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Marlys Diane Carlisle May 23, 1932 — Jan. 14, 2020
Marlys Carlisle passed away on Jan. 14, 2020, at the age of 87.
Marlys was born May 23, 1932, to Helen and Clay Sidener of Orland, California. She attended local schools and graduated from Red Bluff High School in 1950. She attended CSU Chico and earned a degree in education and obtained a general elementary training credential. She then found a job teaching kindergarten in Brentwood, where she taught until her retirement.
She met and married John Carlisle of Brentwood. They had many cherished and loving memories through the years. She loved her family and friends, her cats and dogs, and gardening. She will be missed by all.
Per her request, there will be no services. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in her name to Delta Informal Gardeners.
Seen in Botswana
George Leonard Celoni Sept. 10, 1930 — Jan. 26, 2020
Leonard George Celoni, 89, of Brentwood passed away on Jan. 26, 2020, surrounded by family.
Leonard was born on Sept. 10, 1930, in San Francisco. He was the son of Pio and Angelina Celoni, immigrants from Lucca, Italy, who eventually settled in Oakley.
Leonard graduated from Liberty High School in 1949. He attended San Francisco City College. He married Gladice, his high school sweetheart on Nov. 3, 1951. He was drafted into the Army and served as a medic during the Korean War, from 1952 to 1953.
He began working for the Oakley Water District in 1955 and was promoted to general manager in 1957. Leonard served in that capacity until his retirement in 1992.
His hobbies included reading and playing golf, and he especially enjoyed spending time with family and friends.
He is survived by his wife of 68 years, Gladice Pitau Celoni; son, Daniel (Lin); daughters, Lori Bittner (Joe) and Sandra Silveira (Al); and his brother, Albert Celoni of Discovery Bay. He also leaves behind four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. A mass of Christian burial will be held at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Brentwood on Friday, Feb. 7, at 12:30 p.m. Interment will follow at Union Cemetery in Brentwood. Contributions can be made to Hospice of East Bay or your favorite charity.
Lynn and Kathy Holland recently traveled to Botswana, Africa, where they presented a village leader with the gift of McCauley’s olive oil and honey, and they took along a copy of the Brentwood Press for posterity. Thanks for taking The Press along for the trip! Photo courtesy of Kathy Holland
Milestones Milestones
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Worship Services
Camino Diablo Rd. & McCabe Rd. Byron • 634-6625 MASSES Sat. Evening 5:00 pm Mass Sunday Community Life Center 8:30 & 10:30 am 12:30 pm/Español Weekday: Mon-Thurs: 9:00 am – Chapel P.O. Box 476, Byron 94514 www.stannechurchbyron.com
Resurrection Ministries
Sunday Worship • 8:30 - Classic • 9:30 - Sunday School - all ages • 10:45 - Family Praise “Connecting People to Christ” Pastor Dave Prill
1275 Fairview Ave. • Brentwood 634-5180 www.rezministry.org an outreach of the Lutheran Church Missouri – Synod

SUNDAY 10:00AM WORSHIP SERVICE 1900 Willow Lake Rd. Discovery Bay (925) 634-0184 www.dcpcfamily.org Delta Community Presbyterian Church
Immaculate Heart of Mary 500 Fairview • Brentwood • 634-4154 MASSES / MISAS SATURDAY/SÁBADO: 5pm English; 6:30pm Español SUNDAY/DOMINGO 7:30am • 9:00am • 12:30pm English 10:45am • 2:00pm Español; 5:00pm Latin www.IHMBrentwood.com
Bible Study – Wednesdays 7pm 625-2022 www.thedwelling-place.org 90 Village Drive • Brentwood “Healing The Heart, One Soul At A Time” The Dwelling Place Church
Sunday Worship 10am
Brentwood Community United Methodist Church Love God... Love People... S erve The World... Sunday Worship Service 10:30 AM (925) 634-3093 Sunday School & Youth Ministry www.brentwoodumc.org 809 Second Street Downtown Brentwood Sunday School & Youth Ministry 809 Second Street Downtown Brentwood (925) 634-3093 Reconciling Congregation Brentwood Community United Methodist Church www.brentwoodumc.org Sunday Worship Service 10:30 AM
www.openheavenscommunitychurch.org Come experience Open Heavens in your life at our • SundayWorship 10am • DailyFellowship 7pm to 8pm • FridayMiracle Prayers 10pm to 1am
3933A Walnut Blvd. Brentwood • 481-4936
Excelsior Middle School 14301 Byron Hwy., Byron www.marinersdiscoverychurch.com 925-354-1096 Delivering God’s Love Sunday 10:00 am Family Friendly Worship Service Mariner’s DISCOVERY Church
SUNDAYS @ Knightsen School 1923 Delta Road, Knightsen 10:00 AM - Worship See Website for Details Pastor: Frank Griffith
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