Notre Dame
Hi8h ~chool
Notre Dame High School 601 Lawrence Road Lawrenceville, New Jersey 08648 (609) 882-7900 1
Dum Dum Dada....Dum Dum Dada....Dum Dum Dada... ...
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Lewis Welsh
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Dum Dum Dada.... Dum Dum Dada.... Dum Dum Dada... 0 Who is full of humor with a serious, spiritual side, known to act the part of the wise man in the Givin8 Tree, brings &anta to the halls and classrooms, loves to work at Kairos every chance he gets and trains leaders in his own inimitable style?
Mr. Lew Welsh has brought his extensive education, love of learning, experience and faith with him every day since he began working at Notre Dame. His lifelong dedication to teaching and to young people can be felt in each lesson and conversation. 6tudents and teachers alike have enjoyed his clever storytelling and benefited from his very generous spirit. No stran8er to hard work, Mr. Welsh is in the building as the sun is comin8 up and often here as it goes down, doin8 what he loves with 8race and class. We have all marveled at his ability to bounce back from difficult times with real courage and would like to dedicate the 2007 Yearbook to someone who has inspired us and cheered us on, in the classroom, on the basketball court, on stage, on retreat and in our personal lives.
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"If happine~ is a state of mind,
"I am not a teacher
that is the state where Mr. Welsh resides." -Mrs. ~alcewicz
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but an awakener." - Qobert frost
s "A teacher affects eternity: he can never tell where his influence stops." -Henry Adams
Dear Class of 2007, for every sin8le one of you there is a plan and a promise. As you don that cap and 8own, you proclaim you are ready to travel the next steps of a journey desi8ned just for you. Take a moment before you 80 to look back on all the love that brou8ht you this far. Cherish the memory of 8randparents who spoiled you, kinder8arten friends who chose you for their team, your first best friend who shared your dreams and the siblin8 who held your hand when you were afraid of the dark. Warm your heart with thou8hts of that teacher who noUced how special you were and the coach who believed you were the best player to ever take the field. Revisit the 8low of Kairos, the 81ee of leavin8 the auditorium first and the ma8ic of prom ni8ht. Treasure most the parents who stand by lovi~ you throu8h it all. Move forward now with confidence. There are joys and challen8es to come. There is so much to learn and discover. You will undoubtedly achieve 8reat thin8s and make meanin8ful mistakes. Welcome it all. Be proud enou8h to celebrate all of the 8ood that you do and be humble enou8h to ask for for8iveness when you fail to love. Worry not about which way to 80. &imply open your heart to whatever Cod has planned and you will always find the path to take. You are ready now for the wonders to come. Know that on dreary and lonely days, you can always look back to a place where you are still loved. Come back to visit and remember all Lhe promise this 8raduation moment holds. Then move forward 88ain confident always in the promise lhat, "Eye has not seen nor ear heard whal Cod has ready for those who love Iiim." Wilh love, Ms. Mary Liz Ivins Principal
In ancient times, the I2omans 8ave 8reat importance to the idea of movin8 ahead in life while always keepifl8 a firm 8riP on what happened before. This was so important to them that they created a special 8od, Janus. who was 8enerally depicted with two faces, each lookifi8 in the opposite direction. There's a lot of wisdom in this. While I dont recommend it for drivifi8. I do ur8e it upon you as a consideration now that you are leavifi8 us. The I2omans used to place fi8ures of the 8od on their doors and 8ates (the symbolism beifl8 obvious) and. today. we end each year by leavifl8 the old and Startifl8 the new in January (named for him). You are 80ifi8 throu8h your own door now and you are embarkifl8 on a new year. at least academically. would be well to take that look backward as you move forward. Your families, your school and your Church have all been workifi8 to mold you into the outstandifi8 youfi8 adults that you have become. It is now time to take that foundation and build. With each layer that you add to the structure of your adult life do so with concrete 8oals in mind. Adjust them to ch8.fi8ifl8 circumstances, but dont drop them. As you are doifl8 so, keep in mind how they fit into the fabric of your life that has passed. If you do so, I can 8uarantee you that the end product will surprise you. liowever, to all of us who have had a part in shapifl8 the total you, the surprise will not be so 8reat; we will just smile and say: Yes. I saw it comin8. Good luck and may Cod bless all of you. Mr. &iarrotta Assistant Principal of Curriculum and Instruction
Dear Class of 2007. Cofl8ratulations! You are ready to move forward and cross a new bridse on your life's journey. It is time to move beyond the Notre Dame tli8h &hool community where you are known and loved and enter the wonder of hi8her education with all of its excitement. challefl8es. and unknown adventures. liopefully, durin8 your years at Notre Dame you have 8rown in selfconfidence and know yourself as a person of faith and inte8rity as well as reco8nizifl8 your many 8ift.s and talents. In the last four years, I have come to know you individually as hard-workifl8. carifl8. sensitive youn8 people and as a class who possess a sense of laU<Shter, fun, and 8oodness. May you continue to build bridses makifl8 the way easier for those you will meet on life's journey as you reach out to others with 8reat respect and compassion sharifl8 your love of life and Cod. I thank each of you for the 8ifl you have been to me. I have enjoyed 8dtifl8 to know you and, most especially. watchin8 you 8row and mature over the last few years. As you look back throu8h this yearbook in the future may it brifl8 back memories of people who loved you and wanted the best for you. As you move forward. my prayer for each of you is that by beifl8 true to your best self. sharifl8 your 8ift.s with others, you will be li8hts to those you meet. Let Cod's unconditional love for you influence the choices you make in the future. Thank you for touchifl8 my heart and sharin8 your lives with me. Lovifl8ly.
Miss Pilkif18lon Assistant Principal for 0tudent Life
Jessica Difo&3io
Kimberly &pencer
Lookin8 Bac~, As Senior Year comes to a close, you have the opportunity to look back on the time you spent at Notre Dame High School, the friends you made, the memories you shared, and the lessons you learned. The stories you have to tell will last a life time. Use this book to help share those stories, but remember to always look forward. The future is bright and right before you.
.. It was truly my pleasure to have you as my first class at ND and it was so great to come back this year and see your smiling faces in the hall or stopping in to say hi. .. this will certainly be missed next year, but good luck with whatever you do and donâ&#x20AC;˘t forget to come back and visit. .. -Miss Flood
I. Kairos Retreat II. Best Friends Ill. Homecoming IV. Senior Theme Day V. Powder Puff Game VI. Senior Superlatives VII. Senior Survey VIII. Senior Candids IX. Words of Love
32 36 38 40
42 45 46 47
.. You have come into my life with your kindness, enthusiasm, compassion, and laughter. 1â&#x20AC;˘11 never be the same ... Mr. Coppola
.. I was so lucky to have such a wonderful first class at Notre Dame. I will miss your visits in between classes, seeing your smiling faces at school activities, Student Government events, swimming, & Kairos Retreats. Good luck in all you do & know that you will always be my favorite class ... Ms. Nickels
...Movin8 forward 29
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
'l>ont wall in front of me, I may not follow. Dont wal~ behind me, I may not lead. Ju1t wall be11de me and be my friend ... -Albert Camu1
"The only way to have a friend is to be one. "
-Qalph Waldo Emerson
2006 Katherine Ecklund
Kristen Mahon
Nomecoming Notre Dameâ&#x20AC;˘s Homecoming, during the last week of September, kicked off with a spirit filled pep rally on Thursday during activity period. The homecoming court was announced and included the following members of the senior class: Katherine Ecklund, Gabby Earhardt, Kristen Mahon, Alyssa Quezada, Catherine Smith, Chris Cavanaugh, Scott Horta, Nick Lezynski, and Chris Rohman. Th~t evening, the bonfire took place giving the students an opportunity to spread their school pride and spirit. On Friday, the football team played an emotionally charged game against Princeton High School. With hard work and determination the Leprechauns came out victorious, defeating Princeton, 24-6. At half time, the titles of homecoming king and queen were awarded to Nick Lezynski and Alyssa Quezada, respectively. The annual Wrobo-Run was held on Sunday to cap off a fun-filled homecoming weekend.
Ms. Ivins, Juliann Bertone, Alyssa {9 Family
Ms. Ivins, Nick Lezynski, {9 Family
Homecomina Weekend
/eptember 28th- October 1,t, 2006
&ott Horta
Nick Lezynski
Chris Qohman
1, 2
On November 28, 2006, with much anticipation and excitement, the seniors faced the juniors in Notre Dame's Annual Powderpuff game. Students, parents, faculty and staff came out to support the girls and show their school spirit. Although the juniors grasped the win with a final score of 12-8, the seniors played with intensity.
Senior Coaches
Junior Coaches
* *
2006 Senior Team
r Junior Team
f1.o1t ContagiouJ Laugh Pat Gallagher and Sarah Friedlan
Cute1t Couple Alyssa Quezada and Mike Newberg 42
Cla11 Clown Jim McCue and Sade Miller
Dynamic Duo Pat McDavitt and Justin Muni
Likely To ~ecome 1t Likely To ~e Late
ror (iraduation John Drago and Jen Gilse
ramOU/ Louis Gibilisco and Nora Boron
t\o1t Athletic Louis Gibilisco and Kristen Mahon
e favorites of the lass of 2007 ... Actress: Angelina Jolie Actor: Johnny Depp oliday: Christmas Store: Hollister ook: Harry Potter estaurant: Red Robin Sports Team: Eagles ce Cream: Chocolate . rash Pizza: Plain Soda: Coca-cola Color: Blue
Nicholas Adler Your dedication and colllll1itment to your education. athletics, community service. family and Cod has pleased us beyond words. We are proud of the way you have overcome obstacles and not let them stop you. We are proud that you have taken the many xperiences throll8hout the years to mold your life and become the responsible youf18 man that you are today. We consratulate you as you 8raduate, and pray that you have much success in the next chapter of your life. Love, Mom, Dad. NatashB, Michael John and Mariah
Chase Bednarek Consratulations on your hi3h school 3raduation and best wishes for a bri3ht successful future. Cod has blessed you in so many wonderful ways. tie 3ave you 1ovif18 parents that adore you. 3ood health and intelli3ence, much love and happiness, a comfortable home and 3reat family and friends. Always be 3rateful for these special 3ift.s and let them empower you to be all that you can be, bul most of all, just be happy. We love you and God bless you always and remember you will Blways be our shinins star. Love Always, Mom and Dad
Robert i\llsop Cof18ratulations on your 3reBt achievements both academically and athletically. We are so very proud of the youfl8 man thBt you have become and know that you will be successful in life. tJI our best wishes as you move on to the next chapter in your life. Love always. Dad, Mom and i\ndrea
&bastian Bereanu Reality is the urn of your perceptions and how you decide to act upon your impressions. Make 3ood choices based upon who you really are. May you always resonate with God and nature. Love, Mom
Drew Arlin You never did, and never will, belon3 on the si lines in life. We are so proud of the youf18 man you've become. We admire your sense of honor and the strensth youve shown in followif18 your beliefs. (We wish you had kept your room a little neater, but no ones perfecU) Good luck in colle3e and have fun! Love, Mom, Dad and Alaina Heather Barber Consratulations. we are so proud of you. You have 3rown up to be a wonderful youns womari. We love you and have enjoyed beifl8 you parents more than life itself You hBve so many ift.s that will make you successful in whatever you choose to do. Thank you for bei03 more than we could have ever hoped for. Love, Mom, Dad, Kim, &bastian. and Lucas Julia Barry Consratulations Julia! We want you to know the 3reat joy and pride out hearts have felt watchifl8 you 3row and mBture into the beautiful woman you hBve become. It seems like only yesterday that you came home one afternoon early in your freshman year and declared "80ifl8 lo Notre Dame was a 10"- Your inte3rity and determination to succeed will surely result in achievif18 continued success in colle3e and throu3hout your life. We pray Cod blesses you with the happiness and joy you 3ive us every day. i\11 Our Love. Mom. Dad, Matthew, Alanna and Jack Chase Bednarek I wish I could be with you to hll8 you just one more time and to con3ratuiBte you on your special3raduation day. I want you to remember all the thif18S I tau3ht you and do you very best to live B 3ood. happy life. Always honor and respect yourself. your mother and father, and your family and friends. You are 3rowif18 up to be a fine youf18 man. and I am so very proud of you now. as I was on the day you were born. I love you and I will always be in your heart. Love i\lways. Your PopPop
Michael Bernabe Y , we are very proud of your accomplishments over these four years- strensthenins of your musical 3ift.s; closeness to your sister. Catherine; ND plays; Madri3als; Jazz Band; Lacrosse; Caritas. tlonors 6ervice pro3ram; 0LGre8's Appalachian trips to help needy; lakif18 &pirituality and Leadership and especially beif18 a Kairos facilitator as you truly learned the hearts of others! Over these 8rowth and teachif18 years at horne, Dad and Morn would also like you to remember: and with service comes true j oy!(Mother Teresa); and whBt remains is character (anon.); acknowle~e Iiirn in all thif18S and tie will make strai3ht your paths (Proverbs 3: 5, 6); God has a Plan for Your Life (SOf18 by PSBlty. SUfl8 by Mom!). 6ervice, Character, tlumbleness, Compassion. and !iis faith in all yot\ do- theses are some of the allribules we feel lie will find when tie sees you face to face someday! Much love and many more blessin8s upon your 8raduation!
Katherine Birch Cof18ratulations! We are all very proud of you and all you have accomplished. You have developed into a wonderful person thal is destined for success. Your smile. your lau3hler. and your heart of 8old brif18 joy lo our family every day. Continue to believe in yourself and embrace the challef18es that lie ahead of you. Remember we will always love you Bnd wish you the best. Love i\lways. Dad, Mom, Bill and Ashley Michelle Bleam We want you to know how proud we are of you. You have 3rown up to be a beautiful youns woman. We are confident your life will be wonderful. Colle3e is an excitin8 time, enjoy itJ i\11 our love, Mom, Dad, and Mat icholas Bonanni We are so proud of you! Your independence and humor has helped you achieve your 8oals. You deserve the besl and we are certain you will achieve nothif18 less. We hope you remain the kind, carin8 person you are. We love you! Love. Dad, Mom. Ryan and Taylor Katie Bonnani You have 3rown up Lobe a beautiful youf18 lady and we are so proud of you. Cof18ratulations on your 3raduaUon from Notre Dame. eel your 3oals. follow your dreams and never 3ive up. We know you can do il We will always love you and will always be there for you. Love, Mom, Dad and Jeffy 6arah Bowers May your experiences al Nolre Dame be a steppif18stone on your path to success!! We love you! love. Dad, Mom, Tom, Katy. Emily. John and 1im
Annemarie Biancamano We are so proud of you路. our wonderful dau3hter, Annemarie Biancamano. You hBve worked hard for you successes in school. soccer and music. May you continue beif18 successful, keepif18 Cod in your life and rememberif18 how much we love you. ve, Mom and Dad
Caroline Boyce Con8ralulations! You did itJ Iiow proud l amof you, words j ust cannot express. You have become a remarkable youns woman; spirited. cour88eous. kind. Iovins and 8ivif18. You are destined for wonderful thin8s. I can't wail to see what life has in store for you. Whatever it is, it will be an adventure. &hoot for the moon, it's closer than you think. Love, Mom
WilliBm Bickel We're really proud of you Bill. You've 3rown up to be a fine youns mBn. You chose a challensif18 curriculum and worked hard. on8ralulations on 3raduatifl8 from Notre Dame. We look forward lo consratu1atin8 you 88ain four years from now when you 3raduate from colle3e. Love, Mom and Dad
Jenna Braun Jenna. we are so proud of you. The future lies ahead with promise for you Lo 3row. lo experience. to shine, to soar! Always stay true to yourself Remember: 'Dare to Dream, 6eek Adversity. Be Creative, Walk with Elephants' and success is yours! We Love you always, Mom and Dad, &Leven and Matthew
Daniel Bilyk Dan, with much pride and love we have watched you 3row into an amazin8 and talented youns man! We have enjoyed every minute - for example: chasin8 you around on various cross country courses or watchif18 you play piano on different sl38esl Cof18ratulations as you 3raduate from Nolre Dame and embark onto the next phase of your life - colle3el We hope il wi11 be safe. prosperous, fun and rewardin3! ThBnk you for the wonderful memories! Lots of love, Mom, Dad, 6tef and Jenni
Tara Bree Con3ratulations and best wishes for your future endeavors. It has been an adventure and a pleasure watchif18 you 3row and develop into a fine you03 lady. If your pasl accomplishments are any indication of your fulure it should be bfiBht indeed. We will always be there to support you in your current and any future path in life you choose. We are so proud of you. Love. Mom. Dad, Joseph. Kevin and your extended and lovif18 family
Caitlin Brendel Your year at Notre Dame have been filled with joyful experiences, wonderful friendships and fantastic ~chie~ements. both in and out of lhe classroom your mlec5rtly. maturity. sense of humor, compassion, and loyalty have earned you this success. The time seems to have flown by, but youve left. us with treasured memories. Were proud of the choices youve made and the person youve become. You take with you on your next steps in life, our deepest love and out profound respecl Love, Mom, Dad, and Tim
Guy Castranova. There are no words to describ"e t.b~ great love and respect we have fOr you a.s we have watched you ?row throuc5h the years. Your many accomplishments m the classroom and 6n the track have c5iven us much joy, as well as watchif18 you try new thifi8S such as performif18 in the musicals. The true measure of your character however, has been in your ability to handle adversity. No matter what ~isappointments you faced, you never lost your optimism or your smile. Guy. we are truly proud of the man you have become. Love, Mom, Dad, Kate, Mes. Dan and Will
Nicholas Brown Cofi8ratulatlons! These past four years at Notre Dame have been so wonderful for all of us. We love you so much and are so proud of the youf18 man you've become- spiritually. mentally, and physically. Enjoy life. follow Cod and your dreams and you can accomplish anylhifi8! All Our Love, Mom, Dad, and ~lephanie
Kyle Clusston Cofi8ratulations! It's hard to believe that you're c5raduatlfl8 from hi8h school. We are very proud of your hard work. your kind heart and your achievements. We wish you much success at colle8e and beyond. Life's a trip. ~weethearl We hope that you always enjoy the ride and you never forc5el your way home. We love you with all our hearts. Love, Mom, Dad, Casey, Krisly, ~haun, and Corra Lynn
Daniel Buckley from the little man we brouc5hl home to lhe bi8 man we cherish today. your heart has c5rown even bi&5er lhan you have-always &vif18. always helpful. Talented, intelli8enl and funny-Be as proud of your accomplishments and who you have become as Dad and I are. Lots of Love. Your family Lauren Burke Cofi8ratulati na! We are so proud of you and all of your out.standif18 allties. Your heart is kind and the ibilitles for yo are endless. In collec5e always believe in yourself and have the cour88e and confidence to follow your dreams. We are your bi88esl fans and we will love you forever. Love. Mom and Dad Morgan Burke We are very proud of you and all your accomplishments. As you enter lhe next chapter of your life, continue to have the couraae and determination to follow your hearl Your mind is quick, slay committed to your beliefs. We are always here for you and we will love you forever. Cofi8ralulations! Love, Mom and Dad Elizabeth Casazza We are so proud of you. As your parents we have tried to c5ive you both roots and wif18S. It is time for you to fly to other life experiences where the love and support we have c5iven you at home has rooted you with a slrof18 sense of family and faith. We know that you will face all your new challenc5es with the same enthusiasm, determination and compassion that you have shown at Notre Dame High &hool. Everythill8 you want is at your fif18ertips reach out and 8rab all that you desire! The world is waitif18 for you! We love you, Mom and Dad
Jessica Coefer Cof18ratulations on your 8raduation! We are so proud of you and thank you for beif18 the beautiful ~d wonderful that you aro, Keep believif18 m your dreams an we know you wil continue to succeed in collec5e and whatever life brif18S your way. Always be yourself a d follow your dreams. We love you so much. Love. Mom. Dad, Josh, Patches. Pennie. and Azra Alexa Cohen We are proud of the mature. self路respecled youf18 woman you are. Your talent and love for art has individualized who you are, it has been a c5reat inspiration in your personal, social, and spiritual beif18. Continue to be who you are, work hard and follow your hearl Don't be afraid to follow life's journeys. Enjoy the best years of your life. You'll always be our special boo, we love you soo much! Love. Mom, Dad, Michael. Zoie and Roxy Malt Cohen MalL you are n amazif18 person with deep wisdom, insic5hl. conviction and couraae. Always stay true to your own heart as you travellhroush life. We are very proud of you, honored to have you as our son, and love you very much. We wish you 8real success on the n<2_xt level of your journey and always remember to blaze your own trail! We will forever be here to love and support you. Love, Mom, Dad and Nick Eric Collins We are so proud of you! We admire and appreciate all your hard work and accomplishments at Notre Dame. Your drive and perseverance will continue to serve you well. We know you will go on to do great thif18S in collec5e and beyond. We love you so much and will always be there for you. Love. Mom. Dad and &ott
Brian Cook Consralulations! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments over these past four years. Cherish alllhe fond memories and fun times at Notre Dame. We know that you will always rise to any challef18e. and meet all of your c5oals with c5real success. Love Always. Mom. Dad. and Brandon Nicole reec5an Cof18ratulalions Princess icole! We are so proud of the beautiful, smart, confident and arif18 person you hav become. "Enjoy the next four years, study hard. t.rust and believe in yourself end make the most out of every opportunity. Be happy and most importantly. call your mother every day!! We love you so very much! All Our Love and ~upport Always. Mommy. Daddy and Roasted Keith Croly C ogratulationsl We are so proud of you. We wish you all the best that life has to offer. May you accomplish all your Boals and realize all your dreams. Love. Mom, Dad and Laura &ven Daauio We are very proud of'you and we wish you all the best of luck, love, health, and happiness life has to offer. May Cod bless you always. e Love You, Daddy. Mommy and Danielle Bryan Dau It seems like only yeslerdaythat you walked into Notre Dame as a freshman. We a proud of all you have accomplished both academically and competitively in sports. You have me a fine yotif18 man. As this chapter in your life clO!!eS. we want to wish you nothif18 but happiness and joy for the journey ahead. Always follow your heart and reach for your dreams. We love you, Mom, Dad, Mec5an. and Grandma Waller Davidson You are my Hero. You have always been supportive. You have always made me proud I wish you all the luck in your future. Love. Mom
