period on senior Ed Stoy's quarterback sneak. The score remained tied until the fourth quarter when the Blue and White marched the length of the field and went ahead on Denny Cannon's carry for a touchdown. Within a few minutes the Irish scored again on Ed Stoy's second touchdown of the day.

FRONT ROW: Coach Walter Porter, Vincent Convery, Joseph Wroblewski, Vincent Hoffman, William Mate, Patrick Ryan, Steven Willing, Stephen Gallo, Louis Altieri, John Chebra, Coach James Petruccio. SECOND ROW: Richard Burek, James Moran, Steve Wolfer, Fred Singer, Dennis Cannon, Edmund Stoy, Anthony Shanko, Joseph Maruca, Sam Zoda, Richard Ketterer, Coach John Pallay. THIRD ROW: Dennis Carrig, Gerard Dixon, Robert Keliher, William Ford, John Walters, Michael Williams, Richard Melore, Donald Appleby, Paul Kapp, Charles Comfort.

FOURTH ROW: James Duffy, John Groch, Dennis Grove, Robert Flynn, Charles Stewart, Joseph Baczewski, Leonard Schaffer, Ronald Zukowski, John Hawkes, James Cacciabaudo. FIFTH ROW: Charles Engennach, Thomas Everitt, John Tobia, Anthony Salerno, John Herdman, John Barry, William Belzner, Anthony Apicelli, Edmund Casey. SIXTH ROW: Michael Thoma, Patrick Solan, Al Procaccini, Robert Valentine, Martin Przemienieski, Roger Thomas, James Oliver, James Meriwether, Garrett McDaniel.

All-City back Ed Stoy cuts through Morrisville defense as a determined Fred Singer leads interference. Ed Stoy scores one of his five touchdowns against Bishop Egan, leaving a host of defenders in his wake.

STEINERT ( 14-47) -The Fighting Irish showed an awesome display of power as they bombed Steinert High School from the ranks of the undefeated on the winner's home gridiron. Coach Walt Porter's club, winning its fourth game without a loss, treated the fans to an impressive show as quarterback Ed Stoy ran for two touchdowns, and passed to end Bill Mate for another, while fullback Denny Cannon scored twice with Charlie Comfort and Gerard Dixon each tallying one touchdown. Cannon added three extra points, Jack Chebra caught a pass from Stoy for another, and Bill Mate caught a pass for the other extra point.

HAMILTON (0-39)-Coach Walt Porter's Fighting Irish stretched its unbeaten skein to five games as they romped to a 39-0 victory over Hamilton High School on the home gridiron. Quarterback Ed Stoy ran for two touchdowns, and passed for three others to Jack Chebra and to Bill Mate, who caught two of the scoring heaves. Junior quarterback Mike Williams threw a pass to junior end Rich Melore for the final tally. Ed Stoy ran for one P.A.T. while AI Proccacini booted two extra points.

Denny Cannon goes over for the score that gave Notre Dame its first victory. 145

BISHOP EGAN (21-33) -Senior quarterback Ed Stoy put on one of the greatest scoring shows ever seen in the Delaware Valley, as he led the undefeated Fighting Irish to an upset victory over Bishop Egan High School of Levittown, Pa. Stoy scored 31 points on five touchdowns and one extra point as the Irish won their sixth game without a loss, and their third in a row on their home field. Denny Cannon added two extra points to account for the rest of the Blue and White scoring.

Center Pat Ryan is inches away from tying a touchdown as Trenton High's Tony Di Cesare recovers a fumble in the end zone.

Ed Stoy picks up interference from Mike Thoma and Jack Chebra as he cuts back against Bishop Egan defenders.

ST. JOSEPH'S, CAMDEN ( 14-46) -The Irish defeated St. Joseph's of Camden on the Blue and White gridiron. Mike Thoma, Denny Cannon, and Ed Stoy each scored twice as Joe Maruca tallied once for Notre Dame. Bill Mate scored two extra points as Joe Maruca and Denny Cannon each accounted for one to complete the Irish scoring.

Fred Singer gains long yardage in season's opener against Bishop Eustace.

FRESHMAN TEAM. FIRST ROW: Gary Calderone, Randall Eakin, Vincent Rust, Bruce Chiarello, Guy Fasanella, Ronald Maruca, Andrew Ketterer. SECOND ROW: Ronald Olschewski, Wayne Cocciolillo, David Friel, Paul Raywood, Randolph Correll, John Varsalona, Fred Pagano, Paul Casey. THIRD ROW: William Barry, Richard Rezner, Stanley Koziczynski,

John Olschewski, Brian Thorpe, Peter Cornelius, Richard Glonek. FOURTH ROW: Jeffrey Billie, Thomas Maurer, Richard Smith, Daniel Bartram, Richard Kleinkauf, Robert Dominczyk, Ludwig lezzo. FIFTH ROW: Coach Jack Molnar, Anthony Mancino, Ronald Chebra, Frank Scharibone, John Hasbruock, Assistant Coach Mr. Seidenglanz.

路 The aggressive defensive squad stops Hamilton for no-gain.

HOLY CROSS (6-13)- The Irish made it 8 in a row by beating a stubborn Holy Cross team 13-6 at Riverside. Denny Cannon scored both T.D.'s for the Irish and Joe Maruca added the only extra point. TRENTON HIGH (6-0)- The Fighting Irish narrowly missed their bid for an undefeated season by losing a tight game to Trenton High before some 6,000 fans on the N.D. gridiron. It was a close battle all the way, and although the Irish played a great ball game, Trenton High scored the only touchdown and that was the margin of victory.

Denny Cannon drives through opening as quarterback Ed Stoy carries out fake to Mike Thoma.

FRONT ROW: Bob Milacci, Roy Wagner, John Taweel, Kees Geurds, Robbie King, Rudy Geurds, and Dennis McGowan. SECOND ROW: Joe Cryan, Ted Sweiconek, Dennis Casey, Coach Mr. Stanley Cier, Joe Casey, Philip Carrig, Tom Stout, John Wagner, and Kevin Convery.

John Wagner reveals All-City form as he goes high to clear head ball against Hightstown.

SOCCER Kevin Convery attempts a save in practice session as Philip Carrig, John Wagner, Joe Casey, John Taweel, and Rudy Geurds converge on the play.


Senior forward John Taweel demonstrates fancy ball control as he evades 1lamilton defender.

Notre Dame's State Champion Booters made their debut in fine fashion on the Lawrenceville Road campus on September 25, 1962. Coach Bill Clarke's Irish racked up three straight wins over Pennsbury High, Delhaas High and St. Cecelia's of Kearny before being stopped by Pennsbury. Not tasting victory since October 3 when they handed St. Cecelia's of Kearny a 2-1 defeat, they hit the win column with a romping 6-1 victory over the Gaels of Cathedral High. Steinert High's Spartans topped the defending Parochial Class A State Soccer Champions 2-1 in the October 15 battle, but the charges of Coach Hill Clarke came back with a smashing 3-0 win over the Spartans on November 2. Other contests won by the Irish were a 7-0 victory over Princeton, and a second win over Cathedral, 7-1. Trenton High topped Notre Dame twice by the same score, 1-0. Hightstown also scored two wins over the hooters of N.D. by scores of 4-1 and 1-0. Notre Dame's two year domination of the Parochial A State Soccer Champion was brought to an end on November 15 by St. Cecelia's of Kearny. A record went into the books after the Irish dropped the crown and eight games. Notre Dame ended with a final slate of 7-8-2.


Steinert goalie picks oU an easy save as Irish forwards Roy Wagner and Tom Stout converge on play.


Ted Swieconek battles Saints player for posession of ball in championship match.

Tom Stout and ]oe Casey watch the action as Irish's Ted Swieconek attempts head ball with Steinert defender.

Kees Geurds goes high over Saints defender to get head ball.


Joe Casey exhibts form which made him a repeater on All-State team in '62.

Dennis Casey takes head ball from a Saints player. Irish lost 1 - 0 to Saint Cecilia's for the first time in three years of championship encounter.

John Wagner practices his specialty which made him the best halfback in the area.

SCORES September 25________ Pennsbury September 28 ________ Delhaas路 October 3________ St. Cecelia's October 1L ______ _Fennsbury October 15________ Hamilton October 16_______ Steinert October 18________ Pennington October 19________Trenton High October 22 ________ Hightstown October 24 ________Trenton High October 25 ________ Cathedral October 26________ Princeton November L _______Cathedral November 2 ________ Steinert November 5________ Hamilton November 7________ Hightstown November 15________ St. Cecelia's

1 0 1 3 2 2 1 1 4 1 1 0 1 0 3 1 1

NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame NotreDame

J. V. SOCCER TEAM. FRONT ROW: Thomas Brown, Daniel McKeever, Joseph Cryan, ]ames King, William Hendricks. SECOND ROW: Mr. Stanley Cier, coach, Rudy Geurds, Robert Sedia, Kees Geurds, Stanleu Sliwinski, Thomas Warwick, and Dennis McGowan.


2 1 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 6 7 7 3 0 0 0

Coach Creamer and team hash out a new strategy on a miniature court plan.

BASKETBALL. $enior co-captain Pete Pietras controls ball against Cathedral as Bart Carr and John Spisak stand by for action.

Despite a mediocre season of ten wins and nine losses, the Notre Dame High School basketball team, under the direction of Mr. William Creamer, managed to set several notable records. In many instances, close games were marked by losses due to the fact that the ball just seemed to bounce the wrong way. The record at the half stage of the season was an impressive eight - one, but the damper fell and the fighting Irish lost eight straight all by close margins. With determination and hustle they fought back to pull a near upset over Cathedral and to break Trenton High's thirteen game winning streak and to go on to whip Pennsbmy in a thrilling double over-time game. The followers of the Irish saw many close and exciting games, for about half of them were within five points at the final buzzer. A few of the most outstanding contests were with Cathedral, Trenton High, Christian Brothers, and Bishop Egan.

Bart Carr and Cathedral's Terry Morawski battle for rebound as Rich Parcinski looks on anxiously.


THE VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM. FRONT ROW: Manager James Hewitt, Bart Carr, Peter Pietras, Manager Emil Gizzi. SECOND ROW: Coach "Doc" Creamer, Edward McManimom, Charles Comfort, Jules Harlicka, Richard Parcinski, Robert Szul, Richard Carson, Patrick Kerwick, Thomas Michaud, Charles Corbett, and Edward Swan.

Skip Harlicka snags ball as Bob Szul readies himself in the N.D.- Steinert game.

Skip H arlicka lays one up in the tight minutes of the Christian Brothers' game.


SCORES Varsity 89 49 56 78 48 43 61 81 80 55 55 54 55 56 42 48 48 50 71

Opponents Camden Vocational 39 Hamilton High School 42 Cardinal Dougherty H. S. 70 Pennsbury High School 56 Christian Brothers 46 Steinert High School 35 Camden Vocational 27 St. Joseph's, Camden 53 Hamilton High School 50 Trenton High School 62 St. Joseph's, Camden 57 Bishop Egan 59 Cathedral High School 67 Steinert High School 58 Bishop Egan 49 Christian Brothers 50 Cathedral High School 51 Trenton High School 48 Penns bury High School 64

Tom Michaud dribbles in close as Rich Parcinski looks on anxiously.

Pete Pietras battles for rebound in the state tournament game aJlainst Holy Cross.

Bart Carr and Bob Szul grimace as Christian Brothers' player does a unique strut during tight minutes of game.


