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of the gifts carved by adroit craftsmen who have labored to introduce attitudes of mind, we have nurtured these attitudes and made them productive. purpose of growth in character and spiritual development, we have built upon natural and supernatural truths.
hours coupled with diligent study have not only added to our academic knowledge but have strengthened the foundation of our way of life.
by disappointment and rewarded by accomplishment, we strove toward our goal despite, obstacles.
a tradition of greatness we have built upon it so that we may transmit an enriched heritage to those who follow.
through participation in curricular and extra curricular activities we have developed sense of personal and social responsibility.
Endlessly 2
from the accumulated wisdom and knowledge of all ages, we have whetted our appetites for more knowledge of what is yet unexplored.
grateful to those who have guided our endeavors, we carry forward the torch of filial honor and love in the name of Our Alma Mater, Notre Dame. Dl'\clorl'd hy Kathkl'll \lunnion.
ol I W1-L
..wtth the trath ttf J!elf 6etnfj nttn-e.xtJ!tent J!elf haJ! ntt 6ttrderJ! Jietf haJ! ntt 6ttandarteJ! Jietf haJ! ntt &mttJ! the;;erJ!ttna&tj' ~e tnha6tt tJ! a fatten Jihred ttff the whttte f!arn we hadttt tttJ!e ttar J!etf ttt knttw ttar J!elf J!tt we jjetJ!matt tn ttrder ttt fjrttw..
Dear Class of 2005, "No Boundaries, No Limits" .. .Is that possible? There seem to be many limits and boundaries in life. You have been measured and defined by IQ' s,AP' s, and SAT's. You've discovered your talents and identified talents you will never have. You may run fast but your vocal range is limited. You may surpass academic boundaries for a 12th grader but your hand-eye coordination keeps you from scoring a goal on any court or field. Dr. Phil will tell you that if you don't have healthy boundaries when building a relationship you are doomed to frustration, loneliness and failure. Every credit card account has a clearly established limit and it's not true that as long as you have checks there will be money in the bank. Your future is fraught with limited warranties, property boundaries, and lines you'd better not cross! However, there once was a teenager lvin~ named Mary. She found herself a virgin with child. She asked, "How can this be?" Two sisters mourned a beloved brother who got up and walked out of his burial chamber. A son broke every rule and discovered a father lovingly waiting to bring him home. A bride and a groom were saved when water became wine. A few fish and a bit of bread fed a hungry crowd. And, a hero who was named a criminal and put to a shameful death brought joy, love, hope, and salvation to humankind.
Mary Liz
In this world, you will face many limits and boundaries. Some will strengthen you and others will strangle you. Work to build our Father's Kingdom each day where no limits will hold us back and no boundaries will hold us in. Build this Kingdom with your faith, love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Remember always that there is no limit to the love God has for you and with God all things are possible.
With love, Ms. Mary Liz Ivins Principal
Dear Members of the Class of 2005, It is with great pride that I congratulate each of you. We started our journey together at Notre Dame High School. I have shared many special events in your lives over the last four years Liturgies, Homecomings, Spirit Weeks, Assemblies, Student Government Elections, Cotillions, Proms, and Graduation. I know that your parents and teachers share my pride in the adults you are becoming. Your openness, concern for others, support of one another, service and involvement in many aspects of school life, zest for life, and your amazing spirit have touched my heart. The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world. But that does not lessen your possible impact, for there are scores of people waiting for someone just like you to come along; people who will appreciate your compassion, your unique talents, someone who will live a happier life merely because you took the time to share what you had to give. In closing, I challenge you to dream big dreams, not only for yourselves, but for the larger world that you are part of. There are "no boundaries or no limits" to what you can accomplish. We need your hands, your heart, and your faith, to bring peace and justice and mercy into the world. My prayer for you is that you cherish the love of our wondrous God, and that you honor that love through the choices you make. With Love, Miss Joan Pilkington Assistant Principal
Joan Pilkington Vice Principal
By its very nature, high school puts boundaries around each of its student. We are bound by calenders, bell schedules, codes of conduct, credit requirements, etc. However, from this registration should emerge creativity and intellectual expansion. We hope that with each activity, be it academic, athletic, social or religious, your mind will process the phenomena and look for more. Therein lies the goal of education- to show you what there is and to encourage you to go beyond those boundaries. Leave Notre Dame with a thirst for knowledge. Never stop learning; draw knowledge form each and every source you find. Read everything that pleases you and, once in a while, something that doesn't quite excite you. Engage in conversation, even with someone you may think has nothing in common with you. Accept every challenge; keep you mind open to new experiences. At the end of the day, for the rest of your life, call it a good day if you can say you learned at least one thing that you didn't know the previous day. Boundaries will always exist for each of us; do your best to push those boundaries just a little farther. Salvatore Sciarrotta
Salvatore Sciarrotta Vice Principal
Sr. MarteJtfft Ejan
.:.1kntJw J~he ?4';xaJI?nff ft!r a1 ntJw. She wt!!ket;J a watohfa! efle tJn a4' frtJm her. htJme tn Heaven. ..the t!nlf!;;taoe Jihe wtJatd ever oat!htJme tJatJ~tde t!f NtJtre Dame. Leta~ her NtJtre Dame famtlff: OtJnttnae ttl htJntJr her fJ14'htJwtng thatwe !earnedher !e4'4'tJn4' wet!. Let aJ' oaJ~t tJarJ~e!w4' eaoh daf! tnttJ the !tJvtng ;;rtJvtdenoe t!f tJar GtJd wtth an!tmtted otJnftdenoe tn Ht4' Ot!m!Ja4'4'ttJn. LetaJ'dtJ J'tJ maoh andaJ'k J'tJ !ttt!t. LetaJ'never otJndemn tJr ortttotze fat 4'trtve ttJ anderJ~tand and a;;;;reotatt. LttaJ'walk and!tveand!tJve wtthgraot. Maf!we ftJrewr htJntJr J!t!U, dear Sr.Jt!4't, fJIket;Jtng a!tveatNtJtre DameJlt!ar fe!tJved Sj.Jtrtt t!f Meroff"
Mrj;, Btfltrlff'
Wt rtmtmbtr wttlt ltJfltandtmmtn4't rt4jJtOtf/tti btttJwdBtwr!ff Batltff Ktarn4: NtJtrt lJamt BttJitrjff ttaolttr and Of/ttn4'ttm: Ottr Mr4: .f(tarn4' and lttr dtar lttt4'bandJaok wtrt tnttjrat mtmbtr4' tJf tltt NtJtrt lJamt Famtlff: Sltt ttJttolttdtltt ltw4' tJf Of/ttntlt4'4' 4'tttdtnt4: ttaolttr4' andjJartnt4' f/f/tr tltt ff&ar4: FnJm lttr wtJrk wttlt makt-ttjJ andjJf'ff/J4'ftJr tJttr mtt4'toat4'ttJlttr !tadtr4'1tijJ wttlt tlttltt4'1t Amtrtoan Ctttd tJttr Mr4: Ktarn4' wa4' . a Of/n4'ttmmattjJrtJft4'4'ttJnat, jJ(tJfltdtnff !tadtr4'1tijJ and4-ttjJjJtJrt ftJr lttr 4'tttdtnt4: atwaff4' wttlt warmth and ttJflt.
Mrs. Jean McGraw ittd' !IM d'ttjJrtmt ar! t!f !IM !taolttr !tJ awakenjt!f! tn oma!tf/t tXjJrt4'4'ttJn and kntJw-ttdjt. "At6tr! Bnd'!ttn
7taolttr4' oan oltanjt ttw4' w-t!ltjtt-4'! !Itt rtjlt! mtx t!f oltatk and oltatttnjti "Jt!f!Ot A. Mf!tr4'
Ftrr manff"jftar:r ntrW; Mr4; MoGraw ha:r bttn an trat:rtaltdtnj ttaohtr a:r wetta:ran trat:rtandtnjjJtr:ftrn htrtatNtrtrt lJamt. Sht ha:r taajhtmant tt:f:ftrn:f tn ht:rttrrya:r wetta:r tn &ft. Overthtttar:f, :rhtha:rbrtrajhthtr:rtadtnt:rmaohhajJjJtnt:f:f, a:rwett a:rtnttrtatnmtntwtth an trooa:fttrnatrtndttttrn trfa war :ftrnj trr tht VttyjJtrjJatarhtr&datota:r:rto, V CltrMtma:r liJad: Mr4; MoGrawha:r at:rtrdtdtoattdhtr ttmtttr Ntrtrt lJamtbtmtrdtrat?nj MtrdttUNand Mtrdtt Ctrnjrt:f:f, a:r wetta:r travt&nj trn mant l(!ttrtr:r rttrtat:r trver thtttard; Htr 'Strathtrn Bette":ftj'ttm:akt:rhtr trnt trfa ktnd. Htr oandtdjJhra:rt:r &kt titrtj' rtd ht;JjJ?t otrmmtt jJtrf/trt' and 1trw &ft mt:rtrabtttankttjJtrnd:roam"matntrtbt andtr:rttrtrdbttflttytrnt, bat ttr htr :rtadtnt:rthttbrtnj baok mantmtmtrrtt:r trf:ftrmt trftht mtr:ft tnttrtatntnj ota:r:rt:r trfthttr &w4; A:ra ttaohtt; :rhtha:rohatltnjtd htr AP Ht:rttrry:rtadtnt:rdat tn anddat tra!, hti!Jtnj thtm wtrrk ttr thttr fattjJtrttnttat. La:rtttat; 90% trfhtr AP :rtadtnt:r :rotrrtda 4 trr bttttr trn tht AP Untttd Statt:r Ht:rttrry Exam, and att trf htr :rtadtnt:r:rotrrtda 3 trr bttttr. Sht trjJtn:fhtrhtra:ft ttrhtr AP Ht:rttrry :rtadtnt:ftflttyttarftrr a ttrnjafttrntrtrn:rtadt:ft:f:fttrn otrmjJ!ttt wtth jJtzza and trthtr tmat:r btftrrt tht AP t.xam. Mr4; MoGraw t:ra trnttrf-a--ktnd ttaohtr thattflttytrnt oan !tarn frtrm and thattflttytrnt :rhtratdhave tht jJrtf/tltjt trfhavtnj tn ota:fd; Tltt 2005 Canttott t:r jJrtrad ttr dtdtoatt tht:rttar':fttarbtrtrk ttr tht Jatart qattn trf tht untvtrJ~t;
Mrf, }tan MoGram
Timothy Agasar
Alyssa Agati
Rachael Anderson
Elizabeth Andrews
Whennah Andrews
Erick Andrino
Melissa Antinoro
Carlyn Appel
Christopher Arcari
John Arone
Jonathan Avolio
Joseph Bagtas
James Balletto
Michael Bartuska III
Alexander Bayrasli
Brian Belli
Lindsey Billings
William Birch
Rachael Bissell
Bernadette Blusnavage
Paul Boehme
Chelsea Bosak
Angelia Brahan
Philip Brand
Kathleen Brown
Alison Buchler
Albert Buck
Melissa Bugdal
Danielle Bujak
Tim Burns
Michael Burylo
Ashley Butler
Zack Butovich
Kristina Campbell
Drew Cannon
Caitlyn Carman
Jerma Carney
Spencer Carrow
Joseph Casano
Gregory Cashel
Daniel Castrogiovanni
Chelsea Cercone
Denni Chiappetta
Doug Christian
Kyle Clark
Jamie Clarkson
Blakeley Clemency
Eric Collins
Mark Colon
Andrew Compagnucci
Marybeth Competelli
Thomas Connolly
Kathleen Convery
Andrew Cooke
Ashley Costello
Brandon Credle
Ian Culley
Danielle Daguio
Lindsey Daly
Loic deLame
Armand DelaRosa
Sean Dempsey
Kyle Dempster
Saarang Desai
Daniella DiLorenzo
Joseph Drago
Stephanie Drouillard
Kim Duffner
Daniel Elghossain
Ross Elliott
Heather Elsesser
Elizabeth Emmanuel
Alexandra Erhardt
Darius Eslami
Rachael Fainelli
James Farrell
Lori Favre
Jaime Feehan
Erin Drulis
Nicole Fellows
Gina Ferrara
Kevin Fischer Jr.
Jillian Foundos
Shasta Fowler
Brian Frankowski
Gabrielle Frederico
Caesar Fuentes
Mark Gaal
Meghan Gabel
LaToya Gaines
Camille Gallo
Nicolle Gallo
Joseph Giaquinto
Brooks Fitzpatrick
Laura Harrington
Ida Goslin
Christopher Gray
Jacqueline Greco
Richard Gunnell
Christian Hahn
Thomas Hahn
Geoffrey Halliday
Catherine Handrich
Peter Harris Jr.
Chade Harris
Kristin Hastry
Earl Hawley III
John Heater
Meghan Henner
Michael Henry
Aradia Herbst-Gervasoni
Emily Hinton
Ashley Hober
Brian Hoffman
Karen Hogan
Julia Holden
John Hoover
Jeffrey Hornyak
Stephen Hunt
Lauren Icovino
Ryan Jackson
Renee Janolo
Susan Koehler
Justin Jez
Jeffrey Jones
Anthony Juno
Jessi Kane
Brittany Kenney
Katelynn Kilcommons
Kristina King
Matthew King
Christopher Kinnevy
Jeff Kol talo
Geoffrey Konopka
Andrew Kornrumpf
James Kostinas
Matthew Kutch
Toni-Ann Lagana
Anna LaMachia
Justin Langan
Christian Lara-Ensslin
Kyle Leedom
Emily Leonard
Brian Lewis
Robert Lewis
Meghan Lilly
Amanda Lind
Katrina Lajiness
Christen Lindner
Thomas Lyon
Kelly Mackey
Christa Marzan
Melissa Mason
Jacqueline Longo
Adam Marszalek
Edward Masterson Jr.
Caroline Mayes
Meredith Mays
Gregory McAnany
Jared McCarthy
Andrew McConnell
Kathleen McCue
Ryan McEnerney
Amy McGhee
Christopher McGrath
Megan McKeever
Caitlin McMullen
Ryan McQuillan
Margaret McSorley
Corey Michaels
Katie Michalak
Frank Milles III
Peter Milovcich
William Mitchell
Despina Moraitis
Danielle Morgan
Charles Morris
Melissa Murphy
Rebecca Murray
Mihir Murthy
Richard Myslinski
Carl Natter Jr.
Nicole Nicholson
Sean Noonan
Caitlin O'Brien
Dana O'Brien
Richard O'Neill
Ricardo Oliveras
David Ortiz
Samantha Otto
Jameson Paige
Brenna Pancza
Sarah Pantages
Frank Papasidero III
Joseph Parmegiani
Kristin Pe
Caitlin Peiffer
Maureen Peiffer
Justin Pellecchia
Jarrett Pelzer
Jill Petrangeli
Michael Pisano
Brett Piscopo
Calin Platt
Lisa Procaccini
Marie Pryor
Joseph Pyle
Daniel Quinn
Rebecca Ramirez
Thomas Rankin
Jared Root
Elizabeth Ratzlaff
Eric Reilly
Kelly Reilly
Christopher Riccio
Makenzie Rice
Andrew Riexinger
Erin Rimmer
Stephanie Rogers
Heather Rohr
Yadira Rosero
Alexis Rossetti
Kristen Ryan
Carissa Salvatore
David Sannino
Jessica Saphire
Maria Sapienza
Michelle Schuler
Brittany Selman
Michelle Sferruzzo
Matthew Shapson
Bridget Sheridan
Juan Sibley
Stephen Sionne
W. Charles Sipio
Jena Sleman
Andrew Smith
Owen Smith
Mark Stephan
Stanley Tilton III
Michael Stirm II
Amanda Stirone
Allison Stover
Christina Taft
Christopher Tanglaw
Edward Tertel III
Peter Thompson
Austin Thornton III
Jennifer Tiberi
Brian Toia
J. Jeffrey Tragone
Tiquan Underwood
Christopher Ungrady
Matthew Valentino
Matthew Valerio
Katharine Vitolo
Elizabeth Waldron
Michael Walsh
Ann Wang
Jeffrey Warwick
Joshua Webster
Lamir Whetstone
Damon Williams
Stephanie Williams
Stephen Witkowski
Todd Woodruff
Neha Yadav
Brittany Wilson
Thomas Yake
Kathleen Yorks
Laura Zaccaria
Alex Zilinski
Diamond Zucchetti
Ntr Btrttndartet Ntr Ltmttf ftJr tltt
Ctaff ffi 2005 31
The third weekend of October marked another great Homecoming for Notre Dame. Starting with a hot bonfire on Thursday, lit by our very own Ms.Ivins. Notre Dame students then gathered with fellow classmates and watched the seniors and juniors compete in a buffalo wing eating contest. This year the juniors beat out the seniors! Friday night marked the homecoming game in which Notre Dame beat the Nottingham North-stars 217. Tyquan Underwood and Josie Haller were honored as King and Queen during the half time festivities. The weekend continued with the dance Saturday night, and the annual Wrobo-run. The homecoming weekend was a success with many memories.
Liz Waldron, Laura Harrington, Erin Drulis, Chelsea Cercone, Katie McCue, Kim Duffner
Mike Burylo, Eric Reilly, Carl Natter
((We wiff a[ways treasure our fzigfi scfwo{friendships"
Amy McGhee, Ashley Hober
Calin Platt, Ashley Blaine, Maria Sapienza
Stef Rogers, Kate Vitolo
Caitlin McMullen, Nicole Fellows
Kirstin Auletta, Nicole Nicholson
Jacqueline Greco, James Farrell
(rq'roe :Friernfs are tfze peop(e that are tfzere for you uncorufitiona[[y. 'Iftey are tfze peop(e that never question you aruf support you no matter what the circumstances are. 'Iftey are tfze peop(e worth fiving for." -unl(nown
Ashley Hober, Jessi Kane
Lindsey Billings, Christopher Arcari
Nicolle Gallo, Catherine Handrich, Yadira Rosero
James Kostinas, Marybeth Competelli, Andrew Compagnucci, Dana Hamm
Jacqueline Longo, Gabrielle Frederico, Laura Zaccaria
((rrru[y great friends are hard to fineÂŁ cfiJficu[t to reave, ancf impossibfe to forget." - 2{ancfofj
Matt King, Caitlin McMullen
Rachael Fainelli
Denni Chiappetta
Katie McCue
Brittany Kenney
Jessica Saphire
Chris Arcari Christy Lindner
.9!rtistic Creativity is a wliirpoo{ of imagination that swirfs in tfze depths of tfze mind. - !]Wbert rrotli
Jamie Paige
Dan Lomax
Kristin Hastry
Jen Tiberi
Katelynn Kilcommons
Shasta Fowler Jackie Greco
'%ÂŁjob oj tlie artist is a!ways to deepen tlie myste'!l. '' - francis 1Jacon Shattered Wings and Lucid Dreams by Caroline Mayes Bridges can't stand when rain is washing them away, I desperately try to find sunshine that will always remain. The river below is dark and filled with pain that each of our own bridges have left behind, And the sky above is gray, but something, nonetheless, shines in the corner of my eye. At then end of my bridge, there sparkles and iridescent light, Wings of a butterfly against this dark sky, lost and confused, trying to suppress her fright. She flutters in and out of the bridge's pillars, trying to find out what she has lost, Getting caught in spider webs and dodging rain, she will find whatever it is at any cost. Falling and feeling the stones that cover this bridge, she flutters her wings and fights to find, Searching frantically, yet patiently, she's not sure what she has left behind. Finally reaching the other side, she puts her wings to rest, Feeling she may be close, anticipation builds, but she's not quite sure just yet. Following a trail she feels she's known all her existence, She knows she will find it through determination and persistence. The winds pick up and the trees sway with the sheets of rain, This is it, she said, finally a way to cure my pain Waking up beside my bed, I see it's just a dream, But something in the room is different, maybe things just are the way they seem. This butterfly has lost her path and can't seem to find her way home, Just then a familiar voice whispers softly love you butterfly, you will never be alone." Trying to fix her wings as soon as she can, to get back on her way, She fluttered back to my knee, gazed mystically into my eyes, and had one thing left to say, "Although the bridge may seem to wither it still stands to strong, You have to know that what you've been searching for has been with you all along. All this time it was something that you have sadly lost in hindered sight, Give it patience, time, and care, for what you have lost sight of is the power of love, on this dark and stormy night.
On Impact
Growing Up
by Alex Zilinski
by Marybeth Compettelli
I've been falling like a bomb, just not as strong as you. on impact when I disintegrate, and can never start brand new. The streets we walk are stencils of suicide, tracing the lines until they become mine. On the arm of this boy who's got a fever spare, who never sees where he's going because of the length of his hair. The girl lies in shambles on a corner for sale, while her makeup and regrets bleeds from her eyes and her nails. What an outfit, a three piece seduction suit, it's missing some meaning, but it's the thing that completes you. Besides the cut on your shoulders or a line of coke on the floor, and apology that's carved into the side of my door .. I couldn't find an exit from the dream I've become used to. Every window looks the same, and every reflection looks like you. I told the sky I was sorry and begged for its approval. instead it was asked for the bomb dropped before but the fact was, I could move it..
It was a disheartening day in mid May When the bright colors of the world faded. The reds and yellows changed to black and gray, And the faces of people are shaded. Dark shadows cover the promising light, happiness and freedom is what I pine. People are giving up without a fight, And I'm losing everything that is mine. Confusion has clouded my doubtful mind, Hardships and sadness are surrounding me. I'm realizing the troubles of our time, And I don't know who I'm supposed to be. The endless road before me is unclear, Changing and growing up is what I fear.
Alicia Abalo I
tomless pride and love; Mom, Dad, you! We love you with all of our Evan, Bill and Jamie. hearts Kirstin! Congratulations! Mom, Dad, Jason, Kelsey, and Ryan
Congratulations! You made it. Never give up if you want something. Believe in yourself and yo can make it happen. e are so p ou of you Rosie! We All my love in whatever you do, watched you grow into a beautiful MOM young lady these past four years an it has been a wonderful star fo yo . Now you will begin a ne Timothy A. Agasar journey and we know that you will It's hard to believe that your High succeed at anything you try. FolSchool days are comingrto an end. low your heart and you will find We have been very prou you,.1~ y ur dreams. Remember that we accomplishments at Notre Dame. are always here for you. Never forYour success was a result of your get that we love you and are very hard work and # eter ination. proud of you. Congratulations! What a great role od ~ou have Love, Mom, Dad Lindsey .& Carl been for Lauren and a terrific brother to Jim. We all love you Christopher Arcari very much and will , pport you in all your futu:v goa s. We are sure Congratulations! We are So Proud your future care r i busi ess will of. You! ' move forward like Zoom- Zoom- May the years ahead in college be Zoom! the first step in making all your Love Always Mom, Dad, Jim and dreams come true. We wish you Lauren health, happiness and a future filled with everything you hope for. , Alie Altomari We Love You! ~ Congratulations! You have grown M<>m, Dad, and Michael from our shy little girl into John Arone 1 such a beautiful, strong women. And you have filled our lives with joy, laug ter, and pride. ' C N RA U ATIO S! We love you, (, v r groud of ~ouJ Mom, Dad, and Claire Love, Mom, Steve and Rose
Rachael Anderson You have filled our hearts and our lives with your love, laughter, and joy. As a glorious young woman ! you continue to teach us with your ' limitless sense of hope, kindnes , intelligence and determination. 1 I Remember life's journey will be guided by your own compass, built from family and faith. With bot-
Jonathan Avolio While your achievements are many, the real measure of a man is his honesty, integrity and willingness to help others. That happens to be just who you are! We believe you are destined for great things JoNathan and we are excited for all the opportunities that await you. You know your family has always believed in you and we love yo1,1 very much. C()ngratulations, Dad, Mom, Rachel and Alex
Andrea Bardes Congratulations! "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'llland among the stars." Weleveyou! Mom and Dad
Michael Bartuska
In a flash your Notre Dame years have passed ... you have successfully completed another phase of y ur li拢 . We a e o proud of you. a hen you put o \ re rov your mind to something there is nothing that you cannot accomlish. Your future is within your asp and we'll always be here to gutoe and support you. We have watched you blossom into Love, an outstanding young wpm n who Mom, Dad, Rebecca and Aaron we cherish d~arly. May ygu col.. lege years be filled with 路 ov~, Lauren Belmont laughter, and many special moments. Always reac for the We r. so proud of the accomstars, strive to do your ~st, nd etl, ovely young above all be happy with; yo rself. : Wome ou have become. You are We could not be any prouder of the best daughter,
Little sister and big sister. Always give of your self to receive much happiness. Love Mom, Dad, Tim and Greg
Ashley Blaine Dear Ashley, Having you for a daughter an watching you grow into the beau tiful person you have become has been a precious gift to us. You have the biggest heart and a kind, caring nature. This will take xou far in life. As you enter this new a a exciting part of your life, now that we love you more than words can say. We will be cheer路 g you on in everything you do. e wiishyou happiness, love, peace n: 路oy on your graduation day and always. Love, Mom and Daddy <3<3
Lindsey Billi Congratulations N D. graduate! We are so pro be ond measure. Stay true to ou ff o路 the neJF.t leg of your jotlTne . Remain tHe compassionate, faithful woman you are. Trust yourself. Support on us, reach for t . sk , nd k o that your aa n g;el is watching over you. Carpe Diem!! Love, Mom, Dad, Cody, Gram
William J. Birch
C.1267. Watch out for those high ones! Co gratulations on your gradua- Love Always, Mom, Dad, Kimmy and Grammy tion! Good luck at Rider University Danielle Bujak next year. 1'4uch 1 ve and happiness always, Mo -, Bad ana ff oe Dear Danielle Bujak Congratulations and God Bless!! Your graduation day is the culmination of all Your hard work, perseverance and ConJa la on , you made it. dedication You've persevered through some adversities and you have been May the good Lord continue to qble to hold your head hi h. All bless and guide you tlie hile y-ou've been able to, eep As you embark on the next chalyour caring personality intac . fenge in your life We're very proud of you. Remem- With all our love and unendingber with God all things are possi- prayers Mom, Dad and Pepper ble. We love you, Melissa Bugdal Mom, Dad, & Matt
Bernadette Blusnavage
Congratulations! You did it! You are a Notre Dame graduate! A new: journey is beginning for you. We wish you love, happiness an<Lmuch success on it. You are a beautiful and compassionate young woman and you fill ou heal!ts with .pr.ide. May; God Michael Burylo bless you ~I ways. Love, Dad, Mom, Tommy, Haley, Sam, May your future be filled with and .Blaze. everything your heart is hoping for. Congratulations Alison Buchler We are very proud of you. All Our o e,
We are prou of all you accomplished Not-r a magical exp ~:ten e an e re grateful to have shared that time smile with you. You have filled our home with love and laughter and we ~ill always cherish the wonde nful memories. You are well prepared for the future and capable of achieving anything! "All ou dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" Walt Disney. Love always, Mom, Dad, ~ate & Albert Buck Ashley Gaudeamus igit r, luvenes dum sumus. Anon,
Congratulations! LaVitaE Bella (Life is beautiful) Vive Bene, Spesso L' Amore, Di Risata Mol to (Live well, love often, laugh a lot) Love, Mom, Dad, Jackie, Tom, and the "kids"
Dear Zack ButoVIch ith college just around the bend, y,oll)r fond memories of Notre Dame life will travel with you: X-C and track, Led Zep and Latin, Physics and Disney, weights and dates, proms and practices. All in the mix- you've come out grandso proud we are of our Renaissa ce Man! Now explore the new pa bsand solve the new mysteries that life has waiting for you. God-speed.
