This Week:
Weekly Community Your community, your paper Newspaper Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • www.thelocalweekly.ca • Thursday, November 21, 2013
Keeping the pot boiling
Olafson in Concert
Gibsons Mayor Wayne Rowe helped volunteers launch the annual Red Kettle appeal at the Salvation Army Thrift Store on Saturday, November 16.
at Heritage, Nov. 30
Page 12
All funds raised through kettle donations remain in the community, to benefit initiatives such as the Food Banks (distributing about 120 hampers per month), meal programs such as the twice-weekly Lunch with Friends in Gibsons (serving over 500 hot meals monthly), and the support for the Extreme and Cold Weather Shelters at St. Hilda’s in Sechelt. The Salvation Army Emergency Response vehicle attends local emergencies such as the Grasshopper Pub fire and search-andrescue operations in Tetrahedron Park, providing coffee and food to responders. Newly arrived on the Sunshine Coast, Miriam Leslie (pictured, right) and husband Tim quickly became involved with the Sunshine Coast’s various initiatives to end homelessness in our community. The Leslies hope that funds raised through the Kettle Appeal will be used to bring more focus on this need in the coming year.
Gift Ideas For holiday giving ............
Pages 8 - 9
Size doesn’t matter Fitness does
Page 10
Deep fried Brussels sprouts Mmm. Good eatin’!
Page 13
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