Local The
Say goodnight, West My Friend Carol Unique group Change happens to us all ...............
opens tour at Garden Bay Pub
Page 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
Fire prohibitions in effect
Penalties for outdoor burning
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12
NEW! Map of Gibsons on page 7 See map of downtown Sechelt pages 8 and 9
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Real Estate transactions can be complex…
Sea Cavalcade and our SC Ford front1030
July 26, 2012
Coast residents rallied along the highway by St. Mary’s Hospital in Sechelt in support of Canada’s health care system on Wednesday, July 18, the national Day of Action for a 2014 Health Accord. Eye-catching signs and costumes received near-continuous affirmative honks and thumbs-up from passing drivers. With the current federal-provincial-territorial agreement on health care due to expire in 2014, and provincial premiers due to meet in Halifax July 25 to 27 to discuss health care, the cross-Canada Day of Action called for a new Health Accord to safeguard a strong public health care system. The Coast’s Day of Action was organized by the Sunshine Coast Friends of Leadnow.ca in conjunction with the Council of Canadians and the BC Health Coalition. STAFF PHOTO
Shíshálh First Nation receives More Coast old growth forests protected An additional 14,750 In addition to biodiclean energy funding hectares on the Sun- versity, old growth man-
he provincial First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund (FNCEBF) recently awarded $40,000 to the shíshálh First Nation May 31, 2012 to fund a feasibility study on creation of five run-ofriver power stations. The study will list training and economic development opportunities available at each stage of the project. The shíshálh First Nation plans to create an inventory of members and member-owned businesses involved in the projects, review financing options and create documentation to support equity participation in the project. The First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund, an initiative created by the
2010 Clean Energy Act supports First Nations and new power projects received an initial $5 million contribution from BC. A percentage of land and water rentals generated by eligible projects will be returned to the fund, enabling it to become selfrevenue-generating in the future. Funding for equity and capacity-building and feasibility/development projects helps to build economic independence for First Nations. FNCEBF funding also helps to generate jobs and provides opportunities that benefit First Nations and nonFirst Nations communities throughout BC.
shine Coast are now protected in old growth management areas established under the Land Act, Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Minister Steve Thomson announced recently. Following public consultation and discussions with First Nations, forestry companies and local stakeholders, management areas protect biological diversity in certain old growth units on the west shore of Jervis Inlet, the east and west shores of Bute Inlet, Cortes and other islands in Desolation Sound, and the west shore of Howe Sound.
agement areas may also protect cultural values. These ecosystems provide plant and animal habitats, are excluded from commercial timber harvesting and may also provide recreational opportunities. There are about 55,000 old growth management areas in BC covering an area of approximately 3.9 million hectares. The creation of additional old growth management areas on the Sunshine Coast reflects the government’s ongoing commitment to preserve unique ecosystems for the enjoyment of all British Columbians.
The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012
A busy time for Gibsons council
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s we approach the summer recess from Council and committee meetings it is an opportune time to recap some of the activities of the past six months, including: • completion of the Harbour Area Plan as part of the official community plan; • establishment of 1030 an AdviSkookum sory Planning Commission comprised of community volunteers; • first reading of a bylaw to establish a neighbourhood plan for the Gospel Rock area; • completion of the 2012 2014 Strategic Plan; • supporting the Gibsons Landing Harbour AuthorJuly 26, 2012 ity in funding applications
for an expanded commercial fishing harbour; • hosting A Walk in Gibsons Landing for families to increase public awareness of our water resource; • completion of a new reservoir to ensure the consistent delivery of safe water; • public meetings to receive community input on the future operations of the Gibsons Marina; • supporting the merchants and interested parties in the efforts to invigorate Gibsons Landing area through the implementation of a new brand and directional signage for the area; • hiring a festival coordinator
to examine the feasibility of street festivals in the town. Councillors and town staff have been meeting with other local government representatives to address the future of solid waste management and recycling in our area. This coming weekend, our annual Sea Cavalcade festivities are made possible by the efforts of many volunteers. The challenge of finding sufficient volunteers increases each year so please consider offering your services to ensure the continuation of this annual festival. Enjoy the summer and keep safe.
More to reap farmers’ fresh bounty
reg. price
We will mount and balance your tires
any low-income families and seniors on the Sunshine Coast will receive extra help getting fresh, local food on the table this summer thanks to a new provincial coupon program announced by Health Minister Mike de Jong. A $2 million grant to the BC Association Farmers’ Markets will provide vouchers to lowerincome families and seniors to buy local produce from their neighborhood Farmers’ Market. The program is to
be run throughout BC over 3 years with plans to grow and expand in each year. On the Sunshine Coast the Bellies and Babies Program, Sechelt Health Unit, Sechelt Indian Band and the Sechelt Seniors Activity center have paired up with the Sechelt Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market to provide 50 families and 10 seniors with coupons and nutrition and skill building workshops throughout the 14 weeks of the program. The coupons can be used to
purchase local fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats, seafood, dairy products and eggs. The skill building workshops are intended to increase knowledge about cooking, preserving and growing local foods and create lasting connections with our farmers. Not only is this program helping families and seniors, it will also benefit famers. On the Sunshine Coast, $10,000 will go back into the community to support our local farms.
Water meter installations coming to Pender Harbour
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Save another trip to the dump!
Local The
he Sunshine Coast Re- treatment facility in South gional District (SCRD) Pender, and enact water effiplans to install water meters ciency measures for the Pender in Pender Harbour residenc- Harbour water systems. es and businesses beginning “In order to ensure the in Spring of 2013, to be treated water from the new completed by 2014. facility is responsibly used, “Water meters are a water the grant funder requires conservation and manage- that water meters be installed ment tool that are considered for all water customers,” says a best practice in the water Frank Mauro, Area A Diutility industry,” says Garry rector (Egmont and Pender 3x1Chair. make cash not trash Nohr, SCRD Board Harbour). “The need to reIn 2008, the SCRD re- duce water consumption is ceived over 5 million dollars to motivated largely by the deimprove water quality through sire to reduce the scale and construction of a new water cost of future infrastructure
upgrades, as well the need to stay below licensed water volumes.” Following the Town of Gibsons example, mock bills will be issued for one year following the installation of water meters, as an education and awareness raising tool. The mock bills will report specific as compared to average water consumption. This year of reading meters also gives the SCRD the necessary information when establishing new water rates.
The pharmacy that’s all about your health!
Save another trip to the dump!
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The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012 3
VOICE on the Coast Education Matters Silas White Chair, School District #46 School Board
n important sideproject I became involved in as a member of the Sunshine Coast Board of Education has been the Community Foundation’s exploration of the challenges for “young” adults on the Sunshine Coast that led to an advocacy group known as VOICE on the Coast. VOICE envisions “a future for the Sunshine Coast that includes a thriving, diverse population of young adults and families as part of the make-up of our community.” The 2011 Census confirmed the Sunshine Coast’s median age has risen to 51.6 years old (from 48.5 in 2006). This number places the Coast as the second-oldest BC community (after the Qualicum Beach-Parksville area) and almost ten years over the BC median age of 41.9. These demographic changes have had a major impact on our school district; with fewer young families
raising children here, our enrolment has declined by about 33 per cent over the past fifteen years. Local businesses and governments alike have expressed a keen desire to better connect to the key demographic of adults aged 18 to 44, wishing to attract and retain this age group for the health of our economy and future. With generous support from the Sunshine Coast Credit Union and Sunshine Coast Regional District, VOICE on the Coast is endeavouring to conduct outreach to this population in order for the community to better represent their concerns and meet their needs. VOICE is currently seeking an entrepreneurial outreach coordinator to launch a VOICE membership, communications and sponsorship campaign, and assist with other administrative needs. The position will start out as a small parttime contract but there is strong potential for expansion. For more information, visit voiceonthecoast. com, “Like” their Voice on the Coast Facebook page, or follow @voiceonthecoast on Twitter.
School startup supplement fast-tracked for this August I ncome, disability, and hardship assistance clients with children in school will receive an increased school startup supplement (to assist with school fees and supplies) before the school year begins, thanks to fast-tracking by the BC government. Families on assistance
will now receive $100 for every child aged 5-11 (up from $84) and $175 for every child 12 and over (up from $116). Payment will be on the August assistance cheque issued at the end of July and is expected to benefit approximately 23,000 children this school year.
FSA receives passing grade M
ore than two-thirds of Grade 4 and Grade 7 students met or exceeded expectations in this year’s Foundational Skills Assessment (FSA), an annual assessment of student achievement in the foundation skills of reading, writing and numeracy. The purpose of FSA is to help the Ministry of Education, school districts and parents evaluate student achievement in these core skills and to plan for improvement. FSA is one of many measures used to assess student achievement and supplements other information gathered in classrooms during the year. George Abbott, Minis-
ter of Education notes that “FSA results are an important tool in measuring student achievement provincewide. They give parents, teachers, school districts and schools a snapshot of how students are doing in the core skills of reading, writing and numeracy. Parents want this information, and I believe the more information parents have, the better able they are to support and help to improve the learning of their children.” With limited exceptions, all Grade 4 and Grade 7 students are expected to participate in FSA. Approximately 75,000, or 84 per cent of students, wrote the assessment in 2012.
