Notre dame high school canticle 1986web

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Kathleen Abbondanza

Kharl M. Alinea

Antonia Amari

Deni.e Amrich

Judith OiMemmo

Steven E. An•ley 20

Gail Anteola

Gina M. Aquilino

Kelly Arena

~ ~

Katherine Arends

Melinda V. Armenti

Margaret Baker

Robert T. Balerna

John Ballard

Andrew Balter


Katherine Arends


faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.


John C. Bacovin

Leslie J. Baier

Tom McQuade and Stephanie Flores



Melinda V. Armenti



The most lost day '-.,fall. is the day '""m which we do laugh.

~.{ Leslie Baier ... Time 8'-.,es by. Let's h'-.,pe t'-mwrr'-.,w holds the pr'""'mises ~ untold.

i 21

Talayia R. Barksdale

Denise K. Barrett

Peter G. Barlow

Karen Barna

Sharon M. Barna

Sharon C. Barsczewski

de' Andria Kellam and Tyi Davi-s

Cindy L. Benedetti


Jacqueline Benner

Erica Bensen Do you remember chalk marks melting down the playground wall. Karen Bentiyogli Today is the beginning of something wonderful . . . The rest of our lives. Joyce Bertan I'd rather cry with the saints, then laugh with the sinners-because the saints have much more class. Levoy Bennett

Erica Bensen

Karen R. Bentivogli

Alycia Bentz

Joyce Bertan

Jacqueline Bleacher

Kharl Alinea

Jacqueline Bleacher If you're lost, you can look and you will find me, Time

after time. Lisa Blue A time to laugh, A time to cry, To wonder and question upon our goodbyes. Lisa Blue

Karen Bock No one here gets out alive, except me and you.

Karen J. Bock


Tammy L. Boisselle

Maria A. Bowling

Susan T. Brady

Monica D. Brown

Andrea D. Brown

Louis V. Bucchere

Mark J. Brandbergh

Terry McNiff and Kelly Johnson

Maria Bowling May y(,u never see things as they are and ask why. but see them as they can be and ask why not.

Susan Brady It's high time Break and t.1ke the freedom My time To live like I feel!

Mark Rr.wdbergh 1\-c fl'LJt:ht wllh rcaltt~ fl,r tl'LJr h'.1rs. Fm gl.1d ll, sec I f111.11l•,: WllfJ l,~ l'r tt.

Andrea Rrown I don't know where this road is gl'tng fl' lead fl' If it gets me to tt.,ml.,rrtH1t . I hope its Wt'rth all the pain.

Hugh E. Burgess

Michele A. Bums

Michael Burke

John J. Byrne

Krystal Tanner

John I. CaHy

Crail M. Coffey

Carla M. Colletti

Michael D. Commini

Bridget A. Conboy

Joan M. Cook

Maureen T. Connolly

Thomas A. Cook

Claudine Rago, Amy MacCormack, Sherry Sentek and Rosemary Smith

Michael Commini Always remember: your friends don't get older just better. Never lose touch with them. Bridget Conboy First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you must do. Maureen Connolly Hold on and know tomorrow will come and with each tomorrow it will become better.


Daniel J. Connolly

Anthony M. Corrado

Joan Cook I know I can't change the world. but I can change a world within me. Thomas Cook If it swells ride it- You should have been here yesterday. Anthony Corrado The way I see it, if you want the rainbow. you gotta put up with the rain.

Michele M. Czyzewski

Susan Cunningham

Paul D'Angelo

Danielle Da Bronzo

Danielle DaBronzo I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow If I fail; If I succeed, At least I'll live as I believe. Colette Dassori Make every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Tyi Davis Look not upon the race or creed but the person inside.

Melina Mattia

Colette Dassori

Tyi N. Davis

Jeffrey R. DeBastos

Frank A. De Feo 27


Linda Defiore

Judith A. Di Memmo

Paula Dimarco

Deidre Donnelly

Peter Donnelly

Kathryn M. Dorr

Bonnie Dowd

Peter J. Downey

Denise M. Dromm

Patricia Draper

Robert T aptich

Deanna L. Dymowski

Pamela T. Elie

Scott E. Elliott

Joseph J. Emde

Pamela Elie fat your heart out Wl1rld. the Fly Girls路 on the move Scott Elliott I don't know where J'm going I don't know what I need But J'/1 get where J'm going And that's all right by me. Joseph Emde Life is not a cheer路 of bowlies.

Kyle Emert

Kyle Emert

A moments路 insight is sometimes worth a life's

Michael T. Evanko

experience. 29

Theresa A. Evans

Philip Fagans

Kristine Fanelli

Michelle M. Farfalla

I Christopher J. Farley

Lynn M . Feddish

Theresa Evans Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. Philip Fagans Just when you think you have the rat race won, They come out with faster rats. Kristine Fanelli Blow away the dreams that leave you lost and broken hearted. Michelle Farfalla All your life you've been waiting for the chance where you will fit into the plan. but your the master of your own destiny So give and take the best that you can.

Kellie Malloy

Christopher Farley All thanks 1 God. May U all live 1c the Dawn. by /999 111.1 y R lives B there. Lynn Feddish Somethings are better left unsaid. Gregory Federico LOVE

Gregory Federico


Michael P. Feeney



Timothy Fitzpatrick

Robert T. Ferri

Philip Fagans

Stephanie A. Flores

Robert J. Folino

Trina L. Foy

Cheryl M. Fuzes

Thomas J. Francais

Marie 1. Garcia 31

C:,fleen Garrison If we just believe there's no w.w we can fall.

Matthew Gates I wasn't

b~.-~rn t~.-~

live. to die.

Christine Gath.1 S~.-1mc pe~.-~ple usc the key t<.1 Ide t~.-1 open the d~.-1or t'-1 success. ~.-Hhers prefer to pick the h1ck.

Laura Gavigan f'm just ,1f1 '-1/d chunk '-1{ co.1l. But f'm g~.-mna be a diamond s~.-1mcday.

Colleen E. Garri.on


Manhew Gates

Christine Gano

Laura M. Gavigan

Grace Genovesi

Rocco Genovesi

Joseph Suosso

Jeffrey Gervasio

Karen R. Giomo

Lisa Gloeckner Life is lived only once and every memory is a special one. Thanks N.D. Todd Goehring It's better to live one day as a lion. than a lifetime as a sheep. Jennifer Goeke When in doubt. SHOOT. Deane H. Good Just when you thought one life was over. another begins.

Charise Hovan

Li•a B. Gloeckner

J~nnif~r G~k~

Todd Goehring

D~an~ H. Good

Robert Gordon I'm glad the year is over. it's been fun. but it's time h.1 go. "Good-Bye"

Robert Gordon

Mary Ellen Gore

Mary Ellen Gore Sometimes as we journey the highway of life. moments of joy cross our path. Thanks N. D. I Jeanne Goubeaud Friendship can turn into love, But love into friendship never! Well ... I'll miss you all! Karen Green Neither beauty. nor gold. nor riches of kings Is as great as the future that the class of '86 brings.

Jeanne M. Goubeaud

Karen Gr~en 33

John Gregory It may be said. that in a sort. they began the world a new. Steven R. Guarino You can't have everything: where would you put it? Ann Marie Hannawacker Life is twenty minutes of misery for every second of joy. but be grateful for these rare seconds. and appreciate what g~.Jod you can lind. no matter the cost.

John Gregory

Steven R. Guarino

Ann M. Hannawacker

Timothy J. Ha"i•

Christopher J. Hart

Katherine G. Heitzman

Eric Hartmann

Keith Hen•tein

Tim,.,thy Jay Harris So many faces in and out of my life some will last. some will fa de. Life is a series of hellos and good-byes. f'm afraid it's time for good-bye again. Eric Hartmann If hard work is the ke y t'-., success. most pe'-'ple w'-'uld rather pick the I~..Jek . Katherine G. Heitzman "Be yourself but be Y'-'"r best self. Dare to be different and h'llow Y'-'LJr l'Wn dreams ...

Jacqueline Benner


Keith Herstein "IF you're not going t'""' g'-' all the way. why 8'-' at all?"

Keith Hitchner

Charise Hovan

Roger Hsiao

Gregory D. Hughes

Keith Hitchner Today was the Tomorrow we were looking forwar~i to yesterciay. Live for today. not Tomorrow . .

Charise Hovan "Life's a trip; you only take once. so make it your best!!"

Roger Hsiao "

Caroline Klepper

A horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight."

Donna M. Hulick

Michael Hylemon

Donna Hulick I am not afraid of tomorrow; J've seen the past and I love today. The future is ours.

Michael Hylemon Search for the truth. It is found where man is free to search for it.

Michele Hylemon

Micheie D. Hylemon

''I waited patiently for the Lord. He inclined and heard my cry. He set my feet upon a rock and made my footsteps firm."

Joseph P. Jackowski


Lorraine C. Jackowski

Scon J. Janora

Christopher Jacobs

Michele A. James

Elizabeth Janczuk

Carol Janousky

Talayia Barksdale, Deborah Lis, Melissa Marinnie, Gail Anteola, Tanya Young, Mary Ellen Rhoads and Teri Evans

Maureen Jennings 36

Christine Johnson

Kelly Johnson The journey of a lll.l.J miles begins with a single step. Monica Johnston I shall travel with the sun. Travel lightly. travel free. I shall learn from everyone Who turns and speaks to me.

Jennifer Katz Kr1l,wledge advances b}' steps and by leaps.

Patricia A. Jordan Happiness is not perfected until it is shared by friends like I've made at Nortre Dame.

Kelly A. John•on

Monica A. John•ton

Brian J. Jonn

Gregory Jonn

Patricia A. Jordon

Verena S. Kansog Whl' krwws what the future hl'lds: At least Nlltre Dame has given me a head start.

Verena S. Kan•og

deAndria Kellam Wear Yl'Ur learning. like .1 watch. in a private spot: And dl' nlll pull it (lLJt. and stride it merely to sh('W that Yl'U have (me.

Ann Marie Hannawacker

Jennifer Katz

. de'Andria M . Kellam 37

Erica Kinczel

Keith R. Kemo

Valerie L. King

Caroline Klepper

John Kopacz

Christopher G. Koval

Tammy L. Kozlowski

Heidemarie M. Kramer Vince Mangini


Yolanda Krawtschenko

David Krisak

Gary Kubiak

Jamn C. Lake

Kathy M. Lambiase

Susan Kulak

Michael M. Lake

Christine Johnson, Tammy Boisselle

Michele Lawrence-


Jin Lee

Nancy L. Leiber

Amy B. Leniere

Tina M. Lewallen

Anthony Salvi

Deon Lewis

Cindy Link

Deborah Lis

Beth A. Lloyd

Cindy Link Remember ... It isn't real. Unless it comes from the heart. Debbie Lis I'm young. I'm wild. and I'm free. I've got the magic power in me. Beth Lloyd Just think of all the times we thought this would never end. Time never goes slow when we want it to.


Beth Ann Lockwood "Oh. my God. we're empty My friends and me. Do you believe we're still chasing Rainbows. everywhere we see? Jay Ludwig " The tribulations we are now working through. Will one day make our aspirations come true. " Felicia Lynch If you grow to realize you can do anything. Then you can conquer the world.

Chri1tine Lyon•

Amy E. Mac Cormack

Beth A. Lockwood

Jay L. Ludwig

Regina M. Lynam

Felicia L. Lynch

John J. Lyon•

Marie Maiuro

Michael Sefransky


Kellie Malloy Our time here has ended but our friendship will go on forever. Vincent J. Mangini " Take a music-bath once or twice a week for a few seasons. and you will find that it is to the soul. ~hat the water-bath is to the body." Lisa Marcocci All our dreams will pass by. And our friendship will never die.

Melissa Toaldo

Kellie J. Malloy

John L. Marino 42

Vincent Mangini

Joseph S. Marone

Lisa M. Marcocci .

Anthony Marti/lotti

Melissa Marinnie

Yolanda Mason

Gerald E. Matlock "Hard work and dedication got you this far. why not go for more." Melina Mattia Here I am exciting and explored. But seeing before me the unexplored Soon to be in my hands. Kiev Matwijcow Looking everywhere at no one. I see everything, and nothing at all.

Gerald E. Matlock

Melina A. Mattia

Anthony Mattozzi

Kiev C. Matwijcow

Elizabeth Tani

Laura Maty

David E. Maurer

Laura E. Maty They say Y'-'Ur not as imwcent as Y'-'U seem, But then again. who is? Richard Mauro The only way to really stay. Is to walk right out the dol.,r. Christopher Maziarz Love and memory last. and will endure. Till the game is 路called because of darkness.

Richard 0. Mauro

Christopher Maziarz 43

Henry E. Mazurek

Ellen McClain

Kyle McGovern

Veta E. McDonald

Thomas McDermon

John McDonald

Robert E. McGrath

Tami A. McNamara

Henry Mazurek "You cannot paint the Mona Lisa by assigning one dab each to a thousand painters.路路 Ellen McClain "Excuse me. then! You know my heart! But dearest friends. alas! Must part." Thomas McDermott Why don't you come with me little one on a magic carpet ride. John McDonald If you look like your passport photo. In all probability you need a vacation. 0

Veta McDonald "We've only just begun to live .. Much success in the future ! Robert McGrath "We grow neither better n'-'r worse as we grow '-'ld. but more like ourselves ...

Denise Amrich


Terence McNiff You can .only be young once. but you can be immature (~.-,rever. . Th,.,mas J. McQuade '"I'm a c ub fan." Tina McStravick Trying to learn h~...,w to walk like the heroes We thought we had to be After all this time To find we, 're just like the rest. Vander Mcfarland One today is worth two tomorrows. What I am to be. I am now beginning. Thomas McGuire "It's better to be a man ~..,-,( value than a man of success. Riza Mendoza "Live your life to the best you can and don't be afraid to take a chance ... Maureen Mesday I cannot change yesterday I can only make the most ~.,-,f today And fl..-,ok toward wmorrow.

Jane Thoma

Terence S. McNiff

Thoma• J. McQuade

Tina M. McStravick

Thoma• McGuire

Tara A. Mellody

Riza Mendoza

Vander McFarland


Kathleen M. Messineo

Kevin M. Micharski

Thomas R. Miller

Sharon Mizer

Suzanne Mochari

Susan L. Molnar

Lori A. Migliaccio

Larry Mihalko

Michael Commini

Sharon Mizer The essentials to happiness in this life are: Something to do. someone to love. and something to hope for. Suzanne Mochari Leaving Notre Dame we are now at a new beginning. and one step closer to success! Susan Molnar And in the end All that's left are "Glory Days"

Kenneth Moore What counts most is what you learn after you kn'-.,w it

all. Colleen Morrison We can close our e yes to realit y but not t'-., the memories '-.,f Notre Dame. Lisa Mrochko Rainbows in the sky. Our dreams will get us by and '-.,ur love will never die.

Kenneth D. Moore

Colleen A. Morrison

Denise R. Mulligan We have learned. lived. lovedWhat a difference you've made in my life.

Erin Murphy Your're the only thing I'll see forever. In my eyes. m y words. everything I d'-.,路 Nothing else but you. ever. Mary Ellen T. Murphy We should cherish the life and love of those wh'-' are most important to us. Aileen Nikitiades" "I want to know what life is for ! I d'-.,n't want much. I just want m'-.,re . ..

Lisa A. Mrochko

Denise R. Mulligan

Tom Quinn

Erin L. Murphy

Mary Elleq T. Murphy

Peter L. Nelson

Aileen Nikitiades 47

Peter Nolan

Patrick B. Nolan

Dawn D. O'Donnell

Susan M. O'Donovan

Eileen O'Rourke

Lori L. Osif

Colleen M. O'Brien

Joseph C. Nowak

Rocco Genovesi

Peter Nolan Have you considered that if you don't make waves nobody including yourself. will know that you're alive.

Susan O'Donovan My interest is in the future because I'm hoping to spend the rest of my life there.

Colleen O'Brien Nobody can see what's inside usNobody understands. And if there's a heaven. we'll find it.

Eileen 0 'Rourke I can see a new horizon underneath the clear blue sky I'll be where the eagles fly higher and higher. 路


Dawn O'Donnell If the sun refused to shine. I would still be loving you.


Lori Osif Live for your hopes and dreams for only they will be with you always.

Timt.Jthy Paglione " Your eyes can deceive you ... stretch out with your feelings."

Francis Paixao If you don 't meet trouble, You won 't have anything to laugh at when your old.

James Panzitta School's out forever, School's just a road of memories.

Stanley Pachuski

Timothy A. Paglione

Frank Paulus

Jennifer Pergament

Patrick T. Perrella

Laura M. Persichilli

James J. Panzitta

Francis J. PaixatJ

John McDonald


Mark Persichilli

Pamela A. Pfeifer

Francis A. Phan

Nicolette Picerno

Mark Persichilli It's 86, and I've finished my story. Now, I must go and find my way. Pamela Pfeifer Somehow still alive, This is the final stand of all I am. Please keep me in mind. Francis A. Phan Success is the byproduct of failures, Wise is he who tries and tries again.

Katherine Pisterzi I still believe in all my dreams, /'//learn from mistakes, do all that it takes to make it eventually, 'Cause I still believe in me. Richard Plumeri "If you want anything worth while in life; You have to work at it." Cathy Polizzi I'm wishin' on a star to follow where you are. I'm wishin' on a dream to follow what it means Deane Good and Vander Mcfarland

Scot A. Pirozzi

Katherine Pisterzi

Richard M. Plumeri

Cathy Polizzi

Kelly Quinn Friendship doubles our joy and divides our pain.

Thomas Quinn With a little luck. you don't need brains.

Claudine Rago Through the years we've shared our brightest hopes. our darkest fears. our softest tears. a growing feeling the more we share. the more we care.

Kelly A. Quinn

Scott B. Pullen

Thomas R. Quinn

Courtney A. Ravenel

Claudine R. Rago

Maryann Sollami

Helen K. Rebbeck

Patrick R. Redmond

Michael Reger 51

Mary Ellen Rhoads

Deirdre M. Reilly

Duane S. Robinson

Evelyn M. Rodriguez

Nicole A. Roche

Jim Lake

Robert Rogers

Thomas A. Rullo

Laurie L. Safko

Robert Rogers Hey you. don't help them to bury the light. Don't give in without a fight. Thomas Rullo "They're not the best at what they do, They're the only one's at what they do." L.wrie Safko Though Wt., gl1 ~eparate thrctugh life. We are ever la~tingly bound by our friendship "Always and Forever"


Lisa S. Salmestrelli

Harry Sandford

Anthony Salvi

Gina F. Sapnar

Noel Sarafin

Hector Santiago

Holly Sarafin

Ellen McClain

Maria A. Scandariato

Lisa Sa/mestrelli "Spend your life waiting, for a moment that just don't come, well, don't waste your time waiting." Harry Sandford To the seniors who will follow us. May you enjoy your year as we did. Gina Sapnar If the path is long and dark I can see the light. No one can take away my right to fight and never surrender!


Dominic Scavo

Patrick J. Scanlon

Eric M. Schade

Thomas Scavo

Paul Szekeres

?atrick Scanlon And you race to catch up to the sun but it's blinding And racing around to come up behind you again. Dominic Scavo You have to be smart to act stupid. Wendy L. Scheideler

Colleen A. Schmitt

Thomas R. Scavo Sometimes this place is a never-ending saga. Eric Schade A real friend is a person, Who asks how you are and hangs around to find out. Wendy Scheideler The moments may be temporary, but the memories are forever. Colleen Schmitt Although our high school years are done, Our lives have only just begun

Andrew E. Schoeder


Cathy M. Schroth

Karen Sciandra No day is over until it makes a memory. Michael Sefransky Is a dream a lie if it doesn't come true or is it . something worse? Sherry Sentek If you love something set free, if it comes back then its yours, but if it doesn't It never was!

Karen E. Sciandra

John F. Seymour

Michael S. Sefransky

Sean P. Sheppard

Sherry A. Sentek

Hyun )in Shin

Kevin Serafin

Lynnette M. Shinal

Hyun Jin Shin Memories are like the ''unforgetable fire", they burn eternally. Jennifer Shirley "Goodbye" is not an ending. For you'll find along life's way. Within your heart you'll always have. A part of yesterday.

Lisa M. Sibert

Jennifer A. Shirley

And you know it's time to go through the sleet and diving snow across the field of mourning to a light that's in the distance.

Lisa M. Sibert


Anthony E. Siecienski

Mary E. Siedlarczyk

Patti B. Siliwono

Francis M. Simms

Kim M. Simon

Kelly Smith

Maura E. Smith


Rosemary G. Smith

Sharon B. Sobon

Vanda So/dati

Maryann W. Sol/ami

Michael J. Sosna

John T. Spinale

Noel L. Stack

Lori M. Stoy

Tracy A . Sudol

Dina M. Spi/atore

Emilia Sparagna

Larry Mihalko

Maryann Sol/ami Climb every mountain, find every stream, follow every rainbow until you find your dream.

John T. Spinale Yet if I. through myself, could set your spirit free, steal your heart away

Michael Sosna Four years: Looking ahead I saw them too long. Looking back they seemed too short.

Noel Stack The only condition for loving, Is to love without conditions. I will love you always.

Emilia Sparagna When there 's nothing left but goodbyes, We'll just turn and walk away, How could we let it end like this? Dina Spilatore Don 't walk in front of me, I ma y not follow, Don't walk behind me. I may not lead, Just walk beside me and be my friend.

Lori Stoy You only live once, but if you lh c right, once is enough. Tracy Sudol If the sun refused to shine. I would still be loving you. Your hand in mine we walk the miles.


Joseph L. Suosso

Cris Ann Surdo

Thomas P. Suro

Paul G. Szekeres

Eric Hartmann

Joseph Suosso Your life will not be fulfilled if you don't achieve what is important to you. Cris Ann Surdo As we lot..Jk in the past, life was great. As we look in the future, we see things better. Paul Szekeres Take a chance! All Life is a chance. The man who goes furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare 0




Elizabeth Tani Although I will never walk this path again, My thoughts of good friends and special times will always bring back the memories of miles past; and the knowledge I have acquired in my journey. will forever lead me onward 0

Elizabeth A. Tani

Krystal Tanner

Robert J. Taptich

Eric Tessein


Krystal Tanner Old time will end our story. But no time, if we end well, will end our glory. Robert Taptich Life is like a ten -speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use. Eric Tessein It's been said, "No man is an island.", however some are considered mountains.


Jane A. Thoma

Christopher E. Thomas

Melissa E. Toaldo

Kimberly M. Topper

Gary J. Torgeson

Filomena T. Train a

Deena M. Turi

Monica R. Varia

Erik Varvel

Leonard T. Vellucci


Joseph D. Venanzi

Jennifer Vichroski

Edward P. Vidal

Christina M. Villa

Christine Walton

Susan L. Webb

Joseph Venanzi To all my good friends who have watched and helped me mature, the future is bright. Jennifer Vichroski Always and Forever, each moment with you was just like a dream to me that somehow came true. Edward Vidal The key to success is in knowing how to achieve it. Christina Villa We got a chance now, times will be changing fast. Open your eyes lets show'em our better half! Christine Walton Bravo, an excellent performance. f'd love to try it again sometime. Susan L. Webb Our Jove together is so precious, together we have grown- Although our love is still special, let's take a chance and fly away alone- only to meet again. Michael Weng Remember:, Life is tough, but you are tougher. And always be yourself or you 'll find yourself by yourself.

Michael Weng

Rebecca S. Wind

Kimberly A. Wolff

Christopher K. Wong

Christopher Wong When one considers Notre Dome's unsurpassed reputation and excellence- The logic is overwhelming.


Roger Woo No more classes, No more books. Angela Yaede Stand for something or fall for something. Keith Young Let me fill your life with joy and laughter. Happiness is all I'm after. Thanks N.D. for everything!

Roger Woo

Dennis A. Wysocki

Tanya Young Never forget yesterday it will help with today and today will help with tomorrow. Gregory Zdenek Good deeds are passed in a whisper. While our mistakes are shouted from the mountain tops! Kimberly Zuczek Know that when I'm gone you 'II be near to me. forever in my heart.

Angela D. Yaede

Tanya Young

Gregory A. Zdenek

Boas Yu

Kimberly Zuczek

Front Row- Kiev Matwijcow, Nancy Leiber , Jane Thoma, and Sharon Barsczewski. Back Row- Tammy Kozlowski and Pam Pfeifer.

Keith M. Young



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American KATHY ABBONDANZA L.S. ~ S.S. Del. River fun, Parties-you heel, ski-trips. J.B. ~ M.B. Fall much, let's talk. G.S. Summer w/P~D. Risks! J.S. Soph. dance, l ~ l. l.P. Tea at 3. D.O. Ski much 1 S.B. Prom ~ l.B.L A.S. your party, prom, niuhair, I love you all!! KHARL ALINEA Tim-remember laura, Fang the dances-loud!! Dave-Pool time-Friends Cherish, and remember love ya all. B.Puppy dog eyes. DENISE AMRICH EM,D.B.,l.J.,K.M.-remember "A moment of silence'', Junior year "skier", "double Nerwinske", I don't kno what happened. "A priest!!" We'll do lunch, love to; Get a forth, "West side elbow" J.~J•• lori- John • GAIL A TEOLA MMellen, Crawl under!? Jess, the washing m c ine?ta1ayia Dean( Prom. Missy~ Vanda our friends on the i h y. D . Conversations-Phone. Thanks friends. GINA A ~L • "0 lay 0 Pie!" Springsteen concert-peapl Beach awd B:st friends( T.Mc.-parties. snort, B-Dees, Bob Dillan, J.O.,.History, laughs, liars, love and fun. .S. Ad rna •"h " O.K. goofyl Remember lunch-Thanks for all the flan-Lf.Ve yal KELLY 'ARENA Remember our trip to don. We~ till we dropped. KATIE A/lENDS J neue ember summer of 851 Cyndy, Karen and Bombi. Thanks for lways being there. MELINDA ARMENT/ .J. remember eve4fYthing. Time o c utse. P.F.K.M. S.B. T.Mc. Jersey party queen. W.S.S. O.K. Do ~ Brother Trucker. K.D. S.G. i C.C. was great!! M ~OJ ia ~C .• [ loye you, Miss you all N.D. I love you allll JOHN BACOVINTo team-"Hey times up. It's my turn," "Mud", "lease don't my girlfri nd", "Macbeth", "Blue and White bust", "Windowg-awling••, "War pigs", "Footb was great(" M.B. ''mor ".., M.C. "Backrub_-', l.C. "Thanks" CH. "I years", all of t ants a lot and good ludd LESLIE BAIER M.M. M.B.' s party; .8. '' ed Rum"; . V.K ... M.T.V.".Brltian. (Hawaii?); J.B. lam. wake-up caDs; T.P. Saturday art-see you er I,M.B. D.C., M. or M.K. 1 Thanks for all the memories. Love a! R fJERT BALERNA .S. What's wrong Rob,"ran out .-f s" T.M. "follow meTer.'' LB. "Did you eat t" A.M. = li ten up Francis G.R. you ean't hit him M.f., T. LBI ExperWqees l.S. It could've w k • TALAYIA BARKS... DAL T, E-Trkl(petl), Jabber-jaws Vanda, " 's so cute!" MiR Love thos dsl J.B. Mighty Mickey Mousefl Gaf.Paui(Ughl) ItA. I'll set ~ up, om J.B.-Mr. "GQ" PETER BARLOW the gan -PABWEA S.M. Therepist, P.Q., PhiUie Titans K.M. RICHARDII Everyone-1 wasn't therel It wasn't mel Take it EASEl R.B. "Hey Robert Scott" DENISE BARRETT Jana "Those rides" Fe. Karen,Kathy, Lori, Liz, D-''Bear"; I'm here for you,luv.Ern, "White pants" I love youl SHARON BARCZEWSKI Dear dorks and Associates, Beav: I don't knowl Sha up! landlords: Clean up the Cauldronl Janey:Where's the gym stuff! D.V.H. Major Malarkey( Love ya freak! CINDY BENEDETTI Jackie,Rose,Eileen: Remember the parking lot and the yellow bomber. I still love you Jay. JOYCE BERTAN Lou B. I love you-Always and Forever K.A. Here Puppy "Pure Flower" LP stoyies MB i SB To many to remember-1 love you bothl O.K. We're safe after 1:30 veapl Senior cheerleaders "Hooters" JACKIE BENNER Sherri remember when at P.E. party and J.B. tried so hard but they couldn't win. KAREN BENTIVOGLI CM-J. at pond, l me$01110rphsJ BLpoker in BV: W.Wood; LS-Parties, PicklesJ DM-3 hoursl "ideal guys" TB- I love you1 Good Luck, F/F. JACKIE BLEACHER R.S, D.O. A.M. remember tiger's class R.S. C.B. Best friends always M.H. Remember always the J.P. KAREN BOCK Mizer"faint much" Col. I love you, Barnas-"Indians" LJ i Klep "nice life" " Boonies" Nice table. lar.- I love youl MARIA BOWLING KH.MMPseudo-latin 1-ll,leslie- DC.DF.SL. 10 minute lunches, I'm Kind's, chem. study.Per. 3 Gym classes, KKK I love you Ill SUSAN BRADY MB jerdmo, VP.PP,M Chiz? TF A-lib. untouchables, S.o Hooters( G.S. Glitter, long talks K.A. Beach nights-scum( J.B. Frosh yr. DK.SG. ~ CT. L.B.I. '85' Sandstorm S.S. "Mother" B.M. Golf, Camping T.Q.-Our memories. I'll love you always( ANDREA BROWN remember when Kryistal Tanner put butter, popcorn, cheese, salt, pepper, and ketsup on her baked potatoe and Andrea Brown liked it. LOU BUCCHERE remember the fun at LBI, Rob you look like an ostich, the boatyard. T.McNiff, pitch and putt. TM, praise gumby, AndrewS. sacajooweah fat man! Phil got a quarter GR. dumping at the ketchl Jen, "my buddy", Amy"overated", Joy-1 love you. MICHELE BURNS S.B jerkmo, cakenix, cruises, trees. JB + KA, 6:00 wake-ups. steps Make a K+ M s + KP-LET'S G0-001 SS- dishes, GS-white sneakers, doores, laughs, LP .P ,P + M,DD little talks, LB. Fun JC' s CV -move out of the wayllluv ya alii ELIZABETHCARROLL Elbert "Summer

85. 19th/Beach, "We feel the same(" Jim: My #I, Sat. nite live, car won't start, love Cuddy. Bogi, Jen, My FB players: luv yal UR Gnharlyl JOHN CARROLL To the baseball Team ... remember JV '84, and states '85 .. let's do itl' 6. JV, LS, AZ, all the fun. CRAIG COFFEY Mom and Dad .. "141" PB .. Pl PABWEA/BOF IWM! CSAAUN (IT), Ll BM-ll no PACWP , MCF, TF .. SP + M states, stench. midnite. TM,MEC.FB ambulance, DST Aims, LBI'85LLF- Wiatyl Hi Ginal RS- Miss you lotsl"141" CARLA COLLETT/Dee- Couldn't hav made it without ya. Sue- Never forget all th great times we had. NM- To the best friend a person ld have. Love ya lots! BRIDGET CONBOY X- times with Cand l, laurei?Hardy HR-the smell in t woodsl TIMS- puddle t ,_.ofs, wice-squad. MAUREEN CONNOLLY Kate- "I Love ' Best Fr~nds, Twins, doppity shoes, lockers, Jl-"Tedd rs" TG- Overtons steps. Johnny B- You're silly, J. Bacovinaily hup, KP- W.Tren , EC+SC- 3Musk. HR. Buddies, Prom, HEERlEA lNG, Memories , Thanks. JOAN COOK KateWicousin and friend. Kathleen and T•a- ther couldn't be better. Mom and Grandmom- Thanks for everyt ing, I love UJ. TO COOK "Jell and landrum. Cookie sick, 's car; burn "" at NO, oc:co lf4pipeJ Webby at Soles' Rocco seaside surf. MICELE CZYZEWSKI DH- wilwood, Bonada, limo. l W- Befrf, LBI, TC Dorney, Violen, KT- Double date. GH-Iockers. K + TS, History tape. TB-Gerald, Art, MC.DD- omeroom talks. JS, M,LC-Finally Varsity. I Love ya all. DAMELLE DaB ONZO I lo you o +Dad. GS-for then. for o , for al alway • ski tr·p, tre dude. mf-fo. I<A-drl g habits. ' 't shut that" JP Me and you forev« babe. Ba ydoU, my toad, the FB &ames, parties, us together, always and forever. Thanks for the experience. Stacy stay sweet. JEFF deBASTOS PeteN. Remember when I threw that tennis ball at you and you couldn't walk for a while. COLETTE DASSORI Pattie Remember the armored truck? Krisquish, squish? Riza- stay boy crazed. Yolanda-Colte, not Prea.Thanks for the memories . . . . . TYI DAVIS de'Andrea- freshman year, the begining of something good. Deidre Don elly-Notre famiUe francais clane avec Christeann. Bon temps! Kathy- Its a jungle out there and it makes m wonde ..... FJ 'ANK DeFEO "Old age killed Nylda" The Brain damaged one. "He lo" ren and the beast. LINDA DiFIORE "Hey "Fresh Crue", e made it I EK, remember the Ba . MF, "How's your lip?' LJ, Yadie, Yad·e. CO, "Hey, Buh'wheatl'' JUDY DiMEMMO Ga"Diet, olives, lies, parties, BK" JLS-.. Jumping from car"; Burning Bugs" SO-soccer fun, me inkle SM-New Years, goof, great times, our night. DElORE DONNELLY MM, TK,ME, "Vince's Vocabulary(" -MS. Ring Dings New York. Jets game. arry Beck. J'ai vu Jay. TD, I<D,Expert Slope? KATHY DORRFS,My mentorl KE, Mool TD.MA. KT, AH. PP, TM. KM-The Best of Friends, Love Val MB, wash your clothes! Gewe: G04 itl, Mike-"Someday" BONNIE DOWD ChrisRapids-Friends Forever- love ya, Mis- What's up home girl?! "PoorVan" Vans' my boy. Tommy McQuade- I'll Love you foreverlll PETE DOWNEY "PEACE LOVE AND HAPPINESS, TO ALL WHO REMEMBER." PATTIE DRAPER Colette- Remember PQ Remember Paul and Matt, and all the fun we had. We finally made it guyslll DENISE DROMM Dea~na remember Candy Canes and Valentine's Day. Nary Ellen; TK +R+Y, English class last year. and our team practices. DEANNA DYMOWSKI Denise remember TKl RY-remember Valentine's last year and the BIG"K" Mary Ellen remember TM,SB,CC,DF .AB.SO. JOE EMDE PB- "Yeah Right"; P.A.B.W.E.A. AM-"can't wait for this to end" FootballMICHAEL KA"But everybody does it" TERI EVANS MER:JO yrs?l superball, melonballs. "let's sleep at Randy's!" J. andK. endless love, pierced ear. GA: "Gabby" Pablo?, NYC-"The Underground" 10 McNuggets?l TB: pet?-you wishl Desperation!! DG? LP "I'll call youl" MIKE EVANKO Ralph on the ski trip? WP '85, FB, We Melted, GPRA. Robby Races, Pri cess crash, It's not hot, Fire Extinuisher. Ga trip'85. "Senior Grad" parties '85 and wet shorts. PHILIP J. FAGANS RTB, where's the party? "Susan Street", TM-I'm at WA-WA, LB- Remember the lambert household? JG (coat rack) GR-13 points losse aloy? KF- love you. ASBeanhead; have a quarter? KRIS FANELLI Comes- Remember the diets, the boys, explaining things to you know who? Also remember Gush! Gush, Swish swish Kat-Even though you weren't here, you helped me through a lot. MICHELLE FARFALLA To the Wild Fresh Crue. I'll miss ya all. keep rockin'. EK, VV, Anigav, pretty, Ching, Geek, Reflex, AU, you always trip BFF, Loveya. Hey Godzookie, JH, I love you, poopsie, Thanks Mom and Dad,


