The Local, April 12, 2012

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Local The

Sechelt appoints Anniversary of interim CAO Vimy Ridge Rick Beauchamp steps in as interim Chief Administration Officer ....................

Page 2

Trumpeted as Canada’s coming of age, Vimy Ridge battle history is remembered .........................

Page 5

Street show to host troupe workshop Story Theatre prepares for creative summer family shows across the Coast


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11

Look for these inserts:

• Home Hardware • Coastline Power Sports

Your Weekly Community Newspaper • Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • Thursday, April 12, 2012 2011 EdGE LTd AWd 600 & 400 Thread Count Don’t be fooled by travelling gold buyers.



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This is your ad proof in the next issue of



June 2, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ At a Verification Ceremony to be held April 14, members of both the Squamish Nation and the Sechelt Nation will open a benefit concert to raise Deadline for approval awareness of the future of Mr. Elphinstone forests on the Sunshine Coast. PHOTO SHEL NEUFELD or changes is benefiMonday t concert by to 3:00 raise p.m. of both the Squamish Na- Jeremy Fisher, Don Ross, awareness of Mt El- tion and Sechelt Nation will and Lynn Miles, and colIf we do not hear showfrom you byopen this the show. phinstone’s Forests, laborated with Mae Moore time, we canof assume all is correct. casing hundreds photoNeufeld is no stranger and Don Kerr. While argraphs, withPlease live let music willhow we to at-risk forests, or to sup- tistic to the core, Neufeld’s us know This is your ad proof can serve best. porting them with his strik- passion for nature extends be held Saturday, Aprilyou14, business is Creek important ing to us! in the next issue ofinto other realms as well. 7:30 pmYour at Roberts colour photographs Community Hall. and musical compositions. His visions are built on true This show will feature Neufeld, whose West Coast connection with both landShel Neufeld, who will proj- photography is displayed scape (Neufeld has done ect his West Coast images across Canada, has toured mountain and valley trips June 2, 2011 on a large screen, while per- the country countless times over a month long and Issue Date: ____________________ forming his original acous- with his music, and opened loves a good bushwhack) Deadline for approval tic guitar music. Members for the Grapes of Wrath, and the communities that or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.

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have utilized the forests for millennia. “My greatest hope is that, through this concert, residents of the Sunshine Coast can gain a greater connection to our forest here, while at the same time, grow in deeper understanding of the Sechelt and Squamish Nations. Through understanding and respect, we can accomplish amazing things.” Formative for Neufeld

was his volunteer time with Uts’am Witness, a crosscultural collaboration between artists, a Vancouver community centre, and the Squamish Nation. The program succeeded in helping to protect ancient forests in Sims Creek and the Elaho Valley in the Northern part of Squamish territory; and raising awareness of the See “Forests” continued on page 7

Vimy Ridge ceremony at Camp Byng Saturday If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.

sales • service web web design/hosting

883 • 1331 In The Local next week… Spring Home & Garden and Earth Day Activities


Please let us know how we

he 95th anniversary of ScoutscanCanada and under the command of serve you best. This ismembers your ad proof Your business is important of the battle of Vimy of the Legionto us!Viscount Byng (for whom Ridge - a seminal eventininthewill acknowledge next issue of a battle, Camp Byng is named). Canadian history - will be which many consider laid Prior to this battle, Canacommemorated at Camp the foundation of Cana- dian troops were spread Byng, Roberts Creek on dian identity and national- among various British regSaturday, April 14 at 11 ism. Everyone is welcome iments and while they held am. This is the secondIssue year to attend the 45-minute a well-earned reputation June 9, 2011 Date: ____________________ for the ceremony, which ceremony. as a crack fighting force, DeadlineFought for approval is as much an educational on April 9, 1917, their British commanders changes exercise as it is a memo- orthe battle isat Vimy Ridge considered them unsearial. Two Rotary Interact united Canadians from soned ‘colonials’ unfit for Monday by 3:00 p.m. Clubs, Cadets, members all parts of the Dominion command. This changed If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.

Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!

at Vimy. The 7 km Ridge, key to the German defence system, appeared invulnerable. The position provided an unobstructed view of miles of battlefield. Attacks by the French and British failed, at a cost of over 100,000 casualties and 20,000 lives. The Canadian Corps, commanded by Lieutenant-General Sir Julian Byng and Ma-

jor-General Arthur Currie, were given the order to capture it. Currie insisted that the assault force for the next attempt on Vimy Ridge be comprised entirely of Canadian troops. The assault on German defences began April 2, lasted seven days, and was loud enough to be See “Vimy Ridge” continued on page 5

2 The Local - Thursday, April 12, 2012 #117-1100 Sunshine Coast Hwy., Gibsons B.C.

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OPEN HOUSE SAT. APRIL 14, 2012 12 - 2PM 830 Bayview Heights • Gibsons Beautiful 2-storey ocean view home located in desirable Lower Gibsons. The lovely outside living areas feature stamped concrete south facing sun deck, covered deck in the back yard with gas barbeque hook up, fully fenced yard and a stamped concrete driveway. Inside features include hardwood floors, slate entrance areas, vaulted ceilings, large master bedroom with ensuite and walk-in closet, natural gas fireplace with custom wood mantle, 2.5 bathrooms and a heat pump for comfort in both hot and cold weather. This home offers an open concept plan with great space for entertaining. This is a classy but functional home waiting for you to enjoy.

















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Interim CAO appointed by Sechelt Council Dave Brackett 1015

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ayor John Henderson ters and Fellows designais pleased to announce tions in Business Adminis12, 2012tration, and certification in the appointment April of Rick Beauchamp as the District of Municipal Administration Sechelt’s Interim Chief Ad- and Law. ministrative Officer. Beauchamp has worked Beauchamp, a princi- for a number of British Copal with local government lumbia municipalities and consulting firm R.A. Beau- Regional Districts, includchamp & Associates, brings ing early in 2011 when he over 40 years of experience acted as Interim Chief Adin municipal and regional ministrative Officer for the government senior manage- Town of Gibsons. ment positions to his new “We are very pleased that position. His educational Mr. Coast Sleep Centre 1015 Beauchamp has been background includes Mas- able to make himself avail-

Strike savings boost Learning Improvement Fund T April 12, 2012








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he BC government will apply $30 million of the of $37 million in operational savings resulting Th from last month’s three-day teachers’ strike to the Learn- in the ing Improvement Fund (LIF), effectively doubling the fund contribution for the coming school year. All of the strike savingsIssue Date: _ will remain with school Dead districts. LIF funding will o be used for classrooms Mond with the highest need. The remaining $7 millionIf we do n time, we ca in savings will be used for educational priorities in the Please respective districts. ca Over the next three years,Your busi the LIF will Wollen provide 1015 an Randy additional $195 million, which may be used to hire additional teachers and special education assistants, fund additional teaching time, or support professional training. The government allocates an additional $850 million per year to support April 12, 2012 special needs students. B.C. school districts are also being provided with $10.7 million in one-time funding, ear-marked to support struggling readers in the K-12 grades.

