Local The
Something fishy in Halfmoon Bay
Junior anglers took the bait at annual derby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
Award-winning author returns
Former Gibsons resident Tim Bowling reads from recent works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
Mighty Rapids capture awards
See map of downtown Sechelt pages 8 and 9
. . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14
Visit the SECHELT NIGHT MARKET on Cowrie St. every Thursday 5 - 9 p.m.
Lacrosse team scores trophy haul in provincial finals
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Strange But True puppetry at Sechelt Library July 19, 2012
Seaweeds 1015
July 12, 2012
Puppeteer Sandi Buck of Rababoo Puppet Theatre and Deer Crossing the Art Farm brought an army of strange characters to entertain participants in Sechelt Library’s summer reading program. Following the program’s theme, Strange but True, Buck enthralled an audience that swelled from 45 to 58 children. The seven-week program aimed at children ages 5 to 10 brings stories off the page with the help of local entertainers. On July 26, Gerardo Avila brings his magical comedy to the library, teaching magic tricks of the trade to children in two sessions, at 10:15 and 1:15. On August 16, the program wraps up with Jean-Pierre Makosso providing African rhythms, song, stories and dance.
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SCRD awarded “Leader in Sustainability” C
all2Recycle recently awarded the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) its Leader in Sustainability designation, noting that since joining the program the SCRD has steered 1,962 kg of hazardous waste – mainly batteries — away from landfills. “Recycling is a necessity if we want to sustain our quality of life,” says Dion Whyte, SCRD Manager of Sustainability Services. “Working with organizations like Call2Recycle, the SCRD continues to strive towards expanding our recycling programs in order to offer more op-
tions to Sunshine Coast bour and Sechelt landfills. residents.” In addition to the Call2Recycle is the only SCRD’s drop-off locaJune 2, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ free rechargeable battery tions, rechargeable batDeadline approval teries may be recycled at and cell phonefor collection or changes is program in North AmerGRIPS, Rona, Sunshine Monday byCall2Re3:00 p.m. Sound, The Source, Sunica. Since 1996, cycleIf we – dooperated byyouthe not hear from by thisshine Coast Building Supnon-profi t Rechargeable time, we can assume all is correct.plies, Canadian Tire, LonBattery Recycling Cor- don Drugs, and Gibsons Please let us know–how poration (RBRC) haswe Recycling Depot. Gibcan serve you best. diverted 30 million kilo-to us!sons Recycling accepts all Your business is important grams of rechargeable bat- household and automotive teries and cell phones from batteries, and recycles all the solid waste stream and personal electronic devices, established a network of computers and appliances 30,000 collection sites. for the Sunshine Coast. The SCRD collects batFor more information teries at its Field Road Ad- on the SCRD’s recycling ministration office, at the programs, visit www.scrd. Sechelt Recycling Depot, ca/Recycling-Garbage or and at the Pender Har- call 604-885-6806.
ATV crash claims life S
unshine Coast RCMP consider speed may be a factor in the fatal ATV accident that claimed the life of Shelby Rowland, 22, on Friday, July 13. The ATV collided with a vehicle on a forest service road off the end of Mason Road in West Sechelt. Rowland was pronounced dead at the scene. The ATV’s driver suffered only minor injuries and the 19-year-old driver of the SUV was unhurt. Both women on the ATV were wearing helmets. Rowland, an employee of Pharmasave in Sechelt, was described by coworkers as “a pretty special gal.” A memorial banner above the store entrance on Cowrie Street pays tribute to her memory. RCMP are asking that anyone with information pertaining to this incident contact Constable Harrison Mohr at 604-885-2266.
The Brick 1029
July 19, 2012
TheLocal Local -- Thursday, July 19, 2012 2 The
The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012 3
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The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012 3
Something fishy at Halfmoon Bay
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Her blackberry collection makes a patio look enticing for summer dining. Come visit us with all of your summer guests!
CUSTOM FRAMING AND ART SUPPLIES Families crowded the pier at Halfmoon Bay for the start of the annual Children’s Fishing Derby, the opening event in the community’s annual Summer Fair. London and Georgia Allcock, ages 5 and 4, saw their monster bullhead tip the scales at a whopping 6 ounces. STAFF PHOTOS
oung anglers, parents and grandparents crowded Halfmoon Bay pier on Saturday, July 14 for the forty-sixth anniversary of the children’s fishing derby. Organizers from the Welcome Beach Community Association (WBCA) noted that all funds raised by the event will be matched by the Halfmoon Bay General Store and benefit the Halfmoon Bay Daycare Society. As he handed out rods and bait, Terry Knight noted that the WBCA “loves to give back to the community.” The community loved the event.
Shiners, the most popular catch, generally weighed in at around an ounce or two; a couple of flounders tipped the scales at two ounces and a whopper of a bullhead took top weight at just six ounces — not quite half a pound. All were thrown back after weighing, even Flippy the Flounder. London Allcock walked off with a new fishing rod for landing that monster bullhead, with Joshua Kennedy and Emma Fawcus also taking home prizes. Samuel Theal caught the most fish. He appeared at the scales about every 15 minutes.
Jacob Shmyr caught the ugliest fish, and Sidney Porter caught the smallest. The youngest fisher, wee Doris Garner at just a year and a half old, took home a prize as youngest participant and Josephine McKenzie was Most Sportsmanlike. Sechelt Sign & Design provided medals to ensure everyone participating would leave with a souvenir of the event, and after a lunch of hot dogs served up courtesy of the WBCA families headed down the road to the firehall and the next event in the Halfmoon Bay Fair weekend schedule of activities.
Poise Island in Porpoise Bay. Everyone is invited to join him for all or part of the journey using any human-powered means. There will be a potluck barbecue at the park following the swim. Our apologies to Paul Hodgson for the erroneous photo credit, and our thanks to
Roger Lagasse for setting the record straight and providing additional information.
In our last issue, the photo of Quinn Barabash (Second Swim for Salmon to raise awareness) should have been attributed to Paul Hodgson. Quinn will not be swimming through the Skookumchuck this year. He will be swimming all around
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4 The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012
Editorial Opinion The dog days of summer
e are all still reeling from the change – chilly, wet weather had us digging in our closets for sweaters for so long we despaired of ever seeing blue skies and that bright yellow thing that occasionally made an appearance. The clouds have moved off for a while (and, according to the forecast) we’ll see a lot more sun in the next week, too. But with the sun came the heat and while we’re trying to adapt to hot summer days by wearing shorts and light clothing, there are those who can’t shed apparel to cool down – our pets. It’s time to remember that we also have to consider our pets and the effect this warm weather is having on them. Please remember that it’s not a good idea to take your pet with you when you’re out shopping. Leaving your pet in a locked vehicle – even with the windows cracked – still exposes them to danger; temperatures inside a vehicle can quickly climb to more than 38 degrees. Dogs can withstand high temperatures for only a very short time before suffering irreparable brain damage or even death. It is far kinder and safer to leave your dog at home, in a cool environment. According to the BC SPCA, you should use caution when running, cycling or rollerblading with your pet, as these activities pose serious risks of heatstroke, accidents, and anxiety experienced by the animal. If you run or cycle with your dog, choose cooler times of day such as early morning or late evening and take plenty of breaks. Also, run on soft trails rather than on cement and asphalt, which can burn your pet’s foot pads. Always take water and an appropriate container from which your dog can drink. Have the number of a veterinarian on hand so that you are prepared in case of an emergency. To avoid potential disaster, know the signs of heatstroke in pets: exaggerated panting (or the sudden stopping of panting), rapid or erratic pulse, salivation, weakness and muscle tremors, lack of coordination, convulsions or vomiting and collapse. If your dog shows symptoms of heatstroke, immediately move the animal to a cool, shady place. Wet the dog with cool water including the head and feet and fan vigorously to promote evaporation. Do not apply ice, as this constricts blood flow, which will inhibit cooling. Allow the dog to drink some cool water. Finally, get him to the vet right away. And don’t forget your small pets: guinea pigs, rabbits and rats. Never put their cages near windows and provide shelter and shade if they are enjoying outdoor time. On the hottest days, adding dishes of ice into enclosures will assist in lowering temperatures.
Letters to the Editor Not to be missed! List past weekend, we went to the Halfmoon Bay Country Fair. It was extremely well organized. The pancake breakfast was excellent and the people serving were wonderful. They had a large area of games set up for children. I wished I could play them too. One of the ladies let me throw a few rings at the ring toss game and made my day. Tons of great items in the Silent Auction, many stalls offering great items, and bingo was only $.50 a card – what a deal! A little girl playing beside me had a bingo and didn’t see it, so
I told her to yell BINGO. She won herself a fishing rod. The next game she won again and took another fishing rod to give to her brother. Aren’t children wonderful? Congratulations to all who worked to organize this event and to all who participated – a job more than well done. Anita Paulin, Sechelt
Biggest Sechelt secret I have seen it happen a hundred times when I was growing up in the States: one town after another. The big box stores move in on the strip malls and the downtown small fam-
Letters to the Editor – Opinions ily stores start putting up plywood on their windows and doors. The small family stores in Sechelt support young families and young children for our schools. Most of the money they make stays in Sechelt. Most of the big box stores’ profit goes to China or to the States but not to Sechelt. We already have three big box stores on the Sunshine Coast and everything we do in Sechelt affects the whole Sunshine Coast. Cowrie Street will turn into a boarded up plywood ghost town. Some of the beautiful buildings will be torn down and our young people will leave. Tell me I am wrong about this. Do we make a stand or just sit around and let it happen? I am involved in the arts and culture as well as heritage of this beautiful District. The Sechelt downtown has a wonderful, peaceful small town nature that will attract tourists and the people who want to live here. Stand with me and make a pledge to not let this happen. Write your letters to keep small family businesses in Sechelt profitable. Bob Evermon, Davis Bay
Water metering raises questions With regard to the staff report at the Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday June 26: the report made recommen-
dations pertaining to the requirement that developers install water meters in individual units at new developments of multi family properties. My enquiries at this meeting were based on this report. In the report, the town’s director of engineering dismissed the best solution, i.e. individual unit meters be installed in all new multiple family dwellings. Had this been recommended, Strata Corporations could monitor possible leaks and conserve water while saving money, but the present system of one or two meters per strata does not allow for this. At a two per cent cost per unit to the developer, which is then passed onto the buyer, the additional cost of water metering could be easily returned to the owner with good water conservation practice, but this is not possible under the present structure. All strata owners pay a water parcel tax while having the responsibility to maintain and repair the strata infrastructure. All owners are also billed a water meter replacement charge per unit (although with no individual meter installation). I suggest that a Registered Civil Engineer be contracted to conduct a formal study on the cost and feasibility of installing individual water meters for all new multiple family dwellings.
Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office email: localsales@telus.net Classified Advertising Deadline: Monday 5:00 p.m. at The Local office thelocal@telus.net Carol Gardar 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt Editorial Deadline: Gardarsson Gardarsson P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Monday 10 a.m. at The Local office Publisher, Publisher, Editor Ad Sales Manager Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com This publication reserves the right to refuse any advertising that it considers to email: thelocal@telus.net contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. website: www.thelocalweekly.ca The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 9am - 5pm of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.
This would be beneficial for both the Town and multiple family residents. The owners will have the ability to conserve water and save money, and the Town will have a greater water capacity for future development. Malcolm Fullwood, Gibsons
Developers over citizens? The Local received a copy of this letter for publication Mayor Rowe and Councillors Bouman, Johnson, SanJenko, and Tretick: Mayor Rowe, you stated that after the first Committee of the Whole session examining the Gospel Rock Neighbourhood Plan this week, the public would be allowed to pose questions. As a member of “the public” my first question is: Could you clarify what exactly are the objectives of these deliberations the Committee of the Whole is holding? The Town requested input from stakeholders. You received well thought out and articulated feedback on the plan from several quarters. Most of the feedback concentrated on the plan’s shortcomings and much of it offered solutions to the problems raised, ywet after two and a half hours of deliberations, you made no improvements to the plan and no changes of any kind. The problems raised so tren-
chantly by the stakeholders received barely a mention. Where is this all going? What is the point of wasting staff time and taxpayer’s money talking? We want results. We want this plan to reflect the desires of the majority of the townspeople as demonstrated many times over the years, most concretely in the referendum of 2008 when, although offered a devil-and-the-deepblue-sea choice, the people still came down firmly on the side of leaving the waterfront natural. You were all elected to represent the best interests of the citizens of Gibsons, not to cater to the ambitions of developers. It is perfectly legal for them to support your election campaigns. It is also perfectly legitimate for you, in fact required of you, to put the interests of the Town and its citizens before the interests of the developers, a couple of whom seem to be the beneficiaries of massive up-zoning in this plan. Nothing has ever been put forward by the Town or the developers or anyone else claiming (let alone proving) that the GRNP in this or any of its iterations is in the best interests of Gibsons and its citizen-taxpayers. So my second question is: Can you clarify what’s in it for us? Please be specific. Judith Hammill Gibsons, (Letters continued on page 5) Kate Purnell
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Volume 10 • Issue 29
The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012 5
Letters to the Editor – Opinions (Continued from page 4)
Defending the indefensible
I am saddened at Mr. Weston’s defence of the so-called budget bill. It is a vast, all encompassing document that suddenly and profoundly changes the face of Canada as we know it and all this without the lengthy and serious discussion that a healthy democracy demands. Ultimately, Mr. Weston, you are justifying and defending the indefensible. Alan Sirulnikoff, Gibsons
Note to Jef Keighley Just wanted Halfmoon Bay resident Mr. Jef Keighley to know that I didn’t appreciate his letter to the editor in last Thursday’s edition regarding ‘Legal Actions Eat Tax Increase.’ He doesn’t know any of the background of the legal issues and the expenses for them. He doesn’t know anything about the potential transit enhancement regarding the paving of the top end of Mason, Heritage to Sandpiper and Sandpiper to Gale roads... not to mention the future proposed interconnects from Sandpiper to Ripple Road to improve access from West Sechelt to the Sechelt Golf Course and Kinnickinnick Park. But what he really fails to appreciate is that he is NOT
a resident of the District of Sechelt and when he refers to “our new Council’s management skills,” it’s basically none of his business! If he wants to look into the management of something that impacts his taxes he needs to spend his time evaluating the SCRD. Doug Hockley, West Sechelt
Harper out of control? A week ago, CBC radio was reporting on the Conference in Rio. It was said that Canada’s reputation as a moderate, environmentally responsible, trustworthy country had taken a pummeling. I wonder why? Other countries’ representatives said that Canada was unrecognizable to them now. I wonder why? The Leadnow organization, run by young people, who are incidentally worried about the ramifications of Bill C-38 and how Canada is now being portrayed globally by the Harper Government, is having standing room only meetings throughout Canada. Everywhere I go, people are worried about the environment. Maybe I am not moving in the right circles. Now it seems that the Beaufort Sea and northern Canada will be open for business to even more oil companies. There have been two serious oil spills in Alberta this month alone. Someone said that was OK
because after the oil soaked into the earth it could just be extracted again! I hope that was a joke. The Harper Government allowing the oil companies’ “sharks’ feeding frenzy” in northern Canada, is not responsible government. It does not take a great brain to just pluck the natural resources from the earth and sell them overseas. It might take a brain to figure out how to slowly dismantle the “dirty oil” model and develop clean, sustainable energy and be a world leader in this field to boot. However, that is not my job. People are being paid a lot of money to sully Canada’s reputation overseas and devastate our pristine landscape against the wishes of most of the populace. Mr. Harper is out of control. Janet Fairfield, Roberts Creek
Big box rezoning end of Coast lifestyle? Rezoning for Eco Village on Field Road coming to Council! This will be the end of the Sunshine Coast as we know it. Yes, the big box stores will be in Sechelt but it will hurt all the small businesses on the Sunshine Coast. The small family stores in Sechelt support young families and young children for our schools.
Krangle appointed to Madeira Elementary
chool District No. 46 (Sunshine Coast) announced that Barry Krangle has been appointed Principal of Madeira Park Elementary School effective August 1, 2012. Krangle is an experienced teacher and educational leader who started his teaching career in the Sunshine Coast School District in 1978. He taught at the intermediate level at Cedar
Grove, Davis Bay, West Sechelt and Roberts Creek Elementary Schools. During the 2002-2003 school year, Krangle taught in Guadalajara, Mexico in a K-Grade 12 school. He has also taken on leadership roles as Teacher-In-Charge and Staff Representative at Roberts Creek Elementary School. He is well known in the school district for his inno-
vative teaching, coaching, musical performances and his energy and enthusiasm. “I am excited to work with the Pender Harbour community and the staff at Madeira Park Elementary School,” he said. The Board of Education proudly supports all of its Principals and Vice-Principals as they work in partnership with staff, students and parents.
Most of the money small businesses make stays in Sechelt. Most of the big box stores’ profit will leave Sechelt and go to China or to the States. We already have three big box stores on the Sunshine Coast. Cowrie Street will turn into a boarded-up plywood ghost town. Some of the beautiful buildings will be torn down and our young people will leave. The Sechelt downtown has a wonderful, peaceful small town nature that attracts tourists and people who want to get away from the busy city. Don’t bring the big city lifestyle to the Sunshine Coast. What do you gain, a dollar here and there maybe. What do you lose, a lifestyle that you will never find again on the Sunshine Coast. I have seen it happen a hundred times, the big box stores move in and the downtown small family stores start pulling out and up goes the plywood on their windows and doors. So do we keep big box stores out of the Sunshine Coast and keep small family business in Sechelt profitable? Bob Evermon, Davis Bay
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The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012
Treats, a clicker and target stick T
Photo submitted
M u n i c i pa l M e M o July 19, 2012
reibball is a super fun gaining in popularity in team sport for people North America. Scoring is and their dogs. It was devel- done based on cooperation, oped in Germany to provide speed and directions from an enjoyable and challeng- the handler. No corrections ing outlet for dogs without of any sort are permitted in physical stress on the han- Treibball. dler. Like a cross between bilEquipment needed to liards and herding, the game teach a dog this sport is inbegins with a set of eight expensive and minimal: a large balls set up in a triangle clicker, treats, target stick, formation and the goal is for something for the dog to the dog to get all eight balls move around while learninto a goal within about 15 ing their directions – a chair, minutes. The handler must bucket or rain-barrel will do; stay within the goal area and some PVC to make goals to work with their dog through practice with and eight balls a series of hand signals, whis- between 45 and 75 cm. tles or verbal cues to direct Teaching a dog this sport their dog to “herd” each ball begins with conditioning to the handler and goal. 1029the dog to understand that Sechelt Memo This became a sanctioned a clicker means a reward sport in Germany just a is coming and then using few years ago and is rapidly the clicker to teach the dog
to push with their closed mouth, nose or shoulder (paws are not allowed) – often people teach a dog to push a door shut on the cue “push” and then teach the dog to circle a chair or other object in each direction on cue. From there skills are built so the dog learns to push individual balls toward the handler in the goal area. Treibball is a great sport for herding dogs without sheep, shy dogs who need to gain confidence, reactive dogs who need an outlet and to learn self-control, and for anyone who wants to do team work with their dogs for fun or competition. Watch for Triebball coming to the Sunshine Coast soon… Submitted by Jane Bowers
District of Sechelt – Council highlights July 19, 2012
Upcoming meetings:
Put YOUR mark on YOUR Community and WIN!
Wednesdays, aug 1 & 15 • 7pm Regular council meeting Wed. JuLy 25 & augusT 8 • 1:00 pm committee of the Whole meeting
new sechelt Logo and tagline contest! Residents of Sechelt are invited to submit entries for a new District of Sechelt Logo and Tagline. Entries must be submitted by October 1, 2012. First Prize: $500. Entries from all ages welcome. See www.sechelt.ca for full contest details.
JuLy 25 • 1:00 pm Annual general meeting The District’s 2011 Annual Report will be presented for consideration by Council at this meeting. This meeting is open to the public and residents are welcome to attend and ask questions. In compliance with Sections 97, 98 and 99 of the Community Charter, the District’s 2011 Annual Report will be available in draft form at the District Office and on www.sechelt.ca as of June 30, 2012. The Annual General Meeting will be followed by a Committee of the Whole meeting.
