The Local January 19, 2012

Page 1

Local The Custom Cabinetry For New Homes & Renovations


Volunteerism alive at Habitat

Deanna Paul started 2012 Good cheer brings off with the big win thanks volunteers together to to her Rotary This calendar is your ad build for the future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .proof . . . . . . Page 5

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7

in the next issue of


SouTh CoAST FoRD SALES June 2, 2011

LTD. Issue Date: ____________________ Wharf Road, Sechelt BC Deadline 5606 for approval 604-885-3281 • Toll Free 1-800-538-4504 or changes SALESis • PARTS • SERVICE

$18,500 If we do not hear from you by this

Volume 10 - Issue 3

Gearing up for Literacy Week


Capilano University gears up with courses to support literacy for adults

Look for these inserts:

• Codfathers (Gibsons) • Home Hardware

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11

Start your year off naturally... BAMBOO Sheets & Duvet Covers

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Your Weekly Community Newspaper • Sunshine Coast BC • Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jan. 19, 2012



HOURS: 10 am - 6 pm Mon. - Sat.

time, we can assume all is correct.

Coast man receives lifesaving award Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!

This is your ad proof in the next issue of



NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 604-886-1522




Jan. 19, 2012

June 9, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ Deadline for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m. If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct. Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!

This is your ad proof in the next issue of



June 2, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ Deadline for approval or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m. If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.

604-885-3582 •

Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!



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Because every minute counts … Jan. 19, 2012

L-R: Scott Spain, new Sechelt BC Ambulance Unit Chief; paramedic Cheryl Jensen; District Superintendent, Richard M. Chick; young hero, Paul Jensen and his father John Jensen. Paul Jensen received the Vital Link Humanitarian Award Thursday, January 12 at the Sechelt BC Ambulance station, presented to him by District Superintendent Richard M. Chick and new Sechelt Unit Chief, Scott Spain. The award was given to Jensen for his quick response in providing CPR when his father, John Jensen, collapsed with a heart attack in March of 2010. Because the younger Jensen provided good compressions and paramedics were able to provide continuing therapy, he became the vital link between life and death for his father.

We were installing a set of pre-built stairs at a job site on March 4, 2010, when I saw him fall down,” said Paul Jensen, now 20. “I thought he’d just tripped, because he was walking backwards, but then he didn’t get up.” Because his father, John Jensen, had suffered a heart attack a couple of years be-

fore,This he always carried is your adnitro proof The 911 dispatcher sprayin inthe his truck – somenext issue of coached the young man step thing everyone in his family by step through performing knew. When Paul realized ‘deep cardio compressions’, his father wasn’t breathing, commonly known as CPR, he raced for the nitro spray something both father and and put two sprays under his son had learned when Paul June 2, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ father’s tongue. When there was a Scout and his father Deadline was no reaction,for andapproval he saw the Scout Leader. Though his father turning purple, or changes is he he’d taken the course seven dialedMonday 911. by 3:00 p.m. years before, he was in shock

and unable to recall everything. With the calm coaching of the operator, he was able to see that his efforts were making a difference. “His face and hands were turning kind of flushed red,” said the younger Jensen, “and I remembered my See “Coast Man” continued on page 2

sales • service web web design/hosting

883 • 1331

If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct. Please let us know how we can serve you best. Your business is important to us!


On New 2012 Verano, Cruze, Sonic, Regal and Orlando’s


2 The Local - Thursday, January 19, 2012



5645 Wharf Road (across from Home Building Centre) Open Tues-Sat 9am-5pm • Closed Sun & Mon

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Coast man receives award

continued from front page instructor saying that if your chest doesn’t hurt, you’re not doing it right.” When paramedics Chris Dec 1, 2011 Watkins and Cheryl Jensen (no relation) arrived, they listed the patient as ‘viable’. As Sechelt Unit Chief Scott Spain ex- This is your ad proof plained, “Deep pressure on the heart stimulates in the next issue of circulation throughout the body and primes the heart for therapy when the paramedics arrive.” June 2, 2011 Because of Paul’s quickIssue Date: ____________________ thinking and actions, his Deadline for approval father survived the nearor changes is death experience and was Monday by 3:00 p.m. on hand January 12 to see If we do not hear from you by this his son receive an award time, we can assume all is correct. for his heroic actions. BC Ambulance Platoon Please let us know how we canAmbulance serve you best. station in Superintendent Richard BC Your business is important to us! M. Chick, who oversees Sechelt where he and Spain the operations of District presented Paul Jensen with One, including the Sun- a medal and certificate. The Vital Link Humanishine Coast, attended the


BR.#109 • 604-886-2411

Jan. 19, 2012

FrIDay, JaNUary 20

BEEF DIP 5 – 7:30 pm

Music by WILLIE McCALDER 7 – 11 pm FrIDay, JaNUary 27 Music and Dinner to be announced. Or call the Legion 604-886-2411 FrIDay, FeBrUary 3 Dinner to be announced.

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We schedule courses by request. Training on your schedule.

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The family celebrates being together. L-R: John, Paul, Denise and Lee Jensen.


tarian Award is given to anyone who, through positive, knowledgeable performance, provides care to a victim until paramedics arrive to take over. These heroes provide the vital link between life and death for many. This is your ad proof “We’ve hadin the over next 20 issue of nominations in the past six months,” Chick told The The Local. “It’s important to know that minutes count; for every minute Oct 13, 2011 compressionsIssue areDate: not____________________ started, the chances of survival Deadline for approval drop by ten per cent.” All or changes is members of the emergency Monday by 3:00 p.m. response team, including dispatcher Dave If we doStevens, not hear from you by this will be recognized forcana assume job all is correct. time, we well done. is a very talented baseball let inus knowplayer how weand the Sunshine When asked Please if this can serve you best. cident changed Coasttowill Your anything business is important us! see him rise in in his life, John Jensen that sport. replied, “It has definitely On hand for the presenchanged my relationship tation were Paul’s mother, with Paul. I now see a Denise, his brother Lee, side of him I’d never seen and his girlfriend, Katy, before.” He added, “I’m who told The Local, “I very proud of both of my feel safer, just having Paul sons.” He added that Lee around.”

I thought he’d just tripped but he didn’t get up.



• Take a Stroll in SECHELT on Cowrie Street • Ann-Lynn

Flowers & Gifts Sechelt’s Flower Store

5695 Cowrie St. Sechelt


bed & bath collections Year-End Inventory Clearance! While quantities last!

ReDecor 1003

consignment One-of-a-kind Gifts From our Guest Book…

“A little treasure of a store.” ~ Nicole ~


Goldsmith • Custom Designs • Repairs

Custom-made Jan. 19, 2012 has never looked so good!

Jan. 12, 2012

5668 Cowrie Street, Sechelt 604-885-4893


5660 Cowrie St. 604-885-5884

5677 Cowrie Street • 604-740-0050 (next door to Village Cafe)


The Local - Thursday, January 19, 2012 3

A great start to 2012! Mayor’s Message John Henderson Mayor, District of Sechelt


t’s been an exciting time in Sechelt over the past two weeks. On January 9, the District assumed control of the golf course lands in West Sechelt and held a Public Hearing regarding the Target Marine rezoning application. The next morning, I had the pleasure of joining with our MP, John Weston, and Barbara Steele, former President of UBCM, to announce an $8 million funding for our wastewater treatment. Then on Saturday, we held a public Information & Ideas Meeting for those interested in the future of the golf course. My thanks to the 125 or so people

who attended. The $8 million funding announcement is a tremendous win for Sechelt. It means we’ll become a world leader in wastewater treatment. We will be able to build facilities that are noiseless, odourless and environmentally friendly, while being affordable to our community. Achieving this will rid our downtown neighbourhoods of the sometimes terrible odours. It will also enable us to capitalize on a great opportunity – for us to become a Centre of Excellence in Wastewater Treatment Technology. I have talked about the importance of putting Sechelt “on the map”. This announcement goes a long way towards showing the world that we’re progressive, vibrant and “open for business”. The golf course is a real

jewel and your Council felt it was important to protect this asset for the benefit of all of Sechelt. The restaurant also has great potential, whether for casual meals or for functions such as weddings, birthday parties or corporate events. We envision having the restaurant open in the very near future. My thanks to the District’s staff as well as staff of the former operator and other volunteers who have stepped up big time to help us protect this important asset. A reminder that the golf course is OPEN – in fact, it’s been open since the day after we assumed control (except when Mother Nature interferes). On behalf of Council, my thanks for the many kinds words and support that you have expressed. It’s an exciting time for Sechelt – and we’re honoured to be able to be a part of it.


You’ve got to hand it to her… Local jewellery artist Kerri Luciani’s creative signature pieces in earth tones, semi-precious stones and feathers.