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Saja Rosenberg’s sidewalk sale outside Gibsons Family Wellness Centre on Marine Drive adds a touch of the bazaar to Gibson’s Landing. Wellness Centre partners including Saja’s mom, Dr. Stacey Rosenberg, gave permission for the young entrepreneur to set up shop for a few hours on a sunny Saturday morning.
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4 The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012
Editorial Opinion
Stepping aside for change
he Sunshine Coast has been our home and we’ve watched it slowly grow and evolve; change is inevitable in all things and so it is with this place we’ve called home for 23 years. When we arrived on the Sunshine Coast in 1989 to work for The Press newspaper we were a bit star-struck. We watched as Bruno Gerussi stood before Molly’s Reach (then just the shell of the place) with a huge sheet of aluminum being used to reflect the sunlight on him for the film crew while flag people stopped traffic on the lower road. Years later, when Needful Things was being filmed here, we gaped at the broken windows in the shops along Gower Point Road after the (in)famous explosion. But change prods us all on and changes gradually swept across the Coast. With the closing of the Lucky Dollar supermarket in lower Gibsons came more IGA stores to serve us, giving some competition to SuperValu in Gibsons, Shop Easy and Claytons in Sechelt and the Oak Tree Market in Pender Harbour. Time marched on and one day there was a big London Drugs anchoring Sunnycrest Mall. With competition comes balance and that’s why it is so important to have at least two newspapers on the Coast, too. Having worked in the newspaper industry all of our adult lives, we watched with sadness as The Coast News – by then itself a piece of Coast history - fell to change and closed. We’ve watched many newspapers cease publication, or change and evolve as the demands of Coast readers and advertisers changed and the revenue aspects of print media gradually became equal in importance to the integrity of journalism and photography – no longer as idealistic, but like any other business, a necessity. Yet the Sunshine Coast was a haven for those of us who wanted a home where we could raise our children without fear, who sought a community to embrace, a beautiful place that can only be described as the Pacific paradise of Canada with its incredible scenery and moderate weather. Like the Coast, Gardar and I have also experienced change. The increasing demands of publishing means that we’ll also become relics of Coast history, soon to pass onto microfiche in the museum’s archives. It is time for us to say goodbye to The Local as it continues to grow and evolve; under new, energetic leadership it has the opportunity to serve Coast readers into the future after we step down to take a well-deserved rest. We have set The Local onto a new path; it is up to our readers and supporters to carry it on its journey. We thank everyone on the Coast for your support, encouragement and friendship. While we look forward to a more sedate lifestyle (where I’ll continue to research and write books) we know that the Sunshine Coast will always be our home and we will miss so much here. Carol and Gardar Gardarsson
Carol, hard at work.
Letters to the Editor – Opinions A different point of view... The type of reasoning voiced by the writer of ‘Legal Actions eat tax increase’ (July 12) is that of a person who would rather stay unhappily married than get a divorce because it’s cheaper. Similarly the person who stays in a dead end job because it’s easier than looking for a better job! It would have been both cheaper and easier in the short run, for the present Council to have retained the two individuals who were recently relieved of their jobs. This has been demonstrated by past Councils who inherited and then chose to maintain status quo. As residents of Sechelt, the rumbling we heard from many citizens was that change was necessary and needed. Change is never easy – especially in politics where we see the individuals running for election or re-election doing or saying things that will make the least amount of waves in order to get elected/ re-elected. This is often to the financial detriment of the tax-paying citizens. I think that the current Council has demonstrat-
ed courage, perhaps at the expense of their own popularity, by doing what they believe will be best for the citizens of Sechelt in the long run (short term pain, long term gain) and they should be commended, not condemned, for it. In fairness, the issues raised in the above letter were issues long before November 19, 2011 (election day) rolled around. Rather than trying to find fault with our Council, wouldn’t it be more beneficial for us all to get behind them in the hope that they succeed and in turn, make our lovely community even lovelier – we would all be the winners then! Carolyn White Sechelt
Note to Doug Hockley Doug Hockley’s ‘Note to Jef Keighley’, which is his response to my letter ‘Legal actions eat tax increase’ avoids dealing with the issue. Doug’s ‘Note’ doesn’t address the fact that the costs of Sechelt Council’s recent legal actions could greatly exceed the revenue generated by the recent 3.5 per cent tax increase.
Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office email: localsales@telus.net Classified Advertising Deadline: Monday 5:00 p.m. at The Local office thelocal@telus.net Carol Gardar 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Editorial Deadline: Gardarsson Gardarsson P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Monday 10 a.m. at The Local office A spirited writer, a A manPublisher, of many names – our Publisher, patient and beloved person, spirited Norseman who just keeps Ad Sales Manager Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com always Editor with a smile! going and going and going... This publication reserves the right to refuse any advertising that it considers to email: thelocal@telus.net contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. website: www.thelocalweekly.ca The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.
If I am in error, correct me. Perhaps the actual costs will be only two or three times, rather than four times the revenue I speculated? Whatever the excess costs turn out to be they will eat into the District’s financial reserves or result in cuts elsewhere. Most disturbing about Doug’s ‘Note’ is his assertion that my commenting on my community of Sechelt is ‘none of my business’. The free speech provisions of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms apply equally to residents of the District of Sechelt and the Sunshine Coast Regional District. My wife and I happily spend the lion’s share of our income in Sechelt. There are no supermarkets, gas stations, restaurants, drug, hardware, gift or many other stores in Halfmoon Bay. Sechelt is my town as much as it is Doug Hockley’s. How the District spends its money affects my quality of life as it does his! Doug didn’t complain that non-Sechelt residents actively participated in FABS and financed the $44,492.16 in private funding for FABS’s campaign to vilify the previ-
ous Councilors and usher in new ones, himself included. Doug freely chose to run for Council and I appreciate his willingness to give his time and energy to public service. He has to appreciate that Council decisions are properly subject to public scrutiny and commentary, and when mistakes are made, it can be less than flattering. Doug, receiving criticism goes with the job,: if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Jef Keighley Halfmoon Bay Letters to the Editor are welcome on any topic of local or general interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. Letters are preferred by e-mail, however typewritten or legibly handwritten are acceptable. Generally letters should not exceed more than 300 words. Letters will be edited in the interests of style, clarity, legality, brevity and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission. All letters must be signed and include place of residence and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication for valid reason by approval of the editor. E-mail letters to: editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com, or drop off at 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt, or mail to PO Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0. Deadline is Friday at 5:00pm.
Kate Purnell
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SUBSCRIPTIONS $33.35 / 3 mos. in Canada
Volume 10 • Issue 30
The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012 5
Guest Editorial Opinion Idleness really is indispensable
ow that the weather is finally co-operating, it’s time to take a vacation. Or is it? Many people think they are too busy to take a real vacation – one where the smartphone stays at home and work is truly turned off for days at a time. However, the completely unsatisfying compromise has become checking emails from the beach. Relaxation is always a bit elusive with a cell phone close at hand. New York Times writer Tim Kreider argues as a society we have become obsessed with being busy. The ubiquitous answer to the obligatory “How are you?” used to be, “Fine.” Now the response is “busy,” with adjectives such as “very,” “so” or “crazy” stuck in front of it for emphasis. The counter-response is an appreciative nod or a validating, “Better than the alternative.” But is it always better to be busy? “Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice; it is as indispensable to the brain as vitamin D is to the body and deprived of it, we suffer a mental affliction as disfiguring as rick-
ets,” Kreider says. It is easy to agree with this sentiment in theory. In practice, however, it feels a lot less possible to unplug and buck societal norms. Letting colleagues and customers down isn’t an appealing trade-off for quality downtime. Leslie Perlow of Harvard Business School argues that if workplace teams tackle the issue together it can be done - with big rewards for productivity and personal wellbeing. Her new book, Sleeping With Your Smart Phone, de-
tails a process successfully implemented at the Boston Consulting Group where teams worked together to create predictable time off for co-workers. The results are impressive: 72 per cent (versus 49 per cent who did not take part in the predictable time off experiment) were satisfied with their job; 54 per cent (versus 38 per cent) were satisfied with their work-life balance; and 95 per cent (versus 84 per cent) were likely to perceive they were providing more significant value to clients. Clients reported different
Health matters: a dream for the fittest country on earth
eople on the Sunshine Coast – and most Canadians – value health among our top priorities. Physical, mental and emotional health components combine to encourage our overall sense of well being, at a personal, community, and national level. Much of my work as Member of Parliament reflects this priority; our Government has also made health a key item on the national agenda. Earlier this month, five cabinet ministers and four MPs joined with Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq to visit research institutions across Canada, from Vancouver to St. John’s. They coordinated their visits to highlight Canada’s leadership role in innovative healthcare research. Our Government funds over 10,000 research projects targeting new treatments and greater system efficiencies to support Canadians seeking to live healthier, more active lives. My dream is that, within ten years, all MPs and Senators will come to Parliament Hill acknowledging the promotion of health as part of their mandates.
