10 minute read
Celebrate A Global Day
On A Local Level Female artists featured for an entire month
Carbonaro Works His Magic
We’re all looking for a little bit of magic in our lives—whether it’s through books, movies, romance, or something else—and cling to the hope that it does, in some way, exist. Well, who’s to say that it doesn’t?
Prepare to have that question answered this Thursday as hidden-camera magician Michael Carbonaro puts on a dazzling show that will blur the lines between fantasy and reality then leave you stunned as you try, and fail, to put the pieces together.
Best known for his TV series “The Carbonaro Effect”, in which he puts himself in everyday situations, often posing as a retail worker, and tricks unsuspecting customers into believing the impossible, Carbonaro has talent that leaves you mind-blown by his deceptions while bursting with laughter.
“I say there’s a difference between a good prank and a bad prank,” said Carbonaro. “A good prank is everyone’s laughing at the end. The show is not mean-spirited at all and it’s all in good fun. It’s really trying to get people to believe that the universe doesn’t work the way they thought it did.”
Carbonaro will be at the Tivoli Theatre at 7 p.m. this Thursday, so hurry and grab your tickets for a jaw-dropping, eye-widening, hand-over-your-mouth kind of night that you’re sure to enjoy, as long as you understand that a magician never reveals his secrets. — Lindsey Clute
"Four Afghan Women" by Miki Boni

THIS COMING MARCH IS INTERNATIONAL WOMen’s History Month and as part of this focus on women, International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th. It is a global day honoring the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
By Jim Tucker Pulse contributor
In coordination with these events, In-Town Gallery on Frazier Avenue presents WomanART: Celebrating International Women’s Month. Featuring artwork by the female members of the gallery, this broad ranging show presents fine art and fine craft in numerous media- -artwork that is creative, beautiful, provocative and compelling.
In conjunction with First Friday, the opening reception is Friday, March 6th, from 5 to 8 p.m. and the show will remain up until March 31st.
Established in 1911, a time when very few women had the right to vote, International Women’s Day is about unity, reflection, advocacy and action. It is a celebration of gender equality and of the con
10 • THE PULSE • FEBRUARY 27, 2020 • CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM tinuing struggle to ensure fairness in society. As part of this international movement, In-Town Gallery presents a show featuring the artistic achievement of its women members.
“The range and quality of the fine art and fine craft that our women create is truly impressive,” says Carol Ott, president of In-Town Gallery. “In many ways it stands in defiance to a time when women were not encouraged to be professional artists and artisans. In-Town Gallery has sixteen female members working in media such as painting, sculpture, jewelry making, pottery, and fused glass. It’s an honor for us to join in an
"New Decadence" by Barbara Murnan

international celebration of the many achievements of women with a show like this.”
Some examples of the quality and range of the paintings on display can be seen in works such as “Landscape II” (Ellyn Bivin); “Four Afghan Women” (Miki Boni); “Optimism” (Jennie Kirkpatrick); “Unbound” (Janice Kindred), and “Pink: Tribute to Helen Frankenthaler” (Julie Turner).
Equally interesting is a beautifully rendered drawing by Gay Arthur, “Nude in Repose”. Other painters whose work is on display are Helen Brooks, Lee Glascock, Nadine Koski and Lori Ryan.
However, while these paintings are impressive, the creative world of the women of In-Town Gallery extends far "Optimism" by Jennie Kirkpatrick

beyond wall art. This show also offers fabric art like “All That Jazz” (Jan Lamoreaux), sculpture by Denice Bizot, pottery by Laurie Graham, fused glass by Mary Beth McClure, and jewelry by Eleanor Goodson, Barbara Murnan and Carol Ott.
WomanART: Celebrating International Women’s Day will be on display for the entire month of March. The work of the women artists and artisans showing at In-Town Gallery can, of course, be seen year-round.
In-Town Gallery is an artist co-op gallery, actually one of the oldest artist cooperatives in the United States, with the artists staffing the gallery themselves. With no admission fee, they are open seven days a week and offer a wide range of art and fine craft from thirty artists, including paintings in many media, natural dyed silk wearables, sculpture, pottery and creative wood items. Also featured are works in glass, metal, exquisite jewelry and fine art photography.
In-Town Gallery is located on the North Shore at 26A Frazier Avenue, and is open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday.
They also feature different artistmembers every first Friday of the month with a lively open reception from 5-8p.m. Stop by anytime of the year but do try to and get there in March to support an international event on a local level. Visit them at intowngallery.com or follow them on Facebook and Instagram.


