Support Our Troops & Vets!
Vol. 12, No. 30
DBPOA to be
July 25,2014
Living well at any age
Making waves
dissolved by Ruth Roberts Staff Writer
Afte r decades of commotion, content ion and alleged corruption, it seems the beleaguered D iscovery Bay P roperty Owners Association (DBPOA) may fina lly be gone fo r good. " It appears the membership has spoken," said DBPOA boa rd member Roger Difate. On J une 30, the membership of the DBPOA vo ted to d issolve the association. The board of d irectors unani mo usly agreed to uphold the decision, and the d issolu tion is expected to be finalized within a matter of months. "This does not mean, however, that the CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictio ns - which run with the land) are no longer in ef-
feet," said D BPOA P resident F rank Visintin. " Nothing has changed except the enforcing agents. We've notified the membershi p of whom to contact fo r violati ons, and if this is not satisfactory, there is always the opti on of members pursuing a small claims court actio n." For th ose who have been involved in the yea rs-long battle, which has incl uded charges of arbitrary code enforcement, stiff penalties for non-compliance and illegal liens aga inst homeowner's properties, the final chapter in the DBPOA saga is a welcome one. "T he DBPOA had been plagued with controversy since its inceptio n," said Visintin. " In 1987, homeowners on Discovery Poin t successfull y sued
Learn more about how to enjoy your senior years in t his week's special section. Page 18
Party on at Summerfest Photo courtesy of the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office
he Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office M arin e Services Unit recent ly h eld a commi ssioning ceremony f o r its t w o new p atrol vessels. The b oat s are nam ed after t wo retired members of th e Sh eri ff's Office: Commander Dale M o rri son and Deputy Sheriff Freddie Ren o. M o rrison and Ren o were on hand f o r th e ce rem ony, w hich t ook place at Lauritzen Yacht Harbo r in Oakley o n July 9. Co ntra Cost a County Sheriff David Livingst o n was also in attendance.
see DBPOA page 26A
Discovery Bay Garden Club honored
The Discovery Bay Chamber of Commerce is hosting the bash of t he season. Page 3A
Swinging for the fences
by Pati Lucido Go nsalves Co rresp o ndent
T he Discovery Bay Garden Clu b (DBGC) was recently recognized for its outstanding work on the Blue Star Memorial Garden at Slife r Park, receiving three awards a nd a special achievement certifica te during last month's Diablo Foothills District regio nal meeting held at the Boardwa lk Grill. The honors included F irst Place Blue Sta r Memorial Site Beautification Award, presented by Califo rnia Garden Clubs, Inc.; Certificate of Commendatio n fo r Blue Star Memorial Byway Marker, presented by Nationa l Garden Clubs, Inc.; see Club page 26A
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Antioch's Big League All Star team has its eyes set on going to Delaware . Page 19A
Press file photo
Th e Discovery Bay Garden Club 's Blue St ar M emorial Ga rd en at Slifer Park i n Discovery Bay has garnered n ational att ent ion.
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Pass to play go to news/WebExtras! Muir Orthopedic Specialists host free physicals for st udent athletes in _ .........,_ August.
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Take a seat go to news/press releases Seats are available on several county commissions and advisory boards in District 5.
JULY 25, 2014
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JULY 25, 2014
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Breeze in on Island Time by Pati Lucido Gonsalves Correspondent
When Heather Travers graduated from college, she was anxious to put her education to work. A family friend was selling his boutique, and it seemed the perfect project. So in 2007, her parents, Dave a nd Judy Travers, purchased "Discovery on the Boardwalk," a small apparel and accessories store located at the Discovery Bay Marina. Jumping right into the coposition, owne r/ma nageria l H eathe r bega n to develop her own style decor, filling the shop with isla nd -inspired specialty ite ms. Focusing on popular selling brands like Tommy Bahama, Oakley and Ray Ban, it didn't take long before a larger space was needed to accommodate the increase in inventory. It was six years before an-
other unit became available at the marina, and it happened to be situated at the mouth of the little dockside shopping center. It was the perfect spot, and the newly named Isla nd Time Apparel & Accessories shop anchored itself in its new locatio n. Today, Island Time is the place to go if you are looking for the perfect clothing to wear while living, vacationing or dreaming of being on the islands. The shop carries men's and women's clothing in all sizes and styles to suit all tastes. From clothing and shoes to bathing suits, belts and sunglasses, you will find a great line of isla nd appare l a nd accessories. Heather has her hands full with the store, but also helps her parents operate several other businesses. " Our fa mily owns a security agency, a co nstruction staffing compa ny a nd a nursing compa ny," she said. " I work in
the main office much of the week to keep those businesses running. I spend my Mondays taking care of business at Island Time, a nd my manager Roxie Psa rr is the face of Island Time to most of the regular customers." Having a business next to a busy marina and popular local restaurant is great during the boating season: " People come in by boat or take a walk after they've eaten at the Boardwalk G rill," she said. "There a re lots of great events on the yacht harbor lawn like summer co ncerts a nd the upco ming Big Cat Poker Run, a nd that brings in a lot of people, too. " Island Time, located at 3901 Mari na Blvd. in Discovery Bay, is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. To arrange for private hours to shop, call 925-240-8607. To get a peek at the store online, visit www. isla nd .
From clothing to big fish, Heather Travers of Island Time Apparel & Accessories w ill wrap it up for you.
GARIN RANCH $529,950 5 bed, 3 bath, 3,288sft with 3 car garage, granite kitchen w/new stainless steel appliances. Walk to schools/ downtown.
BRENTWOOD $449,950 5 bed, 2.5bath, 2,468sft, updated granite kitchen, large landscaped lot, movein condition. Call for more info!
JULY 25, 2014
Man honored for saving toddler's life by Kyle Szymanski Staff Writer Bethel Island resident Todd Standridge went to Rubios in Brentwood last May for a meal, but he left a hero. The 49-year-old Pemco chemical industry worker likely saved the life of a 2-year-old boy by performing a series of abdominal thrusts on the child to dislodge a chip that was completely blocking his airway. Sta ndridge was ho nored recently by The Contra Costa County Emergency Services Agency for providing extraordinary care in resuscitating a victim of complete airway obstruction. " When the public steps up a nd actually pa rticipates in something of this nature befo re we can a rrive, it's really how we're successful," said Pam Dodson, a member of the county's emergency medical services staff. "To have a hero that actually steps up and does what's important instead of stepping back is such a blessing." Sta ndridge, who's served on hazardous materials teams and fire brigades for 25 years as part of his job, jumped into action after his friend altered him to a gathering crowd on the restaurant's patio. The boy was unresponsive, and the six people surrounding him, including his mother, were para lyzed by fea r, Sta ndridge said. H e told one person to call 911 while he performed abdominal thrusts on the boy and alternately flipped him over and p ounded his back. After an estimated one to two minutes, the chip dislodged just as the fire department and paramedics arrived . The boy was given oxygen and taken to the hospital, but he checked out fine. "Someone had to be calm because the family was there looking at their little boy, and everyone was freaking out
Todd Standridge, second from left, was recently honored for saving the life of a 2-yearold boy w ho was choking on a chip at a Brentw ood restaurant.
Photo courtesy of the East Contra Costa Fire Protection Distrid
because they didn't know what to do or were panicking," Standridge said. "Someone had to be calm, and I guess that was me." Standridge said he's grateful he was there to help, but doesn't bask in the praise he's received since the incident. "In situations like this you need to be humble," Standridge said. " My girlfriend said right after 'why aren't you excited?' I said ' this isn't the 'Arsenio Hall Show.' I am not going to pound my fist and raise the roof. You see policemen, firemen and soldiers on TV a ll the time doing stuff, and they a re humble about it." T he chilling ordeal still resonates with the boy. The pair were reunited for the first time when Standridge received his award during the East Contra Costa Fire Board meeting on
July 7. The minute the boy laid eyes on Standridge, his eyes lit up and a smile beamed across his face. "He's a sma rt boy," Standridge said. "He remembered, a nd they (the family) were incredibly grateful. His mom just kept saying ' you are amazing; you are amazing."' Standridge and the family were able to exchange contact information that night in hopes of creating new memories forged on one neither he no r the boy's family want to relive. "I would like to see him at Christmas time a nd times like that," Standridge said. " It's a good feeling. I'm glad it paid off. " Calls to the boy's family were not returned. To comment, visit www. thepress. net.
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JULY 25, 2014
Election season heats up The filing period fo r the upcoming general election is underway. Candidates may file for public office in the cities of Brentwood , Oakley or Antioch at the city clerk's office, while those seeking to run for a special district, school district, state or federal office may file at the county election office in Martinez. All candidates must file by Aug. 8 at 5 p.m. The election is set for Nov. 4. Here is a run-down of open seats on town and city councils, school boards, and state offices, and those who have pulled nomination papers or filed for the election. City and town councils
Tn Brentwood, the council seats of Vice Mayor Joel Bryant and councilmember Steve Barr are set to expire in November, but both have picked up nomination papers. Newcomer Jamie Tobin has also put her hat in the ring. In Oakley, voters will choose who holds the council seats currently occupied by Mayor Randy Pope and Councilmember Carol Ri os. So far, only Michael Dupray has pulled nomination papers. Discovery Bay Community Services District seats held by Vice President Chris Steele and Directors Kevin G raves and Marianne Wiesen will be open in November, but only Wiesen has filed for reelection. Antioch voters will head to the polls to decide who will fill positions currently held by Councilmembers Gary Agopian and Tony Tiscareno. Tiscareno, Karl Diet-
zel, Sandy McGee, Lamar Thorpe, Diane Gibson-Gray and Lori Ogorchock have picked up nomination papers. Agopian, who's battling brain cancer, has already said he will not reapply for his position. School boards
The Brentwood U nion School District Board seats occupied by Tobi Laird Benz, Emil Geddes and Heather Partida will be up for grabs in November. G eddes and Partida have pulled nomination papers along with John Alex Fjeldstad, Scott Dudek, Susan Wallace and Jose Rodriguez. Liberty Union High School District voters will d ecide the fate of seats held by Roy Ghiggeri, D aron Spears and Joanne Byer. No candidates had obtained nomination papers as o f press time. Seats held by Oakley Union Elementary School District President Mark Jordan and board members Gloria Lott and Arthur Fernandez are set to expire. Jordan and Lott have both pulled papers. In the Byron Union School District, the seats of President Jeffry Sugimoto, Vice President Elaine Landro and boa rd members Jill Sprenkel and Betty Sanchez will be available, but no candidates have yet jumped at the opportunity to serve. In Antioch, the seats of School Board President Joy Motts and Vice President Gary Hack are open. Thus far, only former Antioch School Board member Walter Ruehlig has pulled papers. To comment, visit W\
5:00PM-8:00PM-Open to the Public DISCOVERY BAY YACHT HARBOR CONCERT LAWN Beer, Wine, Hot Dogs, Soda. Water Great BBQ from Boardwalk Grill
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JULY 25, 2014
Plans progressing for Delta Breeze radio by Heather Brewer Correspondent Radio programming has come a long way since Guglielmo Marconi conducted the first successful transatlantic experimental radio communication in 1901. From broadcasts of Morse code transmissions and storytelling to the music, news, and sports of today, radio has long held a beloved spot in the heart of America. Now, Brentwood, Oakley and Discovery Bay will be a part of this legacy through the up-and-coming community radio station Delta Breeze Broadcasting - KLSN 92.9 FM - which has been in the works since early 20 11. "The station will be programmed as a community service resource, broadcasting community news, civic and governmental events, local art and sporting events, public service announcements, with balanced representation of political and multicultural interests," said Tony Va n Goor, a project manager for the station. "lt will also participate in the emergency alert system, making specia l accommodations for programming inte rrupted by local and co unty law e nforcement, fire and emergency se rvices." The la unch of this station was made possible by the Local Co mmunity Radio Act of 20 I 0, which authorized the Federal Communications Commis-
sion (FCC) to license local, low-power broadcasting so people in suburban and rural areas could develop community radio stations which wou ld se rve localized interests. "Our radio service would be staffed mostly by volunteers of all ages who would receive training in broadcast technique, production technique, and FFC rules and regu lations," VanGoor said. " We're especially seeking to utilize communi ty assets to cover local news and sports in real time. In additio n to needing volun teers to help run the station when the time comes, we also need donations of time, equipment and money to get t his program completely off the ground."
fa r, app roximately $6,000 has been
portation options for the busiest times of the day. " The project has already garnered t he support of the F riends of Oakley Community Foundation, a no nprofit o rganization that serves as a tool to st rengthen the community through philanthropy by co nnecting people who care with ca uses that matter. " I think this station will be a great source of local information, a place where people can dial in and fi nd out what's going on in their community at that exact moment," said Kevin Romick, an Oakley city council member and president and cofounder of the foundation. " In our community, support for projects like this is always well-met, and I am really hoping people gravitate toward it." As the project progresses toward its eve ntual lau nch, the hopes of those already involved remain high. " We are hoping for a vigorous response to our request for contributions of time, equipment a nd funds, because we know with the support from our community, this station will flourish and become a hub of localized, helpful information and entertainment," said Van Goor. For more info rmation about do nating or vo lun teering, call 925-732-9 11 4 or 925-978-6655. To comment, visit
$379,000 Curb Appeal Excellent curb appeal at this well-maintained home. Wide halls, neutral decor, large lvg. and dining comb. Fireplace in family room. Eat-in kitchen. Master suite has large shower & walk-in closet. Nice yard, very private, with lawn area and patio. Over 55+Community.
raised for the work a lready accomp lished , such as application submissions and permit fees. However, the cost of training, programming, licensure and start up operations will range from $85,000 to $100,000. Some of the programs in the works for the station include several shows designed for the commu ters in the a rea, accord ing to Chris Ponsano, the media developer for the station. "A lot of our local residents commute out of the immediate area for work, and the traffic can get pretty bad," Ponsano sa id. "One of the things we want to do for them is to have a program that broadcasts real time traffic updates, where they can find the cheapest gas, a nd news about public trans-
Black Diamond Estates This Stunning Executive home offers 4BD,3.5BA & over 3800 sq ft. nfeatures custom hardwood flooring, fonnal Liv/Din combo, KiV Fam combo w/ buiH-in speakers, eat-in kit w/pan!Jy, bonus rm, Master bed suites on both levels &a loft Entire house & B-yard wired for media, spa!1<1ing pool &spa, 2sep.patio areas. Come and See
Eagle Ridge Beautiful Eagle Ridge home offers 4 beds, 2.5 baths and 2152 sq ft of living space. Located across the street for neighborhood park and close to shopping & restaurants.
Dana Hills. Singlestrny floorplan w/ many updates. 4BD, 2BA & over 21 00 sqft.l.ovely kitchen w/ birch cabs &stainless apples. Dual pane windows w/ shutters. Living &family rooms. Upgraded wet bar. Beautiful yard complete w/ french drain. Wonderful sunroom buiH with permits. Community amenities &close L...~;;;;:::=:;-:~~=====,__J to downtown.
~-t;;;:!==~=~~!j~~~r;;~~ Marvelous 2,797 sq. ft.backyard floor plan. E
LYNNE FRENCH Po•sibilitits Dircov~r
Crystal Ranch Exceptional home has 4BD/3BA within a
with patio, lovely gardens, and huge koi pond. 1BD/BA downstairs and up is a large loft for flexible use and a huge master suite with veranda & views.
SkyWest Townhome Attached two car garage and easy en!Jy into clean end unit next to shared greenbelt. 380, 2 BA and over 1300 sqft of living space. Large patio and one other porch area. Full size laundry is a nice perk. Uving/ dining combo, family room. Sizable bedrooms. Great amenities tennis, pool, clubhouse.
Lynne Offers Free Staging on All Listings G) 6200 Center St. Suite E, Clayton, CA 94517
Restore the Delta rally To mark the end of the public comment period for the Bay Delta Conservation Pla n (BDCP) on Tuesday, July 29, community group Restore the Delta is organizing a rally to bring voice to the opposition on the steps of the capitol. A bus wi ll leave Laurtizen Yacht Harbor, 11 5 Lauritzen Lane in Oakley, at 9:30 a.m. for Sacramento, where the group plans to protest at II :30. Those traveling by bus are asked to make a $ 10 donation. If th e BDC P is approved, public water agencies and the State of California will embark o n one of the larges t infrastructure modernization projects in the country, according to BDCP propents. The proposed project includes three new Sacramento River intakes and 30-mile long, large diameter tunnels with a price tag of $ 14.5 billion.
The Community Services Bureau of the Contra Costa County Employment and Human Services D epartment offers free and low-cost child care and preschool programs in Brentwood and Oakley. These Head Start child development programs are suited fo r children up to 5 yea rs old. Health and nutrition services are included, and special needs families
Italian Catholic Federation Knights of Columbus *PLATINUM SPONSORS*
Brentwood Press Harvest Park Bowl Nines
Opponents of the proposal believe the project will be detrimental to the Delta and impact the many species of wildlife that call the Delta home. Rally attendees are encouraged to dress appropriately for the hot weather and bring snacks and water. Homemade signs protesting the tunnels project are also encouraged. To review the BDCP and make a comment o nline, visit To Jea rn more about the rally and the BDCP opposition movement, visit
are encouraged to apply. Centers offering tllis unique program include Los Nogales Children's Center, 321 Orchard Drive in Brentwood, Marsh Creek Children's Center, 7251 Brentwood Blvd. in Brentwood, and Los Arboles Children's Center, 240 Las Dunas Ave. in Oakley. For more information, call 925-4278852.
Monkey Wrenches National Flooring &Supply Nepomuceno, Lou &Claire Postal Annex Reagan Management System ShirasoniJapanese Restaurant Tailgaters Sports Bar The Wishing Crab SILVER SPONSORS
Big BLumber Bill Brandt Ford Casey's Auto Body Creme de Ia Gem Jewelry Deloso, Jessica N, DDS Deloso, Roberto J, DDS Discovery Pest Control Elizondo, Jim &Catherine Goldsby, Bill &Mary Keller, RF, DDS & Burk, Daniel F, DDS Kendall Automotive Klovee, Ken & Mary Lou Les Schwab Tire Center
date so that you get credit for making that payment. If you don't make the payment, you will likely get charged a late fee by your lender since they won't get the payoff until the 17th, or even the next business day. Now, if you just made your payment on the 1st, you aren't due again until the 1st of the next month, and your scheduled close of escrow is the 25th of this month, you can skip making that payment because your lender will get the full payoff prior to any late charges. If you wind up mailing off (or paying by phone) a payment right near the closing date, be sure to let the title company know so they can again update the payoff figure. But even if they don't do that, your lender should just send you back a refund for the amount you overpaid. If you have questions on this or any other real estate topic, call me at (925) 240MOVE (6683). #1 in Brentwood listings sold since 2000. To search the MLS for free and view virtual tours of homes for sale, go to: Sharp Realty. - Advertisem ent
IRS CLEANERS • • • • •
Dry Cleaning Same Day Shirt Service Wedding Dresses Shoe & Luggage Repair Plant on Premises EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE BY REOUEIT MoNDAY • FRIDAY 'TIL 2 SAME DAY SERVICE MoNDAY • FRIDAY ' TIL NooN
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Auto Import Service Bagel Street Cafe Big BLumber Black Bear Diner Boccio, DPM, Dr. James Borello, Larry and Mary Bottino, Chris and Virginia Brentwood Auto Services Brentwood Embroidery Brentwood Golf Cart Service Brentwood Hand Car Wash Brentwood Handyman Brentwood Muffler &Repair Brentwood Napa Auto Parts Brentwood Press Brentwood Smog Express Brentwood Tire Company Cap's Oak Street Bar & Grill Classic Awning &Canvas ClickAway Mobile Verizon Wireless
Dan Mercado Landscape Pinion, Curtis & Cindy
I frequently get a particular question from my seller clients as their closing date approaches. Many people think they should hold off paying that last payment so they can "save'' the money, but that's not the case. When you make the payment, your payoff figure goes down by approximately that amount of money, so you are still getting credit for it. If you don't pay the payment, your payoff will be higher, which means your proceeds will be less, so it's actually a wash. However, you certainly don't want to incur any late charges or hurt your credit. The answer to the question of whether you should pay that last payment depends on when your payment is due, when it's considered "late" and when closing is scheduled to occur. For example, if your payment is due on the 1st, "late" on the 15th, and your close of escrow is scheduled for the 17th of that month, you should pay the payment around the 1st, and then Jet the title company know that you did. That way they will update your payoff figures again right before the closing
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
Trader Joe's
Apex Securities & Asset Management, David Roche
The Survivors
Brianys Real Estate Update By Brian Sltarp
Low-cost child care
HOSTED BY: Knights of Columbus Italian Catholic Federation
JULY 25, 2014
Computer GuyZ Delgado, Alberto Digger's Diner Extreme Motor Sports Extreme Pizza IHM Ladies Guild JDK &Associates, Realty Kelly-Moore Paints La Costa Taqueira Martinez, Jose State Farm Insurance McCauley Olive Gwves McCurley's AbbeY. arpet & Flooring MedSolutions, LL<i Melo's Pasta &Pizza Monkey Wrenches Perez Family, The Perez Nursery Rose &Sons Glass Company Solar Universe Tailgaters Sports Bar The Golf Club at Brentwood Thorn, Sandy JDK &Associates Realty Van Goor, Tony &Marilyn Zeid Tax Services DONORS
Acorn Self Storage Antioch Nissan
Ashdon Golf Balfour Dermatology Barbier, Zoe Ann Big OTires Bill Brandt Ford BJ's Restaurant &Brewhouse Black Bear Diner Black Oak Casino Black Stallion Winery Bloomfield Vineyards Brandon the Barber Brentwood Auto Spa Brentwood Emporium Brentwood Hand Car Wash Bridgehead Cafe Buffalo Wild Wings Cache Creek Casino Resort Champion Chiropractic Chapa Ia's Mexican Restaurant Cline Cellars Cocina Medina Restaurant CoCo County Wine Company Concannon Winery Cook's Collision Country Waffles CVS Pharmacy Dad's Cafe Deer Ridge Golf Club Delta Pure Water DeMarzo, Mike
Denny's DePalma Group Discovery Bay C.C. Dublin Honda Dukellis Realty El Camino Mexican Restaurant Extreme Pizza EZMiles Chevron Firestone Tires Fisher Golf Food Maxx Fremont Bank Fresh and Easy Fusion 3 Golfsmith Grimm, Steve Gursky Ranch Hagberg, Mary Hansen, Bob Health Hut Hidden Dragon Hole·in·One International IRS Cleaners Jalisco's Mexican Restaurant Kinder's Meats Las Positas Golf Course Little River Inn Lone Tree Golf &Event Center Luxury Nails Melo's Pasta &Pizza
Mia's Cucina Mexicana MiJalisco's Mr. Pickles Nines O'Reilly Automotive Pacific Service Credit Union Panera Bread RidgemarkGolf & CC Risso, Jay Sansoe, Dorothy, Better Homes &Gardens Realty Shadow Lakes Golf Club Siena Cleaners SP Auto Parts SpeeDee-Midas Subway Sunol Valley Golf Club Sweeney's Griii &Bar Tailgaters Sports Bar Tao San Jin The Auto Doctor The Golf Club at Roddy Ranch Trader Joe's UNO Chicago Grill Villa del Lago Wallpe, Bob &Rosemary Whitehawk Ranch Wilder, Rick, Custom Golf
JULY 25, 2014
Dancing the night away chool is about to start, but for the girls at Krey Elementary School in Brentwood, the memories of their first father-daughter dance are still fresh in their minds. In May, the little ladies in kindergarten through fifth grade twirled on the dance floor with their fathers, uncles, brothers and grandfathers . Above, Kayl ee Randle, 6, enjoys a spin with her father Jamaine. Krey plans to host a mother-son dance later this year. For more photos from the party, visit www.
