Presentation breochloch

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BREOCHLOCH Laboratory of Creative Heritage Saotharlann Oidhreachta Cruthaithí

Presentation & Vision Inár gcónaí lenár n-Oidhreacht

Living the Heritage

Breochloch.Laboratory of Crea ve Heritage is a Social Enterprise specialising in social development and research for communi es and small businesses drawing on heritage resources. We aim to become your first stop for though ul, cri cal, transforma onal news about Heritage and communi es. Look around at our projects, background and blog inspired by good prac ce in community building from Heritage and beyond. We're always on the lookout for new ways to use Heritage to make a difference in communi es and organisa ons, so get in touch! Breochloch, Laboratory of Crea ve Heritage is here to help you get involved in exploring the archaeology and history of where you live! Study of the past has become an increasingly popular and diverse ac vity enjoyed by people of all ages. All places have a history and it is the way that we explore our past that brings it to life. The past is not just about the rich and wealthy, it is about the daily life of everyone. We can study the past in many interes ng and exci ng ways - by interpre ng landscapes, recording old buildings, finding lost se lements, iden fying ba lefield sites, recording stories and oral histories, re-enactment, and finding archaeological remains! We want YOU to get involved in exploring the history and archaeology of West Belfast. You can help us to manage and protect the historic environment by learning more about it in crea ve and fun ways. You can tell others about that you have learnt by crea ng heritage trails, websites, local history books, producing art or photography, and hos ng exhibi ons and workshops.




West Belfast Cultural Heritage is rich and diverse -from prehistoric standing stones, to medieval churches, graveyeards and memorials to post-medieval industrial buildings ant to WW2 defence features. The best known of these site are recorded and protected for by organisa ons sucha as the Department of Enviroment (DoENI), Na onal Trust NI, local authori es and even land-owner, but this stewardship only extended to a small percentage of West Belfast Cultural Heritage. Many other sites need urgent care and a en on to ensure that they survive for future genera ons. Taken part in our projects will equip volunteers with new skills in archaeological fielwork and conserva on, which can be used again and again to promote their own Heritage. It's also a great way to keep ac ve, develop new skills, meet new people and achieve real results. BREOCHLOCH LCH offers support and advice to community groups who want to take on heritage projects that deal with the key themes of conserva on, access improvement,and interpreta on. We will provide training in a range of skills tailored to the needs of each group. This includes survey and recording; documentary research; project management; fundraising; hos ng educa onal events, and interpre ve planning - you name it, we provide it, or else find someone who can! The real benefit of our approach is the symbiosis between monument and community. The monument itself is conserved, celebrated and interpreted for the future, and the act of par cipa ng in the project brings the group together with new skills and confidence, and a real sense of ownership of the heritage on its doorstep. The interpre ve side of Breochloch poses real challenges for communi es. They need to achieve two things which at first seem mutually exclusive - enabling the individual experience or ‘feel’ of a monument to be enjoyed freely without too much prescrip on; but also making it as physically and intellectually accessible as possible. BREOCHLOCH Laboratory of Crea ve Heritage is working hard to make West Belfast's past accessible and enjoyable for everyone, this includes helping communi es to care for the heritage that belongs to us all. Many archaeological sites and monuments across our community are in need of care and maintenance but few have owners with the resources to make this happen. Equally, there are people who wish to step in to do something to help protect these monuments for the future and to increase our understanding of them.


Cultural heritage management (CHM) is the voca on and prac ce of managing cultural heritage. It is a branch of cultural resources management, although it also draws on the prac ces of conserva on, restora on, museology, archaeology, history and architecture. We offer our client a wide range of services in management also we're especialist in Interpreta on of Heritage. Interpreta on refers to the full range of poten al ac vi es intended to heighten public awareness and enhance understanding of cultural heritage site.

Cultural Heritage M a n a g e m e n t Bainistíocht Oidhreachta C u l t ú r t h a

By providing strategic advice at the outset of a project we can help offset any difficul es that may arise at pre-planning or planning stage. We provide strong and experienced representa on for our clients during consulta ons with planners, local authority archaeologists and conserva on officers through-out the planning process. By working closely with the other professionals within the design team we clearly set out the relevant issues and deliver common-sense solu ons. Our consultancy services include: Planning advice on all aspects of cultural heritage. Site feasibility assessment. Public consulta ons. Planning nego a ons and media on.


CULTURAL HERITAGE ASSESSMENTS We have considerable experience in preparing cultural heritage assessments. Our objec ve is to accurately assess the significance of the cultural heritage of a site, assess the impact of a development on it and work with the client and design team to develop appropriate mi ga on measures. We provide exper se in the following areas: Ÿ Desk-top assessments. Ÿ Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA). Ÿ Local Area Plans (LAP’s). Ÿ Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA). Ÿ Environmental Reports. Ÿ Master Plans. Ÿ Scoping Documents.