Z De an We love you very much and are so proud of what a beautiful, talented youf18 lady you have became. We know you will succeed in whatever you do you have a 8real8ifl Love, Mom. Georc5e. Rinni, ina Anthony
Vincent DelleGrolti Cof18ratulations to a wonderful son and brother. Your accomplishments have honored your parents, inspired your siblif18s and amazed your friendt.. Good luck in collec5e and on the lacrosse playif18 field. Continue your trust in Cod, family and self and most of all stay happy. Love, Mom, Dad, Nessandra and Anthony
Nicole DeLoca Here you are Class of 2007, ready t.o be walkin8 down that yellow brick road to the bri8hUy colored side of OZ. We beam with pride over the wonderful person you have blossomed int.o. Be proud of who you are on the inside and let it radiate out for the entire world to see. Remember to 118ive faith a fi8htifi8 chance and if you 8et a chance to sit it out or 11 6mell the roses alofi8 the way. Puffie. and enjoy the journey God is laldfi8 you on. All Our Love. Momma, Daddy. Odaman and Tino too Anthony DeLorenzo Cofi8ratulations! We are so happy and proud of the youn8 man you have become (and the more you mature. the more we are 80ifi8 to miss you)! It seelll8 like only yesterday you were a freshman and now Graduation Day is here! We wish you much <Success in colle8e (we are very confident youll do well). May God continue to bless you and 8uide you in all of lifes endeavors and 8ive you a life full of love, happiness. health and laU8hter. We love you. Love, Mom. Dad and Gina Joseph Dennion Cofi8ratulations on your 8raduation! Ei8hteen years have passed so quickly and you have only 8ood thifi8S to look forward to in your future. We love you and are very proud of you. Love, Mom. Dad and Nicole Brian DeRose Cofi8ralulations. you have your whole life to fill with wonderful and excitifi8 moments. The journey has just be8un; remember to make the most of every day. We know you will succeed at all that you do. We are very proud of you and love you very much. All our love. Mom. Dad and Joe Victoria De&lvo Winter may tum to sprin8 such as starli8hl fades to sunrise. 6o remain not the child born. but the woman from which love has 8rown. Where memories are saved and futures are made. Hold fast the wisdom 8ained from blessifi8S bestowed. for yours will be Lhe world as you see to reveal. As winter turns t.o sprifi8 and starli8ht fades to sunrise. Love. Mom and Dad Jessica Difo&gio from the time you were born, you have shown your independence and exuberance for life. You have and continued t.o brifi8 us 8reat joy. We are so very proud of you. We wish you the very best with whatever path in life you take. Always Our Love. Mom and Dad Robert Dilello One very important chapter of your life will be closin8 and another openifi8! Words alone cannot express how proud I am to call you my 6on. I know that you will continue to make us proud. t\11 My Love,xoxoxo, Mom
Lauren Dinneny 11 t\nd what is as important as K.nowleci8e? asked the mind. Carifi8 and seeifi8 with the heart. answered the roul. 11 We are very proud of how you have taken time t.o consider. time to reflect and time t.o make creative choices. May the unconditional love, kindness, faith, and friendship that are in your heart, 8Uide you in all ofyour endeavors. We will always love you! Love, Mom, Dad. Kerri, and Patrick Joseph Doni8an Con8ratulations! We are so very proud of you !')[ld all of your accomplishments at Notre Dame. Even thou8h these last four years have 8one by so fast. the memories and 8reet times you shared with your friends will be treasured forever. As promised. it was a 8reat place to be a teen58er. We wish you continued health. happiness and success in colle8e. We love you very much. Love. Mom, Dad. and Keely John Dr88o Johnny (Peaches). Con8ratulations baby boy! We watched you 8row throU8h Lhe years to the handsome youfi8 man that you are. May God bless you and 8uide you t.o choose the right palh as you {>tart a new chapter in your life. We are all proud of you and love you very much! Love Always. Mom. Dad. Joey. and Christopher Patrick Duffner Cofi8ratulations to a terrific ron and wonderful brolher! Our hearts are filled with joy and pride wilh your outstandin8 academic. athletic and personal achievements. We thank God for the precious 8ifl of your life and pray he will 8uide and protect you in all your future endeavors. Continue t.o share your bright smile and amazifi8 8ifl:.s with the world. Remember t.o be kind t.o others. follow your dreams, and always be true t.o yourself. With all our love. Mom, Dad. Bob. Kim. Grandma and Grandpa 6tephen Eller 6tephen, Cofi8ratulations! We are very proud of you and wish you happiness and success in all your future endeavors. May God bless you! Mom, Dad and 6haun Gabrielle Erhardt Gabrielle. Con8ratulations! It's time t.o say 8oodbye to hi8h school and be8in a new chapter in your life. We're very proud of the person you've become and we know you'll make the most of the opportunities that lie ahead. We wish for all thifi8S wonderful for you. t\11 Our Love. Mom and Dad Rebecca Ernst Becca boo. what can we say about a perfect girl? Well. lets try wth you're phenom. our peace out queen. May you always have that wonderful 8ifl you have of keepifi8 the peace for all around you. Cofi8ratulations on all your accomplishments. We wish you Lhe best of life and most of all. remember we are all so proud of you and love you with all our hearts and souls. Love. Mom. Dad. Laruen, Victoria. Ramona. Olivia and David
Chris Escudero You have been a beautiful blessifi8 in our lives. You are what you are today because of all your hard work and dedication. We are so proud of all your accomplishments and the young man you have become. Continue reachifi8 for your dreams and most of all believe in yourself. Good luck in colle8e and continue to face challefi8es and the 8oals you set for yourself. Dont for8el to enjoy life. lau8h and love as you 80 on. We are always here for you. God Bless you t\lways and most of all thank you for beifi8 a wonderful ron. Love. Mom and Dad Amanda fabian Con8ratulations on your 8raduation. We know you will do well in colle8e. Always strive for your 8oals and tackle lifes challefi8es head on. Enjoy life and live it t.o the fullest We are so very proud of you. We will always be here for you with love and support Love, Mom and Dad Bonnie falconer Bonnie. our 8reatest joy. in a blink of an eye. you have blossomed int.o a beautiful young woman who is so e88er to spread her wings and fly. We are so very proud of you -for all you have accomplished and for all you have become. With God's 8race, begin each day with a smile on your face and sunshine in your heart so that you may always see.k the positive and bri8hten Lhe world around you. &vor your memories and nourish your friendships and let them be the foundation for new ones. The future awaitsmay it be excitifi8. fulfilling, and blest with Gods 8oodness and the knowleci8e that we love you dearly-always and forever. Love. Mom. Dad. M883ie, 6usie, Mandy. and Rosie Michael flemifi8 Over the past four years. we have watched you with pride as you have 8rown int.o a fine youfi8 man. You have wO!'ked hard to let your voice be heard and to assume a leadin8 role on stage. You have challefi8ed yourself academically. musically and theatrically have kepl smilifi8 throU8houl. As you face your last curtain call at NO and move on lo openifi8 ni8ht on a stage called Colle8e. please remember that wherever you 80 and whatever you do. you carry with you our love and pride in who you are and what you've accomplished. We wish you success and happiness in Lhe future! Love. Mom. Dad, Mark, Julie. James and Jonathan Charlie fuller Only those who risk 80ifi8 too far can possibly find out how far one can 8o.-T.6. Elliol Cofi8ratulations on your 8raduation from NO! We are so proud of all you have accomplished academically. athletically and socially. You are a wonderful ron. brother and friend because you have also worked so hard t.o become a 8ood person. We love you very much. Now you have new opportunities that lie ahead, use your 8ifl:.s and talents, choose wisely. work hard. do your best and have fun! Remember. we are your biggest+ fans and we will always be there to support yo1.1 in aJJ you do. Love. Mom. Dad and Connor
Juda fusco Cof18ratulations! You are a remarkable youf18 woman. Daddy and I are very proud of you. We wish you a future of happiness with all your hopes and dreams comif18 true. Remember we will always be here for you. Love. Mom and Dad Jeffrey Gale Your accomplishments as a student and a responsible person have always made me proud of you. As you complete hi8h school and enler inlo colle8e and become an adult, please remember that you must continue to work hard in your studies and continue to be Lhe person Lhal you are. lf you do this you will not only make both you and l proud, but you will be an individual Lhat is a contributor to society and a carifi8 human beif18. All my love and best wishes. Mom Tricia Galinat We are so very proud of you an all of your accomplishments at Notre Dame. As you head off to colle8e, please always know that we love you very much and wish for you Lhe utmost success and happiness. Cofi8ralulations! Love, Mom. Dad and Alexandra Patrick Call58her Remember Lhe 8ood and happy times you've had here at Notre Dame- Lhe memories will make you smile in the future. Remember Lhe loU8h and challef18in8 times- these memories will remind you of how strof18 you are and how adversity does build character. We are proud of you and all Lhal you've accomplished. acquired, and endured. Cod bless your future and Cod bless otre Dame for a 8reat hi8h school experience. Love, Mom and Dad 5ohn Cehyeka Dad, Mom, and all members of your family are proud of your educational accomplishmenl.s. You have Laken a critical step in Lhe f'iBht direction. Ghekahn is carefully watchif18 you. &t U1e pace. Let the sky be your limit in academic pursuil Your success will always be our happiness. Love, Mom, Dad. Chris, Ghekahn, Rocky. Boye and Monkonjai Lauren Gerber We are proud of who you are and what you have achieved. Enjoy your colle8e years. Keep your face to the &unshine and you cannot see the shadow. -Helen Keller Love. Mom and Dad Louis Gibilisco The last four years at Notre Dame have been a blasl We have watched you 8row from a shy youfi8 boy into a brilliant youf18 man. We are proud of all your accomplishments in academics, music, and sports but most of all we are proud of you. Youve 8rown and matured in your walk with Cod and as a person. Thank you for lettifi8 us be a special part of this time in your life. We love you very much! Love, Mom and Dad
Jennifer Gilsey Receivif18 dollat'S from Grandpa. playif18 Barbies with Grandma, clothes shoppif18 with Cioci, crawlifi8 next to baby David. and trick or treatif18 with Mom and Dad ...Our happy memories of you 80 on and on. Now its time to add to Lhe next chapter of your life in colle8e. &hoot for the stars. Jenn, and always remember that "YOU'RE THE BE&T. YOU CAN DO ANYTtnNC." Love. Your Proud Parents. David. Grandma. and Cioci Liana Gonzalez You have 8iven us so much joy lhrou8hout your short life! Its been so wonderful to watch you 8row from a shy 8irl to a bri8hl. ener8etic and ou~Oif18 youf18 woman. We are so proud of all you have done and of all that you have become. Keep reachif18 for the slars and youll be very successful. youve achieved so much already. Always remember that well be there for you! Love, Mom, Dad and Mach Briana Goodrich Cof18ratulations! ll seems like only yesterday that our 8ifl from Cod came into our lives at3 lbs. and now you are 8raduatin8 from N.D.H.&. Briana, N.D. has been 8ood to you with your education. You have been 8ood to N.D. with dedication to Cheerleadin8. &rvice, Clubs and your forever friends. You have accomplished so much and now you are ready for a new chapter as you move on to colle8e. You are beautiful inside and oul We are very proud and blessed to be your parents. Love. Mom and Dad &teve Corney You are capable of more than you know. &trive to be Lhe best, however hard the path. Aim rush. behave honorably. be persistent. and prepare to be alone at times and to endure failure. The world needs all you can 8ive. Cofi8ratulations and All Our Love, Mom. Dad and Brianne Annemarie lin Cof18ratulations on your Graduation! Your hard work, attitude, 8oals, and values make you a successful leader. We are all proud of you and will always be there for you. Love, Mom, Dad, John. Ida, and Nonna &manUm Graff You've had the time of your life! 6o 8lad you made the most of your four years at Notre Dame, except we have to say. at least for us, lhe time went by too fast. We hope Umt you will always cherish the best of times and wonderful friends you've made alof18 lhe way, keepif18 those precious memories for a lifetime. [t truly has been wonderful watchif18 your transformation into lhe amazif18 youfi8 woman you are now. smart and confident, ready to head off to colle8e, to see and experience the world in a whole new way. We really cannot put into words how very much we love you and how proud we are of everylhif18 you've accomplished! Love Always and forever, Mom and Dad
Cassandra H588erty Words alone cant express our love for you. Your journey from Incarnation to Notre Dame established a foundation for your education 8oals. Cherish your dreams as lhey come from your heart and soul. Let your vision be a masterpiece that is the touchstone of your character. Enjoy life. cherish family Love, Dad. .. Mom ...Tami Kara H588erty You have blO&!lOmed into a sincere and intelli8ent youn8 woman durif18 your years of Notre Dame. from the moment you were born you have been such a blessif18 to us, we lhank God every day for brif18ifi8 you into our lives. Dont ever lose that wonderful warm sense of humor. you make everyone comfortable and at ease the moment lhey meet you. You have made Notre Dame a betler place for beif18 parl of il We are proud of all the thif18s you have accomplished and all lhe lhif18S you have yet to achieve. Love. Mom, Dad and Kyle Kaitlin Hahn We are so very proud of you and all your accomplishments you have achieved at Notre Dame. Your enthusiasm for life. your big heart and that8reat smile will Lake you far as you enter the next phase of your life. May col1e8e be everythif18 you hope for and more!! Dont for8etlhat we will always be lhere for you. We are truly blessed to have you as our daUBhter, sister and 8randdausbtet'. Love. Mom, Dad, Tom, Brittany. Grandmom, Pop-Pop and Weston
Mary Harle Your terrific success and happiness are a blessif18 you deserve! We are most proud of lhe way you approached every 8oal you set for yourself wilh maturity and love and a perspective that allowed our whole family to 8row with you. Remember U1at we are always near, even if the miles separate us while you areal colle8e! We love you and we'll always be cheerif18 you on. Thanks for beif18 such a 8reat kid and savifi8 our collective sanity durifi8 lhe leen58e years. Love, Mom. Dad and Tricia Michael ftayes It seems like just a very short time a8o you were slartif18 up kinder8arlen, bul we look at you now and can't believe how you have 8rown up so fasl The time has 8one too quickly and it had been amazin8 to watch you transform from a quiet, unsure freshman to a confident and wonderful youf18 man. As you enter colle8e. remember you are a talented and intelligent person. capable of achievifi8 what you put your mind lo. We are extremely proud of you and proud to call you our son! We love you with all our hearts and wish you all the best as you enter the nexl chapter of your life. Cof18ratulations! Love, Mom and Dad
Zachary Hines You have made us very proud. You have Biven us much joy. We are always in your comer and lookifi8 forward to your many successes, still to come. You're the GR.EATE&'f1 Love. Mom and Dad &ott Horta Thank you for teachifi8 us what life is about We have enjoyed the journey you have taken us on; you have made us so proud. You are kind and have so much love to Bive; it is easy to love you in return. Your zest for life has ble&!led us with so mu h happiness. As you continue your journey, look back and remember we will always be here for you. ~ Love. Mom and Dad &tephan Houcke &tephan, I am so proud of you. I am so proud of your ability to overcome obstacles. 1 am so proud of your Bood heart I am so proud of the wonderful you0<5 man that you've become. I am so proud and Brateful that you are my son. Love, Mom
Ben Jones Wow. it is difficult to believe four years at Notre Dame have passed so fasU We are so proud of the responsible Breat younB man you have become. Look forward to much success in colleBe, stayifi8 positive and havifi8 a bf18ht future! We Love You. Mom, Dad, Val. Des. &am, and &nickers Erinn Jones lt reems like we blinked and four years have passed! We are extremely proud of all you have accomplished at otre Dame. You have worked hard and made wondc;rful friends! As you beBin a new chapter. continue to reach for the stars! You have broU8hl more joy to our lives than we dreamed possible. We love you so very much! Love, Mom and Dad Anja Kelleher Cofi8ralulations, you made iU It reems like only yesterday when you first started school. and now, here you are. hiBh school over and colleBe beBinf1in8. What a wonderful achievement We have always believed in you and we are all so proud of you and the wonderful youfi8 woman you have become. We wish you all the best that life has to offer and a future filled with the wonder of your hopes and dreams. We love you very much and we'll always be there for you. All our love, Mommy, Grandma, Lisa, &nnie and aU the rest of the family Liana Kelly WOW, what an amazifi8 youfi8 lady you have become!!! Your vibranL full of life. take me as I am way has everyone in awe. You are utiful just as you are, you are talented in many ways and when you do find your callifi8, always know that we are there for you every step of the way- you lead and we will be f18ht by your side. We know you will use your talents to make life better for others, for the world, its just your nature. Continue to follow your heart; your own aspirations are so much more than we could ever hope for you. As always. we are so proud of you. :e. Dad, Mom, Karl, and Brendan
Ashley Kinsley We are truly ble&!led to have you in our family. ConBratulations on a :real four years at Notre Dame. Keep pursuifi8 your dream to become a veterinarian. l\lways remember how much we love and support you in all you do. Love. Mom, Dad, Timmy. and Bella Robert Kitson Ofl8ralulations Bob! These past four years have Bone by so quickly. You are on your way to a Breat future. We ~ish you the best in all you do. We know that youll BO far. Love, Mom. Dad and Abby Alexander Koroljow
Mia&! You are truly deservifi8 of all your success so far. May all your dreams and aspirations in life come true as you beBin a new chapter toward your Boal. We love you dearly and stand by your side proudly. With all our love and devotion. Mom and Dad &teven K.rakosky Coll8ratulations in this wonderful milestone! The past four year have flown by faster than e could have im88ined. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments and what a fine youll8 man you have become. You have a find heart. a Breal sense of humor and boundless potential. Beli ve in yourself. We wish you the best of evecyt.hifi8 as you move on to the next chapter in your life. Know that you will always have our love and support in all you do. May Cod guide and protect you. Be well and safe. Love, Mom, Dad, Lauren, Gramie. Grampie. and the rest of the BaOB Kenneth Krupa Coll8ratulations Kenny! We are both so proud of all that you have accomplished, especially your incredible art work. It seems like your years at Notre Dame have Bone by so quickly. but durifi8 th<.Alle years you have Brown and matured into a fine young man. Continue lo follow your dreams as you move into the future. You can accomplish whatever you set you mind to, it will be amazinBI We love you always. Mom and Dad omas Lani<5an U June 2rol will be remembered as a milestone in your life- hiBh school graduation. It sets the baseline of who you are but accents what you can become. We are very proud of what you have accomplished at N.D. W have seen you Brow into a focused youfi8 man whose unlimited potential lies within his determination to Bet it done! Love, Mom, Dad. Kelly, Max and Molly Ryan Lamson Cofi8ratulations on another job well done! These four years have flown by ro quickly and yet in that time you have become a very special you0<5 man. You've learned much at Notre Dame and have put that knowleclBe and wisdom to Bood use. I'm sure you will continue to do so in your next Breat adventure and on into a great future. We love you and are proud of you. Love, Dad, Jackie. Jayroe, Tramp. &rBent, Bella, and the whole family
Travis Larmore Your footprints at Notre Dame were laid for you by your brothers Alan Jr. and Brandon. You didn't ju~t follow their path but you blazed your own. We will alway~ pray that you continue to shine and succeed in whatever you choose to do in life. Rememberifi8 that Cod's anointifi8 is on your life and we will always be in your com r. With i\11 Our Love. Momaz. Popz. M and Brandon Jake Lefi8Yel You are my special Afi8el &nt from up above The Lord smiled down on me And sent an Afi8el to love Cofi8ratulations with. love and pride. Love, Mom Nicholas Lezynski Nicholas, our hearts are overflowifi8 with pride and joy at this special time in your life. You have Biven us ro many wonderful memories throUBhout your time at Notre Dame. Whether in the classroom or on the playifi8 field, we will forever cherish your accomplishments. Most of all. we love you for your example of humility. your sense of compassion toward others. and your devotion to family and friends. ConBratulations and Cod Bless You. Love, Mom, Dad, &iobhan, Blaise, and Xavier Kristina Lim How quickly your four years at Notre Dame have Bone by. Your wonderful experience in ll~ will be valuable to you for the rest of you life. CONGQNrt.JLi\TION&! We' so proud of you. Keep smilinB and keep up the Bood work. With All Our Love, Mom. Dad. Fid. Jeremy and of cour Nanay Jonathon Lubin Jonathon: we are all so very proud of all your accomplishments at Notre Dame. We know that you will do well in the future and remember all that you have learned both at home and at school. We pray that Cod will keep you .!38fe and in his hands to guide you as you enter college. May you always know that you have parents and sisters that love you dearly. Love. Mom, Dad, Jennifer. Jacqueline and Jessica Kathryn Lukasiewicz What should we say to you as you are about to embark on the ne t major adventure of your life~ We are very proud of the young lady you have become. keep Browifi8 with Cod as your guide. Keep love and latJBhter in your heart and you will accomplish ~at thifi8S in your life. With much love and pride for you as you Braduate. Love l\lways. Mom. Dad, Joe, Dan, Emily and Jan Charles Lynch Jr. Way to BO Chuckl We are so proud o you! Now a new journey awaits. Brifi8 with you the knowleclBe of how much you are loved. Believe in yourself and you'll have Breen liBhts all the way on the road ahead. Go for iU Love, Mom, Dad, James, &an and Tommy
