Local The
Swim for salmon Tsunami Quinn Barabash is once debris alert again planning to test the Skookumchuk to save the salmon
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
A website has been established to tell us how to deal with Japan’s debris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
Arts Feature
NEW! Map of downtown Sechelt pages 8 and 9
Jaffa Road comes to the Arts Centre, while two Allen plays open at Visit the SECHELT NIGHT MARKET the Playhouse on Cowrie St. every ...............
Page 11
Thursday 5 - 9 p.m.
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Barrel racing tests horses, riders July 12, 2012
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Mary Connor and her horse Zeppelin are put to the test in the Ted Bowe Memorial Barrel Race competition, Saturday, July 7 held up the B&K logging road at Roberts Creek. PHOTO IAN THOMAS
ot only did the weathIn the Pee Wee division: er cooperate, the Ted Hayley Harrison and Joe MayBarrel 31, 2012 Bowe Memorial Race Cool with a time of 22.188s; held Saturday, July 7 was In the Open division, 1D: equally exciting for spectators 1st Wendy Snedden and and competitors. The perfor- Scamp, time 16.622s and mances of both horses and 2nd Sydney Nowell and riders made for a memorable Party, time 16.950s. Teresa Bartrim 1013 day for all. The top three plac2D saw first place go to ing for each division from the Tracy Gray and Zoe with a Annual Ted Bowe Memorial time of 17.406s, while secBarrel Race are as follows: ond place went to Cathy
Ingram and Thunder, time 17.415s and 3rd Sara Christmas and Petey, time 17.646s. 3D: 1st Mary Connor and Zeppelin, time 18.228s; 2nd Tamara Goble and Danny, time 18.916s; 3rd Pat Horvath and Sackett, time 19.114s. 4D: 1st Sarah MacDonald and Tripp, time 19.632s; 2nd Natalie Van hof and
Zelda, time 20.127s and 3rd Gail Snedden and Bailey, time 20.569s. In the Junior division, first place went to Wendy Snedden and Scamp with a time of 16.622s; 2nd Sara Christmas and Petey, time 16.829s; 3rd Alex Wentzall and Bentley, time 25.161s and 4th Erin Mackenzie and Ace, time 28.498s.
In the Senior division, first place went to Cathy Ingram and Thunder, with a time of 18.235; 2nd Pat Horvath and Sackett, time 19.375 and 3rd Gail Snedden and Bailey with 20.569s. Open Pole Bending: Mary Connor and Zeppelin, time 29.216. Submitted by Cindy Worrall, 2012 SCEC President
012 was by far the most Bike racing 2 exciting men’s solo race in history. Returning twochampion Chris Shepfor the sweet time pard of the Rocky MounFactory Team was up taste of victory tain against younger riders who
Squamish star Neil Kindree of Specialized/EMD and Barry Wicks of Team Kona were also ready to sample the sweet taste of victory. The rest of the field was strong but the leaders tore into each other every day of
the seven-day race. Never in the history of the BCBR has the first three stages ended in a sprint with the same three riders separated only by a second or two each day. Wicks took the first two stages, tying
with Kindree. On stage three in Powell River, Sheppard earned a stage taking the sprint and going home only two seconds down.
March 29, 2012
were hungry for the win.
See “Taste of victory” Continued on page 2
The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012
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WEATHER forecast Thurs. July 12
Fri. July 13
Sat. July 14
Sun. July 15
Sunny H: 25º L: 15º
Sunny H: 27º L: 16º
Sunny H: 27º L: 17º
Scattered showers H: 25º L: 16º
Mon. July 16
Tues. July 17
Wed. July 18
Thurs. July 19
Cloudy with sunny breaks H: 25º L: 16º
Scattered showers H: 23º L: 16º
Scattered showers H: 21º L: 15º
Sunny H: 21º L: 14º
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Taste ofWollen victory Randy 1026
Continued from page 1 The longest stage, at 62 km, from Earls Cove to Sechelt established Barry Wicks as the favorite, when he went on an early flier and earned a minute and a half over Kindree and sank Sheppard toJUNE a four28,and half 2012 time deficit. The next day from Sechelt to Langdale, Day five of the BC Bike Race competitors raced through some of the best trails in BC. Kindree more than erased From Sechelt to Langdale, Kindree more than erased his time deficit and for the first time his time deficit and put on took a slim five-second lead over fading pack leader, Wicks. PHOTO SUBMITTED the Golden Fleece for the first time with a slim five- est stage the world cup and and it suddenly became a some myself.” second lead over a fading cyclo-cross legs of Sheppard possibility that on the last A rider appeared from Wicks. The racers’ favorite had experience on their side. stage the two-time cham- around the bend and the exstage at Squamish saw sun- Always a fighter, he wasn’t pion might have earned a citement volume turned up shine while Wicks fell apart going to concede until all storybook win. He needed for Cory Wallace of Kona, Weathertight weather 1028 more as he couldn’t get his tires tripped the final tim- an almost impossible 3:45 but the question of the overbody to respond after five ing mat. The Olympic Plaza to win and as the clocked all win was still unanswered. hard days of racing. Again lawn was an exciting arena to ticked off the slowest sec- When Kindree finally came Kindree took the win and watch from, with good views onds in history, you could into sight, sprinting for the seemed to be the new race for the crowd of spectators. see Sheppard and the crowd line, a collective yell escaped favorite as he pushed ShepThere were no radio up- tensing up. as the spectators cheered him pard 3:45 back into his seat. dates during the race and “I started to juice it across the line with only 15 The stage in Whistler was until Chris Sheppard came through the lost lakes stuff, seconds to spare. Sheppard sure to be Kindree’s but there around the final bend to and I don’t know what congratulated a happy KinJuly 12, 2012take the stage win. Shep- happened. He (Kindree) dree who took home his first are always melt-downs and mechanicals, so predictions pard blew through the fin- had mechanical trouble, BCBR Solo Golden Fleece. were hesitant. As the short- ish with no Kindree in site then I ended up having Submitted
What your tax dollars are paying for Coast Watch
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ecently, most Sunshine All local governments are Coast residents paid working together on imtheir property taxes. Resi- proving the waste managedents in the municipalities ment and recycling plans are sometimes confused, with an emphasis on how as their tax notices include this can be done effectively costs for services for both and fairly in all areas while their municipality and the keeping taxes low. The muNapa 1028 regional district. nicipalities have been conEach municipality pays cerned about the fairness of the regional district for emer- funding costs over the past gency 911, waste manage- few years. When the new ment and recreation services waste management plan has and in most cases, water. been completed, any ineqResidents in the regional ar- uities will be resolved. eas of Roberts Creek, Howe The Parks and RecreSound, Elphinstone, Half- ational Master Plan will be moon Bay, and Pender completed this year and July 12, 2012 Harbour/Egmont pay for with it, funding arrangea group of SCRD services ments to bring the SCRD from a selection of 180. recreational facilities and Some residents in regional parks to a level that should areas believe that they are keep them viable for anothpaying for taxes in the mu- er twenty years. Local govnicipalities, but this is not so, ernments are doing what unless they have a business in is required to upgrade the one of them. facilities while keeping the
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residential taxes to an acceptable level. The regional district has been upgrading water infrastructure for a long period of time. Because of these ongoing upgrades, there will not be a major increase in taxes. This is not the case for other districts that have not done the required long-term planning and maintenance. Coast-wide economic development will be centered on tourism but will also encourage other viable businesses as part of an overall effort to expand the tax base. Currently, the Sunshine Coast residential tax base portion is high. An optimum tax base allocation for a community is 60 per cent residential and 40 per cent business, but when the residential portion gets as high as 85 percent, this is not sustainable to fund services. All the municipalities and regional district areas pay their own fire department costs. All Coast residents pay educational costs to the provincial government. Regional areas are also taxed for police and roads as part of their provincial costs. The residents in the towns pay for roads and major policing costs to their municipalities. Roberts Creekpay Sign 1002 Many residents their taxes in person at the municipal or Sunshine Coast Regional District offices. Other options include paying by mail or via online banking. Please feel free to contact me either by email or phone on any issue.Jan. Cell: 12,604-7412012 2427 or glnohr@dccnet.com
The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012 3
Vigilance is order of the day Notes from the Upper Mainland Nicholas Simons MLA, Powell River and Sunshine Coast
ummer has started to act like the season many of us look forward to; our communities are busier with family, friends and visitors coming to enjoy the sights and sounds of the Sunshine Coast. Please keep our roads safe and give yourselves time to get where you’re going - count on getting behind someone doing the speed limit. As some of you know, I gradually lost all hearing in my left ear since I was re-elected in 2009. Some attributed it to my sitting on the right-hand side of the government’s far-backbench MLA’s, but my specialist knew better and I needed surgery. After a five-hour tym-
panomastoidectomy and a little ossicular chain reconstruction using titanium, my hearing may improve. There are some wonderful people in our health-care system who make it work as well as it does. Due to some recovery time, I haven’t been able to attend as many events as I would have liked to. Local issues with a Provincial angle include the struggle to protect more forestland on Mt. Elphinstone, more than the Old Growth Management Areas recently established. The looming cuts to ferry service (yes, there’s another review) should keep us vigilant; decisions about our ferries must include our input. There is a proposed aggregate operation at McNab Creek, considering the welldocumented weakening of our environmental review processes, it is a process that needs to be watched closely. Many people have recently benefited from the work
of my Constituency assistant for the Lower Sunshine Coast, Kim Tournat, whose tenacity resulted in help for people finding themselves in a struggle with Financial Assistance, the Motor Vehicle Branch, WCB and a number of other government agencies. Finally, I’d like to say that I’m disappointed in the actions of the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations with respect to the Sechelt Nation. After offering a resolution to the Pender dock issue, which the Chief and Council accepted, the Province removed it from the table. This would have been the time to show some good will considering the impact this dispute has had on our communities. Please call my office if you would like to meet, or discuss any issue with me. I will be taking time off this July, but will be working most of August. My offices are open all summer.
