Oct chamber newsletter

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2015 2015



Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Commerce

(Photo: Kristy Cardinal Photography


From the Executive Director


t the Lander Chamber of Commerce we exist to help you, our members. To accomplish this goal, we bring you professional development, networking, and business support and development. And guess what? We have a lot of upcoming opportunities for our member businesses to continue to improve! First, if you are anyone who deals with revenues, expenses, and cash flows (yep, that is likely more than 80% of all our members ;-), we highly recommend that you register for the Small Business Development Center’s Profit Mastery Financial Management Seminar. This seminar is brought to you by the SBDC and the Lander Chamber of Commerce and is open to all Chamber members. Second, we hosted the first-of-the-season Business After Hours at Stanbury and Strike....did you attend? If not, do not worry, the next BAH of the season is taking place at Wind River Physical Therapy on October 15. Business After Hours is a networking function where it is acceptable to walk up to any of the 40+ community-business-leaders and say, “Hi, my name is ___insert name here____ and I am passionate about ____insert business purpose____” and the person you are talking to will be legitimately interested. Third, did you know that you can post deals, sales, and community announcements as part of your Chamber membership? Yep, you can, and it is free of charge. Visit our website for more info on this easy and effective member benefit. http://landerchamber.org/memberbenefits/ Finally, a big “thank you” goes to Ron Hansen of Wind River Outdoor Co. and the One Stop Market for offering his support and a $2,500 challenge-gift during our last Lander LIVE concert series. Not only did Elephant Revival rock the house, but your contributions and donations will make it possible for Lander LIVE to continue in 2016! Brian Fabel Executive Director Lander Chamber of Commerce

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Lorielle Morton, President McKee, Marburger & Fagnant, PC

John Dailey, Vice President The Hitching Rack Home Source Realty

Krista Lobera, Treasurer Holiday Inn Express & Suites

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jeff Young, Past President Trihydro

Susan Weideman Lander Vision Center

Margie Rowell Michelle Mazur Elevate Rehab

Annie Scott Fremont Frameworks

Chad Strickland Video Warehouse

Angie Flint Lander Bake Shop

PROFESSIONAL STAFF Brian Fabel Executive Director Carol King Associate Director Rose Burke Event Coordinator Barb Speyer Office assistant Barb Clark Smile specialist


ore than 1,200 people came out to enjoy Lander LIVE’s season finale show featuring Elephant Revival. The record breaking attendance was matched with high donations, which put the music series over the Chamber of Commerce’s goal of $15,000 raised from individual donations. At the start of the first show the Chamber was seeking donations to help cover the extra cost in building a new stage in the park. “$15,000 in donations from our Lander community seemed like a very attainable goal, and would help us break even on the event and the stage.” said Rose Burke, the Chamber’s event coordinator. Each week Lander LIVE

volunteers asked concert goers to give a donation, and donations came in many denominations. “I was so impressed that at each show our donation numbers went up and up,” added Burke. “People were really impressed with the event and were excited to help support it.” Lander LIVE concert series And is just the type of event that support it they Lander deserves. The event did. At the start of the Elephant brings all types of people to Revival show town to stay, eat and shop plus it is a the Chamber great reward for all the residents to have was short great music in such a wonderful setting. a little over $5,000. By Ron Hansen night’s end Owner, Wind River Outdoor Company and the One Stop Market


Fund Raising Goal Reached!

more than $4,000 was raised by attendees and a new sponsor, Ron Hansen of Wind River Outdoor Company and the One Stop Market, emerged to match up to $2,500 helping the Chamber top their goal. On the reason why he decided to donate Hansen said, “The Lander LIVE concert series is just the type of event that Lander deserves. The event brings all types of people to town to stay, eat and shop plus it is a great reward for all the residents to have great music in such a wonderful setting.” In response to meeting their $15,000 goal, Chamber


BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Fund Raising (cont.) Director Brian Fabel said, “We are all very humbled by our community’s generosity, and that everyone’s contribution has helped ensure that Lander LIVE will continue next year.” Fabel added, “Thank you, Lander, for the support and making this community great.” On stage Elephant (Photo: Kyle Duba) Revival put together an excellent performance. Playing from all of their studio albums the band played for over 90 minutes to an enthusiastic record turnout crowd of listeners and people dancing. Many of Elephant Revival’s biggest fans were there including Willow Wells and Ella Stanbury, both 9 years old of Lander, who waited patiently by the stage for the opportunity to meet members of their favorite band. Elephant Revival band manager, Molly Foehl, commented that “The Lander community is one of the most hospitable that this band has ever encountered on tour. I hope we can be invited back again soon.”