Kri ten Mahon Cofl8ratulations. &nshine! It's been amazi£l8 watchi£l8 you f}OW in so many ways durin8 your journey at Notre Dame. We wholeheartedly admire the compassionate and accomplished woman you have become. Through God's O£l80i£l8 8uidance and the support of your family and friends. may you continue to flourish as you set out on the next chapter of your life. Love. Mom. Dad and Me8an Matthew Ma£l8one Co£l8ratulations! You have successfully completed the next of many steps you will be t.akif18 through your lifes journey. We are very proud of you and what you have accomplished. We will aJways support the decisions you make. Our love is with you. 8ood luck in colle8e and the future. Love. Dad. Mom and David Jaimie Mariani What an incredible time for you as you reach the end of hlBh ~hoot and the be8inni£l8 of the rest of your life! Your accomplishments and your values are what your Dad and I wished for you as we both watched over you. As you continue your journey, may love, happiness and kindness continue with you. l:very time I think of you I hu8 you in my heart We are so proud and our love for you will 8row forever. Love. Mom and Jen Lauren McCarthy It is hard to believe how fast time has 80ne by. But it is even harder to believe what a wonderful. charmif18. carifi8 youfi81ady you have become. We truly hope you have as 8ood colle8e xperience as you did here at NO. Always reme r we love you end couldn't be more proud of you and your accomplishments. tlave fun. follow your dreams and may God aJways bless you! Love, Mom, Dad, Tommy. Jill. Ali, Erin and Ryan
Patrick McDavitt Cofi8ratulations! We are ro proud of you. You have 8rown tremendously throUBh your hi8h ~ool years. makinB wonderful friends, 1eamill8 incredible thifi8S and sharifi8 many unique and rich experiences. Now you enter a new phase of life that wilt brifi8 a multitude of new experiences and challefi8e.!l. Choose wisely and follow your heart. and know that wherever life's journey take!~ you, we will always be there for you. Love, Mom, Dad, Jim and Allie Ryan Mcinerney We are so very proud of the youfi8 man you have become. Your strefi8th. compMSion. sense of humor and inte8rity are extraordinary 8ift.s. They will help you achieve all of your dreams and more in this life. Always remember how much you are loved and that whatever road you choose. your an8el buddy and your old man are behind you. tove, Mom and Dad Chrissi McKernan Chrissi, we are ro proud of the terrific youfi8 woman you have become! We are excited for you as you 8raduate Notre Dame tliBb &hool because you have such a bri8ht and excitinB future ahead of you. Cofi8ratulations. Lady BUB! Love, Dad, Mom and Brian
Patricia McMahon Cofi8ratulations Trish! We are ve proud of you for your academic accomplishments. s well as for beifi8 the kind and carifi8 person that you've become. Always treasure the time you had at Notre Dame, especially the many friends that you've made. As you continue on life's journey. be true to yourself. tay close to Gocl. and seek His 8uidance often. And remember that we will aJways be here to love and support you. Now enjoy all that colle8e life has to offer! Love, Mom, Dad and Matt Kelsey McManimon Kelsey, you are a unique and beautiful yolifl8 lady and you are part of a family that loves you very much. Love. Mom. Dad. and OJ Joe McVey Words cannot express how proud we are of you. You are. and have always been. your own person. one can ever take that from you. Your confidence, resilience and perseverance will serve you well in whatever you choose to do with your life. Continue to work hard and chaJiefl8e yourself We are confident your future wm be filled with happin and success. In ur hearts. we know. you truly deserve nothif18 but the besl All our love, M m, Dad, John. and Matt Matthew Medici The best thifi8 about the future is that it comes only one day at a time. -Abraham Lincoln You are a kind. Cari£l8. and unselfish youfi8 man and we believe that God has 8reat plans for you. Never limit your expectations. and always reach for the startS. Love, Mom, Dad, and Michelle Kristen Menno Cof18ratulations KritSten! We are ro proud of you and all that you have accomplished. You have 3rown into a beautiful you08 woman and we love you very much. We wish you all the love, 3ood health and happiness there is for your future. May God always bless you and keep you safe. AU of our love always. Mom. Dad. Matt. Michael and Rudy Kate Merrick e are ro proud of all that you have done these past four years at Notre Dame. You have become respected beautiful you08 woman who will succeed i life -despite your worries. You are extremely loved by all who know you espedaJly your family and we look forward to sharifi8 in your life. May God protect you and bless you with multiple friends and 3ood health as you continue your studies. With all the love in our hearts and minds, Mom. Dad. &an and Erin Christina Mi3liaccio Cofi8ratulations Christina! You did il We are all very proud of you. You're an adult now, this is your momenL enjoy it, stay happy and follow your path to fulfill your dreams! Love always. Mom, Dad. Corey. Holly. Peter and Anthony
Brittny Miller 1LOVE YOU DEARLY AND YOU DID Ttll& ALL ON YOUR OWN EVEN TtiROUGtl Tt!E ROUGH TlMF,6. Proud can just be8in to d~ribe how 1feel about the life you've be8un and the future ahead you've created. [m 80i£l8 to miss all the blonde moments, worries. but mostly your hUBs. We all wish you the best of luck in the future and may all your dreams come true. Your 8odfather will be watchi£l8 you .. Love, Mom. Michael. Austin and Maddie Pumpkin
Mary Miller Co£l8ratulaUonsl Your years at Notre Dame have 8one by far too fasl You worked hard and met every challefl8e thrown at you over the past four years, while leamin8 many important lesrons in and out of tbe classroom. This has helped create the successful. confident youf18lady you are today. We are very proud of you and look forwar9 to watchif18 you continue to shine in colle8e. Lov . Mom, Dad and Kelly &d,'e Miller C f18ratulatioos! We are so proud of you and your amazi£l8 accomplishments. Over the past four years, you have evolved into a beautiful, artistic, and confident youn8 woman who values her faith. &d'e. enjoy your life. never lose your sense of humor, and yes you are our PQJNCOO. &tay safe and enjoy your colle3e years, they'll be the best times of your life! We wish you all the best and may all your dreams come true. As you stay focused on your 8oaJs. remembe.r the best is yet to come! Love. Mommy. Daddy and Bi3 Brother Tyirod Alyssa Mills Co£l8ratulations to our 3raduate. We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplishod durin8 your hi8h school years. May colle8e be everylhifi8 you expected and more. Keep your wonderful spirit and attitude and never stop smiling. Wherever the future may take you, always remember we are here for you and we love you very much. The best is yet to come! All Our Love. Dad. Mom, Amy. Grandmom. Papa. and Nana &tephanie Mil~ia Cofi8ratulations on a fantastic four years. [ am very proud of you. I wish you a future as briBbt as your smile and as bi8 as your heart I know you will be everythif18 you want to be. I love you and I am proud of the beautiful you lady that you ere. Love. Mom Christina Mirisis Christina. you have Biven us so many cheriMed memories. from your first kid f the soccer baJI to your .first hit in softball we have watched you yow into a beautiful and confident youna woman. As you reach this milestone we want you to know est.amo.s muy or8ulloros de ti. With love, Dad, Mom. Nicholas and Andrew Jacob Mlinar Dream bi3. plan well, work hard, smile always. and 3ood thif18S will happen. You are well on your way! We are ro proud of you. Love, Dad. Mom, and Austin
William Monks We want you to always remember thal we are very proud of you and we will always be here for you. We will miss you ro much when you fP away to colle8e. Remember lo follow your dream and never lose si8ht of what you want to achieve in life. Consratulations on your 8raduation! We love you. Love, Mom and Dad Patrick Moore Consratulations on your many accomplishments durins your four years at Notre Dame. We couldnt be prouder. You have 8rown into an incredible. youns man who we know will do remarkable thin8s. Continue to always strive to do your best and reach for your dreams but most of all remember how much we love you today and always! Love, Mom, Dad, Me8han, and 6hannon Victoria Moots Always believe in yourself and your dreams. and remember iliat when thinss 8et tou8h. dont 8ive up8ive more. The success you achieve tomorrow be8ins with the actions you take today. We are ro proud of all that you have accomplished. Con8ratulations to you and the class of '20071 We Love You. Dad. Mom. Rachel. and Toki. too! Jonathan Morris Con8retulations! You have 8rown into a fine youns man we are proud lo call our ron. Your future is wide open and your options are endl . Whichever direction you choose. w are f'i8ht beside you. You will always have a place in our home and in our hearts. You are a bri8ht li8ht in our lives and we will love you forever. Love, Bi8 Man. 6kip and CJ bisa Mulcahy You captured our hearts from the first moment we held you in our arms and we have loved you more with each passin8 day. ln four short years at Notre Dame. you have 8rown into the beautiful. compassionate youns lady you are today and we are ro proud of you! We have watched you stand true to your beliefs. choose wisely. and work hard to do your best. Please realize the God has a special plan for you. and as you discover what thal is. you can depend on our support. 8uidance. friendship and love every minute of every day. Believe in your dreams and re ch for the stars.... there is one with your name on it! Love, Mom. Dad. Christina. Michael and Jenna Christine Mullaney ConsratulaUons on four 8reat years of hi8h school. You've 8rown to be a wonderful perron. We love you with all our hearts and couldn't be more proud. Co bi8 red! The world is waitin8! Love. Mom. Dad. and Jacqueline
Michelle Mullins Michelle. we are ro very proud of you and your accomplishments at Notre Dame. In your years at Notre Dame. you have 8rown into a mature and sensitive youns woman ready to take on ilie world. We wish you al the very best in your years ahead in colle8e and beyond. Approach all the challenses life presents you with courfi8e. perseverance and passion, and success will surely come your way. An Old Irish Blessins: May lhe saddest day of your future, be no worse than the happiest day of your past. Love. Mom. Dad, Maureen and Matthew
6heamus O'Connor We are ro proud of you. Ccxxi luck in colle8e! Consratulations, we love you! Love, Dad, Mom, Michael, Erin, and Jack Justin Oliano Consratulations on four 8reat years at otre Dame! We are very proud of the thinss you have achieved and the perron you have become. Ccxxi luck in colle8e. We know you are on your way to a wonderful future. bove, Mom and Dad
Justin Muni Consratulations! Throush hard work and determination you have proven you can accomplish anythifi8. You have always made us very proud of you. Hi8h school was just another step in your journey. ... look nol just to the destination but enjoy the whole ride. Love, Mom. Dad, Jamie and Michael
Nicole Orth Wish bi8 Nicole because dreams do come true. We have watched as you have fulfilled our every hope for you. Your hard work and effort have 8uided your success in hi8h school and will serve you well in life. As your Mom always said to you, "If God 8rants all my wishes. yours would all come true." Just remember work hard and always wish wisely. DYB. Love. Dad, Mom, Luke and Will
Dan Natter ConsratulaUons! What a pleasure it is to watch you develop into an oulslandin8 youns man. As you embark on a new adventure in your life. we wish you love. peace. success and happiness. We hope that you continue to share with others the special 8ift.s God has 8iven you. We are very proud of you and your accomplishments. Thank you for wonderful memories. Lots of Love! Mom. Dad and Carl
Jaron Oszvart You are a kind. 8enerous, lovin8 and carins youn8 man and we are very proud of you. Throu8h determination and perseverance you have reached your 8oals at Notre Dame; keep on 80ifi8! We have faith that you will achieve your dreams. Believe in yourself because success is out there for you. Be fair to all- makin8 the ri8ht decision will not always be easy. Love. Dad, Mom and Jessica
Leah-Michelle Nebbia As we say 8ood-bye to your fabulously successful hi8h school years and look to the future, we pray that Cod will fill your life with joy and that faith 8ives you the power to dare to do 8reat thin8s. Our love has 8iven you roots- Now find your win8s. Always. Mom. Dad and Eva
Jessica Paparelli Consratulationsl What an amazins accomplishmenU All your hard work and extraordinary effort has paid off We love you very much and are ro proud of you. Your future is bri8hl Continue to slay focused. maintain your enthusia.Bm and there will be no limits to what you can achieve in life. Love. Mom and Dad
Jacquelyn Nickey What lies behind you and what lies fore you are tiny matters compared to what lies within you. Always remember you are a hero on a journey. Live well, laush oflen. love much. and never stop learnins. We can't wait to see where your adventures lead you. Love. Mom. Dad, 6tevie. Carey and Rory Arash Nouri You have made us ro proud! All your hard work over the passed four years has really paid off Continue to be the same perron you are and never chanse. Be true to whom you are and follow your dreams. We love you ro much! Love, Mom. Dad and Miriam &rah Nowicki What a sensitive. talented and beautiful youns woman you have become! We are ro proud of you! Keep strivin8 to fulfill your dreams- we will be there every step of the way with all our love and support. Always be true to yourself. but be willins to experience everythins your wonderful future has to offer. Consratulations on all your accomplishments and all our Iovins wishes for a fabulous future! Love Always. Mom and Dad
Brielle Parady Words cannot express how very proud we are of you and all you have accomplished. You have set 8oals and remained focused throu8hout hi8h school. You will achieve 8reat trunss in life. This is only the be8innins. Love, Mom, Dad and Kaylen Jeanette Paravecchia As one journey end.ll, another be8ins. Consratulations on your 8raduation! We are ro proud of you. follow your dreams wherever they may take you and know how much you are loved. All Our Love, Mom. Dad, Jon. Vince, Joey. and Valerie &rah Parkes Consratulations on four successful years at Notre Dame. and our best wishes for many more in life. Hard work. dedication. friend.llhips. ability to make choices and willinsness to accept responsibility will help you define and achieve whatever 8oals you can imasine. 6o let your heart and mind I ad. and know that all of us will be there to help. Love, Mom, Dad, Billy. &maotha, Bridset and Molly
Matthew Parrons The next four years of school and bareball are 80if18 to be very interesUf18 and excilin8. With you. we look forward to them. We will continue to be there with and for you as you work to reach your 8oals and dreams. Here 1s to the bi8 one! As always. we are proud and we love you ro much. Love, Mom. Dad and Jared Jessica Persif18 Jessica, we were blesred with you ... You will never know how proud we are of all the thif18S you do. We have watched you throUBh out the years, lalJ8h. cry, and 8row ... Just remember, no matter how old you are or where you may be... 'I'heres romeone who needs you and loves you and that is your family! Love, Mom, Dad. Jordan, and Jake Gabrielle Pelerron Cof18ratulations Gab! Cod has blesred our life with a special8ifl We are ro very proud of the lovif18 and Carif18 yoUf18 woman you have become. Your honesty. inte8rity. and kind heart are an inte8ral part of what makes you ro special. Explore all the possibilities that lie ahead. Embrace your new be8innin8 usin8 your artistic 8if\:.s and talents. Be proud of yourrelf for all that you have become. Treasure all the memories of ND. We wish you a life filled with much love, laUBhter. happiness and success. May God continue lo bestow his blessif18S upon you and never 8ive up on your dreams. All our love, Dad and Mom Matthew Petito You are the most unique child. You know how much you make us smile when we are down. We know that there is nothif18 that will slop you from bein8 the best that you can be. We love you for beif18 you and wish nothif18 but the best, becaure we know you can do what ever it is you want to do in life. Good luck and lots of lovell Love. Mom, Dad and Donny Jennifer Philhower We are ro proud lo call you our dau8hter. You have accomplished sO much in your four years at Notre Dame Hi8h &hool and we hope you are as proud of yourrelf as we are of you. We know that whatever colle8e you choore and whatever career path you decide to embark on you will be successful. You are a beautiful. smart. artistic. rensitive and funny youf18 woman and that will carry you far in life. Just always believe in yourrelf becaure we will always believe in you. Love, Mom and Dad Neil Pirozzi Your family is ro proud of the man you have become. You are compassionate. determined. smart and lovif18. Keep your idealistic views of rnakif18 the world a better place. We are excited about the man you are yet to become. We love you very much. Cof181'8lulations on your Hi8h &hool graduation. Love, Morn, Dad, Nikki. &ott and Jessica
Julia Pisaturo You have continued to impress me every day. as you become U1e determined. talented youn8 woman you were destined to be. I hope that all your dreams are fulfilled in your future and that your life is filled with love and Happiness. Love, Mom I am ro proud of the perron you are becomif18 and wish you every bit of luck as you start a new and exciUf18 lime in your life. Love. Jacquelyn You are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside with your quiet, unassumif18 ways that make you very special and dear lo us! Love. Grandmom and PopPop Erica Pittaro I cant believe youre a renior! You have 8rown into a beautiful youf18 lady and I am very proud to call you my daUBhter. You are slron8. independent. honest. and loyal to your family and friends. You have proven in ro many ways that you are ready to lake the next step in life. You heve developed poire and 8race and a determination to complete anythin8 you start. Reach for your dreams and remember i1ll alway<!! be there for you. Love Always. Mommy Erica Pittaro Cof18ratulaUons to a wonderful daUBhter on your 8raduaUon. Heres wishif18 you all the luck in the world as one chapter of your life closes and another be8ins. Have a wonderful summer. best wishes at colle8e next fall. I am ro very proud of you! All my love. Daddy Jan Pope You make us very proud. Ian! After all the chan8es and cha11ef18es that youve faced alof18 the way. colle8e is now an excitifl8 prospecl Youve developed into a charmin8 and confident youf18 man and we look forward to reein8 you flourish as you experience the next phare on the journey of life and we really DO love you more than the do8! Love. Mom and Dad Brooke Price Altholl8h il is hard to believe that it is lime to 8raduate. we know that you are anxious for the next part of your life to be8in. The few years at NO have helped to brif18 out the wonderful perron you are. You have enjoyed ro many experiences that will help you in the future. We have thoroUBhly enjoyed wat.chif18 you ure and refine your talents. Keep that twinkle in your eye and srnilif18. they are priceless. Continue to make 8ood choices, God is there for you. Love. Morn and Dad
Victoria Prieto Cof18ratulaUons! Your four years at Notre Dame have tau8ht you dedication and commitment, one stroke al a time. We are truly proud of you and your accomplishments. Believe in yourrelf. follow your dreams and most importantly be happy- we know that with your determination and zest for life you will succeed at whatever you set your si8hts on. We love you always and forever. Love xoxo. Mom. Dad. Nicole and Alex Caroline Pryor 0weel Caroline! What a lovely. kind. warm-hearted youf18 woman you 1ve become 11 Can! 11 Daddy and l often marvel how out once shy little tow-head has 8rown into such an oul8oif18. confident and fun lovif18 perron with a heart of 8old! Never chaf18e 11 Can! 11 We love you just the way you are and you mean U1e world to us! Love. Morn, Dad, Marie. and Diana Alyssa Qg_ezada
We are blesred lo have you as a daUBhter and you make us very proud. Continue to follow your dreams with the same passion and desire that has 8otten you iliis far. Do not for8et your humble ways and always be 8rateful. never for8et thore that have helped you. believed in you and cheered for you throll8hout your journeys. Your bi8 heart and willin8ness to 8ive to other; is one of the many thif18S we admire. Today is where your book be8ins and the rest of your life is still unwritten. Love. Morn and Dad Joshua Rabara-5rokate Way to 80 Josh!!! Proudly. DA. D.O., Aunt Hetue. and Mom Kristen Ranke It reerns like only yesterday you were a scared hi8h school freshman walkif18 ilirou8h the doors of Notre Dame and now. four years later. you are exiUf18 thore same doors as a confident youn8 lady. We are very proud of all you have accomplished boU1 academically and in the Performif18 Arts. You have always had this special ability to dance into peoples lives and make them feel 3ood about themrelves this is why you have ro many friends who care about you. Unfortunately il is lime to leave your friends and the Notre Dame family and continue your journey throu3h yet another ret of doors as a scared but easer colle8e freshmen to further pursue your dream as a professional dancer. 0o Kristen 8irl as Geoffrey would y JU0T DOlT. Love. Morn. Dad and 0teven Trevor Raynor You 1ve 3rown into a wonderful mature youf18 man durif18 hi3h school and we are ro proud you belof18 to us! As you be8in your next endeavor. remember to holdfast to your morals and traits that make you the perron we love. Be adventurous and take advanlaBe of the many opportunities that await you. Our forever wish for you is to be happy and for Cod to keep you safe and healthy. Always remember our love for you is everlastin3! Love always. Mom, Dad. Nikki and Tyler
Kristen Recine It is our pi asure and honor to consratulate you for your many achievements. We kno ~ou are capable of great thinss and your persistence and hard work has paid off in many ways. You are a bright. smiling star in our lives and we thank God for')'ou. We thank you for the love you have given us. as well as the memories you continue to make each and every joyful day. God bless you Kristen. and may God bless your journey of life. Love, Mom, Dad, and Robert Tyler Reilly Tyler, watching your Notre Dame Tennis matches and reeins your accomplishments was our greatest joy. Now. take your knowledge and experiences from Notre Dame and spread your wings. Tyler now comes the opportunity to follow your passions and to te , off to make a difference We will always be the loving and supporting you. Keep a strong faith as you go. for with God ...all things are possible. Love. Mom. Dad and Katelyn
Edgar Qelevante, Jr. Congratulations. Jay-R! As you go Into another chapter of your life. always remember that you have our undying love. It has never changed. from the baby boy we used to dandle to the person you are now. We are so proud of you. Keep goin 1 son.... reach for your dreams! Love, Mom and Dad &mantha Riccio Congratulations to our utifullitUe girl! We 1re so proud of you! No matter where life takes you. your smile and lauehter will always warm our hearts. Love. Mom, Dad, Chris and Abby Ricardo Luis Rodriguez In four years at No Dame High &hool. you have grown spiritually, intellectually as well as physically. Moreover, you have wowed l.l4l with your singing. acting and dancing skills. We love you, and are very proud of you! Keep God in your life. be true to your faith, share the love that is in your heart with other and you wont go wrong. Ricky. the best. is yet to come!!!!! Much love, Mom, Dad. and your sister, Maria Kathryn Rogers Congratulations on your graduation from high €Cbool! We are very proud of all your accomplishments. 6tay true to youreelf. your family and your friends. 6tudy hard, be ~fe. have fun and continue to pursue your goals and dreams. We love you! Love. Mom. Dad, Emily and Jatnel> Katherine RO&!\ "There ~ no need to reach tOr the stars. They are already within you- just reach deep into yourself. 11 Congratulations on this milestone! Exciting adventures are ahead for you to experience. Enjoy every step the journey. We love you always! Love. Mom and Dad
