The Local February 9, 2012

Page 1

Local The

Don’t be fooled by travelling gold buyers.



Senior drivers

Arts Feature

Nicholas Simons seeks fairness in elderly driver’s testing

The SC Arts Council presents painting: The Vulture, The Loot and The Anvil


Page 2


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We pay the highest prices for gold & silver!

BC SPCA expounds on the need for more neutering and spaying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11

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Volume 10 - Issue 6

It’s hip to be snipped

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7


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Night Star front 1006

Your Weekly Community Newspaper • Sunshine Coast BC • Thursday, February 9, 2012



HOURS: 10 am - 6 pm Mon. - Sat.

Heart of Watermark to pour for Valentine’s SC Ford 1006

Laedeli 1006

Feb. 9, 2012

For Gifts, Cards Feb. 9, 2012 and Canada Post

Feb. 9, 2012

Feb. 9, 2012

at Sunnycrest Mall, Gibsons BC

This is your ad proof in the next issue of

Sussex Realty

ROCK SOLID SERVICE GIBSONS 604-886-2277 Sunnycrest Mall Gibsons Central

June 2, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ Deadline for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.

SECHELT 604-885-3295 5561 Wharf Road PENDER HARBOUR 604-883-9525 12873A Madeira Park Rd.

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If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct. Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!

This is your ad proof in the next issue of

In preparation for the first of several pourings of a massive volume of concrete for the Watermark complex foundation, Swanson’s concrete plant is shutting down its operation to all other sites for that whole day. Leighton Bell, Construction Manager at the Watermark site, told The Local, “At a total of 13,000 meters, is the largest overall volume of concrete pour for any residential project on the Sunshine Coast.” Leighton went on to add that June 2,this 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ the 295,000 lbs. of steel reinforcements used for the first pour meet the highest seismic standards for the Coast, reset just last year. The pour is literally forWatermark approval site” – appropriate, as the concrete ‘core pour’ is set for February 14 – Valentine’s Day. STAFF PHOTO theDeadline ‘heart of the

or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.

More room for cyclists on Highway 101 If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.


Please how weto Nestman Road in ork let is us setknow to begin can serve you best. widen another section The work includes Your business is important us! This istoyour ad proof

Your Movie Specialists 747 North Rd. Gibsons 604-886-5355

Sechelt. adding of Highway 101 on the Sun- a 1.5-metre paved shoulder shine Coast to provide along theof northbound lane in thepe-next issue destrians and cyclists a safer and improving the drainage. route to travel. Construction is expected to In response to a request by begin in early February and the community, the Province finish by the end of April. June 2,Th 2011 has awarded a $900,000 is project stems from a Issue Date:con____________________ tract to Capilano Deadline Highway for community request in 2010 approval Services to widen the high- to widen the shoulders along or changes is way between Bay Road and Highway 101. Last July, Monday by 3:00 p.m. If weSonic do not hear from you by this Cruze Chevrolet Chevrolet time, we can assume all is correct.

the Province agreed and responded by investing $2.6 million to widen Highway 101 between Nestman Road and Selma Park Road, which included resurfacing the northbound lane and repairing the drainage. “I know how important this project is to the community of Sechelt and I’m really pleased that we were Chevrolet Malibu

Real Estate transactions can be complex… Managing them able to deliver on our promdoesn’t have to be. ise, by widening another stretch of Highway 101,” said Blair Lekstrom, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “Improving this corridor will mean that cyclists, families and transit users in and around Sechelt can travel safely and comfortably throughout the community.” GMC Terrain

Dave Brackett 604-886-8107

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Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!

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2 The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012


Determining fitness to drive


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OVERVIEW Royal LePage 1006 he Offi ce of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles (OSMV) is the authority that determines who may have a driver’s license. Beginning at age 80 and every two years thereafter, drivers must be medically assessed by their docFeb. 9, 2012 to tor who submits a report



the OSMV. Doctors have started using an assessment tool called “SIMARD” test to fulfill this requirement. Based on the results of these reports, the OSMV decides who needs to be assessed by ICBC and who needs to be assessed by a private company called DriveAble. When there is a concern about cognitive functioning, possibly due to one of many medical conditions, the OSMV will require a DriveABLE assessment. This assessment has two parts: the In-Office (computer) test, and de-

t e l t ou

pending on the result, an on-road test. If the driver passes in the highest group, they keep their licence; if they are in the middle group they will proceed to a test in a vehicle; if they are in the lowest group, they lose their licence. Drivers can be referred to DriveABLE by the OSMV following a complaint to OSMV by a police officer or by a private citizen who is concerned about the person’s driving. The OSMV does not accept anonymous complaints, but may not divulge the identity of the complainant to the senior. DriveABLE Kerns 1006 was introduced in 2005 and further expanded in 2010. The current policy is ‘2010 BC Guide in Determining Fitness to Drive’. Physicians have a legal

responsibility to report patients with medical conditions that affect their driving ability. There needs to be a fair way to test drivers. Testing must be based on good science; testing must be impartial and unbiased. All tests must be conducted respectfully and must occur close to home. There must be a clear appeal process. The cost of re-testing should not be at drivers’ expense and transportation options must improve to meet the needs of seniors. A town hall meeting in Powell River to discuss this issue and to express concern about the ‘fitness to drive’ guidelines has attracted over 150 participants. A similar town hall meeting will be scheduled for the Lower Coast, date to be announced.


Feb. 9, 2012

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FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 604.885.9310 *Program funded by the First Nations Employment Society and the Coastal Corridor Consortium, and presented in collaboration with the Sechelt Indian Band.

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North Road to ferry

CONSORTIUM Artwork contained in this submission remains the property of Niiji Studios.

Submitted by

Janine Island, Niiji Studios 604-725-6723


The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012 3

Preserving our water Coast Watch Garry Nohr Chair Sunshine Coast Regional District and Repesentative for Halfmoon Bay, Area B


ince last April, SCRD staff has been collaborating with a technical working group of resourceextraction and ministry personnel. Their purpose is to complete a Chapman Creek Watershed Source Assessment Plan, which Vancouver Coastal Health Authority requested under the Drinking Water Protection Act. The Plan was publicly presented on February 4 at Open Houses in Sechelt and Gibsons. Presentation topics included risk assessment in the watershed and responsibility for following up. When the consultant at the Open House was asked, “Did you find any problems from the cut block done by Western Forest products a few years ago?” the answer was an emphatic “no.” The Watershed Plan, however, identifies other risk factors and allocates over $500,000 to mitigate these. SCRD will seek provincial support for

all costs, which would include hiring someone to monitor the watershed. When asked about governance in the watershed, the consultant explained that SCRD controls the water but not the land use. The watershed is in Crown Land and therefore designated by the province for multi-use—from recreation to resource extraction. Regarding the possibility of SCRD managing the watershed, the consultant noted that, during his 30 years’ experience, the provincial government has not considered it anywhere in the province unless the local area bought or leased the land. Both SIB and SCRD representatives have gone to different ministries and even the premier to request management of the watershed, to no avail. With the new plan, and provincial support for the monitoring initiative, SCRD would at least have someone in place to support the views of the community. This person could also monitor all activity in the watershed and help guard against illegal dumps. The Open House turnout


was less than expected for such an important concern. Noticeably absent were all those who recently ran for office with campaigns to protect our water. Those who wish to understand the Watershed Plan can view the consultant’s presentation on SCRD’s website. Please feel free to contact me either by email or phone on any issue. Cell: 604-7417729 or Check my website at www.

For days like today™

Local jewelry artist Darla Van Horne designs exquisite pieces using copper, enamel and various metals. Check out her new Valentine’s pieces as well as goth-style crosses.

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Re: Jack Nelson Annex story, February 2 issue.


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We’d like to apologize to Mayor John Henderson for incorrectly identifying him and MLA Joan McIntyre in the article re: Jack Nelson Annex opening. We sincerely hope this error caused neither Mr. Henderson nor Ms. McIntyre any embarrassment or inconvenience. And thanks to Tony Dawkins for pointing out that the Sechelt Lions assumed responsibility for Greencourt in the early 80s and not the late 70s as reported. We really do appreciate our readers’ vigilance in pointing out these errors and giving us the opportunity to set the record straight!

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Sat. Feb. 11 • 11am-12 noon

Sat. Feb. 11 • 1 - 2 pm

5723 Trail Avenue, Sechelt

495 Spyglass, Gibsons

$389,000 Family home close to all amenities This home was renovated in 2005. Some of the updates: energy efficient windows, Ikea kitchen, with granite counter tops, bathrooms, flooring, light fixtures, gas fireplace, new metal roof in 2007, new roof on workshop 2011, new paint 2011, hot water tank in 2010, front kitchen and basement doors new in 2011. The home is an open concept with the kitchen, dining and living room. Some of the other features are suite potential (2nd kitchen downstairs), workshop off carport, green house/potting shed. South exposure, large level backyard and 2 street entrances. The home is located within a short walk of parks, seniors center, shopping, new rec center, library, beach and schools.

$739,000 Executive view home This 2 year old 4 bdrm & den home features 180 degree views of the North Shore mountains to the straight of Georgia, 3200 sq ft of luxury space, rancher style with a walkout basement, M Bdrm with spacious 5 pce ensuite, plus another master suite, hardwood floors throughout main, stunning vaulted ceilings, stone clad fireplace, gourmet kitchen with large island and stainless appliances, low E Argon filled windows and high efficiency heat pump (heat/ winter, air conditioning/summer). Legal lower suite all this and a short walk to elementary school, high school, shopping and lower Gibsons.

