May/June 2015
Change Stays the Same... The topic of “change” has entered my conversations a lot lately. Change is one of the constant elements of life. It’s hard to embrace, but admittedly is often good for us – and in one sense absolutely essential. Our spiritual journey in Christ is characterized by change… “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 TNIV “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!” II Corinthians 5:17 TNIV Our Brethren vision is one of transformation and change. Our story in Christ is all about change! On a personal level my life will change some time after General Conference, beginning my new call as Lead Pastor at Jefferson Community Church in Goshen, Indiana. I will miss the familiarity of serving as I have for the past twelve years. But I’m looking forward to a new future! And I’m grateful to more than several of you who have expressed great anticipation with me about returning to my pastoral roots. And, with General Conference we will affirm a new Executive Director. The Executive Board of the Brethren Church has chosen Rev. Steven Cole of Northgate Community Church in Manteca, California to be confirmed by our delegates. I have had the pleasure of working alongside Steven in more than several settings; most notably on the Global Partner Team and on the Executive Board of the Brethren Church. Steven has great ideas and insights and shares them with both humility and passion. He got my vote a long time ago, and I am looking forward to supporting his leadership from the congregational level. And I know you will as well! At this stage of our journey as Brethren, it is also good for us to take inventory of the changes that still need to be made. Rather than enumerate my list, why don’t we each just take this subject to heart. Don’t you agree with me that there are old patterns, biases, and wounds with which we need to be done? These are things which are difficult to move beyond, except by the grace of God at work in our hearts and our relationships. But likewise these are entanglements which so obviously hinder the mission of God to which we are called. We can leverage this season of change and transition for God’s transforming work in our congregations and in each of our lives! Are you in for this change as well? Let’s embrace change with great faith and resolve, and join together in seeing God at work in a new way in the Brethren Church! By God’s grace, changing with you…
MOBILIZE // Change/Transitions
MENTORING // by Sherry VanDuyne
stay connected
419.289.1708 524 College Ave., Ashland, OH 44805
The Brethren Evangelist May/June 2015
Each week we search through the Brethren archives to find an interesting #TBT (Throw Back Thursday) post to share on our Facebook page. In our quest we discovered a series that was published in the 1947 issue of then weekly publication, The Brethren Evangelist. We’ve chosen five topics that were of significance in 1947 and we challenged a Brethren Elder to share how we are living-out each topic in 2015. What fun it was to discover what our denomination thought and shared back then and how relevant these topics still are to us today, sixty-eight years later. We hope you will enjoy these articles and find them as enlightening as we did.
Bible By Henry Bates
Holy Spirit
THE HOLY SPIRIT has, to many Christians, become the forgotten member of the Trinity. Since the days of the Reformation, and even in earlier years, this tendency has been gaining momentum. Men have come to look upon the Holy Spirit as a force, or as a Divine energy, rather than as a person numbered with God the Father and God the Son. Note, for instance, in the Authorized Version, the personal pronoun which refers to the Holy Spirit is translated by the neuter “it,” as an index of this trend of thought. Men prayed, and still pray that God might send the Holy Spirit upon them as they pray that He might send His rain and His sunshine upon them. In this series of articles on “The Bible Speaks,” we come to this very important subject of the Holy Spirit. Let us seek to discover from the Scripture itself something of the nature and work of this third Person of The God-head.
His Nature
The Holy Spirit is a person, possessed of will, intelligence, and emotion, the same attributes which go together to make up the personality of each one of us. The Bible speaks of this personal aspect of the Holy Spirit in various ways and in sundry places. His name is mentioned, for instance, in immediate connection with other personas, and in such a way as to clearly imply a personality. In Acts 15:28 we read of Him in close fellowship with the early Christians-- “For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burdens than these necessary things.”
Also in II Corinthians 13:14 and in Jude 20 and 21 we find His name mentioned in connection with the Father and the Son. The Bible also speaks of Him as performing acts proper to personality. Acts 10:19 tell us that the Holy Spirit spoke to Peter while he was upon the housetop in Joppa. In the opening verses of the book of Genesis we read that “the Spirit moved upon the face of the waters.” And again, “The Spirit searcheth all things,” according to the words of Paul in his first letter to the church at Corinth. (1 Cor.2:10) Certainly
there can be no doubt that which speaks, moves, searches, strives, reveals, orders the affairs of the church, performs miracles, helps, guides, and raises the dead, must be a person. God’s Word gives us yet another proof of the personality of the Holy Spirit – He is affected by the acts of others. That which can be resisted, grieved, and blasphemed, must be a person, for only a person can understand an insult and be offended. That against which the unpardonable sin is committed must be a person for there is likelihood that a power or some
May/June 2015 The Brethren Evangelist
form of energy could be blasphemed against. Thus we learn from the Bible first of all that the Holy Spirit is a person. The Holy Spirit is not only a person, but a Divine person. In speaking of the Holy Spirit the Bible is unmistakably definite in its references and teachings concerning His divine nature. In the Apostolic Commission (Matt. 28:19-20) and also in the Apostolic Benediction (2 Cor. 13:14) we find the name of the Holy Spirit coupled in equality with the names of God and Christ. Likewise, in the giving of spiritual gifts we find the Holy Spirit mentioned with God and the Lord. (1 Cor. 12:4-6) As further proof of the divine nature of the Holy Spirit the Bible speaks of Him as being possessed with certain divine attributes and perfections. Life (Rom. 8:2); Love (Rom. 15:30); Holiness (Eph. 4:30); Omnipotence (Luke 1:35); Omniscience (John 14:26). Still another proof of the Deity of the Holy Spirit is found in the fact that the Bible speaks of Him as performing divine works. Psalm 104:30 tells us that He is active in creation and in the 33rd chapter of Job we find Job saying, “the Spirit of God hath made me.” In these and other references, the divine work of creation is ascribed to the Holy Spirit. John 6:63 and Romans 8:2 refer to His power to bestow life, while 2 Samuel 23:2 and 2 Peter 1:21 make mention of His power of prophecy. Also ascribed to Him are the divine works of regeneration (Titus 3:5) and resurrection (Rom. 8:11). So much for the speaking of the Bible regarding the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit; let us now turn our attention to what Scripture has to say about His work.