Nicholas Rowe from the moment I J 'd ey on all 5 1/2 pounds of you, I knew you were s!Jecial. I am so inspired and touched by your energy. your drive. your courage. your strength. your passion for you hobbies, your kindness and heart. and your uncanny ability to always make me laugh! I am so very proud to say. That's my son! You will always be my prince, and my hero. Don't ever forget the Three MIY:lketeers, and the love and connection we have. Love you forever. Mom Robert Ruszczyk As a youngster every spill or fall always brought forth a cry of I'm alrighl We have watched you grow and become a confident and very special young man. -we are proud of your accomplishments but more importanUy we are always proud of you. Thank you for bringing so much happiness into our lives and we wish you great success in the future. We love you and with God 1s help you will always be 11 alright11 • Love. Mom. Dad. Gram, Aunt Holly. Matt and tJlison Andrew Ryan Anci.row. as far back as l can remember, you have always portrayed yourself as an achiever. Your curiosjty. knowled&e, loyalty, strength and determination have on y been proven through many of your accomplishments. As your Mom, I rsonally find yo to be an exceptional person. son and friend. Despite life 1s highs, and lows. you have reached above and beyond your call of duty to the people who love you the most. your family. for this, we thank you and are all truly proud of you. I do believe, in my heart that God spent a litUe more time on you. Congratulations! Love. all of us!!! Kristin Ryan Congratulations tQ you and the Class of'2007! We are so proud of the beautiful person you have become. Watching you grow each day has been such a blessing! You are a wonderful daughter and a great sister. Always keep your faith in God and in youreelf. He has gifted you with a good head and an open 1 h~arl oo go ahead and continue to enjoy life s jourlley. In the words of the song. "I h you dance. 11 Love. Mom. Dad and Paul
e are so proud of you! Congratulations on a GREAT high school career! Even when you were very young you were adventurous. always exploring new ideas and ways of doing lhings. .. we know that your inquisitive nature will lead you to a very successful future. May God watch over you and guide your ery step. Know how very much we all love you, and are so glad you are our son, and brother! All Our Love Always. Mom, Dad, Angela ('00) and Rob, Maria ('0'2). Joe ('04). Becca ('10), Emma and PenPen William &hofietd 11 1t is a time for a new generation of leadership. to cope with new problems and new opportunities. for there is a new world to be won. 11 ln a flash you went from a boy whose perreverance and drive has transformed you into an amazing young man. Always follow your heart; it has never proven y wrong. We are so proud of you! Love. Mom, Dad. Re and Jamie
Michael &hroeder Congratulations! You have done us proud both on and off the field. Continue to make good cboi and life will reward you. We love you and support you always. Thank you for being our son and brother. God Bless you! Love. Mom, Dad and Gregory Jennifer &icluna We are so proud of you! It reems like just yesterday we were dropping you off at Notre Dame as a freshman. As you 80 off to college, know that we will always be your biggest fans. Always stay true to your beliefs and stand up for what you know to be the right U1ing. May God bless you alwayg.. With all our love. Dad. Mom and Lauren 6cott 6hevlin faster than lightening and bright as a star Kindest of hearts is the person you are You are faith and humor rolled into one We are so very proud and love you our son All our love. Mom. Dad. and Hannah Jade 6hields II Your journey thus far has been nothing short of spectacular. Your dedication and work ethic have prepared you well. As you embark upon the next phase of your life and begin the collegiate journey, know that we are confident you will continue to exceL in school, in love and in life. Follow your dreams and never give up! With love and blessings always. Mom. Qad. Myles and the entire family Lauren 6hunk We are extremely proud of your accomplishments and the person you have become. We pray that your future will be filled with happiness. good health and good friends and for all of your dreams to come true. Love. Mom, Dad and Derek Ashley 6ilakoski We believe in you, in your spirit. your goodness. in the way you face each day with commitment to your life and the things that really matter. We believe in the decisions you make, in the careful consideration you give each challenge. in the perreverance you 1ve shown when others might have given up. We believe that you po&SeSS an extraordinary strength and endless reserve of resilience. even more than you realize. You are a r. n of enormous courage. someone truly special in this world, a rare and beautiful gift. We hope you 1ll never forget that we believe in you. Love. Mom. Dad. Mike. hris, and Courtney Anne 6ipio
God bless you on your high school graduation for four years of consistent achievement worthy of much pride, well deserved-Well done! We honor your achievements and recognize how hard you have personally worked to build a meaningful and rewarding future. Be everything that you can be. We are all so very proud of you. Our best for everything. as well as love and wishes for bright shining success and much joy and peace in your future. With Mu<!h Love, Mom, Dad. Charles, Katharine. Caroline, Penny. March, <£>ketch. 6tretch-Parke, Weatherby, Ollie and Weemo
Catherine 6m.ith We are ro proud of you and all of the wonderful accomplishments you have achieved. Each year brolJ8ht another challenge and opportunity and you took them and made them unique and on your own. We wish you much love and success as you enter the next challen8e of colle8e. We will always be with you as you make your way on the path of the future. All our love, Mom, Dad and Mary Ian 6mith Co with our prayers, blessings and faith in you, Oh enli8htened one. Theres a wide world out there waiting for you to discover and enjoy to the fullesL With HI<£, help and 8uidance you can create the vision that is in your heart and mind. Never lose that quirky Irish-Fillpi no sense of humor. Lots of Love, Dad, Mom, &an, and Timmy Alexander 6paul We have been proud of you from the moment you were born. Your couf88e in dealing with all that life has thrown at you is an example to us. follow your dreams and be happy. We will always love you. Love. Mum. Dad and Becky Alyssa &Joseph These four years at N.D. have flown by fast. We watched you 8row and bloom into a remarkable and beautiful young woman. we are ro proud of you! Always remain true to yourself and follow your dreams. No matter what. we will always be there for you and ch ring you on. You are my shining star! Congratulations our ballerina princess, we love you. Love, Mom, Dad. David, and Jonathan Michael 6tarke Your journey thus far has been exciting. rich and worthy. yet there are still ro many roads to travel. The horizon before you is broad and endless. We trust you'll take the ri8ht paths to arrive at your many destinations. "Ready am I to 80, and my easerness with sails full set awaits the wind."- Khalil Gibran Love. Mom and Dad Ciara 6tewart You are every parents dream- beautiful. sweet. intellisenL and funny! We are extremely proud of your accomplishments thus far. It is obvious that GOD has an AWEroM:E plan for your life. Use the 8ifts that tl:E has 8iven you to bless and encourase others. Remember, we will always be here for you. Loving You Always. Mom. Dad, and Your Loving Family Elena 6tremlo Congratulations! We are very proud of you. May your future be filled with love. happiness, 8ood health and success. You deserve the bestJ Love. Mom. Dad and Gre8
Joseph 6ullivan Congratulations! Graduation has finally arrived. We are proud of you and we wish the future holds only 8ood things for you. Remember that we love you. and we will always be there for you. May you accompltsh all your hopes and dreams. Love. Mom, Dad, Jack. Grandmom, Nanny. Aunt 6andy and Mario, Aunt Brenda and Uncle l)ob, Aunt Linda and Your Cousins 6uter What an incredible four years! Weve enjoyed every minute of your time at NO. Awerome friends-Model UN birthday parties, dances and pictures. LOT6A pizza, the beach, plays (too much to list). 8reat teachers (too many to name) and terrific coaches and advirors (what will Mr. Collier do with all his free time?). Con8ratulations on all your accomplishments; you've worked very hard (no wonder you were ro tired!). It seems theres nothing you can't do once you set your mind toil Your future looks really exciting. Just remember to enjoy the journey. We are ro proud of you and love you ro much. May God hold you in the palm of his hand. Xx.oo Mom and Dad Patrick Thompron "People want to be on a team. They want to be part of romething bi&ger than themselves. They want to be in a situation where they feel that they are doing romething for the 8reater 8ood." -Coach K. You always have and always will be number 1 on TEAM U6. You are our perfect ron, a 8ood brother. and a true patriol Keep pursuing your dreams, for your team is destined to be a 8reat one. All Our Love, Dad, Mom. Deter and Grandmom. Lisa Tomaszewski We write this tribute to you today to tell you how proud we are of you and your accomplishments. As you now step out into the world as an adult we know that you will continue to make the best choices for your life ahead. We send you much love as you continue on your journey of success. Love. Mom and Dad Alexandra Tomlinron Whatever you do. wherever you 80, always keep your warm sense of kindness. wonderful sense of humor. love of learning and passionate spirit. Keep doing the thin8s you love to do and always remember how proud we are of you. Love. Morn. Dad, and &an (and Taz and Vinney) Me8an Torpey Congratulations! We are ro proud of you. "ll's only for a moment you were ours to hold. The plans heaven has for you will all too soon unfold. oo many different prayers we prayed for all that you mi8ht do. But most of all we want to know that you are walking in the truth. We want you to know that as we watch you 8row we pray U1at God would fill your heart with dreams. and faith 8ive you the courase to dare to do 8reat things. Were here for you whatever this life brin8s. ro let our love 8ive you roots and help you find your wffi8s." Love. Mom, Dad. Katie. Mary. Nanny. Poppy. and Aunt Joan!
&rah Trainer Your perseverance and dedication has finally paid offi We are ro proud of the young woman you have become. so loving and carifi8. and ro self-possessed. Every challense youve faced you've met head-on and in the end, you've succeeded. Take a deep breath and smile. honey. the best is yet to come. We love you. Love, Mom and Dad Nazar Tsitsyala Congratulations! You have worked .so hard to reach your desired 8oals over the last four years. The wonderful memories you have of Notre Dame will be with you throlJ8hout your life. We are ro very proud of you and all your achievements and wish you continued success and blessif18 in all your future endeavors. We will always be there for you! We love you-ALWAY<£,! Mom, Dad, and Dmitry Alyssa 'fumolo We can't believe you 8raduating Notre Dame already. It seems like yesterday you didn't want to leave 6L Johns and now it will be hard to leave all your friends and teachers at Notre Dame. We are ro proud of you and all your accomplishments. 6tay as sweet and special as you are and you will have an amazifl8 future. We love you more than you'll ever know. Love, Mommy. Daddy and Dina
£tephen 'I)'karsky Consratulation . We are ro proud of you and all your accomplishments in both studies and sports. (Ice Hockey) and (Golf). Y captured our hearts the moment you were born. You tou h each of our lives in ro many ways. You are fast becomins the man God meant you to be. Your wonderful caring heart shines throu8h your 8lowins smile. May God prote t you and may life reward you with your dreams. The real measure of a perron is honesty. inte8rity and compassion for others. 6tand true to your beliefs. choose wisely and work hard to do your best. We will always be there for you. You have our love and support always. Mom-mom and Pop pop
Jill Vaccaro Jill .We have proudly watched you 8row into the beautiful, intelli8ent. youns woman you are today. You have excelled academically at Notre Dame, 8iven your heart to The Voice and were an inspirational Deer Leader. The future holds ro much for you-. Keep reachifi8 for the stars and never 8ive up hope. All Our Love, Momand Dad Melvin Valenzuela We want you to know how proud we are of you. You 8ive us 8reat joy. and we re blessed to have you in our lives. May God watch your com.inss and 8oings and may you have happiness, su , love and 8ood health. we wish for you each day. Love. Mom, Dad and Auntie Thelma
Andnew VanNos~nd It seems like yesterday you were a little boy just startif18 school. You had a zest for life. loved to play any 8ame or sport. and you always made us proud. You are now movif18 to colle8e and we want you to remember you have a world of potential. Believe in yourself and you will achieve 8reat thif18S. We all love you very much. t\JI our love. Mom. Dad and Buddy Patrick Voi8l!>ber8er Cof18ratulations! It.!> hard to believe that your hi8h school years are over. We love you and are so proud of the youfl8 man you have become durif18 your years at Notre Dame. You have an incredible determination that will h lp you reach your dreams. We wish you much happiness and success as you head off to colle8e. Love, Mom, Dad. and Chris John Volpe Thanks for beif18 a fun. hard workif18 and determined son. This is why you ane successful. We love you and wish you all the success and enjoyment you deserve in colle8e and beyond. Love. Mom and Dad Zachary Weber Cof18ratulations Zack! We are so proud of you! Throu8h the years you have continued to 8row in your morals. convictions. and love. You ane now be8innif18 a new journey in your life. which will be filled with challef18es and victories. as well as disappointments and defeat.!>. We are confident, however, that you will alw ys succeed. Know that we are always here for you and will always stand proud by your side. Love. Mom. Dad and Tim Kyle Wensel four years?! It.!> not possible! &ems like yesterday that our shy adolescent son was first dressed in his crispy NO uniform rollif18 his eyes as 1st day of school pictures were taken by Dad. Now we see that he has been transformed into a thoUBhtful. respectful 8enUeman. Cof18ratulations, Kyle. your hard work in class and on the ice have paid off We are all very proud of your accomplishment.!>. and love you very much! Now. onto the next chapter- colle8e- we will miss you terribly but these years will be some of the best years of your life. Be open to all experiences. Think for yourself and do the fi8ht thif18S. all else will follow. Live. Learn. Lau8h. Love, and my God hold you in the palm of his hands. CAME ON!! Love. Mom. Dad. Mike. Teddi and Bear Richard Widmann Con8ratulations. We are so proud of the fine youf18 man you've become. The choices you've made and all that you've accomplished truly define what an oul!>tandif18 person you are. We 8ave you root.!> to start your life and now we 8ive you wif18S. As you continue on your journey. always remember that you h ve your family's love and support behind you. and everythif18 within you to succeed. 6tay true to yourself and never lose your sense of humor and passion for life. Love, Mom. Dad. Mark and &mantha
Heather Wiese Heather. we are so blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you for all the moment.!> of a lifetime you have &ven us as you performed brilliantly on slaBe. 8raciously accepted academic honors. 8ained the respect of your teachers and peers. helped anyone who needed it and contributed so positively to the Notre Dame community and to our lives. You have become a beautiful youfl8 lady. inside and oul and we are so proud of the person you are. 6pread those beautiful butterfly Wif18S. soar with the e58les. never 8ive up on your dreams. and always know that we love you. forever. Amanda Witsch8er 6imply said. YOU are "O"mazif18! May God 8ive you... For every storm. a rainbow, For every tear, a smile. For every cane. a promise. t\nd a blessin8 in each trial. For every problem life nds. t\ faithful friend to share. For every si8h. a sweet SOfl8. t\nd an answer for each prayer. You are our "shinif18" star and your brilliance has, and will continue to 8Uide you. We could'nt be more proud of you! Love Always, Mom, Dad, 6i. QJ, Ran and Mia Nyssa Wolice You have accomplished so much in your hi8h school years. You have worked very hard and always strived to be your besl We are blessed to have you as our dau8hter. You bri8hten up our day more than you can ever im58ine but, what we admire most of all is that you are a lovifi8. carifi8 and thou8htful person. Alyssa, we would just like to say how much we love you and how honored we are to be your parent.!>. Love, Mom t15 Dad Louis Wortelmann Cof18ratulations on your 8raduation! We ane very proud of who you are and all your accomplishment.!>. We could not have asked for a better son and brother. Your dedication and unyieldif18 work ethic wiU take you to your next successful adventure in your life- colle8e! Be safe. be happy and remember you will always have our love. Love, Mom, Dad and Jessica Andrew Wouters
The adventure continues... Walchifi8 you 8row into a fine youf18 man has been an absolute joy for us. Your determination is inspirifi8 and your sense of humor is second to none. We wish you a happy and successful future; you deserve the BE6TI Love, Mom. Dad. John, Todd, Gary and Twain
Nicole Zin8aro Cof18ratulations, sweetheart. on reachif18 this wonderful moment in your life. You are everythifi8 a mother and father could ever hope for in a daUBhter and we are prouder of you than words could ever express. The love and kindness in your heart and the slrefi8th and cour58e of your character will 8uide you throUBhout your life. We have no doubt that life will hold many wonderful experienc and opportunities for you ...someone so deservifi8 of them. We'll love you forever!! Love, Mom and Dad Dan Zubrzycki Dan, you are an amazifi8 blessin8 from God. You have filled our lives with so much joy and pride over the years. t\s you 80 off to colle8e remember that the future holds many excit.in8. wonderful opportunities for you. 6trive to achieve your hopes and dreams and never settle for less. Love you. Mom and Dad Lauren Zuccarello Con8ratulations Peeps! We are so proud of all you have accomplished. You amaze us each and every day. Enjoy your time in colle8e, you have all the tools you need to be a success. "Vita in tensione pienamente." Love, Mom, Dad, and Daniel Daniel Zuccari We have told you since you were a little boy, how truly special you are and how to use th 'ft.s that God has 8iven to you. We ane ro proud of the sensitive, carif18 youfi8 man you have become. We are inspired by your character and dedication. Today and always we wish for you all the happiness you deserve. Thank you for beif18 more than we could have ever hoped for. We will always be here for you and we love you so very much. Cofi8ratulations! Love Always. Mommy, Dad, and Joey
Additional Words of Love Bill Abernethy Congratulations!! Wow... how quickly these four years at NDt16 haÂĽ passed. ... and what a wonderful kind young man you have become. You have made us so very proud lo be your parents and you are a great role model for your brother, Qyan. We have wat.ched you with pride on the football and lacrosse fields for four years and we will miss thal We are excited about the next phase of your life and hope your colle8e experience is a. wonderful one. We know that with your great character and kindness you are destined to have a. happy and successful life. We will always support and love you. Love, Mom, Dad and Qyan Christina Bebeau Christina., Congratulations! We are so proud of you! You have certainly come a. long way in four years. from a young school 8irl to a smart, beautiful youn8 woman. Best of luck in your college career and your journey in life. Love, Mom and Dad Dear Christina., Congratulations on your 8rBdua.tion from Notre Dame. I'm so proud of you! I'm sure that whatever you do in life. you will be succesful. Mom Qyan Brady Congmtulations! We can'L believe you are a. senior! four year's have gone so fasU We are so very happy for you and are so very proud of all that you have accomplished. Please know we love you and wish you aU the best next year. Remember to listen lo your heart and never slop trying to reach for your dreams! Always know you have us who love you no matter wha.U [\gain, congratulations and may Cod 51 you always! !1.11 our love always. Mom and Dad Barry Brown Dear Barry. We are so very proud of you. You have been a. wonderful son and brother. Reach for the stars. You deserve iUI! Love i\lways, Mom and Dad, Kyle and Chelsea Nick Condit You have a. brighL 8enUe. loyal. and intuitive soul. We were blessed with the honor of raising you and we love you dearly. We know you will have a bright future. Love, Mom and Dad "' Troy Easton When you 8raduated from 8th grade your 8oal in life was lo work for the C.I.A. After four years at Notre Dame, your 8oal in life is to be a history teacher. That's a. 8reat cover job Troy. We are so proud of you and we are confident that you are capable of achieving any goal that you set for yourself If you work hard and stay focused you can succeed in whatever you want in life. Whatever of wherever the future may lake you, never forgel that we love you and we will always be there to support you. Love. Mom and Dad
Jonathan fleming Congratulations Jon. on your 8ra.duation, When you were born your father and I knew that Cod had blessed us with a wonderful little person that would soon grow up to be a wonderful. caring. brighL loving man. You have always made us proud and there has never been a doubt in our mind that you would do 8real things in your life. As you begin to find your place in life. remember we will always be here for you. We love you very much. follow your dreams! With all our love, Mom, Dad Joshua, and Katelyn Doug tlayes-Pa.tterson Doug. We are so proud of your dedication to your schoolwork and your music and your cats and your family. We know you have ilie talents and drive to create a life and career that will make you happy and give you a chance lo make your own special mark on the world. Just believe in iliose talents and abilities. You are our 6 fl. 2 in. baby, and we love you very much. Dad and Mom Andrew tlau8en Congrats Andrew!! We are so proud of you and all that you accomplished at NO. We'll miâ&#x201A;ŹJ, you terribly next year. but we know thal you'll be happy and do well wherever you choose to go. We're sure your brothers will miss you loo. We love you, Morn and Dad Ryan McCoorly It has been a wonderful 4 years watching you 8row and succeed in so many ways. You are truly a special person who loves life and all it has to offer. We are so proud of you and we know iliat you can achieve all of your 8oals. Remember to keep your caring hearL your inte8rily. your faith in Cod, and your beautiful smile. You inspire us all to look inside of ourselves to be better people and to keep our hearts full of love. Love, Dad. Mom, Maryanne. 5ridgelle, and Timothy Jim Montgomery Congratulations Jim Montgomery! You have done so well at Notre Dame tli8h &hool and you will do great in colle8e next year. Enjoy ilie best years of your life...The sky i.s the limitl We are so proud of you. We all love you. Dad, Mom. and Cindy Marly Moran Dear Marly. We are so very proud of you. As you be8in your new adventure in life, remember how much faith we have in you and how much you are loved. May your dreams of today be your life of tomorrow. We love you! Dad. Morn. and Billy
Chris Murphy Congratulations, Chris, We are so proud of what you have achieved and how you have 8rown to become a stron8 young man. The next four years will be ilie best four years of your life. We are confident that you will achieve even 8reater things in colle8e. Remember a person is judged by what they accomplish, and how they live their life. You are off to a great starl Love, Mom. Dad, and Melissa
,. .
