JANUARY 11, 2018
VOL. 15, NO. 2 • JANUARY 11, 2018
It’s not your imagination: prices at the gas pump have been steadily increasing over the past several weeks.
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“Unsung genius.” That phrase comes up a lot in reviews of Detroit saxophonist Skeeter Shelton, who plays a one-night gig at Barking Legs Jan. 24 alongside Spectrum 2 and bassist Joel Peterson.
In an era where GoFundMe accounts are set up for every self-serving, narcissistic reason imaginable, one becomes jaded, or at least cautious where benefit shows are concerned.
It’s that time again. The beginning of a new year means the Lookout Wild Film Festival is just around the corner. For those unfamiliar with the festival, the LWFF is a celebration of wild places.
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? “Accountability.” As anyone with a pulse in America knows, this country is all about accountability—especially when it comes to its Police Officers. In light of the events of August 2014 in Ferguson Missouri, the family of the slain 18-year-old released a statement pleading for peace—and urging people to join their campaign to get police around the nation to wear cameras.
Pain At The Pump Prognosis Gas prices will drop soon, but don't expect them to stay low for long By Michael Thomas Pulse contributor
Managing Editor Gary Poole Assistant Editor Brooke Brown Music Editor Marc T. Michael Film Editor John DeVore Contributors Rob Brezsny • Janis Hashe Matt Jones • Sandra Kurtz Mike McJunkin • Ernie Paik Rick Pimental-Habib Alex Teach • Michael Thomas Cartoonists Max Cannon • Rob Rogers Jen Sorenson • Tom Tomorrow
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Offices 1305 Carter St. Chattanooga, TN 37402 Phone 423.265.9494 Email info@chattanoogapulse.com Website chattanoogapulse.com Facebook @chattanoogapulse Fax 423.266.2335 THE FINE PRINT: The Pulse is published weekly by Brewer Media and is distributed throughout the city of Chattanooga and surrounding communities. The Pulse covers a broad range of topics concentrating on music, the arts, entertainment, culture and local news. The Pulse is available free of charge, limited to one copy per reader. No person without written permission from the publisher may take more than one copy per weekly issue. The Pulse may be distributed only by authorized distributors. Contents Copyright © 2018 by Brewer Media. All rights reserved.
T’S NOT YOUR IMAGINATION: prices at the gas pump have been steadily increasing over the past several weeks. In fact, according to AAA, gas prices in Tennessee have reached a three year high, averaging $2.27 a gallon statewide, 13 cents more than this time last year. The reason is fairly simple: prices at the pump remain elevated due to strong oil prices, which settled above $62 a barrel last week (for the first time since December of 2013) as global supply levels tightened. But there is some good news: Chattanooga and Cleveland still lead the state with the lowest average price, a full seven cents lower. And experts predict the price will continue to drop as the reality of low winter demand pushes prices lower for the next month or two. “Retail prices could drop 5-15 cents in the next month and a half, while supply outpaces demand,” said AAA’s Mark Jenkins. “The pump-price plunge has faced resistance from oil prices which have been trading at two-year highs. Oil analysts believe the oil market is somewhat inflated due to geopolitical tensions and supply concerns, but prices should decline soon.” So, good news, right? Not so fast. Jenkins sounds a cautionary note: “Unfortunately, springtime is a springboard for prices at the pump, and we may see a 40-50 cent jump by the summer.” The Energy Information Administration (EIA) is a leading industry group that monitors fuel prices, demand and consumption. And they warn not to expect low prices to stick around for long, as well. They expect gas prices nationwide to reach an average of $2.51 a
gallon this year, 12 cents more than last year. Part of reason is simply seasonal: prices normally rise in the spring as demand grows and supplies tighten. Spring is one of two times a year refineries go offline to conduct maintenance on their equipment, and switch from winter to the more expensive-to-produce summer blend gasoline. Historically, gas prices rise 30-75 cents during spring maintenance season, due to the supply reduction and summerblend switch. And part of it is weather, specifically hurricanes. Since last autumn’s maintenance season was interrupted by a string of powerful hurricanes, this spring is likely to be more active than usual for refineries, putting the price-hike on the higher end of that 30-75 cent scale. But the biggest part is oil prices. The late-year boost was due to multiple supply disruptions
like the North Sea Forties and Libyan pipeline outages, protests across Iran, and the cold snap across the U.S. increasing demand for heating oil. Fortunately, the pipeline issues have been resolved, and the protests do not appear to be impacting oil production. This should help reduce the upward pressure on oil prices. But even so, it’s always good to keep things in perspective. Specifically, inflation perspective. That $2.20 average pump price today is still $1.41 lower than it was ten years ago, when adjusted for inflation. Plus, our cars and trucks are also getting the best average gas mileage in history, which gives us even more bang for our buck. Even so, don’t expect to see a $20 fill-up come around again anytime soon. And you could always ride a bicycle. Or take public transportation. Or even walk.
Consider This with Dr. Rick
EdiToon by Rob Rogers
“Be bold enough to use your voice, brave enough to listen to your heart, and strong enough to live the life you’ve always imagined.” — unknown
Living The Dream Of Dr. King Every Day If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that we’re all different. We come from different beliefs, backgrounds, religions, classes, to the point that we don’t truly understand one another. While our differences make us who we are, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to see things from another’s perspective. While broad in meaning, these general ideas are what brought Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dreams to light. From his strong faith comes Dr. King’s message of love and equity
for all. We all deserve love, no matter who you are, where you’ve been, what you’ve been through. Because of this notion, Monday, the Hunter Museum of American Art will hold
a panel discussion in his honor in which five individuals from different religious backgrounds will discuss these themes in their own belief system. Be it Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Atheism, or Judaism, love and equity for all is echoed in each religions’ teachings. Come learn about your neighbor, learn about another’s beliefs, or possibly learn something new about your own beliefs. Never stop progressing towards a brighter, more understanding tomorrow, people. — Brooke Brown
If you were fortunate enough to catch the Golden Globes recently, then you may have been as inspired as I was to hear Oprah Winfrey’s impassioned acceptance speech. She earned the prestigious Cecil B. DeMille award—the first black woman to do so—for outstanding contribution to the world of entertainment. The focus of her speech (bringing the audience to its feet) was the powerful “#MeToo” movement, acknowledging both historic and current brave, determined women—and supportive men—who have used their voices to bring an end to abuse and gender inequality in the entertainment industry and beyond. I urge you to listen to her speech, and let it lift up your consciousness. Meanwhile, I want to leave you with words of another inspiring woman, Pema Chodron: “To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest.” — Rick Pimental-Habib, Ph.D.
Alex Teach is a California native and a 20+ year veteran police officer. He’s a street cop who found a cathartic outlet for rampant cynicism in the form of writing. “I have a front-row seat to the most disturbing show on earth.”
Janis Hashe has been both a staff editor and a freelance writer/editor for more than 25 years. She has a master’s degree in theatre arts, is the founder of Shakespeare Chattanooga and a member of the Chattanooga Zen Group.
2018: Resolve To Resist We can still save the planet. It won't be easy. And it won't be quick.
