The Local, February 23 2012

Page 1

Local The

Cap U makes magic

A new centre for film and animation opened its doors at Cap U .................

Page 5

Winning Valentine kisses

Family love, pet love and young love take prizes in the SDBA contest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6

Mystery solved

A 25-year old mystery has been solved by the BC coroner’s office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7

FREE Look for these inserts:

• Home Hardware • Guardian

- Sechelt & Pender Harbour

Your Weekly Community Newspaper • Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • Thursday, February 23, 2012 Don’t be fooled by travelling gold buyers.



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We pay the highest prices for gold & silver!

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Night Star front 1006


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HOURS: 10 am - 6 pm Mon. - Sat.

Prize-winning Sechelt kisses SC Ford 1008

This is your ad proof in the next issue of

GIBSONS 604-886-2277 Sunnycrest Mall Gibsons Central

Dreamland 1007

June 2, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ Deadline for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.

SECHELT 604-885-3295 5561 Wharf Road Feb. 9, 2012

PENDER HARBOUR 604-883-9525 12873A Madeira Park Rd.

Feb. 24, 2012

Feb. 16, 2012

If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct. Please let us know how we can serve you best. business is important to us! LaedeliYour 1006

For Gifts, Cards and Canada Post

Feb. 9, 2012

at Sunnycrest Mall, Gibsons BC

Real Estate transactions can be complex… Managing them doesn’t have to be.

Dave Brackett 604-886-8107

In a Kiss on the Coast contest sponsored by the Sechelt Downtown Business Association, entrants were invited to submit photos of them kissing for a Valentine’s Day contest – and the SDBA were thrilled to receive about 20 entries for this first-time contest. The photo above, entitled ‘Family Kiss’ was selected for the first prize award. As one judge said, “This photo represents not only love of family, but of community as well.”

See page six for the story and other winning entries.

Nov. 10, 2011

Zooming to the moon on Heritage Play Day

117 - 1100 Sunshine Coast Hwy

Your Movie Specialists 747 North Rd. Gibsons 604-886-5355

This is your ad proof in the next issue of

June 2, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ Deadline for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m. If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.

GMC Terrain e shin n u S M G


Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!



The Heritage Play Day at the Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives drew over 100 people on Saturday, February 18 – more than last year. Youngsters of all ages amused themselves with activities like Build Your Own Board Game, Origami, Rocket to the Moon/ Butterfly to the Sun, Balancing Bird and Make a Paper Totem Pole. Margot Grant for The Local

“Experience is Everything”

Teresa Bartrim 604-885-3295

5561 Wharf Road, Sechelt Res: 604-886-4958 Fax: 604-885-5422 Toll-Free: 1-888-385-3295

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2 The Local - Thursday, February 23, 2012

Lehigh Materials John Harrison Memorial Trades Scholarships

Trades Scholarships Available

for students interested in pursuing a career in a maintenance trade related to the mining industry including:

$3,500 each Industrial Instrument Mechanic

Industrial Mechanic (Millwright)



approximately 21 weeks

approximately 24 weeks

Program Pre-requisites:

Program Pre-requisites:

Recommended Education: Grade 12 or equivalent including English 12, Mathematics 11and Physics 11.

Recommended Education: Grade 10 or equivalent including English 10, Mathematics 10 and Science 10. Preferred: Grade 12

Credit Towards Apprenticeship:

Credit Towards Apprenticeship:

Individuals who complete the Industrial Instrument Mechanic Foundation program will receive Level 1 technical training credit and 325 work-based hours credit toward completion of the Industrial Instrument Mechanic Level 1 apprenticeship program.

Individuals who complete the Industrial Mechanic Foundation program will received Level 1 technical training credit and 425 workbased hours credit toward completion of the Industrial Mechanic Level 1 apprenticeship program.

Submission Deadline to Lehigh Materials is April 16, 2012 • Submit a letter of interest and indicate intention of program enrollment to with “Scholarship Application” in the subject. • Short-listed candidates will be requested to attend a face-to-face panel interview with the Lehigh Materials selection committee. One scholarship available at each level: • Chatelech Secondary School • Elphinstone Secondary School • Pender Harbour Secondary School Funds will be held by our organization until notification of registration of the recipient has been received from the institution. Presenter available at graduation ceremony? Gabe Morrelli – Mine Manager • 604-885-1139 • Successful candidates will enroll and attend an approved “Foundation Program” coordinated through Industry Training Authority B.C. (ITA). See for more information.

If you have any concerns regarding Lehigh operations, please call our 24 hr hotline 604-740-2509 PO Box 1790 Sechelt BC, V0N 3A0 phone: 604-885-7595 | fax: 604-885-2328 | email:

The Local - Thursday, February 23, 2012 3

Kindergarten registration Education Matters Silas White Chair, School District #46 School Board


f, like me, you’re the parent of a child turning five in 2012, this is the week to drop into your neighbourhood school to register for kindergarten to start public education in September 2012. And by the time this article is published, you’ve got two days left! If this week isn’t convenient, you can call the school to arrange a better time next week. You’ll need to bring proof of age for your child, which could be any one of a provincial birth certificate, immigration papers, CARE card, passport, or notarized proof of age. And if identifying your neighbourhood school is a challenge, our website will be of help: http://www.sd46. Another useful resource is the BC Ministry of Education website, which includes a program guide, video series, pamphlet and

other information on fullday kindergarten. The switch to full-day kindergarten from half-day for most of our schools last year and all of them this school year, has been tremendously successful. The focus of modern-day BC kindergarten is on play-based learning, with plenty of one-on-one instruction, physical development (especially outdoors), and opportunities for self-directed inquiry or project-based learning. The School District No. 46 kindergarten program has been inspired by research and best practices from all over the world, including the Reggio Emilia approach from Italy, which focuses on the child’s exploration and creative expression through relationships, community and an enriching environment. We also emphasize that parents know their unique child’s strengths and needs better than anyone. Parent involvement in your child’s education is always strongly encouraged, as well as regular communications with our teachers and principals.


The School District recognizes that despite all these wonderful assets, the transition is not always easy. The free KinderSPARK! Program is available in twelve weekly hour-and-a-half sessions for parents to attend with children eligible to enter kindergarten in September (phone 885-6787 to register). The children (and parents) get the opportunity to become familiar with the school environment, meet their peers, and learn about kindergarten. Some schools, like Gibsons, are also planning open houses for the same purpose.