Your Best Source of Local Art, Crafts, Books and Music on BC’s Sunshine Coast

Local photographer Vene Parnell is recognized for her moving portraits of Gibsons.



Where have all the bottles gone? Ask Bottle Me!


njoy making your own wine? Why buy new bottles, when you can reduce your carbon footprint and support developmentally disabled individuals on the Sunshine Coast? Bottle Me is a grassroots operation, supported by the SC Association for Community Living’s Supported Employment Program with 10 employees, who are enthusiastic and proud of their work. The company reuses over 10,000 bottles a year – reuse of glass containers is preferable to recycling, according to the recycling hierarchy. At this time we are very low on used wine bottles. We are asking the public to check their storage spaces, garages, etc. for bottles that may be collecting dust. Bottle Me sells clean, ready-to-use 750 ml bottles (our most popular size).

Inquire about other bottle sizes, too. We are located at SCACL, #105- 5711 Mermaid Street, in Sechelt. Call

us at 604-885-5873 (extension 229). We’re open 8:30-4 pm, Monday to Friday, closed for holidays.

An Evening with Robbie Burns presented by ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION


SATURDAY, JAN. 21, 2012 Doors open 6:30pm Tickets $25 per person

Jan. 19, 2012

Roberts Creek Sign 1002

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Rare Hopkins Landing Low Bank Waterfront Lot

A world away yet only one hour from Vancouver. Located in a unique and pristine waterfront community, a community like no other. The Lot features over 50 feet of frontage, ready to build development permit in place, septic permit is approved, driveway is in and building site is cleared. Sandy beach – a place to moor your boat and within walking distance of the ferry. Dreaming of retiring? Build your dream. Buy today! Fantastic value! One of the last remaining vacant water front lots.


4 The Local - Thursday, January 19, 2012


Language and literacy connecting cultures around the world


iteracy Week is January 21 to 28 and this is one of the many things I support. Every week is in support of something or another, but literacy is one of the most exciting. Have you ever sat with a child and sounded out words until they know that those squiggles on a page mean something? And then, suddenly, they realize that there are squiggles everywhere and they all mean something! There is an unbridled excitement when they are able to sound out and read words for the first time. It always makes me think of Helen Keller, and that exhilarating moment when she associates those unseen hand signals in her palm with the key word that open up her world – water! Language goes back so far we can only guess at its origins. It still amazes me that many languages from cultures thousands of miles apart share the same or very similar words for the same thing. Kona, in Hawaiian, means female; it means the same thing in Iceland and is spelled the same (those traveling Vikings, maybe?) But how many languages share the same words for mother, water or food? I once knew a baby from a Ukrainian family who always cried, ninga whenever he was hungry – I later discovered it was the Cree word for “food”. Literacy is more than just being able to translate squiggles into language. It is the key to freedom, growth, respect and even joy. I’ve visited other countries where the language of the signage baffles me; even though I might be able to haltingly pronounce the words (murdering the accent), their meaning eluded me, so I had a taste of what it might feel like to be illiterate. Without the ability to read, you can’t write a resume, hold a job (for very long), open a bank account, sign a lease or buy a house … and the list goes on. You always need someone to read things to you or you’re lost. You can look at the newspaper, but the words are just black ink – only the pictures are of interest and they don’t always tell the story in full. And how many ads have a photo or drawing of the product they’re selling? Literacy opens doors in ways we can only imagine. Please support literacy in our community. You will give someone opportunities you can’t even imagine – and someday, that person might make a contribution back to the community you’ll never forget.

Letters to the Editor ‘Free cataract surgery lenses’ are only worth their price The recent article on “free” cataract surgery lens implants supplied by the Health Ministry confused many of my cataract patients. “Free” rigid lenses supplied by the Ministry are an old-fashioned design that has not changed in over 30 years. I have not implanted one of these rigid lenses for years. Modern foldable lenses have been developed to take full advantage of modern small incision, sutureless surgery. I refuse to make an incision three times as large as necessary just to insert an old-fashioned rigid lens, especially when the larger incision needs to be sutured (not necessary for a modern foldable lens). Yet the Minister of Health

derides modern foldable lenses as “non-medically necessary”. Modern foldable lenses are so superior to the oldfashioned rigid lenses that I have paid for foldable lenses out of my own pocket on behalf of patients that could not afford them. I know if the Minister of Health were having cataract surgery, he would not choose one of the old-fashioned rigid lenses for himself, even if he does claim they are good enough for other BC residents. And if he did choose an old-fashioned rigid lens, I would be happy to buy a modern foldable lens for his other eye so he can see the difference for himself. St Mary’s Hospital Auxiliary and the Hospital Foundation have supplied our hospital with the most modern and advanced cataract surgery equipment

Letters to the Editor available. Surely the Ministry can supply modern lens implants so patients can take advantage of it. The Minister said “We are addressing inequalities… by standardising the cost of foldable lenses … regardless of where (patients) live”. But other Canadians don’t pay for modern foldable lenses. Most provinces pay for foldable lenses as the standard of care. Why does Alberta consider modern foldable lenses the standard of care, while our Health Minister considers them “non-medically necessary”? If you would like an answer to this question, I suggest you ask Michael de Jong, the Minister of Health at mike. Or you could call him at 250 953 3587. I wonder if he still uses one of those oldfashioned black rotary-dial phones - because cell phones are not medically necessary? Bruce D Woodburn MD FRCS (S) Ophthalmologist, Sechelt

Growing trees and helping others The Coast Lions Christmas Tree Group (Gibsons Lions, Sechelt Lions and Egmont Lions) had very successful sales from our Tree Farm, located on Leek Road. A Coastwide thank you to all those who purchased their Christmas trees from us this year! After 12 years we find that many of our customers

are making this an annual family Christmas event. The monies raised will go back into the Lions charities in our respective communities. We specifically wish to thank Todd Loitz of Walt’s Towing, Tao Karkabe of Bonniebrook Industries and Port Graves Holdings Ltd. Partnerships for their help in this ongoing project. Again, many thanks from The Lions Clubs. Garry Foxall, Chair Re: column by the chair of the SCRD Mr. Garry Nohr, ‘What we do for you’ Mr. Nohr states, “The Local has been tremendous in allowing the board chair to inform the people about SCRD functions”. Personally, I fear our chair ‘speaketh’ out of both sides of his mouth, for Mr. Nohr is very aware that all SCRD board decisions and events have to be subjected to the filtering, editing and censoring of anything that would cause the SCRD to look bad in the eyes of its residents, before it was offered to be printed in only one of the Coast newspapers. Yet, at the same time any article deemed critical of the actions of the SCRD board of Directors, mailed or handdelivered to the front desk of that one newspaper were destined for the rubbish can. To residents of the Sunshine Coast perhaps unfamiliar with our convoluted Municipal affairs allow me to offer an explanation con-

cerning Mr. George Cuff and Associates of Spruce Grove, Alberta, mentioned in Mr. Rowe’s column. Mr. Cuff is recognised in this province, across every other province of Canada, and, amazingly, down and across the length and breadth of the United States, as the premiere, number one consultant in every aspect of Municipal affairs. You may recall that it was Mr. Cuff who conducted a Corporate review of the SCRD Policies and practices in 1997, a review highly critical of how the SCRD board and its senior staff conducted, or failed to conduct and carry out, the mandate of honest services to its residents. In ending, I would like to thank the editor of The Local for providing an outlet for information that our SCRD senior staff would rather keep secret, and trust that Mr. Cuff is again given the opportunity to repeat his survey of 1997. George Skea, Hopkins Landing

Smart meters – no deal Most of us are familiar with the routine of buying fuel for our vehicles. We go to the station, fill our tank, and pay based on what the meter on the pump says. A fair and equal transaction. The merchant does what they want with our money, and we do what we want

with the gasoline. Would it make any sense to allow the merchant to install a wireless device on our cars so they could monitor how much fuel we used, or when we drove? Would we allow them to use the device to turn the fuel off and on? When we buy apples the cashier puts them on the scale and we pay based on weight. Another fair trade. The storeowner is free to do as they wish with our money and we are free to enjoy the apples in any way we like. Should we let the storeowner install cameras in our kitchens to monitor how and when we use them? Or a remote control lock on our fridge to control our use? The amount of electricity we consume is constantly measured and the utility bills us for it every two months. They do what they want with our money and we get to use the power as it pleases us. Now they want to install a communications network on top of our electrical system and use it to gather our data and control devices in our homes. And they want us to trust our personal information to the hands of mega-corporation Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. In return we will get a toy that plugs into the wall and tells us how much money we owe them; and a little more radiation; just in case you weren’t getting enough. Stanley Scott, Gibsons

Display Advertising Deadline: Jeff Smith Monday noon at The Local office Plant pickup/Post Office delivery email: Jim Clarke Classified Advertising Deadline: Wednesday night/ Thursday Monday 3:00 pm at The Local office delivery to businesses Randy Morris Carol Gardar Ron Wendy Allan Jill Editorial Deadline: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Gardarsson Gardarsson Kowalski Huber Forest Devonshire Dave Marshall Monday noon at The Local office P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Kate Purnell Publisher, Publisher, Ad Sales Office Manager, Production Graphic Thursday delivery to businesses Editor Ad Sales Manager Marketing Classifi ed Ad Sales Manager Designer Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 This publication reserves the right to refuse any advertising that it considers to email: SUBSCRIPTIONS The Local is locally operated and distributed every Thursday to FREE OF CHARGE AT contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. NEWSSTANDS AND ON website: in Canada 11,500 households on the Sunshine Coast by CANADA POST The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out BC FERRIES, LANGDALE TO (Canada Post Agreement (#41000012) and 1,400 hand-delivered to businesses. HORSESHOE BAY ROUTE. $32.65/mo Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.

