The Pulse 14.32 » August 10, 2017

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VOL. 14, NO. 32 • AUGUST 10, 2017



VOL. 14, NO. 32 • AUGUST 10, 2017


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The reader of the classic dys-topian fiction of George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, or Margret Atwood will find Trump’s America familiar. Autocratic dystopian dictators always exert social control through controlling the flow of information.


The easiest way to tell an original story is to change the perspective. It helps with breaking genre conventions, defying the expected in order to deliver something new.


“ASYLUM: After Dark, The SapioSexual Experience”, is a new kind of entertainment designed to appeal to all the senses, including the inward eye and even the subconscious.



What’s a young man in his twenties to do when he’s spent the last four years in the Marine Corps? And has finally returned home to the North Georgia hills?


I’d always heard there were two types of people: those who saw the glass half-empty and those who saw it half-full. Pessimists and optimists and everyone was either one or the other. But hardly anything, including the types of people, in life is strictly one extreme or the other, so I wasn’t too surprised when I found out about the happy medium between these two that actually represents a third group of people: realists.



























How To Live With An Optimist

After bidding farewell to the structure of the corporate world over a year ago, Robyn Wolfe Fogle now spends her days pursuing the things she loves. Among her passions are freelance writing, rock climbing and running.

Terry Stulce attended the University of Tennessee on an ROTC scholarship and graduated magna cum laude in 1967. He served two combat tours in Vietnam, one with the 101st Airborne and one with the 69th Border Rangers.



Op-Ed: 200 Days Of Chaos Fear and loathing in an ongoing Trumpian dystopia By Terry Stulce

Pulse contributor



Managing Editor Gary Poole Assistant Editor Brooke Brown Music Editor Marc T. Michael Film Editor John DeVore Contributors Rob Brezsny • Robyn Wolfe Fogle Matt Jones • Sandra Kurtz Ernie Paik • Rick Pimental-Habib Terry Stulce • Michael Thomas Brandon Watson • Jenn Webster Editorial Intern Lauren Waegele Cartoonists Max Cannon • Rob Rogers Jen Sorenson • Tom Tomorrow

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Offices 1305 Carter St. Chattanooga, TN 37402 Phone 423.265.9494 Email Website Facebook @chattanoogapulse THE FINE PRINT: The Pulse is published weekly by Brewer Media and is distributed throughout the city of Chattanooga and surrounding communities. The Pulse covers a broad range of topics concentrating on music, the arts, entertainment, culture and local news. The Pulse is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. No person without written permission from the publisher may take more than one copy per weekly issue. The Pulse may be distributed only by authorized distributors. Contents Copyright © 2017 by Brewer Media. All rights reserved.


HE READER OF THE CLASSIC DYStopian fiction of George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, or Margret Atwood will find Trump’s America familiar. Autocratic dystopian dictators always exert social control through controlling the flow of information in a society. Destroying the free press is a first and necessary step in the movement to the dystopian dictatorship. From the beginning, Trump has attacked the press. At his campaign rallies, he incited his true believers to hostility toward the press referring to them as “enemies of the people” and peddlers of “fake news”. At rallies, Trump has treated journalist with reckless disregard, herding them into corrals like they were cattle. After his election, his abuse of journalists only got worse. Any news story that did not meet his approval was assailed as “fake news”. This is an old propaganda technique of invalidating counter narratives with aggressive denials. In addition, he continued to humiliate journalist who would not buy his propaganda. CNN, the “failing” New York Times, and the Washington Post were denied access to regular news briefings and the professional White House news corps was watered down by the inclusion of social media “wannabes” and conspiracy theorist from the blogosphere. More recently, he has pushed his true believers’ hostility toward violence aimed at the media as represented by CNN. Concurrently, Trump has created an army of sycophantic liars that appear on all the main street media to stretch the truth beyond recognition. The White House has been a propaganda machine. Lies, misinformation, distortions, and disinformation have poured out of the White House like water over Niagara Falls.


A new wing on the library of Congress would have to be built to archive the Republican lies on healthcare. Trumpcare lies include: premiums and deductibles will be lower, more people will be covered, Medicaid will not be cut, preexisting conditions will be covered and affordable, and you will love it. These lies are but the tip of the iceberg. A complete list would require several more pages. Trump and his bootlickers have told even more lies about Russian collusion. Numerous members of the Trump campaign met with Russian spymasters, bankers, FSB lawyers, hackers, and lobbyists. These discussions included establishing a secret system in the Russian embassy to evade America’s security apparatus, and ending sanctions on Putin’s supporters in the Russian oligarchy. Yet, no one in the Trump administration can remember these secret meetings until the free press uncovers them. Don Trump, Jr. has relied on

the serial lie to explain his Russian conference. At first there was no meeting, then there was a meeting about adoptions with an attorney who just happened to be Russian. Word out just this past week is that Senior “helped” Junior craft his misleading statements. Because that’s what “good fathers” do for their offspring, at least in Trump World. At this point, we know that Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner, and Junior were meeting with every shady Russian character in America except for Boris Badenov and Natasha from the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons. Trump wanted “dirt” on Clinton and the Russians wanted an end to the Magnitsky sanctions on Putin’s friends in the Kremlin. Are we living in America or Huxley’s Brave New World? Terry Stulce served two combat tours in Vietnam, one with the 101st Airborne and one with the 69th Border Rangers. He was an LCSW and owner of Cleveland Family Counseling before retirement in 2009.

Consider This with Dr. Rick

EdiToon by Rob Rogers

“Don’t let someone get comfortable disrespecting you.”

Going Back In Time With The Lightfoot Club If I were to ask any person on the street, young or old, what America’s pastime is, the answer would almost certainly be baseball. And with good reason. Baseball has been around since the mid-1800s century with its roots tracing back to the late 1700s. But since the 1860s, not only have there been many rule changes but there have also been obvious changes in equipment, uniforms, and culture. However, there is a group that strives to recreate 19th century baseball by embracing the rules, equipment, and costumes of vintage baseball.

The Tennessee Associate of Vintage Baseball was established in 2012 to recreate 19th century baseball. Within this association, the Lightfoot Vintage

Base Ball Club of Chattanooga represents our community in a special way. H.I. Farris, the captain of the Lightfoot VBBC recalls that “Vintage base ball is more than just another game. Lightfoot first played in 1867, and today we honor that 150-year tradition of community-minded base ball.” To the LVBBC, baseball is more about bringing people together than keeping score. “We can’t promise great base ball, but we can guarantee a good time,” says Farris. So take a step back in time with Chattanooga’s vintage baseball team this Saturday. — Lauren Waegele

If you’re not used to receiving plenty of respect, perhaps you don’t know what it feels like. And yet, you know that something doesn’t feel right when you are disrespected, even though that feeling may be familiar. We teach others how to treat us by how we treat ourselves. Read that line again, please. So no matter what the past has taught you, it now becomes your responsibility to treat yourself with respect. Then, others will follow suit. It’s a matter of becoming comfortable with healthy boundaries…getting to know what’s ok with you, and what isn’t. Not easy, perhaps, but doable, and important. Consider this: It works the other way, too. If you see something beautiful in someone, speak it. We all have the ability to make each other’s day a little brighter, self-esteem a little stronger — Rick Pimental-Habib, Ph.D.




Making Decisions In The Dark Secret government decisions continue to threaten the environment

Sandra Kurtz

Pulse columnist


N 2012, TVA SUDDENLY CUT NUMERous mature trees in people’s back yards bordering transmission lines. Contractors showed up unannounced to kill all tree species that might grow 15 feet tall within the wide power line easement. When citizens asked why, they were told that FEMA made a new rule. This was blatantly untrue. In fact, TVA alone had changed their policy citing bogus reasons related to the dangers of those far away trees arcing to the power lines and saving money by not having to cut so often. Residents were infuriated over the loss of their trees, never before considered a threat. West Knoxville homeowners took TVA to court. Finally, this past June TVA asked for legal dismissal saying they had returned to the previous maintenance policies. All this time, money and loss of trees could have been avoided if TVA had only followed NEPA. NEPA, the National Environmental Policy Act, assures that Federal agencies protect the environment and allow public review of projects. For large projects, both an environmental assessment (EA) and environmental impact statement (EIS) are required and usually a public hearing. In requesting dismissal of the tree cutting case, TVA stated that they recognized the appropriate environmental review wasn’t conducted and that they will publish an EIS. In other words, NEPA requirements were not followed. Now we learn that TVA wants to weaken

their burden of proof under NEPA requirements for some projects. After all, preparing an EA and/ or an EIS is time consuming and can be costly. Why not avoid all those requirements for citizen input when it’s so obvious (to TVA) that the project has no environmentally significant impact? TVA now wants so-called minor projects to become NEPA Categorical Exclusions (CE). However, TVA has gone too far. Some original exclusions were 1) Routine operation, maintenance, and minor upgrading of existing TVA facilities.; 2) Technical and planning assistance to State, and local and private organizations and entities and 3) Emergency preparedness actions not involving the modification of existing facilities or grounds. Clearly no EA or EIS would be needed. If the 31 new ones are approved and some old ones eliminated there will be a whopping increase from 19 to 50. Here are some proposed new ones. Note the many weasel words: • Actions to restore and enhance wetlands, riparian, and aquatic ecosystems that generally involve physical disturbance of no more than 125 acres, including, but not limited to, construction of small water control structures; revegetation actions using native materials; construction of small berms, dikes, and fish attractors; removal of debris and sediment following natural or human-caused disturbance events; installation of silt