His Work
Before beginning a study of what the Bible has to say concerning the work of the Holy Spirit, a popular misconception must be removed. This misconception teaches that in creation, God the Father works; in redemption, God the Son works; and in salvation, God the Holy Spirit works. Quite the contrary, the
The Brethren Evangelist May/June 2015
Bible teaches that in all of the works of God, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are equally active. A more accurate, and certainly more Scriptural division of the workings of the Trinity would show the Father as having power to bring forth; the Son as having power to arrange; and the Holy Spirit as having power to bring to completion. Or, as Dr. Bancroft puts it, the authoritative power proceeds from the Father; the executive power proceeds from the Son; and the energizing power proceeds from the Spirit. Thus, all that which has been conceived by the Father and all that which has been executed by the Son is brought to its completion by the Holy Spirit.
The work of the Holy Spirit in creation. As one reads the Word of God he finds some very definite statements in which the work of the Holy Spirit in creation is clearly revealed in its various aspects. In Genesis, “the Book of Beginnings,” for instance the record is given that the Spirit moved upon the face of the waters and brooded over the chaos. (Gen. 1:2) Genesis also relates the part played by the Holy Spirit in the giving of life to man (2:7) as does likewise Job 33:4. In Isaiah 40:7 we read, “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth because the breath of the Lord bloweth upon it,” and in Psalm 104:30, “Thou sendest forth thy Spirit, and thou renewest the face of the ground.” The renewal of life is part of the work of the Holy Spirit in creation. The Bible also speaks of the work of the Holy Spirit in sustaining order and life among the animal and vegetable kingdoms, and again in the creating and directing of the heavens.
The work of the Holy Spirit in revelation. The Holy Spirit has a very active part in the writing and interpreting of the Scriptures. He gave to the human authors of the books of the Bible special gifts and qualifications for the divine work to which they had been appointed (1 Cor. 12:4). He was the real speaker in all of the utterances of the prophets, as well as the One who gave them that knowledge which was apart from
Holy Spirit
their own volition. In 2 Tim. 3:16 the Bible speaks of the fact that the Scriptures in their entirety were inspired by Him through the medium of men. But the Holy Spirit is not only the author and inspirer of the Scriptures, He is also the interpreter. 1 Cor. 2:9-10 speaks of this phase of the Spirit’s work. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God.” Yes, the Holy Spirit works for revelation.
The work of the Holy Spirit in the church. Much remains to be said concerning the ministry of the Holy Spirit – a ministry which extends from the Fall to the Lord’s return – but time and space do not permit so extensive study at this point. It would be well, however, to hear what the Bible has to say regarding the work of the Holy Spirit in the church. He it was who gave birth to the Church on the day of Pentecost, when His coming changed a company of sad, discouraged, and somewhat disillusioned disciples into the Church of the living Christ. He it was who possessed and indwelt the Church as the House of God. Likewise it is the same Holy Spirit who confers gifts and blessings upon the Church for life, fruitfulness, and service. It is He who gives life to those members who would otherwise be dead in trespasses and sins; and as the Fruitbearer, He is “God that giveth the increase.” Since the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit has occupied a new position. That of presiding over and directing the church into the will and plan of God. The administration of the affairs of the Church of Christ has been His work since that day when He descended upon the men of the upper room. This administrative work includes supervision over the government of the church as well as the directing of the worship service. In 1 Peter 1:12 we discover that preaching gets its inspiration and authority from Him. According to Jude 20, Romans 8:26 and others, prayer is dependent upon the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The service of song should in the Spirit’s fullness and power (Eph. 5:8; Col. 3:16; and Heb. 13:16). And finally His administrative office includes the energizing of the mission program of the church.
A study of what the Bible has to say about the Holy Spirit would not be complete without making some mention of the ministry of this member of the Trinity in relation to the believer. The Holy Spirit makes anew, quickens or regenerates the believer (John 3:3-5; 2 Cor. 3:6). The Holy Spirit takes up His abode in the body of every regenerate believer: (1 Cor. 3:16; Romans 8:9). The Holy Spirit seals the believer from a life of bondage in sin: (Rom. 8:2; Gal 5:17). The Holy Spirit guides the believer in his walk of life and sphere of service: (Rom. 8:14; Acts 8:27-29; Gal. 5:16).
The Bible does speak about the Holy Spirit, and the Christian people would do well to listen to what it has to say.