Gregory Cashel
With all our love, Mom&Tato
Kristina Campbell,
We want to wish you a future filled with love, laughter, health and success. You are our pride andjoy. Your hard work has taken you to another level. Life will be full of challenges, but you will challeng those challenges because of tne unique person that you are. You are a bright, loving person who cares about the world. Your heart is £!-ll:d with love and k~ndness. Kristina, thanks fo~ being a wonderful daughter. It Is an honor to be your parents. Love, ,Mom & Dad Y
Drew Cannon ;, ~ Congratulations rew. We want to tell you How proud we are o ou And hope you o college as much s · Notre Dame. Love, Mom, Dad, B ad, Matt, Shaun, & Grandmom
Caitlyn Carman
the most of it, follow your heart (you have a good one!) and good Congratulations!!! These last four things will come to you. Congratulations, Fresh! years have been a thrill. We have watched you grow into a Love, Mom, Dad and Erin mature young man, who we are Edwin Chudkowski very pr.oud of. May your future be filled with love, health, family and friends. Congratulations and Good Luck! Always remember to keep smil- A Supreme effort. We are so proud of you. We wish you Love, Happiing.!!! l!;gvel M<l , Dad, ~att, Lindsay, ness and Success. Your potential is Mar ley and lover unlimited ... . Go For it ... .. Love, Trevor Cavanaugh MomandDad It's hard to believe that you are graduating. The last four years Kyle Clark have flown by. We are so proud of the erson you have become. The Co gratulations on your graduanext phase of your life is just tion from ND, and all that you beginning. Continue your hard have accomplished academically, work and success will be yours. athletically and socially. We know Follow your heart a d always be your determination & persistence true to yourself and xo fr'e Q.s. will be your biggest asset for years Always remember how much we to come. love you and we will always be Good Luck with every life chalthere for you. We are so blessed lenge that comes your way, we tha we ar~our family. know you will come out on top. Love forever, Mom and Ryan Enjoy your college years the same way you did at ND. All of our LOVE, Denni Marie Chiappetta Mom Dad and Casey reflective,
Blake Clemency
Well done! What an accomplishment! We want for you, all that you wish, hope and dream. May yo r u ture be filled with l , uec , ve, and happiJ ness. We are always behind you. Love Always, om, Dad, Kyle, Kellie and Ryan
Congratulations!! We want you to know how pro we are of you Wishing you the best of everything • Health, Happ es tl o e We will always-be tHere for yo Love Mom, Dad and Molly, too!
JenCarney Congratulations Jen-we couldn't be more proud of you and for you. We are looking forward to yo enjoying your college years as much as you did your High School years. Love you more than words can say - Dad, Mom, and Rick.
We are so proud of you, your accomplishments and the erson ~ou've become. You have ·venus so much happiness and love over the past 18 years, we couldn't have asked for a better so . As MOU grad \late Notre Dame, -we w ·sh you all that life has to offer. Make
We are so very proud of the remarkable young man you have grown into. You are filled with so much romise and possibilities. In the t four years and beyond, we ope you will follow your " dream and reach for the stars. Just
remember- "ability may get you to Love, Mom, Dad, Anneliese, Tyler the top, but it takes character to and Grayson keep you there." We love y-gu and will always be there for you. Love Branaon Credle Mom, Dad and Abraham Dear Brandon: Congratulations! Mark Colon We've njoyed watching you grow into a wonderiul young man. This Congratulations! You did it! We is the beginning of a marvelous want to wish all the best in life.. future that God has in store for We're sure you're going to rna - yoll. Ye 've worked hard and now us proud. you iL reap the ruits of your We love you, labor. We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. Mom, Dad and Jazzy Remember, as one-door clos s a new one opens. Best wishes and Thomas Connely success in all your endeavors. o are a blessing, and we are so Congratulations! thankful and proud to call you our We are so proud of you, son! We will always love and be you have accomplishefl. support to you. May God con tin e have to bless and keep you. the courage and vision to follow MomandDad your dreams. Most of all, be h All our love, Mom, Dad, and Jackie Danielle, Congratulations! You've accomKatieConve plishe a lot in your high school Congratulations! You've come so years. there's a promising future out there for you, and college is a far since freshman year. big step on the road to it. YOU We are so pr d of you! navigate that journey witll love, May you always e our )Varm health and happiness, and WE re disposition and e> r great sense of humor as you continue on your going to help and support you in every steps of the way to reach journey to adulthood. your dreams. We wish you lots of happiness a Love, remember that we all love y l Dad, Mom and Steven very much. Love, Mom, Dad, Tommy & Joey
Is it possible the little boy we left at kindergarten is graduat g from high school? Your successfu: journey is due to your hard work and strength of character. You have made us so proud! You are the finest son parents could want and have been a wonderful role model for your sister, brothers and cousins. We pray for much health and happiness for you always!
Sean Dempsey Congratulations! We love you, Mom, Dad, Chris, Brian, Theresa, Grandmom, Grandpop, Uncle Bill, Michele, Fred, Aunt Val, Tom and Kim
Saarang Desai eongratulations on your amazing achievement! We want to wish you a future filled with Love, Happiness, Laughter and Great Success. Love you always, Mom, Dad and Swapna
:Baniella DiLorenzo You made good choices in the present and solid decisions for the future supported by action. You are attending a college of your choice. We are proud of the unique young woman that you are and happy for you. We love you and are glad that you are our daughter/sister. We will always be there for you. Remain true to yourself and continue a personal relationship with God. Make your hopes reality! Love, Mom, Dad and Elizabeth
Stephanie Drouillard
urway. :Enjoy the adventure! Love, Mommy & Robert
Kimberly Duffner We are so proud of you! You are our
sunshine! Keep reaching for your dreams and making them come true. We will always be here to cheer you on! With all our love, Mom, Dad, Bob, Pat, Grandma, Grandpa and all your aunts, uncles and cousins.
Ross Elliott Congratulations, Ross the Boss! Where have 18 years gone? It's been wonderful to see you grow intothespecialyoungman~ou r today. We wish you a future filleo with laughter, love, and great success in everything you d . Always remember: Don'tworrx, happy: With our love and suppOr. Mom, Dad, and Lauren , Kudos to you on the past four years! Wishing success- T BEYOND! Love, Mama, Tata, "Ijo"
Love, Mom, Dad, and Ang. ~
Shasta Fowler,
Always know: We Love you And are very proud of you Continue to believe in yourself And you can achieve anything. Wishing you the best to ay and always.
We know that whatever you do you will be successful. Your determination and confidence will help you to achieve your goals. We are so proud of you and what you have achieved these last four years. There is nothing you can't attain because you are Camille, determined to be the BEST (and you are!) Congratulations! Love, Mom&Dad
You have s _many gifts: Wisdom, compassion, creativity, and more. Believe in yourself everyday And know that we are there with lov:e and ppport ~ Tlie wo td is bettler place because you are in it. Fulfill your bright and colorful future nd be the best you can be! cv e, Mom, Da~dy Biti, . flri Nicolle Gallo Da<fdyDick Hooray! You are now ready to Brian Frankowski start the next phase of your life. ou. ave made us both very proud ongratulations! You finally did of y ur achievements and I know you will continue to amaze us with it! your future undertakings. Your Lots of Love, Luck and Happiness creativity and originality is a won~l)Vays Love, ., de;rful gift that you possess, and Mom, Daniel, David and Mom will definitely help in your sucMom cess. Remember we always will be there to support you in whatever you do. Congratulations! Love, Congratulations! I am so very Mom&Dad proud of you and the young man yo have become. As yoq en~r th1s next cnapter of your lffE 路, remember to keep your integrity, YOU DID IT!!! kind heart, positive attitude, won- WE WISH ONLY HAPPINESS & derful sense ofll.umor and faith in GREAT THINGS FOR YOUR o I k o you will be ~uccessful FJJTURE. in whatever you do. May God con- WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU! tinue to bless you and keep you in LOVE MOM, DAD, DANNY AND JENNA XO the p lm of His hand. 11fje
Time to be moving on from your ND days. Listen to your he rt路 Keep an open mind: Follow y dreams; Be true to yourself. U your talents shine & light the way to personal accomplishments. May you alway; be surrounded by the love & su, P.O ily n friends. I hope you dance! Never forget how loved you are Gabrielle Frederico Always, Always. Mom, Dad, Lauren & Kathleen xoxox
Gina Ferrara
Camille Gallo
CONGRATULATIONS! e are very proud of you, excited n anxious of all the challenges an opportunities that are ahead of you. Good Luck in your journey through life, grasp and embrace all wonderful times. Always remember wherever you are be there with all your heart. Have fai i ourself, strive to be the b t. With;all of our unconditional love
for you, Mom, Dad, Taylor, Simba, & Chassey
Earl W. Hawley III
Love Always, Mom, Dad, Tom, Dan and Matt
We were blessed the day you were born We are so proud of the man you Congratulations on your achieve- became ana k ow that you will be a succ ss in atever direction ments! We have watched you develop into your life takes you. And rem ema loving and intelligent daughte her ... Dream as ifyou'lllive forever, L ·ve as if you'll die today. as well as a beautiful, indepe dent,andloyalperson. Your life is God's gift to us and to the world. We will always be here to share your dreams. You're on your way to spread our Love, joy and throughout the wor. d. ry Mom, Dad, John, Annemarie, to always enjoy the adventure anCI Nonna, Aunts, Uncles and have fun! You are our heart. Cousins Love forever, Mom, Dad, and Corey
Ida Catherine Goslin
Thomas Hahn
Congratulations! We are so proud of you!! We want to wish o . m en success and happiness in college! You have a bright future ahead of
You've give·n us 18 years ofjoy a you make us proud everyday. We wish you a life filled with love and happiness. ._,. ; ' Congratulatians! y '--' L--- • Love Always, Mom, Dad, Sean and Molly
Kristin Hastry Congratulations! We are so proud of you. We wish you much happiness and success for your future.May you folio your passion and achieve your dreams Imagine ... Love always, Mom, Dad, Michelle and Michael
Congratulations Jeff! We love you and are so proud of you. I know you will achieve all you set out to do. May college be everything you expected and more. Follow your heart and reach for the stars. Love always and forever, Mom, Dad, George, and Jonathan
Stephen Hunt
Wow!! These four years have flown by! You're awesome! you continue to amaze us with your intellect, artistry, and your caring heart. We swell with pride in all You will alway your accomplishments. As one Bird" journey ends, another begins. So, spread your wings and fly out mankind, Stephen is on Watch To place both far and wideFollow your heart and come home the move! Your passions and dreams await you. We know they often' will come true. We love you, we We: love you so much .... support you, and we will always be Dad, Mom, Liz, Tim and the gang! there for you. Love Always and Forever, Ashley Hober · , Mom, Dad, Christopher, and Ginger. You are absolutely incredible! CONGRATULATIONS!! • Lauren Icovino Th ·s ·s just the beginning!!! We are very proud of you!!!! ~ In the words of a great writer, Love, Dad, Mom, Matthew, Zachary, "Congratulations! Today is your day. Yo 'r off to Great Places! a d valanche 9 're f{ a ay! Wherever o fly, you Ii e e of the best. Wherever you go, you will top all the rest. So be sure when you step. tep with care and great tact and member that Life's a Great Balaneing Act. So you're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way! OH, THE PLACES OU'LL GO!" Wherever you go, whatever you do, we are always so proud o£you. Love, Mom, Dad and i ael
Catherine Anne Handrich
Jeff Hornyak
Ryan Jackson Congratulations! You did it! We are so proud of you. You have a great future ahead of you. Be everything you can be. Best of luck to you and the class of2005. Love, Mom, John, and Kaity
Jeffrey Jones The past four years have been a wonderful journey. Cherish your memories, treasure your friendships. Good luck to you in 11 you studies in college. God has blessed you with valuable gifts - use them wisely. Trust your instincts, be yoursel£1 You make a ditfere We are so proud of you Jeff. Love, Mom, Dad, and
plished. You have a kind heart and a caring compassionate soul. You bring us true joy and happiness. We are biessed to have you as a daughter. May your future be filled with much love, happiness, health ~n<\ success We know that you will achieve all your goalS' and dreams. As you enter this next exciting journey of your life, know that we ill always be here for y Love, ' Mom, Dad and Lauren
Anna LaMachia May God a ways bless you in all your future endeavors. If you keep focused on the important things in life, you will attain true success. We are so proud of you. Congratulations! With all our love, Mom, Dad and Roger
Justin Langan
Congratulations! We are so proud •of you and all you have accomplish (1 the past four years at N D. We wish you the best of luck in Congratulations! We are so proud pursuing your dreams. You will be of you! You are an amazing person in our hearts wherever life takes who will go far. )fOU We know you will have a ~ Love Always, oright and happy future. RememMom, Artie and Josh ber "It's better to regret something you did than something you didn't do." We..Love You Very Much! Mom and Dad Toni-Ann: Anthony "Spread your wings, learn how to fly; Christian Paul Lara-Ensslin Dear Anthonx, Wliatever if takes to touch the sky Congratulati ns' ou a e it. Much Love will s rround you Ollt of the darkness and into the Congratulations, Enhorabuena, "sun" Felicitations, wherever you travel Never forget the ones you love, No matter which way we say it, May your future be filled with Never forget where you <;erne yol}: have done great! happiness and pr.o from." We are very proud of you, and we Love , Love, want to wish you happiness and Dad and Dee Dee Mom, Dad, and Nicole lots of success in your future.
Jessi Lynn Rosie Kane J essi Lynn Rosie Kane, We hope you never fear those mountains in he distanc . N ver settle for the pat leas r s · tance. And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, We hope you dance ... We hope y,{)u dance. Congratulations! We are so proud of you! All our love always, Mom, Dad, and Harlee
Kristina King Congratulations! We are proud of the wonderful person you are and all that you have accom-
Love Mami, Daddy, Jaime and Omi
Dear Lauren - (; gratulations! We are so proud of you! Your hard work and determination have prepared you well for the future. iw.ays remember to keep smilin , continue to be the compassionate and caring person you are, and most of all, keep God in your eart. Our wish is for you to be Iiappy and successful in whatever it is ou choose to do. Never put limit on yoursel£1 We love you de lY a d will always be there for you. Dios to bendiga.
Love Mom, Dad and Andy (Go, "fool"!)
Meghan Lilly Meg, Congratulations on four excellent years. Continue to work hard, have fun, show compassion, laugh out loud, take risks, never quit, and always be yourself- yoy, will be successful and happy. are proud of you, and we love you. Mom, Dad, and Matt
Amanda Lind Congratulations! We are so proud of all you've accomplished, and look forward to all yo e yet to become. May the f tu e holg much happiness and success fo you. And, remember, wherever the road of life may lead you, we are always here All our love, Mom, Dad, and Megan
Kyle Christ Wow, your high scHool years flew by so quick. Congratulations, we are so proud o you! Go where your heart takes ou o ow our dreams. Always now t at we are' here for you. Stay the same person you are, you have a lot to of ~ Good luck in college, we know y will do well. We wish you mu happiness, luck, and success in all you do. Lots of Love, & Gina "06
Brian Lewis
David Lewis
make everyone around you laugh. The house will be much too quiet without you next year. Work hard and have fun in college. We love you, Mom, D~d, Mary Catherine and Andrew
As you go around this curve in your life, slow down, take a deep breath - and then accelerate! Congratulations! We are so proud o your. succe s at Notre Dame. May your fu ure be filled with Edward Masterson much happiness. Love, Mo , Wow! We could not be more proud Nan~y of your efforts and accomplishments during these past four years. It was fun to watch you Dan Lomax grow, not only in height, but in e past four years have sw11ft y wisdom. You matured before our gone by as we watched you mature eyes. We are excited about the colinto a creative and caring young lege experiences that are about to man. You have our continuing unfoldforyouandwewi.shyouthe lov and support as you discoy~ :ery b7st a~ you continue your tlie many new and exciting oppor- - e~ucattonal Journey. Congratulatunities ahead. "Go confidently in tions, E~ward! Love, Mom, Dad the direction of your dreams. Live and J ess1ca. the life you imagine." (Thoreau) With wishes fo ha pi ess nd Ghrista Marzan success in all your endeavors. Mom and Dad Celebrate this day! We wish you a future filled with joy, Blessed with beautiful moments Jacqueline ~n~ to cherish- guided by the hand of God. Take our pride with you as you go. efy gravity! Love always, Mom, Michael, Dad, Angela and Alex
Carline Mayes Congratulations! We are so proud of you! Wis}lingyou a future filled â&#x20AC;˘th e h6 e~ â&#x20AC;˘ove and joy. futur lJe o to those who believe in the beauty of their r dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt e ' ay all of your dreams come true. (J ove, Mom, Dad, Christine, Michael, and Katherine
May you travel life's road wit a light heart and leave your tro bles on the highway. Congratulations! We are so proud of your accomplishments at Notre Dame Wishing you green lights all the way. Love, Melissa Mason, Mom, Dad, Dave, Jay leigh, and We pray that you will Nanny y&ur el,lthu_-siasm for r ~' y ur beautiful smile and your ability to
Gregory McAnany Way to go! It has been our privileg to see you mature into such a fi _young man. We love you very much and are proud of all you have
accomplished. Embrace the challenges ahead of you - we know you are capable of great things. Aim high - the world is your for the taking. Remember, we will always be there for you. All our love, Mom, Dad and Jenn
Andrew McConnell You have filled our lives with joy since the day you were born. We have loved standing behind you as you have achieved so much during yourfouryearsatNotreDame. s you continue to pursue your dreams, may God continue to hold you in the palm of his hand. Remember we will always ether whenever you need us. We are so proud to be your family. We love you, Mom, Dad and
Katie McCue any wonderful things in 0 . r ifet'me, maae numerous won er 1 friendships but most important you have been the best daug ter and sister anyone could ev r ask fort he world is there for you .. as yo · set--out on a new adventure, remember to always be kind and thoughtful and keep God in your heart and you will do great things! We lo e you TOO much! Love Dad, Mom, Jimmy, Conor, Mary and Dee
L' t
In 2004 our Red Sox showed us that when you believe and have faith anything is possible; no matter the odds, no matter what's happened before, no matter the challenge. Always give your best, never give up, keep close to you faith and let it guide you. Know we will always love you, believe in you and know you will succeed wherever you go. You, too, are a winner. Mom, Dad, Kevin and Kaysey
Megan McKeever
Love, Mom, Dad, Corey, Cody and Jetta
It's so hard to believe that you will be entering college this fall! We know how hard you worked and we are so proud of you. As you embark! on your future, we want you to go through life with confidence. Be gentle with yourself; may all your actions reflect the JJeautiful erson that you ar~ and ay yom: ·magination nourish your dream ·. Remember, we are always here for you; we love you very much! Mom & Dad
Billy Mitchell It is rewarding to see all of your hard work pa:y off. This has been such an incredible year for you. You deserve it. You are a wonderful person with a bright future ahead of you. We are so happy, proud and blessed to have you as our son. We love you- Mom and Dad
Congratulations! We want you to know, you are Loved and Cherished. ''"What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to Hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like." But remember "Patience is the companion of wisdom" Love, Mom, Baba
Dear Caitlin, God gave us a special gift and it as been a joy to watch you grow into a lovely young lady. We are so proud and happy about the way you love and live your faith. You have a good heart an a sense of humor. Remain true to yourself and continue your relationship with God. Smile and enjoy Life! We wish you Love, Peace and Happiness. CJMorris Congratulations! Love, Our pride in you is immeasurable. Mom, Dad and Melissa Simply put; you've become everything we could have hoped for. As Ryan McQuillan you step into the world, take with you lessons learned on and off the Congra lations! We're proud of basketball court. Work hard, folyou! low your dreams, be happy, enjoy We're excited about your future life, and know there will always be and wish you the very best! Be a place for ou in our home and in p , b enfid t, andalw )iS De our h ar±s. yourse fl "We'll love y-6u for v Mama, Big Man, an Love, Mom, Dad, Jacqueline, T.J., D nnis, eith, and Ratrick Rebecca Murray
out youngest to leave the nest! You have grown to be such a lovely young woman. You have a heart gold and truly are a specialloving daughter. Now is the time to follow your dream and we wish yolJl a · ure of love and happiness. We re~ so proud of our "pumpkin." Love, Mom and Dad.
Congratulations little sis! Have a Dana O'Brien great time in college. Love, Ryan and Craig. Qur sweet little girl is on her way! It was fun to watch you grow and Rich Myslinski change through high school and now it's time to move onto the From GI Joes' to "W'' For P,resi- next ch pter. You're ready for college and we)re looking forward to dent We know your future holds a place see all that you can accomplish. in history. You developed hidden talents in titing and we can't iWait May the next four years fulfiL a t a t(} se nat :you'll achieve in tHe your dreams! coming years. You have made us so proud!! Love We wish you much happiness and success. MomandDad We love you, Mom, Dad, Lauren and all ·your Carl Natter Aunts, Uncles and cousins. Congratulations! What a Ieasure David Ortiz it is to watch you deve O:R 'nto a ,. outstanding young m n. Its you embark on a new adventure in You did it. Congratulations on all your life, we wis you love, peace, that you have accomplished. success, and ha ness. We hope Remember that ~ou can achieve set Y. ur ·nd that you contin e to har~ ith anything that y others the special gifts God has to. We wish you success, good given you. We are ¥ery proud of health and much fun in college. you and you ec mplishments. We love you! Mom, Dad, AlexanThank you £ wo erfu memo- dra, Mirna, Grandpa and Maruca. ries. Lots of Love! Mom, Dad and Dan Sarah Pantages
Congratulations,.Sarah! We are so proud of you and all you nave Congratulations! " accomplished. These four years Dream big dreams and take li . e have really flown by, it seems like steps each day to make them come yesterday we were driving you to true. ijle bus and now you're driving. We love you, You've certainly grown into a comMom and John passionate, considerate and t responsible young adult and we L, ' · h yo f tu ~ filled with 1 a oHapp' s. Love, Congratulations Nicole! You know how proud we are ofx~u Mo~, ~ad, Nick & Pat and we know that you will reach e your goals in college like you di in ~stJ NDHS. God blessed us when He sent you. Continue to be the fan- Congratulation! tastic person that you are an We are sup r proud o:t:y u don't ever change. We wish you all Wisp ~ou the best in -y ur Colle e the love, good health and happi- years and good luck. Love ness there is for your future. Mom, Dad, and Achi With all our love, Dad, Mom, and Grammy ..
