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Letters to the editor
Odyssey of the Mind a success thanks to local help
I would like to thank all those who helped make our 2023 Norcal Odyssey of the Mind Tournament a success!
We got amazing support from local businesses for our non-profit organization, including: Brentwood Rotary (pancake breakfast for our judges), Brentwood Fine Meats (our judges’ lunch), Sip and Scoop (coffee and dessert for teams), Straw Hat Pizza (lunch for teams), and Willy’s Bagels and Blends
(morning coffee and bagels for teams).
A special thank-you to Sal from Straw Hat Pizza for continuing to support our organization over the years.
Finally, thank you to the Brentwood Union School District for your continued support for our organization. Adams Middle School is a great location and always impresses our teams from out of town. We had amazing custodial help too!
See you all next year!
Marilyn Tamura, Tournament Director Brentwood
John & Judith Sutton
Sue Swackhamer
Mary Tappel
Zack Taylor
Lana Terry
Dinah Thompson
Tracie Thompson
Kathren Thomson
Linda Thuman*
Lynn Tiemeyer
Amy Tilley
Hector Torres
Jon Ulricksen

Michael Urback
Jim Valentine
Fred Valverde
Christopher Vetterli
Scott Vickers
Jim Wadnizak
Steve Walker
Michele Walls
Julia Wantuck
Jay Warwood
Robert Parkinson
Jeanne Pavao
Nick Pearson
Chloe Peterson
Gary Pollock
Jean Pridgen
Mardell Rangel
Mark Reitz
Gary Reynolds
Roy Richards
Carol Rioux
Linda Morse Robertson*
Norman & Rhoda Rossman
Marilyn Watts
Laura West
Theresa Wessler
Keith Wheeler
Brian Winters
Scott Woodard
Marie Woods
Cody, Chloe & Cali Wong
Laura Wong
Leslie Wyatt
Guy Yocom
Carolyn Young
Joseph Young
Larry Young
Mary Young
Publisher Emeritus Jimmy Chamoures
The Press invites your comments. Letters must be no longer than 325 words and include name, address and phone number for confirmation.
The Press reserves the right to edit submissions for length, clarity, potential libel and taste, or to not print letters we feel violate our standards of acceptance.
Opinions expressed in letters are not necessarily the opinions of The Press, whose opinions are contained in clearly marked editorials.
Send correspondence to The Press, 248 Oak St., Brentwood, California, 94513; or email editor@ brentwoodpress.com.

For print, email your events to calendar@brentwoodpress.com one week prior to publication. For online, post your events for free on The Press Community Calendar www.thepress.net/calendar.

This Week’s Events
Friday, April 7
Brentwood Rotary 13th Annual Poker Tournament: No Limit Texas Hold ’Em
The Brentwood Rotary Club is hosting their annual poker tournament at the Brentwood Community Center at 35 Oak St. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the tournament starts at 7 p.m. The cost is $75 per player and includes a buffet dinner, drink ticket and tournament play. Participants must be 21 or older to play. First prize is $500. For more information and to buy tickets, call Steve Gursky at 925-584-8708 or email at sgursky@ sbcglobal.net
Saturday, April 8
Kiwanis Club of the Delta-Annual Romano Marchetti Memorial Tri-Tip/ Chicken Dinner
The Kiwanis Club of the Delta is hosting their annual Tri-tip/chicken Dinner at the Veterans of Foreign Wars building at 815 Fulton Shipyard Road from 5-9 p.m. Dinner starts at 6 p.m. with social hour beginning at 5 p.m. The dinner will benefit local Kiwanis programs, youth charities and music scholarships. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for children. For more information and to purchase tickets visit https://bit. ly/3ZHZkBX
4th Annual Egg Hunt and Pet Event
Lori Abreu of Delta Ranches and Homes and Patti Shaner of The Loan Ladies are hosting their annual free egg hunt and pet event at Knightsen Elementary School, located at 1923 Delta Road from 10 a.m.-noon. The egg hunt is for registered children ages 13 and younger. The event will also feature a treasure map for additional prizes. For more information and to register, visit http://bit.ly/3JNyMbO
Discovery Bay Easter Egg Hunt
The Discovery Bay Lions Club is hosting their annual free Easter Egg hunt at the Discovery Bay Community Center located at 1601 Discovery Bay Boulevard. Gates open at 9 a.m., and the egg hunt starts at 10 a.m. The event will also feature a bonnet contest and pictures with the Easter Bunny.
Youth Multicultural Fair
The Brentwood Youth Commission is hosting a multicultural fair from 1:30-4 p.m. in Brentwood City Park at 790 Second St. The event will feature live music, food trucks, performances, booths and a fashion show.
Antioch Police Annual Easter Egg Hunt
The Antioch Police Department is hosting their annual Easter egg hunt at 8 a.m. The event will also feature a visit from the Easter Bunny. The location of the hunt will be announced the morning of on the department’s Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor and Twitter pages.
