The Local Weekly October 15, 2020

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Volume 19, Issue 41

Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • • Thursday, October 15, 2020 More Flu Shots To Come Page 8

Local COVID-19 Numbers Page 2

Nature Challenge

STR Rules Updated Page 3

Sechelt Zoning Bylaws Pages 3 and 11

Voting Guide Page 6

Candidate Interviews Page 7

Wildlife Trade Page 13

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Home Hardware



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A photo of Evan Goh making an iNaturalist observation, part of a nature challenge launched by the BC Parks Foundation this spring to gather one million photos showcasing the province’s biodiversity. The Big Nature Challenge aims to empower park users to become citizen scientists and collect photographic “observations” of plants, animals and natural features every time they visit a provincial park or protected area, to help build a database for researchers. And British Columbians are well on their way to reaching the one million mark, having uploaded over 976,000 observations via the Big Nature Challenge homepage and the iNaturalist app. To become a citizen scientist, visit GENEVIEVE REYNOLDS PHOTO




The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020

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soil starting at $28 a yard Our soil meets BC Landscape Specs

Our soil is made of recycled green waste.

No dead diseased farm fish is in our soil. No biosolids.

VEGGIE MIX a blend of compost and manure.





Proud Supplier to the Sunshine Coast Botanical Society and 40+ Contractors



This map shows the latest data on COVID-19 cases by Local Health Area (LHA) released by the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC). The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases on the Sunshine Coast from Aug. 31 to Sept. 30 has nearly doubled from 14 to 26. The BCCDC first started posting LHA numbers in August for Jan. 1 to July 31, when the cumulative cases were seven. Powell River has seen an even sharper spike, going from one case in August to 39 in September. LHAs with higher rates are illustrated in darker colour shading, and cases are mapped by location of residence, not the place of exposure. Cases with unknown residence and from out of province are not mapped. BCCDC MAP

Together, we have the opportunity to send a message to Victoria that we need a new approach to tackle the new normal As your BC Green Party MLA I will: ☑ Put people before politics ☑ Use evidenced-based approach decision-making Work for economic, social, environmental, and fiscal ☑

sustainability for our community and our province

☑ Promote housing that’s affordable for working families ☑ Support seniors care that is driven by patients not profits ☑ Help deliver solutions to the opioid crisis In Powell River – Sunshine Coast vote for




Authorized by Karin Lengger Financial Agent (250) 208-1591

The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020 3

Short-term rental rules updated for rural areas

Garden suites in Gibsons

Short-term rentals (STR) in areas outside of Coast municipalities or First Nations lands are the first to be subject to new regulations for these operations. The new rules restrict the number of units on a property to a maximum of two, and the number of guests per unit to a maximum of two. Also, newly required is on-site management. There is now a limit of a single sign for these operations, and the requirement for connections to

Proposed bylaw amendments that would allow garden suites in addition to multiple-family dwellings in an upper Gibsons neighbourhood received third reading Oct. 6. Earlier that evening, council held the public hearing regarding these changes to the areas zoning and official community plan (OCP) designations. The bylaw changes would allow properties located on Davis Road and Poplar Lane to have up to three living units in their primary residence and also to have a residential garden suite. In explaining the proposed changes, Director of Planning Lesley-Anne Staats stated this would allow for a “gentle” residential density increase, which could help address the need for more smaller-scale homes in Gibsons. She also said that type of development would help retain the area’s single-family residential neighbourhood feel. She pointed out that under the current designations, a developer could assemble ownership of a number of lots and apply to construct a multi-family building in excess of three storeys. The public hearing, which began at 5:30pm, lasted a

sewage disposal and water supplies to comply with the Public Health Act of British Columbia. The SCRD Board adopted those changes in amendments to the zoning bylaws for the areas at its Oct. 8 meeting. A draft Town of Gibsons’ bylaw, which contains similar restrictions on STR occupancy and calls for on-site management of those operations, remains at second reading. That draft also includes the

requirement for STRs to obtain a Town business licence. On Oct. 6, after considering the Sunshine Coast Housing Needs Assessment Report, Town council sent the bylaw back to its Planning and Development Committee for further discussion. A second public hearing on the bylaw is slated to be scheduled following council’s review of the committee’s deliberations. At the Oct. 7 Sechelt council meeting, Councillor Alton

Toth requested a staff update on a new STR tracking mechanism being made available to local government by the online reservation platform Airbnb. Amid community concerns about the impact of STRs on neighbourhoods, Sechelt is proposing to review its regulations on this type of use of residential properties in its Zoning Bylaw update. That process is set to begin in the coming months. Connie Jordison

Sechelt grants funds to community projects Sechelt Council granted funds to community projects and authorized making grant applications at its Oct. 7 meeting. A grant of $50,000 was authorized for the Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society to help develop a well at its Chapman Creek Hatchery. Well water will be used to support hatchery fish during periods when that operation is not allowed to draw water from the creek. Sechelt will dip into both the short and long term reserves it accumulates from Sunshine Coast Community Forest dividends to make the money available. The project was also funded directly by the Sunshine Coast Community Forest Legacy Fund. In addition, Sechelt will raise the issue of funding for the project with the shíshálh Nation council when the two groups meet later this month. The municipality’s contribution to the Sunshine Coast Community Foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund was confirmed at $50,000 at the meeting. That money also comes from Sechelt’s Community Forest dividend reserve. Earlier in the year, council had authorized matching community donations received by the fund.

Also, at the meeting, council endorsed applying to a recently announced federal/provincial infrastructure program for $3.5 million to continue to rebuild Trail Avenue. That funding would cover 90 percent of the costs to improve Trail between upper Surf Circle and Turnstone Drive. Mayor Darnelda Siegers noted that the application needed to be submitted by Oct. 22. She said that it was fortunate that Sechelt had completed the engineering work so that the project was “shovel-ready,” and the application could be made on short notice. Siegers also took the unusual step of writing a report

for the meeting agenda to seek council approval to hire help to apply to the Childcare BC New Spaces Fund. Sechelt will be seeking up to $3 million to fund the full costs of building a new facility to provide daycare for up to 37 children. Engaging consultants to draft the application is projected to cost $9,500. Those funds will be taken from this year’s general operating contingency budget. Councillor Alton Toth said that he had “mixed feelings” about the proposal. Toth said that Sechelt’s investment in the application had the potential to return “great value” to the community. He also noted that the areas existing

childcare facilities are having difficulties finding and retaining trained staff. “This is not a great use of money if there is no one there to run it,” said Toth. He also questioned whether $3 million would be sufficient to build the full facility, even if done on District-owned land. Councillor Matt McLean expressed concerns with the proposal as it does not address priorities in Sechelt’s strategic plan. The decision to move forward with the application was finalized following Councillor Janice Kuester’s statements related to the need for more childcare spaces on the Coast. Siegers said decisions on the grant awards are anticipated in February 2021. Connie Jordison

half hour. Four members of the public spoke at the event. None indicated opposition to the suggested changes in land use. Each did question the process used to bring the changes forward and what they assessed as a lack of genuine public consultation on the matters. Concerns were also voiced that the amendments were a Town initiative and not being done at the request of the impacted property owners. Hosting of the event online and timing it in the early evening hours of a weekday were both criticized as being “exclusive rather than inclusive” of the public by speakers at the hearing. At the Council meeting that followed, Mayor Bill Beamish said that the lack of public attendance at the hearing was “alarming.” At the close of the discussion of the bylaws, Councillor Stafford Lumley noted that “if a few garden suites or duplexes come out of it, it is a win.” The bylaws have been forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) for review. If MOTI approval is received, council will be asked to consider adoption of the bylaws. Connie Jordison


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8:40 am - Daily

11:55 am - Daily

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2:10 pm - Daily

1:05 pm - Daily

Zoning Bylaw community engagement

2:40 pm - Wed. Dec. 23, Sat. Dec. 26

3:15 pm - Daily

The District of Sechelt is conducting a complete review of the Zoning Bylaw for the first time since 1987 and is seeking community feedback. The Zoning Bylaw is the guiding document that permits or prohibits specific buildings or activities on Sechelt properties. The District of Sechelt is creating an updated Zoning Bylaw to better reflect current public expectations and land use planning best practices and to bring it substantially in line with the Official Community Plan. “The Zoning Bylaw helps us plan for what we want our community to look like in the future,” said Andrew Al-