(Photo: Kyle Duba)

(Photo: Kristy Cardinal Photography

(Photo: Kristy Cardinal Photography

(Photo: Kristy Cardinal Photography


ander Bucks is a re-launch of the former “Chamber Choice Certificates.” Now anyone can purchase (in $5/$10/$15/$20 increments) any combo





Lander Chamber of Commerce Members

Lander Bucks Local Currency Program

denomination of MEMO Lander Bucks at the chamber and spend it locally at any Lander Chamber business. Brighten a reward-worthy employee’s day with a $5 Lander Bucks and treat them to a latte, sticky bun, or chokecherry shake. Thank your neighbor for feeding the cat and secretly using your hot tub with $20 of Lander Bucks (they may in turn use toward buying you a new bath mat). Tell your everdoting long-distance relative all you want for Christmas is a $100 in Lander Bucks (they can buy online) and—because you already have too many expedition socks from your partner—donate it to your favorite non-for-profit. “Shop Local” is more

May 2, 2015


Lander Chamber of Commerce SIGNATURE

*For demonstration purpose only, purchase your Lander Bucks online or at the Chamber

than just warm fuzzies and good karma like eating kale smoothies for lunch: the extra $10 you spend locally doesn’t just support the primary business. This hardwon income adventures onto secondary markets supporting shipping, wholesalers, professional services, utilities, and suppliers. But wait, there’s more: each transaction from consumer to second and third markets also provides local tax revenue for convenient infrastructure such as roads, libraries, public education, municipalities, and EMS programs. So come be part of the groundswell of a new trend! Lander Bucks is the latest in

incentivizing programs to change the way we think, act, and spend... making shopping local fun, relevant, and impactful. NUTS AND BOLTS

WHO: Lander Bucks can be purchased by anyone, given to anyone, and spent at any Lander Chamber member business. An additional member benefit, Chamber businesses may affordably advertise their logo on the checkcertificate page: a gentle suggestion to the shopper where to spend! WHAT: Lander Bucks are actual checks,


Let ‘er Buck with “Lander Bucks”


Lander Bucks (cont.) WHEN: Initial release (in limited quantities) starting May 1st, 2015. That’s sparklecode for come and get it before we run out. WHY: Lander Bucks are guaranteed local dollars spent in our community. They make great gifts, employee bonuses, event prizes, thank-you gifts, and donations. From $5 to $5000+, you can give a meaningful gift while guaranteeing supporting the community. You’re no longer just hearing “shop local” — you are shopping local. HOW: Stop by the chamber or go online to place unlimited custom orders.

payable to “Lander Chamber of Commerce Members.” They function like currency (ummm, they are a real check) and get cashed like all-is-well-and-normal at the bank. They will be available in $5, $10, $15, and $20 increments. Do not worry. You don’t need your iLeash to plug in to a FourSquare to read a scan box to get nailed

with 3% in credit card and nonlocal fees. WHERE: Lander Bucks primarily serves the Lander area, where 93.7% of our chamber members reside and practice. Lander Bucks are also redeemable at choice Lander Chamber businesses in Riverton and Dubois. (Really, they’re LanderPLUS Bucks.)

Calendar of Events 2-31 Lander Art Center Assortments,Detours and Volumes, Work by Bronwyn Minton. Opening reception Oct. 2 from 6-8 pm. 224 Main St. 332-5772,frontdesk@ landerartcenter.org 5 Todd Green: a world music concert. Multi-instrumentalist who layers world rhythms together for a high tech oneman band. Lander Valley High School, 350 Baldwin Creek Rd. 7pm, Tickets $20 adult/$10 student. 332-2509, 3326824, montyhettich@hotmail.com, landerconcerts.org 6, 10, 13 Farmers Markets. Fresh produce, craft and local music. Tuesdays 4:30-6pm (2nd/Main St.), & Saturdays 9am noon (7th & Main St.) 14-17 5th Annual LocalFest Fiveday festive event with speakers, workshops,farm tours, films, locally sourced meals, and more. Theme of this year’s LocalFest is Healthy Soils. Lander Community and Convention Center, 950 Buena Vista Dr. localfest.org, wyominglocalfest@ gmail.com 15-18 CWC Theater presentation “The Servant of Two Masters” 2660 Peck Ave., Riverton, www.tickets.cwc. edu.1-800-865-0190. 17 Barn Bash for Hospice Featuring Sam Platts and The Kootenai Three, and presented by Wyoming Community Bank, @ Fremont Center at the Fairgrounds. $50@ the Help for Health office, 716 College View Drive, Riverton. 856-1206 to receive a sponsorship packet. 17 Fall Festival at Lander Children’s Museum 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM We will be hosting our annual Chili Cook-off again this year (Adults – over 16 $3 and children - $1). Winner takes