Local The

The Local - Thursday, January 19, 2012 5

Helping adults improve literacy BOB BOB MICHOR F

rom Vancouver Island to Haida Gwaii, adult learners throughout the province will get help to improve their literacy and numeracy skills, thanks to projects funded through the Community Adult Literacy Program. Government is supporting 72 community adult literacy projects this year - eight more than last year. This year’s Community Adult Literacy Program (CALP) is expected to benefit close to 8,000 British Columbians. The projects are delivered through partnerships between community groups and BC’s public post-sec-

ondary institutions. In all, government is providing $2.4 million to the Community Adult Literacy Program for 2011-12. Since 2001, government has invested $18.3 million in CALP, helping more than 70,000 adults learn how to read or improve their reading, writing and numeracy skills. This program supports the BC Jobs Plan commitment to enhancing access to advanced education, skills and apprenticeship training throughout the province. The program helps people like Mervin Monks, who has worked in construction for many years and wants

to get a trade certificate in carpentry. A community literacy program delivered by the Campbell River Literacy Association gave Monks the help he needed in math to be able to successfully pass the math assessment test required to enter the carpentry foundation program at North Island College in Port Alberni. Projects funded under CALP receive up to $40,000 each to provide instruction and support to adult learners in everything from basic literacy to high school completion. Most offer one-onone tutoring by trained volunteers, small group classes

and other types of learning tailored to adults, Aboriginal learners, young parents and others in the community in need of support. CALP projects are offered in a variety of settings schools, non-profit organizations, native friendship and community centres - and are supported by volunteers. Projects focus on the individual goals of learners - such as improving their literacy skills in order to enhance the quality of their lives, improving their employment opportunities, furthering their education and increasing their involvement in their families and communities.

Rotary announces New Year Day calendar winner


t was a very happy New Year for Deanna Paul, winner of the Rotary Cash Calendar Grand Prize draw. Marg Green, President, Rotary Club of Sechelt and Calendar Chairperson Marnie Hatton presented the cheque for $3,000. Deanna received her calendar as a birthday gift from her sister Gwen Bob. Deanna and

Gwen have purchased Cash Calendars each year since the Sechelt Rotary club initiated the fundraiser in 1993, hoping to win some of the $14,400 worth of prizes offered annually. “We love that all the money from calendar sales stays on the Coast and goes back into the community,” Deanna said. Marnie Hatton noted





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workshops. The weekend retreats, held at Indian Arm (North Vancouver) and Terrace, teaches team-building, organization, ethics and leadership skills, “Those kids come back from the Leadership workshops better citizens because of it,” said Marg Green. “It’s usually their final step between high school and university.”



that each of the Coast’s four Rotary Clubs participates, with money earmarked for scholarships, soccer sponsorships, hospice support, food bank, and the Dictionary Drive that delivers a dictionary to every grade 4 student on the Coast. Funds are also used to send student delegates to the Rotary Youth Leadership


BAY VIEW Szechuan & Chinese Restaurant

Jan. 19, 2012

450 Marine Drive Gibsons

604-886-1728 and 604-886-1729 If you enjoy fine Szechuan and Chinese food plus eloquent dining, and a breath taking panoramic view, you’ll find the Bay View in its new and sparkling home on 450 Marine Drive a jaw dropper. The Bay View has taken our love affair with oriental food on the Sunshine Coast to aBlackfish whole new and inspired level. Pub 1002 Kevin and Ming Cao offer up a vast array of delectable dishes in surroundings that are both intimate and spacious in this banquet-sized establishment which serves 80 with seating for another 22 on their deck. They would be pleased to offer their service to anyone wishing to reserve this large facility or if you just need a section for your banquets, business meetings, wedJan. 12, dings or perhaps just2012 a large family get-together!

Thank You to all our guests and customers for making 2011 a successful year.

The Bonniebrook Lodge and Chasters Restaurant will be closed for our yearly staff break to re-open again for some special dinners and Valentine’s dinners on February 10, 2012.

1532 Ocean Beach Esplanade, Gibsons, BC

With this ad…

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1/2 PRICE Mon.-Fri. • 9 -11am Expires Jan. 31, 2012

Win Canucks Tickets! 966 Venture Way, Gibsons 604-886-6682 • Open 10am to midnight • facebook: BlackfishPub

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4748 Hwy. 101, Davis Bay • 604-740-3700

Leo’s Join us for Sunday Brunch 11am to 2pm

Exceptional greek cuisine • Steak • Seafood • pasta • pizza • Open 7 days a week

Coast Cuisine 1003 - Jan. 19, 2012


274 Gower Point Rd., Gibsons Landing • 604-886-9414

6 The Local - Thursday, January 19, 2012

Market and population trends Real Estate Tips Kenan MacKenzie

Sunshine Coast Real Estate News


he question was asked “Who will make up Jan. 12, 2012 these three hundred people and does this mean that every year we will add three hundred people to the Coast?” The answer is no; over the long term, the stats show

that on average 300 people will move to the Coast. If we look back over the market cycles and the population trends we will see a mirror effect of prices versus population. The old adage supply and demand comes into effect. Towards the end of the seller’s market we can see the population growth peaked out at a little over 4.1 per cent. In 2005, the population growth peaked at 2.8 per cent and then settled to

New Holistic Health Services Clinic

2 col x 2.75”

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‘The Healing Power of Positive Energy’ Free talk on Tues. Jan. 24, 2012 • 7- 8 pm

By linking into and harnessing the positive energy within, we can truly heal ourselves and our life at a deep level, bringing harmony and vitality to our whole being. ‘There is no limit when you connect to love.’

Special Healing Rate Jan/Feb:

1st visit $40 • subsequent visit $35 (regular rates $60 and $50 respectively)

Please call us to reserve your place

Self Realization Meditation Healing Centre 604-740-0898 • We operate as a not-for-profit Centre. Clinics in Halfmoon Bay, Powell River and Vancouver.

around a 2 per cent increase for 2006/2007 and since then, population increase has declined and with it the real estate sales and prices. In 2010 BC stats shows that our population settled at around a 1 per cent increase. Most of the growth in our area’s population will be in the 65 plus age group. Of the 5,950 people forecasted to move to the Sunshine Coast by 2031, 5,614 people will be in the 65 plus age group and 336 people will be younger than 65. As RyanSRMHC Berlin, 1003 Director for Urban Futures, states: “The best predictor of future demographic change is what the population looks like today, and the Sunshine Coast has an older population that is less inclined to move than

younger people.” The only way that we can attract younger people to the Coast is to improve the ferry system, in my opinion. That will take our political leaders working together to challenge BC Ferry to implement a passenger ferry service between Langdale and Horseshoe Bay to match up with the transit bus service. The lower mainland is the employment and education epicentre for the province and it’s right on our doorstep. We have seen many commuters return to live in the city; the commuter who does hang on is one waiting for retirement. A passengeronly ferry would supplement the present service and get people home within the required time parameters.

