Notre dame high school canticle 1983web

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And Will Never Lose Their Meaning




Table Of Contents Seniors . .. 18

Underclassmen . .. 78

Sports . .. 172 16

Activities . .. 130

Academics . .. 112 Faculty/Administration . .. 194


Prime Time 1983 was an exciting and eventful finale to our lives at Notre Dame. The courtyard was the setting for the year's first social, Barefoot in the Park. This was followed by another outdoor activity, the Senior Car Wash. Everyone worked hard on that beautiful Sunday afternoon to raise funds for our class. Homecoming was definitely one of the major events of the year. There was a huge turnout and the stands were full of spirited fans, including many Notre Dame alumni. Varsity athletes and cheer~ leaders who dedicated a lot of time and effort to N.D. were honored, along with their parents. Seniors chose the Homecoming King and Queen, Ed Demski and Maria Bogda, along with their court, to represent our active and hardworking class. The senior class was also busy making preparations for the future. The SAT test, which was held in November, reminded us of the important decisions we would all make soon. (The underlying pressures of senior year helped us to make the most of our remaining time at N.D.) Senior Spirit Day, with its 1950's theme, really brought our class together. At lunch time, a hula-hoop contest, a pogostick contest and a pie-eating contest added to the day's festive spirit. On Friday the seniors proved their superiority by winning all the events in the Special Olympics. All those who participated in our class trip to Florida en joyed

the chance to vacation trom the whirlwind of activities and responsibilities that marked the spring of senior year. Always willing to work, the class of 1983 led the way for our school's first May Crowning in years. Organized and sponsored by the senior class was our final fundraiser, a pencil pomt dinner. The Senior Prom, with its theme "Memories" will certainly not be forgotten by our class. It was one of our last opportunities to socialize as a class, with graduation soon approaching. On June 2 those who had achieved scholastic and athletic excellence were honored on the Senior Awards/Class Night. This was the culminadon of the past year's events as we recognized some of the people who contributed to making our class special. Spiritually, the June 4 Baccalaureate Mass set the pace for our departure from the Notre Dame community. Graduation onJune 5 officially brought our high school years to a close. The class of '83, the best at N.D., will certainly never be replaced. We have made our years at Notre Dame worthwhile and memorable. We could only try to make a lasting impression, and we will always use the maturity and knowledge we gained here as we move our diverse ways.

Audra Switzer makes a friend at social.

Maureen O'Reilly

Senior Moderator, Mrs. josephine Burzachiello

Mercer County Student Rob Klein


Homeroom Reps./ SITTING: Arlene Miller. FRONT ROW: Lisa Ballard, Cindy Ricciani, Cindy Fless, Shanan Jackson, jill Maira, Cathy Seidenglanz, Judy Burgess, Carol Grygon. BACK ROW: Davina Crosland, Tom Korenz, Ron Kopec, Bob Cook, Steve Harris, Paul Campanella, Anthony Serafine, Gerry Oravsky.

Mrs. Burzachiello and Mr. Kelly confer with student government.

Lance Brown practices his craft.

Cora Mitchell and Ralph Gray at the Cotillion.

Mario Cortina

Senior Moderator, Mr. David Kelly

Bill Schultz and Ed Orzol

Maria Bogda, Ed Demski, Carlene Jaruszewski, Ann Marie Sagarese


50's Way To Leave Your Lunch Period

The N.D. Chorus Line.

Bee -boppers

Mr. "Buckwheat" Kelly

Sue Sellers en rome


Dan Freeman


Two nerds.


Norlyn Person swivels in place.



Frank San Germano assists Mr. Kelly.

Kevin Nerwi!1ski, Bob Cook, John Tattory, Dave Valeri.

Gerry Oravsky directs the unpacking.

Mr. Henry Gill and Mr. Thomas Hackett

Mr. Kelly helps out in the kitchen.

Three satisfied customers.


Costume Madness with their

Cindy Fless and Timothy Biesiadecki

Charm School graduates.

How much for the crown?


Ewe cuties!

A couple of motley fools.

Ain't we sweet ?!

59¢ a pound - and seedless!

D-I-S-M-O- U -N -T!

Homecoming King and Queen nominees . A Ghoul and his honey .. .

Anybody wanna Smurf around?





Best Sense of Humor: Tim Biesiadecki, Judy Burgess

Most Athletic: Joanne Ranke, Jeff Devenney. 26

Most Likely to Succeed: Cathy Hanak, John Singer.

Stand Outs

Most Intellectual: Carol Grygon, Ralph Gray.



Dynamic Duo: Colleen Berryman, Lisa Cipriano.

Dynamic Duo: Paul Houston, Ray Murphy.



Friendliest: Paolo Campanella. Maria Bogda

Three Musketteers: Tim Biesadecki, Kevin Nerwinski, Dan Freeman.

Three Musketeers: Stephanie Dinardo路, Sarah Enerson, Pat Gocke. 28


Zaniest: Dan Freeman, Cindy Ricciani

Class Musicians: Lou Grama, Danielle Lettiere.

Most Artistic: Kristina Veale, Ron Kopec.

Most Dramatic: Chris Mazzoli, Andrea Truch.



Carol Grygon, First Place

Sue Baldwin, Second Place

Gerry Ora vsky, Fourth Place

John Singer, Third Place 30

Erin Dennehy, Fifth Place

Ralph Gray, Sixth Place

Jennepher Hart, Eighth Place

Carlene Jaruszewski, Ninth Place

Katherine Hanak, Seventh Place Eric Heitzman, Tenth Place 31


Forget your mistakes, but remember what they have taught you. DINA AMONTIS

Long you live, high you fly Smiles you 'll give, tears you'll cry. All you touch and all you see Is all your life will ever be.

Dina Amontis

Lucy Amendola

Patrick Anderson

Nicholas Andreoli

John Angelini

Irma Rosa A viles

Kathy Murphy, John White, Maureen O 'Reilly,


Take your time, think alot, think of everything you have got. You may still be here tomOrrow but your dreams may not. DAVE BAFFUTO

The year is finally over, Give me some cheers. Here comes the summer With lots of beers! David Baffuto SUSAN BALDWIN

These are the good old days which the next generation will hear so much about.

Susan Baldwin


I'm Dimples, sweet and brown, foxiest chick in all this town. You think I'm fast, you think I'm slow; but listen "E" I can go! EILEEN BEA UUEU

Everyone has a dream. Live it, fulfill it, make it a memory. MARY BEDARD

Fame is a scentless sunflower with a gaudy crown of gold, but friendship is a breathing rose, with sweets in every fold. Lisa Ballard

Eileen Beaulieu

Chris Baron

Mary Pat Bedard


I know tomorrow will still be the same 'cause we've got a life of love that can't ever be changed. JOSEPH BEZEK

"Why don't you grow up?" "Am I?" "Can't you make up your mind?" "Who do you think you are anyway?" HUh, I am sorry?"

Catherine Breza, Cindy Iwan, Anne Marie Sagarese

Peter Bentz

Colleen Berryman

Joseph Bezek

Mary Beth Biesiada


Timothy Biesiadecki

Ann Marie Blackwell

Sonya Boatwright

Maria Bogda

John Tattory


A man once said people are like flowers. Well, it's been a privilege walking through your garden. Adios my friends. ANN MARIE BLACKWELL

If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me? I must be travelling on now, cause there's too many places I've got to see. SONYA BOATWRIGHT

God has not promised me sunshine, that's not how it's going to be. A little rain makes me appreciate the good times. MARIA BOGDA

A smIle costs nothing, but gives much. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it lasts forev~r.

Robert Borden

Neal Bosch

Caryn Bralynski

Susan Breheney


Education is the best provision for old age. NEAL BOSCHE

I plan for the future. I yearn for the past; meantime, the present is lea ving me fast. CARYN BRALYNSKI

The memories ofyesterday will last a lifetime. We 11 take the best and forget the rest. Someday we'll find these are the best of times. SUSAN BREHENEY

Through the years you've never let me down. You've turned my life around. I've found the sweetest days with you.





.~路t 路 '

Christopher Breimann

Catherine Breza

Thomas Nemec


It's not over until it's over. CATHERINE BREZA

Yesterday's sun has set, it's already past. There's a new sun rising, it's rising up fast. Only look back at your memories, what's done is gone. Look to the horizon and make a new sun. CATHERINE BRIAN Catherine Brian

I'm older now, meeting new challenges, making important decisions, taking a serious and positive attitude toward my life.

Nicole Bridgewater


We're old enough to know what's right But young enough not to choose it. We're wise enough to win the world But weak enough to lose it. LANCE BROWN

I have a dream that one day all men and women will be created equal. MICHELLE BROWN

The only way to have a friend is to be one. Julia Brown

Jacqueline Brown

Sean Sheehan, Gerry Oravsky

Lance Brown

Michelle Brown



Old novas never die, they just go faster and faster and faster! MARY BURKE


My laughter, my smile and my dreams; with these I will take on the world -and win. Laughter is the music of the soul.

Back on the Chain gang. PAOLA CAMPANELLA


Laughing to me seems to be the best thing in the world. It is hard for me to go more than five minutes without totally losing it.

Hey bud, let's party! KAREN BURRIS

Reach for the highest, strive for the best, live day to day and to God lea ve the rest.


Robert Burch

Juditra Burgess

Mary Burke

Thomas Burns

Karen Burris

Dana Burrows

Chris Baron

Sean Butler

Carmen M. Calderone .

Paolo Campanella

Eric Canty

Robyn Capes

Jacqueline Carroll


Always and forever, I will remember my days at Notre Dame. JOHN J. CARRUBBA


It has been the best four years of my life. I made a lot of new friends, and we had a lot of fun, but thank God it's over.


My friends, as we say good-bye I want you to know these years at N.D. have been four of the best years of my life.


Today is the Last name of Yesterday . .. The rust name of tomorrow.

John Carruba

Philip Cason

Joanne Carter

Christine Challender

Tina Cipriani


Tuhina Chanda

John Charyk

Ian Cheewah

Ronald Chiorello

Matthew Ciccone

Lisa Anne Cifelli

Maria Chester

Tina Cipriani


Better that you should forget and smHe than that you should remember and be sad. IAN CHEEWAH

A man 's truest monument must be man. MARIA CHESTER

God, give us the strength to understand For yesterday is gone, And tomorrow may never be mine. To everyone young and old Live one day at a time. RON CHIORELLO

There is only one success in life-to be able to spend life in your own way. MATTHEW CICCONE

Life is like a river flowing rapidly around a bend: not knowing what is to come and constantly slowing as it nears the end. LISA CIFELLI

We should enjoy here While we're here, Because there is nothing there. TINA CIPRIANI

She is like a cat in the dark, Then, she is the darkness, Rules her life like a fine skylark, But when the sky is star-less . . . Ron Kopec


Lisa Cipriano

Tricia Conley

Terri Conover

Gregory Coats

Joanne Faulkner

Daniel Contento

LISA CIPRIANO Someday soon we're gonna get to that place where we really want to, and we'll walk in the sun but till then- We are born to run. GREGORY COATS How the tears subside, I find out it's amusing; I did it my way. TRICIA CONLEY Only with the heart can one see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. COLLEEN CONNOLLY Looking back at these years like so many summer fields, I realize how important these last four years have been.

Colleen Connolly

Christopher Conti

Renee Cook

TERRI CONOVER We all need someone we can lean on, And if you want to you can lean on me. DANIEL CONTENTO If you love life then waste not time. For time is the scuff that life is made of. CHRISTOPHER CONTI Hey: Let's do it all again. RENEE COOK Life is like a mountain; You'll meet many obstacles. You may fall, but stand up and be twice as tall. You will succeed!!!


ROBERT COOK In the fury of the moment, I can see the Master's hand, In every leaf that tumbles, And in every grain of sand. MARIO CORTINA I'm closing the book On the pages and the text. I don't really care What happens next. I'm just going, going, gone.

Robert Cook

Mario Cortina

Lamar Crawford

Davina Crosland

DAVINA CROSLAND The road is long, but we've started our journey and we know that we will make it, because we received our beginning at N.D.

Janice Grussler Rita Cseh

Dawn Cubberley

RITA CSEH When you look in the sky you may see the stars, but StJ1J not the light. DAWN CUBBERLEY The essence of freedom is the practicality of purpose. RENEE CZARNUSZEWICZ Yesterday's a dream, tomorrow is only a vision, but today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. SHARON CZYZEWSKI Why don't we give ourselves a hand, admit to each other that we made it through. Take the best, make it better, find a way to grow together.

Renata Czarnuszewicz


Sharon Czyzewski

Christopher D ' Agostino

Lynne Damroth

Leslie D' Agostino

Ra ymond Hartman

Jacqueline D'Angelo


Good luck to my classmates, and good friends. With countless cherished memories, our journey swiftly ends. JACQUELINE D'ANGELO

... And in the end, Would Have . . . Could Have . . . Should Have, don't maccer much at all . .. JOANNE DATELLO Joanne Dateilo

Destiny is not a maccer of chance, but one of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, but a thing to be achieved.

Derek Davis


Today I'm moving away. Siccing here for the last time, I feel so strange. Life has ended, but-to ending there is a new beginning. STEPHANIE DAVIS

The road to the future is going to be a struggle. We should learn, live, and be happy, for there is something out there for everyone. HEATHER A. DEFIBAUGH If you believe in yourself, all your dreams can come true.

Stephanie Davis

Heather Defibaugh


JEFFREY DEGLER Life in the fast lane, The only way to lose your mind! Life in the fast lane, Everything all the time! EDWARD DEMSKI Life is nothing but one big paradox!


ERIN DENNEHY Real generosity toward the future consists ofgiving all to what is present.

\ Jeffrey Degler

Erin Dennehy

Edward Demski

Michael Derry

Joyce Perry Jeffrey Devenney

Michael Di Donato MICHAEL DERRY Today I am here but I will never be back at Notre Dame again. I am jusc happy to survive this year. JEFFREY DEVENNEY Remember the past, and learn by experimencs. Look forward to the future and elude mistakes. MICHAEL DI DONATO I don 'c want to hear about it later. STEPHANIE DINARDO There are days to laugh and days to cry, Days for making haste, Days for seeking out yourself; But no days that you can waste.

Guy Di Memmo 42

Stephanie Dinardo

THOMAS DOUGHERTY Often times we live our lives in chains, and never realize that we . . hold the ~ey. I

THERESA DOVGALA Life's truest happiness is found in the friendships that we make along the way.

JOHN DRAKE If you can 't take it with you, why can you get it at all? TRACY DURCANIN If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; If you can dream it, you can become it.

BRIAN DOWNING Use your past to strengthen and fulfill your future.

I Todd Dobbins

John Dixon

Thomas Dougherty

Michele Downey

Marty Mulryne

Brian Downing

Theresa Dovgala

John Drake

Tracy Durcanin 43

Thomas Dzomba

Kimberley Elgrim

John Elias

Sarah Enerson

THOMAS DZOMBA I know you believe you understand what you think I said; but I'm not sure you realize that what you said is not what I meant. KIMBERLEY ELGRIM Believing something not yet proved, and underwriting it with our lives, is the only way we can leave the future open. JOHN ELIAS What a long strange trip it's been.

Todd Evans

SARAH ENERSON The most completely lost of all days is that on which one has not laughed. Joanne D. Faulkner TODD' EVANS Keep your head up, never look down, we are all special in some way, and if you try real hard, soon it will be your day. JOANNE D. FAULKNER Adieu kind friends, adieu, I can no longer stay with you. I'll hang my harp on a weeping willow tree, And may the world go well with me. CINDY FLESS Life is a song, Love is the music. If we were in Italy . . . it would be different! MARTIN K. FORD I have reached one goal in life. Now I must go for another. To reach that goal I must strive for it.

Cindy Fless


Martin K. Ford

Michael DiDonato

Lauren Greber

Honors English IV

JULIO FRANCO I play no games! GARY FRANTA Follow your dreams to their fullest extent, because without dreams life's not worth living. DANIEL FREEMAN Lightbulbs can often be mistaken for pears in the dark.

Julio Franco

Gary Franta

MYLA ERICA FRIEDMAN Now it's time to go on to another stepping stone. Education, money, and power are nothing without someone you love to share it with. MARGARET GARDNER When you love anybody you're taking a gamble on sorrow. But then, who cares 'cause we may not be here tomorrow. I say get it whJ1e you can. GWEN GARRETT You remember the faces, places, and names. You know it's never over; it's relentless as the rain. When you change with every day still I'm gonna miss you! DONNA GENOVESI I did my best. I guess it was good enough. Seemed nothing ever changed. We're back to being strangers. I wonder if we ought to stay as we are.

Daniel Freeman

Myla Erica Friedman

Jennifer Fryling

Margaret Gardner

Gwen Garrett

Donna Genovesi 4S

MARGUERITE GENOVESI If you seek to find yourself, don't look in a IT!irror) for there is but a shadow - A stranger. ' EUGENIA GERALD It was yesterday when we were young, Though the world we shared much too fast. All of us were sure our years would last. LYNETTE GIOE If you had just one minute to breathe and they granted you one final wish, would you ask for something like another chance? THOMAS C. GLOCK JR. We will bash in the shadow ofyesterday's triumph and saL1 on the still breeze.

Marguerite Genovesi

Eugenia Gerald

Lynette Gioe

Thomas C. Glock Jr.

Patricia Gocke

John Goeke

Loretta Gorman

Christopher Graham

PATRICIA GOCKE Ha ve you seen the little piggies era wling in the dirt, And for all the little piggies Life is getting worse, Always having clean dirt to play around in. JOHN GOEKE You don't get something for nothing. You don't get freedom for free. You won't get wise with sleep in your life, no matter what your dream might be. LORETT A GORMAN The struggle for any dream is worth the effort, for in the struggle lies its strength and fulfillment toward the changing seasons of ourselves.


Patrick Liedtka, Robert Cook

CARL GRALA Treacherous, unexplored areas of the world are not continents or seas; They are in the minds and hearts of men. LOUIS GRAMA It's a rainy day, Dream away; Let the sun take a holiday.

Carl Grala

RAFAEL GRAY In vino veritas. Louis Grama THERESA GRAZIANO Though time is fleeting, and I and thou are half a life asunder, Thy loving smile will surely hail, The love-gift of a fairy tale. LAUREN GREBER Mountains are mountains, if nobody climbs. Memories are memories, in good or bad times. Dreamers are winners, if their dreams never stop. THERESA GROCHALA Rivers belong where they can ramble, eagles where they can fly, I want to be where my spirit can run free, got to find my corner of the sky. JANICE GRUSSLER In friendship, let there be the laughter and sharing of pleasures.

Rafael Gray CAROL GRYGON To achieve all that is possible, we must attempt the impossible. To be as much as we can be; we must dream of being more.

Theresa Graziano

Lauren Greber

Theresa Grochala

Janice Grussler

Carol Grygon

Gerry Oravsky, Victor Poretti 47


Gretchen Guender

Katherine A. Hanak

Azza Halim

J oel Harris


Nobody knows . .. it's up to me . .. Ain 't nobody who can say it like it ought to be I see my future at rainbow's end .. . Happy hours . .. timeless friends . . . And if I ever chance to find my way . . . Rest assured . . , our memories will stay. AZZA HALIM

Think of a dream where freedom reigns, then come back to reality remembering the past, looking to the future, making the most of the present. KATHERINE A. HANAK

Crescat scientia! Steven Harris STEVEN HARRIS

Take it, to the limit, one more time. JENNEPHER HART

The deepest feeling shows itself in sIlence. Dreamers live forever. To wonder is to understand. RA YMOND HARTMANN

You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to, so that when they turn their backs on you, you 11 get your chance to put the knife in. CRAIG A. HAYES

Music symbolizes the heart of man, and 1 Craig A. Hayes symbolize music. Jacqueline D .'Angelo J ennepher Hart

Raymond Hartmann Craig A. H ayes

Steve Twamley 48

DANIEL HAYES Time finally passes, my stay is over, I was but a gust of wind through a herd of camels. I'm free! Or am I? ERIC HEITZMAN In cervisio pulchritudo. KEVIN HELLER Nobody would wish to live without friends, even jf he possessed every other good thing.

Daniel Hayes

Eric Heitzman

Kevin Heller

Keith Hillman

NANCY HINES Sometimes I wonder who I am; where I've been, do I fit in? I may not win, but I can be strong out here on my own. PAUL HOUSTON There were times I bit off more than I could chew. But through it all, I stood tall and did it sideways! JAMES HOWARD Straight people don't know what you're about. They put you down and shut you out. You gave to me a new belief.

Jeffrey Devenney

Nancy Hines

Drew Hoegl

Paul Houston

James Howard



This world is rough, but the people will make it smooth. I look forward to meeting them all and believe God will pick me up if I fall. PARIS INMAN

The world is too much with us and not enough without. CYNTHIA IWAN

Life's a battle where each one must seek to hold its own. He who would rise above the clouds must scale the heights above. Harvey Ingram

Cynthia L. Iwan

Paris Inman

Shanan Jackson

Annette Sojka Carlene Jaruszewski

Mark Jones


I may not be the strongest, or the brightest. I may not be the fastest, or the wisest; but one thing I can do better than anyone else-that is to be me! CARLENE JARUSZEWSKI

All we see or seem) is but a dream within a dream. LISA KENDRICK

Love is the sharing and caring for others! It's the one thing no one can take from us; but we can give it constantly!

Eugene Keegan 50

Lisa Kendrick

KIM KIOVSKY Let me fly like an eagle over the sea, fly like an eagle let my spirit carry me. CHRISTOPHER KITE There is a road - no simple highway; and if you go, no one may follow - that path is for your steps alone.

K im K iovsky

Christopher K ite

MARK KLOSINSKI If I work today, I can play tomorrow. But I would rather play today and work tomortow. RONALD KOPEC As our senior year comes to a close, our future now begins. KAREN KOPP May our footsteps be seen and may our voices be heard. THOMAS S. KORENZ Years have passed and things have changed, I'm moving any way I want to go.

J ohn Carrubba

Karen Kocsardy Robert Klein

Mark Klosinski

Thomas K orenz Ronald Kopec

Karen Kopp 51


If the sun refused co shine, 1 would still love you. Mountains crumble co the sea, there will still be you and me. TIMOTHY KOWALSKI

Life is like the wind - you never really know which way you 're headed or how it wI1l end. JOHN KRAMARZ I hate quotes; so tell me what you know.

Donna Kowalewski

Timothy Kowalski

John Krall

John Kramarz

Lisa Krawczun

Nicholas Lambiase

Tracy Durcanin, Leslie D 'Agostino, Erin Dennehy


No song's been sung 't11 it's been sung to you. Nothing's been done 'til it's been done by you. DIANE LEMIRE

Show me the ocean. WHen shall I see the sea ? May this day set me in motion, I should be on my way. ANTHONY LEONE

There are those who think they are dealt a losing hand, kicked in the face, looking for a place, alone, and yet always coming together.

Diane Lemire


Anthony Leone

Danielle Lettiere

Christian Levanduski

Andre Lewis

DANIELLE LETTIERE I am a grain of sand, wanting to possess the ocean and the miracle of love. CHRISTIAN LEV ANDUSKI The only way to be nothing is to do nothing. ANDRE LEWIS Our paths have crossed like shadows and our lives have touched each other like whispers. PATRICK LIEDTKA There is a fortune waiting to be had. If you think I'll let it go~ you Fe mad. You 've got another thing coming. Patrick Liedtka

Joseph Lisnak

Stephanie Litus

Antoinette Lu brano

JOSEPH LISNAK Do not waste what God gave you because many have the heart but not the ability. STEPHANIE LITUS What a long strange trip it has been! ANTOINETTE LUBRANO Life is full of surprises, the best surprise ever is to have someone to love.

Elizabeth Lynam


Kim Lyons

Lisa R. Lyons

Michael Lyons

Vincent Lyons

Robert Lyons

Matthew Maciolek

Stephen Mahony

Michael Derry

Jill Maira


You may lose touch with old friends, gain new friends, move miles away from home, but you will never forget memories.

Once I played tough guy scenes, But I lived in a world of childish dreams. Someday these dreams must end, To become a man, and dream again.




What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.

There are places I'll remember all my life. Tho' some have changed, some forever, not for the better, some have gone and some still remain.


Conformity is only polyester; the clothes don't make the man; the man makes the clothes.



My love, my friend, my buddy, I've met you all each and separate, but our fibers we've weaved together. Talks at lockers, on the ramps; we shared heartaches and thrills. We are interwoven fibers . everlasting friends.


If you try for the top but fail, try again. If you fail again, try harder. If you keep on failing, "pray." Bye!


Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship never.


Being of sound mind and body, I lea ve the class of 1983 the best at N.D. MICHAEL MARTINI


Plus ca chance, Plus c 'est Ie meme chose. CHRISTOPHER MAZZOLI

Don't stop thinking about tomorrow, Don't stop, it will soon be here. Tomorrow will be here better than before, Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone.

A - L - R - I - I - I - G - H - T !f!

Angel Mariano

Michael Martini

Mary Mattozzi

Anthony Marrazzo

Eugene Keegan

Daniel Maurer

Robert Mathes

Ro bin Mauro

Christopher Mazzoli 55

Gail McFarland

Kim McKay

John McKee

Jessie McMillan

Arlene Miller

GAIL Me FARLAND One friend in a lifetime is much; Two are many; three are hardly possible. Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life. KIM Me KAY Strive for your goals and let the future stand out and be counted. BecJ!.use succeeding is the road to success. So go for it! JESSIE Me MILLAN JR. The future is like love, You have to get through it in order to survive. Renee McMillan

John Megyesi

RENEE Me MILLAN We've come this Ear by leaning on the Lord and trusting in His word. He's never failed us yet! JOHN MEGYESI It's not my day. THEM they're people. .. The PL Y, To Spazz, .and rou and you. The cow is in the bathtub. RONALD MENDOZA Here 's a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't.

Ronald Mendoza


Pamela Merkel

PAM MERKEL Shoot for that star in the sky; The brightest, furthest, highest one. One day you'll reach that star. Dance is life at its most glorious moment.

JANE MIHALKO Today is ours, each shining golden hour. We will find beauty along the way. ARLENE MILLER If you can imagine your goals, you can achieve anything. If you can dream your future, you can become anything. CORA MITCHELL I'd rather lose in a cause that will one day win, than win in a cause that will one day lose.

Jane Mihalko

JEFFREY MITCHELL Vindicatio est dulcis. Vengeance is sweet.