Michael Newborg Congratulations, Michael!!! How proud we are to have you as a son and brother. You have accomplished so much these last four years at N.D .. You have 8rown into a wonderful young man. Another road has opened up in your journey of life. May all your dreams come true. We want only the best for you. We love you, Mom. Dad. Nick, Gianna, and Trent
Marisa unez To our wonderful dau8hter, sister. and friend We are all blessed to have you as a. part of our lives. We are proud of everything thal you have done so far. and know that you will continue to do 8reat things. Congratulations on ths new beginning. Keep on being ilie friendly and carin8 person that you are. May Cod bless you! Love you always. Mom, DaL Kuya Jason. and Kuya &ott Thomas O'Brien Tee, Your talents will take you far! Love, Mom and Dad Danielle Pagano Dear Congratulations! We are all so proud of you. You're on your way to becomin8 the wonderful person we always knew you would be. We will always be with you and stand behind you no matter what paili you decide to take. Love. Mom, Dad. Beth. Nikki. Gra.ndmom, Missy. 6hane, and Maggie
Nicole Abascal
Lauren Agasar
Hannah Ahearn
Meghan Albert
Paul Alfonse
Sean Alphonse
Peter Andersen
David Aneser
Carl Appel
Marisa Arduini
Andrea Arriola
Elizabeth Ashmore
Ashley Baker
Christopher Barus
Brendan Belluscio
Daniel Benedetti
Brittany Bertone
Morgan Bertone
John Biancamano
Ashley Birch
Conor Boland
Brittany Bosi
Andrea Brunetto
Danielle Buchenot
Theodore Camastra
Carlo Cane tri
Caitlin Carle
Jason Case
Nicholas Cavanaugh
Steven Cerula
Peter Ciappa
Samantha Bremerman
Corin Capadilupo
Nicholas Ciccone
Sara Ciccone
Stephen Cirullo
Kyle Clemency
Jonathan Colbert
Caitlin Collette
Meredith Collier
Rose Collier
Elizabeth Connor
Sean Connor
Anneliese Cooke
Christian Copeland
Patrick Crilley
Mrujorie Crowell
Brian Cummin
Daniel D'Angelo
Eric Davis
Caitlin Deane
Melissa Deangelo
David Decamp
Melanie Dee
Amy Deluca
Jeremy Dempster
Julian Diaz
Kerri Ann Dinneny
Justine Dmuchowski
Melissa Dolly
Tyler Donnelly
Chris Drago
Jacob Driver
Raymond Ehret
Daniel Elliott
Karen Emanuel
Samantha Emerson
Melissa Englander
Stephanie Disbrow
Austin Edwards
Gavin Fau t
Amber Ferrero
Hayley Fisk
Nicole Foley
James Fuccello
Kristen Furst
Catherine Gaeta
Christina Galssa
Lauren Garofalo
Abby Gerding
Kerry Gervasio
Ashley Ginsburg
Lauren Girvan
Alexandra Gioner
Shannon Glynn
Kelly Gooke
Kyle Gormley
Ashlee Gray
Scott Greene
Eric Greiss
路 Paige Griffith
Amy Grochala
Breton Gros
Samantha Guinee
Richanna Gunnell
David Haller
Brian Haluska
Ryan Han lip
Michael Harri
Michelle Hastry
Kara Henderson
Joseph Henehen
Margarette Hernandez
Casey Guinee
Bret Harman
Michael Herrick
Matthew Hibberd
Harry Higgins
Sara Hobson
Anna Hogan
Ryan Horgan
Stephanie Hunt
Danny Hurley
Vanes a Iucolino
Thomas Ivins
Ryan Janni
Allyson Jones
Robert Joyce
Erin Kane
Michael Kapuscienski
David Karas
Mike Karon
Megan Keeney
Richard Kerr
Alexander Kimti
David Kinney
Stefannie Koneski
Travis Krell
Mario Lanzetta
Sean LemMon
Anthony Leone
Christopher Leva
Elyse Levandowski
Allyson Levy
Alexandra Live ey
Nicholas Lombardo
Rudolph Lopez
Anthony Lovina
Ann Kilcommon
Brian Leffler
Aimee Lightbum
Christina Lupacchino
Amanda Lupinacci
Samantha Lyden
Colleen Lyndady
Ryan Maczinko
MarkMag ino
Nicholas Mahan
Christopher Maher
Bedra Margadonna
Joseph Martillotti
Devon Martineaux
Jo eph Maruca
Bobby Marx
Ivan Mazur
Robert Mazzoni
Rudolph Mazzoni
Michael McCarthy
Kelly McDermott
Chri topher McDonald
Ja mine McEwen
Shane McKenna
Ryan McNamara
Daniel McQuarrie
Michelle Medici
Sean Merrick
Irene Michailides
Salina Miller
David Milligan
stephanie Moceri
Adrianna Montano
Christina Mulcahy
Michael Mulleavey
Brian Mulligan
Timothy McManimon
Matthew MeVey
Noah Mitchell
Thoma 路Nagy
Emily Najjar
Lauren Nazzaro
James Nickelson
Michael Niederer
Chalie Nocera
Kaitlyn Nowicke
Dana O'Donnell
Thomas O'Gara
Patrick O'Reilly
Chelsea Oberhauser
Cathleen Oberholtzer
Drew Oros
Alex Paez
Meaghan Paige
John Palombi
David Papasidero
Angelica Parmegiani
Priya Patel
Quinlan Patterson
Bryan Patton
Chri topher Pauline
Emily Petersack
Ryan Pierson
Victoria Poidomani
Michael Polanski
Andrew Potts
Justin Quilan
Maria Ramirez
Kimberly Raya
Damian Redmond
Megan Rezner
Joshua Rice
Alex Rivera
Vivak Patel
Katie Pisano
Peter Ratzlaff
Andrew Roberto
Elia Robertson
Angelica Rodriguez
Asa Rodriguez
Michelle Rodriguez
Dan Romano
Wilfredo Ro ado
Anthony Rosendale
Michael Rosenfield
Sean D. Ryan
Philip Rybak
Chris Sanginiti
Robert Santopietro
Jessica Scanion
Larisa Scannella
Eric Schafer
Lara Schubert
Michael Schupsky
Kenya Scott
Brian Selvarajah
Benjamin Shaffer
Danny Sheehan
Colleen Sheridan
Nicole Shovlin
Amanda Siemann
Brian Siemann
Jessica Siemann
Maria Siemann
Chri topher Sipos
Vincent Siracusa
Sean Slavin
Kathleen Smith
Tim Smith
Kevin Sheridan
Katia Silva
Gregory Snook
Emily Spadaford
Jes ica Stanley
Brittany Stephen
Buddy Stevenson
Jeremy Stirone
Megan Stuono
Katherine Sturm
Daniella Tamasi
Anthony Todaro
Michele Tomasulo
Amanda Torres
Rachel Tovar
Daniel Trainer
Samantha Tykarsky
Jeffrey Vetter
Franki Vicini
Carla Villalobo
Raymond Wal h
Carly Ward
Chelsea Wargo
A hley Wenke
Amanda White
Jason William on
Meagan Walton
Alexander Wi hbow
Morgan Zappia
C. Samuel Woodward
Dana Yacyk
Aviral Yadav
Michael Yake
Ewelina Zajkowski
Christopher Zobel
Cla11 of 2 00 8
I ophomore1
Cla11 of
2 00 9
lophomore1 Cia,, of 2 00 9 N
J anine Allan
Adriana Amodol
William Anari
Katlyn Andrews
Maxlande Anglade
Alexander Ata
Thoma Avanzato
Katelyn Backu
Cameron Badger
Kyle Bakacs
Patrick Balsamo
Evan Baranowski
Sarah Barbato
Jessica Barnes
Catherine Barood
Daniel Barood
Matthew Barry
Brooke Battaglia
Alycia Bencivengo
Christa Bencivengo
Je ica Beninati
Marcelle Benjamin
Corina Bereanu
Catherine Bernabe
Timothy Bertucci
Gregory Berzin ki
Stephanie Bilyk
Dominiq Bing
Caitlin Black
Ryan Blemings
Kimberly Boland
Armando Alfonso
Alexsandra Apostolico
Wilfredo Benitez
Scott Beyer
Kate Balum
Taylor Bonanni
John Bonura
Katy Bowers
Steven Braun
Timothy Brendel
Christine Brown
Catherine Bruton
Peter Buchanan
Michael Camastra
James Cannata
John Carothers
Christie Carrera
Peter Ca ey
Ingrid Chacon
Erin Christian
Edward Colligan
Bryan Connaughton
Ralph Conte
Jacqueline Coppola
Kiersten Corle s
Tara Coto
Michael Cowan
Keith Crawford
Ashley Creegan
Danielle Cregan
Allison Cronin
Michael D'Amico
Casey Daly
Marissa Daly
Rachael Dampman
Katherine Daniel
Amanda Davila
Gina DeAgresta
Bianca DeAngeli
Gina DeBonis
Rebecca Conti
Brandon DeLibero
Ales andra DelleGrotti
Kevin DeMille
Lisa Demusis
Taylor Dennehy
Stefano DeSantis
Dylan DiCuio
Ashley Dimon
Kelly DiPastina
James Dobrowolski
Katlin Doolan
Amanda Duckworth
Megan Eastmead
Kelly Easton
Molly Ehret
Gabriella Espo ito
Maura Faherty
Meghan Fallon
Vincent Fa anella
Baabi Felli
Michael Ferdetta
John Ferrie
Clare Fillebrown
Andrew Fitzgerald
Ryan Fitzgerald
Edward Foley
Shaun Foley
Patrick Foran
Ru ell For ythe
Amanda Fougere
Alex Francescone
Samantha Funari
Adam Gabriel
Madelyn Fischer
Christopher Forero
Courtney Gallagher
Jenna Gallo
Lindsey Garri on
Brandon Gergel
Matthew Gervasio
Herbert Gettys
Brenden Gibbon
Je ica Gilmore
Amber Goldschmidt
William Gomez
Mark Gonzalez
SaQuan Gore
Gina Grabow ki
Erika Graff
Vail Grafton
James Grande
Brenna Grant
Cassandra Greene
Kya Grier
Kaitlyn Gulla
Alexis Halka
Joshua Harper
Patricia Harte
Daniel Haugen
Alexandra Hertzog
Jessica Hill
John Hoge
Kaitlyn Holden
Nicole Horvath
Blair Humienny
Jodi Hunt
Christina Hutchinson
Sean Hutton
Lauren Huy
Andrea Grohovsky
Jessica Herrmann
Olivia Houcke
Matthew Ilagan
Regine Janolo
Melissa Janssen
Ashey Jeziorski
Stephanie Jones
Stephen Jones
Thoma Judge
Marc Kaniper
Erin Keegan
Timothy Kinsley
Michael Koli z
Theresa Kone ki
Monika Kosztyo
Kerstyn Kowalski
Lauren Kubis
Samantha Kuczinski
Marissa Kuhn
Jake Kuprewicz
Lauren Kutch
Juliana Lako
Julie Larkin
Lauren Lazar
Nina Lee
Joseph Leone
Jeremy Lim
Louis Longo
Aisha Lopez
Samantha Lord
Michael Macellaro
Megan Mahon
Kristin Mangone
Anthony Marino
Michael Marrazzo
Christine LemMon
Jordan Lynch
Krista Marrocco
Joseph Martella
Amanda Martillotti
Max Matejik
Emily Mathes
Nikie McCabe
Sean McCarthy
Thomas McCarthy
Allie McDavitt
Jessica McDermott
Daniel McGowan
Andrew McKeever
Ryan McKenna
Danny McManimon
Melissa McMullen
John McQuarrie
Rosaleen McSorley
Greg Miele
Dean Miller
Lauren Miscavage
Derek Mitchell
Austin Mlinar
Meghan Moore
Joshua Mooring
Rachel Moot
William Moran
William Moretti
Virginia Morin
Jonathan Moyer
Michael Murawski
Eva Nebbia
Gregory Nugent
Jack O'Connor
Daniel Oerth
Olya Offredo
Jonathan Murray
Michael Pascucci
Alexa Pastor
Cry tal Paul
Jessica Petroni
J amecia Pierce
Victoria Pierson
Lauren Poole
Emily Porcelli
Jonathan Porcello
Kristine Printon
Alexandria Pumphrey
John Quinn
Evan Quirk
Steven Ranke
Christian Reed
Danielle Regan
Michael Reilly
Lauren Renck
Kathryn Rice
Caitlin Riexinger
Vail Rita
Anthony Robalik
Christopher Ofner
Nicholas Orzol
Caroline Perry
Jordan Persing
Anne Pigula
Anne Pigula
Julia Postiglione
Mark Pratico
Kelly Rafalski
Tara Reynolds
Joanna Papadopoulos
Lynn Pet:rangeli
Michael Pontoriero
Emily Rogers
Kel ey Rohman
Jessica Russo
Laura Ru so
Matthew Ruszczyk
Gabrielle Sabo
Marybeth Salko
Catherine Sander
David SantaMaria
Jessica Santos
Stephanie Scalice
Anthony Scaringelli
David Schafer
Jessica Schladebeck
Hunter Selman
Daniel Sewnig
Abigail Shotts
Frank Skrajewski
Kathryn Slowikowski
Katie Solewin
Christopher Starke
Victoria Staskel
Kelly Stelnick
Alexa Stepien
Tyler Stewart
Patrick Sullivan
Kevin Szemis
Emily Taddei
Andrew Tanguay
Michael Tantum
Nicholas Te oro
Amanda Testa
Ashley Testa
Craig Tobin
Catherine Tomlinson
Saloni Soans
Benedict Tommasino
Kaitlyn Torpey
Andrew Tresansky
Luthien Tungol
Arielle Valte
Shannon Vanderhoof
Vane sa Velastegui
Marie Vito
Patrick Vona
Katelyn Wagner
Margaret Walsh
Matthew Walsh
Meghan Ward
Spencer Wasilewski
Timothy Weber
Corinne Williams
Cameron Wil on
Caitlin Wismer
Brian Witkowski
Bethany Young
Julian Zangrilli
Abigail Zeiser
Siana Ziemba
Rachel Zimmerman
Jane Zoladz
of 2 0 10
of 2 0 10
Ryan Abernethy
Amber Adie
Alexandria Agosta
Alexander Anderson
Brandon Anderson
Cassandra Anderson
Michael Aneser
Jacqueline Baeza
Brittany Barbet
Alexander Barlow
Michael Barnaba
Jamie Barnes
Martin Barood
Brett Barry
Christopher Bartoli
Mark Barus
Amanda Bautista
Kimberly Belliveau
Elizabeth Bellscheidt
Eric Bidwell
Alexander Bjorling
Alii on Borda
James Borda
Colleen Brand
Caitlin Brown
Nicholas Brunetto
Kristen Bruning
Melissa Burns
Meghan Cabell
Brittani Campelo
Ryan Camuso
Michael Cantlin
Michael Cappelleri
Joseph Borda
Ashley Buxton
Nicole Carella
Christopher Carpani
Brianne Carroll
Catherine Carroll
Ian Carsia
Alexis Casano
Lauren Castan
Michael Cathcart
Connor Cercone
Ashley Chia
Tiffany Chiang
Nicholas Chiarello
Alyssa Ciccone
Mia Ciccone
Casey Clark
Rachel Clark
Pamela Clough
Daniel Coluzzi
Kaitlyn Connaughton
JuliAngela Coppola
Christian Costello
Jasmin Coy
Ryan Crawford
Sheila Crowell
Richard Cuccagna
Liam Cusack
Chelsea Daly
Zachary Daugherty
Ann Davidson
Meredith Deal
Christopher DeAngelo
Victoria DeBlasio
Alli on DeCamp
Kevin Delaney
Alexandra DeLiberto
Ellice Delli
Joseph Convery
Brandon Dempster
Alexander Denis
Lawrence DePalma
Michael DeVito
Nina Didier
Alexandria DiGregorio
Cara Dill
Quahson Dodson
Emily Dolan
Matthew Doskoczynski
Faith Doughty
Robert Duffy
Jeanne Dykeman
Andrew Eater
Harrison Ehret
Sean Eleuteri
Ramona Ern t
Rebecca Ervrad
Drew Farrell
Amanda Fedorak
Morgan Ferrero
Joshua Filor
Bryan Foley
John Foley
William Foran
Francesca Porcella
Kyle Franci
Nora Garry
Sean Gatti
Olivia Ghantous
Victoria Giacino
Lauren Giacobbe
Mackenzi Flannery
Carolyn Garofalo
Jenna Giaquinto
James Gibilisco
Max Gibson
Kelsey Gore
Alysse Gormley
Chelsea Grama
Kevin Gress
Andrea Guarino
Dondre Gumbs
Elias Guzman
Jonathon Haas
Timothy Hackett
Tami Haggetty
Mary Hamilton
Dylan Hankinson
Grace Hansen
Rebecca Harding
Lauren Harkanson
Julia Hart
Alexandra Hartwell
Michael Hastry
Jamie Haupin
Stephanie Heucke
Elizabeth Hinton
Zachary Hober
Daniel Hogan
Matthew Hogan
Alixandra Holden
Diamond Holland
Nicholas Hollin
Rebecca Hornyak
Gabriella Immordino
Alexandria lnker
Rebecca Ivins
Christopher James
Kristen Janeczek
Patrick !lagan
Taylor Jannos
Maura Jennings
Tara Jerry
Shantell Johnson
Mark Johnston
Jelisa Jones
Jermaine Jones
Samantha Jones
Zachary Joyce
Hilary Kaminski
Emily Kane
Alexandra Keane
Claire Kilcommons
Jason Kimler
Madison Klein
Rowena Klein
Melissa Koffie
Dana Krell
Mary Kubik
Peter Kotsopey
Kristina Logan
Micheal Krankermann
Ashley Lawitz
Nathan Leilich
Marissa Letinski
John Livecchi
Joseph Lord
Jacqueline Lubin
Jessica Lubin
Sabrina Lucchesi
Kara Kusnirik
Christopher Livesey
Jerry Luizza
Emily Lukasiewicz
Ryan Lynady
James Lyszczek
Kyle Magsino
Sarah Mahony
Ty Majors
Nicholas Maleczkowicz
Kim Maleski
Bridget Maley
Brittany Maloney
Joseph Maloney
Michael Mandl
Brennan Maragh
Michael Marino
Katherine Martin
Nicholas Maruca
Teresa Marx
Siobhan Mazzoni
Connor McCafferty
Michael McDaniel
Marquis McEwen
Meredith McGann
Maryanne McGoorty
Elizabeth McGowan
Maureen McGuinness
Mark McKenna
Bridget McLaughlin
Kelly Miller
Lana Miller
Mary Grace Manning
Andrew Mason
Patrick McGinley
Louis Menapace IV
Demetria Michailides
Rachel Micharski
Cathryn Millares
Paul Miller
Megan Millevoi
Amy Mills
Kelly Minogue
Jeffrey Moceri
Michael Monks
Ashley Mont
Candice Morocco
Michael Moulton
Meghan Mount
Brian Mulleavey
Caitlin Murphy
Christopher Nini
Vincenzo Nocera
Geoffrey Nowicki
Stacey Odoski
Joshua Pacifico
Aaron Pannell
Nickie Papadopoulos
Brigitte Pastore
Brittany Patten
Shannon Pedersen
Amanda Pereira
Nicholas Perkons
James Peters
Kristine Plutino
Julie Polanski
Theresa Ponella
Dave Pontoriero
Francis Pratico
Erin Pucciarelli
Richard Pulaski
Ransford Quarrie
Eric Ramsay
Douglas Ranson
Brian Reager
Gabriella Recine
Robert Recine
Shane Reed
Amanda Repko
Cristina Richardson
Christopher Ridolfi
Stefan Rita
Cara Rizzotti
Amanda Robinson
Michael Rodriguez
Erika Rosendale
Diana Rosero
Nicole Ro etty
Amanda Rossetti
Mary Rossi
Michael Rossi
Elizabeth Rossiter
Shelby Rowe
Olivia Russell
Michael Russo
Annemarie Sanders
Corina Santiago
Rebecca Sass
Caitlin Scott
James Scott
Nicole Seipp
Christine Seklecki
Joshua Serrano
Marisa Shaffer
Alexandra Shamy
Donald Shepherd
Jennifer Ruocco
Elizabeth Schachtele
Casey Setash
Christopher Silakoski
Michael Silakoski
Caroline Sipio
Katharine Sipio
Joseph Sipos
Michael Siracu a
Andrew Siwczak
Christopher Slomkowski
Olivia Srrrith
Stephen Srrrith
Zachary Sochalski
George Solujich
Victoria Sovak
Ryan Sowa
Joey Sparano
Ariana Spera
Kevin Spickofsky
Cassie Spiezio
Christopher Springer
Anne Marie Stanley
Timothy Starr
Kyle Stenger
William Stevenson
Brandon Stewart
Jackie Stimmel
Gregory Stremlo
Meaghan Stuski
Kelly Suter
Kevin Sweeney
Kelsey Swift
Bridget Targonski
Jennalise Taylor
Peter Taylor
Amanda Thomas
Schuyler Thornton
Karolis Stavinskas
Kato Szabo
Ryan Thouin
Michael Wisnosky
Thomas Wozniczka
Caitlin Tovar
Erik Trost
Blake Tucker
Gil Tungol
Bridget Verdel
Alexandria Vern on
Joseph Vicini
Rebecca Viscomi
James Weinerman
Dylan White
James White
James Wishbow
Melissa Y enchik
Natalia Zecca-Naples
Joesph Zuccari
You, the students Dear Class of 2007As you prepare to go on to your adult life, I find myself remembering your Notre Dame life. Four years ago, you participated in a scavenger hunt with your Peer Leaders on Freshman Orientation day. You came in as groups looking quite timid and shy. How far you have all come from that day!