Midget team going to the provincials The Sunshine Coast Lacrosse Association is proud to announce that our RAPIDS Midget C Team has made it to the Provincial Championships! Provincials will be held in Coquitlam from July 13th - 15th. Being a much smaller group than other league teams; with only 12 kids on our bench, every player poured their heart, soul and sweat into
their team and gave 110 per cent. The SCLA offers children ages 5 to 16 the opportunity to play Box Lacrosse on the Sunshine Coast. We would like to thank all the businesses and individuals who have supported the SCLA this year. We could not have done it without you. As an association, we look forward to many more years of providing the chil-
dren of the Sunshine Coast with the opportunity to participate in the ‘Fastest Game on Two Feet’. For more information please go to our web site at sunshinecoastlacrosse.com.
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4 The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012
Editorial Opinion
Water, water everywhere … or is it?
ere on the Sunshine Coast, we enjoy some of the finest drinking water in the world. Every time we turn on a tap, that clean, clear, refreshing liquid streams out as though it’s the most natural thing in the world. But is it? There are 884 million people on this planet who lack access to clean drinking water: that’s the equivalent of almost three times the population of the entire United States. Nearly 3.6 million people die each year from water related disease – and most of those deaths are attributed to water contaminated by fecal matter. Every 20 seconds, one of those deaths is a child. A Canadian taking a five-minute shower uses more water than the average person in a developing slum uses in an entire day. These are frightening concepts, but I’m offering them to help us remember what a truly valuable life-giving resource our water is, and that we are not just responsible but obligated to prevent waste. Use appliances like washing machines or dishwashers only when you have a full load; shut off the water while you’re brushing your teeth; reduce water used for lawns – you only need to wet the top inch of soil, which should take no more than a few minutes rather than an hour of sprinkling. In the Armed Forces, they teach the enlisted to shut off the water in the shower while they soap up and only turn it back on for a quick rinse. Catch water in rain barrels to water plants or wash your deck or car. Pressure washing uses a huge volume of water and should only be done every other year and then only when absolutely necessary. Use more elbow grease and less water when cleaning. You might ask yourself why you should use water more sparingly when it’s only as far away as your tap, but if you preserve our precious water now, there will be water for generations to come. Our local municipalities are metering water to help in regulating its usage, and justly so. We can no longer take fresh water for granted. We need to help others in distant lands dig wells and learn how to make that water safe to drink, for the gift of education will not only save lives but will preserve the future of those less fortunate countries. It’s hard to imagine a world where potable water is such an unimaginably precious resource. But, the next time you turn on the hose to wash the car, remember that in the time it takes you to perform that chore, someone has died for want of a single glass of clean water. That rather puts it into perspective, doesn’t it? CG
Letters to the Editor Re: Step away from the salt shaker I believe it is better, in terms of quality of life and economic consequences, to prevent injury and illness. Consequently, I feel it is appropriate for both Federal and Provincial governments to be involved in health promotion, injury/illness prevention, and screening - as well as health care. I agree that government action must be weighed against intrusions into individual liberty and personal responsibility. However where there is clear scientific evidence that certain substances and behaviours
are associated with significant increases in injuries and illnesses I feel government intervention is justified. The case for reducing the consumption of salt is established. If government action reduces salt in processed foods and reminds us to “step away from the salt shaker” they are doing their job. Al Erlenbusch, Sechelt
Electric fencing to manage bears The Sunshine Coast calls to the Conservation Officer Service RAPP line are reflecting a new attractant issue: bears attracted to
Letters to the Editor – Opinions backyard poultry sites; most of these poultry-related calls are coming in from the Roberts Creek area. Bears are initially lured to the smell of the feed; they can detect it from over a kilometer away. Chicken feed (and the seed found in birdfeeders) contains lots of protein-rich calories for a bear. Once the bears have come to your property for the feed, it won’t be long until they discover a chicken or quail. They will quickly become food-conditioned to poultry and they will keep coming back. This poses a threat to public safety and usually ends in death for the bear. Black bears are extremely intelligent. They are fast learners with an extraordinary memory. A food-conditioned sow will pass this information on to her cubs. Destroying the bear or bear families will not alleviate the problem. Eventually, another bear will be lured and the cycle will continue. Enjoying self-sustainability with your backyard chickens can be achieved. The most effective nonlethal form of bear management is the use of electric fencing. There is the initial cost of building a proper coop and installing the electric fence, however, the rewards are well worth the investment. Information on electric fencing and how to build one can be found on the Bear Aware website www.bearaware.bc.ca
Responsibility is key to successfully managing and co-existing with the habitat that interfaces our properties. If you are not ready to use electric fencing, please consider feeding poultry in a shed or coop with feed dispensers and clean up any seed/feed that is spilled. The neighbourhood, your farm animals, and the bears will be safer. Kim Drescher, Bear Aware Community Coordinator Sunshine Coast Bear Aware sunshinecoast@bearaware.bc.ca
Legal actions eat tax increase The District of Sechelt Council’s firing of a second senior staff person should be added cause for concern. The first termination cost the District $185,000 in severance pay. The second is still in negotiation, but presumably will be comparable. Add to that the legal costs and you’re approaching $400,000. Then we have the situation with the District taking over the SC Golf Course, of which Mayor Henderson says the legal fees alone will likely top $125,000. Earlier we had the mix-up over Target Marine and the unknown legal fees to sort out that mess, but likely adding many thousands more. Coming up, we face a huge legal bill around the ill-conceived paving of Mason, Heritage and Sandpip-
Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office email: localsales@telus.net Classified Advertising Deadline: Monday 5:00 p.m. at The Local office thelocal@telus.net Carol Gardar 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Editorial Deadline: Gardarsson Gardarsson P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Monday 10 a.m. at The Local office Publisher, Publisher, Editor Ad Sales Manager Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com This publication reserves the right to refuse any advertising that it considers to email: thelocal@telus.net contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. website: www.thelocalweekly.ca The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.
er roads for $625,000 only to find the District doesn’t own all of the land they contracted to pave. The paving contractor has a signed and binding legal contract and a right to be paid. Either the District will have to pay for not paving the roads or will have to negotiate from a position of weakness to acquire the privately owned portion of the road right-of-ways. Chaa…ching! The potential cost to the District Council’s coffers for the above noted legal dustups could well exceed $1M. The most recent 3.5 per cent tax increase will net the District approximately $250,000. So good citizens, it would seem our new Council’s management skills have created legal actions that may have eaten four times the tax increase, and the year’s only half over. Jef Keighley,, Halfmoon Bay
Do you really love your dog? Most dog owners, when asked if they love their dogs, would probably state unequivocally that they do indeed. And there are many indications of that love being expressed by dog owners in the community. The word “love” suggests consideration for your dog(s). Does the dog owner who places her pets in the rear of her truck without restraints really love her dog?
Does the person out walking with his dog on a leash, and chatting with a friend, who drags the dog along when it tries to stop for a sniff or to relieve itself love his dog? Does the person with a small dog on a leash whose legs may be as short as three inches, expect her dog to keep up with her pace, which in some cases, is close to a quick military march? Does a cyclist really love the dog at the end of his leash that is trying desperately to keep up with the rider who must devote full time to cycling safety? And finally, the person on a skateboard (with no helmet) going down a steep hill with a dog on a leash: can she say she really loves her dog? Any reader who finds themselves in any of the above categories might want to really re-examine their expressed “love” for their dog(s). Don Hensler, Gibsons Letters to the Editor are welcome on any topic of local or general interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. Letters are preferred by e-mail, however type-written or legibly handwritten are acceptable. Generally letters should not exceed more than 300 words. Letters will be edited in the interests of style, clarity, legality, brevity and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission. All letters must be signed and include place of residence and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication for valid reason by approval of the editor. E-mail letters to editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com, or drop off at 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt, or mail to PO Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0. Deadline is Friday at 5:00pm.
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Volume 10 • Issue 28
The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012 5
Second Swim for Salmon to raise awareness BOB MICHOR
alfmoon Bay outdoor athlete, Quinn Barabash is planning his second annual Swim for Salmon on Sunday, July 29 in a 32 km swim up Sechelt Inlet, though the Skookumchuck Narrows. Last year, he did the swim in 13 hours and 45 minutes. The Swim for Salmon was organized in
an effort to raise awareness and to restore the Clowhom Salmon run. Barabash was joined in his monumental swim by swimmers, kayak escorts and boating support. Halfmoon Bay Unit 12 from the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary was assigned to the Skookumchuck Narrows for
the start of the marathon as the swimmer negotiated treacherous tidal rapids. The 27 year-old Barabash, a devoted environmentalist, sports fisherman and outdoor adventure buff completed the historic first Sechelt Inlet solo swim under clear skies and in calm seas. Alternate plans
Darney wins Fleming Inspirational Award M ary Anne Darney was thrilled to be selected unanimously for the Frances Fleming Inspirational Award at a school district function this June. The committee is comprised of Trustees Lori Pratt and Greg Russell, Superintendent Patrick Bocking, Principal Carolyn Spence, community member Linda Smith and family member Brian Waplington. Darney was a special education teacher in School District No. 46 for 28 years prior to her retirement in 1999. She has lived in the Sechelt community for 40 years and volunteers with classroom groups, is in-
volved in St. John’s United Church, Arrowhead Board of Directors, Sunshine Coast Community Living and Sunshine Coast Hospice Society. Darney is tireless in her efforts and is a mentor and friend to many people, young and old.