Arlene Miller

BERNADETTE MOEHRINGER The road goes on and on Down from the door where it began. Now, far ahead, the road has gone And I must follow if I can KYLE MOORE Life is full of troubles and pains, but to overcome them is just being yourself-the ultimate goal in life. This is the key to friendship. KATHLEEN MURPHY The best of times spent with friends I do remember most of all. Jeffrey Mitchell

Corazon Mitchell

Thomas Nemec, David Valerie

Bernadette Moehringer

Kyle Moore

Martin Mulryne

Kathleen Murphy



Now we've gained some understanding of the only world that we see. The things that we've once dreamed of have become reality. TOM NEMEC

It's the real thing!!! KEVIN NERWINSKI

The only people for me are mad ones, the ones who burn, burn, burn like fabulous yelJow roman candles exploding like spiders across the sky. Ray Murphy

Anthony Naticchia

Karen Kocsardy

Sherri Nicolai

Thomas Nemec

Stephanie Dinardo

Kevin N erwinski

Joseph Nolan

SHERRI NICOLAI Love works in ways that are wonderous and strange.

There's nothing in life that love cannot change. JOSEPH NOLAN

Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours. TIMOTHY NOONAN

Did you know freedom exists in a schoolbook, we were perched headlong on the edge of boredom, and now it's gone. Long live the unknown poet, and ramble on! GERALDINE ORA VSKY Timothy Noonan


Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.

Geraldine Oravsky


So become yourself, because the past is juSt a good -bye. MARYGRACE O'ROURKE

I rea,lly have enjoyed my stay, but I must be moving on. I will always look behind me and my troubles will be few. EDWARD ORZOL

The many years of my growth in knowledge have been difficult and pleasant times. Oh yes, I do remember them well.

Maureen O 'Reill y

Edward Orzol

Charlene O 'Shea

Ray Murphy, Debbie Sobon

MaryGrace O 'Rourke

Phil Cason, Martin Fo rd

Steven Ostaszewski

Beth Paulus

CHARLENE O'SHEA In your arms, I feel so safe and so secure . . . I will follow

you, you follow me all the days and nights that we know will be ... BETH PAULUS

I firmly believed, I didn't need anyone but me; I sincerely felt I was complete-Look how wrong one can be. SUSAN PALSIR

There is so much more to living now! We can find ourselves as creatures of excellence, intelligence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to fly! ROBIN PATTERSON

Make it, don 't fake it! Susan Palsir

Robin Patterson



Those who bring sunshine into others lives cannot keep it from themselves. JOYCE PERRY

Life is like a bowl of cherries-the more you take the quicker it goes. Enjoy it while you can. CARL PETERS Joyce Perry

They say nice guys finish last, but look at me. I made it. ROSEMARIE PICONE

Priscilla Pelou bet


Laugh whIle you can. Everything has its time. Life is a series of surprises. In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ED PINEDA

The moose is loose.

Carl Peters Norlyn Person

Laurey Piechocki Rosemarie Picone

Joseph Pintimalli Mary Bedard Edward Pineda


Victor Poretti

Carl Powell

Golda Villa

CARL POWELL In the insane society, the sane man must appear insane. WALTER PULLEN He who is strong conquers others; he who conquers himself is mighty. HARRYj.RAVENELIll All that counts in life is that you keep trying until you reach your ultimate goal. MICHAEL REDMOND Life is like a record, you just wait and see. You gotta cut it right, not like Donny and Marie. ANTHONY A. REED Dreams are good, but making them reality is even better.

Joanne Ranke

Walt Pullen

Susan Rameika

Michael Redmond

Anthony Reed

Harry Ravenel 61


Someday we're going to walk in the sun, But until then, we were born to run. CYNTHIA RICCIANI

Who am I? An individual reaching out for something new. Looking down paths and ways to live as much as I can. EILEEN RIVERA

Memories . .. When I made friends, we laughed, talked, we cried, during sad times, good times, and bad times. These memories will never be lost. DOUGLAS ROCHE Karen Repole

It takes four years to be understood and one year to be forgotten.

Douglas Roche

Eileen Rivera

Mary Roland

Cynthia Ricciani

Beverly Ruhl

Svetlana Romanovic


Life to me, Isn't measured in years It's measured instead, In smiles, laughter and tears. SVETLANA ROMANOVIC

Friendship's the beginning Of something everlasting. BEVERLY RUHL

Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live today. Katherine Rooney


Beverly Ruhl


When a happy moment, complete and rounded falls into the tossing ocean oflife, it is never wholly lost. ROBERT RUSSIN

Time's on my side.


Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But if your attention turns to other things, it comes and softly sits on your shoulder.


Good times come, good times go, but the memories we make will last forever.

Diane Runowicz

Lamar Crawford, Maria Chester, Gerry Oravsky, Ed Demski, John McKee

Robert Russin


There's something that goes farthest towards making life worthwhile; it costs the least and does the most - it's just a pleasant smJ1e. DONNA SALAZAR

The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. CHRISTINE SANDS

Friends are forever! Life is just a partyl Rock and roll will never die!

Deborah Safko

Anne Marie Sagarese

Lisa Russo

Alfred Sabato

Donna Salazar

Christine Sands



I'm so glad we had this time together, Just to have a laugh or sing a song. Seems we just got started And now we have to say so long! Frank SanGermano Karen Sanford


Me and you, you and me, that's the way it11 always be. JUAN SANTIAGO

111 love anybody and everybody. ROSITA SANTIAGO If you can imagine it, you can achieve it;

If you can dream it, you can become it. LISA SCHANNEN

We finish only to begin. HOLL Y SCHEIDELER

Now's the time for you to go Actions shout out loud So cut the talk and move your feet 'Cause words git lost in crowds. Rosita Santiago Juan Santiago


It doesn't matter how you get to where you Ire going, just as long as you finally get there. JOHN SCHNEIDER

I've had a lot of fun with all my friends and I hope it doesn't stop just because high school is over.

Holly Scheideler Lisa Schannen

John Schneider Michael Schillaci


Frank Tallone

Tom Dzomba, Mario Cortina, Renata Czarnuszewicz

Anthony Marrazzo

Charles Schulze ]r.

Robert Schragger

Paula Sciarrotta

William Schultze

ROBERT SCHRAGGER Life is a journey that cannot be planned out. We must take it one step at a time, hoping that we succeed. WILLIAM SCHULTZE Great memories pass very quickly by, reminding me and giving me reason why. CHARLES SCHULZE]R. You can't always get what you want, but ifyou try, at times, you'll find you '11 get what you need. Christine Scott

Michael Scotto D' Antuono

PAULA SCIARROTTA Even greater than the feeling of loving, is the feeling of being loved. CHRISTINE SCOTT /'"'Thank God I'm a senior and I'm finished with high sChool, even though it's been fun. MICHAEL SCOTTO Good times, bad times, we all had our share, but we made it a successful year. CATHERINE SEIDENGLANZ Value llfe. Life is living, loving, learning, happiness, and sorrow. Life is me. ANNE SEIFERT Be yourself No one can ever tell you that you are wrong at doing it.

Catherine M. Seidenglanz

Anne Seifert


I see no reasons because there are no reasons. What reasons do I need? Just don't ask me why I don't like Mondays. SEAN SHEEHAN

Veni vidi vici. JOHN SINGER

If you smIle at me I will understand. For that is something that means the same in every language. DONNA SMITH

Ten true summers we'll be there and laughing coo. Twenty four before my love you'll see me there with you. Susan Sellers

Anthony Serafine

Heather Defibaugh, Rita Cseh

Sean Sheehan

John Shurgala


Never alone do I worry, because I'm never alone. He walks with me all the way. He guides my footsteps everyday. KECIA SMITH

If your rainbow can't be found, Perhaps your journey is traveling around. Scop and ponder your selection, And try to choose the right direction. DEBBIE SOBON

A memory is: spending four years with the people you love. John Singer

Robert Silvestri

Helen Skerratt


John White , Joe Nolan

Donna Smith


Life, love, and happiness are for eternity. TECLA SOLA The road to success is very rigid and steep,

But once you go over all the obstacles, the rest is in your hands. Kecia Smith


Each day is a fresh beginning, every morn is the world made new. MARCIE SPEDICK

If I had a box for lfishes and dreams, it would be empty except for the memories of how I would spend them wit my friends. ANNE STANLEY

J?eauty is not caused. It is.

Debra Sobon

Tecla Sola

Annette Sojka

Stephanie Souza

Marcie Spedick

Adam Spriggs

Anne Stanley

Juan Santiago


Howard R. Stipe

Scott Steele

John Steinmetz

AUDRA SWITZER I wish everybody lots of luck and success in the years to come.

SCOTT STEELE I did it my way! JOHN STEINMETZ Meet your goals with the best of your ability. FELICIA ANNE SWEENEY Friends come and friends go, But those that stay are truly so.

AlEXIA TAKELL When you feel there's no love left in the world for you, think of me. I'm never too far away.

Felicia Sweeney

JOSEPH TARCZA If life were to stop, so would we, because we the people are part of life and my life is a part of me.

Audra Switzer

Alexia T akell

Frank Tallone

Joseph Tarcza

Jonathan Tattory


Susan Tejeski

Maureen Thorne

Lisa Tomlin

Joseph Thoennes

Deborah Tierno

james Howard

Andrea Truch

Margaret Tullai

Steven Twanley

SUSAN TEjESKI You've only failed when you've failed to try.

LISA TOMLIN Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity,路 Truth accomplishes no victories without it.

JOSEPH THOENNES I'm looking at myself, reflections of my mind, It's just the time of day to leave myself behind.

ANDREA TRUCH Every person is given nothing.

MAUREEN THORNE Some lessons are forever and never need to change. Write and the page is written, then we turn the page.

MARGARET TULLAI We are all sculpters and painters; our material is and blood.

DEBORAH TIERNO Each day comes bearing it's gifts. Untie the ribbons.

STEVEN TWAMLEY The badnesses stay together, but little Richard shall always be done wrong.


Hfe, but without


dream it means


own flesh


Anthony Valenzuela

Steve Vandergrift

David Valeri

Marvin Vaughan


You don't always get what you want, but if you try you might find you get what you need. DAVID VALERI

I've been hangin' onto threads I've been playin' it straight. Now I've just got to cut loose Before it gets too late. So I'm going, I'm going, I'm gone. STEVE V AND;ERGRIFT

May you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows you're dead. Kristina Veale MARVIN VAUGHN

We have a goal in life to strive for and the sky's the limit. To achieve this goal is success. -~--------~---------~



' -~----------'


I'm finally out in the clear; I'm free! I've got dreams I'm Iivin' for and I'm movin' on to the places I want to see. PATRICIA WALL

... And there was much rejoicing . ... JIM WALSH

Ha ving Ha ving Having That is

Golda M . Villa

someone to talk to someone to laugh with someone to cry to. a true friend.

Karen Walsh


Patricia Wall

James Walsh

Alicia R. Weber

John Matthew White

Amelia Jacqueline Wood

Keven Wortham

KAREN WALSH Never ending, stIll beginning Fighting still, still destroying. If the world be worth the winning, Think, 0 think, it's worth enjoying. ALICIA R. WEBER Life's a wave, which in no two consecutive moments of it's existence is composed of the same particles.

Tonia Wronski

JOHN MATTHEW WHITE To live a better life, one must stick with the right, And what is right will help in the long run.

Susan Zeis

AMELIA JACQUELINE WOOD Some men see things as they are and ask why; I dream of things that never were and ask why not. KEVEN WORTHAM My childhood days have passed. I must take my future in a manly way. TONIA WRONSKI As the sun peaks out, and the tide rolls in, I watched the wa ves all break, as they met the sand. And I think to myself, I'm right where I want to be.

Denise Y ousko

DENISE YOUSKO A man needs his dreams - memory dreams of the past and eager dreams of the future. I never want to stop reaching for new goals. SUSAN ZEIS We've ridden the breaker at wl1l Our wave has broken, but the sea isn't stl11. The undertow pulls us out and around Our tides will connect, we won't be drowned.

Michelle Zegarski


Remember When LUCY AMENDOLA, Mary Beth, do you remember all the pickles at lunch? PAT ANDERSON , Charlene, remember, remember, remember ... DA V E BAFFUTO. Pat, do you remember being pushed into the girl's locker room? Tom, do you remember the day we went to the beach and it snowed ? SUSAN BALDWIN, Erin and Kathy. do you remember the day we printed 700 copies of the Writing Irish, upside down ? Erin, do you remember when you fell down the hill during a fire drill ? LISA BALLARD. Davina and Andre, do you remember when I played Muhammed Ali ? Demon Dog and Bourit, do you remember when we hated each other? MARY PAT BEDARD, Karen, remember all the laughs, the Tuc-Mobile, and the great times as bestest buddies, Liz. remember the exciting trips in Karen's car, the shore, and all the wild years we've been pals. TIM BIESIADECKI, John, remember Kevin in the back seat -- - m,m.m, . . Kristina , do you remember the good times ? Thank You , ANN BLACKWELL, Tucia, do you remember gym class and the Bobsie Twins ? Karyn, do you remember the good times in Religion Y MARIA BOGDA, Shell, do you remember "Espanol Class" and the flying notes? Kimmy L., do you remember the Who concert and meeting K.B,? Gwen , remember the Mickey Mouse Anthem, and A&P shopping carts and Distalfink? Carlene. do you remember the running in the halls ? NEAL BOSCHE. e.R ., remember the great ping pong game ? SUSAN l. BREHENEY, Caryn Bestest, remember how much fun it was to get our supply of fructose, the fun nights till 3 a.m., and the best 3 years ever ?? R.K. , remember all the fun we had . It was the best 21 months of my life .. . CATHI BREZA, Blaine Beach Crew, do you remember "eviCted and arrested ", G .F.S., Me. Everest, and Before and After. Cindy ( Flex ), do you remember all the laughter, love, and great times tOgether .. . I do- I love you. CATHY BRIAN , Cilia, remember when you fo und a cigarette butt in my hair ? Do you remem ber being called "Poodle" by Mr. Gena ? MICHELLE BROWN, To my lunch buddies, do you remember all of our conversations about everyone and everything?? Maria, do you remember all the crazy times we've had through the years ? I know I'll never forget. ROBERT BURCH . Hey, guys, do you remember the hamburger I gave Kramarz' Hey, guys, do you remember the lunch lady's neck spasmi MARY BURKE, Kathy, Carol, and Cind y, do you remember "anyone for a giant radish " TOM BURNS, Do you remember "Look Mo, my eyes are open' ''? Karyn , do you remember "Batten down the hatches!"? PA L CAMPANELLA, Nicky P., remember all the good times we came across ove r the years. JOHN CARR UBBA, Paul -and Ron , do you remember the cop in the balcony at the library, and we lost it~ ? Paul and Ron, remember the food fight in the cafete ria during sophomore year ? JOANNE CARTER, Sonya, do you remember freshm an year, 5th period religion class ? Gail, do you remember junior years, 2nd period Chemistry class ' CHRIS CHALLENDER, Hey guys, do you remember the food fight sophomore year! Berna, do you remember that dog? TUHINA CHANDA,Jenny, do you remembe r the time I fell down the stairs and you saved my "life" ? Renee, do you remember in physics class when you said you would slap my face if I laughed again ? MARI A CHESTER, Mr. Dambro, Mr. Archer, and Mr. Simone, do you remember all ou r wonderful volleyball games ? RON CHIORElLO, Fellas, do you remember all the times we lost it in the halls? Paul and Jay, do you remember the 7:15 a.m. ice cream cones at Mickey Dee's?? MATTHEW CICCONE. Tim, do you remember the fabul ous times during the play, especially pushing the N.D. truck through the hall booth ? Kim , do you remember all the times we shared together, R.M.A. LISA CIFELLI, A.L. and L.D., do you remember when the rose went slamming to the ground , and the fun we had riding it ? A.L., remember when we left school co go shopping and to Burger King? TINA CIPRIANI, Beth, do you remember all our fun times with Jason at Seaside ?Jane, do you remember our night at A.e. and the talking locker? LISA CIPRIANO, Do you remember all our times when Danny tried to fl y and took tOO many steps, and Devin's ears wiggled? Copaz - HOT BOOT, remember all those great times, I love ya, kid . GREG COATS, Frat members, remember the J.D. club, Ha!! Angel, remember when we almost got killed? (Thank you Pat & Tina ) COLLEEN CON NOLL Y, Blaine Ave. Gang, remember the all nighters, whose your paP The deli, GFS? R.e , remember ice cream cones? D.F. remember praying baptist "In Bedrock"? e.R. "Budwoman" and "The Cougs"? TERRI CONOVER, Tricia, do you remember when you went skiing for the first time! Stephanie, do you remember Mrs. Reilly'S homeroom during Jr. year ! CHRIS CONTI, Junior year English, period 6, do you remember Marvin and "fun"? RENEE COOK, Joanne, do you remember freshman year religion class, period 5? Davina, do you remember what ''I'm Good" represents to US? ROBERT COOK, Anthony, remember when I had to clean your blue tee shirt, and "No, don't open the door!" Cathi, do you remember when two strangers met, became best of friends and shared a special closeness with each other? MARIO CORTINA, Anthony, remember "Don't open that door" DAVlr-oA CROSLAND, Lisa, do you remember when you got tackled by the freshman football team? Renee, do you remember when we had those deep conversations ? RITA CSEH, Chris, do you remember the prom? DAWN CUBBERLEY, D.L., S.Z., A.M .. e.e, AND R.e., remember all the great times we had these past four years? SHARON CZYZEWSKI, Donna, do you remember the times in Mr. D's class and the other numerous memories I can't begin to count ? LYNNE DAMROTH, Those remembered by me forever: A.L., H.D., L.e., J.M., p.e, K.R., T.e., R.e.. L.D., and K.w. STEPHANIE DAVIS, Sonya, remember the bus rides? HEATHER DEFIBAUCH, Lynne, remember R.e., P.e., J.e., V.e., J.D., and S.S., the hypnotist and the M in the corners of the school? To all my friends, remember all the good and bad times, but most of all remember the love shared together. EDWARD DEMSKI. Lynette do you remember when you dyed your hair blonde? ERIN DENNEHy' Kath, remember when I'm 16, I can quit school if I want to. Terry, remember


when our experiment exploded? MICHA EL DERR Y,Jessie do you remember when we came late for Mrs. Goldstein 's class, and we got a Thu rsday detention I JEFF DEVENNEy ' W.P., R.L., E.P., T.G ., and the Cuban watch Out fo r them rookies. Don 't forget the food fight in lunch, the flying oranges? STE PHANI E DI ARDO, M.S., do you remember when we learned proper etiquette from Toby'S boys' S.F., do you remember when we discovered Dickinson, Mac Pherson, and ice hockey' THERESA DOVGALA , Kathy down on the boa rdwalk-Oh my God, their B - - - -? JOHN DRAK E, Chris, remember the Ch ristmas card you sent me, and how appropriate it was ' John , do you remember why you started call ing me Ced ric? TRACY DURCAN I , Lisa, remember the time at Karyn's pa rty when you tr ipped over the trailer hitch ' Mau reen, remember all the wild parties at your house i KIM ELG RIM , Matt , remember all th e great times we had together, and remember when T. K. wore a solid tie . M.D., remember everything, e.G ., remember Valentines Day, M.T. remember what happened at th e prom ' JOHN ELIAS, Remember Mr. Wood for homeroom teache r. SARA E ERSON , The dreaded pepperoni pizza and cockroach, was it remote controlled' Part ner, in Crime, Dino: Remember the M.S. Society, cool doods, Gordo and Pierre, also Mad Greek, Boy d, the Babe, Tobini, the Gay Barbarian. Anything forgotten is in the scrapbooks for the rehash pat rol. TODD EVA S, Does anyone ever remem ber Vince Lyo ns being on time fo r school' Paris, do you remember gett ing hypnotized' JOAN IE FAUL K ER, Sharon, even though we will go our sepa rate ways , we will always be friends in ou r heartS. Theresa, remember the times in Princeton especially the flowe r and Osca r, and Art 1 with Mrs. Pax iao. CI DY FLESS, Cheerleaders, do you remember "Fame", "America" , "Eye .. ", 'J) and look in sha rp'" Cath, remember the million great times, wit , and love sha red. MARTI FO RD, Paris, remember when you got hypnotized' DA N FREE MA N, Kevin do you remembe r when you couldn 't decide whether to eat in the kitchen or eat out' J ULI O FRA NCO, Ed P. drawing all those piCtu res, in lunch' Remembe r Stienmetz's G ran ny Shield. GARY FRA NTA , Chris do you remember when that friend of ou rs wore that shirt ' MY LA FRI EDMA , Audra do you remember the last da y of school when you chased Marvin with the waterbottle and he fell i GWE GARR ETT, Ch ris and Char, do you remember: Chemisery, Parties, and ew Yea rs Eve( Wildwood and Vermont Skiing' Tootsie rolls, tango, doobies and prom ' Psychology, Pat , and Danny and J ohn' DON AGE OVES I, Sharon our great times with ou r J oe's' Jeff, remember ou r fun times in study hall , you 're te rrific and I love ya' MARGUE RITE GENOVES I, Rita, al ways remembe r Monday, OCt . 25. Don't be sca red . we won't die . LY NETTE GIOE, Stef and Sha nnon, remember that aft ernoon at Morr is Hall( Jen , remember that morning you took a nose dive in the main fo yer ? TOM GLOC K, Guys, who reme mbe rs when I walked ac ross the wrestling mat before the match was over i PATT IE GOC KE, Malfeasance, feis ty ch ics, Mickness, Cricket, T].'s swell people, blow out' asty the black notebook , Oh Boyd, Doritees, J ummDay, Check you out later i CAR OL G RYGON, Cyndy, remember the grocery store interviews for English~ Remember Tuhi na's reason fo r not want ing to stay after school' G RETC HE G E DER, Remember S. in lunch and mayonnaise on the table Cathi , remember the good times, the good talks, and all the times we could n't remember. KATHERI NE HA NA K, To Holl y, life will forever be, with you , mindless but logical To Rosema rie, when do I get to use your whirl pooli ST EVE HARRIS, We all got busted on the ski trip ? I bl ew up my Lab in Mr. Levi n's Class? J E NEPH ER HART, Hey Jackie, BEATLEPOWER !! Nein, Mrs. Kapla n, ich sprec he Deu tsch. CRAIG HA YES, Mike, remember our fam ous check and hate list for all the dogs ? DANIEL HA YES, Doug do you remem ber fresh man Eng lish class, what a rush . ERIC HEITZ MAN , Remem ber when Chem istry was pretty "straightfo rward "? Ralph , "He laughed, he cried, he sig hed, he died ... " Thanks Mrs. Gavin ! KEVIN HELL ER, Harry supped on MarkJone's coat ? Hey Schillaci, remember "The Fly"? PAUL HOUSTON, Murph, wildwood summer of '81 the glass eye, sc ratch my belly, za pizz. Murphy, our map sprint to the cooler in 82! HARVEY INGRAM, Class of 83 is cool with Harvey PARIS INMAN, Marty do you remember 3rd period band class( CINDY IWAN , Jen, do you remember your blook book in chem. study? Carol, remember blu e chairs and BADS and me? SHANNAN JACKSON , Rosie, Lisa and Sonya, remember that we are the #1 lad ies of Notre Dame H.S. CARLENE JAR USZEWSKI. Michelle, do you remember Ricky's Mother! LISA KENDRICK, Rodie, Sonya and Shannon, remember all the good times we had ? Shannan and Sonya, remember how wild we were and I love you like sisters. KIM KIOVSKY, Junior Prom night with Toby and The Boys; Sarah, you're paranoid! CHRISTOPHER KITE. Remember when I had my shirt tu cked in ? I didn 't th ink so. MARK KLOSINSKI , Chris, remember the Mercer County Meet when you removed your sweatpants and didn 't have any shorts on' KAREN KOPP, Karen , Andrea, Cathy, Debbie, and Donna, don't forget "baa, baa, baa." TIM KOWALSKI, Jo hn, never fo rget the "RABBIT". Matt, never forget N.D.'s wonderful tech crew, Matthew and our Historymaking trip to BASH . JOHN KRAMARZ, Three Muskateers: How 'bout a whine and Cheese Party. LISA KRA WCZU , Cath y, remember MTV, purple nailpolish. Cilia, remember Hossenpiscols, gambl ing and wuka-wuka (thanks for the perms).