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able on short notice,” said Henderson. “The District is fortunate to have such a skilled individual join our organization, while we recruit for the permanent person. I encourage all Sechelt residents to join us in welcoming Rick to the District.” As well, the District has entered into a contract with Western Management Consultants to conduct the recruitment of a permanent Chief Administrative Officer.

Spacious 3 bedroom home on a large, level, sunny, beautifully landscaped yard. This deregistered mobile home with additions and updates features a large RV height double carport, fenced yard, mature gardens, lots of storage, spacious master bedroom and a fantastic deck to enjoy the gardens. All this and a great price!

The Local - Thursday, April 12, 2012 3

Your most valuable asset Coast Watch Garry Nohr Chair Sunshine Coast Regional District and Repesentative for Halfmoon Bay, Area B


any Sunshine Coast residents do not realize that the libraries here are funded mostly through local taxpayers’ dollars. The libraries do a fine job of accommodating community needs and use annual surveys to set their direction. Although it is too late for the Gibsons’ survey, there is still time for Sechelt library users to fill out a survey form. Take an opportunity to drop by the Sechelt Library and provide your input to help the volunteer board and the librarian plan. If you are not a regular library user, try checking out the services, from computers

to newspapers. The local libraries are client based and work hard to cover all user needs. On your personal tour you might be surprised to find out what is offered. If you have an interest and it is not covered in the library, indicate it on your survey. During this period of economic downturn, the library is a place of assistance for the unemployed and for those trying to retrain to keep their positions. Friendly staff members at all of the Coastal libraries offer reassuring assistance for those having a difficult time and, for those that cannot afford computers or Internet, libraries offer resources for creating resumés and applying for positions online. The libraries, which are taxpayer funded, are essential to the economic development of the Coast, giving

services to those continuing at school, seeking jobs, and researching information for professional and vocational upgrading. Staff members at local libraries are always ready to assist patrons and to find materials for those determined to continue lifelong learning and personal improvement. This Thursday, visit the Sechelt library and fill out a survey if you are a regular user. If you have not taken the opportunity to visit any local library before, do so now and see your tax dollars working for the community. Please feel free to contact me either by email or phone on any issue. Cell: 604-7412427 or glnohr@dccnet. com If you wish to be on my Halfmoon Bay Newsletter contact me by e-mail. Check my website at www.


photographer Spring on the Coast… Local RUTH DAVIE captures both the beauty and serenity of the Sunshine Coast. Stop in for all your FRAMING and ART supply needs and inquiries.

Earth Day Sun. April 22, noon - 5 pm at the Roberts Creek Pier

• Kid’s Toy Exchange • SCRD Transit Musical Bus & Earth Day Shuttle • Ride your bike to Earth Day and receive a free bike tune up! • Heart Gardens: Native Plants and Permaculture Garden Tour 1pm • Local Children’s Earth Day Film Screening 1-4pm • Roberts Creek Library • Opening of Downtown Pathways and Gardens, 11:15am at The Gumboot Café

Eastern Star donates to hospital auxiliary The Hospital Auxiliary’s Brown Bag Luncheon was delighted to acknowledge the generous donation from the Eastern Star, Mount Elphinstone Chapter #65. Valdine Michaud (right) presented a cheque in the amount of $5,000 to Board Chair, Karen Scott (centre) and Hopkins Branch (Past Chair) Myrna Todd (left). Unfortunately, this gift marks the dissolution of their chapter. The Eastern Star has provided cancer dressings for patients on the Coast as well as supporting many other

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worthwhile causes. Their cheque will be put to good use to purchase equipment and services for St. Mary’s Hospital. PHOTO SUBMITTED


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Mail, fax, email or drop off your ad with payment: THE LOCAL: P.O. Box 494 – 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt BC V0N 3A0, Phone: 604-885-3134 Fax: 604-885-3194 • Email: OR to TAKE 5 MEDIA, 747 North Road, Gibsons

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4 The Local - Thursday, April 12, 2012


Failure once an incentive to achieve success While flipping through the pages of a recently inherited 1895 vintage Highroads Dictionary I discovered my aunt’s carefully preserved report card. Dated in 1912, it equated to our Grade 8. The word ‘entitle’ appeared in the Highroads Dictionary as a verb - an action word. Entitlement did not exist for this generation, it seems. In 1912, a Grade 8 student studied and mastered 14 subjects, including basic business skills. Could our current generation of 13-year-olds carry a similar academic load with equal success? Or would a sense of entitlement and an overprotective generation of parents kick in? In 1912, a grade eight education provided the academic base for a generation of entrepreneurs and tradesmen who laid the foundations - literally - of our nation. In 2012, even completion of grade 12 does not provide a similar academic base. The years of academic experimentation that brought forth the doctrine of ‘no child left behind’ also brought forth the noun ‘entitlement’ - as in a child is entitled to proceed to the next level even if they have not mastered the work required to do so. Carry this out to its logical conclusion. If a child is entitled to unearned achievement, then as adults when they move into the business world, should they be entitled to a paycheque even if their work performance is not up to previous standard? And if they are entitled to a paycheque should they not also be entitled to a bonus - regardless of performance? In 1912, students failed. They were expected to meet standards of performance and were accountable for that. If they failed to do so, they failed the subjects, they failed the year – and, as a result, faced the very real possibility of failing to provide the means of support for their families. Failure existed as an incentive to success and served a positive function. For centuries, failure was the place from which to start afresh, having provided an opportunity to recognize the standards that must be met and the level of commitment required to meet them. In just one century, the concept of failure became ‘unacceptable’ (another currently overused word not included in the Highroads Dictionary); entitlement has become both a noun, and an insidious attitude. In just one century, it is ‘unacceptable’ for directors of financially failing public utilities and corporations to be denied a salary bonus to which they feel entitled - and are entitled by contract - because in the course of one century the concept of failure ceased to exist. In the span of a generation we have moved from ‘no child left behind’ to ‘no bonus left unpaid’. The standards of the schoolroom, it appears, become the standards of society. And this is why every single person, regardless of whether or not they have children in ‘the system’, must take an informed interest in how the next generation is educated. Failure is not an option. by Heather Jeal for The Local

Letters to the Editor

Quantum jump in election funding

As a registered Financial Agent for candidates in the last two civic elections (Alice Janisch in 2008 and both Alice and Doug Smith in 2011) I couldn’t help comparing the recently released Financial Disclosure Statements with those of the previous election. I was pleased to see that

the expenses for the six successful councillor candidates fell within the same general range in both elections - between $1,000 and $5,000. In total the winners in 2011 spent only about 15% more than their 2008 counterparts. Looking at the mayoralty race revealed something quite different. John Henderson’s expenses of $18,079.92 were