fences; construction of limited access routes for purposes of routine maintenance and management; and reintroduction or supplementation of native, formerly native, or established species into suitable habitat within their historic or established range. • Reburial of human remains or objects (including repatriations) on TVA land. • Actions to manage invasive plants including, but not limited to, chemical applications, mechanical removal, and manual treatments that generally do not physically disturb more than 125 acres of land. • Actions to manipulate species composition and age class, including, but not limited to, harvesting or thinning of live trees and other timber stand improvement actions (e.g., prescribed burns, non-commercial removal, chemical control), generally covering up to 125 acres and requiring no more than 1 mile of temporary or seasonal permanent road construction. Maybe you think these don’t

sound too bad. The point is, however, that if these are listed in the categorical exclusions list, you will not have a say one way or another until after the deed is done. TVA is a Federal public power agency. Citizens have a right to transparency, information and input before an environmental impact statement is completed, including alternative solutions before any final decision. The good news is that TVA is allowing public comment until September 6. The Federal Council for Environmental Quality must finally approve each proposed exclusion. See TVA’s NEPA website. Send comments to NEPA allows light to shine for environmental protection. The August solar eclipse will black us out for only 2.5 minutes. A TVA eclipse will keep us in the dark for far longer. Sandra Kurtz is an environmental community activist and is presently working through the Urban Century Institute. You can visit her website to learn more at



The Reality Of Life With An Optimist Can a glass half-full person truly live and thrive with a glass half-empty person? By Robyn Wolfe Fogle


Pulse contributor

’D ALWAYS HEARD THERE WERE TWO TYPES OF people: those who saw the glass half-empty and those who saw it half-full. Pessimists and optimists and everyone was either one or the other. But hardly anything, including types of people, in life is strictly one extreme or the other, so I wasn’t too surprised when I found out about the happy medium between these two that represents a third group of people: realists.

When I was single I didn’t think that much about my outlook on life. But there is something about being married that helps you get to know your true self. Back then I would have considered myself an optimist, but I now realize I am definitely a realist—rational, level-headed, down to earth and above all realistic. My husband, Rob? Definitely an optimist! If you’re like me, and find yourself married to someone on a different part of the spectrum, you’ll agree that these differences often mean you end up frustrated, trying to make your spouse see the world your way. But you can also choose to learn from each other and see the humor in the differences. I’m no psychologist and hopefully you’re not looking to The Pulse to read a scholarly review of the types of people in this world, but what I can tell you is that I choose to see the humor in being a realist living with an optimist. Mine and Rob’s different perceptions

of situations was made apparent on our honeymoon. Of course! We spent a week in Boulder, Colorado and one of the things Rob wanted to do was climb one of the three Flatirons for which Boulder is so famous. Our plan was to begin later in the afternoon and time our arrival at the top for sunset so that we could sit and enjoy a bottle of wine and soak in a romantic sunset with a view. Well, the day didn’t go as planned and we didn’t find ourselves at the bottom of the Flatiron until around 5 p.m. Here’s my “realist” thought process: “Okay, so it’s 4 p.m. now. Sunset is at 7:40 p.m. The Flatiron is approximately 1,400 feet which means a solid 7 pitches (pitch equals climbing one length of rope) for each of us. It’s going to be easy climbing, but Rob has to place protective climbing gear and build anchors to keep us safe so that’ll take some time. Best case it’ll probably take us about 45 minutes per pitch... which means we’re looking at over five hours of climbing. Okay, definitely


too late in the day to start this! We’d never make it in time for sunset. We’ll need to come back another day.” If you’re a realist like me, you’re nodding your head in agreement. I’m not being negative, I’m just being rational and evaluating the outcome realistically. So I tell Rob, “Hey honey, I don’t think we have enough time to get to the top before dark. I think we should come back another day when we can get an earlier start.” “Oh no, we have plenty of time!” quips the optimist. “We’ll fly up these things, it’ll go quickly. I’ve done this before and they’re super easy.” Since Rob has years of climbing experience, including multi-pitch as this type of climbing is referred to, whereas I had been climbing less than two

years and had virtually no multi-pitch experience, I trusted him. I assumed he was also evaluating the situation realistically and if he thought we could make it, I believed him. But Rob is not a realist, he’s an optimist. So naturally he was positive that it wouldn’t take that long, and we’d make it to the top in time to enjoy the romantic sunset. In the optimist’s mind, everything would be perfect. I was excited for the adventure too, even though it went against my better judgment (read: realistic viewpoint) to go through with the plan so late in the evening. But I trusted his experience over mine, so I went with it. You know what’s coming. About halfway up this massive, 1,400 foot Flatiron, not only had the sun already

COVER STORY set, any fading rays were also completely gone. When Rob had climbed the Flatiron previously he was on his own, wasn’t building anchors and placing gear to keep a wife safe, and so of course it had gone quicker. We had no headlamps because we hadn’t expected to be climbing after dark and I distinctly remember Rob telling me to “run up the wall honey, try to go as fast as you can” while I’m trying to adjust my eyes in the light of the moon to see if there is even anything to hold onto. By the time we reached the top, the moon was out in full force and while the lights of the city below were lovely I suppose, the whole experience had been so stressful that we were in no state to enjoy it—or our wine. I do recall us taking a few swigs before tackling the down climb but that was probably more of an attempt to sooth my nerves and anxiety. At that point, you realize you can either laugh or cry. I think I did a little bit of both—laugh at the absurdity of the adventures Rob’s optimism got us into and cry in relief that he also managed to get us safely back down. If Rob was a realist, he might have rationally viewed the reality of the situation as I had and agreed with me on the timing. But he chose to see the best possible outcome, so we had adventured on, expecting the best. Over the next year I started to recognize our differences and learn when Rob’s optimism was not realistic and when we both needed me to bring him back to reality. But I also realized the value in his viewpoint and when to let myself get excited and hopeful. After we’d been married for about a year, we both left our corporate jobs and started our own small business together. I came from a finance background and could figure out the taxes, licenses, invoicing, billing, expenses and basically perform all office functions. Rob came from an engineering

“I’m no psychologist and hopefully you’re not looking to The Pulse to read a scholarly review of the types of people in this world, but what I can tell you is that I choose to see the humor in being a realist living with an optimist.” and computer background and could do the actual engineering service work our business provides, as well as the marketing, website and SEO types of things, so it worked well. Even during the initial start-up, I have to admit that things went better than I was expecting. I’ve read that entrepreneurs typically have either an optimistic mindset and remain exceedingly positive about outcomes (ahem, Rob), or they are realists who downplay the good and see the bad as inevitable. Bingo! Here’s what this looks like. We landed our first major job within the first month of business and at the end of it Rob gave me the total hours he worked, hours on the road, and how many nights he spent in a hotel. I prepared the invoice which amounted to around $4,000.

“Oh my gosh! We just made $4,000! Can you believe it?! Our business is awesome! I knew we’d be successful! This should support us for the whole month and then some!” Rob’s optimistic outlook and enthusiasm went wild. “Well, first we have to subtract your expenses—the nights in hotels, the gas, the meals, the tools you had to buy. Then we have to pay our business expenses like your cell phone and our insurance. Then there are taxes, which for a small business will probably be around 40 percent. But yeah honey, it’s a great size invoice and should help towards our monthly budget.” Me, I’m just being realistic. Let’s not go thinking we’re putting a $4,000 check into our bank account. It’s probably going be more like $2,000 if we’re lucky. “So what you’re saying is that I made

like $5,” Rob said, clearly deflated by my realism. And then...we chose to laugh. We’ve learned there is value in both optimistic and realistic outlooks and that though different, they are complimentary. If we were both as optimistic as Rob, we might have bankrupted the company already. And if we were both as realistic as me we might have given up when work got slim. But the balance our two perspectives offer has worked well in business, as well as in life, and together we thrive. We’ve learned to recognize and embrace our differences rather than be frustrated by them—sometimes anyway. Truth be told, I wouldn’t change a thing about Rob—optimists are great! He sees the rewards in the challenges, he remains hopeful even when things get bleak, he takes more time to relax and enjoy life. We’ve found a great deal of humor in the Heart and Brain cartoon illustrations of the “Awkward Yeti” by Nick Seluk (Google them, they’re really good). While the illustrations are probably more about a person’s inner conflict between their heart and brain, the cartoons so completely represent the two people in our marriage. Rob is the heart—optimistic and happy, carefree, positive and chasing butterflies. I am the brain—realistic and sensible, grounded, down-toearth and responsible. To quote one of our favorite Awkward Yeti illustrations: The Brain says: “We didn’t get a SINGLE THING done today.” To which the Heart responds: “Gasp! You say that like it’s a BAD thing!” And we chuckle over another one as it relates to our business. “Now that we work from home, selfdiscipline is absolutely ESSENTIAL.” —Brain “Speak for yourself, dork.” —Heart (while playing a video game) Can anyone else relate?