Sandra Kurtz
Pulse contributor
XERCISE; EAT HEALTHIER; BE A better person; clean up clutter. Did you make any new year’s resolutions? Given 2017, assuming you want to continue decent quality of life on this planet, serious 2018 environmental resolutions are needed. To quote Noam Chomsky from his book “Who Rules the World”: “It’s hard to find words to capture the fact that humans are facing the most important question in their history—whether organized human life will survive in anything like the form we know— and are answering it by accelerating the race to disaster.” Certainly actions are needed to avoid disaster. Use of carbon-intense energy sources like coal and oil have propelled climate and ecosystem degradation damaging air, water, and productive land use. Globally, it’s leading to more poverty, poorer health, more hunger, ocean acidification, and weather extremes plus higher costs for energy and food with less access. Humans depend on a complex biodiverse ecosystem and we are losing it. According to a new World Wildlife Fund report, global populations of vertebrates—mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish—have declined by 58 percent from 1970 to 2012. Animals living in the world’s lakes, rivers, and freshwater systems have experienced the most dramatic population declines at 81 percent. It is predicted that human activity will
likely cause a two-thirds drop in global wildlife populations by 2020. In other words, we humans are crowding out biodiversity with overpopulation and urban sprawl bringing destruction and fragmentation of natural areas habitat. We are also taking up land that could be used for food. Embarrassingly, President Trump’s answer to these concerns was to resign from the Paris Accord even though we US residents boast the most consumption and energy use per capita in the world. Trump and company continue working to dismantle effectiveness of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the agency charged with assuring clean water and air. Fortunately, many arbitrary orders for changes in rules and regulations are now being contested under the Clean Water and Clean Air Acts. Still, Director Pruitt cuts the budget, ignores public comments, takes scientists off advisory committees and creates a brain drain by removing experienced personnel. Mission undermining is also happening at the Department of Interior where natural and sacred lands are being reduced in size and at Department of Energy where research money is reduced for renewables research. This is disparaging news for sure, but there is some good news! Upon the withdrawal of the US from the Paris Accord, businesses, industries, and cities stepped up to say “We Are Still In”. We are reducing climate change
impacts from greenhouse gas emissions meaning cleaner air and water. Despite Federal efforts to save the coal industry, it is not coming back and renewables (solar and wind) with new jobs are replacing now more expensive coal, gas and aging nuclear plants. TVA is shutting down three more coalfired plants this year. Representing TN Chapter of Heartwood, Heartwood and TN Sierra Club, the Southern Environmental Law Center and TN Clean Water Network have threatened action against Cherokee National Forest (CFN). Objections to destruction of soil resources and logging in the Dinkey Forest Management Project located in the Tumbling Creek Watershed near Copper Hill were unlawfully dismissed without review. CFN must remedy unlawful actions by January 31 to avoid legal action. Tennessee Environmental Council is holding its 250K Tree Planting Day February 24. Citi-
zens reserve trees https://tectn. org/250ktreeday/. Growing trees help slow climate change. Storm water ordinances are being challenged at state and local levels in order to protect water quality. These are just a few actions taking place in 2018. Resolve to resist! Exercise—Walk or bike often in natural areas and drive less; Eat healthier—Buy organic food grown locally, compost and waste not; Clean up clutter—reuse, repurpose, share; Be a better person—Take a stand with environmental and justice organizations for actions. As the civil rights movement has taught us, with continued resistance we shall overcome. Happy New Year! Sandra Kurtz is an environmental community activist, chair of the South Chickamauga Creek Greenway Alliance, and is presently working through the Urban Century Institute. You can visit her website to learn more at enviroedu.net
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? Body cameras were supposed to revolutionize policing. What happened? By Alex Teach
Pulse contributor
CCOUNTABILITY.” AS ANYONE WITH A PULSE in America knows, this country is all about accountability— especially when it comes to its Police Officers. In light of the events of August 2014 in Ferguson Missouri, the family of the slain 18-year-old released a statement pleading for peace—and urging people to join their campaign to get police around the nation to wear cameras. “We need to work together to fix the system that allowed this to happen,” the statement read. “Join with us in our campaign to ensure that every police officer working the streets in this country wears a body camera.” The crusade is understandable. No video recordings of the Aug. 9, 2014 confrontation between Ofc. Darren Wilson and Michael Brown exist, and eyewitness accounts of the incident were often in conflict. Some said Brown had his hands up when he was shot; others said Brown was charging toward Wilson when the officer fired. DNA records actually show Brown's fingerprints on Wilson’s gun while inside his car…but regardless of facts, a camera on Wilson’s uniform would have ended the uncertainty and potentially avoided the subsequent tumult that engulfed the St. Louis suburb (despite prematurely ending one of the greatest false-mantras of modern times in the now debunked “Hands Up / Don’t Shoot” battle cry of pre-fact-laden Social Justice Warriors across the nation). No. This event was the impetus behind President Barack Obama having
the Justice Department provide $23 million dollars in funding for Body Worn Cameras for police agencies in 32 states in 2015—with Congress also taking the symbolic action of supporting a non-binding resolution to encourage Body Worn Cameras be used by on-duty police officers in June of that same year. After Ferguson and Baltimore, to name a few cities, what was the downside? Two years into the experiment, it turns out there is apparently a great deal. In San Diego, California, there was an 88 percent decline in complaints against officers in the first year of body worn camera deployment according to city records. (Hang on to this fact, as it will come into play in a few segments.) In Los Angeles, victims and witnesses of crime said that they were now fearful of reporting crimes since there was video footage of them making complaints, therefore making them susceptible to retaliation. Officers themselves said that it divided their concentration (for purposes of their safety—being a profession prone to receiving gunfire and stab wounds as
a matter of day to day business after all), and that it made them feel second guessed which discouraged the always elusive yet often encouraged “officer initiative.” And then, of course, was the inevitable death knell of Body Worn Cameras: The fact that they showed the behavior of ACLU clients all too accurately and resolutely in 4K HD, which was of course terrible for the business of recouping pro-bono legal fees. Remember the 88 percent reduction in complaints reported above? Exactly. As it turns out, you are wildly less likely to get out of a ticket or arrest when your actual behavior is a part of the observable record, as opposed to when it was not. Cops call it the
“reverse Rodney King.” Ambulance chasers call it “a deal breaker.”) The in-car cameras have been around for some time now, and locally speaking they are most appropriately branded “Arbitrators” by their parent company. These have been invaluable tools, but are moot given the more current mobile topic. But law enforcement, as it turns out, has been begging for years to have these cameras implemented on their actual uniforms. (This is another point to remember in a few moments.) Prior to the Great Enlightenment of 2014? Officers themselves have been supplying their own up to this point, USB-based “MUVI” clip-on cameras being a big hit in particu-
lar. Complaints did indeed drop as the disheveled and bombastic (if not fatalistic) behavior of the customers were entered into permanent publically viewable record, but this created the unexpected problem in the form of annoyance from the ACLU…the organization that cried the loudest for these articles since day one. It destroyed the credibility of their most vociferous clients, and therefore the weight of the stick they chose to hit their target audience with. Their response? “We have seen fit to refine our recommendations in some areas [regarding the use of body worn cameras], such as when police should record.” Meaning, this has gone from 24/7 accountability to “Okay, sometimes too much is too much.” And that’s not even considering footage of cops using the restroom never before considered. Just three months back, researchers published the results of the largest, most sophisticated study to date on the effect of body worn cameras on policing. The research team conducted a methodologically rigorous, randomized trial involving officers with the Washington, DC, police department, one of the largest departments in the country. They tracked officer behavior for 18 months, from the middle of 2015
“As it turns out, you are wildly less likely to get out of a ticket or arrest when your actual behavior is a part of the observable record, as opposed to when it was not.” to the end of 2016, comparing more than 2,200 officers throughout the city of Washington DC. Roughly half the officers in the study were assigned a camera and half were not. All the participants held a rank of sergeant or below, which helped guarantee that the study group included only those officers who have the most frequent contact with the public. The researchers examined the effect of body worn cameras (“BWC’s”) on four “outcome categories,” including the use of force, citizen complaints, routine patrol activity, and judicial outcomes. This, however, is the bottom line: “Across each of the four outcome categories, our analyses consistently point to a null result: The average treatment effect on all of the measured outcomes was very small, and no estimate rose to statistical significance.” Imagine that pause; body worn cameras made no difference at all in how the police went about their job, to citizen complaints about police conduct, or to judicial outcomes—at least,
no difference that rose to the level of statistical significance. And of particular note for those concerned about police violence? Officers who wore cameras were no more or less likely to use force than those who did not. Observers were shocked. In article after article, commentators and participants expressed astonishment at the results. The New York Times said the study “defies expectations.” The Washington Post similarly thought it “bucks early expectations about the impact of the devices.” Another journalist thought the results were “contrary to widespread expectations.” The scholars involved in the project were likewise baffled. The results “kind of blew my mind,” said Yale political scientist Alexander Coppock. Even Peter Newsham, the Chief of Police in Washington, DC (a guy you would think knew his people) was “surprised.” “I think a lot of people were suggesting that the body-worn cameras would change behavior,” he said, but “there
was no indication that the cameras changed behavior at all.” “We found essentially that we could not detect any statistically significant effect of the body-worn cameras,” says Anita Ravishanka. That is to say at long last: The story here is not that the cameras had no effect. It’s that so many people were certain they would. In the case of the body worn cameras, people believe the police misbehave in some statistically significant number of cases. Since no one wants to be caught on tape being abusive, they firmly believe the cameras will deter the misconduct. And because they are convinced the abuse occurs…they are at a loss to explain the results. Of course, D.C. Chief Newsham offered one possible explanation for the non-results. “Maybe,” he mused, “his officers were doing the right thing in the first place.” The cameras did not deter misconduct because there was no misconduct to deter. As it turns out however, when you hold Police Officers accountable, you hold criminals accountable too. Is that the unintended takeaway here? Only time will tell. But perhaps that too could be researched now that funding cuts are being recommended for body worn cameras for police in light of these new statistics. Happy New Year, Citizens.
