July 2016 newsletter compressed

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Lander newsletter

Chamber of Commerce

Photo: Bryce Giesmann


From the Executive Director


ecently, I found myself responding to the question, “What can be done to convert Lander’s pass-through traffic into retail business?” Since tourists seem to be everywhere, here are a few long term goals that Lander should work on: 1) A town must have bustle and beauty. This means pedestrians walking the streets, public street art, vibrant storefronts, and flowers and trees abound. 2) Designated and signed parking for large cars and RVs. If our Main Street parking is full---it’s OK, *as long as* we have parking that is accessible within a block or two of the destination. Research on visitor-friendly communities confirm this; when through-traffic sees a town full of parked cars, it sends the message that something is going on, and it draws a visitor in... when you see hundreds of open spaces, the message is there is nothing going on and it’s a ghost town. 3) Cohesively branded signage that direct through-traffic toward tourist attractions. We were granted funds from Wyoming Office of Tourism and the Chamber and City are working on this project. Expect to see something later in the year. 4) Create a unforgettable experience for visitors! When through-traffic stops, they want the experience more than they want food and souvenirs. Think about how we can be truly remarkable. We have so much work to do to capture and convert passthrough traffic. However, the flip side of this tourism coin, and something that is equally as important, is that there is huge amounts of untapped opportunity to develop Lander as *the destination*. This is our other main focus at the Lander Chamber of Commerce; destination tourists stay longer, spend more money, and are more likely to sell their friends on a Lander experience ;-)

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Lorielle Morton, President McKee, Marburger & Fagnant, PC

John Dailey, Vice President The Hitching Rack Home Source Realty

Krista Lobera, Treasurer Holiday Inn Express & Suites

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jeff Young, Past President Trihydro

Susan Weideman Lander Vision Center

Michelle Mazur Elevate Rehab

Chad Strickland Video Warehouse

Steve Liebzeit First Interstate Bank

Bob Pokorney Shoshone Rose Casino

Mika Baker Central Bank and Trust

Amber Wilson Wyoming Outdoor Council

Joanne Singerland Central Wyoming College

PROFESSIONAL STAFF Brian Fabel Executive Director Carol King Associate Director

Brian Fabel Executive Director Lander Chamber of Commerce

Rose Burke Event Coordinator

July Calendar of Events 6, 13, 20, 27 Shoshone Eagle Spirit Dancers Traditional Native American Indian Dancing, Museum of the American West, 7-8 pm, 1445 W. Main St 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Farmers Market, 9am-noon, City Park. Live music, freshest produce Every Th-Sun South Pass City’s Carissa Gold Mine Tours, 2pm. $2 for Wyoming rsidents, $4 non-residents, under 18 free. Call 307-3323684 for info & reservations 2, Quick Draw competition and Live Auction, Museum of the American West, 5:30 pm, 1445 W. Main St. Watch over 10 artists paint live. Proceeds benefit the Lander Old Timers Rodeo Association and Lander Art Center. 332-5772 3 & 4 Pioneer Days Rodeo 6:30 pm, Pre-sale: $8, kids 6-12 $4; 5 & under free. Tickets available at the Lander Chamber of Commerce, 160 N. 1st St. Lander City Fireworks follow the rodeo. 4 Challenge for Charities Half Marathon, 5K and 1M youth run. Race begins and ends at Centennial park

4 Senior Center Pancake Breakfast, 7-9 am, 205 So. 10th St. 332-2746

16 Help for Health Par-Tee Golf Tournament 9 am. $85 856-1206

4 Pioneer Days Parade, Lander’s Main Street, 10 am 332-3892

16 Ultimate Miniature Bull Riding & Pee-Wee Rodeo 2-4pm, Lander Old Timers Rodeo Arena. Free 349-6400

4 Rotary Club’s Buffalo BBQ, Lander City Park, 11 am-2 pm. $10 adults, $5 kids 332-3892 9 Old fashioned Barn Dance! 7-9pm, Museum of the American West Livery Stable, 1445 Main St. Tickets $10 3358778 13 Lander LIVE! 6-9:30pm Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds, Jaycee Park Stage, 1st St. and Main St. Free. 332-3892 14 Central Bank and Trust Art Crawl, Main St. Free. 5pm7:30pm 14 Climbers Festival Opening Party, come see the famed pull up comp @ Lander Bar, Free. 7pm-11pm 15 Climbers Festival Trade Fair 2-8pm @ City Park, completions, demonstrations, and more! Free. 16 Dolomite Dash Trail Run, 5km, 10, & 21km. @ Wild Iris Climbers’ main parking Lot. 7am: Race Start. Breakfast @ 9am. 332-0480 16 Climbers Festival Keynote Speaker Series, Lander Community Center, 6pm-8pm tickets at door