2nd Annual Egg-Stravaganza and Recreation Expo
The Antioch Water Park, located at 4701 Lone Tree Way is hosting their annual egg-stravaganza and recreation exposition 11 a.m.-3 p.m. The event will feature an egg hunt, activity showcase and games. A bag will be provided to collect eggs for the egg hunt. Tickets are $8 if purchased in advance and $12 at the door. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit http://bit.ly/411mJyJ
Tuesday, April 11
Oakley Senior Center Bingo
The Oakley Senior Center at 215 Second St. is hosting a bingo game from 12:30-3 p.m. 4 card sign is $20. To register for the event, call 925-626-7223.
Wednesday, April 12
Oakley’s Got Talent Auditions
The Oakley Youth Advisory Council is hosting auditions for Oakley’s annual talent show on May 20. Auditions April 12 from 7-8 p.m. at the Oakley Recreation Center at 1250 O’Hara Ave. Performances are limited to 5 minutes. For those unable to audition in person, video submissions can be sent to http://bit.ly/3yzpVFt
Friday, April 14
Liberty Lions Band Boosters
Poker Night
The Liberty Lions Band Boosters is hosting a poker night at the Brentwood Community Center at 760 First St. Dinner will start at 5:30 p.m., with poker beginning at 6:30 p.m. Dinner is $20, poker entry is $65, and the top prize is $500. For more information and to buy tickets, visit https://bit. ly/3YMywzj
On the Horizon
Saturday, April 15
Art in the Park
The Oakley Recreation Department is hosting their annual Art in the Park in Civic Center Plaza at 3231 Main St. from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. The event will feature original work from artists from Oakley, along with music and family-friendly activities.
The Makers Boulevard
The Makers Boulevard is hosting their monthly community event that features local artisans, makers and small businesses. The event takes place on Oak Street, between Second and Third streets from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. The event also features family-friendly activities, live music and themed photo opportunities. For more information, visit https://bit.ly/3K2Xghd
Saturday, April 22
Friends of the Brentwood Library used book sale
The Friends of the Brentwood Library is hosting their bi-annual used book sale from 10 a.m.-2 p.m in the community room of the Brentwood Public Library at 104 Oak St. From 2-3 p.m. Friends of the Brentwood Library members will provide bags customers can fill for $7.
Saturday, May 6
Concours D’Elegance
The Oakley Senior Center is hosting their annual Concours D’Elegance at the Oakley Senior Center at 215 Second St. from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The event showcases antique and collector cars, trucks and motorcycles. Ribbons and awards will be given for Best of Show. The deadline to register is April 30. For more information and to register, call 925-626-7223.
Sunday, May 7
Brentwood Literary Stroll
The Friends of the Brentwood Library is hosting a literary stroll from 1-4 p.m. in downtown Brentwood. The event features 10 authors – Rosie Bank, Michael Barrington, T.L. Bequette , Mark Clifford, Jim Hamilton, Carol Jensen, Josephine Mele, Dana Mentink, Gail Tsukiyama and Dallas Woodburn – from different restaurants and businesses throughout downtown. Check-in tables will be at the corner of First and Chestnut streets and on the corner of Second and Oak streets. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at http://bit. ly/42Lo1zp
Saturday, May 13
Rotary Club of Oakley Foundation
Gala 2023
The Oakley Club of Rotary is hosting their 4th annual gala at La Grande Estates at 1799 Carpenter Road, from 5:30-10 p.m. The theme for this year’s gala is “An Evening Under the Stars.” The event will feature entertainment by DJ Brandon, raffles, a silent, live, and dessert, auction, along with a door prize. Tickets are $65 and includes dinner and dancing. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit http://bit.ly/3KrKsmc
Saturday, May 20
Los Vaqueros Reservoir 25th
Anniversary Open House
The Contra Costa Water District is hosting a free open house for the Los Vaquero Reservoir’s 25th anniversary from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Los Vaqueros Interpretive Center at 19 Walnut Blvd. The event will feature information on how Los Vaqueros operates, a shuttle trip to the top of the Los Vaqueros Dam, a nature hike, an augmented reality sandbox along with other family-friendly activities. For more information and to reserve a spot, visit http://bit.ly/3JYSp0E
Ongoing Events
Oakley Senior Center
Food Distribution
The Oakley Senior Center at 215 2nd St. gives out free food every Thursday from 1-2:30 p.m. Residents are asked to bring their own grocery bags.
Widow and Widower
Grief Support Group
A widow and widower grief support group from Immaculate Heart of Mary Church meets every Thursday from 5 to 6:15 p.m. at the church library at 500 Fairview Ave. in Brentwood. The group focuses on finding a new normal as attendees walk the grief trail with others experiencing the same loss. For more information, contact Mary Ann Smith at 925-240-1706 or Sandy Heinisch at 925-513-3412.