How much spousal support will I get after my divorce? You may be more familiar with the word "alimony" which is the same as "spousal support': Spousal support or alimony is the term used for payments from one spouse to another after a divorce for the purpose of maintaining the former spouse at a standard of living sin1ilar to that enjoyed during the marriage. In California, the courts consider a wide variety of factors in awarding permanent spousal support including the following: • the age and health ofthe spouses; • the physical and emotional conditions of earn spouse; • the duration of the marriage; • the financial resources of earn spouse; • the earning capabilities of each party. In addition, the courts will consider the time necessary that it will take to acquire the education and training to help an unemployed spouse find
a place of employment. The court will then consider that spouse's future earning capacity. The court will consider who will be caring for children and whether or not it is appropriate for a spouse to seek outside employment while caring for the children. Also, the court looks at the contributions earn spouse gave to the marriage. If one spouse stayed home and did not earn an income, while the other acted as the breadwinner for the family during the marriage, then the court will take into consideration the !imitations of the spouse who stayed home. As you can see spousal support is not determined by just one factor. A careful analysis has to be done to determine the correct amount. If you want more information about filing for spousal support contact the Law Offices of Silky Salman via telephone at 925-276-0789 or via email at - Advertisement
Photo courtesy of Toya Randle
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JULY 25, 2014
Historical kicks on Route 66 The walking stick was the first clue. Made from the branch of a tree, it was the kind you often see canied by travelers and people who've seen a lot of places and things. It was nearly six feet long and stood higher than Donna Bellinger, the woman who was holding it and waiting patientJy to talk with me at this month's HarLIVING vest Tin1e Festival. In Donna's other HISTORY hand was a clipping of my last column, in which I asked people to tell me about when they touched, or were touched by, histmy She wondered if I might be interested about her RICK expe1ience involving LEMYRE Navajo Code Talkers, and I naturally replied "Are you kidding me?" We sat and chatted in her lovely Brentwood home on Monday. Donna was bom on a farm in Minnesota in 1930. Summers in her early years were spent as a live-in caretaker on a nearby frum. She was mostJy on her own, sometimes scrounging tJ1e streets for coins, sometimes washing dishes for meals and sometimes getting a Iide somewhere from the compassionate town cop. In addition to minding the livestock, her job included mowing the grass while being swa1med by the frum's 13 resident cats. She sometimes resorted to drastic measures to keep them out of the way: ''I'd stuff them in socks and hang them from the clothesline until
Photo by Rick Lemyre
Brentwood's Donna Bellinger holds the book "Warriors, Navajo Code Talkers," a reminder of her encounter with the Navajo tribe in 1959.
I was finished." So when she mamed Merle Haynes at 21, Donna was more than ready to get off the farm. Merle worked in construction at job sites all over the U.S. In 1956, Merle was sent to Florida from Southern California to help build launching pads at Cape Canaveral. America's space program, including Apollo's forays to the moon, blasted off from Cape Canaveral, but it wasn't a big deal to Donna
back then. It was just another place to go. Donna piled into her car with her dog Sheba and headed down what would be designated 25 yeru-s later as Histoiic Route 66. Pit stops for Sheba gave Donna a chance to sample life along the way. In Arizona, a Native Ameiican roadside market seemed like a good place to stop. Walking among the offerings of pottery, rugs and jewelry, Donna spotted a photo-
graph of a man wearing ttibal beads and feathet"S over the uniform of a U.S. Mruine. She learned from the merchant that it was a fanlliy member who had served as a Navajo Code Talker during WWII. He proudly told her that Navajo Code Talket"S used their language to conununicate dwing the Ma1ines' fight against the Japanese dwing WWII. Enemy code breakers had been unable to decipher the language, and the Code Talkers' bravery, skill and ability as Maiines were a major factor in winning the war. But this was 1956, and the heroes who eventually gained fa111e and recognition - in part tJuuugh the 2002 Nicholas Cage movie "Windtalkers"- were virtually unknown, so Donna eventually forgot about it. Howeve1; on a hip to Phoenix last yeru; she spotted a Code Talkers museUI11, and the memory returned in a flash. She spent hours there and bought a book about the Code Talkers, her only reminder of a t1ip that was steeped in more history than even she realized. Then again, she has a knack for being near history-in-the-making. She can also tell you about the gold dredges she saw in Alaska or about her brother's crash in an Air Force transport (he survived) that became part of the classic 1949 movie " 12 o'clock High." I hope others will contact me and tell me their stories. Perhaps, if there's time, I'll hear more of Donna's when I return the book she loaned me. In the meantime, please excuse me. I have to go download "12 o'clock High." To share your stmy, email ricklemyre@ gmai/.com.
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JULY 25, 2014
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Bacchus dinner delights again by Kim Csongor Correspondent The encore dinner meeting of the Bacchus Society Brentwood on July 10 was as tasty - if not tastier - as the delightful premiere evening in June. Cap's Oak Street Bar and Grill was again the venue as the upper floor of the restaurant was transformed for the "Notte Italiana" where members enjoyed a scrumptious second helping of the chapter's monthly food and wine event. Host and founder Franz Schneider explained his pairing choices via a succinct and entertaining page included with the menu, in which he expertly touched on character, integration, expressiveness, complexity and connectedness. As Schneider had predicted in his tasting notes, a bitters and Galeanolaced Negroni surprisingly stimulated appetites for the accompanying crab cakes and salmon antipasti. By the time guests were served the primo course of impossibly delicate yet robust and creamy mushroom ravioli, glasses of the subtly coordinated Borgo Pinot Grigio
were raised with enthusiasm and anticipation. Then came a sweet and crunchy involtini of cucumber salad served with an Italian bianco blend, which Schneider aptly characterized as having notes of candied lime and nectarine pit. A lively intermezzo of lemon ice followed. Finally, veal roulade was served with a velvet Sangiovese blend so refined and well paired that a collective audible sigh wafted through the room accompanied by nods of agreement. The esteemed host was toasted heartily as guests finished the last bites of a delightfully bouncy raspberry panna cotta. Chefs Jesus Macias and Tony Mejia were also acknowledged and applauded as Sambucca shots were poured. The Bacchus Society Brentwood dinner experience is currently $75 per person with paid membership subject to acceptance. For more information, e-mail Schneider at fs0035@comcast. net or visit www.bacchussocietyatcaps. org. To learn how to select the perfect wine, visit www.
in focus
Photo courtesy of Kim Csonger
Marcia Rowden, a guest at the July Bacchus dinner, seen with host Franz Schneider, won a bottle of Italian wine as a door prize at the event.
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CR Framing and Gallery, 700 Harvest Park Drive in Brentwood, will open its new exhibit The Art of Diablo on Saturday, Aug. 2 during a free artists' reception from 4 to 7 p.m. The exhibit, which runs through Sept. 13, will be available for viewing Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The show will feature paintings, such as "Diablo From Los Vaqueros" by Nancy Roberts (above), a nd p hotographs of East Count y's majestic mountain . To learn more about The Art of Diablo exhibit, call 925-634-7742.
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he Golden State-Lone Star Revue is a crosscountry combo of California and Texas musicians. The group brings their rom pin' stompin' good-time jams to the El Campanil Theatre, 602 W. Second St. in Antioch, on Saturday, July 26 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $27; $25 for seniors 65 and older; and $15 for youth . To purchase tickets and find information on upcoming shows, visit www.
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Starry Nights The Project 4 Band performs at this Friday's Starry Nights concert at Brentwood City Park at 7 p.m. As one of the best dance and show bands in the Bay Area, Project 4 Band is an accomplished group of performers that plays everything from pop to soul
to big band music. All patrons are asked to follow park rules before, during and after the concerts. Glass containers and audio/video recording are prohibited. For more information, call the Brentwood Parks and Recreation Department at 925-516-5444.
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JULY 25, 2014
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Friends host fund raiser The Friends of the Brentwood Library will h ost a dinner-party fundraise r Friday, Sept. 5 a t Sh ad ow Lakes Eve nt Ce nter, 401 Wes t Country C lu b Drive in Bre ntwood. Ticke ts a re $45 if p urc hased by Friday, Au g. I ; then th e price to increases $50. Tickets are limited to 150 guests. The event, begins whi ch a t 6:30 p.m. , will includ e a buffet dinn e r, bar, no -host prizes, a wine raffle a nd silent a uction. Murder o n t he Menu will entertain th e crowd by creating a n inte ractive mys-
te ry fo r guests to help solve. To lea rn more, visit www.m urdero n the menu. co m. Thi s fund rai se r s upports the Br e nt wood Libra ry Fou ndation's campaign to ra ise fund s for the co n s truction of th e new Brentwood Library. No tickets will be iss ued as g uests will be c hecked in at the door. Fo r mo re in f o rmation , call Friends of the Bre ntwood Library President Diane Alexand er at 925634-5456 .
Frogs leap to Brentwood
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The Brentwood Library Summer Reading Festival continues on Wednesday, Aug. 6 when the Berkeley-based environmental ed uca ti on group Save the Frogs presents a " ribbeting" talk about their frog friends at the Brentwood Community Center, 35 Oak St., at 4 p.m. This free, 45-minute progra m will teach guests abo ut why a mphibians are
crucial to huma n survival a nd what you can do to help. Save the Frogs travels the globe to talk to kids abou t conse rvation. They recently teamed up with students in a successful campaign to adopt the endangered California red-legged frog as the state's official amphibia n. To learn more, visit www.savethefrogs. com.
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JULY 25, 2014
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JULY 25, 2014
Wine & Music at the Club by Pati Lucido Gonsalves Correspondent
In a community driven by a lifestyle that demands fun, there are always exciting events taking place in Discovery Bay. On Aug. 9, the Discovery Bay Chamber of Commerce will present Summerfest 2014: Wine & Music at the Club. The festivities will take place at the Discovery Bay Country Club from 5 to 8 p.m. The event includes wine tasting, an extensive array of appetizers and hors d'oeuvres, live entertainment and shopping opportunities while you eat and drink. Tickets are $55. Local vineyards are anxious to share their reds and whites, and guests are invited to try them all. Representatives from Bloomfield Vineyards, Chrissa Imports, Hannah Nicole Winery, Leer Vineyards, Tamayo Vineyards, UnWined and Watts Winery will be on hand to pour their wines at the event. "We are very excited about this event," said Tasha Ghiggeri, Discovery Bay Chamber events director. "The Country Club is a perfect venue for this, and it's going to be amazing." The evening entertainment kicks off with the a capella harmonies of The Delta Dons, who were recently lauded for their stellar performance in the local production of "The Music Man." As the tasting continues and wines flow, local favorites
Photo courtesy of Two Friends Band
Two Friends Band will perform at the Discovery Bay Chamber of Commerce's Wine & Music at the Club at the Discovery Bay Country Club on Aug. 9.
Two Friends Band will take center stage. These award-winning musicians will rock you, blues you and keep you moving with a variety of cover hits and original scores. Local vendors will offer an array
of goods, including women's purses and totes, jewelry, wine gifts and apparel. To purchase tickets, visit For more information, call Ghiggeri at 925-240-2990. DOCKS
Concert on the Bay The Discovery Bay Lions Club is bringing back its free Concert on the Bay series at the Discovery Bay Yacht Harbor, starting with a performance by Public Eye on Saturday, July 26 from 5 to 8 p.m. Public Eye will give the crowd a great mix of rock 'n' roll from the 70s and today. The Lions will sell beer, wine, hot dogs, soda and water, and Boardwalk Grill will have delicious barbecued foods available, including tri-tip and pulled pork sandwiches, chicken skewers and wraps. Since the Lions Club mission is to raise money to support community needs, outside food, drinks and coolers will not be permitted inside the lawn area where the band will be performing. Last year, more than 600 people attended each concert so be sure to grab your friends, blankets, lawn chairs and get there early to claim your spot on the lawn. The Discovery Bay Lions will host several concerts this summer, offering up free entertainment in the live-whereyou-play community. Additional concerts are scheduled for Sept 13 and the Lions' Rocktoberfest on Oct. 11. For more information about the Concert on the Bay series or how to be a vendor at these events, call Jim Mattison at 925-513-9032 or visit www. PATIO COVERS
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Glamora by Sadia, a fashionista's playground When East County fashionistas crave couture, name brands like Chanel, Prada and Gucci, they know exactly where to shop. Glamora by Sadia, the upscale fashion brainchild of owner Sadia Ross, is a perfect fit. According to loyal customers, it's like shopping in the closet of a very good friend -a friend with excellent fashion-forward taste! With designer handbags, one-of-akind jewelry, footwear to match any outfit and fashions to spark every imagination, artfully arranged in armoires and cubbyholes
and draped on elegant mannequins, Glamora by Sadia truly is a grown-up playground . Selling high-end consignment and sample sale apparel, as well as some of her own designs, allows Ross to offer a unique shopping experience to every visitor each time. Layaway is also available. To experience Glamora by Sadia, stop by the store at The Streets of Brentwood, 2475 Sand Creek Road, Suite 112, call925-516-4760 or visit
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JULY 25, 2014
Dozier-Libbey resumes at status quo by Corey Hunt
I'm not talking to anyone based on what their involvement is or on how much they have been involved with the petition," he said. "I'm reaching out as a principal and as a leader to the staff
Correspondent Officials from the Antioch Unified School District (AUSD) recently lost an appeal to overturn a decision by a Contra Costa Superior Court that bars the district from initiating a dependent charter petition to counter efforts by teachers seeking autonomy at Dozier-Libbey Medical High School (DLMHS). The state-level ruling comes on the heels of a separate decision made in May by the County Board of Ed ucation to reject the original, independent petition the teachers filed , effectively eliminating any notion of a conversion in the 2014-15 school year. So school will res ume its curriculum under the status quo on Aug. I 3 - albeit with some changes in staffing. One of these changes is the appointment of Scott Bergerho use, a lo ngtime administrator in the district, as the school's interim leader, replacing Principal Nancy Castro, who was removed from her position this summer. Bergerhouse said his top priority will be building positive relationships with students, parents and staff in a community that has been sharply divided by the politics of the charter school debate. "My goal - my leadership style - is to have a communicative support system with a common vision of student achievement," Bergerhouse said. "There's nothing that is too difficult to work out. I'm a leader who is very approachable. I've been having lots of communication with many of the staff members and will continue to do so." DLMHS teachers are doing their best to work with their school's new principal, though not all of them are convinced the school's learning environment can prosper with DLMHS still tethered to Antioch's official school system.
--------------------------------- ''
Dozier-Libbey MEDICAl HIGH SCHOOL "I've heard that (Bergerhouse) is a very decent administrator who's good at his job, a good guy. However, I think the problem wi ll be that he represents AUSD, and there's really not a lot of trust in the district among teachers or parents right now," said Jeff Weber, a teacher who has taken a leading role in the independent charter movement. " I have no reason to do ubt his vision, but I sti ll haven't heard from him. I don't know what I'm teaching next year. Many of my colleagues haven't heard from him yet, either." Kasey Graham, another teacher, has spoken with Bergerhouse but remains unsure about how his plans will turn out. "I truly don't know about all of thi s. Saying something and actually d oing it are two different things,'' Graham said. "The important thing is that, charter or no
Scott Bergerhouse, Dozier-Libbey principal
charter, we're teachers and we're going to do everything we can to make sure we continue having a great school. " Weber, Graham and the other teachers pushing for the independent charter are still working out the details of a possible appeal to the state in favor of their independent charter proposal. Bergerhouse, who said he plans to mail an introductory letter and o ther info rmationa l mate rials to students and parents, insists he will not be opening old wounds by seeking confrontation with staff members who have been vocal in the pro-independence movement. " I'm not talking to anyone based on what their involvement is or on how much they have been involved with the petition," he said. " I'm reaching out as a principal and as a leader to the staff and won't be having conversations with them about philosophical issues regarding charters or any of that. This is about what's best for students and what we need to do in order to provide the best education." To comment, visit www.thepress. net.
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JULY 25, 2014
Talk About Town The little bit of rain we saw this week didn't put a dent in the drought, so the City of Oakley is stepping up to do its part. Water features at Creekside Park and Nunn-Wilson Park, which are typically open through Labor Day weekend. will be shut off at the end of the month in an effort to conserve water. So get your splash on before it's too late.
• • • There are still plenty of ways to have fun in Oakley despite the water conservation efforts. The City of Oakley Recreation Division has a lot of fun classes and activities planned for August. Form a team and sign up for the bocce league or grab your friends for the Introduction to Beading class. To learn more about recreational opportunities in Oakley, email Cindy Tumin at or call 925-625-7041 .
• • • The Streets of Brentwood is going to the dogs this Saturday. Bark For Life, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, runs from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Streets' soccer fields. Pamper your pup, learn about local pet-related resources and support a worthy cause. For more information, visit barkbrentwoodca.
• • • Mark you calendar for next weekend's classic car show in downtown Brentwood. The event, held during Downtown Thursdays in previous years, has been moved to Saturday, Aug. 2. The fun runs from 2 to 6 p.m. If you'd like to show off your hot rod, call Annette and Susan at His & Her Formal at 925-634-5900. If you'd like to be a vendor, call Kerri at 925858-6220. Learn about other upcoming downtown Brentwood events at www.
• • • The school year starts on Monday, but if you still need school supplies for your little ones, head over to Word of Life Christian Fellowship Church, 4501 O'Hara Ave. in Brentwood, this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a back-toschool party. Snag some free school supplies while enjoying music, games, bounce houses and free food. For more information, call925-634-5433.
• • • Final reminder Save the Delta supporters: the last day for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan public review is Tuesday, July 29. If you've already submitted a comment and want to make sure legislators in Sacramento hear you, join Restore the Delta supporters as they rally at the capitol. For more details, visit
Got something to say? Share your thoughts at
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Festival fringe benefits Editor: As a local merchant, I commend the city and Steve Barr for the Harvest Time Festival located in downtown Brentwood this past weekend. I solicited comments from customers about their experience. Most enjoyed the local feel, and many commented that it felt like the early years of the Cornfest. Many said that it felt less like a carnival and more like an atmosphere to meet your local farmer. Some said that there should have been more vendors at the event and more publicity. This may have been part of the strategy for maintaining the small town feel. I felt that tying it in to the Farmers' Market was great. Sever al people mentioned that they had not frequented downtown in years and enjoyed discovering new stores and restau rants. Our store experienced its best day in sales, even more than the last holiday season . The continuation of events in downtown will help solidify downtown as a shopping destination. Congratulations on the inaugural event. Kathy Thill Owner, Presence Gifts
Proposed benefit assessment is illegal Editor: In 1996, voters approved Prop. 21 8, the Right to Vote on Taxes Act. Prop. 218 requires a ballot to be mailed to property owners for all assessments and property-related fees with the exception of water, sewer and garbage rates. Street lighting assessments, and storm water and urban runoff management are all examples of a ballot that is mailed to
voters. The ballot is weighted by the property size. Prior to Prop. 218, cities were attempting to pass police assessments. Police and fire services are a general benefit that should be paid for via taxes on all residents, not just assessments against homeowners. According to the drafter of Prop 218, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association said that the use of a benefit assessment rather than a special tax to fund fire suppression services constitutes a violation of article XIII D of the California Constitution. Court cases have been litigated against fire districts that illegally established a fire benefit assessment. The county of Los Angeles sought protection for its fire assessment in the wake of Prop. 218. The trial court agreed that Prop. 218 outlawed fire benefit assessments, and it ruled against the county. Afterward, the county obtained 2/3 approval for a parcel tax to replace the assessment. Recently, the Sacramento Metro Fire Protection District withdrew a proposed benefit assessment after the Sacramento County Taxpayers Association spoke about litigation. The Sacramento Bee editorial board commended the fire district for withdrawing its illegal benefit assessment. The East Contra Costa F ire Protection District is bypassing the parcel tax election. The district needs a study similar to the ConFire Fitch Report to evaluate the district and its finances. The Contra Costa Taxpayers Association opposes the use of benefit assessment by the East Contra Costa Fire Protection District or any other fire district. The fire district's spiraling pension costs is forcing the district to cut fire service just to pay its pensions. Please show up for the East Contra Costa Fire Protection board meeting
GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS Cit! of Brentwood City Manager and City Council City Hall 150 City Park Way Brentwood, CA 94513 Phone: 925-516-5440 Cit! of Antioch City Manager and City Council City Hall Third and H streets Antioch, CA 94509 Phone: 925-779-7000 Cit! ofOakle~ City Manager and City Council City Hall
3231 Main St. Oakley, CA 94561 Phone: 925-625-7000 Town of Discoveu Ba~ Town Manager and Community Services District 1800 Willow Lake Road Discovery Bay, CA 94505 Phone: 925-634-1131 Count! Su~rvisor, Dist. ill Mar~ N. Piepho 3361 Walnut Blvd., Suite 140. Brentwood, CA 94513 Phone: 925-240-7260
Count! Su~rvisor, Dist. V Federal Glover 315 E. Leland Ave. Pittsburg, CA 94565 Phone: 925-427-8138 State Sen. Mark DeSaulnier Seventh State Senate District State Capitol Room2054 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: 9I6-651-4007 1350 Treat Blvd., Suite 240 Walnut Creek, CA 94597 Phone: 925-942-6082
on Monday, Aug. 4 at 6:30p.m. at the Oakley City Council Chambers, to oppose the proposed unconstitutional benefit assessment. Alex Aliferis Executive Director, Contra Costa Taxpayers Association
Be safe for back-to-school Editor: Monday, July 28 is the start of the new school year for our local schools. This will be the first experience for many families with dropping off their children at school. Other families are well versed in navigating the traffic congestion that often occurs at the beginning and end of the school day. Please show patience with those new to the routine. This year the Oakley Union Elementary School District is welcoming a new campus with the opening of Almond Grove Elementary School. The new campus is located at 5000 Amaryllis Street between Carpenter Road and Everlasting Way. It is reasonable to assume that the flow of traffic in this area will be impacted by the additional traffic resulting from parents dropping off their children. Drivers who typically traverse this area should consider an alternate route to ease congestion and avoid delays to their normal commute. I want to remind everyone that student safety is a community responsibility. Remember to be patient, practice defensive driving, avoid distractions, be courteous to residents near schools and be alert to bicycle and pedestrian traffic. The Oakley Police Department will focus traffic safety and education efforts around many campuses in support of a safe community environment. Thank you in advance for your considerate and responsible driving. Dan Gomez Oakley Police Chief
& PUBusHING CoRPORATION~ ~'11 National Award Winning Newspapers L~ The PRESS NEWSPAPERS are adjudicated in
the cities of Antioch, Brentwood, Oakley, and the Delta judicial District of Contra Costa County.