May/June 2015 The Brethren Evangelist
Holy Spirit The Identity of the Holy Spirit By Vickie Taylor THERE IS NO DOUBT Brethren view
Maybe this image is that part which
find that the spirit teaches us (John
the third entity of the Holy Trinity
makes humans different from the rest
14:26), empowers us (Romans 15:13)
as the “person” of the Holy Spirit.
of creation; humans have the ability to
and we were sealed with the spirit
This “person” is probably the least
love, to reason, to be compassionate
when we believed (Ephesians 1:13).
understood of the three and has been
to others, to enter into intimate
This sealing is a form of intimate
the source of great discussions over
relationships with others and with
the centuries. We cannot begin to
God the creator, and with Jesus
talk about the Holy Spirit outside of
as Lord.
the Trinity and Scripture. What we say
We are all aware of the voice of God that speaks to us through the
In Acts 10:45 and 1 Timothy 4:14
spirit whose voice calls us to live in
the spirit is called a gift and it is a
love, compassion, forgiveness, and
gift that can be quenched or put out
righteousness. In this sense, in the
(1 Thessalonians 5:19). This spirit is
sense of relationship and the ability
The spirit, like God, isn’t a person
also poured out (Acts 2:17; 10:45)
to influence our lives, the Holy Spirit
in the way we would generally think
and one can be baptized in it. These
is a person or at the very least a
of a person. (This could be a whole
are not things that we can say about
divine being.
discussion as well about the person
a person.
and believe about the spirit directly impacts what we believe about God, about Jesus, and about the Bible.
of God). However, if the spirit or even God were considered a person in the sense we know of a person, then Jesus (God with us), would not have needed to come in physical form. Instead God sends Jesus Incarnate to help us see God as human. So what do we do with the trinity (if we can put that as the “we” in Genesis as “we created humanity in the image of God”).
We can enter into a relationship, in
So, it is impossible for me to say the
fact we must, with the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit is a person in the sense
The spirit guides and directs us, is
that we might identify a person as a
an advocate for us and a counselor
physical being. However, if we look
leading us into a life of love,
at the spirit as one with which we can
have a relationship just as we can with
holiness. Our renewed life is guided
God and with Jesus, we don’t have
always by this spiritual relationship.
to specify a person as being what we know of physical nature of humanity. In this relationship with the spirit, we
The Brethren Evangelist May/June 2015
The Work
“the Spirit of truth” who abides in us (John 14:17). Truth is given to those who believe through the power of the living
of the
God working through us. What an incredible concept!
Holy Spirit
the story of Peter and John, two men who were arrested
By Jamie White
healer and equipper. I find it inspiring that “they were
This empowerment is exceptionally evident in Acts 4 with because they healed and taught in Jesus’ name. This is a great story to learn about the Spirit’s characteristics as uneducated and ordinary men” (v.13) who became instruments for incredible power. Through this act of the Holy Spirit they became bold and authoritative, ultimately
Transitioning into the work of the Holy Spirit flows naturally from the nature of the Holy Spirit. This is true in our own lives, right? Who we are determines the way we act, the
revealing God’s mercy to those who witnessed. The power of the Lord is not bottled up in those with PhDs or DMins or clergy living a particularly holy life. Rather, the Advocate abides in us, equipping us to live more Christ-like.
work we do, the means in which we approach
The nature of the Holy Spirit involves many attributes
Likewise the Holy Spirit, being an
because it is a part of the Creator of the Universe who
entity of God Almighty, acts in accordance
holds all attributes. This may seem overwhelming, but I
with the nature of God the Father and Jesus
think it is important to acknowledge that the same power
Christ the Son.
that raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:44), the same
Though there are a multitude of characteristics of the Spirit, I want to hone in on just a few for this brief article. Let’s start with what the Lord tells us the Holy Spirit is here for. Jesus tells us that “the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to You” (John 14:26 NRSV).
revealer that told Simeon he would not die until he had seen the Messiah (Luke 2:26), the same teacher that gave truth and understanding to the disciples (John 12:16), the same comforter Jesus gave the disciples (John 14:26), the same healer that gave sight to the blind (Mark 8:25), the same equipper who gave Peter and John boldness (Acts 4:8) is still just as active with and in all believers today and always.
So in this way the Spirit acts as our teacher. You know those little nudges of direction you feel from time to time? That is likely the Advocate teaching you, reminding you, and guiding you in the times you are uncertain. It makes sense that since Christ is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6), God gives us the Holy Spirit to teach us what that means. He even states that the Advocate is
May/June 2015 The Brethren Evangelist
ChangE FOR OUR KIDS here in Manteca, CA, today is the last day of school! The prospect of the long days of playing this summer has my children excited! But today is a unique day in the life of our family. Today will be the day we say goodbye to the relationships we have cultivated at Neil Hafley School. We have spent the past six years working with the teachers and students at Maggie and Patrick’s school. Beth and I have volunteered at Neil Hafley Elementary School every year since Maggie started kindergarten six years ago. At first we were just in her classroom, but over the past six years, Beth and I have cultivated great relationships with most of the teachers and many of the students in the school. We have led our Parent-Teacher organization and tried to really engage fully into the lives of those in the school. So, today is a bittersweet day that will be exciting and difficult for our family. It is days like today that really bring home the realities of being in transition. Since the April announcement about our moving to Ashland and my new role as the Executive
The Brethren Evangelist May/June 2015
Director, we have been preparing ourselves, our children, and those we love here in Manteca for days like today. Transitions are not easy, change is rarely easy! If you have ever packed up your home and moved to another, even if that home is just across town, you know that transitioning to another place is fraught with difficult decisions. However, it is filled with excitement because there are new places to see and new neighbors to meet! Our preparations these past two months to move our family from California to Ohio have caused me to pause and realize that this transition is not just about my family but also our about our church family here in Manteca and our Brethren family all across the nation. Over the past 12 years, Ken Hunn has done an exceptional job leading our church to new places, casting vision for us to embrace a New Day for the Brethren. That new vision has been fraught with difficult decisions and filled with excitement. We have seen new churches planted, churches become more engaged with their communities, and
churches begin conversations about how they can become a more healthy community of believers. As I enter into this new role, I pray that we are able to continue to build on the momentum of the past decade and see more churches planted and see the relational impact a healthy community of believers can have on the local community. Like all organizations, we have our challenges and there will be days filled with difficult decisions. But those days are worth the struggle to be a part of God’s Kingdom advancing in our world. When we arrived in California, Maggie was three years old. When we leave California, Maggie will be 11 and we have six-year-old Patrick too.