Letters to the Editor more than 6½ times the $2,690.25 spent by Darren Inkster in 2008. Eighteen thousand is a lot to spend in a small town election but it pales when compared to the investment made by FABS. FABS were an electoral association that one of the candidates was instrumental in establishing just prior to the election, and its expenses amounted to a whopping $44,492.16. That’s 25% more than the spending of all of 2011’s seven winning candidates combined! There was no equivalent spending in 2008 as no electoral associations registered for that election. In pointing this out I don’t mean to say or imply that anyone did anything illegal or unethical, I simply wish to highlight the quantum jump in the financial landscape of Sechelt politics. This is a reality that I admit to finding particularly sad and depressing. Our system allows candidates to spend whatever they wish and adopt whatever legitimate strategy they feel will win the support of voters. Unfortunately, massive spending - effective as it is - is a tactic that’s available to only a few. Val Morris, Sechelt

Commuter ferry idea needs leadership In regards to the need for a Passenger Ferry Service to the Sunshine Coast, the Town of Gibsons has

moved the resolution to the Committee of the Whole on April 17, 2012 at 6 pm. The SCRD has moved it to the Transportation Committee on Monday April 30 at 10:30 am. I believe a commuter ferry is critical to having a balanced community for the Sunshine Coast and I can pitch this to the Council. I can give them first hand examples of clients for whom I have listed and sold homes because they can no longer tolerate the commute on BC Ferries. My intent is only to pitch this and not to be the driving force behind it, so if there is an organization that wants to drive this need please let me know. We need people to attend the meetings to show that this matters to our community, and if you have information please bring it and present it to committee members. I know from personal experience that one person presenting an idea gets a yawn, but a delegation gets noticed. In the case of a recent listing of mine, the husband could no longer take the commute, so they are leaving the Coast. The wife was about to start up a small business, so we have now lost this family and the potential of more employment. It cost a lot more to run a large car ferry than it does a commuter ferry. It is far cheaper to run a late service on a commuter ferry,

which will allow residents to take in big city activities without staying overnight. Kenan MacKenzie, Gibsons

Share the cost savings? Again we receive mailings from BC Hydro, Fortis Gas and others in their noble efforts to save trees, paper and convert to online billing. What about the cost savings for those companies using online billing – somewhere in the range of $1 per mailing? In the case of BC Hydro and Fortis this translates into millions of dollars per month. Are they going to share some of these savings if we convert to electronic billing? At least the locally owned Credit Unions return part of their savings to their membership. D. Stulken, Davis Bay

Weston’s stand on asbestos hurts Canada The Local received this letter for publication: Mr. John Weston: It’s no surprise that Canada has acknowledged the hazard caused by asbestos within our own borders. As Canadian citizens, we do not question cautions given us by Health Canada and the Canadian Home and Mortgage Company, amongst others, that exposure to asbestos poses serious health risks. It dumbfounds me that for the sake of a few hun-

dred jobs or even millions in profit, our elected government would say it’s okay to sell this material without any concern for the health and safety of others, especially when those others don’t have the luxury of a comparatively sound economy and solid safety strategies. This is not what it means to be Canadian. We are a country that cares for others and endeavors to educate and assist others while they grow. But in this matter, I am ashamed to be a Canadian and to be associated with this decision. I saw on the news that the MP (NDP) for the riding in Quebec, which would be most greatly impacted by the closure of this plant, has bravely stood up and said that our government should agree to list asbestos as hazardous, that by not doing so, we would cause hardship for many people in his riding. I want you to know that there are also people in this riding who most assuredly do not agree with the government’s stand on this issue. I hoped that you would speak out on our behalf. Yet now that it is too late, I feel that you have proven that you will not take a stand for what is truly ethical and moral. I am so sad to be a Canadian after what your ‘Harper’ government has done about this issue. Daniel Sikorskyi, Halfmoon Bay

Volume 10 • Issue 15

The Local - Thursday, April 12, 2012 5

Vimy Ridge Ceremony on Saturday


continued from page 1

When You’re ready, I would Love to sell your home.

heard in London. At dawn on Easter Monday, all four Canadian divisions, fighting side-by-side for the first time, swept up the Ridge in a driving storm of sleet and snow and by nightfall, captured it. In one glorious day, Canadians had advanced farther than any other British offensive to date. That day, more ground, more prisoners (4,000), and more guns were taken than in the entire two and a half years of the war. Canadian casualties were also high: 7,104 were wounded, and 3,598 killed. Despite these losses, Vimy is trumpeted as Canada’s ‘coming of age’. That victory earned Canada a place at the post-war peace table, a clear mark of the nation’s independence from Britain. by Heather Jeal for The Local

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Premier Christy Clark acknowledges bravery of Vimy Ridge troops


n a recent statement, BC’s Premier Christy Clark acknowledged the sacrifices of Canadians on the 95th anniversary of the battle of Vimy Ridge. “On Easter weekend in April 1917 on Vimy Ridge, four divisions of Canadians – over 100,000 men – drew together to fight as one army for the first time. German forces had, until then, held this key position for three years. The architect of the innovative ‘creeping barrage’ battle plan was General Sir Arthur Currie, a Victoria teacher and businessman. “Through mud, blood, snow and rain,” continued Clark, “those Canadians struggled for three days over collapsed trenches to seize armaments and ground, yard by yard, at a cost of more than 10,000 casualties, until the ridge was secured. Four Victoria Crosses were awarded for bravery, and it was the greatest Allied victory so far in the Great War. “Ninety-five years later, we look back with pride at that magnificent victory. The battlefield today is a silent testament to the bravery and tenacity of those men, 100 acres of tranquility that have been deeded to Canada in perpetuity. The majestic and moving Vimy monument presides over the site, as the names of the 11,285 Canadians who were lost

and presumed dead in France parade silently around its base. “This year the 9th of April fell on Easter Monday, just as it did in 1917. I urge you to remember those valiant young men who answered Canada’s call to arms when our country was in its infancy. This marvellous legacy of grit and determination must

be passed down to our children so that Canadians will never forget the sacrifice and triumph that was Vimy Ridge. Said Clark, in conclusion, “We should also recognize and give thanks to the brave men and women who serve in Canada’s armed forces today and who are stationed around the world and here at home.”

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April 12, 2012


6 The Local - Thursday, April 12, 2012

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The Local - Thursday, April 12, 2012 7 Forests

continued from page 1 Squamish Nation culture and traditional territory claims. Neufeld explains, “In 2005, when several Squamish Chiefs ceremonially closed the work that began ten years earlier, the Uts’am Witness Project had inspired and educated over 8,000 participants from the general public at camping weekends, workshops and events, and several areas of the Squamish Watershed were protected as Wild Spirit Places.”

Since moving with his family to his Roberts Creek acreage, Neufeld has grown in appreciation of and respect for the forests of Mt Elphinstone. “For the water that local residents and wildlife depend on, the wild mushrooms and medicinal plants that are harvested by both First Nations members and the larger community, the incredible biodiversity that feeds both our lungs and our spirits, we need to do a much better job of safe-

guarding these forests for now and for future generations.” Proceeds for the show will benefit Elphinstone Logging Focus’s efforts to protect local forest areas. Advance tickets available from MELOmania, Gaia’s Fair Trade, and Strait Music. There will be a suggested donation at the door, with kids under 12 free or by donation. For more information, please contact Shel Neufeld, 604-886-6713 or Ross Muirhead, ELF at 604-740-5654.

