Baltimore’s Global Air Media Seeks to Spark Children’s Interest in UAS Through
by Brian Sprowl
RACING LEAGUE On April 1, Global Air Media, a drone mapping and cinematography company in Baltimore, and its partner Open Works, which is a local “makerspace” in Baltimore, hosted the Baltimore Drone Prix 2017, the first race of their newly cemented Baltimore Drone Racing League. Before a crowd of several hundred enthusiastic children and adults, the professional Maryland Quad Racers flew their UAS in an enclosed course right outside of Open Works. Amateurs also got the opportunity to showcase their skills as well, with some performing just as well, if not better than, some of the professionals. The successful turnout for the event, and overall excitement from those in attendance, left Eno Umoh, one of the co-founders of Global Air Media extremely satisfied at the end of the day. “I think it’s been amazing,” Umoh said on the day of the race, when asked by Unmanned Systems about the overall response to the event from the community. “We’ve had a lot of good feedback; even people coming up to me asking ‘when is the next event?’ or ‘how can I get signed up for workshops?,’ so I think when you get feedback like that, you can call it a success.” When asked about the most exciting part of the day, Umoh said it was undoubtedly the kids. As he spoke about the youth turnout, audible “oohs!” and “woahs!” could be heard in the background from children as they watched the UAS navigate through the course and in some cases, crash into the nets or the ground. Austin Brown, the other co-founder of Global Air Media, says he hopes that the Baltimore Drone Prix 2017 was just the beginning, with the goal of being even bigger by this time in 2018.
We want to share our excitement with the community, so hopefully we can partner with some companies and find even bigger sponsors to take these events to the next level. - Austin Brown 30