4:20 pm - Daily

Location plan - Sechelt. PHOTO SUBMITTED

len, director of planning and development. “We have five main areas of the bylaw we want to hear from the community on, and we will spend the next several weeks using a variety of different means to connect with the citizens who want to have their say.” The five specific areas of the Zoning Bylaw the District is seeking public engagement on include: home-based businesses, density, short-term rentals, agricultural land reserve uses, and urban agriculture–chickens, bees, farms stands etc. Mayor Darnelda Siegers stated, “The Zoning Bylaw has been at the top of council’s list of project for some

time, so we are very pleased to get underway to ensure our bylaw reflects the values of our community and can be brought in alignment with our Official Community Plan.” The District will provide information and links to surveys on the Have Your Say page on the District website, and there are plans for community meetings using the Zoom platform as well as posters and in-person conversations at Trail Bay Mall later in October and November. Paper copies of the surveys and information sheets will be available for pick up at the Sechelt library as well. Submitted

and Sun. Dec. 27 only

3:50 pm - Wed. Dec. 23, Sat. Dec. 26 and Sun. Dec. 27 only

5:30 pm - Daily

5:25 pm - Daily

7:50 pm - Daily

6:40 pm - Daily

10:55 pm - Daily

8:55 pm - Daily


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The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020

Editorial Opinion

Weekly Cartoon

The values we choose For many, the pandemic has renewed our innate appreciation for and connection to nature. People have taken to growing food on windowsills and in backyard and community gardens. We’re cultivating yeasts to bake bread and getting outside more to walk, run, swim and cycle. In the face of uncertainty, nature brings solace and sustenance. In his essay “The year America melted down,” Omar El Akkad observes, “Mask-wearing has become politicized, just as school shootings became politicized, just as climate change became politicized, just as any instance of communal survival at the expense of personal profit inevitably becomes politicized.” Things that shouldn’t be politicized are, but El Akkad argues battle lines continue to be drawn around issues that pit individual rights against responsibilities to uphold the common good. In times of compounded crises – a pandemic, crippling racism, rising inequity and escalating climate risk – we can no longer afford to listen to advocates of narrow self-interest or those who falsely claim that favouring the wealthy and powerful will send benefits trickling down to the rest. In Canada, the most affluent 0.5 percent of families now hold 20.5 percent of the wealth – some $2.4 trillion – and income inequality continues to grow. If polarization is rising between those who champion individual rights to profit and those who believe in collective responsibility to people and planet, we must make explicit choices to work toward equity, inclusivity and a more balanced relationship with the natural world. In her book “Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants,” ethnobotanist, professor and Citizen Potawatomi Nation member Robin Wall Kimmerer encourages us to recognize the world as a gift. Humility, she says, will help us make better choices. Stories have always helped humans make sense of the world, and Kimmerer says they’re strong tools for restoring the land and our relationship to it. “We need to unearth the old stories that live in a place and begin to create new ones, for we are storymakers, not just storytellers.” We must take inspiration from the old stories and build more balanced narratives about relationships between people, place and planet. The choice isn’t as complex as some might have us believe. We can choose humility, caring and wisdom based on knowledge and shoulder the responsibilities to each other and Earth through our actions – creating a better future for all. Or we can continue on as we have, knowing that the crises we face will worsen. Humanity’s ability to take the first path lies in the values we choose, the stories we tell ourselves and the strength of the relationships we are willing to build with each other and Earth. David Suzuki

#213 - 5710 Teredo Street, Sechelt (Teredo Square) PUBLISHER

Susan Attiana


Michelle MacNeill


Connie Jordison



Kaytee Johnstone


Christina Johnstone

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Letters to the Editor – Opinions Aggressive dogs (Open letter to the District of Sechelt’s Bylaw Officer and Parks Manager, copied to the Local) Due to COVID-19, the need for social distancing, and the fact that many exercise facilities are not open, there is an ever-greater need for safe and stress-free outdoor recreation. This, however, has not been my experience while trying to enjoy forest walks in Kinnikinnick Park, as of late. I time my walks such that hopefully, the morning rush of dog walkers has had their time in the park. I have taken in stride the over-friendly dogs jumping up on me with dirty paws, but I cannot abide off-leash dogs who rush up to me aggressively barking, while their owners are out of sight further down the paths and unaware of what their animals are up to. On several occasions, I have had the misfortune to cross paths with a large, aggressive, unleashed dog (Great Dane). The first time (some three or so months ago) was when a middle-aged lady walked this dog with three others. She had great difficulty controlling them all, shouting at them and furiously blowing on her dog whistle. When the Great Dane rushed at me, started barking, and finally jumped up and snapped at my face, barely missing me as I moved back, she said it was my fault as I must have moved too quickly and the dog construed this as an aggressive act.

My most recent encounter (with what I believe is the same dog) was last Monday, walking ahead of a young boy on a bicycle and a young mom with a baby in a snuggly on her chest further down the path. The dog walked by, but then when the tot on the bicycle was almost passing me, the dog turned around and clamped his jaws around my calf. It happened so quickly I was stunned. This time too, the young lady was incredulous that her dog had done anything wrong, even when I showed her the red marks on my leg. She seemed rattled, and as no blood was drawn, I told her I was OK and carried on my way before the dog did me any further damage. But blood was indeed drawn, as after I’d exited the park, I felt blood running down my shin on the other leg. It must have happened when I backed further into some sharp bushes to get away from the biting dog. Mine is not a singular event. I have friends that are leery of walking in the park due to out of control pets. One has actually been bitten as well. I believe Kinnikinnick to be one of a few off-leash parks, and I appeal to you, the Bylaw Officer and the Park Manager to take my experience seriously. Perhaps it is time to review the off-leash designation, or at the least implement a time table when dog owners can walk their animals so that we pedestrians can enjoy our time slot without fear of being mauled.




As to the owner of this Great Dane – use a leash and a muzzle as I’m not sure you have the strength to hold your dog back. Perhaps dog owners might consider exercising their animals at the Kinnikinnick playing field (which is off-leash), accessed across the road from the golf course where there is more space and better visibility as to what your animal is up to. Missing my stress-free forest walks. B. Boguslawski, Sechelt

Bunch of bafflegab (Re: “Gibsons wins provincial award,” the Local, Oct. 1) In reference to your article covering the award given to Gibsons from UBCM for excellence in eco-management. The award is for “comprehensive, integrated, innovative and effective approaches to the management of existing and new infrastructure.” How can this be? Gibsons gets an award for eco-management? What a bunch of bafflegab on the part of Gibsons’ staff and government that applied and won this award. It begs these questions: 1. Did the town mention to the UBCM that they were willingly endangering the most valuable eco-asset we have, the aquifer, by approving a huge development to be built on top of this precious, pure water source for the town? 2. Did they tell the UBCM that the town wantonly disregarded and hid peer reviews of the project from the public so that the project could get approval and be built? 3. Did the town think to include in the award application, information about all the dredging they have approved in the harbour for

a new marina attached to the hotel? 4. Did they forget to tell the UBCM that the town approved the massive clear-cutting of all the trees on Gospel Rock? 5. Did they mention the plan to destroy all the trees and creek on the west side of Winegarden Park so that the construction of the massive hotel can be staged? 6. Finally, did UBCM do their homework before awarding this award? So, if this UBCM award is for recognizing the town’s commitment and dedication of staff and council who have prioritized the protection of our local environment and eco-assets in all aspects of planning and decision-making as stated by Mayor Beamish, then I am dumbfounded. In my opinion, this looks more like managing our assets for resale, but it seems our town has just somehow received an award for spinning the eco-spin to UBCM. Go figure! Judith Bonkoff, Gibsons

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor should be sent by e-mail to The deadline is Monday at 10am for that week’s paper. Generally, letters should not exceed 300 words. And all letters must be signed, include the writer’s community of residence and (not for publication) telephone number. Letters may be edited for a variety of reasons.

