Notre Dame
High Schoo)
'路Times To Remember路'
Times To Remember 2009
Yqu -11ave given ~he Notr~ ·Datne Farhily ~any. wondetfut '''tilrt~s to rem~mber". On .that first Freshmen dfly· 1 \Yhen' you all gathe~ed ~~ he a~<!_itorium, I looked around at your neF exci~~d and .~I'm cool!" f~ces· and WOJ?.dered j.ust who you would become .. you lo?, ha~dsonie ~nd b~autifu(~tl~ ·.dressed up .Jor that first Cotillio~. The gir1~ gjggl~d. as th~ guy.~ · ai<?,und King ~ s qaterers_in cort_fused packs ~ You h~~dled the 1 Sophomore. Motp...~ ,ith much mor~ fin~ sse. As Sopl;l · mores; yo~ bega:p. frtaking yo~'r ma,ks on JV an~ Varsity Teams. ·And~ a'f~w.ofyour star$ s.tarteci. to sh~e in '~Lhs M~_se~abl~s". · :. ·... ·· :: . ·~ . · . · .
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Ju~ior ·y~~r you g{~pped)nto. t4e limelight.
Joe q~arterba.cked the teatri ~~d ·,Eva~·~~s . 1uininesc~nt 1ii' H:Beauty : .· and the ·Be~st." ·Y ou eani~dyo~~ ring~ apd Varsity·lettet.( Anne . ~~d Sean p'a ced ND ~~·ers ·as Tini became. , ND '~ fa~o~ite .D-J. ~ina· l.;. . . .. . ~~ ~all.\froni Ride~t~fND .for the. cH~ldr~~:· Pf.U g'\~qa.·: Yo.u played yo~r first . Powder Puff game and. s~~f.te,~l ~1J~ipg th~ b.a.Q~ parking lot.~ ~ Stepha:nie/ and Rosie and·Car~lyn r~n a fi.e rce race'for 'ro~es in go~mmeQt: With Ca~dl~ R9~~<so~ · ~tepped up and too~ charge.
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..-.. . . . ~ill remember your a~complishments; your st~ggles and.your moment.s"-ofjoy: .·.. the lropfiies, the .Christmas . Lito.r_gies, the pep ralli~~ an~ the F!i4~Y· aftt?m?o~- ~is~issal.s .! t~at r~n~ with la~ghte( My. m?~t <?.~~risl;led . . . Il).em_~rles ·will e of your ~cre.djhle tesp' on:~e .to/th~..i~visibl.e··children : .... ~.your ~u~pouril!g of g"enerosity to ii ...·~< . f~~iiy -~~o,-lost'.the~~ ry6'Ql.~ 1n ~fire..~ .. .your ·pr~yer~ ~nd silent r.e.sp~<;tf.~~..a ~~~ch~r::~ho ~elf during a .Fa?~lty . ·. . .student :Bask~tball ga~e. 1\vill fe~~m):>~r ~he~omra~s.~o~ tl)at your·v..9i~~~~· wp.en ybu catP.eJa the ·.: . . defense of. a . beloved. coach and·a·classm~t~. I ·~·lli !emem:qer:' mcredibl~ fait~ and' l'ov~ .in yo~( every K~~bs. :·: . •
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You are so much mo~e than I could. bave'im.agip.ed at that. fir~t F:reshme4.Liturgy .. -You are far ~ore tb.ari. ariY. . •' . . . . . . . . . • ' ;. ·. . • .. I ·.. ; . .. ' ·'· trophy, letter ..or c~rtificate can celebrate. Y eu.tfave pe9ple with a passion for and change. You·· .. have no toleiaric~ for in~quity a:n.d inju~tice: . Ypu .h~ve a·<v'is~on.ttlat is· filled w.ith 4~f>e.:', I b~lieve that .'t he ·_ · · I greatest "times to temember" fo/the Class ·9f2009 . C:tre · yet· to ·come~ And, rcan't .wait to see the wo.rlci 'you will · ' ·create! 1
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Times To Remember 2009
h m:e ~~ a j~uin ninth ~gr s, ~l ;rth.. -m•••*~:t im'e t~ 'tb t ' ., .... Qi:e ly "times to remember". ·We .hav~-c~e,ai~d; riiem~ne.s· fime spent tpgeth · . classroomS:, at Sc ool Liturgies, · SBirit Days, Dan~es; Pro~s, Cotillions, A:wa;d Asse~blies ~d .Retreats. · E'ach, of you -is a g0od person. You are bright, ·caring, talented,. .and have · · grown mu · . ·nc~ we frrst ~et. Thank:you ·for bei~g sucb-.a special part of m~ life · . ~hese ~~t:four year . You have giyep much to me and our entire school _cmpinun ty; .· ~ · y~ for the happy memories: you leave. with us. Thank you for the m~r.ry.e!W'· o · 'J:lobesty~ caring, loye,_apd leadership you have shar~d · I hope th1;1t you 'carry .h . . 'emories with you ·as ,Y~U go. Andi pray th~t- th~ friendship~ y_o.v·.. made, . the)ctfo ·. dge. you havv gairied, and the'l.ove o~ Jesus t~at you have fou,nd afN.9tte . D4m~ will stay in your hearts fqreve~ .. · · . Continue to .t1;1ke. to dream as you continue your . time to.grow,., ·~. ch~nge, ' .. journey .in college. W'Jlen-'gradu~ti$n enijs ·f am sure that you will walk confidently ·. ready to.embr c~. the ehailenges ;~f college and beyond .. You, each one of you, can. make our: prld_. ~ . Qetter pl~ce.· ..M~' prayer is that you w'i n Fsten for God''s voice ·speaking to.your I:r~aq 'for our.God will walk ~ith you and Iove~you tlirough every . · moment of time. 'I, know ·th~tyou t,at the end o:f~·ach day in the ~mi~ of a gentle' God who love~·yo·~ ·v~ry mu~h .. · · '.: .' ... ·. . · ·;. . . .,..' ·· . nervous and an ··
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s.smg years. . . • • • 1 'I-{igh school gave you' a cha,nce. to grow in every· facet of your physical self, your .. ' .. · pets~nality, your me~t~l ac it{imt1 yow: ch~~act~r. Thert?fore, you will never pe able to really leave it. I hope the years m'~ve you ~~tch yo~r~elf reflecting on your: .: ' high . ch6ol.expe.rience as :a pqinJ .o f.reference fqr a t~en current pro~lem, encounter or · decisior{: . . · ~n ·you do;yo~ may:rememb~r that l about i~ here. You won't b~· unusual; .w¢ all do i( I hope; tqo, that you wiii 'dra~ \~pon only.good points of ref~rence. 1 Yes, c~rtainly, th~€ .are tbe "Ti~es to Remember", ·but hi on~ you don't have .to- I guaiante~ you th~t you Will.~~ve.r be able to. forg~t thein.. . ·. · · · w
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Times To Remember 2009
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Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009 ....---:
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
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Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
. T o Remem ber 2009 T1mes
. 路F r.eshman Soc.i al 路
Times To Remember 2009
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. To Remember 2009 Ttmes
Times ~ o Remember 2009
ftDRifinft ftMQDOl. ftltxsftnDRft ftPOSTOUCO. lftURtn lftZftR. Sft~Rinft lUCCNtsl. . SIOr>Nftn MftZZOOI. lOftnnft DftDftDOPOUlOS. SNU~Y PfDfRStn. ftSHlfY Ttslfl. SCNUYlfR TNOOnTQn. KftTNfRinf TOWfR,{ftTNfRinf ~RUTOn./'\ICNftfl MCCft~t SfftO TOMftSZfWSKI. CHQISTirtfi bllfnCftt\flnO. JOHn Cfttlftn. SNfllft .CROWEll. GREGORI DORnbftCN. 1\RISTtn DRftKt RO~tRT DUffY. ftnDRfft <JRONOVSKY. JUUft NftRT. MftDfl,tlnf NftRT. TftRft JERRY. ftMftnDft JOnES. ROWtnft KlEin. JOHn nG. ftnn RfiTNER. NOPE S/'\OlKft. nftfftUE TftPTYKOff. VICfORift MOOftCO. SNftKIRftN SCNlftOKER. JUSTin ftDftMS. SftNE MftSQn. KYRft PftSTORt ~RftnDtn KUlY. CODY ~UCNftnftn . ~tCKY NftRDinG. MftURUO MCGUinnESS. ftODEW SIWQftK. JEffRfY lE{jftSPI. ftlfX ltRhE~. ftODRt DElft PftZ. KRISTtn NOCNREITfR. MftTINfW KftODRftC. COlin MCOftMftRft. fRIKft ROStnDftlt MIKf WISOOSH. JESSICft SC~lftDE~ECK. • MORGftn KftnDRftC..PmR ~nnnn1. JOSEPH MRMTO. WftRRtn CROWELL • ftSNlr( CNOOKft. KUltn DftRMODY. MICNftEl DOOOVftn. MftRK UGNOSSftln. 'MftTINEW NERMRT. DftO~L NOGftO. tnzo lUCCNfSI. Km Mft~SinO. Klli JllfDfRER. JftMts PntRS. DftVIQ SZfMIS. JftiME GI~IUSO. ~RtnDftn t\CnltMftRft. KfVIn SZfMIS. PftTRICK VOnft. SftMftTNft ftlfOOSt ftnDREW KOlPftCK. ZftCNftRY MRTOn. fR~ft GRftft ~Riftnnft KinG. JEREMY liM. MEGftO MftNOO. DEMfTRift 1'\JCNftlliDts. ftODRfW
MICNftfl MCCft~t Stftn TOMftSZtWSKI. JULift NftRT: KYRft DftSTORt (QDY ~UCN~nftn: MCKY NftRDinG. MftURtfn -. • MCOUinntSS. ftnDtW SIWClftK. ltffRfY LtGftSDI, ftnDRt Dtlft DftZ. KRISTfn NOCNRtiTtR. tRIKft RQSfnDftlt MIKt w1snos~r. DtTLR ~onnftnl. . . 1'\ftRK fLGNOSSftln. Dftnltl 'NOGftn: Kilt nltDtRtR. JftMtS 1 •. . DfTERS. DftVID SJfMIS, JftiMt GI~ILISO. KtYin SZtMIS. . .DftTRICK VOnft. ZftCNftRY MRTOn, SCNUYLtR THORnTOn. ~: , Jftf\fS WNITt.MICNfttl ftnfStR. ~Rftn_Don STtWftRT. TNOP\ftS ~-;
~RIITftnY ftnTOnftKOS. ftlYCift ~OClVtnGO. fii!XflnDrR ~JORUO<J. 1'\ICHftll, K)Hlln<JW ..MIRftODft (QUI'\. 1'\tGHftn CUSftCK. ~lftnCft DWnGtuS. fllfd.Dtlll. JrSSICft DOnftHUt JftCQUfUnr DUfft'l'. Glnft fVJRnT. Jft/'\lf HftUDin. THfRLSft H9LTHLnRICHS. HfftTHfR JffnSStn, lftO KftR. KRISTin KlftnKft. MftRILllt KUCzlnSKI. CftRRif lffilfRt RYftn MCGinniS. KfllY 1'\llltR. lftURtn MRUK. ftf>I<Jftll 1'\URRftY. CRYSTftl Dftl. KiltY QUinn. MftRift RODRI<JUfZ. Sft/'\ftnTHft ROSH. JtnnlftR ~Yftn. Cift~Rifllf SftK). Dlftnnn S/'\ITH. fVft TRUnCflUTO. Kl/'\~fRlY VftlDOfR. Dnmmr vnRnnrnK..<JRncr WllMR. snMnmHn WllUH/'\S. rMIUr ronct JORDftn HnDfRSCI;ln. SHftnnon MRlOW. Sfftn MRRY, CORinft MRtnnu. tt'illY • . f>RO<Jnn. snRftH cn~tlL srnn cnHill:.lftURH cRnR. ~Riftn CUlllnftnt ftlfXftODRift DIGRLGORIO. CRftiG DlnWOODit . RYHn·D/'\UCHOWSKI. <JRt<JORY DORnMCH. <JRf<JORY DOUMHR:ftlYSSft ftRDffift. ClftiRf fiSCHfR. KftTHfRfnf .fU<JftTt UnDSfY <JftRRISOn. ftltsftnDRft Hlftln<J. sftMftnTH Jones. MftRISH lnnzonr.. nnnnum lftYTOn. ft~f> lfRntR, JfSSICft lfVI. ftlfXftnDfR lfWIS. TfRfSft 1'\ftRX. SHftnnon DtDfRStn. JORDtn DfRSin<J. /'\ftRISSft Dlf'. fRIO SC~lf<Jftl.
~iiii-;=-=-==-r====,---.:J----r-:::;j~~~;.;;~~~~~ lftURtn ftMSSftL ftlfXft ftCiOURIDfS. ftnDRfW ftU~ffift. fVftn MRftnOWSKI. ZftCHftRI MRTGn. MfGHftn CftMll. Dft/'\flft ClOU<JH. nftlftllf COllinS. STfDHftnlf COWftn. lift/'\ .CUSftCK. KtnnfTH DZI/'\IOSKI. /'\ftCHtnZI flftnntRI. HfR~fRT <JITTYS. ~RtnDtn <JI~K)nS. Jft/'\fS Cil~lliSCO. fRIKft <JRftff. CHflSfft CiRft/'\ft. KYft <JRIW. ftnDRfft CiUftRIOO. DOnDRf <JU/'\~S. . STfDHftnlf HfUCKt tliZft~fTH HinTOn. Rf~CCft IVInS. /'\fliSSft JftnSStn. f/'\llY Kftnt ftlfXftnDRft Kfftnt ft~ICiftll KITSOn. ftliSSft KOSlOWSKt JUllf ·lftRKin. CHRISTIOL lfMOn. JOHn 1'\ftCKinnOn. SftRftN 1'\ftHOnY. 1'\I.CHftfl MftRinO. THqMftS MftRTfllft. niCHOlftS MftRUCft. D~nlfl MCKtnnft. MtliSSft 1'\C/'\Ulltn. Sft~Rinft 1'\fRZ. MftiRf~D MICKfY. JfRRY MlliOniS. Drftn 1'\lllfR, ftnDRfW Millin. Glnft nftlf>Ont niCKlf DftDftDODOUlOS. RftnSfORD QUftRRit ftMftnDft ~O~IOSOO . CHRISTinf'SfKlfCKI. MftRISft SHftfffR. Hnnt MftRif STftnlfl. CHRISTO.DHfR STftRKf. DftVID SZf/'\IS. ftMftnDft TtSTft. ftSHlfl TfSTft.'VInCfnT TlftOO. f>lftKt TUCKfR. DftTRICK VOOft. CftiTlYO WftllfY. JftMfS WH)Tt MICHftft WISnbsi\Y ·~
Tinles To Remember 2009
juli'! Adragn a, Paniela Clough, Gina Ferrero, ....
Lindsey Garrison,
Dana Krell, Jessica Levy, Erin Pucciarelli, lauren Renck,
Amanda Thomas, Katherine Tower, Danielle Varanyak Gina Avanzato, Stephanie Cowan, Jaclyn dill, Ab igail Foley, Ol ivia Ghantous, A lexis lrad i, Ciera Jansen , Melissa Janssen, Amanda Jones, El izabeth Kantor, Theresa Koneski, Jil lian Lesl ie, Demetria Michailides, Lau ren Mruk, Brittany Patten, Lauren Poole, Kiley Quinn , A manda Robinson, Eri n Scanlon, As hley Testa, Emilie Yonce Bernadet Bolmarcich, Jennifer Boutchia, Janellie Cheri Ius, Breanne Cirullo, Kristy DeAgresta, Kelly EastonBernadet Bolmarcich, Jennifer Boutchia, Janellie Cheri Ius, Breanne Cirullo, Kristy DeAgresta, Kelly Easton, Katherine Eberhard, Laura Eberhard, Gina Everett, Macklin Fitzpatrick, Melanie Gonzales, Alexandra Hartwell, Heather Janssen, Yassah Johnson, Emily Kane, Kaitlyn Karbon, Marisa Lanzoni, Annaliese Layton, Elizabeth McGowan, Alexandreia Miller, Abigail Murray, Zeina Peterson, Sarah Pisano, Megan Rigby, Angela Santopietro, Rebecca Viscomi, Catherine Wishnow, Adriana Amodol, Meghan Cabell, Sarah Cabell, Liam Cusack, Meghan Cusack, Ellice Delli, Lauren Giacobbe, Alysse Gormley, Erika Graff, Andrea Guarino, Julia Hart, Abigail Kitson, Madison Klein, Caitlin Kolczynski, Lauren Lazar, Marissa Letinski, Kristina Logan, Sarah Mahony, Alexa Pastor, Maria Rodriguez, Gabrielle Sabo, Victoria Sovak, Anne Marie Stanley, BridgetTargonski, Amanda Testa, Schuyler Thornton
Performing Arts
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
Performing Arts
Performip~ f\rts ~ristmas DaQce J ~
Times To Remember 2009
Lovin' From the Oven works to make sweet treats for needy recipients. This year, they made cookies for the senior citizen tea parties, among other activities.
Another culinary club, Cooking for a Cause cooks one meal a month for shelter residents or local poor. Members meet and not only cook, but share recipes and learn many skills.
Did you know ... Friends of Teens in Need regularly visit with teens from Triad house, sharing meals, games and other . activities. Some activities include tie-dying Tshirts and a Halloween Party.
U-Squared: Uganda & You works to ra1se money to send Ugandan children to school. For $300, a Ugandan child can pay school fees, buy books, food, shelter and uniforms. This makes bracelets and participates in bake sales in addition to other activities to raise money for this cause. Times To Remember 2009
Did you know ... Seniority Rules is a group that plans activities such as tea parties, visitations and much more to make a difference in the life of senior citizens in the area. The Storytellers club reads to local children. Not only do they tell stories, they make books, do puppet shows and spark the imagination of many children.
Did you know ... Red Cross works in conjunction with NJ Chapter High School Council to sponsor peer-education programs for primary age children in Trenton schools. In addition to their work in the local community, at Notre Dame they sponsor the school blood drive as well as offering CPR and First Aid certification. Times To Remember 2009
Did you know ... Students in Mount Carmel Guild help support Mount Carmel Guild, an organization that helps the poor in the Trenton area. One of their main projects is blizzard bags made in the winter. The Hospice volunteers visit and spend time with residents of Morris Hall that have less than 6 months to live.
The students in Cherry Tree Lunches come to school early in the morning to make brown-bag lunches for homeless pre-schoolers. These students hope to make over 4000 lunches in the school year. Times To Remember 2009
Did you know ... Key club is an internationally recognized club whose goal is to help others by opening the door to the community. Key Club members act as tutors for young children, partake in Big Brothers/Big Sisters holiday parties at Notre Dame, and collect soda tabs for Ronald McDonald House charities. These students facilitate service work within an outside of the NO community. you know ...
The students in Big Brothers/Big Sisters work with the Eagles organization in Lawrence. The students volunteer their time and work with 1st through 3rd graders that come from homes where English is not spoken. They help the students with homework, do activities with them, and much more! Times To Remember 2009
Did you know. The mission of T. A. C. T. A. is to help, protect, and promote the welfare of animals. The members have dedicated their time to working with area animal shelters, and they support Rainbow Tails Rescue, a local rescue for dogs . In addition, TACTA is the proud sponsor of the NO Seeing Eye Dog Program and Pet Therapy Program. The sewing club sews pillows and quilts for and donates them to hospitals for cancer patients.
