Celebrate A Global Day On A Local Level Female artists featured for an entire month
Carbonaro Works His Magic We’re all looking for a little bit of magic in our lives—whether it’s through books, movies, romance, or something else—and cling to the hope that it does, in some way, exist. Well, who’s to say that it doesn’t? Prepare to have that question answered this Thursday as hidden-camera magician Michael Carbonaro puts on a dazzling show that will blur the lines between fantasy and reality then leave you stunned as you try, and fail, to put the pieces together. Best known for his TV series “The Carbonaro Effect”, in which he puts himself in everyday situations, often posing as a retail worker, and tricks unsuspecting customers into believing the impossible, Carbonaro has talent that leaves you mind-blown by his deceptions while bursting with laughter. “I say there’s a difference between a good prank and a bad prank,” said Carbonaro. “A good prank is everyone’s laughing at the end. The show is not mean-spirited at all and it’s all in good fun. It’s really trying to get people to believe that the universe doesn’t work the way they thought it did.” Carbonaro will be at the Tivoli Theatre at 7 p.m. this Thursday, so hurry and grab your tickets for a jaw-dropping, eye-widening, hand-over-your-mouth kind of night that you’re sure to enjoy, as long as you understand that a magician never reveals his secrets. — Lindsey Clute
"Four Afghan Women" by Miki Boni
HIS COMING MARCH IS INTERNATIONAL WOMen’s History Month and as part of this focus on women, International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th. It is a global day honoring the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. By Jim Tucker Pulse contributor
In coordination with these events, In-Town Gallery on Frazier Avenue presents WomanART: Celebrating International Women’s Month. Featuring artwork by the female members of the gallery, this broad ranging show presents fine art and fine craft in numerous media-artwork that is creative, beautiful,
provocative and compelling. In conjunction with First Friday, the opening reception is Friday, March 6th, from 5 to 8 p.m. and the show will remain up until March 31st. Established in 1911, a time when very few women had the right to vote, International Women’s Day is about unity, reflection, advocacy and action. It is a celebration of gender equality and of the con-
tinuing struggle to ensure fairness in society. As part of this international movement, In-Town Gallery presents a show featuring the artistic achievement of its women members. “The range and quality of the fine art and fine craft that our women create is truly impressive,” says Carol Ott, president of In-Town Gallery. “In many ways it stands in defiance to a time when women were not encouraged to be professional artists and artisans. In-Town Gallery has sixteen female members working in media such as painting, sculpture, jewelry making, pottery, and fused glass. It’s an honor for us to join in an