Notre dame high school canticle 1970web

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"Faith, Hope and Love ...

The Class of 1970 Presents

THE CANTICLE Notre Dame High School Trenton, New Jersey Volume


THE GREATEST OF THESE REASON faces up to life, And sees things as they are; HOPE sees things as they ought to be, And wishes on a star; FAITH dreams of miracles to come That only God can do; ~

LOVE goes to work with patient hands To ·make these dreams come true. By Helen Lowrie Marshall







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Administration and Faculty ----------------------------


Happenings ------------------------------------------------------ 24 Spiritual -------------------------------------------------------------- 56 Academic ------------------------------------------------------------ 64 Organizations ---------------------------------------------------- 92 Sports -------------------------------------------------------------- 114 Underclassmen -------------------------------------------------- 146 Seniors ------------------------~-------------------------------J---~ 172


Students Acl<nowledge Faculty s Efforts

Father Thomas Coffey

Sister Mary Francine

Mr. Patrick Bush

Mrs. Jeanne Rader

A Tribute

And A Dedication

Sister Katherine Rohr

Mr. Constantine Diamond

Mrs. Margaret Gribbin

Sister Grace Kelly

Sister Gertrude McDonnell

Mrs. Mary Palenchar

Teachers are more than mere instructors of facts. The education which they try to give students is coupled with an understanding and a concern for each facet of the students' daily life. We are grateful to the teachers who have guided us to academic, religious and personal fulfillment during our years at Notre Dame. With a special tribute to the teachets who have given ten years or more to found and preserve a tradition of excellence at N.D., we, the Class of 1970, dedicate our Canticle to the faculty.

Sister Mary Petrina

Mrs. Mary Dougherty

ADMINISTRATION AND FACULTY LOVE is the creative fire, the inspiration that keeps the torch of progress a8ame.

During the years, the administration and faculty of Notre Dame High School has endeavored, through scholastic and extracurricular activities, to lead us and to enkindle in us the Harne of knowledge. Through . their love and unrelenting patience, these people have proven to be our most precious asset in sparking our desire for learning.

Sharing Typifies Faculty-

Student Council President Russ Hart presents Bishop Ahr with the Christmas gift from the student body.

His Excellency THE MOST REVEREND GEORGE W. AHR, S.T.D. Bishop of Trenton

His Excellency THE MOST REVEREND JOHN C. REISS, C.D. Auxiliary Bishop of Trenton

Student Relationship

Russ Lawyer and Bishop Reiss exchange warm wishes for happy holidays while Father McManimon, Father Pedata and Father Ryan look on.

Very Reverend Monsignor THOMAS J. FRAIN, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools

SISTER MARY DOROTHEA Secondary School Supervisor for the Sisters of Mercy

Sister Dorothea confers with the Science Department teachers during_her visit to N.D.

Administration Touches


The football team seeks spiritual assistance for a winning season.

Reverend THOMAS A. COFFEY Principal

Sister Joan introduces guest speaker Monsignor Adamo to Sister Gabriel while Tom Behan waits for the opening of the Quill and Scroll Assembly.

SISTER MARY GABRIEL Assistant Principal

Every Phase

Student Life

Reverend JOSEPH T. THUL Spiritual Director

MR. DONALD A. ROSSELL Dean of Students

"That makes three times this week that you've lost your locker key," Father Thul unbelievingly exclaims.

MR. VINCENT ARDERY Athletic Director


Sister Mary Alexander

Mr. James Alouf

Sister Claude seems pleased with her efforts as her water colors dry into life.

Mr. Edward Bannon

Sister Eileen Bittner

Mr. Bush points out the need for accurate cal Drawing to Sophomore Ken Miller.


in Mechani-

Mr. Emil Brisson

Mr. Robert Bugdal

Mr. Patrick Bush

Miss Jacqueline Cevera

Patience and Perseverance Produce Perfection 12

Mrs. Cynthia Clancy

Sister Mary Claude

Sister Mary Claver

Miss Mary Colvey

Sister Stella demonstrates for Susan Theile the correct procedure for marking a hem.

Mr. Edward Conard

Mr. Richard Curry


Gary Danbro

Sister Mary De Sales 13

"A predicate what?" exclaims Tom Carroll, as Sister Petrina explains the perplexities of the English language.

Mr. Constantine Diamond

Sister Johnell Dillon

Mrs. Mary Dougherty

Sister Mary Francine



Sister Marlene Fritz

Sister Regina Grant

Mrs. Margaret Gribbin

Mr. Richard Gusciora

Sister Francine assures Toni Lane that practice does make perfect ... usually.

Mrs. Daryl Hilt

Mr. Frederick Hons

Reverend Edward Hunter

Sister Andrea Jeremy

Maureen Nosal, Robert Wetzel and Tera Barth give Mr. Brisson their undivided attention as he explains the true meaning of Noah's Ark.

Inspires Effort

Sister Philip tries to convince Dave Esposito that Latin isn't dead.

Sister Marie Jose

Sister Mary Julia

Mrs. Christiane Kaplan

Sister Mary Karen 15

Sister Grace Kelly

Sister Gertrude McDonnell

Sister Joan McKeon

Mrs. Barbara Major

"For my next trick," says Mr. Weis as he demonstrates his scientific ability to Junior Chemistry students, Ann Paixao and JoAnne O'Donnell.

Sister Helen Neder 16

Sister Mary Nora

Mrs. Mary Palenchar

Sister Mary Petrina

We Learn Through Experimentation

Sister Mary Philip

Mrs. Jeanne Rader

Sister Katherine Rohr

Sister Mary Rosaire

"0. K. Kiddos . . . let me show you what it's for," remarks Mr. Diamond to Seniors Patty Hofmann and Al Malley.

Miss Susan Rossi

Mrs. Margaret Rovello

Sister Ann Marie Santoro

Mrs. Janet Saville

"Why don't they understand?" exclaims Sister Eileen Bittner as her explanation to Sophomore Chemistry class is met with varied expressions.

Happiness is a family trait with Mr. Bugdal and his brother, Donald.

Mr. Joseph Scholes

Mr. James Scott

Sister Eileen Claire Smith

Sister Mary Stella

Dedication and are Indicative

Mrs .. Mary Stoka

Sister Mary Valerian 18

Mr. Pascal Tursi

Mrs. Suzanne Vander


Sister Gabriel and Sister between classes.


Dillon find time for a brief chat

Mr. Albert Verdel

Sister Mary Veronica

Sister Margaret Ann Waldron

Mr. Michael Wallace

.Sister Grace Kelly pauses from grading papers long enough to give the photographer a smile.


of Our Faculty


路 "路

Mr. William Weis

Mrs. Gribbin checks over some work for the Business Department.

Mr. Joseph Wroblewski

Mr. Thomas



Sister Eleanore Yavorone 19

Varied Sl~ills Add To N D s Image 7

Mr. John Campbell Bookkeeper

Mrs. Lorraine Weitz Secretary to the Principal

Miss Diane Cushing Secretary to Assistant Principal

Mrs. Joan Costigan Receptionist

Kathryn Sikorski offers encouragement as Mrs. Dougherty administers the Tine Test to Celeste Buzzelli.

Mrs. Lee Theile Guidance Secretary

Dr. Bernard N. Millner School Physician

Office work holds the attention of Mrs. Joan Costigan and Miss Diane Cushing.

Mr. James Duncan and Mr. Michael Haddix gather their equipment at the start of a new day.

The Canticle room sports a new gleam with Mr. Parker's assistance.

Mr. Palmer is the creator of N.D.'s warmth.

Helping to keep Notre Dame at its best are Mary Swinuich, Louise Billard, Mary Dubusky, Mary Yaros, and Marie Ottaggio.

Mrs. Ackers adds some finishing touches to the Family Living Center.

A chance to relax comes with the end of the last lunch for Mrs. Marie Agoes. 21

Faculty MR. H. EDWARD CONARD History.


SISTER MARY ALEXANDER • Chairman of Social Department: American Civilization II; Moderator of Proctors. MR. JAMES ALOUF • English Literature, American Literature, Business Education; Assistant Moderator of Forum Club; Junior Homeroom llG. MR. VINCENT ARDERY • Athletic Director; American Civilization I; Varsity Baseball Coach; Moderator of Coaches Club.


MR. RICHARD CURRY • General Mathematics, Business Law and Economics, Business Practice; Distributive Education Program Chairman. D


Physical Education, Health; Wrestling


SISTER MARY DE SALES • Religion I, Algebra I, Geometry; Moderator of Lost and Found; Sophomore Homeroom lOB.

English II, III.


SISTER EILEEN BITTNER • Chemistry, Earth Science, Introductory Physical Science ; Moderator of Band, Drill Team, Color Guard; Activities Chairman; Moderator of Sophomore Class; Sophomore Homeroom lOD.

MR. ROBERT BUGDAL • Religion II, III, IV, Current Social Problems; Moderator of Trainers Club; Sophomore Homeroom lOH. · •

Mechanical Drawing I, II.

English III, IV.

MRS. MARY DOUGHERTY Future Nurses Club.

School Nurse; Moderator of


SISTER MARY FRANCINE • General Business, Stenography II, Typing I, Religion I ; Student Council Accounts; Senior Homeroom 12B. SISTER MARLENE FRITZ • German I, II, III, IV; Moderator of Forum Club; Sophomore Homeroom lOC. G

MIS.S JACQUELINE CEVERA • General Business, Typing II, Business Organization and Mathematics; Assistant Moderator of Jerseymen Club; Junior Homeroom llC. •


SISTER MARY CLAUDE Chairman of Art Department; Art I, II, Design; Moderator of School Play; Moderator of Bulletin Boards; Stage. · SISTER MARY CLAVER Physics, Chemistry.

Chairman of Science Department;


Physics, Applied Physics.




MR. EMIL BRISSON • Religion I, III, IV, Philosophy; Moderator of Varsity Club; Junior Homeroom llH.


American Civilization I, World



Assistant Principal.

SLSTER REGINA GRANT • Chairman of Mathematics Department; Algebra II, Advanced Math, Senior Math; Advisor to Senior Independent Study; Moderator of Liturgical Commission; Moderator of National Honor Society; Junior Homeroom llF. MRS. MARGARET GRIBBIN • Chairman of Business Department; Stenography I, II, Secretarial Practice; Supervisor of Cooperative \.Vork Program. MR. RICHARD GUSCIORA man Homeroom 9I.

BSCS Biology, Biology; Fresh-


MISS MARY COL VEY • Guidance Counselor; Driver Education; Moderator of Cheerleaders.

MRS. DARYL HILT • English I, I.I, Speech Humanities; Moderator of Drama Club; Director of School Play Freshman Homeroom 9B. MRS. FREDERICK HONS • \Vorld History, World Culture, Religion I; Sophomore Homeroom lOA. REVEREND EDWARD HUNTER

Religion II.

J SISTER ANDREA JEREMY • American Civilization I, Current Civilization, Religion I ; Moderator of Coronet; Moderator of Renascence; Moderator of Liturgical Choir; Sophomore Homeroom lOI. SISTER MARIE JOS:f; • Geometry, Algebra II; Moderator of Senior Class; Senior Homeroom 12H. SISTER MARY JULIA • Religion I, English I, Developmental Reading; Moderator of Ski Club; Moderator of Band; Sophomore Homeroom lOE. K

MRS. CHRISTIANE KAPLAN SISTER MARY KAREN Canticle. Patricia McVeigh and Lawrence Rouse seek needed advice from Sister Valerian about a difficult problem.


French I, II, III, IV, V.

Spanish I, II, III, IV; Moderator of

Directory T

SISTER GRACE KELLY • Chairman of English Department; English IV; Senior Homeroom 12A.

REVEREND JOSEPH THUL • Spiritual Director; Chairman of Religion Department; Religion II, III, IV, Current Social Problems.

M SISTER GERTRUDE McDONNELL • Latin I, II; Moderator of Mission Crusade; Freshman Homeroom 9E. SISTER JOAN McKEON • English II, III, Religion I; Moderator of Coronet; Moderator of Renascence; Junior Homeroom llD. MRS. BARBARA MAJOR • Chairman of Girls Health and Physical Education Department; Physical Education, Health, Driver Education; Varsity Hockey Team Coach; Basketball Team Coach.

MR. PASCAL TURSI • Chairman of Music Deparbnent; Humanities, History and Theory of Music; Director of Band; Director of Choraleers.

v SISTER MARY VALERIAN Freshman Homeroom 9C.

Algebra I, II, Trigonometry;

MRS. SUZANNE VANDER HEYDEN • Spanish I, II; Moderator of Spanish Honor Society; Freshman Homeroom 9G.


SISTER HELEN NEDER • Chemistry, Applied Chemistry; Moderator of Audio-Visual Club; Junior Homeroom llA. SISTER MARY NORA • Typing I, General Math, .Secretarial Practice; Moderator of Junior Class; Junior Homeroom llE.

MR. ALBERT VERDEL • Chairman of Boys Health and Physical Education Department; Physical Education. Health; Head Varsity Football Coach; Assistant Baseball Coach. SISTER MARY VERONICA • English Review, English I, II, Honors IV; Moderator of .School Uniform Orders; Senior Homeroom 12F.



MRS. MARY PALENCHAR • Chairman of Language Department; German I. II, Latin IV; Moderator of Four Winds. SISTER MARY PETRINA • English I, II; Moderator of Future Teachers Club; Sophomore Homeroom lOF. SISTER MARY PHILIP • Latin I, II, III; Moderator of Freshman Class; Freshman Homeroom 9D.

Chairman of Library Department;

SISTER KATHERINE ROHR erator of Red Cross.


Chairman of Guidance Depart-


MR. MICHAEL WALLACE IV; Moderator of Key Club.

Guidance Counselor; English

MR. WILLIAM WEIS, JR. Homeroom llB.


MRS. JEANNE RADER • Library Science; Librarian.

SISTER MARGARET ANN WALDRON • Algebra I, II, Math Review, Religion I; Moderator of Student Council; Book Store; Senior Homeroom 12E.

Composition. English I, Mod-

Dean of Students; Economics.

Biology, Chemistry; Junior

MR. THOMAS WILLIAMS • Algebra I, Bookkeeping I; Golf Coach; Sophomore Homeroom lOG. MR. JOSEPH WROBLEWSKI Education.

Physical Education, Driver

y SISTER ELEANORE YAVARONE • Religion I, II, III; Assistant Moderator of Forum Club; Press Notices; Freshman Homeroom 9A.

MISS SUSAN ROSSI • Physical Education, Health, Driver Education; Junior Varsity Hockey Team Coach; Moderator of Soccer Intramurals; Moderator of Softball Team; Moderator of Social Committee. MRS. MARGARET ROVELLO • Physical Education; Moderator of Girls Athletic Association; Moderator of Leader Corps.

s SISTER ANN MARIE SANTORO • English I, Religion II; Circulation Moderator of Canticle; Head of School Store; Freshman Homeroom 9H. MRS. JANET SAVILLE

Earth Science, Geometry.

MR. JOSEPH SCHOLES American Civilization II; Moderator of Jerseymen Club; Senior Homeroom 12G. MR. JAMES SCOTT • Religion II, III, IV, Philosophy; Moderator of Chess Club; Freshman Homeroom 9F. SISTER EILEEN CLAIRE SMITH • French I, II, Religion II; Moderator of Sodality; Senior Homeroom 12D. SISTER MARY STELLA Department; Sewing.

Chairman of Home Economics

MRS. MARY STOKA • Typing I, II, Typing-Notehand; Moderator of Future Secretaries Association; Senior Homeroom 12C. Mr. Ardery tries to make learning easier as he enlivens the atmosphere in his Junior History class.


HAPPENINGS LOVE, in the words of the Master, is the shining commandment: love one another.

Students, varied as the sands of time, need unity to complete their lives. At Notre Dame, the opportunities to come together and to enjoy one another are many. Some are planned, others just seem to happen. But through them, many lasting friendships are formed.

Year 69- 70 Bursts Into Activity 7


Father Coffey extends a hearty welcome to all on the first day of school.

Starting the year out spiritually Mary McGlone receives Communion at the first Mass.

After an enjoyable summer, Freshmen settle down to the routine of school.


Problems with their lockers bring Clare Brunner and Theresa Biache to Mr. Westerman for help.

Greg Foley wonders how his gym bag will ever fit in his locker.

On September third, the flurry of opening day activities greeted all N.D. students. The members of the student body who were most confused by these events were the Freshmen. But by September 26th, the schedules had become routine enough for the annual Blue and White Day to take place. Two days before the big football game against Essex, homerooms were decorated to promote school spirit. Included in the day's festivities were a pep rally and the introduction of the Big Blue Machine by the Key Club. On September 29th, Notre Dame hosted the Freshman Parents Orientation. The department heads and subject teachers gathered to brief the parents of the Class of '73 about the N.D. curriculum. After an assembly program, the parents were given the opportunity to become acquainted with the freshman students. A social hour followed.

Parents confer with freshman teachers Sister Philip and Mrs. Hilt about the activities of freshman year.

Sister Gertrude's Latin I class seems a bit brighter on Blue & White Day.

Bruce Harmon aided by Luanne Fares, Joanne Petito, and Eugene Meskill share in the decorating of homerooms on Blue & White Day.

Smiling faces portray the spirit of Blue & White Day.


Kreskin, the amazing mentalist, convinces participants that their hands are tightly locked.

Assemblies Inform And Entertain

The Amazing Kreskin, master of ESP, came to visit N.D. on October first and third. He dazzled his audience by reading their minds and by demonstrating the power of suggestion. Student participants found themselves chasing imaginary animals across the stage and reacting in strange ways to the sound ~f his voice. His visit was one that will long be remembered by the student body. The members of the Jerseymen Club sponsored a pre-election assembly on October 29, 1969. The purpose of the program was to make the students aware of the pressing issues of the gubernatorial campaign and how they would be handled by each candidate. The guest speakers were William Dowd, Republican for Cahill and Dave Oxman, Democrat for Meyner. As a special guest, Mr. James Heddon of Rider College presided. He believed in and was working for the establishment of the eighteen year-old vote which was a major issue for his youthful N.D. audience.

Kreskin illustrates the power of suggestion to Tony Thoma, Franca Tocco, Kate Solan, Lew Nicholson. 28

Jerseymen guest speaker Mr. James Heddon enumerates advantages of the eighteen year-old vote.

Students exercise their right to vote during Jerseyman Gubernatorial mock election.

Jerseyman Vice-President Kevin Geoghan explains voting procedures to Senior Ed Klane. 29

Highlighting the achievements of the Music Department in 1969-1970 was the second Annual Variety Show. Student-directed by Pat Greer and Pete Cugasi, the show featured such acts as Lenny and His Lollipops, and the Freedom Band. Winners in the competition were first prize Bonnie Bejma; tied for second prize Kenny Koreyva and Joan Pfleiger, and third prize, Judy Kuliczkowski. Following the show was a dance featuring the Eastern Light.

During N.D.'s Variety Show, first prize winner Bonnie Bejma displays her talents.

The Goodship Lollipop crew, Lenny Liberto, Don Krawiec, Marty Maccaroni, and John Zimpleman discuss their musical arrangement.

Freshman Kenny Koreyva's spirited merited him a second place award.



Dr. Robert Denkewalter lectures the student body on the enzyme's place in today' s modern world.

Guest speaker Mr. Paul Miner demonstrates radioactivity to Eileen Saums.

ND Welcomes Student And Professional Entertainlllent

Modem science made its way into N.D.'s auditorium through two valuable assemblies this year. Dr. Robert Denkewalter from Merck and Co. showed slides on enzymes. He spoke about the advancements which his company has made in the study of RNA and DNA molecules. In a program entitled "This Atomic World", Mr. Paul Miner demonstrated radioactivity. Representing the Atomic Energy Commission, Mr. Miner also held a discussion period for Physics and Chemistry students after the assembly.

With the aid of student, Stan Maciolek, Mr. Paul Miner illustrates another aspect of atomic energy. 31

Miss Mary Colvey and Mr. William Weis are presented with an award for their achievement in the Driver Education Program.

Sadder but wiser ghosts warn students about reckless driving.

Talented Professionals Perform at ND

The Spurrlows, on behalf of the Chrysler Corporation, sing out for safety.


Ready to lasso his girl, Judith Gordon, is Neil J. McNelis.

"Toni" Chuck Cannon, Sr. and "Maria" Elaine Petricoff meet secretly outside her home.

Bringing the show to a close with excerpts from Hair are: Neil J. McNelis, Judith Gordon, Elaine Petricoff, Chuck Cannon, Sr.

To prepare N.D. students for the road ahead, the Chrysler Corporation Driver Education Assembly was presented on March 16th. The program was not only musically entertaining but also stressed the importance of safe driving. Awards were presented to Miss Mary Calvey and Mr. William Weis for their part in the driver education course at Notre Dame. On April 10 N.D. hosted another professional group, the National Theatre Company. This year their presentation reviewed the World Of Musical Theatre from 1920 to present day. The actors and actresses performed excerpts from "Merry Widow", "Romeo and Juliet", "West Side Story" and "Oklahoma". The finale included musical selections from 'llair". 33

Homeroom contributions surround the altar portraying cooperation at the Thanksgiving Mass.

Co- operation and Spirit Typify Thanl~sgiving Holiday In keeping with the spirit of Thanksgiving, the students 9f Notre Dame collected twenty-one baskets of food, toys and other articles for the less fortunate. These gifts were offered Wednesday, November 26, during the Thanksgiving Mass which culminated the cooperation project. That night, Notre Dame rooters experienced a first: a bonfire igniting enthusiasm for the Trenton High Game. Led by the cheerleaders, spirit was aroused by personal contributions to the fire and the burning in effigy of a Tornado player. This spirit was carried over to the next day when hundreds of fans turned out to see N.D. squash the Tornadoes by a score of 22-16.

With a watchful eye, Ronald Kwiatkowski closely follows the action at the climax of the Thanksgiving game. 34

The football team runs forward with a winning spirit.

An exuberant crowd cheers the players on to victory.

Team captains meet with officials before the start of the Thanksgiving game.


~Aututnn Daze" Honors Athletes

While Tina Petro presents flowers to Walt's date Wendy Parr, Mr. Brisson congratulates Mr. Soccer, Walt Bulat.


Behind every great man there's a woman. Supporting Mr. Football, Larry Zukowski, is his date Betsy Menschner.

At the Fall Sports Semi-Formal, Patty Hofmann pins her date Chris Kazior.

The highlight of this year's fall sports season was the Fall Sports' Semi-Formal which was held in the school gym on November 28. The theme of the dance was Autumn Daze. This event was co-sponsored by the Varsity and J.V. Cheerleaders and the Varsity Club. Music was provided by the Eastern Light. As students entered the gym, they cast their ballots for the Football and Soccer Kings. The result of the voting , saw Larry Zukowski crowned as Football King and Walt Bulat receiving the Soccer King award.

Alumnus Mike Hamer pours punch for Karen Littwin as Connie Gibbons and Dave Curtis look on.

Kate Driscol, Don Lansing, Sue Resmick and Val Zamborsky examine the candidates as they vote for Mr. Football.

Soft music and pleasant surroundings make for an enjoyable evening. 37

Yuletide Spirit Encompasses All

Bedecked with student-made ornaments, the Jesse Tree stands tall in the main foyer.

Father Thtil and Father Coffey concelebrate Mass before the induction of new members into the National Honor Society.

This Christmas season saw the innovation of another N.D. firstthe Jesse Tree. This tree was decorated with ornaments made by the religion classes. All ornaments were Old Testament symbols which foreshadowed Christ's coming. The annual Christmas Concert, sponsored by the Music Department, was presented to the general public on December 22, and to the student body on December 23. The program was arranged and conducted by department head, Mr. Pascal Tursi, and by students Patricia Cellini and Kathleen Tennyson. It featured the Concert Band and Choraleers who presented Christmas Music arrangements, and the Modem Dancers, who entertained with an interpretive dance about Toyland.

Mr. Tursi beats out the tune while his band plays on. 38

Student director Pat Cellini leads the Choraleers in their rendition of "Christmas Bells".

Junior, Ellen Flanagan, makes her visit to N.D.'s Santa, Mark Holcomb.

"Roaring 20 Girls" Mary Kay Manley, Kathy Martini, and Pam Alexandrowicz do their .thing.

Mary Grace Cooper, Tom Faherty, John Leadem and Russ Lawyer add final touches to the tree.


Seniors Delight In Winter Frolic

Getting to the top is half the battle as Beth Ehret and Jill Tomsho will soon discover.

Mary Cardinale and Pam Wozinak lace up their skates before gliding out for an afternoon on the ice.

Frank Della Rossa and Peter Chrzempiec slide across the pond with the greatest of ease.

Gary Wenczel, Billie O'Donnell, Nancy Frick and Linda Cushing pause to plan their course of descent before schussing down the big hill.

Sister Veronica, Sister Jose, Mrs. Norton, Bev Sawka and Melissa Borkovich decide that watching the action is safer than joining in.



"By the time you get untangled, the lifts will close!" Gail Illian encouragingly shouts to friends Marie Roslowski and Mona Mydlowski.

Wednesday morning, February 18th, found three buses filled with seniors headed toward Buck Hill Falls in the Poconos. The day of the senior trip had finally arrived. The weather cooperated by providing the students with a spring-like day. Skiers, sledders and skaters took advantage of great conditions throughout the afternoon. The seniors then headed toward the main lodge where a dinner of prime ribs was served. After dinner, some of the group attended a dance while others decided to try their skill at ping-pong, pool, and other amusements offered in the lodge's game room. Around 8:00, everyone returned to the buses, a bit sore and very tired. The students arrived at N.D. near 11:00 thus ending a great day for the class of '70.

Second only to the crowd on the slopes is the group in the snack bar.

"Boy, I didn't realize we were this high up!" might be the thought running through the minds of Ron Sadley, Terry McKee and Kath Kozlowski.

N.D.'s own Jean Claude Killy, Joe D'Ambrosio, tears down the main slope at Buck Hill.


Father Thul watches as Bill Baxter offers rings and water at the Junior Mass.

Fun And Festivities Highlight Junior Day

On February 18, 1970, the long awaited Junior Ring ceremony took place. The day began with a special Mass. After Mass the rings were blessed and individually presented by Father Coffey. The afternoon program was comprised of a series of short skits and a co-ed basketball game with the girls "winning". The day was brought to an end with a dance which presented music by a rock group, "The Freedom Band," composed of junior boys.

Bill Argust proudly accepts his ring from Father Coffey.


Dave "Tyrone" Di S.tephano responds to the gentle touch of Patty "Gladys" Greer during the Junior skit.

The girls rack up another two points toward their unchallenged victory over the Junior boys.

Josephine Dutko and Joe McLin demonstrate the Funky Chicken to the enjoyment of all. 43

Mrs. Van Sant tries her luck in breaking the pinata.

Mme. Betty Anne Gavigan observes a topographical representation of France.


Shelly Britton and Peggy Longevin, dressed in traditional togas, examine examples of Roman architecture.

Kathy Fares, her sister Lu Anne, and Claudia Smith, hostesses for the Language Festival, take a breather before a new crowd of students arrive.

Senor Carlos Franzoni and Senorita Donna Sayre conversan en espanol.

Terry D'Ambrosio and Gloria Furman marvel at the German beer castle, one of the more imaginative projects entered.

Students' Ingenuity Enhances Language Festival

On April 13, 1970 the Language Department began a week of special tribute to the foreign languages taught here at Notre Dame. The highlight of the festival was an extensive and varied exhibit of projeots made by all students studying a language. The display was open to the public on the 15th and the following first place prizes were awarded: Latin, Barbara Takacs and Kathy Lyons; French, Evelyn Sabolchy; German, Wen Shen; Spanish, Michael O'Brien; and Best in Show, Robert Kozakiewicz.

Mary Cardinale, Kathy Hovemeyer, Kerry Cosgrove, and Diane DeVaney admire the "Escorial," which was named the best project of the Festival. 45

Beautiful bride, Fanny Brice, is offered a night on the town by internationally known gambler, Nick Arnstein.

Diane Gribbin and Mark Smith combined their talents with those of the entire cast in this year's production of "Funny Girl". The screen-adapted musical revolved around the rise to stardom of chorus girl Fanny Brice and its effect on her marriage to Nick Arnstein. Director Mrs. Daryl Hilt coordinated the activities of N.D.'s student thespians while Mr. Allen Apple was responsible for the execution of the musical score. Sister Mary Claude, Production Director, assisted by Stage Crew Manager Tom Mannix, Bob Lyon, and Coleen Tripp made possible the smooth transitions between scenes.


Fanny ------------------------------------------- Dianne Gribbin Mrs. Brice ----------------------------------- Karen Littwin Mrs. Strakosh -------------------------- Mary Beth Forman Mrs. O'Malley ----------------------------- Theresa Meagher Mrs. Meeker ---------------------------------- Kay Knoblauch Tom Keeney ---------------------------------- Michael Casey Eddie Ryan -------------------------------- Russell Lawyer Nick Arnstein ------------------------------------ Mark Smith Flo Ziegfeld ----------------------------- David Tobiasz Emma ------------------------------------- Mary Lou Curran Polly ----------------------------------- Mary Lou Giovichini Bubbles -------------------------------------- Mona Mydlowski Ziegfeld Tenor --------------------------------- Edward Teti Maude ------------------------------------- Judy Kuliczkowski Mimsey' -------------------------------- Cathy Kuliczkowski Jody ---------------------------------------- Debbie Zamparelli Vera -------------------------------------------- Mary Rose Pica Mrs. Winston --------------------------------- Joann Sorento

Mrs. Strakosh outwits card shark Nick Arnstein much to the amusement of all.

Eddie Ryan pleads with Fanny not to follow Nick to Europe.

Funny Girl Hits the Heights

Married Lady Sadie describes her life as a wife to her producer Flo Ziegfeld.


General Schwartz displays her patriotic spirit.

Mr. Keeney asks Nick Arnstein's advice on a race horse.

Nobody Rained on Our Parade CHORUS Marie Mercantini Bernadine Gramness Joan Pflieger Debbie Reilly Nancy Frick Karen Deodato Mary Hutchins Elleta Girodano Cynthia Mahony Victoria Piepszak Maureen Freda Teresa McKee Carol Sadowski Ann Paixao Peggy .Quinlan Patricia Long Mary Fitzpatrick Janice Petty Billie O'Donnell Chris Sadowski Lynn Hunt Barbara Jansen Beverly Sawka Maryjean Frick Barbara Ciprietti Susan McCormack Lydia Fabbro Kathleen Betor Elizabeth Conley John Zimpleman Steven Wisniewski James Means 48

Henry Street neighbors anxiously await the arrival of the "greatest, most glamorous, genuine, glorified Ziegfeld star."

Stage hands work diligently in preparation for opening night.

Harry Norton takes time to adjust Joe Bachalis' collar while other members of the cast hurriedly make changes for the next scene.

Director Sister Claude discusses the "Rat-tat-tat" arrangement with Mr. Alan Apple, Music Director.

Stage Craft Manager, Tom Mannix, makes final check backstage. 49

Club Activities Prepare Students For Future Roles

Members of the Jerseymen Club look to the camera with their moderator, Mr. Joseph Scholes.

Reading, researching, restoring, and reproducing, are four attributes that describe the Jerseymen Historical Society. This N.D. club had approximately fifty members who filled the one requirementinvolvement. The Jerseymen along with their directors, Mr. Joseph Scholes and Miss Jacqueline Cevera, and officers Lucia Capriotti, Kevin Geoghan, Kathleen O'Donnell, and Karin Stephenson attended numerous conferences and the second moratorium observance in Philadelphia. The two big activities sponsored by the organization were the New Jersey Regional Conference on January 29, and the 1970 mock gubernatorial election of the New Jersey Governor. The Chess Club met with area schools to compete in matches this year. Under the guidance of Mr. James Scott, the members developed their minds in the enriching game of chess.

Sister Regina advises Chess Club member, George Marshall, in the strategy of the game, while his opponent deliberates hi's next move.


During annual installation ceremony, new members recite Future Teachers' Club pledge.

To identify and develop the qualities and aptitudes which are basic to successful teaching were the goals of the thirty-five members of the 1969-1970 Future Teacher Club. Moderator Sister Mary Petrina and officers Pat Hetzel, Marianne Swiecki, Mary Moran, and Sue Resmick presided over the weekly meetings which were held in C104. In addition to decorating bulletin boards, correcting papers, and acting as student teachers, the club's

activities this year included an installation ceremony, guest speakers and serving at the April faculty meeting. The Christmas project of the Future Nurses' Club was collecting toys for the Mount Carmel Guild. The members of the club, along with moderator, Mrs. Dougherty and officers Diane Devaney, Cathy Frein, and Marianne Bartolomei also held a cake sale to raise money for Saint Michael's Orphanage.