Student Government
Executive Board
Kimberly Boland, Wilfredo Benitez, Ralph Conte, Shaun Foley, Regine Janolo, Jeremy Lim, Jessica petroni, Lauren renck, Katie Rice, Beth Young, Julian Zangrilli, Ashley Buxton, Nick Chiarello, Larry DePalma, Robert Duffy, Dana Krell, Demtria Michailides, Lana iller, Brittany Patten, Nick Perkons, Donald Shepard, Caroline Sipio, Katherine Sipio, Faith Vaccaro, Tommy Bannon, Sean Brett, Matt Burke, Michael Cohen, Andre DelaPaz, Marisa daAngelis, Gina Ferrero, Blaise Lezynski, Grace McSorley, Mairead Mickey, Maureen Mullins, Rachel Weintraub, Lauren Alizio, Kristyn Chiarello, Christopher DeMille, Jimmy King, Abby Lerner, Mark Maksimow, Daniel McKenna, Chase Nickelson, Meghan Shea, Katie Tower, Teresa Vander Gaag Executive Board: Stephanie Scalice (President), Rosie McSorley (Vice President), Kevin DeMille (Secretary), Caroline Perry (Treasurer) Moderators: Ms. Mason, Ms. Ashe, Ms. Darcey, Mr. Hoelzle, Mr. E. Patton, Ms. Pilkington
Clubs & Organizations
Serving as the elected voice of the students, the members of the Notre Dame Student Government are proud to represent their fellow classmates. Student government works tirelessly to improve the Notre Dame community while continuing its commitment to serving the student body. Many of Notre Dame's functions are planned, prepared, and executed by the by the student government. Notre Dame's student government would like to thank their fellow classmates for the privilege of representing them, as well as their moderators for guiding them in their many endeavors. This past year has been memorable and they look forward to the 2009-2010 school year!
Times To Remember 2009
Executive Board
Lauren Abascal, Alexa Agourides, Jonathan Babcock, Ryan Babcock, Louis Battaglia, Giuliana Carella, Andre DeLaPaz, Andrewa DiPaola, Gina Everett, Heather Janssen, Alexis Johnson, Alicia Joseph, Blaise Lezynski, Grace McSorley, Lauren Mruk, Maureen Mullins, Kyle Niederer, Jose Paez, Katie Saphire, Shakirah Schlenker, Jaclyn Scozzari, Hope Smolka, Monica Thomas, Eva Truncellito, Danielle Varanyak, Caitlyn Walley, Ryan Wiese, Brittany Barbet, Brett Barry, Mark Barrus, Allison Borda, Ashley Buxton, Brittani Campelo, Pam Clough, Kaitlyn Connaughton, Juli Coppola, Liam Cusack, Meredith Deal, Emily Dolan, Robert Duffy, Rebecca Evrard, Nora Garry, Katie Gavalchin, Kelsey Gore, Julia Hart, Ali Hartwell, Jamie Haupin, Stephanie H~ucke, Patrick Hagan, Becca Ivins, Taylor Jannos, Emily Kane, Alexandra Keane, Madison Klein, Dana Krell, Bridget Linskey, Bridget Maley, Michael Marino, Siobhan Mazzoni, Cathryn Millares, Lana Miller, Paul (P.J.) Miller, Kelly Minogue, Ashley Mont, Brittany Patten, Nick Perkons, Julie Polanski, Douglas Ranson, Amanda Repko, Chritina Richardson, Caitlin Scott, Joe Sipos, Jackie Stimmel, Kelley Suter, Melissa Yenchik, Alex Ata, Brooke Battaglia, Wilfredo Benitez, Kimberly Boland, Michael Camastra, Allison Cronin, Meghan Fallon, Amanda Fougere, Andrea Grohovsky, Kaitlyn Gulla, Patricia Harte, Regine Janolo, Julie Larkin, Lauren Lazar, Joseph Martella, Daniel McGowan, Rosaleen McSorley, Dean Miller, William Moretti, Eva Nebbia, Anne Pigula, Julia Postiglione, Kathryn Rice, Stephanie Scalice, Saloni Soans, Shannon vanderhoof, Catherine Bernabe, Caitlin Black, Katy Bowers, Christine Brown, Ashley Creegan, Kevin DeMille, Melissa Janssen, Nickie McCabe, Rachel Moots, Jonathan Murray, Joanna Papadopoulos, Alexa Pastor, Lauren Poole, Caitlin Riexinger, Emily Rogers, Alexa Stepien, Arelle Valte, Rachel Zimmerman Executive Board: Pam Clough, Nick Perkons, Regine Janolo, Eva Nebbia, Rachel Moots Moderators: Mr. Welsch, Ms. Maley, Ms. Graham
Times To Remember 2009
The Notre Dame Peer Leader organization is a dynamic organization dedicated to introducing incoming freshmen to the faith-filled environment of the Notre Dame family. This is accomplished by guiding small groups of incoming freshmen on Orientation Day and by leading numerous group activities throughout September. Leadership skills are taught to new Peer Leaders in their sophomore religion class, which they all take together. The Peer Leader organization offers members the challenge of using their unique talents, ideas and newly-acquired leadership skills to raise money and help numerous charities by participating in extensive activities throughout the year.
Clubs & Organizations
National Honor Society
Executive Board
Brett Barry, Kimberly Belliveau, Allison borda, joseph Borda, Caitlin Brown, Kristen Bruning, Ashley Buxton, Meghan Cabell, Brittani Campelo, Michael Cappelleri, Ashley Chia, Tiffany Chiang, Pamela Clough, Kaitlyn Connaughton, Joseph Convery, Christian Costello, Stephanie Cowan, Sheila Crowell, Richard Cuccagna, Liam Cusack, Meredith Deal, Allison DeCamp, Brandon Dempster, Emily Dolan Faith Doughty, Robert Duffy, Rebecca Evrard, Amanda Fedorak, Mackenzie Flannery, Nora Garry, Kaitlyn Gavalchin, James Gibilisco, Chelsea Grama, Dondre Gumbs, Mary Hamilton, Julia Hart, Jamie Haupin, Stephanie Heucke, Elizabeth Hinton, Matthew Hogan, Daniel Hogan, Rebecca Ivins, Christopher James, Tara Jerry, Emily Kane, Madison Klein, Caitlin Kolczynski, Peter Kotsopey, Dana Drell, Eugene Lanzoni, Marissa Letinski, Kristina Logan, Kyle Magsino, Bridget Maley, Michael Marino, Nicholas Maruca, Alexandra Massa, Michael McDaniel, Marquis McEwen, Maureen McGuinness, Cathryn Millares, Lana Miller, Kelly Minogue, Ashley Mont, Joshua Pacifico, Brigitte Pastore, Brittany Patten, Nicholas Perkons, Julie Polanski, Theresa Ponella, Douglas Ranson, Shane Reed, Amanda Repko, Cristina Richardson, Elizabeth Rossiter, Rebecca Sass, Caitlin Scott, Christine Seklecki, Casey Setash, Marisa Shaffer, Katharine Sipio, Caroline Sipio, Joseph Sipos, Andrew Siwczak, Ryan Sowa, Kevin Spickofsky, Christopher Springer, Brandon Stewart, Jackie Stimmel, Kelly Suter, Bridget Targonski, Amanda Thomas, Schuyler Thornton, Armando Alfonso, William Anari, Alexander Ata, Melissa McMullen, Evan Quirk, Christopher Starke, Michael Tantum, Amanda Testa, Margaret Walsh Executive Board: Michael Cappelleri, Lana Miller, Rebecca Sass, Caitlin Scott
The National Honor Society consists of members who exhibit qualities of leadership, service, character, and scholarship. NHS aids students seeking help academically through a comprehensive tutoring program. Members assist the office staff on a daily basis as student guides, participate in fundraising events for charities, and represent the school at Open House. This year, they sponsored the ''Amazing Race'' fundraiser at the school which was a huge success. NHS also offers a scholarship to incoming freshmen. Members of the National Honor Society lead their peers by example.
Moderators: Sr. Craven, Ms. Flood
Clubs & Organizations
Times To Remember 2009
路 Language Honor Societies
Students in the Spanish, Italian, Latin and German National Honor Societies have proven themselves to be outstanding scholars of their respective languages, thus earning them a spot in these prestigious groups.
Latin Times To Remember 2009
German Clubs & Organizations
African American Club The African American Club is a club is designed to enhance the cultural appreciation, selfesteem, and traditions of the African American Community at Notre Dame. Their goal is to enrich the larger community through a greater understanding of their diverse ongtns. Moderator: Mr. Coppola
Art Club The Art Club is a very relaxed and informal club designed to give art students more time to stay in touch with their creative side. Some students continue to work on projects started in art class, or they just hang around and talk with other students who have an interest in art. The club helps Mrs. Caucci with the showcase display, the Christmas tree, and other school-related projects. They also enjoy field trips to museums and art galleries to learn and enhance their knowledge about art and art making.
Moderator: Ms. Caucci
Clubs & Organizations
Times To Remember 2009
Anime Club The Anime Club gathers together to watch Japanese animation in Japanese. Why? Because the jokes don't make sense in English. Moderator: Dr. Reither
Asian American Club
Moderator: Dr. Reither
Times To Remember 2009
The Asian American Club stands out as a group of not only Asian Americans, but a club of diverse groups of people. The purpose of the Asian American club is to educate, learn, and enjoy Asian and Pacific Islander culture. The Asian American Club members are learning how to make Eastern foods, studying various countries, and immersing themselves in different languages.
Clubs & Organizations
Campus Ministry Campus Ministry consists of a group of faith-filled students work hard to assist with various liturgies, spirituality days, and other spiritual programs throughout the year for the Notre Dame community. The goal and mission is that through prayer, programs and outreach we can help build the Kingdom of God right at Notre Dame High School.
Moderators: Ms. Reed & Ms. Sewnig
Amanda Duckworth, Catherine Carroll, Rudy McDaniel, Brendan MeNamara, Colin MeNamara, Dan Drago, Nick Malcolm, Matt Laurinavicius Moderator: Mr. E. Patton 118
Clubs & Organizations
Times To Remember 2009
The Debate Team participates in the eve Valley Conference debate league. The debate competition is based upon an annual National Debate question. Debate team members spend hous preparing and studying for the debates.
ETC The ETC Club is a club that produces the award-winning art and literary magazine for Notre Dame. The magazine Is a showcase for all creative writing and visual art talents from poetry to prose, 2-D and 3-D art and photography. The members contribute to the compilation, layout and design of the magazine.
Moderators: Ms. Caucci & Mr. Lobis
E.R.A.S.E. E.R.A.S.E. stands for "End Racism and Sexism Everywhere." The goal of E.R.A.S.E. is to eliminate prejudice and discrimination within the Notre Dame community. The club's activities include Invisible Day, Empowerment Day and working with the Kidsbridge Museum at the College of New Jersey. Through these activities, they are reaching their goal one step at a time.
Moderator: Ms. Salcewicz
Times To Remember 2009
Clubs & Organizations
Exchange Club This club bases its foundation on its keen interest in international relations. The fervent passion is shared with their sister school in Japan. Moderator: Ms. Koebele-Demaree
French Club The French . club previews French films, reads fashion . magazines, learns about French culture and more! Moderators: Mr. Blicharz & Ms. Ebel
Clubs & Organizations
Times To Remember 2009
German Club
Moderator: Ms. Koebele-Demaree
The German Club is explores and appreciates German culture during this club activity. Members participate in various activities to give them a better understanding of the German culture.
Irish American Club The Irish American Club brings a diverse group of people together to have fun learning about Irish culture. We do many hands-on activities such as making Irish soda bread, a favorite snack in Ireland, and Irish potatoes. Along with cooking, we watch Irish sitcoms to better see the culture come alive on a TV screen. One important part of the culture is the treasured Irish dancing. In this club, we get a beginner's course on the elegant dance. This dance requires much skill, hard work and determination.
Moderator: Ms. Stueber
Times To Remember 2009
Clubs & Organizations
Italian Club The Italian Club is a group of students who gather to learn more about Italian culture through . . various activities during the school year.
Moderator: Ms. Carella
Logic Club The Logic Club is a group of students who gather to think outside the box. Through various logic and thinking games and puzzles, they expand their minds by challenging themselves and others. Moderator: Mr. Bauch
Clubs & Organizations
Times To Remember 2009
Math League On your mark! Get set! Divide! This club consists of talented mathematicians who compete against peers at the local, state, and national level. The league's success keeps growing exponentially! John Callan, Chritian Chamberlain, Larry DePalma, Maura faherty, Nora Garry, Chris Hamilton, Julia Hart, David Jaffe, Chris James, Matthew Laurinavicius, Jeremy Lim, Marquis McEwen, Patrick McGinley, Brandon McNamara, Colin McNamara, Kate Noble, Nick Orzol, Chris Papadopoulos, Nickie Papadopoulos, Bridgitte Pastore, Nick Perkons, Anne Pigula, Vail Rita, Brendan Sample, Saloni Soans, Chris Springer, Natalie Tapykoff, Matt Walsh, Tim Weber, Melissa Yenchek, Siana Ziemba, Stana Leigh Ziemba, Inez Asante, Megan Cusack, Brandon DeLibero, Maghan Fallon, Brandon Gergel, Gina Grabowski, Madeleine Hart, Mike Marino, Joe Martella, Maureen McGuinness, Robert ozeika, Caroline Perry, Evan Quirk Moderators: Ms. Hermida, Ms. Vegter, Mr. Bauch
Mock Trial
Moderator: Mr. McQuarrie
Times To Remember 2009
Mock Trial is equal parts varsity sport, performing arts, academic competition and social club. Each year the New Jersey Bar Association provides a case, including a witness statement and evidence. The team investigates the evidence, develops theories, trains lawyers and gives their witnesses character to bring them to life. We then bring our team to the courthouse and compete head-to-head with other schools in a realistic courtroom setting. Our goal is to have sorrie fun while working as a team and learning something about the legal profession.
Clubs & Organizations
Rutgers Model UN
Moderator: Ms. McGraw
In November 2008, the members of the Notre Dame Model United Nations Delegation joined over 1,250 students from all over the United States at the Rutgers Model United Nations in New Brunswick to debate and pass resolution on contemporary world problems such as malaria, child labor, depletion of fish stocks and microfinance. The award winners of the competition from Notre Dame were: Bridget Maley, Nora gary, Michael Marino, Jackie Stimmel and Matt Walsh.
Operation Smile Operation Smile is an international organization that brings medical and surgical services to children all over the world. They specialize in helping children with facial deformities such as cleft palate. Operation Smile is not sponsored or linked to any government; it is strictly a volunteer organization. At Notre Dame, this club works to fundraise to help with the cost of operations.
Moderator: Sra. Leigh
Clubs & Organizations
Times To Remember 2009
Robotics The Notre Dame Robotics Club is a group of students whose goal is to build a robot that can outperform other robots in completing specific tasks. Every team uses the same materials, such as Vex Robotics Kits and Tetrix Kits, and must program their robot to operate autonomously. Although the club has only existed for two years, the Notre Dame team placed as Division Finalists at the New Jersey First Tech Challenge Championship Tournament.
Dan Blazejewski, Patrick Downey, Brandon Gettys, Alan Griffith, Paul Holland, Nick Hollin, Jacob Mayle, Patrick McGinley, Chris Papadopoulos, Anrew Sizczak, Jim White, Chris Hamilton, Jeff Smith, Greg Dornbach, Thomas Troy, Michael Turner Moderator: Mr. O'Byrne
Science Bowl
Moderator: Ms. Brennan
Times To Remember 2009
The Notre Dame Science Bowl Team competes against a number of New Jersey and Pennsylvania high schools at the Regional Science Bowl at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory in February. This competition is sponsored by the United States Department of Energy and includes topics from biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, earth science and computer science.
Clubs & Organizations
Spanish Club A club that gathers to celebrate the Hispanic culture and language, the Spanish club goes on excursions and has parties to celebrate holidays and traditions. They taste the flavor of the culture through food and drinks, and share together watching movies, listening to music and learning traditional Hispanic dances like meringue, salsa and the Macarena.
Moderator: Sra. Leigh
Spectrum Spectrum consists of peer support groups for students who have experienced loss or stress in their lives. Weekly meetings during activity period and three retreats a year build community and support among the members.
Moderators: Ms. Reed & Ms. Sewnig
Clubs & Organizations
Times To Remember 2009
Student Business Services Club
Moderators: Ms. Hardiman & Ms. Moceri
Are you ready to work in a business-type atmosphere? Do you have what it takes t o work in an office environment? Then the S.B.S.C. is perfect for you! Some of the interesting and exciting things we do in this club are helpful to our faculty and staff. We even receive service hours when there are special projects and work that needs to be done. Jobs that we perform are business duties such as: typing handouts, collating, stuffing envelopes, making copies, preparing mailings and creating forms.
The Voice
Moderator: Mr. Hoelzle
Times To Remember 2009
Extra, extra, read all about it! The Voice is the student written, designed and produced newspaper. Students address issues that involve our school, community, country and world. Their thoughts and beliefs are articulated page by page in an informative publication. The Voice has won numerous awards for outstanding journalism at the Garden State Scholastic Press Association. All grade levels are encouraged to submit articles, take photos, edit and participate in the production of the newspaper. Clubs & Organizations
Vegan Club The Vegan Club meets at activity period and prepares vegan entrees, appetizers, desserts and more for many students to . . expenence enJoy. The goal of the members 路is to broaden as many people's palates as possible. Moderator: Ms. Brennan
Web Journalists
Evan Baranowski, Allie Brereton, Andrea Camillone, Caitlin Flynn, Brandon Gergel, Brandon Gettys, Erika Graff, Blair Humienny, Lauren Lazaar, Aisha Lopez, Joanna Papadopoulos, Alexa Pastor, Nicholas Perkons, John Quinn Ann Reither, Doughlas Rynkwicz, Jessica Santos, Saloni Soans, Patrick Vona Moderator: Ms. Riley 128
Clubs & Organizations
Times To Remember 2009
Webjoumalists are students who work with the Notre Dame High School website. These students are responsible for specific pages for organizations or sports. Their goal is to strengthen the content of the website to keep information fresh for parents, students, teachers and prospective families. Students update pages and photos for service, sports, academics and clubs. Webjoumalists also film events and edit the film for publication in the Web Media Gallery.
Theresa Holthenrichs, Ashley Testa, Jess Santos, Brian Reager, Trisha Laksham, Erica Ridge, Katie Solewin, Alexa Stepien, William Schager, Sarah Arch, Melissa Martinez, Olya Offredo, Brian Cullinane, Laura Russo, Beth Young, David Annun, Natalia Zecca-Naples, Matt Puz~o
The students in the yearbook work to publish the very book you are holding. They learn page design and layout, as well as contribute photographs and occasionally artwork to the design of the book. They spend hours working on the pages throughout the book, in hopes that they can capture the year's memories just right.
Moderator: Ms. Hubert
Club Candids
Times To Remember 2009
Clubs & Organizations
Clubs & 0 rgamzations .
