Notre dame high school canticle 1985web

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Our Notre Dame community is comprised of many dedicated individuals who contribute their time and skills to the various aspects of our school. One man whose contributions are at the very core of all Notre Dame functions and its day-to-day existence is Mr. John Grussler, a man whose service and dedication exemplify what Notre Dame stands for. This dedication has not lasted for one month, or one season, or even one year, but its underlying presence has existed for twelve years; years of continual summer preparation, fall organization, winter maintenance, and spring rejuvenation. This continual, tedious, and often very lonely process is carried out by a dependable, inexhaustible, and humble man. Besides being totally committed to Notre Dame in a creative sense - building the sets for our annual plays, taking films at fall sports activities, and taking our infamous I.D. pictures - he is also a distinguished educator in the true sense of the word. Teaching for Mr. Grussler is not simply a job, but an obligation; an obligation to give the students the benefit of his learning and experience. Truly unselfish in his approach to teaching, he encourages students to explore for

themselves all there is to be learned. Due to his wide-ranging knowledge, over the years both here and at Cathedral and Trenton Catholic, he has taught history, science, photography, media, German, and careers. Besides being a vital part of our Notre Dame family, he is also devoted to his own family. Together Mr. and Mrs. Grussler have raised five daughters, all of whom received their secondary education from Notre Dame. The Grussler family, members of Holy Cross parish, are a family raised in love and directed by a man whose underlying strength acts as the family's bonding element. Despite all that Mr. Grussler gives of himself, he often goes unappreciated and becomes the man behind the scenes. There are no trophies or titles awaiting him after a task, often not even verbal acknowledgement. Therefore we now wish to extend the deep gratitude, which has always been in our hearts, by simply and sincerely dedicating our 1985 yearbook to a man for all seasons, Mr. John Grussler. Lisa Tani

The Graduate IPG-141 This year has brought about many changes in the seniors. Each experience at Notre Dame has helped us acquire a little more knowledge and maturity. As seniors, we have become more confident in ourselves. When we were freshmen, we were introduced to many different sports and clubs. Through these activities, along with academics, we have enhanced our abilities and discovered new talents. We have worked very hard to reach graduation day, and we have learned from our mistakes along the way. But just as senior year is exciting, it is also very confusing. As the year ends, we will no longer have the securities that we had during the past four years. The ending of senior year is only the beginning of a completely new life for us. We are beginning to change our outlook on life. We are more concerned now with our future, rather than the accomplishments of the past. Adulthood is approaching and we realize that we must be prepared to handle different situations on our own. It is time for us to make responsible decisions. The decisions we make now will affect the rest of our lives. Notre Dame has set a firm foundation upon which we, the graduates, can achieve our goals. Kate Comfort SENIOR James Fife.


SENIORS - Bill Chamberlain, Mark McTamney, Patrick O' Rourke, M ichael Lugossy,John Sheehan, Kevin Crary and Gary Thomas.

JUNIOR Amy MacCormack

'UNDER WHO' ? That is a common phrase heard when seniors are asked about underclassmen. One aspect oj Notre Dame that the seniors seem to jorget, however, is that 7.5 % oj the student body is comprised oj underclassmen. The upperclassmen exhibit a great deal oj pride jor their jour years oj accomplishment, but that same pride is equally evident among the underclassmen. The seniors do not have a monopoly on school spirit, either. School spirit abounds in almost every activity in which the underclassmen partake. From Junior Costume Day to Blue and White Day, throughout the pep rallies and athletic events, underclassmen spirit is unparalleled. The juniors are comparable to those actors starring in B-grade movies,' the sophomores are the costars in those same movies, and the jreshmen are the actors just starting their illustrious careers. Although there exists jriendly competition and joking among the upperclassmen and underclassmen, all jour classes act in unity at Notre Dame. The seniors are on their way to new beginnings, and they shall be missed. However, the diversijied personalities which make up the underclassmen are more than willing to take their esteemed place at Notre Dame. The "student bodies" shall rise to the challenge ojjurther progressions over the next jew years, and shall prove to be a worthy group oj people in the eyes oj those who have seen them grow. John T. Spinale

FRESHMEN - Karyn Canulii, Stephanie Carter, Nicole McLaurin

SOPHOMORE Sandra Glerum



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Notre Dame is the set on which multiple interest groups organize and produce. These activities are rated PG - Positively Great! Extra-curricular activities such as student government, theatre and choir groups, National Honor Societies, debate, cheerleading, and game clubs all get star billings on the Notre Dame marquee. Activities encourage and enhance our dreams allowing students, under the direction of the faculty, to experience life beyond the close up of academics and cerebral pursuits, into the cinemascope of social drtlflla. The opportunity to explore one's talents and make use of the individual interpretation of character is taken advantage of by a cast of hundreds. A technicolor spectrum of activities highlight the school calendar thanks to enthusiastic scholars and their interest in ff All That Jazz." - Marita Sciarrotta

BREWING for a win as best group at the Senior Halloween Party are, from left, Mary Sykes, Janet Cieslin, Lisa Eible, Rita Woods, Kim McNamara, Liz Shidey, and Julie Zorovich. TOP: A colorful Mark Robertson. 9

UCCEED: William Fallon,James Revak. MOST A Corrado. MOST Fritz, Kevin Crary (also ZANIEST). ZANIEST: Sonja Vaughan. BACK ROW page 18) MOST D MUSICIANS: Michael Wierzbowski,Jennifer Faulkner. MOST ARTISTIC: Michael Kovacs, Elizabeth Tierno. D FRIENDLIEST: Leon Hunt, Michele Raviola. DYNAMIC DUO: Donna Czyzewski, Diane Krawczun. 'L.UJIU ..../U

Pinto, Marita Sciarrotta. CLASS DUO: Jeff Powell, James Porcelli. 19

Harold Adams

Christopher Alicks

Marvin Archer

Laura Angelucci

Kathy Kite

Robert Arnold

Michelle Arpin

Michelle Arpin She's young now, wild now, and wants to be free. Richard Arronenzi Life consists not in holding good cards, But in playing those you do hold well!

Richard Arronenzi


Denise Arthur

Denise Arthur We're children of the future. Learn well, and lead the way. Good Luck! Kim, Kelly, Bryain.

Latonya Ashford


Lauren Baier

Valerie Baker

Bill Barnum

Michael Bartolino

Joseph Battista Pete Janora

John Battle

Kevin Baxter 21

Stacia Bell

Candice Bendick

Gerilynn Benjamin

Tro y Bergstrom

Jane Betz

Keith Blazic

Gregg Bock

Althea Bogdan

Stacia Bell LOl'e in retlJ{Jn'J termJ, anJwen nothing. Candice Bendick AfemorieJ are there to look hack on to rememher timeJ we Jhared. Gerri Lynn Benjamin Lille for today and let tomorrow take care of it.relj Troy BergJtrom Sworn to jim, loyal to none. Jane Betz The chain rj"deJtiny can only he graJPed a Jingle link at a time." Althea Bogdan The mOJt important thing in life iJ to IOlle Jomeone. The no.:t iJ to haN Jomerme IOl'e YOll. The third i.r to halle the fint two thingJ happen at the Jame time.

Kathy Krawscyk 22

Karen Bomherry Ellery move YOIl make, every Jtep YOIi take, I will he watching YOIl.

Lydia BralynJki Dream what YOIl dare to dream, Go where YOIl want to go, Be what YOIl want to he. T homaJ Bralln The grand eJJentials of happineJJ are: Something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.

Karen Bombery

Lydia Bralynski

Mike Sontag, Steve Lyons, Tom Puskas, Dave Uvegas

. Brian Breza

Jeffrey Brown

Thomas Braun

Kathleen Brennan

Thomas Buckley

John Buffin

Kathy Brennan I'm moving throllf!,h .wme changes I'll never he the Jame Something yrJII did tOllched me There is no one to blame

jeffrey Brown I may not have fine clothes, hilt I am rich in personality.

Brian Breza What we have f!,ained rJller these fOllr yean is knowled,ge; knowledf!,e which no one can ever take away.

jack Bliffin Happiness is the name of the game, senior daJJ of '85. IIGo for it.

Thomas M. Blickley Life is a voyage, not a destination



Kathleen Burke

David Butera

Jo Anne Butera

Fran Camerin

Theresa Canavan

Glenn Caldwell

Cathy Campbell

Ken Werger

Meaghan Cannon

Kathleen Burke Youth happens once in a lifetime, but lived to the fullest once is enough.

Frank Camerin What lies within us is more important than what lies before or after us.

Dave Butera "Stay optimistic, optimism is a believer in the best."

Cathy Campbell "We shouldn't think about tomorrow, Sweet memories will last a long time."

JoAnne Butera To love someone is to stay close enough to touch and still have room to grow.

Theresa Canavan Our lives can change as quickly as our minds, but our memories remain the same.

Glenn Caldwell Remember when we hit our downfalls, that tomorrow will be better.

Meaghan Cannon I guess it's time to change our jaded ways, but I've loved these days.


EI izaheth Cantwell A dreamer liveJforever, take life one Jtep at a time.

jill CelentclJlfJ Learn a J ifY(JII are to Ii l'e }flrer'er. Li lie aJ ifYOIl were to die tOlllorrou'.

jeannine Carfagno Before the riJing sun we fly, JO many roadJ to {hooJe. We start out walking and learn to mn,' and yes we'lIe jllJt begun.

ThereJa Challender The long and winding road will neller diJappear to me, it has only jwt beglln.

Robert Carmingani Real love begins where nothing is expected to retllrn. Caryn Carter We will always have memories ofyesterday and jwt hope fo tomorrow.

William H. Chamberlin "We will all be together in the end. " Palll Charbonneall "What'J an award? It's nothing. What'J important iJ inside you, and only you'll know. "

Elizabeth Cantwell

Jeannine Carfagno

Robert Carmignani

Jill Celentano

Mark Haynie

Theresa Challender

William Chamberlin

Caryn Carter

Paul Charbonneau


Cindy C/Ji(kara A rarity in a lijl,timÂŁ', tbat iJ Y(J/I my praioIlJ/rimd.l. i:du.'ard S. Cbmara YOIl are yOllng and life is long and tbere iJ time to kil! today. Darrin Christensen "Time is ticking away tbe moments that makes liP a dill! day. " Nick Cianfrano For long YOlllive and high you fly, smiles you 'I! gil'e and tears you '/I cry. Cynthia Chickara

Darrin Christensen

Janet Cieslin

Edward Chmara

Nicholas Cianfrano .

Karen Ciskowski

Julie Franceschini, Kate Comfort, Bridget Corrado

janet Cieslin jliJt a dream and the wind to carry me, Soon I '/1 be so free. Karen Ciskowski It's not what you do in life, it's what you do with it that COttnts. Denise Cochran Almost perceptible, something inexpressible. Science irreducible, logic so inflexible, Casually connectible, yet llothing in invillcible. Kathleen Comfort If you set high goals for yourself, make sure you're not afraid of heights!


Denise Cochran

Kathleen Comfort

John Conboy

William Connolly

Dominick Constantini

Bridget Corrado

Michael Costa

Susan Conti

Christopher Cortez

Lowell Lybarger

Norman Costello

Sue Conti Though you're gone, star,jar away, Everytime I see a rainbow I'ff remember being with you, Smiles coming through my tears. Bridget Corrado Laugh and the world laughs with you; Snore and you sleep alone.' Michael Costa Time may change me, but I can't change time.


Kevin Crary

Christpher Crowell

Rebecca Cseh

Donna Czyzewski

Francis Damroth

Janice Cunningham

Trisha D' Arcy

Mike Bartolino,Joe Todaro

Prea Dassori

Christopher Crowell Fear not the world endinf!, today, for it is already tomorrow in Australia.

Donna Czyzewski What happy hours I once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still~

Rehecca Cseh We don't have tomorrow, But we had yesterday; YeJterday iJ f!,one So all we have iJ today.

Trisa D'Arcy Life is just a small part of time, use it well and fill it with memorieS.

Janice Clmninf!,ham Beinf!, without aff ofyou is f!,oinf!, to take a lot ofgettinf!, wed to.' Good luck.'


Frank Damroth Take on life with everything you have, and do the best job pOJJible. Prea Dassori Where your treaJure iJ, there will be your heart also.

Donald Davison

John Davies

Terry Dearden

Joseph Decker

Joe Decker, Bill Connolly

Susan Del Monte

Michelle Delre

Sonya Deason

Karen Dey

Kathleen Dey Mark it well: There are flowers and there are weeds -

but mostly weeds.

Claudia DiCarlo Remember me with a smile for that's the way ['11 remember you. Andrea Dixon Life is fiill of decisions; make them carefully and wisely, and have faith in God always.

Kathleen Dey

Mark Direske

Andrea Dixon

Colleen Doyle

Kathleen Draper

Claudia DiCarlo

Liz Tierno, Beth Mosner

Agatha Dzikiewicz 30

Lisa Bible

Dawn Emde

John Erndl

Lynn Evans

Margaret Evans

Dawn Emde "It is better to have loafed and lost, than never to have loafed at all. " Lynn Evans Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact. Margaret Evans Peace on earth, good will toward all men. Peter Fabian

Drew Fallon I

Peter Fabian When I grow too old to dream, I will have these years to remember. And then, in memory, I can return to the place where my dreams began. Drew Fallon "Oh, and I don't?" Denise Farina I asked for all things that I might enjoy life. I was given life that I might enjoy all things. Michael Farrell So many men seemed destined to settle for something small; But my heart will not rest until I know I have it all.

Denise Farina Marita Sciarrotta

Michael Farrell 31

Daniel Fasolino

Lauree Farrior

Jennifer Faulkner


David Ferdetta

Stephen Fondots

James Fife

Kevin Sheehan,Jeff Brown, Norman Costello,Joseph Battista, Wayne Norton, Charisse West, Cerellis Wimbush, Missy Lester

Lauree Farrior The purpose of today is to strive for a better tomorrow. Dan Fasolino In the future . .. Man will not walk. Jennifer Faulkner Use your past to strengthen and fulfill your future.


Juliana Franceschini

Dave Ferdetta "Success follows good work not good luck." James T. Fife Jr. We've only just begun to climb the mountain of success. Julie Franceschini Better that you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad.

Susan Francis

Carleen Fritz

Lisa Franzoni

Martin Fritz

Michelle Sebasto

Lisa Frock

Catherine Funderburg

Richard Gardner

Christine Garruba

Susan Francis Only as far as we seek can we go . .. Only as much as we dream we can be.

Lisa Anne Frock The days may ({)me, the days may go, but still the hands of memory weave the blisJfUI dreams of long ago.

Lisa Franzoni Where we love is home Home iJ where our feet may leave hut not our heartJ.

Catherine Renee Funderhurg Life iJ full of adventure, seriousneJJ, and fill. But we must come to realize we 'z;e only jmt hegun.

Carleen Fritz IrLife iJ a smorgashord, try a little of everything fint, then go hack to the things you like hest.路'

Christine Garruha Goodhye my friend Thank you for foreZJer Time iJ awaiting me.


Thomas Gavin


Rachel Gersten

Gregory Giovacchini

Christopher Giovannetti

Michelle Goehring

John T. Gorman

Patricia A. Gorman

Paula Gawroski

Althea Bogdan

Vicki Gradus The most utterly lost of all days is that in which you have not once laughed. Darin Graham It's time to say goodbye to all old friends and new. Who shared ups and downs, tears and laughter. It's a sad time in my life, but it's also a happy time . .. Time for me to say hello to new friend.r and a new world. It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday . .. Vicki Gradus

Darin Graham

Clare Grala

Richard Gregory

Clare Grala What lies behind you and what lies before you are tiny matters compared to what lies within you.

Karen Martini

Margaret Grimes

Cheryl Grosso

Richard Gregory Ad Majorem Pei Gloriam. Mollie Grimes Your life wiff not be fulfilled if you don't achieve what is important to you. Michele Grubb There's a little child in aff of us, just waiting to be loved. Karen Grussler "There's sunshine in your smile. It takes only a smile to make your day brighter." Michele Grubb

Karen Grussler


Mark Grygon

Margaret Guggenbickler

Molly Grimes, Carol Trippa,]oAnn Piazza

Mark Grygon "Sanity is a precious commodity, but then again who really wants it? " Arlene Gutierrez A man's real possession is his memory. In nothin!!, else is he poor. Danna Haas Take the bad times with the good, and live each day to the Ju liest. Lisa Haller I am not aJraid oj tomorrow for I have seen yesterday, and I love today.

Arlene Gutierrez

Donna Haas

Lisa Haller

Andrea Hamilton

Kurt Harendza

Thomas Harkness

Andrea Hamilton "Hey You" Don't help them hury that light. Don't gi ve in without a Jight. Kurt Harendza "It's one thing to show a man he is in error, and another to put him in pOSJession of the truth. " A1eghan Guggenhickler Now my dreams are coming true, Through the good times and the had, ['II be standing there hy you.

Rosalind Harrison "Be yourself or you'll find yourself by yourself, and that's alone. " Stacey Harrison Stand for something or you'll fall for something. Robin Hayes All that you touch and all you see Is all your life will ever be.

Kimberly Harris

Rosalind Harrison

Stacey Harrison

Robin Hayes

Selina Haynes

Mark Haynie

Susan Heller

Jeanae Mazzone, Kurt Harendza

AmyJo Henry


Linda Hirthler

Kathleen Holub

Leon Hunt

Cynthia Jacobus

Vincent lmmordino

Marybeth Janis


Tom Braun

Peter Janora

Linda H irthler Let me fill your life with joy and laughter, Happiness is all I'm after. Whenever you need me, I'll be there.

Vincent Immordino Senior graduation is sayinggoodbye to your friends who have shared four years with you.

Kathleen Holub Live always, my friend, as if there is world enoligh and time.

Cynde Jacobus I may not be perfectly wise or wonderfully witty but I'm al ways perfectly me.'

Leon Hunt IISome look at things and say, Why? I look at things and say, Why not?"

Marybeth Janis It's amazing what one can accomplish when one doesn't know what one can do.'

Carin Jenner

Denise J anuzzi

Michael Jennings

Susan Joy

Eric Johnson

Brian Breza, Leon Hunt

Thomas Kale

Denise januzzi I wish the best of luck to all the "Spuds" around. Always keep in mind路 The love of laughter and friendship is the key to happiness. Michael jennings Our tunnel has passed, The light ahead is cast; With hope I shall step Memories of N.D. always kept. Eric johnson Life is something that you yourself have to achieve. So set your goals, take risks, and fulfill your dreams.

Michael Keefe

Jeremiah Keegan

Swan joy "The only promises I know to be true are the promises made from the heart. " Tom Kale If they give you ruled paper, write the other way. Michael Keefe The Class of '85, "Gone But Not Forgotten" Cheers to all.' jerry Keegan Thanks to Mom, Dad, my three older brothers, and the boys, God bless.


Kellie Keim Memories may be beautiful and yet, what's too painful to remember we simply choose to forget. Colleen Kerr "Consider well what your strength is equal to, and what exceeds your ability." Kristin Kiefer Dance is a delicate balance between perfection and ... feedom. "

Paula Salewski

Kellie Keim

Colleen Kerr

Kristin Kiefer

Mary Beth Kilkenny

David Kitchen

Catherine Kite

Mary Elizabeth Kilkenny The courses are our destiny We'll travel it hard in hand I want you right here next to me Until we reach the sand. Catherine Kite Take it light. Cheryl Kochis Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Dream great dreams, and make them come true. Cheryl Kochis


Thomas Kondash

Tom Kondash Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.

Janine Kopacz Life is limited, Reach for your dreams while you can. Evangelia Koukousas Love is measured, not in moments of time, but in timeless moments. Michael Kovacs I've released myselffrom earthy care . .. My dreams may be in your nightmare. Diane K rawczun A true friend is like good health, the values of it are seldom known until it is lost.

Janine Kopacz

Cynthia Kostrzewa

Evangelia Koukousas

Michael Kovacs

Diane Krawczun

Katherine Krawczyk

Karen Kubin

Barbara Kulak

Bob Carrnignani

Kathy Krawczyk ttI'm stabbed with laughter." Karen Kubin Memories are gifts of the heart which time cannot touch . .. the years just endear them. Barbara Kulak Wise sayings often fall on barren ground; but a kind word is never thrown away.


Kimberly Kusek

Richard LaRue

Pam Layton

Shawn Leach

Sandra Leber

Peter Kusenko

Eric Veale

Pam Layton Don't look to the past. Look to the future and the opportunities that are open to you now - Nothing can stop you, nothing bItt Y(JlirJelf Shawn P. Leach We [in ish only to begin again. Sandy Leber What we are to be, we are now becoming.

Melissa Lester 42

Theresa Liedtka

Diane Lipcsey

Scott Loney

Suzanne Lopez

Cheryl Lowe

Scott Low!} "I u.'iJh my /el/ou ' r/a.l.lmate.l continlled happineJJ and success in all their f;dllrl' /!!u/eal'or.1. .. Slie Lopez I/yoll l{)l 'e .Iomeone, .let him free . I/he comeJ hack, lIe'J YOlln, 1/ not, YOIl u.'eren't meant to he. Cheryl Lou'e Be yOl~nell hilt he YOllr heJt Jell dare to he different, to reach for the Jtan.' Michael Lugossy

Kathryn Lund

/\fike LlIgoJJy With al/ itJ u.'onden, Jcima had }fmnd no medicine that ClIreJ stupidity. Kathy Llind Some say it'J holding on that makeJ YOIi ,Ilrong. SometimeJ it's letting go. Lowel/ Lyharger "Two tragedies in life: not to get YOllr heart's desire and to get it . .. James Lynch Don't worry ahout yesterday, lille }flr today and dream of tomorrow.

Lowell Lybarger SusanJoy

James Lynch 43

Steven C. Lyons

Morgan Machunze

Stephen Magyari

Christine Mahony

David Marczak

Cheryl Williams, Mr. Greg Schafer, Stacy Harrison, Selina Haynes 44

Stephanie Mahler

Kevin Manners

Jack Buffin

Jacqueline Martinez

Karen Martini Nothing can stop you Nothing but yourself Dana Matlock I would I ike to wish the c!a.u 0/"85" all the Juccess I i/e can gIve. Jeanae Mazzone To believe in yourself is what makes you success/u/.

Dana S. Matlock

Karen Martini

Jeanae Mazzone

Dave Butera, Mark Renzi

Patrick McBride

Kathleen McCabe

Mario Mazzuca

Lisa McCann

Michael McCloud


Patrick A1cCormick The past is behind us, there are only memories, we can only look on to the future. Greg A1cDonald Forget your mistakes, but remember what they have taught you.

Patrick McCormick

Pat McGuiness Loving is the key to I it/ing Hoping the key to ({)ping Giving the key to getting: All the above, the keys to suaeJJ.

Sean McCullough

Patrick McGuiness

Gregory McDonald

AmyJo Henry

Carmela McLeod

Carmela ,\lcLeod We're tdu.'ay.r prot'ing u,ho u'e are. Alu!ay.r reacbing }fJr tbat Jpecial riJing Jtar,

Kim McNamara

To guide me far and .fbine me boml! Qut bere on my OUIfl ... Kim AftNamara Far beneatb tboJI! bitter Jnow.f, I il!.f tbl! Jeed tbat witb tbe .wn'.l- loz'e in tbe .lpring become.\' tbe rOJe . .. ! '.



J\fark ,\1(Tamney Take YOllr time . .. don't lil 'l! too j~l.I"!. Trrm/;/eJ u.'ill come . .. and tbey u.'ill paJJ.

Mark McTamney


JoAnne ,\filler A (()mplete li/e iJjilled u'itb colorjid rainbowI, and JmileJ, when YOllr drl!a my come tme.'

JoAnne Miller

Michele Afingo Don't look hack, look to the future. YeJterday iJ gone forel 'er. tomorrow iJ yet to come. joellynn K. /\1onahan "I used to be Snow White . .. hut I drifted. .. Elaine /\1onteleone If we had no faultJ, we would not take so much plea.fIire in noticing them in otherJ. Trish Moran Let'J all go crazy.'.' Let '.I get nuts.'.'

Michele Mingo

Joellynn Monahan

Elaine Monteleone

Patricia Moran

Michelle Morgan

Beth Mosner

Afichelle Lynn Aforgan "Today weill h 'ed /\1akeJ ellery yeJterday jUJt a dream, And ellery tomorrow a lIiJion of hope . .. Beth /\1OJner Riders who Know what iJ right hecauJe they feel it, don't need a judgJe to verify nor a ribhon to Jhow posterity for it ... Kristina /\1uehleisen "With all there iJ - Why settle for jli.ft a piece of Sky?" (Keep Jing ing)

Diane Krawczun, Loredana Pugliese, Donna Czyzewski, Jeannine Carfagno

Kristina Muehleisen

Charlene Murphy


Joseph T. Murphy

Eric Myers

Eric MyerJ "Sing with me, just for today, Maybe tomorrow the good Lord will take you away. " Tina NannerJ If I leave here tomorrow will you still remember me, cause I must be traveling on now, cause too many places I've got to see . .. Mari Nitti "Though every hello is the beginning of a goodbye, do not lose heart;for every goodbye may also be the beginning of another hello. "


Mark Robertson

Tina Nanners

Mari A. Nitti

Renea Nix Just put some love in your heart and someday soon all ofyour troubles will depart. Teresa Noblejas May you dedicate yourself to reach whatever goals you aim for Carmel O'Donovan The goal ofyesterday will be the starting point of tomorrow.

ReneaA. Nix

Teresa L. Noblejas

Wayne B. Norton

Carmel O'Donovan

Brian 0 'Reilly lie JtriueJfor life, She JtrilleJ j;Jr death, I Jtraddle a fence and it ImrtJ. Patrick 0 'Rourke DreamJ can come true only if you make them happen. Go fJr it. Phi! Pagliaro There '.I a lady whoJe Jure all that glitterJ is gold, and she's buying a stairway to heaven. Brian 0' Reilly

Patrick O'Rourke

Philip Pagliaro

Linda Pandolph

Joseph Panzitta

Jo Ann Piazza

Peter Janora, Thomas Harkness

Ralph Picone


Ron Pierson Good-bye. I'm out of here. J'm in the past tense, I'm history. jack Pinto The result of that perfect education in taste and manner, down to every gesture. Walt Pluznyk The future is something to look forward to, but the past is something to look back on.