18 Wyo Jazz! 7-8:30pm Kelly Dehnert @ City Park, free. 21 Jalan Crossland Concert, 7 pm, Museum of the American West. $15 adult, $10 student, $5 child. 22 Red Desert Audubon Art Show Opening 6 - 8 pm, 224 Main St, 332-5772 23 Run Like A Bighorn Trail Race @ Sinks Canyon 7am 332-6333 27 Two free concerts by Jerry Jerome Fick 1 pm & 7 pm Spring Mountain Room @ Wind River Hotel & Casino. (866) 657-1604 28, Lander LIVE! 6-9 pm, Jaycee Park (Lander Chamber location), 160 N. 1st St. 3323892 30 Fremont County Fair Parade 6 pm, Riverton’s Main St. 30 Ranch Rodeo, Riverton, 7:15 pm, Rodeo at 7:30 pm 856-6611.


5, 12, 19, 26 Grab ‘N Go Farmers Market, 5-7 pm, Centennial Park, 200 block of Main Street


Brewfest Recap


The 14th Annual Lander Brewfest was a huge success. Here is the event in numbers: The Lander Chamber would like to thank a benevolent Mother Nature, our business sponsors, our talented craft brewers, ticket holders, nondrinkers, ditch-dancing minors, and City Park: which remains in tact after the volume festival attendees! 3,000 attendees over two days-- a record year! 45% of attendees traveled from out-of-Fremont County to the event

Photo: Kyle Duba

18 Breweries, 81 different beers served, 1,000 pounds of ice 1 stage, 3 amazing bands, probably the largest dance party in City Park history (thanks Zach Deputy!) Youngest attendee recorded two weeks old (milk only)

Photo: Kyle Duba

70 golf players at the Wyoming.com Golf with Brewers Tournament Countless numbers of horseshoes thrown, meals served, and best of all so many wonderful visitors to Lander!

Photo: Kyle Duba

Photo: Kyle Duba


Photo: Kyle Duba Photo: Kyle Duba

Photo: Kyle Duba

Community Event

Lander LIVE: We Need Your Help!

Photo: Kristy Cardinal

Lander LIVE is made

our Lander LIVE bands have

possible thanks to our

an average ticket price of $30

sponsors, but also to our

per show. That would be $120

amazing community that

normally to see our whole

comes out to support live

season. Please consider an online

music. In 2016 Lander LIVE

donation and help us continue to

hopes to raise $15,000 from

bring these concerts to Lander!

the community that will

Volunteer: Also consider

cover the cost of putting on

becoming a Lander LIVE

the show and ensure that

volunteer and help us put on

future seasons take place.

great shows @

This year Lander LIVE is

landerlivemusic.com to sign up.

participating in the Challenge for Charities where donations

made to Lander LIVE will

Go to www.landerlivemusic.com OR select

be matched and is tax

“Lander LIVE� as part of your annual Challenge


for Charities giving at www.landercommunity-

Food for thought, all of


Community Event

Welcoming New Chamber of Commerce member Businesses lander Fly Shop Kyle Waggoner, 592 Main St., Lander (307) 438-3439 Lander Economic Development Association 485 N. 4th St., Lander (307) 349-5734 Lawn In Order Julianna Aycock, 463 Jefferson, Lander (307) 851-3100 Pushroot Films Nathan Schucker 2942 Sinks Canyon Road, Lander (307) 349-6921

Photo: Kyle Duba

Lander LIVE Sister Sparrow & Hayes Carll The Dirty Birds

Lake Street Dive

Fruit Bats

Wed, July 13, 6pm Soul, funk, rock n’ roll group from Brooklyn, New York and lead by front woman Arleigh Kincheloe is sure to bring

Thurs, July 28, 6pm The Houston, Texas based, Grammy nominated singer songwriter fills the stage with laughs, stories,

Thurs, Aug 11, 6pm Touring their freshly minted album, Side Pony, this four-some from Brooklyn, New York will get everyone up and

Thurs, Aug 25, 6pm Eric D. Johnson is once again leading the Fruit Bats into new and beloved territory of roots rock touring

big sound and fun vibes.