home bragging rights for a year. 2nd annual Pumpkin decorating contest for both adults and children (2 categories this year). 24 Lander Pioneer Museum presents: McDonald’s Kids Exploration Series: “Spooky Night at the Museum” crafts, activities and a spooky tour. Real ghost stories based on real Wyoming history. Halloween costumes encouraged. 6-9pm, 1443 Main St., 3323373, , fremontcountymuseums.com 24 Trigger: Wyoming Catholic College Fundraiser Featuring dinner and gun auction with a live band and some acts from students 332-2930 x 120 www. wyomingcatholic.org/trigger 28 Halloween Play - the Story Hour Players are performing “Case of the rustrated Corpse” at 10am in the Carnegie Room at the Lander Library. Free, 200 Amoretti St. 332-5194 or bpacker@bresnan.net 30-31 CWC Halloween Hall of Horror Fun for ages 6 and up. Come in costume. Friday & Saturday, 7-10pm. Pecks Arts Center, 2660 Peck Ave. Riverton 855-2002, 855- 2217, $3 admission, tickets@cwc.edu, cwc.edu/ what/artscenter 31 Main Street Trick or Treat 3:30pm till a) candy runs out, or b) store closes. Happy Howling


3rd Tuesday 2:00 pm City/School Joint Powers Board Wednesdays 7:00 am LEADER 8:00 am MLS, Realtors Noon Rotary 6:00 pm Open Studio, Art Center 1st Wednesday 7:00 pm Popo Agie Anglers 1st & 3rd Wednesday 6:30 pm Lander Lion’s @ The Oxbow 3rd Wednesday 10:30am Fre Co Suicide Prevention Coalition 349-4495 Thursdays Noon Kiwanis 1:15pm Stroke Support, LRH 7:30pm Marine Corps League 1st Thursday 6:00 pm Lander Library Friends 2nd and 4th Thursday 7:00 pm Elks Lander Lodge #2317 3rd Friday 11:00 am 7:00 pm

County Commission Lander Art Guild Book Nook @ The Carnegie VFW Bingo

Tuesdays 6:00 pm City Council 7:30 pm American Legion

Fre Co Suicide Prevention 349-4495 Senior Center Dance

Saturdays 10:00 am Book Nook on Main Location & Carnegie Room

5:00 pm Wind River 4x4 Assoc.

2nd Sunday 1:00 pm Fre. Co. Historical Society (Photo Mondays 9:00 am 11:45 am 4:00 pm 7:00 pm



: Julli Anna photography)


Financial Management Seminar Pull out your calendar and mark off October 13 and 14 and get excited to get off the sidelines of your fiscal game. The Wyoming Small Business Development Center hosts and facilitates a nationally recognized Profit Mastery class for anyone invested, impacted, or curious about their business’ (or soon-to-be

dust off) what the difference is between “cash-flow” and “profit” and “benchmarks” and “margins”? How about building some handrails to know if you’re actually below the fiscal waterline (when

business) financial health. Two weekdays, 8am to 5pm, for a nominal cost (includes lunch!) at the Lander Library. Sign up online or by phone for a normal-humanfriendly (read: accessible) high-impact financial management boot camp. Want to improve cashflow? Want to know (or

you suddenly feel like you’re drowning when that repair bill comes in?) Here’s the nittygritty marketing copy from the SBDC website: “The most successful businesses have found that the key to long-term success revolves around effective financial management. Through case studies and a down-toearth style, experience this remarkable powerful program: understand why and how to benchmark your company performance; establish the difference between “making a profit” and “having cash” and how to do more of both; create effective, practical plans to improve the financial health of your business.

The format is a combination of video presentation by a leading expert, Steve Lefever, case studies, and facilitated discussion.” WHO: Business owners, managers, pharmacists and freerange doctors (it counts as continuing education hours) WHAT: Two-day seminar. $195. Free lunches. WHEN: Tuesday, October 13 (8am-5pm) and Wednesday, October 14 (8am-5pm) WHERE: Lander Library HOW: https://www.wysbdc.org/ workshop.aspx?ekey=60350005






Phat Foam Insulation LLC, Jason Redman, PO Box 864, Lander

Ameri-Tech Equipment Company, Dave King, General Manager, 1720 W. Main St., Lander

Gambles, Shane Meyer, 420 Main St.

Safeway, Larry Massey, manager, 1165 Main St.