Ron Pierson

John Pinto

Walter Pluznyk

Frederick Poblete

Robert Ponticiello

Mariola Pietranik

Michele Santello

James Porcelli 50

Sean Poreda

Michele Potocki

Jeff R. Powell

Christine Pushman

Thomas Puskas

Patrick McGuiness, Steve Lyons, Stephanie Mahler

Frank Prezioso

Loredana Pugliese

Brigid Quinn

Richard Radice


Jennifer Ravenel

Michele Raviola

Leroy Reaves

Mary Redmond

Loretta Reed

Toni Reed

Mark Renzi

James Revak

Jennifer Ravenel I have learned to seek happiness by limiting my desires, rather than attempting to satisfy them. Michele Raviola Every breath YOtt take, Every move you make, every single day, every word you say, I'll be loving you -


Leroy Anthony Reaves He who doesn't try always wonders why, The greatest things in life pass him by. Loretta Reed What you are is God's gift to you and What you make ofyourself is your gift to God. Toni Reed Reach for the stars, and settle for nothing less than the Moon. Mark Renzi If you can make it out of bed, that is half the problem off your head. Jim Revak If a mind is a terrible thing to waste, why are there computers? Scott Loney 52

Maggie Rhoads Time seems like forever, I'll never forget these past four yearsnever. Is this the end? Good-bye my friends. Mark Robertson Take time to love Take time to play Take time to celebrate Take time for yourself Take all your time, to balance your time. Maggie Rhoads

Pamela Rice

Jeffrey Rick

Denise Roberts

Mark Robertson

Carmen Rojas

Cynthia Chickara

Sue Rojas It's hard to know what to say when you're going away So say "Goodbye" and then Good Luck until we meet again. Christopher ROJSell It's been fun but now we must go on. Jill L. Rowley Learn how to give, learn how to take Learn how to live - before it's too late.'.' Christopher Rossell

Jill Rowley


Christopher Russin

Mark Sagarese

Paula Salewski

Frank Sannella

Kim Santarsiero

Michelle Santello

Jana Sawinski

Tammy Scarpaci

Mary Beth Kilkenny


Heidi L. Schwab

Marita R. Sciarrotta

Kim Kusek, Lisa Haller,Jill Celentano, Sandy Leber

Wendee Sedlacko

Joseph J. Serock

Heidi Schwab Forever yours faithfulty; though we have touched and went our separ~te ways. Marita Sciarrotta A person's potential is not measured from her head to her toe it's measured from her shoulders to the sky. Michelte Sebasto I am young, running free, a little bit better than I wed to be. Richard M. Sech Jr. There is only one ~uccess own way.

Mark Grygon, Kurt Harendza, Dan Tullai

Michelle Sebasto

Richard Sech


John J. Sheehan

Wen dee Sedlacko When things don't work


look at the end and begin again.

Vincent M. Serock Though I don't know what the future holds, I do know one thing, my accomplishments can never be taken away, they can only be made known to the world. John Sheehan Just laugh about it, even if it only means a chuckle.

to be able to spend your life in your


Kevin Sheehan

Patricia Sheehan

Elizabeth Shirley

Mike Shurgala

Lori Siedlarczyk

Susan Sikorski

Derrick Smith

JoAnn Smith

Kevin Sheehan Running wild, crazy, and free Being anything I want to be. Patricia Sheehan The flowers of happiness are often gathered in the woods of difficulty. Elizabeth Shirley Love makes it possible to believe the impossible. Lori Siedlarczyk Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.


Carin Jenner

Angela Stanzione

John Stipe

Monica Stockman

Erin Sullivan

K. Krawczyk, S. Vescera, S. Sikorski, M. Santella, K. Tkacs

'i ~\.

('l ' 路~. David Swan

Judy Swierczewski

AnKefa Stanzione Give to the world the beJt you have, and the heJt will come hack to you. John Stipe We have all Krown tOKether, hut now we mllJt KO on our Jeparate waYJ. Monica Stockman "ThiJ iJ ImpOJJihfe" Erin Sullizlan Love iJ a word that Jome entertain Find it You have won the Kame

Mary Sykes

Denisa Tamasi

David Swan We came in '81, our four yean are done, the


of85 i.r #1.

Judy /W. SwierczewJki "AmI in the end, the I(we YOll take, iJ eqllal to the love YOll make. " Afary SykeJ UYOII want to own the ({Ior/d, YOII want it .fluf/eel tmd mOllnteel YOII can't do it Jitting elowlI Sttmd up" Deni.\'tI TamaJi "Rememher yeJterdt'y, Dream abollt tomorrow, bllt liue for 57

Greg Bock

Terence Smith

David Soles

Michael Sontag

Warren Solomon




~~ . ..

Barbara Sosna

Emily Soto

Michele Spottiswood

Terence Smith "Even though this point of fife may be over, there is still more to come."

Barbara Sosna Never fear shadows. They simply mean that there's a fight shining somewhere nearby.

David Soles "We've struggled, and slicceeded here, but the best thing of all, will be the memories we will have."

Emily Soto You said I was beautiful, and I smiled hoping that you saw something that no one else had.

Warren Solomon Stand up to the blow fate has struck upon you, Make the most of all you still have coming to you. Michael Sontag There is only one success: to spend your life your own way. 58

Maria Sparagna

Maria Sparagna With every breath that you take, you don't have to dream it all, just live a day.' Michele Spottiswood An idea can turn to either dliSt or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.

Katherine Tammaro

Maria Tashchuk

Philip Thoennes

Helene Tancredi

Gary Thomas

Kathy Tammaro We make a promiJe, We Jwore we'd alwaYJ remember, No retreat, no Jurrender. Helene Tancredi ThankJ for the timeJ that YOll 've given me, ~he momentJ may have been temporary, bllt the memorieJ of the I(we Jhe/red will laJt me a lifetime. Maria TaJhchuk Freedom iJ a hard-bought thing A gift no man can give For some a way of dying For mOJt, a way to live.

Genevieve T empone

Don Davison, Mike Kovacs, Phil Thoennes

Rudolf Thompson

Victor Thompson

Cen Tempone Tired of lying in the JltnJhine, Jtaying home to watch the rain, for you are young and life iJ long. And there iJ time to kill today. Then one day you find, ten yearJ have got behind you, no one told YOll where to mn, you miJJed the Jtarting glln. Philip AI. ThoenneJ Reality iJ a figment of my imagination, that'J why thingJ are JO Jcrewed liP. Cary M. ThomaJ Li ve, Love, Lallgh today 'callJe Tomorrow never comeJ. RlIdy Thompson uPleaJe alwaYJ remember and never forget: From the person路 who Jtrives to become the beJt he can be, the world will eJpecially benefit. "

Elizabeth Tierno To be what you are and to become what we are capable of becominx is the only end of life. Kathleen Tkacs How it hurt so bad to see everyone cry, [just didn't want to say good-bye . .. Joe Todaro Life is a challenxe; but when you overcome it, it becomes a reward.

Elizabeth Tierno

Ben Tousley With a Rapid Selection, and a Mirror Reflection I'm dancing with 1l?yself . .. Good Bye Frolics

Kathleen Tkacs

Benjamin Tousley

Joseph Todaro

James Vernon

Daniel Tullai

Carol Trippa Carol Trippa Yesterday's dream, tomorrow is only ~ vision, but today well Iived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Daniel Tullai Never Xive up on implausible dreams, Even if they take you to your utmost extremes. Dave Uvexes Be xood . .. Or be xood at it.'

David Uveges


Suzanne Vanelli Life is so stranxe, when you don't know how can you tell where you're goinX.

Suzanne Vannelli

Susan Varga

Alfred Varrichio

Sonja Vaughan

Eric Veale

James Vernon

Susan Vescera

Nicholas Wagner

Kevin Walczak

Vince Serock


Gina Walicky IIWhen time and distance may keep us apart, memories will keep us together. " Chris Walker The Cancer of time is eating us away. Jerry Weber Life is a day, in which we are the sunrise. Cheers '85. Kenny Werger Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Gina Walieky

Christopher Walker

Gerald C. Weber

Barbara Weglarz

Kenneth Wer ger

Rohert Wesner

John Zygmunt, Troy Bergstrom

Robert Wesner It's hard to say good-bye to all ofyour friends, so just say Farewell. " II

Charisse West When you turn the corner And you run into yourself Then you know that you have turned All the corners that are left. Stephen W hite To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. Charisse West


Stephen White

Michael Wierzbowski "There's a Crazy world olltside.''' Cheryl Wi/Iiams The love in YOllr heart waJn 't Pllt there to just stay, love is not love unti/ you can gilJe it away. Bill Wi/Iiams Thank you N.D. Color me gone.' Cerel/is Wimbush "Reach for the stars and settle for nothing less. "

Michael Wierzhou 'ski

Cher yl Williams

Michael McCloud

Bill Williams

Cerellis Wimbush

Edward Wojtowicz

Edwin Woodland

Edward Wojtou,icz Why grow up !lOU' u,hen li'f can Rebel Yell for a feu ' h'JllrJ more. Thank you Notre Dame. Ed Woodland The only u'ay yo" (an enjoy Iijl) iJ by Jtaying on. Rita If/oodJ Godgaue "J memorieJ that ll'e might hal'e

Rita Woods


in December.

Linda Yosua


Julie A. Zorovich

John Zygmunt

Harold Adams

Julie Zorovich Moments press and time moves on bId dreams remain for just as long as there are dreamers . .. John Zygmunt Door ofpassage to the other side, The soul frees itself in stride.

Caryn Carter

Pamm Rice 64

Kathleen McCabe

Words of Love ROBERT ARNOLD We are very proud of your ac complishments. Best of luck to you always. Love, Mom Dad, Chris and Jennifer

LATONY A R. ASHFORD You are the sunshine of our lives. For you deserve noth ing hut the best. We are very proud of your accomplishments. We love vou . Latonya. Mom, Dad and Jimmy

LATONY A R. ASHFORD I'm lucky to have you as a beautiful granddaughter. Happiness and suc 路 cess always. Love You, Moms and Tammi


All our love, Mom. Dad and Cathy

JANET CIESLIN You are our sunshine and joy . A confirmation of our faith in God and His creation. Mom and Dad

DENISE COCHRAN To our one and only. Words cannot describe our proud and loving feelings for you . Your achievement at Notre Dame speaks for itself. Here's wishing a bright future to our daughter who is getting it all together. Love and Happiness, Mom and Dad


Now, as always, you make us proud and happy that you are our daughter. Mom and Dad

Katie! We saved the best till last. Winnie - CIIS '(-/), Hannah - CHS '67, Peggy - ClIS '69, Mary - CHS '71 , Denis - THS '7) , Nancy NDHS '79, Nell Ann - NDHS 'HI Love, Mom



Joey, We're proud of you . Today, tomorrow and always. Love, Mom and Dad

We are very proud of you and your accomplishments; continued success and happiness in the future. Love, Mom, Dad, Bridget, Peter and Sarah-Ruth



Dear Stacy, We are very proud of you and we love you dearly . Mom, Dad, and Mandy

Thank you for happy memories of the past , joyful moments of the pre sent, and the hope and promise of the future . With Much Love, Mom, Dad, Chris '~n, and Matt '87

KEITH BLAZIC We love you very much . We are. so proud of you . Mom and Dad

ALTHEA BOGDAN You deserve the best. Always know you are very special to me. Love, Mom

ALTHEA BOGDAN We are all proud of your success. We hope that you continue to attain your goals. Love, Dad and Althea

THOMAS BRAUN Reach for the goal. We love you very much and we are proud of you . Dad and Mom

BRIDGET CORRADO We wish you happiness and success in whatever you choose to do. Love, Mom, Dad, Anthony and Snooper

NORMAN COSTELLO "No one could fill your shoes. " You are {he greatest and you mean the world to me. I love you very much . God Bless You Always. Mom

TRISHA D' ARCY Stay as you are, we are very proud of you . Love, Mom and Dad



You have made us very happy . We love you very much. Mommie and Daddy

Wishing you the best that life can hold to the artist in our family. Love, Mom, Dad, Brother and Sisters

JOE DECKER Joy and love we share each day,


Obtaining dreams you will not stray, Experience life in a loving way . Mom, Dad and Chris

Congratulations to our favorite son. We are as proud as parents can be for your accomplishments at Notre Dame. with love and best wishes for the future , Mom and Dad

DA VID BUTERA Congratulations! Our pride in you is only exceeded by our love for you . May the best years of your life be ahead of you. We are confident that whatever goals you choose, will be yours. God Bless You Always, Love, Mom, Dad, and Missy

GLENN E. CALDWELL . Congratulations Son! We are so proud of you . Reach for the stars' Love, Mom and Dad

FRAN CAMERIN Congratulations! May you find happiness in all that you do . Love, Dan, Mom, Liz,John and Debbie

KAREN ANN DEY We are very proud of you and always will be. We wish you the Best in the future . With All Our Love, Mom and Dad

MARK DIRESKE You have always made us very proud . We know you will always meet life's challenges. Love, Mom and Dad

ANDREA L. DIXON Hope you every success in the future . Always know that we love you . Mom, Dad and Audrey KATHY DRAPER

We love you and are proud of your accomplishments. We wish you much success in the future. Mommy, Daddy and Maureen

You gave us joy the day you were born, happiness as you grew, and pride when you succeeded where others would have given up. But most of all we cherish your gift of love. Thank You' Love Always, Mom and Dad



With wisdom and knowledge you will accomplish all. We are very pro路 ud of you . Mom, Dad,Jeff and Leigh

Lynn , We wish you every joy and success. We love you . Mom, Cullan and Teri



You entered N.D. a child but graduate a woman , never compromising your values along the way but ever striving toward your goal - accor路 ding to your effort is the reward! The light of our life! Love, Dad and Mom

Dear Denise, You 've given us much pleasure watching you achieve the goals you 've set for yourself. We wish you much happiness and continued success in all your endeavors. With All Our Love, Mom and Dad


PAUL CHARBONNEAU You've given us so many wonderful and funny moments to rememher ... We are thankful for the gift of your life and for all that you hring to our family life. Love and Happiness Always Mom, Dad, Mary and Cathy

CYNTHIA CHICKARA You've brightened our lives by being a rare and precious gift for us to cherish. Your achievements have filled our hearts with pride. May God's smile always caress your hopes and dreams for the future .

LOUREE FARRIOR Shawn, Your accomplishments show you can meet the challenge all the way . Go for it!!! We love and support you always! Love, Mom, Dad,Joci and Elandra

JENNIFER FAULKNER You are very special. We love you and are very proud of you always. Mom and Dad 65

Words of DA VID FERDETI A We are very proud of your accomplishments. May your life be full of happiness. Mom and Dad

JIM FIFE Congratulations and lots of luckin all your future endeavors. Love, Dad, Mom and Penny

JULIE FRANCESCHINI You have brought much joy to our family . We love you and wish you much success and happiness. Mom, Dad,John,Joanne and Joseph

SUSAN FRANCIS You stand before the vast canvas of time. Paints are your thoughts, emotions and actions. Use them wisely. Make life your life - a masterpiece. Love Always, Mom, Dad and John


ERIC JOHNSON Our confidence in you has been rewarding, continue towards your goals in life.

KRISTIN KIEFER "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it." We are very proud of you. We wish you much happiness always and we are confident that you will succeed while at college. Love, Mother, Dad and Kara

MARY-BETH KILKENNY May your inner beauty shine forth and continue ro enchance the joy you have always brought ro us. Mom, Dad and Kathy


We are so proud of you. Good luck at A.C. Love, Mom and Dad

Aunt Mary would have been proud. Love Always, MOM, Dad, Donarae



"We wish you love, laughter and fast balls right down the middle." Mom and Dad

We wish you a happy and joyful life. Mom, Dad, and Dora



Much happiness in the future. Our love forever. Love, Mom and Dad

GREG GIOV ACCHINI As proud parents, we cherish and support your drearris and ambitions. We offer our love and support for a bright future . Mom and Dad

SHELLY GOEHRING Congratulations! We are so proud of you and love you so much. May God Bless you in all your future endeavors. Love, Mom and Dad

PATRICIA GORMAN Our love and pride in you are only overshadowed by that of Our Lord's. Know that we wish you all the happiness and success in all goals you seek. Love, Mom, Dad, Brian and David

VICKI GRADUS We are proud of you and wish you all good things. Mom and Dad

ARLENE GUTIERREZ We are very proud ro have a daughter like you . Happiness always. Mom and Dad

LISA HALLER, For us, you are first in everything. Your love for life fills each of our days. We are so proud of you. Congratulations. We love you. Mom, Dad, Gina and John

ANDREA HAMILTON Endings are new beginnings. The wise do not stagnate but selfrenew at every step. We love you. George and Mother MARK HAYNIE May you always have the joy in life that you have given us! We love you very much. Mom and Dad

LINDA HIRTHLER God has truly blessed me, having a beautiful, loving daughter like you. I know you will succeed in anything you attempt in life - cause you got what it takes. Love, Mom - Johnny and Jeff, Too.

AMYJOHENRY May you always know how special you are ro me and how proud I am of you. Be happy! I love you very much. Mom

KATHLEEN HOLUB You are very special ro us! You have been a blessing and a joy ro our lives. We are proud of you and wish you much happiness and success in your future endeavors. May God bless you always. Love, Mom, Dad and Eddie

LEON HUNT,JR. You have always been such a special blessing ro us. We are so proud of the fine young man you have become . May God always be with you as you strive ro accomplish your goals. Love, Mom and Dad

DENISE JANUZZI We are very proud of you . Spud, we wish you happiness always and love you very much. Mom, Dad and George

MICHAEL P.JENNINGS We roo have memories of Notre Dame forever preserved, and for you Mike, the light from the tunnel is truly deserved . You 've always step66

ped bravely with your head and your heart, now enjoy God's Gift of Life and Eternity - tomorrow is the start . Dad, Mom, Maureen, Marthew

Your wit and style give us a smile. You give your all in what you do. We love you. Mom, Dad and Lisa

BARBARA ANNE KULKA We are proud of you and all your accomplishments. You have given us lots of happiness. Reach for the stars! Love, Dad, Mom, Susan and Jennifer

KIMBERLY ANN KUSEK If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, You can become it. You have many talents - continue ro utilize them. We are happy for you, proud of you and will always love you . Mom and Dad

PAM LAYTON Congratulations on a great accomplishment. We are so proud of you and love you very much. Mom and Dad

MELISSA RENAY LESTER To our little "Missy." You have always made us proud parents. We love you for being you and will always be with you . Cynthia and Paul

THERESA LIEDTKA We love you very much, and hope and pray for a wonderful future. Love, Mom and Dad

SCOTILONEY Thanks for making it such a joy ro be parents. We love you very much. Mom and Dad

MICHAEL LUGOSSY Mellow, Independent, Kivitzer, and Energetic - spells the MIKE that we know and love. We are very proud of you and wish you success always. Mom and Dad

KATHY LUND You are a source of great pride and joy in our family. May God shower you with happiness and bless you with success in the future. Love, Mom and Dad

KEVIN MANNERS Mayall your hopes and dreams come true. We love you very much. Mom and Bruce

LISA MCCANN We are very proud of you and we wish you much happiness and success in the future . We love you . Mom and Dad

PATRICK MCCORMICK You 've made us proud ro be your parents. Love and happiness always. Mom and Dad

CARMELA MCLEOD You light up our lives. Love Always. Mom and Dad

KIM MCNAMARA You have made us very proud of you. Love Always, Mom and Dad

JOELL YNN K. MONAHAN Hoping we'll always be "Close ro You" and that you dance through life on "Easy Street." Love and Congratulations. Mom, Dad,Jon and Rory

ELAINE MONTELEONE We are so proud of you and what you 've accomplished . Our love and congratulations always.

Love We love you very much . Mom, Dad, Wayne. and Todd

Mom,lrv, Mike, Linda and Beb



Good job, Trish - We are very proud of you' Love, Mom, Dad, Lyn, Bob, Chris, Mary and Terry

CHARLENE MURPHY We love you very much . We wish you happiness in the future in all yOUl endeavors. Larry, Timmy, Kevin, Pat , LT., Marty , Charmaine and Mom

ERIC). MYERS Eric Myers, You pass this way but once . You 've left your mark and we 'lI remember. Congratulations Eric' WE LOVE YOlJ!' Mom, Dad and Megan

Good Luck . We love You . We wish you all the best in the years to come - all our love always. Mom and Dad

BARBARA SOSNA Congratulations, Barb' We love you . After A.P. History, how bad can college be Mom, [fad, Mike and Debbi

MARIA SPARAGNA We are proud of your accomplishments. We love you very much. Mom and Dad



You are very special' Stay Just the way you are . We love you . Mom and Dad

Angela, The love and happiness you 've brought to our lives can be reflected in all your accomplishments. We 're very proud of you! Love, Dad, Mom,Joey and Michael

RENEA NIX Your love of life shines from within. You touch us all in a special way Love, Mom, Dad, Jennifer and Stephanie

CARMEL O'DONOV AN Congratulations to the sunshine of our lives! We wish you continued success in all you do. Always keep that smile! Love Mom and Dad

JOSPEH PANZITT A We love you,Joe, for what you are, for each past and present memory you've added to our lives. God Bless You Mom and Dad

JACK PINTO Continue life with your sights set high and the future will be yours. We're proud of you. Mom and Dad

WALTER PLUZNYK We are very proud of your accomplishments and we hope your future will be very bright for you. Love, Mom and Dad and Your Brothers

ROBERT PONTICIELLO Bob, Love and congratulations to the V.I .P. in our life. We pray for your continued success. Love, Mom and Dad We love you very much and hope that all of your dreams for the future come true. Mom, Dad and Maria You have given us much joy. We wish you happiness and success. Know that we are with you always. Love You! Mom and Dad

FRANK M. PREZIOSO LOREDANA PUGLIESE We are proud of your accomplishments. Success always. We love you . Mom and Dad


MICHELE L. RA VIOLA To a terrific young lady who has brought us much joy, love. and happiness. May God 's protection, riches and blessings be with you as you enter college and always. Love, Mom, Dad, Lynne and Pat

JILL LYN ROWLEY We've struggled together. Happiness, success, and our love be with you. mom and Dad

PAULA SALEWSKI Congratulations on your achievements these past four years. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Love, Mom and Dad

MICHELLE SANTELLO You deserve every happiness. Always know that we are with you . Mom, Dad, Robert and Cookie

TAMMY SCARPALI You are the joy in our lives. We love you very much. Mom and Dad

JOANN SMITH You deserve every happiness. Always know that we are with you . Mom and Dad

WARREN SOLOMON, May success follow your throughout life.

MARY ELIZABETH SYKES Today you are a beautiful bud, who gives us great joy and happiness. Tomorrow, you will be an even more beautiful flower. We love you . Mom and Dad

DENISA TAMASI You know that your two best friends will always be there for you . With all our love. Mom and Dad

ELIZABETH TIERNO You have always made us proud of you and we know you always will. We all love you very much . Mom, Dad, Dave, Debbie and John

BENJAMIN TOUSLEY God's special gift to the universe - our dear and precious son. How happy we are that you happened to us! Loving you always, Mom and Dad Congratulations! We certainly are proud of the very fine young man you have become. We wish you much success in the future . Love, Mom and Dad God bless you, Nick, today, tomorrow, always. We love you . Mom and Dad

KEVIN WALCZAK We are very proud of you . We love you very much Mom And Dad

Best of luck always! Mom, Dad and Karen

Become the best you can be. We love you very mu ch. M o m and Dad

DA VID P.SW AN "Learn today, Success tomorrow." Dave "Go for It." Love you always. Mom and Dad




Break a leg . We love you . Mom, Dad and Meghan



Love, happiness and success always. Never forget who you are You. We love you! Mom, Curt and Jennifer


GINA WALICKY May the happiest days of your past be the saddest days of your future! Love, Dad, Mom and Rob

JERRY WEBER Jerry, the pleasure it has been to have you as our son equals the pride we feel today in all your accomplishments. Never Change! God bless you always. Love, Mom and Dad

STEPHEN WHITE We are as proud of your efforts as we are of your achievements. "In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Love, Mom and Dad

EDW ARD WOJTOWICZ May every new day be the best day of your life. Success and happiness. God bless you always. All our love and admiration. Dad, Mom , and Sisters 4.

EDWIN WOODLAND Your accomplishments have made us very proud of you . Always strive to achieve your goals. We love you . Mom, Dad and Felicia

LINDA YOSUA Our wishes are always for your personal success. We are proud of you and love you very much. Mom and Dad

JULIE ZOROVICH We are very proud and very blessed to have you as our daughter. You have been a source of perpetual joy. We hope that your future is filled with as much happiness as you have brought to us. Our love is always with you. Dad and Mom 67

Laura Angelucci DE and JB - The beach, streaking, seaside; CP - Because of you - ALEX - lowe you one; KG - We'll get it together; Decisions: MR and AM; MR -Someday! Latonya Ashford Caryn: Remember the Ski Trip; "Merry Christmas." Valerie Baker Remember all the good times we had at lunch time. Karen and Andrea; and the fight among you know who. You twO will always be remembered in a special way. John Battle Hockey team: last goal of '84. LB - Senior math, goodtimes. Alfred don't loss the ring. CA and TB also JZ -lern how to slam for Baby'os Stacia Bell CM, MS, TC, LL: Remember that smedlied shuttle bus, Hollywood, Hemlot and Scout CM: You DT Queen of the SO's! Remember: Kraft macaroni and cheese, Alexander theee Great! and Adam Ant. Candice Bendick GW - in History with B.B.'s ... Let's walk like the "guidos" ... AB in gym. PR in lunch "HI GIRLS" WS "My hot rollers won't heat up," "Did you plug them in?" Jane Betz LA, DE, KG, CP - Luv ya! Beach ers, Trick-or-Treat! FP and V yuch! That LL, Stairs, FNFG; LC - FFP ; F .Fee rules; MP- Won.Ton; Italy!; Beer in my fishtank?!; LH - DOE; giggin' tonite? ; BB and ML - 2 of a kind;JP and Boog - LUG. Althea Bogdan Lenny, this is where it all started! "bugs," the ring ... I love you!; CB Karen Bombery Crazy RN - Turquoise CoolWhip day - Changing Rain MR - G "HAPPYLAND"

Skitrip - Salad VE YOU ALL!