DIANE LEMIRE, Apt. Girls, lipstick, Lincoln Ave. and all the fun times. Arlene, wild times in Europe, and You r tedd y. Col, 2nd , J oan, and C Hall Scene. ANTHONY LEONE, Mike, I really loved the calzone. DA IELL E LETTIERE, D.S. I made it to the prom. M.T. and E. D. my chronic complainers, we made it, wasn't thar bad, S.S. French Braids, KM and CJ, Frosh lu nch: I did n't do it fi rst. CHRIS LEV AN DUSK I, AL, remember when we greased the hand rai ls nea r the cafeteria' PATRICK LIEDTKA, Natich. do you remember skeets on Lawrence High's soccer fie ld. JOE LISNAK, Bad Steven, remember all the games; keep that elbow polished . ancy, remember I will always be behind you! STEFA IE LITUS, Remember the camels. Remember, Connie in Morris HalP ANTOl ETTE LUB RA 0 , Lynne, Lisa, thanks fo r being there when I needed you. L.D. always remember P.C, R.C and the crazy times we had with them . LIZ LYNAM , Karen , remember when I was under your ca r, fell out the door and slepr on you r lawn ' Anne, remember at the soccer game, in th e woods, all over ou r shoes? KIM LYONS, Maria, remember the concert and our walk in Philly. Kathy, Eri n, Golda, Steph, remember the slumber party in Austria. MICHAEL LYON , Hey G reg, the clash! BOB LYO S, Jeff and Wa lt, do you remember Eggpl ant Lane' Citizens of Tableland, do you remember wh y we dipped copenhagen at lunc h? MATT MACIOLEK, Remember the sophmore yea r food fight. JILL MAIRA , B. . 0108, CB., Mr. H and B, Bi ll and CA., CF., .M., D .. L.G., S. W.K, ( Bird s) R.C , S. and My .G. N.H. , K.F. treated us! Wah yeah-ha Ag 22 B.B.B. and P.u in P. ANGEL MA RIA 0, Coars, do you remember the night we almost died, riding up to Anthony's? Howe , you've probabl y done it again ( othing, I mean Stay Cool' ) A THO Y MA RR AZZO, Remember rhe da y the pipes broke in the boy's bathroom. Remem ber my affeCtion and my love, my little pup. MARY MATTOZZI, Dina. remember Chris was playing football against the cars' DA NIEL MA URER, Remember, fear is the mi nd killer. Drew, remember when we had a band! CHRIS MAZZO LI , Ga ry, remember all of the Chemistry detentions that I got out oP J ohn, remembe r when we boned up before schooP GAIL McFAR LA 0 , Sue Zeis remembe r when KIM McKAY , Lisa, do you remember when you were at the bottom .. J ESSI E McMILLAN, Mike, do you remember when you were called down to Mr. Verdel 's office for theft and you were innocent I RE EE McM ILLA , Remember when ocre Dame DEVOURED Trenton ' High in 1980! JOH MEGYES I, Matt, when do I get your first born male chil d' Annie, remember June and ov. I, 199()i JANE MIHALKO, J an, Beth , T ina and Karen; the Ferris Wheel in Great Adventu re' Time and Ti na, Ken J s zucch ini and Parf Part ies! JEFFREY MITCHELL, Do you reme mber when Chris's rabbit and Bo b's wh ite panes? BE R ADETTE MOEHRI NGE R, Anne Marie, remembe r 23 piles of stinking garbage and only one shoe? Really, I do love life. Reme mber the better half of AP (Pete, An ne. Steph, Sarah) , Aguinal do 's insu rreCtion' KY LE MOORE, Dea r frat (A.B.P.) do you remem ber singing "So Fine" in school to the good look ing girls' KATHY MURPHY, CJ. Treads, everyone, gas, P. .D.L. teeny boppe rs. S.B., T.D., E.D., embrasser, Leprechaun, perspectives, car ca per, Parfait House. RAY M RPHY , Paul, don't forget OUf mission' John. have you got across the log yet i TOM EMEC, Porpoise, do you remem ber how much I love swimm ing? KEVIN ERWI SKI , Dan. don't move, there's someth ing under my pillow" Mary, JUSt remem ber the good times. I love you. SHERRI NICOLAI , Lana, Dan and Drew, remember the prom, Dan falling in the mud with his white tux , getting lost on Lana's di reCtions, my olive flying on Drew's lap, and Drew missi ng the theme song because he was in the bathroom. JOE NOL AN, Do yo u remem ber when we usJd to dance, and incidence arose from circumstance i Do you remember when entropy decreased ? TIM NOO A , Ed, remembe r ou r daring afternoon escape from Ms. And erson's class ? Mi ke, Christopher Columbus did us right, didn 't he ? G ERRY ORAV SKY . Joell yn. Burger King Always, Marita, when TD couldn 't get his pantS on? Lions and tige rs an d bears. Pauie, alias tortu re. Ju lie B ball pingpong and backgammon. EDWARD ORZOL, To the Senior Vo- Tech Class. It's bee n fun these past two yea rs and Tim. I think we gained our respect. CHARLENE O'SHEA, Gwen , Ch ris, Do you want to open your trunk ? Do I have to?? Pat, J amour tu' BETH PA ULUS, Tina, do you remember the monkey? Bo b, do you remember when a Crispy George coul d get you a ride to Crosswicks? SUSAN PALSIR , Holly, will you ever forget our famous Bolton Vall ey fine? D.R., K.H ., R.P., remember our N.H.S. ice cream wal k-out ? PRISCILLA PELOUBET, Thanks, C S., CO., F.A., M.O .. Ca., L.K., CG., M.D.. for the awesome lunches. And to Cath y, Lisa, and Marygrace for the wild times we had through the years. JOYC E PERRY, Kecia , remember gym with Mr. Simone Renee, remem ber working with Brenda at McD's' CARL PETERS. Paris. remember those dog days in Sr. Claver's Class. Keisha, remember your freshman gym class with the fellows ROSEMARIE PICONE, The Gang, we did it with style. When it comes to unforgettable mo ments and true friendship, you guys are the best. You all deserve a medal for being so patient. but I was worth it. Mrs. Gavin, thanks for being there when I needed you . LA UREY PIECHOCKI, Dan and Stef, Never forget the ride through Whiting. J. ED PINEDA Remember when Lee Franco drank chewing tobacco spit!!! CARL POWELL, Big Dumb Bikers!! Bad boys, do you remember when you guys got kicked off the team , and I didn 't? WALTER PULLEN, Remember Jeff, we have been ROOKED. H.B. keep your pants up. HARRY RAVENEL. Robert. remember when "Litde Harry" opened the front doort MIKE REDMOND, Heidi. do you remember "chaz"t Luke, remember the endless su mmer. KARYN REPOLE. Lisa. always remember all the great times, like the time in Wildwood when you looked like a lobster. Tracy. Moe, and Lana. you've been great, love ya al l. Thanks (or being a friend . CYNTHIA RICCIANI, To all my Blain, Bud and Boss Women , Remember the times. To "Conney", thanks for always bein~ there. Sue. Sue, glad we'tt: buddies again. Nancy. always remember if you're happy, I'm happy. EILEEN RIVERA . Sue, do you remember when my ~ym shorts were too loose for yout Remember Sophomore spirit day, when I came in first place with my Hawaiin outfit?

LA A ROMANOVIC. Karyn. remember all rhe fun you. Sherri. and I had trying to hide from Me. Verdel for being out of uniform . BEVERLY RUHL, Carm, remember when we were late getting back from G.A.? Marcie, remember when we both had straight A's in Chemistry? (I don 't eirher ) DIANE RUNOWICZ, Holly. Rose, Dawn, remember pushing the Honda to softball practice I HS .. R.P.. S.P., S.S.. H.S.. M.R., K.H., L.D. , M.B., always remember the memorable unique times. I love ya Mom and Dad! ROBERT RUSSIN, Remem ber when Harry fell in the halP LISA RUSSO, Karyn, do you remember when we had the bonfire at work' Tracy. do you remember the night you gOt bombed on brandy ! ANNE MARIE SAGARESE, Bern, remember the garbage cans, the intersection. and the laughrer. Love ya. DONNA SALAZAR , Senior, do }'OU remember that Xylophone Jingle rhey played freshman year before all sports announcements) CHRISTINE SANDS, Seniors, remember Pat's Party? Tim, remember me always. KAREN SAN 路 FORD, Andrea and Debbie. do you remember the day we transformed our gang into lambchops ! Michael, John , Terry, Andrea, and Chris, remember those backstage times, we worked a little and partied aloe! FRANK SAN GERMANO,Jay, remember Impact, when we dressed up in baseball outfits and were sliding across the floor? J UAN SANTIAGO, Greg, I did it my wa),! ROSITA SANTIAGO. Frank. do you remember when you threatened to CUt off Tuhina 's ponytails and she screamed for help from Mr. Hochschild ? Kath. do you remember when Juan actually came to school nor mistmatched ? HOLLY SCHEIDELER. Hey buds, remember when we had all those great times? Pop! I love you guys! It's baja time. MICHAEL SCHILLACI. Harry , do you remember when you fell in the hall~? Stephie. do you remember "Close Encounters of the Wormed Kind ?" JAY SCHNEIDER, Remember the food fighr our Sophomore year? Do you guys remember when I got busted at Toni 's parry! ROBERT SCHRAG GER, Beth, do you remember when we couldn't find rhe cannonball ? PA ULA SCIAR 路 OTT A, Michelle, do you remember the time I got caught trying to leave school early with Linda~ CHRISTINE SCOTT, Chris, do you remember when you put the answers to Mr. Blizard 's test on the bulletin board! MICHAEL SCOTTO, Remember Mrs. Burzachiello's class when Frank cracked on Audra I CATHERINE SEIDENG LANZ, Carhi, remember the pre. game party for soccer, with the girls, remember where we went ! I say no more. ANNE SEIFERT. John, remember June L 1982, and Nov. 1, 1990! SUSAN SELLERS. Holly, do you remember when you left me at Kristina 's and ) had to hitchhike home i Leslie, do you remember when we went Out for a FREE pizza ? JOHN SINGER. Eric. do YOll remember the fall of Stonehenge ? Joe , remember the pyre of the sire of the ire. DONNA SMITH. Peggy, remember Ring Day with Dan and Steve? LORI SMITH , Maria. remember when we were Freshman! DEBBIE SOBON, Dani. remember marching in the mud during the football and Steve losing his shoe? Craig, remember dancing in the rain ! TECLA SOLA, Adam, remember when I fell over your bookbag freshman yeart Denise. remember when the ball bounced off your chest in Gym class? STEPHANIE SOCZA, Debbie, I'll never understand how they mixed uS up. ADAM SPRIGGS, Remember Carl when Mr. Genovesi called you lump head ? ANNE ST ANLEY, D.C , D.L. , A.M.. and S.2 .. the girls of N.D .. remember all the good times we've had and thanks for alwa}'s being there! SCOTT STEELE. Remember when we tried to sell tickets to the elevator for rhe 3rd O()(H swimming pool to the new Freshmen? JOHN STEINMETZ. Remember when Harry fell in the halP FELIClA SWEf.NEY. Jackie, remember "Ding Dong"? Dino, remember "Chemisrry Lab" ? AUDRA SWITZER, Myla. remember when all the football players took water and were squirting It up our dressest JOE T ARCZA. Remember rhe time Jim Howard got his grm shorts pulled down to his ankles? JOHN TATTORY, Dan, oh yeah. have some of my Sunkist. JOSEPH THOENNES. Remember "The Alamo"? Remember when the earrh was createdt MAUREEN THORNE, Tracy. do you remember when you fell in from of the Main Office! Kim . do you remember whar hapened in the bathroom at the Jr. prom? DEBORAH TIERNO, Class o( '83, remember rhe good times, learn from the bad and create your futures . Mr. Kelly, we 'lI never forget you . Thank you for everything? Sreve. do you remember wnen a tarantula attacked you in homeroom ! LISA TOMLIN, Kathy, do you remember when Karen thought that polar bears and penguins lived in rhe Everglades) ANDREA TRl1CH, Lana. Karen. Terry, Chris, Tom, and Gary; remember all the crazy. tearful. happy. wild times backstage. MARGARET TULLAI, To all Malfeasams: remember the cricker game, Nautical Knors, and Humming. Susan, remember the great works of art I creared in my Chern. Study notebook ? STEVE TWAMLEY. Remember all the badnesses: Ronald, David, Mike, Joe. Steve. Remember Bogart'S going away present. ( Ronald the snatcher) . DA VID VALERI. Hey guys, what's this now ? Hey Ant. "Where am I, What are you doing? " PATTI WALL, Hey. we have an excuse, we're Vo -Tech! JIM WALSH. Nick and Anthony. remember that time we were at the shore and you called me "Muffin"?? ALICIA WEBER. Remember when Karen pledged to Had and prayed to the flag ? JACKIE WooD.Jen. do y()u remember the Fabo! Six P.M .J.L., G.H., R.S., and the two otherst John. do you remember the Mickey Mouse Club period 4? KEVEN WORTHAM, Do you remember when the rat started? TONIA WRONSKI. Kristina. rt'member the summer of '99 to you; Chapter 14; Gts and the great times!! Tim. remember we 're rhere - where Flips and scrips off rhe high board at a.F.S.C. DENISE YOllSKO. Cora, remember when Mrs. Ivins called us twins? Dave. remember the nice time we had at the prom ? SllSAN ZEIS, Flex. Rudy and CJ; Think pink!! D.C., D,L., A.M., A.S., remember what weekends were made for - nor you, Cc. Jezabelle - throw pretzels at the Dork table.


Words Of Love


David Baffuto Thank you David for the joy of seeing you reach out to new horizons. May you fltld your dreams and happiness in the future. Proudly with love, Mom & Dad. Susan Baldwin You should be justly proud of your achievements at Notre Dame. We certainly are, and wish you continued success. Love and congratulations! Mother and Dad Peter Bentz We love you and are proud of your good work at Notre Dame. Hope your college years are full of success and happiness. Mom & Dad Sonya Boatwright I can't believe our baby is graduating from High School. May you always know we love you and want your future to be filled with happiness. "Knock em dead kid" Mom and Dad Christopher Breimann ¥ou have brought us joy and happiness which we will treasure forever. Love Mom & Dad Cathy Brian To wish you the very beSt in your future. We are very proud of you for the courage that you possess and for what you have achieved. All our love, Mom, Dad. & Debbie Robert Burch Dear Robert. may all the years ahead bring you as much happiness as the past 18 have given me. Wherever life takes you my love and support will follow. Love Mom Karen Burris • It is hard to believe you are graduating from high school. You have made us very proud, and we love you very much. May God Bless you. Mom. Dad & Keith Paul J. Campanella We wish that every parent could have the feeling of joy and happiness that you have given us. We are very proud of you. We love you. Mom, Dad & Todd Eric Canry Nothing succeeds like success; God knows your motives. He can help you beSt. We are proud of you. Love you, Mom, Dad & Monica Robyn Capes Dad and I are so proud of you and always will love you very much. Wishing you many successes in life. in whatever you choose, and much happiness aJways. Love, Mom and "Pumpkin. Ficky and Shalimar" Maria Chester We're proud of you. Don't forget to pray in all your endeavors. God Bless you. Mom & Dad Lisa Anne Cifelli How proud we are of you is exceeded only by how much we love you . Love Mom & Dad Tina Cipriani We are very proud of you for the high standards you have set for yourself, and have achieved. We wish you every success for now and years to come with God 's Blessing. Mom & Dad Colleen Connolly These four years really flew by. We are proud of you and wish you much happiness in the future. Love Mom & Dad & Mo Renee W. Cook ¥ou have always made us very proud of you . Success will always be yours. We love you. Mom & Dad Robert Cook ¥ou have been' a joy to me. What helped us through good and bad times together was our open relationship with one another. Let 's always keep that line of communications open. Love & happiness always, Mom Lamar Crawford It is hard to believe you are graduating from Notre Dame. But we knew you could do it. You have made us very proud. We love you . Mom , Dad & Gang Davina Crosland We all are very proud of you. We think you are the greatest! We wish you the best in your future. We believe with our love and your talents you will be very successful. Mom, Dad, Devona & Deahtron Derrick Davis The road was rough but you are finally ready to fly from your nest. You can fly as high as you wish . Always remember 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull." Good Luck, Mom Jeff Degler ¥ou have made us very proud of your academic and athletic achievements while at Notre Dame. Everyone should be blessed with a son like you . Keep on charging! Love, Mom & Dad Edward Demski ¥ou have made us very proud. for us, you 're first in the class. With God 's help, we know you will continue your successes. We love you , Congratulations! Mom, Dad, Ray & Bernadette Erin Dennegy We are so proud and full of love for Erin. We are about ready to bust. Most thoughtful, helpful, beautiful girl in Notre Dame· prejudiced, of course we are. Be happy always, Erin, and always enjoy life. Love, Mom & Dad Michael Derry We think you are the greatest! We are very proud of you. We wish you the best in your future. Love, Mom, Dad, Shawn, & Carl Jr. Jeff Devenney We'll always remember and cherish your years at Notre Dame, especially our conversa· tions about your daily enCounters. Good luck and God Bless you. Love,Mom & Dad Guy DiMemmo Congratulations and the best of everything for the future . I'm really proud to call you my son. Remember I'm always there when you need me. Good Luck, Love you . Dad Stepbanie Dinardo With with your enthusiastic outlook on life, there's no stopping you . Congratulations, way to go! Love ya Babe! Mom. Dad, Rich, Daren & the Wonderpup Tom Dougherty We are very proud of you and all you have accomplished in your high school years. We know your strong spirit will help you reach your goals. Dad, Mom & the Gang Terry Dovgala Being No.5 at Notre Dame had to be tough. You rose to the task. Your academic and athletic achievements give pride to family and teachers. Love, Your Oovgalas Tracy Durcanin "Good · Bye is not an ending but a different start for you , a time for making brand· new friends and seeing dreams come tcue. Mom & Dad

Gwen Garrett Eight years at Saint Hedwigs and four years at Notw Dame How time flies. We are proud of you and love you dearly. Best of luck and God Bless You. Mom & Dad Eugenia Gerald Seeing you graduate makes us proud of you. We hope the years ahead . I be the beginning of a successful future. We will always love you. Mom, Dad, & errance Pattie Gocke You have done a great job! We are so proud of you, Pat. We love you v much . God Bless you, Mom , Dad & Kids Christopher Graham You have what is really important. a kind and free spirit. the abili y to be anything you wish, and our love. Mayall of your dreams come true. Love, M m, Dad,Justin & Travis Ralph Gray Congratulations! We are proud of you and we wish you success in the future . Mom, Dad & Ocampo . Gray Family Terri Grochala Joyfully we share the achievements you've earned. Continuous success, heartiest con· gratulations, job well done. Reach for the stars. Hope for the future. Be all you can be. Dad, Mom & Sisters Carol Grygon With pride & Joy we wish you every happiness and success as you embark on your journey into the future . Mom, Dad, Chris & Mark Kathy Hanak Notre Dame High School· Our gratitude for a job well done. Maridale and Joe Hannak Jennepher Hart CongratulationsJennepher and the Class of 1983! Love always. Mom & Dad, 'tris '86 & Pam '87 Craig Hayes No words could ever express how proud we are of you. May God's protection d riches and blessings be with you as you enter your new stage of life. ve, Mom &: Dad Kevin Heller We think you are the greatest! We are very proud of you . We wish you the best in future . Love, Mom, Dad & Sis Keith Hillman A milestone is completed . Congratulations, son! We are so ve proud f you. Our . overflows. Love you , Mom & Dad Paul Houston Congratulations! We put our faith in you and you reciprocated a hundredfold . oping this mutual faith leads you through four successful years of college! We are very p ood of you . Love, Mom & Dad Harvey Ingram We're proud of you . May God Bless you as you prepare for the future. Love, Dad & Mom Paris Inman Dear Paris, We are all very proud of you. Good Luck!! Dad, Mom, Sherri, Greg, Robin, Bobbie, Trude, Taiwo & Shang Kim Kiovsky You have always been a joy to us and we are proud of your accompli hments both at home and at school. Love, Mom & Dad Shanan Jackson This is a time of mixed emotions. We are very proud of you. In all things you , keep prayer and the Lord first! We will always love you. Mom & Dad Ron Kopec Our last to graduate from Notre Dame, proud of you son. Lots of success. Also oud of Steve '78 and Kathy '82 our other Notre Dame Graduates. Mom & d Donna Kowalewski Our graduation ish for you , Is "happiness" in all you do. We hope the f ture's good to you, And all your fondest dreams come true . Love. M m & Dad Tim Kowalski You 're special! Your love and thoughtfulness for others is rare and wondetfu1. We hope your future is full of happiness and success! Lov , Mom & Dad John Krall You are a fine young man who has found the meaning of being a great personality. A Luck. Love, All of Us big day arrives soon and we are very proud . Go

tJW best. Mom Ie Dad C1nthia lticciani You know how F,Oud we are of you; bow much we Lo~ you too So you must know how much we WiSh life's very best for you! CongratulatiOnt. Gocl Bless you MOther Ie Dad

biaae R.enee Iluoowia ·Cot1tgra1:w.tJ_ to the GiW YotU ~ "1ith the Lisa, Jean Ie ~ ibo! DanieUe Lettiere Here's wish"" a bright fUture fo a InCIIStA_,... sunshine in our lives and 're so Christian Uftoduski Thanks for being you • the bID ~ bowin ou and . . JO'1 f){ loving you. Yoa haw earned

our pride and coofidenCe. Lo.e, Mom


Aodre LewJS

A- Always there when you need him. N- Never breab a promise D - Delightful to be with. . R- Rariest person you've ever bad ~ of meeuog. E- Ever so loveable and we all love ~ Mom the Gao Stefanie Litus . . Life can be difficult for those we love. Yet it 15 mted with JOY and happmas. We wish for you the beSt life ha to offer. Mom Ie Den Stefanie Litus We Hope you have a happy and healthy life. Always mnembet you are. what you want to be! Everything is possible. Congratulations! &st of Luck always. Love. Dad Michael Lyons We have always been proud of you and we always will be. Remember as you embark on a new phase of life you will never be alone. Love, Mom & Dad Matthew Madolla You have brought us much happiness. W~ Wi you much lo~e. happiness and success in your future. Our prayers are always wIth you. Mom, ChriS, Grandma lie Grandpa Angel Mariano You have brought happiness everyday to us. We hope that you can have as. much happiness in your life. We all love you. God Bless you, son. Mom, Dad & SIster Dan Maurer Ma a I your dreams, hopes and aspirations be fulfilled. We will always be st~ong supporters of your ambitions throughout your future. Love, Mom, Dad & Family Robin Mauro We are very proud of you. Hope you have as much happiness as you have given this family. Love & Kisses, Mom, Dad & Family Christopher P. Mazzoli Love to Chris, our youngest boy. You 've filled our hearts with so much joy. With Clever wit and impish grin, The best in life, you're bound to win! Mom and Dad Gail 1. McFarland You have made us a proud family. ay your future be successful with all your endeavors. We pray that God will co tinue to Bless you . Love, Dad, Mom & Van Kim McKay . We are very proud of you. We think you are a lovely person. We wIsh you. the best of luck and happiness in whatever you do in the future. Mom, Dad, Chuckle & Lamar Jessie & Renee McMillan Congratulation! Whatever you do in life ... "Be the best of whatever you are!" God Bless you in all your endeavors! We love you, Mom, Dad, & Tony Pam Merkel Your hard work and dedication has enabled you to accomplish you r major goals; graduation and your ballet career. We are extremely proud of you. May your future be one grand jete. Love, Mom & Dad Arlene Miller To see you as grown is difficult for me, but I'm so proud of the lovely person you' e become. God has bl s ed us both. Mom Cora Mitchell We love you very much and we're so proud of you. We hope and pray for the b for you always. Congratulations! Love, Mom & Dad Kyle T. Moore . . I wish you a happ and rich full life. With God 's help you WIll attalO all your g Is. I am proud of you. Lov , Mommy Kathleen Murphy We know that you have enjoyed the four years at Notre Dame, an~ we are ery proud of you and your accomplishments. We share your confidence and WIsh you good luck for the future. Mom, Dad, & Joe Ray Murphy Graduation, first step in your career You've learned and grown during these years. A fine , caring young man you've become. We are very proud of you, our son. Mom &. Dad Gerry Oravsky Congratulations on your graduat' n fr otr High SchooL We wish you happiness and success in your future. You hav rna us very proud. God Bless you. Mom & Dad Charlene O'Shea To someone we love and are very proud of. Mom & Dad Susan Palsir We are so very proud of you, and thankful to share your joy of accomplishment. ~r. you be blessed with continued success. - "The time has come for anorMr to begm. "We can be free· we can learn to fly. " Love, Your Family Priscilla M . Peloubet Once again you have made us very proud of you! May you be happy throughout life as you are today. Our love and prayers always- Dad, Ellen, Pam lie Penny Walther Pullen Graduation is here. We are very proud of you. We pray for you 0 have confi~e and be ambitious to succeed in your lifetime. Love always, Mom, Dad &. Family Sue Rameika I wanted to say something witty. Dad thought something wise. e agrted on something from the heart· We Love You . Mom & Dad Michael Redmond Congratulations! All country, all area, all CVC, alright!! We do love you and wish you


You Your ~ at Notre Dame. both hight and Ibws, WID always be' a pnf()( us. You've done an excellent job and we are very proud of you CongratUlltionl!t:Ove Ie Kisses, Mom lie Dad

Deborha Safko We wish you success, laufhter, JOY and a merry heart • the warmth of Jove. tire love of good friends, the tight 0 hope. tOday and always. God Blas you With low, Mom; Laurie lie Mttk Christine Sands We think you are the greatest. and we ~ you very much. AU the best ever to yqu. Love Mom. Dad Ie Brother Karea Samord Have a wonderful future. "Look to tbe sunshine and '}'O\t'U see fewer shadows: Love

Mom Ie Dad Juan C. Samigo

We remember you graduating ftom kindergarten. NO'lif you're graduating from Nottt' Dame. We-'re very proud of you! Hoping to see you graduate &om coUege. Love, Mom, Dad. (ecy. Tony &. Hector.