Auto Medic LLC, Shane Hart, 61 Washakie St., Lander

Hitching Rack, John Dailey, 785 E. Main St., Lander

Sweetwater Fishing Expeditions, LLC, George Hunker, PO Box 524, Lander

Book Basket, Marty Brace, 28 Pinto Lane, Lander

Huff Sanitation, Richard Huff, 540 Wind River Ave., Lander

Calkins, Leslie & Kent, 990 Main St., Lander

Kellogg, Dave & Carol, PO Box 1027, Lander

Covenant Presbyterian Church, 875 Fremont St., Lander

Lander Care & Share Food Bank, 281 Garfield St., Lander

First American Title Insurance Company, Margaret Pugh, 902 11th St., Lander

Lander Kiwanis, PO Box 803, Lander

First Interstate Bank, Doug Anesi, President, 8118 Hwy 789, Lander

Wyoming Natural Orthodontics, Dr. Marc Olsen, 799 S. 2nd St., #B, Lander Wyoming Windows & Cabinets, Chris & Karlene Moore, 3011 Hwy 287, Lander

New York Life, Beau Wendling, 906 Main St., Lander



Chamber of Commerce

This issue of the chamber newsletter is printed by Western Printing


Friends of Wyoming Life Resource Center, PO Box 163, Lingle, WY


Ace Hardware, Bill Bregar, 485 Main St.Lander

1 2 3


Daily Events: Riverton Northern Arapaho Cultural Insights: Northern Arapaho Experience Room - A cultural treasure of Arapaho artifacts and artwork open every day. Call in advance for a schedule of language lessons and traditional story telling. Wind River Casino, 10269 Highway 789. 8515394. windriverhotelcasino.com

OCTOBER Oct. 6, 10, 13 Lander Always popular summer favorite - Farmers Markets. Fresh produce, craft and local music. Tuesdays 4:30-6pm (2nd/Main St.), & Saturdays 9amnoon (7th & Main St.) Oct. 2-31 Lander Art Center Assortments, Detours and Volumes" Work by Bronwyn Minton. The Artist’s opening reception is planned for Oct. 2 from 6-8 pm. Show runs through Nov. 7th. Free. Open Tues. - Thurs. 10-6pm, and Fri.-Sat. 10-4pm. 224 Main St. 332-5772, frontdesk@landerartcenter.org landerartcenter.com Oct. 5 Lander Todd Green: a world music concert. Multi-instrumentalist who layers world rhythms together for a high tech oneman band. Lander Valley High School, 350 Baldwin Creek Rd. 7pm, Tickets $20 adult/$10 student. 332-2509, 332-6824, montyhettich@hotmail.com, landerconcerts.org Oct. 8 Dubois Museum presents: WY

Community Bank Discovery Speakers Series: Little Scotland, Life of the ranching community up the East Fork River, by John Finley. 7-8pm. 909 West Ramshorn, 455-2284, duboismuseum@gmail.com, fremontcountymuseums.com Oct. 9-10 Riverton hosts a 2-day Craft Fair at the Fremont County Fairgrounds. 1010 Fairgrounds Dr. 851-6443 Oct. 10 Riverton Anniversary Celebration at the Wind River Heritage Center. Enjoy refreshments and games from 10-4pm. 1075 South Federal. 856-0706 Oct. 10 Riverton 1838 Rendezvous Trail Ride – a challenging American Competitive Trail Horse Assoc. (ACTHA) sponsored trail ride with judged obstacles. Rider check-in 9am, ride starts 9:30am-noon. Includes free lunch hosted by Back Country Horseman (BCH). Prizes and award ceremony. Rules and registration at: actha.us/ride/7863/view Ride takes place at East Monroe and Smith Rd on the original site of the 1838 Rendezvous. Can also sign up day of ride. 857-0012, edgewood@wyoming.com Oct. 12-16 Dubois will host a Tom Lucus Still Life Painting Workshop at the Headwaters Center, 20 Stalnaker St., 9-4am daily. 455-3404, headwaters@wyoming.com Oct. 14-20 Dubois presents the 16th Annual Miniature Art Show & Sale, Headwaters Center. Enjoy 50-100 art works in oil, bronze, watercolor, pottery, fiber art, pastel, andfine art photography. Open 9-4pm daily, 20 Stalnaker.

