This thesis is driven by the regional city of Ballarat and exploration into ideas of interconnection between architecture and its context. The drivers establish a foundation for the development of the thesis statement and research questions.
The thesis concept is developed and demonstrated through resolved projects, highlighting the established design principles. A methodology is developed to demonstrate implementation of design principles. This is applied across three scenarios of varying scale.
Through research, exploration and design, the resolved projects will clearly demonstrate the thesis concept.
The thesis is framed within the context of Ballarat. The ideas and concepts explored throughout the thesis can be applied to other regions and contexts.
Ballarat is a regional city that has experienced great change over a number of years and is expected to continue to change and develop into the future. It has a rich history which permeates through the city and built form. As Ballarat moves towards the future, goals of high liveability look to strategies such as the
10 minute city, aiming to create liveable neighbourhoods and compact cities. Ballarat is a highly car dependent city. From
a sustainability perspective, reducing the reliance on cars especially in the city centre can reduce the ecological impact as well as enhance the human experience within the urban realm (City of Ballarat, 2015).
There are a multitude of urban design strategies that can be implemented to enhance the urban realm. It is important for the architecture to reflect the wider urban strategy and aims.
It is necessary to understand the context of the city to consider the impact of the thesis to particular localities. These considerations are explored through urban research studies and explorations.
Initial exploration was made into broader interactions between natural, built and social environments, looking at micro and macro scale influences to architecture. In order to explore these influences, a process was developed to interrogate the relationship between design constraints and outcomes, restricted to the natural, built and social environments.
The interconnections look at the relationship between architecture at the building scale and the impact to site and surrounding urban form.
This approach established a beginning for further exploration into thesis concepts. Through this exploration process, the thesis direction was refined further, focusing on the human experience influenced by changes in topography.
To move beyond the ground plane is to extend space and form into the vertical realm. People do not experience space within a two dimensional plane, therefore the vertical realm needs to be designed in conjunction with the horizontal realm. Design that utilises the vertical realm allows more opportunity for human centric design.
This thesis demonstrates how varying level changes can be used to influence the relationship between people and space as verticality is introduced into buildings. Principles of level change are implemented across three projects at different scales to demonstrate how level changes can be used in the wider architectural design process.
Architecture is historically focused on the importance of plan (Leatherbarrow, 2000). However, architecture requires the relationship between horizontal and vertical realms. By nature of built form in three dimensional space, objects exist in both horizontal and vertical planes.
The ground plane exists naturally with variation in topography, building a relationship between the vertical and horizontal. Architecture always has interaction with the ground plane (Berlanda, 2014). Varying level changes are a result of the relationship with the topography.
This thesis seeks to explore how level changes can be driven not only by natural topography but by human experience to produce specific outcomes. This is explored through establishing design principles which relate level changes to outcomes of human experience, specifically exploring the effect of design elements on human perception (Hertzberger, 1991).
The thesis develops a methodology for implementing these design principles into the design process to develop resolved projects. This is explored across three projects of varying scale to demonstrate the robustness of the thesis and design principles in varying contexts. The thesis aims to demonstrate the importance of level changes and how it can be applied across architecture.
research questions
The research questions for this thesis frame how the ideas presented can be explored, applied in architecture and affect outcomes. They are addressed throughout the thesis, through exploration, iteration and reflection.
In what ways can architecture be explored beyond the ground plane?
How can ideas beyond the ground plane influence built form and human perception of space?
How can ideas beyond the ground plane be used to enhance the human experience?
In what ways can architecture be explored beyond the ground plane? (Opportunities)
Exploring the ways architecture can be influenced through thinking beyond the ground plane will be examined in the early exploratory phases of the thesis. It is important to look for opportunities that ideas beyond the ground plane allow for and establish design principles which reflect these. The design principles form the basis on which the architectural iterations will be implementing. These design principles are assessed throughout the process of discovery and may not remain the same from their initial establishment.
How can ideas beyond the ground plane influence built form and human perception of space? (Application)
The focus of this research question is to explore the ways in which ideas brought about by the design principles can be applied in practical architectural scenarios. Furthermore, it demonstrates how these ideas change the way the spaces are experienced from the perspective of the user.
How can ideas beyond the ground plane be used to enhance the human experience? (Outcome)
The primary aim is to enhance the users’ experience within the designed spaces. Therefore, throughout the design and iteration process, consideration is put into ensuring the design principles being implemented into the architecture enhance the experience of the end user. This is only possible through understanding and addressing the previous research questions, looking at the various implementations possible and the way they influence human experience both positively and negatively.
The research undertaken prior to exploration and development of the thesis frames the ideas within the thesis in the context of existing literature and architecture. The thesis drivers and statement guide the research towards key ideas of urban design theory, topography, interconnection and thresholds. Observations from literature, precedent projects as well as urban and site research are considered. Additionally, prior research was conducted in ecosophy, agency and public space through film and literature.
Jacobs presents critical urban design theory ideas in The Death and Life of Great American Cities that can be considered in architecture at varying scales. The themes of street and building typology importance portrayed, can be applied to an architectural context with emphasis on connections to the surrounding neighbourhood context (Jacobs, 1993). Taking lessons learned in urban design theory, greater understandings of connections between site and wider context can be developed. With consideration for human experience, these ideas can be used to understand connections between the built form, people and place.
Newman explores the development of Australian cities. The way a city is designed is influenced by the priorities of the city. It is the interaction between the priorities of transport, economic and culture that create not only drivers for development but conditions for the success of a city (Newman, 1992). It is the interconnection between these priorities that are important considerations for design. Likewise, these interconnected elements can be translated to the more local context of architecture to explore how architecture can be successful.
In The Self Delusion, Oliver describes systems as comprised of multiple parts that are entangled with each other. The interconnection within systems is emphasised (Oliver, ). The complex network of relationships between elements compose the system, making it difficult to grasp the both the system as a whole and the causal chains within. It is therefore difficult to understand the impact of decisions as they cause effects further from the centre of the sphere of influence.
Architectural Topographies: A graphic lexicon of how buildings touch the ground | Tomà Berlanda
Berlanda presents a collection of case studies that look at the interaction between built form and the ground. The focus is on the natural topography and the intersection that is formed with architecture. Architecture is the relationship between the horizontal and the vertical (Berlanda, 2014).
In Lessons for Students in Architecture, Hertzberger describes strategies to understand the relationship between private and public domains, how design elements and principles influence the public-private perception of space (Hertzberger, 1991). Additionally, focus is drawn to the boundaries and thresholds which define these spaces. How the human experience is affected by the architectural elements is particularly important to understand in each example.
Leatherbarrow describes planes and levels as ‘horizons’, exploring how the concept has developed through architecture from simple ground plane plans to investigating the relationship between built form, horizon and terrain (Leatherbarrow, 2000). He looks at the way spaces are defined as developed, with physical barriers such as walls enclosing and defining where spaces exist but are not only defined by physical barriers. Leatherbarrow proposes that importance should be placed in the ground plane rather than just the ground plan, i.e. consideration of the vertical.
The entrance to the COPA Building presents dual modes of traversing the incline. The steps frame the entrance to the building, demarcating the path, while the ramp on the other side provides access for wheelchairs. For this building it is important to provide equal access to all occupants.