President & Publisher ............................. Greg Robinson Controller ...................................................... Sandie McNulty Managing Editor ....................................... Ruth Roberts Associate Editor ......................................... Samie Hartley Production Manager &Webmaster... Lonnie de Lambert Business Manager .................................... Heather Reid Sales Manager ............................................ Sonia Beasley Advertising Services Manager ........... Susannah Meyer Social Media Manager ........................... Michele Chatburn Founder & Publisher Emeritus ........... Jimmy Chamoures Advertising ..............925-634-1441, ext. 162 Classifieds ................925·634-1441, ext. 142 Editorial ....................925-634-1441, ext. 110 Circulation ...............925-250-1405 Editorial e-mail ..... Main Office I Brentwood 248 Oak St., Brentwood, CA 94513 Phone: 925-634-1441 Fax: 925-634-1975 No part of this p ublication may be reproduced fo r commerce or trade without written permission from the publisher.
JULY 25, 2014
- â&#x20AC;˘
Scan with mobile device.
Antioch squad moves toward World Series For the second straight season, Antioch Little League will be represented at a Western Regional tournament. The Big League All Star team, comprised of girls 16 to 18-years old, will compete this weekend in Lancaster for a shot to play in the Girls Big League World Series in Delaware next month. " It's exciting, really exciting," said Antioch Little League President Steve Mohammed. "The manager Penny Hicks brought all the girls together to play and has done a really good job. They are just a really good team." The squad wrapped up the Northern California championship with back-tohack wins over Stockton on July 13. The All-Stars will now compete against teams from California, Oregon and Washington. The team will hit the Southern California diamond with plenty of experience in big time Little League competition. Six
of its members were on the league's Senior softball team last season, which advanced to the Western Regional in Montana as the first squad from the league in 24 years. The Big League team's run is the last in a series of impressive performances by Antioch Little League squads this season. The 9-10 All-Star softball team advanced to the Northern California championship, before falling to Chico and Gilroy last weekend. The 11-12 All Star team fell the week prior in State All-Star tournament play. " I am pretty excited about it," Mohammed said about the league's recent success. Antioch Little League is always in need of donations from the community. To donate, visit www.antiochlittleleague. com. The Big league team is expected to open play on Saturday and continue playing through Wednesday. For updated results, visit
Photo courtesy of Antioch Little League
The Antioch Little League Big League All Stars will head to Southern California this week to vie for a spot in the Girls Big League World Series.
Snag Proof Open baits Delta anglers by Michael Dixon Correspondent
When the roughly 400 anglers take part in Bethel Island's Snag Proof Open on Aug. 2, they'll be taking part in the only fishing tournament of its kind in the Western United States. Vince Harris, president of Angler's Press Outdoor Promotions that puts on the event, expects that 200 teams of two fishermen each will take part, with approximately half in the Pro-Team division and the other half in the Semi-Pro Team division. Depending on the exact number of entrants, the total purse is expected to be around $7,000 on the pro side and $4,000 for the semi-pros. What separates this tournament from most others is that they'll be fishing exclusively with Snag Proof Frog bait. " It's an annual gala that everybody looks forward to," Harris said. "Snag Proof Frog is the oldest frog
bait on the market. It's been around longer than anyone." While sitting outside in the middle of August seems like an unpleasant experience, anglers are hop-
ing for one of the hottest days of the year. This particular event operates under the idea that hotter is better. When the water is warmer, the bass try to stay cool by going underneath long canopies of moss or cheese. When the bait lands on top of the moss, it simulates a delta frog walking across the path. "The bass see it and absolutely explode on it," Harris said. " It would be like you sitting under a tree in 105-degree heat and the ice cream man walks up to you and asks 'what flavor you want?' You don't even have to leave the tree to chase him down." This year's Snag Proof Open will be the 13th annual on the California Delta, which Harris described as a perfect setting for this event. "The California Delta is great because there's so much water to fish," he said. "Guys don't need to worry about space. You can get lost and not see a person all day. You can find patches of cheese just about anywhere on the Delta." For more information, visit
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Local gymnast soars toward top of sport
Photo courtesy of Ruben Padilla
Ruben Padilla sits on the shoulders of his mother, Nelia Padilla, during the USA Gymnastics Championships in Kentucky. He won all three of his events.
JULY 25, 2014
Brentwood's 13-year-old Ruben Padilla won all three events he competed in at the recent USA Gymnastics Cha mpionships in Kentucky. H e blew away the competition in the trampoline, double mini-trampoline and synchronized events, winning by 11 and six points, respectively in the first two events. H e's now won all seven international events he's competed in this year. His top finishes spurred USA Gymnastics officials to guarantee him a spot on the country's team for the 20 14 World Age Group Competition, which brings together international athletes ages II to 18 for a n Olympic-style event. " It was such a successful run," said Nelia Padilla, Ruben's mother. " Ruben feels great." While Ruben will be required to attend the World Age Group Competition Selection Camp in September, it'll serve as just more training for the rising sta r. H e'll likely move up to the Senior Elite level of his development in about five years, which will afford him a n opportunity to tryout for the Olympic squad.
Future stars
Photo courtesy of Steve Amaro
ast County youth recently took to the Freedom High School tennis courts to refine their game during a series of weeklong tennis camps. Started by the school's tennis coach, Steve Amaro, 14 years ago as a way to develop talent to contend with some of the area's best teams, the camp was comprised of youngsters ready to improve their skills. Participants brushed up on their technique during drills and faced off against variou s opponents based on ability level.
( 925-418-7275)
DELTA WRESTLING CLUB AND LffiERTY WRESTLING 2014 "LION SCRAMBLE" GOLF TOURNAMENT SATURDAY AUGUST 2nd Hosted at Deer Ridge Golf Course 801 Foothill Dr. Brentwood, Dinner following play at Shadow Lakes Event Center
Come join us for golf, dinner and lots offun
Must be 18orolder.
$110 Golf and Dinner entry fee "Dinner only" tickets available for $30 Lunch and beverages included on the course 1:OOPM Shotgun Start - 4 Player "Scramble" format Tee prizes for all golfers and Awards given to top 3 teams. Three separate divisions. MEN AND WOMEN'S LONGEST DRIVE CONTEST, PUTTING CONTEST AND CLOSEST TO THE PIN.
Proceeds benefit the Liberty and Delta Wrestling programs Please contact Tournament Director Tod Blank at 925 237-6118, Please visit for detailed tournament information and registration form. Thank you for your support!!!!
JULY 25, 2014
Brentwood racer ends night in second place Jeremy Hoff and the first turn of Antioch Speedway didn't get along on Saturday night. Hoff, in the lead on the white flag lap of the feature event for lnemational Motor Contest Association Sport Mods, tangled with his dad, Scotty, sending Scotty's ca r into the exit lane guardrail. The race was red flagged, and Jeremy H off was declared the winner. Fred Ryland of Brentwood was second. "Cars were all over the place on the track," Ryland said. "I was trying more to avoid contact than to go fast." Due to the circumstances, Hoff found it hard to enjoy his win. "It is hard to be happy when you put your father out of the race," he said. Hoff and several other SportMod drivers opted to join the N orthern All Star modified field. On the first lap, he hit the first tum wall, destroying his winning car. Brent Curran of Antioch scored his foLUth win of the season in the "Four Banger" division for four-cylinder street cars. "It was rougl1 early in the race," he said while standing next to his damaged, stean1ing radiator. "It overheated with six laps to go. I didn't think I would make it." Jordan Swank, finishing in second, battled Cumm most of the feature. Michael Christophet; Janelle Barlow, and Tayler Swank rounded out the top five.
Photo courtesy of Antioch Speedway
Bre ntwood 's Fred Ry la nd (p u rple) finishe d second Satu rday a t Anti och Speedway. The IMCA SportMods will replace the IMCA modifieds on this weekend's schedule at the Antioch Speedway. The Northem All Star Late Model Stock Cars and Wingless Sprint Cars highlight the six-division big show. Hobby Stocks, " Four-Hangers," and Vintage Hard Tops will complete the card. Each division will have qualifying heats and a feature event. Antioch Speedway is located 1201 W lOth St. in Antioch. Admission is $14 for adults, $10 for children 6-12, and $8 for senior citizens. Children under 6 years old are admitted free. A fanlliy fom pack of tickets is $40.Racing begins at 6:30 p.m. on Satmday.
Photo courtesy of Pat Cruickshank
Hitting the hardwood chool ha sn't sta rted yet , b ut He ritage Hi g h Sc hool's basketb a ll court was brimming w it h acti vity during th e sch o ol's 10th a nnua l b aske tba ll ca m p fo r boys in g rades th ree th rou g h e ig ht. Th e ca m p, f o cu sed on fund a m e nta ls a nd f un , inco rpora t e d indi v idua l a nd sm a llg ro u p instructio n o n a ll p h ases of the ga m e, inclu d in g sport s m a n shi p a nd t ea m work . Th e ca m p se rves as o n e t he b asketb a ll p rog ra m 's m a jo r f und ra isers a nd co mmunity service events eve ry year.
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JULY 25, 2014
Legends hold softball camp
Reservations strongly suggested
5000 Balfour Road Brentwood
Antioch Sports Legends a lumni are gathering a roster of Hall of Fame softball players and outstanding coaches for its t hird annual Hall of Fame Fast Pitch Softball Clinic on Saturday, Aug. 2, at the Antioch Youth Sports Complex, located at Wilbur Avenue and Apollo Court. The clinic wi ll be held from I 0 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will draw from Antioch 's own top players, including Hall of Famers Debbie Ne lson and Rachelle Manning. They will join a host of college and hi gh school coaches to provide instruc-
tion and demonstration in all areas of the game. Designed for players ages 8 to 18 , participants will receive expert instruction in hitting, pitching, catching and defensive skills. In ad dition to instruction, players will receive a barbecue hot dog lunch and a clinic T-shirt. Registration is $40.
To register, visit www.allame ri canspo For more information , contact D ebbie Nelson at 209-833-2255 or email dnelson@ a
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JULY 25, 2014
Extreme Elite tryouts
Going national
The Extreme Eli te Fastpitch Softball league will hold tryo uts for its IOU, 12U, 14U and 16/l8U teams on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 2 and 3, and Sund ay, Aug. 10, at Gehringer Elementary School, 100 Simoni Ranch Road in Oakley. Tryouts for its IOU squad will be
held from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Tryouts for its 12U a nd 14U teams will be held from II a.m. to I p.m., a nd 16/18U tryouts will take place from I :30 to 3:30p.m. For more info rmatio n, visit www. or email xtre meeliteso xtre meeliteso
Charity golf tournament Delta Wrestling C lub a nd Liberty High Wrestling will host the 20 14 Lion Scramble golf tournament at Deer Ridge Golf Course, 80 I Foothill Drive in Brentwood, on Saturday, Aug. 2. Check-in is at II a.m., and the game starts at I p.m.
The event will featu re divisions for competitive and noncompetitive players. Registration, which includes dinner, is $ 11 0. Dinner only tickets are available for $30. For more information, call 925-237611 8 or email
Photo cou rtesy of AJAX East Bay
he AJAX East Bay 98 Girls are headed to North Carolina this week to compete in the U.S. Club Soccer National Cup XIII. The national championship tournament f eatured some of the top under-15 girls soccer t ea ms from around th e nation. The squad tore through the W est ern Regionals to reach the prestigious tournament, defeating the North Bay Elite, Tu alatin Hills, Orchard Valley, and the Ca l Blues 99 Girls. Cailyn Stanley capped th e t ea m's championship win at th e West ern Reg ionals with five saves after the m at ch went to penalty kicks. The squad was guaranteed three round-robin games in th e nation al championship tournament. Results were not available at press tim e.
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JULY 25, 2014
Recycle Locally with Wee Care Center at Resurrection Ministries Delta Scrap & Salvage "A 'Pres;chool &. Child
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In celebration of its 40th anniversary, East Contra Costa County's oldest recycling center Delta Scrap & Salvage recently announced its Recycle Locally campaign, which includes cash prizes for participating customers. "Every time a customer brings in recyclables, their name is entered into a monthly drawing to win $250," said Ken Graunstadt, owner of Delta Scrap & Salvage in Oakley. ·~ annual winner is also selected and receives a $1 ,000 check, and Delta Scrap & Salvage donates $500 to that winner's favorite charity. Graunstadt, past president of the In-
stitute of Scrap and Recycling Industries, is dedicated to public education outreach efforts regarding the benefits of recycling on the environment, hoping to motivate the public to keep recycling. According to Graunstadt, there is public perception that all residential recycling must go to the local comer collectors: "Many people aren't aware that Delta Scrap & Salvage has a recycling center. We've been here since 1975, but people don't know they can bring their recyclables here." Delta Scrap & Salvage has made recycling easier and more convenient for the public. "There's no need to separate colored glass or remove caps from plastic bottles," Graunstadt said. "Just bring your recycling in to our facility and we will do the rest." So, save your cans and bottles, clean out your garage and dispose of all of your unwanted recyclables and metal items in an environmentally friendly way while making money from it at the same time. Delta Scrap & Salvage, located at 1371 Main Street in Oakley, is a state-certified facility that processes in excess of 12,000 tons of aluminum cans, glass, plastic and steel, as well as other ferrous and nonferrous materials, annually. Operation hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to noon and 12:30 p.m. to 4:30p.m., and Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 3:30p.m. For more information, email demo@ or call 925-754-1474.
Get fit and Lean Up
Point. Click. Text. Ouch! Every time you point, click or text on your computer or smartphone, you could be injuring yourself. Fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, necks and backs often pay a painful price in this digital age. When: Tuesday, July 29, o r VVednesda~August 6
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6 ·•
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Diamond Hills Sports Club & Spa in Oakley will host the free wellness program Lean Up in September. Applications are currently available for prospective participants who want to get healthier. Applications must be submitted by Sept. 2. Lean Up is designed by fitness professionals for people who have had a lifelong struggle to be fit and healthy. This is a lifechanging program for those who need it most. Individuals selected for the eight-week fitness program will participate in a small group boot camp three days a week, meet with a personal trainer once a week, attend a nutrition and motivational group meeting, and enjoy other fitness activities at the sports club. In addition, Lean Up team members receive a membership at their host club. From Sept. 15 through Nov. 7, selected participants will enjoy free, unlimited access to the club and all its amenities. All area residents are welcome to apply. Selected applicants will offer their most compelling reasons for wanting to dedicate themselves to this life-changing commitment. Anyone 13 years old and older is welcome to apply; individuals younger than 18 must obtain parental consent. All selected participants must receive medical clearance from their health care provider. Applications are available online at www. and at Diamond Hills Sports Club & Spa, 1510 Neroly Road in Oakley.
JULY 25, 2014
Marsh Creek's little eaglets "*'
··' ARMY
ergeant Ethan Justin Longo, U.S. Army, returned home from 5oth Korea last Friday, completing his Army career as a flight medic. He started his Army career at Fort Knox in Kentucky and then moved on to Fort Benning in Georgia where he was a tank driver. After returning from Iraq, he changed his specialty to medic, training at Fort Sam Huston in Texas befo re serving in South Korea as a helicopter rescue paramedic. Longo is a 2007 graduate of Freedom High School. His proud parents are Mike and Sue Longo of Oakley. Welcome home!
Photo courtesy of Teresa D' Alfonsi
ive Marsh Creek Elementary teach ers and two aides had babies last year- the most the school has ever had in one year, according to Principal Tere sa D'Aifonsi . To mark the milestone, the seven mommies and their bundles of joy joined for a photo. From left, Heath er Henderson and Leila, Ke lly Bernel and Kaylynn, Christina Valenzuela and Briell e, Tiffany Tackett and Joshua, Ashley Amaro and Logan, Alicia Sweeney and Brooklyn, and Staci King and Zoe. School resumes on Monday, July 28.
Aaron W. Gawer Navy F irema n Aaron W. Gawe r, so n of Kara L. G awe r of Dodge, Nebra ska, and Ronald A. Gawer a nd
N ina Gawer of Brentwood, recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Comma nd in Great Lakes, Illino is. During the eight-week p rogram, Gawer compl eted a va riety of training
progra ms, which included classroom study a nd practical in structio n o n naval custo ms, first a id , firefighting, water safety and survival, a nd shipboard and aircraft sa fety. An emphasis was a lso placed on phys ical fitne ss. The capstone event of boot camp is Battle Statio ns, an exe rcise that gives recruits the skills and confidence they
need to succeed in the fleet. Battle Stations is designed to galvanize the basic wa rri o r attributes of sacrifice, dedication, teamwork and endurance in each recruit through the practical applicatio n of basic Navy skills and the core va lues of ho no r, courage and commitment. Gawer is a 20 13 g raduate of Heritage High School.
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JULY 25, 2014
County commission positions available Co ntra Costa Co unty District V Supervisor Federal Glover recently announced severa l oppo rtunities for District V residents (A ntioch, Pittsburg, Bay Point) to ma ke a difference in their communities. "A lot o f policies begin in co unty commission and boards," said Glover. There are ope nings in the following advisory bodies: Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Board; Contra Costa Co unty Fire Pro tection Distri ct's Fire Advisory Commi ssion; and Co unty Library Commissio n. The Board of Superviso rs, based on the reco mmend ation o f the District V supervisor, appoints commissioners. Interested individuals should contact Glover's office at 925-335-8200 to obtain a n application. Completed applications must be received in Glover's office by close of business Friday, Aug. 1. Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Board Members sho uld have a profes-
siona l interest in, or perso nal commitment to a lleviatin g problems related to drug abuse an d inapprop ri ate alco hol use in their community. The boa rd mee ts on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 3:45 to 6:15 p.m. in Martinez. The current regul a r ope ning has a term endin g June 30, 20 16. For more info rmation , call Fatima Matal Sol at 925-335-3307 . Contra Costa County Fire Protection District's Fire Advisory Commission Members review and advise on annual operations and capital budgets; review district expe nditures; review and advise on long-range capital improvement plans; serve as the appeals board on weed abatement matter s; advise the fire chief on distri ct se rvice matters; mee t jointly with the Board of Supervisors and provide advice to th e board as needed; and communicate with the other fire dist rict advisory co mmissio ns o n services a nd functional integrati o n.
DB POA from page 1A to have the association removed fro m their titles due to the questionable tactics used in compelling them to join , and over time, the DBPOA evolved into a heavyhanded association with complete control over its members." But not a ll DBPOA members are on board wi th the decision. Some residents fea r the disso lution of the DBPOA will jeopardize the unique needs of the waterbased community. "Our water community needs the protection of the DBPOA ," wrote member Jack Parker in a recent letter to The Press. "The current DBPOA Board claims
Club f rom page 1A Blue Ribbon Certificate of Achieve ment courtesy of California Gardens, Inc. ; and First Place for a Blue Star Memorial Marker Landscaping Project- Small Club, presented by Pacific Region of National Garden Clubs, Inc. " Winning these awa rds is very impressive for a club this size," said DBGC member Aprill McBeth. " We ca n only have 35 members because we have all our meetings in ou r homes. The other clubs are much large r, like the Wa lnut Creek group, they have over 200 members. This is unprecedented . We weren't even sure we qualified."
GLOVER The fire commissio n meets o n th e second Monday of even months at 20 10 Geary Road in Pleasant Hill. The current regula r opening has a term ending June 30, 20 16. For mo re info rmation,
that the Reclamation District 800 has assumed the responsibility for docks, dock cove rs, lifts, ramps, floating homes, decks and fences o n the property sidelines. This is fa lse ... they do have rules a nd regulatio ns, but their responsibilities are all directed at ma inta ining the levee system within the district." Visintin begs to differ: " The opposition is convinced we a re going to become a 'ghetto ' and o ur property values are going to go way down without a homeowners associatio n. T hey should do some research. It has never been proven that a ho meowners' association increases property values or even maintains them. In fact, they've been responsible for mo re fri volous law-
The Blue Star Memorial Garden was dedicated last year on Veterans Day, and a Blue Star Memo ri al Marker was placed on site hono ring service men a nd wo men who have served, are serving or will serve in the United States armed forces. "The Memorial was made possible with donations from the Discovery Bay Yacht Club, the Town of Discovery Bay, private contributors and through our club," said McBeth. Mo re than 70 guests representing 15 East Bay chapters attended the luncheon held on June 26, which was led by Discove ry Bay resident and DBGC District
ca ll Vicki Wisher at 925-94 I -33 I 8. County Library Commission This commission serves in a n advisory capacity to the Board o f Supervisors and the Co unty Libra ria n to provide a community linkage to the County Library and establish a forum for the community to express its views regarding goals and operations of the County Library. The commission assists the Board of Supervisor s and the County Librarian in providing library services based on assessed public needs and deve lops and recommends proposals for the betterment of th e County Libra ry. The commission mee ts o n the fourth Thursday o f eve ry o th er mo nth from 7 to 9 p.m. at 75 Santa Barba ra Road in Pleasant Hill. The current regul a r opening term ends June 30, 20 16. For additiona l information, call Corinne Kelly at 925-927-3206. For mo re information , visit www. us/781/District-VSupervisor-Federai-D-Giove r.
suits a nd clogging the courts than anything else in Califo rnia. These 'good o ld boys' also conveniently igno re the other nice areas in Di scovery Bay that have no associations." For now, the gro up is awa iting any further instructions before preceding with the next steps regarding proper notifications, releasing of liens, closing the accounti ng books and donating any remaining funds to the American Red C ross, per the Articles of Inco rporation. "It's all good stuff; time to enjoy life," said Difate. "It's all worked ou t. " To comment, visit
Directo r Rebecca Ferguso n. Following the afternoon ceremonies, lunch guests were treated to a cruise aro und the local bays and D elta deep water co urtesy of Discovery Bay residents and boat owners Dick and Vernie Childress, Hal and Pat Whitlow, and Dick and Carolyn Jamiso n. " We decided to show our visitors how beautiful this area is," McBeth said . "Our last luncheon was held at the Discovery Bay Country Club, and it was wonderful. But when one of ou r o ut-of-town guests pointed to the water on the ninth hole and said 'O h, so that's the Delta,' we decided some educati on was needed."
Discove ry Bay Ga rd en Club was sta rted in 1992 with the a im of sha ring ga rd enin g ideas. The sma ll gro up came together to lea rn how to ga rd en in poor co nditions, including ext reme heat, drying wind s and so il hi gh in boron and sa lt content. T he g ro up lea rn ed how to plant and grow successfull y in peat so il , but improvements in th e water purifications systems changed thin gs, and today the DBGC is blo ssoming. To join the DBGC, ca ll Membership Director Diana Bradshaw at 925308-4582. To comment, visit www.thepress. net.
AYES: Barr, Bryant, Stonebarger, Taylor NOES: None ABSENT: Clare ABSTAIN: None ATIEST: Margaret Wimberly, MMC City Clerk The above is a sum· mary of the major highlights of the ordinances; readtng the ordinances in its entirety may be necessary to obtain a fu ll understati ng of all changes. A copy of the full text of the ordinances is on file and may be read in the City Clerk's office located at 150 City Park Way, Brentwood, and/or a copy may be obtained from tha t office based on the City's actual cost for duplicating. Brentwood Press No:02· 1273/63604 Publish Date: July 25,2014.