and best of all amazing country roots music.

dancing for with their fresh soul-pop tunes.

with their new album, Absolute Loser

This year Lander LIVE is participating in Challenge for Charities. donate online for matched tax deductible donations. www.landerlivemusic.com


BUSINESSAFTER HOURS Maximize Your Membership

Maximize Your Membership

Member Benefits Promotion (what you get) • Business Directory Relocation & Travel Guide • Hot deal, promotion announcements, event listing, and job opening advertising • Brochures and business cards on display • Vacation, relocation and convention packets • Business Referrals, with reporting

Service (what you can use)

I was very pleased with the Lander Chamber’s Maximize Your Membership luncheon. The staff covered numerous benefits of being a Chamber member, as well as how to drive more consumers to our businesses. Brian Rohrbacher President | CEO, Atlantic City Federal Credit Union

mEMBER benefits


Chamber of Commerce

• Bulk mail permit for savings of up to 30% • Mailing List and Monthly newsletter • Workforce Development Training Fund grant consultation services • Notary Public Service • Participation in Flower Barrel Program • Lander Bucks Local Currency program

Sign up for JuLY Luncheon Learn how take full advantage of your member benefits (how to post deals, events, job posting, and track your results).

Community (what we do) • Visitor Information Center to all • Community Events Calendar • Toll-free business and information hotline

Where: Lander Chamber of Commerce When: Tuesday, July 19, from 12-1pm What: to bring: An open mind!

• Promote the Lander Area as the destination • Beautification (Christmas Lights on Main St.)

RSVP by calling 332-3892

• Shop Local Program

Events (how to get involved) • Free ticket to Community Awards Luncheon • Winter Storefront Competition • Small Business Saturday • Business After Hours, and ability to host • Annual Legislative Forum

Thank you to our Lunch Sponsor for our May Maximize your membership Luncheon

ALCHEMY: an artists’ cooperative, 320 Main St., Lander

Labyrinth, Chris Amend, 514 Northridge Dr., Riverton

Bill’s Quality Auto Glass, Bill & Sarah Dike, 4 North Fork Road, Lander Dog Daze Grooming LLC, Francine Lewis, Laice Deyo, 596 Garfield, Lander The Forge, Preston Parker, 202 Main St., Lander Fremont Movers, Dwaine Kimmel, 750 S. Smith Road, Riverton Goetz Custom Leather, Scott Goetz, PO Box 805, Lander

Lander Church of Christ, Dustin Campbell, 1320 Sinks Canyon Road, Lander Lander Llama/The Bunk House, Scott & Therese Woodruff, 2024 Mortimore Lane, Lander Lander Lodging, Don & Laural Chambers, 2241 Sinks Canyon Road, Lander

Pronghorn Lodge, Jim & Wendy Gibson, 150 E. Main St., Lander RiverSound, Bob Hussa, 9 Music Lane, Riverton Rodney’s Collision & Custom Center, Rodney & Leona Rohn, 330 Mortimore Lane, Lander S.O.R.T., Kristy Boshard, PO Box 292, Lander Video Warehouse & Arcade Hollywood Tanning, Chad & Melissa Stricklan, 680 Main St., Lander Wyoming Custom Meats, Jared Hamilton, 9049 Hwy 789, Hudson

New York Life, Beau Wendling, 906 Main St., Suite A, Lander



Chamber of Commerce

This issue of the chamber newsletter is printed by Western Printing

Renewing Members

KOVE-KDLY, Fremont Broadcasting, Joe Kenney, 1530 Main St., Lander

Renewing Members

Adam E. Phillips, Attorney at Law, 260 Lincoln St., Lander

WHERE: CWC Lander, Room 106 120 Leedy Boulevard Logo here

WHEN: Thursday, July 14th, 5:30-7:30 PM WHAT TO BRING: Laptop or tablet, Your organization’s Mission or planning documents. Snacks provided - please bring your own drink.

FREE WORKSHOP ! In this session: 


Learn the importance & value of strategic planning. Understand the components of a Strategic Plan. Receive a step-by-step template for your organization. Get a list of additional resources.