This example of level changes uses the step up in height to create various thresholds for spaces. While keeping the overall space open, as it is a small space, the individual study and bedroom are still defined and separated. In this case, the entryway to the study is framed by the edges of the opening.
By presenting varying heights and material finishes, the uses a space is designed for can be defined. Here, opportunity is created within these spaces. Although there is an established seating area, there are other possibilities for the step to be used as well. Affordances are guided by the designer but defined by the user.
The level changes used in this project create an experience of density where multiple interactions are occurring across multiple levels and areas. The interweaving of levels allows more use of space within a smaller volume.
This project uses built structure to create topographical forms. The massing creates an open and natural atmosphere where long sight lines are present. This typology can be applied to larger structures and contexts.
Vertical space has a direct impact on the human experience, higher ceilings create more open space while lower ceilings create more intimate atmospheres. In this project, the natural topography is manipulated to create this spaces and interactions within interior and exterior areas and varying levels.
Across the urban typologies, landmarks play an important role in navigation and orientation. Generally large identifiable structures visible from a distance allow easy navigation in any urban landscape. In these cases, all are public buildings, emphasising street connection and activation. This is done by providing public pedestrian space in front of the buildings. This can allow for gatherings and events.
The State Library of Victoria in Melbourne’s CBD is a space for open forum and also has ample green space and vegetation to invite users to occupy the space.
The Prahran Town Hall along Chapel St is setback from the street to provide pedestrian space. The setback also allows the building to be appreciated in its full capacity from the footpath.
The Sunshine Community and Civic Centre primarily houses community services. It is also setback to allow pedestrian and activity space at the base of the building.
Landmarks are important components in every urban area, representing information, heritage and culture.
The main street in each of these urban typology typically is associated with the area. This street typically gathers a large amount of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. In the case of Melbourne
CBD’s Swanston St, vehicular access is restricted and instead public transport is prioritised. This creates a more pedestrian friendly environment where the needs of pedestrians are brought to the forefront.
As cities and urban areas aim towards being more compact and encouraging more activity, one of the strategies implemented is pedestrianisation. By making areas pedestrian exclusive, it allows occupants to feel safer and encourages activity in the area.
South Yarra’s Chapel St on the other hand, consists of both vehicular and public transport shared down the main street. This can cause heavy congestion during peak periods of the day. Additionally the pedestrian experience is restricted to the footpaths on either side of the street. Connection and interaction between the two sides is limited.
Sunshine’s Hampshire Rd has the advantage of space, allowing a wide footpath for both pedestrian traffic and space activation. It is able to accommodate spillage from businesses and restaurants.
In each case, it is businesses and spaces that encourage activity and gathering towards these areas that allow the main street to be activated.
This is seen across many laneways and alleys in Melbourne CBD. As a centre that prioritises pedestrian and public transport traffic, it is expected that spaces that are exclusive to pedestrians would be present. Within these spaces, opportunity for businesses to operate becomes more viable, with the area bringing pedestrian traffic.
This type of pedestrianisation is being seen in inner-city and surburban centres as the importance is being realised. From temporary installations and initiatives to more permanent alterations to the urban fabric, pedestrianisation generates opportunities to activate spaces more effectively.
There are many strategies to activate the street. Primarily focus is drawn to the buildingstreet interface, i.e. how the building structures interact with the street at the ground level. This is important because it is at this level that pedestrians occupy space. Whether a space is a thoroughfare or occupiable space depends on the permeability of the building interface, whether it is impermeable or transparent (Dovey & Wood, 2014).
Much of the street activation is enabled by businesses at street level, creating transparent interfaces, allowing high levels of interaction between the building and street. Additional implementation such as footpath furniture can accommodate for space activation outside businesses and restaurants.
In order to preserve the street level experience, height restrictions and setbacks for taller buildings are necessary. This varies with the urban density of an area but generally follows similar principles across the various urban typologies.
Especially along the main street, buildings typically are restricted in height to avoid negatively impacting the pedestrian experience at street level. Additionally, verandahs are implemented along the street to provide both shelter and reduce the impact of taller buildings for pedestrians.
In low density areas like Sunshine, large buildings are less common and typically have a much lower height restriction compared to high density areas such as Melbourne CBD
The intersection between various modes of transport is important to consider. In a pedestrian heavy environment, prioritisation for the pedestrian should be considered. As more modes of transport are introduced, careful planning is required to ensure there are no conflicts between each. For example, within both Melbourne CBD and South Yarra, cars, trams, cyclists and pedestrians are all required to share space. The interaction can be controlled with active systems such as traffic lights or passive systems with right of way rules in place.
Whether an area prioritises vehicular or pedestrian traffic can be identified through assessing the shared zones where these transport modes intersect.
In the South Yarra example, the opportunity to activate the space in front of the building has been utilised to encourage street activity, bringing more people into the space and into the business.
The city of Ballarat is a regional town, low density and spread across a wide area. The city centre is located along the natural escarpment overlooking the east. Being a regional town, there is ample access to natural green space both within the city and outside the city. Due to the low density and widespread area, the predominant mode of transport within Ballarat is private vehicles.
The escarpment runs northeast/southwest dividing the grain of the city. Towards the west, a planned grid, whereas towards the east, more natural road patterns have emerged. This is due to the historical development of Ballarat.
The lower class at the time lived on the lower side of the escarpment. The higher class citizens lived on the west of the escarpment. Many public buildings such as the post office and bank were established along the western side.
For this reason, many of the existing heritage buildings are located within this common area.
Sturt St runs through the city centre. This street is approximately 60m wide and has great importance to the culture of Ballarat. Along the street, important structures such as the town hall are located. The primary city centre consists of the surrounding blocks to Sturt St. The north/ south main street is Lydiard St, connecting the train station into the heart of the city centre.
Comparing Ballarat to other town and city centres, there are elements that are lacking which attribute to the lower activity levels within the city centre. Along the main street, the types of businesses present vary and not all are conducive to building street activation. These contribute to less permeable frontages, so despite wide footpaths which can accommodate activity, the lack of compatibility between the businesses and street spaces reduces opportunities for street activation.
Within the city centre, along every road is parking, a testament to the car dependency within the area. The infrastructure prioritises vehicular transport and the effect is experienced at a pedestrian level. There is a
lack of connection between opposing sides of the street due to the multi lane roads.
The city block lack permeability seen in Melbourne’s CBD making it more challenging and inconvenient for pedestrians to move around the city centre.
There are elements of pedestrian oriented planning such as footpath artwork and pedestrian only spaces. These, if combined with compatible businesses and services can aid in bringing more activity to the city centre.
Portable planters used aesthetic barricades for pedestrians.
Town Hall wall transitions through a range of materials and forms, experienced at street level.
From the human perspective, the Town Hall’s grandeur can be experienced
Looking at specific elements within Ballarat’s ciy centre, the experience at street level varies throughout the area. Predominantly, the buildings are constrained to one or two storeys, limiting the impact on main street and heritage landmarks such as the town hall.