Showcasing A Pedigree In Creative Jazz Skeeter Shelton brings his chops to Barking Legs
We All Live In A Yellow Submarine It’s officially 2018, which means resolutions are in full swing, gym memberships are on the rise, and it’s a monumental occasion for all you Beatles fans. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the release of the Beatles classic animated film, Yellow Submarine. Ron Campbell, Yellow Submarine animator and director of the legendary ‘60s Saturday morning Beatles cartoon series, will be making a special appearance next Tuesday and Wednesday at the grand reopening of the Area 61 Gallery at their new location in the Clemons building on Chestnut Street. Ron will be showcasing his original Beatles cartoon paintings that he has created specifically for this tour as well as creating Beatles pop art paintings at the exhibit, a true, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see a master animator at work. Beyond his Beatles work, Ron will also be featuring artwork from his impressive 50-year career in cartoons working on classics like Scooby Doo, Winnie the Pooh, The Jetsons, The Flintstones, The Smurfs, Rugrats and so many more. This event is free and all works will be available for purchase so you can take home a piece of history. Now retired, Ron enjoys painting subjects based on the animated characters he brought to life on screen. His Cartoon Pop Art is shown in galleries worldwide, so expect to be blown away by bright, loud colors that will leave you feeling psychedelic…in a very good way. — Brooke Brown Beatles Cartoon Pop Art Show featuring animator Ron Campbell Tuesday & Wednesday, 5 p.m. Area 61 Gallery 730 Chestnut St, (423) 648-9367 facebook.com/area61chattanooga 10 • THE PULSE • JANUARY 11, 2018 • CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM
By Janis Hashe
Pulse contributor
NSUNG GENIUS.” THAT PHRASE comes up a lot in reviews of Detroit saxophonist Skeeter Shelton, who plays a one-night gig at Barking Legs Jan. 24 alongside Spectrum 2 and bassist Joel Peterson. “Skeeter is probably the heaviest saxophonist in Detroit creative music right now,” Peterson says. “He’s definitely the only saxophonist to play in the U.S. Army Band, Joe Tex’s band and the Afro-futuristic, avant-jazz aggregate Griot Galaxy.” Jazz is in Shelton’s blood. His father, drummer Adjaramu Shelton, was a charter member of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM), whose mission is to support jazz,
most particularly experimental jazz. According to the Encyclopedia of Chicago, “The Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians represents one of the greatest organizational and aesthetic successes of modern African American music. Founded by South Side musicians in 1965, it served initially as a grassroots clearinghouse for local performances of a range of jazz-based styles. Most commonly practiced was a startlingly original kind of experimental improvised music, which, in its difficulty and close-knit collective interaction, became a modernist marker of the radical collectivist politics many of the organization’s members espoused.” “That meant Skeeter grew up with Roscoe Mitchell, Anthony Braxton and Joseph Jarman
“Jazz is in Shelton’s blood. His father, drummer Adjaramu Shelton, was a charter member of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM), whose mission is to support jazz, most particularly experimental jazz.” hanging out and showing him saxophone techniques at home,” says Peterson. “When I put him on bills with major name players,” Peterson continues, “they are consistently amazed by his sound. After I subbed him in a duo with [drummer and percussionist] Hamid Drake on a double bill with [pianist] Matthew Shipp, Hamid and Matthew were blown away and agreed that, ‘There’s no one left in New York with that kind of tone!’” The Detroit Metro Press describes Shelton’s technique like this: “Before organizing the right combination of notes, the ones that propel him into a kind of improvisational bliss, Shelton dissects the song’s melody. He blows so forcefully his horn appears to be on the verge of exploding.” Shelton put out an album, Skeeter, in 1998, which featured his dad on drums and
bassist Hakim Jami on bass. He has also performed on Jami’s albums Revealing (with James Blood Ulmer) and The Street Band Volume 1 and Volume 2. Peterson himself is a creative music name. He’s performed in Chattanooga with Immigrant Suns, and collaborated with Rhys Chatham, Eugene Chadbourne, Damo Suzuki, Faruq Z. Bey, SRLS friend and collaborator Frank Pahl, Thollem McDonas, Tatsuya Nakatani, Steve Cohn, Amy Denio, Gino Robair, The Violent Femmes, and many others. Co-sponsored by the Shaking Ray Levi Society (SRLS), jazz buffs are promised a “freewheeling
evening for the stalwarts.” And speaking of free, the event is as well, so be sure and get there early to get a seat. According to SRLS board president Ernie Paik (full disclosure: also a Pulse columnist), this concert kicks off a performance series, with other events to be announced. The Shaking Rays are also coordinating a site to display the art pieces from the now-closed Wayne-O-Rama exhibit, as well as putting together a spring conference to teach people in the region how to be facilitators for The Rhythmic Arts Project (TRAP). To keep up with them, visit shakingray.com
Skeeter Shelton’s Spectrum 2 with Joel Peterson Free, but seating is limited. 7 p.m., Jan. 24 Barking Legs Theatre 1307 Dobbs Ave., (423) 624-5347 barkinglegs.org
THU1.11 River City Sessions
Monthly showcase features musician Joe Ridolfo, author Sybil Baker, and consumate storyteller (and host) Michael Gray. 7:30 p.m. Granfalloon 400 E. Main St. granfalloonchattanooga.com
FRI1.12 Nooga! Visit Rock Village
“You’ve seen the crudely drawn signs on outhouses, now it’s time to ‘Visit Rock Village’ for yourself!” 8 p.m. First Draft Theater 1800 Rossville Ave. improvchattanooga.com
SAT1.13 Sandhill Crane Cruise
Come take a boat ride through the Tennessee River Gorge for the annual Sandhill Crane migration in all it's amazing glory. 10 a.m. River Gorge Explorer 201 Riverfront Pkwy. tnaqua.org
The Modern Day Paris Exposition
THURSDAY1.11 Ooltewah Farmers Market 3 p.m. Ooltewah Nursery 5829 Main St. (423) 238-9775 ooltewahnursery.com Signal Mountain Farmers Market 4 p.m. Pruett’s Market 1210 Taft Hwy. (423) 902-8023 signalmountainfarmersmarket.com Styling For Instagram 5:30 p.m. Chattanooga WorkSpace 302 W. 6th St. (423) 822-5750 chattanoogaworkspace.com YP After Hours 5:30 p.m. Matilda Midnight 120 E. 10th St. (423) 710-2925 matildamidnight.com What Woke Looks Like 6 p.m. The Camp House 149 E. MLK Blvd. thecamphouse.com An Evening In Conversation with Jamie Quatro 7 p.m. Star Line Books 1467 Market St. (423) 777-5629 starlinebooks.com Drew Thomas 7:30 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St.
(423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com River City Sessions 7:30 p.m. Granfalloon 400 E. Main St. granfalloonchattanooga.com Henry Rollins 8 p.m. Walker Theatre 399 McCallie Ave. tivolichattanooga.com Country Line Dancing Class 8 p.m. Westbound Bar 24 Station St. (423) 498-3069 westboundbar.com
FRIDAY1.12 Sandhill Crane Cruise 10 a.m.
River Gorge Explorer 201 Riverfront Pkwy. (800) 262-0695 tnaqua.org Chattanooga Market at Erlanger 10:30 a.m. Erlanger Hospital Medical Mall 975 E. 3rd St. chattanoogamarket.com Meditation Group Noon Unitarian Universalist Church 3224 Navajo Dr. (423) 624-2985 uucc.org Joshua Creek Art 7 p.m. Frequency Arts 1804 E. Main St. facebook.com/frequencyarts Denim & Diamonds Preview Party 7 p.m.
ENTERTAINMENT SPOTLIGHT The comic stylings of Drew Thomas draws his audience in with his accounts of relationship follies and keen retorts on everyday life and current affairs. Drew Thomas The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com
Songbirds Guitar Museum 35 Station St. songbirdsguitars.com Drew Thomas 7:30, 9:45 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com Nooga! Visit Rock Village 8 p.m. First Draft Theater 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 843-1775 improvchattanooga.com Improv Showdown 9:30 p.m. First Draft Theater 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 843-1775 improvchattanooga.com
SATURDAY1.13 Sandhill Crane Cruise 10 a.m. River Gorge Explorer 201 Riverfront Pkwy. (800) 262-0695 tnaqua.org Miniature Garden Workshop 11 a.m. The Barn Nursery 1801 E. 24th St. Pl. (423) 698-2276 barnnursery.com Red Wolf Feeding and Talk Noon Reflection Riding Arboretum 400 Garden Rd. (423) 821-1160 reflectionriding.org Deeper Dive Into
Styling For Instagram Authentic Presence 1 p.m. Chattanooga WorkSpace 302 W. 6th St. (423) 822-5750 chattanoogaworkspace.com English Country Dance for All! 4 p.m. Brainerd United Methodist 4315 Brainerd Rd. (423) 698-6951 brainerdumc.org Drew Thomas 7:30, 9:45 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com New Year’s Contra Dance 7:30 p.m. Brainerd United Methodist 4315 Brainerd Rd. (423) 698-6951 brainerdumc.org Week in Review Improv 8 p.m. First Draft Theater 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 843-1775 improvchattanooga.com Whose Line Chattanooga 10 p.m. First Draft Theater 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 843-1775 improvchattanooga.com
SUNDAY1.14 Sandhill Crane Cruise 10 a.m. River Gorge Explorer 201 Riverfront Pkwy.