BEAT THE HEAT: Health Tips for the Summer


Hydration is key to staying and feeling healthy. Your body has an intricate system of keeping fluids and electrolytes balanced. Proper hydration is a main component of this process. As we age, this regulation system may no longer function properly on its own, making dehydration more common. Adequate hydration minimizes this risk. Here are a few tips for staying hydrated: Drink at least 48-64 fluid ounces daily Drink throughout the day, rather than all at once Avoid caffeine and alcohol Drink a glass of water before exercising or doing outside activities Drink a full glass of water when taking medication Don't wait for thirst to replenish water Know dehydration symptoms

SUN SAFETY There are many ways to be

physically active outdoors — swimming, hiking, gardening, walking, dancing, or playing tennis. No matter which activity you choose, be sure to play it safe in the sun! Here are a few tips to keep your skin healthy: Limit your time in the sun Don't be fooled by cloudy skies Use sunscreen & reapply often Wear protective clothing Drink plenty of liquids

Contact us at 332-2922 or 856-4127 for your FREE copy of Sun Safety and Hydration tip sheets.

Source: Sun Safety, National Institute on Aging at NIH, www.nia.nih.gov/Go4Life; Proper Hydration in the Elderly, Kim Morrow, Registered Dietician; www.keidel.com/resource/wellness/h20.htm; Drinking Enough Fluids, National Institute on Aging, www.nia.nih.gov/Go4Life

In Recognition of Independence Day Frontier Home Health and Hospice is proud to be a member of WE HONOR VETERANS, Caring Professionals on a Mission to Serve. As a home health and hospice provider, our goal is to provide the best possible care for Veterans in the best possible manner and setting while honoring Veteran's preference. WE HONOR VETERANS is the right thing to do for the men and women who served our country. WE HONOR VETERANS: Caring Professionals on a Mission to Serve Partnering with Providers across Fremont County to deliver

Comprehensive Healthcare at Home Bringing Quality Healthcare Home

Lander: 307-332-2922 | Riverton: 307-856-4127 frontierhhh.com/fremontcounty

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Fremont County 2016 July Events

DAILY Riverton Northern Arapaho Cultural Insights: Northern Arapaho Experience Room—Arapaho artifacts and artwork. Arapaho language lessons and traditional storytelling. Wind River Casino, 10269 Hwy. 789. Call for times: 307-851-5394. windriverhotelcasino.com

WEEKLY EVENTS 7, 14, 21, 28 Lander Trivia at the Coalter Loft. Test your IQ. Hilarious fun with prizes awarded, 7-9pm. 332-8228, 126 Main St., ben_lester@nols.edu 5, 19, 26 Riverton Northern Arapaho Native American Song & Dance, 6-7pm every Tues. evening. Free. Wind River Hotel & Casino, 10269 Hwy. 789. 8405805, 855-2600, windriverhotelcasino.com 6, 20, 27 Lander Traditional Native American Dancing at the Museum of the American West every Wed. 7-8:30pm. Join in the Friendship dance. Free. 1445 W. Main St., 335-8778, museumoftheamericanwest.com 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Lander Sunday afternoon tee offs at Lander Golf Course. Family & Adult Special, 9 or 18 holes, 3pm. 1 Golf Course Dr., Reservations: 332-4653, landergolfcourse.com

1, 2, 8, 15, 22, 29 Dubois Friday Night JB Rodeos. Watch pee-wee mutton bustin’, bull riding, bronc riding, team roping, barrel racing, and calf roping. 7:30-10pm. Arena at 5649 Hwy. 287/26. 349-0870, wyomingwindrodeo@gmail.com 5, 12, 19, 26 Dubois Square Dancing! Family-friendly fun: grab your cowboy boots for some real boot scootin’ fun every Tuesday until Aug. 30. 8-9:30pm, 4552556, 119 E. Ramshorn Weekdays Lander Eagle Bronze Foundry guided foundry tours 9:30am and 1:30pm. Learn the lost wax casting method for sculptures. $5 for adults. 130 Poppy St., 332-5436, windriverwahoo@gmail.com 1-31 South Pass City Carissa Gold Mine Tours every Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 2pm. Limited to 25 people. Call to register 332-3684. 125 South Pass Main St. southpasscity.com/tour.html

SINGLE EVENTS 1-3 Riverton 1838 Mountain Man Rendezvous on E. Monroe Ave. See black powder shooting, tomahawk & knife competitions, learn fire starting with flint and steel and more! Fun for all ages, young and old. 856-7306, or email johnb@wyoming.com, or visit 1838rendezvous.com 2 Lander Quick Draw Live Art Auction.