Mrs. Dougherty and Future Nurses' Club members utilize N.D.'s medical facilities.


Surf's up for Joe Puliti, Karl Franzoni, Jim Hunt, and Pete Leadem.

Sport Clubs Incorporate Service And Ability

The student trainers gather to discuss the upcoming baseball schedule with their moderator, Mr. Robert Bugdal.

Phylis Golden consoles Joann O'Donnell following a skiing mishap.

Striving to improve their skills was the basic aim of N.D.'s Surfing Club. Owning a board and basic knowledge of surfing were the requirements of the five members of the club who began competition with Ewing High and other South Jersey schools after Easter. The Ski Club moderated by Sister Julia has tripled in growth since last year. Excursions to Snow Bowl, Vernon Valley and Camelback were planned at the bi-monthly meetings held by co-chairmen Ronald Carabelli and Ronald Materniak. The thirty-five members of the club dedicated themselves to improving their skill and learning the techniques of skiing. The purpose of the Student Trainers Club, moderated by Mr. Robert Bugdal, was to assist all athletic teams with regard to equipment and first aid. The fifteen members of the club developed a well organized system of athletic training.

Officers Pete Leadem, Tim Cannon, Tony Thoma, Walt Bulat, and Chuck Zimmer gather for an impromptu meeting of the Varsity Club.

The Varsity Club was established to recognize the achievements of the varsity athletes. Each member required to have attained a varsity letter in any N.D. sport. The Fall Sports Semi-Formal held on November 28 was the club's main activity this year. The purpose of the Girls Leader Corps Club was to aid the physical education instructors in all the gym classes. Led by Mrs. Rovello and co-chairmen Pat Tuliszewski and Helene Ullrich the girls are also responsible for ke~ping all sports equipment in good condition.

Senior members of the Leader Corps are: (foreground) Barbara Kocan; Front Row: Lucille Cooper, Kathy Tennyson, Liz Farley, Patty Hofmann, Shelly Britton. Second Row: Debbie Bugdal, Kathy Regan, Mary Ellen Montague, Chris Piekarski. Back Row: Helene Ullrich, Pat Tuliszewski, Janice Mooney.


Creativity Sparl~s Participation in ND s Clubs 7

Sister Gertrude acquaints Mission Club members with the many charitable works performed by N.D.'s contributions.

The members of the Red Cross Club, under the direction of Sister Katherine Rohr, generously gave of their time during the year to help less fortunate people. The thirty-two members worked in hospitals, visited orphanages and donated money to the poor. In order to finance these projects, the club sponsored a Halloween dance. The Catholic Students Mission Crusade ( C.S.M.S.) included all students of Notre Dame High School. Its purpose was to encourage stvdents to assist in the works of the Propagation of the Faith. With Sister Gertrude McDonnell as moderator, this year's crusade was definitely successful.

Sister Katherine Rohr, Claire Brunner and members of the Red Cross Club stuH Christmas stockings for needy children. 54

Behind the scene activities are performed by Phil Ackerman and the Stage Craft crew during a "Funny Girl" rehearsal.

Upperclassman members gather for a brief meeting of the Art Club.

The Stage Craft Club was behind the scenes of all ~ctiv足 ities which occurred on N.D.'s stage. The primary responsibility of the club was the designing and constructing of the scenery for the school's production of "Funny Girl". The club was moderated by Sister Mary Claude and managed by Tom Mannix. Numerous and varied were the activities of the Art Club this year. Under the direction of Sister Claude and president, Colleen Tripp, the fifty-four members met on Tuesdays to design displays for bulletin boards and the showcase on D corridor. Christmas decorations thToughout the school were supplied by the club. The members entered both local and state-wide competition meriting awards in each contest.

Stage Craft Club members meet with manager Tom Mannix about scenery for the play.


SPIRITUAL LOVE is the dove of peace, the spirit of brotherhood; it is tenderness and compassion, forgiveness and tolerance.

Between God and man there exists one road. And this road can be found only after man has built the bridge between himself and his enemy. The bridge is created from an atmosphere of love, of understanding, of sympathy and of trust. Then, through belief in God, a true spirit of brotherhood is achieved.

The 27 members of this year's Liturgical Commission met every Monday with Sister Regina Grant to plan a contemporary liturgy for the student body. The commission was in charge of all Masses held on First Friday and they assisted with special school Masses such as the Junior Ring Mass and the Language Festival Mass. By far their biggest undertaking of the year was the Cooperation project which took two months to organize and execute. Under the direction of Sister Andrea Jeremy, the Liturgical Choir worked closely with the commission to encourage student participation in the Mass.

Liturgical Commission officers Fred Carella and Helene Ullrich chat briefly with moderator Sister Regina Grant.

Liturgical Commission Stimulates Student Participation

Members of the Liturgical Commission assemble in the chapel before making plans for the next folk Mass.


Students Jessie Cota, Debbie Rock, and Donald Bugdal participate in the Mass by asking God to grant their petitions.

Leading the student body in the changes in the liturgy is Senior Fred Carella.

Guitarists Terry Meagher and Barbara Jansen provide accompaniment for the Liturgical Choir during First Friday Masses.


Michael Roma and Carlos Lazarus, seminarians from St. Joseph's, entertain senior boys in the student dining room.

Father Vahey addresses a group of boys on the subject of missionary work 41 Africa.

Patty Tuliszewski carries the crucifix to begin the processional at the girls retreat Mass.

Senior girls assemble for the movie "Nobody Waved Goodbye."

Retreat priests offer Holy Mass to end day's activities.

Spiritual Life Is Emphasized During Retreat

To enrich the students' spiritual life, Notre Dame held its annual retreat, during the 23 and 24 of March. This year's theme centered upon life in Christ. Guest speakers on the subject were Father Harold Vahey, C.M.; Father Edward Hunter, C.M.; Father Joseph Leuesque, C.M.; and Sister Patricia Welch, R.S.M. The days' agenda included discussions, confessions and a movie "Nobody Waved Goodbye." The Mass, which was celebrated at the end of each day, served- as a fitting conclusion to the search for spiritual understanding.

.. .



Senior boys become involved in discussion on today's Church. 61

Students Unite to Achieve Results Under the guidance of Sister Eileen Clare, the thirty members of the Sodality of Notre Dame High School were of service in many needed areas. Giving parties at the Day Care Center and treating the elderly at Morris Hall, the Sodalists brought a little joy to the hearts of. the lonely. The poor were another object of their efforts. Clothes were sorted and Christmas gifts were packed for the needy of the area. Most of these projects were conducted in conjunction with the Mount Carmel Guild.

Sister Eileen Claire and members of the Sodality gather in the chapel b efore Mass.

Julianne Dawidowski makes a new friend at a Halloween party given by Sodality for children at Mt. Carmel Guild.

Prefect Anne Marie Keister challenges members to give new ideas for their projects.

The late Mr. Edward Adomilli, our yearbook printer, and Pat Hofmann


How many times have we seen people leave work that they care deeply about to do something that does not interest them because it will bring more money or higher status or greater power? How many times have we seen middle-aged people caught in a pattern of activities they don't care about at allplaying bridge with people they don't really like, going to cocktail parties that bore them, doing things because "it's the thing to do." Such people would be refreshed and renewed if they could wipe the slate clean and do one little thing that they really cared about deeply, one little thing that they could do with burning conviction. -John W. Gardner Being young is hard but understanding today's youth is even harder. This was the one little thing that the late Mr. Edward Adomilli did so well-he understood us enough to make this year's Canticle a reality. 63

ACADEMIC LOVE is down to earth and it reaches to the highest star; it is the valley of humility and the mountaintop of ecstasy.

In the course of our academic endeavors, we face the challenge of overcoming new obstacles. The spirit with which we meet these experiences determine whether we shall attain our goals or fall short of our expectations.

Students Attain

Here at Notre Dame,. students strive to gain a high standard of academic achievement. The students are encouraged to pursue their goals through their choice of curriculum .. They are aided in selecting these courses by the administration and the faculty working in conjunction with the Guidance Department. The seniors have seen the results of their work. As of May 1, more than 151 members of the class of '70 had been accepted in colleges throughout North America and Europe. George Marshall brought another honor to the school by becoming a finalist in the National Merit Scholarship. Dennis Reuter and Dan Bradway received honorable mention in this competition. Barbara Strapp, Donald Bugdal and Harry Norton distinguished themselves by receiving the nomination for the Outstanding Teenagers of America award. They represented N.D. in this competitive program.


Patricia Hetzel First Place

Elaine Rulkiewicz Second Place

Daniel Bradway Third Place

George Marshall Fourth Place

Linda Blicharz Fifth Place

Barbara Barth Sixth Place

Donald Bugdal Sixth Place

Kathleen Regan Sixth Place

Mary Ann Bartolomei Ninth Place

Elizabeth Gavigan Ninth Place

Academic Honors

Peter Genovese Ninth Place

James Con drat Twelfth Place

Helene Ullrich Twelfth Place

James Ennis Fourteenth Place

The following students have achieved honor marks for the first, second and third marking periods . . .

Anne Graziano Fourteenth Place

Kathleen Kozlowski Fourteenth Place

Mary Jean Stout Fourteenth Place

Margaret Longevin Eighteenth Place

HONOR ROLL OF DISTINCTION Seniors: Daniel Bradway, Donald Bugdal Juniors: Angela Castranova. HONOR ROLL Seniors: Barbara Barth, Mary Ann Bartolomei, Thomas Behan, Jane Bielawski, Linda Blicharz, James Condrat, Elizabeth Ehret, Lydia Fabbro, Darlene Fennimore, Elizabeth Gavigan, Peter Genovese, Kevin Geoghan, Anne Graziano, Debra Grodeck, Patricia Hetzel, Barbara Kowalik, Cathy Kuliczkowski, George Marshall, Anne Marie Martin, Joseph Maruca, Theresa McKee, Marie Mutchiga, Anne Ott, Ronald Ostrowski, Lucille Pagano, Christine Petro, Loretta Plaza, Gregory Pitonak, Dennis Reuter, Deborah Rock, Marie Roslowski, Elaine Rulkiewicz, Mary Jean Stout, Barbara Strapp, Mary Ann Tiscione, Joann Zabawa. Juniors: Pamela Alexandrowicz, Jonathan Bruccoleri, Donna Burke, Joanne Czenis., Karen Dietrich, Kathryn Doughman, Carol Duckenfield, Karen Ernst, Constance Kramarz, Kathleen Lyons, Elizabeth Menschner, Edwina Mraw, Henry Richter, Carol Sadkowski, Richard Schillinger, Mark Smith, Eileen Stansky, John Stephan, Susan Swieconek. Sophomores: Gaetano Aquilino, Barbara Brennan, Janice Dempsey, Karen Emma, Meredith Esposito, Terence Faherty, Rosemary Fascella, Helene Freeman, Robert Gauthier, Sandra Graziul, Jacqueline Huff, Richard Kazior, Kenneth Miller, Robert Opsut, Melanie Piekielniak, Virginia Ryan, Cathy Ann Sielski, Karen Stankowski, Debra Warasky, Hedwig Wiersbicki. Freshmen: Alice Agocs, Paula Arcioni, Grace Benham, Mark Bucci, Carol Cellini, George Chapman, Daniel Coluccio, Mary DeBlois, Ellen Diehl, Michael DiMaio, Pamela Feenan, Eletta Giordano, Sheila Heffernan, Janis Huff, Lori Juranic, Kenneth Koreyva, Judy Kuliczkowski, Patricia Latham, William Lawyer, Evelyn Midura, Luanna Moore, Carol Morgan, Jane Norton, Debra Owens, Eileen Palenchar, Mary Rose Pica, Raymond Rein, Paul Rulkiewicz, Marianne Salewski, Michael Sheehan, Wen Shen, Robin Stemmer, Elizabeth Sujansky, Timothy Ungrady.

The following is a list of students who at the end of the third marking period have received scholarships or grants: Barbara Barth-Chestnut Hill College Georgian Court College Linda Blicharz-Rider College James Ennis-Colgate University Columbia University Middlebury College Thomas Faherty-Gannon College Anne Graziano-University of Pittsburgh St. Peter's Patricia Hetzel-Rider College Theresa Meagher-Seton Hall College Dennis Reuter-Lehigh University Carnegie-Mellon Univ. Rensselaer Polytechnic Helene Ullrich-St. Joseph; Emmitsburg Lawrence Zukowski-Villanova University John Brennan-St. Joseph; Philadelphia Harry Norton-Lafayette University Villanova University Mary Jean Stout-St. Joseph; Emmitsburg Elaine Rulkiewicz-Chestnut Hill College

George Marshall accepts congratulations on his selection as a Merit Finalist from Sister Rosaire, Father Coffey and Sister Gabriel.

The following is a list of seniors who have received State Scholarships: Patricia Alba Dennis Connelly Beverly Cuccagna Lydia Fabbro Thomas Faherty Cathleen Frein Marian Goliszewski Anne Graziano Kathleen Harper Patricia Hofmann Barbara Kowalik Margaret Longevin Michael McGowan Monica Miller Kathleen Mullin Michael Murphy Kathleen O'Donnell Stephen Owcarz Christine Petro Thomas Slackter Patricia Tuliszewski

Notre Dame's Outstanding Teenagers Harry Norton, Barbara Strapp and Donald Bugdal pose with Father Coffey. 68

Choraleers help bring in the holidays on a cheerful note during the Christmas Concert.

Talent, Sl<ill, and Practical Experience Complete a Balanced Program Today's modem techniques and equipment help to make sewing one of the most useful and most satisfying arts that a girl can acquire. Under the direction of Sister Stella, N. D. girls worked at becoming practiced at this skill. To aid them in their proficiency, Mrs. Walter Brown of McCall's spoke about choosing patterns and about coordinating colors in their wardrobe. To test this ability they donated fiftyfive bedjackets to Mount Saint Mary's Infirmary. As a climax of their efforts, the Spring Fashion Show gave the girls 路t he opportunity to model their creations which ranged from aprons to suits and from bathrobes to prom gowns. The Music Department, headed by Mr. Pascal Tursi, offered courses in Music History and Theory, Vocal, and Band. All freshmen received instruction in music as part of their humanities course. The talents of the band and Choraleers were observed in four productions this year: the Variety Show, the Christmas Concert, the Early Spring Concert, and the Spring Festival. Donna Shepherd makes one more adjustment before stitching the lining to her dress.


The 1970 Art Department reached out to involve the students during their years at N. D. Classes were given the opportunity to learn and to master the various schools of art through courses in Art I and II and Design. The students had a chance to display their skill by entering various contests sponsored by area organizations. Junior Maureen O'Mara was awarded first prize in the Elks Contest while D eanie Panaczek gained second place in the Mercer County CYO Art Contest. Members of Notre Dame's Art Department also won the following awards at the First Annual Art Exhibit sponsored by the Lawrence Township Recreation Commission. Ronald Kwiati<owski, first in oil painting; William Malloy, second in pastels; Helen Freeman, third in pastels; Thomas Bauer, first and Ronald Kwiatkowski, third in oil painting.

Students' att projects bring the true winter spirit to the halls of N.D.

Imagination Produces Creativity

Mike Greber, an Art I student, carefully sketches a landscape of Notre Dame's grounds.


Sister Claude and Cecile Huart give their approval of Frank Skwara's color scheme.

Lucille Cooper and Colleen Tripp are informed by a classmate of their next project.

Bob Leone attempts to capture the pensive expression of Peggy Gardner.

Sue Vaughan's artistic ability is displayed in a monochromatic plate.

The camera catches Fred Hetzel busily correcting his work during a Mechanical Drawing I class.

Business World Summons ND Students The ultimate aim of N.D.'s Business Education Department is to prepare today's young adults for the transitional world of tomorrow. Under the direction of Mrs. Margaret Gribbin, the department strived to achieve this goal by training in Typing I and II, Stenography I and II, Transcription to Business Organization and Math and Secretarial Practice. The secretarial students had a chance to develop their skills by typing notices and results for school drives. They also worked on material for the school publications. Deserving students earned Gregg Awards according to their proficiency in typing and stenography. This year, twenty five girls took part in the Co-Op Program by working in Trenton area business offices. The Distributive Education Program, headed by Mr. Curry, also offered interested students the opportunity for job placement. The main courses taught in this program were Salesmanship and Retailing. This year, ten boys participated.

Toni Scalia portrays the employer as Dolores Golinski applies for a job during a skit for Secretarial Practice.

Helyn Bainbridge helps Beth Ehret adjust the margins before Beth begins typing.

"Well," exclaims Mary Ann Soltis to Cynthia Chojnowski, "It all adds up!"

Gail Andrews, Kathy Hovemeyer, Diane White and Sandy Hendrickson show that typing needs good eye contact.

Kathy Szymelewicz, Mary Jane Gordon, Laurette Walsh and Dolores Sopko practice their stenography with the aid of a dicta phone.

"Mistakes are funny things," laughs Bev Cuccagna, "they keep popping up everywhere!"

Elaine Kovacs concentrates on achieving a mistake-free paper.


Examples from the text help Sister Veronica to illustrate her point.

Sister Johnell explains some fine points of American Literature to Tina Petro and Marian Goliszewski.

Diversified Program Captures Interest of Students

Sister Joan discusses Shakespeare's works with her junior English class. 74

"Once upon a time," reads Judy Kinczel, "there was the beginning of American Literature."

Never in history has training in speech, research and the spoken word been of greater importance than it is today. Aware of this, and under the guidance of Sister Grace Kelly, both the faculty and students have become totally involved in Notre Dame's English Department. The freshmen are introduced to the basics in literature and through an elective Humanities course, they become skilled in speech, composition, and library science. Sophomores delve into our American heritage while juniors concentrate on a survey course of English authors, poets, and playwrights. In Senior year, the students are given a chance to express their own indiv-iduality through public speaking, debates, group discussions and seminars. They have also participated in a number of essay competitions including, "The Voice of Democracy", "Hire the Handicapped", and the Pepsi Cola Company's "You've Got a Lot to Live" contests. Two of the newest developments in the enrichment program are a Video Reading Technics Course, given by Mr. Alouf and Sister Petrina and a new English Resource Center for the use of the teachers and the students. Sophomore English students find out how hard their native language really is.


Encouraged by her friends, Gail Milinowicz attempts to shatter the pinata during the Spanish Christmas Fiesta.

Love of Language Leads to Understanding The road to better communication is being paved by Notre Dame students participating in one of the four year programs of Latin, French, German, and Spanish. Along with regular classroom and laboratory instruction, students on all levels were able to participate in the National Spanish Test, the American Association of Teachers German Test, and the German Declaration Contest. A trophy was won by Latin III students in recognition of their achievement in the National Auxilium Latinum Contest. Students of all languages were able to spend Easter vacation abroad this year visiting Austria, Germany, and Italy. To climax the year, a week long Language Festival was sponsored by the department which included individual projects and group activiHes.

Structure drills hold the attention of German students Jo Ann Milinowicz, Paul Sobon and Louis Midura. 76

Le Pere Goriot seems a little easier to French IV student George Wilk after Mrs. Kaplan's help.

Marena Boleckis amuses Sister Marlene and Dennis Reuter with her rapid translation of a German passage.

Carolyn Schuler, Nick Schreier, Mark Michalak and Timothy Fechter learn to speak as well as read French in N. D.'s language lab.

Sister Gertrude willingly offers to explain the indirect question to Latin student Francis Carella.

The camera catches freshman algebra students busily solving linear equations.

Demonstrating his power of concentration is senior math student Bill Gardner.

Carol Formidoni, Karin Stephenson, Sharon Stinger and Melissa Borkovich react with laughter when Sister Regina tells them what their answer should have been.

Mrs. Seville checks Norman Pietras' proof of the Pythagorean Theorem while James Gardner still puzzles over the procedure.

Dave Erkoboni describes the characteristics of similar triangles to his fellow geometry students.

Karen Dietrich and Linda Kennedy welcome Sister Valerian's 0. assistance in determining the solution to X17- 6y3 + v'1r'Y


Quality + Interest

Pleased expressions on students' faces indicate they understand math-finally!

Along with today's trend in scientific advancement, Notre Dame is helping to make its students more aware of the future advantages available to them through mathematics. Under the guidance of department head, Sister Regina Grant, the school's math curriculum is changing and will continue to change in order to make the subject more interesting to every student. This year a Mathematics Resource Center was set up in A207. The lab includes enrichment books and program studies for the Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Advanced Senior Math courses now being offered to the students. It also includes audio-visual aids, geometric equipment and a 601 Minivac Computer. The Center is used daily by the eleven students engaged in the Temac Independent Study Calculus Program and during the week by approximately twenty-five other students. The seven members of N.D.'s math department who are all affiliated with the New Jersey Association of Mathematics Teachers, are striving, through contemporary math programs, to facilitate the meaningful learning of this science.

ND' s Math Department 79

Mr. Brisson laughs with his Freshman Religion Class.

"Our decoration for the Jesse Tree is going to be the best," says Gloria Furman to Anne Marie Martin.

"So that's what the record means," laughs Mr. Bugdal.


Under the direotion of Father Joseph Thul, Notre Dame's Religion Department tried to make students aware of their role as Christians in today's world. This year, students in all religion classes were taught with textbooks from the Life and Light Series. Freshmen, sophomores and juniors followed a varied schedule, with teachers rotating at the end路 of every marking period. The biggest change was made in the senior schedule. For the first semester, the seniors s路t udied Marriage and the Family. In the second semester, however, they were given a choice of subjects: Introduction to' Philosophy or Modern Morality. Speakers who were invited to talk with the seniors included Father Peter Mooney, Assistant Director of Catholic Welfare for the Diocese of Trenton, Reverend Alfred Smith of the Family Life Bureau in the Trenton Diocese and Dr. Karl Franzoni, President of the Mercer County Medical Society. Father Thul rummages through his bag of tricks.

Young Christians Prepare for Today' s Mod World

Religion looks even better from a distance according to Judy Horan and Diane Devaney.

"You're kidding me," says Sister Eleanor to Mickey O'Donnell, "they don't put such things in religion books!" 81

Experimentation Unlocl<s the Future Young people need extensive practice in working together in both large and small groups. The science program at Notre Dame High School abounded in such opportunities for group work, not only within class periods, but in lab situations as well. Under the direction of Sister Claver, courses offered by the department this year were B.S.C.S., Biology, Chemistry, Chern Study, Earth Science, Introductory Physical Science, Physics and Applied Physics. On an experimental basis, the formal Science Fair was replaced by projects and demonstrat~ons within many chemistry and physics classes. Individual students were still encouraged to enter projects in the Greater Trenton Science Fair. Science faculty members attended meetings throughout the state and in Washington, D.C. These meetings were sponsored by the New Jersey Science Teachers' Association, the American Association of Physics Teachers and The National Science Foundation. Diane Behan adjusts the projection while Donald Fraczkiewicz waits for the film to start during earth science class.

Sister Claver shows Chris Vavricka, John Worth and Steve Owcarz how to read the scale during their experiment on the inclined plane.


Kathy Ryan and Liz Goeke wear safety goggles and aprons in case their experiment backfires.

During a third period physics class, Mr. Diamond points out the difference between centripetal and centrifugal force to Coleen Camp.

Mary Ellen Hutchins and Sheryle Lawrence concentrate on Sister Helen's explanation of chemical principles.

Helene Ullrich and Jo Anne Zabawa measure the angle of the plane before starting their physics experiment.


Social Studies Bridge the Time Gap

The aim of N. D.'s Social Studies Department is to acquaint students with world happenings, those of yesterday as well as of today. Sister Alexa.nder, the department head, and the members of her staff tried to accomplish this through courses in American Civilization I and II, Current Civilization, where students use Newsweek magazine as a textbook. World Culture and World History were offered to freshmen. The department made a big ~tep forward this year with the establishment of a History Resource Center. The center contains an overhead projector, a televesion, a tape recorder, a record player and numerous books and pamphlets.

Joe Bird benefits from Mr. Ardery's personal explanation while Bette Connelly and Joe Bianculli draw their own conclusions.

Intrigued by the liftoff of Apollo 12, students in Sr. Alexander's third period class witness history in the making.


Frank Stillwell displays his oratorical skill to attentive studelllt:s in Mr. Schole's seventh period class.

Sister AJeunder ....-uMy ..splays the the History Resource Center.


facilities of

Elizabeth Inverso gives her interpretation of the Bill of Rights to Joanne O'Donnell, Nancy Nizolek, Peggy Quinlan, Pat Smith, and Linda Rutkowski.

Linda Kennedy, Pat Long and Ronald Sadley look up some important facts路 about Russian government in American Civilization n class.


The basketball does a levitation act as these astonished senior players wait for it to drop.

Joe Maruca's not going to let John Worth get away with the ball during a game in the gym.

It's "up, up and away" as sophomore boys do jumping jacks.

Mr. Verdel walks through an obstacle course of sophomore boys.

Miss Rossi enumerates the points of basketball to a girls' freshman gym class.

"Girls will be girls," especially after a strenuous gym class.

Irish Find Fun in Physical Fitness

Under the guidance of Mrs. Barbara Major and Mr. Albert Verde!, the Physical Education Department provided students with the opportunicy to enjoy themselves while becoming physically fit. This was achieved through the exercises and intramurals offered in the gym classes as well as through active participation in extracurricular activities. The boys could choose from football, basketball, bowling, wrestling, cross-country, track and soccer. The girls' program included field hockey, basketball, soccer, tennis and softball. Instruction in Driver's Education helped to prepare junior students for the road ahead of them. Health classes were also given to seniors, sophomores and freshmen to help make them aware of the importance of physical well-being.

Gym exercises are made up of flying arms, pulled muscles, aching backs, and even a little ballet.


Norm Henk waits for Bill Sheaffer to fill out his library permit before heading back to class. Mrs. Clancy pauses from looking up a student's card number in the library file.

During her study, Kathy Martini does research on an English theme for Sister Johnell.

Library science skills are employed by Marie Chromansk:i and John Provenzano as they check the card catalogue before they begin their work.

Kevin Meighn, Bob Atkins, Paul Evans, George Domurat, Jack Wurpel, members of the Audio-Visual Club, pose for the photographer before they adjust the spotlight.

Research Paves a Knowledgeable Road

Under the direction of Mrs. Rader, the library at N.D. provided a quiet place where students were able to seek more information to supplement that which they learned in the classroom. In addition to the great number of reference books always available, the library subscribed to nearly 125 periodicals. To lighten the daily workload of Mrs. Rader and assistant librarian, Mrs. Clancy, approximately seventy students gave of their time to work in the library during a free period. The job of these students included checking the passes of those entering the library, looking for requested periodicals and checking out books. With the help of Sister Helen Needer and the boys in the Audio-Visual Club, the records and filmstrips on file in the library could be used by both teachers and students.

One of the duties of head librarian, Mrs. Rader, is checking the filing in the card catalogue.


One of the most important departments at Notre Dame is the Guidance Department. For it is here that students are helped to choose the courses they will pursue and to make decisions regarding their plans after high school. Sister Rosaire, who joined the staff in 1968, was chairman of the department this year. Sister counseled juniors and prepared college transcripts for seniors. When he was not teaching English, Mr. Michael Wallace assisted the seniors in choosing colleges and looking over job opportunities. Miss Mary Calvey took care of the freshmen and sophomores. Mrs. Lee Theile was the department secretary. The Guidance Department sponsored Freshman Orientation in which they acquainted N.D.'s newcomers with the doings of the school. On March 20, a Career Day was held for freshmen and sophomores. The department also administered such tests as NMSQT, PSAT, SAT, and Otis I. Q. Various speakers were invited to talk with students throughout the year. Among these speakers were Mr. Sade, a representative of the FBI, and a Naval officer who spoke to senior and junior boys about the R.O.T.C.

Sr. Rosaire makes some last minute changes in the schedule.

Mr. Wallace explains college admission procedures to senior John Cade.

Guidance Counselor Miss Mary Colvey indicates the variety of courses offered to Sophomores Meg Franzoni, and Kathy Miller.

A representative from the Navy speaks to junior and senior boys explaining the R.O.T .C. program.

Guidance Department secretary, Mrs. Theile, inspects the newly compiled class rank list.

Helping Hands Hope to Lead Toward Success

During a Guidance Assembly, Mr. Sade informs students about job opportunities affiliated with the FBI. 91

;:,!fr . ' .•. /


ORGANIZATIONS LOVE is the supreme good; it is the overflowing of life; the giving of ourselves to noble ends and causes.

Through the many organizations represented at Notre Dame, we have opportunities to prove ourselves and to gain merit for our achievements. We hope, through our participation in these organizations, that we can reach out and put our talents to useful purpose in serving others.

Council Voices The aim of the Student Council was the promotion of meaningful communication between the student and the faculty. The council consisted of thirty-six members from all class levels elected by the student body. With the guidance of Sister Margaret Ann Waldron, moderator, the council endeavored to stimulate creativity and leadership among all members of the student body. Council projects and activities for the year 19691970 included an experimental dress code, inter-school meetings, a student-teacher day, an exchange student program, a Jesse tree, a variety of dances, pep rallies, and participation in the annual Rutgers' meeting.

Newly elected Student Council President Russell Hart accepts congratulations from former opponent Harry Norton.

The Student Council responds to a new idea with mixed reactions.


Student Ideas

Lumberjacks Fred Carella and Kevin Behan unload another N.D. first, "The Jesse Tree".

Sister Margaret Ann Waldron confers with the members of the executive board as they review correspondence.

Student Council members Barb Kocan, Fred Carella, Rory Coley, and Ron Carabelli evaluate the school constitution with Moderator, Sister Margaret Ann Waldron.


This year the Notre Dame Chapter of the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools installed twenty-seven new members during the concelebrated Christmas Mass. At the offertory, symbols of character, scholarship, leadership and service were brought to the altar by the thirteen students already members of the society. Led by Sister Regina and officers Fred Carella, Kathy Regan, Elaine Rulkiewicz and John Brennan, the members tutored, proctored at testiyg sessions, and acted as hosts and hostesses at social events. Requirements for admission are a maximum of one C in the year preceding entrance, all A's and B's in the current year, and faculty recommendations.


National Honor Society officers Fred Carella, Kathy Regan, Elaine Rulkiewicz and John Brennan with Sister Regina Grant pose near their plaque.

Students Receive Recognition 1n Honor Society


Donald Bugdal, John Brennan, Jim Condrat, Barbara Barth, Helene Ullrich, Elaine Rulkiewicz, Patricia Hetzel, Kathleen Kozlowski, Kathleen Regan and Fred Carella with moderator, Sister Regina Grant pause for pictures.

Front Row: Diane White, Angela Castranova, Karen Dietrich. Second Row: Nancy Czaplicki, Barbara Strapp, Pamela Alexandrowicz, Maria Zagorzycki, Karen Littwin, Gregory Pitonak, Mark Smith. Third Row: Nancy Carney, Mary Ann Tiscione, Jill Tomsho, Catherine Kuliczkowski, Carol Duckenfield, Kathryn Doughman, Karen Harcar, Linda Blicharz, Dennis Reuter, John Stephan. Back Row: Anne Ott, Margaret Longevin, Mary Jean Stout, Anne Marie Martin.

Father Coffey congratulates newly inducted member Ron Carabelli while Father Hunter, Father Thul and Elaine Rulkiewicz look on.

Anne Marie Martin proudly displays her society award to Mr. Diamond.


Highlighting Catholic Press Month was the annual Quill and Scroll installation. On February 26, thirt)r-one senior journalists were honored for their outstanding work on literary, photography, art, or business staffs of the Coronet, Renascence, Canticle, or Four Winds. Monsignor Salvatore Adamo, of the Camden Courier, addressed the stucfent body at the ceremony.

Senior Robert Kozakiewicz receives recognition for his contributions to school publications through induction in the Quill and Scroll Honor Society.

Organizations Geared



The Spanish Honor Society is an organization devoted to the recognition of the high achievements of Spanish students in secondary schools. The twenty-three members of the chapter i~volved themselves in service projects and field trips designed to increase their appreciation of the Spanish world. Some of these projects included a trip to New York to see "Man of La Mancha," and tutoring services for students of Spanish. Officers Sandra Cappola, President; Anne Cappola, Vice-Presid~nt; Elain Kovacs, Secretary; and Carol Duckenfield, Treasurer with Mrs. Suzanne Vander Heyden, moderator, led the Society in 路these endeavors.