.. My first year at Notre Dame was your first year. I learned about this school and myself as you learned about your school and yourselves. If there is anything sadder than watching you leave this school for the final time, it is the fact that I watched a bunch of young kids grow into young adults, while I only gained some weight and lost some hair ... -Mr. Lobis, English Teacher .. The students of Notre Dame are special. Everyday they make me feel loved and appreciated. Notre Dame is the kind of school that it is because of the love and respect the students show each other, the teachers, and the staff ... -Ms. McConnell, School Nurse .. The students of Notre Dame are the best kids in the world. They are respectful, honest and fun loving. It's great to be a teacher here! .. -Ms. Lang, English Teacher To my AP Government students: Right wing or bleeding heart - the only label that really matters is person of character, and you all have that going for you. (I taught a bunch of characters.) Thanks for everything. -Mr. McQuarrie, TOTY
Now you are the stars in academics, on the athletic fields, and on the stage. You have wowed us with your abilities and talents. You have developed into fine young men and women whom we are grateful and privileged to know. Thank you for the fond memories - the notes left on my desk, the smiles in the hallways, the endless hugs. We have shared so many memorable events from Freshman Orientation, maybe Student Government, Kairos, and the Science Trip and we have learned to really care about each other . As you go on to pursue your dreams, remember that we love you. Mrs. Boehm, Guidance Department & Discipline Office To my Kairos Buddies: Always remember that there are no dead ends in â&#x20AC;˘ life, you can always start over. Enjoy your peanuts when you can, and stay in touch. -Mr. McQuarrie, History Teacher ..The students of Notre Dame have made my first year as a teacher exciting and fulfilling. I can only hope I have taught them as much as they have taught me ... -Ms. Dwyer, Biology and Chemistry Teacher .. Wishing you all the best. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with you. And don't forget those databases! .. -The Library Staff
from: Your teachers, mentors, and advisors 98
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The ~enior ''Jammy Jam"
The 8ophomore "MOQP"
Var11ty Dan Zuccari, Joe McVey, Vail Grafton, Brian Mulligan. Pat McDavitt, David Milligan, Anthony Gorrell, Jon Eric Bjorling. Brian Leffler, Ted Camastra, Bryan Connaughton, Mike Camastra, William Anari , Sean Merrick , Mau McVey, Joe Leone. Shane McKenna. Ransford Quarrie, Jim Fuccello, Pat Duffner, Dan Barod. Frank Skrajewski. Mike Murawski , Babbi Felli, colt Avelino. Dan McGowan. Chalie Nocera, Christian Reed, Dome Bing. Travis Krell , John Bonura, Greg Nugent. Denis Mitchell , Chris Drago, Jon Colbert. Mark Gonzalez, Jack O'Connor, Matt !lagan, Chris Rohman, Shamus O'Connor, Mike Harris. Mario Lanzetta, Ryan McKenna, Ja~on Ozvart , Tom O'Gara, Zach Burke, Ryan McGoorty, Rick KelT, Pete Ca-;ey. Jon Lubin. Steven Ranke, Anthony Lunardclli. Josh Mooring, Bryce Vorters, Tom Avanzato, Tom McCarthy, Damian Redmond, Jon Moyer, Bill Abernathy, Stefano DeSantis. Andrew Tanguay, Alex Rowe, TJ Nagy, Saquan Gore, Mike D'Amico, Matt Pettito. Steve Cerula, John Drago. Matt Barry. William Gomez. Quinn Patterson, Kyle Clemency, Chris Carothers, Asa Rodriguez, Greg Berzinski, Vinny Fasanclla, Eric Schafer, Ray Walsh, Yivak Patel, Drew McKeever. Mike Schroder, Wilfredo Rostldo, Drew Fitzgerald, Jeremy Lim. Anthony Marino, Eric Davis Captains: Jus tin Munl, Nick Lezynski, Travis La rmore. Ben Grant
Alexander Ander on, Alexander Barlow, Alexander Bjorling. Ryan Camu o, Michael Cantlin, Daniel Coluzzi, Joseph Convery, Christian Costello, Richard Cuccagna, Brandon Dempster, Alexander Denis, Michael DeVito, Sean Eleuteri , Sean Gatti , Kevin Gress. Timothy Hackelt, Michael astry, Daniel Hogan, Matthew Hogan, Patrick Hagan, Mark Johnston, Jason Kimler, Eugene Lanzoni , Joseph Lord. Ryan Lynady, Gregory Madia, Keith Majors, Joseph Maloney, Nichola Maruca, Marquis McEwen, Louis Menapace, Vincenzo Nocera, Geoffrey Nowicki, Dave Pontoriero, Francis Pratico, Richard Pulaski. Ransford Quarrie, Stefan Rita, James Scott, Joshua Serrano, Donald Shepherd, Christopher Silakoski, Michael Silakoski , Stephen Smith, George Solujich, Joey Sparano, Timothy Starr, Ryan Thouin, Sean Tomaszewski, Erik Trost, Blake Tucker, Michael Vaughan, Jame Weinerman. Joseph Zuccari
bOY/ /OCC\.
Brendan Anderson, Mike Aneser, Chris Carpani, Chris DeAngelo, Kevin Delaney, Harry Ehret, Bryan Foley~ Jerry Luizza, Andrew Mason, Mike Moulton, Shane Reed , Mike Rossi, Mike Russo, Chris Slowikowski, Zack Sochalski, Ryan Sowa, Chris Springer, William Stevenson, Dylan White, James Wishbow.
Gabby Erb;rrdt, Brooke Price, Meghan Wdntraub, Kristen Gaeta, Abby Gerding, Lauren Girvan, Amy Grochala, Allyson Jones, Chelsea King. Amanda Lupinacci, Meg Stuono. Gina Grabowski, Jess Herrmann, Megan Mahon, Meghan Moore, Caroline Perry, Alyssa Ciccone, Shannon Pedersen, Carina Santiago
Brittani Campelo, Juliangela Coppola, Shelia Crowell, Chelsea Daly, Meredith Deal, Victoria Giancino, Alysse Gormley, H~nnah Kubik, Jacqueline Lubin, Kimberly Makeski, Teresa Marx, Siobhan Mazzoni, Kelly Miller, Brigitte Pastore, Brittany Patten, Cristina Richardson, Kelly Suter, Alexandra Thumm, Bridget Verdel
rltLD HOCKlr
Tia Brown, Olivia Diehl, Amanda Siernann, Katherine Daniel, Julia Barry, Rachel Moots, Kathleen Connolly, Stephanie Hunt, Michelle Mullins, Elizabeth Ashmore, Jennalise Taylor, Colleen Lynady, Ashley Birch, Maria Siernann, Alyssa Mills, Jessica Persing, Alexa Pancza, Andrea Grohovsky, Elizabeth Connor, Alexa Smith, Kristina Lim, Catherine Smith, Sarah Bowers
Jamie Barnes, Christa Bencivenga, Stephanie Bilyk, Danielle Buchenot, Meredith Collier, Rose Collier, Meghan Fallon, Madelyn Fischer, Courtney Gallagher, Jenna Gianquinto, Reggi Janolo, Stephanie Jones, Kristen Mangone, Meaghan Paige, Anne Pigula. Kelly Rafalski , Caitlin Riexinger, Stephanie Scalice, Abby Shotts. Katie Solewin, Shannon Venderhoof, Franki Vicini, Rachel Zimmerman, Bianca DeAngelis, Melissa McMullen
Ally Borda, Colleen Brand, Cara Dill, Emily Dolan, Jeanne Dykeman, Carolyn Garofalo, Lauren Giacobbe, Kelsey Gore, Chelsea Grama, Jamie Haupin Gabriella Immordino, Samantha Jone , Taylor Jannos, Mari sa Letinski, Jessica Lubin. Bridget Maley, Brittany Maloney, Amy Mills, Ashley Mont, Julie Polanski, There a Ponella, Mary Rossi , Beth Rossiter. Shelby Rowe. Caitlin Scott, Casey Setash, Ariana Spera, Tori Sovak, Faith Vaccaro
Gigi Gibilisco, Luke Fisher, Dan Bilyk, Mike Starke, Jim McCue, Pat Thompson, Jon Fleming, Justin Oliano, Kevin McGrath, Zach Weber, Mike Kneifel, Pat O'Reilly, Mike Polanski, TJ Ivins, Corin Capodilupo, Rob Santopietro, Shaun Foley, Andrew Tresansky, Dan Sewning, CJ Starke, Dan Haugen, Nick Orzol, Jaime Gibilisco, Dylan Hankinson, Nick Brunetto, John Foley, Nate Leilich, Mark Mckenna
Rebecca Balint, Caroline Pryor, Larsa Al-Omaishi, Marjorie Crowell, Anna Hogan, Colleen Sheridan, Katie Smith, Amanda Fougere, Brenna Grant, Jessica Schladebeck, Luthien Tungol, Nora Garry 路
fALL <Nee
Tim Brendel, Rachel Dampman, Justine Dmuchowsk:i, Samantha Emerson, Alexandra Gloner, Briana Goodrich, Kate Hahn (Captain), Christina Hutchinson, Ashley Kinsley, Kelly McDem1ott, Dan McManimon, Salina Miller, James Nikkelson, Jessica Paparelli (Captain), Alyssa Quezada (Captain), Megan Rezner, Samantha Riccio, Brittany Stephan, Chelsea Wargo, Nicole Zingaro
Junior Var1ity Kimberly Boland, Ingrid Chacon, Marissa DaJy, Gina DeAgresta, Lisa DeMusis, Samantha Funari, Kaitlin Holden (Captain), Jordan Lynch, Jessica McDermott, Virginia Morin (Captain), Victoria Pierson, MaryBeth Salko, Marie Vito (Captain), Bethany Young, Jane Zoladz
Jacqueline Baeza, Kaitlyn Connaughton, Alexandra Digregoria, Alexandra Holden, Diamond Holland, Claire Kilcornmons, Madison Klein, Dana Krell, Megan Millevoi, Kelly Minogue, Stacey Odoski , Rebecca Sass, Meaghan Stuski
Junior VarJity Christina Lupacchino, Morgan Bertone, Brittany Bertone, Emily Petersack, Bonnie Falconer, Amanda White, Nicole Foley. Kate Birch, Liza Chan, Kate Suter, Monica Abbracciamento, Elena Stremlo, Kristen Ryan , Alexandra Livesey, Victoria DeBlasio, Saloni Soans, Candice Morocco, Stephanie Heucke, Cathryn MUlares, Jackie Stimmel, Beth Schachtele, Rebecca Conti
~01/ ~AIKeT~ALL
VarJity Matt DeMille, Mike Reilly, Jaime Gibilisco, Scott Horta, Ryan Lynady, Brian Leffler, Julian Diaz, Mike Rosenfeld, Chris Carothers, Keith Crawford, Chris Pauline, Greg Nugent, Kevin DeMille, Brandon Dempster, Cameron Badger, Mike Tantum, Ryan MacZinko, Mark Johnston, Andrew Tanguay, Matt Medici
VarJity Sarah Parkes, Lauren Gerber, Brooke Price, Gabbie Esposito, Ashley Dimon, Morgan Burke, Lauren Shunk, Jennalise Taylor, Jacqui Coppola, Bohn Gehyeka, Kiersten Corless, Katie Smith, Erin Christian
Gina DeAgresta, Ashley Buxton, Kelly Stelnick, Juli Coppola, Jessica McDermott, Jenna Giaquinto, Stephanie Moceri, Meghan Fallon, Maddy Fischer, Bianca DeAngelis
Colleen Brand, Lauren Castan, Aly a Ciccone, Allie Hartwell, Kim Male ki, Rachel Micharski, Corina Santiago, Victoria Sovak, Alexandra Thumm, Bridget Verdel, Alexandria Vernon
Var11ty Greg Miele, Ryan Mcinerny, Steve Braun, Ryan Brady, Chris Forero, Tim McManimon, Max Matejik, Kyle Wensel, Mike Slowikoswski, Mike Williams, Stefan Rita, Christian Crawford, Noah Mitchell, Adam Shemansky, Cameron Wilson, Tim Kinsley, Andrew Wouters, Gavin Faust, Justin Quinlan, Anthony Todaro, Brandon DeLibero
Junior VarJity Eric Bidwell, Sean Connor, Ryan Crawford, Mike D'Amico, Chris DeAngelo, Tim Hackett, Ryan Hanslip, Dan Hogan, Ryan Janni, Bridget McLaughlin, Chris Ofner, Anthony Scarengelli, Peter Taylor
Guy Castranova, Luke Fi cher, Gigi Gibilisco, Anthony Gorrell, Ben Jones, Travis Larmore, Matt Mangone, Jim McCue, Kevin McGrath, Pat Moore, Alex Rowe, Jade Shields, Mike Starke, Pat Thompson, Zach Weber, Corio Copodilupo. Eric Davis, TJ Ivins, Alex Kimtis, Chris Maher, Robert Mazzoni, Quinlan Patterson, Josh Rice, Asa Rodriguez, Robert SantoPietro, Brian Siemann, Will Benitez, Dominiq Bing, Mike Cowan, Shaun Foley, Pat Foran, RJ Forsythe, Alex Francescone, Mark Gonzalez, Jeremy Lim, Dan McGowan, Nick Orzol, Steve Ranke, Dan Sewnig, Tim Weber, Brian Witkowski, Julian Zangrilli, Mike Cantlin, John Foley, Will Foran, Dylan Hankinson, Nick Hollin, Brennan Maraugh, Mike McDaniel , Marqui McEwen, Aaron Pannell, Ransford Quarrie, Zach Socha] ki, George Solujich, Mike Vaughn, Joe Vicini, Dylan White, James Wishbow
â&#x20AC;˘ Kristen Mahon, Marjorie Crowell, Kristen Furst, Michelle Hastry, Chelsea King, Stefanie Koneski, Jasmine McEwen, Amanda Siemann, Jessica Siemann, Stephanie Bilyk, Taylor Bonnani, Amanda Fougere, Julie Larkin, Megan Mahon, Meghan Moore, Caroline Perry, Jamecia Pierce, Caitlin Riexinger, Shannon Vanderhoof, Luthien Tungol, Caitlin Wismer, Rachel Zimmerman, Kristen Bruning, Rachel Clark, Chelsea Daly, Meredith Deal, Nora Garry, Mary Hamilton, Theresa Marx, Maureen McGuinness, Lana Miller, Brittany Patten, Elizabeth Rossiter
VarJity Nicole Zingaro, AJ Gloner, Megan Rezner, Chelsea Wargo, Briana Goodrich, Kelly McDermott, Rachael Dampman, Samantha Emerson, Ashley Kinsley, Brittany Stephan, Justine Dmuchowski, Salina Miller, Kaitlin Holden, Kate Hahn, Samantha Riccio, James Nickelson, Dan McManimon, Tim Brendel
Rebecca Sass, Catherine Carroll, Alexandria DeGregorio, Jackie Baeza, Kato Szabo, Kelly Minogue, Krissy Logan, Megan Millevoi, Dana Krell, Diamond Holland, Madison Klein, Claire Kilcommons
Joseph Borda, Jame Borda, Nicholas Brunetto, Ian Carsia, Liam Cusack, Lawrence DePalma, Michael Marino. Brian Mulleavey, Douglas Ranson , Ryan Blemmings, Dan Haugen, John Quinn, CJ Starke, Andrew Tresansky, Carl Appel, Christian Copeland, Bret Gross, Ryan Horgan, Mike Mulleavey, Drew Potts, Kevin Sheridan, Jason William on, Bryan Dau, Andrew Haugen, Chuck Lynch, Marty Moran
Allison Borda, Nina Didier, Ramona Ernst, Mary Hamilton, Becca Ivins, Hilary Kaminski, Rebecca Hornyak. Aleanxdra Keane, Kara Mia Kusnirik, Demetria Michailide , Katlyn Andrew , Kate Bolum, Maura Faherty, Jenna Gallo, Gina Grabow ki, Andrea Brunetto, Nicole Foley, Anna Hogan, Irene Michailides, Emily Najar, Chelsea Oberhauser, Colleen Sheridan, Katie Bonnani, Liz Ca saza, Zoe Degan, Rebecca Ernst, Jenna Gil ey, Victoria Prieto, Ashley Roberts
Bill Bickel, Zachary Burke, Chris Cavanaugh, Nick Condit, Rob Diletto, Ben Grant, Sheamus O'Connor, Tom O'Brien, Ja on Ozvart, Matt Smythe, John Volpe, Nick Cavanaugh, Brian Cummin , Dave DeCamp, Travis Krell, Chris Leva, Matt McVey, Andrew Roberto, Jeffrey Vetter, Daniel Barood, Dylan DiCuio, Ryan Fitzgerald, Sa'Quan Gore, Josh Mooring, Jonathan Murray, Jack O'Connor, Daniel Coluzzi, Christian Costello, Matt Doskoczynski, Bryan Foley. Sean Gatti, Kevin Gress, Michael Krankenmann, Jo eph Maloney, Louis Menapace, Vincenzo Nocera, Dave Pontoriero, Mike Silakoski, Chri Silako ki, Joe Sparano, Greg Stremlo, Sean Tomaszewski, Blake Tucker, Joe Volpe, James Weinerman, Joe Zuccari
/Prun(i /PO~T/ (iQLf
VarJity Brett Barry, Gavin Faust Brandon Gergel, Steve Goracy, Steve Krakosky, Matejik, Sean McCarthy, Dean Miller, Pat Moore, Neil Pjr1~~t~~~t!~ Anthony Todaro, Steve Tykarsky, Andy
VarJity Ian Pope, Tyler Reilly, Anthony DeLorenzo, Robert Allsop, Sebastian Berneau, B.J. Schofield, Chris Kostinas, Sebastian Compagnucci, Robert Rosendale, Jason Ozvart, Brian Selvarajah, Phil Rybak, Mike Yake, Mike Kupinski, Brendan Belluscio, Brett Harman, Nick Ciccone, Mike Mulleavey, Chris Copeland, John Biancamano, Joe Martella, Mike Aneser, Pat McGinley, Paul Miller, Nick Perkons, Dylan White, Brandon Stewart
Jamie Barnes, Brooke Battaglia, Christa Bencievengo, A hley Birch, Bree Carroll, Bianca DeAngelis, Kaitlin Doolan, Alexi Halka, Kristin Mangone, Ashley Mont, Brigitte Pastore, Theresa Ponella, Cara Rizzotti , Elia Robertson , Diana Ro ero, Amanda Rossetti, Maria Sieman, Kelly Stelnick, Carly Ward
Lauren Gerber, Lauren Agasar, Becca Balint, Katy Bowers, Lauren Burke, Anna Hogan, Kerri Dinneny, Cat Smith, Lauren Dinneny, Brooke Price, Sarah Bowers, Julia Barry, Michelle Mullins, Debra Margadonna, Stephanie Hunt, Kiersten Corless, Caroline Pryor, Amy Grochala, Caitlin Riexinger, Tia Brown , Meghan Fallon, Courtney Gallagher, Bridget Maley
Junior VarJity Bridget Maley, Rachel Moots, Katie Solewin, Meghan Mount, Catherine Bernabe, Nikie McCabe, Sheila Crowell, Alii on Borda, Rachel Zimmerman, Lauren Ru so, Marissa Letinski, Lauren Giacobbe, Colleen Brand, Amy Mill , Stephanie Hunt, Brenna Grant, Kiersten Corless, Rachel Clark, Je sica Russo, Caitlin Brown, Brittany Barbet, Brittani Carnpelo, Jamie Haupin, Beth Schachtele, Julie Polanski, Alex Thumm, Shelby Rowe, Meghan Fallon
LAC 0//f.