Tommy Kha and Preston Gannaway "Southbound" artists will dialogue about diversity, representation, identity in the New South. 6 p.m. The Hunter Museum of Art 10 Bluff View Ave. huntermuseum.org

Laugh-Damit 3 Comedy Show Tony Tone from B.E.T Comic View will be in the building to make y’all "LAUGH-DAMIT". 8 p.m. Barking Legs Theater 1307 Dodds Ave. barkinglegs.org

Heather Lacy Art Party Heather Marie Lacy rings in Leap Day along with Dalahast and Ash Krey for an arts party! 7 p.m. Barley Chattanooga 235 E. MLK Blvd. chattanoogabarley.com
12 • THE PULSE • FEBRUARY 27, 2020 • CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM Miller Park Farmers Market 11 a.m. Miller Park 910 Market St. millerparkmarket.com Indirect Oil Painting with Susan Budash 1 p.m. Reflections Gallery 1635 Rossville Ave. (423) 892-3072 reflectionsgallerytn.com Art Wise: Distinguished Speakers in the Arts presents Tommy Kha and Preston Gannaway 6 p.m. The Hunter Museum of Art 10 Bluff View Ave. (423) 267-0968 huntermuseum.org Open Bead Night 6 p.m. Bead-Therapy 1420 McCallie Ave. (423) 509-1907 bead-therapy.com River Runners 6 p.m. Basecamp Bar and Restaurant 346 Frazier Ave. (423) 803-5251 basecampcha.com Life Drawing Open Studio 6 p.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com Open Mic Poetry & More 6:30 p.m. Stone Cup Café 208 Frazier Ave. (423) 521-3977 stonecupcafe.com Queen and Slim Talkshop and Poetry Night 7 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Michael Carbonaro 7 p.m. Tivoli Theatre 709 Broad St. (423) 757-5580 tivolichattanooga.com Mutzie
Hunter Underground
7:30 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com Alcoholics Not Anonymous Comedy Open Mic 8 p.m. Barley Taproom 235 E. MLK Blvd. (423) 682-8200 chattanoogabarley.com
46th Annual Houston Museum Antique Show 10 a.m. Stratton Hall 3146 Broad St. (423) 667-4332 thehoustonmuseum.org Art Therapy for Adults 1 p.m. Chattanooga Public Library 1001 Broad St. (423) 643-7700 chattlibrary.org Mutzie 7:30, 9:45 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com Hunter Underground 8 p.m. The Hunter Museum of Art 10 Bluff View Ave. (423) 267-0968 huntermuseum.org Laugh-Damit 3 Comedy Show