To that end, I created the Parliamentary Fitness Initiative (PFI) soon after being elected. Crossing party lines, the PFI brings together MPs and Senators regularly to swim or run, an effort that helps them perform as role models in promoting physical activity. One colleague who had until last year never swum a lap is now in the pool regularly and relating her progress to other Canadians. National Health & Fitness Day grew from the PFI. I invited local governments across Canada
to make their athletic and recreational facilities available June 2nd. The Mayors, Councillors and Regional District Directors on the Sunshine Coast responded enthusiastically, joining with the other nine local governments in our constituency to endorse NH&FD. This September, I’ll stand in the House to present my second Private Member’s Bill, which will establish NH&FD forever as the first Saturday in June across Canada! Please go to my website, johnweston. ca, for more information on the PFI, NH&FD, and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Together, our efforts will help current and future generations reduce obesity rates; deal proactively with heart disease; and contribute to Canadians’ battle against cancer. Let’s recognize and celebrate the opportunities we have in Canada to walk, stroll, run, bike, paddle, swim, or otherwise move ourselves towards our destiny as the healthiest nation on earth! John Weston, MP, West Vancouver, Sunshine Coast, Sea to Sky Country
experiences with personaltime-off teams from neutral to extremely positive. Boston Consulting’s CEO is now committed to making it part of the culture. Entrepreneurs will likely be the toughest group to convince that a vacation is possible. But they might just have the most to gain. Laura Jones is executive vice-president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. She can be reached at laura.jones@cfib.ca
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Thank you Sunshine Coast
television • home Audio • cAr Audio SECHELT: #1 - 5679 Cowrie Street 604-740-0982
POWELL RIVER: 7030 Glacier Street 604-485-0080
The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012
Design through maintenance
Wooden Boats
Smilin Cowboy 1023
The Heritage and Handcrafted Small Wooden Boat Festival hosted by Sunshine Coast Museum in conjunction with Sea Cavalcade on Sunday, July 29 from 10 am to 4.30 pm, features new and vintage boats from the museum’s and private collections. The show will include a selection of the ‘hand troller’ (or handliner) type rowboats indigenous to the BC and Alaska coast. Pictured (left to right): Anna, a 2005 museum replica of Hubert Evans’ 1937 troller; a privately-owned 2007 replica of Roy Malyea’s 1930’s troller; Brightsides, a plywood/epoxy hand troller designed for amateur builders. All built by Larry Westlake.
• lawn care • estate mower • indoor / outdoor cultured or natural stonework • irrigation systems • water features • Mini Bobcat • Wood Chipper • Small & Large Load Dump Trucks
• commercial • residential
• reasonable r rates • PromPt friendly service
Smilin’ Cowboy Landscaping 604-885-5455 www.smilincowboy.ca
Jun 7, 2012
‘Run Till Rented’ …gives you endless possibilities! Reaching over 20,000 readers every issue! Must be prepaid (no refunds). Scheduled for 4 weeks at a time. Must phone to reschedule. Private parties only, no businesses.
max. 4 lines • max. 12 weeks
Special! Add an $ extra line for only
WALK INTO ROBERTS CREEK HEADWATERS ANCIENT FOREST Elphinstone Logging Focus (ELF) invites Coast residents concerned about the full protection of Roberts Creek to join us for a guided walk through a forest area threatened by clear-cut logging. ELF has identified a BC Timber Sales cutblock surveyed in the headwaters of Roberts Creek. This forest contains a diversity of species, such as Yellow Cedar (800-1,000 yrs), a dense population of old-growth dependant Pacific Yew, vegetation such as Rattle Snake plantain, several black bear den sites, and numerous feeder streams. This ancient forest must be protected. Logging in the Roberts Creek Headwaters will have a direct and long term impact on our community. The rights of nature cannot be compromised. ELF has sketched out a rough trail across the backside of Mt Elphinstone that will take us across the forest under question. Elphinstone Logging Focus is a volunteer organization advocating for the protection of all remaining old growth forests on the lower Sunshine Coast. If you can’t make the walk, then please go to our web site: loggingfocus.org and look for the Roberts Creek Ancient Headwaters Forest campaign, and Take Action.
Meet at the Roberts Creek Community Hall, Sunday July 29 at 1:00PM. Car pool to the site. Round trip estimated at 3-4 hours.
For more information call 604-740-5654, or loggingfocus@gmail.com
Kenan Mackenzie
Fun for all at Sea Cavalcade Elphinstone Logging 1030
atch an aerial demonstration, a parade, fireworks and logger sports. Eat pancakes and candy floss. Run, dance and play – it’s Sea Cavalcade time in Gibsons! July 26, 2012 The Fraser Blues Aerial Demonstration Team open the festivities with a flyover at 10:45 am on Saturday, July 28, just preceding 11 am start of the Sea Cavalcade Mile race from Hough Road up to Gibsons Way, finishing at North Road. The parade follows the race, traveling from Park Road to Holland Park via Gibsons Way with bands, floats, horses, clowns and of course candy for the kids. Meet at Brothers Park at noon, to honour the 2012 Golden Girl, Sea Cavalcade Royal and Junior Girl, event supporters, and winners of the Gibsons Mile Run, Sea Cavalcade Parade awards, and Business Decorating Challenge. The kids can enjoy traditional fair fare – bouncy castles, face painting, pony rides and petting zoo, craft booths and food concessions until 3 pm. This year, take the bus to Gibsons Landing for the Saturday evening and Sunday festivities. With extra
Saturday evening service everyone can get home safely after the fireworks – and no parking hassles. From 5 to 7 pm, the Sea Cavalcade Committee dishes up the traditional Salmon BBQ and the Lions Club flips burgers at Holland Park. Drift down to Winegarden Park for Driftwood Players’ Story Theatre performance from 5.15 to 6 pm, or stay up on Gower Point Road to watch or participate in the gladiator contest (on an inflated stage, using a padded pugil stick). From 7.15 until 10 pm, the Baha’i Community’s annual Virtues Rock Treasure Hunt invites participants to find painted rocks hidden throughout Gibsons Landing. Find a virtue or find a prize. While you seek, listen to live entertainment at the Family Street Dance, featuring A Frosty Comet. Gerardo and Veronica provide salsa and samba lessons, Dance Works Academy provide a fabulous performance, and Devon’s DJ provides tunes when A Frosty Comet takes a break. Admission to the street dance is $3. One of the best smalltown fireworks displays in the province starts at 10.30
Filtered Ocean Views from this 3-Level Victorian Home.
Kenan Mackenzie 1030
See “Sea Cavalcade” (Continued on page 12)
9314 Truman Rd., Halfmoon Bay $499,000
Phone 604-885-7810 Fax 604-886-3753
Toll free 1-888-466-2277 kenanmackenzie@dccnet.com www.kenanmackenzie.com
pm – a great end to a full day of fun. Sunday, from 8 to 11 am, enjoy a traditional Sea Cavalcade pancake breakfast at Holland Park, before heading to the wharf for the Kids’ Fishing Derby (9 to 11 am). Bring a bucket, life jacket, fishing equipment and adult for each kid. Bait supplied. At 10 am competitive swimmers make the historic one-mile-dash from Keats to Armours Beach, accompanied by their escort boats. At 10 am the Sunday Market and demonstrations open in Holland Park, accompanied by The Coast’s Got Talent competition shows a 10, noon and 2 pm. More displays open in Winegarden Park at 11. Spread a blanket, set up a lawn chair, and prepare for an afternoon of outdoor entertainment. Winegarden Park hosts two performances (at 11 am and 3 pm) of the West Coast Lumberjack Loggers Sports Show, where four lumberjacks compete to out-climb, out-saw, out-chop and outthrow each other.
This beautiful home is located in Sunshine Bay Estates overlooking the Halfmoon Bay area. This is an area of fine homes with many walking trails and beach access a block away on Crab Rd. The home features 11’ ceilings, hardwood and tile floors, wwell designed and spacious kitchen, livingroom with wood fireplace, covered patio and level lawn area. Middle level has laundry, great sitting area with propane fireplace with a large deck and media room (could be a fourth bedroom). Upstairs is your master suite with a private deck, complete with a den and propane fireplace. Some recent updates include new French doors on 2nd and 3rd floors, 3 windows replaced in bed-sitting room.
The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012
Have a fun and safe Sea Cavalcade!
Coastal Tires Gibsons Map
Serving the Sunshine Coast since 1970 • Brakes • Shocks • Alignments • Oil Changes • Custom Wheels • Suspension • Tune Ups
1498 Burton Dr. 604-886-2700
274 Gower Point Rd. 604-886-9414
Coastal Tires & Mechanical www.tireland.ca
Giggle ‘n’ Bloom Gibsons map July 26, 2012
on Earth
Bu rt on Ro ad
maternity • children • babies 11-1161 Sunshine Coast Hwy.
604-886-2335 www.gigglenbloom.com
s se
He nr y Ro ad
27 July 20123 map Unwind Gibsons 2 26, 28
Products & Services to Nurture Mind, Body & Spirit 778-462-3010
6 7
#8 - 1161 Sunshine Coast Hwy.
