Local The
Youth wins award
Christopher Tait brings home the RBC Youth Achievement Award. ..................
Page 6
Habitat to collect 10 million pennies
Salish Weaving Workshop a success
Unload soon-to-be-obsolete currency at Habitat for Humanity ReStore
Traditional weaving techniques yield a contemporary fashion must-have
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
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Budding artists created Sculpey bunnies in their pre-Easter mixed media class with Erin Lane at 4 Cats Art Studio this week. The polymer clay bunnies go home with their creators for baking in the family oven. The students, ages three to five, meet regularly at the Trail Bay studio to work with Sculpey, traditional clay and the potter’s wheel, and paint with acrylics on canvas.
Nov. 10, 2011
Workshop examines options for Trail Bay
esidents packed the vately owned. Each jurisdicSeaside Centre in Sech- tion has its own regulations elt on Thursday, March 29 governing management and for the District of Sechelt’s development, adding layers Trail Bay Foreshore Plan- of complexity to the project. ning Workshop. “We need o see what mix Teresa Bartrim 1013 Landscape Architect David of physical solutions and Reid reviewed the site’s his- community activities evtory and challenges, and how eryone wants, and to see if other communities have dealt we can make it work,” Reid with similar situations. said. “We need to look at Reid noted that four all other options, and at the branches of government maintenance, not just the – federal, provincial, mu- engineering.” nicipal, and Sechelt Indian March 29, 2012Reid noted that any strucGovernment – hold juris- tural improvement in the vidiction over different por- cinity of tidewater requires tions of the foreshore and careful consideration of the those adjacent lands not pri- stresses that tides, ocean de-
bris and severe weather incidents can inflict. Residents added photographic and anecdotal evidence of recent ‘severe weather incidents’ along the foreshore. Following the presentation, small working groups discussed the issues set out in surveys distributed to each person in attendance. The groups reviewed opportunities and issues and presented short lists of critical solutions and priorities. This information will be tabulated and posted on the District’s website.
Over 60 Coast residents attended the District of Sechelt’s workshop to discuss the future of Trail Bay’s foreshore. Individual focus groups completed individual surveys and prepared short lists of critical items for consideration by District of Sechelt staff and the consulting panel of experts. Information contained in the workshop presentation and a copy of the survey (to be completed and submitted to the municipal hall before April 10) may be accessed at the District of Sechelt website, www.sechelt.ca PHOTO HEATHER JEAL
2 The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012
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The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012 3
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o one of us is stronger than all of us together. That truism is illustrated in our communities, our schools and hospitals, our businesses and government organizations, our recreations and pastimes, our social networks and neighbourhoods. And it was re-confirmed for me recently in Washington DC as the first ever Canadian Parliamentarian to attend the twelfth annual National Bike Summit, a symposium of over 800 cycling enthusiasts. The Summit focused on advocacy for cycling issues, including how to lobby for bike-friendly infrastructure; promoting economic development through biking; the environment; healthy living; and tourism. While in DC, I also met with White House officials on dealing with the abuse of prescription drugs; attended a Congressional hearing on human rights; and met with the former IRS Deputy Com-
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supplies! Try non-toxic paints for your special projects. During a recent visit to Washington DC, MP John Weston attended the twelfth annual National Bike Summit, a symposium of over 800 cycling enthusiasts. The summit focused on raising awareness of the economic benefits of cycling, and discussed how to work together for bikefriendly infrastructure. PHOTO SUBMITTED
missioner on the IRS’s treatment of Canadians. While the symposium focused on cycling, I was struck by the ability of a group of people, large or small, to change the world, when unified in common cause, motivated by positive goals. It’s part of human nature to seek commonality with one another, a sense of belonging. And when we combine our passions and move together in the same direction, great things happen. On the Sunshine Coast, we see how people rally together in a myriad of ways
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to improve the health, safety, and quality of life of community members. Most recently, I have seen that collaboration result in achievements in the areas of seniors’ housing, water access and funding for infrastructure upgrades. I left the Summit intrigued by the political influence of cyclists in the US; given the enormous number of volunteer and non-profit organizations that operate enthusiastically on the Coast, the Summit reminded me that nothing is impossible, if we work together for common cause.
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4 The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012
Editorial Damage deposits and the powers that be
f you’re a renter, it’s a good idea to visit the website of the BC Residential Tenancy Branch and learn more about your rights and obligations. Sometimes, landlords interpret the Tenancy Act in their favor, which may lead to some serious disputes. These days, most landlords (or property managers who represent them) will ask a tenant to sign a long-term lease that may include all kinds of prohibitions and responsibilities for the tenant to remember. What many tenants don’t realize is that they have rights, too, and it’s important to be aware of them. As the number of rental properties increase, you’d think rent prices would go down – supply and demand, right? Or that more landlords would offer better incentives so they could attract long-term tenants who will help them maintain their property investment. This doesn’t always seem to be the case. Some even limit a tenant’s right to enjoyment of the property. What they don’t seem to understand is that once you move in, it becomes your home. But ‘your’ home may come with countless restrictions. No pets. No visitors for longer than two weeks. No parties. No loud music or TV after 10 pm. Park here – don’t park there. No overnight visitor parking. The list just grows and grows. Crosscheck this with the list of things landlords are required to provide tenants (through the Tenancy Act): the premises must be in a clean, safe condition; window coverings must be provided, also in clean condition … that list goes on, but how many times has a tenant moved into a property to find it infested with fleas, mice or rats and have to accommodate exterminators who visit your ‘home’ every week or two to empty or reset traps? While the landlord expects the tenant to live to the letter of the law, do all landlords respect and conscientiously follow the Tenancy Act? Even if a landlord writes a clause into your lease that says they can automatically keep your damage deposit if you break your lease early, it’s not necessarily true. Unless the landlord has an approved order from the Tenancy Branch to hold your damage deposit for “expenses involved in rerenting the property” - and this must be approved prior to the 15-day period during which they must return your damage deposit, they can’t simply keep it. If they refuse to return your damage deposit without an order from the Tenancy Branch and keep it past the 15-day limit, the tenant can apply for double the damage deposit back. The Tenancy Branch will try to arbitrate a settlement between the landlord and the tenant before making an award, but if you know your rights, you could save yourself a lot of money and frustration. Go to: www.rto.gov. bc.ca/ to learn more about your rights as a tenant in BC.
Letters to the Editor
Does Harper care about seniors?
Prime Minister Harper’s budget shows that he cares little about old aged people. His plan to increase the eligibility age for OAS from 65 to 67 will increase the number of poverty stricken old aged people who built our wealthy Canada. The maximum OAS payment is $540.12 a month for seniors with less than $69,562 in annual income.
The average GIS supplement is $492.26 while the maximum is $732.36 paid to seniors making less than $16,368 a year. Millions of seniors, expecting to collect their OAS and GIS at age 65 will have to wait until they are 67. How will they pay for rising food prices, caused by speculators on the oil futures markets, and pay their rent? Sad to write, poor old aged people will have to go on
Letters to the Editor meager welfare and beg for groceries at overwhelmed food banks to survive. Is this democracy? Is this Canadian justice? Post-secondary students, mired in debts of $20,000 to $100,000 and struggling to pay off their student loans, also need employment. The chances of obtaining professional jobs will be reduced. Is that sensible? What is to be done? We voters can tell John Weston, MP, West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky, that he lobby Harper to cancel his uncaring plan to harm vulnerable old age people, and that we voters expect him to vote NO to Harper’s regressive plan. Arnet Tuffs, Sechelt
Our choice: change or extinction Last Wednesday I saw the awesome film, ‘Peace Out’, re energy production and consumption. It showed that, by our everyday unthinking habits, we are contributing to flooding of precious farmland, draining of lakes and rivers and devastation of wilderness habitat. On Thursday I learned that the US diagnosis rate for autism spectrum disorders is now at least one in 88 children (Canada’s is said to have increased 600% in the last 20 years). And on Friday I learned that baby girls forming in the womb already have all the eggs they’ll
ever have. Unlike the cells and tissues of adults, these eggs lack any kind of protection. By using a wireless laptop, a pregnant woman can irradiate her growing baby girl’s eggs, causing DNA damage that will be passed on to the next generation. Every time we choose to linger in the shower, eat pineapple from Hawaii instead of pears from the Sunshine Coast, inject or consume toxins, dial our cellphone or consult our i-Pod, we incrementally speed the demise of our environment, our resources and the whole human race. Susan Fletcher, Sechelt
My telephone conversation with ‘Annie’ This morning I received a call from ‘Annie’ from an unlisted number, who was calling about a problem with my computer. Obviously it was an attempt at the wellknown scam to extract my credit card information, so I tried to delve into where she was calling from – she told me “Halifax”. The company name? She said “Web Tech Support”, and so on, but the information she gave me, of course, was useless. Not wanting to be hard on an innocent minion in a big machine, and after telling her that I was wise to this fraud, I asked her how she got this job and how much she got paid. She said that it was the only job she
could get, and that she was paid eight thousand. “Is that rupees?”, I asked, as her accent gave this away. “Yes” she replied. I wished her well, and good luck in finding a job that was a better one than this. She offered me her blessings. I was indeed blessed because in little more than five minutes the phone rang again - same approach, different person. I asked if she was also paid 8000 rupees; “No sir, I’m an engineer and I get more”. I asked how she got my number, and it turns out the computer simply turns them up. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket. Julian Taylor, Gibsons
Watch out for Spam scams This letter was received for publication in The Local Dear RCMP Officers: Yesterday, I received this email telling me that my BMO account has been suspended unless I answered a series of questions - I did not respond. This morning I called my bank and was told these emails are a way of identity thieves to get personal banking information. I also received one such email from RBC - and I don’t even have an account with them. The innocent public - especially we old folk (I’m 72) should be warned not to re-
spond to these emails. Thank you for your hard work to keep us safe here on the Sunshine Coast. Jennie T.S. Choban, Gibsons
Harper’s sleight-of-hand Stephen Harper is clever. He will get re-elected next time. He got his majority government this time so is now cutting almost all programs except the military. Taking $110 million from the CBC is an example. Next year he will do the same thing. Then in 2015 he will miraculously “find” some money and give us back a little bit of what he has taken. We will be so thankful, that we will reelect him. They say people get the government they deserve. Billy Griffith, Egmont
OCP being bent or altered? The Local received the following letter for publication, forwarded by this director of the East Porpoise Bay Ratepayers Association: To: Mayor and Council, District of Sechelt As a resident of the residential area affected by the proposed Stockwell Sand and Gravel permanent cement batch plant, I am strongly opposed to this proposal. This is a residential neighbourhood and the (Letters continued on page 5)
Volume 10 • Issue 14
The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012 5
The Sunshine Coast Model Railroad Club attracted almost 125 visitors to their Open House in Gibsons, April 1. Fathers and sons predominated, enjoying the club’s intricate layouts constructed in a variety of popular scales. Moira Kelly, 6, attended with her mother Sue. The Kellys proved that a love of trains is not just a guy thing. Roberts Creek resident Andrea Epper won the raffle. The club’s next Open House is scheduled for June.