This is an annual award presented by School District No. 46 with the deadline for nominations February 28 each year. More information on the award and how to submit a nomination is on the school district website: www.sd46.bc.ca
604-740-4735 bmichor@gmail.com Call today for your FREE Market Evaluation
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Quinn Barabash shook hands with a volunteer from the Coast Guard Auxiliary in Egmont at the start of last year’s swim. Quinn was the first person to swim the 32 km stretch of Sechelt Inlet, a passage roughly the same distance as the English Channel. PHOTO ROGER LAGASSÉ
called for a two-day swim but weather and sea conditions allowed Quinn to finish the marathon in one day, with an escort of short distance swimmers, kayaks, rowboats and motorized vessels, arriving at Porpoise Bay Park around 10 pm. The aim of the Swim for the Salmon is to petition for a grant from BC Hydro, as well as local and provincial governments, to build a fish ladder and/or spawning channels so the salmon can return to their traditional spawning habitat. Quinn was the first person to swim the 32km stretch of Sechelt Inlet, a passage roughly the same distance as the English Channel and renowned for its strong waters and second largest tidal surge in the world. The historic swim was followed by a salmon BBQ at Porpoise Bay Provincial Campground.
TRAIL BAY DOCTORS From August 1 2012, Dr. Nic Sparrow will close his general practice on the Coast to pursue a career in Emergency Medicine and Pre-Hospital Care. Patients registered with him will need to find a new family physician or attend walk-in clinics. Dr. Sparrow would like to thank his patients for their kindness and support.
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3.9 Rural Acres and 1,300 sq ft 4 bedroom home. The home and property features a stream, privacy and gardens. The home is located in a rural area, a short distance from the ferry. The home is set up perfectly for a B & B – each bedroom is plumbed for a 3 pc. bath, making this a great opportunity. The par 3 golf course is right next door and miles of mountain bike trails close by. The home is built on a 4-foot crawl space and features an 800 sq. ft. deck overlooking the stream and gardens. The owner is willing to modify the home to suit your personal needs if the home is not exactly what you are looking for. Call for an appointment.
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The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012
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Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler and Ram vehicles only TaxeS and Shop SupplieS are exTra. oFFer expireS aug.15/12.
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Phone 604-886-3433 • Toll Free: 1-866-756-6501 • Fax: 604-886-3423 Hours: Sales: Mon - Fri 9-6 • Sat 9-5 • Sun Closed • Parts & Service: Mon - Fri 9-5 • Sat 9-4 • Sun Closed
Tsunami debris website set up Skookum 1025
he Province and the federal government are making it easy for people to find more information about the arrival of tsunami debris on BC’s coast and what to do with it when found. An enhanced Junewebsite 21, 2012at: www.tsunamidebrisbc.ca informs visitors about what the federal and provincial governments are doing to prepare for the arrival of tsunami debris and provides links to other resources. Jurisdiction for the tsunami debris is a complex issue involving federal, provincial and local governments. To better manage the situation, the two senior levels of gov-
it is unlikely any of the debris that washes up on BC’s coastline will pose a significant environmental or public health risk. The anticipated tsunami debris is a result of the magnitude 9.0 earthquake that struck Japan on March 11, 2011, claiming more than 15,000 lives and damaging more than 100,000 buildings. The tsunami washed an estimated five million tonnes of debris into the sea. It is estimated that 70 per cent sank off the coast of Japan, leavinwg approximately 1.5 million tonnes floating in the Pacific Ocean. Submitted
New Assistant joins Sechelt Mayor and council
ayor John R. Henderson is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Jeanette McDougall as the Executive Assistant to the Mayor and Council and Chief of Innovation and Growth (CIG). McDougall will be responsible for supporting the numerous activities and duties of the Mayor, Councillors and CIG. As well, she will coordinate their schedules, handle correspondence and undertake various research and other projects
Visit the Presentation Centre to enter the draw! No purchase necessary.
ernment struck a joint Tsunami Debris Coordinating Committee in January 2012. Committee members are beginning to work with local governments, First Nations and other stakeholders all along the coast. The Union of British Columbia Municipalities and volunteer organizations such as the Great Canadian Shoreline Clean-up have also been engaged. More recently, a letter was sent to stakeholders outlining roles and responsibilities of the committee and its members. While planning for tsunami debris presents a significant challenge, scientific experts have determined
All Concrete Construction Affordable Homes from $264,900
as well as handling various confidential matters relating to Council activities. Council correspondence, meeting requests and invitations should be directed to her attention at the District Office, or via email to jmcdougall@sechelt.ca. Sechelt’s Coordinator of Council and Community Relations, Connie Jordison, will continue as the primary Recording Secretary for Council as well as handling public relations and overseeing the production of agen-
das for Council and public meetings. Originally from Campbell River, BC, McDougall brings to the District of Sechelt over sixteen years of experience as an Executive Assistant in private industry and the public sector. Her background includes employment in the mining, oil and gas biotech, forestry and banking industries. She is in the process of relocating to the Coast from BC’s Lower Mainland. Submitted
The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012 7
Chapman Catch-a-Trout Day
• Sony • • ToShiba • • ToShiba hiba • pana Sonic • panaSonic • pana panaSonic •• Sony • • Sony • • ToShiba • • To ToShiba • • panaSonic • • Sony • • panaSonic onic • • Sony • hiba • • ToShiba • ToShiba • panaSonic • • pana panaSonic• • Sony • • Sony • • ToShiba • • To ToShiba onic • • panaSonic • • Sony • • panaSonic • Sony hiba • • ToShiba • ToShiba • • panaSonic • pana panaSonic • Sony • Sony • • ToShiba • • To ToShiba onic • • panaSonic • Sony • • panaSonic • Sony hiba • ToShiba • ToShiba • panaSonic • pana panaSonic • Sony • Sony• • ToShiba • To ToShiba onic • • panaSonic • Sony • panaSonic • Sony hiba • • ToShiba • ToShiba • panaSonic • pana panaSonic • Sony • Sony • • ToShiba • To ToShiba onic • • panaSonic • Sony • panaSonic • Sony hiba • • ToShiba • ToShiba • panaSonic • pana panaSonic • Sony • Sony • • ToShiba • To ToShiba onic • • panaSonic • Sony • panaSonic • Sony hiba • • ToShiba • ToShiba panaSonic Mon - Fri •10am - 5pm • pana panaSonic • Sony • • Sony • • ToShiba• Upgrades • Changes•• Issues • Concerns • To ToShiba onic • • panaSonic • Sony • • panaSonic • Sony • hiba • • ToShiba • ToShiba • panaSonic • • ToShiba • • Sony • • ToShiba • • panaSonic •
Brady Nooski, five, hooks his first fish with a little help from veteran angler Sean Van Strepen. The annual Chapman Creek Hatchery Kids’ Catch-a-Trout Day drew several hundred extended families for fishing and fun. PHOTO MICHAEL RITTER
n the first real summer weekend, over 200 kids joined volunteers at the Chapman Creek Salmon Hatchery’s annual Catch-a-Trout Day. For a small fee, each budding fisher caught and kept two ‘pan-sized’ steelhead trout, enjoyed a BBQ lunch, face painting, karaoke and went home with a balloon and bumper sticker. Some of the more tenderhearted opted for catch-andrelease to the tanks, while
others calmly watched their mentors unhook and humanely dispatch their 10inch trout. Still, the young anglers often presented shocked looks and big round eyes as they received their catch, delivered with a cheery, “Here’s tonight’s supper!” It was hard to tell who was more proud of the catch – the young fishers or their parents or grandparents. The hatchery raises many species of salmon, offering the prolific steelhead - also
called rainbow or salmon trout - for on-site fishing to fund the feeding of juvenile stocks. The hatchery releases chum, pink, coho, chinook, steelhead and cutthroat trout into various creeks, rivers and lakes hoping that this intervention will eventually help restore the species to historic levels in local waters. Chapman Creek Hatchery welcomes visitors Monday through Saturday from 10 to 4 pm.
television • home Audio • cAr Audio
POWELL RIVER: 7030 Glacier Street 604-485-0080
SECHELT: #1 - 5679 Cowrie Street 604-740-0982
28 & 29 2012
Road closures and no parking areas will be in effect to vehicular traffic in both Upper & Lower Gibsons areas. Expect delays, please use alternate detour routes. Times for road closures are approximate. Roads will be re-opened to all traffic on a rolling schedule as the events progress.
SATURDAY, JULY 28, 2012:
10:50am to 11:10am • SPECIAL 20 MINUTE
School Road/Marine Drive to Winn Road (Holland Park and Business Area).
after 11:10am.
Road closures and no parking areas will be in effect to vehicular traffic in CLOSURE FOR PASSING OF THE SEA CAVALCADE (Morning to early afternoon) both Upper & Lower Gibsons areas. Expect delays, please MILE RUNNERS –use FULLalternate road closure: Parade Assembly Area: 8:00am – 12:00 noon Park Road: Mile race: Sunshine Coast Highway 101/Gibsons ONE WAY TRAFFIC fromfor Reedroad Road toclosures Gibsons Way.are approximate. detour routes. Times Roads will be reWay from Veterans Rd intersection to Payne and traffictraffic ONLY, including floatsschedule and participants, openedLocal to all on a parade rolling as the events progress. Pratt Roads intersection — ALL parked vehicles until after parade has cleared the area. PLEASE 9:30am NOTE: THERE ZERO OF be ALCOHOL!! removed. These roads will be open – 1:30pm • NOWILL PARKINGBE AREA – GowerTOLERANCE Point Road from must
FULL ROAD CLOSURE 10:30am – 1:30pm • Sunshine Coast Highway 101/Gibsons Way from Payne and Pratt Roads intersections to North Road/School Road intersection to Lower School Road/ Marine Drive intersection. – ALL parked vehicles must be removed. Gower Point Road from School Road/Marine Drive to intersection of Dougall Road – ALL parked vehicles must be removed.