Additionally due to the escarpment, the street topography is steep and quite inaccessible to wheelchair access. The combination of low density, widely spread buildings and difficult topography make some areas in the city centre challenging for pedestrians and need to be considered when thinking about attempting to activate spaces within Ballarat and bring more activity into the city centre.
Steep roads caused by the escarpment across the town centre. Difficult for pedestrians and cyclists to traverse and inaccessible for wheelchairs.
Changes in infrastructure are necessary to aid in improving the activation of the city centre. Temporary installations and implementations can be used to guide planning decisions and obtain community feedback.
The exploration into interactions of movement, topography and human interaction builds foundation for establishing the design principles of the thesis. Building off research and urban studies, exploration is conducted into opportunities available and the impact of them within the context of site and surrounding.
These sketches explore the relationship between movement paths and urban activation. Specifically, how various ideas of movement can influence activation within a space. The exploration is predominantly focused on pedestrian movement paths as these focus on how people move through and experience space. When looking at types of movement paths, there are direct and indirect paths which can define the purpose of movement and speed of movement. These factors are important to consider when introducing activation along the movement path as it would correlate to the effectiveness of the activation.
Further exploration also looks at the various types of activation spaces and the program of each. Bringing these ideas together, movement paths can be designed to contain stops along to encourage users to stop and activate the space.
The ideas are further explored within the context of a specific site in Ballarat. The exploration here looks at how movement paths can be used to subdivide the site, creating shorter routes that move through the site. In addition, space activation is considered, implementing ideas of courtyard and alleys within the site. Both of these ideas are founded upon urban design theory. Courtyards creating public space within the centre of the site, surrounded by the residential units. This can facilitate a neighbourhood atmosphere within the site and assist in activating the area. Alleys provide more intimate settings for activity to take place. By creating movement paths through the built form on site, areas of activation can be considered and designed into the project.
This exploration looks at the effect of varying levels on the human experience. It explores ideas of traversing terrain, interaction between people at varying distances and heights.
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Bringing these ideas into site context was explored further. The site consists of topographical level changes. How these influence movement through the site and how the topography is experienced is an important consideration.
The way people interact with the surrounding topographical forms was explored, from enclosure to vistas. Both natural occurring and built form can be considered in level changes as well as the effect scale can make on the human experience.
Particularly, the slope along one axis of the site is much steeper than the slope along the perpendicular axis. This consideration can assist in determining appropriate movement paths through the site to reduce difficulty in traversing elevation.
The masterplan project was a group project focused on developing a masterplan for a city block within the Ballarat city centre. The chosen block is bounded by Camp St, Sturt St, Grenville St N and Mair St. The project includes developing a vision for the future of Ballarat in addition to the masterplan strategy and planning. These learnings are taken further into the individual thesis projects.
1. Activate the site by introducing public space, residential and commercial program.
2. Improve the neighbourhood interfaces to integrate into the urban fabric.
Sight lines are important for activating spaces within the area. Visibility into the block will allow more pedestrians to be encouraged to activate the spaces.
Emphasis is placed on activating public areas that are accessible to the community. These are areas that improve the neighbourhood atmosphere in the area.
Opportunity within laneways and alleys are present in the area. Bringing character into these spaces will bring more users into the area and activate the space.
Existing greenery and green space is limited within the area. Introducing more greenery into the area will increase the quality of space in public areas.
Permeability is important to consider throughout the block. Allowing pedestrians to travel through interstitial areas creates more movement throughout the area bringing more people into the space.
Topography is important to consider within the area. A steep level change occurs along the escarpment running through the city centre. This can make moving along certain streets particularly challenging. It also provides opportunity for views to the east of Ballarat.
residential restaurant precinct civic precinct retail + commercial precinct art precinct federation university campus ballarat train station
The surrounding program within the city centre varies, however the primary art and restaurant precincts are located along Lydiard St, providing activation for the area. Outside the city centre boundary, low density housing is predominantly present.
transport green space train line bus line train station bus stop
The primary mode of transport is personal vehicles. Within proximity to the city centre is the main train station as well as a number of bus routes which connect the station to the city centre and the rest of Ballarat.
green space
There is green space on the fringes of the city centre, however within the centre itself, green space is lacking. Much of the open space is occupied by parking for cars creating barren asphalt areas when not used.
The proposed masterplan is comprised of designed public spaces, green spaces and sites for planned residential developments. The residential buildings frame the public space in the centre of block creating a pedestrianised public centre.
The public space within the centre of the block aims to facilitate public activity. These are protected from the main roads surrounding the block by the residential buildings, which add passive surveillance to the area and creates an inviting space.
Opportunities to utilise the natural topography are present within the site. On the upper area of the escarpment, views across the rest of Ballarat can be experienced. It is therefore important to consider the heights of buildings that will be developed on the eastern side of the block.
The housing typologies are designed with the context of the area being considered. Student housing is appropriate to accommodate the nearby Federation University campus. The location of these housing complexes make use of the nearby local amenities, encouraging more pedestrian modes of transport and building towards a compact city.
The initial stage of developing the masterplan is to implement community initiatives. The important consideration at this point is to begin with small scale initiatives that have positive impacts towards the community and activation of the area. These strategies can include farmers and art markets, neibourhood events and community engagement.
Larger changes require more planning and time to fully integrate into the urban fabric.
Bringing people into the public spaces should be the next priority. Establishing spaces that people are able to use will bring temporary visitors to the area and continue to develop the community within the area. These are long term implementations that do not take an extensive period of time to implement.
to encourage more movement through the area is the next stage. It is necessary to implement the appropriate infrastructure to support future developments and implementations.
This implementation will take time, planning and logistical considerations to allow the street to be pedestrianised.
Throughout this period, the housing developments will be constructed, aimed to be complete within five to ten years. By building infrastructure to support the housing developments, these will bring more people into the city centre and develop the neighbourhood community.
Future implementations should consider the effect on public space and activation as well as the community.
This thesis is focused not only on exploring the ways level changes beyond the ground plane can influence people-space and people-people relationships but also looks at how these ideas can be implemented in the design process.
To explore this, three sites have been chosen and projects will be developed upon each of them. The purpose of this is to not only demonstrate the applicability of the design principles within varying scenarios but to also develop a methodology for implementing them into the design process.
Through research and exploration into level changes, the design principles can be defined and used within the projects.
The project in each scenario is developed with initial iterations being reflected upon before implementing learnings into final iterations. The scenarios serve to demonstrate the application of design principles and the method of design. Rather than being the only design solution, they
present opportunities and possibilities for the design principles to be implemented.
The design principles are established from the creative exploration work preceding. Factors that are relevant to human experience such as private/public domain and interface, accessibility, functionality and spatial perception were considered. The design principles presented are not an exhaustive list of the possibilities but are relevant within the scope of the thesis.
These design principles do not maintain the same importance nor present themselves in every scenario. Depending on the context and drivers of a particular scenario, some principles may be more or less relevant.
However through exploring a number of iterations and precedents, some principles present themselves in each project.
Through exploration and development of the iterations, it can be determined that this is the result of both the necessity of the principle
towards architecture as well as the various factors that are associated with it. These will be described further with each principle.