4 The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012

Editorial Yes, Frankie, there is a Cupid


ou can’t see it, hear it, measure or weigh it; you can’t hold it in your hand or put a frame around it and hang it on the wall. Yet it moves mountains, starts wars and ends them and can bring a toughened combat soldier to his knees in tears. It can make you sick and happy and sad and exhilarated - sometimes all at the same time. It is love. Yes, Frankie, there is a Cupid. Love is one of the most powerful human emotions and because it is so powerful, it has a lot of control over our actions. Yet, without it, we wouldn’t live, we would merely exist. Few people would even want to imagine a world without love in it. That world would have no colour, no taste, no thrill of excitement. Try to imagine expressing a feeling about something without ever using the word ‘love’. Any sentiment would topple by many degrees: i.e. “Mmm … I just like that delicious cheesecake!” On Valentine’s Day we celebrate that most powerful of emotions, yet there are people who bah-humbug Valentine’s Day as another cash-grab holiday egged on by the flower shops and the candy stores. Yet, the real reason for Valentine’s Day is to celebrate love. If your way of expressing love is through gifts like diamonds, lingerie, chocolates, gourmet dinners or bouquets of beautifully scented flowers, and you’ve put thought and love (there’s that word!) into it, more power to you! If you express your feelings through word and action (without any ulterior motive), sharing experiences and feelings, then you’ve done Cupid proud, too! There are those who ask: Why should we have a day to remind us to say, “I love you”? The truth is, we don’t. We should – and often do – express our sentiments daily. Valentine’s Day is a gentle reminder for the rest of us, who, caught up in the busyness of daily life, are less vocal about our feelings. And a Valentine doesn’t have to be just for a beau (boy, isn’t that a dated word?!) or a spouse. Valentine cards come in a huge range of sentiments and themes. I’ve received Spiderman Valentine cards from my grandsons and flowery cupid ones from granddaughters; their sentiments are no less real than the romantic ones. Love comes in many ages and sizes – and we can all be thankful for that! This Valentine’s Day, Tuesday, February 14, tell someone how much they mean to you. Like the old saying goes, when you give a hug, you get one back!

Letters to the Editor Elder abuse education more vital than bus trips I was pleased to see your editorial on abuse of older adults. This is a problem I have worked on for many years, primarily through research and programme development. It is true that spouses, children and grandchildren can perpetrate all forms of abuse. We must not forget the many families who love and support their older relatives. These families often have to protect their older relatives from others. As you said, there are individuals in relationships of trust with older adults who violate this trust.

The emphasis should be on ‘trusted’, not a specific kind of relationship. Friends and relatives who are aware of potentials for abuse may, and should, recognize and act when they see something that concerns them. What is important is that we make identification and prevention of all kinds of abuse of older adults a community issue. It is time that seniors’ organizations such as the Seniors Centre and Harmony Hall recognize it and start doing some education for their membership. I suggest it is more important than bus trips. Jill Hightower Sechelt

Letters to the Editor The Local received a copy of this letter for publication

Re: “We envision document support” Dear SCRD Board of Directors, On behalf of the Gibsons and District Chamber of Commerce (GDCC), I am sending you the attached regarding Sustainable Businesses through Transparent and Accountable Practices. It is further to our letter Re: clarification of our “We Envision” Document Support, wherein we stated that the GDCC did not support the “We Envision” document as the business community was excluded from the process until the last minute, thus preventing us from meaningful input. In hopes of not repeating this process, we have proactively written the attached to emphasis the need to be fiscally responsible during the current budgeting process and to engage in an open discussion on how to best work with the business community to make the Sunshine Coast the best that it can be. As responsible politicians, you have to make judgments about the rights and wrongs of issues based on principles, not ongoing reviews. Specifically consider what is best delivered by the regional district and what can best be delivered by the private sector. Finding the right mix will help everyone achieve their goals.

Let’s never forget that governments that leverage the business community’s skills are the ones that build the strongest economy, create employment, provide affordable housing, and pay for the multitude of services sought in the “We Envision” document. We look forward to continuing the dialogue. Erich V. Schwartz, President Gibsons and District Chamber of Commerce

Stephen Harper: none so blind as will not see Stephen Harper’s late January pilgrimage to the invitation-only economic summit of international financiers, CEOs and their political allies in Davos, Switzerland was a sordid display of fealty before the lords of largesse. Harper’s choice to use the feast of the fattest to announce he would ‘solve’ the imagined crisis of Canada’s Old Age Security system by picking the pockets of the poorest speaks volumes for his contempt for Canadian democracy. Harper is a dedicated follower of the dictum ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’, even if you have to invent the crisis to match your intended solution. Federal government funded studies on the effect our aging population will have on the sustainability of Canada’s OAS system shows that there are no significant problems

ahead. Yet Harper wants as yet unannounced changes to ensure the ‘sustainability’ of a program that is already sustainable with but minor tweaks along the way. Harper’s assertions of the projected growth of OAS payments is uttered as ‘proof’ of the impending crisis, without any reference to the growth of the overall economy over the same time frame, including the growth of taxes paid by Canada’s seniors. When you’re manufacturing a crisis it’s not ‘clever politics’ to allow facts to interfere. Stephen Harper’s adherence to the mantra of ‘corporate good – government bad’ blinds him to the facts on a number of fronts: whether it be building expensive prisons to house those convicted of ‘unreported crimes’; buying overpriced fighter aircraft without regard to their operational capacity over Canadian airspace, imposing a Medicare funding fiat on the provinces or cutting back on pension incomes for those who can least afford it. Perhaps we need to remind Harper of Jef Keighley, Halfmoon Bay The Local received a copy of this letter for publication:

Re: 3m wide asphalt shared bike pathway. Attention: Downtown Revitalization Committee,

Councillors Darnelda Siegers and Mike Shanks. Recently it was brought to my attention by Mr. Ken Tang that a 3m-wide asphalt shared bike pathway is going to be constructed to replace the existing curved concrete curved pedestrian walkway. The existing walkway is used by local residents and tourists, who walk, use their electric scooters, push their 4-wheel carts or walk with dogs on a leash, etc. (Drawing for the proposed shared bike pathway has been submitted.) District of Sechelt Mayor & Council at the Committee of the Whole meeting of March 16, 2011, (page 60) approved the following: ii. Boulevard improvements including separated bike path and seawall improvements. To: Mayor and Council Report date: March 8, 2011; Target decision date: March 16, 2011, from Director of Planning, re: Pacific Spirit Properties (Teredo) Development Proposal OCP Bylaw Amendment and Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Lot A, Block B, District Lot 303, Group 1, NWD, Plan LMP 18610. (Teredo Street, Inlet Avenue, The Boulevard), file no: 3370-20 2010-01/336020-2010-01. It should be noted that the drawing is not correct: a. It is not Wharf Avenue; b. It is an existing concrete walkway; it is not concrete bike path. (Letters continued on page 5)

The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012 5

Letters to the Editor (continued from page 4) N.B. Removed light fixture should be replaced with suitable lights for walkers in the evening. What will happen with the existing memorial planters? What is going to happen to the concrete walkway in front of the Driftwood Inn Hotel? Will residents living in the Watermark Development enjoy a wide strip of asphalt on the Boulevard instead of a grass lawn? Will 3m-wide shared bike path be extended in the future along the Boulevard to Wharf Avenue? Will this section of boulevard be wide enough for such an extension? I recommend that the existing curved concrete walkway not be removed. My wife Barbara was assured last fall by Mayor Inkster and Mr. Bremner at a Public Meeting that the lovely curved walkway would definitely be retained. Please view the area, and call me if there are questions. Arthur Whistler, Sechelt The Local received a copy of this letter for publication

Re: Storm damage: To Sechelt Mayor & Council April 5, 2010 Pictures submitted show various locations where the beach wall has failed and stairs have been damaged. There are also several other locations where the beach wall and area beneath the Lookout at Inlet Avenue have been weakened. A thorough inspection of walls, stairs, and Lookout at Boulevard & Inlet Avenue should be undertaken now. If accidents and injuries occur due to unstable conditions there could be insurance claims. It should be noted that storms have not damaged concrete walls or stairs along the beach at Sechelt Indian Band Nation that were constructed in 1998/99. It appears we are now getting storms early this year. Sections of the wall are showing signs of collapsing down to the beach. What has the present Mayor &

Council done to obtain proper funding for a professionally designed and constructed concrete wall? Arthur and Barbara Whistler, Sechelt

service provision from the Ministry of Health. We look forward to hearing from you with a resolution to this concern. Karen Scott, President,

The Local received a copy of this letter for publication

The Local received a copy of this letter for publication

St Mary’s Healthcare Auxiliary has sent the following letter to the Minister of Health: Dr. Woodburn (Ophthalmologist, Sechelt), writing in The Local, January 17, 2012, expressed concern about the quality of lenses supplied by your ministry for cataract surgery. St Mary’s Hospital Health Care Auxiliary supports Dr. Woodburn’s position and respectfully requests that you direct your ministry officials to reconsider their policy of not fully funding soft replacement lenses. The new policy of providing soft lenses at cost does not address the issue of equality of access. We ask you to ensure that current best practices in ophthalmology surgery are followed and that the standard of care in British Columbia is equivalent to that in Alberta. The nearly 500 active members of our Auxiliary from Langdale to Pender Harbour on the Sunshine Coast raise close to half a million dollars each year for equipment upgrades to our hospital. We feel strongly that we do our share and more to ensure excellent quality health care is provided to our community. We expect the same quality of

We see the cost figures for recycling in 2011 as $583,623 - is this an accurate figure? We fail to understand how there can be a shortfall in the recycling budget, as at the end of September 2011 the SCRD closed Gibsons Park Plaza depot. The SCRD truck, coming and going back to Sechelt four or five times a day to pick up the recyclables from the SCRD depot, has not been making this run since the end of September, therefore our questions are: Attendant at the GPP mall: yearly wages for a full time attendant, plus benefits, costs of moving attendant’s shed? Cost of recyclable trucking and wages for staff? Annual cost of liability insurance: Recycling bins, maintenance, moving costs and lease space at GPP mall? What was the savings percentage of $223,892 (cost in 2011 for administration, salaries, benefits) allocated to the year-end budget after the end of Tsain-Ko mall? Trucking: after the end of Sept. 2011: how many trips per day? What savings on fuel, repairs, maintenance etc.? What savings on staff, wages, benefits? How many tonnes of emissions saved?

Re: Soft lenses

Re: Recycling Solid Hospital/ Waste


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Valentines Dinner for Two Medicine Shoppe Quartet 1006

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Winter Specials

CORRECTION In our January 26 issue, in the article “Aquatic Therapy – the cradle of life” we referred to Ms. Hansen as a physiotherapist, when in fact Ms. Hansen is a certified massage therapist. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused for Ms. Hansen and thank Mr. W. Paul Wright, (Registered Physiotherapist, BSc. Kinesiology, BHSc. Physical Therapy) for providing us with the information to set the record straight.