Watch artists paint live at 5:30pm, bid at the fine art auction at 7pm. Food & spirits available. Museum of the American West, 1445 W. Main St. 3325772, landerartcenter.com 2 Lander Craft Show & Expo: lots of arts and crafts. 9am-4pm. Free admission. Inn at Lander, 250 Grandview Dr. 349-8343 3 Dubois Bighorn Sheep Center’s 23rd Birthday Party! Serving up brats ‘n fixings 12pm-2pm. 455-3429, 10 Bighorn Lane, bighorn.org 3 Lander Pioneer Days Rodeo, Little Cowpokes Night calf scramble & foot races. 6:30pm at 1663 Rodeo Drive. 332-3892, landerchamber.org 4 Lander 122nd Pioneer Days 4th of July Celebration! Challenge for Charities Half Marathon, 5K & 1M youth run, landercommunityfoundation.org; Lander Sr. Center Pancake Breakfast, 7-9am, 205 S. 10th St., $5 per person; Pioneer Days Parade, Main St., 10am.; Rotary Club’s Buffalo BBQ at City Park at 405 Fremont, 11am-2pm, Live music and beer sales by Lander Brewing; Pioneer Days Rodeo, 6:30pm, at 1663 Rodeo Drive; Lander City Fireworks follow the rodeo; tickets at the Lander Chamber, Mr. D's Food Center, or any Lander Rotarian along the parade route. 3323892, 800-433-0662, landerchamber.org

For a complete list of events in Wyoming’s Wind River Country go to windriver.org ALL LISTINGS USE AREA CODE 307. Please confirm all details in advance. pg. 1 6-24-16

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2016 July Events


4 Lander 5th Paxton Cady Memorial: Bad Boys of Bull Riding Rodeo, 6pm, Paxton Cady Memorial, 411 Willow Creek Rd. 332-3687, 330-8639

9pm. Tickets: 335-8778, 1445 Main St., or Lander Chamber at 332-3892, landerchamber.org, museumoftheamericanwest.com

4 Dubois 4th of July celebrates the old and new West. Parade 2pm, duck race 2:45pm, ice cream social 3-5pm, fireworks 9:30pm. 455-2556. duboischamber@gmail.com, duboiswyoming.org

9 Dubois Museum Kids Exploration Series: Great Horned Owl Discovery & Activities Day. 10am. All ages welcome. 909 W. Ramshorn St. Register: 4552284, duboismuseum@gmail.com, fremontcountymuseums.com

7 Riverton Museum Kids Exploration Series: Lucy’s Sheep Camp. Learn about wool, sheep care & yarn. Ages 714. 10-11am. $5.00 per child. Must register: 856-2665, 700 E. Park Ave. fremontcountymuseums.com

9-10 South Pass City Gold Rush Days in a real Western ghost town & gold mining camp! Enjoy vintage baseball, stamp mill, live music, printing press demonstrations, billiards, baked goods, anvil blasting & authentic costumed reenactments. 9am-6pm, 125 Main St. 332-3684, southpasscity.com

7 Dubois Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival. Free viewings. Bighorn Sheep Center. 10 Bighorn Lane. 7-8:30pm. 455-3429, info@bighorn.org 7-10 Riverton Fly-In at WY Modelers' Park. Remote controlled model planes from all over the region. Free. 2675 N. Federal Blvd. Hwy 789. 463-2676, eddieamend@gmail.com 8 Riverton Rails to Trails 4th Annual Music on the River Walk, Main St. & 1st St., 6-9pm, 800-325-2732, 856-2556, rivertonrendezvous.com 9 Pavillion Cowboy State Stock Horse Association (CSSHA) Reined Cow Horse Summer Series #4 Show. 9 am. 424 S. Main. 851-1126 9 Riverton Men Who Cook! Six celebrity teams and chefs work their culinary magic. Auctions. 851-1026, 856-6557, 856-2625. $25: 856-4801 or $35 at door. 1010 Fairgrounds Drive. 9 Lander Barn Dance! Grab your partner & scoot your boot at the Museum of the American West Livery Stable with live band String Theory! 7-

9-10 Riverton Fremont County Youth Rodeo, Riverton Fairgrounds Arena. 9am. Tickets and info: 856-6611, 3496400. 1010 Fairgrounds Drive, fremontcountyfair.org 9 Riverton Rendezvous Day in the Park! Enjoy handmade crafts & great Western food and dance. Free. Federal Hwy. & Main St. 8am-3pm, 851-2844, 856-4801, rivertonchamber.org 11 Riverton Hot Notes Cool Night Concert: Speakeasy, CWC Intertribal patio, 2660 Peck Ave, 7pm. 12 Dubois Museum Kid’s Exploration Series: “Trailblazing” Learn basic trailblazing skills by using clues. Must register: 455-2284, 10am-12pm. Ages 9 and up. Meet 909 W. Ramshorn St. duboismuseum@gmail.com, fremontcountymuseums.com 13 Lander Traditional Native American Dancing 5:30-6pm. Join in the Friendship dance. Bring your own chair. Free. Stay for the Lander LIVE Music concert! Jaycee Park, 1st St. & Main St.