AN D SOUTH OF CENTRAL BOULEVARD AND WEST OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD TRACKS IAPN 017·131-026, 017 -140-028, 017-160-005, 017-170-007, 017 -170-008, & 017-170-0091 THE FORE· GOING ORDINANCE was introduced
be ob tained from that office based on the City's actual cost for duplicating. Brentwood Press No: 02 -1273/63605 Publish Date: July 25, 2014.
ment of the City of Brentwood, 150 City Park Way, Brentwood, California 94513. Before any court challenge of Plan-
map ITSM 93721 to create nine single-
of Brentwood, Community Development Dep artment 150 City Park Way. Brentwood, California 94513. Ap-
B~wooo H
~ a, I TAG E
meeting of the Brentwood City Council on the 24th day of June 2014, by the fol· lowing vote: AYES: Barr, B ryan~ Clare, Stonebarger, Taylor NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None And was adopted at a regular meeting of the
Brentwood City Council on the 22nd day of July, 2014, by the following vote:
wit h t he first reading wa ived at a
regula r meeting of the Brentwood City Council on the 24th day of June 2014, by the following vote: AYES: Barr, Bry -
And was adopted at a regular meeting of the Brentwood City Council on the 22nd day of July, 2014, by the following vote: AYES: Barr, Bryant, Stonebarger, Tayl or NOES: None ABSENT: Clare AB· PROPOSED ORDINANCE 930 STAIN• None ATIESl Margaret Wim AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUN- berly, MMC City Clerk The above is a CIL OF THE CITY OF BRENTWOOD summary of the major hi ghli~hts of the APPROVING A REZONE OF APPROXI - ordinances; reading the ordmances in MATELY 20 ACRES FROM R-1-6 TO its entirety may be necessary to obtain PD -44, AND AN AM ENDMENT TO THE a full understating of all changes. A DEVELOPMENT STANOAROS WITHIN copy of the full text of the ordinances A PORTION OF PD-44 TO CORRE· is on file and may be read in the City SPOND WITH THE REVISED 61-ACRE Clerk's office located at 150 City Park PALMILLA PROJECT. LOCATED NORTH Way, Brentwood, and/or a copy may
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given thatthe Planning Commission of the City of Brentwood
will, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the normal course of business per· mits on Augu st 5, 2014, hold a public hearing to consider the following: An application for a conditional use permit I CUP 14-0071 to allow the op-
eration of a martial arts facility and daycare center, kn own as Twin Tigers Academy. located w ithin an exist· ing 8.500 square-foot tenant space, at 700 Harvest Park Drive, Suite M IAPN 010-150-0441. Applicant: Heber Carrillo Said hearing will be held at the City Council Chambers, 150 City Park Way, Brentwood, Cal ifornia. Further
information may be obtained from As· sistant Planner Tim Nielsen 119251 5165151 or tnielsen@brentwoodca.go vl in the Community Development Depart-
ning Commission decisions, you are
required to appeal the decision to the City Council no later than the time period provided under the City's Municipal Code. In addition you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at t he public hearing described in this notice, or in writte n correspondence de livered t o the Brentwood Planning Commission at, or
July 25,2014.
f amily resid enti al lots and related improvements on an existing parcel
IAPN 019-050-0181. A design review IDR 14-0051 fo r three single-family
Bradford Communities, Inc.
Said hearing will be held at the City Council Chambers, 150 City Park Way,
between 3,031 square feet and 3,863
Brentwood, California. Furt her inf er·
squ are feet and re lated improvements. The project, known as Renaissance Est ates, is comprised of a 2.96-acre
parcel located south of Amber Lane, west of Windy Springs l an e. A Draft M itig ated Negative Declarat ion has been prepared pursuant t o th e Califor· nia Environment al Qu ality Act in order t o assess potenti al environmental
impacts. The Draft Mitigated Nega NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND AVAILABILITY OF A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Brentwood will, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter
plica nt:
resi denti al homes ranging in size
tive Declaration and accompanying initial study are available for public revi ew and comment in the Community
~:~~~rmTrmbeN~~1:~~ed~~~~~ ~~~~;~;~ or] in the Community Development Department
of the City of Brentwood, 150 City Park Way, Brentwood, California 94513. Before any court challenge of Planning Commission decisions, you are required to appeal the decision to the
City Council no later than the time period provided under the City's Municipal Code. In addition you may be limited to
mits on August 19, 2014, hold a public
at 5:00 pm on Au gust 19, 2014. Com-
raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in w rit· t en correspondence delivered to the Brentwood Planning Commission at, or prior t o, the public hearing. Brentwood
hearing to consider t he following application: A tentative subdivisio n
ments shou ld be directed to Assi stant Planner Tim Niel se n in writing at City
Press No: 02-1273/63007 Publish Date: July 27,2014.
as the normal course of business per·
Development Department for 20 days, beginnmg on July 311, 2014 and ending on August 19, 2014. The deadline for submission of written comments end s
JULY 25, 2014
Check the vitals before a road trip Road trip car trouble can be a real nightmare, but performing a pre-trip car check can help drivers avoid a vacation breakdown disaster. A 10-minute driveway inspection gives motorists peace of mind by reducing the chance of unplanned, costly car trouble. • Check the tires including tire pressure and tread. Underinflated tires reduce avehicle's fuel economy and uneven wear indicates a need for wheel alignment. Tires should also be checked for bulges and bald spots. Check the hoses and belts as they can become cracked, brittle, frayed, loose or show signs of excessive wear. These are criti-
cal to the proper functioning of the electrical system, air conditioning, power steering and the cooling system. • Check filters and fluids including engine oil as well as windshield washer solvent and antifreeze/coolant. • Check the wipers and lighting. • Checkthatallinterior and exterior lighting is working properly and inspect and replace worn wiper blades. • Check to be sure the battery connection
is clean, tight and corrosion-free. The Car Care Council also recommends that motorists restock their emergency kit, consider a pre-trip tune-up to help the engine deliver the best balance of power and fuel economy, and order a free copy of the Car Care Council's popular Car Care Guide for the glove box at car-care-guide.
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JULY 25, 2014
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JULY 25, 2014
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AU. THE Pt.ACES LIFE CAN GO Is a Tradema1'11: of Brookdale Senior Llmg Inc., Nashvtle, TN, USA. Cl Reg. U. S. Patent & T\4 Office 18700-ROP01-071.. SW
JULY 25, 2014
Visiting Angels offer help and hugs RUTH ROBERTS
he changes started slowly - a missed meal here, confusion over medications
there, and eventually, a fall. "Just took a little flop," he joked, but for the adult children of 85-year-old Richard Pite, their dad's safety and health was no laughing matter.
"I t was getting to the point where we were nervous al l t he time that so meth ing would happen t o him and no one would be t here," said Doug Pit e, Richa rd's son. "We needed someone to f ill in the spaces w hen we could n't be t here- especially at nigh t ." Ent er t he Visit ing Angels. With more t han 400 franchises nationwide, Vis iting A ngels offers in-home, non-medica l, hands-on care f or senio rs, Photo by Brooke Sperrer
ON THE COVER: Back row, left to right, Visiting Angels Community Services Director Marla Luckhardt, Client Care Manager Kathy Barr and owner Keith Beck, visit with seniors Howard Cavil and Olna Rae Lapum.
Featured listing 6211 Sellers Ave., Oakley $589,000
Community Services Director Marla Luckhardt, owner Keith Beck and Client Care Manager Kathy Barr of Visiting Angels meet the needs of the area's growing senior population through a variety of in-home services.
including full - or pa rt-time shifts, resp ite for family members, diet monitori ng, assistance w ith bathing and dressing,
and light housekeepi ng. Bonded and insured with a rigorous screen ing and t raining process for thei r caregivers,
the individually owned and operated franch ise is recogn ized as one of the lead ing homecare agencies in the area. But the Angels are much more than t he services they p rovide . " From the owner to the Angels t hemselves, t here is just a kindness t hat exudes f rom them all," said Marla Luckhardt, senior advocate an d community services director for Visiting A ngels. "They are just good peop le, and t hey go above an d beyond to make a senior's day not only easier, but more pleasant. There is a genuine communicat ion and frien dship that exists between the Angels and t heir clients. What you see is what you get." A nd what you get is Ke ith Beck, owner of the Vis iting An gels fra nchise serving A lameda and Cont ra Costa counties. His longtim e commit ment to qua lity and service comes from a very personal place . In 2004, when h is parents w ere suddenly faced wit h simultan eous hospital stays and surgeries, Beck - an only child- f ound himself responsible for manag ing thei r needs, "and it became one of the most cha llenging ti mes in my life as I t ried to take ca re of my pa rents, run a business and still
see Angels page 11B
Wendy Gregorich Team G Real Estate 925-759-9594
Picture living at the end of a private road on 2 acres of beautiful horse property, and being no more than 5 minutes from all amenities! Our featured listing has 2 fenced pastures, 2 horse shelters and a barn . The interior is adorable with approx . 1782 sq ft of living space, an open floor plan, new solar panels for low utility bills, a Kinetico water Sean Carey system . An oversized 2 Mortgag e Loan Orig inator car garage along with Guild Mortgag e Company tranquility is within NMLS# 9571 2 0 your reach! Ph one : 9 25 -457-6555 Call me to .-:;;:; Mobile: 925-457-6555 view. Guild E-Mail : scarey@guildm ortgage .net
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Company NMLS# 327 4 A ll loons subject to und erwriter approval, terms and conditions apply. Sub ject to change w itho ut notice. Licensed by the Dept. of Business Oversight under the Califo rnia Residential M ortgage Act. Compa ny NMLS# 3274. G uild M o rtgage is not affiliated with JDK & Associates Real Estate Svc.
JULY 25, 2014
Gentle yoga offers powerful results AMY SCHRADER
oga classes for seniors seem to be
popping up everywhere. Local gyms, community centers, and even churches
offer gentle yoga classes or classes specifically
designed for seniors. While seniors may start with gentle classes, some excel to advanced levels and even become teachers. Senior yogis are fee ling like ki ds again as t he 5,000-year-old p ract ice not only improves flexibility but also reduces aches an d pains. "Yoga is good fo r seniors for so many reasons, but t he main reason is t hat it is doable, and you can contin ue to do it daily unlike some ot her physical activi t ies that are hard on our bodies," said Erica Lozano, a yoga inst ructor f rom Oakley. "As we age, gravity, poor alignment and injuries can ta ke a t oll on our bodies. Yoga unties all of the knots we accumulat e in life." Lozano has seen many students transform thei r lives through yoga pract ice. "I see the excitement in t hem wh en they come to class, and it is the same excitement I have when I teach another class or even when I attend class," Lozano said. "It's a beautiful t hing. Gentle yoga is re laxing, restorat ive and f ull of amazing benefi ts." Lozano's gentle yoga classes include props to support the body into a deep re laxation . St retching, lea rning different b reat hing techniques and modifica-
tions will help improve the strength and flexibility of participants. Lozano teaches gentle yoga for seniors through the City of Oakley Recreation Division. Classes, for seniors 50 an d o lder, meet every Friday morning . Pre-registration is required. For more informat ion, call the City of Oakley at 925 -625-7041 or e-mail tumi n@ It's no surprise t hat so many seniors are embracing yoga. According to the A merican Senior Fitness Associat ion (SFA), yoga improves t he quantity and quality of sleep for seniors. Regular yoga practice can also improve strength and reduce pain and infl ammat ion associat ed with arthritis. The SFA also repo rts t hat yoga ca n assist in diabetes management as well as improve lung funct ion and decrease hypertension. Other benefits include we ight loss and an improved mood . Oakley resident John Freemer started yoga whe n he was 54 years old. "My practice has improved my body, mind an d health tre mendously," he said. "I started for the physical part and stayed for t he mental." Freemer, w ho is now 59, is an advanced yoga student and even attended Wa nderlust in Tahoe th is summer. Wanderlust is a yoga fest ival described as an adventure of the mind , body and soul. "Wanderlust has been awesome," Free mer said. " It's nice to spend a weekend with like-minded people." If you can't make the classes run by the City of Oakley, Lozano also teaches gentle yoga at Diamond Hills Sports Club and Spa in Oakley and at the Brentwood Yoga Cent er. For more informat ion about Lozano's classes visit To comment, visit www thepress. net.
Photo courtesy of John Freemer
Oakley resident John Freem er began practicing yoga five years ago at the age of 54. Freemer is now an advanced yoga student and recently attended the Wanderlust yoga festival in Tahoe at the site of the 1960 Win ter Olympics.
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JULY 25, 2014
Local senior pens WWIInovel AMY SCHRADER
hen Bethel Island resident David Garcia was a merchant marine
on a troop carrier drifting through
the Pacific during World War II, he knew he had a story to tell. That story started when he began writing poems to his wife using a secret code, with the first letter of each line of the poem eventually spelling out his confidential location. When he wasn't w riting letters to his wif e, he'd jot down ideas for stories on notepads, which he kept under his cot. After t he war, Garcia's stories remained, lingering in his back pocket as he pursued a successf ul ca reer in architecture, raised a fam ily of six children and grew to love sailing on the Delta . But it wasn't unti l Garcia was nearly 80 years old when he decided to share t he stories that had wait ed a lif et ime to be told . Like many other authors, such as Ernest Hemingway and Earl Stanley Gardner, Garcia's muse was t he sea. ''I'd step my foot onto my boat, and everyt hi ng but the boat and t he water would just disappea r." Garcia said. During his hours on the Delta, he w rote his f irst book "Who Killed The Rowboat Man?" which is a murder mystery that takes place on the Delta . Garcia's second book "The Forgotten Island" takes place during Wo rld War II. A young officer and four Navy nurses get stranded on a t ropical island locat ed on enemy shores. Garcia's own experiences from the war are inte rwoven into a fictiona l storyline based on an ancient sailor's myth . The story is fil led with
adventure, romance, suspense and the dangers t hat accompany a war zone. Now 92 years young, Garcia is proud t o have both of his books available on Amazon .com and at Barnes and Noble. Writing t hese page-turners wasn't easy, especially for someone who had no experience w ith comp uters. When Garcia found t hat he cou ldn't t ype very well and wasn't fam iliar with computers, he did what most 18 or 19 year olds woul d do: he enrolled in college . " I became a college student when I was 77 years ol d," Garcia said. " Regist ration was a mob, and some people were shocked to see an old man sitting on curb fi lling out reg istration papers. Learning how t o use tech nology has created a second life for me. It has opened a whole new world for me and my stories." The aut hor is currently working on starting a blog as well as a website for his books and is already half way through
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JULY 25, 2014
Music for the mind
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ave you met Henry? Millions of people around the world know him through YouTube,
but sadly, Henry has Alzheimer's
disease and he doesn't know himself.
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Unfortunately, too many of us know someone like Henry, who is the subject of a documentary "Alive Inside," written and produced by filmmaker Michael RossatoBennett. The fi lm showcases the effects of music on the cognitive funct ion and behavior of Alzheimer's patients. Slumped in his wheelchair, Henry appears to be disconnected from the world around him, unresponsive, depressed and uncommunicative, but through the course of the documentary, we learn that music has recently made a profound impact on his life. In fact, we see Henry transformed, singing and swaying to the music, as he is re-introduced to his favorite performer, Cab Calloway. According to the Alzheimer's Association, there are currently 5 million Americans like Henry battling Alzheimer's disease, a progressive mental deterioration that leads to weakening motor skills, speech and memory. Henry's story proves that music is powerful. From lullabies to first dances, from wedding songs to memorials, music inspires emotion
and memories, laughter and tears, and it heals. Kristy Osborn, program director at the Bedford Center for Adult Day Health Care in Antioch, knows that f irst-hand. "Music therapy has amazing benefits for individuals wit h Alzheimer's disease," Osborn said. "Here at the Bedford Center, we are always incorporating music into our day. It benefits our participants with Alzheimer's by decreasing their agitation levels and stimulating positive interactions overall." According to research, music connects with portions of the brain that can still respond to rhythm and auditory cues. Music cannot only decrease depression and agitation but can improve engagement and even motor skills- all without a prescription. "It is pretty amazing when someone cannot even remember their own name or what city they live in, but can tell you the name of t heir favorite singer or song," Osborn said. "It makes you realize how powerful music is for the soul and how it can resonate with us even until the end." In the treatment of Alzheimer's, music is a therapy generating positive results and feelings of hope and excitement. Music can be considered a wonder drug without the side-effects. For the loved ones of Henry and others like him, those feelings are music to their ears. To learn more about the Bedford Center, visit To view a clip from "Alive Inside," visit
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JULY 25, 2014
New senior home has a B&B feel AMY SCHRADER
randma and Grandpa's Place, an assisted living facility for seniors in Brentwood, has the
appeal of a cozy bed-and-breakfast. Through the open back door, the aroma of a freshly prepared dinner spills out onto the walking path that winds through the grounds. A petting zoo sits next to the orchards filled with avocado, peach, cherry and apricot trees. Samea Helmandi, facility operator, thinks of Grandma and Grandpa's Place as a second home to the Helmandi family. "This is a family-owned business," said Helmandi, who has more than 11 years of experience in the assisted living industry. "We put our heart and soul into it, and the people who live here become our family. Our number one priority is making this a home." Grandma and Grandpa's Place, a licensed facility that opened May 16, is a breath of fresh air for families who don't want their elders living in a large-scale, sterile environment that feels more like a hotel than a home. Each boutiquestyled room at Grandma and Grandpa's has a private bathroom. There are chandeliers in the hallways, paintings on the walls and fresh
Photo by Amy Schrader
Beverly Clover, left, seen here with Grandma and Grandpa's Place Facility Opera tor Samea Helmandi, is a recent addition to the new senior residence. homemade meals. The entrance area features a living room and activity center; plus, there is an open kitchen and a dining area with a large family-style table. "When you walk through the front door, it
see Home page 88
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JULY 2 5, 2014
Staying healthy after 50
healthy lifestyle is necessary at any ag e, but for those over 50, it's especially importa nt. Fortunately, there are some
simple things you can do to lead a healthier a nd happier life.
Eat heart healthy Establish a heart healthy diet by reducing your sodium intake to reduce t he risk of high blood pressure.
Enjoy nut rie nt-dense foods It's important to make your calories count by eating
Home from page 7B feels like home," Helmandi said.
foods packed wit h good nutrition, such as f ruit s, veget ables and whole grains.
Get M oving Physical act ivity and regular exercise can decrease t he risk of heart disease, stroke, colon cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. The Centers for Disease Cont rol and Prevention recommends those 65 and older t ry to complete 150 minutes of moderateintensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking or yoga, each week. Seniors are also encouraged to t ake party in muscle-strengthening activities two or more days a week. - Courtesy of Family Features
Grandma and Grandpa's Place has 18 rooms and an impressive staff-to-resident ratio of 1 to 6. All seNices are individualized, and the facility offers both short- and long-term living arrangements. The facility provides around-the-clock care, including assistance in completing daily activities. Amenities include recreation and exercise, freshly prepared meals and all of the comforts one would expect to find in a bed and breakfast. Chris DeRodeff, who recently moved in, is already enjoying the comforts. "They're spoiling me," DeRodeff said. "I'll never be the same if I leave here. They spoil me like I'm a kid." Grandma and Grandpa's Place is located at 6400 Brentwood Blvd. For more information or to schedule a private tour, call 925-786-1109. To comment, visit 'N'
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JULY 25, 2014
If the shoe fits H OW MANY TIM ES HAVE YOU said, "oh my aching feeP" My grandmot her used to ca ll them her tootsies and laug hed when she took her shoes off an d saw that her feet we re twice th e size they were when SENIOR she put her shoes CORNER on in t he morning. My grand father used to call her Toot sie, w hich made me laugh since I envisioned a foot as opposed to a gra ndma. M ARLA LUCKHARDT The fact that she could laug h was en dearing, but swollen feet due to poor shoe choices can be a hea lth hazard. Afte r wa lkin g on o u r paws all day, elevati ng our feet in the even ing can help bring that swelling down, but choosing t he right pair of shoes is more important. I used t o t h in k noth ing of wearing a stunni ng pa ir of 6-inch heels as I walked the five city blocks to wo rk every day in New York City. The hard pave ment coup led with t he half-mile walk didn't bother my 20-year-old puppies at all then, but now I can't balance o n anyt hi ng higher t han a pair of Go
Preventing falls among older Americans is a top health priority, and improved balance can help reduce the risk of a fall. Proper footwear can help improve balance, especially in older people who may struggle with mobility issues. - DR. MATTHEW
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Walks. Comfort t rumps style. Since we are on ou r f eet f or
As a Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES), since 2004, I specialize in helping seniors.
more t han 50 percent of t he day, it is imperative that we f ind comfo rtab le and
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safe footwear. Older people are subject
see Shoe page 11B
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JULY 25, 2014
New habits for a better life
Lender in Contra Costa Your Local Reverse Mortgage Specialist Direct: (925) 303-9740
ost people prefer to stay in their home or apartment for as long as
possible. The best way to make this a
Checklist and Assessment Instrument" f or more details.