Things That Go Bump In The Night

A Ghost Story takes a new look at existential dread

Stray Cat Rocks! Grab your cinematic time machine and head back in time to the golden age of Japanese exploitation film, filled with a psychedelic mix of girl gangs, bikers, sex, drugs, rock ‘n roll and plenty of ass-kicking. The Palace Picture House is pulling out all the stops to bring you a delirious mash-up of pop aesthetics including split screens, freeze frames, injections of color, frenetic editing and dizzying angles with the Stray Cat Rock series, starring Japanese screen legend Meiko Kaji. In the first Stray Cat Rock film, Delinquent Girl Boss, a girl gang goes up against criminal organization the Seiyu Group, where blood is shed and friendships are tested following a fixed boxing match. Wild Jumbo features a group of five friends known as the “Pelican Gang” who spend time hanging out, driving around in their all-terrain buggy and listening to psychedelic jazz fusion when they’re approached by a mysterious horse-riding girl, who suggests they rob 30 million yen from a religious movement called Seikyo Gakkei. In Sex Hunter, the gang goes up against rival male gang The Eagles. Naturally, sex and explosive violence erupt! Plus, there’s some real-deal themes of racial injustice in the mix, giving this film a substantive weight. In Machine Animal, an intense rivalry is once again the focus with two gangs pursuing LSD pushers looking to move a hot score. And the swansong to the series, Beat ‘71, sees Kaji framed and sent to prison by her boyfriend’s father. With the help of some hippies, she strives to be re-united. Buy tickets online to two different Stray Car Rock films showing and enter code PICKTWOPASS at check out to receive $5 off! Buy tickets to all five films and enter code FIVEFILMPASS for $15 off. Stray Cat Rocks Film Series See website for dates and showtimes Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 10 • THE PULSE • AUGUST 10, 2017 • CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM

By John DeVore Pulse Film Editor


HE EASIEST WAY TO TELL AN ORIGINAL story is to change the perspective. It helps with breaking genre conventions, defying the expected in order to deliver something new. Every story is one sided—impressions, implications, understandings, and connections are all heavily subjective, and if every character has their own story than every story can be limitless. Very rarely does a film tell a story from the perspective of a perceived antagonist. Some stories will try to explain another side, but only to offer character motivations that inform the ultimate correctness of the protagonist. But truth is never so one-sided. It can be a good exercise in empathy to consider the perspectives of

the villain in your favorite movies. For instance, try telling the story of The Thing from the perspective of the creature—suddenly, the film is a tragic struggle for survival by a confused interstellar traveler against a hostile, unforgiving alien world and its inhabitants. Through this lens, the film is simply a misunderstanding rather than horrid tale of isolation. The same can be done with every genre. Take the haunted house, for instance. There have been movies that tell the story from the perspective of the ghost—The Others comes to mind—but most of them stay within the realm of the unsettling and scary. A Ghost Story, the newest film by David Lowery, tells the story of a ghost, but leaves the jump scares at the door. The only dread found within it is existential in nature. It is a film full of longing and


“There have been movies that tell the story from the perspective of the ghost—The Others comes to mind—but most of them stay within the realm of the unsettling and scary.” loneliness, posing more questions than answers. A Ghost Story asks only that its viewers give pause. A Ghost Story is not a film for all audiences. Many moviegoers will find its measured pacing too slow, being used to quick cuts and nonstop action. Lowery is sometimes Malikesquein the way that he lingers on a particular visual—the movie flows like a gentle brook when most films swell like an ocean. The film tells the story of C (Casey Affleck) and M (Rooney Mara), an unnamed couple living in a rundown house somewhere in America. C is a musician, a struggling one, and M seems to love him, but is wistful and restless, hoping to move on from their current home for something different. Her dream is shattered, however, by the sudden loss of C in an accident near their home.

After M identifies his body, C is resurrected as a ghost (as traditional a ghost as possible, white sheet and all). He wanders the hospital unseen, ignoring his chance to move towards the light, and eventually finds his way home. He watches silently as M moves through stages of grief, seeing hours and days in seconds, as M’s life moves on without him. If viewers can accept the pacing of the film, the film itself is an excellent thought experiment. The acting in the film is convincing, especially considering the main character is wearing a sheet. Affleck emotes the best that he can through the two dark, cut out eyes, although almost as much credit should be given to the costume designers for hinting at the sadness of C without turning him into a selfparody.

Rooney’s performance is better—she gives the audience a realistic portrayal of grief in an understated, complex way. Overall, however, it is the progression of time in the film that makes the story as disquieting as it is. C is neither a malevolent nor a friendly ghost— he’s a presence, an unwitting withdrawal, a regrettable loss that stubbornly lingers in the doorway, leering at the life that happens around him. His home is not large, and he looms across the thresholds of the quaint two bedroom, appearing most often to simply be in the way as the occupants move through. As the house continues to stand through the years, C continues to drift through the halls, a permanent fixture, like the piano no one wants to move. The film reminds us that memories are the ghosts that haunt our lives—they are often fixated around a certain object or a certain place. Sometimes, the only way to reconcile a painful memory is to remove the object that harbors them. A Ghost Story asks the audience to consider what happens to those memories when we leave them behind.


Annabelle: Creation Several years after the tragic death of their little girl, a dollmaker and his wife welcome a nun and several girls from a shuttered orphanage into their home, soon becoming the target of the dollmaker's creation. Director: David F. Sandberg Stars: Stephanie Sigman, Miranda Otto, Lulu Wilson

The Glass Castle A young girl comes of age in a dysfunctional family of nonconformist nomads with a mother who's an eccentric artist and an alcoholic father who would stir the children's imagination with hope. Director: Destin Daniel Cretton Stars: Brie Larson, Woody Harrelson, Naomi Watts



Exploring The Dark Sides Of The Psyche ASYLUM: After Dark, The SapioSexual Experience

An Uncommon Place For Uncommon Art The Crash Pad is known as Chattanooga’s “Uncommon Hostel.” This hostel is more than just place to crash for a night. What makes this place uncommon is that it is a representation of what Chattanooga is and should be. The Crash Pad prides itself on its mission: “Our mission is to further establish Chattanooga as an ultimate destination by providing a base camp and community hub for adventurous travelers.” This mission reveals Chattanooga’s incredible outdoor scene as well as its emphasis on community and shared experience. However, the Crash Pad is even more than affordability, camaraderie, and adventure. This hostel is also representative of Chattanooga’s community of artists. This Saturday, the Crash Pad will be hosting its first annual Uncommon Art Show that features local artists of all mediums including film photography, woodworking, and welding. Also, The Pulse’s very own arts writer, Tony Mraz, is one of the local artists being represented at this event. The combination of hospitality, adventure, community, and art may make this hostel uncommon, but maybe Chattanooga, as a city with something for every foodie, adventurer, artist, and musician, is a little bit uncommon too. Come enjoy the essence of Chattanooga’s art and community at an uncommon place for Uncommon Art. — Lauren Waegele An Uncommon Art Show Saturday, 2 p.m. The Crash Pad 29 Johnson St. (423) 648-8393 12 • THE PULSE • AUGUST 10, 2017 • CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM

By Jenn Webster Pulse contributor


OME TO BARKING LEGS THEATER this Sunday to have your senses snared and your soul shaken. “ASYLUM: After Dark, The SapioSexual Experience”, is a new kind of entertainment designed to appeal to all the senses, including the inward eye and even the subconscious. More than a listening party or variety show, “ASYLUM: After Dark” introduces Chattanooga recording artist Floami Fly’s album ASYLUM and features a range of other experiences, from dance to culinary arts. Floami (also known as Liz Willis) and creative director Erika Roberts have collaborated with a group of Chattanooga’s innovative young (and older) artists to create a program exploring attraction, mental illness and art.