The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020 5

Gospel Rock development path removal Gibsons Council supported the Sunshine Coast Conservation Associations’ (SCCA) call to remove the multi-user path from the Gospel Rock development area slated for ecosystem protection. At the Oct. 6 council meeting, Director of Planning, Lesley-Anne Staats explained that taking that path out of the permit and plan for that development requires agreement from the property owner. Council authorized staff to start those discussions. Members of council and the SCCA expressed frustration at the length of time it is taking to finalize the covenant with developer Greenlane Homes over green space areas. Staats noted that the covenant was one of a number of conditions that the developer has to meet for land subdivision approval, which is needed to proceed with the project. The developer is planning to build commercial structures as well as 360 residential units on the 47-acre Block 7 site, located along Gower Point Road. Approximately 46 percent of the site is to be protected from development by covenant for park and green space. Work on the current development’s applications for the site began in 2017. Staats explained that the pace of the permitting process is “developer-driven.” She said that it is up to the applicant to meet the conditions required by local government and that Town staff were in

no way delaying this process. Other items that remain outstanding include the development’s affordable housing agreement, road and trail designs, and details for a public washroom amenity. During a public inquiry portion of the meeting, concerns were expressed that work at the site has started without the covenant in place. Area resident David Stow stated that he heard excavators working on the property over the first weekend in October. Stow said that evidence of that work is now

visible from adjacent properties. Staats said that the developer has been in contact with staff with requests to begin tree removal and excavation work. She said that permits for development at the site have not been issued and that work on the ground should not be proceeding without proper permits in place. She committed to having staff investigate Mr. Stow’s report and said she would follow up with the developer at a site meeting that is to be arranged in the coming days. Connie Jordison



Open letter to Powell River Sunshine Coast voters

Hello, my name is Sandra Stoddart-Hansen and I am the BC Liberal candidate in your riding. Last week my ad talked about this campaign and how COVID is affecting how we are running our campaign. This week, I would like to share my thoughts on what I believe are the priorities for our region and what I would do if elected into a BC Liberal government on October 24th. As I talk to people about concerns and priorities, transportation issues top the list! Roads and ferries to be precise. 6,500 people signed a petition in support of a by-pass highway to get through

traffic out of residential areas. This petition was presented in the Legislature and followed by a meeting between the petition organizers and the then NDP Transportation Minister. The answer was “no bypass highway needed” which after the election call became: “we’ll study it”. I have a commitment from Andrew Wilkinson that if I am elected and the BC Liberals form government, work will begin immediately on the bypass highway linking the Langdale ferry access highway into Sechelt. The work would be done in phases with a commitment for an immediate $50M investment.

of sailings is simply unacceptable, not to mention on-time-performance and certainty of travel. We are a ferry dependent community and if elected, I will ensure that our need for improved ferry services is at the top of my personal agenda for action by government. In my next issue, I’ll talk about housing supply and in particular, seniors’ housing in our riding.

The second priority is the ferries. Service levels are not meeting the needs of our communities, with the Langdale-Horseshoe Bay route being the most acute example. The level of service including the frequency AUTHORIZED BY DAVID GOLDSMITH, FINANCIAL AGENT FOR THE BC LIBERAL PARTY | 1-800-567-2257


The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020

BC Ferries engagement process yields significant interest BC Ferries received close to 1,500 online responses for its “Moving Ahead Together on the Sunshine Coast” engagement. The company also received over 80 applications from community members to participate on the Moving Ahead Together Project Working Group. The company announced

last week in a release that in collaboration with Ferry Advisory Committee Chairs from the Upper and Lower Sunshine Coast and Gambier-Keats, they have selected 19 members representing a cross-section of the community, ferry users and BC Ferries employees. Participants include representatives of Upper and Lower

Sunshine Coast residents, vacation homeowners, medical travellers, business owners, commuters, regional economic development organizations, commercial trucking companies, and the Sunshine Coast tourism industry. Local First Nations also have been invited to participate in the project, BC Ferries said.

According to the company, the Project Working Group began reviewing community feedback last week to identify near-term collaborative solutions to improve travel on the Sunshine Coast. Key areas of focus include travel certainty for residents, medical travel, capacity utilization and operational improvements.

The Project Working Group will meet again this month to develop a short-list of potential near-term improvements. BC Ferries says, “this short-list of solutions will be presented to the community for feedback in early November. The company will continue to update the community and report back on how input is being used to inform

decision making as the Moving Ahead Together project progresses.” The engagement project was announced in August to explore ways to deliver better service after a difficult summer of ferry travel for Coast residents due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Local

Inglis Park and Stonehurst proposal go to the next step Applications for the changes to Inglis Park proposed by the adjacent Stonehurst property owners are to be invited following an Oct. 6 Gibsons Council decision. Zoning and official community plan amendments will be needed to allow the owners of Stonehurst to expand the existing bed and breakfast operation into an inn and about 21 residential units. To do that, the owners want to buy almost half of the Town property that abuts the site. They have agreed to pay the assessed value of $725,000 for that land. In authorizing staff to move forward of the proposal, Mayor Bill Beamish asked that a second appraisal be done if the Town is authorized to complete the sale. He believes that the value of the land may increase. To protect the offer amount currently agreed to, council endorsed

a resolution setting the sale price at $725,000 or higher, if supported by the second appraisal. Information was available about the proposal on the Town’s website. An opinion survey about the development plan was conducted between July 29 and late September. One hundred ninety-six people, mostly residents of Gibsons, completed the survey. One hundred twenty-nine respondents favoured council considering the proposal to sell the land. In the survey, the Town sought input on uses for any funds received from the land sale. Sixty-three percent of those that responded favoured putting that money into the policing reserve to help offset the costs the Town will face once its population reaches 5,000. About one-

third said they wanted any funds gained to be put into an affordable housing reserve. Other uses for the money suggested by the public included creating more parks and green spaces, adding play spaces like skate parks, beautification of Lower Gibsons or investing in more parking in the area. Councillor Annemarie De Andrade raised the issue of heritage designation for the Stonehurst property. The large home was developed on the site in 1913 for the family of the Coast’s first resident physician. Councillor Stafford Lumley said that a heritage designation could severely limit the development potential of the site. Other council members pointed out that the owners’ proposal looks to preserve the history of the site. Connie Jordison

The Dr. Frederick Inglis house, Stonehurst, in lower Gibsons, circa 1940s.

A voting guide for the Sunshine Coast Three candidates are running in the Oct. 24 election in the riding of Powell River-Sunshine Coast: Nicholas Simons–BC NDP (Incumbent), Sandra Stoddart-Hansen–BC Liberal Party, Kim Darwin–BC Green Party.

Election Day Saturday, Oct. 24, the polling stations are open from 8am-8pm. Voters have an assigned voting place on General Voting Day. Usually, it is faster to vote at your assigned voting place, but you can vote at another voting place if it is more convenient to you. Your assigned voting place is noted on your Where to Vote card. Voting places open on advance voting days, and General Voting Day may be different. There are a total of 10 polling stations on the lower Coast: • Cooper’s Green Hall, 5500 Fisherman Road, Halfmoon Bay • Egmont Community Hall, 6801 Bathgate Road, Egmont • Frank West Hall, 1224 Chaster Road, Gibsons • Gibsons Community Hall,

Where to vote . ELECTIONS BC PHOTO

700 Park Road, Gibsons • Holy Family Roman Catholic Church, 5700 Nickerson Road, Sechelt • Langdale Elementary School, 1551 Johnson Road, Langdale • Roberts Creek Hall, 1309 Roberts Creek Road, Roberts Creek • Royal Canadian Legion 112, 12829 Lillies Lake Road, Madeira Park • Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre, 5604 Trail Avenue, Sechelt • St John’s United Church, 5085 Davis Bay Road, Sechelt Advance voting You can vote in advance from 8am-8pm on Thursday, Oct. 15 to Wednesday, Oct. 21. You don’t need a special reason to vote at advance voting – it’s an option for all voters. Please note that not all advance voting places are open on every advance voting day. There are three advanced voting locations on the Coast: • Gibsons Community Hall, 700 Park Road, Gibsons – Thursday to Friday, Oct. 1516

• Royal Canadian Legion 112, 12829 Lillies Lake Road, Madeira Park – Monday, Oct. 19 and Wednesday, Oct. 21 • Sechelt Seniors Centre, 5604 Trail Avenue, Sechelt – Friday to Monday, Oct. 16-19

Vote by mail All voters can vote by mail – you don’t need a special reason. It is recommended that you request your voteby-mail package by Saturday, Oct. 17. Either call Elections BC at 1-800-661-8683 or request a package online at: ca Completed vote-by-mail packages must be received by Elections BC before 8pm on Saturday, Oct. 24. Vote at a District Electoral Office You can vote at the district electoral office in Sechelt (5604 Trail Avenue/778572-4700) from now until 4pm on Saturday, Oct. 24. Offices will be open from 9am5pm Monday through Friday, and from 10am-4pm on Saturdays. They are open from 8am-8pm during advance voting. What should I bring if I vote in person? • You will need valid ID that shows your name and home address – a BC driver’s licence; a BC Identification Card; a BC Services Card (with photo); another card issued by the Government



Foundation name change of BC or Canada that shows your name, photo and address; a Certificate of Indian Status. • Your “Where to Vote” card. Look for it in the mail from Elections BC before advance voting starts. Bringing it with you to the voting place will make voting faster and easier. • Your own pen or pencil to mark your ballot, if you wish. • A mask to wear in the voting place, if you wish. We encourage voters to wear a mask when they vote to protect others. You will not be asked to remove your mask to vote. Did not get a card? Register to vote Voter registration for the provincial election is now closed online and by phone, but you can still register or update your information when you vote in person or by mail. Go to www.elections. for information.