604-886-1418 www.unwindknitandfibre.ca
o ad rat t R
7 - 1161 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-886-1245 www.carola.ca
H ig
Quality Garden Gibsons map
July 26, 2012
Sh aw R o ad
& Liquor Store
23 8
Your all-in-one garden & pet supply store
No rt h R
325 Pratt Road • 604-886-7527
o ad
966 Venture Way, Gibsons 604-886-6682 • Open 10am to midnight www.blackfishpub.com • facebook: BlackfishPub
11 Kenmac Auto July 26, 2012Gibsons map
5 n Ro
F le tch
Wi n
Automotive & Industrial Supplies
1045 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-886-2031 • www.kenmacparts.com Open Mon.-Sat. 8-5:30 • Sun. noon-5
Blackfish Pub
e r Ro
Over 30 Stores at Sunnycrest Mall
ay G ib s o n s W
10 18 19 Flair Canopies Gibsons map 15
G PAG in
Molly’s Lane
900 Gibsons Way
July 26, 2012
Car and Light Truck Accessories 1113 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-886-0306
Gower Pt. Road
R ol
No v
M ar ine Dr ive
Toys • games • Books
Sunnycrest Mall 604-886-4707
16 14
AutoWorks Gibsons map
Loumidees Family Consignment
July 26, 2012
747 North Rd. 604-886-7445 www.loumidees.com
1111 Sunshine Coast Hwy. 604-886-7133
Elite Travel July gibsons 26, 2012 map
Our experience takes you places 819 Gibsons Way 604-886-3381 Toll Free 1-866-212-5408
Style Ethics • One-of-a-Kind
459 Marine Dr. 604-886-7585
Ensemble Travel Group Member
716 Winn Rd. • 604-886-8232
10 One book once a year keep Coast Books here!
#4 - 682 Gibsons Way
604-310-0001 www.panago.com
18 13 15 LANDING Mollys Lane Market21 Gibsons Map Blackberry Gibson SC Museum GibsonsGIBSONS map Town of Gibsons map Trading Post Gibsons map July 26, 2012
MARKET TRADING POST inThe Molly’s Lane 1 - 292
474 South Fletcher Rd. 604-886-2274 www.gibsons.ca
• Bake Shop • Used Marine • Wool Carpets • Used Books • Jewellery • Antiques & Collectibles • Coin, Stamp, Hockey Cards • VHS, DVDs, CDs, Records, Vintage Games • Quality Used Ladies’ & Men’s Clothing • Infant & Children Wear
Gower Point Road Open daily 10-5
• Fashions • Unique Gifts • Antiques • Toys And so much more… We’re not just for tourists anymore… Open 7 days a week - 604-886-4117
Sunshine Coast Artisans 303 - 287 Gower Point Rd., 604-886-0063
19 12 celebrate your body 14 16 Bodacious The Coast Princess Books Gibsons mapGibsons mapThe ShedJuly 26, 2012map Gibsons July 26, 2012
celebrate YOU!
Boat accessories, lifestyle products & fashions in sizes 10-22
#305 - 287 Gower Pt. Rd. 604-886-7744
Starlet Vintage Gibsons
449 Marine Dr. 604-886-4119
We are located on the Gibsons Landing Harbour Pier.
July 26, 2012
Come see Tamara on the dock at Gibsons Landing for the freshest seafood.
July 26, 2012
204 - 287 Gower Pt. Rd 604-886-0531 New location Nov. 2012 431 Marine Drive
20 map The Fish Boat GibsonsKerri Luciani Gibsons Map July 26, 2012 July 26, 2012
Kerri Luciani
Jewelry, bead shop & more 303-287 Gower Pt. Rd. • 604-886-0150 www.lucianidesigns.ca
July 26, 2012
Gifts • Local products • Children’s Clothing 451 Marine Drive 604-886-3818 July 26, 2012
8 The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012 14
Reflections Good Stuffmap 1028
14 14 14 Kiss map 1028 Lighthouse Pub map 1028 Thelma & Louise map 1028 Thelma & bed & bath collections Louise Collections
HealtH foodS
Home Decor
Clothing for Adventurous Women
Style with Personality
Mon -Sat: 9:30-5:30 Sun: 12-4
5697 Cowrie St. 604-885-7807 2
5697 Cowrie St. 604-885-7870
• Supplements • Bodycare
5668 Cowrie Street,
101 - 5688 Cowrie St. 604-885-9063
Sechelt 604-885-4893
Lighthouse Beer & Wine map 1028
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
• Gluten-free Products
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Harbour Air map 1028 July 12, 2012
harbourair.com 1.800.665.0212 604.885-2111
SC Ford map 1028 July 12, 2012
5606 Wharf Road, Sechelt BC 604-885-3281 • Toll Free 1-800-538-4504 SALES • PARTS • SERVICE For more outstanding deals visit our website…
Petrocan Sechelt July 12, 2012 map 1028 Ebbtide Street
Dolphin Stree
Fresh CoFFee • Fresh Baking
Daily Roast map 1028 Butcher
Dave’s Meat Market
M ar ke t
Connecte d Elect ronics
Trai l Bay Ce nt re
ve n
High way 101 y
n Ba a lf mo o
UpstairsHDownstairs 1028 July 12, 2012
k n ic
Trail Bay Centre 5755 Cowrie Street 604-885-3414
Sew1028 Easy map 1028 Connected Electronics map July 12,not 2012 for navigati on purp oses . ion: July 12, 2012
Yarn & Fabric
audio i video i computers i music i office i gaming Small Town Service • Big Box Pricing
Caut Do not atte mpt to sail a boat thro ugh Sech elt using this chart.
5755 Cowrie St. Trail Bay Centre 604-885-2725
5755 Cowrie St. 604-885-2568
• Pandora bracelets, necklaces & rings • Bulova & Seiko watches • Wide selection of diamond engagement rings & wedding bands 604-885-2421
Fo ss
Claytons map 1028
The Upstairs Downstairs Shoppe July 12, 2012 Gift Shop • Home Decor
R BC Fi n an ci al G ro up
i Tra
Gi lliga n’s Pub
Go Hea
Salon Spa
604-885-3582 10
Your First Choice in Foods Trail Bay CenTre 5755 Cowrie Street 604-885-2025
B.C. Liqu or St ore
s t a irs s Do w n Up s t a ir Ea s y lle rs Se w ld Je we Wa k efie Shoppers Drug Mart Xtras Sol Mare
(across from Gibsons Building Supplies)
at Wharf & Hwy 101 604-741-9798 • 604-741-3861 10
Cl ay to ns
Li brar y & g Di st rict Bu ildin
Custom Carpet map 102811 July 12, 2012 Mamas Gelato map 1028 July 12, 2012 5580 Wharf Road
Gelato • Paninis • Soups • Authentic Wonton Soup
e n t re Aq u at ic C
(at Hwy. 101) 604-885-3909
5580 Wharf Rd. 604-885-4345
s Butcher Dave’s map 1028 Fa rmer & 132012Art is ans July 12,
5580 Wharf Rd.,
Petro Can
11 10 Visit the Sechelt Wakefield Jewellers map 1028 Extras map 1028 Sol Mare map 1028 July 12, 2012 July 12, 2012
SolMar e Salon•Spa
July 12, 2012
for the Fashionably Conscious Woman 604-885-6460
July 12, 2012
AquAtic centre
13 SCRD map 1028
July 12, 2012
5612 Wharf Road
Sechelt 604-885-3606
July 12, 2012
Casey’s Every 1028
at the top of Cowrie July 12, 2012
The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012 14 14 14 1028map 1028 Upstage map 1028 Coast Jewellery map 1028 Sechelt Fish Market map Fresh
14 14 8 Good Stuff Health Foods map 1028
Coast Jewellery
Gold & Silver Jewellery
5652 Cowrie St. 604-885-6680
from the coast
103 - 5688 Cowrie St. 604-885-7410
103 - 5697 Cowrie St. 604-740-9818
5721 Cowrie Street, Sechelt
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Patio is open and licensed!
local artisan shop & gallery
Your source for seafood
5699 Cowrie Street 604-885-2666
Ty’s Fine Foods and bisTro
designed & hand made in Sechelt
Home Décor
July 12, 2012
television • home Audio • cAr Audio
July 12, 2012
#1 - 5679 Cowrie Street Sechelt 604-740-0982 14
Quality Clothing Est. 2012
Ai r
5711 Cowrie Street • 604-741-9883 info@fossellos.com • www.fossellos.com
Deluxe Landscaping Supplies
Tsain Ko Mall
Harbour Air Se aplanes Casey’s Country Cardens
12 t
Sechelt ood Stuff FishMarket alth Foods 4 Cowrie Street
ell o’s
Napa Au to Pa rt s
Kiss Home Decor
Re dfish
South Coast
Thelma & Louise
Coast Jewellry
The Daily Roast
St. M ar y’s Ho sp
it al
Gi bs on s
Pe tro
Prudent ial
Cowrie Street
Sechelt Animal Hospital
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Summer Place?