BOB MICHOR When You’re ready, I would Love to sell your home.
Letters to the Editor (continued from page 4) approval by Council to rezone it to heavy industry and allow the operation of a permanent cement batch plant, is totally unacceptable. If council approves this application, I will make it my personal goal to investigate and inform the residents of the District of Sechelt exactly how this decision was reached, in direct violation of all the rules relating to the Official Community Plan (OCP). I believe that all residents in the District of Sechelt should be informed as to how their elected council reaches the decisions that they make. After all, their residential neighbourhood could be the next to be impacted. There is a dangerous precedent being set, if council approves the proposed permanent cement batch plant. One would then have to consider the OCP as simply a guideline only, with rules that may be bent, altered or removed altogether, at the discretion of Council. There are many ways in this age of information to keep the public informed of what is important to them and how it will affect them. That is how Council got elected. It’s a double-edged sword. I hope, Mr. Mayor and Council, you will make the right decision based on what is fair for the residents of a residential neighbourhood, who will be directly affected by heavy industry moving next door. Ronald D. March c.c. Angela Letman, Planning Development Officer
Weston and James Moore re cuts to CBC funding I am writing yet again to remind you that despite what your government promised: A cut is a cut is a cut! I so easily recall what your government said, “We believe in the national public broadcaster,” Heritage Minister James Moore said in a post-election victory interview with the CBC in May. “We have said that we will maintain or increase support for the CBC. That is our platform and we have said that before and we will commit to that.” Breaking a promise is breaking a promise. What part of this does your government NOT understand? Dianne Goldberg, Halfmoon Bay
Solution to traffic disruption Well, it happened again! Highway 101 was shut down on Monday for two hours, and then we had only one-way traffic for quite a long time. Hospital procedures at Lions Gate were cancelled, hospital procedures at St. Mary’s were cancelled, ferry sailings were disrupted, bus schedules were interrupted. What is the solution? Obviously, a life is the most important thing and
The Local received the following letter for publication: Open letter to MP John
no one objects to having the highway shut down while a driver or passenger is extracted from a crashed vehicle. Anyone can understand that it takes a while to move vehicles off the road. The RCMP have a job to do in investigating the accident and the flag persons do the very best they can. As a local bypass is probably out of the question, there is only one solution - never leave home without a good book in the car! Sue Carson, at the Center of the Universe
cut funding from Elections Canada as they probe the deceit employed in the last election? I could go on. C’mon MP Weston, get your butt home here and arrange to meet the people. Once done, you can decide whether to vote in favour of this budget. This is the test, John --- are you our representative or merely a backbench seal trained by the guys from Alberta? Paul Johnston, Roberts Creek
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Send our MP home
I was very disappointed today when I read the paper and there was no schedule of community meetings with MP John Weston to determine whether our representative should support the Harperite budget. This budget contains so many items not mentioned in the last campaign by John it would seem realistic he would seek to determine whether it is actually supported by the people in his Riding. For example, do his constituents agree on the gutting of environmental protection? Do they agree on worsening seniors’ poverty and youth unemployment through raising the age of retirement? Are we willing to
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6 The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012
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Youth receives achievement award Randy Wollen 1012
Child Welfare League of Canada CEO Peter Dudding (left) and RBC Royal Bank Regional President Jeff Boyd presented Christopher Tait with the RBC March 22,Award, 2012 Youth Achievement a $3,000 educational bursary. Her Excellency Sharon Johnston, spouse of Governor General of Canada David Johnston, provided the keynote address at the presentation ceremony.
Modern Windows 1010
unshine Coast resident Christopher Tait, 20, received the prestigious RBC Youth Achievement Award at a reception hosted by the Child Welfare League of Canada (CWLC) in Ottawa on March 22. Tait was nominated by the MinisMarch 8, & 2012 try of Children Family Development, Vancouver Coastal Region. The annual CWLC Achievement Awards recognize and honour individuals from across Canada who have shown exceptional dedication in specific areas of the child welfare system. Tait is a young man who has taken a set of difficult life experiences and turned
them into powerful teaching tools and motivation for BC’s Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCDF) staff, service providers, and youth across the province. He has been an amazing contributor to change for youth in and from care and truly deserves the recognition that this award brings. Tait has endured hardships that would weigh heavily on anyone, but he continues to demonstrate an inspirational resiliency. From a confused and angry teenager he has grown into a confident, outgoing, and well-spoken young man. With straightforward hon-
esty, Tait draws on his experiences to champion youth rights and advocate for himself and his brothers and sisters in care. Embracing a leadership role, he was instrumental in gathering other youth in his community, including his own siblings, to help plan and coordinate a hugely successful youth forum. Through his writing and his rap music, Tait creates immediate connections with other youth. Although he has “aged out” of the foster care system, he continues to advocate for youth in care and work help them to find their own voice.
BC repeats Earth Hour success British Columbians saved 121 megawatt hours of electricity and reduced the provincial electricity load by 1.67 percent during the province’s 5th annual Earth Hour on March 31 – about the same as the 1.8 percent drop last year – and the equivalent of turning off about 9 million 12.5-watt LED light bulbs. Of the 91 BC communities participating in the exercise, Revelstoke measured the highest reduction in consumption, at 12.1 percent. Sechelt tied with Whistler, reducing con-
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the whole year, the combined savings would power close to 4,000 homes for an entire year.” In the last three years, BC Hydro’s Power Smart programs have saved close to 3,000 gigawatt hours of electricity – enough to power 270,000 homes annually. In addition to conservation, BC Hydro will meet demand and continue to ensure a clean, reliable supply of energy by investing now in the projects that are needed to keep the lights on in our province for the next 50 years.
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sumption by 5.6%. Earth Hour, hosted by World Wildlife Fund and supported provincially by BC Hydro, encourages individuals to turn off unnecessary lights and electronics to conserve power and demonstrate support for climate change reduction efforts. “Energy conservation is the most cost-effective way to meet future energy demand,” says Charles Reid, BC Hydro’s Acting President and CEO. “If people applied the same simple conservation measures for even one hour every day for
View rancher with fully finished basement, Woodcreek. This spacious rancher, features 40-year roof put on in 2008, new hot water tank, reconditioned deck, big master bedroom and ensuite with oversized walk-in shower, granite kitchen counters, 3 full baths, two as ensuites, 2 natural gas fireplaces and beautiful hardwood floors. The lot features great ocean views south/west toward Georgia Strait & Vancouver Island, manicured yard and gardens two road frontages with RV parking. Close to transit and trail to Gower Point Beach.
The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012 7
Great news sunshine coast!
soon to be 100% digital
Although Mother Nature played a joke with an overnight snowfall and earlymorning temperatures hovering around three degrees Celsius, runners enjoyed clear skies for the annual BMO April Fool’s Run on Sunday, April 1. David Palermo of Vancouver moved to the front of the pack and stayed there for 1:10:57 to finish first in the BMO April Fool’s Run from Gibsons to Davis Bay, Sechelt on April 1. Graeme Wilson, also of Vancouver, just under a minute behind, took second with a time of 1:11:54 and hometown favourite Shaun Stephens-Whale of Roberts Creek came third with a time of 1:12:00. The race drew competitors from throughout BC, Alberta, Ontario and Washington, as well as a couple from Mississippi. William and Maria Stevenson raced from Denmark to attend. Full race results and photo gallery are posted at www.foolsrun.com PHOTOW HEATHER JEAL
New support line for grandparents raising grandchildren
arenting is the most important, rewarding and challenging job that most adults will undertake in their lifetime. Along with the joy of raising a child come times of stress and uncertainty. That stress and uncertainty can increase greatly when a grandparent or another relative has taken on the responsibility of raising a family member’s child. They may feel overwhelmed by their new parenting role. They may feel stressed about financial, emotional or legal concerns. They may have questions about where to get help when they need it. That’s why the Ministry of Children and Family Development is investing $100,000 a year from the ministry’s existing fiscal plan for the Parent Support Services Society of BC to launch the new Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Line and email support. The new line follows through on a request made in 2011 by Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. The grandparents support group asked the ministry for a new navigation and education service to provide help and information to grandparents or other relatives raising a family member’s child. Recognizing that not everyone is online, especially if they are a part of an older generation, a phone line was preferred. Skilled and experienced advocates will staff the phone line and provide email support to help people understand their rights, obligations and options prior to and after assuming responsibility for raising
a family member’s child. Staff will also ensure that callers are aware of all benefits, supports and resources available to them - and how to access them. “Grandparents raising their grandchildren 24/7 deserve recognition and applause,” said Carol Ross, executive director, Parent Support Services Society of BC. “They deserve every possible assistance we as a caring society can provide to ease their difficult journey. Having someone within reach by phone and email to help them navi-
gate complex systems and find solutions is bound to make a positive difference in their lives. I applaud MCFD for taking this important step.” The toll-free Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Line at 1-855474-9777 operates Monday through Friday; hours of operation may vary and messages left on voicemail will be returned as soon as possible. The Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Service may be emailed atGRGline@parentsupportbc.ca
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Charlene Sanjenko 1014
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8 The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012
Healthcare Associates/Practitioners Enhance Observational /Intuitive Skills
with Sally Abraham, BScR MONDAYS & SATURDAYS begins Mon. Apr. 23, 6:30 - 9:30pm Registration / Information please contact • sajabraham021@yahoo.com • info@yogabythesea.ca 604-885-4305 • 604-740-2382 For more details: www.yogabythesea.ca
Massage Sally Abraham 1014 Salmonid Enhancement celebrates milestones C elebrating its 35th anniversary (25th as a registered charity), the Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society’s Gala Dinner and Auction raised approximately $40,000 to 5, 2012 fund the group’s April operations and activities. This must-attend social event, held at Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre, drew 160 attendees from as far afield as Oregon, support from several dozen volun-
WELCOME TO SPRING at Deluxe We are your complete Landscape Supply & Garden Centre
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teers and generous prizes from over 100 businesses. In thanking the donors, Hatchery Manager Bob Anstead encouraged those in attendance to, “return the favour in kind by doing business with those who supported us this evening.” Appetizers provided by Chrys Sample preceded a multi-course banquet featuring salmon provided by Grieg’s Seafoods, prepared and beautifully presented by Greg’s Catering. Enthusiastic bidders reDeluxe 1014Wayne sponded to auctioneer Skinner’s prompting during the live auction for hot-ticket items including a coveted weekend getaway to the River Rock Casino, including VIP Meet ‘n’ Greet with performer Gladys Knight. The SCSES owns and operates the Chapman Creek Fish Hatchery,April which 5, 2012it purchased from Scanmar Seafoods in 1992 with funds raised entirely from the Sunshine Coast community. Anstead noted that the hatchery released its first salmon
20 years ago; they will release 1.5 million Chum, Pink, Coho, Chinook and Steelhead salmon smolts into the Creek in April and May this year. Volunteers, including elementary school children through the Water, Wetlands and Salmon Science program, accomplish the bulk of the work at the hatchery. The Hatchery’s Education Centre includes an outdoor information display and welcomes visitors year-round. To volunteer, arrange tours, or inquire about upcoming events, call 604-885-4136.