Times ToRemember 2009
School Events
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
School Events
Thanksgiving Liturgy
School Events
Times To Remember 2009
h.rist~a-s Litu~
Times To Remember 2009
School Events
School Events
Times To Remember 2009
School Events
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
School Events
Times To Remember 2009
First Place DJ T-Bone, Sa'Quan Gore, and the 111-matic Dance Crew
Second Place Tyler Stewart, Ally Delle GrottL Sarah Yoke, Teddi Bircks, and Kristin Chiarello
Third Place DJ T-Bone, Hunter Selman, Jeremy Lim, and Michael Marino
Times To Remember 2009
School Events
School Events
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
School Events
VarsitY & Junior VarsitY
Dome Bing, Orlando Rodriquez, Vail Grafton, Mike DeVito, Konrad Mims, Justin Adams, Eric Trost, Joe Leone, Mark Johnston, Christian Reed, Keith Crawford, Anthony Perna, Blaise Lezynski, Mike Camastra William Anari, Ty Majors, Mike Vaughn, Jack McDermott, Paul Cutaneo, Devin McKenna, Ransford Quarrie, Frank Fuccello, Ryan Lynady, Dan Barood, Andrew Rubio, Matt Cugine, Curt Macysyn, Matt Burke, Sean Brett, Reggie Small, Charles Battis, Michael Primerano, Mike Silakoski, Mike Muni, Andrew Mason, Eric Boyden, Ryan Dmuchkowski, Robert Recine, Pat Harris, Alex York, JP O'Keefe, Derrick Clegg, Jack O'Connor, Kevin Cerula, Ryan Wiese, Alex Lerner, Tyler Wilcynski, Chris Carney, Ryan McKenna, Michael Hastry, Steve Edwards, Pete Casey, George Solojich, Dan Coluzzi, Mike Cantlin, Sean Tomaszewski, Chris Silakoski, Josh Mooring, Nick Ciambrello, Drew Fitzgerald, Blake Tucker, Tom Avanzato, Randy Forsythe, Saquan Gore, Mike D'Amico, Zach Seeds, Chris DeAngelis, Kalyb Smith, Rich Pulaski, John Cifelli, Alex Galkowski, Zoe Casey, Dennis Anderson, Robert Ford
Times To Remember 2009
Freshman Football Mike Aladich, David Baker, Andrew Becastro, Kevin Bollard, Peter Bollard, Christian Chamberlain, Patrick Curry, Chris Daly, Zachary Doan, Sean Farrell, Patrick Foy, Ryan Germano, Gregory Goffredo, Dan Greiss, James Hahn, Drew Hanslip, Matthew Herbert, Christopher Jones, Matt Kandrac, Brendan Kenevan, James King, Cody Kohut, Daniewl Lestican, Matthew Letts, Philippe Mahotiere, Kevin McCarthy, Samuel McDermott, Edward Nickelson, Darius Norman, Jacob Parrotta, Christopher Perry, Louis Petersack, Steven Pohling, Anthony Rice, Jonathan Ruffe, Patrick Ryder, Thomas Sellers, Drew Sica, Joshua Simon, Matt Sovak, Matthew Tampellini, David Thomas, Daniel Vernon, Dominic Vietti, Samuel White, Zachary Yingling, Michael Young
Times To Remember 2009
VarsitY Cheerleading Tim BrendeL Bernadette Bolmarich, Kellie Clemency, Ashley Rose Creegan, Liam Cusack, Rachael Dampman, Gina DeAgresta, Liv Ghantous, Ali Holden, Kait Holden, Diamond Holland, Christina Hutchinson, Claire Kilcommons, Dana Drell, Sam Lord, Jordan Lynch, Jessica McDermott, Dan McManimon, Victoria Pierson, Erin Pucciarelli, Danielle Varanyak, Bethany Young
Times To Remember 2009
Junior VarsitY Cheerleadinq Rachel Abbott, Samantha Alfonse, Chelsea Bosi, Catherine Carroll, Mary Clark, Mary kate Coonan, Andrea DiPaola, Yassah Johnson, Alex Kircow, Madison Klein, Kelly Minoque, Nicole Muraski, Colleen Murphy, Nicole Printon, Rebeca Sass, Beth Schactele
Freshman Cheerleadinq Julia Adragna, Inez Asante, Lauren Bressi, Alex Daughtery, Lindsay DeCamp, Hannah Dentino, Valentina DeSantis, Adrianna DeGregorio, Dana Domanski, Gabriella Grates Lauren Kenny, Alyssa Koslowske, Bethany Pacifico, Elizabeth Pierson, Jessie Robertson, Charisse Siracusa, Taylor Turnquist, Teresa VanDer Gaag
Times To Remember 2009
VarsitY Boy's Soccer Mark Pratico, Ryan Blemmings, Jon Hoge, Brian Witkowski, Julian Zangrilli, Mike Rossi, Shane Reed, Chris Springer, Dylan White, Mike Mouton, Harry Ehret, Kevin Delaney, Jim Wishbow, Chris Carpani, Kyle Roach, Dave Mangone, Robert Pelc, Tom Koslowske
Times To Remember 2009
Junior VarsitY Boy's Soccer Joseph Barbato, Scott Collins, Brandon Cook, Patrick Daly, Connor Fuller, David Hoge, Andrew Kolpack, Jesse Langton, Jerry Milionis, Zach Molis, Tyler O'Neil, Jose Paez, Tyler Pinarligil, Ryan Sakowski, Chris Slomkowski, Ryan Sowa, Bill Stevenson, Steve Vincent, Charles Walkley, Spencer Zuech
Freshman Boy's Soccer Peter Bonanni, James Cody, Kyle DeStefano, Martin Giancarli, James Gray, Alex Hanby, Alex Herbert, Braden Kelly, Ryan Logo, Tyler Landolfi, Ryan Matejik, Ryan McGowan, Matt Modica, Dorio Moriello, David Morrel, Jeff Podeszwa, Nick Raccost, Alex Ryan, Gavin Springer, Michael Tattory
Times To Remember 2009
VarsitY Girl's Soccer Haley Langton, Amanda Repko, Teresa marx, Grace McSorley, Shannon Pedersen, Megan Mahon, Jess Hermann, Brie Corcoran, Ashley Chia, Samantha Rosa, Corina Santiago, Caroline Perry, Kristen Bruning, Ashley Buxton, Meghan Moore, Shelby Pedersen, Nicole Dennion, Rachel Clark, Katie Gavalchin, Abby Lerner
Times To Remember 2009
Junior VarsitY
Girl's Soccer
Marissa Nugent Gabriel Meek, Katherine Saphire, Kelsey Langton, Brittany Patten, Meredith Deal, Siobhan Mazzoni, Monica Thomas, Shannon Moore, Christina Richardson, Victoria Livesey, Rachel Coley, Caitlin Flynn, Brigittte Pastore, Bridget Verdel, Elise Cairo, Shantell Johnson, Britani Campelo, Rachel Martinez, Julia Spiel, Briana King
Freshman Girl's Soccer Emily Bowers, Carly Burke, Dana Byrnes, Shannon Donahue, Colleen Dykeman, Morgan Fink, Zoe Heyman, Rachel Martinez, Shannon Moore, Mikita Mycyk, Kyra Pastore, Diana Pryor, Hannah Quirk, Shelby Seevers, Rachel Vigliano, Adrienne Williams
Times To Remember 2009
VarsitY Field Hockey Bianca DeAngelis, Faith Vaccaro, Jenna Giaquinto, Katie Solewin, Shannon Vanderhoof, Rachel Moots, Rachel Zimmerman, Kelly Rafalski, Christa Bencivenga, Kelsey Gore, Katherine Daniel, Courtney Gallagher, Amy Mills, Caitlin Riexinger, Meghan Fallon, Andrea Grohovsky, Katy Bowers, Abigail Shotts, Ashley Mont, Samantha Csik
Times To Remember 2009
Junior VarsitY Field Hockey Giuliano Carella, Emily Dolan, Taylor Jannos, Alena Pascucci, Kaitlin Tuohy, Natasha Adler, Liz Francescone, Morgan Gallagher, Jamie Haupin, Morgan Kandrac, Marissa Pie, Alyssa Udijohn, Caitlyn Walley, Marisa DeAngelis, Kaitlin Dunn, Brittany Maloney, Gina Nalbone, Theresa Panella, Bridget Ridler, Paige Ryan
Freshman Field Hockey Lauren Alizio, Anna Bacovin, Alanna Barry, Molly Damm, Kristi DeSatnick, Briana Ehret, Megan Gray, Allison Grohovsky, Maddie Hart, Maggie Kline, Carlee Leach, Ashley Lozier, Caitlin McNamara, Robyn Pulaski, Sarah Rider, Alyssa Schaber, Meagan Scott, Megan Shea, Mary Smith, Dianna Smith, Emily Spec co, Natalie Taptykoff, Mary Jean Torpey, Rocque I Zurick
Times To Remember 2009
VarsitY Boy's Cross Country John Babcock, Gerry Brereton, Craig Dinwoodie, Matt Dolan, Nick Dovgala-Carr, Dave Elliot. John Ferrie, John Foley, Ryan Foley, Sean Foley, RJ Forsythe Julian Gee, Jamie Gibilisco, Sean Handrich, Dylan Hankinson, Dan Haugen, Paul Holland, Mike Krankemann, Joe Kubis, Tyler Mays, Dan McGowan, Sam Nicosia, Geoff Nowicki. Lee Orzol, Nick Orzol. Nick Ratsep, Chris Schladebeck, Dan Sewnig, John Sewnig, Zach Sochalski, CJ Starke, Kevin Stimmel, Matt Sullivan Kevin Sweeney, Dan Tatum, Brandon Todaro, Andrew Tresansky
Times To Remember 2009
VarsitY Girl's Cross Country Stephanie Bilyk, Natalie Collins, Meghan Cusack, Jeannie Dykemann Claire Fischer, Madelyn Fischer, Sally Florio, Amanda Fougere, Nora Garry, Mary Hamilton, Julia Hart Becca Ivins, Julie Larkin, Rose McSorley, Demetria Michalides, Anne Pigula, Christine Plutino, Beth Rossiter, Jessica Shladebeck, Erin Schlegel, Eva Truncellito, Luthien TungoL Rachele Weintraub, Caitlin Wismer
Times To Remember 2009
VarsitY Carly Audet Megan Audet Kim Belliveau, Kathleen Callan, Rebecca Conti, Victoria DeBlasio, Alexandria DeGregorio, Katherine Fugate, Shannon Golden, Stephanie Heucke, Leodine Jacques, Alexis Johnson, Amanda Jones, Cathryn Millares, Candice Morocco, Marissa Nasto, Jessica Oszvart Jessica Petroni, Cora Rizzotti, Shakirah Schlenker, Christina Schmitz, Saloni Soans, Cassie Spiezio, Jackie Stimmel, Kelly Suter
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
VarsitY Boys Basketball Kevin DeMille, Mike Reilly, Mike Devito, Greg Nugent Tommy Bannon, Joe Bondi, Brandon Dempster, Chris Carothers, Orlando Rodriguez, Nick Chiarello, Mike Tantum
Times To Remember 2009
JV Boys Basketball Torion Be yah, Darius Orman, Matt Sullivan, Paul Cutaneo, Ryan Germano, Juan Juarez, Tim Gallagher, Ron Mule, Dan Dansbury, Theo Prime
Freshman Boys Basketball Christian Chamberlain, Michael Ciccone, CJ DeMille, Sam Hawkes, Chris Kaluzny, Sam McDermott, Matt Modica, Gabe Nazario, James Rogers, Drew Sica
Times To Remember 2009
VarsitY Girls BasketBall Chelsea Dimon, Gabbie Esposito, Ashley Dimon, Ashley Buxton, Alexandra Vernon, Juli Coppola, Jacqui Coppola, Jessica McDermott, Chukwuka Ezeigbo, Marisa DeAngelis, Keirsten Corless, Briana DeAngelis, Erin Christian
Times To Remember 2009
JV Girls Basketball Vanessa Guevara, Bridget Verdel, Shannon Golden, Chelsea Dimon, Briana King, Victoria Lewandowski, Jillion Hanzi-Tobin, Dria Miller, Marisa DeAngelis, Kaitlin Dunn, Abby Lerner, Liz Francescone
Freshman Girls Basketball Jordan Anderson, Kelly Bannon, Anna Bacoin, Ryan Binder, Emily Bowers, Dana Byrnes, Jessica Donahue, Colleen Dykeman, Ghekahn Gehyeka, Madeline Hart, Marianna McKenna, Jacqueline Mullaney, Gabrielle Rowen, Jessica Donahue, Megan Scott
Times To Remember 2009
VarsitY Cheerleading Bernadette Bolmarcich, Kellie Clemency, Mary Kate Coonan, Ashley Rose Creegan, Rachael Dampman, Andre DiPaola, Mark Elghosain, Ali Holden, Diamon Holland, Dana Drell, Sam Lord, Jordan Lynch, Dan McManimon, Chase Nickelson, Victoria Pierson, Rebecca Sass, Danielle Varanyak, Bethany Young
Times To Remember 2009
Junior VarsitY Cheerleading Rachel Abbott, Lauren Bressi, Mary Clarke, Lindsay DeCamp, Yassah Johnson, Lauren Kenney, Megan Millevoi, Nicole Muraski, Abigail Murray, Kiley Quinn, Teresa Vander Gaag, Chelsea Ware
Freshman Cheerleading Inez Asanti, Kristyn Chiarello, Hannah Dentino, Adrianna DiGregorio, Dana Domanski, Gabriella Grates, Alyssa Koslowski, Jessica Oszvart, Bethany Pacifico, Elizabeth Pierson, Jessie Robertson, Charise Siracusa, Taylor Tornquist
Times To Remember 2009
VarsitY Ice Hockey Steve Braun, Chris Forero, Anthony Scaringelli, Mike D'Amico, Schuler Wilson, Mike Menno, Kellie Gatarz, Max Matejik, Stefan Rita, Tim Kinsley, Chris DeAngelo, Ryan Crawford, Pete Taylor, Tim Hackett, Chris Ofner, Eric Ballschnieder, Cameron Wilson, Tom Sellers, Tyler Delorenzo, Sean Tohill, James Davis, Greg Miele, Zach Dorfman, Brandon Delibero
Times To Remember 2009
Junior VarsitY Ice Hockey Josh Caven, Andrew Risoldi, Brandon Todaro, Denis DeSantis, Dan Hogan, Matt Hogan, Anthony Larovere, Derek Larovere, Pat Daly, Steve DahL Tom DeMusis, Zach Dorfman
Times To Remember 2009
VarsitY Wrestling Dylan DiCuio, Ryan Fitzgerald, Jack O'Connor, Joshua Mooring, Dan Coluzzi, Matt Doskoczynski, Bryan Foley, Ryan Dmuchkowski, Andrew Knuttel, Bob Seaver, Sean Gatti, Jerry Luizza, Louis Menapace, Chris Silakoski, Mike Silakoski, Sean Tomaszewski, Jonathan Merrit, Matthew Herbert, Ryan Persichilli
Times To Remember 2009
JV Wre.stling Cody Buchanan, Sean Henry, Sean Fitzgerald, Chris Schladebeck, Mike Krankemann, Joe Maloney, Mike Aladich, Patrick Curry, Jacob Parrotta, Chris Perry
Times To Remember 2009
Girl's Track Meg Fallon, Amanda Fougere, Meg Moore, Jamecia Pierce, Katie Wismer, Rachel Zimmerman, Caitlin Brown, Kristen Bruning, Alysa Ciccone, Rachel Clark, Meredith Deal, Rebecca Evrard, Tori Giacino, Grace Hansen, Maddy Klein, Jacki Lubin, Jessica Lubin, Kim Maleski, Megan Mount, Brittany Patten, Beth Rossiter, Kathleen Callan, Emily Cantlin, Justina Czerniak, Claire Fischer, Sally Florio, Haley Langton, Kelsey Langton, Grace McSorley, Gabby Meek, Marissa Nugent, Alyssa Udijohn, Carly Burke, Kristen Drake, Morgan Fink, Alie Grohovsky, Rebecca Kuehner, Carlee Leach, Jillian Leslie, Ashley Lozier, Caitlin McNamara, Shannon Moore, Erin Scanlon, Erin Schlegel, Meghan Shea, Hannah Shevlin, Adrienne Williams
Times To Remember 2009
Boy's Track Wilfredo Benitez, Shaun Foley, RJ Forsythe, Nick Orzol, Dan Sewnig, Nick Brunetto, Joe Convery, Zach Daugherty, Jamie Gibilisco, Dylan Hankinson, Nick Hollin, Zach Joyce, Pete Kotsopey, Eugene Lanzoni, Ryan Lynady, Marquis McEwen, Geoff Nowicki, Josh Pacifico, Aaron Pannell, James Peters, Zach Sochalski, George Solujich, Chris Springer, Kevin Sweeney, Blake Tucker, Mike Vaughn, Joe Vicini, Craig Dinwoodie, Mark Elghossain, Julian Gee, Jesse Langton, Tyler Mays, Lee Orzol, Dominic Ricasoli, Jon Sewnig, Charles Walkley, Kevin Bollard, Pete Bollard, Anthony Coppola, Warren Crowell, Martin Giancarli, Alex Handby, Brian Hayes, David Jaffe, Kevin McCarthy, Zach McGann, Alex Michel, Steve Pohling, Mike Poole, Jack Riney, Jon Ruffe, Nick Scheetz, Kevin Stimel, David Thomas, Dave Udijohn
Times To Remember 2009
Girls VarsitY Swimming Katelyn Andrews, Delaney Bader, Melissa Barahona, Laura Biesiadecki, Kait Bolum, Taylor Bonanni, Allison Borda, Guiliana Carella, Natalie Collins, Meghan Cusak:, Mona Ernst, Maura Faherty, Jennifer Farley, Jenna Gallo, Gina Grabowski, Alexia Hynes, Becca Hornyak, Becca Ivins, Morgan Kandrac, Lexa Keane, Beckie Liwacz, Melissa Martinez, Demetria Michalides, Sarah Pisano, Sylvia Prawica, Eva Truncellito, Jane Zoladz.
