Valley Art 2013 May/June newsletter

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From the


Valley Art Gallery

We welcome you to the Artists’ Reception

2022 Main Street Forest Grove, Oregon

Pursuing Art with Passion


Saturday, May 11 2–4 p.m. Students and Alumni of Forest Grove High School

Gallery open Mon.–Sat. 11 a.m.–5:30 p.m. and special occasions. Open until 7:30 p.m. on First Wednesdays.

A showing of young rising talent within the Forest Grove community. Come meet these talented artists and be inspired! Complimentary refreshments will be served.

Spring A.I.M.: Arts Inspiration Movement

Valley Art is dedicated to supporting working artists and encouraging beginning artists. We exhibit exceptional artwork and offer art classes for the entire community at affordable prices.

We are pleased to announce Spring AIM, a free arts extravaganza featuring visual arts, performing arts, and music at Forest Grove High School and open to our entire community. The program is funded through a grant provided by the Forest Grove Public Arts Commission.

Valley Art board meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30p.m. These meetings are open to all who might like to attend.

MARK THE DATE! Valley Art’s Annual Membership Meeting is July 23rd, at 6:30 pm.

DO JUMP, a physical theatre company based in Portland, will open with a wildly imaginative performance, including partner acrobatics, live music and a giant dog puppet. In addition their teen performance group, the ZIG ZAGS, will debut pieces from an upcoming show. Other Arts groups in Forest Grove will give cameo performances, presentations, or have information tables, offering a full agenda for this event. Pacific University, Forest Grove Dance Arts, and Creative Enterprises will perform dance pieces; and Forest Grove High School Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Music, and Poetry Club will perform or display their creative endeavors. Valley Art, Forest Grove Chalk Art Festival,

“Flood” by Dana Zurcher, Forest Grove High School Alumnus and Valley Art Board President.



Caught My Eye...




Classes & Workshops for Everyone



Continued on page 2

March Reception Recap



Caroline’s Corner

Spring A.I.M. continued... Forest Grove Public Library, and other business and student groups are also invited to promote arts opportunities with information tables. The goals are threefold. First is to expose to our community the rich range of artistic resources and opportunities available locally. Second, we want to promote better acquaintance between local Arts groups, in order to foster mutual support and a sense of unity in purpose. Finally, we wish to emphasize the important role the Arts have in the quality of our lives, both to us individually and in bonding us as a community. Ultimately we want to encourage everyone to get involved as audience members, creators, and/or performers, be they youth, middleaged, or seniors. The Arts in our schools have suffered through a difficult period of serious financial cuts, resulting in fewer resources offered to our children. The Do Jump

and ZIG ZAG performances are funded through a generous Forest Grove Public Arts Commission mini grant. Admission will be free for everyone. We hope that donations will be made at the door, and any monies from this and from sales of t-shirts and other concession items will benefit the Arts program at Forest Grove High School. The capacity of the auditorium is approximately 740, and we anticipate having hundreds of participants. Odeth Cerpa, a senior at FGHS, will be sharing event managing responsibilities as part of her Forest Grove High School Senior Project. A number of students, teachers, and community members are also helping. We welcome additional volunteers, feedback and your attendance to assist in creating an enriching event for our community. To further increase awareness of the Arts programs in our schools and community, Valley Art will present a Forest Grove High School Alumni Art Show. The opening reception will be Saturday, May 11th, from 2 to 4 pm. The show includes the work of alumni

Above:“Beer Bunny” by Kat Moss, Forest Grove High School Alumnus. Right: “Morning” by Dana Zurcher, Forest Grove High School Alumnus and Valley Art Board President.


May/June 2013

Kat Moss, Eduardo Tecum, Marcie Kriebel, Heather (Hawkins) Young, Rachel Smith, Alex Johnson, Dana Zurcher, Kathy (Greeley) Campbell, Neil Wilson and Henry Buchanan. Valley Art will have reception treats free of charge. All are welcome to both events and we hope to see you there! Kat Moss, a Pacific Northwest-based freelance artist, illustrator and graphic designer, has been working creatively for over 15 years. From humble beginnings in desktop publishing and visual arts, her work has spread across many creative disciplines. After graduating with a degree in metalsmithing and jewelry design from the Fine Arts School at the University of Oregon, she moved to Portland and began her career in graphic design.

For the past several years she has worked at some of the premier design and marketing firms in the Portland area, while also working independently with nonprofits, small businesses, and wherever other interesting projects come her way. Her work has included illustration, printmaking, murals, print work, web design and programming, oversized display graphics, and extensive corporate and branding/identity work.

“Paradise or Penance” by Eduardo Tecum, Forest Grove High School Alumnus.

— Philip Thias

Caught my eye... One of my favorite things to do in the Valley Art Gallery is to treasure hunt! I wander around the gallery to find things I haven’t seen before!! My last treasure hunt revealed these beautiful bracelets made of wood, leather and cast zinc, electroplated with precious metals. Ginger Steele, also a potter here at Valley Art, has delighted us with the addition of these bracelets. Each bracelet is unique in color, shape and accent piece. This is one of my favorite things about Valley Art: there is always something new to see or something that you missed the last time you looked around!