Furthermore, each design principle consists of a spectrum between two opposing concepts. Design elements can lie along the spectrum and can produce varying outcomes in a project. Any given scenario may contain a multitude of principles with elements on either side of the spectrum, manipulated to deliver desired outcomes. These interact together to influence the users’ perception of space and therefore the experience.
Traversing elevation is a design principle that refers to movement of people throughout space. When thinking about movement, the thought primarily extends towards accessibility, whether spaces are accessible to various users. Typically, spaces that require equal access to all users would tend towards the accessible side of this design principle, meaning ramps or more generally flat elevations are desired. Considerations towards accessible elevation can also include material finishes, ramp angles, etc.
In the case of less public space, where accessibility is tailored more towards the end user, inaccessible types of vertical movement can be considered and implemented. In exchange for less accessible vertical movement is the ability for compactness. This can be desirable to maximise space efficiency and usage. In cases such as this, stairs and ladders may be desirable implementations.
With traversing elevation, it is necessary to take in considerations for how spaces will be used, who the space is tailored towards and what kind of vertical movement is desired for users. Some scenarios may implement elements on either end of the spectrum to meet the needs and requirements of the project.
Affordances refers to how objects can be used in various ways. Affordances can be designed into an object to suggest or imply how it should be used. Users are also able to define various uses for objects outside the designed uses. Ambiguity in objects can give opportunity to a number of uses whereas objects designed for specific uses may be limited to such uses.
When looking at changes in levels, ambiguity allows for multiple uses such as a step being used as a table or bench, depending on the height of the level change and what the relationship to the human body is. This can also change with various users. Body proportions of adults and children vary and so will their relationship to the surrounding environment. A small level change for an adult may be an inaccessible level change for a child.
Often times, objects can be used in multiple ways despite a clear design intent, for example a staircase not only acts primarily as a mode of vertical movement but if the user chooses, can be a seating area. However, through design, these objects can be tailored to consider those specified uses better. Depending on the needs of the space and users, affordances can be designed into the space and levels. For majority of scenarios, it is generally more desirable to have flexibility in how spaces and obejcts can be used.
Thresholds can be defined both with physical barriers like walls or level changes or with intangible methods such as atmosphere. The boundary that defines the threshold connects spaces together. The relationship between the spaces determines the necessary boundary. For example two spaces that are completely open to each other may require no physical boundary at all, whereas two spaces that need to be separated from each other may require a physical boundary such as a wall to divide the spaces and define the threshold.
Varying methods of constructing thresholds using level changes alone or in conjunction with other methods such as material, spatial or atmospheric changes will define the perceived relationship between the spaces. The relationship between spaces also corresponds with the private/public relationship between spaces. For example, using level changes, stepping upwards into a space can imply moving through a barrier and is less inviting, correlating to a movement from public to private space. Whereas stepping downwards into a space can imply a more inviting atmosphere, correlating a movement from private to public.
These techniques can be used to guide users through spaces and imply the public/private status of a space. They can also be used to create spaces that are more or less inviting, again guiding the user using changes in levels.
Massing refers to the arrangement of levels and the density of mass within a space. Less dense spaces with open vertical volume tends towards the mass end of the spectrum whereas higher density arrangements in vertical volume tends towards the interweave end of the spectrum. Both sides produce varying results that are perceived differently from the users’ perspective. These can also be associated with how a space may feel open or enclosed, similar to vertical spatial quality but it is more relevant to describe massing as the overall volumetric grain of the area.
Interweave produces an effect similar to a fine grain that is seen in dense urban centres such as the CBD. The atmosphere experienced is one of enclosure, high activity and movement. Contrastingly, mass produces an effect similar to a more coarse grain. The atmosphere is more open, natural and peaceful.
Mass can be produced through stacking built forms while interweave can be produced through layering levels together.
The vertical spatial quality can be influenced by the level of ceiling within a space. It refers to whether a space feels enclosed or open. Transitions between the two can be used to exaggerate the effect of either. For example transitioning from an enclosed space into an open space can create a feeling that the open space is more spacious than it physically is.
In addition, the feeling of openness in a space can be associated with the public and private feel of the space. Enclosed spaces can produce a more intimate atmosphere implying private spaces, whereas open spaces imply a public atmosphere.
The process of implementing level change design principles into the design process can be divided into main stages. These consist of establishing the existing conditions and brief, exploring the opportunity for design principles and implementation of the design principles into the design.
When assessing and establishing the existing conditions of site, it is important to consider factors such as site topography, heritage, access, existing structures, etc. For assessing the brief, the focus is on drivers of the project, looking at client needs, user needs, goals and outcomes, etc. Once the driving factors and existing constraints are understood, the design principles can be implemented.
Selecting the appropriate design principles to prioritise is necessary to address the established needs and constraints of the project. Some design principles will be more applicable in certain circumstances. It is therefore important to understand the impact of the design principles on the human experience to implement the appropriate principles.
The final stage is to implement the principles into the project. This process requires multiple iterations and refinement to effectively produce the desirable outcome.
The three chosen sites are located within the masterplan area, the block bounded by Camp St/Mair St/Grenville St N/Sturt St. Each site contains varying conditions such as size, topography and neighbouring context.
Major pedestrian routes can be seen along Lydiard St and Sturt St, connecting the train station to the city centre and through main activity areas.
Site one and three have a high public presence, with large public interfaces.
In comparison, site two has a low public presence. This consideration is important when looking at the street impact and activation opportunities with each site.
The sites are located between the restaurant precinct and retail/commercial precinct, making it ideal for residential typologies. These are desirable sites for access to nearby amenities.
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Located on the corner of Camp St and Sturt St, this site contains existing heritage structure that has cultural importance to the area. The large public interface on Sturt St provides opportunity to invite users into the site. Additionally, the site is located at the crest of the escarpment and stretches over a 4m topographical level change.
Site two is located upon an existing building. The street interface is minimal, spanning 5m across.
However, the surrounding context consists of retail and small businesses which need to be considered.
The site is approximately 40m in length with the
rear facing Cattan St, an alley predominantly used for servicing businesses along Sturt St.
This site has minimal topographical change. It is located at the base of the escarpment, with the rear facing the steep incline. This site can be overshadowed from the west afternoon sun.
The existing structures are not restricted by heritage protection. The site is directly adjacent an empty lot as well as opposite major retail buildings.
The initial iterations are the first attempt at implementing the design principles into the various scenarios. At this early stage, the focus is on program, form and creating the desirable human interaction outcomes
through level changes. As the projects become more resolved, consideration for structure, ESD, costs and materiality are developed further.
Each scenario will utilise the design principles to enhance the user experience within the space. In each case, some design principles may be more relevant and utilised more effectively.
Exploration into level change began with scenario one, located at 48 Sturt St. This site was initially chosen for the opportunity presented by the existing heritage building. Additionally, initial exploration looked at the topography of the site and how this would affect the project.
Scenario two takes learnings from the initial scenario and implements ideas of level change at a more intimate level. By selecting a smaller site, more resolution can be brought into the project. Additionally, varying level heights is particularly suited to this site as it is narrow and requires utilisation of the vertical space.
Scenario three expands upon initial exploration undertaken in the two previous scenarios. The focus in this scenario looks at how ideas of level change can be implemented at a larger scale. In this case, exploring into how level change can shape public spaces.