Skip Harlicka shoots from underneath as Rich Parcinski charges in to help out in the Camden Vocational game.

Frank Slane and Ed McManimon anxiously watch ball in the Trenton High ].V. game.

JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM. FRONT ROW: Manager Emil Gizzi, Joseph Wyers, Charles Corbett, Robert Goeke, Gary Jackson, Edward McManimon, Raymond Worob. SECOND ROW: Coach "Doc" Creamer, Ronald Zukowski, Patrick Kerwick, Thomas O'Connor, Michael McCreedy, Wayne Morris, Charles Comfort, Manager Edward Swan.


FRONT ROW: Mary Ann Willever, Janice Evans, Claire McElroy. SECOND ROW: Mary Hoyer, Christnia Flood, Mary Danchak, Judy Nutt, Marie Evans, Linda DeGeorge, Margaret Danchak, Donna Henry.

Linda De George is up to get that rebound and close by is Judy Nutt to protect the ball in the Princeton game.



The girls' basketball team, under the direction of Miss Mary Colvey, opened their season on February 18 and were handed a loss at the hands of the Morrisville ladies of the court. After the initial loss, the varsity squad won four in a row: Steinert, Princeton, Villa Victoria and the second encounter with Princeton-each of which offered little opposition. The four game winning streak was brought to an abrupt end on March 13 when Cathedral beat the Irish, 48-24. Two days later on March 15 the varsity squad traveled to South Amboy where they topped St. Mary's, 20-31.


Linda De George and a Princeton player battle for the ball which seems to be suspended in air.

SCORES February 18 ________ M orris ville 40 February 28 ________ Princeton 24 5________ Steinert March 5 7________ Princeton March 20 1L_______ Villa Victoria 13 March 13 ________ Cathedral March 48 15________ South Amboy 20 March

Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame Notre Dame

10 43 41

Christina Flood tries to steal the ball from a Princeton High player.



24 31

St. Mary's

FRONT ROW:: Marie Evans, Janis Runkle, Suzanne 'Vehrfriz, Rosalie Ayres. SECOND ROW: Debbie Martin, Kathy Gill, Katherine McGowan, Carol Baldino, Helen Baylog, Janet Bednarski, Pat DiOrio, and Doris Sigl.


Bill Jacobus paces Leon Grabowski and John Feeney in last half mile of Hunterdon Central meet.

TRACK AND FIELD Coach John Ungrady's Notre Dame cross country team won its first meet by a 19-36 victory over Bordentown on Wednesday, October 3. The Irish had their first defeat on October 12 when Hunterdon Centrars R'ed Devils tabbed a 15-45 win. On October 18, Notre Dame's cross country team succumbed to Cathedral High by the score of 35-44 on the Irish course. Cathedral High made it two in a ro'N over the Irish by a 22-46 score on the N.D. course. The Irish enjoyed a brief victory by defeating Hightstown, 21-34, on October 23 for its second win in five outings. The harriers, however, ran into trouble when they encountered Camden Catholic and Steinert. For the first year of varsity cross-country, Notre Dame's record stands 3-6.

Phil Smith clears the pole at 4' 8" at Lawrence indoor track.

Bill Spych takes third place in high hurdles at Lawrence Indoor track. .,




. ;_ . ·.:.•:









CROSS COUNTRY TEAM. FIRST ROW: Tony Favata, Marty Runyon, Anthony Alach. SECOND ROW: John Feeney, Dennis Maziarz, William Ernst, Coach John Ungrady, Leon Grabowski, Bill Jacobus.

SCORES September 25-Hunterdon Central October 3-Bordentown October 12-Hunterdon Central October 18-Cathedral High October 23-Hightstown October 26-Cathedral High October 29-Camden Catholic October 31-Steinert November 14-Bishop Egan

15 36 15 35 34 20 17 15 45

Notre Dame 35 Notre Dame 19 Notre Dame 45 Notre Dame 44 Notre Dame 21 Notre Dame 41 Notre Dame 31 Notre Dame 45 Notre Dame 15

William Spych turns the corner of last quarter mile during Bordentown meet.

Only two miles to go for William Jacobus and Leon Grabowski in the Cross Country meet with Pennsbury.

Notre Dame harriers Leon Grabowski, Marty Runyon, Bill Jacobus, and John Feeney take early lead in Hunterdon Central meet only to be overpowered by them in the end.


THE 1963 NOTRE DAME FIGHTING IRISH VARSITY BASEBALL TEAM. FRONT ROW: Dennis Ferri, John Wagner, Ronald Woolston, Rudolph Geurds, Patrick Ryan. REAR ROW: Coach William Creamer, Aldo Genovesi, Charles Comfort, Edmund Stoy, Thomas O'Connor, Richard Parcinski, Michael Thoma, Gary Jackson, Jules Harlicka, Christopher Reeber, Joseph Wroblewski, Manager.


The outlook should be bright on Aprill9 as the Fighting Irish varsity nine take the field for the start of the 1963 baseball season. "Doc" Creamer's squad boasts plenty of experience and, despite its relatively tough schedule, plans to spell trouble for many of the Trenton area teams. The Irish team is composed of a group of hardened, experienced seniors, a fine crop of junior standouts, along with some very promising sophomores. Notre Dame hopes for a highly successful season as she looms to take her place as a baseball power in this locality.


April 19 26 29 30 -

Bordentown __________________________ Home Princeton ______________________________ Home Cathedral ______________________________ Home Steinert __________________________________ Home

May 7 - Trenton __________________________________Away 9 - Holy Cross ___________________________ Away 10 - Hightstown ____________________________ Away

13 14 17 20 21 23 24 28 31


Bordentown __________________________ Away Hamilton ________________________________ Away Hightstown ____________________________ Home Ewing ____________________________________Home Princeton ________________________________ Away Holy Cross ____________________________ Home Steinert __________________________________ Away Ewing ______________________________________Away Hamilton ______ __________________________ Home


3 -

Cathedral ________________________________ Away

Star senior hurler, Richard Parcinski, toes the mound for the Irish. 160

Fast action at home plate is witnessed by tense home fans.

Notre Dame's Rudy Geurds and Ewing's second sacke1' Mike Smuk arrive at first at the same instant on a sacrifice bunt play.

Third sacker Ron Woolston receives throw split-second too late to nab opposing base-runner.

Shortstop Ed Stoy crosses second to get first out en route to a double play.



Ave Maria Sacred Melody adapted to the First Prelude of






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It's a smiling group of sodalists who prepare Thanksgiving baskets for the needy. Kathy Adams, Mary Ann Renyo, Marcia Cetkowski, Mary Anne Wherry, Carolyn Abel and Janice Inverso believe that it is more blessed to give than to receive.


Knights and Sodalitists, Joseph Maruca, Carolyn Abel and Carolyn Hustak, join forces in decorating the Christmas tree which graced the main foyer.

Father Capik distributes Holy Communion to freshmen girls during First Friday Mass. 164

Religious training of Catholic youth explains the aim of Notre Dame. Its educational plan grows out of the conviction that the individual has an obligation to God and to society. The influences which bring about this spiritual conviction in us are first, the training which we receive at home, the spiritual influence of the church, and the school which is the teaching agency for youth. At intervals, along the busy road of the school year, pauses for refreshment were in order. These respites were concerned solely with the nourishment of the soul. In the hush of each grace-laden occasion, our innocent but worldly pleasures were renounced and our little, material concerns were smoothed away by prayer. Senior sodalists Carolyn Hustak and Elaine Elenewski pay a msit to Our Lady during noon hour.

Sodalists Jacqueline Gallagher, Carolyn Hustak and Joy Bonfield check with Carolyn Abel and Sister Mary Dennis to make sure they have suUicient decorations for the sodality's Chrismas dance.


Marilyn Esposito gives Lenten spiritual reading pamphlets to Evelyn Pietras and Charlotte Tuohy.

Father Tracy, with sword in hand, pronounces the words which make Robert Haney one of Our Lady's chosen knights.

Student Council officers Carolyn Abel, Joseph Maruca, Carolyn Hustak and Patrick Ryan find it an enjoyable task to coordinate the council's activities with the program of the Knights and the Sodality.


True to form, Gaetana Borgia entertains sodality girls, Helen Pasiewicz, Carolyn Sufansky, Claire McElroy, Virginia Sweeney, Loretta Nunnick and Mary Ann Renyo prior to leaving for the "Mount" and "retreat".

With Summer School of Catholic Action in mind, Marilyn Esposito, Carolyn Hustak, Mary Ann Renyo, and Janice Runkle have found a customer in Elaine Licciardello to help swell the fund.

Our Lady's strongest weapon, her rosary, is one of our sodality girls' favorite devotions.


Claire McElroy and Dennis Maziarz formulate plans for the commemoration of Catholic Youth Week.

The spiritual growth of the students was greatly advanced by membership in the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Knights of Notre Dame, Catholic Youth Adoration Society, and The Students' Mission Crusade.

\ Catholic Youth Week committee members Gail Applegate, Nancy Flynn, Maryanne Domanski, Mary Ann Engennach, and Claire Flynn prepare a brochure for the week's events.


Edward Davis, Chris Reeber, Michael Markulec, and Thomas Benham make the final preparations for First Friday exposition.

Father Wagner, vocation director, gives us an added treat during his annual visit.

During the annual Mission Rally, Robert Wozniak, third row, accepts the banner for Notre Dame.


Vatican Council Assembly's panel is headed by Martin Connor. Virginia Sweeney hands him the questions submitted by Religion classes.

First Friday and these freshmen are enroute to the auditorium for Mass.


Part of retreat exercises for seniors Loretta Nunnick, Carmella Sabato and Frank Galate include rosary, stations of the cross and spiritual reading.

Panel members Joseph Makrancy, Linda Maziarz, Vincent Martin, and Michael Lewis listen attentively as Cecelia Marchand expresses her views on the role of youth during guidance class.

Patrick Ryan informs student body on the proposed program of the Ecumenical Council during the special assembly "That All May Be One".

During annual retreat, senior sodalists Claire McElroy, Marcia Cetkowski, Janice Evans, and Margaret Parker assemble in chapel for the recitation of the rosary.

October 11 finds these seniors uniting in prayer with all Christians for the success of the Council.

Religious activities include the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, celebrated every morning in the students' chapel, First Friday Mass, celebrated in the auditorium at ten o'clock in the morning, daily confessions during morning Mass and during all lunch periods. Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament takes place on the First Friday of each month from 8:30 to 2:23 in the students' chapel. Rosary, a spiritual talk, and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament follow. 172

Father Coffey conducts a holy hour with a freshman religion class during First Friday exposition.

Officers of the Knights of Notre Dame Vincent Convery, Dennis Maziarz and Chris Reeber assemble information for one of their yearly projects.


Edward O'Hara relates some amusing incidents relative to the opening of the Vatican Council.

Helen Pasiewicz, Connie Miszkowski, Patricia Shelly and Marcia Cetkowski enfoy a happy interlude before setting out on annual retreat to Mount Saint Mary's.

The spiritual highlights of the year are the retreat days held prior to Christmas vacation, Easter vacation, and closing of school in June. In addition to all the spiritual advantages mentioned, vocation talks and other religious projects are scheduled at regular intervals during the scholastic year.

These knights pay a brief visit to their Patroness after their weekly meeting.

Father Wagner, after his vocational talk to the student body, meets with Francis Schwartz, Carol Catanese and Elizabeth Csernech. Chris Reeber, prefect of the Knights, questions Dennis Cunningham on some new proposals.