Lydia Bralynski Lit-Nit - 9/6/84 A night to remember, to/7/84 Bruiser, Hoover, Ratt. Bogas. JD, la la land; 9/14/84 perfect park job,JF. CG, CF. VG, KK, CO' 0, lots of love and laughter Tom Braun RW andjC - R member JO - the night at the park;jT,jP,jB - Remember" Flemington - The Bachelor RW - Remember our sick friend! Kathy Brennan Kristie - The happy and the sad - Those times helped us grow Pj, jo. EM, DEE, SUE; Bob T and the Mustang, "Sweet 16." Proms, Thursdays Brian Breza To all the football players, remember the undefeated season; Leon remember the ].D.; Steve L. remember the awesome reflexes at quarters; Greg G remember the Party, getting stuck in the mud Dave Butera Jen - all our fun together, I'll.never forget; Rich and Sean - champagne in the limo. and Mark; Listen to me ... Dracs too and Gevasio's JoAnne Butera Remember when TK liked the Chocolate Monkey; Sue and Denisa Remember in first period gym class when we gOt a show of shows. Fran Camerin Mary, Lori - Thank you all for the special times we've shared and everything else we got involved with "Mary. one at a time!" Lori, "play it safe!" Cathy Campbell Suzanne - MBF at ND, Remember the great times we've had - Football and Baseball Krissy, Erin, and Diane - Thanks for being there; Chris - I will always love you! Theresa Canavan MC - Chemistry, always late; "Mrs. Reilly loves me!" Diet soda in homeroom; the Prom, Tj, Rj The limo; Scamming, scoping and the Air·bass


Bill Chamberlin GC, Saving jerry and joe in TC, Fiona. Thanks; CW, Swings, knuckles down; jS, grove, Picnic Table; DH. Moes, Trenton State Pavillion, seside an· tisocialism in Antarctica Janet Cieslin Zoro - Where's your lockert Tadpoles in the woods - - - Blast it! Woodsy - "Our Place," friday nights. Syko - The Man, apple JUICe, Frank/Fred. Great Half Dozen - Hey Sexies! Thanks! A.U the fantastic ... love a!" Denise Cochran Happyland - Thanx for bei"l my friends - love ya - We made it! Kathleen Comfort LE.Bop! Mailbox! Spills! Durchie! We are DO! England! CM - 12 yrs?! Hub., Ham .. Scout - Are Good Luck! Thanks Ma! Bill Connolly JD - lunch table comedy; johnny!, Bp was a little baggy, KH lefty, KW the· irreplaceable. MJ - The Planet KryptOn, im and Paula - you're "marvelous" Sue Conti Y+MG - "If you like it ... ," LBI ' - sntC, PM+BC, Casual. BV·EBT?, L,D. or B?, WW - No ro t thiJnn! Happyla1ld - Whose table? SG - We did it! Aruba in a subma'6! Bridge. Corrado CG,JF, eF, KK, C , "Forever Cadillac Cruisers'. "Hook me upr·, "Goin my way", "River Road" MS, , SM, "Spaghetti dinner!", "Fable Timer·, "Saturday Practices" Rebecca Cseh Hey Ladies! Remember Junior Ring Night; DR - remember 12 yrs.; HT remember the summer - every day! "Easy;" JP. remember after the wedding reception;. body. remember the "great" times - Saturday Night! Donna Czyzewski O.K. - Remember Tarantella and Bill: 'Just a moment," Junior gym and Her· shel- Special Friendship. L.P. - Waiters everywhere, pompoms. and Glenn. J.C + S.L. - Laughing in Freddie's class. nks for the memories. I Love You aU. John Davies Remember the flashers, fat men and Flimsy. Sonya Deason Andrea, Carmela - remember the' the ··straightening comb." "Get in." Big Joe Decker Remember when: "Trude, remember the visor, Tangible. . ~ whose turn is it? M.F. - The Great Escape, G.M. - Please take tfifl away. tG. - . B.C - scared of a redhead, Puck Head - 1001 kennings, Kryptonite,J.R. - wild bus rides." Karen Dey Denisa. Kathy, Sue always remember all the football games and the special times we spent tOgether. To Lauren and Sue V., my best friends. whom I COunt on the most. You mean a lot to me. Andrea Dixon Remember S.D. - The Library. Remember CF. - The Color Guard Coleen Doyle Kath, remember Tubwoman? All the times in Levittown? Marc. Dale, Alan, and Bo? That GQ? Remember Marc and joe at the prom? The last day of school Junior Year? The absent twins? Kathy Draper Col, remember Wonderwoman? Last day of school Junior Year? Remember GQ (2 years!) ... Don't ever forget the prom '84. Remember the absent twins (Mr. Archer period 7 junior year). Agatha Dzikiewicz Sue, Kath, Michelle. remember Hess?! KR, RM. GB and friends?! Summer of '84?! ru never forget it! Lis, thanks for everything

Jill Celentano KK and LH - Contact lens bottles. pebbles, inch deep water. Prom, Luchio, and surfer boys; BM - Horse noises and motions Pants - RIP; SL - Hour in TClQtOn, Key chain

Lisa Eible Hi sexy! Cast parties ... 20 seconds with ET and an H.P.!! RJ.K.LJ - I love y'all.

Th a Challender MPJ - Never forget the times we've had together - you're special;. t4. CB, PS, BC - remember the Prom and picnic; KH et al "GlUt pldn," Chuck. Aggie, "nickels."

John Erndl Remember when we were freshmen? We were scared. Now we are Seniors: we fear nothing. Except graduation because after that we have to face that tOugh world alone. Good Luck!!


Lynn Evans K.C - Where's Kate! ( Frances, you 're hilarious ... jaybird, WIPEOUT! M.R. - Sitting by the wall - beach and boys . - MB 2 - BE~.Cff!! To everybody - Thanks for everything - the good tllnes, laughter, frIends and fun. . Denise Farina M.L. - Take care of Oberius, George and Martha. K.M .. and P.S. to "Monarch Mickey" and "Babette" thanks for all the laughs. A.D .. L.E., P.S., K.M., M.L., and P.G . - thanks for caring. Jennifer Faulkner Kat : Slap on the cuffs. Baby! One hundred man woman. Kathy: Out <fa ot! Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomOrrow . .. Ducky. Caryn: AU rything; ~B. + M.N. - JUSt sledding through!! CF . - Doub~ Date~ k.K. -Ii ht out!! B.C - "I Know' reo:aemlb41 all the goOd times. :M.T.V. what's that! Spoon - thanks

, 'Jim" class, history, "Rats collfirs," 13 Capricorns. M.F. forget that we share a certain "stile." CK. "- mornsocks.

dy ... "No shift" Amy )0 ... Franco, ChemiStry labs. "EVERYONE remember the good and learn from the bad!! Rosalind Harrison Remember when we were freshmen, we were younger and wild now we're old and wilder! Ebona don't forget money-making Carver Y. Denise and Stacey we gOt much more in stOre. Stacey Harrison Roz and Denise remember all the good times on P.A. Charisse remember the State Relays! Sonja remember all the - - we've been through. Elbona remember the V AN! Kathleen Holub L.H. remember Chris' 1 and 2 and "Slith," ).F. remember " Bob Sunglasses," K.K. B.M .. L.C, M.R ., S.L., J.C, L.H., J.F .. lunch was interesting, remember all the great time we had. Carin Jenner Joey Always remember how much I love you; Thorr~asweets and April 14t~ Karen remember all our school years together; RUSSian spy!! P.S. J.V . don t forget the bathroom!! or the movie!! MichaelJennings "Marlboro Man," "mach duck," "Kermit the Frog" "Fozzy Bear," "Orange Peel," Mercer County Ice Hockey Champs, and other s cial memories. usanJoy

Pillsbury ~ shore points, shoel itch - Petey/Psycho/Earl d" - S schemin' - Beep Beep ... "paddle boat" .. , ''CrUe1 -

N., CO.D. - "Air Raid," caravan's leavum~"

auto tag, Carol Ann, shore. ski

Gersten remember how .met Soph year? L. . remember how we met, and • - soph year, the exam? How about aU of the guys over the past three years? Greg Giovacchini Remember when CA. was on the ski trip? "Where'. the Beefr' Vicki Gradus CG., CF., J.F., K.K. CO'D., M.N., L.B., P.M. - "Savi?r." quive, dreams. Brians, H-girls, crash, dipdo, Friday the 13th, J.F.S. - Sailtng thanks for the ride you're a L.S. Clare Grala J.F., CF., V.G., K.K., B.C., C.O'D., L.B., M.N.,: "I like it", '" I ve you"; bird "; "Savior" airraid, "Carol Ann," Cadillac Cruiser, Car breakfa , "Hmm Tag: high beams .. . Thanks Guys! Michele Grubb K.L. remember aU those hockey pmes and pizza nigHts. Remember closet {f4?! CK. - &'. twenty to Four!! Don't turn that light on!! Easter vacation Junior Year!! Seventh period che~ class!! MarkGrygon Remember when ... Dan - bJ.Q(ldy antennas - Josie ... Kurt - Lefty!.! Malboro Man ... Steve and Jerq, ~ •. Liptak and Spiders ... Frank - snow! ... JoeUynn nunnery? ... Sue -"kftObs! ... Rich - clipping - a - haU Meghan Gbggenbickler S.c. - '82 - it all started, I.H., JCSR'S, bus·rides, N.O.·s, L.Y. - B.H. 2nd wk., T.C. and M.M., P.M. - Remember only the good times. , love you. S.H. - C.V. '83 - Thanks!! Arlene Gutierrez Carol remember CT.J.S. - no school today! Cotillion, the jumping bean. The "great" prom. The Quarry (I'm not getting my hair wet), remember Gropps ~nd N.B. Donna Haas Emily: Dancin' on Air!, Dtnisa, Kathy, Kathy, and Susan: All of the books covered the lunch table!, Dawn, Laura and Chris - the junior prom! Lisa Haller J.C and K.K. - Pebbles, Fuzzball, 2 ft. Pump: Ink, K.H. - spying 123, snakes, Beth - riding motions, Maggie - hockey. bathroom door, Sandybelt and shoes, Carmel- Hootley! Birdman. Kurt Harendza Fozz,Jurd, Superman, - "Tag 'Em!," Chuck - RollerCOASTER, G$, Liz "arf arf?" Cleste - 'T;; drown!", Kath - "MOO!", Electric Lemon, Yawn "Bernie," Mark "BageU" Knobs!, Hose! Kim Harris Robin ... frog legs, pricking my finger,Jill ... ski trip, you skied a lot!!, Wen-

GIn, remember when: Stalling n ce. 130 in the rain. Hanging OUt in the par~. Tina, remember when: iving at my house, South Carolina, or bust. Claruila remember when: working

:i P


Kelly Keim C.O.D., C.F., c.G., J.F., B.C, freshman softball, air raids, and autO t?g . C.F., breakfast with birds on Sampson. CG., mini's on the B.W., and c eanmg a car at 2 a.m. B.C Quarters Queen. Kristen Kiefer Hey, we made it! Kris - remember all those guys, the ups and downs, ana mind boggling Geometry!Jo - Torturous Trig and insults lOll Sue andJodon't forget Mr., definitely Bermuda or bust! Mary Beth Kilkenny . . Happyland - the mixed times, R.N. and K.T. - Hue}" pie. n of L fnends, -r.G. - fun and dights, mom, dad, Kate, I love you! JKD - All my love! Goodbye Friends. Catherine ite Remember when Oath, whassup! Michelle remember Doc Wild and gravity hill. Joellynn, FAT BUG cruises Princeton, look alive CK. Did you enjoy it? Janine Kopacz . . Patty Sheehan remember the ski trip, the parties, and the late talk ! Jim Re ember the "Fidget" Evangelia Koukousas .. . Remember all the good times we spent together 10 the ltbrary and nearly betng thrown out. One other thing never forget "those eyes" - Tom and Angie. Diane Krawczuo D.C. and L.P. - Bill, "Strike!" "Get outta here ... " D.C - head still spinning? L.P. - Waiter heartbreaker, S.L. - Someday you'll get a nickname! K.K. - W.W.! ur great homeroom!).C - "Funky" computer buddy! Love 'ya, we're friends forever! Karen Kubin Chris, Andrea, and Valerie remember Uncle Albert! Kimberly Kusek Lisa - don't drown, red light, fuzzball, contact bottle. Jill - Revenge of the Nerds, Princeton, Pare Diane - "Spirit Day" Beth - Bertha, shore. Bhhh. best friend. Sandy Leber . L.H. and J.C - "Wait let's try this one" Kim - ll·G, 12·F "Chalkbaths m Alg" Lisa - Per 4 "The Classic Pose" Per 3 Boxing Matches Cheryl "Hey Buckwheat "the chair in Alg" Scott Loney Scott Loney remembers all the good times t~e golf t~am ,had together. Good luck to all and remember: Hit em long and hit em straight. Cheryl Lowe SL, q, DH. SR, MA - Remember the cake fight soph year, Killer tomato, "Footloose," Honda, Bv's T, NL, KN, TP - Remember Chevette Chevette, Thanks for giving me a great four years. Katy Lund . , " , . Cheryl and Michele - remember every ttme we said That one s gotta go 10 the yearbook!" Amy - Art II!, Sean. - thanks for alw.ays, sol~ing my pro,~lems Linda - (Ski Trip) Mt. Tone 84 Kim K - Co-captalOs 84- 85 - NYC .. Success and love to you all!


James Lynch . ... . . Jim Porcelli - remember the good umes at football pract1ce. Hey)lm, brmg it in!" Steve Lyons Fellows at table #32 - remember all the wild times and crazy conversations ... do we believe all of Gary's stories ... Chip and Dale - friends forever. Christine Mahony Kristina - remember the twO Panadol, loving Sand S, twin sisters! Rifles visiting mom, wild drives; no never uh, Denise - I still love you! Love you all!

Sean Poreda Rich A - "Are we gonna die?" The turtles, Billy Idol! Kitty L - New Years '84! Scribble, Dibble, Carousel, Sick Fish! Linda H - Christmas-tree head! Punk hair spray! Pizza! Loredana Pugliese DC/DK - Pom Poms, 'JUSt a moment," Bill (on the boat) The Disco, getting lost - Rio, Pepper, Fruity - I'll never forget you - Thanks for the memories.

Jackie Martinez . . . Susie,)oan - remember the good times and more to come! DIane, Aunte •• Al:cf! Parties, 2 a.m.? Halloween '83:84

Christine Pushman ).B. - gym and Won-Tons L.A. - Peter Pan and Mr, Shaw K.G. - P Mnger and Mr, Drano D.E. - My special sunset, Make hoice! Ltlv ya's! .L.deserted island, Se Lave!

Lisa McCann S.V., L.P. - Freshmen "espaiiol" - only practicing! S. . - "Audio Visual", "Frog", "tell me about it!" E.M. - "initiate!" .. . N. "revised class", "where's my lock? sneakers?" ... Mr. Boyle - "Heckle and)e

Brigid Quinn Weasel r no go beep, beep - Terry ong, kill, don't f -pd. 1 - what's fI6??! Oh no, day 1 - impu ??! I want to go home. Where's my reta' ?

pd. 7"

el th cake fight in gym. QIristy .. , ..l1mrY\p'.. ·...... ft Par e. Dan ... the good tim s we

Pat McGuiness Remember: Ski Trips - Chris Alicks "Wbett's t~ ef' Superbowl Sunday. Baja - Mikes "Fish Market" - Lunch room lunadtS- Love you Shannon Kim McNamara Polyphemus ruled the Falkland islands? CIZZLE, are you reaUy a senior?! Rita would?! Cat Cakes - How old Mrs. G?! Thanks for being there. Love you all. Joellyn Monahan Ace - Ho)o's? Mr. L: .5% Mrs: dining " ith d d" Elaine - TB Elizabeth - How to lot? Kristin - Talking Back? "The Best", "The T FB Games? Elaine Monteleone )nellynn - TEDDY BEAR!! Weee!!! Daft - We're still the best group! I love Donald's shirt. Lisa F. - Write me a n<*. Oatmeal. Tricia Moran MS and MR,)unior waterfight! MC - New Years Eve 1983 - what a night! MS, LBI baha in February - "Mom I'm sleeping over Maria's!" KB - cousin icc! Fabulous F. I Love You! Michelle Morgan M.S., T.L., S.M., CM., M.C, T.C, - L'ville Hockey and LaCrosse, T Js, "ROCK" T.L. - Chemistry midterm, "we're gonna die," Pat - my brother. TIM - I LOVE YOU! Beth Mosner K.K. - Best friends, "Scum," beach, L.T. - Princeton, "Scum," EJ.W. Leo, It's been a long-nice 2 yrs. love ya.,).C - Pants - T ).'s, L.H. - rhythm pills. Kristina Muehleisen Remember backstage/onstage; Linda - 13 yrs. Ange - Capo what? Mike"You're a nut!" Krisk - blueberry pies + guys=? Christy - McNug's, For ver - Sis; S)M '83. I Love You All. Renea Nix MB and KT, Thanks for Huey, Apple Pies, and summer nights. LBI lives! L.T., remember everything! K.B. "go crazy" HJppy Land Always! AI, don't mock me!) and S live it up! M.R. I Love You! Teresa Noblejas Pd 1 - Mr. P ... notes, tests, etc. Green van, eleCtric shock, Legs!! Lc - Day 2 ... "Leaks," remember BSCS . .. cof •.. Frog legs for B.Q. Ole library. Carmel O'Donovan K.K. -- Pranksters forever! "On Dasher, On Dancer!" Trooper troullks, the right thing, Soccer rules!, L.H. - Hootley Drills, B.A. - Honorary ·'Green Machine" member-keys!, CF., CG.,).F., L.B., V.G. - Carmie loves you! Phil Pagliaro Remember when we were cheerleaders at the Pep Rally - Jamie, Swan, Mark, Kurt, Tom. Remember freshman art class Mollie.

Kim Santarsiero Mare, Sue, Barb - remember the ride home from October Fest, the quarter games, always having to have the windows up, why you ragging.

JoAnn Piazza cr, JC - remember the psycho in the car, Burger King ... Help! ).F. remember the great times, esp. at your party - keep in touch!

Heidi Sc Happy L ER, M.R., L.Y., K.T., R.N., S.C, K.B., S.G., T.M. - car crash, billboard, ki Trip - jump. Ben - cubby all the good times, Snook, I'll always love you.

Mariola Pietranik Barb, Sue, Kim - remember all the times we came to school late, the weekend down the shore, hitting Mr. Perone in the head with a pretzel. Jack Pinto Kevin C - remember the lunch table Nick W. - remember that one day in Mr. Wood's German class. Mike - Mancha, Annie, and West Side Story BLAST!


... Day4, Ag! Ag, Sue, Cathy - The great chase! all the good tidrts and just for being my friends.

Marita Sciarotta

)0 and Sue - Tuesdays, especially Paris, giggles during solos, theatre pregnancies.

V.S. - twitching, Wid. His., 13 yrs! S. what's she doing?

J. ~~~tIlal~~)r

all your love and encouragement. You're one in a

million!Joellynn - remember N.Y.C. -Ie restaurant francaise . C.K. and A.S. - our "Brut" woman! John Sheehan remember the summer of '84, '85 will be even better. DPS the night we skipped the prom and scared that man. A.B. remember the bonfire, if you can, we're the only 2 left. Patty Sheehan Jeanine - remember the Sophomore Cotillion, Rich's parr, the Ski Trip to Vermont - especially when you locked me out on the balcony, S.T.S. Elizabeth Shirley Football with the green smurf. Ange, Kurt, Joellyn - friends forever. Love, Mike and Ralph - A.P. with Vince and religion with Julius. Ange - PH and pillows. Cheryl -laughing in the hallways. Derrick Smith Remember when ... Kevin Baxter, Marvin Archer, Harold Adams, and Glen Caldwell used to be shy!! Now we cannot shut them up!! JoAnn mith Michelle Spottiswood - remember all the ti remem I the times I kidnapped your lock?

Elizabeth Tierno RN and MR - "cookies and cream was never so go." S.c., L.Y., K.B., M.G., M.G., - "Twist and Push", "Well you go to the refrigerator ... " Mike S. "Here's mustard in your eye." Kathleen Tkacs To all my friends - all those crazy times. Emily, Sue, Denisa, Kathy, Carmela - what a crazy year at the table. Emily - "U.S." Sue - "Ya bit." Craig "my love always!" Ben Tousley Heidi -love you toO much to say. EJ - "FLESH," at the beach. JP and JPfootball, the sign, stogies, poker, camping, football team - Thanx. Leon The First Black Man. Carol Trippa Arlene,jeanine,joAnn - Remember E.T.,).S.,).K. (Howdy), the Ewing gang, Italy - Tarantello. The A.A. meetings. A.G. and R.C. Prom Night! Dan Tullai Remember when I was hit by a C'tr, and lived to tell about it! Elaine, remember what r. Simon did to us. Je ifer and Marita, don't forget the Missing Link!


. -,,,,,,,,p ,,, _ .

,~~"UI!I"4II~nta g


en -


peds, KP. parries, dropped:on he Ie d parry, Prom. Dave fore

times. Maria - nothing beat Chris C.junior Johnny - the frolics at table #32. Mari -

b sn Lisa - remnnber 10-10 Starbuck and eating lu - remeuaj)er" idi from Sharon School' Rememb r the g times.

uzanne VaneUi Cathy, my best buddy, at N.D. - I couldn't have survived without y~u. Remember LBI! Krissy and Erin - Thanks. Brian - remember the speCIal times we shared.

EaUly 0 Remember 9& all the wa.1. class, "Chocolate Monk

At Varrichio k - remember the fish tank witH a head on it! and remember the good times.

e exciting and embit.n

stunt Carver Y no money end Big r.. Lowensteilr. Kaplan, and

Susan Vescera Frog - all the great times, (Bumble) Denisa - talks about A&,,~i." forever. Kathy - remember superfresh - your car. Karen - JtjI~~" you! Gina W alicky CooQ.B., blue eyes, Maverick, "Bumble Bee," C.G.M.D.K,M,F year goals; trip over chair much!? Goo

Judy Swiercz Mary - "have always. Barb S. it's been fun.

Jerry Weber Ralph - you MFGDG. "Why? Because you're stupid!" RP. PK - Shorts in Levin's class. AI- muffler scene with Pat's car. Have fun, kid.

David Swan To the basketball team - remember whenjohp ped in before the Ewing game .•. To Hat didn't start, Mr. Clean ...

Barbara W larz Sue, Kim, Mariola - remember those delicious homemade brownies, the food fights in the game room, the time at Great Adventure.

Mary Sykes Janet - the speedboats, p scale, the .Man, sou history, MTV, Duran Duran, Save r.


- close the bathroom window! JRD - cheese ball, baseball, and my pen SCS. Remember)immy Hoffa and IDiiting socks, fYmpathy coach.

Denisa Tamasi Sue - remember A&M and the Jeep!!! Friends Forever! E "Mr . . .. man!" Jo - the "FLASHER" K.T., K.B. - remem times!

- "Flesh," L.H. no neck, M.H.

boys, Good luck, the force, Thanks Woodland Remember when ... Me, Harold, Kev, MltN;.rt)efrii1f crew, staying on, having that true knowledge, peace.

The be t, T.C., Dec. 26, 1983. Beck, noiseless, soundless, mer. Git it girl ... Dave Chair. Niblett, the shoe in the knee at Ed Cahill .. .

R ta Woods

Maria Tahuchuk "You're Awesome," Factor, 360, k, pocketbook, Vernon's 3X's, Jed, Slice Sisters, Karmen, JFS, Boffer, Aaahh!, Chariots, fog, the glass, Swoopin Dusty'S car, c.c. - prom night. Sledd in through, the two downers. Gen'Tempone Tina - Boom Boom Boom Boom. Remember our missions, Be cool here comes Geno. Best friends forever. Life is like a dead blade of grass .. . etc. Gary Thomas Mike - remember the nights at the Kingston Cemetery, ducks, streakers, unrememberable rides home on mopeds, midnight wi




To the great half dozen! ... remember the advice of good '01 spot! ... and the bench on Fridays. ].2., ).c., L.E., K.M., L.S. - what would I have done without you all? Lind Yoshua Happy Land - H.S., M.S., K.T., M.R. 12 yrs; S.c., M.G. - LBI, the PM and Be, CASUAL, straws, W.W. no room .. ; S.G., M.K. - CRASH CREW; K.B. - Aruba; K.T. D.U. - Thanks! Julie Zorovich To the great half dozen! Remember when the first baseman ran to second? Lisa bowling ... SPLAT! Rye Rooygers!? Ring Night. Cizzle; H.H., the guys, the beach, and the parties!

Top Ten Seniors: FROM LEFT: Kim McNamara (sixth), Kurt Harendza (fourth), William Connolly (third), Michael Farrell (first), Agatha Dzikiewicz (fifth), Theresa Challender (second), Rudolph Thompson (ninth), Paula Salewski (eighth), Michael Jennings (tenth), Carmel O'Donovan (seventh)


My Favorite We came back to school in September with a great feeling of pride. We had finally made it to senior year! The class of '85 was determined to make their senior year very special. The "Senior Barefoot In The Park" dance was the first time that we came tOgether as a class. On Blue and White Day, senior homerooms carried out "going for the gold " as our theme, with Mr. Kelly and 12B coming in first place. In order to raise money for other class functions, we had a "Senior Car Wash," which was quite profitable. Then there was the Senior Halloween Party that added a little more excitement to OctOber for the seniors. Next on OctOber 26, the school honored all senior fall athletes and statisticians, and the senior class crowned Leon Hunt and Michele Raviola as Homecoming King and Queen. December 16, was the annual "Senior Pancake Breakfast," which was a tremendous success. Later, in January, several seniors hit the slopes in Bolton Valley, Vermont during the school ski trip. In February, we then proved our superiority by teaming up with the freshmen to form the "Blue Team" during spirit week, and winning first place for our school spirit. The senior class then tOok a well-earned vacation to Florida for five fabulous days at the end of March. Also our Senior Prom, held on May 2, was our last senior social event. Finally,June 2 was the most memorable and perhaps the saddest day of the year; it was our graduation. It was the end of our days at ND, and the beginning of our future. Thanks to ND and senior moderator, Mr. Greg Schafer, senior year was definitely - "Our Favorite Year."

In response to senior class moderatOr Mr. Greg Schafer's query,Joe Todaro responds, "Y ou bet your life."

Kate Comfort

While digging for gold, 12B struck it rich by coming in first place among the senior homerooms.

Jay Serock and Dave Uveges tilt in favor of ND's Blue and White Day. Senior Spirit Representatives: Jane Betz, Phil Pagliaro, Kate Comfort.


Denise Farina runs away with Paula Salewski to the Senior Halloween Party.

Theresa Liedtka and Stephanie Mahler, fresh off a pair of "Blazing Saddles."

ABOVE: Senior Student Government: Mark Renzi, Kurt Harendza, Mary Beth Kilkenny, Charisse West, Mark Robertson, Renea Nix, Student Government Coordinator Mrs. Beverly Kearns. LEFT: Senior Varsity defensive back, Eric Juice' Johnson moves from the football field to assist in 75 the Senior Pancake Breakfast.

Perhaps the most challenging and rigorous year in high school is the junior year. There are many important decisions which have to be made, including taking the PSAT and SAT achievement tests, choosing the right courses for senior year, and entering the hectic and sometimes confusing world of college preparation. However, there is much more to junior year than just academics and challenging situations. There are a number of events throughout the junior year which lessen, the scholastic pressure, and which promote a general class unity. The first of these events was Blue and White Day on September 21st. The junior class theme was 'Junior Babes Rattle Nottingham. " The students of the junior class enjoyed themselves coming to school dressed as young children and occupying the make-shift playgrounds formed from the classrooms. Another high-spirited event was Junior Costume Day. On this particular day, students came to school in many different costumes, competing in various areas. Best costume went to Paul D 'angelo (wolfman), Best couple went to Liz Carrol and Collen Schmitt (crayons), and the

Most Popular group award went to Melissa Toaldo, Noel Stack, Bonnie Dowd , Chris Lyons, and Amy Sparagna (Kiss). The next event was a school dance sponsored by the junior class, which was very successful. Junior Ring Day followed on December 5th, and this is perhaps one of the most important events of the junior year. "Growth Through Unity " was the theme, and most of the juniors attended the ceremony to receive their class rings . Spirit Day brought out the music in all of the juniors, as they came dressed as their favorite musicians and competed in a lip-sync contest. The Good Question Band , a real musical group comprised of many juniors, won honors at the Spirit Week Gong Show. The year culminated with the Junior Prom, held on May 17th at the Capital Plaza. A full schedule kept the juniors busy this year, and there was a great deal of participation and enthusiasm. They all felt however, "Heaven Could Wait. "

Miss Dovgala, junior class moderator, is in charge of the activities for the junior class.