District of Sechelt offices are located on the 2nd floor, 5797 Cowrie Street, Sechelt, BC Mailing address: PO Box 129 Sechelt, BC, VON 3A0 Phone: 604-885-1986 • Fax: 604-885-7591 • Email: info@sechelt.ca Open Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Kenan Mackenzie
Three sets of Official Community Plan (OCP) and Zoning Amendment Bylaws were adopted at the July 4 meeting, including ones to allow for processing of sturgeon and sturgeon roe at Target Marine Industries’ site in the Tillicum Bay area. Following adoption of these bylaws, Mayor Henderson expressed thanks to all who presented their views to Council on this issue, noting that Council has considered all input received and made decisions based on what it has determined to be in the best interest of the community as a whole. Greypointe Development (often referred to as the Sangara lands) in the West Sechelt neighbourhood received final reading of the bylaws required for its phased comprehensive
residential development. A ‘no build’ covenant restricts development to Phase One, pending Council approval of a Development Agreement. Bylaws for Stockwell Enterprises Ltd.’s application to allow for a concrete plant in the East Porpoise Bay area were also approved. Included with these bylaws is a Restrictive Covenant on the property, created to help ensure that views and concerns raised during public consultation on this proposed development will be addressed. Amendments to Public Sewer and Sewer Pumping Bylaws were adopted, updating regulations and cost recovery for the installation of lines and pumps on private property. Council voted against asking staff to draft a Pet Regulation Bylaw to require licensing of pets other than dogs, particularly cats. Debate on this issue was
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precipitated by two public requests that were included as Council Correspondence on the meeting agenda. In debate, Council members cited more pressing matters that required staff’s time as reasons to not consider development of a bylaw at this time. Sechelt’s 2011 Statements of Financial Information were received by Council and, with minor technical adjustments, will be made available to the public on the District website, at the District Office and the public library. The Sunshine Coast RCMP Detachment’s May 2012 crime statistics were received. Council also endorsed the issuance of a letter supporting in principle the efforts of ‘Coasting Along Theatre’ to work towards hosting a production of The Nutcracker ballet/theatre performance in the community during the 2012 Christmas holiday season.
This custom designed home features covered front deck to watch the sunsets, some ocean view, large spacious living room with gas fireplace, separate dining, maple hardwood floors, gourmet kitchen with island open to the family room, bright master bedroom with a fantastic ensuite (soaker tub and separate shower), laundry on the bedroom level and a double car attached garage. The level lot is .27 of an acre with a huge, gravelled side yard (great to park an RV) and the rest is nicely landscaped. Short walk to one of the Sunshine Coast’s best beaches and Chapman Trail.
The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012 7
Super summer in Sechelt Mayor’s Message John Henderson Mayor, District of Sechelt
ith summer in full swing, I am thrilled to report that downtown Sechelt is buzzing with activity. The Canada Day celebrations on Cowrie Street and at Hackett Park were huge successes with record crowds. On behalf of the community, I want to thank the organizer, Sechelt Downtown Business Association, and the many volunteers for their energy and enthusiasm in making our town so vibrant! It’s also great to see and feel the “buzz” in our downtown business community. It’s very gratifying to see the number of new businesses that have opened in
recent months. As well, the ‘Thursday Night Market’ and the Saturday Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market have been blessed with good weather and great crowds. The colourful street banners are up and the planters and open spaces are showing their summer best. We have recently launched a pilot project to enhance the enjoyment and the vibrancy in our downtown shopping area. Merchants can use the sidewalk areas outside their shops for product displays, seating areas, etc. I encourage all to be creative – who knows, we might just have a contest for the most innovative idea! In addition, two multifamily residential facility construction projects are underway (the Watermark on Teredo and Wharf Place, on Wharf near East
Porpoise Bay Road.) On completion these projects will add 125 high quality residential units to our downtown area. Such activities demonstrate that our community is growing and that our future is bright. I am also pleased that the BC Hydro undergrounding work on several of our streets is now completed. My thanks to everyone for their patience while this work was underway. In closing, I continue to be so aware of how fortunate we are to live in Sechelt. While ours is such a great place at all times of the year, there’s no doubt that our summer times are beyond compare. The myriad of activities available along with the influx of tourists makes it truly exciting to live, work and play in Sechelt!
• Sony • • ToShiba • • ToShiba hiba • pana Sonic • panaSonic panaSonic •• Sony • • pana • Sony • • ToShiba • ToShiba • • panaSonic • • Sony • • panaSonic • To onic • • Sony • hiba • • ToShiba • ToShiba • panaSonic • panaSonic• • Sony • • pana • Sony • • ToShiba • ToShiba • To onic • • panaSonic • • Sony • • panaSonic • Sony hiba • • ToShiba • ToShiba • • panaSonic panaSonic • Sony • pana • Sony • • ToShiba • ToShiba • To onic • • panaSonic • Sony • • panaSonic • Sony hiba • ToShiba • ToShiba • panaSonic panaSonic • Sony • pana • Sony• • ToShiba ToShiba • To onic • • panaSonic • Sony • panaSonic • Sony hiba • • ToShiba • ToShiba • panaSonic panaSonic • Sony • pana • Sony • • ToShiba ToShiba • To onic • • panaSonic • Sony • panaSonic • Sony hiba • • ToShiba • ToShiba • panaSonic panaSonic • Sony • pana • Sony • • ToShiba ToShiba • To onic • • panaSonic • Sony • panaSonic • Sony hiba • • ToShiba • ToShiba panaSonic Mon - Fri •10am - 5pm panaSonic • Sony • • pana • Sony • • ToShiba• Upgrades • Changes • Issues • Concerns ToShiba • To onic • • panaSonic • • Sony • • panaSonic • Sony • hiba • • ToShiba • ToShiba • panaSonic • • ToShiba • • Sony • • ToShiba • • panaSonic •
television • home Audio • cAr Audio
Quality, Canadian-made pool suits, here all year round! at Mosaic Market 4780 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Davis Bay
S P I T Y T SrAmFobEility vehicle drivers
Sequiros swimwear 1029
SECHELT: #1 - 5679 Cowrie Street 604-740-0982
POWELL RIVER: 7030 Glacier Street 604-485-0080
We would be happy to bring any equipment to your home for a test drive. Just contact one of our staff.
yourself to to familiarize me ho to e os cl e your vehicle akes. recharge 1. Test driv home to fully les and br nd rn ha tu re it u y yo wa e th ter when ug in your scoo 2. Always pl ans. ways. the battery. around pedestri and be careful around door ds ee sp w lo 3. Travel at on sidewalks especially destrian rules to avoid tipping, this is pe ow ll Fo 4. around corners 5. Slow down th three-wheeled scooters. of-way. the rightimportant wi destrians have as possible. pe at th er mb tipping. h 6. Reme c times as muc descents squarely to avoid ffi ra t gh hi d s and 7. Avoi ag or approach ascent having a red fl 8. Be sure to ng on the street consider li s as much 9. When trave ts to alert drivers. ert pedestrian al to e ic vo flashing ligh your your horn use 10. Instead of so as not to startle them. n potentially to one side ca d ar rw fo g as possible in Lean when stopping. 11. Lean back . avel scooters bumps since tr d ee sp ke tip you over li s ion to obstacle 12. Pay attent w ground clearance. the street. en traveling on flow of traffic. wh s al have very lo gn si nd ve against the signals or ha 13. Use turn and never dri ol or certain medications. gs in ss ro c an ri oh 14. Use pedest under the influence of alc ve ri d ot n Do 15. DENT e police CASE OF AN ACCI reported to th u run into them. be st WHAT TO DO IN mu it rs ry occu hers if yo 1. If an inju onsible for injuries to ot u have adequate liability yo sp 2. You are re ld liable so be sure that insurance can cover this he rs be ne y homeow 3. You ma many countries nce agent. ra insurance. In su in with your expense. Check cooter mobility s r u o y h t i ure w new advent ly! Enjoy your drive safe d n a r i a h c heel or power w July 19, 2012
Medichair 1029
July 19, 2012
L-R: Ken, Patricia, Jeff, Jackie, Matt
5674 Cowrie Street, Sechelt 604-885-2734 • 1-888-393-5577 website: www.secheltmedichair.com • email: sechelt@medichair.ca
8 The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012 14
Reflections Good Stuffmap 1028
14 14 14 Kiss map 1028 Lighthouse Pub map 1028 Thelma & Louise map 1028 Thelma & bed & bath collections Louise Collections
HealtH foodS
Home Decor
Clothing for Adventurous Women
Style with Personality
Mon -Sat: 9:30-5:30 Sun: 12-4
5697 Cowrie St. 604-885-7807 2
5697 Cowrie St. 604-885-7870
• Supplements • Bodycare
5668 Cowrie Street,
101 - 5688 Cowrie St. 604-885-9063
Sechelt 604-885-4893
Lighthouse Beer & Wine map 1028
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
• Gluten-free Products
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Harbour Air map 1028 July 12, 2012
harbourair.com 1.800.665.0212 604.885-2111
SC Ford map 1028 July 12, 2012
5606 Wharf Road, Sechelt BC 604-885-3281 • Toll Free 1-800-538-4504 SALES • PARTS • SERVICE For more outstanding deals visit our website…
Petrocan Sechelt July 12, 2012 map 1028 Ebbtide Street
Dolphin Stree
Fresh CoFFee • Fresh Baking
Daily Roast map 1028 Butcher
Dave’s Meat Market
M ar ke t
Connecte d Elect ronics
Trai l Bay Ce nt re
ve n
Fo ss
R BC Fi n an ci al G ro up
i Tra
Claytons map 1028
The Upstairs Downstairs Shoppe July 12, 2012 Gift Shop • Home Decor
High way 101 ay
oon B H a lf m
ic Sn
Upstairs Downstairs 1028 July 12, 2012
Trail Bay Centre 5755 Cowrie Street 604-885-3414
Sew1028 Easy map 1028 Connected Electronics map July 12,not 2012 for navigati on purp oses . ion: July 12, 2012
Yarn & Fabric
audio i video i computers i music i office i gaming Small Town Service • Big Box Pricing
Caut Do not atte mpt to sail a boat thro ugh Sech elt using this chart.