Bill Abernethy, Brian Cummins, Vince Dellegrott, Nick Lezynski, John Volpe, Matt McVey, Mark Barus, Barry Brown, Joe McVey, Kyle Clugston, Eric Toia, John Colbert, Tom O'Brien , Joe Henehan, Drew Actin, Conor Boland, Patrick Duffner, Charlie Fuller, Patrick Gallagher, Spencer Quinn, Nick Rowe, Pete Sass
fre1hmen Ryan Abernethy, Chri Bartoli, Mike Cathcart, Ryan Crawford, Tim Gaugherty, Sean Eleuteri, Mark Foley, Tim Hackett, Mike Hastry, Patick Llagan, Mike Mandl, Dave Pontoriero, Frank Pratico, Robert Recine, Mike Russo, Tim Siracusa, Stephen Smith, Pete Taylor, Erik Tro t, Gil Tungol, Sean Tomazewski, Justin Volpe
Eric Davis, James Delre, Trevor Raynor, Christopher Rohman, Alexander Rowe, Tyler Donnelly, Michael Harris, Richard Kerr, Mario Lanzetta, Rudy Mazzoni, Thomas Nagy, Thomas O'Gara, Vivak Patel, Thomas Avanzato, Timothy Bertucci, Jon Bonura, Timothy Brendel, Michael Dowan, Michael D'Amico, Brandon Delibro, Stefano DeSantis, Vincent Fasanella, Baabi Felli, Drew Fitzgerald, William Gomez, SaQuan Gore, Jeremy Lim, Thomas McCarthy, Andrew McKeever, Joshua Mooring, Jonathan Murray, Jonathan Porcello, Steven Ranke, Patrick Sullivan, Alex Bjorlinj, Michael Cantlin, Dan Coluzzi, Richard Cuccagna, Drew Farrell, Eugene Lanzoni, James Peters, George Solujich, Ryan Thouin, Joseph Vicini, John Adam Bogus, Scott Horta, Travis Larmore, Jade Shields II, AJexander Kimtis, Ryan Maczinko, Robert Mazzoni, Matthew Mangone, Carlo Canestri, Chris Drago, Brian Leffler, Christopher Maher , Shane McKenna, Quinlan Patterson
Elizabeth Ashmore, Ro e Collier. Melanie Dee, Michelle Hastry, Chelsea King. Amanda Lupanacci, Michelle Medici, Jessica Siemann, Kristen Mahon, Kristen Fur t, Taylor Bonanni, Megan Mahon, Shannon Vanderhoof. Madi on Klein, Larsa Al-Omaishi, Marjorie Crowell, Stephanie Bilyk, Madelyn Fi cher, Allyson Jones, Stefannie Koneski, Jasmine McEwen, Andrea Brunetto, Erin Christian, Tara Coto, Gina DeAgresta, Kaitlyn Holden, Samantha Kuczin ki, Kri ta Marrocco, Virginia Morin, Amanda Fougere. Julie Larkin, Jessica Schladabeck, Luthien Tungol, Ashley Buxton, Tiffany Chiang, Nora Garry, Dana Krell, Siobhan Mazzoni, Elizabeth Ro iter, Jackie Stimmel, Bridget Verde!, Catherine Tomlinson, Vane a Velastegui, Marie Vito, Nina Didier, Emily Dolan, Rebecca Evrard, Mary Hamilton, Elixandra Holden, Diamond Holland, Rebecca Hornyak, Andrea Grohovsky, Meghan Moore, Caitlin Wismer, Meredith Deal, Rebecca lvin , Alexandra Keane, Kim Maleski , Tere a Marx, Kelly Miller, Lana Miller, Brittany Patten, Christina Richardson, Rebecca Sa , Alexandra Shamy, Anne Marie Stanley
/Prun(i /PO~T/ <An DID/
"The Crucible"
February~ &~ ''L e S Miserables" ~ ~ 23
Jean Valjean ............. Gigi Gibilisco Javert ........................ Dan Zubrzycki Marius ....................... Michael Niederer Cosette ...................... Heather Wiese Sarah Nowicki Madame Thenardier .. Nora Boron kay Thenardier .................. Zachary Hines
Eponine ................. Emily Spadaford Chelsea Wargo Gavroche ............... Erika Graff Mackenzi Flannery Fantine ................... Chelsea Cortes Enjolras .................. Bob Kitson
c Anchor House These clubs meet during Activity Period to prepare seasonal crafts and baskets for teens at Rainbow House, Triad House, Anchor House and Womanspace. Senior students take it upon themselves to deliver the personalized baskets after school. These Service Clubs are a compassionate way for the students of Notre Dame High School to reach out to those who are in need and give back to the community!
This club meets weekly during Activity Period to knit and crochet blankets and scarves for children living in the Route One shelters. This is a warm way to reach out to needy friends. Notre Dame's Service Club and the shelters are intertwined by love and appreciation made tangible by gloves and scarves.
The mission of this Service Club is to help, protect, and promote the welfare of animals. The members have dedicated their time to working with area animal shelters; they support Rainbow Tails Rescue, a local rescue for dogs. In addition, TACT A is the proud sponsor of the NO Seeing Eye Dog Program and Pet Therapy Program.
Members President: Caroline Boyce Vice-President: Ashley Kinsley Secretary: Briana Goodrich
Key Club is an internationally recognized club whose goal is to help others by opening the door to the community. Key Club members act as tutors for young children, partake in Big Brothers/Sisters holiday parties at Notre Dame H.S., and collect soda tabs for Ronald McDonald House charities. These students facilitate service work within and outside of the Notre Dame community. Senior Members Jenn Gilsey, Ben Jones, Olivia Diehl, Liza Chan, Sarah Trainer
Red Cross works in conjunction with NJ Chapter High School Council to sponsor peer-education programs for primary age children in Trenton schools. Notre Dame students attend the Leadership Development Center during the summer, sponsor the school Blood Drive and offer certification in CPR and First Aid. Their work throughout the year is appreciated within the Notre Dame community as well as the community at large.
Members Sarah Trainer, Claudia Ely, Kara Haggerty, Nora Boronkay, Ashley Kinsley, Caroline Boyce
Senior Members Christine Mullaney, Sarah Trainer
Storyteller•s Club knows that reading and having fun can be one in the same! In Storyteller·s, everyone plans future projects by distributing short stories and songs and by makin·g their own props. This small club shows a big heart by working with kids of area organizations. Their biggest reward is seeing the smiling faces of those kids and knowing that their job has been well done.
Every morning from 7:00 until 7:30 a.m. gracious volunteers come to make lunches for the Cherry Tree Kindergarten class for Homefront, the local homeless shelter. Over 2,000 lunches have been prepared to help hungry kids in need.
Members Stephanie Moceri, Anne Pigala, Katlyn Andrews, Steph Scalice, Alex Ata
The Craft Club makes holiday and seasonal crafts for those in need. Crafts are made for Big Brother and Big Sister parties, nursing homes, pre-school children and more. Members Sarah Trainer, Stephanie Miloscia, Kara Haggerty, Claudia Ely, Kelsey Rohman
8tudent Government
Representatives Marisa Nunez, Emily Petersack, Willfredo Benitez, Regine Janolo, Dean Miller, Caroline Perry, Meghan Weintraub, Dan Zucarri, Arash Nouri, Brian Siemann, Drew Artin, Kimberly Boland, Bianca DeAngelis, Sam Emerson, Becca Ernst, Dave Haller, Alex Kimtis, Rosie McSorley, Kelly Rafalski, Chelsea Wargo, Heather Wiese, Alex Wishbow, Katie Suter, Zach Hines, AJ Gloner, Julie Larkin, Tricia Galinat, Nick Lezynski, Rudy Lopez, Jon Lubin, Mike Polanski, Andrew Roberto, Steph Scalice
Moderators Back Row
President Vice President Treasurer Secretary
Katherine Eklund Patrick Thompson Liz Casazza Chris Rohman
Student Government Advisor Ms. Pilkington Senior Ms. Riley Junior Mrs. Boehm & Mr. Patton Ms. Bannon Soph0more Ms. Nickles Freshmen
Serving as the elected voice of the students, the members of the Notre Dame Student Government are proud to represent their fellow classmates. Student Government works tirelessly to improve the Notre Dame community while continuing its committment to serving the student body. Many of Notre Dameâ&#x20AC;˘s functions are planned, prepared, and executed by the Student Government. Notre Dameâ&#x20AC;˘s Student Government would like to thank their fellow classmates for the privilege of representing them as well as their moderators for guiding them in their many endeavors. This past year has Been memorable and they look forward to the 2007-2008 school year at Notre Dame.
The National Honor Society consists of members who exhibit qualities of leadership, service, character, and scholarship. NHS aids students seeking help academically through a comprehensive tutoring program. Members assist the office staff on a daily basis as Student Guides, participate in fundraising events for charities, and represent the school at Open House. NHS also offers a scholarship to incoming freshmen. Members of the National Honor Society lead their peers by example.
Officers President: Vice-Presidents: Secretary: Treasurer:
Diego Esposito Megan Torpey Andrew Ryan Michelle Mullins Katie Suter
Moderators Ms. Anderson Ms. Gauvin-Tharney
Art Club The Art Club is a very relaxed and informal club designed to give art students more time to stay in touch with their creative side. Some students continue to work on projects started in the art class or just hang around and talk with other students who have an interest in art. The club helps Mrs. Caucci with the showcase display, the Christmas tree, and other school related projects. They also enjoy field trips to museums and art galleries to learn and enhance their knowledge about art and art making.
Lauren McCarthy, Carly Grainger, Alexa Cohen, Anne Sipio, Katie Rogers, Robbie Rosendale, Gabreille Peterson, Sebastian Compagnucci, Dan Buckley, Christina Dierolf
Ms. Caucci
The Etc. Club is a club that produces the award-winning art and literary magazine for Notre Dame High School. The magazine is a showcase for all creative writing and visual art alents from poetry to prose to both 2-D and 3-D art and photography. The members contribute to the compilation, layout, and design of the magazine. Moderator
Ms. Caucci
Web Journalists I
Web Journalists are students who update the Notre Dame High School Website. Their goal is to strengthen the content of the website by making it more user friendly to parents, students, teachers, and prospective families. Students update pages and calendars involving service, sports, academics, and clubs. These updates can be made from home or during school to benefit the Notre Dame community.
Ms. Riley
Catherine Barood, Brett Barry, Christina Bebeau, Nora Boronkay, Carrie Boyce, Tim Brendel, Tiffany Chiang, Dave DeCamo, Claudia Ely, Dondre Gumbs, Zach Hines, Lauren Lazar, Christine LemMon, Jake Lengyel, Aisha Lopez, Mike Marino, Joe Martella, Danny McManimon, Michelle Mullins, Leah-Michelle Nebbia, Sarah Nowicki, Joanna Papadopoulos, Jessica Santos, Jackie Stimmel, Kelsey Swift, Patrick Thompson, Alyssa Wolice
Irish American Club The Irish American Club brings a II diverse group of people together to have fun learning about Irish culture. We do many hands-on activities such as making Irish soda bread, a favorite snack in Ireland, and Irish potatoes. Along with cooking, we watch Irish sitcoms to better see the culture come alive on a TV screen. One important part of the culture is I the treasured Irish dancing. In this club we get a beginners course on 1, the elegant dance. This dance requires much skill, hard work, and determination. If you are to choose a great club, choose this one. 1
II Moderators
Mrs. McCullion Ms. Steuber
Peer Leaders
The Notre Dame Peer Leaders is a dynamic organization dedicated to introducing incoming freshmen to the faith -filled environment of the Notre Dame family. This is accomplished by guiding small groups of incoming freshmen on Orientation Day and by leading numerous group activities throughout September.
Leadership skills are taught to new Peer Leaders in their sophomore Religion class which they all take together. The Peer Leaders organization also offers members the challenge of using their unique talents, ideas and newly-acquired leadership skills to raise money and help numerous charities by participating in extensive activities throughout the school year.
Mr. Wetsh
Intramural Club The Intramural Club organizes and officiates various activities during Activity Period. By offering different activities for the student body over the course of the school year, students are able to learn teamwork and build relationships outside of the traditional classroom . The Club becomes further involved in school programs by helping to plan events for Notre Dame's Spirit Week.
Moderator Mr. Schafer
Leadership Club The Leadership Club is open to students of all grades in Notre Dame. It is particularly beneficial to 9th and 1Oth grade students who might aspire to leadership roles in various activities in their upper grades. Students will discuss leadership qualities, practice strategies, and evaluate their effectiveness by engaging in various hands-on projects. The moderator will occasionally call upon other recognized student leaders to assist with the club's activities. Participation is one of several paths to being selected to Peer Leaders in the 11th grade.
Mr. Humphrey
E.Q.A.C,.E. E.R.A.S.E. stands for "End Racisim and Sexism Everywhere." As a club E.R.A.S.E.'s goal is to eliminate prejudice and discrimination within the NDHS community. The club's activities include Invisible Day, Empowerment Day, and working with the new Kidsbridge Museum at the II College of New Jersey. Through these activities they are reaching their goal one step at a time.
Alex Ata, Ashely Creegan, Melanie Dee, Ashley Kinsley, Sarah Trainer, Luthien Tunegol, Rachel Zimmerman
Moderator Mrs. Salcewiscz
&ience Bowl Science Bowl encircles every grade level along with their interest in science. In March, the team competes against many other schools at the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab. Included in this competition is the knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, math and computer science. Members Adam Bogus, Brendan Belluscio, John Lengyel, Katie Daniel, Megan Torpey, Matthew Ruszczyle, Matt Welsch, Dan Buckley, Evan Quirk, Tim Weber, Zack Weber, Spencer Wasileuski, Herb Gettys, Amanda Fabian, Justin Oliheno, Andrew Ryan, Dan Oerth, Larsa AI'Omaishi Moderator Ms. Brennan
Members Max Gibson, Andrew Eater, Jim White, Andrew Siwczak, Kevin Sweeney
The 2006-2007 Notre Dame Robotics Club is a group of students interested in practical application of science. The 2006-2007 club continues to develop an understanding of the different disciplines and principles needed to solve problems by building and programming VEX robots to perform specific tasks. With a strong foundation and core group of freshmen participants, the club looks to expand its membership and participate in a regional competition next year!
Moderator Mr. oâ&#x20AC;˘Byrne
Mock Trial
Members Dan Zuccari, Ryan McNamara, Michael Niederer, David Karas, Kyle Goodwin, Samantha Graff, Neil Pirozzi, Christina Bebeau, Clare Fillebrown, Kevin Szemis, Patrick Thompson Moderators
Mock Trial is equal parts Varsity Sport, Performing Arts, Academic Competition, and Social Club. Each year the New Jersey Bar Association provides a case, including a witness statement and evidence. The Mock Trial team investigates the evidence, develops theories, trains lawyers, and gives their witnesses character to bring them to life. We then bring our team to the courthouse and compete head-tohead with other schools in a realistic courtroom setting. Our goal is to have some fun while working as a team and learning something about the legal progession.
Mr. McQuarrie
Debate Each year the Debate Team researches a National Debate topic. This years resolve was, 'The United States Federal Government should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in one or more of the following national service programs: AmeriCorps, Citizen Corps, Senior Corps, Peace Corps, Learn and Serve America and the Armed Forces." The team researches the topic from both the Affirmative and Negative viewpoints. The debate season runs during the fall semester. Notre Dame competes in the CVC Debate League. Each team, the Affirmative and Negative, competes against teams from the eve on the same topic. Debate provides its team members with the opportunity to research, define and compose viewpoints and the additional opportunity to present them in a public forum.