Newly inducted knights recite their pledge of fidelity to Our Lady.

Seniors Francis Marolli, William Gaskill, William Schnorbus and Donald Paterson select spiritual reading books in preparation for the three day retreat.

12:11 senior religion class with Sister Mary Alexander assemble ideas for the assembly on the Vatican Council.

Getting To Know Words by

Music by





rs and Oscar Harnrnerstein 2nd Iication and allied rights for all countries of "'"estern Hemisphere Secured

Made in U.S. A.

ALL RIGHTS R including public performance fo.r profit Any arrangement or adaptation of this compol\ition without the consent of the owner is an infrin~ernent of copyright路



fm learn-ing


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A vital part of our melody .

Our term has expired, as it were; our golden days are nearly through, we're looking ahead-ahead, to a bright future, behind us vivid memories of happy school days, days spent learning, praying, playing-and becoming seniors. It is our wish to include our underclassmen in our beautiful melody for we realize that they are a very vital part in our song.

The photographer catches Michael Wofciehowicz, Richard Walsh, and John Bachalis determining oxidation-reduction state of iron ion.



1964 178

FRONT ROW: Joyce Bartolino, Rosalie Ayres, Kathleen Brennan, Karen Allaire, Elizabeth Brown, Elaine Abbott, Irene Burns, Mary Bisanzio. SECOND ROW: Rose Mary Brachelli, Joseph Arone, Gregory Byrne, Charles Browne, Frank Blatchford, John Anchak, Richard Burek, Thomas Andahazy, Shirley Bogdan. THIRD ROW: Raymond Buckley, Karen Bittner, Loretta Augustine, Joy Bonfield, Judith Basso, Mary Biache,

Yvonne Andreas, Allyn Alphonse. FOURTH ROW: Vladimir Adamiak, Marilyn Bates, Valerie Brodowski, Juliana Brozowski, Mary Ann Bednarek, Deborah Bridge, Charles Buttaci, Vincent Amico. FIFTH ROW: John Bachalis, Ronald Altobelli, James Bradbury, Robert Ackers, John Boros, Donald Appleby, Richard Banchoff, Joseph Bogdan.


FRONT ROW: Lucille Cammarata, Linda Daley, Geraldine Calisti, Christine Capria, Francine Cairo, Nancy Cattani, Mary Carr, Margaret Cook. SECOND ROW: Thomas Burns, John Carucci, Joseph Cipullo, Charles Corbett, Nicholas Chiantese, Eu-

gene Carroll, James Constantine. THIRD ROW: Arlene Cook, Carol Cebulski, Rita Butera, Mary Ann Coleman, Winifred Convery. FOURTH ROW: Robert Carson, Dennis Casey, James Castner.


FRONT ROW: Diane Danaso, Anne Ferrara, Carol Debiec, Lynn Davison, June Felice, Madelyn Dupras, Eileen Farfalla, Eileen Davidson. SECOND ROW: Christine DeBow, James D'Arcy, John Fato, Joseph Esposito, Gerard Dixon, Thomas Delaney, Henry De Sandre, Frank Falconio, Mary Ann D'Angelo. THIRD ROW: Louise Darginio, Margaret Danchak, Elizabeth

Dorner, Victoria Dzialo, Eleanor Duffy, Barbara Filipowicz, Mary Danchak, Margaret DeBlois. FOURTH ROW: Elizabeth Duffy, Mary Driber, Barbara Dura, Mary Jane Elenewski, Marie Evans, Mary Fecak, Gertrude Fahey, Susan Feenan, Kathleen Dwyer. FIFTH ROW: Dennis Ferri, Karl Feltes, Michael de Blois, Michael Diveley.




FRONT ROW: Kathleen Groom, Catherine Gilligo, Mary Jane Gropp, Margaret Geraci, Donna Gropp, Catherine Groom, Rosalie Fink, Eileen Fitzpatrick. SECOND ROW: Elizabeth Gilligan, Bernard Godowski, John Forker, Paul Fowler, Joseph Halsey, Samuel Friscione, Robert Haney, Harold Harding, Margaret Haley. THIRD ROW: Jacqueline Gallagher, Celest Fuss,

Alice Garansi, Kathleen Grudzina, Monica Goodwin, Susanne Ganovsky, Kathleen Fitton, Geraldine Gervasoni. FOURTH ROW: Philip Foley, John Groch, Patricia Foley, Ann Glancey, Patricia Gallagher, Patricia Griggs, Marie Ford, William Ford, Robert Geranimo. FIFTH ROW: Paul Gurland, Andrew Gabor, George Geiger, Robert Flynn, Jeffrey Grace.


FRONT ROW: Cheryl Karg, Linda Howley, Kathleen Johnson, Barbara Hutchinson, Alice Keuper, Alice Harney, Joan Kalafut, Susan Kinnevy. SECOND ROW: Lorraine Janowski, James Hewitt, Paul Kapp, Harold Jammer, Nicholas Katkic, Richard Ketterer, William Hendricks, Robert King, Barbara Hugendubler. THIRD ROW: Judith Jones, Juanita Janowski, Jane Jingoli, Frances Kiernan, Barbara Herrity, Julia Homan, Sophia

Jablonski, Mary Ann Klink, Kathleen Kelly, Susan Huart. FOURTH ROW: Robert Kelliher, Richard Iorio, Eugene Horkay, William Hutchins, Martin Jez, John Hawkes, George Jeffreys, Richard Holzbaur, William Jacobus. FIFTH ROW: Jules Harlicka, Patrick Kerwick, Richard Hart, Lance Heisler, Vincent Hayden, Steven Kerlin.

1964 180


FRONT ROW: Carol Marcattilio, Janet Markwart, Judith Mara, Patricia Kohajda, Irene Lindsay, Frances Marchesano, Elaine Kramer, Joanne Leone. SECOND ROW: Eileen Maguire, Ronald Krainski, Raymond Korona, Edward Magee, John McGowan, Joseph Mahan, Michael Lettiere, Lester Maisto, Eleanor Kozakiewicz. THIRD ROW: Regina Laczko, Arlene

Kozakiewicz, Patricia McDonough, Carol Kocsis, Marianne Lamarca, Susanne Kraus, Theresa Marrolli. FOURTH ROW: Robert Koestel, John Larkin, Joseph McCarthy, Maryanne McGee, Claire Kowalski, Alice Kruplo, Kathleen Maguire, Thomas Malloy, James Krause. FIFTH ROW: Edward Landerkin, John McDermott, John Marut, Alfred Marrolli, James Lotys.


FRONT ROW: Bernadette Olender, Barbara Newell, Linda Millar, Kathleen Miller, Carol McNichol, Johanne Nalbone, Janice Miller, Janice Norton. SECOND ROW: Donald Mucha, Donald Moore, Robert Mullen, Edward Minelli, George Oswald, George McVaugh, John Panicaro, Daniel Muzyk, Robert Milacci. THIRD ROW: Sharon Myernick, Patricia O'Boyle,

Linda Ohl, Felice Morgan, Linda Palutis, Constance Miszkowski, Lenora O'Brien, Germaine Molnar. FOURTH ROW: Joseph Napoleon, Walter Nalbone, Kenneth Odasz, Mary Olah, Kathleen Munnion, Elaine Muka, Gregory Olex, Edward McManimon. FIFTH ROW: Richard Melore, Joseph Pankiewicz, Donald Nichol, Raymond Olfky, David Nickels. 181




1964 182

FRONT ROW: Carole Paslawsky, Sharon Pizzuti, Judith Passalacqua, Sheila Peters, Arleen Paul, Gail Poinsett, Mary Jo Pieretti, Barbara Pietrow. SECOND ROW: James Raymond, Edward Quick, John Ratey, John Piepszak, Stephen Porada, Owen Pigott, John Powell, Joseph Poli, Joseph Pizzullo. THIRD ROW: Donna Parsons, Barbara Radlinsky, Beverly Regan, Patricia Peoples, Kathleen Resch, Gloria Pietras, Loretta Pratico,

Virginia Piepszak. FOURTH ROW: Ruth Proniewski, Eleanor Pulone, Mary Reading, Alice Rainey, Margaret Peterson, Maryann Perrine, Patricia Puhalski, Doretta Philips, Judith Porter. FIFTH ROW: Alfonso Procaccini, Thomas Petruska, Ferdinand Petito, Martin Przemieniecki, Kenneth Ratkowski, Charles RaulÂŁ, Charles Pluta, Domenick Pugliese.

FRONT ROW: Karen Rick, Paula Russo, Susan Skwara, Patrice Ryan, Patricia Sikorski, Jane Rodgers, Teresa Ronaldo, Janice Runkle. SECOND ROW: Martin Roller, Horace Rosati, David Rumbo, Anthony Rosetty, Francis Rura, Chester Siwczak, James Ritz, John Sheehan, Theodore Sikorski. THIRD ROW: Dorothy Sailliez, Dolores Sekeras, Suzanne Sheehan,

Patricia Shelly, Catherine Rife, Nancy Slover, Arlene Sclavi, Ann Ricciardello, Sandra Rich. FOURTH ROW: Julian Sanson, Lawrence Schwalm, Lawrence Sigafoos, Louis Rotonda, William Simon, Raymond Rupprecht, Joseph Schuster, Leonard Schaeffer, James Simonelli.



FRONT ROW: Barbara Talbot, Monica Talone, Carol Southwick, Geraldine Sutton, Maureen Stearle, Karyn Tiffert, Virginia Tomko, Charlotte Tobiasz. SECOND ROW: Alexander Runowicz, Frank Smith, Charles Scarlata, David Swierdzek, Michael Sullivan, John Tracey, William Rick, John Spisak, Robert Tiedemann. THIRD ROW: Cheryl Skoropad, Patricia Stefanowicz, Kathryn Sokolowski, Patricia Sutton, Mary Smith, Joan Solan, Jamie Swift, Brenda Smith. FOURTH ROW: Paul

Sollami, Lizabeth Rinz, Arlene Szekeres, Roberta Thompson, Marie Trainor, Lorraine Smolka, Carol Szul, Sharon Thomas, Russell Sparella. FIFTH ROW: Thomas Stout, Joseph Sullivan, Robert Starin, Patrick Solan, John Toth, Michael Smith, Michael G. Smith, William Dwyer. SIXTH ROW: George Toth, Michael Shelly, Robert Szul, Francis Slane, Michael Thoma, Michael Sopko, Charles Stewart.

FRONT ROW: Agnes Zygmunt, Christine Turdean, Mary Zemcik, Geraldine Zasowski, Carol Zimmer, Regina VanReymersdal, Eleanor Venanzi, Joan Walczak. SECOND ROW: Charlene Weinhofer, John Wozniak, David Whelan, Domenic Zulla, Joseph Warfel, Michael Varga, Ludwig Tramontana, Robert Verde, Denise Yard. THIRD ROW: Barbara Watkins, Mary Vaughan, Dolores Wisniewski, Therese Wojcik, Judith

Wilkinson, Kathleen Welsh, Margaret Wildmann, Linda Walentine. FOURTH ROW: Frederick Walz, Thomas Warwick, Richard Walsh, David Veldof, Thomas Woeczkowski, Martin Warfel, Harry Ulbrecht, Glenn Ward, Robert Valentine. FIFTH ROW: Lawrence Zazzo, Michael Wojciehowicz, Michael Williams, Philip Ventiligi, Alan Yaeger, Francis Werner. 183


]ames Castner, Thomas Malloy, Patrick Zuno, Thomas Migliacci, Gertrude Fahey, Constance Miszkowski, Kathleen Miller, and Jacqueline Gallagher are still standing for the final round in their Latin vocabulary bee.

