The TedTalks videos we watched, were interesting, unique and creative, and I believe did bring, albeit at least a small difference in our lives. StoryCorps was what I found the most interesting, and made the most impact on me.
Tuesday, 21st July 2015 (PERIOD 5) •
I thought about, ‘Why do we want to make a difference?’, and researched.
I found PBS Kids, ‘It’s My Life’, and saw an article on volunteering. I found a few opinions from other young people, which I will quote here. Michele, 12, says: "It teaches humbleness, something I could use. Also, it teaches you how many people need help around the world. You want to help more and more people. It gets kind of addicting."
Samantha, 12, writes: "If people didn't get involved, when they grew up they would not be good at working with people." Kyra, 10, thinks "it's important for young people to help out because it shows they care for their community." Jasmine, 12, told us that volunteering is a good thing because "it helps you get moving instead of sitting around the house all day!" Reference - http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/emotions/volunteering/index.html •
I found an article, in Yes! Magazine, titled ‘Making a Difference Makes You Happy’, and finds that activism brings “pleasant emotions, greater life satisfaction, more experiences of freedom, competence and connection to others.” It gives us “a sense of satisfaction, the experience of pleasant emotions and of connection with others, and a feeling of aliveness.” Reference: http://www.yesmagazine.org/happiness/making-a-difference-makes-you-happy
I remembered a newspaper article for teenagers, encouraging to stop thinking that the world owes them something, but to the fact, that they owe something back to the world.
Thursday, 23rd July 2015 (PERIOD 5) •
I considering Improv Everywhere, but decided not to focus on them, not until I’ve explored all the possibilities.
We discussed on the topic of collaboration, and what it means to collaborate with others, the questions are listed below:
What does it mean to collaborate? What might be some of the advantages of collaborating? What does it look like?
What does it sound like? What does it feel like? What might be some of the differences between collaborating (on a task or project) an collaborating to learn? What skills and ways of being might help you be a good collaborator? I was discussing with Ms. Mullins, and told her about my interest in the non-for-profit organization, StoryCorps, and told me, that it would be great to develop this into something – an event – in our school community.
Sunday, 26 July 2015 ( - ) •
Just out of sheer coincidence, I have found two websites whose goal is to tackle issues affecting internationally, but for the younger generation, fifteen/eighteen to twenty-five. These organizations are called Oaktree & VGen.
Tuesday, 28th July 2015 (PERIOD 4) • I thought of my brother, and considered that helping him improve would be great - but, I can't think of what difference I should make. Tuesday, 28th July 2015 (PERIOD 5) • My relationship with my brother isn't not poor in the least, but it would be great to maybe improve it even more. •
It then made me realize, that maybe I shouldn't do my brother - but, my father instead. I have an extremely poor relationship with my father, we hardly talk to each other, and if there is one thing I would like to do, before I died, is to get to know my father a bit more.
Monday, 3rd August 2015 (PERIOD 6) • My deceased sister's birthday was on Saturday, I thought that if she could make such a difference in our lives - especially, my father's - then, I believe I need to do the same. I'm going to create several questions to ask him, ranging from the typical to the personal, and I'd record them, similar to StoryCorps. •
I've also decided that I would join Mynah and Hannah's group, as they are focusing on Care, and their disaster relief program, as I find that this project might be too personal to share with the class, at least, I wouldn’t be able to bring myself to - it would definitely be my biggest challenge.
We were asked to write short story about the problem we're focusing on, and since I know I cannot make a story that is in the least bit, 'short', I'll write a poem, it's called, Cigarettes.
'I love you' is shown with silent care. His kisses is shown with strong support. His hugs is shown for just being there. Of cigarettes, wine, is a husband, a father, and a friend. How can I thank him for all he's done? Because, I am only me because I am him.
Tuesday, 4th August 2015 (PERIOD 4) Class Reflection: What do I need to do well in this project? o I need to speak in front of the class. o I need to create an engaging presentation; including visuals and speech, o I need to research thoroughly, on questions that will help me achieve what my personal goal is. o I need to know how I'm going to record something like that, maybe, to find a recorder - like, old-fashioned detectives and journalists use, in the movies.
Class Reflection: Discuss about the TEDTalks video we watched, about creating a good presentation. o It was an interesting presentation, that really told us what in my firm opinion, is how a story should be told - with highs and lows, problems and problems being solved. o I would like to know how to form a speech similar to that of the one the presenter was talking of, which is how I would like to improve in the future. o (I would really have loved to hear the speeches, that the presenter was talking of, I find it extremely disappointing and unfair.) o (It had quite a lot of analysis on the speeches, which kind of made me lose interest.)
Class Reflection: What is the biggest problem that you must overcome? o I need to get the confidence to talk to my father of personal subjects.
Thursday, 13th August 2015 • My mom is in hospital, and it made me think of the Ronald McDonald House, I did think about it before, but I decided to leave it to a last resort, as well, but I think now is a good time to work with it. • I remember going their when my sister was in hospital, and it was pretty much a homeaway-from-home - however, much more lonelier and sadder. • They don't only help families that have loved ones in hospital, but families that have seriously-ill children, and to send them on calming retreats. • I also remembered PostSecret, an organization where you can send postcards with secrets, so that you can let out something that has been holding you back. Thursday, 27th August 2015 • Why are we so focused on helping, say, the poor - but, we ignore the homeless people in the city? My mom says, that if we are all focused on making a small difference in our own
lives, then the world will slowly become a better place, but then again, there are people that need a hand, because those living in poverty in Africa, cannot sanitize their water without the millionaires dancing in their cash.