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Hosting BC grants help build local economies


he Province continues to help build local economies through sport by contributing more than $200,000 to support sport hosting events across British Columbia, announced Ida Chong, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. Forty-six grants have been awarded to successful applicants who applied to Hosting BC in December. Among these, the Gibsons 2012 BC Junior Boys’ Championship Golf event was awarded $3,000.These grants are helping a wide range of events, from the 2012 Victoria International Rugby Sevens, to the Sledge Hockey Shoot Out.

Hosting BC supports large sporting events and helps build BC’s reputation as a premier event-hosting destination. Since 2004, close to

$3.7 million in Hosting BC funding has been awarded to support 462 events in more than 45 communities throughout the province.

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Private consultations are available, FREE OF CHARGE! Call to book a time, or just stop in!


ThisStart is isyour adofproof Adrenal a combination herbs that help to support the adrenal glands. The adrenal in the next issue ofglands help

the body to deal with stress – physical, emotional, and mental – and can be thought of as our ‘shock absorbers.’ Chronic stress can lead to adrenal gland fatigue and depletion. Symptoms of adrenal fatigue include low energy, feelings of stress and anxiety, poor abdominal weight gain, cravings Dec. 8, 2011 Issuesleep Date:quality, ____________________ for sweets and caffeine, hormonal issues, inflammation, and allergies. The most Deadline approval common response Ifor hear from people taking this product is that they have more or changes energy and are sleeping better,is often within a couple of weeks!

Monday by 3:00 p.m.

Some reasons why people often see a Holistic Nutritionist include: ~ Weight loss ~ Low energy ~ Sleep disturbances ~ Stress, anxiety, mood, memory issues ~ Cardiovascular support (blood pressure, cholesterol, etc) ~ Skin problems ~ Joint issues, pain and inflammation ~ Digestive disturbances ~ Immune system issues ~ Allergies ~ Liver support and cleansing ~ Menopausal support ~ Prostate support ~ Anemia ~ Sports nutrition & meal replacements ~ Blood sugar support

See Kelly on Tuesdays, 10am-5pm, at Suncoast Pharmacy, Sechelt, and on Thursdays, 10am-5pm at Marina Pharmacy, 12887 Madeira Park Rd., 604-883-2888.

Suncoast Pharmacy If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.

Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!

103 - 5531 Inlet Ave., Sechelt 604-885-2899

8 The Local - Thursday, April 12, 2012

101 ACTIVITIES & EVENTS 101 Activities & Events 102 Garage Sales 103 Announcements 104 Anniversary & Birthdays 105 Births 106 Obituaries 107 In Memoriam 108 Funeral Services 109 Personals 110 Childcare 111 Lost & Found 201 Health & Wellness 202 Health & Fitness 203 Sports & Exercise Equipment 204 Gardening 300 Pets & Livestock 400 Travel 500 Music 600 Computers 701 Antiques & Collectibles 702 Furniture 703 Appliances 704 Misc. for Sale 705 Wanted 706 Free 707 Trade & Barter 708 Financial Services 801 Cars for Sale 802 Trucks & SUV’s 803 Special Interest & Classics 804 RV’s & Campers 805 Motorcycles & Off Road 806 Parts & Accessories 807 Repairs & Service 900 Machinery & Tools 1000 Marine 1100 Storage 1200 Service Directory 1300 Firewood 1400 Work Wanted 1500 Business Opportunities 1600 Legal & Public Notices 1700 Log Homes 1701 Homes & Lots for Sale 1702 Mobile Homes for Sale 1703 Misc. Property for Sale 1704 Homes for Rent 1705 Apartments for Rent 1706 Misc. for Rent 1707 Commercial for Rent 1708 Shared Accommodation 1709 Vacation Rentals 1710 Wanted to Rent 1711 Wanted to Buy 1712 House Sitting 1800 Employment 1801 Careers 1900 Too Late to Classify

Local The

We Accept Classified Advertising At: OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street Sechelt

Special Sunday opening of St. Mary’s Thrift Shop, Sechelt. April 15, 10:00am – 3:00pm, featuring jewellery, baking & storewide specials by St. Mary’s Hospital Aux./ Health Care, Hopkins Branch. p15 Workshop April 21, Roberts Creek: Honour the Earth with SoulCollage®. Call Heather 604-886-6520. b16

102 GARAGE SALES ESTATE Sale of furniture. Saturday April 14, 10:00am – 1:00pm. 862 O’Shea Rd., Gibsons. p15 Saturday, April 14. 10:00am – 2:00pm. 269 Arbutus Reach, Gibsons. p15 Saturday April 14 – Joint School Garage Sale. 9:00am-2:00pm. 5078 Davis Bay Rd. p15 ONLY $7.00 + HST – Run your 20 word Garage Sale ad for 2 weeks PLUS we’ll put your address in bold letters! Call 604-885-3134. tfn

BY FAX: 604-885-3194

BY E-MAIL: Deadline: Monday-3:00pm at the office

n te ra



$6.00+HST* 15 Words

for 2 Weeks

dyslexiadoor offering five-day courses in: • Reading Skills • Math Skills • Attention Enhancement

RE Decor Consignment. Check us out! We have many new and useful treasures arriving every day. Buy yourself a treasure this week and get some free seeds! Always stylish, always affordable. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-8855884 b15 RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-886-9813 btfn If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. 604885-8208. btfn Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. btfn Overloaded with holiday turkey? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Small groups in Sechelt, Wednesdays 6:30pm, Sechelt Health Unit, 5571 Inlet Ave. 604-740-5845 or 604-885-4666. Gibsons, Thursdays 6:30pm, Frank West Hall. 604-8868578 or 604-886-1717. b14 Advertise in the paper that you read. Call The Local today. 604885-3134



WAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL Teacher and Davis-licenced specialist. B26


We’re Back!

Every Saturday April 7 - Sept. 29 NEW LOCATION: Downtown Sechelt New Times: 9am-2:30pm Rain or Shine!


Facebook, Twitter & You Tube


Purebred Pitbull Puppies 4 females, 2 males, family raised, Vaccinations & vet checked. 8 weeks old on April 22 then ready for homes. $650. Responsible owners only please.


500 MUSIC BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b17 Study the potential of the acoustic guitar with Joe Stanton, singer/ songwriter/guitarist. Private and semi-private lessons and workshops in Sechelt and Halfmoon Bay, specializing in fingerstyle acoustic guitar. To register go to Sequiros or 1014 call 604885-9354. b17


Bring in this ad for 20% off

entire Booth # 2, until April 28, 2012 • Open 10am-5pm B17

Donate your spare change

to the Sunshine Coast Grandmothers & Grand Others Donation jars located at

Local The


5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt

Woods Showcase Sunnycrest Mall Gibsons


109 PERSONALS I invoked St. Jude. Prayers were answered. Deo Gratias. R.G. p17

20¢ each additional word + HST


*Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.

Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.


18ft RV. 1982 Frontier w/12,000 km on rebuilt motor. Sleeps 4-6. Temp. construction home or extra accom. Strip it down - make it a 1014 flat deck. Almost give-away price. 604-886-2425. p15

Anything Computers!


