Local The
Golfing for ALS
O! Canada
Pringle and McDonough golf again for ALS awareness and research
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Check out all the events for Canada Day – parades, music & more!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 7-9
West Sechelt Carnival
It was sunny and warm and more fun than a barrel of monkeys
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15
Visit the Sechelt Night Market every Thursday 5-9pm on Cowrie Street
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St. Mary’s Hospital/Health Care Auxiliary gave a rousing cheer to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of service on the Sunshine Coast. The original St. Mary’s Hospital, overlooking Hospital Bay, Pender Harbour, had only 14 beds. It wasn’t long after its opening before a group of locals met to form the first auxiliary in 1937. The rest, as they say, is history, as this dedicated group of volunteers remains focused on the care and comfort of our hospital patients. PHOTO ALLAN FOREST May 31, 2012
Gibsons oldest business celebrates 65 years
he Navy League and commemorate their birthSea Cadets of Gibsons day; each coin has a value volunteered to helpBartrim Gibsons1013 of $2 at the store, and these Teresa Building Supplies (GBS) were passed out to guests at with their 65th birthday the celebration. celebrations on Saturday, The owners of GBS are June 23 and all those extra proud of their history in the hands were much needed as community, a pride shared hundreds of Coast residents by their many long-term flocked to the Gibsons employees. Several GBS store. Free hot dogs, soft employees have served the drinks, demos andMarch scratchcompany all of their work29, 2012 a-discount were the hit of ing lives; many of them the day. GBS even had a have worked for the buildspecial coin, actually mint- ing supply company for up ed at the Treasury, made to to 40 years.
Sunshine GM 1023
Dick Fitchett and his uncle, Arthur Hill, first came to what was then Gibsons Landing in the winter of 1946. They came to fish for dogfish. Dogfish were harvested for their liver, which are high in Vitamins A and D. At that time, all building supplies arrived on the Sunshine Coast via tug and barge. Being entrepreneurs, Dick and Arthur decided to start up a building supply business. In 1947 they
built an 8’ x 12’ shed on a lot located on Seaview Road in Gibsons Landing and proudly hung a ‘Gibsons Building Supplies’ sign over the door. In 1952, the Blackball Ferry service began operating to Gibsons Landing.
This brought more people and an opportunity to transport building materials by truck rather than barge. In 1957 Dick Fitchett married Ann Brown, and she soon began taking care of See “GBS” Continued on page 14
2 The Local Local -- Thursday, Thursday, June June 28, 28, 2012 2012
The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012 3
Working Together to Build Our Communities®
LEHIGH MATERIALS – SECHELT MINE PRESENTED WITH 50TH ANNUAL MINE SAFETY AWARD Lehigh Materials was recently presented with the 50th Annual Mine Safety award for Open Pit Mine & Quarries. The Stewart/O’Brian Safety Award was awarded based on the safety record and the number of man hours worked over the past two years. Sechelt operations has also been recognized as having no lost time accidents for both 2010 and 2011. This award recognizes the dedication of our employees and workers who are committed to maintaining a high level of health and safety in the work place. Another division of Lehigh Materials, Skyway Pit in Chilliwack BC, was also awarded the Certificate of Achievement for the 50th Annual Mine Safety award.
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The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012 3
Achieving literacy in our community Education Matters Silas White Chair, School District #46 School Board
n a place with such an active civil society as the Sunshine Coast, some of the most valuable endeavours can be to scan and coordinate the fabulous work being done by numerous groups. The Community Foundation’s Vital Signs publication has been particularly influential and instrumental in recent years by identifying both strengths and gaps in our local living conditions and community services. Another, more specific and less heralded annual report of this type is the Sunshine Coast District Literacy Plan, a collaborative plan that identifies and engages community assets to work together on collective solutions. The Sunshine Coast Lit-
eracy Council that oversees this plan currently includes representatives from Capilano University, School District No. 46, both public libraries, the Festival of the Written Arts, Community Services, Sunshine Coast Credit Union, three community schools, the Early Childhood Development Planning Table and the Sunshine Coast Employment Centre. Other groups that have helped to develop and implement the plan over time include the Sechelt Indian Band, chambers of commerce, the other two community schools, community clubs, the Egmont Heritage Centre, Vancouver Coastal Health and the Sechelt Seniors Centre. The goal of the Council is “to provide opportunities for people to develop literacy in relation to the issues that are important to their lives – for example, health, food, housing, job preparation, parenting, homework and other
situations in daily life. Literacy includes reading, writing and numeracy, and more: oral communication, document use, problem-solving, working well with others, critical thinking, continuous learning and using digital technologies.” Some of the partnerships emerging from the Plan include the “Sun Coast Reads” program; the Halfmoon Bay Community School Homework Club Toolkit for parents; the Celebration of Authors, Books and Community bringing authors and illustrators to classrooms and assisting with an anthology of student writing; the Celebration of Diversity potluck at the Sechelt Indian Band Hall; a project linking literacy to food security and nutrition; and Family Literacy Week in January. The Plan has also helped to target areas that lack access to literacy resources, such as
a sponsored tutor in Pender Harbour, a computer purchased for the Pender Harbour Reading Room, and a series of author workshops for the Sechelt Indian Band among many other initiatives. All of this amazing work is made possible through community collaboration, and a tenuous shoestring budget to fund Literacy Coordinator Sandy Middleton. Next year the Council’s top goal is sustainability, to ensure that its work can continue into the future despite cuts in provincial funding. The Council’s website is www. sunshinecoastliteracy.org.
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Welcome visitors!
Just fiddling around … These fiddlers, ‘Bad to the Bow,’ performed toe-tapping Scottish music on Sunday, June 24 at one of the venues for the annual Music in the Landing event that will be held throughout the summer. Watch The Local for details on next weekend’s event.
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4 The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012
Editorial Opinion
Where to draw the line
hese days, some of us have taken the first steps down a dark path. We see politicians set up for ridicule on television or in political cartoons and some people think it’s okay to carry that on until it goes beyond funny to cruel. When did it become acceptable to be a bully? Being a politician isn’t an easy job for anyone, no matter what anyone says. Often it’s a thankless and very stressful job and these elected officials must endure more than they should. The key word here is “elected” … which means that a large group of us believed in their politics enough to choose them on the election ballot. Recently, I received a letter to the Editor in which Harper’s name was deliberately misspelled in order to ridicule his stance on a political position he’d taken. That’s where the line has been crossed between disrespecting a political position and disrespecting him/her personally. Personal attacks are unacceptable, whether the victim is a politician or a shoemaker. It is completely acceptable to disrespect a position, but when comments cross that line and become personal, it becomes bullying. Politicians have families; they have parents, spouses, kids, and other relatives who bear their name. When you disrespect someone’s name, you disrespect those families, too. You hurt kids and grandparents and sisters. That’s bullying. When you make disrespectful comments on a politician’s appearance, sex or ethnic background, that’s bullying. Don’t believe it when you hear someone say that when you become a public figure you open yourself up for personal criticism and ridicule. Remember: cruel ‘mob mentality’ results in pointless riots, like the kind that decimated downtown Vancouver after the Stanley Cup. Public figures should and must be treated with a measure of respect for their contribution to our country and our communities. If we fail to offer them even that much, who will step up at election time in years to come, to conscientiously and patriotically guide our country into the next millennium? If we fail to provide a politician with a safe haven for his/ her personal life, we’ll soon fill our legislative seats with hard, unfeeling people who won’t care a whit for the weak or needy in our society. As it is, there are few people today who are courageous enough to go into politics and risk the verbal and personal abuse that seems to be allowed. As long as we, the voters, accept that bullying is okay, we’ll be the losers – fewer and fewer good people will step forward into public life. Do we really want bullies running our country? If not, let’s set the example right now and draw a clear line for everyone to see. Bullying is not acceptable behaviour in school or at work. It’s certainly not acceptable in politics, either.
Letters to the Editor Sechelt pool climbing wall dilemma As a strong proponent of the Sechelt Pool for decades (unfortunately it took that long), it is very distressing to me to hear of the pending demise of the climbing wall at the pool. I have heard that it may be a distraction for swimmers in the closest lane. I also hear complaints that it is “dangerous” for participants of the aquafit classes (as a regular participant in these classes I am not quite sure where the perceived danger arises), and
that it interferes with sight lines during these classes. I thought the Sunshine Coast was known for their tolerance and willingness to compromise. Certainly this does not seem to be the case here. This $20,000 facility is designed primarily to provide another activity for youth, or the young at heart. But could it not also be used for more specific activities to increase upper body strength and agility for those with mobility issues, in particular those in wheelchairs? The “wall” could be incorporated into programs
Letters to the Editor – Opinions to promote upper body conditioning in a fun and safe environment for anyone, confined to a wheelchair or not. There is already a lift to allow access for those requiring assistance to enter the pool. Why not promote the pool and it’s amenities to a broader segment of the Sunshine Coast? We have a great facility here, let’s not start dismantling it! And for those in the aquafit classes, surely we can co-exist with this wall. Should the wall be removed to accommodate a small number of users to the detriment of the larger community, youth in particular? I don’t think so. I would hope that the community will make their thoughts known to pool management. If you want to keep the climbing wall, you need to speak up now or it will soon be gone. Contact Deb Shorthouse, SCRD at 604-885-6836 or deb.shorthouse@scrd.ca Rand Rudland, MD Sechelt Open letter to Mr. John Weston, MP
Any similarities with the Harper regime? These basic characteristics are more prevalent and intense in some regimes than in others, but they all share at least some level of similarity: Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism; disdain for the importance of human rights; identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unify-
ing cause; the supremacy of the military/avid militarism; rampant sexism; attempt to control mass media; obsession with national security; religion and ruling elite tied together; power of corporations protected; power of labor suppressed or eliminated; disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts; obsession with crime and punishment; rampant cronyism and corruption; fraudulent elections. Does any of this ring alarm bells? Of course not. After all, this is Canada, officially a democracy with the rule of law, a constitution, a free press, honest elections, and a wellinformed public constantly being put on guard against evils. Historical comparisons like these are just exercises in verbal gymnastics. D. Sikorskyi, Halfmoon Bay
Harper puts the cart before the horse John Weston’s guest editorial in The Local last week, re: the omnibus budget Bill, is willful misinformation. His comments focus on The Fisheries Act suggesting the act was ‘indiscriminate and goes well beyond conservation goals’. Weston is dead wrong. Four former federal Fisheries Ministers, two Conservatives, John Fraser and Tom Siddon, and two Liberals David Anderson and Herb Dhaliwal, have publicly said they do not agree with Harper. Nor do the vast majority of Canadians who know anything
Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office email: localsales@telus.net Classified Advertising Deadline: Monday 5:00 p.m. at The Local office thelocal@telus.net Carol Gardar 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Editorial Deadline: Gardarsson Gardarsson P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Monday 10 a.m. at The Local office Publisher, Publisher, Editor Ad Sales Manager Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com This publication reserves the right to refuse any advertising that it considers to email: thelocal@telus.net contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. website: www.thelocalweekly.ca The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.