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Nitestar stroll 1008



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Birthstones available

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Stroll Sechelt 1008

bed & bath collections Spring is in the air! See our new


The Feb. 23, 2012

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Cards by local artist,

JIM WOODS of Sechelt

Feb. 16, 2012

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Ann-Lynn ReDecor 1008

Flowers & Gifts Sechelt’s Flower Store

5695 Cowrie St. Feb. 23, 2012


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4 The Local - Thursday, February 23, 2012


What is the cost of free?


he story goes that, centuries ago, two warring parties finally settled their differences and as a sign of submissive cooperation, the head of the defeated party sent the other a gift: a white elephant. It was a prized possession, a rare and beautiful animal, but it also required a specially-built pen, constant care, massive amounts of food and water and, of course, daily cleaning. And, because it was a much-revered animal, it must be treated with kindness and respect at all times. Yet, while this creature was a gift, it was a costly one to maintain and ended up driving the victor of the battle into bankruptcy. There are free things that we can value – like The Local ! – because they arrive with no strings attached. There are other things that set your mental ‘red flags’ waving … Those things leave people cynical; when they hear that something is free (i.e you’ve won a free trip to Hawaii!) they check out the fine print, because in truth, few things are truly free. You hear it on television all the time: buy one and we’ll send you a second one free – of course, postage and handling are extra for the free item, and that cost might equal the actual cost of the free item! In our newspaper, you’ll find a ‘free’ classified ad section. Sometimes you can luck out and get something you’ve been searching for at only the cost of the gas and muscle it will take to get it home. But don’t be fooled by that. We once found a pool table (it came with all the accessories, too!) in a newspaper’s free column and we couldn’t wait to phone the owner and stake a claim on it. Trouble was, the pool table was on the second floor of a building, with a winding and narrow staircase leading up to it. It weighed a ton because of the solid slate top. It didn’t come apart, except for the legs. This meant that when we reassembled it at home, we had to ensure it was absolutely level or the balls would just roll around the table by themselves. It took six strong (and not altogether too happy) people a whole afternoon to move the thing and set it up, but not even the offer of free pool could make up for the stress and strain the move cost them. And, after we spent days getting it set up just right, we discovered that the table was really too big for the room. You had to be a contortionist to make some of the shots. Needless to say, it took us a long time to get rid of that pool table. Caveat emptor means buyer beware – anyone know what the Latin is for ‘beware of free’?

Letters to the Editor ‘Personalized Learning’ There is no coercion, rather the children learn through — Reggio inspired? There is much speculation regarding the possible meaning of Personalized Learning, the latest words coming from the Ministry of Education regarding a new curriculum, which some fear could be founded solely on technology. However, there are alternatives to be considered. Coquitlam School District is leading the way by initiating a program for primary school children inspired by Reggio Emilia. Acknowledging that children are competent learners, Reggio Emilia pre-schools offer a child-directed curriculum with the teachers observing and building on the children’s interests.

interaction with others, including their peers, teachers and parents. Both short term and long term projects are undertaken based on the interests arising within the group and the children’s response to their learning takes multiple art forms including drawing, painting, print, construction, drama, music, and puppetry. With young children valued and respected, there is high emphasis on collaboration among home, school and community members to fully support their learning. The Reggio Emilia approach reflects the ideas of well-known educational leaders as well as the similarly child-centered programs in


Letters to the Editor England, which inspired change in primary schools in North America from the 1960s to 80s (see www. For more information visit Pamela Proctor, Gibsons

DriveAble testing unfair to seniors I was advised (by letter in October) by the Adjudicator of Driver Fitness to take the DriveAble test and failure to do so could result in my driver’s license being cancelled. I agreed to this, as it is very important to keep my license, mainly due to my wife’s health requiring various calls to the local health facilities. I phoned the number given and went at the appointed time and place. I was shown to a car that was totally foreign to me. I asked to use my own car, but was denied. There were two men in the car, one in front and one in back. There was a lot of joking, especially by the man in the front seat. This was very distracting. The report I got gave me 23 driving errors. I was shocked, as I had driven for many years with no accidents or problems. There are many seniors here well able to drive in a

safe and capable manner. I think our local driving school could serve us in a much more acceptable way. In the meantime, I think my driver’s license is on the way to oblivion. Art Devlin, Sechelt

Budget of a thousand cuts The timing of our MP John Weston’s latest ten percenter (those little ‘promotional’ pamphlets that Mr. Weston is so fond of sending out) extolling the efforts of the Conservatives on seniors’ issues, couldn’t be worse. With a cloud of doubt hanging over the future of pensions for seniors, the looming ‘Budget of a thousand cuts’ figures from Stats Canada indicating around 300,000 Canadians over the age of 65 live in poverty, the future of health care in jeopardy, and the widening gap between high income earners and the have-nots, I would say anybody but the Conservatives are on the right track to help Canadian seniors. Bette Chadwick, Sechelt

Teachers’ union job action can’t go on forever There is a fundamental disconnect between George Abbott’s words and his government’s actions. Further-

more, he evades and ignores certain facts and historically important realities. 1. If BC “has a great education system filled with people who are passionate about what they do,” then why do we need a “BC Education plan” to “improve the system?” Furthermore, his plan has been announced in the media, but has never been explained to teachers or implemented. How can it be a “great success?” 2. He writes that the “teachers’ union…refuses to accept BC’s economic and financial reality.” Yes, guilty as charged. Teachers refuse to accept that Olympic games, smart meters, stadium roofs, corporate tax-cut welfare, carbon taxes (which benefit corporations) and carbon taxes on schools are more important that public education for the public interest. 3. He professes that teachers’ “singular focus has been to secure a large salary increase.” Wrong. Teachers asked for class size limits in the ‘90’s in lieu of salary increases (6per cent over 9 years!). In 2002, Christy Clark ripped this negotiated principle out of teacher contracts. Teachers went to court and this was ruled to be unconstitutional last year. Government has still refused to put class size back in teacher contracts. This is a major

Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office email: Classified Advertising Deadline: Monday 3:00 pm at The Local office Carol Gardar Ron Wendy Allan Editorial Deadline: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Gardarsson Gardarsson Kowalski Huber Forest Monday noon at The Local office P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Publisher, Publisher, Ad Sales Office Manager, Production Editor Ad Sales Manager Marketing Classified Ad Sales Manager Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 This publication reserves the right to refuse any advertising that it considers to email: The Local is locally operated and distributed every Thursday to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. website: 11,500 households on the Sunshine Coast by CANADA POST The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out (Canada Post Agreement (#41000012) and 1,400 hand-delivered to businesses. Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.

issue and in teachers’ eyes, hugely disrespectful. 4. Government has draconian provisions on the bargaining table that strip all job security from teachers, all assessment process, all autonomy over professional development, all transfer processes. The effect will reduce us to “McTeachers” instead of conscientious, autonomous professionals, who possess at minimum two degrees and in many cases three. These provisions are not ones an employer demands of a respected partner. Mr. Abbott hopes to “restore some degree of normalcy to what remains of the school year.” If he imposes a contract on teachers, as many of us suspect, the “normalcy” he desires will never happen. Sadly, we will all rue the consequences. Teachers are outraged, frustrated and bitter at the abuse they have been subjected to (remember the Fraser Institute rankings?). He can profess to want to work with teachers, but his party’s actions speak otherwise. Actions, Mr. Abbott, speak louder than equivocating words or obfuscating statistics. Settle up with teachers and stop the politicking. Louise Herle, M. Ed President, Sunshine Coast Teachers’ Association Sechelt Jeff Smith


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The Local - Thursday, February 23, 2012 5

Make your voice heard at hearing Talk of The Town Wayne Rowe Mayor, Town of Gibsons


ebruary 28 marks the culmination of a lengthy public process to create a plan to provide direction for the development and improvement of the Gibsons harbour area over the next several years. While the harbour area has been the subject of a number of studies over the past few decades the current plan began in

earnest in 2009. The public process began with an open house visioning exercise in September 2009 followed by an intensive three-day charette. The results of the charette were presented in a second open house. A subsequent study was undertaken to assess the economic viability of the proposed land use designations. This in turn was followed by another public information session in February 2011 and the creation of an online discussion forum to facilitate further public input.