Mobile Mortgage Advice www.sunshineccu.com
24Sechelt Animal Hospital
le t
en ue
#100-5500 Wharf St. Sechelt BC 604-885-2309 Sunshine Coast Credit Union
Play Area
Watermark at Sechelt
Artworks map 1028
Coast Copy Centre
Ta lew ind
5683 Cowrie st. 604-885-7101
hair salon
5685 Cowrie St.
Daphn e’s
Sound Attract ion Audio Video
ArtworkS GAllery & PiCture FrAminG
House of héwhiwus 8 ghthouse e tom Li or us St C or M am a’s C a rp e t Liqu t f ul G el at o In te ri ors I n s igh 20 Visio ns Ca n
Sechelt Shell map 102
rainbow room
Corner of Trail & Cowrie St. 604-885-2128
Bu tche r Dave’s
Full Service Gas Station • Mobile Marine Service
Rain bow Room Salo n Ty’s Fine Foods & Bistro
Thursday Night Market
Art Wor ks
Real Estate
The Lighthouse Pub
i rpo t Po
o yR
Mon - Sat 8:30-5:30 • OPEN SUNDAYS 9-5 Emergency Pager Find us on Service available 24/7 Facebook!
6037 Sechelt Inlet Rd. 604-885-9070 • Open 7 days a week: MOn - Fri 8:30-5 • sat 9-5 • sun 10 - 4
5561 Wharf Road 604-885-3295
Sechelt Animal Hosp
Prudential JulySussex 12, 2012map
5550 Inlet Avenue, Sechelt 604-885-5181 Open 7 days a week: Mon -Fri 8-5:30 • Sat 8-4 • Sun 10-4
Insightful Visions map 1 SeChelT NighT mArkeT July 12, 2012
16 15 Farmer’s Market map 1028
5494 Trail Ave. 604-885-2527
107-5530 Wharf Avenue 604-885-3371 www.insightfulvisions.ca
18 Talewind Books map17 1028 Redfish map 1028
Daphne’s Authentic Greek cuisine
5530 Wharf Rd. 604-885-2008
Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
On Cowrie St., every Thursday from 5 - 9 p.m. June 21 to Aug. 30, 2012
19 Tsain-Ko Group Gilligans map 1028 of Companies Daphnes map 1028 July 12, 2012 “Building business and prosperity for the shíshálh Nation - for today and tomorrow.”
Pub & Liquor Store
Good food, good fun and great prices!
5770 Teredo St. Sechelt PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE: 604-885-9240
July 12, 2012
• Tsain-Ko Development Corporation • Tsain-Ko Gas Bar Inc. • Tsain-Ko Entertainment Ltd. • Tsain-Ko Land Development Corporation • Tsain-Ko Forestry Development Corporation • Tsain-Ko Village Shopping Center L.P. • Tsain-Ko Forestry L.P. Office: Unit 310, 5500 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Sechelt, BC Mail: P.O. Box 557, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Tel: 604-885-3504 • Fax: 604-885-3506 Email: vmacfarlane@tsain-ko.com • www.tsain-ko.com
July 12, 2012
The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012
Buy 3 months and get the 4th month free! SECURE • SAFE • AFFORDABLE Best rates in town. We beat any price!
5621 Inlet Ave, Sechelt 604-885-3460 • www.belmarselfstorage.com
APPY HOUR OFF TRACK RACING Mon -Thurs • 2:30 - 5:00pm 7 DAYS A WEEK! Good food, good fun and great prices!
5770 Teredo St. Sechelt
PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:
Stereo 105.9 FM & Ch 11 on the Coast TV system • Listen Live at COMMUNITY RADIO FOR THE SUNSHINE COAST “www.civu.net” Rapid Edge 1024
To get involved in local radio, email: cvuemail@yahoo.ca
perhaps profitability too are core motivators. Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) Michael A big wave of artistic inO’Connor spiration is washing in. You Astrologer are in the mood to take a few risks, try new things, and exTip of the Week: pand your horizons. DepresThe Sun entered Leo last sion or outright anger could Gilligans 1030 week and on July 28th will be experienced if you do not cross paths with Mercury in have outlets that meet your its retrograde direction. This specifications. Too much should manifest as an in- thinking now could lead to crease in the drama on both worry. Accept there will be individual and collective revisions to offset stalematfronts. Thus a strong mili- ing perfectionism. tary presence will accompa- Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) ny the fans from all over the Building upon new founworld who will be attending dations is the call now. The 26, 2012 the Olympic Games inJuly Lonpreparation and ground don. Mars in Libra, its most work is ever important in any challenging sign position, focus where we seek enduralso contributes its own ing results. Be willing to take unique twist. Hopefully, the a few risks and while thinkorganizersJune of the ing twice and deciding once 14, Olympics 2012 will be able to override the is ideal, too much thinking complications in communi- can be a problem. Since you cations and electrical devices are planning for the future, that are likely to occur due be proactive towards securto Mercury Rx. Fortunately, ing a niche that matches Mercury turns Direct on your individual style. August 2nd prior to the Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) closing ceremonies. Taking new leads and iniAries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) tiatives is a core theme now. The ‘heat’ is rising. This Your focus is getting sharper can prove to be a good by the day, backed by ambithing, but can cause annoy- tions to increase your expoing or even painful friction. sure. Love between friends is We all have a blind spot or a two way street and someGibsons Legion two - a common casualty of 1030 one has to initiate contact. the ego. Is your blind spot Be the one so you can lead causing friction, too? Quali- the direction or renewed fying your feelings and per- connections. Inspirations ceptions, as in ‘I see or ex- and insights from a forgotten perience… it this way’ could past are featured. go a long way towards offVirgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) setting ego clashes so valuA busy time behind the able time and energy can be scenes continues. This imbetter spent. plies networking to make 2012initial contact and key conTaurus (Apr 20 –July May26,21) A creative cycle is un- nections for future prospects. fillerthe 1030 derway. The Your Local homeSea andCavPlant seed now and trust family are the main stages. it will gestate, especially if it You want to make improve- is in tune with your destiny. ments. Others who are not In your communications on the same page better with others, you may be clear the way or tune-in. more inclined to listen and/ You remain determined to or ask questions than inform. get a lot done. Multi-taskLibra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) ing is likely. Creating more Envisioning a brighter fubeauty and function and ture continues. A combina-
brand new units • 24 hour access • 7 days a week •
Horoscope July 26 to August 1
BRANCH #109 604-886-2411
Legion membership is open to everyone! You don’t have to be ex-military to join.
Dinner: Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding 5 - 7:30pm Karaoke with RoketSound at 8pm
Dinner: BBQ Ribs • 5 - 7:30pm Music by The Burning Sensations at 7:30pm
• Crib on Tuesdays 7pm & Saturdays 12:30pm • MeaT DrawS Saturdays 4-5:30pm & Sundays 4-6pm
Run, dance and play… It’s Sea Cavalcade time in Gibsons, July 28 & 29.
Local event sponsor. The
is proud to be an
See page 6 for event information
July 26, 2012
Solution on page 14. Courtesy of www.sudoku-puzzles.net
tion of dreams and ideals are guiding your focus. Weaving adventure into your scope is likely. Cultivating a higher degree of self-reliance feels especially right and important. Balancing feeling secure while simultaneously experiencing a genuine growth/evolution process is a core theme. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Some action in your public and/or professional life is getting you some attention. You may not feel as confident as you would like, however. If so, review your successes from the past and acknowledge that you will rise again. In your dealings with others, keep the end result in mind and assess the full spectrum of your responsibility implied in long term commitments. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) Freedom is the word for you now. Whether it is freedom within or without or freedom from or freedom to, some measure of discipline is required. A clear focus with follow through until your objectives are met is implied. Deciphering what past attitudes, values and/or priorities worked and which did not is important now. Allow for unconventionality. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Sometimes it is better to hold our cards closer. You want more answers yet are less inclined to reveal. Assessing your worth or the value of your skills and/or assets may require that you tune-in to the times better. Breaking free from past patterns and conditioning that you deem restrictive is the deep end theme. Yet somehow you may have to give more to succeed. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) Who do you love and how and why? These and other such questions are being activated by outer events. New sentiments are stirring. Relationships may AJ Pumps Sudoku 1030 be deepening, yet some may be ending as well. A rebellious mood is implied. You are not in the mood to comply with convention or the status quo or yield to other people’s opinions and expectations. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Deciphering what constiJuly 26, 2012 tutes a healthier flow and or lifestyle continues. A main goal is to increase your confidence levels. Creating more harmony and beauty close to home is likely. Getting clear on what you value may not be so easy though. It may be a good idea to be decisive about the small stuff before you tackle larger considerations so you can do so with the clutter cleared.