Graffiti love ya. CHRIS FARLEY Summer of '82. Cannonballs, July 9, March 9, the weathers. L is 2 love, the old crew, purple, the old fun •. summer of'84. wubbie days, royal zap. Wheels, 10:04. GREG FEDERICO KEn- remember Pete's (pizza), recording (chets) and of the Great Times we had with al di accompanting us in the background. STEPHANIE FLORES Jenn MBF Africa- "B" ... .. Goofballusamungus, BAT TURN, Ice Cream, comp.- I won! BAGet off this planet! Meowmeowmeowmeow Crazy Glue Caper. ROBERT FOLINO Remember Tearn Xerox . . . Henry, Fran, Pat, Denise, Diedre. Mike, The few, the Proud. TRINA FOY Hooters! freeleis, imbidingl SO- wanna cop? unforgettable Bob, spazes, Frank Trash troubles; TS- love and luck with MJS; S( ad-lib)B., MB- S-E-H, Romantics, Escapade Sisters Forever; CS-T+ D saga, al beach gigs; AM-Dom's TM- "What Dance" LOURDES GARCIA Cheryl remember Lunch time banking. COLLEEN GARRISON Karen .. . Pink Caddy .. Mr. Wonderful .. Stay shy .. " HI MIKEl" . . Cuties, Susie, '' Hi Frankie' . . Len, Kathi, SS, Bowling, Londa . . luv yal CHRIS GATTO Sue . . . remember JS and Jay, and the last minute homework in lunch for Grula I KG. AS, BW, CS, and Deb, remember the Planned Party IIIII LAURA GAVIGAN Remember "Goodbye to Ham and Cheese on Rye?" (GLAL). Leave Stanley alone, Coconut head. ROCCO GENOVESI Anthony C. remember when you the hood ornament for Steve G"s car on the foggY. road. JEFF GERVASIO RB. TM, AS. DK. TC, JL •. "The lift" PF, 'Sponge" PFand JE. " I don't believe the're home!" KAREN GIORNO Denise C; fingerpaints, hats, BDF, Mike +TAB, Amy S: ah yeh, ·oK oh and I'm not? 6packl Sue R: your face, Exotic tan! TomM: Sangria, hopless romantic. LISA BETH GLOECKNER )0, LK, MV., KM- R.S.V.P. in 5yrs. to PH and ND BB. Lori- remember summer of '85 was PH. with B.O.I.D. but "no P.D.O.A" so FITTCTAJ. TODD GOEHRING The SB Connection, B.C.Fl The SB movie theatre, Deny, Deny, Deny, Don't tell my girlfriend. T.G.E.C.C. muddy knees, DD-Ilove You Always!, and remember, He who hesitates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JENNIFER GOEKE Mr. -Dy's The Cat ... CS-Zog let me lean! .. MGGodsister, BA-The Woman .. . SF-You Big JOI ZIP! Who's wearing white shorts?? Lou- my buddy. DEANE H. GOOD Van remember last year after the first soccer game when we partied over Andrew's housell MARY ELLEN GORE Jeanne and V remember Whamlm gas station, Fred and SSSI JEANNE GOUBEAUD Merlin- Thanx for the magic, LMR, VSK, WPR,MM.CAR.KJM,-Thankx for everything, I Love y'all, Meg"Beachin"'. MAs- Captains. Geno- WASN'T MEl KAREN GREEN Remember when I won that ugly teddy-bear at the assembly about the magazine drive and I was excited until I found out what I had to do to win morel STEVEN GUARINO AnthonyC. remember 206, what a nite. CT, SB,and KA. remember parting on the beach. Band- Remember the gong show- We shoul have won! KATE HEITZMAN Maureen- hanks for everything you're a true friend-shoes twin, SB-Formal bowling. MT- Talksn the VW "gear-shifting" no bad thing! KJ,-Jeff on 10 IC. JL thanks for the support+ hugs,Cheerleading. love and thanks to alii KEITH HITCHNER Remember DOC, Boo-Boo, Peppi, Blinkey, Backstage at the plays, the tech parties, Daddy G. Barefoot in the Park, Mr. Xerox. CHARISE HOVAN PD- "DUDE I" ha, ha,ha,ha. NY Eve '85. Jay C."l3 yrs7"-3A's- FAB 5- WILD x's. LC- U-R GNHARLYI 3 Patts + Tano- the shore, B- walk+ Punks Lee- crazy times Together"Aiways and Forever" FB. Players- "SKINHEADS!"- I'll never 4get any of youllllll. DONNA HULICK "MC" Bonada, hey you. Yeah I'm talking to you. MJ-2nd place thanks to Mr. Rogers but what happened to your Zipper! JOE JACKOWSKI Aileen. Remember when you came up to me in the hall, it was the start of something special. Thanks Bear. LORRAINE JACKOWSKI Hey Ld remember KIX, straws and dribbs, CK- Diet Pepsi's, woods endless driving. CD.-McDonalds, bus ride, the lunch table- nice lifel MICHELE JAMES MM "bluh bluh' LT- "GA fist fight over cap't croaked. DH "rides to school with the horn" My lunch table ano the burp contest, JC. " Bono rules" The ski trip, and my teddy bear. ELIZABETH JANCZUK Remember (E) Michael, John, Rich, Pete, Pete, (D) Paul Pete? David, Mark, Chris+ Jim. (L) Andrew. Anthony. Kevin, Vito, Brian, Jeff. SCOTT JANORA Guys: "How was the ski trip" Greatl you're gayll Amy junior prom. Ice Hockey #I BOBO, Flattop. and all the kids -Stay Cooll CAROL JANOVOSKY Col, 0 mi Godllt's Bruce! Lookl MH. Got any Tickets? U2 Bono, gig, beach itl. PS- 3x360195 OK. Look, Terry's my boyfriendll Honda, Where's my radio? This one's my

last. MAUREEN JENNINGS Remember : Em-T, European/Russian trips, Major Parking??, X-rated lawrenceville tennis, Irish leers, the good times, our friendships. and '' The Rose" KELLY JOHNSON Kate- . . . last nite at Ithaca; milkshakes. Football partner .. "Unde" remember all we could share??? lisa T .. .. "takem home" SueM .. asked! Class of '86 .. remember all that made it the best !!I MONICA JOHNSTON L.P. "snob sisters" always. L.G. remember ''this is rad? B.B. and J.L. remember "you look marvelous darling!" Janet- remember all our walks- to everywhere? BRIAN JONES Joe and Len best friends EVER you're great. T.R. J.C. J.G.thanks for being there. M.J.what's up mon? PATTY JORDAN Remember the fights at the table. M.J. remember parking in Princeton. E. remember "God" and the fight about the prom. VERENA SUZANNE KANSOG Mary Ellen G. "How 'ya doing George"? J.G., M.G.- rember the WHAM concert S.M. rember "SPIDER EXCUSE" dE ANDRIA M. KELLAM Tyi Daviallove 'ya, kid! Thanks for being my friend- always stay in touch. Christine Johnson- Slip, Sliding, Away! ERICA KINCZEL "The Fresh" ELF AU R.I.P., XV, SOD. FF. ANIGAV, iich, BF, Sprite, WR. Coonie- Heathens Rage, New Years, R. and B. leachers. Dinda- Lyad, baff, the babe, L.J. and C.K. - You Yuppies K. and S.B.- H.P.O. Lar.- Love "ya Mom- Thankx, friends forever, I love you. Good luck everyone! CAROLINE KLEPPER L.J. salad, Jerry, limited, "Cards?" , liz S.M. N.S. A.S. M.T. - Ski Trip 85 S.M.Mitzfield B.C. CX)52, running C.O.E.K., K.B.S.B.- Bruchll TAMMY KOZLOWSKI Karen- ''the middle man" -POLO- "where y'all from?"- "making biscuits," Distance Crew- 4 Playmates N.L, l.P.="Ietter-sisters" ... I'll miss ya' Heidi Kramer W.S. L.S.Remember the ski trip! Those long hours, stories and problems! Don't forget R.T.MI"naty"-how do you spell that? David Krisak C.J. LBI "fanasy Island" LD Lighthouse, C.J. get squeezed much, J.B.,K.A. 1:30 ha K.A. who was it Jr. prom night? "the lift", pabwea, P.F. Get it upl A.S,J.Mc.N.- baseball at Ant's, jelly downs, paddleball. What a headache? Sue Kulak R.Z.-pulling shorts,f-ball guys("Yuk", Jo- Jo??l) "the bathroom" "em-t", "Billy", "Pete", Cal. girls. Stacie-remember the matroomlJIN LEE-when K.F. was on our lunch table? "Parade of the nuts." DEBBIE LIS-Kath-soph study, "let's go to the library", Kath.l got this really neat skirt "Hootees" "Lissball and faggart" Mollie-1 love ya. BETH LLOYD-MG-roadcrew, TWINSI,Bubba, wah-ter, FUAUL. "You're Busted" K.b.-Wildwood, Landlords, 7-n7.DM.CM- friends accept any changes. LS.-Partyl TG.•PS.,-Poker anyone? HAVE FUN EVERYONE! BETH ANN LOCKWOOD-love all you guys. "Cin, Love U forever" I'll miss Ul Remember always Bubble Gum and the nunnery. Chris, Control! And Excuse MEl Kath, Keii-Hey Hun-ee-babesl JAY LUDWIG-To my homeroom, remember when we ran back to make it before the bell. Sometimes we got lucky, mostly we got detention! CHRISTINE L YONS-Cl + BD, BFA.B + T 4E. Good times, The rapids, troubles, twins+twits. BW,MK,SJ,watch the dool NS,AS,MT, KISS+ CG.SJ.PH, JS- I'll miss ya. AMY E. MAC CORACK-Renee-Best Friend forever, Kar-Beach Master-4. Keith-Miss YOU! Jellibean (D.C.)-3yrs? Can't wait, yours forever, LOVE YOUII MARIE MAIURO-K-Remember Nice Face? T,P,K-Before football games? "RAMBO?" Band Camp: Showers;Tara, T and P's night out, "Buggy wanna cracker?" KELLIE J. MALLOY- V.C. What yougonna do ... Stay away from caffineGERALDINE . . . M.M., JGThe Sandwich smuskers.l'm so-o lagged. LISA MAROCCI- Remember the first . . 10:04 Hallaluialasophmore year. RAMBO I Jerry at ACME. your ENDLESSLOVE sine July,9. MELISSA MARINN/£- "MELLEN in Wonderland "at Lunch" .. MISS LUVS VAN . . ·AGAINII .. DEANIE"it's hot in herel" K-LIVE-GUMBY .. "BON-WHAT'S UP?" ANTHONY MARTILLOTTI- LBI '85. PB, "GIC", S.M "Biuemoon", C.C "DST, VVVIT", K.K,H.B,S.P ,B.M, "Fugly Bowl" C.T,"Ciutch" Remember "PABWEA", R.R "Meaning of Life" A.S, "our bet" T.D, Domi, S.O, "yo-yo, WARPIGS "Z28" Thanks Mom and Dadl MELINA MATTIA- M.J,"blub-blub" "also known as George" "Wildwood Summers" My birthday present. L.G-"South Philly" C.C,"Freeddy Fingers" D.H, "Absent Again?" KIEV MALWIJCOW- A.T, love all those times ... 7/5/85. R.B, Clothes run C.S, would you? "freak" P.R.I "cat" (P.C.) My room, Please! "Big chunks Kids A.K.A, "40" forever L3 LAURA E. MATY- FAB-51 remember Barbie, Strawberry-ice, Golden Dawn. What about JD,MD, red-bus, + A.T + T. Chris J.Mr. Happy + the cat I GO FOR ITill ILove you guys and I'll miss you. HENRY MAZUREK- Anthony- Remember leaving school and 65

American Mil's revenge, , John- remember thirteen years, Remember · PAULUS-OW ,MB, + -BH, Remember the Rocket. Private J.J "Battlin' Bob's. F-troop, Remember Pocono's luggage. ELLEN MC Sound off Bealow rider. KJ, Wish you were here. PATRICK CLAIN-Lizard. you've been the best friend a girl can have, I Love PERRELLA-Pam and Laura- "operation overthrow" Tom- W.S.S. You and Jen like sisters . . Frank, my love will forever be with Denise+ Joanna- the PARTYII Erin- The Pub, Sue-"Your legs are you, movies,proms,dances, andlove, I'll remember them alii coldll" LAURA PERSICHILLI- T.K- Bill again?! MJ-"Snob Sisters VETA McDONALD- KAREN,Krystal + Andrea, Remember when always! "psycheh NL, "Digit- I know!", Butane B,; MB,- PP + m, we went over Jeff's house, (RD), for andrea's birthday! VANDER KA.JB.stogies, KA tea at 3, mailbox, thanks for everything Love McFARLAND-Mr.H Remember Mrs. Henkel's class! Mr. H, Re- you allii-LANA. CATHY POLIZZI- Mark- B.KManager 7-11-W.F. member the trash can. B.D. remember Mr. Gardener's class, P.S . . . Cypress Lane . . . Prom-Jerry-ACME . . . Paul and Frank the Those fresh weekends SA, Remember Summer school. Missey dance. "Mom the car stalledll" MOVIES (ha,ha) .. The Burg .. LOVE, VANI ROBERT McGRA TH-L.B.I-'85, GS,Crash, SB,- Aero- Flings, Jenn BFF. Thanks Toni and Lis a . . . . Luv ya Mom and bics/cat, TM.-Mailbox TF,Peaches, 50,-"Solids Semper", S.M. Dad. PAMELA PFEIFER- "40" Get faced, Bomb, Hojo's Shar. Shi* RAMBO, PABWEA, "Snoopy's Dead!" M.F.C, FB, 44-16, Fobby, you and morisseyl DVH ... with love etc ...• "Ridin' NY -NY. "Richard", Ditch, "Didn't sleep at all last nitel" THOM- on the metro" MS,JT,Melliel L'vilel Our table, TM. CD,KT, MA. AS J. McQUADE To Rob, Andrew, Lou, Terry, TomK., Ant., Gary Debate, you are all the best II KATHY PISTERZI- C. V Control, and Philip J.-The Best yard rules. To Bonnie. remember March Bathtubs + t.p. at parties. KQ, Bolimia Babes. Eric, attack my 23, our first meeting. TINA McSTRAVICK-Tf-"The auditorium", lips are numb,l,2,3, BATHROOM. KQ,CV .CH,ME,PW, FRANK TRASH SO "The Park's closed", Don't insult usl .. par- CHUNKSII and I Thought it was tears. M.B, Don't forget our ties .. JD."cracking up", parties, #I laughing partner, JS., yu- motto. J.M-Soles- Molson. KELLY QUINN: K.P.- Chunks, "the p.yupf GA-Springsteen concert, "21", wendy's parties, phone, man," keep on rollin', #I on the slopes L.S. V's and DC's. K.S. LS- Florida, MP,BP,#I left wing, "Jay on the table", chicken, Remember when ... ski slopes 4-everl C.V. Slape me some parties, SM-"New Year's" living room, red sweater, crewcut. morel P.N.- Sorry about your shoes. CLAUDINE RAGO: Sherry, JD.SO,LS,-My FAVORITE SOCCER PARTNERS. I'll miss you! LARA remember the ski trip "skin heads." Prom '85/'86 ... fluff. MELLODY-Noel, Bonnie, Fil, and Joan-1 Love Ya Marie, #I sister. "Wamba forever." Lunch table. aqua green. partying. friends. Shannon, your great, Mom and Dad llove you! RIZA MENDOZA- L.J. N.R. S.S. N.P. COURTNEY RAVENEL: B.K. + Band + Friday's Colette D-remembewr the Prom, beach, remember Jimmy and = Fun and "Merlin." E.B. and P.J. remember V.K. and Morp. Joe at gasoline station! Pattie D-remember Cotillion(James) Kyle- remember Tuesday night in England. HELENREBBECK: D.S. CD,PD-remember PETEII Remember me always, love yall It's time. Why did he do that? Why did he write that name? N.L. Friends 4everl MAUREEN MESDA Y- M.B. remember MS.G, latin Go get your leash! MICHEAL REGER: S.J. and walking the plank 4 Honors(?). and C+D with R.H, "Just Friends."-L.b,remember at swim practice. DEIRDRE REILLY: NO CONTROL total control, the party plans.-K.S, + L.M, remember L.F saying Kielee and pink sunglasses,etc., lluv ya L.G. and C.A.l Melissa, "Did you kill Keeren., and they're grayll LORI A. MIGLIACCIO- K.S-G.D, B.J, his canary?" Helena, "Mongull" Kristen: Gayhead Beach, "I Got L.B.I-"84+85", #37, "the Wave",bug, "TAN"pants, A.B. LH,D.H, You Babe," You are #If MARY ELLEN RHOADS: Tess; LinerVa's house G.T, K.M pictures, V.S.-Friends forever. BOD MILES- change of clothes!- couch potato-hormone. J.&K. Endless Love. B.Miles aka. D.Krisak, "25 Tops" "Ambulance" The Boss at vet. J.G.; Don Young's- Runff G.AJ; "crawl under" Grip; Charasmall "Pops-aka. fobby" Steve's Party, "BAK" G.S, A.A. C.T, S.B, S.G, D.l.; Moth. Deane~ Miss; Such Abuse! N.L.a Croissant! EVELYN Sandstorm on LBI in "85. THOMAS MILLER-Group remember RODRIGUEZ: Kelly Quinn- "That's Himlll," "Hi Honey!," "Boogie good times-prom '85, V.T,Ch- bandcamp Senior year, Patty- Babielll," "Football Syndrome///'' ROBERT ROGERS: South Brunsfreshman English. Pat-good times, shorejplay. SHARON MIZER- wick Boys, too many "times" to remember. B.C. forever, S.B. "Kiepper" remember: Ski triP, "84" "erotic City", Bock remem- movie night, get-togethers, thanks Ken J., Chappy's men, K.S. ber "the John+ Larry fund? ' Nice life guys! Don't forget "the Remember me FOREVER ... LAURIE SAFKO: L.S. thanks you big G.P" "ruff-ruffll" SUZANNE MOCHARI- Gatto-remember D.M. for your advice, K.B. your support, C.M. for caring, and B.L. Calc II; -Holly- "Have a clue!; Karen. Leslie, Eric. Amy-Abnormal your friendship.- The Fabulous Five! LISA SALMESTRELLI: J.D. psych!, Jim, Tomy, Robbie, Brian, Jason- you're D.U.AII SUSAN "Nip" who's driving? Close Calli Poor C.D., neighborhood route. MOLNAR- G.A prom, always chased, "K-en", "E-me".New Years, T.M. spicy chicken, Florida. B.M; M.P.; G.A.; E.M.; "chemistry," Best Friends, T.MC,Belch Bruce, Keith. J.D. L.S, Camaro, Great "tarzan," "goof." S.M. parties, S.O. closet, Mike T.F. "frank Lunches! Gym! R.B. I'll always care. J.C- memories! KEN MOORE- Trash" J.D. T.F .• T.M. S.O., "Shop i Bag" S.O., T.M. Ettl Softball. remember- "The Table", Fram's soup, "Wavei":J.S., B.F, guys. J.D., T.M. "Nerds on Kevin from a gross mix" "snaps" Greg-"musta been a Stanley" Frenchtoast, "Petes's", Please tell J.D.,T.M.,G.A.,S.M .•S.O.,T.F., #I Table, B.D.'s. GINA SAPNAR: KAus. Heeell COLLEEN MORRISON- Karen, BF- 5/19/85, secretsll, Malbert + Pat, Big T; D.D.-shore, tree. JB. LP, SB, MB. LS, 55pizza. w/Rambo; Dee- "Help me?partkl"; laurie- guys and Dr. shore. weekends together, parties, hockey, proms, skiing! TG i Ruth; Beth- CHIPPENDALESII, Gary Special Times. DENISE MUL- PS-thanx for the fun PABWEA i all the guys! O.K. you alkil Thanx LIGAN- F/f: K.b- no sad songs. C.m. 2 of a kind. L.S, -H.I.T.Y.L.T.I. for the memories i experience - thanx mom i dad. I Love You L.Y. B.L-Tex + Poncho? Harry-"ARBS?" Rifles-1,2,3,4. Kim-" I Alii HOLLY SARAFIN: Amy- remember the door on B hall that don't know" love ya lots, Dee. MARY ELLEN T. MURPHY-D.D- appeared from nowhere. Noel- remember the countdown until Remember ski trip, Junior year. D.D-Remember G.A., freshmen Florida. Stacey M.- that great Summer of '85. NOEL SARAFIN: year. D.D and D.D- Remember T.K does not like keglers. ERIN Holly- remember "Thank God it's Friday!" Amy- rememver all MURPHY- Let's do Lunch! ski trips Friday afternoon parties. the fun times. Jackie- Good Luck! Senior Class of "86" "Live it Europe, backstage bathrooms, shows, Bear Lori, Denise, Joe. upl" MARIA SCANDARIA TO: D.D.- "How to Teach History in 5 everyone, I Love Youllllf. AILEEN NIKITIADES- CS,LG, MJ, MS. Easy Steps;" "(Dave's) Battle of the Buldge" (leviathan); "you guys ... the year's over, do U know what this means?" "Cheese F'ts;'' Lip-less Beck (N. Y.C.); "J.E. T.S. JETS Ill" Julie, Remember Navy men, pee wee. Bumpidibump Shrimp-Joe, Cher- Dave, Pat. Vince, Bev. etc ... i I didn't even know Peter had a ish our love, I'll always love you. SUSAN O'DONOVAN- TF. sister! T.K.- "B.K.;" Friday night games (guys)! Florida!? S.B.midnight exercise; spastic driving I "Funl" SB + MB Ballpark bud- you're a trip; N.Y.C.; Bamb's. Hey Guys - Thanks for Lunchlll dies, real estate agents, Concert flipoutsl TM,JD,LS, Soccer pals. PAT SCANLON: B.C.F .• S.B.Connection, WAR PIGS, LOCKS, The 3 +I, AIDS, TM,JD. LS. SM. GA, eating behavior! TM,George Movies, G.A. DAY, OSU, GOIGOIGOIGOI, I didn't deitl Matador, Barker, BM.AM.-" JOE EMDE". TE, SR. MB,-Hooters Gear! Esca- Golf Carts (I lived). Thanks Little Big. DOMINIC SCAVO: Hey pade sisters foreverl LOVE YOU ALLfflfflff. EILEEN O'ROURKE- Tim and Super Mare "Bonzaill" WENDY SCHEIDELER: Hey Guys, RS-V4 killer, L+ K forever. "Whip It". 7/10 legs, 61f2 cop. '79 Don't jump on the beds at B.V.Ill L.S.- "Where are the men?" Mustang Married Men. Kw/b B. I'm napping Cheryl- Party times, H.K.- "Rape that man!" B.T., J.M., B.L.- "Ouch. my TOADS!" y.i.s. "I gotta breath-the gum thankx for everything, I luv yal COLLEEN SCHMITT: Carol 0 Mi Godf It's Bruce! Look! T.F.Kitty, Lammy, Bunny, NBI- A.F friends. LORI OSIF-LG- NO p.d.a, Aioha. Midway Vice, TiD Saga. rotate. P.S. 3x360195? Volley"pick a Window", Muffy-SKI TRIP'84, Adventure to little Silver, ball, Beach Gigs i Bon fires, Med-Students? A sip of 611 I'm SLUMBER PARTIESU MV-Rem TM's party? larry M-George's gonna quitl ANDREW SCHRODER: TO THE FELLAS, R.B. - SURFHouse Buffy + D-Bear-"day at the shore" TIM PAGLIONE- Hey ING, GAS PEDAL STUCK. MY PARTY, AND OTHER FROLICS, Riih, don't ever forget the 'ol House of Hautedness. FRANK TMc N. 15 M. apart at LBI, L.B.-slin~in~ at Colonial, J.G.- Ski lift, 66

Graffiti T.McQ.- fat lady at LBI. P.F.- "You got a quarter", K.A.- Prom. and other great times together. CATHY SCHROTH: Maryann" sweet" "Air in the night"- Mobil CHA. tips. P. B. F.• Cruising with M~K on LBI. "Alexandria"- Jen -"let me lean" ZOG. Steph"High Beams." KAREN SCIANDRA: TAM - the 2 a.m. chechk ins. "him", and Glenn's camaro. C.G.-Eggert's and the van. M.S. my locker"buddy". KEVIN SERAFIN: M.S .• F.D .• H.S. Remember "I'll pick you up at 9:30?" W.W.P. Girls. Jackie, llove You! Swim Tearn. Ram-Man. SEAN SHEPPARD: Remember. "I was at the movies," "Deny. Deny. Deny," and "He who hesitates . .. " HYUN J/N SHIN: Remember the "Tennis Bunch." "No foolin' around!" L YNETTE SH/NAL: W .S .• H.K .• K.Q., The Prom-Disaster. K.Q.-D.C.'s.V's. 99¢ and Lowe. W.S .• H.K.-SKI TRIP, Memories. D.S.-my pal. LISA SIBERT: R.S. Remember Debbie? Majestic! We're almost out of gas. J.B.-the original N.B.#I, C.B. Did a pigeon---- on your skirt? JB. RS. LS. CB. Friends Forever. ANTHONY SIECIENSKI: Henry-Remember The Impending Crisis, Remember posing under the net. Remember becoming catain of the Xerox Team. PATTY SILIWONO: D.S. Stop ltl. #19, Oh I'm on the bar, W.D.Y.D.W.M. C.J.~ C.S. 3*360-195, D.S. C.J. A.S. Blackberries. Jersey Shore. LT. Brad-no more has to be said, cruel shoes LT. JC. CH -crazy glue. FRANK SIMMS: Kyle-"lnternational Studt" Power wagon-sunflower seeds-McNuggets#ll Ellen:9/27 ... Crutches! Parfait House-the proms ... Acorns ... Love you Bunny! KIM SIMON: B.L., LEN, M.Z. Archery talks-R.R. Hawaii, Bulldogs. wishing tree, don't stop dreamoing. K.Q.-Haunted House, Tears. Football bus, slopes.-D.S.S. -1 Love You I KELLY SMITH: Lori~B.J .• K.MM., A.B.- Banana. Wave. Bug Medusa. Mr. Joke. E.J.- LBI. gray pants, "call me.'' Leslie- tumbling. MaureenGeometry. Maura Smith: C.S .• L.G .• A.N., M.J., C.J.- Remember Adam (ha.ha.ha); G.L.AL: Allthose crazy mornings racing with Patty (A.N.); Remember it all. ROSEMARY SMITH: E.O.- K and L BFF Bone Cruises 7/10 Legs Ebby Ho Otay MAMMY 6 1/2 Cop NAPPIN", FADIN" FAST! JB- FF FISH ANYONE? LS-1/4' Killer CBFFKit CW-It's such a shame our friendship had to end. SHARON SOBON: LS- "summers", "Florida", "hockey", "parties", "the towel", "Don't stop". KA- "ski trip", "movies", "driving", "Linda", "guys". MB and SB- parfait and shiz. VANDA SOLDA Tl: Fab 5- Dec 7. car sleeping, HARASSMENT, friends 4everl Chrisshower. Patsy's Angels, REVENGE. pictures, Riunite,b. friends! Laura-Strawberry icy's, Missy, Gall- Woodbridge. Talayia"LEON" MICHAEL SOSNA- We'll pi~k you up at 9:301 Don't forget NYLDA and the "synomynesl" Always remember Eddie's women. AMY SPARAGNA: "85" SKI TRIP- "Erotic City" S.J.Prom "YOUR DOOR" Mis"Quaters" - "you'all went downl" "AN"- Noel "The snake"- Do you? K.G.-C.S.,"DRINK ..... I Psyche! L.B "overrated" slrppp .... I J.S. Polo- A.M. "OUR-BET" BJGA- S. Night! TER- CATCH YA ON THE FLIP?l DINA SPILATORE- P.S. Stopl ... Cruisin' ... Water pistols, L.G.N.- The perfect chest ... "Am I turning you onl" Friends Forever! L.T.spearmint jelly, We're There! Luv ya List ... C.J.P.S.- U-2- Bono ... C.J.I.W.M.P.... You dog you ... J.T.- JAYNElll L.S.-MY PAUl Mrs. M.- "My WOMAN WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE!" JOHN T. SPINALE: Remember when; M. V.: "Tbe Gunner's Dream" To All: Thank You. NOEL STACK: The Ski Trip '85 ... erotic city, P.J. + K.H. "hide in the closet.'' Aim "Friday the 13th" Mis "wrong lane" See, lm driving. "California Girls" and "Kiss" Scottie, "nice shirt" C.L./8.0./and T.M. I love you Pete ... LORI STOY: Sharon: "bopsey twins", "summers", "dances", "parties". "pumpkins", "Sheban". "guys", "ulikeit", "puffs!" K.A.: "parties", "Lord Above", "Hair"!- John: "honey", "200", "Boat", "butter"! I LOVE YOU ALLlll TRACY SUDOL: Trina ... Remember the creepy car. Don't forget all the good times at 1515 on D. Remember being hurt buddies. CRIS ANN SUDOL: Laura- Rememver G.L.A.L. and Monica, Laura, Aileen and Maura Do You Believe it's all overt JOE SUOSSO: Remember S.M.'s party, "Should I hit him?" P.N. the beach, Look at the sur.f board. Super Quaters. C. C., T.M., B.M.,S.M.,- "AIR SHOCKS". T.M. ''Butter up" THOMAS SURO: Remember the record. I still hold it. PAUL SZEKERS- To P.N.J.S., S.J-remember the night at the "Armory II" "BOY WAS THAT A NIGHT I"- DHG- +VAN ... remember all the good times- staying onll- And Guys don't forget the"ACADEMYlll" LISA TANI-D.S.- "Keep it low"; It's a recordi"God you're good!" "I would kill or die ..... , I know! PS-"My little rebel"; Bozo? LGN. and W.Y.W.A.B.,- SMTll MS-"My woman of substance.'' KJ-"2 kids on a sign"(T.F.T.R.) "T.B. loves'ya Pin-

head" Yogi and Boboo forever! JC and CH.-"Great American Punks"- in paperback soon. M.C and KA. "my pals" DH-K-12 we did it together! Thanks guys, Love 'ya all . . . lt;s all history nowllllll KRYSTAL TANNER- Karen Green, Veta McDonald, Andrea ... The MOvies!, The 1st ones- Crew, Raw, Atomic, ChillyDl Tom Quinn-Coolnes is a major factor II . . Laura MatyTheiftwayl Helen Rebbeck + Pat perrella Rappin' Roxane in Algebra 2, Trig. Andrea Brown ... OOOH WEEElll. JANE THOMABombigit away clothes run, "douse the lights!" A V. Graduate: party V cowgirl. CAT: scare mel I want to kiss that man. FREAK: I think I'll have a .. spinich. AKA. "40''; TRIPLE L~ CLUB. DON'T GET FACED! CHRIS THOMAS- PABWEA.-25 people tops- 1MAmbulance, "where's the cookies?" PB-nips SM.-DST, shake my hand. BM. What time is it? OK. LBI "Fantasy ISland" MP. Lighthouse TE.-"My TOES ARE WATERLOGGED!" Fobby-you,you you, outlll MELISSA TOALDO- '85 ski trip- "Erotic City"; LAMEY"Roxane", "Shakin"' SO mph, "2;222-2"1 Pete, What time is it? Lou, Robby. Scotty- you're gayll Noel- "Metal scene"? "KISS"girls . Love ya alii KIMBERLY TOPPER-MVA+ MKT- Friends Forever! . . Oh my Goodness! "potpouri"- Those Larriesl ... Playtime- Calzones?? Ski Bum .. MA,KD,AH,PP,KM,SB, JT, TD,1 LOve you alii FILOMENA TRAINA- Dena- always Luv ya- (Hi to the table) Tomi, Maria. always remember great time "W.W" "Paola even thougb so far I'll always love ya" DEENA TURf- Fillove yal Dana-you're like a sister! Noel- glad we're friends, love ya always- Rem. Fire hydrant- you drive. J.C.-band hal Don't drown, Tara, Don't ever forget our talks. MONICA VARIA- JohnBohemian- June 15, '85 I Love You. Lori, Lisa, Erin, Henry Mike, Anthony, Greg- Thanks to everyone. JENNIFER VICH/SOKICathy remember freshmen year. we became best friends. Summer of "84", (Steve) I Love You, Always and Forever! Chris always remember January 21, 1985. CHRISTINA VILLA- BL.Remember "Control" "Airborn and " A bowl of ·peaches". KP. Milanosl and 1.2. 3, Run" NO Parking lot. "Action Park" MB- Love Chunks , KQ- Run straight downstairs.!" CHRISTINE WALTONKim. "Smiles", our parties. Laura- JD. golf course. Angel- "Sideswipe Queen". Jailbird, Rider, Vanda- Traci's party, Patsy's Angels, KINKIII,"FAB 5"- I"LL NEVER FORGET YOUll- BARBIE BUSTERS. LYNN WEBB- TC; 10/24/84, tantrum Park, the parties, Dorney- What a carl MC,LBI, Dorney. Be-st Friends. PF- "Where are we??" AY, AC- Youngs Rd.-~'What a curve?" (JB). REBECCA WIND- "Six Pack ... Softball, Mr. Keefe, What a combinationll, Thanks CJ. ROGER WOO- CS. Remember when you crazy glued your fingers? RP. What does "p" stand for? TP,TF.+GJ- Remember TP' s party. ANGELA YAEDE- Remember the fun on Sat. nitesll, LM-Best Friends Always, Fierce Foursome. KZ, VS, CW, LM- Fab 5. LW. Fasten your seat belt fl. TANYA YOUNG- MissyWhen we came from Pam's living room. Beth. Steph- When we muuched $2.95 at 7-11. Dos- Never forget soccer trip trip In enn. (oreo). KIMBERLY ZUCZEK- The FAB five- KZ, VS. CW, AY, LM,December 7. dances, 1st day - "We ARE SENIORSI" love you all, friends forever, CW- lifeguards. AY- great party!


Most Intellectual Most likely To Succee路d



Most Artistic _.

Speaking In Superlatives POPULARITY POLL WINNERS/Page 68: Top/ MOST INTELLECTUAL AND MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED: lisa Tani and Henry Mazurek. Bottom/ MOST ARTISTIC: Kathryn Dorr and Patrick Nolan. Page 69: Top/ MOST DRAMA TIC: Vincent Mangini and Maryann Sollami. Bottom left/ MOST ATHLETIC: Tanya Young and Joseph Emde. Bottom Right/ CLASS MUSICIANS: Jin lee and Peter Downey.


Most Dramatic


Class Musicians ..-Most Athletic


.J Dynamic Duos -+


Zaniest Sense Of Humor


Identity Crisis Solved Friendliest .J.

POPULARITY POLL WINNERS/Page 70: Top Left/ DYNAMIC DUO: Robert Balerna and Andrew Schroeder. Top Right/ DYNAMIC DUO: Lori Stoy and Sharon Sobon. Bottom Left/ ZANIEST SENSE OF HUMOR: Deirdre Donnolly and Thomas McQuade. Bottom Right/ THREE MUSKETEERS: (bottom to top) Anthony Martillotti, Peter Barlow, and Robert McGrath. Page 7 I : Top Right/ FRIENDLIEST: Anthony Martillotti and Kimberly Zuczek. Bottom Left/ THREE MUSKETEERS: Angela Yaede, Christine Walton, and Vanda Soldati.

+- Three




Top left/ WINNERS!: In the couples category, Kelly Johnson and Elizabeth Tani pose as laurel and Hardy. Top Right/ GILLIGAN'S ISLAND CREW RETURNS: with Paul Szekeres, Kevin Micharski, Pete Nolan, Caroline Klepper, Claudine Rago, Joe Suosso, lorraine Jackowski and Rocco Genovesi, as they throw in the anchor for a snapshot. Bottom Left/ WHERE'S THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD?: Karen Bock as Dorothy, Sharon Miser as the lion, Sharon Barna as the Tin Man and Karen Barna as the Scarecrow will certainly show us the way. Middle Right/ UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU!: Join in the fun like the Army Girls: Kim Topper, Sharon Barsczwski, Jane Thoma, Ann-Marie Hannawacker and Tammy McNamara. Bottom Right/ A FACE FROM THE PAST: Frank Simms as Gumby with Miss Campo and Mr. Schafer.


Though Grim, He Reaped Prom Tickets The- day of Monday, October 28th semingly ended like all other school days, with the usual 2:05 dismissal bell. The Class of '86 exited the parking lot along with the rest of the underclassmen, as your typical high school students equipped with regulation uniforms and adorned with knapsacks filled with books. This was no ordinary day, however, as discovered when the Senior Class returned to N.D. parking lot that evening, this time sporting an assortment of Halloween disguises. This annual tradition, known as 'The Senior Halloween Party', was organized by the Senior Student government members and the Senior moderator, Mr. Greg Schafer. During the evening, along with the usual dancing festivities, there was a costume competition. Judging was on the basis of originality, creativity, and execution. This year's judging panel included: Miss Mary Ann Liptak, Mr. David Kelly, Mrs. Josephine Burzachiello, Miss Julie Campo, Mrs. Jane Confoy, Mrs. Marie Hage, Mr. Anthony Genovesi , Mr. Frank Gatto, and Father Joseph Hughes. Prizes were offered on the group. couple, and singular levels. Free and half price prom tickets, offered as prizes, were an added motivation for the seniors. This Halloween season sparked an exceptionally creative ef-

fort from the Senior Class. Among the favorite groups were: "The Wizard of Oz" , "Jesus and the Apostles", "Gilligan's Island", and "The Army Group." The winning group was comprised of James lake, Todd Goehring, Chris Jacobs, and Tom Quinn as "The Flashers". In the couples category, the competition became stiff as the judges were forced to declare a tie between the couples of "frick and Frack", played by Christine Fanelli and Collette Dassori and the couple of "laurel and Hardy", played by lisa Tani and Kelly Johnson. The singles category offered prizes for cutest, most original or unusual, funniest and ugliest costumes. Kate Heitzman's "Grapes" was the winner in the cutest category; Mike Evanko's "Punk Rocker" won for most original and unusual; the funniest award was given to lou Bucchere, as he portrayed a "Juggling Clown". lastly, Tom McQuade was chosen as the winner in the ugliest category for his portrayal of the "Grim Reaper". Senior participation was outstanding this year and the great enthusiasm of the class helped to spread the Halloween spirit through the entire school during the following week. lisa Tani

Top left / JESUS AND HIS DISCIPLES: Keith Kemo, Scott Pullen, Hugh Burges as Jesus. Scott Marone and Anthony Martilotti bestow their blessings at the Senior Halloween Party . Top Right / THE CUTEST: Kate Heitzman shows us her sweeter side as a bunch of grapes. Bottom left/ FLASHERS UNITE : Tom Quinn. Jim Lake. Chris Jacobs and Todd Goehring join forces to capture first place in the group category.


Moving In Senior Circles This year's graduating class was definitely one Notre Dame can take pride in. We were a spirited group of diversified individuals who united for one purpose-to make Notre Dame the best that it coulct-be. We were no longer the child-like freshmen we were four years ago; rather, we were a group of mature individuals who have taken pride in all that we accomplished in our four years here at N.D. Our achievements have reached far beyond the scope of academics. We learned the value of community service, and dedicated many hours to these causes. Through the Religion Department, we reached out to varied community causes. We worked with Head Start Program Children, visited bedridden senior citizens, and signed stories with hearing impaired. Through this service, we deepened as individuals and gelled as a class. In the athletic arena, Notre Dame was again dominant. The senior members of our teams showed their spirit and determination by leading the program to increasingly rarified heights.

Through our teams, we made our presence felt in the community, thus tightening the bonds that hold the senior class together. Now that the senior season has ended, we look forward to much that lies over the horizon. Though we go our separate ways, we have much to be thankful for . We savor the memories and welcome the new challenges. We come face to face now with a different reality. Decisions must be made, and we must adjust to the consequences. Our four years here have given us the strength to do this. We cannot foresee what the future holds for us. If we fail, we will learn from our mistakes. When we succeed, we will teach others, as we have been taught. We cannot expect a life without disappointments; however, we are comforted by the life skills we have taken from Notre Dame. Now that the shelter will be removed, we stand ready to determine our own fates, and that of the world. Mary Siedlarczyk

Page 74/Center/ SENIOR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS: This dedicated group is responsible for coordination and implementation of all senior level activity. Bottom row: Mr. Greg Schafer, Senior Class Moderator, Frank Simms. Melinda Armenti, Tom Miller, Kathy Dorr. Susan Brady. Top Row: Lorraine Jackowski, Craig Coffey. Kelly Johnson. Mrs. Beverly Kearns, Activities Director. Center/FORMAL RECOGNITION: Tom McDermott surveys the available graduation invitations, one of the final steps en route to graduation. Bottom Left/ TESTING THE WATERS: A group of feisty seniors show their desire to 'circumvent' the newly formed regulations. From Left: Karen Giorno. Colleen Schmidt, Carol Janowski, and Mr. Carl Anderson. Enforcer. Page 75/T op Left/ BOOKENDS: Among Notre Dame's Diverse community, the senior class lists five pairs of twins. Front Row: Sharon Barna, John Carroll. Not Shown, Karen Barna. Second Row: Holly Sarafin, Noel Sarafin, Dierdre Donnelly, Elizabeth Carroll. Back Row : Mike Hylemon. Michelle Hylemon. Pete Donnelly. Center Right/ FAREWELL PERFORMANCE: Preparing for their last Blue and White appearance, seniors Nancy Leiber, Missy Marinnie and Kiev Matwijcow show the closeness associated with this N.D. tradition. Bottom/ A PERFECT FIT: Student government officers record the cap and gown sizes as Mrs. Anderson and Greg Jone. Chris Koval and John Kopacz watch.

Breakfast Served With Class "I think it was the most successful senior event ever," said Mr. Greg Schafer ~enior Class Moderator, when asked to appraise this year's Senior Pancake Breakfast, held on November lOth. The breakfast was a combined effort involving students and faculty. Teachers were asked to serve in an administrative capacity, and help to prepare the food. Students signed up a week in advance, and were given their actual work assignments the day of the breakfast. Contrary to last year's performance, this year's turnout of senior volunteers was overwhelming. As a result, there was plenty of assistance and everything was handled with dispatch. The turnout of volunteers exemplified the commitment and

Page 76/ Top Left/ TOP 0' THE MORNING: Hostesses Liz Carroll and Kelly Johnson along with Host Frank Simms welcome the incoming diners and escort them to their tables in 路the cafeteria. Top Right / BREAKFAST CLUB: Juniors Kelly Cottrell and Linda Ruberto bask in pleasure of being waited on by several members of the senior class. Many other underclassmen and parents took pleasure in watching the spirited seniors become the serving seniors for the day. Bottom Right/ SERVICE WITH A SMILE: Seniors Pat Scanlon, John Bacovin, and Jennifer Katz offer their services to faculty members Robert Gardner, Sister Carol Jaruszewski and Sister Peggy O'Halloran who came to give their support to The Senior Sponsored Fund Raiser. Page 77 / Left/ DISHING IT OUT: Waiter John Casey and waitresses Bridget Conboy and Monica Brown prepare the pancake sausage servings for the hungry crowd./ Top Right / DRINKS ARE ON US: Kim Topper, Melinda Armenti, and Steve Ansley work at the drink station preparing coffee. tea. and juice./Center Right / HOT OFF THE GRILL: Mr. John Archer, Scott Elliott , Lorraine Jackowski, and Tammy Kozlowski keep the freshly made hot cakes warm as they await orders from the waiters and waitresses ./ Bottom Right / FINGER LICKING GOOD: Senior Moderator Mr . Greg Schafer tests the pancake 路batter during his supervision of the breakfast activities.

maturity of this year's senior class. They took on the bulk of the responsibility for the event, preparing food, serving tables, cleaning and setting up, and hostessing. The Pancake Breakfast was well planned and well executed. It served a dual purpose: first, it afforded seniors an opportunity to demonstrate their spirit and unity; secondly, it enriched the class treasury by $1,075.85, thus defraying the cost of other class activities. The Pancake Breakfast, one of the first major events on the senior calendar, often sets the tone for the remainder of the year. The enthusiasm generated this year spilled over into the other senior sponsored events, resulting in a memorable year.

Words Of KHARL M. ALINEA Ad astra per aspera - keep reaching for it Love, Mom and Dad

we're with you all the way.

DENISE AMRICH May happiness embrace and sing to you, soothe you with its harmony and open new doors in your life. We are so proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, and Danny GINA M. AQUILINO Wishing you all of the good things life has to offer. We love you very much. Love, Mom, and Dad MELINDA V. ARMENT! Our sunshine and love! Life is precious. Meet it with joy, energy, and grace, and go with our love. Love, Mom, Dad, C.V., and Yia Yia JOHN BACOVIN Watching from the sidelines of your life has been our pleasure. It's now first and ten. Go for it! Love, Mom and Dad LESLIE J. BAIER As you go on to paint your own rainbows, remember that you'll always be a rainbow to us. Love Mom JOHN BALLARD We both want you to know how proud we are to have a son like you. Good Luck! Love your Mom, and your Dad KAREN BARNA If you set your mind to it you can do anything you want, and I'm behind yov all the way! Love, Paul KAREN AND SHARON BARNA We find in life exactly what we put into it. We are proud of you. We Love You, Mom and Dad You can accomplish anything if you want it enough. We're proud of you and we love you. Denise and Tony Live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece. We love you. Ted i Cheryl Remember this: There is no problem in life that does not have a solution. Kenny & Angel LEROY BENNETT We wish you luck and all 路the happiness in the world. You deserve the best. Love Always Mommie & Kim KAREN BENTIVOGLI "Our pumpkin." From a tiny tot, you grew into a lovely person. We are very proud of you. We love you very much. Congratulations! Love ya, Mom i Dad MARIA BOWLING Congratulations! Via con Dios, Love always and best wishes as you pursue your own dream. Dad, Mom, Bill, Suzanne, & Janine SUSAN BRADY May the years ahead be, and may all your dreams come true. Love always. Mom & Dad

lOUtS BUCCHERE We are all very proud of you, and wish you continued success and happiness in all your endeavors. Love. Mom, Dad, Matt & Jon JACK BYRNE All our love and best wishes for your continued success. We are very proud of you. Love, Mom, Dad, Kelly, & Tom ELISABETH CARROLL May succes.s, happiness and true love become as much a part of you as your smile. Dreams DO become reality! Love, Mom and Dad


JOHN CARROLL Your future is in your hands. Make the most of every opportunity and success and happiness will follow. We love you( Love, Mom and Dad CRAIG COFFEY For your love, laughter, hard work i humility, for being you. we love you. We're proud to be called Craig's Dad and Mom. Love, Pop, Moss, Moose, & Missy CARLA COLLETTI Good luck and happiness forever. We love you. Mom, Dad, & Bobby MICHAEL COMMINI Congratulations! I'm so proud of you. May your future be filled with health, happiness and success. Love always - Mom BRIDGET CONBOY Dear Bridget, Congratulations to a beautiful young lady who brings such joy and pride to our lives. May God always hold you in the palm of his hand. Love, Mom, Dad, John. and Sara-Ruth MAUREEN CONNOLLY Congratulations on your achievements over the past four years. We are very proud of you. Love, Mom & Dad JOAN COOK Thanks for the great memories. With "Amazing Grace", you will succeed. With our love, pride, and support Mom and Grandmom. THOMAS A. COOK Lots of love and happiness now and always. I am proud you are my son. Congratulations, Mom SUSAN E. CUNNINGHAM Congratulationsll We love you. We wish you happiness and success and support you in all your future endeavors. Mom & Dad TYI DAVIS We are very proud of you and your accomplishments (Thanks to God). Always remember we are behind you 100%. Love, Your family FRANK DEFEO You have been, and will always be our joy. We love you. Mom. Dad, and Pat KATHRYN DORR Yesterday's treasured memories, Tomorrows shared dreams, our eternal love, pride, and support are yours, so continue reaching for the star. Love, Mom and Dad PATRICIA DRAPER Your enthusiasm for life is matched only by your uncompromising values. We are proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad JOSEPH EMDE You've made us proud of your achievements. May your star continue to rise and your goals reached. Love, Mom, Dad, & Dawn THERESA EVANS You have given us much happiness and much to be proud of. We support you in whatever you choose. Love. Mom, Cullan, and Lynn PHILIP H. FAGANS You are the best part of us and ~tave always made us proud of you. All our love and much happiness, Mom and Dad MICHELLE FARFALLA You are the sunshine of our lives. We are very proud of you and love you more than you know. Love, Mom, Dad & John

Love GREGORY FEDERICO Dear Greg: You were another chance to enjoy a miracle from God. A real joy. The culmination of all Jove and goodness. We wish you the best. love, Mom, Dad, Joe, & Jeff

TODD J. GOEHRING Congratulations! We are so proud of you and love you very much. God bless you now and always. love, Mom, Dad, Shelly & Cindy too

TAMMY KOZLOWSKI You have been our source of pride, cherished memories, and dreams of bright tomorrows. We wish you love and happiness. love, Mom and Dad

JENNIFER GOEKE You have made us very proud. We wish you the best of everything, now and always. All our Jove, Mom & Dad

DAVID KRISAK We are ,proud of your accomplishments these past four years and we hope the future will be very bright for you. We love you, David Mom and Dad

ANN-MARIE HANNA WACKER Always treasure and share your gifts of art and sensitivity. love and happiness from Mom and Dad TIMOTHY J. HARRIS We wish you Jove, happiness and the best. Remember we are behind you alwayslove, Mom, Dad and Todd ERIC HARTMANN We are very proud of your accomplishments. These past year at Notre Dame, may you achieve every goal which you set for yourself. Our love, Mom, Dad & lisa CHRISTOPHER HART God knew what he did when he gave us only one son! You're the GREATEST! We Jove you and wish you continued success in the future. love, Mom and Dad KEITH HERZSTEIN We hope all your dreams become a reality. Our love and best wishes are always with you. love, Mom & Dad


ERICA KINCZEL "You ~ me against the world". We made it. I'm so proud of you. I love you. Your friend, Mom VALERIE KING All the love and happiness in the world From, Mom & Family

JEANNE GOUBEAUD We are proud of you and all your accomplishments. We wish you all the love, joy and success in the world. love, Mom, Dad and Paul


we love you. God bless you.