about healthy fisheries and the necessary connection to healthy fish habitat. The Fisheries Act is the product of extensive development and consultation with many groups and parties over generations. It is not without flaws, and could be upgraded through ongoing consultation with the same sets of interests that helped shape its provisions in the first place. However, that is not what happened under the sordid and unseemly hasty judgment of the omnibus budget non-debate. Harper appears to have heard from corporate agribusiness that gripes that there is too much red tape to be handled before they can do something as simple as clearing drainage ditches on their vast holdings. Sounds reasonable enough, on the surface. Let’s stick to that one small example to see what that means. Farms need to clear drainage ditches when there is water present to be drained. A single drainage ditch doesn’t seem like a big deal. However, every farm has dozens of such ditches and there are hundreds of farms along any given river. If every farmer cleared every drainage ditch on every farm along a 100 km stretch of river at approximately the same time of the year how much accumulated silt would be washed into the river? What would be the cumulative effect of hundreds of such ditches being cleared, each adding more
silt to the river ecosystem? Will it matter that silt, being organic, is not classified as ‘pollution’ and therefore no longer be regulated? Weston concluded his commentary with the statement ‘now that we have set the direction, we will consult with our stakeholders as we develop the regulatory and policy framework that will support and better define the changes’. Harper has clearly put the cart before the horse. They forced through significant changes to longstanding, wellconceived legislation with unseemly haste and now suggest, after the changes are to be made law, to sit down and study the effects of their ill-conceived deeds after the fact. Shame on you, Harper & Co.! Jef Keighley, Chair – (COSCOP-BC) Halfmoon Bay CORRECTION Elphinstone Logging Focus (ELF) has examined the BCTS Cutblock A84612 (DK045) and determined that the majority of a wetland zone where several feeder streams emerge appears to be outside of the proposed cutting boundaries. ELF had previously stated in a June 18 press release that logging was to occur across 6-8 of these streams. A logging road and tree falling will cross the Roberts Creek tributary higher above the wetland. Jeff Smith
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Volume 10 • Issue 26
The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012 5
Pringle and McDonough golf for ALS
Jim Pringle & Bill McDonough of the Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club, golfed 166 holes in support of ALS on Wednesday, June 20 – both men have lost their grandmothers to this tragic and always fatal disease and volunteer each year to help raise awareness of the need to fund ALS research. STAFF PHOTO
n Wednesday, June 20, Jim Pringle & Bill McDonough of the Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club golfed a total of 166 holes to raise awareness and funds for ALS. Sunshine Coast Golf & Country is one of 40 golf courses located across BC participating in the PGA of BC Golfathon for ALS presented by uniPHARM & Medicine Centre Pharmacies Charitable Foundation.
Both Pringle and McDonough lost their grandmothers to ALS. “I was only about 12 when my grandmother passed away, but by then she had been sick for a long time; at first she couldn’t walk and then she couldn’t talk, and then she was pretty much bedridden until she died,” McDonough told The Local. “I was too young to understand what was happening, but my dad was
really upset about it.” The two men set themselves a goal to do what they called a “match play” and targeted about 100 holes as their maximum. They raised at least $600, with more pledges coming in. There’s still time to pledge – go to www.golfathonforals. ca or drop off your pledges at the SCG&CC Pro shop. Wendy Toyer, Executive Director, ALS Society of BC told The Local, “I know that there are really good people out there who are close to a treatment that may stop the progression of ALS,” she said. “One researcher I know personally has discovered that it has something to do with a folding gene and there are tests being run as we speak.” She added that it would not surprise her if that treatment would be available for people stricken with ALS within five years. “We can’t give up hope.” Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also referred to as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder that affects the person’s motor neurons that carry messages to the muscles resulting in weakness and wasting in arms, legs, mouth, throat and elsewhere; typically the person is immobilized or deceased within two to five years of the initial diagnosis. ALS can happen
Gibson Marina lease up for renewal A
t the first of two public meetings to receive comments about the Gibsons Marina lease renewal, Town Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Warren Waychesen faced a small group of 40, most of them unhappy with the prospect of renewing the previous lease for a further 35 years. Constructed by Gibsons Marina Hotel Inc. (GMHI) in the 1980s with contributions from the Town, Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans, and the Provincial Government (which also provided the lease on the water lot to the Town for sublease), the marina leased both the adjacent land and the water lot from the Town in 1983 for a term which expired last year. A short-term lease now in place allows GMHI to continue marina operations pending the Town’s public review prior to entering into any future lease agreement. Waychesen presented historical background and a pre-emptive response to commonly-asked questions,
and invited the public to respond either by letter, or by completing the response form provided, or by dropping by the Town Hall for a personal meeting with him. With the floor opened for comment, the parade to the microphone began. Chastising Waychesen for the lack of public notice of the meeting, and poor notice for the followup scheduled for Monday, June 25 at 7 pm at Town Hall, speakers commented on the poor condition of the marina. Citing safety issues, a boat launch in disrepair, siltation buildup in the harbour and lack of customer service at the moorage, speakers pleaded
with the Town to reconsider renewing the lease without requiring GMHI to ensure the facility is maintained in good repair. Resident Steve Holland noted that if these issues remain unaddressed, the marina and harbour might soon be unusable. Others noted that residents see the marina as part of their town. The Town was urged to broaden the base for discussion. The Town will receive submissions until July 3; all comments will be summarized for Council’s information. The Town’s current interim lease with GMHI expires August 31. By Heather Jeal for The Local
TRAIL BAY DOCTORS From August 1 2012, Dr. Nic Sparrow will close his general practice on the Coast to pursue a career in Emergency Medicine and Pre-Hospital Care. Patients registered with him will need to find a new family physician or attend walk-in clinics. Dr. Sparrow would like to thank his patients for their kindness and support.
to anyone at anytime. “When someone faces the most frightening diagnosis imaginable, it means so much to know there is hope and that they are not alone,” Toyer told The Local, “I am constantly struck by the courage and tenacity of those we serve. They want to keep going, they want to help others, they want to contribute and they want to stay active. People living with ALS can do all of that if they have the right support.” “We must redouble our efforts across Canada to enhance our research effort and expedite investigations we know can bear fruit soon. We now know that for many ALS patients living today real breakthroughs can take place in their lifetime.” Optimism is the best weapon in the war against ALS. For more information, please visit the ALS website at: www.alsbc.ca
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The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012
WALK INTO ROBERTS CREEK ANCIENT HEADWATERS FOREST Elphinstone Logging Focus (ELF) invites Coast residents concerned about the full protection of Roberts Creek to join us for a guided walk through a forest area threatened by clear-cut logging. ELF has identified a BC Timber Sales cutblock surveyed in the headwaters of Roberts Creek. This forest contains a diversity of species, such as Yellow Cedar (800-1,000 yrs), a dense population of old-growth dependant Pacific Yew, vegetation such as Rattle Snake plantain, several black bear den sites, and numerous feeder streams. This ancient forest must be protected. Logging in the Roberts Creek Headwaters will have a direct and long term impact on our community. The rights of nature cannot be compromised. ELF has sketched out a rough trail across the backside of Mt Elphinstone that will take us across the forest under question. Elphinstone Logging Focus is a volunteer organization advocating for the protection of all remaining old growth forests on the lower Sunshine Coast. If you can’t make the walk, then please go to our web site: loggingfocus.org and look for the Roberts Creek Ancient Headwaters Forest campaign, and Take Action.
Meet at the Roberts Creek Community Hall, Sunday July 1 at 1PM. Car pool to the site. Round trip estimated at 3-4 hours.
For more information call 604-740-5654, or loggingfocus@gmail.com
Gibsons celebrates family Elphinstone Logging 1026 Talk of The Town Wayne Rowe Mayor, Town of Gibsons
June 28, 2012which his past weekend, was the first full summer weekend, was unofficially a family weekend in Gibsons. The heavy rainfall of Friday night threatened to dampen the weekend events but fortunately the skies cleared and everyone was able to enjoy the activities. The Sunshine Coast Community Services Society organized a children’s festival at Dougall Park on Saturday. The children were entertained by a variety of performers including John Pierre. Makosso, Graham
Watermark 1022
Mayor John Henderson for being a good sport in helping out with the duck pluck. It is a small symbol of the cooperation that we seek to achieve between our communities. The festivities continued on Sunday with the Gibsons Legion hosting a pancake breakfast and lunch BBQ in recognition of Legion week in British Columbia. The Legion supports Cadet leagues, youth organizations and many other worthwhile programs. The individual members of the Gibsons Legion contribute in many ways to our community. On behalf of the town of Gibsons, I was proud to be able to extend greetings and thanks to this great organization.
Nutcracker takes Best of Show S
uncoast Woodcrafters held their annual 2x4 Challenge. The guild members showed an impressive display of workmanship, ingenuity and artistic talents. Heinz Tigges handcrafted a traditional classic German wooden toy nutcracker palace guard, approximately 24 inches tall that was skillfully crafted and beautifully fin-
Visit the Presentation Centre to enter the draw! No purchase necessary.
Walker and Charlotte Diamond. We were fortunate to have a performer of the calibre of Ms. Diamond. She has been such a constant in the field of children’s entertainment that many of the parents who were present had, themselves been entertained by Ms. Diamond in their own childhood. There were probably as many grandparents in attendance as parents, including myself with my granddaughter visiting from Edmonton. To see the generations served to remind me that much of what we do day-to-day is of fleeting significance in the grand scheme of things and we ought not to lose the perspective of what is truly important in each of our lives. I would like to thank Sechelt
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ished. It was voted as ‘Best of Show’. Second place was taken by Allan Levinsohn who cleverly designed four wooden nesting boxes using finger-joint joinery. Third place went to Albert Edge who crafted a novel fairy tale mischievous-looking cat made from recycled wood, which was a hit with young and old.
The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012 7
Sechelt Canada Day 2012
START YOUR DAY WITH PANCAKES 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast at Gilligan’s Pub. 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Bicycle decorating contest sponsored by Trail Bay Centre, at southwest side of the mall ENJOY THE PARADE • 11 to 12:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. Parade mustering along Medusa St. and Ocean Ave. 10:00 a.m. Parade judging 10:50 a.m. Decorated bicycles and Coaster’s Car Club lead off the parade 11:00 a.m. ‘Fly Past’ by our Canadian Forces 11:00 a.m. 2011 Canada Day parade commences with parade Grand Marshalls, STAN and LORI DIXON, in recognition of their outstanding service to the Sunshine Coast for many years. Parade route starts out from Ocean Avenue, down Cowrie Street, across Inlet Ave. and up Dolphin Street to Hackett Park.