Problems? The Elections BC office is at 5604 Trail Ave in Sechelt, open from 9am-5pm Monday through Friday, and from 10am-4pm on Saturdays. They will be open from 8am8pm during advance voting. 778-572-4700. Want to work? Elections BC is still hiring people to work on election day. You can apply online at The Local

Nearly two decades after its creation, the Sunshine Coast Community Foundation is changing its name and refreshing its public identity. As of Oct. 16, the organization will be known as the “Sunshine Coast Foundation.” “We are not as well known as we ought to be for the work that we do, and many people confuse us with other local organizations having similar names,” said Foundation Board Chair Manjit Kang. “We feel that ‘Sunshine Coast Foundation’ clearly communicates who we are and the focus of our efforts.” A bold new logo reflects both the dynamism and durability of the Foundation. At the same time, the Foundation has adopted a new motto: “Building Community. Creating a Legacy.” “’Community’ is at the heart of what we do, and it was important that the word appear in our tag line,” Kang explained.

The Sunshine Coast Foundation’s mission and commitment to serving the people and organizations of the Sunshine Coast remain the same. Pooling the gifts of many donors, the Foundation has established a $6 million asset that is carefully invested. Each year, the Foundation provides funding to local charitable organizations from the earnings on its investments. In 2020, the Foundation awarded more than $168,000 in grants to worthy local projects. It also established a COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund that is supporting organizations who are struggling because of the pandemic. So far, it has awarded more than $114,000 from that fund, and is still accepting both donations and applications. The Sunshine Coast Foundation will remain a part of the national network of community foundations. Submitted by SCF


The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020 7


including postponements in the Dakota Bowl area and the Marbled Murrelet Recovery Plan. Simons wants to see forest management with an eye to retaining benefits for future generations while advocating for recognition of the importance of the forestry industry. He also noted that the NDP has been instrumental in championing the rights of workers and protecting pensions in forestry, mineral and other industries. Simons said his government has made huge strides in supporting childcare programs. Over 200 affordable child care spaces are currently being developed in the riding, and close to $6 million has been invested locally to help support families, which,

in turn, supports the economy. The riding has received a larger than average investment from his government to help with supportive housing for those at risk of homelessness in Gibsons, Sechelt and Powell River. He noted that there has been an almost equal amount invested in housing for seniors, women and children escaping violent situations, as well as low to moderate-income earners on the Coast. When asked about challenges related to crime and mental health issues in the province, Simons favours “having the right resources in the right places.” As a former social worker, he wants to find a hybrid model that will work better for communities, police forces and those in need of help to deal with personal crises. “Every community’s expe-

rience with law enforcement is different. To me, nothing is more important than having mutual trust between law enforcement and a community,” said Simons. As co-chair of a committee charged with review of the province’s Police Act, Simons explained that the police oversight system is there for a reason, but there are questions around the system. His goal is to ensure that the Police Act is up to date, that people have input into how law enforcement is prioritized, and to find a way to ensure that policing reflects community values. While COVID restrictions have meant fewer public gatherings, Simons said that the work of MLAs hasn’t really changed. “People are still looking for solutions, and MLA’s continue to advocate for their interests.” Simons believes that one of the major responsibilities

residents at Sechelt’s Totem Lodge. It outlines the struggles that are being experienced and the negative impacts that isolation from their loved-ones is having on these seniors. “The Liberal party is the best choice in this election as we have a solid, well thought out economic recovery plan,” said Stoddart-Hansen. In her view, the approach of investing in infrastructure and tax relief through a provincial sales tax holiday makes the Liberals the best party to bring BC out of the economic difficulties caused by COVID. In addition, she wants electors to remember the Liberals track record from the early 2000s when they moved the province from “have-not” status to being the economic

leader of the country. On the subject of housing affordability, Stoddart-Hansen favours “a carrot over a stick.” Rather than the disincentive approaches the current government has used, she wants to see more housing starts encouraged. She said this can be done by reducing costs faced by housing developers. She cited a recent industry survey that showed that up to one-third of the costs faced in building new housing goes to pay permit fees and charges. “The province needs to work with local governments to reign that in and make it more affordable for developers to build appropriate housing,” according to Stoddart-Hansen. She is also in agreement with the recently released Sunshine Coast Housing Needs assessment, supporting the need for different types of accommodations for different stages in life.

The local Liberal candidate believes there is room for improvement in the way the province works with local governments. Stoddart-Hansen said, “we need closer working relationships, not just once a year at the Union of BC Municipalities convention.” Addressing the subject of community safety, Stoddart-Hansen is on board with the Liberal plans to invest $8 million to hire social workers to work with police forces and to employ 200 more police officers. She also promotes continuous learning for police services so that they engage the appropriate resources for the situation they are faced with. She said the practice of using multi-disciplinary teams has worked in schools and can ensure that police have the tools they need to address calls where mental health issues are the root cause of the situation.

recruit and keep a qualified workforce, Darwin supports integration of that sector as part of the primary school education system. With proper government support and a greater focus on early childhood education, she believes wages in the sector will rise and make childcare a viable career choice for those that have a passion for that important work. In speaking about the opioid crisis, Darwin said she supports the views brought forward by Dr. Bonnie Henry on actions that can be taken to move towards decriminalizing people who use drugs even if that approach is not supported federally. Darwin cites examples from countries like Portugal, where she

said decriminalization has worked and has been shown to be cost-effective. “The effect of that approach will be immediate–lower death rates among users, less petty crime to support drug habits, fewer people in jail and clogging our court system, and less burnout of emergency responders. The cost savings can then be transferred to fund harm reduction, treatment, and prevention,” said Darwin. Along with making a safe supply of drugs available, “housing-first initiatives” form part of Darwin’s approach to resolving the crisis and street crime problems. In the riding, she sees other issues related to housing in need of attention. Expanding the supply of safe and appropriate residential care for seniors, as well as building housing for those in the Coast’s workforce, would also be priorities for her if elected.

On the economic front, Darwin wants an independent natural resources commission established to set the annual allowable cut for the province’s forestry sector. She said that she is not anti-logging but definitely against logging of old-growth forests. In that industry as well as others, she feels local communities and First Nations need to have more say in decisions about what happens in their areas. She believes that pro-active and more holistic approaches to land-use decisions will both protect the environment and provide stability for industry operators and developers. Darwin proudly points to the fact that in the most recent legislative session, the BC Green party caucus had the largest number of opposition party bills passed in the history of the BC legislature. She views minority governments as better for the

BC NDP Nicholas Simons (Incumbent) The attitude of gratitude was evident when speaking with incumbent Nicholas Simons about his time as the area’s MLA. The NDP candidate in this election said he continues to feel honoured to have served this constituency in the legislature for 15 years. As he looks for another term, Simons believes his efforts have helped make progress on issues including land management on the Coast. He believes the foundation agreement signed with the shíshálh Nation in 2018 has been instrumental in ending the “cycle of proposal and protest” that has plagued the Coast. “Fifteen years ago, we had a provincial government holding a referendum on the rights of indigenous people,

and now have one that has enshrined those rights into legislation,” said Simons. With that First Nation as a full partner, Simons said the area is “one step closer to finding the right balance that protects the assets of the community for future generations while we ensure that we have good jobs and a robust economy now.” Simons also believes that issues around forest harvesting on the Coast have been impacted by the lack of a local land-use plan. In his opinion, BC Timber Sales has been responsive to community input, but opposition often results when they don’t bend to the views of vocal individuals. He cited numerous changes that have been made to proposed cutblocks after local requests,