The brief for this scenario is to produce a residential building to house both students, accommodating the nearby Federation University Campus, and families, taking advantage of the close proximity to surrounding amenities. Additionally, a cafe is to be included to assist activation within the area, bringing more people into the city centre. The corner positioning provides an ideal location for a cafe to be established.
Additionally, the existing site conditions need to be considered. The first primary condition is the existing heritage building located on site. The primary structure is the State Bank, constructed in 1872 (City of Ballarat, 2021). Additional extensions were constructed during the 19th century, expanding the building to the full site. The primary State Bank structure should be maintained due to its cultural importance within the area.
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The site is located on the corner of Sturt St and Camp St, providing two site boundaries for public interface. The existing State Bank is a heritage building and should be considered in the design. Across the site, the level changes by 4-5m as the site approaches the escarpment.
This moderate size site gives opportunity for a medium scale residential building while the corner location gives opportunity for activation of the area and site.
Initially, this project was focused around two main ideas, movement and topography/level change. When looking at movement, it is important to consider movement paths through the site, how the surrounding context is connected by introducing new routes through the site. Additionally, movement paths can be defined with level changes by using varying levels to demarcate boundaries. When looking at level changes, the main focus is on human interaction through sight lines and proximity. By altering the vertical distance between floors, various interactions can occur between areas.
The areas shaded blue show the horizontal spaces that can be occupied. The central courtyard is the location of the intersection of movement paths across the site. Emphasis is placed on interactions between semi-public spaces (apartment balconies) and public spaces. The private-public interface is challenged to bring more interaction into the public realm. Level changes are used here to facilitate these interactions.
Right: The addition of the residential building on the left is setback from the existing heritage state bank to respect the boundary and to avoid conflict between the old and new structures. Additionally, this creates an alley that can be activated by introducing cafe activity into the space. Adding activity throughout the movement path slows the flow of movement and encourages users to stop and take part in the activity, in this case stopping at the cafe.
Right: The staggered balconies and steps in the central courtyard space encourage interaction between occupants in the apartments and users in the public space. The balconies, being semi-private, are the boundary between private and public spaces. Interaction is encouraged to build a sense of community and develop a neighbourhood presence.
Left: From the street, the internal stairwells are visible. The windows allowing natural light into the spaces within. The corridor formed from the form of the building guides visitors into the central open courtyard.
From a section view into the circulation space of the residential apartments, the idea of visibility across levels and vertical permeability is explored. The apartment levels are placed at alternating floors to decrease the distance between levels when travelling up throughout the building.
Focusing on the adjoining cafe to the residential block, there are opportunities to implement design principles and enhance the experience of the users within the space. Utilising the double height ceiling space of the existing heritage State Bank, the stacking platforms allow the space to be divided but retain the open atmosphere. Additionally, functionally, the underside of the platforms allow for back of house operations to be hidden without compromising the overall volume of the space.
The level change connects both the interior and exterior at ground and first floor to allow more movement through the spaces and create a more open, public atmosphere.
The residential portion of the building was initially conceived as joint student housing and family apartments along the northern edge of the site totaling to eight units. The apartments are distributed across three floors with some apartments positioned at half levels. This creates staggered balconies on the exterior and a more open stairwell on the interior side. The first floor is accessible from the steps located in the central courtyard as well as the internal staircases.
The family residential and student housing are separated, each with separate entrances leading into the building. The student housing contains communal spaces such as the lounge on the lower floor.
The external steps leading to the first floor as well as the steps leading down to the communal lounge assist in framing the movement path through the site. Additionally, the steps can be used as seating for gatherings and casual use.
floor plan
Predominantly, in this scenario, design principles of massing and traversing elevation are the focus. Through implementing these principles, strategies are established to enhance the interaction between people throughout the project. Sight lines and proximity become key elements in providing spaces that give opportunity to interaction. In addition, the private and public thresholds are blurred with emphasis on creating a more inviting public space within the site. The residential unit balconies present an interstitial space between the private and public domain. Hence focus is placed on how these interact through level changes.
Some key reflections and learnings through the development process
include consideration for accessibility in public areas, thinking about how to ensure these spaces have equal access.
More focus needs to be directed to the cafe space with attention on how level change principles can be implemented to create space activation within the area.
Additionally, the housing typology should be reconsidered to be more feasible for the project. Consideration in increasing the number of units will make the building more cost effective.
Scenario two aims to explore the design principles in a contrasting site. The project is small scale to focus more on interactions at the human scale. The chosen site presents new challenges from the site of scenario one, being narrow and more constrained to the existing site conditions.
This project is a small scale mixed use private residence with a retail front, utilising the Sturt St frontage.
The site for this scenario is located at 18 Sturt St. With a 5m width and 40m length, and abutting buildings, the site presents a challenge for the project, particularly access to natural light. The rear of the site however faces towards the north, an important consideration to maximise natural light entering the building. The site is relatively flat with very little change in elevation. Additionally, the public interface on both Sturt St and to the rear should be considered.
Space boundaries are demarcated by changes in level. As users transition between spaces, they are required to step up or down into the space. The level change threshold allows the space to be defined while keeping the overall space open. This is especially important when the building is already enclosed. Strategies to create a more open atmosphere need to be implemented.
In addition, the change in level height affects the private-public perception of the space.
This quality is utilised to guide users through the project.
Interweaving platforms throughout the building allows vertical space to be utilised, especially
important for the long, narrow site as ground space is limited.
By dividing and varying the levels of the interweaved platforms, not only invites interaction across floors and different heights, but allows natural light to penetrate through to the lower floors of the building.
The vertical spatial quality is dictated by the change in ceiling height within the building.
In spaces that require users to step up while simultaneously lowering the ceilling, a feeling of enclosure is created. This can be used to imply restriction for the users, establishing more private spaces in the building. When contrasted with spaces with high ceilings, the effect that is perceived is magnified. Spaces can be experienced as either open or enclosed.
Stepping off the path to access new threshold
Indirect line of sight leading to more private areas
Vertically freeing space. Threshold demarcation
Open corridors for light and spacious experience
Private Semi Private Private
Seat/ table
Blurring the use of surfaces, standing/walking/sitting
Heads into more private areas (bedroom, office, bath)
Easier guiding down to lower area. Into semi private (entertaining) kitchen, dining, living
Separating Space Most Private Semi Public Public
Line of sight through the building
Enclosed -> Open Space
Inviting space, step down into
Step up into more private boundary Light well for natural light through long building
Deliberate indirect path into more private area
Reduce ceiling height - more intimate
Transition from publicly accessible space to more intimate space
Wider staircase, more publicSemi public area
Elevation can include ceiling height experienceRetail space Step in elevation demarcating boundary
The spaces transition from public to private as users move through the building. Demarcations of space are defined by level changes throughout the building. Movements upward align with a transition towards a more private space while movements downward align with transitions towards more public spaces. Within the residential portion of the building, i.e. the rear half of the building, the lower floors are more accessible and considered semi-public. These spaces are accessible to guests. As users move up through the building, the spaces become more private, determining the program within each area of the building.
Due to the narrow nature of the building and site, rooms typically span the width of the site. Combined with the focus on level change, the project is best represented in section to understand the interactions and relationship between spaces and program in the project.