ROBERT FERRI Congratulations on a job well done and we are very proud of you. Best of luck always. love, Mom, Dad, and Missy

DEANE GOOD Go forth with Faith. Work hard to gain knowledge that will give you courage to dare and the Will to do. love. Mom


de 'ANDRIA M. KELLAM Climb until you reach your dream The Family

DONNA HULICK We are very proud of you. May the years ahead be happy ones. love, Dad, Mom & Kevin ELIZABETH JANCZUK I am proud of your effort and your growth. Remember I am behind you always. Good luck. love, Mom MAUREEN JENNINGS We are proud of your efforts and you accomplishments at Notre Dame. love and happiness always and forever. Your Family KELLY JOHNSON Dear Kel, You deserve nothing but the best. You've left your mark and we'll remember. Our Jove is always with you. Congratulations. love, Mom and lorie BRIAN JONES We're so proud of you - the independence of your thoughts - the depth of your feelings - so special and uniquely YOU. God Bless you always, Mom and Dad VERENA KANSOG We know you are on the right road to success. We are all very proud of you. love Mom, Dad, Monica, ~ Jim

SUSAN KULAK You and your accomplishments have made us very proud of you. We all love you! Dad. Mom, Barbara, Jennifer, Stas & Jan MICHELE LAWRENCE To Michele- who has given us so much happiness. We're very proud of you. Remember. no one will ever love you more. Dad~ Mom AMY BETH LETTIERE To our clown. Thank you for sharing all the love, laughter, kindness and generosity within you. May life always be a "SNAP". Stay beautiful and caring! Much love. Mom. Dad, lisa, and Dani TINA LEW ALLEN May God be with you always. We love you and are so proud of you. love. Mom. Cheryl, Sharon, Barbara and Sandy DEBORAH A. LIS Debbie: Thank you for the happiness you bring us. The best is yet to come. Mom, Dad and Stephen BETH ANN LOCKWOOD You have always made us proud of you and we know you always will. We wish you continued success in all you do. Our love is always with you. Mom. Dad, Rick JOHN J. lYONS We are proud of your effort and growth. All the love and happiness in the world. love, Dad, Mom, Elizabeth ~ Jennifer AMY BETH MAC CORMACK love and Joy to our princess! Mom, Dad, Bryan, Ali, John Megan and Farragut KELLIE MALLOY Congratulations Kelliel We are so proud of you and your accomplishments! May your life be filled with love and happiness love, Mom & Dad VINCENT MANGINI . .. like a tree he'll grow with his head held high. and his feet planted firm on the ground . . . Peace & love Dad, Mom and Alyson MELINA MATTIA Melina, From a spirited child to a lovable young woman - What a joy to have watched it happen. Keep Bubbling! love. Mom KIEV C. MATWIJCOW We hope your life continues to be the joy to yourself and others as it has been to us. love. Mom & Dad DAVID MAURER May God give you health. happiness and success in the future. love Always. Mom i Dad


Words Of RICHARD MAURO We are proud of you and we love you. We know you will succeed in whatever you do. love, Mom and Dad HENRY MAZUREK Your achievements have filled our hearts with pride. May God bestow His blessing as you cot:ttinue to achieve your goals. love and Happiness, 路 Mom. Dad, Robby. Rosemary ~ Mark

AILEEN NIKTIADES Aileen, We are proud of how hard you are working toward reaching your goal. We love you and will always be behind you. Mom, Dad, Cynthia and George

ELLEN -MC CLAIN You have brought us nothing but happiness. Our best wishes are with you always. love. Mom and Dad

DAWN O'DONNELL Congratulations, we love you, and ask God to bless your future. We are proud of you; our seventh child to graduate Notre Dame. love. Mom and Dad

TAMI ANN MCNAMARA We are thankful for the gift of your life and the joy you've brought to our family. love always, Mom. Dad, Kim ~ Colleen

SUSAN O'DONOVAN You work so hard! You laugh so much! You are a delight. God bless you always. love, Mom and Dad

TERRY MC NIFF Congratulations Terry. Remember. I was always proud of you, and I will always be near you. Mom THOMAS MC QUADE You are a joy to us always. We wish you the best of everything. love, Mom and Dad TINA Me STRA VICK May love and happiness follow you throughout your life. You have made us very proud of you. love. Mom~ Dad VANDER MC FARLAND Congratulations! May everything you strive for, come your way Best of luck, with our love Dad, Mom~ Gail THOMAS MC GUIRE We are very proud of all your achievements. You are a wonderful son. We love you. Mom and Dad TARA MELLODY We are very proud of you. you mean the world to us. love and Best wishes in the future. Mom, Dad. ~ Marie MAUREEN MESDA Y Maureen, Congratulations! We're very proud of you and your accomplishments. We wish you lots of luck in the future. love, Mom and Dad LORI MIGliACCIO Lots of love and happiness always. We're very proud of you. Mom and Dad SHARON MIZER May the best years of your life be ahead of you. Keep reaching for the stars. love. Mom. Dad, and Jay SUSANNE MOCHARI You've been a challenge and a delight for these 17 years. We wouldn't have it any other way. love you dearly, Mom. Dad, and Michael SUSAN lYNN MOLNAR We hope and pray that your future is filled with as much love and happiness as you have brought us. love ya always and forever, Mother and Dad COLLEEN MORRISON We are proud of you accomplishments at Notre Dame and wish you our best in your future endeavors. We love you very much! Mom, Dad, and Richie '89 DENISE MULLIGAN "What a difference you've made in our lives." You've brought an abundance of love, joy, and happiness and we "Cherish" you as God's special gift. love, Mom and Dad


MARY ELLEN MURPHY Dear Mary Ellen, Although you are only 4'10" you cast a very long shadow. Congratulations, we love you. Mom and Dad

JAMES PANZITTA We are very proud of you. Remember we will always be here for you. God Bless. Mom and Dad PATRICK PERRELLA We thank God for blessing us with a great son like you. Remember we love you always. Mom, Dad~ Eileen LAURA PERSICHILLI For all the things you are. and are yet to be, we love you. Dad, Mom and leah PAMELA ANN PFEIFER We love you not only for what you are, but for what we are when we are with you. love, Mom and Dad FRANCIS PHAN Wherever life takes you be your joyful self. We are proud of you and we love you. Mom, Dad, Tom KATHERINE PISTERZI We are proud of you now and always. love, Dad, Mom, AI, Chris and Ann Marie CATHY POLIZZI Cent Anni . to you Cathy you have make us so proud of all your achievements. With peace and love, Mom and Dad SCOTT PULLEN We wish you health, love, happiness and success through your life time. Your loving family THOMAS QUINN I'm very proud of you and having you for a brother. You're a good person, I'm always here, love dearly, lauren THOMAS QUINN Courage. strength, love and joy are the gifts you have given throughout the years. You are truly a winner! love, Mom Tommy; You will succeed; you will excell! All our love and luck Dad, Janice, Jennifer, and Dennis Tommy Boy, I've never been more proud of you than now. You are exceptional. love, Dad CLAUDINE RAGO There is no limit to the success you can achieve; your possibilities are as endless as your dreams. Good luck. love always, Mom. Dad, and Jeff PATRICK REDMOND We are so proud of your efforts. Good luck as you continue your education after Notre Dame. Mom and Dad MICHAEL REGER We are so proud of your efforts and your growth. Remember we are behind you always. love, Mom and Dad

love DEIRDRE REILLY We love you for your smile and your willingness to help others. Congratulations! Keep up the good work. 路 love, Mom and Dad lAURIE SAFKO We love you very much and wish to you the very best of happiness and success in the years ahead. love always, Mom. Debbie and Mark HECTOR l. SANTIAGO We are very proud of you. All the love, happiness and good luck. love, Dad and Mom GINA SAPNAR May your future be as successful as your past. Thanks for being you and thank you for being. love, Mom and Dad NOEl AND HOLLY SARAFIN CONGRATULATIONS and good luck in everything you do. God love you and we love you both. Happiness always! Mom, Dad, lynne and Jackie COLLEEN SCHMITT For your hard work and dedication we're very proud. For the joy of being your parents we're forever grateful. Our love goes with you always. Mom and Dad SHERRY SENTEK You did your best these past four years. Congratulations on your first plateau of success. Good luck, God bless, hereafter. love, Mom and Kim KEVIN SERAFIN Best of luck in the future. love, Mom, Dad and Brian SEAN PAUl SHEPPARD You've brightened our lives by being a rare and precious gift for us to cherish. Your achievements have filled our hearts with pride. May God continue to bless you always. love, Mom and Dad HYUN JIN SHIN four years of very " hard work" and "determination" has proved that you are number "one" with us. love Mom, Dad and Sandy l YNNETTE MARIE SHINAl You are a joy! We're proud and we love you! Mom and Dad JENNIFER ANN SHIRLEY You are very Special. We love you and are very proud of you. Mom, Dad, Elizabeth and Heather PATRICIA SILIWONO You make our life wonderful with pride, joy and love. Thank you Patti. Congratu路 lations! love Mom and Dad

NOH STACK You made itl Our wish for you is simple, just the very best. We love you, Mom and Dad LORI M. STOY We are very proud of what you have achieved. May your future be filled with health, happiness, and love. love, Mom, Dad, and Ricky JOSEPH SUOSSO You're a terrific son who has given us so much joy, love, and happiness. We are very proud of you Joe, and we love you very much. We wish you happiness and success in your future. love, Mom, Dad, and lisa ELIZABETH TANI Your persistent hard work and determination is surpassed only by our pride. We love you and we will always be there when you need us. Congratulations. love, Mom. and Dad. MELISSA TOALDO Much love and happiness today, tomorrow, and always. We are very proud of you. love, Mom, and Dad KIMBERlY TOPPER There are no limits. We love you, DEENA MARIE TURI We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. We will be there to guide you. love, Mom and Dad EDWARD PETER VIDAl The best years are ahead for you. Walk in God's love. We love you! Mom and Dad CHRISTINA VILLA We love you and pray that your future be full of wonderful things. Only the best for you. love, Mom, Dad, and Golda CHRISTINE WAlTON You are so special in so many ways. May you fulfill all your dreams. All our love always, Mom and Beth ANGElA YAEDE You have always been and will continue to be our unique source of pride, joy, and love. Congratulations. Mom and Dad KEITH YOUNG We wish love, health, and happiness and may all your pitches be strikes. Mom, Dad. Sharon and Kevin GREGORY ZDENEK We are proud of you and all your accomplishments. love now and always. Mom and Dad KIMBERlY ZUCZEK May all your dreams come true as you have made ours. God be with you. Love you dearly, Mom, Dad, Victor and Christopher

SHARON SOBON You are a joy to us and continued good luck and success in the future. Mom, Dad, Deb and Frank MICHAEl J. SOSNA Mike. sure you're terrific and have a great sense of humor, but remember what Mom always said- "Don't play ball in the house." love, Mom, Dad, Barb and Deb AMY SPARAGNA Good luck in your years ahead, we are very proud of you and all that you've done! We love You. Mom and _Dad DINA SPilATORE Congratulations on your scholastic achievements and best wishes on the attainment of future goals, but most of all we are proud that you are part of our family. love, Dad and Robert JOHN T. SPINAlE Congratulations and all our love --------- Mom, Dad and laura



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Coming Out On

Top In an era of declining high school enrollments, Notre Dame's continued success is something of a cultural phenomenon. Perhaps the strength of our program lies in its diversity. For those so inclined, Notre Dame boasts one of the most comprehensive and competitive sports programs in the state. Our Theatre Arts Department remains preeminent in the area. Additionally, our service and outreach programs have created an area wide reputation attesting to our spiritual viability, and our highly successful Job Placement Program has established a fast track for students in the local job market. However, as with all schools, it is with our academic reputation that we live or die. Notre Dame provides instruction suitable for each student at his or her particular level. Programs are diversified so as to create a balance between needs, motivation and talent. For those students who seek a more rarefied academic environment, advanced courses are provided in every department which nurture the desire for academic excellence and achievement. This life in our academic fast lane can be a harrying, sometimes overwhelming, yet gratifying experience. In the words of Henry Mazurek, Class Valedictorian, "From informal anecdote to disciplined analysis, the teachers' repertoire is exceptional. To think that I have taken delight in comedy, been smitten by a festering complacency, overwhelmed with seemingly incomprehensible theorems, been caught in a batch of conflicting hypotheses and survived even after falling prey to the haughty temptation of overconfidence, is simply exhausting. Nevertheless, it has proven rewarding beyond the simple acquisition of ideas". The faculty and administration are proud to have created an environment where each academic athlete can play within their limits and develop skills consonant with their aspirations.


Top / FIRST IN HIS CLASS, Henry Mazurek is attending Georgetown, planning to major in international business management. Bottom Right/ SECOND PLACE Michael Sefransky, a Garden State Distinguished Scholar, will major in engineering. Bottom left/ THIRD PLACE Jay ludwig, accepted at several prestigious universities such as Pepperdine and Loyola , looks forward to majoring in accounting.

Top left/ FOURTH PLACE Helen Rebbeck plans to study business or account in g. Top Center I SIXTH PLACE Thomas Carroll is pursuing a career in engineering at Rutgers. Top Right/ SEVENTH PLACE Chris Wong will be a biology major at Rutgers. Center left/ FIFTH PLACE Maureen Mesday plans a career in the travel industry. Center/EIGHTH PLACE Timothy Paglione will attend Stevens Institute of Technology as a physics major. Center Right/ NINTH PLACE Susan Brady. Bottom Right/ TENTH PLACE Patrick Perrella plans to major in pre-med at Notre Dame or Georgetown.

No Autographs Please This is the request from Mrs. Mary Ivins, Sophomore modera- service to God. tor and religion Department Chairperson, and from Mr. Michael Mr. Dennehy is a member of a folk group in his church. He Dennehy, a sophomore religion teacher, assistant wrestling received his singing as a service to the church, and as an coach and girls' freshmen softball coach. Additionally, these element of prayer. "Singing is a way to relax, and enjoyable art form," according to Mr. Dennehy. two individuals have been blessed with excellent vocal skill. Mrs. Ivins is involved in operatic forms of singing and she is Mrs. Mary Ivins studied at St. Joseph's University where she received her Bachelors Degree in Psychology and her Masters also active in area theatre. Mr.s. Ivins enjoys acting as a hobby. Degree in Christian Education. Mrs. Ivins was deeply involved in Her husband is also involved in acting. According to Mrs. Ivins, "Teachers and actors are cut of the her high school and college plays, as well as in community same cloth." There are several speech techniques learned in theatre. Some of Mrs. Ivins other school responsibilities include over- acting, which are used in the classroom. Both Mrs. Ivins and Mr. Dennehy incorporate their theatre seeing sophomore activities and co-producing the Notre Dame school play with Sister Mary Harold. Mrs. Ivins' knowledge and experiences in classrooms. They both try to relate real life interest in theatre contributes to the excellent management of issues in their classes. Mrs. Ivins and Mr. Dennehy are very happy to contribute their talents for God and Notre Dame. our play. Mr. Michael Dennehy received his Bachelors Degree in liberal Arts at Assumption College. Mr. Dennehy's original goal was Charise Hovan seminary teaching; however, he decided to teach religion as a

C.JAR.: REL.IA & REL.I/ M.IVINS: REL. 3/ H. BAR.:REL. 1&2/ M. DEN.:REL. 2/ R.

Reverend Dennis Apoldite Mrs. Helen J. Baroni Mr. Michael J. Dennehy Mr. Robert Gardner

Miss Pauline Grula Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Ivins Chairperson Sister Carol Jaruszewski Mr. David Kelly

Miss Maureen T. Kelly Mrs. Judith Salcewicz Mr. Thomas Shaw 86 Sister Peggy O'Halloran

Left: Mr. Shaw, freshmen and senior religion instructor, appeared this summer in a Trenton Operatic production. Above: First year teacher Mr. Rob Gardner has written a musical as well as numerous jazz compositions. Additionally , he jams occasionally with area bands. Top: Mrs. Ivins reviews Mr. Dennehy 's weekly "scr ipt." 87






G) Mr. Carl Anderson Mrs. Josephine Burzachiello Mrs. Jane Confoy



"' ._ .

Mrs. Phyllis Garrison


Mrs. Sheila Gavin



Mrs. Marie Hage





~ 0

rMiss Karen Henkel


Miss Eileen lang



Mr. Ralph lelii



> ..Aj

:r:: 0 z

Miss Patricia Leonie


Miss Mary Ann Liptak Chairperson






Sister Mary Ann Peters





~ Mrs. Brenda Riley Sister Patricia Rooney 88





A Separate Peace Mr. Anderson is the newest edition to Notre Dame's English department. A diverse yet quiet man, Mr. Anderson started his teaching career back in 1966 at Madison Elementary School, where he taught Social Studies for two years. New Providence High School was the next step on the Iader. There, he taught social studies and anthropology for five years. Throughout his entire career, Mr. Anderson has coached football. After his stint at New Providence, Mr. Anderson left public education for a position at Blythedale Children's Hospital of New York. Here he taught English to asthmatic children and trauma victims. After five years at Blythedale, he returned to public education receiving the Chairmanship of the Special Education Program at Allentown High School. After two years there, he helped start in alternate school for disaffected students. During this time, he "made the change" , and came to Notre Dame. He currently teaches English I and II, a roster he hopes to keep. "Teaching, though hard work, is fun here at Notre Dame", says Mr. Anderson. Perhaps his sentiments about Notre Dame are best expressed by his desire to end his career here. KerriAnn Fenney


Page 89/ EVERYTHING FROM BASICS TO BALLADS: Mr. Anderson's English I and II classes involve not only a study of basic grammar, but also help develop an appreciation for different literary styles. Bottom Right / Among the many faculty members who assisted with open house in November were Mr. Ralph Lelii and Miss Mary Ann Liptak. 89


~------------------------------~~ m



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.~ ~------------------------------~ S: PHYS ED 2,4 I B.MAJ: PHYS Mr. John Archer






m •


Mr . Gary Dambro Mrs. Sandra Koschek

0 0..

Mrs . Barbara Major Chairperson

Mrs. Elsie Moore Mr. Michael Perone 90

Mrs. Margaret Rovello

.,m ..


The Few, The Proud And Perone In the health and physical education classes this year, a new yet familiar face was added to the .s taff. This is Mr. Perone's first year teaching physical education, although he has been an instructor here at Notre Dame for the past eight years. Until recently, Mr. Perone, who taught Physical Science, had the pleasure of teaching freshman alone. Yet, he now has the opportunity to teach every grade. Since he has such a relaxing personality, it was no problem for him to adjust to teaching different levels. Besides the obvious change of teaching upperclassmen, he had to alter his style of relating to his students. He believes that you should treat students as separate individuals, instead of stereotyping them. This is just one of the qualities that make Mr. Perone respected and liked by his peers and students. Whatever subject he teaches, his personality shines through, which makes his classes enjoyable. This year has been a very hectic one for Mr. Perone. Not only did he make an interdepartmental shift, but he also continued the strenuous task of acting as head coach for our boy's soccer team. The transition has not been without some degree of difficulty. He expressed a preference to teaching in a classroom. Given these few obstacles, he is still confident that in time, he'll prefer the large settings that the physical education department has to offer. Megan Muphy and Corina lmmordino

This year, by the request of Mrs. Barbara Major, the Marines were invited to attend Notre Dame High School. They came to the school for a week in November to challenge the gym class students to the Marines' Physical Fitness Test. This test replaced the Spring Presidential Fitness Test and basically has the same categories. It included the broad jump, pull-ups, situps, pushups, and probably the most remembered event- the 600 yard dash. The most successful of these students will meet in Phildelphia to compete with other students for awards and titles. The Marines met with little initial enthusiasm, but felt they created a challenge which was, in return, met only by the most resilient students. Mary Siedlarczyk 91


Mr . Bernard Boyle

Mr. Fred Hochschild

Mr . Anthony Genovesi

Mrs. Carolyn Peoples

Mrs. Alice Goldstein

Miss Pamela Pirone

Mrs . Margaret Gribbin Chairperson

Mrs. Linda Regan

Mrs. Maribeth Hardiman

Mrs. Mary Stoka

In Search Of Excellence

When we talk about the Business Department, here at Notre Dame, we cannot forget t~ mention 路Mrs. Margaret Gribbin. Mrs. Gribbin has given Notre Dame 27 years of Dedication and hard work. Mrs. Gribbin teaches a number of different classes including Word Processing and Executive Secretary. Along with teaching, she is the founder and direction of the job placement program. She also works with the co-op program, which gives students on-thejob training. Mrs. Gribbin, as job placement director, assists juniors and seniors in getting part-time jobs. In the beginning of the school year forms are sent to juniors and seniors to fill out and see if they are interested in jobs. Those interested are interviewed by Mrs. Gribbin and applications are sent out. She says the interviewing "gives the students the experience of a real job interview." All kinds of jobs are available ranging from "dog sitters to executive secretaries." The Business Department has both word processors and typewriters. Mrs. Gribbin thinks that "computers are important but everyone should learn to use a typewriter, because typewriters are still essential and the skills you learn will help you to use computers." Debbie De Marco

Page 92/T op/ Mrs. Peg Gribbin, Department Chairperson, reviews an IBM printout with senior Dawn O'Donnel. Page 93/T op left/ CHARTING A COURSE: Miss Pam Perone reviews flowcharting with Kim Wolfe and Charisse Hovan. Middle/ MRS. LINDA REGAN llLUMNATES HER STUDENTS. Bottom Right/ Mrs. Hardiman makes her point in Stenography class.


H.. A.C.A./ P. GRIB


Father And Son: A Perfect Equation Many Notre Dame faculty members have become synonymous with a particular grade level after many years of teaching only that grade. There is one teacher, however, who does not fit that stereotype, despite the fact that he teaches strictly sophomores. Mr. Greg Schafer, a faculty member at ND for five years, has taught geometry and honors geometry only; but, he is well-known and well liked by much of the student body. His dual role as Senior Class advisor makes him an even more visible personality. Mr. Schafer's purpose in this important role is to organize and oversee all senior activities, along with the help of the Senior Class officers. Also, the Senior Class advisor must encourage and nurture a spirit of unity and cooperation among the senior class. Mr. Schafer has for the past two years handled this role well and has always remained positive in his approach. In an unfortunate twist of fate, the class of 1985 was called upon, along with the entire ND community, to lend support to Mr. Schafer by returning those same feelings of unity and optimism. Mr. Schafer's first child was born three months prematurely and in poor physical health; the emotional strain became apparent. In response we, as individuals and as a whole, lent strength and support during these unstable times. Mr. Schafer himself admits, "Without the constant support I felt I don't think I would have made it through." To reinforce our altruistic intentions, $3,<.XX.') was collected and presented to Mr. Schafer to help cover accumulating hospital costs. Reacting to the collection, Mr. Schafer commented, "The money came as a big shock, but it was one of the best moments of my life." On the opening days of the 1985-86 school year it seemed as if all our prayers had been answered as a healthy, happy baby boy was carried through the halls of ND by a very proud and somewhat boastful Mr. Schafer. When asked about his future plans in regard to teaching, Mr. Schafer replied, "Right now ND is exactly where I want to be." On behalf of the ND family one could certainly say that the feelings are mutual. We all look forward to having Mr. Schafer on our faculty, when Greg Jr. again comes to the halls of ND, this time as a part of the freshman class of 20041 lisa Tani


Miss Julie Campo Mrs. Denise GauvinTharney Mrs. Kathleen J. Giallella Sister Marie Jose Chairperson

Mrs. Gloriann Kyte Mrs. Margaret lynch Mr. Peter Peterson Mrs. Nancy Pica

Miss Pamela Pirone Miss Rosemary Ronan Mr. Gregory Schafer Mrs. Bernice Zahorsky


Page 94/ Mr. Schafer takes a break from teaching to have a word with his son. Page 95 / The teaching team of "Schafer and Son."


Keeping Current Mrs. Roberta Anderson is a very contented teacher this year. After four years as the Mercer County Vocational Program instructor, she made the transition to Notre Dame's history department. She finds gratification from her course in Contemporary Issues, a course she developed to fit her own idea of conceptual history. In the classroom, Mrs. Anderson attempts to create an intellectual climate where opinions are welcome. Students critically evaluate issues that have faced American society from post WWII until the present. Mrs. Anderson is well qualified to make the change from special services to the History department. She attended the le Moyre College in Syracuse, and spent her junior year abroad in Rome at Loyola University. While teaching at Notre Dame, she earned her Masters in history at Trenton State College. Preceding her five years here at Notre Dame, Mrs. Anderson taught in six other schools. Mrs. Anderson would like to see more integration between the English and History Curricula. She feels students could benefit from the merging of those two departments. She has proven a welcome change in the Notre Dame History department. Vicki Conn


Page 96/T op/Mrs. Roberta Anderson points something out to her history students. Bottom/ Ron Rinaldi, currently completing his doctoral studies in military history at Duke University, arrived at N.D. in full revolutionary war dress. He lectured to our junior American History classes, and presented his impressive array of revolutionary artifacts.

Mrs. Roberta Anderson

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Mr. Vincent Ardery Miss Donna Dovgala


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Mr. Frank Gatto Miss Theresa Giampetro Chairperson



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Mr. Thomas Keefe

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Mr. David Milinowicz


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. Mr. Charles Moore Mr. William Romano


Above/Mr. Richard Gusciora, Department Chairperson. Bottom Left/Mr. Gus has helped expand the use of the Tandy system throughout his department. Bottom Right/ Mrs. Freeman has earned a reputation for thoroughness and integrity. Page 99/Mr. Bill Martin, known for his animated teaching style, uses body English to help generate enthusiasm among his Biology students.

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.::I: Sister Mary Claver Mrs. Theresa Freeman Mr. Richard Gusciora Chairperson

er on the sta s an un minored in German. Germany for one year, an understanding of that cou Perhaps no member of Herr Wood. He has visited these sorties have resulte ing on his favorites, Mr. a trip to Garnisch, West his crossing of the Engli In additional to his 1shed a reputation for sa his Gummy Bears, addicti ever N.D. sweettooth.

Mr. Fred Hochschild Mrs. Beverly Bailey Kearns Mrs. Susan Krempasky


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Mr. Abraham levin Mr. William Martin



Miss lisa Ostrowski

"~---------------------------------------------------------------!J# ClAV. :HON. PHY., CON. OF PHY./ T. FREEMAN:CHEM.,BIO./

The Immense Journey Mr. Richard Gusciora, Department of Science Chairperson, is a man of diverse interests and avocations. In addition to his administrative duties, Mr. Gus teaches biology and environmental science. Moreover, his outdoor activities indicate that he is something of a naturalist. In the past Mr. Gusciora helped teach an interdisciplinary course on the operation of water treatment facilities. Under the auspices of the Environmental Agency, the course was offered on an "on demand' basis at Hopewall Valley High School. Additionally, he participated as a scientific preparator for the Jersey State Museum. His area of r~sponsibility was the classification. and cataloging of Jersey shore birds. _ In the classroom Mr. Gusciora is respected for his innovative teaching methods. He respects his students, and challenges them to think about current environmental concerns. Mr. Gus sees the SO's as the age of specialization, a time when a volume of information lends itself to a specific type of work. In this regard, he sees a need for more generalists. To this end, Mr. Gus is always in the process of upgrading and expanding his own intellectual horizons. Sue Basara 99

Mrs. Josephine Gar mer Sister Mary Harold Mrs. Christine Kaplan

Mrs. Gabriella Marchetti Mr. Joseph Poli Chairperson Mr. Steven Schultz

Mrs. Patricia Smith Mr. Robert Wood

--------------------------------------~z J. DEG: SPAN 1/ M. DEP: SPAN 1/ J. POL SPA

Gummy Bears: A Universal Confection Mr. Robert Wood, a Notre Dame fixture for 17 years, is an endearing faculty member whose highly individualistic and disciplined teaching style is a constant in an often changing language department. Mr. Wood is well trained for his job as German lecturer on the staff. As an undergraduate he majored in Classics and minored in German. Additionally, he lived in Bonnighiem, West Germany for one year, an experience which broadened his cultural understanding of that country. Perhaps no member of the faculty has globe trotted more than Herr Wood. He has visited Germany no less than fifteen times, and these sorties have resulted in many cherished memories. Reflecting on his favorites, Mr. Wood mentioned his side trip to Corsica, a trip to Garnisch, West Germany in which a student was lost, and his crossing of the English Channel. In additional to his teaching and traveling, Herr Wood has established a reputation for salesmanship. Each year he faithful peddles his Gummy Bears, addictive confections which find their way into every N.D. sweettooth. The profits from these annual sales benefit the various language honor societies. There is comfort in the familiar, and Mr. Wood's dedication and permanence provide this for the Notre Dame community.

Page 101 /Top left/GUMMY BEARS ON DEMAND: Bottom left/Mr. Robert Wood, German instructor. is a fastidious student of grammatical structure. Page t'OO/GET OUT THERE AND SELL: Mr. Wood is serious about the business of selling, and he admonishes Marc Nelson to develop a similar attitude.


Page 102/NOTRE DAME'S EMERGING GRAPHICS ART STUDENTS Top Left/Leslie Baier, a Senior at Notre Dame, mounts her silkscreening design before handing it into Mrs. Tierno. Bottom Left/ After completing their silkscreening, Carlos Gonzales and Ken Siegler take time to frame it. Middle/ Rich Plumeri works on the final phase of his silkscreening design. Page I03 /SIMPLIFY SIMPLIFY: M~. Tierno reminds Rich Plumeri and Kathy Dorr of the objective in graphics.



Mr. John Dondero Mr. John Grussler Chairperson Mr. Richard loatman

Miss Ellen lomax Mrs. Judith Paixao Mrs. Enea Tierno


Artistic license


J. J

The Creative 路 Arts Department offers many that graphics is responsible for is the play booklet, choices in its curriculum, one of which is graphics. which is designed by Mrs. Tierno herself. The stuGraphics is an art from which requires students to dents' works are also beneficial to the school. One of translate their interpretation of a subject into a bold the many talented seniors, Kathy Dorr, created the design. It involves the use of simple lines to create cover of the 1986 yearbook. A competition was held equisite imagery. for the senior graphics' class to design a cover, and Mrs. Tierno, our graphics instructor, has high ex- Kathy's design was selected. pectations for her senior class. To quote her philosMrs. Tierno has not o~ly mastered the great skill ophy, "I want to have students learn to observe of helping students realize and develop their artistic critically," and from the work her students have talents, but she too, is very talented when it comes produce,d, it seems apparent that her goals will be .to working with oil and water. Since she is not only achieved. --"knowledgeable but also experienced when it comes Along with her students, Mrs. Tierno finds graph:- to art, her classes seem to have an extra edge, which ics enticing because "it is practical, helpful and non- will benefit the students in their struggle to be acabstract." Graphics is something that poses a chal- cepted into more competitive art schools. lenge to the students. One of the numerous tasks Megan Murphy

Note News Is Good News 104

Page 104/Top Left/ MUSIC IS NOT TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY. Top Right/ BEAUTIFUL MUSIC IS WORK: Miss Ellen Lomax lectures to her freshmen choir class. Bottom Left/ DET AILS,DET AILS.DETAILS: Mrs. Brenda Reilly. Rich loatman. and Father Hughes discuss last minute details prior to the Phoenix celebration. lop/ Miss Lomax rehearses the freshmen choir prior to the Phoenix celebration. Bottom Right/ Jazz Band Members Len Manzi, Eric Viecili. Mike Mushari. Kellie Malloy. John Spinale. Bottom left/ Mr. John Dondero works with the Jazz Band to perfect their Phoenix performance.


Notable Accomplishments With the arrival of Mr. John Dondero as director last year, the Notre Dame Music Education program has become a dynamic part of the Fine Arts Program here at Notre Dame High School. He has created a varied format within which his students can expand their musical expertise. Students who join Concert Band receive five academic credits. Jazz Band, a somewhat smaller group, carries an academic worth of two and a half credits. All of these students participate in Marching Band, a grueling after school commitment. This year's contingent surpassed everyone's expectations. Among their numerous achievements were the Chapter 10, Group I State Championship, and the first place in the Lakewood Percussion Competition. They also appeared in the Pulaski Day Parade in N.Y.C., and the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Trenton The Marching Band consists of the Flag Squad, Rifle Squad, PomPom Squad and the Band itself. The entire group attended Lake Como for a band camp last summer. The schedule was grueling, but the preparation paid off. In addition to their competitions, the bands, both Concert and Jazz, performed at a number of school functions. They played at the Phoenix Celebration, the Christmas Concert, and the Spring Concert. In addition, they performed a rousing welcome during the freshmen open house.

Top Right/ A MUSICAL MATCH: Choral Director Miss Ellen Lomax and Band Director Mr. John Dondero. Bottom/ IT DON'T MEAN A THING IF IT AIN'T GOT THAT SWING: N.D. Jazz Ensemble performs during the Phoenix Celebration.


Top Left/ NEVER IN DOUBT: Father Hughes and band parents cheer on the Marching Band at the Neshaminy competition. Bottom Left/ SIGNALLING SUCCESS: The Notre Dame Color Guard performs at the Open House held every November. Top Right/ ALL TOGETHER NOW: The N.D. Band Front creates a kickline at the Irish-Ewing football game.

Center Right/ POLISHED BRASS: The brass section won the Group One Chapter State Championship. Bottom Right/ GOING FIRST CLASS: The Marching Band competing at the East Coast Group One Championship Tournament of Bands.



Page 108/Top Left/ Ginger Gryl and Mike Tritt in Thomas Erhard's I Know I Saw Gypsies. Top Right/ Kim Topper portrays Joan of Arc in Shakespeare's Henry VI. Middle Left/ Ellen Bentz and Michele Bogda- two of Feiffer 's People. Bottom Left/ Melissa Abbondanza in David lloyd Crowder's A Few Last Words. Bottom Right / Dan Amrich performs in Crowder's A Few Last Words. Page I09/T op/ Founder Mr. Richard Loatman proudly exhibits a photograph of this year's participants in his program Bottom/ A scene from the popular ladies revival meeting, with, among others, Talayia Barksdale and Lisa Easterling.

The Dramatic Edge

The Performing Arts Department of Notre Dame has been restructured over the past few years. Some of the areas which have experienced growth during this period include drama, technical theatre and the dance program. In an interview with Mr.Loatman, the director of the dramatic programs, he indicated that students are now performing more sophisticated and difficult material than in previous years. This year saw the inclusion of a number of one act plays in The Evening of Theatrics, an annual 路e vent at Notre Dame. The roles were played by members of Mr. Loatman's afternoon theatre classes. The technical Theatre Department continues to evolve. Because of the fire, all new lighting and sound systems were needed. Jeff Hutchins oversees these systems, while Mr. John Grussler continues his longtime association with audio-visual instruction and set construction. New to the department are the Saturday morning classes in dance. The classes offer training at the beginner levels, but also provide instruction to the more advanced student. Many of these students performed at the Phoenix celebration. The Performing Arts Program has become a complex and highly specialized course of study, one which demands hard work and sacrifice. As the numerous theatrical successes over the past few years attest, there are many students willing to contribute both. lisa Hartmann


Top Left/ WIRED FOR ACTION: James Ulrich learns the craft of electrical repair. Top Right/ STYLE CONSCIOUS: Deborah Hayes prepares for a career in cosmotolgy. Center/ TRY IT NOW : Matt Everett takes advantage of the latest technical equipment to prepare for a career in auto repair. Bottom Left / KEYBOARD WIZARD : Chris Rigelon tests for accuracy in the electrical engineering department. Bottom Right/ KEEPING IT HOT: Senior Anthony Mattozzi helps make a repair in the boiler department.

A Technical Advance The Mercer County Vocational Technical School was built to provide a technical education to junior and senior students interested in a technical oriented career. The school is comprised of two secondary vocational centers, commonly called shared time centers. The system was built to accomodate approximately I,(."X)) students. Students attending either the Assumpink or Sypek centers spend a half day at Notre Dame. Here they take their state requirements in English, Religion, Physical Education and Social Studies. Then, a bus is provided by their respective districts to transport them to the training centers. One of the major advantages of the program is that students are immediately employable following graduation. The two centers provide a comprehensive placement service for their graduates, boasting a placement rate of 89% . Course offerings at the centers are varied and demanding. Among the programs of study are Advanced Business Machines, Auto Mechanics, Commercial Art, Electronics, Graphic Arts and Health Occupations. Most of these are high demand areas, assuring employment after graduation.

Top left/ MAKING THE CIRCUIT: Gary Kubiak inspects the circuit board as part of his training in electrical repair. Center Right/ KEEPING THE BEAT: Melissa Krueger practices one of the skills required in her training as a health professional. Bottom left/ PRIZE WINNER : Tom Francais won second place in the Assumpink Skill Olympics for his work with electric circuit boards.


Rev. Joseph Hughes Principal

Sister Mary Harold Vice Principal Mr. Dave Milinowicz Assistant to the Principal

Mr. Charles Moore Administrative Assistant Mr. Vince Ardery Athletic Director

Mr. David Kelly Dean of Discipline Mr. Anthony Genovesi Assistant Dean of Discipline


Page I I 2/ Top/FAREWELL TO VIDEO MADNESS: Students gather for the last time in front of soon-to-be-displaced video games. Right/ NO GAMEPLA YING HERE: Disciplinarians Mr. David Kelly and Mr. Anthony Genovesi in their new environs. Page I I 3/ Top left/ NEW SEMINAR STYLE board room creates a more professional feel in discipline. Center and Center left/ BEFORE AND AFTER: Mr. Kelly's office during and after transformation of game room.

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The retirement of Mr. Albert Verdel has brought rna jor changes to the Notre Dame Discipline Office, notably a new Dean of Discipline, Mr. David Kelly. "I think that everyone is entitled to a mistake. I think that when you make a mistake, you shouldn't be branded for the mistake," states Mr. Kelly. This quote represents the philosophy of Mr. Kelly. The fresh new change that has swept the discipline office is not a punishment process; rather, if we are able to learn from our mistakes, it can be a growth process. The above statements show how Mr. Kelly has decided to run this vital aspect of school. Equality, accountability and maturity on both sides are also a part of Mr. Kelly's Philosophy. According to Mr. Genovesi, Assistant Dean of Discipline, the new changes in the detention system and the uniforms have been postively accepted by the students. He thinks that the new uniform

allows a sense of student individuality, while still retaining the important sense of unity that the colors represent. Mr. Genovesi feels that this year he is more involved in discipline. Also, there is more follow up, more individual help and more organization when it comes to the students and their needs. Another one of Mr. Kelly's innovations in discipline was the creation of a permanent, 6 member disciplinary review board, replacing the old system which featured J permanent members and J alternates. Although the discipline office is going through a year of transition, it has retained the same quality and purpose that had been previously established, the changes introduced by the new regime have increased the effectiveness of the entire curriculum. Allison Gifford 113

Page 114/left/ Mr. John Simone wasted no time in utilizing his recently acquired M.A. in counseling, as he switched from the Physical Education Department to the Guidance Department this year. He is also continuing his role as coach of the girls' basketball team. Right/ HOT WIRE: Because of his many duties as Director of Guidance, Mr. Bugdal spends much of his time on the telephone coordinating guidance affairs . Bottom/ Sister Josita works with the new computer that keeps track of late books and card catalog listings. Page 115/ Bottom Mrs. Cynthia Marchant, Head librarian, worked all summer computerizing the card catalog for use in the fall of 1985.