335-8778, 332-3892, amwest@wyoming.com, museumoftheamericanwest.com 13 Lander Lander LIVE! outdoor concert: Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds: Part big band-soul, part gospel-funk & rock n’ roll. Jaycee Park Stage, 1st St. and Main St. Bring your own chair. Free. 6-9:30pm, 332-3892, landerlivemusic.com 13-16 Lander International Climbers Festival. Over 500 climbers expected for climbing clinics, dyno-climbing competition, brewing tour, trade fair, Dolomite Dash trail run, film festival, yoga, live music, parties, art crawl, writers’ clinic, contests & world-class rock climbing. Tickets: climbersfestival.org, 349-1561 14 Lander Pioneer Museum: History of Rawhide: Jack Mease demonstrates braiding. 7pm. 1443 Main St., 332-3339, fremontcountymuseums.com 14 Dubois History of Taxidermy by Lynn Stewart. Free. Bighorn Sheep Center. 10 Bighorn Lane. 7-8:30pm. 455-3429, info@bighorn.org 15 Shoshoni Kids Gymkhana rodeo! Fun and games on horseback. Food vendors. 210 South Maple St. 840-0209 thacker_d@outlook.com 15-17 Riverton 36th Riverton Rendezvous, Friday, July 15: 6pm Car Cruise downtown Main St.; 6:30-8:30pm Parade, Street Dance, & Candlesticks on Main St. Saturday, July 16: 6am Kiwanis Pancake breakfast, 2660 Peck Ave.; 6am balloons lift-off & 7am tethered balloon rides at same location; 8am Par-Tee Golf Tourney, 1 Golf Course Dr. in Lander; 10am-4pm Rocky Mountain Rebels Car & Bike Show, 2660 Peck Ave.; 9pm Balloon Glow same location; 10pm fireworks, Airport Hill. Sunday, July 17: 6am Kiwanis Pancake breakfast & balloons lift-off, 7am tethered balloon rides, 2660 Peck Ave. 801-7101331, ericpcarr@gmail.com,

For a complete list of events in Wyoming’s Wind River Country go to windriver.org ALL LISTINGS USE AREA CODE 307. Please confirm all details in advance. pg. 2 6-24-16

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2016 July Events


rivertonrendezvous.com 16 Lander Pioneer Museum Trek: Cemetery Trek at Mount Hope. Master stonework headstones from Sinks Canyon granite. Free. 10am-12pm. Register: 332-3339. Meet at 1443 Main St., fremontcountymuseums.com 16 Lander Dolomite Dash Trail Run: 5km, 10, and 21km. Race is held in conjunction with the International Climbers’ Festival. 6:30am registration. 332-0480, ellen@elementalgym.com, www.lmntl.net 16 Riverton Museum Speakers Series: Russell Hawley: Fossil Critters of the Wind River Basin. 3-4:30pm. 700 E. Park Ave. 856-2665, fremontcountymuseums.com 16-24 Dubois 67th National Art Show & Sale. Professional US artists gather at Headwaters Center for workshops and Show. 20 Stalnaker St. 9am-6pm. 4553404, headwaterscenter.org 16 Dubois Annual Dubois Museum Day. Western craft demonstrations, authentic costuming, traditional foods & entertainment, 11am-2pm. 909 W. Ramshorn. 455-2284, duboismuseum@gmail.com, duboismuseum.org 16 Lander Ultimate Miniature Bullriding / Pee-Wee kids rodeo. Free. 2-4pm. 3496400, 1663 Rodeo Drive, howlrodeobulls.com 18 Lander Wyo Jazz! Kelly Dehnert at Lander City Park, 405 Fremont St. 7pm. 21 Dubois Museum Kids Exploration Series: Living it Up in Torrey Valley guided wildlife hike with Bruce Thompson. 9am-1pm. Call to register: 455-2284, 909 W. Ramshorn St. duboismuseum@gmail.com, fremontcountymuseums.com