FAMILY STREET DANCE, SALMON BBQ AND FIREWORKS EVENT 4:00pm – Midnight NO PARKING AREA • Gower Point Road Business Area – ALL parked vehicles must be removed. 4:00pm - Midnight ROAD CLOSURES • Gower Point Road from the intersection of School Road/Marine Drive to Winn Road.
SUNDAY, JULY 29, 2012: 8:00am – 5:00pm • Gower Point Road from the intersection of School Road/Marine Drive to Winn Road. (Both no parking and road closures)
Sunshine Coast Transit System (BC Transit Users): There will be
Due to road closures in Lower Gibsons, buses will be routed to Fletcher Road after 4:00pm on Saturday, July 28 & Sunday, July 29, 2012, after 8:00am. During the parade on Saturday, July 28, buses will operate via Payne Road, Reed Road, and North Road to and from Langdale Terminal between 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Flag stop procedures will be in effect on Payne Road and Gibsons Way Road.
of alcohol
The Sea Cavalcade Committee thanks all of you for your help and cooperation to maintain the safety of everybody. For more information, please check our website at www.seacavalcade.ca
Sea Cav road closures 1028
July 12, 2012
8 The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012 14
Reflections Good Stuffmap 1028
14 14 14 Kiss map 1028 Lighthouse Pub map 1028 Thelma & Louise map 1028 Thelma & bed & bath collections Louise Collections
HealtH foodS
Home Decor
Clothing for Adventurous Women
Style with Personality
Mon -Sat: 9:30-5:30 Sun: 12-4
5697 Cowrie St. 604-885-7807 2
5697 Cowrie St. 604-885-7870
• Supplements • Bodycare
5668 Cowrie Street,
101 - 5688 Cowrie St. 604-885-9063
Sechelt 604-885-4893
Lighthouse Beer & Wine map 1028
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
• Gluten-free Products
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Harbour Air map 1028 July 12, 2012
harbourair.com 1.800.665.0212 604.885-2111
SC Ford map 1028 July 12, 2012
5606 Wharf Road, Sechelt BC 604-885-3281 • Toll Free 1-800-538-4504 SALES • PARTS • SERVICE For more outstanding deals visit our website…
Petrocan Sechelt July 12, 2012 map 1028 Ebbtide Street
Dolphin Stree
Fresh CoFFee • Fresh Baking
Daily Roast map 1028 Butcher
Dave’s Meat Market
M ar ke t
Fo ss
Salon Spa
Connecte d Elect ronics
Trai l Bay Ce nt re
ve n
R BC Fi n an ci al G ro up
Gi lliga n’s Pub
Go Hea
i Tra
Claytons map 1028
The Upstairs Downstairs Shoppe July 12, 2012 Gift Shop • Home Decor
High way 101 ay
oon B H a lf m
ic Sn
Upstairs Downstairs 1028 July 12, 2012
Trail Bay Centre 5755 Cowrie Street 604-885-3414
Sew1028 Easy map 1028 Connected Electronics map July 12,not 2012 for navigati on purp oses . ion: July 12, 2012
Yarn & Fabric
audio i video i computers i music i office i gaming Small Town Service • Big Box Pricing
Caut Do not atte mpt to sail a boat thro ugh Sech elt using this chart.
5755 Cowrie St. Trail Bay Centre 604-885-2725
5755 Cowrie St. 604-885-2568
• Pandora bracelets necklaces & rings • Bulova & Seiko watches • Wide selection of diamond engagement rings & wedding bands
B.C. Liqu or St ore
re at ic C e n t
Custom Carpet map 102811 July 12, 2012 Mamas Gelato map 1028 July 12, 2012
Cl ay to ns
Li brar y & g Di st rict Bu ildin
s t a irs s Do w n ir a t s p U sy S e w Ea e ld Je we lle rs Wa k efi Shoppers Drug Mart Xtras Sol Mare
(across from Gibsons Building Supplies)
at Wharf & Hwy 101 604-741-9798 • 604-741-3861
Your First Choice in Foods Trail Bay CenTre 5755 Cowrie Street 604-885-2025
5580 Wharf Road
Gelato • Paninis • Soups • Authentic Wonton Soup
Aq u
(at Hwy. 101) 604-885-3909
5580 Wharf Rd. 604-885-4345
s Butcher Dave’s map 1028 Fa rmer & 132012Art is ans July 12,
5580 Wharf Rd.,
Petro Can
11 10 Visit the Sechelt Wakefield Jewellers map 1028 Extras map 1028 Sol Mare July map12,1028 2012 July 12, 2012
SolMar e Salon•Spa
July 12, 2012
for the Fashionably Conscious Woman 604-885-6460
July 12, 2012
AquAtic centre
13 SCRD map 1028
July 12, 2012
5612 Wharf Road
Sechelt 604-885-3606
July 12, 2012
Casey’s Every 1028
at the top of Cowrie July 12, 2012
The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012 14 14 14 1028map 1028 Upstage map 1028 Coast Jewellery map 1028 Sechelt Fish Market map Fresh
14 14 8 Good Stuff Health Foods map 1028
Coast Jewellery
Gold & Silver Jewellery
5652 Cowrie St. 604-885-3300
from the coast
103 - 5688 Cowrie St. 604-885-7410
103 - 5697 Cowrie St. 604-740-9818
5721 Cowrie Street, Sechelt
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Patio is open and licensed!
local artisan shop & gallery
Your source for seafood
5699 Cowrie Street 604-885-2666
Ty’s Fine Foods and bisTro
designed & hand made in Sechelt
Home Décor
July 12, 2012
television • home Audio • cAr Audio
July 12, 2012
#1 - 5679 Cowrie Street Sechelt 604-740-0982 14
bo Har
ur A
5711 Cowrie Street • 604-741-9883 info@fossellos.com • www.fossellos.com
Deluxe Landscaping Supplies
Tsain Ko Mall
Harbour Air Se aplanes Casey’s Country Cardens
12 t
Sechelt ood Stuff FishMarket alth Foods
Napa Au to Pa rt s
Thelma & Louise
Coast Jewellry
Kiss Home Decor
Art Wor ks
The Daily Roast
it al
Lighthousee C us tom or Stor M am a’s C a rp e t Liqu s o or at G el In te ri
Ca n
Prudent ial
House of héwhiwus
Cowrie Street
Sechelt Animal Hospital
Artworks map 1028 July 12, 2012
27 July 12, 2012
24 Ro
Summer Place?
Mobile Mortgage Advice www.sunshineccu.com
Coast Copy Centre
24Sechelt Animal Hospital
le t
en ue
#100-5500 Wharf St. Sechelt BC 604-885-2309 Play Area
Watermark at Sechelt
Sunshine Coast Credit Union
5683 Cowrie st. 604-885-7101
5685 Cowrie St.
Daphn e’s
Wh Sound Attract ion Audio Video
hair salon
t f ul I n s igh 20 Visio ns
ArtworkS GAllery & PiCture FrAminG
Sechelt Shell map 102
rainbow room
Corner of Trail & Cowrie St. 604-885-2128
Gi bs on s
Pe tro
Full Service Gas Station • Mobile Marine Service St. M ar y’s Ho sp
Bu tche r Dave’s
Rain bow Room Salo n Ty’s Fine Foods & Bistro
Thursday Night Market
Re dfish
Ta lew ind
South Coast
Cowrie Street
se llo’s
Real Estate
The Lighthouse Pub
rpo t Po
o yR
Mon - Sat 8:30-5:30 • OPEN SUNDAYS 9-5 Emergency Pager Find us on Service available 24/7 Facebook!
6037 Sechelt Inlet Rd. 604-885-9070 • Open 7 days a week: MOn - Fri 8:30-5 • sat 9-5 • sun 10 - 4
5561 Wharf Road 604-885-3295
Sechelt Animal Hosp
Prudential JulySussex 12, 2012map
5550 Inlet Avenue, Sechelt 604-885-5181 Open 7 days a week: Mon -Fri 8-5:30 • Sat 8-4 • Sun 10-4
Insightful Visions map 1 SeChelT NighT mArkeT July 12, 2012
16 15 Farmer’s Market map 1028
5494 Trail Ave. 604-885-2527
107-5530 Wharf Avenue 604-885-3371 www.insightfulvisions.ca
18 Talewind Books map17 1028 Redfish map 1028
Daphne’s Authentic Greek cuisine
5530 Wharf Rd. 604-885-2008
Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
On Cowrie St., every Thursday from 5 - 9 p.m. June 21 to Aug. 30, 2012
19 Tsain-Ko Group Gilligans map 1028 of Companies Daphnes map 1028 July 12, 2012 “Building business and prosperity for the shíshálh Nation - for today and tomorrow.”
Pub & Liquor Store
Good food, good fun and great prices!
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July 12, 2012
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July 12, 2012
The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012
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Good food, good fun and great prices!
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PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:
LEGION Rapid Edge 1024
Italian Dinner 5 - 7:30pm East Van Yacht Club at 8pm
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Harpdog Brown & The Bloodhounds at 8pm Come out and enjoy some amazing Blues!
