Unit Plan - Multiplicity

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Intel® Teach Program Essentials Course

What’s the Story? Unit Author First and Last Name

Heather Carver

School District


School Name

Harrisfield Primary School

School City, State


Unit Overview Unit Title

What’s the story? – Multiplicity! Unit Summary

In this unit students will explore multiplication in the environment and literature. They will develop a narrative or procedural text that has multiplication, its language, notation and rules, as part of its story line. Students’ story will encompass multiplication concepts appropriate to their level of achievement/development. The can present this story in a choice of media. Subject Area

Mathematics and English Grade Level

Grade 3 & 4 Approximate Time Needed

2 week unit – with approx 3 hours each week Unit Foundation Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks

LEVEL 2 They add and subtract one- and two-digit numbers by counting on and counting back. They mentally compute simple addition and subtraction calculations involving one- or two-digit natural numbers, using number facts such as complement to 10, doubles and near doubles. They describe and calculate simple multiplication as repeated addition, such as 3 × 5 = 5 + 5 + 5; and division as sharing, such as 8 shared between 4. They use commutative and associative properties of addition and multiplication in mental computation (for example, 3 + 4 = 4 + 3 and 3 + 4 + 5 can be done as 7 + 5 or 3 + 9). LEVEL 3 They devise and use written methods for: whole number problems of addition and subtraction involving numbers up to 999 multiplication by single digits (using recall of multiplication tables) and multiples and powers of ten (for example, 5 × 100, 5 × 70) division by a single-digit divisor (based on inverse relations in multiplication tables). They devise and use algorithms for the addition and subtraction of numbers to two decimal places, including LEVEL 4 © 2008 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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They create sets of number multiples to find the lowest common multiple of the numbers. They interpret numbers and their factors in terms of the area and dimensions of rectangular arrays (for example, the factors of 12 can be found by making rectangles of dimensions 1 × 12, 2 × 6, and 3 × 4). Students identify square, prime and composite numbers. They create factor sets (for example, using factor trees) and identify the highest common factor of two or more numbers. They recognise and calculate simple powers of whole numbers (for example, 24 = 16). Personal Learning Standards!!!! Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Students will understand that mathematics is a way of describing the world around us. It uses a language with a set of conventions and notational representations. Students will demonstrate a multiplication concept or rule in a real life situation and develop a story with visual and literal representation. Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question Unit Questions

What’s the Story? – How do we share our experiences? How can we communicate? Where’s the pattern?

How can we communicate the patterns and ideas we see around us in number?

How can I communicate a number idea so that others can understand me?

What does a number sentence represent?

• Content Questions

How can we write in maths what we think in English?

What is multiplicity?

Where is multiplication in the world around us? How can multiplication help us?

What are Factors? Factorials? Integers? Square Numbers? Combinations?

Maybe a bit more specific to the appropriate algorithm

Assessment Plan Assessment Timeline

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Before project work begins

VCAA On Demand adaptive test in number. VCAA On Demand Linear Test at appropriate level for multiplication as indicated from the adaptive test.

Survey Monkey (linked in blog) Class blog entry – KWL http://whatsthest ory.globalstudent. org.au/ Mathematics Goal Setting recorded on class wiki

Students work on projects and complete tasks

Class Blog entry setting personal learning goals in mathematics

Rubric – to guide work

After project work is completed

Final performance/pro duct.

Multiplicity Story Rubric—Gr 3-4.docx

Student progress checklist

Rubric used to assess work

What's the Story_rubric_v1.0.htm

COW graphic organizer for after walk

Multiplicity Self direction and progress checklist.docx What's the Story_Where's the Maths_COW.pdf

Checklist for teacher observations during working sessions.