Based on the work of the town’s consultants and the information received during the public process combined with the efforts of the town planning committee, a plan was created and the bylaw to incorporate the draft plan into the official community plan was given first reading by Council in November 2011. The last stage in the public process is the public hearing now set for February 28. This is an opportunity for any member of the public to express support for the plan or to voice any concerns.

Submissions may be made either in writing or by an oral presentation at the hearing. It is important to understand that after the conclusion of the public hearing the council members are precluded from receiving any further submissions whether by letter, email or in person. The validity of the bylaw is contingent upon the council giving consideration only to the information provided through the public hearing process. Please take this opportunity to ensure that your views receive consideration.

Capilano University making movie magic S

tudents, alumni and film industry aficionados alike have a major reason to celebrate as the Nat and Flora Bosa Centre for Film and Animation officially opened its doors Feb. 17 at Capilano University’s North Vancouver campus. Home to the largest fulltime four-year productionoriented film degree program in Western Canada, the award-winning 6,662 square-metre (71,709 sq. ft.) LEED Gold standard facility will provide every tool

necessary to create a production, both live-action and animated, from idea to final releasable production. “Our government’s investments in college and university infrastructure have created and maintained jobs across Canada,” said Parliamentary Secretary Andrew Saxton. “This project will allow Capilano University to strengthen its reputation as an innovative leader in our community and across Canada.” “Capilano University’s

The pouring of ‘Watermark’s heart’

Watermark VIPs watch big cement pour


Mayor John Henderson dropped in to view the site of the big cement pour February 14 at Watermark in Sechelt. On hand to explain the safety precautions and provide interesting facts and numbers was Ian Porter, Principal Developer for Pacific Spirit Properties. The cement pour, the largest-ever residential pour on the Sunshine Coast, was touted as the ‘heart’ of the Watermark complex.

Kenan Mackenzie

new film and animation facility will help students get the crucial job skills they’ll need to be competitive in the industry,” said Naomi Yamamoto, Minister of Advanced Education. The construction of the Nat and Flora Bosa Centre was one of 39 projects at post-secondary institutions throughout the province that were part of the Knowledge Infrastructure Program, a joint federal-provincial investment designed to renew infrastructure at post-secondary institutions across B.C. while also providing local jobs for communities. “We are deeply appreciative of the contributions made by the federal and provincial governments, as well as the generous financial support received from the Bosa family,” said Capilano University president and vicechancellor, Kris Bulcroft. “It is especially rewarding to see our vision of creating a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial filmmakers move forward through the meaningful assistance and leadership of so many.” Capilano University has been a major player for many years in providing the

education and real-world training necessary to build British Columbia’s thriving film and animation industries. The Bosa Centre will be one of the top film and animation teaching facilities in all of North America and a cornerstone for young talented filmmakers to learn and maintain BC’s position as a leader in this industry. It will also benefit Capilano University’s four-year film graduates, who will be able to use the centre for their own projects, as well as industry professionals who will use the facility for S3D skills upgrading and low budget productions. “This is an industry that employs 35,000 people and injects more than $2 billion annually into the provincial economy,” said Peter Leitch, president of North Shore Studios and Mammoth Studios. “Capilano University’s film and animation programs produce skilled graduates capable of strengthening the industry’s growth, and the Bosa Centre will ensure that students and industry workers alike are provided with the necessary tools for creating excellence in their productions.”

Kenan Mackenzie 1008

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Executive view home

Reduced to $699,000

This 2 year-old, 4 bdrm & den home features 180º views of the North Shore mountains to Georgia Straight. 3,200 sq. ft. of luxury space, rancher style with walk-out basement. Master bedroom with spacious 5-pc ensuite, plus another master suite. Hardwood floors throughout main. Stunning vaulted ceilings. Stone-clad fireplace. Gourmet kitchen with large island and stainless appliances. Low E-Argon filled windows and high efficiency heat pump (heat/winter, air conditioning/summer). Legal lower suite. All this and a short walk to elementary school, high school, shopping and lower Gibsons.

6 The Local - Thursday, February 23, 2012



Prize-winning Sechelt kisses Gibsons Legion 1008


BR.#109 • 604-886-2411

FRIDAY FEBRUARY 24 Roast Pork Dinner 5pm-7:30pm Music by THE BURNING SENSATIONS starting at 7pm

Feb. 23, 2012

SATURDAY FEBRUARY 25 Sadie Hawkins Dance with JOE STANTON & THE PRECIOUS LITTLES Starting at 8pm • Prizes for best costumes! FRIDAY MARCH 2 Roast Chicken Dinner 5 - 7:30pm Karaoke with ROKETSOUND starting at 7pm SATURDAY MARCH 3

Music by EAST VAN YACHT CLUB at 7pm SATURDAYS FROM 12 - 4 LUNCH IN A BOWL - something different each week CRIB on Tuesdays 7pm and Saturdays 12:30pm FUN DARTS Wednesdays at 7pm MEAT DRAWS Saturdays 4-5:30pm and Sundays 4-6pm Members and guests always welcome

Paul's Paintin 1007


5476 Trail Avenue, Sechelt • 604-740-0344

16, 2012 Love is inFeb.the air in Sechelt

Colour plays a vital role in creating the mood for any room in your home, and no one understands that better that Sharon. Join her as she introduces Benjamin Moore’s 2012 forecast for colour and décor, featuring inspiring room photographs, decorating ideas and diverse colour palettes for your home.

Presented by Benjamin Moore’s Sharon Grech as featured on CityTV’s CityLine™

The Sechelt Downtown Business Association’s winners in the Kiss on the Coast Contest were awarded their prizes Thursday, February 16. (Top photo) L-R: Nadine, daughter Milené and Owen Coombes were the winners of first prize for their photo Family Kiss. (Lower left photo) Second prize entry: Clayton Law and his dog, Texas. (Lower right photo) Craig Dunn and Kelsey Waters kissing photo won third prize.

