This Week:
Weekly Community Your community, your paper Newspaper Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • www.thelocalweekly.ca • Thursday, December 12, 2013 Christmas Carols
Gibsons goes to market
Special pull-out ...........
Pages 7-10
Ed Hill Busted in new book
Page 11
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Photo submitted
s The Local went to press Tuesday, December 10, Gibsons Public Market organizers frantically tallied the last-minute donations, Marchmeet 29, 2012 confident they would their $250,000 goal before their scheduled 7 p.m. In-Camera meeting with Town of Gibsons Council. More than 184 donors helped the team reach the landmark.
The goal of raising $250,000 will help fund the purchase of the former Gibsons Yacht Club building. Currently all donations are being held in trust; once the goal is met, the funds will be directed as donations to the Town of Gibsons for the Gibsons Public Market project, enabling them as major shareholder to purchase the prop-
Sunshine Coast Secret Santa and Haley GM invite you to drop off unwrapped gifts and non perishable foods at Haley GM on Field Rd between now and December 19. With your generous support last year, the Secret Santa Fund raised over $19,000 in donations. This year we have not had as fast of a start and urge everyone to share in the Christmas spirit of giving.
erty and issue charitable tax receipts. The Gibsons Public Market is expected to be a catalyst for revitalizing the waterfront area. Modelled on the hugely successful Granville Island Public Market, it will provide a yearround accessible site for area farmers to deliver produce to area residents. Heather Jeal
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