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Christmas in July! Food Drive for St. Barts Food Bank Please bring non-perishable items
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44th Annual
focused you may experience inner and/or outer conflicts, or at least feel moody. Aim to Michael maintain a focus yet attend to O’Connor a variety of fronts, as in ‘do Astrologer the rounds’ and continue unGilligans 1027 til everything is done! Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) Tip of the Week: An expansive cycle has beThe next round of Mergun for you. It is important cury Retrograde begins this to focus now if you want to week (July 14 - August 7). increase your influence and/ While every factor is influor income. As ever, how you enced by the whole chart, consciously engage and the we can gain some general quality of your choices will insights. When Mercury is signifi cantly determine the July 5, 2012 Retrograde, communicaoutcome. Although this tions tend to get distorted. This is especially true of elec- stands to be an extra creative trical and other mechanical cycle, synchronizing your devices. Yet, even commu- thoughts and communicaJune 14, 2012 nications between people in tions with others may redaily conversation can pro- quire extra attention. Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) duce mixedGibsons messages.Legion The 1028 Your world is changing sign placement of Mercury is another consideration and quickly and steadily. You may this time it is in Leo. Stub- be getting more attention born pride and jealousy of than usual or different kinds, the gifts and attention given but is it the sort you want? to others are the main cul- You may feel the need to get prits to watch for with this to the bottom of things someplacement. Fortunately in how. Maintaining your poise this case the aspects are very and center may be an issue. If July 12, 2012 harmonious, which should so, focus to meditate, breathe prove to lessen the some- more consciously, let go of the times dramatic effects. How need to control others. Mercury Rx makes aspects Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) to the overall planetary picBalancing inner retreat and ture of one’s Natal Chart and work with outer activity and where it is situated (House) duties continues. The time for any person are the most is right to prepare for the important factors to consid- future versus acting directly er. The New Moon in Can- upon it. Plan and network cer occurs on July 18th. and set the stage for future activities. Opportunities are AriesSea (Mar 21 –volunteers Apr 20) 1028 Cav Spending quality time with likely knocking and this will family and friends is high on continue. Yet you may have your priority list these days, or to concentrate more intently perhaps should be. Your abil- to take full advantage. ity to focus on any particular Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) person, project or thing may Your power potential be an issue. Allowing for va- is steadily rising. You feel riety and lightheartedness will ambitious to increase your help a lot. Indulge your cuJuly 12, 2012 authority and influence, riosities and take time out to yet perhaps feel cautious play. Fill your ‘fun tanks’! as well. The time is right to Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) take some risks, yet very calA busy time continues. culated ones. Acknowledge You are in a mood to get a yourself and do not underlot done and frivolous activi- estimate your potential. In ties may not be so appealing. your communications listen If family members are not so more intently and seek to be
brand new units 24 hour access • 7 days a week •
Horoscope July 12 to July 19
Sea Cavalcade
“Enchanting Memories by the Sea” FAMILIES: Join us for a wholesome weekend of family fun in Gibsons including our parade, Brothers’ Park activities, street dance and fireworks on Saturday and then pancakes, wooden boats, water fun and party in the park on Sunday! Visit our website at: WWW.SEACAVALCADE.CA
PARTICIPANTS: Sign-up time is NOW for: • Parade entries call Mike at 604-989-5292 • Arts & Craft vendors, Educ. displays call Adam at 604-885-5795 • Live entertainment call Candy from Vocal Motion at 604-740-7465 • Other new ideas or groups call Conchita at 604-886-9648 VOLUNTEER HELPERS: We still need more: • Parade marshals and traffic controllers • Ethnic groups or individuals to share games their kids play in their cultures for Family Day at Brothers’ Park. We will provide support with resources, space, prizes, etc. • Cooks for the salmon barbeque • Street family dance and other helpers Call Wayne and Caroline, our volunteer coordinators, at 604-886-3377
RAFFLE TICKET BUYERS: The Annual Raffle has only 1000 tickets with great prizes, so buy your ticket from one of our ‘Golden Girls’ who will be selling at the Gibsons IGA and Sunnycrest Mall or S.C. Credit Union in Gibsons, Talbot Insurance, Prudential Sussex Realty, Gibsons Legion or Gibsons Building Supplies. OLD BOAT OWNERS: Donate your old 20-30 ft. wooden boat for the Coast Guard Rescue exercise & pyrotechnic display. Call Barrie at 604-886-3059. LOCAL BUSINESS: Decorate your window and/or store and win our contest! Register with Monica at 604-740-2153.
Sea Cavalcade is a NON-ALCOHOL & DRUGS event for the whole Sunshine Coast
Solution on page 13. Courtesy of www.sudoku-puzzles.net
more understanding. Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) Many new ideas and visions are gathering in your mind. At best you feel inspired and enthusiastic, at worst a bit overwhelmed. Broadening your perspectives and seeing a bigger picture remains ideal. Knowing the difference between dreams, visions, goals, plans and fantasies may prove extra important now. Each can be of value but may require clear categorization. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Who and how you used to be is dissolving. Ideally you feel grounded enough to maintain your center and be creative, productive and happy anyway. Yet this may not be so easy. Trust, patience and acceptance are keywords that may be of assistance. Avoid long term plans and commitments for now and aim to be here now, in the shifting currents. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) Change is in the air and this should be quite noticeable. Endings and new beginnings will become even more evident over the next several weeks. Since resistance is futile, you are wise to consciously cooperate. At worst, you may feel a little lost. This may increase for a while yet. Aim for new territory somehow and trust that is where you need to go. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Taking the initiative to create new states of harmony and balance close to home is in focus. This may well imply your house, your family and/or how you literally feel in your own skin. Your confidence levels may not be as high as you like and it may feel necessary to rear in the reigns on an overactive imagination. Aim to be the strong silent type for a while. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) Nurturing a healthier and more wholesome lifestyle continues. Your focus may be upon both the short and AJ Pumps Sudoku 1028 the long term. Enjoying more play and fun is a good short term focus. For the longer term, become aware of and aim to reduce or break free from those activities and rhythms that produce undue stress. Simplify! Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) A creativeJulycycle is upon 12, 2012 you. Yet, to fully capitalize you may need a boost of confidence. Creating beauty in your living space and/or clearing the clutter and establishing an environment that feels inspiring may be your best first step. Take time out and healthy space from others for a while. Direct a constructively critical focus to improve upon your talents.
July 1
Custom Carpet 1028
2 The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012
Arts Features Two Allen plays to open Manhattan and Woody Allen are almost synonymous terms. Sunshine Coast’s Driftwood Players take us to New York this week and next with two one act Woody plays as part of the Heritage Playhouse Showcase of the Performing Arts. Riverside Drive and Central Park West will show at the Heritage Playhouse in Gibsons, 8:15 pm on July 18, 19, 20 and 21. On New York’s Riverside Drive, Fred, a somewhat off-kilter street person encounters Jim, an overstressed screenwriter who is waiting for his mistress to arrive. It soon becomes apparent that Fred knows quite a bit of Jim’s personal life, knowledge channeled from the voices in his head. By the time Barbara arrives, Fred has caused Jim to reconsider his relationships. Local theatre veteran, David Short directs an ensemble of such well known locals as Marilyn and Derek Browning and Todd Alain, with some delightful more recent arrivals to Sunshine Coast stages: Stephen Archibald, Mary-Ellen Shimell, Anna Fairley, Tom Cantley, Lisa Quinn and Sophie Ballantyne. Tickets are on sale at Laedeli and Gaia Fair Trade in Gibsons, and Sechelt Visitor Centre.
Jaffa Road comes to the Arts Centre One of the presenters at this year’s Vancouver Folk Festival, Jaffa Road will be performing on Tuesday, July
17 at 7pm at the Sunshine Coast Art Centre. 2010 JUNO nominated Jaffa Road is an acclaimed Toronto based world music group made up of some of Canada’s most exciting and innovative interpreters of inter-cultural music. Their music creates a unique sonic landscape that takes listeners on a journey that is at once ancient and modern, acoustic and electronic, sacred and secular. Jaffa Road’s organic fusion blends influences and inspirations from the worlds of Jewish music, Classical Arabic and Indian music, modern jazz, electronica, rock, pop, and dub. Their song, L.Y.G., from their debut album, Sunplace, won Grand Prize and a Lennon Award in the prestigious John Lennon Songwriting Contest and the band was awarded Best World Music Artist at the 2010 Toronto Independent Music Awards. The band’s trailblazing musical odyssey is ignited by the vocals of multilingual lead singer Aviva Chernick, the evocative playing of Aaron Lightstone, the visionary grooves of bassist Chris Gartner, the entrancing sounds of saxophonist/ flutist Sundar Viswanathan and the driving beat of percussionist Jeff Wilson. Together, these stellar musi-
cians challenge accepted notions of Jewish music while creating a new form of expression that breaks cultural boundaries. This is an all-ages event. Tickets are available in Sechelt at the Visitor Centre and in Gibsons at Gaia’s Fair Trade Gifts.
Local artists in curated exhibit Local Sunshine Coast artists Noel Silver and JoAnne Noble both have pieces being featured in the ‘Random Acts of Queerness’ Curated Art Exhibit as part of the Queer Arts Festival, which runs July 31 - August 18 in Vancouver. For this year’s theme, some artists have chosen to explore literal ‘random acts of queerness’, a reference to the experimental artist John Cage, to commemorate his centenary for the fifth annual festival. The Pride in Art Society (PIA) promotes the production, exhibition, visibility, and appreciation of queer art and artists, creating opportunities for dialogue among artists from different disciplines. PIA fosters inclusion, equality and a strong political voice for queer communities, including historical contributions.