February 23rd, 2012 • 7 - 9 pm CHATELECH SCHOOL THEATRE, SECHELT BC Limited seating available, buy your tickets today! Hosted by Paul’s Paintin’ Place $10 per ticket available in-store. 5476 Trail Ave., Sechelt BC, 604-740-0344 Draw prizes and gift bags for all attendees

PROFILE ON SHARON GRECH Sharon Grech is the Colour and Design spokesperson for Benjamin Moore in Canada ( and has been sharing her passion for colour and home décor with Canadians on CityTV’s CityLine since 1997. Prior to joining Benjamin Moore, Sharon graduated from the Bachelor of Arts program in Fine Art & History at the University of Toronto, and worked independently as a colour stylist and decorative artist for both residential and commercial clients. An authority on colour trends in the home, she is an active member and chairperson of the Colour Marketing Group, an international colour forecasting organization, ( Sharon also contributes to the Benjamin Moore Colour Pulse Team that researches colour and design trends to produce the company’s annual Colour Pulse TM, a global trend report for architects and designers. Sharon believes that colour is the most affordable and influential factor to creating harmony in the home. With her lively “hands-on approach”, Sharon demystifies colour theory and demonstrates how colour can unify any space – inside and out – appealing to all budgets and personal styles.


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alentine’s Day was marked by he Kiss on the Coast contest for the best photo of a kiss, taken anywhere in Sechelt. Judges met February 13 at the Sechelt Downtown Business Association (SDBA) office in Teredo Square to judge the 20-some entries submitted for the contest and came up with three ‘kissing’ that stood Oakphotos Tree 1008 out from the crowd. First place went to the photo depicted as ‘Family Kiss’ – showing parents, Owen and Nadine with daughter (and granddaughter) Milène and grandparents, Denise and Ted Evans on a bench outside The Side Dish Cafe. Feb. 23, 2012 Judges decided this photo best represented the love of family and of community. They were awarded a certificate for a one-night stay at the Rockwater Secret Cove Resort, which includes dinner and breakfast for two, dinner for two at Daphne’s Restaurant and a bouquet of flowers from Ann-Lynn’s Flowers & Gifts. The second place photo, taken inside NiteStar Jewellers, depicts a dog (a 15-yearold miniature Daschund named Texas) kissing his owner, Clayton Law. This photo was almost unanimously chosen because, as one judge clearly stated, “This represents the love and compassion between

a pet and its owner.” Law and Texas were awarded a beautiful gift basket which included four romantic videos and a bag of popcorn donated by Seaside Video, two pillows donated by Reflections Bed & Bath, a box of chocolates and a bottle of wine by an anonymous donor, and two etched wine glasses from Sechelt Signs, plus a $50 gift certificate at Gilligan’s Pub. Third prize kiss was of a young couple, Kelsey Waters and Craig Dunn, taken in front of Ann Lynn’s Flowers and Gifts. The background of a heart-shaped floral arrangement surrounded by potted and fresh flowers seem to represent young love and all its promise. While Craig was unable to leave work to attend the presentations, Kelsey was thrilled to receive their third prize of a $100 gift certificate to spend anywhere in downtown Sechelt. Katherine Trueman, of the SDBA was thrilled with the number of photos entered in the competition, and said that, judging by the response, the SDBA will certainly consider running the contest again next year. While some of the photos were disqualified because they failed to conform to the rules, others didn’t qualify they because were clearly out of focus.

The Local - Thursday, February 23, 2012 7


Now officially open


Suncoast Pharmacy is ready for business

Thursday Feb. 16, the new Suncoast Pharmacy was crowded with VIPs who came to help owners Doug Bryan and Carey Threlkeld cut the red ribbon to officially open their new premises, located right next to the Sechelt Medical Clinic and Lab. Both Mayors Rowe and Henderson arrived along with councillors Tom Lamb and Doug Hockley, representing their municipalities; as well, many of the people whose skills and expertise helped the building go up were in attendance. Threlkeld told the group that when he and Bryan originally planned the new pharmacy, they had no idea how much their plans would change. “We ended up buying a medical centre and a lab – which certainly weren’t in the original plan!” he said. He went on to say that their idea was to open a pharmacy that would not only provide prescription medicines for those suffering illnesses, but to provide holistic products that would help Coasters achieve and maintain good, daily health.

Coroner solves 25-year-old mystery


he BC Coroners Service has identified a person whose foot bones washed ashore in Sasamat Lake in Port Moody last November, as a man missing after a boating accident 25 years ago. DNA analysis has confirmed that the foot bones belonged to Stefan Zahorujko, of Vancouver. The confirmation came after an exhaustive post-mortem investigation with the help and co-operation of law enforcement agencies. Mr. Zahorujko, then aged 65, went fishing alone in his boat on Sasamat Lake on Jan. 5, 1987. His overturned boat, fishing gear and personal effects were later discovered floating in the middle of the lake by rescue personnel, while his personal vehicle and trailer were located unattended on Bedwell Bay Road adjacent to the lake. Multiple searches and recovery efforts were undertaken but failed to locate his body. It was presumed he had fallen from the boat and drowned. On Nov. 4, 2011, a hiking boot was spotted floating offshore by a youth attending a camp at the Sasamat Outdoor Centre. The next morning the boot was found, washed up on the northwest shore of the lake. Once it was retrieved, a sock with the remains of a foot was found within it. Authorities were immediately notified. An autopsy indicated the foot had not been mechanically removed, but rather separated through the natural

processes that occur in water. The BC Coroners Service led the successful identification process, assisted by investigators of the Coquitlam RCMP Detachment, Port Moody Police Department and BC Police Missing Persons Centre. Mr. Zahorujko’s next-ofkin have since been notified of the findings. Between August 2007 and November 2012, nine feet belonging to seven individuals were discovered in British Columbia: eight along the coast and one in Sasamat Lake in the Lower Mainland. The BC Coroners Service has now positively identified seven of the feet as


belonging to five individuals. Work continues to identify the remaining two, which originate from two males. To date, no evidence indicates that any of the deaths are suspicious.

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es Coast Museum & Archiv


8 The Local - Thursday, February 23 , 2012

101 ACTIVITIES & EVENTS 101 Activities & Events 102 Garage Sales 103 Announcements 104 Anniversary & Birthdays 105 Births 106 Obituaries 107 In Memoriam 108 Funeral Services 109 Personals 110 Childcare 111 Lost & Found 201 Health & Wellness 202 Health & Fitness 203 Sports & Exercise Equipment 204 Gardening 300 Pets & Livestock 400 Travel 500 Music 600 Computers 701 Antiques & Collectibles 702 Furniture 703 Appliances 704 Misc. for Sale 705 Wanted 706 Free 707 Trade & Barter 708 Financial Services 801 Cars for Sale 802 Trucks & SUV’s 803 Special Interest & Classics 804 RV’s & Campers 805 Motorcycles & Off Road 806 Parts & Accessories 807 Repairs & Service 900 Machinery & Tools 1000 Marine 1100 Storage 1200 Service Directory 1300 Firewood 1400 Work Wanted 1500 Business Opportunities 1600 Legal & Public Notices 1700 Log Homes 1701 Homes & Lots for Sale 1702 Mobile Homes for Sale 1703 Misc. Property for Sale 1704 Homes for Rent 1705 Apartments for Rent 1706 Misc. for Rent 1707 Commercial for Rent 1708 Shared Accommodation 1709 Vacation Rentals 1710 Wanted to Rent 1711 Wanted to Buy 1712 House Sitting 1800 Employment 1801 Careers 1900 Too Late to Classify