We look forward to the new adventure with snow, living in the Midwest, and the privilege of leading our denomination. The next few months require a lot of preparation for our family. We are in the midst of looking for a home, transitioning away from our Manteca church family, and preparing to move all our things. Beth and I covet your prayers. I would like to ask you to pray not just for us, but for the whole Brethren Church! Please be in prayer for the Brethren all over the world, for our family and church as we make the transition to Ohio, and for those we will be leading and engaging with in Ohio. I look forward to meeting the Brethren all over our denomination, hearing your story, and how God is advancing his Kingdom where you live! May/June 2015 The Brethren Evangelist
By Sherry Van Duyne
(NOTE: As I thought about the topic, “Mentoring” I read two great books (referenced below), looked anew at Deuteronomy 6:5-7 and asked several friends here in Ashland about their experiences. These friends represent every generation. Very cool.) One of the newer “catch” words of this generation is MENTORING. It is not just a word for Christians. It’s everywhere. “We have business mentoring, education mentoring, life coaching and apprenticeships. We have people who make a living teaching mentoring, mentoring conferences and symposiums, and now e-mentoring online. You would think our culture would be doing this with great skill.” (Dick Bryant, retired businessman) Yet, lots of people still talk about it and want it. “The Uncommon Individual Foundation, an organization for mentoring research, reports that after marriage and family, mentoring is the third most powerful relationship for influencing human behavior.” (Sue Edwards & Barbara Neumann, Organic Mentoring (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications 2014), 73) The word is probably over-used and does carry some stereotypical ideas. Connie Witt in her book, says “I hate the word mentoring. It seems to conjure up thoughts of overwhelming responsibility, endless supplies of wisdom, long-term commitments and time-consuming meetings.” (Connie Witt with Cathi Workman, That Makes Two of Us, (Group Publishing, 2009), 11) David Stoddard says, “It’s time to bid a not-sofond farewell to the old paradigm and move into the twenty-first century. We need to redefine what mentoring truly is and then redesign how we go about doing it.” (Organic Mentoring, 73) Here are the quotes from my friends as they responded to this email from me, “What is mentoring? I am looking for your own personal experiences that have defined mentoring and have shaped your definition.” Dick Bryant continued on…”My own mentoring, called growing up, began in my family. No doubt the same happens today but with family being redefined. Church adds a type of mentoring I call ‘crowd mentoring’, a sense of being shaped by others maturing in their relationship with God. Then adulthood and becoming a father where we get the opportunity to lead one of the most complex but effective organizations known to man, the family.”
Anne Williams, a young 30-something teacher turned stay-at-home Mom, says, “Mentoring to me is sharing life with someone who is walking through a different phase of life, whether that be someone older or younger. I like being able to share my experiences with others to encourage them in Christ or glean wisdom from someone who has already walked the current path I am on. Mentoring is a way to encourage one another in Christ and share the joys and trials of life with someone.” “Mentoring didn’t start out as mentoring in my experience. It started out as two women—who really didn’t know each other well--getting together to walk, have coffee, or just talk about the highs and lows of life. Our first meeting was a situation out of my comfort zone, and a risk, but a risk worth the time and effort, and truly a blessing in my life.” (Margaret Ann Hess, volunteer and grandmother) Jason Barnhart, Executive Director of Religious Life at AU and 30-something Dad expresses his answer this way, "Mentoring is 'sacred companioning.' We intentionally journey together and redeem space and time with another. In a sense, we break bread together and appreciate the presence of Jesus is in our midst." “Mentors are people who take the time to pour the best of themselves into others. I don't have any "official" mentors, but I have a couple of close friends who are a little bit older, a little bit wiser, and willing to just spend time with me and show me their genuine selves.” (Wende Lance, realtor and young grandmother) Corky Fisher, retired from The Carpenter’s Shop bookstore, says, “To paraphrase my real estate
friends, mentoring is, ‘Relationship, relationship, relationship.’ It's walking with my younger sister through hard times and celebrating the good times. It's sitting in the coffee shop until the coffee has long gone cold--just sharing life--what Jesus is doing in her life. (And what He's doing in mine!) Laughing together, and yes crying together. Praying together and sharing God's word together. It's being blessed far more than I ever could have imagined!” If I had to summarize and I do since I am the writer of this article…but I hope that you will come to your own conclusions…they could be way better): • It’s not a program anymore. Organic Mentoring or Life-style Mentoring seem like good titles to express the new ways describing the relational process. (I really like the word journey or process for this. Always changing and moving not static or finished.) • There seem to be at least three opportunities for mentoring: in the moment, for a season and for a life time. Life itself, may determine this for each of us individually. • God wants this to happen. Deuteronomy 6: 5-7 is written particularly to parents but certainly applies for us to this. Impress the commandments, talk about them as you walk and do life together. Paul’s relationship with Timothy is also great example of a mentoring relationship. • It is worth it!!!
