1 minute read
Panel supports housing project

By Chris Campos Staff Writer
OAKLEY The Planning Commission gave their blessing to the Sellers Avenue subdivision Tuesday night. The positive vote, however, was solely advisory since the City Council will make the final decision on the 77-home project proposed for a 20-acre property that lies between the railroad tracks and Sellers Avenue.

proved by the county in July 2021, also includes two ornamental lakes, a clubhouse and miles of walking trails. The land – located at the end of Point of Timber Road in Discovery Bay – was purchased by Lazares Companies over two decades ago and originally included Delta access. Hurdles to adding more docks to the Delta forced an overhaul to their plans and resulted in lake waterfront sites.
According to Pulte Homes, the Seagrass subdivision will consist of two developments: The Estates at Seagrass and The Residences at Seagrass. No details have been provided about the differenc- see Housing page 18A

SEAGRASS New Development see Panel page 18A
A number of Sellers Avenue neighbors appeared before the Commission to express their opposition to the project with objections concentrating on traffic safety and the spoiling of the rural nature of the farming area. The property is on a stretch of Sellers Avenue with a 50-mph speed limit zone and lined with agricultural operations and a variety of livestock. Neighbors noted the difficulty of just entering the street during high traffic hours, particularly from Wildhorse Road nearby.
The Commission’s 4-1 vote to support the project came with some qualifications and suggested conditions. But Ken Strelo, the city’s Planning Manager, advised the panel that speed limits were not within their authority to review. Since the project will require a rezoning amendment, which only the City Council can grant, their review will determine its ultimate fate.