Times To Remember 2009
Boys VarsitY Swimming Alex Ata, Sean Barry, Dan Blazejewski, James Borda, Joe Borda, John Callan, Anthony Carella, Ian Carsia, James Cody, Liam Cusack, Kellen Darmody, Pete Drago, Brandon Gettys, Anthony Giancarli, Elias Guzman, Dan Haugen, Dave Haugen, Tom Hogan, Ryan Kelly, Chris Kovacs, Sean Kreiger, Ryan Lago, Joe Lebender, Enzo Lucchesi, Brennan Maragh, Mike Marino, Charlie May, Ryan McGowan, Brian Mulleavey, John Quinn, Doug Ranson, Tyler Smith, Mike Smoglia, Cj Starke, Andrew Tresansky
Times To Remember 2009
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·.Times To Remember 2009 · · ·. . :~· . .. . . . : . :: :·. ·~· \
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Stephanie Bil.yk ·Emily Br.og~a, Mqdelyh Fi.scr\er:· Andr·e~.Grdho~sky,·. Meg.MoQre, .Ja~ecia Pi,erce~' Pigula, ·Caitlin·Wlsmer, · · :·: · . · c;aitlin ~ro~~,.:-~s0 1ey Bl:-lxfon; Bticil.nne Cqrrol!,,Aiyssa Cicc¢~ ~:~hel~ep ba·ly: · Meredith-Oe~l; f?ebetca ~y.rqrd <;:a_rolyn Gqrofalq, . . . · . ·.. N9ra G~rr'Y: :lot[, Mqry tJa.miltor:t.,t ulia H<;xt, Diarllor~Ic;:t 'Holl.a.nGf,·.Madis6n ~.lein,-.:JacKie Lubir;), Jessica Lubi.n, Kim Moleski; , Katie . Marti f(Ter.e·so~ Marx, Ale» ~ossa, : Lqn'O Mill~r, Christina Rief,Yards'o h·, Seth Rossiter; :corina .Santiago,. Rebf3<:;Ca Sg,s.s, .AflCI · . : .:Marie staniey:· Br!qget Verd~L' Rachei .Abbott,: ~athle~n callqn, :Efnily Gq1ti)r:), Ash.l ey Chonko, Samantha Csik, .Chul<w0~d · Eze.igoq,·· ciC:tire:Fisch~r, Sally Florio, Brianc::l K(f!g, Haley langton, · Kelsey Lal)gt6n, ,Gaoby·Mec.k! s.of'r.l.a ntha Mi~hqrskC:Aiexandria MiJier,: Colleen M.vrphy,·Zoe NzifTlande, ·rv,onl~a Thoma.s: .Rachel~ Weintr:a~b/Ryan Blnaer,;. Kri~t.en ..Chidf,ello~·. Kristy Def\gresa, Kriti •. :DeSatnick,·. Kristin Drake, 'J.eno~fer Fa~ley: Allison Grohovsky, Mlchael€l ·Jaffe~ ·Corlee L~och,. Ashley Lozi$r; Marianna .McKenna, ·· · .· : ·Cailin ~CNa~~rq~ Jes~ica Rot?erts~n, Er.ifl .Scanjon, Erin Schl~g~r rvi.~ghbD. ~hea,<Adr.! .enne Williams .· · ·
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Bre.nnan Mdrragh, Andrew Mason, Marquis McEwen,: Geoff No\Nicki; Aaro·n..P(;:mneiCJame·s·Peters: Ransford ·Q.uarrie, :zach ... · . · :· · · Sochalski: G~orge Splujich, K~vfn Sween~y, Bl.d ke Tl..icke!; Mik.e· Vol:lghn, · Jo~\licln~·, Dave Annun: Joria~ Beyah,. ·Gerry Brer~tbn/ · ·' · John Callqn, Nick'Cicirnbrello_, Abe co·llins, P~t$.'..1~rogo, · Crq.ig blnwoodie: ·Mott'P.olari',· Ma~K. Elgh,ossqiii/ Jack F.r~ndt Juliqfl·G'ee: Sean Handrfch, Sean Henry~· Ryan Kelly, ·Jesse Langton;'Tyler.Mbys,.- Joe. Micari, Jerriy' Milibhi$; Lee·.a{t.ot· Nick Ratsep,·St'$v,e : ·· . ._.1 r<upinski, Jon· Se~n!g, ·~C?.tt .Sulliva·n, Ke_vi~' B~~~ard, .Anth9riY .Cor~llq; Ant~or\y ~¢ppola;' Gre·g D~y.r:n9r Al~x· H<:m't)y, .Bric;in Hayes,J? :: · ·. Hornyak, David Jaffe, KeyinMcCart:hY.,·. Ryari ·McG~il)~ss, Bre:odofl M.~Nomara. ~ Cplin Mc~amarq, · Daviq (V16rr$1L E<J Nic~~~~oDn ' Sam Nicosi<p.,.·parius N·orrriO'n, Jon Ruffe, Pr.¢del .Saint:Fieur, .~~~~ ~~t) 1bh . S:t6pte:y; Kevin' Sti.h.]~e), ·srn,mii! W!lkenlng, Zb¢:h.:
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Times To Remember 2009
Amber Goldscmidt: We are so proud of you! You have grown into a beautiful young lady. We are proud of all that you are and all that you have accomplished. We know you can accomplish anything you want to. Remember to always follow your dreams and your heart and you will always find happiness. We love you precious peaches. Love, Mom, Dad and Colby Timothy Kinsley: You did it! Congratulations! The future holds great things for you. Remember to keep true to yourself, work hard on and off the ice, and always keep your sense of humor. You will go far. Know that you have our love and support always. Love, Dad, Mom, Ashley and Brandi Spencer Wasilewski: Congratulations! This chapter of your life is ending and a new one is about to begin. We are so very proud of you and all you have accomplished so far. And we love you very much. We wish you the best of luck in college. Love, Mom and Dad
Dylan DiCuio: Dylan, We are so proud of you and know that you will continue to do great things. As you move into adulthood, know that we love you and we will always be there for you in your every endeavor. Rock on. Love, Mom, Dad, and Kristi Stephen E. Jones: Congratulations! Your school career has been a wonderful journey. We hope you cherish your ND memories. Your goals are within your reach . Always be true to yourself. God has blessed you with valuable gifts-use them wisely. Good luck in college. Love, _ Mom, Dad, and Jeff
From the day you were born, we knew you were special-a gift from God. These 18 years have flown by so fast. We are proud of the beautiful young woman you have become and are so excited for what lies ahead. Stay true to yourself as you embark on the next chapter of your life!
Marissa Kuhn: From the day you were born, you've been determined to make you own, unique mark on the world. Through the years, you 've blessed us with your infectious personality, intelligence, and love. We take great pride fn your hardearned accomplishments in high sc hool. And, y.;e look forward with 路 knowing joy to see you fulfill your drE?ams in college and life. Always, you have our love and support, Mom, Dad and Jacquelyn
Dear Jonathan, May you always keep your tremendous confidence and incredible drive for success. We are so proud of all you have accomplished and the mature person you have become. Above all, be happy and continue to study hard for the best is yet to come! May God bless you always. Love, Mom, Dad, Dominique, and Pearl
Love, Mom and Dad (Heffa's Rule)
Dear Shannon, We ·are so proud of you, and yet a little sad to see our Shanny Banannyn ready to spread her wings and leave our nest! You have given us so much joy and laughter, and we have been so proud of your many accomplishments, as both a student and an outstanding athlete! you have become a wonderful, compassionate and beautiful young woman both inside and out. So spread your wings and fly, knowing that God goes with you, Grandma watches over you, and we will always be right here for you. 11
With much love, Mom, Dad, Cristin and Erin
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Anne Pigula: · Anne: You should be proud of everything you accomplished in your time at Notre Dame. This chapter of your life is closing but another wonderful chapter awaits you. You'll be making new friends, learning new things, and having new adventures. Please know that we will always be here to support you and to share the exciting years ahead. Love, Mom, Dad. and Claire Melissa Janssen: We love you so much and are so proud of what a beautiful and talented young lady you have become. We are so glad you made the most of your four years at Notre Dame, though it went by too fast. ·As you go off to college, stay close to God and ask Him for His guidance and blessings. Never forget to always believe in yourself and have the confidence to follow your dreams. We will always be here to love and support you. Love, Mom, Dad, and Heather
Meghan Fallon: Meghan, To say we are proud would be an understatement. To say we want a DNA test because we cannot . believe we had a kid this great would be more accurate. Thank you for being you. Congratulations on all your accomplishments through these 4 years. Thank you for allowing us to take the ride with you and always sharing your experiences with us. We look forward to what is coming in the future! We love you and will always be here for you! Mom and Dad
Christa Bencivenga: Where did all the time go? It seems like just yesterday you were this little girl starting her first day of preschool and now you .are graduating high school. You have become a beautiful, mature, caring and responsible young lady and we are so very proud of you. You have so much ahead of you. Take advantage of every opportunity and reach for the stars. The world is at your feet, make the best of everything. We Joanna Papadopoulous: hope that God blesses you with Joanna, this much success and happiness Congratulations, we are so proud of throughout your life. Always you and all that you accomplished. remember thot what lies behind You are an awesome yo_ung woman! you and what lies ahea? of you All your hard work a·n d determination are tiny matters compared to has paid off. We know that you will what lies within you. We love -y'ou . continue to succeed in college and Love, throughout your Ute. We love you_ -,.. Mom and Dad very much! Love, _ Mommy, DaddyJ Nickle, Chris and Meghan Moore: Yiayia Dear Meghqn, We cannot believe four years have come and gone so quickly. James Wade Dobrowol§ki: Always cherish the memories and Hey Brah, friendships you h·ave made here, I :Mom and dad delegated to me. know they will last a lifetime. We You're a ser:1i0r now, so I guess life's are so incredibly proud of all your - about to nand you numerous • may accomplishments at Note opportunitie~ and challenges that Dame and know you are destined you're going_to have to handle on. _ to do great things in coilege. You your own. · I know you're reqdy f~r it, · have gro.wn into a beautiful, dude.- So the, question ls, is the w~rl_9 intelligent young woman who we Feady for you? Ha, probably. not. are blessed and honored to have l've ·always looked up to you and will as ours. We wish you all the love . continue to even- If you'r~ halfway . ar:1d joy this life has to offer. around the world. Good luck, gnd Congratulations! remember-'- -ifyou totally screw up Love, and eed somewhere to go.-there Mom,Dad.PatandShannon will always be a not so important job opening at my billion dollar - corp.oration. ~.,. William Moretti XOXO, : Dear. Will, __. your favqrite sis Liz . · These four years have been wonderful! You.have accomplished so much and have Taylor Dennehy: grown into an amazing young Taylor ... we are aU so proud of whal a man-loving, kind, honest, wonderful and independent person compassionate, and confident. you have become, We are so. As you begin this new and exciting thankful you are SUCh a kind ar:ld chapter in your life, know that your generous person. Always stay true ·to family is always with you. You are your dreams and values and realize a blessing and we are so very the sky is the limit. Your family will' proud of you. always support you. We love you, Love, Mom, Alan, K'ate, ME:ighan, Nina Mom, Dad. and Morgan
Words of Love
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Ed, You have come a long way! We are so very proud of you and all of your accomplishments_ Good luck in college - do your 13EST! "Make it so Number One!!!!!"
IVlatt and Sammy
Love, Mom, Dad, Caitlin, Grandmom and Nanna, Allison and family
Congratulations! You have indeed become a fine young man that we are so very proud of. Remember to always strive to do your best and there will be no limit to what you can accomplish. We wish you much success in college and in all of life's endeavors. May God Bless you and guide you. We love you! Mom, Dad and Stephanie
To the funny one, our sweet potato, Ashley Rose, . We love you so very much and we're proud of you and all that you have accomplished these past four years. You've come a long way from the shy, redheaded, curly-haired little girl who announced after kindergarten that she never wanted to go to school again! We wish that your college years will be all that you â&#x20AC;˘ve hoped for and that they are filled with lots of luck, love, happy times and friendships that will last forever. You can achieve anything you set your mind to. Just always be true to yourself and your beliefs. God bless you! All our love and support always, Mommy, Daddy, and Nicole P. 8. Green Baby is going to college!
We are so very proud of you. lhe past 4 ~ears have gone by so fast. While being part of the football team, you have learned to continue with dignity, on and gff the f:ie1G. This wi11 f)ertain to-~~~--.,."----路-h the rest o拢 your life and will make you an ewen stronger person than you already are. If YJOU decide to continue installing fiber optics or designing custom surfboa:r;ds, we will always be there for vou. Love, MomandDad
Times To Remember 2009
Words of Love
/h,tJ.,nk.:Jvu 9"~ rvr 'M"J Sister We've h,tJ.,~ h,tJ.,??"! ti s ~n~ tvts vjjun We've tJ.,tsv sh-tJ.,re~ tetJ.,rS vfsvrrvw IT etJ.,ftt-sJvr tv»t-vrrvw
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Word ofLove
Times To Remember 2009
Michael, we are so very proud of you. You have matured into a considerate, handsome, intelligent, fun-loving young man. Don't ever change! We are very excited for you to begin the next phase of your life. Remember to just be yourself. You possess the ability and personality to achieve a bright and successful future. Thank you for all the wonderful memories and don't ever lose that sense of humor! Congratulations, we love you very much. Love, Mom, Dad, David and Nicholas
s 11ppers and soccer balls. OLS School to Notre Dame halls. Plano lessons, ponytalls,a skinned knee here, a ribbon there. A paint brush now replaces a crayon. of laughter, an occasional tear, and oh the drama, my dear. Red hair, hazel eyes, a smile as bright as can be, you wear your heart on your sleeve. God has blessed you with many gifts, but He has given us the greatest gift of all and that is YOU, Tara Mary Reynolds. Now, go out into the world and paint it with your many colors. Lots of Love, Kisses, and Hugs, Sean, M1M1, Pop, Granpop R.
CONGRATULATIONS, JORDAN MARIE!! We are very proud of you! Continue to work hard and enjoy what you are doing. Love, Mom, Dad, Jessica and Jake
Jessica, Congratulations on your graduation. We are so proud of you. Always believe in yourself. Pursue your dreams and be happy. We love you so much. Love, Mom, Dad and Michael
Evan Quirk: Dear Evan, We are bursting at the seams with pride! You have given us so much joy, love, and happiness over the last 18 years. From the time you were a small child, you amazed us with your ability to grasp things, put things together, take things apart, modify, design, create, and build. God has given you many gifts and talents. We can't wait to see where your passion and hard work will take you! Onward and upward! We love you, Mom, Dad, and Hannah Daniel Haugen: Dear DanieL We love you so much and are so proud of you . Your years at Notre Dame have been filled with good friends and lasting memories. Your kind soul and great sense of humor will serve you well in your college years and adventures beyond. We will miss you terribly, but we are happy that it is your time to ffy! Enjoy the journey .. .it's an incredible ride!! Love, Mom, Dad, Andrew, and David Chris Carothers and Josh Mooring: Congratulations guys! I'm sure you thought this day would never come. My wishes and prayers go with you both as you begin your-. new journey! Love, Mrs. Tobin
Catherine Bruton: Our Dear Catherine LL Words just cannot describe how honored we have been to watch you grown into such an incredible young woman! The years have gone by so quickly, you have made each day an enormous blessing, and we are delighted in your accomplishments. Our family is better because of you. Nanny, Aunt T & Uncle Phil are so proud of you and we all will continue to surround you with love and prayers as you continue on to your college years. Stay close to God and He will stay close to you!!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Love, Mommy and Daddy
Congratulations! We are so proud of you and all of your achievements at Notre Dame. We have watched you grow and mature into a confident young man. You have found your passion in music and we know that you will continue to refine the talents that God has given you. YOU are truly the music in our lives. Thank you for allowing us to share in so many memories in this special time of your life. We love you so much! Love, Mom and Dad
Craig A Tobin: It seems like yesterday when you graduated from Incarnation and now you are graduating from high school. My Words of Wisdom : Always do your best in everything you do. Don't let anything or anyone ever make you think there is something you-can 't achieve. Dream big, and oct on your dreams by taking the steps that you know .will get you there. Treat ott:lers as you want to be treated. And reme_mb~r, I love you and I' m here if you need me. L9y e Always, Mom
liow can it be that 18 years have slipped by and you, our baby 'Bean' have journeyed the uncertain path' of life and emerged here, as a young man of joy, conviction, loyalty, faith and above all love? The road before you is unpaved and will sometimes be uphill. Don't worry, God will be with you as you navigate toward your future. Your strength of character and tender heart has taught you that the right road is not always the easy road. Know that we are there right behind you, win or lose. We wish you contenlmenl happiness, cour88e, sunshine and lots and lots of love. We are so blessed to call you our son and brother and we are so proud of the man you are becoming.
.L\nd SO, "May good fortune be with you May your guiding light be strong. And in our hearts you will remain forever young" With hearts full of love and pride, Dad, Mom, Mike and Lana
Minnow, Watching you grow up has been a joy. From Glen Roc dance recitals to Friday night football-and all the tanning and shopping in between-you've been a source of endless entertainment. Congratulations on your graduation! Love, Aunt Lisa
Dear Jessica , We cannot believe that you are graduating from high school already. We just want you to know that we are so proud of you and proud of how hard you have worked and all that you have accomplished these past four years at Notre Dame. You are an amazing daughter and sister. Your beautiful smile makes - everyone around you smile. Continue to make good choices in college and remember that we will love you and support you always. Love, Mom , Dad, Kathryn and Steven
Steven Ranke : · When you began your time at Notre Dame you were known as "Kristin 's little brother, " and I loved it! But through the last few years, I have watched you become your own person and I couldn't be prouder. I hope that you always remember the things you were taught at Notre Dame and that you never lose your sense of humor. You are a determined. talented, and ~ intelligent person that I know will do great things You are my brother, but you are also my best friend and that will never change . You are graduating from high school and moving on to college, and ''I'm not worried about it." Congrats baby bro! I love you! Love, Kristin
Luthien Tungol: Dearest Luthien, Congratulations! You have another transition poised to enrich your life, one Of the many that already did. As your fledgling · wings mature, shape these transitions into a purposeful flow. Find and appreciate the people who will help you make this happen. Weave a nfe tapestry you'd be proud of with forethought and hard work ... and hope that you would come to a moment when all these converge because you have found a path to your inner calm . Do <;:I Dearest Luthien, Congratulations on your graduation! Keep on dreaming and achieving your goal~ as you journey on and create new beginning: Act wisely and plan carefully. Take the time to make a balanced decision. Always take care of yourself and be thankful for all the ble~sing you have. -Remember that we will always be there for you . Mom
From the time you walked through the Notre Dame doors 4 years ago, we have watched you grow into an outstanding and mature young man. We are very proud of all you have accomplished both academically and athletically. Your humor and fun attitude has-brought To my beloved granddaughter, you many frie.ndships and your Luthi en, strength and determination has helped you develop dedication and "May you discover the strength to live with grace and humor. commitment. Steven, by_ receiving May you discover the strength to live-your N"o~re Dame diploma you-have with dignity and holiness. proven ymf_can succeed in all that - you .do. As you prepare to go on to_ May you disc;;over -the strength to move to'ward healing. college, we know you will take with f\{lay life gr~:mt you weilness of body, you yqur humoc dedication and spirit and mind . comf!1itment because as you t<now May you find_the transformation' and "False" is not an option. passage, Love, -_Moments of meaning, opportunities -Mom and Dad for love, _ . And the deep and precious cairn that comes Eddie Colligan: . -=-Wh_en. you aU ow yourself to move Eddie, - _ 0[1 ." _Words really can 't :express how -Rabbi Ra"rni _M . Shapiro extren:yely proud ~e are ofyo_U. ·you have growo into-such a kir:ld, ·- Love From, generous,_aod-loving young man. LolaG We, as a family-, are truly blessecf to - have you in our lives. Congratulatioos·qn your. gra9uat1on- ::._ We wish t~xtend to you our from Notre Dame, and all that you- _ w~rmest col}gratulotions and best h-ave""'accompllst}_ed so far in your _ wishes on yo_ur graduation. Now you lif_e. -:.We wish you all the bappi()essare on the tnreshold t<;>wards the - and success.that your future .hose-to fulfillment of your dream career. Be , offer.- __ assured thar our prayer~ are with you ..., · We-love you, _ _always, that ~meday in Jhe near Mom an.d Dad -future you will realize all your dreams in life. We are very c onfident that _ •. _ yolJ can do it. Yes you can do It Stephanie Jones: what with your capabilities and S:ongr:_atulatiofls Steph, _ intelligence. __ We don't have to tell yqu now From, , proud we Gr~ ·you. already know. Lolo Ruben and LQia Norma --Keep workjng hard, en_toy yourself, . and ~toy sfrong ancLhqppy_. -Hnally, - K-elly Rafalski: _ ki")OW that we are always behind 'Kerty: · you in aU you ad. -We are so very proud of you and Love _Always,-- ·your accomplishments at Notre - Mom&Dad Dame. These four years have gone by so fast and you are ready-to enter a new-chapter of your life. Johnny Bonura _ Congratulations!! Best wishes! We Always keep your humor & curiosity love youl! alive. You can achieve anything · Love, you want: MemandDad We love:you!
t-~!!.~·~~l!l!~~~~~lii~lj~!l!liii~~~llll!!-lliil!ifiiii!·I · Mom, Love,- Dad, - &_Jessica
o tnofl&te,.r,
0&Bollg o princ.~&,
Fore-ver o0r bobg. Cot19rot0lotiofl&, Cbri&tino! Word& can't c.on-veg bow pro0d. ~ore! All o0r lo-ve, Motntng ofld. Dod.d.g i
Words of Love
Times To Remember 2009
SamanthaWe have watched you grow into such a beautiful person. Your smile, your determination, your compassion, and your kindness touch us each and every day. You make us very proud. D~J~,
We love you, MomandDad
Wewu~~4aU~~e tUG()~. MaAf
Gu tleM ~ w~ ~
~~~aU~~~~. v~ 4,cw tfwt we w~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~tc~~. v~~~e-\t. ~~ J~ ~ ~ ~4
uwe, Me~, D~,
~ ~ N~
Jordan, We hope your life brings you as much happiness as you have brought to ours. We are so proud of all your accomplishments and know you have a very bright future ahead of you. Best of luck in college and remember to always have a dream!