Jan 19, 2012

“Postmediocrity and the Vancouver Sun” ~ Please give to the food bank ~

Jan. 12, 2012

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4380 Sunshine Coast Hwy., Wilson Creek 604-885-6611 Jan. 19, 2012

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STORE HOURS: Mon - Wed & Sat 8am - 6pm • Thurs & Fri 8am - 9pm • Sun 10am - 5pm SERVICE HOURS: Mon - Wed & Sat 8am - 6pm • Thurs & Fri 8am - 9pm • Sun closed

The Local - Thursday, January 19, 2012 7

Habitat volunteerism is at its finest

Unwind 1003



quip 18 eager women with gloves, masks, utility knives and bundles of insulation, instruct them on what needs to be done and how to do it, stand back and get out of their way, and two and a half hours later, two houses will be insulated and ready for the next stage leading toward completion. This was the scenario at Habitat’s Sunshine Coast Village on the sunny morning of January 10, when women from throughout the Sunshine Coast responded to an invitation to volunteer for this one-day event. Volunteers not only contributed to the Habitat building program, they had fun and fellowship and indicated they would like to come again whenever their talents

clearance sale


are needed. Just such an opportunity is in the planning stages (either painting or landscaping, whichever is ready first) and will be announced as soon as practical. We hope others who could not make it to the first event will join us then. Two of the volunteers who were installing insulation are in the process of buying one of the homes by working to complete the 500 hours of ‘sweat equity’ required as the family’s down payment. Both the family and the Habitat For Humanity board wish to thank all January 10th volunteers for the contribution of 45+ hours toward the down payment. Well done! Submitted by Gwen Hawkins

Fri. 27 to Sun. 29

Amazing prices on extraordinary yarns & fibres! (closed Monday for inventory)

#8 - 1161 Sunshine Coast Hwy. Gibsons, 604-886-1418

TUSCANY SAUSAGE..................$6.99/LB


SIDE BACON $6.99/LB Jan................................... 19, 20121 FROZEN, NATURAL CHOICE FARM-FED TURKEY ...................$2.99/LB FREE 4 kg. box of Chicken Breast with purchase of one of our meat packs

EMMA, 500 ML.

BALSAMIC VINEGAR................ $2.99EA. 2 L. COKE .......................................... 2/$4.00 2 ROLLS, CASCADE JUMBO PAPER TOWELS .......... 2/$4.00 ASSORTED POP

PEARS .......................................................99¢/LB LEMONS ........................................... 4/$1.00 MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAT 8AM-9PM • SUN 9AM-8PM WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. Jan. 20 to Thurs. Jan. 26 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411


$ 2 weeks 6

Local CLASSIFIEDS 15 words The

The most comprehensive coverage on the Sunshine Coast! + HST Your 15-word or less, private party classified ad will be delivered to over 13,000 homes and businesses in 2 consecutive issues of The Local.

3x1 class $6 filler

Jan. 12, 2012

Coast Cable Eastlink 1003

Mail, fax, email or drop off your ad with payment: THE LOCAL: P.O. Box 494 – 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt BC V0N 3A0, Phone: 604-885-3134 Fax: 604-885-3194 • Email: OR to TAKE 5 MEDIA, 747 North Road, Gibsons

8 The Local - Thursday, January 19, 2012

101 Activities & Events 102 Garage Sales 103 Announcements 104 Anniversary & Birthdays 105 Births 106 Obituaries 107 In Memoriam 108 Funeral Services 109 Personals 110 Childcare 111 Lost & Found 201 Health & Wellness 202 Health & Fitness 203 Sports & Exercise Equipment 204 Gardening 300 Pets & Livestock 400 Travel 500 Music 600 Computers 701 Antiques & Collectibles 702 Furniture 703 Appliances 704 Misc. for Sale 705 Wanted 706 Free 707 Trade & Barter 708 Financial Services 801 Cars for Sale 802 Trucks & SUV’s 803 Special Interest & Classics 804 RV’s & Campers 805 Motorcycles & Off Road 806 Parts & Accessories 807 Repairs & Service 900 Machinery & Tools 1000 Marine 1100 Storage 1200 Service Directory 1300 Firewood 1400 Work Wanted 1500 Business Opportunities 1600 Legal & Public Notices 1700 Log Homes 1701 Homes & Lots for Sale 1702 Mobile Homes for Sale 1703 Misc. Property for Sale 1704 Homes for Rent 1705 Apartments for Rent 1706 Misc. for Rent 1707 Commercial for Rent 1708 Shared Accommodation 1709 Vacation Rentals 1710 Wanted to Rent 1711 Wanted to Buy 1712 House Sitting 1800 Employment 1801 Careers 1900 Too Late to Classify

Local The

We Accept Classified Advertising At: OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street Sechelt

PAYMENT DROP OFF ONLY: Take 5 Media #1-747 North Rd. Gibsons BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 BY FAX: 604-885-3194

BY E-MAIL: Deadline: Monday-3:00pm at the office

n te ra



$6.00+HST* 15 Words




J. Edmonds 1002

Paintings displayed at ‘Mamas’

until the end of January. 106 - 5580 Wharf St., Sechelt Come by and check them out!

Donate your spare change

to the Sunshine Coast Grandmothers & Grand Others Donation jars located at

Local The


5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt and TAKE 5 MEDIA #1 - 747 North Rd., Gibsons


One Straw Society - AGM. Jan 29 at 2:30pm, Davis Bay Hall. Special Resolution Vote on renewed charter at AGM. p4 Experienced private tutor offers essential English skills for K - College. Learn to read or improve your grades with essay writing and research instruction. Proofreading/editing is also available. Call: 604-741-5158 p4 RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-886-9813 btfn HAPPY CAT HAVEN: Please note that we will be closed from January 13 to February 3 for restoration, repairs & renovations. b4 If your drinking is causing you problems but you don’t know how to stop, maybe we can help. Alcoholics Anonymous. 604885-8208. btfn Overloaded with holiday turkey? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Small groups in Sechelt, Wednesdays 6:30pm, St, Mary’s Hospital Mental Health Bldg. 604740-5845 or 604-885-4666. Gibsons, Thursdays 6:30pm, Frank West Hall. 604-886-8578 or 604886-1717. b14 Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings Monday-Friday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. btfn Advertise in the paper that you read. Call The Local today. 604885-3134



April, 1924 - December, 2011 A Memorial Service will be held on Sat., Jan. 28, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. at St. Bartholomew’s Church, North Rd., Gibsons to celebrate the life of Eve Smart. Reception to follow in the hall.

111 LOST & FOUND Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Restrictions apply.

203 SPORTS & EXERCISE EQUIPMENT Like-new digital Treadmill, works great! Canadian made. Phone 604883-2882. p3


*Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.

Canine Care & Cardio dog walking, pet sitting, boarding, training and more! 604-741-8330 b4

Ask fonre Wayn

Buy 4 get 1 more!

#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802


Jan. 12, 2012 and BeaTee Riddims Drumset rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b4



Jan. 19, 2012

Waynne Pretty


Anything Computers! Call Computer Mike!

Solving computer problems since 1992

604-886-3555 604-885-6001


702 FURNITURE Twin mattress w/box spring. Good cond., $100 obo. Call 604-8869085. p4

2006 Dodge Dakota w/80,000 kms, small V6 3.7. $9995. Call 604399-8626. p3

Small Engine Repairs. New & used parts and tools, free pick ups, house calls, lawn mowers, chainsaws, outboards, motorcycles, ATVs Chinese/Japanese. Satisfaction guaranteed, affordable rates. Jan. 12, Call 604-886-1242. b4 2012

900 MACHINERY & TOOLS DeWalt Mitre Saw w/70” stand. Mint cond., valued $1000+ at Home Depot, sell $400. Phone 604-883-0724. p4


$ CASH $

Seasoned firewood and1003 dump Johnny Walker runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn

Coins & Bills

for any old

SILVER & GOLD 604-740-6474 604-886-7341


Retired hobbyist wants, discarded old tube radios, tubes, gramophones etc. 604-740-3989 p6 Volunteers Wanted for Habitat for Humanity Restore. Variety of tasks, everyone welcome, especially able bodies for pick-ups. Call 604-885-6773. ftfn

706 FREE Three, old Singer sewing machine bodies, no cabinets. Good for restoration or parts. Call 604740-3989. f4 Wanted: Free, cozy armchair for handicapped lady’s apartment. Call 604-885-6396. f4 Wanted: Free acrylic yarn - any amount, any color. Sechelt church members are knitting squares to be made into blankets for those in need. Call 604-8855641 before 5:00pm please. f3

Jan. 19,knitting 2012 maPassap Duomatic chine. Lots of accessories but a couple of non-essential parts missing. You pick up. 604-8869053. f3 Did you know that free ads are FREE in The Local? Restrictions apply.

707 TRADE & BARTER Nordic Track folding treadmill w/ many features will trade for high quality vacuum cleaner. Call 604885-8862. p4

Read the classifieds online


…has arrived on the Sunshine Coast, offering five-day courses in:


• Dyslexia Correction • Math Mastery • Attention Enhancement Ask about our free 2-hour assessment WAynE AADElstonE-HAssEl teacher and Davis-trained Dyslexia Facilitator



Spilt & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn




Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn


Prompt, Professional, On-Site Service

for 2 Weeks 20¢ each additional word + HST


This is your ad p in the next issu

Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash 604-740-0004 FREE ESTIMATES ~ WCB Coverage ~


Fall Services

SAME DAY SERVICE “More than just mowing!”