BC Liberal Party Sandra Stoddart-Hansen After years of working with the riding’s Liberal Party organization, Sandra Stoddart-Hansen decided to run for office so she can bring action to address needs on the Coast. In her view, transportation is the top concern for our area. If she is elected to a Liberal government in this election, Party leader Andrew Wilkinson has committed to invest $50 million in a Highway 101 bypass within the next year. She also said her party is committed to an immediate review of BC Ferries to address inadequacies in the coastal ferry system. Shortcomings that Stoddart-Hansen sees relate to a lack of capacity at peak times, no certainty of travel, a reservation process that doesn’t

work for Coast residents and problems with on-time performance. Another local priority for Stoddart-Hansen is seniors housing. She points to the Liberal party’s commitment that within five years, no seniors would be forced to share a room in a care facility. With an older and aging population, she thinks Coast electors will want to see that in place. A “day one” priority for her, if elected, would be to work with Vancouver Coastal Health to find a more humane way to maintain connections between residents of seniors facilities and those that are important in their lives within COVID-19 protocols. She recently received a letter signed by 35 people close to

BC Green Party Kim Darwin Kim Darwin says she joined the BC Green Party “because it is an evidence-based party that puts people before profits and people before politics.” As that party’s candidate for the Powell River–Sunshine Coast riding, she wants to continue “the different way of doing politics” that the Greens have brought to the BC legislature over the past three years. She believes that approach is the best way to address the economic, social and environmental issues facing British Columbians. Darwin wants to see proactive rather than reactive provincial budget models. She said the current reactive system is like “feeding the wrong end of the horse.” She views caring for

those that have been neglected by the current system and being proactive to stop the cycle of harm as a better way of doing things. In her opinion, affordable childcare is fundamental to getting BC out of what could be a long economic recession resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. “Sixty percent of the job losses from COVID-19 impact women. We need to do things to help women to get back to work. The number one thing to do is to fund safe, affordable childcare,” said Darwin. She is disappointed that the current government has not moved forward with the childcare platform that was developed with the support of the Green Party. To ensure childcare providers can


of being an MLA is to facilitate good outcomes for all involved. He believes his voice in government has been influential and wants to ensure that the Sunshine Coast continues to have a strong voice in Victoria. In his words, it would be a “joy and an honour” to continue with that work. Interview by Connie Jordison


Stoddart-Hansen wants local electors to know that she is goal-oriented and has a track record of getting things done. In government, private industry and the volunteer sector, she said her focus has been to lead organizations to transform and move from “troubled” to “workable” situations. Interview by Connie Jordison


province than majority ones. “They are healthy for democracy. It is not one party ramming through what they want. Minority governments rely on collaboration and result in more ideas coming forward and stronger legislation that is not going to swing as we elect the next government,” said Darwin Interview by Connie Jordison


The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020


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Any time a person goes out in public, he or she runs the risk of contracting viruses. Bacteria and germs may reside on various surfaces, including those inside vehicles. People want to protect themselves and now are more aware of the importance of frequently cleaning and sanitizing their cars. Keeping a vehicle safe to drive without affecting its upholstery or electronic components is paramount. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention makes a distinction between cleaning and disinfecting. Cleaning refers to the removal of germs, dirt and impurities from surfaces. It does not kill germs but can lower their numbers. Disinfecting refers to using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces. The following are some ways to deeply clean and sanitize a car. • Wash hands. First and foremost, it is crucial to wash your hands before and after using the car. This can reduce the likelihood of growing ill because of transferred viruses or bacteria. • Use rubbing alcohol. Solutions that contain 70 percent alcohol are effective against many viruses and bacteria, including coronaviruses, says the CDC. Furthermore, Jeff Stout, Executive Director of Global Innovation at Yanfeng Automotive Interiors, says that, for the most part, nearly every interior surface of a vehicle can be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol. Plastic to painted chrome to imitation leather have been tested to

Deep-cleaning a vehicle has become a necessity since COVID-19 emerged. METRO CREATIVE PHOTO ensure they don’t degrade when exposed to pure isopropyl alcohol. • Avoid bleach or hydrogen peroxide. While bleach and peroxide are very effective cleaners and sanitizers, they are likely to damage a car’s upholstery, according to Consumer Reports. • If you have nothing else, use soap and water: Experts say that vigorous washing with a soap-and-water solution can be effective against many contaminants because it breaks down the protective envelope that surrounds coronaviruses and other

germs to disarm them. Friction also can help to break down germ cells during cleaning. • Address frequently touched surfaces. Pay attention to the steering wheel, door handles, buttons, touchscreen displays, shift lever, and more when sanitizing. Each of these items can harbour germs. Deep-cleaning a vehicle has become a necessity since COVID-19 emerged. Frequently cleaning and sanitizing can help make vehicles safer to operate. Submitted

More flu vaccines in the coming weeks WIN























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Getting your flu shot this year will look quite a bit different than in the past and may not be as easy. One noticeable change is that most pharmacies require people to book an appointment in advance rather than walk-in, and everyone is required to wear a mask. Vaccines started arriving in pharmacies last week, but if you haven’t already made







your appointment, you could be in for a wait. London Drugs in Gibsons, for example, has been telling its customers to book ahead online for weeks. They were booking into mid-November, and now, according to their website, all available appointments are currently booked. But don’t panic. In the words of Dr. Bonnie Henry, “There will be lots of vaccine

available and it’ll be coming over the next few weeks. It is important for those who are most at risk or for healthcare workers, people who are spending time with people who are most at risk to be immunized first.” The Province ordered two million doses of flu vaccine this year, 450,000 more than normal. The Local



The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020 9


Tire maintenance keeps drivers safe Maintaining tires is an important component of safe driving. Tires are some of the hardest working parts on a car or truck and are subjected to wear and tear every time rubber meets the road. Tires affect many components of driving, including handling, braking and the comfort of the ride. Maintaining tires makes driving safe not only for drivers and their passengers but also for fellow motorists. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that, in 2017, 738 fatalities occurred because of tire-related crashes. Many of those crashes were no doubt preventable, and that only highlights the importance of maintaining tires and monitoring their performance. Poor tire maintenance can lead to premature wear and potentially result in a blowout. The automotive group AAA notes it is important to visually inspect tires as often as possible. Drivers should look for overall tread wear. Pay special attention to tread wear on one edge of the tires, which could indicate poor alignment. Erratic tread wear may mean tires are out of balance. Drivers also should pay attention to how their cars drive and sounds. Unusual vibration or thumping noises suggest issues with the tires. A car that pulls in one direction also may be experiencing tire problems. Vehicle owners should be aware of the routine maintenance steps that can keep

them safe and improve the life expectancy of tires. • Tire pressure: The NHTSA says only 19 percent of consumers properly check and inflate their tires. Keeping tires properly inflated is one of the most important steps to maintaining them. Tires lose around 1 psi per month, and underinflated or overinflated tires can contribute to unusual wear, blowouts and even excessive fuel consumption. • Rotation: Check the owner’s manual or recommendations from the tire manufacturer, but know that most mechanics advise having tires rotated every 5,000 to 8,000 miles. Rotation helps distribute wear more evenly on tires. • Balancing: AAA says balancing also helps minimize

uneven wear and tear. Balanced tires are achieved by using small weights attached to the wheels to limit vibration of the tire and wheels as they turn. New tires should be balanced, and tires also should be balanced after one or more is removed to repair a puncture. • Alignment: Vehicles have wheel alignment measurements that pertain to manufacturers’ specifications. Alignment that falls outside of the range can impact handling, fuel economy and tread wear. A drift or pull suggests alignment problems and should be addressed. Vehicle owners should keep tire inspection and maintenance in mind as part of their overall car care plan. Submitted

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Vehicle owners should be aware of the routine maintenance steps that can keep them safe and improve the life expectancy of tires. METRO CREATIVE PHOTO

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Incidents of mischief in Sechelt, Gibsons On Oct. 6, between 9:45am and 3:00pm, a suspect damaged windshield wipers on a vehicle parked in the 5500 block of Inlet Avenue, Sechelt. No other damage was reported. Between Oct. 2 and 5, suspects have damaged a security camera, an electrical box, and destroyed a Plexiglass sign outside the

Festival of the Written Arts pavilion located in the 5500 block of Shorncliffe Avenue, Sechelt. Suspects are also gathering in the area, leaving behind garbage and cigarette butts. Anyone with any information about these incidents of mischief is asked to contact RCMP, reference police file number 2020800018.