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." ,.., Ralph Waldo Emerson Love Forever, Mom, Dad, and Alex
Jessica Petroni: Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, And we are never, ever the same. You are that person. Much love always .. .Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Eddie, Kelsey, Justin, and Sophie Dear Jessica, You were our first grandchild and It has been 17 GRAND years! We give you all our love on your graduation! Good Luck! Love, Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop Dear Jessica, Congratulations on graduating . from NDHS. You bring so much light into our family. You will surely continue to shine brightly out in the world. We love you. Love, Aunt Doreen, Uncle mark, Alyssa and Emily Jack J. Ferrie, Ill: Dear Jack, Watching you grow has given us great joy. We love you very much and we're so proud of all your accomplishments. We wish you a future of happiness. Follow-your :. heart and know we are always here for you. Love, Momond Dad
Andrew Cettina: Dear Andrew, To have a son like you has truly been a gift. It has been a pleasure to watch you grow and mature into the kind and responsible young man that you are. We are so proud of your accomplishments so far, and cannot wait to see what your future brings. We known will be wonderful! We love you and wish you happiness and success as you fulfill your dreams! Love, Mom and Dad William Anari, Jr.: Congratulations William, Seas.ons change young man. Another season of life is changing as you graduate Notre Dame. and 路 enter college. What should not change is your love of life, and enjoymenr of all that lite brings. Work hard, play hard, and be a good friend to all people. Make wise choices as you mature, and satisfaction will follow. We are very proud of the young man.that YOL! have become. Love Mom, Dad, & Jason GO GIANTS!
To our dearest Krista, We are all so proud of you as you graduate from High School. Congratulations on achieving a very important milestone in your life, and we know that you will be a great success in all that you reach for. Just remember that we will always be there to support and love you. Love always, Mom, Dad, Maria, Grandma Julie, Pop Pop Marrocco, Grandma Fran, Pop Pop Bertrand, Uncle Bruce, Aunt Donna, Uncle Tony, Willie, Cousin Barbara, Mark, Charron, Thumpkin and Cinnamon
To our beautiful Sarah, We love you and we are so proud of the wonderful young lady that you've become. May you pursue your dreams with the same tenacity and perseverance that made you who you are today. We will always be by your side to cheer you on through all of your endeavors. Love Always, Dad, Mom, Joe and Samantha
Dear Margaret We are so protAd of t~e ~o~Vlg womaVJ t~at ~otA ~ave become. We wis~ ~otA all t~e best as ~otA coVJtiVJtAe ~otAr edtAcatioVJ. We ~Vlow ~otA will ma~e a great teac~er! We love ~otA ver~ mtAc~, Mom, Dad,
aVJd 5tAgar
-:: academicai/Jj and in file variou acfivhiu !JOII re involved w/111. Keep liP file good work at college and !JOIIr dreaii/S will come lrlle! love Alwa!Js, Mom, l)ad, l)avid and Slepllen
Cassandra, How is this possible, you were 路ust born yesterday? We love ou and are so proud of the person you have become! Love, Mom&Dad
Words of Love
Times To Remember 2009
Dear Michael, It's hard to believe that our miracle baby is graduating from High School. We are so very proud of you and all your accomplishments! You have become an amazing young man and you have a wonderful journey ahead of you! Always remember we love you . Be strong, be true to yourself and know that we are with you every step of the way!
Dear Michael, We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished these last four years at Notre Dame. Continue to be true to yourself, believe in yourself, and you will achieve your future goals. Always remember, "Yes, you can!" Our love and congratulations on a "job well done" and best wishes for a most promising future! Love always, Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop
Love always, Mom and Dad
Dear Gina, You are a true inspiration! You have proven time and time again that no obstacle can stand in your way as you continue on life's journey. You made it all seem effortless even though some of the road seen through the rearview mirror was a little bumpy. With this track record, we can't wait to see what your future holds! From infanthood to young adulthood, you have grown into a beautiful person inside and out and that is something we know will always be "in fashion" for you. All our love, Mom and Dad
Scott Beyer: _ Gongratulations, Scott! We loveyou very much and are so proud of everitning you have accomplished in school and out. Good luck in college! Believe·jn yourself ancr make the most of every · opportunity. You can achiave everything you choose to. :--: Love; Mom, Dqd, ~eVin, & Brian
KY~ :
Congratulations KYA '"vou are truly a bright stpr shining around Trenton. Continue to reach for the sky; there .is no limit to what you ~an accomplish . God bless you~?n all of your future endeavors.
Brandon De Libero: Brandon, Thank you for so many wonderful memories over the past eighteen years. We know there are many - ·· _ [aLJren Huy:-_ . - · - - .. more Jo.come. We qdmire. your · - Our ILves wouiGl not be complete · - dedication and commitment to - - . without you being a part of it : YGu- your academics and ice hockey. - a-te a meat complement tO' our We are.prol:ld of you and we love · family:- When you smile yo1-1 'ght up you very ~ our surrour)dings and wnen you Love, -laugh·you bring joy to our hearts·. - Mom, Dad, and Julia We wish you all the best in your futuFe and we hope fh'a t ttre world Andrew Tresansky: treqt~_you with respect just as you .... have treated us in the same. Dear Andrew T., We saved the best for last! manner.- We love yoi.:J Lauren: .. J oday, ·tom-orrow, and all the days Congratulations·on completing our ~- 'to follow. ' ·• Tresansky Family tradition of a Notre - _ Love Always _ _Dame graduati9n. We know you'll - Mom, Dad, ar:1d Steven make us proud -wherever you go! Love always, Mom&Dad Hunter Selman: - Hunter, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart Sean McCarthy: We couldn't be more proud of you · ond lean not on your own "'Understanding; in all your ways Sean! Good Luck at Coastal. See you on the green! acknowle9ge Him agg He will make -your paths straight." Love you, Mom, Dad and Mike ... -Proverbs 3:5 Love,Mom and Dad
Sean Hutton: Sean, We are so proud of the talented man you have become. ~You have brains in your head; you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to QO. -Dr. Seuss We love you, admire you, and will miss you! Mom and Dad
Congratulations on your many academic and athletic accomplishments during your four years at Notre Dame. We are extremely proud of you! You have become an incredible, caring young man. Keep pursuing your dreams, and know that no matter where life brings you, we are always there for you. Continue to set your goals high, because you
can achieve anything you set your mind to! Love, Mom, Dad and Ryan
To Our "Macho Man"We are all so proud of your accomplishments and the man that you have become. Watching you mature over this four-year period at Notre Dame has been both a pleasure and a challenge. "Go get 'em" next year in college, we'll be there to watch you on the ball field. Always strive to be the best in whatever you do, Mach, we know you will be successful!
Alexa Stepien: Dearest Alexa, You are our fovorite reason for thanking the dear Lord . Our hearts swell with love and pride at the intelligent, beautifuL amazing young woman you have become. We are so very proud of you. We will always be here fm you and love you with all our hearts. Congratulations on your graduation from NDHS. The best Is yet to come. Mom and Dad Frqnk Skrajewski: Frank Live welL Laugh often, Love much! We love YOLJ!! Mom and Dad
Alessandro DelleGrotti: Alessandro: Congratulations to our beautiful daughter and sister. Your accomplishments at Notre Dame and your success in dance have amazed us. Good luck in college and on stage. Continue your trust in God, family & self. Love, Mom, Dad, Vincent & Anthony
Brandon Gergel: Brandon, you have always amazed, baffled, challenged us and made our life truly a blessing. We've long known of your intellectual curiosity and determination, but your humor, kindness to others, faith in God, family and friends has made an 路 impact on all lives you have touched. Although your years at Notre Dame are coming to a close, the next chapter of life is just beginning. And as you go through life, don't forget your selfconfidence, compassion, hope, laughter, and who you are. Love always, Mom, Dad & Alex
Saloni Soans: Congratulations! We are so very proud of the amazing young woman you have become. You should be extremely proud of all that you have achieved, the strong character you have developed and the friendships you have made along the way. We know you will be successful at whatever you do, just be sure to follow your dreams. We will always be here to support you as you head off to college and experience the world in a whole new way and no doubt continue to make us proud. We love you sooooooooooooooo much! Mummy and Natasha
From sitting in your kindergarten cubby to portraying the wizard in the Wizard of Oz to a Wing Bowl King, we have watched you grow and become a confident and very special young man. We are very proud of you and all of your accomplishments. We wish you continued success and happiness. You will always have our love and support. Congratulations.
We want to thank you for giving us another reason to be proud of you. You have come a long way and although you still have further to go, you are now ready to do it without a hall pass . You are about to start a new chapter in your life, an important one that will shape your future . As the story unfolds,. so will possibilities. There will always be challenges in life but it is how you approach them that matters. It is important to remember that the only time success comes before work is in a dictionary, so you will need to work hard to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Stay focused on the future, enjoy the present and always keep in mind your past. We wish you all the best that life has to offer and all the success that you can achieve. No matter where life takes you just remember that all our love, admiration
Love, Mom, Dad, Gram, Aunt Holly, Robert and Allison
and support goes
with you . With love, Mom, Dad, Valentina, Nonno, Big Mommy and Bruno
Lauren Miscavage: Wow-graduation already! How time does fly by fast. Best Wishes in your future . Have a gr~at time in college with communications and jourQaUsm. Study hard, party_light.,__ (loJl. - ~With love always, Mom&Dad
Kaitlin Doolan : Congrats Kait! Hold on to that wonderful Individual you are and keep_that great loving and happy personality. With your determination and positive attitude, we know you wUI go far in life. We love you and are so very proud of you . Way to gq_ Doolanator! love, Mom and Dad
Marc, We are all so very proud of you. We can hardly believe you are graduating from high school already. We wish you Love, Happiness and much success in your life. Always
-Caitlin Wismer: Dear..Katie, We ore-very-proud otyou1 Congratulations on your graduation and all that you have accomplished in high school. Your hera work arid determination have paid off. May God be with you as you .embark on your college _ experience.· We love you. Mom, Dad and Johnny Meghan Warc;J Congratulations! We are so proud of you .. Wherever you go, go with all your heart and sh9ot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land ar'i"Tong the stars! · Love, ~ _:__Mom and John
remember how much you are loved by your family.
Love, Mommy, Scott, Ama, Papa and Uncle Dave
Erica Ridge: We are so proud of all you have accomplished in your two-years at Notre Dame .~-You took a baa situation and turned it into a positive future for_yourself. We have confidence that you wilt succeed in -whatever your heart desires. WE LOVE YOU .· Mom and Dad
Con gratulations on yo ur graduati on. W e're _ so glad for you r wo nderful experience at
Have fun in colle8el
• Notre Dame. You have been such a gift and
rm80if18 to miss my
it has been a privilege to be yo ur parents. Th e future is yours, go out and embrace it with th e enthusiasm and passion that you have for all
JohnS. Hoge We are so very proud of the yowng man you have become! As you ... embark upon the next stage of your life, Dlways know that you have our highest love and affection. Moy God bless you In all you do. Love, Mom,-Dad, and David-
Times To Remember 2009
Dear Poolde,
things. Keep shining as you do always ! W e love you! Mom and Dad
best friend.
W0 ar0 s<9' ~r@U.C{ ~ ~~l L(9()0,
Words of Love
Times To Remember 2009
How quickly time has gone by-it seems like yesterday you were entering Notre Dame. You have worked hard to achieve your goals and all of those accomplishments are wonderful, however, we're more proud of the person you have become. Remember to cherish the friendships and memories you have made at Notre Dame and prepare to make many more memories in your future. Keep smiling; keep pursuing your dreams and you will have a great future and life. The best is yet to come! We love you and will always be here for you!
You have grown into a beautiful and intelligent young woman! We admire your integrity and sincerity. Your umelenting dedication, determination and perseverance have propelled you toward academic and personal success. You've reached for the stars and they clearly are within your grasp; a world of infinite opportunity now welcomes you. We love you with all our hearts and are so proud of you! Love Always, Mom, Dad & Jackie
Love, Mom, Dad, Chelsea, and Jonathan
Dear Adriana, From the time you were born we knew you were special. You have never ceased to surprise or amaze us and we are proud of the woman you have become.
CoVIqratiAiatioVIs to a woVIderfiAI da111q~ter aVId terrific sister! YoiA ~ave mat111red iVIto aVI eVIerqetic aVId o111tqoiVIq ~OIAVIq womaVI aVId ~OIAr JoiArVIe~ ~as J111st beqiAVI. ~.c.:._ We are so proiAd of ~OIA 路 aVId all t~at ~OIA ~ave accomplis~ed. Keep believiVIq iVl ~oiAr dreams. --w~at are we, after all, wit~oiAt oiAr memories ... wit~oiAt o!Ar dreamsr,-Nic~olas -- - Spar~s We will alwa~s love ~OIA aVId be t~ere for . . . ..-.
Love and kisses from Mommy, Papi, Alex and Amanda
Love, Dad, Mom, R~aVI aVId Nic~olas
tt &-e.-em& li\9-e. onlg g-e.&t-e.rdag goe ~rea goen9 9irl witb f~bman jitt-er& b-e.9iflflifl9 goer fir&t g-ear at Notre 1JGtn-e.. f+oer g-ear& bow flown bg, and now~ watcb a& goe 9radeat-e.--a confid-ent goen9 ladg foce&-e.d on b-e.r fmere and b:er dreGtn&. W-e. are &o proed of tb-e. p-e.r&ofl goe bow b-ecom-e and wbat goe bc:tw c:tCcompli&b-e.d. W-e. prog tbat goer fmere will b-e fill-ed witb excitif19 mom-ent&, &ecc-e.&&ful -end-eavor&, c:tfld a boppg, b-e.altbg life. ~ow,
Mom, Dad and M.Gtt
Patrick Sullivan: Dear Pat Congratulations to-the youngest "Sully" of the elGin! We are so proud of your accomplishments over the past four yedrs at Notre Dame, and can't wait to see what is in store the next four years in college-:- we know iiou are capable .of achieving great things in life! Lots of love, Mom, Dad, Megan, John, and Lori
Brenna Grant: BrennaEternally guided by a compassionate heart. . Ever-o tender care giver to God's creatures. _ Unending ·sharer of tranquil summer shere days with friends. Always our lo\ling daughter. and ·sister. Cove, . Mom, Dad & Caitlin
Joseph ... Seventeen years ago we took you home a 6 lb 12 oz baby boy. Since then, we've watched in awe as you grew from a tiny infant into an amazing young boy and then into the bright, talented and responsible young man you are today. As a son, and as a brother to Thomas and Samantha, we could not be more
· Atexsandr-a A~GStolico· Alex, ·c ongcotulations on your mar"ly - a~complishments. Your acader r:uc Dear Kristin: Congratulations to you!! We ara·so · achievemen s at Notre Dome were ~. ~outstanding, something, as parentsproud of the beautiful young we have learned to expect:' ...,.. woman that we all love so mwch. howeve you always manage to Always remember whatever you - dq, wherever you gO:Jo keep your _ exceed More impressively though, has been warm sense of kindness, y:our your ability to achieve all goals that· sense of humor, your generous you set for yourself. You are an . commitmeot to community service, and your wonderful spirit and smile. · fnsp1ration to all of us ~::md we ~are so You will be in our thoughts everyday " proud of you. Y-aur kindness and thoughtfulness""wili continue .t.o se1Ve os you g6 off to colleg~ v_ery soon. you well in yo~r future days in We will miss you afld our love will . ·college. Mom, Dean and myself · ·' _ always be with you. love you v.ery much and qre-thrilled Dad, Mom, and Mike at your many saccesses. Great luck in college! · Love, ~om, Dad a_nd Dean
Kris~n Mangone: ";: ~
proud of the person you are today and of the adult we know you'll become. There are great things in your future and as you take the next step of your life's journey, know that you will always have our love and support and that you have a most special place in our hearts. Love forever, MomandDad
Lggkin" ~QI~k It Qllrng'' ·,~e~' ·ail\~ .~ . , . .· wh~n ~gu ·w~r~ ·~g·-:n ~nQI ~~ .firtl ~rgu"~t 'jgu . . hgrn~. y g~ irnrn~Qii .t(ll') filleQI gur liv~J with Jg . I . . . rnu~h jgtj QlnQI lgv~~ th'-t wgrQI, ju't ·~guiQI ~gf ~X~I'~''· · Jg ~~~ ~gw ~gu h~~~ "rgwn i~t~ Q11 ·~~Qiutifu.l, ~~n~i-iv~, w~ll-rgijnQI~QI QI~Qi ~w·rin" . :· ~.· f.i~un" wg~Qin rnQik~' u1 ~~w~ ~i.t~-~riQI~. Ygu ~: . mak~·. ui Jg ~rguQI .gf th~ ~~r~g~. ~gu .QI"~ .f~QIQI~ ·, · QlnQI .t he wgmQin·· ~g~·. wilt ~~gm~. w~ hQiv~ ' ng ~gu~t gf ~gur ~~~QI~ili~~e~ ,_,~ ..i~ll~, .,g r~QI~h· fgr -'. th~· mgg~, Qlr~QI~ ~i", QI~QI . hngw t.h~t 'Jg...'w~ll ·'lllwatjJ· ~~ ·g ur iliinin't JfQir: :: . '.: ~
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···, . .
·; ..~ .· .. '-gv~, . . &QiQI. ; ..Mi:~. h~~· · ~ '~rgl'lln~........ ...
,. . .-~
t' '
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. .•
Times To Remember. 2009
.: : .
·.. ·.
Words of Love .
Kya, You've always stood alert, ready for the next challenge and joy that came your way. Now it is your time to go and challenge the world to be ready for you. We love you, Kya, and are so very proud and honored to be your Mom and Dad. The love you have given us is as priceless as you are. Thank you for being our jewel. Stay in God's hands and you will always know your path. All our love, Mom and Dad
Julie Larkin: Patricia-Harte: Michael Tantum: Moura Faherty: We're so proud of the beautiful Dear Michael: TrJcia, • Dear Moura, young woman you' ve become. . Congratulations on y9ur graduation Congratulations on all of your high Congratulations on a joo well done! We've enjoyed sharing your]ourney from Notre Dame High School. _You school accomplishments! During You have completed this through high school with all your have maqe us v~ry proud for many your 4 years at Notre Dame, we generation of Fahertys at Notre · running, singing, performing, reasons, bl:lt seeing you grow into~ watched you make every effort Dame. starting clubs, baking brownies, . ttie kind, intelligent and confide[lt your best handle setbacks with With much love, time with your frienas, dU"fhat _young man you hav~ become is grace, and always come up with a Mom '70, Dad '70, Sarah '97, sl'udying, and seNing, seNing, our greatest source of pride and way to .keep moving forward . We Michael '_02, Emily '04 - seNingl We love that you do it all joy. You have all of our love for love you as our wonderful with your beautiful smile. always! daughter, admire your. Remember, "To whom much is Love, achievements, and are confident in givem,.mucb is expected." Nina M . Lee: Mom &Dad your future as a happy and Congratulations to yQu ..9n~ the_ accomplished person. We are.your Nina, Ci9ss of 2009! · I am certainly proud of all of your Dear .Mic.hael: . biggest fans: we-know you c_an Love "your biggest ans," . accomplishments out I am most Congrats, bro! You set a ti1gh •. change the world~ Go Trlcla! Qad, Mom, Brian, Cory,_Matthew & .- sfandarcffOr us. - w_e Jove·you very proud of the -fine young woman love, Elissa that you are. As you begin your ;..muet:l aAd.we will miss you next --~- _ Mom, Dad, and Mary college years, remember that with year w[lile you are away Aunt Julie, harcf work, perseverance and Love, -You are the silliest! Thank you for God's help, you can reach any Uz&Ma William Gomez: - al~ays rT)Oking lime tq play with us .. goal that you dream of. I w ill Dear Billy, and read us stories, It has been so We couldn't oe more proud of you. always believe in you . much fun to share your high school Love, Yo·u have-become the kind of K_a tie Solewin: years with yot:J. We1oye you! Mom .Kate_ young man that parents always Love, Your sweet smile, infectious laugh, dream of and we know you will Isaac and Asher Dear Nina, - · loving heart; ..and wise and continue this path during your We 're all so proud of who you are gen~rous spirithave given · journey through college and the and what you have accomplished! · tremendous joy. We are proud of resr of your life. We love you and Rristine Printorr.- · -. you-in every way and you will ·wish- you all the best life !}as to offer. You are a kind, loving, and amazing Congradulations Teen, all the hard young lady! You have a zest and always have all our rove and Congratulations! work finally paid off, we're so proud love for life-keep it up as you Love, support. Go forth and embsace o f you, we will always love & . move forward through life! You Mom, Dad &.Jack yqur future with confidence in the support you .. .Dad, have your family behind you many gifts you have to share. _ always! We love you! We love you, Use your God given talents & you Dad, Sue, Kate, Meghan, & Will . Mom, Dad, and John will make a huge impact on the · world . Be Happy, live love and laugh always, congrpts! Love you forever and ever, God Speed · Mom xoxoxo
Congratulations, Lauren! We are so proud of you. You have grown into a beautiful young woman and we love you very much. May God bless you and keep you safe. Remember you will always have a special angel looking over you.