Caitlin Peiffer We are so proud of all your accomplishments. You worked so hard and you deserve nothing but the best. We love you and hope your life is filled with peace, love and happiness. We will miss you. Love always, Mom, Dad and Meghan
Maureen Peiffer We can't believe your four years of high school are over. We are so proud of your hard work and · accomplishments. May your life be filled with peace, love and happiness. We love you and we will miss you. Love always, Mom, Dad and Meghan
Jill Petrangeli
a nlati ayyourfuture be lessed wit goo health, much happiness and lots of love. Good luck in college and always rememlber Mama Buck, Munch, and etey are only a phone call away. We love you! Hugs and Kisses, Dad, Mom, Adam, Paul, Lynn & ary
Michael Pisano C()ngratulations Mike! we are all so proud of the wonderful young
man you have allowed yourself to become. You have so many gifts to offer this world and we are lucky to have you here. May you contin: ue to bring your enthusiasm to all you pursue. Follow your dreams. Love what you do. Find goodness in those around you. Always ~now that we love you and will always be there for you. Love, Mom, Dad, Katie and Sarah
CalinPlatt Success is not measured y_ money you make or the r1en s you have, but by the person you are, the way you help o ers and give of yourself. You e r--eady successful, continue to p: e d tb Gospel through your actions. Love, Mom, Dad, Joh Lynn, Kasey & V
Marie Pryor,
Joe Pyle CONGRATULATIONS! We are very proud of you, and what you've accomplished. Remember on · journey ends nd another is jus be ni g. Fo lo your heart an ea th, happi es and success will be with you. God bless you and keep you in his care. Love, Dad and Grams
With all our Love Rhein Mo , Dad, Johnny, and Christo- Congratulations, Kate! I am so very proud phe Of how awesome you are. You have accomplished Rebecca Ramirez Amazing personal growth Cpngratul tions Becca baby, You In :xour high school did it! tom the day you were Years at Notre Dame. born, you've made us proud. God From your part time bless you as you start this new Job at the animal hospital do ney · your life. ~ your To your dedication to your pets u e, e a f of tlie joy an · And the service opportunities, Your leadership qualities happiness ou've given us. Shine through awards Love, And recognition. Dad, Mom, and 1a Co tinue to follow your dreams Achieve the greatness om Ka.nkin Of God's wonderful plan For your life. YOU ARE Congratulations Tom ! We are so "THE BEST OF THE BEST!" proud of the fine young man you Eove" Mom and your pets. have become. As you begin the next part of your life, remember that your family, all of the Clarks Mak.enzie Rice, and the Rankins, w· 1 always be are s6 proud of you. You bring there for you._ You are be . sue joy to our lives. You will Love always, Mom and ad accomplish great things in This world. Never stop dreaming. Love Mom, Dad, Shannon, CJ and We are so proud of you and the Owen remarkable young woman that you have become! Congrat lations. on completing this hapter Emily Righter \ in your life with such success. Vfe ~ Words of Love wish you much happiness in all you do and know that you will Congratulations Emily! shine as you pursue your dreams. Dad and I are so proud of you. emembe t t1se th~ ,gifts . od We wish you much success and gave you, that God is always by liappiness in college your side, and you are loved so Keep that twinkle in your eye and that beautiful smile on your face. very uch! , aWe t e th that leads you to happ:ine_ss. seeks one's own Happiness, yo will find others who share the same things. Kelly Reilly .Above all, Keep God and your aith in your life. I ur love, Mom, Dad, Sarah, Billy and Birdie
Joseph Pyle Dear Joey Congratulations baby boy. We are all so proud of you. May God bless Katie Rhein you and guide you to m ke the right choices in life. Yearbook Dedication
Erin Rimmer
God has blessed my life with you. Yo ile, your laughter, your heq.r ntinue to amaze me and . .. bringjo)f to each day. As your next a t 1e ,
journey in life begins, I am excited for all of the oP,portunity which awaits you. Continue to (t!ream) reach for the mountain top{ tliat will forever last and be happy always. All my love to you on your graduation and know hat I am here for you always. ..., ;' Love, Mom
Stephanie Rogers Stephanie Rogers, Congratulations and best wishes. We are so proud of you. We wish you lots of luck ·n future plans. Much love, Mom, Dad, Mark and Ma
Jared Root
Carissa Salvatore
Stephen Sionne
My 19ea:r Dittle Duckling: I remember the day you were born and oh how you have grown. You stand before me with your h~a hetd higll and your wings so stror.rg. · My little duckling has grown up into the most beautiful swan. 'fi ow i y.,our time to spread f. . ur win s aw f.1 higli. Carissa, wo ds can not express how proud I am of you! With ove Always
Congratulations on your graduation! We are so proud of you and all of your many accomplishments. You have become an incredible young man. We love you very much, Mom&Dad
Charles Sipio
Congratulations God bless you and n ee you into a fulfilling future. Goodness, great horizons, and Carissa, love to you. · It seems like onlryesterday ~hen Mom, !)ad, Anne, Caroline, I peld on~ of; God srg reatest.wft§ o tharine, and life-in my arms. 'A bah girl w o " ~enny · March Stretch-Parke, would be named, Carissa. Here it Sketch. ' is, 18 years later that you are Hurray! about to gr :dl;late high school and address the ne c nl~~ ge~ life: O:wen Smith has to offer. I kn6w In my Heart that you will face these challenges Owen Smith, with the same intelligent and Congratulations! Be happy! a~gres ive manner .defeating all You make us very proud! bst~cles that:stan~ 1n your way of success. You have always made me Love, '11 Mom, Dad, Tom, Amy, Jason, very proud an d k now th a t you WI St h K 1. dL y continue to do so in life. Kn ·w hat ep ' Y Ie an ex 1 am alwa~s ,. e e for u. Wit U, .St h _T St art III my love, Daddy. ep en 1-t. ew ,
Kristen Ryan Cheers! You amaze me. We want to wish you a future filled with joy, love, peace and success Let your heart guide you in you choices and know that Laura ana Colin and I will always be there for support Not it's time to see thew rld ~d "Bee" the best.
good health, much happiness and continued success. And, know that we are always by your side no matter what your future holds or and you are on your way to a how far you may roam. WONDERFUL LIFE! Your sense Lots of Love, of humor, your positive attitude, Mom, Dad, Rob, Lauren, Grandstrong sense of commitment and mom, MomMont ~Pop Pop high standards of excellence, are the keys to success in the business Christina Taft world. YOUR FAMILY IS ALWAYS HERE FOR YOU! ongratu1 tioits, we Remember your priorities, GOD proud of yo ! You are well prefirst, followed by family and then pared for college. We know that work. WE LOVE YOU AND ARE you wiH approach the challenge of SO PROUD OF YOU MIQ AEL! ;a_ difficult curriculum and a busy Dad, Mom, Matt, Nana, Oms, social life with a positive attitua . Opa, and Snuggles Christina, your future is determined by the decisions you make Mandi Stirone an the actions you take. Enjoy yo r journey into the future and Congratulations! make it a good one. Remember, These past four years have been you can accomplish anything if it wonderful. is important to you! You have grown in o a azing, We love you! Mom, D~q, ill, and confident and incred1Iile young Melissa. lady. We are very proud of you. Remember, we ays here for Cristopher Tanglaw you. May God Bless yo with liealth, Cliris Tanglaw 12th grade happiness and, yes wisdom. Congratulations! Love Always, Mom, Dad and Jay We are so proud of you. Wishing you a bright future ahead. Allison Stover Love, Mom and Dad Dar Allison, Congratulations! A very specia · gift was given to us 18 years a o. We are so proud of you and all you have accomplished. You have grown into a b autiful and intelligent young w rna . u a e aoou to begin a new. liap er. in you J..i:£1 and we want to wish you a future filled with happiness, success, love, laughter, and health. God bless you and keep you safe alw. ys - Love, Mom, Dad, Leslie, and Grandma.
Jonathan Theer
Scott Swanekamp
Cpngratulatio s! You sue eeied! Always strive forthe best! WORDS OF LOVE Love Congratulations! We are so VERY, Mom, Dad, Steven & Chiristopher VERY proud of you!!! We wish you a future filled with L
Peter Thompson Peter Thompson, You have always been a special son. We are very proud of all your accomplishments, but most proud of the young man of character that you are. Your strong moral compass will surely guide you through life. Great things await you ... continue to led from the front. GO ARMY! With all our love, . · . Dad, Mom, and Patrick
Stan Tilton, Congratulations! We are so proud of you and the Wonde ful Young man you have become. As you continue life's journey, may you always Find peace and happiness in all your achievements. Good luck in college. God bless you and know that we will always be there for you. Love always, Mom, Dad, Michael and Brandi
Jeff Tragone . Congratulations! As you leave the halls of Notre Dame, take with you all your gifts of determination, independence and integrity. You have made us so proud in everything you have done and prouder ye , of who you are. Good u:ck ·;n ol ege ~ 're going to be great! ~11 f o 16 . , mom, dad, jilli and jake xoxo
Christopher Ungrady Congratulations! To have a son like you has been a true blessing. We are so proud of you & thank you for being such a wonderful son & for bringing so much happiness into our lives. You have always wo :K !hard to achieve your goals & we now you will continue as you enter college. Your honesty,
kind heart & integrity will serve you well & keep you on the right path. Follow your dreams, but most of all, keep the Lord first in your life & you will succeed! We love you & may God bless you always, Mom&Dad
Matthew Valentino You are coming to the end another chapter in your life. As you continue you will see how these times are the most ch llenging but memorable that life has offer. We are very proud of what you have accomplished and re sure you will continue to o do your best. Congratulations and we wish you all the best that life has to offer. Love, Mom, Da iche le, Chris & Jacqui
Matt Valerio, on at lati s on your graduatio11 from Notte Dame! We are very proud of you and your hard work and accomplishments. ow· i ti e fo .the next chapter in ~ iii .~ontin ue to work hard, have confidence and faith and you will succeed· , all that you do. All Our Love, Mom & Dad Matt, Congratulations on graduating from Notre Dame! Keep working hard ike always, practice and set goals ~r w a ~ a tt do and you 'li~ fmd w a ·s liS right for you! Good Luck Love, Martin
Mike Walsh
~ongrat.ulations! You did it! We are so proud of you and Support you now and in the future Where ever that may be. Remem-
Congratulations Neha! We knew you could do it. You have made us all proud. The past four years have gone by so quickly and now we want to wish you a future b~r Our · thougfits and hearts are filled with love, success, and never always with you. ending happiness. Aim for your goals, reach for the stars, and Love, never give up. Take it easy .. M-<> ' Love, Mom, Dad, and Avi
e are proud of you! ay you continue to prospe..r a grow May you embrace life and always know That joy, success and love is your ohold We Love You Mom, Dad and Kenzi
ThomasYake ThomasShoot for the moon if you miss, you'llland among the stars. ¥ay, all your dreams come true! WeLov YouMom, Dad & Michael
Congratulations on the successful completion of your high school ·ourn~! · Your ability to focus on your goals & your willingness to work hard to achieve them are characteristics that wil se e you well all £ y r life. · "" Cherish your memories, treasure your friendships and know that we are always here for you. tMa God continue to bestow his blessing upon you providing you with good health, happiness, &
Congratulations, Sport! May you always find your cheeseburger in paradise. You were born to run, so CARPE DIEM, and KEEP WINNING! Our love is with you alwa~s, Mom, Dad, Alii, & Joey
Jeff Warwick
, or
t, ope:fvt, • ~
Junior Unity Night is a special evening in which the junior class spends time with one another. This night allows students to celebrate their class, which will begin college preparations next year. On this night juniors can also choose to receive rings in a Junior Ring Ceremony. The junior class this year chose a quote from Bob Dylan to be displayed on the back of their shirts!
"Gonna put my good foot forward and stop being influenc~d by fools." -Bob Dylan 64
. 68
John McDermott
Laura McWilliam
Brittny Meisberger
Jeffry Mesday
Bernadette Miller
Michael Miller
Michelle Minor
Vincent Price
Michael Qua
Daniel Russo
Gregory Rytel
Evelyn Sanchez
Supriya Sarkar
Kristen Scalise
Regina Schoenberger
Chad Shropshire
Kendall Spinelli 73
Samantha Zukowski 1
SOphomores 路 '
Bryan Dau
Walter Davidson
Zoe Degan
Richard Gorrell-Shorts
Carly Grainger
Benjamin Grant
ro r:n
Cassandra Haggerty
--._, eremy Hochschild
David Hujber
Kara Haggerty
Kaitlin Hahn
Matthew Mangone
Tyler Mattingly
Jonathan Morris
Justin Muni
Jeremiah Sentell
Adam Shemansky
Kyra Shepherd
Amanda Sherrill
Camille Urbani 88
Jillian Vaccaro
Melvin Valenzuela Andrew VanNostrand
James VanPelt
Patrick Voigtsberger
hj ~
s 0
Freshmen I
Chris Drago
Jaclyn Gulino
Ryan Horgan
Kaitlin Jackson
Martin Jennings
Michael Kapuscienski
Alexander Kimtis
Chelsea King
Rudy Mazzoni 100
Alex Paez
Q) ~
e ~
Q) ~
e ~ OJ
Joshua Rice
e D. Sean Ryan
Chris Sanginiti
Robert Santopietro
Eric Schafer
Michael Schupsky
Ashley Verderese
Jeffrey Vetter
Football Chappy Moore Head Coach Joes Drulis John McKenna Jim Treacy Mark Stephan Bill Moore Assistant Coaches Ralph Sheffield Jim Fuccello Frosh Coach Gary Taylor Kevin Drulis Boys Soccer Mike Perone Head Coach Zig Zegarski Pete Gaeta Assistant Coaches Rich Leedom m NCoach Tim Stout FroshCoach
Girls Soccer Sandy J{oschek Head Coach JoaDDe Franks Asststarlt Coach
Jerry Wargo Sr. sistant Head Coach Mike BartllSKa NHead JobnR.usso
Trisha Brandimarte NCoach Cheryl Harris Frosh Coach
Qmrlradina Diane Wargo Head Coach Julia Maim FroshCoach Jaa,pri Mihalik JVCoach
lbry Dellllldre HeadGoach Chris Schwebel Edward HirsciRnan Christina Nickels
BQyt Basketball
Todd Shellenberger Head Coach Joe~~..
ftolsl Girls Winter Track Joe McLauglrin Head Coach BiDRowlaad John ArcbA;r Assistant Coaches David Heitzman Todd Matthe~s
Softball Art Keams Head Coach Danae Pesce Ken Tucci Assistant Coaches John Archer NCoach TBA Frosh Coach Golf MikeDuda Head Coach
Coach: Chappy Moore Congratulations to the boys' varsity football team who went 10-1 for the season! They had an amazmg season as they went undefeated in the eve. They made it all the way to group 4 of the parochial semifinals. Grea season boys!
MEMBERS OFVARSITY/JV: J. Giaquinto, J. Casano, L. Whestone, M. Bandola, M. Hutchinson, A. Gorrell, T. Underwood, D. Castrogiovanni, J. McDermott, K. Seipp, R. McGoorty, M. Stephan, D. Zuccari, R. Diletto, J. Theer, D. Moyer, S. Casten, B. Mitchell, R. Gunnell, M. DeMille, J. Hejda, V. Spiezio, S. Marchesano, G. Budriss, M. Colon, N. Fasanella, S. Avelino, S. Collins, P. Duffner, A. Riexinger, P. D' Auria, J. Bjorling, D. Schrader, D. Artin, C. Cavanaugh, C. Grady, P. McDavitt, Z. Burke, J. Drago, S. O'Connor, B. Cook, A. Daniel, M. Henson, J. Mesday, F. Tommasino, T. Larmore, C. Ross, M. Lordi, M. Esposito, B. Leffler, W. Born, T. Bowers, J. Oszvart, C. Ungrady, J. Avolio, M. Walsh, A. Huff, R. Dieterle, J. Webster, L. Dentino, B. Jones, J. Heater, R. Widmann, B. Vorters, B. Frankowski, A. Lopez, A. Kusirik, B. Zaba, A. Jenkins, C. Weidl, J. McVey, J.Shields, N. Rowe, J. Delre, N. Condit, J. McDavitt, S. Quinn, T. Mattingly, J. Muni, T. Connel, M. Galaritta, N. Adler, N. Pirozzi, M. Newborg, J. Massei, M. Schroeder, J.Talbot, B. Abernathy, J. Lubin, H. Oberholtzer, M.Choen
MEMBERS OF FRESHMEN: P.Anderson, J.Burum, T.Camastra, S.Cerula, K. Clemency, J. Colbert, J. Conway, T. Costa, P. Delli, T. Donnelly, J. Driver, C. Drago, J. Eckstein, S. Fahey, J. Fuccello, M. Gallo, D. Giaquinto, K. Gormley, B. Haluska, M. Harris, J. Henehan, B. Hickey, M. Kapuscienski, R. Kerr, M. Lanzetta, B. Leffler, S. LemMon, C. Leva, C. Long, A. Lunardelli, M. Magariello, J. McGlone, J. McEnemy, S. McKenna, M. McVey, S. Merrick, D. Milligan, B. Mulligan, T. Nagy, J. Nickelson, C. Nocera, T. O'Gara, V. Patel, Q. Patterson, B. Patton, R. Pierson, A. Potts, J. Quinlan, D. Redmond, A. Rivera, A. Rodriguez, W. Rosado, E. Schafer, K. Sheridan, M. Yake, C. Zobel.
Coach: Mike Perone Congratulations Boys' Soccer on an award winning year! The boys stand at the top of the eve with their undefeated record along with many other individual achievements. Nine out of the eleven team starters found their place on the CVC All-County team. While star player Jarret Pelzer is named the firsttime ever Central Jersey and eve player of the Year. Not only were the players recognized, but Mr.Perone as well was awarded Central Jersey Coach of the Year!
MEMBERS OF VARSITY: Jeff Tragone, Bill Birch, Anthony Margadonna, Sean Reynolds, Daniel Quinn, Scott Swanekamp, Pat Needham, Larry Mastropieri, Michael Henry, Jarret Pelzer, Dan Verde!, Evan trapp, Justin Dill, Matthew Letinski, Jared Root, David Coy, Ben Grannick, Justin Jez, Luigi Moriello, Robert Cooper
Luigi Moriello
MEMBERS OF JV: Guy Castronova, Robert Allsop, B.J. Schofield, Pat Moore, Steve Walsh, Charlie Fuller, Tom Lanifan, Joe Kazior, Kyle Clugston, Joe Donigan, R.J. Littley, Scott Horta, Matt Mangone, Pat Deal, Adam Bogus, Conner Lewis, Justin Chakumba, Sean Campbell
MEMBERS OF FRESHMEN: Joey Maruca, Brett Harman, Alesander Kimits, Eric Griess, Dave Haller, Carlo Canestri, Paul Algonse, Travis, Krell, Robert Mazzoni, Nick Lombardo, Alex Wishbrow, David Aneser, Mike McCarthy, Carl Appel, Aviral Yadav, Ray Ehret, A.J. Rosendale
Coaches: Sandy Koschek Joanne Frank The girl's varsity soccer team ended their season with a respectable record of 6-6-1. The team loses five talented seniors this year. All of the girls are looking forward to a winning season for 2005!.
MEMBERS OF VARSITY: Ann Marie Biancamano, Marie Pryor, Ashley Kennedy, Molly Chrnelick, Danielle Sochalski, Michelle Schuler, Meghan Weintraub, Cristine Perry, Amanda Lupinacci, Liz Andrews, Kristen Furst, Jen Tiberi, Jess Clough, Jess Maloney, Heather Elsesser, Chrystina Schuler, Laura Koch, Danielle Pagano, Amy Grochala, Chelsea King
Christine Perry
MEMBERS OF JV: Jessica Fahey, Caitlin Grant, Mary Miller, Ch? McCarthy, Jessica DiFoggio, Kristin Mahon, Carloyn Pryor, early Graigner,?? Ernheardt, Megan Stons, Ally Jones, Abby Gerdiry, Adriana Montain, Caitlin Jackson, Lauren Abassar, Casey Garta, Jillian Trayne, Nicole Shovlin
MEMBERS OF FRESHMEN: Hannah Ahem, MeghanAlbert, Deanne Algeo, Brittany Bosi, Amy DeLuca, Colleen Foundos, Shannon Glynn, Jaclyn Gulino, Michelle Hastry, Alexandra Livesey, Agelica Parmegiani, Maria Ramierez, Colleen Sheridan, Alyssa Katia Silva, Katie Smith, Samantha Tykarsky
Coaches: Barb Major Cheryl Chianese The 2004 field hockey season was great! The girls ended the season with a 12-5-1 record. Their unbeatable chemistry was an integral part in leading them to the eve Championship! Their motto "together" was their attitude on and off the field. The leadership of captains Jill Petrangeli, Kristin Ryan, Emily Righter, Josie Haller and Erica Falletta set the tone for the unforgettable season.
MEMBERS OF VARSITY: Julia Barry, Ashley Bellmont, Jaclyn Caputo, Katie Connolly, Michele De Muth, Danielle DiStefano, Kim Duffner, Erica Falletta, Joanna Graber, Josie Haller, Meghan Henner, Charlotte Jennings, Toni Ann Lagana, Michelle Mullins, Lauren Nemeth, Jill Petrangeli, Emily Righter, Kristen Ryan, Kelly Twamley, Elizabeth Waldron. Head Coach: Barb Major, Assistant Coaches: Cheryl Chianese, Trish Brandimarte, Cheryl Harris.
MEMBERS OF JV: Julie Bertone, Sarah Bowers, Caitlin Brown, Tia Brown, Olivia Diehl, Brittany Hanslip, Kristina Lim, Kaitlyn Loughran, Jamie Mariani, Kristen Menno, Kate Merrick, Alyssa Mills, Katie O'Brien, Alexa Pancza, Sarah Parkes, Jessica Persing, Catherine Smith, Alexis Smith, Emily Spadaford, Erin Vanderhoof
MEMBERS OF FRESHMEN: Nichole Abascal, Dana Bamber, Andrea Brunetta, Meredith Collier, Elizabeth Connor, Katie Hofmann, Colleen Lynady, Meaghan Paige, Amanda Siemann, Carly Ward, Ashley Birch, Danielle Buchenot, Rose Collier, Kara Henderson, Anna Hogan, Lauren Nazzaro, Maria Siemann, Franki Vicini
Coaches: Joe McGLaughlin, Bill Rowland Record 5-7 "I'll give two commands, the first is 'on your marks,' the second is the gunshot." These words are all too familiar to the crosscountry team spoken seconds before the beginning of every race. Rain or shine you can find the team by the giant oak tree ready to run and prepare for their next meet!
MEMBERS OF VARSITY: Lauren Icovino, Maura MacZinco, Melissa Mason, Maggie McSorley, Jessica Brennan, Christina Falcone, Laura McWilliam, Laura Smith, Marjorie Crowell, Larsa Al-Omaishi, Lauren Gerber
Coaches: Joe McLaughlin, Bill Rowland Manager: Tom Yake The Boys Cross Country Team had a great season finishing the year with a record of 10-3. MEMBERS OF VARSITY: Zack Butovich, Jake Hoover, Carl Natter, Steve Sionne, Pete Thompson, David Berchem, JC Curcio, Mike Cuhna, Chris Kimtis, James Maleski, Jon Oerth, Mat O'Reilly, Dan Russo, Nat Weintraub, Dan Bilyk, Luke Fischer, Gigi Gibilisco, Mike Kniefel, Kevin McGrath, Mike Starke, Patrick Thompson, Zack Weber, Carin Capodilupo, Earl Choi, Dan Elliot, TJ Ivins, Bobby Marx, Pat O'Reilly, Mike Polanski, Rob Santopietro, Ray Walsh
Coach: Greg Schafer A strong family relationship, lots of laughs, and hard work are what keep the Girl's Tennis team together. This season has been one for the records, clenching titles that Notre Dame has not seen in decades. Ending the fantastic season with a 17-4 record, the team has earned the South Jersey State Parochial A title and the Colonial Division. The Irish also placed third in the Mercer County Tournament. Congratulations ladies on an amazing season!
MEMBERS OF VARSITY: Danielle Daguio, Meredith Mays, Kristen Pe, Ursula Bonner, Kristen Orlandi, Lauren Lefevree, Ali Altomari, Emily Petersack, Katie Wishbow, Allison Penny, Brittany Bertone, Christi.J:)a Lupacchino, Tiffany Lin, Catherine DeBlasio, Reka Magge, Katie Suter, Lisa Chan, ~atasha Soans, Kate Birch, Laura Hurley, Supriya Sarkar
Coaches: Diane Wargo Julia Mann Jacqui Mihalik Whether the girls are working hard at summercheerleadingcamps or during their practices after school, all of their hard work, time, and effort shines through when they perform for their crowd! The cheerleaders always give that special something to our pep rallies and their school spirit is well recognized.
MEMBERS OF VARSITY: Nicole Kaminski, Christina Taft, Andrea Bardes, Rachael Anderson, Diamond Zucchetti, Sarah Pantages, Jenna Carney, Bridget Sheridan, Alexandra Erhardt, Jackie Greco, Jessi Kane, Meghan Ciacco, Briana Patton, Haley Bosak, Jessica Paparelli, Alyssa Quezada, Kaitlin Hahn, Heather Wiese STUNTER: Anthony Chiappetta, Brian Vereb, James Zoladz, Kyle Finnerty
MEMBERS OF FRESHMEN:Chelsea Pfender, Amber Ferrero, Brittany Stephan, AJ Gloner, Hayley Fisk, Rachel Tovar, Ashley Baker, Megan Rezner, Debra Margadonna, Daniella Tamasi, Samantha Emerson, Salina Miller, Dana Yacyk, Justine Dmuchowski, Samantha Hawley, Kelly McDermott, Morgan Bertone, Chelsea Wargo
MEMBERS OF JV: Cara Jorgensen, Sharon Raya, Crystal Augustine, Amelia Carella, Nicole Ciccone, Nikke Diaz-Segarra, Briana Goodrich, LaurenKapuscienski, Jacqui Kuhn, Erin Laurita, Stephanie Miloscia, Marisa Nunez, Nicole Orth, Kara Pitts, Sam Riccio, Paula Welsh, Nicole Zingaro
Coaches: Todd Shellenberger Joe Cooke, Shawn Hammond, Leroy Peterson The boys' basketball team was plagued with preseason injuries, this however did not stop them from beating McCorrstin to become the ESCIT Champs. The team was under great leadership from their 6 seniors. The Irish Boys' Basketball Team made it to the second round in the NJ State Tournament. Congratulations on a great year!
MEMBERS OF VARSITY: Chris Ross, Tiquan Underwood, Gigi Gibilisco, Julian Diaz, Kyle Clark, Rich Gunnell, Mike DeMille, CJ Morris, Shaun Collins, Doug Christian, Sean Campbell, Chris Theer, Dan Quinn, Anthony Gorrell, Bob Nairn, Matt Medici
Seniors- Doug Christian, Dan Quinn, Rich Gunnell, CJ Morris, Kyle Clark, Tiquan Underwood
MEMBERS OF JV: Matt DeMille, Scott Horta, Spencer Quinn,
Brian Leffler, Jaime Conway, Matt Parsons, Matt Medici, Chris Ross, Sean Campbell, Mike DeMille, Anthony Gorrell Coach: Shawn Hammond
MEMBERS OF FRESHMEN: Jack Burum, Ryan Carsia, Daniel D'Angelo, Chris Drago, Shae Fahey, Brian Haluska, Michael Kapuscienski, Ryan Maczinko, JP McEnerney, David Milligan, Charlie Nocera, Asa, Rodriguez, Michael Rosenfeld Coach: Mr. Leroy Peterson
Coaches: Ann DeMille, Jen Piotrowski, Don Petito The Girls' Basketball Team won the CVC Colonial Valley Championship and had another successful season. Going into the NJ State Tournament the girls had a record of 17-6. The team was led by a group of talented seniors who always worked hard and displayed great leadership.