Call Computer Mike!

Set of 4 TOYO Mts. P175/65 R14 81T tires. $100. 604-885-8551. p16

604-886-3555 604-885-6001


s e b m e j D

April 5, 2012

#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802

house calls, lawn mowers, chain-

saws, outboards, motorcycles, 702 FURNITURE Sechelt Farmer's Market 1013 ATVs Chinese/Japanese. SatisfacLrg antique armoire w/natural tion guaranteed, affordable rates. finish. White sideboard w/natural Call 604-886-1242. b15 1 finish top. 2 sewing machines, 1 w/cabinet. Dining room suite. Call 604-885-8862. p15

New Captain’s Bed w/mattress, $300 obo. Call 604-886-0343. p16

#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802 600 COMPUTERS Now Open! Sunshine Coast Computer. Repairs, virus removal and more. 12859 Madeira Park Rd. 604-865-0688. b18

36ft Trojan Houseboat. Will trade for motorhome, travel trailer, etc. Phone 604-886-7341. $17,000. b15



Metal 4-drawer filing cabinet, $80; Goldstar 4.2 cu. ft. compact fridge w/freezer, $100; Toaster oven, $20; Panasonic CD compact sound system, $75. 604-989-4866. p16

705 WANTED Puppies 1015

BUYING old coins, bills, silver, gold, stamps, antique items, etc. 604-740-6474. b15 Retired hobbyist wants, discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p19 Wanted – Wood picnic tables. Will pay cash and will pick up. Phone 604-989-7275. btfn

Aprilfor 12,Habitat 2012 Volunteers Wanted for Humanity ReStore. Variety of tasks, everyone welcome, especially able bodies for pick-ups. Call 604-885-6773. ftfn

$ CASH $ for unwanted motorhomes and trailers

Strait Music 1015 604-886-7341 706 FREE Outside cast-iron stove w/chimney. HEAVY. Bring help to move it. 604-886-3018. f15 Did you know that free ads are FREE in The Local? Restrictions apply.


r Ask foApril Waynne 5, 2012

Waynne Pretty



Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn

Read the Classifieds & Local Events online

For complete rental listings and photos visit our website: Professional Services...


GE Profile, self-cleaning convec29, 2012 Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry tion range. Exc. cond.March $800 obo. Call 604-740-8887 or 1-604-790- seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn 2620. p16 Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn

April 12, 2012

s o j n Ba

Jan. 12, 2012 b27 Small Engine Repairs. New & used April 5, 2012parts and tools, free pick ups,


Info: Roberta Wright 604-885-8483



Solving computer problems since 1992

Shop now for best selection! Located in Mosaic Market 4780 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Davis Bay • 604-740-8140



Prompt, Professional, On-Site Service

Ask about our free 2-hour assessment


PAYMENT DROP OFF ONLY: Take 5 Media #1-747 North Rd. Gibsons BY PHONE: 604-885-3134


1400 WORK WANTED Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. bom14 Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn

1500 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Concession Lemonade Stand for Sale. Great Summer Business Opportunity. Asking $1,500. Call 604886-1412. b15

1704 HOMES FOR RENT Sechelt: 3 bdrm, close to downtown. $1300/mo. Call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or 1015 visit Johnny Walker b15 Gibsons: 1 bdrm cottage. $800/mo. Call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit b15 Gibsons: Spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bth duplex in lower Gibsons with a harbour view, decks wood April and 12, 2012 burning FP. $1300/mo, N/S, sm. pet nego. Avail now, call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit b15 Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like Grandmothers 1014 camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn

1705 APARTMENTS & SUITES FOR RENT Gibsons: 1 bdrm, waterfront. $850/mo. Call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit b15 Gibsons: Furnished waterfront 1 bdrm suite available now to May 31. N/P, N/S. $1200/mo. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b15 Sechelt: One bdrm front apt. Avail immed. $750/mo, N/S, N/P. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b15

With Personal Focus Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial

Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721

1707 COMMERCIAL FOR RENT Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-8853281. btfn

1710 WANTED TO RENT For May 1, Sechelt Village. Two mature females/gardeners seek a 2 bdrm house. Approx. rent $900/ mo, lease ok. No pets, refs galore! 604-989-7327. p15

1800 EMPLOYMENT S&G Drywall is looking for a drywall finisher (taper) for Sechelt Hospital project. Please contact Mehrdad at 1-778-861-2484. b16 Hairstylist needed. Chair rental avail at Artistic Image Group. Call Cindy @ 604-886-8118. b19 Forest labourer harvesting salal and other evergreens (NOC8611). Full time, starting salary $12.50/hr, 40 hrs/wk. Start date ASAP. Requirements: Educ./Exper. not req’d. Location: Sechelt, BC. Work condition & physical capabilities: repetitive tasks, physically demanding, bending, crouching, bunching, weighthandling approx.. 25kg/50lbs. Worksite: outdoor. Travel: travel expenses paid by employer. Other information: We are a floral evergreen wholesaler looking for hard working individuals to pick local salal and other evergreens. Employer: Evergreen Extreme. To apply, email your resume to **Only resumes emailed to the aforementioned address will be considered. b15

1900 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Spanish Classes. Basic to advanced levels. Email for details and fees; b18

If you have something to give away for free,


Call 604-885-3134 or email: Free class 1x2


Only $ (+HST)






Local is looking for YOU! The


The Local - Thursday, April 12, 2012

Put your Classified ad in The Local and we will run it two weeks plus we’ll bold your address at NO EXTRA CHARGE! (*20max. words)




Wilson Creek This is your ad proof The Local sales rep Spring wanted 1013 Services



Thework Local and we’ll run it for two Yes weekswe have wo weeksenthusiastic Advertising Sales Representativein to with bold your address at Fraser Valley ess at our great Sales Team. While experience wouldplus Local, bewe’ll an asset, words) 20 words)we’re looking for a Sales Rep who: (+hst) NO EXTRA CHARGE! (* max.&20 Okanagan


Only $

GARAGE SALE Sales is anCLASSIFIED important part of our business ified adAdvertising AD and we are looking for someone who will not only provide outstanding

Thedevelop Localaand wo weeksservice to our clients butin will relationship of trust with we’ll run it for twoandweeks them. The Local is growing and evolving, we need good ess at people who will growplus your address withwe’ll us andbold show clients that excellent in small packages. AT NOcome EXTRA CHARGE! 20 words)service and amazing results *Plus HST • (max. 20 words)

Submit your resume to: Gardar Gardarsson, Sales Manager Email: P.O. Box 494, 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Phone 604-885-3134 Fax: 604-885-3194 Deadline for submissions: April 27, 2012.

• Lawn Maintenance • Fertilizing • Yard Clean-ups • Aeration • Pruning/Hedges • Power Raking • Rubbish Removal • Odd jobs June IssuePrograms Date: ____________________ •Yearly Maintenance • 30, 2011 W i n d o w Wa s h i n g


to put your

Deadline for approval 604-740-9828 or changes FREE is ESTIMATES WCB Coverage ftfn Monday by 3:00 p.m.





in The Local and we’ll run it for two weeks plus we’ll bold your address

AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! Plus HST (* max. 20 words)

310-JIMS (5467) If we do not hear from you by this

Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!