Carol Marcattilio, secretary to Sister Mary Janet, receives her assignment for the dau. Mr. Pallay lectures on the troubles of the American Revolution while junior American History students listen and take notes. 184

The library makes research work a pleasure for Marie Ford and Patricia Griggs.


Doomed! In the mechanical drawing class, Mr. Bush discovers a missing detail in Edward Magee's work.



FRONT ROW: Linda Buczuy, Lorraine Bochenski, Kathleen Biache, Marjorie Bugdal, Jacqueline Agabiti, Joanne Buklad, Carol Borgogno, Kathleen Brophy. SECOND ROW: Joanne Barry, Thomas Brown, Gilbert Botvin, Alan Arnold, Gerald Belardino, Louis Bagley, Robert Bugdal, Anthony Alach, Nancy Broyles. THIRD ROW: Katherine Adams, Joanna Andruszko,

Carol Baldino, Dolores Brezak, Janet Bednarski, Jane Brill, Christine Arnister, Elizabeth Appleget. FOURTH ROW: Anthony Apicelli, Edward Barry, William Belzner, Stanley Bogdziewicz, George Bertothy, Anthony Butera, August Biache, Allan Barber, Joseph Baczewski. FIFTH ROW: Gary Becker, Michael Burns, Robert Bogus, Charles Burns.





FRONT ROW: Joan D'Arcy, Margaret Chester, Ruth Culliton, Judy Capewell, Barbara Chrabaszcz, Wanda Ciesielska, Janice Cary, Donna D'Arcy. SECOND ROW: Cathleen Cleary, Carl Chiappetta, David Carroll, William Capella, Patrick Byrne, Matthew Calderone, David Crawford, John Csolak, Helen Carboy. THIRD ROW: Barbara Calinski, Cynthia Callan, Patricia

Cooper, Linda Byrne, Linda Cimenesi, Kathleen Daly, Ellen Connelly, Janet Cowan. FOURTH ROW: Paul Collard, Dennis Carrig, Thomas Convery, Ronald Caola, Alex Cerrone, Ronald Caruso, Edmund Casey, John Cody, Daniel Cullaro. FIFTH ROW: Anthony Cirillo, Donald D' Arcy, Dennis Ciosek, Joseph Cryan, John Cantwell, James Cacciabaudo.

FRONT ROW: Catherine Esposito, Hedwig Geppert, Mary DiNatale, Courtney Esposito, Diane Dziura, Linda Garzek, Natalie Gerepka, Michele Doran. SECOND ROW: Kenneth Fasanella, Dennis Figur, Kees Guerds, Frank DiGuiseppi, Frank Galdi, David Dillon, Thomas Dubusky. THIRD ROW: Barbara Flanigan, Donna DiDonato, Jo Anne DiNatali, Barbara Gartner, Lucille Garafalo, Patricia Domanski, Patricia

DeAngelo. FOURTH ROW: Joseph DeAngelis, John Gallagher, Charles Engennach, John Dyer, Edward Foran, James Duffy, Thomas Everitt, George Evans, Daniel Flynn. FIFTH ROW: Ernest Giancola, Charles Ermi, Edmund Forker, George Forczek, Edward Dworak, Bruno Fiabane, Guido Gargione, Thomas Dunn, David Farina. 187




FRONT ROW: Diane Kmiec, Donna Henry, Christian Jacob, Patricia Kelly, Barbara Kearns, Arlene Hughes, Patricia Guadalupe, Mary Hoyer. SECOND ROW: Barbara Haws, Emil Gizzi, John Kish, William Groom, James King, Nicholas Jahn, Ronald Glonek, Brian Hoffman, Thomas Haggerty. THIRD ROW: Linda Kelty, Margaret Griggs, Patricia Kerlin, Elaine Jusko, Mary Hayman, Mary Jo Hartman, Gail Hornyak, Mar-

garet Hovemeyer, Loretta Harker. FOURTH ROW: Carolyn Goeke, Elayne Grike, Catherine Hazard, Elaine Klapinski, Sharon Kramarz, Mary Ann Hughes, Theresa Herman, Marsha Knapp, Carol Hendrikson. FIFTH ROW: Dennis Grove, Edward Hofman, Philip Jonaitis, Richard Kolczynski, John Herdman, Richard Kochis, George Kraus, Gary Jackson, Thomas Gilligo.

FRONT ROW: Deborah Martini, Carolyn Kuchars.Kl, Joyce Lewandowski, Maria Lagana, Colleen McCarthy, Anne Lewandowski, Elaine Leikhim, JoAnn Lombardo. SECOND ROW: Maria Lewanowicz, William Latham, William Krisak, Henry Marciniak, Joseph Lewanduski, Carl Maida, Charles LeVach, Richard Krisak, Elaine Licciardello. THIRD ROW: James Magee, JoAnn Link, Joan Matyasovsky, Carole Kyselka, Victoria Lenco, Karen Krueger, Loretta Kusek, Donna Lindsay,

Judith Kropac. FOURTH ROW: David Ludwig, Paul Marfino, Nancy Jane Kurpas, Marsha Labowicz, Barbara Krulikowska, Linda McBride, Veronica Matolchi, Pamela Lamb, Mary Ellen Kraus. FIFTH ROW: Anthony Lee, Robert Lynn, Ronald Mapps, Anthony Lanzoni, Jeffrey Lanigan, William Matzko, Stanley Kulesza, Edward Lisiecki, Joseph Mangine, Louis Loforte.




FRONT ROW: Gail McKenna, Patricia O'Brien, Bonnie Muccioli, Catherine Nestor, Louise Minelli, Marianne Mydlowski, Claire McCormack, Roseimelda Nowicki. SECOND ROW: Irene Nowalinski, Arthur Oberg, Michael McSorley, Ronald Molson, Edward Mullen, Frederick Miller, Robert Moticha, Daniel McKeever, Mary Ann Novak. THIRD ROW: Patricia Moran, Patricia A. O'Brien, Kathleen McGowan, Dorothy Mur-

FRONT ROW: Mary Lou Perna, Carmella Pratico, Barbara O'Kupski, Joanne Revolinski, Doris Pasierb, Judy Renyo, Margaret Olexovitch, Anny Patykula. SECOND ROW: Kathleen Riti, Anthony Pasquito, Richard Pietrow, John Olesak, Larry Pietras, Steven Olender, Thomas Ponting, John Rondinelli, Maryjane Rafferty. THIRD ROW: Barbara Robinson, Stella Rezner, Sandra Oros, Joan Roslon, Mary Ann Roche,

phy, Delorna Menschner, Donna Munnion, Lorraine Millen, Kerry McNally, Barbara Nyzio, Susan Miller. FOURTH ROW: John McLaughlin, John Muelheisen, Ronald Michael, Thomas Nerwinski, Wayne Morris, Edward Miller, Michael McCreedy, James Mount, Dennis McGowan, Philip Moran, Michael Nalbone, Garry Mucciarelli.

Theresa Oliver, Leoma Pratico, Theresa Rhodes, Carole Olszak, Linda Plantier. FOURTH ROW: Elizabeth Restuccia, Christine Rogers, Barbara Pimlott, Brenda Rep as, JoAnn Riley, Carol Proniewski, Kathy Pouliot, Marian Perone. FIFTH ROW: Charles Pason, Thomas O'Connor, James P'Simer, Paul Riley, Joseph Picarello, Sam Plumeri, Richard Rauth, Peter Plumeri.




FRONT ROW: Kathleen Stella, Lorraine Schuchardt, Bernadette Skrzypek, Judith Smith, Pauline Smith, Antoinette Skrzypek, Barbara Swietlik, Grace Strano. SECOND ROW: Richard Rupprecht, Ronald Slifko, Michael Russo, John Swayser, Edwin Schmierer, Stanley Sliwinski, Edward Ryan, Francis Schwartz, William Schultz. THIRD ROW: Brenda Sullivan, Patricia Southard, Cheryl Slota, Patricia Sirolli, Sandra Sessa, JoAnn Strycharz, Elizabeth Schanz, Denise Sheehan. FOURTH

ROW: Richard Stives, Lois Rostock, Jane Stevulak, Susan Rupprecht, Maria Suarez, Francis Smith, Shirley Syper, Joan Russel, Joseph Skiba. FIFTH ROW: Ted Swieconek, Thomas Simko, Paul Swierczek, Robert Stults, Frank Soldano, Anthony Salerno, Josephine Shelly, Edward Swan. SIXTH ROW: John Scott, Kenneth Russo, Michael Sulish, Thomas Strahs, Kenneth Strycharz, Philip Sulish, Andrew Spisak.

FRONT ROW: Irene Szalczyk, Marlene Vecere, Martha Tocco, Elaine Wass, Barbara Zumbel, Lorean Thomas, Eileen Wilwol, Cheryl Young. SECOND ROW: Donald Zanoni, John Yaeger, Joseph Zuba, Thomas Wenzcel, Joseph Wyers, Thomas Tharp, John Szczytkowski, Joseph Szubrowski, Alan Waranis. THIRD ROW: Mary Volz, Linda Vaccaro, Paula Vannela, Rosemarie Wojcik, Joyce Wojtowicz, Kathleen Zoltanski, Christine Wa-

wrzniak, Sylvia Warner. FOURTH ROW: Raymond Worob, Walter Thomas, Allen Zieker, Christine Trakowski, Mary Jeanne W enzcel, Claudia Tindall, Barbara Szymanski, George Zorawski, Roger Thomas. FIFTH ROVV: John Yonkowski, John Walter, Leonard Willis, Karl Weigand, John Walsh, James Welsh, Ronald Zukowski.


FRONT ROW: Phyllis Burroughs, Rose Ann Bisanzio, Martha Bramley, Linda Accongio, Christine Brodowski, James Ardoline, Julia Allen Kathleen Beetel. SECOND ROW: James Ash, Frank Bogdan, Domenick Arnell, Lawrence Bodnar, Gary Caldrone, Paul Brunner, Peter Brennan, George Bentz.

THIRD ROW: Kenneth Bacsik, Regina Buckley, Frances Barelkowski, Eileen Byrne, Patricia Albanowski, Mary Belusar, Patricia Brozoeski, David Adams. FOURTH ROW: John Briody, Gregory Bac, John Bujalski, William Barry, James Benham, William Applegate, Francis Bresner, Daniel Bartrem.


FRONT ROW: Margaret Cattani, Angela Cammarata, Made' line Deborme, Nanette Dajczak, Veronica Dillon, Joan Castranova, Mary Cermele, Elaine Chieffalo. SECOND ROW: William Danbury, Alan Chadwick, Vincent Castranova, Richard Coley, Edward Culliton, Thomas Cooper, James Constantino, Robert DeBloi~ Kevin Carrig. THIRD ROW: Kathleen Conrad, Lois Carr, Roberta Clark, Nancy Castner, Marie

Czaplicki, Patricia Dilorio, Linda DeGeorge, Ella Cerrone, Linda Deptula. FOURTH ROW: Ronald Chumra, Frederick Dieterle, David Delahanty, Wayne Cocciolillo, Ronald Chebra, Edward Closson, Paul Casey, James Convery, Peter Cornelius. FIFTH ROW: John Czarnuszewicz, Bruce Chiarello, Paul D'Ambrose, Santo DeDonato. 191




FRONT ROW: Dorothy Dwyer, Diane Galinski, Susan Gallo, Carolyn Elgrim, Catherine Gill, Cynthia Dombrowski, Susan Everitt, Maura Flood. SECOND ROW: William Gilbert, Raymond Gerepka, Guy Fasanella, Michael Farley, Alan Elvington, William Doran, Richard Firlus, Randall Eakin, Michael Dyson. THIRD ROW: Barbara Filipowicz, Patricia Ferry,

Patricia Driscoll, Mary Drulis, Elaine Filipowicz, Shelia Dowds, Patricia Farley, Barbara Genovese, Lauren Friel, Maureen Dolan, Patricia Flannigan. FOURTH ROW: James Favin, Carl Floyd, Robert Dominczyk, Henry Drift, Mario Giancarli, Timothy Flood, Bruce Gavin, David Friel, Robert Dykas, John Durchuck.