“Asylum is a project about navigating through difficult times,” Liz says. “It includes mental health awareness, especially the darker elements of the psyche; coping strategies; existential angst.” The show grew out of a conversation between Erika and Liz, and expanded quickly as the two sent out a call for artists on social media. In Chattanooga, it’s not hard to find “creatives” as Erika calls them, especially ones eager to think outside the box and collaborate across genres and themes. The artists acknowledge that madness can be both attractive and dangerous. “This is a show about addiction, mental illness, intense attraction, personal demons, and selfawareness,” says master of ceremonies Marcus Ellsworth. In contrast to shows that celebrate sobriety or describe steps to recovery, “ASYLUM: After Dark” promises to place the audience in


“In Chattanooga, it’s not hard to find ‘creatives’ as Erika calls them, especially ones eager to think outside the box and collaborate across genres and themes.” the labyrinth, hand them the end of Ariadne’s thread, and let them find their own way— in or out. “It’s not a value of good or bad,” Liz explains. “The audience must decide.” Erika describes the process of sorting through thoughts and emotions as a Rubik’s cube, pulling together disparate colors to make things match. Though societal concerns, such as addition or the civil rights struggle, may give rise to mental illness, this show focuses on the individual journey of working through madness and seeking understanding, even if that enlightenment is sometimes fragmented. In a similar mix-and-match fashion, genres from ballet to hip hop are represented,

blended into a single experience that promises to be both unsettling and enticing. Artists appeal to almost every sense: poets and hip hop artists speak to the mind; singers and a violinist caress the ears; paintings as well as ballet and tribal dance dazzle the eyes. Specially prepared food and drink awaken the palate. Dramatic presentation fuses them all together. “The show transcends individual and cultural identity schisms,” says poet Arche Twitty, who performs as Arche Divine. Of course, this mixture promises to be profoundly sensual. However, Erika says, the show aims to arouse at the more refined levels of thought. The themes make the show adult-only, but

don’t expect straightforward burlesque. “‘SapioSexual’ indicates an intellectual approach to sexual attraction,” Erika explains. “It draws you in mentally. The music holds it all together.” Audience members “check into” the asylum, where they become “inmates” and participants in the program. “The audience is part of the show, too,” Marcus says. “They’ll participate with their reactions—to engage with us, to prompt the performers, to give input, to guide us.” Participation is at the level of comfort. Marcus adds: “We want people to feel safe enough to take chances with us.” Will this witches’ brew of ingredients come together to make a drinkable potion? And will it, like the DRINK ME vial in Alice in Wonderland or the red pill in The Matrix, leave the partaker profoundly changed? The organizers and performers have promised a transformational experience. Will they deliver? There’s only one way to find out.

ASYLUM: After Dark The SapioSexual Experience

Sunday, August 13, 7 p.m. Barking Legs Theater 1307 Dodds Ave. (423) 624-5347 Tickets $10 online; $15 at the door and for VIP seating Visit for more info or to purchase tickets. This is an 18-and-older event. Recommended attire is red and black




Thrill After Thrill

Goddess Rags Trunk Show

Twelfth Night

Come explore the exuberant world of artist Wayne White with puppets, paintings and fantastical sculptures! 6 p.m. Hunter Museum of Art 10 Bluff View Ave. (423) 267-0968

Artist Janice Schmidt previews her latest collection of wearable art. 10 a.m. River Gallery 400 E. Second St. (423) 265-5033

The free Shakespeare Summer Series brings the bard's classic play to the masses at Coolidge Park. 8 p.m. Coolidge Park 150 River St. (706) 996-8350



Chattanooga Roller Girls + Art

THURSDAY8.10 Extended Cavern Experience 8 a.m. Ruby Falls 1720 South Scenic Hwy. (423) 800-0566 Ooltewah Farmers Market 3 p.m. Ooltewah Nursery 5829 Main St. (423) 238-9775 Signal Mountain Farmers Market 4 p.m. Pruett’s Market 1210 Taft Hwy. (423) 902-8023 City Sweat: Onsight Realness 6 p.m. Waterhouse Pavilion 850 Market St. (423) 265-3700 The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman’s Portrait Photography 6 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Thrill After Thrill 6 p.m. Hunter Museum of Art 10 Bluff View Ave. (423) 267-0968 Dante 7:30 p.m. The Comedy Catch


1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233

FRIDAY8.11 Goddess Rags Trunk Show 10 a.m. River Gallery 400 E. 2nd St. (423) 265-5033 Chattanooga Market at Erlanger 10:30 a.m. Erlanger Hospital Medical Mall 975 E. 3rd St. Cambridge Square Market 5 p.m. Cambridge Square 9453 Bradmore Ln. (423) 531-7754 Landline 6 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Chattanooga Roller Girls + Art 6 p.m. Wayne-O-Rama 1800 Rossville Ave. Movie in the Park at Dark 7:30 p.m. Heritage Park 1428 Jenkins Rd. (678) 613-3800 Dante 7:30, 9:45 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233

ENTERTAINMENT SPOTLIGHT From NBC's Last Comic Standing to appearances in over 40 TV shows, Dante has been packing them in in clubs large and small for years. Come find out why! Dante The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233

Stray Cat Rock: Delinquent Girl Boss 8 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Stray Cat Rock: Wild Jumbo 10 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578

SATURDAY8.12 Missionary Ridge Road Race 8 a.m. Bragg Reservation 3136 S. Crest Pl. (423) 842-6265 St. Alban’s Hixson Market 9:30 a.m. St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 7514 Hixson Pike (423) 842-6303 Repticon 10 a.m. Camp Jordan Arena 323 Camp Jordan Pkwy. (863) 268-4273 Goddess Rags Trunk Show 10 a.m. River Gallery 400 E. 2nd St. (423) 265-5033 Northside Farmers Market 10 a.m. Northside Presbyterian Church 923 Mississippi Ave.


The Big Lebowski Party (423) 266-7497 Chattanooga River Market 10 a.m. Tennessee Aquarium Plaza 1 Broad St. (423) 648-2496 Brainerd Farmers Market 11 a.m. Grace Episcopal Church 20 Belvoir Ave. (404) 245-3682 Farmer’s Market 11 a.m. Nutrition World 6237 Vance Rd. (423) 892-4085 The Big Lebowski Party 1 p.m. Southside Social 1818 Chestnut St. (423) 708-3280 Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter 2 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 An Uncommon Art Show 2 p.m. The Crash Pad 29 Johnson St. (423) 648-8393 Our Hearts Are Sickened: John Ross Fights for his People 2 p.m. John Ross House 200 E Lake Ave Rossville, GA (423) 752-5213 Lightfoot Club of Chattanooga vs Franklin Farriers 2:30 p.m. 6th Cavalry Museum 6 Barnhardt Cir. Fort Oglethorpe, GA Stray Cat Rock: Machine Animal 4 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Sleep in the Deep 5:30 p.m. Tennessee Aquarium 1 Broad St. (800) 262-0695 Landline 6 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Dante 7:30, 9:45 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 Stray Cat Rock: Delinquent Girl Boss 8 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Twelfth Night at Coolidge Park 8 p.m.

Coolidge Park 150 River St. (706) 996-8350 Stray Cat Rock: Wild Jumbo 10 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578

SUNDAY8.13 Repticon 10 a.m. Camp Jordan Arena 323 Camp Jordan Pkwy. (863) 268-4273 Chattanooga Market 11 a.m. First Tennessee Pavilion 1829 Carter St. (423) 648-2496 Goddess Rags Trunk Show 1 p.m. River Gallery 400 E. 2nd St. (423) 265-5033 Brunch with the Queens 1 p.m. Revelry Room 41 Station St. Free Fiddle School 2 p.m. Fiddlers Anonymous 2248 Dayton Blvd. (423) 994-7497 Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter 4 p.m.

Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Stray Cat Rock: Machine Animal 6 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 ASYLUM: After Dark 7 p.m. Barking Legs Theater 1307 Dodds Ave. (423) 624-5347 Dante 7:30 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 Landline 8 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Stray Cat Rock: Beat ‘71 10 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578

MONDAY8.14 Red Bank Farmers Market 3 p.m. Red Bank United Methodist 3800 Dayton Blvd. (423) 838-9804 CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM • AUGUST 10, 2017 • THE PULSE • 15


Comedy Buffet with Dave Waite James R. Mapp Exhibit Opening Reception 5:30 p.m. Bessie Smith Cultural Center 200 E. MLK Blvd. (423) 266-8658

TUESDAY8.15 Landline 6 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Tuesday Night Chess Club 6 p.m. Downtown Library 1001 Broad St. (423) 643-7700 Sober at the Party 7:30 p.m. First Draft Theater 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 843-1775 Stray Cat Rock: Beat ‘71 8 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Comedy Buffet with Dave Waite 8 p.m. JJ’s Bohemia 231 E. MLK Blvd. Top Secret Tuesday 10 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave.


(423) 803-6578

WEDNESDAY8.16 Chattanooga Market at Erlanger East 10:30 a.m. Erlanger East Hospital 1751 Gunbarrel Rd. (423) 648-2496 Main Street Market 4 p.m. 522 W. Main St. Stray Cat Rock: Delinquent Girl Boss 6 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Comedy Open Mic 7:30 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 Stray Cat Rock: Wild Jumbo 8 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Landline 10 p.m. Palace Picture House 818 Georgia Ave. (423) 803-6578 Map these locations on chattanoogapulse. com. Send event listings at least 10 days in advance to:


Emerging From The Backwoods Moonshining some light on a centuries-old (and counting) drink By Lauren Waegele Pulse contributor


OOCH, CORN LIQUOR, WHITE lightning, mountain dew—whatever people may call it, moonshine has long been considered a staple of Appalachian culture, to the point where it recently had a “national holiday” to celebrate this beloved corn liquor. Celebrators of this national holiday not only celebrated the drink itself, but also celebrated the transformation of moonshine from having a bad reputation to being accepted as normal in modern society. Introduced to Appalachia in the late 18th and early 19th centuries by ScotsIrish immigrants, the recipe that developed into moonshine was dubbed uisce beathe, Gaelic for “water of life.” Since then, moonshine continues to give life to its illegal past and its increasingly positive future. At first, the very word moonshine makes people think of moonshiners of the past who hid stills in the woods and covered them in camouflage in order to avoid being found out by the “revenuers”, and this past certainly has some truth. The term moonshine is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as an “illegally sold spirit”. However, despite the actual definition of the word moonshine, moonshine today, if made correctly and responsibly, is both safe and legal. In fact, since 2010, moonshine has become legal in 44 counties in Tennessee as long as the manufacturer is a licensed producer. And while individual folks cannot distill moonshine in their homes without a license, you are allowed to make up to five gallons of your own a year, provided it is for domestic use. Despite moonshine’s rebellious past,

there have been attempts by many distilleries to normalize moonshine and rid it of its stigma of illegality. In fact, a Chattanooga couple, Ann Dickerson and Bill Zack, used the rum cakes of the Caribbean to inspire their Tennessee Moonshine Cakes. “If you can put rum in cakes, why not moonshine?” they ask. They claim that using moonshine in their cakes and jams allows for a continuation of something that’s been a part of the culture of East Tennessee since immigrants from Scotland and Ireland arrived here in the 1700’s, and doing so in a new and innovative way. Including moonshine in a baked good provides the public with a taste of the famous liquor as well as a taste of Southern history.