Overnight on Oct. 12, a suspect damaged a vehicle parked in the 800 block of Gibsons Way, Gibsons, kicking the front driver side door and front quarter panel, leaving dents and foot prints behind. No other damage or theft of property was reported. The matter has been referred to ICBC. Submitted by RCMP


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This proof is for the purpose of


The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020

COVID increases risk of blood clots, stroke Thrombosis Canada is warning Canadians that it is more critical now than ever before to learn the signs and symptoms of thrombosis, or blood clots. With new COVID-19 cases growing, there is an increased risk of some patients developing blood clots in the veins that cause leg clots (called deep vein thrombosis, or DVT) and lung clots (called pulmonary embolism, or PE). “COVID-19 is the ‘perfect storm for thrombosis’, so it is critical that all Canadians have the knowledge to recognize signs and are empowered to seek immediate medical attention,” said Dr. James Douketis, President, Thrombosis Canada, and Director of Vascular Medicine, Staff Physician in Vascular Medicine and General Internal Medicine at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Ham-

ilton. “Although evidence is growing that patients with severe cases of COVID-19 are at greater risk of thrombosis, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Ongoing research will improve patient management.” In an effort to improve public awareness about blood clots to save lives, Thrombosis Canada encourages Canadians to review its educational materials for consumers, healthcare professionals and medical facilities. One resource, based on the ‘C-L-O-T-S’ mnemonic, contains the most common warning signs of blood clots: Chest pain, Lightheadedness, Out of breath, leg Tenderness and leg Swelling. “If someone has some of these critical signs, then it is important to see a doctor or go to the emergency department,” said Dr. Deborah Siegal,

Associate Professor, University of Ottawa. “We hope that ‘C-LO-T-S’ will help people recognize that they could be experiencing a blood clot so that they will seek medical attention.” In Canada, both Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) and Pulmonary Embolism (PE) – collectively known as venous thromboembolism (VTE) – are serious medical conditions and are potentially life threatening. Thrombosis is a major public health problem, affecting about 100,000 Canadians and causing 10,000 deaths each year. Blood clots are the underlying cause of the top three cardiovascular killers in Canada, including heart attack, stroke and VTE. Annually, VTE causes more deaths in Canada than breast cancer, HIV and motor vehicle accidents combined. Submitted


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The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020 11

Have you heard? This month we are starting a process of community consultation about our zoning bylaw. STOP. This may sound boring to you but let me tell you why it isn’t and why it’s really important to our community. The zoning bylaw will help define what our community looks like in the future. Growth is going to happen. We can’t stop it, but we can manage it. We can ensure our neighbourhoods still have the charm and family-friendly feel we love and contribute to sustainable economic

growth too. A bylaw will also help cut some of the red tape and speed up future developments. Right now, our bylaw is so old that when you want to do something on your property, it usually isn’t listed in the bylaw, so staff have to write bylaw amendments to allow it. That can take quite a bit of time, so we want to bring the bylaw up to date to ensure property owners can move forward with projects more easily. Amending the whole bylaw will make sure the rules in it reflect what is important to you. Initially, we will be asking for your feedback in five key areas: 1. Home businesses: What would you like to do on your

property, and what would you like your neighbour to be allowed to do? Home-based businesses are great ways for entrepreneurs to get their businesses off the ground and contribute to our economy while providing services our community needs. They can also be a source of parking issues and noise so let’s find the right balance. 2. Density (residential infill): This is about basement suites, laneway homes and basement suites in duplexes. We need a variety of housing options in our community, and we would like you to tell us what and where they would be best located. 3. Short-term rentals: Yes, this is a hot topic, too. The zoning bylaw can address

There is nothing like browsing through the shelves of a library. Maybe you are looking for “The Witches are Coming” by Lindy West. You found the call number (305.42 WEST) in our catalogue, wrote it down, and are now meandering through the shelves looking for it. But, as you are looking for said 305.42 WEST, you stumble across “Ten Years in the Tub” by Nick Hornby, “This Changes Everything” by Naomi Klein and “Radian Voices” by Carla Bergman. What a delight.

With our world being increasingly online, we may feel our brain slowly turning into mush as we are exposed to more and more content provided by personalized algorithms and targeted advertisements. But when you walk through a library, you get to stumble across serendipitous finds. This type of discovery provides you with a type of satisfaction that algorithms can’t compete with. Another key asset of libraries that artificial intelligence can’t compete with are Reference Librarians. One of libraries’ best kept secrets, Reference Librarians are information specialists that can help you find any information you need. Looking for in-

formation about Regency-era dressmaking, mushroom picking or Danish literature? Our Reference Librarians will connect you with the right information, whether it is in a book, on a website, in a video, in a research article or elsewhere. If we don’t have what you are looking for in our collection, we can usually find it from another library and bring it in for you. As always, feel free to call (604-886-2130) or email (gdplinfo@gibsons.bclibrary. ca) us to learn more about our services. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter (@gibsonslibrary) or visit our website (https:// to learn more.

In a regular year, this is the season that we are waking the dead from the archives, rolling out the gigantic spiders, and getting ready for the Halloween Block Party in Lower Gibsons. Last year in collaboration with Driftwood Players, Arts Building and Gibsons Library, we had over 800 ghouls and ghosts from the community congregate to celebrate Halloween Sunshine Coast style – what fun! We have decided to give

the undead a rest this year and hopefully return in 2021 with more festive celebrations. As we were delayed in having our Annual General Meeting back in April, we have scheduled our 2020 meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 7pm. Login to view the meeting from the comfort of your own home to hear Museum news, updates related to COVID-19, and the election of the Museum Board of Directors. Head over to the Museum’s website (sun – on the main page you will see a clickable link that will take you to the page where you can view the AGM. If you

have any technical questions about the Zoom platform, give us a call as we would love to walk you through the process. On a related note: did you know that the SCMA offers individual memberships ($20) and family memberships ($25)? Your annual membership helps support the work that we do, preserving and presenting the history of the Sunshine Coast, and we would love to have you on board. Drop into the Museum for a membership form or click on the Become a Member link under the About tab on our website. Have a safe and spooky Halloween from your friends at the Sunshine Coast Museum & Archives.

Break and enters in Sechelt On Oct. 5, at approximately 5:45am, a suspect was caught on security video attempting to break into a business in the 5600 block of Wharf Avenue, Sechelt. The suspect, described as a Caucasian male wearing a dark hoodie and a mask covering the lower half of his face, tampered with a gate to gain access to the property and then approached a shop building,

reached through an open window, and attempted to steal a chainsaw. The chainsaw fell to the ground and the male is seen leaving the scene empty-handed. Police are attempting to identify the suspect. Anyone with any information about this incident is asked to contact RCMP, reference police file 2020-7131. On Oct. 11, at approximate-

ly 5:15am, a suspect smashed a window at a business in the 4700 block of Sunshine Coast Highway, Sechelt, to gain entry. The suspect stole several bottles of whiskey before fleeing the scene. Anyone with any information about this incident is asked to contact RCMP, reference police file 2020-7203. Submitted by RCMP

some regulatory issues around short-term rentals but not all of them. Our noise bylaw and business license bylaw also help manage STRs. Maybe we need a special STR bylaw too, but we don’t know. This is the start of a conversation so we can figure out how we can manage them. 4. Agricultural Land Reserve uses: The Province regulates what can occur on properties

that are in the ALR, but as a municipality, we have some say, too. We want to know what you would allow on these properties. 5. Urban agriculture (chickens, bees, farms stands, etc.): This will be another interesting conversation. How do you feel about your neighbour selling their garden vegetables from a stand in their front yard? Do you want to have a few egg-laying hens?

How about bees? We will ask you what you want to see in our community. This bylaw is a very important foundation to our future. Please get involved in the conversations. Take the surveys on our website (one for each topic). Sechelt. ca/zoningbylaw has more information, or you can pick up some printed information and paper surveys at the library. Let’s do this.