'Junior Babes" demonstrated their spirit during the pep rally on Blue and White Day.

Verena Kansog, junior, carried out the 'junior babes' theme of Blue and White Day. 78

Jennifer Brest

Juniors Laura Matty, Angela Yaede, Chris Walker, and Kimberly Zuczek with Fr. Hughes after the Ring Day ceremony on December s.

Heaven Can Wait

Junior spirit reps Colleen Morrison, Karen Bentivogli and Colleen Garrison organize activities and generate spirit among the Class of '86.

Eric Schade, a junior, is a member of Mr. Martin's athletic training staff.

11th grade junior varsity football players Joe Emde and Mike Evanko.

Class officers Kathy Dorr, Sue Brady, Lorraine Jackowski, Melinda Armenti, Sunnetta Barnwell and Craig Coffey, Class representative Tyi Davis, and moderator Miss Donna Dovgala represent the junior class.

John Gregory, junior, is a new student at Notre Dame this year.


Kathleen Abbondanza Brian Adams Kharl Alinea Antonia Amari Denise Amrich Steven Ansley

Gina Aquilino Kelly Arena Melinda Armenti

Vito Armenti John Bacovin Leslie Baier

Margaret Baker Robert Balerna Justin Balter

Talayia Barksdale Peter Barlow Karen Barna Sharon Barna Sunnetta Barnwell Denise Barrett Sharon Barsczewski Cindy Benedetti Jacqueline Benner Leroy Bennett Erica Bensen Karen Bentivogli Alycia Bentz Joyce Bertan Jacqueline Bleacher Lisa Blue Karen Bock Tammy Boisselle Maria Bowling Susan Brady Mark Brand bergh Jennifer Brest Andrea Brown Monica Brown


Louis Bucchere H ugh Burgess

Michael Burke Michele Burns

John Byrne Elisabeth Carroll

John Carroll Thomas Carroll Noel Stack John Casey Carla Colletti Michael Commini Bridget Conboy Daniel Connolly Maureen Connolly Joan Cook Thomas Cook Anthony Corrado Susan Cunningham Michele Czyzewski Paul D' Angelo Danielle DaBronzo Colette Dassori Tyi Davis Jeffrey de Bastos Frank De Feo Linda Defiore Judith DiMemmo Deidre Donnelly Peter Donnelly Kathryn Dorr Bonnie Dowd Peter Downey


Patricia Draper Denise Dromm Deanna Dymowski Karen Eible Pamela Elie Scott Elliott Joseph Emde Kyle Emert Michael Evanko Theresa Evans Philip Fagans Kristine Fanelli

Michelle Farfalla Lynn Feddish

Gregory Federico Michael Feeney

Robert Ferri Timothy Fitzpatrick Cathy Dye, Bridget Conboy

Stephanie Flores Robert Folino Trina Foy Thomas Francais Cheryl Fuzes Marie Garcia

Colleen Garrison Matthew Gates Christine Gatto Laura Gavigan Grace Genovesi Rocco Genovesi

Jeffrey Gervasio Karen Giorno Lisa Gloeckner Todd Goehring Deane Good Mary Ellen Gore


Jeanne Goubeaud Karen Green John Gregory Steven Guarino Ann-Marie Hannawacker Miracle Harris

Patrick Harris Timothy Harris

Christopher Hart Eric Hartman

Katherine Heitzman Keith Herzstein Michelle Farfalla

Keith Hitchner Charise Hovan Roger Hsiao Gregory Hughes Donna Hulick Michael Hylemon Michele Hylemon Joseph Jackowski Lorraine Jackowski Christopher Jacobs Kim Jacobs Michele James Elizabeth Janczuk Scott J anora Carol J anousky Maureen Jennings Christine Johnson Kelly Johnson

Monica Johnston BrianJones Gregory Jones Patricia Jordon Verena Kansog Jennifer Katz


de'Andria Kellam Keith Kemo Erica Kinczel Valerie King Caroline Klepper John Kopacz Christopher Koval Tammy Kozlowski Heide Marie Kramer Yolanda Kra wtsc henko David Krisak Gary Kubiak

Susan Kulak

James Lake

Michael Lake Melissa Marinnie, Gina Aquilino. Kathy Lambiase Michele Lawrence Jin Lee Nancy Leiber Amy Lettiere Tina Lewallen

Deon Lewis Cindy Link Beth Lloyd Beth Lockwood Jay Ludwig Felicia Lynch Christine Lyons John Lyons Amy MacCormack Marie Maiuro Kellie Malloy Lisa Marcocci 84

Theresa Marczak Melissa Marinnie John Marino Joseph Marone Anthony Martillotti Gerald Matlock Melina Mattia Anthony Mattozzi Kiev Matwi jcow Laura Maty David Maurer Richard Mauro

Christopher Maziarz Henry Mazurek Ellen McClain

Thomas McDermott John McDonald Veta McDonald

Kyle McGovern Robert McGrath Tami McNamara Peter Barlow Terence McNiff Thomas McQuade Tina McStravick Vander McFarland Thomas McGuire Riza Mendoza Maureen Mesday Kathleen Messineo Kevin Micharski Lori Migliaccio Thomas Miller Sharon Mizer Suzanne Mochari Susan Molnar Kenneth Moore Colleen Morrison Lisa Mrochko Denise Mulligan


Erin Murphy Mary Ellen Murphy Peter Nelson

Aileen Nikitiades Patrick Nolan Peter Nolan

Joseph Nowak Colleen O'Brien Da wn O'Donnell Talayia Barksdale, Sharon Barsczewski

Susan O 'Donovan Eileen O'Rourke Lori Osif Stanley Pachuski Timothy Paglione Franc'is Paixaio James Panzitta Frank Paulus Jennifer Pergament Patrick Perrella Laura Persichilli Mark Persichilli Pamela Pfeifer Francis Phan Nicolette Picerno Scot Pirozzi Katherine Pisterzi Richard Plumeri Cathy Polizzi Scott Pullen Kelly Quinn Thomas Quinn Claudine Rago Courtney Ravenel Helen Rebbeck Patrick Redmond Michael Reger Deirdre Reilly Mary Ellen Rhoads Duane Robinson 86

Nicole Roche Evelyn Rodriguez Robert Rogers Thomas Rullo Laurie Safko John Saganowski Lisa Salmestrelli Anthony Salvi Harry Sandford Hector Santiago Gina Sapnar Holly Sarafin Noel Sarafin Maria Scandariato Patrick Scanlon Dominic Scavo Thomas Scavo Eric Schade Wendy Scheideler Colleen Schmitt Andrew Schroeder Cathy Schroth Karen Sciandra Michael Sefransky Sherry Sentek Kevin Serafin John Seymour Sean Sheppard Hyun Jin Shin Lynnette Shinal Jennifer Shirley Lisa Sibert Anthony Siecienski Mary Siedlarczyk J ames Sigler Patti Siliwono Francis Simms Kim Simon Kelly Smith Maura Smith Rosemary Smith Sharon Sobon Yanda Soldati MaryAnn Sollami Michael Sosna Emilia Sparagna Dina Spilatore John Spinale


Noel Stack Dennis Stearle Lori Stoy Tracy Sudol Joseph Suosso Cris Ann Surdo

Thomas Suro Paul Szekeres Elizabeth Tani Krystal Tanner Robert Taptich Eric Tessein

Jane Thoma Christopher Thomas

Melissa Toaldo Kimberly Topper JosephJackowski,James Panzitta, Ed Vidal

Gary Torgeson Filomena Traina Deena Turi Monica Varia Leonard Vellucci Joseph Venanzi

Jennifer Vichroski Edward Vidal Christina Villa Christine Walton Susan Webb Michael Weng

Kurt Wilson Rebecca Wind Kimberly Wolff Christopher Wong Roger Woo Dennis Wysocki

Angela Yeade Keith Young Boas Yu Gregory Zdenek Ron Zoda Kimberly Zuczek


Michele Burns, Melina Mattia

Thomas McDermott

Hugh Burgess, Thomas McGuire

Joan Cook, Lori Stoy

Joseph Suosso Erica Bensen


The Way We Were This year, we took on Sophomore year with the confidence that it would be a great year, and a great one it was. We accepted the title of "silly sophomores" with pride. We showed our class spirit with sophomore dances, ice skating parties, and roller skating parties. The year was off to a great start with the freshman/ sophomore picnic. Here we proved ourselves to be proud sophomores, rather than the itty bitty freshmen we were last year. Next came Blue and White Day where we impressed everyone with our theme "Let's Go Crazy!" and were we ever. We used our imagination to decorate our homerooms with scenes ranging from slam dance parties to psychiatric wards. We celebrated Sophomore Spirit Day with our theme "A Day at the Country Club." We dressed as snobs, gossipers, golfers, tennis players, swimmers and polo players. Prizes were given in each category. This year has been an exciting and memorable year. The class of '87 welcomes the challenge of junior year with pride and excitement. Karen O'Keefe

Sophomore Class Moderator, Mrs. Ivins.

's Nothing Like Notre Dame Jolanda Szekeres,Judy Bogdan and Judy Wlazlowski show off their classy hats on "Hat Day."


Beth Simms and Charley Thorne at the Christmas Cotillion.

On "Hat Day," Doreen Walsh's hat says it all.

Sophomore Student Government: Ed Krupa, Michele Bogda, Kathy Foster, Ria Mendoza, Camille West and Dan Walsh. Pat Marshall framed in a sophomore class.

Sophomores in homeroom loG put on a skit for their homeroom on Blue and White Day.

Carla Salewski, Chris Charbonneau, John Dubois and Gary Lane during a fall fire drill.

Megan Sullivan and Mike Topchik show their spirit on Blue and White Day. 91

Marianne Alexander Brend a Ah-arado Alice Ames

Michele Angarone Ernie Antonelli Frank Aquilino

Beth Ardery Christine Arnold Gabriel Baffuto Gary Lane,JoannaJohnson

Timothy Baggitt Scott Baldwin Jennifer Barr Jodi Bartolino Suzanne Basara Michelle Beaver Michael Bedard William Beitel Renee Bendick Ellen Bentz Scott Besler Sangeeta Bhojwani Ed ward Bishop Daniela Blaschke Ed ward Bleacher Tami Boatwright Michele Bogda Judith Bogdan Nicole Borges Eric Bowden Kirk Bowen Kelly Bowser Kevin Boykin Kelly Brades Jacquelyn Bransfield N atasha Braswell Kimberley Brest Brian Brown Bruce Brown Kevin Buckner 92

Robert Burgess Deborah Burnett J ames Burrows James Caldwell Suzanne Calianese Jacqueline Canepari Matthew Cantwell John Capogna Dawn Casamento Tina Casamento Brendan Casey Michael Castiello Louis Cerrone Stacey Cerrone Christine Charboneau Laura Chemidlin Cynthia Chiorello Gary Christensen George Chrysoulakis Thomas Cifelli Mark Cipriano Cind y Cirillo Kelly Clark Tyrone Coates Garth Coccia Natalie Coniglio Victoria Conn Joseph Constance Matthew Conti George Cortesini

Kelly Cottrell Daniel Cryan Stacy DaBronzo

Michael Danek Robert Davies John Davison

Joseph De Feo Scott De Lorenzo Patricia De Maio Craig Weng


Thomas Demers Tara Derry Amy DeSandre Sabrina DiBiagio Christina DiGuiseppi Robert DiMemmo Kenneth Diekneit Audrey Dixon Maria Domante Patrick Donnelly Roseanna Dovgala Scott Downs Elizabeth Drake Jonathan Dubois Theodore Durst Kristin Dwyer Lisa Easterling Jill Eible John Eitzen Mark Elliott Sheila Erndl Thomas Eschelman Gregory Eshridge Larry Etgen James Evangelos Matthew Everett Marcello Falvo Da vid Farina Jennifer Fava Chris Fiori

Elizabeth Fischer Sean Fitzpatrick David Flamer

Kristin Fless Andrea Forconi Kathleen Foster

Jennifer Gaffney Lisa Gavin Megan Gavin Mike Tritt, Ria Mendoza

Aldo Genovesi Robert Geronemo Mary Beth Giordano

John Giudice Sandra Glerum Lisa Glock

John Gominiak Kim Goosman Kellyanne Gorman Jacquelyn Bransfield Margaret Groffie Virginia Gryl Kimberly Gutowski Vincent Guzman Gina Haller Brian Harris Ted Harris Pamela Hart Deborah Hayes Ronney Haynes Timothy Heitzman Christine Herrick Darren Herzstein Denise Higgins Leonell Hizon Lowell Hizon Robert Hoch William Hoeflich

Kristine Hogan Timothy Holland Michelle Holpp Edward Holub David Hopkins Daniel H uslin James Hutchison Joseph Iavarone Patricia Iorio Edward Jackowski JohnJanis Joseph J aruszewski 95

Kimberly Jenkins Patrick Jennings Carl Johnson Clive Johnson JoannaJohnson Ken Jones Melissa Jones Jennifer Kakstis Cheryl Karousatos Susan Kaslander Ann-Marie Keefe Shannon Keenan

Jane Kelly Kathryn Kilkenny Rose Kite

Maria Kniesler Jennifer Kocsardy Frederick Kondash

Barbara Kostrzewa Yvonne Kovich Brian Krisak

Matt Conti

Melissa Krueger Edward Krupa Tricia Krupa Eva Kuczykowski Cherrie Kusek John Lake Thomas Lake Kathleen Lambert Gary Lane Lynnette Langere Cynthia Lear Donna Lee

Joo Lee Sung Lee Yolanda Leonard Nancy Leopardi

Karl Lied tka Erin Lombardi Cathleen Lyons Jennifer Lyons John Maessner Sherri Magyari

Cheryl Maher Debra Mahon Leonard Manzie Michael Marchetti Marlene Margicin Patrick Marshall

James Marson Sherri Martin Julia Martini

Teresa Martorana Dena Mastrosimone Arthur Mateos

Jeanne Mattei David Maurio Deana Maurio

Joseph Maurio John Maziarz Christine McCarthy John Capogna Michael McCormick Gwendolyn McDonald Rita McDonald Quinn McGee Matthew McGrath Michael McKee Melinda McLaughlin Ann Meagher Ria Mendoza Alissa Metelow Eric Michel Anne Marie Milazzo 97

Douglas Miller Nicole Minutoli

Paula Morano Stacey Morley

James Muccie Pamela Nalbone Shannon Keenan, Shannon N ~lson Philip Nalbone Shannon Nelson Angela Nibbs Denise Nixon Anna Noblejas Michael Novembre Michele Novembre Jeffery Nutt Daniella Nuva Tom O 'Grady Karen O 'Keefe Greg O 'Lone Kristen O'Reilly Mindy O'Kun Carey Oshel Sylvia Ovalle Mara Ozolins Jill Pachuta

Anthony Palombi Lido Panfili Joseph Paparella Daryl Parishy Natalie Paskewicz Marc Peloquin

John Penney Da wn Perrone Nicole Peters Richard Piepszak Cas sand ra Pinkney Anthony Pirozzi


Jennifer Plumeri John Pluznyk Charles Pollard Christopher Prophetf Kevin Pultorak Curtis Pushman Debra Radigan Daniel Randolph Scott Rauscher Kathy Ravenel Susan Rhodes Christopher Rigelon Mario Romano Goran Romanovic John Rooney Lisa Rossell Linda Ruberto Samuel Rubino Michael Rumac Paul Ruocco Patrick Ryan Tara Saccone Stanley Saganowski Carla Salewski Christie Salmon Aimee Sandham Leonard Sands Debra Schiavone Christopher Schneider Christine Schroeder

Felicia Schuldes Carolyn Schwab

Mark Sciarrotta Elizabeth Scimeca

Michelle Scott Elizabeth Seidenglanz Dawn Casamento,Jody Bartolino,James Marson, Suzanne Calianese, Tricia Krupa, Tina Casamento 99

Donald Senetra Christian Serock John Sgro Colleen Shanahan Kendon Sickler Amy Sikorski Elizabeth Simms Jennifer Sly Brian Smith Kristen Smith Laura Smith Christopher Sontag Paul Sootkoos Lorri Stemmer David Stevens Meghan Sullivan Sharon Suth Jolanda Szekeres

Alison Tallone Christopher Tandy

Dean Tardiff Kelly Tezsla

Da vid Therrell Michael Thompson Anne-Marie Milazzo and Tim Holland

Charles Thorne Michael Topchik Michael Tritt Melissa Trout Lisa Tuccillo Carol Tursi Veronica Tweed Barbara Tyner J ames Ulrich Michele Valatka Robert Van Middlesworth Eric Vieceli 100

Pamela Vomacka Daniel Walsh Doreen Walsh Donald Watson Rachael Weber Kristin Wedam

Craig Weng Camille West Gregory White Dosiree Williams Cynthia Willis Joanie Wise Judith Wlazlowski Suzanne Wrobel Peter Zangrilli Anna Zawodniak Carolyn Zdanowicz John Zita

Kevin Zola Kenny Zorovich

Kim Zuctarello .

Chris Prophett



Bill Hoeflich 101

Philip Alia )oi Angarone

Marcela Arias Michael Arnold

Rosita Maria Argueta James Ashford III

Kim Babola Mary Baczynski IN MEMORIAM: AnnMarie Borges,) une 30, 1969 - December 6, 1984

Kerry Balerna Danielle Balik Scott Barcalow Brian Barnock Edward Beitel Dan Belcea Danielle Belding Dawn Bell Kristina Belmont Nicole Benedetti Lori Lee Berish Janel Bertan Mark Biesiada Christina Black Crystal Maria Blakeley Linda Bleakley ) oseph Bonfanti Kathleen M Borawski Peter Bowen Christopher Bowes Alison) Brady Adam Braun Richard Buckley Sherri Burch Karen Burke 102

Laura Burlak James Burns Jennifer Busch Brian Byard Stella Calderone Sharon Campbell Karyn Canulli Todd Caponi Lynne Carey Peter Carfagno David Carmignani Deborah Carozza

Andrea Carrubba Maureen Carter Stephanie Carter

Stacey Cassidy Marc Celentana Lisa Celmer

Mary Charbonneau Mervin Cheewah Kimberly Chianese

Christie Chiantese Jennifer Chido Elizabeth Chmiel Melinda Scott Holly Christianson Elli Chrysoulakis Stephen Chukunba Daniel Cianfrano Bozena Cierniak Robert Cieszkowski Rosanna Cifelli Thomas Cody Christopher Commini Patti Conboy


Erin Connolly Jennifer Connolly J ames Constantine Lauren Conway David Crawford Stacie Crucili Kevin Cullen Amy Cunningham Charlotte Currie Joy Daly Janel De Lorenzo Deborah De Marco Christine Decker Eric Degler Kristie Dell Lori Dell Tracey Dey Tracy Di Maggio

Joseph Di Memmo Shannon Dill Eileen Dombi Eugene Doer Jennifer Driscoll Catherine Duffe Geraldine Duhamel Stephen Dzieminski Thomas Dziubek Kristen Edwards Jason Egloff Carl Elston

Kathleen Emmett Patrick Erdie Kendra Ernst

Annemarie Eschleman Pamela Estelle Tim Fairlie

Sean Fallon Jeannine Faltum Lauren Farkas Toni McManimon 104

Kerriann Feeney George Fennimore Christopher Firestone

Eric Fischer Adriene Fish Katherine Flynn

Carolyn Fog Samuel Fontanazzi Kelly Fox OmarJones Joseph Franceschini Suzanne Frangione Lisa Franklin Walter Franks Jennifer Fuhrmann Clare Ann Gallucci Tabatha Gay Laura Genovese Gina Geronemo Nico Giangrasso Allison Gifford Dana Lee Gilman Kelly Giquinto Cindy Goehring Donna Golaszewski Joanne Gore Brian Gorman Leslie Gorman Paul Goubeaud Dean Graziano Christopher Gresko Terri Ann Grosso Stacey Ann Grupinski Abdel Gutierrez Anthony Gutierrez Eric Guzman John Haller Kim Hansen Megan Hardiman Heidi Harendza


Lisa Hartmann Lynn Havardansky Karen Heinz Scott Helper Susie Herdt Dana Hice Richard Hileman Matthew Holland Robert Homa Janet Hopewell Daniel Hopkins Elizabeth Horgan

Donald Huggins Nicole Hungerford Kimberly Hutchinson

Richard Hutchinson James Ianni Carlo Iavarone

Corina Immordino Sheri Inman Jason Innocenti

Jesse Jackson Bryan Jenkins Dexter Johnson Charles Lorentz

Lorie Johnson Amy Jones OmarJones BethJoy Robert Kasenow Justin Kayatin

Peter Kelley William Kelly Candace Kemo William Kenney Tracy Kerwick Christine King


Christine Klosinski Frederick Knott

Megan Kochell Mary Kondash

Lisa Kovacs Michael Kowalski Valerie Williams, Maureen Carter Dianna Kubin Elizabeth Kusmierczyk Demetrios Kydonieus Jonathan Laarz Tracey Lachapelle Yvoane Lai Gregory Lane Keith Larkin Andrew Larue Melissa Lauandos Jill Laurinaitis

Holly Christianson

John Striano, Adrienne Russin 107

Cathrine Lechliter Francesca Leipzig Christine Leonardis Christina Lewis Denise Liedtka Scott Link

Richard Lockwood Charles Lorentz Steven Love Tina Loving Kathleen Lutz Jeff Lynch Michelle Maisto Edward Maiuro Kelly Martin Laura Mattes Melisa Matthews Denise McCann Marcie McDermott Kevin McDonald Stephanie McDonald Brett McGee Michael McGuigan Daniel McGuiness Nicole McLaurin Kelly McMahon Brian McManimon Toni McManimon Anthony Meadows David Meehan Debra Micharski Michele Migliacci Jill Mihalcik Elizabeth Mihalko Kimberly Miloszar Kevin Mooney Sharon Muchanic Michelle M unyak Bernadette Murphy G ail Santiago 1~

Megan Murphy John Natale Terrance Nelson Julia Nieschmidt Jennifer Nix Stephanie Nix Sharon Nuva Jennifer O 'Connor Kevin O 'Donovan Dermot O'Reilly Wanda Ortiz Filomena Padalino Cheryl Paglione Amy Palsir Theodore Panajeotou Thomas Panzitta Edward Pattik Leah Persichilli

Keith Peterson Louis Picone

Michele Piffath Vincent Povio

Theodore Power Rosemarie Prester Me. Woods' freshmen pause prior to their Blue and White Day performance.

Carrie Prophett Robert Reali John Reavey Susan Repko Nina Ricci Sonya Ridley Nick Riggi Sandy Rivera Todd Rogaczewski Anne Rogers Michelle Romano Heather Roth 109

Danielle Rotondo Jennifer Rowley Kimberly Royster Joseph Ruberto Gregory Rudolph Melissa Rullo Adrienne Russin Joseph Ryczkowski Paul Saccone Peter Sagarese Carl Salava Carol Sanchez

Gail Santiago Janet Sauvage

Denise Sahadt Christina Schaeffer

Robert Schaumloeffel Marianna Scavo Freshmen pose prior to Blue and White Day pep rally.

Charles Schroeder Kara Schwartz Melinda Scott Brian Scotto Kristine Sec h Kirsten Seiler

Tanya Serpikov Dennis Sheehan Jennifer Sherrill Hyuin Shin Brandi Shroyer Karen Sickler

Susan Simon Allison Simonetti Kristin Sirak Michael Siwczak Sandra Slatina Candis Smiley


Dione Smith Dolores Smith Kyle Smith

Theresa Smith Tracey Smith Kimberly Sobolewski

Deborah Sosna Nicole Stack Heather Stalcup

Joi Angarone, Mary Baczynski Joseph Stanzione Jonathan Stearle Susan Stine Keith Stokes John Striano Donald Sullivan

Richard Suth Eric Szantai Stephen Tackacs Michele Tackach Christina Tanzola Michael Taptich Tina Tattoli Alexander Tezsla Jennifer Thoma Dana Thomas Stasia Thompson David Tilton

Ernest Tkac Kristi Todd James Toto Vincent Trippa Da vid Trzaska John Tullai

Lauren Tyler Lisa Ulrich Eleanor Varisco James Vazquez


Mary Vidal Claudia Vinci Mark Vitagliano Laura V rancik Deidre Walker Roxann Wasielewski Laura Weingartner Patricia Werger Audra Whitaker Deron Williams Jacinda Williams Valerie Williams

Ronald Wilson Benjamin Wind

Karen Wlazlowski Krzysz Wojciechowski

Jacquelyn Wolff Sherri Wood

Elizabeth Woody Suzanne Wronsky

Traci Yash Da vid Y ousko Ed ward Yuncza Robert Zangrilli Virginia Zdanawicz Andrew Zera Catherine Ziegler Stephanie Zielinski Richard Zola Jennifer Zorn Victor Zuczek Christine Zulla


The Year of Living Dangerously This special years was not only an educational one, but also an opportunity for us to show everyone, including ourselves, that freshmen contributed to a major part of Notre Dame. The' year started off with a warm welcome from the sophomores at the freshman/sophomore picnic. It was a good chance to have a lot of fun and to become acquainted with everyone. This was followed by Blue and White Day, where the freshmen really got to show their spirit. This year's fresh~an theme was, "Revenge of the Nerds," and that's just what happened. The freshman class put on a dynamic display of talent by decorating their classrooms, writing and performing a skit. The winning homeroom was 9C, moderated by Mrs. Garrison, with Indiana Nerd and Temple of Northstar. During the year's spirit week the freshmen were teamed up with the seniors to win top honors, which of course, we did. Our theme was "surfs up," and we had a great day in the sun. The class of '88 turned out to be one of the most outstanding and spirited of freshman classes, and for us to show everyone, including ourselves, that freshmen contributed to a major part of Notre Dame. Patti Conboy

Freshman class moderator, Mr. Bill Romano, hams it up during the Gong Show during Spirit Week.

The Freshman Student Government: KNEELING: Kim Hutchinson, Stella Claderone. STANDING: Stephanie Nix, Leslie Gorman,]eff Lynch, Leah Persichilli. LEFT: The Freshman Spirit Representatives:]ennifer Nix, Steve Chukunba, Lauara Genovese. 113

The Prod ucers

Mr. Vincent Ardery Director of Athletics


Mr. Anthony Genovesi Assistant Dean of Discipline

Sr. Mary Harold Vice-Principal

Rev. Joseph Hug hes Principal

Mr. Anthony Genovesi, first year assistant disciplinarian, reviews student records.