FRONT ROW: Elizabeth Hynde, Laurie Jantz, Patricia Grodeck, Georgette Harkness, Barbara Hartman, Dorothy Healy, Sharon Golden, Janice Inverso. SECOND ROW: Joseph Immordino, Richard Glonek, Paul Humphrey, Francis Horan, Daniel Graziano, Lawrence Graja, John Goliszewski. THIRD

ROW: Mary Ann Iorio, Janice Gould, Helen Gorski, Carol Guyer, Louise Gillmer, Joanne Gallino, Lucille Immordino, Judith Greer. FOURTH ROW: John Hasbrouck, Gary Gorman, Robert Goeke, Ludwig Iezzo, William Harkness, Peter Immordino.


FRONT ROW: Gloria Kliwinski, Catherine King, Susan Krol, Christine Korevya, Diane Kijack, Darlene Kuhn, Isabelle Kopec, Annette Kyselka. SECOND ROW: Cheryl Labbe, Mitchell Kirkuff, Thomas Keuper, Stanley Koziczynski, Gregory Kinczel, Thaddeus Krainski, Robert Kennedy, Joseph Kasperowicz, Mary Klane. THIRD ROW: Judith Kowalski, Jean Ku-


FRONT ROW: Anna Maciejczak, Mary Manfredo, Helene Loveless, Kathleen McCarthy, Dorothy Meseroll, Joan Levanduski, Janice Manto, Virginia Midura. SECOND ROW: Geraldine Maher, Ronald Maruca, Daniel Markowski, Joseph Mancuso, Peter Migliorino, John Maley, Michael McFadden, John Mahan, Halina Markiewicz. THIRD ROW: William

liczkowski, Diane Lansing, Patricia Leonie, Mary Korsak, Mary Ann Krzewinski, Carolyn Korn, Linda Kohler, Theresa Lawhon, Frances Klockner. FOURTH ROW: John Keister, Richard Kleinkauf, John Kaminski, Walter Kmiec, Ronald Krempecke, Merritt Lake, Thomas LeJambre, Andrew Ketterer.

Lerette, Claire Loftus, Judith Lyons, Jane McManimon, Barbara Mihalik, Sandra Lupo, Barbara Lisiewski, Deanne McNamara, Sandra Lorenz. FOURTH ROW: Robert Mazzella, Thomas Masick, Eric Ludwig, Thomas Maurer, Richard Lettiere, Anthony Mancino, Richard Loveless, John McElroy, Leon Mallen.





FRONT ROW: Kathleen O'Donnell, Marcella Nawrocik, Barbara Nevius, Deborah Nier, Nancy Nicol, Irene Pagana, Linda Niewiadomski, Magdalena Patercity. SECOND ROW: Charlotte Owcarz, Thomas Norton, James Petersack, John 01schewski, Raymond Mulrine, Joseph Pellitteri, John Miller, Edward Millerick, Alexis Muste. THIRD ROW: Susan Nobile, Maria Petito, Eileen Murphy, Judith Paul, Susan Petach, Eileen

Owen, Bernadette Nelson, Janice Nalbone. FOURTH ROW: Robert Moore, Charles O'Donnell, Ronald Olschewski, Thomas Milinowicz, John Pflieger, Frank Mutchiga, Edward Modzelewski. FIFTH ROW: Paul Nerwinski, Thomas Paglione, Frederick Pagano, Thomas Oborne, Joseph Ott, AHonse Perilli, Michael Moran.

FRONT ROW: Eleanor Robinson, Monica Rychlicki, Kathleen Scott, Judith Schmitt, Kathleen Seiler, Mary Poli, Katrina Rich, Barbara Scalia. SECOND ROW: Rosemarie Russo, Victor Priori, Edward Slavin, Dennis Pontani, Garry Salvatore, Kevin Pollard, Frank Romeo, Dennis Regan, Donna Rainiero. THIRD ROW: Susanne Powell, Marilyn Pine, Janice Rovers, Katherine Pierzga, Christine Roman, Yvonne Phil-

lips, Elizabeth Pierre, Eve I y n Pietras, Nancy Schulze. FOURTH ROW: Robert Sedia, John Schaeffer, Glenn Remer, Frank Scharibone, Reuben Reeves, John Russo, Richard Rezner, Paul Raywood, Joseph Rendina. FIFTH ROW: Anthony Ricciardelli, David Sclavi, Richard Schreiber, Vincent Rust, Leon Posluszny.


FRONT ROW: Deborah Stemmer, Maria Tagliaferri, Cannella Stone, Elizabeth Strapp, Mary Stephenson, Hedwig Sliwinski, Marsha Sohl, Victoria Strachowicz. SECOND ROW: Deborah Tesauro, Donald Swayser, John Tandy, Vincent Strange, Thomas Siebers, Brian Titus, Richard Thompson, Frederick Sulish, Kathleen Thompson. THIRD ROW: Virginia Swyer, Sarah Sullivan, Bernadette Taranawicz, Margue-

rite Sheehan1 Doris Sigl, Paul Tisdale, Christine Stankowski, Ann Marie S.l<wara. FOURTH ROW: Jeffrey Swiatowski, Richard Smith, Patricia Swain, Linda Sierputowski, Helen Stull, Joann Struczinski, Pamela Smith, Charles Speran, Wayne Sokolowski. FIFTH ROW: Joseph Smith, Stephen Szakczyk, Ronald Szejner, Brian Thorpe.


FRONT ROW: Grace Walker, Antoinette Vecchiolla, Christine Worek, Gail Tomenchok, Annette Zamborski, Judith Zaccone, Catherine Worth, Christine Wolak. SECOND ROW: Robert Zegarski, Peter Zagorzycki, Jack Varsalona, Wayne Wilde, Alfred Walzczk, Jerry Zelenak, Jerome Wig. THIRD ROW: Diane Turczan, Adele Ujdowski, Susan Zorochin, Mary

Walz, Margaret Virilli, Loretta Usey, Charlotte Tuohy, Adriene Wylie. FOURTH ROW: Thomas Wilson, Noreen Zoltanski, Anne Marie Winiarski, Bernadette Viglione, Adele Zoladz, Susan Ziomek, Marie Warner. FIFTH ROW: Lawrence Toth, William Wojcik, Robert Tyrrell, Ralph Veltri, Edward Yajcaji.


Father Tracy and newly received members of the Saint Teresa of Avila chapter of the Spanish National Honor Society pose for our cameraman.

Utterly unconscious of anything about them Robert King, ]t~lian Sanson, Robert Milacci, and Samuel Fruscione go about their experiment intelligently and with interest.

Anthony Lee apparently needs a little help from Sister Mary Andrew, while the other geometry students seriously prepare for a short quiz.


The most popular period of the day -lunch. Vincent Amico, Kenneth Russo, and Edward Lisiecki seem to be counting their change before placing their order.

Sodalists derive strength from prayer.

Hom e makers Carol Panac e k and Marie Evans join forces to complete a dress.

A study in interest and concentration!


A picture of peace and quiet/

]ames Lotys seems to be having some trouble with his drum, soon to be remedied by Mr. Humenay, but David Nickels? Well, we can't say just what his thoughts are at the moment.

Students find D - ramp a haven after a weary day/


In the saddle and ready to ride are Sandy Sessa, Tony Salerno, John Yonkowski, and Mary Jeanne Wenczel.

Enthusiastic sophomore boys are eager to answer Sister Mary Andrew's questions.

Kathleen Zoltanski, Anthony Alack, Joanne Barry, Gary Becker, William Belzner, August Biache, and Gilbert Botvin interrupt a French lesson to smile for the photographer.


A capacity crowd bursting the seams of Notre Dame's stadium cheering the team on to victoru.

Sister Jacinta finds an answer to her question amusing.

Russell Sparella displayed his skill in handling many instruments in the talent show. Here he is pictured playing the chimes.


Sophomore students seem pleased with the results of their test, but what could be troubling Joan Link?

Father Tracy interrogates sodalists at their reception ceremony.



The Most Reverend George W. Ahr, S.T.D. The Most Reverend James J. Hogan, J.C.D., Auxiliary Bishop The Right Reverend Monsignor Michael P. McCorristin, V.G. The Right Reverend John J. Endebrock Reverend Thomas Frain Reverend Henry M. Tracy, Principal Reverend Thomas A. Coffey Reverend William J. Capik Reverend Thomas Carney Reverend William Carton Reverend Mitchell J. Cetkowski Reverend James E. Coley Reverend Bernard C. DeCoste Reverend Wilfrid B. Emmons Reverend Donald R. Endebrock Reverend Paul A. Grieco Reverend Francis P. Gunner Reverend Edward C. Henry Reverend Frank J. Janos Reverend Joseph Keenan Reverend Joseph M. Krysztofic Reverend Casimir H. Ladzinski The Right Reverend Martin J. Lipinski Reverend Salvatore Livigini The Right Reverend William A. Margerum Reverend Richard McEwan Reverend James F. McGrath Reverend Joseph W. McLaughlin Very Reverend Theodore A. Opdenaker Reverend Ladislas Rakvica Reverend Thomas Rocca Reverend Raymond Szulecki Reverend Joseph T. Wade Reverend Stephen A. Zamborsky Reverend Francis L. Zgliczynski Mr. and Mrs. George C. Abel Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Allaire Mr. and Mrs. Dominic E. Angeloni Mr. and Mrs. Tarello Angelucci Miss Gail Applegate Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bacon Barrett Paving Company Mrs. Joanne Batog Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bayman Kenneth Bayman Mr. Louis Bilancio Miss Patricia Bird Mrs. Rose Bird Mr. and Mrs. John Blicharz Mr. and Mrs. Louis S. Blyskal Mrs. Samuel Bonacci Mr. Samuel Bonacci 202

Mrs. Clara Brzdek Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bunting Capital Sporting Goods Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carson The Gerald Carter Family Mr. and Mrs. Caserta Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Chebra Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ciesielska Edward and Wanda Ciesielska Compliments of the Sodality and Sister Mary Dennis Compliments of 12 F Compliments of 12 G Compliments of 11 E and Mrs. Kaplan Compliments of 11 K Compliments of 10 A and Mr. Swissler Compliments of 10 B Compliments of 10 D and Mr. Hons Compliments of 10 G Compliments of 10 I and Sister Mary W endelin Compliments of 9 Band Mr. Rossell Compliments of 9 H and Mr. Sapnar Compliments of a Friend Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Connor Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Convery The Coronet Mrs. Mary Cullaro Mr. Patrick Cullaro Mrs. M. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D'Errico Mr. Ronald D'Errico De Vine's Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dolci Mr. and Mrs. C. Eleniewski Mr. and Mrs. J. Elenewski Elenewski Bros. Florist Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engennach E & S Auto Service Evan's Bridal Shoppe Everday Cleaners Tony Favata Mr. and Mrs. John Feeney and Family Mr. and Mrs. James Flavin Mr. John Fogal Miss Ann Forgan Robert Forgash Mr. and Mrs. C. H. French Frank Galate Mr. and Mrs. P. Galate Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Green Mr. and Mrs. James Giordano Girl's Athletic Association Nancy Golden Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Golden The Golinski School of Twirling