Ja, SChneider

W~ are very proud of you. May your future bring you aU the happiness in the world. We love you very much. Love, Mom. Dad Ie Grandma lie Grandpop

Ann Seifert Three cheers for our daughter who made it through four years of back.bcaking. hard. wodcing band practices, competitions, and concms. You are a real "fIVe-time lady'" Mom Ie Dad

Susan Sellers You've always made us proud. You have given us much happiness and we wish the same

for you, We love you. Mom



Helen Skertart We are very proud of your many achievementS. Don', lose sight of your dreams. We love you. God Bless you always. Dad lie Alan


Deborha Sobon Thanks for four wonderful years and many fond memories continued good luck in your future endeavors. Love. Mom, Dad, Frank. &. Sharon

Stephanie Souza Remember, wherever you go, whenever you go, we wish you the best, the most, and the happiest. We're very proud of you. Mom lie Dad Marcie Spedkk "To be admired, is a wish .. , butto be loved, .. is to accomplish." Congratulationsto accomplished daughter. AU our love and unconditional support in all your a v endeavors, Mom &. Dad Scon Steele " ou needed me," and I needed you, thanks for always being there. Go GETUM T GER. Love. Mom J hn Sceinmetz ishing you SUC(ess and happiness for the future. We are very proud of you. Love, Dad, m. Kevm &. Eric

Audra Switzer iThe journey has been long and hard. You have reached the cro sroads. I know you will make a wise choice. Good luck in the future. Love, Mom Frank Tallone With pride we have watched you grow. This pride will aly.rays how. God Bless you. Love always. Mom. Dad lie Diane Alexia Takell Remember these trungs: To think without co usioo <:;,learly, To love your fellowman sincerely, To act from honest motives purely, d to trust in God and Heaven securely. Thoughtfully. Your Mother Joseph Thoennes .. . . . All are grateful for persons creatiye, who in ,their vIsIon. celebrate t~elC faIth In God. You are ever a part of our life, and the gift you ve shared lives always m our heart. Mom &


Andrea Jo Ttuch You have made us very proud. May God grant you happiness in all your dreams and wishes. Love and God Bless you. Mom & Daa Steve Twamley Your achievements throughout the years have n)ade us very proud of you. May your college days be as rewarding as those at Notre Dame. Love, Mom & Dad Maureen Thorne Fulloflove and very proud! That is how I feel on your special day. Wishing you always a world of joy, success and love. Mom Anthony Valenzuela . You are a most loving and dutiful son. We a~,e very proud of you. We WIsh you the best RiCky in your future. Love, Mom, Dad, Albee Steven Vandegrift . Congratulations! May you have a suc ssful furore. You have gIven us many happy moments, son. We are proud of you . LoV'e, Nom, Dad, Family & Friends Golda Villa Congratulations, we are so proud of you. hank you for be!ng so sweet and for giving us SO many good memories. May you find what you are looking for. God Bless you. Love, Mom, Dad & Christina Karen Walsh You have been a joy to see grow from a chils:{ to woman. You have made us all very proud. We love you. Mom, Dad, Sharon, pore en & Colleen John White ... We're proud of "all" your many 6ne qualities, John, but ar~ most grateful to you for your thoughtful consideration and loyafty to us, yQu r family. Love, Prayers & Best Wishes! Kevin Wortham We think you are the greatest! We are very proud of you. We w'sh u the best in your future. We love you. Mom , Dad and Granny Tonya Wronski Although, "Imagination is more important than knowledge"(A.E. ), keep your knowledge. AU our best wishes and love, Mu,m and Dad Susan Zeis Helping you grow has been such a joy. You have made us very happy and very proud. We love you always. Mom and Dad





Ready To 1983 marked a special year for the class of '84. We grew together throughout the year, and are now in transition from 'Jolly Juniors" to "Mighty Seniors". Our junior year, however, was filled with many memories. These thoughts, and many others from our years at Notre Dame, will always be symbolized by our class rings. December 7 marked this special day for the juniors. Instead of the usual Ring Day, we had a Ring Night. We started perhaps a new tradition of "dressing down" during that day, and dressing up at night, providing an interesting contrast. The program consisted of a special liturgy, distribution of the rings, and then a special reception in the cafeteria. We were wished good luck by classmates and friends through the customary turning of the rings. As a class we showed our enthusiasm by kicking off spirit week. Our theme was "A Day at the Beach". Shorts, T-shirts, sunglasses, and a few barefeet were seen, while Beachboys music set the scene. The careful and detailed planning for the Junior Prom paid off in a beautiful and exciting night for all who attended. It was held at Angeloni's in Hamilton on May 20. Music was provided by Hy-Jynx. These and the many other activities we participated in helped us to grow closer as a class. We will always remember this special year, as we reflect on the good times we 've had at N.D.

Student Government: John Schuldes, Sue Foster, Tracy Cicco, Mindy Serrano.

Clai re H eitzman

Stephanie Saunders works diligently on an English paper.

Father Hughes and Rose Totaro on Ring Day.


Moderator Mr. DiGuiseppe helps plan junior activities.

Frances Longmuir smiles for the camera.


Homeroom Representatives/ FRONT ROW: Kathy Chianese, Lilia Sanchez, Chris Tousley, Rose Totaro, Alice Hendrickson. SECOND ROW: Kathy Moschera, Tracy Springer, Claire Heitzman, Elizabeth Lyons, Jacquie Martini. BACK ROW: Jim Jacobs, Liz DelMonte, Scott Oshel, Anastasia Serpikov. Lisa Soldati

Debbie Runowicz and Lisa Besler Cindy Turek

Drew Bowker

Left: Craig Williams and Craig Bowe.


Top Right/llA/SITTING: Barbara Borges, Kathleen Allen, Jeanine Alvin. STANDING: Giselle Berry, Matthew Beechold, Joseph Carrella, Craig Bowe, Mark Bayous, Michael Alessi, Kelly Balerna, Mandy Bell. Middle Left/IIA/SITTING, FRONT ROW: Mindy Serrano, Kim Bennet, Christine Andrusiewicz. SITTING, BACK ROW: Tracy Cicco, Diane Borges, Stephanie Beddows. STANDING: Lisa Besler, Kathy Beitel, Drew Bowker, Brian Bailey, Dorian Apostolos, John Schuldes, Cynthia Biache, Ammon Barksdale, Susan Foster. Bottom Right/IIB/FRONT ROW: Kelly Byrne, Kelly Burrows, Anne Butrym, Michelle Couch,JoAnn Buckley. SECOND ROW: Judy Brodowski, David Breller, Paul Cortesini, Mark Chianese, Timothy Conley, Richard Craig. BACK ROW: Katherin Chianese, Martin Collins, Peter Cascone, Clifford Cota, Michael Cerullo, Kelly Butler.

Christopher Tousley


Terri Harper

Top Left/UB/SITTING: Marisa Celli, Maria Carrubba, Leslie Colacello, Diane Cianfrano, Michele Celmer, Maggie Caldwell. STANDING: Michael Chiang, Greg Amaroso, James Coritz, Kevin Brown, Edward Burke, Jeffrey Butler, Richard Burnett, Chad Casamento.

Bob Stemmer

Middle Left/IIC/FRONT ROW: Gerald Donnelly, Jeffrey Federico, William Eleck, Vince Fanelli, STANDING: Matthew DuBois, Gregory Exhevarria, John DeAngelo, Joseph Danek, Ihor Czuczuk, Joseph Fagan, Michael Fitzpatrick, Daren Doherty, Craig Fitzgerald, Bottom Left/IIC/FRONT ROW: Michelle Delsol, Michael Delate, Karen Dey, Ezekiel Flemming, Susan Eget, BACK ROW: Patricia Downey, JoAnne Doyle, Elizabeth Delmonte, Jose Del Castillo, Charles Fisher, Michael Fitzpatrick, Sean Dill, Colleen Flynn, Louise DiFalco, Mary Ellen Evert.


Karen Klek

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Top Right/ llD/FRONT ROW: Lorraine Genowesi, Mary Hannawacker. SECOND ROW: Stephen Galgano, Christopher Holland, Michael Havardansky, Anthony Hill, James Gerald. THIRD ROW: David Graziano, Mary ]0 Henger, Debra Herbe, Suzanne Foster, Debra Grosso, Priscilla Gordman, Cathleen Hubert, Laurie Holsneck. Middle Left/I IO/FRONT ROW: Lynda Hasbrouck,]ulie Forman, Claire Heitzman. BACK ROW: George Fuzes, Raymond Hsiao,]ames Gorman, Douglas Holmes, Terri Harper, Cynthia Gilleo, Kathryn Harris, Delphinia Hilton, Alice Hendrickson, Paul Groffie.

T ina Taylor


Top Left/ lIE/FRONT ROW: Diane Kelly, Maura Hughes, Dorothy Kurpiewski, Mary Hurley, Sheila Jones. SECOND ROW: Jeffrey Kerr, Sharon Hughes, Patricia Kopacs, Karen Klek, Pam Iorio, Cynthia Jackson, Tara Jenkins, Lucy Hutcherson, Teresa Langan, Jeffrey Kowalski. ST ANDING: James Kelly, Peter Kellogg, Steven Jackowski, William James, Mark Jacubowski, Dan Kelleher, James Jacobs, Karl Johnson, Lugene Kennebrew.

Stephanie Beddows

Bryan MacCormack Bottom Left/ IIF /FRONT ROW: Anne McClellan, Vicky Lucarella, Linda Mccarthy, Lona Marchetti, Beth Mc Manimon, Francis Longmuir, Joyce Lanier. SECOND ROW: Bryan Mc Grath, Dawn Mc Gowan, Katherine May, Jacqueline Martini, Bryan Mac Cormack, Amy Masonis, Anna Lieggi, Cynthia Marino, Donna Lawryk, Lisa Logan. THIRD ROW: Kathryn Lybarger, Karyn Lyons, David Luft, Harold Lanzoni, David Mac Donald, Scott Lee, James Locklear, John Lewis, Lenord Marcocci, David Liedtka, Stacy Madden, Elizabeth Lyons. 85

Top Left/llG/ SITTING: Richard Monacchio,Julie Meagher. SECOND ROW: Rowena Mendoza, Cynthia Novatkoski. THIRD ROW: Ellen O'Shea, Christine Moran. STANDING: Joseph Mudd, Raymond Micharski, John Nalbone, Gary Nolan, Gregory Nalbone, Christopher Narlis, Gavin O'Connor, Melanie Nosal. Top Right/llG/SITTING: Kara O'Donnell, Joanne Mule, Lisa Moody, Lisa Morgan, Barbara O'Grady, Kathleen Moschera. STANDING: Paul Moehringer, Robert O'Hare, PauL Murphy, Mark Miller, Leonard Navarro, James Murray, John Morrison, Andrea Mulhearn. Bottom Right/llH/FRONT ROW: Kim Perry, Eric Piet, Lynn Ramsey, Nick Poveromo. BACK ROW: Ken Outlaw, Frank Reading, Dave Perlman, Randy Ponticiello, John Pachuta, Anthony Reres, Jeffrey Pergament, Paul Radford .


Top Left /llH/ FRONT ROW: June Perrone, Lisa Potts, Susan Peters, Teresa Pizzuti. BACK ROW: Erik Putzrath, Peter Plumeri, Charles Petrozzini, Anthony Poole, Edward Ranke, Rocky Panzitta, Darryl Reid, Christopher Poreda.

Joy Yoders

Middle Right/Ill/FRONT ROW: Janet Rice, Carol Serok, Anastasia Serpikov, Eileen Rogers, Kelly Scanlon, Lori-Lynn Saenz. BACK ROW: Margaret Seidenglanz, James Seliga, Ronald Sciandra, Gregory Schiavone, Cynthia Russert, Sharon Scipio. Bottom Left/Il1/FRONT ROW: Michael Schaffener, Stephanie Saunders, Patricia Sferra, Margaret Sabo, Janine Scimeca, Gina Riggi. BACK ROW: Debbie Runowicz, Denise Schaible, Rick R yczkowski, Jeffrey Revak, Pam Serock, Gina Ritter, Darren Rhym.


Top Right/llJ/FRONT ROW: Cynthia Siecienski, Lisa Soldati, John Sontag, Diane Sherer, Kent Sobran, Amber Sout, Tina Taylor. BACK ROW: John Sheehan, Christopher Szekeres, Robert Stemmer, Eric Smith, Mark Skodacek, Michael Shinal, Ted Stine, Christopher Tattory, Kelly Stewart, Mary Shin. Middle Left/llJ/FRONT ROW: Christine Spitzer, Tracy Springer, Anne Smith, Karen Skwara, Charyl Szalwinski, Frank Sobon. BACK ROW: Deidre Sheehan, Ashish Singh, Robert Szedula,John Soden, Ronny Tani, Joe Sorento, Richard Steck, Chris Smith, Michael Sincoski, Lynne Szanti. Bottom Left/11K/FRONT ROW: Cynthia Turek, Christopher Walton, Steve Zolteck, Joseph Zdanowicz, William Thorne. CENTER ROW: Stuart Tryon, Robert Thomas, Craig Williams, Cary Vogt, Steve Wenczel, Steve Wetzel, Sal Traina. BACK ROW: Linda Williams, Maureen Weaver, Cynthia Wooding, Nancy Valari.

Steve Wetzel 88

Top Left/11K/SITTING: Christopher Tousley, Elizabeth Trus, Christine Zeis, Rose Totaro, Russell Totaro. STANDING: Michael Walsh, Joy Yoders, Anthony Tezsla, Lisa Witkowski, Michael Wargo, Christine Toewe, Eric Wells,

Robert O'Hare

Middle Right/IlL/SITTING: Mary Suro, Lisa Tranter, Bonnie Gulick, Lynne Rodeawald, Lisa Pitonyak, Susan Schultz, MaryAnn Fasoli. STANDING: Randy Baily, Thomas Wisinski, John Tyner, John Rebbeck, Michael Ciccone, Robert Gocke, Matthew Kemp, Jeffrey Pierson, James Lopez.

Ammon Barksdale, Cary Vogt, Anthony Tezsla, Eric Wells



The year opened for the Sophomores on September 9. We showed our Sophomore spirit on Blue and White Day and at the Blue and White Dance. Our class was also represented at the Christmas Cotillion. Sophomore spirit day was on February 1. Our theme was "going Hawaiian" where free Hawaiian punch was given during lunch and " beachy" music filled the air. On school spirit day our color was red. We were successful in the pep rally losing to the seniors by only 2 points! March 25 was the Soph Hop which allowed all levels to attend . Our awards assembly was on June 6 following a trip to Great Adventure on June 1. It was a fantastic year for the class of '85.

Mary Beth Kilkenny Isn't she lovely ?

Mrs. Ivans plans with sophs. Jamie Lynch absorbed in his thoughts.


Spirited Soccer sophomores.

A glimpse into the past.


Student Government J. Lynch, Ed Chmara, Sue Copti, Renae Nix, Mary Beth Kilkenny.

Up for the spike.

Follow the bouncing ball.

In a trance.

Homeroom Representatives/ FRONT ROW: Julie Franceschini, Carmel O'Donovan, Elizabeth Tierno, Barbara Kulak. SECOND ROW: Dave La Rue, Marita Scarriotta, Lynn Evans, Michelle Raviola, Jane Betz, Sue Heller, Stacy Bell, Becky Cseh, Elizabeth Shirley. BACK ROW: Stephen White, Carleen Fritz, Cathy Burke, Steve Lyons, Chris Crowell, Kathleen Dey, Kim McNamara, Anne 91 Howard, Kathy Tammard.

Top Right/ lOA/SITTING FRONT ROW: Jane Betz, Candice Bendick, Renea Nix, Mary Beth Kilkenny. SECOND ROW: Mary Beaulieu, Stacy Bell, Valerie Baker. BACK ROW: Lauren Baier. STANDING FRONT ROW: Edward Chmara, Marion T. Archer II, Harold Adams, John Battle, James C. Lynch, Joseph Amari, Troy Bergstrom, Chris Alicks, Kevin Baxter, Robert Arnold, Michelle Arpin. BACK ROW: Robbie Bailey, Bill Barnum, Michael Bartolino, Joseph Battista. Middle Left/lOB/FRONT ROW SITTING: Jill Celentano, Althea Bogdan, Meaghan Cannon, Kathleen Brennan, Catherine Burke. BACK ROW STANDING: Thomas M. Buckley, Guy Calderone, Gregory Bock, Thomas Braun, Keith Blazic, John]. Buffin, Frank Candella.

Sean Poreda Bottom Right/lOB/FRONT ROW: Kathy Burke, Cathy Campbell. SECOND ROW: Jeanine Carfagno, Natalie Bridgewater, Caryn Carter, Lydia Berlinski, Elizabeth Cantwell, Fran Camerino BACK ROW: Joseph Buni, Glen Caldwell, Jerry Bryson, Brian Breza, Jeff Brown, David Butera.


Top Left/lOC/FRONT ROW: Dominick Constantini, William Connelly, Chris Crowell, Joseph Charyk, James Coyle, Bridget Corrado, SECOND ROW: Theresa Challender, Janet Cieslin, Donna Czyzewski, Frank Damroth. BACK ROW: Michael Costa, Paul Cerullo, Nick Cianfrano, Paul Charbonneau. Bottom Right/lOC/FRONT ROW: John Conboy, Darin Christensen, Barry Coles, Donald Davison, Norman Costello, Denise Cochran. BACK ROW: Cynthia Chickara,Janice Cunningham, Becky Cseh, Kathleen Comfort, Patricia D 'Arcy, Karen Ciskowski.

Rita Woods


------Theresa Noblejas

Michele Mingo

Top Right/lOD/FRONT ROW: David Fordetta, Michael Feldenzer, Michael Farrell, Amoury Dos Santos, Joseph Decker, John Erndl, Mark Diresk, BACK ROW: Sonja Deason, Lori Farrands, Dawn Emde, Lynn Evans, Andrea Dixon, Kathleen Dey. Middle Left/lOD/FRONT ROW: Jennifer Faulkner, Claudia Di Cario, Kathleen Draper, Lisa Eible. BACK ROW: Denise Farina, Robert Drake, Karen Dey, Michelle Delre, Susan Del Monte, Peter Fabian, Adelaide Emmett, Agatha Dzikiewicz. Bottom Right/lOE/BOTTOM ROW: SITTING: Susane Ann Francis, Lisa Franzoni, Mollie Grimes, Paula Gawroski, Rachel Gersten, Lisa Frock, Shelly Goehring. Top Row /lOE/ STANDING: Greg Giovancchini, Drew Giancarli, Mark Grygon, Chris Giovannetti' Catherine Renee Funderburg, Megan Guggenbickler, Chris Garruba.


Denise Cochran

Linda Hirthler

Top Right/lOE/BOTTOM ROW: Michelle Grubb, Cheryl Grosso, Stephanie Grayson, Patricia Gorman. MIDDLE ROW: Carleen Fritz, Clare Grala, Arlene Gutierrez, Karen Grussler, Julie Franceschini. TOP ROW: Stephen Fondots, James T. Fife Jr., Thomas Gavin, Richard Gardner. Middle Left/lOF/FRONT ROW: Selina Haynes, Vincent Immordino, Kimberly Harris, Peter Janora, Stacey Harrison, KevinJones, Dawna Hughes. STANDING: Carin Jenner, Donna Hoas, Susan Joy, Ann Howard, Cynthia Jacobs, Linda Hirthler. Bottom Left/l OF/FRONT ROW: Robin Hayes, Kathleen Holub, Lisa Haller, Beth James. BACK ROW: Denise Januzzi, Eric Johnson, Mike Jennings, Leon Hunt, Amy Jo Henry.


Top Right/lOG/SITTING: Pamela Layton. FRONT ROW: Michael Keefe, Kellie Keirn, Theresa Liedtka. CENTER ROW: Jerry Keegan, Kristin Kiefer, Cathy Kite, Kimberly Kusek. BACK ROW: Thomas Kale, Shawn Leach, Janine Kopacz, Diane Krawczun, Cheryl Kochis, Tom Kondash. Middle Right/lOG/FIRST ROW: Simone Lee, Cheryl Lowe, Suzanne Lopez, Angie Koukousas, Kathy Krawczyk, Colleen Kerr, Michael Kovacs. SECOND ROW: Barbara Kulak, Cindy Kostrezewa, Diane Lipcsey, Samantha Kaminker, Karen Kubin. BACK ROW: David Kitchen, Richard LaRue, Scott Loney, Peter Kusenko.

Jerry Keegan

Top Left/l0I/FRONT ROW: Charlene Murphy, Beth Mosner, Joann Miller, JoAnn Piazza, Carmel O'Donovan. BACK ROW: Tricia Moran, Wayne Norton, Ralph Picone, Brian O'Reilly, Mari Nitti, Tim O'Sullivan, Joseph Panzitta, Michael Milazzo, Michelle Morgan. Middle Right/101/FRONT ROW: Diana Mulryne,Jill Pierson, Philip Pagliaro, Linda Pandolph. BACK ROW: Tonya Outtene, Eric Myers, Elaine Monteleone, Joseph Murphy, Kristina Moehleisen, Patrick O'Rourke, Joellynn Monahan, Ron Pierson, Teresa Noblejas.

Kathy Tammaro Bottom Left/l0H/FRONT ROW: Michael Lugossy, David Marczak, Mark McTamney. BACK ROW: Stephanie Mahler, Karen Martini, Lisa McCann, Jeanae Mazzone, Christine Mahony, Steven Lyons, Stephen Magyari, Stephen Migliacci. PAGE 96, Bottom/l0H/FRONT ROW: Kim McNamara, Dana Matlock,Jacqueline Martinez, Carmela McLeod, Katie McCabe. BACK ROW: Sean McCullough, Mario Mazzuca, Lowell Lybarger, Greg Mc Donald, Michael McCloud, Anthony McLaughlin, Pat McGuiness.


Top Right/10J/SITTING: Jeffrey Rick, Christine Pushman, Fred Poblete, Topi Reed. ST ANDING: Mariola Pietranik, Mary Kay Redmond, Loredana Pugliese, Harvey Roettinger, Sean Poreda, Richard Radice, Joseph Povia, John Pinto. Middle Leftl 10JI SITTING: Michelle Potocki, Pam Rice, James Revak Maggie Rhoads, Michelle Raviola, Denise Roberts, Jeff Powell. BACK ROW: James Porcelli, Loretta Reed, Brigid Quinn,Jennifer Ravenel, John Rocco, Walter Pluznyk, Robert Ponticello, Mark Renzi, Thomas Pushas.

Da vid Marzcak

Bottom Right/10K/SITTING: Patricia Sheehan, Heidi Schwab, Jill Rowley, Tammy Scarpaci, Michelle Santello. MIDDLE ROW: Elizabeth Shirley, Susan Sikorski, JoAnn Smith, Jana Sawinski. SECOND ROW: Chris Russin, Chris Rossell, Mike Shurgala, Vince Serock, Mark Sagarese. BACK ROW: Elizabeth Shirley, Susan Sikorski, Joann Smith, Jana Sawinski.


Top Left/10L/FRONT ROW: John Stipe, Philip Theonnes, Elizabeth Tierno, Maria Sparanga, Barbara Sosna, Gary Thomas, Denise Tomas. MIDDLE ROW: David Swan, Angela Stanzione, Maria Tashchuk, Erin Sullivan, Kathleen Tkacs, Katherine Tammaro, Helene Tancredi, Mary Sykes, Genevieve Tempone, Hannah Travers, Michelle Spottiswood. BACK ROW: David Uveges, Ben Tousley, Joseph Todaro, Daniel Tullai, Rudolf Thomas, Victor Thomas, David Soles, Michael Sontag, Monica Stockman, Carol Trippa, Emily Soto.

Middle Left/ 10M/ CENTER: Cheryl Williams. SIT TING: Riata Woods, Susan Varga, Sonja Vaughan, Julie Zorovich, Sharon Whitmore, Barbara Weglarz, Charise West, Susan Vescera, Cerellis Wimbush, BACK ROW: Michael Wiersbowski, Kevin Walczack, Robert Wesner, Christopher Walker, John Zygmont, David Warrick, James Vernon, Jerry Weber, Edward Wojtowicz, Kenneth Werger, Stephen White, Alfred Varrichio, Edwin Woodland, James Vardanega.

Bottom Left/ 10K/ SITTING: Diane Sikora, Susan Rojas, Marita Sciarrotta, Michelle Sebasto, Lori Sjedenlarczyk. BACK ROW: Joseph Serock, Kevin Sheehan, Paula Salewski, Kim Santarsiero, Terence Smith, John Sheehan, Richard Sech.

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Freshman serves up a storm.

Freshmen have a lot to learn.

Rowdy Frosh enliven Pep rally.

Battle for the Bacon.

This year, the class of 1986 experienced for the first time the special feeling of N.D. spirit. We showed our enthusiasm during Spirit Day, Blue and White Day and the dances that followed. Freshmen also participated in the school play which took place in March. Overall, the class of '86 was full of the pride and spirit traditional at Notre Dame. Jennifer Brest


Looking ahead.


Student Government: Thomas Miller, Stephanie Flores, Craig Coffee, Melina Mattia.

Eyeing the hoop.

Homeroom Representatives/ FRONT ROW: Sherri De Angelo. MIDDLE ROW: Pam Eli, Frances Faun, Chris Riggs, Marisa Fiorella, Chris Farley, Kelly Johnson. BACK ROW: Liz Carroll, Tammi McNamara.

En joying Chorus Class.

When you're number 4, you try harder. Freshman Moderator, Mr. William Romano.


Top Left/9A/FIRST ROW: Cindy Benedetti, Melina Mattia, Gina Aqualino, Denise Barrett, Denise Amrich, Sharon Barna. SEC0ND ROW: Kelly Arena, Sharon Barsczewski, Gail Anteola, Leslie Baier, Karen Barna. THIRD ROW: Scott Bayous, Robert Bakos, Matthew Beaulieu, Craig Coffey, Steve Ansley. BACK ROW: Vito Armenti, Kharl Alinea,].D. Arpin, Peter Barlow. Middle Left/ 9B/FIRST ROW: Mary Conley, Maureen Connolly, Elizabeth Carroll, Andrea Brown. SECOND ROW: Karen Bentivogli, Tammy Boiselle, Monica Brown, Francesca Candela, Carla Colletti, Joan Cook, Maria Bowling. BACK ROW: Steve Coltre, Levoy Bennett, Mark Brandbergh, John Carroll, Louis Bucchere, Hugh Burgess. Bottom Left/9B/FIRST ROW: Jackie Benner, Jenny Brest, Vanessa Bennet, Michelle Burns. SECOND ROW: Joyce Bartan, Susan Brady, BACK ROW: Patrick Burke, Thomas Cook, Thomas Caroll, John Byrne, William Bilancio, John Cassey.

Tara Mellody

Ann Marie 路 Hannawacker

Top Left/9C/SITTING: Karin Davall, Sherry DeAngelo, Kathleen Dineen, Elizabeth Corney, Theresa Evans, Bonnie Dowd. STANDING: Patricia Draper, Shelia Ellis, Scott Elliot, Kyle Emert, Michael Evanko, Frank DeFeo, james Erndl, Peter Downey, Pam Elie. Bottom Right/9C/SITTING: Peter Donnelly, Karen Eible, Denise Dromm, Bradley Degler. SITTING SECOND ROW: Anthony Corrado, Deirdre Donnely, Danielle Da Bronzo. BACK ROW: Deanna Dymowski, Tara Cucciiaro, Michele Czyzewski, Paula Dimarco, Paul D 'Angelo,jeffrey DeBastos,joseph Emde, Melissa Dilworth.

Larry Mihalko


Levoy Bennett

Top Right/9D/ SITTING: Maria Lourdes Garcia, Rocco Genovesi, Marisa Firello, Chris Farley, Lynn Feddish. STANDING: Christine Gatto, Todd Goering, Kristine Fanelli, Darrell Glaydura, Cheryl Fuges, Robert Folino, Greg Federico. Middle Left/9D/ SITTING: Matthew Gates, Lisa Gloeckner, Coleen Garrison, Michelle Farfalla,Jennifer Flansberg. Bottom Right/9E/ SITTING: Thomas Hedden, Kate Heitzman, Paul Henning, Donna Hulick, Mary Ellen Gore, Roger Hsiao. STANDING: Timothy Harris, Joseph Jackowski, Michael Hyleman, Steve Guarino, Eric Hartman, Jill Gutowski, Anne Hayden, Hector Gonzales, Jeanne Goubeaud.