Dear Baabi. <?oQ~ratulatioQS OQ ac~ieviQ~ aQot~er
iQ your life.
Ufe are very
proud of you as you coQtiQue to briQ~ us a ~reat deal of joy aQd ~appiQess. You COQtiQue to li~~teQ
our lives wit~ your impressive
iQto a very persoQable youQ~ mal) w~o is
cariQ~. compassioQate aQd iQtelli~eQt.
Ufe ~ave QO
doubt t~at you will ~row to be a very successful persoQ.
Love always, Mom, Dad and Joseph
importaQt milestoQe
Ufe just wal)t you to Jwow we love you very
aQd we s~are iQ t~is day of pride aQd joy.
<?oQ~ratulatioQS a~aiQ aQd God bless. ~uide aQd
protect you iQ everyt~iQ~ you do. ~ove.
fl\o.m. Dad. Toto aQd t~e w~ole family
Dear Jamecia, Congratulations on your High School Graduation. We are with you, we are for you, we believe in you, we admire you, we are proud of you, but most of all we Love you. We know you will do well as you further education. May you enjoy your college experience and we wish the best for you in your future endeavors. Love, Mom, Dad and John
Congratulations, Erin! You've done it! All of your hard work and perseverance have paid off and you are beginning the next phase of your life. It has been such a pleasure to sit on the sidelines and watch you grow as a mature, caring and beautiful young woman. You should be proud of your accomplishments whether it's in the classroom, on the basketball court or in our community. We are so proud of the person you've become. As you enter into this next phase, always know you have our love and support behind you. Go get 'em, Er! All our Love, Mom, Dad and Doug
f)eiJr Klersten, h w11s 11jog to Wlllcllgoll grow d11ring go11r fo11r ge11rs 11tlotre ()11me. We 11re 1111 so pro11d ofgo11. Good l11clt 111 college. Sl11dg l111rd 11nd ll11ve f11nl We love go1111nd will ml#l/01111 love, Mom, f)IJd, AJ 11nd Kalle
Jonathan Moyer: How quickly these last few years have passed-from your first formal dance to the final day of High School. Never forget the friends you 've made, the experiences you've shared, and the joy you've brought. This is your life-a collage that's only just begun, and we could never be prouder. What comes next depends upon you, for there is no designated path nor best laid plans of mice and men. Remember to f.ollow your heart and you will never fail. Love always, Mom, Dad, and your very handsome brother
Jodi Hunt: As far as I can remember. we have been inseparable. From our shopping sprees to our late night chats, we have always found comfort in each other. Even as the years go by, we haven't grown apart. After aiL "friends may come and go, but family is forever." But to me, you are more than just a sister, you are my best friend. And as graduation day quickly approaches, I am anxious to see you take on the world . .You have a lot of potential so no matter where you go in "life, I have faith you. will succeed. I love you, Jo Jo. -Stephanie H~nt _.
Marissa Daly: Dear Marissa, You have meant the world to us from the moment you were born and always will. These years have gone by far too quickly but please know that we will always be there for you. We are very proud of all that you have accomplished and we wish you many blessings as you prepare to open another new chapter in your life. Work hard, follow your dreams, and if you have the chance to sit one out or 路 dance ... dance! Love, Mom, Dad, Patrick & Brendan Timothy Weber . Congratulations Tim! We are a ll so proud of you! You are now starting a new journey wl:'lich will be filled w rth challenges and victories, as well as disappointments and defeats. We are confident however, that you will always succeed. Know that we are a lways here for you and will always stand proudly with you . May your future be filled with love, happiness, and路 路 success. Love, Mom, Dad, and Zack
We are so proud that you are our daughter! You fill our life with your energy, excitement and laughter. It has been a joy to watch you succeed n your personal, academic and leadership accomplishments and to witne s the compassion and sensitivity you have brought to the 路 incredible friend hips you have made at
otre Dame over the past
fo ur years . As you continue on your journey, remember that you are loved very much and always will be. Remember to keep your fa ith first and believe that god will continue to direct your life in the direction for which you were created. Finally, "Don't ever fear tho e mountains in the di tance; don't settle for the path of least resistance, and if you get the chance to sit it out or dance; DANCE!!! " We love you! Mom, Roy, Matthew
Amanda, You have achieved your goals through hard work, Have friends that you cherish, And memories that will last a lifetime. We are so proud of you. LAAF, Dad, Mom, Danielle, Nick, Nicole & James
Christina, Your four years at Notre Dame have provided me with many ~ood times and fond memories: memories
that will stay with me forever. I hope your Hi~h School experience was one that you
will Ioo~ bac~ on and cherish. I ~now that I will. I am so very proud of you and will miss Friday ni~h football.
To Our Beans ... Although we may not always tell you, God blessed us with a beautiful angel, aur daughter. We are so proud of the young lady you have grown to become. You~ determination, hard work and abounding energy are evident in all your accomplishments ... and this is the beginning... "You're at the startin' line of the rest of your life As ready as you've ever been. You have the hunger and the stars
Gifted Swimmer Independent Spirit Never Quits A Treasured Niece We love you and are so very proud of you. Congratulations graduate! With all our love,
Luthien Tungol: Borrowed from Dr. Seuss' "Oh the Places You'll Go," for Luthien on her way to new places, new experiences, and new things to discover. Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to great Places! You're off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any Direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll Decide where to go. Oh, the places you'll go! Wherever you fly, you'll be Best of the best. Wherever you go, You will top all the rest. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! So, be your name Buxbaum Or Bixby or Bray or Luthien Tungol or Allen O 'Shea, You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So, get on your ~ay! Cheering you on, RomeL Melo, Louise, Ellis, and Sam
Joe Leone: Dear Joe, Since you were about six years old, you have always made us so very proud of all your athletic achievements, skills, and talents. Today our pride also comes frQm the responsible and respectable young man you have become. You have shown such dedication and commitment to ail aspects of your life, and we admire your caring nature and respect your honesty. As you move on to the next chapter in your life, always know that our pride goes with you and that no son could ever be more loved than you . All Our Love, . Mom & Dad When I look at you, I am very proud of the young man you have become. I am looking forward to always being a big part of your life, and realize what a privilege being . a grandmother is, and how very lucky I am. Give life everything you've got and life will give its best back to you Grams It seems like only yesterday we were swinging on the swings in the backyard talking about what we wanted to be when we grew up. .£ro.rn almost killing eac_h other wher:i we were little, to the best friends we are today; we have been through it all, together. College is just another step in your life and another chance for you to leave your mark. I wish you only the best and know that no matter what I say, you WILL . succeed in everything_you do. Good luck, braja. Love, -Sjsa .
Congratulations on your Graduation day!!! ~ This is just the beginning of your journey in finding the right career for you ... Good luck and make your dreams come true!!! Tita Berber _Your bigQest success is strlving to be We are very proud of you. You - the best you can b.e, and only you have grown to be an excellent and can succeed at that. ContiAue to responsible student. We will shore yourtalents and glessings with co11tinue to pray that god will others. You have been given continue guide_ you onyoCJrne~ _J~_,adersh[p a~11ifies, please take the endeavors in life and to iosure your _ - .: esponsibility sertously, and pafh_to success~ ~cusing yodrself · wheneveTyou look to the future be when in college will earn you. more - . ola, dori't e.ver let your _drec;rrns knowledge and will open doors-for · _die. -=a very successful future. And - Aunt Bern · -always cemem5er the people around you throughout these years, We ar~ _soproud of you and what 'most especially your-parents. We you have accomplished if! your years at Notre-Dame. MaY- the love you and we- will be h~re to support you. · "[uck of the lris_h" always be with • .you and "May the wind be alway.s.Always,. . . --- at-your back." · Tito Arnold, Tita..Monet Justine, LoYe, _ _ Janine, Jamie, & Alexa Aunt. Mary :(;"!l'}d Uncle Ja_k~_
Drew _McKeev-er: Dear Drew, - Conglatulations! You have been a joy from the dqy you were born. . We are so proud of the young-mGn that you .h.ove become. As you enter your college years, we wish you -much success. Always remember that we fove you very -much and are always here for you. Love you, -· .Mom and Dad .
Blair Humtenny: Blair, _ We·happy for you. And, we're proud ot all that you have accomplisned.during the past four -years. College is going to beamazing for you, It only gets tJetter . now! All of our love: Mom, Dad. and Ashley · -
Anthony: As a child we anxiously looked to the future with tremendous hopes and expectations for you. Through the years, whether in the classroom, on the ice, or at home you have always made us proud of you! Although we have cherished your years at Notre Dame, we again look forward to the next stage of your life where you will be the "architect" of your future. Love, Mom, Dad and Mike ANTHONY ICAIINGILLI
We are all so proud of you! lVtake your mark on the vvorld.
Lovexxex:=>x lVtom, Dad, Adam, Dickens, Gram, Joe and Dorothy
Congratulations to our "Special Princess" Christina Hutchinson We love you and are very proud of you. Hugs and Kisses Grandmom and Pop-Pop Coryell
Times To Remember 2009
Words of Love
Michael Kolisz: Louis Longo: Dear Michael, Dear Louis, We are truly blessed to have you as We get only one life-your life is a son. You are the most precious gift very precious. My wish to you as from God and for that we are proud you graduate High School is that and forever grateful. God has done you hold on to all of your dreams; a good work in you. You are a pursue them-and live each day bright, thoughtful, conscientious, with happiness, joy, and confident, creative, caring, sensitive, . determination to make all of those generous, kind, beautiful and dreams come true. As you begin independent young man with a very the next chapter n life, your hopes bright future ahead of you! We are and dreams will guide you. Your very proud of all your family is always there, walking accomplishments. From Our Lady of beside you, with love. Sorrows School to Notre Dame High Aunt Rose School you have excelled in all you've done: in the classroom, Dear Louis, swimming/lifeguarding, traveling, From the Old Testament, the Book German Club and in all the of Sirach, Chapter 2: volunteer community service and "My son, when you come to serve other activities you have the Lord, prepare yourself for trials. participated in. What we truly Be sincere of heart and steadfast, treasure most about you is your undisturbed in time of adversity. heart. Your heart is as big as the Cling to him, forsake him not; thus world. We, as a family, are truly will your future .b e great. Accept blessed to have you in our lives. You whatever befalls you, in crushing smile, laughter, and personality bring misfortune be patient; For in fire joy to us every day. Remember that gold is tested and worthy men in the greatest gift you have is who you the crucible of humiliation." are and so, continue to give freely of Love, · yourself to others. Be confident. We Uncle Ant believe in you and your ability to successful and happy lri your life. As Dear Louis, a family we enjoyed traveling with From Ayn Rand: . "Achievement of your happiness is you around the world: from the Magic Kingdom Castle, Florida; the only moral purpose of your life, Charleston, South Carolina; Niagara ana that hqppioess, not pain or Falls, New York; New York City; mindless self-indulgence, i.s the Krakow, Poland; Rome, Italy; Vatican proof of your morol integrity, since it City; Chichen ltza, Mexico; is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your· · Amsterdam, Holland to Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, values." Germany. It has been a true blessing_ "It's the hardest thing in the watching you be passionate about_ world-to do what we want. And it traveling. Now as you will travel the takes the greatest kind ofcourage . path that life will take you soon, we 1 mean, what we really want." · ·:The action· required to sustain will always be there with you everywhere and wt)eney§r_you humar1-life is primarily intell~ctual: 11eed us In this beal::ltiful-world. We - everything man needs has to be are so proud of you and wish you a . , discovered' by his mind ancf future of happiness with all your produced by his effort.". hopes and dreams coming true. We love, • Mom love you I Mom and Dad
James, It seems like only yesterday when your sisters would fight over who would get to hold you. Now you are graduating high school, we are so proud of the goals you have achieved and the young man you have become. You're a hard worker with a strong will to succeed. Stay true to yourself and keep reaching for your dreams. Congratulations on a job well done, you will always have our support and love! Dad, Mom, Linz, Ahsley, Niki and Daisy
Dear Laura . For someone who will always be our little girl . you 've proven to be very big on determination . Along with this , your beautiful smile, contagious laughter and positive attitude will serve you well. There will always be bumps in the road , but knowing you . you 'll just fiind a reative way to roll over them .
Stay happy, choose wisely and always keep goodness in your heart. you 've made us proud . God bless you always.
Jodi Hunt: _ Tliomos J Judge: Congratulations! It's hard to "Believe-._ Dear TJ, ,_ that my last born, my baby, is Con~ratt~letions~ . __ graduating high schooJ. I am so "' We're so pr~ud ofyou-ond:weWish proud of the unique young woman you all the best as you beg1n theyou have grown into-" Always be-true ne'Xt chapter of your life. - to .yourself, try your hardest, and you Remember that yve'll always be will be able to accompjisb anything here for you if you need us as you you warit. Younov~ brains in your . n<?vigate through this world. We head and feet In your shoes, you . IOV6:-YOU with all ow h_eartsJ can steer yourself in any direction Mom, Dad; Morgan and Carney · - you choose. Remember, wherever life may lead you, I will always be . here for you. I love you~ -Ghr.istine LemMon . Love, -words cannot descri~e the pride Mom· we feel in you : .Christine you have blossomed into a beautiful caring young woman. A new·wortd is • wGiting for your touch, smile: laugh, and most imr;>ortant your honesty. ~ Go forward with faith, confidence in yourself and-your dreams in ~ hand. _ · Love Always, Mom and Dad
ALl 0F
Congratulations on your graduation! We remember when you first wanted to go to Notre Dame even though you were leaving behind all your childhood friends. You are a determined young woman with amazing confidence. We are very proud ofhow you have grown and matured and hope that you will have just as great of an experience as you go off to college. Keep us in your heart as you are always in ours .
Amanda, It's hard to believe that our beautiful little baby 8irl is all 8rown up. We are very proud of you and all you have accomplished. Cofi8ratulations on 8raduatin8 from Notre Dame. You are bri8ht and strofi8-willed.and that will take you far in life. Continue to be true to yourself as you venture into your next journey in Colle8e. You have a 8reat future ahead of you. We love you and will always be there for you.
Christopher, Congratulations! The pride and joy that you have brought us through the years is immeasurable. You have developed into an exceptional young man. You should be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. As this new stage in your life begins, new responsibilities, decisions, goals and challenges await you. Remember to laugh, love and follow your dreams! Love, Mom and Dad
Love, Mom, Dad and Anthony
"YotA're beatAtiftAI, bab~, from tne otAtside iVI, cnase ~otAr dreams blAt alwa~s ~VIow tne road tnat will lead ~OIA nome aqaiVJ, qo OVI, ta~e OVI tnis Wnole WOrldBlAt to me ~OIA ~VIow ~otA'II alwa~s be, m~ little girl." -Tim McGraw We love ~OIA aVId are so protAd of ~otAI Momm~ & Dadd~
Ashley Hossler aka "Cuddles" From the bundle of joy, to many years of love, laughter and challenges, you have blossomed into a mature, responsible, beautiful woman on the inside and out. We are proud of all your accomplishments. May your future journey unfold with happiness,
With all the love and support, Mom, Jeff and Lauren
We are so proud or the young man you have become at Notre Dame. R-emember as you graduate, the future is yours. The sky is the limit. Skate proud as you pursue your dream with God's blessing. Know that we love you and are with you every step or the way! Love, Mom, Dad, Jenna, Matt and R.osie
Congratulations on your high school graduation! You have overcome many obstacles to reach this point. View this time not as an end but as a new beginning in your life. Dream big, set high goals and may God always direct your path. We love you, Kemar. Love, Mom, Big Mike, Nona, Great-Grandma & Uncle Eric
Dear Mark, Congratulations! We are very proud of the young man you have become. By never giving up, you have proven yourself as a student and an athlete, pink laces and all. Now that your journey through Notre Dame has come to an end just know that there is "A Whole New World" waiting for you. Keep your dreams alive and live your Iife to the fu II est. Stay the team player that you are and remember to always keep God in your life. Love your family Dad, Mom, Marysa, Nicky and Alfie
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Dmr ~Sa
You are our~ am we love you. Sa gou ~ • tD ane
as gou foHow your lmrt am your drm.
PUIU your plBom am live out Iolli as gou mPJ all gou do. Ute i Rrt-wmr your pubJ pma &amber. you N!P
live til powar. 'M love gou forever.