The close-up section demonstrates the quality of space and light in the central interchange area. Light is able to enter the space through the light well and windows, allowing the kitchen space to have access to natural light.
Scenario two focuses on the principles of massing through interweaving of spaces in the vertical realm and thresholds, exploring how level changes can define private and public spaces within the building. The project consists of moments of intersection between users, space and level change.
The primary consideration that needs to be addressed from this iteration is access to natural light, particularly in the lower portions of the building.
Since natural light is limited on site, it is particularly important to implement strategies that maximise the amount of light able to enter the building.
Additionally, resolution of the program needs more attention, with spaces conflicting with the overall flow of the building such as placement of the study above the kitchen and bathroom to the rear of the site.
Scenario three expands on the learnings from the previous scenarios and again seeks to explore the application of design principles in a differing context and brief.
This project is a large scale publicly accessible community building with self contained apartments within. The large scale site allows opportunity for public space activation in and around the site.
The site for this scenario is located along Grenville St N. Along the southern boundary of the site is Cattan St, a lane that services the businesses along Sturt St. To the north of the site is an empty plot. As part of the masterplan vision, this plot will be converted to open public space to activate the public area within the block. The project is developed with the considerations for future opportunities with the surrounding context. In terms of topography, the site is quite flat with the rear of the site at the base of the escarpment. Overshadowing from the west during the afternoon should be considered.
Movement paths through the building allow public connection across the large site. This connects the south east corner towards Sturt St and Grenville St N to the central public space within the block.
The building aims to bring external activity to the surrounding areas, particularly along the northern side of the building.
The roof allows users to walk onto the building, expanding the public realm onto the site. This encourages users to occupy and activate the area.
The central atrium provides public interior space within the building. This space is intended for co-working and indoor community activities as well as general community use. In addition to this space, separate more private meeting and function rooms are present on the ground floor.
Towards the west of the site, the ten residential units are stacked and visible from the atrium, creating an internal village atmosphere. The interaction between the units are intended to have a similar effect to an internal courtyard, bringing urban design theory concepts into the project. For this scale, there is opportunity to consider the space from a public perspective, introducing community functions to assist in activating the surrounding area.
Some areas under the traversable roof are uninhabitable due to the low ceiling height. This presents opportunity for services and water storage to be contained within, utilising otherwise empty space.
The sloping roof of the building presents an internal variation in vertical spatial quality. The lower floor and upper floor are connected at a point where the ceiling height is low relative to the floor height. This restricts sight lines through the building and frames particular spaces.
Scenario three focuses on principles of affordance and traversing elevation with the traversable roof, and vertical spatial quality within the atrium space. By allowing users to traverse the roof, the public realm is expanded onto site. Creating accessible public space for gathering and activity activates the area.
The consideration for how lighting is able to enter the large span areas requires greater attention as some areas currently lack enough access to natural light. Additionally, the number of residential units is too low to justify the feasibility of the project. This needs to be increased proportionally to the scale of the building. Comprises in the design of the roof structure and overall form can also be adjusted to improve the feasibility of the project.
Across the three scenarios, ideas beyond the ground plane are being implemented in various ways with different design principles being prioritised and implemented based on the drivers of the project. It is important to note that not all design principles are present in every project, however themes of public/private and interior/exterior are still present in each project, brought using various strategies and design principles. The design principles become part of the process in achieving the desirable outcome. The focus of each project is to enhance the human experience and interaction.
The foundational ideas in each scenario are core to each project, further refinement can be done across all three scenarios to achieve resolved designs. For the purpose of this thesis however, scenario two presents the most opportunity across the whole building to be refined and resolved further in detail. Particular areas of scenario one and three are to be chosen and refined to demonstrate the impact on human experience in relation to the ideas of the thesis.
After initial development of the three scenarios and reflection on each as well as in relation to each other, the scenarios will be developed and refined further to produce resolved buildings.
In particular, scenario two is refined and documented in more detail to demonstrate the thesis concepts in a resolved project. For scenario one and three, the projects are also developed and refined but focusing only on a specific area that demonstrates the level change design principles.
For the final iteration the scenarios were developed are presented in this order: scenario two scenario one scenario three
It is important to understand the chronological process of development as learnings are taken from each step of development and refinement.
Development of scenario two focuses on addressing issues present in the initial iteration as well as building upon existing level change principles. Particular attention is brought to how users will experience the space beyond form. Development into atmosphere and materiality and how they can complement the level changes is explored through resolving the project.
The project has developed into a small scale residence for a couple who operate an architecture business from home. The building consists of private residence and office spaces.
Interests & Hobbies: Hiking | Yoga | Reading
Interests & Hobbies: Hiking | Cooking | Running
Audrey and Daniel have been married for 3 years. Before moving to Ballarat, they both worked in separate architecture firms in Melbourne. Wanting to pursue their own freelance architect firm, Audrey and Daniel moved to Ballarat to escape the busy city. The architect firm is ADP Architects and focuses primarily on residential renovations and small scale developments. Typically, clients are couples or families looking for a home designed within the Ballarat context.
In addition to the work opportunity in Ballarat, Audrey and Daniel hope to be able to spend more time enjoying the natural environment accessible from Ballarat.
The residence for Audrey and Daniel Peters will be located at 18 Sturt St, Ballarat. The site is 4m x 40m (160 sqm) and includes a retail street facing side and alleyway rear.
The building will consist of a private residence and an office front where Audrey and Daniel will operate their freelance architect firm.
The requirements for the office are:
- Reception space - Office area
- Office use bathroom (Shared with private)
- Office use kitchen (Shared with private)
- Client meeting space
The requirements for the residence are:
- Entertaining spaces including: - Kitchen - Dining - Lounge - Outdoor space - Study - Reading Room - Main Bathroom - Guest Bathroom - Laundry - Master Bedroom - Rooftop Deck - Entry/Interchange
Total floor area approx. 245 sqm
Reception 10 $1,800 $18,000
Client Meeting Space 20 $1,800 $36,000
Office 30 $1,800 $54,000 Entry/Interchange 40 $1,800 $18,000 Living/Kitchen/Dining 60 $2,500 $150,000
Guest Outdoor Space 5 $800 $4,000
Master Bedroom 20 $1,800 $36,000
Reading Room 15 $1,800 $27,000 Study 15 $1,800 $27,000
Rooftop Deck 15 $800 $12,000
Laundry 6 $2,000 $12,000 Main Bathroom 6 $3,000 $18,000 Guest Bathroom 3 $3,000 $9,000
Cost of Works Estimate $421,000 GST 10% $42,100
Contingency 30% $126,300
Total Estimated Cost (not including fees) $589,400
The reception space will be the main entrance for both clients and private guests.
Coming into the space, this is the first point of contact for the client. The space should feel non-restrictive and there should be no ambiguity to where clients should go.
The office area needs to contain 2-3 workstations as well as a whiteboard/ brainstorming wall. This space will be where Audrey and Peter as well as their intern will be working for the majority of the time.
The bathroom will be used primarily by Audrey, Peter and their intern with the occasional client needing use. The bathroom needs to be within appropriate proximity to the office space.