Tip of the Week: The New Moon in Libra today activates an emotional yet sobering cycle. Mercury Retrograde as of October 13, for its third, tri-annual, 3-week cycle, joins retrograde Mars adding intrigue and complexity. Mercury in deep and enigmatic Scorpio, until it re-enters Libra, just prior to Venus, both on October 27, directs the spotlight to relationship fronts. Expect themes of death and rebirth during this cycle, generally, especially since these occur in Scorpio time, which begins on October 22. Libra and Scorpio are the signs most closely associated with intimate relationships, featuring love, romance, desire, and sexuality. Regarding the retrograde complexities, corrupted expressions of these include pedophilia. Despite its ancient origins, this wide-spread disease has gained global attention and has emerged as among the world’s largest growing social movements. Directly associated with this tragic reality, which gravely hurts and damages children physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually, is human and, specifically, child-sex trafficking. If you are not aware of this movement, this is your invitation. Aries (Mar. 21–Apr. 19) Some cycles require us to give more than others, like this one. What and how you give is not a given. Due to Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, it will probably come with some depth and complexity. The main goal will be to perpetuate harmony on relationship fronts. Yet, you feel punchy these days and are challenged to hold yourself back. Think twice before you commit words. Taurus (Apr. 20–May 20) Tending to the health and quality of your daily rhythm is important now. Due to a contributing creative impulse, you could devise all sorts of new strategies and even build infrastructure to support it. However, your focus may be that much more internal, so any such projects will not likely be major. Although your sights

are set on the future, practical matters will come first. Gemini (May 21–June 21) Fully taking in this last week of Libra time is ideal now. This includes enjoying the comfort and beauty of your home. Yet your focus is hardly idle. You are in the mood to do your homework and get your facts straight and your affairs in order. Meanwhile, big dreams are brewing and you are keen to paint a clear picture in your mind of how you want them to manifest. Cancer (June 22–July 22) The pull between home and work represents a veritable tug-of-war, both literally and figuratively. It does look as though practical matters will win as you feel compelled to direct your focus to career goals and ambitions. Larger worldly matters are also featured and you also feel drawn to remain current. Reconciling numerous conflicting opinions is a creative challenge. Leo (July 23–Aug. 23) Your energy levels are running high. A process of building and/or improving foundations is featured. This does come with a fair amount of complexity, however, and your ability to think clearly and focus may feel ‘overcast with sunny periods’. Feeling as confident as you would like is also a challenge and requires consistent effort. Yet, if you persevere patiently you will prevail. Virgo (Aug. 24–Sept. 22) A discernment process between what constitutes priorities and what is no longer important is underway. This includes cleaning the corners and getting organized. Positively, your mind is sharp and you are able to penetrate beneath the surface to deeper truths. Featured in your research is the recognition of power plays and information wars, challenging you to be extra discerning. Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Although you have felt drawn to advance, circumstances are preventing progress. You yearn to understand yet may be confronted by your own conditioning and preconceived notions. If you are aware of these factors, you will at least be able to achieve the higher, middle ground. Otherwise, you may feel uneasy by what you believe to be true due to other contra-

dicting facts. Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) The last quarter of Libra time is an invitation to rest and retreat. Keeping your own company or that of your closest intimates, as opposed to socializing, is probably preferred. Yet you also have work to do and it is requiring every ounce of energy you have to spare. Mercury Retrograde in your sign is actually a countermeasure supporting you to stay sharp and pointed. Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Themes of freedom, truth, fairness, and justice are swimming in your mind. Yet, Mercury’s influence may be preventing you from seeing them as clearly as you would like. At moments it may seem like you are contending with many voices and conflicting opinions both within and without. Positively, you are gathering tools and resources to restore clarity and conviction. Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) Getting the attention you want and feel you deserve is a central theme now. A weave of facts and emotions may be leaving you feeling both elated and submerged at rhythmic, alternating intervals. At moments, it may all seem surreal like the multiple impressions of an amusement park. At worst, you may feel like you are caught on the roller coaster and everyone is watching. Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 19) Cultural, philosophical and psychological realities are strongly on your mind. You yearn to be aware and informed. Feeling as confident as you would like about what you deem to be factual and true is an up and down challenge. It may feel like you have a lot of work to do to see things clearly. To do so, you are challenged to reach beyond personal convictions to gain a more objective perspective. Pisces (Feb. 20–Mar. 20) We are living in complex times and you certainly are experiencing your fair share. All the while, you yearn to see the beauty in it all and in others too. Yet meanwhile, you feel overwhelmed by your to-do-list and somewhat lost and uncertain. Positively, this is leading you to open your mind to new perspectives and interpretations. Regarding the list, keep showing up even if the pace is slow.


The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020





WHAT’S HAPPENING ON THE SUNSHINE COAST... in Gibsons, Sechelt & Pender Harbour! Thursday, October 15


Kitchens & Baths

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604-885-4893 Friday, October 23, 2020

Doors: 6pm | Show: 6:30pm Solo: $55 • Couple: $100 Household of 4: $190 Household of 6: $275

SITKA STRING QUARTET Karen Gerbrecht, Emilie Grimes, Olivia Blander and Cassandra Bequary


Quartet donates a portion of their proceeds to the Girls Opportunity Alliance

Tickets Available Online at *Limited seating concert. Physical distancing and all safety measures applicable.

@highbeamdreams 350 Glassford Rd, Gibsons

• Sechelt Farm Collective–online farmer’s market, order online and pick-up your order every Thursday between 3 and 6pm at the Waddling Duck Farm, 5760 Mason Road, Sechelt,

• Provincial Election All Candidates Meeting: Presented by Voice Lab. All candidates in the Powell River-Sunshine Coast riding will be in attendance streaming live via Youtube and Facebook. Visit and RSVP to attend via Youtube or like our page to be notified when the Facebook Live begins, 7- 9pm

Friday, October 16

• Little Hands (Pre-Schoolers 0-5): Outdoor creative play for families, the Arts Building, 464 S. Fletcher Rd, Gibsons, 10:30am-noon • Gibsons Harbour Clean Up, Gibsons Public Market, 10am-2pm, for registration details email • Live Music: Patricia Burnett, dinner show, restaurant or patio at The Clubhouse Restaurant–Pender Harbour Golf Club, 5-8pm, 604-883-9542 to reserve a table

• Live Music: Billy Hillpicker Band, Roberts Creek Legion, 5-9pm, tickets at • Shady Hazel Farm Pumpkin Patch, 805 Payne Rd, Gibsons, open every weekend in October, 10am-4pm • Drawing with Bruce Workshop: October 17-18, The Arts Building, 464 S. Fletcher Rd, Gibsons, 10am-4pm, tickets at

• Zoom Clinics: Do you need help navigating Zoom? We can help, call 604-886-2130 or email to reserve a time, Gibsons & District Public Library, 1-3pm • Live music in the Atrium: Pulling Strings, Gibsons Public Market, 2:30-4:30pm

• All-candidate online Q&A on seniors’ issues, hosted by Sunshine Coast Alliance for Seniors’ Care Co-Op, 3:30-5:30pm on Zoom, email for the link

• Live Music Saturdays @ Backeddy Pub, Egmont, 4-7pm, 604-883-2298

Sunday, October 18

• Off the Page play reading: presents Wife Insurance by local playwright David Copelin and Cat Delaney, featuring Wanda Nowicki, Janet Hodgkinson, Gibsons Heritage Playhouse, 1-3pm, reserve seats by calling 604-740-1485 or email

Stand out from the crowd Advertise in

604-885-3134 •

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Innovative Design


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Saturday, October 17

• Falling Upward: Joshua Beamish World Dance Premiere, Raven’s Cry Theatre, Sechelt, 8pm Saturday and Sunday, tickets at www.

Learn more at

Sunshine Coast Closets

• Sundays at the Mill, Macgee Cloth Textile Mill open for tours, Roberts Creek, 1-4pm, to book a visit call Laurie at 604-885-8450

Get noticed!

• Live Music: Blue Line Trio, on the patio at The Clubhouse Restaurant – Pender Harbour Golf Club, 2-5pm, 604-883-9542 to reserve a table

Advertise in

Includes listings compiled by the Coast Cultural Alliance. More details & more listings – including virtual events – at phone: 604-885-3134 • email:

Stand out from the crowd... Advertise in

simplifying your space

OCTOBER 24, 25 & 26 10:00am – 3:00pm PORPOISE BAY

(address in next weeks ad.) Complete Contents including: Lovely selection of modern and antique furniture. Original artwork and full range of artist supplies including easels, canvasses, all kinds of craft materials, numerous décor items, birdcages, lamps linens, fabrics, jewellery, clothing, toys, large selection of tools and household items, huge selection of collectibles! CASH. CREDIT. DEBIT ONLY.

THIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS! Contact Kaytee today to reserve your spot!