Miniature Garden Workshop (800) 262-0695 tnaqua.org Yoga Teacher Training: Art Inspiring Practice and Teaching 12:30 p.m. The Hunter Museum of Art 10 Bluff View Ave. (423) 267-0968 huntermuseum.org Aquarium Adventures: Wild Bird Treats 1 p.m. Tennessee Aquarium 1 Broad St. (800) 262-0695 tnaqua.org Free Fiddle School 2 p.m. Fiddlers Anonymous 2248 Dayton Blvd. (423) 994-7497 Chattanooga Symphony & Opera Presents: Mozart & Schubert 3 p.m. Chatt. State Humanities Theatre 4501 Amnicola Hwy. (423) 697-4400 chattanoogastate.edu Open Mic Storytelling Night: Firsts 5 p.m. First Draft Theater 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 843-1775 improvchattanooga.com The Modern Day Paris Exposition 5:30 p.m. AVA Gallery 30 Frazier Ave. (423) 265-4282 avarts.org Drew Thomas 7:30 p.m. The Comedy Catch
1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com
MONDAY1.15 Watercolor with Durinda Cheek 9 a.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com Love and Equity: An Interfaith Panel Discussion 1 p.m. The Hunter Museum of Art 10 Bluff View Ave. (423) 267-0968 huntermuseum.org Oil Painting with Mia Bergeron 6 p.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com
TUESDAY1.16 Drawing Essentials with Stan Townsend 10 a.m. Townsend Atelier 301 E. 11th St. (423) 266-2712 townsendatelier.com Northside Farmers’ Market 3 p.m. Northside Presbyterian Church 923 Mississippi Ave. (423) 266-1766 Beatles Cartoon Pop Art Show featuring animator
Ron Campbell 5 p.m. Area 61 Gallery 730 Chestnut St. (423) 648-9367 facebook.com/area61chattanooga Food Rx: Using Food as Medicine 5:30 p.m. Chattanooga Lifestyle Center 325 Market St. (423) 803-2402 erlanger.org Introduction to Calligraphy 6 p.m. Chattanooga WorkSpace 302 W. 6th St. (423) 822-5750 chattanoogaworkspace.com January Book Club: Lincoln in the Bardo 6:30 p.m. Star Line Books 1467 Market St. (423) 777-5629 starlinebooks.com Intro To Improv 7 p.m. First Draft Theater 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 843-1775 improvchattanooga.com O King: Celebrating Marrin Luther King, Jr. 7:30 p.m. UTC Fine Arts Center 752 Vine St. (423) 425-4269 utc.edu/fine-arts-center
WEDNESDAY1.17 Lookout Farmers Market 10 a.m.
Memorial Hospital 2525 Desales Ave. lookoutfarmersmarket.com Main Street Market 4 p.m. 522 W. Main St. mainstfarmersmarket.com Beatles Cartoon Pop Art Show featuring animator Ron Campbell 5 p.m. Area 61 Gallery 730 Chestnut St. (423) 648-9367 facebook.com/area61chattanooga Wedding Planning 101 5:30 p.m. Chattanooga WorkSpace 302 W. 6th St. (423) 822-5750 chattanoogaworkspace.com Run 2 Running for Brews 6:30 p..m. Fleet Feet Sports 307 Manufacturers Rd. (423) 771-7996 fleetfeetsports.com Improv Open House 7 p.m. First Draft Theater 1800 Rossville Ave. (423) 843-1775 improvchattanooga.com Etta May 7:30 p.m. The Comedy Catch 1400 Market St. (423) 629-2233 thecomedycatch.com Map these locations on chattanoogapulse.com. Send event listings at least 10 days in advance to: calendar@chattanoogapulse.com
Music & Comedy Come Together For A Good Cause Some of the city's best gather to help out Jason Hall By Marc T. Michael Pulse Music Editor
I The Sweet Sounds Of Noah Zacharin For the sweet, sweet sound of music, you won’t have to look far this weekend. Singer-songwriter Noah Zacharin will be gracing Charles and Myrtle’s Coffeehouse with his beautiful blend of charming lyrics and masterfully played acoustic guitar this Saturday night. His 2007 album release Waiting On Your Love recently reached the ten-year anniversary mark, but the title song is one that won’t fade from memory. One listen and you’ll be hitting repeat over and over, for much more than decades to come. Between the skillful picking of the dreamy, folk-inspired tune and lyrics like “I wake at the crack and the creak and the least of sounds, hammer my heart shut and hope the dark will take us down” it’ll be hard not to close your eyes and float along. With the recent anniversary come rumors (per Noah’s YouTube Channel) of a re-release along with a DVD of American Sign Language depicting each song’s lyrics. Expect great things from attending Charles and Myrtle’s Coffeehouse this weekend. Noah won’t leave you disappointed, that’s for sure. — Brooke Brown Noah Zacharin Saturday, 7 p.m. Charles & Myrtle’s Coffeehouse 105 McBrien Rd. (423) 892-4960 www.christunity.org 14 • THE PULSE • JANUARY 11, 2018 • CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM
N AN ERA WHERE GOFundMe accounts are set up for every self-serving, narcissistic reason imaginable, one becomes jaded, or at least cautious where benefit shows are concerned, but there are good causes in the world, great causes and great people who come together to do something positive. As a matter of personal principle, specially having once been the beneficiary of just such a thing myself, I will always lend whatever support I can and kids, this one’s a big one. Jason Hall is well-known to the downtown crowd. Maybe you know from his days a doorman, maybe you’ve seen him referee one of the much loved Wrestlehemia events, the point is he’s as familiar a face in the scene as any, and well-loved because, darn it, he’s just a hell of a guy. Turns out he’s even more a “hell of a guy” than many people realize, having devoted much of the last two decades to the care of his invalid mother, first by tending to her daily in a nursing home, then, after the facility became intolerable, by securing a home for the two of them and becoming her full-time caregiver.
Bill were paid, and the house maintained, but it was a perilously thin margin as his mother’s need for full time care left little time for work outside the home. Then illness struck Jason. In and out of the hospital, it soon became clear that Jason suffered from severe chronic anemia, ulcers and non-alcohol (genetic in this case)
“The event is scheduled for this Friday at JJ’s Bohemia, and if there is any doubt about the love the local community holds for Jason, the lineup will dispel that instantly.” liver failure. A severe leg infection almost ended in amputation and all of this was compounded by clinical depression, PTSD and the persistent and lingering effects of a broken back from 1998. These details, not commonly known, mean that Jason’s efforts were not merely those of a devoted and loving son, they were genuinely heroic, and still he persisted. His mother passed in April and finally, it seems, Jason’s own troubles caught up with him. Mounting medical costs, an upcoming surgery, an unscrupulous landlord and even the theft of his truck and his dog (who steals a man’s dog?!) have left Jason in a more desperate position than most of us will ever likely face. And that’s when Jason’s
friends took notice, most specifically Jeff Daughtery of DDS. Jeff set out to organize a benefit show for Jason, a man who openly credits the love and support of his friends in the downtown community and music scene as being the key to his survival through all of this. The event is scheduled for this Friday at JJ’s Bohemia, and if there is any doubt about the love the local community holds for Jason, the lineup will dispel that instantly. If laughter is the best medicine, the first hour ought to be good for what ails you. Starting at seven some of Chattanooga’s funniest folk take the stage including Ian Sharp, Bryant Smith, David Hannah, Joseph Donovan, Morgan Gray, Andrew Ledbetter, Bridget Martin and
Giving Credit Where It's Due
Donnie Marsh. Eight to nine is acoustic hour featuring the talents of Crunk Bones Jones and Friends and ET. Following the acoustic set, the Tennessee Tremblers take the stage after which TJ Greever and the Jason Hallstars rock the house with an all-star (get it?) lineup of some of Chattanooga’s best and brightest. The Scarlet Love Conspiracy carries the show on through to the midnight hour and then none other than Double Dick Slick mounts a sonic offensive until the wee hours of the morning. Under any circumstances this would be a jam-packed can’t-miss show of talent and variety, but given the worthwhile cause motivating this powerhouse ensemble of performers, this one you absolutely have to see.