AFTERNOON EVENTS AND MUSIC: HACKETT PARK ACTIVITIES • 11 to 5 p.m. 11:15 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Coaster’s Car Club Show & Shine at Hackett Park upper field 11:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Hackett Park Fun for all: • Craft fair on lower field • Food vendors all areas • Children’s fun at tennis courts and upper field • Main stage ceremonies & entertainment in lower field • Free tree seedlings given out at SDBA booth HACKETT PARK MUSIC, ETC: 12:45 p.m. ‘O Canada’ lead by singers, Ashley Hautala and Cassidy Clayton. Welcome from Mayor John Henderson, speeches and Canada Day cake 1:00 p.m. Deanna Cartea, singer with Barry Taylor & Ken McBride 1:40 p.m. Graham Walker - 15 minute kid’s show 2:00 p.m. Classic Country Boys - 4 piece band 3:00 p.m. Celso Machado - vocal with guitar solo 4:00 p.m. Steve Giltrow Quartet - jazz
FAMILY FUN: noon to 4:30 pm at Hackett Park: • Lifecycle Bicycle Safety • Face Painting • The Green Man • Balloons • Puppets • Pony Rides • Bounce off the Walls (Bouncy Castle) • Coast Car Club display
COWRIE STREET ACTIVITIES: 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. Treasure/scavenger hunt, climbing wall and Bouncy Castle. 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. Bingo 2:00 p.m. Toddlers’ run bike training COWRIE STREET MUSIC: 1:00 p.m. Matthew Lovegrove - vocal with guitar solo 2:00 p.m. Bernie G. - vocal with piano solo 3:00 p.m. Klimbatize - 4 piece pop band EVENING AT HACKETT PARK TENNIS COURT • 5 to 10 p.m. • Beer garden area for adults • Family activities for all • Food by Sergio’s Pizza • Music by Gaetan & Friends Sechelt Downtown Business Association has organized this day for your family enjoyment. We sincerely thank all who have helped in making this day successful and especially the District of Sechelt and Heritage Canada for their major financial support.
HACKETT PARK VENDORS: • Alchemy Fashions • Atelier Veronique Creations • Baby Soleil Infant Outerwear • Coast Jewellery • Crochet Headquarters • Harbour Air/West Coast Air • Healingscents • Hunechin District Girl Guides of Canada • J.C. Beads • Jockey Person to Person • Lia Sophia Jewellery - Jeyna Plowman • Lucky Monkey Home • Moore Good Stuff • My Father’s House • Ocean View Drafting • Peggy Collins Photography • Norwex Canada • Rainbow’s End Crafts • Raven Imports • Replay Creations • Rose’s Cool & Funky Jewellery • S.C. Astronomy Centre • Sunshine Coast Museum & Archives • Sunshine Coast Nannies • Sunshine Coast Roller Girls Society • Sunshine Coast Senior Citizens • Trugs Gourmet • Usborne Books • Wildart Photography YUMMY FOOD: Gibsons Kettle Corn: kettlecorn popcorn Buddies at the Bay: hot dogs, lemonade slushies, snow-kones, popcorn, coffee Aztec Enterprises: hot dogs, smokies, hamburgers SunnyCakes: gourmet cupcakes Ty’s Fine Foods: pulled pork, vegetarian snack pack Wandering Wonders Enterprise: ice cream novelties Sweet Nuthins Toffee: candy (gluten free) 6th Roberts Creek Scout Group: cotton candy SDBA: Angelo’s Pizza
Dress your best to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and win gift certificate prizes from the SDBA! Dress like you are invited to a reception with the Queen, dress like you would have dressed up 60 years ago and win! Come to the SDBA booth on the Lower Field between 1:40 and 2:00 p.m. for judging.
Happy Canada Day
5698 Cowrie St., Sechelt • 604-885-7603 SHOP LOCALLY!
www.tsaonthecoast.com • OPEN MON-SAT 9:30AM-5PM
Butcher’s Block Meat Market
#107 - 5580 Wharf Ave • 604-885-3909
5672 Cowrie St, Sechelt, BC 604-885-9292
Bed & Bath Collections Thanks to Kellei Baker Telephone 604-885-JUMP (5867) • Toll-free 877-886-JUMP (5867)
5668 Cowrie St., Sechelt 604-885-4893 bartley@dccnet.com
SECHELT: #1 - 5679 Cowrie Street 604-740-0982 POWELL RIVER: 7030 Glacier Street 604-485-0080
5654 Cowrie Street Sechelt, 604-885-4010
The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012
Happy Canada Day This is your ad proof in the next issue of
Groceries & Convenience Propane • Fuel • Ice
Hwy. 101 at Garden Bay Rd. Madeira Park
Have a Great Canada Day
Bruce M. Richmond Certified General Accountant
Bus: 604.885.4111 Fax: 604.885.5587 #104 - 5688 Cowrie St., Sechelt
June 30, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________
Message from Garry Nohr, SCRD Chair Deadline for approval
or changes happy Canada Day to ismove on to further educa- with the provincial governbyop3:00 p.m. you all!Monday Take this tion and become our next ment about a number of portunity If to celebrate by of leaders. On Sunday, projects and concerns, such we do not hear from youset by this attending This the we July 1assume events you will find most of the as bottled water in Jertime, all is correct. iscan your ad proof throughout the Coast. This elected officials either in the vis Inlet, docks in Pender in refl the next issue of know how we is the time to Please ectletonuswhat parades or serving as mar- Harbour, BC ferry rates, can serve you best. this countryYour hasbusiness becomeis important and shals to us!to celebrate another a passenger ferry for the to celebrate the democracy great year on the Coast. It Sunshine Coast, and enand freedom we all enjoy. is fantastic how volunteers forcement of illegal dumpThis week, many of your seem to appear whenever ing infractions. The SCRD Junebeen 30, 2011 Issuecials Date: ____________________ elected offi have there is something to cel- board is also completing attending Deadline graduations at ebrate and how they always discussions of the waste for approval local schools to or present bur- is make each event a success. management and recycling changes saries to students who will Summer is fi nally here, plan, doing the final review Monday by 3:00 p.m. but your elected officials of the parks and recreation If we do not hear from youin by this each community will be master plan, and extendtime, we can assume all is correct. Deluxe Landscaping 1025 back at work right after the ing support to community Please let us know howJuly we 1 holiday. They will be schools as they restructure can serve you best.taking part in discussions due to funding changes. Your business is important to us!
Your Complete Landscape Supply & Garden Centre
June 25, 2012
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V E RY I L E D IONS OPT • 3 Sizes of dump trucks to suit your delivery needs • Same day delivery
Please see page 7 for Canada Day activities in Sechelt
The law offices of Wayne Rowe wishes all a safe & happy Canada Day
6037 sechelt inlet rd.
As you enjoy Sunday’s festivities, keep an eye out for your elected officials as they attend celebrations and talk with their constituents about local issues. I hope each of you will take the time to thank these officials for their work and to show your appreciation of all the volunteers who have organized the Canada Day parades. Please feel free to contact me by phone or email on any issue. Cell: 604-741-2427 or glnohr@dccnet.com. Check my website at www.garrynohr.blogspot.com.
Message from John Henderson, Mayor of Sechelt On behalf of the Council and Staff of the District of Sechelt, my best wishes to the residents of and visitors to Sechelt and the entire Sunshine Coast. We are blessed to live in such a wonderful part of this great Canada - we have so much to be thankful for! I want to especially acknowledge the many, many people in our community who volunteer to make Sechelt such a great town. A community is defined by many things but none more important than Rowe all ofWayne us working together. Canada 1026 Finally, my day thanks to the many gracious residents who have been so supportive of our Council during our first seven months in office. We are proud of our progress and even more excited about the future! June 28, 2012
604-885-9070 • Open 7 days a week: MOn - Fri 8:30-5 • sat 9-5 • sun 10 - 4
Sechelt Canada Day Stroll ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 140
Sechelt Legion stroll 1026 Sew Easy stroll 1026
Come celebrate Sechelt
Diamond Jubilee Canada Day! • Canada Day BBQ • Canada Day Cake • Music by Jim Taylor • Events: Trivia and kid’s colouring contest
Wharf road • family & friends Welcome
Happy Canada Day!
local artisan shop & gallery June 28, 2012
from the coast
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14,work 2012• • jewelryJune • wood • glass • pottery & more •
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NOW OPEN 5685 Cowrie St. Sechelt 604-740-2660 (beside Sergio’s Pizza)
The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012 9
July 1, 2012
• Sony • • ToShiba • panaSonic • • panaSonic •• Sony • • ToShiba • • ToShiba • • panaSonic • • Sony • • Sony • • ToShiba • panaSonic • • panaSonic• • Sony • • ToShiba • • ToShiba • panaSonic • • Sony • • Sony • ToShiba • • panaSonic panaSonic • panaS pana Sonic • Sony Sonic • ToS To Shiba • Shiba ToShiba ToShiba • ToS To Shiba Shiba • panaS pana Sonic • Sony • Sonic panaSonic • Sony ToShiba • ToS To Shiba • panaS Shiba pana Sonic Sonic panaSonic • panaSonic onic • Sony • ToS To Shiba Shiba ToShiba • ToShiba • panaS pana Sonic Sonic panaSonic • Sony • Sony • ToS To Shiba • panaS Shiba ToShiba pana Sonic Sonic panaSonic panaSonic • panaS pana Sonic • Sony Sonic • ToS To Shiba Shiba ToShiba • ToShiba hiba panaSonic • panaS pana Sonic Sonic • Sony • Sony • ToShiba • panaSonic • panaSonic • SonyCOAST CABLE • ToShiba AUTHORIZED • ToShiba • panaSonic • Sony 5 DAYS REP ON HAND • Sony • ToShiba • panaSonic • panaSonicA• Sony • • ToShiba• WEEK! • ToShiba • panaSonic • • Sony • CALL FOR HOURS • Sony • • ToShiba • panaSonic • • ToShiba • • Sony • • ToShiba •
uly 1 holds special meaning as we take time to celebrate what Canada means to each of us. We live in an amazing country that is as diverse in climate as it is in culture and that alone gives us reason to celebrate. Here, in Gibsons and on the Sunshine Coast, we also celebrate our diversity in cultures and marvel at the paradise that surrounds us. From the spectacular Pacific Ocean at our doorstep to the
majestic coastal mountain range that curves behind us, we are indeed fortunate! To also enjoy some of the world’s best water and living conditions only serves to extend our appreciation. Nature abounds around us yet we still enjoy so many of the amenities that are available right here at home – the Gibsons Jazz Festival, Music in the Landing, the Art Stroll, Sea Cavalcade and so much
more. Yet, there is still much work to be done to make our community everything it can be, and all of us in Gibsons, elected officials and citizens, will work together to ensure a good balance of services and amenities that will secure the future for us all. On behalf of the Council and staff of the Town of Gibsons, we extend our best wishes for a very happy Canada Day!
GIBSONS CANADA DAY 2012 at Winegarden Park, Gibsons Landing Rotary BBQ 11:30 – 4 pm Live Entertainment 12 – 5 pm Bouncy Castles 12 – 4 O Canada 2:30 pm with Legion Colour Guard
Cake Cutting at 3 pm Gibsons Volunteer Fire Department with their New Canadian Flag. Coasters Car Club Demo Sunday Market all day
55” TV
television • home Audio • cAr Audio
The Gibsons Paddle Club 1-3: Open Paddle for the public. Paddle around the bay with the GPC.
SECHELT: #1 - 5679 Cowrie Street 604-740-0982
Bring your picnic and blankets and have a great day in Winegarden Park
We wish you a safe and healthy CANADA DAY WEEKEND!