Getting Help Keepi ng a house running smoothly requires a lot of hard work . If you are no
reality is to plan ahead and make the
longer able to keep up wit h the demands,
amenities in your home as safe and
you may need to hire someone to do laun-
accessible as possible.
dry, buy groceries, run errands, clean t he house or perform any necessary repairs. There are a number of services that can
Home Modifications
AGX Protection Plan
Living at home longer may requi re renovating a home to ma ke it more accessible. This can include such things as inst alling ramps to bypass stairs, building a bedroom on the mai n floor, placing grab bars in the shower, changing the height of kitchen countertops or making a bathroom safer and more accessible. The Nat ional Resource Cent er on Support ive Housing and Home Modificat ions is a good resource for those looking to make such modifications. Go to the cent er's website at www.homemods. org and cl ick on the link to t he " Safety
Try an AGX Hearing system for
Writer from page SB
75 days, risk-free
w r iting his th ird novel, t it led " Hamakua." "Sharing these st ories makes my life worthwhil e," Garcia said . " I live w ith t hese st ories, characters and memories
Hearing aids covered by the
Free for 3 years: Batteries路 Warranty Loss & damage insurance Applicable toward an AGX5, 7, or
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Tran sportation Declining health often causes a decline in independence and mobility. Many seniors lose the abilit y to drive or simply feel uncomfortable behind t he w heel at night. Investigate transportat ion options in your area so you can maint ain an active social life, receive medical care and shop for necessities. - Courtesy of Family Features
that are j ust wa it ing for me to bring to life ." To order Garcia's books, visit www. or . To comment. visit www
Do You Need Dental Implants?
home healt h aide, to help you out a f ew hours a day or around t he clock.
by Dr. Pravin Patel
9 two-device hearing system
be brought in to assist you. You can hire someone, such as a personal care aide or
Mary Jane Garnett, Au.D. Tsehay "Sunny" Mebrahtu, M.A., CCC-A
Are you missing single or multiple teeth? Are you hiding your smile due to the problem? Do you have difficulty in chewing due to missing teeth or loose den tures? Is your lower denture too loose and moving around while you chew or talk? If your answer is yes to any one of the above questions, dental implants may be the right choice for you. Dental implants are an artificial tooth root that can support artificial teeth. This is an ideal option fo r people in good general oral health who have lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury or some other cause. Dental implants are actually more tooth saving than traditional bridgeworks. For a dental bridge one needs to use neighboring teeth for support. Implants do not rely on neighboring teeth for support. This advanced dentistry procedure provides natural-looking teeth that also feel natural. Dental implants can also be used to support removable dentures. With dentures supported by dental implants, one can eat and chew food more efficiently. Dentures are more secure and comfortable, and will not move during eating, talking and laughing. These can improve your confidence in both your personal and your professional life. If you have missing teeth, you are continuously loosening the jawbone. Lack of teeth can also lead to bone loss, which can affect your facial appearance and chewing
function. A fixed bridge cannot prevent bone loss. Rem ovable dentures can accelerate the bone loss process, but dental implants can actually stop bone loss. Dental implants will provide the stimulus required to maintain the bone. The ideal candidate for dental implants is one who has good oral health. An adequate amount of bone in your jaw is needed to help support the implant. Those who have healthy gum tissue and are free from gum disease are the best candidates. Dental implants are made of titanium and metal fixtures that are placed within the jawbone with great precision. They provide a highly biocompatible surface, which enables bone to completely fill in and provide long-term stability. Dental implants can last for a long time with regular maintenance and proper oral hygiene. Once the implants are in place, they require the same care you would give to natural teeth. In order to keep your implants clean and plaque-free, brushing and flossing are necessary. After treatment your dentist will work closely with you to develop the best care plan for you. Periodic follow-up visits will be scheduled to monitor your implant, teeth and gums and make sure they remain healthy. For all of your dental questions & concerns please contact Pristine Dental owner, Dr Pravin Patel DDS M DS FDSRCS (UK) MICOI at (925) 679-3333, - Advertisem ent
JULY 25, 2014
Shoe from page 98
Angels from page 38
to many f oot disorders like arth ritis, ingrown toenails, fu ngal nails, diabetic ulcers and even corns and cal luses, so th e right footwear is especially important when it comes to preserving good foot hea lth. Look for shoes that protect and support your f eet. Orthopedic walking shoes often provide a good combination of comfort and support. Avoid shoes with narrow toes or little arch support. Make sure your shoes fit you properly and can accommodate the socks you usually wear. When selecting a shoe to improve balance, you should press on both sides of the heel area t o ensure th e heel is stiff and won't collapse. Bend the shoe to check for toe flexibil ity. The shoe shouldn't bend too much in th e toe box area, but it shouldn't be too stiff and inflexible either. Try twisting the shoe to make sure it doesn't bend in the middle. "Preventing fa lls among older Americans is a t op health priority, and improved balance can help reduce the risk of a fall," says Dr. Matthew Garoufalis, a podiatri st and president of the American Podiatric Medical Association. "Proper footwear ca n hel p improve balance, especia lly in older people who may strugg le with mobility issues ." Aging and health changes can ca use the size of your feet to change, so when shoppin g for a new pair of shoes, have your f eet measured and go w ith the size of the larger foot. If you wear socks, take the ones you are most likely to wear with you since the try-on peds offered in the store are much thinner than normal socks. Walk around the st ore before you purchase any shoes, and if they don't feel comfortable or st eady right away, don't buy t hem . The old w ives tail of " breaking them in" won't improve things. If you have specific health cha llenges or foot issues, ta lk to a podiatrist about the best footwear fo r your needs. Some may offer a prescription for orthopedic shoes, wh ich may be covered by your insurance. Walking up and down the endless aisles at a shoe store used to be a visual dilemma for me. Everythi ng looked so pretty and sparkly. Now I use my sense of touch to choose my footwea r. If it hurts my feet, it stays on the shelf. Marla Luckhardt is a Discovery Bay resident who works with several local senior care and advocacy groups. Visit her website or e-mail her at
dedicate time to my family," he said. It was that experience which ultim ately turned Beck's career t oward the senior population. And along the way, Beck has gathered like-minded employees for the Ange ls. Kathy Barr, East Count y cl ient care manager and longtime Brentwood resident, oversees staff, schedules and client evaluations. Her seven-plus years serving the elder community has been a rewarding one, she said: ''I'm doing this because I love what I do, and I adore my sen iors." For the Pites, w ho have since moved their dad into an assisted living facil it y,
the Angels were, wel l, heaven sent. "Honestly, they extended the t ime dad was able to live alone and semi -independently, and they did it with grace, patience and genuine affection," Doug said. "We've used other agencies before, and there is just no comparison." When it co mes to senior care, there are a va riety of options, but often families end up choosing their providers from an advert isement in the phone book, a Google search or a brochure at the doctor's office. Luckhardt suggests going w it h recommendations and referrals from friends or relatives, trusted websites or senior agencies
fami liar with the company. "Ask around," she said. " There are plenty of bad apples in the industry, just as there are in all industries, so ask someone who has had a good experience. And make sure t hey (the agency) are easily accessible. You need someone who responds in a time ly manner, because sometimes the need for care is immediate." For more information on Visiting Angels, ca ll 925-240- 1100 or email angelcare You can also visit the webs ite at www. visitingangels .com . To comment, visit www. thepress. com.
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JULY 25, 2014
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ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME PEllTIONER OR ATTORNEY: Pro per Jennifer Johnson SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA, 725 Court Street Martinez, CA 94553 PETITION OF: Jennifer John· son CASE NUMBER: N14-0952 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 1. Petitioner Jennifer Johnson filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as f ollows: Present Name: a. Jazmyn
Monteiro to Proposed Name: Jazmyn King. 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all
persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name
should not be granted. Any person ob· jecting to the name changes described
above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the mat·
WANTED TO BUY TRUCK DRIVERS! Obtain Class A COL in 2 1/2 weeks. Company Sponsored Training. Also Hiring Recent Truck School Graduates, Experienced Drivers, Must be 21 or older. Call: (866) 275-2349
for four lines. Exp. 8/15/14
ter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition with· out a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING a. Date: 09/08114 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept.: 14 Room: 212 b. The address of the court is same as noted above. 3. a. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date
set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circula· tion, printed in this county: Brentwood Press Date: 07110/14 Judge of the Su· perior Court Brentwood Press No. 02· 1273/63506 Publish Dates: July 18, 25, August 1, 8, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. F-0004036·00 The name ofthe business: Rake Salon Located at 240 Oak Street In: Brent· wood, CA 94513 is hereby registered by the following owner. Alicia Elliott This business is conducted by: An In·
dividual. The registrant commen ced to transact business under the fictiti ous business name or names listed above on N/A. Signature of registrant Alic ia Elliott. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: June 26,2014 by Deputy J. Gonzalez Expires 6/26/2019 Brentwood Press No. 02·1273/63373 Publish dates: July 4, 11, 18, 25,2014. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME The fo llowing person has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name California Car Sales at 1104 Somers· ville Rd Antioch, CA 94509 The ficti· tious business name referred to above was filed in Contra Costa County on 03101/ 1999 under File No. 1999001432· 00 (*1} Laurie A. Rice 1104 Auto Center Dr, Antioch, CA 94509 (**} This busi· ness was conducted by: an individual. Signature: Laurie Rice. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Con· tra Costa County on: July 7, 2014 An· tioch Press No. 06· 1617/63444 Publish dates: July 18, 25,August 1,8, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. F-0004156·00 The name of th e business: Fight 4 Lifo Fitness Located at: 209 Wright Ct In: Brentwood, CA 94513 is hereby regis· tered by the following owner: Claudia Jane Boer. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The registrant com· menced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on N/A. Signature of regis· trant: Claudia Boer. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: July 2, 2014 by Deputy J. Odegaard Expires 7/2/2019 Brent· wood Press No. 02·1273/63445 Publish dates: July 18, 25,August 1,8, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. F-0004032·00 The name of the business (es}: Got-A-Party Inc. Located at 3981 Walnut Blvd In: Brentwood, CA 94513 is hereby regis· tered by the following owner(s}: Got·A· Party Inc. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The registrant com· menced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 6/26/14. Signature of registrant: Tracey Adams. This state·
mont was filed with the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: June 26, 2014 by Deputy A. Aguda Expires 6/26/2019 Brentwood Press No. 02·1273/63371 Publish dates: July 4, 11, 18, 25,2014. NOTICE OF LIEN SALE SELF STORAGE AUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned intends to sell th e liened personal property described below, pursuant to the provisions of the California Code of Civil Procedure and the provisions of the California Self· Storage Facilities Act, Business and Professions Code Sections 21700 et seq. On tho 8th day of August 2014, at 10:00 AM, the undersigned will sell the contents of liened storage units by public sale by competitive bidding on the premises where said property has been stored and which are located at Acorn II Self Storage LLC, at 6900 Lone Tree Brentwood, California 94513, Tel. (925 240·5000. Self· storage liened units generally include miscellaneous household goods, office or business equipment furniture, furnishings, cloth· ing and personal effects. In addition to those general contents, the pre-lien inventory revealed the following de· scribed goods: Names: 1. Angola Sadler • Kenwood speaker, furniture, freezer, microwave 2. Shawn Fuller • Speakers, touch screen TV, big screen, car speakers, safe 3. Wendy Roach • Collectable doll, dresser, computer, furniture 4. Jose S. Pena · Hangers, stroller, TV 5. Jade Weaver • furniture, computer, fake plants, am1oire 6. Leamon Johnson - Large wooden and leather furniture 1. Lorrie Prine· Carpet luggage, camp· ing equipment. art 8. William Stayduhar • Armoire, guitar case, boxes 9. Nancy Bonilla · Art w ork. furniture, silver ornaments, exercise equipment 10. April Protti • 2 snow boards, wash· er/dryer. art w ork. books, standing lamp 11. Kyle Haley - Large DVD collection, baby swing, stereo 12. Carroll Comeaux- Barbeque, disco ball, rocking chair, computer, ceramic water dispenser 13. Tana Kitamura · Children furniture, drums, guitar case, doll house 14. Santiago Lombard· 411. tall speak· ers, matching sofa and chair, 2 wood end tables and dresser, stereo equip· ment Purchases must be paid for at the time of purchase by cash only. All pur· chased items sold as-is, where-is, and must be removed at the time of sale. Sale subject to cancellation in the event of settlement between owner and obligated party. Call ahead to make sure sale is still scheduled. Contraband, or items subject to regulation or regis tration will not be transferred with the liened unit unless otherwise noted. Dates Published: 7/25/14 and 811/14 Nor Cal Storage Auctions, Inc., Bond #7900390179, Tel. (916} 6V4·9695 Brent· wood Press No: 02·1273163565 Publish Oates: July 25,August 1, 2014.
We can help with all your legal publication needs!
Instructional Paraprofessional Gehringer Elementary School 8:30am- 11 :30am , M-F 180 days per year $10.58- $12.86 per hour Please pick up an application and job description at: Oakley Union Elementary School District 91 Mercedes Lane Oakley, CA 94561-4617 Deadline to Apply: Thu rsday, July 31, 2014 @ 4:00p.m. Landscape Maintenance Crew Leader needed Driver's License preferred Apply @ 8494 Lone Tree Way, Brentwood, 925-634-4177
Real estate repair & maintenance department manager. Property management firm. Oversee all repair and maintenance activities for a large residential and commercial real estate portfolio. Heavy client & vendor interaction, project tracking, site visits, and solid computer skills needed. Great pay, Brentwood location. Fax resume to (925 )240-1 092 or email to marplesteam
Personal Care Assistant Showering, housekeeping, meal preparation & overnight 415-235·6358
634-1441 x142 Fax 634-1975 or Email to
Deadline: Monday at 1 :00 pm
Disco Bay Town home 3 bd/2.5ba, inside laundry fireplace $1695 mo. lease Call Flavio 510-552·5570
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Ftle No. F-0003816-00 The name of the businesses: 1. Barringer Investments & Property Management 2. Berringer IPM Located at: 50 Sand Creek Rd Ste 326 In: Brentwood, CA 94513 ts hereby registered by the fol-
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Ftle No. F-0004072-00 The name of the business: ARA Welding Loc ated at: 2085 Delta Rd In: Knightsen, CA 94548 ts hereby regtstered by the followtng owners: Randy Reffner
lowing owner(s): Bnan William Barnn·
conducted by: a Marned Couple. The
ger Thts busmess ts conducted by: An lndiv1dual. The registrant commenced to transact bus1ness under the fictitious business name or names listed above on 6/1/2014 Signature of registrant:
registrant commenced to transact busrness under the frctitmus busrness name or names hsted above on 5·2008.
Bnan W Bemnger Broker/ Owner. Thts
County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: June 30, 2014 by Deputy A. Vasquez Exptres 6/30/2019 Brentwood Press No. 02-1273,163578 Publish dates: July 25, August 1,8,15,2014
statement was filed with the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on. June 17, 2014 by Deputy J. Parangan Exptres 6/17/2019 Brentwood Press No 021273,163452 Publish dates: July 11, 18, 25, August 1, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Ftle No. F-0003856-00 The name of the bustness: Curtain Call Located at: 1226 Duffy Way In: Brentwood. CA 94513. ts hereby reg-
istered by the following owners: Anne Andrego. Th1s busmess IS conducted by: An lndtvtdual. The regtstrant commenced to tra nsact business under
the ftctltlous business name or names listed above on N/A. Stgnature of registrant. Anne Andrego. This state-
ment was ftled wtth th e County Clerk of Contra Costa County on. June 18, 2014 by Deputy J. Barton Exp ires 6/18/2019 Brentwood Press No 02 -1273,163355 Publish dates July4, 11,18,25,2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Ftle No. F-0004006-00 The name of the bustness: Cute Nails & Spa Located at: 317B Oak Street In: Brentwood,CA 94513 ts hereby regts· tered by the followtng owner: Jenny H. Tran Th ts busmess ts conducted by: An Individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious busmess name or names hsted above
on 6/2512014. S19nature of registrant: Jenny H Tran. Thts statement was filed wtth the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: June 25, 2014 by Deputy M. BaraJaS Exptres 6/25/2019 Brentwoo d Press No. 02-1273/63435 Publtsh dates: July 18, 25, August 1, B, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Ftle No F-0004247-00 The name of the bustness: B and K Roofing Inc Located at: 2006 A Street Sutte 204 In: Anttoch, CA 94509 ts hereby registered by the followin9 ownerl s): B and K Roofing Inc.
Th1s busmess
is conducted by: A Corporation The registrant commenced to transact busi· ness under the fictitious business name
or names ltsted above on N/A. Signature of registrant: Terry Montgomery Owner. Th1s statement was f1led w1th
the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: July 8, 2014 by Deputy J Crawford Expires 7/8/2019 Anttoch Press No. 061617/63535 Publish dates: July 25, August1,8,15,2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Ftle No F-0004354-00 Th e name of the bustness Bikers Rights Organization Located at: 145 John Glen Or In· Concord, CA 94520 is hereby regtstered by the followmg owners 1. Kirk L. McCluskey 2. Michael A. Prawickt 3. Oavtd Eric Martin 4. Michael Bruno Thts bustness ts conducted by: A General Partnership. The regtstrant commenced to transact busmess under the f1Ct1t1ous busmess name or names
listed above on N/A.
Stgnature of
reg1strant. M ichael Brun o. Thrs state·
ment was ltled wtth the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: July 14, 2014 by Deputy C Garcia Exptres 7/ 14/2019 Brentwood Press No 02-1273/63517 Publish dates: July 18, 25, August 1. B. 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Ftle No. F-0004329-00 The name of the bustness. C & J Real Estate Services Located at: 1451 Para dtse Lane In: Brentwood, CA 94513 is hereby regtstered by the followtng owner: Jessica McConnico. Th is busi· ness IS conducted by: An lnd1vrdual. The regtstrant commenced to tra nsact business under the f ictitious business
name or names listed above on N/A. Signature of re gtstrant: Jesstca Me· Connico This statement was filed w1th
the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on· July 11,2014 by Deputy C. Otas Expires 7/1 1/2019 Brentwood Press No. 02 -1273/63504 Publish dates: July 18, 25, August 1, B, 201 4. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No F-0004166-00 The name of the business: Car Fi x La·
cated at: 580 Valdry Ct Sutte 0- 7 In: Brentwood,CA 94513 ts hereby regtstered by the followtng ownerls): Musa M . Rahmam
dueled by
Thts bus1ness 1s con·
An Individual
The regts-
trant commenced to transact business under the fictitious busmess name or
names listed above on N/A. Stgnature
~a~~~~~~a~t~te~~~~ w~~~~:dm~tt~:~~
County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: July 2, 2014 by Deputy J. Odegaard Expires 7/212019 Brentwood Press No. 02 -1273/63419 Publish dates: July 11, 18, 25, August 1, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Ftle No F-0004118-00 Th e name of the busmess: Discovery Design Solutions Located at: 2440 Wayfarer Court In Otscove ry Bay, CA 94 505 ts hereby regtstered by the followmg
and Shawna Reffner. Th1s business IS
Stgnature of registrant: Shawna L. Reffner. Thrs statement was filed wrth the
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Ftle No F-0004086-00 The name of the bustness: Parad ise Con·
suiting Located at: 6967 New Melones Ctrcle In· Otscovery Bay, CA 94505, ts hereby regtstered by the followtng owner: Julie Colleen Santtago. This busrness is conducted by
An lndt·
vtdua l. The regtstrant commenced to transact business under the fictit ious busrness name or names lrsted above
on N/A. Stgnature of regtstrant. Julte C. Santiago. Thts statement was filed with
the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: June 30, 2014 by Deputy C. Ptttman Expires June 30,2017 Brentwood Press No. 02 -1 273,163512 Pubhsh dates: July 18, 25, August 1. 8, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No F-0004232-00 The name of the busmess (es): Custom Decor and More Located at: 743 Cam·
panello Way In: Brentwood,CA 94513 ts hereby regtstered by the followtng owner(s)· Jacquelme E. Odell. Thts business is conducted by: An lndivrdua l. The regrstrant commenced to transact busmess under the fictitious business name or names listed above
on N/A July 1, 2014. Stgnature of reg Istrant: Jacqueline E Odell. This state·
ment was ftled with the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on.July B, 2014 by Deputy M. Neal Exptres 7/B/2019 Brentwood Press No. 02-1273/63488 Publish dates July 18, 25, August 1, 8, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No F-0004183-00 The name of t he business: Odin's Mark Tat·
too and Body Piercing Located at: 50 Sand creek Rd #30 In: Brentwood, CA 94513 ts hereby regtstered by the followmg ownerls): Shaugn R. McEvoy. This business ts conducted by: An lndrvrdua l. The reg tstran t commenced to transact business under the f 1ct1· tious busmess name or names listed above on N/ A. S1gnature of regtstrant:
Shaugn R. McEvoy. This statement was filed wtth the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: July 3, 2014 by Deputy M. Neal Expires 7/3/2019 Brentwood Press No. 02-1273/63543 Publish dates: July 25, August 1, 8, 15, 2014 NOTICE OF LIEN SALE SELF STORAGE AUCTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the understgned mtends to sell the ltened persona l property described below. pursu· ant to the provisions of the Californta
Code ol Ctvtl Procedure and the provt· stons of the California Self- Storage Facilities Act, Busrness and Professions
Code Secttons 21700 et seq. On the 8th day of August, at 12:15 P.M., the understgned will sell the contents of liened storage untts by pub he sale by compett· tive bidding on the premises where sa1d
property has been stored and whtch are located at Acorn Self Storage LLC. at 5205 Railroad Avenue, Pittsbu rg, California 94565, Tel. (925) 432-3200. Self· storage ltened untts generally tn· elude miscellaneous household goods, off ice or bus iness equipment. furntture.
furntshtngs, clothmg and personal effects. In addition to those general con· tents, the pre· lren rnventory revealed
the followmg descnbed goods: Customer Name:
1. Telara Caves- Safe, Artwork, Boxes 2. Kenneth Weary- Office Equipment. 4 Custom rims & tires, boxes, Fishing Poles 3. Mara Cardon a- Stereo Equipment. Lu ggage. Boxes& Furniture
Purchases must be paid for at the ttme ol purchase by cash only All purchased items sold as -is, where-is. and must be removed at the t ime of sale.
Sale subJeCt to cancellatiOn tn the event of settlement between owner
and obligated party. Call ahead to make sure sale ts sttll scheduled. Contra band, or items subjec t to regulation or regis· trat1on will not be transferred with the hened umt unles s otherw1se noted.
Oates Published: 07/25/14 and 08/01/14 Nor Cal Storage Auctions, Inc., Bond #7900390179, Tel. (916)604-9695 Brentwood Press No: 02-1273/63563 Publish Oates: July 25, August 1, 2014 ORDER TO SHOW CAU SE FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER OR ATIORNEY: Crystal Lynn Sharp SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA, 725 Court Street Martinez, CA 94553 PETITION OF: Crystal Lynn Sharp CASE NUMBER: N1 4-0940 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 1. Pel t· !toner Crystal Lynn Sharp ftled a petttton w1th this court for a decree changtng names as follows: Present Name: a.
cur close m t tme to the scheduled sale may not 1mmedtately be reflected 1n the telephone informatton or on the In·
you and to the pubhc, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you
St no puede pagar a un abogado, es
the scheduled sale. The understgned
pear at the hearmg to show ca use why
pos1ble que cumpla con los requtsltos para obtener serv1c1os legales gratUt· tos de un programa de serv rc1os lega· les stn f1nes de Iuera. Puede encontrar estes grupos stn f ines de Iuera en el S1t10 web de Cahforma Legal Serv1ces,
Trustee disclaims any hab1l1ty for any
no wntten ObJeCtiOn IS t rmely fried, the court may grant the petitiOn wtthout
a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING a. Date: 09/04/14 Time: 9:00a.m. Dept.: 14 Room: 212 b. The address of the court ts same as noted above 3. a A copy of thts Order to Show Cause shall be
(, en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Caltfornta, ( o
tncorrectness of the property address or other common des1gnatron, tf any, shown here1n. If no street address or other common designation is shown,
dtrecttons to the locatton of the property may be obtamed by sending a writ-
ten request to the benefictary wtthin 10 days of the date of ftrst publtcatton of
published at least once each wee k for four success1ve weeks pnor to the date set for heanng on the pet tt1on 1n the following newspaper of general clrculatmn, pnnted in this county Brentwood Press b. Mrnors Brrth Certrftcate to be
poniEmdose en contacto con Ia corte
th1s Notice of Sale. If the Trustee ts un-
o el colegto de abogados locales. AVISO: Por ley, Ia corte ttene derecho
able to convey title for any reason, the
revtewed at the heanng. Date: 07/07/14 Judge of the Superior Court Brentwood Press No. 02-1273/63430 Publtsh Oates. July 11, 18, 25, August 1, 2014. IRONHOUSE SANITARY DISTRICT NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 5473 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of Caltfornta,
6 mas de va lor rec1b1da mediante un acuerdo o una concesi6n de arbltra je en un caso de derecho crv1l. T1ene que pagar el gravamen de Ia corte antes de
the Board of Directors of the lronhouse
Santtary Otstrict has adopted its Ordinance No 25, whe rem rt has elected to collect its sewer serv1ce charges
for the ftscal year 2014- 2015 on the tax roll m the same manner as rts gen eral taxes, and has flied w1th its Secretary a written report conta tntng a descrlp·
tton of each parce l of rea l property rece 1v1ng sanitary sewerage service
from satd Otstrict and the amount of the cha rge for each such parcel. A copy of the report may be tnspected at the lronhouse Sanitary Otstrict Offtce, 450 Walnut Meadows Dove, Oakley, CA after July 21, 2014 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on Tuesday, the 5th day of August. 2014, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., at the regular meettng place of said Board, 450 Walnut Meadows Drive. Oakley, California, sa td Board w1ll hear and constder all protests and
ob)ecttons to said report. Upon the concluston of the heanng, the Board may adopt, rev1se, change, and reduce or modtfy any charge or overrule any
or all ob1ec ttons and shall make tts determination upon each charge as
descnbed in said report and the use of the tax roll. /S/ Susan V. Walde Secretary to the Board of Directors Publish.