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Smilin’ Cowboy Landscaping 604-885-5455 www.smilincowboy.ca
Tell your story through photography…
Who Can Register: Teens between the ages of 13 and 19 Cost: Free! We provide the cameras, bus fare, snacks, etc. When: Meet once per week for 3 weeks from late July to early August (dates & times TBA) Where: St. Mary’s Hospital, Annex A (green building across from the Raven’s Cry Theatre) What it is: We are inviting teens who identify as LGBTQ2S or straight teens who are supportive of all sexualities to be a part of a 3-week project called Photovoice. We provide the cameras, and you capture your story! We will meet up once per week for 3 weeks to share photos and plan how we would like to present them (Framed in a gallery show? Posters around the community? It’s up to you!) Drop-in Info-session: Tuesday, July 17, 1:00-2:00 PM Location: St. Mary’s Hospital, Annex A (green building across from the Raven’s Cry Theatre) Please call Frances at 604 885-2224 ext 4334 to sign up or for any questions you may have. Looking forward to hearing from you!
The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012 11
2 DAY EVENT! Friday, July 13 –10 am to 4 pm & Saturday, July 14 –10 am to 4 pm
SALE …held in the back parking lot of our showroom at 5580 Wharf Road, Sechelt
starting at
99 49 ¢/sq.ft.
Smilin Cowboy 1023
starting at
50 29 & MUCH, MUCH MORE! Jun 7, 2012
Mental Health Addictions 1028
Hot dogs & drinks will be provided by donation! All donations will go towards our local BC SPCA. July 12, 2012
5580 Wharf Road, Sechelt 604-885-3582 (across from GBS) Hours: Mon-Sat 8:30-5:00
12 The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012
Local The
The Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society wishes to thank the following for their very generous donations towards our most successful “Catch-A-Trout Day” ever:
100 – Announcements • Birth Announcements • Birthday Greetings • Upcoming Events • Engagements • Anniversaries • Weddings • Personals • Thanks • Obituaries • In Memorium 200 – Community Notices • Church Services • Memorial Services • Classes 300 – Marketplace - General • Antiques & Collectibles • Furniture • Appliances • Misc. For Sale • Garage Sales • Sports & Exercise Equipment • Firewood • Trade & Barter • Wanted • Free • Lost/Found 400 – Automotive • Cars For Sale • Trucks and SUVs • Special Interest & Classics • RVs and Campers • Motorcycles & Off Road • Parts & Accessories • Repairs and Service • Machinery & Tools 500 – Marine • Boats for Sale • Boats Wanted • Moorage For Rent • Trailers for Sale • Boat Motors • Boat Repair Services 600 – Construction • Home Repairs • Renovations • Materials • Log Homes • Machinery & Tools 700 – Real Estate • Lots for Sale • Homes for Sales • Mobile Homes • Commercial For Sale • Apartments/ Condos For Sale • Townhouses For Sale • Wanted to Buy 800 – For Rent • Homes • Apartments & Suites • Commercial • Storage • Other • Shared Accommodation • Wanted to Rent 900 – Travel • Vacation Rentals • Timeshare Property • Travel Deals 1000 – Employment • Help Wanted – General • Help Wanted – Professional • Work Wanted - General 1100 – Professional Services • Housesitting Service • Music • Computers • Security • Financial Services • Couriers • Child/Day/After School Care • Fitness Services • Wellness Services • Cleaning/Janitorial Services 1200 – Pets • For Sale • Lost • Found • Pet Services 1300 – Business Opportunities 1400 – Legal and Public Notices 1500 – Too late to Classify c
Bob’s Fishin’ Barn Bonniebrook Industries Buffy Barrett-Tofino Air, Sechelt, BC Butcher’s Block Meat Market Canada Bread Clayton’s Heritage Market Coast Reporter Coca-Cola Bottling Ltd. Darrin Goss-Prudential Sussex Realty-Gibsons Dragon’s Den Extra Foods Frito-Lay Hats Off To Parties Marketplace IGA Plus – Wilson Creek McDonald’s Restaurants Mariam Barton-Qualicum Beach, BC Prudential Sussex Realty - Sechelt Sechelt Ice Sirens By The Sea Steakhouse Starbuck’s Coffee – Sechelt The Local Trail Bay Home Hardware Vital Signs Vocal Motion Karaoke
And all the wonderful volunteers… we couldn’t do it without you!!! All funds will be used for the continued operation of the Chapman Creek Hatchery.
Rain or Shine
Robyn of Crochet Headquarters
Crocheted Hats We make it, bake it & grow it on the Sunshine Coast
100 ANNOUNCEMENTS Sechelt established fashionistas (25–92+): Private, exclusive local viewing of new, upscale ‘City Style’ collection. For appt. 604-885-2988 afternoons. b30
UPCOMING EVENTS RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-8869813 btfn
PERSONALS Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. b35 If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. 604-8858208. btfn Too much Easter chocolate? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Small groups in Sechelt, Wednesdays 6:30pm, Sechelt Health Unit, 5571 Inlet Ave. 604-740-5845 or 604-885-4666. Gibsons, Thursdays 6:30pm, Frank West Hall. 604-8868578 or 604-886-1717. b28
Noma A/C, new in box. 10,000BTUs. $425 new, asking $300 obo. 604-886-1242. p29
Found: A camera in Gibsons. Call 604-886-9346 and identify. f29
Lost: Ladies wallet, leather w/green metallic possibly July 5 on the Find the Hidden Treasure Used bus 1028 heading to Langdale. If found Hatchery Thanky Book store @ 292 Gower Pt. Rd., You please call 604-886-4222. f29 in the Trading Post, Lower Gibsons. p29 Lost: Pink Kiltec jacket, Gibsons Legion area. Call 604-886-8364. f28 Books, Records, Art Prints, Antiques, etc. We also offer the best Did you know that Lost and selection of French books & records Found ads are FREE in the Local? on the Coast. Open everyday 11am5pm. Cash only. 8122 Redrooffs Restrictions apply. Road, Halfmoon Bay. 604-885-2027. http://www.labrocante.ca p39
5 gas lawnmowers, asst. features, 1 yr warranty. $50 and up. 604886-1242. b29
July 12, 2012
Mission Road Annual Community Yard Sale. Antiques, tools, furn., collectibles & much more. Saturday, July 14, 9am – 3pm. NEB. (If it rains, sale moved to Sat. July 21/12) p28
CARS FOR SALE 1989 Ford Escort H/B auto, good tires, good shape, great gas mileage, radio, 140,000 kms. A zippy little car with a lot of life left in it! $1,200 obo. Phone 604-741-0808 eves. ftfn
Saturday, July 14, 9am -1pm. 42” Plasma TV, computer printer and much more! 5217 Heather Road, Davis Bay. p28 Happy Cat Haven Yard Sales are back! Every Saturday (weather permitting). Spring hrs 11:00am – 3:00pm. Plants, furniture, collectibles and much more. SC Self Storage at 1161 Hwy 101, Gibsons. ptfn
500 V8, 12 spd, certified until Oct. 2012. $17,500 obo. 604-885-7727 P30
200 COMMUNITY NOTICES MarketHalfmoon Bay Sechelt Farmer's 1028 NEIGHBOURHOOD GARAGE SALE
dyslexiadoor offering five-day courses in:
Downtown Sechelt every Saturday 9am to 2:30pm
• Reading Skills • Math Skills • Attention Enhancement Ask about our free 2-hour assessment
July 12, 2012
WAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL Teacher and Davis-licenced specialist. learnable@dccnet.com B52 www.dyslexiadoor.com
300 MARKETPLACE Wilson Creek Your Neighbourhood Food Store Yes we have
Organic Produce
604-885-6331 iga081@igabc.com www.marketplaceiga.com RE Décor Consignment. ‘Retail therapy at it’s very best!‘ Charming, eclectic, nature inspired, beachy casual décor for the home or cabin. ‘Where we Live’ landscape and seascape photography by local Diane Nicholson. Always stylish, always affordable. www.redecor.ca www.facebook.com/redecorsechelt. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-8855884. Open Sunday, 12pm-4pm. b28
9 AM - 5 PM (1 day only)
12, 2012 WaynneJuly Pretty SOUTH COAST FORD
Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn
RVS & CAMPERS 1993 Layton 19.5’ 5th wheel, tandem axle. As new cond., certified, loaded, awning, A/C, etc. N/S. Ready to roll, $6700. 604-9894871. p28
1980 Motorcycle - Honda CT110. Collector plates, low kms, exc. Top Quality Soil 1026 cond. $1600 obo. Phone 604-885June 30, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ 4455 p28 “Simply the Best”
Deadline for approval
Soil starting at or changes is700 - REAL ESTATE
$24/yard Monday by 3:00 p.m.
HOMES FOR SALE Sand & Gravel If we do not hear from you by this
time, we can assume all is correct. b35 740-7715 WOW! $155,000
Please let us knowBig how we Maples Beauty! can serve you best. 103 -to4510 S.C. Hwy. WANTED Your business is important us! June 28, 2012
Two booster/car seats, to suit 6 & 8 yr. olds. Call 604-886-0472. p29 Wood picnic tables. Will pay cash and will pick up. Phone 604-9897275. btfn Retired hobbyist wants discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p30
Dark brown, bonded leather loveseat. Exc. cond. $175 obo. 604-886-0706. p29
FREE Did you know that free ads are FREE in The Local? Restrictions apply. GE washer & dryer, good cond. 604-885-3496. f29
OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL: thelocal@telus.net
For complete rental listings Dump and truckphotos 1028 visit our website: www.malaspinapm.ca Professional Services...