Real Estate Tips Kenan MacKenzie Sunshine Coast Real Estate News
etached listings There are 561 current detached listings with 88 sales to date in 2012, compared to 108 in 2011. The current market’s hot price range is below $400,000, with 47 sales. With the current pace of sales this represents a 19 month supply of listings. The detached listing inventory climbed but with an increase sales volume in March the market supply decreased over the previous month.
Attached Listing There are 144 current attached listings (strata unit apartments, condos and townhouses) and 19 sales in 2012 compared to 22 in 2011. With the current pace of sales this represents a 22.75 month supply of listings. Attached listings climbed over January with the market supply. Land Listing There are 381 bare land listing and 10 sales for 2012 compared to 27 in 2011. With the current pace of sales this represents a 114 month supply. Increase in sales over the previous month led to sharp decrease in the monthly supply It is interesting looking at where the sales are this
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(above) Representing the Sechelt Nation, Aaron Joe displays the yellow cedar Talking Stick which they donated for the auction. Beautifully carved in yellow cedar by Jimmy Yelton, it “empowers the holder with the right to speak and requires listeners to be attentive.” Many observers noted it belonged in the House of Commons, and regretted MP John Weston was not present to bid for it.
KEN GRUNENBERG, Open: Mon. - Fri. 9am - 6pm
Saturday 10 am - 2 pm
year. Sechelt Area led the pack with 38 detached sales and 7 attached. Gibsons Area followed up with 33 detached sales and 7 attached. They were trailed by Roberts Creek and Pender Harbour (each with 5 sales) and Halfmoon Bay (7 sales). Halfmoon Bay posted the year’s only sale over a million dollars – a low-bank waterfront on Redrooffs. I know from the showing activity that a lot of buyers are out there looking. Dealing with 3 multiple offer situations this year it tells me Price it Right if you want to sell. Remember phone your local representative for a commuter service to Horseshoe Bay.
The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012 9
Province funds Dakota Ridge
A provincial grant for the Dakota Ridge Access Project will improve roads to this popular familyfriendly recreation site. PHOTO ALLAN FOREST
Queen of the Sun back by popular demand
ue to popular demand, the Green Film Series will screen the popular documentary movie, Queen of the Sun, What are the Bees Telling Us? at 7:30 pm on Monday, April 9 at the Gibsons Heritage Playhouse. Taking us on a journey through the catastrophic disappearance of bees and the mysterious world of the beehive, this engaging and ultimately uplifting film weaves an unusual and dramatic story of the heartfelt struggles of beekeepers, scientists and philosophers
from around the world who reveal both the problems and the solutions in renewing a culture in balance with nature. The event will include a display by the Sunshine Coast Beekeepers Association and a discussion after the film. The beekeepers reported that they added four more beekeepers to the Coast after they attended the first film and learned more about raising honeybees. DVDs of the movie will be available for purchase.
Tickets ($5 for SC Film Society members, $8 for non-members) are available at the door, or reserve online at www.greenfilms.ca for Queen of the Sun and for Revenge of the Electric Car, to be shown on April 23 and 24. Reservations or early arrivals are encouraged. Doors open at 7 pm. The Green Film Series is a special project of the Sunshine Coast Film Society presented by The Gibsons Green Team and Sustainable Coast magazine (sustainablecoast.ca).
Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast to collect ten million pennies
abitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast will collect ten million pennies – or $100,000 which is the cost of materials to build a home for a low-income Coast family. “With the federal government announcement that the penny will no longer be in production as of this fall, we’re calling on all supporters of Habitat to donate pennies that have collected in their drawers, change trays, and pockets, so that more low-income Canadian families can receive the hand up of a home they can afford,” said Ron Pepper, Executive Director. Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast will be collecting pennies at their
ReStore, located at 5605 Highway 101, Sechelt. “Ten million pennies will form a six foot, by six foot cube weighing 55,000 lb., and if the pennies were stacked one on top of the other they would reach 15.8 km high. Facilitating a fundraiser like this will be a ton of work – actually it’s 25 tons – but if it will mean that another low-income family will access affordable homeownership, it will be more than worth it,” said Pepper. In Canada, Habitat has given the hand up of affordable homeownership to over 2,000 families. Habitat homes are sold to low-income families though interest free mortgages with no
Dakota Ridge Winter Recreation area, allowing more residents of all ages to use the site for crosscountry skiing, snowshoeing and sledding. These pursuits are wonderful ways for families to have fun, improve their health and make a connection with their neighbours. Under the $30-million Community Recreation Program, the Province is funding up to 80 per cent of eligible costs for 98 projects that will enhance recreation infrastructure provincewide. Projects include trails, bike paths, walkways, playgrounds and other indoor or outdoor recreation centres. “This project will ensure Sunshine Coast-area residents and visitors have an avenue to connect with our breathtaking environment as they participate in outdoor recreational opportunities,” said Minister Chong. “This supports the health of BC families, and the economic health of our regional communities through tourism and job creation.”
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he Sunshine Coast Regional District will receive $319,120 for the Dakota Ridge Access Project to encourage physical fitness through outdoor recreation, announced Ida Chong, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development. This project will improve road access to the
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10 The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012
Sunshine Coast
Salmonid Enhancement Society
Thank You!
Salish Weaving Workshop a success SC Salmon_Thank You 1014
Back in Time Kimiko Hawkes
Manager / Curator Sunshine Coast Museum & Archcives
just spent a wonderful three days attending the Salish Weaving workshop here at the Museum. It was such a treat to take the time to learn new skills
Do you love animals? April 5, 2012
The Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society would like to thank the following list of donors to its 2012 Salmon Dinner and Auction. Without their generous donations of time, goods and/or services, this event could not occur.
April 14 & 15 or Sept. 29 & 30
Please return the favour and consider them when purchasing goods and services here on the Coast.
A weekend course for all who care about and want to help animals.
Major Sponsor: Grieg Seafood BC Ltd
Country Cottage Wine Making Cozy Homes Fireplace Creekside Hair Salon Custom Carpet Sponsors: David Suzuki Foundation EWOS Canada Ltd Davis Bay Treasures Frank & Lynne Jorgensen Dreamland Sleep Shop and Wakefield Jewellers Dynamic Aqua Supply Ltd. Lois A Potter Law Corp Eagle Ridge Veterinary Clinic Mohammed Asgari Eye Deal Optical Pacific Coastal Airlines Fainting Couch Spa Wakefield Construction Frank Belfrey Yvonne Byzyna French Creek Resort FYI Doctors Major Donors: Gary’s Marine Service Carol Bowie Gibsons Fasteners Gibsons Building Supplies Gibsons Home Hardware J Pinkster Gibsons Marina Murphy’s Sportfishing Gibsons Tree Service Pacific Salmon Foundation Grant Hankin Predator Charters Grasshopper Pub River Rock Casino Resort Harbour Air Seaplanes Scotty Downriggers Highwater Tackle Sechelt Indian Band Holy Crap Sechelt Insurance Agency IGA Marketplace Sunco Building Materials -Madeira Park Sunshine Coast Credit Union Jims Wooden Creations William Jennings Joan Ketchen John Alverez Donors: John & Lynne Smith AAA Peninsula John Tesloveanu Agnete Newman Julie Kirkland Art Dew Contracting Karen Dyck Associated Economic Kenmac Parts Consultants Kennedy Trucking B.A. Blacktop Kufa Sports Corp. BC Ferries Langara Fishing Adventures Beachcomber Collectables Lehigh Cement Group Berry’s Bait and Tackle Bitter End Boaters Exchange M.V. Grackle Water Taxi Margaret O’Coffey Blackfish Pub Market Place IGA Blue Dot Art Studio - Wilson Creek Bob’s Fishin’ Barn Marks Work Wear House Bonniebrook Enterprises Marvin Wallace Designs Bravo Floors & Décor Medicine Shoppe Buccaneer Marina Mermaid Boat Tours Budget Brake & Muffler Motoko Contemporary Artist Canadian Tire Sechelt Mountain View Service Carl Seabrook Murmac Construction Castle Rock Kennels Cindy Harlow and the D.F.O. NAPA Auto Parts No Pawblems Clayton’s Heritage Market Clean Sweep Chimney Service Ocean Dynamics OK Tire Coast Denture Clinic Pacific Boat Brokers Coast Group Chartered Pat & Bernice Tyson Accountants Paul’s Paintin’ Place Coast Line Power Sports Pender Harbour Golf Course Coast Reporter Pharmasave Coastal Tire & Mechanical Colour One Decorating Centre Pier 17 Powerline Services Connect Hearing
Prime Rentals Quality Farm and Garden Reflections Bed and Bath Rele Sports Distributors Robert Allen Robert and Anne Carson Roberts Creek Signs Rockwater Secret Cove Resort Ruby Lake Resort Rug Runners Sage Communications Scrapbook Connections Sea Run Fly + Tackle Sechelt Animal Hospital Sechelt Fire Dept. Sechelt Fireplace & Gas Centre Sechelt Fish Market Sechelt Ice Sequiros Swimwear & Apparel Sew Easy Sewell’s Marina Shorewater Condominium Resort Trail Bay Source For Sports Spin Cycles Starbucks Coffee Co. Stephansons Bulk Fuels Stockwell Sand and Gravel Strait Coffee Sun Coast Plumbing & Heating Suncoast Cellular Sunshine Coast Community Forest Sunshine Coast Dental Group Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club Sunshine Coast Home Building Center Sunshine GM Superfly International Swanson’s Ready Mix Ltd. Tattle-Tales Party Decor TD Canada Trust The Brick The Local Newspaper The Local Vintner Tillly’s Galley Tim Hortons Tuwanek Hotel Unit 14 Coast Guard Aux., Gibsons Unwind Knit & Fibre Lounge Upstairs Downstairs Shoppe Vancouver Aquarium Westcoast Framework Wheatberries - Gibsons Wilson Creek Rent & Brew Wilson Creek Shell
And a special thank you to the many hardworking volunteers who not only manage to keep the Hatchery operating, but also find the time to help stage an event like this.