July 25, August 1, 2014 Oakley Press No 03-0477/63421 Publish Oates: July 25, August 1, 2014 SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) CASE NUMBER (Ntimero del Caso): 14CV01253 NOTICE TO OEFENOANT (AVISO AL OEMANOAOO): James Rios, and DOES 1-10 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF(LO ESTA OEMANDANOO EL OEMANOANTE): Joshlyn Mangan NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you wrthout your being heard unless
you respond wtthtn 30 days Read the informatton below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after thts summons and legal papers are served on you to file a wntten response at thts court and
a reclamar las cuotas y los costas exentos par imponer un ~ravamen sabre
cualqwer recupe racton de $10,000
que Ia corte pueda desechar el caso. The name and address of the court ts: (EI nombre y dtrecct6n de Ia corte es): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF GLENN 526 W. Sycamore Street, Willows, CA 95988 The name, address, and telephone number of
your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot
pay the ftltng fee, ask the court clerk for a fee wa1ver form. If you do not file your response on t1me, you may
lose the case by default. and your wages, money, and property may be taken wtthout further warning from the court There are other legal requrre ments. You may wan t to call an at-
the Purchaser at the sale shall be entttled only to a return of the depostt patd. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse aga1nst the Mortgagor,
que no t1ene abogado, es)· Barrick Ar·
nold (Barl284470) The La w Offices of Max G. Arnold, Inc, 20 Constitution Dr.. Ste A, Chico, CA 94973 (530)897-5020 OATE (Fecha) January 1, 2014 Clerk, by (Secretano): Debbie Willey, Deputy (Ad Junto) J anelle Bartlett NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served-
association, or sav1ngs assoc1atton, or
erty only As requtred by law, you are report reflectmg on you r cred1t record may be subm1ned to a credit report
agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of
cashier's check drawn on a stat e or federal credit un1on, or a check drawn
by a state or federal savtngs and loan
pay the remammg prtnctpal sum of the notelsl secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges th ereon,
to th e Financial Code and authorized to do busmess'" thts state, wtll be held by duly appomted trustee. The sale will
as prov tded tn the note(s). advances,
be made, but Without covenant or war·
assoc1a t1on, or savmgs assoc1at1on, or sav1ngs bank specifmd 1n Sect1on 5102
ranty, exp ressed or tmplted, regardtng
expenses of the Trustee for the total
title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the
amount (at the time of the 1n1t1al publi-
note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust,
of Otfic1al Records in the offtce of the
Recorder of CONTRA COSTA County, Caltfornta; Oate of Sale: 8/1/2014 at 1:00PM Place of Sale: Behind the Ctvtc Center designatiOn s1gn at the corner of
Wtllow Pass Road and Parkstde Onve, 1900 Parkstde Drive, Concord, CA 94519 Amount of unpatd balance and other charges. $118,030.88 The purported property address is: 4808 SNOWMASS PEAK COURT. ANTIOCH, CA 94509 Assessor's Parcel No.: 072-380- 030-6 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If
wtth Interest and la te charges thereon,
expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the ttme of the tntttal publt· cation of the Nottce of Sale) reasonably
estimated to be set forth below The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): JAMES D. BIAS, A SINGLE MAN Recorded· 2/20/2004 as Instrument No. 2004-0055008-00 of Offictal Records tn the offtce of the Recorder of CONTRA COSTA County, Caltfornta; Oate of Sale: B/1/2014 at 1 00 PM Place of Sale. Behmd the Ctvtc Center destgnatlon s1gn at the corner of Willow Pass
Road and Parkstde Drive, 1900 Parkstde Ortve, Concord, CA 94519 Amount of unpa1d balance and other charges:
that there are nsks Involved 1n b1dding
$60,665.60 The purported property address tS. 1115 W 5TH ST, ANTIOCH, CA 94509 Assessor's Parcel No.: 066- 126012-5 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are constdertng btddtng on thts
the Caltfornta Legal Serv tces Web stte (www.lawhe, the Calt· forma Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courttnfo, or by
property. You should also be aware that the lien betng auctiOned off may be a JUntor Iten. If you are the htghest
contac tt n~
be responsible for paying off all liens sen10r to the hen bemg aucttoned off,
your local court or county
bar assoctat10n. NOTE: The court has a statutory hen for warved fees and costs on any settlement or arb1trat1on award
of $10,000 or more in a ctvtl case. The court's hen must be pard before the
court wtll dtsmiss the case. ;AVISO! Lo han demandado. St no responde dentro de 30 dlas, Ia corte puede decrd1r en su contra s1n escuchar su vers16n. Lea Ia mjormaci6n a continuaci6n Tiene 30
DIAS OE CALENOARIO despues de que
b1dder at the auction, you are or may before you can rece1ve clear title to the property. You are encouraged to inves· t rgate the existence, pnonty, and srze of outstanding Itens that may exist on
this property by contacttng the county recorder's office or a trtle msurance company, e1ther of whtch may charge
you a fee for this tnformat10n. If you consult erther of these resources, you should be aware tha t the same lender may hold more th an one mortgage or
le entreguen esta c1tact6n y papele s legales para presentar una respuesta por escnt o en esta corte y hacer que se ent regue una cop1a al demandante. Una carta o una llamada telef6nica no lo protegen. Su respuesta par escnto ttene que estar en formate legal correcto s1 desea que procesen su caso
postponed one or more ttmes by the
en Ia corte. Es postble que haya un for-
that information about trustee sale
mulano que uste d pueda usar para su respuest a. Puede encontrar estos for· mulanos de Ia corte y mas rnformacr6n
postponements be made avatlable to you and to the public, as a courtesy
deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: Th e sale date show n on thts notice of sale may be mortgagee, benef1c1ary, trustee, or a
court, pursuant to SectiOn 2924g of the Caltfornta Ctvtl Code. The law requtres
to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whethe r your sale date
property lien, you should understand
that there are nsks tnvolved in btddtng at a trustee auctron. You wr ll be b1d· ding on a hen, not on the property Itself.
Placing the htghest btd at a trustee auctron does not automatically entrtle you to free and clear ownership of the
property. You should also be aware that the hen bemg aucttoned off may be a juntor lien. If you are the htghest bidder at the auct1on, you are or may
be responstble for paymg off all hens sentor to the hen be1ng auctioned off, before you can rece1ve clear title to the property. You are encouraged to 1nves· t1gate the extstenc e, pnonty, and s1ze of outstand ing liens that may ex1st on
thts property by contactmg the county recorder's off1ce or a title Insurance
company, either of which may charge you a fee for thrs tnformatron. If you consult e1ther of these resources, you
should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER· The sale date shown on thrs notrce of sale may be postponed one or more t1mes by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a
court, pursuant to Sectton 2924g of the
esta a ttempo, puede perder el caso par mcumplimmnto y Ia corte le podra qu1tar su sueldo, din ero y bienes sin mas advertenc1a. Hay ot ros requ1srtos legales. Es recomendable que llame a un abogado 1nmediatamente. St no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar a un serv1c1o de rem1si6n a abogados.
holders rtght's against the real property only. As requtred by law, you are
paid to the Trustee, and the successful
hereby not1fted that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submrtted to a c red 1t report
If the sa le 1s set as1de for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entttled only to a retu rn of the depostt
b1dder shall have no further recourse.
agency tf you fail to fulfill the terms of
paid. The Purchaser shall have no fur-
ther recours e aga tnst the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's
discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal
Da te· Quality Loan Serv1ce Corporatton
2141 5th Avenue San Otego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE tnforma tton only Sale Lme· 714- 573-1965 Or Login to· httpJ/ Re mstatement Ltne: (866)645- 7711 Ext 5318 Qualtty Loan Servtce Corp. TS No.: CA-14- 61 1808-AB IOSPub #0067985 7/11/2014 7/18/2014 7/25/2014 Anttoch Press No· 06-1617/63375 Publish Oates: July 11, 18, 25,2014. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No. CA-14-614101-BF Order No .. 140042117-CA-API YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST OATEO 7/24/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTI ON TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auctiOn sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashter's check drawn on a state or
nattonal bank, check drawn by state or federa l credit union, or a check drawn by a state or f edera l savmgs and loan assoc1atton, or savmgs assoctat1on, or savings bank spec1f 1ed in Section 5102 to the Frnancral Code and authonzed
to do bustness tn thts state, wtll be held by duly appointed trustee. Th e sale will ranty, expressed or tmplted. regardtng note(s) secured by the Oe ed of Trust. with interest and late charges thereon, as provtd ed tn the note(s), advances,
under the terms of the Oeed of Trust. interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total
amount (at the ttme ol the tntttal publt· catton of the Notice of Sale) reasonably esttmated to be set forth below.
~r~:~~ 0 s~~~nc~U~e~~~~ om~~ d;(lj BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OUE. Trustor(s) JOHN C. PARKER, A MARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLE AN D SEPARATE PROPERTY AS TO AN UNOIVIOEO 75% INTEREST AND NGOC THI BICH BUI. A MARRIED WOMAN AS HER SOLE AND SEPARATE PROP ERTY AS TO AN UNOIVIOEO 25% INTEREST. AS TENANTS-IN-COMMON Record ed: 8/1/2006 as Instrument No. 2006-0243476-00 ol Offtctal Records tn the office of the Recorder of CONTRA COSTA County, Californta: Date of Sale: B/15/2014 at 1:00PM Place of Sale Behind the Civic Center designatiOn sign
at the corner of Wtllow Pass Road and Parkstde Onve. 1900 Parkstde Dnve, Concord, CA 94519 Amount of unpatd balance and other cha rg es· S320, 176.80 The purported property address ts: 4462 BUCKEYE WAY. ANTIOCH, CA 94561 Assessor's Parcel No : 053-590-001-3 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIOOERS: If you are cons1denng btddmg on this
property lten, you should understand that there are nsks mvolved tn btddtng at a trustee auctton. You w1ll be bid·
Attorney. If you have previously been ltabtlity for th1s loan tn wh1ch case th1s letter is mtended to exerc1se the note
holders nght's agamst the real property only. As requtred by law, you are hereby notified that a negative cred it report reflec tmg on your cred 1t record may be submitted t o a credit re port agency tf
you fat I to fulftll the terms of your credtt
~~~E~a':n~Eg~~~I~E~f~:~WENJ~~: lNG TO COLLECT A OEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Date: Qual· tty Loan Servtce Corporation 2141 5th Avenue San Ot ego, CA 92101 619 -6457711 For NON SALE tnformation only Sale Lme: 714- 573 -1965 Or Logm to: http.// Remstatemen t Ltne: (866) 645- 7711 Ext 5318 Quality Loan Servtce Corp. TS No.: CA-14· 614101 -BF IDSPub #0068741 7125/2014 8/1/2014 B/B/2014 Antioch Press No: 06-1617/63540 July 25, August 1,8, 2014. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER OR ATIORNEY: Kialau na Cook SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA, 725 Court Street Martmez, CA 94553 PETI· TI ON OF: Ktalauna Cook CASE NUMBER: N14-0944 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 1. Pettttoner Ktalauna Cook filed a petitton with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Pres·
ent Name: a. Jahaud Ismail Aldrid ge Jr. to Proposed Name: Jahaud Richard Evans 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons mterested m th1s matter shall appear before this court at the hear· 1ng indicated below to show cause,
tf any, why the petttton for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes descnbed above must file a wntten objection that includ es the reasons for
the objectton at least two court days before the matter ts scheduled to be hea rd and must appear at the hearing
to show cause why the petitton should not be gra nted. If no wntten ObJeCtton ts timely ftled, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING a. Date: 9/5/14Time: 9:00a.m. Dept.: 14 b. The address of the court ts same as noted above 3 a A copy of thts Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successtve weeks prior to the date
set for heanng on the petttton tn the following newspaper of general c1rcula· t ion, printed rn thrs county: Brentwood Press b. Not1ce to the unknown father
ts dispensed with Date: 9/B/2014 J udge of the Superior Court Brentwood Press No. 02-1273,163482 Publish Oates. July 1B, 25, August 1. 8, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Ftle No. F-0004368-00 The name of the business: Hallowee n Out-
let Located at: 310 4th St In: Oakley. CA 94561 ts hereby reg tstered by the followmg owner( s):
Manteca California
dmg on a hen, not on the property ttself. Plactng the htghest btd at a trus tee
Fitness. This business is conducted by: A Ltmtted Ltabtltty Co. The reg tstrant
auct1on does not automatica lly entitle you to free and clear ownershrp of the
commenced to transact bus1ness under the fictrtious bustness name or names
property You should also be aware that the lien being aucttoned off may be a juntor hen If you are th e htghest btdder at the auct1on, you are or may
be responsible for paying off all ltens senior to the hen being auct1oned off, before you can rece1ve clear t1tle to the property. You are encouraged to inves· trgate the existence, pnonty, and size
hsted above on 7/13/14 Stgnature ol regtstrant: Jennifer Challberg • Managtng Member. This statement was filed wtth the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: July 14, 2014 by Deputy M. Fuhrer Expires 7/14/2019 Oakley Press No. 03-0477/63538 Publish dates: July 25, Augu st 1, B, 15,2014.
company, etther of whtch may charge
you and to the pubhc, as a courtesy
you a f ee for this mformation If you consult e1ther of these resourc es, you
Sales Located at: 1104 Auto Center Or In: Anttoch, CA 94509 ts hereby regtstered by the following owner: Eugene
to those not present at the sale. If you
t rustee's sa le or v1s1t th1s Internet Web
w1sh to learn whether your sale date
stte http://www.qualityloan com, using the ftle number asstgned to thts foreclosure by the Trustee: CA-14- 616303-BF.
has been postponed, and, tf appltcable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of thts property, you may call 714573-1965 for information regardtng the
Information about postponements that are very short tn duratron or that occur close m ttme to the scheduled sale
able to convey title for any reason, the
postponements be made avatlable to
the rescheduled t1me and date for the
sale of thts property, you may call 714573-1965 for tnformatton regardtng the
to show cause, tf any, why the pett· tton for change of name should not be
letter 1s intended to exerc1se the note
th1s Not1ce of Sale. If the Trustee 1s unsuccessful btdder's sole and exclusrve remedy shall be the return of montes
la corte que le quede mas cerca. S1no
court at the heanng 1nd1cated below
erty may be obtained by send1ng a wnt-
ten request to the beneficiary wtthin 10 days of the date of ftrst publtcatton of
name of the bustness: California Car
Cahforn1a C1v1l Code. The law requ1res that information about trustee sale
Stgnature of regtstrant Jody J Gtannt. Thts statement was filed wtth the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: July 1, 2014 by Deputy C Ptttman Exptres July 1, 2019 Brentwood Press No. 021273,163427 Publish dates: July 11, 18, 25, August 1. 2014.
dtrecttons to the locatton of the prop-
ther recourse agamst the Mortgagor,
the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney. If you have prevtously been dtscharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal ltabtltty for thts loan tn whtch case thts
recorder's offt ce or a title insurance
has been postponed, and, tf applicable,
prda al secretano de Ia corte que le de un formulario de exenci6n de pago de cuota s S1 no presenta su respu ·
Trustee d1scla1ms any liab1ltty for any
of outstandtng hens that may extst on this property by contacttng the county
en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Californta (www, en Ia btbltoteca de Ieyes de su con dado o en puede pagar Ia cuota de presentaci6n,
pa1d to the Trustee, and the successful
be made, but wrthout covenant or war·
you are constdermg bidding on th1s
Placing the highest b1d at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownershrp of the
ternet Web stte. The best way to venfy postponement Information IS to attend
the scheduled sale. The understgned
title. possession, or encumbrances. to pay the rema1n1ng prmcipal sum of the
property hen, you should understand
nonprofit legal serv1ces program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at
able to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive
remedy shall be the return of montes
Interest thereon, fees, charges and
an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral serv1ce. If you can-
at a trustee auctton. You wtll be biddtng on a hen, not on the property ttself.
are very short 1n duratiOn or that oc· cur close tn t1me to the scheduled sale
may not tmmediately be reflected in the telephone mformatton or on the In-
as provided in the note(s). advances, under the terms of the Oeed of Trust,
torney right away. If you do not know not afford an attorney, you may be eltgtble for free legal servtces from a
ten request to the beneficiary w1th1n 10
days of the date of ftrst publtcat10n of thts Nottce of Sale If the Trustee ts un-
tttled only to a return of the deposit patd. The Purchaser shall have no fur-
l1abtlity for this loan m wh1ch case this letter IS Intended to exerc ise the note
be made, but wrthout covenant or war· ranty, expressed or 1mphed, rega rd ing t itle, possession, or encumbrances, to
catiOn of the Notice of Sale) reasonably esttmated to be set forth below.
dtrections to the locatiOn of the property may be obtamed by sendmg a wrtt·
trustee's sale or v1s1t thts Internet Web
site http://www.qualttyloan com, ustng the ftle number asstgned to thts forec losure by the Trustee· CA-14- 614101-BF. Information about postponements that
discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal
by duly appointed trustee. The sale wtll
under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, f ees, cha rges and
sale of thts property, you may call 714573 -1 965 for mformatton regardtng the
Trustee drsclarms any habrhty for any incorrectness of the property address or other common destgnat1on, 1f any, shown herern. If no street add ress or other common destgnat 1on 1s shown,
tncorrectness of the property address
nattonal bank, check drawn by state or
by a state or federal savmgs and loan
the scheduled sale Th e understgned
Attorney. If you have prevmusly been
to the F1nancral Code and authonzed to do bus1ness 1n thts state, w1ll be held
cashrer's check drawn on a state or natmnal bank, check drawn by state or f edera l credit un1on, or a check drawn
the rescheduled ttme and date for the
or other common desrgnatron, 1f any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation IS shown,
savmgs bank spectfied in Sectton 5102
wtsh to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, tf appltcable,
pos tponement mformation 1s to attend
btdder shall have no further recourse
ATIEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ANO ANY INFORMATION OBTAIN ED WILL BE USEO FOR THAT PURPOS E. Oate: Quality Loan Servtce Corporatton 2141 5th Avenue San Otego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE tnformation only Sale Line: 714- 573-1965 Or Logtn to: http://www.qualttyloan com Reinstatement Lme· (866)645- 7711 Ext 5318 Quality Loan Servtce Corp TS No.: CA-14· 616303-BF IDSPub 110067765 7111/2014 7/18/2014 7/25/2014 Anttoch Press No: 06-1617/63330 Publish Oates: July 11, 18, 25,2014. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No. CA-14-611808-AB Order No.: 8403540 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OFTRUST DATED 2/5/2004. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLA· NATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auctton sale to the htghest btdder for cash,
As an indi vidual defendant Brentwood
ternet Web stte. The best way to vertfy
If the sale 1s set astde for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be en-
the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's
hereby notifted that a negative credtt
The amount may be greater on the day
Californta Courts Onlme Self-Help Cen ter ( gov/selfhelp).
btdder shall have no furt her recourse. If t he sale 1s set aside for any reason,
y el numero de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante
court to hear your case There may be a court form that you can use for your response You can frnd these court forms and more Information at the
patd to the Trustee, and the successful
holders nghrs agatnst th e real prop-
have a copy served on the platnttff. tn proper legal form tf you want the
successful btdder's sole and exclusrve remedy shall be the return of montes
plarntrffs attorney, or plarnttff wrthout an attorney, is: (EI nombre, Ia d1recci6n
A letter or phone call will not protect you Your writte n response must be
Jaxson Noah Sharp to Proposed Name: Jonah J ames Smart. 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested tn thts matter shall appear before thts
two court days before the matter ts
scheduled to be heard and must apthe petttion should not be granted. If
own er: Jody Jean Gianni. Th is busi· ness IS con ducte d by: An lnd1vidual. The reg tstrant commenced to transact business under the f ictitious business name or names listed above on N/A.
granted. Any person obrecting to the name changes descnbed above must frle a wrttten ObJeCtion that rncludes the reaso ns for the objection at least
JULY 25, 2014
trustee's sale or v1sit this Internet Web
stte httpJ/, ustng
should be aware that the same lender
may hold more than one mortgage or
by: An lndtvtdual The regtstrant com-
deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date
menced to transact business under th e fictrt1ous bustness name or names
shown on this not1ce of sale may be postponed one or more t imes by the mortgagee, beneftc1ary, trustee, or a
may not tmmediately be reflected tn the telephone mformatton or on the In-
the f1le number ass1gned to th1s foreclo-
court. pursuant to Sectton 2924g of the
sure by the Trustee: CA-14- 611808-AB.
ternet Web s1te. The best way to verify post ponement mformation is t o attend
InformatiOn about postponements that are very short 1n duration or that oc -
Caltforma Crvtl Code. The law requrres that 1nformat1on about trustee sale postponements be made available to
This bus1ness rs conducted
hsted above on N/A. Stgnature of regIstrant: Eugne Rotter. This statement
was ftled wtth the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: July 15, 2014 by Deputy A. Vasquez Expires 7/15/2019 Anttoch Press No. 06-1617/63530 Pub· hsh dates: July25, August 1. 8, 15,2014.