Message from Wayne Rowe, Mayor of Gibsons
• ToShiba • • Sony • • panaSonic • • ToShiba • • Sony • • panaSonic • • ToShiba • • Sony • panaSonic panaS Sonic • • panaSonic ToShiba ToS Shiba • ToShiba • Sony• • pana panaSonic • • ToS To S ToShiba • • Sony • • panaS pana S panaSonic • $ • ToShiba • Sony ENTER TO• WIN A • • panaSonic • • ToShiba • Name: _____________ • Sony • •_________________ panaSonic • • ToShiba • Phone: _____________ • panaSonic •
POWELL RIVER: 7030 Glacier Street 604-485-0080
Town of Gibsons 1026
June 28, 2012
474 South Fletcher Road, 604-886-2274
Sechelt Canada Day Stroll HOME DECOR
Kiss stroll 1023 Thelma & Louise Collections
CLOTHING FOR ADVENTUROUS WOMEN FDJ, Cut Loose, Grammicci, JuneParkhurst 7, 2012 Carrili Jeans, Echo,
Style with Personality
5697 Cowrie St. 604-885-7807
5697 Cowrie St. 9:30-5:30 Sechelt Sun: 12-4 604-885-7870 Mon -Sat:
Thelma & Louise stroll 1023.SpiritoftheGrape. 1026 om ww Medichaircstroll
Happy Canada Day to all!
Local Vintner stroll 1023
Craft your favourite
June 7, 2012 the home medical equipment specialists
June 28, 2012
5674 Cowrie Street
604-885-2734 • 1-888-393-5577
#111-5530 Wharf Ave. (Wharf Plaza) Sechelt, 604-740-0947
bed & bath collections June 7, 2012
5668 Cowrie Street,
Sechelt 604-885-4893
The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012
Have a safe and happy Canada Day!
Avoiding wasting electricity District of Sechelt 1026
Phone 604 885-1986 • Fax 604 885-7591 • Email info@sechelt.ca
June 28, 2012
Engine lamp on?
Our service dept. will scan it & give you a written estimate explaining the trouble codes and a price to repair the problem.
Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler and Ram vehicles only TaxeS and Shop SupplieS are exTra. oFFer expireS aug.15/12.
Skookum 1025
Tammy Hansen and Community Outreach Representative, BJ Mayer.
C Hydro Community Outreach Representative, BJ Mayer, June cheers 21, 2012on Duck Pluck mascot Tammy Hansen as she takes a toss for energy savings during the Duck Pluck Festival at
any of you have enjoyed the joys of watching your little ones catch a trout or two, getting their face painted, eating a hot dog and/or a smokie, and even singing a favorite song in the Karaoke tent. There are other fun activities for a family to enjoy and statements such as, “My folks used to bring me to Catch-A-Trout Day as a child and now I am bringing my own children!”
PARTS & SERVICE ARE OPEN SATURDAYS 9am TO 4pm Call for an appointment 604-886-3433
Phone 604-886-3433 • Toll Free: 1-866-756-6501 • Fax: 604-886-3423 Hours: Sales: Mon - Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-5 • Sun Closed • Parts & Service: Mon - Fri 9-5 • Sat 9-4 • Sun Closed
are heard quite often during the day. More than 2,000 rainbow trout, raised at Chapman Creek Hatchery, are awaiting your arrival. This year there will be a few new additions to delight and surprise everyone, but the ticket books remain the same as they have always been. The books include tickets to catch two trout, get a face painted, have a hot dog, a drink, and a bag of chips, a
balloon, and a McDonald’s coupon. We will also provide a bin for those wishing to contribute a non-perishable food item to the Food Bank. Come enjoy yourselves July 7, between 10 am and 3:30 pm and be sure to bring your camera. You won’t want to miss getting a photo of the huge smile on your little one’s face when he or she lands that “big one” they’ll brag about all year!
George's Contracting 1x2_1010
Gibsons Legion’s Community Day
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Annual hatchery Catch-A-Trout Day M
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Dougall Park in Gibsons on Saturday June 23. Taking advantage of the warm and sunny summer weather by turning off the TV and heading outside for some outdoor fun is a great way to
Gary Little 604-741-5347 Laurie Reid 604-740-7564 WOW! Interactive Real Estate Map Computer • Smartphone • Tablet
unday, June 24, Branch #109 of the Royal Canadian Legion Gibsons hosted their second annual Community Day - and the community turned out in droves Date to celebrate. Th e day began with the pancake breakfast, served by Legion members and Sunshine Coast Special Olympics volunteers, who served scores of hot pancakes and sausages to hungry guests. Legion #109 members marched to the music of the Gibsons Legion Pipe Band at the Opening Ceremonies beneath sunny skies that seemed madeto-order for the day. Also featured that day were balloons, games and prizes for the kids and, later, hot dogs and hamburgers served up by the Gibsons Lions Club followed by a slice of their Community Day cake. Proceeds from the 50/50 draws
that day went to St. Bart’s Church Food Bank. Life Member Joan Quarry and Past President Larry Boyd, who have both received the highest accolade, The Palm Leaf, were given the honour of cutting the cake while Town of Gibsons Mayor Wayne Rowe looked on. In his address, Rowe said, “We’re here to celebrate Legion Week, but also to celebrate our local Gibsons Legion. Many people think that the Legions only advocate for veterans, but there are many other special projects they undertake to provide for the less priviledged.” The Gibsons Legion is presently collecting pennies to raise money to send a disabled child to summer camp. See more photos on our website at www.thelocalweekly.ca Carol Gardarsson
The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012 11
Horoscope June 29 to July 6 Michael O’Connor Astrologer
Tip of the Week: Some important astrological events have taken place over the past few weeks that will accelerate the pace and increase the excitement in the world. The long-awaited first official square between Uranus and Pluto, took place on June 24. One of the main synchronistic events occurred in Iceland. The headlines read: “Iceland dismantles corrupt government then arrests all Rothschild bankers.” As the story goes, the 2008 financial collapse in Iceland was traced back to these corrupt institutions. 2008 was the year Pluto, the planet of purification and transformation, entered Capricorn, the sign of governments. This will not be an isolated event and it is simply the fuse of a protracted revolutionary wave. Meanwhile, Venus is now finally ‘Direct’ after 6 weeks Retrograde. This will lead people to simply want to enjoy the season. This will become especially apparent when Mars enters Libra on July 3. That is the same day as the charged Full Moon. Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20 A mood for fun, play and creativity is on the rise. The biggest challenge is deciphering which one of many activities to do next. Enjoying quality time with family and/or tending to things close to home remain top priorities. Get it done this week though because your practical focus will soon fade for a while. Taurus Apr 20 – May 21 Activating new streams of income continues. Increasing your overall sense of security is motivating your focus. Discerning between short and long term needs is likely. You are willing to make some investments, yet feel extra cautious and so feel the need to weigh things carefully. It may not be time to commit to long term commitments. Gemini May 21 – Jun 21 For the sake of security, increasing your net worth feels important, perhaps even necessary. You are willing to take a few risks yet would like to be able to get a sample of the outcome implied. Reaching out to gain support requires that you be willing to negotiate a fair deal. Take a creative approach to strike a winning deal for all concerned. Cancer Jun 21 – Jul 22 The time has come to take decisive action. Dealing with
others in positions of power and authority is part of the plot. You may not feel as confident as you like. The key is to be willing to give a lot, perhaps even more than you think you should. Consider all extra efforts to be their own insurance, even though the guarantees are not binding. Leo Jul 22 – Aug 23 It is important that you look to the future now. Make plans and initiate communications to activate new leads, even if from behind the scenes. Exercise full diplomacy in all your dealings. The pace has been steady, perhaps even slow. Yet, it will soon speed up and you will feel moved to break through inner and outer lines of resistance. Virgo Aug 23 – Sep 22 Increasing your reach to widen your scope of friends and allies continues. The time has come to increase your range of influence. It should feel easier to do so this week than last. Yet, you may already notice the changes in the natural flow of connections. Focus on your career, improve upon your reputation and make yourself accessible. Libra Sep 22 – Oct 22 Seeing a bigger picture is a current theme. Looking to the future and taking a creative approach is implied. Doing inner work to confront any lingering fears has been an important theme. Soon the focus will turn to contend with outer opposition. This will lead you to get information and answers. Deciphering what constitutes wisdom versus knowledge is the deeper theme. Scorpio Oct 22 – Nov 21 Decisions to take initiatives that reveal steadily changing perspectives will have an impact on your usual daily rhythms. You may be pulled in two or more directions. Going back to the way
things were is less than likely. Yet, even the idea may feel good for now. Implement creative coping strategies to wait for clear signs about future directions. Sagittarius Nov 21 – Dec 21 The count down has been on, and now it is time to take decisive action. Dealing with more people and situations is likely and this trend will continue. At best, your popularity is on the rise. At worst, you are uncertain about who your true friends are. Perhaps most important, regarding the future, consider your health and what you can do to improve it. Capricorn Dec 21 – Jan 19 Changes in your lifestyle are affecting some of your closest relationships. The opposite may also be true. These are leading you to concentrate and dig for ideas and answers. Your confidence levels may be wavering and you are challenged to keep an overactive imagination in check. Asserting your will to make needed change close to home is featured. Aquarius Jan 19 – Feb 19 Awakening to new realizations about yourself, the world and the future has likely been a steadily rising theme. Now it is time to at least consider doing something about it. Your determination and will to take decisive action will rise steadily over the next several weeks. Weaving fun and social activity into your focus is likely and ideal. Pisces Feb 19 – Mar 20 You are getting more attention as if suddenly. Gatherings and cultural activities with friends will prove inspiring. With your confidences on the rise, the time is right to solidify your overall foundation. Taking a cooperative approach will work best. Who are those key contacts that can assist you to open new doors of opportunity?
Solution on page 16. Courtesy of www.sudoku-puzzles.net
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Performer APPY JAMES Blues THIS FRIDAY $5 HOUR Mon -Thurs 2:30 - 5pm ROGERS JUNE 29 Good food, good fun and great prices!
5770 Teredo St. Sechelt
PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:
LEGION Rapid Edge 1024
BRANCH #109 604-886-2411
Thank you to everyone who came and helped us celebrate Legion Week and thank you to all the volunteers who made it happen!