Sr. Mary Harold , despite extensive administrative duties, manages to be creative while teaching French II.

Mr. Vince Ardery, completing 16 years as athletic director, answers a question in A.P. History I.

Mr. Charles Moore, in addition to being a coach and teacher, assumes responsibilities for state textbooks and transportation .

L Mr. David Milinowicz Administrative Assistant

Mr. David Milinowicz takes a moment from Administrative duties to review notes for his A.P. History class.

Rev. Joseph Hughes relaxes after a celebration commemorating ten years of service.

Mr. Charles Moore Administrative Assistant

Mr. Albert Verdel Dean of Discipline

Mr. Albert Verdel readies himself for retirement after a lifetime of service to education and athletics.

It is necessary for one to look past the outstanding work of the teachers and students to fully appreciate the standard of excellence at Notre Dame. Although very proficient at what they do , the teachers only make up one part of the faculty at Notre Dame. The administrative staff cannot be forgotten, for they are the ones who keep the gears of the Notre Dame community turning smoothly. The i984-85 school year commemorates the 10th anniversary of principal Reverend Joseph Hughes, and his constant help and guidance are forever present in the N.D. community. Sister Harold , the Vice Principal, offers a healthy influence to the students and faculty . She is seen as one who helps the N.D. community grow, and she is very devoted to her duties. A newcomer to the administration this yea r is Mr. Tony Genovesi who, aside from his teaching, is an assistant in the discipline office. Mr. Robert

Budgal and Mr. David Millinowicz do an outstanding job of keeping the always complicated guidance and scheduling offices in order. Even though the administration functions as a whole, this year will be especially remembered as the last year for Mr. Albert Verdel, the Dean of Discipline. Retiring after many years of service, Mr. Verdel will not be quickly forgotten. A one time football coach for N.D., and a one time professional baseball player, Mr. Verdel is a very interesting person. He will be missed, for he has played a major role in the development of Notre Dame school policy. We offer a grateful thanks to the administration for their help in our constant growth. John T. Spinale 117

Performance The Creative Arts Department, chaired by Mr. John Grussler, is one of the most diverse in the school. Included in its curriculum are courses in photography, graphics, fine arts, drama and music. This year the department offered an after school drama program which was directed by Mr. Richard Loatman. The students in this program acted in productions year rpund, including The Night of Theatrics, Working, and West Side Story. The art department also designs, builds and paints the

Mr. John Dondero

Mr. John Grussler

scenery for the various theatre productions. They create the billboards which advertise locally. In addition they design the covers for the Writing Irish magazine, and the spiritual retreat packets. Artistically oriented students are able to participate in a full four year art program here at Notre Dame, and the placement record in fine art and drama colleges is impressive. Jennifer Brest

Mr. Richard Loatman

Miss Ellen Lomax

Mrs. Judith Paixao

Mrs. Enea Tierno 118

Mr.John Grussler is meticulous in the construction of sets for Notre Dame's theatre department.

Mrs. Judy Paixao, in addition to teaching art, sews many of the costumes for each year's musical productions.

Mr. John Dondero, extolls Jazz Band member, Mike Wierzbowski, to reach new heights with his sax.

Mrs. Enea Tierno, makes a point with junior Francis Paixao

First year voice teacher Miss Ellen Lomax. 119

How to Succeed in

Me. Bernard Boyle

Me. Anthony Genovesi

Mrs. Alice Goldstein

Mrs. Margaret Gribbin

Mrs. Margaret Gribbin, chairperson, has managed to keep N.D.'s business department in the forefront by adopting the latest in business technology.

Me. Anthony Genovesi shares time between the business department and his job as assistant disciplinarian. 120

Mrs. Alice Goldstein keeps students abreast of changes in consumer affairs.


Mrs. Maribeth Hardiman, in her first year at Notre Dame, helps Beth Ardery master the new word processing technology.

Mrs. Mary Sroka, assistant chairperson, combines the teaching of the old technology, with that of the new, word processing.

Mrs. Maribeth Hardiman

Me. David Hoch

The Notre Dame Business Department prepares students for a successful career in the business arena. Through study in typing, stenography, accounting, financial management, executive office procedures and administrative office practices, the Business Department prepares students well for office or secretarial work. It also offers an administrative co-op program that gives students invaluable on-the-job training. Mrs. Margaret Gribbin, department chairperson, also runs a job placement service for students looking for after school work. The program connects students with either temporary or permanent jobs related to what they are interested in. For students learning to drive, this service is extremely helpful. Mrs. Gribbin and Mrs. Mary Stoka, assistant chairperson, head a staff that includes two new teachers, Mrs. Maribeth Hardiman and Mrs. Linda Regan. Jennifer Brest

Mrs. Linda Regan

Mrs. Mary Sroka 121

To Be or Not to Be The English Department, chaired by Miss Mary Ann Liptak, offers a diverse and challenging curriculum. They offer courses accommodating the individual needs of every student. The English Department improves the student's writing skills, as well as speaking abilities, so that they can express themselves in such a way that they can be understood.

This year, there were two new courses added to the curriculum, Concepts of English III and Concepts of English IV. They have also made three new additions to their teaching staff, with the inclusion of Mrs. Marie Hage, Mrs. Kathy Cevera, and Miss Sharon Mitchell. Kate Comfort Mrs. Josephine Burzachiello

Mrs Kathleen Cevera

Adjusting quickly, Mrs. Marie Hage moderated the spirit committee in her first year at N.D.

Mrs. Marie Hage


Sister Mary Ann Peters combines her role as English teacher with that of National Honor Society co-moderator.

Miss Karen Henkel

Mrs. Phyllis Garrison

Mrs. Jane Confoy

Mrs. Sheila Gavin

Mrs. Eileen Lang

Mr. Ralph Lelii

Miss Patricia Leoniec

Ms. Sharon Mitchell

Mrs. Brenda Riley often conducts her honors sophomore classes seminar style.

Sister Mary Ann Peters

Mrs. Brenda Riley

Sister Patricia Rooney

Miss Mary Ann Liptak Chairperson Miss Patricia Leoniec, in her fifteenth year, opted for a new challenge in teaching World Literature. 123

French Connection

The Language Department is structured to facilitate growth in the understanding of foreign culture. There exists within the department an honor society for every language area. These honor societies provide tutoring. Language students can also practice their skills by contributing items to the Four Winds Magazine, a department publication. The Language Department also works to insure the student's cultural understanding through trips abroad, one day excursions to museums and cultural centers, and numerous forays to ethnic restaurants. There was an addition to the department this year, Mrs. Gabriella Marchetti. She teaches French, but is also certified to teach Spanish and Italian.

Mrs. Christiane Kaplan

Miss Teresa Merlo

Jennifer Brest

Sister Mary Harold pauses from her administrative duties to teach a yearly class in the French department.

Mrs. Gabrielle Marchetti, mid-year replacement. Mrs. Christnine Kaplan, a native of France, brings an authentic quality to her French classes. 124

Mr. Wood was not deterred by a broken arm from teaching in his own inimitable style.

Mr. Steven Schultz pauses from a busy schedule to review a classroom question.

Miss Teresa Merlo combines teaching Spanish with her duties as head tennis coach.

Mr. Stephen Pingree

Mr. Joseph Poli Chairperson

Mr. Steven Schultz

Mr. Robert Wood 125

Roots This year, Notre Dame's Math Department has added three courses in computers to its curriculum. These, together with algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus provide the students with a thorough understanding of mathematics, essential for success in today's society. It contributes to the development of the power of independent thinking which is necessary for any career person - not only those involved in the sciences. As teachers often point out, the math we learn now can be applied to countless everyday situations at the present and in the future . The math curriculum is set up to care for the needs of all students from basic courses to an honors program. The new teachers instructing these classes include Mrs. Margaret Lynch (Algebra 1, Geometry, computers), Mrs. Kathleen Martin (Fundamental Math, Special Geometry, Algebra 1), Mrs. Nancy Pica (Algebra 1 Topics, Algebra 2 Topics), Miss Rosemary Ronan (PSAT, Algebra 1, Algebra 2 Topics), and Elizabeth Janowich (Algebra 1, Senior Math). Jennifer Brest

Mrs Margaret Lynch

Miss Julie Campo

Sr. Marie Jose

Mrs. Gloriann K yte

Mrs. Paula Loewenstein

Mrs. Kathleen Martin

Sister Mary Jose, chairperson, reaches her twentieth year at N.D.

Me. Gregory Schafer, combines teaching geometry and his dual roles as senior class moderator and assistant basketball coach. 126

Miss Julie Campo combines classroom teaching with her role as moderator of the Math League and co-stage producer of the spring musical. Mrs. Nancy Lee Pica

Miss Pamela Pirone

Miss Rosemary Ronan

First year teacher Mrs. Nancy Pica, instructor of Algebra I and Algebra II Topics.

Miss Pamela Pirone in her second year at N.D., combines teaching with her role as coach of the cheerleading squad. Mr. Gregory Schafer

Mid-year replacement Mrs. Elizabeth Janowiak. Mrs. Bernice Zahorsky

Mrs. "z" offers "Golden Opportunities" (extra credit points) to any willing student. 127

Mr.John Archer

Mr. Gary Dambro

Mrs. Sandra Koschek

Mrs. Elsie Moore

Mrs. Margaret Rovello keeps careful statistics of the ).V. field hockey team.

Mr. John Simone gives hand on instructions in the difficult art of resuscitation in his CPR class. 128


The Physical Education Department has changed their format this year. The students are now offered an opportunity to select the activities they wish to participate in each quarter as opposed to the past practice of having the activities assigned . The seniors choose their sports first , then the underclassmen fill the activities that are not yet taken. This gives the students a chance to become involved in different sports that they will enjoy. Many sports are offered ; however, archery is a favorite fall sport, volleyball is popular in the winter, and softball is preferred in the spring. Mrs. Major, department chairperson, is pleased with this new program and intends to offer even more activities in the future.

Mrs. Barbara Major

Kate Comfort

Mrs. Margaret Rovello

Mr. John Archer combines his teaching duties with his after school role as driving instructor. Mr. John Simone

Mrs. Sandra Koschek keeps active teaching six classes and coaching a successful girls soccer team.

Mrs. Barbara Major combines her role as chairperson with her position as head field hockey coach. 129

Oh God! The Religion Department, led by Mrs. Mary Ivins, plays a major role in the spiritual growth of the Notre Dame family. The expressed goal of the department is to develop a conscious, living and active faith that may result in a maturing relationship with Christ and the people of God. The Religion Department has a senior service program which is very active in aiding the needy in our community. Each senior puts in at least six hours of service for the year. Pro jects are set up by the senior honors religion classes and Mrs. Salcewicz, in order to help the elderly, poor and handicapped. The senior class held dances for the handicapped and visited the sick and elderly, just to name a few of their many services. In addition, each class level collected money to give not only to the needy but to the poor. The Religion Department not only teaches us about Christian faith, but practices the responsibilities of a good Christian as well, by living out the messages of the social gospels.

Reverend Dennis Apoldite

Miss Helen Baroni

Mr. Michael Dennehy

Miss Pauline Grula

Reverend Douglas Hermansen

Mrs. Mary Ivins

Kate Comfort

Sister Peggy O'Halloran relaxes in a pastoral setting. Miss Maureen Kelly uses humor to encourage a response from her junior religion students. 130

Sr. Carol Jaruszewski

Mr. David Kelly

Miss Maureen Kelly

Reverend Paul Mizener

Sr. Peggy O 'Halloran

Mrs. Mary Ivins, chairperson and sophomore class moderator, combines her teaching with. an active professional musical career.

Mrs. Judy Salcewicz

Mr. Thomas Shaw

N.D. alumnus Mr. Michael Dennehy, sophomore religion teacher, also coaches freshman softball. 131

Inherit the Wind

Sr. Mary Claver

Mrs. Theresa Freeman

Mr. Richard Gusciora Dept. Chairperson

Mr. Fred Hochschild Computer Education

Mr. Fred Hochschild takes a break from teaching his computer classes.路 132

Mrs. Beverly Kearns

Mrs. Susan Krempasky

Sr. Mary Claver, physics teacher, prepares for her class.

Mr. Abraham Levin

Mrs. Susan Krempasky teaches chemistry to Notre Dame's juniors.

Mr. William Martin

Mr. Michael Perone awaits an answer from his freshman physical science class.

Mr. William Martin adds a little humor to his sophomore biology class.

Mr. Michael Perone

The Science Department, chaired by Mr. Richard Gusciora, provides a varied and rigorous college preparatory curriculum. Included among the offerings are physics, physical science, chemistry, biology, environmental science and anatomy and physiology. Students are allowed junior and senior year, to take two science courses if desired, thus giving them an adequate preparation for college work. Physics, chemistry and biology all offer advanced placement classes for those students who welcome an additional challenge. According to Mr. Gusciora the goal of the Science Department is to not only provide a preparatory program for college, but also to help students gain an understanding of their own physical environment. John Spinale

Mrs. Beverly Kearns emphasizes a point while teaching her biology class.


Miss Theresa Giampetro has been appointed the new department chairperson. The newest members of this department are Mr Thomas Keefe, Mr. William Sherman, and Sr. Joachim. According to Miss Giampetro "the goal of the history department is to train students to be responsible citizens. We teach them about the government so they can effectively partic'ipate in the democratic process." In addition, the history teachers help the students to think critically and interpret why events happen rather than just memorize what happened.

Mrs. Roberta Anderson

Mr. Vincent Ardery

Miss Donna Dovgala

Mr. Frank Gatto

Kate Comfort

Junior class moderator, Miss Donna Dovgala, runs circles around the competition when it comes to decorating.

Mr. Frank Gatto couples a full six course teaching load with his duties as assistant football coach. 134

Miss Theresa Giampetro Chairperson

Mr. Thomas Keefe

Mr. David Milinowicz

Mr. Charles Moore

Athletic director, Mr. Vincent Ardery, poses with democratic congressional candidate Jim Hedden after his speech to the upperclassmen. Mr. William Romano

First year chairperson, Miss Theresa Giampetro, oversees small group work in a sociology class.

First year teacher and N.D. alumnus Mr. Thomas Keefe relishes his dual roles in the history department and as freshman basketball coach. 135


Sister Mary Camilla

Sister Frances Hewitt

Mrs. Bernice Tattory

Mrs. Lorraine Weitz

Mrs. Dorothy Olech, guidance office.

Mrs. Irene Palombi, main office. Mrs. Jean Palmieri

Mrs. Peggy Miller, guidance office.

Mrs. Diane Dell, main office.

Mrs. Beverly Klek, athletic office. Mrs. Bernice Tattory, nurse. 137


Mr. Robert Bugdal Head of Guidance

Miss Joan De Gregorio

Sr. M. Carmel

Mrs. Mary De Puglio

Mr. Robert Bugdal, head of guidance for seven years, takes time out of his busy schedule to pose for a picture.

Mrs. Patricia Gergar

Sr. Margaret Huley 5'1" Sister Joachim supports a towering but disabled Leon Hunt. 138


Sr. Mary Joachim


Mrs. Cynthia Marchant Head Librarian

Mr. William Sherman

Mrs. Cynthia Marchant, head librarian, is shown here filling the student's needs in the library.

The library and guidance offices both provide invaluable services to the students. The guidance office is essential for any student making plans for college. The counselors, including Miss Joan DeGregorio, Miss Mary DePuglio, Sister Mary Joachim, Mr. Bill Sherman and Mr. Bugdal assist with the course selection so necessary for college acceptance. The office includes the current editions of the entire range of college manuals and career guidebooks. Additionally, counselors are available to provide guidance to students with personal problems. The library is directed by Mrs. Marchant who is ably assisted by Sister Margaret Huley and Sister Mary Josita. They provide classes in library research and also are always ready to assist students on a personal level with teachings of effective scholastic research. The library's current and varied selection of books, magazines and newspapers provide ample material for the serious student. Jennifer Brest

Mrs . Patricia Gergar has put on a very successful college night for the past five years. 139


Mrs. Hattie Mrozinski, Mrs. Rose Holzbaur.

Mrs. Sophie Potocki.

Mrs. Louvena Molder, Mrs. Theresa Grochala, Mrs. Ceclia Annaster.

Mrs. Anna Fritz.


Mr. John Hemphill, Superintendent of Food Services

Clean Sweep

Mrs. Mae Jacobson

Me. Tom Butler, Superintendent of Maintenance

Me. Tom Butler, Me. Donovan Motley, Mr.John Zoltanski



Kim McNamara playing her role as queen at the Night of Theatrics.

Kathy Fundenburgh and Casandra Pinkley frightened at a Jewish concentration camp.

The drama department has many facets which have served the school since Notre Dame opened its doors in 1957. Through music, song and dance, innumerable students have been afforded the opportunity of self-expression under the guidance of knowledgeable faculty and guest directors. Since Mr. Richard Loatman's first involvement backstage at Notre Dame, the program has flourished each year, its reputation becoming known throughout Mercer County. Notre Dame's Performing Arts Department has expanded the participating students' experience by staging two musicals per term, as well as the Acting Class's "Evening of Theatrics." The theatre department has undergone many changes since its advent. Until several years ago, the shows were directed, designed and choreographed by men and women who were not faculty members. Students paid for everything - costume fees were $25.00 per costume, meaning someone with three costume changes would pay $75.00. This policy has now been changed. The choir has expanded along with the rest of the department. In its first years, there was only the Koinonia choir, which eventually became part of the schedule, but met only a few days a week. Choir finall y became a regular class and metamorphosized into Night Choir which has added an expanded men's section. Students who are involved in the drama department usually find something special inside, a sliver of themselves which makes the long hours, colds, lack of sleep and temper tantrums worthwhile. Marita Sciarotta


Denise Amrich reciting a poem.

Mike Bartolino reciting a poem from I Never Saw A Butterfly. Amy Palsir playing a worried mother.

Directors Mr. Loatman, Miss Lomax, and Mr. Kelly.

Kim Topper, playing Raja, the main character in I Never Saw A Butterfly.

Pam Pfeifer and Kathy Dorr in a Jewish concentration camp in a scene from I Never Saw A Butterfly.

Kathy Funderburg in the opening scene at the Night of Theatrics doing a comedy routine. 145

Working This year, the Notre Dame Theatre Department made a valiant effort at trying something new. The result: success. In previous years we have produced spectacular spring musicals. However, the 1984-1985 school year was the first year in Notre Dame history when both a fall and spring production have been presented. "Working" was a small cast musical. A cast of sixteen went up against his odds, namely, cold weather and a championship soccer game. Although the crowds weren't standing room only, the audience was pleased with the results. "Working" is named appropriately enough. Its theme did not revolve around a single plot or person, but individuals instead. It tells the stories of the many people in the labor forces. This show let the audience understand the working class who are often underpaid and unnoticed. Congratulations Cast and Crew~!! Kim Topper

The Cast: FRONT ROW: Kim Topper, Joe Paparella, Maryann Solami. MIDDLE ROW: Cathy Funderberg, Mike Bartolino, Len Sands, Jenna Pergament, Kristina Mueheisen. BACK ROW: Lisa Easterling, Michelle Bogda, Tina Luellen, Dan Randolph, Tom Braun,Jack Pinto, Denise Amrich, Michele Spottiswood.

The cast "Hears America Singing."

Kim Topper thinks it's neat to be a "Newsboy."

Mary Ann Sollami, and Tom Braun dance to "Lovin' Al the Wizard."

Mike Bartolino and Jack Pinto sing the plight of the Spanish grape picker.

The entire cast performed "Working All The Live Long Day." 147

N ever Ending Story The moving , spirited and thought. provoking musical ,

West Side Story, was staged by Notre Dame Performing Arts Department March 8, 9, 10, 15, and 16th. Capacity seating every night testified to the strong impact this musical of love and hate on New York 's West. Side is still making on the public. Eight grueling weeks of rehearsals produced one of the finest shows ever performed under the N6tre Dame marquee. Under the musical and stage direction of Mr. Richard Loatman and Mr. David Kelly, and with the outstanding choreography of Kym Bruschini, 45 students and four faculty members electrified the stage with dance and musical numbers never before performed with such extravagance on ND's stage. The Jets showed formidable menace under the helm of Riff oack Pinto). Seniors Mike Bartolino (Action), Tom Braun (Arab), Mike Wierzb"owski (Snowboy), Chris Walker (Guitar), Dave LaRue (Mouthpiece), and their girls, Graziella (Denise Amrich), Velma (Amy Palsir) and others, combined to portray the ultimate street picaresques. Bernardo Oohn Sgro), leader of the Puerto Rican gang , the Sharks, and his sidekicks seniors Sean Poreda as Chino

and sophomore G arth Coccia as Pepe danced and sang with the talent of a veteran troupe. Star-crossed lovers Maria (Kristina Muehleisen) and Tony ooe Paparella) sang and told the story of their love so tenderly the audience was left in tears. Light moments afforded by the bumbling Gladhand (Mr. Steven Schultz) loosened the tension provided by the ambitious Lt. Schrank (Mr. David Hoch) and surly Officer Krupke (Mr. Thomas Keefe). Mr. Thomas Shaw as Doc supplied an ear for the desperate Tony and a hangout for the local hoods . The showstoppers were the 'Jet Song and Dance" at the g ym , the extravag ance of " America," the zaniness of " Krupke ," and the m ysterious beauty of " Somewhere" evoked applause and tears fro m the audience . The pinnacle of the show, the rumble under the highway, left the audience in tears. West Side Story was a success for Notre Dame because of the enthusiastic cast, excellent direction, talented teachers, dance techniques, the wonderful orchestra, and the helpful crews. Marita Sciarrotta

FRONT ROW: Peter Fabian, Bill Barnum, Eric Myers, Mark Direske,Jeff de Bastos, Phil Alia, Erica Benson, Sangeeta Bhojwani, Lori Osif, Sherri Martin. BACI ROW: Moderator Jeff Hutchins, Lourdes Garcia, Francis Paixao, Eric Schade, Henry Mazurek, Eric Hartman, Lisa Hartman, Anna j'Joblejas, Chris McCarthy, R McDonald ,JiU Eible, Carla Salewski. ON THE LADDER: Kathy Ravanel, Keith Hitchner, Ted Durst, Mike Reeger, Kel\"




B. Officer Krupke(Mr. Tom Keefe) watches out for Joellynn Monohan and Martia Sciarrotta.

A. Musical Director, Mr. Richard Loatman, Director Mr. David Kelly, pose with stage managers Mellinda Armenti and Kathy Dorr.

C. Father Hughes embraces co-producer Mrs. Mary Liz Ivins and Art director Mrs. Enea Tierno.

D . Make-up specialist Mr. Tom Shaw applies the finishing touches to Officer Krupke (Mr. Tom Keefe). F. Mrs .Jane Confoy, behind the scenes coordinator of the Opening Night Gala.

D . Dave Maurio, Brian Harris, Mr. John Grussler, Mark McTamney. 149



, ~~:-------S I


The Senior Halloween Party was a major class function . This dance gave the Seniors an opportunity to show their unity and spirit. It was held in the cafeteria on Saturday, October 20. The disguised Seniors danced the night away to music provided by "The Pros." Those Seniors with creative imaginations received prizes of either free Cotillion tickets or one third off the Senior Prom tickets . The excitement began when the judges gathered for the annual costume review . Those who entered the contest were given a chance to show off their unique costumes and skits. The judges definitely had their work cut out for them . Because of the authentic quality of their costumes, the " Best Group" prize was awarded to the Pabst Six Pack - Lisa Eible, Julie Zorovich, Rita Woods, Janet Cieslen, Kim McNamara, Liz Shirley and Mary Sykes. Marita Sciarotta was quite clever in putting together her Lady Godiva costume. She won the "Most Original" prize. The "Ghost Busters" will always be remembered , of course. They were portrayed by Kurt Harendza, Mark Grygon, and Dan Tullai. They received the "Funniest" prize. The "Chain Gang " was an excellent group. It consisted of SCOtt Loney, Ken Werger, Mike Farrell, Bill Connolly, Joe Decker and Mike Jennings. The convicts were given the "Best Skit" prize. The Seniors did not realize that Troy Bergstom and John Zygmont also known as Popeye and Olyve Oyl - were such excellent dancers . They won the "Best Couple" prize. Unfortunately, all of the costumes could not be given prizes, although they were all very good. The bigger than LIFE cereal did an excellent job on their costumes. The Cabbage Patch Kids were adorable, and the Punk Rockers were a sight! The King and jesters were a riot tumbling around in the cafeteria while trying to impress the judges. It was obvious that the Three Musketeers had a,.}"g reat tj~e as they danced all night. Santa Claus decided to get an early start this year and come to the dance to check up on the Seniors. Needless to say, the Senior Halloween Party was very entertaining. We left the dance with an enthusiastic outlook towards the rest of the year. Kate Comfort

THE LIFE OF THE PARTY, even Mikey would like them - Karen Bomberry, Linda Yosua, and Michele Raviola. 15 2

OH LA LA! Candice Bendick and Gina Walicky clean up their act while competing for the Best Couple Prize.

POPEYE (Troy Bergstrom) steals Olyve Oyl (John Zygmont) and the Best Couple prize from Bluto (John Battle).

I ~ ~t ~: :I~~I~~~

WHO 'Y A GONNA CALL for Best Group ? The Ghost Busters - Kurt Harendza, Mark Grygon, and Dan Tullai.

CELEBRATORS Sue Vescera and Kathy Krawczyk enjoy the Senior Halloween Party on Saturday, October 20.

"STIR CRAZY" - "WE BAD" - Scott Loney, Mike Farrell, MikeJennings, Ken Werger, Bill Connolly, andJoe Decker - Best Skit.


The Breakfast This year, the annual Senior Pancake Breakfast was held on December 16th. The menu consisted of "all-you-can-eat" pancakes, sausage, coffee, and orange juice. Fortunately, because of the hard work of all the seniors, Mr. Schafer, Mr. Kelly, and many other faculty members, it was a huge success. We had a tremendous turnout; six hundred people were expected and over one-thousand people arrived at the cafeteria! Because of the unexpected crowd, all of the seniors were quite busy. Some seniors acted as waiters and waitresses, while others helped with the cooking. Many seniors were needed to make several trips to the store when we ran out of different ingredients . There were several seniors who volunteered to work both shifts because their help was greatly ~ needed. The profit that the seniors made was not nearly as valuable as the fun time that we had working together. It was obvious that the Senior Pancake Breakfast was a great success when Father Hughes had to turn people away at the door because there was no food left! Kate Comfort ,J


Faculty members Sheila Gavin, Mrs. Elsie Moore, and Mrs. Frank Gatto (pictured with senior Tom Gavin), along with many others, gladly lent a hand at the Senior Pancake Breakfast.

With the unexpected amount of people, Mr. Henry Gill and Me. David Kelly had to keep the batter in constant supply.


Vince Serock was one of the many congenial seniors who tirelessly provided nonstop pancakes.