Local The

OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street Sechelt

PAYMENT DROP OFF ONLY: Take 5 Media #1-747 North Rd. Gibsons BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 BY FAX: 604-885-3194

BY E-MAIL: Deadline: Monday-3:00pm at the office

n te ra



102 GARAGE SALES ONLY $7.00 + HST – Run your 20 word Garage Sale ad for 2 weeks PLUS we’ll put your address in bold letters! Call 604-885-3134. tfn


• Dyslexia Correction • Math Mastery • Attention Enhancement Ask about our free 2-hour assessment WAynE AADElstonE-HAssEl teacher and Davis-trained Dyslexia Facilitator



With great sadness we announce the passing of long time Sunshine Coast Lions Club member Lars Sandahl on February 8 in Edmonton, AB. p8


Wanted – Wood picnic tables. Will pay cash and will pick up. Phone 604-989-7275. btfn

Organic Home Delivery Service Choose us for: • Quality, fresh organic produce • Delivery right to your door • Your health, eat more fruits & veggies • Online shopping convenience • Support local business & farmers

Contact us at 604-740-6706 b8 RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-886-9813 btfn If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. 604885-8208. btfn Overloaded with holiday turkey? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Small groups in Sechelt, Wednesdays 6:30pm, Sechelt Health Unit, 5571 Inlet Ave. 604740-5845 or 604-885-4666. Gibsons, Thursdays 6:30pm, Frank West Hall. 604-886-8578 or 604886-1717. b14 Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. btfn Advertise in the paper that you read. Call The Local today. 604885-3134

ESTATE BUYER of old coins, bills, silver, gold, stamps, antique weapons, etc. 604-740-6474. b8

Your Choice Organics Retired1005 hobbyist wants, discardAnything Computers!

Prompt, Professional, On-Site Service

ed old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p6

Solving computer problems since 1992

Jan.old, 12, unwanted 2012 Cash for your motorhome, travel trailer, car or truck. 604-886-7341. b8

Call Computer Mike!

604-886-3555 604-885-6001


702 FURNITURE Double futon, folds Feb. into a2, bed. 2012 $100. Pine desk, $20. 604-8856092. p8

703 APPLIANCES Kenmore clothes washer, top loading $40 OBO. 604-886-9095. p8

704 MISC. FOR SALE Fisher Price ‘Barbie’ VW Beetle car, battery powered, near new cond. $70. Golf clubs c/w bag & cart, $40. Pet carrier, med. size, $20. Call 604-885-9643. p8

Read the classifieds online

Volunteers Wanted for Habitat for Humanity Restore. Variety of tasks, everyone welcome, especially able bodies for pick-ups. Call 604-885-6773. ftfn

706 FREE One lrg lace type Juniper (approx. 5ft across) and one Potentilla. You dig. Call 604-740-3760. f8 7ft. folding table. Ladies golf set w/caddy on wheels. Rattan chair w/cushion. Two winter tires, like new for Chrysler Intrepid. Vintage records. Set of black & gold encyclopedias. 604-740-0492. f8 Queen sz mattress set & frame. Couch & loveseat, reasonable shape. Call 604-885-3232. f8 42” TV. 604-885-6092. f8 Did you know that free ads are FREE in The Local? Restrictions apply.


Dee’s Bookkeeping and Payroll Services phone 604-886-6722 • email:

~ March 2012 Special Offer ~


Found on Abbs Rd. in Gibsons, a ladies ring. Phone to describe and claim, 604-886-8867. f8

• Small business set-up and management • Payroll processing • Your location or mine • WCB, HST and Payroll remittances • Simply Accounting • Quick Books • Excel spreadsheets

Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.



#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802

*Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.

BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b8


Phone Deanna Hoversland 604-886-6722 801 CARS FOR SALE Strait Music 1008

DRUM KITS 604-740-0004 FREE ESTIMATES ~ WCB Coverage ~

Nov. 10, 20 Issue Date: ______________


Fall Services

Deadline for appr or changes is tfn Monday by 3:00



If we do not hear from yo time, we can assume all is

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Barteks Landscaping

Call Matthew Evans


This is your ad in the next is • Garden Design & Installation • Pruning Shrubs,Trees & Hedges •Pressure Washing

Lawncare& Landscaping

Reasonable Rates


Over 10 years experience


June 16, Date: ___________ LICENSED • SENIORSIssue DISCOUNT

Deadline for ap 604-741-3065 or changes



Monday by 3:0

If we do not hear from RUBBISH time, we can assume a Please let us know REMOVAL can serve you b

Pacific Hues


Your business is impo

Window Washing

604-740-9828 FREE ESTIMATES WCB Coverage ftfn


ftfn tfn


for 2 Weeks 20¢ each additional word + HST

…has arrived on the Sunshine Coast, offering five-day courses in:

This is your ad p in the next issu

Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash


Study the potential of the acoustic guitar with Joe Stanton, singer/songwriter/guitarist. Private and semi-private lessons and workshops in Sechelt and Halfmoon Bay, specializing in fingerstyle acoustic guitar. To register go to or call 604-885-9354. b8

$6.00+HST* 15 Words





2006 KIA Sedona LX Van, 101,000 km. PL, PW, A/C, CC, seats 7. $8000 obo. 604-885-8069. p9

802 TRUCKS & SUV’S 1993 GMC Yukon SLE. Runs great, 4X4, P/W, tow pkg. $2200 obo. 604-989-4941. ftfn

Ask fonrFeb. Wayn e 23, 2012

807 REPAIRS & SERVICE Small Engine Repairs. New & used parts and tools, free pick ups, house calls, lawn mowers, chainsaws, outboards, motorcycles, ATVs Chinese/Japanese. Satisfaction guaranteed, affordable rates. Call 604-886-1242. b8

1000 MARINE 22’ Campion, rebuilt motor – perfect cond. $5500. 604-886-9414. p11

1300 FIREWOOD Spilt & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn

Waynne Pretty



Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281 tfn

Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn

ASIAN TE Dee’s A 1008 EAT Bookkeeping GR2 col. x 2.5” SERVICES OFFERED M

We Accept Classified Advertising At:

Community Market at Pender Harbour Community Hall. Sat. March 3 @ 10:00am. Baking, arts & crafts, Avon, jam, book sale. Everything from A to Z! For table rental call Sunni, 604-883-2715. p9


• window washing • gutter cleaning • moss removal • power washing • commercial cleaning


Cell: 604-740-4204 Feb. 23, 2012 Off: 604-886-4862

WE APPRECIATE Feb. 9, 2012 YOUR SUPPORT Call for pick up or drop off at


5638 Inlet Ave., Sechelt

Smilin’ Cowboy Landscaping Design through maintenance • lawn care • estate mower • irrigation systems • water features • indoor / outdoor cultured or natural stonework • mini Bobcat

Wood Chipper • Small & Large Load Dump Trucks Reasonable Rates • Prompt Friendly Service



Home Improvements • Renovations • Additions • Restorations • Drywall • Painting • Mouldings

OLE PEDERSEN 604.883.0063 b11

The Local - Thursday, February 23, 2012 9

1400 WORK WANTED 1400 WORK WANTED Cleaning Services available. Home, office or boat. References available. Call The Red Bucket Group 604-885-8069. b9 Bayview Construction. Complete renovations, additions, repairs, decks/fences, demo/removal. Siding/soffit, window/door installations. Exp. professional service, affordable rates. 604-9893677. b8

1500 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Want Extra Income? Let’s build a successful online home biz together. Free evaluation. Flex hrs. b13

Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No Job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. bom5 Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn

Read the classifieds online


Take notice that Terence and Linda Holland of 4055 West 37th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6N 2W6 intend to make application to the Province of British Columbia, for a Specific Permission for Residential/Private Moorage purposes covering Lot 2, District Lot 1485, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan BCP 48574, situated on Provincial Crown land located at Wood Bay, Sunshine Coast. The Land File Number is 2410710.