LOCAL EVENTS THURSDAY, APRIL 12 •10:30am. Harbourside Friendships, a part of the Senior Initiative meets at the Music School, Madeira Park. For more info contact Cathy at 604-883-9766. •1:30pm. St. Mary’s Hospital/Health Care Auxiliary, Sechelt branch meets in the Craft Room at the Seniors Centre, Sechelt. •3:00pm-6:00pm. Farm Gate Market at Roberts Creek Hall.

•9:00am-2:30pm. Sechelt Farmers & Artisans Market returns for the season. New Location: Downtown Sechelt. •11:00am. Vimy Ridge Memorial ceremony at Camp Byng, 2139 Lower Road, Roberts Creek. •12:00pm-4:00pm. Story Theatre two-day workshop (14 & 15). All are welcome. Call 604-886-4222 for more info. •7:30pm. Benefit concert to raise awareness of Mt Elphinstone’s Forests, showcasing hundreds of photographs, with live music to be held at Roberts Creek Community Hall. Contact Ross Muirhead 604-740-5654. SUNDAY, APRIL 15 •10:00am-3:00pm. St. Mary’s Thrift Store Sunday Opening, featuring jewellery & baking. Hopkins Branch. •7:30pm. Egmont Community Hall is showing the Canucks Playoff Games on the BIG screen. Come support our team.

FRIDAY, APRIL 13 •7:00pm. Egmont Community Hall is showing the Canucks Playoff Games on the BIG screen. Come support our team.

MONDAY, APRIL 16 •10:00am. Roberts Creek Branch of St. Mary’s Hospital Auxiliary meeting, call Rene @ 604-885-3819 for location info. New members are very welcome. •1:00pm. Gibsons Seniors Society monthly birthday lunch at Harmony Hall, open to all, no charge.

SATURDAY, APRIL 14 •9:00am-1:00pm. Cedar Grove Elementary School in Gibsons is holding a Home Decor and Plant Sale. Everyone welcome.

TUESDAY, APRIL 17 •12:30pm-3:00pm. Free Chronic Pain Self Management Program. Six sessions at the Sechelt Seniors Centre, 5604 Trail Ave. April 17 - May 22. To

register call toll free 1-866-902-3767 or 604-940-1273. •7:00pm. Woodcrafters Guild meeting w/speaker Marianne Webb. Chatelech High Science Lab. All guests are welcome. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 •7:00pm. Egmont Community Hall is showing the Canucks Playoff Games on the BIG screen. Come support our team. THURSDAY, APRIL 19 •10:30am. Harbourside Friendships, a part of the Senior Initiative meets at the Music School, Madeira Park. For more info contact Cathy at 604883-9766. SATURDAY, APRIL 21 •9:00am-2:30pm. Sechelt Farmers & Artisans Market, downtown Sechelt. •11:00am - 4:00pm. Huge Rummage Sale & Spring Clean Up at the Egmont Hall. For more information call Tom or Carol at 604-883-1330. •11:00am. SC Botanical Garden Society presents The Informed Gardener by Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott. Two talks, ‘How plants cope’ & ‘Myth debunking’. Sparling Pavillion, Botanical Garden, 5941 Mason Rd, Sechelt. •8:00pm-12:00am. Sunshine Dragons Abreast SPRING Dance. Music by Joe Stanton and the Band. Sechelt Seniors Centre. For tickets and/or information call 604-740-5607.

Lawncare& Landscaping

There is no charge for listings in our LOCAL EVENTS column. We welcome all upcoming events that are free to the public, are non-profit events, or are fundraising events for a community cause. Maximum information for each listing will be limited to 15 words and must contain contact information. Due to space limitations we can no longer include for-profit listings but invite our readers to see our Classified Ad section under “Activities and Events”. Run your listing there for as little as $6.00 per week! This policy will come into effect as of March 29, 2012.

Call Matthew Evans




Cell: 604-740-4204 tfn Off: 604-886-4862 June 16, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________


TJS Lawn Care


Deadline for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.

Lawn & Yard Care

This is your ad proof in the next issue of

• Cutting • Edging • De-Thatching • De-Mossing • Fertilizing • Liming • Aerating • Yard Clean-Ups Excellent rates • Satisfaction guaranteed!

If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.


Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!



Reasonable Rates


You design or we do!



Consult the Professionals • 72 Years in Business Gene_Sauna 1012 APRIL SPECIAL: DINING ROOM CHAIRS

Sep Armchairs, 15, 2011Stools • Quality Furniture Recovering Sofas, Issue Date:•____________________ • Draperies, Slipcovers, Blinds • All Types offor Foam, Cut To Measure Deadline approval

CLEARANCE ~orMUST GO! changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.Sechelt Call John 604-885-0425 • 5399 Derby Road,

Tel: 604-883-0667 Cel: 604-813-6745

DBF Renovations and Repairs

If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.

March 22, 2012Please let us know how we

can serve you best. Bruce Fraser Renos Your1014 business is important to us!

Serving the Sunshine Coast for 35 years • Free Estimates • Firm Contract Prices • WorkSafe BC • Insured • References b11

BRUCE FRASER 604-885-9145 604-989-4861 b17

April 5, 2012

Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash

RUBBISH REMOVAL 604-740-0004


FREE ESTIMATES ~ WCB Coverage ~ b38


Barteks Landscaping

This is your ad p in the next issu

• Garden Design & Installation • Pruning Shrubs,Trees & Hedges •Pressure Washing Over 10 yearsIssue experience Nov. 10, 20 Date: ______________ LICENSED • SENIORS DISCOUNT

Deadline for appr 604-741-3065 or changes is ftfn

Monday by 3:00


pendable e D

SUNDAY, APRIL 22 •12:00pm-5:00pm. Celebrate Earth Day at Roberts Creek Pier.

New LOCAL EVENTS Policy in The Local

20 years experience (15 on the Coast)

• window washing • gutter cleaning • moss removal This is your ad proof • power in the next issue ofwashing • commercial cleaning



Excellent references from discerning clients.


time, AT we can assume all is correct. BOOK A JOB


CALLING ALL... •Volunteers, vendors, environmental/community organizations & donations required for Earth Day at Roberts Creek Pier. Sunday, April 22. Contact Sheila Wilson at •Performers. Are you a singer, dancer, acrobat, poet or any other performing artist? Communities adopting families in need are having a kick-off fundraiser talent-a-thon on June 3, 2012. No age restrictions, all welcome. Please contact Adrienne Ucciferri at 604-8863863 for more info.

looking for interior work.