Top Left/9F /FRONT ROW: Gregory Jones, Elizabeth Lloyd, Yolanda Krawtschenko, Nancy Leiber, Kyle M. Kent. MIDDLE ROW: Patricia Jordan, Tina Lewallen, James Lake, Michele Lawrence, Michael Lake, Amy Lettiere, Christopher Koval. BACK ROW: Verena Kansog, Kathy Lambiase, Donna Kubiak, Erica Kinczel. Middle Right/9F /FRONT ROW: Christine Johnson, Caroline Klepper, Jennifer Katz, Maureen Jennings, Valerie King. MIDDLE ROW: Tammy Kozlowski,John Lindstrand, Deon Lewis, David Kovacs, Keith Kemo, Brian Jones, HeidiMarie Kraemer, BACK ROW: de'Andria Kellam, Susan Kulvak, Monica Johnson, Joanie Lawlor. Bottom Left/9E/ Front Row: Mariann Hananwacker, Elizabeth Janczuk, Jennifer Goeke, Michelle James, Stephanie Flores.

Greg Federico


Top Right/9G/FRONT ROW SITTING: Marie Maiuro, Maureen Mesday. SECOND ROW: Laura Elizabeth Maty, BethAnn Lockwood. THIRD ROW: Lisa Marcocci, Amy MacCormack. STANDING LEFT: David Maurer, Richard Mauro, Steven Luciano, Joseph S. Marone, Melissa Marinnie, Tara Mellody, Christine Lyons. STANDING RIGHT: Anthony Matozzi, Michael Madia, Anthony Martillotti. Middle Left/9G/FRONT ROW SITTING: Regina Lynam, Riza Mendoza. SECOND ROW: Kellie Malloy, Kiev Matwijcow. THIRD ROW: Kathleen Messineo, Lori Migliaccio, Laura Meidenbauer. STANDING LEFT: Kevin Micharski, John Lyons, Henry Mazurek, John Marino, Gerald Matlock. BACK ROW: Jay Ludwig, Larry Mihalko, Christopher Maziarz. Bottom Right/9H/FRONT ROW: Colleen Morrison, Robert McGrath, Susan Molnar. BACK ROW: Suzanne Mochari, John McDonald, Thomas McQuade, Lisa Nobriga.

A freshman English class


James Lake

Top Left/9H/FRONT ROW: Mark Mulcahy, Kenneth Moore, Patrick Nolan, Peter Nolan,Jeffrey Mortensen, Terry McNiff. BACK ROW: Thomas McDermott, Tina McStravick, Lisa Mrochko, Sharon Mizer, Kristin McDonald, Tami McNamara. Middle Left /9I/FRONT ROW: Cathy Polizzi, Pamela Pfeifer, Jennifer Pergament, Lori Osif. BACK ROW: Scott Pirozzi, Claudine Rago, Patrick Redmond, Thomas Quinn, Scott Pullen, Frank Paulus, Adrienne Prassas, Francis Phan. Bottom Right/91 /FRONT ROW: Laura Persichilli, Stanley Pachucki, Susan O'Donovan, James Panzitta, Eileen O'Rourke. BACK ROW: Kelly Quinn, Courtney Ravenel, Spencer Person, Tim Paglione, Patrick Perrella, David Parsons, Mark Persichilli, Rick Plumeri, Francis J. Paixao, Helen Rebbeck.

Filomena Traina


Steve Ansley

Top Right/9J/FRONT ROW: Claire Reilly, Andrew Schroeder, Christina Riggs. BACK ROW: Thomas Scava, Sean Sheppard, John Seymour, Eric Schade, Wendy Scheidler, Mary Ellen Rhoads, Deidre Reilly, Maria Scandariato, John Saganowski. Middle Right/9J/FRONT ROW: Thomas Rullo, Evelyn Rodriguez, Sherry Sinta, Gina Sapnar, Kjan Jin Shin, BACK ROW: Laurie Safka, Kevin Serraf, John Ryan, Michael Reeger, Domminick Scavo, Patrick Scanlon, James Chin, Anthony Salvi, Michael Sefransky, Karen Sciandra. Bottom Right/9K/FRONT ROW: Joseph Suosso, Mary Ann Sallami, Sharon Sobon, Maura Smith, Anthony Siecienski. SECOND ROW: John Spinale, Dennis Stearle, Michael Sosna, Frank Simms, Paul Szekeres, James Scack. BACK ROW: Rosemary Smith, Lori Stoy, Amy Sparagna, Dina Spilatore.





Top Left/9K/FRONT ROW: Stacey Sutton, Jennifer Shirley, Kim Simon, Mark Siedlarczyk, Lisa Sibert. MIDDLE ROW: Elizabeth Tani, Torn Suro, Jim Sigler, Eric Tessein, Robert Taptich, Wilford Smith. BACK ROW: Sandy Terwilliger, Jennifer Testa, Lynnette Shinal, Tracy Sudol. Middle Right/9L/FRONT ROW: Kimberly Topper, Kimberly Wolff, Rebecca S. Wind. SECOND ROW: Melissa Toaldo, Valencia Tolbert, Kathy Wurzbach, Michael Collin Weng, Gary Torgeson, Roger Woo. BACK ROW: Torn Walsh, Helena Wronski, Denise Tozzi, Monica Varia, Deetra White. Bottom Left/9L/CENTER: Kimberly Zuczek. FRONT ROW: Filomena Traina, Deena Turi, Susan Lynn Webb, Jane Thoma, Christina Villa, Jennifer Vichioski. BACK ROW: Eric ). Tranter, John Thomas, Greg Zdenek, Keith Young, Chris Thomas, Christopher Wong, Joseph Yenanzi, Kurt Wilson.

Paul D'Angelo



This Space For

One of the newest additions to the Notre Dame community is the job-placement program. Under the direction of Mrs. Margaret Gribbin, this service is offered to alumni, students and even parents who desire employment. This program is geared toward finding full-time, part-time, and volunteer jobs for academic credit. The administration quickly saw the need for, and potential of, a comprehensive placement service on the high school level. In September' all incoming seniors are required to fill out an eligibility form. This provides an accurate pool of information about students desirous of obtaining employment. Employers in the area are becoming increasingly aware of the existence of the job-placement service at Notre Dame. Although the program is only in its second year, it is rapidly making an impact in Mercer County.


Commercial Development One of the unique advantages of Notre Dame is the school's association with the Mercer County V ocational- Technical School. MCVT adds another dimension to the school's curriculum by providing students with the opportunity to acquire a skillful trade. Students involved in this program leave ND midway through the day to engage in a variety of programs which include electrical construction, auto body repair, general building construction, commercial arts and cosmotology. In these programs, students receive excellent on the job training in the field of their choice from highly qualified instructors. The school also assists its students in finding employment after they have graduated from MCVT. This is an invaluable program for those ND students who have the desire and ability to pursue careers in these skillful occupations.

Michael DiDonato

Keeping N.D. Fit Notre Dame's Physical Education Department really concentrated their efforts on shaping up this year. Soccer and archery were the activities for the first marking period, and Mr. Dambro's 2nd period class was frequently spotted roughing the chilly autumn mornings. Second marking period gym classes were conducted amidst the volleyball nets. This winter, N.D. girls "got physical" with Mrs. Moore, as she taught the energizing aerobics classes, while the boys participated in basketball. Spring activities were softball and the President's Physical Fitness program. The students had an enjoyable, well-rounded year as they worked toward the goal of physical perfection. In addition to the Physical Ed. Department, Mrs. Tattory, our newly welcomed nurse, kept the rest of the student body feeling fine.



Hard Science


Soft Ware

In this highly technical world, a good mathematical and scientific background is essential. In the Mathematics Department at Notre Dame, there are various levels of study, starting with fundamentals math and working all the way up to Calculus. In the Science Department, freshman are introduced to the basics in physical science and progress to areas of study such as Biology, Chemistry and Physics. For the braver soul, there is the honors program. For the highly-motivated student these programs offer a challenge that is hard to refuse. Bernadette Moehringer



From Bible history to social justice to family life, the religious curriculum provides a thorough education in the Christian's role in the world. Because of the conflicting moral standards which have become part of our lives, we need the positive guidance which comes from religious studies. We learn that Jesus' teachings really can fit into our world; in fact, it is through our awareness of the world's problems and our subsequent actions that we can prove this hypothesis. With this in mind, the Religion Department sponsors a year-long "pennies for the hungry" drive in which all class levels donate their pennies to world -wide charities dedicated to the alleviation of world hunger. Also, senior service projects have become an integral part of the senior religion curriculum. Seniors have volunteered at Morris Hall, painted rooms for various organizations, volunteered to . work at a soup kitchen in Trenton, and through the Koinonia Club, have participated in socials for special children. 120 Margaret Tullai

Retold Providing a sound background in American History is a task which the History Department has taken on and accomplished. The department is made up of dedicated staff members who correlate projects, research, and audio visual materials, in order to arouse further interest in the classroom. In addition to the U.S. 1 and II courses, an Advanced Placement program is offered. These classes probe in depth both the foreign and domestic policies of our country's detailed past. Economics is also included as a part of both programs. Classes have spent time discussing the nation's present economic state, and what is being done to alter it. Due to the high calibre of the department, upon graduation, students feel that they have obtained a fine background in American History. Cindy Fless



Reading and writing are two of the most important skills we need to function in this world. Naturally, all of us know how to read, and many of us think we know how to write. In many of the English classes, the emphasis is on writing as well as reading. While students study different authors such as Poe and Hawthorne, they also study the essay, short story, novel and such. The grammar rules learned in English also apply to those of other languages. Every student is required to take two years of a foreign language. They can choose from Latin, Spanish, French and German. Exposure to a second language adds another cultural dimens ion to students previously unaware . Bernadette Moehringer

. 122

Many Tongues


Drawing Upon

From the simplest alphabets, through calligraphy, theory and design, right up to the organization of a portfolio',. the Art Department offers four progressive years of art training. Art students can be seen sitting at various locations throughout the school sketching people or things, diligently drawing the portrait of a student model, or carefully printing a passage in calligraphy. Whether students are interested in art careers or think of art as an avocation, it is certain that they have acquired a solid foundation through their study of art a N.D. N.D. is also quite proud of its strong Theater Arts Department. Under the direction of Mr. Richard Loatman, students are given an excellent training in drama, as is evidenced by the outstanding shows which are staged. Margare ....Tullai




Many Talents


Instrumental In

Both theory and practice are stressed in the music courses offered at N.D. In the basic Music Appreciation and Music Fundamentals courses, students gain a valuable overview of music. Through the indepth study of Music Theory, students learn about the complexities of music composition. Practical application of music theory is available through the N.D. Choirs, Studio Band, Concert Band and instrumental lessons, and the instrumental aspects of all styles of music are accented in the bands. Students who participate in these courses acquire excellent preparation for all of N.D.'s musical productions. Margaret Tullai


The School's Success


Let There Mr. John Grussler and his Media students could be found carrying slide projectors or rolling VCR equipped television sets to classrooms, building sets for theater productions, and videotaping students doing special projects for a class. Whenever there was a problem with a film projector or a television reception, Media students usually pushed the right button or turned the right knob to remedy the problem. The Media Department also provided an essential service for the Theater Arts Department by constructing sets for both the Student-Faculty Frolics and "Man of La Mancha." Through practical experience, A-V students were exposed to various facets of mass communication. Whether you stopped to find out your class rank, browse through some college catalogs, read about career options, drop off a last minute college application, turn in a schedule card, or discuss classwork or grades with your counselor, the Guidance Department staff was always available with information and help. As early as 7:50 each morning students came to the library to do last minute studying, to receive tutoring or to do some light research. Throughout the day, the library was occupied by shelf-browsers, those who are in need of reference materials, and students who gave up their lunch to do some more studying. The peaceful atmosphere and helpful staff members made the library a popular place to reinforce studies. Margaret Tullai

Sister Margaret Huley

Rachael Gersten tests the AU equipment.


Miss Eileen Lang was the newest member of the academic community at Notre Dame. As a specialist in learning disabilities, Miss Lang worked with the special problems of our students. She represents another dimension in our student services network, providing diagnostic testing and corrective

Sister Mary Josita

Be Light

Jeff Devenney reviews the application process with Sister Joachim. Miss Mary DePuglio reviews student records.

Mr. Grussler teaches the finer points of video technology.

Guidance Director Mr. Robert Bugdal.

Librarian Mrs. Cynthia Marchant.


The sun that has shone on Notre Dame High School for these past 25 years has cast a wonderfully precise and distinctive shadow. The image that the shadow portrays is one earmarked by the sign of a cross which stretches across a busy parking area each afternoon. The faith and committment signified by that cross reflect the primary purpose of Notre Dame High School during these silver yearsGod's gentle hand watching over the numerous students who have traversed this path. Can anyone question the shadow of love that has permeated the lives of teachers and students who have walked the halls of Notre Dame, a school dedicated to Our Lady? She followed in the footsteps and shadow of Christ and has called us to do the same. Knowledge follows closely by our side as the sun


extends our life and image through the wisdom reflected as one person touches another in learning. Utilizing the mind given to us in God's likeness, we honor and reflect the source of life. If the sun continues to shine, it will extend Notre Dame's shadow onto our gifts, abilities, and talents. Yes, to sing or dance or act or compete or play or speak allows one gift to regenerate another. Truly, my willingness to share not only extends God's gifts but perfects them. So let the sun continue to shine on Notre Dame High School and cast its shadow each day. God is with His chosen ones and as the shadow of the cross touches each day, remember the 25 years of His presence.





Susan Sellers John Singer

Ghouling around for the Blue 'N White.


Building school spirit

How about a nice Hawaiian punch?

Blue And White Day

Captain Kelly barks out commands

o Mrs. "B" shouts it out

Throwing out the anchor in 12A





Mouseketeers Ann Marie Sagarese, Sue Baldwin, Erin Dennehy, Kathy Murphy

Sue Sellers waits to compete.

Spirit Day builds concentration.

Sharon Czyzewski demonstrates Spirit Day hoopla.

Neil Bosche and Eric Canty set new standards for table manners. 138

Using the spirit to serve up a winner.


Rockers Paul Houston, Arlene Miller, and Nick Andreoli.

This is painful!

Rick Ryzckowski and Todd Evans faceoff.

Debbie Herbie and Kevin Heller.

Mr. Kelly pleads with the refs.


Victory is in the bag for Mr. Hochschild.

A colorful, enthusiastically executed Spirit Week was strategically scheduled after Mid -terms - and in the midst of a long winter term. The Freshmen dressed as their favorite sports personality, the Sophomores traveled to Hawaii, if only in their imagination, the Juniors spent the day "at the beach," and the Seniors brought the Fifties back to life. On the final day of Spirit Week, the entire schol participated in a unique pep rally. Freshmen wore green, Sophomores wore red, Juniors wore yellow, and the Seniors wore white, the effect of which was easily compared to a living Kaleidoscope. The entire N.D. community was honored, and the participants were the students and faculty. By cheering for their dass in contests such as volleyball, the obstade course, and basketball foul shooting, everyone recharged their spirit supply for the remainder of the year. Margaret Tullai

Love Frolics In

Priscilla Sapp serenades Lugene Kennebrew.

''I've got rhythm"

Joellyn and Renea on opening night.

"Kiss me you fooll"

Lona electrifies the stage. 140

Oh, what a night!

Song, Dance, And Skit

After hours of rehearsal, and weeks of hard work, the time had finally come. The students, faculty, and graduates had worked together to bring the enjoyment of the Frolics to all. Mr. Simon and Mr. Kelly fought over Mrs. Delaney in the "eternal love triangle" while Mr. Verdel made his surprise appearance in "Good Times". Andrea Truch and director Richard Loatman performed "Turn, Turn, Turn" and a mannequin stole Chris Mazzoli's heart in "Medley." The show's theme was time and the show ended with the entire cast singing "Our Time." Once again, the Frolics provided fine entertainment to the members of the Notre Dame community. Geraldine Oravsky Karen Sanford

Opening night at the Frolics.

John Ryan tells us what "misery is."

Kenneth Outlaw "takes it back."

"This One's for You," Mr. Dennehy.

Anthony Leone sets the sound for the Frolics. John Krall, Mr. Loatman, Andrea Truch perform "in turn".


Some frolic this turned out to be.

So this is what life is really like after high school?

Let's go to Barcelona.

The ND Gothic

Ain't we sweet

Move over Eric Clapton

I know that one!

Carmen Calderone & Tim Kowalski behind the limelight.




Much of Notre Dame's continuing success is due to the tireless efforts of the Parent's Club. Through various fundraisers and social activities, they provide both financial and moral support to the school. The monthly flea market provides needed revenue for the athletic program, while the harvest moon ball benefits the band and color guard. In addition, "Night at the Races" provides a generous payoff to the general fund. Notre Dame relies heavily on the dedication of the parents, and extends to them a heartfelt expression of gratitude.

Father Capanno makes a friendly wager with Mrs. Sykes.

Mrs. Fran Provonzano


Mr. Lawryk and Mr. Shinal

Mr. Sykes - last caU for bets.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack DiU work the mutuals.

Mayor Nerwinski and wife Phyllis lend a hand at the races.

Sisters of Mercy enjoy a night out in support of the parents.

Mr. Provonzano works the ivories.

Pat Cashel and Anna Fritz wait to place their bets.

Alice Nawrocik, Bev Klek, and Veronica Krawczun


Our International

Notre Dame's maintenance staff received an international addition last year with the arrival of Richard Stevens. A native of South Africa, Mr. Stevens was granted political asylum in 1981 , and is currently awaiting the extension of this status .to his wife and four children. Although ordained as a Dutch Reformed minister, Mr. Stevens has also taught at various universities in the areas of social justice and political theory. While working at Notre Dame, he is also finishing a doctoral program at Princeton Theological Seminary. His soft, intellectual features conceal a figure of committment and zeal. Imprisoned and tortured in his own country, Mr. Stevens is glad to have the freedom to lecture and write about the political situation in his homeland. Richard Stevens in his study.

The Steven's family at home in Mercerville.



The Notre Dame community has been enriched and enlightened by the addition of foreign students to the academic program . These students have acquired a richer taste of the American culture while informing American students of the various cultural differences. Coming from the countries of England, Australia' India, and Egypt, these students have been impressed by our educational system and our concern for the individual, while giving our cafeteria food less than ecstatic reviews. Yet, these students are very influential and important as they provide the diversity and uniqueness which allow for a more complete education and a broader perspective on life. Ashish Singh

John Singer Tuhina Chanda

Fiona Curtain

Dierdre Sheehan


National And Business Honor Societies One of the advantages of Notre Dame is the recognition of each individual's special talents and interests. The school encourages the development of these varied talents and interests through numerous clubs present within the school. While a very important requirement for admission to the National Honor Society is high academic achievement, students seeking admission must also be active in school and community activities, and be willing to perform other service projects. National Honor Society members act as student guides, ushers at Open House, and student tutors. They also conduct a Christmas Toy Drive which provides Christmas presents for needy children in our community. Through the various services it performs, the National Honor Society is an invaluable part of the N.D. community. The students who have been inducted into the National Business Honor Society have achieved superior grades in their business courses. Moderated by Mrs. Carolyn Peoples, this organizatio n recog nizes the accomplishments of students who see a business career in their future.

John Singer Margaret Tullai

National Business Honor Society

National Honor Society


Top Right/ National Business Honor Society/ FRONT CENTER: Moderator Mrs. Peoples. STANDING: Denise Yousko, Lynette Gioe, Donna Smith, Donna Genovesi, Cathy Brian. Middle Right/ National Honor Society / FRONT ROW: Kathy Murphy,Jackie D'Angelo, Erin Dennehy, SECOND ROW: Rose Picone, Anne Butrym, Patty Sfedko, Mary Bedard, Margaret Sabo, Stephanie Souza, Tracy Springer, Susan Foster. THIRD ROW: Anastasia Serpekov, Susan Palsir, Teresa Pizzuti, Joanne Faulkner, Claire Heitzman,Judy Brodowski, Carol Sewa, Cora Mitchell, Carol

Grygon. FOURTH ROW: Renee Czarnucezwicz, Anne Marie Sagarese, Cynthia Iwan, Felicia Sweeney, Cathy Breza, Lauren Greber, Azza Halim, Rafael Gary, Gerry Oravsky. FIFTH ROW: Barbara O'Grady, Christopher Kite, Joe Nolan, Eric Heitzman, Steve Harris, Robert Silvestri, John Singer' Robert Borden, Peter Bentz, Robert Cook, John Tattary, Jeffery Degler, Raymond Hsaro. BACK ROW: Sarah Enerson, Bernadette Moehringer, Theresa Dovgala, Susan Bal dwin, Katherine Hanak, Diane Runowicz, Carlene Jaruzsewski, Margaret Tullai, Karen Dey.

Language Honor Societies In order to be inducted into the French, German, Latin or Spanish Honor Societies, students must attain an A average in the first two years of their langage study, have a B average in their other courses and express a desire to continue studying the language beyond the required two years. Once they gain membership, they immediately become involved in planning special events such as the Roman Banquet and Language Fair. They contribute their bi-lingual talent to the Four Winds language pu blication and plan special trips designed to increase their knowledge of the culture of the country from which the language they study orginates. Furthermore, they tutor students who are having difficulty mastering a foreign language. The members of the foreign language honor societies are people who are interseted in making both themselves and the ND community more aware of the world around them.

Margaret Tullai

Latin Honor Society

German Honor Society

French Honor Society

Spanish Honor Society

Top Left/ Latin Hono: Society/FRONT ROW: Katherine Hanak, Janine Scimaker, SECOND ROW: Cynthia Iwan, Margaret Tullai, Ronald Mendoza, Rosita Santiago, Anne Butrym. STANDING: Susan Palsir, Michael Cerullo, Christopher Tattory, Mark Grygon, Carl Peters, Joseph Nolan. Moderator Stephen Pingree. Middle Left/ French Honor Society / FRONT ROW: Helen Skerratt, Michael Chiany, Azza Halim, Raymond Hsiaro, Cynthia Biache. MIDDLE ROW: Moderator Mrs. Mary DePuglio, Rose Picone, Lisa Sodati, Stephanie Beddows, Geraldine Oravsky, Julie Brown, Theresa Dovgala, Susan Baldwin, Kathy Murphy. BACK ROW: Kim Kiovsky, Leslie CollacelIe, Erin Dennehy, Margaret Sabo, Rowena Mendoza. Middle Right/ German Honor Society/FRONT ROW: Maureen O'Reilly,. MIDDLE ROW: Tracy Springer, Kathy Hanak, Pat Leidtka, Claire Heitzman, Stephanie Souza. STANDING: Darren Doherty, Dave Breller, Renee Czarnuszewicz, Eric Heitzman, Robert Russin. Bottom Left/Spanish Honor Society / FRONT ROW: Jacqueline D'Angelo, Sharon Czyzweski, SECOND ROW: Rose Picone, Maria Carrubba, Cora Mitchell, Sarah Enerson, Carlene Jaruszewski, STANDING: Barbara O'Grady, Martin Collins, Eric Putzrath, Mr. Joseph Poli, Jeff Degler, Rafael Gray, Lisa Lyons.


Although Notre Dame is primarily known for its athletic accomplishments, its academic excellence became apparent this past year with the success of the school's Rutger's Bowl Team. The squad, consisting of Katherine Hanak, Eric Heitzman, Rafael Gray,John Singer and alternate 路 Christopher Kite, competed against schools from throughout the state in what has become known as "the varsity sport of the mind." The students were questioned on numerous categories including science, art, sports? current events, history, geography, literature, mathematics, philosophy and general knowledge and were required to answer the questions with greater speed and accuracy than their opponents. The team proved very successful and advanced to the state finals. It was here that the team lost a close match to Chatham township, nevertheless finishing as the second best team in the state. Team members attributed !:h ~ ir succ :ss to the well rounded education they L:路; ed while attending Notre Dame and expressed t ~ Lt belief that future academic teams would continue in the proud Notre Dame tradition.

Rutg'ers Bowl, Math . League


John Singer

An enthusiastic Rutgers Bowl team.

One of the lesser known activities at Notre Dame is the Math League. The team is composed primarily of juniors and seniors who test their mental sharpness and mathematical knowledge against those of students in other CVC schools. The competed a number of times this past year, showing improvement with each new meet. Both the moderators and students alike are hopeful of continued success in the years to come.

John Singer


Mr. Spitz shows the team the excitement of knowldge.

FRONT ROW: Rafael Gray, Tuhina Chanda, Miss Barsky, Sue Breheney, Azza Halim, Joseph Thoennes. BACK ROW: Michael Chiang, Joseph Nolan, John Drake, John Singer, Thomas Dzomba, Eric Heitzman, Raymond Hsaio.

Key Club, Debate. Team

Leftl SITTING: Sharon Hughes, Samantha Kaminker, Dawna Hughes, Cheryl Lowe. STANDING: Chris Challender, Tom Dzomba, Christine Andruscewicz, Barbara Kulak, Pattie Gocke, Jennifer Hart, Mr. Spitz. BOTTOM LEFTI FRONT ROW: Ms. Anderson, Kim Topper, Colleen Garrison. Back Row I Mr. Lelii, Melinda Armenti.

The Notre Dame Key Club

The Key Club, under the dierction of Mr. Spitz, exists as a service organization. Through its many worthwhile service projects' it seeks to alleviate the suffering of the unfortunate in the community. Notre Dame's Debate team met with considerable success in 1982. Composed entirely of freshmen participants, the team managed early season victories over several CVC opponents. Competitive debates occur on the last Wednesday of every month throughout the year. Through the process of debate, students prepare for future careers in law, business and education.

The Notre Dame Debate Team

Kim Topper sharpens her technique.


Hibernian, Publicity Top Right/ The Hibernian/ FRONT ROW: Ken Outlaw, John Ryan, Barbara Kulak, Kathy Lund, Susan Sihorski, Michelle Santella. SEC0ND ROW: Mrs. Denise Gauvin- Tharney, Diane Sikora, Sharon Hughes, Maria Bowling, Theresa Nouahas, Mrs. Barbara Barski. THIRD ROW: Lisa Gloeckner, Agatha Dzikiewicz, Cheryl Kochis, Maura Smith, Lisa Eible, Kris Kiefer, Paula Salwiski, Michele Hileman, Joel. len Monahan, Denise Farina, Lisa McCann, Elizabeth Carroll, Colleen Kerr, Susan Francis, Mrs. Pat Gault. Middle Right/ The Publicity Committee/ BACK ROW: Susan Palsir, Diane Runowicz, Laurie DiFalco, John Singer, Sister Joachim, Susan Sellers, Mary Roland, Holly Scheidler, Leslie D'Agostino, Anne Smith, Erik Putzrath. FRONT ROW: Kathy Beitel, Helen Skerratt, Mary Bedard, Rose Picone, Katherine Hanak, Tuhina Chanda, Beth Lloyd. Bottom Left/ Publicity Runners/ John D'Angelo, Bryan McGrath, Lisa Moody, Louise DiFalco, Cathy Hubert, Karen Klek.