Keeping Current In The Age Of Specialization "We are making an impact on the community", boasts 17 year staff member and current chairman of the Guidance Department, Mr. Robert Bugdal. He feels we have a "communal spirit" emanating from our student body. Mr. Bugdal is a man of great capacity. He received his Bachelor's Degree at LaSalle, then went on to Trenton State to earn his Masters. Although he runs fundraisers, oversees the five, fulltime counselors, runs the PSA T/SAT /CTBS testing program, handles grade processing, is involved in the alumni association and runs the monetary division of the student government, he is sometimes lured away to his secondary job in an investment agency as a tax consultant. It is obvious that Mr. Bugdal is a valuable asset to the ND community as he has been instrumental in the changes that have occurred this past year. The Guidance Department added two new counselors in 1985, Mr. John Simone, a transfer from the Physical Education Department, and Mrs. Kathleen Cevera. They have updated the college and career directories and have become involved in COIN, a computer search program. Mr. Bugdal, a '65 alumnus was called back to his Alma Mater by its welcoming spirit which, he feels, is enhanced by our outstanding Sports and Theatre Arts programs. 114

Mr. Robert Bugdal Director of Guidance Sister Mary Carmel Guidance

Mrs. Kathleen Cevera Guidance Counselor Miss Joan DeGregorio Guidance Counselor

Mrs. Mary DePuglio Guidance Counselor Sister Margaret Huley Assistant Librarian

Sister Mary Joachim Guidance Counselor Mrs. Cynthia Marchant Head Librarian

Sister Mary Josita Assistant Librarian Mr. John Simone Guidance Counselor 115

Welcome, No Judgements Here As you know, this year at Notre Dame, we are undergoing many changes. One of these is a program dealing with drug and alcohol counseling. Our counselor is Mrs. Marianne Seeber. Her duty as Student Assistant Counselor involves working at the Mercer Council on Alcoholism, where she does community education. She is at Notre Dame one day a week, and she also counsels at Hightstown High School. What is the program all about? The program is designed to help students with alcohol, drug, and other types of problems. It addresses emotional or family related problems and eating disorders such as anorexia. The counseling is basically for students, but it is open to family members. Mrs. Seeber is here to give information and to recommend outside help, if necessary. She can also get students started on drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs.


Anytime a student goes to Mrs. Seeber the meeting is kept totally confidential. A student can make an appointme~t on their own or a teacher or guidance counselor may recommend that they see her. She would also like to start support groups for those who drink excessively or use drugs, and support groups for those who live with or are friends of an alcoholic or drug user. Mrs. Seeber would basically like to try to teach students about the effects of drinking, and to prevent students from drinking excessively. In her words she says "I know I can't get kids to stop drinking but I'd like to educate them on the responsibilities of drinking." The program, along with Mrs. Seeber's counseling, hopefully will be a great success and great help to our Notre Dame Community. Debbie De Marco

Sister Mary Camilla Attendance Secretary Sister Frances Hewitt Assistant Bookkeeper

Miss Mary Anne Seeber 路 Drug And Alcohol Counselor Mrs. Bernice Tattory路 School Nurse

Page I 16/ Top left/ Ms. Mary Ann Seeber, Notre Dame's alcohol and drug rehabilitation counsellor. Bottom Right/ CHECK HER OUT: Mrs.Jane Dziura, handles all outgoing accounts for Notre Dame. page I 17 / NEVER SAY DIE: Mrs. Jean Palmieri enlivens the daily attendance report with optimistic reports on the Yankees. Bottom Right/ COMPUTERS TELL NO LIES: Mrs. Michele Aquilino keeps close tabs of tuition accounts. 11 7

Page I I 8/ Top/ Mrs. Diane Dell, Main Office. Bottom / Mrs. Irene Palombi, Main Office. Page I 19/ Top/ Mrs. Peggy Miller, Guidance. Right/ Mrs.Dorothy 01ech, Guidance. Bottom/ Mrs. Beverly Klek, Athletics.

Top Left / Mrs . Eileen Kostrzewa. Top Center/ Mrs. Theresa Grochala. Top Right / Mrs. Joan O'Donovan. Center Left/ Mrs. Lou Molder.

Center/ Mr. John Hemphill, Director of Food Service. Center Right/ Mrs. Marion Lavanduski. Bottom Left/ Mrs. Sophie Potocki. Bottom Center/ Mrs. Ceil Arnester.



Top left/ Mr. Ben. Bailey. Top Center/ Mr. Bernard Daniel. Center/ Mrs. Dorothy Reilly. Top Right/ Mrs. Rose Holzbaur. left Center/ Mr. Tom Butler. Superintendent of Maintenance Bottom Center I Mr. Dick Brobst. Bottom left/ Mr. Tom Butler. Mr. Don Mottley, Mr. John Zoltanski.

Someone who works at Notre Dame, but doesn't . . . A woman all students know ... working in the cafeteria everyday, but not for Notre Dame ... Who is this mystery woman? She's Rose Holzbaur, the person in charge of the vending machines in the cafeteria. Rose, who has worked at Notre Dame for ten years, really isn't on the Notre Dame staff. She is the employee of Hesco, the company who owns the vending machines that Notre Dame uses. Rose, a mother of two and grandmother of three, seems to enjoy supplying Notre Dame's food supply. Did you know that approximately 1500 cans of soda are sold in one day? Or that fhe change machines, which are serviced by Rose every other day, contain thirteen hundred dollars worth of change? The huge responsibility of maintaining this supply falls upon the shoulders of Rose, Notre Dame's cafeteria employee. Rose, although not really a Notre Dame em路 ployee, has created a bond between the student body and herself. Taking pictures of students on activity days and getting acquainted with them through conversations and laughter are included in the various ways Rose has become a friend of everyone. She has earned through this a place in Notre Dame's heart. Allison Gifford






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All Colors Pale Beside The Blue And White Although Notre Dame High School has always been known for its academic and athletic standards, there is another facet which bears careful scrutiny. In an age when many schools complain of student apathy and indifference, Notre Dame continues its tradition of a spirited, involved and loyal student body. In this regard, one of the most eagerly awaited events on the school calendar is the annual celebration of Blue and White Day. This year's Blue and White program .consisted of a wide ranging schedule of activities and entertainments. Perhaps the most cherished tradition is the annual homeroom competition. Students and faculty devoted countless hours to the preparation of competition calibre designs. Judging, an impossible task given the quality and quantity of competition, is done by teams of faculty members not affiliated with a homeroom. Following this, the 'athletic' competitions began; namely, the student-faculty relay race. This event, always the highlight of


Page 124/ left / MR . ROGER'S NEIGHBORHOOD : Greg Jones teaches 12E about Senior Spirit. Right / TOWER OF SPIRIT: Seniors Lori Stoy and Kathy Abbondanza join in the pep rally fest ivities. Page 125 / ONLOOKERS: Seniors look on as the student team advances. Top Right/ IRISH SPIRITS: Mr. Gatto enjoys the spirits of 12H. who won first place on the senior level for their " Irish Pub" scene. Center left/ SPIRIT OF '76: Hugh Burgess, Mike Commini, Anthony Corrado, lou Bucchere, Tom Cook, and John Byrne, of 12B exhibit their overflowing spirit. Bottom left/ ROUNDING THE BEND: Mrs. Moore skillfully advances as the seniors look on. Bottom Right/ GRATEFUL ACCEPTANCE: Mrs. Smith receives the award for first place homeroom 9F.

Blue and White Day, was an action packed spectacle of student prowess and faculty ineptitude. The faculty squad boasted such talented and exciting athletes as Mr. Bill Romano, Miss Donna Dovgala, and Mr. Mike Perone. Although they fought valiantly, the teachers succumbed to the student squad. After the race came the awarding by Father Hughes of the homeroom winners. This year's competition was between homerooms intrepreting the same themes for each class level. Among them were the juniors' "Box Office" challenge, and the seniors' theme of "We Are The World". The winners on each level were 9 F. Mrs. Smith; 10 F. Mr. Martin; II D. Miss Pauline Grula; 12 H. Mr. Frank Gatto. Blue and W~ite Day is a tradition which will persist for many years. Its purpose is twofold: first, it awakens within the various grade levels and collectively, a deep, spirited loyalty to Notre Dame; secondly, it allows for students and faculty to participate in a day of fun, frivolity and joy.

Role Reversal Four years ago, Notre Dame revived a tradition. Student Leadership Day has again become ensconced as an annual event. Under the direction of Student Activities Coordinator Mrs. Beverly Kerns, schoolwide participation has blossomed. Sponsored by student government, the day allows students to reverse roles with teachers and administrators. According to sophomore activities director Mrs , Mary Ivins, the day, "allows students to understand leadership roles. By assuming the job of teacher and administrator, students come to empathize with the challenges of running a high school". The day has the strong support of Father Hughes. While it is a fun day , the lessons learned are valuable ones. In addition to the purposes expressed by Mrs. Ivins, the day can also be viewed as a teacher appreciation exercise. Many teachers commented later that they felt students better understood the daily workings of classroom management. Each teacher chooses a student to run their respective classes. Surrogates are also chosen for major administrative positions. This year, Craig Coffey acted as principal, Camille West assumed the role of school nurse, and Tony Pirozzi and Kathy Foster were our Deans of Discipline. We hope that the day has become an important and permanent fixture here at Notre Dame. It is a valuable learning experience for students as well as teachers.


Page 126/ Bottom Left/ PRIME INSTRUCTOR Freshman Jackie Ritter discovers the harsh n!ality of teaching English. Top / TURNING THE TABLES/"Fr. Cra ig" consults with student psychology teacher Mr. Jeff Gervasio. Center/ TRIVIAL GEOGRAPHY Shannon Hodock and Mike Pellouquin get the honor of teaching Mr. Romano's freshmen geography class. Bottom / ELEMENTARY, MY DEAR JACOBS/ Chris Jacobs and Jim Lake teach Mr. Boyle's architecture class. Page 127 / Top Left/ CLIMBING LADDERS/ Seniors Kelly Johnson and Loraine Jackowski take a step up from students to secretaries. Center/ SCIENCE SCENE/ John Haller explores the field of Biology with 'student ' Mr. Bill Martin. Bottom / SPIRITUAL ENCOUNTER/ Ginger Gryl checks a point in Mrs. Grula 's religion class. Top Right / MEDICALLY SPEAKING/ Junior Camille West replaces school nurse Mrs. Bernice Tattory in the nurse's suite. Center Right / A MATHEMATICAL GENIUS/ Caroline Klepper makes a correction in Mrs. Z's calculus class. 127


You Can Come Home

Again Homecoming, an annual tradition here at Notre Dame , was held on November 29th this year. Despite the damp, rainy atmosphere that evening , M.D. students, parents, faculty and alumni gathered to join in the celebration. The evening's festivities began with the introduction of the senior varsity fall athletes, the athletic trainers and the marching band members. These students were accompanied by their parents onto the field where each parent received a white corsage as a small token of our appreciation for their numerous sacrifices and everpresent support throughout the season. This was followed by the kick off of the last regular season. This was followed by the kick off of the last regular season football game for the Irish, who played vs. West Windsor. After two quarters of tough football action, halftime began as the mothers of the senior Also, during halftime, the anxiously awaited announcement of this year's Homecoming King and Queen was made. The crowning of the new King and Queen was performed by last year's queen, Michele Raviola. The title of King was captured by Anthony Martillotti who is an accomplished student, a member of the Varsity Football Team, president of the Young Democrats Club, assistant secretary of the Key Club, member of the Red Cross Club, Spirit Club and a Homeroom representative. Chosen Queen was laura Perichilli who is also an accomplished student, a member of the Spring Track team, Young Democrats Club, Red Cross Club, Sign language Club, Koininea, and a Homeroom representative. Runners-up included Joan Cook and Tom McQuade (fourth), Kathy Dorr and Joseph Emde (third), Elisabeth Caroll and Frank Simms (second), and Kate Heitzman and Craig Coffey (first). Together the newly crowned couple, attended by their court, enjoyed the traditional royal ride around the track to conclude the halftime ceremonies. Perhaps. the warmth and excitement of the day could best be seen in the eyes of the alumni as they left, reminiscent of their high school years, and in the laughs of the underclassmen as they dreamed of their homecoming in the years to follow. lisa Tani


Page 128/ Top/ THE HOMECOMING KING: Anthony Martilloti and his parents Mr. Joseph Martillotti and Mrs. Jennie Martillotti, enjoy the moment of their son's crowning. Bottom/ Anthony Martillotti and his queen, laura Persichilli, share the traditional ride around the football field路. Page 129/T op left/ SENIOR FOOTBALL PLAYERS: Stand during the honoring of all Varsity fall athletes, during half-time, at the West-Windsor Plainsboro game. Top Right/ 2nd HOMECOMING RUNNERUP: Joseph Emde and his father, Mr. Emde, watch as the king is crowned. Middle left/ AT HOMECOMING FESTIVITIES: Amy Jones, Debbie Carozza, Chris Villa, Kate Heitzman, Maureen Connoly, Beth Milhalko and Beth lockwood gather around their favorite principal, Father Hughes. Bottom/ THE QUEEN AND HER COURT: Fourth runner-up, Joan Cook; 3rd runner-up, Kathy Dorr; Queen, laura Persichilli; 2nd runner-up, Elisabeth Carroll and 1st runner- up, Katherine Heitzman.


Yuletide Memories Christmas here at Notre Dame was filled with busy activity which transformed our school into a perfect example of holiday tradition. It was traditions which made Notre Dame a special place at Christmas time. The season got underway with the placement of the annual Christmas Tree in the senior lounge, by Student Government officials. There was also a candy cane sale, which gave all levels the opportunity to join in the holiday spirit together, by sending candy canes to one another. Another event which encouraged complete school participation was The Christmas Cotillion. It was held in the cafeteria which was decorated expertly by members of Student Government. They success路fully transformed the cafeteria into a dazzling nightime environment. The students also underwent a dramatic transformation- they left Notre Dame at 2:05 pm on December 20th as students, but returned at 7:30, the same evening, as beautiful young men and women, attired in tea length dresses and three-piece suits. The turn out this year was phenomenal; more than one-hundred- and- seventy-five couples were gathered together, creating memories that they would cherish for years to come. As a final remembrance of the 1985 holiday season, the entire school and their families were invited to be a part of the traditional Midnight Mass. It was held in the newly renovated auditorium and was a perfect start to a wonderful Christmas. This traditional liturgy featured the beautiful musical accompaniment of the Notre Dame Choir, a marvelous match to the festive occasion. Megan Murphy


Page 130/Top Right/ TREE-MENDOUS: Our annual tree, decorated by the Student Government, sits proudly in the foyer. Bottom/ DON'T MOVE AN INCH: Anthony Martilloti places his trust in Claire Ann Galucci. Page 131 /Top left/ ALLIS BRIGHT: Father Hughes receives an affectionate Yuletide kiss from Paula DiMarco as Charisse Hovan watches. Top Right/ BALLOON FANTASY: Steve Chukumba was among the many student government members who helped to make the balloon centerpieces for the tables. Middle left/ DANCING, FOOD AND FUN: Gathered here are Kelly Cottrell, Megan Murphy and Cherie Kusek. Middle Right/ OUR FIRST COTILLION: Freshman Alexandria Freeman and Keith Monacchio enjoy the formal evening. Bottom/ JUNIOR PARTYGOERS: George Cortesini and Roseanna Dovgala.


A Dog's Three Nights Notre Dame's Theatre Arts Department succeeded in dispelling the January blues with its midwinter production of "Snoopy". The play, a series of vignettes and song and dance numbers, featured a cast of seven: Joe Paparella, Snoopy; Kimberly Topper, Peppermint Patty; Maryann Sollami, Lucy; Michael McGlone, Linus; Gina Tomassetti, Sally; Tami Mcnamara, Woodstock; and John Deaver, Charlie Brown. The small ensemble performed three shows: Friday, January 10; and both a matinee and evening performance on Saturday, January II. Because of its light theme, the show attracted fans of all ages. From the opening showstopper, "The World According to Snoopy", to the inspirational finale, "Just One Person", the auditorium pulsed with energy. In all, the production featured twenty-two musical numbers interspersed with comic dialogue. The show also offered an opportunity to to test our new light and sound systems. Music for the show was provided by Mr. Richard Loatman and Miss Ellen Lomax on acoustical piano. Seniors Kathy Dorr and Melinda Armenti served ably as stage managers. The musical ambitions of the theatre department continue to grow each year. Now, in addition to our 'major' theatrical production, Notre Dame produces a short, mid year musical. These productions help provide a warm up for the ensuing full scale production in the spring. Additionally, they also provide a showcase for new, developing talent.

Page 123 Top/ STRUTTING HIS STUFF: Joe Paparella playing the title role of Snoopy / Bottom left/ THE CAST: Michael McGlone, Gina Tomasetti, John Deaver, Joe Paparella, Maryann Sollami and Kim Topper/ Bottom Right/ SOCIAL SECURITY: Michael McGlone as linus/ Page 133/Top left/ LADIES ONLY: Maryann Sollami, Tina Tomasetti, and Kim Topper singing "I Know Now"/Top Right/ HAS HER FACE CAUGHT UP WITH HER NOSE?: Kim Topper playing the fiesty Pepperming Patty / Center left/ THE POWER OF EXPRESSION: John Deaver as Charlie Brown and Maryann Sollami as lucy / Bottom left/ PLAYING OUR SONG: Accompanist Ms. lomax/ Bottom Center/ SNOOPY'S FEATHERED FRIEND: Tami Me Namara portraying Woodstock/ Bottom Right/ DIRECTOR EXTRAORDINAIRE: Richard loatman. 132


Color Them Spirited On February 22, the Blue Tearn, composed of seniors and freshmen, made the fatal error of engaging the White Tearn in a series of skits, athletic competitions and cheering battles. The White Tearn, comprised of rabid sophomores and juniors, handed the Blues their heads. Some new ideas were introduced that gave the day a fresh dimension. Intellectual battle lines were drawn when the homerooms engaged in a cross level contest of "T rival Pursuit". After this preliminary competition, we moved into the auditorium for a skit and beauty contest. Here, a variety of characters competed for the honor and glory of their teams. Jim Hutchinson stole the beauty show by appearing in black patent leather shoes and suggestive night club attire. Mrs. Gavin's White Team skit was a key element in the victory. We then moved into the auditorium to listen to the music of "Good Question". The highlight of the day, however, was the Gong Show. This annual event always moves the crowds. J.M. and the Human Grasshoppers were the catalysts for an outrageous and funfilled show. They garnered first place with their choreography and lip-sync rendition of Shama-~ama-Ding-Dong, an Animal House classic. Spirit Week ended with sports night on Saturday, Feb. 22. This was followed by the Spirit Dance, a festive conclusion to a much needed respite from the February blahs. Victoria Conn

Page I 34/T op/PYRAMID POWER: Blue T earn cheerleaders build a tower of power to outpsyche the Whites. Bottom/ GETTING A JUMP ON THE COMPETITION: first place Gong Show honors went to JM and the Grasshoppers. Front: John Maessner. Back Row: Jim Hutchinson, John Rooney, Scott Delorenzo, Michael Tritt, Chris Prophett, and Tim Holland. Page 135/Top:/FREE FALLIN WHITE: White cheerleaders jump at the chance to advance their standing. Center /THE GREATEST LOVE OF All: Junior Camille West belts out her intrepretation of the standard. Top Right/ CURRYING FAVOR: The judges pronounce the verdict in response to JM and the Grasshoppers. Bottom Right/ GIMME THAT OLD TIME RELIGION: Kelly Bowser, Maureen Carter, lisa Easterling, Natasha Braswell, Cassandra Pinckney recreate their roles from the Night of Theatrics. Bottom/ WHITEWASHED: Blue Tearn recognizes the hopelessness of their situation.


Blue Tearn Whited Out

Page 136/Top Left/ANTICIPATION: White team prepares to "spike". Top Left/DO BLONDES REALLY HAVE MORE FUN? Jim Hutchinson, beauty contest winner, answers in the affirmative. Center/"HANGIN" TOUGH: Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Ivins exhort the white team in a losing cause. Page I 3 7 /Top Left/STRATEGIC DEBATE: Kelly (Miss Dovgala) Johnson and Sue (Mrs. Ivins) Brady show how they plan to cream the White Tearn. Top right/ AND NOW A WORD FROM OUR SPONSORS: Dan Amrich reprises his role as the Campbell Soup Boy as Anthony Martillotti plays the foil. Bottom Left/ ACTION CAM REPORT: Mr. Dennehy sings his version of Irving Berlin's "White Christmas". Bottom Right/ WE FOUND HIM: Mark Persichelli as "Herb" gets chased by a bevy of senior girls.


Page 138/T op left/ MASTERFUL: Expert skiers Mr. Bill Martin and Peter Donnelly pose outside the Base lodge Ski Shop. Top Right/ THE EARLY BIRDS: Father Hughes and Mrs. Pica are among the 8 A.M. risers, seen here outside the Village condos. Center left/ STANDARD LIFT provides the background for Maria Scandariato and Deirdre Donnelly. Twelve lifts. some almost 8,<XX) feet long. allow easy access to the trails. YOU ARE HERE : Base lodge Trail Map details the 57 trails of varying difficulty. Bottom/ BEGINNING WITH A JOLT: Jennifer Nix and Cindy Goehring hold tightly onto their gear as they begin their ascent on the Canyon lift. Page 139/T op left/ All THE COMFORTS: First floor condo in the Village, only a short bus trip from the slopes. Middle/ WHERE'S THE ST. BERNARD? Tyi Davis injured her thigh in a spill. The Mount Snow Ski Patrol renders first aid while Maria Scandariato lends moral support. Bottom left/ BACK TO THE SLOPES: After a stop in the Vacation Center cafeteria, Vicki Conn, Kelly Clark and Jean Mattei work back to the lifts. Bottom Right/ SKI CLUB OFFICERS: Front Row: Lori Stoy, moderator Fr. Hughes, Jody Bartolino. Back Row : John Maessner, John Eitzen, Tom McQuade, David Krisak, Keith Kemo and Mike Tritt.

A Winter Lift With the help of eight chaperones and eight ski officers, Fr. Hughes carried on the annual tradition of the ski trip. This year's destiation was Mount Snow, Vermont. The snow-capped mountain had something for everyone. It had 57 trails ranging from a beginner's level to those suitable for skiers with expert skills. Sauna, whirlpool, and swimming facilities were also on hand to soothe sore muscles after a day on the slopes. But even with all the extra luxuries, the students seemed to be happiest, just relaxing in their separate condominiums. Each condominium consisted of J or 3 bedrooms, color televisions, fire places, and a balcony with an incredible view of the mountain. When first seeing the condos, students were overwhelmed by the beautiful, spacious rooms. Although a curfew was enforced nightly, students were given an abundant degree of freedom. They were allowed to travel to and from the slopes at their leisure, prepare their own meals at any time, and spend their free time, whichever way they chose. In future years, when students recall their 1986 Ski Trip, they will remember the friends and the good times. Megan Murphy

It's An Honor National Business Honor Society National Honor Society

Top / NATIONAL BUSINESS HONOR SOCIETY: Moderator Mrs. People. Christopher Maziarz . lynette Shinal, Wendy Scheidler. Middle / NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY / front Row: M. Sefransky. M. Armenti, K. Heitzman, F. Phan. J. Cook. M. Bedard. Second Row: R. Woo, l. Rossell. C. Arnold , R. Mendoza . Third Row: E. Carroll. K. O'Keefe, K. Fless. R. Dovgala, C. Kusek, S. O 'Donovan. S. Brady. P. Pfeifer , K. Topper. K. Matwijcow , K. Bentivogli , l. Glockner , T. Davis , K. Malloy . H. Rebbeck . Fourth Row: F. Simms. J. ludwig , A. Mateos, H. Shin, C. Wong, C. Fiori , M. Valatka, M. Bowling, M. Jennings , M. Mesday . K. Sciandra. M. Sollami, E. Siedenglanz , B. Conboy. D. Mahon . Fifth Row : P. Hart, D. Radigan . K. Foster, E. Simms. T. Miller, M. Varia , T. McNamara. K. Johnson. K. Dorr. C. Morrison . E. Bentz. M. Bogda , K. lambert. Back Row : H. Mazurek , A. Siecienski, J. Eitzen. M. Tritt, J. Spinale, P. Parrella, P. Barlow, J. Emde, H. Burgess. T. Paglione. C. Serock, J. Gominiak . Bottom left/ MESSENGER SERVICE: Student guide Kieve Matwijcow attaches messages to teacher time cards to make certain they will be received. Bottom Right/ HELPFUL HINTS: Diana laarz is tutored by Colleen Morrison (left ). while Karen Bentivogli assists Nelson Rodriguez. Page 141 /Top/ DOES Me COME BEFORE Mac? Guide Peter Barlow looks up schedules in order to locate students for messages during classes. Top Right/ ALGEBRAIC PROBLEMSOLVING: Freshman Tom Carey is guided through problems by tutor Heidi Harendza. Middle Right/ WHO 'S WHO OF ABSENTEES: Student guide Kim Topper prepares to deliver the eagerly awaited daily attendance sheet. If you're not here, you better be there! With her is Mrs. Jean Palmieri, creator of the popular

Honor And Duty One of the major criteria for membership in the National Honor Society is service. Under the direction of Mrs. Bernice Zahorsky and Sister Marianne Peters, Notre Dame 's Honor Society runs a daily tutoring session. Students receive tutoring in all of the major disciplines. The help is given each morning in A210 from 7:30 until 8:10. Members give this time so that students may benefit from their proficiency in a given discipline. Daily attendance averages 4-6 students, but, prior to exams the number swells to 25. Mrs. Zahorsky takes great pride in the generosity of these tutors. Another example of service rendered is the daily student guide. An outgrowth of the old hostess system, the student guides receive considerable responsibility. They assist the administration in the day to day maintenance of the office. They deliver messages, run errands, address envelopes and provide a host of supportive clerical services. The program has been in place four years, and in the process has become a Notre Dame fixture.


Honorab.le Mentions

Top Left/ GERMAN HONOR SOCIETY/ Front Row: Henry Mazurek, Michele Bogda. Rack. Row: Kristin Wedam, Mary Siedlarczyk, Boas Yu. Top Right/ SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY/ Front Row: Diana Spilatore, Veronica Tweed. Second Row: Lourdes Garcia, Deborah Radigan, Denise Amrich, Susan Brady. Rack Row: Susan Kaslander, Patricia DeMaio, Mark Sciarrotta, Tim Paglione, Hyun Jin Shin, Karen O'Keefe. Bottom/ FRENCH HONOR SOCIETY/ Front Row: Chris Serock, Elizabeth Scimeca, Thomas O'Grady, Erin Murphy, Ria Mendoza. Second Row: Arthur Mateos, Ellen Bentz. Third Row: Jacqueline Canepari, Maureen Jennings. Rack Row: Monica Varia, Anne Marie Milazzo, Kristen Fless, Patricia Draper.

The Classic

Approach The Latin Club was formed during the past year to foster an appreciation for the classical world. This goal was achiev-d through a number of activities: Students viewed educational movies, slides and filmstrips; members formed a glee club and sang songs in Latin; they took a field trip to the Princeton University Art Museum; and they wrote articles for the Five Winds Literary Magazine. Mrs. Garmer, moderator of the Latin Club, is actively involved in local historial societies. She believes that history teaches the modern student the lessons of the past. Also, it helps preserve traditional values. In her words," I formed the club to provide students currently taking a Latin course an opportunity to learn more about the ancient world than would be covered in a traditional Latin class."


Top/ LATIN HONOR SOCIETY: 1 Front Row: Carla Salewski, Katherine Heitzman, Maria Bowling, Susan O'Donovan. Second Row: Kathleen Foster, Kathleen lambert, Jane Kelly, Maureen Mesday. Mrs. Garmer. Third Row: Christine Fiori, Ann Meagher, linda Judi Bartolino. Back Row: Michael Sefransky, Anthony Siecienski, Patrick Perrella. Bottom/ LATIN CLUB/ Front Row: Stasia Thompson , Melissa Rullo, Michelle Maisto, linda Ruberto, Jane Kelly , Julie

Martini. Second Row: Mary Mellodge,lizanne Wnek, Nicole Mclauren, Sherri Magyari, Maria Bowling, Katherine Heitzman, Maureen Mesday, Chris Fiori, Carla Salewski. Third Row: Melinda Scott, Erica Pollard, Suzanne Mochari, Candace Kemo. Kevin O'Donovan, Jodi Bartolino, Kathleen lambert, Jilllaurinaitis, Mrs. Garmer. Back Row: Hyung Park, Deron Williams, Terrance Nelson, Dermot O 'Reilly. Marc Celentano, Joe Roberto, Joeph Stanzione. 143

Signing Up Sign Language Storyteller Koinonia Christian Clowning

Club Club Club Club

Top/SIGN LANGUAGE CLUB/front Row: l. Persichilli, D. Reilly, E. Rodriguez, P. Cassidy, S. Magyari, Fr. Rimassa. Back Row: D. Perrone, l. Rossell, C. Salewski, K. Malloy, F. lynch. Middle Left/ GIVING SANTA A HAND at the Children's Christmas Party as Sign language members Felicia Lynch, Joo lee, Pat Cassidy and lisa Rossell. Middle Right/ STORYTELLERS CLUB/ Front Row: D. Perrone, J. Katz, C. Dassori, J. Zorn. Second Row: J. Shirley, E. McClain, M. Czyzewski, R. Mendoza, M. Mattia, l. Webb, P. DiMarco. Back Row: Mrs. Salcewicz, M. Valatka, l. Rossell, J. Sowa, T. Dey, 路 J. Thoma, M. Thoma. Bottom/ KOINONIA/ Front Row: K. Abbondanza, D. DaBronzo, E. Connolly, S. Cassi~y, T. Tranter, A. Collins, S. Wronski.

_S econd Row: G. Sapnar, M. Baker, M. Connolly, S. Sobon, K. Quinn, B. lockwood, C. link, C. Villa, Z. Benjamin, E. Varisco, C. Paglione. Third Row: l. Wnek, l. Maty, l. Webb, S. Molnar, J. Shirley, D. latimer, l. Amatucci, K. Giorno, K. Heitzman, l. Rossell, l. Scordalini, A. Fish. Fourth Row: Sr. Carol J., V. Soldati, M. Czyzewski, J. Canepari, H. Rebbeck, E. McClain, S. Brady, l. Stoy, K. Jones, l. Berish. fifth Row: l. Carroll, M. Johnson, E. Lombardi, F. 路 Schuldes, C. Schroeder, K. Clark, A. Lettiere, J. Gervasio, P. Szekeres, M. Burns, M. Matthews, C. Morrison, l. Persichilli, K. Gibbs, C. DeAngelo. Back Row: S. Magyari, A. Yaede, G. Aquilino, l. Safko, C. Walton, R. Reed, A. Cunningham, A. Sikorski, B. Simms, D. Donnolly.

Breaking Barriers Mrs. Judy Salcewicz, responding to considerable student interest, created a sign language club a~. a learning forum for concerned students. In conjunction with Sister Rose Huber and Father Paul Rimassa, directors of the Diocesan Ministry for the Deaf, the Sign language Club meets weekly to learn the techniques and pleasures of sign language. The club, however, is not merely an educational exercise. The students take their newfound knowledge, and put it to use entertaining and supporting hearing impaired children. This year, the club visited lakewood and told stories and sang songs with the deaf children gathered there. On a more consistent note, two members of the club, juniors lisa Rossell and Joo lee, work each week at the Katzenbach School for the Deaf in Ewing. The club currently numbers fifteen, although Mrs. Salcewicz expects the membership to grow. Earlier this year, Father Paul enlightened the Notre Dame family by performing a sign mass in our auditorium. It was a beautiful and moving scene, opening as it did, our hearts and minds to the problems of others. Mrs. Salcewicz assures us that Father Paul will return next year to repeat the service.

Top/ CHRISTIAN CLOWNING CLUB/ Front Row: Lisa Scordalini, Karen Giorno, Karen Bock, Karen Antoci, Angela Collins. Back Row: Sister Carol J., Amy Lorbeck, Amy Lettiere, Sharon Mizer, Lizanne Wnek, Kathleen Jones, Randall Reed, Lisa Rossell, Donielle Latimer. Bottom/ WEAVING A FITTING TALE for Hamilton Head Starters are Storyteller Club members Ria and Riza Mendoza. Bottom Right/ GIVING THE "HI" SIGN after the Sign Mass are interpreter Elaine Marshall, celebrant Father Paul Rimassa, Father Joseph Hughes and Sister Carol J. 145

The Quality Of

Mercy Mercy, Peace And Justice Club Red Cross Club


Top/MERCY, PEACE AND JUSTICE CLUB/ Front Row: Moderator Sister Peggy O'Halloran, Kelly Clark, Maria Kniesler, George Cortesini, Suzanne Basara. Back Row: Christine Schroeder, Kristen Wedam, Michael Topchik, Christine Fiori. Middle/ RED CROSS CLUB/ Front Row: Gina Sapnar, Sue Brady, Joy Bertan, Kate Heitzman, Maureen Connolly, Gail Anteola, Stephanie Flores, Jane Thoma, Sharon Barsczewski, Krystal Tanner. Second Row: Danielle DaBronzo, Michele Burns, Deirdre Reilly, Katie Arends, Maureen Mesday, laura Persichilli, Chrissy Herrick, Clare Gallucci, Andrea Brown, Sue Molnar, Jennifer Goeke, Allison Brady, Jennifer O'Connor, Mary Ellen Rhodes. Third Row: Sue Basara, Chris Villa, leslie Baier, Cris Ann Sutdo, Dawn Perrone, Jennifer Shirley, Ria Mendoza, laura Maty, Angela Yaede, liz Carroll, Ellen McClain, Michele Czyzewski, Heidi Kramer, Cathy Schroth. Fourth Row: Kelly Quinn, Kelly Smith, Kathy Abbondanza, Sharon Sobon, Lori Stoy, Valerie King, Jackie Charbonneau, Nicole Minutoi, lisa Salmestrelli, Evelyn Rodriguez, Sue O'Donovan, Kelly Malloy, Tom Miller, Gina Aquilino, Karen Green, Maria Scandariato, Veta McDonald. Fifth Row: Lori Berish, Mark Elliot, Brian Smith, Mike Castiello, Michelle Scott, Ann Marie

Keefe, Pam Hart, Debbie Radigan, lisa Rossell, linda Roberto, Jane Kelly, Julie Martini, Jodi Bartilino, lynette langere, Stacey Cirone, Kathy Foster, Veronica Tweed. Sixth Row: Mike Evanko, Anthony Martillotti, Jeff Gervasio, Ed Bleacher, Todd Goehring, Frank Simms, Pete Donnolly, Sherrie Maguire, Pat Cassidy, lisa Drake, Jackie Canepari, Jennifer Kakstis, Tom Echelman, Ginger Gryle, Patty DeMaio, Michelle Valatka, Sue Kaslander, Arnesia Arnold, Chris Schroeder. Page 147/Middle/PARTY CLUB/ Front Row: Chris Decker, Danielle Rotondo, Melissa Rullo, Dawn Dunn, laurie Safko, Vanda Soldati, Angela Yaede, Paula DiMarco, laura Maty, Karen Bentivogli, Kim Zuczek. Middle Row: Stacey Grupinski, lisanne Wong, Kathy Borawski, Marcie McDermott, Jennifer Busch, laura Mattes, Chris Klosinski, Denise liedtka, -Susan Kulak, Kate Heitzman, Debbie Sosna, Kim Chianese, Karen Heinz, Angela Collins. Back Row: Melissa Gursky, Grace Evanko, Susan Repko, Elizabeth Chmiel, lisa Hartmann, Melissa lauandos, Christine Schroeder, Megan Murphy, Virgina Gryle, Jill laurinaitis, Noel Stack, Tara Melody, Jennifer Vichroski.

The Party Club:

Decorative Addition How much can you do with a cafeteria? Anyone who has planned a function in a student dining room has realized the difficulty in transforming a casual atmosphere dominated by refreshment machines into one of elegance and formality. To help ~ with an ever-expanding schedule of school "galas", a Party Club, moderated by Mrs. Jane Confoy, was organized to create memorable settings at Notre Dame social events. Their first assignment for the school year was the Phoenix Celebration, held December 8 in honor of the rededication of the Notre Dame auditorium. People attending were amazed at the transformation she was able to accomplish with a very small working budget. The same beautiful results were evident at the gala for Fiddler on the Roof. The great deal of hard work that goes on behind the scenes of such functions deserves our continued appreciation and enthusiastic thanks. We cannot say enough about the dedication of the members of the club and the creativity and inspiration provided by Mrs. Confoy.

Top/ A JOB WELL DONE: Father Hughes and Mr. Kelly congratulate Mrs. Confoy on the beautiful results of her club's work for the Phoenix celebration. Bottom Left/ JUSTIFIABLY PROUD: Miss Rosemary Ronan joins Mrs. Confoy at the punch fountain, donated by Old T ymes Caterers. In the background is one of the panels which exhibited student artwork, providimz decorative

interest to the large dining area. Bottom Right/ ENJOYING THE FRUITS OF THEIR LABOR: Party Club members Angela Yaede, Chris McCarthy and Vanda Soldati stand behind one of the many buffet tables adorned with fresh fruit and silk flower arrangements. The seniors donated ISO loaves of fruit bread to accompany the cheeses and spreads which highlighted the tables.

Problem Solving Theoretical And Practical Debate Club Athletic Trainers Computer And Games Club

Top/DEBATE CLUB/ Front Row: Bob Mazurek, Jennifer Thoma, Michelle Kovacs, Ted Varga. Middle Row: Kim Topper, Melinda Armenti, Kiev Matwijcow, Pam Pfeifer, moderator Mrs. Anderson. Back Row: Tom McGuire, Anthony Siecienski, Henry Mazurek. Middle/ ATHELETIC TRAINERS CLUB/ Front Row: Dawn Dunn, Debbie Carozza. Beth Hogan, Brian Duff, Beth lockwood, Cindy link, Amy Jones . ..Second Row: Fran Gioe, David Bartolino, Grace Evanko, Kelly Quinn, Chris Villa. Greg lane, Gene Dorr. Third Row: liz Scimeca, Maria Domate, Brian Barnock, Melissa Gursky, Wendy Scheidler, lynette Shinal, Heidi Kramer. Back Row: Mr. William Martin, Dana Hice, Kim Hansen, Beth Mihalko, Eric Schade, Denise Higgins, Pat Donnolly, Scott Elliot. Bottom/ COMPUTERS AND GAMES CLUB/ Front Row: Dane Amrich, Bruce Hornick, Scott Baldwin, Jim Evangelos, Ken Sickler, David Maurio, Mary Grey. Back Row: Eric Michel, Dan Belcea, Costa Sideridis, James Muccie, Ed Holub, Ted Durst, Steve Dembeck, Chris Sontag.

CPR: In Case Of Emergency Notre Dame High School continued its innovative development in 1985 with the inclusion of a CPR certification program. The instructor, Mr. Bill Martin, holds a B.A. in Physical Education and an M.eD. in Athletic Administration. He believes so strongly in CPR training that he remarked, "I honestly believe that CPR certification should be a requirement for graduation from secondary school." The CPR program at Notre Dame had thirty-two participants. It consisted of a six hour hands-on training session, a one hour written test, and a one hour practical test. Upon completion, participants received a CPR certificate good for one year with an annual review necessary for certificate renewal. The program grew out of Mr. Martin's Athletic Trainers Club, a service organization boasting forty student members. In addition to assisting Mr. Martin on the field, the club members received an informal education. Mr. Martin instructed the students, and they met monthly at pizza dinners to hear various health services personnel speak. The club, with its emphasis on fitness and service, is a tremendous asset to the Notre Dame athletic community.

Top left: A SENSE OF TtMING/ liz Scimeca counts her strokes as Kim Hansen, Natasha Braswell and Sue Basara observe carefully. Bottom Center: A BREATH OF LIFE/ Frank Simms learns to count and time his breaths. Bottom Right: STUDY IN CONCENTRATION/Dana Hise, Franchesca Gioe, Mrs. Anderson and Heidie Kraemer observe the technique of a student demonstrator.

In The Public Interest Publicity Club The Hibernian The Young Republicans The Young Democrats


Top Left/ PUBLICITY CLUB: Front Row: Claudia Vinci, Allison Simonetti, Ann Marie Keefe, Stacey Grupinski, Beth Ardery, Danielle Rotondo. Second Row: Veta McDonald, Melissa Rullo, Lorie Johnson, Cheryl Paglione, Natalie Coniglio, Charise Hovan. Back Row: Christine Klosinski, Kelly Cottrell, Megan Gavin, Amy Cunningham, laura Mattes. Middle/ THE HIBERNIAN: Front Row: Anthony Pirozzi, Ann Marie Eschelmon, Vicki Conn, Jeanae Goubeaud, Cheryl Paglione, Lisa Glockner, Francis Phan, Danielle Rotondo, Scott Baldwin, Henry Mazurek, Frank

Simms, Daniel McGuiness, Thomas Cody, Kharl Alinea, Arthur Mateos, Carla Salewski, Maureen Jennings. Third Row: Scott Rauscher, Edward Krupa, Ginger Gryl, Heidi Harendza, Dana Hice, Christine Decker, Lisa Hartmann, Cor ina lmmordino, Michael Topchik, Christine Fiori. Back Row: Moderator Mrs. Sheila Gavin, Mike Tritt, Christopher Hart, Matthew McGrath, John Rooney, Vincent Mangini, Ted Panajeotou, John Gominiak, Charles Thorne, George Cortesini, Jim Muccie, Moderator Mrs. Eileen lang.