MEMBERS OF VARSITY: Korinne Campbell, Kristina Campbell, Erin Drulis, Bohn Gehyeka, Joanna Graber, Chelsea King, Meghan Lilly, Krystina Maloney, Emily Righter, Kristen Ryan, Lauren Shunk, Katie Smith
MEMBERS OF JV: Lauren Burke, Morgan Burke, Thea Capella, Jackie Caputo, Melanie Dee, Caitlin Grant, Lauren Gerber, Sarah Parkes, Jaleta Robinson Coach: Don Petito
MEMBERS OF FRESHMEN: Colleen Lynady, Deanne Algeo, Jasmine McEwen, Carly Ward, Maria Siemann, Stephanie Moceri, Elia Robertson, Jackie Gulino, Angelica Parmegiani, Elizabeth Ashmore Coach: Joe Coppola
Coach: Judd Lambert, Jim Tracey The Notre Dame Ice Hockey Team had an amazing season with 22 wins and 2 losses. They won the Titan Cup which was played at the Sovereign Bank Arena and were the CVC Champions. They placed 2nd in the Mercer County Tournament and were just incredible to watch! The team was under great leadership from their seniors and we wish them the best of luck!
MEMBERS OF VARSITY: Pete Milovcich, Geoff Konopka, Stan Tilton, Bobby Weiss, Malcolm Mitchell, Tom Crawford, Nick Brown, Sean Grevy, David Hujber, Patrick Kowalczak, Tyler Mattingly, Ryan McEnerney, Bobby Mitchell, Adam Shemansky, Kyle Wensel, Mike Slowikowski, Mike Williams, Ryan Brady, Justin Quinlan, Ken Turner
Malcolm Mitchell
Ryan Brady
Coaches: Joe McLaughlin, Bill Rowland The Winter Track Team had a successful season with the girls finishing 4th in the County Championships and the boys coming in 5th. The girls were led by Kristen Mahon who in the NJ Meet of Champions came in 4th in the 400 meter dash. Justin Chukumba led the boys team in high hurdles coming in as the County Champ. Congratulations to the Winter Track Team!
BOYS' TRACK MEMBERS: D. Aneser, M. Farrell, R. Kerr, A. Kimtis, S. LemMon, R. Mazzonni, Q. Patterson, M. Polanski, R. Santropietro, S. Woodward, A. Yadav, M. Yake, D. Artin, A. Bogus, G. Castronova, J. Fleming, B. Jones, C. Kostinas, T. Lanigan, J. Lubin, M. Mangone, J. Massei, K. McGrath, P. Moore, M. Petito, A. Rowe, C. Schafer, M. Schroeder, S. Shevlin, J. Shields, I. Smith, P. Thompson, P. Voightsberger, D. Zuccari, P. Amaral, M. Bandola, D. Berchem, W. Born, T. Bowers, J. Chukumba, R. Cooper, A. D' Artiglio, P. Deal, M. Esposito, N. Fasanella, M. Henson, R. Kacperowski, C Kimtis, A. Kusnirik, J. Landolfi, A. Lopez, R.J. Littley, J.路Maleski, J. McDavitt, W. Orth, D. Quaglietta, D. Russo, D. Sosa, K. Szalc, D. Verdel, A. Bayrasli, B. Birch, P. Brand, Z. Butovich, E. Collins, D. Elghossain, J. Pelzer, S. Sionne, M. Valerio
GIRLS' TRACK MEMBERS: A. DeLuca, M. Hastry, N. Shovlin, J. Siemann, L. Al-Omaishi, T. Bree, A. Kelleher, K. Mahon, M. Miller, M. Weintraub, J. Brennan, M. Brennan, M. Chrnelich, B. Daly, J. DiColo, A. Kennedy, L. Koch, L. McWilliam, R. Schoenberger, M. Schubert, L. Smith, D. Sochalski, E. Vanderhoof, K. Woodward, L. Daly, K. Hastry, K. King, M.Maczinko,M.Mason,M.McSorley
Coach: Diane Wargo, Julia Mann, J. Mihalik As another season came to an end, the Notre Dame Varsity Cheerleaders had another successful season. The varsity cheerleaders cheered at all the boys and girls varsity home basketball games. The team was under the leadership of Nicole Kaminski, Christina Taft, and Andrea Bardes. The ladies and gentlemen showed great spirit and pride with each performance!
MEMBERS OF VARSITY: Nicole Kaminski, ChristinaTaft, Andrea Bardes, Alex Erhardt, Rachael Anderson, Sarah Pantages, Jackie Greco, Jenna Carney, Kate Michalak, Meghan Ciaccio, Brianna Patton, Haley Bosak, Crystal Augustine, Katie Hahn, Samantha Riccio, Stephanie Miloscia Stunters: Brian Vereb, James Zoladz, Anthony Chiappetta, Kyle Finnerty, Crew: Dan Castrogiovanni, Todd Woodruff, Alex Jenkins, Sal Marchesano
MEMBERS OF JV: Nicole Orth, Osha Montoya, Liana
Gonzalez, Ashley Kinsley, Nicole Diaz-Segarra, Juda Fusco, Briana Goodrich, Amelia Carella, Sharon Raya, Cara Jorgensen, Jacqui Kuhn, Shaniek Dodson, Tiara Thomas, Paula Welsh, Nicole Ciccone Coach: Ms. Julia Mann
MEMBERS OF FRESHMEN: Morgan Bertone, Samantha Emerson, Brittany Stephen, Salina Miller, Stephanie Koneski, Hayley Fisk, Chelsea Wargo, Amber Ferraro, Dana Yacyk, Samantha Hawley, Chelsea Pfender, Ashley Baker, Justine Dmuchowski, Megan Rezner, AJ Gloner, Kelly McDermott Coach: Ms. J. Mihalik
Coach: Henry DeSandre The swim season was an overall success. With a record of 7-3, the team achieved many of the goals set for themselves before the season started. For the first time in many years, they defeated West Windsor North by a difference of six points. Their meets were full of enthusiasm and the Irish spirit. It was a season to remember. Go Irish swimming!
MEMBERS OF SWIMMING: C. Appel, A. Brunetto, N. Foley, J. Eckstein, M. Gallo, B. Gross, A. Hogan, R. Horgan, I. Michailides, M. Mulleavey, E. Najjar, M. Niederer, C. Oberhauser, P. O'Reilly, C. Sheridan, K. Sheridan, J. Williamson, D. Bilyk, K. Bonanni, E. Casazza, B. Dau, Z. Degan, V. DeSalvo, R. Ernst, J. Gilsey, A. Haugen, M. Kniefel, C. Lynch, M. Moran, A. Pontani, V. Prieto, A. Roberts, M. Schlegel, M. Starke, A. Bautista, K. Blemings, C. Brown, A. Capad, M. Collins, R. Crowell, C. Falcone, S. Fielder, M. Fillebrown, C. Friedman, C. Herbst-Gervasoni, T. Holland, B. Kilcommons, A. Kotsopey, S. Najjar, M. O'Reilly, K. Orlandi, J. Williamson, A. Altomari, C. Appel, E. Carsia, S. Dempsey, J. Feehan, J. Haller, A. Herbst-Gervasoni, J. Hoover, M. King, M. Pisano, B. Wilson
Coach: John Wilus The Notre Dame Divers had an extremely successful season. The Irish brought home a Mercer County Tournament Championship. The divers recorded victories over West-Windsor South, Peddie, North Brunswick, Franklin and West Windsor North. Pat Calcagno recorded 6 wins overall for the Irish doing it all on his own! The divers had Charlotte Jennings, Nicole DeLoca, and Shannon Krall all qualify for the NJ State Diving Championship Meet.
MEMBERS OF DIVING: Charlotte Jennings, Shannon Krall, Patrick Calcagno, Alyse Canciello, Nikki DeLoca, Hannah Ahearn
Coach: Gary Dambro The wrestling Team had a very solid team this year, everyone did their part and helped the team to be successful! The team placed 2nd in the Mercer County Tournament and had a record of 12-3. The Irish had 5 players advance to regions: Chase Badger, Ben Grant, Vince Spiezio, John McDermott, and Andrew Roberto. Way to go Wrestlers!
MEMBERS OF VARSITY: Ed Chudkowski, Joe Parmegiani, Chase Badger, Greg Budriss, JC Curcio, John McDermott, Vincent Spiezio IV, Chris Weidl, William Bickel, Chris Cavanaugh, Ben Grant, Sheamus O'Connor, Matt Smythe, David DeCamp, Martin Jennings, Chris Leva, Andrew Roberto
MEMBERS OF JV: Mike Benedetti, Kelan Caccavella, Louis Galasso, Hugh Oberholtzer, Nick Condit, Robert Diletto, Mark. Galarrita, , Travis Larmore, Jim Montgomery, Jason Oszart, Earl Choi, Travis Krell, Shane McKenna, Peter Ratzlaff, Jeff Vetter
Notre Dame Varsity Baseball
Notre Dame Junior Varsity Baseball
Notre Dame Freshman Baseball
Notre Dame Varsity Softball
Notre Dame Junior Varsity Softball
Notre Dame Varsity Girls Lacrosse
Notre Dame Junior Varsity Girls Lacrosse
Notre Dame Varsity Boys Lacrosse
Notre Dame Golf Team
Notre Dame Varsity Boys Tennis
Boys Track Team
Notre Dame Girls Track
Performing Arts
A Midsummer Night's'Dream Notre Dame High School presented their Fall production af. William Shakespeare's. " A Midsummer Night's Dream". The play wa~ ?irected,by M~. '"' Constance and included a dynamic cast with leads including; Heather Wei~. ~'路路 Eric Carsia, and Caitlin M6.Mullen. This Shakespearean play included dancing, musi9, special effects, puppetry,;, and ro.:v' mance. Congratulations to the entire cast on a huge success!
Le~diog R~tes
Ptrftrrmtnf} ArfJ~ .
Ctrnotrt The Christmas Concert One night in mid-December was a night made memorable for many people. It was filled with cheery Christmas songs from the Concert Band, Jazz Band, Madrigal and Concert Choir. It was hard not to catch the holiday spirit with songs like Silver Bells, Santa Clause is Coming to Town, and Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. The night ended with a very special guest leading everyone in a sing-a-long. This magical night was dedicated to one very special women in the audience, Mrs.Palombi. It was truly an unforgettable night for everyone!
Gigi Gibilisco
Mrs. Irene Palombi
Fandra?j;tr The Christmas Fund raiser On December 11 , 2004 there was a magical night of fun, singing, and music from the Concert Band, Jazz Band, and Madrigal. This dance was an effort to raise money for the Concert Band to go to Florida in May 2005. All the members of band or Madrigal that attended were dressed in costumes ranging from elves, to a snow blizzard, even a fireplace!! This was a night of pure fun and enjoyment!!
Emily Leonard, Mike Miller,
Mike Bernabe
Tim Burns
Christa Marzan
Paul Alfonse
Anna DelaPaz
On January 8, 2005, twelve weeks of hard work was finally put together when the Notre Dame Performing Arts Department presented Fusion, its annual dance performance. This show is a collaberation of talent featuring the dance performance, dance intermediate, and dance classes under the direction of Mrs. Debbie Gibilisco, and Ms. Grainer. The dancers entertained friends and family to songs from familiar movies. It was a fun night for everyone!
Kiss Me/ Kate This was the 46th Musical Production at Notre Dame H..igh School. The first Musical was Call Me Madam performed in 1960. Since then Notre Dame has put on a variety of performances 路like West Side Story, Grease, Plain and Fancy, and many many more. This year we were dazzled with Kiss Me, Kate. The cast was lead by the director, Mr. Louis Gibilisco. All the members of the show put in hours and hours of hard work that came shining through on stage. Congratulations to all of the cast members on another outstanding performance!
Strvtot Knitting Club This service Club reaches out in a warm way by knitting and crocheting scarves and blankets. These items are then given to the needy children living in the route one shelters.
1 would like more people to give their hands to serve and their hearts to love" - Mother Teresea
Strvtot Story Writers Club Students involved in this club participate in creating and designing seasonal coloring books for children living in shelters. These books are distributed at Big Brothers Big Sisters events. They are also shared with nearby soup kitchens. This club offers a fun way to reach out to children while celebrating the seasons.
Servtoe Kids On The Block Puppeteers Students in this club animate puppets with disabilities to display a message of understanding and compassion to young children from around the area. Their skits include: Blindness, Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and cultural awareness. This club is a creative way to make a difference in the world.
Serf/toe This special group of students work with women that have been affected by domestic violence. They offer support and brighten their lives with favors, gifts, food and fellowship.
Servtoe TRIAD House I
TRIAD House "Friends of Teens in Need" This group of students work with other teens to help them get through hard times in their lives. They offer friendship and support and sometimes they simply provide a shoulder to cry on.
Strll?ot Asian American
The Asian American Club meets once a month for cultural awareness. The students share information from Korea, Philippines, India and America. It is a great way to learn about our world and different customs!
TACTA is a great way for students to show their love for animals. TACTA, which stands for Teens Against Cruelty to Animals, is involved with the Seeing Eye Dog program and the Canine Walk-a-thon. Members of this club collect cat and dog food for the local aniumal shelters.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"- Helen Keller
Strvtot Red Cross
Students involved in this club sponsor peer-education programs for primary age children in Trenton schools. They discuss first-aid safety, what to do when home alone, and water safety. Involvement in this club is a great way to become an active volunteer in our community.
Rainbow House
Rainbow House, this group of teens work with girls and offer love, support, and friendship. Sometimes all anyone need is a friend!
"There is the sky, which is all men's together... "- Euripides
Strvtot Key Club
Anchor House
This international club provides service events for each season of the year. Key Club reaches out to the community through Big Brothers and Big Sisters events, Project Freedom, and Christmas caroling at nursing homes. Anchor House this group creates seasonal crafts, homemade deserts, and food baskets for the organization.
"We are so bound together that no man can labor for himself alone."-Euripides
Members of Student Government: Armand DelaRosa, Thomas Yake, Austin Thornton III, Jake Hoover, Christen Lindner, Albert Buck, Matt Shapson, Liz Waldron, Josie Haller, Rachael Anderson, Renee Janolo, Gabrielle Frederico, Stacia Nero, Tom Rankin, Bill Birch Moderator: Mr. Robert Schulte
The Notre Dame Student Government, under the uReal Leaders, Real Results," is dedicated only to one cause- serving the students at Notre Dame. Whether it be a school dance, the spring carnival, or advocating to the administartion a new uniform policy, the Student Government is there for the students. In the 2004-2005 school year, the Student Government took on a new mission - to make this a school year of excitement with bigger and better events. Under the leadership of President Liz Waldron, Vice President Thomas John Yake, Secretary Mike Miller, Treasurer Armand DelaRosa, and Sergeant-AtArms Stacia Nero, as well as Bill Birch and Tom Rankin the representatives took on all activities with a breath of fresh air. The Student Government is led under the direction of Mr. Bill Romano.
Members of Student Government: Connor Lewis, Bobby Hogan, Ben Grannick, Mike Miller, Nat Weintraub, Mark Cook, Justin Chukumba, Jess Clough, Dan Verdel, Paris Powe, Julie Bertone, Christina Falcone, Kelly Twamley Moderator: Mrs. Debra Boehm
Members of Student Government: Mark Galarrita, Pat Duffner, Katie Suter, Marisa Nunez, Katherine Eklund, Nicholas Lezynski, Kaitlin Hahn, Pat Thompson, Jim McCue, John Lubin, Elizabeth Casazza, Heather Weise Modertaor: Mr. Donald Bauch
.Members of Student Government: Michael Yake, Sam Woodward, Chelsea Wargo, Franki Vicini, Rose Collier, Alex Kimtis, Devon Martineux, Rudy Lopez, Anneliese Cooke, Emily ?etersack Ryan McNamara, Brian Siemann Modertor: Ms. Christina Nickels
Math League consists of a group of students that love math! This talented team goes head to head against other mathematical brains in the eve as well as throughout the state. They engage in competitions after school and during activity periods.
Club Members: D. Belly, A. Belmont, D. Benedetti, J. Campos, L. Casarra, M. Collier, K. Dempster, A. Fabian, J. Farrell, J. Gilsey, C. Hahn, J. Hahn, M. Harte, J. Heater, M. Henner, A. Herbst-Gervasone, D. Karas, C. Kimitis J. Kimitis, A. Kotsopey, J. Lanagan, A. Lever, B. Lewis, D. Lewis, A. Marszalek, R. McNamara, B. Mitchell, M. Murthy, J. Oliano, K. Pe, C. Richardson, A. Riexinger, B. Selman, B. Selvarajah, B. Siemann, C. Slivka, P. Thompson, A. Wang, N. Weintraub, A. Yadav, M. Yake Moderators: Ms.Mary Hermida, Mrs.Margrit Vegter
The Ex b is made up of studen~ interested 路 lobal friendship. Thefl. long range vipit their sister plans are The club has school in a 路endship alsent and recei bums, videos, and tette s to arkl from Japan. Memb s have learned some of the Japanese language, Asian calligraphy, and martial arts. There were field trips to Asian restaurants and qaditional Tea Ceremonies. Even though their main focus is Japan, the club has hosted students from Spain, written letters to Uganda, and made contact with a school in Germany. In the future they hope to visit and build new bonds with schools in Europe, Australia, and other countries. The club is always open to new members! They meet every Monday in Mrs. Salcewicz's room.
Club Members: S.Alphonse, S.Barthelemy, A.DelaPaz, K.Gocke, S.Guinee, B.Haluska, D.Hauer, M.Keese, C.King, T.Lin, T.O'Gara, P.Powe, B.Selvarajah, N.Soans, S.Williams, J.Williams, T.Thomas, P.Hall, K.Beckett, M.Qua, R.Crowell, G.Snook, H.Kubitz, J.Smith, V.Prieto, K.Ryan, A. Deluca, S.Dodson, G.Snook, L.Drialo Moderator: Mrs. Judy Salcewicz
ERASE- End Racism and ~xism Bv~足 where. This club participates in many activities throughout the year. They have Empowerment Day, Invisible Day, Valentine's Blitz, Kindness Day, and Outreach Workshops. On Invisible Day the students wear black club shirts and attempt to be silent representing those who feel left out of our co~u足 nity. Kindness Day Oub "spies" wearing black shirts will look for tho "caught in the act" ofbeing nice to someone. A sticker will be presented along with a candy treat and the perpetrator's name will be taken, and these studen~ will be a part of the Wall of Kindness.
Club Members: Michael Kavon, Chris Slivka, Laura Schubert, Marjovia Cvowell, Brian Haluska, AnnMarie Goslin, Laura McCarthy, Ros Rosendale, Christina Dievolf, Catherine Smith, Alexis Smith, Emily Spadafire, Dave Halley, Anna Hogen, Chelsea Oberhoser, Preston Hall, Danielle Baris Moderator: Mrs. Judy Salcewicz
"I am invisible, understand, simply becau people refuse to see me. When they approach me they see only my surroundings, them selves, or figments of their imagination i deed, everything and anything except are." - The invisible Man Ralph Ellison
Touchstone is an inspirational, spiritual, and a supportive group that is ere for everyone. Anyone in the school who has any type of problem at all can join touchstone to simply talk and gain instant support and friends. Touchstone is quickly growing in importance and recognition.
Club Members: Mandi Stirone, Liana Gonzalez, Malorie Cirillo, Melissa Antinoro, Lauren Krakosky, Kelly Mackey, Jessica Taormina, Dana O'Brien, Brenna Pancza, Kelly Reilly, Erin Laurita, Calin Platt, Bernadette Miller, Maria Sapienza, Stephanie Williams, Ida Goslin, Samantha Otto, Robert Ruszczyk, Ashley Blaine Moderators:Mrs. Eileen Marx, Mrs. Catherine Sewnig
Peer leailert
Upperclass Club Members: K. Aden, D. Barus, K. Blemings, M. Chrnelich, D. Coy, J. Chukumba, JC Curcio, A. D' Artiglio, P. Deal, A. DelaPaz, P. D' Auria, B. Emanuel, C. Falcone, D. Ferrero, B. Grannick, P. Hall, L. Hurley, L. Krakosky, L. Koch, S. Krall, J. Landolfi, C. Lewis, RJ Littley, D. McGowan, M. Miller, P. Nocera, L. Parolski, P. Powe, K. Rosetty, S. Sarkar, N. Soans, T. Thomas, E. Vanderhoof, D. Verdel, J. Wahlmeier, E. Watson, N. Weintraub, K. Wishbow, B. Zaba, R. Anderson, K. Auletta, B. Birch, R. Bissel, D. Bujak, D. Cannon, J. Carney, A. DelaRosa, L. Favre, G. Ferrara, I. Goslin, J. Haller, C. Handrich, L. Harrington, A. Hober, S. Hunt, J. Jez, J.Kane, J. Langan, B. Lewis, D. Lewis, M. Mason, E. Masterson, M. McKeever, N. Nicolson, K. Pe, C. Peiffer, C. Pride, K. Reilly, J. Saphire, B. Selman, B. Sheridan, C. Taft, P.Thompson, C. Ungrady, D. Williams, D. Quinn, T. Yake Moderators: Mrs. Judy Salcewicz, Mrs. Amy Beardsley
Peer Leadership is a fun and caring organization facilitated by Mrs. Salcewicz and Mrs. Beardsley. The Peer Leaders strive to make everyone feel welcome in our Notre Dame Community. Peer Leaders learn how to facilitate and guide their peers. Every summer, they attend a retreat at Camp Bernie to help become better leaders, and it gives the club a chance to bond. Every month, the Peer Leaders hold a hug-a-thon to raise money for different charities. The Peer Leaders are service models and , raise money during Phone-AThon. If you see someone wearing a red shirt. you know you'll have a friend!
Underclass Club Members: L. A-lOmaishi, B. Balint, N. Boronkay, L. Casazza, K. Eklund, B. Falconer, A. Goslin, K. Haggerty, K. Hahn, S. Krakosky, K. McGrath, P.McMahon, K. Merrick, A. Mills, P. Moore, J. Morris, L. Nebbia, A. Nouri, N. Orth, J. Shields, A. Sipio, C. Smith, K. Suter, P. Thompson, J. Vacc~ro, R. Widmann, H. Wiese Moderators: Mrs. Judy Salcewicz, Mrs. Amy Beardsley
"We believe that every s~u足 dent has leadership potential" This is the motto of the leadership club. This club was designed to give students the opportunity to develop and grow as leaders. Through various activities in the classroom as well as in the community the members learn how to enhance their skills and lead others!
Club Members: P.Hall, M.Jankauskas, J.Wahlmeier, B.Dietere, B.McPoyle, C.Davidson, L.Hurley, R.Schoenberger, }.Taormina, }.Landolfi, R.Long, T.Capella, B. O'Brien, S.Krall, N.Zingaro, L.McCarthy, C. Dierolf, J.Fusco, M.Harte, V.Prieto, K.Connolly, L.Shunk, K.Perry, D.Esposito, A.Kinsley, B.Miller, S.Miloscia, R.Ernst, S.Quinn, C.Pryor, }.Mariani, M.Mullins, A.Mills, S.Bowers, R.Widmann, L.Nebbia, A.Goslin, R.Rosendale, J.Oliano, K.Merrick, S.Parkes, H.Wiese, M.Nunez, S.Graff, B.Falconer, K.Ryan, A.Wolice, N.Keegan, K.McManimon, K.Rossiter, K.Ranke, K.Menno, A.Pancza, E.Stremlo, K.Loughran, R..Balint, N.Orth, A.Tomlinson, E.Wiacek, B.Bertone, M.Bertone, S.Bremerman, H.Kubitz, M.Hemandez, S.Ciccone, S.Guinee, C.Boland, D.Haller, R.McNamara, J.Maruca, A.Wishbow, M.Karon, C.-Sheridan, L.Sturm, }.Vetter, E.Najjar, C.Nocera, M.Keeney, A.Gloner, A.Hogan, S.Koneski, L.Schubert, A.Lightburn, C.King, M.Niederer, A.Partricella, A.Brunetto Moderator: Mrs. Judy Salcewicz
The Irish Action players are a group of students who create d perform original skits adessing issues teenagers often deal with in high school. The Players use humor to tell stories in a way that is both entertaining and thought provoking. Some of the many topics presented include drugs, alcohol, peer pressure, dating, and stereotypes. Irish Action performs for various school events such as parent orientations, instruction of intoming freshmen, spirituality days, and school liturgies. Club Members: S. Avellino, D. Barus, A. Biddle, N. Boronkay, C. Brendel, A. Canciello, J. Chukumba, S. Compagnucci, M. Competelli, D. Coy, P. Deal, A. DeLaPaz, C. Ely, B. Emanuel, B. Falconer, M. Fleming, M. Galarrita, S. Goracy, K. Haggerty, B. Kilcommons, K. Lukasiewicz, R. Murray, P. Nocera, A. Nouri, J. Philhower, K. Rossiter, M. Shapson, N. Soans, P. Thompson, A. Wolice, D. Zubrzycki J. Case, M. Englander, H. Fisk, C. Guinee, M. Harris, J. McGlone, M. Niederer, C. Oberholtzer, B. O'Brien, J. Scanlon, K. Smith, T. Smith, E. Spadaford, J. Stirone, M. Tomasulo, F. Vicini, C. Villalobas, A. Wenke, A. White, M. Karon, R. Tovar, D. Haller. Moderators: Mr. Lew Welsh, Mr. Joe Cafferky.