On closing SCRD’s Gibsons location, a significant amount of recyclables would not be directed to Direct Disposal. To Feb 28, 2010, SCRD had a contract with Direct Disposal for $70,800, plus baled plastic @ $600/ load and trucking recyclables $550/load. What is the contract cost for 2012? The SCRD, as of Oct.1 2011, turned the collection of recyclables over to private business where everything is handled for one price of $11,500 per month. Previously the cost per month for recycling, which includes administrative services, salaries, benefits, contracts, etc. was a whopping $48,635.25 per month! Recycling costs are increasing by $67,242 each year since 2007 - why? All costs quoted are from SCRD documents. We would appreciate answers to our questions so that we can understand why the Regional District shows a shortfall in the recycling budget. Vel Anderson, Elphinstone

Steve Giltrow Quartet CD Release

Gibsons Heritage Playhouse

March 3, 7:00 pm Tickets: $12

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SUNDAY JAMS 2 - 6 pm Feb. 5: LARRY COOK and the Blues Masters Feb. 12: JOE STANTON and the Precious Littles Feb. 19: GAETAN and the French Connection Feb. 26: PETER VAN B3 with GARY COMEAU, CHRIS “THE WRIST” NORDQUISt and special guest Juno award winner, TIM HEARSEY

For all the entertainment action, check out our website at

See you at the Pub! Make sure to say “Hi”


6 The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012

WIN a treasure chest of gifts for your


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900 Gibsons Way (Upper Gibsons) Administration Office 604.886.8323 Managed by Anthem Properties



Feb. 9, 2012

he triple drivers of declining oil supplies, climate change, and economic instability are bringing inevitable change to the Sunshine Coast. The pace of this change is likely to increase. Are we ready? The Transition Town (TT) Movement is a global initiative intended to inspire, mobilize, and empower whole communities as they explore and implement opportunities to become more self-reliShyanne Watters of Sechelt was the lucky winner of ant and resilient in the face the Sound Attraction in-store contest draw for a 65” of these changes. Concepts Full 1080P Toshiba LCD 120 Hz television set, valued such as localization, perat over $2,000! Congratulations, Shyanne - and to all maculture, social justice, those who entered, watch for their new in-store proenergy decent, reskilling, motion beginning in March! genuine progress indicators, and grassroots capacity building weigh heavily This your ad proof in the TTismodel. Process piecesinlike inclusivity, colthe next issue of laboration, inner journeys, open space technology, and community building your trade work specialists are also fundamental to We are equipped to do any repairs to clocks the initiative. More inforwith missing or unrepairable parts. mation about TT8, can Dec. 2011be Issue Date: ____________________ Building on European training and 40 years of found at www.transition clock repair experience, 1st prooffrom grandfather 2nd proofclocks FINAL Deadline for approval to mantle clocks, we can get your job done. or changes Following two very is well Please phone John Parlow to arrange for house calls. CONFIRMATION OF INSERTION Monday by 3:00 p.m. attended and well-received References are available on request. This proof is for the purpose of public films on the topic, If we do not hear from you by this SUNSHINE CLOCK REPAIRS an adhoc Coast TYPOGRAPHICAL time, we Sunshine can assume all is correct. TT Initiating Group conSERVING THE SUNSHINE COAST FROM LANGDALE TO LUND CORRECTIONS ONLYvened Please let us know to organize a how two-we 3783 Selkirk Avenue, Powell River, Bc V8A 3C2 can serve you best. weekend ‘Training for TF: 1-877-485-3077 • • T: 604-485-3077 Your business is important to us! Please respond by email day Transition’ workshop. This or print off, sign and return by faxworkshop will be held on with approval or changes neededSaturday, Feb. 18 and Sunto 604-885-4818 no later than day, Feb. 19, from 9-5 at West Hall, beside 3PM WEDNESDAY FrankOak Tree 1006 Cedar Grove School in O.K. AS IS__________________ Gibsons. It will be skillfulO.K. WITH CHANGES ___________ ly facilitated by Michelle Colussi, of the Canadian ....... /LB Center for Community Renewal. 4 KG. BOX: WORKS OUT TO $2.99/LB! Participants should Phone: 604-885-4811 Fax: 604-885-4818 ................... /LB come ready to join some NEW! RHINELAND of the area’s most progres......................................... /LB sive self-selected Feb. 9,thinkers 2012 in exploring the Transition Town model, and its possible applications for the lower Sunshine Coast. Registration for the LADY BUG, 1 L. event is limited; check at ....... There is a fee for this EMMA, 1L. workshop. While coffee ......... EA and tea will be provided, CASCADE, 6 ROLL please bring your own lunch and snacks. Ques.............................. EA tions can be addressed to Leonie Croy at:

Sunshine Clock Repairs



Sunnycrest Mall 1006 And the winners are… Workshop targets post-carbon ‘Transition’


$3.69 $26.37 $6.99




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NAVEL ORANGES ............................... 79¢/LB ONIONS ...................................................39¢/LB

MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-8PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. Feb. 10 to Thurs. Feb. 16 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411

If you have something to give away for free, it runs in the paper for FREE! Call THE LOCAL 604-885-3134 or email:

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The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012 7



The Vulture, the Loot and the Anvil

he Sunshine Coast Arts Council is pleased to present the second exhibition in our new schedule for the period 15 February to 11 March 2012: Jay Hanscom’s The Vulture, The Loot and The Anvil. Hanscom has built his show “around the gallery space, taking advantage of each strength…” He sees each exhibition as an installation, making decisions about the use of space, which bring the viewer into a more intimate experience of the work. Hanscom, who currently lives in Victoria, will bring mixed media drawings on paper and a series of large-scale mixed media and resin pieces on wood box frames. “The scale and the smooth aesthetic of the resin pieces complement the large interior and wall space of the gallery,” he explained. The work seen in this exhibition will recall some of the themes Hanscom examined in his last major solo show at the Evergreen Cultural Centre, “… nostalgia and naïve boyhood themes of masculinity and heroism conflicting with contem-

porary adult frustrations of power and prospect.” After graduating from Emily Carr Institute in 1998 Hanscom has been traveling and working in Western Canada. This is his first exhibition on the Sunshine Coast. There will be an Opening Reception on the evening of February 15, beginning at 7 pm. Please join us to celebrate these exhibitions. Everyone is invited. The Doris Crowston Gallery at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre is a public gallery. Work exhibited is for sale. Please join us in cel-

ebrating these exhibits. The Sunshine Coast Arts Council is a volunteer-based society founded February 22, 1966 to raise the profile of local artists and artisans and to broaden the opportunities for Sunshine Coast citizens to enjoy and to participate in cultural activities. The SC Arts Council owns and operates the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre located at 5714 Medusa at Trail in Sechelt, British Columbia, over the 30 years since it opened in 1979, the Centre has been a vital resource for the artistic and cultural life of the Coast community.


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8 The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012 Myoga 1006


90 Day Challenge:

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Health & Wellness

Take an addiction test A

re you concerned about your substance use of alcohol or other drugs? Feb. are 9, 2012 Some people able to enjoy moderate amounts of substances without any negative consequences. For others, substance use can quickly deteriorate to a pattern of increasing and uncontrollable use. Are you wondering where you stand? Answer the following questions with a YES or NO. • Have you ever been annoyed when people have commented on your substance use?

• Have you ever felt guilty or badly about your drinking? • Have you gotten in trouble at work or lost your job because of your substance use? • Have you neglected your obligations, your family or work for two or more days in a row because of your substance use? • Have you been in hospital because of your substance use? • Have you received a 24 hour roadside suspension or have you been charged with impaired driving?



Mind and Body Connection: Sat. Feb. 25, West Sechelt

HEAL YOUR LIFE STUDY GROUPS Thursdays, March 1 - 22, 6 - 8pm, Halfmoon Haven For further details please contact:


Phone 604-741-3083 •

If you answered YES to two or more questions, there a good chance that your substance use is a problem. The good news is that professional help is available at no charge if you wish to: • Cut down or quit using either alcohol and/or other drugs • Learn how to recognize the warning signs for relapse and high risk situations • Learn healthy coping strategies to replace unhealthy coping Strategies Addiction Services at Vancouver Coastal Health offers various supports to Intuitive residents of Heart 1004 Sunshine Coast in a safe and confidential setting. The Recovery Group is a drop-in group that runs from 1:30 to 2:30 on Tuesday afternoon. It is intended to assist individuals who want an alternative to 12Jan. Step 26, programs 2012 or participants in 12 Step Programs who want an additional type of recovery support. For further information please contact 604-885-8678.

valuable Special • available 2 weekendS only!

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Mary Shaw and Charlene SanJenko are thrilled to announce their new joint venture “Drop In Personal Training”. With this program, individuals who cannot afford hundreds of dollars per month can still get personalized training and achieve the results they are looking for. Combined, Mary and Charlene have over 18 years experience working in health and fitness and are certified through BCRPA and Canfit. Both have been involved on a personal level their entire adult lives. Their knowledge and ability to connect with their clients make them not only great coaches, but excellent leaders and motivators. Now you have two trainers, several options, and boundless resources. All you have to do is sign up, and be ready to change your body….and your life! “Since joining Mary’s Bootcamp, I’ve gone from 143lbs to 125lbs, and 30% bodyfat to 23%” ~ Angela Harrichausen “…I put my trust in Charlene and I’m totally starting to see results!! I haven’t felt this good about my body EVER!!! A few weeks into my 12 weeks I started to feel really empowered… This program isn’t just for women who want to lose weight, it’s for women who want to get healthy” ~ Melissa

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MASSAGE WORKSHOP FOR COUPLES A pleasurable workshop for your personal use Sun. Feb. 12 or Sun. Feb. 19 4-hour, hands-on session noon - 4:30pm $175 per person or $300 per couple Call now to book your time 604-989-4866

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The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012 9

Offering natural choices I

t started as a vision just under a year ago – a complete health care facility to serve the people of the Sechelt area, which would include not only a medical clinic but a lab and a pharmacy, all together. “The planning and construction took less time than we expected, “ said coowner Carey Threlkeld. He and Doug Bryan are excited about Sechelt’s newest pharmacy, Suncoast Pharmacy. Located right next to the Sechelt Medical Clinic, they are already up and running, though they’re not planning their Grand Opening until mid-February (watch for their Grand Opening ad!). The two men pitched right in to help get the pharmacy ready, putting up shelves and setting up a special private medication counseling room, which will also feature a blood pressure machine, so patients can come in to check their blood pressure in a quiet, private setting. When asked what makes their pharmacy stand out, they were ready with the answer – an answer they’d asked themselves while the idea was still in the planning stages. “We will not only be a full-service pharmacy, able to fill all prescriptions people receive from their doctors, but we’ll also have holistic alternatives available for those people who opt to go that route.” As well, they have a Compounding station, where they can prepare specialty items not commercially available, such as transdermal creams, lotions and ointments for skin conditions. Because Carey and Doug will be able to customize products, preparations will be available to assist with naturopathic, holistic or even veterinary treatments. Many veterinarians issue prescriptions for pet meds and they’ll be able to prepare dosages in small amounts. “A vet might need a prescription drug in, say, a 5 mg dose, but the common pill for that medication comes in 250 mg doses; we’ll be able to customize the pills for the correct dosage required.” “Of course, we’ll also have some items for general shoppers such as shampoo, toothpaste, soaps, that kind of thing, so our customers don’t have to go elsewhere for those,” said Doug Bryan. “But our plan is to offer a full-service pharmacy and really get to know our customers on a first-name basis, so they can be completely confident when they come to us. We’ve already accumulated a number of


steady customers – referrals from friends and family. We like the one-on-one approach, it’s more representative of a small community like ours - not like when you go to a big pharmacy in the city and they care more about getting your

health care card than about your health!” The plan is to create parking for 30 vehicles behind the health centre, which, they said, will make the combined health services even more accessible for everyone.