5755 Cowrie St. Trail Bay Centre 604-885-2725
5755 Cowrie St. 604-885-2568
• Pandora bracelets, necklaces & rings • Bulova & Seiko watches • Wide selection of diamond engagement rings & wedding bands 604-885-2421
Gi lliga n’s Pub
Go Hea
Salon Spa
B.C. Liqu or St ore
Custom Carpet map 102811 July 12, 2012 Mamas Gelato map 1028 July 12, 2012
Cl ay to ns
Li brar y & g Di st rict Bu ildin
s t a irs s Do w n ir a t s p U sy S e w Ea e ld Je we lle rs Wa k efi Shoppers Drug Mart Xtras Sol Mare
(across from Gibsons Building Supplies)
at Wharf & Hwy 101 604-741-9798 • 604-741-3861
Your First Choice in Foods Trail Bay CenTre 5755 Cowrie Street 604-885-2025
re at ic C e n t
5580 Wharf Road
Gelato • Paninis • Soups • Authentic Wonton Soup
Aq u
(at Hwy. 101) 604-885-3909
5580 Wharf Rd. 604-885-4345
s Butcher Dave’s map 1028 Fa rmer & 132012Art is ans July 12,
5580 Wharf Rd.,
Petro Can
11 10 Visit the Sechelt Wakefield Jewellers map 1028 Extras map 1028 Sol Mare July map12,1028 2012 July 12, 2012
SolMar e Salon•Spa
July 12, 2012
for the Fashionably Conscious Woman 604-885-6460
July 12, 2012
AquAtic centre
13 SCRD map 1028
July 12, 2012
5612 Wharf Road
Sechelt 604-885-3606
July 12, 2012
Casey’s Every 1028
at the top of Cowrie July 12, 2012
The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012 14 14 14 1028map 1028 Upstage map 1028 Coast Jewellery map 1028 Sechelt Fish Market map Fresh
14 14 8 Good Stuff Health Foods map 1028
Coast Jewellery
Gold & Silver Jewellery
5652 Cowrie St. 604-885-6680
from the coast
103 - 5688 Cowrie St. 604-885-7410
103 - 5697 Cowrie St. 604-740-9818
5721 Cowrie Street, Sechelt
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
Patio is open and licensed!
local artisan shop & gallery
Your source for seafood
5699 Cowrie Street 604-885-2666
Ty’s Fine Foods and bisTro
designed & hand made in Sechelt
Home Décor
July 12, 2012
television • home Audio • cAr Audio
July 12, 2012
#1 - 5679 Cowrie Street Sechelt 604-740-0982 14
bo Har
ur A
Quality Clothing Est. 2012
5711 Cowrie Street • 604-741-9883 info@fossellos.com • www.fossellos.com
Deluxe Landscaping Supplies
Tsain Ko Mall
Harbour Air Se aplanes Casey’s Country Cardens
12 t
Sechelt ood Stuff FishMarket alth Foods
Napa Au to Pa rt s
Thelma & Louise
Coast Jewellry
Kiss Home Decor
Re dfish
South Coast
Art Wor ks
St. M ar y’s Ho sp
The Daily Roast
it al
Lighthousee C us tom or Stor M am a’s C a rp e t Liqu s o or at G el In te ri
Bu tche r Dave’s
Ca n
Pe tro
Prudent ial
House of héwhiwus
Sechelt Animal Hospital
July 12, 2012
27 July 12, 2012
Summer Place?
Mobile Mortgage Advice www.sunshineccu.com
Coast Copy Centre
24Sechelt Animal Hospital
en ue
#100-5500 Wharf St. Sechelt BC 604-885-2309 Sunshine Coast Credit Union
Play Area
Watermark at Sechelt
Artworks map 1028
Cowrie Street
Ta lew ind
5683 Cowrie st. 604-885-7101
5685 Cowrie St.
Daphn e’s
Wh Sound Attract ion Audio Video
hair salon
t f ul I n s igh 20 Visio ns
ArtworkS GAllery & PiCture FrAminG
Sechelt Shell map 102
rainbow room
Corner of Trail & Cowrie St. 604-885-2128
Gi bs on s
Full Service Gas Station • Mobile Marine Service
le t
Rain bow Room Salo n Ty’s Fine Foods & Bistro
Thursday Night Market
Cowrie Street
se llo’s
Real Estate
The Lighthouse Pub
rpo t Po
o yR
Mon - Sat 8:30-5:30 • OPEN SUNDAYS 9-5 Emergency Pager Find us on Service available 24/7 Facebook!
6037 Sechelt Inlet Rd. 604-885-9070 • Open 7 days a week: MOn - Fri 8:30-5 • sat 9-5 • sun 10 - 4
5561 Wharf Road 604-885-3295
Sechelt Animal Hosp
Prudential JulySussex 12, 2012map
5550 Inlet Avenue, Sechelt 604-885-5181 Open 7 days a week: Mon -Fri 8-5:30 • Sat 8-4 • Sun 10-4
Insightful Visions map 1 SeChelT NighT mArkeT July 12, 2012
16 15 Farmer’s Market map 1028
5494 Trail Ave. 604-885-2527
107-5530 Wharf Avenue 604-885-3371 www.insightfulvisions.ca
18 Talewind Books map17 1028 Redfish map 1028
Daphne’s Authentic Greek cuisine
5530 Wharf Rd. 604-885-2008
Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
July 12, 2012
On Cowrie St., every Thursday from 5 - 9 p.m. June 21 to Aug. 30, 2012
19 Tsain-Ko Group Gilligans map 1028 of Companies Daphnes map 1028 July 12, 2012 “Building business and prosperity for the shíshálh Nation - for today and tomorrow.”
Pub & Liquor Store
Good food, good fun and great prices!
5770 Teredo St. Sechelt PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE: 604-885-9240
July 12, 2012
• Tsain-Ko Development Corporation • Tsain-Ko Gas Bar Inc. • Tsain-Ko Entertainment Ltd. • Tsain-Ko Land Development Corporation • Tsain-Ko Forestry Development Corporation • Tsain-Ko Village Shopping Center L.P. • Tsain-Ko Forestry L.P. Office: Unit 310, 5500 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Sechelt, BC Mail: P.O. Box 557, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Tel: 604-885-3504 • Fax: 604-885-3506 Email: vmacfarlane@tsain-ko.com • www.tsain-ko.com
July 12, 2012
The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012
Buy 3 months and get the 4th month free! SECURE • SAFE • AFFORDABLE Best rates in town. We beat any price! •
5621 Inlet Ave, Sechelt 604-885-3460 • www.belmarselfstorage.com
pub FISHING DERBY gilliganS anD buccaneer marina
July 14 • Sign up now!
JULY 28 & 29 • Sign up now! LIMITED ENTRIES.
Good food, good fun and great prices!
5770 Teredo St. Sechelt
PUB: 604-885-4148 LIQUOR STORE:
BRANCH #109 604-886-2411
Christmas in July! Food Drive for St. Barts Food Bank
Please bring non-perishable items 5 - 7:30pm – Full Turkey Dinner $10 • Dessert by the Ladies Aux. by Donation$
Song Butchers at 8pm
Harpdog Brown & The Bloodhounds at 8pm Come out and enjoy some amazing Blues!
Members $8 Guests $10
Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding 5-7:30pm Karaoke with RoketSound at 8pm
• Crib on Tuesdays 7pm and Saturdays 12:30pm • Meat Draws Saturdays 4-5:30pm and Sundays 4-6pm
It’s time to close your store, Mommy.
The past 15 months have been so much fun, drawing repeat customers, meeting new people from on and off the Coast and expanding Upstaging Your Homes Staging and Redesign Services with the addition of Upstage, my retail store. The decision to close Upstage has been a very difficult one.
self. Honour the fact that there is no other like you and do things ‘your way’. Michael Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) O’Connor A diligent focus to inAstrologer crease returns continues. This may imply more inGilligans 1027 Tip of the Week: come, support and/or The Astrological por- acknowledgement. Your trait indicates revolution- creative focus is bound to ary times. According to increase – a gift from Merthe Astrological portrait, cury retrograde. Achieving social, political and eco- clarity with others and munomic revolution is des- tual understanding is the tined to occur now. The key to getting your due. Sun currently conjuncts the Cancer (Jun 21 – Jul 22) Galactic Equator, which 1029 Take inventory of all you Gibsons Legion July 5, 2012 is a major focus of Mayan have: your gifts, talents, Astrology/Cosmology and skills and abilities. The brings special emphasis to danger of getting stuck in 2012 which is understood the past is common and to be the ‘official start’ of emphasized now. Your willthe Fifth Root Race! We are ingness to squarely tackle all challenged to adapt and fixed behaviour patterns, Astrology can prove a very self-concepts and beliefs is valuable resource. ideal, if not essential, for Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) success. 19, 2012 The season is July reaching Leo (Jul 22 – Aug 23) mid stride and this stands Your trend to a sharpened to raise the drama levels as focus will continue and well. Whether this increase may become especially eviimplies fun or stress for you dent this week. Be willing depends on your attitude. to increase your outreach Expect your own emotional accordingly. With Mercury and energy levels to in- retrograde, however, make crease. You will likely want doubly sure all your commore attention, as in ‘it’s munications are mutually my turn’. Take time to play understood and your notes or enjoy the performances are accurate. of others. Virgo (Aug 23 – Sep 22) Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) It may be time to retreat 1029 At your core Upstage you are very for a while, or at least enjoy creative and perhaps very and/or benefit from workproud as well. So intrinsic ing behind the scenes. Reis this root trait that you view what has worked in may not recognize it. Yet it the past but may not be is pride that is the anchor of working now. Enjoying a stubbornness. Feeling con- retrospective cycle means fident and secure is the flip you will emerge from it side. Finances aside, this is clearer about everything. linked to expressing your- Libra (Sep 22 – Oct 22)
brand new units 24 hour access • 7 days a week •
Horoscope July 19 to July 26
July 19, 2012
30% off all regular priced furnishings & home décor starts Friday, July 27 10 am to 6 pm Our sale will continue until everything is gone or the end of our lease Aug. 31, whichever comes first!
However, I am ready for more playtime with my husband, Dane and our pussycats, Gracie and Gigi, more traveling, learning to kayak, gardening, reading and relaxing in our twilight lounge, with a glass of wine, watching the cruise ships heading to Alaska.
5652 Cowrie Street, downtown Sechelt, 604-885-6680 Open Mon, Tues, Thurs & Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 12-5pm
Level: HARD
Solution on page 13. Courtesy of www.sudoku-puzzles.net
What dreams may come is linked to the quality of dreams gestating in your mind. Whether dreaming of the past or dreaming of new possibilities, the time is right. The greatest danger is slipping into the dream and losing all perspective on your present life. Intend to weave dreams with conscious co-creation. Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) When Saturn turned Direct in late June you especially might have noticed it. Delays and restrictions up to then may have been endlessly annoying. Now you are in a new stride, as though heading for new territory. The more momentum you can muster over the next two to three months the better. If necessary, review all prior successes to increase confidence levels. Sagittarius (Nov 21 – Dec 21) It is likely that you are standing between what once was and what will be. At worst, you feel a little lost. If so, reach for higher ground to see a bigger picture. Some big changes may be brewing and you are wise to focus on strengthening your core sense of security. Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Clearing the old to make way for the new is the call now. Taking preliminary measures to identify the new that you want is as important as the clearing. Getting more answers than providing information is likely. Hold your cards closely now and play your hand as well as you can, even if it requires that you AJ Pumps Sudoku 1029 bluff, as necessary. Aquarius (Jan 19 – Feb 19) A stimulation of your closest relationships is in the spotlight. Increase the scope and quality of your communications. Talking is generally good, but body language contributes and actions speak louder than July 19, 2012 words and gestures. Diplomatic exchanges are likely yet speak your truth too! Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Creating a healthier rhythm is an emerging theme. Health implies balance. Perhaps you need to play more, or maybe it is your work/effort/focus equation that is required. Make your health and your lifestyle a higher priority.