The Web Journalists are students who update the web pages that you are viewing while visiting the Notre .Pame Website. Our goal is to strengthen the content of the Website and make the site more user friendly to parents, students, teachers, and prospective families. The students update the web pages during our meeting once a week as well as on their own time. Each student is responsible for his or her own page to update. If any Notre Dame Students are interested in joining the Web Journalists club come to BlOS during activity period! Club Members: Leah-Michelle Nebbia, Jillian Vaccaro, Laic de Lame, Brian Siemann, Christian Hahn, Katie Yorks, Casey Guinee, Kyle Dempster, Christine Bebeau, Jonathan Keller, and Nicole Gervasio. Moderator: Ms.Brenda Riley.
'onal is a club prot rights around Through w ting campaigns, Amn International works for the of prisoners of conscience n viol t people jailed by a go ent for political reasons) as well as an end to capital punishment for prisoners convicted as minors.
Club Members: Brooks Fitzpatrick, Matthew Valerio, Casey Boyle, Kristen Scalise, Jessica Williamson, Nicole Gervasio, Allyson Ashmore, Angela Hauer. Moderator: Mrs. Maureen Kelly
Every Tuesday our creative energy edges close to insanity! We belong 9> the Art Club run by Ms. Cauc 1. The chill atmosphere of the Art room is a great place to create priceless masterpieces or simply doodle!
Club Members: Shasta Fowler, Kristen Scalise, Jen Tiberi, Carly Grainger, Sebastian Compagnucci, Adrienne Pontani, Katelynn Kilmmons, Brittany Kenney
ETC. Meeting on Wednesdays during ctivityperiod, members of ETC. ead and critique the prose and poetry of their peers. Any student may submit work to ETC. Club members vote for or against each work, culminating in the ETC. magazine which is pubished at the end of each school
Club Members: Pete Harris, Justin Pellechia, Allyson Ashmore, Michael Collins, Brandon Dolly, Laura Graziano, Angela Hauer, Kristina Kosztyo, Amy McLaren; Lauren Nemeth, Katie O'Brien, John Kimtis, Kendall Spinelli, Kristen Scalise, Nat Weintraub, Jessica Williamson, Casey Guinee, Dan Sosa, Anthony D' Artiglio, JC Curcio, Kate Birch. Editors: Caitlin Dwyer, Keenan Field, Nicole Gervasio, Nick McGowan, Caroline Richardson. Moderators: Ms. Caucci and Mr. Lobis
Notre Dame's future lawyers gathered once again this year for Mock Trial. In this year's case, Sam Farrow, a bully, is suing Terry Simon, a brain, of assaulting him for revenge. Witness testimony was heard from two expert psychiatrists, one of Sam's parents and one of Terry's teachers. These students get first hand experience at what it is really like to be in a courtroom. All rise!
Club Members: Blayze O'Brien, Rich Myslinski, SHaron Raya, Megan Fillebrown, Ashley Hober, Shane Daly, Pete Thompson, Chris McGrath, Thomas John Yake, Liz Waldron, Ashley McDonald, Pat Whity, Ryan McNamara, David Karas, Christina Bebeau Moderator: Mr. John McQuarrie
The Notre Dame IriSh Arne 路 Club is a group of students Wllo gather weekly ir Irish \teritage. They to celebrate plan the St. Day Mass, represent Notre D the parade, and have planned p r all of ND' s cultural clubs. The Cluhalways keep&in mind our best friend Mrs. ~路 You need not be Irish to join!
Club Members: Megan Fillebrown, Rose Crowell, Bridget Daly, Lizzie Drialo, Melanie Dee, Emily Najjar Moderator: Mrs. Susan McCullion
These spirited Francophiles meet regularly to learn about French culture, ctice the French language, and experience together la joie de vivre. Their many activities include celebrations for the following: Noel, laFete des Rop, and Mardi Gras. They also join with other clubs to celebrate International Customs. 'flley enjoy tasting French food, listening to French music, wat ing French movie. This year th y helped conceive a project, e ecuted by the Art Club, of signing a quilt representing e' poem Voyelles by A hur Rimbaud. Club Members: Meghan Henner, Jessica Scanlon, Michelle Hastry, Lara Schubert, Anne Latham, Ashlee Gray, Bridget Daly, Megan Rezner, Morgan Bertone, Kara Henderson, Ewelina Wiacek, Meredith Collier, Sean Phino, Brittany Bertone, Brian Selvarajah, Laura Franta, Irene Michailides, Karen Emanuel, Megan Torpey, Ben Shaffer, Mike Kulpinski, Elana Stremlo Moderator: Madame Charlotte Ebel â&#x20AC;˘
Cerman-American Club meets biweekly. The club enjoys learning the German heritage and sampling the fOod. There are always delicious deserts to be tasted. We also watch foreign films and customs from Germany! New members are always welcome. Komm,mach mit!
Club Members: Michael Eposito, Alex Bauttista, Werner Born, Anthony Chiappetta, Doug Crane, Matt Crane, Rose Crowell, Alex Daniel, Mick Fasanella, Adam Huff, Amy, McLaren, Malcolm Mitchell Kevin Seipp Brian Lewis, David Lewis Moderator: Mrs. R. Koeble-Demaree
Over the six-week season this year, when United Nations peacekeeping policies were discussed, the Irish made history. The Notre Dame Varsity Debate Team finished with a 10-2 record. This record won them the Colonial Valley Conference title.
Club Members: Brian Verb, Chris McGrath, John Kimtis, Emily Leonard, Karen Hogan, Pete Thompson Moderator: Mr. Ed Patton
Model United Nations ub, weekend of November 18Notre Dame Model United egation, which represented Iceland, joined over 900 students from all over the United States at the Rutgers Model ongress in New Brunswick to debate ntemporary problems. Using the art international diplomacy and comp.romise, Notre Dame's outstanding delegates worked to amend and pass resolutions through UN committees and on-governmental Organizations. Five Notre Dame delegates won awards: Peter Thompson and John Kimtis, Outstanding Speaker; Emily Leonard, Outstanding Member of the International Press Corps; and Michelle Mullins and K 路e Suter, Best Position Paper. Club Members: Rachel Bissell, Katherine Eklund, Michael Fleming, Emily Hinton, Karen Hogan, John Kimtis, Emily Leonard, Amy Lever, Reka Magge, Christa Marzan, Nick McGowan, Mike Miller, Michelle Mullins, Rich Myslinski, Will Orth, Jill Petrangeli, CarolineRichardson, Robert Ruszczyk, Supriya Sarkar, Michael Stirm, Katie Suter, Patrick Thompson, Peter Thompson, Steve Tykarsky Moderators: Mrs. Jean McGraw, Mrs. Peggy Wroblewski Michael Yake, Thomas John Yake Moderators: Mrs. Jean McGraw, Mrs. Peggy Wroblewski
iftiii~Viv is an academic organization that demonstrates leadership, service, character. and scholarship. Determining factors for eligibility include a 90% grade point average, a 路 mum of fifteen service hours and have at least honors or advanced placement courses. The National Honor Society serves our community through comprehensive tutoring program, aid ing the office staff on a daily basis, and offering a scholarship to an incoming freshman. The reliability and reputation of its members is reflected in the integral role they play in helping fa ulty, students, and the administrati Through their example the ideals of com.munity and service are exemplified.
Club Officers: President- Christina Taft, Vice President- Andrew McConnell, 2nd Vice President- Melissa Bugdal, Treasurer- Meghan Henner, Secretary- Marybeth Competelli Moderator: Mrs. Roberta Anderson
The Spanish Club meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays every er w~ Durill do an~g ing the meetin from watching_ Bob Esponja (Sp ge Bob) to receiving Salsa lessons from MrS. Torres, who is a professional dance teacher. The Spanish Qub ~las attended olot.ifo de a Spanish balle\. the Ballet Mexicanio which has dancillg folk 1~ performers from all over So riea. After the ballet they enjoyed a Spanish meal. Spanish Club members also enjoy eating quesadillas or cltimi ch which they tlleJnselves.
Club Members: Ciara Stewart, Marisa Munez, Lisa Mulcahy, Robert Rosendale, Christina Dierolf, Jennifer Camrniso, Asa Rodriguez, Richard Widmann, Sarah Nowicki, Justine Torres (President), Liz Waldron (Vice President) Moderator: Seniora Shahied
The Voice is Notre Dame's award winning newspaper. This is our schools outlet for news, style, sports, and opinions! The Voice is published monthly and consists of reporters and editors from the journalism class, journalism club, and free-lance writers.
Club Members: Nicole Gervasio, Megan Fillebrown, Jessica Williamson, Angela Halier, Kristina Kosztyo, Molly Chrnelich, Thomas John Yake, Gail Baguilod, Leah-Michelle Nebbia, Jill Vaccaro, Tricia Galinat, Jake Lengyel, Kate Birch, David Karas, Christina Bebeau, Brian Selvarajah Moderator: Mrs. Eileen Marx
Science Bowl consists of a group of students from each grade level who are interested in science. In Mai.-n, the team competes against many other school at the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab (PPPL). The competition includes knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, math, and computer science. The group meets every Monday from 2:15-3:00 and once a week during activity period up until the competition.
Club Members: Team A: Captain- Melissa Bugdal, Luic Delame, Dan Castan, Aradia Herbst- Gervasoni, Adam Marszalik Team B:Captain- Aaron Lulla, Jessi Kane, Brittney Selman, Michael Qua Moderator: Mrs. Hope Brennan
EVents & Activities
As another year goes by, another game of Powder Puff is complete. The Junior and Senior girls got pumped to face off in a game of flag football. Both teams practiced hard and fought it out on December 22, 2004! After an intense game the Junior girls ended up defeating the Seniors!
The Campus Ministry program at Notre Dame is directed by Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Sewnig. This was the first year Mrs. Reed had a co-director to help run the program. Throughout the year, the Campus Ministers organize the monthly liturgies, meetings, and retreats for the entire student body. Aside from organizing school activities, Campus Ministers are responsible for the morning prayers, the bulletin board outside of the chapel, and Tuesday prayer, which takes place every week during activity period. From all the love and care Mrs. Sewnig and Mrs. Reed share with their students, the Campus Ministers develop a special relationship which is shared and passed on through the students at Notre Dame. Campus Ministry is a wonderful program offered by Notre Dame!
KairosFive times a year a random group of seniors go off together for a four day weekend to an unknown location. Every time they come back they are changed in some ways and seem different to all of their friends and family. But what happens on K os is so much more. Students come back with a better view on their lives and the people in them. Bonds and memories are created that will never be forgotten. Not only does everyone become in touch with their inner selves, but God as well. This is an experience that can't be explained and should be kept TOP SECRET!
Spirit Week is a highly energetic and fun time at Notre Dame. The whole school participates together in many great activities. There are pep rallies, blue and white days, Mr. Notre Dame, and so much more! Spirit week gives the students an opportunity to express our pride in our school!
Elise Moore &
John McKenna 215
The Fall2004 Science Trip to Orlando, Florida was a great experience from beginning to end. Notre Dame Science students participated in Disney's Youth Educational Series (YES) program in Disney World. The YES program teaches physics, marine biology, and technology through educational lessons in the Disney theme parks. Students also spent the day at Sea World to take a closer look at animal care and other issues involving environmental science. Not only did the students have a great time but new friendships were made while old ones were strengthened. The laughs and the memories will always be remembered.
Chaperones :Mrs. Boemhn, Mr.Bauch, Mr. and Mrs.Welch, Mr .Sciarrotta, Mrs.McConnell
Kristen Auletta, Emily Chrnelich, Tara Dintrone, Rachael Ferrara, Laura Koch, Brittany Lay, Lauren Nemeth, Jessica Taormina, Katie Yorks, Christopher Arcari, Michael Benedetti, Michael Collins, David Coy, Martin Henson, Jeffrey Hornyak, James Kostinas, Thomas Lakatos, Nicholas McGowan, Jonathan Oerth, Joseph Pyle, Mark Reilly, Daniel Russo, Juliann Bertone, Michelle DeMuth, Heather Elsesser, Kristina King, Lauren Krakosky, Amanda Lind, Sandra Pauperowicz, Erin Vanderhoog, Timothy Agasar, Stephen Atkin, Michael Burylo, Thomas Connolly, Earl Hawkins, Scott Holden, Ryan Jackson, Lawrence Mastropieri, Pat Nocera, David Platt, Eric Reilly, Sean Reynolds, Christopher Slivka
School Spirit is the core of the Notre Dame Community! ltiswhatunites us together as a Notre Dame family to celebrate our school pride. What better way to show our school spirit than at our Blue and White Pep Rallies! The cheerleaders get the school pumped up with their vivacious cheers and rhythmic dances. Their hard work and endless hours of practice are evident in their performances. Each season is opened with a rally to help the teams and fans get ready for the upcoming
. The Notre Dame stunters are boys who are able to look past stereotypes and do what they want! The members of this group include Anthony Chiappetta, James Zoladz, Brian Vereb, and Kyle Finnerty. They engage in working out and performing stunts at sporting events and pep rallies. The stunters hold cheerleaders and throw them up for special "tricks". They also add safety to the "flying" cheerleaders. The stunters add that extra bit of spirit to the squad!
After months of hard work, the new entrance to Notre Dame was finally finished. On October 5, 2004, Ms. Ivins, along with several students joined Deacon Gill Wilson, the head of the Trenton Diocesan Building Commission, in the ribbon cutting ceremony. Father Dennis Apoldite was alSo present to bless tfi.e new entrance. This entrance has a three tiered ramp and steps on the opposite side. The specially made steps have heating elements to prevent ice in the winter. - The Voice Construction on the ramp began during the summer of '04. Due to the rainy weather there was a delay in the opening ceremony.
Father Dennis blesses the new ramp as Ms. Ivins and Deacon Gill Wilson look on.
The ramp is opened on October 5, 2004
The Academic All Stars The Academic All-Stars are selected by teachers to be named a leader in their area of expertise. They have all shown hard work and dedication throughout their high school careers and proved that they are the strongest in their area. English - David Lewis qualified as a Merit Scholarship Commended Student and he tutors for National Honors Society. His career goal is to work to bridge the gap that often separates computers, people, and software. The Arts - Christen Lindner has portrayed characters in several plays as well as several musicals. She is a member of the Notre Dame Madrigal Singers, National Honor Society, Student Govemment, and is Vice-President of the Performing Arts Association. Business - Katie Rhein excels in her business class while being a most integral part of the Notre Dame Service Program and a member of the Senior Service Class. She is contemplating a college major of finance or psychology. Mathematics - Kim Duffner completed AP Calculus AB as a junior.
participated in the National Student Leadership Conference in Business. Kim also participates in Varsity Field Hockey, Campus Ministry, and Concert Band. Foreign Language - Lauren Laverty is very passionate about the subject of Spanish. She participated in a summer program in Puetro Rico to further her skills. She is the president of the Spanish Honors Society. She also teaches Spanish children wh
ake CCD classes at her parish.
Technology- Loic de Lame is fascinated by technology and all of the possible applications in so many different areas. Loic is the student tech director for most events. He has shown amazing commitment to the performing arts at Notre Dame and has now taken on an internship with the Office of Radio and Television for the Diocese of Trenton.
The Academic All-Stars (From Left to Right) Loic de Lame, Melissa Bugdal, David Lewis, Lauren Laverty, Christen Lindner, Katie Rhein, Kim Duffner, Thomas John Yake Science â&#x20AC;˘ Melissa Bugdal has shown true commitment to the Science Department, being a valuable asset to the Science Bowl team for four years. She Is currently enrolled in the Senior Independent Research Project Program. She is also Vice President of National Honors Society. History/Social Studies -Thomas John Yake devotee hie time to reading history books and writing musicals about Communism. Thomu Is Vice President of Student Government, a member of National Honors Society, Editor of the School Newspaper, Award-winning member of ModejÂŁongress, as well as an active member of Mock Trial. He hopes to one day be President.
Edward J. Blaustein Scholars Twenty-six students ftom Notre Dame High School have been recognized for their outstanding academic achievement as Edward J. Bloustein Distinguished Scholars for the 2004-2005 academic year. These are students who place in the top of their class and have a minimum combined SAT score of 1260, or are ranked first, second, or third in their class, at the end of their junior year. Each will receive an annual scholarship award of $1,000 if they choose to study at a New Jersey college or University. Bloustein Scholars (Left to Right): Loic deLame, Brittany Wilson, Jessi Kane, David Lewis, Lauren Laverty, Karen Hogan, Pete Thompson, Christina Taft, Meghan Henner,JustinJez,ShastaFowler,AshleyCostello,AndrewRiexinger, Kristin Pe, Ann Wang, Mike Stirm, Ali Altomari, Chris McGrath, Kyle Dempster, Thomas John Yake. Not Pictured: Michael Bartuska, Brian Lewis, Adam Marzalek, Andrew McConnell, Megan McKeever, Joe Parmegiani.
The Yearbook Club is a group of dedicated students who work hard throughout the year. They cover school events, take pictures, write articles and design layouts. Their job is to fill a book with memories for everyone to enjoy for years to come. The Canticle Staff takes great pride in their work and know that they are producing a very important product. We hope you enjoy the 2004-2005 Canticle!
Editors: Denni Chiappetta, Kyle Dempster Caitlin Brendel, Erin Jones, Lauren Zuccarello, Nicole Dehoca, Kara Haggerty, Sam Graff, Caroline Pryor, Elena Stremlo, Nicole Zingaro, Lauren Krakosky, Jessica Taormuna, Danielle Daguio, John Wahlmeier, Kyle Dempster, Aradia Herbst-Gervasoni Moderator: Mrs. Barbara Wojtowicz
NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, FACULTY & STAFF 2004-2005 ADMINSTRATIVE TEAM Ivins, Mary Liz Pilkington, Joan Sciarrotta, Salvatore Burzachiello, Josephine Grabowski, Donna Liptak, Mary Ann Major, Barbara McCullion, Susan Reed, Tracey Sewnig, Catherine Apoldite, Rev. Dennis
FACULTY Anderson, Roberta Archer, John Backus, Abiola Bannon, Cindy Bauch, Donald Beardsley, Amy Brennan, Hope Bugdal, Robert Cafferky, Joseph Campo, Julie 路Caucci, Bernadette Comer, Christopher Coppola, Joseph Costello, Joseph Craven, Andrew Curtis, Mary Czajkowski, Walter Dambro, Gary Deal, Kevin DeGregory, Gary DeMille, Ann 路 DePuglio, Mary Ebel, Charlotte Gannon, Robert Gauvin-Tharney, Denise Gavin, Sheila Giampetro, Theresa Gibilisco, Louis , Grussler, John Gusciora, Richard Hardiman, Maribeth Harris, Cheryl Henkel, Karen Hermida, Mary Humphrey, Thomas. Kelly, Maureen K~bele-Demare~, Regina Koschek, Sandra Krempasky, Susan Lang,.Eileen Lavinson, Leonard Leigh, Desiree Lloyd, Bruce Lobis,.Steven Lynch, Donna Mann, Julia 226
Martin, Mary Lynn Marx, Eileen McConnell, Angela McGraw, Jean McQuarrie, John Melendez, Jaime Moore, Charles Moore, Elsie Nicholls, Robin . Nickels, Christina O'Byme, Edward O'Sullivan, Constance Omland, Lois Parmiter, Mary Patton, Edward Perone, Michael Reither, George Riley, Alison Romano, William Rowland, William Salcewicz, Judith Schafer, Gregory Scheetz, Janine Scimeca SChulte, Robert Schulz, Donna Schwartz, Eric Shahied, Angela Shellenberger, Todd Stanley, Beverly Stevenson, Rose Stueber, Kathleen Tamasi, Nancy 路 Tattory: Bernice Tormey, Bonnie Treacy, James Vegter, Margrit . Verdi, Pamela Wargo, Diane Welch, Phil Welsh, Lewis Wojtowicz, Barbara Wood, Robert Wroblewski, Margaret
DEVELOPMENT/ALUMNI Director [TBA] Doherty, Marion, Asst. Director
MARKETING/PUBLIC RELATIONS Riley, Brenda, Director Miller, Peggy, Admissions
OFFICE STAFF Boehm, Debbie Hoch, Mary Ann Klek, Beverly Kacperowski, Peggy Jo Kimtis, Amy Middleton, Susan Sm.ith, Kim Vereb, Sharon Wise, Maria Wyers, Linda ATHLETIC TRAINER Schwartz, Eric STRENGTH/CONDITIONING INST. McKenna, John LEPRECHAUN SHOP TBD .VENDING Maguire, Joseph SECURITY &SAFETY Bartram, Dan MAINTENANCE STAFF Connell, Joseph Kaczorek, Charles Kinsella, .Patrick Maguire, Hugh McGuire, J. Gerry FACULTY ASSISTANTS' Anderson, Judy Berzinski, Deborah Brown, Ann Burzachiello, Anthony Campbell, Regina Corrado, Joanne Elsesser, Cindy Gordon, Sr. Anka Hahn, Katherine Jennings, Katherine Mellodge, Janet Pyontek, Gail Schoenberger, Donna Seguljic, Sr. Ann Tragone, Lois CAFETERIA Kim Chambers
Judy Anderson
Roberta Anderson
John Archer
Cindy Bannon
No Photo Available
Dan Bartram
Abiola Baskus
Donald Bauch
Amy Beardsley
Debra Bertone
Deborah Berzinski
Debbie Boehm
Hope Brennan
Ann Brown
Robert Bugdal
Anthony Burzachiello
Joe Cafferky
Regina Campbell
Julie Campo
Christopher Collier
Joseph Coppola
Joanne Corrado
Beth Coyle
A. Craven
Mary Curtis
Walter Czajkowski
Kevin Deal
Gary De Gregory
Ann Demille
Mary De Puglio
Charlotte Ebel
Cindy Elsesser
Denise Gauvin-Thamey
No Photo Available
Sheila Gavin
Terry Giampetro
Louis Gibilisco
Sister Anne Gordon
Donna Grabowski
John Grussler
Richard Gusciora
Katherine Hahn
Maribeth Hardiman
Cheryl Harris
Karen Henkel
Mary Hermida
Mary Ann Hoch
Thomas Humphrey
Mary Liz Ivins
Katherine Jennings
Peggy Kacperowski
C. Kaczorek
Maureen Kelly
No Photo Available
Beverly Klek
Regina Korble
Sandra Koschek
Eileen Lang
Leonard Lavinson
Gail Leedom
Desiree Leigh
Mary Ann Liptak
Bruce Lloyd
Steve Lobis
Donna Lynch
Barbara Major
Eileen Marx
Susan McCullion
Jean McGraw
Joe McLaughlin
John McQuarrie
Jaime Melendez
Janet Mellodge
Susan Middleton
Peggy Miller
Charles Moore
Elsie Moore
Christina Nickels
Edward O'Byme
Lois Omland
Constance O'Sullivan
Irene Palombi
Mary Parmiter
Edward Patton
Michael Perone
William Rowland
Joan Pilkington
Gail Pyontek
Tracey Reed
Alison Riley
Brenda Riley
William Romano
Judith Salcewicz
Gregory Schafer
Janine Scheetz
Robert Schulte
Donna Schulz
Eric Schwartz
No Photo Available
D. Schamberger
Ann Seguljic
Catherine Sewnig
Angela Shahied
Todd Shellenberger
Kimberly Smith
Beverly Stanley
Rose Stevenson
Joann Stewart
No Photo Available
Nancy Tamasi
Bernice Tattory
Bonnie Tormey
Lois Tragorz
Pamela Verdi
Sharon Vereb
Lew Welsh
Linda Wires
Robert Wood
Margaret Wroblewski
Dear Mr. McQuarrie, Thank you for being our teacher over the years. You made learning American History and Government fun. We will always think of you when we're at a cocktail party. From, Brittany Wilson, Camille Gallo, Nicolle Gallo, and Yadira Rosero Dear Miss Riley, You have empowered my creative energies! Thank you so much for always pushing my creativity and encouraging me to always think outside of the box! I have enjoyed all of the scenic design classes you have taught me and working on the set for Kiss Me Kate with you was so much fun! You have been such an inspiration to me! You hold a special place in my heart and you will be forever remembered! Love, Daniella DiLornezo Dear Mrs. Caucci, Words can absolutely never express how much of an inspiration you have been to me through my years of high school. Not only have you taught me about art, you have taught me patience and individuality. Europe was amazing!!! I am so glad that my first adventure out of the country was with someone as fun and outgoing as you. Thanks for always being there! Love, Daniella DiLorenzo Mrs. McGraw, It's no surprise that I love my history teacher, history is my favorite subject. But you Queen, you took the title to a whole other level. Thank you, you taught more than just the history of our great United States, but you taught me more about life. I will never forget my favorite Southerner, I will always think of you. Thomas John Yake Mr. McQuarrie, I am delightfully surprised at our commonalities. He knew that tli.ere was once was a kid just like me who wished to be the Pope than the President. You are a true connoisseur of government, you have taught me one thing- I will always have something to talk about at a cocktail party. Thomas John Yake Mrs. Marx, There is a side to politics that is sometimes overlooked but it is probably the most powerful force in the field, the media. For all the work we did on getting The Voice off the ground just three years ago to the award-winning force you have made it, thank you for letting me be something special in its production. Thomas John Yake Mr. McLaughlin, Joey boy, I would never have guessed that a little walk with you one day during Cross Country would change my time here at Notre Dame so much. I will always have a soft spot for track, mainly, well no, all because of you. You are a good man sir. Thomas John Yake Ms. Pilkington, Did you ever think that you would get to spend four tremendous years with me? I mean come on; would you ever have let it pass through your thoughts? In the end, I'm glad we got four years, I just wish it was longer. Thomas John Yake Ms. Ivins, It is amusing to talk to you about a favorite television series.