4381 Parkway Drive, Sechelt BC V0N 3A1
Phone: 604-885-4136 • Email: info@salmon.org Website: www.scsalmon.org
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ALL NATURAL TURKEYS ...... $3.99/LB. NEW! HAM SAUSAGE ........................... $6.99/LB.
and traditions, to focus on the creative process, and to get to know such interesting people. Friday evening, we assembled and warped the custom-made looms, finishing up around 9 pm. We spentSRMHC the next two 1014 days weaving, and by 4:30 Sunday afternoon, most of us were sporting our gorgeous, ‘fresh-off-the-loom’ Salish shawls. Coast Salish Master Weaver Jessica Casey is a gracious and patient teacher. Over the course of April 5, 2012 the weekend, she not only shared her knowledge and expertise of Coast Salish weaving and traditions but also her funny anecdotes, home-made food, and good company. Many of us were first-time weavers, and she worked with each of us so that by the end of the three days, we all found our Oak Tree 1014 ‘weaving groove’. The participants came from various walks of life. We had Kjerstin, a textile conservator at the Royal BC Museum in Victoria who took the workshop as professional develop-
ment. Visiting from Saskatchewan, Patricia took part while on vacation on the Sunshine Coast. Gail, a long-time resident of Roberts Creek, was the first to call when she heard we were putting this on. Elizabeth, a newcomer to the Coast, is a textile artist and anthropologist; this was her first time weaving. I, too, had no experience weaving but have always loved textiles and, I’ll admit – fashion. I was excited to make a stylish wool shawl that I could wear to work! Everyone brought great energy, enthusiasm and most importantly, a sense of humor. It felt like a real celebration when one of us completed a shawl and finally pulled it off the loom. Thanks to everyone for such supportive and encouraging energy. Jessica and I are planning another workshop for sometime in June. This time, we will be using cedar to weave a berry basket. For more information, please contact the Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives.
April 5, 2012
FARM-FRESH EGGS ...................$6.99EA. MEZZETTA, ASSORTED, 375 ML.
OLIVES ............................................... $4.49EA HEINZ, 750 ML. ORGANIC KETCHUP ........................ 5.49EA NOW IN STOCK:
Get them while supplies last!
KIWI FRUIT.......................................... 4/1.00 RUSSET POTATOES...........................39¢/LB. MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. April 6 to Thurs. April 12 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411
Sunshine Coast
NOTICE OF AGM Notice is hereby given that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast will be held on
Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 7:00 pm at Living Faith Lutheran Church 4607 Whitaker Road, Davis Bay Memberships available at the door. The usual business will be conducted along with expressions of gratitude for community supporters and the election of board members. Refreshments will be served.
Nominations to the board may be made by contacting Nomination Committee members at: Laima@dccnet.com or Rick: dogscanplay@bluffhollow.ca
For information and opportunities go to www.habitatsc.ca HABITAT GIVES A HAND UP – NOT A HAND OUT
Take a Stroll in SECHELT Thelma Kiss 1010 & Louise Collections
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Every bunny deserves a treat!
EASTER: April 5, 2012
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The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012 11
12 The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012
101 Activities & Events 102 Garage Sales 103 Announcements 104 Anniversary & Birthdays 105 Births 106 Obituaries 107 In Memoriam 108 Funeral Services 109 Personals 110 Childcare 111 Lost & Found 201 Health & Wellness 202 Health & Fitness 203 Sports & Exercise Equipment 204 Gardening 300 Pets & Livestock 400 Travel 500 Music 600 Computers 701 Antiques & Collectibles 702 Furniture 703 Appliances 704 Misc. for Sale 705 Wanted 706 Free 707 Trade & Barter 708 Financial Services 801 Cars for Sale 802 Trucks & SUV’s 803 Special Interest & Classics 804 RV’s & Campers 805 Motorcycles & Off Road 806 Parts & Accessories 807 Repairs & Service 900 Machinery & Tools 1000 Marine 1100 Storage 1200 Service Directory 1300 Firewood 1400 Work Wanted 1500 Business Opportunities 1600 Legal & Public Notices 1700 Log Homes 1701 Homes & Lots for Sale 1702 Mobile Homes for Sale 1703 Misc. Property for Sale 1704 Homes for Rent 1705 Apartments for Rent 1706 Misc. for Rent 1707 Commercial for Rent 1708 Shared Accommodation 1709 Vacation Rentals 1710 Wanted to Rent 1711 Wanted to Buy 1712 House Sitting 1800 Employment 1801 Careers 1900 Too Late to Classify
The Easter Bunny is coming back to Gibsons Landing Have your photo taken with him and get a treat!
Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.
101 ACTIVITIES & EVENTS Workshop: How to Write Children’s Books w/publisher. Tradewind Books. 604-886-3634. b14 Special Sunday opening of St. Mary’s Thrift Shop, Sechelt. April 15, 10:00am – 3:00pm, featuring jewellery, baking & storewide specials by St. Mary’s Hospital Aux./ Health Care, Hopkins Branch. p15
102 GARAGE SALES Sat. April 7, 9:00am-2:00pm. Furniture, tools, toys, books & wine making equip. 2005 Cassidy Rd, Roberts Creek. p14 Sat. April 14 – Joint School Garage Sale. 5078 Davis Bay Rd. 9:00am-2:00pm. p15 ONLY $7.00 + HST – Run your 20 word Garage Sale ad for 2 weeks PLUS we’ll put your address in bold letters! Call 604-885-3134. tfn
OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street Sechelt
BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 BY FAX: 604-885-3194
BY E-MAIL: thelocal@telus.net Deadline: Monday-3:00pm at the office
n te ra
$6.00+HST* 15 Words
for 2 Weeks
April 5, 2012
Check out the Sidewalk Sales Door prizes and specials at participating stores throughout The Landing!
“When I am an old woman I shall wear purple …” if the poem by Jenny Joseph captures your imagination and you have a lively sense of humour, put on a red hat and join some other like-minded women (50+ years) for a luncheon once a month and occasional day trips. For more information, please call Terri at 604-885-5680 p14
PAYMENT DROP OFF ONLY: Take 5 Media #1-747 North Rd. Gibsons
RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-886-9813 btfn If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. 604885-8208. btfn Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. btfn Overloaded with holiday turkey? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Small groups in Sechelt, Wednesdays 6:30pm, Sechelt Health Unit, 5571 Inlet Ave. 604740-5845 or 604-885-4666. Gibsons, Thursdays 6:30pm, Frank West Hall. 604-886-8578 or 604886-1717. b14 Advertise in the paper that you read. Call The Local today. 604885-3134
BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b17
dyslexiadoor offering five-day courses in:
Ask about our free 2-hour assessment
$ CASH $ for unwanted motors homes and trailers
604-886-7341 802 TRUCKS & SUV’S 706 FREE
Outside cast-iron stove w/chimStudy the potential of the acoustic ney. HEAVY. Bring help to move it. guitar with Joe Stanton, singer/ 604-886-3018. f15 songwriter/guitarist. Private and semi-private lessons and workDid you know that free ads are shops in Sechelt and Halfmoon FREE in The Local? Restrictions Bay, specializing in fingerstyle apply. acoustic guitar. To register go to www.joestanton.com or call 604Dyslexiadoor 1014 885-9354. b17
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We’re Back!
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Ukuleles April 5, 2012 Waynne Pretty #3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802
Sechelt Farmer's Market 1013 SALES 600 COMPUTERS
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Bring in this ad for 20% off
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Temp. construction home or extra accom. Strip it down - make it a flat deck. Almost give-away price. 604-886-2425. p15
Sequiros 1014 702 FURNITURE
Lrg antique armoire w/natural finish. White sideboard w/natural finish top. 2 sewing machines, 1 w/cabinet. Dining room suite. Call 604-885-8862. p15
entire Booth # 2, until April 28, 2012 • Open 10am-5pm B17
s Gifts eJ annie’ & Gems
Frigidaire h/d lrg cap. W/D $200/ April 5, blk 2012 set, obo. TV & stereo stand, w/ glass doors, $30. CD/DVD storage cabinet, blk $30. Old kitchen cabinets, countertop & sink $75. Call for photos, 604-740-5309. p14
Jewellery Repairs & Design Jewellery Repairs Jewellery Repairs Watch Clock Repairs &&Design Design & Appraisals Watch & & Clock Repairs Repairs Watch Clock Buy Goldat at Best Best Buy Gold BestPrice Price Buy Gold Price Appraisals Appraisals 604-886-2023 604-886-2023 604-886-2023 Serving the Coast since 1978 tfn
Serving the the Coast Coast since since 1978 1978 Serving
Donate your spare change
to the Sunshine Coast Grandmothers & Grand Others Donation jars located at
Local The
PENNIES 5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt FOR GRANNIES Woods Showcase Sunnycrest Mall Gibsons
807 REPAIRS & SERVICE Small Engine Repairs. New & used parts and tools, free pick ups, house calls, lawn mowers, chainsaws, outboards, motorcycles, ATVs Chinese/Japanese. Satisfaction guaranteed, affordable rates. Call 604-886-1242. b15 1
Sechelt: 3 bdrm, close to downtown. $1300/mo. Call 1014 Key Johnny Walker Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b14 Gibsons: 1 bdrm cottage. $800/ mo. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b14 Gibsons: Spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bth duplex in lower Gibsons with a Apriland 5, 2012 harbour view, decks wood burning FP. $1300/mo, N/S, sm. pet nego. Avail now, call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b14 Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn
1705 APARTMENTS & SUITES FOR RENT Gibsons: 1 bdrm, waterfront. $850/mo. Call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b14 Gibsons: Furnished waterfront 1 bdrm suite available now to May 31. N/P, N/S. $1200/mo. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b14 Sechelt: One bdrm front apt. Avail immed. $750/mo, N/S, N/P. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b14
With Personal Focus
36ft Trojan Houseboat. Will trade for motorhome, travel trailer, etc. Phone 604-886-7341. $17,000. b14
Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial
Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn
BUYING old coins, bills, silver, gold, stamps, antique items, etc. 604-740-6474. b14
Wanted – Wood picnic tables. Will pay cash and will pick up. Phone 604-989-7275. btfn
Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. bom14
Volunteers Wanted for Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Variety of tasks, everyone welcome, especially able bodies for pick-ups. Call 604-8856773. ftfn
Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump 604-989AprilRuns. 5, 2012 9663 ftfn
706 FREE
Concession Lemonade Stand for Sale. Great Summer Business Opportunity. Asking $1,500. Call 604-886-1412. b14
Vivitar slide projector. Phone 604885-4666. f15
Professional Services...