Senior servers, Loredana Pugliese, Lynn Evans, Mike Wierzbowski, Diane Krawczun, Vince Serock, and Joe Decker, found that most of their time was spent waiting patiently in line for their orders.

Dave Uveges provides the orange juice to add the finishing touch to the breakfast menu.

Senior Moderator, Mr. Greg Schafer, and Student Government Coordinator, Mrs. Beverly Kearns, were responsible for making the pancake breakfast a huge success.

Mike Kovacs designed unique flyers promoting the Senior Pancake Breakfast.


One From the Heart

In an effort to increase senior awareness of the needs of the community, Notre Dame requires them to spend three hours per semester in service to area charities. As in the past, many seniors joined together this year to work with special people of the community in need of their help. The Senior Service Pro ject has "helped a variety of area communities and groups. The growth of the project has resulted from the realization of the importance of their duty as young adults to help and support their community. Examples of their con-


tribution are shown through the work they perform with many local groups in need of their help. The basic purpose of this group of students is to present many opportunities for seniors to help people less fortunate than themselves. The seniors themselves prove a good example of Christian commitment by helpin~ and supporting local charities such as The Big Brother/Sister programs, Head Start, The March of Dimes, and Community Housing programs for the poor. Chris King

Joann Smith, Erin Sullivan, Louree Farrior, Toni Reed, Bob Carmignani, Geri Benjamin, Loredana Pugliese and Sue Francis work on a senior service project.

Lisa Haller works with children from the Grant School at the Headstart Christmas Party.

Vince Serock, Lisa McCann, Barbara Sosna, Brigid Quinn, Loredona Pugliese, Joe Lee and Dawn Pirone are among the seniors involved in this service project.

Sonya Vaughn, Kim Kusek and Dan Fasolino, impersonating Santa Claus, entertain children at the Headstart Christmas Party.




Loming ......H-ome

The culmination of Notre Dame's home football season occurred on October 26. Throughout the game, Lawrence, the acknowledged underdog, succumbed to the superior skill and coaching of our varsity, with the game ending in a final score of 42-0. Homecoming, however, is more than a football game. It is a multifaceted event. We gather as a community to reflect on the impact Notre Dame has had on our lives. This reflection can be seen in the many familiar faces through which a glimmer of the past shines. It can be heard in the conversations of alumni as they recall their years at Notre Dame. Finally, it can be felt in the nostalgic mood which hovers over the crowd. Notre Dame has touched our hearts and minds in a special way, and thus enriched our lives. At halftime, there was yet another kind of thanks expressed. Particularly honored were senior athletes, band members and cheerleaders. Each was presented with a carnation as a symbol of the Notre Dame community's thanks for their dedication and service. Perhaps the most anxiously awaited moment of Homecoming is the announcement of the King and Queen, both of whom are chosen by the senior class. The King and Queen may be chosen on the basis of beauty, popularity, or charm; but, it is one's inner beauty and overall personality that makes them worthy of these prestigious titles. Chosen queen was Michele Raviola, an exemplary student and member of the National Honor Society. Leon Hunt was named king, an accomplished varsity athlete, who unfortunately missed the season with torn ligaments. ,~


Lisa Tani Homecoming King Leon Hunt and his parents during halftime.

Michelle Raviola and her family after she was pronounced queen.

Sister Harold and Fr. Hughes congratulate Michelle on her \ victory.

The Homecoming Court: (STANDING L-R) Lynn Evans, Robin Hayes, Charisse West, Liz Shirley, Eric Johnson,Jamie Lynch, Steve Lyons, (MISSING - Brian O 'Reilly) (SITTING L-R) Michelle Raviola, Leon Hunt.


Spectators cheered our team on to a victory over Lawrence with a score of 42-0.

THE QUEEN AND HER COURT: Second runner-up Lynn Evans, Third

LYNN EVANS, Second runner-up and still smiling.

runner -up Robin Hayes, First runner-up Charisse West and Fourth runner -up Liz Shirley (seated), Homecoming Queen Michelle Raviola.

LEON H U NT and Michele Raviola, The King and Queen coming down the strip. What beauties! 159

Blazing Saddles Senior Spirit Day started off with a bang. The seniors' theme was "Wild , Wild West. " It was an eventful day for everyone. Many seniors came in dressed as either cowboys and cowgirls or Indian squaws and braves. Also, there were a few ranch animals strolling .around the halls. At lunchtime, some seniors participated in a contest for different Wild West categories. The winners for the Most Original/Best Group were the "Cacti, Tumbleweed , and Silver Bullet" - a truly original and ingenious idea. The three cacti were Carleen Fritz, Clare Grala, and Lydia Bralynski. Vicki Gradus (tumbleweed) toppled down the aisle while Bridget Corredo whizzed by as the silver bullet. The winners for the best Squaw category were Cindy Chikara and Wendy Sedlacko. Tom Gavin and painted-up Indian brave Tom Kale won prizes for the Best Cowboy and Best Brave. Janet Cieslin's innovative costume brought about her win in the Best Saloon Girl category. And last, but certainly not least, the Best Animal category, with Bill Connolly and Kurt liarendza as a cow and Drew Fallon and ,~ . Brian O 'Reilly as a horse. The final highlight of the day was the tobacco-spitting contest, won by Erin Sullivan. Lynn Evans

"Best Brave," Tom Kale held at gun point by "Best Cowboy," Tom Gavin.

Cacti Clare Grala, Lydia Bralynski, Carleen Fritz, tumbleweed Vicki Gradus, and Silver Bullet Bridget Corrado were awarded Most Original/Best Group.


Track star turned "Saloon Girl," Janet Cieslin.

Drew Fallon and Brian O 'Reilly show their thoroughbred spirit.

David Swan and Renea Nix switch roles in order to.lqre beauty ballots.

First place heifer Bill Connolly and Kurt Harendza. Heap big win for squaws Cindy Chickara and Wendy Sedlacko.


Halloween III Junior Costume Day, held on All Hallows Eve was a most bewitching event. Organized by Miss Donna Dovgala, Junior Class Moderator, the day was a spirited conglomeration of freaks , frig hts and frolics . During the junior lunch period individuals, couples and groups strutted their stuff for a faculty panel of judges. However this event was more than rust fun and games to those down-to-business juniors. At stake were halfprice and free prom tickets, so the victory was made even sweeter. Achieving the prize for the ugliest costume was Paul D 'Angelo for his portrayal of the infamous wolfman. Best cou-

pIe was Liz Carroll and Colleen Schmitt who colored the cafeteria red with their Crayola crayons costumes. The most popular group included Melissa Toaldo, Noel Stack, Bonnie Dowd , Chris Lyons, and Amy Spargna with their portrayal of the rock group Kiss. Other popular costumes were Quasimodo, President Reagan, and the Hands. Junior participation this year was full spirited and , through a cooperative effort, the day was a success. Lisa Tani

Crayola crayons, Elizabeth Carroll and Colleen Schmitt, color themselves red.

The Godfathers: Keith Kemo, Anthony Martillotti, Robert McGrath, and Joe Panzitta.


Girl George: Paula DeMarco

Ghandi, aka, Chris Maziarz, robes himself in Indian tradition.

You've got to hand it to Joe Suosso.

Using your luck of the dice - Here's Sunnetta Barnwell and Andres Brown.

The Blues Sisters: Ann Marie Hannawacker and Pam Pfeifer. Puttin ' on the Ritz is Melissa Marinnie. 163


Representative Craig Coffey assists as Kathleen Abbondonza receives her ring.

Father Hughes offers thanks for the gifts brought by the Notre Dame junior class.

A tradition here at Notre Dame, the Junior Ring Ceremony has always been the highlight of our junior year. The theme of this year's liturgy and ceremony was "Growth Through Unity." This special event, whose main goal is to distribute school rings, goes far beyond this primary purpose. It serves as a common denominator for all juniors, reminding them that' although they may have their own individual areas of involvement at Notre Dame, they are also a vital part of the junior class. As expressed through our theme, the class of '86 achieved significant growth, educationally, athletically and spiritually. This has been made possible through the fortification of class unity. Although we must realize our growth has not ended , and we as a class have not yet reached total maturity, we can see that the seed of success has been planted and nurtured through our years at Notre Dame. Whether this seed will flourish remains in our hands. So it is with these rings, symbols of our unity and accomplishments, that we are promoted to the ranks of upperclassmen. Lisa Tani 164

Karen Bentivogli waits anxiously for her turn as Vito Armenti receives the treasured ring.


The special moment reflects in the eyes of Miss Pirone, Miss Merlo, Miss Kelly, and Mrs. Anderson.

Father Hughes poses with Angela Yeade, Laura Maty, Chris Thomas and Kim Zuczek.

Joe J aruszewski, Father Hughes and Ed Krupa follow the program as the memorable ceremony unfolds.

Student volunteers Michelle Bogda, Ellen Bentz, Trish Krupa, Kathy Schroth and ;ralaya Barksdale

The Greatest Show on Earth A special highlight of Spirit Week was the fun-filled Gong Show. It was a new and exciting way for the students and faculty to express themselves through their talents and creativity. Everyone came out a winner in the end because everyone was able to participate either in the acts themselves or in the judging of the ones under the spotlight. The show began with the introduction of the "Good Question" band, which placed second in the contest. The many various acts that followed were en joyed by all "Some acts were humorous, others were more on the serious side. The judges for the contest were Sister Harold, Mr. Milinowicz, and Father Hughes. The .audience participation made the Gong Show an even larger success. The first place winners were the aspiring Mary Jane Girls. As they sang their "rap," they never lost their well-deserved audiences' attention. The second place winners, the "Good Question" band, really put on a show. The third place position was awarded to Snooper and/ the Snappers, a group consisting of junior boys and a fiesty little dog named Snooper. This was an inspiring event, which undoubtedly brought out Notre Dame's true school spirit Lynn Evans.

Miss John McDonald and Mr. Sue Brady re~resented the junior class in the beauty (?) pageant on Spirit Day.

Terry McNiff, Deane Good, Garth Coccia, Kevin Micharski, Tom McQuade, and Lou Bucchere lead the cheers for the enthusiastic "White" team.


Riza Mendoza "Celebrates" Spirit Day by impersonating the singer Madonna.

The senior class cheer their way to first place for the Blue team during the cheering contest.

The juniors show their spirit for the White team during the cheering contest.

The "Supreme" teachers - "Marf and the Marfettes" - Me. Mike Perone, Mr. Bill Martin, and Me. Thomas Keefe.

Sonya Vaughan, Dana Matlock, Chari sse West do a "Supreme" job of singing, "Ain't No Mountain High Enough." 167

Garth Coccia sings "Rebel Yell" during his portrayal of Billy Idol.

"The Good Question" band came in second place at the gong show on Spirit Day.

Sister Harold. gives a score of one to an act put on by faculty members.


Father Hughes, supported by many students, gongs a bad act.

This act, "Snooper and the Snappers," won third prize.

Mr. Milinowicz gave a score of 200 points to the California Girls.

The Mary Jane Girls, Tabatha Gay, Stephanie McDonald, Maureen Carter, Sonya Ridley, and Stephanie Carter won first place prize of $75 at the gong show.

Steve Chukunba, Allison Brady, Scott Rauscher, and Meghan Sullivan were contestants in the beauty pageant held on Spirit Day.

Seniors Jamie Lynch, Mark Renzi, Mark Robertson, Phil Pagliaro, Kurt Harendza, Tom Gavin, and junior Craig Coffey cheered the Blue Team on to victory. 169

SURPRISE FR. HUGHES! This was the sign that was placed out front the morning our school celebrated Father's ten year anniversary to Notre Dame.

SHOWING HER APPRECIATION to Fr. Hughes, Miss Lomax, a new teacher at Notre Dame this year, sang "Amazing Grace" at his tenth anniversary mass. AFTER MR. KELLY's SPEECH, the student honored Fr. Hughes with a standing ovation.


MR. KELLY salutes Fr. Hughes for his work during his years at Notre Dame.

MASS APPEAL We are all children of the Father, and the word "Father" denotes a man involved intimately in all phases of our life from our creation and nurturance, to our growth and adulthood, from our first steps to our last breath, and from our first dream to our final reality. Although Notre Dame has existed since 1957 and was a gleam in Bishop Ahr's eye long before, Father Joseph Hughes was responsible for Notre Dame 's renaissance, its rebirth, its struggle to be reborn as a vibrant life force capable of sustaining its own life. The Diocese of Trenton struggled for a year to find a man willing to accept this parenthood. To assume responsibility for its rebirth meant assuming the debt of Notre Dame's growing pains in amounts in the hundreds of dollars. The Diocese sought a man not only of considerable energy and drive, but also a man of vision and determination. Many of us are never quite ready for parenthood at any age; but a young, vibrant, determined and talented ,30-yearold, Father Hughes was the perfect man for the task at hand. His business acumen is formidable, and through 'his unique talent for finance , he has managed to give Notre Dame its first real solvency in a constantly inconstant economic world. Fathers are always struggling to encourage the family 's economic stability, but the complete father must struggle at the same time to promote his childrens' nurturance and growth as individuals, with their own talents and potential.

Keeping this ever in mind, Father Hughes has striven incessantly to develop a curriculum and a creative staff that encompass all aspects of what makes us whole as people - an appreciation of art, music and theatre, a devotion to knowledge and study, and an acceptance of the often Spartan discipline required to engage in competitive sports. While we can look with pride as individuals and departments at our incredible artistic and theatrical achievements, along with our varied and ever-developing curriculum and our numerous state championships, we must never forget the man who encourages it all. If there is one thing we must as children of the Father realize, it is that he accepts our failures as well as our triumphs, recognizes our weaknesses as well as our strengths and is there for tears as well as smiles. Many of us who have been torn or troubled, in conflict or in doubt, have come to realize that Father Hughes is always there for us, whether as mentor or counselor, encourager or consoler. His spiritual strength and love of God sustains us at all times and in all things. Father Hughes never lets us lose sight of our ultimate reality - we are all God 's children as well as his. What more can we ask of a man? What more can we ask of a friend? What more can we ask of a Father - Father Joseph W. Hughes.

Father Hughes' Family: STANDING, L-R: Father's sister-in-law Kathy, Fr. Hughes, his mother Helen,John Barrett and his brother John, SEATED: his father Albert.

Patricia Leoniec and David Kelly

MRS. GRIBBIN, representing the veteran family of Notre Dame, brings up the gifts at the mass. 171

Footloose The Christmas Cotillion, Notre Dame's chance for the students to combine Christmas spirit with semi-formal elegance was held this year on Saturday, December 8. This year's dance came under the direction of Mrs. Mary Ivins and Ms. Donna Dovgala. This year's theme was "Under the Mistletoe." The cafeteria was completely transformed with mistletoe and Christmas balls hung from the ceiling. The tables had red cloths and silver helium balloons were placed in the middle of each table. There was also a new feature added this year called "Rope Lighting." This consisted of lights inside a rope that was strung across the room. The vending machines were wrapped up to look like gifts, giving the cafeteria the glow of Christmas. The music, provided by Kimberly Theatrics, ranged from mostly slow to fast with big group dancing mixed in. There was plenty of food catered by Mrs. Fritz and student government parents. The dress ranged from modern pink to oldfashioned lace. Many of the ladies also had corsages. This made everyone look all dressed-up. All these factors made the 1984 Christmas Cotillion one of the best so far.

FRONT ROW: Michelle Lawrence, Chris Lyons, Kathy Lyons, Bonnie Dowd. BACK ROW: Pat Harris,Justin Balter, Kevin Dowd, Mike Sabitini

Allison GifforCl.


Melinda Armenti, Chris Hart.

Dolores Smith, Gary Lane.

Mike Bartolino, Kathy Dorr.

Ed Krupa, Leah Persichelli, Steve O'Brien, Beth Ardery, Meg Gavin, Frank Aquiiino.

Helen Rebbeck, Eric Varvel. Ellen McClain, Frank Simms.

Where once 1 stood in suit, with badge and flag , Here now 1 lie, awaiting judgement day ' Of co~rage great where once I'd often brag, But now for heaven 's grace is aliI pray. Last night a stranger stalked outside our place. : Afraid, they said, "Go out into the night, And test your fear, go out and face to face You duel the demon that inspires our fright. " So 1alone with gun in hand did shoot And kill the cursed cause of all this ~trife

But when"I saw who lay aside my boot 1 turned my gun with it took my life. As pride would let me kill another one, In vanity, I'd killed my only son . Scott Elliott

As 1 silently sit, my mind's eye sees

of Gandhi, Ganges, Thar and Taj Mahal, And Dadar'sl dung near Arabian Seas And children starving there - a girl, Rupal. She 's wretched in mind and body and soul, With skeletal torso, her ribs gnaw flesh And lips of sun-baked clay "Poni apo "2; Her eyes once flaming have now become ash. But from her darkness , a flicker of light, The world awakens to a dire need. To oversome the hunger parasite, The sowers must sow altruistic seed. This with this story of a starving girl 1entreaty everyone - Feed the world!! Monica Varia lDadar - biggest slum in the city of Bombay

Sometimes when looking on the morning rain, The days seem endless, 1so inspired, The stress and strife that make me whince with pain, The hours of drilling thought leave meso tired. 1 reason 1 belong not to myself, But 'tis the book and basketball that rule, 1 think of storing sport upon the shelf, And cutting chains that make me slave to school. Then as idle hands are visioned pleasing, This notion to my heart and head doth fade , Passion 1 no longer dream of easing. Thoughts of fallow future are masquerade. My life is but a struggle to prevail, Torment and torture though it does entail. Jennifer Goeke


2Poni Apo - (Pah -ni Apo) - in Gujarati (an Indian dialect) means "give water"



Beauty, be it shallow, hooks a man deep Capturing every sense; making thought sin. But into the soul glances do not seep. His eye yet novice cannot see within. Judging with desire as his jury, His verdict for me but a cold stare. My mien causes no fire , no fury But I plea an appeal, a trial that's fair! For me there is no justice to be found . Though , I will not hunt love; the chase is cruel. Love hides like a rabbit from the hound And he who chases it becomes the fool. My beauty, more than this, comes from the heart And he who finds it has mastered love 's art. Lisa Tani

A stalwart stranger, neighbor yet to men. A holder in unsteady arms the days, The time of Spring - of dreams, of love, and then The Age of Summer days and crazy ways. When Autumn calls and tells its changing tale, We shun the hints another year is near. Oh Winter - fragile , harsh, complex detail. Her eyes then pierce my love yet shed no tear. The busy pace of man is slowed by force. From York to London nature goes unsung. For caught in the tide, follow straight the course, To win the race and climb another rung. We seldom value beauty nature brings, And weigh instead with diamonds and with rings. Ken Moore


The 1985 Notre Dame ski trip was a memorable one. It began on January 24th when everyone met at school around 2 p.m. to get their luggage checked. What seemed such a simple task turned into total confusion. People were running everywhere, flushed with anxiety and excitement. Surprisingly, everything was running on schedule! The six buses were jammed with boxes of food and luggage. The buses, which seemed to be calm from the outside, were filled with loud, restless students and blasting music. People were running up and down the aisle, while others were throwing cookies and other unknown objects. Everything seemed fine until one of the buses was having a problem and had to pull over. Three of the five remaining buses stopped to help the troubled bus, while the other two continued on their way. The first two buses arrived at about 10 p.m., seven hours after departure, only to meet up with Father Hughes and the four ski patrol officers, who flew up the preceding night. The next four days were filled with skiing, parties, and other activities. The weather was pleasing with snow three out of the four days. It was nice to go skiing and return to a nice warm and cozy condominium, equipped with many luxuries. During the four days people also swam, went sledding, :and playing tennis. By Monday, many were dreading the ride home. The fun now had to come to an end. Sad faces were a common sight among the students. Skis were returned and the condominiums were cleaned. We loaded the buses about 3:30 p.m. and were on our way back to reality. It seemed as if we were in a dream world away from everything for four days, and now we were forced to return to where we had left off. The ride home was not as disasterous as the ride up. This time all six buses stuck together and arrived home at the same time! The ride home seemed to be quieter than the ride up; however, people were alone with pleasant memories of their winter trip! Gina Sapnar

Ski Club Officers: SITTING: Chris Crowell, Kim Revak. STANDING: Tom Kale, Father Hughes, Pat McCormack.

Liz Tierno, Renea Nix, and Kathy Tammaro walk towards their condo after a long day on the lifts. 178

Seniors Carleen Fritz, Vicki Gradus, Clare Grala,Julie Franceschini, and Carmel O 'Donovan pose for a picture prior to fixing dinner in their condos.

Marianna Scavo, and her brother Tom, along with Greg Federico, head back to their condo after a day spent on the slopes.

Fighting Irish make their way to Bolton Valley ski lift.

Irish skiers fight their way across country.

Newsfront The Notre Dame Canticle is an annual edition which captures the special highlights and everyday activities of our school. Beginning in September and culminating in June, the yearbook covers all facets of school life. From the freshmansophomore picnic to the senior prom all of our memorable moments are collected and protected here against the fading element of time . The yearbook, however, is more than just a collection of pictures and snappy captions; rather, it is a cumulative effort made by the yearbook staff, under the careful guidance and supervision of their moderators, to bring to the student body an organized , meaningful and theme-centered book which will be cherished by all. There is no question that being a member of the yearbook staff takes much time and dedication but the feelings of contentment and ~a job well done outweigh the hardships. It is this sense of accomplishment we attain that urges us on to a deeper level of school pride, pride which links us closer to the intricate working of our Notre Dame family. Lisa Tani

Editor-in-chief Jennifer Brest works with freshman Crystal Blakely keeping track of fall collections.

The sophomore section was designed by, among others, Amy De Sandre.

Junior Mary Siedlarchyk helped to write copy and to identify pictures for various sections. 180

Maria Scandariata helped to design the junior portrait section.

Copy and Managing Editor Kate Comfort, pictured here with moderator Mr. Ralph Lelii, worked tirelessly on all aspects of the yearbook.

Business editor Lisa Tani worked not only on publicity, but also helped on the design of other sections.

Freshman Chris Zulla wrote copy, and Allison Gifford managed the index and designed the freshman section. Photography editor Amy Lettiere often took photographs herself. 18 1

The Front

The Hibernian, Notre Dame's newspaper, is advised by Mrs. Eileen Lang and Mrs. Sheila Gavin. Since they have taken over the creative reigns the newspaper has grown in its creative scope. It now includes editorials, creative features and interests and purposeful local reporting. The Writing Irish, guided by Miss Liptak and Mrs. Garrison, has sported enthusiasm ~fi.10ng the aspiring creative writers here at Notre Dame. The ' Club welcomes all students who share an interest in creative writing. Students can enter poems, stories and original drawings. The newspaper is usually published in the spring. Its main purpose is to have new students take chances with their writing, and to provide a tangible, lasting record of their creative efforts. Christine Zulla

The Hibernian Editors: FRONT ROW: Joe Decker, Agatha Dzikiewicz, Barbara Kulak, Mike Farrell, Bill Connolly. MIDDLE ROW: Trish Gorman, Kurt Harendza,Jerry Weber. BACK ROW: Moderators: Mrs. Sheila Gavin, Mrs. Eileen Lang, Walter Pluznyk.

Four Winds: FRONT ROW: Carleen Fritz, Liz Shirley, Mike Farrell, R<?bert Arnold , Loredona Pugliese. MIDDLE ROW: Jackie Martinez, MaureenJennings, Tom Miller, Chris Wong, Gregory Jones, Mike Sontag, Henry Mazurek, Art Mateos, Theresa Canavan, Jeannae Mazzone, Vince Serok. BACK ROW: Sue Brady, Jacki Canapari, Kelly Malloy, Jeanne Goubeaud , Tyi Davis. 182


LEFT: FIRST ROW: Barbara Kulak, Kathy Lund , Maureen Jennings, Angela Stanzione, Sue Francis, Mike Topchik, Francis Phan, Art Mateos. SECOND ROW: Pat McGuiness, Jeanne Goubeaud , Agatha Dzikiewcz, John Smith. THIRD ROW: Kelly Gorman, Denise Higgins, Ginger Gryle, Trish Gorman, Kelly Smith, Vicki Conn,Jack Gominiak, Ken Moore, Len Manzie. FOURTH ROW: Mike Sefransky, Bob Folino, Mike Farrell, Frank Simms, Lauren Baier, John Spinale, Mike Jennings, Henry Mazurek. FIFTH ROW: Mike Tritt, Joe Decker, Kurt Harendza, Bill Connolly, Kyle McGovern, Ken Werger. BACK ROW: Walter Pluznyk, Mark Grygon, Jerry Weber. BOlTOM: FRONT ROW: Paula Salewski, Bill Connolly, Kim McNamara, Mike Sefransky, Kathy Lund . MIDDLE ROW: Agatha Dzikiewicz, M ike Topchik, Jack Gominiak, Joe Decker, Mike Jennings, Dan Huslin, Steve Chikumba; Theresa Challender, Lisa Eible. BACK ROW: Lis Shirley, Denise Farina, Joellynn Monahan, Ellen Bentz.

The Hibernian.

Writing Irish.


RIGHT: FRONT ROW: Liz Shirley, Caryn Carter, Diane Krawczun, Donna Czyzewski, Angela Stanzione, Denise Cochran, Agatha Dziwiewicz, Denise Farina. SECOND ROW: Kathy Tammaro, Michele Raviola, Liz Cantwell, Julie Zorovich, Jeannae Mazzone, Carmel O'Donovan, Kate Comfort, Latonya Ashford. THIRD ROW: Mollie Grimes, Lauren Baier, Janice Cunningham, Michelle Morgan, Theresa Challender, Barbara Kulak, Lisa McCann. FOURTH ROW: Mark Robertson, Kristina Muehleisen, Paula Salewski, Kathy Lund, Kim McNamara, Kristin Kiefer. FIFTH ROW: Rudy Thompson, Vince Serok, Mike Sontag, Mike Wierzbowski, Mike Farrell, Mike Jennings, Bill Connolly. BACK ROW: Kurt Harendza, Shawn Leach, Robert Ponticello, Leon Hunt, Mark Grygon. BOlTOM: FRONT ROW: Mary Beth Janis, Joanne Piazza, John Stipe. BACK ROW: Latonya Ashford, Mrs. Margaret Gribbin, Vince Serok.