Beyond the Tennessee Moonshine Cakes, there are a number of tourist distilleries that make moonshine. These distilleries include the famous Ole Smokey Moonshine Distillery, the Short Mountain Distillery, and the Sugarlands Distilling Company. Also, legally distilled moonshine is available in almost any liquor store in the Chattanooga area. The future of moonshine continues to look bright as people find new ways to flavor it and new ways to use it. Moonshine is an extremely adaptable spirit that can be used in the place of vodka, tequila, and rum. Even though moonshine’s past was dark, alcohol consumers today can embrace the intense history of a classic drink and look forward to its positive future.

Strawberry Silver Stone Sour (courtesy • 1 oz Strawberry infused Silver Cloud Moonshine* • 1 oz Orange juice • 1 oz Fresh lemon juice • 1 oz Simple syrup • 1 Egg white • 3 dashes Bitters Shake ingredients together vigorously and pour over ice. Garnish with a strawberry. *Slice 6 - 8 strawberries and soak in a jar of Silver Cloud Moonshine for at least 6 hours.



Jay Terrell Ponders Who He Is Musically From the Marine Corps to the world of country music

Joey Kneiser

Checking Out The Hixson Music Scene Chattanooga’s music scene is one that is ever growing, and with such a blossoming community of musicians comes a blossoming community of venues to host these incredible local artists. However, with many of these venues and artists centrally located downtown, we often forget that there are many surrounding cities with their fair share of musicians and concert venues. One of these hidden gems is Halfway House Concerts of Hixson. Halfway House, according to Lew Card, who runs HHC with his wife, Laura, “is more like huddling around a campfire than around a bar at a loud club. There is no separation between the artists and the listener. Everyone on both sides is encouraged to be part of the conversation and experience.” Halfway House Concerts is more than just an event venue. HHC provides a connection between each listener and between the listener and the artist. If you’re searching for this kind of experience HHC is hosting two local artists, Joey Kneiser and the Bohannons, this Friday at 8 p.m. So come out and support local music and local small business. — Lauren Waegele Joey Kneiser with Matt & Marty Bohannon Friday, 8 p.m. Halfway House Concerts Old Dayton Pike (contact them for directions) 18 • THE PULSE • AUGUST 10, 2017 • CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM

By Marc T. Michael Pulse Music Editor


HAT’S A YOUNG MAN IN HIS twenties to do when he’s spent the last four years in the Marine Corps? And has finally returned home to the North Georgia hills? In the case of Jay Terrell, the answer is to spend a few months writing and recording some of the hottest country music this side of Nashville. In relatively short order Terrell has proven himself a skilled lyricist, composer, arranger and producer, penning a series of pop country tunes that are as good or better than anything on the radio today. It doesn’t hurt that he has a golden voice that, taken with his other formidable skills, suggest he has the makings of the

next Garth Brooks. Like Brooks, Terrell’s music is undeniably country, yet there is enough of a rock and roll sensibility to it that he could easily crossover into mainstream anytime he chooses. Put another way, it’s country enough to be country, but broad enough in appeal to reach a much larger demographic. That’s easier said than done, but Brooks mastered it and Terrell has the same quality, hence the comparison. His releases so far have been sporadic singles published to YouTube and his Facebook page, Jay Terrell Music, but there’s enough material there to generate some excitement about an upcoming EP scheduled for release later this fall. “Than I Do Right Now” is a prime example of Terrell’s exemplary writing skills. Thoughtful and intelligent, full of hooks and with a chorus that everyone in the bar will be singing along with,


“Like Garth Brooks, Terrell’s music is undeniably country, yet there is enough of a rock and roll sensibility to it that he could easily crossover into mainstream anytime he chooses.” it is country pop at its best. It is a sincere and relatable love song observing that, “tomorrow, I don’t know, but I’ll love her more then than I do right now.” Whether by accident or design, that chorus is a paraphrasing of a very old and popular French love poem and that connection alone suggests there’s much more this writing than meets the eye. “Drinks Up” is a country party anthem with just enough nostalgia to bring to this Kentucky boy’s mind long-ago field parties and bonfires when an ice cold beer was the best of all possible solutions to a sweltering, muggy summer night. If you ever been there, this song will speak directly to you. If not, it still has a catchy chorus. “Who I Am” is the most recent release and, so far, the crowning achievement of a man

whose work is unbelievably mature and well crafted. Certainly some credit goes to Brent Crowe at Back Beat Sounds in Hixson for the masterful production values of these tunes, but I imagine Terrell makes it an awful lot easier for him by providing such high quality material to work with. Here’s the best way I can sum up the man’s music, at least as I hear it. I’ve never been particularly outspoken about my own rustic roots. It isn’t a thing I keep hidden; I just don’t particularly celebrate it. It’s really just a matter of where my family was from and when I was able to leave, I left, because it wasn’t an especially good fit for me, but Jay Terrell’s music reminds me of everything that was good about it and while I never thought I’d look back fondly on warehousing tobacco (nasty, hot, hard

work) or perpetually circling the courthouse on a Friday night (because that’s how you flirted) this music makes me smile. There were some pretty good times after all. I generally don’t get personal in these columns but I thought I would this time to illustrate something key about Terrell. Other country music doesn’t make me feel like that. A great deal of country pop is either empty, goofy, or cookie cutter crap harping on the same two or three bumper sticker slogans. This music, however, has some real heart and soul, integrity and honesty, it’s the real deal and while the finishing touches are being put on the EP, you should take a minute to stop by the Jay Terrell Music Facebook page or seek him out on YouTube and see for yourself.

Genki Genki Panic

Another Busy Weekend Another busy weekend for Chattanooga music with too many artists and too little time. On Thursday, Hip-Hop CHA is sponsoring a fundraiser at the Revelry Room featuring Kay B. Brown, Natural Habitz, J. FLO, CD7, Hi$e Cold, and many more including dance teams and DJs. The event runs from 7 to 11 p.m. and proceeds go to help fund Chattanooga’s first-ever hip-hop festival. Weedeater will be playing Ziggy’s that same night and Kay B. Brown and friends will be headed over to JJ’s Bohemia for an 11 p.m. show after their performance at Hip-Hop CHA’s Revelry Room gig. Friday features the lovely Robin Rogers Grant performing at Jazz at the Archway at 7 p.m., Red Rogues rocking out Casual Pint with their blend of Celtic rock, and Emerge will be performing at Cloud Springs Deli. On Saturday, August 11th, the powerhouse combination of Del Rios, Genki Genki Panic and Ashley & the X’s will be taking over JJ’s Bohemia from 9 p.m. until the wee hours of the morning. It’s a great weekend for music in the Scenic City, go get you some! — Marc T. Michael




River City Sessions

Major & The Monbacks

Acoustic Apocalypse

Hailey Miller, Mike Crowder, Ivy Leaks and Corriee Lyn White gather together for another great night of local music. 7 p.m. The Granfalloon 400 E. Main St.

The weather is hot but the music is cool for another free Nightfall Concert, along with opening act Ashley and the Xs. 7 p.m. Miller Plaza 850 Market St.

Chase Crawford, Kyle Keller, Matthew Paul Revere and Craig Pratt gather together to go unplugged and still rock out the room. 9 p.m. Music Box @ Ziggys 607 Cherokee Blvd.



Galactic Cowboy Orchestra

THURSDAY8.10 James Crumble Trio 6 p.m. St. John’s Meeting Place 1278 Market St. Rick Rushing 6 p.m. Backstage Bar 29 Station St. Forever Bluegrass 6 p.m. Whole Foods Market 301 Manufacturers Rd. Prime Country Band 6:30 p.m. Motley’s 320 Emberson Dr. Ringgold, GA (706) 260-8404 River City Session ft. Ivy Leaks, Cannon & Hailey, Mike Crowder 7 p.m. The Granfalloon 400 E. Main St. Tom Cordell Trumpet Improv Ensemble 7 p.m. The Camp House 149 E. MLK Blvd. Singer Songwriter Series 7 p.m. Fiamma Pizza Company 405 N. Market St. Tim Lewis 7 p.m.