Greggory Snook, Kaitlyn Connaughton, Ryan McNamara, Jason Case, Catherine Carroll, Amanda Duckworth, Nicholas Perkons Moderators Mr. Hoelzle, Mr. Bauch, and Mr. Patton
Model UN (6 Model Congress
l During the weekend of November 16-19, the twenty-nine members of the Notre Dame Model United Nations Delegation, which represented the United Arab Emirates, joined over 900 students from all over the United States at the Rutgers Model United Nations in New Brunswick to debate contemporary problems. Using the art of international diplomacy and compromise, Notre Dame's outstanding delegates worked to amend and pass resolutions through UN committees and Non-Governmental Organizations on topics such as Civil Rights and Diamond Trading in Western Africa, Human Development and Poverty in the Middle East, and Contemporary Forms of Slavery.
I Members Monica Abbracciamento, Larsa AI-Omaishi, Paul Alfonse, David Aneser, Brendan Belluscio, Marjorie Crowell, Dave DeCamp, Nora Garry, Jim Delre, Julia Hart, Mary Harte, Patricia Harte, Bridget Maley, Kevin McGrath, Drew McKeever, Dean Miller, Jake Mlinar, Michael Pawscucci, Kyle Perry, Neil Pirozzi, Mike Polanski, Matt Ruszcyk, Rob Ruszczyk, Saloni Soans, CJ Starke, Katie Suter, Andrew Tanguay, Mike Tantum, Pat Thompson, Kaitlyn Torpey, Ray Walsh, Michael Yake, Abbey Zeiser, Chris Ofner
Mrs. McGraw & Mrs. Wroblewski
On your mark! Get set! Divide! This club consists of talented mathematicians who compete against peers at the local, state, and national level. The math league's success keeps growing exponentially! Moderators
Ms. Hermida Ms. Vegter Larsa AI-Omaishi, Liz Casazza, Pat Moore, Justin Oliano, Brielle Parady, Kristen Recine, Pat Thompson, Zachary Weber, Heather Weise, Zach Burke, Meredith Collier, Brian Cook, Keith Croly, Matt DeMille, Amanda Fabian, Kara Haggerty, Mary Harte, Alex Koroljow, Mark Magsino, Dan McQuarrie, Kyle Perry, Andrew Ryan, Mike Schroeder, Mike Starke, Tyler Tsitsyaia, Nicole Abascal, Dan Benedetti, Carina Bereanu, Brandon Gergel, Brett Harman, Stephen Jones, David Karas, Ryan McNamara, Ann Pigula, Anthony Scaringelli, Liam Cusack, Chris James, Kyle Magsino, Mike Marino, Nick Perkons, Doug Ranson , Michael Colwin, Patrick Foran, Patricia Harte, Jeremy Lim, Michael Pascucci, Matt Ruszczyk, Tim Weber, Melanie Dee, Nick Orzol, Spencer Wasilewski, Stephen Eller, Vail Rita, John Hoge, Mark McKenna, Chriss Slomkawski, Kevin Sweeney, Joey Vicini, Drew Oros, Travis Krell, Joseph Martella, Evan Quirk, Dan McGowan, Jamecia Pierce, Bonnie Falconer, Ashley Silakoski, RJ Forsythe, Maura Faherty, Chris Sanginiti, Christian Costello, Will Foran, Melissa Koffie, Ashley Mont, Ryan Sowa, Eugene Lanzoni, Patrick McGinley, Maureen McGuinness, Kevin Spickofsky, Nick Ciccone, AJ Rosendale, Melissa Dolly, and Dan Sewnig
Ani me
The Anime Club gathers together during Activity Period on Tuesdays to watch Japanese animation in Japanese. Why? Because the jokes don't make sense in English. Moderator
African American
The African American Club is a club designed to enhance the cultural appreciation, self-esteem and traditions of the African American Community at NDHS. Their goal is to enrich the larger community through a greater understanding of their diverse origins. Moderator
Mr. Coppola
Asian American Asian American Club stands out as a group of not only Asian Americans but a club of diverse groups of people. The purpose of the Asian American Club during the 2006-2007 year is to educate, learn, and enjoy Asian and Pacific Islander culture. The Asian American club members are learning how to make eastern food , studying various countries and immersing themselves in different languages.
Senior Members Mark Galarrita, Chris Escaderia, Liza Chan, Steve Daguio
Moderator Dr. Reither
8panish Club
Katie Gulla, Nicole Abascal, Kevin DeMille, Chelsea Cortes, Ashley Mont, Kristin Mangona, Alyssa Wolice, Christa Bencivengo, Courtney Gallagher
President: Christina Mirisis Vice-President: Lauren Zuccarello
A club that gathers to celebrate the Hispanic culture and language. The Spanish club goes on excursions and has parties to celebrate holidays and traditions. They taste the flavor of the culture through food and drinks and share together watching movies, listening to music and learning traditional Hispanic dances like merengue, salsa and the macarena.
Moderator Senora Leigh
German Club
The German culture is explored and appreciated during this club activity. Members participate in various activities to give them a better understanding of the German culture.
Ms. Koebele-Demaree
, 1
french Club II The French Club previews French films, reads fashion magazines, learns about French culture and more!
Members Brittany Bertone, Morgan Berton, Ash lee Gray, Brett Horman, Liz Connor, Melissa Janssen, Caitlin Black, Danielle Buchenot, Arielle Jalte, Casey Setash, Steven Brawn, Megan Torpey, Katie Torpey, Chris Rohman, Adam Bogus
Moderator Madame Ebel
Operation 8mile I
Matt DeMille, Chelsea Cortes, Juda Fusco, Nick Condit
Presdient: Diego Esposito Vice-President: Stephanie Miloscia Moderator Senora Leigh
Operation Smile is an international organization that brings medical and surgical services all over the world. They specialize in helping with facial deformities. It is strictly a volunteer organization. However, to \ provide medical and surgical services you still need equipment, medicines and medical supplies; you also need to transport the volunteers to the places where the patients are. To provide for all these needs the organization depends on donations; this is where I Operation Smile clubs and support groups come in. This is where people like us come in.
II ~
The Voice
Extra, Extra, Read all about itt The Voice is the student written, designed, and produced newspaper. Students address issues that involve our school, community, country and world. Their thoughts and beliefs are articulated page by page in an informative publication. The Voice has won numerous awards for outstanding journalism at the Garden State Scholastic Press Association. All grade levels are encouraged to submit articles, take photos, edit, and participate in fhe production of the newspaper. Editors-in-Chief Leah-Michelle Nebbia Jillian Vaccaro Managing Editor Kate Birch Senior Editor Alyssa Wolice & Brian Selva rajah Director of Layout & Design Tricia Galinat
Photography Editor Maria Ramierez
Business Manager David Karas
Layout Staff Eva Nebbia Meghan Moore Jessica Scanlon
Technology Editor Ryan McNamara
Creative Consultant Zachary Hines
Editorial Staff Samantha Graff Lexa Keane Liz Bellscheidt Becca Ivins Brandon Gergel Katie Bowers Katie Daniel Saloni Soans Amanda Fougere Molly Ehret Melissa Yeniluh Katie Rice Cassie Anderson Olya Offredo Faculty Advisor Eileen Marx
The "Canticle"
Working everyday after school and during Activity Period, Gabrielle, Christine & Mike breathe a sigh of relief as the yearbook is completed.
J Moderator Ms. Dwyer
The Editors Gabrielle Peterson Christine Mullaney
Assitant Editor Mike Hayes
8tudent Business 8ervices Are you ready to work in a business-type atmosphere? Do you have what it takes to work in an office environment? Then the S.B.S.C. club is perfect for you! Some of the interesting and exciting things we do in this new club are helpful to our faculty and staff. We even receive service hours when there are special projects and work that is needed to be done.
Jobs that we perform are business duties such as typing handouts, collating, stuffing envelopes, making copies, prepare mailings, and creating forms. Members
Katyln Andrews, Lauren Poole, Stephanie Moceri , Amanda Fougere, Kristen Janeczek, Melissa Yenchik, Cara Dill, Amanda Repko, Meredith Deal, Ariana Spera, Amanda Thomas, Ashley Chia, Shane Reed, Shannon Pederson, Harry Ehret, Christopher Rohman, Guy Castronova, Charile Fuller, Pat Duffner, Adam Bogus, Patt McDavitt
Mrs. Moceri Mrs. Hardiman
8ocial Justice Club The goal of the Social Justice Club is to make the Notre Dame community aware of the plight of the poor in the world through attendance at the Romero Center and weekly educational meetings. We raise bring awareness to the needs of the global community and teach them how to advocate for the poor. Students are then challenged to respond to the needy in their local communities.
Mr. Coppola
Luke Fischer, Pat Gallagher, Alyssa Quezada, Pat McDavit, Kate Backus, Kiersten Corless, Jessica Petroni , Pat Duffner, Viki DeSalvo, Charlie McCarthy, Adriene Pontani , Chris Rohman , Adam Bogus
This club bases its foundation on its keen interest in international relations. The fervent passion is shared with their sister school in Japan. Moderator
Ms. Koebele-Demaree
8pectrum (9 Touchstone
Spectrum and Touchstone are peer support groups for students who have experienced loss or stress in their lives. Weekly meetings during Activity Period and three retreats a year build community and support among the members. Facilitator teachers include Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Wroblewski, Mrs. Caucci, Mrs. Marx, Mrs. Riley and Mrs. Sewnig, who also serves as the clubâ&#x20AC;˘s moderator.
Clubs Candids
Notre Dame路s Campus M Program is run by campus ministers, Mrs. Tracy Reed and Mrs. Catherine Sewnig. Togeth with students in the program, they organize liturgies and retreats. The campus ministry office is alw place where students can s comfort in times of need. 188
~ 路 ) 193
/ 195
/tudent Life Candid,
racul. ~Cci;di~~><
Administration, faculty (0 8taff
John Archer
Donald Bauch
Jordan Bennett
Deborah Berzinski
Ann Brown
Josephine Burzachiello
Joseph Cafferky
Regina Campbell
Bernadette Caucci
Christopher Collier
Janine Corgan
Andrew Craven
Mary Curtis
Walter Czajkowski
Kevin Deal
Mary DePuglio
Marion Doherty
Erin Dwyer
Charlotte Ebel
Cindy Elsesser
Colleen Flood
Denise Gauvin-Tharney
Carolyn Graham
Richard Gusciora
Maribeth Hardiman
Karen Henkel
Mary Hermida
Mary Ann Hoch
Patrick Hoelzle
Thomas Humphrey
Mary Liz Ivins
Katherine Jennings
Peggy Jo Kacperow ki
Administration, faculty (9 &taff
Edward Patton
Maureen Kelly
Amy Kimtis
Beverly Klek
Regina Koebele-Demaree
Julie Kopchik
Su an Krempasky
Eileen Lang
Leonard Lavinson
Desiree Leigh
Elsa Lewandowski
Donna Lynch
Barbara Major
Eileen Marx
Mary Joan Maruca
Su an McCullion
John McQuarrie
Janet Mellodge
Susan Middleton
Peggy Miller
Robin Moceri
Elsie Moore
Edward O'Byrne
Constance O'Sullivan
Lois OmJand
Mary Parmiter
Ja on Patton
Michael Perone
Steven Perritano
Joan Pilkington
Gail Pyontek
Administration, Faculty @ 8taff
Mary Quinn
George Reither
Alison Riley
Brenda Riley
James Rizza
William Rowland
Judy Rynkewicz
Judith Salcewicz
Donna Schulz
Salvatore Sciarrotta
Catherine Sewnig
Todd Shellenberger
Rose Stevenson
NancyTama i
Bonnie Tormey
Margri t Vegter
Pamela Verdi
Sharon Vereb
Marilyn Ward
Diane Wargo
Phil Welch
Lewi Welsh
Maria Wise
Robert Wood
Margaret Wroblew ki
Not Photographed: Roberta Anderson Rev. Dennis Apoldite Abiola Backu Cindy Bannon Dan Bartram Debbie Boehm
Hope Brennan Julie Campo Christopher Clark John Clay Joseph Connell Joanne Corrado
Joseph Costello Donna Grabowski Gary Dambro Cheryl Harris Gary DeGregory Patrick Kinsella Theresa Giampetro Susan Lee Bruce Lloyd Louis Gibilisco Sr. Anka Gordon Steven Lobis
Hugh Maguire Amy Opla ki Angela McConnell Gregory Schafer J. Gerry McGuire Donna Schoenberger John McKenna Miriam Shrock Joseph McLaughlin Kathleen Stueber Christina Nickles Marge Vernon
an You! From the Yearbook Staff
Christine Mullaney, Editor
We would Uke to recognize and thank the following people for going above and beyond to support the production of the 2007 Canticle: Ms. Mary Liz Ivins, Principal Ms. Joan Pilkington, Vice Principal Mr. Sal Sciarotta, Vice Principal Mrs. Mary Ann Hoak Mrs. Susan Middleton Mrs. Maria Wise With a special THANKS to ... Mrs. Linda Wyers Mrs. Debbie Bohem Ms. Brenda Riley for providing us with her . Mrs. Amy Kimtis amazing pictures! The Religion Department especially Ms. Kelly for writing the 2007 Canticleâ&#x20AC;˘s dedication I Ms. Mary Curtis for loaning us the IMC for all of our late night meetings! Mrs. Marxâ&#x20AC;˘s Journalism class for helping to proof all of our pages!
Team Coaches Club Moderators The Athletic Department The Technology Department The Development Office The Matienance Department
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• With the rapid melting of polar ice caps, a season of alarming tropical storms and record-breaking heat waves, global warming becomes a present-day global emergency.
• Thanks to the efforts of groups like Rock the Vote, young American voters turn out in record numbers for the 2006 elections.
• In his 2007 State of the Union address, President George W. Bush reiterates his commitment to the war in Iraq and proposes sending additional troops overseas. EM PIGS /Landov
• Nancy Pelosi is named the speaker of the House for the 11 Oth Congress, becoming the • The Internet search giant Google pays $1.65 billion for the wildly popular You Tube video-sharing service.
highest-ranking female in the
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history of the
On the fifth anniversary of 9/11, civic leaders and mourners gather to commemorate the occasion with solemn ceremonies and moments of silence.
• British authorities foil a terrorist plot to blow up planes headed to the U.S. from the U.K., resulting in airline restrictions on liquids, aerosols and gels.
On October 17, the U.S. population passes the 300 million mark according to the Census Bureau's official Population Clock.
In an effort to curb illegal immigration, the Senate passes legislation authorizing the construction of 700 miles of double-layered fencing on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Bobby Shriver and U2's Bono launch the stylish (PRODUCT) RED inrtiative to raise money for The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in Africa.
Spinach tainted with E. coli bacteria kills one consumer and sickens almost 100 more in 19 states, leading to calls for improved food safety practices. J_ 1 0 'feG{~~t Gerald R. Ford, 38th president of the United States, dies at age 93. Ford was appointed vice president by Richard Nixon in 1973 and succeeded to the presidency after Nixon's resignation.
The Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan panel appointed by Congress, releases a sharply critical report that calls for a new approach in Iraq.
Controversial conservative Felipe Calderon begins his six-year term as president of Mexico after winning by a narrow margin of only 0.56 percent.
..... galvanizes celebrities and organizes more than 20 Rock for Darfur concerts to raise funds for what the U.N. calls "the world's greatest humanitarian crisis."
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Saddam Hussein is sentenced to death and executed by the Iraq Special Tribunal for the 1982 murder of 148 Shiite inhabitants of Dujail.
Former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko, an outspoken critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, dies in London after being poisoned by radioactive polonium-21 0.
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Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based Islamic militia, attacks Israeli military positions and border villages, beginning a conflict that claims more than 1,400 lives, mostly civilians. U.N. peacekeepers are called in to broker a cease-fire. In October 2006, North Korean leader Kim Jong II orders the country's first nuclear weapon test. During the Six-Party Talks in February 2007, North Korea agrees to a nuclear disarmament.
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Wireless campuses, and entire cities, are popping up across the country. Villanova University in Philadelphia, Pa., tops PC Magazine's list of the Top 20 Wired Colleges.
The FDA licenses the first vaccine developed to prevent cervical cancer and other diseases in girls and women caused by HPV, the human papilloma virus.
.... A handheld, portable electronic zit zapper called Zeno gets FDA approval. In a clinical trial, 9D percent of treated blemishes disappear or fade in 24 hours.
The World Wide Web reaches a milestone when an Internet research survey reports that there are more than 100 million websites online.
Zero~~AVI~ ~
A team of French doctors surgically removes a benign tumor on a patient in a specialty adapted aircraft that mimics zero gravity conditions.
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L ""' After years of heated debate, astronomers decide to change the definition of a planet; Pluto no longer qualifies. Instead, it's reclassified as a dwarf planet.
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.... School systems in several states install fingerprint-reading technology that gives students a cash-free way to pay for lunch.
Colorful comfortable crocs-made from a buoyant, lightweight, odor-resistant material that molds to the wearer's footare the shoe of the year.
Couture designers like Dolce & Gabbana and luxury brands like Swarovski, the Swiss crystal maker, transform boring cell phones into the year's must-have bling .
...... Mid-calf and ankle-length leggings, last seen in the trendy 1980s, returnio the spotlight. Fashion-conscious girls wear them under minis, dresses and tunics. ~
Pointy toes and ITigh heels are out. The feminine, flirty ballerina flat goes with everything from short skirts to long leggings and super-skinny jeans.
Nearly 31 percent of teens, or 7.6 million, are consuming energy drinks that contain up to four times the amount of caffeine than is in a can of Coke. The year's to-die-for, must-have-at-anyprice jeans are dark, slim, distressed denims from Diesel, the Italian label that inspires a cult-like devotion among its customers.
Teens are raiding their parents' closets, as well as retailers like Urban Outfitters and American Eagle, for vintage rock and pop culture T's.
SKI Red is the color of the heart; 50 percent of Gap's PRODUCT (RED} profits go to the Global Fund to help fight AIDS in Africa.
Chuck Taylor All Stars, the basketball sneakers first manufactured by Converse in 1917, are more popular than ever among male and female fashion mavens.
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Write yourself a letter about your life today that you can read in 10 years to see what has changed.
...... The Go _....,___
Initiative reaches out to school m all 50 states, as well as in Euro e and. Afnca, to foster student commitment toP environmental responsibility. campu~es
Photo Illustration by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images
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Sony releases its seventh generation PlayStation, known as "PS3." The basic console has a 20GB hard drive; the premium version comes with 60 GB.
Nintendo releases Wii, its newest video game console, which features a wireless remote that can detect motion and rotation in three dimensions. ~
Madden NFL 07 and a barrage .-.---r__, of end-of-the-year action games capture the attention of gamersJcapitalizing on a major emphasis on online gaming.
The unfortunate adventures of the Baudelaire orphans come to an end with the publication of The End by Lemony Snicket.
..... The classic board game, Monopoly, gets a 21st century makeover. The "Here & Now" edition features updated tokens, current market prices and 22 new properties.
There's a new Bond in town and the critics swoon along with the fans. Blonde, brooding Daniel Craig debuts as James Bond in Casino Royale.
Many movie lovers opt for DVD convenience, instead of lines at the local theaters, for hits like Mission: Impossible Ill, Superman Returns, and The Devil Wears Prada.
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Project Runway, a reality show competition for would-be fashion
Golden Globe Winners Best Motion Picture, Drama: Babel Best Actress, Drama: Helen Mirren, The Queen Best Actor, Drama: Forest Whitaker, The Last King of Scotland
Best Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy: Dreamgirls Best Director, Motion Picture: Martin Scorsese, The Departed
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Jimmie Johnson celebrates his 2006 Nextel Cup title and a $6.2 million paycheck.
MVP Peyton Manning leads the Indianapolis Colts through a steady rain and past the Chicago Bears for a 29-17 victory in Super Bowl XLI.
:========= ¡""'""Roger Federer retains his No.1 ranking for the third year in a row. Tennis star Maria Sharapova is the world's highest-paid female athlete. Both take home a U.S. Open Championship trophy in 2006.
â&#x20AC;˘ Nearly 1,100 competitors compete in the WSSA World Sport Stacking Championships in Denver. Forty-two new world records are set at the 2006 event. ~
The Miami Heat defeat the:, Dallas Mavericks in six games to win the 2006 NBA Finals. Owyane Wade, the Miami Heat guard, is named MVP.
When Andre Agassi retires from professional tennis at age 37, he receives a heartfelt, eight-minute standing ovation from the crowd at the 2006 U.S. Open.
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