Step Right, Step Left With the cessation of conflict in Southeast Asia in 1973,. the United States saw a marked decline in the political activity of its youth. The turbulence of the sixties, with its emphasis on activism and social change, gave way to the complacency of the seventies, a period of relative political disenchantment. Many young people, indifferent to the political process, turned their energies inward. Their interest in political expression languished. However, with the arrival of the clearly demarcated political philosophy of Ronald Reagan in 1980, the country began to witness an upsurge in youthful political activity. Happily, this change in attitude was reflected here at Notre Dame with the creation of two new clubs, The Young Democrats and the Young Republicans. Moderated by Mr. Gatto, the Young Democrats are comprised of an interested group of young people who seek to reestablish the traditional agenda of the Democratic Party. Their bi-monthly meetings were concerned with issues such as the long-term viability of the Social Security System, the role of education in American life, the importance of social welfare programs, and the economic concerns of small investors. The club, according to Mr. Gatto, was a logical reaction to the conservative drift of. the country. He remarked, "We align ourselves with what we consider the traditional democratic values. We ask ourselves where would we be without the com-

passionate social programs of the 路last fifty years, legislation which was largely sponsored by the Democratic Party." Club members are wary of what they see as the inward focusing of many young Americans; they reject the free market beliefs of many young republicans. They feel these beliefs do not speak to the needs of the broad spectrum of Americans. In ad_dition to their meetings, Mr. Gatto invited a. number of local politicians to speak to the group. On the other side of the hall, literally, Mr. Keefe held court with his Young Republicans Club. The purpose, according to Mr. Keefe, "was .to give students a better understanding of government." Although comprised of independent thinkers, the Young Republicans generally support the conservative, free market beliefs of President Reagan. Mr. Keefe worked hard to establish the club, and he provided me路m bers with the opportunity to hear stimulating speakers. They capped their activities with a March visit to the State House in Trenton. This political awakening is another facet of Notre Dame's continually expanding extracurricular agenda. We welcome these new clubs, and the opportunities they provide for our young men and women to voice their concerns about the political process. In the task of preserving democracy, informed citizens are the best weapons.

Page 150/T op Right/ YOUNG REPUBLICANS CLUB/Front Row: Don Watson, Kristin Smith, Chris DiGuiseppi, Chris Herrick, Deborah Burnett, Kelly Quinn, Karen Giorno, George Cortesini. Second Row: Pat Donnelly, Jennifer Thoma, Jane Thoma, Jackie Bransfield, Chris Fiori, Maria Domante, Kelly Clark, Susan Rhodes. Third Row: Ed Bleacher, Greg O'Lone, Brian Smith, Jeanne Mattei, Tricia Krupa, Jackie Canepari, Jennifer Kakstis, Mary Siedlarczyk. Fourth Row: Mario Romano, Ed Holub, Matt Cantwell, Chris Schroeder,. Dave Krisak, Stephanie Flores,-Michelle Scott, Chris Hogan, Carla Salewski. Fifth Row: Henry Mazurek, Kevin Buckner. Maria Kniesler, Pam Hart, Jeff Gervasio, Joe Constance, Ted Durst. Sixth Row: Chris Prophett, Mike Tritt, Jack Gominiak, Chris Hart, Greg White, Jennifer Goeke, Chris Maziarz, Pat

Perella, John Eitzen, Mike McKee. Back Row: Scott Rauscher. John Rooney. Len Velucci, Paul Szekeres. Karl Liedtka, Charles Thorne. Page 151 I YOUNG DEMOCRATS. CLUB/Front Row: Lisa Salmestrelli, Tina McStravick, Gina Aquilino, Sue Molnar, Amy Sparagna, Anthony Martillotti, Kate Heitzman. Maureen Connolly, Laura Persichilli, Michelle Burns, Joyce Bert an. Second Row: Caroline Klepper, Judy DiMemmo, Joe Suosso, Joe Emde, Pete Barlow, Kathy Dorr, Kellie Malloy, Courtney Ravenel. Charise Hovan, Hugh Burgess. Third Row: Pete Nolan, Tom Cook, Rocco Genovesi, Gina Sapnar, Danielle DaBronzo, Bill Sanford, Greg Jones, Tim Holland. Back Row: John Lyons. Anthony Corrado, Chris Thomas, Scott Marone, Bob McGrath, Rob Rogers, Todd Goehring, Dan Connolly, Keith Young, Keith Kemo, Kevin Micharski.


Deadlines And Commitments What Notre Dame organization has no star player, competes in no all-star game, wins no trophies yet is a vital member of Notre Dame's extracurricular family? This seemingly paradoxical question finds its resolution in the Notre Dame Canticle office. Here, all Notre Dame activities combine for the common good of the school. They enhance the schools multidimensional image as they take their place in a permanent record of the school's history. The nature of yearbook work is very different from sports and other clubs. The effort and commitment required from Canticle staff members is not confined to a particular season, but rather extends throughout the school year. Preparation begins in the summer as the actual outline of the book takes shape. When we return in the fall, staff members begin a process whereby they must meet deadline after deadline, a stressful


process in which 52 pages must be prepared for submission to the publisher. There are five deadlines in all, and with the passagt:: of ~a~h, the staff sees their }deas mature into tangible evidence. lastly, in the spring, the planning and execution of those ideas reach their culmination with the printing and distribution of the book in June. The fact that the yearbook is an ongoing process with only a momentary period of recognition tends to camouflage its importance. A well constructed yearbook is more than a compendium of photographs with space for autographsJ on the contrary, it is a meaningful record of memories, achievements and written history concerning a year in our lives. To achieve this purpose, a good yearbook staff must be dedicated and willing to forfeit the public recognition afforded other activities. lisa Tani, Editor

Page 15l/ Center Left/ JUNIOR CONSULTANTS: Natalie Coniglio and Jolanda Szskeres brought the junior section to life. Center Right/ THERE ARE NO WORDS: Moderators Ms. leoniec and M~ . lelii continued to surpass all expectations. Bottom left/ ARTISTIC JUDGEMENT: Denise liedtka and lisa Hartmann discuss picture selection. Bottom Right/ TOOL OF THE DEVIL: Kerriann Feeney spent hours on our ill-fated index software. Page 153/ Top left/ EXPOSED: Photography editor Amy Lettiere prepares captions for final deadline. Top Right/ BUT WILL IT CROP? Megan Murphy searches for the perfect snap. Center/ HEART AND SOUL: Editor-inChief lisa Tani, flanked by junior editor Allison Gifford and staff member Monica Varia prepares last minute layouts prior to the 4th deadline. Center Right/ JOINT VENTURE/ Corina lmmordino and Mary Siedlarczyk assisted ably in a variety of production specialities.


Let's . Hear It For

The Band!

Page 154/T op/ SALUTE TO THE BAND: Field conductors Tom Miller and Kim Zuccarello. Bottom left/ SASSY BRASS: Front Row: Rick Singleton, Pete Downey, and John lake. Back Row: Kelly Malloy, Brad Good, Pat Marshal, Kevin Pultorak, and Fred Fares. Bottom left/ FLASHY FLAGS: Front Row: lora Hammerstone, Captain Jeanne Goubeaud, and Sangeeta Bhojwani. Back Row: Charlotte Zimmers, Carla Colletti, Karen Sciandra, Kristen Ziolkowski, Cheryl Fuzes, Malikah McKnight. Page 155/Top/ PULSATING POMS: 154

Front Row: Captain Karen O'Keefe, Captain Beth Chmiel, and Jeannie Faltum. Middle Row: Kirsten Zita, Kim Gutowski, Beth Woody and Chris Arnold. Back Row: Judy Wlazlowski, Christal Blakeley, Maureen Carter, and lisa Franklin. Top Right/ SHOTGUN APPEAL: Melinda Scott, Captain Denise Mulligan, and Barbara Regina. Middle left/ THE PROUD PERCUSSION: Marie Maiuro, Pete Downey, Karen Bock, Bill Sanford, Roger Hsaio, Kim Zuccarello and Phil Alia.



Page 155/Bottom Left/WHISTLING WOODWINDS: Front Row: Charise Rogers, Lisa Kostecki, Karen Bock, Beth Sopko, and Kim Stackhouse. Middle Row: Sharon Kubiak, Chris Tanzola. Kim Chianese, Michele Mazotas, Ursual Rawls, Verena Kansog, and Joe Gronostajski. Back Row: Mike Mochari, Len Manzie, Paul Saccone, Chris Walton, and Eric Vieceli. Bottom Right/ FEATURED TWIRLER: Susan Kulak. '


Crowd Pleasers Although Notre Dame High School has always been noted for its athletic achievement, there is another Irish team which does not always get the recognition it deserves. The Notre Dame Cheerleaders, directed by Mrs. Peggy Miller, Miss Maureen Kelly, and Miss Pam Pirone is a finely disciplined unit composed of dedicated athletes drawn from all three upperclassmen levels. The squad is faced with many of the same daily responsibilities as our other teams. They must keep themselves in top physical condition in order to perform their grueling routines. Also they are required to practice daily, and to attend a host of athletic competitions. They proved their loyalty this year by supporting our varied teams through a multitude of regular season games, tournaments and championship competitions. Th~ Notre Dame Cheerleaders are an inspiration to fans and participants alike. They share in the joy of victory, and suffer the heartache of defeat.


Page 156/T op / INSPIRATION: Miss Pamela Pirone. second year coach of the JV Cheerleaders. Bottom/ VARSITY CHEERLEADERS/ Sitting: Jennifer Kakstis. Front Row: Jennifer Shirley. Stacey DaBronzo. Michelle Czyzewski, Elizabeth Carroll. Maureen Connolly. Patricia DeMaio, Kathy Abbondanza, Joy Bertan. Back Row: Dena Mastrosimone. Ann Marie Milazzo, Ellen McClain , Kate Heitzman, Camille West. Page 15 7 /Top Left/ SENIOR VARSITY CHEERLEADERS/ Clockwise from Left: Elizabeth Carroll, Ellen McClain, Kathy Abbondanza. Kate Heitzman. Maureen-Connolly. Michelle Czyzewski, Joy Bertan. Jennifer Shirley. Top Right/ JUNIOR MEMBERS OF THE VARSITY CHEERLEADING SQUAD/ Front Row: Dena Mastrosimone, Camille West. Back Row: Anne Marie Milazzo. Stacey DaBronzo, Patricia DeMaio, Jennifer Kakstis. Bottom Left/ JUNIOR VARSITY CHEERLEADERS/ Front Row: Erin Connolly, Sheri Inman, Kathy Castagma. Jill Lauinaitis. Theresa Smith. Back Row: Kim Hutchinson, Stacey Crucilli, Jennifer Busch. Marcie McDermott. Jill Pachuta. Bottom Right/ DOUBLE DUTY: Mrs. Peggy Miller combines her role as Guidance Office secretary with that of the Varsity Cheerleader Coach.


Flee The Surly Bonds Of Earth And Touch The Face Of God." Ronald Reagan January 28, 1986

Page 158/T op Left/ COLLECTIVE GRIEF: Teachers Miss Donna Dovgala, Mrs. Roberta Anderson, and students Courtney Ravenel and Kyle Me Govern were at a loss of words as they read about the shuttle disaster. Center Left/ WITH ALLEGIENCE . . . Saying the pledge at the service are Father Joseph Hughes, Miss Mary Ann Liptak, Scott Pullen, Monica Varia, Amy Cunningham, Henry Mazurek, Chris Fiori, lisa Tani, and Gina Sapnar. Bottom/ IN MEMORIUM: THE CHALLENGER CREW: Back Row: Ellison Onizuka, Christa McAuliffe, Greg Jarvis, Judy Resnik. Bottom Row: Mike Smith, Dick Scobee, Ron McNair. Center/ A HEARTFELT MESSAGE: The Notre Dame message board reflects our collective wish. Page 159 / THE POWER AND THE SPLENDOR: A prior Challenger lifts off in an impressive array of NASA Wizardry. 158

Turn, Turn, Turn ... With Pete Seeger's famous musical adaptation of Ecdesiates, Chapter 3, Notre Dame faculty members Mrs. Mary Ivins, Mr. Michael Dennehy, Miss Ellen Lomax, and Mr. Tom Shaw introduced our i....,..ationaJ tribute to the ill-fated pioneers who perished in the Challenser explot Their gentle harmony set the tone for a varied program which provided tuderit and faculty alike an opportunity to vent their feelings of k and l'ief ov thi inexplicable tragedy. Father Hughes read the familiar, yet profound refrain: There i 1 tine for every affair under heaven. A time to be born, and a time to die .. . A time to kill and a time to heal ... a time to tear down, and a time to build. A time to weep. and a time to laugh ... A time to seek, and a time to lose ... A time to be silent and a time to speak. A time to love, and a time to hateJ a time of war, and a time of peace. All who attended this somber ceremony were moved by the timele ness of these words, and the attendant images of the recently fallen astronauts. As a community, we grieved for the loss of one of our own, Mr • Christa McAuliffe, a teacher who literally reached for the stars and found instead a permanent place in our hearts. As Americans, we mourned the deaths of ix genuine heroes, men and women who represented the very best in the pioneer¡ ing tradition of this country. And finally, as individuals. our hearts were touched as we thought of the children, spouses, and parents left behind. The tragedy reminded us of our blessings, of the bounty of our own lives. It also served, however, to remind us of the fra1ility of those lives, the tenuous nature of our existence. Nothing is certain but change.

Turning Heads In varying degrees, there is a need in all of us to be recognized, singled out as unique. For some, this desire finds expression in athletics, academics, service or hobbies. For many fashion provides the medium for this expression. Many girls here at Notre Dame differentiate themselves through a myriad combination of trendy, individualized hairstyles, outfits and accessories. In 1986, hem lengths began to creep downward, a reminder of the cyclica nature of fashion. Paisley, a perennial favorite, reasserted itself in a medley of brightly colored coordinates. "Fishnet" sandals also made a statement in '86, as did bright, floral patterned handbags, "Swatches" continued to dominate wrist fashions, offering a seemingly endless variation of colors and styles. Perhaps the most dramatic change was in hairstyles. New to the N.D. hallways were the "spiked coiffures", an outgrowth of British musical influences in the early SO's. Some girls opted to shave the side of their heads, creating a dramatic statement. Regardless of one's reaction, it is important that we appreciate the individual expression of others. Within limits, N.D. affords students the opportunity to differentiate themselves with a flair.

Top/lHE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME: Junior Ellen Bentz, Nancy Leopardi, Michele Bogda and Kristine Fless are among the many ND students who have opted for a more dramatic change in hairstyle. Left/WHAT GOES UP MUST COME DOWN: Dress lengths have greatly diversified in the 'SO's; however, the tight fitting, mid-calf length skirt is making its way back into style and is particularly popular among many NO women like Sophomore Susie Hurdt and Senior Vanda Soldati. Right/PINPOINTING THE FAVORITES: Wearing the traditional jean jacket, Senior Paula DiMarco adds a new touch by attaching a few of her favorite pins.


Top/ PREPPY POWER: Equipped with full length coats, turtleneck and plaid scarf, seniors Pamela Pfeifer and Ann - Marie Hannawacker sport the traditional but eyecatching preppy look . Middle Left/ STYLE 'S IN THE BAG: Senior Denise Amrich keeps up with the - trends as she carries her floral canvas purse. Middle center/ COKE IS IT!: Coca-Cola Clothes like the ones senior Michele Czyzewski wears are designed for a simple but stylish look . Middle Right/ and Bottom Left/ FANCY FOOTWORKS: Shoes have also become a primary fashion concern and are now available in a variety of trendy styles. Paisley, a style popular in the '60's, has been reintroduced in both clothing and footwear . Bottom Right/ DOES ANYONE HAVE THE TIME?: Senior Kim Topper displays a few styles of the popular Swatch Watch.

, , -~路

Top / THE VARSITY SQUAD/Front Row: Bill Kenney. Mike Tritt, John Eitzen, Mario Romano, Pat Scanlon. Mike Evanko. Joe Emde. Second Row: Chris JactJbs. Chris Maziarz. Tom Quinn. Garth Coccia. James lake. Todd Goehr ing. John Ballard. Craig Weng. Mr. Charles Moore. Head Coach. Third Row: John Bacovin. Anthony Martillotti, Rob Rogers. Sean Sheppard. Jesse Jackson, Blaine Berrien. Rob Gordon, Tom Ciffelli, Dan Connolly. Mr. Boyle. Defensive Coach. Back Row: Mike McKee, Jerry Wargo, Karl liedtka. Bob Geronemo, John Pluznyk, Keith Young. John Sgro, Eric Tessein. Mr. Frank Gatto. Assistant Coach.


They leave As Winners This year was a special one for the Fighting Irish Football Team. It began under a considerable cloud of speculation as to whether the team could follow the winning footsteps of previous squads. The Irish (who knew better than anyone else) took it upon themselves to dispel the doubts. They shared CVC title honors with the Ewing Blue Devils, and they also made it to the state championships. Although they lost in the first round to Bishop Ahr, superlative performances were turned in by running backs Chris Jacobs, Chris Maziarz and Tom Quinn, all appearing for the last time in the N.D. Blue and White. Also in on the kill this season were senior standouts and cocaptains John Ballard and Dan Connolly, and Pat Scanlon. The dynamic defense of the Irish was ranked number one in the Colonial Valley Conference, giving up the least yardage in the league. This impressive record was a reflection on the defensive leadership of assistant coaches Mr. Boyle, Mr. Gatto and Mr. Anderson. The offensive unit accumulated its own set of stunning statistics. They were ranked the number one offensive team in the conference, a tribute to the offensive inspiration of Mr. Chappy Moore and his offensive coordinators Mr. Jaroni and Mr. Sgro.

The 1985 season is best remembered for the two stunning victories over arch rivals Ewing and Trenton Central. Both games bore witness to the vast effort N.D. expended preparing for the contests. Though the score in the Ewing game was .26-0, the victory for the Irish was hard earned. Notre Dame was all out to prevail in the Trenton game, 11-8. Both games attested to the character of the N.D. squad. In the latter contest, played in a constant downpour, the Irish hung tough, defeating the tornadoes on a last second field goal by co-captain Dan Connolly. Praiseworthy performances this past season were turned in by Pat Scanlon, who finished his two year career as starting center for the Irish. John Bacovin capped his career by accounting for II Irish touchdowns, and Jim lake graduated with 19 receptions to his credit. The squad graduated key seniors Mike Evanko, Chris Hart, Todd Goehring, Rob Rogers, Joe Emde, Anthony Martillotti, Eric Tessein and Keith Y'?ung whose talent and leadership will be sorely missed. Not to worry though: you need only look to Mr. Moore's superb record (73-.24-1) for assurance that the Fighting Irish will continue the winning tradition in '87. Dan Huslin

Page 164/ left / CELEBRATE/ Dan Connolly and Andrew Baltar are jubilant after .26-0 romp. over Ewing. Bottom left/CHANGING PLACES/ Ron Wilson and Steve Tackus walk off as J.V. offense prepares to strike against Ewing. Center/ THEY ALSO SERVE ... Victor Zuczek, Rich Zola, Jim Burrows and

John Pluznyk watch the varsity destroy Ewing. Page 165/ Above/ON A DIME/ Junior Garth Coccia turns the corner behind the blocking of N.D.'s varsity offensive line in the victory over Ewing. 165

Top/ BUFFALOES ON THE RUN: Tom Ciffelli. Eric Tessein and Dan Connolly stampede a Lawrence back. Bottom Left/ BREADBASKET: Garth Coccia sweeps left after taking the ball from John Bacovin's nimble hands. Bottom Right/ DOMINATION: Tom Ciffelli. Todd Goehring. and Andrew Balter surround Ewing's Mark Bivins after a loss. 166

Far Left / CONFERENCE CALL / Coach Chappy Moore. a ten year fixture at Notre Dame, confers with defensive strategist Mr. Bernie Boyle. Left/ 45., EXTENSION/ Jim Lake gets off a good punt in the 11-8 victory over Trenton. Center/ OPENING THE ALLEY/ Senior guard Mike Evanko opens the lane for Chris Jacobs in a victory over Ewing.

Page 167 / Left / JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL / First Row: Rich Zola, Victor Zuczek, Jerry Wargo, David Yousko. Kevin McDonald. Chris Firestone, Blaine Berrien. Second Row: Tony Gutierrez, Rich Hileman. Dermott O'Reilly, Steve Tackacs, Dan Huslin, Scott Besler. Jeff Lynch. Mr. Boyle, Assistant Coach. Third Row: David Farina, John Pluznyk, Rich Suth. Ernie Tkac, Chris Bowes. Ted Powers, James Toto, Bryan Jenkins. Back Row: Jay Marson, Matt Conti. Ed Bleacher. Dexter Johnson. Kevin Mooney. Chris Gresko, Tony Meadows, Mr. Gatto, Assistant Coach.


The Luck 路 Of The Irish Is Hard Work Once again, Mrs. Koschek and Mr. Perone carried on the Irish tradition of producing champion soccer teams. It may seem as though this year's soccer success was due to the luck of the Irish. On the contrary. it was based upon the determination and effort of all players. 1985 was a fantastic year for the boys' and girls' teams alike. When dfscussing the season with Mrs. Koschek and Mr. Perone, they both agreed that at the beginning of the year, they thought that it would prove to be a "rebuilding one." In previous years the talent on both teams was truly impressive. but they lost a great deal of that talent due to graduating players. But to their pleasure, the athletes worked very hard and gave a hundred-and twenty percent all the time. Most important, they worked well together, which enabled them to be so successful. Although every game is very important to a team, the girls' had a number of vital games they had partaken in, especially against Ewing and Steinert. When the season came to a close, the girls had won many tournaments and titles, including: Colonial Valley Conference co-champs; Mercer County Champs; South Jersey,


group 4, Champs; ranked #I in South Jersey, and #3 in the whole state of New Jersey. The boys were also very successful this year. Although they didn't win any specific titles or tournaments, they managed to remain highly competitive, defeating such top teams as Christian Brothers Academy. Everyone had their own special talent which contributed to the overall success of both teams. Each coach cited key players who were a vital source to the team's play. Mrs. Koschek named Tanya Young, Dos Williams, Beth Ardery, Sue O'Donovan, and lisa Salmestrelli as the most valuable players of the Girls' Varsity Soccer Tearn. Mr. Perone noted lou Bucchere, Tom McQuade and Dean Goode as his vital players. When considering the success of both teams, it is apparent that the long hours spent at practice and games was time well spent. Megan Murphy

t'age 168/ Top/ THE GIRLS VARSITY SOCCER TEAM: Front Row: Lisa Ostrowski. Lisa Suosso. Stacy Kelmer. Gwyn Caldwell, Sue Nawrocik, Danielle Di Marco. Jill Branham. and Mrs. Koschek. Second Row: Gary lane, Michelle Maisto, Valerie Williams. Megan Murphy. Clare Ann Gallucci, lisa Ulrich. Joy Daly. and lorie Johnson. Third Row: Julie Martini. linda Roberto. Kelly Cottrell. Beth Ardery, Cherrie Kusek, And Dos Williams. Back Row: Stephanie Flores, Caroline Kleeper. Tanya Young. Lisa Salmestrelli, Judy DiMemmo, Tina McStravick. and Sue O'Donovan. Bottom left/ STARING DOWN THE FIELD: Co-captain. Sue O'Donovan intimidates the opposition. Bottom Right/ WITH QUICK REFLEXES : Cherrie Kusek takes control of the ball. Page 169/ BOYS VARSITY SOCCER TEAM: Front Row: Charlie Pollard, Jim Hutchinson, Charlie lorentz. Dave Keldsom. Joe Stanzione. and Dean Graziano. Middle Row: Joe Suosso, Tom McQuade, Pete Nolan. lou Bucchere. Frank Simms, Terry McNiff, and John Maessner. Back Row: Bob Hageman. levoy Bennett. David Carmignani, Mark Sciarotta. Tom Cook. Scott Downs, Paul Szekeres. Dean Good, and Brian Krisak. left/ PRE PARING FOR THE GAME: Michelle Maisto warms up on the sidelines. Bottom Right / WITH NO TIME TO WASTE: lou Bucchere prepares to pass

Page 170/T op left/ KEEPING AN EYE ON THE BALL: Jim Hutchinson uses his head. Top Right/ GROUP CELEBRATION: The team congratulates Dos Williams on her goal against Hightstown. Middle Right/ RUNNING WITH THE WIND: Danielle DiMarco takes the ball downfield. Bottom left/ RACING FOR CONTROL: Tanya Young races for the ball while lisa Salmestrelli looks on. Bottom Right! STRUGGLE FOR DOMINANCE: Charlie lorentz fights for possession of the ball. while his Hightstown opponent makes a determined effort to retain the ball.


Page 171 / Top/ BOYS JUNIOR VARSITY SOCCER TEAM Front Row: Jimmy Vazquez. Greg lane, David Keldsen. Bill Kelly . . Brian Barnock. Eric Degler. Scott Downs. Back Row : Bob Hoch. Joe Ryczkowski. Joe Franceschini, Joe Stanzione. Charlie lorenz. Keith Peterson. James Cladwell, Darren Herzstein. Charlie Thorne. Coach Jimmy Hines. Middle left/ HE NEEDS A SPACE: Joe Suosso tries to find an open teammate. Boltom Right/ USING HER HEAD: Joy Daly prevents giving up the ball to her opponents. Bottom left / CONVERGING FORCES: David Carrnignani. lou Bucchere. and Pete Nolan race for the ball. 171


Page 172/ Top/ IN PREPARATION FOR A VICTORY : Pete Nolan keeps the ball away from Trenton Central. Bottom left/ SUPPORTIVE TEAMMATES: Kelly Cottrell, and Tina McStravick congratulate Judy DiMemmo on her goal. Bottom Right/ WITH WIT AND STYlE: Dean Graziano prevents the ball from going out of bounds.

Alive And Kicking

Page 17 3/ Top left / HI MOM: Tanya Young waves to our photographer after a victory. Bottom/ WITH N.D. SPIRIT: The team prepares to meet and defeat their opponents. Top Right / GET IT STRAIGHT: Coach Perone directs his

team from the sidelines. Although plagued by ill health this year, Mr. Perone retained the same fiery commitment to excellence for which he is respected by his players.


Irish Boys Eclipse 16 Year Trenton Streak; Tanya's IOOOth Caps Girls' CVC Crown

With what has become startling regularity, the Irish basketball program continued its winning tradition in 1986. The girls won their third straight eve title in a dramatic victory over Trenton Central High, 53-46. Of special significance in this championship was the fact that Mr. Simone garnered his 200th career victory as varsity coach of the girls' team, an unprecedented feat here at Notre Dame. In addition, the girls qualified for the Mercer County Tournament. Mr. Simone, when interviewed, stated that this was a special team for him. "They exceeded all of my expectations. We approached our training differently this year, taking the girls along more slowly. Our intention was to insure that they were well grounded in fundamentals before moving into our system. The team matured a lot during the season, becoming an increasingly consistent team along the way. They were an intelligent team." This year's CVC champs were composed of a rotating schedule of 4 seniors, 4 juniors and 10 sophomores. leading scorers

Page 174/ Top/ BOYS' VARSITY BASKETBALL: Front Row: Ke ith Peterson. Jim Ashford . Paul Burroughs. Joe Iavarone, Statisticians Beth Chmiel. and Patti Conboy. Back Row: Ron Wilson, Deane Good, lou Bucchere. Chris Prophett, Tim Holland, Statistician Kim Babola. Bottom/ GIRLS' VAR SITY BASKETBALL: Front Row: Joy Daly. Stephanie Zielinski, Kendra Ernst. Middle Row: Beth Ardery. Kelly Cottrell. Trina Foy. Back Row : Jennifer Goeke, Tanya Young. Meg Gavin. Colleen Schmitt , Shannon Keenan, Karen Sickler. Page 175 / A BASKETFULL OF LAURELS: Two year Irish varsity starter Tanya Young was a ICXX) point scorer in addition to garnering All-County laurels. Page 175 / JUBILATION: Vice Principal Sister Mary Harold awards the team ball to senior star Tanya Young after her ICXX>th point. Tanya also lettered on the varsity girls' soccer team. 174

were Tanya Young. a I,(X)) point scorer, and Jennifer Goeke. Mr. Simone is quick to attribute much of his success to assistants Steve Sylvester, Anthony Zuccarello, and Joe Sogochi. The boys' team also had a successful season. They finished a respectable third in the CVC race, and qualified for the Mercer County Tournament. They compiled a credible 15-7 record against tough competition. Mr. Milinowicz boasted a well balanced team. Seniors Kevin Micharsky and lou Bucchere were leading scorers, but considerable scoring punch came from underclassmen Marc Celentano, Paul Bursin and Ron Wilson. The highlight of the season came with a stunning 48-41 victory over Trenton Central. The implications of the upset were far reaching according to Mr. Milinowicz. "This victory, which snapped a 17 game Trenton winning streak, helped establish parity in the eve. paving the way for a more competitive future."

Page 176 / Left / UP THE COURT: Captain and three year varsity player, Lou Bucchere, dribbles the ball up the court after Nottingham scored. Right / TIME OUT: Mr. Milinowicz discusses a new strategy with his players. Page I 77 / Left / JUMPBALL: Kevin Micharski opens the game against Trenton High. Top Right / PLEASE DON'T SHOOT: Ron Wilson. Chris Prophett , and Deane Good await the ball during an exciting game with Trenton High. Bottom Right / SLAM DUNK!: Senior Deane Good takes a jump shot as teammate Ron Wilson backs him up.

Page 176/ Bottom / BOYS' JUNIOR VARSITY: Front Row: Statistician Beth Chmiel. Jim Ashford . Bryan Jenkins, Rich Hutchinson. Matt Holland. Joe Iavarone. Statistician Patt i Conboy. Back Row : Ron Wilson. Keith Peterson, Carlo laverone. John Tullai, Tim Holland. Statistician Kim Babola. 176

Irish Boys' Network Takes Third Place

Coach Simone: Nine Seasons 200 VVins

Page 178/ Top Right / THE PLAN: Mr. John Simone diagrams the play as Varsity players Stephanie Zielinski, Michele Mazotas, Shannon Keenan, and Colleen Schmidt look on . Top Left / JUMPSHOT : Junior Meg Gavin goes for a baseline jumpshot at Trenton High . Middle Right / GET THAT BALL: Senior Trina Foy defends Notre Dame against Trenton High' s Sonya Pressley. Bottom Left / DEFENSE : Sophomore Joy Daly displays a tough defensive stance against Trenton High. Bottom Right / AVOIDING THE DEFENDER: Senior Jennifer Goeke prepares to drive past a Trenton defender.


Page 179/T op/ JUNIOR VARSITY GIRLS' BASKETBALL: Front Row: Adrienne Russin, Kim Royster. Debbie Micharski. Back Row: Sue Repko. Kate Flynn, Michele Mazotas, Dana Hice, Leah Persichilli. Bottom/THE BIG .200: Mr. Ardery congratulates Mr. Simone on his 200th win as Father Hughes, Kate flynn, and Sue Repko look on.

The Unseen Warriors There was a change in the Cross Country program this year, one which will likely influence the Irish Team for many years to come. Mr. Joseph Wroebleski, the new coach, brought to Notre Dame techniques and ideas which have a far reaching impact on the program. Though relatively inexperienced as a coach, he brought with him an edge which was an inspiration to all of the team members: he is an accomplished runner himself. When a coach actually participates in a sport, he creates an edge for himself and his team because he is better able to emphatize with the problems and obstacles faced by team members. Athletes feel a sense of unity with such a coach. Coach Wroebleski is a talent in this relatively unheralded sport. During his career at Trenton State College, he was the two time 800 meters collegiate state champion, and the school record holder in the 500 and 600 meters. With a track record like that, Mr. Wroebleski is destined to be a great coach.

Page 180/ RACING TO FINISH: Senior Helen Rebbeck finishes her cross country run in school record time. She was a four year starter. Page 181 I All OUT TO THE WIRE: Team leader Bridget Conboy qualifies for finals. left Center/ HELPFUl HUGS: Freshman Dave Christ ian gets a heartfelt response after he qualifies for a meet. Top Right/ SENIOR SUPPORT: Seniors Beth lloyd and Greg Hughes wait on the sidelines to cheer on incoming Irishman during a meet at Notre Dame. Center Right/ IN A CLASS BY HIMSELF: Irishman Matt McGrath holds the lead as the Irish defeat the Hightstown Rams. Bottom Right/ DISTANCING THE FIELD: Senior Tammy Kazlowski is all alone at the finish.

The entire team developed the discipline necessary to make the season a successful one for the Irish. They practiced an average of two hours a day, seven days a week. As a result, their season was a memorable one. Coach Wroebleski had some second thoughts early in the season because he was not sure how the team would respond to a new coach. However, his doubts were disspelled. He enjoyed the experience tremendously, and felt that the team responded well to the new direction. Mr. Wroebleski began a new tradition involving the senior members of the team. They went out to dinner, and each member received an appropriate award for their talents. The Irish ended the season in record setting fashion. The girls posted a record of 8-3, while the boys finished 12-5. In a fitting conclusion, Mr. Wroebelski was named CVC Coach of The year.

leaving In Style The Notre Dame Varsity Winter Track Team strutted all the right stuff this year. making Mr. Genovesi's last year of coaching a successful one. down after a nine year tenure as head coach, "Mr. Geno" leaves behind a memorable legacy. His insistence on excellence, his devotion to his athletes and his uncompromising work ethic make him a difficult act to follow. He will be missed. The girls sported an impressive record of 8-2. They finished second in their league, supported by key runners Helen Rebbeck, Michelle Day, Bridget Conboy and Carrie Prophett. Sophomore Laura Mattes was cited as most improved by Coach Wrobleski. The highlight of the season was their participation in the prestigious Meadowlands Invitational. Only six Catholic schools in New Jersey were invited, and Notre Dame had the distinction of finishing fourth overall. The boys' team compiled a respectable record of six wins and four losses, finishing third in overall CVC competition. Coach Wroebleski cited victories over Highstown and Ewing as season highlights. Both teams cited Trenton, Princeton and Steinert as the toughest competition on the circuit. In addition to Mr. Genovesi and Joe Wroebleski. the team is ably coached by John Jester and John Richardson. Karen O'Keefe

Top Right/ CHARTING A COURSE: Winter Track coaches Tony Genovesi and Joe Wrobleski review times at the Meadowlands Invitational. Center Left/ WORLD CLASS: Coach Wrobleski poses with World Record holder and Gold Medal Sprinter Evelyn Ashford. Center Right/ FLUSHED WITH ADRENALIN: Anxious to compete. N.D. stalwarts Helen Rebbeck. Carrie Prophett, Clare Ann Gallucci, and Bridget Conboy wait in the Meadowlands paddock area. Bottom/ THE VARSITY TRACK TEAM: Front Row-Debbie Carrozza, laura Mattes. Ann Marie Hannawacker, Kris Belmont. Michelle Dey. Second Row-Debbie Mahon, Clare Ann Gallucci. Candace Kemo. Lori Lee Berish. Charlene Binder. Back Row-Arnesia Arnold. Bridget Conboy. Caroline Klepper, Ellen Bentz. Tammi Kozlowski. Coach Jester.



Top left/ THE BOYS' VARSITY TRACK TEAM: Front Row-Keith Kemo. Craig Coffey, Scott Elliot, Joe Emde, Hugh Burgess, Gene Dorr. Middle Row-Jim Caldwell, Dan Randolph. Tim Heitzman, Mike Rumac, Brian Smith, Joe Heitzman. Coach Joe Wroebleski. Back Row-Anthony Chukemba, Chris Ramus, Dave Klosinski. John Mattei, Dan Lynch. Sean Barry, Robert Reali. Center/ BODY ENGLISH/ Tim Heitzman barely clears the bar in Mercer Invitational. Center Right / PASSING THE BUCK: Carrie Prophett takes the baton en route to victory in the Womens' State Relays in Princeton. Bottom Right/ A PIVOTAL STANCE/ Jim Caldwell lets fly the shot at lawrenceville Prep's Field House. Jim tossed the shot 39 feet.

Major Breakthrough If you want to succeed in the army, you go to West Point. If you want to investigate the mysteries of the universe, you join the space program; and , if you want to be victorious in field hockey. you join the Notre Dame Varsity Field Hockey Team. Under the direction of Coach Barbara Major, the Irish completed a highly successful '85 campaign. The pre-season hope of Mrs. Major was to replace some key people lost to graduation, and to be competitive in CVC competition. The team surpassed these expectations. They jelled as a unit, a scrappy team of workers. There were no shinning stars: rather, their success was a team effort in which each girl contributed. For this reason. the team had a special chemistry. Coach Major cited the MCT tournament game in which Lori Stoy scored with three seconds remaining to defeat Princeton Day School as one of the most exciting games in her career. She also had fond memories of Notre Dame's victory over Neptune, avenging last year's tough defeat. Perhaps the most critical game of the year was the contest with Hopewell in the Mercer County Finals. The players found out that they should never give up. They repeatedly came back,

Top / VARSITY FIELD HOCKEY TEAM/ Front Row: Stephanie Nix, Rosanna Dovgala. Alison Brady. Pam Hart. Jennifer fava. Jacqui Canepari. Katherine flynn. Gina Sapnar. Back Row: Sr. Carol Jaruszewski, Kendra Ernst. Kara Schermerhorn. Debra Radigan. Doreen Walsh. Elizabeth Simms. Jennifer Goeke. Cathy Schroth. Susan Brady, Sharon Sobon. Gina Aquilino. Lori Stoy. Christine Fiori. Mrs. Barbara Major. Bottom / TAKING THE CAKE : After winning "Coach of the Year" award. Mrs. Barbara Major celebrates with a cake given to her by her team.


even though they eventually lost. This mental toughness distinguished the '85 squad. Their record was 18-3, the best in school history. When asked how she would remember the team, Mrs. Major shared these thoughts: They were special. They had a lot of fun, and they always pulled together. She thinks of herself in a variety of roles as a coach: teacher, mother and friend, especially to the graduating seniors. All State recognition was garnered by Jennifer Goeke and Sharon Soba. An extra special honor was awarded to Coach Major for her outstanding contribution to the game. She received the Trentonian's coach-of-the-year award. Her initial reaction to the honor was in a word, "surprise". She savore": the selection because it was made by Jim Davis who know .~ ~he sport, and has covered it for as long as Mrs. Major has coached. Father Hughes, speaking for the entire Notre Dame communi路路 ty, said he was very proud of the recognition and honor earned by Mrs. Major. Though she hated to see this very special season end, she is already anxious to begin the '86 campaign. lizanne Wnek

Top/ PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT: Practicing before a game, Gina Sapnar takes a shot on goal which is saved by goalie Doreen Walsh. Middle Left/ THANK GOD FOR WATER: Sophomore Kendra Ernst refreshes herself after an exhausting game. Middle Right/ VARSITY ROOKIES: Varsity team members Kate Flynn, Beth Simms, Jacqui Canepari, Kara Schermerhorn and Alison Brady look on as their teammates gain control of the ball. Bottom/ JUNIOR VARSITY FIELD HOCKEY TEAM: Front Row: leah Persichilli, Jennifer Chido, Christine King, Adrienne Russin, Kerry Balerna, Stasia Thompson. Back Row: Tanya Serpikov, Kelly Clark, Leslie Gorman. Susan Stine, Denise liedtka. Elizabelh Seidenglanz. Patricia Conboy. Jane Kelly, Jodi Bartoli no.


Racketeers . This year, Notre Dame's Girls' Tennis Team was under the direction of a new coach-Mrs. Patricia Smith. Although she was a novice at coaching, she has taught privately on and off for many years. She considered herself very fortunate that the first team she coached was so talented. In her own words, " . . . the most unique thing about our team was that everyone was good. We had depth." It was that depth, plus a lot of hard work, which won the Tennis Tearn the Colonial Valley Conference, and earned them second place in The Mercer County Tournament. Although the 1985 season was a valuable learning experience, it also brought personal joy to all those involved with the team. The team possessed a fantastic spirit which helped them work as a team, not only on the courts but also off. In celebration of various victories, the girls were given a pizza party hosted by their parents at T.J.'s in lawrenceville; Mrs. Smith had a dinner catered at her house for the girls and their parents; and they went to dinner in Freehold another time. By the time the season was over, Kathleen lambert, and Kiev Matwijcow were named to the All-County Tearn, while Janet Delorenzo, Maureen Jennings, Megan Albano and Maryann Sollami were named Honorable Mention by The Trenton Times. Some of the players weren't the only ones recognized for their efforts. Mrs. Smith was named Coach of the Year by The Princeton Packet and the Trenton Times. Although she will be losing three of her best players this year, she remains optimistic, ''I'm excited and enthusiastic. I always expect the best." With her positive attitude, Mrs. Smith is destined to be the coach of many successful teams. Megan Murphy

186 176

Page I 86/T op/ GIRLS TENNIS TEAM: Front Row: Janet Delorenzo, Cheryl Paglione, Chris McCarthy, Kiev Matwijcow, Suzanne Basara, Megan Albano, Mrs. Patricia Smith. Back Row/ Susan Kaslander, Kathleen Lambert, Michelle Scott, Maryann Sollami, Maureen Jennings, Stacey Morley. Bottom/ SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TAKE YOUR EYE OFF THE BALL!: Sophomore Cheryl Paglione hams it up during tennis practice. Page I 87 /Top Left/ HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT: Junior Chris McCarthy, Notre Dame's top ranked girls tennis player, exhibits the winning form that earned her that spot./ Top Right/ SENIOR RACKETEERS: Front Row/ Kiev Matwijow/ Back Row/ Maureen Jennings, Mrs. Patricia Smith, Maryann Sollami/ Bottom Left/ Mrs. Smith's dedication shows through as she gives her team some pregame strategy .j Bottom Right/ HIT OR MISS: Junior Stacey Morley prepares to return a shot from the oposing player.