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gummel Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hager Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hancin Miss Peggy Hancin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harvilla Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holst Mr. an~ Mrs. John Holst Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Horvath Hustak's Service Station Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Immordino Incarnation P. T. A. Mr. Joseph Jakubisin Mrs. Joseph Jakubisin Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaminski Mr. Michael Karnicky Mrs. Michael Karnicky Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kisco Mrs. Rose Knight Mr. and Mrs. Knott Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koerz Mrs. Helen K. Krause Mr. and Mrs. Andre Kriscoe, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Krueger Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Labonski Miss Peggy Lane Mrs. Mary Leowardt Mrs. Anastasia Lewandowski Mr. and Mrs. Frank Licciardello Harry E. Lieberman Mrs ..Roderick P. MacKinnon Mr. and Mrs. Louis Makrancy, Sr. Miss Madeline Makrancy Mr. and Mrs. Francis Marrolli May and John Martin Mr. and Mrs. Julius Mate Miss Gloria Maziarz Mr. and Mrs. John Maziarz William F. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. John McEwan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McKeever Mr. and Mrs. James Medulla Mr. Thomas Migliaccio, Sr. Mrs. Thomas Migliaccio Franklin Miller Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. V. Misialowski Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Morrison Mrs. Katherine Nunnink Mr. Peter J. Nunnink Old Borough Savings and Loan Association Mr. and Mrs. Olzak Dr. Wm. J. Palanky Mr. and Mrs. Herman Panacek

Mrs. Rosemary Parker Edward Pasiewicz Mr. and Mrs. John Paske Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pelicano Mrs. Teresa :Pelicano Peter James Inc. Mr. Natale Pratico Mr. Pat Pratico Mr. and Mrs. John Rabatie Anthony J. Rasimowicz Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reynolds Mrs. Rider, Princeton Secretarial Service Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ridorfino Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ristow Mr. and Mrs. Rosinski Mr. and Mrs. Alfred W. Russo Mrs. M. Sabat Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sebestyen Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sellner Mr. and Mrs. C. Shimski Frederick J. Singer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Singer, Sr. John T. Sredinski Miss Sally May Stankowski Mr. and Mrs. Steven Stankowski Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stark Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stoy Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sujansky Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sweeney Thomas Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Taglairino Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tazone Mrs. L. Thomann Mr. and Mrs. George Tilton Tioga Sports-Club Connie and Louis Tiscione Mr. and Mrs. Romeo B. Tiscione Mr; and Mrs. Arthur Trenham Trenton Junior College Trenton Mineral Flooring and Co. Mr. and Mrs. AI Trombitas Mr. and Mrs. JosephS. Walters Washington Liquor Store Miss Barbara Vannozzi Mr. and Mrs. Vannozzi Mr. and Mrs. Edward Willever Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wirpsza Mrs. Mary Wolfer Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Wszolek W. T. Grant Company Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zielinski Miss Dorinne Zoltanski Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Zoltanski Mr. and Mrs. Max F. Zullig



Jean Altieri Amoroso Flower Shops Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Angelucci Charles Auletta Dr. and Mrs. Bacsik Mr. and Mrs. John Bahm Bank's Delicatessen Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Barlow Batho and Kiely Mrs. Mary Bekarciak Mr. R. Bekarciak Mrs. E. Benedetti Nancy and Eugene Blicharz Blue Eagle Fruit Market Peggy Bonacci Martin Borosko Mr. Kenneth Brower B. & R. Photo Offset Printers Buckley's Tavern Mr. and Mrs. Willam Buffin Mr. William Buffin, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bunting Vince Calabrese Robert Carson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Casey Casino Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Catanese The Cattani Family Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Cetkowski and Sons Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cetkowski Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Chamberlain Miss Stephanie Chester Mr. Victor Chester Mr. Joseph Chianese Leo Chianese Mr. and Mrs. W. Churchman Miss Veronica Ciesielska Mr. Patrick C. Cleary Clinton Cut Rate Cigar Store Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coffee Mr. and Mrs. Colavita Mr. and Mrs. James Colello Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Collins New Colonial Lanes Compliments of Class of 12 D Compliments of Mr. Apai and 11 A Compliments of Class 11 F Compliments of Class 11 H Compliments of Sister Mary Eugene and 10 C Compliments of 9 F Compliments of 9 G Compliments of A Friend Dr. and Mrs. Edward T. Connor

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Conte JoAnn and Tom Convery Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Convery Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Costigan Daniel Cullaro Cunningham Greenhouses Mr. James Cunningham, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Czegledi Mr. and Mrs. James Daily Frances Dease Mr. and Mrs. James Dease Mrs. Philip Del Turco Mr. and Mrs. I. L. DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Dietrich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiPhilips Dolci's Flying "A" Mr. and Mrs. V. Domanski Donald Shade Shop Mrs. Mary Doriety Dr. and Mrs. William J. Dougherty Mr. Robert McDowell Mr. and Mrs. J. Dringus Ellen and Bernie - '61 Mrs. Charles Engennach Marcella A. Erb Mr. Raymond Fasoli Fausti Tire Company Miss Catherine Feeney Edward and William Feeney Mr. James Fife Mr. William Fife J. Michael Fiorello, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. James V. Flannagan Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Flynn Miss Mary P. Foran Mr. and Mrs. Henry Forczek A Friend from Bordentown Future Teachers of America Club Mr. and Mrs. P. Galate Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gambi and Daughter Mrs. Ansilio and Steve Garansi Miss Helen Garansi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garnier, Jr. Mrs. Joseph Gaug Frank A. Giorgianni Girls Physical Education Department Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gluth Frank M. Gola Phyllis Golden The Golinski School of Twirling Mrs. Joseph Gordon Mr. and Mrs. L. Grabowski



Greenwood Theatre Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gronikowski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gregory Mrs. Barbara Hall Kenneth Hanford The Harding Family Hartman's Fruit and Produce Hayden Family Gertrude Healy Charles T. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hibbert Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hill Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoeflich Holiday Motors Hudson Garden Restaurant Mrs. Marjorie Hunsberger Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hustak 1r. John Huston Mrs. Rose Coxon Iannie~路s Market Mr. and Mrs. Peter Immordino Indian-Camp Poultry Farms Mr. and Mrs. James lnverso Joseph J akubisin Mr. and Mrs. George James Mr. and Mrs. Charles Janos Johanna Farms Thomas V. Jones Junior Future Nurses of America Club Mr. John J. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Karg Anthony Karnicky Mr. and Mrs. John Karpac Mr. and Mrs. Jules Kazarow Mr.s John N. Kerwick Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kiernan, Jr. Richard Kiernan James King Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King Mr. Samuel Kirkham August Klein Kathleen Kluender Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knight Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Koenig Miss Elizabeth Koerz Mrs. Mary Kondash Nick Konesky Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Koschek Mrs. Margaret Krakowski Rosemarie Krakowski Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kraus Krechmer-Music Evelyn Krueger's School of Dancing

Kueker-Raney Paint Co. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kulesza Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kurisko Mr. and Mrs. Cichael Kusnerik Mr .and Mrs. Frank Kwiatkowski Diane and Stan Labonski Mr. and Mrs. S. LaFisca Mr. Joseph Lane Mrs. Joseph Lane Mrs. Madelyn Lane Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lanzoni Mr. and Mrs. John Lapetz Anna Larkin Bertha Lawrence Lawrence Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee Mr. and Mrs. E. Leowardi Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lett Miss Anne Lewandowski Liberty Music Center Dr. NormanS. Linder London Pet Shop-A.K.C. Registered Pups Loth Linoleum Company Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lynch Joseph Macko Atlantic Service Mr. and Mrs. Louis Makrancy Jr. Mandl Ceramic Supply Company Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marhfka Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maruca Marys' Beauty Shop Carol A. Matuza Mr. William Matuza Mr. and Mrs. John J. Maziarz Mrs. Adam Mazur Mr. Louis McGlone Mr. and Mrs. Charles McQuade M & D Liquor Store Mr. and Mrs. Neptune Mercantini Merry-Go-Round Bar and Liquor Store Mr. Ralph J. Michal Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Michal Thomas Migliaccio, Jr. Constance Miller Mrs. Mary E. Miller Tune Misialowski .Mr. and Mrs. S. Mitchell Miss Ann Mallis Mr. and Mrs. Mathew F. Moran, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Morawski Richard E. Morrison Raymond Mosquera, Jr. Mr. J. E. Munnion


Mrs. Alice Mydlowski Dr. Ronald C. Nayfield Mrs. Mary Nelson Mr. and Mrs. John C. Norman Notre Dame Glee Club Nu Way Cleaners Mr. and Mrs. Edward 0' Hara Olden Bar Mrs. Anna Olesak Miss Camille Ott Palazzo's Bar-Dover Avenue Alphonse P. Palmieri Herman Panacek, Jr. Irene Parker Dance Studio Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Parks Edna Partridge-1961 Mr. and Mrs. Partridge Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pasquito, Jr. George and Catherine Patten Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Patykula Peter Pan Laundramat Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petito Pat Petito Dr. J. Petranto Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips Mr. and Mrs. John Pietras Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Pietras D. Pinkus and Sons Pintinalli Realty Co. Mrs. Lottie Pisanko Mr. Joseph Pratico Mr. Phil Pratico Prior Typewriter Company Mr. and Mrs. William J. Quere Mr. and Mrs. C. Quin H. V. Rabatie Family The Ranch House Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Rancik Rauth Printing Service, Inc. John P. Read Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Reeber Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Renelli Dr. and Mrs. John D. Renyo Mary Ann Reuter Miss Mary Ann Ridorfino P. M. Rose and Sons Mr. and Mrs. H. Rugarber Mrs. Margaret Rush Al Russo Gini Russo Marie Russo Russo's Music Center Mrs. Rosa Ruth

Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Ryan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sayko, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Saville Joan and Bunny Schneider Dr. Francis U. Seiler Mr. Andrew Serbin Mr. John F. Sienkiewicz Craig G. Singer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sliwinski Mr. and Mrs. Lester R. Smith Smith's Olden Pharmary Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Snedeker Mr. and Mrs. Caroll Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Andre Spisak Mr. Frank Spisak Mr. and Mrs. W. Spych Square Cleaners Stephen J. Stankowski Mr. and Mrs. Louis Steepy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stefanelli Mr. John Stocklas Charles Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stuzynski Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Stype Freeholder, George Sutch Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Swain Tammaro's Wholesale Bananas Ted's Fuel Oil Mr. Anthony Thompson Rosemarie Tiscione Trenton Oil Company Inc. Joyce Anne C. Trombitas Mr. and Mrs. Edward Urbaniak Miss Concetta Valenti Miss Josephine Vannozzi Vickey's Esso Servicenter Village Market Mr. and Mrs. Philip Vnkelbach Mr. John E. Walsh Miss Mary Anne Walter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Waltos Mr. Donald Waltz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Warfel W edgwood Beauti-Que Mr. and Mrs. James Weitz Mr. and Mrs. W . Wenczel Mr. Raymond Werkman Mr. and Mrs. AI Wirpsza Mr. and Mrs. S. Wolfer Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Woolston Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yelen Mr. and Mrs. John Zamborsky Catherine Zindl Mr. Samuel Zoda