Cell: 778-918-7910 Office: 604-885-3134 Email:

Get noticed! Advertise in

phone: 604-885-3134 • email:

The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020 13

BC SPCA speaks out against the global wildlife trade The BC SPCA is speaking out as part of a Canadian coalition, led by World Animal Protection, concerned about the global trading of wildlife. The coalition says the trade must be stopped in order to address the spread of zoonotic diseases (disease transmitted from animals to humans), to help prevent future pandemics and to protect millions of wild animals worldwide from suffering. “The science is clear that zoonotic diseases from wildlife are a serious threat and account for at least 70 percent of all new diseases,” says Dr. Andrea Wallace, manager of wild animal welfare for the BC SPCA. “Live wildlife markets have played a significant role in the current pandemic as well as the previous SARS

epidemic, and are responsible for the poor treatment and exploitation of wild animals.” She says that live animal markets, in which many animals come into close proximity with each other and with people, provide the ideal conditions for a virus in one species to be transferred to another, including humans. “The crowded, unsanitary and stressful conditions for animals in live markets is unnatural and promotes the emergence and spread of infectious diseases.” Millions of wild animals are captured, bred and traded each year around the world for food, traditional medicine and as pets. At every stage of the trade, zoonotic disease transfer is a risk not only to surrounding communities

but also globally. In July 2020, the BC SPCA joined a coalition of Canadian and international organizations, academics, conservationists and zoonotic disease experts to take action nationally. “We are calling on the Canadian government to bring this issue to the G20 Leader’s Summit in November 2020 and urge other countries to support the closure of live wildlife markets as well as end the international trade of wild animals and their products,” says Wallace. She says the coalition is also asking the Canadian government to address Canada’s contribution to the issue by curbing the import and domestic trade of wild animals and products. Submitted by BC SPCA

Small mammals tied to strings at market.


How lifting COVID-19 restrictions has impacted electricity use in BC A new BC Hydro report finds after an unprecedented drop in electricity demand due to COVID-19, overall power consumption in BC is trending upwards as a result of businesses reopening and British Columbians heading back to work. The report titled “Powering through uncertainty: Shifting habits since COVID-19 restrictions were eased and what that means for future electricity demand in BC” finds about 40 percent of British Columbians indicated their daily routine has

changed since stay-at-home measures were lifted in midJune. Of those, about 20 percent said the change has been dramatic. Of those indicating their routine has changed, more than 20 percent are now working from home less, and that has about a quarter waking up earlier and about 10 percent going to bed earlier. It also has about 10 percent showering more. However, the biggest shift has been dining out – about 70 percent indicated they are now going out to eat in


restaurants, with 40 percent doing so at least once a week. And more opportunities to go out means less time on the couch – 15 percent indicated they are now watching less TV or streaming less. With more British Columbians back at work and spending less time at home, provincial electricity use has also steadily increased since mid-June as many businesses reopened. At the end of March, overall electricity use declined by nearly 10 percent. Despite the large drop, this was less significant than

what was happening in other parts of the world. The United Kingdom, France and Spain experienced 15 to 20 percent drops in overall power consumption. With businesses reopening, overall demand in August increased to seven percent below BC Hydro’s pre-COVID-19 load forecast. While the overall electricity load is expected to remain lower than previously forecast over the next one to

two years, it is expected to rebound in the long term because of population growth, fuel switching and the electrification of transportation, home heating, and industries that are dependent on fossil fuels. To inform how BC Hydro will prepare for a variety of scenarios, it is putting together a long-term plan called Clean Power 2040 to determine how it will continue to deliver safe, clean

electricity to customers over the next 20 years. Although BC Hydro has enough electricity to power the province for several years, it needs to be prepared for what comes next and make contingency plans if demand is lower or higher than expected. The COVID-19 pandemic reconfirms how important it is to be prepared for a variety of scenarios. Submitted by BC Hydro

DON'T Vote ! .... Just Yet!! The Sechelt & District Chamber of Commerce has a long history of providing access to our elected officials. Continuing with this tradition we are pleased to host the

DON'T Vote ! .... Just Yet!!

The Sechelt & District Chamber of Commerce has a long history of providing access to our elected officials. All Candidates Meeting Continuing with this tradition we are pleased to host the

Powell River -Sunshine Coast Riding

Not today


Get your flu shot today! Pharmacy Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00am-9:00pm Saturday: 9:00am-6:00pm, Sunday: 10:00am-4:00pm

Flu shots start Oct. 13, appointments needed 5530 Sunshine Coast Hwy, Sechelt, BC 604-740-5765

Monday October 19th, 2020 - 7pm to 9pm

All Candidates Meeting

Powell River -Sunshine Kim Darwin - BC GreenCoast Party Riding

Sandra Stoddart-HansenBC Liberal Party Monday October 19th, 2020 - 7pm to 9pm Nicholas Simons- BC NDP

Kim Darwin - BC Green We are pleased the candidates will beParty attending in person however this is a virtual event for the Party public Sandra Stoddart-HansenBC Liberal Nicholas SimonsBC NDP Virtual attendance for Everyone

1. To join us, click 2. or go to and enter Meeting ID: 839 6685 6966 We theand candidates willIDbe attending 3. orare call pleased 1-647-374-4685 enter the meeting

in person however this is a virtual event for the public

Virtual attendance for Everyone 1. To join us, click Call 1-647-374-4685 and enter meeting ID 2. or go to and enter Meeting ID: 839 6685 6966


The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020 ANNOUNCEMENTS




OCTOBER 24, 25 & 26 10:00am – 3:00pm


Residential, Community and Youth Worker



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DAYS & HOURS: Various shifts (weekdays, weekends, overnights, days and nights)


WAGE: Starting wage $20.52 LOCATION: Sechelt, (Numerous locations)

FOR SALE – 14ft fiberglass boat – open design- $400, Rust-free boat trailer, good condition, $900. Two halfdoors for a T.J. Jeep. Call for info. 604-399-8320

WE OFFER: Extensive hands-On Training, Supportive Unionized Work Environment. Opportunities for Advancement. Variety of Shift Options. Employee and Family Assistance Program. MSP, Dental and Extended Health and Municipal Pension Plan JOB DESCRIPTION: Assist clients to live successfully in the community and in SCACL residential settings. Ensures that client’s physical, emotional, social, educational, and medical needs are met. Assist clients to enhance quality of life with activities of daily living and the development of life skills. Provide Personal care to individuals.

WORK WANTED FOR HIRE - PROFESSIONAL GARDENER / certified horticulturalist. Offering landscape consultation, maintenance, renovation, small construction projects, & design plans. Hard working & reliable. Serving Roberts Creek & Gibsons. Limited availability. Ryan 604-886-3552

QUALIFICATIONS: Class 5 driver’s license (permanent staff must be willing to obtain Class 4), First Aid and CPR Certificate, Clear criminal record, Clean driver’s abstract, Community care worker certificate, HCA certificate or related certificate or a diploma in the related human social services preferred, Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training, Knowledge of Person Centered Active Supports HOW TO APPLY: Please send resume to Human Resource Manager, Laurie Maguire - or in person at Suite #105 - 5711 Mermaid Street, Sechelt, BC


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25¢ each additional word

The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020 15


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16. Precious metal 20. Female sheep 25. Colony insect 26. Narrow sea channel 27. Something unusual 28. Traditional knowledge 29. Delayed 30. Pretend 31. Uncommon 32. Quick-tempered 34. Wander 35. Gossip 37. Lacking clarity 42. Pasture

44. Strong desire to drink 47. Conclude 49. Singing voice 51. Steeple 52. Desert haven 53. Pale purple 54. Change 55. Look searchingly 56. Jurisprudence 57. Emanate 59. Jittery 62. Sheltered side 63. Clairvoyance, initially 65. Circuit

Solution page 14 Courtesy of:

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70. Affirmative 71. For each DOWN 1. Musical drama 2. Declines 3. Epoch 4. Collector’s item 5. Edible bulb 6. Rind 7. Container 8. Single 9. Only partly in existence 10. Rise rapidly 11. Printed characters 12. Air pollution 13. Mock


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Looking for something “a-mazing” on the Sunshine Coast? Look no further that the westerly end of Pender Harbour’s Francis Peninsula Road, where a spray paint maze decorates the vehicle turn around spot. The circular patterned puzzle can also be reached by walking paths in Francis Point Provincial Park. CONNIE JORDISON PHOTO

ACROSS 1. Be indebted to 4. Police officer 7. Support beam 12. Box lightly 13. Sand hill 14. Irritate 15. Zoo 17. Summarize briefly 18. Metal bearing mineral 19. American songbird 21. Anger 22. Fuel 23. Predatory feline 24. Stinging insect 27. Peculiar 28. Leguminous plant 30. Desiccated 33. Therefore or consequently 36. Part of a wheel or shoe 38. Written greeting 39. Paddle 40. Not in favor 41. Lag behind 43. Assist in a crime 45. Detail 46. Regard 48. Headdress 50. Blue-green color 51. Loam 53. Chart 56. Garland 58. Leave 60. Beer 61. Stroll 64. Profligate 66. Shenanigans 67. Gumption 68. Affirm 69. Exorbitant




The Local - Thursday, October 15, 2020





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