The bathroom will be used primarily by Audrey, Peter and their intern. The kitchen will be shared with the private residence as their is no need to provide a separate kitchen space.
The client meeting space is where majority of interactions with clients will occur. This space needs to be secluded from the rest of the office for privacy and contain a meeting desk that can accommodate at least 2 clients in addition to Audrey and Peter. Room for a whiteboard/pinup board as well as the possibility of adding in a widescreen tv need to be considered.
Audrey and Daniel enjoy entertaining guests and require the necessary spaces to be tailored to this. This includes having an open kitchen, dining and lounge layout with access to outdoor space.
The study is used for work or as a quiet space that can be secluded from the rest of the house. Ambient noise is still acceptable in this space.
The reading room acts as both a space to read with access to natural light as well as a multipurpose room for yoga or exercise where floor space is needed.
There will be a main bathroom which includes a shower as well as a guest bathroom that is accessible to guests being entertained.
The master bedroom needs privacy from the rest of the house and access to natural light.
Outdoor roof or balcony space is desirable to take advantage of the opportunity for views outwards across Ballarat.
The laundry space needs to be secluded from the rest of the spaces, with access to natural ventilation for drying clothes.
Users are guided through the spaces, transitioning from public to more private spaces as they travel through and up the building. Since the building is predominantly a private residence, accessibility is considered in more public areas of the building such as the reception. Stairs are used throughout the majority of spaces to reduce space required to move vertically.
At the street level, the project uses the existing facade structure to lessen the impact upon the neighbouring buildings. The reception area is open with a high ceiling to invite visitors into the space. The sawtooth ceiling allows natural light to brighten the space.
The transparent entrance creates a perrmeable interface to the street, allowing people to view into the building.
The building height is retained due to the existing structure and therefore responds appropriately to the surrounding context.
Due to the cool climate of Ballarat, thermal strategies are implemented into the construction of the building. Appropriate thermal insulation is used separating exterior spaces from internal conditioned spaces. Double glazed windows reduce the thermal heat loss from within the building as well.
The typical construction for the building is timber framing, clad in plasterboard or timber in some portions. This keeps the structure lightweight. For staircases steel beams are used as support.
Additionally, under the central half level platform, since this space in uninhabitable due to the height, there is opportunity for it to be used to house a water collection tank. This removes the need for any underground work to be undertaken as well as providing rainwater for use where needed.
Access to natural light is an important consideration for this building, especially due to the nature of the site. Due to the narrow site width and abutting buildings on both sides, the amount of natural light access is limited. In addition, the rear of the building rises to three storeys, making it more difficult for the lower interior floors to gain access to natural light.
In order to address this, a sawtooth roof design as well as a natural light well are incorporated to maximise the amount of natural light entering the spaces. The northern side of the site, towards the rear of the building maximises the amount of light able to enter the spaces. In particular, the elevated steps in the lounge allow light from the first floor window to reach the dining room area. The level change principles provide opportunities for maximising natural light in this scenario.
As well as introducing natural light into the building, the sawtooth roof allows hot air to escape through stack ventilation. This allows the building to maintain cool temperatures. Additionally, cross ventilation can occur through some parts of the building, bringing fresh air into the spaces. Ballarat’s climate is typically cool, therefore active ventilation systems will generally be focused on heating rather than cooling. Since the spaces are open, hot air will naturally rise to the upper floors. It is therefore important to consider the placement of the active ventilation units. These can be placed accordingly in the lower portions of the building for the heat to rise and warm the upper areas of the building. This will reduce the number of units needed and the overall amount of energy consumed.
In addition, the laundry room at the rear of the building has direct access to natural ventilation in order to hang dry laundry if needed.
These two options have been explored and considered for materiality within the project.
There are a number of factors to consider when selecting materiality for the project. Due to the form of the building, being narrow and quite high, the lower levels do not always have direct natural light access. Therefore, it is important to select materials which amplify the brightness within the space. Typically lighter colours would be suitable for this purpose.
Additionally, within Ballarat, the climate is generally quite cool. Thermally conductive materials that are able to retain heat should also be considered. Timbers bring warmth into the space, both in a thermal and a colour palette sense.
Lighter, brighter tones can make the space appear more open and light whereas the darker tones can create a more intimate and enclosed atmosphere.
It is important to consider the physical texture and appearance of materials and to balance cool and warm tones together. In both options, timber is used to bring warmth to the space and balance the stone or concrete used.
The chosen material palette brings darker tones into the space. By using contrast between the spaces, the thresholds are defined by both the material and level change.
The effect of darker materials creates a more intimate space in the dining area, which is contrasted by the lighter materials used in the kitchen space. This contrast amplifies the effect of the other, making the transition between spaces more apparent.
The materiality and level change implies the shift in private and public spaces. Here the kitchen is open and brighter, giving a sense of invitation, while the dining area is seen as a private area.
The light well in the centre of the building provides natural light into the space. In addition to this, it acts as a barrier for users to navigate around. The physical step up creates a boundary between the office space and the private home area. The lowered ceiling amplifies the effect of transitioning into a more private space.
From the master bedroom, the entire top floor is visible. This floor is the most private space in the building, with the master bedroom located at the end of the pathway throughout the building.
The timber installation provides both natural light from the sawtooth ceiling as well as a semi opaque barrier towards the rest of the building. This adds another layer of privacy while keeping the overall atmosphere of the space open.
The entry to the building allows visitors to experience the public spaces of the building. The design process and work being done on projects is within sight. To access the meeting space, visitors must be lead through the office and across the defined boundaries. By allowing visibility and access into the office and meeting spaces, the business is portrayed as transparent and trustworthy.
Additionally, to enter the office space, visitors need to step up and over the threshold. This implementation of level change allows the space to be open but have clearly defined boundaries between public and private.
The entertaining spaces consist of the kitchen, dining and lounge rooms. All these spaces are located on the ground floor and can be accessed via the front entrance or from the rear entrance, which is wheelchair accessible. The lounge space utilises steps that act as seating to increase the space available in the area, create usable space underneath and provide access to the first floor balcony. The lower ceiling creates an intimate space within the central area while more open areas are accessible for variation in atmosphere. On this level, the guest bathroom is accessible towards the rear of the building.
The client meeting space is isolated from the office space below to create a private space for meetings and presentations. Natural light is able to enter through the sawtooth ceiling to provide a bright environment. From the meeting space, the entryway is visible, for users to be aware of an visitors entering or leaving the building. Typically, the clients that approach ADP architects are families or couples. Therefore, this space needs to be able to accommodate at least 4-5 people including the architects themselves.
The reading room is located on the second floor. This space is in a more private area of the building and has access to ample natural light through the sawtooth ceiling. The space is used predominantly as a reading room but can also be used for yoga and exercise as it is quite spacious and separate from the rest of the building. Moving to the roof patio, sightlines are present towards Sturt St as well as into the public/private interchange space. This roof patio is set back from the main street and provides an outdoor private space for the occupants.
The study is used when the occupants are not working in the office. This provides a closer connection to the rest of the private spaces. From this space, natural light is able to enter through the windows. Additionally, the windows are operable to control internal ventilation and provide noise reduction from the lounge space.