455-2687, 455-3404, headwaters@wyoming.com, headwaterscenter.org Oct. 14-17 Lander 5th Annual LocalFest is a five-day festive event with speakers, workshops, farm tours, films, locally sourced meals, and more. Theme of this year’s LocalFest is Healthy Soils. Lander Community and Convention Center, 950 Buena Vista Dr. localfest.org, wyominglocalfest@gmail.com Oct. 15-18 Riverton The Servant of Two Masters Play. Riverton Central WY College hosts the play Servant of Two Masters. Performances: Thursday 7:30pm GALA reception, Friday 7:30pm, Sat 2:30pm & 7:30pm, & Sun. 2:30pm. Pecks Arts Center, 2660 Peck Ave. 855-2002, 855-2217, tickets@cwc.edu, cwc.edu/what/artscenter Oct. 17 Riverton 5th Annual Barn Bash Banquet. Games, live and silent auctions, banquet dinner, dancing and live music by Sam Platts & the Kootenai Three band. Fremont County Fairgrounds, 1010 Fairgrounds Rd. 5pm10:30pm, tickets $50. You can order tickets at 856-1206, Facebook.com/helpforhealth.hospice Oct. 24 Lander Pioneer Museum presents: McDonald’s Kids Exploration Series: “Spooky Night at the Museum” - crafts, activities and a spooky tour. Real ghost stories based on real Wyoming history. Halloween costumes encouraged. 6-9pm, 1443 Main St., 332-3373, Facebook page: Pioneer Museum Lander Wyoming, fremontcountymuseums.com/ Oct. 28 Lander Halloween Play - the Story Hour Players are performing "Case of the Frustrated

For a complete list of events in Wyoming’s Wind River Country go to windriver.org ALL LISTINGS USE AREA CODE 307. Please confirm all details in advance. pg. 1 9-17-15

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2015 OCTOBER & NOVEMBER EVENTS Continued Corpse" at 10am in the Carnegie Room at the Lander Library. Free, 200 Amoretti St. 332-5194 or bpacker@bresnan.net Oct. 30 Dubois Library has 2 Halloween movies: children’s movie from 3:15 until 5pm, the scary movie from 6-8 pm. 307455-2992. 202 N First St. fclsonline.org Oct. 30-31 Riverton CWC Halloween Hall of Horror - fun for ages 6 and up. Come in costume. Friday & Saturday, 7-10pm. Pecks Arts Center, 2660 Peck Ave. 855-2002, 8552217, $3 admission, tickets@cwc.edu, cwc.edu/what/artscenter Oct. 31 Riverton Riverton's Wind River Casino hosts a Halloween Monster Mash Creature Feature Costume Dance Contest, 9pm-Midnight, $4000 in prizes! 10269 Hwy. 789. 851-6423. windriverhotelcasino.com Oct. 31 Riverton Open Mic Night at Mammoth Music. 10-minute slots are available on the last Saturday of each month to musicians, bands, and other stage performers for this family friendly evening. Free. 7-8:30pm. 318 E. Main St. 856-0258

NOVEMBER Nov. 1-7 Lander Art Center Assortments, Detours and Volumes" Work by Bronwyn Minton. Free. Open Tues. - Thurs. from 10am-6pm, and Fri.-Sat. 10-4pm. 224 Main 332-5772, frontdesk@landerartcenter.org, landerartcenter.com Nov. 6-7 Lander The 36th Annual Lander Community Craft Fair will be held on Friday, November 6th and Saturday, November 7th in the Bob Carey Field House at the Lander Valley High School, 350 Baldwin Creek. 332-6006. Nov. 6 Dubois will host the 2015 8th Annual Women’s Expo at the Headwaters Art & Conference Center, 20 Stalnaker St. Over 30 artists and vendors will be presenting their newest works in this years Expo. Light refreshments and cash bar. Free admission. Open 4-7pm. 455-2764, 455-2763, duboischamber@gmail.com, duboiswyomingchamber.org