The newly reorganized Spanish Honor Society boasts of twenty-three members with Mrs. Vander Heyden as moderator.


N.D.'s Key Club is part of an international Service Organization with over 93,000 members and 3,420 clubs throughout the United States, Canada, Bahamas, and Puerto Rico. Mr. Michael Wallace served as faculty advisor, while Harry Norton, Tom Faherty, Tom Behan, and Dan Bradw~y were the officers. Along with the other 31 selected members, they strove to uphold their main purpose: service. Among their major accomplishments this year were, building and presenting the Big Blue Machine at football games to promote spirit, making a $400 donation to Multiple Sclerosis, participating in "Operation: Drug Alert" in Ewing Township and leading a summer cleanup of N.D. grounds. Having the motto "We Build", the Key Club's efforts built them new friendships and new goals.

Key Club officers Harry Norton (President), Dan Bradway (Treasurer), Tom Behan (Secretary) and Tom Faherty (Vice-President), inspect club banner in _preparation for district convention in Atlantic City.

Students eagerly participate in the Key Club's fund-raising project.

Harry Norton, Key Club President, points out the dates of some upcoming projects to club advisor, Mr. Michael Wallace.

The Forum Club of Notre Dame, moderated by Sister Marlene Fritz, Sister Eleanor Yavarone, and Mr. James Alouf, gave students the opportunity to develop their speaking abilities. All sixty members of the club claimed membership in the National Forensic League. Under the leadership of President James Ennis, Vice-President Eugene Meskill, Secretary Kay Knoblauch, and Treasurer Rick LaBaw, the Forum Club took part in many state and local tournaments. Junior Sharon Maruca received a trophy as a finalist in poetry reading at the State Finals at Rancocas Valley. Senior George Marshall merited a trophy as best speaker at the St. Benedict's Debate Tournament. This year, the Forum Club sponsored .an assembly to celebrate their tenth anniversary. Alumni of Notre Dame who were charter members of the National Forensic League were invited, and former speech coach Mr. Philip Bosakowski was featured as guest speaker. On the lighter side, the Forum Club sponsored a Zodiac Dance and a Washington's Birthday Dance.

Sister Marlene Fritz, President Jim Ennis, Mr. Alouf, Treasurer Rick LaBaw, Secretary Kay Knoblauch, Vice-President Gene Meskill, and Sister Eleanore Yavarone prepare to attend a Students' Congress.

Self-Expression Leads to Understanding .

Notre Dame's Varsity Debaters with Coach Mr. Alouf ready to leave for the Red Bank Tournament. 100

Something to talk about? Here are the members of the 1969-70 Forum Club.

Forum Club Secretary Kay Knoblauch addresses the students at a NFL assembly.

Gene Meskill checks his notes before speaking at a Discussion Session at Cathedral. 101

Art Editor, Ron Kwiatkowski consults Mike O'Brian about future art assignments.

Members of Canticle's literary staff: Christine Gill, Karen Harcar, Editor Elaine Rulkiewicz, Michelle Vagnozzi, Pat Hetzel, Terry McKee, Marie Mercantini, Maureen O'Malley, Linda Mikita, Sheryle Lawrence, Christine Turski, Kay Knoblauch, Barbara Kocan, Geraldine La Placa, Carol Duckenfield, Evelyn Sabolchy, Maureen Heffernan, and Karen Dietrich.

The memories of the year's activities were recorded in the 1970 Canticle. Love, the theme of the book, was symbolically shown through its red cover. Further re-enforcing the theme, were the divider and the end pages. This edition included a new special events section called "Happening 69-70". The layout staff gave a fresh look by blocking pictures and by distributing candids throughout the formal portraits. Another new feature presented was narrative headlines. This yearbook will remain a prized possession for seniors and for underclassmen alike.

Co-Editors of the Canticle Pat Hofmann and Linda Blicharz pause during an inspection of past yearbooks.

Members of Canticle's business staff: Dave Curtis, Ann Marie Keister, Carol Festa, Janice Petty, Helene Ullrich, Patricia Long, Marie Mutchiga, Mary Ellen Montague, Kathy Kozlowski, Joann Zabawa, (sitting) Karl Franzoni, Editor Janice Mooney.

"Did you hear the one about . . ." queries Canticle Photographer John Prignoli before he shoots a picture.

Canticle Celebrates Tenth Anniversary

Canticle's layout staff: Lillian Ciesielski, Editor Steve Owcarz, Kathy Mullin, Barbara Nalbone, Pat D'Arcy, Betty Anne Gavigan, Angela Castaldo, Ann Cornelius, Julianne Dawidowski, Debbie Bugdal, Jessie Cota, and Ann Ott prepare for the long year ahead.

Patty Hofmann refers :to a former edition of Canticle for some helpful hints.

Sister Karen and Linda Blicharz proofread final proofs of the yearbook.

Gail Andrews presents the finished product of her typing staff to Sister Karen.

Photography staff: Ron Kwiatkowski, Bob lwan, Robert Manion, Editor Bob Kozakawicz, Donna Sayre, Timothy Mooney select some candids for the yearbook.

Coronet editors Pete Genovese, Cathy Frein, Jill Tomsho, Anne-Marie Martin, Elaine Rutkiewicz, Donald Bugdal, Barb Strapp and Maureen O'Malley prepare the next issue of the paper with moderators, Sister Joan McKeon and Sister Andrea Jeremy.

School Issues Mal<e News At N D

Under the auspices of its new moderators, Sister Joan McKeon and Sister Andrea Jeremy, The ~oronet, acting as the voice of the stu.d ent body, reported fully and accurately the events during the 69-70 school year. The editorial staff, headed by editor-inchief Barbara Strapp, took stands on school, local, state, and national issues in order to engender serious thought on these questions among its readers.

Frank Nalbone and Paul Van Sant work on enlarging a picture for the front page. 104

Coronet Staff Members: Front Row: Karen Littwin, Mary Jean Stout, Dianne Gribbin, Donna Angeloni, Karen Deodato, Karen Dietrich. Second Row: Marie Mercantini, Bruno Martilotti, Jerry Fasanella, Anne-Marie Keister, Marianne Hinkle, Anne Ott, Jo Anne Zabawa. Back Row: Kathy Szymeliewicz, Janet Gorski, Terry McKee, Sue Swieconek, Pat Greber, Karin Stephenson, Paul Van Sant.

Circulation Staff: Karen Stankowski, Leslie Smith, Martha Rodwellor, Mary Carol Fruscione, Kathy McGrath, Sandy Coppola. Second Row: Sandy Graziul, Pat Latham, Grace Benham, Cathy Funari, Joan Duckenfield, Cheri King, Ann Toomey. Back Row: Billie O'Donnell, Sharon Maruca, Mary Ellen Hutchins, Joan Del Femine, Debbie Lawrence, Marian Goliszewski.


Renascence, the school literary magazine, is the mode of expression for students with literary and artistic talents. The twenty-four members with Donald Kaniewski as Editor-in-Chief and Moderators Sister Andrea Jeremy and Sister Joan McKeon published this magazine in June containing the results of the February Talent Contest. In the category of art Tim Ungrady claimed both first and second place. Edward Bascik was awarded first prize in the field of photography and for best literary selection Donald Kaniewski received first place.

Henry Richter, Sheryl Lawrence, Joan Del Femine, Connie Gibbons, Don Kaniewski, and Steve Wisniewski volunteer ideas for Renascence.

Karen Littwin, Sister Joan, Robert Durst, Don Kaniewski, Colleen Tripp, Henry Richter and Sister Andrea discuss the format for the next issue of Renascence.

Perusing .through a former copy of Renascence, Marianne Hinkle and Ann Ott find an amusing poem. 106

Sharing Of Thoughts Leads To Better Ideas

The "Four Winds" staff gather together for a group portrait.

The past year was a year of progress for the foreign periodical, "The Four Winds." With the assistance of Mrs. Mary Palenchar, their moderator, the staff has graduated from the mimeographed sheets of the past years to a commercially printed paper including the use of photographs. Their articles have increased in variety as well as interest due to the fact that some writings were submitted by exchange students.

Mrs. Pa~enc?::.r a~? Peggy Longevin proudly examine Four Wmds new look.

Sandy Hendrickson and George Marshall correlate their ideas. 107

Correct marching formation is exhibited by N.D.'s band.

This year spectators at home football games were provided with entertainment during half-time by N.D:s marching band including its color guard and majorettes. The color guard headed by Barbara Zombeck, and the majorettes headed by Geri Conway were comprised of fifteen and eight girls respectively. Together with the drill team, the three organizations held bake sales and sold candy to defray the cost of new uniforms. The band, under the direction of Mr. Tursi, provided such tunes as "On Wisconsin," "Cabaret" and "Everything's Coming Up Roses." Also included in their activities this year were the Christmas Concert, the Variety Show and the annual Spring Concert.

When the weather is inclement, the gym provides a perfect atmosphere for band practice. 108

The drill team and band prepare for half-time activities during a football game.

Practice Prolllotes Precision

N.D:s 1969-70 twirlers are Kathy Calamia, Debbie Borden, Joanne Babecki, Captain Geri Conway, Cyndie Obduski, Sue McCormack, Virginia Bazek and Diane Behan. 109

Captain Judy Osborn guides the Drill Team in fall practice.

The Drill Team marches in unison while rehearsing for a coming pep rally.

Under the direction of Mrs. Rovello, the girls' Athletic Association helped to create a closer union among all the girls at N.D. Many new friendships were made through the Freshman Christmas Party, the intramurals, and ~he interscholastic teams. Helping this organization perform and expand )Vere the officers Linda Cushing, Billie O'Donnell, Kathy Mullin, Liz Goeke, Barb Nalbone and the members of the G.A.A. Executive Board. Judy Jackson and Caroline Mandl march in :time to the music.

Girls Excel In Athletic Events

N.D.'s Drill Team, moderated by Sister Julia and Sister Eileen Bittner, helped to stimulate spirit during half-time at football games. The girls spent many fall hours practicing their drills under the guidance of Captain Judy Osborn and Co-captain Colleen Kendall.

Kathy Regan, Terry McKee and Carol Formidoni eagerly prepare for the Christmas Party by filling stockings.

G.A.A. Executive Board: Front Row: Linda Cushing, President; Billie O'Donnell, Vice-President; Liz Goeke, Recording Secretary; Kathy Mullin, Corresponding Secretary; Barb Nalbone, Treasurer. Second Row: Ann Paxiao, Nancy Frick, Terri McKee, Nancy Egan, Maribeth Forman, Gail Andrews. Third Row: Cindy Obduski, Chris Piekarski, Betsy Menschner,

Donna Shepherd, Kathy Regan, Tina Petro, Cathy Frein. Fourth Row: Shirley Mahon, Geri La Placa, Elaine Rulkiewicz, Kathy Kozlowski, Elizabeth Farley, Debbie Bugdal, Gail Illian, Judy Osborn. Back Row: Kathy Monahan, Colleen Kendall, Mary Prokop, Karen Harcar, Allison Billie, Mary Grace Cooper, Lorraine Vaccaro.


Disappointment is apparent on the faces of Kathy Mullin and Liz Goeke.

Giving the boys a boost on the football field are Varsity Cheerleaders Mary Lou Giovacchini, Tina Petro, and Kathy Regan.

Irish Spirit Echoes Loud And Clear Inspiring spirit at the '69-'70 football and basketball games were N.D.'s Varsity and J.V. Cheerleaders. The Varsity was directed by Tina Petro while the J.V. was led by Donna Shepherd. Miss Mary Colvey acted as moderator. The girls co-sponsored the FaH Sports Semi-Formal with the Varsity Glub. During the Christmas holidays, they participated in the Cherry Hill West Cheerleading Clinic. The cheerleaders held bake sales at the basketball games to raise money to send the Varsity captain and cocaptain to Glassboro State Clinic, and the J.V. captain and co-captain to Williamsburg Clinic: The final event of the year was a party given to the seven senior cheerleaders by their underclassman co- . harts.


Comprising the heart of N.D.'s spirit are Varsity Cheerleaders: Front Row: Luanne Fares, Debra Zamparelli. Second Row: Joan Del Femine, Kathy Mullin, Kathy Regan, Mary Lou Giovacchini, Liz Goeke, Angela Castranova. Back Row: Tina Petro, Captain.

Enthusiastic N.D. rooters are J.V. Cheerleaders: Front Row: Donna Shepherd,, Patricia Buckley, Pam Alexandrowicz, Kathryn Doughman, Beverly Chmielewski, Mary Ellen Hutchins. Back Row: Elizabeth Menschner Kathleen Martini, Paula Romano, Roseanne Meshanko. '

Posing with Moderator, Miss Mary Colvey and Manager Chris Piekarski are senior cheerleaders: Front Row: Tina Petro, Kathy Regan. Back Row: Kathy Martini, Kathy Mullin, Mary Lou Giovacchini. Pat Rnr'l.-lP"

Betsy Menschner and Donna Shepherd lead the other J.V.'s in a victory cheer. 113

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, I

SPORTS LOVE is the dynamic motivation behind every worthy purpose.

-:-"' ~


In the sports world, motivation can be the deciding factor in the struggle for athletic supremacy. Whether on local or worldwide scale, victor or vanquished, keen competition provides the incentive for teamwork.

Irish Uphold Winning Tradition

Front Row: Cl~arles Falzone, Dave Esposito, Joe McLin, Dave Hart, Jim Rafferty, Joe Napoleon, Berme Allen, Joe McCormick, Tim Cannon, Dave Gavin. Second Row: Coach Alex Laskey, Coach Albert Verdel, Pete Belza, Andy Logan Joe Bachalis Walt Robinson Russ Hart, Jim Alfonse, Henry Richter, Russ Lawyer, Joe 'Fallon, Manager Len Liberto: B~ck Row: Jo~m Step.han, Chuck Zimmer, Harry Norton, Chris Mancino, John McCreedy, M1ke Casey, Trm MasiCk, Tony Thoma, Ed Fedorko, Gary Grab, Larry Zukowski Bill Spitz Jim Pacetti, Chris Kazior, Will Place, Coach Jim Petruccio. ' '

A new coach, a new system, and a new spirit were all part of Notre Dame's successful 1969 football season. The coach was Mr. Albert Verdel, former head coach at Bordentown Military Institute. In coming to N.D., Mr. Verdel brought with him a new system, the famed Single Wing Multiple Offense. It managed to give many opposing teams an added worry while battling the tough Irish gridders. The new spirit brought by Mr. Verdel was a winning spirit. This year's seniors had the honor of playing on the first winning varsity team since their freshman year. This year's {'ictories were proudly recorded over the tough Essex Catholic by a 21-20 score, arch-rival Saint Anthony by a 27-14 win, Jersey Shore power Mater Dei, by a shocking 33-6 count, the Little Tigers of Princeton High in a well fought 15-7 battle, and the final moment of glory in a 21-16 victory against Turkey Day rival, Trenton Central. This last victory gave the Irish a 5-3 advantage in this annual clash for the Cider Jug. The losses inflicted upon the team this year were by the hands of the Spartans of Steinert 30-20, Mercer County Champs; Hainilton High 27-21, South Jersey powerhouse; Bishop Eustace 18-13; and the pesky Devils of Ewing High School 16-12. All the games were tight contests. Some of the outstanding stars of this year's team were Larry Zukowski ( Q.B.), who made honorable mention All-State, first team All Delaware Valley, and first team All-County; Jack Stephan (K); Tim Cannon (LB); and Joe Fallon (D.B.). All attained first team All-County rating while Chris Kazior ( O.E.); Harry Norton (O.G.); Russ Hart (O.B.); and Tim Murphy ( L.B.) reached second team All-County membership. This was a building year for Coach Verdel, for his assistants, Line Coach AI Lasky, and for Back Coach Jim Petruccio. Under the dedicated leadership of Coach Verdel and his staff, N.D. is bent on becoming part of Delaware Valley Power House. Coach Verdel ponders pre-game strategy with Athletic Director Vince Ardery. 116

Irish defense "sets" for onrush of Essex's offensive attack.

Powerful Tony Thoma successfully breaks a would-be Steinert tackle on way to a substantial gain.


21 20 27 33 21 13 12 15 22

OPP. Essex Catholic Steinert Saint Anthony Mater Dei Hamilton Bishop Eustace Ewing Princeton Trenton

20 30 6 6 26 18 18

7 16

Turning the corner, Halfback John McCreedy finds daylight on end run.

Captain Tim Cannon "barks" signals to awaiting defense platoon. 117

Quarterback Larry Zukowski prepares to uncork Irish aerial.

Junior Fullback, Gary Grob, prepares for clash with Steinert foes . .

John McCreedy hauls in Zukowski pass for first down yardage in win over Essex Catholic.

Front Row: Ed Schraeder, Mike O'Brien, Bernie Austin, Mike Kalafut, Chris Enourato, Tom Yeakle, Don Dilenno. Second Row: Chris DeCannizaro, Tom MacDonald, Tom Mullowney, Stan Kazior, Tom Fallon, Bernie Franken, John Genovessi. Back Row: Lew Nicholson, John Logan, Fran Prezachalki, Guy Aquilino, Tom Harmon.

T eamworl~ Produces Winning Results

Front Row: Manager Jim Root, Bob Rousseau, Bob Ryan, Wayne Turczyn, Tim Ridge, Bill Long, Rick Jaekle, Keith Holcombe, Sean Coley, Gerry Goeke, Jacques Garriga. Second Row: Michael Perone, John Wylie, Paul Tocco, Dean Fasoli, Greg Rafalski, Guy Bertone, John Keirn, Jerry Festa, Jim Harding, Rich Alvin. Back Row: Coaches Mr. Jerome, Mr. Falsom, Bill Sohl, Bill Lawyer, Joe Keister, Paul O'Donnell, Steve Rousseau, Wayne Ranke, Scott Maylander, Den Hubal, James Furch, Egidio DeSisto. 119







St. Anthony












Hunterdon Central









Holy Cross









St. An~hony














Coach Clarke pensively watches the action as members of the team look on.

Tearn Effort and Spirit Achieve Soccer Success

Front Row: Dan Bradway, Joe Puliti, Jim Graziano, Fred Carella, Terry Clarke, Frank Fanning, Ron Carabelli. Second Row: Walt Bulat, Bill Seiler, Val Zamborski, Ed Pinelli, Jerry Di Colo, Rick Hofmann. Back Row: Mr. William Clarke, John Dekis, John Carrig, Mike Weber, Kevin Geoghan, Mike Bojcum, and manager Herbert Reuhle. 120

Under the guidance of Mr. William Clarke, the Notre Dame soccer team compiled a fine 9-5-2 record. The team accomplished this due to a fast finish when the Irish lost only one of their last eight games. Walt Bulta, first team all-city player, led the Irish. He and second team all-city back Bill Seiler anchored the Irish backfield along with third team all-city player Val Zamborsky. Dan Bradway, the most potent offensive threat, accumulated 13 goals during the season. The Irish tied State Champ Steinert and made impressive victories over Princeton, St. Anthony, Hamilton, Cathedral, and Holy Cross. The Irish were a young team this year, but as the season progressed, they matured into a top Hight club. With a strong nucleus of underclassmen returning, we can look forward to continued Irish success with soccer ball.

Walt Bulat prepares to rocket the ball as Bill Seiler gives encouragement.

Ed Pinelli hustles after the ball as the opposition looks on in awe.

Mike Bojcum battles Trenton High opponent for possession. 121

Walt Bulat heads the ball out of the reach of the opposition.

Val Zamborsky unleashes a mighty boot against Steinert. 122

Mike Weber puts his weight behind a goal kick as Fred Carella expresses how the game is going.

Ed Pinelli steals the ball from Steinert opponent with a grateful assist from Joe Puliti.

Front Row: Gary Butler, Pete Walbridge, Tom Russo, Norman Hank, Jim Gardner, Bob Gauthier, Dave Erkaboni. Back Row: Coach Waldkewicz, Chris Arena, Jay Billie, Bud Carella, Ed Kozak, Pat Civatti, Carl Civatti, Carl Carella, Kevin Weir, Mike Greber.

ND Boaters Attain Desired Goal

Front Row: Joe Pontani, Steve Ried, Russ Metzger, Danny Coluccio, Bob Sylvester, John Feldenzer, Siggy Zegarski. Second Row: Bill McGinnley, Keith Serdeach, Steve Kocubinski, Chris Meagher, Chris Hickey, Brian Smith. Back Row: Coach Art Kerns, Paul Rulkiewicz, George Abel, Kevin Clancey, Robert Gardener.


Irish Harriers Run Over Foes

Front Row: Rich Kowal, Terry Faherty, Bill Radar, Joe Korona, Les Kisielewski. Back Row: Manager Frank Della Rossa, Mark Smith, Steve Kovacs, Kevin Behan, Mike Franko, Dave Henk, Rich LaBella, Pete Antoniewicz, Coach John Ungrady.



31 34 23 15 26 19 23 40 35 25 25 21 22 20 15

OPP. Hopewell Valley Bristol Bordentown Lawrence Morrisville Hightstown St. Anthony Holy Cross Hunterdon Central Trenton Princeton Ewing Steinert Hamilton BMI

19 21 32 40 29 36 32 15 20 30 30 34

33 35


:Mark Smith surges ahead to capture an early lead in the meet against St. Anthony's.

Coach Ungrady and Frank Del Rossa check the team's progress.

Coach John Ungrady's 1969 Cross Country posted an 11-4 record this year, the most wins by a Cross Country squad in the history of the school. Mainly comprised of underclassmen, the team rallied behind Seniors Joe Korona and Dave Henk to finish third in the Mercer County meet and to top all but one of the area teams in regular season competition. Key victories for the Irish were a 22-23 win over Steinert, a 25-30 beating of Trenton, and the outstanding 21-34 victory

Pete Antoniewicz pours it on in the home stretch.

over perennial power Ewing. Co-Captain Mark .Smith led the team throughout the season as he placed sixth in the County Meet and also established the 2.5 mile N. D. course at 13:39.9. Other underclassmen pacing the harriers were co-captain Pete Antoniewicz, Mike Franko and Kevin Behan. Led by frosh Joe Wojick, Les Kisieliewski, and Don Fraczkiewicz, the J.V. squad posted a 13-2 log.

True N.D. spirit comes to life as the team prepares for another win.


Young Runners Await the Future

Manager Frank Della Rossa, Tony Toto, Frank Veasey, Frank Krecicki, Joe Wojcik, Joe Krempecke, Dave Kurlander, Marc Levasseur, Ken Miller, Dave Fair, Coach John Ungrady.

Dave Fair challenges his teammate Ken Miller for position in the Princeton meet.

Sister Helen Neder chats with Rich LaBella before the start of a J. V. meet.

Fathers Aid School Athletes The Fathers' Club has proven the year 1969-70 to be one of success and acomplishment. Moderated by Father Thul, this organization built four new locker rooms for the use of the members of outdoor sports.

They sponsored J.V. and Varsity boys' and girls' sports. Due to their unseffish efforts, the Fathers' Club was one of N.D.'s most valuable assets.

Father Thul consults with officers George Mancuso, Joseph Dietrich, Ted Meskill, and Lawrence O'Brian about current business.

Program Chairman Mr. George Cunningham goes over some last minute details with a guest speaker.

Mr. Tom Yeakle smiles enthusiastically for the camera.


Front Row: Mrs. Barbara Major, Beth Ehret, Debbi Gerken, Rory Coley, Jane Bielaw~ki, Barb Strapp, Pat Tuliszewski. Second Row: Marty Rodwellor, Bernie Gramness, Maureen Nosal, Jill Bielawski, Meg Franzoni, Mary Liz Cahill. Back Row: Jill Tomsho, Elaine Rulkiewicz, Kath Kozlowski, Karin Stephenson.

Girls Demonstrate Their Athletic Sl~ills

The girls' varsity hockey "team has certainly progressed since its beginning. This year the girls had their best season, 2-2-3, with Mrs. Major as their coach. Barb Strapp was high scorer assisted by Rory Coley and Jane Bielawski, the co-captains of the predominantly senior team. Under the direction of Miss Rossi, the girls also had the first intramural soccer team which participated in interscholastic competition, winning one game and tying two others.

Senior Beth Ehret prepares to drive a hard ball past a Princeton opponent while Debbie Bugdal waits to assist. 128

Front Row: Mrs. Barbara Major, Jan F alcey, Debbie Bugdal, Barb Barth, Mary Jean Stout, Barb Kocan, Tera Barth. Second Row: Mary Ellen Montague, Anne Ott, Leslie Smith, Carol Nigh, Maria DelFemine, Mary Jean Frick. Back Row: Rosemary . Cermele, Pat Cooper, Clare Baxter, Laurel Daunis.

Front Row: Debbie Houghton, Kathy Betor, Barbara Bernhardt, Nancy Egan, Chris Piekarski, Anna Cappolo, Hedwig Wierzbicki, Angela Maffei. Second Row: Mary Ryan, Mary Ann Bernhardt, Vicki Kliwinski, Karen Deadato, Sandy Capolo, Tina Clark, Karen Stankowski, Joan Struck. Third Row: Miss

Rossi, Linda Mikita, Mary Jean Frick, Janet Gorski, Pat Bradway, Patrice Garnish, Marian Zukas. Back Row: Jean Miller, Meg Geoghan, Elaine Kovacs, Janice Dempsey, Lucia Bednarski, Martha Rodwellor, Susan Povlitz, Kathy McGraph. 129

Front Row: Norm Cook, Jack O'Shea, Dave Curtis, John McCredy, Bob Brennan. Back Row: Coach Bill Hogan, Joe Hubal, Tony Thoma, Mike Fahey, Bob Skarpetowski, Mike Franko, Jim Kazior, Tom Mancuso, Jack Stephan, Ron Sebastiani.

Individuals Shine During Court Season

Mike Fahey arches a high shot that appears to be headed for the ceiling.


Coach Hogan explains the strategy as his players listen attentively.

Dangerous Dave Curtis drives up the middle and around defenders to the hoop.

Tony Thoma sharpens up his foul shooting for an upcoming tilt.

RECORD Mater Dei



C. B.A.















Holy Cross


Glouster Catholic


w w










Glouster Catholic



Holy Cross









St. Anthony






C. B. A.









Hopewell Valley



St. Anthony



Pressed into unexpected service, Coach Bill Hogan started the basketball season with strenuous workouts in November. The team's inexperience provided disappointments which didn't dampen their spirit. The crew was led by Team Captain, Tony Thoma. His fine scoring, rebounding and other skills earned him a first team all-city berth. His exemplary play and the other members aggressive style made N.D. a feared and explosive opponent. Mike Fahey's fine shooting touch earned him a third team all-city berth. Dave Curtis' rebounding merited him honorable mention. Bob Brennan's fine ballhandling and Tom Mancuso's aggressive defense made the backcourt solid. Jack O'Shea, Jim Kazior, Bob Skarpetowski, John McCreedy, Mike Franko and Norm Cook provided the needed bench strength. The Irish didn't post an impressive record, but pulled important upsets against Trenton and Cathedral. The fine underclassman nucleus will provide hope for the future.

Joe Hubal and Mike Fahey watch the J.V. game with interest, maybe to pick up a few pointers. 131

Bob Brennan keeps his prowess at the charity stripe at peak efficiency by practice.

Tony Thoma gets an unmolested layup as the defenders are awed by his moves.

Dave Curtis won't get this shot off as a Seraph stops him.

Jim Kazior practices his passing for a big game. N.D.'s muscle comes in handy at times as Tony Thoma exhibits.

Coach Hogan poses with the senior stalwarts Tony Thoma, Bob Brennan, Jim Kazior, Dave Curtis. 132

Mike Fahey leaps skyward in pursuit of points.

The J.V. basketball team ran hot and cold this season. Under the leadership of Coach George Kinczel, their final record was 12 wins and 10 lo.sses. The standouts of the squad were Norm Cook, who carried a 20 point average throughout the season, and Mike Franko, whose rebounding strength sparked the team for its wins. They were also members of the Varsity squad. Although the team's record was a winning one, they are looking for a more successful season next year.

Front Row: Tom Bauer, Kevin Tylus, Kurt Ebrahim, Jerry Goeke. Back Row: Coach George Kinczel, Charlie Reilly, John Coursen, Norm Cook, Mike Franko, Bob Bottoni, Terry Fasanella.

Seconds Produce Successful Season

N.D. appears to be in control during a scramble for the ball.

Mike Franko gets his shot off despite pressure by the Steinert defender.

Up and over the defender goes John Coursen with the shot.


Front Row: Dan Coluccio, Sean Coley, Gene Mydlowski, Steve Tella, Jerry Goeke. Back Row: Coach Petranto, Dom DiBiasi, Kevin Tylus, Bob Bottoni, Dennis Hubal, Gene Ryfinski, Walt Morrisey, Paul Rulkiewicz, Mike McCardell, Marc Levasseur, Managers Jerry Festa and Jim Carlin.

Frosh Cagers Cop Crown The 1969-1970 Freshman Basketball Team of Notre Dame High School was highlighted by the shooting of Kevin Tylus, the rebounding of Bob Bottoni, the playmaking of Gerard Goeke, ,t he defense of Gene Mydlowski and the all-around hustle of Gene Ryfinski. Every individual on the team learned the principles of self-improvement

Kevin Tylus goes up reaching for the hoop. 134

and team effort under the supervisiOn of Coach Edward Petranto. Some of the highlights of the season were a 4540 win of previously undefeated Junior High School #1, third place finish in the first Annual Trenton Junior High School Basketball Tournament, and victory over arch-rival Cathedral Freshmen in the above mentioned Tournament.

Jerry Goeke proves even the little guys win jumps during freshman basketball games.

A crucial foul shot is attempted by Bob Bottoni.

ND Keglers Roll To Victory

This year the N.D. keglers posted a respectable 9-1 log in regular season play. For the first time in the history of the team, N.D. captured the Mercer County Tournament, with a fantastic score of 2,603. Individual efforts by Bob Leone 222-213-207, Dean Nalbone 241235-201-677-207, Bob Atkins 207-201200, Walt Patycula 235-201-200 and Jim Patycula 213-207-201, sparked the Irish. Thomas Slackter and Frank Lay rounded out the squad. Their single loss came against Princeton breaking a string of 24 wins.

Front Row: Frank Lay, Jim Patykula, Dean Nalbone. Back Row: Walt Patykula, Bob Atkins, Tom Slackter, Bob Leone.


N.D. 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 1

Jim Patykula shows his form while helping his team triumph.

OPP. Princeton ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lawrence ---------------------------------------------------- 1 Peddie -------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Ewing --------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Pennington Prep ----------------------------------------------- 0 Ewing -------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Lawrence ---------------------------------------------------------- 1 Peddie ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Princeton ----------------------------------------------------"---- 3

Veteran bowler Dean Nalbone rolls to 235 game in the county tournament.


Irish Matmen- Surge Ahead RECORD N.D.



Lawrence High ------------------ 19


Morrisville High ------------------ 21


Hunterdon Central ----------------- 47



F. Kennedy ---------------------- 37


Hopewell Valley --------------- 17


Ewing High ------------------------ 28


North Burlington -----------------



Trenton Central ---------------------- 10


Allentown High --------------------- 19


Bishop Eustace ------------路路------- 25


Delaware Valley --------------------- 41


Princeton High -------------------- 41 Varsity Wrestling Team: Front Row: Carl Carella, Dan Bradway, Tom Carroll, Gary Butler, Jim Mansfield. Back Row: Coach Gary Danbro, Jim Pocetti, Harry Norton, Frank Romano, Will Place, Dan Holcombe, Andy Mangone.

In evaluating the performance of an athletic team, records can be quite deceptive. This is especially true when describing Notre Dame's 1969-1970 Wrestling Team which posted a record of five wins and seven losses. Due to the capable leadership of new head coach, Gary Danbro, the Irish were considered by many to be one of the most improved teams in the area. In Mercer County Action, oply perrenial powers, Ewing and Princeton, were able to defeat the Mighty Irish while the team recorded impressive victories over Hopewell Valley, Lawrence and Trenton. Other victories outside the county included the Redbirds

One hundred seventy-eight lb. Harry Norton and one hundred sixty-eight lb. Frank Romano warm-up before match.


of Allentown High, and Pennsylvania opponent, Morrisville High. Led by senior tri-captains Dan Bradway, Dan Holcombe, and Harry Norton, N.D. grapplers placed fifth in the District Seventeen Wrestling Tournament. This was the best the Irish had ever finished in this competition. With only three seniors on this year's squad, and a very fine J.V. team led by sophomore heavyweight, Mark Holcombe, the Irish can only wait with eager anticipation for next season to roll around.