Teacher observation checklist.docx

Assessment Summary

We will be using some standardised formative and summative assesments provided by the VCAA – through the On Demand Testing site. We will be using a graphic organiser on the class blog for students to self assess and a KWL chart to help them choose areas to explore. A rubric will be used to help guide their work and to assess their final product. They will make regular comments in their personal learning journal and in the class blog regarding their progress and efforts. As a class group they will develop some personal learning rubrics to use to assess their efforts at self managing, directing and assessing their work. Unit Details Prerequisite Skills

This unit aims to provide differentiated instruction and opportunities for students based upon their entry level conceptual understandings of multiplication. They will however need to have a basic grasp of either procedural text or narrative text writing or both, although some instruction/assistance in this will also be provided. Instructional Procedures

All the elements of this unit are available in the Class Wiki for this unit (including this unit plan) timelines, assessment and assignment tools, links to useful content and possible online tools for production. class wiki PRE UNIT ASSESSMENT - ODT © 2008 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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Introduction ENGAGE Whole group – Read Annos Multiplying Jar to the whole class. EXPLORE Maths walk – where is the maths? (Finding examples of multiplication around the school/local precinct etc.) Draw pictures of multiplication around us – write the word sentence- write the matching equation. Read a range of other picture story books (List here) – in small group discussions – where’s the maths in the story? Share their book with the class. Self pre assessment survey monkey online Use student blog to set goals – maths and personal learning Find partners – with similar goals and interests/teacher chooses record on the class wiki EXPLAIN Use Jenny Eather’s Math’s dictionary and other online resources to learn about the concept or skill. Workshops on each of the multiplication concepts students are exploring will be held during the first week of the unit. Students will be expected to attend the appropriate one. And / or students access a podcast that teacher or other students have made. These would be accessed through the wiki and workshops from the teacher for explicit instruction. ELABORATE Use Unit wiki to choose an appropriate scenario/project to write a narrative or procedural text that has multiplication concept they are exploring in it. Write text and illustrate using any media they choose: Make a book, Make a Digital Story (photostory/ animoto/ PowerPoint etc) , Make a movie (acting it out) Make an animated movie (Stop Go animation), Make a digital animation (eg Kahootz, PowerPoint, Scratch, etc) Post group time lines and roles on their personal blog and List topic on the class wiki EVALUATE Survey Monkey for self assessment Sharing time for peer and teacher review Present to appropriate audience – other grades (narrative texts) , teachers (some of the procedural texts) POST UNIT – Students can re-sit the ODT Linear test to assess their achievement of their mathematics goals mark off on personal VELS achievement record.

Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

Special Needs Students

One on one support will be required for students with low reading ailities to complete all of the online assessment elements. As the content will be directed at the students level of ability the major support students will need is with writing conventions of their stories. The abilitiy to use an mp3 player to record their storyfor podcast, movie or digital story will assist here. I would still expect most students to write a draft which allows students to further their english conventions skills but the final product will not identify the diferentiation required.

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Nonnative Speakers

One on one support will be required to complete the personal self assessment prior to the unit and the ODT’s.

Gifted/Talented Students

Gifted and talented students have the opportunity to work independantly, research their topic and create a product that reflects their skills and level of achievement and understanding.

Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed) Camera

Laser Disk

Computer(s) Digital Camera

Printer Projection System

DVD Player


Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other


Internet Connection


Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet

Desktop Publishing

Image Processing

Internet Web Browser Multimedia

E-mail Software

Web Page Development

Word Processing Other

Encyclopedia on CD-ROM

Printed Materials

A range of picture Story Books: Essential: “Anno’s Multipying Jar”, Mitsumasa Anno; Suggested only: “Patterns in Peru – An Adventure in Patterning” C. Neuschwander, Henry Holt & Co, New York, 2007; Multiplying Menace – The Revenge of Rumplestilskin, Pam Colvert, Chalsebridge, Watertown MA, 2006;


A variety of materials need to be availalble as students will be selecting the final presentation. Once decisions have been made by group then the teacher will need to collect them together – paper, drawing media, plasticene, fabric, cardboard, glue, etc etc.

Internet Resources

All websites will be listed on the Unit wiki: http://multiplicity.wetpaint.com/

Other Resources

If desired a walk around the local community – outside of the school grounds would be a useful addition to the schoolground walk.

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