Yard Clean-ups • Hedges Pruning • Gutters • Aeration Lawn Mowing Christmas Lights Rubbish Removal

Nov. 10, 20 Issue Date: ______________

Deadline for appr or changes is Monday by 3:00 tfn

If we do not hear from you time, we can assume all is


Please let us know ho can serve you bes Your business is importa

looking for interior work.

Excellent references from discerning clients.

Free Estimates

20 years experience (15 on the Coast)

Queen Bees Professional Home Cleaning Services accepting new clients. Over 10 years experience, 4 star standards. Call 604-9891444. b3

310-JIMS (5467) Book a job at: www.jimsmowing.catfn


Drywall Finishing since 1992. Dustless andJan. occupied spaces. 19, 2012 Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No Job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. b1


Lawncare& Landscaping

Barteks Landscaping


Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn

1701 HOMES FOR SALE #322 – 5780 Trail Ave., Sechelt. Condo, like new, one bdrm. & den with 1.5 baths, 985 sq.ft., top floor in the “Bluff ” Northwind bldg., lge. skylight, spectacular view of mountains and ocean. New carpets in LR/DR & den. W/D incl. Bldg has no age restrictions, small pets allowed. Covered parking, strata fee includes gas FP, immed. occupancy. Mins. to downtown Sechelt. $240,000. Please phone Christa, 604-885-3729 for appt. No agents, please. p5

1704 HOMES FOR RENT Gibsons: Waterfront. Furn., top half of big house. 1200sq.ft., 2 bdrms, shared utils., $1000/mo, NP. 1-604-987-2591, 604-8863299, 604-886-3286, or 604-8867475. b3 Upper Gibsons: Spacious, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath. Close to shopping, trails & schools. Wood FP, double garage and fenced priv. back yd. Approx.1600 sq. ft. N/S, small pet neg. $1500/mo., one year lease expected. Avail. now, call 604-865-1222 (local #). p4 Gibsons: 3 bdrm attached dwelling w/1.5 baths, 5 appls, fenced yard. NS, 1 sm pet nego. Avail now, $1250/mo. One year lease & references req’d. Call Key at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b3


This is your ad in the next is

Reasonable Rates


Call Matthew Evans



Window Washing

604-740-9828 FREE ESTIMATES WCB Coverage ftfn

• Garden Design & Installation • Pruning Shrubs,Trees & Hedges June 16, Issue Date: ___________ •Pressure Washing

Over 10 years experience Deadline for ap


Monday by 3:0 604-741-3065

If we do not hear from ftfn time, we can assume a

Please let us know RUBBISH can serve you b Your business is impo REMOVAL




PLACING & FINISHING Cell: 1-604-789-1252 Home: 604-740-0318


$ 2 weeks 6

Local CLASSIFIEDS 15 words The

The most comprehensive coverage on the Sunshine Coast! Mail, fax, email or drop off your ad with payment: THE LOCAL: P.O. Box 494 – 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt BC V0N 3A0, Phone: 604-885-3134 Fax: 604-885-3194 • Email: OR to TAKE 5 MEDIA, 747 North Road, Gibsons

2x1.5 class $6 filler


Your 15-word or less, private party classified ad will be delivered to over 13,000 homes and businesses in 2 consecutive issues of The Local.

The Local - Thursday, January 19, 2012 9

NICHOLAS SIMONS, MLA 1704 HOMES FOR RENT Gibsons: Spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bath duplex in lower Gibsons with a harbour view, decks and wood burning FP. $1300/mo. NS, sm. pet nego. Avail now. Call at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b3 Sechelt: Large 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, upscale family home with a 1 bdrm in-law suite. Too much to list - a must see. Avail now. NS. Pet nego. $1800/mo. Call Key at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b3 Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and newer. Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn


We have several one and two bdrm apts. and suites available from $750 - $1250/mo. NS. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit b3

Let us help you

Professional Services...

1709 VACATION RENTALS Sunpeaks Resort ski-in/ski-out 2 bdrm, 2 bath townhouse with full kitchen and hot tub. Sleeps 8. 604740-6201 b4

Sechelt: Greene Court Seniors Housing has brand new, one bdrm market suites for rent. Avail. Feb. 1 at 5583 Ocean Ave. Suites have ocean or mountain views. To view please call Bob Morgan, manager at 604-885-5962 between 8am - 4pm, Mon. to Fri. THE LOCAL btfnaccepts donations to

GRANDMOTHERS AND GRANDOTHERS hroughout the year. Please give generously.

With Personal Focus Strata • Rental Properties Commercial • Residential • Financial

Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721


Require 1:1 Caregiver with ECE, experience working with children with developmental disabilities and American Sign Language. Knowledge of Augmentative Communication devices an asset. Active outgoing person with a love for children. Must be 19 yrs or older and have a reliable vehicle. Hours: Mon - Fri 0700 - 0845 & 1445 1700, 20 hrs/wk plus additional coverage for non-instructional school days. $15/hr. Send resume and reference list via em ail to: b3


2 x 0.75 Thursday, January 19 PleaseGate give generously ccepts donations to •3:00pm-6:00pm. Farm Market at Roberts Creek Hall (indoors). The •7:00pm. Dragonboat Information Meeting: Open to men & women of allSt.,ages. No 5758 Cowrie Sechelt previous experience required. Seaside Centre, Sechelt. 2 x 0.75 Friday, January 20 •5:30pm. Egmont Movie Night. Kids movie 6:00pm, adult movie 8:00pm. Egmont Community Hall. Free. •6:00pm. Beachcombers Advanced Toastmasters dinner meeting at Sita’s Spag & Suds, Gibsons. All ToastMasters welcome, call 604-886-7263 to reserve a seat. •8:30pm. Astro Cafe. Royal Astronomical Society hosts public telescope view at Davis Bay. Meet at Pier 17. Everyone welcome. Saturday, January 21 Jan.21-28: Celebrate Literacy Week on the Sunshine Coast. Events are free, preregistration is required for some events. For more information contact Sandy Middleton, 604-885-9310 or •10:00am-11:30am. ‘Babies Birthday Party’ at the Sechelt Public Library. For all babies born in 2011, the celebration will include stories, songs, refreshments and prizes. •10:00am-2:00pm. Help to build Biodiversity Gardens at the SC Botanical Garden. Join Iris Griffith Centre staff members to remove invasive species in order to increase local biodiversity to create habitat for birds, bees & butterflies. 5941 Mason Rd., Sechelt.




Meet in the parking area w/red flag, bring gloves and dress for the weather. Contact for more information. •11:00am-2:00pm. Free clothing and lunch offered for the needy at St. Mary’s Catholic Church hall. Gibsons Way & Park Rd., Gibsons. •1:00pm-2:00pm. ‘Ready for Reading’ at the Sechelt Public Library. A literacy workshop to help parents prepare young children for formal reading instruction. Pre-register at 604-885-3260. •1:00pm-4:00pm. Open House - Anniversary Celebration at Artworks Gallery, 1161 Hwy 101, Gibsons. 604-886-1250 •2:00pm. Bodhi Drope will talk on his Adventures in Bird Watching at the Gibsons Public Art Gallery. All are welcome. Refreshments. •9:00pm. Dance to SOULSTREAM at the Roberts Creek Hall. This is a fundraiser for the Gibsons Landing Jazz Festival, presented by SC Jazz & Entertainment Society. For tickets call 604-740-5825. Sunday, January 22 •10:00am-2:00pm. Help to build Biodiversity Gardens at the SC Botanical Garden. Join Iris Griffith Centre staff members to remove invasive species in order to increase local biodiversity to create habitat for birds, bees & butterflies. 5941 Mason Rd., Sechelt. Meet in the parking area w/red flag, bring gloves and dress for the weather. Contact for more information. •1:00pm-3:00pm. ‘Family Reading Party’ at

POWELL RIVER: 4675 Marine Ave. 604-485-1249

Yes we have

OFFICE HOURS: Mon - Fri 8am - 4pm

Local, Fraser Valley & Okanagan Produce

Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-885-3281 btfn

next tenant.

This is your ad proof SECHELT: Pier 17, Davis Bay in the next issue of 604-741-0792

Your Neighbourhood Food Store


1705 APARTMENTS & SUITES FOR RENT Gibsons: Avail. immed., two 1 bdrm and one 2 bdrm apts. All have ocean view balconies. Heat, H/W and one parking space incl. 711 Gibsons Way. 604-886-7151. b3

Wilson Creek


We are experiencing a high demand for homes!

June 30, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________


Deadline forinterested approval in learning for anyone or changes about the 2012isDragon Boat Season Monday by 3:00 p.m.