Stephanie Langer BSc.

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Your Doctor, your Lab, your local Pharmacist: working one to serve your health and wellness needs. Vista together Massage as 1004




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Each yoga pose is a step on your journey to health. Location ....St. Barts, 659 North Road, Gibsons Date ...........Monday, February 13 to April 2 Time ..........10:30 – 11:30 am Cost ...........$64.00 for 8 weeks or $10.00 drop in

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10 The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012

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Horoscope Kitsch 1005

tions. Sharing the dream with family and friends feels right. Michael If the opposite is true and you O’Connor feel blocked and frustrated this Astrologer is the green light to clarify your priorities with the requested assistance of trusted authorities. Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) 1.888.352.2936 Future visions and perhaps divine revelations are Horoscope for the Week: even stimulating your mind. These February 10, 2012 are activating new ideals. Yet Feb. 2, 2012 Kasan Healing Centre 1004 you may also feel the need to Tip of the Week: acquire some new tools. MakNow that the Water Dragon’s ing better use of your skills presence is fully established, the and talents is featured. This complexity of the 2012 plot is new awareness may also be building. According to Chi- prompting you to get to the nese lore, the Dragon is auspi- bottom of things especially cious yet is also a tempter of with domestic matters. the fates, the initiator of a new Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) status quo. Interestingly, in Calling upon the talents reJan. 26, 2012 Mayan Astrology there is also sources, findings and genius of a Water or Sea Dragon and it is others is a main focus now. At called Imix (“ee’mesh”). Imix is this stage of the game you need the first of the Mayan 20 Suns others to advance. Fortunately, and shares close correspon- you will likely discover that othdences with Aries, East, Dawn, ers are happy to assist. Gaining Spring Equinox and New Be- inspiration can come in many ginnings. Since according to ways and simply finding ways Mayan Cosmology and that to admire people’s feats and of many other cultures, specifi- achievements may be enough cally speaking, the Chinese I to enjoy life and advance. Ching, Winter Solstice 2012 Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) marks a rare and powerful Stimulating key exchanges with end and beginning point of a others continues. The time is Gilligans 1006 Cycle! right to network and lay the 25,650 year Precessional Many prophesies are linked to ground for future prospects. this important juncture in our Your ambitions are likely runcollective evolution and one of ning high, yet either your enthe more prominent refers to ergy levels or those of others major solar flare activity which may not be as enthusiastic. You will produce Aurora Borealis may be able to excite them with that is so extensive it envelopes your creative ideas however, so the entire planet. Given the set your sights to ignite passions fact that the mainstream news with pro-active efforts. reports sayFeb. we can expect soVirgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) 9, 2012 lar flare activity to rise all year Thoughts about your health Blackfish Pub 1006 achieving unusually high peaks and the future are on your in late 2012 and early 2013, mind. These are a wake-up call it seems wise to pay attention to be more aware of the imporand tune in. tance of nutrition and exercise. Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Yet, focusing to consider deeper A whole new day has dawned realities like death, karma, the for you and it is bringing many afterlife, reincarnation is an realizations. There is reason emerging theme. Yes you ‘have’ to believe that your heart and a body so respect it, but rememmind are wide open, perhaps ber it is not you. Whole health leaving you feeling a bit vulner- implies tending to the integraFeb. 9, 2012 able. Yet, it is also sparking your tion of your body, mind, heart focus for the future and deepen- and soul. ing your determination to sucLibra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) ceed. This stands to be a time In the wake of major changes of abundance, so give thanks to on relationship fronts, or the perpetuate the flow. need for some, you are happy Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) to enjoy some playtime. This Somehow you are shaking the mood may not last so respect world and others are taking this opening. Be willing to give notice. A powerful momentum to the situation by taking the is evident spurred by inner mo- initiative. Meanwhile financial tivations and/or hidden ambi- dealings are likely to flow in

your favour now and it looks like a good time to invest. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Accessing the deeper reaches of your individuality is a core theme now. How you will do it depends on you. It may be to connect with family to share quality time and exchange thoughts and ideas. Yet, it may also imply accessing your creative genius. With your social life on the rise, this is a good time to fill your tanks in preparation for the accelerating pace. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) Many new ideas are running through your mind. These may well be stimulated by a dynamic networking cycle. Yet, you also feel inspired to be close to home. To this end, creating beauty in your environment will prove extra inspiring now. This remains a good time to attend to unfinished business as well. Tidy up so you can move forward, inspired and confident. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Clearing the way to build upon more solid ground is important now. This includes building stronger lines of communication. Beyond diplomatic protocol and intelligent exchanges, speaking from the heart and expressing your truth will go a long way. Taking risks to do and say what is true versus simply right is its own form of wise investment, yet financial realities are featured as well. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) An assertive mood is leading you to new perspectives and alternative approaches. You are a humanitarian at heart, but your methods may not always be obvious. Obtaining new tools and knowledge feels right. With your confidences on the rise, there is no time to waste. By way of aiming to meet the genuine needs of others, you will meet your own as well. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) This may be a time of retreat but not necessarily of rest. Rising ambitions to initiate new streams of income or at least to take measures to refine your talents implies a strong focus. Improving the quality of your personal and professional relationships weaves into the plot, either way. Express your ideas, ideals and feelings with warmth, sincerity and passion for best results.

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The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012 11

BC SPCA – it’s hip to be snipped


he BC SPCA is urging pet guardians and all animal lovers to do their part to help end the tragedy of pet overpopulation in British Columbia. The non-profit animal welfare society is highlighting the benefits of spaying and neutering for pets during Spay/Neuter Awareness Month in February. “The terrible reality is that there are still many more animals born in our province every year than there are homes for,” says Lorie Chortyk, general manager of community relations for the BC SPCA. “The SPCA and other rescue groups find homes for thousands of these abandoned or surrendered animals every year, but we know that there are so many more who suffer and die after being abandoned by their guardians. It is heartbreaking because this is a completely preventable problem.” She notes that in 2011 the BC SPCA’s 37 branches took

in more than 32,000 abandoned, neglected, injured and abused animals. “We find that with many pet guardians it is attitude, rather than cost, that prevents them from having their animals sterilized,” says Chortyk. “They love their pets, but they don’t realize that by not having them spayed or neutered they may be impacting their pet’s quality of life and the bond they could be sharing.” Some of the benefits of spaying and neutering include: Decreased aggression: neutering generally reduces aggressive behaviours in pets, neutered dogs are calmer and less likely to bite, attack or get into altercations at the dog park; calmer, happier pets: neutered cats don’t have the drive to mark and protect their territory and are less likely to spray or get into cat fights. Female cats go in and out of heat every three weeks between January and

November. In addition to preventing unwanted litters, spaying your cat will reduce her desire to escape to find a mate, spraying or inappropriate elimination, howling and attracting unwanted male cats onto your property; Increased health: Spaying or neutering your pet reduces the likelihood of them developing uterine, ovarian and testicular cancers. Good overall pet care. Having your pet sterilized also provides an opportunity to have other important health procedures performed, as necessary, such as teeth cleaning. Spaying and neutering is done under a general anesthetic, so your pet won’t be in pain. If cost is a concern, check with your local SPCA. The SPCA provides assistance to low-income pet guardians where possible and many communities have low-cost spay/neuter funds administered through the local government. For more

New playground for Les Peties du Pacifique This volunteer team constructed a playhouse, sandbox, kid-sized picnic tables, winding path, stepping logs, planters, and a sturdy wooden shed: Robyn Anderson, Nadine and Owen Coombes, Colin Wright, Adam Zanbilowicz and Jenn Muldowney. Missing: Hervé Meyer, Maude Leduc, Marie-Luce Claveau, Katherine Hume, Carl Montgomery, James Anderson.




information on spaying and neutering your pet, visit Last year the BC SPCA spent more than $2 million on spay/neuter programs in communities across B.C. As part of its commitment to ending pet overpopulation the SPCA sterilizes every dog, cat and rabbit prior to adoption.

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Feb. 9, 2012

Not sure which financial options suit you best? Make an appointment for a complimentary personal financial review at our branch from January 3 to February 29, 2012 — you’ll get sound financial advice and a chance to win an Apple iPad®†.* Gibsons Branch Unit 101 - 1001 Gibsons Way, GIBSONS 604-886-1829

* The BMO Personal Financial Review Contest (the “Contest”) is valid only at BMO Bank of Montreal, Gibsons Branch, located at Unit 101 - 1001 Gibsons Way, GIBSONS, BC, V0N 1V8 (the “Branch”). Any eligible person may enter the Contest provided they have made an appointment and met with a BMO Financial Services Manager for a personal financial review. The Contest begins at 11:00:01 a.m. (ET) on January 3, 2012 and ends at 4:59:59 p.m. (ET) on February 29, 2012 (the “Contest Period”). The Contest is open to British Columbia residents who have attained the applicable age of majority in their Province. Limit of one entry per person (multiple entries will be discarded). There is one (1) prize of an Apple iPad with an approximate retail value of $570 (Cdn). No purchase of any product or service is required in order to enter the Contest. The random draw will be held at the Branch after 5 p.m. on March 1, 2012. The odds of being selected depend on the number of eligible entries received during the Contest Period. Before being declared the winner of the Contest, the selected entrant must correctly answer a time-limited mathematical skill testing question. Full Contest rules are available at the Branch. ®† “Apple” and “iPad” are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. ® Registered trade-marks of Bank of Montreal.

