This Week:
Weekly Community Your community, your paper Newspaper Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • www.thelocalweekly.ca • Thursday, December 5, 2013
Marine highway defended
Bikes for tykes
at Spin Cycles ...................
Page 9
Gibsons Public Market nearing goal ...................
Page 2
A Holly Jolly Christmas
events on the Coast
Pages 7-9
Raincoast Cronicles
Volume 22 released
Page 12
Look for this insert: • Home Hardware Your one stop for everYthing
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ore than 300 Coast residents, three Chamber of Commerce reps, two MLAs, and a vociferous line-up of speakers gathered for the BC Ferries Open House at Elphinstone Secondary School gymnasium on Saturday, November 30. The entire three-hour event featured a ‘question and answer’ sessionAug. as dozens of community 30, 2012 representatives spoke against proposed service cuts and fare increases. As the BC Ferries reprentatives sat, stone-faced, commuters explained the human cost of frequent schedule changes, young
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athlete Sasha Quereshi pointed out that the 6:30 a.m. Sunday sailing is crucial to sports teams travelling to off-Coast tournaments, and seniors promoted ferry service from a motherhood issue to a grandmotherhood issue. Many in the queue agreed that “a ferry is a highway, and a highway is a ferry to us,” calling for BC Ferries to be brought under the purview of the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure. SCRD Chair Gary Nohr warned that “the Silver Threat will be taking down their anti-
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HST signs and putting up anti-BC Ferries banners” while seniors advocate Jef Keighley noted that the anger in the room was not directed at the representatives but “at the people above you, making decisions. And if they won’t listen, they’d better be prepared to see us on the lawn of the legislature,” he added to shouts and applause. The meeting was streamed live and may be viewed online at www.tvpowellriver.com. Heather Jeal
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