Nov. 7 Dubois 22nd Bighorn Sheep Center Banquet Bash at the Headwaters Center, 20 Stalnaker. Social Hour begins at 5:30pm with dinner served at 6:30pm. Huge live auction and raffles. Dinner tickets are $35 per person or $65 per couple. Tickets at Bighorn Sheep Center, 455-3429, bighorn.org Nov. 7 Dubois North Carolina singer songwriter Donna Hughes will perform Live at the Dennison Lodge, at 7pm. Tickets are $15 – available in Dubois at Water Wheel Gifts, Wind River Gear, and Pony Tracks Gallery, and in Riverton at Mammoth Music and Meadowlark Books, as well as at the door. 909 West Ramshorn. 200-9190, dennisonlodge.org duboischamber@gmail.com Nov. 9 Lander UW’s Helios Trio in concert. A classical music performance on piano, cello, and violin. Lander Valley High School, 350 Baldwin Creek Rd. 7pm, Tickets $20 adult/$10 student. 332-2509, 332-6824, montyhettich@hotmail.com, landerconcerts.org Nov. 10 Dubois Austin, TX, blues troubadour Ray Bonneville will perform Live at the Dennison Lodge, at 7pm. Tickets are $15 – available in Dubois at Water Wheel Gifts, Wind River Gear, and Pony Tracks Gallery, and in Riverton at Mammoth Music and Meadowlark Books, & at the door. 909 W. Ramshorn. 2009190, duboischamber@gmail.com, dennisonlodge.org Nov. 13-Dec. 19 Lander Art Center: Native American "Around Town" Art Exhibition. Free. Open Tues. - Thurs. from 10am-6pm, and Fri.Sat. from 10-4pm. 224 Main St. 332-5772, landerartcenter.com Nov. 14 Lander Fremont County Symphony Orchestra Fall Concert, 7-10 pm, Lander Valley High School Auditorium, 350 Baldwin Creek. Tickets are $10 at the door, and $20 for families. tomduncan@bresnan.net Nov. 21 Dubois 3rd Seasonal Whiskey, Wine and Craft Beer hosted by the Ramshorn Inn Liquor & Fine Wine Shop, Nostalgia Bistro, and Ramshorn Bakery. Sample whiskeys, wines, beers, appetizers and baked goods with live music. 3-5pm at 202 East Ramshorn St. Tickets

are $5 at the door, 455-2444 Nov. 20-22 Riverton 44th Annual Winter Art Fair, 2 days, at the Riverton Fair Grounds. Come enjoy this local favorite where over 50 regional artists will present their newest artwork. Held at the Fremont Center, 1010 Fairgrounds Dr. Donation admission $1. All art is handcrafted by artisans. 857-0444 sdalton@cwc.edu Nov. 21 Riverton will host the WY State Championship Poker Tournament at the Wind River Casino, $60,000 projected cash pot. $300 buy in. 10269 Highway 789. 851-5394. windriverhotelcasino.com Nov. 23 Lander Community Concert Assoc. presents Crosswinds Trio - a unique chamber music concert. Hear performances of innovative arrangements sprinkled with humor. Lander Valley High School, 350 Baldwin Creek Rd. 7pm, Tickets $20 adult/$10 student. 3322509, 332-6824, montyhettich@hotmail.com, landerconcerts.org Nov. 28 Riverton Open Mic Night at Mammoth Music. 10-minute slots are available on the last Saturday of each month to musicians, bands, and other stage performers for this family friendly evening. Free. 7-8:30pm. 318 East Main St. 856-0258 Nov. 30-Dec. 6 Riverton CWC presents Shakespeare’s Hamlet – a play over 400 years old. Monday 7:30pm GALA reception, Tuesday-Friday 7:30pm, Saturday 2:30pm and 7:30pm, Sunday 2:30pm. Audience will be seated on the main stage with the actors. Pecks Arts Center, 2660 Peck Ave. 855-2002, 855-2217, tickets@cwc.edu, cwc.edu/what/artscenter

This exciting events calendar is provided by the WIND RIVER VISITORS COUNCIL …your Fremont County Lodging Tax Dollars at Work! *Don’t forget to use our hashtag to post your Wind River Country memories at: #windrivercountry

For a complete list of events in Wyoming’s Wind River Country go to windriver.org ALL LISTINGS USE AREA CODE 307. Please confirm all details in advance. pg. 2 9-17-15

October = Physical Therapy Awareness Month

PHYSICAL THERAPY The path to a more confident, independent life.

Physical therapists play an important role in the home health plan of care. We often think about fall prevention and home exercise programs; however, here are a few other areas where research has shown physical therapy improves patient outcomes

Heart failure

Post-Operative Recovery

Fall Risks

Balance & COPD


Vestibular Training




Acute Pain


Call 332-2922 or 856-4127 to request a physical therapy evaluation or to learn more about the benefits of home health and in-home physical therapy.


October = Physical Therapy Awareness Month

Kathy S., PT

Meet the Physical Therapists of Frontier Home Health and Hospice

Tammy B., PT

Melissa G., PTA

Susanne S., PTA

Improving Health and Well-Being with Physical Therapy

Bringing Quality Healthcare Home

Comprehensive Healthcare at Home

Hospice | Home Health | Custodial Care Services Lander: 307-332-2922 Riverton: 307-856-4127 frontierhhh.com/fremontcounty

October Community Education Classes at CWC Lander To register call (307) 332-3394 Managing Personal Finances Before They Manage You Tuesdays, Oct 6-Nov 10, 6-8:00 PM Instructor Cheyenne Magnan CWC Lander, $60 The basic of budgets, how to manage your credit and how to repair your credit.