Dinner: Steak & Prawns 5 - 7:30pm
Dinner: Ham & Scalloped Potatoes 5 - 7:30pm
with special guests the Wolfeels at 8pm
Martini Madness at 7:30pm COME DANCE TO 50s & 60s JAZZ!
brown brothers band
MeMbers and guests always welcoMe • Food available at the bar
• crib on Tuesdays 7pm and Saturdays 12:30pm • Meat draws Saturdays 4-5:30pm and Sundays 4-6pm
in the Landing
FRIDAY JUNE 29: 7:00 - 8:00pm Gazebo on the wharf Baroque & Blue Trio
SATURDAY JUNE 30: 11:00 - 1:00pm Pioneer Square - next to the info centre ‘Back Porch Reunion’ - Dale & Rosalee Stavroff SATURDAY JUNE 30: 1:30 - 3:30pm in front of Pink House - next to Leo’s G Willy - singin’ and strummin’
SATURDAY JUNE 30: 7:00 - 8:45pm Winegarden Waterfront Park ‘Sangita’ - 7 piece band of funky grooves
Next Music in the Landing July 6 - 8
ad AJ This Pumps Sudoku 1025 sponsored by
6 - 4330 Sunshine Coast Hwy. (Wilson Creek Plaza) 604-740-5813
• Davis Bay Beach Stroll • Find these fun, fabulous shops, and more!
creative expressions
Licks Mosaic Market Davis stroll 1023 ART SUPPLIES
4496 Sunshine Coast Highway, 604-740-8140
Creative Expressions 1026 SEQUIROS
BOOTHS 25 & 30
WIDE SELECTION OF QUALITY ART SUPPLIES: Golden, Da Vinci, Daniel Smith, Stevenson, block printing inks, canvasses and much more
June 28, 1012
20% off June 7, 2012
with this ad
12 The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012
Local The
100 – Announcements • Birth Announcements • Birthday Greetings • Upcoming Events • Engagements • Anniversaries • Weddings • Personals • Thanks • Obituaries • In Memorium 200 – Community Notices • Church Services • Memorial Services • Classes 300 – Marketplace - General • Antiques & Collectibles • Furniture • Appliances • Misc. For Sale • Garage Sales • Sports & Exercise Equipment • Firewood • Trade & Barter • Wanted • Free • Lost/Found 400 – Automotive • Cars For Sale • Trucks and SUVs • Special Interest & Classics • RVs and Campers • Motorcycles & Off Road • Parts & Accessories • Repairs and Service • Machinery & Tools 500 – Marine • Boats for Sale • Boats Wanted • Moorage For Rent • Trailers for Sale • Boat Motors • Boat Repair Services 600 – Construction • Home Repairs • Renovations • Materials • Log Homes • Machinery & Tools 700 – Real Estate • Lots for Sale • Homes for Sales • Mobile Homes • Commercial For Sale • Apartments/ Condos For Sale • Townhouses For Sale • Wanted to Buy 800 – For Rent • Homes • Apartments & Suites • Commercial • Storage • Other • Shared Accommodation • Wanted to Rent 900 – Travel • Vacation Rentals • Timeshare Property • Travel Deals 1000 – Employment • Help Wanted – General • Help Wanted – Professional • Work Wanted - General 1100 – Professional Services • Housesitting Service • Music • Computers • Security • Financial Services • Couriers • Child/Day/After School Care • Fitness Services • Wellness Services • Cleaning/Janitorial Services 1200 – Pets • For Sale • Lost • Found • Pet Services 1300 – Business Opportunities 1400 – Legal and Public Notices 1500 – Too late to Classify c
100 ANNOUNCEMENTS Notice to the Public
Langdale Marketplace at BC Ferries is taking applications for vendors to join the market this summer. The season starts May long weekend until Thanksgiving weekend. Photography, food, jewelry & pottery spots have already been filled. If interested, please pick up an application at the Langdale Administration office between 9am and 5pm or for more information, phone 1-888 BC FERRY (1-888-223-3779).
Langdale Market - BCFerries 1025
y mom passed away peacefully on June 19th, 2012 at Christenson Village. She was predeceased by her loving husband Charles Wilkie McCaw and her be-loved son, Peter Cameron McCaw. She is survived by her daughter, Nanci Jean McCaw, her loving nephews, Richard McCaw, John McCaw, Cameron McCaw and her nieces Jill McCaw, Carol Schufelt, Rena McBride and Heather Westover, also, Melvina McCaw, Marylou Richards and Diane Birch whom she loved as daughters. I cannot forget Daisy-Myrne McCaw, my 12 year-old English Bulldog whom Mom referred to as her only grandchild. What a life she led! My Mom was born in 1917 and at the age of two, went with my grandparents to live in Japan for two years. She learned Japanese June 21, 2012 right along with English. Maybe because of that early experience she never lost her curiosity about life. She was always up to new challenges. After my brother and father died, she left her beloved Eastern Townships in Quebec and at the age of 79, moved to Gibsons so I would not have to travel across the country. She was a talented musician and played five instruments, taking up the ukulele four months ago. Mom was a graduate of McGill University and was a published author. What I will always remember about my mom was her kindness. Never in the sixty years that I was blessed with her in my life, did I hear her say a mean spirited word about anyone. Although she constantly changed with the times… imagine having a teenage daughter (particularly me) in the sixties, she was always the ultimate lady. My mother taught me the lessons of life with love, kindness and example. They say that blood is thicker than water. I feel that The Universe is stronger than blood. I am adopted and The Universe knew exactly what it was doing when it placed me in the loving arms of my parents. My mom left me a note to be read after she died. She wrote “I am so blessed that God gave you to me”. I couldn’t have said it better. Sechelt Market 1026 There will Farmer's be a Celebration of Life at Christenson Village, 585 Shaw Road, Gibsons, on Thursday, July 19, at 2:00pm. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to The Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation.
200 COMMUNITY NOTICES secheltmarket.org
Downtown Sechelt every Saturday 9am to 2:30pm Rain or Shine
Chris and Ginny
Trugs Gourmet in Halfmoon Bay We make it, bake it & grow it on the Sunshine Coast
UPCOMING EVENTS Halfmoon Bay Country Fair July 15th. Some Vendor spots available @ $20.00. Great Family Event. Entertainment, food, kids games. Fun for all. Over 1000 visitors. Terry 604885-5035. teknight@telus.net p26 RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-8869813 btfn
PERSONALS Too much Easter chocolate? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Small groups in Sechelt, Wednesdays 6:30pm, Sechelt Health Unit, 5571 Inlet Ave. 604-740-5845 or 604-885-4666. Gibsons, Thursdays 6:30pm, Frank West Hall. 604-886-8578 or 604-886-1717. b28
300 MARKETPLACE RE Décor Consignment. ‘Retail therapy at it’s very best!‘ Charming, eclectic, nature inspired, beachy casual décor for the home or cabin. ‘Where we Live’ landscape and seascape photography by local Diane Nicholson. Always stylish, always affordable. www.redecor.ca www.facebook.com/redecorsechelt. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-8855884. Open Sunday, 12pm-4pm. b28
Did you know that free ads are MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale. Sat. & Sun, July 7 & 8. 10:00am- FREE in The Local? Restrictions 4:00pm. 3332 Spruce Rd, Rob- apply. erts Creek. Dyslexiadoor p27 1014
June 28, 2012 offering five-day courses in: Happy Cat Haven Yard Sales are • Reading Skills • Math Skills • Attention Enhancement
Ask about our free 2-hour assessment
back! Every Saturday (weather permitting). Spring hrs 11:00am – 3:00pm. Plants, furniture, collectibles and much more. SC Self Storage at 1161 Hwy 101, Gibsons. ptfn
WAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL Teacher and Davis-licenced specialist. learnable@dccnet.com B26 www.dyslexiadoor.com
Lost: Cell phone, white & lime green in color (has sticky label on back with three phone numbers). Gibsons area. Reward. Call 604886-8868. f27
Lost: A 9 X 12 oil painting of a waterfall, unframed. In or around Cardinal Hall at Shirley Macey Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry Park in Gibsons. Call Ross at 604seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn 5, 2012886-5303. f27 April Found: Sweater found in Gibsons, corner of Clark & Gower Point Rd. area. Call to identify 604-8869701. f27
This is your ad proof WANTED
Found: A tiny phone or camera
in the next memory issue card of on the sidewalk on
Wood picnic tables. Will pay cash and will pick up. Phone 604-9897275. btfn
Your Neighbourhood Food Store
Wharf Ave, Sechelt. Phone: 604885-3134. f26
Retired hobbyist wants, discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p30
Found: Womens reading glasses, June 17 at The Grasshopper Pub parking lot. Call 778-487-2007 to claim. f26 June 30, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________
Customer Appreciation Day First Thursday of Every Month
604-885-6331 iga081@igabc.com www.marketplaceiga.com
Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn
Wilson Creek
Did you know FREEDeadline for approval
that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local?
MISC. FOR SALE CALL NOW! Plexiglass sheets, used. 1 sheet 3’ X 8’ and 4 sheets 4’ X 8’. $125 (obo) takes all. 604741-0828. p27 DEAL OF THE SUMMER! 20 aluminum windows, dbl glass, different sizes plus 3 sliding patio doors – very good cond. All for only $990 or can be sold separately. Call now, 604-741-0828. p26 WII console w/accessories & games $120 obo; Game Cube w/ accessories & games $150 obo. 604-886-0706. p26
or changes is Restrictions apply. 500 Toshiba TV, works great. 604-8853738. f27 Monday by 3:00 p.m.
Hot tub, yes it works! Younot come If we do hear from you by this and get it. 604-885-6447. f27
time, we can assume all is correct.
CARS FOR SALE Flowering Perennials from my Please us know how we garden, for your garden. I’veletgot 1998 can serve you best.Chev Suburban. Loaded, lots for you to plant. Dividing overhauled, now - Call 604-886-3634. f26 is important Your business to us!in great shape. $3900 obo. Call Tim, 604-886-8213. p26 Kittens, 8 wks, trained, ready to go! Call evenings, 604-885-6128. 1989 Ford Escort H/B auto, good tires, good shape, great gas milef26 age, radio, 140,000 kms. A zippy Wanted: Free acrylic knitting little car with a lot of life left in it! yarn, any color, any amount. St. $1,200 obo. Phone 604-741-0808 Hilda’s members knit blankets eves. ftfn and give where there is a need – a dozen so far! Yarn donations can be dropped off at Sew Easy in Trail Bay Mall, Sechelt. 604-8853312. f26 thelocalweekly.ca
OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL: thelocal@telus.net
Read the classifieds online
$6.00 + HST*
1988 Mercedes. 230,000K, 4 dr. Comfy leather heated power seats, sunroof , CD stereo. Runs great. Mechs maintained but much rust. Offers 604 885-9111. p26
Obit-McCaw 1026 RVS & CAMPERS
1982 Frontier 352, 18’ motorhome w/12000km on rebuilt motor. Sleeps 4-6. Temp construction home or extra accomm. for guests. Or, strip it down, make a flat deck. $1500. 604-886-2425 p27
Ask fonre Wayn June 28, 2012
Waynne Pretty
Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn
800 FOR RENT HOMES Gibsons: Security in numbers! 3 bdrm twnhs in this six-plex, close to schools and shopping. N/S, sm pet ok. $1200/mo. Avail. now, call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b26 Gibsons: SxS duplex, two stories, 3 bdrms, avail. now. Great view w/2 decks, FP and rec room. $1300/mo. N/S, pet negot. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b26 Sechelt: 3 bdrm house featuring real hardwood floors in dining and living rooms in downtown Sechelt. $1300/mo. Avail now. N/S, pet negot. Call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b26
APTS & SUITES Gibsons: Gibsons Marina, seafront. 1 bdrm garden suite w/patio. All appls, F/P, fully furn, dishes to linen, storage – just move in! July 1, $750/mo. utils incl. Call 604-740-2998. p26 Gibsons: Private waterfront 1 bdrm suite. Looking for a long term tenant. $850/mo, N/S, N/P. Avail now, call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b26 Sechelt: Dolphin bldg in downtown Sechelt has two, 1 bdrm units avail now. $750 & $850/ mo. Newly renovated. Call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b26
COMMERCIAL Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-8853281. btfnEMPLO
20¢ each additional word + HST * Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.