604-885-6331 1900 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ‘93 GMC Yukon SLE. Runs great. 4x4. Power windows, tow package. $2,200 OBO. 604-989-4941 p04

If you have something to give away for free,


Call 604-885-3134 or email:

‘Run Till Rented’ Free class 1x2 gives you endless possibilities… Reaching over 20,000 readers every issue!


OPENIf we TOdoMEN & from WOMEN OF ALL AGES not hear you by this No previous experience time, we can assume all required is correct. Thursday January 19 • 7:00pm let us5790 know how we Street, Sechelt at SeasidePlease Center: Teredo can serve you best. Website: www.scdragonboatclub Your business is important to us!

Sunshine Coast Power and Sail Squadron

December 29 issue: PCOCfor Display Boating Course GPSadvertising Navigation is We Deadline and Classified starting on

starting on

starting on

at the Sechelt

at Elphinstone

at Elphinstone

Wed. office Jan 25 • 7pm Jan 26 • 7pm Wed. • 7pm Our will beThur. open through untilJan525pm Decembe

Our office will be closed DecemberSecondary, 26 and 27; Senior’s Centre, Secondary, Gibsonsas usual from Gibsons officeSechelt hours will resume December 28 Register via website: Registration confirmed upon receipt of payment

max. 4 lines • max. 12 weeks

The SCPS Training Officer is Patrick Kleine: Gibsons Public Library. Bring your best book Must be prepaid (no refunds). and read it together. Pre-register at 604Minimum Enrollment Required • Pre-Registration Urged, Limited Seating Scheduled for 4 weeks at a time. Must phone to reschedule. 886-2130. Private parties only, no businesses. For more information visit: •2:30pm. Coast Recital Society presents Special: Add an extra line for only $10! Montreal-based Pentaédre Wind Ensemble 1 x 1.75 at Raven’s Cry Theatre. Tickets 604-7402051 or coast Monday, January 23 •11:00am-2:00pm. Canadian Federation …gives youMeeting endless possibilities! of University Women General at St. John’s United Church (downstairs), Reaching over 20,000 max. 4 lines • max. 12 weeks Davis Bay. Guests and new membersevery very issue! readers welcome. For more Must information contact be prepaid (no refunds). Scheduled for 4 weeks at a time. Special! Add an Sue at 604-885-2015. Must phone to reschedule. Private parties only, no businesses. extra line for only •7:00pm. SCFS presents The Good, the 2 x 2.24 Bad, the Weird. An action/comedy directed by Ji-Woon Kim. A Korean film with English subtitles. Gibsons Heritage Playhouse, Gibsons. Wednesday, January 25 •11:00am. The Pender Harbour Senior’s Initiative (a special project of the Pender Harbour Health Centre, funded by VCH) The Local’s Run Till Rented is hosting a focus group at the Egmont gives you endless possibilities… Community Hall. •SlaughterSafe course. Rockwood Centre, Reaching over 20,000 Sechelt. Contact Darren Molder at 604885-8701 to register or for more details. readers every issue. Reports to: SIGD/Lands Administrator •5:30pm-7:30pm. ‘Introduction to SelfPublishing’ at Gibsons Public Library. Contract Term: Immediately to December 31, 2012 Learn how to publish a book with max. 4 lines author and self-publisher M.A.Demers. max. 12 weeks KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: Pre-register at 604-886-2130. •6:00pm. Family & Kids Night at the • To provideline weekly roadside residential recycling pick up and disposal services to Egmont Community Hall. An evening of Special: Add anallextra residences on SBL 1 and 2. fun, games and crafts for kids of ALL ages! to your ad for only $10!


Sechelt Indian ‘Run Till Rented’ 95 Band


Recycling Run Till Rented House of Hewhiwus Government buildings,

and roadside residential to all residences on Sechelt Band Lands 1 and 2.




Body, Mind & Spirit Published January 26 & February 9, 2012 Phone Gardar or Ron 604-885-3134 or email: localsales@telus .net

Local The

5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt

• To provide weekly recycling pick up and disposal services to SIB Administration Must be prepaid (no refunds). Scheduled for 4 weeks at a time. Building, Education Local Body Mind Spirit Building, 1003 Social Development Building and Community Hall. Must phone to reschedule. • Supply all labour and equipment to complete the scope of work. Private parties only, no businesses.

2 x 3.5

EXPERIENCE & GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: • Reliable, insured vehicle suitable for hauling recycling. • Comprehensive general liability insurance. • Worksafe BC coverage. • Driver’s license abstract for all vehicle operators. If interested, please submit your bid, including proof of insurance coverage, Worksafe BC coverage and driver’s license abstract(s), by 4:00 p.m., Friday, JanuDate ary 20, 2011. A more detailed scope of work is available at the Band office. If any information is required, please do not hesitate to contact Debra Potter, SIGD/Lands Administrator at (604) 885-2273. The SIGD is not obligated to accept the lowest or any bid and may reject all bids.

10 The Local - Thursday, January 19, 2012

Monday nIght Football Superbowl XlVI • Sunday Feb. 5/12 WIN AN OFFICIAL TEAM JERSEY! Bud Specials! $500 Spaghetti Dinner Steak & Crab $9.50

$20 REVE REVERSE DRAW: Tix include 1/2 Time Buffet & Prizes You could win $1,000!

Michael O’Connor Astrologer

Good food, good fun and great prices!

5770 Teredo St. Sechelt 1.888.352.2936

PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:


Buy 3 months and get the 4th month free! SECURE • SAFE • AFFORDABLE Best rates in town. We beat any price! brand new units 24 hour access • 7 days a week • •

5621 Inlet Ave, Sechelt 604-885-3460 •


Stereo 105.9 FM & Ch 11 on the Coast TV system • Listen Live at COMMUNITY RADIO FOR THE SUNSHINE COAST “”

Royal Canadian Legion



WED. JAN. 25


Entertainment BERNI “G” & FRENZ HIGHLAND DANCERS $25 Each ticket • Doors open 6:30 pm


FRI. JAN. 27 Entertainment JIM TAYLOR Volunteer Dinner 6 pm SAT. JAN. 28 Entertainment COUNTRY


Tues. - Fri. 11 am - 2 pm & Sat. 2 - 6 pm

MEAT DRAWS Every Saturday 4 - 6 pm

CLASSIC COWBOYS Hall rental available with new prices • • 604-885-2526

of life in general, are lingering. Exchanging thoughts and ideas with others will prove satisfying, as long as you are open to new ideas versus solely defending existing beliefs. Honour the process.

Jan. 5, 2012 Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) A stimulation of friendships and other social activities is dawning. You may feel rebellious, however. Ironically, a preference for work over play may be at issue. Yet, you also yearn to retreat or escape somehow. Reconciling these conflicting urges is the challenge. Aim for quality time over quantity on all fronts to haveShanti it all! Gifts 1003

Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) Searching for deeper truths and new realizations about the actual states and realities of your important relationships is on the rise. You are committed to do the work to make some improvements. Do be willing to negotiate. Yet, avoid trying to change others. Instead, review how you can better yourself. Be patient yet sure by taking actual steps backed by a plan.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) The time to assert your position to gain some earned or at least desired recognition has arrived. Important meetings behind the scenes are likely. Whether these are with your own source, Date or outer power players, or both, depends on the specifics of your destiny. Either way, you are eager to take determined and strategic measures to direct the action in your favour.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) Making improvements and changes in your daily routine and overall lifestyle is an emerging theme. This will lead you to look deeper at yourself and others than usual. At worst you will try to defend your position. At best, you will decipher, outline and visualize the solutions required, then take action. Be open to a variety of solutions, seek support, yet do not lean.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) Many new realizations and visions of the future are being stimulated and this trend will continue. Seeing who you are and where you are headed is running through your mind. You may sense that you have some important work to do. Attending to certain sobering Jan. realities is part of 19, 2012 the plot. For the sake of security you are willing to do the work, though you may not truly want to.