4Hp Johnson OB, exc. cond, serviced. $400. 604-886-1242. p14
Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn
Retired hobbyist wants, discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p19
For complete rental listings and photos visit our website: www.malaspinapm.ca
Stainless dbl kit sink, 2 ceramic bthrm sinks, 3 faucet sets, $20/ea or take the lot for $100. 604-886Jan. 5, 2012 3620. p14
Read the Classifieds & Local Events online
1981 Chev El Camino 305, auto, running restoration project. $1800. 604-886-1242. p14
Prompt, Professional, On-Site Service 18ft RV. 1982 Frontier w/12,000 29, 2012 Call ComputerMarch Mike! km on rebuiltJan. motor. 12,Sleeps 2012 4-6. Solving computer problems since 1992
20¢ each additional word + HST *Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.
Sat. & Sun. April 7 & 8
We Accept Classified Advertising At:
I invoked St. Jude. Prayers were answered. Deo Gratias. R.G. p17
Found: A set of keys - Chaster Rd. area, Gibsons. Call to identify 604-886-3157. f14
REDecor Consignment. Trays ~ wood, wicker & silver. One of the most practical décor pieces. We have 27 in the store right now! Also a good selection of small plant pots. Always stylish, always affordable. www.redecor.ca www.facebook.com/redecorsechelt. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-8855884 b14
109 PERSONALS Easter Gibsons 1014
Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721
1707 COMMERCIAL FOR RENT Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one Grandmothers 1014 area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-8853281. btfn
1710 WANTED TO RENT For May 1, Sechelt Village. Two mature females/gardeners seek a 2 bdrm house. Approx. rent $900/ mo, lease ok. No pets, refs galore! 604-989-7327. p15
1800 EMPLOYMENT Hairstylist needed. Chair rental avail at Artistic Image Group. Call Cindy @ 604-886-8118. b19
The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012
2000 GENERAL Wilson Creek Your Neighbourhood Food Store
We carry
Household Products 604-885-6331 iga081@igabc.com www.marketplaceiga.com
Local is looking for YOU! The
The Local is a Thursday community newspaper on the beautiful Sunshine Coast and we’re looking for another enthusiastic Advertising Sales Representative to work with our great Sales Team. While experience would be an asset, we’re looking for a Sales Rep who: • Is fun, outgoing, observant, loves people and is energetic • Owns a reliable vehicle and cell phone • Works to deadlines and is organized • Is willing to learn something new and interesting • Is able to think quickly, develop creative solutions and has a good memory • Is good at spelling, grammar and punctuation • Is conversant with computers • Works well alone and with a supportive team • Has a good attitude and willingness to follow direction Advertising Sales is an important part of our business and we are looking for someone who will not only provide outstanding service to our clients develop relationship of trust with Thisbut is will your adaproof them. The Local is growing and evolving, and we need good in the next issue of people who will grow with us and show clients that excellent service and amazing results come in small packages. Submit your resume to: Gardar Gardarsson, Sales Manager Email: localsales@telus.net June 30, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ P.O. Box 494, 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 DeadlineFax: for604-885-3194 approval Phone 604-885-3134 or changes is Deadline for submissions: April 27, 2012. Monday by 3:00 p.m. If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.
CALLING ALL... •Volunteers, vendors, environmental/community organizations & donations required for Earth Day at Roberts Creek Pier. Sunday, April 22. Contact Sheila Wilson at shemark@ dccnet.com •Performers. Are you a singer, dancer, acrobat, poet or any other performing artist? Communities adopting families in need are having a kick-off fundraiser talent-a-thon on June 3, 2012. No age restrictions, all welcome. Please contact Adrienne Ucciferri at 604-886-3863 for more info. THURSDAY, APRIL 5 •3:00pm-6:00pm. Farm Gate Market at Roberts Creek Hall. SATURDAY, APRIL 7 •9:00am-2:30pm. Sechelt Farmers & Artisans Market returns for the season. New Location: Downtown Sechelt. •12:00pm-4:00pm. Silent Auction at Sunnycrest Mall, Gibsons. Cookie decorating for the kids and music by Graham Walker. This is a fundraiser for ‘Friends of Gospel Rock’. SUNDAY, APRIL 8 Happy Easter! •11:00am. Single & 55+? Meet the Brunch Bunch @ Leo’s Tapas & Grill, Gibsons. THURSDAY, APRIL 12 •10:30am. Harbourside Friendships, a part of the Senior Initiative meets at the Music School, Madeira Park.
Please let us know how we
mony For more info contact Cathycan at 604serve you best.Hall, open to all, no charge. www.gibsonsseniors.com 883-9766. Your business is important to us! •1:30pm. St. Mary’s Hospital/Health TUESDAY, APRIL 17 Care Auxiliary, Sechelt branch meets •12:30pm-3:00pm. Free Chronic in the Craft Room at the Seniors Pain Self Management Program. Six Centre, Sechelt. sessions at the Sechelt Seniors Cen•3:00pm-6:00pm. Farm Gate Market tre, 5604 Trail Ave. April 17 - May 22. at Roberts Creek Hall. To register call toll free 1-866-9023767 or 604-940-1273. SATURDAY, APRIL 14 •9:00am-1:00pm. Cedar Grove ElSATURDAY, APRIL 21 ementary School in Gibsons is hold•9:00am-2:30pm. Sechelt Farmers & ing a Home Decor and Plant Sale. Artisans Market, downtown Sechelt. Everyone welcome. •11:00am. SC Botanical Garden Soci•9:00am-2:30pm. Sechelt Farmers ety presents The Informed Gardener & Artisans Market returns for the by Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott. Two talks, season. New Location: Downtown ‘How plants cope’ & ‘Myth debunkSechelt. ing’. Sparling Pavillion, Botanical •11:00am. Vimy Ridge Memorial cer- Garden, 5941 Mason Rd, Sechelt. emony at Camp Byng, 2139 Lower •8:00pm-12:00am. Sunshine DragRoad, Roberts Creek. ons Abreast SPRING Dance. Music •12:00pm-4:00pm. Story Theatre by Joe Stanton and the Band. Sechtwo-day workshop (14 & 15). All elt Seniors Centre. For tickets and/ are welcome. Call 604-886-4222 for or information call 604-740-5607. more info. SUNDAY, APRIL 22 •7:30pm. Benefit concert to raise awareness of Mt Elphinstone’s For- •12:00pm-5:00pm. Celebrate Earth ests, showcasing hundreds of photo- Day at Roberts Creek Pier. graphs, with live music to be held at MONDAY, APRIL 23 Roberts Creek Community Hall. Con•7:00pm. Doors open for The Green tact Ross Muirhead 604-740-5654. Film Series at Gibsons Heritage PlayMONDAY, APRIL 16 house. Revenge of the Electric Car is •10:00am. Roberts Creek Branch of the featured film. Director by Chris St. Mary’s Hospital Auxiliary meet- Paine takes his film crew behind the ing, call Rene @ 604-885-3819 for closed doors of Nissan, GM and Tesla location info. New members are Motors to chronicle the story of the very welcome. global resurgence of electric cars. •1:00pm. Gibsons Seniors Society Screening time 7:30pm. For more monthly birthday lunch at Har- information: www.greenfilms.ca
New LOCAL EVENTS Policy in The Local
There is no charge for listings in our LOCAL EVENTS column. We welcome all upcoming events that are free to the public, are non-profit events, or are fundraising events for a community cause. Maximum information for each listing will be limited to 15 words and must contain contact information. Due to space limitations we can no longer include for-profit listings but invite our readers to see our Classified Ad section under “Activities and Events”. Run your listing there for as little as $6.00 per week! This policy will come into effect as of March 29, 2012.
SERVICE DIRECTORY TheServices Local sales rep wanted 1013 Spring Same Day Service, Fully Insured
• Lawn Maintenance • Fertilizing • Yard Clean-ups • Aeration • Pruning/Hedges • Power Raking • Rubbish Removal • Odd jobs •Yearly Maintenance Programs •
looking for interior work.
Pacific Hues
W i n d o w Wa s h i n g
FREE ESTIMATES March 29, 2012WCB Coverage ftfn
310-JIMS (5467)
Excellent references from discerning clients. 20 years experience (15 on the Coast)
Call Matthew Evans
• window washing • gutter cleaning • moss removal This is your ad proof • power in the next issue ofwashing • commercial cleaning
Lawncare& Landscaping
Reasonable Rates
Cell: 604-740-4204 tfn Off: 604-886-4862 June 16, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________
TJS Lawn Care
Deadline for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.
Lawn & Yard Care
This is your ad proof in the next issue of
• Cutting • Edging • De-Thatching • De-Mossing • Fertilizing • Liming • Aerating • Yard Clean-Ups Excellent rates • Satisfaction guaranteed!
