The Local Weekly - October 2, 2014

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This Week:

Weekly Community Newspaper

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Sunshine Coast, British Columbia • • Thursday, Oct 2, 2014 Gibsons Vet Honoured

Grandmothers helping others

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Monitor Coal Barges: UBCM Page 3

Parks Board Speaker Page 7

Rivers Day BBQ Page 11

Special Olympics Page 13

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After burying their own adult children, they take on the responsibility of caring for their grieving grandchildren, often with little to no support and while coping with their own deteriorating health. Bill Forst of the Players notes that the Driftwood Players group offered up costumes at the behest of the Grandmothers’ Betty Masson and Maureen Bodie, and he said the Players worked with Linda McTurk who was writing and producing the show. “We got involved with the writing and had a lot of fun with the skits; we got carried away and made a big fun event,” Forst shared. They also had a car from the 30s for photos. Canadians have raised an astonishing $19.5 million for African grandmothers through the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign, their website notes.

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“Resources from the campaign are invested directly at the community level, with grassroots organizations that provide grandmothers and the children in their care with support that includes food, educational supplies, uniforms and school fees, medical care, HIV counselling and testing, adequate housing and bedding, counselling and support groups, home visits, and much more.” Grandmothers to Grandmothers info: grandmothers-campaign Driftwood Player, Forst noted the Players are having a costume sale at Gibsons Public Market and a Halloween haunting at the Museum and Archives in Gibsons. Their production of Marion Bridge opens November 13. Info: Apryl Veld

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“Experience is Everything”

You may have thought a time warp occurred in Gibsons Landing last Thursday when Grandmothers to Grandmothers held a Costume Tea. Big hats, beaded gowns and top hats were out in full force to raise money for supporting grandmother caregivers across the continent of Africa. And the Sunshine Coast groups had a lot of fun supporting an important cause. “The AIDS pandemic has left millions of children orphaned,” GTG explains, “Without hesitation or complaint, Africa’s grandmothers have stepped in to care for them. The Stephen Lewis Foundation and GTG together creates programs to support grandmothers in such circumstances. Many countries throughout southern Africa, it is estimated that between 40 to 60 per cent of orphans live in grandmother-headed households.

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