To get involved in local radio, email:

FRI. JAN. 20 Entertainment CHER


Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) Considering some of the deeper mysteries of life is an emerging trend. Thoughts and questions about sex, death or taxes, or perhaps what is the deeper purpose of your life, or the meaning

Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22) A creative wave of inspiration is washing in on your shores now. It will push you to make key changes in the relationship you have with yourself. Learning to love yourself and to give to yourself more fully is the goal. The consequences of this may produce ironic results, however. For example, you may be guided to give more to ‘your’ relationships with others. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Are you ready for change on the home front and/or at core levels? Well, ready or not…! These may be just the changes you want and/ or need. Ideally you will respond to any conflicts with others to spur you on. Yet, the tendency to react ag-

gressively is also high and this trend will continue. Make extra efforts to be open-minded and replace suspicion with communication. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) Initiating a new round of communications will become obvious this week. Your focus will be sober and pragmatic, yet diplomatic. Creating more beauty in your home environment may be a core motivation. This can be as basic as a big clean-up. If you focus this way and follow through you are likely to feel inspired. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Innovative designs to establish a new momentum and/or a new overall mode of expression will soon become apparent. You want to be heard and heeded. You will be open to exchanges of ideas and visions and may feel impatient and/or depressed where these are not forthcoming. Your core motivation is to experience new levels of freedom. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) The New Moon in your sign indicates an activation of your overall mode of expression. The stimulation of new perceptions is likely. Desires to acquire practical tools that can make a real difference are motivating you. Yet, there is reason to believe that you are feeling a little lost and confused as well and feel the need for guidance. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) The urge to retreat and even escape may feel especially strong starting this week. Yet, one can also be productive behind the scenes and you will want to be. This will include opening your mind to new incoming intuitions and increasing your scope of communications somehow. Extra care to be trusting is advised, especially in your closest relationships.

Do you have Canuck Fever? ENTER TO WIN:

• Signed Henrik Sedin jersey • Signed Daniel Sedin jersey • Pair of Canuck tickets

With every purchase you make until February 14th, you will be entered to win one of our Canuck prizes! Wilson Creek Plaza 4330 Sunshine Coast Highway 604-740-5813 • Ken GrunenburG, b. Sc. Pharm. Pharmacist / Owner

Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm • Saturday 10am - 2pm • Sundays & Holidays: Closed Medicine Shoppe 1003

The Local - Thursday, January 19, 2012 11

Gearing up for spring classes and Literacy Week On Campus Jules Smith & Caroline Depatie


Employment Skills Access Program

Capilano University News


elcome to the new monthly column from Capilano University, Sunshine Coast campus. We will be highlighting the events, activities and initiatives that our campus community of amazing students, instructors and staff are engaged in and around the local communities of the Sunshine Coast. We hope you will benefit from discovering more about the University in Your Community. One of the exciting new offerings in the community this year is an expansion of the English as a Second Language Settlement Assistance Program for newcomers to Canada. In addition to one to one support with trained volunteer tutors, there are groups in Gibsons, Davis Bay and Sechelt. The program helps participants improve their English and learn about our country and our community. The students – who come from countries all

Register now for FREE* essential skills training to get employed over the world – share their cultures at multicultural events held every year. As a regional University campus, we work with various partners to offer classes that meet the needs of the local community. This term, our campus is offering four tuition free full-time programs, starting in February or March: Gateways to Health Care Careers (12 weeks), Introduction to Cultural Tourism (10 weeks), Introduction to Trades (8 weeks) and Business and Computers (8 weeks). Call 885-9310 or visit us for more info. The Sunshine Coast Literacy Council, of which Capilano University is a partner, has brought together a variety of community organizations to host events for Literacy Week, January 21st to 28th. Look for events from Pender Harbour to Gibsons

celebrating the theme ‘Literacy in Action’. Capilano University will participate by offering a nature workshop for families. Instructor Lydia Watson will facilitate the workshop in response to research that has found children are spending less time outdoors, resulting in behavioural and other issues. Lydia has more than 15 years experience in outdoor education and is also the owner of a sporting goods/training business in Sechelt. She has developed this workshop for children aged seven and older and their parents/caregivers, hoping to give families creative ways to spend time together outdoors. For more information about Literacy Week, contact Sandy Middleton, or check out the listings under this week’s Local Events.

Sunshine coast Campus WorkStart Essentials In eight weeks you will have certification in Word and Excel, WorldHost, and Occupational First Aid. Then, choose the program options most suited to you, to give you even more marketable skills:

Seating is Limited *To see if you qualify, call 604.885.9310

Business and Computer Essentials Adds Introductory Accounting and Quickbooks

Thursday, January 26, 4:30 – 5:30 pm Sunshine Coast Campus Room 104

Information Session

OR Introduction to the Trades Adds trade certificates such as Forklift, Confined Space and whmis

Funding provided through the Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Agreement

February 20 to April 13, 2012

Continuing Education Sunshine Coast Campus

12 The Local - Thursday, January 19, 2012



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Local Local

Weekly Community Newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada Weekly Community Newspaper Serving Weekly Community Newspaper Servingthe the Weekly Community Newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Sunshine Coast, British Columbia,Canada Canada Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 5758 5758Cowrie CowrieStreet, Street,Sechelt Sechelt Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax:3A0 604-885-3194 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt P.O. P.O.Box Box494, 494,Sechelt, Sechelt,BC BCV0N V0N 3A0 email: • website: • OffiSechelt, ce Hours Monday -604-885-3194 Friday 9am - 5pm P.O. Box604-885-3134 494, BC• V0N 3A0 Phone: Fax: Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 email:• •website:• •Offi OfficeceHours HoursMonday Monday- -Friday Friday9am 9am- -5pm 5pm

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ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: Advertising Sales Manager ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: Contact GARDAR or RON KOWALSKI, Contact GARDARGARDARSSON, GARDARSSON, Advertising Sales Contact GARDAR GARDARSSON, Advertising Sales Representative and Marketing Advertising SalesManager Manager Advertising Sales Manager or KOWALSKI, Phone: or email: orRON RON604-885-3134 KOWALSKI, Advertising Sales Representative or RON KOWALSKI, Advertising andMarketing Marketing $Sales Representativeand Advertising Sales Representative and Marketing Phone: 604-885-3134 or email: Phone: 604-885-3134 or email: Phone: 604-885-3134 or email: $$

HOW TO SUBMIT A CLASSIFIED AD: $ or drop off your ad with payment to: Mail, phone, fax, email The Local,SUBMIT P.O. Box 494, 5758 CowrieAD: St., Sechelt BC V0N 3A0 HOW HOWTO TO SUBMITAACLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED AD: • Email: Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 Mail, phone, fax, email orordrop offoffAD: your adadwith to:to: Mail, phone, fax, email drop withpayment payment HOW TO SUBMIT A CLASSIFIED Or drop offP.O. ad Box with494, payment at TAKESt., 5your VIDEO, North Road, Gibsons The Local, 5758 Cowrie Sechelt BC V0N 3A0 The Local, P.O.fax, Boxemail 494, 5758 Cowrie Sechelt BCpayment V0N 3A0 to: Mail, phone, or drop off St., your ad with Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 • Email: Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 • Email: The Local, P.O. 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Submission does not guarantee publication Submission not guarantee publication • Use of properdoes English, spelling and grammar is appreciated • We reserve the right to edit all submissions reserve the right toguarantee edit TO all submissions • We Submission does publication TO SUBMIT Anot THE EDITOR: •HOW Limit press releases toLETTER 300 words. Limit press releases to 300 words. • We reserve the right to edit all submissions Email your Letter To The Editor to: • Limit press releases to 300 words. HOW SUBMIT AALETTER TOTOTHE EDITOR: HOWTOTO SUBMIT LETTER THE EDITOR: •Email Letters to The Editor are welcome on any topic of local or general your Letter ToA The Editor to: Email your Letter To The Editor to: HOW TO SUBMIT LETTER TO THE EDITOR: interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication Email your Letter To The Editor to: not imply endorsement by the newspaper. • does Letters to The Editor are welcome on any ororgeneral • Letters to The Editor are welcome on anytopic topicof oflocal local general • interest. GenerallyOpinions letters should not exceed more than 300 words. expressed are those of the writers; publication expressed are those of the writers; publication • interest. Letterswill toOpinions Theedited Editor on topic of local or general Letters be inare thewelcome interests of any style, clarity, legality, brevity does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication taste, letters as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse • and Generally should not more than not imply endorsement by the newspaper. • does Generally letters should notexceed exceed more than300 300words. words. publication of any submission. Letters will be edited ininthe interests ofmore style, clarity, legality, brevity Letters will be edited the interests of style, clarity, legality, • Generally letters should not exceed than 300 words. • and All letters must be signed and include place ofright residence and brevity taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the to refuse and taste, asbenecessary. Local the right to refusebrevity Letters will edited in The the interests of style, clarity, legality, telephone number; names may bereserves withheld from publication for valid publication ofofany submission. publication any submission. and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse by approval of the and editor. • reason All ofbe any submission. • publication Allletters lettersmust must besigned signed andinclude includeplace placeofofresidence residenceand and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication number; namesand mayinclude be withheld publication valid • telephone All letters must be signed place offrom residence andforforvalid reason by approval of the editor. reason by approval the editor. telephone number;of names may be withheld from publication for valid Thisreason publication reserves the to refuse any advertising that it considers to by approval ofright the editor. contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The thatthe theright publisher shallany notadvertising be liable for damages arising This advertiser publicationagrees reserves to refuse that it considers to out This publication reserves thebeyond right tothe refuse any advertising that it considers to of error in any advertisement amount paid for such advertisement. contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. contain false or misleading or involves unfair orthat unethical practices. This publication reserves theinformation right to refuse any advertising it considers to The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out The advertiser that the publisheror shall not beunfair liableorforunethical damagespractices. arising out contain false oragrees misleading information involves of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. of error in any advertisement theshall amount paid for such advertisement. The advertiser agrees that thebeyond publisher not be liable for damages arising out of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.