8 p.m. Barking Legs Theater 1307 Dodds Ave. (423) 624-5347 barkinglegs.org Ruby Falls Lantern Tours 8:30 p.m. Ruby Falls 1720 S. Scenic Hwy. (423) 821-2544 rubyfalls.com
Brainerd Farmers Market 10 a.m. Grace Episcopal Church 20 Belvoir Ave. (423) 243-3250 saygrace.net Making Accordion Books 10 a.m. The Open Press 1271 Market St. theopenpress.org Instant Pot 101 10 a.m. Crabtree Farms 1000 E. 30th St. (423) 493-9155 crabtreefarms.org Boxing the Past: Creating a 3D Collage 10 a.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org 46th Annual Houston Museum Antique Show 10 a.m. Stratton Hall 3146 Broad St. (423) 667-4332 thehoustonmuseum.org Kokedama Workshop 11 a.m., 3 p.m. The Barn Nursery 1801 E. 24th St. Pl. (423) 698-2276 barnnursery.com The Art of Curating 11 a.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org A Studio in Harlem 11:30 a.m. The Edney Innovation Center 1100 Market St. (423) 643-6770 theedney.com Weekend Craft Club: Jar Candles 1 p.m. Chattanooga Public Library 1001 Broad St. (423) 643-7700 chattlibrary.org Artful Meditation with Adriana Rios 1:30 p.m. The Hunter Museum of Art 10 Bluff View Ave. (423) 267-0968 huntermuseum.org Introduction to Embracing the Spotlight 1:30 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave.
(423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Elderberry Syrup Making Class 2 p.m. Crabtree Farms 1000 E. 30th St. (423) 493-9155 crabtreefarms.org The Blue Dog Project: Mixed Media Pets 2:30 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Evening in Conversation with Andy Davidson 6 p.m. Star Line Books 1467 Market St. (423) 777-5629 starlinebooks.com Art Workshop & Network Event 6:15 p.m. SPOT Arts Venue 3210 Brainerd Rd. spotvenue.com Heather Lacy Art Party with Dalahast and Ash Krey 7 p.m. Barley Chattanooga 235 E. MLK Blvd. (423) 682-8200 chattanoogabarley.com Mutzie 7:30, 9:45 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com Once a Month 2-Year Anniversary Show 9 p.m. Palace Theater 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 chattpalace.com
46th Annual Houston Museum Antique Show Noon Stratton Hall 3146 Broad St. (423) 667-4332 thehoustonmuseum.org History Under the Covers 1 p.m. Historic Ramsey House 2614 Thorngrove Pk. (865) 546-0745 ramseyhouse.org Family Clay Workshop: Bird Houses 2 p.m. Scenic City Clay Arts 301 E. 11th St. (423) 883-1758 sceniccityclayarts.org The Road 2020: 4th Annual Recovery Arts Show 3:30 p.m. SPOT Arts Venue 3210 Brainerd Rd. spotvenue.co Stellar Nucleosythesis – We Really Are Stardust 6 p.m. Jones Observatory 10 Tuxedo Rd. (423) 425-5234 utc.edu/chemistry/physics Mutzie 7:30 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com
Drawing Large with Timur Akhriev 9 a.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com Writing Workshop with Author Susan Beckham Zurenda 5 p.m. Southern Lit Alliance 301 E. 11th St. (864) 415-3973 southernlitalliance.org Winter Belly Dance Session 6 p.m. Movement Arts Collective 3813 Dayton Blvd. (423) 401-8115 movementartscollective.com Arcamira Book Signing Event with Hannah Sandoval 6 p.m. McKay Books 7734 Lee Hwy. (423) 892-0067 mckaybooks.com Joggers & Lagers 6 p.m. Chattanooga Brewing Co. 1804 Chestnut St. (423) 702-9958 chattabrew.com
Chattanooga Self Improvement Meetup 8 a.m. The Edney Innovation Center 1100 Market St. (423) 643-6770 theedney.com Drawing Large with Timur Akhriev 9 a.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com Take Five presents Tara Westover’s Educated 6 p.m. UTC University Center 642 E. 5th St. (423) 425-4455 utc.edu/university-center/ Writing the Mind Alive: An Intro to Proprioceptive Writing 6 p.m. Wildflower Tea Shop & Apothecary 1423 Market St. (423) 803-2625 wildflowerteashop.com Chalkboard Lettering 101 6 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Paths to Pints 6:30 p.m. The Tap House 3800 St. Elmo Ave. taphousechatt.com Chess K-night 7 p.m. Mad Priest Coffee Roasters 1900 Broad St. (423) 393-3834 madpriestcoffee.com
Drawing Large with Timur Akhriev 9 a.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com T-Shirt Quilt with Marilyn 10 a.m. Ready Set Sew 3444 Ringgold Rd. (423) 629-6411 readysetsewtn.com Art 65+ Beginner Handbuilding with Lolly 1 p.m. Scenic City Clay Arts 301 E. 11th St. (423) 883-1758 sceniccityclayarts.org Free Indoor Archery Session 3:30 p.m. Outdoor Chattanooga 200 River St. (423) 643-6888 outdoorchattanooga.com Main Street Farmers Market 4 p.m. Finley Stadium Parking Lot 522 W. Main St. mainstfarmersmarket.com Laughter Yoga 6 p.m. The Chattery 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 521-2643 thechattery.org Writing the Mind Alive: An Intro to Proprioceptive Writing 6 p.m. Wildflower Tea Shop & Apothecary 1423 Market St. (423) 803-2625 wildflowerteashop.com Open Mic Night 7 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com Open Mic Comedy 8 p.m. JJ’s Bohemia 231 E. MLK Blvd. jjsbohemia.com
Map these locations on chattanoogapulse.com. Send event listings at least 10 days in advance to: calendar@chattanoogapulse.com