Jim Mansfield gains control over opponent in 98 lb. bout against Delaware Valley Regional High School.

Bill McGrath and his opponent await referee's signal to begin action.

Grapplers portray mixed reactions during bout at home meet.

J.V. Team: Front Row: Keith Holcombe, Nick Schreier, Brian Smith, Pat O'Grady, Chris Golden. Second Row: Ken Birkhead, Bill McGrath, Pete Burns, Mark Wesely. Back Row: Coach Gary Danbro, Bob Carella, John Giordano, Mark Holcombe, Paul O'Donnell, Jim Root.

Waiting is the hardest part. Ken Birkhead and opponent, along with teammates, anxiously await referee's decision.

Jim Pocetti wishes Ewing High opponent. best of luck prior to their exciting match.


Behind seniors Tom Barbieri, Tom Faherty, Dave Henk, Tim Cannon, Bill Spitz, and Harry Norton, the 1970 N.D. track squad ran, jumped, and threw their way to prominence in Mercer County competition. Track Captains Tom Faherty and Mark Smith led the runners throughout the season. Faherty placed consistently in the dashes while Smith received attention for his outstanding perfo~足 ances in the 880. Soph Kevin Behan gained valuable points for the Irish as he set a new school record in the two mile run. Field Captains Bill Spitz and Jim Pocetti paced the weightmen in the javelin and shot put. Frank Romano placed often for the Irish in the shot put and the discus. Pete Antoniewicz and Tim Cannon helped out with first place performances in rthe pole vault and high jump respectively.

Front Row: Jim Mansfield, John Notta, Michael Hendricks, Les Kisielewski, Joe Pontani, Richard Donnelly, Mike O'Brien, Bill Rader. Second Row: Coach Ungrady, Dave Erkoboni, Bob Gauthier, Mike Spitz, Bill Long, Duane Rouba, Dave Esposito, Tom Yeakle, Coach Danbro. Third Row: Terry Faherty, Joe Napoleon, Chris Enourato, Jim Czahur, Jeff Carney, Jerry DiCola, Jerry DiNatale, Robert'Gardiner. Fourth Row: Pete Antoniewicz, John Wylie, Dave Kurlander, Rich Kowal, Sam Scopelleti, Ken Miller, Steve Agocs, Mark Czajkowski, Mark Smith. Fifth Row: Kevin Clancy, Don Dilenno, Tim Cannon, Tom Faherty, Russ Lawyer, Lew Nicholson, Bill Place, Brian Sikorski. Sixth Row: Tony Massi, Kevin Behan, Kim Ebrahim, Tom Fallon, Tom MacDonald, Joe Franklin, Joe Wojcik, Urs Nager. Seventh Row: John Giordano, Frank Della Rossa, Mark Stankevich, Don Fraczkiewicz, John Leadem, Bill Applegate, Michael Baylog, Dave Henk. Eighth Row: Frank Romano, Tim Stives, Harry Norton, Tom Bremer. Back Row: Jim Dzomba, Jim Pacetti, Bill Spitz, Ray Procaccini. Not Pictured: Brian Smith.

Cindermen Capture New Glories

Coach Ungrady reflects on the past as he watches his team compete. (Above) Co-captain Mark Smith slices the tape first to capture the 880 yd. run while Coach Ungrady officiates. (Left)

As he is suspended in air, one can observe Mike O'Brien's coordinated technique in pole vaulting. Mark Stankevich captures the quartermile, a little out of breath, while Tom Brenner takes second.

SCHEDULE Date April April April April April April May May May May May May May

7, 14, 17, 21, 23, 28, 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 26,

Tues. Tues. Fri. Tues. Thurs. Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Tues. Fri. Tues. Tues.

Team Hopewell Trenton Lawrence N. Burlington St. Anthony Bordentown Steinert Princeton Hamilton Holy Cross Hunderton Cent. Ewing Heightstown



Strength and determination are the keys to John Giordano's success.

Rich Donnelly leaps to new lengths in the long jump.

Up and over goes John Lead em as he dears the bar in the high jump.

N.D.'s record breaker in the two mile, Kevin Behan, pushes for an even better mark.

SCHEDULE Opponent Morrisville Steinert Cathedral Hopewell Holy Cross Bordentown St. Anthony Steinert N. Burlington Hamilton Trenton Lawrence Princeton Hamilton Lawrenceville Cathedral Ewing Princeton St. Anthony Trenton Ewing Holy.Cross

Front Row: George Zimmer, Mike Paglione, Dennis Connolly, Mark Dilks, Kevin Connolly, Russ Garruba. Second Row: Larry Zukowski, Chris Kazior, Val Zamborsky, John Simone, John Petrino. Back Row: Manager Bob Atkins, Joe Hubal, Dave Curtis, Mike Fahey, Joe Fallon, Ed Fedorko, Coach Vince Ardery.

United Effort Dominates Diamond

Chris Kazior connects for a base hit in the early innings of the Cathedral game.


N.D.'s varsity pitcher, John Petrino, warms up for another Irish victory.








Front Row: Mike Kalafut, Bill Dawidowski, Bill Kalinowski, Dave Murawski, Bernard Austin, Frank Cipullo. Back Row: Bob Tiscione, Charles Sista, Stan Kazior, Jqe - ~lumeri, Rocco Pugliese, Charles Reilly, Mark Cusato, AI Veltri, Tom Bauer, Coach AI Verdel.

Varsity Coach Vincent Ardery and J.V. Coach AI Verdel discuss

The 1970 Varsity Baseball team was one of the best ever to play on the Irish diamond. Coach Vincent Ardery formed this squad into a powerful team capable of capturing the Mercer County' League title with a good possibility for state recognition. The Irish were led by the best pitcher in the county Larry Zukowski who alternated from the mound to cover first base. The other pitchers included John Petrino, Joe

Hubal, Mike Fahey. Clean-up batter Dave Curtis manned third base and took command on the Irish offensive attacks. The outfield consisted of Chris Kazior in left, Mark Dilks in center and Denny Connelly in right. All three contributed to the potent advances of the offense. Three underclassmen rounded out the team. Val Zamborsky held the shortstop position while Ed Fedorko and Kevin Connolly battled for the job of catcher.

Front Row: Sean Coley, Steve Tella, Dennis Kuhn, Mark Johnson, Bob Turgeon, Dan Coluccio, John Feldenzer. Second Row: Steve Rousseau, Bill Lawyer, Keith Surdich, Dom Dibiasi, Greg Rafalski, Steve Foundous. Back Row: Coach Robert Bugdal, Paul Rulkiewicz, Dennis Hubal, Bob Bottoni, George Abel, Jerry Festa, Kevin Tylus, Manager Bill Sohl.


With the counseling and training of first year coach, Mrs. Barbara Major, the girls' varsity team compiled a 5-6 record. Posting a victory over Cathedral and double victories over Villa Victoria and Ewing, the Colleens were paced by freshman, Mary Liz Cahill, who finished the season with a 12 point average. Cocaptains were Gail Andrews and Franca Tocco. The junior varsity team posted a 5-4 record. High scorer for the jayvee team was Faith Clark with a 6 point average.

Front Row: Maureen O'Malley, Gail Andrews, Franca Tocco, Allison Billie. Second Row: Maria Del Femine, Lucille Cooper, Patricia Greer. Back Row: Mrs. Barbara Major, Susan Swieconek, Karen Harcar, Mary Liz Cahill.

RECORD St. Peter's













w w






Villa Victoria


w w

St. Peter's



Villa Victoria






Before her last game with the Irish, Kathy Reilly poses for picture. Gail Andrews goes one on one with a Cathedral defender.

Captains receive last minute instructions from the official.


Maria Del Femine gets the tap to open an anticipated N.D. victory.

Freshman starter Mary Liz Cahill takes a foul shot in the early minutes of the game.

Gail Andrews contemplates the game situation during half-.time.

Determined to make the basket, Maria Del Femine sets to shoot.

Enthusiasm Drives Irish Colleens

Front Row: Christina Clark, Anne Fechter, Rita Buckley, Colleen Kendall. Back Row: Ellen Diehl, Mary Gill, Faith Clark, Alice Agocs, Carol Nigh, Patrice Van Hise.

During pre-game warm-up, Sue "Swish" Swieconek lays one up. Hot shooting like this gave the Irish their fourth victory.


Faculty And Students Clash Once again, N.D.'s faculty proved too much for the students in the annual student-faculty game on January 16. Led by towering Mr. Thomas Williams ( 11 pts.) and Athletic Director, Mr. Vincent Ardery ( 9 pts.), the faculty destroyed the students by a 34-19 count. Throughout the first half, the students managed to keep pace with the classy teachers as the half-time score was deadlocked at 11-11. As the game wore on, the height and depth of the teachers proved too much for the students as can easily be evidenced by the final score.

Sisters display feelings of pride for the victorious faculty team.

Bill Seiler outjumps Mr. Scott for 路 the opening game tap.

Mr. Williams calculates proper angle to snuff Dave Gavin's jump shot.


Time out finds player-coach Vince Ardery giving instructions to faculty team.

Golfers Go Good Notre Dame's golf team, under the coaching of Mr. Williams, was led by senior co-captains John Cade and Kevin Geoghan. Junior Rich Molnar and soph Mike Franko were also top point-producers for the linksmen. The team hovered around the .500 mark all year. The Irish played all .the Mercer County foes and boasted of double wins over Hopewell Valley and Bordentown. Lawrence and Cathedral were other foes who fell to the Irish. The younger members of the team gained invaluable competitive experience which is sure to reap its reward in coming seasons. In a truly team effort the linksmen brought the . golf season to a winning climax by bringing home the Mercer County tournament trophy for the first time in N.D. history. Mike Franco was the individual star coming in third out of thirty-two golfers.

Front Row: John Clancy, Tom Brown, Ron Carabelli, Rich Molnar. Back Row: Mike Franko, Kevin Geoghan, Mr. Thomas Williams.


Hopewell Hightstown Princeton Holy Cross Ewing Trenton Hopewell Princeton Bordentown Holy Cross Bordentown Lawrence Hightstown

Place A H A A H H H H A H H A A

Mercer County Tournament A Trenton Lawrence H Rich Molnar is a study in concentration as he prepares to putt.

Big hitter Mike Franko shows how he unleashes his powerful drives. Checking out their equipment before a big match are Rich Molnar, Ron Carabelli, and John Cade.

UNDERCLASSMEN LOVE is the upward thrust that lifts men to the heights.

Dreams .and visions of the future motivate the lives of underclassmen. The goals that they will realize tomorrow stem from the careful plotting and continued perseverance of yesterday and today.

Class of 1971 With the helpful guidance of Moderator Sister Mary Nora, 1969-1970 was a very special year for the Junior Class under President Peter Antoniewicz and Vice-President Carol Bailey. Confronted by a year of scholarship, three hundred twenty-four juniors measured their abilities in College Boards, and National Merit Scholarship Tests. At the annual National Honor Society Induction, thirteen proud Juniors were installed. In the sports world, juniors stood out in football, basketball, soccer and track. The football spotlight focused on John Stephan, All-County Kicker and Joseph Fallon, AllCounty Defensive Back. Thirteen spirited Junior cheerleaders were on hand to rally them. "Funny Girl", the school play, starred Junior Mark Smith as the male lead. On Friday, February 20 a Mass preceded the reception of the long awaited class rings. A fun filled day of activities and a ring dance that evening added to the celebration. The Junior prom, held on May 6 at Holiday Inn, concluded a year of many wonderful memories.

Sister Nora points out the new design on the class ring to President Pete Antoniewicz and Vice-President Carol Bailey.

Junior Spirit Triumphs in School Activities


Edward Fedorko, Richard Molnar, John Zamborsky, Deborah Chalker, Joann Petito, Richard Schellinger, Kay Knoblauch and Angela Castranova plan a calendar of activities with moderator, Sister Mary Nora.

Front Row: Randi Aug, Donna Capone, Sheila Buckley, Pamela Alexandrowicz, Teresa Buell, Verena Brunner, Angela Castranova, Susan Cacalori. Second Row: Patricia Betz, Patricia Caccamis, Carol Bailey, Rita Buckley, Bonita Bejma, Rosemary Cermele, Denise Burns, Luann Balestrieri, Donna Burke, Sharon Cameron. Third Row: John Bruccoleri, Philip Cantor,

Pe.ter Antoniewicz, John Billie, William Argust, Jae Carter, Mtchael Casey, Robert Butera, Edward Arnister, Peter Belza William Baxter, Joseph Bird, Joseph Bachalis, Robert Carroll: Back Row: Joseph Bianculli, Philip Ackermann, Kenneth Birkhead, Earl Babbitt, John Baylog, Thomas Brown, Ronald Carabelli.

Front Row: Josephine Dutko, Jessica Cota, Maria D'Ulisse, Joanne Czenis, Cynthia Czigler, Patricia Cooper, Mary Lou Curran, Anna Coppola. Second Row: Deborah Chalker, Elizabeth Connelly, Anne Cornelius, Kathryn Doughman, Geraldine Conway, Joan Del Femine, Juliann Dawidowski, Sharon Cunningham, Karen Dietrich, Margaret DeForte, Kathleen

Driscoll, Karen Dreves. Third Row: Carol Duckenfield, John Clancy, Kevin Connolly, Dennis Diehl, Michael Czahur, Keith Ducko, David DiStefano, John Derrico, Henry Culliton, Lawrence Dickt, Kim Ebrahim, James Dzomba, J. Bradford Davis, Nancy Czaplicki. Back Row: Lawrence Clark, James Egan, Robert Durst, Guy Diviaio, Vincept Dubaniewicz. 149

Front Row: Anne Fechter, Marianne Harding, Ann Marie Galati, Donna Haney, Mary Jane Gordon, Bernardine Gramness, Mary Fasanella, Diane Esposito. Second Row: Barbara Farrell, Luanne Fares, Maureen Freda, Phyllis Golden, Maureen Geoghan, Barbara Fisher, Nora Flanagan, Constance Gibbons, Karen Ernst, Patricia Greer. Third Row: Elizabeth

Goeke, Gary Elmer, Vincent Garofalo, Stephen Hatrak, Joseph Fallon, Paul Evans, Michael Fahey, Edward Fedorko, Joseph Furch, Bruc:e Harmon, Robert Fidanza, Francis Fanning, Karen Harcar. Back Row: Russell Guarino, Alexander Goossen, Joseph Genicola, David Esposito, Charles 路Falzone, James Graziano.

Junior Life Presents Added Responsibilities


Junior Class representatives Ron Carabelli, Joe Fallon, John Leadem, President Peter Antoniewicz, Jack Stephan, Moderator Sister Mary Nora, Tim Murphy, and Vice-President Carol Bailey plan deta1ls of ring ceremony and Mass.

Front Row: Lynda Kennedy, Marianna Luizzi, Eileen Kotzac, Patricia Jakubowski, Dale Jammer, Maureen LiMato, Mary Ellen Hutchins, Elizabeth In verso. Second Row: Henry J arkowski, Mark Levanduski, Mary Louise Johnson, Kathleen Lyons, Keven Knoblauch, Sheryle Lawrence, Karen Littwiin, Barbara Jansen, Marie Hohmann, Constance Kramarz, Doreen La Penna,

Gregory Krol, Norman Henk. Third Row: Thomas Lucas, William Lynn, Edward Kozak, Gerard Loftus, Timothy Lyons, Anthony Immordino, Gregory Kliwinski, James Leuper, Steven Kubiak, John Leadem, Stephen Kovacs. Back Row: Richard LaBella, Andrew Logan, Joseph Hubal, Robert Klemann, John Lane, Robert Iwan, IrVin Kelly.

Front Row: Edwina Mraw, Roseanne Meshanko, Joyce Nadler, Palma Muka, Jo Ann Milinowicz, Cynthia Obduski, Bambina Nini, Sharyn Maruca. Second Row: Louis Midura, Elizabeth Menschner, Sandra Maurer, Jean Miller, Gail Milinowicz, Barbara Michalczyn, Eileen Masterson, Cecilia Mazzella, Richard Molnar. Third Row: Joseph Melin, John McCreedy,

Christopher Nelson, Charles McKenna, Urs Nager, Robert Manion, Stanley Maciolek, William Meagher, Timothy Murphy, Walter Murawski. Back Row: Stephen Notta, Kevin Meighan, Wayne Nalbone, Paul Nichitel, Thomas Mancuso, . Anthony Massi. 151

Joan Del Femine typifies junior spirit as she cheers our boys on to victory.

Little Jack Horner had better luck thinks Robin Reilly, at least he got a plum!

Initiative Characterizes Junior Leaders

Students enjoy a relaxed atmosphere as Kay Knoblauch conducts a homeroom meeting. 152

Front Row: Dianne Pazdan, Robin Reilly, Maria Pecena, Mary Rose Prokop, Judith Robillard, Charlotte Robinson, Judith Ann Paixao, Susan Resmick. Second Row: Maria Pontani, Kathleen Ostaszewski, Judith Pocetti, Patricia Piccolella, Deborah Riggs, Margaret Raywood, Geraldine Panacek, Mary Ann Pierzanowski, Peggy Ann Quinlan, Maureen O'Mara, Shirley Pietras, Karin

O'Hara. Third Row: Joann OlDonnell, Christopher Reef, Nicholas Pappano, Vincent Petersack, John Patrizi, Craig Parson, Joseph Puliti, Rocco Pugliese, Edmund路 Pinelli, Michael Paglione, Henry Richter, John Rank, Joann Petito. Back Row: Raymond Procaccini, Douglas Potkay, John O'Shea, James Pocetti, Emanuele Ottaggio.

Front Row: Elizabeth Spitzer, Evelyn Spitzer, Christine Sadkowski, Carol Sadkowski, Patricia Smith, Jeanette Saproni, Donna Shepherd, Eileen Scarantino. Second Row: Paula Romano, Joann Sorento, Charlotte Scama, Eileen Saums, Eileen Stansky, Maryann Sciarrotta, Mary Smith, Suzanne Scott, Kathryn Sikorski, Carol Ann Smith. Third Row: James Hunt,

Robert Skarpetowski, Richard Schellinger, Nicholas Sim~ak, Anna Semeta, Dolores Sopko, Kathleen Ryan, Scott Seiler, Paul Sobon, James Sharp, Thomas Russo. Back Row: Alfred Santaniello, Mark Smith, Mark Stankevich, John Stephan, Charles Sista, John Simone, Ronald Rutkowski.


Susan Swieconek, Larry Dickt, John Leadem, Anne Fechter, Barbara Jansen and Joe Fallon join in a lively discussion before cracking the books.

Front Row: Barbara Tackacs, Catherine Stryker, Nancy Wucinski, Kathy Szymelewicz, Gabriel Werner, Catherine Taranowicz, Carol Tamasi, Rosemary Toto. Second Row: Debra Zamparelli, Maria Zagorzycki, Susan Swieconek, Francine Vizzini. Maure~n Trainor, Patricia Wood, Laurette Walsh, Sharon Theile, Marietta Viglione, Nancy Widener, Kathleen 154

Winiarski, Cynthia Welch. Third Row: Francis Veasey, Anthony Viteritto, Robert Zuczek, Joseph Tramontana, George Zimmer, Timothy Tingo, John Wisniewski, Kevin Weir, John Wolak, James Tramontana, James Willie, Robert Tiscione, John Wetzel. Back Row: Francis Zuczek, Michael Zikos, John Zamborsky, Michael Weber, Joseph Wisniewski.

Karen Littwin is momentarily distracted from her work during art class.

"Boy, can you really eat all that," laughs Junior Pete Antoniewicz as Mark Smith stares in .l;-h,lief.

Juniors Participate 1n Every Aspect of

ND Life

Geraldine Panacek and Chris Nelson check their answers with Nancy Hughes before the bell rings. 155

Class of 1972

Sister Marlene Fritz poses with Soph Representative Evelyn Means, President Mike Spitz, Vice-President Duane Rouba and Representatives Judy Osborn, William Rader, and Dave Hart.

Sophomore Leadership Promotes Unity With the election of Michael Spitz, President; Duane Rouba, Vice President; David Hart, William Rader, and Evelyn Means, Student Council Representatives; the Sophomore class initiated another year of varied activities. Under the direction of Sister Marlene Fritz and Sister Eileen Bittner, their moderators, the class arranged an open forum and a "Soph Suggestion Box" early in November. The purpose of these was to strengthen student-officer contacts. On November 25, Thanksgiving came to soldiers in Vietnam when the Sophs sent them paperback books, Christmas cards, and letters. December 12 was the day the Sophs met their "perfect" match. They held a "Computer Dance" during the afternoon. At Christmas, not forgetting Santa Claus, one of their own classmates dressed as Saint Nick to bring the holiday spirit into each of the Sophomore homerooms. On January 16, with the help of one of the parishes, the tenth grade sponsored a "happening on skates". February 4 was a solemn day, as the Sophomore class remembered Victoria Daly, a deceased classmate, with a Mass. Truly a spirited and united class, the Sophomores ended their year with many fond memories.

Sophomore homeroom presidents Harriet Smith, Michael Franko, Joan Pulcinni, Debra Warasky, Russell Gurruba, Cheri King, John Miller, and John Coursen look forward to a successful year with their moderator, Sister Marlene Fritz.

Front Row: Kathleen Betor, Frances Brooks, Monica Buckley, Patricia Bradway, Alison Anthony, Catherine Calamia, Debra Bonagura, Debra Borden, Karen Bowers. Second Row: Sam Cacciabaudo, Leonard Alvino, Janet Cammarata, Marianne Bernhard, Barbara Brennan, Carole Ann Bonhage, Joanne Babecki, Lucia Bednarski, Andrea Calabrese, Gary Butler,

John Bergen. Third Row: Ihor Michael Bojcun, Richard Barlow, Guy Aquilino, Stephen Arkuszewski, Charles Bryan, Stephen Benham, Thomas Bremer, Kevin Behan. Back Row: John Arbitell, Stephen Agocs, Carl Carella, Donald Allen, Robert Caivano, David Burton, Thomas Bauer.

Front Row: Debra Ciesielski, Denise Cosgriff, Nancy Cogan, Karen Deodato, Sandra Coppola, Donna Carney, Kim Davison, Maria Cugasi, Lee Anna Croft. Second Row: Matthew Daunis, Charles DeAngelo, Gail Derrico, Kathleen Cellini, Donna Courtney, Christina Clark, Susan Christensen, Beverly Chmielewski, Ana Maria Conte, Janice Dempsey, Maria Caracciolo,

Barbara Ciprietti, Frank Cipullo, William Dawidowski. Back Row: William Dalton, Eugene Chebra, Marc Costantino, Jerry DiColo, John Coursen, Edward Choromanski, George Clark, Norman Cook, Terrance Clarke, Frank Di Giuseppe, Francis Carella, Vincent Chiaradia, Patrick Giordano. 157

Front Row: Michele Dilks, Catherine Funari, Janice DiLorenzo, Karen Emma, Rosemary Frascella, Frances Firetto, Constance Funke, RoseAnn Ferrara, Diane Di Stefano. Second Row: Patricia Elmer, Mary Fitzpatrick, Mary Louise Elmo, Meg Franzoni, Nancy Egan, Maryjean Frick, Joan Duckenfield, Helene Freeman, Mary Fruscione, Meredith Esposito, Berna-

dette Folmer, Jan Falcey. Back Row: David Erkoboni, Michael Dubuque, Gerald Di Natale, Terence Faherty, Gerald Fasanella, Kurt Ebrahim, Michael Franko, Timothy Fechter, Donald Di Ienno, Thomas Fallon, Kevin Farrell, George Dominiak, Christopher Enourato, David Ecker.

Barb Kuzma, Cheri King, Richard Kazior, and Stanley Kazior proudly display their contribution to Project: COOPERATION. 158

Front Row: Patrice Garnich, Linda Johnson, Marianne Hinkle, Dorothy Geppert, Kathleen Hagan, Deborah Houghton, Jacquelynne Huff, Charlene lnverso, Sheryl Hunt. Second Row: Michael Greber, David Hovemeyer, William Kalinowski, Patrick Griffin, William Habib, Anthony Halak, Debra Gill, Judith Jackson, Sandra Graziul, Janet Gorski, Patricia Gervasio, Charles

Hovemeyer, William Howell, Dennis Gray, Robert Jones, Patrick Greber. Back Row: Joseph Hawryluk, Robert Gauthier, Frederick Hetzel, Robett Pietras, David Hart, Michael Kalafut, James Gardner, James D'Errico, Richard Hofmann, John Chojnowski, John Genovesi, Russell Carrubba, Anthony Caserta, Douglas Hughes, Mark Holcombe.

Projects Prove Sophomore Enthusiasm

Front Row: Angela Maffei, Wendy Leadem, Kristine Kaminski, Celeste Long, Victoria Kliwinski, Cheri King, Diane Kliminski, Barbara Kuzma, Adrienne Logue. Second Row: Christopher Kmiec, Charles Kowalski, Elaine Kovacs, Kathryn Krystaponis, Karen Kaminski, Anne Lenhardt, Colleen Kendall, Robert

Karolkiewicz, Robert Letts. Back Row: Patrick Kent, Frank Krecicki, Stanley Kazior, Thomas MacDonald, Richard LaBaw, Anthony Konczos, Richard Kazior, John Logan, Richard Kowal, John Langer, George Luther. 159

"Boy, this is harder than I thought," mumbles Debbie Houghton as she does her share for the homeroom improvement project.


Front Row: Mary Beth Murphy, Concetta Masiello, Mary Kae Manley, Lynne Maira, Evelyn Means, Mary Clare Moran, Cynthia Mahony, Kathleen McGrath, Kathleen Monahan. Second Row: Michael O'Brien, John Notta, Frank Nalbone, Susan McCormack, Patricia McGowan, Maryann McManimon, Elizabeth Mershon, Linda Mikita, Barbara Novak, Kathleen Miller, Caroline Mandl, Jon Moran, David Murawski, John

Miller. Back Row: John Micklewright, Andrew Mangone1 Kenneth Miller, Kevin Militig, Joseph Nizolek, Brian Newman, Richard Marx, Stephen Mrozinski, William Milinowicz, Joseph Franken, Lewis Nicholson, Dean Muskewitz, Thomas Mullowney, George Meyer, Alan McLeod, Mark Michalak, Peter Mantuano.

Cooperation Is the Keynote to Sophomore Success

Front Row: Bernadette Petroni, Bernadette Ostrowski, Nancy Prouty, Mary Joan Olszewski, Judith Osborn, Susan Povlitz, Joan Pflieger, Marianne Price, Kimberly Powell. Second Row: Raymond Plaag, Richard Petro, Catherine O'Neill, Joan Pulcini, Melanie Piekielniak, Debra Oliver, Maryanne Pfl.effer, Patricia Pastor, Sharon O'Donnell, Nannette Perrine, Martin Picarello,

Robert Ostrowski. Third Row: James Quinlan, Robert Opsut, John Ostrowski, Raymond Orzol, Francis Przechacki, Dennis O'Reilly, Joseph Plumeri, John Pietras, Patrick O'Shea, Michael Ostaszewski, Kenneth Ozga. Back Row: Barry O'Shea, Robert Ratico, Anthony Plumeri, William Place, James Rafferty, William Rader.

Front Row: Sharon Shipley, Anne Marie Schmierer, Claudia Smith, Eileen Resmick, Carol Spehar, Virginia Ryan, Susanne Rocco, Karen Stankowski, Joanne Siwczak. Second Row: Leslie Smith, Martha Rodweller, Cathy Sielski, Susan Stec, Patricia ,Saville, Valerie Runfola, Sharon Stankowski, Linda Shelingoski,

Harriet Smith, Marybeth Simzak, Carolyn Schuler. Back Row: Raub Smith, Edward Schrader, John Safranko, David Sheaffer, Peter Saint Pierre, Brian Sikorski, Charles Reilly, Herbert Ruehle, Richard Ryan, Dennis Robak, Samuel Scopelliti, James Shelly, Duane Rouba, Nicholas Schreier, John Smith.


"One, please, Mr. Westerman," says John Genovesi while Patrick Kent and Francis Carella await their turn.

Spirit Grows 1n Leaps and Bounds


Front Row: Patrice Van Hise, Elizabeth TopÂŁ, Lorraine Vaccaro, Patricia Vayda, Joan Struck, Michelle Vagnozzi, Hedwig Wierzbicki, Debra Warasky, Aileen Tennyson. Second Row: John Wilkes, Joseph Wisniewski, Joseph Turco, Nancy Szymelewicz, Ann Toomey, Maureen Woods, Marianne Swiecki, Eve Wiaczek, Marion Zukas, Helen Wirpsza, Frank Wolski,

Julius Ziemba, Mark Wesley. Back Row: Peter Walbridge, Thomas Yeakle, Ronald Stewart, Edward Wilson, Timothy Stives, Jose Usera, Alfred Veltri, Michael Terraciano, Paul Van .Sant, Louis Stelle, Michael Wozniak, Ronald Trakowski, Richard Stewart, Richard Turano.

Student carpenter, Jimmy Gardner, demonstrates homeroom spirit.

Joan Pflieger, second place winner of N. D.'s Talent Show, proudly displays her costume.

Joan Pflieger, Lucy Bednarski, Linda Shelingoski, Nancy Krol, Hedwig Wierzbicki and Santa, "Sheryl Hunt," Claus from Sister AnneMarie's Religion classes, take one final look at stuffed animals they made for Mount Carmel Guild.


Class of 1973 Regardless of initial mix-ups the freshman class quickly adapted themselves to the daily routine of Notre Dame. Their cooperative attitude made it possible for them to meet their mission quotas and rank high in the Coronet Drive. As the year progressed the class of '73 held their elections and selected William Lawyer as president and William Long as vice president. Freshman spirit became evident at the peprally which they sponsored, and continued during the Ad Drive when 9E came in second. Their religious feelings were expressed at a Freshman Mass. In place of a Christmas Project the freshmen showed their individuality through an Easter Project. Under the guidance of their class officers and class moderator, Sister Mary Philip, the freshmen have had a year to remember. Freshman Class Moderator Sister Philip, lines up for the photographer with Representative Kathy Fares, President Bill Lawyer, Vice-President Bill Long and Representative Greg Rafalski.

Freshmen Learn Responsibility Through Leadership


Freshman level and homeroom officers Gene Mydlowski, Bill Long, Eletta Giordano, Doug Petrozzini, Bill Lawyer, Randy Salewski, George Abel, and Bob Szejner gather around Sister Philip for an informal meeting.

Front Row: Clare Baxter, Linda Brennan, Paula Arcioni, Mary Ann Bieksza, Diane Behan, Kathleen Blake, Teresa Barth, Cynthia Alberts, Clare Brunner, Marianne Bonish. Second Row: Roseann Calla, Theresa Biache, Elizabeth Capriotti, Sharon Beagles, Grace Benham, Jill Bielawski, Susan Bennett, Agnes Bernhardt, Linda Angeline, Mary Cahill, Valerie Babecki,

Celeste Buzzelli. Back Row: Dennis Bird, Joseph Barrow, Robert Cameron, George Abel, Robert Bottoni, William Appleget, Albert Brough, Dominick Arruzzo, Richard Alven, Guy Bertone, Peter Burns, Brian Arena, James Bianculli, Mark Bucchi, Clifford Allen.

Front Row: Deborah Chiarello, Joanne Carroll, Patricia Doyle, Marie Choromanski, Kyle Conley, Sandra Barlow, Connie Carella, Mary Delahanty, Linda Cooper, :kathy De Blois. Second Row: James Croke, Thomas Csolak, James Carlin, Arlene Check, Carol Cellini, Deborah De Forte, Maria Del Femine, Mary Carrig, Laurel Daunis, Faith Clark, Deborah Connelly, Cathleen Dekis, Margaret Cochran, Keith Connolly,

Daniel Coluccio, Timothy Cochran. Back Row: Americo De Lorenzo, Gregory Christensen, Antimo Cesaro, Donald Damiano, Joseph Danka, Jeffrey Carney, Thomas Carroll, George Chapman, Egidio De Sisto, Terence Clark, Kevin Clancy, James Czahur, Stephen Danarski, Richard Cenni, Sean Coley, George Contento, Paul Delozier. 165

Front Row: Pamela Feenan, Susan Farr, Paula Fasanella, Linda Federico, Mary Federico, Diane Fair, Kathryn Forman, Linda Fechter, Donna Edwards, Nancy Elmo. Second Row: John Feldenzer, Andrew Ferrara, Michael Di Maio, Mary Ann Flynn, Ute Ertelt, Michele Everett, Elizabeth Driscoll, Claire Di Giorgio, Kimberly Ducko, Kathleen Fares, Karen Diehl,

Ellen Diehl, Anna Dubaniewicz, Timo.thy Faherty, David Di Giovacchino. Back Row: Larry Elias, Joseph Ferrara, Richard Ferri, Robert 路Ferri, Dominick Di Biasi, Joseph Fidanza, Gerald Festa, Dean Fasoli, Kim Edinger, Kevin De Vaney, Richard Donnelly, Matthew Di Benedetto, David Fair.