National Business Honor Society


Senior National Honor Society Members

The Man with Two Brains

The National Honor Society is an organIzatIon open to all sophomores, juniors and seniors who have spent at least one semester here at Notre Dame and achieved a place on the honor roll three times during the previous year. The society also focuses upon recognition of character, leadership, scholarship and service. The Honor Society is not strictly a local organization. It is a nationwide society, out of which emerge the leaders of tomorrow. Monthly, the society holds meetings during the school day. At these meetings, members discuss ways in which they may be of assistance to the school. Two services traditionally provided by the Honor Society are student guides, who help the secretaries with their daily work load, and tutors who help those students who need some supplemental instruction. Guided by their two moderators, Mrs. Bernice Zahorsky and Sister Mary Ann Peters, members help students learn to help themselves by acting as role models for the struggling student. Finally, membership gives students a sense of pride and accomplishment along with the incentive to remain academically competitive. Lisa Tani

Junior National Honor Society Members: SIlTING: FIRST ROW: Monica Varia, Karen Sciandra. SECOND ROW: Roger Woo, Francis Phan. THIRD ROW: John T. Spinale. STANDING: Sister Mary Ann Peters, Mrs. Bernice Zahorsky, Lisa Gloeckner, Melinda Armenti, Tyi Davis, Kathy Dorr, Maureen Jennings, Kelly Malloy, Kelly Johnson, Tammy McNamara, Chris Wong, Henry Mazurek, Mike Sefransky. National Honor Society Officers: Jeannae Mazzone, Kurt Harendza, Carmel O 'Donovan. 185

Tribute In addition to Notre Dame's partiCipation in the National Honor Society, we also sponsor four foreign language honor societies. The French Honor society is moderated by Mrs. Christine Kaplan; the Latin Honor Society is moderated by Mr. Steve Pingree; Spanish is directed by Mr. Joseph Poli; and responsibility for Latin falls to Mr. Bob Wood. In addition to their teaching responsibilities, these moderators give selflessly

of their time to promote interest in their particular language areas. The language honor societies have numerous functions. They encourage the honor student to probe more deeply into their favorite discipline. The students also tutor, and attend various cultural and artistic activities related to their particular language interests.

SIITING: Karen Sciandra , Robert Arnold, Trisha D 'Arcy , John Davison , Heidemarie Kraemer. STANDING: Trina Foy, Ken Werger, Eric Hartman, John Conboy, Henry Mazurek, Mary Siedenzyk.

German Honor Society FRONT ROW: Dina Spilatore, Liz Shirley, Jackie Martinez, Kate Comfort, Jennifer Brest. SECOND ROW: Moderator Mr. Joseph Poli, Hyan Jin Shin, Hugh Burgess, Mike Sontag, Shawn Leach, Jim Paglione, Kathy Tammaro, Lordes Garcia. BACK ROW: Sue Brady, Michele Raviola, Sue Francis.


Spanish Honor Society


Theresa Canavan, Donna Czyzewski, Jeanae Mazzone, Loredona Pugliese, Agatha Dzikiewicz. STANDING: Monica Varia , Erin Murph y, Maureen Jennings, Vince Serok, Michael Jennings, Kurt Harendza , John Spinale, Pat Draper, Paula Salewski, Kim McNamara, Tracy Sudol.

French Honor Society

SITTING: Maureen Mesday, Theresa Challender, Jerry Weber , Carmel O 'Donovan, Kate Heitzman. STANDING: Sue O 'Donovan, Mike Sefransky , Victor Thompson , Mark Grygon , Rudy Thompson, Pat Penella, Mike Farrell.

Latin Honor Society


N ever Ending Story

The Koinonia Club, moderated by Sister Carol J, is one of the most rewarding clubs at Notre Dame. The people who belong work well together, and have joined because they wanted to serve the handicapped and special people of the area. The students themselves, because they have volunteered, take on the responsibility of organizing socials and creative projects. The students look forward to the socials. They send out invitations to each of the special persons on their lists, and generally receive a favorable reply. When they have reached a sufficient number, the party begins. Koinonia exists to make these people feel welcome and special. The dancing, shared smiles, and caring embraces are all part of the fun. In addition to the socials offered by the club, Koinonia also runs many charitable functions. Chief among these is the annual Thanksgiving food drive. Representatives go to every homeroom to remind students to bring food and money to be distributed to needy area families. Koinonia allows caring Notre Dame students to combine fun with active participation in the care and nurturing of special local residents. It is truly in keeping with the spirit of the social gospels. Allison Gifford

Koinonia Club: FRONT ROW: Angela Stanzione, Gina Sapnar. MIDDLE ROW: Kathy Abondonza, Sue Molnar, Amy Lettiere, Rosita Argueta. BACK ROW: Lisa Ann Rossell, Theresa Challender, Sister CarolJarusewski, Valerie Baker, Kate Ziegler.

Deidre Donnelly, Nicolette Pacemo.

Paula Salewski, Denise Cochran. 188

N.D.'s Koinonia club provides a dance for neighborhood handicapped citizens.

The Storytellers Club was started four years ago under the guidance of Mrs. Salcewicz, and continues in the tradition of telling and acting out stories. Many times during the year, often around the holidays, the club members entertain children at Headstart classes, children in hospitals, and the elderly at nursing homes. The club has also been active at Notre Dame functions such as the Alumni Childrens Christmas Party and the Senior Easter Egg hunt. The Storytellers Club hopes to expand and perform for the school in the future . Susan Francis Sister Carol Jaruszewski, Carol Trippa.

The Clowning Clu b.

Are you sure it's three twists for a dog. ? ABOVE, LEFT: FRONT ROW: Dawn Perrone , Rosita Arqueta, Sister Carol Jaruszewski, Joellynn Monohan. BACK ROW: Missy Trout, Jou Lee, Lisa Ann Rossell, Amy Lettiere, Kate Ziegler, Sue Joy, Shawn Leach. BOrrOM, LEFT: FRONT ROW: Mollie Grimes, Barbara Sosna, Debbie DeMarco, Dan Fasolino, Karen Day, Sue Francis, Joanne Smith, Sonja Vaughan. BACK ROW: Kim Kusek, Loredona Pugliese, Jennifer Thoma, Mrs. Judy Salcewicz, Lisa Haller, Jill Celetano, Kathleen Hollub, Loretta Reed.

The Storyteller Club. 189

The Group The Notre Dame Debate Team is not as clearly recognized as are other major sports and activities around the high school, yet a similar standard of excellence exists. The hard work and tremendous effort that comprise a winning team is clearly evident on our debate team. People tend to overlook the aspects of debate that make it a sport - the competitiveness, the practices and training, even the coaching. However, debate is more than a sport; it is a skill which one can develop and use in the many serious professions of life. When one begins to learn the skills of public speaking, quick thinking, and the ability to refute another's arguments, then an accomplishment is made in advancing the caliber of that person's overall ability. To speak intelligently, on such issues as the public defense, crime and justice, and poverty and unemployment, is to enhance the versatility of the individual. No doubt, debate can prove helpful to the future of any student. The program is effectively coordinated by Ms. Anderson, and is entirely comprised of juniors. These unknown winners are: Melinda Armenti, Kim Topper, Pam Pfeiffer, Kiev Matwijcow, Anthony Siecienski, Chris Hart, Tom McGuire, Henry Mazurek, Robert Folino,. anq Francis Phan. Let us hope our winning tradition continues - even in debate. Henry Mazurek

Debate Team: FRONT ROW: Robert Folino, Pam Pfeifer, Henry Mazurek, Chris Hart, Tom McGuire. BACK ROW: Kier Matwijcow, Melinda Armenti, Francis Phan.

Math League: FRONT ROW: Ken Moore, Rudy Thompson, Art Mateos, Francis Phan,Jeannae Mazzone. BACK ROW:Jou Lee, Kurt Harendza, Christopher Wong, Greg Federico, Rich Radice,John Rooney, Steven White, Ms. Julie Campo. 190

Dungeons and Dragons: FRONT ROW: Michael Commini, Kyle McGovern, Greg Zdenek. BACK ROW: Francis Paixao, Joe Noak, Ted Durst, Ed Vidal, Carl Alenea, Eric Hartman. The Notre Dame Math League looked very promising th~s year. Under the moderation of Miss Julie Campo, the League members were very well organized, energetic, and supportive of each other. The purpose of the League is to compete with other Central Valley Coriference (CVe) schools for an hour long mathematical test. They challenge each other four times a year to see which school obtains the highest score. The school with the highest score receives a trophy which is kept until another school wins. The League helps those who participate to test their mathematical skills and abilities to accomplish a sense of self-satisfaction. Most of the members seem to have a strong interest in mathematics and hope to pursue a career in this subject. The Irish Athletic Training Staff consists of students interested in careers in sports medicine, athletic training, and the prevention and care of athletic injuries. The advisor, Mr. Bill Martin, is a certified athletic trainer. The staff covers all home athletic events. Assisting Mr. Martin are senior Joe Murphy, juniors Kelly Quinn, Kim imon, Scott Elliot, Eric Shade and Pete Donnelly. The athletic training staff is an important part of Notre Dame's successful athletic program.

Athletic Trainer: FIRST ROW: Heidi Kramer, Liz Smeca, Maria Danante, Lynette Shinal, Jim

Mary Siedlarczyk

Simon, Pete Donnelly, Wendy Schiedler. SECOND ROW: Denise Higgins, Scott ElIiot,Joe Murphy, Mr. Bill Martin, Eric Schade, Timothy Heitzman, Kelly Quinn.


THE Ml1Sle M.nN This year has been a good one for the Notre Dame Band. The band is conducted by a "Sophomore," Mr. John Dondero. This is his second year with Notre Dame. There are basically three sections of the band; they are marching band, jazz band, and concert band. Marching band consists of roughly thirty players, a rifle squad, a flag squad , a poms squad, three field conductors (drum majors), and our feature twirler, Susan Kulak. The jazz band consists of around twenty players who play popular jazz songs such as the "Curly Shuffle" and 'Misty." Concert band consists of all the instrumentalists from marching band performing an arrray of interesting titles. The marching band performed at our Varsity Football games this year doing a variety of different songs which made for an interesting and original show. The marching band marched in the 1984 Pulaski day parade in New York City. The band also placed third in the Centr}l Jersey Championship, at Toms River East High Scho~l. Our percussion line won the "Best Percussion Line" award at the championships. This year the jazz band played in several different concerts, and the concert band performed their show on February 27, 1985. The show had a wide variety of different songs that made it a hit! Paul Saccone

Drum Majors: Kim Zuccarello, Tom Miller, and Talaya Barksdale

Our Perfect "Poms": Lisa Tucillo, Jeannine Faltum, Beth Woody, Kim Gutowski, Lisa Our A-I Drum Line: Bill Sanford, Keith Hitchner, and

Franklin, Lori Siedlarczyk, Karen O 'Keefe, Beth Chmiel, and Cindy Cirillo

Roger Hsaio


The 1984 Marching Band.

The Wonderful Woodwinds: TOP: Eric Vecelli, Len Manzie, Paul Saccone, Mike Wiersbowski. BOTTOM: Chris Tanzola, Michelle Grubb, Karen Bock, Vicki Conn, and Carolyn Zdanowicz.

The Roaring Rifles: Christy Mahoney, Denise Mulligan, Beth Horgan, and Totally Tubular!

Jennifer Ravenel.

ABOVE: The Fabulous Flags: Meghan Sullivan, Susan Kaslander, Carla Colletti, Cheryl Fuzes, Monica Varia, Courtney Ravenel, Jean Goubeaud, Wanda Ortiz, Kathy Lund, Kim Kusek, Tara Saccone, and Sandy Glerum. LEFT: The Big Brass: Pete Downey, Lowell Lybarger,John Lake, Kelly Malloy, Kevin Pultorak, and Pat Marshall. 193

Renea Nix, Karen Bombery, Latonya Ashford , Sue Conti.

TOP RG--V (left to righn: Dena Mastrosimone, Evelyn Rodriguez, Erin Lombardi, Jennifer Kakstis. MIDDLE ROW: Kristin Fless, Ann-Marie Mallazo, Patty DeMaio, Stacy DaBronzo. BOITOM ROW: Lisa Gloeckner, Kathy Foster, Michele Czyzewski, Felicia Lynch.

BOITOM (left to right): Dina Spilatore, Karen Bombery. SECOND ROW: Felicia Lynch, Lisa Gloeckner. THIRD ROW: Evelyn Rodriquez, Molly Grimes. FOURTH ROW: Liz Carroll, Joy Bertan, Maureen Connolly, Jennifer Shirley, Trish Moran. FIFTH ROW: Sathy Abbondanza, Ellen McClain. TOP ROW: Kate Heitzman.


BACK ROW (left to right): Sue Conti, Maria Sparagna, Leon Hunt, Latonya Ashford. FRONT ROW: Karen Bombery, Renea Nix, Donna Czyzewski.

Golden Girls

Jennifer Kakstis, Erin Lombardi, Michele Czyzewski

(left to right): Dena Mastrosimone, Dina Spilatore, Stacy DeBronzo, Maria Sparagna, Renea Nix, Erin Limbardi, Ellen McClain, Jennifer Kakstis, Elisabeth Carroll.

Much of Notre Dame 's athletic success is influenced by their number one fans , the Varsity Cheerleaders. Opening this year's sport seasons with the theme, "Let's Go Crazy," the cheerleaders, as well as the sports teams, had a very successful season. Under the moderation of Mrs. Pegg y Miller, and with the help of the fall captains Renee Nix and Sue Conti, this year 's cheerleaders were a well unified and dedicated team. This year 's senior members include Mollie Grimes, Sue Conti, Renee Nix, Latonya Ashford , Karen Bomberey, Trish Moran, Donna Czyzewski and Maria Sparagna, many of whom are returning members from last year. Although the cheerleaders are sometimes the unsung athletes of the school, who don 't have a win or loss record , they still, as a team, come away as winners because they never let the N .D. spirit die . The season beg an in August with one week of camp, during which many long hours were spent in preparation for the upcoming season. Throughout the season, they showed a sense of commitment to the team as well as to the school and they tried to be the best they could be, not only as individuals, but as a team. What more could we expect? Mary Siedlarczyk TOP ROW (left to eight): Donna Czyzewski, Trish Moran. MIDDLE ROW: Latonya Ashford , Renea Nix, Sue Conti. BOTTOM ROW: Karen Bombery, Maria Sparagna. 195

The Longest Yard During an early pre-season scrimmage against West Windsor Plainsboro, Leon Hunt, the star running back for the Notre Dame Varsity football team was injur~d , and subsequently lost for the season. This fact , along with tfie fact that Notre Dame, the CVC and Parochial A State Champs of 1983, lost twenty Varsity starters to graduation, made the outlook for the 1984 season a bleak one. According to Head coach "Chappy" Moore, " Everyone had to do a little extra .. ." Every member of the team devoted more than a "little extra," and it showed throughout the entire season. For the second year in a row, the V arsity football team went undefeated in the regular season, won the CVC title, and made the State playoffs. As with last year's team , the devotion, time, and effort throqghout the season was tremendous. Not once did the team falter, and they dominated every team on their regular season schedule. Even Ewing High , the traditional rival of Notre Dame in football , was no match for the Fighting Irish's high powered offense and dominating defense. Notre Dame had a convincing victory that g ame , winning 27-0. Althoug h the successful season was a team effort, there were certain players who inspired the team to work hard and do well. Perhaps the major responsibil~y fell on Derrick Smith, who became the primary running back after Hunt's injury. Smith did an excellent job as the main " ball-carrier, " and was soon recognized as a very capable athlete. Among the other offensive Senior players were (tackle)Jim Vernon, (guard ) E.). Wotowitz, and (quarterback) Jamie Lynch. There was never a time throug hout the regular season when the explosive offense could

not get the job done, and Notre Dame once again dominated the CVC. However, the work of the offense would have been in vain if it were not complimented by a powerful defense. Co-Captain Jeff Powell, Ben Tousley, Keith Blazic and Brian Breza were just a few of the players which made the defense so strong. There were many outstanding players on both offense and defense, and nine of them were recognized by the CVC or County coaches as superior athletes. Keith Blazic, Brian Breza, Jeff Powell, E.). Wotowitz, Jim Vernon, Derrick Smith, Ben Tousley, Eric Johnson, and Tom Quinn were all voted to either the AII-CVC or All-County teams. Unfortunately, preceding the first round playoff game , there were two more in juries which were costly to the team. Running back Tom Quinn, and tig ht end Dan Connolly were unable to play in the playoff game against Bishop Ahr. The team had made several costly mistakes from the outset, and Notre Dame lost the decision, 30-0. When asked about how he felt about the team , Coach Moore said , "Who wouldn't be happy with a team that went 9-1. " The team should feel proud of themselves and their accomplishments. No one (except for the players) believed that the team would come out so strong, and be such a successful squad. The 1984 Varsity Football team showed they had "All the Rig ht Moves," and deserving ly were noticed as one of the best teams in the area . John T . Spinale

1984 Senior Football Players

Camera-shy Garth Coccia in a rare pose 198

1984 Varsity Defense players bid farewell All-County Jeff Powell and Honorary Captain Leon Hunt win the toss before the Homecoming Game vs. Lawrence High.

1984 Varsity Offense Defender Mike McKee rises to the occasion.

1984Junior Varsity Offense

1984J.V. Defense: Dominating D. for '85.

Semi -

The magnificent Mr. Moore struts towards victory.

).v. Offense: "Prepare to Strike!"


Punt returner John Ballard searches for daylight between Rams .

Ram-tough Jamie Lynch looks for the open man.

Tom Quinn fires opening kick-off vs. the Hightstown Rams.


Athletic trainer Mr. Bill Martin administers to Jeff Powell during the Irish victory over Princeton.

Junior quarterback John Bacovin

John Eitzen,Jay Penney and Dan Connolly.

Tom Quinn leads the sweep for ten yard gain against Hightstown. Tom Quinn scrambles against the Rams.


For the first time in Notre Dame High School history, the soccer team was ranked # 1 in the pre-season state rankings. The question then arose whether or not Notre Dame could prove themselves worthy of their ranking. The soccer team did an excellent job of living up to their reputation, completing the season with a 23-1 record , the best record for a soccer team in Notre Dame's history. Led by head coach Mike Perone, the team soared towards victory and a state championship as each game passed. However, the win/loss column shows only a small aspect of the Notre Dame soccer team's accomplishments. There was a certain unity among the players which sparked the necessary winning attitude. According to coach Perone, "No one player was the strongest on offense or defense ... Everybody was a leader. Everybody was a key player in different games. That is what made the team work." Work is an understatement. By the end of the season, the soccer team was ranked third in the state and sixth in the nation.

The two important games of the season, not including the state championship, were the games against Lawrenceville and Steinert. The Lawrenceville game was important because it was the only decision the Fighting Irish lost. The Steinert game was the traditional rivalry game. Notre Dame had to come from behind, and they ended up victorious with a score of 2-1. Although every player played a vital role, the team, like all great teams, had its stars. The offensive squad was led by Drew Fallon, who scored 23 goals and had 18 assists. John Davies was also a crucial player on the offense. Defensively, the Irish were led by Harold Adams and Brian O 'Reilly. Tom Kale, the Notre Dame goalie, finished the season with 8 shutouts. Appropriately, the season was capped off with a 4-0 victory over Don Bosco for the State Championship.

All-State defender Harold Adams and Deane Good using their heads.


Tom Cody John T . Spinale

All-State striker John Davies was sidelined for part of the season with a leg injury.



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Mr. Perone, Boys Varsity soccer coach for 8 years, was voted Mercer County Coach of the Year, as well as New Jersey Coach of the Year.


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First year starter Tom Kale demonstrating the form that earned him 8 shut-outs.

Boys Varsity Soccer Team: FRONT ROW: Harold Adams, Bob Davies, Duane Robinson, Mike Lugossy,Joe Suosso, Terry McNiff, Bob Carmignani,Jim Revak, assistant coach Jim Hines, BACK ROW: Terry Dearden, Tom Cook, Drew Fallon,Joe Panzitta, Deane Good,Jerry Keegan, Brian O 'Reilly, John Davies, Rich Arronenzi, Tom Kale, assistant coach Ziggy Zegarski, coach Mr. Michael Perone.



Two-year midfield starter Jerry Keegan flashes championship skills.

All-American Drew Fallon relaxes with All-State team member Brian O 'Reilly.


Girls Varsity players psyche themselves to assure Mrs. Kocshek's lOOth win over Hopewell Valley.

JV Girls Soccer Team: FRONT ROW: Camille West, Kristen Dwyer. MIDDLE ROW: Michelle Miasto, Anne Rogers, Nicole Hungerford, Chris Klosinski, Sue Frangione, Danielle Rotando, Michelle Piffath, Dee Donnely. BACK ROW: Alissa Metiow, Candace Kemo, Tricia Werger, Dana Hice, Shannon Keenan, Nicole Stack, Rachael Weber, Megan Murphy, Lisa Hartman, Coach Mary Meagher.


Dos Williams dribbles a step ahead of her Madison Central opponent.

Two-year senior starter Carmel O'Donovan, all star Packet team member, awaits a head ball.





]V Boys Soccer Team: BACK ROW: Coach jim Hines, Pete Barlow, Frank Simms, Lou

julie Franceschini, center fullback, drives ball down field.

Bucchere, Bill Hoeflich,jim Hutchison,john Rooney, Paul Szekeres, Mark Sciarrotta, Charles Thorne, Bob Hoch. FRONT ROW: Tom McQuade, Mike Rumac,jim Caldwell, Scott Downs, Pete Nolan, Charles Pollard, Pete Zangrilli, A.]. Genovesi, Brian Krisak, Darren Herzstein. 205

The Notre Dame girls' soccer team has continued their winning tradition, finishing the season with a 20- 2-1 record , the best record the Irish have ever had. After an explosive start, Notre Dame was well on their way to another successful season. This year the Irish were especially dominant, claiming the 1984 Mercer County Championship title; also, they were ranked second in both the county and the Colonial Division of the C.V.c. For the first time in Notre Dame history, the girls' soccer team defeated Steinert twice, winning both games by a score of 1-0; they also defeated Hamilton three times. Coach Sandy Koschek cited Beth Ardery,Judy DiMemmo, and Sue O 'Donovan as most improved players. She also listed Steph Mahler, Monica Stockman, Carmel O'Donovan, Bridget Corrado, Dos Williams, and Lisa Salmestrelli as key players on the team. This year was a ,landmark season for the Irish. They completed the season with the most wins (20), the longest winning streak (16), and recorded 12 shutouts. This season was not a season for players only, but for coaches, also . In the C.V.c., there have only been two female coaches to break the 100 win plateau, and Sandy Koschek is one of them. Mrs. Koschek would like to extend special thanks and good wishes to the senior players who have helped to make the girls' soccer program so successful these past four years. Christine Chiantese John T. Spinale The Varsity Girls Soccer Team: FRONT ROW: Bridget Corrado, Val Williams, and Sue O'Donovan. MIDDLE ROW: Julie Martini, Lynda Roberto, Tina McStravick, Lisa Salmestrelli, Liz Cantwell, Joy Dacy, and Lisa Ulrich. BACK ROW: Coach Sandy Koschek, Kelly Cottrell, Judy Dimemmo , Stephanie Flores , Stephanie Mahler, Monica Stockman, Carmel O' Donovan , Dosiree Williams, Julie Franceschini, Beth Ardery , and Theresa Liedtka.


Varsity Girls Soccer coach, Sandra Koschek, reaches her l00th win during the 1984 Fall season.

Senior Stephanie Mahler, All-State sweeper, reflects on post game strategy.

Monica Stockman, three-year starter displays powerful kick which garnered all CVC honors. Coach Sandra Koschek gives final instructions before lOOth victory over Hopewell Valley.

Girls Varsity Senior Team Members: FRONT ROW: Bridget Corrado, Julie Franceschini. BACK ROW: Stephanie Mahler, Carmel O 'Donovan, Theresa Liedtka, Monica Stockman, Liz Cantwell.

Bridget Corrado, 1st team CVC and 2nd team All County right wing, prepares to score in victory over Madison Central.


Boys Varsity Basketball Team: FRONT ROW: Brian O'Reilly, Dave Swan, Lou Bucchere. MIDDLE ROW: Vander McFarland, Dennis Wysocki, Deane Good, Tom Gavin. BACK ROW: Mr. Greg Schafer, Chris Prophett, Mr. Dave Milinowicz.

Brian O 'Reilly looks for another one of his many assists.

Girls Varsity Basketball Team: FRONT ROW: Theresa Liedtka, Bridget Corrado, Beth Ardery, Kelly Cottrell. BACK ROW: Mr. John Simone, Trina Foy, Jennifer Goeke, Pam Elie, Monica Stockman, Tanya Young, Colleen Schmitt, Meg Gavin.


Senior Monica Stockman tries for a jump ball as Jennifer Goeke looks on.

One on One

Tom Gavin, with his parents, is given the gaqle ball by Father Hughes after reaching his one-thousandth point.

Senior guard Theresa Liedtka, runs the playas she leads the other four Irish players to score against Steinert.

Basketball has always been one of Notre Dame's most popular and successful athletic programs. During the past year, both squads won their respective CVC titles, and there were many stellar personal accomplishments. Tom Gavin, a senior standout, reaped his l000th point this season, a feat done only 8 times previously in the history of Notre ,Dame. Dave Swan and Brian O 'Reilly also had an excellent season, contributing greatly to the team effort. On the distaff side, the girls were led by seniors Bridget Corrado, Theresa Liedtka, and Monica Stockman. The highlight of their season was a trip to Maryland to play the number one-ranked team in the country, Townsend High. Although they were defeated, they produced a competitive effort. Both teams had long winning streaks throughout the season. The boys, during one stretch had won 13 in a row; and the girls won their first 16 games before their first defeat. Important games for both the boys and girls included McCorriston, which is the traditional basketball rival of Notre Dame. Both ND teams walked away with victories in their respective matches. Both teams have underclassmen players which show a great deal of promise. For the boys, Kevin Micharski, Lou Bucchere, Vander McFarland, Dean Goode, Terry McNiff, and Dennis Wysocki will be the heart of the team next year. For the girls, Trina Foy, Jennifer Goeke, TanyaYoung, Colleen Schmitt, Beth Ardery, Kelly Cottrell, and Meg Gavin are the upcoming varsity hopefuls. Both the boys and girls basketball teams should be commended for their performances this season. They have reached a point of excellence which has become the tradition of Notre Dame. John Spinale

Senior forward Monica Stockman, launches a foul shot as Bridget Corrado, Tanya Young, and Meg Gavin move in for the rebound . 209

The Irish mentors, Mr. Greg Schafer, Mr. Dave Milinowicz, and Mr. Tom Keefe, in a pre-game salute.

Sophomore guard Chris Prophett (51) sky's high for the tap while Tim Holland (35) awaits the ball.

Senior guard Theresa Liedtka, junior guard Tanya Young, the senior forward Monica Stockman produce pressure defense.


The Boys Varsity Irish team gather for the pre-game National Anthem.

Senior guard Bridget Corrado, decides what to do with the ball as sophomore guard Beth Ardery doubles the threat.

Senior guard Brian O 'Reilly floats through the air for two points en route to his 18.3 average.

One on One

Senior forward Tom Gavin shows an unorthodox style while the Irish devour the Tigers.

Junior forward Jennifer Goeke reaches for the ball.

Coach John Simone explains the play in a time-out to his team as his players listen closely.

Senior guard Dave Swan tests his opponents dribbling skills.

Junior guard Trina Foy pulls up for a jumper as Jennifer Goeke trails 211 the play.