Valley Art Association

So the next time you visit the Gallery, keep an eye out for a treasure!! —Dana Zurcher, Valley Art Board President

May/June 2013


Something for Everyone Art Classes & Groups Adult Pottery Thursdays, May 16 to July 11 (no class on July 4)—6:30–9:30 p.m.

This class is for all levels. Students will watch hand-building and wheel-throwing demonstrations. Please wear old clothing to this class, and bring both an apron and an old towel for cleanup. A tool kit is required for this class; available for $15.00 if you don’t have one. Clay is $12.00 per bag (porcelain is $16.00). Students will make pottery through weeks five or six and glaze/decorate their pieces weeks seven & eight. Call Christine Hurayt at 503-501-7589 or email for more information. Cost is $109.00 for members and $119.00 for non-members.

Artist Networking Meeting second Tuesday of each month—6:30 p.m.

Club open to anyone interested in art. Networking and fun! Find us on Facebook - The Artist Network—to keep up with any changes. Sign up for Classes at the Valley Art Front Desk or contact the class instructor directly. For details, contact Christiana Mayer at No charge to participate.

Forest Grove Camera Club Wednesdays (except 1st Wednesdays)—7:30 p.m.

The Forest Grove Camera Club is a member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and the Columbia Council of Camera Clubs. The club participates in a variety of competitions, evaluations and provides programs as well as field trips. Instructor: Carol Berget Cost is $25 Annual membership / $5 student / $10 Associate membership

Needlework Studio: 102 Thursdays—9 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

The needlework class welcomes anyone who would like to work on a needlework project. There is no one teacher; we help each other to learn what we know. We help with—Hardanger, Knitting, Crochet, Embroidery, Crewel, Cross-stitch, etc. Contact: Linda Wilke 503-359-4566 Cost is $24 set-up fee; $5 per quarter thereafter.

Quilting Studio: 101 Fridays—9 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

This is an ongoing class and may be joined at any time. All levels, from beginning to advanced are welcome. This is the time to do your own work; get expert advice on a special project; and meet with other local quilters. Come join the fun. Cost is $28/year for members and $43/year for non-members.

Watercolors: Tuesdays—11 a.m.–1 p.m.

Participants of all skill levels will learn watercolor technique including art basics of color mixing and drawing skills as you are taught how to prepare your paper for watercolor. Also, learn brush handling and a wide range of techniques. Pick up a supply list when you sign up at the gallery front counter. For details, contact instructor JanSu Hirst at Cost is $85 for members and $100 for non-members for six classes. Per session: $15 for members; $20 for non-members

Wood Carving: Mondays—9 a.m.–12 p.m. or 1–4 p.m.

This wood carving class is open to all skill levels. Bring your own project and join the group. For details, contact instructor Jeff Harness at Cost is $12 for members and $27 for non-members.


May/June 2013

Especially for Kids! Artistic Geometry— Youth Drawing Class Fridays—3:30–4:30 p.m. May 5, 10, 17, 24

Learn how to create 3-D effects using shading, overlap, and 1-point perspective. Create geometric designs with compass & ruler. Explore stars, fractals, transformations, creative lettering, and abstract doodling. All materials provided. For ages 11-15 with genuine interest in art and good self-management skills. Contact Charlotte Lumae at or (971) 732-4627 to preregister. Registration forms for this class are available at the gallery front desk. Bring the form to the first class along with payment. Cost is $20.00 (need-based scholarships available to cover up to 50% of the class cost.)

Youth Art Club Most Fridays through May 24th—5:00–6:30 p.m.

Meet other young artists, have fun exploring new media, work on your own stuff, and get advice and feedback from peers and volunteer mentors. For youth ages 1115 with genuine interest in art and good self-management skills. Contact Charlotte Lumae at or (971) 732-4627 to preregister. Registration forms for this class are available at the gallery front desk. Bring the form to the first class along with payment. Cost is $2 per session.



May 1— First Wednesday from 5–8 p.m. Enjoy the art and wine tasting, and visit with local author “Skip” Buhler about his soon-to-release, coauthored book, on the artist Frederic Remington. An independent art historian and recent graduate from the University of Iowa, Skip has spent the last few years researching Remington, a sporting artist who created monumental hunting scenes based on his own life. Remington had strong relationships with leaders of the conservation movement. May 4—“Make ‘n’ Take for Mom.” , 1–3 p.m. For children ages 5-10 with a trusted chaperone. Supplies and workshop space are limited to 25 children. Call Jeanne at 503-341-9701 for more information. May 15—Special Gallery Hours open until 7 p.m. with 10% discount for gallery members.