Eating Right and Cooking Healthy Part I Tuesday, Oct 6, 6-7:30 PM Part II Tuesday, Oct 20, 6-7:30 PM Instructor Mary Greene Living Water Fellowship Kitchen, 150 Baldwin Cr., $25 You will be introduced to a variety of healthy foods and how to prepare meals. Participants will help in preparing the meal(s).

Introduction to Healthy Heart Eating Tuesday, October 13, 6:00-7:30 PM Instructor Mary Greene Living Water Fellowship Kitchen,150 Baldwin Cr, $25 In this class you will learn about eating for a healthy heart including many meals recipes and ideas for preparing healthy food at home. Students will prepare a meal.

Classical Greek Wednesdays, Oct 7-Nov18, 6:30-8:00 PM Instructor Patrick Owen, PhD CWC Lander, $60 An introduction to Classic (or Biblical) Greek. Some of the greatest works of the Western world were composed in Classical Greek, including the Odyssey, Plato’s Dialogues, and the New Testament. We’ll cover the fundamentals of the Ancient Greek language structure, its vocabulary and English derivatives.

Sourdough Baking Thursday, Oct 8, 5:30-7:30PM Instructor Elena Tsentas Living Water Fellowship Kitchen,150 Baldwin Cr, $25 Students will mix up a basic loaf of sourdough and learn how to bake it in a dutch oven to create a crunchy crust. Bring a hand mixer with dough hooks if you have one, a jar to take home some starter and a gallon Ziplock bag.

Rock and Mineral ID Sat., Oct 10, 1-4:00 PM Instructor Suki Smaglik, CWC Lander, $30 Learn to identify rocks common to central Wyoming. You are welcome to bring rocks you can’t identify. Discussed will be basic rock types, how they are formed and what they tell us about the history of our local geology and the planet.

Edible and Medicinal Plants Lecture Series Mondays, Oct 12 & 19, 6-7:30PM Instructor John Mionczynski, CWC Lander, $30 Through photographs and dried plant specimens, John will introduce you to native plant species and their health and wellness benefits. This is sure to be a popular class so register early!

Beginning Spanish Tuesdays, Oct 13-Nov17, 6:30-8:00 PM Instructor Valeria, CWC Lander, $50 ¿Habla Español? Would you like to speak or practice Spanish? Come to this highly interactive class to increase your existing fluency or get you started. Basic conversation, pronunciation, making your way in Spanish-speaking countries, current events y mas! will be included.

Whole Grain Bread Baking Thurs, Oct15, 5:30-7:30 PM Instructor Elena Tsentas Living Water Fellowship Kitchen, 150 Baldwin Cr., $25 You will learn to bake 100% whole grain breads drawing off of Peter Reinhardt’s method of delayed fermentation. Come away with the tools to provide nourishing whole grain bread for yourself and your family free of preservatives or dough conditioners and for less than you would pay in a store. Please bring a hand mixer with dough hooks if you have one.

Continue to back page for more!

AHA HeartSaver Adult/Infant/Child CPR, AED, First Aid Certification Monday, Oct 26, 5:15 PM-9:00 PM or Saturday, November 21, 8:00 AM-12:30 PM CWC Lander $60 includes workbook, and AHA Heartsaver completion card valid for two years Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED is a classroom , video-based, instructor-led course that teaches students critical skill needed to respond to and manage a first ais, choking or sudden cardiac arrest emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. Students learn skills such as how to treat bleeding, sprains, broken bones, shock and other first aid emergencies. This course also teaches adult, child, and infant CPR and AED These valuable skills could save the life of a loved one in an emergency. Successful completion of the course results in a two year First Aid AED and CPR card from the American Heart Association. Elizabeth Martin is the experienced instructor, certified with the American Heart Association. Each session is limited to 10 students.

Kombucha Brewing Thursday, October 22, 5:30-7:30 PM Instructor Elena Tsentas Living Water Fellowship Kitchen, 150 Baldwin Creek Rd., $25 Learn how to brew Kombucha. Kombucha is a fermented tea revered for its plethora of beneficial bacteria. It is thought to aid in digestion and joint health. You will acquire a S.C.O.B.Y. or “mother” culture and learn how to properly prepare the tea, ferment it, bottle it and how to create a continuous brew system to always have fresh Kombucha on hand for much less than you would pay in a grocery store.

Alternative Ingredients for Healthy Eating Tuesday, November 3, 6:00-7:30 PM Instructor Mary Greene Living Water Fellowship Kitchen, 150 Baldwin Creek Rd., $25 In this class you will learn about alternative ingredients, such as gluten-free options, vegan options, and sea vegetables. Participants will assist the instructor in preparing the meal(s) as she teaches during the demonstration.