Before the Thanksgiving Day Mass, Ken Koreyva, Mary Leadem, Terry Lane, and Bill Long make last minute adjustments on their basket of food for the needy. 166

Front Row: Janis Huff, Mary Herbert, Elizabeth Furch, Colleen Haney, Dorothy Gardner, Eletta Giordano, Sheila Heffernan, Debra Hogan, Mary Gill, Joanne Funke. Second Row: William Kale, Mark Johnson, Gregory Hritz, William Jaeckel, Stephen Foundos, Jacques Garriga, Susan Haskins, Debra Hutzel, Kathryn Freda, Efizabeth Gettler, Lorie-Ann

Juranic, Albert Hutchinson, William Holcombe, Michael Hendricks, Christopher Hickey. Back Row: Christopher Golden, Raymond J arkowski, Carmine Genovese, Gerard Goeke, Attila Karacsony, Rolf Illian, Robert Gardiner, Bruce lves, Donald Fraczkiewicz, Dennis Hubal, James Furch, James Harding, John Graziul, James Geoghan, Thomas Henk, Kenneth Harper.

Freshmen Exhibit Cooperative Spirit

Front Row: Kerry Kerns, Rosaline Kirikan, Elizabeth Leone, Victoria Loreto, Kathy Madola, Paulette Kliminski, Karen Kinney, Victoria Korona, Maureen Long, Sandra Maciolek. Second Row: Donald Krawiec, Thomas Mattaliano, Kenneth Koreyva, Robin Dieckman, Ann Lewandowski, Martine Landry, Debra Lawrence, Mary Leadem, Janet Lloyd, Patricia Latham, Terri Lane, Judy Kuliczkowski, Eric Lander, Julius Krawiec,

Michael Mathes. Third Row: Joseph Lanigan, Michael Lenhardt, Norman Disbrow, Joseph Kiester, William Lawyer, Marc Levasseur, John Keirn, Donald Martin, Marc Kelly, Donald Kreuz, Thomas Konstantynowicz, Francis Lay, William Long, Stephen Kocubinski, Theodore Liwacz, Dennis Kuhn, James Matlack. Back Row: Bruno Martillotti, Robert Keelan, James Mansfield, Lester Kisielewski, David Lubieski.


"We've got SPIRIT" proclaim freshmen after a successful pep rally.


Front Row: Debra Owens, Elizabeth Murnin, Carol Morgan, Evelyn Midura, Kim Matte, Patricia McDermott, Patricia McVeigh, Rosetta Mendola, Frances Muoio, Ann Nyzio. Second Row: Timothy Mooney, David Morgan, Russell Metzger, Tanja Nager, Jane Michalczyn, Elizabeth Muler, Armida Mattonelli, Patricia Olessi, Patricia Mulryne, Jane Norton, Luana Moore, Patricia O'Reilly, Elizabeth Orendorf, Paul Moran, Christopher

Meagher, Patrick O'Grady. Back Row: Edward Ottaunick, James Means, Michael McCardell, Eugene Mydlowski, James Nadler, Edward Olinski, Walter Morrissey, Robert Moore, Scott MayTander, Paul O'Donnell, Thomas McKenna, Charles McGrath, Dominic Nogare, William McGinley, Michael O'Donnell.

Front Row: Susan Ramutkowski, Vera Perris, Mary Pica, Maryann Piunno, Victoria Piepszak, Michelle Pappano, Marie Paradis, Kathleen Rak, Caroline Procaccini, Maria Pietrow. Second Row: Timothy Phillips, James Patykula, Stephen Reid, Joseph Pontani, Holly Eddinger, Beatrice Raywood, Carol Purcell, Kathleen Papp, Barbara Paglione, Eileen Palenchar, Suzanne Quinlan, Theresa Picarello, Donna Reilly, June Reimer,

Michael Pontani, Ray Ranallo, Malcolm Reilly, William Plank. Back Row: James Pinto, Bernard Raywood, Gary Probola, Joseph Petersack, Robert Rahl, John Provenzano, Vincent Pirone, Joseph Petrozzini, William Ranke, Gary Patrone, Thomas Regan, Greg Rafalski, John Potocki, John Pappano, Charles Palumbo, Frank Pinto, Edward Raybuck.

Newcomers Brighten ND' s Halls

Front Row: Joyce Schreiber, JoAnne Spitz, Janet Skwara, Deborah Resch, Catherine Schuster, Ann Ciafrei, Karen Sobon, Victoria Sheaffer, Robin Stemmer, Christine Rooney. Second Row: Marianne Salewski, Mary Ribavaro, Elizabeth Butler, Marianne Speran, Helen Sinclair, Susan Sharp, Janet Skwara, Christine Mis, Alice Agocs; Wen Shen, Pamela Sista, Karen Sanderson, Susan Smith, Patricia Shento, Christine Simone, Virginia Bezek. Third Row: Gene Sredinski, Robert Russo,

James Root, Edward Stavitski, Earl Simkunas, Randal Salewski, Paul Rulkiewicz, Eugene Ryfinski, William Sohl, Stephen Rousseau, Michael Sienkowski, Lawrence Rouse, Gregory Foley, Gary Schuessler, Robert Silvestro, Roy Bleakley. Back Row: Brian Smith, Raymond Rein, John Stives, Timothy Ridge, James Rosenberg, Michael Sheehan, Robert Ryan, Michael Boshanski.


Variety Mal~es Freshman Year a Memorable One

Milk gives vitality to Freshmen John Koteny, Barbara Bernhard, Debbie Walters, Claire Baxter, and Bob Wilson.


Front Row: Lorraine Wendl, Therese Zikos, Marie Tallman, Patricia Williams, Kathleen Tuliszewski, Mary Beth Stumbaugh, Ruth Waraksy, Barbara Wilno, Elvina Tamasi, Theresa Worth. Second Row: Richard Tramontana, Robert Wetzel, James Thomann, Anastasia Theodorakis, Elizabeth Vereb, Joan Yuhas, Patricia Vitacco, Debbie Talerico, Amy Thomas, Susan Thelle,

Elizabeth Sujansky, Melanie Ujazowski, Susan Wyers, Robert Walter, Thomas Tramontano, Anthony Toto. Back Row: Mark Zagorzycki, Paul Zukowski, Wayne Turczyn, Stephen Tella, Keith Surdich, Paul Tocco, Robert Szejner, Russell Vizzini, Joseph Wojcik, Kevin Tylus, Michael Young, John Wylie, Larry Tuliszewski, Keith Ungaro, Timothy Ungrady.

Before going home, Jill Bielawski, Connie Carella, Jane Norton, and Mary Liz Cahill discuss the day's events.

Freshman eavesdroppers Marie Choromanski and Kevin Tylus listen in on Kathleen De Blois' conversation.

Joe Pontani attempts to block Joe Keister's shot while Tom McKenna backs him up. 171

SENIORS The art of LOVE is GOD at work through us. Wilferd A. Peterson

The reflections of the meaningful experiences shared during the last four years are mirrored in the faces of the present. Now, spiritually, academically, socially, and physically mature, we look toward the future, confident that through God's help, we can practice the art of loving our fellowmen.

The Senior


of 1970 FREDERICK CARELLA President

WILLIAM SPITZ Vice-President


Lucille Cooper

Patricia Hofmann

Gail lilian


Linda Blicharz 174

Mary Grace Cooper

Kevin Geoghan

Peter Leadem

The Senior Class History When N.D. opened its doors in September, the class of 1970 lost no time in making its presence felt. Senior spirit triumphed when homeroom 12G gained first place in the Coronet subscription drive. Seniors also excelled in fall sports with Larry Zukowski and Tim Cannon earning berths on the Football AllCounty First Team. Walt Bulat did the same in soccer. The highlight of the season was the score of 21 to 16 for a victory over Trenton High in the Turkey Day Game. Fall drifted into winter and in early December seniors began hearing of college acceptances. The sports scene shifted indoors where senior boys made a name for themselves on the Irish basketball team. In February the longawaited class trip became a reality. Seniors stormed the slopes at Buck Hill Falls in the Poconos, trying their ~uck at sledding, skiing, and skating. March brought with it the school play, "Funny Girl" in which Diane Gribbin, Russell Lawyer, Mary Beth Forman and Theresa Meagher were among the seniors who c;:aptured important roles. With the coming of May, everyone began thinking about the Senior Prom. This memorable event took place one warm spring evening at Cedar Gardens Restaurant. On June 2, in .a flurry of last minute activities, the 1970 Canticles were distributed to the Seniors. Graduation day arrived on June 9 and brought with it not only memories of the past four years, but also dreams of what the future would hold in store for the class of 1970.


Leonard Liberto

Marie Mercantini


Brian Lilley

Sister Marie Jose discusses plans for graduation with Senior officers Tomsho, Fred Carella, Mary Grace Cooper, and Pete Leadem.


Gregory Pitonak

Thomas Schmierer


Tomsho 175

Patricia Alba

Donna Angeloni

James AHonse

Ignatius Amari

Gail Andrews

Richard Ashton

Robert Atkins

Helyn Bainbridge

Thomas Barbieri

Marianne Bartolomei 176

Barbara Barth

Senior duo, Tim Cannon and Tim Masick, captains of the football team, ignite school spirit.

Ruth Bartolomo

Michele Battista

Thomas Behan

Helen Bensel

Carol Bertone

S-E-N-I-0-R Spells Spirit

Jane Bielawski

Allison Billie

Glen Bleakley

Melissa Borkovich

Everyone contributes to N.D.'s first in-class pep rally. 177

Daniel Bradway

John Brennan

Timothy Brenton

Shelley Britton

Teamwork is the key to the triumph of the girls' hockey team.

Salvatore Bruccoleri

Colleen Buckley

Patricia Buckley

Deborah Bugdal

Larry Zukowski displays his famous ball handling and fancy footwork.

Problems and Losses Fade as Students 11s

Extend a Helping Hand

Donald Bugdal

Walter Bulat

Michael Cannon

Lucia Capriotti

Mary Cardinale

Nancy Carney

John Carrig

Jan Carter

John Cade

Coleen Camp

One doesn't equal two according to the calculations of Mary Jean Stout and Harry Norton.

Joan Casciani

Angela Castaldo 179

Patricia Cellini

Cynthia Chojnowski

Peter Chrzempiec

Lilli Ann Ciesielski

Rory Coley

James Condrat

Dennis Connolly 180

Student Council officers pledge themselves to fulfill their obligations, with the evident approval of Sister Mary Gabriel.

John Conway

James Cook

Beverly Cuccagna

Peter Cugasi

Daniel Culliton

David Curtis

Linda Cushing

Mark Czajkowski

Thomas Czech

Joseph D'Ambrosio

Theresa D'Ambrosio

True Leaders Stand Tall Frolll Near and Far

Senior gridders line up for roll call during pre-game pep rally. 181

Smiles Sparh Enthusiasm

Patricia D'Arcy

JoAnn Decowski

Shelley Britton, Diane Ford, Lucia Capriotti, and Mary Beth Forman find one of Mr. Schole's comments very amusing.

John Dekis


Frank Della Rossa

Denise Del Vecchio

Diane Devaney

Thomas Diehl

Vincent Di Stefano

Walter Dobinson

Gail Dombroski

George Domurat

Joanne Duncan

Nell Dutko

Elizabeth Ehret

Robert Elmer

James Ennis

Lydia Fabbro

Thomas Faherty

Elizabeth Farley

Debbie Grodeck works diligently while Dave Gavin's thoughts seem to be elsewhere in Sister Alexander's third period class. 183

Darlene Fennimore

Susan Ferrara

Mr. Diamond offers welcomed assistance to Mary Ellen Montague during a puzzling physics class.

Frank Ferrare

Carol Festa

Father Thul distributes Holy Communion to John Moran. 184

Joseph Festa

Patricia Fink

Thomas Flanagan

Diane Ford

Faith, Hope, and Charity

Mary Beth Forman

Carol Fonnidoni

Karl Franzoni

Cathleen Frein

Nancy Frick

Gloria Furman

William Gardner

Elizabeth Gavigan

Debbi Gerken

Christine Gill

Russ Hart accepts the gavel of leadership from Father Coffey.

David Gavin

Peter Genovese

Yield Responsibility


Mary Lou Giovacchini

Dolores Golinski

Marian Goliszewski

Charles Gramness

Anne Graziano

Mike McGowan and Pat Tuliszewski seem to believe the old adage that "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".

Lunchtillle Provides

Long Awaited Relaxation

Dianne Gribbin

Debra Grodeck

Russell Hart

Ellen Griffin 186

Kathleen Harper

Linda Hatrak

Maureen Heffernan

Sandra Hendrickson

David Henk

Patricia Hetzel

Warren Hill

Daniel Holcombe

Judith Horan

"Decisions, decisions", says Diane Nevius as she makes her selection. 187

Evelyn Horodynski

Kathleen Hovemeyer

Cecile Huart

Richard Jedynak

Kevin Jones

Donald Kaniewski

Christopher Kazior

James Kazior

Anne Marie Keister

Karol Kerns 188

Diane Kelly

Don "Big Chief" Kaniewski leads N.D. in the Coronet's first "mod" spirit drive.

Judith Kinczel

Judith Kitchen

Edward Klane

John Kmiec

Barbara Kocan

Fun and Frolic Provide a Welcome Breal~ in Daily Routine

Denise Koch

Joseph Korona

Anthony Kostalas

Russ Hart and Len Liberto plead peace as Tom Faherty takes aim. 189

Barbara Kowalik

Robert Kozakiewicz

Kathleen Kozlowski

Catherine Kuliczkowski

First Friday Mass begins as Tom Behan leads the entrance procession.

Ronald Kwiatkowski

Donald Lansing

Geraldine La Placa

Russell Lawyer

With the help of Sister Johnell, Bev Sawka sees the light as Barbara Zombeck tries it alone.

Concentration and Devotion Lead to Academic and Spiritual Success

Robert Leone

Patricia Long

Robert Lyon

~artin ~accarond

~aryann ~accarond












Linda Blicharz seems oblivious to everything as she struggles through a history test.



Thomas Mannix 191

George Marshall

Anne Marie Martin

Kathleen Martini

Timothy Masick

Joseph Maruca

John McConnack

Joseph McConnick 192

While Linda Blicharz takes note of "their" error, Joe Maruca and AI Malley take pride in their work acknowledging the Amazin路 Mets.

Mary McGlone

Michael McGowan

Kathleen McGuire

Theresa McKee

James McNallen

Theresa Meagher

David Meyer

Monica Miller

Mary Ellen Montague

Janice Mooney

John Moran

Senior Spirit and Scholarship Go Hand in Hand

"Are you sure you can find it in here?", Kathy Morrissey doubtfully asks. 193

Senior Life Envisions Plans and Decisions

Kathleen Morrissey

Kathleen Mullin

Michael Murphy

.: -~ .


Patrick Murphy

Barb Nalbone and Tom Behan look toward the future.

Sally Murphy

Marie Mutchiga

Ramona Mydlowski

Barbara Nalbone

Dean Nalbone

Patricia Nerwinski

Diane Nevius

Harry Norton

Kathleen O'Donnell

Marguerite O'Donnell

Maureen O'Malley

Ronald Ostrowski

Anne Ott

Stephen Owcarz

Lucille Pagano

"It sure is tough to decide", says Tom Faherty to Barbie Barth, as they cast their votes at the Fall Sports Semi-Formal. 195

Carol Palombo

Wendy Parr

Larry Zukowski's thoughts are not those of turkey during tense moments of the Thanksgiving game.

Djane Passanza

Walter Patykula

Spirited shouts of Tina Petro support a fantastic catch. 196

Nancy Perferi

John Petrino

Christine Petro

Diane Petrone

Exciting Moments Reveal

Mary Petruccione

Janice Petty

Steven Phillips

Christine Piekarski

Loretta Plaza

John Ramutkowski

Lee Ranallo

Claire Ranfone

Kathleen Reilly

Martin Repko

Tied to the stake, Carol Formidoni foreshadows Saint Anthony's loss to the Irish.

Kathleen Regan

Debra Reilly

ND' s Loyalty and Spirit


Dennis Reuter

Albert Ricciardelli

Marie Ritzo

Deborah Rock

Patricia Rooney

Maureen O'Malley and Elaine Rulkiewicz relentlessly work on yearbook details.

Moments of Quiet Inspire Creativity Marie Roslowski

Elaine Rulkiewicz 198

Patrick Russell

Marianne Rychlicki

John Sackett

Ronald Sadley

Vincent Santaniello

Mary Sue Salaga

Beverly Sawka

Donna Sayre

Toni Scalia

Marlane Schreier

JoAnn Sciarrotta

Chuck Gramness strives for perfection while sketching geometric figures. 199

William Seiler

Thomas Semonik

William Sheaffer

James Sieben

Karen Sista

Frederick Skerrett

Nicholas Skroumbelos

Frank Skwara

Thomas Slackter

Lillian Smolka 200

Maryann Slowikowski

Bob Leone looks at English from a different angle.

Michael Sodomin

Katherine Solan

Mary Ann Soltis

William Stec

Karin Stephenson

Knowledge Advances Manl<ind

Tim Cannon, Donna Sayre, and Tom Flanagan watch intently as man takes a giant step in progress.

Frank Stilwell

Sharon Stinger

Mary Jean Stout

Barbara Strapp 201

Lucille Suhay

John Swierczek

Frank Szelingowski

Mary Tennyson

David Tobiasz adds finishing touches to his "PEACE" banner.

Edward Teti

Anthony Thoma

Mary Ann Tiscione

David Tobiasz

Sister Mary Grace indicates a literary technique of T. S. Eliot to Bill Spitz and Tom Slackter.

Happiness Is Giving of Ourselves to Others 202

Franca Tocco

Colleen Tripp

Helene Ullrich

Michael Urban

Leen Vander Heyden

Susan Vaughan

Christopher Vavricka

Paulette Verde

Patricia Tuliszewski

Christina Turski

Elizabeth Gavigan enjoys helping Kevin Connolly translate a difficult French passage.

Lawrence Vereb

Paul Weitz 203

Meinories Preserve the Past

Walter Wenczel

Joseph Whartenby

Diane White

Bernadette Wiaczek 204

"Let's straighten things up", smiles Bev Cuccagna to her escort Joe Macura at the Junior Prom.

George Wilk

Janice Wisniewski

Steven Wisniewski

Matthew Witkowski

John Christopher Worth

John Wurpel

Patrick Wysienski

John Zimpleman

Christopher Zoltanski

Barbara Zombeck

Lawrence Zukowski

John Joseph Worth



Pamela Wozniak

Charles Zimmer

Barbara Zombeck models her own creation in the 1969 Spring Fashion Show. 205

Senior Directory ALLISON BILLIE 50 West Long Drive, Lawrenceville Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. GLEN BLEAKLEY • 952 Terrace Boulevard, Trenton • Band 3, 4; Orchestra 3, 4. LINDA BLICHARZ • 6 Gedney Road, Trenton • Canticle CoEditor 4; Future Teachers Club 4, Secretary 2, Vice-President 3; Spanish Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President 4. MELISSA BORKOVICH • 10 Cadillac Court, Trenton • Bowling 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. DANIEL BRADWAY • 30 Pin Oak Drive, Trenton • National Honor Society 3, 4; Key Club 3, Treasurer 4; Forum Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 4. JOHN BRENNAN • 249 Elmore Avenue, Trenton • National Honor Society 3·, 4; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2; Choraleers 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Homeroom Treasurer 1, President 3. TIMOTHY BRENTON 107 McAdoo Avenue, Trenton SHELLEY BRITTON • 96 Ridgewood Avenue, Trenton • Junior Classical League 3, 4; Leader Corps 3, 4; Liturgical Commission 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. SALVATORE BRUCCOLERI 1304 North Olden Avenue, Trenton • Football 1, 2, 3. COLLEEN BUCKLEY • 270 Buckley Lane, Robbinsville • Red Cross Club 2, 3. PATRICIA BUCKLEY • 3 Llanfair Lane, Trenton • Junior Classical League 3, 4; Coronet 1, 3, 4; Cheerleader 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. DEBORAH BUGDAL • 870 Ohio Avenue, Trenton • Canticle 4; GAA Executive Board 2, 3, 4; Leader Corps 2, 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. DONALD BUGDAL 1301 North Olden Avenue, Trenton National Honor Society 3, 4; Jerseymen 3, 4; Stagecraft Club 2, 3; Coronet 3, Feature Editor 4. WALTER BULAT • 146 Lehigh Avenue, Trenton • Varsity Club 3, Treasurer 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Basketball 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2; Homeroom Vice-President 1, Treasurer 2; Library Assistant 3, 4.

Graduation seems to be getting closer for John Kmiec as he is measured for his cap and gown.

A PATRICIA ALBA • 78 Groveland Avenue, Trenton • Junior Classical League 3, 4; Coronet 3, Circulation Editor 4; Four Winds 3, Latin Editor 4; Homeroom Secretary 1, 3. JAMES ALFONSE • 224 Natrona Avenue, Trenton • Band 2, 4; Choraleers 2, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 4. IGNATIUS AMARI • 641 Brunswick Avenue, Trenton • Band 1, 2, 3. GAIL ANDREWS • 819 Ohio Avenue, Trenton • Canticle Typing Editor 4; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 4; GAA 3, 4. DONNA ANGELONI • 90 Pickford Avenue, Trenton • Student Council 2, 3; Canticle 4; Future Teachers Club 1, 2; Jerseymen 3 4· Sodality 1 2· Homeroom President 1; Library Assistant 1, 2; GAA 3, 4. ' ' RICHARD ASHTON • 199 North Hamilton Avenue, Trenton ROBERT ATKINS 213 Nancy Lane, Trenton • Chess Club 1, 2; Audio-Visual Club 3, Vice-President 4; Jersseymen 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling 1, 2, Captain 4.

c JOHN CADE • 9 Brampton Way, Trenton • Junior Historic Club 1, 2; Varsity Club 3, 4; Golf 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 3; Library Assistant 3, 4. COLEEN CAMP • 59 Craven Lane, Lawrenceville • Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. MICHAEL CANNON • 234 Regina Avenue, Trenton • Varsity Club 3, Secretary 4; Football 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Wrestling 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2. LUCIA CAPRIOTTI • 3725 Easf State Street, Trenton • Jerseymen Vice-President 3, President 4. MARY CARDINALE • 11 Steinway Avenue, Trenton • Red Cross Club 2, 4. FREDERICK CARELLA • 4 Verona Avenue, Trenton • Senior Class President; Student Council 4; National Honor Society 3, President 4; Liturgical Commission 2, 3, Chairman 4; Key Club 3, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 1, 2, 3·; Choraleers 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4. NANCY CARNEY • 3 Bradway Avenue, Trenton • Spanish Honor Society 2, 3. JOHN CARRIG • 614 Westmoreland Drive, Trenton • Soccer 2, 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2. JAN CARTER 55 Stonicker Drive, Trenton JOAN CASCIANI • 10 Renee Court, Trenton • Bowling 1, 2, 3; GAA 3, 4. ANGELA CASTALDO • 68 Madison Avenue, Trenton • Choraleers 3·, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Canticle 4; Homeroom Secretary 1, 2; GAA 3, 4. PATRICIA CELLINI • 606 Concord Avenue, Trenton • Drama Club 4; Treasurer 3; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; GAA 3, 4.


HEL YN BAINBRIDGE 1238 Princeton Avenue, Trenton History Club 1, 2; Tennis 2, 3; GAA 3, 4. THOMAS BARBIERI 830 Brunswick Avenue, Trenton Track 3, 4. BARBARA BARTH • 5 Clement Avenue, Trenton • National Honor Society 3, 4; Canticle Picture and Page Editor 4; GAA Executive Board 1, 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 4; GAA 3, 4. MARIANNE BARTOLOMEI • 8 Glen Stewart Drive, Trenton Future Nurses Club 2, 3, 4. RUTH BARTOLOMO • 15 Dexter Street, Trenton • Homeroom President 2, Secretary 3; Choraleers 2, 3; Modern Dance 1, 2; GAA Executive Board 1, 2. MICHELE BATTISTA • 29 Dexter Street, Trenton • Future Nurses Club 1, 2. THOMAS BEHAN • 1710 Lawrence Road, Trenton • Coronet 1, 2, 3; Jerseymen 4, President 3·; Liturgical Commission 3, 4; Cross Country 1, 2, 3; Varsity Club 3, 4. 2 Mark Lane, Trenton HELEN BENSEL 44 Raleigh Road, Kendall Park CAROL BERTONE JANE BIELAWSKI • R.D. #3, Carter Road, Princeton • Leader Corps 2, 3; Hockey 2, 3, Captain 4; Homeroom Secretary 2; GAA 3, 4.

CYNTHIA CHOJNOWSKI • 823 Pine Street, Trenton • Future Secretaries Club 1, 2; Future Secretaries 3, 4.


PETER CHRZEMPIEC 147 Sherman Avenue, Trenton LILLI ANN CIESIELSKI 41 Ewingville Road, Trenton Future Nurses Club 1, Vice-President 2; Canticle 4. RORY COLEY • 3 Bayberry Road, Trenton • Villa Victoria Academy 1; Art Club 3, 4; Student Council1, Treasurer 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Homeroom Secretary 2; GAA 3, 4. JAMES CONDRAT • 253 Fieldboro Drive, Trenton • National Honor Society 3, 4. DENNIS CONNOLLY • 12 Mario Drive, Trenton • Soccer 2, 3; Baseball 2, 3, 4. JOHN CONWAY • 235 Regina Avenue, Trenton • Band 1, 2, 3; Orchestra 1, 2, 3. JAMES COOK • 102 Chelsea Avenue, Trenton • Latin Club 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2; Baseball 1, 4, Captain 2; Homeroom President 1, Treasurer 2. LUCILLE COOPER 88 Mountain View Road, Trenton Student Council 3 4; Surf Club 1, 4; Basketball 1, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 1,' 4; President 2; Library Assistant 1, 2; GAA 3, 4. MARY GRACE COOPER • 23 Thurston Avenue, Trenton Student Council 2, 4; Future Teachers Club 1, 2, 3,. 4; Sodality 1 2· GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Homeroom President 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. BEVERLY CUCCAGNA • 35 Stratford Avenue, Trenton • Red Cross Club 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2. PETER CUGASI • 1012 Princeton Avenue, Trenton • Band 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Football 1, 2; Homeroom Vice-President 1, 4. DANIEL CULLITON 14 Brenwall Avenue, Trenton DAVID CURTIS • I08 Fifth Avenue, Trenton • Immaculata High School 1, 2; Student Council I, 2; Spanish Honor Society 3, 4; Varsity Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Key Club 3, 4; Future Teachers Association 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Canticle 4; Homeroom Vice-President 3; Treasurer 4. LINDA CUSHING • 44 Laurel Avenue, Kingston • Student Council 4; Choraleers 2, 3·; Basketball 2, 3, 4, Co-Captain .1; GAA Executive Board 1, 2, Corresponding Secretary 3, President 4; Homeroom Secretary 3, GAA 3, 4. MARK CZAJKOWSKI • I32 Girard Avenue, Trenton • Projection Club I, 2. THOMAS CZECH I Bywood Lane, Trenton

E ELIZABETH EHRET • 2525 Main Street, Trenton • Hockey I, 2, 4, Captain 3; GAA 3, 4. ROBERT ELMER • 865 East State Street, Trenton • AudioVisual Club 1, 2. JAMES ENNIS • 2I Forrestal Road, Kendall Park • National Honor Society 3, 4; Key Club Lieutenant Governor 3, 4; Forum Club I, 2; President 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4; Renascence 1, 2.

F LYDIA FABBRO • IOO Glenview Drive, Trenton • Lawrence High School I; Future Teachers Club I, 2, 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, Art Editor 4; Homeroom Vice-President 2. THOMAS FAHERTY • 2164 Pennington Road, Trenton • Student Council 4; Canticle 3, 4; Key Club 2, 3, Vice-President 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Cross Country 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer I, 3. ELIZABETH FARLEY • 604 Latona Avenue, Trenton • Liturgical Commission 2, 3, 4; Math Club 2, 3; Coronet I, 2; Renasence 1, 2; Leader Corps 3, 4; GAA Executive Board, I, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Tennis 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. DARLENE FENNIMORE • 807 Bunker Hill Avenue, Trenton SUSAN FERRARA • Ellisdale Road, Allentown • Villa Victoria Academy 1, 2, 3; Student Council 3; Villa Victoria Choir 1, 2, 3; Choraleers 4; Forensic Club I, 2, 3; The Echo 1, 2; Music Editor 3; Coronet 4. FRANK FERRARE • I8 Alton Road, Trenton • J erseymen 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2; Soccer I, 2, 3. CAROL FESTA • 50 Roxboro Road, Trenton • Canticle 2, 4. JOSEPH FESTA • 73 Rockland Road, Trenton • Audio-Visual Club I, Treasurer 2. PATRICIA FINK I5I8 Cornell Avenue, Trenton THOMAS FLANAGAN • 12 Fleetwood Drive, Trenton • AudioVisual Club I, 2, 3, Vice-President 4; Library Assistant 3, 4. DIANE FORD • 14 Millard Terrace, Trenton • Jerseymen 3, 4. MARY BETH FORMAN • 78 Stonicker Drive, Trenton • Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Choraleers 2, 4, Secretary 3; GAA Executive Board 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President I, Secretary 2; GAA 3, 4. CAROL FORMIDONI • 780 Lawrence Road, Trenton • Villa Victoria Academy 1; Student Council 4; Faculty-Student Advisor 4; Hockey 2, 4, Co-Captain 3; Homeroom Secretary 2, VicePresident 3; GAA 3, 4.

D JOSEPH D'AMBROSIO 1350 Princeton Avenue, Trenton Audio-Visual Club I, 2. THERESA D'AMBROSIO • I350 Princeton Avenue, Trenton Four Winds 3, 4; Spanish Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Canticle 4. PATRICIA D'ARCY • 2864 Nottingham Way, Trenton • Canticle 4; GAA 3, 4. JO ANN DECOWSKI • 2614 Quaker Bridge Road, Trenton JOHN DEKIS • 148 Allentown Road, Trenton • Glee Club 1, 2; Audio-Visual Club I, 2; Soccer 2, 3, 4. FRANK DELLA ROSSA • 94 Nelson Avenue, Trenton • Chess Club 3, 4; Band I, 2; Cross Country 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 3. DENISE DEL VECCHIO • 126 Miller Street, Trenton • Red Cross Club I, 2; Canticle 4. DIANE DEVANEY • 52 Dunmore Avenue, Trenton • Future Nurses Club I, 3, President 4; Canticle 4. THOMAS DIEHL 22 Cold Spring Road, Trenton VINCENT DI STEFANO •77 Betts Avenue, Trenton • AudioVisual Club 1, 2. WALTER DOBINSON I263 Nottingham Way, Trenton Football I, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4. GAIL DOMBROSKI • 325 West Upper Ferry Road, Trenton Future Nurses Club 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary I; GAA 3, 4. GEORGE DOMURAT • I410 Ohio Avenue, Trenton • Projection Club I, 2, 3, President 4; Forum Club I, 2, Treasurer 3; Track I, 2, 4. JOANNE DUNCAN • I52 Carter Road, Princeton • Library Assistant I, 2. NELL DUTKO • I03I Indiana Avenue, Trenton • Basketball 2, 3; GAA 3, 4.

KARL FRANZONI • 25 Bayberry Road, Trenton • Canticle Business Editor 4; Wrestling I, 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3; Homeroom Vice-President 4. CATHLEEN FREIN • 285 George Dye Road, Trenton • Future Nurses Club I , 3, 4, Treasurer 2; Coronet 2, 3, Girls Sports Editor 4; GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Basketball 2, 4; Homeroom Secretary 4; GAA 3, 4. NANCY FRICK • 29 Puritan Court, Princeton • Marywood High tSchool I , 2, 3; Student Council 3; Swim Club 2, Secretary 3; French Club 1, 2, 3; Choraleers 4. GLORIA FURMAN • 114 Fieldboro Drive, Trenton • Spanish Honor Society 2, 3; Coronet 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4.

ND's Key Club surrounded their creation, "The Big Blue Machine".