Pacific Hues

604-885-6331 March 29, 2012

Only $







next issue of Same Day Service, in Fullythe Insured

Your Neighbourhood Local is a Thursday community newspaper PutonyourtheGARAGE SALE Classified ad ified adThe Food Store beautiful Sunshine Coast and we’re looking for another

• Is fun, outgoing, observant, loves people and is energetic • Owns a reliable vehicle and cell phone • Works to deadlines and is organized • Is willing to learn something new and interesting • Is able to think quickly, develop creative solutions and has * a good memory • Is good at spelling, grammar and punctuation • Is conversant with computers • Works well alone and with a supportive team to put your • Has a good attitude and willingness to follow direction


WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT Call for pick up or drop off at


5638 Inlet Ave., Sechelt

Smilin’ Lawn Care Local Events new policy 1013


604-886-4192 604-865-0331 March 29, 2012

we do not hear from yo ReadIftime, the we can assume all is classifieds Please let us know ho can serve you bes online Your business is importa

Cowboy Landscaping

Design through maintenance

• lawn care • estate mower • irrigation systems • water features • indoor / outdoor cultured or natural stonework • mini Bobcat

Wood Chipper • Small & Large Load Dump Trucks Reasonable Rates • Prompt Friendly Service


10 The Local - Thursday, April 12, 2012

OFF TRACK RACING ALL CANUCK GAME NIGHTS: Saturday April 14 • Buds $4.25 • Sleeve $3.50 • Burger $5• Enter to win Canuck prizes Opening Day TBC Lions Club Meat Draw Saturday 1- 4pm Hastings Park Emerald Downs Appy Hour Monday - Thursday 2:30 - 5pm Good food, good fun and great prices!

5770 Teredo St. Sechelt

PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:


Apple Specialist

rapid edge 101 - 5631 Inlet Avenue Sechelt 604.885.9893

Your local Apple shoppe

Buy 3 months and get the 4th month free! SECURE • SAFE • AFFORDABLE Best rates in town. We beat any price! brand new units 24 hour access • 7 days a week • •

5621 Inlet Ave, Sechelt 604-885-3460 •




beCoMing a MeMber – anyone Can Join It’s a wonderful way to get to know your local community and make a meaningful contribution, respecting veterans from generations past and supporting a new generation of veterans and their families.

FRIDAY APRIL 13 Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding, 5 - 7:30pm

Music by

The eaST van yaChT Club 8pm

BRANCH #109 604-886-2411

FRIDAY APRIL 20 Dinner: Steak & Prawns 5 - 7:30pm

Music by

Song buTCherS 8pm

SpeCial evenT SATURDAY MAY 12 Come out and join us for a briTiSh pub Show featuring linDa JoneS 1:30pm - 3:30pm British pub lunch starting at 12pm

Members and guests always welcome

• Crib on Tuesdays 7pm and Saturdays 12:30pm • Fun DarTS Wednesdays at 7pm • MeaT DrawS Saturdays 4-5:30pm and Sundays 4-6pm THE SUNSHINE COAST RADIO SOCIETY PRESENTS:


Stereo 105.9 FM & Ch 11 on the Coast TV system • Listen Live at “”

To get involved in local radio, email:

Local The


Hot Links! Your Weekly Community Paper for the Sunshine Coast, BC 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • phone: 604-885-3134 • email:

Did you know that your ad in The Local appears online too? Better yet, your customers can click on your email and website address in your ad, which will take them directly to you. It’s easy! Talk to Gardar or Ron to find out more.

Horoscope April 13 – April 19 Gilligans 1014

loose! Fortunately, opportunities to do so are here now and will continue. Michael Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) O’Connor Gestating dreams will beAstrologer gin to show their first real April 5, 2012 shoots this week. Already a Rapid Edge 1013 variety of ideas are crowdTip of the Week: As the planet turns - ing your plans. Your mind is sounds like a soap opera! Im- open and your imagination plied is the usual host of dra- is soaring. You are ready to mas where people interact dive into the game again and according to circumstance, you likely have support from need, desire, opportunity others. Proceed with a beand ambition and where ginners mind for best results. Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) vice and guile, innocence Some unexpected new and naivety and all the good March 2012 beginnings are having an in between weave the29, daily rhythms and intrigues we accelerating effect. Yet, to call life. This briefly charac- move forward as freely as terizes the perennial story you would like you may everywhere despite language, have to do some clearing culture, race, religion, creed close to home. The time is or technological prowess. right to clear the clutter in Yet the planet does not just your thoughts, focus and/ turn, it actually spins on its or living space. Feeling conaxis and orbits around the fident has probably been Gibsons more challenging than usuSun. Further, this axialLegion rota- 1015 tion has a slight wobble in its al but that will change soon, spin which produces a phe- so be ready. Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) nomenon called Precession Something powerful of the Equinoxes. In turn, this causes the Zodiac to ap- and perhaps unexpected pear to retrograde at a rate of has sparked in your world. about one degree every 72 Whether this is the kind of years, completing a 360 de- change you want is another 12, 2012 story. Yet, what can you do gree cycle in almostApril 26,000 years. From Precession we but to cooperate with the get the Age of Pisces and current? You can list your Aquarius, so, only once in options, and your blessings about 26,000 years does the for added good measure. Be Sun, from the perspective of willing to see the bigger picEarth, conjunct the Galactic ture to provide context for Center and it is happening what is happening. Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) right now! Actually the proThe time is right to be takcess requires about 36 years to complete and we have ing the initiative. This will been in it since about 1980, require a creative approach meaning there are a few years and perhaps some courage. yet to go. Enter Mayan Cos- Do outline your ambitions mology, which asserts that to fuel your determination. this event coincides with a It remains a good idea to do great evolutionary juncture your homework, which inand potentially great cata- cludes research and requires clysms. The year cycle from imaginative thinking. Be spring 2012 through to that open to inspiration, support of 2013 is said to be when and nurturing from others. Network! this will occur - stay tuned! Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) A rather deep and comYou may be just a little slow off the mark so far this plex time continues. Yet, it month, but the pace will ac- will shift later this week to celerate this week. Your focus produce more confidence will sharpen noticeably and and enthusiasm. Acquirby next week you will be on ing new tools, techniques TheWith Localgrowing Hot Links and strategies remains ima real roll. re- 1013 sponsibilities to consider you portant. Both learning and may feel the urge to break ‘getting the word out there’



Healthcare Associates/Practitioners

March 29, 2012

Enhance Observational /Intuitive Skills

with Sally Abraham, BScR MONDAYS & SATURDAYS begins Mon. Apr. 23, 6:30 - 9:30pm Registration / Information please contact • • 604-885-4305 • 604-740-2382 For more details:

are implied. Your ability to concentrate on these will increase steadily as well. Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) Changes on relationship fronts have been sparked and these are evident. They may also be pushing you within, to do inner work and confront the doubt demons. Yet, there is at least a silver lining in these events and possibly even a vein of gold. Make efforts to trust what is happening. Cooperate and capitalize! Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Creating a healthier rhythm and flow continues. It may feel quite challenging to feel solid and secure with how things are, however. This may take another six months to settle. Yet, there is also expansion and opportunity is knocking. Take full advantage of what is available and be patient with and trusting of the shifting ground. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) The waves of change are being felt by everyone and not least of all you. Feeling confident about it all may not be so easy. Reaching out to others for support, exchange and new alliances is ideal. Be willing to be still and quiet, to receive guidance from within. Opportunity accompanies change; summon the pioneering spirit! Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Something deep within the core of your being has been sparked. Perhaps you need space to integrate what is happening or it is activating you to be freer. Your imagination is likely reeling from it all. Connecting within to consult your inner authority for what to do is a good idea. Others may offer useful guidance or insights as well. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) Many new perceptions have taken root in your mind. Your sights are set on the future and you may increasingly know what you do not want. What you do want may require some additional time to clarify. Yet your ambitions for something new are growing and this will Sally Abraha continue.Massage All you have to do now is be open and willing. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Taking the initiative to establish a more reliable path and rhythm has been keeping you busy. Dealing with opposition both within and without has been the real challenge. Your April focus 5, 2012 will increase this week and this will activate your drive. You have perhaps been trying to cover a lot of ground, leaving you feeling stressed. Acknowledge yourself and persevere.