"Mentors are people who take the time to pour the best of themselves into others." May/June 2015 The Brethren Evangelist
Camp Shenandoah Meadows, VA Woo hoo! The big day is finally here! Will this winding, hilly road never end? I can’t stand the wait much longer. Oh…there it is! I see the sign. We’re finally turning in the drive. I know this road is only ¼ of a mile long, but it seems it’s taking us forever to get back it. Wait! Is that the chalet peeping through those trees on the hill? Yes! Oh and there’s the campfire site, surrounded by all of those majestic pines. We’re coming around the last bend. I see the Dining Hall on my left and there’s the girls’ bunkhouse over on the right. I can’t wait to buzz right past the bunkhouse in a few and hang out with my friends in the store or take a dip in that gorgeous pool or just go down to the lake by myself and listen to the birds and take in all of the wonders of God’s creation. Straight ahead are the A-frames and there comes Camp Manager Mike Finks out of his office in the first one. Wonder if he’s ready for three weeks of us crazy SE campers? Hope he’s all rested up, because we have been known to cause him some late nights in the past. There’s the guys’ bunkhouse behind the A-frames. It doesn’t seem fair that they have such a short distance to carry their gear when we girls have to go clear across that big yard with ours! Oh, well, I prefer ours to theirs any way. What’s a few more steps, especially when we are closer to the lake, the pool and the store. Dad’s parking the car now and…wait! Here comes my best camp friend ever, running over to meet me. I can’t get out of the car fast enough. We’re hugging and jumping up and down and screaming. Dad thinks we’ve totally lost it. Doesn’t he understand how good it feels to be back at good ol’ Shenandoah Meadows with all of these awesome old friends and new friends to be??? My friend and I head over to the Chapel to get registered, repeating the hugging, jumping up and down and screaming all along the way as we meet other friends. As soon as we get signed in, we head back to the car for my luggage. After we lug it all up the steps, I quickly kiss Dad goodbye and settle into my favorite bottom bunk, with my best friend right above me. Of course, the counselor has to pick the bunk right across from us. Oh, well, we’ll have fun any way. I hear the dinner bell ringing. As the thundering herd heads down the bunkhouse steps and towards the Dining Hall, I catch the aroma of something wonderful coming our way. When the director asks for a volunteer to pray, you better believe my hand is the first to go up. No way I’m letting anyone else be first in line for that yummy food. Ah, Camp 2015 has finally begun!
The Brethren Evangelist May/June 2015
May/June 2015 The Brethren Evangelist
The Brethren Academy –
A Kingdom Ministry of Ashland University and the Brethren Church “The purpose of the Brethren Academy is to reclaim the Brethren heritage at Ashland University and to rediscover the historic purpose of the university to develop Brethren leaders for kingdom ministry.” IN THE FALL of 2014, leaders from Ashland University and the Brethren National Office came together to explore fresh ways of partnering for the future. Ashland University enjoys a rich history with the Brethren Church but it is a history for which we need to refresh and articulate new expectations. Out of those conversations, then interim President of Ashland University, Dr. William Crothers, asked that the Office of Christian Ministry (formerly the Center of Religious Life) utilize the funds that Brethren congregations give to campus ministry to help the Church and University better partner. Thus the Brethren Academy was formed.
The Academy also exists for AU students and employees. On AU's campus we are providing opportunities for vocational discernment with an emphasis on those exploring a call to Brethren ministry (four students are serving in Brethren congregations this summer). We're increasing exposure to Brethren values and the Brethren Church and have developed an orientation for all staff and students to the Brethren Church and the place of Brethren spirituality on AU's campus (what we're calling a "Brethren ethos" at Ashland University).
On behalf of Ashland University we thank the Brethren Church for their continued support of the witness of The purpose of the Brethren Academy is to reclaim Christ on this campus. The University is committed to the Brethren heritage at Ashland University and to the relationship we have with the denomination. You rediscover the historic purpose of the university to are key to our uniqueness! develop Brethren leaders for kingdom ministry. The Academy exists for Brethren high school students as we As you have conversations with high school students create and host events that introduce Brethren values pondering what's next, feel free to mention the Brethren and promote the opportunities available through Academy and Ashland University. We're committed to the Brethren Academy and AU at camps, churches, this being not only the school of choice for Brethren youth conferences by AU students, staff, and Brethren students but also a place where the next generation can begin to explore how to follow Jesus in the real world. Church leaders.
The Brethren Evangelist May/June 2015
MARK VINCENTI is the youth pastor at College Park Church in Huntington, IN and is passionate about seeing young people reach their fullest potential in Jesus Christ. He has spent the last decade and a half spreading the Word of God and helping teenagers embrace God’s mission for their lives. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in youth ministry and a Master's Degree in Biblical Studies. Mark has been married to his sweetheart for 16 years and together they have three daughters and one son. When he’s not spending time with his family, he can be found assistant coaching the men’s soccer team at Huntington University, or playing his drums in worship bands and jazz groups. ENGAGE CONFERENCE is at Indiana Wesleyan University Marion IN, if you can’t attend, pray for those who are attending, safe travels, open hearts to hear Jesus and that lives will be impacted. May/June 2015 The Brethren Evangelist
Connecting in the Philippines
Matt is a student at University of Mount Union studying abroad in Australia this semester. He is a member of the North Georgetown First Brethren Church and first connected with Gary Castro while Gary served as staff at Camp Bethany.