Free ESL Classes
The nonprofit organization Opportunity Junction hosts free online English as a Second Language courses online through Zoom on Mondays and Thursdays from 6-7:30 p.m. or 7:30-9 p.m. The classes are intended to help attendees learn to speak, write and read in English or improve their English. For more information, call 925-776-1133. To apply, visit https://sforce.co/3KdEfac
Coffee with Carolyn
Kaleidoscope Cancer Connection’s Coffee with Carolyn is a cancer support group for women, hosted by Carolyn George and financially supported by The Kaleidoscope Cancer Connection of Byron. The group meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month from noon to 1 p.m. The location is at the Kaleidoscope Sacred Garden behind the Byron United Methodist Church (14671 Byron Highway in Byron). For more information, contact Carolyn George at 925-577-3325.
Nonprofit offers Health Care Career Courses
The nonprofit Opportunity Junction is accepting applications for its Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program at two locations including the Opportunity Junction Antioch office at 3102 Delta Fair Blvd. Classes began in September. The CNA program includes 12 weeks of training, life skills training, hands-on clinical experience, and job placement assistance. The first step in taking the course is to complete an application form online by visiting https://opportunityjunction. secure.force.com/apply/HCP
East County Rotary Club Meetings
Brentwood: The Brentwood Rotary Club meets weekly on Monday at noon at the Wedgewood Banquet Center at 100 Summerset Drive in Brentwood. For more information, visit https:// www.brentwoodrotary94513.com Oakley: The Oakley Rotary Club meets weekly on Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at Black Bear Diner, 3201 Main St. in Oakley. For more information, visit http://rotary- clubofoakley.com Antioch: The Antioch Rotary Club meets weekly on Thursday at noon at Lone Tree Golf Course & Event Center, 4800 Golf Course Road in Antioch. For more information, visit http://www.antiochrotaryclub.com/. The Rotary Club of the Delta meets weekly on Wednesday at 7 a.m. at Denny’s, 4823 Lone Tree Way in Antioch. For more information, visit https://www.rotaryclubofthedelta.org/.
Delta Informal Gardeners Monthly Meetings
Delta Informal Gardeners encourages local residents to join them at their local meeting at the Brentwood Community United Methodist Church at 809 Second St. on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
Brentwood Community Chorus Rehearsals
The Brentwood Community Chorus meets on Tuesdays from 7- 9 p.m. at Brentwood Community United Methodist Church on 809 Second St. It is open to all ages and abilities as they prepare for their spring season. For more information visit http://bit.ly/3lsKIHP8
Friday Night Al-Anon Meeting
Al-Anon meetings, which offer a supportive place for friends and families of alcoholics, are held every Friday from 8 to 9:15 p.m. at the Brentwood United Methodist Church at 809 Second St. in Brentwood. There is no need to register. For details, call Trisha at 510-910-1389.
East County Lions Club Meetings
Brentwood: The Brentwood Lions Club meets the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Straw Hat Pizza on Lone Tree Way. For more information, visit: https://e-clubhouse.org/sites/brentwoodca/ Oakley: The Oakley Lions Club meets the fourth Wednesdays of every month at 7 p.m. at the Oakley Senior Center, for more information, visit https://e-clubhouse.org/sites/brentwoodca/ Antioch: The Antioch Lions Club meets every second and fourth Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Denny’s on Delta Fair Blvd. Discovery Bay: The Discovery Bay Lions Club meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Discovery Bay Yacht Club. For more information, visit:https:// discoverybaylions.com/who-we-are/meetings/ Byron: The Byron Delta Lions Club meets every first Friday of each month at 10 a.m. at St. Anne’s Church for more information https://e-clubhouse. org/sites/byron_delta/
Discovery Bay Corvette Club Meetings
The nonprofit Discovery Bay Corvette Club meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Discovery Bay Yacht Club, 5871 Marina Road, Bilge Room. The club is dedicated to the enjoyment of owning and driving America’s sports car. For more information, drop by a meeting or contact the membership vice president at 925-341-9433. For more information on the club, visit www.discoverybaycorvetteclub.com
East County 4-H Club Meetings
Oakley: The Oakley 4-H Club has monthly meetings the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. For more information, email Amanda at oakley@contracosta.org. The Delta-Diablo 4-H Club has monthly meetings the second Thursday at 6:30 p.m at 3840 Brown Road in Oakley. For more information contact Megan and Tiffany at deltadiablo@contracosta4h.org, Brentwood: The Brentwood 4-H Club has monthly meetings the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m at the Knightsen Farm Center located on 3020 2nd Street. For more information, contact Angela at brentwood@contracosta4h.org
Knightsen: The Knightsen 4-H Club has monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m at Knightsen Elementary School located at 1923 Delta Road. 4-H members are girls and boys ages 5–19 years old.
Discovery Bay boaters launch season on Saturday, April 1

Boats of all types and sizes gathered for the “Fool’n Fun on the Delta” boat parade marking the opening of boating season near the Discovery Bay Yacht Club on Saturday, April 1. Some 23 boaters were blessed by sunny skies and a 65-degree day.
Have you or someone you know reached a “milestone”? If so, we’d like to know about it! Email your information to editor@brentwoodpress.com.