We ore $0 prol/d ofgol/r /lord work and dedication willie /loving fl/n along file wogln reoclllng onolller mllutone. We ltnow 1/ll$l$}1/$lllle beginning ofo wllole new world of$0 mona opportl/nhlu for gol/ lllol we believe gol/ wlllocllleve In time. A$ gol/ begin gol/rjol/rneg to tile fllll/re, we wlllolwopbe tllere bulde gol/ to prog, loHgll, erg, and celebrllle whll gol/. Congrllll/llllloM! Wh/11/ncondhlonollove, IJod, Mom and Potrlclt
Jacob M . Kuprewicz: My son, although your years of high school have not been easy for you, you have prevailed, by the faith and wisdom and love you have . learned to believe in along your path to graduation. High school is a stepping stone to greater adventures in your world. It is a foundation in your life; so you will always these years tucked away In your heart. I am truly proud of you; your father would be truly proud of you . Just as I will witness your final closure as you accept your To an exceptional diploma with grace and a smile, Brother-Coogratulations! · . your father 's spirit will be by your LOL side then, and for all your days to Elliot and Will come . He and I gave you life, it's Congratulations Grandson-we there for the taking, so make the love Y9U and want you to know we · best of all the work~ nos to off to . are so proud of you! - you, and know that you are and Love, always will be truly loved by me. Grandma and BaPa I Love You With All My Heart, Mom I am very proud of you-Congratulations! Ryan: Love, Dear Ryan, MomMom We are SQ. very proud of you and all of your outstanding · As Eleanor Roosevelt said=-"The future belongs to those who believe accomplishments at Notre Dame. in the beauty of their dreams." The Your academic honor status-your dedication to football-=-your peer future is yours and I know 'y'ou're _going to have beautiful ~• - · · leadership and most of all your [oving and caring nature makes dreams-believe tnernJ •. ~ - you tbe wonderful young man you Love, - • have become.-- We love you so · Uncle BJII & Aunt ~ary9n0 . · very much and want to wish you ·all th~ success in college you so . Katy Bowers: greatly ·deserve!!! Congratulations , Katy_ - Ry Ry! We are so proud of all yoo have Love and Kisses and f:-jugs, - accomplished ot ND! Soccer, field ·rv.1orn and Odd Shone, Devin and hockey, lacrosse:·peer leader, Kokomo)(OXO · NDHS officer, ·newspaper, Reality, mission trips, and ell of the MANY SERVICE HOURS!!! _WeJ<now,:.You_ ~ ~ Stephanie Scallce: have mad~ wonderful friefic;ls !_ With . T6 our little princess. Words cannot all you have.leqrnE?d and ... express how proud we are of you - experleneedj hroughout hlgf1 and much love you-you · ·school etAGi witnGod fs contfnuous have always meant the world to us. ~ guidancE£Y9D wlllbe uceessful in Your accomplishments both inside - _coll~ge and ir:l-all the years tp ·. ___ aod outsiQ.e of school are come! - · - _ ~- imr:;>ressive. Yol:l consistently show · t,":oye... _ . . '""~ - ~- ~- _good judgment an.fl_understanqiQg om. Da~:t Joro, Saron,Jmily, Jobn - in ev~rYthiog ·Y.ou do dnd you 've - _ ·an Tlm - ' · · :;~ .shown through our dete~mination "' ~~ ~. ·- ··"" • a~d dedic'Gtion that you cao .....~ " _:__ . _ a¢comglish q_nxJhing you put your :Adam H. Gabriel: ~ · ._ mind to. As you grow further Into Dear Aa am, -- . - adulthood, just remember how .. Time goes so q uickly. It seems like . muctpwe.lmte you and how we will just yesterday you were at <Srey always be toere for. you . Nunj n_Pre-kpnd just a Qlink ofan . Love, _ eyeJater you're graduat[ng from - Mom; E>aet and Lauren Notre Dome-~ We're proud of yow -:.. ~ _ . 9rx fyou ~ave all of qurl,ove. You ~ - _ - · ~- hdve-noJ1mits . .Just work .hard, stay. Emily Mathes; _ focuseGi and _'tou'-11 achieve your ..·:~ ~m!ly; ··- . ~ - : goals. ·_ -;. --. You are now on the brink of a future · · that will be the rest of your life. Your Dad, eathy & Ashfey · .,. --.. ·. ~ future doesn'tjust happen, you create it . Create something that' · will make you as happy as you = have _alway~ made us! We are so proud of you and we love you! Mom, Ded and Rachel patrick J. Foran, Jr.: As parents we cannot help but look back. The memories are so very dear to us. Now it is time for us to look ahead; at the wonderful future artd the endless possibilities that life has to offer you. We could not be prouder of you, Patrick, for who you are and wh·at you have accomplished. Always know that we love you! Congratulations!!! All Our Love, Mom and Bod
Adam Gabriel: · My beautiful son Adam. When I see you now as a young man. I am so proud of who you've become. You are a child with a heart of mercy and kindness and a gentleness that is evident to all. You have proved to be a man of your word as you accomplished great things in your senior year. Live life large and always .follow your dreams. You truly are an amazing son end I love you with all my heart and soul. Words cannot express how proud I am to be your mom o( how blessed I feel to have yol:.l as my child. You are the best and I love you so much. · Mom
a Ia a waa •• mar:ll! aa• a made as art praad and llna• waa al•ap •Ill. aa•ra tile bast! •
am, Dad, rlstan and Katie
We are so proud of your achievements. We know you are destined to become a great success in life. We have had a great love you for since the f~rst moment we met you. With Love, Mama & Papa
Kimberly Boland: Kimberly, Notre Dame's Homecoming Queen ... couldn't have picked a better person. You are beautiful in every way. We ore so proud of you and ALL your accomplishments. We watch, with pride. as you take on your new challenges. Always keep r~achlng for your:. dreams and "keep your head in the game." We love you, Mom. Dad. Conor, Erln & Kevin
Kathryn Rice: It was great to watch you successfuny explore so many different avenues at Notre Dame. Remember you have the magic key and can continue to unlock the doors to acnieving your' dreams. So don't go for common place, go for extraordinary! Surround yourself - with the mad onesl · Love, .. Mom, Dad, Aunt Mary, and Graodma
Mike Ferdetta: . • C_ongratulations! We are so proud Theresa Koneskl: _ of you. Although your four years at We are so proud of you and your Notre Dame. are comjng to· an end accomplishments. You have the journey to your future is jusf . turned into q fine young woman. beginning. Take all tne:good things - you have danced your way into our that-you have learned at Notre· - ~- he9rts.. Contln~e to b_e true to Game with you-to help guide yeu. yourself-and your life will -bs truly Love, - ·rewarding. Vje Love You. Mom, Dad, Alyssa. ·James'-dnd Dad, Mem ana Stefonte :.. PS: Don't orget to dance _ ·Josbie ·
C~r~. 1a&r-u?0 at0 s&
May God's love and grace be with you always. March to the beat of your own drummer. Always pursue what you love to do. Enjoy laughter. Your destiny is for you to decide. Think and dream big! Most of all, make a difference. Love, Mom, Dad, Kiley and Christopher
prt9Ud ~ ~t9td G-t9<9d Ll\1 ~·
Loo0. ~Pad. Erll\1. S~.
everything we've always had each other and I wouldn't choose anyone else to share my memories with. I love you so much and I'm so proud of what a classy young lady you have become. Thank you for being the best sister, friend, and aunt anyone could ever ask for. Congratulations, Sissy!
Stephanie and Jada of course CNIIITINA HUTCHINION
Eva Nebbia: Eva, Know that our love and support are always with you as you search for your own "personal legend." "No heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is an encounter with God and with eternity." -Paulo Coelho Bon Chance! Love Always, Mommy, Daddy, Leah-Michelle and Joseph Peter
Jessica Santos: Dear Jessie, It is so hard to believe that your graduation day is finally here. It seems like only yesterday that you began this wonderful adventure. Over the years Dad and I have watched you grow and spread _your wings to bec_ome the amazing路 person that you are today. We know that the possibilities are endless for you and your future is so bright. These simple words that we've written cannot possibly convey just how proud we are of you and the person that you have become and how much we love you. All our love always, Mom and Dad
Tyler Stewart: CONGRATULATIONS!!! Where did the time go? You should be proud of all your accomplishments and we know there are many more to come along in your future. Follow your dreams and follow your heart they will lead you in the right direction. Whatever the future holds always know we support you and will always be there for you. We are so proud!!!! Love always, Mom, Dad, Stephen, Jason, Ashleigh, and Cosmo
Peter Buchanan: Congratulations, Peter! We are so proud of the fine young man you've become. Your beautiful smile, good looks, and great personality, only enhance your inner beauty. You have always shown great courage in dealing with all that life has thrown your way, and know that you will continue to be brave no matte[ what your future holds. As you leave high school and begin a new chapter in your life, know that we will always b~ there for you. May God bless and keep you safe. With all our love, - MGm, Dad, a路nd Cody.- 路
Dear Bianca, On September 25, 1991, God blessed us with a beautiful baby girl. Seventeen years later, you've grown into an incredible young woman, inside and out. It has been a joy watching you grow. You've made us - so proud. As you take your next steps on the journey of life, never stop dreaming and believing in yourself. Know that we will always love Shoot for the moon ... you're already among the
Bianca, Congratulations! You are a remarkable young woman. You make us so proud. We've enjoyed watching you play sports, . dance and sing through the years. You fill -. our hearts with happiness. We love you very much. Know we are only a phone call
We are all so proud of you! You have accomplished so much already and we know that the sky is the limit on what you can achieve. Always stay true to yourself, follow your dreams, and remember-there is no day but today! May God continue to bless you.
JessieYou are my inspiration, my idol and my hero. Just keep singing out. I love you a lot. Good luck in college. Love, John Jones
Love, Mom, Dale, Chris, Emily and John
. present, and the hope and promise of the future. Keep working hard to accomplish your dreams. You make us very proud.
Big Sis, We always looked up to you and you never disappointed us. You are agreat sister and role model. We love you. You're the BEST!!! Congratulations!
Dear Megan, Megster Pumpkin Seed, Megoots, Megan Leigh, Little Boo, Meggie Moo. "Aww ... Little Meggie's growing up!"-J .H. Eighteen precious, passionate years, filled
Love, Marisa and Alexa
with spirit and song ... and off you go! "Fight the good fight; finish the race; keep the faith ." 2Tim.4:6 We love you! Mom, dad, Brian, Steven and Jonathan
C~r~. Arilrw T rutqL<ilifl
ingrid, uou have grown so much dUring uour uears at notre oame, mau uou continue to grow and be the best uou can be.
V~ W0 aMCUfs ~ (9(,(1 CWMp.
momma, oaddH and ShirleH w~ ~~ -~pLMss cwi s~s as ~(9U. q~ (9+\1-t& ~0.
Loo0. B~
Austin, Dream big, plan well, work hard, smile always, and good things will happen. We are so proud of you. We love you, Mom and Dad AUITIN MLINAa
It is so hard for us to reaLize how quickLy your four years at Notre Dame have passed. Watching you grow and mature from a shy freshman to a confident, articuLate and thoughtfuL young man, ready to experience coLLege, the worLd beyond that and, maybe, Life without JuLian!! We know you are ready-be good! We Love you so much! Mom, Dad, Marissa and Erica
Dear Katie, We can't believe how quickly the time has passed. You have grown into a truly beautiful young woman and we are so proud of you. Your clarity in life, sense of humor, and strong will are attributes that will take you far. We wish you all the success and happiness in your life. We love you so much! Mom, Dad and Ryan Dear Granddaughter Kate, Best of luck in the future, may you have success in all you do. Congratulations to the graduate. Love you forever, Nan
Katie: In the blink of an eye, you路ve grown from a little girl into such an intelligent, strong , beautiful young woman . We are so proud of you. Grab hold of your dreams and go for it . . .your possibilities are endlesS!! We tove you , Aunt Jody and Uncle Dennis
Dear Katelyn, I wish you all the happiness and success life has to offer, I am so proud of you. watching over you. Congratulations. All My Love, DeeDee
your guardian angel always be with you,
Dear Katelyn, We have watched you grow and mature into one of the finest young women we know. We are so proud of your accomplishments. Congratulations and our best wishes for success in all you do. Have fun in College. Love, Aunt Laura, Uncle Bob and Troy
To our beautiful and talented granddaughter, We wish you all the success and happiness the future may hold. We are so very proud of you, and know you will succeed in any path you may choose. Love, PopPop and Ma
Words of Love
Times To Remember 2009
Caroline, Because God made the stars that shine, Because God made the ivy twine, Because God made the sky so blue, Because God made you-that's why I love you. We are proud of all that you have . accomplished and of the woman you have become, and we know you will continue to astonish and impress us int the future. Love, Mom, Dad and Cristine
Hovv proud I ar-n of !::JOLI. You are the lighT of my Iffe . M:d bve for !::JOLI cannoT l::::::e explained In only a fevv shor-T senTences. The lasTfour- years have l::::::een very Trying for both of us and !::JOUTake such gocx::l care of me. You are the l::::::esT daughTer a N\other couk:1 ever ask for. 1\1\egan. !::JOLI are l::::::eautrfut lnTellgenTTalenTed, and have a
huge hear-T. Folovv !::JOUr dreams; I vvill::::::e r-lghTnexTTo !::JOLI. I bve !::JOU, ~xoxo
1\1\egan. You did It; vve knevv rt al along. Tharl<. !::JOLI for l::::::elng our
Your blggesTfans,
Mack:fy and Cooper
N\oo-N\oo, Its l::::::een a bng road and !::JOLI flnaly rnacfe 1t
M:d baby sisTer Is al gr-ovvn upll
couk:ln't Imagine lffe vvrthouT !::JOLI; !::JOLI Truly are my l::::::esT friend. Reach for the mc:x:::>n,
even ff !::JOLI miss, !::JOLI vvilland among the sTars.
Ab 1\1\:-g, Its abouT1lr-nef Love,
Allison, We are all so proud of you! You have worked very hard an now reap the rewards. We wish you the same success in your college years. Never forget you are loved and we are always here for you. Love, Mom, Dad, Carrie, Katie and Jenny
Dear Jessie, Congratulations to "our little girl"!!! May your future be full of love and happiness always. Reach out for the stars ...they can be yours! Your smile and laughter and love of life will continue to be your strength as you begin a new chapter in your future. We love you so very, very much and are so proud of you! God bless you always. Love, Vin & Kenny
We pray your honesty, and caring ways, will forever light your way. That your search for truth and knowledge, will always prevail. Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! We hope you enjoy your journey. Love, Morn, Dad, & Kate
Dear J e nna, Family, Frie nds, Loon Lake, Skiing in the Adirondacks, 'The c::abin," campfire s, Fishing, and of course, Svvirnrning = J e nna. R e m e mber to dex=iicate yourself to vvha t is important to you and you vvill
a success. Follovv
your heart. All our Love, lVlom, Dad and lVlatt
It has been a pleasure to watch you grow into an awesome young man-a unique individual full of many gifts and talents. We are so proud of you and know that 'the best is yet to come'. "If you believe it, you can achieve it."
Dear Tim. It seems as if your first words were "how " and "why" . We have loved watching you grow from a curious toddler into a creative and enterprising ~
teenager. We are pleased that you've taken . and often created . opportunities to explore your interests and grow your talents during your years at Notre Dame. You've marched to your own beat - literally. And . while we are exceptionally proud ofT-Bone. we are even more proud of and honored by the mature. caring. and thoughtful man we call Timothy. Congratulations! Love always, Mom and Dad
Love, Dad, JB, Kiki, Ciara & Brandon &amantha Lord,
It is unbelievable how quickly you have 8rown. You make us so proud! You are simply amazifi8!!! Love, Mom, Dad, Joe and Qobert
Uou are our orlde and Jou. W atcnlna uou arow Into tne oeautlf uL. Loulna uouna Ladu uou are · toaau nos oeen one exclt lna aauenture. W e WILL rn1ss uou wnen uou Leaue for coLLeae out can t walt to see aLL uour f uture arearns carne true. OLL our Loue. rrlorn. d ad. rrllcnaeL. J onn C! Cnlef
Derek·Mitchell: Andrew Grohovsk¥: Congratulations Andrew: what an . Congratulations. We are_so proud of you and how .far you nave come exciting time t.his is. Endless during your 4 years at Notre dame. opp-ortunities await you, and there Yoa"have a·gift of making everyone is no doubt that yo~'ll continue to around you happy: Your charming --suGceed in-everything you do. You'-ve developed _ cr great habit of personality and your great sense of cofl')bining your determination al"'d . hUmor cao carry you a long way in lite. You are a loving and caring passioo to over-deliver on every son and we love you very much, role that you undertake We Mom ~:md Dad - -. -. couldn't b.e more proud of you and are lucky to have you as a doogFlter. From living in ;A;ustralra. thenutah and nq!V pen.nswvanid,Chrjstophe Ofner: your ·journey to see the wor:ld hos Chris, · begu_n . .Enjoy jhe riae! Congratulations on your .. Love, : Q[aeJ~tion .. God has blessed us ·MOm, Dad and: Alice _ With q truly amazing _gift that we will - always cherjsh. 9Ur only son! We . are so very proud ot all you~ Lauren Poole: numerous accomplisbments over Lo~rea the past fom years. As you prepare Congratolations! It seems like only for the next wonderful chapter of ·- yesterday you wer_e starting at your life, remernberjo stoy _ Nqtre Dame . .Your High School '"golden.· journey is ccmlng to em end but Love olwa~ and forayer from your your life's journey is only beQfnnlng ~ biggest fans, We are so pro~q of the bright Dad. Mom, Megan, Poppee, and -c.arin@. kind, and absolutefy·· Meme - wonderfUl young lady you-have ..become. Believe in·yourself. be true to yolir values. and remember . we we'll always be here for you. Cove: · · Dad. Mom, Mike,J Buddy and Pepper.
We are so protAd of ':10IA avtd love ':10IA ver':1 mtAc~! lt~s time to tAse t~e talevtts God gave ':10IA avtd go otAt avtd c~ase ':10tAr dreams ... becatAse we ~vtow we~ll see ':101A OVI ESPM Ovte da':1! Love, Mom &Dad DAVID I ANTAMAIIA
1jv1.1 ft.~ve.~n~~e.~ne. th..e. ~nv~n in th..e.
wvrt~...j1-1st jvr J:,
re.~ne.~nJ:,e.r-t-; C71.1 r ~ijt
.Brooke Batta.glia: Dear Brooke, Congratulations to you as you graduate from high school and start a new chapter in your life. As you walk out of the doors which t::lave been so familiar to you over the past four years, remember the values that you have learned at Notre Dame. TF\ey will prove to be valuable on your journey through life. You have grown to become a trury remarkable young woman, and we are so very proud of all your _ accomplishments. Thank you for the joy and love you have brought into our lives. You mean the world to us, and we love you with all our hearts. Love always and forever, Mom, Dad, and Louis
Michael Anthony Pascucci: Congratulations, Michael! We are so proud of you and of all of your accomplishments! You have grown into a wonderful young man who . has strength, courage, and drive to succeed in order to make all of your dreams come true. May God continue to bless you with health, happiness; and good luck as you begin your college years. e love you and will always to support you in whatever it is you choose to o in life. Love, Mom, Dad, and Alena
Amanda Duckworth: Congratulations, Amanda, you did it! Words cannot exp(ess how Brooke, proud we are of you and all of your .I'm so proud of what you 've done - accomplisnments. Yoor ha rd work in youryea~s h~re at Notre bame. 1 determination EJnd commitment to · always could count on you to be excellence paid off. You always there when I needed help. Now.I strive to be the best you can be have to look out for myself for the and never back away from a next two years. I'm sure t hat you c-hallenge. With those qualities and will do well in cpllege ang 1know_ your amazing leaders!}ip skills, there that you will make plenty of friends... isCl't any goal that-you can 't reach. Can 't wait·to transform your old - Remember to always believe in bedroom into the new ·yourself ancfknow that we love you "lounge" ...don't worry, there will so very are always here . alwoys be a couch welting for you. · fo! you. ·· Good IUGk in colle-ge.and mal<e us With all our love, proud! . ... · _Mom, Dad and NLck ~ _ ' Love, ==· . :. Louis
. We were so blessed the day you came into our lives and now we look at all you have accomplished and are so proud. As you continue on your journey of life, we will continue to love, support and be there for you. With your continued hard work and diligence, all your dreams will come true. We wish you continued success, happiness and love. May God be your guide all the days of your life. We love you so much, Mom, Dad, Jennifer &Jacquelyn
· frv~n 9"~ is t-;"1-1, with. ~tt t-;"l-ir t~te.nts, ~n~ t-;vl-ir ~ift tv 9"~ is _wh..~t tt"1-1~n~ke. vf
t-; vl-1
ft is nice To see hovv you vvenT from a cuTe Toddler inTo a vvonclertul young lady. We are proud of you ard vvish you fhe. l:::>esT of every1hing in your brighT fuTure
ahe>ad of you. We bve you very much. Unde Mke, AunT MaryAnn, Marielle, Michael ard Sabrina
JuJu __ .Please always know that Mom, Dad & Jenna love you with all orur hearts_ We have watched you grow into a beautiful and caring young lady with an inner courage and strength that few possess. You will always be Jenna's best friend as she will always be yours. It is Mom and Dad's prayer that God grant you true happiness and peace and the wisdom to always remember the important things in Jife_ We are so proud of you sweetheart.