I.,. A

Page I 88 / Top left / A FliNG FOR SPRING: Debbie Sosna defies the law of gravity in her aerial routine on the balance beam. Top Right / PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT: He1d1 Kramer. captain of the team and ten year student of gymnastics. polishes up her routine on the beam during practice. Middle / STRETCHING TO THE liMIT: Marlene LoBiondo warms up before a competition. Bottom Left / A CHALLENGING STRUGGLE: Sophomore Chns Decker gets a lesson in back walkovers from coach Pica during practice at Mercer Gymnastics. Bottom Right / DANCIN' WITH STYLE: Senior member Evelyn Rodriquez enthralls her audience with a combination of gymnastic skills and dance. Page 189/ Top/ THE 1985-86 GYMNASTICS TEAM: Front: S. Wood. Coach Pica . Back: D. Sosna. C. Decker, M. LoBiondo. J. Gaffeny. M. Margicin. E. Rodriquez. D. Lee. S. Cambell. H. Kramer. K. Fless. Missing: A. Bubinski.


Changing Our Routine Notre Dame's athletic department welcomed its newest member this year with the creation of the gymnastics team. The twelve member squad was directed by second year math teacher, Mrs. Nancy Pica. Mrs. Pica has had a long association with gymnastics, both as an athlete and coach. Her formal gymnastics training began at the age of eight, and her varsity career consisted of four years at Indian Hills High School, and four years at Trenton State College. After her graduation in 1981, Mrs. Pica began coaching the Washington Township Jets, a private gymnastics team. From There she moved to a position as head coach for the Hamilton YMCA. a responsibility she retains to this day.ln 1984, Mrs. Pica came to Notre Dame and laid the groundwork for the 1985 debut. By any yardstick, the Irish gymnasts had an impressive campaign. Their first year record in varsity meets was 5-.2. Additionally, four girls qualified for sectional competition: Debbie Sossna, Jennifer Gaffney, Sharon Campbell, and Kristen Fless. The teams' success was an honest one. The girls practiced every day from .2:30 until 4:30. In addition to the routines, Mrs. Pica demanded a grueling conditioning program. Mrs. Pica is excited about the prospects for the 1986-87 campaign. She is returning all but two varsity competitors. Asked to appraise the initial season, Mrs. Pica responded, "The girls were a hard working, dedicated group, They supported one another, and the spirit was high. I enjoyed both my teaching and my coaching, and consider the year an unqualified success."


Talent To Spare The Notre Dame Keglers took a giant step forward in their sophomore season. The boys' team logged in with a record of 25-23, a substantial improvement over last season's sub 500campaign. The girls, while less successful at 19-29, still showed dramatic improvement over last year. Collectively, the team garnered a 4th place trophy in the 14 team lower Bucks league. The Irish bowlers use the Colonial lanes in lawrenceville as their home lanes. Head coach Mr. Steve Schultz sees a committed and enthusiastic spirit building in the program. High averages for the season went to Rob Ferri at 175, and Kelly Gorman at 155. The highest single games were turned in by laura Snare, 220 and Rob Ferri, 225. The high point of the season was a one pin victory over tough Pennsbury, a team that had beaten the Irish 4-0 on the first match of the season. Kevin Zola won the match with an 8 on the final roll, providing a giddy climax to a successful season.

Top Right/THE BOWLING TEAM: Bottom Row: Mr. Schultz, S. Suth, L Snare, M. Scavo, K. Gorman. Second Row: R. Zangrilli, K. Zola, P. Hoast, K. Zuccarello, K. Cox. Third Row: F. Andrusiewicz. E. Holub. J.lanni, R. DiMemmo, P. Zangrilli. Top Left/STRIKING A PERFECT POSE: Co-Captain Pete Zangrilli practices at the Colonial lanes in lawrence. Center/BODY ENGLISH: Co-Captain Kelly Gorman held high average among the girls with a 157. Bottom Left/STEADY ED: Mr. Schultz cited junior Ed Holub for his consistent play. Bottom Right: FRESHMEN POWER: laura Snare posted the highest game of the year for girls when she rolled a .2.20.

.Pinning Their Hopes The 1986 Varsity Wrestling Team posted a competitive 5-S record in CVC competition. Head Coach Gary Dambro, in his 18th season as the N.D. Pilot, called the team " ... a closely knit group. The kids helped each other in the gym with their moves, and they socialized well off the mats as well." The top competitor for the Irish in 1986 was Scott Pullen, compiling a 17-1-1 record in the 148 pound class. Also contributing to the Irish cause was heavyweight John McDonald, who posted a 10-6-1 record. Mr. Dambro cited perennial foes Voorhees High School and Hunterdon Central as the toughest competition on the schedule. However, the highlight of the season was a tough decision over conference rival Ewing High School. The wrestling team lost 4 seniors this year, so they will return a relatively seasoned group in '87.

Top/ THE VARSITY: Front Row: Coach Dennehy, Jim Simon, Charles Schroeder, Todd lynne, Dan Sullivan, Mike Bedard, James Vazquez, Coach Lynne. Back Row: Scott Rauscher, Scott Baldwin, Pete Nolan, Scott Pullen, John McDonald, Scott Marone, Jim Toto, Jim Evangelos. Head Coach Mr. Gary Dambro. Center/ TOUGH COMPETITION: Sophomore Jim Vazquez struggles with his Ewing opponent. Center Righti ST ALEMA TE: Scott Marone ties up his adversary. Bottom / JUNIOR VARSITY: First Row: Coach Dennehy, Fred Fares, Chris Firestone, Tom Cody , Mike Peloquin, Mike Estok, Coach Lynne. Second Row: Brian Byard, Ted Varga, John Reavey, Ted Pangeotou, Jim Muccie, louis Picone.


A Medley Of Style Top / SWIMMING TEAM : Front Row/ Amanda Cannon. Kelly Giquinto. Jenni fer Magson, lisa Zaffarese, Michelle Piffath. Randall Reed. Karen Sciandra. Jeanne Goubeaud, Kelly Malloy. Kim Hansen. Robin Ernst. Eric Michel. William Gavigan, Mike Connelly, Coach. Second Row/ Beth Seidenglanz. Joan Cook, Denise Barret, Arthur Mateos. Dana Gilman, Brad Good. Christine Reger. Cheryl Fuzes, Mary Charbonneau. Cathy Schroth, Steve O'Brien, Joanna Johnson. Back Row/Matt McGrath. Dean Micale, Tom Roche, Jim Constantine, Pat Perrella. Gary Christensen, Mike Reger. Steve Spinaldi, Joe Ruberto. Kevin Serafin. Ginger Gryl.


Page 192 / Cenler/ HOME FREE : Freshman Bill Gavigan touches the wall after a good time in the 500 yard freestyle . Bollom left / DETER MINATION: Senior Kathy Schroth, a two year veteran. was a confident and determined performer for the Irish. Right / A PERFECT TEN: Sue Basara turns in a near perfect dive in the West Windsor Plainsboro competition. Page 193 / Top Left / SYNCOPATED RHYTHM: Joanna Johnson practices for endurance at the Mercer County Pool. Center / IN FORMATION : All county swimmer Kathy Schroth and Deruse Barrat join the fray at the beginning of a 200 yard freestyle competition.

This year 's N.D. Swim Team ended a good season under the direction of Head Coach Mike Conlin, Assistant Coach Tracy Keenan, and Diving Coach Jennifer Perone. The boys' team finished with a 6-6 record, improving from last year 's 3-7 campaign. The girls ended with a 4-7-1 record. During this, the swim team's third year, Mercer County Community College was the site for practices and home meets. The '87 team will lose vital seniors Cathy Scroth, Joan Cook,

Karen Sciandra, Denise Barret, Mike Reger, Kevin Serafin, and Pat Perrella. Returning will be high scoring juniors Mary Charbonneau, Aimee Sandham, Beth Siedenglanz, Art Mateos. Returning divers include Suzanne Basara, Amanda Cannon, Steve O'Brien and Gary Christianson. Coach Conlon foresees an improved Irish squad in 1987. Robin Ernst


In only their third season, the Notre Dame Ice Hockey team established themselves as a force to be reckoned with in Mercer County competition. They entered the Mercer County Tournament as one of the top seeds and came away with the championship trophy. This year's tri-captains were Tom Demers, Jay Marson and Bob Magrath. Chris Barcless, a freshman, established a team first with a four goal effort against Tom路 s River South. Additionally, the team posted an 187 record in eve competition. Two faithful fans of the Irish Skaters were Mr. Wood and Mrs. Phyllis Garrison, whose brother, Anthony Palombi, plays for the Irish. Mrs. Garrison demonstrated her support by giving vigorous pre-game pep talks to the team. It is clear that Ice Hockey has captured the imagination and spirit of the Notre Dame community, firmly ensconcing itself in the litany of Notre Dame sports.

Page 194/Center left/THE NOTRE DAME ICE HOCKEY TEAM/Front Row: Tom Phan, Tony Palumbi, Tom Demers, Chris Barcless, Scott Janora. Second Row: Dave Bentivogli, Mike Topchik, Marc Nelson, Joey Caggiano, Chris Hahn. Third Row: Kevin Cullen, Pat Marshall, Jay ludwig, Mike McKee, Erik Christiansen, Bruce Brown, Scott Delorenzo. Back Row: Pete Nelson, Jay Marson, Chris Schnieder, Matt Conti, Kenny Zorovich, Bill Beitel, Bob McGrath. Top Right/FREE FORM/Chris Schnieder maneuvers the puck in neutral ice against Tom's River South opponent. Center Right/HIGH FIVE/Chris Schnieder and Mike Topchick celebrate Chris' goal off a scramble. Bottom Right/COAST TO COAST /Pete Kelley. Bill Beitel and Joey Caggiano race up ice in an attempt to clear the puck from South territory. Page 195/HAT TRICK PLUS ONE/Chris Barcless prepare to score one of his four goals in a 6-1 Irish victory over Tom's River South.




3 0 I I I I I 0 I 2 0 0 2 0 I I I I 0 I


5 2

Hamilton Ewing Hightstown Steinert McCorristin West Windsor lawrence Hopewell Nottingham West Windsor Princeton Hamilton Princeton Ewing Highstown Ewing Steinert Hightstown Holy Cross Cherry Hill East Morris Knolls



Hamilton Ewing Hightstown lawrence Steinert West Windsor lawrence Hamilton Hopewell Valley Nottingham Hun Princeton Hamilton Trenton Ewing Hightstown Steinert Trenton Bishop Ahr Christian Brothers St. Joe's Prep



I 4 4 I

3 5 6 5 4

3 I 0 2 I 0 2 0

s s s

5 6 2 7 2

3 6



2 2

0 2




4 2

3 I I

3 0 4 4 0 0 7 4 4

3 2 I 0 7

3 I



7 0 0 0 19 21




ND Hamilton Steinert Nottingham McCorristin Ewing Hightstown lawrence Trenton Bishop Ahr West Windsor

41 IS

35 59 26 41 41 II 6 0




72 24 35 49 21 2S 55 0 55 45 19 34

ND South Hunterdon Voorhees. Hillsborough Hamilton West Windsor Ewing lawrence Hightstown Hopewell Valley Steinert Nottingham Princeton Trenton

27 0 45 24 IS 33 34 12 70


19 42 23

0 0 I 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 I I 0 0 3 0 0 I 0 I

ND Hamilton Ewing Stuart Country Day Hightstown Steinert West Windsor lawrence Hopewell Nottingham Steinert Princeton Hamilton Princeton Day School Ewing Hightstown Hopewell Steinert East Brunswick Hightstown Neptune Cumberland

5 2 3 3 I 3 2 I 3 2 I 2 2 I I 2 3 3 2 I 0


14 44 50 51 49 39 36 40

44 61 42 32

37 29 19 39 29 57 70 41 32 46


ND Neshaminy Hunterdon Central Trenton Archbishop Prendergast Shawnee Hamilton Ewing Hightstown Steinert Trenton McCorristin West Windsor lawrence Hopewell Nottingham Princeton Hamilton Ewing Hightstown Steinert Wildwood Catholic Trenton

63 51 48 55 75 67 63 70 45 64 44 62 62 72 81 84 62 69 45 48 42 53



51 48 56 45

Neshanimy Plainfield Dobbins Tech Shawnee Hamilton Ewing Hightstown Steinert Trenton McCorristin West Windsor lawrence Hopewell Valley Nottingham Princeton Hamilton Ewing Hightstown Steinert St. Rose Trenton Hightstown


61 61 40

67 60

51 47 44 61 62 63 63 59 51 42 41 61

73 64 39 53 44 47 59 63 56 63 50 70 62 59 79 72 46 61 65 61 48 71


5 6

3 7 7 6 4 4 3 2 I I

2 I

5 4 0 I

5 3 OTHER VARSITY RECORDS Sport Win-loss Record

I 7

Toms River South Hopewell Valley Toms River South Toms River North Toms River East Hudson Catholic Hopewell Valley Toms River East Tottenville lawrenceville Prep Academy of New Church lawrenceville Prep Hightstown Steinert Hightstown Hopewell Valley lawrence High Xavieran Steinert lawrence High Hun Princeton Day School Hun Hun Pr.inceton Day School

ND 6 2 5 4 3 4 8 6

3 6 3 6

3 6 8 3 II 4 8

12 9 4 6

7 5


SWIMMING Boys: Girls:

6-6 4-7-i



12-5 8-3


6-4 8-2

2 0 0 2 0

25-23 19-29

3 0




2 0 I




Montgomery Trenton lawrence Hamilton Ewing Stuart Hightstown Steinert W. Windsor Trenton Nottingham Princeton Hamilton Ewing Hightstown Stuart

ND 3 5 4 5 4 3 5 5 3 5 4 2 5 4 4 3



Alexander, Marianne Ames, Alice Angarone, Michele Antonelli, Ernest Aquilino, Frank Ardery, Beth Arnold, Arnesia Arnold, Christine Baffuto, Gabriel Baggitt, Timothy Baldwin, Scott Bangle, Dawn

Baratelli, Paul Barowski, Christine

Welcome Additions To A change of environment is a difficult time in anyone's life, but when it happens in high school it can be especially painful. Joining a firmly established class, with a defined structure and joint personality can be an uphill battle. Nevertheless, fifteen students engaged this challenge as incoming members of the junior class. The quickest method for assimilating themselves into the mainstream was to simply get involved. Dave Keldsen, a transfer from St. John ViAnney High School, met many people by playing soccer here at Notre Dame, and participating in night choir. Gina Tomassetti, who transferred from McCorristin, secured a niche for herself by obtaining the role of Sally in our Small cast musical, "Snoopy". Gina, also an accomplished dancer, participates in Notre Dame's after school dance, drama and vocal music classes, as do fellow new students Joseph Shiarappa and Greg Nawrocik. In addition, Ximena lobbosco, who formerly resided in South America, joined our ranks.

Bedard. Michael Beitel, William

We, the class of 1987, would like to extend our welcome to these students and their fellows: Dawn Bangle, Arnesia Arnold, Christine Barowski, William Ritter, Jennifer Sow a, Glenn McClain, Constantine Sideridis, Salvatore DiMeglio, Paul Baratelli and Stacey Mignone. Maria Kniesler

Bentz. Ellen Besler, Scott

Bhojwani, Sangeeta Bishop, Edward Blaschke, Daniela Bleacher, Edward Bogda, Michele Bogdan. Judith



Borges, Nicole Bowden, Eric Bowser, Kelly Brades, Kelly Bransfield, Jacquelyn Braswell, Natasha

Brown, Brian Brown, Bruce Buckner, Kevin Burgess, Robert 路 Burnett, Deborah Burrows, James

Caldwell, James Calianese, Suzanne

Canepari, Jacqueline Cantwell, Matthew

Capogna, John Carter, Carla

Casamento, Dawn Casamento, Tina

Casey, Brendan Cassidy, Patricia

Castiello, Michael Cerrone, Louis Cerrone, Stacy Charboneau, Christine Chemidlin, Laura Chiorello, Cynthia 201

Who Is Your

Chnstensen. Erik Christensen. Gary

Ask any Junior you meet what the highlight of the year is and they will respond, "the prom." In December, the Canticle staff composed a questionnaire, asking students for their opinions about the ideal prom date, method of transportation and favored post prom spot. In answer to the first question, the girls responded by naming Rob lowe first, and Tom Cruise second. For the guys, Christie Brinkly was first, followed, romanticaJiy enough, by their own girlfriends. Almost everyone agreed that a stretch limo was the ideal mode of transportation. When quizzed about their post prom plans, most juniors thought an elegant late meal at the Hyatt would be best. In another vein, the majority of juniors said they would take their dates home to meet their parents. As for formal wear, pink, and white were the year's popular colors, while the guys opted for the traditional bla<;k and white. The overall excitement of the prom season is perhaps, most evident in the faces of dapper juniors Carey Oshel, and Chris Prophett (right) as they pose in distinguished tuxedo wear from Cohens Tuxedos.

Chrysoulakis. George C1fell1. Thomas

C 1nllo. C mdy (irranello. Anthony

Clark. Kelly Garth L'-"~nrglio. NataJie C'-'~~ta.

Conn. Vtctona Constance. Joseph Contt. Matthew Cortesni. George Cottrell. l{elly Cryan. Daniel

Da Bronzo. Stacy Danek. M1chael Davison. John De Feo. Joseph De Lorenzo. Scott De Maio. Patricia

De Sandre. Amy Demers. Thomas Derry. Tara Di Biagio, Sabrina Diguiseppi. Christina Di Memmo. Robert Dimeglio. Salvatore Domante. Maria Donnelly. Patrick Dovgala. Rose anna Downs. Scott Drake. Elizabeth



' Prom Date? Durst, Theodore Easterling, Lisa

Eitzen, John Elliott, Mark

Ent, Kenneth Erndl. Sheila

Eschleman, Thomas Etgen. Lawrence Evangelos. James

Everett, Matthew Falvo, Marcello Farina. David Fava, Jennifer Fiori, Christine Fischer. Elizabeth

Fitzpatrick, Sean Flamer, David Fless. Kristin Forconi, Andrea Foster, Kathleen Gaffney, Jennifer

Gavin, Lisa Gavin, Megan Geronemo. Robert Giordano, Mary Beth Giudice, John Gladwell, Tracey

Glerum, Sandra Glock, lisa Gominiak, john Gonzales. Carlos Gooseman, Kim Gorman, Kelly Anne 203

Greco, Robert Groffie, Margaret Gryl, Virginia Gutowski, Kimberly Haller, Gina Harris, Brian Harris, Edward Hart, Pamela Heitzman, Timothy Herrick. Christine Herzstein. Darren

Jenkins, Kimberly Johnson, Carl

Johnson, Joanna Jones, Melissa

left: HELPFUL HINTS from junior driver Vicki Conn for Jolanda Szekeres, who will be licensed in October of her senior year. Page 205 : DON'T LOOK NOW : Mr. John Archer instructs a ~ervous Denise Higgins. 204


Kakstis , Jennifer Karousatos. Cheryl Kaslander. Susan Keefe, Annemarie Keenan, Shannon Keldsen. David

Kelly. Jane Kilkenny . Kathryn Kite. Rose Kniesler. Maria Kocsardy. Jennifer Kostrzewa , Barbara

Kovich. Yvonne Krisak , Brian Krueger . Melissa Krupa. Edward Krupa. T ricia Kuczykowski . Eva

Kusek. Cherrie Lake. John Lambert. Kathleen Lane, Gary Langere, Lynette Lear. ~ynthia

On Wheels Lee. Donna Lee. Sung

"I can't wait until I drive; only eleven more months and five days." These and similar sentiments echo through the corridors daily. Ever since their sixteenth birthday, they have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the special day. As it approaches, they start their combat training, getting ready for the automotive combat that awaits. However, the memories of their childhood years spent futilely trying to ride a tricycle haunt them. The trouble begins when they receive their licenses. The fabulous dream has pitfalls. The new drivers suddenly become the "popular ones". At night they go to bed with choruses of,"Can you take us home?" ringing in their ears. First cars are rarely the cream of the crop. Take Garth Coccia's car for example. It is an antique Mustang, characterized by huge rust spots over most of the car's surface. There are fortunate students, however. Some get to take the family car out for an occasional spin. One day we will all join the millions of licensed drivers on the road. We will experience all of the wonderful things that happen to them: accidents, tickets, and of course. fender benders. But, until this day arrives, those who are not fortunate enough to drive will have to wait patiently, begging for their daily rides. Jolanda Szekeres

Leopardi. Nancy Liedtka. Karl

lobbosco, Ximena Lombardi, Erin lyons, Jennifer Maessner, John Magyari. Sherri Mahon, Debra Mannion, Kelly Manzie, leonard Marchetti, Michael Margicin, Marlene Marshall, Patrick Marson, James Martin, Sherri Martini, Julia Martorana, Teresa Mastrosimone, Dena Mateos, Arthur Mattei, Jeanne

No Pain

~"• Joseph Maz.i..-z, John

McCarthy, Christine McClain. Glenn

McCormick, Michael McDonald, Rjta

Every season has it's share of casualties. And this fall season, at Notre Dame was no exception. Among the Juniors hurt were: Dan Huslin, Jenn Lyons, John Maessner, Chris McCarthy, Jay Penney, and Mike Tritt. These injuries were, in some ways due to the fact that these athletes outdid themselves in their respective sports. Jenn Lyons, a JV girls soccer player, injured her knee in a game against Steinert. After recovering from this injury, her knee was reinjured in a practice which had her sitting the bench for the rest of the season. The season was also cut ~hort for John Maessner, a Varsity soccer player. During the CBA State Tournament, John suffered from a reoccuring knee injury: This prevented him from playing in the final game of the season. However, he was able to participate in later games with the Mercer Sixty-Niners Winter Traveling Team. Also this season, Chris McCarthy, a member of the girls Varsity tennis team, had some bad luck. She sustained pinched nerves in her lower left arm, back and neck in a tennis match against Hamilton. Despite this injury, Cbris finished out the season. Dan Huslin, a Varsity football player, twisted his knee at a practice. This injury left him on crutches for the rest of this year's season. Mike Tritt, also a Varsity football player, was speared in the back while playing in a game against Nottingham. This put him on the sidelines helping with the plays instead of running them. In addition to our injured athletes, Jay Penney was no exception. Jay, in a game against Steinert, encountered spinal contusions which prohibit him from playing football and wrestling again. However, he ¡ intends to help out with next year's football team. But Ahhh ~ the joy of victory and agony of DE FEETllllllll Chris McCarthy

McGee, Quinn McGrath, Matthew


McKee, Michale Mclaughlin , Melinda Meagher, Ann Mendoza. Ria Mete low, Alissa Michel. Eric

Mignone, Stacey Millazzo. AnnMarie Minutoli. Nicole Morano. Paula Morley, Stacey Muccie, James

Nalbone. Pamela Nalbone, Philip Nawrocik, Greg Nibbs. Angela Noblejas. Anna Novembre, Michael

No Gain

Novembre, Michelle Nutt, Jeffery

Nuva, Daniella O 'Brien. Stephen

O'Grady. Tom O'Keefe, Karen

O 'Lone. Greg O'Reilly. Kristen

THE RIDE IS NOT OVER YET: The injured juniors take one last ride together before handing in their elevator keys. All were injured while participating in their fall sport. These athletes are: (from top to bottom) Mike Tritt, Dan Huslin, Jennifer Lyons, Chris McCarthy, and John Maessner.

Okun. Melinda Oshel, Stephen


Ozolins, Mara Pachuta, Jill Padalino. lisa Palombi, Anthony Panfili, lido Paparella, Joseph Park, Hyung Peloquin, Marc Perrone, Dawn Pinkney, Casandra Pirozzi, Anthony Plumeri, Jennifer

Pluznyk, John Pollard, Charles Potocki, Maria Prophett, Christopher Pultorak, Kevin Pushman. Ctartis Radisan, Debra RandolptJ; Daniel Rauscher, Scott Ravenal, Kathleen Rtiodes, SuJan RiSelon, Christopher

Riter, William Rogers, Charise Romano. Mario Romanovic, Goran 'Rooney. John Ross~.l.isa

Ruberto. linda Rumac. Michael Ryan, Patrick Saccone, Tara Salewski, Carla Salmon, Christie Sanham, Aimee Sands, Leonard Schiavone, Debra Schnieder, Christopher Schroeder, Christine Schuldes, Felicia Schwab, Carolyn Sciarotta. Samuel Scimeca, Elizabeth Scott. Michele Seidenglanz, Elizabeth Senetra, Donald


Matches Made In IBM The idea for the junior computer dance originiated at a student government meeting. The thinking was that a dance for upperclassmen only would provide an opportunity for them to meet and mingle. Seniors were also involved, but since it was a junior idea, it was called the Junior Computer Dance. The student officers decided to investigate and see if it was possible to devise a program to match students. In so doing, they stumbled upon the fact that Mr. Hochschild had written just such a program five years ago The program was intricate, but managed to get straight to the point. Some of the questions were, "when do you like to date; where do you like to go; and what do you like to do". These are questions that we are often too shy to ask for ourselves. The cost of participating in the questionairre was fifty cents and it was deducted from the cost of entering the dance. The computer read-out matched entrants with three likely partners. It was impossible to match on a oneto one basis because of the odd number of students entered. Some very popular people who we would never think desperate entered the game. They were Miss Donna Dovgala, Mr. Greg Shafer and Mr. Frank Gatto. Natalie Coniglio Top/ DATUM DANCE: The computer matched up Mike Topchik and Kelly Clark. left/READ-OUT-REACTIONS varied, however, judging from Carla Salewski's expression.

Serock, Christian Sgro, John Shanahan, Colleen Shiarappa. Joseph Sickler, Kendon Sideridis, Constantine

Sikorsky, Amy Simms, Elizabeth Sly, Jennifer Smith, Brian Smith, Kristen Smith, laura


Sontag, Christopher Sootkoos, Paul Sowa. Jennifer Stemmer. lorri Stevens. David Sullivan, Meghan Suth. Sharon Szeka-es. Jolanda Tallone, Alison T~.

(:hr iste)pher Tardiff, -Dean Teula, Kelly

TherreJL- David

IhQmpson. Michael Thorhe, a.fes To~setti,

Gina Topcflik. Michael THtt Mic::hael Tr


T~. Lisa

f'ursi. Carol Tweed, Veronica Ulrich, James Valatka, Michelle Van Middlesworth, Rob Vieceli, Eric Vomacka, Pamela Walsh, Daniel Walsh, Doreen Watson, Donald


Page 210/ JUNIOR STUDENT GOVERNMENT OFFICERS: (front row) Camielle West, Michele Bogda, Miss Donna Dovgala, Anthony Pirozzi (back row) Mike Tritt, Arthur Mateos, Kathy Foster, and Dan Walsh. Page 211 I Miss Donna Dovgala, junior class moderator for two and one-half years.

Wedam, Kristin Weng , Craig West , Camille White, Gregory Williams, Dosiree

Willis, Cynthia Wlazlowski, Judith Wrobel, Suzanne Zangrilli, Peter Zawodniak, Anna

Zdanowicz, Carolyn Zita, John Zola, Kevin Zorovich, Kenny Zuccarello, Kim

Now We're Planning Proms, Choosing Rings Stepping into a room of Junior Student Government Officers in December, we noticed them in the process of wrapping Christmas路 packages. Their purpose was to instill additional spirit into the Christmas Cotillion. This is just one of the many tasks that they perform to buoy the spirits of the Notre Dame community. Their primary function throughout the year is planning, and implementing activities throughout the school year. Additionally, they assist the moderators in fundraising . Miss Dovgala, the junior moderator for the last three years. rates this year's group as extremely energetic and cooperative. They work earnestly in preparing various school functions . The officers were Michelle Bogda, Kathy Foster, Art Mateos, Mike Tritt, Dan Walsh and Camille West. Each of the reps are involved in various school activities, amount them: the Young Republican Club, Varsity Football, Cheerleading, Tennis, Gold and Koinonia. The job requires year round commitment. They begin in June with a three hour planning meeting. In it, they make arrangements for the upcoming year. The student government owes much of their progress to the cooperation of Mrs. Bev Kearns, the student coordinator for all levels. Vikki Conn

Page 212/T op Left/ BATTLE OF THE BULGE: Little Lotta Jolanda Szekeres weighs in for costume day. Top Right/ HALLOWEEN HUNKS: Chippendales Peter Zangrilli, Kenny Zorovich, Scott Downs, Mark Sciarrotta, and Charlie Pollard strut their stuff. Center Right/ SEE HOW THEY RUN: Meg Gavin, Kelly Cottrel, and Beth Ardery groping around as the three blind mice. Bottom / RABBIT IN A PUMPKIN PATCH: John Maessner poses with pumpkins Kathy Foster and Ronnie Tweed. Page 213 / Left/ PROTESTING PREPPIES: Linda Ruberto demonstrating against preppy wear. Top Right/ JUDGES: Mrs. Hage, Mr. Kelly, Fr. Hughes, Mrs. Ivins, and Mrs. Gavin. Bottom Right/ TOOTSIE TWOSOME: Kristin Wedam and Dean Tardiff reversing their roles for Junior Costume Day.


A Change Of Face The time was Hollows Eve. On a cold, threatening fall day, the class of '87 was transformed into a motley assortment of the bizzarre and unusual. Junior Costume Day, an annual event at Notre Dame, was both an aethetic and social success. Costumes ranged from walking laundry to feisty mermaids; from story land characters to simean imitations. Junior lunch, already considered a zoo, was boosted by the addition of alligators, zebras, and Brian Krisak's memorable shark. A competition was held during the junior lunch. Some of the judges were Father Hughes, Mrs. Gavin, Mrs. Hage, Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Ivins. Contest categories consisted of Best Group, Best Couple, Cutest and Ugliest. The first place prize in each category was a free prom ticket. Second place winners received half price prom tickets and Cotillion tickets.

Winners in the best couple category were Judy Bogdan and Missy Jones as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. The first place award for cutest costume went to Vicky Conn and Chris McCarthy. Ugliest winner was Dan Randolph. Jennifer Plumeri garnered first place for most unusual. The spirit at this affair was infectious. The preparation and care that went into the design of the costumes was apparent to everyone. Many students sewed their own costumes, and carefully coordinated their efforts with fellow classmates. The judges were hard pressed to distinguish winners, and most of the contests were extremely close. Notre Dame High School recognizes the importance of varying our routines occasionally, and the Junior Costume Day was an unqualified success. Natalie Coniglio


Blade Runners In an attempt to vary the social calendar at Notre Dame, Miss Donna Dovgala, junior class moderator, arranged for the junior class to hold an Ice Skating Party. The event took place on December 4 at Mercer County Rink. About two hundred and fifty Notre Dame students and guests attended the party. Refreshments were provided along with music. The interesting sideline to the party was that it preceded a Notre Dame ice hockey game against lawrence High School, which was won by the Irish IJ-0. According to Miss povgala, the evening was a big success. In her words, "the party was a pleasant alternative to the usual dances. Everyone skated, and the change of scenery was fun." Everyone commented on Miss Dovgala's graceful repertoire of ice dances, a talent she modestly refers to as average.

Top/ Miss Dovgala assists Mrs. Anderson's son Billy with his skates after a workout on the Mercer County Rink. Middle Left/ BY JUNIOR INVITA liON: The Junior-sponsored event attracted all levels; sophomores Jeannie Faltum and Leslie Gorman were among the 250 students attending. Middle Right/ SLIP SLIDIN' AWAY : Mark Sciarotta gives Scott Downs a helding hand. Bottom/ THE WARMTH OF FRIENDS: Juniors Carla Salewski, Matt Conti and Chris Fiori cuddle together by the fire to fend off the winter chill.


No Mere Formality One of the memorable functions of Notre Dame High School is the opportunity it affords its students to vary their everyday existence by participating in formal activities. The juniors take special pride in their annual ring ceremony, an N.D. tradition for twenty-seven years. Father Dennis celebrated a special mass in their honor, and then presented them with their cherished rings, symbols of their elevation to upperclassmen status. The event, held December II, was well attended by junior level faculty, who lent an air of solemnity to the proceedings. The evening ended with the joyful turning of the rings, a longstanding tradition. In another context, it has often been said that "clothes make the man".ln this era of eclectic fashion, it is contorting to note our students interest in formal attire. During the past year, tuxedo franchises reported record sales, particularly in the "Miami Vice" and "Dynasty" lines, this year's fashion standards. Here at Notre Dame, students relished their opportunity to dress in formal evening wear at both the junior and senior proms

Top/ VARIETY SPICES up the rings available to the juniors. The rings pictured here sport bowling and ice hockey engravings as part of the design. A greater choice of cuts and styles are available now than in years past. Middle/ PUTTING ON THE RITZ: Juniors Jolanda Szekeres, Carey Oshel, Jennifer Plumeri, Chris Prophett, Mindy Okun and Brian Krisak are joined by Mr. Sal Bruccoleri, owner of Cohen's Tuxedo Shop in Trenton. The Dynasty and Miami Vice lines of formal wear made a final choice for the Junior Prom even more difficult for the spring of '86. Bottom/ TURN, TURN , TURN: Juniors Elizabeth Fisher and Suzanne Calianese turn each other's rings in the quest for Magic Number 87.


Aldrich, Tonya Alia, Philip Angarone, Joi Arias, Marcella Arnold, Aric Ashford, James

Babola, Kim Raczynski, Mary Balerna, Kerry Balik, Danielle Barca low, Scott Barnock, Brian

Barry, Sean Edward Bel速a. DanV.tefttin Beel, Dawn 'Betmont, Krmina


Bla'tely. Cryjtal Bleakley .. Linda Bonfanti Jo.Jeph $'1iwski, athleen Bowes, ~bfistopher

ltady~ Alison

Byard, Brian Calderone. Stella Campbell, Sharon Canulli. Karyn Caponi, Todd Carey, Lynne

Carfagno. Peter Carmignani, David Carozza, Deborah Carrubba. Andrea Carter, Maureen Carter, Stephanie 216

Animal Magnetism

On Blue and White Day 1985, the sophomore class demonstrated they they had definite 'animal magnetism'. In fact, their assigned theme was, "Animal House". Though many homerooms drew their inspiration from the movie of the same name, others worked variations on the theme. Mr. Martin's first prize winning homeroom did an "Animals on the Farm Skit" which was hilarious. Mr. Dennehy's charges created a frat house, replete with rambunctious 'brothers'. Other notable skits included Mr. Boyle's 'worm eating students',

and Peggy Lynch's parent-student dichotomy.ln the latter case, the room was divided so that 'parents' were seen on one side discussing their childrens' scholarly activities while at college. On the other side, however, judges were treated to a display of the more raucous side of life. During the concluding pep rally, the cheers from the sophomores were deafening, a proud demonstration of the spirit of '88.

Mr. Boyle's homeroom, IOL, conclude their animal antics with a traditional. frantic cheer. Earlier. in a demonstration of unity. they had. dined on 'worms'

Toga Clad sophomores Denise liedtka and Chris King pose prior to the judging.

Carter, Tinette Cassidy. Stacey Castagna, Kathleen Celentana. Marc Celmer, lisa Chapman, Rpnald

Charbonneau, Mary Chianese. Kimberly Chiantese. Christie Chido, Jennifer Chmiel. Elizabeth Christianson. Holly 217

Sophomores tPop' Chrysoulakis, Elli Chukumba, Stephen Cierniak, Bozena

In a joyful celebration of spirit and concern. the sophomore class of 1986 participated in a lollipop sale prior to the Christmas holidays. The purpose of the sale was twofold, according to class moderator, Mrs. Mary Ivins, "We wanted the sophomores to tangibly demonstrate their spirit, and secondly, we wanted this gesture to benefit charity."

Cieszkowski, Robert Cifelli, Rosanna Cody, Thomas

Commini, Chrhtopher Conboy, Patricia ConnoUy. Erin

Connolly. Jennifer Constantine. James Cox, Kimberly

Crawford, D vid CrucUi, Stacie Cullen, kevin

Cunningham. Amy Daly. Joy De Lorenzo.. Janel De Marco, Deborah Decker, Christine Degler. Eric Dell, Kristie Dey, Tracey i Memmo, Joseph

Dill. Shannon Dipietro. Susan Dombi, Eileen Dorr, Eugene Driscoll. Jennifer Duffe, Catherine 218

Sophomore class representatives Carie Prophet and

With Spirit The sale was the idea of the sophomore class officers. The 'pops', priced at 25¢, were sold at lunchtime. The sale raised $150, which was presented to Bishop Reiss in an effort to help relieve world hunger. The project demonstrated that students can have fun while voicing their concerns about larger world concerns.

Duhamel, Geraldine Dzieminski, Stephen Dziubek, Thomas

Edwards, Kristen Egloff, Jason Elston, Carl

Emmett, Kathleen Erdie, Patrick Erndl, Charles

Ernst, Kendra Eschelman, Annemarie Estelle, Pamela

Fairlie, Timothy Faltum, Jeannine Farkas, lauren

Farrior, Jocelyn Feeney, Kerriann Fennimore, George

firestone, Christopher Fischer. Eric Fish, Adriene Flynn, Katherine Fog, Carolyn Fontanazzi, Samuel

Franceschini, Joseph Frangione, Suzanne Franklin, Lisa Franks, Walter Fuhrmann, Jennifer Gallucci, Clare Ann 219

Gorman, Brian Gorman, leslie Graziano. Dean Gresko. Christopher Grosso, Terri

Home Bodies The sophomore homeroom reps seem to be forgotten when we talk about sophomore student government, but the homeroom reps are a great asset to our class. This year the homeroom reps had a big part in the magazine drive. They were in charge of collecting money and order slips from their homerooms. and giving out prizes at the end of the drive. They were also involved in Sophomore lollipop Day. They gave out the lollipops and messages to their homerooms. The homeroom reps are involved in many


other things. including the Christmas candy cane sale. The homeroom reps function under the guidance of their student government officers and class advisor Mrs. Ivins. Together they organize all sophomore fundraisers and activities. We owe the sophomore homeroom reps and student government members a big hand for all their hard work. 路 Debbie Dimarco

Grupinski. Stacey 路 Gutierrez. Abdel Gutierrez. Anthony Guzman. Eric Haller. John Hansen. Kim

Hardiman. Megan Harendza. Heidi Hartmann. lisa Havardansky. lynn Haymond. Faith Heinz, Karen

Helper. Scott Herdt. Susie Hice. Dana Hileman. Richard Holland. Matthew Holloway. Angelique

Homa. Robert Hopewell. Janet

Horgan. Elizabeth Huggins, Donald

Hutchinson. Kimberly Hutchinson, Richard

Ianni, James Iavarone. Carlo Page 220/SOPHOMORE HOMEROOM REPRESENTATIVES FRONT ROW: G. Dorr. B. Barnock. S. Calderone. S. Grupinski. T. Smith. C. Goehring. J. Franceschini. MIDDLE ROW: M. McGuigan. J. Haller. J. laurnaitis. B. Woody. H. Harendza. K. Feeney. J. Nix. P. Kelly. P. Alia. BACK ROW: T.C. Nelson. J. O'Connor. D. Rotondo. J. Delorenzo. M. Celentana. S. Thompson. l. Vrancik. P. Saccone. Page 221 /SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS SITTING: Patty Conboy. STANDING: Carrie Prophett. Lori Berish. Stephanie Nix. Steve Chakumba. leslie Gorman. Sophomore class advisor is Mrs. Mary Ivins.

lmmordino. Corina Inman. Sheri 221

The Group That Lives in Infamy: Top/ Fred Knott, Marc Celentana, Kyle Smith, Don Huggins. Middle/ George Fenmoor, John Haller, Chuck Schroeder, Dave Carmignani, Dean Graziano. Bottom/ Ed Pattik, Rich Zola, Vic Zuczek.

Innocenti, Jason Jackson, Jesse Je ins Bryan Johnson. Dexter Jo~Lorie

Jonet, Amy

Jonei. Omar Joy, Beth Kase w, Robert Kelley, Peter Kelly, William Kemo, Ciftcfice

Kenney, William King, Christine Klosinski, Christine Knott, Frederick Kochell, Megan Kovacs, lisa 222

. The Peanut Gallery Our sophomore lunch would not be the same without the infamous Peanut Gallery. The Peanut Gallery is a group of guys nick-named this by Mr. Kelly, because of their troublesome antics during our lunch period. Some of the members of the Peanut Gallery include Kyle Smith, Victor Zuczek, Dennis Sheehan, Don Huggins, Rich Zola and John Haller. At the end of each week, they give out the Peanut of the Week Award. Two of the winners of this "high honor" were Kyle Smith and Rich Zola. Just recently added to the Peanut Gallery was a new member-Dave Carmignani. The Peanut Gallery is something all sophomores will remember from now until we graduate.