The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012 11
Meteors light up West My Friend opens tour at Garden Bay Pub August skies Stargazing T W
arm August nights are perfect for getting out the lawn chairs and sitting out under the nighttime sky. Looking up near the zenith, against a backdrop of black sky, shines a hazy white band, bisecting the sky and snaking down toward the southern horizon. While sometimes mistaken for a cloud this is actually the combined light of billions of stars, dusts and gases, all emanating from the center of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. While many have tried to claim the honor, this big sky view truly is ‘the greatest show on earth’. Just when you thought it can’t get any better than this, a shooting star flashes across the sky. Of course these shooting stars, or meteors, are actually just specs of interstellar dust colliding at a high speed and burning up in the earth’s atmosphere. These summer meteors are all part of a debris trail left behind by Comet Swift-Tuttle. Comet SwiftTuttle is in orbit around our Sun, as we are, and every July and August our planet passes through that field of comet debris. This results in an increasing number of meteors visible to us starting in early July and peaking on the night of August 11. On and around the peak night
Obsessions consume Crowston Gallery
one can view up to 60 meteors per hour if under open horizons and far away from lights. Mark your calendars because this year’s peak couldn’t be better placed as it falls on a Saturday night with no offending moonlight to wash out the view. Viewing meteors requires no special equipment other than a flat surface to lie on and a warm blanket to fend off the cold. Just gaze up at the largest area of sky your location allows you to see and Mother Nature will do the rest! Astronomers do hourly counts to gauge a meteor shower’s intensity. How many meteors an hour will you see? Your local Astronomy Club invites everyone to come out to Porpoise Bay Park on Saturday, August 18, from 2 pm to midnight for a full day and night of Astronomical events including solar viewing during the day, a presentation at the Amphitheater at dusk and nighttime telescope viewing of stars, planets, nebulae and distant galaxies. If you haven’t yet seen the great globular star cluster M13 in Hercules or the ring nebula, M57, in Lyra, plan to attend. For more info on this and other Astronomy events visit www.coastastronomy. ca or call 604-740-5860. Submitted by Neil Sandy
he sonically adventurous indie roots group, West My Friend, kicks off its Homesick Blues Tour at the Garden Bay Pub with a one-night-only performance on Wednesday, August 1 at 8 pm. Conceived in a Victoria café in 2009, the group’s unique sound – described as indie-roots meets chamber-folk – blends wellcrafted and clever lyrics, acrobatic mandolin riffs, flawless bass lines, and richly textured accordion, drawing on each member’s wealth of musical experience and classical training. Recently nominated for a Vancouver Island Music
Award, the group has been hailed for “a sound of true Canadiana achieved via extraordinary musicianship. Eden Oliver’s vocals are powerfully eclectic, bridging the gap between east coast Cape Breton and Vancouver Island.” (Brad Edwards, Play in Victoria.net) West My Friend recently released their first fulllength album, Place. Their acoustic instrumentation (Eden Oliver on guitar and flute; Alex Rempel, mandolin; Jeff Poynter, accordion; Brian Anderson, bass) and four-part vocal harmonies take folk-roots music to a new level.
Sechelt recognized by Age-friendly BC
echelt is among nine BC communities recognized by Age-friendly BC for working to support older residents remaining healthy and active in the community. To achieve recognition, local governments committed to age-friendly improvements in local government resolutions, established advisory committees, conducted age-friendly assessments and developed and published action plans - all with the leadership and involvement of local seniors. The nine communities will each receive an Agefriendly BC award poster and a $1,000 grant to create a legacy project or a celebra-
tion, and will be highlighted on the SeniorsBC.ca website. Based on the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Pan-Canadian Age-friendly Community Recognition Initiative, Age-friendly BC focuses on providing communities with support, information and recognition to help meet the needs of an aging population. More than 120 BC communities have completed some form of age-friendly initiative to address the needs of older residents.
#21-4116 Browning rd • $121,500 Lovely 924 sq ft 2 bedroom mobile in popular 55+ park near Wilson Creek has many extras. Recently renovated with laminate floors, spacious living/ dining /kitchen areas, large covered deck and carport, 5 new appliances, plus fireplace. The most private spot in the park, overlooks spacious green park area with extra RV parking available nearby. Only 5 minutes walk to the beach. Small dogs welcome.
DAVE BRACKETT 604-886-8107
dave_brackett@telus.net • www.davebrackett.com Toll Free: 1-800-837-3870 • Cel: 778-839-0219 #117-1100 Sunshine Coast Hwy., Gibsons B.C.
Serving the Sunshine Coast for 35 years. Three generations of tree service. MAIN NUMBER
604.885.2109 604.740.2452 604.886.7889
Peerless 1023
A long established wholesaler of fine Persian & Eastern, imported handmade, wool and silk carpets has been seized by creditors. Their assets are ordered to be sold by auction liquidations.
Oak Tree 1030
SHORT RIBS..................................$3.99/LB. NEW YORK STEAKS................. $8.69/LB. SOCKEYE SALMON FILLETS.................. $15.00/LB.
Try our BBQ-ready beef or chicken skewers
July 26, 2012
Sunshine Coast Arts Centre
selection of Coast artists’ Obsessions will be displayed in the Doris Crowston Gallery at the Sunshine Coast Arts Centre, corner of Trail and Medusa, Sechelt, from August 1 to 26. The Opening Reception on Wednesday, August 1 from 7 to 9 pm offers an interactive event by Anna Banana in the garden courtyard, and an opportunity to meet with the artists. Come and share your obsessions! Submitted
ORGANIC JUICE ...........................$6.49EA.
LADY BUG, 1.9 L.
BATHROOM TISSUE ................... 3/$5.00
Smart Klean Laundry Balls now available
LEMONS ........................................... 4/$1.00 BANANAS.............................................49¢/LB. MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-6PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. July 27 to Thurs. Aug. 2 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411
Masterpieces of wealth caliber! LARGE WOOL AND SILK PERSIAN & ORIENTAL RUGS
plus many more from other corporate contracts. ~ TRADITIONAL AS WELL AS CONTEMPORARY ~ TURKOMAN, LARGE SILK JAIPUR, TABRIZ, KASHAN, SHIRAZ GASHGAI, SILK TABRIZ, FINE GABEH, ANTIQUE SIRJAN,SAROUG, NEPAL, MEIMEHI, CHOBI, FINE NAIN, TIBETTAN,TRIBAL BALOUCH, ONE OF A KIND VILLAGE RUGS, RUNNERS, OVERSIZED AND MANY LARGE DINING LIVING ROOM SIZES. Terms: Cash, Visa,MC ,15% buyers’ premium plus HST applicable. Some items in advertisement are subject to prior sales/error/omissions. Licensed auctioneers. For more info please call 604-229-1800
The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012
WEATHER forecast Thurs. July 26
Fri. July 27
Sat. July 28
Sun. July 29
Sunny H: 24º L: 16º
Sunny H: 22º L: 16º
Mainly sunny H: 22º L: 15º
Mainly sunny H: 20º L: 14º
Mon. July 30
Tues. July 31
Wed. Aug. 1
Thurs. Aug. 2
Sunny H: 20º L: 14º
Sunny H: 21º L: 14º
Mainly sunny Mainly sunny H: 21º H: 21º L: 14º L: 13º
Your one stop for everything roofing • Custom sheet metal fabrication • Metal roofing manufacturing • Sales & installation
4472 Hilltop Road
Wilson Creek 604-740-3927
A buyers’ market for investors, too Weathertight weather 1030
potential homebuyers days or months to sell a and investors alike. The property, depending on combination of lower the strength of the market Kenan home prices across the in a particular region. MacKenzie Sunshine Coast and his• Consider cash flow. Sunshine Coast Real Estate News torically low mortgage Have enough capital on rates – two essential fac- hand to cover any shortJuly 26, 2012 urn on any financial tors that usually don’t term losses due to vacannews program and trend in the same direc- cies between tenants. • Start small. Look into at some point you’ll hear tion – have triggered a the experts extolling the buyer’s market in many buying a condo, singlevirtues of diversification. areas of the country. For family home or duplex. • Find a property that Real estate has long been investors planning to rent considered a conserva- their properties, this can will be in demand. Look tive, long-term strategy to make the difference in for a moderately priced achieving positive cash home with three or four growing wealth. bedrooms, two bathrooms, The present downturn flow sooner. To be successful novice and a garage that sits on a has created a historic buying opportunity for investors should follow quiet street. some basic principles. • Get independent • Learn all you can about home, roof and septic inBROUGHT TO YOU BY crossword 1030 Because even the market.Claytons Investment spections. properties are not liquid the best inspection can’t investments. It could take always predict problems, DOWN
Real Estate Tips
25. Formidable 32. More or less 33. Employed 34. Center 37. “Comes and ____” 38. Not fluid 39. Head of hair 40. Autonomic nervous system 41. Rip up 42. A dish of tomatoes and greens 43. Partisan
45. Electrical pioneer 49. Many millennia 50. Self-reproach 53. Relating to a wedding 57. Blue blood 59. Initial wager 60. Small amount 61. Found around a painting 62. Computer symbol 63. Equal 64. Type of drill 65. Short sleeps
Your first choice in foods
• Meat & Deli 604-885-9812 • Produce & Floral 604-885-9841 • Bakery 604-885-9823 • Office 604-885-2025
Trail Bay Centre • 5755 Cowrie Street, Sechelt
of service
ACROSS 1. Flightless bird 5. Panache 10. Rip 14. Biblical garden 15. Clamor 16. Doing nothing 17. Foliage 18. Three-party 20. Ideal 22. Experienced 23. Mother 24. Apprehensive
1. Large brown seaweed 2. Bright thought 3. Don 4. Notorious 5. Bury 6. Maize 7. 52 in Roman numerals 8. Vipers 9. Heavy, durable furniture wood 10. Name of a book 11. Ancient Roman magistrate 12. Change 13. Slender 19. Angered 21. Urarthritis 25. Indian music 26. Black, in poetry 27. Accomplishes 28. Prickle 29. Suffered 30. _____ and groom 31. Directed 34. Angel’s headwear 35. Two-toed sloth 36. What we sleep on 38. Female pronoun 39. Service 41. Begin 42. Cease 44. Spay 45. Vagabond 46. Creepy 47. Strike 48. Unsuccessful person 51. Couch 52. Beige 53. What a person is called 54. Ancient Peruvian 55. At the peak of 56. Focusing glass 58. A small piece of cloth
100% L
Solution on page 14. Courtesy of puzzlechoice.com
set aside some of the rental income for unexpected repairs which can eat away cash flow. • Drive through the neighborhood and note the condition of other properties. Are homes and lawns well maintained? • Be ready to make fixes quickly and respond to the renter’s needs or consider hiring a property management firm. Investing in a property is much different than living in one. While emotion and attachment can be prime motivators when it comes to purchasing one’s own residence, it is return on investment that counts when purchasing an investment property.