(Canada (CanadaPost PostAgreement Agreement(#41000012) (#41000012)and and1,400 1,400hand-delivered hand-deliveredtotobusinesses. businesses. email: (Canada Post Agreement (#41000012) and 1,400 hand-delivered to businesses.

Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon offi ce,ce, Classifi ed Advertising Deadline: Monday 3:00atpm atLocal The Local office, Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon atThe The Local offi email: Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office, email: email: Classifi ed Advertising Deadline: 3:00 pm ce,ce, Editorial Deadline: Monday noonMonday atMonday The Local offi ce,atatThe Classifi ed Advertising Deadline: 3:00 pm TheLocal Localoffi offi email: Classifi ed Advertising Deadline: Monday 3:00 pm at The Local office, email: email: Editorial Deadline: ce,ce, Editorial Deadline:Monday Mondaynoon noonatatThe TheLocal Localoffi offi email: The Local uses an Editorial Deadline: Monday noon at TheAD: Local office, HOW SUBMIT A CAMERA-READY DISPLAY email: APPLE MACINTOSH Email address: email: Platform

Note: aTO camera-ready is an ad that is ready for printing. The Local uses an HOW AAad CAMERA-READY DISPLAY The Local uses an HOW TOSUBMIT SUBMIT CAMERA-READY DISPLAYAD: AD: APPLE MACINTOSH The ad will require no revisions, but will be published as submitted. Email address: APPLE The LocalMACINTOSH uses an Email address: HOWyour TO SUBMIT A CAMERA-READY DISPLAY AD: •Note: Build ad according to our specifi c dimensions, (*please see columnPlatform width Platform a camera-ready ad is an ad that is ready for printing. APPLE MACINTOSH Note: aaddress: camera-ready ad is an ad that is ready for printing. Email measurements below) Platform The adadwill require nonorevisions, will published asassubmitted. The will require revisions, butthat willbe published submitted. Note: a camera-ready adlogos) is anbut ad isbe ready foradprinting. •• All images (photos and included in the must be at least 300 dpi Build ad totoour specifi cbe dimensions, see • Build your adaccording according ourbut specifi cwith dimensions, (*please seecolumn columnwidth width The adyour will require noad,revisions, will published as(*please submitted. • Make a PDF of your at least 300 dpi, all text and graphics embedded measurements below) measurements below) •within Build your ad according to our specifi c dimensions, (*please see column width the PDF • All images (photos and logos) included in the ad must be at least 300 dpi • All images (photos and logos) included in the adinformation must be at least 300dates dpi you would measurements •• Email your PDF tobelow) us,ad, along with300 your full contact andembedded the Make a PDF of your at least dpi, with all text and graphics •like Make a PDF of your ad, at least 300 dpi, with all text and graphics embedded Alltoimages (photos and logos)(The included ad mustevery be atThursday. least 300 dpi havePDF your ad published. Localinis the distributed Submission within withinthe PDF •deadline Make athe PDF of your ad, at least 300 dpi, with all text and graphics embedded is PDF the Monday before) • Email your with your fullfullcontact information and would • Email your tous,us,along along with your contact information andthe thedates datesyou you would within the PDFtocriteria Note: If the above is not met, The Local cannot guarantee correct output of your like your ad published. (The Local iscontact distributed every Thursday. Submission liketotohave have your ad published. (The Local is distributed every Thursday. Submission •material Email your PDF to us, along with your full information and the dates you would once published. deadline is the Monday before) deadline is the Monday before) (The like todohave your ad published. distributed everyDraw” Thursday. Submission • Please not send a camera-ready adLocal usingiscannot “Word” or “Coral applications Note: If Ifthe criteria Note: theabove criteriaisbefore) isnot notmet, met,The TheLocal Local cannotguarantee guaranteecorrect correctoutput outputofofyour your deadline isabove the Monday material once published. material once published. Note: If the above is not TheOUR LocalDESIGN cannot guarantee correct output of your TO SUBMIT Acriteria ADmet, THAT DEPARTMENT •HOW Please dodo not send aDISPLAY camera-ready adadusing “Word” oror “Coral Draw” applications • Please not send a camera-ready using “Word” “Coral Draw” applications material once published. WILL BUILD FOR YOU: Email address: • Please doisnot acharge camera-ready ad using “Word” or “Coral Draw” applications Note: there nosend extra for this service. HOW TOTOSUBMIT AADISPLAY AD THAT OUR DEPARTMENT HOW SUBMIT DISPLAY AD THAT OURDESIGN DESIGN DEPARTMENT •WILL EmailBUILD (local your ad’ s information to us. Be sure to include your full contact FOR YOU: Email address: WILL BUILD FOR YOU: Email address: HOW TO SUBMIT A DISPLAY AD THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT information, the dates charge you would like your ad to run, and the full elements to be included Note: there isis no forfor this Note: there noextra extra charge thisservice. service. WILL BUILD FOR YOU: Email address: in the ad (eg. logos, photos and text). • Email (local your ad’ad’ s information totoinclude your fullfullcontact • Email (local your s information include contact Note: there is no extra charge for this service. • All images (photos andyou logos) included in ad thetoadrun, must bethe atsure least 300 dpi.toyour information, the dates would like your and full elements be included information, the dates you would likes information your ad to run, andBethe fulltoelements to befull included • Email (local your ad’ to us. sure include your contact ininformation, the adad(eg. logos, photos and text). in the (eg. logos, photos and text). the dates you would like your ad to run, and the full elements to be included FAX AN (photos AD THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT WILL BUILD FORdpi. YOU: •TO All images and logos) included ininthe adadmust bebeat least 300 • All images (photos and logos) included the must at least 300 dpi. in the ad (eg. logos, photos and text). Fax number: 604-885-3194 • All images (photos and logos) included in the ad must be at least 300 dpi. •TO Please fax your instructions and the DEPARTMENT text that will used in the ad. BeFOR sureYOU: to include your FAX AN AD THAT OUR DESIGN WILL BUILD TO FAX AN AD THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT WILL BUILD FOR fullnumber: contact information, the dates you would like your ad to run, and theYOU: full elements to Fax 604-885-3194 Fax number: 604-885-3194 TOincluded FAX AN in ADthe THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT WILL BUILD FOR YOU: be ad. Please note we cannot use faxed logos or images as that quality • Please faxfaxyour instructions and the text that will used ininthe totoinclude •isPlease your instructions and the text that will used the sure includeyour your Fax number: 604-885-3194 inferior. full contact information, the dates you would like your ad to run, and the full elements toto full contact information, theand dates likeused yourin adthe to run, and thetofull elements • Please fax your instructions theyou textwould that will ad. Be sure include your befull ininformation, note we use asasfull that quality beincluded included inthe Please note wecannot cannot usefaxed faxedlogos orimages images that qualityto contactAPPLICATIONS theWE dates you would like your adlogos to or run, and the elements COMPUTER CANNOT ACCEPT: is be inferior. is inferior. included in theusad.anyPlease note we cannot • Please do not send of your “working files”,useeg:faxed Corallogos Draw,or images as that quality is inferior. Quark Express, InDesign, Pagemaker, Publisher, Pages. etc. COMPUTER COMPUTERAPPLICATIONS APPLICATIONSWE WECANNOT CANNOTACCEPT: ACCEPT: • Please send •COMPUTER Pleasedodonot notAPPLICATIONS sendususany anyofofyour your “workingfiles”, files”,eg:eg:Coral CoralDraw, Draw, WE“working CANNOT ACCEPT: Quark Express, InDesign, Pagemaker, Publisher, Pages. etc. Quark Express, InDesign, Publisher, etc. Draw, • Please do not send us anyPagemaker, of your “working files”,Pages. eg: Coral *THE LOCAL COLUMN WIDTHS: 1 column: 1.57” • 2 columns: 3.3” Quark Express, InDesign, Pagemaker, Publisher, Pages. etc. • 3 columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: 10.25” *THE *THELOCAL LOCALCOLUMN COLUMNWIDTHS: WIDTHS: 1 1column: column:1.57” 1.57”• •2 2columns: columns:3.3” 3.3” • •*THE 3 3columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: LOCAL COLUMN WIDTHS: 1 column: 1.57” • 2 columns: 3.3” 10.25” columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: 10.25” • 3 columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: 10.25”

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