Kowalski, Micheal Kubin, Dianna

Kusmierczyk, Elizabeth Kydonieus, Demetrios

Debbie De Marco

laarz. Jonathan Lachapelle. Tracey

lai, Yvoane lane, Gregory

The Peanuttiest of Them All: Sophomores Don Huggins, Kyle Smith and Marc Celentana. larkin, Keith Larue, Andrew

Lauandos, Melissa Laurinaitis, JiU Lechliter, Cathrine Leipzig, Francesca Leonardis, Christine Lewis. Christina

liedtka, Denise link, Scott Lockwood, Richard Lombardo, Lori Lorentz, Charles Loving, Tina

lutz, Kathleen Lynch, Jeffrey Macarone, Peter Maisto, Michelle Maiuro, Edward Martin, Kelly 223

Mattes. Laura Matthews. Melisa McCann. Denise McDermott, Marcie McDonald, Kevin McGee. Brett McGuigan. Michael McGuiness. Daniel Me Laurin, Nicole Me Mahon. Kelly McManimon. Brian Me Manimon, Toni Meadows, Anthony Micharski. Debra Mitfiaeci, Mi~hele

Millalcik. Jill Mihalko, Elizabeth Milotzar, Kimberly

M y. Kevin Muchinic. Sharon Munyak, Mithelle Murphy, Bernadette Murphy-. Megan Natale, John

NelfOft, Terrance Nietchmidt Julia Nix, Jennifer Nix. Stef'hanie

Norman, MarceUinus Nuva, Sharon O'Connor. Jennifer O'Donovan. kevin O'Reilly. Dermot Ortiz, Wanda Pac.Uiino, fllomena Paglione. Cheryl

Palsir. Amy Panajeotou, Theodore Panzitta. Thomas Pattik. Edward Peetoom. Heleen Persiehilli, Leah

Peterson. Keith Picone, Louis Piffath, Michele Power, Theodore Prophett, Carrie Reali, Robert


Reavey, John Repko, Susan Ridley, Sonya Riggi, Nick Rivera, Sandy

Robak, Lori Rogaczewski, Todd Rogers, Anne Romano, Michelle Rotondo, Danielle

On Her


Danielle Balik manages to make the most of every waking moment. This ambitious and disciplined sophomore awakes at five-thirty to catch the bus for Notre Dame from her home in Millstone. After a full roster of classes, she leaves at J.:07 sharp for the return trip. She is then driven to New York where she is a student at both the New York City Ballet School, and the American School of Ballet. Additionally, she studies with the Philadelphia Pennsylvania School of Ballet in Philadelphia. Danielle is intent upon a career in the rarified world of competitive ballet. She performs both in New York and Philadelphia. This past Christmas she performed in 路 the Philadelphia Academy of Music production of Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker".


Hats Off To The Spirited Sophomores •

The Sophomore class this year demonstrated their unlimited spirit through numerous social functions. One event which was especially successful was "The Sophomore Hat and Shade Day." like previous classes, we wore hats that were so imaginative one had to see them to believe such hats even existed. We altered this tradition somewhat by adding sunglasses or "shades" to make our appearances complete. All sophomores had the opportunity to take part in this activity, and some were recognized and received prizes for their extraordinary hats and shades. Although all sophomores didn't win prizes, everyone who participated in the fun was considered a winner. Megan Murphy

Rowley, Jennifer Royster, Kimberly Ruberto, Joseph Rullo, Melissa Runsdorf, lisa Russin, Adrienne

Ryczkowski, Joseph Saccone, Paul Sagarese, Peter Salava, Carl Santiago, Gail Sauvage, Janet Schadt, Denise Schaeffer. Chris SchaUmloeffel, Robert Scavo, Marianna Schermerhorn, Kara Schroeder, \;huck

Schwartz. Kara ¡ Scott, Bobby Scott, Melinda Scotto, Brian Sech, Kristine Seiler, Kirsten


SOMETHING STRANGE THIS WAY COMES Sophomores showed boundless creativity in the creations presented on Sophomore Hat and Shade Day. Sitting/ John Haller. Kneeling/ Anne Rogers. Second Row/ Dave Carmignani, Victor Zuchek, Stacey Crucilli, Deborah De Marco, Lisa Franklin, Holly Christianson and Tom Dzuibek. Back Row/ James lamni, Joe Franchescini, Keith Peterson. Jesse Jackson, . Chris Decker, Paul Saccone. Page 226/ MADHATTERS Kim Chianese, Joy Daly and Lori Johnson.

Serpikof, Tanya Sheean, Dennis Shin, Hyun Shroyer, Brandi Sickler, Karen Simon. Susan

Simonetti, Allison Singleton. Richard Sirak, Kristin Siwczak, Michael Slatina, Sandra Smiley, Candis

Smith, Dione Smith, Dolores Smith, Kyle Smith, Theresa Smith, Tracey Sobolewski, Kimberly

Sosna, Deborah Stack, Nicole Stanzione, Joseph Stine, Susan Striano, John Sullivan. Donald 227

New Kid Suth, Richard Tackacs, Stephen

On The

Block Takach, Michele Tanzola, Christina


lch, Mk_hael Tattoli, Tina

This year, a new face could be spotted intermingling with fellow sophomores. Her 路 name is Heleen Peetoom. She is a foreign student, originally from Holland. Heleen is not a stranger when it comes to traveling; in fact she has lived in various countries including Germany, Holland, Uruguay, and presently, the United States. Although she admitted enjoying living in Holland best, she has valued being a part of Notre Dame High School. When asked what she liked about Notre Dame best, she replied, "I like everything about it." Although Heleen does not know whether or not she'll be attending Notre Dame next year, she is happy she spent at least a year here, it gave her the opportunity to make many new friends. It was also a chance for us to make a good friend in Heleen. Megan Murphy

Tezsla, Alexander Thoma. :Jennifer

The Americanization of Heleen: Visiting student Heleen Peetoom considers art her preferred course of study. She spent the year as a guest of Cathy Lechliter. Heleen was fortunate enough to return to Europe for a visit during th~ Easter holidays. Thomas, Dana Th001pson, Stasia

Tilton, David Tilton. David Tkac. Ernest Todd. Ktlsti Toto, James Trani, Krista

Trippa, Vincent Trzaska, David Tullai, John Ulrich, Lisa Varisco, Eleanor Vazquez. James

Vidal. Mary Vinci, Claudia Vitagliano, Mark Vrancik, Laura Walker, Dierdre Wargo. Gerald


Wasielewski, Roxann Weingartner, Laura

Werger, Patricia Whitaker, Audra

Williams, Deron Williams, Jacinda

Williams, Valerie Wilson, Ronald

Wind, Benjamin Wlazlowski, Karen

Wojciechowski, Krzysz Wolff, Jacquelyn Wood, Sherri Woody , Elizabeth Wronsky, Suzanne Yash, Traci

Yousko, David Yuncza, Edward Zangrilli, Robert Zdanowicz, Virginia Zera, Andrew Ziegler, Catherine

Zielinski, Stephanie Zola, Richard Zoltick, Gail Zorn, Jennifer Zuczek, Victor Zulla, Christine 229

Abbondanza, Melissa Adams. Andrea Adams, Jermaine Albano. Megan Aldrich. Elisha Almanzor, Beatriz

Amari, Thomas Amatucci, lynn Amico, Samuel Amrich. Daniel Anderson, Erik Andrews, Eric

Andrusiewicz, Frank Angettni~eo

Antoci. tCaren B•jdalski, Dorothy Baker, Joseph Ba-:tfiekt. ~irdre Bangle. Sfleti

Bard6s, Christopher Barret, Elizabe"lh Barret, Katherine Barscz~ki, Usa Bart9lino. Oav1d

Bell, Christopher Benjamin, Zelena Bennett. r otfly BentivogJi. Davru Bergman, Oaig Betz. JQ herine

Binder. Charlene Black, Jennifer Bodine, Todd Bombery. Krista Bowling, Suzanne Bozek, Jo-Ann

Branham, Jill Bromer, Kimberly Brown. Michelle Buchanan, Dawn Burns, David Burroughs. Paul

Burzachiello, Michele Butler, Brian Butrym, Alexis Caggiano, Joseph Caldwell, Gwyn Calla, Scott


Campbell, Colleen Cannon, Amanda Caperna, Gregory Carey, An janette Carey, Thomas Carroll, Marisa Casais, Randall Casano, Vito Casey, Michael Castaneda, Emil Celli, Tina Charboneau, Jacqueline

And Now This Commercial Announcement

Meet Dan Amrich. This freshmen performer has already starred in a Campbell's soup commercial entitled "Schoolboys." The advertisement took a total of twenty-three hours to film, and was shown nationally. Additionally, Dan has performed at Bucks County Playhouse, Trenton Civic Opera, and Artists Showcase Theatre. He has also worked with Religion Department Chairperson, Mrs. Mary Ivins, in a local production of "Carousel". Dan is a member of the screen actors guild, and he has recently acquired a part in the upcoming film, "9V2 weeks". Dan plans for a career in science, but if acting should prove feasable, he will consider it as a permanent choice. 路

Dan Amrich

Chemidlin, Jennifer Chiacchio, Catherine Chickara. Cathleen Chukumba, Anthony Christian. David Church. Mandy

Cicco, Joseph Ciosek, Thomas Cipullo, Jennifer Claudili, Gina Cofinas, Jon Cole, kimberly

Getting Off De Jesus, Jose DeMeo, Elise De Muzzio, Valerie DeRossett. William

Deaver, John Derry, Shawn Devine, Suzanne Dey, Michelle

DiMarco, Danielle Diffley. Eileen Donohue. William Downs, Gregg

To A Varsity Start The girls varsity soccer tean found some unexpected hell from the freshman class thi1 year. Five freshmen found pia~ ing time on the varsity squac This is no small accomplishmen1 given the talent and depth of th varsity team. The five girls are: Danielle Dl Marco, Gwen Caldwell, Sue Na\\1 rocik, Jill Branhum and StaC' Kemler. According to head coacl Sandy Koschek, this frosh quin tet is "young, talented and def i nitely an asset to our fantasti season"! Their return, without doubt, will further enhance 路th '86 girls varsity team. Megan Murph


Druzbacky, James Dubinski, Amy Duff, Brian Dunn, Dawn Dunn. Richard Duran, Catherine

Durner, Allison Dymowski, Tammy Eitzen, Brian Elliott, Matthew Ernst, Robin Estok. Michael Etgen, Alicia Evanko, Grace Fanelli, Stacia Fares, Joseph farfalla. John Faruggia. Caroline Fava. Jessica Ferencz, Jennifer Fitzgibbon, Genevieve Fitzpatrick. Scott Flores, Steven Flynn, Molly

Three freshman members of the girls varsity soccer team: Sue Nawrocik. Danielle DiMarco. Gwen Caldwell

Forczek, Kirsten Forister, Christopher Foustanas, Kiriaki Franco, Erica Freeman, Alexia Gappa. John

Gavigan, William Geller, Robert Gibbs, Kimberly Gioe, Francesca Golden, Miehele Good, Bradley Gray, Maribel Greene, Edward Greene. John Gronostajski, Joseph Guarini, Chr路 tina Gug~ckler,


Gundersen. Suzanne Gunkel. Jennifer Gursky, Menssa Haast, Paul Hageman, Robert Hahn, Christopher Hammers tone, lara Hannawacker, Joseph Hardiman, John Harding, Forrest Harrold, Patrick Hartmann, Mark

First Time Hlooney Tunes" The freshmen entrants in this years Blue and White Day competition were exemplary. Although the competition was won by Mrs. Smiths ravenous "Good Catholif Family", the balloting was close. Mrs. Tierno's freshmen 1created a lively and imaginative cartoon menagerie. Ted Varga served as a maniac M.C .. Mrs 1 Paixao's homeroom literally went crazy. Her artistic prowess was in evidence as thE~ room was transformed into an asylum. All the judges remarked that the competition was fiercer than ever. In keeping with their theme of "looney Tunes", the freshmen made their presence felt at the pep rally. Using a variety of noisemakers, they created a deafening response to Mr. Martin's encouragement.

Page 234/ Bottom / CHEERS: The freshmen show their spirit as they cheer at the pep rally on Blue and White Day. Page 235 / THEY 'RE # I: Home room 9F, who won first place on the freshman level in the homeroom competition.

Hayes, Harry Heath, Sharon Heenan, Pamela Heitzman, Joseph Higgins, Maureen Hill. Dawn

Hilton, kiersty Hittinger, James Hodock, Shannon Hoegl, Bradley Hoffman, Erin Hornik, Bruce Houtridij, Prodromos Howie, Razi Hughes, Jennifer Hunt, Henry Iavarone, Anthony Jackowski, kristine

Jadczak, Anna James, Gregory Jannuzzelli, Denise Januzzi, George Jennett, Michael Jodha, Robert

Johnson, Melanie Johnson, Shawn Johnson, Vanessa Jones, kathleen Jones, Theresa kaiser, keith

leader And The Pack Mr. Bill Romano is a respected and highly visible staple here at Notre Dame. His varied interests and deep respect for student concerns make him an irreplaceable presence on the freshmen scene. As freshmen moderator, he works closely with the student representatives to see that a successful year is planned. He can always be counted on to chaperone freshmen activities, and he brings to these events his indefatigueable energy. Mr. Romano is a member of the Discipline Review Board. His thoughtful approach to problem solving makes him a respected member of this board. Finally, Mr. Romano coaches the freshmen baseball team. It is a crucial athletic responsibility because this is a time for students to learn the fundamentals of the game. As a former ball player, he transmits both knowledge and love of the game. Mr. Romano is a good example of a quietly dedicated educator who annually makes a difference in the lives of many students.

Karczewski, Lynette Kelley, Matthew Kemler. Stacy Kennedy, Jacquelyn Kerr, Cynthia King, Amy

King, Kari Klosinski, David KorpuiMk t; Mark Kosteck-i, lisa Kovacs, Michelle kownacki, Shannon

Kr'\marz. Jeffrey Kubiak. Sharon La Mons, tc ole Laarz, Diana Lal, Jeffrey latce, Robert

langcoy. Bryan latimer, Danielle lauandos, Miguel leach, Chris leach. Mark Leopardi, Richard

Levin, David Lieggi, Antoinette Lim, Valerie Lindenfeld, Paul Lingrell, William Lloyd, Timothy Lo Biondo, Marlene Locane, Amy Lombardo, Sonya Longo, Nicholas Lorbeck, Amy Low, Holly Loy, Michael Lynch, Daniel Lynne, Tod Mag son, Jennifer Maguire, Kathleen Malloy, Vincent Margicin, Ann Mariani, Robert Markulec. Prudence Marrolli, Lisa Martin, Jennifer Martinez, Nerida

Page 236/ Mr. Romano combines his duties as a teacher with his role as Freshman Class Moderator. Page 237/ Left/ Freshman Student Government members: Front Row: Brian Duff, Stacy Kemler. Eric Simms Back Row: Dan Amrich, Mike Sullivan, Mr. Romano Right/ Freshman Homeroom Reps: Front Row: Michelle Dey, Tina Mosbruckner. Jon Cofinas, Sherri DeBiastas, Lisa Scorsolini, Kathleen Jones Second Row: Kim Gibbs, Greg Downs, Melissa Abbondanza, Tim Bennet, Sue Gunderson Back Row: Donielle Latimer. Mike Janette, Dan Sullivan. Keith Monacchio, Henry Zawodniak, J.P. Romano. Danny Slota

Marue. Jennifer Mate, Julia Mattei, John Maurio, Frank Mazotas, Michelle Mazurek, Robert

Me Coy, Jason Me DQnald, Edward Me Glone. Michael

Me Grath,

Matthew Me Grath, Michael Me Hugh, David

Me Kenzie, April Me Knight.

Malik-ah Mellodp-, Mary

Mender. Stephan Micale, Dean Mihalko Charles

Minick. Christopher Minus, De Anna Mitala, Catherine

Mitchell. Yvonne Mochari. Michael Monacchio, Keith

Monje, Phillip Mooney. Chris Morales, Leonardo Moran. Mary Morrison. Phillip Morrison, Richard


Mosbrucker, Tina Mottley, Donna Mount, Mary Beth Mrochko, William Mullaney, Brian Murison, Jason

Murl. Joy Murphy, Eileen Nalbone, Sharon

Nawrocik, Susan Nelson, Marc Nicolai, John

Nitti, Stephan Nix, Joseph Norman, Edward

SCAVENGERS: In order to familiarize themselves with different locations in the building. the freshman class took part in a scavenger hunt. This hunt took place during the two day freshman orientation in September. Students were given a variety of objects to locate and retrieve. For instance, one of the items the freshman went in search of were copies of past yearbooks located in the Canticle Office (left). In the Medical Suite, Freshmen looked for medical paraphernalia including cotton balls (above).

Nucero, Leonard O'Keefe, Shannon Obed, Leonara

Okulicz, Wallace Orban, Michelle Pagliaro, Danielle

Pagliaro, Joseph Papa, Thomas Park, Kun

Parker, Amy Parker, Eric Peloquin, Michel Penney, Jill Perpetua, Bonnie Petito, Anthony


Phan. Thomas Pierson. Denise Pinto, Craig Pogada, Tammy Policarpio. Michael Pollard. Erica

Pollard, Michael Ponticiello, Mike Potter, Alyssa Procaccino, Jeff Prunetti, Colette Prz yburowsk i, Adam

Radford. Denise 路 Ramus, Christopher Rawls, Ursula Reed, Randall Reger. Chrfstina Retina, Barbara

Rife. Sandra Riley. laura Ritter. Jacqueline Roberts, Michelle Roche, Thomas Rodriguez, Nelson Romanoy Jon B. Ray Rosso, Robert Saganowsk i. Steven Sandine. Kurt Sarafin, Jacqueline


Scanlon, Andrew Schade. Victoria Schillon, David Schoch. Tiffany Schwab, Jacqueline Scimeca, Deborah

Scorsolini, lisa Scott, Robyn Scotto. liza Selassie. Emma Serrano, Raquel Sharp. Lee

Shirley, Heather Simms, Eric Simon, James Simonetti. Paul Singletary, Erin Siwczak, Anthony 240

Slota, Daniel Smith, Michael Snare, Laura Sniderman. Candice Soley, David Soloman, Wayne Somers, Tammy Sopko, Beth Soprych, Christopher Stackhouse, Daniel Stackhouse. Kimberly Stefero, John

And The Winners Are One of the most competitive of freshmen activities is the tryouts for cheerleading. Weeks of practice and conditioning prepared 38 girls to compete for 10 spots. This years auditions were judged by Mrs. Nancy Pica, Mrs. Peggy Miller, and Miss Donna Dovgala. Aspirants for a spot on the cheerleading roster had to perform a floor cheer, two sideline cheers and numerous gymnastic moves, among them, splits, cartwheels and for-

ward rolls. Criteria for selection included athletic coordination, vocal power, team interaction and, perhaps most importantly, enthusiasm. The winners in this years competition were Anna Jadczak, Heather Shirley, Amy Dubinski, Kim Herman, Marlene lobiamda, Suzanne Bowling, lisa Scocilini, l ysa Barcheski, Theresa Jones, and Mary Beth Mount.

Stein, Amy Stevens, Christopher Stewart, Ann

Skating To The Top

Still, Antoinette Subhan, Deborah Sullivan. Daniel


T .- Jefftey Topper, Renee Toscano. Ali sa Tranter. Tara Trautwein, Lynn Trayenham路, Thomas Trent, Lee Turbert, Thomas Valatka, Arny Vandegrift, Denise Vanderleek, Jennifer Van Nest, Kenneth Vanella, Elizabeth Vanmiddles- . worth, C.F. Varga, Ted Vena. Jamie Venanzi, Laury Walicky, Robert


Freshman Shannon. Hodock leads a busy and disciplined life. Five days a week she skates at Princeton Skating Club, under the direction of Coach Jim Tester. She began this regimen at the age of seven. Shannon comes by her talent naturally. Her mother, Diane Dunne Hodock, skated professionally with Holiday on Ice in Coral Gables, Florida. She continues private training to this day. Shannon works primarily on freestyle skating, but she also does some patch (figure) skating and some ice dancing. She performed in a major competition in February, and performed well. Shannon plans to continue her skating through the foreseeable future.

Williams, Wendi Wilson, Jeremiah Wnek, lizanne Wong, lisanne ~oody. Mary . Vaede. Anthony


Gratefully Acknowledged Where to begin? As we finish our fourth book together, we grow more aware of our dependence on faculty, students, friends, staff and finally each other for the production of the Canticle. In assessing the year, our minds travel back 10 months to July and the Yearbook Workshop in Williamsburg. In the ensuing months, we have made many inroads. We have taught, and we have learned. We have made innovations, and we have left behind outmoded techniques. We remember hard work and frayed nerves. We have known frustration, and we have savored exhilaration. There were anxious times, but always there was laughter, and this has been our saving grace. We take this time to thank everyone who has contributed to our efforts but was not specifically mentioned in our club section. We thank the Notre Dame coaching staff and club moderators for their assistance in garnering club records, schedules and interviews. We thank the level moderators for their support and patience in the face of many demands on their already too busy schedules. We thank the office staff, particularly Mrs. Dianne Dell, Mrs. Jane Palumbi, and Mrs. Jane Dziura for their help with many unseen yet significant problems. Perhaps there is no more anonymous position than that of staff typist. They worked hard in difficult surroundings. We recognize Erica Kinczel, Teri Evans, Gail Anteola, Michelle Farfalla, and Charisse Hovan for the work they did in bringing this text together. We thank Dan Huslin, Robin Ernst, Vicki Conn, Henry Mazurek, Chris McCarthy and Jennifer Magson for their assistance with Canticle staff writing. For help with layout, a precise and demanding discipline, we are indebted to Amy DeSandre, Denise liedtka, Kelly Johnson, Mike McGrath, lisa Scotto, Chrissy Herrick, Amy Parker, Colleen Campbell and Melissa lauandos. We thank Amy Lettiere for her last minute candids, and Kevin

Sheridan for his 1986 picture, and the live Aid slides. We thank Mr. Sal Bruccoleri for his cooperation with the tuxedo pictures. We thank Mrs. Judy Salcewicz for her Honors Religion photographs, and Father Hughes for allowing us to use the party pictures from the Phoenix Celebration. We are grateful to Mrs. Sandy Koschek and Maria Scandariato for their special efforts on our behalf. We thank Joe Wroebleski for his Meadowlands Invitational pictures, and Martin Griff of The Trenton Times, Steve Merrish and Tom Kasprzak of the Trenton ian for access to their professional work. We are grateful to Danielle DeMarco and Kiersty Hilton for their help with Blue and White Day, and Jolanda Szekeres for her shots in the junior section. Artistic appreciation goes to Rich Plumeri and Pat Nolan for their time and effort on our behalf. We thank Kathy Dorr, our cover artist. Finally, to Mrs. Enea Tierno, we are indebted for her consultations regarding the artistic direction of the book. We wish to thank Mrs. Ann Harcar for her generous contribution of time, energy and talent. She was there for us in a crisis, and we are grateful. To Mr. Frank Ball, our publishing representative, we are grateful for his conscientious and professional assistance. We recognize the effort and concern of Mr. Tony Mazzoca, our professional photographer. We are very grateful to Sister Harold and Father Hughes for their yearlong support of our program, and their sensitivity to our often last minute requests. Finally, we recognize publicly the work of our Editor, lisa Tani. Never have we seen a young woman give more, work harder, or care more deeply. Her dedication and discipline are rare, and she will not easily be replaced. To any one who was omitted, we assure you that your efforts did not go unappreciated. Sincerely, Ralph lelii Pat leoniec

Center left/WHERE THE ACTION IS: Yearbook photographer Mr. Anthony Mazzoca, caught in the midst of spirit day activity , reads his camera for the best possible exposure. Top Right/ENDLESS EFFORTS: Editor-i n-Chief lisa Tani clocked endless hours writing copy, designing layouts and performing the myriad unseen tasks of yearbook production. Bottom left/BOOTING UP: Sophomore lisa Hartmann waits for index software to come on line.

Top left/SPARE NO EFFORT: Amy Lettiere climbed to the top of the roof to get a better view of the senior 1986 picture. Top Right/CONCENTRATED EFFORT: Junior Editor Allison Gifford painstakingly measures for exact picture fit. In the background, Sue Kaslander proofreads copy. Bottom/ A FINAL CHECK: Josten's Publishing Representative Frank Ball reviews each page prior to publication with editorin-chief lisa Tani. This last step in the production process requires exacting attention to detail.

1986 Group Picture (Seniors) 62-63 Abbondanza, Kathleen 8, JO, 108. 124. 144, 146, 156, 157 Abbondanza, Melissa 230, 237 Academics 84-115 Activities 124-157 Adams, Andrea 230 Adams. Jermaine K. 230 Administration 112-113 Ahr. Bishop George W. 13 Albano, Megan M. 186, 230 Aldrich. Elisha N. 230 Aldrich, Tonay 216 Alexander, Marianne 200 Alia, Philp 155, 216 Alinea, Kharl M. JO. 23, 150 Almanzor, Beatriz 230 A i, Antonia JO Amari, Thomas 230 tucci. Lynn 144, 230 American Graffitti 64-67 Ames, Alice B. lOO Amico. Samuel A. l30 Amrich. Daniel Q. 137, 148. 230. 231, 237 Amrkh, Denise lO. 44. 14l, 161 n, Bily ll4 . A.ndiiHCtn, Carl 74. 88. 89, 136 AndertOn, Erik D. l30 Andtnon. Roberta 75, 96. ~ MI.IH Andrews, Eric N. 230 Andrut fr 110. Ana-one. lM A , Michele lOO An tt A. Ansley. lO, 77 eola, Gail , Antoci, Karen L. 14 • Anton i, st J. Apuldite, Rn. Denn9 Aquilino, Fr 200 Aquilino, Gina M. lO. 144, 146. 151. 184 Aquilino, Michele 117 Archer. John 77. 90. 204 Ardery, Beth M. 150. 168, 174, 200, 212 • Vincent 97, Ill. 179 KeUy lO leather 131. ~"'

Ariu, Marcela ll6 Armenti. Mellnda v. ll. 74, 71, 140. 148

Barsczewski, Lisa D. 230, 240 Barsczewski. Sharon C. 22, 61, 72, 146 Bartulino, David J. 148, 230 Bartulino, Jodi 139, 143, 146. 185, XX) Basara, Suzanne 146, 149, 186, 193, XX) Basketball 174-179 Beaver. Michelle L. 200 Bedard. Michael F. 140, 191 Beitel, Edward 200. l16 Beitel, William E. 194 Belcea, Dan-Valentin 148, 216 Bell, Christopher E. l30 Bell, Dawn 216 Belmont, Kristina 182. 216 Benedetti, Cindy 22 Benedetti, Nicole l16 Benjamin. Zelena R. 144 Benner, Jacqueline ll. 34 Bennett, Levoy, l3. 169 Bennett, Timothy J. 230, l37 Bensen, Erica l3 Bentivoglt, Orvid J, 194, l30 Bentivoglt. karen R. 13, 140, 147 Bentz. Alicia l3 Bentz, Ellen 108. 140. 14l, 160. ISl, XX) Bergman. Craig C. 130 Berish. Luri Lee 144, 146, I~ ll6 Berrien, Blaine 164, 167, lll Berian, Janet 146. Berian, Joyce l3. 137, 151, 156, 157 Besler. Sco R. 167, JOO Betz, Katherine H. 230 Bhojwani. Sangelta 154. lOO Biesiada. Mark A. ll6 Binder. Charlene E. ISl. l30 Bishop, Edward R. lOO Black, Christine l. ll6 Black. Jennifer l. l30


Blakeley. Crystal M. 155, ll6 Blatchre, Daniela XII Bleacher, Edw d 146, 150, 167. 200 Bleacher, Ja queline 23 Bleakley. Linda G. ll6 Blue And White Day 1.14-llS Blue. lisa l3 Bock. J. lJ. 7l. 145, 155 BodiM,


Burns, David E. l30 Burns. James J. 216 Burns, Michele A. l5. 137, 144, 146, 151 Burroughs, Paul L. 174, l30 Burrows, James R. 165, 201 Burzachiello, Josephine 88 Burzachiello, Michele M. l30 Busch, Jennifer L. 147, 157, l16 Business Department 9l-93 Butler. Brian D. l30 Butler, Thomas Ill Butrym. Alexis l30 Byard. Brian 191. l16 Byrne, John J. l5. ll5 Cafeteria Staff llO Caggiano, Joseph A. 194, l40 Calderone, Stella M. l16 Cakiwell, Gwyn M. 168. l30, l33 Caldwel, James 171, 183 Calianse. Suzanne l. .lOI, liS Callan, Scott W. l30 Camilla, Sr. Mary H7 Campbell, Colleen Campbell. Shar ll6 Campo, Julie 7l, Canep i, Jacqueli Can Amanda L. Cant Matthew I Canulli. K yn


n A. 201

Capfrna, Gregory S. l31 Caponi. Todd L. l16 Cappa, John J. Carey, An. ette . l31 Carey, J s C. l31 Carey, Lynne C. l16 y. Thomas 141 Carfagno, Peter l16 Carmel, Sr. Mary 115 Carmipni, David R. 169, 171, ll6. lll. ll7 Carozza. rah S. 09, 148, 18l. ll6 C oil, th A. l5, 75, 76, ll9, 1«), 144. 146, 156. 157, Carroll, John A. lS. 75 Carro • Marisa J. Carroll. Thomas W. l5


M. .lOI M. lOI l31

M.lOI ~ltynllkl,

c. ll. 76, 164. 166

Mary R. ll6 GabriellOO Bagitt, Timothy lOO Bater. testae J. ll. 146 Ba Y• Ben Ill


Bajdalski, Dorothy l30 Baker, Joseph J. l30 Baker, Margaret ll. 144 Baldwin, Scott R. 148, 150. 191. Balerna, Kerry 185, ~ Balerna, Robert T. ~. 70 Balik, Danielle l16. ll5 Ballard, John 21, 164 Balter, Andrew 21, 165, 166 Band 104-107, 154-155 Banfield, Deirdre 230 Bangle, Dawn XX) Bangle, Sherri 230 Baratelli. Paul 200 Barcalow, Scott 216 Barcless, Christopher 194, 195, 230 Barksdale, Talatia R. ll. 36 Barlow, Pete G. 8, 22, 70, 140, 151 Barna, Karen 22, 7J Barna. Sharon ll. 7J Barnock, Brian 148, 171. 216 Baroni, Helen 86 Barowski, Christine 200 Barr, Jennifer JOO Barrett, Denise K. 22, 192. 193 Barrett, Elizabeth 230 Barrett. Katherine E. l30 Barry, Sean 183, 216


Brartdbt. . . Milrk

J. l4

IJ7. MO. 14l. 144, 146. 184


Bransfieldf0 elyn 150, lOI Braswell, Natasha 135. 149, lOI Braun. Adam l16 Brobst, Dick Ill Bromer, Kimberly A. 130 Brown, Andrea D. l4, 146 Brown, Brian R. 201 Brown, Bruce R. 194, lOI Br-own, Michelle R. ~30 Brown, Monica D. l4, 77 Bruccoleri, Mr. Sal liS Bucchere. Louis V. l4, ll5, 169, 171, 174, 176 Buchanan. Dawn S. 130 Buckley, Richard K. 216 Buckner, Kevin lOI Bugdal. Robert 114, 115 Burch, Sherri L. ll~ Burgess, Hugh E. l4. 73, ll5, 140. 151. 183 Burgess. Robert E. lOI Burke, Karen P. 216 Burke, Michaell5 Burnett, Deborah A. 150, lOI

, lOI

Casey, R. 8. l5, 77 Casey, hael J. l31 Cassidy, Patricia A. 144, 146, lOI Cassidy. St E. 144, ll7 Castagna, a en 157, ll7 Castaneda. Emil B. l31 Castiello, Michael J. 146, lOI Celentana. Marc A. 143. l17. lll, ll3 Celi. Tina l31

Celmer, l a A. ll7 Cerrone, Cerrone. 146. lCA Cevera, Kat leen 115 Chapman. Ronald l17 Charboneau, Christine 201 Charboneau. Jacqueline 146, l31 Charbonneau. Mary M. 191, ll7 Cheerleaders 156, 157 Chemidlin, Jennifer A. l3l Chemidlin, Laura A. 201 Chiacchio, Cather\,oe l32 Chianese, Kimberl)"A. 147, 155. ll7 Chiantese. Christie C. ll7 Chickara. Cathleen T. l3l Chido, Jennifer L. 185, ll7 Childrello, Cynthia A. 201 Chmiel. Elizabeth A. 147, 155, 174. 176, 217 Chokumba. Anthony C. 183, l3l Christensen, Erik L. 194, lOl Ch~istensen, Gary W. 19l. lOl Christian Clowning Club 145 Christian. David 181. l3l Christianson. Holly L. l17. ll7 Christmas Cotillion 130, 131 Chrysoulakis, Elli E. liS

Chrysoulakis, George 20l Chukumba, Stephen C. 131. liS Church, Mandy l3l Cicco. Joseph N. l3l Cierniak, Bozena liS Cieszkowski, Robert Cifelli, Rosanna S. Cifelli, Thomas V. Ciosek. Thomas R. Cipullo, Jennifer L. l3l Cirillo. Cind M. 20l Cirranello. 20l Clark, 146, I

Degler, Eric R. 171, liS Degregorio, Juan 115 Dell. Diane liS Dell. Kristie D. liS Demers. Thomas N. 194, 20l Dennehy, Michael 86, 137, 191 Depuglio, Mary 115 Derry, Shawn. C. l3l Derry, Tara A. 20l Devine, Suzanne F. l3l Dey, Michelle L. ISl. l3l. l37 Dey, Tracey, A. 144, liS Di Biagio, Sabrina A. 20l Di Marco, Danielle L. 168. 170. l3l. l33 Di Marco, Paula lS, 131. 147, 144, 160 Di Memmo. JOseph P. liS Di Memmo. Judith A. 20. lS. 161. 16S, 172 DiMemmo.~tD.~.20l

Diffley, Eileen H. l3l · i, Christina 150, 20l

'J )•t.•IIVICHt J. liS

, Salvatore 20l

lll omante. Maria L. 148, 150. 20l 0. 5uAn

Dombi, Eileen ll8 Dondero. IOJ, lOS, 106 Donnelly, Del e ll, 70, 75, 138, 144 Donnelly, Patrie J. 148, 151. lOl Donnelly, Peter lS. 75, 131. 146 Donohue. William P. lll Dorr. Eugen~ J. 14S, 183, Dorr, Kathrin M. 7 Dovgala. Donna

FarfaHa. John P. l33 Farfalla. Michelle M. 30 farina, David 167. 203 Farkas, Lauren M. l19 Farley, Christopher J. 30 Farrior, Jocelyn l19 Faruggia, Caroline J. l33 Fava. Jennifer 184, 203 Fava, Jessica A. l33 Feddish. Lynn M. 30 Federico, Gregory 30 Feeney, Kerriann 15l. l19 Feeney. Michael P. 30 · Fennimore, George lllll9, lll Ferencz. Jennifer M. l33 Ferri, Robert T. 31 field Hockey 184-185 Fiori, Christine M. 140.143, l14 firestone. Christopher fischer, Elizabeth M. Fischer, Eric M. l19 Fish. Adriene 144. ll9 Fitzgibbon, Genevieve M. l3 fitzpatrick, Scott J. 203 Fitzpatrick. Sean R. l33 fitzpatrick, Timothy 31 Flamer, David A. 203 fless, Kriesin G. 140, 14l. 160, ~. Flores, Stephanie A. ll, 31. 146. 150. 16S , Steven S. l33 therine IS4. 179. l19 oily l33 M.ll9 J. 31 m•tnazza. ;;,arJ11ua L. ll9

Edw E Eituit Eitzen. Elte,Pam.hl • t. f.,,__ .._ t. Scott E. l9. 77. 148, 183

Elston. Carl :w. Jr• .119 Emde. . . . . . J.

Eft¥!rt. kyle l9

I ·

Ill Dassori, Colette l7. 144 Davis, Erica l3l Davis, Tyi N. ll. l7. 139, 140 Davison, John C. 20l De Angelo, Christine P. 144. l3l De Bastos. Jeffrey R. l7 Be Bias is, Cheri 16, 17. l3l. l37 De Feo, Frank A. l7 De Feo, Joseph V. 20l De Feo. Patrick R. l3l De Jesus, Jose l3l De Lorenzo, Janet M. IS6, liS De Lorenzo. Scott D. 134, 194, 20l De Maio, Patricia L. 14l, 146. 156, 15 7. 20l De Marc. Deborah A. liS. ll7 De Mue, Elise S. l3l De Muzzio, Valerie A. l3l DeRossett. William E. l3l De Sandre. Amy L. 20l Deaver, John S. 13l. 133. l3l Debate Team 14S Decker, Christine T. 147, 150. ISS. IS9. liS. ll7 Dedication 1().11 Defiore, Linda lS


, 129. 140. 151. 164. 183

t. katWeen A. ll9 Department 9 , Kenneth R. 203 Erdie, Patrick S. ll9 &ndl. Charles l16 Erndl. Sheila A. 203 Ernst, Kendra Anne I 184, ll9 &nst, Robin M. l33. 19l Eschleman. Annemaire 150, l19 Eschleman, Thomas W. 146, 203 stelle, Pamela Lynn ll9 stor, Michael M. 191, l33 Etgen, Alicia B. l33 Etgen, Lawrence 203 . Evangetos. James R. 14S, 191. 203 l:vanko, Grace K. 147, 14S, l33 Evanko. Michael T. 29, 146. 164. 167 Evans, Theresa A. 30. 36 Everett, Matthew 110. 203 Faes. Joseph F. l33 Fagans, Philip 30, 31 Fairlie. Timothy l19 Faltum. Jeannine M. 155, ll4, ll9 Falvo, Marcello A. 203 Fanelli, Kritine 30 Fanelli. Stacia A. l33 Fares. Fred 154. 191


• ...~---·3l Gatlt4t.~--~ 3l

125,164. ., 95

Gat11Vf1'*"1''*~y. Denise

Gavigan. Laura M. 3l Gavigan, William E. 19l. 193, l34 Gavin. Lisa A. 203 Gavin, Meagan 150, 174, 178, 203. lll Gavin. Sheila SS. 150, ll3 Gay. Tabatha M. l20 Geller, Robert W. l34 Gendek, Amy l20 Genovese, Laura l20 Genovesi, Anthony 9l. Ill. 18l Genovesi, Grace 3l Genovesj Rocco 3l, 48. 7l, 151 German Honor Society. 14l Gerunemo. Gina M. l20 Geronemo, Robrt ·J. 164, 203 Gervasio, Jeffrey 9, 3l. ll6, 144, 146, 150 Giallella. Kathleen 95 Giampetro. Theresa 97 Giangrasso. Nico l20 Gibbs, Kimberly A. 144. ll4, l37 Gifford. Allison 153, l20. l45 Gilman. Dana Lee 19l. l20 Gioe, Francesca M. 14S, 149, l34 Giordano, Mary Beth 203 Giorno. Karen R. 9, 3:2, 74. 144. 145. 151 Giquinto, Kelly Ann 19l. l20 Girls Soccer 16S, 17 3 Girls Tennis 186-IS7 Giudice. John F. 203 247

Gladwel. Tracey 203 Glerum. Sandra L. l03 Glock. Lisa l03 Gloeckner. Llta B. 33, 140, 150 Goehring, Cindy L. 138, l20 Goehring, Todd 33, 73. 146, 151, 164, 166 Goeke, Jennifer 146, 150, 174, 178, 184 Golatzewski, Donna C. l20 Golden. Kristina l20 Golden. Michele K. 234 Goldstein, Alice 92 Gominiak. John P. 140, 150, l03 Gonzales. Carlos 102, l03 Good. Brandley A. 154, 192, 234 Good, Deane H. 33, 50, 169, 177, 174 Goosman, Kim A. l03 Gorden, Robert 33. 164 Gore. Joanne E. llO Gore. Mary Ellen 33 Gorman, Brian M. Jr. llO Gorman. KeUyanne E. 190, l03 Gorman. Leslie A. 185. l14, llO Goubeaud. Jeanne M. 33. 150, 154, 192 Goubeaud. Paul M. llO Gray. Maribel 0. 148. l34 Graziano. Dean M. 169. 17l. llO. lll Greco, Robert l04 Green. John J. l34 Green. Karen 33. 146 Greene, Edward l34 Gregory. John 34 Gresko. Christopher P. 17, 167, llO Gribbin, Margaret 9l Grochala, Theresa 120 Groffie, Margaret M. l04 Gronostajski, Joseph J. 155, l34 Grosso, Terri Ann llO Grula. Pauline 86 Grupinski, Stacey Ann 147. 150, lll Grussler. John 103 Gryt. Virginia M. 108, ll7. 146. 147. 150. 19l. l04 Guarini, Christina M. l34 Guarino, Steven R. 34 Guggenbickler, Patrick H. 234 Guidance Department 114-115 Gundersen, Suzanne 234, 237 Gunkel, Jennifer M. 234 Gursky, Melissa M. 147, 148, l34 Gusciora, Richard 98-99 路 rei.. Abdel A. lll GutlleifttL Anthony 167. lll Gutowtkl, kimberly A. 155, l04 Guzman, &ic S. llt

Gymnastics 188-189 Haast, Paul J. 190, l34 Hage. Marie 88, l13 Hageman, Robert G. 169, 234 Hahn, Christopher R. 194, 234

Haler. Gina M. l04 Haler. John A. 121. :n1. 222. 221 Hammerstone, Lara J. 154, 234 Hannawacker. Ann M. 34, 37, 72, 161, 18l Hannawacker. Joseph A. 234 Hansen, Kim M. 148. 140, 192, lll HM-diman. John W. 234 Hardiman, Maribeth 92, 93 Hardiman, Megan K. lll Harding, Forrest 0. 234 Harencfza, Heidi E. 141, 150, lll Harold, Sister Mary 13, 100, 113, 135, 175 Harris, Brian l04 Harris, Edward D. l04 Harris, Timothy J. 34 Harrold, Patrick J. 234 Hart, Christopher J. 34, 150 Hart, Pamela M. 140, 146, 150, 184, l04 Hartman, Eric l34 Hartmann, Lisa 147, 150, 152, lll, 244 Hartmann, Mark 34, 58 Havardansky, Lynn P. lll Hayes, Deborah A. 110 Hayes, Harry W. 235 Haymond, Faith 221 Heath, Sharon A. 235 Heenan, Pamela l. 235 Heinz, Karen A. 147, 221 Heitzman, Joseph P. 183, 235 Heitzman, Katherine G. 8, 9, 34, 73, ll9, 140, 143, 144, 146, 147, 151, 156, 157 Heitzman, Timothy J. 183, l04 Helper, Scott 221 Hemphill, John llO Henkel, Karen 88 Herdt, Susie Ann 160, lll Herrick, Christine E. 146, 150, l04 Herzstein. Darren 171, l04