Words of Love
Times To Remember 2009
y,., hae done so well itt,... . ~- We ate WI)' ,_,., ofY'JII. y,., wfl 6e su~ itt wltaff!WI' Y'JII t!ltoMe fo do. Keep tnabtg
gtwl tlttJit!es anti ~anemia ~vafqes_
We are so proud of you! You 've become a wonderful, compassionate and mature young man. You have filled our home with laughter and joy, all while working hard to achieve your own goals. Always remember that you will always be a true blessing in our lives! Good luck with every exciting adventure that comes your way. Remember, you will always be successful at whatever you set your mind to accomplish. Today and always, we love you with all our hearts!
Th ere are not words to express the joy you have brought our life. You have been a bl essing to us and we will spend the rest of our life thanking God for you . We love you very much and want to share the following Words of Love with you: "So then, just as you
received Christ jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6, 7 - (NJV) Love,
Mom & Dad
With hearts full of pride and love, Mom, Dad, Katie, Andrew and Aunt Kara
so proud of y
u and
11 your
best for you n
compassion brought you success at N.D. These qualities will continue to help you succeed at your new challenges. It's time to spread your wings and fly. Follow your dreams!
Our Beautiful Kait, -. Your smile has always lit up the room. You make us laugh and tough our hearts. We can't even think what our house will be like with you away next year. One thing is for sure, if your future ends 路 up half as bright as you are, you got it made, kiddo. We are so proud of everything that you are. Love, The Holden family Mom, Dad, Ali, Erika & Makenzie
Congratulations, Cait! We are so very proud of the beautiful young woman you've become! Through the triumphs and tears on the playing fields and in the classroom, it's been a wonderful four years! Continue to make good choices with your heart as well as your mind and be happy! May God always hold you as close to his heart as we do. We 'll always be here for you. The best of Life is yet to come! We love you always (our baby)! MomandDad
Circurns'tances ancf situaTeons do color life but" you have been given the mincf 'to choose vvha'tthe color shal be. -John Horner Miler
Dear Kait, Congratulations on all of your achievements at Notre Dame. We are so incredibly proud of you! You are truly a beautiful person inside and out. Your love of life, positive attitude and love of helping others is so admirable. You have grown to be such a wonderful young woman. Follow your heart and dreams and we know that you will achieve success.
Congra'tulations Aishal Love,
1\1\c:::>rn & Dad, AunTe Mimi & Mark
We Love You, Mom & Dad
You have accomplished so much but it is who you are that makes ~ us most proud. Your presence makes the world a better 路 -. place. As you take on your ~路 next set of challenges know , that our love and prayers are I:~路~ -~7 always with you.
Congratulations to our spark of life on your graduation. You're very special and we love you so very much. Love, MomandDad
... .
~;i - :.Cj
love you and are very proud. Always keep your sense of fun. Love, Mom, Dad, Nick, Beth &
Dear Rachael,
We are so proud or you and your accomplishments. You have turned into a rine young woman. You have danced your way into our hearts. Continue to be true to yourselr and your lire will be truly rewarding.
"/hope you never fear those mountains in the distance Never settle for the path of least resistance Livin' might mean takin' chances But they're worth takin' Lovin' might be a mistake But it's worth makin' Don't let some hell-bent heart Leave you bitter When you come close to sellin' out Reconsider Give the heavens above More than just a passing glance And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance I hope you dance" -Lee Ann Womack
We Love You, Mom, Dad and Sterannie
Love, Mommy and Daddy
Be the best of who are and what else you are still to become. Remember most ofall that you are always loved by us, your family. We stand proud ofyou, your choices, and your accomplishments. You have touched us most deeply with your love and laughter. Peace and Love, Mom, Dad and Hayley
Congratulations, Gabby, you did it! We are so proud of you. Not a day goes by without us thinking about how much Y!JU have grown these past four years. Now you will continue your book of Life with more sentences, paragraphs, and chapters. When your travels become difficult, remember the footprints. Always follow your heart and your dreams. You are an inspiration, you're our shining light. We love you.
W/ui%ag~ !JO«- ~~~tad Ut, lag!£ ~dwol. KU(lth.4& ~ 1iJJtld Uf, !JOilK!ItuPrrfliUi, pull 1hM ourltw. ~ 1iJ ~ 1iJ ~. w~ 11M fliUi, it.av& alwo,g~ hU«t pwud oftia pW®Kt !JO«- OM.
· A!toliKI t;v&, Mo., DaJ a.«~i, t!J~
Our wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to, Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay
Love, . Mom, Dad & Lady Dog
small, You never need to carry more than you can hold, And while you're out there getting where you're getting to, We hope you know we love and are so proud of you! Remember to show the world the warmth of your smile. With love, Mom, Dad, Jenny, Megan & Jack
Congratulations JT! Congratulations Class of2009! We are so proud of you! Keep up the good work and enjoy college! Love, MomandDad Abby2011 Laurel2013
Fol(, wfdt.j w& OM glf&~lui
God II«Uk «4li41ilr4, Ota h4lr1i II«Hk «4 ~. lov& /aqJl «4 holflkd T~ tidck, rwt 11uw, tidH,.
To h& U£ gota !if&. Tltougft ota poJ:ItJ 1«8!J &ad U4 Dowl(, lPf~ 'UJru/4 Godgav& «4 ~ o~ To hlp wdJ, 1/a t;aJ,.
Beutg IDMltg gtvPJ, p~,
Alii& alwagl tUPJ,. G'WwiKg tiJg~ W041ia hP.4tlol(, «4.
CoVJqratiAiatioVJs, Moll~ . .
W& {!(JJ(; tUM&g~ Ota fivP.4 wcdwut"gou. f i41iJu OM fol(, /aqJJ
Ad lolfJWu -wa. Nicholas Orzol : Nick, I earn believe how quickly time has gone by since the day you W§:3re born. I know you will accomplish anything that you desire in life. Alf My -Heart, Mom Nick, · As we proudly watched your · achievemePt.s in g fammor ..and nigtlschoot-we know you a;e destined t6 reach your goql$ in college and-your dreams in life. - Love, · · Nar:m..Yand Pop Pep Nick You hove made a proudfather watchif1g you grow·from a little boy into a great young man.""
oiAr love, Mom, Dad, Deirdre & BriaVJa
Alex Francescone: Congratulations Alex! We are very - Gina DeAgresta: ~ proud of you and all your _ Congratulations, Gina! accomplishments at Notre Dame We are so proud of you . We these past 4 years. Sports, studies, always knew you would achieve friendships old and hew, growth greatness . •We jusf ajdnLt thir.~k i t and changes, have..maqe for would happen so fast:- We me woricferful memories here at Notre ·g oing to miss you :terribly next-year. Dame. Qur wiShJor your futwe is But we 1<now tt]at you ar_e goirLg that you feel the LJnconditional -to be happy and we are confident Jove and support that you thaf you will_o..chieve even greater experienced at Kalros to be - things in college. · present where God's journey for yqu-unfoids ...:W~'I~be lovi~ ou _ .. Always rememb_er that YQ.\:lr Juture _ always, ·-..-depends on many things, but -· Mom, Dad, LiZ; and-HollYmostly: on you.. The mqst important key to achieving greatsuc~Eiss is ·: to believe-in yeurself. Never give lJ.Q your dream . We wish yel:J-011 Alexa Pastor: the best in tt:le futur~-and never - It is amazing how fast these four forget fhat we will·always 5e her e . wonaerful years have gone. This is for yoy. . ._ :, only the beginning of an.exciting journey in your life. We couldn't _ be more pr6t.Jd of the wonderful young lady you have become. Always stay true. to ytru}self,. and follow your heart Jn all you do. May God -bless you in ·your life, as He has blessed us .with.the greatest gift of all-You. Love, !v'lommy, Daddy,.and Ra~hel
like to thank Ms. Kimtis, Ms. Riley, Mrs. Rynkewicz, Ms. Corrado, Mr. Chebra, Ms. (organ, · and everyone else who has helped this book come together. Without your help, we wouldn't be looking back at our memories!
product of countless hours of hard work!
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
Times To Remember 2009
won his third
u.s. Open
title at Torrey Pines . outlasting Rocco Mediate on the 191h hole of a play-off.
GATES. Microsoft's chairman
and largest
shareho lder. marked the unofficial end of his career. " retiring " to spend more time guiding his charitable foundation .
space shuttle Discovery landed safely in Florida after delivering a new Japanese
NEW ORLEANS RAPPER LIL WAYNE grew his fan base with free songs. then sold more than a million copies of "Tha Carter Ill " in a week . the first album since 2005 to do so .
MIDWESTERN FLOODING caused by severe storms that dropped nearly a foot of rain from Iowa to Michigan and Indiana displaced thousands and left at least eight dead .
ATENNESSEE REPEAT made Coach Pat Summit 's Lady Vols the NCAA champions for a second consecutive year; Candace Parker won backto-back MVP honors .
OBAMA'S NOMINATION histo~when. made
on june 3, 2008, Barack
Obama finally had what he needed- more than 2 . 118 delegates- to clinch the Democratic nomination and become the first African -American with a viable chance of winning the United States presidency. Obama . an Illinois senator in office less than four years . and New York senator and former First Lady Hillary Clinton had campaigned from coast to coast for months for the right to face Republican John McCain in the Nov. 4 general election.
2008 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 APHll
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 5 7 9 11 '
DETROIT'S STANLEY CUP win over the Pittsburgh Penguins in Game 6 of the finals brought the National Hockey League title to the Motor City for the fourth time in II years.
17th NBA
championship title by the largest margin ever. trouncing the L.A. Lakers by 39 points in the final game of the playoffs.
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ·lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 15 20 ) •
JULY llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 7
a sequel
to Christopher Nolan's "Batman Begins," shattered box office records with its July release. In just 10 days, the superhero thriller brought in more than $300 million at the box office. eclipsing the mark held by "Dead Man's Chest" by nearly a week. Filmed in Chicago, the movie 's special effects, musical scores and viral marketing added to its allure and mystique. "The Dark Knight" was nominated for eight Academy Awards , including a posthumous nod for Heath Ledger (for Best Supporting Actor as the Joker). Attempting to enhance its Oscarwinning chances and to surpass $1 billion in worldwide gross. the film was re-released on Jan . 23 , 2009 .
Carlos Sastre wore the leader's famed yellow jersey on the final day of the three-week race . The Spaniard won the 95th title by just 58 seconds .
July legislation included lifting a 17-year ban on off-shore drill ing and sign ing a rescue bill into law, hoping to bo lster the sagging housing market.
STAR BUCKS ANNOUNCES CLOSINGS of as many as 600 U.S. stores. After years of aggressive growth . the world 's largest coffee chain announced cutbacks.
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 20 23 4
AUGUST 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
sister Serena to
win her fifth Wimbledon singles title . The pair beat Lisa Raymond of the U.S. and Samantha
a busy summer with the release of both the album "A Little Bit Longer" and their Disney movie "Camp Rock" plus a 46show tour.
JULY WILDFIRES threatened property across California as firefighters in the Sacramento and Big Sur areas battled flames in I 00-degree weather.
biggest selling artist of 2008 , selling more than four million albums . She also performed with Def Leppard in a CMT "Crossroads" episode.
the family of Brad
Pitt and Angelina jolie in july when twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline were born in France. In addition to their family responsibilities and charitable work , the pair had a productive year careerwise with both "Changeling" and "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" receiving box office and critical acclaim .
路c 11
of nearly
seven years culminated in an extravaganza featuri ng more than 14.000 performers.
fans of the
50-yea r-old Chicago comedian/actor.
meant national pride,
athletic competition . pageantry and more. More than 10,000 athletes competed in 300-plus events in 28 sports at 31 competitive venues . many of which had been constructed specifically for the Olympics. An estimated 6.8 million tickets were sold for the various competitions . and the Beijing Olympics was officially the most-watched television event of all time . Through 16 days of coverage, 211 million viewers tuned in to the Olympics on NBC. Among the American success stories were Kerri Walsh and Misty May-Treanor's consecutive golds in beach volleyball, the gold won by U.S. men's basketball team after a disappointing bronze in Athens and swimmer Michael Phelps ' eight golds. which brought his lifetime total to 14 Olympic golds.
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll , 25 29
SEPTEMBER 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111 1
presidential nomination saying. "Change is coming ." The former POW had been an Ari zona senator for more than 20 years .
won his
fifth U.S. Open crown after losses in the finals of both the French Open and Wimbledon to top-ranked/gold medalist Rafael Nadal of Spain .
U.S. OLYMPIC GYMNASTS won the team silver medal with Nastia Liukin and Shawn John son collecting an additional pair of golds . four more silvers and a bronze .
THE FASTEST MAN EVER. Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt set a new world record (9 .69 secondsl) en route to his Olympic gold medal in the 100-meter dash in Beijing.
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
NINTENDO Wll FIT allowed
millions of
users to do virtual yoga , strength training , aerobics and balance games.
remained in Iraq after more than five years at war in the Middle East. but combat casualties were down significantly and only four coalition countries' troops remained . Fewer than 150,000 U.S. , U.K. , Australian
first in
a series of romantic/ vampire fantasy novels. exceeded expectations at the box office. prompting immediate discussion of additional adaptations .
WIND FARMS continued
spring up at a record pace in 2008 as Americans sought cost-effective sources for zero-emission power. Texas . Iowa and California led production .
GUITAR HERO AND ROCK BAND continued their battle for virtual musicians ; with 4 million units sold (to Guitar Hero 's 23 million). Rock Band included drummers .
were back in the news for the first time
since the terrorist attacks of 91 II crippled the already-ailing airline industry. Beginning with a $30 million assist in the March acquisition of financial giant Bear Stearns by JP Morgan Chase, a series of federal aid bills aimed at preventing collapses of myriad finance and investment businesses were signed into effect. In October. President George Bush signed a $700 billion financial bailout package which would allow the government to start buying up troubled assets from financial institutions caught in the home foreclosure epidemic.
.........--. -,. I ~ .: __...... I ~
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 21 30
WORLD SERIES RAIN DELAYS caused a twoday wait for the Philadelphia Phillies. who eventually won their first title since 1980. beating the Tampa Bay Rays 4-3 in five games .
the Southeast as shortages caused lines and lengthy waits for gas costing nearly $5 a gallon following Hurricane Ike which caused damage in oil fields . pipelines and
I ll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllll c
POLLING DAY lines were the talk of the nation . While many states allowed for early voting. the " unprecedented turnout" meant long lines and waits of many hours.
CELEBRATING IN GRANT PARK was a logical conclusion for hundreds of thousands of Chicago residents who gathered to hear the victory speech . The party on "Chicago's front lawn" featured six spotlights piercing the nighttime sky and nine Jumbotrons on which CNN 's Wolf Blitzer projected Obama's victory shortly after 10 p.m.
NOVEMBER 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 7
by his wife Michelle and daughters Sasha (7) and Malia ( 10). Obama addressed the more than 250,000 gathered in Grant Park and millions more who watched on television . "If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible: who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time: who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer." he said. Vice President-elect Joe Bid en and his wife Jill shared the stage.
became a popular poster and T-shirt during the campaign . Before Inauguration Day, the piece by the L.A . street artist also hung in the National Portrait Gallery.
generally favorable ; world leaders
and random citi zen s voiced support for Obama in media worldwide .
THE LARGEST DINOSAUR FOSSIL FIELD EVER was discovered in China this year. Paleontologists announced in December that more than 7.600 fossils . including a skull measuring two meters . were uncovered .
HILLARY CLINTON . once his opponent for the presidential nomination. was later selected by President-elect Barack Obama to serve as Secretary of State.
F-18 CRASHES INTO A NEIGHBORHOOD in San Diego en route to a nearby Marine base after a training exercise; the accident killed three residents of one home.
ROD BLAGOJEVICH. governor of Illinois. was charged with corruption after conspiring to obtain personal gain in filling Obama's vacated seat in the Senate.
COLDPLAY'S CHRIS MARTIN . who was accused of plagiarism by guitarist Joe Satriani. won three Grammys. including Song of the Year for "Viva Ia Vida ."
DECEMBER 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 6
reflected the struggling economy. A
decrease of 1.5-2% in both November and December was the first since 1969. when such records originated . On the other hand. discount stores such as Target. Costco and Walmart were less affected and Amazon declared the 2008 holiday season its "best ever," selling more than 6.3 million items worldwide on Dec. 15 . its peak day, amounting to "a record-breaking 72.9 items per second."
discovered in northern Peru, providing the "missing link" between two ancient civilizations . ANEW ENGLAND ICE STORM left nearly a million homes and businesses without electricity. The powerfu I storm's heavy rains. cold temperatures and high winds wreaked havoc on the region .
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their second BCS championship title with a 24-14 victory over second-ranked Oklahoma . Gator QB Tim Tebow threw for 231 yards and ru shed for another 109 yards.
year's first . occurred on
Jan . 26 and was visible from southern Africa to Australia . Southeast Asia and Indonesia. The 2009 calendar also showed four lunar
a seventh season after a hiatus of nearly 20 months . The awardwinning drama was nominated for 57 Emmys in its first six seasons.
THE SECOND ANNUAL NHL WINTER CLASSIC. played outside at Chicago 's Wrigley Field on Jan . I. ended with the Detroit altl~~l!!!!t':"'~~~C Red Wings beating the Blackhawks 6-4.
ANAL FRANKEN VICTORY was declared on Jan . 5, after nearly eight weeks of recounts and appeals. Incumbent Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman announced his appeal.
allowed all iSS aboard
Airways Flight # 1549 to escape safely after the Airbus A320 struck a flock of birds during a LaGuardia take-off for Charlotte. NC. Veteran pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger guided the jetliner over New York City without engines and landed it in the Hudson River. where passengers waited on the wings and in rafts to be rescued from the frigid waters by ferries and Coast Guard vessels.
JANUARY 111111111111111111111111111111111111 J lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 12
"LOST" RETURNS TO ABC with unresolved mysteries and many questions . The fifth season of the award -winning drama opened in January attracting more than 12 .2 million viewers.
a leave of absence in January. citing health reasons . Jobs asked COO Tim Cook to take the reins through June . when he planned to return .
and his wife Michelle greet the public on Inauguration Day.
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historic sixth Super Bowl victory in Tampa once again gave
Pittsburgh bragging rights as the Steelers beat the Arizona Cardinals 27-23 with a last-minute touchdown by MVP Santonio Holmes. The Steelers won their second Super Bowl in four seasons after a game-ending seesaw that also included a 64-yard Arizona TD by All-Pro Larry Fitzgerald with just 2:37 remaining.
USS GEORGE H.W. BUSH, a new Navy aircraft carrier. was commissioned in honor of the 84-year ,~~~ old 41 st president and : decorated WWII Navy pilot in January.
LAST EPISODE OF "THE LATE SHOW" with Conan 0' Brien was Feb . 20 and Jimmy Fallon took over as host March 2. In June.
0 ' Brien replaces Jay Leno as Tonight Show host.
LIFE ON MARS was considered a possibility after European space scientists found ice packs near the planet 's surface and higher atmospheric methane levels .
BRITISH SINGER ADELE won the Grammy for Best new artist. The 20-year old vocalist also won Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for her hit "Chasing Pavement."
JAPAN'S MOUNT ASAMA erupted . sending a plume
supporting actress in "The Reader " and Best
of ash a mile into the sky.
Actress in " Revolutionary Road " ended her
streak of nominations-not-wins at five in both the Golden Globe and Oscar awards.
with ISO million users .
Six weeks later. Winslett won the Best
the business is worth
Actress Oscar for "The Reader."
more than $1 billion .