I am studying abroad in Australia and was trying to figure out what to do for our Easter break. My mom gave me the idea to contact Gary. It’s been nine years since I met Gary at camp. I messaged him on Facebook and he said I was more than welcome to come and he would take care of me. He had a two-week-week old baby, Blessy, so I was able to stay with his in-laws, Daddy Paul and Mami Pi in Bocaue just a few minutes’ drive from their house. I flew in at 11 p.m. Thursday and went straight to a church camp there. Everyone else got there Wednesday. Wednesday. The camp is called Positive Revolutions in Tagaytay City. There were about 100 youth from age 12-25; it was survivor themed so the kids built their own tents. We slept under the stars and ate with our hands off of banana leaves for the meals. It was cool for me to praise the same God with people I’ve never met before in a language I didn’t understand halfway across the world. Everyone was so friendly; they can speak English but most people are shy or it is hard for them to put thoughts into words. Their Easter Tradition is sunrise service so we arrived to church at 5:30 a.m. Sunday in Bocaue, Bulacan (Bulacan is the province). The church service was the same as back home. They have a great worship team with guitar, drums, keyboard and vocals. Pastor Gary opened up and allowed me time to give my testimony, we then had worship with three songs. Pastor Gary
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used PowerPoint as a visual along with his sermon. We then had communion (they have communion one time a month), offering, and finished with a song. I had given Pastor Gary enough time in advance of my visit, so most of the sermon was in English and we sang English songs. We had fellowship and a meal after the service so I was able to meet the congregation. Pastors here are: Gary Castro, Rolly Guballa and Eddie. Worship pastor is Jerome Castro and youth pastor is Kharlo. I was fortunate to attend another service in Santa Clara, Bulacan with Pastor Mark. This church is smaller but is growing. The service started with a game like
The Brethren Evangelist May/June 2015
20 questions to figure out the random word, they spoke Tagalo for this one so I didn’t participate. Then we sang, gave thanks and Pastor gave his sermon in a mix of Tagalo and English. They were celebrating graduations from college and high school so I handed out some certificates. Afterwards we had another feast and had fellowship with the congregation. The next day I followed Pastor Gary to work. He also works as a professor training call center students. The class that day was bombarding me with questions about US culture. Pastor Rolly was kind enough to host me for dinner at his home, the food was amazing. The next day I toured Malolos,
Bulacan while Pastor Gary got some work done. Afterwards we stopped in Pulilan to see the church. The caretaker of the building let us in, and I got a picture with some kids there that attend the school. Pastor Rowel Santos is in charge and to make ends meet it is a day care school during the week. Later that night I traveled to the Jesus Our Firm Foundation Brethren Church in Deparo. Pastor Efren Corido and about ten people hosted me to dinner and fellowship, they recently had to go to two services because they are
growing so rapidly. Pastor Efren was kind enough to drive Mica (a friend I met and also Gary’s cousin) and I through the traffic in Manila to experience Corregidor Island which was an old US base during WW2. Later that night the youth of the church in Bocaue all got together at the “lagoon” since it was my last night. The lagoon is a house owned by Pastor Rolly. We played some games like hide and seek and hung out for the night eating adobo (marinated chicken) with our hands. Pastor Gary was kind enough to take me to the airport. Along the way we stopped at the Mall of Asia, one of the largest malls in the world.
May/June 2015 The Brethren Evangelist
23 Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. 24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts oflove and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:23-25 THESE WORDS were written to encourage believers who struggled under persecution and were tempted to return to their old ways. Some, out of fear of the consequences, weren't even getting together for worship and other elements of their common life. The movement was in danger of collapsing under the pressure and the allure of going back to life as usual. Perhaps there were "enough graves in Egypt." Perhaps there was safety in denying that Jesus had fulfilled the messianic prophecies. The writer, however, knew better. Life apart from Jesus and His mission was
The Brethren Evangelist May/June 2015
no life at all and there was power to overcome the pressure to be found in community. Movement was possible. If they would just keep coming together in Jesus name, His spirit in them would do the rest! And so it is today. Our movement, the kingdom impact of The Brethren Church, depends on our getting together, having a common life that sees us not only sharing in each other's burdens but also sharing in the joy of Jesus' restoring work. MissioChurch sees shared events as one of the most vital components of creating a shared kingdom culture. The following comments are reflections from some who have attended recent MissioChurch events.
Jesus is alive in The Brethren Church and He is actively cultivating His new life in us! May we embrace the simple yet powerful practice of community, gathering in Jesus' name, and in so doing, experience the hope of His kingdom in our midst.
MissioChurch March Madness... It was a privilege to be included
in the March Madness Missiochurch event at the beginning of March! This was a gathering of all those who are church planters and others who are an encouragement and support team for the church planters of the Brethren Church. I was greatly impressed with the enthusiasm of the men & women for Jesus first and secondly for the ministry of the Brethren Church. The Missiochurch team is committed to planting new congregations throughout the country. Each ministry is unique and approaching the work of ministry is a variety of ways, each relevant to their context. It was exciting to see and experience the commitment, dedication and energy of these missionaries in carrying the Brethren story into the future. Looking across the room I realized that I was seeing a part of the future of the Brethren Church. As I reflected that evening and since, I became aware of how important it is for all of us to commit to pray, encourage and support this group. What tangible and practical ways can we, the larger church, support them in their ministry? Mission work has a unique set of challenges that established churches do not always realize. As Brethren we are all in this together, so I want to encourage these MissioChurch church planters in their work and all of us to support and pray for them. They are a special and unique team that we all can learn from as well. We are all partners in this ministry of sharing the love, forgiveness, grace and truth of Jesus.