DAVID HENK • 225 Elmore Avenue, Trenton • Chess Club 1, 3; Track 3, 4; Cross Country 3, 4. PATRICIA HETZEL • 310 Glenn Avenue, Trenton • National Honor Society 3, 4; Red Cross Club 1, 2; Future Teachers Club 2, Secretary 3, President 4; Canticle 1, 4; Homeroom Secretary 1; GAA 3, 4. WARREN HILL 1481 Kuser Road, Trenton PATRICIA HOFMANN 19 Cold Spring Road, Trenton Canticle 3, Co-Editor 4; Student Council 4; Leader Corps 2, 3, 4; Hockey 2, Co-Captain 3; Tennis 2, 3; Renascence 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3; Homeroom Treasurer 3; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. DANIEL HOLCOMBE • Clarksville Road, Princeton Junction Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4. JUDITH HORAN • 1032 Terrace Boulevard, Trenton • Future Nurses Club 1, 2; Junior Classical League 4, Treasurer 3; Four Winds 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. EVELYN HORODYNSKI 7 Cardinal Road, Trenton Cathedral High School 1, 2; Art Club 1. KATHLEEN HOVEMEYER 38 Sherman Avenue, Trenton CECILE HUART 7 Hartman Drive, Trenton Future Teachers Club 1, 2; Tennis 1, 2; Four Winds 3, 4; Canticle 1, 2; Library Assistant 3, 4; Stage Craft Club 2, 3.


4 Cynthia Lane, Trenton


2, 3, 4. ELIZABETH GAVIGAN 25 Steinway Avenue, Trenton Future Teachers Club 3, 4; Canticle 4; GAA 3, 4. DAVID GAVIN • 29 Hillman Avenue, Trenton • Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4. PETER GENOVESE • 905 Parkway Avenue, Trenton • Jerseymen 1, 2; French Club 1, 2; Chess Club 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, Sports Editor 4; Four Winds 2, 3. KEVIN GEOGHAN • 33 Montgomery Road, Rocky Hill Jerseymen 1, 2, Vice-President 4; Coronet 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2, 3, 4; Golf 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President 4 . DEBBI GERKEN • 28 Mountain View Road, Trenton • Villa Victoria Academy 1; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. CHRISTINE GILL • 57 Grayson Avenue, Trenton • Canticle 4; Hockey 2, 3; Homeroom Treasurer 4; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. MARY LOU GIOVACCHINI • Pleasant Valley Road, Titusville Student Council Corresponding Secretary 4; Modern pance 1, 2, Chairman 3, 4; Cheerleader 3, 4; Homeroom President 1, 2, Secretary 3; GAA 3, 4. DOLORES GOLINSKI • 46 Mabel Street, Trenton • Library Assistant 2, 3. MARIAN GOLISZEWSKI 41 Vincent Avenue, Trenton Jerseymen 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4. CHARLES GRAMNESS • 80 Hillview Avenue • Franklin Park Football 2, 3, 4. ANNE GRAZIANO • 220 Edinburgh Road, Trenton • Red Cross Club 2, Vice-President 1; Canticle 1. DIANNE GRIBBIN • 620 Latona Avenue, Trenton • Villa Victoria Academy 1; Liturgical Commission 2, 3, 4; Modern Dance 2 3· Drama Club 4, Vice-President 3; Forum Club 1, 2, 3; Choral~er; 2, 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4; Library Assistant 2, 3; GAA 3, 4. ELLEN GRIFFIN • 208 Greenland Avenue, Trenton • Jerseymen 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1. DEBRA GRODECK • 702 Bunker Hill Avenue, Trenton • Art Club 2, Vice-President 3; GAA 3, 4.

I GAIL ILLIAN • 13 Brenwal Avenue, Trenton • Student Council 2, 4; Canticle 3, 4; Cheerleader 3; Sodality 1, 2; GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 3, 4; GAA 3, 4.

J RICHARD JEDYNAK • 20 Samantha Lane, Trenton • Band 1, 2; Orchestra 1, 2; Ohoraleers 3, 4. KEVIN JONES Princeton Road, Plainsboro K DONALD KANIEWSKI • 638 Indiana Avenue, Trenton • Student Council 1, 2; Jerseymen 4, Vice-President 3; Renascence 1, 2, Editor-in-Chief 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4; Quill and Scroll Society 3, 4; Homeroom President 1. CHRISTOPHER KAZIOR • 138 Darrah Lane, Trenton • Key Club 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Aero Space Club 1, 2; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 4; Basketball!, 2. JAMES KAZIOR • 157 Concord Avenue, Trenton • Aero Space Club 1, 2; Varsity Club 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 4, Co-Captain 3; Baseball 2, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 1, Treasurer 4. ANNE MARIE KEISTER 98 Penwood Drive, Trenton Future Nurses Club 1, 3, 4; Canticle 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, President 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4. DIANE KELLY • 42 Shackamaxon Drive, Trenton • Red Cross Club 1, 2; GAA 3, 4. KAROL KERNS • 4071 Nottingham Way, Trenton • Leader Corps 2, 3, 4; Red Cross Club 1, 2; Hockey 2, 3; Tennis 1, 2; Four Winds 2, 3; Renascence 2, 3; Canticle 4; GAA 3, 4. JUDITH KINCZEL • 21 Cain Avenue, Trenton • GAA 3, 4. JUDITH KITCHEN • 60 Broad Avenue, Trenton • Renascence 1, 2; GAA 3, 4. EDWARD KLANE • 32 Albermarle Road, Trenton • Photography Club 1, 2; Glee Club 1, 2; Canticle Sports Editor 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2. JOHN KMIEC • 315 Ellis Avenue, Trenton • Audio-Visual Club 1, 2; Football 1, 2. BARBARA KOCAN • 96 Vincent Avenue, Trenton • Student Council3,4; Jerseymen 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3; Canticle 4; Sodality 1, 2; Homeroom Secretary 1, President 2; GAA 3, 4. DENISE KOCH 29 Winthrop Avenue, Trenton JOSEPH KORONA • 7 Wineberg Place, Trenton • Chess Club 1, 2; Cross Country 3, 4; Track 3, 4. ANTHONY KOSTALAS 999 Mulberry Street, Trenton Lawrence High School 1, 2, 3; Student Council 1, 2. BARBARA KOWALIK 1424 Princeton Avenue, Trenton ROBERT KOZAKIEWICZ 195 North Hamilton Avenue, Trenton • Stagecraft Club 2, 4; Canticle 2, 3, Photography Editor 4.

H KATHLEEN HARPER 1422 Princeton Avenue, Trenton Future Secretaries 3, 4; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. RUSSELL HART • 53 Florence Avenue, Trenton • Student Council 3, President 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 4; Varsity Club 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President 2. LINDA HATRAK 201 Crescent Avenue, Trenton MAUREEN HEFFERNAN • 30 Willow Run Lane, Belle Mead Renascence 2, 3;; GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 1; GAA 3, 4; Canticle 4. SANDRA HENDRICKSON • 1018 Terrace Boulevard, Trenton Four Winds 3, Assistant Typing Editor 4; Canticle 4.

With a flick of the wrist, Senior George Marshall tunes in. 208

JOHN McCORMACK • 316 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton • Chess Club 1, Vice-President 3, 4; Liturgical Commission 2, 3, 4; Coronet 1, 4; Forum Club 1, 2. JOSEPH McCORMICK 755 PresideRt Avenue, Trenton Football 1, 2, 3, 4. MARY McGLONE • 21 Hill Top Drive, Princeton • Lacardaire Academy 1, 2. MICHAEL McGOWAN • 9 Springwood Drive, Princeton Junction Jerseymen 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 1, 2. KATHLEEN McGUIRE 231 Johnston Drive, Trenton THERESA McKEE • 183 Jefferson Road, Princeton • Future Teachers Club 1, 2; Jerseymen 3, 4; Basketball 3, 4, Co-Captain 1, 2; Canticle 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4; Four Winds 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 1; GAA 3, 4. JAMES McNALLEN • 16 Dundee Road, Kendall Park • South Brunswick High School 1, 2. THERESA MEAGHER • 2 Alyce Court, Trenton • Liturgical Commission 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; GAA 3, 4. MARIE MERCANTINI • 115 Crosswicks Street, Bordentown Student Council 4; Jerseymen 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Coronet 1, 2, 3, 4; Canticle 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1; GAA 3, 4. DAVID MEYER • 51 New Street, Trenton • Choraleers 2, 3, 4. MONICA MILLER • 70 New Street, Trenton • Future Secretaries 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Bowling 1, 2, 3; Coronet 1, 2, 3, Business Editor 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. MARY ELLEN MONTAGUE • 614 Concord Circle, Trenton Jerseymen 3, 4; Choraleers 2, 3, 4; Hockey 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Canticle 4; Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. JANICE MOONEY • 46 Cedar Lane, Princeton • Leader Corps 2, 3, 4; Future Nurses Club 1, 4; Canticle 3, Business Editor 4; GAA 3, 4. JOHN MORAN • 34 Cranbrook Road, Trenton • Stagecraft Club 2, 3, 4. KATHLEEN MORRISSEY 176 Grayson Avenue, Trenton Art Club 2, 3; Stagecraft Club 1, 3, 4; Coronet 1, 2, 3, 4. KATHLEEN MULLIN 1048 Terrace Boulevard, Trenton Canticle 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, 4; GAA Executive Board Recording Secretary 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. MICHAEL MURPHY 149 New Hillcrest Avenue, Trenton PATRICK MURPHY • 90 Wescott Road, Princeton • Hun School 1; Red Cross Club 3, 4. SALLY MURPHY • 212 Ewing Street, Princeton • Art Club 2, 3; Canticle 1, 4; Library Assistant 1, 2. MARIE MUTCHIGA 94 East Paul Avenue, Trenton Canticle 4. RAMONA MYDLOWSKI 13 Hartman Drive, Trenton Modern Dance 1, 2, 3, 4; Four Winds 3, 4; Library Assistant 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2; GAA 3, 4.

KATHLEEN KOZLOWSKI 2 Florham Drive, Trenton National Honor Society 3, 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; 'Four Winds 3, Associate Latin Editor 4; Canticle 4; GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2; GAA 3, 4. CATHERINE KULICZKOWSKI • 6 Iowana Avenue, Trenton Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, ~. 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4. RONALD KWIATKOWSKI • 180 Franklin Road, Trenton • Art Club 3, 4; Four Winds German Editor 2, 3, 4; Canticle Art Editor 4; Stagecraft . Club 3, 4.

L DONALD LANSING • 621 Greenway Avenue, Trenton • Glee Club 1, 2; Catholic Action Club 2, 3. GERALDINE LA PLACA • 76lh Linden Lane, Princeton • GAA Executive Board 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Tennis 1, 2, 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4; Four Winds 3, 4; Canticle 4; GAA 3, 4. RUSSELL LAWYER • 34 Kino Boulevard, Trenton • Student Council Vice-President 4; Key Club 3, Senior Director 4; Choraleers 2, 3; 4; Baseball 1, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 3, Varsity Club 3, 4. · PETER LEADEM • 106 Bull Run Road, Trenton • Student Council 4; Key Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, Vice-Preside~t 4; Wrestling 1, 2, Captain 3, 4; Track 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Prestdent 3, 4. ROBERT LEONE • Princeton Arms #96, Hightstown • Key Club 3, 4; Glee Club 1, 2; Choraleers 1, 2; Baseball 1, 4; Bowling 1, 2, 3; Knights of Notre Dame 1, 2, 3, 4. LEONARD LIBERTO • 65 Ewingville Road, Trenton • Student Council 4; Football 1, 2. BRIAN LILLEY • 1 Sioux Road, Pennington • Audio-Visual Club 1, 2; Track 1, 2, 3; Homeroom Vice-President 3, President 4. PATRICIA LONG • 204 Berwyn Place, Trenton • Glee Club 1, 2; Choraleers 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. 36 Ormond Avenue, Trenton MARGARET LONGEVIN Junior Classical League 3, 4; Four Winds 3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Homeroom Treasurer 3, 4. MARILYN LUCAS • 56 Rockland Road, Trenton • Press Club 1, 2; Red Cross Club 1, 2. ROBERT LYON 45 Hollynoll Drive, Trenton M

MARTIN MACCARONI 1147 Chambers Street, Trenton Photography Club 1, 2; Homeroom Treasure:.; 2. MARYANN MACCARONI • 6 Greentree Road, Trenton Coronet 1, 2; Bowling 1, 2; GAA 3, 4. ALAN MacDONALD 74 Lawrenceville-Pennington Road, Trenton • Jerseymen 2, Treasurer 3; Wrestling 1, 2, 3, 4. SHIRLEY MAHON • 245 Elmore Avenue, Trenton • Color Guard 3, 4. ALEXANDER MALLEY • 6 Cannon Drive, Trenton • Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 2. WILLIAM MALLOY 43 B Yorkshire Drive, Hightstown Mount Carmel High School 1; Saint Helena High School 2, 3; Dtama Club 2, 3, 4; Jerseymen 4; Art Club 4. THOMAS MANNIX • 24 Norcross Circle, Trenton • Stagecraft Club 2, President 3, 4. GEORGE MARSHALL • 344 Glenn Avenue, Trenton • National Honor Society 3, 4; Chess Club 3, President 4; Audio-Visual Club 3, 4; Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Four Winds 3, Assistant Editor-in-Chief 4; Forum Club 3, 4. ANN MARIE MARTIN • 8 Brown Drive, Trenton • Liturgical Commission 3, 4; Coronet 2, 3, News Editor 4; Homeroom Secretary 3, 4. KATHLEEN MARTINI • 260 Glenn Avenue, Trenton • Future Teachers Club 2, Vice-President 1; Basketball 1, 2; Cheerleader 3, 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 4; GAA Executive Board 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Vice-President 1, President 3; GAA 3, 4. TIMOTHY MASICK • 7 Salem Place, Trenton • Varsity Club 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Basketball 1, 2; Library Assistant 3, 4; Homeroom President 1. JOSEPH MARUCA • 34 Sherbrooke Road, Trenton • History Club 1, 2; Baseball 2, 3.

N BARBARA NALBONE 1560 Pennington Road, Trenton Hockey 2, 3; Canticle 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2; Homeroom President 1; GAA 3, 4. DEAN NALBONE • 150 Lawrence Road, Trenton • Chess Club 2, 3; Soccer 2, 3; Bowling 1, 2, 3, Captain 4; Track 3, 4. PATRICIA NERWINSKI 833 Plum Street, Trenton DIANE NEVIUS • 72 Groveland Avenue, Trenton • Coronet 2, 3, 4. HARRY NORTON • 39 Darrah Lane, Trenton • Student Council 3, 4; Key Club 2, President 3, 4; International Trustee 4; Forum Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Jerseymen 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Wrestling 1, 2, 4, Captain 3; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Faculty Advisor 4. 0

KATHLEEN O'DONNELL • 6 Whitehall Road, Trenton Bowling 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2; GAA 3, 4. MARGUERITE O'DONNELL • 19 Laurel Avenue, Kingston Basketball 1, 2, 4, Captain 3; GAA Executive Board 2, 3, VicePresident 4. MAUREEN O'MALLEY 5 Princeton Avenue, Rocky Hill GAA Executive Board 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 4, Captain 3; Coronet 3, Alumni Editor 4; Four Winds 3, 4; Canticle 3, 4; GAA 3, 4.


DEBRA REILLY R. D. 1, Box 646, Copper Mine Road, Franklin Park • Saint Mary's High School, Perth Amboy 1, 2, 3; Choraleers 3, 4; Pep Club 2, 3; Drama Club 2, 3; Glee Club 1, 2, 3. KATHLEEN REILLY • 9 Llanfair Lane, Trenton • Jerseymen 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA Executive Board 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. MARTIN REPKO • 606 Ohio Avenue, Trenton • Band 2, 3. 55 Aberfayle Drive, Trenton ALBERT RICCIARDELLI Catholic Action 1, 2, 3, 4; Liturgical Commission 3, 4. DENNIS REUTER • Scott Avenue, Princeton • Wrestling 1,2, 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4; Forum Club 2, 3, 4. MARIE RITZO • 14 Vine Street, Trenton • Junior Classical League 3, 4; Four Winds 3, French Editor 4; Canticle 4; Homeroom Secretary 1, Vice-President 2; GAA 3, 4. DEBORAH ROCK • 378 Regina Avenue, Trenton • Modern Dance 2, 3, 4; Canticle 4; GAA 3, 4. PATRICIA ROONEY • 151 Johnston Avenue, Trenton • Style Club 1, 2. MARIE ROSLOWSKI • 234 Elmore Avenue, Trenton • Four Winds 3, Circulation Manager 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2, Secretary 4; Lbirary Assistant 2, 3, 4. ELAINE RULKIEWICZ 340 Whitehead Road, Trenton National Honor Society 3, Secretary 4; Ski Club 3, 4; Coronet 3, Copy Editor 4; Canticle Literary Editor 4; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Four Winds 3, 4; Bowling 1, 2; GAA Executive Board 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2, 3; GAA 3, 4. PATRICK RUSSELL 76 Main Boulevard, Trenton MARYANN RYCHLICKI 227 Mulberry Street, Trenton Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4.

"Flemish or black and white?" is the question running through Senior Bill Seiler's mind.

RONALD OSTROWSKI 625 Indiana Avenue, Trenton Trenton Central High School 2. ANNE OTT • 730 Nathan Hale Avenue, Trenton • Student Council Recording Secretary 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Tennis 3, 4; Coronet 3, 4; Canticle 4; Library Assistant 2, 3; Homeroom Secretary 3, Vice-President 4; GAA 3, 4. STEPHEN OWCARZ • 1225 Ohio Avenue, Trenton • Cross Country 3, 4; Canticle Lay-Out Editor 4.

s JOHN SACKETT 17 Dawes Avenue, Trenton RONALD SADLEY • R.D. #3, West Manor Way, Robbinsville Allentown High School 1; Cathedral High School 2. VINCENT SANTANIELLO • 266 North Clinton Avenue, Trenton Orchestra 1, 2, 3.


LUCILLE PAGANO 63 Florence Avenue, Apartment 5, Trenton • Homeroom Secretary 1, Vice-President 2, President 3. CAROL PALOMBO 46 Stratford Avenue, Trenton WENDY PARR • Elm Ridge Road, Pennington • Princeton High School and Hopewell Valley Central High School 1. DIANE PASSANZA 262 Johnston Avenue, Trenton WALTER P ATYKULA 933 Brunswick Avenue, Trenton Soccer 1, 2, 3. NANCY PERFERI 238 Youngs Road, Trenton JOHN PETRINO • 213 Elmore Avenue, Trenton • Varsity Club 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4. CHRLSTINE PETRO • 25 Cain Avenue, Trenton • Modern Dance 3, 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, Captain 4; Homeroom Treasurer 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. 74 Myrtle Avenue, Trenton DIANE PETRONE 173 Fieldboro Drive, Trenton MARY PETRUCCIONE Library Assistant 1, 3. JANICE PETTY • 54 Spruce Street, Princeton • Art Club 2, 3; Ski Club 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3; GAA 3, 4. STEVEN PHILLIPS 41 Myrtle Avenue, Trenton CHRISTINE PIEKARSKI 1141 Indiana Avenue, Trenton Liturgical Commission 3, 4; Bowling Captain 2, 3, 4; Soccer 3, Captain 4; Tennis 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. GREGORY PITONAK • 102 Daniels Avenue, Trenton • Homeroom President 4. 157 Sherman Avenue, Trenton LORETTA PLAZA

MARY SUE SALAGA • 919 Quinton Avenue, Trenton Trenton High School 2; Swim Team 2; Homeroom Treasurer 2. BEVER~ Y SAWKA • 11 Shelly Lane, Trenton • J erseymen 3, 4; Canticle 4; Ski Club 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. DONNA SAYRE • 1510 Riverside Drive Trenton • Trenton High School 2; Majorettes 2; Canticle 4. ' TONI SCALIA • 28 Brockton Road, Trenton • Orchestra 1 2 3; Band 2, 3; Four Winds 3, 4; Renascence 3 4· Homer~o~ Vice-President 1. ' ' THOMAS SCHMIERER Homeroom President 1, 4.

4 Old Forge Lane, Trenton

MARLANE SCHREIER • 108 Concord Avenue Trenton Jerseymen 3, 4; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4. ' JO ANN SCIARROTTA 52 East Paul Avenue, Trenton WILLIAM SEILER • 3831 East State Street Trenton • Soccer 1, 2,. 3, Co-Captain 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; B~seball 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4. THOMAS SEMONIK • 24 Dawes Avenue, Trenton • Cross Country 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Photography Club 1, 2. WILLIAM SHEAFFER • 1312 South Clinton Avenue, Trenton JAMES SIEBEN • 37 Exmoor Lane, Trenton • Jerseymen 3, 4; Chess Club 1, 2. KAREN SISTA • 43 Thurston Avenue, Trenton • Library Assistant 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. FREDERICK SKERRETT • 9 Brown Drive, Trenton • Photography Club 1, 2. NICHOLAS SKROUMBELOS • 170 Drift Avenue Trenton Chess Club 2, 3·;. Band 2, 3, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Cor~net 2, 3, Photography Editor 4.


730 Ohio Avenue, Trenton JOHN RAMUTKOWSKI 437 Ewing Street, Princeton LEE RANALLO 94 Glen Mawr Drive, Trenton CLAIRE RANFONE KATHLEEN REGAN 177 Grayson Avenue, Trenton National Honor Society 3', Vice-President 4; Future Teachers Club 1, 2; Modern Dance 3, 4; Cheerleader 2, 3, Co-Captain 4; Homeroom President 2, Vice-President 3, Secretary 4; GAA 3, 4.

FRANK SKWARA • 3 Wood Fern Avenue Trenton • AudioVisual Club 1, 2; Wrestling 3, 4. ' THOMAS SLACKTER • 44 Stout Avenue, Trenton • Chess Club 2, 3. MARY ANN SLOWIKOWSKI GAA 3, 4.


620 Spruce Street, Trenton

SUSAN VAUGHAN • 288 Regina Avenue, Trenton • Homeroom Treasurer 2. CHRISTOPHER VA VRICKA 78 Charles Bossert Drive, Bordentown • Chess Club 1, 2. PAULETTE VERDE • 713 Brunswick Avenue, Trenton Basketball 2, 3, 4; Canticle 4; Future S~cretaries 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. LAWRENCE VEREB 221 Johnston Avenue, Trenton

52 Mechanics Avenue, Trenton LILLIAN SMOLKA 123 Washington Road, Princeton MICHAEL SODOMIN Football 3, 4; Track 3, 4. 29 North Logan Avenue, Trenton KATHERINE SOLAN Modern Dance 2, 3; Homeroom Secretary 1. MARY ANN SOLTLS 107 Harmony Avenue, Trenton Future Secretaries 1, 2. WILLIAM SPITZ • 735 Mayflower Avenue, Trenton • Student Council 4; Key Club 2, 3, 4; Varsity Club 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 2, 3, Captain 4; Four Winds 2, 3. WILLIAM STEC 8 Glen Clair Drive, Trenton KARIN STEPHENSON • 150 Eaton Avenue, Trenton • Student Council 2; Sodality 3, 4; Future Teachers Club 1, 2; Jerseymen Secretary 3, Treasurer 4; Canticle 4; Hockey 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 2, Vice-President 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. FRANK STILWELL 851 Bunker Hill Avenue, Trenton SHARON STINGER 1348 Princeton Avenue, Trenton Sodality 3, Treasurer 4; Homeroom Secretary 2. MARY JEAN STOUT • 19 Houghton Avenue, Trenton • Future Nurses Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Jerseymen 4, Treasurer 3; Sodality 3, Vice-President 4; Canticle 4; Coronet 2, 3, 4; Homeroom President 1, Vice-President 2; Library Assistant 2, 4; GAA 3, 4. BARBARA STRAPP • 1310 Lawrence Road, Trenton • Coronet 1, 2, 3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Hockey 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Quill and Scroll 3, 4; Homeroom President 3; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. LUCILLE SUHAY 277 Hollywood Drive, Trenton JOHN SWIERCZEK 1152 Ohio Avenue, Trenton FRANK SZELINGOWSKI • 15 Holt Circle, Trenton • AudioVisual Club 1, 2; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4.

w PAUL WEITZ 25 Claude Road, Trenton WALTER WENCZEL 1900 Lawrence Road, Trenton JOSEPH WHARTENBY 210 Johnston Avenue, Trenton DIANE WHITE • 14 Farrel Avenue, Trenton • Future Secretaries 3·, 4; Canticle Picture and Page Editor 4. BERNADETTE WIACZEK 196 Cypress Lane, Trenton GEORGE WILK • 1427 North Olden Avenue, Trenton • Football 1, 3; Golf 3, 4. JANICE WISNIEWSKI 1147 Indiana Avenue, Trenton STEVEN WISNIEWSKI 2412 Nottingham Way, Trenton MATTHEW WITKOWSKI • 942 Terrace Boulevard, Trenton Chess Club 1, 2. JOHN CHRISTOPHER WORTH 968 Terrace Boulevard, Trenton • Football 2, 3; Wrestling 2, 3, 4. JOHN JOSEPH WORTH • 23 South Olden Avenue, Trenton Trenton Central High School 2, Decca Club President 1. PAMELA WOZNIAK 339 Parkway Avenue, Trenton JOHN WURPEL • 38 Shackamaxon Drive, Trenton • Stagecraft Club 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1, 2. PATRICIA WYSIENSKI 12 Orne Avenue, Trenton



MARY TENNYSON • R.D. #1, Princeton • Leader Corps 2, 3, 4; Jerseymen 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3·, 4; Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4; Gymnastics 1, 2, 3, 4. EDWARD TETI • 18 Pennroad Avenue, Trenton • Audio-Visual Club 1, 2; Choraleers 2, 3, 4. ANTHONY THOMA • 19 Ranchwood Drive, Trenton • Student Council 1; Varsity Club 3, President 4; Football 1, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 4. MARY ANN TISCIONE • 142 Concord Avenue, Trenton • GAA Executive Board 2, 3; Bowling 1, 2, 3; Future Secretaries 3, 4; Homeroom Secretary 2, President 3, Treasurer 4; GAA 3, 4. DAVID TOBIASZ • 1450 North Olden Avenue, Trenton • Stagecraft Club 2, 3, 4; Drama Club 3, 4; Choraleers 3, 4; Liturgical Choir 3, 4; Homeroom Treasurer 1, Vice-President 4. FRANCA TOCCO • 172 Carter Road, Princeton • Glee Club 1, 2; Basketball 1, 3·, 4; GAA 3, 4. JILL TOMSHO • 2104 Princeton Pike, Trenton • Ski Club 3, 4; Hockey 2, 3, 4; Coronet 3, Exchange Editor 4; Homeroom President 4; GAA 3, 4. COLLEEN TRIPP • 250 Plaza Boulevard, Morrisville • Seminole High School 2; Leader Corps 3, 4; Art Club 3, President 4. PATRICIA TULISZEWSKI • 1468 North Olden Avenue, Trenton Leader Corps 2, 3, Co-Chairman 4; GAA Executive Board 1, 2, 3; Hockey 1, 2, 3, 4; Tennis 2, 3; Homeroom Treasurer 1, President 2, Secretary 4; GAA 3, 4. CHRISTINA TURSKI • R.D. #3, 264 Province Line Road, Princeton • Canticle 4.

JO ANN ZABAWA Future Nurses Club 1, Library Assistant 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. CHARLES ZIMMER • Club 3, 4; Football 1, President 1.

671 Pennsylvania Avenue, Trenton 3, 4; Leader Corps 2, 3; Canticle 4; Sodality 2, 3; Homeroom Treasurer 1; 1043 Ohio Avenue, Trenton • Varsity 2, 3, 4; Baseball 1, 2, 4; Homeroom

JOHN ZIMPLEMAN 457 Greenwood Avenue, Trenton Drama Club 1, 2; Choraleers 4; Homeroom Vice-President 3. CHRISTOPHER ZOLTANSKI • 68 Hoover Avenue, Trenton BARBARA ZOMBECK • 42 Hardwick Drive, Trenton • Color Guard 3, Captain 4; Homeroom Vice-President 2 Secretary 3 GAA 3, 4. ' ' LAWRENCE ZUKOWSKI • 26 Nassau Street, Trenton • Varsity Club 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3; Baseball 2, 3, 4.

u HELENE ULLRICH 99 Ridgewood Avenue, Trenton National Honor Society 3, 4; Leader Corps 2, 3, Co-Chairman 4; Liturgical Commission 2, 3, Vice-President 4; Future Nurses Club 1, 4; Sodality 1, 2; Library Assistant 1, 2, 3, 4; GAA 3, 4. MICHAEL URBAN 3639 East State Street, Trenton

v LEEN VANDER HEYDEN 8 Harrison Lane, Princeton Junction • Mariagaard Kwatrecht 1, 2, 3; Volleyball Club 1, 2, 3; Swim Club 1, 2, 3; Tennis Club 1, 2, 3. Gerri La Placa, Ceil Huart, and Gail Illian deliberate which picture group to select on proof-passing day. 211

Senior Family Patrons MR. and MRS. ANGELO ALBA Patricia, Michael

MR. and MRS. HENRY CULLITON Daniel '70, Henry '71 , Veronica '74, Celia '80


MR. and MRS . CLINTON CURTIS David '70, Maribeth '76

MR. and MRS. EDWARD F. BARTH David, Barbara, Tera, Amy


MR. and MRS. JOHN BILLIE Jeffrey, Gregory, Allison, John, Charles

MR. and. MRS . FRANK CZECH Thomas


MR. and MRS. JAMES J. D'ARCY, SR. James '64, Joan '65, Patricia '70


MR. and MRS. ALBERT DECOWSKI JoAnn '70, Rose Mary '75, Albert '76

MR. and MRS. RAYMOND BRITTON Thomas, Shelly

MR. and MRS. JOHN DEKIS Diane, John, Cathy, Mark, Barry

MR. and MRS. JOHN W. BUGDAL Robert, Donald

MR. and MRS. JOSEPH DEVANEY Barbara '67, Diane '70


MR. and MRS. FRANK DUNCAN Joanne'70

MR. and MRS. FRANCIS G. CARELLA Fred, Carl, Francis, Constance, James, Thomas, Paul, Joan

MR. CHARLES DUTKO Nell '70, Josephine '71

MR. and MRS. JOHN J. CARNEY Nancy, Donna, Jeff, Stephen

MR. and MRS. DONALD GEORGE EHRET Catherine, William, Barbara, Elizabeth, Donald, John, Mary Ellen, Michael

MR. and MRS. JOSEPH P. CARRIG Michael, Philip, Kevin, Dennis, Thomas, John, Mary Margaret, Christopher

MR. and MRS. LEO F ABBRO, SR. Lydia



MR. and MRS. THOMAS FAHERTY Thomas, Terence, Timothy, Kathleen, Dennis


MR. and MRS. THEODORE FORMAN Mary Beth '70, Kathy '73, Nancy '78

MR. and MRS. C. CONNOLLY Dennis, Kevin, Keith, Maureen, Colleen

MR. and MRS. EDWARD R. FRICK Nancy, Marijean, Maureen, Edward, Donald

MR. and MRS. ROBERT B. COOK Nancy, Robert, James

MR. and MRS. WILLIAM J. GARDNER,SR. William J., Jr., James F ., Dorothy M., Margaret Mary

MR. and MRS. LOUIS COOPER Kathy ,Tom, Mary Grace

MR. a nd MRS. J. V. GAVIGAN Pat, Betty Anne, Kathy

MR. and MRS. JOHN A. CUCCAGNA Joseph, John, Beverly, Bonnie

MR. and MRS. JOHN GENOVESE Dolly, Pete, Carmine, John, Regina

Senior Family Patrons MR. and MRS. HENRY F. GILL Judith, Henry, Christine, Mary, Carolyn

MR. and MRS. DONALD A. LANSING Katherine, Donald, Barbara

MR. and MRS. FRANK GRAZIANO Anne, James, Mary Alice, Francis, Thomas, Theresa, David

MR. and MRS. WILLIAM LA vVYER Russ, Billy, Paul MR. and MRS. EDWARD J. LEADEM Edward, Jr. '68, Peter '70, Patricia '74, Richard '78

MR. and MRS. THOMAS J. GRIBBIN Roseanne, Dianne

MR. and MRS. JOSEPH R. LEONE Joseph, Jr., Robert

MR. and MRS. JOSEPH L. GRODECK Patricia, Debra

MR. and MRS. WILLIAM LONG Margaret, Patricia, William

MR. and MRS. HARRY HARPER Kathleen '70, Kenneth '73

MR. and MRS. WILLIAM J. MALLOY Lorrayne, William

MR. and MRS. GEORGE C. HEFFERNAN Maureen, George, Paul

MR. and MRS. JOHN R. MARTIN Margaret Mary, John Patrick, Anne-Marie

MR. and MRS. FREDERICK J. HETZEL Patricia, Frederick, Michael MR. and MRS. WARREN HILL Warren Frank

MR. and MRS. J. A. MARTINI Penelope, Deborah, Kathleen

MR. and MRS. RICHARD E. HOFMANN, SR. Patricia, Richard, Michael, David, Thomas


MR. and MRS. FRAN HORAN, JR. Fran, Judith, Jeffrey

MR. and MRS. WILLIAM H. MEAGHER Theresa, William, Christopher, Thomas, Timothy, Gerard, Elizabeth, Michael Mary Clare, Julia, Ann


MR. and MRS. ALPHONSE MERCANTINI Judy, John, Bob, Marie

MRS. MARGARET D. HOVEMEYER Margaret, Kathleen, Charles, David

MR. and MRS. LOUIS A. MILLER Susan, Monica, Jean, James, Thomas

MR. and MRS. JOHN KEISTER John, Anne Marie, Joseph, Geraldine


MR. and MRS. WILLIAM KELLY Diane, Billy, Bobby, Marylynn

MR. and MRS. WALTER E. MORRISSEY, JR. Kathleen, Walter, Robert

MRS. JULIA KINCZEL Judie, Greg, Reggie, Erica, Corky

MR. and MRS. EDWARD J. MULLIN Edward, Kathleen, William

MR. and MRS. MICHAEL KOCAN Juli '67, Barb '70

MR. and MRS. JAMES J. MURPHY Michael, Mary Beth, Anne Marie

MR. and MRS. JOSEPH KORONA Joe, Vicki, Donna Marie

MR. and MRS. EUGENE MYDLOWSKI Ramona, Gene, Michael, Maribeth


MR. and MRS. CHARLES J. NALBONE Robert, Barbara


Senior Family Patrons MR. and MRS. HARRY D. NORTON Harry, Jane

MR. and MRS. RAYMOND M. STOUT, SR. Raymond M. Jr . '61, Thomas '64, Mary Jean '70, Richard '75

MR. and MRS. ROBERT J. O'DONNELL Kathleen, Sharon, Margaret Mary, Patricia, Robert, Kara Lynn, Dawn

MR. and MRS . FRANCIS J. STRAPP Elizabeth '66 , Francis '67, Paul '67, Barbara '70



MR. and MRS. JOHN OSTROWSKI Ron, John, Lisa Ann

MR. and MRS. FRANK SZELINGOWSKI Frank, Jr., Donald

MR. and MRS. RICHARD PETRO Christine, Richard, Kathleen, Robert

MR. and MRS. THOMAS F. TENNYSON, SR. Thomas F . Jr., Alan J., Edward D., Kevin L. , Christopher B., Mary K. , Aileen R.