In last week’s review of the new solo album from Jonathan Wimpee, I made mention of the absolutely stellar line up of musicians, engineers and other associated artists who came together to lend their considerable talents to one of the most impressive albums to come down the pike in some time. Sadly, I failed to mention Jared White, a contributor to no less than three tunes on the album. A phenomenal drummer, bassist and producer, Jared is about as easy-going and humble a fellow as you’ll meet. When it came to my attention that I failed to credit him for his work on the album, he laughed it off and said, “I’m just glad you liked the project, and you said you liked ‘Dirty Beans and Rice’! I played on that one, made me smile!” I’m very much a credit-where-credit-is-due kind of fellow, especially in a scene where some artists NEVER credit their supporting musicians, and others don’t hesitate to demand credit they don’t deserve. For those reasons and more, this week’s sidebar is a tip of the hat to Jared White, consummate artist and all-around good guy whose contributions to a brilliant album are well worth noting. — MTM
Henry Rollins
Josh Hoyer and Soul Colossal
The Tammys & Mathias
“Rollins is many things,” says the Washington Post, “diatribist, confessor, provocateur, humorist, even motivational speaker.” 8 p.m. Walker Theatre 399 McCallie Ave. tivolichattanooga.com
A powerfully authentic & original Soul/Funk band whose mission is to empower the people. 9 p.m. Clyde’s On Main 122 W. Main St. clydesonmain.com
Come on down to St. Elmo for a night of great music and great beer at one of the best watering holes in town. 7 p.m. The Tap House 3800 St. Elmo Ave. taphousechatt.com
Ron Gallo
THURSDAY1.11 James Crumble Trio 6 p.m. St. John’s Meeting Place 1278 Market St. stjohnsrestaurant.com Jim Green, Jason Adams, Randy Finchum, Bob DeYoung 7 p.m. Heritage House 1428 Jenkins Rd. (423) 855-9474 chattanooga.gov Ben Chapman 7 p.m. Farm To Fork 120 Robert E. Lee Dr. farmtoforkga.com Toby Hewitt 7 p.m. Backstage Bar 29 Station St. backstagechattanooga.com Open Mic Night with Ryan Oyer 7 p.m. Moccasin Bend Brewing Co. 3210 Broad St. bendbrewingbeer.com Joe Ridolfo, Sybil Baker, Michael Gray 7:30 p.m. Granfalloon 400 E. Main St. granfalloonchattanooga.com Jesse James & Tim Neal 7:30 p.m. Mexi-Wing VII 5773 Brainerd Rd. mexi-wingchattanooga.com Henry Rollins 8 p.m.
Walker Theatre 399 McCallie Ave. tivolichattanooga.com Keepin’ It Local 8 p.m. The Social 1110 Market St. publichousechattanooga.com Open Mic Night with Jonathan Wimpee 9 p.m. The Office @ City Cafe 901 Carter St. citycafemenu.com Ron Gallo, Caroline Rose, Dead Testaments 9 p.m. JJ’s Bohemia 231 E. MLK Blvd. jjsbohemia.com Stelle Amor 9 p.m. Revelry Room
41 Station St. revelryroom.co
FRIDAY1.12 Jason Hall Music & Comedy Benefit 7 p.m. JJ’s Bohemia 231 E. MLK Blvd. jjsbohemia.com Drakeford 7 p.m. Oddstory Brewing Company 336 E. MLK Blvd. oddstorybrewing.co Tunes on Tap 7 p.m. The Tap House 3800 St. Elmo Ave. taphousechatt.com Rick Rushing
PULSE MUSIC SPOTLIGHT Roger has penned songs for country legends such as Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, George Jones and the number-one hit "Country State of Mind" for Hank Williams Jr. Roger Alan Wade
Saturday, 9 p.m. Puckett’s Restaurant 2 W. Aquarium Way puckettsgro.com
7:30 p.m. The Foundry 1201 Broad St. chattanooganhotel.com The Singing Echoes 7:30 p.m. Patriot Hall 150 Tennessee St. cityofringgoldga.gov The Young Fables 8 p.m. Puckett’s Restaurant 2 W. Aquarium Way puckettsgro.com Aaron Dunn 9 p.m. The Office @ City Cafe 901 Carter St. citycafemenu.com Josh Hoyer and Soul Colossal 9 p.m. Clyde’s On Main 122 W. Main St. clydesonmain.com Double Switch, Sorry Traffic, We The Arcturians 9 p.m. Frequency Arts 1804 E. Main St. facebook.com/frequencyarts Bad Tattoo 10 p.m. Bud’s Sports Bar 5751 Brainerd Rd. budssportsbar.com
SATURDAY1.13 Bluegrass Brunch Noon The Honest Pint 35 Patten Pkwy. thehonestpint.com
The Young Fables An Evening with Tinsley Ellis 7 p.m. Songbirds Guitar Museum 35 Station St. songbirdsguitars.com Castaway, Insvrgence, Sickness in the System, Absent from the Body 7 p.m. Music Box @ Ziggy’s 607 Cherokee Blvd. ziggysbarandgrill.net Noah Zacharin 7 p.m. Charles & Myrtle’s Coffeehouse 105 McBrien Rd. christunity.org The Tammys & Mathias 7 p.m. The Tap House 3800 St. Elmo Ave. taphousechatt.com Danimal 7:30 p.m. The Foundry 1201 Broad St. chattanooganhotel.com MPH 8 p.m. Moe’s Original BBQ 221 Market St. oesoriginalbbq.com OneTimers, Faux Fiction 8 p.m. Moccasin Bend Brewing Co. 3210 Broad St. bendbrewingbeer.com The Grizzly Fowler Band 8 p.m. Wrath Burgers & Brew 61 RBC Dr. Ringgold, GA wrathbrewing.com John Carroll
9 p.m. The Office @ City Cafe 901 Carter St. citycafemenu.com Cosmic Shift, Over Easy 9 p.m. JJ’s Bohemia 231 E. MLK Blvd. jjsbohemia.com Roger Alan Wade 9 p.m. Puckett’s Restaurant 2 W. Aquarium Way puckettsgro.com Hurly and Good Company 9 p.m. Clyde’s On Main 122 W. Main St. clydesonmain.com Wrong Way: Tribute to Sublime 9 p.m. Revelry Room 41 Station St. revelryroom.co Bad Tattoo 10 p.m. Bud’s Sports Bar 5751 Brainerd Rd. budssportsbar.com
SUNDAY1.14 Lily Rose 11 a.m. Flying Squirrel Bar 55 Johnson St. flyingsquirrelbar.com John R. Miller and The Engine Lights 1:30 p.m. Flying Squirrel Bar 55 Johnson St. flyingsquirrelbar.com
Chattanooga Symphony & Opera Presents: Mozart & Schubert 3 p.m. Chattanooga State Humanities Theatre 4501 Amnicola Hwy. (423) 697-4400 chattanoogastate.edu Bluegrass Jam 4 p.m. Fiddler’s Anonymous 2248 Dayton Blvd. (423) 994-7497 Open Mic with Jeff Daniels 6 p.m. Long Haul Saloon 2536 Cummings Hwy. (423) 822-9775 Maria Sable 8 p.m. Southside Social 1818 Chestnut St. thesouthsidesocial.com
MONDAY1.15 Open Mic Night 6 p.m. Puckett’s Grocery 2 W. Aquarium Way puckettsgro.com Attack Of The Open Mic! 7 p.m. Barley Chattanooga 235 E. MLK Blvd. (423) 682-8200 Monday Nite Big Band 7 p.m. The Coconut Room 6925 Shallowford Rd. thepalmsathamilton.com Open Air with Jessica Nunn 7:30 p.m.
Cosmic Shift The Granfalloon 400 E. Main St. granfalloonchattanooga.com Very Open Mic with Shawnessey Cargile 8 p.m. The Well 1800 Rossville Blvd. #8 wellonthesouthside.com
TUESDAY1.16 Bill McCallie and In Cahoots 6:30 p.m. Southern Belle 201 Riverfront Pkwy. chattanoogariverboat.com Danimal 7 p.m. Backstage Bar 29 Station St. backstagechattanooga.com Open Mic Jam Session 7 p.m. Crust Pizza 3211 Broad St. crustpizza.com Open Mic with Mike McDade 8 p.m. Tremont Tavern 1203 Hixson Pike tremonttavern.com Trunkweed 9 p.m. JJ’s Bohemia 231 E. MLK Blvd. jjsbohemia.com
WEDNESDAY1.17 The Other Guys 6 p.m.