12 The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012

102 GARAGE SALES 101 Activities & Events 102 Garage Sales 103 Announcements 104 Anniversary & Birthdays 105 Births 106 Obituaries 107 In Memoriam 108 Funeral Services 109 Personals 110 Childcare 111 Lost & Found 201 Health & Wellness 202 Health & Fitness 203 Sports & Exercise Equipment 204 Gardening 300 Pets & Livestock 400 Travel 500 Music 600 Computers 701 Antiques & Collectibles 702 Furniture 703 Appliances 704 Misc. for Sale 705 Wanted 706 Free 707 Trade & Barter 708 Financial Services 801 Cars for Sale 802 Trucks & SUV’s 803 Special Interest & Classics 804 RV’s & Campers 805 Motorcycles & Off Road 806 Parts & Accessories 807 Repairs & Service 900 Machinery & Tools 1000 Marine 1100 Storage 1200 Service Directory 1300 Firewood 1400 Work Wanted 1500 Business Opportunities 1600 Legal & Public Notices 1700 Log Homes 1701 Homes & Lots for Sale 1702 Mobile Homes for Sale 1703 Misc. Property for Sale 1704 Homes for Rent 1705 Apartments for Rent 1706 Misc. for Rent 1707 Commercial for Rent 1708 Shared Accommodation 1709 Vacation Rentals 1710 Wanted to Rent 1711 Wanted to Buy 1712 House Sitting 1800 Employment 1801 Careers 1900 Too Late to Classify

Local The

OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street Sechelt

PAYMENT DROP OFF ONLY: Take 5 Media #1-747 North Rd. Gibsons BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 BY FAX: 604-885-3194

BY E-MAIL: Deadline: Monday-3:00pm at the office

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5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt and TAKE 5 MEDIA #1 - 747 North Rd., Gibsons

Surprise your Sweetheart with a...

Singing ValentineO-Gram Includes: 2 Songs Chocolate Treat Valentine’s Card only $30 Call Carol 604-886-8573 ARBUTUS SOUNDS CHORUS Nothing says “I Love You” better than a song. REDECOR: Thanks for the great year! Still here, still stylish and affordable. Come in and participate in our Downtown Survey – Love to see you soon. New Stock arriving daily! b6 RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-886-9813 btfn If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. 604885-8208. btfn Overloaded with holiday turkey? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Small groups in Sechelt, Wednesdays 6:30pm, Sechelt Health Unit, 5571 Inlet Ave. 604740-5845 or 604-885-4666. Gibsons, Thursdays 6:30pm, Frank West Hall. 604-886-8578 or 604886-1717. b14 Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. btfn Advertise in the paper that you read. Call The Local today. 604885-3134


Seaside Centre, Sechelt Wednesday, February 22, at 7:00 PM SPEAKER: WAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL of Davis Dyslexia Association International FREE ADMISSION / LIMITED SEATING



Contact us for information on Davis Learning Programmes for reading, math and attention issues, or book a free 2-hour assessment

Your Choice Organics 1005 111 LOST & FOUND 704 MISC. FOR SALE

Found: Man’s blue bike, in Roberts Creek on Emery Road. Phone to describe and claim. 604-8854305 f6 Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.

Feb. 2, 2012 201 HEALTH & WELLNESS Weightloss: Learn about loosing weight safely and keeping it off by a lifelong commitment to wholesome food, exercise, appropriate supplements and herbs. Presented by U. Schmidhauser. Clinical Herbal Therapist. Feb. 22 at 7:00pm. 604-885-6438. b7 Kassan Healing Centre has daily rentals avail., suitable for energy/ body practitioners. Phone 604989-4866. b6


Surprise your sweetheart with an Arbutus Sounds Choir singing Valentine-O-Gram! Includes 2 songs, chocolate treat & Valentine card – only $30! Call Carol, 604-886-8573 p6 Wall unit, 27 inch TV, surround sound, karoke, DVD, subwoofer $75. 604-740-0492. p7

705 WANTED Cash for old coins, bills, silver, gold, stamps, antique weapons. 604-740-6474. b6 STRUCTURAL FILL needed in the Flume Road area of Roberts Creek, easy access for tandem dump truck. Ideally free but willing to pay. May also consider picking up, have own dump truck and excavator, must be very local and good access if you need some rocks or fill moved. Contact 604-968-9682. p6 Retired hobbyist wants, discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 Strait Music 1006p6

Singing Gram Arbutus 1006 Cash for

your old, unwanted motorhome, travel trailer, car or truck. 604-886-7341. b6


#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802 Study the potential of the acoustic guitar with Joe Stanton, singer/songwriter/guitarist. Private Feb.lessons 9, 2012and and semi-private workshops in Sechelt and Halfmoon Bay, specializing in fingerstyle acoustic guitar. To register go to or call 604-885-9354. b8 BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b8


NEED PC HELP? Anything Computers!

Prompt, Professional, On-Site Service

Call Computer Mike!

Solving computer problems since 1992

604-886-3555 604-885-6001


Volunteers Wanted for Habitat for Humanity Restore. Variety of tasks, everyone welcome, especially able bodies for pick-ups. Call 604-885-6773. ftfn

706Feb. FREE 9, 2012 Metallic gold aluminum blind. 72” X 94”. Good condition. Call 604-886-4975. f7 Ladies size 8 downhill skis, boots, outfit and matching carrying cases. Men’s skis. 7 ft. folding table. 4 kitchen chairs. Rattan chair with cushion. f6 Did you know that free ads are FREE in The Local? Restrictions apply.

801 CARS FOR SALE 2006 Saturn ION, 85,000kms, std trans., sky blue, 4dr, accident free. $7200. 604-886-2679. p6

802 TRUCKS & SUV’S 1993 GMC Yukon SLE. Runs great, 4X4, P/W, tow pkg. $2200 obo. 604-989-4941. ftfn

Jan. 12, 2012

Ask fonre Wayn

701 ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Japanese room divider and picture $150/ea. Bullwinkle dragonfly lamp $425. Bateman snow leopard $500. Melaka Peggy’s Cove. Vintage vanity & mirror. 604740-0492. p7

702 FURNITURE Dining room table and 4 chairs. Black wrought iron and slate top table. Chairs are black wrought iron with a slate color fabric seat. $250 OBO. 604-885-4144. f6

Read the Classifieds & Local Events online


This is your ad p in the next issu

Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash 604-740-0004 Jan. 26, 2012 FREE ESTIMATES ~ WCB Coverage ~

Nov. 10, 20 Issue Date: ______________


Fall Services

Deadline for appr or changes is tfn Monday by 3:00



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June 16, Date: ___________ LICENSED • SENIORSIssue DISCOUNT

Deadline for ap 604-741-3065 or changes ftfn

Monday by 3:0

If we do not hear from RUBBISH time, we can assume a Please let us know REMOVAL can serve you b


Your business is impo

Window Washing

604-740-9828 FREE ESTIMATES WCB Coverage ftfn


Over 10 years experience


ftfn tfn


We Accept Classified Advertising At:

Estate Sale. 5452 Kensington Rd. Sechelt. 10am-2pm. Sat. Feb 11 & Sun. Feb. 12. p6


• window washing • gutter cleaning • moss removal • power washing • commercial cleaning


Cell: 604-740-4204 Off: 604-886-4862

WE APPRECIATE Feb. 9, 2012 YOUR SUPPORT Call for pick up or drop off at


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Smilin’ Cowboy Landscaping Design through maintenance • lawn care • estate mower • irrigation systems • water features • indoor / outdoor cultured or natural stonework • mini Bobcat

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Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn

This Spot could be yours! Call Today! 604.885.3134



PLACING & FINISHING Cell: 1-604-789-1252 Home: 604-740-0318


The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012 13






Small Engine Repairs. New & used parts and tools, free pick ups, house calls, lawn mowers, chainsaws, outboards, motorcycles, ATVs Chinese/Japanese. Satisfaction guaranteed, affordable rates. Call 604-886-1242. b8

Ashley’s Books for sale. Here’s your chance! $69,000 obo. 604885-8952. b7

Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn

Gibsons: 2 bedroom, 2 bath adult-oriented condo with inhouse laundry $1100 per mo. Call 778-839-0219. b7

Automotive services center located in Gibsons requires F/T mechanics helper. Reply to P.O. Box 1874, Gibsons, BC, V0N 1V0. b6

1300 FIREWOOD Spilt & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn

1400 WORK WANTED Carpenter & helper avail. Framing to finishing. 604-885-3885 or 604-399-0455. mycarpentry. b7 Bayview Construction. Complete renovations, additions, repairs, decks/fences, demo/removal. Siding/soffit, window/door installations. Exp. professional service, affordable rates. 604-9893677. b8 Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No Job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. bom5 Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn

Want Extra Income? Let’s build a successful online home biz together. Free evaluation. Flex hrs. b13


1701 HOMES FOR SALE #322 – 5780 Trail Ave., Sechelt. Condo, like new, one bdrm. & den with 1.5 baths, 985 sq.ft., top floor in the “Bluff ” Northwind bldg., lge. skylight, spectacular view of mountains and ocean. New carpets in LR/DR & den. W/D incl. Bldg has no age restrictions, small pets allowed. Covered parking, strata fee includes gas FP, immed. occupancy. Mins. to downtown Sechelt. $240,000. Please phone Christa, 604-885-3729 for apt. No agents, please. p9

For complete rental listings and photos visit our website:

Sechelt: Greene Court Seniors P/T Propane Service Attendant Housing has brand new, one position available. Propane certibdrm market suites for rent. Avail. fication preferable but will train. Feb. 1 at 5583 Ocean Ave. Suites Reply to P.O. Box 190, Gibsons, BC, have ocean or mountain views. V0N 1V0. b6 To viewMalaspina please call BobRealty Morgan,1006 manager at 604-885-5962 beRead the tween 8am - 4pm, Mon. to Fri. classifieds online btfn

We have several one and two bdrm apts. and suites available from $750 - $1250/mo. NS. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b6 Gibsons: Avail. immed. 2 bdrm apt. Ocean viewFeb. balcony. Heat, 9, 2012 H/W and one parking space incl. 711 Gibsons Way. 604-886-7151. b7


Professional Services...