Hibernian Staff

This year's Hibernian proved to be innovative and progressive. Under the direction of Miss Barsky, Mrs. Gauvin -Tharney, and Mrs. Gault, the newspaper published an edition every four to five weeks and for the first time, was printed professionally by the Hartco Printing Company. The newpaper staff met once a week during the year, although extra time was required before deadlines. The paper's primary objective was to provide comprehensive, objective coverage of every aspect of school life, while allowing students with an interest in journalism to gain valuable experience in the field. Both the staff and moderators were confident that they would be able to produce ten issues this year and all were hopeful for continued progress in the future.

John Singer


Pu blicity Committee

Publicity Runners

Busi Business Bulletin, Writing Irish, Four Winds Top/Busi Business Bulletin/FRONT ROW: Mrs. Gribbin, Lisa Cifelli. BACK ROW: Lynne Szantai, Kelly Stuart, Robin Patterson, Priscilla Peloubet, Lynette Gioe. Middle / Writing Irish/ FRONT ROW: Janina Simaka, Margaret Sabo, Kathy Murphy, Erin Dennehy, Tuhina Chanda. SECOND ROW: Sarah Enerson, Agatha Dzikiewicz, Susan Francis, Judy Brodowski, Theresa Pizzutti, Rosita Santiago. BACK ROW: Joseph Thoennes, Stephanie Dinardo, Loredano Pugliese, Pattie Gocke, Kim MacNamara, Kris Mulheesan, John Singer, Cathy Burke, Renee Czarnuszewicz, Sue Baldwin, Lisa Eible, Kathy Lund, Ralph Gray. Bottom/Four Winds/ Jacqueline D'Angelo, Joseph Fagan, Helen Skerratt, Eric Putzrath, Robert Russin.

Busi Business Bulletin

Through the various wfltmg organizations, students practice the craft of writing. They help disseminate information about their particular interests' and in return receive advice about perfecting their writing skills. Susan Foster The Writing Irish

Four Winds


Ah, Yearbook! One of the most demanding activities incorporated into the extra-curricular program at Notre Dame is the yearbook. Unlike many of the weekly activities, yearbook involves daily participation as well as frequent weekend involvement. Yet, although it is time consuming, yearbook is one of the most rewarding activities, as it enables you to continually witness the successful products of your efforts unfolding before you. Under the vigilant guidance of Ms. Leonic and Mr. Lelii, planning for the 1983 Canticle began this past June. The results of this careful and methodical planning were organized and bound together to form the '83 yearbook. The actual production of the book was a tedious process which

occurred almost incessantly from September to March. The staff was composed not only of the yearbook class but of an after school staff which was added to facilitate the production of this year's special 25th anniversary edition. In fact , the phrase "yearbook is your life" came to have great meaning for numerous members of the staff. Yet, all those involved in the construction of Canticle '83 experienced a sense of pride and accomplishment at the sight of their finished work and at the thought that all the hard work, all the long hours, and all the late nights would not go unmarked.

John Singer

John Singer in a pensive moment.

Mary Burke: in search of lId's

• • "#A-:- ,~

... ......~~....... . .... ~

./ Kelly Balerna and Mary Ellen Everett check index.

Kim Elgrim organizes the "Yearbook

Margaret Tullai

Cora (cute as a bug's ear) Mitchell, layout editor.

Ellen O'Shea and Tina Cipriani layout the yearbook.

Felicia Sweeney and Steph Dinardo.

Joanne Faulkner and Kathy Murphy, business editors.

Bernadette Moehringer keeps track of copy.

Rejoicing over finished layout.



Koinonia Club

The Koinonia club completed another year of successful service to both the Notre Dame and local communities. Whether through. the entertainment of the elderly, the comforting of the sickly, or the socializing with very special children, the students involved in Koinonia attempted to live the teachings of Christ by aiding lonely and needy members of the community. This year was especially noteworthy in ' that it marked the expansion of Koinonia. The organization is now comprised not only of the basic service group, but of various special interest groups such as the storytelling and puppeteering clubs. The Storytelling Club , whose motto was "service through storytelling" was the most successful of these. Students performed dramatic readings and presentations of stories and performed them for a variety of audiences. he club's debut for over 75 educators at the annual luncheon of the New Jersey Reading Council was one of many successful perform~nces. Overall, Koinonia stresses the importance of service while enabling students to experience the special satisfaction and pleasure derived form Christian action. John Singer Judy Browdowski at the social.


Koinonia Club

Storytellers, Puppeteers

Puppeteers Club

Page 1 56/Top/Koinonia/FRONT ROW: Mary Jo Henger, Rowena Mendoza,Janine Scimeca, Angela Stanzione, Cynthia Novatkowski, Alice Hendrickson. SECOND ROW: Dawna Hughes, Diane Sikola, Evelyn Rodriguez, Debbie Herbe, Lisa Novembre, Tracy Springer, Katie Heitzman. BACK ROW: Lynda Hasbrouck, Kathleen Burke, Terry Challender, Lisa Moody, Kathy Moschera, Anastasia Serpekov, Elizabeth Del Monte, Rick Ryczkowski, Cathy Burke, Denise Schaible, Carol Trippa, Barbara O'Grady, Karen Klek, Patty Sheehan, Cathy Hubert. Page 156/Bottom/Koinonia/FRONT ROW: Rosemarie Picone, Lisa Soldati, Christie Zeis, Theresa Pizzuti, Peggy Sabo, Anne Marie Sagarese. SECOND ROW: Judith Brodowski, Sharon Hughes, Sarah Enerson, Stephanie Dinardo, Sister Carol J., Susan Palsir, Kathy Hannk, Claire Heitzman. BACK ROW: Erin Dennehy, Kathy Murphy, Chris Challender, Rose Totaro, Ed Demski, Pattie Gocke, Renata Czarnusczewicz, John Singer, Sue Sellers, Mary Roland, Eric Heitzman, Diane Runowicz, Holly Scheidler, Terry Dovgala, Sue Baldwin, Tuhina Chanda. Page 157/Top/Puppeteers Club/ Ralph Gray, Joseph Thoennes, Eric Heitzman, John Singer, Joseph Nolan. Page 157/Middle/ Storytellers Club/ FRONT ROW: Stephanie Saunders, Lisa Krawczun, Delphinia Hilton. SECOND ROW: Sheila Jones, Chris Challender, Sue Francis, Anne Marie Sagarese, Rosita Santiago, Debbie Herbe, Lisa Cipriano, Christine Pushman. BACK ROW: Angel Mariano,Jackie Wood,Jane Betz, Karen Dey, Lisa Frock, Mrs. Salcewicz, Derek Davis, Lisa Lyons, Loredana Pugliese, Colleen Berryman, Ian Cheewah.

Storytelling Clu b

Storytellers enjoy a break from performing. Lisa Krawczun and friend


Games Club/Top: BACK ROW: Kharl Aliena, Chris Hart, Joe Nolan, Erik Piet, Vince Panelli, Eric Heitzman, Raymond Hsiao. MIDDLE ROW: Bob Folino, Michael Safranski, Francis Phan, Mike Commine, Joe Thoennes FRONT ROW: Ralph Gray, Sheila Jones, Brian Baily, Rob Sedula, Mr. Hochschild Middle/BACK ROW: Angel Mariano, Howard Stipe, Charles Schulz, Mike Fitzpatr"ick, John Singer, Tom Dzomba, John White, Dave Warrock, Kurt Harendza . MIDDLE ROW: Stephanie Saunders, Cora Mitchell, Kim Kiovski, Tuhina Chanda, Jackie Wood, Sharon Hughes, John Megyesi FRONT ROW: Paris Inman, Phil Pagliard, Michael Chiang, David Le Rae Bottom/BACK ROW: Joe Decker, Steven White, Ken Werger, Bill Connolly. FRONT ROW: Phil Pagliard, Michael Farrell, Eric Hartman, Francis Paixao

Computer Games, Dungeons And Dragons

Games and Computer Club

Games and Computer Club

Many of N.D.'s students met weekly during the year to engage in various games of skill and to experiment with and learn about computer programming. Students developed both their imaginations and their programming skills under the moderation and instruction of Mr. Fred Hocl}schild. Many members, already knowledgable I, assisted beginners in mastering the basic elements of bridge, chess, Dungeons and Drag0ns' as well as computer programming. Now in its third year, the Games and Computer Club has become as established N.D. activity. John Singer


Dungeons and Dragons Club

Liturgical Choir, FBLA, Science Behind Life, Photography F .B.L.A./BACK ROW: Michelle Downey, Donna Smith, Debbie Herbe, Priscilla Pelabout, Lynette Gioe, Denise Yousko, Joanne Faulkner, Lucy Amendola, Tess Sola, FRONT ROW: Michelle Zegarski, Cora Mitchell, Jackie D'Angelo, Mrs. Peoples, Cathy Bryant, Liturgical Choir/ ST ANDING: Sr. Daniel, Marita Sciarotta, Tami McNamara, John Krall, Joellyn Monahan, Denise Mulligan, Susan Kulak, Elizabeth Tierno SIT TING: Jack Pinto

Future Business Leaders of America

Liturgical Choir

Photography Club Photography Club/BACK ROW: Holly Scheideler, John Elias, Greg Nalbone, Bob Totaro, Mary Bedard, Golda Villa MIDDLE ROW: Kim Lyons, Maria Bogda, Rose Totaro, Mary Roland FRONT ROW: Mrs. Riley Science Behind Life/BACK ROW: Harold Lazoni, Eric Piet, Michael Chiang, Mike Fitzgerald, Raymond Hsaio, Russ Totaro, Angel Mariano, Michael Farrell FRONT ROW: Lisa Novembre, Rose Totaro, Chris Challender, Tuhina Chanda

Science Behind Life


Student Athletic Staff, Weightlifting Club

The members of the Notre Dame Ski Club donned their down vests and headed first to Bolton Valley, a post -exam expedition. Contemporary condominiums accomodated the rowdy ND skiers who en joyed the beautiful, snowy surroundings. The club moderator was no other than Father Hughes, known as 'Jean-Claude." Club officers included Bob Cook, President, Anthony Serafine, Vice-President, Jeff Degler, Treasurer, and Christie Zeis, Secretary. Although our area lacked a white blanket this past year, the Ski Club ventured north to find their paradise. Cindy Fless

Ski Club officers with Father Joseph Hughes, moderator.

Student Athletic Staff Top/Ski Club Officers/ Robert Cook, Christie Zeis, Father Joseph Hughes, Jeffrey Degler. Middle/Student Athletic Staff/ FRONT ROW: Stephanie Saunders, Maura Smith, S. Brownswell, Valencia Tolbert. SECOND ROW: Andrea Brown, Terry Harper, Robyn Capes, Mr. Ardery, Lauren Greber, Andrea Mulhearn, Sheila Jones, Monica Brown. BACK ROW: Melissa Marinny, Deetra White. Bottom/Weightlifting Club/FRONT ROW: Anthony Poole, Edward Wojtowicz, SECOND ROW: Vito Armenti, Michael Redmond, Mike Evans. BACK ROW: Mr. Dunn, Christopher Tousley, James Jacobs, Richard Stec, William James, Jim Locklear.


Weightlifting Club

Ski Club .

Ski Club Underclassmen

Ski Club Upperclasยงmen


323 324 223 224 123 124

Check Them Out

The newest addition to Notre Dame's numerous clubs was the Ice Hockey Club which was established under the guidance of Mr. Mike Jennings. Although losing their first three games, the club turned itself around and upped its record to 4-4. The club was led by high scorers Pete Jenora, John Battle and JuLio Franco. The games were played at the Mercer County Rink, either after school or during the wee hours on Sunday morning. Since all but one of the members will be returning next year, the club is looking foward to success in the future. Bernadette Moehringer



The Band Echoes

Mr. Lettiere pins ÂŁlowr on daugher Dani.

The Honor Guard

Top Left/Danielle Lettiere and Mr. Lettiere. Top Right/Courtney Ravenal, Rosita Santiago, Monica Varia, Cheryl Kochis. Middle/FRONT ROW: Lynnette Shinal, Stephanie Souza, Claudia DiCarlo, Anne Seifert, Michelle Grubb. SECOND ROW: Patrick Perrella, Kellie Malloy, John Megyesi, Kevin Heller, Christopher Rossell, Patricia Downey, Joanne Smith, Jeffery Rago, Joseph Bezek, Caryn Carter, Patricia Gorman. Bottom/Theresa Grochala, Denise Mulligan, Barbara O'Grady, Melissa Dilworth, Debra Herbe, Donna Kowalewski, Christy Mahony,Jennifer Ravenal. The Woodwinds


The Color Guard '

Irish Pride Under the direction of our musical taskmaster Mr. Joseph Biancosin and with the invaluable help of drill designer Paul Brezan and guard instructor Jim Brezan, the 1982 -83 .0. marching unit began preparing for a demanding ~rching s.eason last summer. Every Monday night the band worke on musical precision, while the color guard and drill team perfected ew ,Skills. Then, at the end of August, we attended band camp, two ieks of aclling feet, sore lips, sunburned noses, short tempers, sw ~ ~. osquito bites, and concentrated drill study. After school starte ctices were held three times a was spent fIne tuning our week and often on weekends. music, marching formations, rifle work, and our "swing" dance. All of this hard work did not ~;tlQJrew'ardled. Under the guidance of our charismatic conductor , along with drum majorette Ellen McClain and Susan Kulak, the N.D. marching unit set the fIeld afIre halftime with original drill work, a powerful sound, and and rifle work.. We carried our special style to well, placing second at the Lenape at the Triton competition. We were the Tournament of Bands Eastern fInals, for the N. D. marching unit. ere 'ustifIably proud of our At the end ot",marChllH! ~ ,,<-_~........ , .•overall performance, -;a;; nJ;~rooaanriwa~~-.t:~ even greater honors and recognition in the futu ·e. Margaret Tullai Barbara and Lugene swing to "Sing, Sing Sing."

The Drill Team Bottom Left/FRONT ROW: Ted Stine, Lowell Lybarger, Debra Sobon, Kathryn Lybarger, Patrick McGuiness, Drew Bowker, Craig A. Hayes. SECOND ROW: Michael Weng, Mar garet Tullai, Michael Shinal, Harry Ravenal, Pe ter Downey, Greg Zdenek. MIDDLE: Andrea Dixon, Cynthia Biache, Talayia Barksdale, Catherine Funderburg, Kathleen Messineo, Kathryn Lund, Rosita Santiago, Karen Walsh, Kimberly Kusek, Tina Taylor, Lynn Ramsey, Denise Cochran, Jean Goubeaud , Kathy Rooney.

T he Brass Section


In Sync

A pretty smile from Stephanie during Homecoming.

Testimony to our fine year.

The Percussion Line

Top Left/Stephanie Souza and Mr. Souza. Top Right/Ellen McClain, Lugene Kennebrew, Mr. Biancosino, Susan Kulak. Middle/FRONT ROW: Danielle Lettiere, Marie Mairo, Amy Lettiere,Jennifer Faulkner, Anne Hayden. SECOND ROW: Thomas Miller, Giselle Berry , Gary Nolan, Mark Chianese, Donna Lawryk, Matthew Beechhold. Bottom Right/Melissa Dilworth, Theresa Grochala, Donna Kowa1ewski' Christy Mahony,Jennifer Ravenal, Elizabeth Tierno, Denise Mulligan.


Dancers entertain 25th Anniversary crowd.

With Success

Rosita and Lori peek through flags at Blue and White Day pep rally.

Matt acts as our metronome for "Sing, Sing, Sing."

Lugene leads the band in a song during the Blue and White Day pep rally.

Susan dazzles the crowd during a half time performance.

A spirited salute from Ellen and Lugene.


Irish Pride

Cindy Fless is congratulated by Father Hughes at Homecoming

FRONT ROW: Cathy Seidenglanz, Cathy Breza, Teresa Pizzuti, Jill Maira, Claire Heitzman SECOND ROW: Cindy Fless, Judy Brodowski, Christy Zeis, Sue Peters, Jacquie Martini THIRD ROW: Sue Zeis, Tracy Springer, Leslie Colacello BACK ROW: Donna Genovesi

Cin y Fless

Jill "CJ." Maira - Cheerleader in disguise 170

Is Smiling

"Coolsk" Senior Cheerleaders get a kick out of practice. Tracy Springer is moved by "Eye of the Tiger."

Homecoming honors for Senior Cheerleaders.

).v. cheerleader Sue Conti. Lisa Novembre, Lynda Hasbrouck, Donna Czyzewski, Mollie Grimes, Renee Nix, Michelle Ravioli, Mana Sparagna, Rowena Mendoza, Sue Conte.


Rushing To Catch Success

Notre Dame's footban team enjoyed one of its finest seasons ever this past year with a ecord oj: 8-2. The team, under the direction of Coach "Chappy" Mo re was led by all area standouts Keven Wortham and Steve Twamley. The team displayed an explosive offense, rushing for the most yards in the county, and an impenetrable defense, lead in the county in interceRtions an ewest points allowed. Although sufferin a tough defeat to Holy Cross in the state playoffs r Notre Dim '5 foot all team finished thl r arkable eason as both ve champs a the num er on~ team in Mercer County, continuing the pro d tradition of N.D. athletics.

And he's back for the pass.

Senior varsity members

Reach for that ball!



Marty and Paris take a break.

Strange signals from Dan and Todd.

Todd Evans


'---- .-------i----------..

N .D . Varsity Football Team

Captain Lisnak A sly look from Steve.

Varsity Football Team-FRONT ROW SITTING: Ammon Barksdale,John Convoy, Anthony McLaughlin, James Coritz, James Lynch, Edward Wojtowicz, Thomas Quinn, Brian McGrath, Mark McTamney, Christopher Tousley, Sean McCullough, Robert O'Hare, Ben Tousley, Todd Dobbins, Richard Radice, Jeff Powell, Chris Crowell, Greg Shiavone. MIDDLE ROW: John Rocco, Greg Giovacchini, Brian Breza, Keith Blazic, John D'Angelo, Stuart Tyrone, Ronald Sciandra, Wayne Norton, Steve Twamley, Keven Wortham, Joseph Lisnak, Eric Johnson, James Jacobs, Richard Craig, Michael Derry,James Porcelli, Daren Doherty, Anthony Tezla, Dan Hayes. BACK ROW: Managers: Andre Lewis, Heidi Lantier, Davina Crossland, Lisa Ballard, Ken Weingartner, Mark Coffee, Anthony Poole, Paris Inman, Carl Grala, Marty Ford, Kyle Moore, David Liedtka, Michael Redmond, John Mc Kee, William James,James Murray, Darren Rhym, Michael Wargo, Mark Jakubowski, Richard Stec, Lance Brown, Leon Hunt, Ezekiel Fleming, Nick Martini. 175

o 13

o 7


o ).V. Record: 3-4-1 Freshman Record: 9-0

Coaches and Captains

].V. players make their entrance. Jim Jacobs and Keven Wortham


Grinding down the gird iron

First and ten.

Homecoming finalists

Their Royal Highnesses -Maria Bogda and Ed Demski

Finalists await winner.

Scepter and crown for Ed Demski.

Past Queens come home.

l-Iomecoming Queen Maria Bogda


Achieving High Goals

The boys varsity soccer team had a remarkable season this year. They tied Ewing for the CVC title, lost a tough match to Steinert in the Mercer County Championship, and tied Don Bosco Prep for the state championship. They finished the season with the best record both in N.D. history, and in Mercer County (20-3-2), and had a final ranking of 7th in the state. Mr. Perone, who was named coach of the year, coached a fine season and a brilliant team. Eugene Keegan generated the offense, while Kevin Nerwinstri Dave Valeri, and Chris Tattory were outstanding on defense. John Tattory and Mario Cortina also did a fine job controlling the middle. Goaltender Bob Cook, had an excellent season, and was a major factor in the team's success. Six players were named to area teams, and of those, three were named to state teams. Overall it was the players' warm friendship and closeness which gave them their well- deserved success. Tim Biesiadecki

Brian Fallon displays his fine corner kick style.

Introducing the starting line-up before the Mercer County Championship.

Coach of the Year, M ike Perone. Senior Varsity Members/FRONT ROW: Kevin Nerwinski, Dave Valeri, Dan Freeman, Tim Biesiadecki, Rob Cook, John Tattory. BACK ROW: Ron Kopec, Mario Cortina, Anthony 178

<;: o . n C; ~ o

c .. ~ o ~ o

V O A ~n ~

<;:" 0.,0 U n •• ;"

To CC T"'\ o~ l o .

"Let's Boogie!"

Leading scorer, Eugene Keegan, pressures Steinert goaltender.

The Boys' Varsity Soccer Team/FRONT ROW: Jeff Degler, Drew Fallon, Marty Kochell, Dan Freeman, Mario Cortina, Chris Tattory, Anthony Serafine. BACK ROW: Coach Mike Perone, Brian Fallon, Rick Rychowski, Kevin Nerwinski, Tim Biesiadecki, Rob Cook, Steve Harris, Dave Valeri, Eugene Keegan, John Tattary, Ron Kopeck, Coach Dave Williams.

Boys Varsity Soccer Scoreboard


N.D. 4 4 3

9 1 2

4 2 2

4 0 2

8 1


3 2 1 2

4 One of the few that got through goalie Bob Cook.

Nottingham Hightstown Trenton McCorristin Ewing Hamilton Lawrence West Windsor Hopewell Princeton Hightstown Steinert McCorristin Ewing West Windsor Lawrence West Windsor Ewing Hopewell Princeton Final Record: 20-3-2

0 1 2 1 ~2-

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1



Wins To

Playing the field.

A crafty corner from Kris Veale.

A strong boot from Kathy Tammaros.

Conferring with the coach.


Now we smile; wait 'til after the game.

Practicing on the sidelines.

Left/Girls Varsity Soccer Team/ FRONT ROW: Stephanie Flores, Carmel O'Donovan, Bridget Corrado, Susan O'Donovan, Coach Sandra Koschek, Lisa Salmestrelli, Diane Kelly, Kristina Veale, Stephanie Mahler. BACK ROW: Amy Masonis, Julie Meagher, Debbie Bannister, Debbie Runowicz, Monica Stockman, Colleen Flynn,Joanne Ranke, Theresa Liedtka, Karen Dey, Diane Runowicz, Nancy Hines, Julie Franceschini, Assistant Coach Mimi Paixao. Girls' Varsity Soccer Team

Bridget Conboy keeps stats.

Going for the goal.

Lisa Moody gets down.

Interest on the sidelines


Goal Diggers

The 1982 field hockey season was one of transition for the Irish. Inexeerience and in juries plagued the tearp early in the season, but the spirit of the team was not defeated. Outs anding performances were given by senior erry Dovgala, juniors Kathy Allen, Lisa Morgan and Laurie Holsneck, and freshman Sharon Sobon. All-Mercer honors wer...e given to Kathy Allen( first team ) and Lisa Morgan ( second team). Lisa Tomlin

Dressed for action

).V. Field Hockey Team/ SITTING: Beth Corney, Mary Hannawaker, JoAnn Piazza, Jeannie Carfagno, Karen Martini. MIDDLE ROW: Gina Sapner, Chris Garruba, Kathleen Comfort, Theresa Evans, Marybeth Janis, Gina Aquilino, Denise Barrett, Christine Gatto, Christina Villa, Angela Stanzione. ST ANDING: .Maggie Rhoads, Clare Grala , Lisa Haller, Diane Sikora, Jane Thomas, Jill Rowley, Jennifer Goeke, Cathy Schroth, Nancy Valeri, Cathy Hubert, Michelle Burns, Coach Margaret Rovello.


Lisa Morgan sets for a save

J. V. Field

Hockey team

Laurie Holsneck dribbles downfield .

Mrs. Major plans the strategy

Concentrating on the game

Senior members have a goal in life The heat of competition Varsity Field Hockey/ FRONT ROW: Terri Langan, Lisa Tomlin, Lynn Evans, Kelly Kiem, Mary Hannawacker, Sharon Sobon, Susan Madden, Mary Bedard, Leslie Stoy. BACK ROW: Lisa Morgan, Theresa Dovgala, Laurie Holsneck, Cynthia Russert, Gretchen Guender, Denise Schiable, Kathy Allen, Carlene Fritz, Car01 Trippa, Margaret Siendenglanz, Diane Olech, Coach Barbara Major.


Running Ahead Of The Competition / This year's cross country team was one of the best ever. The girls' team had an outstanding season, winning the CVC championship, placing second in the Mercer County Championship, taking third in the Parochial A State Championship, and participating in the Meet of Champions. The girls ended this terrific season with an 8-1 record and ranked 10th in the state. In addition, the entire Varsity squad was named to the All- Mercer te m. he boys' team also had a fine year, finishing with a record of 14-6. Led by XU-County stars Chris Breimann and Carl Powell, the cross country team displayed dedication and hard work in achieving their numerous victories. The team attributed much of its success to Coach Dave Hoch, who made all the pain and work worthwhile.

Kim Kiovsky

Just a few more miles.

Another victory for Chris Breimann.

No shortcuts to success.


Prelude to victory.

ND-ready to run from the Tigers.

Holmdel, here I come.

Hey, wait for me!

N.D. Cross Country Team/FRONT ROW: Maura Smith, Vanessa Bennett, Linda Hirthler, Trina Foy, Michelle Morgan, Kim Kiovsky, Sue Foster, Janet Geslin, Melanie Nosal, Sue Tejeski, Sonja Vaughan. SECOND ROW: Ken Moore, Chris Wong, Steve Lyons, Tom Puskas, Chad Cassamento, Frank Sobon, Tom Kondash, Greg Coats, Ron Mendoza, Peter Bentz. BACK ROW: Coach Dave Hoch, Mark Klosinski, Victor Poretti, Greg Hughes, Dan Kelleher, Joe Fagan, Christopher Breimann, Peter Kellogg, Bob Lyons, Carl Powell, Joe Murphy, Bob Ponticello, Joe Charyk, Jim Barrett.