The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012 13
Professional Services...
With Personal Focus Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial
Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721 OTHER Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn
GriegMalaspina Seafood BC Ltd., a dynamic and Realty 1006 growing company in the aquaculture industry is currently seeking to fill the position of Aquaculture Technician (temporary) for our operations in the Sechelt/ Powell River area. This is an ‘in -camp’ position with an 8-in/6-out shift rotation. • You will be responsible for feeding of fish stock • Basic operation and maintenance of automatic feeders and other farm equipment • You will beFeb. willing to learn the concepts of fish growth and 9, 2012 stock management • Understand and adhere to SOP’s and WCB regulations, and lockout procedures Applicants with an Aquaculture Certificate from an accredited program and/or three years related or general work experience are most desirable. Valid certificates for First Aid 1, WHMIS, forklift operator, boat operator, Med A3 and computer proficiency will be a definite advantage. If you are a responsible, resilient and dependable team player who enjoys working in the outdoors, have good communication and problem solving skills, this may be the opportunity you are looking for. This will be a temporary position of approximately 4 months duration.
Looking for a fresh singing perspective? Offering Indian Raga style lessons. Denise 604-9898711 after 6pm. b35/odd
1100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MUSIC BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b30
Require light housekeeping for small grd flr unit in Gibsons. Call 604-886-2052. p26
Carpenter/helper avail. Many yrs exp. $15/hr. Call 604-885-3885. mycarpentryblog.ca b26 Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. bom23
• Renos • Decks • Fences • Rockwalls • Landscaping • Waste Removal • Tree Removal • Excavator • Dump Truck • Rockwall Garden Beds *The Best Quality • Value • Service*
One call does it all!
Gophers 1023 If we do not hear from you byGarden this GARDEN GOPHERS
time, we can assume all is correct. COMPLETE LAWN/YARD CARE
• Mowing • De-thatching • Weeding Please let us know how we • Pruning • Hedge Trimming • Edging can serve you best. VACATION HOME CARE is important to us! Your business
CALL LAURIE 6049930533
This ad couldMay be yours 17, 2012
for only $
June 7, 2012
Only those applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. We thank all other applicants for their interest in the position.
Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn
West Coast Land Service
WATERFRONT SUMMER BEACH HOUSE avail now through end of September. 2 bdrm, 1 full bath, lrg sundeck, cable/internet, wood stove. Suits up to 4 mature people. N/S, no partiers. Refs req’d. $2250/mo. short term. Book for 2 months, $2,025/ mo. Stay for the summer, $1725/mo. (through September). One month minimum stay. Prefer guests for full season. Call 604-885-4757. Email rodwashburn@gmail.com for photos. b26
Chair rental available for hairdresser w/clientele in quaint, relaxing, environmentally friendly salon. 604-886-3412 or honeysuckle@eastlink.ca b27
LICENSED WCB BONDED Deadline for approval Cell: 604-740-4204 or changes is 1020 WestCoastLandService tfn Monday by 3:00Off: p.m.604-886-4862
Seashell Garden Restaurant needs F/T counter help, $10.25/hr. Must have min. 2 yrs experience. Send resume to PO Box 1279 or fax to 604-740-5686 AFTER 8:00pm. No phone calls pls. b26
June 21, 2012
Closing date: July 7, 2012 Submit resumes to: Human Resources 106-1180 Ironwood Street Campbell River, BC V9W 5P7 Canada Fax: 250-286-1883 Email: shadden@grieg.ca
Grieg Seafood employment 1025 ASIAN TE This is your adRproof Windows • Gutters A EAT G Hand Siding Scrub SERVICES OFFERED in the next issue of & Pressure Wash • window washing • gutter cleaning callTheBoys.ca • moss removal 604-740-0004 • power washing FREE ESTIMATES • commercial cleaning Nov. 10,mars.greatasianteam@gmail.com 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ ~ WCB Coverage ~ b38
For complete rental listings and photos visit our website: www.malaspinapm.ca
nes o h p o icr
#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802 COMPUTERS Sunshine Coast Computer Repair. Virus removal, network setup, home service avail. 12857 Madeira Park Rd . 604-865-0688. b26
BEAUTY Professional Hair Care. Women and men at 107 Cowrie Lane, Sechelt. Call 604-741-2388. b30
Anything Computers!
Prompt, Professional, On-Site Service
Call Computer Mike!
Solving computer problems since 1992
604-886-3555 604-885-6001
darkwood@dccnet.com b27
HEALTH & WELLNESS Strait Music 1026in Respite & Palliative Care available
private two bed Care Home. Please call for info, 604-886-8848. b26
1300 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ASHLEY’S Book & Records is for sale. Now’s your chance! $59,000 obo. 604-885-8952. b26
1500 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY June 28, 2012
This is your ad proof in the next issue of
Lawncare& Landscaping
Consult the Professionals • 72 Years in Business
Jan. 12, 2012 Reasonable Rates
Window Washing
604-740-9828 FREE ESTIMATES WCB Coverage ftfn
• Quality Furniture Recovering • Sofas, Armchairs, Stools June 16, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ • Draperies, Slipcovers, Blinds • All Types of Foam, Cut To Measure DeadlinePIECES for approval SELECT FURNITURE NOW ON SALE! or changes is Call John 604-885-0425 5399 Derby Monday•by 3:00 p.m.Road, Sechelt
If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct. Please let us know howSOLUTION we can serve you best. Your business is importantFOR to us!
Top Quality Soil 1026
“Simply the Best”
Soil starting at
Sand & Gravel
740-7715 b35
Read the Classifieds & Local Events online thelocalweekly.ca
looking for interior work.
Excellent references from discerning clients. 20 years experience (15 on the Coast)
Call Matthew Evans
SUDOKOin the n
604.886.4960 June 28, 2012
Lovely mobile in popular 55+ park near Wilson Creek Lovely 14 x70 2 bdrm. mobile in popular 55+ park near Wilson Creek has many extras: recently renovated with hardwood laminate floors, spacious living/ dining/kitchen areas, large covered deck and carport, 5 new appliances, plus F/P. The most private spot in the park, overlooking spacious green park area with extra or RV parking available nearby. Small dogs welcome. Phone 604-741-0808 eves for more details or to view.
Ju Issue Date: ___
Deadline or ch Monday
If we do not h time, we can
Please let can s Your busines
has many extras $120,000
The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012
Serving the Sunshine Coast for 35 years. Three generations of tree service. MAIN NUMBER
604.885.2109 604.740.2452 604.886.7889
Learn to Cruise Peerless 1023
Seaworthy 37 ft. cutter sailing from Gibsons 1 to 5 days at $295/day for 1 or 2 persons Contact John at 604-886-0540 26 years teaching safe boating
SELLING? Call on our experience
Randy & Melody
604-740-7784 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE HUNDREDS OF HOMES SOLD! www.suncoastproperty.com
Gibsons Building Supplies Continued from page 1 owner, Barrie Reeves and customers and managing his wife, Marion, who are the accounting for the busi- both still involved with the ness. Current store owner, company. “This business Barrie Reeves, married Ann has been a great contribuand Dick’s daughter, Mar- tor to our community, not ion in 1965 and he began only in providing a valuworking for the company. able service, but as a donor June 7,the 2012and supporter for so many They later bought company from Ann and events and youth groups in Dick and moved GBS to our town. GBS is a solid its current site. Business member of our community continued to flourish as and I’d like to take this opthe store met the growing portunity, on behalf of the demandsLearn of thetoSunshine Town of Gibsons, to conCruise 1021 Coast, and a second store – gratulate them and wish This is your ad proof still named Gibsons Build- them many more years of the next issuesaid of Rowe. ing Supplies – wasinopened service,” in Sechelt in 1984. See more photos on The Mayor Wayne Rowe Local website – www.thelodropped in to congratulate calweekly.ca
Saturday, June 23, staff and management celebrated Gibsons Building supplies 65th anniversary – (L) Murray Wilson, long-time manager at the Gibsons store, congratulates owner Barrie Reeves and wife Marion (not in the photo), on their achievement of becoming the owners of Gibsons’ longest operating business.
Planets, starclusters, and a stunning celestial pileup June 23, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________
Deadline May 24, 2012for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.
July Stargazing
If we do not hear from you by this we can assume is correct. oftime, summer the all Hyades star cluster for a
he arrival hopefully signalsPlease better celestial pileup! let us stunning know how we weather for stargazing! can Theserve you Asbest. the Milky Way comes business important to us! on July 3, isinto full moon occurs Your prominence, see if you and as July progresses, we can can spot the distinctive teaenjoyRandy views of Wollen Saturn and1026 Mars pot shape of the constellain the southwestern sky as tion Sagittarius low in the Mars shifts eastward toward southeastern sky. To the Saturn. Watch them gather right of the teapot’s spout is in a loose grouping with Spi- the central core of the galca and the waxing crescent axy, teeming with treasures, moon at dusk on July 24. with its clouds of interstellar Early risers will enjoy the gas and dust, nebulas and re-emergence of Jupiter in a black hole at the centre the east as a morning star of it all. In the northeast, JUNE 28, 2012 with the “scene-stealer” Ve- find our closest galactic nus reaching maximum bril- neighbour, the Andromeda liancy on July 12 in the am. Galaxy, and the impressive Clear skies permitting, set Double Cluster in Perseus. your alarm for 4 am on Sun- Many of these are easy to day July 15 as three of the find and our local astronosky’s brightest objects - Ve- my club can help! nus, Jupiter and the waning July’s Astro Café is a good crescent moon - gather in opportunity to connect with
Design through maintenance
astronomy club members on the Davis Bay Seawall to observe celestial delights through club telescopes. Meet at Pier 17 at 8:30 pm. Look for Royal Astronomical Society exhibits and solar telescopes at these events: Sunday, July 15 at Halfmoon Bay Country Fair, 11 am to 5 pm. On Friday, July 20 drop by the Astro Café, Davis Bay, Pier 17, 8:30 pm for tea, coffee and astronomy and commemo-
rate the 43 Anniversary of the 1969 Moon Landing. Thursday, July 26 visit the Sechelt Night Market, 5 pm to 9 pm on Cowrie St. On Saturday, August 18 take in Astronomy in the Park, Porpoise Bay Provincial Park 3 to 11 pm. The next Royal Astronomical Society Meeting is September 14, 2012. For more information check our website www. coastastronomy.ca
Smilin Cowboy 1023 Books and great baking – a sure draw
lawn care • estate mower • indoor / outdoor cultured or Oak •Tree Market1026 natural stonework • irrigation systems • water features • Mini Bobcat • Wood Chipper • Small & Large Load Dump Trucks
SIRLOIN STEAK ...... $5.99/LB.