But there will be dilemma, who will I talk to you next year when I have to decide if I prefer Alan Alda oi Jimmy Smitts. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Thomas John Yake Mrs. Burzaciello, Mrs. Wyers, and Mrs. Wise, 路 Thank you for making my morning so bright and cherry in Discipline. Those mornings were filled with laughs, stories, dress shopping, word jumbles, and how can I forget, toroaids (aka donuts). Thomas John Yake Ms. Liptak and Mr. Gus, You initiated me into the Notre Dame community my freshmen year with two of my all time favorite classes. Mr. Gus, you broke the news of 9-11 to me, and in our years I realized that you are true man of America, someone I could trust defending my country. Ms. Liptak, you are one of the most intellec-
tually gifted people I will get to know in my life. Your personality and demeanor are so unique, and so special, I will never forget you both. Thomas John Yake Dear Mrs. Schulz! You just yelled at me, lovingly so, for not doing this yet and you said you like Becca better so, now it's time to score some points! When I finished Writing I, I said I would never take another writing class again. But after junior year I wised up a bit and realized that college was going to be a lot more difficult then I knew, and I needed to be prepared. I knew Writing II was going to be a hard class and I would have to do more work than I've ever done before, but I also knew that taking your class and having your guidance was the only thing that could prepare me for next year. You have taught me more about writing in the two forty minute classes I've taken with you then any other class I've ever had. You've helped me gain the motivation I need to get myself through high school and ready for the challenge of college. Thank you so much Mrs. Schultz, every time I write an essay or paper in college I'll be thinking about you, and probably email it to you too so you can proof read it for me! I'll be back all the time to see how you're doing and so you can tell me how none of your other students will ever compare to me! Haha ... Have a great summer Mrs. Schulz! The Best Student You Ever Had .... Josh Webster P.S. YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU!!! CONTRACTION CONTRACTION CONTRACTION!!! AT (haha, there is a preposition at the end of my sentence, and YOU CAN'T do a THING about it!) ... that felt good ... Mrs. BrennanThank you both for always believing in me and making me try again until I got things right. I was lucky enough to have you for my junior year of biology. You helped me get through the year and you are an amazing person. I hope that you know just how much of an impact you put on my life. I will never forget you, and I'll be back to visit! Love Always, Chelsea Bosak Mrs. SewnigTransferring into Notre Dame my sophomore year was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I thought I was not going to make it but thanks to you, I did. You are an amazing, loving person with a huge hear.t. You know how to understand all people and you never judge. People always feel that they can come to yoli for anything, and that's how you made me feel too. I really look up to you and I hope that when I become a teacher, the students feel the same way about me that I feel about you! Thank you for everything! Love Always, Chelsea Bosak Mr. SchaferYou not only taught me how to have fun in everyday life, but you taught me how to even have fun in math! You are an awesome person and an awesome teacher. You never gave up on me even though it would take me ten tries to get 1 rna th problem correct. You made me believe in myself, and that is something that I was not very good at. Thank you for everything you have done for me throughout high school. You're the best! Love Always, Chelsea Bosak Mrs. Boehm! love you! Thanks for always being there to joke around with! You are a child at heart, and that is something that a lot of adults have lost! Thanks for always getting my transcripts out and helping me through my college search. You are such a happy person and you always knew how to brighten up my day! I'll definitely be back to see you! Love Always, Chelsea Bosak Mrs. MartinI have never met a more compassionate, caring, person. You helped me get through some very hard times this year. I know I could always tell you anything, and you would understand and never judge. You have taught me so much about life and love. I was honored to have you as my teacher, and I promise to never forget about the poor. Class with you was amazing. I hope that someday I can make a difference in others lives like you have in mine. I love you & thanks for always being there. Love Always, Chelsea Bosak
Dear Ms. Liptak, Thanks for always pushing me to be the best inside the classroom and out. You are an amazing teacher and I will never forget the many life lessons learned in your presence. Your memorable personality has made it very easy for me to become attached to you. I will miss you and your stories next year. Thanks for being one of the best teachers I've ever had. Love, Kirstin Auletta Dear Mrs. Leigh, You smile can light up the darkest room. Thanks for your constant optimism and unique and creative ways to put that "Latino" in my blood. You are one person I will never forget. Thanks for giving me a true love for the Spanish culture. I love you too, darling. Love always, Kirstin Auletta Dear Mr. O'Byrne, You are one of a kind. I love your fabulous sense of humor. Thanks for making physics easy for me to understand. And remember, "It's relatively straightforward." Love, Kirstin Auletta Mrs. Martin, Your love and unending dedication to the less fortunate is an inspiration. You are a role model to many and I will never forget that "women hold up half the sky." Thanks for everything. Love, Kirstin Auletta Dear Mr. Caff, Thanks for all the laughs. You are truly a great person. Love your chirper, Kirstin Auletta Dear Ms. Brennan, Mr. Gus, Mrs. Gavin, and Mrs. Marx, I don't even know how to begin to thank each one of you; I am exceptionally appreciative for all that you have done for me over these last four years. You have led me to success by pushing me to do my best and helping me every step of the way. By opening numerous doors for me, you've steered me towards many wonderful opportunities. You have helped me cultivate my love for learning, and for this, I will always be grateful!! With Love, Melissa Bugdal Mrs. Omland, Ms. Brennan, and Ms. Campo, The past four years have opened my eyes to the incredible world of science and math. Because of you, I really understand why I work so hard. I only hope to be as passionate about science and math as you are one day. Thank you for guiding me through the intricacies behind chemical reactions, the human body, and calculus. I will never forget the lessons you have taught me. Thank you so much, Acadia Herbst Mr. Collier, I made it!!! Four years of high school, countless hours spent in guidance, and so many memories. Thank you for helping through the schedules, summer programs, interviews, applications, transcript release forms, recommendations, and the daily trials and tribulations. I have learned so much about life, those of which I will bring with me to college and beyond. You helped understand one of the most difficult lessons of all, to truly know myself. Thank you. The guided, Acadia Herbst Dear Mrs. Marx, Thanks so much for teaching me over the years. You taught me how to become a better writer and made the whole process fun and enlightening. Also a very BIG "Thank You," for editing my college essays and helping me gain acceptance into my first choice school. I'll always remember your thoughtful words and teachings. Love, Camille Gallo Mrs. Wo I had you for one class, half a year, just eighty minutes way back in the early goings of sophomore year. The lessons ' you taught the class was just the Standard English curriculum, but thank you for giving me a clearer picture of myself through the writings I turned in. So it was junior year, the
first class I signed up for senior year was the creative writing class because I was looking forward to another class with you. Senior year you're going to have another child, may God bless you and your family and thanks for being a great teach. I would like to thank Ms. Wrobo for an exceptional job of teaching me my first semester of my senior year. I had her for American Legal and she did a great job of presenting the material in a great way and making the class interesting. She used many ways to help us learn different areas of the legal system. Like videos showing us the harsh reality of jail and death row. We also had numerous class discussions on controversial topics like the death penalty, juveniles on death row, and the increase in crime rate. I want to thank you for doing a great job of always keeping the class lively and interesting. Ryan Jackson Dear Ms. Lynch, Thank you so much for being such a great teacher throughout these four years. I've enjoyed our humorous conversations and appreciate the support you have shown to me. Your sense of humor and unique personality makes your classes interesting and I'll miss talking to you next year. Sincerely, Marybeth Competelli Dear Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Sewnig, Thank you for everything you have done for us through Campus Ministry. You both have set a comfortable environment for everyone you meet and make us feel we are not alone in our times of need. This is appreciated beyond words and I hope you are aware of the difference you make. Sincerely, Marybeth Competelli Dear Mr. Lobis, Thank you much for everything that you have done for Dottie, Dayday, The Fish, and Me (Gaylin). You have taught us so much. Also, thank you so much for the many heart to heart conversations that you had with us during activity period. You are truly an inspiration, and we take your advice, well most of the time at least. Oh and I will never forget "The Dog face". Thank you once again! Sincerely Calin Platt Dear Mrs. Sewnig, You are a remarkable woman, teacher, and friend. Thank you so much for all the fun times we had in your office and listening to what each one of us had to say during touchstone. You are such a stone person, even when you are having a bad had you hold your head up high and keep going. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with me. I will miss you so much next year, and will back to see you all the time! Sincerely Calin Platt Dear Mrs. Marx, Thank you for everything this year. Your class was so much fun and I am very lucky to have been in it. You and your husband have helped me so much with my friend . You were always there to listen, help, and guide, not just me but anyone who needed you. You are beyond doubt an astonishing women. Thank you once again for everything! Sincerely Calin Platt Dear Mrs. Schultz, Thank you for all you have ever done to help me get to where I am today and to where I will be in the future . You're an honest teacher, but most of all, my friend when I need guidance. I will miss you dearly. Sincerely, Carissa Salvatore Dear Mr. Lobis, I really enjoyed being in your class. Thank you so much for all your help with everything. You are such a great person and an awesome teacher! Your teaching has helped me so much to understand all of the books we read this year. Thank you for all of your great advice that I will take to college with me and I will keep with me for the rest of my life. Sincerely, Dana O'Brien Dear Mrs. Caucci, You have taught me so much about art. I truly enjoyed every day going into your class. You taught me to never give up on anything. You are such a wonderful person and teacher. I hope to continue pursuing art throughout college. I will always remember everything you taught me. Thank
you so much!! Sincerely, Dana O'Brien Dear Mrs. Sewnig, You are such an amazing person. I am so glad to have joined Touchstone this year. You have become more than just a teacher to me; you have become a great friend of mine. I just want to say thank you for everything. Your advice has helped me deal with the rough issues of life and I will take that advice with me everywhere. I will miss you so much next year! Sincerely, Dana O'Brien Dear Mrs. Marx, I am so privileged to have had you for a teacher the whole year. You are such a nice person and a great teacher. I have learned so much from both of your classes. I hope to continue learning about journalism in college and to possilbly pursue a career in it as well. I will always remember your classes and the lessons you have taught me. Thank you for everything! Sincerely, Dana O'Brien Dear Mrs. Caucci, Thank you for everything!!! Your classes always made my days happier!!! Thanks for putting up with me all four years, giving me advice on my art works and helping me put together a portfolio for my colleges. I'll miss you and your classes when I'm in college. THANKS!!!, Katelynn Kilcommons Dear Mr. Schafer, I would like to thank you for all the sttlJport you've given me in the past years. As other ~eachers had overlooked me you have always believed in me and let me do my own thing. I broke your favorite mug and you still forgave me (I still owe you one for that) . I always look forward to playing Ultimate Frisbee and it would not be the same without you running it. Thanks again for always being there and being a great guy. Yours truly, Sir Austin Thomas Joseph Thornton the III P.S.- E-A-G-L-E-S Ms. Riley, You are probably one of the most positive people in this school. Thanks for your endless encouragement with my art. Ifitweren' t for that" special" art class you taught, I don't think I would be pursuing art. Your impersonations of certain individuals are hil-arious. I can always count on you for a good laugh. Love always, Shasta Mrs. Reed, Where have the past four years gone? I remember freshman year as if it were just yesterday. And now here I am, a senior!! It's scary to think that four years can go by so quickly. Going on KAIROS twice was absolutely amazing- I don't know how I would have been able to do it without you. These four years we have spent together have been crazy to say the least. I have no clue what I'm going to do without you next year. Who am I going to call and gossip about American Idol with?! You have always been there for me- just a walk down the halls or a phone call away- and I just wanted to say thank you. Even though words cannot even begin to express my thanks, it's the least I can do for all you have done for me. I will miss you soooooo ... much! I love you!!! Love always, Danielle Bujak Woto, Look! I'm not in yearbook right now! yes I know, I should pity you because you had to put up with me these past two years in yearbook, but I did some work too occasionally!!! Soon I'm going to come back and teach the yedrbook class to make sure you're doing everything right (hehehe). Anyway, yeah, thanks for all the food and the work you made me do because I really did have fun and I'm always happy to be your 'other' senior editor! Best of luck in the future, Kyle Dempster MomBo, My darling, we were friends before Kairos, and then after you became my 'Mom Bo'. Thank you for making Guidance my sanctuary from all of my AP classes and all of my work. I
hope you always enjoyed my company and I hope I leave a good trainee to work for you next year, and if it doesn' t work out, well ... I'll just have to come in every morning and do it myself. I'll always remember that I may not have always walked into Guidance with a smile, but I always walked out with one. Love and hugs, Kyle Dempster Mr. CC (Collier), Yes it is true, I have claimed your office as my own. I should considering that I've probably been in there as much as you have (hahaha you know it's true). Thanks for the proverbial smack when I tried to take four AP classes in one semester and all of my other stupid ideas. Thank you so VERY much for getting me into college (my parents thank you for that too). Thank you for letting me use your office as my third locker because mine' s just too far away and I'm always in there anyway. Thank you for EVERYTHING. You have no idea how much you've helped me get through high school. Best Wishes (and never change) Kyle Dempster Dear Mrs. Hermida, I'm back! Let me take this class instead of another AP, PLEASE MRS. HERMIDA YOU'RE MY FAVORITE TEACHER!!! I bet that sounds familiar doesn't it? Thanks for everything you've done with Math League and for those after school competitions where I was thinking" there's no way I'm going to get ANY of these right", but I went anyway because there were donuts. It was always a pleasure chattingit up with you and I'll miss you every time I have math class. I promise to come back and visit (with Aradia and John of course). Thank you for the numbers, Kyle Dempster To Coach Schaf, Mrs. Caucci and Mrs. Marx: I would like to thank you wonderful teachers for helping me so much in my high school career, as well as showing me vital life lessons. Sure, now I know how to serve it up in tennis, have a greater appreciation for a painting's color, and to compose a captivating news article. But there is so much more that I learned about my inner strength, intelligence and creativity. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for these unforgettable lessons. Good luck in your following years and I'll miss you so much. Love Always, Danielle Daguio The Filipino Princess Dear Mrs. Gavin, I can' t even begin to tell you how thankful I am for all that you've done for me over the years. Not only were your two classes my favorites of high school, but your confidence in me and especially in my writing has helped me so much. The fact that you always took my writing seriously and pushed me to do my best has given me such faith in myself that I'm not sure I would have had otherwise. Thank you also for mentoring my Senior Project; your continued encouragement and belief in all I can accomplish means the world to me. Out of every teacher I've had at Notre Dame, you have had the greatest influence on me and my life, and I will never forget that. You are amazing! Love Always, Karen Hogan Š Mrs. McGraw, The truth-or-dare games, the late-night hotel room chats, the rhythmically-challenged Charleston, what would high school have been without them? Thank you so much, not only for the amazing times on RUMUN/RMC, but also for pushing me to do my best. AP History was the first class in which I ever struggled, and you had faith in me that I didn' thave in myself. No matter if I were struggling with the class or with the crazies in the European Union (RUMUN), you were always there to guide me through (and laugh a little about other UN-ers). Thanks for being an amazing teacher, an incredible person, and call me up to sip lemonade on the veranda anytime! Love Always, Karen Hogan Š Dear Mr. Collier, Were you not there to guide me through high school, my head would have exploded long ago. Every time I burst into your office saying, "I need guidance!", you were always ready to listen and ALWAYS had a smile. You helped me through some of my toughest problems in school, and afterwards, we'd sit and talk baseball. Thank you so much for all your support, for helping me get through high school, and
especially for keeping me sane. You're the best! Love Always, Karen Hogan Š Sra. Leigh, Thank you so much for all that you've done for us. You are such a great teacher and friend to us. Te vamos a echar de menos! Abrazos y Besos! Brittany W. and Lauren L. Dear Mrs. Gavin, Mr. Rowland, Mr. Coppola, Mr. Cafferky, Mrs. Giampetro, Mr. Gus, and Mrs. Hermida, As this stage of my life ends and I begin a new one at college, I feel that I must express my deepest gratitude for those who have helped me throughout my high school journey and who have prepared me for the road ahead. First and foremost I must thank Mrs. Gavin, who has been a teacher, friend, and confidant over the past three years. No matter how lousy my day was or what was going on in my life, I knew that I would have "Gavin's class" to look forward to. She opened my eyes to the world of literature and expressed a genuine interest in me, as a person. I must also thank my religion teachers, who have had special meaning for me these past four years. Mr. Rowland made the bible interesting and relative to my life and the lives of classmates. Mr. Coppola, one of the kindest and most gentle- hearted people I have ever met, taught me about life and how to live it to the fullest. We became closer on Kairos and I will never forget him. Mr. Cafferky, what can I say? Your smile and good humor greeted me each day in class and even after when we crossed paths from time to time, you never hesitated to say hello and ask how I was doing. Mrs. G, you are one of the funniest people I have ever met. You are also one of the smartest. If it wasn't for you, I still wouldn't know what a "clincher sentence" is. You treated me like an adult and cared about my views and opinions. Mr. Gus, you never wrote me a recommendation but I still think you're a great guy! I will never forget your no-nonsense humor and realistic attitude. I have always had respect for you as a teacher and a fellow human being. Mrs. Hermida, you are just about the nicest person in the world. You have to deal with students like me who are always asking questions but you're still patient and understanding. Each and every one of these teachers has made a difference in my life, and even though they may not receive the 'Teacher of the Year' award this year, they have, in my mind, already won. Thank you all so much. -Respectfully Yours, Michael Stirm II Mrs. WroblewskiYou are hilarious and you made class so interesting. Even though I gave some crazy answers, I have learned so much from you, and you have even made me learn about myself. I went through a lot and you were always there to listen. Thank you, I really needed that. You are a loving person who knows so much about life. You're not only a wonderful teacher, but a great friend! Love always, Chelsea Bosak Mr. WelshI cannot even begin to tell you how much I admire you. You are a strong, compassionate man who sees the good in everyone. You took the time to really get to know everyone, instead of judging on the outside. You taught me so much about my religion and taught class in the most amazing ways. You always know how to put a smile on someone' s face when you do that simple shrug with your shoulders. I was so lucky to have you for a teacher. Thanks for making our class feel like a family. Love always, Chelsea Bosak Mrs. Stevenson and Mrs. Reed, Even though I haven't known you that long, I feel very close to the both of you. You both never questioned me about anything I did, and you never needed an explanation, because you already understood everything I would say. Thank you for being there for me and being so open and honest with me. I really miss you! Love Always, Chelsea Bosak Mrs. MarxIf I had a chance, I would take your class over again. I hope that I become as smart as you, because you seem to have all the answers! Thanks for being there when my friend Becky passed away, because that was really hard for me to cope with. You really helped me get through that. Thanks for
being so compassionate. Love always, Chelsea Bosak Miss Riley-ltwas wonderful to be in the first English class you ever taught, and you hid it so well. I always knew you as a teacher until this year when we went on Kairos together. It was an amazing experience and I will never forget you. Stephanie Rogers Dr. Reither, Thanks for letting myself and friends hide in your room for activity period for the past four years. Your room was always a great place where I could be myself, and be able to meet new friends. Stephanie Williams Mrs. Wrobo, you drink more Diet Pepsi than anybody I know! Thanks for putting up with me for all those classes I had with you, especially that history class I didn't do my homework in. -Charlie Sipio Dear Mrs. MarxThank you so much for everything you have done for me throughout my years at ND. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the time you have given me to help me with schoolwork, to write me a recommendation or just to chat and give me advice. I will miss you so much next year! Thank you for not only being my favorite teacher but also such a great friend. Love Always, Erin Drulis Mrs. Caucci, Thank you for all of your help in the past two years. You have helped me grow immensely as an artist and I appreciate everything you've done for me. Thanks again. -Christa Mr. Chi, Over the past couple of years you have been a teacher of many things. You have taught me patience, respect, and genuine love for other human beings. I am sure I will have many new teachers over the years but your lessons of life will carry on with me past Notre Dame. Thank you, keep it up Chi! -Demi Moraitis Mr. Lobis, I have always told you I thought of you like my brother. Your class was probably the most enlightening I have ever had. I knew I could always turn to you when I had a problem. You are a truly amazing person and I thank you for that. Love you Lobis! -Demi Moraitis Dear Mr. Welsh, Thank you so much for being the compassionate, goofy man you are. Kairos was incredible, as was my Junior year religion class with you. You are an amazing teacher and I have learned a lot about life and how to be successful from you. Thank you for understanding me and for helping me with my more stressful of times. I will miss you and I wish you the best in life. Love, Stacia Dear Mrs. Reed, Thank you for an amazing few years I have known you. It's always amazing how you manage one on one time with students and all campus ministry activities, and me along with many people thank you. You are a sweet heart! Sincerely, Katrina Lajiness Dear Mrs. Marx, Thank you for everything you've done for me over the years. The lessons I've learned in your class will last me a lifetime. Sincerely, Nicolle Gallo Dear Mr. Lobis, There are no words that I am aware of that could fully describe the way I feel about you. You are simply the most intriguing and inspiring teacher to ever embrace my presence. No one has had as much patience with me ever except for my own mother. So basically you are like a second mother to me. You are loving, caring, always entertaining and one hell of an actor. You can expect many visits from me next year
and the years after wherever you are because you will never get rid of the Albino Rhino . Once again, thanks Lobis. Yours truly, Sir Austin Thomas Joseph Thornton the III Mrs. Martin, You're wonderful woman and best teacher I have ever had! You commit yourself and have dedicated your time to service and helping others. Every day I look forward to sitting in your class. I have learned so much from all the Religion courses you cultured us with and I will always remember all the little things you taught. I believe with out you there would be no good in our school. Thank you for everything you have done. You truly are an angel. THANK YOU!!! Love A!'ways, Katie Michalak Mrs. Gavin, Prior to taking your AP English III class, I loathed English and had despised every English class I had ever taken. You however changed that, and made me have a better appreciation and understanding of the "literary cannon." I appreciate all that you have done for me and all of your other students as well. You are truly as awesome as the "bicycle riding Jesus of B-102." Sincerely, Brittany Wilson Dear Mrs. Gavin, Thank you so much for all you have done. I never had and will never have a teacher quite like you. You have a gift of amazing character and wit that allows your students to become completely attached to you in one way or the other. Thank you for just being unique. The time I spent with you in class was very inspiring and know that B204 will always have a place in my heart. Sincerely, EricCarsia Dear Ms. Wargo, My high school years would not have been as exciting without you. I always look forward to your spring productions because I know tha tit' s always going to be an exciting and vigorous time. I want you to know that you have helped me break out of my shell and explore the world of performing arts. I would also like to thank you for all the opportunities that you have given me. I know I will never meet anyone quite like you. Sincerely, Eric Carsia Dear Mrs. Reed, Oh you! Wonderful you!! Thank you! Thank you! There is so much to say. You have simply given me everything I could ever need. I'm going to miss you a so much, but I know I'll take a piece of you with me wherever I go. I hope you will always find happiness and remember you're beautiful! Oh and could ya pass that on to Miss Riley for me too! God I love ya!! Eric Carsia Ms. Riley It's strange to think that soon you won' t be called that anymore. But ... Ugh ... I guess if ya love him ... HAHA! Oh Riley, you crazy! You crazy! I'm so gonna miss all our moments. I mean what am I gonna do when Madonna reveals her OO's walk!! Thank you for just being so wild and sarcastic and thanks for everything you've done for me. I always look to you to make me smile and you never fail in making feel like the greatest guy in the world. Go on wit yo bad self, Eric Carsia Dear Mrs. Caucci, Thank you for keeping your door open for so many activity periods. Every year I looked forward to your class. You helped me so much during the years, especially when working on my portfolio. You've helped my interests in art grow and my high school experiences become that much more enjoyable. Thank you for all the great times, memories, and lessons, Brittany Kenney Mrs. Wrobo, I have finally completed the family circle! I knew my brothers did something right by telling me to take your class. I have been privileged to have you as a teacher for 2 years. You are an amazing teacher, and above all, an amazing woman. You've always pushed me to think to my fullest potential and I can never thank you enough for the things I have learned from you. You are the best Mrs. Bobo and I will
miss you next year! Love always, Ali Buchler
ard y again and give Ken Jennings a run for his money! Love, Ashley Butler
doubt in my mind I will miss you dearly! Love, Kate Rhein
Mrs. Campo, You are such an amazing teacher. I have been so lucky to have you for two years in a row and I have learned so much from your class. You have challenged me so much, and the way you teach inspires me. Your sarcasm and sense of humor have never failed to make me laugh, and I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me. You are the best! Love always, Ali Buchler
Dear Mrs. Martin, Thank you for showing me that one person can make a difference in the lives of others. Your generosity and unwavering motivation has influenced me greatly. Love, Ashley Butler
Dear Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Melendez, I carne to Notre Dame with a weak background in math from my grammar school. Corning to Notre Dame as a freshman, I was terrified by the idea of facing even more challenging and difficult math courses in this new }'Vorld, called high school. It was such a relief to rneetyou,Mrs. Lynch, on my first day here at ND. I was comforted by your teaching methods, and how experienced you were in your expertise of algebra. When junior year carne around, I was nervous again, as to who I would have as my Algebra II teacher, and believed that no one could surpass Mrs. Lynch, but I was wrong. In Algebra II, I was blessed to have you, Mrs. Melendez, as my teacher, and you were just as dedicated and helpful as Mrs. Lynch. I am so grateful for having had the opportunity to have had two extraordinary math teachers, who helped me every step of the way through Algebra I and Algebra II. You two have both contributed to the excellent foundation I now have in algebra and I am forever grateful! Love, Kate Rhein
Mrs. Boehme, Thank G'od for Kairos! I am so glad we bonded and it is a bond that will last forever. Thank you for helping me out and keeping me on track with college stuff because without you, I probably would not have gotten it done! You are an amazing woman and I would be truly missing out if I didn' t know you! I love you and thank you for everything! Love always, Ali Buchler Mrs. Marx, I honestly have felt so privileged to have you as a teacher for my entire senior year. You are such a bright woman and you have been through so much that I admire you . You have taught me so much not only about religion and journalism, but about life in general. Thank you for always supporting me in all that I do and always being there if anyone ever needed you! Thank you for everything! Love always, Ali Buchler Dear Ms. Gavin, You truly are an amazing teacher. There was never a time in your class where I felt I could not speak my mind and I truly cherish that. I felt so honored to be able to sit at your lunch table for two years in a row. What I learned from you I will never forget. I'll miss you next year! Love Always, Lisa Procaccini Dear Senora Leigh, First, thank you for putting up with me in your class this year; how did you do it? You are an all around amazing woman, from being my teacher to being my friend you are the best! I really want to thank you for bringing out my love for Spanish. I could not have done it without you . I'm going to miss you so much next year! Thanks for everything Senora! Con toda rni Corazon y rni alma Lisa Procaccini Dear Mr. Collier, Simply stated in two words: Thank You. Without you as my guidance counselor I do not know where I would be today. You can read me like a book and you know exactlywhat to say. Thanks for putting up with everything that I complained about in your office and thanks for always making me laugh when I needed it. Thanks for everything Mr. C! Love always, Lisa Procaccini Dear Mrs. Tamasi, From cousin to teacher I was so happy that I was able to take your class. That small class of only 10 kids is a memory I will hold forever. Thanks for always being there to talk to and to give me advice. I'll never forget the millions of laughs we shared ("that you breathe .. .."). I know I will be seeing you around but I could not help but send out my love and gratitude. Love Lisa Procaccini Dear Mrs. Boehme & Mrs. Wise, Thanks for always letting me hang out in your offices when I had no place to go and for putting up for me. You are both wonderful people that I will never forget. I'll miss you next year! Love always, Lisa Procaccini Dear Mrs. Gavin, You are the greatest! Thank you for broadening my knowledge in literature and life. I love your down to earth attitude and great sense of humor! I will always remember to never use a preposition at the end of a sentence! Thank you for being an inspiration to me. By the way, I think you should go on Jeop-
Dear Mrs. Leigh, Thank you so much for all that you have taught me this past year. You truly are one of my favorite teachers. I really learned a lot through your class, because you always made things seem easier. It was great to have you as a teacher my senior year. Have off-topic conversations more often,lol. They made the class even more entertaining. And don't forget the silly string! Love Always, Nicole Nicholson Dear Mrs. Martin, You have taught me so much in one year. Even though I was involved in service throughout my whole four years at Notre Dame, this year was the one that meant so much to me. You taught me what service can really mean. I have become a better person because of you, and I thank you for that. I will miss the service class the most; everyone has become like family. You made that happen. Thank you! Love Always, Nicole Nicholson Mrs. Marx, I am so grateful to have had the oppor.tunity to be on the newspaper staff this year. I loved journalism class. I twas such an exciting experience, with writing articles about what we liked, and then having them published. You always have such wonderful stories, and really do know EVERYONE! If I ever need to get in contact with someone, I know where to find you. Thank you so much for making my senior year more memorable. Love Always, Nicole Nicholson
Dear Mr. Patton, I am so grateful to have had the chance to meet you! Between having you, with your extensive knowledge in history, as my US-1 teacher, and now this year unexpectedly having you as my adult facilitator during Kairos, I had the opportunity to really get to know you. You are an excellent teacher, father, husband, actor, and friend. I will never forget when you rescued me from the GIGANTIC spider in my room at Kairos! Thanks for the memories! Love, Kate Rhein
Mrs. Wise, It was so great for you to be a part of my Kairos group. I was able to share so much with you . You are a wonderful person, and I will really miss you next year. I will especially miss the way you talk. lol. Thank you again for everything on Kairos. You are so incredible. Keep that picture of our group with you and don't forget us! I will come back to visit you. Love Always, Nicole Nicholson Mr. Welsh, I have learned so much from you . You are a very inspirational person. Our religion class was never boring, and we always learned so much more than was required. You never settled for average, you always went beyond. I will always remember your class, and all of your stories and jokes. Say hi to Uncle Lou for me! I still want to know whether or not you ever played on the Celtics! I guess there are always things to be learned. Thank you again. Love Always, Nicole Nicholson Dear Mrs. Marx, I am so grateful for having had the chance to have you as a teacher in the classroom, but most of all having you as my Spectrum group leader. You have become a second mother to me during these past two years, and I am grateful for all of the moral support, outright patience and understanding to help me through these past two years at ND . I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me, and I will miss you so much! Love, Kate Rhein Dear Miss Riley, Ever since I found out that you were an animal lover, I felt an immediate connection to you. I have had the opportunity to have you as a teacher twice in my four years here at ND, and this year I chose you to be my senior project, mentor. You have been so supportive of me, between helping me complete my senior and being there for me during some of the hard times I was having this past year. You were always there to offer your help and guidance to get me through those hard times. I cannot thank you enough for all of your kindness, and without a
ABALO, Alicia ........................... · (732) 297-7735 AGASAR, Timothy.................... (215) 860-2621 AGATI, Alyssa ........................... (609) 890-0115 ALTOMARI, Alison ................... (609) 895-1016 ANDERSON, Rachael ............... (609) 730-1356 ANDREWS, Elizabeth ............... (609) 896-1704 ANDREWS, Whennah ............... (609) 392-3041 A~DRINO,
Erick........................ (609) 883-5276 ANTINORO, Melissa ................. (609) 588-0467 APPEL, Carlyn .......................... (609) 587-3150 ARCARI, Christopher............... ARONE, John........................... AULETIA, Kirst1n ..................... AVOLIO, Jonathan .................... BAGTAS, Joseph ...................... BALLETIC, James................... BARDES, Andrea...................... BARTUSKA Ill, Michael............ BAYRASLI, Alexander.............. BELLI, Brian........................... BELMONT, Lauren .................... BILLINGS, Lindsey................... BIRCH, William ............•....•....... BISSELL, Rachael.................... BLAINE, Ashley........................ BLUSNAVAGE, Bernadette ..... BOEHME, Paul ..........................