Robert Ackers Dr. and Mrs. Perry Albert Mrs. Anna Albright Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen Miss Evelyn Apostoleres Mr. John Argue Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Argust Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Aussem Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ayres Mr. and Mrs. James Achers Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ahr Mr. and Mrs. Keith Albertson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alessi Mr. and Mrs. Adio Altobelli Miss Anne Altobelli Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ardolino Burt Ashmen Motors Babbetts Mrs. Evelyn Bacon John Bacon Mr. and Mrs. George Bacso Jr. Mrs. Deena Ballard Tony Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Balton Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bambach Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Banchoff Charles Bartolomo Mrs. Grace Beha Mrs. R. Bekarciak Ray Bekarciak Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bell and Family Mr. and Mrs. Clement A. Belusar Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bentley Charles Bird Mrs. Marius Bergivin Best Brothers Paint Factory Bob Bierinfild Helen Blahut Miss Joyce Ann Bliznawicz Miss Joan Blyskal Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Blyskal Mr. Stanley Blyskal, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bonfield Mr. and Mrs. George Bonfracesco Mrs. Fan Borgogno Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boszak Ronald J. Boszak Miss Lynne Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bozek Bradford and Dinah Lillian E. Braeker Mr. and Mrs. James Bramble Mr. and Mrs. R. Bransfield Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Breen Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Bridge Mr. and Mrs. William Breining Mr. and Mrs. FrankL. Brennen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brennan

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Breza, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Britton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Britton, Sr. Britton Family Mr. Edward Brodowicz Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brophy Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bryson Mr. Joseph Buckley Rita Buffin Mr. and Mrs. John Bumbera Miss Laura Burtis Mrs. Stella Buzymowski James Caiciabando Mrs. L. A. Cairo Joseph Calderone Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Callan Mr. James Callery Mrs. J. T. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Capodici Mrs. R. Cappola Miss R. Cappola Mr. and Mrs. A. Caprio Mrs. Louis A. Capuano Committeman Lloyd A. Carrer Miss Ellen Carey Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Carey Carvel Ice Cream Miss Sarah E. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Casey Mr. Vincent E. Casey Mrs. Anthony Catanese Miss Carol Catanese Mr. Joseph Cavallard Miss Dorothy Cellini Mr. and Mrs. J. Cellura Mrs. Agnes Cento Mary M. Cermele Mrs. Carrie Chamberlain Mr. and Mrs. J. Chamberlain Eugene and Ronald Chebra Mrs. Amelia Chester Mr . .and Mrs. A. Chesters Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chiacchio Mrs. Abe Chmielewski Miss Helen Chmielewski Mrs. C. Ciancaretti Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cicon Mr. James Clark Mr. Eugene Clarke Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Cochran Freeholder Richard Coffee Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cohen James and Anthony Colavita Mrs. Joseph Colavita Mr. and Mrs. Pat Colavita

Mrs. Philomena Colavita Mr. and Mrs. James A. Csogi Marie Immordino Carl Jacobelli Compliments of Lucille - 9D William A. Quere Compliments of lOF and Mrs. Stoka Compliments of 9E Compliments of 91 Compliments of 9J Mr. and Mrs. Charles Compton Mayor Charles E. Connell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Connell Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Connell Mr. and Mrs. James Constantine Mr. and Mrs. Constantini Mr. and Mrs. James Constantino Miss Elaine M. Conti Mrs. Julia Coonan Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Mrs. Harry Cooper Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Corey Mr. and Mrs. James Corti, Sr. Miss Elaine Cortina Mr. and Mrs. John Cosma Bob Cottrell's Flying A. Dale Cottrell's Flying A Mrs. Ann Cowley Mrs. Margaret Cowley and Sons Mr. William Creamer Mary M. Critti Mrs. Ellen Cubberley Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cudnik Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cywinski Joseph Czajka Mr. Raymond Czaplicki Miss Diane Czepiel Mr. and Mrs. F. Czepiel Miss Mary Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D'Ambrose Dolores D'Amico Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Danchak Mr. Samuel D'Angelo Miss Patricia D'Arcy Mr. and Mrs. Darginio Darick's Poultry Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D'Artagnan Mr. and Mrs. William Davala Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davis Miss Gertrude Davis Mrs. James Davis Miss Lynn Davison Mr. Robert Dean and Nannie Miss Diane DeBlois Mr. and Mrs. William L. Debnarik Deek's Bakery Mr. and Mrs. Edward Delfino Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Delapo

Mr. Anthony Del Sole Mr. and Mrs. F. Del Sole Miss Lucy DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Pat DiBella Mr. and Mrs. George Canzio Mr. and Mrs. Michael DiVia Mr. Matthew P. DeVito Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dezan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dill Mr. and Mrs. A. Di Louie Mr. and Mrs. John Di Louie Mr. and Mrs. Richard DiLouie Miss Jean DiMarco Mr. and Mrs. George Di Pasquala Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ditty Mrs. P. Dixon Mrs. V. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Dolci Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dolci Mr. and Mrs. Jules Dore Mrs. Anna Dougherty Dorothy and Marcia Edward Dovress Mrs. Helen Drake D & S Amoco Mr. and Mrs. J. Duffy Miss Margaret Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Duncan Nicholas Durastanti Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dutko Mr. and Mrs. R. Dyson Mr. and Mrs. James W . Dwyer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Dwyer, Sr. Miss Diane Dziura Mr. and Mrs . Peter Dzuira Mr. and Mrs. John Dzurkoc Mr. and Mrs . John Eberst Dr. Russell S. Edmonds Miss Teresa A. Egan Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Elenewski Mr. T. Eleniewski Mr. Michael Elko and Family Salvatore Francis Eppolito Dr. Donald G. Erwin Charles S. Evans James Evans Mr. John Evans Mrs. John J. Evans Joseph E. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ewaskiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Faass Mr. and Mrs. John Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Farina, Jr. Miss Mary Jo Feldhedge Mrs. Ferra Mr. and Mrs. David Ferry Mr. and Mrs. R. Fink

Mr. and Mrs. John Fiori Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitz-Maurice Miss Mae Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flanigan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James Flavin, Jr. Daniel and Leo J. Flynn Mr. Edward A. Flynn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foden Mr. and Mrs. James Foran and Family Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Ford Mrs. Mary Forker Jerry Forman, R. P. Mr. James L. Fotheringham Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frank Miss Helene Freeman Thomas Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frome and Daughter Mr. and Mrs. James Fugile Mr. and Mrs. D. Fugill Mr. Edward Fugill The Future Scientists Club of America Miss Marie Gagnon Mrs. Elizabeth Camhi Helen and Rita Gandleman Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gapsgewicz Mr. and Mrs. Chris Garruba Marie Garzillo John A. Garzio Mrs. Gaskill Mr. and Mrs. John Gaskill Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gasper Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gatti Mr. and Mrs. John Gatti Mr. Eugene Gaug Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geraci Miss Kathryn Gerber Mrs. Anna Gerhardt Mr. and Mrs. Gero Mr. and Mrs. George Gero Angelo Gervasoni Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Gervasoni Mrs. Dorothy Gervasoni Johnny Gervasoni Richard Gervasoni Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gewak Mr. and Mrs . Giffort Betty Ann Gilligan Mrs. William Gilligan Thomas J. Gilsdorf Mary Giordano Mr. and Mrs. John Glukowsky Mr. and Mrs. James Gluth Tina Gogan Helen Goleniecki Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gompper Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gompper Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gorham

Chuck Grabowski Leon Grabowski, Jr. Miss Joan Ann Grad us Mr. William Green Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gribbin Mr. and Mrs. Groch Mr. and Mrs. John Groch Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grudzina Mrs. Maria Guadagno Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Guadagno Mr. Joseph Guagliardo Mrs. Mary Gusz Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gutowski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guyader Helen Hadley Mrs. Helen Haines John R. Halsey Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hancin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hand Helen F. Haney Miss Della Hanley Mr. John Hanusi Peggy Harker Skip Harlicka Harvey Helling Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heafner Committeeman Owen Healy Mrs. Theresa Helmlinger Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hemple Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hendricks Lt. Col. and Mrs. Herschel Hotsinpiller Mr. and Mrs. George Heufel Miss Sandra Hibbert Den Daly and Gary Hill Miss Faith Hill Miss lngeborg Hintze Kenneth C. Hoeflich Mrs. Grace Hogan The Hill House Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Howard Howard's Delicatessen Mrs. E. Hugendublar Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hunt Mr. and Mrs . James Howarth Elaine Hustak Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hustak Thomas Hustak Mr. and Mrs. lnfantini Mr. Ruby lnfanti Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Inman Mr. and Mrs. John lnverso Mrs. Betty Jacobs Mr.s Joseph Jable Frank J. Jablonski Mary Jackowski Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jackowski Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Jackson

Miss Lorraine Janoski Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jansen Jay, Tisch, and Jim Jim's Mobile Service Johnny's 66 Service Center Big John's Barber Shop Bob Johnson Judy and Jimmy Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Juresko and Family Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kadis Mr. Anthony Kalinowski Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Karch Mr. and Mrs. Adam Karolkiewicz Mrs. Viola Karpowicz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kasa Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kaufman . Mrs. Edna Keating Jane Keefe Mrs. Elizabeth Keegan Mr. and Mrs. James Keegan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keegan Miss Jane Kelly Mr. and Mrs. L. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kelly Mrs. Mary Kelso Denny Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kennel Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Kent Mrs. Katherine Kent Mr. and Mrs. William Kent Miss Ann Kerr Mrs. Anna C. Kerr Mr .and Mrs. William J. Kerr Jane Kerwick Miss Julia Kerwick Patrick Kerwick Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kiernan, III Joy Kiernan Kathleen Kiernan Pat Kiernan Carole King Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kirchhoffer Kirkham Insurance Agency Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kirkham Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kmiec Mr. and Mrs. M. Kmiec Mrs. S. Kmiec Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knee Mr. B. Knott Mr. and Mrs. B. Knott Paul Knott Mr. and Mrs. G. Edward Koenig Miss Anne Koerz Joan Koisak Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kolesar Mr. and Mrs. Chester Kolczynski Mr. and Mrs. E. Kondcsh

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kondratewicz Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kopp Betty Kostrub Mr. and Mrs. J. Kovac Kowalski Funeral Home John H. Kozlowski William Kozlowski Miss Mary Krainski Mr. Harold J. Kramer Mrs. Mary Kraszewski Miss Kristine Krause Mr. Andrew Kreiling Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Krisak, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Krisak Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Krisak, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George Krisak Walter Kross Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kruas Mr. and Mrs. Don Krueger Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Krueger Mr. and Mrs. F. Krug Miss Joan Krug Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krush Mr. Matthew Kuklinski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kurilo Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kurisko Mr. and Mrs. John Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kyselka Mrs. Rose Labonski Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lagano Mr. and Mrs. Edward LaMothe Mr. and Mrs. Edward Landerkin Mr. and Mrs. A. Lane Miss Dorry Lane Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Lane Mr. Thomas Lane A. Thomas Lane Mrs. Carol Lanning Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lanzoni Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lanzoni Mr. and Mrs. John Larkin Laurel Notch Golf Course Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Leadem Mrs. Margaret Leaver Mr. Anthony J. Lee Mrs. Millie Leitch Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Leone Mr. Cyril Leonowicz Diedre Lett Commander Michael A. Lettiere Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Victor Levanowicz Mr. and Mrs. Vito Licciardello Mrs. John Liptak Lisook's Del Rosemary LiVecchi Mr. and Mrs. William Lockwood