Fermenting Food 101 Thursday, October 29, 5:30-7:30 PM Instructor Elena Tsentas Living Water Fellowship Kitchen, 150 Baldwin Creek Rd., $25 Learn the basics of Lacto fermentation. Fermenting vegetables, and even fruits, is a simple and healthy way of preserving food. We will prepare sauerkraut and one other fermented items given the time. We will also learn about other things that can be made fermented, like ginger beer. Please bring a sharp chopping knife and cutting board. Please bring 3 quart-sized canning jars with lids for your fermented items.

Workplace Safety: Safety Data Sheets for Employers Thursday, Oct 8, 5:30-7:30 PM Instructor John Kemp CWC Lander No charge What is the Global Harmonization System and how to work with the new requirements.

Check out the entire catalog at: http://joom.ag/FzJp To register call CWC Lander at (307) 332-3394 or email landercenter@cwc.edu

p ro g r am s Associate of Applied Science, Certificate • Credential

Health & Safety Technician Health and safety technicians possess the skills necessary to help prevent injuries and lower risks for employers and organizations. As health and safety concerns continue to escalate, health and safety technicians are needed more than ever. Do you want to become one of the most sought after professionals in the country? Jump start your career today.

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Job titles of Health and Safety Professionals: • Field Safety Specialist • Health & Safety Professional • Safety Consultant • Health & Safety Coordinator Check out occupations and wages online: http://.onetcenter.org

2660 Peck Avenue Riverton, Wyoming 82501 307.855.2119 email: admit@cwc.edu Become a CWC fan on Facebook Search: CWC

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www.cwc.edu The Associate of Applied Science degrees in Environment, Health & Safety are designed for students interested in the environmental, safety, technical and compliance fields within the Energy Industry. The general education requirements are designed to encourage students to develop critical and creative thinking, computation, communication and technology skills. The program requirements for the Health & Safety Technician provide students with a basic understanding of biology and chemistry related to the environment and the energy industry in addition to state and federal environmental laws and regulations. Students will also develop skills in worksite safety, incident prevention, incident investigation, management and training. Associate of Applied Science Degree General Education Requirements Credits Writing Level I (WR1) 3 American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 APPM/LSCI/MATH (In program) IT/ORAL/WR2 (In program) Choose 1 from the following general education categories: PEAC/UNST/WELL 1 Program Requirements BIOL 1020 Life Science (LSCI) 4 BIOL 1080 Intro to Environmental Science (LSCI) 4 CHEM 1000 Introduction to Chemistry (LSCI) 4 CMAP 1680 Microcomputer Applications (IT) 3 CPED 1000 Cooperative Work Experience 3 EHS 1500 General Industry Safety 3 EHS 1505 Safeland Basic Orientation 0.5 EHS 1520 Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response 3

John Kemp jkemp@cwc.edu 307.855.2238 EHS 1550 Trenching, Excavation, and Confined Space Safety EHS 1650 Defensive Driving EHS 1700 Incident Prevention & Investigation EHS 1750 Process Safety Management ENGL 2010 Technical Writing (WR2) ENR 2010 Environmental Law ENR 2040 Environmental Regulatory Agencies FIRE 2530 Hazardous Materials: Awareness & Operations HLED 2010 Wilderness First Responder ITEC 2210 Integrating Technology MATH 1000 Problem Solving (MATH) MGT 1200 Human Resource Management MGT 2130 Human Relations (ORAL) SPAN 1000 Spanish for Safety Supervisors Total Certificate – Health and Safety Technician HELD 2010 Wildnerness First Responder EHS 1500 General Industry Safety EHS 1520 Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response EHS 1700 Incident Prevention and Investigation ENGL 1010 Writing Level I (WRI) CO/M 2130 Human Relations EHS 1650 Defensive Driving EHS 1505 Safeland Basic Orientation ITEC 1000 Training Presentation Techniques MATH 1000 Problem Solving (MATH) CMAP 1680 Microcomputer Applications ENGL 2010 Technical Writing EHS 1550 Trenching and Confined Space Safety Total

2 0.5 3 1 3 3 1 3 4 1 3 3 3 2 64 4 3 3 3 3 3 .5 .5 1 3 3 3 2 32

Credential – Health and Safety Technician EHS 1500 General Industry Safety 3 EHS 1520 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response 3 HLED 2010 Wilderness First Responder 4 EHS 1550 Excavation and Trenching Safety 2 EHS 1650 Defensive Driving 0.5 EHS 1505 Safeland Basic Orientation 0.5 Total 13 For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit our website at http://www. cwc.edu/gainful-employment.

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