The 1982 Cross Country Team

Rob "Mookie" Lyons conquers the hill.



Well, she ran her best time.

Sonja gracefully breaks the tape.

Melanie and Kris in the lead again.

Charisse hurdles herself into another plane. Bottom Right/FRONT ROW: Kecia Smith, Laura Persichilli, Terry Dovgala, Joanne Carter, Tammy Kozlowski, Sue Tejeski, Sonja Vaughan, Vanessa Bennett, Lisa Lyons. SECOND ROW:Julie Zorovich, Michelle Morgan, Melanie Nosal, Sue Foster, Lisa Thompkins,Janet Cieslin, Coach Hoch. BACK ROW: Coach Genovesi, Debbie Safko, Mary Ellen Rhoads, Lisa Morgan, Gretchen Guender, Judy Burgess, Stacey Harrison, Tara Jenkins, Kris Veale.


The 1983 Girls Winter Track Team


Middle Left/FRONT ROW: Pat Nolan, Jeff Kowalski, Joe Charyk,Jeff De Bastos, Mark Klosinski, Marvin Vaughn, Jim Murray. MIDDLE ROW: Greg Coats, Mark Hainey, Ed Pineda, Ron Mendoza, Rich Burnett, Rich Radice. BACK ROW: Mr. Genovesi, Vic Poretti, Tim Keehen, Joe Murphy, Juan Santiago, Dan Kelleher, Carl Powell, Chuck Schulze, Jessie Mc Millan, Jim Seliga, Rich Gardner, Jeff Kerr.

Coach Genovesi and Pete Bentz confer on the stats.

Kaske and Coats pacing to the finish.

Marvin Vaughn flashes a winning form.

The 1983 Boy's Winter Track Team

Up and Over!

Coach Hoch keeps up with the times.


Pinning Their Hopes

Struggling for control.

The Masked Marvel

Varsity and J.V. Wrestling Teams. FRONT ROW: Dave Breller, Mike Walsh, Archie Rivera, Tom McDermott, Jerry Weber, Sean Sheehan, John McDonald. SECOND ROW: Tom ' Glock, Jeff Rick, Chris D'Agostino, Tony Reres, Ed Vogel, Steve Vandegrift, Al Varrichio, Pete Nolan, Mike Madia. BACK ROW: Coach John Lynn, Scott Pullen, Steve Mahony, Walt Pullen, Jeff Devenney, Greg McDonald, Mike Martini, Joe Decker, John Charyk, Coach Gary Dambro.


Chris D'Agostino comes out on top.

A Net Gain


T e newest addition 0 the Notre Dame athletic program was th ' ;'girr' ~~ ten is team. V der the moderation of Miss Teresa M~rlo and coached by Ma Tuffy, the team managed a 4-11 record. The te m was led l) eve honorable mention selection Debbie S 0, who also ade it to the semifmals of the Mercer County urnament. This year was successful in establishing a progra which will hopefully yield solid teams in the future.

Concentration- the name of the game.

The Varsity Tennis Team awaits their assignments.

Debbie Safko set to score.


~ ~~~~'============ FRONT ROW: Pat Jordan, Mary Grace O 'Rourke, Sue Rameka, Vikki Lucarella, Barbara Sosna, Sue Brady, Kate Mc Cabe, Stacy Bell. BACK ROW: Fiona Curtain, Mandy Bell, Bonnie Gulick, Cheryl Grosso, Deborah Grosso, Jennifer Ravenel, Debbie Safko, Mary Ann Sollomi, Coach Mary Tuffy.

Vikki Lucarella defends the baseline.


Varsity Network

The Irish hit the high five.

Varsity Basketball Team/FRONT ROW: Bob Mathes, Anthony Hill. BACK ROW: ].V. Coach Mr. Greg Schaeffer, Brian Downing, Mark Miller, Doug Holmes, Chris Holland, Vince Lyons, Tom Gavin, Brian O'Reilly, Gavin O'Connor, Varsity Coach, Mr. Dave Milinowicz.

Kevin Micharski - soft touch for a big man.


71 102

58 70

45 72

67 75 50 42 65

55 74

64 The ).V. Basketball Team/FRONT ROW: Jill Reilly, Chris Puslin. SECOND ROW: James Pierce, Mark Miller, Chris Holland, Dave Swan, Steve Miglachi, Tom Kale. BACK ROW: Ray Machorski, Scott Loney, Gavin O'Connor, Rick Johnson, Kevin Macharski, J. Conboy, Pat McCormack.

71 86

54 85


Anthony Hill drives for one of his many two.

John Conboy fights for possession.

Bob Mathes moves to the hoop.

Brian Downing celebrates a victory. It's going, it's going ...


Courting Victory

state and attribu Simone and Co.

Chris Moran controls the tap.

Mr. Simone gets serious with the troops.

Robin Hayes wins a footrace to the basket.


#34- Total Domination.

Nancy Hines and Joanne Ranke in a touching moment.

The Varsity Girl's Basketball Team. FRONT ROW: Cindy Kalstrzewa, Dianne Kelly, Robin Hayes, Dawna Hughes, Bridget Corrads, Stephanie Maller, Nancy Hines, Camel, O'Donovan, Clair Grala. BACK ROW: Charlie Scanella, Alexia Takell, Cathleen Dey, Chris Moran, Collenn Flyn, John Simone, Joanne Rake, Kathy Allen, Monica Stockman, Theresa Liedtka, Amy Masonic.

Joanne Ranke gets a hug from her proud mother.

Joanne Ranke takes a well deserved rest.

Chris Moran on the move.


Sister Mary Harold Vice -Principal

Reverend Joseph W. Hughes, Principal


Mr. Vincent Ardery Direcror of Athletics

Mr. David Milinowicz Administrative Assistant

Mr. Charles Moore Administrative Assistant

Reverend Monsignor Thomas Luebking , Superintendent of Schools, and The Most Reverend John C. Reiss, Bishop of Trenton

Father Hughes

Sister Harold teaches en fran~ais

Reverend Joseph W . Hughes and Reverend Walter Nolan pose for our photographer at the 25th anniversary celebration.

Bishop Ahr, Bishop Reiss, and Bishop Kmiec concelebrate mass at N .D.'s anniversary



Mrs. Roberta Anderson English And Social Studies

Reverend Dennis Apoldite School Chaplain

Sr. Judy, Sr. Daniel

Miss Teresa Merlo

Miss Barbara Barsky Math


Mr. Joseph Biancosino Music

Mr. John Archer Physical Education

Mr. Bernard Boyle Business

Mr. Vincent Ardery Social Studies

Mr. Robert Budgal Director of Guidance

Mrs. Josephine Burzachiello English

Mrs. Joan Burke Math

Sister Mary Claver Science, Chairperson

Mrs. Jane Confoy English

Mr. Gary Dambro Physical Education

Sister Mary Carmel, Guidance Counselor

Mr. Michael Dennehy Religion

Miss Joan DeGregorio Guidance and Language

Mrs. Mary DePuglio Guidance and Language Mrs. Patricia Delaney, Science


Me. Frank DiGuiseppi Math

Me. jack Dunn Social Studies

Miss Donna Dovgala, Religion

Mrs. Phyllis Garrison English

Mr. Frank Gatto Social Studies

Mrs. Patricia Gault Math

Mrs. Denise Gauvin -Tharney Math

Reverend Robert Franklin, Chaplain Mrs. Sheila Gavin English


Me. Anthony Genovesi Industrial Arts and Business

Mrs. Patricia Gergar Guidance Counselor

Miss Theresa Giampetro Social Studies

Mr. Gregory Shafer

Mrs. Alice Goldstein Business

Miss Pauline Grula Religion

Mr. Richard Gusciora Science

Mrs. Margaret Gribbin Business

Mr. John Grussler Director of Audio Visuals

Sister Carol Marie Haag Business

Sister Mary Harold


Miss Karen Henkel English

Reverend Douglas Hermansen, Chaplain

Mr. Fred Hochschild Chemistry

Mrs . Mary Ivins Religion, Chairperson


Mrs . Nylda Huslin English

Sister Carol Jaruszewski Spiritual Director

Sister Mary Joachim Guidance Counselor

Sister Margaret Huley, Librarian

Mrs . Christiane Kaplan Language

Mr. David Kell y Religion


Mrs. Sandra Koschek Physical Education


Miss Janice Latella Science

Mr. Ralph Lelii English

Mr. Richard Leber Science

Sister Marie Jose, Math Chairperson

I Miss Patricia Leoniec English

Mr. Thomas Shaw and Mrs. Josephine Burzachiello



/ I Mr. Abraham Levin Science

Miss Mary Ann Liptak English, Chairperson

Mr. Richard Loatman Music


Mrs. Paula Loewenstein Math

Mrs. Barbara Major Physical Education, Chairperson

Mr. David Milinowicz Social Studies

Mr. Charles Moore Social Studies, Chairperson

Mrs . Cynthia Marchant Library Services

Miss Teresa Merlo Language

Reverend Paul Mizener, Chaplain


Mrs . Elsie Moore Physical Education

Miss Maureen Nosal Science

Sister Peggy O'Halloran Religion

Mrs. Judith Paixao Art

Miss Patricia Leoniec

Mrs . Carolyn Peoples Business, Chairperson

Mr. Michael Perone Science

Mr. Michael Perone

Sister Mary Ann Peters English

Mr. Stephen Pingree Language

Mr. Joseph Poli Language, Chairperson

Mrs. Joan Reilly Science

Mr. Abraham Levin

Mrs . Brenda Riley English

Mr. William Romano Social Studies


Mrs. Margaret Rovello Physical Education

Mrs. Judith Salcewicz Religion

Mr. Gregory Schafer Math

Mr. Eric Shirber Spanish

Sister Daniel Schroeder Music

Sister Patricia Rooney, English

Mr. Joseph Poli


Miss Sharon Shipley Math

Mr. Thomas Shaw Religion

Mr. Julius Simon Religion

Mr. John Simone Physical Education


Mr. Michael Spitz Guidance Counselor

Mrs. Mary Stoka Business

Mrs. Bernice Tattory School Nurse

Mrs. Enea Tierno


Mr. Albert Verdel Dean of Discipline

Mrs. Barbara Major

Sister Judith Ward Creative Arts, Chairperson

Sister Mary Claver Mr. Robert Wood Language

Mrs . Bernice Zahorsky Math 207

Keeping N.D. Running

Mrs. Jane Dziura Accounts Payable

Sister Frances Hewitt Tuition

Mrs. Peggy Miller Guidance Secretary

Mrs. Dorothy Ole~ Guidance Secretary

Mrs. Irene Palombi Receptionist

Mrs. Helen Shelly Attendance/Discipline Secretary

Mrs. Lorraine Weitz Secretary ro Father Hughes and Bookkeeper

Sister Mary Camilla Attendance Director

Sister Josita Assistant Librarian

Mrs. Mary Pattik Secretary to Sister Harold

Mrs. Beverly Klek, Secretary To Mr. Ardery


.Always There To Help

Mrs. Rose Halzbaur

Mrs. Stella Larkcome

Mr. John Hemphill

Mrs. Margaret Stankowski

Mrs. Theresa Grochala and Cecilia Arnister

Mr. Thomas Jones, Mr. Robert Yeade, Mr. Richard Stevens, Mr. Thomas Butler

Mrs. Sophie Potocki


Because Of Her Dedication

As we have progressed through four years at Notre Dame, many of the people who have had the greatest impact on our lives are those of whom we are least aware. It is to these silent contributors that we owe much gratitude. One woman in particular has shown herself to be an especially positive and influential force both in the running of the school and in our lives. She is a woman who has dedicated the past 37 years of her life in service to God, and who has done much to improve the reputation of Notre Dame. She is the one who welcomed us to Notre Dame with her cheery smile, and who continued to strive for our benefit as a teacher, negotiator, troubleshooter, organizer and vice-principle. It is for all these services that she has performed, and for her continual encouragement throughout our four years that we, the members of the senior class, would like to express our appreciation and dedicate this, the 1983 Canticle, to Sister Harold.

John Singer


Index 0I)4;1IPI-;, Kathleen 92 CI"""->,,"arold 92 Michael 82 Alicks, Chris 92 Alinea, Kharl Mikhael 102, 158

Allen, Kathleen 10, 82, 183 Alvin, Janine C. 82 Amari, Joseph 92 Amendola, Lucy 32, 158 Amontis, Dina 32, 72 Amoroso, Greg 139 Amrich, Denise Marie 102 Anderson, Mrs. Robena 198 Anderson, Patrick 32 Andreoli, Nicholas 32, 72, 127, 136, 139

Andrusiewicz, Christine 82 Angelini, John 32, 73 Ansley, Steven E. 102 Anteola, Gail 102 A ldite, Rev. Dennis 198 stolos, Dorif.n 82 Aquilino, Gina 102, 1,2 reher, Marion T. n 92 Archer, Mr. John 194, 198 Ardery, Mr. Vincent 160, 196. 198

Arena Kelly 102 Armenti. Melinda Vulgaris 1~1 Ar nd; ito 102, 160 Ar d, :Robert 92 Arpin, John D. 102 Arpin, Michelle 92 Aviles, Irma Rosa 32 Bach, Barbara 1 Baffuto, Dave "J, JJ Baier, Lauren 91 Baier, Lesli 102 Bailey, Randy 89 Bailey, Robbie 92 Bailie, Brian 82, 158 Baker, Valene 92 Bakos, Robert 102 Baldwin. S.-n 32, 45, 148,


149, IS3.

1~ 138, 30

Balerna, K.tIlr 82, 154 Balerna, Robert Ballard, Lisa 33, 175, 20 Bannister. M. 181 Barsczewski, baton 102 Barksdale, Ammon G. R., Jr. 82, 175, 89

Barlow, Peter G. 102 Barna, en 102 92


BamWeU, SOnnetta C.


Baron, Chris ~ n, 36 Barrett, Denise 102, 182 Barrett, Jim 185 Barsky, Ms. Barbara 198 Bartan, Joyce 102 Bartolino, Mi hael 92 Battista, Joseph 92 Battle, John 92 Baxter, Kevin 92, 105, 110 Bayous, Mark 82 Bayous, Scott 102 Beaulieu, Eileen 18, 33 Beaulieu, Mary Clare 92 Beauliew, Matthew 102

Bechter, Mr. Fred 5 Bedard, Mary P. 33, 60, 1.48, 151, 177, 183

Beddows, Stephanie 82, 85, 149

Beechhold, Matthew 82, 168 Beitel, Kathleen 82, 151 Bell, Amanda 82, 189 Bell, Stacy 92, 189 Bendick, Candice 92 Benedetti, Cindy 102 Benjamin, Gerri Lyun 92 Benner, Jacquillne 102 Bennett, Levoy 102 Bennett, Vanessa 102, 184, 185, 186

Bennette, Kym 82 Bentivogli, Karen 102, 181 Bentz, Mr. Gene 187 Bentz, Peter 33, 148, 185, l8'l Bergstrom, Troy 92 Berna, Sharon 102 Berry, Giselle 82, 141, 168 Berryman, Coleen 33, 1~7t 27,

186, 20

urke, Catherine 92, 153, 156, 157

. ., Edward 83 Bwt~ Kathleen 92 Burke, Mary 7, 36, 45, 64, 157,

Challender, Christine 7 156, 157, 159

Challender, Theresa 93, Chanda, Tuhina 38, 150. 1 153, 156, 158, 159.; 218, 1 7

Charbonneau, Paul 93 Charyk, John N. Jr. 38, 188, 222

Charyk, Joseph 93, 185, 187 wah, Ian 38, 157 ter, Maria 38, 63, 125, 221 ianese, Katherine 82, 81 ianese, Mark 82 Chianese, Michael 82 Chiang, 150, 1




Besler, Lisa 82, 81 Betz, Jane 92, 157 Bezek, Joseph 11, 33, 127, 166 Biache, Cynthia 82, 149, 167 Biache, Ms. Mary 9 Biacosino, Mr. Joseph 127, 168, 178, 195

Biesiada, Mary Beth 33 Biesiadecki, Tim 11, 34, 178, 179, 26, 162, 28, 155 Bilancio, William 102 Blackwell, Anne Marie 34, 114, 136

Biazic, Keith 92 17S Boatwright, ja 34 Bock, Gregory 92 Bogda, Maria 34, 177. 28, 22, 21

Bogdan. Althea 92 Bogel, Ed 188 Boisell , Tammy 102 Borden, Robert 34, 148 Borges, Barbara 82 Bosche, Neal 34, 162, 163, 138 Bowe, Craig 82, 81 Bowker, Drew 82, 167, 81 Bowling, Maria 102, 152 Boyle, Mr. Bernard 176, 198 Brady, Susan T. 102, 189 Bralynski, Caryn 34, 136 Bralynski, Lydia 92 Brandbergh, Mark 102 Braun, Thomas 92 Breheney, Susan 34, 136, 150 Breimann, Chris 35, 172, 184, 185

BreUer, David 149, 188 Brennan, Kathleen 92 Brest, Jennifer 102 Breza, Brian 92, 175 Breza, Catherine 2, 10, 35, 130, 136, 162, 223

Brown, Andre Brown, Jacqueli Brown, Jeffrey 92 'rown, Julia 35, 149 8rown, Kevin 83 Brown, Lance 35, 174, 175, 21 8rown, Monica D. 102, 160 Brownswell, S. 160 Bryson, Gerald 92 Bucchere, Lousi 102 Buckley, Joann 82 Buckley, Thomas lit Buffin, John J. 91 Bugdal, Mr. R rt 198, 129 Buni, Joseph 92 Burch, Robert ~, 36 Burgess, Hugh 102 Burgess, Juditra 36. 112, 26,


II, 3~. 'lit,


Brian, Catherine-Louise 35, 158, 159

Bridgewater, Nicole 35, 140

Bu e, Mrs. Joan 199, 119 Burke, Patrick 102 Bu ett, .chard 83, 187 Burns, Michele 102, 182 Burns, Tom 36 Burris, Karen 36 Burrows, Dana 36, 115 Burrows, Kelly 82 Burzachiello, Mrs. Josephtnt( 137, 177, 199, 203, 21,

Butera, Dave 92 Butler, Jeffrey 83 Butler, Kelly 82, -137 Butler, Mr. Thomas Butler, Sean 36 Butrym, Anne R. 82, 148, 149 Byrne, John 102 Byrne, Kelly 82 Calderone, Carmen 36, 143,

129 Calderone, Guy 92 Caldwell, Glenn 92 Caldwell, Maggie 83 Camilla, Sr. Mary 208 Campanella, Mrs. 177 Campanella, Paolo 37, 113, 177, 28, 20

Campbell, Cathy 92 Candela, Francesca 102 Candela, Frank 92 Cannon, Meaghan 92 ty, 31. US



Capes, Robyn 1'- 31, 160 Carella, Joseph D. ~80 Carfagno, Jeannie Carmel, Sr. Mary Carrobba, John 3'ft 16%, 51 Carroll, Elizabeth 102 152 Carroll, Jacquelliie 37 Carroll, John A. 102 Carroll, Tom 102 Carrubba, Maria 83, 149 Carter, Caryn 166 Carter, Joanne 37, 186 Casamento, Chad 83, 185

Cochran, Denise 93, 9S Coffey, Craig 102 Coffey, Mark 175, 176 Colacctllo, Leslie 83, 130,

149 Coles, Barry S. 93 Colleti, Carla 102 Collins, Manin 82, 149 Coltre, Steven 102 Comfort, Kathleen 93, 182 Commini, Michael 158 Conboy, Bridget 181 Conboy, John 93. 175, Confoy, Mrs. Jane 19'), Conley, Mary 102 Conley, Tim 82 Conley, Tricia 39 Connelly, 158

170, 171

, Kevin 16 , Mr. James 8 Joan 102 C?ok, Renee 39 Cook, Robert 6, 11, 40, 46,

148, 160, 1 20

Fuzes, George 84 Galgano, Stephen 84 Garcia, Lourdes 104 Gardner, Margaret M. 45 Gardner, Richard 95, 187 45

D' Agostino, 218, 223, 188 D' Agostino, LeIlie 41, 52, 62, 151, 177 D'Angelo, acqueline 11, 41, 48, 73, 148, 49, 153, 159, 117 D' Angelo, Paul ~, 109 D'Arcy, Trisha 93 Dabronzo, Danielle 103 Dambro, Mr. Gary 117, 199, 188 Damroth, Frank 93 Damroth, Lynne 41, 72 Danek, Joseph 83 Datello, Joanne 41 Davall, Karin 103 Davis, Derrick 41 Davis, Stephanie 41 Davison, Donald F. 93 Deangelo, John Jr. 83, 17'5, 152 Deangelo, Sherry 103 Deason, Sonya Maria 94 Debasros, Jeffrey 103, 187 Deboskey, Joanne 16 Decker, Joseph 94, 158, 188 Defeo, Frank Jr. Defibaugh, Hea 114 Degler, Brad 103 Degler, Jeffrey 10, 11, 42, 149, 160, 178 179 163, 162 Degregorio, Mrs. Joan 199, 123 Del Castillo, Jose" 83 Del Monte, Susan 94, 81 Delaney, Mrs. Patricia 199,

140 Delante, Michael 83 Delmonte, M. Elizabeth 83, 156

Genovesi, Gerald, _.....J"" ... ula Gerald, James 84 Mrs. Pat' Rachel 94 Ms. Theresa 201,

94 Jr. 95 104 Fischer, 83 Fitz aId, Craig A. 83 Fitzpatrick, Michael H. 83 Fitzpatrick, Michael S. 83, 158 Fiuminero, Toni 153 Flansburg, Jennifer 104 Fleming, Ezekial L., Jr. 83, 175, 124 Fless, Cindy 11, 44, 130, 170, 171, 223, 20, 155, 221 Flores, Michelle 104 Fl res, Stephanie 181 Fl ,Coleen 83, 181 F 0, Robert 104, 158 F dots, Stephen 95 " Martin K. 44, 174, 175 rman, Julia 84 " ter, Suzanne 84,


Tracy 43, 52 Deanna Lynne 10 , Agatha 94, 152,

151 E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial 150 Echevarria, Gregory 83 Eget, Susan 83 Eible, Karen 103

Foy, nna , 185 Franchesini, Julie 95, 181 Francis, Susane Anne 94, 15 153, 157 Franco, Julio 19, 45 Franklin, Rev. Robert W. Franta, Gary 45, 141. 142 Franzoni, Lisa 94 Freeman, Dan 6, 11, 179, 28, 29, 22 Friedman, Myla Erica 45, 73 Fritz, Ms. Anna Fritz, Carlene 95, 183

".....,,' '''' " 10.