SpringHill Suites 495 Riverfront Pkwy. springhillsuites.com Old Time Fiddle & Banjo Show 6:30 p.m. Fiddler’s Anonymous 2248 Dayton Blvd. (423) 994-7497 Jesse James Jungkurth 7 p.m. Backstage Bar 29 Station St. backstagechattanooga.com An Evening With David Rawlings 8 p.m. Tivoli Theatre 709 Broad St. (423) 757-5580 tivolichattanooga.com Joel Brothers 8 p.m. The Office @ City Cafe 901 Carter St. citycafemenu.com Priscilla & Little Rickee 8 p.m. Las Margaritas 1101 Hixson Pike (423) 756-3332 Jazz In The Lounge 8 p.m. Barking Legs Theater 1307 Dodds Ave. barkinglegs.org Prime Cut Trio 9 p.m. The Palms at Hamilton 6925 Shallowford Rd. thepalmsathamilton.com Map these locations on chattanoogapulse.com. Send event listings at least 10 days in advance to: calendar@chattanoogapulse.com
New Music From Brother Fyodor, Allmos
Brother Fyodor Rust (Chaotic Underworld)
Allmos Sound Affects, Vol. 1 (Fresh Selects)
the early, primal Swans releases; the vocals convey feeling instead of meaning, and here they are both seemingly tormented and intoxicated. “To Ends” is marked with disoriented, slow and groggy vocals while distorted drones lumber blindly between tones, disciplined by punishing beats. A post-punk-esque bass line is used on “Resistor” which uses a mix of warped spoken words, sullied beyond recognition, and anguished and sustained shouts of terror that are disturbingly muffled in the mix as if they were captive cries. “Failure in the Cave” offers effects-processing onanism,
he new album Rust from the Johnson City, Tenn. one-man band Brother Fyodor (a.k.a. Dustin Gingrow, the guitarist of Secret Bleeders) is a dark smorgasbord of prickly shards, drawing lines between noise, no-wave and industrial music while residing in its own peculiar intersection; there’s also an oblique goth spectre, casting its shadow over the proceedings but without overdone theatrics. The opening track “Hunted” doesn’t hold back, with abrasive high frequency sounds, feedback and noise, guided by death-march beats that are reminiscent of those heard on
with extreme envelope processing and a tremolo effect used on a bass tone, making it cut in and out to possibly suggest motion, like running away from some unknown Lovecraftian terror; eventually, the listener realizes that the ear-shredding noise heard on the track is actually severely altered vocals. The oddball track “Shelter” is based on an acoustic guitar strum, but it perverts the notion of an acoustic folk song with a clumsy facsimile that’s distorted on purpose with obscured singing, and “Call to the Voice” serves up amorphous, extraterrestrial transmissions and suggests aural nihilism, with the equivalent of a crazy person flopping around in mud. While the album’s around a half-hour long, toward the end, the listener may feel like they’ve been through a wringer, so the final track, “Lost Waxing,” actually serves as a sort of cooldown number—a breather for a demanding and compelling album.
he Brooklyn-based instrumental hip-hop solo project Allmos is the work of Allan Cole, who with Darien Birks
comprises the ‘70s-obsessed hip-hop outfit The Stuyvesants, and the name “Allmos” is a play on “almost,” which was Cole’s response to friends who would ask him if his debut release, Sound Affects, Vol. 1, was completed. It also represents Cole’s creative process, where he is trying to recreate the sounds he hears in his head, but instead of matching those sounds exactly, he’s almost there; however, as he strives to record his internal soundtrack, he makes new discoveries and nurtures new ideas along the way as a welcome byproduct of this work. It’s the journey that proves to be as important as the goal. This also underscores how Cole’s Allmos material differs from his music with The Stuyvesants, which operated by taking an idea and then fleshing it out; with Allmos, Cole is willing to play and experiment until something sounds interesting to him. Also, while Cole’s work with The Stuyvesants leaned on using sampled records, with Allmos, the emphasis is on live instrumentation, drum programming and homemade samples.
The ten tracks of Sound Affects, Vol. 1 are fairly brief, with only one selection breaking the 3-minute barrier, and the listener’s first impression is that it’s a relatively minimal approach; the second impression is that it doesn’t require more. It’s mellow and largely relaxing, but the beats are immediate and dominant in the mix, like on “Sometimes, Why?” which sports crisp, upfront beats on top of soul-inflected keyboard textures. “Aromas Naturalle” uses a pattern of basic keyboard chords and adds glistening flourishes and a subtle and muted bass line, among amorphous, drifting waves. Tiny disruptions pepper the album, like the studio stuttering of “Black Ting” or the woozy pitch bending on “So Remarkable,” and a highlight is the track “$’s to Donuts” with tight loops, metallic rattles and a distinctive clavinet pattern. It is far from being the most ambitious hip-hop album you’ll hear, and it’s not the most dense or wild one, either; rather, it has its own laid-back charm, and on its own terms, it more than almost hits the target.
Rediscovering The Bluewater Grille Revamped menu and an expanded bar selection entices you back downtown By Brooke Brown
Pulse Assistant Editor
HE NEW YEAR IS A TIME OF rebirth and reinvention. A time to step back and evaluate where you are and where you want to be. Take note from Bluewater Grille as they have evolved from more than just a steak and seafood stop, but into an inspired, classic restaurant that boasts a new chef-driven menu, handcrafted delicacies, and craft cocktails to make Bluewater Grille a coastal treasure right here in the heart of Downtown Chattanooga. Bluewater Grille has made its mark on Chattanooga after 11 years of outstanding service and delicious meals. Step off the cobblestone sidewalk and through the polished, revolving door to their glossy bar top. Bathed in ambient lighting from floor to ceiling windows, it’s the place to meet for drinks after work or for a chic dinner for two. Servers donned in sleek, black uniforms wait at the ready to serve, wine glasses dot the tables at dinner, Bluewater is the epitome of polished casual. “It’s not a pretentious place, but a place to enjoy yourself, have a wonder-
Bluewater Grille 224 Broad Street Monday-Thursday 11am-11pm Friday & Saturday 11am-Midnight Sunday 11am-10pm (423) 266-4200 bluewaterchattanooga.com
ful meal with a glass of wine or a bottle, whatever you want,” says general manager Kane Weathers. “We’re trying to provide an aesthetic but also a perception of value. We want it to be your money’s worth.” With their new chef-driven menu, Casey Liechty, Bluewater’s executive chef, and his team are hand-cutting all meats and demanding the freshest seafood possible. Plates are usually donned with a protein, side and a little something else, be it a lobster cream sauce or a demi-glace. “We want the meals to speak for themselves,” says Weathers. “We don’t want to overwhelm the palette.” Their choices for proteins are far and wide. They hand cut their filets, serve pork chop, ribeye, sirloins, chicken dishes, and hand cut fresh fish like salmon and swordfish. And these are hearty meats that won’t leave you hungry an hour later, and paired perfectly with a craft brew from Big River or a handcrafted cocktail, you can’t make a bad decision on what to have for dinner. Try the grilled pork chop with a nice, medium body red wine or with the Boulevardier or a whiskey ginger, made with Chattanooga Whiskey, fresh-muddled oranges and ginger beer. The 12 ounce Duroc pork chop is stuffed with fontina and sage and served on a bed of white cheddar mashed potatoes with a port rosemary sauce and apple chutney. How a dish can be so complex and somehow still so simple is precisely why Liechty is the executive chef. With vision like this for all of Chattanooga’s palette, we’re in
“We want the meals to speak for themselves,” says Weathers. “We don’t want to overwhelm the palette.” for a great meal. Beyond the enticing new menu, Bluewater offers seasonal handcrafted beers, Big River’s line on tap, and serve local spirits like Chattanooga Whiskey and Lass & Lions vodka. They offer a newly revamped Sunday brunch complete with $2 mimosas and a Bloody Mary bar as well as private dining and catering. Whether you have a rehearsal dinner, a family get together, or another private event, you can rent the back dining room for ultimate privacy and service, and Bluewa-
ter’s catering is perfect for a large scale event or wedding. With Valentine’s Day around the corner, Bluewater is a gem of a date. From the ambiance and service to the delectable food and drinks, you’ll be hard pressed to find another place in town with such style and class that won’t leave you feeling as if your pockets have been rummaged through after the bill. Bluewater is becoming a staple of downtown Chattanooga, and after 11 years of excellent service, they just keep elevating.
