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COMMUNITY CLAYTON PALMS LOT #7 LOT #172 FEBRUARY 7, 2020 Opinio n EDITORIALS, LETTERS & COMMENTARY Have something to say? Post a comment or submit a letter to the editor at www.thepress.net/site/forms
Letters to the Editor Love for the Senior Activity Center Editor:
I have been a member of the Senior Activity Center in Brentwood for many years and used to participate in some of the activities offered by the center.
Recently, I had started to attend the ‘Oldies but Goodies’ class again. This class is well organized and supervised by Joe Ann with imagination and enthusiasm, keeping us all occupied and interested on Wednesdays from 1 to 4 p.m. What has impressed me with the atmosphere in the class of over 30 women (and the occasional man) was the camaraderie and eagerness with which they greeted and welcomed one another. Everyone was thoughtful, kind and helpful toward each other. This class consists of people of every race and color, originating from many counties around the globe, and of diverse religious beliefs. Everyone was cooperative and understanding of the needs of each other. I, too, am an immigrant, and seeing this wonderful mix of cooperative individuals made me feel that this was America at its best, representing what this country stands for and means to me.
I wish to thank the president and all the organizers and volunteers at the Brentwood Senior Center and the Brentwood Senior Activities Center, and I hope we will enjoy the many amenities and opportunities that are offered over many years to come.
Bhicu Cowasjee Brentwood Senior Center member
Brand New Home!

Brand new 2019 country home! Huge granite kitchen island, high at ceilings, and stainless steel appliances! Cul-de-sac lot. Move in ready! BRING ALL OFFERS! $155,000 PER038705CAA/B

LOT #170
Big Front Porch!
Big porch and amazing curb appeal! Open concept kitchen, long driveway, and 9’ high ceilings. Gorgeous quality and luxurious features throughout! 2018 $180,000 PER038110CAA/B
Best selling model!
Fancy country home in cul-de-sac! Big fenced yeard! Bedrooms on opposite side from master bed! Quality cabinets and counters. Like NEW! Bring all oers. 2018 $170,000 PER038513CAAB
Located near Brentwood, Clayton Palms is a newly remodeled country community nestled in the scenic hills of Clayton.

One and two bedrooms available! FULL setup included & full utility hookup. Lots overlook the beautiful Clayton hills, call now to reserve your space! $90.000-$120,000

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