Southside Social 1818 Chestnut St. Bluegrass Thursdays 7:30 p.m. Feed Co. Table & Tavern 201 W. Main St. Jesse James & Tim Neal 7:30 p.m. Mexi-Wing VII 5773 Brainerd Rd. Weedeater, Beitthemeans, Mudsex 8 p.m. Music Box @ Ziggy’s 607 Cherokee Blvd. Shawnessey Cargile 8 p.m. Puckett’s 2 W. Aquarium Way Hip-Hop CHA Fundraiser & Festival Preview 8 p.m. Revelry Room 41 Station St. Keepin’ It Local 8 p.m. The Social 1110 Market St. Open Mic Night with Jonathan Wimpee 9 p.m. The Office @ City Cafe 901 Carter St. Kay B Brown, Keith Austin, Hi$e Cold, Kemo 9 p.m. JJ’s Bohemia 231 E. MLK Blvd.

PULSE MUSIC SPOTLIGHT When Erin Enderlin writes a song, more is born than melody and rhyme. Women and men leap from her music, all blood and sweat, living, loving, killing, and dying. Erin Enderlin Friday, 9 p.m. Puckett’s Restaurant 2 W. Aquarium Way

FRIDAY8.11 Summer Music Weekends 11 a.m. Rock City Gardens 1400 Patten Rd. Jeff Miller 6 p.m. Cambridge Square Night Market 9453 Bradmore Ln. Eddie Pontiac 6 p.m. El Meson 2204 Hamilton Place Blvd. Binji Varsossa 6 p.m. Cancun Mexican Restaurant 1809 Broad St. (423) 266-1461 Beneath the Surface, Time Drop, Cheering Tokyo, Sojourn, Emerge, Ashes Fall 6:30 p.m. Cloud Springs Deli 4097 Cloud Springs Rd. Major & The Monbacks, Ashley and the Xs 7 p.m. Miller Plaza 850 Market St. Whiskey Dixie 7 p.m. Thunder Creek Harley-Davidson 7720 Lee Hwy. Addison Johnson 7 p.m. Slick’s Burgers


Cheering Tokyo 309 E. Main St. (423) 760-4878 Robin Grant and The Standard 7 p.m. Archway on Glass 2523 Glass St. Tim Lewis 7 p.m. El Meson 248 Northgate Park Jimmy Harris 7 p.m. The Coconut Room 6925 Shallowford Rd. Joey Kneiser with Matt & Marty Bohannon 8 p.m. Halfway House Concerts Old Dayton Pike halfwayhouseconcerts 1964 The Tribute 8 p.m. Tivoli Theatre 709 Broad St. Midnight Promise, The Coma Kids 8 p.m. Music Box @ Ziggys 607 Cherokee Blvd. Red Rogue 8 p.m. The Casual Pint 5550 Hwy 153 Rick Rushing 8:30 p.m. The Foundry

1201 Broad St. Del Rios, Genki Genki Panic, Ashley and the X’s 9 p.m. JJ’s Bohemia 231 E. MLK Blvd. Jerry Garcia Band Cover Band 9 p.m Revelry Room 41 Station St. Mark Andrew & Friends 9 p.m. The Office @ City Cafe 901 Carter St. Erin Enderlin 9 p.m. Puckett’s Restaurant 2 W. Aquarium Way Creature Comfort 10 p.m. Clyde’s On Main 122 W. Main St. Band Raven 10 p.m. Bud’s Sports Bar 5751 Brainerd Rd.

SATURDAY8.12 Summer Music Weekends 11 a.m. Rock City Gardens 1400 Patten Rd. Dan Landrum 11 a.m.

Adelle’s Creperie 400 E. Main St. Bluegrass Brunch Noon The Honest Pint 35 Patten Pkwy. Jeff Miller 12:30 p.m. Tennessee Aquarium Plaza 1 Broad St. Second Saturdays ft. The Beaters, The Power Players 2 p.m. Songbirds Guitar Museum 35 Station St. Something Else 6 p.m. Las Margaritas 4604 Skyview Dr. (423) 892-3065 Eddie Pontiac 6 p.m. El Meson 2204 Hamilton Place Blvd. Binji Varsossa 6 p.m. Cancun Mexican Restaurant 1809 Broad St. (423) 266-1461 Galactic Cowboy Orchestra, The Diamond Dogs 7 p.m. Chattanooga Riverfront 201 Riverfront Pkwy. Breaking Wheel 7 p.m. Cloud Springs Deli 4097 Cloud Springs Rd. Tim Lewis 7 p.m. El Meson 248 Northgate Park Jimmy Harris 7 p.m. The Coconut Room 6925 Shallowford Rd. Bitter Bloom 8 p.m. Charles & Myrtle’s Coffeehouse 105 McBrien Rd. Cheering Tokyo 8 p.m. The Casual Pint 5550 Hwy 153 Rick Rushing 8:30 p.m. The Foundry 1201 Broad St. Overland Express 9 p.m. Revelry Room 41 Station St. A Party! 9 p.m. JJ’s Bohemia 231 E. MLK Blvd. Acoustic Apocalypse: Chase Crawford, Kyle Keller, Matthew Paul Revere, Craig Pratt 9 p.m. Music Box @ Ziggys 607 Cherokee Blvd. CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM • AUGUST 10, 2017 • THE PULSE • 21


The Wild Reeds DJ LV’s Leo-Nation Birthday Bash 9 p.m. Mary’s Lounge 2125 McCallie Ave. (423) 493-0246 Gino Fanelli 9 p.m. Puckett’s Restaurant 2 W. Aquarium Way The Aquaducks & Displace 10 p.m. Clyde’s On Main 122 W. Main St. Jack Kirton of Endelouz 10 p.m. The Office @ City Cafe 901 Carter St. Band Raven 10 p.m. Bud’s Sports Bar 5751 Brainerd Rd.

SUNDAY8.13 Summer Music Weekends 11 a.m. Rock City Gardens 1400 Patten Rd. Nick Lutsko 11 a.m. Flying Squirrel Bar 55 Johnson St. Julie Gribble 12:30 p.m. First Tennessee Pavilion 1829 Carter St. Jeff Miller 12:30 p.m. Tennessee Aquarium Plaza 1 Broad St. Brooks Hubbard 1:30 p.m. Flying Squirrel Bar 55 Johnson St. Mountain Creek House Fire 2 p.m. First Tennessee Pavilion 1829 Carter St. Bluegrass Jam 4 p.m. Fiddler’s Anonymous 2248 Dayton Blvd. (423) 994-7497 Afterlife, Currents, Kingdom of Giants 5 p.m. Cloud Springs Deli 4097 Cloud Springs Rd. Open Mic with Jeff Daniels 6 p.m. Long Haul Saloon 2536 Cummings Hwy. (423) 822-9775 Maria and Josh Sable 7 p.m. Southside Social 1818 Chestnut St. Mathis & Martin 7 p.m. The BackStage Bar 29 Station St. (423) 629-2233 Dead Seas, Chariot The Moon 8 p.m.


Music Box @ Ziggys 607 Cherokee Blvd.

MONDAY8.14 Pains Chapel 6 p.m. SPOT Athletic Arts Venue 3210 Brainerd Rd. Monday Nite Big Band 7 p.m. The Coconut Room 6925 Shallowford Rd. Very Open Mic with Shawnessey Cargile 8 p.m. The Well 1800 Rossville Blvd. #8 Open Mic Night 6 p.m. Puckett’s Grocery 2 W. Aquarium Way Open Air with Jessica Nunn 7:30 p.m. The Granfalloon 400 E. Main St.

TUESDAY8.15 Danimal 6 p.m. Backstage Bar 29 Station St. Arsonist Get All The Girls 6 p.m.

Cloud Springs Deli 4097 Cloud Springs Rd. Bill McCallie and In Cahoots 6:30 p.m. Southern Belle 201 Riverfront Pkwy. Courtney Holder 7 p.m. Southside Social 1818 Chestnut St. Open Mic with Mike McDade 8 p.m. Tremont Tavern 1203 Hixson Pike The Wild Reeds 9 p.m. Revelry Room 41 Station St.

WEDNESDAY8.16 Eddie Pontiac 5:30 p.m. El Meson 248 Northgate Park Toby Hewitt 6 p.m. Backstage Bar 29 Station St. The Other Guys 6 p.m. SpringHill Suites 495 Riverfront Pkwy. Old Time Fiddle & Banjo Show 6:30 p.m.