Roberts Creek: 1 bdrm bsmt suite, $800/mo. + utils. Priv. ent. & yard. W/D incl. N/P, N/S. Avail immed. Email Shirley at or 1-604240-1999 p8 Gibsons: 2 bdrm, 2 bath adult-oriented condo w/in-house laundry $1100/mo. Call 778-839-0219. b9

1709 VACATION RENTALS Sunpeaks Resort ski-in/ski-out 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse with full kitchen and hottub. Sleeps 8. 604-740-6201. b13

Wilson Creek Your Neighbourhood Food Store

Customer Appreciation Day 604-885-6331


For complete rental listings and photos visit our website: Professional Services...

Gibsons: Spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bath duplex in lower Gibsons with a harbour view, decks and wood burning FP. $1300/mo. NS, sm. pet nego. Avail now. Call at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b8

Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial

Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn

Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721

With Personal Focus

Thursday, February 23 •3:00pm-6:00pm. Farm Gate Market at Roberts Creek Hall (indoors). Friday, February 24 •GPAG hosts artist Amelia Epp and her “Remnants” series until March 12. www. •7:00pm. Artesia Coffeehouse. Sunshine Coast Arts Centre. Trail and Medusa, Sechelt. Tickets at the door. 604-740-5825. •7:30pm. Classical Guitar Concert with the Pinsonnault Trio, Dan Richter, Anthony Willmer, Axel Loitz, Connor Lindsay, and special guest Julie Rutter. Sunshine Coast Music Society 2012 Festival of Strings, Gibsons Heritage Playhouse. Saturday, February 25 •9:30am-4:00pm. Sunshine Coast Museum & Archives 11th Annual Antiques Roadshow. Sunnycrest Mall, Gibsons. •10:00am-3:00pm. Work Day at the Hall, Egmont Community Hall. Contact Betty at the Post Office. •10:00am. “White Bag Sale” at St. Mary’s Aux. Thrift Store in Sechelt. •12:00pm-3:00pm. ‘Celebrating the Arts’ Open House. Coastal Arts in Trail Bay Mall. Variety of events being held from Feb. 25 through Feb. 29. •1:00pm-6:00pm. Writing the Inner Way with SoulCollage®. Presented by Yoga by the Sea.

Real Estate Tips


The Local requires a talented, on-call Graphic Designer to work in our busy Production Department. The right person must have previous experience in designing display advertisements for a newspaper and should be familiar with the protocol of working with the Sales Department and our Acting Production Manager on deadline schedules. The successful applicant should be familiar with Creative Suite 5.5 andThis all programs it. Ability to build is yourwithin ad proof Classified Ad sections and editorial layout an asset. Speed is important accuracy andof an excellent in thebutnext issue sense of design is paramount to us and to our clients. For a sense of the high caliber of work we expect, see our website at Preference will be given to those applicants with previous newspaper experience.

Deadline for approval


604-740-2382 or •5:30pm. Gibsons Seniors Society Potluck Hawaiian Luau featuring Miss Berni G. Harmony Hall. For tickets or more information call Phyllis, 604-886-1378. •7:30pm. Rakish Angles with special guest Joel Fafard. Sunshine Coast Music Society 2012 Festival of Strings, Gibsons Heritage Playhouse. •9:00pm. Delhi 2 Dublin. Celtic Punjabi Electronica Dance Party! Roberts Creek Hall. 9:40pm show. Sunday, February 26 •2:00pm. Grace Notes String Quartet with Elyse Jacobson, Sonja Hindmarsh, Genevieve MacKay, and Sarah Tippett. Sunshine Coast Music Society 2012 Festival of Strings, Gibsons Heritage Playhouse. •7:30pm. Sunshine Coast Guitar Society. Rockwood Centre, Sechelt. 604-740-5938 or 604-886-0031. Monday, February 27 •7:00pm. SCFS Film: ‘Inside Job’, winner of the 2010 Academy Award for Best Documentary feature. Tickets at the door. Gibsons Heritage Playhouse. •7:30pm. Sechelt Garden Club presents Randy Shore, author of the Green Man blog. Seaside Centre, Sechelt.

The Local or changes is Carol Gardarsson, Publisher Monday P.O. Box 494, by 3:00 p.m. 5758 Cowrie If we do notStreet hear from you by this Sechelt, BCcan V0N 3A0 all is correct. time, we assume Deadline for applications is March 16, 2012.

Please let us know how we

We thank all those who applications, but only those cansubmit serve you best. applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Your business is important to us! f10

Tuesday, February 28 •4:00pm-5:00pm. ‘Learning Your Way Design the Life You Really Want’ with Michael Maser. Capilano University Sechelt Campus. Please call 604-885-9310 to RSVP. www. Thursday, March 1 •8:00pm. Creative in the Creek presents ‘Stories & Standup & Songs, Oh My’ with Johanna Renee and David Roche. Gumboot Restaurant, Roberts Creek. By donation. Friday, March 2 •GPAG hosts artist Amelia Epp and her “Remnants” series until March 12. www. •7:00pm. Fiddler, Erynn Marshall & US songwriter Carl Jones give a concert of traditional Appalachian Music. St. Bartholomews Church. For more information see or Saturday, March 3 •11:00am-3:00pm. Seedy Saturday at the Roberts Creek Hall. Seed exchange,

gardening info, vendors, door prize, silent auction. Register for seed-saving workshops by contacting Ann at 604-883-3678 or •1:00pm-4:00pm. Sacred Drum Workshop with Tsawaysia Spukwus at the Sunshine Coast Museum, Gibsons. To register contact the Museum at 604-886-8232. Sunday, March 4 •2:00pm. The Good Lovelies perform at the Pender Harbour School of Music, Madeira Park. Monday, March 5 •7:00pm. Doors open for The Green Film Series at Gibsons Heritage Playhouse. Queen of the Sun: What Are the Bees Telling Us? is the featured film. This film is a profound, alternative look at the global bee crisis from Taggart Siegel. Screening time 7:30pm. For more information:

