Local Weekly June 12 Issue

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This Week:

Weekly Community Newspaper

Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • www.thelocalweekly.ca • Thursday, June 12, 2014

Brothers in Farms new CD release ..........................

Page 14

Lyme Disease Awareness Forum .............................

Page 7

Home & Cottage Show floor plan, coverage ...................

Pages 9-12

Sharp fencers own the podium ..........................

Page 16

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• Home Hardware

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Boiling mad Town of Gibsons’ first-ever ‘Boil Water’ advisory prompts uproar from residents


positive reading for contaminents (including e.coli) in the Town’s water distribution system, discovered during routine weekly testing, resulted in the first-ever ‘boil water’ advisory issued for residents served by the aquifer system, (shown as Zones 1 and 2 on the Town of Gibsons map, right) on Friday afternoon, June 6. Following standard Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) protocols for notifying residents of the situation, Mayor Wayne Rowe issued a bulletin to local and Vancouver media, and the Town posted the information with TeresatoBartrim regular updates its web- 1013 site and Facebook pages. In the case of a similar situation in other areas of the Coast, The Local Weekly has learned that the SCRD and District of Sechelt would follow the same protocol for notification. As the Town’s Director of Engineering, Dave NewMarch 29, 2012 man, continued to conduct tests and work with staff to determine the source of contamination, he kept in regular contact, fielding answers to residents’ questions and debunking misinformaThe Local_like tion that flowed through the us 1jun14 community, spread through multiple Facebook postings. Public Works crews will be As of press time late Tues- flushing out the water pipes day afternoon, according to to clean the distribution an updated bulletin from system. Mayor Rowe hasMayor Rowe the source tened to confirm that this of contamination had not will in no way affect the been identified, and the aquifer, the source of much boil water advisory was ex- of Gibsons’ drinking water. During this work, residents pected to remain inJune effect 5, 2014 at least until the end of the may experience changes in week. During that time, water pressure, brief wa-

ter interruptions, possible cloudiness in the water, and a smell of chlorine. Area residents outside the affected zones, in true Coastal fashion, reached out to their neighbours with offers to share potable water. Staff at Gibsons Recycling Depot will assist visitors to fill containers

from taps on their Venture Way site as long as the situation continues. Due to an expected high turnout of residents demanding answers about the contamination and a perceived lack of effective action to convey the information to residents, Tuesday’s Council Meeting was

moved to the Gibsons Public Market venue. For more information and regular updates, please visit gibsons.ca or facebook.com/townofgibsons. The Local Weekly also posts updates to our website and Facebook page as they are received. Heather Jeal, Editor

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