Fiddler’s Anonymous 2248 Dayton Blvd. (423) 994-7497 Girl On Fire: The Music Of Alicia Keys 7 p.m. Granfalloon 400 E. Main St. Songwriter’s Stage: Round Two 7 p.m. The Camp House 149 E. MLK Blvd. Amber Carrington 7 p.m. Southside Social 1818 Chestnut St. Joel Clyde 8 p.m. The Office @ City Cafe 901 Carter St. Priscilla & Little Rickee 8 p.m. Las Margaritas 1101 Hixson Pike (423) 756-3332 Jazz in the Lounge 8 p.m. Barking Legs Theater 1307 Dodds Ave. Prime Cut Trio 9 p.m. The Palms at Hamilton 6925 Shallowford Rd. Map these locations on Send event listings at least 10 days in advance to:


Joe Henderson ft. Alice Coltrane, Frets of Yore

Joe Henderson featuring Alice Coltrane The Elements (Concord/Craft Recordings)


or this writer, the vast majority of his music listening is done inside his home or car, but there are a handful of certain albums that have a strong, almost cosmic bond to specific locations apart from those two. Now if you will, please indulge this critic in his reverie about Chattanooga’s greatest bar— Lamar’s—which closed late last year, causing more than a few people (this writer included) to become inconsolable. It wasn’t just the ludicrously strong drinks, the life-affirming fried chicken (the best in town!), the undusted textured wallpaper and bartender Gerald’s seemingly clairvoyant abilities to serve; it was a time warp and

Various Artists Frets of Yore (Spectropol)

teleportation portal, taking its visitors to an early ‘70s smoky lounge straight out of a movie. Your humble narrator, who was raised in a frugal household, figured out that the best bangfor-your-buck on the jukebox at Lamar’s was the 13-minute track “Earth,” from the 1973 album The Elements by saxophonist Joe Henderson with Alice Coltrane. Beginning with tabla beats, “Earth” has an absolutely killer jazz-funk slow burn, emanating a badass swagger with jazz legend Charlie Haden’s unwavering bass line and Henderson unleashing his penetrating melodic theme, over which he dubs a sax solo. While Prince’s Purple Rain may have been played there more of-

ten, but for this writer, The Elements will forever be linked with Lamar’s. Concord Music Group’s reissue label Craft Recordings, in the “Top Shelf Series,” has blessed the world with its new reissue of this overlooked classic, available on 180-gram vinyl and as hi-res digital downloads, and it deserves a place in the spiritual jazz pantheon, gelling with distinct identities and taking inspiration from Indian, African and Native American sources. The opening track “Fire” establishes a strong momentum with Henderson’s bold, echoing sax enhanced with Coltrane’s flowing harp runs; however, the track’s star is violinist Michael White (who passed away in December) who delivers a remarkable solo, with dancing, unfettered notes and octave-separated double-stops. “Air” melds clattering percussion with Haden’s driving backbone that fuses with Coltrane’s strong left-hand piano patterns, while her right hand purposefully and firmly chimes away with occasional fluttering. “Water” is the album’s most psychedelic track, evoking some kind of ceremony; Henderson’s sidemen lay down an aural tumbling mat, on which he does his

gymnastics, sonically resembling at times a possessed bumblebee. This writer may never get to go to Lamar’s again, but listening to The Elements takes him to that magical place.


ubtitled “a collection of guitART pieces for the immediate past,” the new compilation Frets of Yore is packed with wildly diverse guitar-based tracks and was created by having over 50 musicians react to 26 different pieces of visual art, with each piece being interpreted twice. The result is an ever-changing, hugely imaginative smorgasbord, in the spirit of compilations such as Guitarrorists or The $100 Guitar Project from 2013 which has a roster that overlaps with Frets of Yore. The collection’s international line-up ranges from the obscure to more well-known guitarists that often play at music’s fringes, including Elliott Sharp and Fred Frith. Most musicians on the compilation limit themselves and contribute tracks that solely use guitars, including one by Kalahari Surfers that sounds like its percussion beats were generated by striking a guitar’s body; however, a few tracks use additional instrumentation, and Carla Diratz’s number even features vocals.

The album swerves violently in mood, style and approach; for example, the deliciously melodic “Pinguino e la Regazza con i funghi” from Jerry King, with clean and bright electric guitar notes, is followed by the bizarre minute-long “Drunken Alligators Subdued by Snakefinger” from Chris Bywater with heavily manipulated sounds resembling slurping, uneasy pitter-patters and seasick lurching. Shawn Persinger’s “Mon (Dinosaur) Parc” is one standout, with the track’s first half featuring an unaccompanied acoustic guitar playing an irregular stream of notes, punctuated with harmonics. In its second half, a conversational field recording is added to the mix while the guitar part is repeated, revealing that the guitar’s melody and rhythm were derived by attempting to match the sounds of the voices as closely as possible, in line with that technique previously used by artists like Scott Johnson and Steve Reich. Frets of Yore is a collection that keeps the listeners on their toes, with its relentless veering from the familiar to the unfamiliar, and if a track sounds unpalatable, one simply needs to wait a minute for something completely different.



The List

a volcanic, kick-ass, erotic commitment to love in action, coupled with hard-headed practical grist.”

Being Your Own Boss ROB BREZSNY

Ever thought about checking out of the corporate rat race and becoming your own boss? We were curious about how the self-employed stacked up, so with help from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we crunched the numbers. • Total number of people who are self-employed in the U.S.: 14,600,000 • Number of people who work for someone who is selfemployed: 29,400,000 • Total percent of jobs held by the self-employed and the workers they hire: 30% • Average annual income of someone who is selfemployed: $43,003 What types of jobs are the selfemployed working in the U.S.? • Child Care: 556,523 • Carpenters: 459,116 • Maids: 441,551 • Farmers: 437,999 • Construction: 380,226 Obviously, there are lot of people working for themselves. We just wonder how often they complain about their boss. Source:

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Each of us comes to know the truth in our own way, says astrologer Antero Alli. “For some it is wild and unfettered,” he writes. “For others it is like a cozy domesticated cat, while others find truth through their senses alone.” Whatever your usual style of knowing the truth might be, Leo, I suspect you’ll benefit from trying out a different method in the next two weeks. Here are some possibilities: trusting your most positive feelings; tuning in to the clues and cues your body provides; performing ceremonies in which you request the help of ancestral spirits; slipping into an altered state by laughing nonstop for five minutes. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Would you scoff if I said that you’ll soon be blessed with supernatural assistance? Would you smirk and roll your eyes if I advised you to find clues to your next big move by analyzing your irrational fantasies? Would you tell me to stop spouting nonsense if I hinted that a guardian angel is conspiring to blast a tunnel through the mountain you created out of a molehill? It’s okay if you ignore my predictions, Virgo. They’ll come true even if you’re a staunch realist who doesn’t believe in woowoo, juju, or mojo. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): This is the Season of Enlightenment for you. That doesn’t necessarily mean you will achieve an ultimate state of divine grace. It’s not a guarantee that you’ll be freestyling in satori, samadhi, or nirvana. But one thing is certain: Life will conspire to bring you the excited joy that comes with deep insight into the nature of reality. If you decide to take advantage of the opportunity, please keep in mind these thoughts from designer Elissa Giles: “Enlightenment is not an asexual, dispassionate, head-in-theclouds, nails-in-the-palms disappearance from the game of life. It’s


SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Some zoos sell the urine of lions and tigers to gardeners who sprinkle it in their gardens. Apparently the stuff scares off wandering house cats that might be tempted to relieve themselves in vegetable patches. I nominate this scenario to be a provocative metaphor for you in the coming weeks. Might you tap into the power of your inner wild animal so as to protect your inner crops? Could you build up your warrior energy so as to prevent run-ins with pesky irritants? Can you call on helpful spirits to ensure that what’s growing in your life will continue to thrive? SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The fates have conspired to make it right and proper for you to be influenced by Sagittarian author Mark Twain. There are five specific bits of his wisdom that will serve as benevolent tweaks to your attitude. I hope you will also aspire to express some of his expansive snappiness. Now here’s Twain: 1. “You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” 2. “Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned.” 3. “It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.” 4. “When in doubt, tell the truth.” 5. “Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it is lightning that does the work.” CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “My grandfather used to tell me that if you stir muddy water it will only get darker,” wrote I. G. Edmonds in his book Trickster Tales. “But if you let the muddy water stand still, the mud will settle and the water will become clearer,” he concluded. I hope this message reaches you in time, Capricorn. I hope you will then resist any temptation you might have to agitate, churn, spill wine into, wash your face in, drink, or splash around in the muddy water. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In 1985, Maurizio Cattelan quit his gig at a mortuary in Padua, Italy and resolved to make a living as an artist. He started creating furniture, and ultimately evolved into a sculptor who specialized in satirical work. In 1999 he produced a piece depicting the Pope being struck by a meteorite, which sold for $886,000 in 2001. If there were ever going to be a time when you could launch your personal version of his story, Aquarius,