If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.
Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!
Forest labourer harvesting salal and other evergreens (NOC8611). Full time, starting salary $12.50/ hr, 40 hrs/wk. Start date ASAP. Requirements: Educ./Exper. not req’d. Location: Sechelt, BC. Work condition & physical capabilities: repetitive tasks, physically demanding, bending, crouching, bunching, weight-handling approx.. 25kg/50lbs. Worksite: outdoor. Travel: travel expenses paid by employer. Other information: We are a floral evergreen wholesaler looking for hard working individuals to pick local salal and other evergreens. Employer: Evergreen Extreme. To apply, email your resume to evergreenextreme@hotmail.com **Only resumes emailed to the aforementioned address will be considered. b15
You design or we do!
Consult the Professionals • 72 Years in Business Gene_Sauna 1012 APRIL SPECIAL: DINING ROOM CHAIRS
Sep Armchairs, 15, 2011Stools • Quality Furniture Recovering Sofas, Issue Date:•____________________ • Draperies, Slipcovers, Blinds • All Types offor Foam, Cut To Measure Deadline approval
CLEARANCE ~orMUST GO! changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.Sechelt Call John 604-885-0425 • 5399 Derby Road,
Tel: 604-883-0667 Cel: 604-813-6745
DBF Renovations and Repairs
If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.
March 22, 2012Please let us know how we
can serve you best. Bruce Fraser Renos Your1014 business is important to us!
Serving the Sunshine Coast for 35 years • Free Estimates • Firm Contract Prices • WorkSafe BC • Insured • References b11
BRUCE FRASER 604-885-9145 604-989-4861 b17
April 5, 2012
Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash
callTheBoys.ca 604-740-0004
FREE ESTIMATES ~ WCB Coverage ~ b38
Barteks Landscaping
This is your ad p in the next issu
• Garden Design & Installation • Pruning Shrubs,Trees & Hedges •Pressure Washing Over 10 yearsIssue experience Nov. 10, 20 Date: ______________ LICENSED • SENIORS DISCOUNT
Deadline for appr 604-741-3065 or changes is ftfn
pendable e D
WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT Call for pick up or drop off at
5638 Inlet Ave., Sechelt
Smilin’ Lawn Care Local Events new policy 1013 AERATING SPECIAL LAWN AERATING $50 AERATE & LIME $70 NOW BOOKING
604-886-4192 604-865-0331 March 29, 2012
Monday by 3:00 The Local willIf be closed we do not hear from yo time, April we can6assume all is on Good Friday, and open Easter Please let us know ho Monday, April 9.can serve you bes
Your business is importa
Cowboy Landscaping
Design through maintenance
• lawn care • estate mower • irrigation systems • water features • indoor / outdoor cultured or natural stonework • mini Bobcat
Wood Chipper • Small & Large Load Dump Trucks Reasonable Rates • Prompt Friendly Service
14 The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012
Buy 3 months and get the 4th month free! SECURE • SAFE • AFFORDABLE Best rates in town. We beat any price!
Horoscope April 6 – April 12 Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) Deciphering what is your power in the world and Michael where and how to direct it O’Connor is a current core theme. It Astrologer is likely that you have been challenged to make some Gilligans 1014 Tip of the Week: sacrifices over the past while. Last week’s federal budget Meanwhile, tending to afhere in Canada was signed fairs close to home is also and enacted while both important. Spring cleaning Mercury and Mars were and renovations are likely as retrograde. This indicates are more serious family matthat it will be fraught with ters. Mixing in quality famproblems April and will probably ily and friend time will help 5, 2012 never settle well. That it was balance the scales. officiallyKitsch ratified1014 after the Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) New Moon in Aries cycle, Some measurable changwhich included Uranus es in your career or public in its scope, makes sense life and perhaps at home in terms of it activating a were activated at the last revolutionary movement. New Moon. Now these Many people are upset and are coming into full view. virtually dumbfounded at Some positive returns are the decisions of the leading likely in the mix so identify 5, 2012 rep- them. Be willing to see the players of April our ‘elected Ruby Lake Resort 1014 resentatives’ at both federal bigger picture and work and provincial levels. Royal with the flow of change decrees would be better de- that is unfolding. Moving scriptions of the social poli- forward or into new terricies being pushed through. tory is a good sign. Referring to people who Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) get elected, or who assume Some adventure is keeppositions of authority by ing things interesting now. default, as ‘our leaders’ may Meeting new people and be part of the April problem. Of sparking friendships is likecourse, behind the realities ly. Doing your homework of national interests are all may include research, inthe forces of multi-national vestigations and/or taxes… interests. That the latter The time is right to take caldo work with and through culated risks. This is linked national policy but are in to those key connections fact not strictly bound by that are brewing. Look to national interests and con- the future and be willing to cerns is a likely reflection of learn new skills. the global state of affairs. Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) SDBA 1014 Aries (MarFarmer's 21 – Apr Market 20) Taking some key initiaAll being well you have tives for the sake of your everything in place in prep- health continues. The overaration to launch initiatives all quality of your lifestyle is that have been brewing for also implied. Becoming insome months. With re- creasingly self reliant in this turns for past efforts roll- regard is ideal. Do seek proing in these days and in- fessional help if required, vestment interests on your yet do not lean on family or mind, there April is excitement friends. Be willing to invest 5, 2012 in the air. A call from on in new tools, equipment high and/or visions of ad- and skills. Get organized, venture beckon. Balancing outline plans and activate dreams with realities is the healthier habits. basic challenge. Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) Making improvements in A variety of ideas and your relationships is in foplans are gestating in your cus. That this includes the mind. You are in an expan- quality of connection you sive mood, but this is the have with yourself is part time to dream and scheme of the plot. You are in the Business Forum1014 moreSDBA than take full action. mood for social and culturPreparing the ground may al stimulation and perhaps be your best approach. some adventure too. With There is also the bigger pic- some returns coming in on ture to consider; to at least past investments, decipherbe aware of and perhaps to ing what is your next best direct some constructive direction is important. thoughts and maybe some Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) prayers. Activating key changes
brand new units • 24 hour access • 7 days a week •
5621 Inlet Ave, Sechelt 604-885-3460 • www.belmarselfstorage.com
OFF TRACK RACING ALL CANUCK GAME NIGHTS: Saturday April 14 • Buds $4.25 • Sleeve $3.50 • Burger $5• Enter to win Canuck prizes Opening Day TBC Lions Club Meat Draw Saturday 1- 4pm Hastings Park Emerald Downs
Appy Hour Monday - Thursday 2:30 - 5pm Good food, good fun and great prices!
5770 Teredo St. Sechelt
PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:
Lingerie, Clothing, Adult Novelties, and other oddities. 5648 Dolphin St.
Phone 604-989-6597 (next door to O.K. Tire)
Ruby Lake Restaurant and Resort Season Kick-off on Thursday, April 5 Trattoria Italiana
Specializing in seafood, wild game, pasta, wild mushrooms, vegetarian dishes
Open Easter Weekend:
Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 5:00pm - 9:00pm Reservations Recommended
RegulaR HouRS: open on weekends, Fri., Sat. & Sun., 5:00pm - 9:00pm
15426 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Pender Harbour • email: info@rubylakeresort.com • www.rubylakeresort.com
Welcome to Downtown Sechelt! Saturdays, April 7 to September 29 9:00am - 2:30pm at their new location, Cowrie Street at Shorncliffe Avenue. Discover Downtown Sechelt! When at the Farmers’ Market, come into Downtown Sechelt and discover our many stores and businesses.
Downtown Business
FORUM Thursday, April 12, 5:30 pm Greencourt Hall 5583 Ocean Ave, Sechelt
An opportunity to voice your ideas on what business would like to see in downtown Sechelt, and to hear about revitalization plans. Discover how you can interact with other businesses and participate in the SDBA.
RSVP: 604-885-9611
April 5, 2012
in your daily rhythm and routine is important now. Knowing how much you can and are willing to give verses managing and reserving enough energy for other priorities is on your mind. Creating a strategy that works for everyone, including you is the main goal. Within reason you can ‘have it all’, but you have to ask and negotiate terms. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) A creative cycle has begun for you and it spells change. Yet feeling confident about the prospects may not be so easy. Part of the answer now lies in reaching out to communicate and network. ‘A person is 5 people away from everyone’ is a saying worth considering. Who owes you a favour? If you seem to be short on friends it may be time to make some new ones. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Things are moving and shaking on the home front, and in you, and both are creating waves on relationship fronts. These may be producing opportunities but you may have to get extra imaginative and give to the situation double time to get the results you want. You may be standing on top yet the wind is blowing cold and it is time touch base and warm-up somehow. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) New perceptions are stirring in your mind. These are leading you to review your priorities with a reality check in mind. Yet, what is realistic may not be so straightforward. Sometimes common sense can get in the way of good sense. What that is depends on your deeper needs. There is more to true security than material considerations and a riddle you must solve. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) An ambitious streak has been activated. This could produce a change of fortunes or at least a desire for more. Of course, discipline must usually accompany ambition. Creating more beauty and comfort in your home is featured. Minor antagonisms meanwhile on relationships fronts may be a source of upset. Balancing this mix of energies will require flexibility and patience.
Stereo 105.9 FM & Ch 11 on the Coast TV system • Listen Live at COMMUNITY RADIO FOR THE SUNSHINE COAST “www.civu.net” To get involved in local radio, email: cvuemail@yahoo.ca
The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012 15
Home & Garden
Local The
Fabulous Home & Garden Give-Away
WIN $1,500
Home & Garden Supplies
Name ___________________________________________ Address__________________________________________
Enter at the businesses on this page for your chance to
Phone Number ___________________________________
WIN $1,500 IN HOME & GARDEN SUPPLIES Winner receives a $100 gift certificate from each participating business below
Drop off your entry form at any of these businesses below for your chance to win! Photocopies not accepted.
Draw Date May 11
Spring is here and so are we...
…with all you need to get your yard the best it can be!