21 Riverton The Delfelder House tour of sheep man and longtime Riverton Mayor Jacob Delfelder. Register at 8562665,10am-12pm. Meet 700 E Park Ave. fremontcountymuseums.com 21 Lander Jalan Crossland concert, Museum of American West. 7pm, 1445 Main St. Tickets: 335-8778, admin@amwest.org July 21-31 Riverton 103rd Fremont County Fair: July 21st-24th Youth & Dressage Horse Shows; 21st: NBHA Barrel Race, 6pm; 22nd: Youth Horse Show, 10am; 23rd: Youth Horse Show 8am; 24th: Youth Dressage Horse Show, 9:30am; July 29: Dog Shows, 8am & 10am; July 30: Cat Shows, 9:30am; Twilight Fair Parade at 6pm on Main St., then Rancher’s Rodeo Calcutta at 7pm, and Ranch Rodeo at 7:30pm; July 31: Fiesta Day at noon with lunch, car racing, & family laser tag. 1010 Fairgrounds Drive unless stated. 856-6611, fremontcountyfair.org 22 Lander Lander Art Center: Red Desert Audubon Art Show opening 68pm. Show ends Sept. 3. Free. 224 Main St. 332-5772, landerartcenter.com 22-24 Ethete Annual Celebration & Indian Powwow. Dancing, Indian food and traditional handmade crafts. Rose Brockie 332-2992, 851-3386, 463-8560, or email info@windriver.org. Ethete Road & US Hwy. 132. 23 Lander Run Like a Bighorn Sinks Canyon Park Ultimate Trail Run, 7am (6am registration), 3079 Sinks Canyon Rd. 332-6333, darrel.trembly@wyo.gov, sinkscanyonstatepark.org 23 Dubois National Day of the Cowboy. Mingle with real Western cowboys. Parade at 11am, Western shoot-out, tasty foods, and more! 455-2556, duboischamber@gmail.com,

duboiswyoming.org 23 Dubois Whiskey, Wine & Craft Beer Tasting. Sample liquors, wines and craft beers & appetizers. $5. 3-5pm, 202 East Ramshorn St. 455-2444, or email ramshorninn@live.com 25 Riverton Hot Notes Cool Night Concert Tom Amend Jazz Trio, CWC Intertribal Patio, 2660 Peck Ave at 7pm. 27 Riverton Jerry Jerome Fick concert, 1pm & 7pm, 10269 Highway 789. 8515394. windriverhotelcasino.com 28 Lander Lander LIVE! outdoor concert: Hayes Carll: Americana, country rootsbased singer. Jaycee Park Stage, bring your own chair. Free. Main St. & 1 st St. 69:30pm, 332-3892, landerlivemusic.com 28 Dubois Artist Tom Lucas offers live Western painting of objects from the Old West. 2pm-4pm, Bighorn Sheep Center, 10 Bighorn Lane. 455-3429, info@bighorn.org 30 Riverton Chalk the Walk Festival/Sidewalk Art Contest, all ages. Live music! Art! Fun! Music by Gary Small & One Earth, 856-3556. Riverton Library, 1330 W. Park Ave. 29-30 Riverton Wrangler Classic Team Roping Championship. Over 1,000 teams competing over two days. Jim Moss Arena, 500 8-Mile Road, 406-348-2460, wranglertrc.com

This exciting events calendar is provided by the WIND RIVER VISITORS COUNCIL. Use our hashtag: #windrivercountry

For a complete list of events in Wyoming’s Wind River Country go to windriver.org ALL LISTINGS USE AREA CODE 307. Please confirm all details in advance. pg. 3 6-24-16

Ladies! Please join us for the Ladies Orchard Retreat July 22-24, 2016 at CWC’s Sinks Canyon Center

Treat yourself to a fabulous ladies getaway this summer | Reconnect with nature through Yoga, journaling and art activities | Pamper yourself with massage and quiet time by the river | Choose between other activities such as mountain biking, rock climbing and hiking! Each evening, enjoy a rustic meal and fun girl time around the campfire. $250 tuition includes meals, lodging, yoga instruction, massages, and other group activities. Call CWC Lander to register at (307) 332-3394. Register soon! After July 1, the cost will be $275. Retreat hosts are Stacy Wells and special guests instructors.

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