Herzstein, Keith 34 Hewitt, Fraces 117 Hibernian Staff 150 Hice, Dana L. 148, 149. 150, 179, lll Higgins, Denise 148, l04 Higgins, Maureen l35 Hileman. Richard A. 167, lll Hilton. Kiersty l35 Hines, James 171 Hitchner, Keith 35 Hittinger, James J. 235 Hoch, Robert F. 170, l04 Hochschild, Fred 92, 99 Hodock, Shannon 126, 235, 243 Hoeflich. William S. 17, l04 Hoegl, Bradley C. 235 Hoffman, Erin M. 235 Hogan, Kristine l. 250, l04 Holland, Matthew J. 176, 221 Holland, Timothy A. 134, 151. 174. 176, l04 Holloway, Angelique 221 Holub, Edward J. 148, 150, 190, l04 Holzbaur. Rose Ill Homa. Robert 221 Homecoming 128-129 Hopewell, Janet D. lll Hopkins. David M. l04 Horgan, Elizabeth 0. 148, lll Hornik. Bruce 148, l35 Hourtidij. Prodromos I. l35 Hovan. Charise 33, 35. 93, 131, 150. 151 Howie. Razi N. l35 Hsiao. Roger 35, 155 Huggins, Donald lll, lll, ll3 Hughes, Gregory D. 35, 181 Hughes. Jennifer L. l35 Hughes, Rev. Joseph W. ll, 104. 107, Ill. ll9. 131. 138, 139. 158, 179, 213 Huley. Sr. Margaret 115 Hulick, Donna M. 35 Huslin. Daniel J. l04. 207, 167 Hutchinson, Kimberly 157, lll Hutchinson, Richard M. 176, lll Hutchison. James D. 134. 136. 169, 171, l04 Hutn, Henry J. 235 Hylemon, Michael 35, 74 Hylemon. Michele D. 35, 75 Ianni, James W. 190. lll, ll7 Iavarone, Anthony A. 235 Iavarone, Carlo A. 176, lll Iavarone, Joseph A. 174, 176, l04 Ice Hockey 194-195 lmmordino. Corina M. 150, 153. 221 Inman. Sheri Lyn 157, lll Innocenti, Jason J. lll Iorio, Patricia l04 Ivins, Mary Liz ll. 86. 136, ll3 Jackowski. Joseph P. 35 Jackowski, Kristine l. l35 Jackowski, Lorraine C. 36, 7l, 74, 77. ll7 Jackson, Jesse J. 16. 614. lll, ll7 Jacobs. Christopher 36, 73. ll6, 164, 167 Jadczak, Anna B. 235, 241 James, Gregory P. l35 James, Michele A. 36 Janczuk. Elizabeth 36 Janis, John J. l04 Jannuzzelli, Denise A. l35 Janora. Scott J. 36. 194 Janousky. Carol 36, 74. 75 Januzzi, George l35 Jaruszewski, Joseph J. l04 Jaruszewski, Sr. Carol 7. 76, 86, 144. 145, 184 Jenkins, Bryan K. 167. 176, lll Jenkins. Kimberly D. l04 Jennett, Michael E. l35. l37 Jennings, Maureen 36, 140. 14l. 150, 186, 187 Jester, John 18l Joachim. Sr. Mary 115 Jodha. Robert J. l35 Johnfon. Carl C. l04 Johnson, Christine 36. 39 Johnson, Dexter F. 167, lll Johnson, Joanna E. 192. 193, l04 Johnson. Kely A. 24, 37. 72, 74, 76, 137. 140 Johnson. Lorie Ann 168, 222 Johnson. Melanie A. 144. l35 Johnson, Shawn 235 Johnson, Vanessa D. l35 Johnston. Monica A. 37 Jones, Amy ll9, 148. lll Jones, Brian J. 37 Jones. Gregory 37, 75, 124, 161 Jones. Kathleen V. 144, 145. l35. 237 Jones, Melissa l. l04 Jones, Omar J. 7, ll2

Jones, Theresa M. l35, l41 Jordon, Patricia A. 9. 37 Jose. Sr. Marie 95 Joy, Beth Ann lll Josita, Sister 114-115 Junior Costume Day lll-l13 Junior Ice Skating Party l14 Junior Ring Ceremony liS Juniors Ja).lt5 Kaiser. Keith S. l35 Kakstis, Jennifer A. 146, 150, 156, 15 7. l04 Kansog, Verena S. 37, 155 Kaplan, Christiane ICX) Karczewski, Lynette l36 Karoustatos. Cheryl A. l04 Kasenow. Robert C. lll Kaslander. Susan 142. 146, 186. l04, l45 kat~. Jennifer 37, 76, 144 Kearns, Beverly Bailey~ 74, 99 Keefe. Anmarie 146, 150. l04 Keefe. Thomas 97 Keenan, Shannon K. 174, 178,204 Keldsen. David 169, 170. l04 kelam, De'Anuria M. ll, 37 Keley, Matthew 236 Keley. Peter 194, lll Kely. David 6, ll, 86. Ill. 147, 213 Kely. Jane A. 143, 146, 185, l04 Kely, Maureen 86, 156 Kelly, Wiliam 170. lll Kemler, Stacy 168. 236, l37 Kemo. Candace 143. 18l. lll Kemo. Keith R. 38, 73, 138, 151. 183 Kennedy, Jacquelyn M. l36 Kenney. Wiliam 164, lll Kerr, Cynthia E. l36 Kilkenny, Kathryn A. l04 Kinczel. Erica 38 King, AmyL. l36 King, Christine 185, 217, lll Kins. Karl A. l36 King, Valerie L. 38, 146 Kite, Rose M. l04 Klek. Beverly 119 Klepper, Caroline 35. 38. 7l. ll7, 151, 168, 182 Klosinski, Christine 147, 150, lll Klosinski, David C. 183. l36 Kmiec, Bishop Edward 13 Kniesler, Maria E. 146, 150, l04 Knott, Frederick G. lll Kochell, Megan Lynn lll Kocsardy, Jennifer A. l04 Koinonia 144 Kopacz. John 38. 75 Korpusinski, Mark W. 236 Koschek. Sandra 90. 168 Kostecki, Lisa A. 155. 236 Kostrzewa. Barbara E. l04 Kostrzewa. Eileen llO Kovacs, Lisa S. lll Kovacs. Michelle A. 148, 236 Koval, Christopher G. 75, 38 Kovich, Yvonne l04 Kowalski, Michael 223 Kownacki, Shannon 236 Kozlowski, Tammy L. 38, 61, 77. 181. 182 Kramarz. Jeffrey S. 236 Kramer. Heidemarie M. 38, 146. 188, 189 Krawtschenko, Yolanda 39 Krempasky. Susan 99 Krisak. Brian 69, l04 Krisak. David 6, 39, 139, 150 Krueger, Melissa M. Ill, l04 Krupa. Edward J. 150. l04 Krupa. Tricia A. 150, l04 Kubiak, Gary 39, Ill Kubiak. Sharon L. 155, 236 Kubin, Dianna L. 223 Kuczykowski, Ewa l04 Kulak, Susan 39, 147, 155 Kusek, Cherrie L. 131, 140, 168, l04 Kusmierczyk. Elizabeth 223 Kydonieus, Demetrios 223 Kyte, Glorianne 95 La Mons, Nicole J. Laarz. Diana L. 140, 236 Laarz, Jonathan D. 223 Lachapelle. Trace 223 Lai. Jeffrey 236 Lai, Yvoane 223 Lakt!, James C. 39, 52. 73, 1.26, 164. 167 Lake, John R. 154, l04 Lake. Michael M. 39 Lake, Robert A. 236 Lambert. Kathleen A. 140. 143. 186. l04 Lambiase, Kathy M. 39

Lane. Gary J. 168. l04 Lane, Gresory J. 148. 171. ll3 Lang, Eileen 88, 150 Langcoy. Bryan P. l36 Langere, Lynette 146. l04 Language Department 100-101 Larkin. keith J. ll3 Larue, Andrew P. ll3 Latimer. Daniele 144, 145, .236. l37 Latin Honor Society 143 Lauandos. Melissa 147. ll3 Lauandos. Miguel I. .236 Laurinaitis. JiU A. 143, 147, 157, 223 Lawrence, Michele 39 Leach. Christopher J . .236 Leach, Mark A. .236 Lear. Cynthia A. l04 Lechliter. Cahtrine ll3 Lee. Donna 189. l04 Lee. Jin 40. 69 Lee. Joo Y. 144 Lee. Sung l04 Leiber. Nancy L. 40, 61 Leipzig, Francesca ll3 Lelii. Ralph 88, 89, 15.2 Leonardis. Christine ll3 Leoniec, Pat 88, 15.2 Leopardi, Nancy M. 160. l04 Leopardi, Richard T. .236 Lettiere, Amy B. 40, 144, 145, 153, 245 Levanduski. Marion 120 Levin, Abe 99 Levin. David A. .237 Lewallen, Tina M. 40 Lewis. Christina Lynn ll3 Lewis, Deon 40 Library Services 114-115 Liedtka, Denise 147, 15.2, ISS, .217. ll3 liedtka, Karl C. ISO. 164. ·204 lie.ggi, Antoinette V. .237 lim, Valerie A. .237 lindenfeld, Paul H. .237 lingrell, William M. .237 link, Cindy 40, 144, 14S link, Scott Jr. ll3 Liptak, Mary Ann SS, S9. ISS lis. Deborah 36, 40 list. Cindy 6 lloyd. Beth A. 40, 181 lloyd. Timothy P. .237 Lo Biondo, Marlene ISS. IS9, .241 loatman, Richard 10. ll. 103. 104. 133 lobbosco, Ximena lOO locane. Amy R. .237 lockwood , Beth A. 41. ll9, 144. 148 lockwood, Richrad E. ll3 Lomax , Ellen 103, 104, 105, 100, 133. 135 Lombardi. Erin 144, lOO Lombardo. Lori ll3 Lombardo, Sonya .237 Longo. Nicholas .237 Lorbeck, Amy J. 145 . .237 Lorentz. Charles C. 169, 170, 171, ll3 Lorenz, Katherine 6 Loving. Tina ll3 low. Holly Ann .237 Loy. Michael R. .237 Ludwig. Jay L. 41. 140 Lutz. Kathleen M. ll3 Lynam. Regina M. 41 lynch. Daniel J. IS3, .237 lynch. Felicia L. 44, 144 lynch. Jeffrey W. 167, ll3 Lynch. Margaret 95 Lynne. Tod J. 191, .237 Lynne, Coach 191 Lyons, Christine 41 Lyons. Jennier M. 200, Lyons. John J. 41. 51 Mac Cormack, Amy E. .26. 41 Macarone. Peter ll3 Macguire, Kathleen A. .237 Maessner .. Jennifer 19.2 . .237 Maguire. Sherrie 146 Magson. Jennifer 19.2, .237 Magyari. Sherri A. 143. 144. 200 Mahon. Debra A. 140. 18.2. 200 Maintenance Staff Ill Maisto. Michelle A. 143, 16S. 169, ll3 Maiuro. Edward J. ll3 Maiuro. Marie 41. ISS Major. Barbara 90, 184 Malloy . Kellie J. 30, 4.2. 105. 140. 144, 146. 151, 154 Malloy. Vincent E. .237 Mangini . Vincent 3S, 4.2, 69. ISO Mannion. Kelly 19.2, lOO

Manzie. Leonard A. 105. 155. l06 Marchant. Cynthia 115 Marchetti. Gabriella 100 Marchetti. Michael lQ5 Marcocci. lisa 4l Margicin. Ann Margaret 200. l37 Margicin, Marlene H. 189 Mariani, Robert J. 237 Marinnie. Melissa 36. 42 Marino, John L. 4l Markulec. Prudence D. l37 Marocci. lisa M. l37 Marone. Joseph Scott 42. 73. 151. 191 Marroli, lisa 17 MarshaU. Patrick A. 154. 194, l06 Marson, James 167. 194, .l06 Martillotti, Anthony 7, 42. 73. 70, 71. 128. 130. 137, 146. 151 Martillotti. Jennie 128 Martillotti. Joseph llS Martin. Jennifer l37 Martin, kelly M. 2l3 Martin. Sherri A. .l06 in. William 99. 127. 138, 14S Martinex. Nerida A. 237 Martini, Julia L. 143, 146. 168. lOO Martorana. Teresa V. .l06 Marye, Jennifer A. l3S Mason. Yolanda 4.2 Mastrosimone, Dena 156, 157, lOO Mate, Julia A. l3S Mateos. Arthur C. 140. 14.2, ISO. 19.2. 200. 210 Mathematics Department 94-95 Matlock. Gerald E. 43 Mattei. Jeanne M. 139. ISO. lOO Mattei. John A. 183, .238 Mattes, Laura L. 147, ISO. 18.2. ll4 Matthews. Melisa A. 144. 124 Mattia. Melina A. 27, 43. 144 Mattozzi. Anthony 43. 110 Matwijcow. kiev C. 43. 61. 140. 148. 186. IS7 Maty, Laura 43. 144. 146. 147 Maurer. David E. 43. l96 Maurio, David 148 Maurio. Deana M. .l06 Maurio. Frank P. 238 Maurio. Joseph J. lOO Mauro. Richard 0. 43 Maziarz. Christopher 43. 140. 150. 164 Maziarz. John S. .l06 Mazotas. Michelle L. 155. 178. 179, 238 Mazurek. Henry E. 44. 68. 140. 143. 148. 150. 158 Mazurek. Robert J. 148. 238 Mazzoca, Anthony 244 Me Cann. Denise C. 224 Me Carthy. Christine M. 147, 186. 187, 206, 207 Me Clain, Ellen 44. 53. 144. 146. 156. 157 Me Coy. Jason P. 238 Me Dermott. Marcie 147, 157. 223 Me Dermott. Thomas 44. 74 Me Donald. Edward J. 238 Me Donald. John 44. 49. 191 Me Donald. Kevin M. 167 Me Donald. Veta E. 44, 147. ISO Me Gee. Brett Anthony 224 Me Gee. QuinnK. 200 Me Glone. Michael J. 13l. l38 Me Govern. Kyle 44. 158 Me Grath. Matthew B. l38 Me Grath. Matthew E. 150. 181. 19l. lOO Me Grath. Michael J. l38 Me Grath. Robert E. 44. 151. 70. 194 Me Guigan. Michael S. 224 Me Guiness. Daniel C. 150. 224 Me Hugh. David S. .238 Me Kee. Michael ISO. 164. 194 • .207 Me Kenzie, April J. l38 Me Knight. Malikah T. 154. l38 Me Laughlin. Melinda l07 Me Laurin. Nicole 143. ll4 Me Mahon. kelly A. ll4 Me Manimon. Brian P. 224 Me Manimon. Toni ll4 Me Namara. Tami A. 44. 7l. 133. 140 Me Niff, Terence S. l4. 45, 169 Me Quade. Thomas J. 21. 45, 169. 139, 70 Me Stravick, Tina M. 45. 151. 168. 17.2 Mcclain. Glenn .l06 Mccormick. Michael M. 200 Mcdonald. Rita F. .l06 Mcfarland, Vander 45. 50 Mcguire, Thomas 45. 148 Meadows, Anthony 167. ll4 Maqher. Ann L. 143. l07 Mellodge. Mary 143 • .238 ""Mellody. Tara A. 45. 147

Mendoza. Ria 140, 142, 144. 145. 146 Mendoza. Riza 45. 145. 207 Mentler. Stephan l38 Mercy. Peace and Justice Club 146 Mesday. Maureen 9. 45, 140, 143. 146 Messineo, kathleen M. 46 Metelow. Alissa 207 Micale. Dean A. 19l, l38 Micharski. Debra 179, ll4 Michar$ki, kevin M. 46. 7l. 151, 177 Michel, Eric 148, 19l. 207 Migliacci, Michele L. l24 Migliaccio. Lori A. 46 Mignone, Stacey 207 Mihalcik. Jil A. l24 Mihalko. Charles llll38 Mihalko. Elizabeth 129. 148. ll4 Mihalko, Larry 46. 57 Milazzo, Anne Marie 14l. 156. IS 7. 207 Milinowicz. David 97. Ill. 135. 176 Miller, Peggy 119. 156 Miller. Thomas R. 46. 74. 140. 146. 154 Miloszar. kimberly R. 224 Minick. Christopher J. l3S Minus. De Anna L. l38 Minutoli, NicoleT. 146. l07 Mitala. Catherine l38 Mitchell. Yvonne K. l38 Mizer. Sharon 46. 7l. 145 Mochari. Michael L. 105. 155. l38 Mochari. Suzanne 46. 143 Molder. Lou llO Molnar, Susan L. 46. 144. 146. 151 Monacchio. Keith C. 131. l37 . .23S Monje. Phillip R. l3S Mooney. Christpher J. 23S Mooney. Kevin J. 167, ll4 Moore. Charles 97, Ill. 164. 167 Moore. Elsie 90, 1.25 Moore. Kenneth D. 47 Morales. Leonardo l3S Moran. Mary E. l3S Morano. Paula A. 207 Morley. Stacey E. IS6. IS7. 207 Morrison. Colleen A. 9. 47. 140. 144 Morrison. Phillip T. 238 Morrison. Richard E. Jr. 238 Mosbrucker. Tina M. 239 Mottley, Don Ill Mottley. Donna 23S Mount. Mary Beth l39. 241 Mrochko. lisa A. 47 Mrochko. William A. 239 Muccie. James 14S. ISO. 191. 207 Muchanic. Sharon Lynn 224 Mullaney. Brian E. 239 Mulligan. Denise R. 47. 155 Munyak . Michelle D. 224 Murison. Jason A. 239 Murl. Joy C. 239 Murphy , Bernadette 224 Murphy . Eileen V. 239 Murphy . Erin L. 4 7. 14.2 Murphy. Mary Ellen T. 47 Murphy. Megan B. 13. 147. 152, 168. l24 Music Program 104-107 Nalbone. Pamela E. 207 Nalbone. Philip C. 207 Nalbone. Sharon M. .239 Natale, John A. .2.24 Nat ion a I Business Honor Society 140 National Honor Society 140-141 Nawrocik, Greg 207 Nawrocik, Susan M. 16S. l33. 238 Nelson. Marc E. 100. 194, .239 Nelson. Peter L. 47. 194 Nelson. Terrance C. 7. 143 . .224 Nibbs. Angela E. 207 Nicolai. John C. l39 Nieschmidt. Julia A. .2.24 Night of Theatrics 108-109 Nikitiades, Aileen 47 Nitti. Stephen C. .239 Nix, Jennifer M. 16. 224. 13S Nix. Joseph T. .239 Nix. Stephanie S. IS4 . .2.24 Noblejas. Ana L. 207 Nolan. Patrick B. 4S, 6S Nolan. Peter 4S, 72. 151. 169, 171, 17.2, 191 Norman. Edward l39 Norman. Marcellinus .224 Novembre. Michael J. 207 Novembre. Michele 207 Nowak, Joseph C. 4S Nucero. Leonard A. .239 Nutt. Jeffrey S. 207

Nuva. Daniella M. 207 Nuva. Sharon A. 224 O'Brien. Colleen M. 48 . O'Brien. Stephen N. 192, 207 O'Connor, Jennifer A. 146, 224 O 'Donnell, Dawn D. 48. 92 O'Donovan, Joan llO O'Donovan. Kevin J. 16. 143. 224 O 'Donovan, Susan M. 48. 140. 143. 146. 168 O 'Grady. Tom 142. l07 O 'Halloran, Sr. Peg 86. 76, 146 O'Keefe. karen E. 140. 142. 153, 155. 207 O 'Keefe, Shannon K. l39 O'Lone. Greg T. 150. l07 O 'Reilly. Dermot F. 143. 167, 224 O'Reilly. Kristen E. l07 O'Rourke. Eileen 48 Obed. Leonara Rita 239 Okulicz. Wallace J. l39 Okun. Meiinda S. 107. liS Olech. Dorothy 119 Orban, Michelle C. 239 Ortiz. Wanda ll4 Oshel. Stephen Carey 207. liS Osif. Lori L. 48 Ostrow ki. Lisa 99, 168 Ozolins. Mara M. l08 Pachuski. Stanley 49 Pachuta, JiU A. 157, lOS Padalino. Filomena ll4 Padalino, Lisa A. lOS Pagliaro, Danielle A. 239 Pagliaro. Joseph B. 239 Paglione. Cheryl A. 144, 150, 186. ll4 Paglione. Timothy A. 49, 140 Paixao. Francis J. 49 Paixao. Judith ll. 103 Palmieri, Jean 117. 141 Palombi, Anthony J. 194, l08 Palombi, Irene 118 Palsir, Amy C. ll4 Panajeotou, Theodroe 7. 150. 191. ll4 Pancake Breakfast 76-77 Panfili, Lido D. 208 Panzitta. James J. 49 Panzitta, Thomas ll4 Papa, Thomas S. 239 Paparella. Joseph V. 132, 208 Parents' Messages 78-81 Park , Hyung K. 143, lOS. 239 Park . Kun l08 Parker. Amy B. lJ9 Parker. Eric Sedsewick 239 Party Club 147 Pattik. Edward M. lll. 224 Paulus. Frank 49 Peetoom. Heleen ll4 Peloquin, Marc E. 208 Peloquin, Michel J. 126. 191. 239 Penney, Jill C. 239 Peoples. Carolyn 92. 140 Pergament, Jennifer 49 Perone. Michael 90, 168, 17 3 Perpetua, Bonnie F. 239 Perrella, Patrick T. 49, 140. 143, 150, 192 Perrone. Dawn M. 144. 146, lOS Persichilli. Laura M. 49, 128. 129, 144. 146, 151 Persichilli, Leah 179, 185, 224 Persichilli, Mark 50, 137 Peters. Sr. Mary Ann 88 Peterson. Keith 171. 174, 176. 224. ll7 Peterson. Peter Petito, Anthony F. 239 Pfeifer. Pamela A. 50, 61. 161, 140. 148 Phan, Francis A. 50, 140. 150 Phan, Thomas T. 240. 194 Phoenix Celebration 12· 13 Physical Education Department 90-91 Pica. Nancy 95, 138. 189 Picerno, Nicolette 50 Picone. Louis 191, ll4 Pierson, Denise J. 240 Piffath, Michele J. 191. ll3 Pinknye. Casandra 135, l08 Pinto , Craig S. 240 Pirone. Pamela 92. 93, 95, 156 Pirozzi. Anthony M. 150. l08, 210 Pirozzi. Scot A. 50 Pisterzi. Katherine 9, 50 Plumeri, Jennifer L. l08. liS 50, 102 Plumeri. Richard Pluznyk . John 164, 165. 167, l08 Pogoda, Tammy M. l40 Poli. Joseph 100 Policarpio. MichMI A.. 240 Polizzi, Cathy 50 Pollard. Charle. R. • l08, lll


Pollard. Erica 143. 240 Pollard, Michael P. 240 Ponticiello. Michael S. 240 Potocki, Maria N. l08 Potocki. Sophie 120 Potter. Alyssa L. 240 Power. Theodore J. 167, ll4 Presley. Sonya 178 Procaccino. Jeffrey 240 Prophett. Carrie liS. ll4. 183, 182 Prophett. Christopher IJ4, 150, 177, 174, 208. liS Prunetti, Colette A. l40 Przyburowski, Adam l40 Publicity Club 150 Pullen, Scott B. 51. 73, 158, 191 Pultorak. Kevin J. 154. 208 Pushman, Curtis A. l08 Quinn. Kelly A. 9, 51, 144. 146. 148, 150 Quinn. Thomas R. 47. 51. 73. 164 Radford. Denise B. l40 Radigan. Debra M. 140. 14l, 146. 184. l08 Raao. Claudine R. 26, 51. 7l Ramus, Christopher P. 183. l40 Randolph. Daniel P. 183, l08 Rauscher. Scott T. 150. 191. l08 Ravenel. Courtney A. 51, 151. 158 Ravenel, Kathleen l08 Rawls, Ursula 155, l40 Reali. Robert S. 183, ll4 Reavey . John J. 191. ll5 Rebbeck. Helen K. 51, 140. 180. 18l Red Cross Club 146 Redmond, Patrick R. 51 Reed. Randall 144. 145, 192. 240 Regan. Linda 92. 93 Reger, Christina M. 19l, l40 Reger. Michael 51. 19l Regina, Barbara A. 155. l40 Reily. Deirdre M. 9, 52. 144. 146 Reily. Dorothy Ill Religion Department 86-87 Remember Whens (Senior Messages) 64-67 Repko. Susan M. 147. 179, 225 Rhoads. Mary Ellen 36. 52, 146 Rhodes. Susan 150, 208 Ridley. Sonya M. 225 Rife, Sandra L. 240 Rigelon, Christopher 110. D Riggi, Nick L. ll5 Riley. Brenda ll. 88. 104 Riley. Laur Sharleen 240 Rimasn. Fr. Paul 144 Rinaldi. Ron 96 Ritter. Jacqueline L. 126. 240 Ritter. William lOS Rivera. Sandy A. 225 Robak, Lori ll5 Roberts, Michelle L. 240 Robinson , Duane S. 9, 52 Roche. Nicole A. 52 Roche. Thomas A. 192. 240 Rodriguez. Evelyn M. 6, 52. 144. 146 188. 189 Rodriguez. Nelson 140, 240. Rogaczewski . Tood R. ll5 Rogers. Anne M. 225 Rogers. Charise I. 155, lOS Rogers. Robert 52. 151. 164 Romano. Jon Paul 237 Romano , Mario L. 150, 164, 208 Romano, Michelle A. ll5 Romano. William 97 , 236, 237 Romanovic , Goran 20S Ronan. Rosemary 95 , 147 Rooney. John T. 134, 150. 208. 240 Rooney. Sr. Patricia 88 Rossell. Lisa A. 140. 144. 145. 146. 208 Rosser. B. Ray 240 Rosso, Robert W. 240 Rotondo. Danielle 147 . 150. ll5 Rovello. Margaret 90 Rowley. Jennifer K. 226 Royster. Kimberly 226. 179 Ruberto, Joseph D. 143, 19l, ll6 Ruberto. Linda J. 76. 143. 146, 168, lOS, 213 Rullo. Melissa H. 143. 147. 150, ll6 Rullo. Thomas A. 52 Rumac, MichaelS. 183, D Runsdorf; Lisa ll6 Russin, Adrienne 179, 185. ll6 Ryan, Patrick T. lOS Ryczkowski, Joseph Jr. 171, ll6 Saccone. Paul ISS. ll6, ll7 Saccone, Tara L. lOS Safko, Laurie L. Sl. 144. 147 Sapnowski, Steven M. Saprese, Peter SaiMU ~l

Salcewicz, Judith 86, 144 Salewski. Carla A. 143. 144. 150. lOS, 209. l14 Salmestrelli. Lisa S. 53. 146. 151, 168. 170 Salmon. Christie M. l08 Salvi, Anthony 40, 53 Sandford, Harry 53 Sandham, Aimee M. 208 Sandine, kwt R. 240 Sands, leonard F. l08 Sanford, 811 151, 155

s.nta.,. Gall M. ll6 Sa

• Hector Sapnar. f . 7, J. J$1. 158, 184 Sarafin. Holly 75 Sarafin, Jacqueline l40 Sarafin, Noel 53, 75 Sauvage, Janet ll6 Scandariato, Maria A. SJ. 1)8, 139. 146 Scanlon. Andrew J. l40 Scanlon, Patrick J. 54, 76. 114 Scavo, Dominic 54 Scavo, Marianna 190, ll6 Scavo, Thomas 54 Schade. Eric M. 54, 148 Schade. Victoria P. 240 Schadt. Denise ll6 Schaeffer. Christina ll6 Schafer. Gregory 72. 74. 77, 94.95 Schaumloeffel, Robert 126 Scheideler. Wendy L. 54, 140, 148 Schermerhorn, kara 184. 226 Schiavone. Debra L lOS Schilon, David C. 240 Schmitt, Colleen A. 54. 74, 174, 178 Schneider. Christopher 194. l08 Schoch. Tiffany A. 240 Schroeder. Andrew E. 54, 71 Schroeder, 191, lll. ll6 Schroeder, Christine 144. 146, 7, 150. l08 Schroth. Cathy M. 54, 146, 184, 19l. 113 Schuldes. Felicia M. 144. lOS Shultz. Steve 100, 190 Schwab, Carolyn 208 Schwab. Jacqueline R. 208 Schwartz, kara 226 Sciandra, karen E. 55, 140. 192 Sciarro tl, Mark 14l. 169, lll, 214 Sciarrotta. el M. lOS Science Department 98-99 Scimeca, Deborah Anne Nicole 240 Scimeca. Elizabeth K. 142. 148, 149, lOS Scoreboards 196-197 Scorsolini. Lisa M. 144. 145, 237. 241 Scott , Bobby l26 Scott , Melinda H. 143, 155. ll5 Scott. Michele 146. 150. 186, lOS Scott , Robyn A. l40 Scotto. Brian M. 226 Scotto. Liza T. 240 Sech. kristine A. Secre ial Staff 118-119 Se , Mary Ann 116. 117 Sef y. Michael S. 41. 5S 140, 143 Sei z. Elizabeth 140, . 192, lOS Sei itten A. ll6 Sel , Emma 240 Se Donald l08 S Activities 74-75 Sen~ Halloween Party 72· 73 Senior Popularity Poll 68· 71 Senior Portraits 20-63 Senior Service Program 6· 7 Sentek. Sherry A. 26. Serafin. kevin 55. 192 Serock. Christina D. 140. 142. 209 Serpikov. Tanya M. ISS. 227 Serrano, Raquel 240 Seymour. John F. 55 Sgro, John J. 164. l09 Shanllhan. Colleen A. 209 Sharp, Lee G. Jr. l40 Shaw, Thomas ll. 86, 87 Sheehan. De-nis W. ll7 Sheppard. Sean P. 55. 164 Shiarappa. Joseph l09 Shin, Hyuin 16, 17, ll7 Shin, Hyun Jin 55, 140. 148 Shinal. Lynnette M. 55. 140. 148 Shirley, Heather M. l40, 241 Shirley, Jennifer A. 55. 144. 145, 156, 157 Shroyer, Brandi ll7 Shuttle Disaster 158-159 Sibert, Lisa M. 55 Sickler. Karen E. 148, 174, 227 Sickler. ~n L. J:)9 Sider is, tantine 148. l09 Siecienski. Anthony E. 56. 140, 143. 148

Siedlarczyk, Mary E. 56, 142, 150, 153 Sign Language Club 144 Sikorski, Amy E. 144, l09 Siliwono, Patti B. 56 Simms, Elizabeth A. 140, 144, 184, l09 Simms. Eric l37, l40 Simms. Francis M. 56, 7l, 74, 76, 140, 146, 149. 150.

169 Simon, James M. 101, 240 Simon, Kim M. 56 Simon, M. ll7 Simone, 114, 115, 178, 179 Simonetti, Alison 150, ll7 Simonetti, Paul 240 Sif111etary, Erin K. 240 Singleton, Richard 154, ll7 Sirak, Kristin L. ll7 Siwczak, Anthony l40 Siwczak, Michael A. ll7 Ski Trip 138, 138-139 Slatina, Sandra T. ll7 Slota. Daniel J. 237, 240 Sly, Jennifer K. l09 Smiley, Candis L. ll7 Smith. Brian 146. 150, 183, l09 Smith. Dione ll7 Smith, Dolores M. ll7 Smith, Kely 56, 146 Smith. Kristen 150. l09 Smith. A. ll3, 227 Smith, a M. l09 Smith, Miura E. 56 Smith. haell40 Smith, Patricia 100. 125, 186, 187 Smith, Rosemary G. l6. 56 Smith, Theresa L. 157, ll7 Smith, Tracey A. ll7 Snare, Laura 190, 240 Sniderman, Candice 240 Snoopy 132-133 Sobolewski, Kimberly 227 Sobon, Sharon B. 56, 70, 144, 146, 184 Social Studies Department 96-97 Soldati, Vanda 56, 144, 147, 71, 160 Soley, David W. Sollami, Maryann W. 51, 57, 69, 132, 133, 140, 186, 187, Solomon, Wayne P. 240 Somers. Tammy K. 240 Sontag, Christopher D. 148, 210 Sootkoos, Paul 210 Sophomore Lollipop Day 218-219 Sophomores 216-ll9 Sopko, Beth M. 155, 240 Soprych, Christopher Joseph 240 Sosna, Deborah M. 147, 188, 189, 227 Sosna, Michael J. 57 Sowa, Jennifer 144, liO Spanish Honor Society 142 Sparagna, Emilia 57, 142 Spilatore. Dina M. 57, 142 Spinale, John T. 57, 105, 140, 192 Spirit Week 134-137 Sports, 164-197 Stack, Nicole A. 227 Stack, Noel L. 57, 147 Stackhouse, Daniel L. 241 Stackhouse, Kimberly 155, 241 Stanzione, Joseph A. 143. 169, 171, 227 Stefero, John Nicholas 241 Stein, Amy E. 242 Stemmer, Lorri L. 210 Stevens, Christopher B. 242 Stevens, David P. 210 Stewart, Ann L. 242 Still. Antionette R. 242 Stine, Susan C. 185, 227 Stoka, Mary ll, 92 Storytellers Club 144 Stoy, Lori M. 57, 124, 137. 70, 144. 146. 184. 139 Striano, John L. 227 Student Government 74-75, 210, 221. 237 Subhan. Deborah A. 242 Sudol, Tracy A. 57 Sullivan. Daniel F. 191. l37. l4l Sullivan, Donald J. 227 Sullivan, Meghan A. liO Sullivan. Mike 237, 24l Suosso, Joseph L. 32. 58. 7l. 151. 169. 171 Suosso. Lisa L. 168, l4l Surdo, Cris Ann 58, 146 Suro, Thomas P. 58 Suth, Richard J. 167, 2l8 Suth, Sharon L. 190, 210 Swimming 192-193 Szekeres. Jolanda D. 152, 204. 210. lll, liS Szekeres, Paul G. 54, 58, 72. 144. 150, 169

Szul, Jason E. l4l Tackacs, Stephen J. 165. 167. l28 Takach. Michele E. ll8 Tallone. Alison B. liO Tandy, Christopher liO Tanglaw. Grace C. l4l Tani, Elizabeth A. 43. 58. 68, 72, 153, 158, l44, 245 Tanner, Krystall5, 58, 146 Tanzola, Christina L. ISS, llS Taptich. Michael P. ll8 T tich. Robert J. l9. 58 Tardiff. an J. 16. llO. ll3 Tattoli, Tina M. ll8 Tattory. Bernice 17, 135 Tempone, C~ia M. l4l Tessein. Eric 58. 164, 166 Testla. Kelly M. liO Tezsla. Alexander ll8 Thar*ssivins Food Drives. 9 Therrell. David E. liO Thoma. Jane A. 45. 59, 61, 7l. 146, ISO Thoma. Jennifer A. 144, 148, 150. 228 Thoma, Michele L 144, 242 Thomas, Christopher E. SO. Thomas. Dana l. llS Thompson, Michael W. liO Thompson. Mylera l4l Thompson, Stasia A. 143. 185. ll8 Thorne. Charles R. ISO, 171, liO Thorne, Marcella E. l4l Tierno, Enea ll. IOl, 103 Tilton. David G. llS Tilton, David J. ll8 Timlen, WilliamS. l4l Tkac, Ernest P. 167, 228 Toaldo. Melissa E. 42, 59 Todd. Kristi M. Toewe, Jeffrey C. 242 Tomassetti, Gina 132, 133. 210 Top Ten Seniors 84-85 Topchik, Michael A. 146. 150, 194. 209. 210 Topper. Kimberly M. 59. 72. 108. 132. 133. 140. 148. 77. 161 Topper. Renee T. 242 Torgeson, Gary J. 59 Toscano. Alisa Marie 242 Toto, James J. 167, 191, 228 Traina, Filomena T. 59 Trani, Krista .2.28 Tranter. Tara J. 144. 242 Trautwein, Lynn A. 242 Trayenham. Thomas Jr. 242 Trent. D. Lee .242 Trippa. Vincent A. 228 Tritt, Michael J. 108. 134, 139. 140. 150. 164 . .207. 210 Trout. Melissa liO Trzaska, David M. 228 Tuccillo, Lisa M. 210 Tullai. John W. 176. 228 Turbert, Thomas N. 242 Turi. Deena M. 59 Turski, Carol A. 210 Tweed, Veronica M. 12. 142. 146. 210. 212 Ulrich, James C. 110. 210. 228 Ulrich, Lisa M. 168 Underclassmen 100. 243 Uniform Changes 14-17 Valatka, Amy T. 140. l4l Van Middlesworth, Rob 210 Van Nest, Kenneth P. 242 Vandergrift, Denise M. .242 Vanderleek. Jennifer M. 242 Vanella, Elizabeth M. 242 Vanmiddlesworth. Constance F. 242 Varga, J. Ted 148. 191. 242 Varia, Monica R. 59. 140, 142. 153, 158 Varisco. Eleanor P. 144. 228 Varvel, Eric 59 Vazquez. James 7, 171. 191. 228 Vellucci, Leonard T. 59. ISO Vena. Jamie 242 Venanzi. Joseph D. 60 Venanzi. Laury F. 242 Vichroski, Jennifer 60. 147 Vidal, Edward P. 60 Vidal, Mary G. llS Vieceli, Eric R. lOS. 155. 210 Villa, Christina M. 8. 9, 60. 1l9. 144. 146. 148 Vinci, Claudia J. ISO. llS Vitagliano, Mark lll Vomacka. Pamela liO Vo- Tech Program 110-111 Vrancik, Laura M. ll8 Walicky, Robert 24l W4er, Deidre N. llS Walsh. Daniel P. 210 Walsh. Doreen J. 184. 210

Walton. Christine 60. 71, 144 Walton. Christopher D. 155, 243 Warso. Christopher E. l43 Warso. Gerald 164. 167. ll8 Wasielewski. Roxann ll9 Watson. Donald 150. liO Webb. Susan L. 8, 60, 144 Wedam, Kristin E. 14l. 146. lll. ll3 Weed, Robert H. l43 Weingartner, laura L. ll9 Wens. Crail L. 164, lll Weft~. Michael 60 Werger. Patricia 0. ll9 West. Camille 16. ll7~ 135, 156, 157, liO. ltl Whitacre. Kimberly 243 Whitaker. Audra 2l9 White. Gregory J. 150. lll Willever. Keith E. 243 Williams. Deron T. 143. ll9 WiOiams, Dosiree 168. 170. lll WiUiams. Jacinda 229 Williams, Valerie 168. ll9 Williams. Wendi Beth 243 WiUis, Cynthia t.. lll W Jeremiah l43 Wilson, Ronald H. 165. 174. 176, 177, ll9 Wind. Benjamin H. 2l9 Wind. Rebecca S. 60 Winter Track I 183 Wlazlowski. Judith A. 155, Wlazlowski. Karen L. 2l9 Wnek, Lixanne A. 143. 144. 145 Wojciechowski, Krzysz ll9 Wolff, Jacquelyn L. Wolff, Kimberly A.. 60. 93 Wong, Christopher K. 60, 140 Wong, Lisanne L. 14 7, 24 3 Woo. Roger 61. 140 Wood, Robert 100. 101 Wood. Sherri L. 189. 229 Woody. Elizabeth A. 155. 229 Woody. Mary C. 243 Words Of Love 78-81 Wrestling 191 Wrobel. Suzanne 211 Wroebleski. Joe 182. 183 Wronsky. Suzanne M. 144. 229 Wysocki. Dennis A. 61 Vade. Anhony S. .243 Yaede. Angela 0. 61. 71. 144. 146, 147 Yash. Traci 220 Yearbook Acknowledgements 244. 24$ Yearbook Staff 244-245. 152. 153 Young Democrats 151 Young Republicans 150 Young. Dennis E. 243 Young. Jon A. 243 Young. Keith M. 61. 151, 164 Young. Robert 243 Young. Tanya 36. 61. 19. 168. 170, Yousko. David A. 167, 229 Ytkin, Andrea B. 243 Yu. Boas 61. 141 Yuncza. Edward J. 229 Zaffarese. Lisa M. 192. 243 Zahorsky. Bernice 95 Zaleski. David M. 243 Zangrilli. Peter J. 190. 211, lll Zangrilli. Robert A. 190. ll9 Zawodniak. Anna C. 211 Zawodniak. Henry C. 237, l43 Zdanowicz. Carolyn 211 Zdanowicz. Virginia 229 Zdenek. Gregory A. 61 Zdenek. Michael P. 243 Zera. Andrew J. 229 Ziegler. Catherine 229 Zielinski. Stephanie 174, 178, Zimmer. Charlotte C. 17, 154, Ziolkowski. Kristen L. 17, 154, Zita, John G. 211 Zita, Kristen D. 243. 155 Zola. Kevin 190. 211 Zola. Richard W. 165. 167, ~. ll9 Zoltanski, John Ill Zoltick. Gail Zorn. Jennifer M. 144, Zorovich. Kenny 194, Zorovich. Tara M. Zuccarello. Kim 154, Zuczek. Kimberly 61, Zuczek. Victor 165, Zulla. Christine 2l9


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