-Rev. Dr. Ralph Gibson
usie and I had the privilege to represent the Central District at MissioChurch March Madness, held this past March 6-8. We were honored, wow’d and excited during and after participating. We met three future church planting couples and were able to walk with one couple – Bryan and Erika Baker – through their assessment. We have since connected with Bryan and Erika in other ways and count ourselves a part of their prayer team as they venture into planting a church in South Carolina. While there were relaxing times and fun times, much of the weekend was
intense, detailed and powerful as we watched the couples answer question after question about their life, faith, marriage, family and call to ministry. Afterward we just knew that they were heading down a path that God had laid out just for them. Whether we here in the Central District will ever plant a new church – only God knows. But we feel better prepared to help in that process should God open the doors to doing so. We thank everyone who contributed financially to make this weekend possible for us!
-Rev. Dr. Jim Black
Exponential After the Indiana District Confer-
ence of 2014 I took over the chairmanship of the Indiana District Missions Ministry. The IDMM not only operates as the missions arm of the district but also as the church planting arm. Because of this, Tim Garner handed me the MissioChurch baton (literally, a baton, in a service at our church!) and I have become the MissioChurch Coordinator for Indiana. Therefore, Bill Ludwig began to include me in the MissioChurch Coordinator’s hangouts. As I have observed the MissioChurch leaders and those involved, throughout the last four or five years, it appeared they had this camaraderie that was enviable. At the beginning of 2015 I was invited to be a part of the Exponential Conference in April. This is the largest church planting conference on the planet and an annual get together for many of those involved with MissioChurch. I committed to going, even though the timing was less than convenient. I’m glad I went! The week was challenging and I was privileged to sit under the teaching of several men I have read and respected in the past: Robert Coleman, Bill Hull, Randy Frazee and Hugh Halter. But the greatest learning time was not particularly in the conference but in the drive time with Bill and the meals together with the rest of the team. Most of the MissioTeam at the conference were in their early 30’s or younger. There was a spirit amongst this group that was open and transparent. No one was trying to steal the spot light or promote themselves in
any way. The most important lesson of the whole week was on Wednesday night when we went out to eat at a restaurant. It was going to be an hour wait but the manager said he could seat us outside if we were willing. I sat next to a young man in his early thirties and across from a couple in their early twenties who had started on the path of the MissioChurch process. As we were waiting for our waitress a Mom and her nine or ten year old daughter approached the young couple across from me. She was asking for help to get a meal for them. Because I have had a lot of experience with people like that at our own church I thought I could offer a way we could collect some money and send her on her way. Before I could say anything the young lady said to her husband, “what should we do”? Now this young man was very quiet and I did not see him interact real easily with many. He said very simply, “Invite them to eat with us.” In that split second I not only felt uncomfortable but awkward and some shame that the thought had not even entered my mind. But I immediately knew it was what Jesus would have done. So the group pulled up another table and she and her daughter had dinner with us. I did not get an opportunity to interact with them because I was on the opposite end of the table. The whole time we ate, that end of the table engaged the Mom and daughter in conversation. When it was time for them to leave the group gathered around them and prayed for them. She then hugged everyone except me. I had not engaged her and I am sure she sensed my hesitancy. I realized that this group had developed a culture of openness and inclusiveness that was very winsome. I had seen Jesus coming through in this entire team. This 59 year old pastor with 35 plus years of experience in ministry was humbled and deeply moved by what I experienced this group doing together. All nine of them showed a heart of compassion and concern. I wish I could hang around this group a lot more. I need to be put in more situations where I am uncomfortable and where I can experience Jesus in community.
-Rev. Wyatt Smith
May/June 2015 The Brethren Evangelist
WMS J 14-15, 2015 uly
WMS 14-15, 2015
Grace Community Church in Winchester, VA
Tuesday, July 14, 2015 1:30 – 2:00 Delegate Registration near our meeting room. Watch for signs. All members of a local WMS are automatically delegates. Fee is $3.00.
2:00 – 4:00 National WMS Missions Report from Ken Hunn, 2014-15 Grant Celebration reports, Mission highlights, Memorial Service and Business Meeting.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015 1:00 – 1:50 Informal Ice Cream Fellowship and Sharing Time. There are 3 goals for this time: 1. Relationships. Make some new friends and catch up with some others. 2. Brainstorm. How can we REVITALIZE WMS...maximize our strengths and strengthen our weak areas in WMS? 3. Eat ice cream. (Any contributions to help defray our cost would be welcome.)
1:50 – 2:00 Break 2:00 – 4:00 National WMS Mission Reports, Ingatherings, Celebration of new grants awarded for 2015-16, finish our business.
The Brethren Evangelist May/June 2015
2015 GENERAL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Tuesday, July 14 - Friday, July 17 in Winchester, Virginia
What to expect: The Brethren Church General Conference is an opportunity for leaders from around the country to gather together. We plan to celebrate what God is doing in our churches, rekindle old friendship and foster new ones, as well as make strategic decisions to move us forward as a denomination. Mike Chong Perkinson will be leading us this year with teachings on discipleship so that we continue BECOMING more like Jesus. Additionally, we’ll feature workshops, a Kids Conference for those under 11, and plenty of gathering time to encourage and challenge one another. General Conference is a great way to expose your leadership teams to all the ways the ministries of The Brethren Church can come alongside your church as we partner in ministry together. We are ready to walk with your church right where you are! We are excited to have Grace Community Church in Winchester, Virginia hosting our conference this year. We look forward to seeing the many sights and sounds Winchester has to offer, as well as reconnecting you with the mission and vision God has for The Brethren Church.