Fire prohibitions expanded within Coastal Fire Centre July 26, 2012
ffective Friday, July 20, 2012, a Category 2 open fire and fireworks prohibition applies to all areas within the Coastal Fire Centre. This prohibits burning of any waste, slash, or other material, stubble or grass, and the use of fireworks or burning barrels of any size or description. The ban does not prohibit campfires up to a half-meter high by a half-meter wide or smaller, and does not apply to propane, gas or briquette cooking stoves. Anyone lighting a campfire must maintain a fireguard by removing flammable debris from the campfire area and must have a hand tool or at least eight liters of water available nearby to properly extinguish the fire. The prohibition covers all BC Parks, Crown lands and private lands, but does not apply within the boundaries of local
Lock and Leave.
governments that have forest fire prevention bylaws and are serviced by a fire department. Please check with civic authorities for any restrictions before lighting a fire. Anyone found in contravention of an open fire ban may be fined $345 or, if convicted in court, be fined up to $100,000 and sentenced to one year in jail. If the contravention causes or contributes to a wildfire, the person may be subject to a penalty of up to $10,000 and be ordered to pay all firefighting
and associated costs. This prohibition is intended to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public safety. It will remain in place until Sept. 15, 2012, or until the public is otherwise notified. Category 3 open burning, used for resource management reasons, is still allowed. However, anyone conducting this type of open burning may only conduct one burn at a time and must first obtain a burn registration number by calling 1-888 797-1717.
Sea Cavalcade
Harbour for the Thistle Regatta race. Jim Taylor performs at Zocalo on Marine Drive from 2 to 4 pm. SeaCav weekend winds up at Dougall Park with a family-oriented Party in the Park from 5 to 8 pm, featuring games, bouncy castle, Gerardo Avila’s magic show, Driftwood Story Theatre, a hot dog BBQ and more. Take the bus home.
(Continued from page 6) The Fraser Blues Airshow over Gibsons Harbour at 12.30 pm demonstrates just what vintage Navion aircraft can do in close formation. The flyovers and flypasts teased – this 20-minute show is the full meal deal. Below, sailboats cross Gibsons
SELLING? Call on our experience
Randy & Melody NO HST
ew NHomes from $249,900 885-5414 On sales by Aug. 31, 2012 For Qualified Buyers
Lily Lake 1030
604-740-7784 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE HUNDREDS OF HOMES SOLD! www.suncoastproperty.com
The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012 13
Local The
100 – Announcements • Birth Announcements • Birthday Greetings • Upcoming Events • Engagements • Anniversaries • Weddings • Personals • Thanks • Obituaries • In Memorium 200 – Community Notices • Church Services • Memorial Services • Classes 300 – Marketplace - General • Antiques & Collectibles • Furniture • Appliances • Misc. For Sale • Garage Sales • Sports & Exercise Equipment • Firewood • Trade & Barter • Wanted • Free • Lost/Found 400 – Automotive • Cars For Sale • Trucks and SUVs • Special Interest & Classics • RVs and Campers • Motorcycles & Off Road • Parts & Accessories • Repairs and Service • Machinery & Tools 500 – Marine • Boats for Sale • Boats Wanted • Moorage For Rent • Trailers for Sale • Boat Motors • Boat Repair Services 600 – Construction • Home Repairs • Renovations • Materials • Log Homes • Machinery & Tools 700 – Real Estate • Lots for Sale • Homes for Sales • Mobile Homes • Commercial For Sale • Apartments/ Condos For Sale • Townhouses For Sale • Wanted to Buy 800 – For Rent • Homes • Apartments & Suites • Commercial • Storage • Other • Shared Accommodation • Wanted to Rent 900 – Travel • Vacation Rentals • Timeshare Property • Travel Deals 1000 – Employment • Help Wanted – General • Help Wanted – Professional • Work Wanted - General 1100 – Professional Services • Housesitting Service • Music • Computers • Security • Financial Services • Couriers • Child/Day/After School Care • Fitness Services • Wellness Services • Cleaning/Janitorial Services 1200 – Pets • For Sale • Lost • Found • Pet Services 1300 – Business Opportunities 1400 – Legal and Public Notices 1500 – Too late to Classify c
Sechelt fashion-fun gals (25–92+): Private, exclusive local viewing of new, upscale ‘City Style’ collection. For appt. 604-885-2988 afternoons. b30
Books, Records, Art Prints, Antiques, etc. We also offer the best selection of French books & records on the Coast. Open everyday 11am5pm. Cash only. 8122 Redrooffs Road, Halfmoon Bay. 604-885-2027. http://www.labrocante.ca p39
Sunday July 29, 9:00am – 2:00pm. Art Studio and Gallery Clearance Sale. Art by various artists, handmade jewelry and more. 5593 Sans Souci Rd., Secret Cove. p30
Sand & Gravel
Ask about our free 2-hour assessment
APTS & SUITES Gibsons: Private waterfront 1 bdrm suite. Looking for a long term tenant. $850/mo, N/S, N/P. Avail now, call Key Property Management at 604Dump 1028 886-6618 for truck viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b30 Sechelt: Dolphin bldg in downtown Sechelt has two, 1 bdrm units avail now. $750 & $850/ mo. Newly renovated. Call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b30
June 28, 2012
Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn
500 V8, 12 spd, certified until Oct. 2012. $17,500 obo. 604-885-7727 P30
CASH for your unwanted motorhomes, trailers, boats, cars, trucks, etc. 604-886-7341. b30
Four x 13” Honda Civic stock rims and tires, hubcaps & nuts, $120. 604-883-3611 p30
Wood picnic tables. Will pay cash and will pick up. Phone 604-9897275. btfn Retired hobbyist wants discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramo* etc. 604-740-3989 p30 phones (+hst)
$ CASH $
Put your GARAGE SALE Classified ad in The Local and we’ll run it for two weeks plus we’ll bold your address at NO EXTRA CHARGE! (* max. 20 words)
• Reading Skills • Math Skills • Attention Enhancement
Roberts Creek: 1 bdrm cabin, $725/mo. incls W/D and hydro. N/S, pet ok. Avail. Sept. 1, call 604886-0122. p31
radio, 140,000 kms. A zippy car Top Quality Soillittle 1026 with a lot of life left in it! $1,200 obo. Phone 604-741-0808 eves. ftfn
740-7715 b35
Only $7
offering five-day courses in:
Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn
Soil starting at
“Simply the Best”
We make it, bake it & grow it on the Sunshine Coast
Waynne Pretty
1989 Ford Escort H/B auto, good
Kathryn of KM Jewellery
If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. 604-8858208. btfn
Gibsons: SxS duplex, two stories, 3 bdrms, avail. now. Great view w/2 decks, FP and rec room. $1300/mo. N/S, pet negot. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b30
July 26, 2012 tires, good shape, great gas mileage,
Rain or Shine ~ FEATURED VENDOR ~
Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. b35
Gibsons: Security in numbers! 3 bdrm twnhs in this six-plex, close to schools and shopping. N/S, sm pet ok. $1200/mo. Avail. now, call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b30
Ask fonre Wayn
Downtown Sechelt every Saturday 9am to 2:30pm
Sechelt Farmer's Market 1030 GARAGE SALES
RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-8869813 btfn
for any old
Coins & Bills
July 12, 2012
Professional Services...
Computer desk w/2 drawers & keyboard tray. 604-740-8011. f30 GE Dishwasher, very gd working cond. 604-741-9791. f30
55+ park in Wilson Creek
(+hst)Manufactured home, 2 bdrm, bungalow.
for only $
Local 604-885-3134 The
BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b30
Malaspina Realty 1006 StagePas 300
Professional Hair Care. Women and men at 107 Cowrie Lane, Sechelt. Call 604-741-2388. b30
Put your GARAGE Classified ad All shots, house With Personal FocusSALEthe right home.