The first floor balcony provides outdoor space for guests. It is accessible from the lounge space via the stairs. Due to the rear street being a service street for businesses along Sturt St, the outdoor space is raised above the ground floor to avoid ground level traffic while providing privacy as well as views towards to the north and east.
The final iteration of this project builds upon the reflections from the initial iteration. Beyond that, it demonstrates the capabilities of level changes to enhance the human experience within the site. Through exploration and development of the project, concepts such as private/public thresholds became an increasingly important theme throughout the scenario. The design principles of interweave and threshold aid in achieving the desired outcomes driven by the spaces. Furthermore, the private/public thresholds are a result of the brief as well as the desire to allow users
to be guided through the building using interactions with thresholds to inform users of both the program and the level of private/public that a space presents.
Resolution of the project allowed detail to be explored and examined beyond the form, utilising materiality and light qualities to enhance the experience within spaces.
Scenario one has been developed further into a medium density co-living residential complex with an adjoining cafe. The coliving apartments space and energy to be conserved with the presence of communal laundry facilities. Additional lounge and recreational spaces are also included for occupants.
The focal point for the refinement and resolution is the cafe, demonstrating the use of level change design principles, spanning two storeys both interior and exterior.
The primary design principle used is massing to achieve the stepped levels in the cafe building. This allows the space to remain open while providing back of house services hidden underneath.
Access onto site can be gained from Sturt St and Camp St. The movement path through the site creates a path for users to move through. Due to the incline of the site, steps and ramps are required to traverse the level change. The steps on the east boundary of the site allow users to sit and occupy the space as well as traverse upwards. Further refuge is present within the site when users enter. The southern heritage State Bank is retained, both structurally and aesthetically. The northern wall of the building having already been removed from the 19th century extension, is used to open the interior space to the outside, spilling the cafe program into the outdoor area. This provides activation on site. The outdoor area between the residential building and cafe is an outdoor extension of the cafe providing users opportunity to be seated both internally or externally.
Back of house services are able to gain access to the back end of the cafe from the central movement path. This is where deliveries can be made. Both the ground floor and second floor areas are accessible to users as the second floor outdoor area of the cafe connects to the residential building and is serviced by an elevator.
Planning for future pedestrianisation of Camp St, the cafe provides opportunity to further activate the area and site.
The existing double height ceiling in the State Bank is utilised to create open and varied spaces within. The vertical spatial quality design principle is utilised here. In the lower spaces with higher ceiling height, the atmosphere is more open. As users transition to the upper spaces, the atmosphere becomes more private and intimate.
Despite beginning explorations with this site and project, more opportunity was discovered in scenario two. Nevertheless, in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the design principles and ideas beyond the ground plane, this scenario was refined with focus on the cafe as the primary space that effectively demonstrates how level changes can be used to enhance the human experience.
By using the design principle of mass, the space within the cafe is separated between front and back end which is utilised effectively. This creates both an inviting and open atmosphere for users of the cafe as well as functionality for servicing the cafe. Additionally, the heritage building can be experienced from both the street and within. Refinement of this scenario allowed the spaces to be understood at human level.
Scenario three develops on the learnings from the initial iteration. The project consists of a multistorey apartment with adjoining community space and undercover space for markets. The apartment complex consists of 20 units.
The primary access for the public space is on the first floor, accessible from the outdoor traversable roof structure. Seating is provided here to activate allow gatherings and socialisation within the outdoor areas.
The undercover market gives access to the building through stairs and lifts. This space can be used for food and art markets as it is protected from weather conditions. Additionally, market stalls are able to spill out onto the neighbouring footpath. Within the neighbouring context of the site, the car park opposite the road can also be transformed into an outdoor market to increase the capacity if needed. Access to the market for services can be gained from Cattan St.
The internal atrium space utilises the design principle of thresholds to create spaces that are defined within the open area. This guides users through the space while separating movement paths from activity space. The platforms are raised and accessible to all users.
On the exterior of the building, shading devices are implemented to reduce the solar impact of the eastern and western sun. Additionally, hot air generated in the building is able to rise through the tower and be expelled at the top through the process of stacked ventilation.
Additionally, active ventilation systems service the apartments, with the plant room located at the top of the northern tower.
Through the process of the final iteration, scenario three experienced a large amount of change and development from its initial development.
There were a number of issues that required redevelopment and refinement. In doing so, the form of the building was improved from previous iteration.
The core ideas of providing community spaces and activating outdoor public space are still prevalent within the project. By refining the project, these concepts can be accentuated through the use of design principles such as traversing elevation, thresholds and massing.
Additionally, refinement of the internal atrium space allows the atmosphere and human experience within the space to be demonstrated.
This section explores the reflections and learnings made through the process of development and exploration throughout the thesis, and how these can be developed further and applied within the field of architectural design.
Learnings and reflections were gained with each step of research, exploration and design iteration. These constantly brought new ideas into the thesis and refined the concept. Each scenario and iteration built on the previous, implementing various creative explorations into architectural design. It is through developing various projects in different scenarios that the methodology can be effectively demonstrated.
Throughout the thesis, a transition was made from focusing on the single project to focusing on the method, using projects to supplement the method.
Each scenario brought different challenges that needed to be addressed. These include natural topography, building scale, surrounding context, and project brief. This multitude of constraints and needs were able to be addressed through the use of level changes and the design principles.
Through the process of developing and refining the thesis, iterations and projects, demonstration of how level changes can enhance human experience is shown. As the projects and scenarios were developed, constant consideration for methodology was implemented. The design principles became a guide on how to create opportunities and implement level change ideas into architecture rather than being definitive elements that constitute all of the thesis concepts.
Looking beyond the scope of the thesis, it can be seen that the design principles are a method to aid in defining the process but do not necessarily create outcomes. Desired outcomes are the result of various factors which include the specific design principles being understood and used to achieve a particular effect or experience.
Through the process of research, exploration, iteration and resolution, the thesis concepts and design principles are developed and demonstrated through the projects.
Moving forward, the foundation established by the thesis presents opportunities for further development and consideration for the potential that level changes are able to contribute to architecture. In doing so, this can improve the way that space is experienced at a human level.
This thesis would not be possible without the help, support and feedback of my studio tutor, Ammon Beyerle. I was able to bring out the potential of my ideas and push through periods of low motivation, thanks to his guidance.
Thank you to my fellow classmates, Madeleine Archer, Lindsay Le Gros, Rose Wang, Liam Petrie-Albutt, and Lee Wen Jie, for providing support and enjoyable discussion throughout the semester. Despite the restrictions faced throughout the project, I appreciated being able to
work alongside and bond with like-minded students in my final semester.
I would like to extend my gratitude to the guest lecturers: Katherine Sundermann, Brodie Blades, Andy Fergus, Peter Rasibeck, Jean-Marc Weill and Fiona Gray, for taking their time to provide insight and expertise. I was truly inspired by the ideas they presented, and I thank them for giving such comprehensive responses to our questions, which helped refine my understanding of architecture and urban design.
Finally, I would like to thank my partner, Alo Ong, for her continuous support throughout the ups and downs of my thesis. Without her support, I would not have been able to dedicate the time and effort to complete my thesis to the highest of my ability.
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