Conferences Cost & Delegate Credentials Register Online and save $5! Early Registrations submitted before June 18, $60.00 per person. Regular Registrations submitted after June 18, $75.00 per person. OPTIONAL: Delegate credentials are obtained from your pastor and have been billed to your church. A limited number of district and cooperative credentials may be available through your district organizations. Credentials do not need to accompany your registration but need to be submitted by June 18.
Housing is available at several area hotels and bed & breakfasts. We recommend that you make arrangements for housing as soon as possible! Some area hotels offer a discounted rate if you mention “Brethren Conference” while booking your reservation. Be sure to book before July 1. Recommended hotel: Hilton Garden Inn.
Registration fee does not need to be paid if you are only attending a Ticketed Event.
Total for Registration: $__________ Continue on other side
Ticketed Events Global Dinner Thursday, 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. — Best Western Convention Center Winchester, Virginia
$20.00 x No. of tickets _____ = $_________
ATS Dinner Wednesday, 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.— Jim Barnett Park Winchester, Virginia
$12.00 x No. of tickets _____ = $_________
Total for Events $__________
Ticket sales will end on June 30. Ticket sales will not be available during the week of General Conference.
Kids Conference A nursery will be provided for children birth - 4 throughout the conference. Also, there is a crying room at Grace Community which parents can take advantage of if needed. Kids Conference, ages 5-11, will be provided during our main session beginning with worship on Tuesday evening. Kids will be signed in and out the half hour before and after each main session. Cost for the nursery or kids conference is $75 for your entire time at General Conference. If you are bringing more than two kids, contact Paula to discuss discounted rates. Details regarding Kids Conference and Nursery will be updated at
Kids Conference $75.00/week per child $150/week for 3 or more children
Total for Kids Conference $__________
Names and ages of children attending:
Important Information
• Registration rates change on June 18. Be sure to register early.
Registration Fee :
Ticketed Events:
Total Registration:
• Delegate credentials can be obtained from your pastor, district or organization. Please submit your credential before June 18. • Updated information regarding 2015 General Conference can be obtained by visiting our website: • Ticketed Event sales will end on June 30th. • If you are bringing a group or leadership team to the conference for the week or even a session, contact brethren to find group rates before June 18.
PLEASE MAIL REGISTRATIONS AND FEES TO: Brethren Church General Conference 524 College Avenue, Ashland, OH 44805
Payment Options:
I am paying by check which is enclosed. (Please make checks
payable to The Brethren Church.)
I am going to pay by credit card. (Please send a bill to my email address.)
I will be paying the full amount before July 1. (Please send a bill to my registration address.)
in MEMORY 1927- 2015
Rae Musser Hoffman Passes Away Rae Musser Hoffman, 87, Berlin, died May 12, 2015, at Meadow View Nursing Center. Born Dec. 11, 1927, in Brothersvalley Township, daughter of D. Jay and Ethel (Buckman) Musser. Preceded in death by parents; husband, the Rev. Robert L. Hoffman; and sister, Catherine Rhoads. Survived by sons, Robert A., married to the former Teresa Salamando, Johnstown; and Tom, married to the former Kathleen Walker, Berlin; grandchildren, Robert J. (Van) Hoffman, Monica S. (Jonathan) MacIntyre, Lee T. Hoffman and Stephanie (Brian) Brett; great-grandchildren, Lydia and Lillian MacIntyre, Bailey Hoffman and Connor Brett; and sisters, Helen Louise Geiger and Mary Ann Lambert. Funeral service were held May 16 at Berlin Brethren Church.
Virginia “Jean” French Virginia “Jean” French, age 80 of Eaton, OH, formerly of West Alexandria, OH, died Friday, May 15, 2015. She was born in Dayton, OH, on Aug. 1, 1934 to Elvin and Valeria (Haas) Bullock. She is survived by her husband of 64 years, Rev. Robert French, Eaton, OH, children, Vicki (Ronald) White, Medway, OH, Carol (Robert) Buchwalter, Wooster, OH, Barbara (Ron) Bauman, Eaton, OH, daughter-in-law, Cathy French, FL, son-inlaw, Doug Duncan, Eaton, OH, 13 grandchildren, 25 great-grandchildren, brother, Robert (Marilyn) Bullock, West Alexandria, OH, sister, Pat Duckson, Dayton, OH, special niece, Brenda (Kent) Hamilton, Eaton, OH. She was preceded in death by her parents, daughter, Donna Jean Duncan in 2000, son, Robert W. French II in 2005, brother, Daniel Bullock in 2014. Funeral services were held Monday, May 18, 2015.
May/June 2015 The Brethren Evangelist
The Brethren Evangelist (SSN 0747-4288) is published quarterly by The Brethren Church, Inc., 524 College Ave., Ashland, OH 44805-3792 (telephone: 419-289-1708; email:; fax: 419-281-0450. Authors’ views are not necessarily those of The Brethren Church. Subscription rates: Sent free to Brethren Church members; $15.00 per year to others. Member, Evangelical Press Association. Postage: Paid at Ashland, Ohio or additional mailing office at Mansfield, Ohio. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Brethren Church, 524 College Ave., Ashland, OH 44805-3792. May/June 2015, Vol. 137, No. 3
The Brethren Church 524 College Ave. Ashland, OH 44805
Please let us know when you are moving. This will save us much-needed funds for ministry.