MR. and MRS. WILLIAM PETRONE William, Elizabeth, Diane, Juliane, Donna MR. and MRS. JOSEPH H. PETTY, JR. Joseph III '62, Janice '70 MR. and MRS . BARTHOLOMEW PLAZA Loretta, Anthony MR. and MRS. THOMAS F. REGAN Thomas, Dennis, Richard, Kathleen MR. and MRS. ROBERT R. REILLY Kathleen, Charles, Robert MR. and MRS. RAYMOND J. ROCK Raymond, Deborah MR. and MRS. JOHN ROONEY Pat, Chris, John, Carol, Mary Ann MR. and MRS. PETER RULKIEWICZ, JR. Elaine, Paul MR. and MRS. WALTER SAWKA Beverly '70, Walter Glen '76 MR. and MRS. PETER P. SCALIA Barbara '66, Susan '67, Toni Marie '70


MR. and MRS. FRANK J. TISCIONE Mary Ann MR. and MRS . JOSEPH TOBIASZ Henry, Marcia, Charlotte, David MR. and MRS. ALFRED TOCCO Franca , Paul, Marcella, Christopher MR. and MRS. EDWARD TOMSHO Jill, William MR. and MRS. STANLEY TULISZE\tVSKI Richard, Robert, Larry, Patty MR. and MRS. TADEUSZ TURSKI Christina MR. and MRS. L. WILLIAM ULLRICH Bill, Helene, Betsy, Eddie MR. and MRS. K. A. VAUGHAN Gerald, Susan MR. and MRS. FRANK C. VAVRICKA Frank, Debbie, Chris, Mark, Timothy, John MR. and MRS. ANTHONY VERDE Celeste, Anthony, Guy, Bob, Diane, Paul ette

MR. and MRS. WILLIAM G. SEILER, JR. Eileen, Maureen, Kathleen, William, Margaret, Florence, Michael, James

MR. and MRS. WALTER WENCZEL Walter, Gary, Sharon, Melissa, Mark

MR. and MRS. ERIC J. STEPHENSON Mary, Barbara, Karin

MR. and MRS. PETER WHITE Peter Jr., Diane

MR. and MRS. C. STINGER Sharon



Mr. George Lisette Ambrosio

Mrs. Margaret Langevin

Bordentown Hess

Katherine Maciolek

Mr. and Mrs. JohnS. Brennan

Maruca's Gas Light Pizza and Restaurant Morrisville, Pa.

A Gdzie Butch Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Carney Carvel Ice Cream

Mr. and Mrs. John McCormack, Sr.

Ronald E. Cochran

Mr. Edward D. McCue

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Carr

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mercantini

Mrs. Mary A. DeCara

Mrs. Florentine Miller

Mr. and Mrs. E. Degand

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Miller

Tony Delaversano Rev. David G. Delzell

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Novak Steve Ohler

Mr. and Mrs. R. Donavan

Mr. and Mrs. Armand J. Ott

Mr. and Mrs. James Dwyer, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Pagano

William H. Falcey

Polonaise Tavern

Margie Fallon

Mr. and Mrs. D. Quattrone

Betty Anne Gavigan Joseph Gerard, Inc.

Rogers Clothes 19 No. Broad Street

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Gering

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rulkiewicz, Sr.

Mr. James A. T. Gribbin

Stenzel and South

Mr. Robert G. Grosse

Ray '61, Cathy '63, Ambee '84, Stout

Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Harney

Judith M. Szymanski

Mr. and Mrs. George P. Hofmann

Mary A. Timk<t

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hunt

Mr. T. Turski

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Iero Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jablonski

Mr. and Mrs. William McCormack

Mrs. Joan Umpleby Mrs路. Ann White

Mrs. Ella M. Jones Mrs. James Joyce

Joseph Wilk

Betty Kurkjian

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Winsor

Mr. and Mrs. D. Robert Leone

Anthony Zito


Notre Dame High School Patrons Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adamczyk, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ainsworth Norma Bennett Bill and Diane Bill and Lydia Mr. Joseph Bloom Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bozek Charlie Brown Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brozena and Family Mr. Andrew Bugay Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Campopiano Mr. and Mrs. R. Cartwright Franlc J. Casciani, Jr. Colette Casey '67 Mrs. Doris Cochran Mr. and Mrs. MichaelS. Colavita, Jr. Mrs. Cad Constance Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Cushing Mr. Ralph D'Amico Dayton Food Market Debbie De Fort Mr. and Mrs. Jules Dore Mrs. James A. Dorety Daniel H. Dugan Mr. James Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fallon Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fato Mr. and Mrs. John 'F esta Steffie Filipek Mrs. Helen D. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foss Mr. and Mrs. French and Daughters Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gapiniski Mr. and Mrs. Martin Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Garruba Regina Mary Genovese Mr. and Mrs. William A. Geoghan "The Graduate" Mrs. Pauline Grobelny Hamilton Supply Dolores A. Hassell Helen and Fena Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hengeli Kathryn M. Higgins Warren Franlc Hill Mrs. Ann Horan and Daughter Mr. and Mrs. George Horan Mrs. Sally Houghton and Debbie Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howarth Alan Hl,Uilphrey Mr. and Mrs. Tony Inverso Mr. and Mrs. John B. Jamieson Mr. and Mrs. T. Janiszews路ki Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jarmon Mr. and Mrs. William T. Johnson, Jr. and Family Mr. and Mrs. William T. Johnson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. George Jusko Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kalinowski Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly Bette Anne Gilligan Knoll '64 Donald M. Lansing Mi9s Katherine M. Lansing Mr. and Mrs. LaJ!SOn L.C. Lawson Trish Leadem Miss Nellie Lenart Miss Splendora Leone Mrs. Mary Levis Marianne LuizZi

Bette and Marty Maccaroni Mr. Albert Maisto


Maj. and Mrs. Thomas Mal路loy George Matucheck Mr. Charles McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F . McTighe, Joan and Jeffrev Mercer Aluminum Products John R. Miller, Jr. Richard Molnar Peggy Moses Frank G. Murawski Bobby Nitti Harry Norton Jane Norton Henry J. Obornik Jerry Offredo, Economy Roofing Co. John Ostrowski Mr. and Mrs. Edward Palsho Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paretti Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Passanza Pa t and Bob Mrs. Grace Patton Mrs. Mary Perferi Andrea Perlman Mr. a nd Mrs. M. Perlman Mr. and Mrs. V.J. Petrino Mr. T. Pilli Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Pizzarello and Family Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pokrocos Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Powers Mr. and Mrs. Frank Przechacki Lt. and Mrs. Joseph Pustae Joann Ra tico Mr. and Mrs. A. Reedhead Sabatina A. Risoldi Liberty Thriftway Supermarket, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rock Mr. and Mrs. John Rosetti and Son Mr. Joseph Salaga Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Santaniello Mr. Tomaro Sargiotto George Scarborough Mr. and Mrs. Scarborough John P. Scarlata '69 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schino Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sciarrotta and Son Jenny Sciarrotta Mrs. Samuel Scozzaroro Miss Helen Shekiro Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sikorski Mrs. Lillian Simon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Skucinski and Son James L. Solan, Jr. Edward Soltis Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stanzione Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweeney Mrs. Frances Tohill Mr. George Toth Kenneth Van Soest Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Verde Mr. and Mrs. Versperille Diana Versperille Catherine Viskocka Jim Vitellaro, Jr. George Wilk Peggy Cochran and Bob Williams U.S.S. John Willis DE-1027 Mr. Ike Wilson Mrs. Anna Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wyckoff Mr. and Mrs. Young

Acl~nowledgments Love is more than a Heeting emotion; it is a giving of oneseH and a concern that reaches out to all mankind. As we look back on the experiences we've shared in putting this book together, we would like to thank the following people who loved us enough to give us their time, their help, and their encouragement-

To: Administration and Faculty-for their understanding and patience. Patrons-for their financial assistance.

Helen Lowrie Marshall-for the use of "The Greatest of These" from Aim For a Star, Mrs. Beatrice Hurwitz for the use of "Love" from Th~ Art of Living, and Mr. John W. Gardner for the use of "Finding Meaning" from Listen to Love.

Mr. John Prignoli-for his experienced photography and constant cheerfulness.

Students-for their cooperation.

Miss Shirley Vetter, Mr. Frank Merrin and Lorstan Studios-for their efficiency.

Sister Ann Marie and Sister Katherine-for all their assistance in proofreading.

Mr. Frank Ball, the late Mr. Ed Adomilli and New City Printing Company-for their valuable Professional advice.

And to Sister Mary Karen for EVERYTHING; but especially for being the inspiration that led us to learn the true meaning of love.


Index Abel, George 123, 141, 164, 165 Ackerman, Philip 55, 149 Ackers, Mrs. Virginia 21 Adomilli, Mr. Edward 63 Agocs, Alice 143, 169 Agocs, Stephen 17, 138, 157 Agoes, Mrs. Marie 21 Ahr, Rev. George W. 8 Alba, Patricia 107, 176 Alberts, Cynthia 165 Alexander, Sister Mary 7, 12, 85 Alexandrowicz, Pamela 39, 97, 113, 149 Allen, Clifford 165 Allen, Donald 116, 157 Alphonse, James 69, 102, 116, 176, 181 Alouf, Mr. James 12, 100 Alven, Richard 119, 165 Alvino, Leonard 157 Amari, Ignatius 176 Andrews, Gail 73, 98, 103, 111, 142, 143, 176 Angeline, Linda 165 Angeloni, Donna 28, 50, 103, 105, 176 Anthony, Alison 62, 157 Antoniewicz, Peter 42, 94, 124, 125,138,148,149,150,155 Apple, Mr. Alan 49 Appleget, William 13-8, 165 Acquilino, Guy 17, 119, 157 Arbitell, John 15 Ardery, Mr. Vincent 11, 23, 84, 116, 140, 141, 144 Arena, Brian 165 Arena, Christopher 123 Argust, William 42-149 Arkuszewski, Stephen 157 Arnister, Edward 149 Arruzzo, Dominick 165 Ashton, Richard 176 Atkins, Robert 28, 89, 135, 140, 176 Aug, Randi 149 Austin, Bernard 119, 141 Babbit, Earl149 Babecki, Joanne 109, 157 Babecki, Valerie 165 Bachalis, Joseph 49, 69, 116, 149 Bailey, Carol 94, 148, 149, 150 Bainbridge, Helyn 70, 176 Balestrieri, Luann 149 Bannan, Mr. Edward 12 Barbieri, Thomas 176 Barlow, Richard 157 Barlow, Sandra 165 Barrow, Joseph 165 Barth, Barbara 66, 96, 103, 123, 129, 176, 195 Barth, Teresa 15, 129, 165 Bartolomei, Maryann 51, 66, 176 Bartolomo, Ruth 176 Battista, Michele 50, 177 Baxter, Clare 129, 165, 170 Baxter, William 42, 149 Bauer, Thomas 133, 141, 157 Baylog, John 149 Baylog, Michael 138 Bazek, Virginia 109 Beagles, Sharon 165 Bednarski, Lucia 98, 129, 157, 163 Behan, Diane 51, 82, 98, 109, 165 Behan, Kevin 95, 124, 138, 139, 157 Behan, Thomas 10, 58, 98, 99, 115, 177, 190, 194 Bejma, Bonita 30, 149 Belza, Peter 116, 149 Benham, Grace 165 Benham, Stephen 105, 157 Bennett, Susan 165 Bensel, Helen 177


Bergen, John 157 Bernhard, Barbara 129, 170 Bernhard, Marianne 98, 129, 157 Bernhardt, Agnes 165 Bertone, Carole 177 Bertone, Guy 119, 165 Betor, Kathleen 62, 129, 157 Betz, Patricia 149 Bezek, Virginia 169 Biache, Theresa 26-165 Bianculli, James 165 Bianculli, Joseph 84, 149 Bielawski, Jane 128, 177 Bielawski, Jill 128, 165, 171 Bieksza, MaryAnn 165 Billard, Louise 21 Billie, Allison 111, 142, 177 Billie, John 123, 149 Bird, Dennis 165 Bird, Joseph 84, 149 Birkhead, Kenneth 137, 149 Bittner, Sister Eileen 12, 17, 110, 144 Blake, Kathleen 54, 165 Bleakley, Glen 177 Bleakly, Roy 169 Blicharz, Linda 63, 66, 93, 97, 98, 102, 103, 174, 177, 189, 191, 192 Bojoum, Michael 120, 121, 157 Boleckis, Marena 177 Bonagura, Debra 157 Bonhage, Carole Ann 157 Banish, Marianne 62, 165 Borden, Deborah 109, 157 Borkovich, Mellia 40, 78, 177 Boshanski, Michael 169 Bottoni, Robert 133, 134, 141, 165 Bowers, Karen 39, 157 Boyson, Michael 17 Bradway, Daniel 66, 99, 100, 115, 120, 136, 178 Bradway, Patricia 129, 157 Bremer, Thomas 138, 139, 157 Brennan, Barbara 157 Brennan, John 96, 130, 132, 178 Brennan, Linda 165 Brenton, Timothy 178 Brisson, Mr. Emil 12, 15, 36, 80, 144 Britton, Shelly 44, 53, 178, 182 Brooks, Frances 157 Brough, Albert 165 Brown, Thomas 145, 149 Bruccoleri, Jonathon 149 Bruccoleri, Salvatore 178 Brunner, Clare 26, 54, 165 Brunner, Verena 149 Bryan, Charles 157 Bucchi, Mark 165 Buckley, Colleen 178 Buckley, Monica 157 Buckley, Patricia 113, 178 Buckley, Rita 58, 142 Buckley, Sheila 149 Buell, Teresa 149 Bugdal, Deborah 53, 103, 111, 128, 129, 178 Bugdal, Donald 18, 59, 66, 68, 96, 104, 177, 179 Bugdal, Mr. Robert 12, 18, 52, 80, 141, 144 Bulat, Walter 36, 53, 102, 120, 121, 122, 179 Burke, Donna 149 Burns, Denise 149 Burns, Peter 137, 165 Burton, David 157 Bush, Mr. Patrick 12 Butler, Beth 116 Butler, Gary 123, 136, 157 Butera, Robert 149 Buzzelli, Celeste 20, 165 Cacalori, Susan 58, 59, 149 Caccamis, Patricia 55, 149

Cacciabudo, Sam 157 Cade, John 52, 90, 145, 177, 179 Cahill, Mary Liz 128, 142, 143, 165, 171 Caivana, Robert 157 Calabrese, Andrea 157 Calamia, Catherine 109, 157 Calla, Roseann 165 Cameron, Robert 165 Cameron, Sharon 149 Cammarata, Janet 157 Camp, Colleen 83, 179 Campbell, Mr. John 20 Cannon, Timothy 53, 116, 118, 138,176,179,201 Cantor, Phillip 149 Capone, Donna 149 Capriotti, Elizabeth 165 Capriotti, Lucia 29, 50, 179, 182 Carabelli, Ronald 95, 120, 145, 149, 150 Caracciolo, Maria 157 Cardinale, Mary 40, 45, 50, 179 Carella, Carl 58, 123, 136, 157 Carella, Constance 165, 171 Carella, Frances 58, 77, 123, 137, 157, 162 Carella, Fred 57, 58, 59, 95, 96, 120, 122, 174, 179 Carlin, James 134, 165 Carney, Donna 157 Carney, Jeffery 138, 165 Carney, Nancy 97, 179 Carrig, John 120, 179 Carrig, Mary 165 Carroll, Joanne 165 Carroll, Robert 149 Carroll, Thomas 14, 136, 165 Carter, Jae 149 Carter, Jan 177-179 Cartledge Mrs. Madeline 21 Casciani, Joan 179 Caserta, Anthony 159 Casey, Michael 48, 69, 116, 149 Castaldo, Angela 60, 103, 179 Castranova, Angela 97, 112, 148, 149 Cellini, Carol 165 Cellini, Kathleen 157 Cellini, Patricia 39, 180 Cenni, Richard 165 Cermele, Rosemary 129, 149 Cesaro, Antimo 165 Cevera, Miss Jacqueline 12 Chalker, Deborah 148-149 Chapman, George 165 Chebra, Eugene 157 Check, Arlene 165 Chiarello, Deborah 165 Chiardia, Vincent 157 Chmielewski, Beverly 113-157 Chojnowski, Cynthia 72, 180 Chojnowski, John 159 Choromanski, Edward 157 Choromanski, Marie 88, 165, 171 Christensen, Gregory 165 Christensen, Susan 157 Chrzempiec, Peter 40, 180 Ciafrei, Ann Marie 169 Ciesielski, Debra 157 Ciesielski, LilliAnn 60, 103, 180 Cipriette, Barbara 157 Cipullo, Frank 141, 157 Civatti, Carl 123 Civatti, Patrick 123 Clancy, Mrs. Cynthia 13, 88 Clancy, John 145, 149 Clancy, Kevin 123, 138, 165 Clark, Christina 129, 143, 157 Clark, Faith 143, 165 Clark, George 157 Clark, Lawrence 149 Clarke, Terence 120, 157, 165 Clarke, William 120

Claude, Sister Mary 13, 49, 70 Claver, Sister Mary 13, 82 Coffey, Rev. Thomas A. 7, 10, 26, 34,38,42,68, 97 Cogan, Nancy 157 Coley, Rory 95, 128, 180 Coley, Sean 119, 134, 141, 165 Calvey, Miss Mary 13, 32, 72, 90, 113 Coluccio, Daniel 123, 134, 165 Conard, Mr. Edward 13 Con drat, James 67, 97, 180 Conley, Kyle Ann 165 Connelly, Deborah 165 Connelly, Elizabeth 84, 149 Connolly, Dennis 73, 140, 180, 182 Connolly, Kevin 140, 149 Connolly, Kieth 165 Conte, Anna Maria 157 Contento, George 165 Conway, Geraldine 109, 149 Conway, John 180 Cook, James 180 Cook, Norman 130, 133, 157 Cooper, Linda 165 Cooper, Lucille 53, 71, 142, 174, 180 Cooper, MaryGrace 39, 112, 174, 180 Cooper, Patricia 149 Coppola, Anna 129, 149 Coppola, Sandra 98, 105, 129, 157 Cornelius, Anne 103, 149 Cosgriff, Denise 157 Cosgrove, Kerry 45 Costantino, Marc 157 Costigan, Mrs. Joan 20 Cota, Jessica 58, 59, 103, 149 Coursen, John 133, 156, 157 Courtney, Donna 157 Croft, Leeanna 157 Croke, James 165 Csolak, Thomas 165 Cuccagna, Beverly 73, 180, 204 Cugasi, Maria 157 Cugasi, Peter 181 Culliton, Daniel 84, 181 Culliton, Henry 149 Cunningham, Sharon 98, 149 Curran, MaryLou 149 Curry, Mr. Richard 13 Cusato, Mark 141 Curtis, David 37, 102, 123, 130, 131, 132, 140, 181 Cushing, Miss Diane 20 Cushing, Linda 40, 111, 181 Czahur, James 139, 165 Czahur, Michaell49 Czajkowski, Mark 181 Czaplicki, Nancy 69, 97, 103, 149 Czech, Thomas 181 Czenis, Joanne 149 Czigler, Cynthia 149 Dalton, William 157 D'Ambrosio, Joseph 41, 181 D'Ambrosio, Theresa 45, 60, 98, 181 Damiano, Donald 165 Danka, Joseph 165 Danbro, Mr. Gary 13, 136, 137, 138 D'Arcy, Patricia 73, 103, 182 Daunis, Laurel 129, 165 Daunis, Matthew 157 Davis, James 55, 149 Davison, Kim 157 Dawidowski, Julie 62, 103, 149 Dawidowski, William 141, 157 DeAngelo, Charles 17, 157 DeBlois, Kathleen 54, 165, 171 Decannizaro, Christopher 119 Decowski, JoAnn 182 DeForte, Deborah 165

DeForte, Margaret 149 Dekis, Catherine 165 Dekis, John 99, 120, 182 Delahanty, Mary 165 DelFemine, Joan 105, 106, 112, 149, 152 DelFemine, Maria 129, 142, 143, 165 DellaRossa, Frank 40, 84, 124, 125, 126, 138, 182 DeLorenzo, Americo 165 Delozier, Paul 165 DelVecchio, Denise 182 Dempsey, Janice 98, 129, 157 Denarski, Stephan 165 Deodata, Karen 105, 129, 157 D'Errico, James 159 Derrico, Gail 157 Derrico, John 149 DeSales, Sister Mary 13 DeVaney, Diane 45, 51, 60, 75, 81, 103, 182 DeVaney, Kevin 166 Diamond, Mr. Constantine 14, 17, 83, 97 DiBenedetto, Matthew 166 DiBiasi, Dominck 134, 141, 166 Dickt, F. Lawrence 149, 154 DiColo, Jerald 138, 157 Diehl, Dennis 149 Diehl, Ellen 166 Diehl, Karen 143, 156 Diehl, Thomas 182 Dieckman, Robert 167 Dietrich, Karen 79, 97, 102, 105, 147, 149 DiGiorgia, Claire 166 DiGuiseppe, Frank 157 Dilenno, Donald 69, 119, 138, 158 Dilks, Marke 140 Dilks, Michele 158 Dillon, Sister Johnell14, 18, 74 DiLorenza, Janice 158 DiMaio, Michael 166 DiNatale, Gerald 138, 158 Disbrow, Norman 167 DiStefano, David 43, 149 DiStefano, Diane 158 DiStefano, Vincent 183 Diviaio, Guy 149 Dobinson, Walter 60, 116, 181, 183 Doluccio, Daniel 141 Dombroski, Gail 60, 75, 81, 183 Dominiak, George 158 Domurat, George 89, 183 Donnelly, Richard 138, 139, 166 Dorothea, Sister Mary 9 Dougherty, Mrs. Mary 14, 20, 51, 152 Doughman, Kathryn 97, 113, 149 Doyle, Patricia 165 Dreves, Karen 149 Driscoll, Elizabeth 166 Driscoll, Kathleen 37, 149 Dubaniewicz, Anna 166 Dubaniewicz, Vincent 149 Dubuque, Michael 158 Duckenfield, Carol 97, 98, 102, 149 Duckenfield, Joan 98, 105, 158 Ducko, Kieth 149 Ducko, Kimberly 166 D'Ulisse, Maria 149 Duncan, Mr. James 21 Duncan, Joanne 73, 183 Durst, Robert 65, 106, 149 Dutko, Aniela 183 Dutko, Josephine 43, 149 Dzomba, James 138, 149 Ebrahim, Kim 99, 115, 138, 149 Ebrahim, Kurt 133, 158 Ecker, David 158 Eddinger, Holly 169 Edinger, Kim 166 Edwards, Donna 166 Egan, James 149 Egan, Nancy 129, 158

Ehret, Elizabeth 40, 72, 128; 183Elias, Larry 166 Elmer, Patricia 158 Elmer, Robert 150, 183 Elmo, MaryLouise 158 Elmo, Nancy 166 Emma, Karen 158 Ennis, James 67, 100, 183 Enourato, Christopher 119, 138,

158 Erkboni, David 79, 138, 158 Ernst, Karen 150 Er.telt, Ute Marianne 166 Esposito, David 15, 116, 138, 150 Espisito, Diane 150 Espisito, Meridith 158 Evans, Paul 89, 150 Everett, Michele 166 Fabbro, Lydia 65, 183 Faherty, Terence 124, 138, 158 Faherty, Thomas 3.g, 99, 103, 115, 138, 183, 189, 195 Faherty, Timothy 166 Fahey, Michael 130, 131, 132, 140, 150 Fair, David 126, 166 Fair, Diane 166 Falcey, Jan 129, 158 Fallon, Joseph 10, 116, 140, 150, 154 Fallon, Thomas 119, 138, 158 Falsom, Mr. 119 Falzone, Charles 28, 116, 150 Fanning, Frank 120, 150 Fares, Kathleen 39, 44, 164, 166 Fares, Luanne 27, 44, 112, 150 Farley, Elizabeth 29, 53, 58, 80, 111, 183 Farr, Susan 166 Farrell, Barbara 150 Farrell, Kevin 158 Fasanella, Mary 150 Fasanella, Jerry 105, 133 Fasanella, Paula 166 Fasoli, Dean Raymond 119, 166 Fassenella, Gerald 158 Fechter, Anne 58, 107, 143, 150, 154 Fechter, Linda 166 Fechter, Timothy 77, 158 Federico, Mary 166 Fedorko, Edward 116, 140, 148, 150

Feenan, Pamela 166 Feldenzer, John 123, 141, 166 Fennimore, Darlene 184 Ferrara, Andrew 166 Ferrara, Joseph 166 Ferrara, Rose Ann 158 Ferrara, Susan 184 Ferrare, Frank 184 Ferri, Richard 166 Ferri; Robert 166 Festa, Carol 184 Festa, Gerald 50, 102, 119, 134, 141, 166 Festa, Joseph 184 Fidanza, Joseph 166 Fidanza, Robert 150 Fink, Patricia 184 Firetto, Frances 158 Fisher, Barbara 150 Fitzpatrick, Mary 158 Flanagan, Nora 40, 150 Flanagan, Thomas 84, 184, 201 Flynn, Mary Ann 166 Foley, Gregory 26, 169 Folmer, Bernadette 158 Ford, Diane 50, 177, 182, 184 Forman, Kathryn 166 Forman, Mary Beth 46, 69, 111, 182, 185 Formidoni, Carol 78, 94, 111, 185, 197 Foundos, Steven 141, 167 Frain, Thomas J., Ph.D. 9 Fraczkiewicz, Donald 82, 138, 167 Francine, Sister Mary 14 Francimore, Gail 27 Franken, Bernard 119 Franken, Joseph 138, 160 Franko, Michael 124, 130, 133, 145, 147, 156, 158 Franzoni, Karl 45, 52, 102, 185 Franzoni, Meg 54, 79, 90, 128, 158 Frascella, Rosemary 158 Freda, Maureen 150, 167 Freeman, Helene 158 Frein, Cathleen 51, 104, 111, 182, 185 Frick, Maryjean 129, 158 Frick, Nancy 40, 111, 185 Fritz, Sister Marlene 14, 77, 100, 144, 156

Fruscione, Mary 105, 158 Funari, Ca,therine 105, 158 Funke, Constance 158 Funke, Joanne 167 Furch, Elizabeth 167 Furch, James 119, 167 Furch, Joseph 150 Furman, Gloria 45, 60, 80, 185 Gabriel, Sister Mary 7, 10, 18, 68, 98 Galati, Ann 150 Gardiner, Robert 123, 138, 167 Gardner, Dorothy 167 Gardner, James 78, 123, 159, 163 Gardner, William 78, 185 Garnick, Patrice 129, 159 Garofolo, Vincent 156 Garriga, Jacques 119, 167 Garruba, Russell 156, 159 Gautheir, Robert 123, 139, 159 Gavigan, Elizabeth 44, 66, 103, 185, 203 Gavin, David 99, 116, 144, 181, 183, 185 Genicola, Joseph 150 Genovese, Carmine 167 Genovese, Peter 67, 104, 185 Genovesi, John 119, 159, 162 Geoghan, James 167 Geoghan, Kevin 29, 50, 145, 174 Geoghan, Maureen 27, 98, 129, 150 Geppert, Dorothy 159 Gerken, Debra 128, 185 Gervasio, Patricia 159 Gettler, Elizabeth 167 Gibbons, Connie 37, 59, 106, 150 Gill, Christine 102, 185 Gill, Debra 159 Gill, Mary 143, 167 Giordano, Eletta 61, 164, 167 Giordano, John 137, 138, 139 Giordano, Patrick 157 Giovacchini, MaryLou 94, 112, 113, 180, 186 Goeke, Elizabeth 83, 111, 112, 119, 150 Goeke, Gerard 133, 134, 167 Golden, Christopher 137, 167 Golden, Phyllis 52, 58, 107, 150 Golinski, Dolores 72, 186 Goliszewski, Marian 50, 60, 7 4, 105, 186


Goosen, Alexander 153 Gordon, Mary Jane 73, 150 Gorski, Janet 105, 129, 159 Gramness, Bernadine 128, 150 Gramness, Charles 186, 199 Grant, Sister Regina 14, 50, 58, 96 Graziano, Anne 67, 186 Graziano, James 27, 120, 150 Graziul, John 167 Grazuil, Sandra 105, 159 Gray, Dennis 159 Greber, Michael 50, 70, 159 Greber, Patrick 50, 105, 159 Greer, Patricia 27, 43, 142, 150 Gribbon, Diane 46, 47, 48, 60, 105, 186 Gribbon, Mrs. Margaret 14, 19 Griffin, Ellen 50, 186 Griffin, Patrick 159 Grab, Gary 116, 118 Grodeck, Debra 183, 186 Gusciora, Mr. Richard 14 Guarino, Russell 150 Habib, William 159 Haddix, Mr. Michael 21 Hagan, Kathleen 159


Halak, Anthony 159 Haney, Colleen 167 Haney, Donna 150 Harcar, Karen 58, 59, 62, 97, 102, 111, 142, 150 Harding, James 119, 167 Harding, Marianne 150 Harmon, Bruce-27, 150 Harmon, Thomas 119 Harper, Kathleen 186 Harper, Kenneth 167 Hart, David 94, 116, 156, 159 Halt, Russell 8, 25, 94, 95, 116, 180, 181, 185, 186, 189 Haskins, Susan 167 Hatrack, Linda 75, 187 Hatrack, Stephen 150 Hawryluk, Joseph 159 Hefferman, Shelia 167 Heffernan, Maureen 102, 187 Hendricks, Michael 138, 167 Hendrickson, Sandra 73, 103, 107, 187 Henk, David 124, 138, 187 Henk, Norman, 88, 123, 151 Henk, Thomas 167 Herbert, Mary 167