One on One

Junior Varsity Girls Basketball Team: FRONT ROW: Annemarie Keefe. BACK ROW: Shannon Keenan, Missy Marinnie, Pam Elie, Anna Zawodniak, Nicole Minutoli, Coach Douglas Brower.

Junior Varsity boys listen to Coach Ray Bralynski's good word. Junior Varsity Boys Basketball Team: BACK. ROW: Dennis Wysocki, Tyrone Coates, Joseph Coates, Chris Prophett, Tim Holland, Anthony McMilliam, Coach Ray Bralynski, Terry McNiff. FRONT ROW: Kenny Jones, Darren Green,Joe Iavarone, Dan Cryan.


Sophomore forward Meg Gavin concentrates on a foul shot as Tonya Young, Bridget Corrado, and Jennifer Goeke look on.

Kevin Micharski jumps high to win the tap as the Irish roll to another CVC victory.

Senior Theresa Liedtka works the ball as the Steinert player defends.

JV Coach Ray Bralynski awaits the referee's calL

ND Boys Varsity sets up in its two-three zone against Princeton.

Junior Varsity girls coach, Doug Brower explains the playas the team listens.


1, 2, 3, let's go!


The Loneliness of the Long Distance

Bridget Conboy, Linda Hirthler, and Janet Cieslen.

Tammy Kazlowski, Hellen Rebbeck, and Sonya Vaughan cool down with a few laps.

The N.D. Cross Country team charges out to a lengthy practice.


Joe Murphy strides ahead of his Hamilton opponent.

Head coach, Mr. Dave Hoch.

Francis Phan, Dan Fasolino, and Greg Hughes.


Matt McGrath pushes hard to the finish .

1984 Notre Dame Cross Country Team Sean Poreda, Tony Reaves,Joe Murphy

FRONT ROW: Tony Reaves, Sonya Vaughan, Dan Fasolino. BACK ROW: Linda HirthIer, Sean Poreda,Janet Cieslin,Joe Murphy.


Chariots of Fire In the opening days of December most Notre Dame sports teams take warm refuge indoors, but not Notre Dame's girls and boys Varsity Winter Track Teams. During this time, they are hard at work out on the "Irish Turf" training for the fast approaching season. This year, all the faithful training has paid off. The girls team won the Conference Championships for the fourth consecutive year. Outstanding performances were led by Sonja Vaughn and Charisse West who placed third in the Meet of Champions. Both have broken numerous school records this season. Major contributions were made bv Stacey Harrison, Janet Cieslin, Bridget Conboy, and Helen Reb-

beck,who along with Vaughn and West, attended the Eastern Championships in Boston, a prestigious event. On the boys' team, Toni Reed had an outstanding season, setting records in both the 800 meter and high jump events. Other team members, Joe Murphy, Glenn Caldwell, Matthew Cantwell, Rob Balerna, Craig Coffee, and Rich Radice also had a good year. Although many seniors were lost, coach Anthony Genovesi speculates that many current 'hopefuls' will come through next year, keeping Notre Dame Track Team at the pinnacle of area competition. Lisa Tani

The Boys Varsity Winter Track Team: FRONT ROW: Rob Balerna, Phil Fagan, Gary Lane,John Stipe, Tony Reaves,Joe Murphy. SECOND ROW: Glenn Caldwell, Craig Coffey, Richard Radice, Chris Hart, Brian Smith, Gene Dorr. BACK ROW:John Janis, Matt Cantwell, Pat Redmond, Mike Evanko, Mr. Anthony Genovesi, Greg Hughes, Scott Elliot, Pat Nolan,Joe Emde.

Senior Glenn Caldwell, all alone at the finish line at an indoor CVC meet. 216

Tony Reaves looks over his workout schedule with coach Anthony Genovesi.

Charisse West takes a well deserved rest after an excellent run.

Senior Stacey Harrison, full of determination, "hurdles" her way to victory. Girls Varsity Winter Track Team: FRONT ROW: Kris Belmont, Debbie Carozza, Chris Mattis, Kelly Smith, Mary Beth Janis. SECOND ROW: Tammy Kozlowski, Ellen Bentz, Anne Marie Hannawacker, Debbie Schiavone, Helen Rebbeck, Debbie Mahon, Dolores Smith. THIRD ROW: Stephanie Carter, Stacey Harrison, Charisse West, Bridget Conboy, Caroline Klepper, Janet Cieslin, Bernadette 路 Murphy. BACK ROW: Coach Anthony Genovesi, Sonja Vaughn, Carla Carter, Deidra Walker, Andrea Brown, Pre a Dassori.


Ii~LL() I)()LLI~~ The Notre Dame Field Hockey Team had a terrfic season this year. Many were doubtful that Notre Dame could stand its ground , having graduated nine seniors, but the team did much more. They became the 1984 Colonial Valley Champions, and set many school records. They finished the season with the best record ever, 16-5, thanks to the great coaching of Barbara Major (head coach) and Diane Olech (assistant coach). Other records set were the most goals scored (45) and the most shut-outs (ll). The Irish finished their regular season with a record 14-4 and went on to the state champions. In a rematch, the Irish beat Hightstown in a sudden death overtime, 2-1. They then took on a highly-ranked Hunterdon Central team and dominated the game, bringing home a 1-0 victory. This victory placed the Irish in the Central Jersey Finals against number one ranked Neptune. Notre Dame played well, but lost 2-0 to the Scarlet F1iers. Some special occasions to remember were Mrs. Major's 100th win, reached when Notre Dame played Morrisville on September 14, 1984, the exciting game against Hopewell Valley played on the astro turf at Trenton State College, and Clare Grala's winning goal during a shoot-out with West Windsor. This year's captain Kellie Keirn, and co-captain, Carleen Fritz, kept the spirit and unity of the team alive. One of the team 's

biggest assets was how well they worked together. The Irish players who made the Trentonian All-Mercer County Team were: Kellie Keirn (1st team), Jennifer Goeke (2nd team), Gina Sapnar, Cathy Schroth, and Sharon Sobon (Honorable Mention); in the Trenton Times: Kellie Keirn and Carleen Fritz (1st team), Jennifer Goeke (2nd team), Sharon Sobon (3rd team). Players who made the Central Jersey Field Hockey Team were: Kellie Keirn (1st team), Jennifer Goeke (2nd team,) Sharon Sobon, Kendra Ernst, Lori Stoy, Cathy Schroth and Carleen Firtz (Honorable Mention). Another Player who deserves credit is Carleen Fritz, who played goalie for the first time and turned in a record of eleven shut-outs. The four seniors, Kellie Keirn, Lynn Evans, Clare Grala, and Carleen Fritz will be greatly missed by their teammates. . The Notre Dame Field Hockey Team reached many of the goals they set out to achieve. A special thanks to Varsity Field Hockey managers Chris Schroeder and Chris Crowell. All of them had many reasons to be proud of the great season they worked for. Lynn Evans

Varsity Field Hockey Team: FRONT ROW: Kendra Ernst, Sharon Sobon, Sue Brady, Chris Villa, Rosanna Dovgala, Gina Sapnar, and Lori Sroy. BACK ROW: Coach Barbara Major, Kellie Keirn, Carleen Fritz, Lynn Evans, Clare Grala, Cathy Schroth,Jennifer Goeke, Gina Aquilino, Debbie Radigan, Doreen Walsh and Assistant coach, D iane Olech.


Goalie Carleen Fritz tells teammates what must be done to preserve Mrs. Major's lOOth victory: Sue Brady, Gina Sapnar, Clare Grala, Cathy Schroth, Shron Sobon, Lori Stoy, Debbie Radigan, Mrs. Major, Carleen Fritz.

Carleen Fritz and Kellie Keirn: The Captain Connection

"Major" Victory after lOOth win

].V. Field Hockey Team: FRONT ROW: Jacqui Canepari, Trish Krupa, Suzanne Calianese, Jodi Bartolino. MIDDLE ROW: Beth Seidenglanz, Kelly Bowser,Jeanne Mattei, Marlene Margicin, Nicole Minutoli,Jane Kelly. BACK ROW: Kathy Ravenel, Chris Fiori, Kelly Clark.

Jennifer Goeke, Lynn Evans, Lori Stoy, and Kellie Keirn congratulate Gina Sapnar after scoring a goal in Mrs. Major'S looth win against Morrisville. 219

Beth Seidenglanz,Jane Kelly, and Cathy Schroth relax after a meet.

Sue Basara prepares for a dive during competition.

Coach Jennifer Perone and swimmer Judy Bogdan discuss the upcoming match. 220

Ginger Gryl swimming the backstroke during a game against Hamilton.

Team Captain Bill Connolly is helped out of the water by Steve O 'Brien as Gary Christensen and Pat Perella look on.


Judy Bogdan prepares mentally and physically for the Competition against Hamilton.

Pat Perrella swims and helps his team toward victory.

The Notre Dame Swim Team, under Coach Mike Conlon, had a much improved and highly successful second year. Rallying around the cry "No more six a.m. practices," the returning swimmers, along with several key newcomers, set out to make Notre Dame a name to be reckoned with in County swimming. The girls team compiled a 7-3 record; the high-water mark of the season was the County swim meet, which they won handily. The boys team (3-7) was hampered by a lack of numbers, but placed more than half of the team in the finals of the County meet. With a virtually intact team returning next year, both the boys and girls are looking forward to more recordbreaking times in future competitions. Bill Connelly

Kellie Malloy helps her team to win a match against Hamilton. The Notre Dame High School Swim Team: BOTTOM ROW: Art Mateos, Aimee Sandham, Mary Charbonneau, Jeanne Goubeaud, Dana Gilman, Tara Saccone, Cathy Schroth and Steve O'Brien SECOND ROW: Beth Seidenglanz, Sue Basara, Joan Cook, Jane Kelly, Linda Ruberto, Kelly Giquinto, and Barbara Sosna THIRD ROW: Coach Jennifer Pirone, Coach Mike Conlan, Cheryl Fuzes, Kevin Serafin, Pat Perrella, Bill Connolly, Gary Christensen, Phil Pagliaro, Joe Ruberto, Assistant Coach Tracy Keenan, Sue Joy, Denise Barrett, and Kellie Malloy TOP ROW: Michelle H ylemon, Michele Scott, John Casey, Mike Reeger, Karen Sciandra, Ginger Gryl, Joanna Johnson, Judy Bogdan and Fran Camerin 221

Roller Bowl This past year, Notre Dame added bowling to its long list of athletic offering s. Coac hed by Mr. Schultz, the bowling team had a tremendous response in try-outs, and all students who made the team g ave a lot of time and effort in order to have a respectable first season. Even though the team did not have an outstanding record , there were many people who received varsity letters. Dave Ferdetta, Tom Kondash , Chris Garruba (seniors); Ed Houlub, Kevin Zola, Robert Ferri, Peter Zangrilli, Denise Dromm, Rose Kite, Barbara Kostrewa, and Nicole Burges (underclassmen) were the varsity players who dedicated their time and spirit to the new bowling team. D ave Ferdetta participated in the State Tournaments with a 213 averag e, the highest on the NO team . With continued spirit and dedication, the bowling team in future years will attain the high standard of excellence so often seen in NO athletics. John T. Spinale Francis Paixao displays his skills.

Boys Bowling Team: FRONT ROW: Francis Paixao, Pete Zangrilli, Kevin Zola, Charlie Thorne, Chris Sontag. BACK ROW: Mike Feeney, Edward Holub, Tom Kondash, Dave Ferdetta,jeff Nutt, Kharl Elston, Bob Ferri.

Sophomore Rose Kite led the varsity team with a 120 average. 222

Kathy Kilkenny.

Girls Bowling Team: FRONT ROW: Barbara Kostrzewa, Denise Dromm, Kelly Bowser, Mary Ellen Murphy. BACK ROW: Nicole Borges, Kristin Wed am, Ann Meagher, Rose Kite, Kathy Kilkenny, Christine Garruba.

Any Which Way But Loose

Joe Decker wraps up a victory with this vicious hold against South Hunterdon.

The Notre Dame Wrestling Team, under the direction of Me. Dambro, has completed another successful season with a record of nine wins and five defeats. The wrestlers finished fifteenth in the N J. Regionals, the highest rank this young, developing program has ever attained. In addition, the N.D. wrestlers finished number one in the Mercer County Tournament. According to Me. Dambro, the wrestlers success can be attributed to the fine accomplishments of the seniors. They have provided the essential leadership and talent which put N.D. close to the top in the entire state. Included among these seniors were Pat McBride, Joe Decker, Mark Robertson, and Jeff Rick - the "Four Horsemen" of the N.D. wrestlers. In individual feats, Pat McBride broke the schoul record in falls with fourteen, and Scott Pullen, part of the junior "up-and-coming" crowd, tied with record for wins. More of the junior stand-outs include Peter Nolan, and John McDonald. On the JV level, Scott Marone led the way The Notre Dame wrestlers continue to improve each year, becoming a major force in area wrestling. Henry Mazurek

Pat McBride pins South Hunterdon opponent to gain a varsity victory.

Jeff Rick, Scott Pullen, Mark Robertson, Pete Nolan, and Pat McBride sport the symbol of their varsity "pins."


Varsity Wrestling Team: FRONT ROW: Charles Schroeder, Greg Lane, Brian Barnock,Jeff Rick, Tom Cody, Mike Bedard. MIDDLE ROW: Scott Baldwin, Scott Raucsher, Pat McBride, Scott Pullen, Scott Marone, Mark Robertson. BACK ROW: Coach Lynne, Ted Panajeotou, John McDonald,Jay Penney, 'Mr. 223 Mike Dennehy, Pete Nolan, Me. Gary Dambro.

Martin "Chubby" Fritz skates aggressively after the puck en route to an early goal. Kirk Bowen shoots for the corner and scores at 3:39 of the third period as Tom Demers collects one of his assists - a playmaker.

The White Team: FRONT ROW: Frank Sannella, Scott Janora, Tom Demers, Pat Marshall, Kirk Bowen, Chris Schneider, TOP ROW: Coach Harold Johnson, Mark Sagarese, Tony Palombi, Mike Sontag, John Battle, Martin Fritz, Michael Jennings, Jay Marson, Matt Conti, Pete Nelson, Coach Mike Jennings Sr.

The Blue Team: FRONT ROW: Mike McKee, Bruce Brown, Pete Bowen, Eric Christianson, Mike Topchik, Jay Ludwig. BACK ROW: Coach Tom Demers, Kevin Cullen, Bill Bittle, Pete Kelly, Scott Delorenzo, Andy Larue, Ken Zorovich, Matt Conti.


Coach Jennings assumes his disgruntled look before the game.

Kirk Bowen and Mike Sontag listen to the pre-game pep talk with much enthusiasm.


Offensive Coach "Happy" Johnson reads the line-up from the box.

Matt Conti makes the shot save against Steinert.

Pat Marshal steals the puck from a Steinert opponent.

In its third year of existence, the ice hockey team has far surpassed any goals set forth by Coaches Mike Jennings (senior), Happy Johnson, and Tom Demers (senior). The team, divided into a white squad and blue squad, competed successfully against area schools including Steinert, Hun, Lawerence, Hopewell Valley, and Highstown. But this year's list also included the stiffer competition of the Prep Schools; including Lawrenceville Junior Varsity, Princeton Day School Junior Varsity and Varsity, and Peddie Varsity. Led by Senior tri-captains John Battle, Michael Jennings and Frank Sanella, the Irish leers played well enough to earn a spot in the State Playoffs, ranked 17th out of 21 teams. Other potent senior-scorers on the team included Mike Sontag, Mark Sagarese, Pete Janora, and Marty Fritz. The high points during the season included a 2nd place finish in the 2nd Annual George Cron Holiday Hockey Tournament at the Warinanco Skating Center and a coveted rematch with arch-rival Highstown High in the finals of the Mercer County Tournament. With nine returning lettermen, the team looks forward to the journey which lies ahead, commonly referred to as next season. Mike Jennings 225

The Naturals The 1984-'85 baseball team is entering the upcoming season with uncertain prospects. The previous year, the Irish had gone 21-6. However, the varsity baseball team lost seven starters to graduation. Looking to the future , the junior varsity's record was 18-0, and the freshman's record was 16-4. Obviously, there is quite a lot of potential in the making. Mr. Vince Ardery , Varsity coach, predicts early problems with the team this year. Read justments will be necessary, and a lot of work will have to be done to bring the new varsity players up to the winning level. However, there will be a number of veteran players to help them along. Tom Gavin is the pivotal player on the team this year, as he was last year. Gavin was the player of the year in Mercer County last season, and will be very helpful in seasoning the upcoming players. Steve Lyons will lead the pitching staff, completing last year's season with a 7-2 record. Jamie Lynch, the designated hitter for last year's team, will be the switch-hitting catcher for the '85 team. Brian O'Reilly is the speedster of the team, and is expected to break the Notre Dame stolen base record. The team is coached by a very competent staff. Vincent Ardery , John Simone (pitching) and Joe Sgro (3rd base coach) are all looking forward to working with the upcoming players. Joe Sgro a.V.) and William Romano (freshman) also play a vital role in preparing the underclassmen for the var路sity team. Notre Dame will suffer from the loss of Len Navarro, who was on a twenty-four game winning streak. The potential of the team is great, but much has to be done to maximize that potential. John Spinale

Sandy Leber pitches for the softball team.

Statistician Carleen Fritz talks to Bridget Corrado, Carmel O'Donovan and Clare Grala, senior members of the girl's varsity softball team as other members of the team look on. Seniors Members of the 1985 Notre Dame Basketball Team: Dave Ferdetta, Steve Lyons, Tom Gavin and Jamie 226


Tony Pirozzi, Scott Loney, Mark Grygon, Gerry Weber, Scott Pirozzi


Gerry Weber

Scott Pirozzi

Stroker Ace

Chris McCarthy, the tennis team 's second singles player, is about to stun her opponent with an excellent put-away.

It was a funfilled , eventful season for the girl 's tennis team . The weather seemed to turn out just right in the team 's favor. They rarely had a match postponed because of rain. Their only problem was the ever-falling leaves. The tennis team started their season with four consecutive victories over Trenton, Hamilton , Hightstown, and Ewing. At the season 's close, their CVC record climbed to 9-4, and their overall record was 13-5 . Their most memorable match was their last, which was played against Steinert. Notre Dame won 4-1 , and this match decided whether they, or Steinert were to win the CVC Championship. The real champions shone through, but without Miss Merlo 's coaching they may not have had the chance. She taug ht us how to have endurance and to work hard , and still have a good time. Special recogmtion should go to Kathy Lambert and Kiev Mativijcow, second doubles , for placing third in Mercer County. The 1985 Varsity Golf Team anticipates a successful campaign. Returning from last year's squad are Scott and Tony Pirozzi, Carey Oshel and Mark Grygon. Under the demanding eye of coach Mr. Dave Milinowicz, the golf team is a perennial contender for CVC honors. Cheryl Paglione

.....-. -_ ... -~ ~



With determination, Miss Teresa Merlo, the tennis coach, attempts to sweep the leafy court before the game.

Maryann Sollami, who is the team 's first singles player, has her eyes on the ball as she gracefully returns it.

FRONT ROW: Kiev Mitwijchow, Barbara Sosna, Cheryl Paglione, Christine McCarthy, Katie McCabe. BACK ROW: Theresa Canavan, Maryann Sollami, Kathleen Lambert, Cheryl Grosso,

Theresa Canavan, third singles player, shows deep concentration as she drives a power serve.

MaureenJennings,Janet DeLorenzo, Miss Teresa Merlo. 229

V ARSITY FOOTBALL Opp. 16 7 0 0 0 0 19 7 6 30

Nottingham Steinert Ewing West Windsor Hamilton Lawrence Hightstown Princeton McCorriston Bishop Ahr

N.D. 33 24 27 21 36 41 22 28 33 0


W -L Record

SWIMMING Boys: Girls:

3-7 7-3

BOWLING Boys: Girls:

17-23 5-35



9-5 6-2


Opp. 0 0 1 0 4 2 5 5 0 2 3 1 0 2


Trenton High Hamilton Hightstown Ewing Montgomery Steinert Nottingham Hopewell Valley West Windsor Trenton Stuart Lawrence Hightstown Hamilton Stuart Steinert Ewing Princeton



GIRLS' VARSITY TENNIS N .D. 5 5 4 5 1 3 5 0 0 5 3 2 4 5 3 4 3 Yz

29 29 26 56 49 55 19 30 39 21 27 30 36

64 59 10 52 55 39 81 49 39 30 35

Immaculata Hightstown Shawnee McCorristin Bishop Conwell Trenton Hamilton Ewing Steinert Princeton Nottingham Hopewell West Windsor Trenton St. Rose Lawrence Hightstown McCorristin Hamilton Towson Catholic Ewing Steinert Lawrence Steinert

60 47 68 81 55 57 68 76 66 85 89 74 50 77 73 63 51

64 75 52 65 54 68 74

GIRLS' VARSITY FIELD HOCKEY Opp. 1 3 0 1 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 2

Morrisville Delaware Valley Hamilton Hightstown Ewing Steinert Hun Nottingham Hopewell West Windsor Stewart Lawrence Highstown Hamilton Ewing Steinert Hun Prince town Hightstown Hunterdon Central Neptune

N.D. 6 0 7 3 2 3

2 2 2 3 0 1 0

BOYS ' VARSITY ICE HOCKEY N.D. Opp. 14 Steinert 0 Lawrence 1 13 2 Princeton 7 Day School Hopewell Valley 7 5 12 2 Newark N.E. 6 4 Pingry 4 Livingston 6 Toms River East 11 3 Princeton 0 3 Day School 4 Lawrence ].V. 0 4 1 ANC Hightstown 2 3 Steinert 10 1 ANC 2 3 La wrenceville 0 6 ].V. Lawrence 16 2 Peddie 7 Hopewell Valley 7 Steinert 7 Hun 10 Hudson Catholic 3 Hightstown 3



40 66

78 61 59 41 53 44 61 61 51 48 47 81 74 62 62 54 43 61 49 54 93

Immaculata Hightstown Shawnee McCorristin Truman Hun Hamilton Ewing Steinert Princeton Nottingham Hopewell West Windsor Trenton St. Rose Lawrence Hightstown McCorristin Hamilton Ewing Steinert Nottingham Trenton

43 78 63 70 61 78 59 45 81 81 68 81 76 68 78 82 81 64 72

60 68 74 69

GIRLS' VARSITY SOCCER N.D. Opp. 2 East Brunswick 3 McCorristin 0 8 2 Hamilton 5 Hightstown 0 5 0 Ewing 1 0 Steinert 2 1 Princeton 4 Nottingham 2 4 0 Hopewell Valley West Windsor 2 7 Madison 0 7 Lawrence 2 0 1 1 Hightstown 4 0 Princeton Day School McCorristin 0 9 1 Hamilton 3 West Windsor 0 3 Ewing 3 1 Steinert 0 4 Cherokee 4 2 Hamilton 2 Holy Cross East Brunswick 0

Opp. 1 34 Y2




15 9


N .D. Hamilton Princeton Lawrence Hopewell Steinert Hightstown Nottingham Ewing

BOYS' VARSITY WINTER TRACK Opp. N.D. Lawrence 55 22 Hopewell 19 58 Hamilton 11 65 Princeton 30 47 Steiner 34 43 Hightslown 44 33 Ewing 30 Yl 49 Nottingham 8 Lawrenceville Prep

76 42 Y2

68 77

69 62 67 62

Opp. 1 1

o o 2 1

o 1

o 1


o 2


o o o

Hunterdon Central McCorristin Hamilton Hightstown Ewing Steinert Lawrenceville Princeton Nottingham West Windsor Lawrence Hightstown Lawrence McCorristin Hamilton Nottingham Bishop Ahr Ewing Steinert Lawrenceville Holy Cross Cristina Brothers Academy Don Bosco Hopewell Valley

N.D. 11 4

6 2 5 3

3 7 3 5 3 4 3 5 4 3 4 1

2 1

3 2 2 4 3


And the As the Moderators of the 1985 yearbook, we take this opportunity to express our indebtedness to a talented, diverse, eccentric and beloved group of characters. First, we award to our two chief editors, Jennifer Brest and Kate Comfort, a golden cropper, symbolic of the countless hours spent creating a unique and technically proficient book. To our business editor, Lisa Tani, we award a gilded cancellation notice, and our sincere appreciation of her precise and organized contributions. For Amy Lettiere, our photography editor, we award a lifetime supply of indelible, German pens, Allison Gifford, receives a gold plated diskette, in recognition of her role as the first freshman to playa major part in the production of the Canticle. To our layout staff, Monica Varia, Mary Siedlarczyk, Maria Scandariata, Chris Fiore, Allison Gifford, Paul Saccone, Patty Conboy, Karen O'Keefe, Megan Murphy and Christie Chiantese, we award a golden ruler. To our contributing writers, John Spinali, Maria Sciarotta and Henry Mazurek, we award a golden quill. Additionally, to all of our supporting cast, Chris King, Patty Conboy, Carla Salewski, Gabe Baffuto, Pete Fabian, Laura V rancik, Christine Zulla, Jennifer Sherril, Laura and Leslie Baier and Crystal Blakely, we express our sincere thanks for the time and effort you expended. In the special award categories, we recognize Elizabeth

FRONT ROW: Chris Fiore, Patty O'Keefe, Maria Scandariotto, Lynn Evans, Carla Salewski. BACK ROW: Gina Sapnar, Mary Siedlarczyk, Allison Gifford, Megan Murphy, Amy Lettiere.


Photographers Amy Lettiere and Pete Fabian

Tierno, Jane Betz and Mike Kovacs for their gifted imaginations and original artwork. To Kevin Sheridan, we extend our continued affection and gratitude for his photographic ingenuity. To George and Chris Franklin, our published representatives: we are grateful for your professionalism and accountability. We thank Mrs. Shiela Gavin for her help with the sonnet collection, and we also thank Mr. Tom Keefe for the pictures he took on the various spirit days. Our tyrists, Lynn Evans and Trish Gorman, earned the respect 0 all for their perseverance in an often anonymous job. In the same vein, we thank Gabe Baffuto and Lawrenceville Eric manager Jim Lucas for their help in creating our very special cover. Also, we thank Mrs. Judy Salcewicz for her quiet assistance. It is these unrecognized contributions which make our book so special. Additionally, we extend our gratitude to everyone who in any way touched the life of this book. Finally, we make special note of a young woman whose departure in May left us saddened and grateful. Jennifer Brest, our Editor-in-Chief, who moved to North Carolina, served the yearbook for two years with a rare and complete dedication. She earned our trust, our affection and finally, our respect. We will mi~s her. Good luck,Jennifer. Sincerely, Ralph Lelii and Pat Leoniec, Canticle Moderators

Winners Are

Miss Pat Leoniec and Mr. Ralph Lelii, gifted moderators.

Katie Comfort, Jennifer Brest - We worship the ground they walk on.

Artistes extraordinare: Liz Tierno, Mike Kovacs and Jane Betz

ABOVE: Mr. George Franklin, Publisher LEFT: Kevin Sheridan, professional photographer 233


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