Give to the Food Bank

Time to Buy – Mortgages

Kenan Malaspina Realty 1006 MacKenzie Now, what do you need Sunshine Coast for your pre-approval? The Real Estate News lender wants to confirm that you will have the abilou have decided that ity to repay the mortgage. now is the time to buy Essentially what they will your home, but where do want to know is: what you start? The first thing to you owe (liabilities), what do is to get pre-approved you own (assets) and what Feb. 9, 2012 for your mortgage. This you make (income). They will save you the disap- will require some of your pointment of finding a personal information inperfect home only to re- cluding, possibly, a credit alize it is beyond your check, details of your emmeans. The banks and ployment, verification of credit unions will usually income (a 2 year average give you a pre-approval of income, T1 for self-emrate hold for up to 120 ployed, Employment letter days. So if the mortgage and paystubs for employed rates go up you will be individuals, Notice of Asguaranteed the rate of your sessments) other sources of pre-approval and consider- income (pensions, support ing we are at a record low payments, rental income) going up is more likely. and your current bank in-



June 30, Issueyour Date:resume ____________________ Please submit with2011 a handwritten cover page, along with samples of your work to:

First Thursday of Every Month



Gibsons: Convenient Upper Gibsons location, half duplex. 3 bdrm, 3 bath, W/D, F/S, D/W. Avail Mar.1, $1250/mo. 604-886-0677 or 1-604-298-6773. p9

Gibsons: Partly furn rm for rent in lg home on acreage. Shared kit, 2 bath & ldry. Suit working gal. Views/QUIET hm. Must luv dogs. $500/mo, incls heat/cable/ WiFi. Also larger rm w/deck in mid March. Lower Pratt Rd. Emma 604989-4583. p8

Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for moreFeb. info 16, at 604-8852012 3281 btfn

Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be provided to the public upon request. For information, contact the FOI Advisor at the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations regional office.


Sechelt: Greene Court Seniors Housing has brand new, one bdrm market suites for rent. Avail. Feb. 1 at 5583 Ocean Ave. Suites have ocean or mountain views. To view please call Bob Morgan, manager at 604-885-5962 between 8am - 4pm, Mon. to Fri. btfn


Comments on this application may be submitted in two ways: 1) Online via the Applications and Reasons for Decision Database website at: where details of this application, including maps can also be found. 2) By mail to the Senior Land Officer at 200-10428 153rd Street, Surrey, BC V3R 1E1. Comments will be received by the Ministry of Forests Lands and Natural Resource Operations until March 28, 2012. Comments received after this date may not be considered.

#322 – 5780 Trail Ave., Sechelt. Condo, like new, one bdrm. & den with 1.5 baths, 985 sq.ft., top floor in the “Bluff ” Northwind bldg., lge. skylight, spectacular view of mountains and ocean. New carpets in LR/DR & den. W/D incl. Bldg has no age restrictions, small pets allowed. Covered parking, strata fee includes gas FP, immed. occupancy. Mins. to downtown Sechelt. $240,000. Please phone Christa, 604-885-3729 for apt. No agents, please. p9


We have several one and two bdrm apts. and suites available from $750 - $1250/mo. NS. Call Linda Holland 1007 Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b8

Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land



formation. They will also want to know the source of your down payment. If your down payment is a gift they will need a letter saying the down payment is a gift. Gifted down payments are only accepted from immediate family members. Now that you have all your information together, you can book an appointment at your bank or credit union or consider going with a mortgage broker. The mortgage broker will meet where you want, when you want or even come to your home at hours convenient to your schedule. Banking institutions have ‘mortgage specialists’ representing them and your mortgage

can be placed with your own branch. The broker in most cases will get a commission from the bank for placing your mortgage and you get their personal attention at trying to find you the best interest rate. The broker’s expertise is essential if you are having difficulty putting together your information and if you have a less than perfect credit score. If you are difficult to finance and need alternative lending, the lender may charge you a fee for arranging your mortgage and pay the broker from part of that fee. Next week: the different types of mortgages.

10 The Local - Thursday, February 23, 2012

APPY HOUR MENU $5 ALL CANUCK GAME NIGHTS: Mon. - Thurs. 2:30 - 5:00pm • Canuck burger & Bud specials and drink specials each day • Enter to win Canuck prizes Off-Track Horse Racing • Lions Club Meat Draw Saturdays 1-4pm

5770 Teredo St. Sechelt

Horoscope Feb. 24 - March 1 Gilligans 1008


Good food, good fun and great prices!

Michael O’Connor

PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:



Feb. 23, 2012

Buy 3 months and get the 4th month free! SECURE • SAFE • AFFORDABLE Best rates in town. We beat any price! brand new units 24 hour access • 7 days a week • •

5621 Inlet Ave, Sechelt 604-885-3460 •


Feb. 25 to 29 Leap Year at

Coastal Arts

trail bay mall, Sat. Feb. 25: 12 - 3pm: OPEN HOUSE Sechelt Come and Meet the Artists - Refreshments - Hourly Prizes • Art display by art class students • Painting of the 22’ x 60” mural will start. Very exciting – a totally new concept to the Coast, (more info in-store). All the artists will paint on the mural at one time or another. More info about this in-store. Sun. Feb. 26: 1 - 3pm • Kids Day: Come and paint. Fun and prizes! • FOR MOM OR GRANDMA: Feather hair extensions by MONICA Mon. Feb. 27: 1-3pm • Painting Critique. Must pre-register in store. Tues. Feb. 28: 1pm • Painting Demo by eD Cleave. Ongoing painting on the mural. Wed. Feb. 29: LEAP YEAR DAY • Free roses to the first 10 people! • 12pm: Sale starts of any section of the mural! A great way to have a one-of-a-kind, very original piece of art, at a very affordable price! CInfo in the store how it works. Come and check it out! • 1:30pm: Demo on how to choose a frame and a mat for your treasures, by Cindy Buis. • 3pm: • Demo - abstraCt art by Donna swain

Limited Time Offer!


for only $50 PER MONTH!

$1,200 over 24 months + HST or $1,000 up front + HST


Expires March 31, 2012

Tip of the Week: The New Moon on February 21 was special because it includes Neptune. Just two degrees apart from the Sun and Moon, Neptune is contributing to a rare and special triple aspect. The last time Neptune was in Pisces was in 1848 and it Coastal Arts 1008 synchronized with the resurfacing of the Western mystical spiritual traditions that were forced underground by the church and by the march of empirical science a couple of centuries previously. Neptune’s current transit through Pisces is the next rung Feb. in 23, the2012 spiral for the global spiritual reawakening that is already underway. Unless humanity acknowledges and embraces the spiritual realities of existence which includes an understanding of life’s and our own multi-dimensionality, acknowledgment of the existence of and appreciation of the evolution of the soul, karmic law, reincarnation, celebration of our essential unity as a species and compassion, our materialistic attitudes and military backed ambitions facilitated by our scientific prowess stands to be our undoing. Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Whether by retreat, meditation or some kind of escape, you yearn for some time out. You may want to get things done, to improve, repair and renovate yet it may be that you need to rest. With spring just around the corner, you can perhaps afford to put those things off for now. You can list your goals and plan your strategy but consider the importance or recharging your energy levels. Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) Tuning in to your dreams and ideals continues. In as much as these sufficiently include others you will be successful. If only your own interests, ambitions and security needs are on your mind, you will soon be reminded how much that will not suffice. This is an expansive time for you yet inclusiveness is the essential ingredient for success now.