The Local - Thursday, April 12, 2012 11

Story Theatre preparing for summer shows S

tory Theatre is gearing up to produce their new lineup of exciting stories for children and families at summer festivals along the Sunshine Coast. They’re expecting to stage at least fifteen shows this summer, at twelve different venues – at the Children’s Festival in Gibsons, Canada Day at Hackett Park, the Halfmoon Bay Country Fair in Halfmoon Bay and more. They’re also pleased to be joining forces with the Gibsons Summer Read-a-long Program, of-

fering children a small theatre workshop, with a participatory performance. Story Theatre explores fables from different corners

of the world, reaching from the past into the present. They’re thrilled to bring a silent version of Little Red to life this year! Using only

one black screen and five wooden crates, the actors playfully relate familiar stories. Coming together in our streets and parks, both the cast and the audience are called upon to use their memory and imagination. Each year, their troupe is created anew, with new and previous volunteers filling in as actors, musicians, and stage crew. Story Theatre is offering a free two-day theatre workshop, April 14 and 15 at the Sunshine Coast Community Services So-

ciety (SCCSS), to kick off the season and meet new recruits. They may not be a professional theatre group, but they bring commitment and passion to their work. An interest in theatre is the only requirement

The BC New Enhanced Housing Rebate Real Estate Tips Kenan MacKenzie Sunshine Coast Real Estate News


he following is believed to be accurate BUT it is strongly advised that consumers do their own due diligence by contacting Canada Revenue Agency with their own specific questions. What is the HST? It is a combination of the Provincial Sales Tax 7% and GST (Federal Goods and Service Tax) 5% for a single Tax of 12% HST. The HST for the most part only affects newly created lots, new housing and substantially renovated homes. The HST rebates are available for purchasers of their primary residence. When applying for an HST rebate you are applying for two rebates one federal (GST 5%) and the other provincial (PST 7%), both rebates have different ceilings and rebate calculations. Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administers HST. The Federal (GST) portion of the New Housing rebate is for homes up to $350,000 for a full rebate of 36% to a maximum of $7,560. There is no Federal Rebate for homes over $450,000 and a lesser rebate between $350,000 to $450,000. The BC New Enhanced Housing Rebate effective from April 1, 2012 to April 1, 2013 is for qualifying housing which will include newly constructed or substantially renovated homes used as a primary place of residence by an individual or relation of the individual for homes up to $850,000 for a maximum grant of $42,500 (71.43%). The enhanced new housing rebates announced by the province only affect the provincial portion of the tax. Buyers of recreational or secondary properties outside of Metro Vancouver and the Capital Regional

Districts may be entitled to a New Housing Rebate for homes valued up to $850,000 and a maximum grant of $42,500 (71.43%). Here’s an example: Purchase a New home for $600,000 X 12 % HST = $72,000 in HST. There is no

Federal Grant (GST). Provincial Rebate is 71.43 % to a maximum of $42,500. Tax payable is $29,500. Important date to remember: The BC New Enhanced Housing Rebate will be available to an owner builder if on or after April 1,

2012 the new construction or substantial renovation of the home becomes substantially completed and the rebate application is filed with the CRA.


Madeira Beware of Nursery 1014 imposters!

A charming, unique little nursery set in the heart of Madeira Park ia Weekly Spec



and they’re always looking for new recruits. You can contact Radhika Samwald at radhikabowering@ or 604-8864222. You can also check them out online at: http:// storytheatre.htm

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12 The Local - Thursday, April 12, 2012

Local Local

Weekly Community Newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada Weekly Community Newspaper Serving Weekly Community Newspaper Servingthe the Weekly Community Newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Sunshine Coast, British Columbia,Canada Canada Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 5758 5758Cowrie CowrieStreet, Street,Sechelt Sechelt Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax:3A0 604-885-3194 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt P.O. P.O.Box Box494, 494,Sechelt, Sechelt,BC BCV0N V0N 3A0 email: • website: • OffiSechelt, ce Hours Monday -604-885-3194 Friday 9am - 5pm P.O. Box604-885-3134 494, BC• V0N 3A0 Phone: Fax: Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 email:• •website:• •Offi OfficeceHours HoursMonday Monday- -Friday Friday9am 9am- -5pm 5pm

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Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication Email your Letter To The Editor to: not imply endorsement by the newspaper. • does Letters to The Editor are welcome on any ororgeneral • Letters to The Editor are welcome on anytopic topicof oflocal local general • interest. GenerallyOpinions letters should not exceed more than 300 words. expressed are those of the writers; publication expressed are those of the writers; publication • interest. Letterswill toOpinions Theedited Editor on topic of local or general Letters be inare thewelcome interests of any style, clarity, legality, brevity does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication taste, letters as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse • and Generally should not more than not imply endorsement by the newspaper. • does Generally letters should notexceed exceed more than300 300words. words. publication of any submission. Letters will be edited ininthe interests ofmore style, clarity, legality, brevity Letters will be edited the interests of style, clarity, legality, • Generally letters should not exceed than 300 words. • and All letters must be signed and include place ofright residence and brevity taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the to refuse and taste, asbenecessary. Local the right to refusebrevity Letters will edited in The the interests of style, clarity, legality, telephone number; names may bereserves withheld from publication for valid publication ofofany submission. publication any submission. and taste, as necessary. 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Please note we cannot use faxed logos or images as that quality • Please faxfaxyour instructions and the text that will used ininthe totoinclude •isPlease your instructions and the text that will used the sure includeyour your Fax number: 604-885-3194 inferior. full contact information, the dates you would like your ad to run, and the full elements toto full contact information, theand dates likeused yourin adthe to run, and thetofull elements • Please fax your instructions theyou textwould that will ad. Be sure include your befull ininformation, note we use asasfull that quality beincluded included inthe Please note wecannot cannot usefaxed faxedlogos orimages images that qualityto contactAPPLICATIONS theWE dates you would like your adlogos to or run, and the elements COMPUTER CANNOT ACCEPT: is be inferior. is inferior. included in theusad.anyPlease note we cannot • Please do not send of your “working files”,useeg:faxed Corallogos Draw,or images as that quality is inferior. 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