The Lookout Wild Film Festival Is Back
A cinematic celebration of the wild places in the world
Treasure Hunting On The Big Screen For years, Chattanooga film lovers didn’t have a lot of options beyond a few local theaters showing the latest Hollywood offering for a few weeks or so. But like so many other things that have improved culturally in our fair city, movie lovers have been blessed by two groups: the arthouse theater folks at the Palace Picture House and Fathom Events, who specialize in bringing both live events (like the Metropolitan Opera), fantastic anime films from Japan, and showcasing classic films that have been lovingly restored to their original big screen glory. Case in point this Saturday is the Humphrey Bogart classic western, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, which is back on the big screen for a special 70th anniversary event. Academy Award winners Humphrey Bogart and Walter Huston star with Tim Holt in this classic tale of the cunning, greed and paranoia. Set in Tampico, Mexico, three down and out Americans pool the meager resources they have to follow a rumor of gold ore to be found somewhere in the Sierra Madre mountains. The three friends agree to split everything equally, but then they discover a fortune in gold ore. It’s also the film that brought us one of the all-time classic movie lines: “Badges? We ain’t got no badges! We don’t need no badges! I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!” — Michael Thomas The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Saturday, 2, 7 p.m. East Ridge 18 Hamilton Place 8 5080 South Terrace 2000 Hamilton Pl. Blvd. (423) 855-9652 (844) 462-7342 www.fathomevents.com 20 • THE PULSE • JANUARY 11, 2018 • CHATTANOOGAPULSE.COM
When The Dust Settles
By John DeVore Pulse Film Editor
T’S THAT TIME AGAIN. THE BEGINNING of a new year means the Lookout Wild Film Festival is just around the corner. For those unfamiliar with the festival, the LWFF is a celebration of wild places in the world, of outdoor sports and the extremes that people will go to in order to experience Earth’s rugged, natural beauty, and the conservation efforts of our most precious resources. The 2018 lineup features an impressive seventynine films, the bulk of which are short films with a wide range of subject matter. Of particular note this year is the film When the Dust Settles (playing Saturday), a short documentary on The Mustang Leadership Program at the Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy. The film takes a close look at the program, where disadvantaged young girls from Chattanooga are paired with a Mustang rescue program. The film shows how the struggles of wild horses mirror those of disadvantaged girls, resulting in an earned trust when they’re given an opportunity to prove their worthiness to the world. The festival takes place over four days, from
January 18–21 at the Walker Theater in Chattanooga and is a can’t miss event for any film fan in the southeast. Below are some highlights from each night—the full schedule can be found at lookoutfilmfestival.org THURSDAY, JANUARY 18 Climbing the Scenic City 8m 20s, Tennessee Chattanooga’s surrounding boulders are a draw for climbing enthusiasts all over the world. With the emergence of climbing gyms, thousands of Chattanooga locals are now actively involved in the sport. But where did it all begin? Join us as we explore the history of climbing in Chattanooga and how the scenic city has become a mecca for climbing in the southeast. Selah 8m 16s, Texas Almost 50 years ago, fried chicken tycoon David Bamberger used his fortune to purchase 5,500 acres of overgrazed land in the Texas Hill Country. Planting grasses to soak in rains and fill hillside aquifers, Bamberger devoted the rest of his life to
FILM & TELEVISION restoring the degraded landscape. Today, the land has been restored to its original habitat and boasts enormous biodiversity. Bamberger’s model of land stewardship is now being replicated across the region and he is considered to be a visionary in land management and water conservation. Coming to My Senses 80m 57s, California In 1999, Aaron Baker broke his neck in a motocross accident, leaving him completely paralyzed from the neck down. Despite doctor’s grim prognosis over the next 16 years Aaron decided not to listen to those who said ‘he had a million-toone odds of ever feeding himself again’ and instead endeavored to regain as much mobility as possible. This journey through the unknown took him from the depths of depression to the joys of cross country road tripping via tandem bicycle with his mother and friends, and finally, culminated in his opening a socially conscious low cost gym focused on increasing mobility for the disabled. Now in Coming To My Senses we watch as Aaron takes one
final journey which symbolizes his recovery: to cross a 20 mile tract of Death Valley unsupported on foot. But will he make it? FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 Fall Impressions 3m 48s, Colorado For Sarah Uhl, a freelance fine art and commercial artist, her work—and her play—all stems from flow. It’s why her mountain biking and her painting go hand in hand. Her goal is to share with other people whatever magic she sees in the world around her. The Wild President 6m 27s, Georgia President Jimmy Carter grew up in awe of nature’s wonder. But it wasn’t until he first paddled the Chattooga River that he understood the power and majesty of a wild, free-flowing stream. The Wild President tells the story of Carter’s pioneering tandem-canoe descent of Bull Sluice Rapid and how the experience transformed his life and politics. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 Ghosts of the Arctic
6m 34s, Norway Ghosts of the Arctic was the type of passion project that dreams are made of. The filmmaker’s goal was to venture out into the beautiful frozen expanse of Svalbard, in winter, to search and document polar bears. Into Twin Galaxies 52m 0s, Greenland Three National Geographic “Adventurers of the Year” embark on an insane kayaking mission in Greenland. With kite skis they tow their whitewater kayaks over 1000 km of the Greenland Ice Cap to reach the northernmost river ever paddled.
The Commuter A businessman is caught up in a criminal conspiracy during his daily commute home. Director: Jaume Collet-Serra Stars: Liam Neeson, Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Jonathan Banks
SUNDAY, JANUARY 21 The Smoke that Thunders 44m 30s, Zambia Victoria Falls. Mosi-oa-Tunya. The Smoke That Thunders. The world’s largest waterfall goes by many different names, but all agree: this is a place of awesome, ancient power. This is where Orlando Duque and Jonathan Paredes, two of the outstanding talents of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series, have come to test themselves. Come on out and support local (and wild) film.
Paddington 2 Paddington, now happily settled with the Brown family and a popular member of the local community, picks up a series of odd jobs to buy the perfect present for his Aunt Lucy's 100th birthday, only for the gift to be stolen. Director: Paul King Stars: Ben Whishaw, Hugh Grant, Hugh Bonneville
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Making The Perfect Tom Kha Gai Want to spice up your dinner in the cold winter? Chef Mike has the answer. • 3-4 fresh limes • ¼ cup good quality fish sauce • 16 oz full-fat coconut milk • Cooked jasmine rice to accompany Mike McJunkin Pulse columnist
HILE ENDURING LAST WEEK’S brutally cold weather, I learned that hypothermia is a common medical condition that occurs when the body’s core temperature drops below 95 F. This can result in violent shivering, blue colored lips and an increased danger that you could accidentally key someone’s car with your nipples. To prevent cold weather tragedies and embarrassing insurance claims, let’s do a recipe walk-through of the most delicious, nipple-taming elixir to ever grace a soup bowl—Thai coconut soup, or tom kha gai, The following recipe comes from watching Thai mothers, aunties and grandmothers make tom kha gai in small shophouses and food stalls around my home in Northern Thailand. No slow cookers, curry pastes or elaborate preparations are needed, but if you follow the steps below carefully and don’t substitute any ingredients, you’ll end up with the most soul-warming, flavor-packed and traditionally flavored tom kha gai you can eat outside of the Land of Smiles. Ingredients • 4 cups sodium-free chicken stock • 1.25 lb boneless chicken thighs (breasts will do, but thighs are better) cut into bite size pieces • 12 ounces fresh straw mushrooms • 2 stalks lemongrass • 4-5 fresh Thai bird’s eye chilies • 3-inch piece of fresh galangal, sliced thinly • 6-7 fresh makrut (kaffir) lime leaves
Directions The first thing to do is to concentrate the chicken stock. Pour the stock into a wide saucepan, bring to a boil, and reduce over medium-high heat until it’s half its original volume. Typically, Thai stocks are made from just chicken or pork bones and water. Commercial stocks in the U.S., however, usually include carrots, onions, celery, and herbs that might interfere with the flavors in your tom kha gai so it’s best to make your own. Just boil some chicken or pork bones and reduce until you get a flavorful, concentrated stock. Next, cut the straw mushrooms into bite-sized pieces and set aside. If you can’t get straw mushrooms, any mild, meaty mushroom will do, but if you use portobellos, scrape off the gills because they’ll turn the broth gray. Don’t use shiitake’s or dried mushrooms though; their flavors are just too strong. Now cut the lemongrass stalks into one-inch pieces and smash them with the side of a large knife, Aunt Millie’s fruitcake, or any other hard, heavy object lying around the house. This breaks the juice sacs in the fibers and releases those beautifully aromatic oils. Whack the chilies and the lime leaves a couple of times too; set all three aside. Put the coconut milk into a large pot with the chicken stock, lime leaves, lemongrass, and galangal slices.