Homework: When they say “Be yourself,” which self do they mean? Testify at it would be in the next ten months. That doesn’t necessarily mean you should go barreling ahead with such a radical act of faith, however. Following your bliss rarely leads to instant success. It may take years. (16 in Cattelan’s case.) Are you willing to accept that? PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Tally up your physical aches, psychic bruises, and chronic worries. Take inventory of your troubling memories, halfrepressed disappointments, and existential nausea. Do it, Pisces! Be strong. If you bravely examine and deeply feel the difficult feelings, then the cures for those feelings will magically begin streaming in your direction. You’ll see what you need to do to escape at least some of your suffering. So name your griefs and losses, my dear. Remember your near-misses and total fiascos. As your reward, you’ll be soothed and relieved and forgiven. A Great Healing will come. ARIES (March 21-April 19): I hope you’re making wise use of the surging fertility that has been coursing through you. Maybe you’ve been reinventing a long-term relationship that needed creative tinkering. Perhaps you have been hammering together an innovative business deal or generating new material for your artistic practice. It’s possible you have discovered how to express feelings and ideas that have been half-mute or inaccessible for a long time. If for some weird reason you are not yet having experiences like these, get to work! There’s still time to tap into the fecundity. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano defines “idiot memory” as the kind of remembrances that keep us attached to our old self-images, and trapped by them. “Lively memory,” on the other hand, is a feisty approach to our old stories. It impels us to graduate from who we used to be. “We are the sum of our efforts to change who we are,” writes Galeano. “Identity is no museum piece sitting stock-still in a display case.” Here’s another clue to your current assign-

ment, Taurus, from psychotherapist Dick Olney: “The goal of a good therapist is to help someone wake up from the dream that they are their self-image.” GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Sometimes, Gemini, loving you is a sacred honor for me -- equivalent to getting a poem on my birthday from the Dalai Lama. On other occasions, loving you is more like trying to lap up a delicious milkshake that has spilled on the sidewalk, or slow-dancing with a giant robot teddy bear that accidentally knocks me down when it suffers a glitch. I don’t take it personally when I encounter the more challenging sides of you, since you are always an interesting place to visit. But could you maybe show more mercy to the people in your life who are not just visitors? Remind your dear allies of the obvious secret—that you’re composed of several different selves, each of whom craves different thrills. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Liz, my girlfriend when I was young, went to extreme lengths to cultivate her physical attractiveness. “Beauty must suffer,” her mother had told her while growing up, and Liz heeded that advice. To make her long blonde hair as wavy as possible, for example, she wrapped strands of it around six empty metal cans before bed, applied a noxious spray, and then slept all night with a stinky, clanking mass of metal affixed to her head. While you may not do anything so literal, Cancerian, you do sometimes act as if suffering helps keep you strong and attractive—as if feeling hurt is a viable way to energize your quest for what you want. But if you’d like to transform that approach, the coming weeks will be a good time. Step One: Have a long, compassionate talk with your inner saboteur. Rob Brezsny is an aspiring master of curiosity, perpetrator of sacred uproar, and founder of the Beauty and Truth Lab. He brings a literate, myth-savvy perspective to his work. It’s all in the stars.


—no, I’m not ready for back to school. ACROSS 1 Indian drum 6 Toward the back of an airplane 9 Poison dart frog in “Rio 2” played by Kristin Chenoweth 13 “Please continue” 14 OMG or LOL 15 ___ rock (genre for Emerson, Lake & Palmer) 16 “Ditto!” 17 Activist org. that can’t decide? 19 Soccer team whose players are scarecrows? 21 Smartphone bill info 22 Basketball announcer’s phrase 23 D&D or FFXV, e.g. 25 ___ Plaines, Illinois 26 Chemistry suffix 28 Pokémon protagonist Ketchum 30 “A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius” author Dave 32 Fail to ever mention God in France? 36 Green with the clean version “Forget You” 37 Outdoor sporting gear chain 38 Orangey-brown, like some port 42 Food list with amortized appetizers and beveraged buyouts? 45 Classic 1981 Galaxian follow-up with tractor beams 48 Devoured 49 President pro ___ 50 Summer in the cité? 51 Tool before down or cakes 53 Highlight reel segment 56 Dragging feeling 58 Spaghetti sauce brand you can only get in one place? 62 Megastore for all your ballet accessory needs? 64 Skin softener (“or else it gets the hose again”) 65 Compound with a hydroxyl group 66 Too close ___ comfort 67 Moves around in a Newton’s cradle 68 Contradict 69 Clip-___ (some pinchy earrings)

70 ___ a customer Down 1 Perfectly 2 Make upset 3 Fake Kazakh 4 Luxury hotel chain 5 Weak conditions 6 Letters on an envelope addressed to a company 7 Bakery sackful 8 ___ and feather 9 Report cards’ stats 10 “Everything Now” group ___ Fire 11 “The Wizard of Oz” scarecrow portrayer 12 “Uh...possibly...” 13 Rag on 18 Team Carmelo Anthony was drafted into in 2003 20 Aziz of “Parks and Recreation” 24 Louvre Pyramid architect 26 “Monsters, ___” 27 Ruby of “Do the Right Thing” 29 Shenzi in “The Lion King,” e.g. 31 Island “where America’s day begins” 33 Actor Idris of 2017’s “The Dark Tower” 34 Camp out in the elements 35 Low-cal CadburySchweppes drink 39 “Don’t touch this wall!” sign 40 First compass point clockwise from N (on a 16-point compass) 41 Taco Bell’s parent company ___! Brands, Inc. 43 ___ Paulo (Brazil’s most populous state) 44 Dictionary crossreference phrase 45 Doted on Doctor Who or Dothraki, maybe, with “out” 46 When some kids’ bedtimes are set 47 “Imagine” songwriter 52 He sang about Bennie and Daniel 54 Pennywise, for one 55 Bandleader Shaw 57 Reprehensible 59 It’s never mine alone 60 L.A. rock club Whisky a ___ 61 Young ___ (kids) 63 Eerie sighting

Copyright © 2017 Jonesin’ Crosswords. For answers to this puzzle, call: 1-900-226-2800, 99 cents per3minute. Must be 18+ to call. Or to bill to your credit card, call: 1-800-655-6548. Reference puzzle No. 844.



Something Wicked This Way Comes Hellblade has you battling Norse monsters and personal demons

Brandon Watson Pulse columnist


ELTIC AND VIKING MYTHOLogy, a driven hero seeking to redeem the soul of a fallen lover through a Norse fantasy hell-scape? Shut up and take my money! Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is the latest release for English game developer Ninja Theory. The same folks that have given us cult hits such as the epic Heavenly Sword, the strange Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, and the emo version of the ridiculous Devil May Cry franchise have bestowed a gift upon us once again. Ninja Theory’s small portfolio boasts some of the most refined games in terms of artistic style and level design elevating their titles as gems that are worth playing. Hellblade’s launch trailer leapt at me through a dense fog of personal doubt at the new game and I found Hellblade tucked away on the list of bigger AAA titles. This led me into developer diaries, sound track samples, and company research and oh baby let me say this: I’m excited to tell you about this game. Dark, moody, foreboding, a warrior woman with dreads and woad face paint fighting horrifying monsters with a sword. This could be Ninja Theory’s magnum opus! The premise of Hellblade will focus on protagonist Sensua and her quest to fight the powers of Norseman hell in order to save the soul of her fallen lover. The journey will take place during the dark days of Ragnarok or the Celtic apocalypse or Bon-

aroo or whatever. At first glance the game will grab you with scenes of burning world trees and strange bark splintered monstrosities trying to hack a filthy and dreadlocked warrior woman to pieces. The art style reminds me of early Silent Hill games combined with the Hollywood re-kick of the Tomb Raider series with that delicious 4k rendering that makes your head tilt ever so slightly as the drops of ersatz rain slide down the heroine’s face. Considering Ninja Theory’s past works it’s easy to believe that Hellblade will be graphically gorgeous on the PS4 and geared up PC’s able to run it. Yet the intrigue of Hellblade doesn’t end with the high end visuals and spiffy trailers. I had initially dismissed Hellblade as a Dark Souls clone witwwh a female hero skinned over the same old uber difficult crap that has been recoded ad nauseum for years now. What Ninja Theory has done here is craft a deeply personal journey through the horrors of madness and human psychosis. They did this by having a team of head shrinks and psychiatrists sit in with the story development team and consult on the game design during sequences of perceived duress and high action. Hellblade will take the titular Senua and the player through a dark narrative and visceral representation of a person’s struggle with mental illness. Which leaves me wondering if Ninja Theory’s take on this sub-


ject will have players fight hordes of monsters one level only for it to turn out later to be a village of women, children and puppies or that the entire journey was a fever dream induced by head lice and bad writing. We’ve seen video games toy with controversial subjects and every now and again dip a toe into the deep pools of human mental disorder. Very few games try it and even fewer get it right, or at the least get the intended effect conveyed to the player. Going into this adventure knowing that Senua is possibly a fragile human alone with her psychosis in a hostile environment raises many questions. I want to see how they pull this off and if it leads to further examination towards the intrinsic value of depicting real human issues through interaction and immersion within video gaming. Could the days of the impervious monster slaying world saving silent badass may give way to the

susceptible, morally ambiguous, and outspoken badass trying to save themselves from the world? Who knows if Hellblade will be successful at this approach, at the very least it will be a spectacle to experience. So far my impressions are positive though I believe Hellblade will only sit right with that niche of gamers who value story driven content and thoughtful gameplay over deliberate button repetitions and sharp visuals. From DC’s Wonder Woman to Horizon: Zero Dawn’s Aloy, 2017 so far has given us a watershed period of great female protagonists within films and games. Senua may be the gritty humanist hero we may not want but possibly need to explore the insidious darkness that lurks not only within her mind but also in our very own. When not vaporizing zombies or leading space marines as a mousepad Mattis, Brandon Watson is making gourmet pancakes and promoting local artists.



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