Gemini May 21 – Jun 21) A central feature of your destiny is to make deliberate and effectual use of your imagination. Yet be careful of over-imagination, which implies worry, suspicion and conjuring negative, fear-based scenarios of the future. Positive applications include creative visualization and composition or active empathy and compassion or ideas generation and brainstorming. Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) Opening your heart and mind to receive guidance and instruction is your current task. These may come as intuitions, dreams, eureka’s or synchronicities that show you the signs. Acquiring new tools and skills is likely. You may even yearn for a new job or home. Knowing what you do and do not want, but especially what you do want is part of the process. Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) Do you feel like you are in your own way these days? If so, how can you get out of it? The first step is to decipher if some of your usual patterns of approach or attitudes are not working. Next, brainstorm for alternatives. Your ambitions may be larger than your energy levels as well, so aim for a balance. Give yourself more time to complete tasks and achieve your goals, for the next 2-3 months! Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) The urge to merge and connect with significant others is now in focus. Sharing ideals, ambitions, goals and quality time is featured. Desires to improve your overall mode of expression, is in the mix. Many new realizations and insights are brewing in your awareness and the time has come to refine your attitude and focus to embrace and integrate them. Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) Tuning in to embrace a more wholesome lifestyle continues. In the wake of significant changes on relationship fronts over the past 18 moths or so you are ready for a fresh start. Directing a growing determination towards assertive achievement versus aggressive reaction is a current challenge. Thank, forgive and release the challenging people and experiences that are now behind you.

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Achieving your creative goals continues. Taking key initiatives is ever important to get the ball rolling. Who are you going to call? Sometimes simple and subtle changes in our usual routine can make a big difference. You may have a list of goals in this regard and if so, list them. Amidst a busier social cycle you may have to manage your time better to succeed on both fronts. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) Outwardly, you may express a practical and realistic approach, yet inwardly you are a true dreamer and mystic and perhaps something of an escape artist as well. This inner aspect of your nature is being stimulated now. Exploring new territory within and without is implied. You may not feel as confident as you like and this cycle will continue. For now, focus on your quiet center. Capricorn Dec 21 – Jan 19) Big dreams are formulating in your mind. The time is right to allow them to become more vivid before you take direct action. Making key creative investments is implied. With some noticeable shifts close to home you are determined to keep the peace. The ‘think twice or three times before you speak or act’ principle is highlighted. Relax and be open to your intuitive guidance. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) Getting clear on your priorities is a central theme now. That these include practical wisdom, realistic dreams and empowering skills are core features of your overall destiny. Reviewing your options and clarifying your intentions will bring peace of mind now. The more connected you are to your spirit’s call the more confident you will feel. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) The time has come to take some key initiatives or at least to tune in to know what they are. You may have to choose between a variety of possibilities, a harder task than usual these days. Once you are clear, the task of refining and improving will prove important. Once you get going with this creative process you will enjoy it and your confidences will rise, so begin it now!

The Local - Thursday, February 23, 2012 11

BC Chambers recognized T

he BC government has proclaimed the week of Feb. 20-24, 2012 as Chamber of Commerce Week, Minister of Jobs Tourism and Innovation, Pat Bell announced today. This proclamation confirms the vital role that chambers of commerce play in advocating on behalf of business in BC. Through ‘Canada Starts Here: the BC

Jobs Plan’, the Province has invested in a series of economic actions to make British Columbia more competitive and business-friendly. Small business is pivotal to the success of BC’s economy. Close to 400,000 small businesses make up 98 per cent of all businesses in the province and employ over a million people. Since 2001, the Province

has been reducing red tape so small businesses in BC can continue to flourish. One measure to reduce red tape is the mobile business licence (MBL) program. MBLs allow business owners - such as builders, decorators, caterers and those with mobile businesses - to operate seamlessly across several municipalities while paying only one licensing fee.

Sechelt taking action on climate change


he District of Sechelt received recognition for achieving success in the adoption and implementation of a Community Sustainability Plan as part of the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program at a special ceremony in Ottawa in early February, by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and ICLE – Local Governments for Sustainability. Berry Vrbanovic, president of FCM and Councillor for the City of Kitchener, Ontario, hosted the ceremony as part of FCM’s 2012 Sustainable Communities Conference and Trade Show. Sechelt Councillor Alice Lutes and Manager of Sustainability and Special Projects, Emanuel Machado accepted the award in Otta-

wa. Municipalities directly influence over 44 per cent of Canada’s Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. The PCP program is a results‐ oriented network of Canadian municipal governments that have committed to reducing GHGs and acting on climate change. Sechelt, a PCP member since 2010, was one of several municipalities recognized for their achievements in reducing GHGs and improving energy efficiency. Vrbanovic applauded the

successes of all PCP members, who together have invested over $1 billion in mitigation activities, implementing more than 700 green projects or measures and reducing GHGs by 1.7 million tonnes. These results are tracked and reported annually in the PCP National Measures Report. PCP is the Canadian component of ICLEI’s Cities for Climate Protection (CCP) network, which involves more than 900 communities worldwide. PCP is a partnership between FCM and ICLEI. Over 200 PCP members benefit from a wealth of tools and resources, as well as valuable networking opportunities. The program receives financial support from FCM’s Green Municipal Fund.

World Day of Prayer - 2012

Thinking of a career in

‘Let justice prevail’

Fantastic training and mentorship!


omen on the Sunshine Coast will join our neighbours around the world to celebrate Friday, March 2 at 1:30 pm. at St. Bartholomew’s Anglican Church, 659 North Road, Gibsons Please join us! World Day of Prayer is a movement initiated and carried out by women in more than 170 countries and regions; it is also a movement, which brings together women of various races, cultures, and traditions into closer fellowship, understanding, and action throughout the year. Through World Day of Prayer, women are encouraged to: become aware of the whole world and no longer live in isolation; be enriched by the faith experience of Christians of other countries and cultures; take up the burdens of other people and pray with and for them and become aware of their talents and to use them in the service of society.

Local The

accepts donations to

Grandmothers and Grandothers Please give generously.

5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt



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12 The Local - Thursday, February 23, 2012


FIREPLACES Make Your Home a Cozy Home!

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Weekly Community Newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada Weekly Community Newspaper Serving Weekly Community Newspaper Servingthe the Weekly Community Newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Sunshine Coast, British Columbia,Canada Canada Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 5758 5758Cowrie CowrieStreet, Street,Sechelt Sechelt Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax:3A0 604-885-3194 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt P.O. P.O.Box Box494, 494,Sechelt, Sechelt,BC BCV0N V0N 3A0 email: • website: • OffiSechelt, ce Hours Monday -604-885-3194 Friday 9am - 5pm P.O. Box604-885-3134 494, BC• V0N 3A0 Phone: Fax: Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 email:• •website:• •Offi OfficeceHours HoursMonday Monday- -Friday Friday9am 9am- -5pm 5pm

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