Stereo 105.9 FM & Ch 11 on the Coast TV system • Listen Live at “www.civu.net”
To get involved in local radio, email: cvuemail@yahoo.ca
The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012 11
Design through maintenance
Arts Features
Ottawa-based poet Brandon Wint, a Capital Slam poetry competition champion and veteran of two Canadian Festival of Spoken Word championship teams, brings his spoken word performance to The Sound in Sechelt on Friday, July 21 at 8 pm.
Special guest Jillian Christmas and former Canadian Idol finalist, singer Chelsea Johnson, join Wint for an evening of spoken word that includes an open mike session for local poets to share their work. Tickets ($10) available at the door.
Creek singer explores themes Roberts Creek singer/ songwriter Jess Hart’s recently released single ‘Lifestyle Ad’, a little ukulele number mixed at Strait Sound in Roberts Creek, explores themes of media concentration, corporate ownership, consumer culture and isolation. An accomplished singer/ songwriter admired for her thoughtful lyrics and unique vocal and musical style, Jess Hart’s self-produced debut album ‘Incorporated’ has been featured on CBC and
Art Stroll in The Landing Thirteen venues will showcase a variety of art works and wares during the annual Gibsons Landing Art Stroll, August 9 through 12. Enjoy exhibitions, art activities, creative cuisine, music, and artist demos throughout the scenic seaside village, plus a sneak peek at the Gibsons Public Art Gallery’s future home during a ‘work in progress’ reception Saturday, August 11 from 4 to 7 pm at the former BMO building, 431 Marine Drive. Take part in the free drop-in collage art activity Thursday through Saturday, 1 to 3 pm, in the Gibsons Public Library, catch Music in the Landing performances and stroll the Sunday Market at Holland Park. A self-guided tour brochure is available at the Gibsons Visitor Information Centre, online at gibsonspublicartgallery.ca, and at local businesses.
radio stations across Canada. Her second album is in production at Strait Sound. Far from the typical female singer-songwriter, Hart views music as a vehicle for change. “Music for me is the best tool possible to express my thoughts and ideas about my surroundings and to communicate them meaningfully,” she says. ‘Lifestyle Ad’ is available on i-Tunes, and Amazon. For more information visit www.jesshart.com
• lawn care • estate mower • indoor / outdoor cultured or natural stonework • irrigation systems • water features
Renowned author Tim Bowling, who made Gibsons his home for several years, returns to the Sunshine Coast to give a reading at the Gibsons Public Library on Wednesday, July 25, from 6 to 7:30 pm. He will be reading from his most recent poetry collection, Tenderman, which just won the Alberta Book Award for Poetry this past May, and his new novel, The Tinsmith, published in March. Bowling, who now makes his home in Edmonton, is an award-winning writer who has garnered national and international acclaim for his poetry, non-fiction and novels. In his poetry collection Tenderman, Bowling outlines the central tension that acts as a vital force in the collection, the dichotomy between the sensitive poetic observer and the tough workingclass subject. The tenderman (the term for a crewman on a salmon packing boat), who represents an unromantic, fiercely independent everyman, acts as unintentional muse to the collection; its poems are often delivered through dialogues between poet and fisherman, reminiscences of their shared childhoods, or narratives delivered by the tenderman himself.
Smilin’ Cowboy Landscaping 604-885-5455
• Mini Bobcat • Wood Chipper • Small & Large Load Dump Trucks
The Tinsmith opens on September 17, 1862 at the Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest single day in American history. It follows the aftermath of this famous Civil War battle, as Anson Baird, an assistant surgeon for the Union Army, meets a mysterious soldier named John. Anson soon realizes that John is no ordinary soldier and that he harbours a dangerous secret. In the bizarre aftermath of the battle, this secret forges an intense bond between the two men. This free event is made possible with support from the Canada Council for the Arts. Seating is limited, so pre-registration is recommended. Please phone the library at 604- 886-2130 or visit www.gibsons.bclibrary.ca Submitted
WEATHER forecast Thurs. July 19
Fri. July 20
Sat. July 21
Sun. July 22
Isolated showers H: 20º L: 15º
Sunny H: 22º L: 14º
Sunny H: 24º L: 15º
Sunny H: 23º L: 15º
Mon. July 23
Tues. July 24
Wed. July 25
Thurs. July 26
Sunny H: 23º L: 16º
Sunny H: 22º L: 14º
Sunny H: 21º L: 14º
Sunny H: 20º L: 14º
Your one stop for everything roofing • Custom sheet metal fabrication • Metal roofing manufacturing • Sales & installation
4472 Hilltop Road
Wilson Creek 604-740-3927
Got clothes for sale?
Get the most for your advertising dollar in THE LOCAL classifieds
Cowrie St., Sechelt • phone 604-885-3134 Local 5758 email: thelocal@telus.net • www.thelocalweekly.ca The
Engine lamp on?
Our service dept. will scan it & give you a written estimate explaining the trouble codes and a price to repair the problem.
Sunshine Clock Repairs 1029
Sunshine Clock Repairs your trade work specialists
We are equipped to do any repairs to clocks with missing or unrepairable parts. Building on European training and 40 years of clock repair experience, from grandfather clocks to mantle clocks, we can get your job done. Please phone John Parlow to arrange for house calls.
References are available on request.
July 19, 2012
SUNSHINE CLOCK REPAIRS Phone: 1-604-485-3077 • Toll Free: 1-877-485-3077
TaxeS and Shop SupplieS are exTra. oFFer expireS aug.15/12.
email: rightime@telus.net
Learn to Cruise 1021
Learn to Cruise SKOOKUM
This is your ad proof in the next issue of
Contact John at 604-886-0540 26 years teaching safe boating
Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler and Ram vehicles only
Serving The SunShine CoaST From LangdaLe To Lund
Seaworthy 37 ft. cutter sailing from Gibsons 1 to 5 days at $295/day for 1 or 2 persons
• commercial • residential
• reasonable r rates • PromPt friendly service
Sounds like spoken word
Award-winning author returns to Gibsons
June 23, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________ Deadline May 24, 2012for approval or changes is
PARTS & SERVICE ARE OPEN SATURDAYS 9am TO 4pm Monday by 3:00 p.m. Call for an appointment 604-886-3433 If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.
Phone 604-886-3433 • Toll Free: 1-866-756-6501 • Fax: 604-886-3423 Please let us know how we Hours: Sales: Mon - Fri 9-6 9-5you • Sun Closed • Parts & Service: Mon - Fri 9-5 • Sat 9-4 • Sun Closed can• Sat serve best. Your business is important to us!
12 The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012
Local The
Wilson Creek
Wood picnic tables. Will pay cash and will pick up. Phone 604-9897275. btfn
This is your ad proof .25 acre lot for in the next inissue of Bonniebrook Retired hobbyist wants discarded
100 – Announcements • Birth Announcements • Birthday Greetings • Upcoming Events • Engagements • Anniversaries • Weddings • Personals • Thanks • Obituaries • In Memorium 200 – Community Notices • Church Services • Memorial Services • Classes 300 – Marketplace - General • Antiques & Collectibles • Furniture • Appliances • Misc. For Sale • Garage Sales • Sports & Exercise Equipment • Firewood • Trade & Barter • Wanted • Free • Lost/Found 400 – Automotive • Cars For Sale • Trucks and SUVs • Special Interest & Classics • RVs and Campers • Motorcycles & Off Road • Parts & Accessories • Repairs and Service • Machinery & Tools 500 – Marine • Boats for Sale • Boats Wanted • Moorage For Rent • Trailers for Sale • Boat Motors • Boat Repair Services 600 – Construction • Home Repairs • Renovations • Materials • Log Homes • Machinery & Tools 700 – Real Estate • Lots for Sale • Homes for Sales • Mobile Homes • Commercial For Sale • Apartments/ Condos For Sale • Townhouses For Sale • Wanted to Buy 800 – For Rent • Homes • Apartments & Suites • Commercial • Storage • Other • Shared Accommodation • Wanted to Rent 900 – Travel • Vacation Rentals • Timeshare Property • Travel Deals 1000 – Employment • Help Wanted – General • Help Wanted – Professional • Work Wanted - General 1100 – Professional Services • Housesitting Service • Music • Computers • Security • Financial Services • Couriers • Child/Day/After School Care • Fitness Services • Wellness Services • Cleaning/Janitorial Services 1200 – Pets • For Sale • Lost • Found • Pet Services 1300 – Business Opportunities 1400 – Legal and Public Notices 1500 – Too late to Classify c
Wyatt Clayton Paul Law Born May 31, 2012 at 6:07pm, 7lbs 2oz A healthy baby boy! Proud parents, Nicole & Justin Law, family and friends.
Special thanks to Dr. Bryson and Nurse Jessica.
Downtown Sechelt every Saturday 9am to 2:30pm
July 19, 2012
Sue, of Sue’s Plants & Gardens
offering five-day courses in:
We make it, bake it & grow it on the Sunshine Coast
100 ANNOUNCEMENTS Sechelt fashion-fun gals 92+): Private, exclusive viewing of new, upscale Style’ collection. For appt. 885-2988 afternoons. b30
(25– local ‘City 604-
UPCOMING EVENTS RC Legion #219 Roberts Creek. Tuesdays are Cheaper Chewsdaze and Beer Specialz, kitchen closed Mondays & Wednesdays. 604-886-9813 btfn
PERSONALS Alanon/Alateen for friends and families of alcoholics. Meetings MondayFriday, 604-886-4594, 604-885-0101, 604-886-9059, 604-883-2882. b35
Law Birth 1029 Your Neighbourhood Food Store We carry
Household Products
Deadline for approval
HOMES FOR SALE Computer desk w/2 drawers & or changes is keyboard tray. 604-740-8011. f30
604-885-6331 iga081@igabc.com www.marketplaceiga.com
Monday by 3:00 p.m.
WOW! $155,000 GE Dishwasher, very gd working cond. 604-741-9791. If wef30 do not hear from you this BigbyMaples Beauty!
FURNITURE July 19, 2012
time, we can assume all is correct.
Queen size bed, Sterns & Foster mattress/box spring c/w frame. PERSONALS Sechelt Farmer's Market Ex B&B,1029 hardly used $400 obo. 604-886-0472. p29 Too much Easter chocolate? Join TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Dark brown, bonded leather Small groups in Sechelt, Wednesloveseat. Exc. cond. $175 obo. days 6:30pm, Sechelt Health Unit, 604-886-0706. p29 5571 Inlet Ave. 604-740-5845 or 604-885-4666. Gibsons, Thursdays Slate and wrought iron dining6:30pm, Frank West Hall. 604-886table w/4 chairs. $150. 604-8858578 or 604-886-1717. b28 4144. f30
Rain or Shine
sale by owner Heights, Gibold tube radios, tubes, gramo- sons. Panoramic view of Georgia Straight w/southern expophones etc. 604-740-3989 p30 sure and service to the lot line. Was $299,500 now reduced to $189,500 for quick sale! Email for FREE more info: vernonresolution2@ June 2011 p30 gmail.com Issuepick Date:up. ____________________ 32” Toshiba TV. You 604- 30, 740-1438. f30
• Reading Skills • Math Skills • Attention Enhancement
APPLIANCES Deep freeze, 8 cu ft. $165. 604741-9955. p30
Dyslexiadoor GARDENING
103 - 4510 S.C. Hwy. King sz water bed mattress, liner and heater. You pick up. 604-885Please let us know how we 2027. f30 can serve you best.
