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GRAND PLAN FOR ALPERTON New homes, shops and restaurants under construction in Alperton

A grand plan for Alperton

More than 3,000 new homes and new shops, restaurants and open spaces are being built around the historic Grand Union Canal in Alperton.

The Grand Union development will transform Alperton

This is an exciting time for Alperton, where we’ll be ‘‘ able to witness the start of a new neighbourhood with the community at its heart‘‘

Cllr Shama Tatler, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Property and Planning

The Grand Union masterplan is breathing new life into Alperton and creating opportunities for new and existing residents.

Based in the Alperton Growth Area, the new development promises 3,330 new homes of which more than 1,000 are affordable homes, including 92 council homes.

Building work has begun with more than 20% of the workers living in Brent. Mark Cox, from Harlesden, got a job as a brickwork apprentice during the Covid lockdown. He said: “I want to take satisfaction in creating something new for the community.”

New open spaces will be created as well as a new community centre, shops, restaurants and leisure facilities. A brand new medical centre and nearly 200 square feet of workspace is being built with around 650 permanent jobs created. More than 600 electric car-charging points will go in while a new canal and riverside walk will improve walking and cycling routes to and from Stonebridge Park Station.

Cllr Shama Tatler, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Property and Planning, said: “This is an exciting time for Alperton, where we’ll be able to witness the start of a new neighbourhood with the community at its heart. This development is an example of how regeneration can bring wider benefits to the borough, including community facilities, new open spaces, workspace as well as housing.”

Cllr Eleanor Southwood, Cabinet Member for Housing and Welfare Reform, added: “Creating more genuinely affordable homes is at the heart of how we are working to create a fairer and more equal Brent.”

Mark Cox, Brickwork Apprentice

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