May 18— Make ‘n’ Take a pair of beaded earrings or a beaded pin. There is no charge for this short workshop that runs from 1–3 p.m. Limited to 25 participants. Free event. May 25—Learn about cold wax encaustic painting. From 1–3 p.m., learn the basics and watch as the process reveals its own mysterious magic. Supplies will be on hand so you can work with a little of the product and get a feel for it. Call Jeanne at 503-3419701 to learn more. Free event. June 8—Father’s Day Make ‘n’ Take, 1–3 p.m. For children ages 5-10 with a trusted chaperone. Supplies and workshop space are limited to 25 children. June 22—Mixed Media “Free for All,” 1–3 p.m. Supplies provided; bring an apron. Free event.

All events and workshops take place in the Valley Art Gallery workshop space unless otherwise noted. Valley Art is located at 2022 Main Street in Forest Grove. Parking is available along Main Street and in the public parking lot located directly behind Valley Art, a half block to the west. Gallery hours are Monday–Saturday 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Always stay up-to-date with Valley Art events at Valley Art Association

May/June 2013


Great to see you at the March Artist Reception!

Ginger Steele explains her pottery making process with Jeanne Levy at the reception. Below, a ceramic piece is magically transformed by Ginger’s decorative patterns.

March Featured Artists were: Ginger Steele, Lin Haak and Melissa Gannon.

Thanks to Carol Dean and Jeanne Levy for the great photos!

Left, Melissa Gannon enjoys sharing her art in the gallery. Above and right, Lin Haak’s oil painting is as cheerful as her smile. She demonstrates her unique style to visitors.


May/June 2013

FGHS Alumnus Pursues Art Far and Wide (and Tall, and Roadside) Jasper Patch, a Forest Grove graduate, went on to a career in hand painting billboards around Williamsburg, New York. Jasper was interviewed by Dirty Awesome(DA), an art/tech/ entertainment blog: DA: How long have you been an artist? Jasper: All my life. I was always interested in painting. I don’t remember wanting to do anything else—ever. I guess it was a question of realizing what’s out there and understanding what capacity you can be useful, you know

DA: How did you get hired as the guy who paints the billboards in Williamsburg? Jasper: I didn’t know this job existed, but at some point, well, I just saw somebody doing it. It was kind of like the job that all my friends and I really wanted. There’s a lot of training involved, but it’s also kind of a niche painting job where there’s a of combination of doing things quickly and doing things right. Our company probably employs 15 different painters. And you would think that’s pretty small, but it’s actually



Caroline Dau is among the wonderfully creative volunteers at Valley Art. With the assistance of some other great volunteers, she organizes most of the reception foods and decorations. When Caroline is in the room, you can expect both laughter and creativity! Starting with this newsletter issue, Caroline will share some of her favorite entertaining ideas with you.

one of the larger hand painting companies. DA: Is Williamsburg yours—your turf as a painter? Jasper: No. They actually send me all over the place. I don’t know if I really have a favorite neighborhood. It’s more about what we’re working on. We do a lot of big walls and those are fun because you get to work up high. It’s quiet. It’s a much different atmosphere. DA: Do you ever get nervous up there? Jasper: No. I never get nervous.

Sharp Snacks (makes 30 pieces) 1 1/4 cup butter 6 oz. sharp cheddar cheese, grated 1/2 cup flour pinch of salt dash of cayenne pepper

Mix all ingredients and blend with a pastry blender until it reaches the consistency of corn meal. Roll into 1/2 inch balls. Chill. Heat oven to 400 F. Place balls on a baking sheet and bake for 12 to 15 minutes. Serve immediately.

Our thanks goes to the April 23 mailing party who help in getting this newsletter from our gallery into your hands. Linda Wilke, David Saucy, Jeannette Saucy, Cliff Kennedy, Nedra Hathaway, Pat Howard, Mary Welch, Jack Howard and John Welch—we couldn’t do it without you! How can you become a Valley Art Volunteer? Drop by the Valley Art Gallery or pick up the phone and call Kay, our volunteer coordinator at 503-357-3703. Tell her what you love to do and hear what VAA needs help to accomplish. Volunteers working with children must provide either a current teaching certificate or be willing to undergo a background check. Come join us and have a lot of fun helping this wonderful community arts outreach!

Valley Art Association

May/June 2013


Join the conversation! Scan this QR code to like Valley Art on Facebook. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S.P.S. POSTAGE PAID FOREST GROVE OR PERMIT NO. 5

Valley Art Association P.O. Box 333 Forest Grove, OR 97116

OF SPECIAL NOTE... May is Membership Month! During May, visit Valley Art with a friend and buy one membership for $15 and get the second one free! Join us for a New Members’ Event, Wednesday, May 15 from 4-7 p.m. Valley Art is entirely volunteer-run and we could use your talents too. Please call us for ways you can contribute to this artistic asset of Forest Grove!

NOW SHOWING May/June We’re open until 8:00p.m. on the FIRST WEDNESDAY of each month. Please join us!

“Pursuing Art with Passion” works by Forest Grove High School Alumni and current advanced art students. COMING NEXT July/August

Featured Artists Show- Repurposed Materials Art A showing of works by Jeffrey Hall, Karen Van Hoy and Tom Boring

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