Trail Bay Home Hardware
Trail Bay Centre
Sechelt 604-885-9828 • email: trailbayhardware@dccnet.com
Interiors to Exceed Your Home Hardware Sechelt H&G 1009
Greatest Expectations Custom Drapery Upholstery & Slipcovers Blinds & Shutters Lamps & Shades Home Decor
5474 Trail Avenue, Sechelt March 1, 2012 604-885-4380 arbutustreeint@dccnet.com
television • home Audio • cAr Audio Arbutus Tree 1014
#1 - 5679 Cowrie St., Sechelt • 604-740-0982 April 12, 2012
We deliver to your home
GIBSONS SECHELT Medicine Shoppe H&G 1010 924 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 5575 Wharf St. 604-886-8141 604-885-7121
…and garden Wilson Creek Plaza • 4330 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-740-5813 • www.medicineshoppe.ca
GBS H&G 1009
BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. Specializing in Service Since 1947
www.gibsonsbuilding.com March 8, 2012
HOURS: 10am-6pm Mon-Sat
March 1, 2012
Best quality soil on the Coast!
Deluxe H&G 1014 Your success begins here
Our soil is tested to meet BClna standards. Weed-free, quality controlled production. WE HAVE 100% ORGANIC MUSHROOM MANURE!
Open mOn-sat • same day delivery
6037 Sechelt Inlet Rd., Sechelt 604-885-9070
Quality Farm H&G 1009 For days like today™
100% Canadian Owned • LOCaLLy Owned and Operated
Check out our Spring plant collection!
325 Pratt Road,
4380 Sunshine Coast Hwy., Wilson Creek 604-885-6611
April 5, 2012 Gibsons 604-886-7527
STORE HOURS: Mon - Wed & Sat 8am-6pm • Thurs & Fri 8am-9pm • Sun 10am-5pm
March 1, 2012
Your one stop for everything roofing • Custom sheet metal fabrication • Metal roofing manufacturing • Sales & installation
4472 Hilltop Road Wilson Creek 604-740-3927
Rona H&G 1014
Weathertight H&G 1010
GRAND OPENING SALE APRIL 19 - 22 12390 Sunshine Coast Hwy., Madeira Park 604-883-9551 March 2012 New summer hours: Mon -8,Thurs 7am-5pm • Fri 7am-6pm • Sat 8am-5pm • Sun 10am-5pm
5501 Inlet Ave. April 5, 2012
Sechelt 604-885-5141
“We make it easier for you” Gibsons MarketPlace IGA 1100 Highway 101 604-886-3487 HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am - 9pm Sun: 8am - 8pm
IGA 1009
Sechelt MarketPlace IGA 4330 Highway 101 604-885-6331 HOURS: Mon-Sat 8am - 9pm Sun: 8am - 8pm
Madeira Park MarketPlace IGA 12887 M.P. Rd • 604-883-9100 HOURS: Mon-Sat 8:30am - 7pm Sun: 9am - 7pm
16 The Local - Thursday, April 5, 2012
Local Local
Weekly Community Newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada Weekly Community Newspaper Serving Weekly Community Newspaper Servingthe the Weekly Community Newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Sunshine Coast, British Columbia,Canada Canada Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 5758 5758Cowrie CowrieStreet, Street,Sechelt Sechelt Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax:3A0 604-885-3194 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt P.O. P.O.Box Box494, 494,Sechelt, Sechelt,BC BCV0N V0N 3A0 email: thelocal@telus.net • website: www.thelocalweekly.ca • OffiSechelt, ce Hours Monday -604-885-3194 Friday 9am - 5pm P.O. Box604-885-3134 494, BC• V0N 3A0 Phone: Fax: Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 email: email:thelocal@telus.net thelocal@telus.net• •website: website:www.thelocalweekly.ca www.thelocalweekly.ca• •Offi OfficeceHours HoursMonday Monday- -Friday Friday9am 9am- -5pm 5pm
The The The The
FREE OF CHARGE AT NEWSSTANDS MAILED SUBSCRIPTIONS 13,300 COPIES PRINTED WEEK! email: thelocal@telus.net • inwebsite: www.thelocalweekly.ca • Offi ce HoursEVERY Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Canada, $32.65/mo. AND ON B.C. FERRIES, LANGDALE TO Call 604-885-3134 to subscribe The Local is locally operated and distributed every Thursday to MAILED SUBSCRIPTIONS FREE OF CHARGE AT NEWSSTANDS 13,300 COPIES PRINTED EVERY WEEK! HORSESHOE BAY ROUTE. SUBSCRIPTIONS FREE OF CHARGE AT NEWSSTANDS in MAILED 13,300 COPIES PRINTED EVERY WEEK! POST households on the Sunshine Coast by CANADA Canada, $32.65/mo. MAILED SUBSCRIPTIONS AND ON B.C. FERRIES, LANGDALE TO in Canada, $32.65/mo. FREE OF CHARGE AT NEWSSTANDS 13,300 COPIES PRINTED EVERY WEEK! The Local isislocally operated and distributed every Thursday AND ON B.C. FERRIES, LANGDALE TO CallCall604-885-3134 totosubscribe The Local locally operated and distributed every Thursdaytoto 604-885-3134 subscribe in Canada, $32.65/mo. (Canada Post Agreement (#41000012) and 1,400 hand-delivered to businesses. HORSESHOE BAY ROUTE. ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: AND ON B.C. FERRIES, LANGDALE TO Call 604-885-3134 to subscribe households HORSESHOE BAY ROUTE. The Local ison locally operated and distributed every Thursday to POST bybyCANADA CANADA POST households onthe theSunshine SunshineCoast Coast HORSESHOE BAY ROUTE. Contact GARDAR GARDARSSON, Display Advertising Monday at The LocalPOST office, households on theDeadline: Sunshine Coastnoon by CANADA
ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: Advertising Sales Manager ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: Contact GARDAR or RON KOWALSKI, Contact GARDARGARDARSSON, GARDARSSON, Advertising Sales Contact GARDAR GARDARSSON, Advertising Sales Representative and Marketing Advertising SalesManager Manager Advertising Sales Manager or KOWALSKI, Phone: or email: localsales@telus.net orRON RON604-885-3134 KOWALSKI, Advertising Sales Representative or RON KOWALSKI, Advertising andMarketing Marketing $Sales Representativeand Advertising Sales Representative and Marketing Phone: 604-885-3134 or email: localsales@telus.net Phone: 604-885-3134 or email: localsales@telus.net Phone: 604-885-3134 or email: localsales@telus.net $$
HOW TO SUBMIT A CLASSIFIED AD: $ or drop off your ad with payment to: Mail, phone, fax, email The Local,SUBMIT P.O. Box 494, 5758 CowrieAD: St., Sechelt BC V0N 3A0 HOW HOWTO TO SUBMITAACLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED AD: • Email: thelocal@telus.net Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 Mail, phone, fax, email orordrop offoffAD: your adadwith to:to: Mail, phone, fax, email drop withpayment payment HOW TO SUBMIT A CLASSIFIED Or drop offP.O. ad Box with494, payment at TAKESt., 5your VIDEO, North Road, Gibsons The Local, 5758 Cowrie Sechelt BC V0N 3A0 The Local, P.O.fax, Boxemail 494, 5758 Cowrie Sechelt BCpayment V0N 3A0 to: Mail, phone, or drop off St., your ad with Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 • Email: thelocal@telus.net Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 • Email: thelocal@telus.net The Local, P.O. Box 494, 5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt BC 3A0 HOW TOoffSUBMIT EDITORIAL TEXT:5 VIDEO, North V0N Or drop ad with payment at TAKE Road, Or drop offeditorial ad with payment at TAKE 5 VIDEO, North Road,Gibsons Gibsons Phone: 604-885-3134 604-885-3194 • Email: thelocal@telus.net Email your to:• Fax: publisher@telus.net Or drop off ad with payment at TAKE 5 VIDEO, North Road, Gibsons •HOW SUBMITTED EDITORIAL MUSTTEXT: BE RECEIVED ELECTRONICALLY TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL HOW TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL TEXT: (typed or hand-written will not be accepted) Email your editorial to: publisher@telus.net Email your editorial to: publisher@telus.net HOW TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL TEXT: •• In most cases,EDITORIAL editorial submissions must be prearranged with the SUBMITTED Email your editorial to:MUST publisher@telus.net • SUBMITTED EDITORIAL MUSTBEBERECEIVED RECEIVEDELECTRONICALLY ELECTRONICALLY editorial department (typed will not beBE (typedormust orhand-written hand-written will not beaccepted) accepted) • SUBMITTED EDITORIAL MUST RECEIVED ELECTRONICALLY •• Editorial adhere tosubmissions specifi c word counts In• In most cases, editorial must be prearranged with most editorial submissions must beisprearranged withthe the (typed orcases, hand-written will not begrammar accepted) • Use of proper English, spelling and appreciated editorial department editorial department • In most cases, editorial submissions must be prearranged with the •• Submission does not guarantee publication Editorial must adhere to specifi c word counts • Editorial must adhere to specifi c word counts editorial department •• We reserve theEnglish, right tospelling edit all submissions Use of proper and grammar is isappreciated • Use of proper English, spelling and grammar appreciated Editorial must adhere to specifi c word counts •• Limit press releases to 300 words. Submission does not guarantee publication Submission not guarantee publication • Use of properdoes English, spelling and grammar is appreciated • We reserve the right to edit all submissions reserve the right toguarantee edit TO all submissions • We Submission does publication TO SUBMIT Anot THE EDITOR: •HOW Limit press releases toLETTER 300 words. Limit press releases to 300 words. • We reserve the right to edit all submissions Email your Letter To The Editor to: • Limit press releases to 300 words. editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com HOW SUBMIT AALETTER TOTOTHE EDITOR: HOWTOTO SUBMIT LETTER THE EDITOR: •Email Letters to The Editor are welcome on any topic of local or general your Letter ToA The Editor to: Email your Letter To The Editor to: HOW TO SUBMIT LETTER TO THE EDITOR: interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com Email your Letter To The Editor to: not imply endorsement by the newspaper. • does Letters to The Editor are welcome on any ororgeneral editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com • Letters to The Editor are welcome on anytopic topicof oflocal local general • interest. GenerallyOpinions letters should not exceed more than 300 words. expressed are those of the writers; publication expressed are those of the writers; publication • interest. Letterswill toOpinions Theedited Editor on topic of local or general Letters be inare thewelcome interests of any style, clarity, legality, brevity does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication taste, letters as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse • and Generally should not more than not imply endorsement by the newspaper. • does Generally letters should notexceed exceed more than300 300words. words. publication of any submission. Letters will be edited ininthe interests ofmore style, clarity, legality, brevity Letters will be edited the interests of style, clarity, legality, • Generally letters should not exceed than 300 words. • and All letters must be signed and include place ofright residence and brevity taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the to refuse and taste, asbenecessary. Local the right to refusebrevity Letters will edited in The the interests of style, clarity, legality, telephone number; names may bereserves withheld from publication for valid publication ofofany submission. publication any submission. and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse by approval of the and editor. • reason All ofbe any submission. • publication Allletters lettersmust must besigned signed andinclude includeplace placeofofresidence residenceand and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication number; namesand mayinclude be withheld publication valid • telephone All letters must be signed place offrom residence andforforvalid reason by approval of the editor. reason by approval the editor. telephone number;of names may be withheld from publication for valid Thisreason publication reserves the to refuse any advertising that it considers to by approval ofright the editor. contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The thatthe theright publisher shallany notadvertising be liable for damages arising This advertiser publicationagrees reserves to refuse that it considers to out This publication reserves thebeyond right tothe refuse any advertising that it considers to of error in any advertisement amount paid for such advertisement. contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. contain false or misleading or involves unfair orthat unethical practices. This publication reserves theinformation right to refuse any advertising it considers to The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out The advertiser that the publisheror shall not beunfair liableorforunethical damagespractices. arising out contain false oragrees misleading information involves of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. of error in any advertisement theshall amount paid for such advertisement. The advertiser agrees that thebeyond publisher not be liable for damages arising out of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.