The kha in tom kha gai actually means galangal, so it’s a very important ingredient and there’s really no substitute. Galangal has a very different flavor and texture from ginger and anyone who tries to tell you different should go back to having drinks with Sandra Lee in whatever level of culinary hell they came from. Slowly bring the mixture to just below a simmer for about one minute to allow the herbs to infuse the liquid. Maintain a “near-simmer” and add the mushrooms and chicken to the liquid. Coconut milk is very delicate, so make sure you stir it gently, always stir it in the same direction, and make sure it never comes to a rapid boil to prevent breaking or clumping. Once the chicken is cooked, add the chilies and immediately remove the pot from the heat. Add the fish sauce and juice of two limes to the pot, stir, and taste. The soup should be a nice balance of sour, salty and sweet,
but if you plan to eat it traditionally—with jasmine rice as a main course—you’re going to want to add a bit more fish sauce (salt) and lime juice (acid) to make the flavors strong enough to overcome the relative blandness of the rice. Although tom kha gai is typically eaten by itself as a stand-alone soup course in the U.S., in Thailand it’s eaten with rice sort of like a curry. Tom kha gai is also not meant to be a spicy dish, so go easy on the chilies—not all Thai food is spicy! Pro tip: the herbs (lemongrass, lime leaves, galangal, chilies) are not supposed to be eaten, but are instead pushed to the side as you eat the soup similar to bay leaves in gumbo or spaghetti sauce. Life’s too short to eat mediocre food. Bon appétit! Mike McJunkin is a native Chattanoogan currently living abroad who has trained chefs, owned and operated restaurants. Join him on Facebook at facebook.com/ SushiAndBiscuits
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ∙ ROB BREZSNY CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Three centuries ago, Capricorn genius Isaac Newton formulated principles that have ever since been fundamental to scientists’ understanding of the physical universe. He was also a pioneer in mathematics, optics, and astronomy. And yet he also expended huge amounts of time and energy on the fruitless attempt to employ alchemy to transform base metals into solid gold. Those efforts may have been interesting to him, but they yielded no lasting benefits. You Capricorns face a comparable split. In 2018, you could bless us with extraordinary gifts or else you could get consumed in projects that aren’t the most productive use of your energy. The coming weeks may be crucial in determining which way you’ll go. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): A rite of passage lies ahead. It could and should usher you into a more soulful way of living. I’m pleased to report that this transition won’t require you to endure torment, confusion, or passive-aggressive manipulation. In fact, I suspect it could turn out to be among the most graceful ordeals you’ve ever experienced—and a prototype for the type of breakthrough that I hope will become standard in the months and years to come. Imagine being able to learn valuable lessons and make crucial transitions without the prod of woe and gloom. Imagine being able to say, as musician P.J. Harvey said about herself, “When I’m contented, I’m more open to receiving inspiration. I’m most creative when I feel safe and happy.” PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The Kalevala is a 19th-century book of poetry that conveys the important mythology and folklore of the Finnish people. It was a wellspring of inspiration for English writer J. R. R. Tolkien as he composed his epic fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings. To enhance his ability to steal ideas from The Kalevala, Tolkien even studied the Finnish language. He said it was like “entering a complete wine-cellar filled with bottles of an amazing wine of a kind and flavor never tasted before.” According to my reading of the astrological omens, Pisces, in 2018 you will have the potential of discovering a source that’s as rich for you as Finnish and The Kalevala were for Tolkien. ARIES (March 21-April 19): I’m happy to inform you that life is giving you permission to be extra demanding in the coming weeks—as long as you’re not petty, brusque, or unreasonable. Here are a few examples that will pass the test: “I demand that you join me in getting drunk on the truth;” “I demand to receive rewards commensurate with my contributions;” “I demand that we collaborate to outsmart and escape the karmic conundrums
we’ve gotten ourselves mixed up in.” On the other hand, Aries, ultimatums like these are not admissible: “I demand treasure and tribute, you fools;” “I demand the right to cheat in order to get my way;”“I demand that the river flow backwards.” TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Are you familiar with the phrase “Open Sesame”? In the old folk tale, “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves,” it’s a magical command that the hero uses to open a blocked cave where treasure is hidden. I invite you to try it out. It just may work to give you entrance to an offlimits or previously inaccessible place where you want and need to go. At the very least, speaking those words will put you in a playful, experimental frame of mind as you contemplate the strategies you could use to gain entrance. And that alone may provide just the leverage you need. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): While thumping around the Internet, I came across pointed counsel from an anonymous source. “Don’t enter into a long-term connection with someone until you’ve seen them stuck in traffic,” it declared. “Don’t get too deeply involved with them until you’ve witnessed them drunk, waiting for food in a restaurant for entirely too long, or searching for their phone or car keys in a panic. Before you say yes to a deeper bond, make sure you see them angry, stressed, or scared.” I recommend that you take this advice in the coming weeks. It’ll be a good time to deepen your commitment to people who express their challenging emotions in non-abusive, non-psychotic ways. CANCER (June 21-July 22): My high school history teacher Marjorie Margolies is now Chelsea Clinton’s mother-in law. She shares two grandchildren with Hillary Clinton. Is that something I should brag about? Does it add to my cachet or my happiness? Will it influence you to love me more? No, nah, and nope. In the big scheme of things, it’s mildly interesting but utterly irrelevant. The coming weeks will be a good time for Cancerians like you and me to renounce any desire we might have to capitalize on fake ego points like this. We Crabs should be honing our identity and selfimage so they’re free of superficial measures of worth. What’s authentically valuable about you? LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): If I were your mentor or your guide, I’d declare this the Leo Makeover Season. First I’d hire a masseuse or masseur to knead you firmly and tenderly. I’d send you to the nutritionist, stylist, dream interpreter, trainer, and life coach. I’d brainstorm with the people who know you best to come up with suggestions for how to help free
you from your illusions and infuse your daily rhythm with twenty percent more happiness. I’d try to talk you out of continuing your association with anyone or anything that’s no damn good for you. In conclusion, I’d be thorough as I worked to get you unlocked, debugged, and retooled. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “It takes an extraordinary person to carry themselves as if they do not live in hell,” says writer D. Bunyavong. In accordance with the astrological omens, I nominate you Virgos to fit that description in the coming weeks. You are, in my estimation, as far away from hell as you’ve been in a long time. If anyone can seduce, coax, or compel heaven to come all the way down to earth for a while, it’s you. Here’s a good way to get the party started: Gaze into the mirror until you spy the eternal part of yourself. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In accordance with the astrological omens, I encourage you to move the furniture around. If you feel inspired, you might even want to move some of that old stuff right out the door and haul it to the dump or the thrift store. Hopefully, this will get you in the mood to launch a sweeping purge of anything else that lowers the morale and élan around the house: dusty mementoes, unflattering mirrors, threadbare rugs, chipped dishes, and numbing symbols. The time is ripe, my dear homies, to free your home of deadweight. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): When he was 16 years old and living in New York, Ralph Lifshitz changed his name to Ralph Lauren. That was probably an important factor in his success. Would he have eventually become a famous fashion designer worth $5.8 billion dollars if he had retained a name with “shitz” in it? The rebranding made it easier for clients and customers to take him seriously. With Ralph’s foresight as your inspiration, Scorpio, consider making a change in yourself that will enhance your ability to get what you want. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In 1956, the prolific Spanish poet Juan Ramón Jiménez was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. The award committee praised his “high spirit and artistic purity.” The honor was based on his last thirteen books, however, and not on his first two. Waterlilies and Souls of Violet were works he wrote while young and still ripening. As he aged, he grew so embarrassed by their sentimentality that he ultimately tried to track down and eradicate every copy. I bring this to your attention, Sagittarius, because I think it’s a favorable time for you to purge or renounce or atone for anything from your past that you no longer want to be defined by.
“Sounds Like It’s ‘18”—you’ll hear it in the middle. ACROSS 1 Mature insect stage 6 528i maker 9 Arrears 14 Once less than once 15 Noise at the dentist 16 Andrews of “Mary Poppins” 17 Port-au-Prince or Fort-Liberté, as an example of what to call cities? 19 “___ we all?” 20 City SE of Oklahoma City 21 Just the right amount of stellar? 23 Haves and have-___ 25 They may be removed in “premium” versions 26 Some smartphones 27 Uncool sort 29 Uncle, in Oaxaca 30 Software problem 33 Jazz combo instrument 37 Facebook action 38 Oscar news about
“Reds” or “Bulworth” (or “Network”)? 42 Shirt sleeves 43 Journalist Cokie who appears on ABC and NPR 44 Afternoon break 45 Part of FWIW 46 Congo basin animal 50 Solar system center 51 Surprised sounds 54 Madeline of “Blazing Saddles” 55 Much, much smaller? 60 Fish eggs 61 “That’s ___ shame” 62 Go out with Carrie Ann of “Dancing With the Stars?” 64 Blue-gray shade 65 Back in time 66 Ambulance attendant 67 Scammed 68 Actor Jeong 69 Hard worker’s output DOWN 1 Under one’s control
2 Grassland 3 Do some flying 4 Figure out 5 First of its kind (abbr.) 6 Made some barnyard noises 7 Half of a 1960s pop quartet 8 Put a sharper edge on 9 “___ Unchained” (Tarantino movie) 10 Continentwide money 11 Chicken Cordon ___ 12 Triangle sound 13 Late-night host Meyers 18 Program begun under FDR 22 Alchemist’s potion 24 Stadium capacity 28 Crispy sandwich 29 Mild 30 Drill piece 31 Island strings, for short 32 Diploma equivalent 34 Power in old movies
35 ___ about (roughly) 36 Show sorrow 37 Eye surgery acronym 38 Outlaw 39 Notable period 40 Current measure 41 Utmost degree 45 Put gas in 47 Holiday procession 48 Intense fear 49 Short play length 50 What a twoletter abbreviation may denote 51 “August: ___ County” (2013 Streep film) 52 Show interest in, in a way 53 Figure out 55 Laundry 56 “Alice’s Restaurant” chronicler Guthrie 57 Affirmative votes 58 Bismarck’s home (abbr.) 59 Wheel accessories 63 Word after “brand spanking”
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