1704 HOMES FOR RENT Gibsons: Spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bath duplex in lower Gibsons with a harbour view, decks and wood burning FP. $1300/mo. NS, sm. pet nego. Avail now. Call at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b6

Save another trip to the dump!Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one Place your old items for sale inarea or both available. For more view at 5606 Wharf Rd. THE LOCAL’S Classified section.details Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. With Personal FocusFREE, Call Brad for more info at 604-885IF IT’S YOUR AD IS FREE! The 3281 btfn or 15 words for 2 weeks for only $6 (+HST) Strata • rental ProPertieS 1709 VACATION RENTALS CommerCial • reSidentialCall: • FinanCial 604-885-3134 or email:


Sechelt: Large 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, upscale family home with a 1 bdrm in-law suite. Too much to list - a must see. Avail now. NS. Pet nego. $1800/mo. Call Key at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b6

Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721

Only $7

Sunpeaks Resort ski-in/ski-out 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse with full kitchen and hottub. Sleeps 8. 604-740-6201. b13




Save another trip to the dump! Place your old items for sale in THE LOCAL’S Classified section. IF IT’S FREE, YOUR AD IS FREE! The or 15 words for 2 weeks for only $6 (+HST)

Put your GARAGE SALE Classified ad in in The Local and we’ll run it for two weeks plus we’ll bold your address at NO EXTRA CHARGE! (* max. 20 words)


Call: 604-885-3134 or email:

Great Rates • Great Service • Best Results call 604-885-3134 or email

Local The


Save another trip to the dump! Place your old items for sale in THE LOCAL’S Classified4 section. IF IT’S FREE, YOUR AD IS FREE! The 8 or 15 words for 2 weeks for only $6 (+HST)

Print your ad clearly, one word per square. Your phone number is one word. 1














Call: 604-885-3134 or email: 12


Rates: $6.00 for 15 words plus 20c for each additional word plus HST. Run one week, second week is free! *some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from these rates. PAYMENT DROP OFF ONLY: Mail your ad to: Drop by our office: Fax us at: Take 5 Media P.O. Box 494 5758 Cowrie St. 604-885-3194 #1-747 North Rd., Gibsons Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Your name _________________________________________________

Visa/MC # _________________________________

Phone number _____________________________________________

Expiry ____________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________

We also accept debit, cash & cheques


Wilson Creek Your Neighbourhood Food Store

We carry


Household Products 604-885-6331

LOCAL EVENTS Thursday, February 9 Monday, February 13 •10:00am-Noon. Session beginning - March 15. •10:00am-12:00pm. Roberts Creek Hospital Aux Ageless Beauty through Healthy Habits with Angela Monthly Meeting. 604-885-3819. Skeene. 604-740-5754 or •11:00am. My Furry Valentine Fundraiser •3:00pm-6:00pm. Farm Gate Market at Roberts for SC SPCA. Outdoor pet photo shoot. Creek Hall (indoors). Winegarden Park, Gibsons. RSVP •7:00pm. NT Live: Travelling Light. Tribute to Eastern Europe’s & Hollywood’s golden age. •1:30pm. Leena Wright Speaking on Living Wills 2x2 make cash not trash Raven’s Cry Theatre. and related subjects. Author of On My Way to the •7:30pm. “Randy and Mr. Lahey’s West Coast Funeral Parlor: Living and Dying in BC. Harmony Oddity” a live comedy show starring John Hall, Gibsons. Dunsworth and Patrick Roach. Gibsons Heritage •7:30pm. SCFS Film: Marwencol. USA 2011. Playhouse. Tickets available at and at Gibsons Heritage Playhouse. Tickets at the door. the door. Tuesday, February 14 Friday, February 10 HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! •5:30pm. Egmont Movie Night. Kids movie •3:30pm. SC Botanical Garden Society presents 6:00pm. Adult movie 8:00pm. Egmont Ciscoe Morris: Hummingbird Madness at the Community Hall. Free. Raven’s Cry Theatre, Sechelt. Tickets at all •6:30pm. Valentine’s Teen Video Dance, featuring nurseries and Sechelt Visitors Centre. Sweet Daddy Kool and DJ Chaotic. Gibsons Wednesday, February 15 Community Centre. •7:00pm-9:00pm. Opening Reception: Jay Hanscom’s •7:30pm. “Randy and Mr. Lahey’s West Coast - The Vulture, The Loot and The Anvil. Presented by the Oddity” a live comedy show starring John Sunshine Coast Arts Council. Sunshine Coast Arts Dunsworth and Patrick Roach. Roberts Creek Centre. Trail and Medusa, Sechelt. Community Hall. Tickets available at Thursday, February 16 and at the door. •3:00pm-6:00pm. Farm Gate Market at Roberts •7:30pm. Royal Astronomical Society Meeting. Creek Hall (indoors). Sunshine Coast Arts Centre. 604-740-5860. •8:00pm-10:00pm. Writer’s Cafe. This is an Saturday, February 11 opportunity for you to read your work in •9:00am. Live from the Met: Wagner’s public. Arts Building at 464 South Fletcher, Gotterdammerung. Tickets at Raven’s Cry Theatre Gibsons. Tickets at the door. More information or 604-885-4597. call 604-740-7790. •9:00am-11:00am. Fun with Food and Valentines: Friday, February 17 Wild Dock Seed Crackers with Kim Wilkinson. •1:00pm-3:30pm. Heritage Play Day Event: Presented by the Live and Learn Program. To Pro-D Day Puppet Making Workshop with register contact Sandy Buck. Presented by SC Museum and •11:30am-1:30pm. Fun with Food and Valentines: Archives. The Arts Building. More information: Delicious Liver Pate with Bernard Wera. Presented 604-886-8232, or by the Live and Learn Program. To register contact •7:00pm-9:00pm. Come and Learn More About •2:00pm. Artist Reception. Remnants: Stained and Ayurveda. Presented by Elizabeth Innes at Yoga by Stitched - Amelia Epp. Gibsons Public Art Gallery. the Sea. 604-740-2382 or Saturday, February 18 •2:00pm-4:00pm. Fun with Food and Valentines: •1:00pm-3:30pm. Heritage Play Day Event: Valentines Day Cake Pops with Margaret Storytelling, Crafts, and Games. Presented by SC Robinson. Presented by the Live and Learn Museum and Archives. The Museum. 716 Winn Program. To register contact Rd. Gibsons. More information at 604-886•5:30pm. Valentines with Definitely Diva. A dinner 8232, or www. show. Roberts Creek Golf and Country Club. •6:00pm. Semi-formal Valentine’s Masquerade •7:00pm-9:30pm. Valentine Partner Yoga. Dinner. Gambier Community Centre. 604-886- Presented by Yoga by the Sea. 604-740-2382 or 8289. •7:00pm. Karin Plato House Concert. An evening •8:00pm. George Fetherling, Vancouver poet, of jazz. Roberts Creek. Contact eyesoar@dccnet. novelist, and travel writer reads at the Sunshine com or 604-740-0963. Coast Arts Centre. Courtesy of The Canada Council •7:30pm. Woodsmoke and Tattered Silk meets for the Arts and the SC Arts Council. Trail and Toe Tapping and Thigh Slapping: Deanna Carter Medusa, Sechelt. and the Billy Hillpickers entertain. Coffee House Sunday, February 19 at the Gibsons Arts Building, 464 South Fletcher. •11:00am-4:00pm. Fat Quarters Quilters. Fibre Tickets at the door. 604-740-7790. Expressions Quilt Shop Classroom. #2-5679 •7:30pm. “Randy and Mr. Lahey’s West Coast Cowrie St. Sechelt. Oddity” a live comedy show starring John •1:00pm-5:30pm. Awaken Your Heart, Yoga and Dunsworth and Patrick Roach. Pender Harbour Mysticism. Presented by Lyne Lantaigne at Yoga by Community Hall. Tickets available at the Sea. 604-740-2382 or and at the door. •2:30pm. Coast Recital Society presents •8:00pm. Comedy Night featuring Erica Sigurdson Vancouver Chamber Choir with Conductor Jon and Ivan Decker. Gibsons Cinema. 604-886-6615. Washburn at Raven’s Cry Theatre. Tickets 604•8:00pm-12:30am. 3rd Annual Valentine’s Dance 740-2051. & Soiree! A fundraiser for Les Petits du Pacifique •7:00pm-9:00pm. Music Makers Gospel Night. MM Childcare Centre. Sechelt Arts Centre. For more Studio, 4669 Simpkins Rd. Davis Bay. 604-885-3494. information contact Tuesday, February 21 Sunday, February 12 •7:00pm. Suncoast Woodcrafters Guild Meeting. •11:00am. Single & 55+? Meet the Brunch Bunch Speaker Vijay Narayan. Furniture Restoration and for their Valentine’s celebration at the SC Golf Club Finishing. Chatelech High Woodworking Shop. at Robert’s Creek. Wednesday, February 22 •11:00am. My Furry Valentine Fundraiser for SC •7:00pm. Dyslexia Demystified with speaker SPCA. Outdoor pet photo shoot. Snicket Park, Wayne Aadelstone-Hassel of Davis Dyslexia Sechelt. RSVP Assoc. International. Seaside Centre, Sechelt. Free •2:00pm. Pender Harbour Music Society presents admission but seating is limited. More information Pianist Linda Lee Thomas, ‘Chamber Musician 604-741-0605 or Supreme’ and bandoneonist Jonathan Goldman •7:00pm-9:00pm. Sharon Rubuliak: Opening of the legendary group “Quartango” performing Reception. Doris Crowston Galley, SC Centre, at the School of Music, Madeira Park. Sechelt. 604-885-5412. Friday, February 24 •7:30pm. “Randy and Mr. Lahey’s West Coast •7:00pm. Artesia Coffeehouse. Sunshine Coast Oddity” a live comedy show starring John Arts Centre. Trail and Medusa, Sechelt. Tickets at Dunsworth and Patrick Roach. Sechelt Seniors the door. 604-740-5825. Activity Centre. Tickets available at and •7:30pm. Classical Strings Festival. Gibson’s at the door. Heritage Playhouse.