(Canada (CanadaPost PostAgreement Agreement(#41000012) (#41000012)and and1,400 1,400hand-delivered hand-deliveredtotobusinesses. businesses. email: localsales@telus.net (Canada Post Agreement (#41000012) and 1,400 hand-delivered to businesses.
Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon offi ce,ce, Classifi ed Advertising Deadline: Monday 3:00atpm atLocal The Local office, Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon atThe The Local offi email: Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office, email: thelocal@telus.net email:localsales@telus.net localsales@telus.net email: localsales@telus.net Classifi ed Advertising Deadline: 3:00 pm ce,ce, Editorial Deadline: Monday noonMonday atMonday The Local offi ce,atatThe Classifi ed Advertising Deadline: 3:00 pm TheLocal Localoffi offi email: Classifi ed Advertising Deadline: Monday 3:00 pm at The Local office, email: editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com email:thelocal@telus.net thelocal@telus.net email: thelocal@telus.net Editorial Deadline: ce,ce, Editorial Deadline:Monday Mondaynoon noonatatThe TheLocal Localoffi offi email: The Local uses an Editorial Deadline: Monday noon at TheAD: Local office, HOW TOeditor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com SUBMIT A CAMERA-READY DISPLAY email: editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com APPLE MACINTOSH Email address: localsales@telus.net email: editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com Platform
Note: aTO camera-ready is an ad that is ready for printing. The Local uses an HOW AAad CAMERA-READY DISPLAY The Local uses an HOW TOSUBMIT SUBMIT CAMERA-READY DISPLAYAD: AD: APPLE MACINTOSH The ad will require no revisions, but will be published as submitted. Email address: localsales@telus.net APPLE The LocalMACINTOSH uses an Email address: localsales@telus.net HOWyour TO SUBMIT A CAMERA-READY DISPLAY AD: •Note: Build ad according to our specifi c dimensions, (*please see columnPlatform width Platform a camera-ready ad is an ad that is ready for printing. APPLE MACINTOSH Note: aaddress: camera-ready ad is an ad that is ready for printing. Email localsales@telus.net measurements below) Platform The adadwill require nonorevisions, will published asassubmitted. The will require revisions, butthat willbe published submitted. Note: a camera-ready adlogos) is anbut ad isbe ready foradprinting. •• All images (photos and included in the must be at least 300 dpi Build ad totoour specifi cbe dimensions, see • Build your adaccording according ourbut specifi cwith dimensions, (*please seecolumn columnwidth width The adyour will require noad,revisions, will published as(*please submitted. • Make a PDF of your at least 300 dpi, all text and graphics embedded measurements below) measurements below) •within Build your ad according to our specifi c dimensions, (*please see column width the PDF • All images (photos and logos) included in the ad must be at least 300 dpi • All images (photos and logos) included in the adinformation must be at least 300dates dpi you would measurements •• Email your PDF tobelow) us,ad, along with300 your full contact andembedded the Make a PDF of your at least dpi, with all text and graphics •like Make a PDF of your ad, at least 300 dpi, with all text and graphics embedded Alltoimages (photos and logos)(The included ad mustevery be atThursday. least 300 dpi havePDF your ad published. Localinis the distributed Submission within withinthe PDF •deadline Make athe PDF of your ad, at least 300 dpi, with all text and graphics embedded is PDF the Monday before) • Email your with your fullfullcontact information and would • Email your tous,us,along along with your contact information andthe thedates datesyou you would within the PDFtocriteria Note: If the above is not met, The Local cannot guarantee correct output of your like your ad published. (The Local iscontact distributed every Thursday. Submission liketotohave have your ad published. (The Local is distributed every Thursday. Submission •material Email your PDF to us, along with your full information and the dates you would once published. deadline is the Monday before) deadline is the Monday before) (The like todohave your ad published. distributed everyDraw” Thursday. Submission • Please not send a camera-ready adLocal usingiscannot “Word” or “Coral applications Note: If Ifthe criteria Note: theabove criteriaisbefore) isnot notmet, met,The TheLocal Local cannotguarantee guaranteecorrect correctoutput outputofofyour your deadline isabove the Monday material once published. material once published. Note: If the above is not TheOUR LocalDESIGN cannot guarantee correct output of your TO SUBMIT Acriteria ADmet, THAT DEPARTMENT •HOW Please dodo not send aDISPLAY camera-ready adadusing “Word” oror “Coral Draw” applications • Please not send a camera-ready using “Word” “Coral Draw” applications material once published. WILL BUILD FOR YOU: Email address: localsales@telus.net • Please doisnot acharge camera-ready ad using “Word” or “Coral Draw” applications Note: there nosend extra for this service. HOW TOTOSUBMIT AADISPLAY AD THAT OUR DEPARTMENT HOW SUBMIT DISPLAY AD THAT OURDESIGN DESIGN DEPARTMENT •WILL EmailBUILD (local sales@telus.net) your ad’ s information to us. Be sure to include your full contact FOR YOU: Email address: localsales@telus.net WILL BUILD FOR YOU: Email address: localsales@telus.net HOW TO SUBMIT A DISPLAY AD THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT information, the dates charge you would like your ad to run, and the full elements to be included Note: there isis no forfor this Note: there noextra extra charge thisservice. service. WILL BUILD FOR YOU: Email address: localsales@telus.net in the ad (eg. logos, photos and text). • Email (local sales@telus.net) your ad’ad’ s information totous.us.BeBesure totoinclude your fullfullcontact • Email (local sales@telus.net) your s information include contact Note: there is no extra charge for this service. • All images (photos andyou logos) included in ad thetoadrun, must bethe atsure least 300 dpi.toyour information, the dates would like your and full elements be included information, the dates you would likes information your ad to run, andBethe fulltoelements to befull included • Email (local sales@telus.net) your ad’ to us. sure include your contact ininformation, the adad(eg. logos, photos and text). in the (eg. logos, photos and text). the dates you would like your ad to run, and the full elements to be included FAX AN (photos AD THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT WILL BUILD FORdpi. YOU: •TO All images and logos) included ininthe adadmust bebeat least 300 • All images (photos and logos) included the must at least 300 dpi. in the ad (eg. logos, photos and text). Fax number: 604-885-3194 • All images (photos and logos) included in the ad must be at least 300 dpi. •TO Please fax your instructions and the DEPARTMENT text that will used in the ad. BeFOR sureYOU: to include your FAX AN AD THAT OUR DESIGN WILL BUILD TO FAX AN AD THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT WILL BUILD FOR fullnumber: contact information, the dates you would like your ad to run, and theYOU: full elements to Fax 604-885-3194 Fax number: 604-885-3194 TOincluded FAX AN in ADthe THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT WILL BUILD FOR YOU: be ad. Please note we cannot use faxed logos or images as that quality • Please faxfaxyour instructions and the text that will used ininthe ad.ad.BeBesure totoinclude •isPlease your instructions and the text that will used the sure includeyour your Fax number: 604-885-3194 inferior. full contact information, the dates you would like your ad to run, and the full elements toto full contact information, theand dates likeused yourin adthe to run, and thetofull elements • Please fax your instructions theyou textwould that will ad. Be sure include your befull ininformation, note we use asasfull that quality beincluded included inthe thead.ad.Please Please note wecannot cannot usefaxed faxedlogos orimages images that qualityto contactAPPLICATIONS theWE dates you would like your adlogos to or run, and the elements COMPUTER CANNOT ACCEPT: is be inferior. is inferior. included in theusad.anyPlease note we cannot • Please do not send of your “working files”,useeg:faxed Corallogos Draw,or images as that quality is inferior. Quark Express, InDesign, Pagemaker, Publisher, Pages. etc. COMPUTER COMPUTERAPPLICATIONS APPLICATIONSWE WECANNOT CANNOTACCEPT: ACCEPT: • Please send •COMPUTER Pleasedodonot notAPPLICATIONS sendususany anyofofyour your “workingfiles”, files”,eg:eg:Coral CoralDraw, Draw, WE“working CANNOT ACCEPT: Quark Express, InDesign, Pagemaker, Publisher, Pages. etc. Quark Express, InDesign, Publisher, etc. Draw, • Please do not send us anyPagemaker, of your “working files”,Pages. eg: Coral *THE LOCAL COLUMN WIDTHS: 1 column: 1.57” • 2 columns: 3.3” Quark Express, InDesign, Pagemaker, Publisher, Pages. etc. • 3 columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: 10.25” *THE *THELOCAL LOCALCOLUMN COLUMNWIDTHS: WIDTHS: 1 1column: column:1.57” 1.57”• •2 2columns: columns:3.3” 3.3” • •*THE 3 3columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: LOCAL COLUMN WIDTHS: 1 column: 1.57” • 2 columns: 3.3” 10.25” columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: 10.25” • 3 columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: 10.25”