118, 140, 142, 157 Greber, Lauren 11, 47, 148, 160, 44, 22 Gribbin, Mrs. Margaret 114, 153, 201 Grimes, Mollie 94, 171 Grissom, Virgil 12 Grochala, Teri 11, 47, 166, 168, 222 Groffie, Paul 84 Grosso, Cheryl 95, 189 Grosso, Debra 84, 189 Grubb, Michelle 95 Grula, auline 201 Grussler, Janice 18, 47, 40 Grussler, Karen 95 Grussler, Mr. John 201, 129 Grygon, Carol 45, 47, 148, 218, 27, 30, 20 Grygon, Mark 94, 149 Guender, Gretchen 48, 183, 186, 223 Guggenbickler, Megan 94 Gulick, Bonnie 89, 189 Gusciora, Mr. Richard 201, 118 Guto ki, Jill 104 Guttierrez, Arlene 95 Haag, Sr. Carol Marie 201 Haas, Donna Marie 95 Halim, Azza 45, 48, 148, 149, 150 Haller, Lisa 182, 95 Hanak, Katherine A. 7, 48, 148, 149, 156, 26, 31 Hannawacker, Ann-Marie 102, 104 Hannawacker, Mary 84, 182, 183 Hardendza, Kurt 148 Harold, Sr. Mary 160, 196, 210, 211, 171, 177 Harper, Terri 82, 84, 160 Harris, Joel 48 Harris, Kathryn 84 Harris, Kimberly 95 Harris, Steven 11, 48, 148, 178, 179, 162, 163, 20 Harris, Timothy Jay 104 Harrison, Stacey 95, 186 Hart, Chris 104, 158 Hart, Jennepher 45, 48, 151, 31 Hartmann, Eric 104 Hartmann, Raymond 48 Hasbrouck, Lynda 84, 136, 156, 171 avardansky, Michael 84 yden, Anne 104 Hayes, Craig A. 48, 127, 167 ijayes Dan 49, 116, 174, 175 --•.,.. ------ 192, 95

Henkel, Ms. Karen L. 194, 202 Henning, Paul 104 Henry, Amy Jo 95 Herbe, Debra 84, 156, 157, 159, 166, 139 Hermansen, Rev. Douglas B. 202 Hewitt, Se. Frances 208 Hill, Anthony 84, 191, 190 Hillman, Keith 16, 49 Hilton, Delphinia 84, 157 Hines, Nancy 49, 112, 173, 180, 181, 192 Hirthler, Linda 95, 184, 185 Hoch, Me. Dave 185, 186 Hochschild, Me. Fred 158, 194, 202, 139, 136, 222 Hoegl, Drew 49 Holland, Chris 84, 191, 190 Holmes, Douglas 84, 190 olsneck, Laurie 84, 182, 183 Holu b, Kathleen 95 Houston, Paul 49, 27, 223, 139 Howard, Ann 95 Howard, Jim 49, 69 Hsiao, Raymond 84, 144, 148, 150, 158, 159, 221 Hsiao, Roger 104 Hu bert, Cathleen 84, 156, 182, 152 Hughes, Dawna 95, 156 Hughes, Gregory 104, 185 Hughes, Maura 85 Hughes, Rev. Jos~ph W. 134, 161, 17, 160, 171, 177, 197, , 193, 192, 162 Hughes, Sharon 79, 85, 152, 156 Huley, Sr. Margaret 202, 128 Hulick, Donna 104 Hunt, Leon 175, 95 Hurley, Mary 85 Huslin, Mrs. Nylda R. 194, 202 Hutcherson, Lucy 85 Hylemon, Michele 152 Hylemon, Mike 104 Ingram, arvey 50 Index, Joe 221 Inman, Mrs. 177, 74 Inman, Paris 50, 175, 174, 177, 158, 76 Iorio, Pamela 85 Ivins, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth 120, 194, 202, 90 Iwan, Cynthia 50, 33, 45, 62, 148, 149 Jackowski, Joseph 104 Jackowski, Lorraine 104 Jackowski, Steve 85 Jackson, Cindy 85 Jackson, Michael 150 Jackson, Shanan 50, 20 Jacobs, Chris 104 Jacobs, James Jude 85, 175, 160, 81 Jakubowski, Mark 85, 175 James, Michele 95 James, William 85, 160 Janczuk, Elizabeth 104 Janis, Marybeth 102 Janora, Scott 104 Januzzi, Denise 9'

Jaruszewski, Carlene 50, 136, 148, 149, 222, 135, 31, 22, 21 Jaruszewski, Sr. Carol A. 156, 202 Jenkins, Althea 85, 186 Jennings, Maureen 105 Jennings, Michael 112 Jennings, Me. Mike 164, 95 Joachim, Se. Mary 17, 151, 202, 210, 129 Johnson, Christine 105 Johnson, Eric 175, 95 Johnson, Karl 85 Johnson, Monica 105 Johnson, Richard 191 Jones, Brian 105 Jones, Mark 50 Jones, Sheila 85, 157, 158, 160, 189 Jordan, Patricia 105 Jose, Sr. Marie 203 Josita, Se. Mary 208, 128 Kale, Thomas 96, 191 Kaminker, Samantha 96 Kansog, Verena S. 105 Kaplan, Mrs. Christiane 202, 123 Katz, Jennifer 105 Keefe, Michael 96 Keegan Eugene 50, 178, 179,


Keegan, Jerry 96 Keenan, Tim 187 Keirn, Kellie 96, 183 Kellam, De'Andria 105 Kelleher, Dan 85, 185, 187 Kellogg, Peter 85, 185 Kelly, Diane 5, 181 Kelly, James 85 Kelly, ~r. David P. 17, 136, 142, 195, 202, 139, 22, 23, 21 Kemo, Keith 105 Kendrick, Lisa 19, 50 Kennebrew, Lugene 85, 131, 140, 142, 167, 168, 169 Kennedy, John F. 12 Kent, Kyle M. 105 Kerr, Colleen 96, 152 Kerr, Jeffrey 85, 187 Kiefer, Kristin 96, 152 Kilkenny, Mary Elizabeth 92, 110 Kinczel, Erica 105 King, Dr. Martin Luther 13 King, Valerie 105 Kiovsky, Kim 51, 149, 158, 184, 185 Kiitchen, David 96 e, Cathy 96 Kite, Christopher 51, 148, 150, 222 Klein, Robert 51, 20 Klek Karen 84, 85, 152 Klepper, Caroline 105, 1 Kliwinski, Karen 121 Klosinski, Mark 51,112, 1 S, 187 Kochell, Martin 179 • Kochis, Cheryl 96, 152 Kocsardy, Karen 51, 171 Kondash, Tom 96, 185 Kopacs, Patricia 85

Kopacz, Janine 96 Kopec, Kathy 172 Kopec, Ronald 11, 38, 51, 125, 17~ 17~ 2~ 20 Kopp, Karen 6, 10, 19, 51 Korenz, Thomas 51, 20 Koschek, Mrs. Sandra 117, 181, 203 Kosenko, Peter 96 Koshzewa, Cynthia 96 Koukousas, Evangelia 96 Kovacs, David 105 Kovacs, Michael 96 Koval, Christopher 105 Kowaleski, Jeff 85, 187 Kowalewski, Donna 52, 166, 168 Kowalski, Tim 52, 143 Kozlowski, Tammy 105, 186 Kraemer, Heidemarie M. 105 Krall, John 52, 125, 126, 127, 141, 159 Kramarz, John 52 Kramarz, Ms. Sharon , Krawczun, 96 Krawczun, t a 52,~ Kra czyk, Katherine 96 Krawtschenko, Y olan. Kubiak, Donna E. 105 Kubin, Karen 96 Kulak, Barbara 96, 152, 159 Kulak, Mr. Chester 5 Kulak, Susan 105 Kurpiewski, Dot 85 Kusek, Kimberly 96, 167 Lake, Jim 105, 106 Lake, Michael M. 105 Lambiase, Kathy 105 Lambiase, Nic 2 Lang, Ms. Eileen 128 Langan, T 5, 183 Lanier, Joyce 85 Lantier, eidi 175 Lanzoni, Harold 8S, 159 Larue, ichard Da id 96, 158 Latella, iss Janice Elaine 142, 203 Lawlor, Joanie 105 Lawrence, Michele 105 Lawryk, Donna 85, 168 Layton, Pamela 96 Leach, Shawn 96 Lee, Scott 85 Lee, Simone 96, 110 Leiber, Me. Ri hard, Jr. 125, 126, 141, 1 203 Leiber, Nancy 105 LeW, Me. R 151, 203, 220 Lemire, Dia 52, 163, 72 Leone, Anthony 52, 1 Leoniec, Ms. Patricia 203, 204, no Lettiere, Amy 05 168 Lettiere, Danie 11, 166, 168, 21 ~ Lettiere, Me. J Levanduski, C Levin, Me. Ab 205, 199 'Lewallen, Tina 105 Lewis, Andre' '3, 175



Liedtka, a rick 45, 48, 5 ffj Liedtka, Theresa 96, 137, 181 Lieggi, Anna 85 Lindstrand, John M. 1 .5 Lipcsey, Diane 96 Liptak, Ms. Mary Ann 64, 203 Lisnak, Joseph 10, 53, 174, 175, 176 Litus, Stephanie 53 Lloyd, Beth 105, 151 Loatman, Mr. Richard M. 195, 203, 223 Locklear James 5 Lockwood, Beth Ann 106 Loewenstein, Mrs. Paula A. 204 Logan, Lisa 85 Loney, Scott 96, 191 Longmuir, Frances 85, 80 Lopez, Suzanne 96 Lowe, Cheryl 96 Lubrano, Antoinette 53 Lucarella, Vicky 78, 189, 85 Luc' ven 106 Ludwig, Jay 106 Luebkin, Rev. Msgr. Thomas 196 Luft, David 85 Lugossy, Michael 97 Lund, Kathryn 152, 153, 1 7 Lybarger, Kathryn 85 Lybarger, Lowell 96, 162 Lynam, Elizabeth 53 ynam, Regina 106 Lync James C. 2 175 Lynn Mr. John 188 Lyons, Christine 106 Ly~, Eliza h , 81 Lyons, Joh 106 Lyons, Karyn 85 yo~ Kim 54, 162 L us. Lisa 5 , 45, 149, 157, 186, 221, 155 Lyons, Michael 54 Lyons, Robert 54, 185 Lyons, St e 97, 185 Lyons, Vincent 54, 120, 191, 190 MacCormack, Amy 106 MacCormack, Brian 85 MacDonald, David 85 Macharski, Kevin 191 Machorski, Ray 191 Maciolek, Matt , Madden, tacy 85, 183 Madia, ichael 106, 188 Maestrovick, Tina 180 Magyari, Stephen 97 Mahler, Stephanie 97 181 Mahony, Christine 97 166, 168 n 54, 130, 188, Mahony, Ste 22 Maira, Jill 10, 11, 54, 130 170, 71, 162, 223, 22, 20 Maiuro, Marie 106, 168 Majors, Mrs. Barbara L. 148, 204, 207, 139 alloy, Kellie 106 archant, Mrs. Cynthia 204j 129 Marchetti, Lona 85, 140, 141 Marcocci, Len 85, 122 Marcocci, Lisa 106 arezak, David 97

. 97

no, Angel 19 " 158, 159, 22 ~.


'. Me' 106 ,yntllia 85

Marino, John 106 Marone, Joseph S. 106 Marrazzo, Anthony 55, 65, 72 Mart'llotti, Anthony 106 Martinez, Jacqueline 96, 114 Mart' i, Jacqueline 85, 130, 170, 81 Martini, Karen 97, 182 Mart' i, Michael 55, 188 Mart' i, Nick 175 Mas nis, Amy 85, 181 Mat s, Robert 10, 55, 190, 191 Mad ck, Dana 96 Mat ck, Gerald 106 Mat ia, Melina 102 Mat ozzi, A thon ]. 1 Mat ozzi, Mary 55, 72 Mat ijcow, Kiev 106 Maty' Laura Elizabeth 106 rer, Dan 11, 55, 222 Mauro, Robin 55 May, Kathy 85 aziarz, Christopher R . 106 Mazur k, Henry 106 zzoli. Chris 55 29 azzo ,Jeannae' 97 Mazzuka, Mario 96 McCabe, ie 96, 189 McCann, Lisa 97, 152 McCarthy, Linda 85 McClain, Ellen 168, 169 McClellan, Annie 85 Me ud ichae 96 MeCormic , Pat 191 McCullough, Sea 96, McDer ott, Tom 188 McDonald, Greg <)6, 188 McDonald, John 1 , 188 McFarland, G it 56 McGowan, Dawn 85 McGrath, yan 5, 75, 152 McGrath, obert 106 McGuiness, Pat 6, 96, 167 McKay, Kim 56 McKee, John 56, 63, 174 McLaughlin, Anthony 96, 175 McLeod, Carmela McManimon, B h 85 136 McMillan, JeSSie ~, 19, 187 McMillan, Ren e 56 McNamara, Ki <)6, 142, 153 McQuade, TQ 106 McTamney, Mark 97, 175 Meagher, Julia 86 Megyesi, John 11, 4', 56, 158, 166, 222 Meidenbauer, Laura 106 Mellody, Tara 1 2, 106 Mendoza, Riza 06 Mendoza, Ronald 5& 149, 185, 187 Mendoza, Rowena 86, 36, 141, 149, 156, 156, 171 Merkel, Pa la 10, 56 222 Merlowe, • s There 204 Mesday, Messineo Kathlee 106, 1 7 Micharski, Kevin 106, 190 Micharski, Raymond 86


Mihalko Mihalko,

Mil_"1f ' '''~'''''\'''''' MiliflO'Wl(Z; ............ . <!'"........ ' 196, 194, 190 Miller, Arlene 56, 57, 20, 139 Miller, Joann 97 Miller, Mark 86, 190, 191 Miller, Mrs. Peggy 208, 210 Miller, Thomas 168 Mingo, Michele 94, 123 Mitchell, Cora 57, 73, 148, 149, 158, 159, 21, 155 Mitchell, Jeffrey 57 Mizener, Rev. Paul 204 Mochari, Susanne 106 Moehleisen, Kristina 97, 153 Moehringer, Bernadette 57, 148, 155 Moe ringer, ul Molnar, Susan 106 Monacchio, ich 6 Monahan, Joellynn 97, 140, 141, 149, 152 Monroe, Marilyn 12 Monteleo , Elaine 97 86, 156t 57, :(tJl,

92, 171, 136 Teresa 94, 91, , Lisa A. 106 Gary 86, 168 Joseph 58, 66, 148, 157, 158 Patrick 8 P r 188 Nolan, Rev. WlIra_Ll) Noonan, Timothy 58 Norton, Wayne 97, 175 Nosal, Melanie 86, 185, 186 Nosal, Ms. Maureen 204, 118 Novatkoski, Cynthia 86 Novembre, Lisa 171, 156, 157,159 O'Connor, Gavin 86, 190, 191 O'Donnell, Kara 86 O'Donovan, Carmel 97, 181 O'Donovan, Susan 107, 181 O'Grady, Barbara 86, 141, 149, 156, 157 O'Halloran, Sr. Peg&{' 204 O'Hare, Robert 175 O'Reilly, O'Reilly, 59, 149 O'Rourke, 59, 172, 189

Perrella, Patrick 107 Perrone, June 87 Perry, Joyce 42, 60 Perry, Kimberly 86 Persichelli, Laura 107, 186 Persichilli, Mark 107 Person, Norlyn 60, 22 Person, Spencer 107 Peters, Carl 60, 113, 118, 149 Peters, Sr. Mary Ann 205 Peters, Susan 87, 130, 170, 171 Feu zzini, 87, 42 PIette. ameIa 107 Phan, 107, 158 Piazza, ~ '7, 182 Pico.oe, Katph 97 Picone, Rosemarie 60 Piech~t

Laurey ()()

Pierce, James 191 Pierce, Joyce 118 Person, jill 97 Person, Ron 97 Piet, Eric 86, 158, 159 Pietranik, Mariola 98 Pineda, Edward 60, 187 Pingree Mr. Steven 149, 205 Pintimalli, Joseph 60 Pinto, Jack 140, 159 Pinto, John 98 Pirozzi, Scot 107 Pizzuti, Teresa 10, 79, 87, 130, 148, 153, 156, 170, 219 Plumeri, Peter 87 Plumeri, Rick 107 Plusnyk, Walter 98 Poblete, Fred 98 Poinsett, Ms. Gail 8 Poli, Mr. Joseph 149, 194, 205, 206, 123, 222 Polizzi, Cathy 107 Ponticiello, Randy 86 Ponticeillo, Robert 98, 185 Poole, Anthony 87, 175, 160 Porcelli, Jim 98, 175 Poreda, Christopher 87 Poreda, Sean 92, 98 Poretti, Victor 47, 61, 185, 187 Potocki, Michelle 98 Potts, Lisa 87 Pover mo, Nicholas 86 Povia, Joseph 98 Powell, Carl 6, 61, 185, 187,

136 Powell, Jeff 98, 1751lPowers, Ms. Michelle 180 Prassas, Adrienne 107 Presley, Elvis Aaron 13 Provonzano, Mrs. Fran 144 Provonzano, Mr. 145 Pugliese, Loredana 98, 153, 157 Pullen, Scott 107, 188 Pullen, Walter 11, 61, 222, 188, 22 Pushas, Thomas 98, 185 Push man, Christine 98, 157, 191 Putzrath, Erik 87, 151, 153 Quinn, Kelly 107 Quinn, Thomas 107 Radford, Paul J. 86 Radice, Richard 98, 175, 187 Rago, Claudine 107

Ralph, Mr. Charles 5 Rameika, Susan 61, 189 Ramsey, Lynn M. 86, 167 Ranke, Edward III 87 Ranke, Mrs. 193 Ranke, Joanne 61, 173, 180, 181, 26, 193, 192, 223 Ravenel, Courtney 107, 166 Ravenel, Harry J. III 61, 11, 167 222 Ravenel, Jennifer

189 viola, Michele 98, 136, 171 Reading, Prank 86 Reagan, Ronald 12 Rebbeck, Helen K. 107 Rebbeck, John 89 edmond, Mary 98 Redmond, Michael 61, 175, 160 Redmond, Patrik 107 Reed, Anthony A. 61 Reed, Loretta E. 98 Reed, Toni 98 Reger. Michael 1~ Reid, Darryl 87 Reilly, Deirdre 108 Reilly, Mrs. Joan 205, 113 Reiss, Most Rev. John C. 196 Renzi, Mark 98 Repole, Karen 62 Reres, Anthony 86, 188 Revak, James G. 98 Revak, Jeffrey J. 87 Rhoads, Maggie 98, 182 Rhoads, Mary Ellen 108, 186 Rhym, Darren 87, 175 Ricciani, Cynthia 62, 11, 177, 29, 22, 20 Rice, Janet 87 Rice, Pam 98 Rick, Jeffrey 98, 188 Ri i, Gina Marie 87 Ri s, Cristina 108 Riley, Mrs. Brenda 205 Ritter, Gina 87 Rivera, Arcadio 188 Rivera, Eileen 62 Roberts, Denise 98 Rocco, John T. ,175 Roche, Douglas 62, 138 Rodeawald, Lynn 89 Rodriguez, Evelyn 108 Roettinger, Harvey 98 Rogers, Eileen 87 Rojas, Susie 99 Roland, Mary 62, 151, 156, 159 Romano, Mr. William 205, 81 Romanovic, Svetlana 62 Rooney, Kathy 62, 10, 112, 167 Rooney, Sr. Patricia 206 Rossell, Christopher 98 Rovello, Mrs. Margaret J. 206 Rowley, Jill 98, 182, 191 Ruhl, Beverly 62, 125 Rullo, Tom 108 Runowicz, Debbie 87, 78, 181, 81 Runowicz, Diane 63, 173, 181, 148, 180, 151, 156 Russert, Cindy 87, 183

Russin, Chris 98 Russin, Robert 63, 149 Russo, Lisa 63 Ryan, John 108, 131, 141, 152 Ryczkowski, Rick 87, 156, 157, 179, 139 abato, Al 63, 112 Sabo, Margaret 87, 148, 149, 153, 156 Sadovy, Stanley 8 Sadowski, Albert 8 • Saenz, Lori¡ Lynn Sa 0, De rab 63. it*72, 117, 189, 1 Safko, L

187 Sch ab, Heidi Lynn 98 Sciandra, Karen E. 108 Sci dra, Ronald 87, 175 rotta, Marita 99, 142, 159, Sci rotta, Paula 65 Sci eca, Janine 87, 149, 153 Scipio, Sharon 87 Sco ,Christine 65 , William 8 65

Sagano Sagarese.


148, 15(), 157 21

germano, F Santarsiero, Ki Santello, Miche e , 152 Santiago, Hector 108 Santiago, Juan 6, 64, 67, 111, 136 Santiago, Rosita 7, 64, 11, 118, 166, 167, 169, 149, 153, 1 7, 221 Sapnar, Gina 108, 182 Sapp, Priscilla 140 Saunders, Stephanie 87, 158, 160,80 Sa winski, J ana 98 Scandariato, A. 108 Scanella, Mr. 'chael V. 206 Scanlon, Kelly 87, 111 Scanlon, Patrick 108 Scarpaci, Tammy 98 Scava, Thomas 108 .1 Scavo, Dominic 108 Schade, Eric 108 206, Schafer, Mr. Gre ory 194, 191, 190, 201, 119 Schaffener, Mic I 87 Schaible, Denise 87, 183 Schannen, Lisa 64 Scheideler, Holly 16, 64, 151, 156, 159 Scheideler, Wend 108 Schiavone, Greg 87, 17' Schillaci, Michael 7, 64 Schmitt, Colleen eise 108 Schneider, John 64 Schragger, Robert 65 Schroeder, Andr 108 Schroeder, Sr. Daniel 206, 127, 159 Schroth, Cathy 182 Schuldes, John 82, 80 Schultze, Susan 89 Schultze, William 65" 21 Schulze, Charles Jr. 65, 158,

Shirber, Mr.

ic 206 Shirley, Eliza~h 98 Shirley, Jennifer Ann 1 Shurgala, John 66 Shurgala, Michael p. 98 Sibert, Lisa 109 Siecienski, Anthon 108 Siecienski, Cindi 88 Siedlarczyk, Lori 99 Siedlarczyk, Mary 1 Sigler, Jim 109 Sikora, Diane 99, 151, 157, 182 Sikorski, Susan 98 Silvestri, Robert 66, 148 Simms, Frank 108 imon, Kim 109 Simon, Mr.(Julius}.

140, 206, 136 Simone, Mr. John W. 207, 117, 5, 112, 192 Sincoski, Michael 88 Singer, John 221, 154, 30, 135, 66, 148, 150, 151, 153, 156, 157, 158, 7, 26, 222 Singh, Ashish Kumar 88, 147 Skerratt, Helen 66, 149, 151, 153

Stoka, Mrs. Mary S. 207 Stout, Amber 88 Stoy, Lori 108 Sudol, Tracy 109 Sullivan, Erin 99 Suosso, Joseph 108 Suro, Mary 89 Suro, Tom 109 Sutton, Stacey 109 Swan, David P. 99, 191 Sweeney, Felicia Anne 68, 148, 155 Switzer, Audra 68, 112, 20 Sykes, Mary 99 Sykes, Mr. 144 Sykes, Mrs. 144 Szalwinski, Charyl 88 Szantai, Lynne 88, 153 Szedula, Robert 88, 158 SZI_~, Chris 88 Paull

160, 81 Tozzi, Denise 109 Traina, Filomena 109 Traina, Salvatore 88 Tranter, Eric J. 109 Tranter, Lisa 89 Travers, Hannah 99 Trippa, Carol 99, 156, 157, 183 Truch, Andrea 69, 126, 141, 10, 113, 223, 29 Trus, Elizabeth 89 Tryon, Stuart J. 88, 17~ Tuffy, Ms, Mary 189 Tullai, Daniel 99 Tdllai, Margaret 69, 149, 148, 16~ 219, 4~ 11, 154 Turek, Cindy 88, 81 Turi, Deena 109 Twamley, Steve 69, ~ 176, 175, 10 Tyner, Johq Uveges, Dave Valenz Valeri.

'homd.' Lisa 186 Rudolph 99 Thompson, Victor 99 Thorne, Maureen 69 Thorne, William 88 Tierno, Deborah A. 69, 10 Tierno, Elizabeth 99, 141, 159 Tierno, Mrs. Enea 207 Tkacs, Kleen 99 Toaldo, elissa 109 Tod, ph 99 Toewe, Chris 89 Tolbert, Valencia 1 ~ Lisa J. 路hOlm~Jt)n.

Springer, Tracy 156, 157, 120, 171, Scanley, Anne 7 Stanzione, Angela 99, 156, 157, 182 Stearle, Dennis 108 Stec, Richard ,175 Steele, Scott 68, 163 Steinmetz, John 68 Stemmer, Robert 88, 83 Stevens, Mr. Richard 146 Stewart, Kelly 88, 1'3, 111 Stine, Ted 88, 167, 1$ Stipe, Howard 68, a8. Stipe, John 99 Stockman, Mo .

Kim To ~ Totaro,lose芦& , Totaro, Russell 89 Tousley Ben 99, 175 Tousley, Chris 89, 82, 175, 7

For Those In The Shadows

In the production of a yearbook, much work is involved, and many people are needed. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the special efforts of the numerous people involved in our "ah, history." Firstly, I would like to thank Miss Leonie, who through her selflessness and dedication (simply frightening ), showed us what a woman she really is, and Mr. Lelii, who, as copy moderater of the book, demonstrated tremendous pith and brilliance ( can you stand it? ). In addition, I would like to thank Father Hughes, Sister Harold, and the rest of the faculty and administration for their continual support and assistance throughout the year. I would like to recognize our photographers: Scott Steele, Mary Bedard, Mary Roland, Mark Bayous, Anthony Leone, Miss Leonie, Mr. Gusciora, Mrs. Riley, Mrs. Koschek, Drew Hoegl, Russ Totaro, and of course, Kevin Sheridan; those who helped with layouts: Tom Dzomba, Joe Thoennes, and Danielle Lettiere, and the many students who wrote copy for us: Dan Maurer, Cathy Burke, Michael DiDonato, Kim Kiovsky, Jennifer Brest, Melinda Armenti, Steve Mahony, MaryBeth Kilkenny, Sue Sellers, Karen Sanford, Kris Veale, Lisa Tomlin, Gerry Oravsky, Claire

Heitzman, Nancy Hines, and Maureen O'Reilly. Special recognition goes to the homeroom reps for their help in identifying, Maribel Gray for her tedious indexing, Rosita Santiago for her collective faithfulness,Joe Nolan for his witty captions, Charlene O'Shea for picking up Ellen, Burger King for the hat and the late nights, Denise Y ousko for the 150 words a minute, and the business teachers who closed their eyes when I "borrowed" their typewriters. Lastly, I would like to thank Mr. Frank Ball very, very much for his faithful representation of us at the Josten's American Yearbook Company. Special thanks to Mrs. Nylda Huslin for her support and assistance throughout the year. ( Post Mortem recognition goes to the fabled "Mother Ship," which served Ms. Leonie from 1971-1983 until its departure from this earth in the Blizzard of '83.) Indeed, many people helped throughout the year and for those not mentioned here, many thanks. We hope our efforts here have been successful and that you will enjoy the '83 "Silver Shadows:' Canticle. John (X.) Singer


Miss Leonie, dedicated Yearbook Moderator.

Kevin Sheridan takes all kinds of chances for the best picture possible. 220

Mr. Lelii, an equally dedicated Yearbook Moderator.

The Yearbook was a bubbly class.

Rosita Santiago disguised as a band member.

Publicity Members Maria Chester and Gerry Oravsky.

Ray, Gray and Heitzman "Hsiao" 'em how it's done. "Editor X".



Dan Maurer gets cymbolic.

Carlene J aruszewski

Ballerina Pam Merkel

Banding together.

Wrestlers John Charyk and Walt Pullen



• .. \I

John Singer interviews Rep. Chris Smith.







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-.- . .



A sign for the times.

When we arrived at Notre Dame as Freshmen, we were immature and inhibited strangers, mere shadows of the proud class we have become. Yet, through the guidance and support of our teachers, parents and friends , we developed into mature, responsible adults, capable of handling the challenges and opportunities this world offers. Our senior year proved to be especially successful athletically, academically, artistically, musically, and spiritually. The leadership of the seniors became evident in the numerous athletic championships. Most noteworthy were their roles in guiding the soccer, cross country, and basketball teams to state recognition. The academic excellence of N.D.'s seniors also became apparent in a year which boasted two National Merit Finalists, numerous college scholarships, and an outstanding Rutger 's Bowl Team. Members of the band and school musicals displayed true talent and dedication in entertaining the school with their elaborate performances, while upperclassmen artists dazzled spectatprs at the annual art show. The senior participants in all these activities demonstrated dedication, talent, and enthusiasm, qualities which are necessary for success, not only in high school, but throughout life. Through the revitalized religion program, this year's seniors were instilled with spiritual values, not only through their classes, but through the various service projects of which all seniors partook. In this way, students were not only informed of the existing social problems, but were challenged to tackle these problems. As a class, we have accomplished much, and have the right to be proud of our achievements. Yet, we must now focus our attention upon the future , set goals for ourselves, and strive ardently to achieve them. The assets we have attained over the past four years must now be invested in the pursuit of our careers. Whether we wish to become teachers, artists, craftsmen, professionals, athletes or musicians, we must employ the enthusiasm, which our class has become known for, in our search for individual and societal fulfillment. Only diligence and commitment to our future will allow us to continue to enjoy the success which has been ours during the past four years.

John Singer Editor-in-Chief

Where's the kitchen sink ?

Joanne acknowledges the crowd.

Chris D' Agostino and Paul Houston

Gretchen Guender goes for the gold.

Giving it her all. Varsity Cheerleaders yuck it up.

Mr. Loatman harmonizes with Andrea Truch.


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