Your business is important to us! Did you know that free ads are FREE in The Local? Restrictions apply.
LOST / FOUND Found: Set of keys on Tricklebrook, Gibsons. Call to identify, 604-886-3534. f30 Found: A camera in Gibsons. Call 604-886-9346 and identify. f29
Lost: Ladies wallet, leather w/green metallic possibly July 5 on the bus heading to Langdale. If found 1014 please call 604-886-4222. f29 Did you know that Lost and Found ads are FREE in the Local? Top Quality Restrictions apply. Soil 1026
55+ park in Wilson Creek Manufactured home, 2 bdrm, bungalow. Adult oriented, 865 sq.ft. detached, 8 x 12 wrkshp. Covered 2-car carport. 12 x 20 sundeck Mike Carson 604-885-3295
The Osprey
#307–5855 Cowrie St., Sechelt
“Simply the Best”
Ask about our free 2-hour assessment
WAYNE AADELSTONE-HASSEL Teacher and Davis-licenced specialist. learnable@dccnet.com B52 www.dyslexiadoor.com
300 MARKETPLACE RE Décor Consignment. ‘Retail therapy at it’s very best!‘ Charming, eclectic, nature inspired, beachy casual décor for the home or cabin. ‘Where we Live’ landscape and seascape photography by local Diane Nicholson. Always stylish, always affordable. www.redecor.ca www.facebook.com/redecorsechelt. 5699 Cowrie St., Sechelt. 604-885-5884. Open Sunday, 12pm -4pm. b29
Soil starting at
Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held at the
Chapman Creek Hatchery Wm. Chinnick Education Centre 4381 Parkway, Wilson Creek
Thursday, August 9, 2012 7:00 p.m. General public and members welcome!
There are openings for new members of the Board of Directors. If you have the time and interest to participate effectively, please attend the meeting or call the Hatchery at
Sand & Gravel
1989 Ford Escort H/B auto, good April 5, 2012tires, good shape, great gas mileb35 age, radio, 140,000 kms. A zippy little car with a lot of life left in it! $1,200 obo. Phone 604-741-0808 eves. ftfn MISC. FOR SALE
June 28, 2012
Aquarium – bow front, 30 gal, all glass c/w glass stand. $40. Call 604-399-9319. p30 Noma A/C, new in box. 10,000BTUs. $425 new, asking $300 obo. 604-886-1242. p29
Find the Hidden Treasure Used Book store @ 292 Gower Pt. Rd., in the Trading Post, Lower Gibsons. p29
SC Salmon 1029
The Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society
Books, Records, Art Prints, Antiques, etc. We also offer the best selection of French books & records on the Coast. Open everyday 11am5pm. Cash only. 8122 Redrooffs Road, Halfmoon Bay. 604-885-2027. http://www.labrocante.ca p39
500 V8, 12 spd, certified until Oct. 2012. $17,500 obo. 604-885-7727 P30
Ask fonre Wayn
5 gas lawnmowers, asst. features, 1 yr warranty. $50 and up. 604886-1242. b29
GARAGEJuly SALES 19, 2012 Yard Sale - tools, camping & household items. Sat. July 21, 9:00am. 5506 Orchard St, Sechelt. p29 Happy Cat Haven Yard Sales are back! Every Saturday (weather permitting). Spring hrs 11:00am – 3:00pm. Plants, furniture, collectibles and much more. SC Self Storage at 1161 Hwy 101, Gibsons. ptfn
FIREWOOD Split & delivered. $175/cord, dry seasoned. 604-993-0094 tfn Seasoned firewood and dump runs. 604-989-9663 ptfn
WANTED Two booster/car seats, to suit 6 & 8 yr. olds. Call 604-886-0472. p29
OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL: thelocal@telus.net
Waynne Pretty
Wharf Rd, Sechelt, 604-885-3281tfn
PARTS & ACCESSORIES Four x 13” Honda Civic stock rims and tires, hubcaps & nuts, $120. 604-883-3611 p30
500 MARINE 70 HP Mercury O/B $1500 - can install. 604-886-1242. p30
This ad could be yours
for only $
Local The
$6.00 + HST*
Immaculately renovated, new paint, stove, gas fireplace, underground parking, ground floor level entry, 983 sq.ft., two bdrm, two bath, southern exposure, large sundeck off master and living room. Save MLS commission fees of over $10,000! $229,500. Try your offer with Norm, or call to view: 604-741-1755
800 FOR RENT DumpHOMES truck 1028 Gibsons: Security in numbers! 3 bdrm twnhs in this six-plex, close to schools and shopping. N/S, sm pet ok. $1200/mo. Avail. now, call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b29 Gibsons: SxS duplex, two stories, 3 bdrms, avail. now. Great view w/2 decks, and2012 rec room. JulyFP12, $1300/mo. N/S, pet negot. Call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b29
APTS & SUITES Gibsons: Private waterfront 1 bdrm suite. Looking for a long term tenant. $850/mo, N/S, N/P. Avail now, call Key Property Management at 604-886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b29 Sechelt: Dolphin bldg in downtown Sechelt has two, 1 bdrm units avail now. $750 & $850/ mo. Newly renovated. Call Key Property Management at 604886-6618 for viewing or visit www.keypropertymanagement.ca b29
COMMERCIAL Garden Bay: Office/studio or storage, approx. 600 sq. ft. w / bath and hydro meter, $450/mo. Could subdivide. Avail. Aug 1. 604-883-3611 b30
20¢ each additional word + HST * Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.
The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012 13
Professional Services...
Looking for a fresh singing perspective? Offering Indian Raga WORK WANTED - GENERAL Malaspina Realty 1006 style lessons. Denise 604-989University students avail for 8711 after 6pm. b35/odd painting, gardening and general yard work. Experienced. Call Joey 604-989-0114 p30 From the heart - exp. kind & patient careaide, clean house and/ or garage (no toxins); cook, doula, drive, garden, shop, type 85 wpm, $20/hr. w/references. 604740-5623 p30
Drywall Finishing since 1992. Feb. 9, 2012 Dustless and occupied spaces. Commercial & Residential. Renovations and new construction. WCB. References. No job too small. Derek Thomas 604-9893401. bom27
#3-5647 Cowrie St. Sechelt • 604-885-4802
Property Clean Up, Power Washing and Dump Runs. 604-9899663 ftfn
With Personal Focus Strata • rental ProPertieS CommerCial • reSidential • FinanCial
Serving the Sunshine Coast Suite C - 5536 Wharf Road, Sechelt Phone 604-741-0720 Fax 604-741-0721
1100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MUSIC Convert your old records & tapes to noise-free CDs. Also records bought and sold. GOODSOUNDS, 604-885-0476. b30 BeaTee Riddims Drumset and rhythm instruction for all ages, levels & styles. Barry Taylor, 604740-5825. b30
COMPUTERS Sunshine Coast Computer Repair. Virus removal, network setup, home service avail. 12857 Madeira Park Rd . 604-865-0688. b30
BEAUTY Professional Hair Care. Women and men at 107 Cowrie Lane, Sechelt. Call 604-741-2388. b30
Windows • Gutters Hand Siding Scrub & Pressure Wash Strait Music 1029
• window washing • gutter cleaning • moss removal • power washing • commercial cleaning Nov. 10, 2011
callTheBoys.ca 604-740-0004
FREE ESTIMATES ~ WCB Coverage ~ b38
West Coast Land Service July 19, 2012
• Renos • Decks • Fences • Rockwalls • Landscaping • Waste Removal • Tree Removal • Excavator • Dump Truck • Rockwall Garden Beds *The Best Quality • Value • Service*
One call does it all!
Issue Date: ____________________ mars.greatasianteam@gmail.com LICENSED WCB BONDED Deadline for approval Cell: 604-740-4204 or changes is 1020 WestCoastLandService tfn Monday by 3:00Off: p.m.604-886-4862
Gophers 1023 If we do not hear from you byGarden this GARDEN GOPHERS
time, we can assume all is correct. COMPLETE LAWN/YARD CARE
• Mowing • De-thatching • Weeding Please let us know how we • Pruning • Hedge Trimming • Edging can serve you best. VACATION HOME CARE is important to us! Your business
CALL LAURIE 6049930533
This ad couldMay be yours 17, 2012
for only $
Local The
ASHLEY’S Books & Records is for sale. Now’s your chance! $59,000 obo. 604-885-8952. b31
ASIAN TE This is your adRproof A EAT G SERVICES OFFERED in the next issue of
June 7, 2012
Read the classifieds online
Sechelt: Available immediately, commercial spaces for rent, one area or both available. For more details view at 5606 Wharf Rd. Sechelt, above South Coast Ford. Call Brad for more info at 604-885-3281. btfnEMP
Run Til $5295 Rented Only $7 GARAGE SALE
The Local’s Run Til Rented gives Special: Add you endless possibilities… an extra line to your ad for Reaching over 20,000 readers*every issue. max. 4 lines, max. 12 weeks only $10!
OTHER Gibsons: $425/mo. Do you like camping? Welcome R.V’s 1995 and * newer. (+hst) Gibsons RV Resort. 1051 Gilmour Rd. 604-989-7275 btfn
Classified run it Engine Repairs Must be prepaiPut d (no reyour funds). Scheduled for 4 weeks at a time. Must phone to reschedul e. Private partiades inonly,The no busiLocal nesses. and we will Small (* max. two weeks plus we’ll bold your address at NO EXTRA CHARGE!New 20 words)& used parts & tools,
SALE Classified ad
run it for two weeks your address at RGE! (* max. 20 words)
For complete rental listings and photos visit our website: www.malaspinapm.ca
lawn mowers, chainsaws, outboards, motorcycles, ATVs Chinese/Japanese. free pick ups • house calls Satisfaction Guaranteed
looking for interior work.