14 The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012

Volunteer as an ESL or Literacy Tutor

Gibsons • Sechelt

Price your home right Real Estate Tips Kenan MacKenzie

Sunshine Coast Real Estate News


ut aside your emotions and price your home fairly right from the beginning! The advantages of an accurate listing price are a faster sale, less inconvenience, increased activity, often a higher selling price, reduced negotiations, and avoidance of a ‘stale listing’ which can lead to your home standing out and being compared negatively to the competition. Appraisers use two main methods to appraise your home: one is by direct comparison and the other is by

cost approach. The cost approach takes in the land and included site developments plus the home, garage, basement and extras. These are assigned values related to land sales and current building costs and the buildings will be depreciated according to wear and tear. Realtors will sometimes do a worksheet on your home using the cost approach prior to using the direct comparison. Direct comparison is the most accurate indication of market value for your home. Your home is compared to similar homes that have sold and adjustments are made for differences. Your realtor normally would come up with at least three homes that have sold re-


• Volunteer as an ESL (English as a Second Language) or literacy tutor. • Tutor adults on a one-to-one basis or work with learners in a small group.

• Gain experience and skills for work in related fields.

SECHELT: Pier 17, Davis Bay 604-741-0792 POWELL RIVER: 4675 Marine Ave. 604-485-1249

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OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Fri 8am - 4pm

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Contact Sandy Middleton by e-mail or call 604.885.9310 The English as a Second Language Settlement Assistance program is made possible through funding from the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia. The Community Access to Literacy and Learning program is made possible through funding from Province of British Columbia.

Capilano university sunshine coast campus Community development & outreach 5627 Inlet Avenue, Sechelt, BC.

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Due to an error in our recent flyer, the price listed for 100g. should have read 50g. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.


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Local ClassiFieds 15 words

Mail, fax, email or drop off your ad with payment to: P.O. Box 494, 5758 Cowrie St., The most comprehensive coverage Sechelt BC V0N 3A0 on the Sunshine Coast! + HST Ph: 604-885-3134 • Fx: 604-885-3194 Your 15-word or less, private party classified ad will be delivered to over 13,000 homes and businesses in 2 consecutive issues of The Local. Email: The

cently and are similar to your home. If you live in a ‘cute, heritage style home’ then the comparisons should be similar to that. If you live in 2800 sq ft home on a non-view lot it will be difficult to compare to a 2800 sq. ft. view home given the difference a view makes to many buyers. Also better to look at what your neighbor sold for than to look at what neighbor listed for. In a buyers’ market it pays to look at sales first and then the currently listed homes. Through the Internet many buyers are very well informed and they know the market. Buyers want to make sure they are getting best value for their money. I quite often have sellers indicate they want to have a little room to negotiate. Or they say that hopefully someone is going to come along and pay them 10 per cent more than suggested because their home is special. What the statistics show is that the best offer for your home will usually come in 2012 the first Jan. 19, 30 days. After that time, the price you expect to receive for your home will decline.

reg. $21.99



Offer expires Feb. 29, 2012. Limit 2 per person. While supplies last.

Call or visit us today for details.


The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012 15







RECEIVERSHIP AUCTION McDonalds word search 1006

A long established wholesaler of fine Persian / Eastern, imported handmade, wool and silk carpets has seized by creditors. Their assets are ordered to be sold by auction liquidations.



Feb. 9, 2012


5790 TEREDO STREET, SECHELT (Sechelt Visitor Centre)



























STRAWBERRY BANANA A delicious blend of real fruit and low fat yogurt – goodness made refreshing.

Masterpieces of wealth caliber! LARGE WOOL AND SILK PERSIAN: ORIENTAL RUGS

Plus many more from other corporate contracts; TURKOMAN, LARGE SILK TABRIZ, KASHAN, SHIRAZ GASHGAI, ANTIQUE SIRJAN, SAROUG, MEIMEHI, CHOBI, FINE NAIN, QUM, TRIABAL BALOUCH, MOUD, ONE-OF-A-KIND VILLAGE RUGS, RUNNERS, OVERSIZED AND MANY LARGE DINING LIVING ROOM SIZES. Terms: Cash, Visa,MC and Amex. 15% buyers’ premium plus HST applicable. Some items in advertisement are subject to prior sales/error/omissions. Licensed auctioneers. For more info please call 604-808-6808

1100 Sunshine Coasy Hwy., Gibsons 604-886-1624 5615 Sunshine Coast Hwy., Sechelt 604-885-1005


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OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner

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16 The Local - Thursday, February 9, 2012

Local Local

Weekly Community Newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada Weekly Community Newspaper Serving Weekly Community Newspaper Servingthe the Weekly Community Newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Sunshine Coast, British Columbia,Canada Canada Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 5758 5758Cowrie CowrieStreet, Street,Sechelt Sechelt Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax:3A0 604-885-3194 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt P.O. P.O.Box Box494, 494,Sechelt, Sechelt,BC BCV0N V0N 3A0 email: • website: • OffiSechelt, ce Hours Monday -604-885-3194 Friday 9am - 5pm P.O. Box604-885-3134 494, BC• V0N 3A0 Phone: Fax: Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 email:• •website:• •Offi OfficeceHours HoursMonday Monday- -Friday Friday9am 9am- -5pm 5pm

The The The The

FREE OF CHARGE AT NEWSSTANDS MAILED SUBSCRIPTIONS 13,300 COPIES PRINTED WEEK! email: • inwebsite: • Offi ce HoursEVERY Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Canada, $32.65/mo. AND ON B.C. FERRIES, LANGDALE TO Call 604-885-3134 to subscribe The Local is locally operated and distributed every Thursday to MAILED SUBSCRIPTIONS FREE OF CHARGE AT NEWSSTANDS 13,300 COPIES PRINTED EVERY WEEK! HORSESHOE BAY ROUTE. SUBSCRIPTIONS FREE OF CHARGE AT NEWSSTANDS in MAILED 13,300 COPIES PRINTED EVERY WEEK! POST households on the Sunshine Coast by CANADA Canada, $32.65/mo. MAILED SUBSCRIPTIONS AND ON B.C. FERRIES, LANGDALE TO in Canada, $32.65/mo. FREE OF CHARGE AT NEWSSTANDS 13,300 COPIES PRINTED EVERY WEEK! The Local isislocally operated and distributed every Thursday AND ON B.C. FERRIES, LANGDALE TO CallCall604-885-3134 totosubscribe The Local locally operated and distributed every Thursdaytoto 604-885-3134 subscribe in Canada, $32.65/mo. (Canada Post Agreement (#41000012) and 1,400 hand-delivered to businesses. HORSESHOE BAY ROUTE. ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: AND ON B.C. FERRIES, LANGDALE TO Call 604-885-3134 to subscribe households HORSESHOE BAY ROUTE. The Local ison locally operated and distributed every Thursday to POST bybyCANADA CANADA POST households onthe theSunshine SunshineCoast Coast HORSESHOE BAY ROUTE. Contact GARDAR GARDARSSON, Display Advertising Monday at The LocalPOST office, households on theDeadline: Sunshine Coastnoon by CANADA

ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: Advertising Sales Manager ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: Contact GARDAR or RON KOWALSKI, Contact GARDARGARDARSSON, GARDARSSON, Advertising Sales Contact GARDAR GARDARSSON, Advertising Sales Representative and Marketing Advertising SalesManager Manager Advertising Sales Manager or KOWALSKI, Phone: or email: orRON RON604-885-3134 KOWALSKI, Advertising Sales Representative or RON KOWALSKI, Advertising andMarketing Marketing $Sales Representativeand Advertising Sales Representative and Marketing Phone: 604-885-3134 or email: Phone: 604-885-3134 or email: Phone: 604-885-3134 or email: $$

HOW TO SUBMIT A CLASSIFIED AD: $ or drop off your ad with payment to: Mail, phone, fax, email The Local,SUBMIT P.O. Box 494, 5758 CowrieAD: St., Sechelt BC V0N 3A0 HOW HOWTO TO SUBMITAACLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED AD: • Email: Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 Mail, phone, fax, email orordrop offoffAD: your adadwith to:to: Mail, phone, fax, email drop withpayment payment HOW TO SUBMIT A CLASSIFIED Or drop offP.O. ad Box with494, payment at TAKESt., 5your VIDEO, North Road, Gibsons The Local, 5758 Cowrie Sechelt BC V0N 3A0 The Local, P.O.fax, Boxemail 494, 5758 Cowrie Sechelt BCpayment V0N 3A0 to: Mail, phone, or drop off St., your ad with Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 • Email: Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 • Email: The Local, P.O. Box 494, 5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt BC 3A0 HOW TOoffSUBMIT EDITORIAL TEXT:5 VIDEO, North V0N Or drop ad with payment at TAKE Road, Or drop offeditorial ad with payment at TAKE 5 VIDEO, North Road,Gibsons Gibsons Phone: 604-885-3134 604-885-3194 • Email: Email your to:• Fax: Or drop off ad with payment at TAKE 5 VIDEO, North Road, Gibsons •HOW SUBMITTED EDITORIAL MUSTTEXT: BE RECEIVED ELECTRONICALLY TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL HOW TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL TEXT: (typed or hand-written will not be accepted) Email your editorial to: Email your editorial to: HOW TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL TEXT: •• In most cases,EDITORIAL editorial submissions must be prearranged with the SUBMITTED Email your editorial to:MUST • SUBMITTED EDITORIAL MUSTBEBERECEIVED RECEIVEDELECTRONICALLY ELECTRONICALLY editorial department (typed will not beBE (typedormust orhand-written hand-written will not beaccepted) accepted) • SUBMITTED EDITORIAL MUST RECEIVED ELECTRONICALLY •• Editorial adhere tosubmissions specifi c word counts In• In most cases, editorial must be prearranged with most editorial submissions must beisprearranged withthe the (typed orcases, hand-written will not begrammar accepted) • Use of proper English, spelling and appreciated editorial department editorial department • In most cases, editorial submissions must be prearranged with the •• Submission does not guarantee publication Editorial must adhere to specifi c word counts • Editorial must adhere to specifi c word counts editorial department •• We reserve theEnglish, right tospelling edit all submissions Use of proper and grammar is isappreciated • Use of proper English, spelling and grammar appreciated Editorial must adhere to specifi c word counts •• Limit press releases to 300 words. Submission does not guarantee publication Submission not guarantee publication • Use of properdoes English, spelling and grammar is appreciated • We reserve the right to edit all submissions reserve the right toguarantee edit TO all submissions • We Submission does publication TO SUBMIT Anot THE EDITOR: •HOW Limit press releases toLETTER 300 words. Limit press releases to 300 words. • We reserve the right to edit all submissions Email your Letter To The Editor to: • Limit press releases to 300 words. HOW SUBMIT AALETTER TOTOTHE EDITOR: HOWTOTO SUBMIT LETTER THE EDITOR: •Email Letters to The Editor are welcome on any topic of local or general your Letter ToA The Editor to: Email your Letter To The Editor to: HOW TO SUBMIT LETTER TO THE EDITOR: interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication Email your Letter To The Editor to: not imply endorsement by the newspaper. • does Letters to The Editor are welcome on any ororgeneral • Letters to The Editor are welcome on anytopic topicof oflocal local general • interest. GenerallyOpinions letters should not exceed more than 300 words. expressed are those of the writers; publication expressed are those of the writers; publication • interest. Letterswill toOpinions Theedited Editor on topic of local or general Letters be inare thewelcome interests of any style, clarity, legality, brevity does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication taste, letters as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse • and Generally should not more than not imply endorsement by the newspaper. • does Generally letters should notexceed exceed more than300 300words. words. publication of any submission. Letters will be edited ininthe interests ofmore style, clarity, legality, brevity Letters will be edited the interests of style, clarity, legality, • Generally letters should not exceed than 300 words. • and All letters must be signed and include place ofright residence and brevity taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the to refuse and taste, asbenecessary. Local the right to refusebrevity Letters will edited in The the interests of style, clarity, legality, telephone number; names may bereserves withheld from publication for valid publication ofofany submission. publication any submission. and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse by approval of the and editor. • reason All ofbe any submission. • publication Allletters lettersmust must besigned signed andinclude includeplace placeofofresidence residenceand and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication number; namesand mayinclude be withheld publication valid • telephone All letters must be signed place offrom residence andforforvalid reason by approval of the editor. reason by approval the editor. telephone number;of names may be withheld from publication for valid Thisreason publication reserves the to refuse any advertising that it considers to by approval ofright the editor. contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The thatthe theright publisher shallany notadvertising be liable for damages arising This advertiser publicationagrees reserves to refuse that it considers to out This publication reserves thebeyond right tothe refuse any advertising that it considers to of error in any advertisement amount paid for such advertisement. contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. contain false or misleading or involves unfair orthat unethical practices. This publication reserves theinformation right to refuse any advertising it considers to The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out The advertiser that the publisheror shall not beunfair liableorforunethical damagespractices. arising out contain false oragrees misleading information involves of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. of error in any advertisement theshall amount paid for such advertisement. The advertiser agrees that thebeyond publisher not be liable for damages arising out of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.