JULY 25, 2014
NOTICE OF LIEN SALE L1ve Oak Storage, 1315 Mam Street, Oakley Ca 94561, has possessory hen on all of the goods stored m the
deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on th1s notice of sale may be postponed one or more t tmes by the mortgagee, bene ficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Sect1on 2924g of the Cal1fOrn10 C1V1I Code. The law reqUires that 1nformat1on about trustee sale postponements be made ava~l able to you and to the publiC, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you WISh to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, 1f appli cable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call (7141 573-1965 or VISit thiS Internet Web site INWW pnoritypostmg com, using the file number assigned to thiS case 12-4955B. lnformat1on about postponements that are very short in dura· tion or that occur close in t1me to the scheduled sale may not 1mmed1ately be re flected in the telephone 1nformat1on or on the Internet Web site The best way to venfy postponement 1nforma· tion 1s to attend the scheduled sale. The Declaration pursuant to California C1v1l Code, Sect1on 2923.5(a) was ful · filled when the Notice of Default was recorded on 3128/2012 Date: 7/17/2014 Old Republic Default Management Services, A Division of Old Republic NatiOnal Title Insurance Company, as Trustee 500 C1ty Parkway West, SUite 200, Orange, CA 92B6B·2913 (B66) 2635802 For Sale Information Contact: Pnonty Posting & Pubi1Sh1ng (714) 5731965 Dalays1a Ra m1rez, Trustee Sale Off1cer "We are attempting to collect a debt. and any mformatwn we obta1n Will be used for that purpose." P1104236 7/25, B/1, 08/08/2014 Oakley Press No: 03-0477/63553 PubliSh Dates. July 25, August 1. B, 2014.
formation. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWN· ER· The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more t tmes by the mortgag ee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civ1l Code. The law requires that informatiOn about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale If you WISh to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled t1me and date for the sale of this property, you may call (714) 730-2727 or VISit this Internet Web Site WWW.LPSASAP.COM, USing the file number assigned to this case 004453-CA. Information about postponements that are very short m duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not tmme· diately be reflected m the telephone 1nformat1on or on the Internet Web site The best way to verify postponement 1nformat1on 1s to anend the scheduled sale FOR SALES INFORMATION: (714) 730-2727 Date: 7/ 11/2014 Date Execut· ed: ·CLEAR RECON CORP. By: ·.Autho· nzed Signature CLEAR RECON CORP 4375 Jutland Dnve Suite 200 San Diego, Cahforn1a 921 17 A· 4471794 07/2512014, 08/01/2014, OB/08/2014 Oakley Press No 03-0477/63498 Publish Dates: July 25, August 1. B, 2014
as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, 1f applicable, the rescheduled ume and date for the sale of thts prop· erty, you may call, (714)730-2727 for info rmat1on regardmg the trustee's sale or v1s1t thts Internet Web site,, for information regarding the sale of th1s prop· erty, using the file number asstgned to this case, T.S I 9551 -1653 Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close 1n time to the scheduled sale may not Immediately be reflected m the telephone mformauon or on the Internet Web site. Th e best way to venfy postponement info rmat1on IS to attend the scheduled sale. lf the Trustee 1s unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of mon1es pa1d to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. NBS Default Serv1ces, LLC 301 E. Ocean Blvd Suite 1720 Long Beach, CA 90B02 B00-7667751 For Trustee Sale Information Log On To: or Call (7141730-2727. NBS Default Servtces, LLC, Kym Lat, Foreclosure Associate Th1s communic ation ts an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained w1ll be used fo r that purpose. However, If you have re ceived a diScharge of the debt referenced herem m a bankruptcy proceedmg, th1s 1s not an attempt to 1mpose personal liability upon you for payment of that debt. In the event you have recetved a bankruptcy discharge, any action to en· force the debt Will be taken against the property only A- 4470752 07/18/2014, 07/25/2014,08/01/2014 Oakley Press No: 03-0477/63460 Publish Dates: July 1B, 25, August 1, 2014.
the telephone 1nformat1on or on the Internet Web s1te. The best way to venfy postponement information IS to attend the scheduled sale. The unders1gned Trustee disclaims any hab1hty for any mcorrectness of the property address or other common des1gnat1on, 1f any, shown herem. If no street address or other common designation is shown, d~rect10ns to the locat1on of the property may be ob tamed by sending a writ· ten request to the beneficiary Within 10 days of the date of f~rst publica tiOn of th1s Notice of Sale. If the Trustee 1s un· able to convey title for any reason, the successful btdder's sole and exclusrve remedy shall be the return of montes pa1d to the Trustee, and the successful b1dder shall have no further recourse. If the sale 1s set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the depoSit patd. The Purchaser shall have no fur· ther recourse aga1nst the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Anorney. If you have prevmusly been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal l1ab1lity for this loan m wh1ch case this letter IS Intended to exercise the note holders nght's aga1nst the real property only As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflectmg on your credit record may be submitted to a credtt report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of
trustee's sale or VISit th1s Internet Web Site httpJ/, usmg the file number assigned to thiS foreclosure by the Trustee: CA-13· 6009B2-JP. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that oc· cur close 10 ttme to the scheduled sale may not tmmedtately be reflected 1n the telephone information or on the In· ternet Web Site. The best way to venfy pos tponement mformation 1s to attend the scheduled sale. The undersigned Trustee d1Scla1ms any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common destgnatton, 1f any, shown here1n. If no street address or other common destgnauon 1s shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtamed by sendmg a wnt· ten request to the beneficiary w1th1n 10 days of the date of f1rst publicatiOn of thiS Not1ce of Sale. If the Trustee IS unable to convey tttle for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of mon1es pa td to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale 1S set astde for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be en· titled only to a return of the deposit pa1d. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse agamst the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney. If you have prev1ously been diScharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal hab1l1ty for thiS loan m wh1ch case thiS letter 1s in tended to exerctse the note holders nght's against the real property only. As requ~red by law, you are hereby nottfied that a negatiVe credn report reflecting on your credtt record may be subm1tted to a cred1t report agency 1f you fail to fulfill the terms of
w1sh to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, 1f applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of thiS property, you may call BOO· 2B0-2832 for mformation regarding the trustee's sale or VISit thts Internet Web Site http://www.qualityloan com, usmg the f1le number asstgned to th1s foreclo· sure by the Trustee: CA-14- 610280-JP. lnformat1on about postponements that are very short 1n duratiOn or that oc· cur close 1n t1me to the scheduled sale may not 1mmed1ately be reflected 10 the telephone Information or on the In· ternet Web Site The best way to verify postponement rnformat1on ts to attend the scheduled sale. The undersigned Trustee diSclaims any liability fo r any Incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, 1f any, shown herein. If no street address or other common des1gnat1on 1S shown, d1rect10ns to the location of the prop· erty may be obtained by sendmg a written request to the benef1C10ry w1thm 10 days of the date of first publication of thiS Not1ce of Sale. If the Trustee IS unable to convey t1tle for any reason, the successful btdder's sole and exclustve remedy shall be the return of mon1es p01d to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be en titled only to a return of the depostt paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recours e aga1nst the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney. If you have previously been diScharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in wh1ch case this letter ts 1ntended to exerc1se the note holders nght's agamst the real prop· erty only. As required by law, you are hereby not1f1ed that a negat1ve cred1t repo rt reflectmg on your credtt record may be submitted to a credit report agency 1f you fail to fulfill the terms of
prospective units below
The Goods
are described as Furniture, Tools, and miScellaneous personal Property Items be1n9 sold pursuant to the assertiOn of the hen on August 7, 201 4 at 8:45A.M. In order to collect the amounts due
from you the sale Will take place at 1315 Main Street Oakley, Ca. 94561, County of Contra Costa, State of Cahforn1a, ThiS Lten Sa te is pursuant to Chapter 10, Section 21700-21716 of the Cahforn1a Self Serv1ce Storage Fac1hty Act. Unitt Name
43Angela Thule
~;~ ~:~:~~(!'ahr~' Atkinson 367 Jacky Recalt 368 Keith Schatek 398 Robert Ro seb oro AuctiOn IS to be held by and John Cardoza I 5B60B70. Owner reserves the nght to b1d at the sale. Purchase must be cash only pa1d at t1me of the sale. Sate 1s subJeCt to pnor cancellatiOn m the event of settlement between owner
and obligated party I Oakley Press No: 03 -0477/63586 Publish Dates: July 25, August 1, 201 4. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE SALE T.S. No.: 12-49558 TSG Order No.: 1129659 A.P.N.: 035-153-009 ATTENTION RECORDER: THE FOLLOWING REFERENCE TO AN ATTACHED SUMMARY IS APPLICABLE TO THE NOTICE PROVIDED TO THE TRUSTOR ONLY PURSUANT TO CA CIVIL CODE 2923.3 • NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT ATTACHED )t : -'l<:lti't--@~ -1'1! ,llll~ ~ 11Af!,l': ~
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YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 11/1/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On B/19/201 4 at 1:00PM, Old Republic Default Management Serv1ces, a D IVISIOn of Old Repub· he Nat1onal litle Insurance Company as duly appomted Trustee pursuant to the Deed ofTrust, Recorded 11/21/2005 as Instrument No. 2005- 044B88B·OO m book --, page -- of Official Records m the off1ce of the Recorder of Contra Costa County, Cahforma, executed by: RICARDO SALINAS AND HEATHER SALINAS, HUSBAND AND WIFE, as Trustor, DOWNEY SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, F.A., A FEDERALLY CHARTERED SAVINGS ASSOCIATION as Benef1c1ary. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTI ON TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable m full at t1me of sale by cash, a cash1er's check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal cred tt unmn, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan assoctation, savmgs assoctatton, or sav1ngs bank spec1fled m sectiOn 5102 of the Fmanc1al Code and authonzed to do bus1ness m this state). Behmd the C1v1c Center desIgnatiOn Sign at the corner of W1llow Pass Road and ParkSide Drive, 1900 Parkside Drive Concord, CA 94519 all nght, t1tle and Interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated '" sa1d County and state, and as more fully descnbed in the above referenced Deed of Trust. The street address and other common deSignatiOn, 1f any, of the rea l property descnbed above is purported to be: 514 THIRD ST. OAKLEY, CA 94561 The unders1gned Trustee diSclaims any liab1lity for any mcorrectness of the street address and other common deSignatiOn, 1f any, shown herem. Sa1d sale w1ll be made in an "AS IS" conditton, but w1thout covenant or warranty, expressed or 1mplied, regardmg t1tle, possess1on, or encumbrances, to pay the remammg pnnctpal sum of the note(sf secured by sa1d Oeed of Trust, with mterest thereon, as provtded m sa1d note(s), advances, 1f any, under the terms of the Oeed ol Trust, est1· mated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by sa1d Deed of Trust. to-w1t: S473,0B1 60 (Estimated). Accrued 1nterest and addtttona l advances, tf any, w1ll increase thiS fig ure pnor to sale. It IS posSible that at the t1me of sale the opening b1d may be less than the total mdebtedness due NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are constde nng btdd1ng on this property hen, you should understand tha t there are nsks mvolved m b1ddmg at a trustee auct1on. You w1ll be b1d· dmg on a lien, not on the property itself. Placmg the highest bid at a trustee auct1on does not automatically entitl e you to free and clear ownersh1p of the property. You should also be aware that the hen bemg auctioned off may be a run1or l1en. If you are the h1ghest bidder at the auctiOn, you are or may be responsible for paymg off all hens senior to the l1en be1ng auct1oned off, before you can rece1ve clear t1tle to the property. You are encouraged to mves· ttgate th e existence, prionty, and s1ze of outstandmg l1ens that may ex1st on this property by contacting the county recorder's office or a tttle 1nsurance company, e1ther of wh1ch may charge you a fee for this mformation. If you consult e1ther of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S. No.: 9551 -1653 TSG Order No: 14006992B-CA-MAI A.P.N · 035-300-0029 NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT ATTACHED (The above statement is made pursuant to CA C1v11 Code SecNOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Pursuant to CA Civil Code 2923.3 APN: tiOn 2923.3(c)(1) The Summary Will be 037-223-006-0 T.S. No. 004453-CA provided to Trustor(sl and/or vested NOTE: THERE IS A SUMMARY OF THE owner(sl only, pursuant to CA C1V1I INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT Code Section 2923.3(c)(2).J YOU ARE ATTACHED IMPORTANT NOTICE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DATED 10/30/2003. UNLESS YOU TAKE DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, ACTION TO PROTE CT YOUR PROP· DATED 7/19/2005 UNLESS YOU TAKE ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROP· SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION ERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CON TACT OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING A LAWYER. NBS Default Serv1ces, LLC, AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CON- as the duly appOinted Trustee, under TACT A LAWYER On B/15/2014 at 900 and pursuant to the power of sale AM, CLEAR RECON CORP., as duly ap- conta1ne d 10 that certain Deed of Trust pomted trustee under and pursuant Recorded 11/07/2003 as Document No: to Deed of Trust recorded 7/2212005, 2003-0550446-00, of Offic1al Records as Instrument No. 2005-0271154-00, '" the off1ce of the Recorder of Contra of Olfic1al Records in the office of Costa County, California, execu ted by· the County Recorder of Contra Costa NATHAN R. VANEK, JR ANO SANDRA County, State of CALI FORNIA exe cuted M. PARKS-VANEK, HUSBAND AND by: DARRYL A. CASH AND DEBRALYNN WIFE, as Trustor, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC CASH, HUSBAND AND WIFEAS JOINT AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER TENANTS WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUC - FOR CASH (payable m full at t1me of TION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, sale by cash, a cashmr's check drawn CASHIER'S CHECK DRAWN ON A by a state or nat1onal bank, a check STATE OR NATI ONAL BANK, A CHECK drawn by a state or federal cred1t uniOn, DRAWN BY A STATE OR FEDERAL or a check drawn by a state or federal CREDIT UNION, OR A CHECK DRAWN savings and loan association, savtngs BY A STATE OR FEDERAL SAVINGS assoctat1on, or sav1ngs bank spec1f1ed AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, SAVINGS 1n sect1on 5102 of the Fmancial Code ASSOCIATION, OR SAVINGS BANK and authorized to do business m this SPECIFIED IN SECTION 5102 OF THE state) All nght. t1tle and Interest con FINANCIAL CODE AND AUTHORIZED veyed to and now held by 1t under sa1d TO DO BUSINESS IN THIS STATE: At Deed of Trust m the property situated the north Side of the P1ttsburg C1V1C 1n sa1d County and state, and as more Center near the grass located at 65 fully descnbed 1n the above referenced C1v1c Avenue, Pittsburg, CA 94565 all Deed of Trust. Sale Date and lime· nght. t1tle and Interest conveyed to and 08/12/2014 at 09:00 AM Sale LocatiOn now held by 1t under sa1d Deed of Trust At the north Side of the Pittsburg Civ1c m the property Situated in said County Center near the grass located at 65 Avand State descnbed as. AS MORE enue, P1ttsburg, CA 94565 The street ad FULLY DESCRIBED ON SAID DEED OF dress and other common des1gnat10n, TRUST The street address and other if any, of the real property descnbed common des1gnatton, 1f any, of the real above IS purported to be: 523· 4TH property descnbed above is purported STREET, OAKLEY, CA 94561 The under· to be 5226 IRONWOOD LN. OAKLEY, signed Trustee diSclaims any liability CALIFORNIA 94561 The unders1gned for any 1ncorrectness of the street ad Trustee d1scla1ms any liability for any dress and other common des1gnat10n, mcorrectness of the street address if any, shown herem. Sa1d sale will be and other co mmon des,gnat1on, 1f any, made 1n an "AS IS" conditiOn, butw1th· shown herein. Sa1d sale w1ll be held, out covenant or warranty, expressed or but Without covenant or warranty, ex· implied, regarding title, possesston, or press or 1mphed, regardmg t1tle, pos- encumbrances, to pay the remammg session, conditiOn, or encumbrances, principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, With mterest ~~c~~~in~~;t~~ ~~~r~~st;~dtr~~fsencsr~~ thereon, as prov1ded '" s01d note(s). ated by sa1d Deed of Trust, to pay the advances, 1f any, under the terms of the remaming principal sums of the note(s) Deed of Trust, estimated fees. charges secured by sa1d Deed of Trust. The to- and expenses of the Trustee and of the tal amount of the unpaid balance of the trusts created by satd Deed of Trust, obligation secured by the property to be to-w1t $205,980.B5 (Estimatedf as of sold and reasonable est1mated costs, 08/06/2014. Accrued Interest and ad expenses and advances at the t1me of ditiOnal advances, if any, wtll increase the init1al publication of the Notice of thiS figure prior to sale It is possible Sale IS. S415,320.B5 If the Trustee IS un- that at the t1me of sale the opemng bid able to convey title for any reason, the may be less than the tota l tndebtedness successful bidder's sole and exclusive due. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS· remedy shall be the return of mon1es If you are conSidenng b1ddmg on thiS pa1d to the Trustee, and the successful property lien, you should understand bidder shall have no further recourse. that there are nsks mvolved in bidding The benef1c1ary under SOld Deed of at a trustee auct1on You w1ll be b1d· Trust here tofore executed and de· ding on a l1en, not on the property nself. livered to the undersigned a written Plac1ng the highest b1d at a trustee aucDeclaratiOn of Default and Demand for tiOn does not automatiCally ent1tle you Sale, and a wntten Not1ce of Default to free and clear ownership of the prop· erty. You should also be aware that the hen bemg auct1oned off may be a Juntor tion to Sell to be recorded m the county hen. If you are the highest bidder at the where the rea l property IS located NO- auctton, you are or may be responsible TI CE TO POTEN TIAL BIDDERS: If you for paymg off all hens semor to the hen are cons1denng b1dd1ng on th1s prop· bem~ auctwned off, before you can erty lien, you should understand that rece1ve clear title to the property You there are nsks mvolved 1n b1ddmg at a are encouraged to 1nvest1gate the extrustee auctiOn. You w1ll be b1dd1ng on IStence, pnonty, and stze of outstanding a lien, not on the property itself. Plac- hens that may exiSt on this property by mg the hrghest b1d at a trustee auct1on contact1ng the county recorder's off1ce does not automatically entitle you to or a tttle Insurance company, etther free and clear ownership of the prop- of wh1ch may charge you a fee for this erty You should also be aware that the mformat1on If you consult e1ther of lien be1ng auctwned off ma y be a JUnior these resources, you should be aware lien. If you are the highest bidder at the that the same lender may hold more auct10n, you are or may be respons1ble than one mortgage or deed of trust on for paymg off all hens senmr to the hen the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY being auctioned off, before you can OWNER· The sale date shown on this rece1ve clear t1tle to the property. You not1ce of sale may be postponed one are encouraged to investigate the ex· or more Urnes by the mortgagee, ben· tstence, prionty, and stze of outstanding eftciary, trustee, or a court, pursuant hens that may exiSt on thiS property by to Sec t1on 2924g of the Cahforma C1V11 contactmg the county recorder's offtce Code. The law requ1res that mformation or a title Insurance company, either of about trustee sale postponements be wh1ch may charge you a fee for thiS m- made ava~lab l e to you and to the pub he,
~~~s~~~~~nNt~t~~=~~f 1~~a~~d::~~~~~~
NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No. CA-13-599066-JP Order No.: 1530100YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 12/9/2004. UN· LESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO TECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLA· NATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PRO· CEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auct1on sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashter's check drawn on a state or nat1onal bank, check drawn by state or federal credit un1on, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan assocJat1on, or sav1ngs assOCiatiOn, or savmgs bank spectfied m Sect1on 5102 to the Financial Code and authorized to do busmess '"thiS state, w1ll be held by duly appoin ted trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or war· ranty, expressed or 1mpl1ed, rega rd1ng title, possessiOn, or encumbrances, to pay the remammg principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided 1n the note(s). advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, mterest thereon, fees, cha rges and expenses of the Trustee for the total a mount (at the t1me of the 1M1al publi· catwn of the Not1ce of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor( s): KAREY M. KNOWLES, A SINGLE WOMAN, RAMSEY JACKSON, A SINGLE MAN Recorded 12/21/2004 as Instrument No. 2004-0488719-00 of Offictal Records in the off1ce of the Recorder of CONTRA COSTA County, Cal1forn1a; Date of Sale: B/1/2014 at 9:00:00 AM Place of Sale· At the north Side of the Pittsburg Civic Center near the grass located at 65 C1V1C Av enue, Pittsburg, CA 94565 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $2B5.465.16 The purported property address IS: 1022 SAINT FRANCES DR, ANTIOCH, CA 94509 Assessor's Parcel No.: 071-011012 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are cons1denng btddmg on th1s property l1en, you should understand tha t there are nsks Involved 1n b1ddmg at a trustee auctton. You will be bid· d1ng on a lien, not on the property Itself. Placmg the h1ghest bid at a trustee auc tion does not automatic ally entttle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the hen be1ng aucttoned off may be a runior hen. If you are the highest btdder at the auct1on, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens sen1or to the lien being auctioned off, before you can rece1ve clear t1tle to the property. You are encouraged to mves· tigate the existen ce, pnority, and size of outstand1ng l1ens that may ex1st on this property by contacttng the county recorder's offic e or a tttle insuran ce company, e1ther of wh1ch may charge you a fee for this informatiOn. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on thts notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, benef1C1ary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Sectwn 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requ~res that 1nformat10n about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale If you w1sh to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled t1me and date for the sale of thiS property, you may call 714· 730-2727 for information regarding the trustee's sale or VISit th1s Internet Web Site, usmg the file number asSigned to thiS foreclosure by the Trustee. CA-13· 599066-JP. Information about postponements that are very short m duration or that oc· cur close m t1me to the scheduled sale may not 1mmed1ately be reflected 1n
~~"c6~8:h~~~Ba~•gh~ut~~nc~~~ ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATIO N OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Date: Quality Loan Serv1ce Corporation 2141 5th Avenue San D1ego, CA 92101 619-645-771 1 For NON SALE mforma· tion only Sale Line: 714· 730-2727 Or Log1n to: Reinstatement Lme· (B66) 645- 7711 Ext 531B Quality Loan Serv1ce Corp TS No.: CA-13· 599066-JP IDSPub 110068117 7/11/201 4 7/18/2014 7/2512014 AntiOCh Press No: 06-1617/63403 PubliSh Dates: July 11, lB, 25, 2014. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No. CA-1H 009B2-JP Order No.: 1542260 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 1/1312005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTI ON TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A pub· l1c auct1on sale to the highest bidder for cash. cashier's check drawn on a state or nat1onal bank, check drawn by state or federal cred1t umon. or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan assoc1at1on, or sav1ngs assocta· tmn, or sav1ngs bank spec1f1ed 1n Sec· tion 5102 to the Financial Code and authonzed to do busmess in tht s state, will be held by duly appomted trustee. The sale w1ll be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or imphed, regardmg t1tle, possessiOn, or encum· brances, to pay the rema1n1ng principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust. w1th Interest and late charges thereon, as provided 1n the note(s). advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, mterest thereon, fees. charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount fat the time of the 101t1al publicatiOn of the Not1ce of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below.