July 12, 2012
With Personal Focus
This is your ad proof in the next issue of
Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn
Immaculately renovated, new paint, stove, gas fireplace, underground parking, ground floor level entry, 983 sq.ft., two bdrm, two bath, southern exposure, large sundeck off master and living room. Save MLS commission fees of over $10,000! $229,500. Try your offer with Norm, or call to view: 604-741-1755
Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial
April 5, 2012
Queen size bed, Sterns & Foster mattress/box spring c/w frame. Ex B&B, hardly used $400 obo. 604-886-0472. p29
Slate and wrought iron kitchen table w/4 chairs, matching slate coffee table and 2 slate end tables. Sold as set or separately. Also, 2 floor lamps. Best offer. 604-885-4144. f28
for Waynne
Hit several garage sales in 2 blocks with items such as fishing gear, water skis, snowmobile helmets, excercise equip, power and hand tools, furniture, antiques, paintings, art work, clothes and so much more! Turn off Hwy 101 onto Curran Rd. and follow signs to garages! (Curran Rd. is one street North of Redrooffs Rd.) Call if you have questions 604-885-3399. RAIN OR SHINE
Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn
The Osprey
#307–5855 Cowrie St., Sechelt
Lynn Smith garage sale 1028 TRUCKS & SUVS
SATURDAY July 14, 1014Ask Dyslexiadoor
Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721
HOMES Gibsons: Security in numbers! 3 bdrm twnhs in this six-plex, close to schools and shopping. N/S, sm pet ok. $1200/mo. Avail. now, call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b28 Gibsons: SxS duplex, two stories, 3 bdrms, avail. now. Great view w/2 decks, FP and rec room. $1300/mo. N/S, pet negot. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b28 Sechelt: 3 bdrm house featuring real hardwood floors in dining and living rooms in downtown Big Sechelt. $1300/mo. Avail Maples for sale now. N/S, pet negot. Call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b28
APTS & SUITES 55+ park in Wilson Creek Manufactured home, 2 bdrm, bungalow. Adult oriented, 865 sq.ft. detached, 8 x 12 wrkshp. Covered 2-car carport. 12 x 20 sundeck Mike Carson 604-885-3295
This ad could be yours
for only $
Local The
Gibsons: Quiet 1 bdrm. ground level suite, ideal for single working person, N/S, $600/mo. incl. util. Avail. Aug. 1. 604-886-3829 p28
July 12, 2012
Gibsons: Private waterfront 1 bdrm suite. Looking for a long term tenant. $850/mo, N/S, N/P. Avail now, call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b28
$6.00 + HST*
20¢ each additional word + HST * Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.
The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012 13
SHARED ACCOMMODATION Gibsons: Room w/priv. entrance on view property. Furnished, incl. util., WIFI, plus use of W/D once a wk. $560/mo. Call 604-886-8097. p28
COMMERCIAL Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-885-3281. btfnEMPLO
OTHER Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn
1000 EMPLOYMENT WORK WANTED - GENERAL University students avail for painting, gardening and general yard work. Experienced. Call Joey 604-989-0114 p30
We are currently accepting applications for the following position at our Christenson Village in Gibsons, BC:
COMPETITION #GL.12.053 TEMPORARY FULL TIME 1.0 FTE EFFECTIVE FROM JULY 16, 2012 UNTIL SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 OR UPON RETURN OF INCUMBENT Duties: Reporting to the Client Services Manager, this position is responsible for the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of resident care within the facility. You will ensure residents receive a safe, quality care that is managed with a focus on customer satisfaction and continual improvement and is in accordance with CRNBC Practice Standards and Code of Ethics. This is a leadership role that involves the overall coordination of the resident care/service. The Associate Care Coordinator promotes collaborative teamwork between care teams, physicians, other professionals, volunteers and families. The successful candidate is required to participate in facility committees, resident/family conferences, staff education, research and other structured committees relevant to this position. Qualifications: Current CRNBC registration and CPR certification. A BScN and Gerontology Certificate are desirable. Several years of progressively responsible experience in long-term care; other relevant experience will be considered. Preference will be given to candidates with previous leadership/supervisory experience.
Requirement: A clear and current Criminal Records Check and tuberculosis screening within the past 90 days is required for all new employees.
Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. bom27
Closing Date: Open until a suitable candidate is selected
Professional counsellor, 14 yrs experience working with people (and their families) suffering a mental illness, also experience assisting people with chronic health issues, life challenges, grief counselling, relationship issues, etc. Very private location. 604 886-8097 or eblu1929@uniserve.com b28
MUSIC Convert your old records & tapes to noise-free CDs. Also records bought and sold. GOODSOUNDS, 604-885-0476. b30 BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b30 Looking for a fresh singing perspective? Offering Indian Raga style lessons. Denise 604-989-8711 after 6pm. b35/odd
#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802 COMPUTERS Sunshine Coast Computer Repair. Virus removal, network setup, home service avail. 12857 Madeira Park Rd . 604-865-0688. b30
West Coast Land Service July 12, 2012
• Renos • Decks • Fences • Rockwalls • Landscaping • Waste Removal • Tree Removal • Excavator • Dump Truck • Rockwall Garden Beds *The Best Quality • Value • Service*
One call does it all!
Issue Date: ____________________ mars.greatasianteam@gmail.com LICENSED WCB BONDED Deadline for approval Cell: 604-740-4204 or changes is 1020 WestCoastLandService tfn Monday by 3:00Off: p.m.604-886-4862
Gophers 1023 If we do not hear from you byGarden this GARDEN GOPHERS
time, we can assume all is correct. COMPLETE LAWN/YARD CARE
• Mowing • De-thatching • Weeding Please let us know how we • Pruning • Hedge Trimming • Edging can serve you best. VACATION HOME CARE is important to us! Your business
CALL LAURIE 6049930533
This ad couldMay be yours 17, 2012
for only $
Local The
June 7, 2012
Hours of Work: 0700-1900 Wage: $32.59 - $42.65 per hour Please apply online through our website: www.gss.org We thank all applicants, but only candidates under consideration will be contacted.
The Good Samaritan Society is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from all qualified individuals.
Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn
• window washing • gutter cleaning • moss removal • power washing • commercial cleaning Nov. 10, 2011
callTheBoys.ca 604-740-0004 FREE ESTIMATES ~ WCB Coverage ~ b38
ASIAN TE This is your adRproof A EAT G SERVICES OFFERED in the next issue of
Good Samaritan Windows • Gutters1028 Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash
Skills: You have a strong ability to manage, delegate and prioritize work effectively, lead teams and promote collaboration. You have the commitment to identify and implement necessary changes, demonstrated problem solving skills and possess excellent communication skills. You have demonstrated supervisory skills including the ability to motivate and coach others.
From the heart - exp. kind & patient careaide, clean house and/ or garage (no toxins); cook, doula, drive, garden, shop, type 85 wpm, $20/hr. w/references. 604740-5623 p30
Sechelt: Dolphin bldg in downtown Sechelt has two, 1 bdrm units avail now. $750 & $850/ mo. Newly renovated. Call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b28
Small Engine Repairs
New & used parts & tools, lawn mowers, chainsaws, outboards, motorcycles, ATVs Chinese/Japanese. free pick ups • house calls Satisfaction Guaranteed
1400 LEGAL AND PUBLIC NOTICE GS27-15 Land Act: The Coast Reporterto - July 13,for 2012 Notice of Intention Apply Local - Julyof12, 2012Land aThe Disposition Crown Classified Display Take notice that 2 col = 3.1" Comfort Cove Shellfish Ltd of Sechelt, BC, intends to make application to Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO), West Coast Service Centre for a Licence of Occupation for the purpose of growing Pacific Oysters using rafts and long-lines (deep water/suspended). The site is situated on Provincial Crown land located in the vicinity of Tuwanek Pt., Sechelt Inlet. The Lands File Number that has been established for this application is 2404581. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to the Manager, Aquaculture, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations at 2500 Cliffe Avenue, Courtenay, BC, V9N 5M6, or emailed to: Strait AuthorizingAgency.Nanaimo@gov.bc.ca. Comments Music 1028 will be received by MFLNRO until August 5th, 2012. MFLNRO will consider all comments received up to this date, and may not be responded to on an individual basis. Please visit the website: http://arfd.gov.bc.ca/ApplicationPosting/index. jsp for more information. Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor.
Professional Hair Care. Women and men at 107 Cowrie Lane, Sechelt. Call 604-741-2388. b30
1300 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ASHLEY’S Books & Records is for sale. Now’s your chance! $59,000 obo. 604-885-8952. b28
Consult the Professionals • 72 Years in Business SPECIAL: UPHOLSTERY, FOAM & ROMAN SHADES • Quality Furniture Recovering • Sofas, Armchairs, Stools
T Smith 1028 • Draperies, Slipcovers, Blinds • All Types of Foam, Cut To Measure Agricultural Amendment 1027 FURNITURE SELECT PIECES NOW ON SALE! This is your ad proof
Lawncare& Landscaping
Call John 604-885-0425 • 5399issue Derbyof Road, Sechelt in the next
Reasonable Rates
July 12, 2012
WINDOW July 5, 2012 WASHING GUTTERS Pacific Hues
Window Washing
Deadline for approval CROSSWORD or changes is ON PAGE 14 Monday by 3:00 p.m.
If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct. Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us! SOLUTION
looking for interior work.
Excellent references from discerning clients. 20 years experience (15 on the Coast)
SOLUTION June 16, 2011 FOR Issue Date: ____________________
Call Matthew Evans
July 12, 2012 BEAUTY
Anything Computers!
Prompt, Professional, On-Site Service
Call Computer Mike!