BREOCHLOCH Laboratory of Creative Heritage Saotharlann Oidhreachta Cruthaithí

We provide a comprehensive range of archaeological and built heritage services to the development industry. Our clients include architects, planners, developers, local authori es, semi-state bodies and government departments. We have the ability to meet all of our clients cultural heritage needs from pre-planning advice, to managing archaeological requirements on-site, through to securing full planning compliance. Our aim is to provide an excellent service to our clients by supplying good advice, preemp ng poten al difficul es and delivering pragma c value for money solu ons whilst ensuring that the project is completed on me, within budget and to the highest archaeological standards. We offer our clients a wide range of services, which ensures that we can provide for all of their Archaeological and Built Heritage needs. We have the technical skills and experience to allow us deliver pragma c and flexible solu ons to any archaeological situa on no ma er how complex and challenging. Our strength lies in our experience, which is backed-up with a proven track-record of delivering for our clients. FIELD SERVICES Our clients expect Breochloch to provide a full archaeological service, working on their behalf; iden fying and minimising risks, assessing liability, iden fying reasonable costs as early as possible. Evalua ons, watching briefs and excava ons are rou ne parts of our work and are always undertaken to the highest standard.

Professional Archaeology C o n s u l t a n c y Comhairle Ghairmiúil Sheandálaíochta

ARTEFACTS – POTTERY, SMALL FINDS, LITHICS Artefacts provide a chronological framework and add detail regarding site func on and status. Whether they are stone tools or cannon balls, the skill is knowing how to respond to such discoveries, how to treat them, their interpreta ve value and which specialist to seek advice from. Artefacts are key to the understanding of archaeological sites. HISTORIC BUILDINGS Planning authori es, developers and conserva on groups increasingly see historic building analysis as an integral part of development control and heritage management. We have responded through the applica on of new me-saving technology and the crea on of a dedicated and qualified team. Historic buildings are a valued and integral part of our heritage.

Community Archaeology Seandálaíocht an Phobail

BREOCHLOCH Laboratory of Creative Heritage Saotharlann Oidhreachta Cruthaithí


Heritage Education Oideachas Oidhreachta The educa onal services provided are founded upon an educa onal philosophy which seeks to engage, s mulate and challenge learners. Enquiry and discovery-based learning lies at the heart of learning programmes and teaching sessions designed and provided by Breochloch. Learning ac vi es and programmes of study will be flexible and responsive to meet the needs and desires of individual clients. There is much scope for learning outside the classroom. Archaeology is viewed as being an exci ng and dynamic field of study with massive crosscurricula study poten al.

The word archaeology does not appear in the Curriculum of Northern Ireland. However; Ÿ It is a tremendous aid to understanding many areas of the curriculum. Ÿ It involves kinaesthe c learning and so reaches those children who find verbal learning

difficult. Ÿ It accesses many of the higher thinking and working skills. Ÿ It is easy to use many of the co-opera ve learning structures that help children to

learn. Archaeology involves several intellectual processes: Ÿ Analysing what we know already and using this knowledge to make hypotheses Ÿ Asking ques ons that we hope our inves ga ons will answer Ÿ Discovering the evidence, revisi ng our original hypotheses and tes ng them against what we have discovered. Ÿ Working forward to a new set of ques ons/hypotheses

Primitive Skills Activities Gníomhaíochta Scileanna Seanársa Breochloch-LCH preserves ancient skills that develop awareness and sufficiency by providing a learning space with an emphasis on individuals, community interac ons, and the environment in rela on to today’s world. We organizes tailor made bushcra ac vi es for groups of all ages and backgrounds, from one day to a full week.

Primi ve skills refers to prehistoric handicra s and pre-industrial technology. Primi ve skills are those skills that relate to living off the land, o en using handcra ed tools made from naturally gathered materials. Examples of primi ve skills include: gathering and foraging na ve plants and animals for food, skinning and preparing game, basketry and pot making, construc ng shelters, fire making, and useful plant iden fica on. Interest in primi ve skills has coincided with a resurgence in interest in natural and self-sufficient living techniques.

BREOCHLOCH Laboratory of Creative Heritage Saotharlann Oidhreachta Cruthaithí

BREOCHLOCH Laboratory of Creative Heritage Saotharlann Oidhreachta CruthaithĂ­

BREOCHLOCH Laboratory of Creative Heritage Saotharlann Oidhreachta CruthaithĂ­


Historical&Archaeological Tours Turais Stairiúla agus Seandálaíocha Heritage tourism is a branch of tourism oriented towards the cultural heritage of the loca on where tourism is occurring. Cultural a rac ons play an important role in tourism at all levels, from the global highlights of world culture to a rac ons that underpin local iden es. Heritage tourism encompasses elements of living culture, history, and natural history of place that communi es value and steward for the future. These elements are very specific to a community or region and can contribute to pride, stability, growth, and economic development.

Re-anactment Events Imeachtaí Athléirithe Living history is an ac vity that incorporates historical tools, ac vi es and dress into an interac ve presenta on that seeks to give observers and par cipants a sense of stepping back in me. Although it does not necessarily seek to reenact a specific event in history, living history is similar to, and some mes incorporates, historical reenactment. Living history is an educa onal medium used by living history museums, historic sites, heritage interpreters, schools and historical reenactment groups to educate the public or their own members in par cular areas of history, such as clothing styles, pas mes and handicra s, or to simply convey a sense of the everyday life of a certain period in history.

BREOCHLOCH Laboratory of Creative Heritage Saotharlann Oidhreachta Cruthaithí

BREOCHLOCH Laboratory of Creative Heritage Saotharlann Oidhreachta Cruthaithí 119 Falls Road, The Gaeltacht Quarter, Belfast, BT12 6AA 07952909135

r á n e l í a n ó c g r Iná te cerh a e r h ag n-Oid it H e th Living

119 Bothár na Bhfál, An Cheathrú Ghaeltachta, Béal Feirste, BT12 6AA 07952909135

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