171 Greenbriar Lane, Newtown, PA 18940 [Mary Jane & Jim Agasar] 63 Wesleyan Drive, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Sharon Agatij 8 Yeger Drive, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Christine & Alfred Altomari} 114 Brandon Road , Pennington, NJ 08534 [Roberta & William Anderson] 119 Nassau Drive, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Jane Andrews] 71 Bryn Mawr Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08618 [George W. & Grace M. Andrews] 135 Hughes Avenue, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Mynor & Ingrid Arriola] 25 Stafford Court, Trenton, NJ 08690 [Cynthia Siecienski] 1607 Old Trenton Road, West Windsor, NJ 08550 [Carl F. & Linda M. Appel]
(609) 888-0709
353 Maddock Avenue, Hamilton, NJ 08610 [Richard & Phyllis Arcari]
(609) 890-2707
22 lnnocenzi Drive, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Teriann M. McAndrew)
(609) 585-8245
16 Joni Avenue, Hamilton, NJ 08690 [Lisa & Vincent Auletta]
(215) 322-3214
150 Marie Drive, Richboro, PA 18954 [Robert P. Avolio]
(609) 581-0884
73 Joni Avenue, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Mr. & Mrs. J. Bagtas]
(609) 581-3643
221 White Horse Avenue, Hamilton, NJ 08610 [John & Tina Balletto]
(732) 329-6945
324 Burnt Hill Road, Skillman, NJ 08558 [Charles & Francesca Bardes]
(609) 586-4522
64 N. Lehigh Avenue, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Michael & Rosemary Bartuska]
(215) 321-7646
8406 Spruce Mill Drive, Yardley, PA 19067-7249 [Kathryn M. Bayrasli]
(215) 493-5921
859 S. Crescent Blvd., Yardley, PA 19067 [Simon & Cheryl Belli]
(215) 752-5344
622 Croasdale Drive, langhorne, PA 19047 [William & Joan Belmont]
(609) 585-7030
1"4 lakeview Drive, Yardville, NJ 08620 [James Billings]
(609) 888-0157
119 Redwood Avenue, Hamilton, NJ 08610 [William & Rosemary Birch]
(609) 771-3767
23 Duffield Drive, Ewing, NJ 08628 [Pamela & Steven Bissell]
(732) 422-8772
117 Princess Drive, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 [Bob & Sally Blaine]
(609) 393-5413
34 Predicaris Place, Trenton, NJ 08618 [Joseph & Darryl Blusnavage]
(215) 741-2035
539 Denbign Road, langhorne, PA 19047-8213 [Richard & Patricia Boehme]
BOSAK, Chelsea ....................... (215) 946-2448 BRAHAN, Angelia ..................... (609) 393-3818 BRAND, Philip........................... (609) 586-0729 BROWN, Kathleen .................... BUCHLER, Alison ..................... BUCK, Albert........................... BUGDAL, Melissa ..................... BUJAK, Danielle ....................... BURNS, Tim...........................
305 Plymouth Road, ~orth Brunswick, NJ 089~2 [Mary Abalo]
27 Tweed Road, Levittown, PA 19056 [Thomas & Linda Bosak) 32 Bismarck Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629 [Donna & John Brahan] 142 Hillhurst Avenue, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [P~ilip Brand & Margarent Seiler-Brandl
(215) 295-1773
209 Elm Avenue, Yardley, PA 19067 [Mike Brown]
(609) 890-0477
64 Wilson Ave, Hamilton, NJ 08619 [Eleanor Goeke-Buchler]
(215) 750-7194
1812 Highland Avenue, Langhorne, PA 19047 [Albert & S~eila Buck]
(609) 896-2358
6 Chartes Way, lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Robert & Ann Marie Bugdal]
(732) 458-1915
62 Chestnut Avenue, Brick, NJ 08724 [Bernard & Barbara Bujak]
(215) 752-2150
982 Duxbury Road, langhorne, PA 19047-3631 [Ralph T., Jr. & Marie Bums]
BURYLO, Michael ..................... (609) 585-3998 81 Falmouth Road, Yardville, NJ 08620 [John & Diane Burylo) BUTLER, Ashley ....................... (609) 695-3917 102 Renfrew Avenue_)--Trentoo;.JJJ ·08618 [Laura Jean Butler]
i l
BUTOVICH, Zack...................... (609) 620-9_488 504 Sturwood Way, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Jane & Nick Butovich] CAMPBELL, Kristina •............... (609) 497-0072 28 Buckingham Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540 [Mel & Regina Campbel~ CANNON, Drew ...........•............. (609) 890-2235 189 Applegate Drive, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Timothy & Sandra Cannon]
CARMAN, Caitlyn ....•................ CARNEY, Jenna•..•.•....••••.......... CARROW, Spencer.................... CARSIA, Eric........................... CASANO, Joseph ........•..••....•... CASHEL, Gregory..................... CASTROGIOVANNI, Daniel.....
8 Crown Road, Trenton, NJ 08638 [Stephen & Maureen Carman] (908) 788-4181 36 Amwell Road, Flemington, NJ 08822 [Rick & Debra Carney] (609) 394-1104 P.O. Box 3646, Trenton, NJ 08629 [David Carrow] (609) 586-6353 914 Kuser Road, Hamilton, NJ 08619 [Rocco V. & Helen Weber] (609) 585-1156 11 Buckalew Court, Trenton, NJ 08610 (Vho & Alexis Casano] (609) 890-0453 6 Andree Place, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Mark Cashel] (609) 897-9428 11 Perry Drive, West Windsor, NJ 08550 [Michael & Kathleen (609) 771-1377
CAVANAUGH, Trevor..........•.... (609) 588·0120 13 Poillon Court, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Cheryl L. Cavanaugh] CERCONE, Chelsea ..•............... (215) 860-6231 2150 W. Wellington Road, Newtown, PA 18940 [Mark & Susan Cercone] CHIAPPETTA, Denni .•.............. (609) 695-5910 891 Revere Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629 (Anthony R. & Helen C. ..
CHRISTIAN, Doug .........•.....•.•... CHUDKOWSKI, Edwin............. CLARK, Kyle........................... CLARKSON, Jamie.........•..•...... CLEMENCY, Blakeley.....•....••..•
Chiappetta) (215) 862-8340 (732) 577-1061 (609) 896-9430 (609) 584-8471 (609) 587-6822
21 Hibbs lane, New Hope, PA 18938 [Robert & Susan Christian] 10 Michaei _Court, Englishtown, NJ 07726 [Edward & Susan Chudkowski] 30 Karena lane, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Martin & Marie Clark] 33 Pasadena Drive, Hamilton, NJ 08619 [Harry E. & Pamela H. Clarkson} 7 Secreta rio Way, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Charles & Kathleen Clemency)
COLEMAN, Katelyn ...•.............. (215) 369-3442
24 Dispatch Drive, Washington Crossing, PA 18977 [Robert & Sylvia Coleman]
COLLINS, Eric ....•........•....••....... (609) 394-3580 234 S. Cook Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629-2301 [Michael B. & Marlene Collins]
COLON, Mark........................... COMPAGNUCCI, Andrew ........ COMPETELLI, Marybeth .•.•...... CONNOLLY, Thomas ........•.•••.• CONVERY, Kathleen .•.•..•.....•... COOKE, Andrew....................... COSTELLO, Ashley.•..........•.••.. CREDLE, Brandon .................... CULLEY, lan........................... DAGUIO, Danielle...................., DALY, Lindsey..•..•..•..........•..•... DELAME, Loic...........................
(609) 671-0705 (609) 396-6659 (609) 989-0916 (609) 655-2791 (609) 448·8847 (609) 259-3269 (609) 584-9531 (609) 883-8954 (609) 656-1633 (609) 890-1074 (609) 771-6940 (609) 397-4910
108 Honeysuckle Drive, Ewing, NJ 08638 [Awilda & Kenneth Johnson] 24 Abernethy Drive, Trenton, NJ 08618 [Beth & Patrick Compagnucci] 734 Puritan Avenue, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Patricia Competelli] 81 Petty Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512 (Susan & Peter Connolly] 11 Beechcroft Drive, East Windsor, NJ 08520 [Tom & Anna Convery] 43 Walters Road, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 [Joseph & Mary lynn Cooke] 26 Tar Heels Road East, Hamilton, NJ 08619 [Maureen & John Costello] 17 Walton Avenue, Ewing, NJ 08618 [Theodore & Toby Credle] 168 Mercer Street, Trenton, NJ 08611 [Glenn Culley] 4 Marsh Court, lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Dante & Ruth Daguio] 20 Glen Mawr Drive, Ewing, NJ 08618 [Michael & Vicki Daly) 154 Lambertville HQ Road, Stockton, NJ 08559 [Paul Andre & Michele deLame]
DELAROSA, Armand ................ (215) 860-7580
1432 Heather Ridge Drive, Newtown, PA 18940 [Amado & Aurora DelaRosa]
DELEO, Jessica.......•.•.•.....•...... (609) 395-6798
9 Parkview Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512 [Christine l & Dr. Joseph R Deleo)
DEMPSEY, Sean ........................ DEMPSTER, Kyle .......•••••.......•.. DESAI, Saarang....... ........... ........ DILORENZO, Daniella..............
(215) 860-8392 (609) 695-8206 (609) 490-9789 (215) 295-8125
38 Hickory lane, Newtown, PA 18940 [Marie Elena Dempsey) 820 Revere Ave., Trenton, NJ 08629 [Theresa Dempster] 22 Sussex lane, East Windslff/ 'NJ.Oi520 [Parag & Gopi Desai) 933 Big Oak Road, Yardley, PA 19067 [Daniel & Diane Dilorenzo]
DINTRONE, Tara ...........•........... (609) 581-4740 DRAGO, Joseph....................... (732) 792-7629 DROUILLARD, Stephanie ........ (732) 398-9698 DRULIS, Erin........................... (609) 883-3475 DUDCHAK, Miroslava .......••...... (609) 936-0725 DUFFNER, Kim ......................... (215) 321-0633 ELGHOSSAIN, Daniel. .............. (609) 448-7597 ELLIOTT, Ross .......................... .(609) 895-1074 ELSESSER, Heather................. (609) 882-5836 ERHARDT, Alexandra .............. (609) 895-1077 ESLAMI, Darius ......................... (609) 530-0131 FAINELLI, Rachael .................•. (215) 752-9278 FARRELL, James..................... (215) 295-2311 FAVRE, Lori........................... (609) 275-5545 FEEHAN, Jaime........................ FELLOWS, Nicole .... :................ FERRARA, Gina ....••..•............... FISCHER JR., Kevin ................. FITZPATRICK, Brooks ............. FOUNDOS, Jillian ............•........ FOWLER, Shasta ...................... FRANKOWSKI, Brian •.............. FRASCELLA, Peter................•.. FREDERICO, Gabrielle............. FUENTES, Caesar..................... GAAL, Mark........................... GABEL, Meghan .........•............. GAINES, Latoya .........•.............. GALLO, Nicolle......................... GALLO, Camille........................ GIAQUINTO, Joseph ................
20·Valley View Road, Yardville, NJ 08620 [Joseph & Susan Dintrone) 8 Light Foot Court, Perrineville, NJ 08535 [Joseph & Dina Drago] 78 Magellan Way, Franklin Park, NJ 08823 (Suzette Drouillard] 4 Wakefield Drive, West Trenton, NJ 08628 [Joseph & Kathleen Drulis] 273 Fountayne Lane, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 (Larissa Dudchak] 1425 Joy Circle, Yardley, PA 19067 [Jeanne & Fred Duffner] 9 Hope Valley Drive, Cranbury, NJ 08512 [Antoine & Nina Elghossain] 15 Paddock Drive, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Janice & Bob Elliott] 23 Lopatcong Drive, Ewing, NJ 08638 [Jim & Cindy Elsesser] 35 Woodlane Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Joyce & Harry Erhardt] 2751 Princeton Pike, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Kambiz & Eva Eslami] 1209 Brownsville Road, Langhorne, PA 19047 [Larry & Sharon Fainelli] 110 Glen Valley Road, Yardley, PA 19067 [John & Patricia Farrell] 106 S. Longfellow Drive, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 [Donald & Sharlene Favre]
(609) 324-3931
70 Windingbrook Road, Bordentown, NJ 08505 (Judith Cristella]
(609) 883-6388
16 Ravine Road, Ewing, NJ 08628 [Lyn Scott]
(609) 585-1631
2 Gerard Road, Hamilton·, NJ 08620 [Anthony & Dorie Ferrara]
(215) 493-4327
1385 River Road, Yardley, PA 19067 [Barbara & Kevin Fischer]
(215) 741-5408
13 Teal Drive, Langhorne, PA 19047 [Neal Fitzpatrick]
(609) 587-1082
64 Kino Blvd., Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Charles & Karen Foundos]
(609) 259-8064
130 S. Main Street, Allentown, NJ 08501 [Karen & Bill Deets]
(215) 785-0630
4622 Ha~ield Street, Bristol, PA 19007 [Barbara Frankowski]
(609) 587-0917
3 Wolfpack Court, Hamilton, NJ 08619 [Patricia A. Frascella]
(215) 862-9991
5 Knowles Creek Road, New Hope, PA 18938 [Michele L. Frederico]
(609) 637-9131
101 Hinckle Ave, Ewing, NJ 08628 [Nilsa Hernandez)
(609) 771-4232
321 Glenn Avenue, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 (Bela & Elizabeth Gaal]
(609) 259-0382
10 Waterbury Court, Allentown, NJ 08501 [Donna & David Gabel]
(609) 599-9657
249 Bellevue Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08618 [Narvella Gaines]
(732) 821-9337
165 Butler Road, Princeton, NJ 08540 [John & Karen Gallo]
(732) 821-9337
165 Butler Road, Princeton, NJ 08540 [John & Karen Gallo]
(732) 446·1575
136 North Bergen Mills Road, Monroe, NJ 08831 (Joseph & Sherri Giaquinto]
GONZALEZ, Kelli. ..................... (609) 275-1716
7112 Town Court South, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Edwin & Jacqueline Gonzalez]
GOSLIN, Ida........................... GRAY, Christopher................... GRECO, Jacqueline.................. GRUPP, Nikolas........................ GUNNELL, Richard ................... HAHN, Christian ....................... HAHN, Thomas ......................... HALLER, Josephine................. HALLIDAY, Geoffrey................
(609) 291-9909
6 Hawk Drive, Columbus, NJ 08022 (Robert & Teresa A. Goslin]
(609) 538-8182
20 Scenic Drive, West Trenton, NJ 08628 [Douglas & Terry Gray]
(215) 369-4497
12 Halls Lane, Yardley, PA 19067 (Peter & Carolyn Greco]
(215) 295-2279
78 Manor Lane South, Yardley, PA 19067 [Theodore H. Grupp]
(609) 443-5819
583 Greenwich Ct., East Windsor, NJ 08520 [Valderie & Richard Gunnell]
(215) 752-3806
913 Walnut Street, Hulmeville, PA 19047 [Joseph W . Hahn, Jr.]
(215) 860-8422
154 Greenbriar Lane, Newtown, PA 18940 [Tom & Katherine Hahn]
(215) 860-5509
22 Jonquil Drive, Newtown, PA 18940 [David & Fran Halter]
(267) 685-8130
25 Greenbriar Lane, Newtown, PA 18940 [Stephen D & Angela M Halliday]
HAMM, Dana........................... HANDRICH, Catherine............. HARRINGTON, Laura ............... HARRIS, Chade ....................... .-. HARRIS JR., Peter........•........... HASTRY, Kristin •...................... HAWLEY Ill, Earl ....................... HEATER, John .......................... HENNER, Meghan ..................... HENRY, Michael ........................ HERBST-GERVASONI, Aradia HINTON, Emily.......................... HOBER, Ashley......................... HOFFMAN, Brian...................... HOGAN, Karen .......................... HOLDEN, Julia .......................... HOOVER,"Jake••...•.................... HORNYAK, Jeffrey................... HUNT, Stephen .•....................... ICOVINO, Lauren ......•...............
(609) 883-5094
23 Clover Hill Circle, Ewing, NJ 08638 [Claire & Kim Hamm]
(609) 818-0279. 2 Wyckoff Drive, Pennington, NJ 08534 [Mary Beth Handrich] (215) 321-0939
2001 Farmview Drive, Newtown, PA 18940 [Jim & Charlotte Harrington]
(609} 393-5303
36 Sanhican Drive, Trenton, NJ 08618 [George & Harriet Harris]
(609) 393-6405
1224 Riverside Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08618 [Peter Harris, Sr.]
(609) 584-1665
54 Kino Blvd., Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Michael & Sylvia Hastry]
(609) 581-7752
3 Petal Way, Hamilton, NJ 08610 [Joan & Earl Hawley)
(215) 736-2393
135 Keystone Avenue, Morrisville, PA 19067 [Gloria & Charles Heater]
(609) 655-3942
51 Petty Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512 (Tim & Kathy Henner]
(609) 587-1756
16 University Drive, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Bruce & Evelyn Henry]
(609) 882-7633
16 Aquetong lane, Ewing, NJ 08628 [Ken Herbst & Holly Gervasoni]
(609) 497-1726
121 Red Hitl Road, Princeton, NJ 08540 [Rupert & Jennifer Hinton]
(215) 579-7457
30 Crocus lane, Newtown, PA 18940 [Martin & Rosemary Hober]
(609) 771-8240
13 lilac Drive, Ewing, NJ 08638 {Jack & lucia Hoffman]
(609) 586-0733
6 Dukoff Drive, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 · [Tom & Susan Hogan]
(215) 788-7207
1909 Montgomery Avenue, Croydon, PA 19021 [Pat & Scott Holden]
(215) 752-7504
56 Egerton Road, (anghorne, PA 19047 [Raymond & Melanie Hoover]
(609) 655-3772
8 Cubberly Court, Cranbury, NJ 08512 [George & Susanne Hornyak]
(609) 259-2441
17 Barto Way, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 [William & Sonja Hunt]
(732) 308-0932
4 lawrence Spring Drive, Clarksburg, NJ 08510 [Donna & Michael lcovino]
JACKSON, Ryan ......................• JANOLO, Renee ........................ JENNINGS, Charlotte ............... JEZ, Justin........................... JONES, Jeffrey..................•...... JUNO, Anthony .......•...............•. KAMINSKI, Nicole..................... KANE, Jessi........................... KENNEY, Brittany..................... KILCOMMONS, Katelynn......... KING, Kristina ..........•................ ~lNG, Matthew....................... :.. KING, Juanita........................... KINNEVY, Christopher............. KOEHLER, Susan .....................
(609) 896-2118
10 Pembroke Court, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Denise J. Jackson]
(609) 585-3436
817 Whitehorse Avenue, Hamilton, NJ 08610 [Jorge & Rachael Janolo]
(215) 321-8783
1030 Farmal Court, Yardley, PA 19067 [Thomas & Katherine Jennings]
(609) 585-1511
116 Englewood Blvd., Hamilton, NJ 08610 [Jane E. & Craig G. Jez]
(215) 752-9049
504 Clarissa Lane, Penndel, PA 19047 [Jeff & Diane Jones]
(609) 584-7510
70 Terrapin lane, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [larry Juno]
(215) 547-3193
35 Orchid lane, Levittown, PA 19055 [Daniel & Victoria Kaminskij
(609) 585-0n7
7 Edgemont Road, Yardville, NJ 08620 [Carolyn & John Kane, Jr.]
(609) 584-8463
16 John Lenhardt Road, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690-1812 [Lawrence & Christine Kenney]
(609) 896-2783
19 Woodfield Lane, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Kathy & Jim Kilcommons]
(609) 587-1760
62 Wolfpack Road, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Michael & Ginny King]
(609) 771-6185
2 Laura Place, Titusville, NJ 08560 (Thomas E. & Rita Mary King]
(609) 392-5788
910 Bellevue Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08618 [Nicole A. Glover]
(609) 989-9182
1344 Liberty Street, Trenton, NJ 08629 [Dennis & Maureen Kinnevy]
(609) 586-4363
73 Terrapin Lane, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [David C. & Margaret S. Koehler]
KOLTALO, Jeff.......................... KONOPKA, Geoffrey.....;.......... KORNRUMPF, Andrew ............. KOSTINAS, James .................... KUTCH, Matthew ......................