• commercial • residential
• reasonable r rates • PromPt friendly service
BEEF SKEWERS .... 4/$10.00
Smilin’ Cowboy Landscaping 604-885-5455
FROZEN PRAWNS...............$25.00 FROZEN TUNA LOINS ............$15.00/LB.
WEATHER forecast
1LB. SAVE $2.50 EACH
BBQ SAUCE ........................2/$3.00 MEZZETTA ASSORTED 473ML OLIVES ...............................$4.99/EA. ASSORTED 8 PACKS COCA COLA........................ $3.49/EA. GREEN ONIONS ........4/$1.00 ORANGES.................................49¢/LB. MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. June 8 to Thurs. June 14 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411
June 28, 2012
Thurs. June 28
Fri. June 29
Sat. June 30
Sun. July 1
Cloudy with showers H: 18º L: 11º
Light rain H: 18º L: 813º
Variable cloudiness H: 19º L: 14º
Isolated showers H: 19º L: 13º
Mon. July 2
Tues. July 3
Wed. July 4
Thurs. July 5
Mainly Cloudy H: 19º L: 13º
Isolated showers H: 19º L: 13º
Isolated showers H: 19º L: 12º
Sunny H: 18º L: 12º
Your one stop for everything roofing • Custom sheet metal fabrication • Metal roofing manufacturing • Sales & installation
4472 Hilltop Road
Wilson Creek 604-740-3927
Jun 7, 2012
Weathertight weather 1026
Sunshine Coast Avalon Women’s Centre Book and Bake sale held at the Sunny Mall on June 23 was a huge June Crest 28, 2012 success with donations of up to $400. Not only were sales brisk, many people stopped by to get more information about the Centre’s function and how it fills a desperate need in the community, serving as a safe haven for those women and families in distress or those requiring emotional support. To date over 1,200 women have passed through the doors of the Centre. Above: (L) Aleisha MacNaughton, Vice Chair, SCAWC and Ruthy Boehm, Office Coordinator, display delicious cranberry squares for sale. For more information on the Avalon Women’s Centre or for donation information, please talk to Ruthy Boehm, Office Coordinator 604-885-2995 or go to: info@sunshinecoastavalon.ca STAFF PHOTO
The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012 15
W. Sechelt School hosts Family Carnival
Buy a GPAG Eco-BAG to support our PUBLIC art gallery … only $10 sturdy, 100% cotton, Canadian-made, 14x15”
RBC Branch Manager Stuart Spencer presents a cheque for $1,000 to the West Sechelt Playground Enhancement Committee. Left to right: Stuart Spencer, Karen Nielsen, Sue Shinn, Carie Walker, Aspen Wing, Yancy Bromley, Rebecca Spiers, Rachel Johns.
fident that their goal will be achieved. Full project progress and details are at www. westsecheltplayground.com WSESPAC made approximately $500 from the silent auction table, which had nine theme baskets full of items generously donated by the parents at WSES. While final numbers aren’t in yet, it is estimated that ticket sales and concession made close to $5,000. Christine Hardt is the coordinator for the Carnival. Along with Allyson Fawcus, PAC Chair, there are many others on the carnival planning team: Aspen Wing, Christine Wood, Genevieve Pierre, Heather White, Iris Seabrook, Susan Sagman, Susan Shinn, Tanya Hall
Buying a house – down payment tips Real Estate Tips Kenan MacKenzie Sunshine Coast Real Estate News
Canada Day Bag-of-Books Sale 10 am – 2 pm on July 1st ON THE STREET AT GPAG IN GIBSONS LANDING 287 GOWER POINT ROAD & MOLLY’S LANE
ACROSS 1. Cicatrices 6. Spindle 10. Utilized 14. Bay window 15. 64 in Roman numerals 16. Roman emperor 17. Not true 18. Assistant 19. Trade 20. Self-denial 22. At one time (archaic) 23. Deep-dish or meringue 24. Brusque
26. Anagram of “Steals” 30. Flat floating vessels 32. Change 33. Unwillingness 37. Oversupply 38. Rope fiber 39. Winglike 40. Reasoning 42. Platform 43. Flax fabric 44. Cheddar or edam 45. Napped 47. Craggy peak 48. Flower stalk 49. Tasteless
56. Interlaced 57. Person, place or thing 58. Unexpired 59. Ends a prayer 60. Cocoyam 61. Habituate 62. Kiln-dried grain 63. Lascivious look 64. A tart fruit DOWN 1. Couch 2. Fourth sign of the zodiac 3. Afflicts
4. A musical pause 5. Roomette 6. Winged 7. 22 in Roman numerals 8. Adriatic resort 9. Important 10. Downplay 11. Clairvoyants 12. Delete 13. Airhead 21. Zero 25. And so forth 26. Labels 27. Friend 28. Render unconscious 29. Village 30. Varnish ingredient 31. “Oh my!” 33. Ascend 34. Wings 35. Badgers 36. Tall woody plant 38. Guard 41. Pelvis 42. Wither 44. Mountain pass 45. Leaf opening 46. Even 47. Adult male singing voice 48. Travelled through water 50. Connecting point 51. Guy 52. Walking stick 53. Astringent 54. Novice 55. Biblical garden
Happy Canada Day! Your first choice in foods Trail Bay Centre • 5755 Cowrie Street, Sechelt
• Meat & Deli 604-885-9812 • Produce & Floral 604-885-9841 • Bakery 604-885-9823 • Office 604-885-2025
Transfer Tax if the fair market value of the home is less than the threshold amount. 5) Cut back and save: Try putting aside 10 pert cent of each paycheque. If you’re married, save the money you would spend on birthday, anniversary and Christmas presents and put it toward your house. Forget that vacation for a while. These sacrifices may seem significant but they will be worth it once you’re inside your own home. 6) Come to a lease/purchase agreement: Homeowners who can’t sell their homes in this market may consider a lease/purchase agreement, where you rent the home you want to buy and a percentage of your rent is applied toward the down payment. If you go this route, make sure you get a contract outlining all the details so both parties are protected.
Thanks to Eco-Bag Sponsors Sunshine Coast Credit Union
any people dream of owning a home but don’t think it’s possible because they lack the resources for a down payment and closing costs. Here are tips for securing that down payment: 1) Borrow from your retirement account: The Home Buyers Plan (HBP) is a program that allows you to withdraw funds from your registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) to buy or build a qualifying home for yourself. You can withdraw up to $25,000 in a calendar year 2) Ask family: If you do get help from a family member, the lender will ask you to sign a gift-letter form, attesting to the relationship. The
lender may also require your relatives to explain where they got the money and prove that they are financially able to make such a gift. 3) The BC First-Time New Home Buyers’ Bonus is a one-time bonus payment worth up to $10,000 for first-time new home buyers in BC. Applicants can receive a cheque of up to $10,000 if they qualify, and the amount of the bonus is not taxable. The legislation to enact the BC First-Time New Home Buyers’ Bonus received Royal Assent on May 31 this year. 4) Property Transfer Tax Credit Introduced in 1994, the First Time Home Buyers’ Program is designed to help British Columbians purchase their first home. Under the program, eligible purchasers can claim an exemption from Property
and Yancy Bromley. From setup to cleanup the WSESPAC volunteers deserve the gratitude of their school and their community. While there are too many to list, heartfelt gratitude goes out to all. See more photos on our website.
of service
themed tunnel, pony rides, a petting zoo, photo booth, cake walk and even carnival toss games. Some events at the carnival raised money for the West Sechelt Playground Committee (WSPEC). Scotia Bank sent eight volunteers to help at various stations and run the 50/50 draw. They were originally going to match the total brought in by the 50/50 draw of $647 but then generously upped it to $1,000. All these donations to the playground effort bring the WSESPAC to $40,000. Their goal is $100,000 by the summer of 2013 in order to complete Phase One of the three-phase project. With support like this they’re con-
100% L
n an inspirational show of cooperation, coordination and community support, the summer carnival held at the West Sechelt Elementary School, put on by the PAC (WSESPAC) was a thrilling annual event, with planning starting in April, to raise money for the needs of the school. The weather even joined in the positive spirit of the day, and the skies cleared. Thanks to the work of over 80 volunteers and (even local businesses pitched in to help), the event drew over 500 people, who happily enjoyed the many family games, play sites and events set up for the day. Among the fun events were the bouncy castle, a children’s slide, a fun ‘under the sea’
Solution on page 13. Courtesy of www.mirroreyes.com
The pharmacy that’s all about your health! •Free medication management program •Prescription insurance plans accepted •Free health care screenings
6 - 4330 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-740-5813 • in Wilson Creek Plaza
Happy Canada Day!
Owner/Pharmacist Open: Mon. - Fri. 9am - 6pm Saturday 10 am - 2 pm
The Local - Thursday, June 28, 2012
Sunshine Coast
Real Estate Brought to you by
This week
Local Community Newspaper... From Gambier Island to Powell River The
JUNE 28, 2012
Open hOuses Multi-days: The Watermark Sechelt 10:00 am - 4:00 pm 7 days a week
Saturday June 30, 2012 island Vista 665 Crucil (corner Gibsons Way) Gibsons Terri Murphy & Greg Grant #7 -291 Periwinkle lane Gibsons 10:30 am - 12: 30 pm Fran Miller 6210 Sitka Road Sechelt 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Bob Michor 470 Oceanview Road Gibsons 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Dave Brackett
5660 leonard Wynd Sechelt 12:30 - 2:00 pm Bob Michor
885 Cheryl anne Park Road Roberts Creek 2:00– 4:00 pm Randy & Melody Wollen
591 Wildwood Crescent Gibsons 1:00 - 3:00 pm Russ & April Quereshi
5817 Deerhorn Drive, Sechelt Sat June 30: 2:30- 4:00 pm Bob Michor
584 Wildwood Crescent Gibsons 1:00 - 3:00 pm Fran Miller
Sunday July 1, 2012
577 Wildwood Crescent Gibsons 1:00 - 3:00 pm Jon McRae 616 king Road 1:30 - 3:30 pm Dave Brackett 5422 Derby Road Sechelt 11:30 am - 1:30 pm Julie Hegyi
island Vista 665 Crucil (corner Gibsons Way) Gibsons Terri Murphy & Greg Grant 530 abbs Road Gibsons 1:00 - 3:00 pm Dave Brackett
Monday July 2, 2012 island Vista 665 Crucil (corner Gibsons Way) Gibsons Terri Murphy & Greg Grant
OpEn hOusE Saturday June 30 • 2 - 4pm 885 Cheryl Anne park Rd., Roberts Creek $499,000 ClaSSiC CReek! lOCaTiON iS iDeal ! across from wonderful beach. House has 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, sauna,hot tub, nat gas and wood firepaces, magical lot with sleeping cabin,mature landscaping , on a large private property on a quite street.
Call Randy or Melody Wollen to preview 604-740-7784 The Great Escape! $355,000 Furnished waterfront cottage with dock at Carlson Point. Short boat ride from Porpoise Bay. Or drive on Forestry Road, private 1/2 acre lot, a sundeck with a view like the bow of a boat, prawns, clams, oysters, salmon and are on the menu also.