(Canada (CanadaPost PostAgreement Agreement(#41000012) (#41000012)and and1,400 1,400hand-delivered hand-deliveredtotobusinesses. businesses. email: (Canada Post Agreement (#41000012) and 1,400 hand-delivered to businesses.

Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon offi ce,ce, Classifi ed Advertising Deadline: Monday 3:00atpm atLocal The Local office, Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon atThe The Local offi email: Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office, email: email: Classifi ed Advertising Deadline: 3:00 pm ce,ce, Editorial Deadline: Monday noonMonday atMonday The Local offi ce,atatThe Classifi ed Advertising Deadline: 3:00 pm TheLocal Localoffi offi email: Classifi ed Advertising Deadline: Monday 3:00 pm at The Local office, email: email: Editorial Deadline: ce,ce, Editorial Deadline:Monday Mondaynoon noonatatThe TheLocal Localoffi offi email: The Local uses an Editorial Deadline: Monday noon at TheAD: Local office, HOW SUBMIT A CAMERA-READY DISPLAY email: APPLE MACINTOSH Email address: email: Platform

Note: aTO camera-ready is an ad that is ready for printing. The Local uses an HOW AAad CAMERA-READY DISPLAY The Local uses an HOW TOSUBMIT SUBMIT CAMERA-READY DISPLAYAD: AD: APPLE MACINTOSH The ad will require no revisions, but will be published as submitted. Email address: APPLE The LocalMACINTOSH uses an Email address: HOWyour TO SUBMIT A CAMERA-READY DISPLAY AD: •Note: Build ad according to our specifi c dimensions, (*please see columnPlatform width Platform a camera-ready ad is an ad that is ready for printing. APPLE MACINTOSH Note: aaddress: camera-ready ad is an ad that is ready for printing. Email measurements below) Platform The adadwill require nonorevisions, will published asassubmitted. The will require revisions, butthat willbe published submitted. Note: a camera-ready adlogos) is anbut ad isbe ready foradprinting. •• All images (photos and included in the must be at least 300 dpi Build ad totoour specifi cbe dimensions, see • Build your adaccording according ourbut specifi cwith dimensions, (*please seecolumn columnwidth width The adyour will require noad,revisions, will published as(*please submitted. • Make a PDF of your at least 300 dpi, all text and graphics embedded measurements below) measurements below) •within Build your ad according to our specifi c dimensions, (*please see column width the PDF • All images (photos and logos) included in the ad must be at least 300 dpi • All images (photos and logos) included in the adinformation must be at least 300dates dpi you would measurements •• Email your PDF tobelow) us,ad, along with300 your full contact andembedded the Make a PDF of your at least dpi, with all text and graphics •like Make a PDF of your ad, at least 300 dpi, with all text and graphics embedded Alltoimages (photos and logos)(The included ad mustevery be atThursday. least 300 dpi havePDF your ad published. Localinis the distributed Submission within withinthe PDF •deadline Make athe PDF of your ad, at least 300 dpi, with all text and graphics embedded is PDF the Monday before) • Email your with your fullfullcontact information and would • Email your tous,us,along along with your contact information andthe thedates datesyou you would within the PDFtocriteria Note: If the above is not met, The Local cannot guarantee correct output of your like your ad published. (The Local iscontact distributed every Thursday. Submission liketotohave have your ad published. (The Local is distributed every Thursday. Submission •material Email your PDF to us, along with your full information and the dates you would once published. deadline is the Monday before) deadline is the Monday before) (The like todohave your ad published. distributed everyDraw” Thursday. Submission • Please not send a camera-ready adLocal usingiscannot “Word” or “Coral applications Note: If Ifthe criteria Note: theabove criteriaisbefore) isnot notmet, met,The TheLocal Local cannotguarantee guaranteecorrect correctoutput outputofofyour your deadline isabove the Monday material once published. material once published. Note: If the above is not TheOUR LocalDESIGN cannot guarantee correct output of your TO SUBMIT Acriteria ADmet, THAT DEPARTMENT •HOW Please dodo not send aDISPLAY camera-ready adadusing “Word” oror “Coral Draw” applications • Please not send a camera-ready using “Word” “Coral Draw” applications material once published. WILL BUILD FOR YOU: Email address: • Please doisnot acharge camera-ready ad using “Word” or “Coral Draw” applications Note: there nosend extra for this service. HOW TOTOSUBMIT AADISPLAY AD THAT OUR DEPARTMENT HOW SUBMIT DISPLAY AD THAT OURDESIGN DESIGN DEPARTMENT •WILL EmailBUILD (local your ad’ s information to us. Be sure to include your full contact FOR YOU: Email address: WILL BUILD FOR YOU: Email address: HOW TO SUBMIT A DISPLAY AD THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT information, the dates charge you would like your ad to run, and the full elements to be included Note: there isis no forfor this Note: there noextra extra charge thisservice. service. WILL BUILD FOR YOU: Email address: in the ad (eg. logos, photos and text). • Email (local your ad’ad’ s information totoinclude your fullfullcontact • Email (local your s information include contact Note: there is no extra charge for this service. • All images (photos andyou logos) included in ad thetoadrun, must bethe atsure least 300 dpi.toyour information, the dates would like your and full elements be included information, the dates you would likes information your ad to run, andBethe fulltoelements to befull included • Email (local your ad’ to us. sure include your contact ininformation, the adad(eg. logos, photos and text). in the (eg. logos, photos and text). the dates you would like your ad to run, and the full elements to be included FAX AN (photos AD THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT WILL BUILD FORdpi. YOU: •TO All images and logos) included ininthe adadmust bebeat least 300 • All images (photos and logos) included the must at least 300 dpi. in the ad (eg. logos, photos and text). Fax number: 604-885-3194 • All images (photos and logos) included in the ad must be at least 300 dpi. •TO Please fax your instructions and the DEPARTMENT text that will used in the ad. BeFOR sureYOU: to include your FAX AN AD THAT OUR DESIGN WILL BUILD TO FAX AN AD THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT WILL BUILD FOR fullnumber: contact information, the dates you would like your ad to run, and theYOU: full elements to Fax 604-885-3194 Fax number: 604-885-3194 TOincluded FAX AN in ADthe THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT WILL BUILD FOR YOU: be ad. Please note we cannot use faxed logos or images as that quality • Please faxfaxyour instructions and the text that will used ininthe totoinclude •isPlease your instructions and the text that will used the sure includeyour your Fax number: 604-885-3194 inferior. full contact information, the dates you would like your ad to run, and the full elements toto full contact information, theand dates likeused yourin adthe to run, and thetofull elements • Please fax your instructions theyou textwould that will ad. Be sure include your befull ininformation, note we use asasfull that quality beincluded included inthe Please note wecannot cannot usefaxed faxedlogos orimages images that qualityto contactAPPLICATIONS theWE dates you would like your adlogos to or run, and the elements COMPUTER CANNOT ACCEPT: is be inferior. is inferior. included in theusad.anyPlease note we cannot • Please do not send of your “working files”,useeg:faxed Corallogos Draw,or images as that quality is inferior. Quark Express, InDesign, Pagemaker, Publisher, Pages. etc. COMPUTER COMPUTERAPPLICATIONS APPLICATIONSWE WECANNOT CANNOTACCEPT: ACCEPT: • Please send •COMPUTER Pleasedodonot notAPPLICATIONS sendususany anyofofyour your “workingfiles”, files”,eg:eg:Coral CoralDraw, Draw, WE“working CANNOT ACCEPT: Quark Express, InDesign, Pagemaker, Publisher, Pages. etc. Quark Express, InDesign, Publisher, etc. Draw, • Please do not send us anyPagemaker, of your “working files”,Pages. eg: Coral *THE LOCAL COLUMN WIDTHS: 1 column: 1.57” • 2 columns: 3.3” Quark Express, InDesign, Pagemaker, Publisher, Pages. etc. • 3 columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: 10.25” *THE *THELOCAL LOCALCOLUMN COLUMNWIDTHS: WIDTHS: 1 1column: column:1.57” 1.57”• •2 2columns: columns:3.3” 3.3” • •*THE 3 3columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: LOCAL COLUMN WIDTHS: 1 column: 1.57” • 2 columns: 3.3” 10.25” columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: 10.25” • 3 columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: 10.25”

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