Excellent references from discerning clients.
bition. Welcomes artists from maps. Call 604-886-0531 or visit THURSDAY, JULY 19 604-886-1242 b31 •15th Annual Roberts Creek the Sunshine Coast back for www.gibsonspublicartgallery.ca a celebration of their accom- •10:45am - 12:00pm. Children’s Community Mandala Painting. (+hst) plishments. Gibsons Public Art Art Classes for ages 9 - 12 begin Pier at Roberts Creek. T Smith 1028 Gallery. 604-886-0531. at GPAG and run through to July Put your GARAGE SALE Classified ad •5:00pm 9:00pm. Sechelt Night GARAGE SALE Classified ad •7:00pm. Music in the Land- 27/12. Call 604-886-0531 visitrun it for two weeks Cowrie in The Local andorwe’ll cal andMarket we’ll(rain runoritshine). for two weeks Street, downtown Sechelt. For ing - Double Bill! Winegarden www.gibsonspublicartgallery.ca plus we’ll bold your address at we’ll bold your address at Waterfront Park, Gibsons. further info call 604-885-9611. WEDNESDAY, JULY 25CHARGE! (* max. 20 words) (+hst) NO EXTRA TRA secheltdowntown.com CHARGE! (* max. 20 words) www.gibsons.ca •Day Out of Time Manna FestiSUNDAY, JULY 22 FRIDAY, JULY 20 val. Mandala at the Pier in Rob•10:00am - 3:00pm. Gibsons erts Creek. •7:00pm - 8:00pm. Music in ftfn the Landing at the Gazebo Sunday Market. Holland Park, •3:00pm - 6:00pm. Farm Gate Gower Point Rd. 604-886-3762 on the wharf in Gibsons. July 12, 2012 * Creek ComMarket at Roberts •2:00pm. Botanical Garden www.gibsons.ca munity Hall. Guided Tour. Gate 4, 5941 Ma•8:30pm. Astro Cafe, Davis(+hst) Bay •6:00pm - 7:30pm. Gibsons son Rd, Sechelt. Seawall. Meet at Pier 17. www. to put your •3:00pm. Ruby Lake Lagoon Public Library hosts Tim Bowlcoastastronomy.ca ing, renowned GARAGE SALE author, who Society AGM & 10 Year Celebrawill read from his most recent CLASSIFIED AD SATURDAY, JULY 21 tion at the Iris Griffith Centre, poetry collection and his new in The Local and •9:00am - 2:30pm. Sechelt 15386 SC Hwy. Meeting at 3pm novel. Open to the public - free we’ll run it for two weeks followed by a potluck BBQ and Farmers’ and Artisans’ Market, event. is recwe’ll bold yourPre-registration address is welend of Cowrie St. 604-885-8483 festivities! Everyone plus ommended, call 604-886-2130. AT NO EXTRA CHARGE! come. More info: 604-883-9201 •10:00am - 2:00pm. Friends (* max. 20ofwords) *Plus HST • (max. 20 words) in The Local and THURSDAY, JULY 26 Sechelt Public Library are having or www.lagoonsociety.com we’ll run it for two weeks a Book Faire in the Sechelt Public MONDAY, JULY 23 •5:00pm - 9:00pm. Sechelt Night plus we’ll bold your address Library Community Room. Great •9:30am - 10:30am. Children’s Market (rain or shine). Cowrie selections, fantastic prices! Street, downtown Sechelt. For Art Classes for ages 5 - 8 begin •2:00pm - 4:00pm. Artist Re- at GPAG and run through to July further info call 604-885-9611. Plus HST (* max. 20 words) ception - Homecoming Exhi- 27/12. The theme this year is secheltdowntown.com
nly $7*
nly $7
Only $
GARAGE SALE Classified ad
cal and we’ll run it for two weeks we’ll bold your address at TRA CHARGE!
20 years experience (15 on the Coast)
Call Matthew Evans
Lawncare& Landscaping
Window Washing
604-740-9828 FREE ESTIMATES WCB Coverage ftfn
This is your ad proof in the next issue of ftfn
Reasonable Rates
Only $ to put your
June 16, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________
Deadline for approval ON PAGE 14 or changes is Monday by 3:00 p.m. If we do not hear from you by this time, we can assume all is correct.
Please let us know how we can serve you best. SOLUTION Your business is important to us!
OUR OFFICE: 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt • BY PHONE: 604-885-3134 • BY EMAIL: thelocal@telus.net
+ HST*
each additional word + HST
* Some exceptions apply. Business advertising excluded from this offer.
The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012
Mighty Rapids capture provincial awards
5645 Wharf Road Sechelt • 604-740-2252 (across from Home Building Centre)
Open 9am-5pm • Closed Sunday & Monday
Serving the Sunshine Coast for 35 years. Three generations of tree service. MAIN NUMBER
604.885.2109 604.740.2452 604.886.7889
15 words $ CLASSIFIEDS Call 604-885-3134 • email: thelocal@telus.net 2 weeks Local The
Peerless 1023
he Sunshine Coast provincial championships Rapids Midget C alongside 30 other teams Lacrosse Team’s season from around BC. came to an inspiring Although the nine-player conclusion at the BC team was outnumbered Feb. 16, 2012 Box Lacrosse Provincial nearly two to one heading Championships over the into their first game at the weekend in Port Co- Provincial Championships quitlam, bringing home on Friday, they trounced many awards to prove Nanaimo 8-4 as Goalie their love for the sport. Joseph Beckman stopped With only eight runners more than 80 shots on goal and a goalie (almost half to earn the MVP award for their teammates aged out his performance. this year), the Rapids MidgA hard-fought second et team fielded the smallest game against Williams bench in the BC Lacrosse Lake saw Erik Sawchuk league. Yet seventeen-year- scoring first with an assist 7, 2012from Nolan O’Reilly, Liam old Head Coach June Sterling Ratcliff led this gritty team Singleton’s quick dancing to first place in the regional feet making the game endivision and a spot in the joyable for spectators and
Read the Sunshine Coast’s news first at
Solution on page 13. Courtesy of puzzlechoice.com
2x0.5 class $6 filler
hard on his opponents, and Carlos Ibanez scoring three goals and an MVP. In spite of playing with a tenacity and spirit that amazed fans, volunteers, spectators and coaches, the team lost a close game to Williams Lake, 8 – 5. Going into their third game exhausted, with a number of injured players and again outnumbered almost two to one by West Kootenay, the Rapids played hard until the last buzzer. Carlos Ibanez scored first, with Liam Singleton, Raven Wall, and Jesse Mulligan demonstrating outstanding passing skills. Alex Ratcliff, the Rapids’ only fe-
male player earned the Most Valuable Player title against West Kootenay. At the recognition ceremony on Saturday, firstyear player Matthew Bentley won the Warrior Fair Play Award and first-year goalie Joseph Beckman took home the All Star Player Award. Nominated by his elders and peers, Head Coach Sterling Ratcliff received the Warrior Fair Play Coach award. Capping these accomplishments, the mighty Rapids beat out the other 30 participating teams to capture the provincial Team Sportsmanship award. Way to go, Rapids!
Give a valuable asset to Minor Hockey M
ost of the youth Minor Hockey Associasports going on in tion is seeking enthusiastic our communities would not community members who work withoutClaytons the effortscrossword of would1029 like to share their coaches and other volun- knowledge of hockey with teers who generously give our younger generation or hours of their time to pro- provide guidance and supvide a safe learning environ- port to our coaches. Withment for the young people out volunteers, children they mentor. These volun- would not get out on the teers might be parents of ice. “Aside from the physiplayers on the team or they cal health reasons, other might be other members of proposed benefits of sport the community who July have19, participation for children 2012 knowledge to share and the include improved self-estime to share it. Volunteers teem, social and problem are the engine that drives solving skills, academic youth sports, and they are achievement, and school attypically the first individu- tendance,” said Sean Gray, als who teach young people President, SCMHA. “We teamwork, sportsmanship need the help of those in and leadership. our community with a pasThe Sunshine Coast sion for children’s sports,
we need more people to volunteer.” The Sunshine Coast Minor Hockey Association is a proud member of the Pacific Coast Amateur Hockey Association. In association with Hockey BC and Hockey Canada we offer the youth in our communities the benefits of a managed Hockey program in Sechelt, Gibsons, Roberts Creek, Halfmoon Bay and Pender Harbour on the Sunshine Coast. Play well – play hard – play fair! For further information, please feel free to contact Lisa Stiver at (604) 3282262, or lisastiver@hotmail. com Submitted
Register now for Paws for a Cause R fruit 26. Oblong cream puffs DOWN 2. Marine mollusks served in chowder 3. Sticky confection 4. Small piece of toasted or fried bread 5. Food prepared by processing in a blender
6. Food grain 7. Breakfast food 8. Dairy product 12. Aromatic herb 14. Pasta strips 16. Cake topping 17. Basic food 19. Firm-fleshed greenskinned pear 20. Escargot 22. Consomme
Trail Bay Centre • 5755 Cowrie Street, Sechelt
• Meat & Deli 604-885-9812 • Produce & Floral 604-885-9841 • Bakery 604-885-9823 • Office 604-885-2025
Your first choice in foods
of service
13. Edible nut 15. Plant grown as a salad 18. Well-seasoned stew of meat and vegetables 21. Hostelry 23. Bourbon, sugar and mint over crushed ice 24. Sponge without egg yolks, ___ cake 25. Oval smooth-skinned
100% L
ACROSS 1. French variety of green bean 4. Pickled flower buds used as a relish 7. Baking chocolate, milk and sugar 9. Powdery substance used in cooking 10. Cereal grass seed 11. Main course
egister today for the 2012 Scotiabank & BC SPCA Paws for a Cause walk – the Coast’s foremost dog-friendly event – scheduled for 10:30 am on September 9 at Cliff Gilker Park. Join as an individual, as a group, or as a corporate
GYC gets kids sailing safely G
ibsons Yacht Club programs will provide activities for 94 young people this summer, teaching children aged 6 to 14 to sail and kayak through the BC Optimist Sailing School. The Yacht Club’s own Learn to Sail program
Fresh • deli • Fisn ‘n’ chips Open 7 days a week 11am - 7pm call ahead to reserve your take-out
1397 Roberts Creek Road • 604-885-0844 • 604-989-0900 Sharkey's 1029
team, and all are eligible for fabulous local and provincial prizes. Paws for a Cause walks, held in communities across the province, raise funds for emergency medical care and shelter for over 32,000 animals each year through the
provides additional instruction for youth aged 8 to 16 under the leadership of a team of Elphinstone Secondary graduates who have achieved their Canadian Yachting Association certification. All instructors are trained in safety, class management, and first aid. Students sail in the warm, well-protected water between Gibsons and Keats. Program and registration information is found at www.gibsonsyachtclub.ca by following the prompts for Learn to Sail and Optimist Dinghy Sailing. Submitted
BC SPCA’s 37 facilities. The society also conducts cruelty investigations and provides advocacy and education programs for domestic, farm and wild animals. Register at the SPCA shelter or online at spca.bc.ca/ walk
The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012 15
Avoid these mistakes when staging Real Estate Tips Kenan MacKenzie Sunshine Coast Real Estate News
ou may love your home, but that doesn’t mean that everyone coming through the door will feel the same way. What may be “charming” to the seller may seem off-putting to a prospective buyer. Many sellers attempt to stage their home themselves and in doing so, create mistakes that can actually sidetrack the sale of their homes. Here are some of the biggest staging mistakes, according to professional home stagers. Getting too personal: Home staging is meant to create a neutral canvas, or a model home look, for broadest appeal. This is not the time to bring in your unique style and create a look that appeals to just you. Using dark colors: If painting, choose a neutral and warm color such as beige, grey, light blue or pale green tones. You’ll be amazed at the transformation a few coats of fresh paint will make. Not taking advantage of natural light: People love natural light so blocking off light with heavy curtains or furniture can hurt your sale, especially if the home has attractive views. Anything dated in a home is a turnoff to a potential buyer and window treatments are one of them. Thinking more is better: Furniture should be in scale
Lagoon Society celebrates 10 years
he Ruby Lake Lagoon Society’s annual general meeting and 10-year celebration is scheduled for Sunday, July 22 from 3 to 6 pm. This special celebration will be held at the Iris Griffith Centre, 15386 Sunshine Coast Highway, Madeira Park (1 km south of Ruby Lake) and there will be a slide show presentation on the 10-year history of the Society followed by a potluck BBQ at 4:30. You’re also welcome to stay for the festivities, including live folk music by Sunshine Coast Museum & Archives staffer Matthew Lovegrove, a performance by the summer student staff, and some fun activities for the kids and young at heart! This free event is family-friendly so everyone is welcome. For more information, visit www.lagoonsociety.com or phone 604-883-9201.