Call Randy Wollen at 604-740-7784
WildWOOd neighbOurhOOd gibsOns Open hOuses saturday June 30 • 1 - 3 pm 591 Wildwood Cresent 5 bed / 3 bath, fully self-contained suite. Highest quality reno. Panoramic views. Much more at www.591wildwood.ca
Russ & April Qureshi 577 Wildwood Cres. $429,500 View rancher on quiet cul-desac. This 2050 sq. ft. home has master wing with its own entry. Could easily be suite or B & B. Private low maintenance yard, outdoor decks to enjoy garden & view. Concrete driveway to double carport.
Jon McRae 584 Wildwood Cres.$629,000
Beautiful views to Vancouver island from 3200 sq. ft. level entry rancher, 4 bd & 1 bd in-law suite
Fran Miller
2 The LocaL Real estate - Thursday, June 28, 2012
SunShine CoaSt Real eState iSland ViSta Dave Drackett 1026 Show home
Dave Brackett 604-886-8107
dave_brackett@telus.net • www.davebrackett.com Toll Free: 1-800-837-3870 • Cel: 778-839-0219 Open HOuse Sunday July 1 • 1 - 3pm 530 Abbs Road
Open HOuse Sat. June 30 • 11-1pm 470 Oceanview
View and more view! 3 bdrms, 2.5 bathrooms, Granite countertops, natural gas fireplace and hot water radiant heat. This home is in move in condition with spectacular ocean and island views. Features a detached garage and workshop.
830 Bayview Hghts. $649,000
Beautiful 2 storey ocean view home located in desirable Lower Gibsons. Outside living areas feature stamped concrete south-facing sun deck, covered deck in the backyard with gas BBQ hook up, fully fenced yard and stamped concrete driveway. Inside features hardwood floors, slate entrance, vaulted ceilings, large master with ensuite natural gas fireplace with custom mantle, 2.5 baths and heat pump. This home offers an open plan with great space for entertaining.
oPen houSe
Beautiful 4200 sq. ft. well maintained 5 bedroom home with breath taking ocean views. Enjoy watching cruise ships pass by through the spring and summer from your deck and numerous room. Features 3 nat./gas fireplaces, built in entertainment center, large master with view and a fully landscaped yard with in-ground sprinkler system.
Open HOuse Sat. June 30 1:30-3:30 616 King Road This is an excellent entry level 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home for the first time home buyer, ready to move in with no large expenses to layout. Features a large fully fenced yard for your family to enjoy.
new liStinG
Gorgeous 3 level split family home with fabulous open floor plan! Extra family room on the lowest lever. Lovely lot, lg, sunny and very private. 3bdrm, 3bath, dbl garage. Close to golf course, ice rink, tennis club, soccer fields and boat launch and marina. By appointment only.
Julie Hegyi 1026
5833 TRAil AVE.
5796 MEDuSA
Offered at $369,900
Julie Hegyi at 604-740-2164
Excellent location in Sechelt Village accross from Hackett Park and walking distance to schools and downtown Sechelt. Close to bus line, library and rec center. 2 homes in 1! Charming 1 bdrm with lg loft in back with private entrance, garden & parking. Front home is 2 bdrms, + family room, private drive and private front gardens. By appointment only.
Bayfield Mortgage 1026
Patsy MacDonald Senior Mortgage Broker
tel: 604-831-1115 Fax: 1-866-298-1589 Email: patsy@patsymacdonald.com • www.patsymacdonald.com
Top 20
properTy managemenT June 28, 2012
FeatuRe liStinGS
Offered at $415,000
Greg Grant & Terri Murphy Prudential Sussex Realty 604-741-7774 for more details
6067 SOuTH GAlE
Close to beach, bus line and Sechelt. This lovely recently reno’d family home features 5bdrms, 2 baths. Brand new windows, doors, flooring, lighting, paint, bathrooms & kitchen. All in move in condition. This is located in a terrific neighbourhood, walking distance to schools and shopping. Seller is motivated! Drop by and have a look for yourself on this great value!
Lovely home and gardens + ex lg double detached garage. This home is immaculate, and ready to move into. Features include great floor plan, spacious 1 bdrm revenue suite below with seperate entrance and parking. Fantastic master ensuite with 2 extra bdrms up. Lg family room below. Concrete patio and back garden is 80% fenced. By appointment only.
June 28, 2012
8 New view town homes in Gibsons. Ocean-island-mountain views! Spacious, upscale, KitchenAid S/S appliances. Granite / hardwood / 2-car garage / designer blinds. Exceptional value! Come visit! Look for the SHOWHOME "OPEN" SIGN on the corner of School Rd. & North Rd.
SATuRDAY JuNE 30 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM 5422 DERBY ROAD
665 CRuCil (corner Gibsons Way) #117-1100 Sunshine Coast Hwy., Gibsons B.C.
June 28, 2012
Professional management for your piece of mind.
Beth Pate Diane Baron 604-886-2670 sunshinecoastrentals@gmail.com Rob Walker 1026 FoR Build it Right maximum the first exposuRe book your ad space today! time!
Rob WalkeR
Custom Coast Cottage Design & Consulting 604-885-4748
www.customcoastcottage.com robwalker@uniserve.com
28, 2012 call FranJune miller 604-741-2240 or
Local The
2012 33 The LocaL Real estate - Thursday, June 28, 2012
www.BobMichor.com Call for a free home evaluation
Open House — Sat. Jun 30 • 10:30am-12:00pm
604-740-4735 bmichor@gmail.com
Open House — Sat. Jun 30 • 10:30am-12:00pm
Open House — Sat. Jun 30 • 12:30am-2:00pm
6210 Sitka Road, Sechelt
5415 Thimbleberry Pl., Sechelt
5660 Leonard Wynd
15 year old 1366 sq/ft rancher in new bare land strata subdivision at Porpoise Bay Trails with boat and RV storage. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and only 1 block to Sechelt Inlet beaches. MLS V920190 Off Yew Road, Sechelt
This new 1946 sq/ft rancher has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths with in floor heating, granite counter tops, heat pump system and covered patio area. This home is in the new Porpoise Bay Trail subdivision. Easy walking distance to Sechelt Inlet Beaches. MLS V920193. Off Yew Road, Sechelt
Well-kept, 1381 sq/ft rancher in West Sechelt. 2 bd/den, Large open kitchen & family room. Fenced yard, garden shed, green house and covered deck. MLS V957591
NOW $449,000
Porpoise Bay Trails
Open House — Sat. Jun 30 • 2:30pm-4:00pm
2028 Porter Road, Roberts Creek
5817 Deerhorn Drive, Sechelt
5926 Harbour Way, Sechelt
Fran Miller
7687 Tuwanek Trail, Sechelt
Beautiful pebble beach, year-round secure moorage. Private, quiet property with 4 bedroom home, with a suite. The owners have lived in the home for more that 30 years. Truly a magical spot! www.waterfrontsuite.com MLS V931920
Open HOuses Now $229,000!
Remarkable value for “Urban Gibsons” Condo at $18,000 below assessment! Updated 2 bdrm in popular complex offers everything Gibsons is famous for, right at your doorstep. View patio!
Saturday June 30, 1:00 - 3:00 584 Wildwood Cres. Gibsons $629,000
Neighbourhood Open House Beautiful views to Vancouver Island from 3200 sq. ft. level entry rancher, 4 bedroom & 1 bedroom in-law suite
Top quality, well built waterfront home in Whittakers at Pender Harbour. High vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, granite counter tops with top-end appliances in a open gourmet kitchen. Pella wood windows, heat pump, airconditioning, emergency generator. Steps away from year round secure moorage. MLS V955554
Sunshine Coast’s First Time Buyer Specialist
Call Direct: 604-741-2240 • franmiller@live.ca • www.BuySunshineCoast.ca Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/Coastrealestate
Saturday June 30, 10:30 - 12:30 JunePeriwinkle 28, 2012 #7-291 Lane, Gibsons
Amazing ocean view treed 4.82 acres zoned for 2 homes on spring fed well. The existing 1997, 924 sq/ft, 2 bedroom mobile is well kept and maintained. The private setting and gentle slope has existing trails. New private deck facing the woods. By appointment. MLS V927010
4590 Pinehaven Place, Pender Harbour
West facing Sechelt Inlet waterfront at it’s best!
.6 acres of spectacular Sechelt Inlet view waterfront, close to Sechelt, golf course, arena and schools. If you like gardening this is the property for you. Cottage features high vaulted pine ceiling, maple cabinets and flooring. Property is large enough for a second home and a shop, on city sewer plus private community marina at your doorstep. By appointment. MLS V929104
Bob Michor real estate 1026
Sechelt Inlet and mountain views go through this open plan home with floor to ceiling windows. 1000 sq/ft contemporary low maintenance living. This is Sandy Hook living at its best, being close to Inlet beaches, trails and marina. Large deck allows you to take it all in. MLS V935131
Top 20 Realty
Featured listings 851 Poplar Lane, Gibsons
1071 Flume Road, Roberts Creek
Beautiful updated 3 bedroom/den rancher in a fantastic central location. Spacious new kitchen, new flooring, brand new roof & South facing deck with quiet fenced yard.
Prime, level 1.5 acres with 2 homes. Steps from Beach Ave. and across from Roberts Creek beach & park, location to enjoy best of the Creek.
787 Marine Dr., Granthams
#37 Poplars Park, Gibsons
Investment opportunity! Two totally separate suites in renovated home in Granthams. 2 bd suite up, one bd suite down, both with separate, private entrances.
Big addition makes a spacious livingroom and master bedroom. Fenced yard, room for boat or RV, and Portable Garage included.
Just Listed! #22 Poplars Park $60,000
Nice hidden garden potential, cosy 3 bedroom, backs onto ravine.
4 The LocaL Real estate - Thursday, June 28, 2012
Kenan Mackenzie
Phone 604-885-7810 Fax 604-886-3753
Toll free 1-888-466-2277 • kenanmackenzie@dccnet.com • www.kenanmackenzie.com
1193 Reed Road, Gibsons $819,000
8.54 Acres and a 2600+ sq ft 5 bdrm rancher within walking distance to all amenities.
Perfect hobby farm property; fully fenced and cross fenced with large pastures, trout filled stream, mature gardens, small orchard and B&B/market gate potential. A thoughtful renovation favours natural light and views which showcase the beautiful pastoral grounds. 12’ ceilings, custom fir doors, banks of Milgard Windows, KitchenAid appliances, stunning wide plank fir floors, bedrooms with lofts. Riding & lunging rings, sport court (tennis, basketball and other games), detached office or guest cottage wired with underground service, 3 stall barn, hay storage and workshop. Designed for family living & entertaining. This property is an absolute must to see!”
3266 Crystal Road $499,000
Roberts Creek acreage with a 3 bedroom rancher.
This treed property allows for 2 full-size dwellings. Features a private 2nd home site on the upper side of the acreage. A creek directly behind the current dwelling separates the parcel and access for the upper part is off of Hanbury by a legal easement over Lot 1. A beautiful private setting for a great retreat or your hobby farm. Miles of great trails to explore on your horse or on your bike. Very sunny property. The property on the east is zoned RU4 (Rural Forest) and was logged a few years ago.