Hetzel, Frederick 71, 159 Hetzel, Patricia 59, 65, 66, 96, 102, 187 Hickey, Christopher 123, 167 Hill, Warren 50, 187 Hilt, Mrs. Daryl 15, 27 Hinkle, Mary Anne 105, 106, 159 Hofmann, Patricia 17, 36, 53, 63, 93, 102, 103, 174, 187 Hofmann, Richard 120, 159 Hogan, Deborah 167 Hogan, Mr. William 130, 132 Hohman, Marie 151 Holcombe, Daniel 136, 187 Holcombe, Mark 40, 137, 159 Holcombe, Kieth 61, 119, 137, 167 Hons, Mr. Frederick 15 Horan, Judith 75, 81, 107, 187 Horodynski, Evelyn 188 Houghton, Deborah 129, 159, 160 Hovemeyer, Charles 159 Hovemeyer, David 159 Hovemeyer, Kathleen 45, 73, 188 Howell, William 159 Hritz, Gregory 167 Huar.t, Cecile 70, 188, 211 Hubal, Dennis 119, 134, 141, 167 Hubal, Joseph 130, 131, 140, 151 Huff, Jacqueline 62, 159 Huff, Janis 167 Hughes, Douglas 159 Hughes, Nancy 155 Hunt, James 52, 153 Hunt, Sheryl 159, 163 Hunter, Rev. Edward 15, 34, 97 Hutchins, MaryEllen 83, 105, 107, 113, 151 Hutchinson, Albert 167 Hutzel, Debra 167 lilian, Gail41, 111, 174, 188 lilian, Rolf 167 Immordino, Anthony 151 Inverso, Charlene 159 Inverso, Elizabeth 85, 151 Ives, Bruce 167 Iwan, Robert 103, 151 Jackson, Judith 110, 159 Jaeckel, William 2, 119, 167 Jakubowski, Patricia 28, 76, 103, 151 Jammer, Dale 151 Jansen, Barbara 57, 59, 151, 154 Jarkowski, Henry 151 Jarkowski, Raymond 167 J edynak, Richard 188 Jeremy, Sister Andrea 15, 104, 106, 144 Jerome, Mr. 119 Johnson, Linda 159 Johnson, Mark 141, 167 Johnson, MaryLouise 151 Jones, Kevin 188 Jones, Robert 159 Jose, Sister Mary 15, 40 Julia, Sister Mary 15, 110, 144 Juranic, Laul167 Kalafut, Michael119, 141, 159 Kalinowski, William 141, 159 Kale, William 167 Kaminski, Karen 159 Kaminski, Kristine 159 Kaniewski, Donald 106, 188 Kaplan, Mrs. Christiane 15, 77 Karacsony, Attila 167 Karen, Sister Mary 15, 103 Karolkiewicz, Robert 159 Kazior, Christopher 116, 140, 181, 188 Kazior, James 36, 99, 130, 132, 188 Kazior, Richard 58, 107, 158, 159 Kazior, Stanley 119, 141, 158, 159 Keelan, Robert 169 Keister, Anne Marie 51, 62, 102, 105, 188 Keister, Joseph 119, 167, 171 Keirn, John 119. 167

Kelly, Diane 188 Kelly, Irvin 151 Kelly, Sister Grace 16, 19 Kelly, Mark 167 Kendall, Colleen 111, 142, 159 Kennedey, Lynda 79, 85, 151 Kent, Patrick 159, 162 Kerns, Mr. Art 123 Kerns, Karol 188 Kerns, Kerry Andrea 167 Kinczel, Mr. George 1_32 Kinczel, Judith 75, 188 King, Cheri 105, 156, 158, 159 Kinney, Karen 167 Kisielewski, Les 139, 167 Kitchen, Judith 189 Klane, Edward 29, 189 Klemann, Robert 151 Kliminski, Diane 159 Kliminski, Paulette 167 Kliwinski, Greg 151 Kliwinski, Victoria 129, 159 路 Kmiec, Christopher 159 Kmiec, John 189, 206 Knoblauch, Kay 47, 98, 100, 101, 102, 107, 148, 151, 152 Kocan, Barbara 25, 53, 94, 95, 102, 129, 180, 186 Koch, Denise 189 Kocubinski, Stephen 123, 167 Konezos, Anthony 159 Konstantynowicz, Thomas 167 Koreyva, Kenneth 30, 166, 167 Korona, Joseph 73, 124, 189 Korona, Victoria 167 Kostalas, Anthony 186 Koteny, John 170 Kotzaz, Eileen 55, 151 Kovaco, Elaine 73, 129, 159 Kovacs, Steven 124, 151 Kowal, Richard 124, 138, 159 Kowalik, Barbara 190 Kowalski, Charles 159 Kozak, Edward 151 Kozakiewicz, Robert 98, 103, 123, 190 Kozlowski, Kathleen 41, 66, 102, 107, 111, 128, 190 Kramarz, Constance 151 Krawiec, Donald 30, 167 Krawiec, Julius 169 Krecicki, Frank 126, 159 Krempecke, Joseph 126 Kreuz, Donald 167 Krol, Gregory 151 Krol, Nancy 98, 163 Krystaponis, Kathryn 159 Kubiak, Steven 151 Kuhn, Dennis 141, 167 Kurlander, David 126, 138 Kuzma, Barbara 158, 159 Kuliczkowski, Catherine 97, 159 Kuliczkowski, JudyAnn 167, 171 Kwiatkowski, Ronald 34, 55, 102, 103, 107, 190 LaBaw, Richard 100, 159 LaBella, Richard 124, 126, 151 Lander, Eric 167 Landry, Martine 167 Lane, John 151 Lane, Terri 166, 167 Lane, Toni 14 Langer, John 159 Lanigan, Joseph 167 Lansing, Donald 37, 99, 190 LaPenna, Doreen 151 LaPlaca, Geraldine 102, 190 Latham, Patricia 105, 147 Lawrence, Debra 62, 105, 167 .Lawrence, Sheryle 83, 102, 106, 151 Lawyer, Russell 39, 47, 80, 94, 95, 111, 116, 138, 190 Lawyer, William 55, 119, 141, 164, 167 Lay, Frank 135, 167 Leadem, Mary 166 Leadem, John 39, 138, 139, 151, 154, 167

Leadem, Peter 25, 52, 53, 174, 190 Leadem, Wendy 158 Lenhardt, Anne 159 Lenhardt, Michael 2, 167 Leone, Elizabeth 167 Leone, Robert 71, 135, 191, 200 Letts, Robert 159 Leu per, James 151 Levandowski, Mark 151 Levasseur, Mark 151 Lewandows~,Anne167

Liberto, Leonard 30, 116, 175, 189, 191 Lilley, Brian 99, 175, 191 LiMato, Maureen 151 Li~in, Karen 37, 55, 59, 97, 105, 151, 155 Liwarcz, Theodore 167 Lloyd, Janet 167 Loftus, Gerard 151 Logan, Andrew 116, 151 Logan, John 75, 119, 159 Logue, Adrienne 54, 159 Long, Celeste 159 Long, Maureen 167 Long, Patricia 60, 69, 85, 102, 191 Long, William 138, 164, 166, 167 Langevin, Margaret 44, 67, 97, 107, 191 Loreto, Victoria 167 Lubieski, David 167 Lucas, Marilyn 191 Lucas, Thomas 151 Luizzi, Marianna 151 Luther, George 159 Lynn, William 151 Lyon, Robert 86, 191 Lyons, Kathleen 151 Lyons, Timothy 151 Maccaroni, Martin 30, 60, 191 Maccaroni, MaryAnn 191 MacDonald, Alan 191 MacDonald, Thomas 17, 138, 159 Maciolek, Sandra 167 Maciolek, Stanley 151 Madola, Kathleen 167 Maffei, Angela 98, 129, 159 Mahon, Shirley 111, 191 Mahony, Cynthia 160 Maira, Lynne 39, 99, 160 Major, Mrs. Barbara 16, 128, 129, 142 Malley, Alexander 17, 28, 191, 192 Malloy, William 191 Mancino, Christopher 55, 116 Mancuso, Thomas 130, 131, 151 Mandl, Caroline 98, 110, 160 Mangone, Andrew 136, 160 Manion, Robert 103, 151 Manley, MaryKae 39, 160 Mannix, Thomas 49, 55, 191 Mansfield, James 136, 138, 167 Martyano, Peter 160 Marshall, George 50, 65, 66, 68, 100,107,192,208 Martillotti, Bruno 2, 167 Martin, Anne Marie 59, 80, 97, 104, 192 Martin, Donald 167 Martini, Kathleen 39, 88, 113, 192 Maruca, Joseph 86, 192, 204 Maruca, Sharon, 105, 107, 151 Marx, Richard 160 Masick, Timothy 35, 116, 117, 176, 181, 192 Masiello, Conoetta 160 Massi, Anthony 151 Masterson, Eileen 62, 151 Mathes, Michael 167 Matlack, James 167 Matt.aliano, Thomas 167 Matte, Kim 168 Mattonelli, Armida 168 Mauer, Sandra 76 Mauer, Sharon 151 Maylander, Scott 168 Mazzella, Cecilia 151

McCardell, Michael 134, 168 McCormack, John 58, 192 McCormack, Susan 109, 160 McCormick, Joseph 116, 192 McCreedy, John 116, 117, 118, 130, 151 McDermott, Patricia 168 McDonnell, Sister Gertrude 16, 54 McGinley, William 168 McGlone, Mary 26, 192 McGowan, Michael186, 192 McGowan, Patricia 160 McGrath, Charles 168 McGrath, Kathleen 105, 129, 160, 192 McGrath, William 137 McKee, Theresa 41, 47, 59, 102, 105, 111, 193 McKenna, Thomas 151, 168, 171 McKeon, Sister Joan 10, 16, 74, 104, 106 McLeod, Alan 43, 116 McLin, Joseph 43, 116 McManimon, MaryAnn 160 McNallen, Larry 193 McVeigh, Patricia 22, 168 Meagher, Christopher 123, 168 Meagher, Theresa 57, 59, 69, 193 Meagher, William 151 Means, Evelyn 59, 156, 160 Means, James 168 Meighan, Kevin 89, 151 Melin, Joseph 151 Mendola, Rosetta 168 Menschner, Elizabeth 36, 111, 151 Mercantini, Marie 50, 102, 105, 113, 175, 193 Mershon, Elizabeth 160 Meshanko, Roseanne 113, 151 Meskill, Eugene 27, 100, 101, 147 Metzger, Russell123, 168 Meyer, David 193 Meyer, George 160

Michalczn, Barbara 76 Michalczn, Jane 151, 168 Michalak, Mark 77, 160 Micklewright, John 160 Midura, Evelyn 168 Midura, Louis 76, 151 Mikita, Linda 102, 129, 160 Milinowicz, Gail 76, 151 Milinowicz, Joanne 76, 151 Milinowicz, William 161 Militig, Kevin 160 Miller, Jean 129, 151 Miller, John 156, 160 Miller, Kathleen 79, 90, 160 Miller, Kenneth 12, 17, 126, 138, 160 Miller, Monica 26, 193 Milner, Dr. Bernard N. 20 Monahan, Kathleen 111, 160 Montague, MaryEllen 53, 57, 58, 60, 102, 129, 177, 184, 193 Molnar, Richard 145, 148, 151 Moore, Luana 168 Moore, Robert 168 Mooney, Janice 25, 51, 53, 102, 103, 193 Mooney, Timothy 103, 163 Moran, John 160, 177, 184, 193 Moran, MaryClare 160 Moran, Paul 168 Morgan, Carol168 Morgan, David 168 Morrissey, Kathleen 193, 194 Morrissey, Walter 134, 168 Mraw, Edwina 151 Mrozinski. Stephen 160 Mudola, Frances 168 Muka, Palma 151 Muler, Elizabeth 168 Mullin, Kathleen 103, 112, 113, 194 Mullowney, Thomas 119, 160 Mulryne, Patricia 168


David 141, 160 Murawski, Walter 151 Murnin, Betsy 167 Murphy, Marybeth 160 Murphy, Michael 194 Murphy Patrick 194 Murphy, Susan 194 Murphy, Timothy 150, 151 Muskewitz, Dean 160 Mutchiga, Maria 87, 102, 194 Mydlowski, Eugene 134, 164, 168 Mydlowski, Ramona 41, 107, 194 Nadler, James 168 Nager, Tanja 168 Nager, Urs 138, 151 Nalbone, Barbara 60, 103, 111, 194, 195 Nalbone, Dean 135, 195 Nalbone, Frank 104, 160 Nalbone, Wayne 151 Napolean, Joseph 28, 116, 128 Neder, Sister Helen 16, 83 Nelson, Christopher 151, 155 Nerwinski, Patricia 195 Nevius, Diane 50, 187, 195 Newman, Brian 160 Nichitel, Paul 151 Nicholson, Lewis 28, 116, 138, 160 Nigh, Carol129, 143 Nini, Bambina 151 Nizolek, Joseph 160 Nizolek, Nancy 85 Nogare, Domanic 168 Nora, Sister Mary 16, 148, 150 Norton, Harry 47, 49, 50, 94, 98, 116, 136, 137, 138, 179, 181, 195 Norton, Mrs. Harry 40 Norton, Jane 168 Nosal, Maureen 15, 128 Notta, John 138, 160 Notta, Stephen 151 Novak, Barbara 160 Nyzio, Ann 168

Obduski, Cynthia 109, 111, 151 O'Brien, Michael102, 119, 138, 139, 160 O'Donnell, Joann 16, 51, 85, 107, 153 O'Donnell, Kathleen 195 O'Donnell, Marguerite 40, 105, 111, 195 O'Donnell, Michael 81, 168 O'Donnell, Paul119, 137, 168 O'Donnell, Sharon 161 O'Gradv, Pat137, 168 O'Hara, Karin 153 Olessi, Patricia 168 Olinski, Edward 168 Oliver, Debra 161 Olszewski, Mary 161 O'Mara, Maureen 153 O'Malley, Maureen 102, 104, 142, 195, 198 O'Niel, Catherine 161 Opsut, Robert 161 O'Reilly, Patricia 168 O'Reilly, Dennis 161 Orendarf, Elizabeth 168 Orzol, Raymond 161 Osborn, Judith 110, 111, 156, 161 O'Shea, Barry 161 O'Shea, John 76, 130, 153 O'Shea, Patrick 161 Ostaszewski, Kathleen 153 Ostaszewski, Michael161 Ostrowski, Bernadette 161 Ostrowski, John 161 Ostrowski, Ronald 161, 195 Ott, Anne 80, 95, 97, 103, 105, 106, 129, 180, 195 Ottaggio, Emanuele 153 Ottaggio, Marie 21 Ottaunick, Edward 168 Owcarz, Stephen 82, 93, 103, 195 Owens, Debra 168 Ozga, Kenneth 161 Pagano, Lucille 76, 87, 98, 195 Paglione, Barbara 169 Paglione, Michael140, 153 Paixao, Judith 16, 111, 153 Palenchar, EiUeen 169 Palenchar, Mrs. Mary 7, 16, 107 Palmer, Mr. 21 Palombo, Carol169 Palombo, Charles 169 Panacek, Geraldine 55, 153, 155 Papp, Kathleen 169 Pappano, John 169 Pappano, Michelle 169 Parker, Mr. 21 Pappano, Nicholas 153 Paradis, Marie 169 Parker, Mr. 21 Parr, Wendy 36, 196 Parson, Craig 153 Passanza, Diane 196 Pastor, Patricia 161 Patrizi, John 153 Patrone, Gary 169 Patykula, James 135, 169 Patykula, Walter 135, 196 Pazdan, Diane 153 Pecena, Maria 153 Perfetti, Angela Perferi, Nancy 196 Perone, Michael119 Perrine, Nannette 161 Perris, Vera 169 Petersack, Joseph 169 Petersack, Vincent 153 Petito, Joann 27, 148, 153 Petranto, Mr. Petrina, Sister Mary 14, 16, 144 Petrino, John 99, 40, 196 Petro, Christine 36, 74, 111, 112, 113, 196 Petro, Richard 161 Petrone, Diane 196 Petroni, Bernadette 161 Petruccione, Mary 85, 197 Petrozzini, Douglas 164 Petrozzini, Joseph 169


Petty, Janice 102, 197 Pfieffe, Maryanne 161 Pflieger, Joan 107, 161, 163 Philip, Sister Mary 15, 17, 27, 164 Phillips, Stev路e n 197 Phillips, Timothy 169 Picarello, Martin 161 Pica, MaryRose 47, 61 Picarello, Theresa 169 Piccolella, Patricia 153 Piekarski, Christine 53, 55, 59, 111, 113, 129, 197 Piekielniak, Melanie 161 Piepszak, Victoria 169 Pierzanowski, MaryAnn 153 Pietras, John 161 Pietras, Norman 78 Pietras, Robert 159 Pietras, Shirley 153 Pietrow, Maria 169 Pinelli, Edmund 120, 121, 122, 183 Pinto, Frank 169 Pinto, James 169 Pirone, Vincent 169 Pitonak, Gregory 97, 175, 197 Plagg, Raymond 161 Place, William 116, 136, 138, 161 Plank, William 169 Plaza, Loretta 197 Plumeri, Anthony 161 Plumeri, Joseph 141, 161 Pacetti, James 116, 136, 137, 138, 153 Pacetti, Judith 153 Pontani, Joseph 123, 138, 169, 171 Pontani, Maria 153 Pontani, Michael169 Porcello, Mrs. Ann 21 Potocki, John 169 Potkay, Douglas 153 Poulitz, Susan 129, 161 Powell, Kimberly 161 Price, Marianne 161 Prignoli, John 102 Probola, Gary 169 Procaccini, Caroline 169 Procaccini, Raymond 138, 153 Prokop, Mary 111, 113, 153 Prouty, Nancy 161 Provenzano, John 88, 169 Prezechalki, Frances 119, 161 Pugliese, Rocco 141, 153 Pulcini, Joan 156, 161 Puliti, Joseph 52, 120, 122, 153 Puno, Maryann 169 Purcell, Carol 169 Quinlan, James 161 Quinlan, Margaret 85, 153 Quinlin, Susanne 169 Rader, Mrs. Jeanne 17, 89 Rader, William 94, 124, 125, 138, 156, 161 Radlinsky, Mrs. Ann 21 Rafferty, James 116, 161 Rafalski, Gregory 119, 141, 164, 169 Rahl, Robert 169 Rak, Kathleen 169 Ramutkowski, John 197 Ramutkowski, Susan, 169 Ranallo, Lee 197 Ranallo, Ray 169 Ranfone, Claire 197 Rank, John 153 Ranke, Wayne 119 Ranke, William 169 Ratico, Robert 161 Raybuck, Edward 169 Raywood, Beatrice 169 Raywood, Bernard 169 Raywood, Margaret 153 Reef, Christopher 153 Hegan, Kathleen 53, 66, 96, 111, 112, 113, 197 Regan, Thomas 169 Reid, Stephen 123, 169 Reilly, Charles 133, 141, 161

Reilly, Debra 197 Reilly, Donna 169 Reilly, Kathleen 111, 142, 197 Reilly, Malcolm 169 Reilly, Robin 152, 153 Reimer, June 169 Rein, Raymond 169 Reiss, Rev. John C. 8, 9 Repko, Martin 197 Reuter, Dennis 77, 97, 198 Resch, Deborah 169 Resmick, Eileen 161 Resmick, tSusan 37, 153 Ribavaro, MarySue 169 Ricciardelli, Albert 58, 198 Richter, Henry 10, 27, 106, 116, 153 Ridge, Timothy 26, 119, 169 Riggs, Deborah 153 Ritza, Marie 107, 198 Robak, Dennis 161 Robillard, Judith 153 Robinson, Charlotte 51, 153 Rocco, Susanne 161 Rock, Deborah 59, 103, 198 RodweUer, Martha 105, 128, 129, 161 Rohr, Sister Katherine 3, 17, 54 Romano, Frank 136, 138, 153 Romano, Paula 113, 137 Rooney, Christine 169 Rooney, Patricia 198 Root, James 119, 137, 169 Rosaire, Sister Mary 17, 68, 90 Rosenberg, James 169 Roslowski, Marie 41, 107, 198 Rossi, Miss Susan 17, 87, 129 Rossell, Mr. Ronald 11 Rouba, Duane 138, 156, 161 Rouse, Lawrence 22, 169 Rousseau, Robert 119, 169 Rousseau, Stephen 119, 141, 169 Rovello, Mrs. Margaret 17 Ruehle, Herbert 120, 161 Rulkiewicz, Elaine 66, 96, 97, 102, 103, 104, 107, 111, 128, 198 Rulkiewicz, Paul 54, 123, 134, 141, 169 Runfola, Valerie 161 Russell, Patrick 86, 198 Russo, Thomas 123, 153 Rutkowski, Linda 85, 98 Rutkowski, Ronald 153 Ryan, Kathleen 83, 153 Ryan, Mary 62, 129, 161 Ryan, Richard 161 Ryan, Robert 119, 161 Rychlicki, Marianne 198 Ryfinski, Eugene 134, 169 Sabolchy, Evelyn 102 Sackett, John 198 Sadley, Ronald 41, 50, 85, 199 Sadkowski, Carol 59, 153 Sadkowski, Christine 153 SaFranko, John 161 St. Pierre, Peter 161 Salaga, MarySue 60, 199 Salewski, Marianne 169 Salewski, Randal164, 169 Sanderson, Karen 169 Santanello, Vincent 199 Santanello, Alfred 153 Santoro, Sister Ann Marie 17 Saproni, Jeanette 153 Saums, Eileen 30, 55, 153 Saville, Mrs. Janet 17, 78 Saville, Patricia 161 Sawka, Beverly 40, 69, 190, 199 Sayre, Donna 45, 50, 103, 199, 201 Scalia, Toni 72, 199 1Scarantino, Eileen 153 Scama, Charlotte 153 Schellinger, Richard 148, 153 Schmierer, AnneMarie 161 Schmierer, Thomas 175, 199 Scholes, Mr. Joseph 18, 50 Schrader, Edward 119, 161

Schreiber, Joyce 169 Schreier, Mariana 199 Schreier, Nicholas 77, 137, 161 Schuessler, Gary 169 Schuler, Carolyn 77, 161 Schuster, Catherine 169 Sciarrotta, Janet 169 Sciarrotta, JoAnn 199 Sciarrotta, Maryann 153 Scopelleti, Samuel 138, 161 Scott, Mr. James 18, l44 Scott, Suzanne 153 Sebastiani, Ronald 130 Seiler, Scott 153 Seiler, William 120, 121, 144, 200, 210 Semeta, Anna 153 Semonik, Thomas 200 Serdach, Keith 123 Sharp, James 153 Sharp, Susan 169 Sheaffer, David 161 Sheaffer, Victoria 169 Sheaffer, William 88, 200 Shelingolski, Linda 98, 161, 163 Sheperd, Donna 69, 111, 113, 153 Sheehan, Michael169 Shelly, James 161 Shen, Wen 169 Shento, Patricia 169 Shipley, Sharon 161 Sieben, James 200 Sielski, Ann Cathy 161 tSienkowski, Michael 169 Sikorski, Brian 138, 161 Sikorski, Kathryn 76, 153 Silvestro, Robert 169 Simkunas, Earl 169 Simone, Christine 169 Simone, John 140, 153 Simzak, Mary Beth 161 Simzak, Nicholas 153 Sinclar, Helen 169 Sista, Charles 141, 153 Sista, Karen 200 Sista, Pamela 169 Siwczak, Joanne 161 Skarpetowski, Robert 130, 153 Skerret, Frederick 88, 200 Skroumbelos, Nicholas 50, 200 Skwara, Frank 70, 200 Skwara, Janet 169 Slackter, Thomas 50, 135, 200, 202 Slowikowski, Mary Ann 200 Smith, Brian 123, 137, 169 Smith, Carol 98, 153 Smith, Claudia 44, 161 Smith, Harriet 51, 156, 161 Smith, John Frank 161 Smith, Leslie 105, 129, 161 Smith, Mark 46, 47, 48, 97, 124, 138, 153, 155 Smith, Patricia 85, 153 Smith, Raub 161 Smith, Susan 169 Smith, Sister Eileen Claire 18, 62 Smolka, Lillian 200 Sobon, Karen 169 Sobon, Paul 76,153 Sodomin, Michael 50, 200 Sohl, William 119, 141, 169 Solan, Katherine 28, 201 Soltis, MaryAnn 72, 201 Sopko, Dolores 73, 153 Sorento, Joann 59, 62, 107, 153 Spehar, Carol 161 Speran, Marianne 169 Spitz, Joanne 169 Spitz, Michael17, 69, 138, 156 Spitz, William 25, 99, 116, 138, 201 Spitzer, Lisa 153 Spitzer, Lynn 153 Sredinski, Eugene 169 Stankevich, Mark 138, 139, 153 Stankowski, Karen 105, 129, 161 Stankowski, Mrs. Marge 21 Stankowski, Sharon 161 Stansky, Eileen 62, 153

Stavitski, Edward 169 Stec, Susan 161 Stec, William 50, 201 Stemmer, Robin 169 Stella, Sister Mary 13, 18 Stelle, Louise 162 Stephan, John 52, 97, 116, 118, 130, 150, 153 Stephenson, Karen 50, 62, 78, 105, 128, 201 Stewart, Richard 162 Stewart, Ronald 162 Stilwell, Frank 50, 85, 201 Stinger, Sharon 50, 62, 78, 201 Stives, John 169 Stives, Timothy 138, 162 Stoka, Mrs. Mary 18 Stout, Mary Jean 50, 62, 67, 97, 105, 129, 179, 201 Stumbaugh, Mary Beth 170 Strapp, Barbara 68, 69, 97, 104, 128, 201 Struck, Joan, 129, 162 Stryker, Catherine 154 Suhay, Lucille 202 Sujansky, Elizabeth 170 Surdich, Keith John 141, 170 Swiecki, Marianne 162 Swieconek, Susan 105, 142, 143, 154 Swierczek, John 20 Swinuich, Mary 21 Sylvester, Robert 123 Syzmelewicz, Nancy 162 Szejner, Robert 164, 170 Szelingowski, Frank 69, 202 Szymelewicz, Kathleen 73, 105, 154 Tackacs, Barbara 154 Talerico, Debra 170 Tallman, Marie 170 Tamasi, Carol 154 Tamasi, Elvina 170 Taranowicz, Catherine 51, 154 Tella, Stephen 134, 141, 170 Tennyson, Aileen 162 Tennyson, Kathleen 53, 202 Terracciano, Michael 162 Teti, Edward 69, 202 Theile, Mrs. Lee 20, 91 Theile, Sharon 154 Theile, Susan 13, 170 Theodoraskis, Anastasia 170 Thoma, Anthony 28, 53, 116, 117, 130, 131, 132, 181, 202 Thomas, Amy 170 Thomann, James 170 Thul, Reverend Joseph 7, 11, 26, 34, 38, 42, 81, 97 Tingo, Timothy 154 Tiscione, Mary Ann 97, 202 Tiscione, Robert 141, 154 Tobiaz, David 47, 57, 59, 202 Tocco, Franca 28, 142, 203 Tocco, Paul 119, 170 Tomsho, Jill 40, 97, 104, 128, 175, 203 Toomey, Ann 105, 162 Topf, Elizabeth 162 Toto, Anthony 126, 170 Toto, Rosemary 154 Trainor, Maureen 154 Trakowski, Ronald 162 Tramontana, James 154 Tramontana, Joseph 154 Tramontana, Richard 170 Tramontano, Thomas 170 Tripp, Colleen 71, 106, 203 Tuliszewski, Kathleen 170 Tuliszewski, Lawrence 170 Tuliszewski, Patricia 53, 58, 60, 128, 186, 203 Turano, Richard 162 Turgeon, Robert 141 Turco, Joseph 162 Turczyn, Wayne 119, 170 Turski, Christine 102, 203 Tursi, Mr. Patrick 18, 38

Tylus, Kevin 133, 134, 144, 147, 170, 171 Ujazowski, Melanie 170 Ullrich, Helene 51, 53, 58, 59, 66, 83, 96, 102, 203 Ungaro, Keith 170 Ungrady, Mr. John 124, 125, 138 Ungrady, Timothy 170 Urban, Michael 203 Usera, Jose 162 Vaccaro, Lorraine 111, 162 Vagnozzi, Michelle 3, 102, 162 Valerian, Sister Mary 18, 22, 79 VanderHeyden, Leen 209 VanderHeyden, Mrs. Suzanne 18 Van Rise, Patrice 143, 162 Van Sant, Paul 104, 162 Vaughan, Susan 71, 203 Vavricka, Christopher 82, 203 Vayda, Patricia Veasey, Francis 126, 154 Veltri, Alfred, 141, 162 Verde, Paulette 103, 203 Verde!, Mr. Albert 19, 86, 116, 141 Vereb, Elizabeth 170 Vereb, Larry 203 Veronica, Sister Mary 19, 40, 74 Viglione, Marietta 154 Vitacco, Patricia 170 Viteritto, Anthony 154 Vizzini, Francine 154 Vizzini, Russell, 170 Voyga, Patricia 162 Walbridge, Peter 123, 162 Waldron, Sister Margaret Ann 19, 95, 144 Wallace, Mr. Michael 7, 19, 90, 98 Walsh, Laurette 73, 154 Walters, Debra 170 Walters, Robert 170

Warasky, Debra 107, 147, 156, 162 Warasky, Ruth 170 Weber, Michael 120, 122, 154 Weir, Kevin 123, 154 Weis, Mr. William 16, 19, 32 'Weitz, Paul 203 Welch, Cynthia 154 Wenczel, Walter 40, 204 Wendel, Lorraine 170 Werner, Gabriela 154 Wesley, Mark 137, 162 Westerman, Mr. 26, 162 Wetzel, John 154 \Vetzel, Robert 170 Whartenby, Joseph 204 White, Diane 73, 97, 103, 204 Wiaczek, Bernadette 55, 204 Wiaczek, Eve 62, 162 Widener, Nancy 154 Wierzbieki, Hedwig 129, 162, 163 Wilk, George 77, 204 Wilkes, John 162 Willie, James 154 \Villiams, Patricia 170 Williams, Mr. Thomas J. 19, 144, 145 Wilno, Barbara 170 路wilson, Edward 162 \Vilson, Robert 170 Winarski, Kathleen 154 Wirpsza, Helen 162 Wisniewski, Janice 204 Wisniewski, John 154 Wisniewski, Joseph 154, 162 Wisniewski, Steven 106, 204 Witkowski, Matthew 205 Wojcik, Joseph 126, 138, 170 Wolak, John 154 Wolski, Frank 162 Wood, Patricia 154

Woods, Maureen 62, 162 Worth, John 205 Worth, John C. 82, 205 Worth, Theresa 170 Wozniak, Michael 162 Wozniak, Pamela 40, 205 Wroblewski, Mr. Joseph 19 Wucinski, Nancy 154 Wurpel, John 86, 89, 205 Wyers, Susan 170 Wylie, John 119, 138, 170 Wysienski, Patrick 205 Yaros, Mary 21 Yavarone, Sister Eleanore 19, 81, 100 Yeakle, Thomas 119, 138, 162 Young, Michael 170 Yuhas, Joan 170 Zabaqa, J o Ann 51, 83, 102, 205 Zagorzycki, Maria 97, 107, 154 Zagorzycki, Mark 170 Zamborsky, John 37, 120, 122, 140, 148, 154 Zamparelli, Debra, 47, 59, 112, 154 Zegarski, Sigmond 123 Ziemba, Julius 162 Zikos, Michael 154 Zikos, Therese 170 Zimmer, Charles 53, 116, 205 Zimmer, George 140, 154 Zimpleman, John 30, 69, 205 Zoltanski, Christopher 205 Zombeck, Barbara 205 Zuczek, Robert 154 Zuczek, Francis 154 Zukas, Marion 62, 98, 129, 162 Zukowski, Lawrence 36, 116, 118, 140, 178, 181, 196, 205 Zukowski, Paul170


In the morning of my life I shall look to the sunrise, At a moment in my life When the world is new. And the blessing I shall ask Is that God will grant me To be brave and strong and true, And to fill the world with love My whole life through.


,·''"'~~·. ·,:·\

In the evening of my life I shall look to the sunset, At a moment in my life When the night is due. And the question I shall ask Only I can answer, Was I brave and strong and true? Did I fill the world with love My whole life through?

From the musical play: " Good-bye Mr. Chips"; Music and Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse; Copyright © 1969 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.

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