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Loh Ellen G. Londahl Mr. and Mrs. Harold Londahl Mr. and Mrs. James Lo Presti Louise and Bobby Harry J. Loveless Mrs. Marie B. Loveless - Township Clerk Mr. William Lovett Miss Marie Luberto Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Lumia John Lynn Mr. and Mrs. S. Lynch Miss Patricia A. Mackiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. MacZinko Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Magee Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mahan Miss Eileen Mahr Mr. Robert Mains Mr. Frank Mancuso Miss Elsie Mandl Miss Kay Mandl Mr. Louis J. Mandl Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mantel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Manto Manzi's Diner Johanna J. Marcine The Joseph Maressa's Maribeth and Rita Mari-Fran Sport Shop Mr. and Mrs. A. Marino Miss Dorothy Markulec Mr. and Mrs. Michael Markulec Edward Martonick Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marut Donald Marut Louis Marut Mary and Paula Mary G., Mary V., Mary Z., and Carol Mr. and Mrs. Michael Masick Mr. and Mrs. Frank Masterson Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mastrangelo, Jr. Mr. Ralph Mastrangelo, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Mate Catharine Matusek George Matucheck Mrs. Helen Matuza Robert Maziarz Stanley H. Maziarz Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCormic George A. McDougal Mary C. McDougal Mr. and Mrs. James McElroy John J. McEwan Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGeehan Miss Margaret McGovern Mrs. Jean McGraw Mr. and Mrs. Frank McHugh

Mrs. Alice McLearn Mr. and Mrs. James Meliff Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McManimon Dr. and Mrs. George J. McManus Sue and Mary McQuade Mr. and Mrs. John Mehalyak Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Melore Mr. and Mrs. A. Menetski Mr. Morris Mercantini Mr. and Mrs. James Meriwether Mrs. Walter Merkel Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Michal, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Midura Karen Marnell McEwan Miss Julianne Miele Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Mielewski Miss Emily Miktus Mr. and Mrs. M. Miksitz Gerald Millar and Family Mr. and Mrs. John Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kasu Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kasu Miller, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John Minar Mr. Thomas Miscavage Mr. John Mollis Donald J. Moore Mrs. Elizabeth Mongan Mrs. Sadie M. Moore Mr. and Mrs. V. Robert Morrison Mrs. Margaret Moses Miss Minerva Mount Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mrozinski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mudry Mrs. Amelia Mule Mr. and Mrs. Leo Murphy Mr. and Mrs. S. Murranko Mr. and Mrs. George Muschal and Son Miss Rose Muschal Mr. arid Mrs. Angelo Nalbone Mr. Charles Nalli Mrs. G. Napoleon Marge and Ernie Napoleon Miss Louise Nardone Mrs. Pearl Nemchik J. A. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Roger Nicol Miss Mary Nolan Mr. and Mrs. John Notte Mr. and Mrs. Steve Notta, Sr. Nottingham Pharmacy Howe Nurseries Sallie Nutter Mr. and Mrs. John Oakley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oakley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Oakley, Sr. Mr. Edmund Obduski Lenore and Patricia O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Martin O'Brien, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. O'Brien, Sr.

Edward O'Hara Mr. and Mrs. John Olesak Angie and Francis Olessi Mr. and Mrs. Edward Oliver fmd Family Mr. John O'Lone Miss Dolores Onda Inez M. O'Neill Mrs. Earl H. Osborne Mr. and Mrs. J. Oswald Mr. and Mrs. William Ozga Mr. and Mrs. Charles Packaian Mary and Connie Paglione Mrs. M. Paglione Mrs. Mary Palenchar Margie Palinski James Panacek Joan Panacek Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Panarisi Assemblyman Vincent Panaro Assemblyman Vincent Panaro Carol Ann Papp Mr. and Mrs. John Papp Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Parcinski Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pasela Josephine Pasiewicz Mrs. Gloria Paslawsky Mrs. Bridget Paterson Miss Caroline Paterson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paterson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Paterson Thomas Patten Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Patteno Miss Anna Patykula Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Paul Mr. and Mrs. William Paul Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul, Sr. Mrs. Julia Pavco Mr. D. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pellegrino Mrs. Eugene Pender Perno's Bake Shop Mr. and Mrs. N. Perroni Mr. and Mrs. Don Perischetti Joyce Persico Mr. and Mrs. Peterson Josephine Petito Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Petito Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Petito Mrs. Teresa Petito Mr. and Mrs. Petruska Phil's Barbera Shop Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pieretti Pietras Market Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pietra~ Mrs. Walter Pietras Mrs. A. Pietrosilli Mr. and Mrs. John Pietroselli Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pietroselli Mr. and Mrs. Cesare Pingitore

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pizzullo John S. Piersanti Mrs. C. C. Pocetti Mr. J. Pollard J. Richard Pollard Mr. and Mrs. J. Polyak Miss Rose Popp Mr. Walter J. Porter Mr. and Mrs. J. Potocki Mr. and Mrs. John Potocki Rosemary Potocki Mr. Vincent Pratico Bob Prezioso Frank Prezioso Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Price Mrs. Harry Priest Arthur D. Probst, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Procaccini Miss Patricia Proneski Mr. andMrs. Pukala Mr. and Mrs. David Quatroni Michelle Quere Mrs. Doris Quin M. E. Rabatie William P. Rabatie Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rader Mrs. Josephine Radlinsky Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Rak Miss Frances Randow '62 Mr. John F. Rapp P. & M. Rasis Mrs. RaulÂŁ Mrs. Anna Raymond Mrs. Paul Reed Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rees Mrs. D. Redwood Mr. and Mrs. John Reyer Senator Sido Ridolfi Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ridolfino Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Ridolfino Miss Donna Jean Ridorfino Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ridorfino Riegen and Jones Del. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rigby Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rinz Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robak Mrs. Edward Robak Mr. and Mrs. J. Rocco Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roche Mr. G. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. B. Roll Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ronca Mrs. Ann Ross Mr. Rossell AI and Gil Rossi Tony Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rouze

Roy's Sport Shop Miss Mary Ellen Rush Miss Peggy Rush Mr. Otto J. Rush Mr. and Mrs. Jol1n Russell Miss Madeline Russo Miss Marion Russo Mr. Joseph L. Rutan Mrs. Kenneth Rutherford Carol Rutkowski Robert P. Ryan Catherine Rykiel Margaret Rykiel Mr. and Mrs. P. Sabato Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Salyma Miss Margie Sandusky Mr. and Mrs. Frank Santarsiero Patricia Sarafin Mrs. Phyllis Scarlata Jack Schafer Polly C. Schiedell Mr. and Mrs. C. Schilling Herman E. Schnorbus Beverly Schrieber Mrs. Theresa Schuchardt Mrs. Margaret Schultz Miss Alice Schulz N. E. Schwartz and Son Peter Schwendt Mr. and Mrs. George Scoblic Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott 路 Angela Scozzaro Mr. and Mrs. Philp Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seely Eileen E. Seiler "61" Mr. Renata A. Sensi, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Serris and Son Mr. and Mrs. William E. Shaw Miss Charlotte Shimski Simcox's Florists Mr. and Mrs. Willam Simon Mr. and Mrs. James Sinatra Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Smith Mr. Charles L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith Mr. and Mrs. James R. Smith Dr. Maurice Smith Peggy Smith William T. Smith Mr. M. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. N. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sobon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Solack, Jr. Mrs. Marie Solan Mr. and Mrs. M. Sopko Mr. Martin Spanial Mr. Nick Spanial A. Spisak, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Spundarelli Miss Barbara Spych Mrs. Rose Spych Stage Craft Club Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Kathleen Stark Starlite-Pools Inc. Mr. C. Stephen Mrs. C. Stephen Chuck Stewart Mrs. Mary Stocklas Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stokes Mr. and Mrs. James Stokes Felicia Stokrocki Danielle Stoy Dorothy Stoy Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stuller Carol Ann Stype Miss Sharon Ann Swain Lt. Col. and Mrs. George F. Swan Jan and Edward Swan Donald Sweeney Assemblyman Edward J. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sweeney Henry Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sweetapple Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swierczek Jamie Swift Catherine M. Swingle Mr. Robert J. Swissler Freeholder Auther Sypek Edward Szakacs Mr. and Mrs. F. Szul Henrietta M. Szul Mrs. Rose Tafrow Mr. and Mrs. Steven Tafrow Howard Tash Mr. and Mrs. Victor Temple Mr. and Mrs. A. Tevere Mr. and Mrs. William Tharp Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Thoma Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomas Joseph Tilli Mr. and Mrs. John Tisdale Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Tobiasz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Todd Miss Susan Toft Mr. and Mrs. John Tomenshok Tom's Mobil Service Dr. and Mrs. Howard R. Tapley Mrs. Mary Toth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Totten Township Esso, 130 Nottingham Way Frank Trainor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trogdon Jon Jo Trucking Mr. and Mrs. John Tucci Miss Patricia Tucci Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tunney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Tunney, Sr.

Mrs. Louis Turdean Mr. and Mrs. J. Tursi Adele Urbanik Mr. and Mrs. George Vannozzi Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Venanzi Eugene T. Venanzi Mr. and Mrs. D. Vito Mrs. Agnes VanNess Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. VanNess Mr. and Mrs. Ted Vanozzi T. & M. Vending Co. Mr. and Mrs. C. Vickery Mrs. Nickolas Vig Mr. and Mrs. John Volen Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Volen Mrs. Elsie Wagner Gieselgunde Weiss Mr. and Mrs. A. Wildmann Mrs. G. Willever Miss Lois Willis '62 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson Robert P. Wollert Miss Josephine Wolliard Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Mr. Joseph Wagner Mr. and Mrs. W. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Watczak Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walters Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wasko Suzanne Wehrfritz Miss Carol Weisgarber Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. William M. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. A. Whittaker Mrs. Rose Wierszyla Mrs. Gladys Wilfing Josephine Wilkes Mr. and Mrs. M. Wojciechowicz Miss Josephine Wolliard Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Wood Mrs. S. E. Woolston Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Wszolek, Jr. Mrs. Ann Xaccarino Mr. John F. Xaccarino Mrs. Lorraine Xaccarino Mr. and Mrs. Louis Yuhaze Mr. and Mrs. W. Yastemski Mrs. Dorothea Yeager Paul H. Yos Mrs. Sophie Zaborniak Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zamborsky, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zanoni Mrs. Margaret Zwerlein Mrs. Mary Zablocka Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zaffutti Anthony Zebrowski Helene Zmuda

Speaking for the entire Editorial Staff of the 1963 Canticle, we wish to express our grateful thanks to the following for their help: Sister Mary Andrew, our understanding adviser, for her experienced guidance and valuable advice; Our fellow classmates for securing patrons; The administration and faculty who so willingly cooperated with our projects; Our efficient photographer, Mr. John Prignoli of Lorstan Studios, for providing us with good photos and excellent service; Mr. Thomas Everett of the Rae Publishing Company who guided us in the planning of our annual; Our generous patrons for their loyal support. Speaking for ourselves, we wish to express our personal thanks to the Editorial Staff and typists who worked long hard hours, often without thanks, to produce our book. This, the 1963 Canticle, is the result of our combined efforts; may it speak for itself. Sincerely, PATRICIA WALTERS THOMAS FREEMAN Co-Editors


Lithograp hed by RAl PUBLISHING CO . 282 Grove Avenue Cedar Grove, N. J.

For Christ the King L A. LORD, S.



Copyright MCMXXXII by The Queen's Work,


Printed in the U. S. A. 路

For Christ the King, 3



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