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m ~~~7~~f"~oer ~oND'~i~E ~~f;;~~~ tlon only Sale Lme· 714· 730-2727 Or Login to· httpJ/ Re mstatement L1ne: (806)645- 7711 Ext 531B Quality Loan Serv1ce Corp. TS No.: CA-13- 6009B2-JP IDSPub 110068771 7/25/2014 B/1/2014 B/B/2014 AntiOCh Press No· 06-1617/63540 Publish Dates: July 25, August 1, B, 2014. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS No. CA-14-610280-JP Order No.: 157B85B YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 6/10/2003. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO· TECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A pub· he auctiOn sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier's check drawn on a sta te or nat1onal bank, check drawn by state or federal credit umon, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan assoc1at10n, or savmgs assoc1a· uon, or savings bank specified in Sec· t10n 51 02 to the Financial Code and authonzed to do bus10ess 1n th1s sta te, wtll be held by duly appoin ted trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or 1mphed, regarding title, possessiOn, or encum· brances, to pay the remaining princtpal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with in terest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, Interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the t1me of the 1n1ttal publication of the Not1ce of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below
BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE Trustor(s) ROBERT SILVA AND MARGARET SILVA, HUSBAND AND WIFE Recorded. 1/20/2005 as Instrument No. 2005-0021425- 00 and modified as per ModificatiOn Agreement recorded 4/2/2010 as Instrument No. 0 2010- 0065763-00 of Offic1al Records ~~~:~~·s~~~nc~U;"~t~~ E"L~~~ '" the off1c e of the Recorder of CON- BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT TRA COSTA County, California; Date of DUE. Trustor(s). RHONDA LYNN OLIVER Sale: B/15/2014 at 9:00:00 AM Place of Recorded: 6/12/2003 as Instrument No. Sale: At the north Side of the Pittsburg 2003-0276962-00 of Official Records 1n Civic Center near the grass located at the off1ce of the Recorder of CONTRA 65 C1v1c Avenue, P1ttsburg, CA 94565 COSTA County, California; Date of Sale: Amount of unpaid balance and other B/11/2014 at 9:00AM Place of Sale At charges: $350,622.43 The purported the Corner of W1llow Pass Road and property address IS: 3423 DIM AGGIO Parks1de Drive behmd the Civic Center WAY, ANTIOCH, CA 94509 Assessor's designation sign, located at 1900 ParkParcel No.: 076-493-015 NOTICE TO PO - Side Dnve, Concord, CA 94519 Amount TENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are conSider- of unpa td balance and other charges: mg b1ddmg on thiS property hen, you SIBS, 102 25 The purported property should understand that there are risks address IS: 5233 FAIRSIDE WAY, AN· 1nvolved m bidd1ng at a trustee auct1on. TIOCH, CA 94531 Assessor's Parcel No.: You w1ll be b1ddmg on a lien, not on the 056-260-009 NOTICE TO POTENTIAL property itself. Placing the highest bid BIDDERS: If you are conSidenng bid· at a trustee auct1on does not automati· dmg on thiS property hen, you should cally ent1tle you to free and clear own- understand that there are risks involved ership of the property You should also m b1ddmg at a trustee auctton. You wtll be aware that th e lien bemg aucttoned be bidding on a lien, not on the prop· off may be a rumor l1en If you are the erty Itself Placmg the highest b1d at a highest bidder at the auction, you are trustee auct1on does not automatiCally or may be responSible for paying off all entttle you to free and clear owner· hens semor to the hen bemg auct1oned ship of the property You should also off. before you can receive clear t1tle be aware that the hen bemg auctiOned to the property. You are encouraged to off may be a JUnior lien. If you are the 1nvest1gate the extstence, pnonty, and highest bidder at the auction, you are size of outstanding liens that may ex· or may be responSible for pay1ng off all 1St on thiS property by contacting the hens semor to the hen being auctwned county recorder's off1ce or a t1tle m· off, before you can receive clear title surance company, either of whtch may to the property. You are encouraged to charge you a fee for th1s mformatron. If investiga te the existence, pnonty, and you consult etther of these resources, stze of outstanding liens that may ex· you should be aware that the same 1St on thiS property by contac tmg the lender may hold more than one mort· county recorder's office or a title 1n· gage or deed of trust on the property. surance company, either of which may NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The charge you a fee for thiS mformat1on. If sale date shown on this nottce of sale you consult either of these resources, may be postponed one or more t1mes you should be aware that the same by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, lender may hold more than one mortor a court, pursuant to Section 2924g gage or deed of trust on the property. of the Califorma C1v1l Code. The law NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER· The requires that Information about trustee sale date shown on th ts not1ce of sale sale postponements be made ava1lable may be postponed one or more times to you and to the public, as a courtesy by the mortgagee, benef1c1ary, trustee, to those not present at the sale. If you or a co urt, pursuant to SectiOn 2924g wtsh to learn whether your sale date of the Cahforn1a C1vil Cod e. The law has been postponed, and, 1f applicable, req wre s that informatiOn about trustee the rescheduled time and date for the sale postponements be made ava1lable sale of thiS property, you may call 714- to you and to the public, as a courtesy 730-2727 for mformatiOn regardmg the to those not present at the sale. If you
m~6~~~1~~f"~.e, s~oNDi~i~E ~~f;:~~~ Mn only Sale L1ne: BOO- 2B0-2B32 Or Lo~1n to: http://www Remstatement Line: (866) 645- 771 1 Ext 5318 Quality Loan Serv1ce Corp. TS No.: CA-14· 610280-JP IDSPub #0067752 7/11/2014 7/18/2014 7/25/2014 Antioch Press No: 06 -1617/63341 Publish Da tes: July 11, 1B, 25,201 4. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER OR ATTORNEY: Elizabeth Frances Funcannon SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA, 725 Pme St Martmez, CA 94553 PETITION OF: Elizab eth Frances Fun cannon CASE NUMBER: N1 4-0951 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS· 1. PetitiOner Elizabeth Frances Funcannon filed a petit1on with this court for a decree chang1ng names as follows: Present Nam e: a. Elizabeth Frances Funcannon b. Elizabeth Frances An· derson c. Elizabeth Frances Street to Proposed Nam e: Elizabeth Frances Anderson. 2. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested m thts matter shall appear before thiS court at the heanng tndicated below to show cause, if any, why the petttion for change of name should not be granted. Any person obJecting to the name changes described above must file a wntten obJeCtion that 1ncludes the reasons for the ObJeCtiOn at least two court days before the mat· ter IS scheduled to be heard and must appear at the heanng to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no wntten obJeCtion ts timely filed, the court ma y gra nt the petitiOn w1th· out a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING a. Date: 9/B/14 Time: 9:00a.m. Dept: 14 Room: 212 b. The address of the court 1s same as noted above 3. a A copy of thiS Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successtve weeks prior to the date set for heanng on the petitiOn m the followmg newspaper of general Circulation, printed 1n th1s county: Brentwood Press Date: July 10, 2014 Judge of the Supenor Court Brentwood Press No. 02-1273163507 PubliSh Dates: July 1B, 25, August 1, B, 2014. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT F1le No. F-000430B·OO The name of the business: Freedom Home Health Care Located at: 16BB Edera Place ln. Brentwood,CA 945131S hereby
~~~~~e;e~at~~ta t~~h~!~~:in~h~~~~:~~ ness 1s conducted by· An Individual. The registrant commenced to transact bus1n ess under the f1Ct1t1ous bus1ness name or names liste d above on N/A. Signature of registrant: Monica. This statement was filed w1th the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: July 10, 2014 by Deputy M. Fuhrer Expires 7/10/2019 Brentwood Press No. 02· 1273163505 Publish dates: July lB, 25, August 1, 8, 2014
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMEN T F1le No. F-0004137-00 The name of the busmess: Polaris Pest Elimination Located at: 4799 Bayside Way In· Oakley, CA 94561 IS hereby regiStered by the followmg owner: D and D Polaris Inc. This bustness is con· ducted by: A Corporation. The registrant commenced to transact bus1ness under the fictitious bustness name or names listed above on 1/2/2010. Signature of regiStrant: Darrell Flores-PreSIdent. This statement was f1led with the County Clerk of Contra Costa County on: July 2, 2014 by Deputy L Bararas Expires 7/2/2019 Oakley Press No. 030477163429 PubliSh dates: July 11, 1B, 25, August 1, 2014.
JULY 25, 2014
SPONSORED BY Unident~ed subjects entered the locked garages of homes under constructiOn on Stratford Way and removed water heaters inverters Ju 1y 14, 8' ..44 a.m . and miscellaneous electrical components.
The fo llowing is a sampling of recent activity reported by local law enforcement agencies.
from C harmstone Court. July 17, 10:15 a.m. On O'H ara Avenue, two toolboxes were taken from a n open ba rn.
July 9, 2:56 p.m. A subject was arrested for attempting to cash a fraudulent check at a bank on Second Street. July 9, 4:14 p.m. On Broderick Drive, an unknown subject smashed the window of a pa rked vehicle and stole $ 1,400 in cash. July 9, 5:43 p.m. T hree "N o Parking" signs were taken from Vineyards Parkway. July 9, 10:38 p.m. On Valley Green Drive, the use of illegal fireworks resulted in a small grass fire. July 10, 4:22p.m. On Sand Creek Road a subject broke the window of a parked ~e hicle in an attempt to steal it. Estimated damage: $450. July 10, 9:15 p.m. A subject was a rrested for robbing a victim of a cell phone on Pescara Boulevard. July 11, 10:02 a.m. On Armstrong Way, an unidentified subject entered several vehicles a nd stole electronic components during the night. July 11 , 4:21 p.m. A purse was taken from a locker on G riffith La ne. July 12, 6:56p.m. On Lone Tree Way, a driver under the influence of a central nervous stimulant was arrested after he collided with a pa rked vehicle. July 13, 10:19 p.m. A wheelchair was taken from a front lawn on Orchard Drive. July 14, 8:44 a.m. Unidentified subjects entered the locked garages of homes under construction on Stratford Way and removed water heaters, inverters a nd miscellaneous electrical components. Estimated Joss: $11 ,000. July 15, 7:31 a.m. On Balfour Road, a subject fled the scene after driving into a jogger. July 15, 8:33 a.m. Items were ta ken fro m an unlocked vehicle on Foothill Drive. July 15, 4:11 p.m. A backyard fire da maged a fence on Griffith Lane. July 16, 11:48 a.m. A vehicle was stolen
July 15, 5:58 a.m. An auto burglary occurred on the 200 block of Silver Bell Way. July 15, 7:27a.m. Vehicle theft was reported on the I 000 block of Vineyard Drive. July 15, 6:35 p.m. Petty theft occurred on the 5000 block of Live Oak Avenue. July 16, 5:03 a.m. An auto burgla ry occurred on the 300 block of M yrtle Lane. July 16, 4:25 p.m. Petty theft occurred on the 1400 block of Wildcat Way. July 17, 2:48 p.m. Terro rist threats were made on the 20 block of Bramante Court. July 17, 11:21 p.m. A police officer responded to the report of a loud pa rty on the 300 block of Stratford Place. July 18, 2:32 p.m. Petty theft occurred on the 10 block of Leila Court. July 18, 6:13p.m. Vehicle theft occurred on the 1700 block of Peca n Court. July 18, 11:36 p.m. A subject was arrested for public intoxication on the 4100 block o f Brown Road. July 19, 1:25 a.m. A subject was a rrested for obstruction of justice on Alaria Drive at Manresa Shore Lane. July 19, 2:48 p.m. A subject was arrested for public intoxicatio n on the 700 block of Kineo Court. July 20, 2:12 a.m. On the 1100 block of Jorda n Lane, a subject was a rrested fo r driving under the influence of a lcohol. July 20, 3:22 p.m. Petty theft occurred on the 2000 block of M ain Street. July 20, 9:43 p.m. A strong-arm robbery occurred on La Vista Drive at G um Tree Road.
DISCOVERY BAY July 7, 12:17 a.m. An auto burgla ry occurred on Dra kes Drive. July 7, 5:37 p.m. A n officer responded to a report of a suspicious circumsta nce at a local grocery sto re.
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Brentwood's Best Deal! Call Scott Today 634-1289 4501 O'Hara Ave., Brentwood July 7, 9:38p.m. An officer responded to a report of loud music on Surfside Place at Sand Point Court. July 8, 2:18 a.m. An officer conducted a suspicious person stop on Discovery Bay Boulevard at Willow Lake Road. July 9, 3:42 p.m. An officer responded to a report of a suspicious circumsta nce at a local grocery st ore. July 9, 7:40 p.m. Terrorist threats were mad e on N ew Melones C ircle. July 9, 10:19 p.m. A n officer responded to a rep ort of a suspicio us circ umsta nce on Beacon Place at N ewport Drive. July 10, 3:11 a.m. An officer responded to a report of loud music on Discovery Bay Boulevard at Cabrillo Point. July 10, 7:46 a.m. A commercia l burgla ry was reported on Discovery Bay Bouleva rd at Sand Point Road . July 10, 10:37 a.m. An officer responded to a report of a purse snatching at a local grocery store. July 10, 11:15 a.m. Petty theft from avehicle was reported on Seal Way. July 11, 12:24 a.m. Petty theft was repo rted on Sailboat Drive. July 11, 4:49 p.m. An o fficer responded to the rep ort of a suspicio us vehicle on Cabrillo Point. July 11 , 5:50p.m. A n officer responded to a report of loud music on Riverlake Road. July 11, 7:12 p.m. An officer responded to the report of a juvenile disturbance on Otter Brook Loop. July 11, 10:39 p.m. Grand theft from a building occurred on Discovery Bay Boulevard. July 12, 9:25 p.m. Illegal fireworks were reported on Ma rlin Drive. July 12, 11:07 p.m. An officer responded to the repo rt of a suspicio us vehicle a t the Sa ndy Cove Shopping Center.
ANTIOCH July 1, 9:08 a.m. An unknown subject fo rced entry into a Buc kskin Drive residence via a side window.
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July 1, 11:10 a.m. A woma n was robbed of her gold necklace on the I 000 block of St. Fra nces Drive. July 1, 10:01 p.m. A Windsor Drive resident rep orted that someone broke a rea r window a nd entered her ho me. N othing appeared to be taken. July 2, 1:04 p.m. Jewelry was ta ken from a ho me on the 3900 block of Caldera Way. July 3,11:15 a.m. An 11-year-old boy was shot on I Street. July 3, 6:46p.m. A subject was robbed at gunpoint on the 2400 block of A Street. July 6, 10:23 p.m. A subject was robbed at gunpoint of his cell phone a nd wa llet on Sycamore D rive at Peppertree Way. July 6, 10:44 p.m. On the 2300 block of Syca mo re Drive, a subject was robbed of his phone. July 6, 11:20 p.m. An unknown subject forced entry into a ho me on the 5300 block of Rockrose Court. July 7, 10:14 p.m. A subject was robbed at gunpoint of her purse on G Street at West Tregallas Road . July 8, 12:48 a.m. A woma n was robbed on the 2000 block of San Jose Drive. July 8, 9:18 a.m. A ma n was a ttacked on the 1400 block of St. Frances Drive. July 9, 8:45 a.m. An unknown subject bro ke into a sto rage locker on the 200 block of Wilbur Avenue. July 9, 11:02 p.m. On West Second Street at G Street , a woman was robbed at gunpoint of her keys a nd purse. July 10, 3:26 p.m. An unknown subject forced entry into a ho me on the 4500 block of Bison Way. July 10, 4:17 p.m. An unknown subject forced entry into a ho me on the 2000 block of Tupelo Way. July 11, 9:49 a.m. On Golf Course Road at Cache Peak Drive, a subject was robbed a nd cut with a n unknown object. July 12, 1:43 p.m. A subject wearing a ski mask forced e ntry into a home on the 2400 block of Kennedy Way. The house was occupied at the time, and the suspect fled th rough the back door.
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JULY 25, 2014
E-mail calendar listings to one week prior to publication. Post your events anytime at
For as little as $79. Call634-1 441 ext. 115 t oday!
Events Friday, July 25 Brentwood Art Show The Brentwood Community Center, 35 Oak St., presents two art exhibits from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday until Sept. 19. The exhibit"Past, Present and Future" features the history and character of Brentwood, while "My Travels, Paintings by Sue Clanton" is a collection of portraits.
Health Seminar Flowing Motion, 3158 Contra Lorna Blvd. in Antioch, hosts a free health and well ness seminar at 1 p.m. Topics include stress management, mediation, cognitive therapy and health supplements. For more information, call 925-350-4000.
Movie in the Plaza Oakley Recreation presents "Despicable Me 2" during Movie in the Plaza at Civic Center Park on Main Street. Admission is free. The movie begins at dusk. For more information, call 925-625-7041.
Brentwood Blood Drive
Concert on the Bay
The American Red Cross holds a blood drive from 1-7 p.m. at Resurrection Lutheran Church, 1275 Fairview Ave. in Brentwood. To schedule an appointment, call 800-733-2767 or visit www.
Public Eye performs at the Discovery Bay Yacht Harbor, 5901 Marina Road, from 5路8 p.m. This event is a fundraiser for the Discovery Bay Lions Club, so outside food and drinks are prohibited. To learn more, visit
Starry Nights Concert
Monday, July 28 Blood Drive
Project 4 performs at Brentwood's Starry Nights concert at 7 p.m. in City Park, located at the corner of Second and Oak streets. Admission is free; no dogs are allowed. For more information, call 925-516-5444.
'The Music Man' Brentwood Theater Company and Broadway Under The Stars present"The Music Man" at the Allan E. Jones Performing Arts Center at Liberty High School, 850 Second St. in Brentwood, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $24; $22 for seniors 65 and older; $16 for teens ages 13-18; and $8 for children ages 6-12. For a list of upcoming performances or to purchase tickets, visit www.thebrentwoodtheater. org.
Movie in the Park The Town of Discovery Bay presents "The Avengers" at the Discovery Bay Community Center, 1601 Discovery Bay Blvd. Admission is free, and the film begins at dusk. For more details, visit
Saturday, July 26 Brentwood Farmers' Market The Brentwood Farmers' Market is held from 8 a.m.-noon on First Street between Oak and Chestnut streets. For more information, visit
The American Red Cross holds a blood drive from noon-6 p.m. at The Streetsof Brentwood, 2565 Sand Creek Road in Brentwood. To schedule an appointment, caii S00-733-2767 or visit www.
Delta Informal Gardeners Guest speaker Jenny Papka of Native Bird Connection will be at the Delta Informal Gardeners meeting at the Brentwood United Methodists Church Social Hall, 809 Second St., from 7:30-9:30 p.m. For more information, visit
Tuesday, July 29 Farmers' Market The mobile farmers' market Freshest Cargo visits The Commonsat Dallas Ranch, 4751 Dallas Ranch Road in Antioch, from 11:30 a.m.-1 2:30 p.m. To learn more, visit
Thursday, July 31 Kaiser Farmers' Market Kaiser Permanente Antioch Farmers' Market runs from 10a.m.-2 p.m. at4501 Sand Creek Road in Antioch. For more information, visit
Bark For Life of Brentwood
Veterans Golf Tournament
Bark For Life, a fund raising event for the American Cancer Society that honorsthe life-long contributions of canine caregivers, is held at The Streets of Brentwood soccer fieldsfrom 8 a.m.-2 p.m.The fundraiser includes doggie games, costume contests and pet adoptions.
The Discovery Bay Country Club hosts a golf tournament fundraiser benefiting the National Veterans Golden Age Games on Monday, July 28. Registration is $100. For more information, call 925-634-0704, ext. 108.
E-Waste Fundraiser Freedom Football hosts an e-waste drop-off at Freedom High School, 1050 Neroly Road in Oakley, from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. For more information, e-mail
Sock Hop Degree of Pocahontas Wi Cha Ka Council 222 hosts a sock hop at Red Man Pocahontas Hall, 1403 Main St. in Oakley, from 6-10 p.m.Tickets are $15; $25 for a couple. Live music will be provided by Bill Martin. Enjoy burgers, hot dogs, fries and milk shakes for only $5. For tickets, call 925-4579692 or 925-625-2527.
Flag Football California Football Academy is registering participants for its fall flag foot ball program, which kicks off on Sept. 21 at Laurel Ball Fields in Oakley. Registration is $140 for ages4-6 and $150 for 6-14. For more details, visit www.
Softball Clinic
Free Concert
Antioch Sports Legends Alumni hosts a softball clinic at Antioch Youth Sports Complex, located on Wilbur Avenue, on Saturday, Aug. 2 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Registration is $40. The clinic offers expert instruction in hitting, pitching, catching and defensive skills. For more information, visit
The Proj ect 4 performs at Waldie Plaza, located at the corner of Second and I streets in Antioch, from 6-8 p.m. Admission is free. For more details, visit
The Delta Dawgs Baseball Club hosts tryouts for the 2015 spring season on Aug. 2 at Sunset Fields in Brentwood. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m.;
Delta Dawgs
player evaluations begin at 10. For more information, visit
Wrestling Club Golf Tournament Delta Wrestling Club and Liberty High Wrestling host the 2014 Lion Scramble golf tournament on Aug. 2 at Deer Ridge Golf Course, 801 Foothill Drive in Brentwood. Check-in isat 11 a.m.; the game startsat 1 p.m. Registration, which includes dinner, is $110. For more information, call925237-6118 or e-mail
Softball Tryouts Extreme Elites Softball hosts tryouts for 1OU-18U fast-pitch softball Saturday, Aug. 2 at Gehringer Elementary, 100 Simoni Ranch Road in Oakley, from 8:30 a.m.-3:30p.m. For more information, visit or e-mail
Softball Tryouts All American Sports Academy hosts softball tryoutsAug. 3 at Balfour Gutherie Park, 1701 Balfour Road in Brentwood, from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. For more information, visit
CYO Basketball St Ignatiusof Antioch, 3351 Contra Lorna Blvd. in Antioch, hosts registration for CYO basketball for boys and girls in second through eighth grade Aug. 12, 19 and 29 and Sept. 4. Registration is $220 per player. For more details, visit www. or call 925-776-7722.
B'nai Torah Golf Tournament Congregation B'nai Torah host s its annual golf tournament Friday, Aug. 15 at The Golf Club at Brentwood, 100 Summerset Drive in Brentwood. Registration is $99; $396 for a foursome. Lunch is included. For more information, call 925-7566944 or e-mail Visit 1633779023513944 for updates.
U.S. Citizenship Preparation Liberty Adult Education hosts a U.S. Citizenship Preparation course, beginning Monday, Aug. 18 from 6-8 p.m. Registration is $30. For more information or to enroll, call925-634-2565.
Young Life Golf Tournament Delta Young Life hosts a golf tournament fundraiser Friday, Sept. 19 at Lone Tree Golf and Event Center, 4800 Golf Course Road in Antioch. For more details, call 925-755-7446, e-mail, or visit http://delta.
Falcons Youth Football Brentwood Oakley FalconsYouth Football registration is now available at For more information, call 925-679-5633 or e-mail
Hula Classes The Brentwood-based dance group Halau Ka Waikahe Lani Malie is looking for students 8 and older to join its hula classes. Learn the beauty and meaning of hula dancing and Hawaiian history. Classes meet Fridaysfrom 6:30-8:30 p.m. For more information, call 925-550-5656.
Advanced Tickets Liberty Class of'74 Reunion The Liberty High School Classof 1974 reunites Saturday, Aug. 16 at Cap'sOak Street Bar and Grill, 144 Oak St. in Brentwood at 6 p.m. Tickets are $45. For more information, e-mail cbronzan@sbcglobal. net or, or call Rosemary at 925-437-8556 or Robin at 925-383-5844.
El Campanil Theatre 602 W. Second Street~ Antioch ORDER TICKETS PHONE: (925) 757-9500 OR ONLINE:
Sat. July 26 8:00pm International Film Showcase
"ELSA y FRED" (Argentina)
Sun. July 27 2pm
AN ENCHANTED EVENING In The Light Voice Studio Showcase Sat. Aug 16 7:00pm
Sun. August 17 3:00pm International Film Showcase
"TWO LIVES" (Germany)
Sun. August 24 2pm
CLOSE TO YOU Carpenter's Tribute
Sun. Sept. 7 3:00 pm International Film Showcase "LOVELY LOUISE" (Germany)
Sun. Sept. 14 2:00pm
STREET CORNER RENAISSANCE Classic Doo Wop Sat. Oct. 4 8:00 pm
JULY 25, 2014
Loose Dentures? Diablo Vista Dental Care brings you a dental implant solution that fits your budget! Technology: Our beautiful practice includes an on-site 3D In-House CAT Scan. This technology provides threedimensional and cross-sectional views that allow Dr. Fard to examine the quality and density of the bone. We have a specialized lab to custom make your smile since every smile is custom designed by you and Dr. Fard.
Satisfaction & Warranty: Whether you are missing a single tooth, multiple teeth or have a whole mouthful of missing or failing teeth, Dr. Fard can provide comprehensive implant treatment professionally and affordably. With almost 14 years at our location we are committed to our community and stand behind our work.
In one procedure you can have a stable denture with
no surgical sutures nor the typical months of healing. Our solutions may even be completed in one day!~'(
Quick, Painless and Affordable! Call us for a FREE implant consultation or second opinion.
92 5-6 79-9999 Omid A. Fard, DDS Ellie S. Dary, DDS Diablo Vista Dental Care 3631 Main Street Oakley '~Qualified
patients can have their procedure in one day after initial workup without additional bone graft surgery.
Ask us about our In-House Dental Plan, complete dental coverage for as little as $17. 83/month. Fellow Of