with the room. Its purpose is to define the purpose of the room and show what will fit where – not to show you can seat 15 in your living room with a side table for every seat. Leaving pets at home: Remove all traces of animals from the house and make sure pets are not on the premises during showings. Having a pet could kill a sale before someone even steps into a house. Neglecting the outside: Add flowers, make sure the lawn is mowed, the yard is tidy and add a few backyard accessories for the kids. Only dealing with “main” rooms: People are quick to
Call on our experience
stage living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms but don’t neglect the garage, basement and closets. Forgetting fixtures: Ensure all fixtures are working, have fresh bulbs and are lit during showings. Remember, staging a home
means showcasing the property’s many features, not concealing its flaws. Make sure your house is in good condition and use staging to cast the home in the best light. Surveys indicate staging can speed sales and increase return by up to 10%.
TUSCANY SAUSAGE................ $5.99/LB.
SPOT PRAWNS.........................$27.50/LB.
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First Aid Training
Workplace • Childcare Randy Industrial Wollen 1018 • Marine Family • Healthcare
MON-THURS 8AM-9PM • FRI & SAThow 8AM-9PM Please let us know we • SUN 9AM-6PM can serve you best. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST • Prices in effect Fri. July 20 to Thurs. July 26 Your business is important to us! 12875 Madeira Park Rd, Madeira Park • To order call 604-883-2411
We schedule courses by request. Training on your schedule.
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Worksafe BC approved Courses
30 years of experience • hundreds of homes sold!
the next issue of2/$3.50 2 L. COKEin...........................................
June 9, 2011 Issue Date: ____________________
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Randy & Melody Wollen
RIB STEAKS...................................$8.99/LB. CHICKEN WINGS ...................... $4.69/LB.
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…thanks to advertising in THE LOCAL
Cowrie St., Sechelt • phone 604-885-3134 Local 5758 email: thelocal@telus.net • www.thelocalweekly.ca The
Andre Lapointe 1029 DAVE BRACKETT
dave_brackett@telus.net www.davebrackett.com Toll Free: 1-800-837-3870 Cel: 778-839-0219
#117-1100 Sunshine Coast Hwy., Gibsons B.C.
Real Estate transactions can be complex… Managing them doesn’t have to be. July 19, 2012
OPEN HOUSE • Sat. July 21 • 11-1pm OPEN HOUSE • Sat. July 21 • 2-3:30pm #21-4116 Browning rd • $121,500 739 CasCade CresC • $275,000
Lovely 924 sq ft 2 bedroom mobile in popular 55+ park near Wilson Creek has many extras. Recently renovated with laminate floors, spacious living/dining /kitchen areas, large covered deck and carport, 5 new appliances, plus fireplace. The most private spot in the park, overlooks spacious green park area with extra RV parking available nearby. Only 5 minutes walk to the beach. Small dogs welcome.
Well maintained 980 sq ft 2 bedroom 1 bath home at a fantastic entry level price. Located close to shopping, the rec center and only 5 minutes from the ferry. Features an 8x8 detached wood storage shed, 140 + sq ft covered deck,a large living room and a wonderful fenced yard with many plants for a gardener to enjoy. Why rent when you can own?
OPEN HOUSE • Sun. July 22 • 11-12:30pm OPEN HOUSE • Sun. July 22 • 1-3pm 45-555 eagleCrest drive • $248,900 530 aBBs road • $685,000
Call now for a free consultation No referral necessary
295 Gower Point Road Gibsons FULL SERVICE DENTURE CLINIC
Ideal level entry 1 bedroom town home centrally located close to schools, shopping and the rec.centre. This strata is well maintained with large spacious outdoor areas with a pitch and putt golf course nestled between the homes. Only a few short steps from the clubhouse with a kitchen, rec room and meeting area. This is a great 55 plus community waiting for you to enjoy.
Beautifully renovated home with panoramic views of the ocean, Gibsons Marina and the North Shore Mountains. Features natural gas and wood fire places, granite counter tops, built in TV cabinets in the living and media rooms, a detached double garage with a 400 sq ft workshop, a hot water boiler combined for heat and water, and a large master bedroom with ensuite. Centrally located close to shopping and the marina. This is a great package with a fully landscaped easy care yard.
The Local - Thursday, July 19, 2012
Local The
Weekly Community Newspaper Serving the Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada 5758 Cowrie Street, Sechelt P.O. Box 494, Sechelt, BC V0N 3A0 Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194
email: thelocal@telus.net • website: www.thelocalweekly.ca • Office Hours Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm FREE OF CHARGE AT NEWSSTANDS AND ON B.C. FERRIES, LANGDALE TO HORSESHOE BAY ROUTE.
MAILED SUBSCRIPTIONS in Canada, $32.65/mo. Call 604-885-3134 to subscribe
ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: Contact GARDAR GARDARSSON, Advertising Sales Manager or RON KOWALSKI, Advertising Sales Representative and Marketing or KAREN PETERSON, Advertising Sales Representative and Marketing Phone: 604-885-3134 or email: localsales@telus.net
$ HOW TO SUBMIT A CLASSIFIED AD: Mail, phone, fax, email or drop off your ad with payment to: The Local, P.O. Box 494, 5758 Cowrie St., Sechelt BC V0N 3A0 Phone: 604-885-3134 • Fax: 604-885-3194 • Email: thelocal@telus.net Or drop off ad with payment at TAKE 5 VIDEO, North Road, Gibsons Inquire about our special rates for obituary notices. HOW TO SUBMIT EDITORIAL TEXT: Email your editorial to: publisher@telus.net • SUBMITTED EDITORIAL MUST BE RECEIVED ELECTRONICALLY (typed or hand-written will not be accepted) • In most cases, editorial submissions must be prearranged with the editorial department • Editorial must adhere to specific word counts • Use of proper English, spelling and grammar is appreciated • Submission does not guarantee publication • We reserve the right to edit all submissions • Limit press releases to 300 words. HOW TO SUBMIT A LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Email your Letter To The Editor to: editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com • Letters to The Editor are welcome on any topic of local or general interest. Opinions expressed are those of the writers; publication does not imply endorsement by the newspaper. • Generally letters should not exceed more than 300 words. Letters will be edited in the interests of style, clarity, legality, brevity and taste, as necessary. The Local reserves the right to refuse publication of any submission. • All letters must be signed and include place of residence and telephone number; names may be withheld from publication for valid reason by approval of the editor. This publication reserves the right to refuse any advertising that it considers to contain false or misleading information or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of error in any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement.
13,300 COPIES PRINTED EVERY WEEK! The Local is locally operated and distributed every Thursday to households on the Sunshine Coast by CANADA POST (Canada Post Agreement (#41000012) and 1,400 hand-delivered to businesses. Display Advertising Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office, email: localsales@telus.net Classified Advertising Deadline: Monday 3:00 pm at The Local office, email: thelocal@telus.net Editorial Deadline: Monday noon at The Local office, email: editor@thelocalsunshinecoast.com The Local uses an HOW TO SUBMIT A CAMERA-READY DISPLAY AD: APPLE MACINTOSH Email address: localsales@telus.net Platform Note: a camera-ready ad is an ad that is ready for printing. The ad will require no revisions, but will be published as submitted. • Build your ad according to our specific dimensions, (*please see column width measurements below) • All images (photos and logos) included in the ad must be at least 300 dpi • Make a PDF of your ad, at least 300 dpi, with all text and graphics embedded within the PDF • Email your PDF to us, along with your full contact information and the dates you would like to have your ad published. (The Local is distributed every Thursday. Submission deadline is the Monday before) Note: If the above criteria is not met, The Local cannot guarantee correct output of your material once published. • Please do not send a camera-ready ad using “Word” or “Coral Draw” applications
HOW TO SUBMIT A DISPLAY AD THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT WILL BUILD FOR YOU: Email address: localsales@telus.net Note: there is no extra charge for this service. • Email (local sales@telus.net) your ad’s information to us. Be sure to include your full contact information, the dates you would like your ad to run, and the full elements to be included in the ad (eg. logos, photos and text). • All images (photos and logos) included in the ad must be at least 300 dpi. TO FAX AN AD THAT OUR DESIGN DEPARTMENT WILL BUILD FOR YOU: Fax number: 604-885-3194 • Please fax your instructions and the text that will used in the ad. Be sure to include your full contact information, the dates you would like your ad to run, and the full elements to be included in the ad. Please note we cannot use faxed logos or images as that quality is inferior. COMPUTER APPLICATIONS WE CANNOT ACCEPT: • Please do not send us any of your “working files”, eg: Coral Draw, Quark Express, InDesign, Pagemaker, Publisher, Pages. etc. *THE LOCAL COLUMN WIDTHS: 1 column: 1.57” • 2 columns: 3.3” • 3 columns: 5.04” • 4 columns: 6.78” • 5 columns: 8.51” • 6 columns: 10.25”