Solving computer problems since 1992
604-886-3555 604-885-6001
Donate your spare change
to the Sunshine Coast This is y Grandmothers & Grand Others in the n Donation jars located at
Local The
PENNIES 5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt Jan. 12, 2012 FOR GRANNIES Woods Showcase Sunnycrest Mall Ju Issue Date: ___ Gibsons
ftfn Deadline or c Monday
If we do not h time, we can
The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wooden boat show
Book Faire fundraiser a big hit
T Three generations of tree service. Main nuMber
TiM braCKeTT
604.885.2109 604.740.2452 604.886.7889
Peerless 1023
First Aid Training Workplace • Childcare Industrial • Marine Family • Healthcare
Worksafe BC approved Courses Register online or call for info
We schedule courses by request. Training on your schedule. www.bcfirstaid.ca
604.885.JUMP 58 67
Our event was a success
…thanks to advertising in The LocaL
Cowrie St., Sechelt • phone 604-885-3134 Local 5758 email: thelocal@telus.net • www.thelocalweekly.ca The
9/lb. Whole, Farm-Fed ..........................................
$3.19/lb. chicken sirloin steak .......................... $5.99/lb. kassler loin chops........... $5.99/lb.
tuna loins............................ $15.00/lb.
4 l. lucerne milk.................... $4.98ea. 1% or 2%
Gator PoP
gator freeze pops ............... 2/$4.00 dasani water ........................... $4.99ea.
12 Pack
jumbo yellow onions ...........49¢/lb.
photo Heather Jeal
t’s evident that Coasters love their library! Last Saturday, July 7 they not only received a passel of books, they raised $1,200. They plan to run Book Faires every second week until Sept.1 and then once a month. The next Book Faire is on Saturday, July 21 from 10am to 2pm. Book donations are always wanted and very much appreciated. Heather Jeal for The Local
New mortgage rules: how do they affect you? Deadline for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m.
If we do not hear fromofyou by this amortization period Real Estate time, Tipswe can assume all isthe correct.
from 30 years to 25 years Kenan Please let us knowfor how we insured mortgage; your can serve youlowering best. MacKenzie the maximum you Your business to us! Sunshine Coast is important can borrow against your Real Estate News home equity from 85 per cent to 80 per cent; gross he new rules imposed debt service to 39 per cent by the Federal Gov- and total debt service to 44 ernment came into effect per cent; ban on mortgage on July 9, 2012: lowering insurance of homes over a
million dollars. These rules follow a tightening that was started back in 2008 when the Feds reduced the amortization from 40 years to 35 years and is the fourth time that they have tightened the rules since. These rules will affect 40 per cent of homebuyers, according to the Canadian
Solution on page 13. Courtesy of www.mirroreyes.com
Serving the Sunshine Coast for 35 years.
he Sunshine Coast to please everyone with an Museum and Archives interest in boats, handcrafted is organizing a display of woodwork or local history heritage and hand-crafted and traditions. The owners small wooden boats for this and builders will be on hand year’s annual Sea Cavalcade. to share their enthusiasm and The wooden rowing boats, June 7, 2012experience with visitors. This daysailers, canoes, kayaks is a great opportunity for and runabouts will be on those who have been thinkview Sunday, July 24 from ing about building or buying 10 am to 4:30 pm. The a small wooden boat, who display will be on the flat, would like to meet people easy-access Sunday Market who share their interest or area in Holland Park on just love to look at wooden Gower Point Road in Gib- boats. Anyone with a small sons Landing, within view wooden boat is also encourof and a short walk from aged to participate and show the town’s historic harbour. it to the public. Pre-regisThe boats willThis include vin- ad tration to display is recomis your proof tage examples from the mended since this is quickly in theclassic next issue of a popular event. museum’s collection: becoming oldies, amateur-built craft, For more information, boats by professional build- please contact Larry Westers and restorers and new lake at 604-885-0744 or recreational designs. email: larrywestlake@east June 9, link.ca 2011 There will Issue be Date: something ____________________
Oak Tree 1028
July 12, 2012
ACROSS 1. Small islands 6. Colored part of an eye 10. Credit or playing 14. Leaf opening 15. Dispatched 16. type of sword 17. Authorized 19. What a person is called 20. It induces nausea 21. Stitch 22. Snip 23. Man-made fiber 25. Warms 26. Easy gait
30. Not observed 32. Introductory 35. Sincere 39. A breed of hound 40. Evening event 41. Implore 43. renters 44. Breakdown 46. In order to prevent 47. Muscular contraction 50. trousers 53. helps 54. Be unwell 55. response 60. 62 in roman numerals
61. organize 63. Adolescent 64. Computer symbol 65. Anklebone 66. Strike heavily 67. Information 68. Divided DOWN 1. Small island 2. Flower stalk 3. Balcony section 4. Send forth 5. Lustrous fabric 6. Belief
Brought to you By
4. Send forth 5. Lustrous fabric 6. Belief 7. A rational motive 8. Acute 9. goulash 10. 100th anniversary 11. 3-banded armadillo 12. Send, as payment 13. Considers 18. Frozen 24. Carry with difficulty 25. Long-necked bird 26. Part of the outer ear 27. Not closed 28. Kind of moss 29. Fascinating 31. Leisure 33. A part of the small intestine 34. tidy 36. Sea eagle 37. Collections 38. Exam 42. Soup thickener 43. one more than nine 45. Stumblebum 47. Preserves 48. Picture element 49. French farewell 51. Little bit 52. Piques 54. Corrosive 56. Break 57. Bulwark 58. Decorative case 59. A musical pause 62. ribonucleic acid
Beware of imposters!
aLLy ow oc
of service
100% L
Trail Bay Centre • 5755 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • Meat & Deli 604-885-9812 • Produce & Floral 604-885-9841 • Bakery 604-885-9823 • Office 604-885-2025
MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. July 13 to Thurs. July19 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411
Your first choice in foods
Roof Demossing
d ne
long english cukes ...................99¢ea.
Association of Accredited Mortgage Professionals; 40 per cent of mortgages for purchases during 2011/12 (up to May) were amortized over 30 years. Lowering of the amortization period will mean you need to earn more money to qualify for a mortgage or the prices need to come down. We have a tendency to look at things only from Claytonswhen crosswor the buyer prospective talking about mortgages, but the seller is affected as well when the buyer’s buying power is changed. The good thing about this change is that you will save money on interest payments. The negative is that you will either need to get July 12, 2012 a raise, change your expectations or bring the prices down. Lowering the maximum you can borrow against your home equity means the Feds are getting out of insuring these mortgages. Most banks will loan you up to 80 per cent to value, so there’s little change here. Changing the debt service will have little change; most banks will only allow you to go to 35 per cent gross debt service. Bans on mortgage insurance for homes over a million dollars will have little effect on our Sunshine Coast Market.
e o p e r at
The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012 15
News in Brief
Lagoonies discover weird, wonderful things Join the ‘Lagoonies Club’! Weekly day camp for kids aged five to13 at the Iris Griffith Centre, every Wednesday this summer from 10 am to 2 pm. Lagoonies introduces kids to the weird and wonderful creatures of wetlands, builds artistic and scientific skills and helps them act as stewards of the environment.
Pack a lunch, come dressed for the weather, and drop in! There is a small suggested donation, or free with a family Lagoon Society membership. Iris Griffith Centre is in Madeira Park, 1 km south of Ruby Lake at 15386 Sunshine Coast Highway. Phone 883-9201 or visit lagoonies@lagoonsociety.com
Sacred drum-making workshop The Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives will play host to a sacred drum-making workshop on Saturday, July 14 from 1 pm to 3 pm with Tsawaysia Spukwus. You can join Tsawaysia Spukwus as she leads you through the process of making your own Sacred Drum while sharing songs and storytelling. You will be truly amazed and empowered as you use your creativity to transform mother earth’s
gifts. The spirit of the deer and the cedar tree are honoured and kept alive by the beating of the drum. Spukwus is a member if the Squamish Nation and a mother of three children. With over 20 years of working with First Nations communities as an educator and 15 years guiding sacred drum workshops, Spukwus is masterful at bringing innovative learning opportunities to all.
New Ultra Trail Race to showcase Squamish The Squamish 50 is a new 50-mile ultra trail race to be held on August 11. It shows off the spectacular scenery and trails of Squamish and is attracting top runners from the lower mainland and all around North America to the Outdoor Recreation Capital of Canada. The Squamish 50 already has notable runners registered such as 21 year-old Colorado ultra running phenomena Dakota Jones,
and North American Ultra Runner of the Year, Banff’s Ellie Greenwood for the grueling and stunning 50 mile trail race. Organizers are anticipating over 200 runners to participate during race weekend, which will also feature three, five and seven-person relay teams as well as a 21 km route option. Full details of the race route, race weekend schedule, and entry options can be found at www.squamish50.com
Seawatch Lane remains closed to traffic The District of Sechelt anticipates that a geotechnical report regarding Seawatch Lane and the surrounding area will be received shortly. Once this report is received and reviewed, a meeting with property owners in the area will be organized to share information. In conjunc-
tion with various experts, the District is conducting a detailed assessment of geotechnical issues in the affected area. The situation is being monitored with the resources that are reasonably available to the District. Meanwhile, Seawatch Lane remains closed to vehicle traffic.
The pharmacy that’s all about your health! •Free medication management program •Prescription insurance plans accepted •Free health care screenings Transferring your prescriptions is simple. With a simple exchange of information and no trouble at all, you can start to enjoy the one-to-one service and pharmacy-only focus that makes the move to The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy a healthy one. And as your Medicine Shoppe Pharmacist, I do more than just fill your prescriptions. I help you make sense of the bigger health picture. I take the time to get to know you, understand your health needs and get actively involved in improving your well-being.
Are you ready for the sun?
Sunscreens and lotions available!
6 - 4330 Sunshine Coast Hwy. P H A R M A C Y
Medicine Shoppe 1028
604-740-5813 • in Wilson Creek Plaza
Owner/Pharmacist Open: Mon. - Fri. 9am - 6pm Saturday 10 am - 2 pm
The Local - Thursday, July 12, 2012