Longhaired Dachshund for sale to
mo. old, very healthy in The Local and we’ll run ittrained, for two10weeks allergic. 604-
Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721
Garden Bay: Office/studio or storage, approx. 600 ft. w / July 12,sq.2012 your bath and hydro meter, $450/mo. Could subdivide. Avail. Aug 1. 604-883-3611 b30
Sechelt: in The Local andAvailable immediately, spaces for rent, one we’ll run itcommercial for two weeks 800 FOR RENT Deep freeze, 8 cu ft. $165 - offers? area or both available. For more Found: Set of keys on Trickle604-741-9955. p30 plus we’ll bold your address at plus we’ll bold your address details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. brook, Gibsons. Call to identify, Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. 604-886-3534. f30 HOMES AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! NO EXTRA CHARGE! (* max. 20 words) Call Brad for more info at 604-885MISC. FOR SALE *Plus HST • (max. 20 words) 3281. btfnEMPLO Did you know that Lost and Gibsons: 2 bdrm, 2 bath condo
Aquarium – bow front, 30 gal, all glass c/w glass stand. $40. Call 604-399-9319. p30
Convert your old records & tapes to noise-free CDs. Also records bought and sold. GOODSOUNDS, 604-885-0476. b30
put Adult oriented, 865 sq.ft. detached, 8 xto 12 wrkshp. Covered 2-car carport. 12 x 20 sundeck GARAGE SALE Mike Carson 604-885-3295 CLASSIFIED AD
Put your GARAGE SALE Classified ad
This ad could be yours
and loving. Owner Strata • rental ProPertieS Big Maples plus we’llfor boldsale your1028 address at p31 883-2882. CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial (+hst) NO EXTRA CHARGE! (* max. 20 words)
Only $
King sz water bed mattress, liner and heater. You pick up. 604-8852027. f30
1200 PETS
APPLIANCES in The Local and we’llLOST run/ itFOUND for two weeks
Call Today! Carbon Waterfilter, maintains entire house. Bought for $1000, sell for $170!! Moving boxes, $3/ea or $60 takes all. 604741-0828. p31
Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn
HOMES FOR SALE Put your GARAGE SALE Classified ad April 19, 2012 604-741-0605 604-740-6474 in The Local and we’ll run it for twotfnweeksWOW! $155,000 April 5, 2012 plus we’ll bold your address at Big Maples Beauty! FREE NO EXTRA CHARGE! (* max. 20 words) 300 MARKETPLACE 103 - 4510 S.C. Hwy.
WAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL Teacher and Davis-licenced specialist. learnable@dccnet.com B52 www.dyslexiadoor.com
Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.
Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. bom27
(* max. 20 words)
Did you know that free ads are FREE in The Local? Restrictions apply.
From the heart - exp. kind & patient care/aide, clean house and/ or garage (no toxins); cook, doula, drive, garden, shop, type 85 wpm, $20/hr. w/references. 604-7405623 p30
#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802
.25 acre lot for sale by owner 1014 in Bonniebrook Heights, Gibsons. Panoramic view of Georgia Straight w/southern exposure and service to the lot line. Was $299,500 now reduced to $189,500 for quick sale! Email for more info: vernonresolution2@gmail.com p30
Only $7
For complete rental 500 MARINE COMPUTERS 70 HP Mercury O/B $1500 - can inlistings and photos stall. 604-886-1242. p30 Sunshine Coast Computer Repair. Virus removal, network setup, * visit our website: avail. 12857 Madeira Put your GARAGE SALE Classified ad in The Local and we will runservice it $ two weeks plus we’ll bold your address at NO EXTRA CHARGE!home 700 - REAL ESTATE Park Rd . 604-865-0688. b30 Only Johnny Walker 1016 www.malaspinapm.ca Feb. 9, 2012
Silver & Gold * Only $ 7etc. dd Antique Items,
RE Décor Consignment. ‘Retail therapy at it’s very best!‘ Charming, eclectic, nature inspired, beachy casual décor for the home or cabin. ‘Where we Live’ landscape and seascape photography by local Diane Nicholson. Always stylish, always affordable. www.redecor.ca www.facebook.com/redecorsechelt. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-885-5884. Open Sunday, 12pm4pm. b30
w/patios. Nat. gas F/P and inhouse laundry. $1100/mo., utils extra. Call 778-839-0219. p31
Gibsons: 3 bdrm home w/lge yd. North Rd, close to shops & school. $1450/mo., incls utils. Call 604886-8355. p31
Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn
ASHLEY’S Books & Records is for sale. Now’s your chance! $59,000 obo. 604-885-8952. b31
Only $ to put your
in The Local and we’ll run it for two weeks plus we’ll bold your address
AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! Plus HST (* max. 20 words)
Read the Classifieds & Local Events online thelo c alweek ly.c a
OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL: thelocal@telus.net
$6.00 + HST*
20¢ each additional word + HST * Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.
14 The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012
HANSON MARINE • towing • freight transfer • anchors • floats • ramps • salvage & construction ryan@hansonmarine.ca • barge & crane service www.hansonmarine.ca • dock & cottage inspections
SERVICE DIRECTORY This is your adWest proof Coast Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub in the next issue of & Pressure Wash Land Service
Hanson 1030
callTheBoys.ca 604-740-0004
FREE ESTIMATES ~ WCB Coverage ~ b38
Happy Sea Cavalade!
Please let us know how we • Pruning • Hedge Trimming • Edging • window washing can serve you best. VACATION HOME CARE is important • gutter Your business to us!cleaning b30
July 26, 2012
CALL LAURIE 6049930533
• water taxi service • emergency towing • C-Tow assistance 24 hour serviCe - 7 days a Week
www.sunshinecoastwatertaxi.ca RYAN HANSON
LOCAL EVENTS THURSDAY, JULY 26 •5:00pm - 9:00pm. Sechelt Night Market (rain or shine). Cowrie Street, downtown Sechelt. For further info call 604-885-9611. secheltdowntown.com •5:30pm - 7:30pm. Green Drinks Sunshine Coast. A collaboration of One Straw Society and Deer Crossing the Art Farm. Gumboot Cafe, Roberts Creek. •7:00pm. Nikki Weber band at Wheatberries Bistro, 818 Gibsons Way, Gibsons. Free.
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1 •3:00pm - 6:00pm. Farm Gate Market at Roberts Creek Community Hall.
Cowrie Street, downtown Sechelt. For further info call 604-885-9611. secheltdowntown.com
THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 •5:00pm - 9:00pm. Sechelt Night Market (rain or shine). Cowrie Street, downtown Sechelt. For further info call 604-885-9611. secheltdowntown.com
SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 •9:00am - 2:30pm. Sechelt Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market, end of Cowrie St. 604-885-8483
SATURDAY, JULY 28 • Sea Cavalcade, Gibsons www.seacavalcade.ca • 9:00am - 2:30pm. Sechelt Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market, end of Cowrie St. 604-885-8483 •11:00am. Sunshine Carnival. Music, face painting, storytime. Free event at the Seaside Centre, Sechelt.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 •9:00am - 2:30pm. Sechelt Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market, end of Cowrie St. 604-8858483 •10:00am - 2:00pm. Friends of the Sechelt Public Library are having another Book Faire in the Community Room at the Sechelt Library. New selections added.
SUNDAY, JULY 29 • Sea Cavalcade, Gibsons www.seacavalcade.ca •10:00am. 2nd Annual Swim for the Salmon. Porpoise Bay Park, Sechelt. More info call 604-989-7364 or visit www. captainquinn.com •7:30pm. SC Guitar Society at the Rockwood Centre, Sechelt. More info call 604-7405938 or 604-886-0031.
• Renos • Decks • Fences • Rockwalls • Landscaping • Waste Removal • Tree Removal • Excavator • Dump Truck Nov. 10, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ • Rockwall Garden Beds *The Best Quality • Value • Service* Deadline for approval or changes is One call does it all! b31 tfn Monday by 3:00604-989-3800 p.m. Garden 1023 If we do not hear from you by thisASIAGophers N TE GARDEN GOPHERS AT A E time, we can assume all is correct. R COMPLETE LAWN/YARD CARE G SERVICES OFFERED • Mowing • De-thatching • Weeding
FRIDAY, AUGUST 3 •7:00pm - 8:00pm. Music in the Landing at the Gazebo on the wharf in Gibsons. www.gibsons.ca
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 •10:00am - 3:00pm. Gibsons Sunday Market. Holland Park, Gower Point Road. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8 •3:00pm - 6:00pm. Farm Gate Market at Roberts Creek Community Hall. THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 •5:00pm - 9:00pm. Sechelt Night Market (rain or shine).
SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 •10:00am - 3:00pm. Special Sunday Opening of St. Mary’s Thrift Shop in Sechelt. •12:00pm - 5:00pm. 6th Annual Linwood Art Experience. A ‘Victorian Garden Party’ with over 30 Sunshine Coast Artists displaying & selling their work. 3144 Linwood Rd., Upper Roberts Creek. For more info call 604-740-3757. SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 • Creek Daze in Roberts Creek. www.robertscreekcommunity.ca/ creek-daze •3:00pm - 11:00pm. Astronomy in the Park - Royal Astronomical Society at Porpoise Bay Prov. Park. Exhibits, giveaways, safe solar viewing and more! www.coastastronomy.ca MONDAY, AUGUST 20 •9:00am - 12:00pm. Join the fun at Bethel Baptist Church Aug. 20 - 24 for ‘Operation Overboard’ (for children from Kindergarten to grade 5) or the ‘Adventure Program’ ( for grades 6 & 7 ). To pre-register please call 604-885-3919.
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The Local - Thursday, July 26, 2012
Local The
Weekly Community Newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194
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