(215) 321-5762
1520 Candace Lane, Yardley, PA 19067 [Edward & Karen Koltalo]
(609) 259-0962
31 Buford Road, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 [Robyn & Art Rosenbaum]
(215) 295-9017
5 Ovington Road, Yardley, PA 19067-7313 [Steven & Doreen Komrumpf]
(609) 771-0078
143 Upper Ferry Road, Ewing, NJ 08628 [Nina & James Kostinas]
(609) 695-8512
123 Renfrew Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08618 [EugeneJ. & Jacqueline F. Kutch]
LAGANA, Toni-ann ................... (609) 448-5126
40 Spyglass Court, E~~f~indsor, NJ 08520 [Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lagana] ,. •(/
LAJINESS, Katrina ................... LAMACHIA, Anna ..................... LANGAN, Justin ....................... LARA-ENSSLIN, Christian ....... LAVERTY, Lauren ..................... LEEDOM, Kyle ........................... LEONARD, Emily...................... LEWIS, Brian...........................
(732) 521-2179
8 Fox Run, Monroe, NJ 08831 [Janie & Gary Lajiness]
(609) 586-0089
57 New qolony Drive, Hamilton, NJ 08619 [Dr. Ralph A. LaMachia]
(215) 547-0195
49 Nutmeg Lane, Levittown, PA 19054 [Catherine A. Langan]
(732) 821-0786
4 Joshua Street, Kendall Park, NJ 08829 [Jaime & Carlota Lara)
(609) 860-0505
8 Jefferson Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512 [Robert & Yolanda Laverty)
(609) 737-3120
22 Wyckoff Drive, Pennington, NJ 08534 [Richard & Gail Leedom]
(609) 259-7832
PO Box 151, Clarksburg, NJ 08510 [Frank & Jennifer Leonard]
(609) 448-7379
17 Sheffield Road, East Windsor, NJ 08520-1707 (Robert & Sandra Lewis]
LEWIS, David........................... (609) 448-7379
17 Sheffield Road, East Windsor, NJ 08520-1707 (Robert & Sandra Lewis]
LEWIS, Robert .......................... LILLY, Meghan .......................... LIND, Amanda ........................... LINDNER, Christen ................... LOMAX IV, Daniel ..................... LONGO, Jacqueline.................. .. LYON, Thomas .......................... MACKEY, Kelly.....••.................. MACZINKO, Maura................... MARSZALEK, Adam................. MARZAN, Christa .•................... MASON, Melissa .......•............... MASTERSON JR., Edward ....... MAYES, Caroline ...........•.......... MAYS, Meredith ......•................. MCANANY, Gregory.................
(215) 968-4284
15 Chadwick Circle, Newtown, PA 18940 [Robert & Maryann Lewis)
(609) 771-4347
51 Brophy Drive, Ewing, NJ 08638 [Kevin & Kathryn Lilly)
(215) 321-8172
1510 Pownal Drive, Yardley, PA 19067 [Randal & Nanette Lind]
(215) 321-1486
814 Combine Lane, Yardley, PA 19067 [James T. & Mary Ann Lindner]
(609) 393-4062
917 Berkeley Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08618 [Dan & Del;>orah Lomax)
(609) 581-2566
18 Mae Drive, Yardville, NJ 08620 [Linda & Arthur Longo]
(609) 587-7905
71 New Colony Drive, Hamilton, NJ 08619 [Tom & Rosemary Lyon)
(609) 259-4944
73 Sharon Road, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 [George & Cynthia Mackey]
(609) 586-7286
66 New Colony Drive, Hamilton, NJ 08619 [Stephen & Patricia MacZinko]
(609) 897-7858
3 Baker Street, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Alina Marszalek]
(609) 324-0736
101 Middleton Place, Yardville, NJ 08620 [Sharon A. & Michael J. Smith)
(609) 883-9766
12 Jill Lane, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Andrew Mason]
(609) 883-5213
23 Colleen. Circle, Ewing, NJ 08638 [Edward J. & Cynthia Masterson]
(609) 655-3994
8 Silver Lane South, Cranbury, NJ 08512 [Michael T. & Susan Mayes]
(215) 493-1723
874 Slate Hill Road, Yardley, PA 19067 [David & Peg Mays]
(215) 752-0152
118 S. Clearview Avenue, Langhorne, PA 19047 [Thomas & Lisa McAnany]
MCCARTHY, Jared•.................. MCCONNELL, Andrew ............. MCCUE, Kathleen ..................... MCENERNEY, Ryan .................. MCGHEE, Amy.......................... MCGRATH, Christopher.......... MCKEEVER, Megan ..................
(609) 259-7767
7 Hobbs Court, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 [David McCarthy)
(609) 588-0922
72 Terrapin Lane, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Angela & Dan McConnell]
(609) 298-6247
12 Ardmore Drive, Bordentown, NJ 08505 [James & Noreen McCue]
(215) 736-1326
40 Bedford Place, Yardley, PA 19067 [Janet & John McEnerney]
(215) 493-6820
2064 Farmview Drive, Newtown, PA 18940 [Tim & Kit McGhee]
(609) 890-0090
52 Country Lane, Hamilton, NJ 08690 [Brian & Kathleen McGrath]
(609) 587-5597
2246 Klockner Road, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Joel & Barbara McKeever]
MCMULLEN, Caitlin .................. (609} 587-9207 MCQUILLAN, Ryan ................... (215) 369-2701
21 Wickom Avenue, Hamilton, NJ 08690 [Herbert & Ann McMullen)
MCSORLEY, Margaret. ............. (609} 587-4427
81 Miry Brook Road, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [James & Geraldine McSorley]
MICHAELS, Corey....................: MICHALAK~ Katie ...................•. MILLES Ill, Frank ... ;................... MILOVCICH, Peter.................... MITCHELL, William ...................
(609) 208-9464
33 Buford Road, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 [Linda Michaels)
(215) 321-3115
487 Stony Hill Road, Yardley, PA 19067 [Therese & AI Michalak]
(215) 741-5957
543 Heatons Mill Drive, Langhorne, PA 19047 (Frank & Allison Milles]
(215} 968-7729
213 Adeline Place, Langhorne, PA 19047 (Peter & Antoinette Milovcich]
(215) 757-9699
15 Teal Drive, Langhorne, PA 1;90~7 [William & Mary Beth Mitchell]
1505 Pownal Drive, Yardley, PA 19067 [Dennis J. & Charmaine M. McQuillan]
MONGON, Jillian ....................... MORAITIS, Despina .................. MORGAN, Danielle ...•............... MORRIS, Charles ...................... MURPHY, Melissa ..................... MURRAY, Rebecca ................... MURTHY, Mihir......................... MYSLINSKI, Richard ................ NATTER JR., Carl.. ................... NERO, Stacia........................... NICHOLSON, Nicole.................
(609) 918-0157
9 Cathy Drive, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 [Chris & John Mongan]
(609) 883-7680
27 Ewingville Road , Ewing, NJ 08638 [M. D. Moraitis]
(609) 530-9166
73 Homan Avenue, Ewing, NJ 08618 [Annie Phills Grey]
(732) 780-0105
6 Fox Hollow Place, Clarksburg, NJ 08510 [Charles & Kathleen Morris]
(215) 321-1450
1450 Fox Hollow Drive, Yardley, PA 19067 [Chris & Renee Murphy)
(215) 493·6601
400 Ramsey Road, Yardley, PA 19067 [Debra & John Murray]
(609) 758-0008
282 Province Line Road, Wrightstown, NJ 08562 [Dak & Cris Murthy)
(609) 890-1807
15 Wolfpack Road, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Walter & loretta Myslinski, Jr.]
(609) 585-7104
15 Perilli Drive, Hamilton, NJ 08610 [Carl & Angie Natter]
(609) 730-9617
9 Voorhees Court, Pennington, NJ 08534 (Rosemarie Monteleone]
(609) 393-0987
103 Bamt Deklyn Road, Hamilton, NJ 08610 [Richard & Mary Ann Nicholson]
NOONAN, Sean ......................... (732) 446-4837 22 Horseshoe Drive, Perrineville, NJ 08535 [Ray & Beth Noonan] O'BRIEN, Caitlin ........................ (215) 493-7439 1518 Silo Road, Yardley, PA 19067 [Tom & Betty Ann O'Brien] O'BRIEN, Dana .......................... (732) 297-5095 97 Bennington Parkway, Franklin Park, NJ 08823 [George & Carol O'Brien]
O'NEILL, Ric.I'J.ard...................... OLIVERAS, Ricardo .•................ ORTIZ, David........................... OTTO, Samantha...................... PAIGE, Jameson ....................... PANCZA, Brenna ...................... PANTAGES, Sarah ................... PAPASIDERO Ill, Frank ............ PARMEGIANI, Joseph .............. PE, Kristin........................... PEIFFER, Caitlin ....................... PEIFFER, Maureen ..........•........ PELLECCHIA, Justin ................ PELZER, Jarrett........................ PETRANGELI, Jill ..................... PISANO, Michael ...................... PISCOPO, Brett......................... PLATT, Calin........................... PROCACCINI, Lisa ................... PRYOR, Marie........................... QUINN, Daniel. .......................... RAMIREZ, Rebecca .................. RANKIN, Thomas ......................
(609) 448-8871
22 Jeffrey lane, E~st Windsor, NJ 08520 [Kathy O'Neill]
(609) 695-0185
335 Hamilton Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08609 (Harry & Esther Oliveras]
(609) 637-0328
3 Mansion Hill Drive, Ewing, NJ 08628 [Robert & Nathy Ortiz)
(609) 883-2781
8 Wakefield Drive, West Trenton, NJ 08628 [Jack F. Otto]
(609) 443-5952
26 Steeplechase Road, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 [Douglas & Kathy Paige]
(215) 497-1080
50 Brookdale Place, Newtown, PA 18940 [Maureen & Donald Pancza]
(609) 259-3882
81 South Main Stree~. Allentown, NJ 08501 [Peter & Katie Pantages)
(215) 741-4233
24 Teal Drive, langhorne, PA 19047 [Frank & Marilou Papasidero)
(732) 792-7805
6 Chadwick Road, Englishtown, NJ 07726 [leo & Nancy Parmegiani]
(732) 940-1186
45 Providence Boulevard, Kendall Park, NJ 08824 [Roy & Elizabeth Pe]
(215) 369-1403
1295 Clearview Drive, Yardley, PA 19067 [Charles & Mary Peiffer]
(215) 369-1403
1295 Clearview Drive, Yardley, PA 19067 [Charles & Mary Peiffer]
(215) 493-7834
1122 Brian Court, Yardley, PA 19067 [Rose Pellecchia]
(609) 424..0918
6 Sherwood lane, Mansfield, NJ 08022 [Arthur & Jacquelyn Pelzer]
(215) 295-4294
12DeCou Drive, Morrisville, PA 19067 [Angelo & Judy Petrangeli]
(609) 298-1759
18 Sherwood Lane, Mansfield, NJ 08622 [louis & Anne Marie Pisano]
(215) 295-1033
307 Clymer Avenue, Morrisville, PA 19067 [Kathleen Piscopo]
(609) 298-0962 · 8 Railroad Avenue, Bordentown, NJ 08505 [Joseph & Joan Platt] (609) 883-4596
5 Lotus Lane, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Sandy & Maria Procaccini]
(609) 371-9621
5 Violet lane, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 [Tom & Regina Pryor]
(215) 750-6339
290 Dilworth lane, langhorne, PA 19047 [Donald & Barbara Quinn]
(609) 587-0449
16 Stacy Avenue , Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Joseph & Laureen Ramirez]
(609) 584-8574
27 Stafford Court, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Ellen & Christopher Rankin]
RATZLAFF, Elizabeth ............... (609) 587-4406
19 Valley Road, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Peter & Regina Ratzlaff, Jr.]
REILLY, Eric........................... (609) 585-6518 133 Manor Blvd, Yardville, NJ 08620 [James & Christine Reiily) REILLY, Kelly........................... (609) 890·7838 21 Tarheels Road East, Mercerville, NJ 08619 Pohn & Regina Reilly] RHEIN, Katie........................... (609) 799-7359 17 Major lane, Plainsboro N~ 08536 [Jeanne Rhein]
'""·.. 245
RICCIO, Christopher................ RICE, Makenzie ......................... RIEXINGER, Andrew................ RIGHTER, Emily........................ RIMMER, Erin........................... ROGERS, Stephanie ..............•.. ROHR, Heather......................... ROOT, Jared........................... ROSERO, Yadira ....................... ROSSETTI, Alexis ..................... RYAN, Kristen........................... SALVATORE, Carissa.............. SANNINO, David....................... SAPHIRE, Jessica.................... SAPIENZA, Maria •.;··················· SCHRAMKE, Christina ........•.... SCHULER, Michelle .................. SELMAN, Brittany..................... SFERRUZZO, Michelle............. SHAPSON, Matthew................. SHERIDAN, Bridget.................. SIBLEY, Juan........................... SIONNE, Stephen..................... SIPIO, W. charles ...................... SLEMAN, Jena .......................... SMITH, Andrew •........................ SMITH, Owen........................... STEPHAN, Mark ........................ STEWART, Stephen ................. STIRM II, Michael ...................... STIRONE, Amanda................... STOVER, Allison ....................... SWANEKAMP, Scott................ TAFT, Christina ......................... TANGLAW, Christopher.......... TERTEL Ill, Edward .................. THEER, Jonathan ..................... THOMPSON, Peter......•............. THORNTON Ill, Austin .............. TIBERI, Jennifer........................ TILTON Ill, Stanley •................... TOIA, Brian ........................... 246
(215) 860-0624
10 Millers Road, Newtown, PA 18940 [John & Laurie Riccio]
(215) 862-1389
26 Pheasant Run, New Hope, PA 18938 [Michele & Gene Rice]
(908) 788-7823
87 Biser Road, Flemington, NJ 08822 [Meg & Doug Riexinger]
(609) 275-6773
4 Beard sly Court, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 [Margaret & William Righter]
(609) 587-8218
72 Albermarle Road, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Laureen A. Rimmer]
(215} 968-6159
87 Rocking Horse Way, Holland, PA 18966 [Renee & Tony Rogers]
(609) 882-7228
43 Carlton Avenue, Ewing, NJ 08618 [Michelle M. Soley]
(609) 587-7688
18 Monroe Drive, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Thomas & lynn Root]
(609) 599-2806
411 Elmer Street, Trenton, NJ 08611 [Yadira Rosero]
(215) 321-0434
227 Emerald Drive, Yardley, PA 19067 [Susan & Joseph Rossetti]
(609) 275-5424
53 Ellsworth Drive, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 [Patricia Ryan]
(609) 730-0116
125 West Welling Avenue, Pennington, NJ 08534 [Scherry l. Gaskill]
(732) 792-0712
8 Nathaniel Drive, Englishtown, NJ 07726 [Robert Sannino]
(609) 896-8153
104 Denow Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Kathleen .& Joseph Saphire]
(609) 341-9127 (609) 448-4136
208 Parkside Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08618 [Felicia A. Gannon) 3 Piney Branch Road, Cranbury, NJ 08512 [Ann & Don Schramke]
(609) 466-9256
54 Viburnum Drive, Skillman, NJ 08558 [William & MaryAnne Schuler]
(215) 860-1568
75 Dawson Road, Langhorne, PA 19047 [John & Susan Selman]
(609) 394-5655
215 Stacey Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08618 [Rebecca & Frank Sferruzzo]
(732) 780-4130
247 Sweetmans Lane, Englishtown, NJ 07726 [Jay & Cathy Shapson]
(609) 896-3298
15 Tracey Drive, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Dan & Michelle Sheridan]
(609) 393-1339
48laurel Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08618 [Ethel Sibley)
(609) 587-2618
86 Peter Rafferty Drive, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Michael & Deborah Sionne]
(215) 579-9366
1375 Brentwood Road, Yardley, PA 19067 [William & laura Sipio]
(609) 585-3224
124lacy Avenue, Hamilton, NJ 08610 [Hassan & lisa Sleman]
(215) 736-9404
688 Pevsner Road, Yardley, PA 19067 [Kimberly & Joseph Smith]
(609) 620-0113
27 Lawrencia Drive, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Jeffrey & Lori Smith]
l I
(215) 736-1895
46 Jennifer Lane, Morrisville, PA 19067 [Mark & Robin Stephan]
(609) 259-8220
176 Route 525, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 [Stephen & Debbie Stewart]
(609) 587-7156
42 Lehaure Court, Hamilton, NJ 08619 [Michael & Valerie Stirm]
(609) 584-2708
64 New Colony Drive, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Marc & Denise Stirone]
(215) 968-7972
1089 Eagle Road, Newtown, PA 18940 [Cindy & Jack Stover]
(609) 259-3330
196 Rt. 526, Allentown, NJ 08501 [Robert & MaryEllen Swanekamp]
(609) 259-3508
11 Old Post Lane, Yardville, NJ 08620 [Marlene Taft]
(609) 882-8568 · 62 Nancy Lane, Ewing, NJ 08638 [Domingo & Ruby Tanglaw) (215) 773-9508
43 Valentine Road, Ivyland, PA 18974 [E. & B. Tertel]
(609) 882-6043
286 Clamer Road, Ewing, NJ 08628 (Robert J. & Sharon L. Theer]
(609) 585-8586
4 Olszak Ct., Hamilton, NJ 08691 [Frederick & Rosemary Thompson]
(215) 757-3178
661 Atkinson Lane, langhorne, PA .19047 [Mary & Austin Thornton Jr.)
(609) 585-1719
19 Elkshead Terrace, Yardville, NJ 08620 [John & Edna Tibenl
(215) 493-3725
1652 Thistlewood Drive, Washington Crossing, PA 18977 !Stanley & Mary Tilton)
(732) 303-1043
6 Shield Road, Englishtown, ~~t'Qt126 [Frank & Ramona Toia]
TRAGONE, J. Jeffrey................. (215) 493-0264 UNDERWOOD, Tiquan ............. (8~6) 881-1099 UNGRADY, Christopher........... (609) 588-5286
1555 Silo Road, Yardley, PA 19067 [Lois & Jim Tragone] 106 Ferrell Street, Clayton, NJ 08312 [Kheesha Underwood] 15 Secretario Way, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Kathleen & George M. Ungrady)
VALENTINO, Matthew .............. VALERIO, Matthew ................... VITOLO, Katharine ................... WALDRON, Elizabeth ............... WALSH, Michael ................•...... WANG, Ann........................... WARWICK, Jeffrey...................
(609) 396-5318
1227 Chambers Street, Trenton, NJ 08610 [Joanne & Gary Valentino]
(609) 890-7935
18 Cavalier Drive, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Martin & Donna Valerio]
(609) 587-5083
54 Terrapin lane, Hamilton, NJ 08619 [John M. Vitolo, Sr.]
(215) 321-6963
513 Gayle Drive, Yardley, PA 19067 [Patricia C. Waldron]
(215) 860-5965
125 South Drive, Newtown, PA 18940 [Susan & David long)
(609) 620-0041
12 Overtook Way, lawrenceville, NJ 08648 [Pei-Ying Wang]
(609) 588-9186
60 Peter Rafferty Drive, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Michael & MaryChris Warwick]
WEBSTER, Joshua ...........•....... WHETSTONE, Lamir................. WILLIAMS, Stephanie.............. WILLIAMS, Damon................... WILSON, Brittany..................... WITKOWSKI, Stephen ..............
(215) 741-4669
821 Abbey Circle, langhorne, PA 19047 [Dwight & Susan Webster]
(609) 989-7916
107 Laclede Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08618 [Ferdin& & Sherita Whetstone]
(609) 371-5485
10 Hemlock Court, East Windsor, NJ 08520 [Nancy L Williams]
(609) 984-2279
6 Orne Avenue, Ewing, NJ 08638 [Damon & Edna Williams]
(609) 584-7983
43 Great Oak Road, Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 [Pamela Wilson]
(609) 771-0276
79 Rockland Road, Ewing, NJ 08638-1551 [Stephen & Mary B. Witkowski]
(609) 587-4762
24 Pintinalli Drive, Mercerville, NJ 08619 [Donald & Marilu Woodruff]
(732) 446-4384
12 Penn Elmer Drive, Clarksburg, NJ 08510 [Usha Yadav]
(609) 259-2238
7 Drews Lane, Allentown, NJ 08501 [Kim & David Yake]
(215) 369-0176
1179 Temple Drive, Yardley, PA 19067 [Stephen & Janice Yorks]
(215) 862-2959
5 Great Hills Road, New Hope, PA 18938 [Edward & Ann Zaccaria}
(609) 393-4651
83 Beechwood Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08618 [Ron & Regina Zilinskij
(609) 259-8235
31 Hamton Court East, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 [Thomas & Philomena Zucchetti]
WOODRUFF, Todd ................... YADAV, Neha........................... YAKE, Thomas •......................... YORKS, Kathleen ..................... ZACCARIA, Laura ..................... ZILINSKI, Alex ........................... ZUCCHETTI, Diamond ..............
Gtrtrd Luo~ Graduaftfl 247
:> In October, more than 10 million Afghan men and women vote in the country's first presidential election a milestone in the country's transformation after 25 years of war and Taliban control.
:> After more than a year of ceasefire, civil war re-ignites in the Ivory Coast as a result of President Gbagbo's ordering air strikes
on rebel positions.
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In August, the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center opens in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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C: Aprolonged deployment of over 200,000 U.S. troops to Iraq leaves
many families struggling
at home.
Portable photo printers that do not require a computer are a hot item for digital camera owners.
SpaceShipOne, the world's first privately developed spacecraft, is named "2004 Invention of the Year" by Time magazine.
:> Apple's iPod is the year's hottest tech gadget, fashion accessory and advertising personality, all in one creditcard-size package.
:> Hong Kong-based toymaker Wow Wee Ltd. sells 1.5 million Robosapiens since the toy's introduction in April. Among other "talents," the $100 robot can belch and pass gas on command.
The Food and Drug Administration links the use of antidepressants such as Zoloft, Paxil and Prozac to suicidal behavior in teens.
After four years on the market and billions of dollars in revenue, pharmaceutical company Merck recalls the arthritis drug Vioxx due to increased risk for cardiovascular disease.
:> General Motors releases the industry's first full-size gas-electric hybrid pickup truck, the Chevrolet Silverado. :>Toshiba's HD DVD and Sony's Blu-ray battle for supremacy over the next generation of DVD technology. Major movie studios are evenly divided in their backing of the two technologies.
Designer dog breeds like the "Goldendoodle," an allergy-friendly cross between a golden retriever and a poodle, are in high demand.
:> African lions join the endangered species list because they are being killed to protect domestic livestock and their habitats are being destroyed.
Although Saturn's rings look solid from Earth, images taken by the international Cassini spacecraft show they are more like rivers of dust and ice, with particles ranging in size from specks to mountains.
ash and steam for the first time since its major eruption in 1980.
In September, astronomers announce the discovery in the Milky Way galaxy of a new and possibly abundant class of planets.
C: C: On a remote island in Indonesia, scientists find 18,000-year-old skeletons of a hobbit-like human species that grew no larger than today's average three-year-old child.
Threatened by the spread of hormone-disrupting chemicals and global warming, polar bears are added to the endangered species list.
Jim caney and Kate Winslet gamer Golden Globe nominations for Eternal SunshlnB of the SpotJsss Mind, which also earns a nod for Best Picture. Musical or Comedy.
AWator. starring Leonardo DICaprio In the role of eccentric blftlonaire Howard Hughes, earns eleven Oscar nominations.
C Ty Pennington and company improve lives while making homes better on the successful ABC home Improvement show "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition."
C: To kick off her 19th season of CBS's "The Oprah Winfrey Show," Oprah and Pontiac join forces to give each of the 276 audience members a brand new Pontiac G6.
Pausing and recording live television with OVR is rapidly replacing VCRs In households across America.
With bands like Interpol, The Killers and Snow Patrol, alternative rock returns to the mainstream music scene in a big way.
Nelly continues to wrap up big sales and hit songs with the simultaneous release of his two albums, Sweat and Suit.
:> In December, Usher dominates the Billboard Music Awards, taking home 11 awards, including Album of the Year for Confessions.
Video game giant Electronic Arts buys exclusive rights to the teams, players and stadiums of the NFL for its popular Madden video game franchise.
C: The challenging "Metroid Prime 2: Echoes" takes home the prize as's Gamecube Game of the Year.
The hottest "hard-to-get" toy for the holidays is the Nintendo DS handheld gaming system.
Heisman Trophy winner Matt Leinart leads the USC Trojans to a second consecutive NCAA National Championship by routing the Oklahoma Sooners in the FedEx Orange Bowl, 55-19.
Following his win in September at the Deutsche Bank Championship, Vijay Singh unseats Tiger Woods as the world's No.1 golfer.
In one of the worst brawls in U.S. sports history, five Indiana Pacers players clash with Detroit Pistons fans on court and in the stands. The Pacers' Ron Artest is suspended for the year for his involvement.
:> Michael Phelps swims his way to eight individual Olympic medals, six gold and two bronze.
Together for the last time, the "Fab Five" of U.S. women's soccer - Julie Foudy, Joy Fawcett, Mia Hamm, Kristine Lilly and Brandi Chastain - bring home an Olympic gold medal. ----------------~
The Tampa Bay Lightning claim the 2004 NHL Stanley Cup by winning the seventh game of the Stanley Cup Finals, 2-1 , over the Calgary Aames.
In remembrance of those who have died and those who continue to risk their lives in the war in Iraq.
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